City Streets
Thursday 4/2

Met with Louisa, showed her projector for first scene and received comments on our script drafts. Scrapped goldfish theme. Rat will simply dare/ invite kid user to explore the sewers.

Saturday 4/4

Incorporated most sounds into first scene. First scene almost completed, working on paring down size of images and sounds to conserve memory. 16 meg pc at children's museum might not be studly enough for our purposes. we'll see. but not worrying about that for now, just want to make things as efficient as possible without compromising quality. Created revisions log in Cluster.Classes/Students/Museum folder to keep everyone updated on the most recent changes.

Sunday 4/5

"Final" scripts e-mailed to Louisa.

Tuesday 4/7

First scene completed, including rat animation. Starting Director work on scene 2. Goal is to get scene 2 done by Thursday night.

Thursday 4/9

Scene 2 visuals completed.

Marching to 29th, our Current Timetable :

4/11 - Scene 2 done
4/13 - Scene 3 done, visuals earlier
4/19 - Scene 4 visuals done
4/20 - Scene 4 done
4/22 - Community Scene visuals done
4/24 - Community Scene Done
4/25 - Overflow Scene visuals done
4/27 - Overflow scene & Treatment Plant visuals done
4/29 - Treatment Plant (final scene) done!!!

Friday 4/10

All sounds in scene 1 pared down to 11 khz and 8-bits. This will be our convention for background soundfx. Human speech and music will probably be used at 44.8 or 22.4 khz & 16-bits.

Sunday 4/12

Scene 2 Finished!!!

Thursday 4/23

Final Scripts set, after being reviewed by Louisa.