Initial Project Description:

We were asked, by Lona Robillard, a first grade mathematics teacher at Blessed Sacraments, to prepare a piece of educational software designed to reinforce first grade mathematics concepts. Such concepts would be introduced during class lectures prior to use of the software. The teacher suggested a game format, as this would prove most appealing to first graders. The program was envisioned to be run completely in about fifteen minutes, and could be used multiply times.

First grade mathematical concepts include time and money. In terms of time, first graders learn to read analog clocks set to the hour and half an hour, and to draw such clocks given a time. In terms of money, focus is placed on A) learning the different types of coins and the values associated with each, B) learning to count by ones, fives, tens and twenty-fives in order to add pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters respectively, individually, C) telling how much value a set of coins is worth, D) forming a set value of money using different arrangements of coins, E) recognizing whether sufficient money is present to buy items, and F) comparing sets of coins.