CS92/ED89: The Educational Software Seminar
Notes: February 3rd, 2003
Roger B. Blumberg, Brown University

What Education is

Reconciling Liberty and Democracy in Education; or, Why Philosophy Matters Even in Software

What nutrition and reproduction are to physiological life, education is to social life.This education consists primarily in transmission through communication. Communication is a process of sharing experience till it becomes a common possession. It modifies the disposition of both the parties who partake in it.
John Dewey, from Democracy and Education

We'll begin today by discussing an excerpt from Eamonn Callan's 1997 book Creating Citizens: Political Education and Liberal Democracy that seems to become more relevant each year. We'll consider the following questions:

John Dewey's Experience and Education

We'll begin our discussion of Dewey's 1938 book with Susannah's comments and questions, as well as the questions raised by Emily Bolon ( who presented Dewey in CS92 in the spring of 2000).

The Project Process

The Revised Project Description

If you look at the revised project descriptions from past years (they are included on the project pages) you will see that different teams have structured them differently, some with more and some with less detail. But here are some kinds of information that you should consider making clear in the revised project descriptions:

For next time: Read Israel Scheffler's "Computers at School?" (1986). Arrange a team meeting and contact your sponsoring teacher. Begin your revised project description after you've met with and discussed the project with your sponsoring teacher

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