CS92 Mid-term Course Evaluation

Roger B. Blumberg, Brown University

The purpose of this evaluation is give you the opportunity to vent a bit about the course, while giving me an opportunity to use your feedback to improve the course after the Break (and in future years as well). I hope you'll give each of these questions some thought, and that you won't hesitate to criticize the course or me. The evaluation is broken into three sections, about the readings, the projects and the structure and style of the seminar; but please feel free to ignore or modify these questions in your evaluation. Similarly, the spaces on this form are not meant to suggest or limit the length of your commentary. Finally, feel free to mail the Web version of this to yourself and send in your evaluation by e-mail, either to the list or directly to me (rbb@cs.brown.edu).


The Readings

Please comment on the reading load, and the relevance of the readings to your project, as well as your general interests.

Which readings have you found most interesting/valuable/useful, and which have been the least interesting/valuable/useful?

After the Spring Break, what topics would you like to see the readings address?

How can we improve the methods by which the readings are presented and discussed (whether in class or using other means of communication like the CS92-L list)?

The Projects

How does the project work (now) compare to what you expected when you enrolled in CS92 and heard my descriptions at the opening session?

Do you think you have sufficient time, and a sufficient number of people on your team, to create a project you'll be pleased with when the course is over?

Do you think the project work is informed by the readings, and what sorts of readings would be more relevant to your project?

In previous years, we have spent class time discussing "team dynamics," and this year we have not. Was this a mistake? What sorts of discussions of how the teams can/should/do work together would be worthwhile?

Describe the TA's participation in your project and how it might be improved.

The Seminar

Have you been pleased by the way class time has been used, and how would you improve the way the class time is spent?

I've tried hard to make CS92 a bona fide seminar, going so far as to use the Web rather than the board for fear of dominating the discussion. Is this a good idea? How would you improve the way the seminar is taught?

Have the seminar guests been interesting and a worthwhile use of the class time? What sorts of outside speakers would be most useful as we enter the final half of the semester?

As we move into the last half of the semester, what do you think is the best way to combine/integrate readings, project reports, outside speakers, and project exhibits?

I realize that when I assign people to send e-mail to the CS92-L list, they almost always do so; but, I would love it if (more) people used the list to carry on discussions that we never seem to have enough time for in class without my having to give an assignment. Is this ridiculous?

Finally, please let me know of anything that is bugging you about the course, the topics we're studying, the projects, or the way I'm handling the course.

Name: (optional) __________________________________________
