March 18: Processing Student Input

Two things were decided based upon the input of our student focus groups. First, our newsgroup explanation will have to begin on a much more basic level than we had originally planned. Unlike with email and the web, we cannot assume that students have seen newsgroups when we begin explaining them, so we will have to introduce the concept of a newsgroup before we discuss how they work.

Second, our theme needs to be changed. We need something related to entertainment, but we don't want to make it dated. We decided to contact the Providence Phoenix, the Providence Performing Arts Center, and the city of Providence to ask if we can refer to them and either use parts of their web page or create our own based upon their organization. Our theme will be finding out what there is to do on a given night in Providence, and trying to get a band to perform at a club, etc. So we'll go with entertainment, but on a general level.

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