Notes for Week #7: Storyboards II

Roger B. Blumberg, CS92/ED89, 227 CIT

The Storyboards continued
Classification Schemes
Questions for Thursday
An Example of "Playground" Software
After Spring Break

The Storyboards continued

On Tuesday we'll see/hear the storyboards from the two projects at Vartan Gregorian Elementary School. For the purposes of discussing the programs proposed by these teams, and looking forward to Thursday's discussions of the goals of all of the projects this semester, it might be useful to think how/whether these projects address the "three assignments" of modern secular schools discussed by Gardner (p. 131-132):

Classification Schemes

So far we've seen number of schemes for classifying and evaluating educational software:

To what extent do any of these schemes capture non-technical aspects of educational software (e.g. pedagogical goals, learning theories, social value)? How are such things "built" into software?

Questions for Thursday's Class

On Thursday we'll try to summarize some of the questions raised and lessons learned in the first part of the semester, and prepare for the (final) weeks after Spring break. Here are some questions for starters:

Finally, for those of you interested in Gardner, you might want to read an interesting piece of his on "Intelligence" that appeared in the February issue of The Atlantic, on-line at:

An Example of "Playground" Software

Some typologies of educational software include the kind of programs sometimes called "playgrounds" or "exploratoria", and we'll look at Edmark's Thinkin' Things (Collection 3) as an example.

For Next Time: After Spring Break

In the weeks immediately following Spring Break we'll be reading articles that try to synthesize some of the ideas we've encountered in readings from cognitive psychology, the study of computers in school, and interface design. In the second week we'll approach these ideas from both a historical and "futurist" perspective, and this will take us into the final weeks of the team presentations concerning efforts to test and assess the design of their programs.

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