Notes for Week #5: Evaluating Educational Software I

Roger B. Blumberg, CS92/ED89, 227 CIT

A few words about Teachers and Computers
Tuesday: What is involved in constructing a framework for evaluating (and creating) educational software?
Thursday: "The Right-Sized Byte" and alternative schemes for categorizing and evaluating educational software
For next week

Teachers and Computers

Last week, as the revised project descriptions were coming in, a story circulated over the AP wire about how few teachers in the US were "properly trained" to use computers in their classrooms. The story may have been inspired by a recent report from the Milken Foundation called "Will New Teachers Be Prepared to Teach in a Digital Age?" (see Ironically, the point of the Milken Report (that higher education and policy folks need to recognize their responsibilities and failings in this area), was often turned into calls for more requirements for teacher certification and cries of astonishment about how few teachers had integrated computers into their teaching practices.

In Teachers and Machines (1986), Larry Cuban noted a cycle that was common to the introduction (and failure) of classroom technology in the U.S. since the radio. The cycle, which I've mentioned before, was:

exhilaration --> scientific credibility --> disappointment --> teacher-bashing

The recent articles about teachers unable to use computers seems evidence that we have entered the final phase of Cuban's cycle for computers. But how would teachers have come to know how to teach effectively with the new technology?

Any good news, Rog? you ask. Yes! It turns out that most teachers who use computers in creative, successful ways have been the beneficiaries not of "training sessions" but of inspiration provided by colleagues and by computers themselves. In CS92 we have had the experience of inspiring teachers with the programs we've made, and these teachers then go on not only to become more expert in teaching with technology but to inspire their colleagues to give computers a try.

So, if your sponsoring teachers seem technically under-prepared to give you as much direction as you might like, try to think of them as primarily under-stimulated by good examples of software and teaching with computers.

This week: Constructing a framework for evaluating (and creating) educational software

As noted in Ben's questions to the list, the readings for Tuesday seem rather different from each other. This week we begin a discussion of evaluating educational software, and educational technology generally, and the (ultimate) goals are these:

  1. to develop of framework or vocabulary for talking about educational software.
  2. to figure out what can or cannot be said about "good design" independent of the particular audience who will use the program.
  3. to figure out the relevant questions to ask for assessing "good design" once the audience is known.
  4. to figure out how issues of educational philosophy and cognitive psychology can be integrated into both the evaluation framework and the structure of computer programs.

Preliminary to work on #1 we read the Ward & Sewell, and the question I'm most interested in is: "If you were writing this article today, how would your approach to the subject differ (if at all) and what would you add or remove from the discussion?

For answers to #2 above, we read the "Screens for Learning" article, and you might look at Elaine Chen's outline from last year as well.

"The Right-Sized Byte" and alternative schemes for categorizing and evaluating educational software

Let's look at three examples of educational software and, with them in mind, brainstorm criteria for evaluation and categorization. The programs are:

Some questions we might consider:

Naomi's questions for today raised a number of issues about the schemes used to categorize and evaluate software. What are your reactions to the schemes in Copeland and at the Educational Software Evaluation site at TERC (

Naomi also raised the issue of whether visualization is always an aid to student learning. One question we've not addressed is whether what we say about learning needs to take into consideration the difference between experiences in which we are introduced to certain concepts or sets of concepts, and experiences in which we are meant to develop an understanding of those concepts. Does this difference have any value in deciding how to structure software?

Finally, here are a few questions about Schwartz' "The Right-Sized Byte" that we might consider:

For Next Time:

Next week we will continue to look at examples of educational software, and continue our discussion of evaluation as we read the most thorough study of the use of computers in schools yet to be published: Teaching with Technology, by Sandholtz, Ringstaff and Dwyer. Read at least chapters 1-3, and 5 for Tuesday, and 6,9, and 11 for Thursday.

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