Notes for Week #7: Storyboards I

Roger B. Blumberg, CS92/ED89, 227 CIT

Evaluation Criteria for Educational Software?
Examples of Educational Software
Project Storyboards I
For next week

Evaluation Criteria for Educational Software?

We begin on Tuesday with a rough attempt to articulate criteria for evaluating commercial examples of educational software as well as CS92 projects. The goal of the exercise was not so much to figure out a checklist that would allow us to pronounce a piece of software "good" or "bad", but rather to make a list of aspects of the software that we think are important to notice. A brief brainstorming session, in class, yielded the following:

Examples of Educational Software

We'll try out a few examples of educational software, each of which display different design/educational strategies/philosophies:

After each programs we'll use the criteria we articulated to briefly discuss its qualities, and modify the criteria list if necessary.


Project Storyboards I

We'll begin the storyboard process with presentations from the following groups:

For Next Time

Project pages should reflect the current status of the project by the end of this week (i.e. tomorrow). Storyboards, or at least storyboard outlines should become part of the project page shortly after your team has presented. The storyboard schedule for next week is: Kindergarten Math at VGES and the Mt. Pleasant Project (Tuesday); and Aspects of Perception and Mass Media, both from Brown (Thursday). Then it's Spring Break!!

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