Notes for Week #7: Storyboards I

Roger B. Blumberg, CS92/ED89, 227 CIT

Lessons So Far?
More on Evaluation and Categorization
The Storyboards
For Next Week

Lessons So Far?

Before we begin the storyboards, I want to consider whether/how your perspectives on your projects, and educational software generally, have been affected by the readings we've done so far:

More on Evaluation and Categorization

You'll recall that Copeland offered a picture for categorizing electronic media, and thus educational software. We also looked at a sample evaluation from the TERC Educational Software Evaluation site, and today we have another evaluation "instrument," from Doll's book (1987). Are you comfortable having your projects categorized and evaluated according to these schemes? If not, how would you like your project to be evaluated?

The Storyboards I

The first storyboard will be presented by the GE158 group, The Watershed Project on Tuesday; the Hasbro and Family Medicine groups will follow on Thursday. For each we'll hear the presentation and offer oral and written comments.

For Next Week

We'll hear/see the final two Storyboards next Tuesday, and use Thursday's session to summarize the work of the first part of the semester, as well as some of the software evaluations by the project teams.

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