#lang scheme ;; For changes, skip down to `build-request-page', ;; after the line. (require xml net/url) (define (serve port-no) (define main-cust (make-custodian)) (parameterize ([current-custodian main-cust]) (define listener (tcp-listen port-no 5 #t)) (define (loop) (accept-and-handle listener) (loop)) (thread loop)) (lambda () (custodian-shutdown-all main-cust))) (define (accept-and-handle listener) (define cust (make-custodian)) (parameterize ([current-custodian cust]) (define-values (in out) (tcp-accept listener)) (thread (lambda () (handle in out) (close-input-port in) (close-output-port out)))) ;; Watcher thread: (thread (lambda () (sleep 10) (custodian-shutdown-all cust)))) (define (handle in out) (define req ;; Match the first line to extract the request: (regexp-match #rx"^GET (.+) HTTP/[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+" (read-line in))) (when req ;; Discard the rest of the header (up to blank line): (regexp-match #rx"(\r\n|^)\r\n" in) ;; Dispatch: (let ([xexpr (dispatch (list-ref req 1))]) ;; Send reply: (display "HTTP/1.0 200 Okay\r\n" out) (display "Server: k\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n" out) (display (xexpr->string xexpr) out)))) (define (dispatch str-path) ;; Parse the request as a URL: (define url (string->url str-path)) ;; Extract the path part: (define path (map path/param-path (url-path url))) ;; Find a handler based on the path's first element: (define h (hash-ref dispatch-table (car path) #f)) (if h ;; Call a handler: (h (url-query url)) ;; No handler found: `(html (head (title "Error")) (body (font ((color "red")) "Unknown page: " ,str-path))))) (define dispatch-table (make-hash)) (hash-set! dispatch-table "hello" (lambda (query) `(html (body "Hello, World!")))) ;; ---------------------------------------- ;; New helper function: builds and HTML page ;; for a form that has a "number" field and ;; a "hidden" field: (define (build-request-page label next-url hidden) `(html (head (title "Enter a Number to Add")) (body ([bgcolor "white"]) (form ([action ,next-url] [method "get"]) ,label (input ([type "text"] [name "number"] [value ""])) (input ([type "hidden"] [name "hidden"] [value ,hidden])) (input ([type "submit"] [name "enter"] [value "Enter"])))))) (define (many query) ;; Create a page containing the form: (build-request-page "Number of greetings:" "/reply" "")) (define (reply query) ;; Extract and use the form results: (define n (string->number (cdr (assq 'number query)))) `(html (body ,@(for/list ([i (in-range n)]) " hello")))) (hash-set! dispatch-table "many" many) (hash-set! dispatch-table "reply" reply)