Plan Composition
1 Programming Problems
1.1 Palindrome Detection Modulo Spaces and Capitalization
1.2 Sum Over Table
1.3 Adding Machine
2 Review Problems
2.1 Rainfall
2.2 Length of Triples
2.3 Shopping Discount
3 Submission Guidelines

Plan Composition

This homework will not incorporate peer review. You are expected to do the work entirely on your own (without help from the course staff, whom you may only consult for help with names of library functions or other essential information of that sort).

There are two sets of three problems each. The first set [Programming Problems] requires you to write fresh programs. The second set [Review Problems] gives you solutions to problems and asks you to identify which ones you prefer and why.

1 Programming Problems

1.1 Palindrome Detection Modulo Spaces and Capitalization

A palindrome is a string with the same letters in each of forward and reverse order (ignoring capitalization). Design a program called is-palindrome that consumes a string and produces a boolean indicating whether the string with all spaces and punctuation removed is a palindrome. Treat all non-alphanumeric characters (i.e., ones that are not digits or letters) as punctuation.


is-palindrome("a man, a plan, a canal: Panama") is true

is-palindrome("abca") is false

is-palindrome("yes, he did it") is false

1.2 Sum Over Table

Assume that we represent tables of numbers as lists of rows, where each row is itself a list of numbers. The rows may have different lengths. Design a program sum-largest that consumes a table of numbers and produces the sum of the largest item from each row. Assume that no row is empty.



    [list: [list: 1, 7, 5, 3], [list: 20], [list: 6, 9]])

  is (7 + 20 + 9)

1.3 Adding Machine

Design a program called adding-machine that consumes a list of numbers and produces a list of the sums of each non-empty sublist separated by zeros. Ignore input elements that occur after the first occurrence of two consecutive zeros.


adding-machine([list: 1, 2, 0, 7, 0, 5, 4, 1, 0, 0, 6])

  is [list: 3, 7, 10]

2 Review Problems

Below you are given problem statements followed by multiple solutions to each problem. Assume that the solutions are correct; ignore any small deviations in behavior. Also assume that any missing helper functions are defined in the obvious way. Finally, ignore stylistic differences in naming. Instead, focus on the structure of the solutions.

For each problem, rank the solutions in order (from most to least) of your preference. Explain why you picked that ordering. You are allowed to have ties.

The solutions are labeled A, B, etc. Indicate your ordering with the labels and >, using commas for ties. For instance, the ordering

B > A, C > D

means you liked B the most, followed by A and C (tied), followed by D.

Remember to explain your choice!

2.1 Rainfall

Design a program called rainfall that consumes a list of real numbers representing daily rainfall readings. The list may contain the number -999 indicating the end of the data of interest. Produce the average of the non-negative values in the list up to the first -999 (if it shows up). There may be negative numbers other than -999 in the list (representing faulty readings). Assume that there is at least one non-negative number before -999.


rainfall([list: 1, -2, 5, -999, 8]) is 3

Solution A:

fun rainfall(l :: List<Number>) -> Number:

  fun helper(rds :: List<Number>, total :: Number, days :: Number) -> Number:

    cases (List) rds:

      | empty => total / days

      | link(f, r) =>


          | f == -999 then: total / days

          | f < 0 then: helper(r, total, days)

          | otherwise: helper(r, total + f, days + 1)




  helper(l, 0, 0)


Solution B:

fun rainfall(l :: List<Number>) -> Number:

  fun sum-rfs(shadow l :: List<Number>) -> Number:

    cases (List) l:

      | empty => 0

      | link(f, r) =>


          | f == -999 then: 0

          | f < 0 then: sum-rfs(r)

          | otherwise: f + sum-rfs(r)




  fun count-days(shadow l :: List<Number>) -> Number:

    cases (List) l:

      | empty => 0

      | link(f, r) =>


          | f == -999 then: 0

          | f < 0 then: count-days(r)

          | otherwise: 1 + count-days(r)




  total = sum-rfs(l)

  days = count-days(l)

  total / days


Solution C:

fun rainfall(l :: List<Number>) -> Number:

  fun cleanse(shadow l :: List<Number>) -> List<Number>:

    cases (List) l:

      | empty => empty

      | link(f, r) =>


          | f == -999 then: empty

          | f < 0 then: cleanse(r)

          | otherwise:

            link(f, cleanse(r))




  actual = cleanse(l)

  total = sum-of(actual)

  days = actual.length()

  total / days


2.2 Length of Triples

Design a program called max-triple-length that consumes a list of strings and produces the length of the longest concatenation of three consecutive elements. Assume the input contains at least three strings. Also assume we are given

data Triple: triple(a, b, c) end


max-triple-length([list: "a", "bb", "c", "dd"]) is 5

Solution A:

fun max-triple-length(l :: List<String>) -> Number:

  fun break-into-triples(shadow l :: List<String>) -> List<Triple>:



        | is-empty( then: empty

        | otherwise: break-into-triples(



  triple-lengths = map(lam(t): string-length(t.a) + string-length(t.b) + string-length(t.c) end,




Solution B:

fun max-triple-length(l :: List<String>) -> Number:

  fun break-into-triples(shadow l :: List<Number>) -> List<Triple>:



        | is-empty( then: empty

        | otherwise: break-into-triples(



  triples-as-nums = map(string-length, l)

  triple-lengths = map(lam(t): t.a + t.b + t.c end,




Solution C:

fun max-triple-length(l :: List<String>) -> Number:

  shadow l = map(string-length, l)

  fun helper(shadow l :: List<Number>, max-so-far :: Number, prev-2 :: Number, prev-1 :: Number) -> Number:

    cases (List) l:

      | empty => max-so-far

      | link(f, r) =>

        prev-3 = prev-2 + f


          if prev-3 > max-so-far: prev-3 else: max-so-far end,

          prev-1 + f,





    l.first + +, +,


2.3 Shopping Discount

An online clothing store applies discounts during checkout. A shopping cart is a list of the items being purchased. Each item has a name (a string like “shoes”) and a price (a real number like 12.50). Design a program called checkout that consumes a shopping cart and produces the total cost of the cart after applying the following two discounts:
  • if the cart contains at least 100 worth of shoes, take 20% off the cost of all shoes (match only items whose exact name is "shoes")

  • if the cart contains at least two hats, take 10 off the total of the cart (match only items whose exact name is "hat")

Assume the cart is represented as follows:

data CartItem: ci(name :: String, cost :: Number) end

type Cart = List<CartItem>



    [list: ci("shoes", 25), ci("bag", 50),

           ci("shoes", 85),  ci("hat", 15)])

  is 153

Solution A:

fun checkout(cart :: Cart) -> Number:

  shoes = filter(lam(c): == "shoes" end, cart)

  shoe-cost = sum-of(map(lam(c): c.cost end, shoes))

  shoe-discount = if shoe-cost >= 100: shoe-cost * 0.20 else: 0 end


  hats = filter(lam(c): == "hat" end, cart)

  hat-count = hats.length()

  hat-discount = if hat-count >= 2: 10 else: 0 end


  init-cost = sum-of(map(lam(c): c.cost end, cart))

  init-cost - shoe-discount - hat-discount


Solution B:

fun checkout(cart :: Cart) -> Number:

  fun helper(ct :: Cart, total :: Number, shoe-cost :: Number, hat-count :: Number) -> Number:

    cases (List) ct:

      | empty =>

        shoe-discount = if shoe-cost >= 100: shoe-cost * 0.20 else: 0 end

        hat-discount = if hat-count >= 2: 10 else: 0 end

        total - shoe-discount - hat-discount

      | link(f, r) =>

        new-total = total + f.cost


          | == "shoes" then:

            helper(r, new-total, shoe-cost + f.cost, hat-count)

          | == "hat" then:

            helper(r, new-total, shoe-cost, hat-count + 1)

          | otherwise:

            helper(r, new-total, shoe-cost, hat-count)




  helper(cart, 0, 0, 0)


3 Submission Guidelines

Please create six files, one per problem. Three will contain Pyret code, the other three plain text. Name them palindrome.arr, sum.arr, adding.arr, rainfall.txt, triples.txt, and shopping.txt. Put these six files into a single directory on their own, and then run the following command from that directory:

cs019_supp_handin plancomp