April 8: Reviewing First Module

The first module is essentially done, although Hyperstudio is giving us a lot of trouble. As of now, we have the Internet module graphic done in Hyperstudio, but we may switch it to HTML, as Hyperstudio is picky about things like the period in .com and does not highlight hyperlinks. What we've implemented for the first module is the large scrollable graphic Adam suggested which illustrates the various components of the Internet. Clicking on a component pops up a text box telling about that component: what it is and what its role is in the construction of the Internet.

We are a bit worried about the lack of interactivity in this module; we don't want our project to be all "point and click". At the same time, we are thinking that this may be okay for this first module. Later modules lend themselves better to interactivity, and we'll try to keep that goal in mind as much as possible, as with our routing demo.

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