March 16 and 18: Student Focus Groups

Two of us went to Classical on Monday, the other two on Wednesday. Each time, we spoke with four students, attempting to find a balance in terms of grade and gender. We asked about their experiences with the Internet: what they use, how long they've been using it, what they use it for and why, what they know about how it works, what they want to know, what they don't want to know. Also, we asked about our ideas for the theme. Most of the students use the Internet for both personal and academic purposes, and three quarters have an email account.

The main interest of our students seems to be network security: at least half of them asked about it in some form or another, so we will try to include it if we have time. Almost none of the students had ever seen a newsgroup, and most were unaware of what they are. One student suggested that we teach students how to set up a free email account, and also asked us to discuss search engines and what a link is on the web and how to use it. Others asked about web error messages and how a modem works.

Most of the students disagreed with our college idea. As one student put it, anything stressful or work related will turn the students off. Instead, the students want something fun and entertainment related. They suggested we focus upon music or sports.

All of our students agreed to speak with us again. Our usability group, then, is comprised of the following students:

Student Grade Gender Student Grade Gender
Terence 10th M Iso 10th M
Peter 12th M Simbo 12th F
Walter 9th M Jen 11th F
Mia 9th F Luzelena 9th F

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