Hey there,

Since I know most of you don't actually read these posts until you get them handed to you in class, I am going to keep this one short.

First, Since some members of the class are going to be out tomorrow, it is imperative that those who are coming do the reading. The book is really interesting, but more importantly it will be a smaller group and if only 5 out of 15 people have done the reading the discussion will be a waste of ti me.

Second, I would like it if everyone could think of at least one question from the reading that you would like to discuss in class. Please try to read between the lines of the text and dig down deep when thinking of your questions. The questions do not have to be strictly from chapters 6,9 and 11 you can also go back into the earlier chapters (or the unassigned chapters) if you feel we passed over a topic Tuesday or didn't talk enough about one before.

Lastly, I would like it if you could think back to Tuesdays class and revisit what the differences between constructive learning and individual learning are. I feel that understanding constructive learning is the key to understanding the ACOT experiment.

See you all tomorrow,


P.S. Please feel free to bring some snacks or drinks with you tomorrow for yourself or the class to enjoy. As silly as this sounds, I have found that sometimes a little comfort food or something to play with in a students hand, can help them break out of any shells they may have and become an active participant in a discussion.

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