On Storyboards in CS92/ED89

The storyboard presentations are your group's chance to show the rest of the class how you envision your project taking form in the next few months. The guidelines here are to help you, but there are no strict rules as to how your presentations should be. Be prepared, though, for questions, suggestions, and criticism from the audience. This exercise can provde a useful chance to get feedback from the class, so the more clearly you explain your project, the more relevant the comments are likely to be.


There is no need to include specific content if it is not yet available.

There is also no need for graphics that will not be part of the final project. Unless, of course, the graphical component is crucial to understanding the program.

To present your storyboard, you may use web pages, transparencies, powerpoint slides, any of the authoring tools available, paper, or the white board. Please do not, however, spend time building something that will never be part of your final program or part of your final project page.

Last but not least, if you need help in putting together your storyboards or giving them a test-run, don't hesitate to contact the TAs.

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