March 15: Information Sharing

Clients and Servers and Protocols, Oh My!

We taught each other most of the information so that we all have the same core knowledge. Also, Adam had had the suggestion that instead of the Network module, we should have a large, scrollable graphic. We are interested in that idea. The graphic will have different buttons, or stops, along the way, such as hub, router, etc. Students can click on each stop and a box will pop up with the explanation of that stop and how it relates to the things around it.

We're setting up meetings with the kids for this week. We can't all meet at the same time, and we want to meet with different kids at different times, so we're trying to set up two meetings. Topics to ask about include:

Finally, we talked about how our revisions of design are important, but it's time to start development. This week, one of us will start writing, one of us will start learning HyperStudio in greater depth, one of us will begin on the graphics, and the other will begin learning HyperLogo. We'll meet again Wednesday night after we've all met with the kids so we can debrief and figure out where to go from there.

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