Watershed Project Documentation

This is the central document repository for our site. Almost any bit of information that you could want about the project is available right here. There certainly is a lot of material, but it's all pretty well organized, though, so you shouldn't have any problems finding what you're looking for. Scroll down the page for a brief description of the document and an accompanying link. Also, we're likely to add stuff to this page in the near future, so you should check back for new stuff real soon.


Project Description

These two pages are the initial project description, as created by Prof. Blumberg, and the revised project description, created by the Watershed Project team. The latter is still pending review and further updates, so you might want to check back in soon to see if we've made any changes.

Initial Project Description (HTML)
Revised Project Description (HTML)

Project Storyboards

These aren't true storyboards as most people would know them. They don't present all of the content that one would find in normal storyboards, like full mock-ups of each screen in the program. Also, they contain a lot of extra stuff, like rationales and discussions of pedagogical issues. This is beacuse they were really created for a presentation of the project to the class made by the Watershed Project team on 3/16/99.

Project Storyboards (MS Powerpoint '97)
Project Storyboards (HTML)



Site Last Updated 2/25/99