April 21: Status Update

Essentially, the purpose of this meeting was for us to update each other on our progress and review what needs to be done. Our most important priority at this point is to be sure that everything works correctly on Adam's system, so we exported a HyperStudio stack to HTML and put it on a web server. We gave Adam the URL, and he's going to let us know if he can view it correctly. If not, we will go to Classical on Monday to take a look and hopefully fix the problem.

Most of our text is done; just a few of the explanations and the web text need to be done, and we have several good graphics. We need a few more graphics, and the routing demo needs to be complete. The packet demo looks good, but when we exported it to HTML, we realized it is too large and needs to be resized. Overall, we're doing well.

Unfortunately, we may not have the full project ready in time to test, but we will try to set a testing date for next week sometime and test as much as we can with our Classical focus group.

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