#lang plai ;; 1. Function to total the amount of change (pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters) ;; in a bag. (define (sum-coins pen nick dime quart) (+ (* .01 pen) (* .05 nick) (* .10 dime) (* .25 quart))) (test (sum-coins 4 3 2 1) .64) ;; 2. Function to computer the surface aera of a cylinder. (define (area-cylinder radius height) (+ (* 2 pi (sqr radius)) (* 2 pi radius height))) (test (area-cylinder 0 0) 0) (test (area-cylinder 1 0) 6.28) (test (area-cylinder 0 1) 0) (test (area-cylinder 1 2) 18.85) ;; 3.a Surface area of a pipe computed as a single function. (define (area-pipe1 inner-radius height thickness) (+ (* height 2 pi inner-radius) (* height 2 pi (+ thickness inner-radius)) (* 2 (- (* pi (sqr (+ thickness inner-radius))) (* pi (sqr inner-radius)))))) (test (area-pipe1 0.5 0 0.5) 4.71) (test (area-pipe1 0 2 1) 18.85) (test (area-pipe1 1 2 1) 56.54) ;; 3.b Surface area of a pipe computed using helper functions. (define (area-circle r) (* pi r r)) (test (area-circle 2) 12.56) (define (circumference r) (* 2 pi r)) (test (area-circle 2) 12.56) (define (area-pipe inner-radius height thickness) (+ (* height (circumference (+ inner-radius thickness))) (* height (circumference inner-radius)) (* 2 (- (area-circle (+ inner-radius thickness)) (area-circle inner-radius))))) (test (area-pipe1 0.5 0 0.5) 4.71) (test (area-pipe1 0 2 1) 18.85) (test (area-pipe1 1 2 1) 56.54) ;; 4. Function for computing tax. (define (tax pay) (cond [(<= pay 240) 0] [(<= pay 480) (* pay .15)] [else (* pay .28)])) (test (tax 0) 0) (test (tax 241) 36.15) (test (tax 480) 72) (test (tax 500) 140) ;; 5. Function to determine if a quadratic equation is degenerate or not. ;; If it is not degenerate it then computes whether the solution has ;; 2, 1, or 0 solutions. (define (discriminant a b c) (- (sqr b) (* 4 a c))) (define (what-kind? a b c) (cond [(= a 0) 'degenerate] [(> (discriminant a b c) 0) 'two] [(= (discriminant a b c) 0) 'one] [else 'none])) (test (what-kind? 0 0 0) 'degenerate) (test (what-kind? 1 0 0) 'one) (test (what-kind? 1 2 3) 'none) (test (what-kind? -1 2 3) 'two) ;; 6. Function to compute the difference in seconds between two points ;; in time, using the structure time-point to represent hours, minutes ;; and seconds. (define-type Time-Point [time-point (hour number?) (min number?) (sec number?)]) ;; in-seconds : converts hour, minutes and seconds representation of time into ;; seconds. (define (in-seconds t) (+ (time-point-sec t) (* 60 (time-point-min t)) (* 60 60 (time-point-hour t)))) (test (in-seconds (time-point 1 2 3)) 3723) ;; time-diff : computes the difference in seconds between two time-point(s). (define (time-diff t1 t2) (- (in-seconds t1) (in-seconds t2))) (test (time-diff (time-point 1 2 3) (time-point 1 2 3)) 0) (test (time-diff (time-point 1 3 4) (time-point 1 2 3)) 61) (test (time-diff (time-point 2 3 4) (time-point 1 2 3)) 3661) ;; 7. Struct and data definition for representing a point and a shape. (define-type Point [point (x number?) (y number?)]) (define-type Shape [circle (center point?) (radius number?)] [square (top-left point?) (length number?)] [rect (top-left point?) (width number?) (height number?)]) (define c (circle (point 10 20) 2)) (define s (square (point 25 0) 2)) (define r (rect (point 30 15) 2 10)) ;; 8. Function for finding the area of a shape. (define (area s) (type-case Shape s [circle (c r) (* pi (sqr r))] [square (tl len) (sqr len)] [rect (tl w h) (* w h)])) (test (area c) 12.56) (test (area s) 4) (test (area r) 20) ;; 9. Function which take a shape and return a new shape. The new shape ;; is a copy of the old shape translated by a value in the x direction. (define (point-add p x y) (point (+ (point-x p) x) (+ (point-y p) y))) (test (point-add (point 3 4) 10 20) (point 13 24)) (define (translate-shape s delta) (type-case Shape s [circle (c r) (circle (point-add c delta 0) r)] [square (tl len) (square (point-add tl delta 0) len)] [rect (tl w h) (rect (point-add tl delta 0) w h)])) (test (translate-shape c 10) (circle (point 20 20) 2)) (test (translate-shape s 10) (square (point 35 0) 2)) (test (translate-shape r 10) (rect (point 40 15) 2 10)) ;; 10. Develop the function in-shape, which consumes a shape and a position p, ;; and returns true if p is within the shape, false otherwise. (define (distance p1 p2) (sqrt (+ (sqr (- (point-x p1) (point-x p2))) (sqr (- (point-y p1) (point-y p2)))))) (test (distance (point 1 1) (point 2 2)) 1.41) (define (between? low x high) (and (<= low x) (<= x high))) (define (in-shape? s p) (type-case Shape s [circle (c r) (< (distance c p) r)] [square (tl len) (and (between? 0 (- (point-x p) (point-x tl)) len) (between? 0 (- (point-y p) (point-y tl)) len))] [rect (tl w h) (and (between? 0 (- (point-x p) (point-x tl)) w) (between? 0 (- (point-y p) (point-y tl)) h))])) (test (in-shape? c (point 11 20.5)) true) (test (in-shape? c (point 21 22)) false) (test (in-shape? s (point 26 1)) true) (test (in-shape? s (point 24 1)) false) (test (in-shape? r (point 31 17)) true) (test (in-shape? r (point 33 17)) false) (test (in-shape? r (point 29 17)) false) (test (in-shape? r (point 31 26)) false) (test (in-shape? r (point 31 14)) false)