3/10 - Meeting with students at Met School

We travelled to the Met School, and started our day with the students. Prior to the start of school, we met with a group of three 9th grade students, to try to get a feel for what they knew about drugs, where they learned it, and what they would like to see in our program. Following this we were introduced to the entire school (or at least a large portion of it) at their morning meeting. We then sat in on Charly Adler's advisory, with a group of 10-12 students. I believe they were also all ninth graders. In this meeting, we tried to ask the same kind of questions we had asked earlier in the smaller group, but the students seemed much less receptive, perhaps because the group was larger, perhaps because their teacher was there. The following is the pertinent information from this meeting: With this information, we now have a better idea of what the content of our project should be and can now work to fit this content into the conceptual framework we had already decided on.

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