Assignment 4

Begin with a statically-scoped, eager interpreter for Rip. You can use any implementation you wish for the environment (including a list of bindings). Remember, we will care about the quality of contracts, test suites, etc.

Problem 1

Transform the interpreter into continuation-passing style. Use it to implement the remaining problems. You will find it useful to understand what the interpreter's continuation represents.

Problem 2

Add the following primitive to Rip:

{abort <RP>}
abort evaluates its sub-expression; the value of that expression is the value of the entire program. (That means, if there's a nested use of abort in the sub-expression, its value is that of the program — and so forth.)

Problem 3

Add the following primitive to Rip (with or without abort, as you wish):

{with-continuation <var> <RP>}
with-continuation binds the variable to a continuation in the sub-expression, which it then evaluates. A continuation is a procedure of one argument. If the programmer never invokes the continuation, the value of the expression is that of the sub-expression. If the programmer invokes the continuation, then the value given to the continuation becomes the value of the entire expression. (Recall that the programmer can invoke the continuation outside the expression!)

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