I hope that you all have been enjoying your reading of The Unschooled Mind. Below are some questions that you can begin to think about as you read the selected chapters. I also think it would be helpful if you keep in mind both the Schank/Cleary readings as well as yesterday's class discussion.

(1) (Ch 4) Gardner discusses symbols - specifically with respect to language and understanding. His critique is that the United States produces too many students who "learn the SAT" and do not have an integrated knowledge of the meanings of the words. I will call it, "not in the student's active vocabulary". How does this relate to Schank/Cleary's discussions on Natural Learning - and learning for understanding? What is the reason for their lack of comprehensive understanding of the vocabulary?

(2) (Ch 5, 107) Gardner discusses the theory that there exists a "U" in the development of a student. That because of standardization and flaws in education (i.e. the discussion on temperature of two flasks when mixed together) or naturally (i.e. the discussion on grammar and adherence to "rules"). What technological innovations (either discussed in Schank/Cleary or of your own) could be implemented to minimize this "U"; and get students back on the 'upward slope'?

(3) Gardner ends Ch 10 with an optimistic statement that all of the flaws of progressive education can be repaired. Do you agree? I would say that theoretically it is possible; but with practical considerations such as financial situations; population dynamics; and dis-interested parents - I would be much more pessimistic than Gardner.

Enjoy the readings and we will talk about these and other topics on Thursday.


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