On this page:
1 Programming Problems
1.1 The BMI Sorter
1.2 Data Smoothing
1.3 Most Frequent Words
1.4 Earthquake Monitoring
2 Submission Guidelines

Data Scripting 2

For each problem, write two solutions, where each solution solves the problem using a different approach. You should also determine which solution structure you prefer. You will be given a form to provide your answers. Specify your preference with a brief discussion of why.

Approaches count as different if they cluster at least some subtasks of the problems differently (like we saw for the Rainfall solutions); merely syntactic differences, such as replacing an element-based for-loop with an index-based one, don’t count as different. It has to be a different decomposition of the tasks (i.e., compositions of different plans).

In the end, if after racking your brain you simply can’t think of two truly different ways of doing one of these problems, submit the two most different versions you can.

1 Programming Problems

A personal health record (PHR) contains four pieces of information on a patient: their name, height (in meters), weight (in kilograms), and last recorded heart rate (as beats-per-minute). A doctor’s office maintains a list of the personal health records of all its patients.

data PHR:

  | phr(name :: String,

        height :: Number,

        weight :: Number,

        heart-rate :: Number)


1.1 The BMI Sorter

Body mass index (BMI) is a measure that attempts to quantify an individual’s tissue mass. It is commonly collected during annual checkups or clinic visits. It is defined as:

BMI = weight / (height * height)

A simplified BMI scale classifies a value below 18.5 as “underweight”, a value at least 18.5 but under 25 as “healthy”, a value at least 25 but under 30 as “overweight”, and a value at least 30 as “obese”.

Design a function called bmi-report

fun bmi-report(phrs :: List<PHR>) -> Report

that consumes a list of personal health records (defined above) and produces a report containing a list of names (not the entire records) of patients in each BMI classification category. The names can be in any order. Use the following datatype for the report:

data Report:

  | bmi-summary(under :: List<String>,

                healthy :: List<String>,

                over :: List<String>,

                obese :: List<String>)


Sample output: Given the following input list of PHRs:

[list: phr("eugene", 2, 60, 77),

       phr("matty", 1.55, 58.17, 56 ),

       phr("ray", 1.8, 55, 84),

       phr("mike", 1.5, 100, 64)]

The output of bmi-report should be:


  [list: "eugene", "ray"], # under

  [list: "matty"],         # healthy

  [list: ],                # over

  [list: "mike"]           # obese


1.2 Data Smoothing

In data analysis, smoothing a data set means approximating it to capture important patterns in the data while eliding noise or other fine-scale structures and phenomena. One simple smoothing technique is to replace each (internal) element of a sequence of values with the average of that element and its predecessor and successor. Assuming that extreme outlier values are an abberation caused, perhaps, through poor measurement, this averaging process replaces them with a more plausible value in the context of that sequence.

For example, consider this sequence of heart-rate values taken from a list of personal health records (defined above):

95 102 98 88 105

The resulting smoothed sequence should be

95 98.33 96 97 105

  • 102 was substituted by 98.33: (95 + 102 + 98) / 3

  • 98 was substituted by 96: (102 + 98 + 88) / 3

  • 88 was substituted by 97: (98 + 88 + 105) / 3

This information can be plotted in a graph such as below, with the smoothed graph superimposed over the original values.

Design a function data-smooth

fun data-smooth(phrs :: List<PHR>) -> List<Number>

that consumes a list of PHRs and produces a list of the smoothed heart-rate values (not the entire records).

Sample output: Is given in the descriptive example above, assuming the initial sequence is instead a list of PHRs with the given values as the heart-rates.

1.3 Most Frequent Words

Given a list of strings, design a function frequent-words

fun frequent-words(words :: List<String>) -> List<String>

that produces a list containing the three strings that occur most frequently in the input list. The output list should contain the most frequent word first, followed by the second most frequent, then the third most frequent. If two words have the same frequency, put the shorter one (in character length) first. You may assume that:
  • the input will have at least three different words

  • all characters are lowercase letters (there will be no numbers, punctuations, or white spaces)

  • multiple words with the same frequency will have different lengths

Sample output: Given the input list:

[list: "silver", "james", "james", "silver",

  "howlett", "silver", "loganne", "james", "loganne"]

The result of frequent-words should be

[list: "james", "silver", "loganne"]

1.4 Earthquake Monitoring

Geologists want to monitor a local mountain for potential earthquake activity. They have installed a sensor to track seismic (vibration of the earth) activity. The sensor sends measurements one at a time over the network to a computer at a research lab. The sensor inserts markers among the measurements to indicate the date of the measurement. The sequence of values coming from the sensor looks as follows:

20151004 150 200 175 20151005 0.002 0.03 20151007 130 0.54 20151101 78

The 8-digit numbers are dates (in year-month-day format). For example, the first number 20151004 above is October 4th, 2015.

Numbers between 0 and 500 are vibration frequencies (in Hz). This example shows readings of 200, 150, and 175 on October 4th, 2015 and readings of 0.002 and 0.03 on October 5th, 2015. There are no data for October 6th (sometimes there are problems with the network, so data go missing).

Assume that the data are in order by dates (so a later date never appears before an earlier one in the sequence) and that all data are from the same year. Also, assume that every date that appears has at least one measurement.

Design a function daily-max-for-month

fun daily-max-for-month(sensor-data :: List<Number>, month :: Number) -> List<Report>

that consumes a list of sensor data and a month (represented by a number between 1 and 12) and produces a list of reports indicating the highest frequency reading for each day in that month. Only include entries for dates that are part of the data provided (so don’t report anything for October 6th in the example shown). Ignore data for months other than the given one. Each entry in your report should be an instance of the following datatype:

data Report:

  | max-hz(date :: Number, max-reading :: Number)


Sample output: Given the following input list (repeated from above)

[list: 20151004, 150, 200, 175, 20151005, 0.002, 0.03,

  20151007, 130, 0.54, 20151101, 78]

and the month 10 (for October), the result of daily-max-for-month should be

[list: max-hz(20151004, 200),

  max-hz(20151005, 0.03),

  max-hz(20151007, 130)]

2 Submission Guidelines

Please create eight files, two per problem. Name them bmi-1.arr, bmi-2.arr, datasmooth-1.arr, datasmooth-2.arr, frequentwords-1.arr, frequentwords-2.arr, earthquake-1.arr, and earthquake-2.arr. Create a zip file of these and upload them to Captain Teach.

Use this form (logged in with your Brown Google ID) to provide your ranking preferences.