April 30: Testing Preparation

Each of us showcased the work we've been doing in the last few days, and made some minor changes. We also added directions in all of our pages so that (we hope) it is clear how they are supposed to be used.

We decided to show the Classical students the network module and one of the other modules (as the other modules are all similar). Both of these modules are done, at least in their first incarnation. We also want to ask the students how they feel the glossary should look: should there be a page showing all the terms and definitions, or should we do a frame-based page with the words on top, and the bottom only showing the definition that's currently clicked? All of us are leaning toward the second choice, but we'll ask the students for feedback before implementation.

Overall, we are satisfied that our project has come to appeal to a variety of learning styles--it is graphical, there is text reinforcing the same concepts, and then the concepts are further reinforced with animation. Hopefully, this is dynamic enough to attract a wide variety of users--we'll find out tomorrow!

We already gave Adam the URL of our project, and he looked at it for us, so we are sure both the HTML and HyperStudio work on his machines, which is a big relief.

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