CS92: Bridges!
in conjuction with the Lincoln School
Erin Carey,
Diana Chien,
Jason Li

Progress Report I
as of 4/6/04

Authoring program chosen: Macromedia Director MX


From our storyboard feedback, it was deemed necessary to increase the interactivity and simulation components of the program. The following changes were devised:

  • buttons on the bottom of the screen should enable the user to change:
    • From these, the LOAD would include a person, a car, a tank or elephant
    • From these, the MATERIALS would include wood, chocolate, glass, steel
    • From these, the SIZE would include S, M, L
  • a button would activate scenarios where the user would be forced to guess whether a certain LOAD + MATERIAL + SIZE for a bridge would be feasible (i.e. does the bridge support the load?)
  • the in-between screen questions would remain
  • the goal is to have 2 historically significant bridges from each of the 3 types (arch, beam, suspension).


What needs to be done:

  • a mathematical model for each of the 3 bridge types as yet to be devised, the obstacle being that faculty help (from the Engineering Department) is needed.


Division of labor thus far:

  • Jason: webpage, art, interface (including quizzing questions, title page, etc.)
  • Erin: coding - animation
  • Diana: coding - bridge modelling