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Pre-Lab 4: Vue.js

due Friday, Feb 12 10:00AM ET


In this prelab, you will learn one of the most popular Javascript frontend frameworks, Vue.js .

Warning: This prelab is a lot on the longer side, but is incredibly useful to complete. Note: there is not a handin for this prelab, but it is still very, very useful, so please do it!


What's Vue.js

From Vue's offcial guide:

Vue (pronounced /vjuː/, like view) is a progressive framework for building user interfaces. Unlike other monolithic frameworks, Vue is designed from the ground up to be incrementally adoptable. The core library is focused on the view layer only, and is easy to pick up and integrate with other libraries or existing projects. On the other hand, Vue is also perfectly capable of powering sophisticated Single-Page Applications when used in combination with modern tooling and supporting libraries .

If there are a lot of buzz words in this introduction that does not make sense to you, no worries, you will get to know Vue better through this module. For now, think Vue as a more modular way to package HTML, CSS, Javascript into reusable components.

Why we chose Vue ()

You might have heard of other frameworks like React or Angular. If you are wondering why we choose Vue for the Javascript Framework section of our course, here is a short explanation.

  • Compared to React

    • React takes a everything in Javascript approach. In React, you will write the UI as a HTML-like parameter to the render function.

      // this part declares the template
      class HelloMessage extends React.Component {
        render() {
          return (
              Hello {}
      // this part provides data binding
          <hellomessage name="Taylor">, // implicitly bind the data as prop (argument)
          document.getElementById('hello-example') // which element to *mount* upon

      In comparison, Vue provides additional syntax on top of plain HTML which might feel more natural to read.

      // HTML part declares the template
      <div id="app">
          Hello {{message}}
      // JS part provides data binding
      const app = new Vue({
          el: '#app', // which element to *mount* upon
          data: {
              message: 'Vue!' // explicitly binds the data as field

      As you can probably tell from the previous two code examples, Vue could also be easier to integrate into existing projects.

    • React is renowned for its steep learning curve where you need to learn a new set of syntax and build systems.

      In comparison, you are exposed to most of Vue's features by dropping a single script tag into the page: <script src=""></script> Then you can start writing Vue code!

  • Compared to Angular

    • Angular essentially requires Typescript , which provides static type checking (think Java) that can be very useful for large-scale applications and editor support. However, introducing a type system unavoidably result in more overhead in smaller-scale use cases and requiring a build system to transpile Typescript code into plain Javascript code that browsers can understand.

    • Angular’s learning curve is even steeper. The API surface of the framework is huge and as a user you will need to familiarize yourself with a lot of concepts before getting productive. The complexity of Angular is largely due to its design goal of targeting only large, complex applications, which does make the framework a lot more difficult for less-experienced developers to pick up.

  • Prelab Overview

    This prelab will help you learn Vue by procedualy implementing part of a fun tic-tac-toe game using cherry-picked Vue basics we find useful for your lab and assignment. In addition, we highly recommend you to read the nicely-written Essentials Section in official guide for a more thorough understanding.

    Learning Strategies ()

    Feel free to:

    • read the prelab and the official guide ( Awesome! You are a Vue pro now )
    • only read the official guide ( Totally acceptable! This guide is closely modeled after Official Guide after all. You get everything needed!)

    • only read the prelab ( Thanks for your trust in us! This guide should give you enough information for finishing lab and assignment.)

    • read nothing ( I sure hope you know what you are doing )


    There are two ways to use Vue:

    The first way is suited for smaller-scale projects and quick prototyping while the latter for larger-scale applications and consequently requires much more setup.

    In this prelab, we will use the script tag approach for a quicker start and introduce build system as an optional read. For the lab and assignment, you are free to choose any setup.


    1. To start with, create an empty directory. For example, to create a git-tracked directory, you can use git init vue-prelab .

    2. Set up ESLint for Vue ()
      Inside the directory, run
      1. npm init to enable npm in the directory. Feel free to click Enter to accept the defaults.
      2. npm i -D eslint eslint-plugin-vue babel-eslint This script will install eslint and eslint-vue dependencies, where
        • i is shorthand for install
        • -D is a shorthand for --save-dev which stands for installing as dev dependencies -- meant for packages that are only needed for local development and testing. To read more about the difference between normal dependencies and dev dependencies, read This StackOverflow post explaining the difference
      3. Choose one of the following
        • Run eslint --init and step through the questions.
        • Create a new file called .eslintrc.js and copy in the following (modified after Setting up ESLint for a Vue.Js Project Using VS Code
          module.exports = {
              root: true,
              env: {
                  // this section will be used to determine which APIs are available to us
                  // (i.e are we running in a browser environment or a node.js env)
                  browser: true
              parserOptions: {
                  parser: "babel-eslint",
                  // specifying a module sourcetype prevent eslint from marking import statements as errors
                  sourceType: "module"
              extends: [
                  // use the recommended rule set for both plain javascript and vue
              rules: {
                  // we should always disable console logs and debugging in production
                  "no-console": process.env.NODE_ENV === "production" ? "error" : "off",
                  "no-debugger": process.env.NODE_ENV === "production" ? "error" : "off"
      4. Make sure you have installed the ESLint plugin on VSCode , mentioned in the assignment0.
    3. Create an HTML file and , modified after Bootstrap's starter template
      <!doctype html>
      <html lang="en">
              <!-- Required meta tags -->
              <meta charset="utf-8">
              <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, shrink-to-fit=no">
              <!-- Bootstrap CSS -->
              <link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha384-Vkoo8x4CGsO3+Hhxv8T/Q5PaXtkKtu6ug5TOeNV6gBiFeWPGFN9MuhOf23Q9Ifjh" crossorigin="anonymous">
              <!-- Always give your HTML file an appropriate title -->
              <!-- Mounting element for the Vue instance later created with new Vue -->
              <div id="app"> <!-- Notices the same id and el-->
                  {{ message }}
              <!-- Optional JavaScript -->
              <!-- jQuery first, then Popper.js, then Bootstrap JS -->
              <script src="" integrity="sha384-J6qa4849blE2+poT4WnyKhv5vZF5SrPo0iEjwBvKU7imGFAV0wwj1yYfoRSJoZ+n" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
              <script src="" integrity="sha384-Q6E9RHvbIyZFJoft+2mJbHaEWldlvI9IOYy5n3zV9zzTtmI3UksdQRVvoxMfooAo" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
              <script src="" integrity="sha384-wfSDF2E50Y2D1uUdj0O3uMBJnjuUD4Ih7YwaYd1iqfktj0Uod8GCExl3Og8ifwB6" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
              <!-- Include Vue from a CDN -->
              <!-- development version, includes helpful console warnings -->
              <script src=""></script>
              <!-- the following script requires Vue to be imported so comes after -->
              <script src="tic-tac-toe.js"></script>
    4. Creates a JS file named tic-tac-toe.js ( If you choose custom name, remember also to rename the HTML script import. ) and .
      const app = new Vue({
          el: '#app',
          data: {
              message: 'Hello Vue!'

    Now if you open this file in browser, you should see an empty page with Hello Vue! .

    Notice how Vue.js is imported before it is used in tic-tac-toe.js .


    The Vue Instance

    Note in the `tic-tac-toe.js`, we have something like:

    const app = new Vue({
        el: '#app',
        data: {
            message: 'Hello Vue!'

    Every Vue application starts by creating a new root Vue instance using new Vue .

    • Vue instance reflects the fact that it is created with new Vue . Think of Java's new Class .
    • root reflects the fact that it is the outermost node in the component tree. Think of the root node of tree.

      For example, a todo app’s component tree might look like this:

          app <---- Root Instance
            └─ TodoList
            ├─ TodoItem
            │  ├─ DeleteTodoButton
            │  └─ EditTodoButton
            └─ TodoListFooter
            ├─ ClearTodosButton
            └─ TodoListStatistics
      The todo app consists of a root Vue instance with a tree of nested, reusable components.

      Comparing to DOM tree of HTML documents, you can think this organization as a virtual DOM tree of components. It facilitates the separation of view layer (concrete HTML elements) and view model layer (components relating to app logic). You can read more about this MVVM software architecture pattern .

    Note the curly brace inside new Vue() :

    When you create a Vue instance, you pass in an options object. The majority of this guide describes how you can use these options to create your desired behavior. For reference, you can also browse the full list of options in the API reference .

    You can think Vue as a factory method and the argument is a configuration object, this pattern is very common in Javascript libraries.

    In our starter JS template, two fields have been provided to new Vue :

    • el

      This provides the Vue instance an existing DOM element to mount on. It can be a CSS selector string or an actual HTMLElement.
      ( ) The reason we mount the app on div instead of body comes from the following caveat.
      The provided element merely serves as a mounting point. Unlike in Vue 1.x, the mounted element will be replaced with Vue-generated DOM in all cases. It is therefore not recommended to mount the root instance to <html> or <body> .
    • data

      Before revealing what this field is doing, notice how the message is a string inside data and used in the corresponding mounted HTML element <div id="#app"></div> as if it is a variable.

      Now try a small experiment, change the message string inside data field to 'Welcome to the game!' , save the file, and refresh the page in browser. Does it do what you expect?

      When a Vue instance is created, it adds all the properties found in its data object to Vue’s reactivity system. When the values of those properties change, the view will react , updating to match the new values. Basically, when provided data changes, the view will re-render.

      To better appreciate how powerful this reactivity is, add this line to the end of tic-tac-toe.js

      window.setTimeout(() => app.message = "Ready to get started?", 1000);

      Save the JS file and refresh the page, you should see the message changed after 1 second. After the Vue instance is created, data properties become direct properties on the instance. That's why you can refer to message data property directly using dot syntax like app.message as if message is a property on the app Vue instance .


      It should be noted that properties in data are only reactive if they existed when the instance was created. In other words, once observed, you can no longer add reactive properties to the root data object. It is therefore recommended to declare all root-level reactive properties upfront, before creating the instance.

      In practice, this limitation is often alleviated by the following approaches:

      • declare needed outermost level of data object in initialization
      • leverage data structure like array and object.

        ( Try it out ) make the following changes to both files then refresh and observe the change.

        <div id="app">
            {{ message }} {{playerNames[0]}}, {{playerNames[1]}}
        const app = new Vue({
            el: '#app',
            data: {
                message: 'Welcome to the game!',
                playerNames: []
        window.setTimeout(() => {
            app.message = "Ready to get started?"
            app.playerNames.push("Alice", "Bob");
        }, 1000);

        You should see Welcome to the game! , first and then see Ready to get started? Alice, Bob after 1 second.

    In addition to data properties, Vue instances expose a number of useful instance properties and methods.

    For example, $el refers to the root DOM element that the Vue instance is managing. In the app instance, app.$el refers to the div element with id app .

    In the future, you can and should consult the API reference for a full list of instance properties and methods.


    People gone through different stages of life. A similar analogy can be drawn for Vue instances. The instance is created, mounted onto DOM, about to be updated, about to be destroyed...

    Vue provides functions called lifecycle hooks that will be executed at corresponding stages. Think it as event listeners for Vue instance events.

    To illustrate how this ability to inject custom code in specific stages of instance can be helpful, think about an video player: at before playing it might need to get authenticated to know where to fetch video from and before closing it might need to tell the server to stop streaming.

    Below is a for the instance lifecycle . You don’t need to fully understand everything going on right now, but as you learn and build more, it will be a useful reference.
    Vue instance lifecycle diagram
    Lifecycle Diagram

    Template Syntax

    You might have noticed the double curly brace syntax in the HTML file: {{ message }} {{playerNames[0]}}, {{playerNames[1]}}

    This double curly brace syntax is also known as moustache syntax .

    The mustache tag will be replaced with the value of the named property on the corresponding data object. For example, message will be replaced by 'Welcome to the game!' when page first loads up.

    Moreover, when the data object's message changes to "Ready to get started?" , Vue will intelligently figure out how to re-render the page and do the DOM manipulations optimally.

    Since Vue.js uses an HTML-based template syntax that allows you to declaratively bind the rendered DOM to the underlying Vue instance’s data, all Vue.js templates are valid HTML that can be parsed by spec-compliant browsers and HTML parsers.
    ( ) Caveat for rendering raw HTML :
    The double mustaches interprets the data as plain text, not HTML. In order to output real HTML, you will need to use the v-html directive are preferred than rawHTML as the fundamental unit for UI reuse and composition.

    Dynamically rendering arbitrary HTML on your website can be very dangerous because it can lead to XSS vulnerabilities . Only use HTML interpolation on trusted content and never on user-provided content.

    Besides binding data inside HTML tag, you can also bind data in HTML attribute. Make the following changes to your code:

    <div id="app">
        <h1><a v-bind:href="ticTacToeWikiPage"> Tic Tac Toe</a></h1>
        {{ message }} {{playerNames[0]}}, {{playerNames[1]}}
    const app = new Vue({
        el: '#app',
        data: {
            ticTacToeWikiPage: "",
            message: 'Welcome to the game!',
            playerNames: []

    Try click on the h1 title link, does it do what you expect?

    To avoid dealing with casing, please try use camel casing like ticTacToeWikiPage to name your variables.

    As you might come to expect, you can use the full power of Javascript expressions in all data bindings. For example, to avoid displaying player names before we actually have them, we can use a tenary expression:

    <div id="app">
        <h1><a v-bind:href="ticTacToeWikiPage">Tic Tac Toe</a></h1>
        {{ message }} {{playerNames.length? `${playerNames[0]}, ${playerNames[1]}` : ''}}

    Inside backquotes `` , you can escape Javascript expression using ${} syntax.


    The v-bind attribute are referred as directives in official documentation. Directives are special attributes with the v- prefix, whose job is to reactively apply side effects to the DOM when the value of its expression changed.

    For example, the expression for v-bind is the data attribute ticTacToeWikiPage , if we modified the address, the link element will then point to a different URL.

    The colon : signifies that this directive takes an argument. In this example, v-bind 's argument is href , meaning that we are binding a Javascript expression to a normal HTML attribute href . You can think v-bind: as a Vue sticker, its presence telling Vue engine to bind the upcoming Javascript expression's value to the attribute.

    List Rendering

    Vue also provides some enhancements beyond normal HTML syntax. In this section, we will get you familiar with v-for , an iteration protocol to display a list of items.

    <div id="app">
        <h1><a v-bind:href="ticTacToeWikiPage">Tic Tac Toe</a></h1>
        {{ message }} {{playerNames.length? `${playerNames[0]}, ${playerNames[1]}` : ''}}
        <div id="board">
            <div v-for="r of 3" v-bind:key="`row-${r}`" class="board-row">
                <div v-for="c of 3" v-bind:key="`cell-${r}-${c}`" class="board-cell"></div>
    Refresh and open DevTools, can you find the 9 <div> with board-cell class?

    v-for="r of 3" and v-for="c of 3" does the magic here:
    v-for makes the current template it is attached to repeated in a certain way. In this case, 3 is a range. board-row is repeated three times with r or c taking values from 1 to 3, each time rendering board-cell three times, accounting for the 9 board-cell .

    It is recommended to provide a key for v-for whenever possible, so that Vue can track each node's identity in reusing and reordering existing elements.

    Think key as Vue's version of id , it is often good practice to supply them when using v-for . Feel free to read Key section in List Rendering for explanation on why and when to supply the key attribute.

    Class and Style bindings

    We already put the board on the page, however, it is invisible since we have not applied any styles!

    Firstly, add the following style in the <head> to make <html> , <body> take up all available space ( A problem comes up more often than you thought ).

        html, body {
            width: 100%;
            height: 100%;

    Now, let us style our Vue instance.

    A common need for data binding is manipulating an element's class list and its inline styles. Since they are both attributes, we can use v-bind to handle them.

    Besides interpreting string expression, Vue provides enhancements when v-bind is used with class and style so that object and arrays can be valid expressions in class and style bindings.

    Here we can make use of a bunch of Bootstrap classes to style where our Vue instance is bound to:

    <div id="app" v-bind:class="['w-100', 'h-100', 'p-5', 'd-flex', 'flex-column', 'align-items-center']">
    • w-100 is equivalent of { width: 100% }
    • h-100 is equivalent of { height: 100% }
    • p-5 applies some padding { padding: 3rem }
    • d-flex is equivalent of { display: flex }
    • flex-column is equivalent of { flex-direction: column }
    • align-items-center is equivalent of { align-items: center }

    HTML properties are usually double quoted, we are following this standard and single quoting the Bootstrap classes.

    Similarly, you can bind style using a CSS-like syntax (the caveat is it is a Javascript object and often requires quoting on both attribute and value):

    <div id="board" class="container m-auto" v-bind:class="'bg-light d-flex flex-column'" :style="{ 'width': '900px', 'height': '900px' }">

    We set a fixed width for the board, however, a better approach would be using media query to accommodate different screen sizes.

    Notice we quoted both 'width' and '900px' , from the fact that they are inside a Javascript expression rather than inside a CSS file.

    Besides, we demonstrated several other things:

    • : is a shorthand for v-bind: .
    • You can use the normal class="..." besides v-bind:class="..." . Vue will automatically merges these two, preserving all unique classes. (The same is true for style).
    • container see Bootstrap Containers
    • m-auto is equivalent of { margin: auto }
    • bg-light specifies a light background for the board

    As mentioned earlier, the bound Javascript expression can be a data attribute name, thus avoiding the clutter of writing everything as plain string in HTML files.

    Make the following changes to both files, you should see the a tic-tac-toe game board starts to appear!

    <div id="board" class="container m-auto" v-bind:class="'bg-light d-flex flex-column'" :style="{ 'width': '900px', 'height': '900px' }">
        <div v-for="r of 3" v-bind:key="`row-${r}`" class="board-row" :class="boardRowClasses">
            <div v-for="c of 3" v-bind:key="`cell-${r}-${c}`" class="board-cell" :class="boardCellClasses"></div>
    const app = new Vue({
        el: '#app',
        data: {
            ticTacToeWikiPage: "",
            message: 'Welcome to the game!',
            playerNames: [],
            boardRowClasses: ['row', 'flex-grow-1'],
            boardCellClasses: ['col', 'p-4', 'border', 'border-primary', 'rounded-lg'],

    Here are a short description of each Bootstrap class used:

  • row represents a row in Bootstrap's grid system
  • flex-grow-1 means the flex item is able to grow to fill available space. Because the board has d-flex and flex-column , making board row flex-grow-1 means each board row will attempt to take as much space as possible
  • col means each cell is a equal-width column
  • p-4 applies some padding to each table cell
  • border makes table cell bordered
  • border-primary sets the border color to be --primary
  • rounded-lg applies a large border radius.
  • Conditional Styling

    To make the board look even nicer, we will alternate the background color of board cells:

    # Col1 Col2 Col3
    Row 1 Cell 1 Cell 2 Cell 3
    Row 2 Cell 4 Cell 5 Cell 6
    Row 3 Cell 7 Cell 8 Cell 9

    The following change will make the board striped!

        v-for="c of 3"
        v-bind:id="(r - 1) * 3 + c"
        :class="[{'bg-white': [2, 4, 6, 8].includes((r - 1) * 3 + c)} ,boardCellClasses]">

    What's involved

    • Array.includes determines whether an array includes a certain value.
    • (r - 1) * 3 + c computes the cells index, as Vue's range is 1-based.
    • The object syntax { className: expression } means the presence of the className will be determined by the truthiness of the expression . In this example, if the cell index is 2, 4, 6, 8, the cell will get a bg-white class.
    • It is a good practice to quote the key since special characters like hyphen is not allowed as plain object key name
    • You can use object syntax in conjunction with array syntax to create more complifcated rendering for class and style


    You can probably tell that we are not writing elegant, maintainable code here:

    • we wrote complicated Javascript expressions inside HTML file
    • We do not fully utilize the object-oriented design principles to make our code more modular

    Components are reusable Vue instances with a name.

    For example, we can extract the <h1> element into a component named game-title :

    // this is how to create a component that is globally registered
    Vue.component('game-title', {
        template: `
                <a href="">Tic Tac Toe</a>
    const app = new Vue({
        el: '#app',
        data: {
            message: 'Welcome to the game!',
            playerNames: [],
            boardRowClasses: [ 'row', 'flex-grow-1'],
            boardCellClasses: ['col', 'p-4', 'border', 'border-primary', 'rounded-lg'],
    <div id="app" v-bind:class="['w-100', 'h-100', 'p-5', 'd-flex', 'flex-column', 'align-items-center']">
        {{ message }} {{playerNames.length? `${playerNames[0]}, ${playerNames[1]}` : ''}}

    A component can be registered using Vue.component .

    • The first argument is an id indicating how this component wil be named. For example, since the id of game-title component is registered as game-title , inside the root Vue instance (the div element with id app ), we refer to this component by its id as if there exists a legit HTML element called game-title .
    • The second argument is a configuration object, with same options as new Vue , such as data , computed , watch , methods , and lifecycle hooks. The only exceptions are a few root-specific options like el .

    To avoid name clashing with existing and future HTML element tag names, component names are often multi-word and hyphen-separated.


    You might have noticed that we put what was inside <h1> element into the template field of game-title component.

    template is a string template to be used as the markup for the Vue instance. The template will replace the mounted element.

    In this case, the mounted element is <game-title></game-title> which will be replaced by the <h1><a>...</a></h1> .

    Back quotes make writing a multi-line string much easier and is often used for template.


    Components become much more powerful if we can customize it. This is where props come in. Think a component as a function, then you can view props as arguments passed from caller (parent element).

    As an exercise, consider what are the props needed for the welcome message we displayed under the title.

    One possible set of props for welcome message is a message and a playerNames .
    Alternatively, you can also pass the final text to be displayed as a single prop, but that puts more logic in the root instance and often create clutter.

    Vue.component('welcome-message', {
        props: {
            'message': String,
            'playerNames': {
                type: Array,
                default: [],
        template: `
              {{ message }} {{playerNames.join(', ')}}
    <div id="app" v-bind:class="['w-100', 'h-100', 'p-5', 'd-flex', 'flex-column', 'align-items-center']">
        <welcome-message :message="message" :player-names="playerNames"></welcome-message>

    Prop Registration

    Props are custom attributes you can register on a component. When a value is passed to a prop attribute, it becomes a property on that component instance.

    For example, we register a message prop in the welcome-message component by include a 'message' field inside the props option with its type String .

    'message': String is actually a shorthand for { 'message': { type: String } . In addition, you can specify a default for a prop in the case this prop is not passed, like we used an empty array for playerNames .

    • Default and Type of prop can both be specified by a function, read more at Props.
    • It is possible to specify the props by { props: ['message', 'playerNames']}. However, this approach is discouraged as it disallows specifying the type and default of each prop.

    Prop Passing

    To provide a prop to a component, you can pass data to it as if it is a normal HTML attribute. For example, in <welcome-message :message="message" :player-names="playerNames"></welcome-message> , we use data binding to provide both message and playerNames as props.

    Prop Casing

    You might have noticed the casing for playerNames isn't consistent. In HTML file, when using as a custom HTML attribute, it becomes player-names .

    That is because HTML attribute-name are case-insensitive, so browsers will interpret any uppercase characters as lowercase. That means when you’re using in-DOM templates, camelCased prop names need to use their kebab-cased (hyphen-delimited) equivalents. For example, playerNames becomes player-names in template.

    Reactivity in Props

    Note the setTimeout code is still functioning even after we factored the welcome message into a component. This is because when props' value changed, Vue engine efficiently 'regenerates' the component using the new props values.


    Similar to classes in other programming languages, a component often has state data to enable reusing.

    To ensure multiple component instances each can maintain an independent copy of the state, data option in component must be a function.

    Make the following changes and reload the page. You should see two checkbox switches, does clicking the first switch intefere with the other?

    <div id="app" v-bind:class="['w-100', 'h-100', 'p-5', 'd-flex', 'flex-column', 'align-items-center']">
        <welcome-message :message="message" :player-names="playerNames"></welcome-message>
        <template v-if="playerNames.length">
            <ready-checkbox :name="playerNames[0]"></ready-checkbox>
            <ready-checkbox :name="playerNames[1]"></ready-checkbox>
    Vue.component('ready-checkbox', {
        props: {
            'name': String,
        data: function() {
            const id = `ready-switch-for-${}`;
            return {
                checked: false,
        template: `
            <div class="custom-control custom-switch">
                <input type="checkbox" class="custom-control-input" :id="id" :checked="checked">
                <label class="custom-control-label" :for="id">{{name}}, are you ready?</label>

    Conditonal Rendering


    In the previous code snippet, we also used another directive v-if which, as its name suggests, conditionally render a block. The block (the DOM subtree from which v-if is attached) will only be rendered if the directive’s expression returns a truthy value.

    It is also possible to add an else block with v-else :
        <template v-if="playerNames.length">
            <ready-checkbox :name="playerNames[0]"></ready-checkbox>
            <ready-checkbox :name="playerNames[1]"></ready-checkbox>
        <div v-else>
            <div class="spinner-grow text-primary" role="status">
                <span class="sr-only">Loading...</span>
    Refresh the page, you should see a loading icon before the switches appear.

    There is also v-else-if which can be chained multiple times as an else if block for v-if :

    Note how we have used the <template> element to group the two ready-checkbox components. Consequently, we can apply v-if to toggle more than one element.

    Think of a template as a content fragment that is being stored for subsequent use in the document. While the parser does process the contents of the <template> element while loading the page, it does so only to ensure that those contents are valid; the element's contents are not rendered, however.

    Therefore, <template> element becomes a convenient invisible wrapper for Vue that holds the enclosing HTML segment until the rendering condition evaluates to true.


    Another option for conditionally displaying an element is the v-show directive. The usage is largely the same. ( )

    <div v-show="playerNames.length">
        <ready-checkbox :name="playerNames[0]"></ready-checkbox>
        <ready-checkbox :name="playerNames[1]"></ready-checkbox>
    <div v-show="!playerNames.length">
        <div class="spinner-grow text-primary" role="status">
            <span class="sr-only">Loading...</span>

    The difference is that an element with v-show will always be rendered and remain in the DOM; v-show only toggles the display CSS property of the element.

    v-if vs v-show

    From official guide v-if vs v-show

    • v-show doesn’t support the element, nor does it work with v-else.
    • v-if is real conditional rendering because it ensures that event listeners and child components inside the conditional block are properly destroyed and re-created during toggles.
    • v-if is also lazy: if the condition is false on initial render, it will not do anything - the conditional block won’t be rendered until the condition becomes true for the first time.
    • In comparison, v-show is much simpler - the element is always rendered regardless of initial condition, with CSS-based toggling.
    • Generally speaking, v-if has higher toggle costs while v-show has higher initial render costs. So prefer v-show if you need to toggle something very often, and prefer v-if if the condition is unlikely to change at runtime.

    Current Code after some refactoring

    Since we have made a lot of changes, to keep you on track, we post here for reference.

    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html lang="en">
        <!-- Required meta tags -->
        <meta charset="utf-8">
        <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, shrink-to-fit=no">
        <!-- Bootstrap CSS -->
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha384-Vkoo8x4CGsO3+Hhxv8T/Q5PaXtkKtu6ug5TOeNV6gBiFeWPGFN9MuhOf23Q9Ifjh" crossorigin="anonymous">
        <!-- Always give your HTML file an appropriate title -->
        <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=Edge">
            html, body {
                width: 100%;
                height: 100%;
        <!-- Mounting element for the Vue instance later created with new Vue -->
        <div id="app" :class="appClasses">
            <welcome-message :message="message" :player-names="playerNames"></welcome-message>
            <template v-if="playerNames.length">
                <ready-checkbox :name="playerNames[0]"></ready-checkbox>
                <ready-checkbox :name="playerNames[1]"></ready-checkbox>
            <div v-else>
                <div class="spinner-grow text-primary" role="status">
                    <span class="sr-only">Loading...</span>
            <div id="board" :class="boardClasses" :style="boardStyles">
                <div v-for="r of 3" :key="`row-${r}`" :class="boardRowClasses">
                        v-for="c of 3"
                        :id="(r - 1) * 3 + c"
                        :class="[{'bg-white': [2, 4, 6, 8].includes((r - 1) * 3 + c)} ,boardCellClasses]">
        <!-- Optional JavaScript -->
        <!-- jQuery first, then Popper.js, then Bootstrap JS -->
        <script src="" integrity="sha384-J6qa4849blE2+poT4WnyKhv5vZF5SrPo0iEjwBvKU7imGFAV0wwj1yYfoRSJoZ+n" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
        <script src="" integrity="sha384-Q6E9RHvbIyZFJoft+2mJbHaEWldlvI9IOYy5n3zV9zzTtmI3UksdQRVvoxMfooAo" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
        <script src="" integrity="sha384-wfSDF2E50Y2D1uUdj0O3uMBJnjuUD4Ih7YwaYd1iqfktj0Uod8GCExl3Og8ifwB6" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
        <!-- Include Vue from a CDN -->
        <!-- development version, includes helpful console warnings -->
        <script src=""></script>
        <!-- the following script requires Vue to be imported so comes after -->
        <script src="tic-tac-toe.js"></script>
    // this is how to create a component that is globally registered
    Vue.component('game-title', {
        template: `
                <a href="">Tic Tac Toe</a>
    Vue.component('welcome-message', {
        props: {
            'message': String,
            'playerNames': {
                type: Array,
                default: () => [],
        template: `
              {{ message }} {{playerNames.join(', ')}}
    Vue.component('ready-checkbox', {
        props: {
            'name': String,
        data: function() {
            const id = `ready-switch-for-${}`;
            return {
                checked: false,
        template: `
            <div class="custom-control custom-switch">
                <input type="checkbox" class="custom-control-input" :id="id" :checked="checked">
                <label class="custom-control-label" :for="id">{{name}}, are you ready?</label>
    const app = new Vue({
        el: '#app',
        data: {
            message: 'Welcome to the game!',
            playerNames: [],
            appClasses: ['w-100', 'h-100', 'p-5', 'd-flex', 'flex-column', 'align-items-center'],
            boardClasses: ['container', 'm-auto', 'bg-light', 'd-flex', 'flex-column'],
            boardStyles: { 'width': '900px', 'height': '900px' },
            boardRowClasses: ['board-row', 'row', 'flex-grow-1'],
            boardCellClasses: ['board-cell', 'col', 'p-4', 'border', 'border-primary', 'rounded-lg'],
    window.setTimeout(() => {
        app.message = 'Ready to get started?';
        app.playerNames.push('Alice', 'Bob');
    }, 1000);

    Computed Properties and Methods

    Computed Properties

    In-template expressions are very convenient, but they are meant for simple operations. Putting too much logic in your templates can make them bloated and hard to maintain.

    For example, the welcome message is composed from two template expressions. This approach becomes hard to maintain and inefficient if we need to display the welcome message multiple times. To both refactor the code and cache the result to benefit reusing, we could use a computed property .

        Vue.component('welcome-message', {
            props: {
                'message': String,
                'playerNames': {
                    type: Array,
                    default: () => [],
            computed: {
                // a computed getter
                messageToPlayers() {
                    // `this` points to the vm instance
                    if (this.playerNames.length) {
                        return `${this.message} ${this.playerNames.join(', ')}`;
                    } else {
                        return this.message;
            template: `
                  {{ messageToPlayers }}
    messageToPlayers is defined as a function using the ECMAScript 2015 method definition shorthand.

    In welcome-message componnet, we have declared a computed property messageToPlayers as a function in computed options.

    Computed properties can be bound in templates just like a normal property. Vue is aware that messageToPlayers is dependent on the reactive properties used in its method definition, namely, message and playerNames . Therefore, Vue engine will update any bindings that depend on messageToPlayers when message and playerNames changes, like in the case of setTimeout .

    Computed properties are cached based on their reactive dependencies. A computed property will only re-evaluate when some of its reactive dependencies have changed. This means as long as message and playerNames has not changed, multiple access to the messageToPlayers computed property will immediately return the previously computed result without having to run the function again.

    Why do we need caching? Imagine we have an expensive computed property A , which requires looping through a huge Array and doing a lot of computations. Then we may have other computed properties that in turn depend on A . Without caching, we would be executing A ’s getter many more times than necessary! In cases where you do not want caching, use a method instead.

    Further readings:


    With the help of Methods , we can separate the logic and template for game board from the root Vue instance .

    <div id="app" :class="appClasses">
        <welcome-message :message="message" :player-names="playerNames"></welcome-message>
        <template v-if="playerNames.length">
            <ready-checkbox :name="playerNames[0]"></ready-checkbox>
            <ready-checkbox :name="playerNames[1]"></ready-checkbox>
        <div v-else>
            <div class="spinner-grow text-primary" role="status">
                <span class="sr-only">Loading...</span>
    Vue.component('game-board', {
        data: function() {
            return {
                classObject: ['container', 'm-auto', 'bg-light', 'd-flex', 'flex-column'],
                styleObject: {
                    'width': '900px',
                    'height': '900px'
                boardRowClasses: ['board-row', 'row', 'flex-grow-1'],
                boardCellClasses: ['board-cell', 'col', 'p-4', 'border', 'border-primary', 'rounded-lg'],
        methods: {
            boardRowKey(r) {
                return `row-${r}`;
            boardCellKey(r, c) {
                return `cell-${r}-${c}`;
        template: `
            <div id="board" :class="classObject" :style="styleObject">
                <div v-for="r of 3" :key="boardRowKey(r)" :class="boardRowClasses">
                        v-for="c of 3"
                        :key="boardCellKey(r, c)"
                        :id="(r - 1) * 3 + c"
                        :class="[{'bg-white': [2, 4, 6, 8].includes((r - 1) * 3 + c)} ,boardCellClasses]">
    const app = new Vue({
        el: '#app',
        data: {
            message: 'Welcome to the game!',
            playerNames: [],
            appClasses: ['w-100', 'h-100', 'p-5', 'd-flex', 'flex-column', 'align-items-center'],

    Methods are registered by putting the function in the methods options. It can then be called directly using its name in template, for example, :key="boardRowKey(r)" and as a property of Vue instance by this.<method-name>


    While computed properties are more appropriate in most cases, there are times when a custom watcher is necessary. That’s why Vue provides a more generic way to react to data changes through the watch option. This is most useful when you want to perform asynchronous or expensive operations in response to changing data.
    Official Guide on Watchers

    Event Handling


    For this part of the prelab and also for making your debugging process for Vue smoother, please add Vue Devtools as an extension to your browser.

    By default, the extension does not support File URLs, so either enable Allow access to file URLs in extension setting page or serve the folder locally using npx . Refer to the Piazza post for Assignment1 FAQ .

    Native Events

    Listening to events

    Asssume you have added the Vue Devtools extension in Chrome, reload the page and inspect on the checkbox switch for Alice in Vue tab. Screenshot of how checkbox swictch looks like in Vue extension when events are not implemented

    • Will the checked value change when you toggle the switch?
    • Refresh the page, now change the checked value from false to true in Vue Devtools without actually clicking the switch, will the switch state change?

    You will notice the data binding is one-way, namely from Vue Instance data to HTML template. In other words, HTML template (what is rendered) will respond to the changes in your Vue instance but Vue instance will not update its variables depending on HTML template state.

    Recall on assignment2, what you used to change the Javascript variable when pause checkbox is checked?

    The answer is Events . And Vue provides a way to use v-on directive to listen to the DOM events, pretty much like the onclick , onerror handlers you used in previous assignments and labs.

    template: `
        <div class="custom-control custom-switch">
            <input type="checkbox" class="custom-control-input" :id="id" :checked="checked" @click="checked = !checked">
            <label class="custom-control-label" :for="id">{{name}}, are you ready?</label>
    Update your template for ready-checkbox , the only different is the addition of @click="checked = !checked"
    Do the previous two experiments, is the behavior expected?

    @ is a shorthand for v-on: and we are telling the Vue Engine that when the checkbox is clicked, the checked variable should also be changed to its opposite value.

    Use Methods as Event Handlers

    The logic for many event handlers will be more complex though, so keeping your JavaScript in the value of the v-on attribute isn’t feasible. That’s why v-on can also accept the name of a method you’d like to call.

    Make the following changes to ready-checkbox . Do you get same behaviors?

    Vue.component('ready-checkbox', {
        props: {
            'name': String,
        data: function() {
            const id = `ready-switch-for-${}`;
            return {
                checked: false,
        methods: {
            onClick(event) {
                this.checked =;
        template: `
            <div class="custom-control custom-switch">
                <input type="checkbox" class="custom-control-input" :id="id" :checked="checked" @click="onClick">
                <label class="custom-control-label" :for="id">{{name}}, are you ready?</label>
    Note how we used event variable similar as in a normal Javascript event handler.

    It is also possible to use Event Modifiers to call functions like event.preventDefault() or event.stopPropagation() in the template. There are also Key Modifiers to check for specific keys in keyboard events.

    Custom Events

    However, there are cases where native events do not suffice, often when communicating from components to components. For parent-to-child component relationship, we solved this problem with Props . What should we use for the inverse child-to-parent relationship where a child compnent wants to mutate the state of a parent component?

    For a legitimate use, consider only showing the board when both parties responded that they are ready.

    The answer is again Events , but this time we will use Custom Events .

    Emiting A Custom Event

    Firstly, we will use $emit to trigger an event.

        onClick(event) {
            this.checked =;
            this.$emit('player-ready',, this.checked);
    Any additional arguments will be passed into the listener’s callback function.

    Note we use kebab-case for custom event names to be comliant with HTML standards. You always use kebab-case for event names.

    If you refresh the page and click on the switch, you should be able to view the player-ready event in the Vue extension. Screenshot of Vue Extension Event page

    Listening to Custom Event

    For listening to a event, we can use the same procedure as it is a native event.

    Try implementing this on your own and as reference after you finished.

    <div id="app" :class="appClasses">
        <welcome-message :message="message" :player-names="playerNames"></welcome-message>
        <template v-if="playerNames.length">
            <ready-checkbox :name="playerNames[0]" @player-ready="onPlayerReady"></ready-checkbox>
            <ready-checkbox :name="playerNames[1]" @player-ready="onPlayerReady"></ready-checkbox>
        <div v-else>
            <div class="spinner-grow text-primary" role="status">
                <span class="sr-only">Loading...</span>
        <game-board v-if="bothPlayerReady"></game-board>
    const app = new Vue({
        el: '#app',
        data: {
            message: 'Welcome to the game!',
            playerNames: [],
            appClasses: ['w-100', 'h-100', 'p-5', 'd-flex', 'flex-column', 'align-items-center'],
            playerReady: {}
        methods: {
            onPlayerReady(playerName, isReady) {
                this.$set(this.playerReady, playerName, isReady);
        computed: {
            bothPlayerReady() {
                return this.playerNames.length &&
           => this.playerReady[playerName])
                                    .reduce((prevValue, currValue) => prevValue && currValue);

    Last Notes

    After working through the sections above, you should be familiar with Vue.js. There is one task for this prelab:

    The tic-tac-toe game is not completed yet, but you have got all the pieces to make it working. Try finishing implementing it yourself! You will be asked to include your finished tic-tac-toe game as part of the submission for assignment 3.

    This is the end of the prelab! It is a lot to digest, so if you're confused about anything, feel free to come to TA Hours.