Date:         Thu, 20 Apr 2000 23:03:55 -0400
Reply-To:     CS92-L List <CS92-L@LISTSERV.BROWN.EDU>
Sender:       CS92-L List <CS92-L@LISTSERV.BROWN.EDU>
From:         Roger Blumberg <rbb@CS.BROWN.EDU>
Subject:      CS92: optional assignment
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Hi Everyone,

I enjoyed today's discussion and, as I mentioned, it was the last on assigned readings that we'll have this semester. I've been pleased with the presentations and discussions throughout the term, though I know that not everyone was able to do a presentation and of course not everyone participated often in the discussions. Motivated by a desire to hear from some of you who haven't participated very much, and by someone's midterm evaluation remark that I should offer students who don't find the seminar format congenial other outlets for participation, I offer an additional assignment. It is *strictly* optional; I recommend it to those of you who are worried about your class participation grade (because it will give me an idea of what you have been thinking about this semester), and I hope you all will consider doing it if it peaks your interest (or curiosity); but it really is optional. Here is the exercise:

Suppose that in addition to the software project, CS92 included a three-hour written final exam designed to assess your understanding of, and thoughts about, the readings that were assigned and the the discussions we've had this semester. The assignment is to compose an excellent final exam for this purpose, where by "excellent" I mean that the exam should at least:

1. give students an opportunity to reflect on and make connections between the readings and discussions and be (in your mind) a fair assessment of students' coverage and understanding of the topics we've read about and discussed;

2. be interesting enough that you wouldn't mind taking the exam and challenging enough that you would have to study/review for it; and

3. be the sort of exam that, were you teaching the course (and had you assigned such readings, etc.), you would be anxious to read, comment on, and (perhaps) grade.

That's it. On the one hand it's quite an ambitious spec., but on the other hand you don't have to *take* the exam. If you decide to do this assignment, it is due by noon on Monday, May 8th. If you have any questions about the assignment or would just like to talk about it, please don't hesitate to send me mail, call or stop by my office.



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