Mrs. Robillard's Initial Reaction

The four of us visited Blessed Sacrament on Tuesday, April 21, to show our game to Ms. Robillard. She was very happy and excited about our progress. We allowed Ms. Robillard to click through the game herself, so that we could see someone using it. This was helpful because we discovered that not all of our buttons and instructions were clear and intuitive; so now we will work on making the program more self-explanatory.

The limited memory of the computers posed somewhat of a problem, but it could have been a lot worse. The program did run but it was very slow, in some places more than others. We are a little worried about that given the attention span of the average six year old. Also, we want to fix the puzzles so that you do not see the coins disappear from the previous time it was played. The game did not crash often while we were playing it, except when we shuffled through cards quickly from the menu.

Ms. Robillard gave us some helpful suggestions about revisions to make this week. We are planning on adding some sound, at least at a minimal level, to make it more exciting and multimedia. We are also going to integrate the sub-theme of time into the program a little better, such as by repeating the time in each room and telling the students how much time they have left to complete the mission. We will be doing a lot of fine tuning of the program in the coming weeks. We still need to add more graphics to the room, fix some bugs on the puzzles, and adjust the fonts and text boxes to fit the schools' computers. Overall, Ms. Robillard was very satisfied with the types of puzzles that we used, and said that they all reinforce concepts that she teaches. She was not concerned about any implications of using a haunted house or black and red in the religious school.

We will be returning to the school on Friday to test the game on the students.