Notes for Week #2: The Dismal History of Classroom Technology

Roger B. Blumberg, CS092, 227 CIT

"The worth of educational change is never self-evident; it is something that goes to the core of the purpose of education in a particularly society and must be confronted as such. Conviction is no criterion for determining worth." (Michael Fullan, from The Meaning of Educational Change)

"The property of being a piece of technology is not a physical property but a teleological property. It is not given but acquired with purpose." (Israel Scheffler, from "Computers at School?," Teachers College Record, 87, no. 4 (1986))

Choosing Projects

Larry Cuban's Teachers and Machines I

Chapter 1 of Howard Gardner's The Unschooled Mind

Teachers and Machines II

Israel Scheffler's "Computers at School?"

In the next two weeks
