Project 5 Tracking and Structure from Motion

Design Overview

1. Detect Points in first frame to tack Harris coner detector, 500 points with highest strength

2. Track points with optical flow My fully vectorized optical flow takes about 30 seconds. It will plot visulized optic flow,discarded points,20random points,visulized track points and points in first frame in order.

3. Structure from motion I use SVD to get A~ , X~ and then solve L = Q*inv(Q) to eliminate the affine ambiguity. I also included three scatter plots, which don't have the possible visual illution(because the mesh has texture on both side).

Below are required graphs

Selected keypoints overlayed over the first video frame

2D path over the sequence of frames for 20 random points.

Points which have moved out of frame at some point along the sequence(or get within 7 pixels to the border).

Mesh view from three different view point

scatter plot from 3 differnt view

camera plot from x ,y, z axies (red lines)

login: wchi