50 14 14 (S (NP (NP The economy 's )NP temperature )NP (VP will (VP be (VP taken (PP from (NP several vantage points )NP )PP (NP this week )NP , (PP with (NP (NP readings )NP (PP on (NP trade , output , housing and inflation )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 12 14 (S (NP (NP The economy 's )NP temperature )NP (VP will (VP be (VP taken (PP from (NP several vantage points )NP )PP (NP this week )NP , (SBAR with (S (NP readings )NP (PP on (NP trade , output , housing and inflation )NP )PP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP . )S 11 14 (S (NP (NP The economy 's )NP temperature )NP (VP will (VP be (VP taken (PP from (NP several vantage points )NP )PP (NP this week )NP , (SBAR with (S (VP readings (PP on (NP trade , output , housing and inflation )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP . )S 13 15 (S (NP (NP The economy 's )NP temperature )NP (VP will (VP be (VP taken (PP from (NP (NP several vantage points )NP (NP this week )NP )NP )PP , (PP with (NP (NP readings )NP (PP on (NP trade , output , housing and inflation )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 13 15 (S (NP (NP The economy 's )NP temperature )NP (VP will (VP be (VP taken (PP from (NP several vantage points )NP )PP (NP this week )NP , (SBAR with (S (NP (NP readings )NP (PP on (NP trade , output , housing and inflation )NP )PP )NP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP . )S 13 14 (S (NP (NP The economy 's )NP temperature )NP (VP will (VP be (VP taken (PP from (NP several vantage points )NP (NP this week )NP )PP , (PP with (NP (NP readings )NP (PP on (NP trade , output , housing and inflation )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 12 14 (S (NP (NP The economy 's )NP temperature )NP (VP will (VP be (VP taken (PP from (NP several vantage points )NP )PP (NP this week )NP )VP )VP , (PP with (NP (NP readings )NP (PP on (NP trade , output , housing and inflation )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 12 13 (S (NP (NP The economy 's )NP temperature )NP (VP will (VP be (VP taken (PP from (NP several vantage points )NP )PP (NP this week )NP , (PP with (NP readings )NP )PP (PP on (NP trade , output , housing and inflation )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 13 15 (S (NP (NP The economy 's )NP temperature )NP (VP will (VP be (VP taken (PP from (NP (NP several vantage points )NP (NP this week )NP , )NP )PP (PP with (NP (NP readings )NP (PP on (NP trade , output , housing and inflation )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 11 14 (S (NP (NP The economy 's )NP temperature )NP (VP will (VP be (VP taken (PP from (NP several vantage points )NP )PP (NP this week )NP )VP )VP )VP , (PP with (NP (NP readings )NP (PP on (NP trade , output , housing and inflation )NP )PP )NP )PP . )S 14 15 (S (NP (NP The economy 's )NP temperature )NP (VP will (VP be (VP taken (PP from (NP several vantage points )NP )PP (NP (NP this week )NP , (PP with (NP (NP readings )NP (PP on (NP trade , output , housing and inflation )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP . )S 13 16 (S (NP (NP The economy 's )NP temperature )NP (VP will (VP be (VP taken (PP (PP from (NP (NP several vantage points )NP (NP this week )NP )NP )PP , (PP with (NP (NP readings )NP (PP on (NP trade , output , housing and inflation )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 15 16 (S (NP (NP The economy 's )NP temperature )NP (VP will (VP be (VP taken (PP from (NP several vantage points )NP )PP (NP this week )NP , (PP with (NP (NP readings )NP (PP on (NP (NP trade )NP , (UCP output , housing and inflation )UCP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 13 15 (S (NP (NP The economy 's )NP temperature )NP (VP will (VP be (VP taken (PP from (NP (NP several vantage points )NP (NP this week )NP , (PP with (NP (NP readings )NP (PP on (NP trade , output , housing and inflation )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 13 14 (S (NP (NP The economy 's )NP temperature )NP (VP will (VP be (VP taken (PP from (NP several vantage points )NP )PP (NP this week )NP , (PP (PP with (NP readings )NP )PP (PP on (NP trade , output , housing and inflation )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 13 15 (S (NP (NP The economy 's )NP temperature )NP (VP will (VP be (VP taken (PP (PP from (NP several vantage points )NP (NP this week )NP )PP , (PP with (NP (NP readings )NP (PP on (NP trade , output , housing and inflation )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 13 14 (S (NP (NP The economy 's )NP temperature )NP (VP will (VP be (VP taken (PP from (NP several vantage points )NP )PP (NP this week )NP , (PP with (NP (NP readings )NP (PP on (UCP trade , output , housing and inflation )UCP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 13 16 (S (NP (NP The economy 's )NP temperature )NP (VP will (VP be (VP taken (PP from (NP (NP (NP several vantage points )NP (NP this week )NP , )NP (PP with (NP (NP readings )NP (PP on (NP trade , output , housing and inflation )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 13 16 (S (NP (NP The economy 's )NP temperature )NP (VP will (VP be (VP taken (PP from (NP (NP (NP several vantage points )NP (NP this week )NP )NP , (PP with (NP (NP readings )NP (PP on (NP trade , output , housing and inflation )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 13 15 (S (NP (NP The economy 's )NP temperature )NP (VP will (VP be (VP taken (PP from (NP (NP several vantage points )NP (NP this week )NP )NP , (PP with (NP (NP readings )NP (PP on (NP trade , output , housing and inflation )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 11 14 (S (NP (NP The economy 's )NP temperature )NP (VP will (VP be (VP taken (PP from (NP (NP several vantage points )NP (NP this week )NP , )NP )PP (PP with (NP readings )NP )PP (PP on (NP trade , output , housing and inflation )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 11 15 (S (NP (NP The economy 's )NP temperature )NP (VP will (VP be (VP taken (PP from (NP (NP (NP several vantage points )NP (NP this week )NP , (PP with (NP readings )NP )PP )NP (PP on (NP trade , output , housing and inflation )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 13 14 (S (NP (NP The economy 's )NP temperature )NP (VP will (VP be (VP taken (PP from (NP several vantage points )NP )PP (NP this week )NP )VP , (PP with (NP (NP readings )NP (PP on (NP trade , output , housing and inflation )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 11 15 (S (NP (NP The economy 's )NP temperature )NP (VP will (VP be (VP taken (PP from (NP (NP several vantage points )NP (NP this week )NP )NP )PP , (SBAR with (S (NP readings )NP (PP on (NP trade , output , housing and inflation )NP )PP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP . )S 13 15 (S (NP (NP The economy 's )NP temperature )NP (VP will (VP be (VP taken (PP from (NP several vantage points )NP )PP (NP this week )NP , (PP with (NP (NP readings )NP (PP on (NP trade )NP )PP , (UCP output , housing and inflation )UCP )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 13 13 (S (NP (NP The economy 's )NP temperature )NP (VP will (VP be (VP taken (PP from (NP several vantage points )NP )PP (NP this week )NP , (PP with (NP readings )NP (PP on (NP trade , output , housing and inflation )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 10 14 (S (NP (NP The economy 's )NP temperature )NP (VP will (VP be (VP taken (PP from (NP several vantage points )NP )PP (NP this week )NP )VP )VP , (SBAR with (S (NP readings )NP (PP on (NP trade , output , housing and inflation )NP )PP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 10 15 (S (NP (NP The economy 's )NP temperature )NP (VP will (VP be (VP taken (PP from (NP (NP several vantage points )NP (NP this week )NP )NP )PP , (SBAR with (S (VP readings (PP on (NP trade , output , housing and inflation )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP . )S 11 14 (S (NP (NP The economy 's )NP temperature )NP (VP will (VP be (VP taken (PP from (NP several vantage points )NP )PP (NP this week )NP )VP , (SBAR with (S (NP readings )NP (PP on (NP trade , output , housing and inflation )NP )PP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 12 14 (S (NP (NP The economy 's )NP temperature )NP (VP will (VP be (VP taken (PP from (NP several vantage points )NP )PP (NP (NP this week )NP , (PP with (NP readings )NP )PP )NP (PP on (NP trade , output , housing and inflation )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 11 14 (S (NP (NP The economy 's )NP temperature )NP (VP will (VP be (VP taken (PP from (NP (NP several vantage points )NP (NP this week )NP , (PP with (NP readings )NP )PP )NP )PP (PP on (NP trade , output , housing and inflation )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 9 14 (S (NP (NP The economy 's )NP temperature )NP (VP will (VP be (VP taken (PP from (NP several vantage points )NP )PP (NP this week )NP )VP )VP , (SBAR with (S (VP readings (PP on (NP trade , output , housing and inflation )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 10 14 (S (NP (NP The economy 's )NP temperature )NP (VP will (VP be (VP taken (PP from (NP several vantage points )NP )PP (NP this week )NP )VP , (SBAR with (S (VP readings (PP on (NP trade , output , housing and inflation )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 11 14 (S (NP (NP The economy 's )NP temperature )NP (VP will (VP be (VP taken (PP from (NP several vantage points )NP (NP this week )NP )PP , (SBAR with (S (NP readings )NP (PP on (NP trade , output , housing and inflation )NP )PP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP . )S 15 16 (S (NP (NP The economy 's )NP temperature )NP (VP will (VP be (VP taken (PP from (NP several vantage points )NP )PP (NP this week )NP , (PP with (NP (NP readings )NP (PP on (NP (NP trade )NP , (NP output , housing and inflation )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 13 15 (S (NP (NP The economy 's )NP temperature )NP (VP will (VP be (VP taken (PP from (NP several vantage points )NP (NP (NP this week )NP , (PP with (NP (NP readings )NP (PP on (NP trade , output , housing and inflation )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 11 15 (S (NP (NP The economy 's )NP temperature )NP (VP will (VP be (VP taken (PP from (NP (NP (NP several vantage points )NP (NP this week )NP , )NP (PP with (NP readings )NP )PP )NP )PP (PP on (NP trade , output , housing and inflation )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 12 15 (S (NP (NP The economy 's )NP temperature )NP (VP will (VP be (VP (VP taken (PP from (NP several vantage points )NP )PP (NP this week )NP )VP , (SBAR with (S (NP readings )NP (PP on (NP trade , output , housing and inflation )NP )PP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP . )S 10 14 (S (NP (NP The economy 's )NP temperature )NP (VP will (VP be (VP taken (PP from (NP several vantage points )NP (NP this week )NP )PP , (SBAR with (S (VP readings (PP on (NP trade , output , housing and inflation )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP . )S 11 11 (S (NP (NP The economy 's )NP temperature )NP (VP will (VP be (VP taken (PP from (NP several vantage points )NP )PP (NP this week )NP , (PP with (NP readings on trade , output , housing and inflation )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 11 15 (S (NP (NP The economy 's )NP temperature )NP (VP will (VP (VP be (VP taken (PP from (NP several vantage points )NP )PP (NP this week )NP )VP )VP , (SBAR with (S (NP readings )NP (PP on (NP trade , output , housing and inflation )NP )PP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 11 15 (S (NP (NP The economy 's )NP temperature )NP (VP will (VP be (VP taken (PP from (NP (NP (NP several vantage points )NP (NP this week )NP )NP , (PP with (NP readings )NP )PP )NP )PP (PP on (NP trade , output , housing and inflation )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 11 15 (S (NP (NP The economy 's )NP temperature )NP (VP will (VP be (VP taken (PP from (NP (NP (NP several vantage points )NP (NP this week )NP , )NP (PP with (NP readings )NP )PP (PP on (NP trade , output , housing and inflation )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 13 16 (S (NP (NP The economy 's )NP temperature )NP (VP will (VP be (VP taken (PP from (NP several vantage points )NP )PP (NP this week )NP , (SBAR with (S (NP readings )NP (PP on (NP (NP trade )NP , (UCP output , housing and inflation )UCP )NP )PP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP . )S 11 15 (S (NP (NP The economy 's )NP temperature )NP (VP will (VP be (VP (VP taken (PP from (NP several vantage points )NP )PP (NP this week )NP )VP , (SBAR with (S (VP readings (PP on (NP trade , output , housing and inflation )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP . )S 13 15 (S (NP (NP The economy 's )NP temperature )NP (VP will (VP be (VP taken (PP from (NP (NP several vantage points )NP (NP this week )NP , )NP (PP with (NP (NP readings )NP (PP on (NP trade , output , housing and inflation )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 14 15 (S (NP (NP The economy 's )NP temperature )NP (VP will (VP be (S (VP taken (PP from (NP several vantage points )NP )PP (NP this week )NP , (PP with (NP (NP readings )NP (PP on (NP trade , output , housing and inflation )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 11 15 (S (NP (NP The economy 's )NP temperature )NP (VP will (VP be (VP taken (PP from (NP (NP several vantage points )NP (NP this week )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP , (PP with (NP (NP readings )NP (PP on (NP trade , output , housing and inflation )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 11 14 (S (NP (NP The economy 's )NP temperature )NP (VP will (VP be (VP taken (PP from (NP (NP several vantage points )NP (NP this week )NP )NP )PP , (PP with (NP readings )NP )PP (PP on (NP trade , output , housing and inflation )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 12 16 (S (NP (NP The economy 's )NP temperature )NP (VP will (VP be (VP taken (PP from (NP (NP several vantage points )NP (NP this week )NP )NP )PP , (SBAR with (S (NP (NP readings )NP (PP on (NP trade , output , housing and inflation )NP )PP )NP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP . )S 50 10 10 (S (NP The (ADJP most troublesome )ADJP report )NP (VP may (VP be (NP (NP the August merchandise trade deficit )NP (ADJP due (ADVP out )ADVP (NP tomorrow )NP )ADJP )NP )VP )VP . )S 10 10 (S (NP The (ADJP most troublesome )ADJP report )NP (VP may (VP be (NP (NP the August merchandise trade deficit )NP (ADJP due (ADVP out )ADVP (NP tomorrow )NP )ADJP )NP )VP )VP . )S 10 10 (S (NP The (ADJP most troublesome )ADJP report )NP (VP may (VP be (NP (NP the August merchandise trade deficit )NP (ADJP due (ADVP out )ADVP (NP tomorrow )NP )ADJP )NP )VP )VP . )S 10 10 (S (NP The (ADJP most troublesome )ADJP report )NP (VP may (VP be (NP (NP the August merchandise trade deficit )NP (ADJP due (ADVP out )ADVP (NP tomorrow )NP )ADJP )NP )VP )VP . )S 10 10 (S (NP The (ADJP most troublesome )ADJP report )NP (VP may (VP be (NP (NP the August merchandise trade deficit )NP (ADJP due (ADVP out )ADVP (NP tomorrow )NP )ADJP )NP )VP )VP . )S 9 9 (S (NP The most troublesome report )NP (VP may (VP be (NP (NP the August merchandise trade deficit )NP (ADJP due (ADVP out )ADVP (NP tomorrow )NP )ADJP )NP )VP )VP . )S 9 9 (S (NP The most troublesome report )NP (VP may (VP be (NP (NP the August merchandise trade deficit )NP (ADJP due (ADVP out )ADVP (NP tomorrow )NP )ADJP )NP )VP )VP . )S 10 10 (S (NP The (ADJP most troublesome )ADJP report )NP (VP may (VP be (NP (NP the August merchandise trade deficit )NP (ADJP due (ADVP out )ADVP (NP tomorrow )NP )ADJP )NP )VP )VP . )S 9 10 (S (NP The (ADJP most troublesome )ADJP report )NP (VP may (VP be (NP (NP the August merchandise trade deficit )NP (ADJP due (PP out (NP tomorrow )NP )PP )ADJP )NP )VP )VP . )S 9 9 (S (NP The most troublesome report )NP (VP may (VP be (NP (NP the August merchandise trade deficit )NP (ADJP due (ADVP out )ADVP (NP tomorrow )NP )ADJP )NP )VP )VP . )S 9 10 (S (NP The (ADJP most troublesome )ADJP report )NP (VP may (VP be (S (NP the August merchandise trade deficit )NP (ADJP due (ADVP out )ADVP (NP tomorrow )NP )ADJP )S )VP )VP . )S 9 10 (S (NP The (ADJP most troublesome )ADJP report )NP (VP may (VP be (S (NP the August merchandise trade deficit )NP (ADJP due (ADVP out )ADVP (NP tomorrow )NP )ADJP )S )VP )VP . )S 8 9 (S (NP The (ADJP most troublesome )ADJP report )NP (VP may (VP be (NP (NP the August merchandise trade deficit )NP (ADJP due (NP out tomorrow )NP )ADJP )NP )VP )VP . )S 9 9 (S (NP The most troublesome report )NP (VP may (VP be (NP (NP the August merchandise trade deficit )NP (ADJP due (ADVP out )ADVP (NP tomorrow )NP )ADJP )NP )VP )VP . )S 8 9 (S (NP The (ADJP most troublesome )ADJP report )NP (VP may (VP be (NP (NP the August merchandise trade deficit )NP (PP due out (NP tomorrow )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP . )S 10 11 (S (NP The (ADJP most troublesome )ADJP report )NP (VP may (VP be (S (NP (NP the August merchandise trade deficit )NP (ADJP due (ADVP out )ADVP (NP tomorrow )NP )ADJP )NP )S )VP )VP . )S 9 9 (S (NP The most troublesome report )NP (VP may (VP be (NP (NP the August merchandise trade deficit )NP (ADJP due (ADVP out )ADVP (NP tomorrow )NP )ADJP )NP )VP )VP . )S 10 11 (S (NP The (ADJP most troublesome )ADJP report )NP (VP may (S (VP be (NP (NP the August merchandise trade deficit )NP (ADJP due (ADVP out )ADVP (NP tomorrow )NP )ADJP )NP )VP )S )VP . )S 10 11 (S (NP The (ADJP most troublesome )ADJP report )NP (VP may (VP be (S (NP (NP the August merchandise trade deficit )NP (ADJP due (ADVP out )ADVP (NP tomorrow )NP )ADJP )NP )S )VP )VP . )S 10 11 (S (NP The (ADJP most troublesome )ADJP report )NP (VP may (S (VP be (NP (NP the August merchandise trade deficit )NP (ADJP due (ADVP out )ADVP (NP tomorrow )NP )ADJP )NP )VP )S )VP . )S 7 8 (S (NP The (ADJP most troublesome )ADJP report )NP (VP may (VP be (NP the August merchandise trade deficit )NP (PP due out (NP tomorrow )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 9 10 (S (NP The (ADJP most troublesome )ADJP report )NP (VP may (VP be (NP (NP the August merchandise trade deficit )NP (ADJP due (PP out (NP tomorrow )NP )PP )ADJP )NP )VP )VP . )S 8 9 (S (NP The (ADJP most troublesome )ADJP report )NP (VP may (VP be (NP (NP the August merchandise trade deficit )NP (PP due out (NP tomorrow )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP . )S 9 10 (S (NP The (ADJP most troublesome )ADJP report )NP (VP may (VP be (NP (NP the August merchandise trade deficit )NP (ADJP due (PP out (NP tomorrow )NP )PP )ADJP )NP )VP )VP . )S 9 10 (S (NP The (ADJP most troublesome )ADJP report )NP (VP may (VP be (S (NP the August merchandise trade deficit )NP (ADJP due (ADVP out )ADVP (NP tomorrow )NP )ADJP )S )VP )VP . )S 8 10 (S (NP The (ADJP most troublesome )ADJP report )NP (VP may (VP be (S (NP the August merchandise trade deficit )NP (ADJP due (PP out (NP tomorrow )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP )VP . )S 9 10 (S (NP (NP The most troublesome )NP report )NP (VP may (VP be (NP (NP the August merchandise trade deficit )NP (ADJP due (ADVP out )ADVP (NP tomorrow )NP )ADJP )NP )VP )VP . )S 9 11 (S (NP The (ADJP most troublesome )ADJP report )NP (VP may (VP be (NP (NP the August merchandise trade deficit )NP (ADJP (ADJP due )ADJP (PP out (NP tomorrow )NP )PP )ADJP )NP )VP )VP . )S 7 10 (S (NP The (ADJP most troublesome )ADJP report )NP (VP may (VP be (NP (NP the August merchandise trade deficit )NP (ADJP due )ADJP )NP (PP out (NP tomorrow )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 9 10 (S (NP (NP The most troublesome )NP report )NP (VP may (VP be (NP (NP the August merchandise trade deficit )NP (ADJP due (ADVP out )ADVP (NP tomorrow )NP )ADJP )NP )VP )VP . )S 7 8 (S (NP The (ADJP most troublesome )ADJP report )NP (VP may (VP be (NP the August merchandise trade deficit )NP (PP due out (NP tomorrow )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 7 10 (S (NP The (ADJP most troublesome )ADJP report )NP (VP may (VP be (NP (NP the August merchandise trade deficit )NP (ADJP due )ADJP )NP (PP out (NP tomorrow )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 8 9 (S (NP The most troublesome report )NP (VP may (VP be (NP (NP the August merchandise trade deficit )NP (ADJP due (PP out (NP tomorrow )NP )PP )ADJP )NP )VP )VP . )S 9 10 (S (NP The (ADJP most troublesome )ADJP report )NP (VP may (VP be (NP (NP the August merchandise trade deficit )NP (VP due (PRT out )PRT (NP tomorrow )NP )VP )NP )VP )VP . )S 9 10 (S (NP The (ADJP most troublesome )ADJP report )NP (VP may (VP be (S (NP the August merchandise trade deficit )NP (ADJP due (ADVP out )ADVP (NP tomorrow )NP )ADJP )S )VP )VP . )S 9 10 (S (NP The (ADJP most troublesome )ADJP report )NP (VP may (VP be (S (NP the August merchandise trade deficit )NP (ADJP due (ADVP out )ADVP (NP tomorrow )NP )ADJP )S )VP )VP . )S 10 11 (S (NP The (ADJP most troublesome )ADJP report )NP (VP may (VP be (VP (NP (NP the August merchandise trade deficit )NP (ADJP due (ADVP out )ADVP (NP tomorrow )NP )ADJP )NP )VP )VP )VP . )S 8 9 (S (NP The (ADJP most troublesome )ADJP report )NP (VP may (VP be (NP (NP the August merchandise trade deficit )NP (PP due out (NP tomorrow )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP . )S 9 9 (S (NP The most troublesome report )NP (VP may (VP be (NP (NP the August merchandise trade deficit )NP (ADJP due (ADVP out )ADVP (NP tomorrow )NP )ADJP )NP )VP )VP . )S 10 11 (S (NP The (ADJP most troublesome )ADJP report )NP (VP may (VP be (S (NP (NP the August merchandise trade deficit )NP (ADJP due (ADVP out )ADVP (NP tomorrow )NP )ADJP )NP )S )VP )VP . )S 7 9 (S (NP The (ADJP most troublesome )ADJP report )NP (VP may (VP be (NP the August merchandise trade deficit )NP (ADVP due (PP out (NP tomorrow )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP . )S 10 11 (S (NP The (ADJP most troublesome )ADJP report )NP (VP may (VP be (VP (NP (NP the August merchandise trade deficit )NP (ADJP due (ADVP out )ADVP (NP tomorrow )NP )ADJP )NP )VP )VP )VP . )S 10 11 (S (NP The (ADJP most troublesome )ADJP report )NP (VP may (S (VP be (NP (NP the August merchandise trade deficit )NP (ADJP due (ADVP out )ADVP (NP tomorrow )NP )ADJP )NP )VP )S )VP . )S 8 10 (S (NP The (ADJP most troublesome )ADJP report )NP (VP may (VP be (NP (NP the August merchandise trade deficit )NP (ADJP due (ADVP out )ADVP )ADJP )NP (NP tomorrow )NP )VP )VP . )S 8 10 (S (NP The (ADJP most troublesome )ADJP report )NP (VP may (VP be (NP (NP the August merchandise trade deficit )NP (ADJP due (ADVP out )ADVP )ADJP )NP (NP tomorrow )NP )VP )VP . )S 7 10 (S (NP The (ADJP most troublesome )ADJP report )NP (VP may (VP be (NP (NP the August merchandise trade deficit )NP (ADVP due )ADVP )NP (PP out (NP tomorrow )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 8 9 (S (NP The (ADJP most troublesome )ADJP report )NP (VP may (VP be (NP (NP the August merchandise trade deficit )NP (ADJP due (NP out tomorrow )NP )ADJP )NP )VP )VP . )S 8 9 (S (NP The (ADJP most troublesome )ADJP report )NP (VP may (VP be (NP (NP the August merchandise trade deficit )NP (ADJP due (NP out tomorrow )NP )ADJP )NP )VP )VP . )S 8 9 (S (NP The (ADJP most troublesome )ADJP report )NP (VP may (VP be (NP (NP the August merchandise trade deficit )NP (PP due out (NP tomorrow )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP . )S 7 9 (S (NP The (ADJP most troublesome )ADJP report )NP (VP may (VP be (NP (NP the August merchandise trade deficit )NP (ADJP due out )ADJP )NP (NP tomorrow )NP )VP )VP . )S 50 27 27 (S (NP The trade gap )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP widen (PP to (NP (QP about $ 9 billion )QP )NP )PP (PP from (NP (NP July 's )NP (QP $ 7.6 billion )QP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , (PP according (PP to (NP (NP a survey )NP (PP by (NP (NP MMS International )NP , (NP (NP a unit )NP (PP of (NP (NP McGraw-Hill Inc. )NP , (NP New York )NP )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP . )S 27 27 (S (NP The trade gap )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP widen (PP to (NP (QP about $ 9 billion )QP )NP )PP (PP from (NP (NP July 's )NP (QP $ 7.6 billion )QP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , (PP according (PP to (NP (NP a survey )NP (PP by (NP (NP MMS International )NP , (NP (NP a unit )NP (PP of (NP (NP McGraw-Hill Inc. )NP , (NP New York )NP )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP . )S 24 27 (S (NP The trade gap )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP widen (PP to (NP (QP about $ 9 billion )QP )NP )PP (PP from (NP (NP July 's )NP (QP $ 7.6 billion )QP )NP )PP , (PP according (PP to (NP (NP a survey )NP (PP by (NP (NP MMS International )NP , (NP (NP a unit )NP (PP of (NP (NP McGraw-Hill Inc. )NP , (NP New York )NP )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 26 28 (S (NP The trade gap )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP widen (PP to (NP (NP (QP about $ 9 billion )QP )NP (PP from (NP (NP July 's )NP (QP $ 7.6 billion )QP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , (PP according (PP to (NP (NP a survey )NP (PP by (NP (NP MMS International )NP , (NP (NP a unit )NP (PP of (NP (NP McGraw-Hill Inc. )NP , (NP New York )NP )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP . )S 24 27 (S (NP The trade gap )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP widen (PP to (NP (QP about $ 9 billion )QP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S (PP from (NP (NP July 's )NP (QP $ 7.6 billion )QP )NP )PP , (PP according (PP to (NP (NP a survey )NP (PP by (NP (NP MMS International )NP , (NP (NP a unit )NP (PP of (NP (NP McGraw-Hill Inc. )NP , (NP New York )NP )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP . )S 24 27 (S (NP The trade gap )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP widen (PP to (NP (QP about $ 9 billion )QP )NP )PP (PP from (NP (NP July 's )NP (QP $ 7.6 billion )QP )NP )PP , (PP according (PP to (NP (NP a survey )NP (PP by (NP (NP MMS International )NP , (NP (NP a unit )NP (PP of (NP (NP McGraw-Hill Inc. )NP , (NP New York )NP )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 26 28 (S (NP The trade gap )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP widen (PP to (NP (NP (QP about $ 9 billion )QP )NP (PP from (NP (NP July 's )NP (QP $ 7.6 billion )QP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , (PP according (PP to (NP (NP a survey )NP (PP by (NP (NP MMS International )NP , (NP (NP a unit )NP (PP of (NP (NP McGraw-Hill Inc. )NP , (NP New York )NP )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP . )S 24 27 (S (NP The trade gap )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP widen (PP to (NP (QP about $ 9 billion )QP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S (PP from (NP (NP July 's )NP (QP $ 7.6 billion )QP )NP )PP , (PP according (PP to (NP (NP a survey )NP (PP by (NP (NP MMS International )NP , (NP (NP a unit )NP (PP of (NP (NP McGraw-Hill Inc. )NP , (NP New York )NP )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP . )S 26 27 (S (NP The trade gap )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP widen (PP to (NP (QP about $ 9 billion )QP )NP (PP from (NP (NP July 's )NP (QP $ 7.6 billion )QP )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )S , (PP according (PP to (NP (NP a survey )NP (PP by (NP (NP MMS International )NP , (NP (NP a unit )NP (PP of (NP (NP McGraw-Hill Inc. )NP , (NP New York )NP )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP . )S 26 27 (S (NP The trade gap )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP widen (PP to (NP (QP about $ 9 billion )QP )NP (PP from (NP (NP July 's )NP (QP $ 7.6 billion )QP )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )S , (PP according (PP to (NP (NP a survey )NP (PP by (NP (NP MMS International )NP , (NP (NP a unit )NP (PP of (NP (NP McGraw-Hill Inc. )NP , (NP New York )NP )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP . )S 26 27 (S (NP The trade gap )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP widen (PP to (NP (QP about $ 9 billion )QP )NP )PP (PP from (NP July 's )NP (NP (QP $ 7.6 billion )QP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , (PP according (PP to (NP (NP a survey )NP (PP by (NP (NP MMS International )NP , (NP (NP a unit )NP (PP of (NP (NP McGraw-Hill Inc. )NP , (NP New York )NP )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP . )S 26 27 (S (NP The trade gap )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP widen (PP to (NP (QP about $ 9 billion )QP )NP )PP (PP from (NP July 's )NP (NP (QP $ 7.6 billion )QP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , (PP according (PP to (NP (NP a survey )NP (PP by (NP (NP MMS International )NP , (NP (NP a unit )NP (PP of (NP (NP McGraw-Hill Inc. )NP , (NP New York )NP )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP . )S 27 28 (S (NP The trade gap )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP widen (PP (PP to (NP (QP about $ 9 billion )QP )NP )PP (PP from (NP (NP July 's )NP (QP $ 7.6 billion )QP )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )S , (PP according (PP to (NP (NP a survey )NP (PP by (NP (NP MMS International )NP , (NP (NP a unit )NP (PP of (NP (NP McGraw-Hill Inc. )NP , (NP New York )NP )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP . )S 27 28 (S (NP The trade gap )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP widen (PP to (NP (QP about $ 9 billion )QP )NP )PP (PP from (NP (NP July 's )NP (NP (QP $ 7.6 billion )QP )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , (PP according (PP to (NP (NP a survey )NP (PP by (NP (NP MMS International )NP , (NP (NP a unit )NP (PP of (NP (NP McGraw-Hill Inc. )NP , (NP New York )NP )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP . )S 27 28 (S (NP The trade gap )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP widen (PP (PP to (NP (QP about $ 9 billion )QP )NP )PP (PP from (NP (NP July 's )NP (QP $ 7.6 billion )QP )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )S , (PP according (PP to (NP (NP a survey )NP (PP by (NP (NP MMS International )NP , (NP (NP a unit )NP (PP of (NP (NP McGraw-Hill Inc. )NP , (NP New York )NP )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP . )S 27 28 (S (NP The trade gap )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP widen (PP to (NP (QP about $ 9 billion )QP )NP )PP (PP from (NP (NP July 's )NP (NP (QP $ 7.6 billion )QP )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , (PP according (PP to (NP (NP a survey )NP (PP by (NP (NP MMS International )NP , (NP (NP a unit )NP (PP of (NP (NP McGraw-Hill Inc. )NP , (NP New York )NP )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP . )S 23 28 (S (NP The trade gap )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP widen (PP to (NP (NP (QP about $ 9 billion )QP )NP (PP from (NP (NP July 's )NP (QP $ 7.6 billion )QP )NP )PP )NP )PP , (PP according (PP to (NP (NP a survey )NP (PP by (NP (NP MMS International )NP , (NP (NP a unit )NP (PP of (NP (NP McGraw-Hill Inc. )NP , (NP New York )NP )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 27 28 (S (NP The trade gap )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP widen (PP to (NP (QP about $ 9 billion )QP )NP )PP (PP from (NP (NP July 's )NP (ADJP (QP $ 7.6 billion )QP )ADJP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , (PP according (PP to (NP (NP a survey )NP (PP by (NP (NP MMS International )NP , (NP (NP a unit )NP (PP of (NP (NP McGraw-Hill Inc. )NP , (NP New York )NP )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP . )S 23 28 (S (NP The trade gap )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP widen (PP to (NP (NP (QP about $ 9 billion )QP )NP (PP from (NP (NP July 's )NP (QP $ 7.6 billion )QP )NP )PP )NP )PP , (PP according (PP to (NP (NP a survey )NP (PP by (NP (NP MMS International )NP , (NP (NP a unit )NP (PP of (NP (NP McGraw-Hill Inc. )NP , (NP New York )NP )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 23 27 (S (NP The trade gap )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP widen (PP to (NP (QP about $ 9 billion )QP )NP (PP from (NP (NP July 's )NP (QP $ 7.6 billion )QP )NP )PP )PP , (PP according (PP to (NP (NP a survey )NP (PP by (NP (NP MMS International )NP , (NP (NP a unit )NP (PP of (NP (NP McGraw-Hill Inc. )NP , (NP New York )NP )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 27 28 (S (NP The trade gap )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP widen (PP to (NP (QP about $ 9 billion )QP )NP )PP (PP from (NP (NP July 's )NP (ADJP (QP $ 7.6 billion )QP )ADJP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , (PP according (PP to (NP (NP a survey )NP (PP by (NP (NP MMS International )NP , (NP (NP a unit )NP (PP of (NP (NP McGraw-Hill Inc. )NP , (NP New York )NP )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP . )S 25 27 (S (NP The trade gap )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP widen (PP to (NP (QP about $ 9 billion )QP )NP )PP (PP from (NP July 's )NP )PP (NP (QP $ 7.6 billion )QP )NP )VP )VP )S , (PP according (PP to (NP (NP a survey )NP (PP by (NP (NP MMS International )NP , (NP (NP a unit )NP (PP of (NP (NP McGraw-Hill Inc. )NP , (NP New York )NP )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP . )S 24 26 (S (NP The trade gap )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP widen (PP to (NP (QP about $ 9 billion )QP )NP )PP (PP from (NP (NP July 's )NP (QP $ 7.6 billion )QP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , (PP according (PP to (NP (NP a survey )NP (PP by (NP (NP MMS International )NP , (NP a unit )NP )NP )PP (PP of (NP (NP McGraw-Hill Inc. )NP , (NP New York )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP . )S 23 27 (S (NP The trade gap )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP widen (PP to (NP (QP about $ 9 billion )QP )NP (PP from (NP (NP July 's )NP (QP $ 7.6 billion )QP )NP )PP )PP , (PP according (PP to (NP (NP a survey )NP (PP by (NP (NP MMS International )NP , (NP (NP a unit )NP (PP of (NP (NP McGraw-Hill Inc. )NP , (NP New York )NP )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 25 27 (S (NP The trade gap )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP widen (PP to (NP (QP about $ 9 billion )QP )NP )PP (PP from (NP July 's )NP )PP (NP (QP $ 7.6 billion )QP )NP )VP )VP )S , (PP according (PP to (NP (NP a survey )NP (PP by (NP (NP MMS International )NP , (NP (NP a unit )NP (PP of (NP (NP McGraw-Hill Inc. )NP , (NP New York )NP )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP . )S 24 26 (S (NP The trade gap )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP widen (PP to (NP (QP about $ 9 billion )QP )NP )PP (PP from (NP (NP July 's )NP (QP $ 7.6 billion )QP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , (PP according (PP to (NP (NP a survey )NP (PP by (NP (NP MMS International )NP , (NP a unit )NP )NP )PP (PP of (NP (NP McGraw-Hill Inc. )NP , (NP New York )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP . )S 23 27 (S (NP The trade gap )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP widen (PP to (NP (QP about $ 9 billion )QP )NP )PP (PP from (NP July 's )NP (NP (QP $ 7.6 billion )QP )NP )PP , (PP according (PP to (NP (NP a survey )NP (PP by (NP (NP MMS International )NP , (NP (NP a unit )NP (PP of (NP (NP McGraw-Hill Inc. )NP , (NP New York )NP )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 24 27 (S (NP The trade gap )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP widen (PP to (NP (QP about $ 9 billion )QP )NP )PP (PP from (NP (NP July 's )NP (QP $ 7.6 billion )QP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , (PP according (PP to (NP (NP a survey )NP (PP by (NP (NP (NP MMS International )NP , (NP (NP a unit )NP (PP of (NP McGraw-Hill Inc. )NP )PP )NP )NP , (NP New York )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP . )S 23 27 (S (NP The trade gap )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP widen (PP to (NP (QP about $ 9 billion )QP )NP )PP (PP from (NP July 's )NP (NP (QP $ 7.6 billion )QP )NP )PP , (PP according (PP to (NP (NP a survey )NP (PP by (NP (NP MMS International )NP , (NP (NP a unit )NP (PP of (NP (NP McGraw-Hill Inc. )NP , (NP New York )NP )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 26 27 (S (NP The trade gap )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP widen (PP (PP to (NP (QP about $ 9 billion )QP )NP )PP from (NP (NP July 's )NP (QP $ 7.6 billion )QP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , (PP according (PP to (NP (NP a survey )NP (PP by (NP (NP MMS International )NP , (NP (NP a unit )NP (PP of (NP (NP McGraw-Hill Inc. )NP , (NP New York )NP )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP . )S 24 27 (S (NP The trade gap )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP widen (PP to (NP (QP about $ 9 billion )QP )NP )PP (PP from (NP (NP July 's )NP (QP $ 7.6 billion )QP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , (PP according (PP to (NP (NP a survey )NP (PP by (NP (NP (NP MMS International )NP , (NP (NP a unit )NP (PP of (NP McGraw-Hill Inc. )NP )PP )NP )NP , (NP New York )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP . )S 26 27 (S (NP The trade gap )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP widen (PP (PP to (NP (QP about $ 9 billion )QP )NP )PP from (NP (NP July 's )NP (QP $ 7.6 billion )QP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , (PP according (PP to (NP (NP a survey )NP (PP by (NP (NP MMS International )NP , (NP (NP a unit )NP (PP of (NP (NP McGraw-Hill Inc. )NP , (NP New York )NP )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP . )S 21 26 (S (NP The trade gap )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP widen (PP to (NP (QP about $ 9 billion )QP )NP )PP (PP from (NP (NP July 's )NP (QP $ 7.6 billion )QP )NP )PP , (PP according (PP to (NP a survey )NP )PP )PP (PP by (NP (NP MMS International )NP , (NP (NP a unit )NP (PP of (NP (NP McGraw-Hill Inc. )NP , (NP New York )NP )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 24 28 (S (NP The trade gap )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP widen (PP to (NP (QP about $ 9 billion )QP )NP )PP (PP from (NP (NP July 's )NP (NP (QP $ 7.6 billion )QP )NP )NP )PP , (PP according (PP to (NP (NP a survey )NP (PP by (NP (NP MMS International )NP , (NP (NP a unit )NP (PP of (NP (NP McGraw-Hill Inc. )NP , (NP New York )NP )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 24 26 (S (NP The trade gap )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP widen (PP to (NP (QP about $ 9 billion )QP )NP )PP (PP from (NP (NP July 's )NP (QP $ 7.6 billion )QP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , (PP according (PP to (NP a survey )NP )PP )PP (PP by (NP (NP MMS International )NP , (NP (NP a unit )NP (PP of (NP (NP McGraw-Hill Inc. )NP , (NP New York )NP )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 21 26 (S (NP The trade gap )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP widen (PP to (NP (QP about $ 9 billion )QP )NP )PP (PP from (NP (NP July 's )NP (QP $ 7.6 billion )QP )NP )PP , (PP according (PP to (NP a survey )NP )PP )PP (PP by (NP (NP MMS International )NP , (NP (NP a unit )NP (PP of (NP (NP McGraw-Hill Inc. )NP , (NP New York )NP )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 26 29 (S (NP The trade gap )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP widen (PP to (NP (NP (QP about $ 9 billion )QP )NP (PP from (NP (NP July 's )NP (NP (QP $ 7.6 billion )QP )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , (PP according (PP to (NP (NP a survey )NP (PP by (NP (NP MMS International )NP , (NP (NP a unit )NP (PP of (NP (NP McGraw-Hill Inc. )NP , (NP New York )NP )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP . )S 24 28 (S (NP The trade gap )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP widen (PP to (NP (QP about $ 9 billion )QP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S (PP from (NP (NP July 's )NP (NP (QP $ 7.6 billion )QP )NP )NP )PP , (PP according (PP to (NP (NP a survey )NP (PP by (NP (NP MMS International )NP , (NP (NP a unit )NP (PP of (NP (NP McGraw-Hill Inc. )NP , (NP New York )NP )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP . )S 24 28 (S (NP The trade gap )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP widen (PP to (NP (QP about $ 9 billion )QP )NP )PP (PP from (NP (NP July 's )NP (NP (QP $ 7.6 billion )QP )NP )NP )PP , (PP according (PP to (NP (NP a survey )NP (PP by (NP (NP MMS International )NP , (NP (NP a unit )NP (PP of (NP (NP McGraw-Hill Inc. )NP , (NP New York )NP )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 24 26 (S (NP The trade gap )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP widen (PP to (NP (QP about $ 9 billion )QP )NP )PP (PP from (NP (NP July 's )NP (QP $ 7.6 billion )QP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , (PP according (PP to (NP a survey )NP )PP )PP (PP by (NP (NP MMS International )NP , (NP (NP a unit )NP (PP of (NP (NP McGraw-Hill Inc. )NP , (NP New York )NP )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 26 27 (S (NP The trade gap )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP widen (PP to (NP (QP about $ 9 billion )QP )NP )PP (PP from (NP (NP July 's )NP (QP $ 7.6 billion )QP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP , (PP according (PP to (NP (NP a survey )NP (PP by (NP (NP MMS International )NP , (NP (NP a unit )NP (PP of (NP (NP McGraw-Hill Inc. )NP , (NP New York )NP )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP . )S 22 27 (S (NP The trade gap )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP widen (PP to (NP (QP about $ 9 billion )QP )NP )PP (PP from (NP July 's )NP )PP (NP (QP $ 7.6 billion )QP )NP , (PP according (PP to (NP (NP a survey )NP (PP by (NP (NP MMS International )NP , (NP (NP a unit )NP (PP of (NP (NP McGraw-Hill Inc. )NP , (NP New York )NP )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 26 29 (S (NP The trade gap )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP widen (PP to (NP (NP (QP about $ 9 billion )QP )NP (PP from (NP (NP July 's )NP (NP (QP $ 7.6 billion )QP )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , (PP according (PP to (NP (NP a survey )NP (PP by (NP (NP MMS International )NP , (NP (NP a unit )NP (PP of (NP (NP McGraw-Hill Inc. )NP , (NP New York )NP )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP . )S 24 28 (S (NP The trade gap )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP widen (PP to (NP (QP about $ 9 billion )QP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S (PP from (NP (NP July 's )NP (NP (QP $ 7.6 billion )QP )NP )NP )PP , (PP according (PP to (NP (NP a survey )NP (PP by (NP (NP MMS International )NP , (NP (NP a unit )NP (PP of (NP (NP McGraw-Hill Inc. )NP , (NP New York )NP )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP . )S 26 27 (S (NP The trade gap )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP widen (PP to (NP (QP about $ 9 billion )QP )NP )PP (PP from (NP (NP July 's )NP (QP $ 7.6 billion )QP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP , (PP according (PP to (NP (NP a survey )NP (PP by (NP (NP MMS International )NP , (NP (NP a unit )NP (PP of (NP (NP McGraw-Hill Inc. )NP , (NP New York )NP )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP . )S 22 27 (S (NP The trade gap )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP widen (PP to (NP (QP about $ 9 billion )QP )NP )PP (PP from (NP July 's )NP )PP (NP (QP $ 7.6 billion )QP )NP , (PP according (PP to (NP (NP a survey )NP (PP by (NP (NP MMS International )NP , (NP (NP a unit )NP (PP of (NP (NP McGraw-Hill Inc. )NP , (NP New York )NP )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 26 28 (S (NP The trade gap )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP widen (PP to (NP (QP about $ 9 billion )QP )NP (PP from (NP (NP July 's )NP (NP (QP $ 7.6 billion )QP )NP )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )S , (PP according (PP to (NP (NP a survey )NP (PP by (NP (NP MMS International )NP , (NP (NP a unit )NP (PP of (NP (NP McGraw-Hill Inc. )NP , (NP New York )NP )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP . )S 24 28 (S (NP The trade gap )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP widen (PP to (NP (NP (QP about $ 9 billion )QP )NP (PP from (NP July 's )NP )PP (ADJP (QP $ 7.6 billion )QP )ADJP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , (PP according (PP to (NP (NP a survey )NP (PP by (NP (NP MMS International )NP , (NP (NP a unit )NP (PP of (NP (NP McGraw-Hill Inc. )NP , (NP New York )NP )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP . )S 24 28 (S (NP The trade gap )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP widen (PP to (NP (QP about $ 9 billion )QP )NP )PP (PP from (NP (NP July 's )NP (ADJP (QP $ 7.6 billion )QP )ADJP )NP )PP , (PP according (PP to (NP (NP a survey )NP (PP by (NP (NP MMS International )NP , (NP (NP a unit )NP (PP of (NP (NP McGraw-Hill Inc. )NP , (NP New York )NP )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 21 26 (S (NP The trade gap )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP widen (PP to (NP (QP about $ 9 billion )QP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S (PP from (NP (NP July 's )NP (QP $ 7.6 billion )QP )NP )PP , (PP according (PP to (NP a survey )NP )PP )PP (PP by (NP (NP MMS International )NP , (NP (NP a unit )NP (PP of (NP (NP McGraw-Hill Inc. )NP , (NP New York )NP )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 50 17 22 (S (NP (NP (NP Thursday 's )NP report )NP (PP on (NP the September consumer price index )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP rise )VP )VP )S , (SBAR although (FRAG not (ADJP as sharply (PP as (NP (NP the (ADJP 0.9 % )ADJP gain )NP (VP reported (NP Friday )NP (PP in (NP the producer price index )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )ADJP )FRAG )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 17 22 (S (NP (NP (NP Thursday 's )NP report )NP (PP on (NP the September consumer price index )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP rise )VP )VP )S , (SBAR although (FRAG not (ADVP as sharply )ADVP (PP as (NP (NP the (ADJP 0.9 % )ADJP gain )NP (VP reported (NP Friday )NP (PP in (NP the producer price index )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )FRAG )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 17 22 (S (NP (NP (NP Thursday 's )NP report )NP (PP on (NP the September consumer price index )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP rise )VP )VP )S , (SBAR although (FRAG not (ADVP as sharply (PP as (NP (NP the (ADJP 0.9 % )ADJP gain )NP (VP reported (NP Friday )NP (PP in (NP the producer price index )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )ADVP )FRAG )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 18 23 (S (NP (NP (NP Thursday 's )NP report )NP (PP on (NP the September consumer price index )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP rise )VP )VP )S , (SBAR although (FRAG (ADVP not (ADVP as sharply )ADVP (PP as (NP (NP the (ADJP 0.9 % )ADJP gain )NP (VP reported (NP Friday )NP (PP in (NP the producer price index )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )ADVP )FRAG )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 15 22 (S (NP (NP (NP Thursday 's )NP report )NP (PP on (NP the September consumer price index )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP rise )VP )VP )S , (SBAR although (FRAG not (ADVP as sharply (SBAR as (S (NP the (ADJP 0.9 % )ADJP gain )NP (VP reported (NP Friday )NP (PP in (NP the producer price index )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )ADVP )FRAG )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 15 22 (S (NP (NP (NP Thursday 's )NP report )NP (PP on (NP the September consumer price index )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP rise )VP )VP )S , (SBAR although (FRAG not (ADVP as sharply (PP as (NP (NP the (ADJP 0.9 % )ADJP gain )NP (VP reported (NP Friday )NP )VP )NP (PP in (NP the producer price index )NP )PP )PP )ADVP )FRAG )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 14 22 (S (NP (NP (NP Thursday 's )NP report )NP (PP on (NP the September consumer price index )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP rise )VP )VP )S , (SBAR although (S (VP not (ADVP (ADVP as sharply )ADVP (PP as (NP the (ADJP 0.9 % )ADJP gain )NP )PP )ADVP reported (NP Friday )NP (PP in (NP the producer price index )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 16 23 (S (NP (NP (NP Thursday 's )NP report )NP (PP on (NP the September consumer price index )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP rise )VP )VP )S , (SBAR although (FRAG (ADVP not (ADVP as sharply )ADVP (PP as (NP (NP the (ADJP 0.9 % )ADJP gain )NP (VP reported (NP Friday )NP )VP )NP (PP in (NP the producer price index )NP )PP )PP )ADVP )FRAG )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 14 22 (S (NP (NP (NP Thursday 's )NP report )NP (PP on (NP the September consumer price index )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP rise )VP )VP )S , (SBAR although (FRAG not (ADVP as sharply )ADVP (PP as (NP (NP the (ADJP 0.9 % )ADJP gain )NP (VP reported (NP Friday )NP )VP )NP )PP (PP in (NP the producer price index )NP )PP )FRAG )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 17 23 (S (NP (NP (NP Thursday 's )NP report )NP (PP on (NP the September consumer price index )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP rise )VP )VP )S , (SBAR although (FRAG not (ADJP as sharply (PP as (NP (NP the (ADJP 0.9 % )ADJP gain )NP (VP reported (NP (NP Friday )NP (PP in (NP the producer price index )NP )PP )NP )VP )NP )PP )ADJP )FRAG )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 17 23 (S (NP (NP (NP Thursday 's )NP report )NP (PP on (NP the September consumer price index )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP rise )VP )VP )S , (SBAR although (FRAG not (ADVP (ADVP as sharply )ADVP (PP as (NP (NP the (ADJP 0.9 % )ADJP gain )NP (VP reported (NP Friday )NP (PP in (NP the producer price index )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )ADVP )FRAG )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 17 23 (S (NP (NP (NP Thursday 's )NP report )NP (PP on (NP the September consumer price index )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP rise )VP )VP )S , (SBAR although (FRAG not (ADVP as sharply )ADVP (PP as (NP (NP the (ADJP 0.9 % )ADJP gain )NP (VP reported (NP (NP Friday )NP (PP in (NP the producer price index )NP )PP )NP )VP )NP )PP )FRAG )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 15 22 (S (NP (NP (NP Thursday 's )NP report )NP (PP on (NP the September consumer price index )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP rise )VP )VP )S , (SBAR although (FRAG not (ADVP as sharply (SBAR as (S (NP the (ADJP 0.9 % )ADJP gain )NP (VP reported (NP Friday )NP (PP in (NP the producer price index )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )ADVP )FRAG )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 18 22 (S (NP (NP (NP Thursday 's )NP report )NP (PP on (NP the September consumer price index )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP rise )VP )VP )S , (SBAR although (FRAG (ADVP not as sharply (PP as (NP (NP the (ADJP 0.9 % )ADJP gain )NP (VP reported (NP Friday )NP (PP in (NP the producer price index )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )ADVP )FRAG )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 16 22 (S (NP (NP (NP Thursday 's )NP report )NP (PP on (NP the September consumer price index )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP rise )VP )VP )S , (SBAR although (FRAG not (ADJP as sharply (PP as (NP (NP the (ADJP 0.9 % )ADJP gain )NP (VP reported (NP Friday )NP )VP (PP in (NP the producer price index )NP )PP )NP )PP )ADJP )FRAG )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 18 22 (S (NP (NP (NP Thursday 's )NP report )NP (PP on (NP the September consumer price index )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP rise )VP )VP )S , (SBAR although (FRAG (ADVP not as sharply )ADVP (PP as (NP (NP the (ADJP 0.9 % )ADJP gain )NP (VP reported (NP Friday )NP (PP in (NP the producer price index )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )FRAG )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 17 22 (S (NP (NP (NP Thursday 's )NP report )NP (PP on (NP the September consumer price index )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP rise )VP )VP )S , (SBAR although (FRAG not (ADJP as sharply (PP as (NP (NP the (ADJP 0.9 % )ADJP gain )NP (VP reported (NP Friday )NP (PP in (NP the producer price index )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )ADJP )FRAG )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 16 22 (S (NP (NP (NP Thursday 's )NP report )NP (PP on (NP the September consumer price index )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP rise )VP )VP )S , (SBAR although (FRAG not (ADVP as sharply )ADVP (PP as (NP (NP the (ADJP 0.9 % )ADJP gain )NP (VP reported (NP Friday )NP )VP (PP in (NP the producer price index )NP )PP )NP )PP )FRAG )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 15 23 (S (NP (NP (NP Thursday 's )NP report )NP (PP on (NP the September consumer price index )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP rise )VP )VP )S , (SBAR although (FRAG not (ADVP as sharply (SBAR as (S (NP the (ADJP 0.9 % )ADJP gain )NP (VP reported (NP (NP Friday )NP (PP in (NP the producer price index )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )ADVP )FRAG )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 16 22 (S (NP (NP (NP Thursday 's )NP report )NP (PP on (NP the September consumer price index )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP rise )VP )VP )S , (SBAR although (FRAG (ADVP not as sharply (SBAR as (S (NP the (ADJP 0.9 % )ADJP gain )NP (VP reported (NP Friday )NP (PP in (NP the producer price index )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )ADVP )FRAG )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 14 23 (S (NP (NP (NP Thursday 's )NP report )NP (PP on (NP the September consumer price index )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP rise )VP )VP )S , (SBAR although (FRAG (ADVP not (ADVP as sharply )ADVP (PP as (NP (NP the (ADJP 0.9 % )ADJP gain )NP (VP reported (NP Friday )NP )VP )NP )PP )ADVP (PP in (NP the producer price index )NP )PP )FRAG )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 15 23 (S (NP (NP (NP Thursday 's )NP report )NP (PP on (NP the September consumer price index )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP rise )VP )VP )S , (SBAR although (FRAG not (ADVP (ADVP as sharply )ADVP (PP as (NP (NP the (ADJP 0.9 % )ADJP gain )NP (VP reported (NP Friday )NP )VP )NP (PP in (NP the producer price index )NP )PP )PP )ADVP )FRAG )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 17 23 (S (NP (NP (NP Thursday 's )NP report )NP (PP on (NP the September consumer price index )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP rise )VP )VP )S , (SBAR although (FRAG not (ADVP as sharply (PP as (NP (NP the (ADJP 0.9 % )ADJP gain )NP (VP reported (NP (NP Friday )NP (PP in (NP the producer price index )NP )PP )NP )VP )NP )PP )ADVP )FRAG )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 20 22 (S (NP (NP (NP Thursday 's )NP report )NP (PP on (NP the September consumer price index )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP rise , (SBAR although (FRAG not (ADJP as sharply (PP as (NP (NP the (ADJP 0.9 % )ADJP gain )NP (VP reported (NP Friday )NP (PP in (NP the producer price index )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )ADJP )FRAG )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 14 22 (S (NP (NP (NP Thursday 's )NP report )NP (PP on (NP the September consumer price index )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP rise )VP )VP )S , (SBAR although (S not (VP (ADVP (ADVP as sharply )ADVP (PP as (NP the (ADJP 0.9 % )ADJP gain )NP )PP )ADVP reported (NP Friday )NP (PP in (NP the producer price index )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 20 22 (S (NP (NP (NP Thursday 's )NP report )NP (PP on (NP the September consumer price index )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP rise , (SBAR although (FRAG not (ADVP as sharply )ADVP (PP as (NP (NP the (ADJP 0.9 % )ADJP gain )NP (VP reported (NP Friday )NP (PP in (NP the producer price index )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )FRAG )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 16 23 (S (NP (NP (NP Thursday 's )NP report )NP (PP on (NP the September consumer price index )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP rise )VP )VP )S , (SBAR although (FRAG not (ADJP as sharply (PP as (NP (NP (NP the (ADJP 0.9 % )ADJP gain )NP (VP reported (NP Friday )NP )VP )NP (PP in (NP the producer price index )NP )PP )NP )PP )ADJP )FRAG )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 15 23 (S (NP (NP (NP Thursday 's )NP report )NP (PP on (NP the September consumer price index )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP rise )VP )VP )S , (SBAR although (FRAG not (ADVP (ADVP as sharply )ADVP (SBAR as (S (NP the (ADJP 0.9 % )ADJP gain )NP (VP reported (NP Friday )NP (PP in (NP the producer price index )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )ADVP )FRAG )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 16 23 (S (NP (NP (NP Thursday 's )NP report )NP (PP on (NP the September consumer price index )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP rise )VP )VP )S , (SBAR although (FRAG not (ADVP as sharply )ADVP (PP as (NP (NP (NP the (ADJP 0.9 % )ADJP gain )NP (VP reported (NP Friday )NP )VP )NP (PP in (NP the producer price index )NP )PP )NP )PP )FRAG )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 15 23 (S (NP (NP (NP Thursday 's )NP report )NP (PP on (NP the September consumer price index )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP rise )VP )VP )S , (SBAR although (FRAG not (ADVP as sharply (SBAR as (S (NP the (ADJP 0.9 % )ADJP gain )NP (VP reported (NP (NP Friday )NP (PP in (NP the producer price index )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )ADVP )FRAG )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 17 23 (S (NP (NP (NP Thursday 's )NP report )NP (PP on (NP the September consumer price index )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP (VP expected (S (VP to (VP rise )VP )VP )S )VP , (SBAR although (FRAG not (ADJP as sharply (PP as (NP (NP the (ADJP 0.9 % )ADJP gain )NP (VP reported (NP Friday )NP (PP in (NP the producer price index )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )ADJP )FRAG )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 18 24 (S (NP (NP (NP Thursday 's )NP report )NP (PP on (NP the September consumer price index )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP rise )VP )VP )S , (SBAR although (FRAG (ADVP not (ADVP as sharply )ADVP (PP as (NP (NP the (ADJP 0.9 % )ADJP gain )NP (VP reported (NP (NP Friday )NP (PP in (NP the producer price index )NP )PP )NP )VP )NP )PP )ADVP )FRAG )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 17 23 (S (NP (NP (NP Thursday 's )NP report )NP (PP on (NP the September consumer price index )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP (VP expected (S (VP to (VP rise )VP )VP )S )VP , (SBAR although (FRAG not (ADVP as sharply )ADVP (PP as (NP (NP the (ADJP 0.9 % )ADJP gain )NP (VP reported (NP Friday )NP (PP in (NP the producer price index )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )FRAG )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 16 22 (S (NP (NP (NP Thursday 's )NP report )NP (PP on (NP the September consumer price index )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP rise )VP )VP )S , (SBAR although (FRAG (ADVP not as sharply (PP as (NP (NP the (ADJP 0.9 % )ADJP gain )NP (VP reported (NP Friday )NP )VP )NP (PP in (NP the producer price index )NP )PP )PP )ADVP )FRAG )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 16 22 (S (NP (NP (NP Thursday 's )NP report )NP (PP on (NP the September consumer price index )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP rise )VP )VP )S , (SBAR although (FRAG not (ADVP as sharply (PP as (NP (NP the (ADJP 0.9 % )ADJP gain )NP (VP reported (NP Friday )NP )VP (PP in (NP the producer price index )NP )PP )NP )PP )ADVP )FRAG )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 14 22 (S (NP (NP (NP Thursday 's )NP report )NP (PP on (NP the September consumer price index )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP rise )VP )VP )S , (SBAR although (S (VP not (ADVP as (ADVP sharply )ADVP (PP as (NP the (ADJP 0.9 % )ADJP gain )NP )PP )ADVP reported (NP Friday )NP (PP in (NP the producer price index )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 16 22 (S (NP (NP (NP Thursday 's )NP report )NP (PP on (NP the September consumer price index )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP rise )VP )VP )S , (SBAR although (FRAG (ADVP not as sharply (SBAR as (S (NP the (ADJP 0.9 % )ADJP gain )NP (VP reported (NP Friday )NP (PP in (NP the producer price index )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )ADVP )FRAG )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 15 22 (S (NP (NP (NP Thursday 's )NP report )NP (PP on (NP the September consumer price index )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP rise )VP )VP )S , (SBAR although (S (VP (ADVP (ADVP not as sharply )ADVP (PP as (NP the (ADJP 0.9 % )ADJP gain )NP )PP )ADVP reported (NP Friday )NP (PP in (NP the producer price index )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 20 22 (S (NP (NP (NP Thursday 's )NP report )NP (PP on (NP the September consumer price index )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP rise , (SBAR although (FRAG not (ADVP as sharply (PP as (NP (NP the (ADJP 0.9 % )ADJP gain )NP (VP reported (NP Friday )NP (PP in (NP the producer price index )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )ADVP )FRAG )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 17 23 (S (NP (NP (NP Thursday 's )NP report )NP (PP on (NP the September consumer price index )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP rise )VP )VP )S , (SBAR although (FRAG (ADVP not (ADVP as sharply )ADVP (PP as (NP (NP the (ADJP 0.9 % )ADJP gain )NP (VP reported (NP Friday )NP )VP (PP in (NP the producer price index )NP )PP )NP )PP )ADVP )FRAG )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 16 23 (S (NP (NP (NP Thursday 's )NP report )NP (PP on (NP the September consumer price index )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP rise )VP )VP )S , (SBAR although (FRAG not (ADVP as sharply (PP as (NP (NP (NP the (ADJP 0.9 % )ADJP gain )NP (VP reported (NP Friday )NP )VP )NP (PP in (NP the producer price index )NP )PP )NP )PP )ADVP )FRAG )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 17 22 (S (NP (NP (NP Thursday 's )NP report )NP (PP on (NP the September consumer price index )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP rise )VP )VP )S , (SBAR although (FRAG not (ADVP as sharply )ADVP (PP as (NP (NP the (ADJP 0.9 % )ADJP gain )NP (VP reported (NP Friday )NP (PP in (NP the producer price index )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )FRAG )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 14 21 (S (NP (NP (NP Thursday 's )NP report )NP (PP on (NP the September consumer price index )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP rise )VP )VP )S , (SBAR although (S (VP not (ADVP as sharply (PP as (NP the (ADJP 0.9 % )ADJP gain )NP )PP )ADVP reported (NP Friday )NP (PP in (NP the producer price index )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 15 23 (S (NP (NP (NP Thursday 's )NP report )NP (PP on (NP the September consumer price index )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP rise )VP )VP )S , (SBAR although (FRAG not (ADVP (ADVP as sharply )ADVP (SBAR as (S (NP the (ADJP 0.9 % )ADJP gain )NP (VP reported (NP Friday )NP (PP in (NP the producer price index )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )ADVP )FRAG )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 14 23 (S (NP (NP (NP Thursday 's )NP report )NP (PP on (NP the September consumer price index )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP rise )VP )VP )S , (SBAR although (S (VP not (ADVP (ADVP as sharply )ADVP (PP as (NP the (ADJP 0.9 % )ADJP gain )NP )PP )ADVP reported (NP (NP Friday )NP (PP in (NP the producer price index )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 16 21 (S (NP (NP (NP Thursday 's )NP report )NP (PP on (NP the September consumer price index )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP rise )VP )VP )S , (FRAG although not (ADVP as sharply )ADVP (PP as (NP (NP the (ADJP 0.9 % )ADJP gain )NP (VP reported (NP Friday )NP (PP in (NP the producer price index )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )FRAG )VP )VP . )S 16 23 (S (NP (NP (NP Thursday 's )NP report )NP (PP on (NP the September consumer price index )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP rise )VP )VP )S , (SBAR although (FRAG (ADVP not as sharply (SBAR as (S (NP the (ADJP 0.9 % )ADJP gain )NP (VP reported (NP (NP Friday )NP (PP in (NP the producer price index )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )ADVP )FRAG )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 17 23 (S (NP (NP (NP Thursday 's )NP report )NP (PP on (NP the September consumer price index )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP (VP expected (S (VP to (VP rise )VP )VP )S )VP , (SBAR although (FRAG not (ADVP as sharply (PP as (NP (NP the (ADJP 0.9 % )ADJP gain )NP (VP reported (NP Friday )NP (PP in (NP the producer price index )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )ADVP )FRAG )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 21 23 (S (NP (NP (NP Thursday 's )NP report )NP (PP on (NP the September consumer price index )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP rise , (SBAR although (FRAG (ADVP not (ADVP as sharply )ADVP (PP as (NP (NP the (ADJP 0.9 % )ADJP gain )NP (VP reported (NP Friday )NP (PP in (NP the producer price index )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )ADVP )FRAG )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 17 24 (S (NP (NP (NP Thursday 's )NP report )NP (PP on (NP the September consumer price index )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP rise )VP )VP )S , (SBAR although (FRAG not (ADVP (ADVP as sharply )ADVP (PP as (NP (NP the (ADJP 0.9 % )ADJP gain )NP (VP reported (NP (NP Friday )NP (PP in (NP the producer price index )NP )PP )NP )VP )NP )PP )ADVP )FRAG )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 50 23 25 (S (NP That gain )NP (VP was (VP being (VP cited (PP as (NP (NP a reason )NP (SBAR (S (NP the stock market )NP (VP was (ADVP down )ADVP (PP (ADVP early )ADVP in (NP (NP Friday 's )NP session )NP )PP , (SBAR before (S (NP it )NP (VP got (S (VP started (PP on (NP its reckless 190-point plunge )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 22 24 (S (NP That gain )NP (VP was (VP being (VP cited (PP as (NP (NP a reason )NP (SBAR (S (NP the stock market )NP (VP was (ADVP down )ADVP (PP (ADVP early )ADVP in (NP (NP Friday 's )NP session )NP )PP , (SBAR before (S (NP it )NP (VP got (VP started (PP on (NP its reckless 190-point plunge )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 23 25 (S (NP That gain )NP (VP was (VP being (VP cited (PP as (NP (NP a reason )NP (SBAR (S (NP the stock market )NP (VP was (ADVP down )ADVP (PP (ADVP early )ADVP in (NP (NP Friday 's )NP session )NP )PP , (SBAR before (S (NP it )NP (VP got (S (VP started (PP on (NP its reckless 190-point plunge )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 23 24 (S (NP That gain )NP (VP was (VP being (VP cited (PP as (NP (NP a reason )NP (SBAR (S (NP the stock market )NP (VP was (ADVP down early )ADVP (PP in (NP (NP Friday 's )NP session )NP )PP , (SBAR before (S (NP it )NP (VP got (S (VP started (PP on (NP its reckless 190-point plunge )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 23 25 (S (NP That gain )NP (VP was (VP being (VP cited (PP as (NP (NP a reason )NP (SBAR (S (NP the stock market )NP (VP was (ADVP down )ADVP (PP (ADVP early )ADVP in (NP (NP Friday 's )NP session )NP )PP , (SBAR before (S (NP it )NP (VP got (S (VP started (PP on (NP its reckless 190-point plunge )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 24 25 (S (NP That gain )NP (VP was (VP being (VP cited (PP as (NP (NP a reason )NP (SBAR (S (NP the stock market )NP (VP was (ADVP down )ADVP (ADJP early (PP in (NP (NP Friday 's )NP session )NP )PP )ADJP , (SBAR before (S (NP it )NP (VP got (S (VP started (PP on (NP its reckless 190-point plunge )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 18 25 (S (NP That gain )NP (VP was (VP being (VP cited (PP as (NP (NP a reason )NP (SBAR (S (NP the stock market )NP (VP was (ADVP down )ADVP (PP (ADVP early )ADVP in (NP (NP Friday 's )NP session )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP , (SBAR before (S (NP it )NP (VP got (S (VP started (PP on (NP its reckless 190-point plunge )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP . )S 23 25 (S (NP That gain )NP (VP was (VP being (VP cited (PP as (NP (NP a reason )NP (SBAR (S (NP the stock market )NP (VP was (ADVP down )ADVP (PP (ADVP early )ADVP in (NP (NP Friday 's )NP session )NP )PP , (SBAR before (S (NP it )NP (VP got (S (VP started (PP on (NP its reckless 190-point plunge )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 22 24 (S (NP That gain )NP (VP was (VP being (VP cited (PP as (NP (NP a reason )NP (SBAR (S (NP the stock market )NP (VP was (ADVP down )ADVP (PP (ADVP early )ADVP in (NP (NP Friday 's )NP session )NP )PP , (SBAR before (S (NP it )NP (VP got (VP started (PP on (NP its reckless 190-point plunge )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 23 25 (S (NP That gain )NP (VP was (VP being (VP cited (PP as (NP (NP a reason )NP (SBAR (S (NP the stock market )NP (VP was (ADVP down )ADVP (PP (ADVP early )ADVP in (NP (NP Friday 's )NP session )NP )PP , (SBAR before (S (NP it )NP (VP got (S (VP started (PP on (NP its reckless 190-point plunge )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 22 23 (S (NP That gain )NP (VP was (VP being (VP cited (PP as (NP (NP a reason )NP (SBAR (S (NP the stock market )NP (VP was (ADVP down early )ADVP (PP in (NP (NP Friday 's )NP session )NP )PP , (SBAR before (S (NP it )NP (VP got (VP started (PP on (NP its reckless 190-point plunge )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 21 24 (S (NP That gain )NP (VP was (VP being (VP cited (PP as (NP a reason )NP )PP (SBAR (S (NP the stock market )NP (VP was (ADVP down )ADVP (PP (ADVP early )ADVP in (NP (NP Friday 's )NP session )NP )PP , (SBAR before (S (NP it )NP (VP got (S (VP started (PP on (NP its reckless 190-point plunge )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP . )S 25 25 (S (NP That gain )NP (VP was (VP being (VP cited (PP as (NP (NP a reason )NP (SBAR (S (NP the stock market )NP (VP was (ADVP down )ADVP (ADVP early (PP in (NP (NP Friday 's )NP session )NP )PP )ADVP , (SBAR before (S (NP it )NP (VP got (S (VP started (PP on (NP its reckless 190-point plunge )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 22 25 (S (NP That gain )NP (VP was (VP being (VP cited (PP as (NP (NP a reason )NP (SBAR (S (NP the stock market )NP (VP was (ADVP down )ADVP (PP (ADVP early )ADVP in (NP (NP Friday 's )NP session )NP )PP , (SBAR before (S (NP it )NP (VP got (S (ADJP started (PP on (NP its reckless 190-point plunge )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 23 24 (S (NP That gain )NP (VP was (VP being (VP cited (PP as (NP (NP a reason )NP (SBAR (S (NP the stock market )NP (VP was (ADVP down early (PP in (NP (NP Friday 's )NP session )NP )PP )ADVP , (SBAR before (S (NP it )NP (VP got (S (VP started (PP on (NP its reckless 190-point plunge )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 22 24 (S (NP That gain )NP (VP was (VP being (VP cited (PP as (NP (NP a reason )NP (SBAR (S (NP the stock market )NP (VP was (ADVP down )ADVP (PP (ADVP early )ADVP in (NP (NP Friday 's )NP session )NP )PP , (SBAR before (S (NP it )NP (VP got (VP started (PP on (NP its reckless 190-point plunge )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 23 25 (S (NP That gain )NP (VP was (VP being (VP cited (PP as (NP (NP a reason )NP (SBAR (S (NP the stock market )NP (VP was (ADVP down )ADVP (PP (ADVP early )ADVP in (NP (NP Friday 's )NP session )NP )PP , (SBAR before (S (NP it )NP (VP got (S (VP started (PP on (NP its reckless 190-point plunge )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 23 24 (S (NP That gain )NP (VP was (VP being (VP cited (PP as (NP (NP a reason )NP (SBAR (S (NP the stock market )NP (VP was (ADVP down early )ADVP (PP in (NP (NP Friday 's )NP session )NP )PP , (SBAR before (S (NP it )NP (VP got (S (VP started (PP on (NP its reckless 190-point plunge )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 22 24 (S (NP That gain )NP (VP was (VP being (VP cited (PP as (NP a reason (SBAR (S (NP the stock market )NP (VP was (ADVP down )ADVP (PP (ADVP early )ADVP in (NP (NP Friday 's )NP session )NP )PP , (SBAR before (S (NP it )NP (VP got (S (VP started (PP on (NP its reckless 190-point plunge )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 23 24 (S (NP That gain )NP (VP was (VP being (VP cited (PP as (NP (NP a reason )NP (SBAR (S (NP the stock market )NP (VP was (ADVP down )ADVP (ADJP early (PP in (NP (NP Friday 's )NP session )NP )PP )ADJP , (SBAR before (S (NP it )NP (VP got (VP started (PP on (NP its reckless 190-point plunge )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 17 24 (S (NP That gain )NP (VP was (VP being (VP cited (PP as (NP (NP a reason )NP (SBAR (S (NP the stock market )NP (VP was (ADVP down )ADVP (PP (ADVP early )ADVP in (NP (NP Friday 's )NP session )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP , (SBAR before (S (NP it )NP (VP got (VP started (PP on (NP its reckless 190-point plunge )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP . )S 23 25 (S (NP That gain )NP (VP was (VP being (VP cited (PP as (NP (NP a reason )NP (SBAR (S (NP the stock market )NP (VP was (ADVP down )ADVP (PP (ADVP early )ADVP in (NP (NP Friday 's )NP session )NP )PP , (SBAR before (S (NP it )NP (VP got (S (VP started (PP on (NP its reckless 190-point plunge )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 23 24 (S (NP That gain )NP (VP was (VP being (VP cited (PP as (NP (NP a reason )NP (SBAR (S (NP the stock market )NP (VP was (ADVP down )ADVP (PP early in (NP (NP Friday 's )NP session )NP )PP , (SBAR before (S (NP it )NP (VP got (S (VP started (PP on (NP its reckless 190-point plunge )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 23 26 (S (NP That gain )NP (VP was (VP being (VP cited (PP as (NP (NP a reason )NP (SBAR (S (NP the stock market )NP (VP (VP was (ADVP down )ADVP (PP (ADVP early )ADVP in (NP (NP Friday 's )NP session )NP )PP )VP , (SBAR before (S (NP it )NP (VP got (S (VP started (PP on (NP its reckless 190-point plunge )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 23 25 (S (NP That gain )NP (VP was (VP being (VP cited (PP as (NP (NP a reason )NP (SBAR (S (NP the stock market )NP (VP was (ADVP (ADVP down early )ADVP (PP in (NP (NP Friday 's )NP session )NP )PP )ADVP , (SBAR before (S (NP it )NP (VP got (S (VP started (PP on (NP its reckless 190-point plunge )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 23 25 (S (NP That gain )NP (VP was (VP being (VP cited (PP as (NP (NP a reason )NP (SBAR (S (NP the stock market )NP (VP was (ADVP down )ADVP (PP (ADVP early )ADVP in (NP (NP Friday 's )NP session )NP )PP , (SBAR before (S (NP it )NP (VP got (S (VP started (PP on (NP its reckless 190-point plunge )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 23 24 (S (NP That gain )NP (VP was (VP being (VP cited (PP as (NP (NP a reason )NP (SBAR (S (NP the stock market )NP (VP was (ADVP down early (PP in (NP (NP Friday 's )NP session )NP )PP )ADVP , (SBAR before (S (NP it )NP (VP got (S (VP started (PP on (NP its reckless 190-point plunge )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 23 24 (S (NP That gain )NP (VP was (VP being (VP cited (PP as (NP (NP a reason )NP (SBAR (S (NP the stock market )NP (VP was (ADVP down early )ADVP (PP in (NP (NP Friday 's )NP session )NP )PP , (SBAR before (S (NP it )NP (VP got (S (VP started (PP on (NP its reckless 190-point plunge )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 23 26 (S (NP That gain )NP (VP was (VP being (VP cited (PP as (NP (NP a reason )NP (SBAR (S (NP the stock market )NP (VP was (ADVP down )ADVP (PP (ADVP early )ADVP in (NP (NP (NP Friday 's )NP session )NP , (SBAR before (S (NP it )NP (VP got (S (VP started (PP on (NP its reckless 190-point plunge )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 24 25 (S (NP That gain )NP (VP was (VP being (VP cited (PP as (NP (NP a reason )NP (SBAR (S (NP the stock market )NP (VP was (ADVP down )ADVP (ADJP early (PP in (NP (NP Friday 's )NP session )NP )PP )ADJP , (SBAR before (S (NP it )NP (VP got (S (VP started (PP on (NP its reckless 190-point plunge )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 22 24 (S (NP That gain )NP (VP was (VP being (VP cited (PP as (NP (NP a reason )NP (SBAR (S (NP the stock market )NP (VP was (ADVP down )ADVP (PP (ADVP early )ADVP in (NP (NP Friday 's )NP session )NP )PP , (SBAR before (S (NP it )NP (VP got (VP started (PP on (NP its reckless 190-point plunge )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 24 25 (S (NP That gain )NP (VP was (VP being (VP cited (PP as (NP (NP a reason )NP (SBAR (S (NP the stock market )NP (VP was (ADVP down )ADVP (ADJP early )ADJP (PP in (NP (NP Friday 's )NP session )NP )PP , (SBAR before (S (NP it )NP (VP got (S (VP started (PP on (NP its reckless 190-point plunge )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 23 24 (S (NP That gain )NP (VP was (VP being (VP cited (PP as (NP (NP a reason )NP (SBAR (S (NP the stock market )NP (VP was (ADVP down early )ADVP (PP in (NP (NP Friday 's )NP session )NP )PP , (SBAR before (S (NP it )NP (VP got (S (VP started (PP on (NP its reckless 190-point plunge )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 18 24 (S (NP That gain )NP (VP was (VP being (VP cited (PP as (NP (NP a reason )NP (SBAR (S (NP the stock market )NP (VP was (ADVP down early )ADVP (PP in (NP (NP Friday 's )NP session )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP , (SBAR before (S (NP it )NP (VP got (S (VP started (PP on (NP its reckless 190-point plunge )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP . )S 23 25 (S (NP That gain )NP (VP was (VP being (VP cited (PP as (NP (NP a reason )NP (SBAR (S (NP the stock market )NP (VP was (ADVP down (ADVP early )ADVP )ADVP (PP in (NP (NP Friday 's )NP session )NP )PP , (SBAR before (S (NP it )NP (VP got (S (VP started (PP on (NP its reckless 190-point plunge )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 19 25 (S (NP That gain )NP (VP was (VP being (VP cited (PP as (NP (NP a reason )NP (SBAR (S (NP the stock market )NP (VP was (ADVP down )ADVP (ADJP early )ADJP (PP in (NP (NP Friday 's )NP session )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP , (SBAR before (S (NP it )NP (VP got (S (VP started (PP on (NP its reckless 190-point plunge )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP . )S 21 24 (S (NP That gain )NP (VP was (VP being (VP cited (PP as (NP a reason )NP )PP (SBAR (S (NP the stock market )NP (VP was (ADVP down )ADVP (PP (ADVP early )ADVP in (NP (NP Friday 's )NP session )NP )PP , (SBAR before (S (NP it )NP (VP got (S (VP started (PP on (NP its reckless 190-point plunge )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP . )S 25 26 (S (NP That gain )NP (VP was (VP being (VP cited (PP as (NP (NP a reason )NP (SBAR (S (NP the stock market )NP (VP (VP was (ADVP down )ADVP (ADVP early (PP in (NP (NP Friday 's )NP session )NP )PP )ADVP )VP , (SBAR before (S (NP it )NP (VP got (S (VP started (PP on (NP its reckless 190-point plunge )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 22 24 (S (NP That gain )NP (VP was (VP being (VP cited (PP as (NP (NP a reason )NP (SBAR (S (NP the stock market )NP (VP was (ADVP down )ADVP (PP (ADVP early )ADVP in (NP (NP Friday 's )NP session )NP )PP , (SBAR before (S (NP it )NP (VP got (VP started (PP on (NP its reckless 190-point plunge )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 22 24 (S (NP That gain )NP (VP was (VP being (VP cited (PP as (NP (NP a reason )NP (SBAR (S (NP the stock market )NP (VP was (ADVP down )ADVP (PP (ADVP early )ADVP in (NP (NP Friday 's )NP session )NP )PP , (SBAR before (S (NP it )NP (VP got (VP started (PP on (NP its reckless 190-point plunge )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 19 25 (S (NP That gain )NP (VP was (VP being (VP cited (PP as (NP (NP a reason )NP (SBAR (S (NP the stock market )NP (VP was (ADVP down )ADVP (ADJP early )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP (PP in (NP (NP Friday 's )NP session )NP )PP , (SBAR before (S (NP it )NP (VP got (S (VP started (PP on (NP its reckless 190-point plunge )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP . )S 23 25 (S (NP That gain )NP (VP was (VP being (VP cited (PP as (NP (NP a reason )NP (SBAR (S (NP the stock market )NP (VP was (ADVP down )ADVP (PP (ADVP early )ADVP in (NP (NP Friday 's )NP session )NP )PP , (SBAR before (S (NP it )NP (VP got (S (VP started (PP on (NP its reckless 190-point plunge )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 20 23 (S (NP That gain )NP (VP was (VP being (VP cited (PP as (NP a reason )NP )PP (SBAR (S (NP the stock market )NP (VP was (ADVP down )ADVP (PP (ADVP early )ADVP in (NP (NP Friday 's )NP session )NP )PP , (SBAR before (S (NP it )NP (VP got (VP started (PP on (NP its reckless 190-point plunge )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP . )S 19 25 (S (NP That gain )NP (VP was (VP being (VP cited (PP as (NP (NP a reason )NP (SBAR (S (NP the stock market )NP (VP was (ADVP down )ADVP (ADJP early (PP in (NP (NP Friday 's )NP session )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP , (SBAR before (S (NP it )NP (VP got (S (VP started (PP on (NP its reckless 190-point plunge )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP . )S 24 25 (S (NP That gain )NP (VP was (VP being (VP cited (PP as (NP (NP a reason )NP (SBAR (S (NP the stock market )NP (VP was (ADVP down )ADVP (ADVP early )ADVP (PP in (NP (NP Friday 's )NP session )NP )PP , (SBAR before (S (NP it )NP (VP got (S (VP started (PP on (NP its reckless 190-point plunge )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 24 25 (S (NP That gain )NP (VP was (VP being (VP cited (PP as (NP (NP a reason )NP (SBAR (S (NP the stock market )NP (VP was (ADVP down )ADVP (ADJP early (PP in (NP (NP Friday 's )NP session )NP )PP )ADJP , (SBAR before (S (NP it )NP (VP got (S (VP started (PP on (NP its reckless 190-point plunge )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 18 25 (S (NP That gain )NP (VP was (VP being (VP cited (PP as (NP (NP a reason )NP (SBAR (S (NP the stock market )NP (VP was (ADVP down )ADVP (PP (ADVP early )ADVP in (NP (NP Friday 's )NP session )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP , (SBAR before (S (NP it )NP (VP got (S (VP started (PP on (NP its reckless 190-point plunge )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP . )S 23 25 (S (NP That gain )NP (VP was (VP being (VP cited (PP as (NP (NP a reason )NP (SBAR (S (NP the stock market )NP (VP was (ADVP down (ADVP early )ADVP )ADVP (PP in (NP (NP Friday 's )NP session )NP )PP , (SBAR before (S (NP it )NP (VP got (S (VP started (PP on (NP its reckless 190-point plunge )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 24 24 (S (NP That gain )NP (VP was (VP being (VP cited (PP as (NP (NP a reason )NP (SBAR (S (NP the stock market )NP (VP was (ADVP down )ADVP (ADVP early (PP in (NP (NP Friday 's )NP session )NP )PP )ADVP , (SBAR before (S (NP it )NP (VP got (VP started (PP on (NP its reckless 190-point plunge )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 23 25 (S (NP That gain )NP (VP was (VP being (VP cited (PP as (NP (NP a reason )NP (SBAR (S (NP the stock market )NP (VP was (ADVP (ADVP down early )ADVP (PP in (NP (NP Friday 's )NP session )NP )PP )ADVP , (SBAR before (S (NP it )NP (VP got (S (VP started (PP on (NP its reckless 190-point plunge )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 50 17 26 (S (NP Economists )NP (VP are (VP divided (PP as (PP to (SBAR (WHNP how much manufacturing strength )WHNP (S (NP they )NP (VP expect (S (VP to (VP see (PP in (NP September )NP )PP (NP (NP reports )NP (PP on (NP (NP industrial production )NP and (NP (NP capacity utilization )NP (PRN , (ADVP also )ADVP (NP due tomorrow )NP )PRN )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )PP )PP )VP )VP . )S 18 24 (S (NP Economists )NP (VP are (VP divided (PP as (PP to (SBAR (WHNP how much manufacturing strength )WHNP (S (NP they )NP (VP expect (S (VP to (VP see (PP in (NP September )NP )PP (NP (NP (NP reports )NP (PP on (NP (NP industrial production )NP and (NP capacity utilization )NP )NP )PP )NP , also (NP due tomorrow )NP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )PP )PP )VP )VP . )S 18 24 (S (NP Economists )NP (VP are (VP divided (PP as (PP to (SBAR (WHNP how much manufacturing strength )WHNP (S (NP they )NP (VP expect (S (VP to (VP see (PP in (NP September )NP )PP (NP (NP reports )NP (PP on (NP (NP industrial production )NP and (NP capacity utilization )NP )NP )PP , (ADVP also (NP due tomorrow )NP )ADVP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )PP )PP )VP )VP . )S 17 24 (S (NP Economists )NP (VP are (VP divided (PP as (PP to (SBAR (WHNP how much manufacturing strength )WHNP (S (NP they )NP (VP expect (S (VP to (VP see (PP in (NP September )NP )PP (NP (NP reports )NP (PP on (NP (NP (NP industrial production )NP and (NP capacity utilization )NP )NP , also (NP due tomorrow )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )PP )PP )VP )VP . )S 19 25 (S (NP Economists )NP (VP are (VP divided (PP as (PP to (SBAR (WHNP how much manufacturing strength )WHNP (S (NP they )NP (VP expect (S (VP to (VP see (PP in (NP September )NP )PP (NP (NP reports )NP (PP on (NP (NP industrial production )NP and (NP capacity utilization )NP )NP )PP , (RRC (ADVP also )ADVP (NP due tomorrow )NP )RRC )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )PP )PP )VP )VP . )S 15 24 (S (NP Economists )NP (VP are (VP divided (PP as (PP to (SBAR (WHNP how much manufacturing strength )WHNP (S (NP they )NP (VP expect (S (VP to (VP see (PP in (NP September )NP )PP (NP (NP reports )NP (PP on (NP (NP industrial production and capacity )NP (NP utilization , (ADJP (ADVP also )ADVP due )ADJP tomorrow )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )PP )PP )VP )VP . )S 18 26 (S (NP Economists )NP (VP are (VP divided (PP as (PP to (SBAR (WHNP how much manufacturing strength )WHNP (S (NP they )NP (VP expect (S (VP to (VP see (PP in (NP September )NP )PP (NP (NP reports )NP (PP on (NP (NP (NP industrial production )NP and (NP capacity utilization )NP )NP , (NP (ADJP (ADVP also )ADVP due )ADJP tomorrow )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )PP )PP )VP )VP . )S 17 27 (S (NP Economists )NP (VP are (VP divided (PP as (PP to (SBAR (WHNP (WHADVP how much manufacturing )WHADVP strength )WHNP (S (NP they )NP (VP expect (S (VP to (VP see (PP in (NP September )NP )PP (NP (NP reports )NP (PP on (NP (NP industrial production )NP and (NP (NP capacity utilization )NP (PRN , (ADVP also )ADVP (NP due tomorrow )NP )PRN )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )PP )PP )VP )VP . )S 16 26 (S (NP Economists )NP (VP are (VP divided (PP as (PP to (SBAR (WHNP how much manufacturing strength )WHNP (S (NP they )NP (VP expect (S (VP to (VP see (PP in (NP September )NP )PP (NP (NP reports )NP (PP on (NP (NP industrial production )NP and (NP (NP capacity )NP (NP utilization , (ADJP (ADVP also )ADVP due )ADJP tomorrow )NP )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )PP )PP )VP )VP . )S 16 24 (S (NP Economists )NP (VP are (VP divided (PP as (PP to (SBAR (WHNP how much manufacturing strength )WHNP (S (NP they )NP (VP expect (S (VP to (VP see (PP in (NP September )NP )PP (NP (NP reports )NP (PP on (NP (NP industrial production )NP and (NP capacity utilization , (ADJP (ADVP also )ADVP due )ADJP tomorrow )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )PP )PP )VP )VP . )S 18 25 (S (NP Economists )NP (VP are (VP divided (PP as (PP to (SBAR (WHNP (WHADVP how much manufacturing )WHADVP strength )WHNP (S (NP they )NP (VP expect (S (VP to (VP see (PP in (NP September )NP )PP (NP (NP (NP reports )NP (PP on (NP (NP industrial production )NP and (NP capacity utilization )NP )NP )PP )NP , also (NP due tomorrow )NP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )PP )PP )VP )VP . )S 17 26 (S (NP Economists )NP (VP are (VP divided (PP as (PP to (SBAR (WHNP how much manufacturing strength )WHNP (S (NP they )NP (VP expect (S (VP to (VP see (PP in (NP September )NP )PP (NP (NP reports )NP (PP on (NP (NP industrial production )NP and (NP (NP capacity utilization )NP , (NP (ADJP (ADVP also )ADVP due )ADJP tomorrow )NP )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )PP )PP )VP )VP . )S 16 25 (S (NP Economists )NP (VP are (VP divided (PP as (PP to (SBAR (WHNP how much manufacturing strength )WHNP (S (NP they )NP (VP expect (S (VP to (VP see (PP in (NP September )NP )PP (NP (NP (NP reports )NP (PP on (NP industrial (NX (NX production )NX and (NX capacity utilization )NX )NX )NP )PP )NP , also (NP due tomorrow )NP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )PP )PP )VP )VP . )S 20 25 (S (NP Economists )NP (VP are (VP divided (PP as (PP to (SBAR (WHNP how much manufacturing strength )WHNP (S (NP they )NP (VP expect (S (VP to (VP see (PP in (NP September )NP )PP (NP (NP reports )NP (PP on (NP (NP industrial production )NP and (NP capacity utilization )NP )NP )PP )NP , (PP (ADVP also )ADVP due (NP tomorrow )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )PP )PP )VP )VP . )S 15 25 (S (NP Economists )NP (VP are (VP divided (PP as (PP to (SBAR (WHNP how much manufacturing strength )WHNP (S (NP they )NP (VP expect (S (VP to (VP see (PP in (NP September )NP )PP (NP (NP reports )NP (PP on (NP (NP industrial (NX (NX production )NX and (NX capacity utilization )NX )NX )NP , also (NP due tomorrow )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )PP )PP )VP )VP . )S 16 26 (S (NP Economists )NP (VP are (ADJP divided (PP as (PP to (SBAR (WHNP how much manufacturing strength )WHNP (S (NP they )NP (VP expect (S (VP to (VP see (PP in (NP September )NP )PP (NP (NP reports )NP (PP on (NP (NP industrial production )NP and (NP (NP capacity utilization )NP (PRN , (ADVP also )ADVP (NP due tomorrow )NP )PRN )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )PP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 15 22 (S (NP Economists )NP (VP are (VP divided (PP as (PP to (SBAR (WHNP how much manufacturing strength )WHNP (S (NP they )NP (VP expect (S (VP to (VP see (PP in (NP September )NP )PP (NP (NP reports )NP (PP on (NP (NP industrial production )NP and (NP capacity utilization , also due tomorrow )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )PP )PP )VP )VP . )S 18 23 (S (NP Economists )NP (VP are (VP divided (PP as (PP to (SBAR (WHNP how much manufacturing strength )WHNP (S (NP they )NP (VP expect (S (VP to (VP see (PP in (NP September )NP )PP (NP (NP reports )NP (PP on (NP (NP industrial production )NP and (NP capacity utilization )NP )NP )PP )NP , (NP also due tomorrow )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )PP )PP )VP )VP . )S 18 25 (S (NP Economists )NP (VP are (VP divided (PP as (PP to (SBAR (WHNP how much manufacturing strength )WHNP (S (NP they )NP (VP expect (S (VP to (VP see (PP in (NP September )NP )PP (NP (NP reports )NP (PP on (NP (NP (NP industrial production )NP and (NP capacity utilization )NP )NP , (ADVP also )ADVP (NP due tomorrow )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )PP )PP )VP )VP . )S 16 27 (S (NP Economists )NP (VP are (VP divided (PP as (PP to (SBAR (WHNP how much manufacturing strength )WHNP (S (NP they )NP (VP expect (S (VP to (VP see (PP in (NP September )NP )PP (NP (NP reports )NP (PP on (NP (NP industrial (NX (NX production )NX and (NX capacity utilization )NX )NX )NP , (NP (ADJP (ADVP also )ADVP due )ADJP tomorrow )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )PP )PP )VP )VP . )S 16 27 (S (NP Economists )NP (VP are (VP divided (PP as (PP to (SBAR (WHNP how much manufacturing strength )WHNP (S (NP they )NP (VP expect (S (VP to (VP see (PP in (NP September )NP )PP (NP (NP reports )NP (PP on (NP (NP industrial (NX (NX production )NX and (NX capacity utilization )NX )NX )NP (PRN , (ADVP also )ADVP (NP due tomorrow )NP )PRN )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )PP )PP )VP )VP . )S 17 24 (S (NP Economists )NP (VP are (ADJP divided (PP as (PP to (SBAR (WHNP how much manufacturing strength )WHNP (S (NP they )NP (VP expect (S (VP to (VP see (PP in (NP September )NP )PP (NP (NP (NP reports )NP (PP on (NP (NP industrial production )NP and (NP capacity utilization )NP )NP )PP )NP , also (NP due tomorrow )NP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )PP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 18 24 (S (NP Economists )NP (VP are (VP divided (PP as (PP to (SBAR (WHNP how much manufacturing strength )WHNP (S (NP they )NP (VP expect (S (VP to (VP see (PP in (NP September )NP )PP (NP (NP reports )NP (PP on (NP (NP industrial production )NP and (NP capacity utilization )NP )NP )PP )NP , (PP also (NP due tomorrow )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )PP )PP )VP )VP . )S 19 24 (S (NP Economists )NP (VP are (VP divided (PP as (PP to (SBAR (WHNP how much manufacturing strength )WHNP (S (NP they )NP (VP expect (S (VP to (VP see (PP in (NP September )NP )PP (NP (NP reports )NP (PP (PP on (NP (NP industrial production )NP and (NP capacity utilization )NP )NP )PP , also due (NP tomorrow )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )PP )PP )VP )VP . )S 18 25 (S (NP Economists )NP (VP are (VP divided (PP as (PP to (SBAR (WHNP (WHADVP how much manufacturing )WHADVP strength )WHNP (S (NP they )NP (VP expect (S (VP to (VP see (PP in (NP September )NP )PP (NP (NP reports )NP (PP on (NP (NP industrial production )NP and (NP capacity utilization )NP )NP )PP , (ADVP also (NP due tomorrow )NP )ADVP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )PP )PP )VP )VP . )S 17 25 (S (NP Economists )NP (VP are (VP divided (PP as (PP to (SBAR (WHNP (WHADVP how much manufacturing )WHADVP strength )WHNP (S (NP they )NP (VP expect (S (VP to (VP see (PP in (NP September )NP )PP (NP (NP reports )NP (PP on (NP (NP (NP industrial production )NP and (NP capacity utilization )NP )NP , also (NP due tomorrow )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )PP )PP )VP )VP . )S 19 26 (S (NP Economists )NP (VP are (VP divided (PP as (PP to (SBAR (WHNP (WHADVP how much manufacturing )WHADVP strength )WHNP (S (NP they )NP (VP expect (S (VP to (VP see (PP in (NP September )NP )PP (NP (NP reports )NP (PP on (NP (NP industrial production )NP and (NP capacity utilization )NP )NP )PP , (RRC (ADVP also )ADVP (NP due tomorrow )NP )RRC )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )PP )PP )VP )VP . )S 14 23 (S (NP Economists )NP (VP are (VP divided (PP as (PP to (SBAR (WHNP how much manufacturing strength )WHNP (S (NP they )NP (VP expect (S (VP to (VP see (PP in (NP September )NP )PP (NP (NP reports )NP (PP on (NP (NP industrial production and capacity )NP (NP utilization , (ADJP also due )ADJP tomorrow )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )PP )PP )VP )VP . )S 15 25 (S (NP Economists )NP (VP are (VP divided (PP as (PP to (SBAR (WHNP (WHADVP how much manufacturing )WHADVP strength )WHNP (S (NP they )NP (VP expect (S (VP to (VP see (PP in (NP September )NP )PP (NP (NP reports )NP (PP on (NP (NP industrial production and capacity )NP (NP utilization , (ADJP (ADVP also )ADVP due )ADJP tomorrow )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )PP )PP )VP )VP . )S 17 25 (S (NP Economists )NP (VP are (VP divided (PP as (PP to (SBAR (WHNP how much manufacturing strength )WHNP (S (NP they )NP (VP expect (S (VP to (VP see (PP in (NP September )NP )PP (NP (NP reports )NP (PP on (NP (NP (NP industrial production )NP and (NP capacity utilization )NP )NP , (NP (ADJP also due )ADJP tomorrow )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )PP )PP )VP )VP . )S 18 27 (S (NP Economists )NP (VP are (VP divided (PP as (PP to (SBAR (WHNP (WHADVP how much manufacturing )WHADVP strength )WHNP (S (NP they )NP (VP expect (S (VP to (VP see (PP in (NP September )NP )PP (NP (NP reports )NP (PP on (NP (NP (NP industrial production )NP and (NP capacity utilization )NP )NP , (NP (ADJP (ADVP also )ADVP due )ADJP tomorrow )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )PP )PP )VP )VP . )S 19 24 (S (NP Economists )NP (VP are (VP divided (PP as (PP to (SBAR (WHNP how much manufacturing strength )WHNP (S (NP they )NP (VP expect (S (VP to (VP see (PP in (NP September )NP )PP (NP (NP reports )NP (PP on (NP (NP industrial production )NP and (NP capacity utilization )NP )NP )PP , (ADVP also )ADVP (NP due tomorrow )NP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )PP )PP )VP )VP . )S 15 25 (S (NP Economists )NP (VP are (VP divided (PP as (PP to (SBAR (WHNP how much manufacturing strength )WHNP (S (NP they )NP (VP expect (S (VP to (VP see (PP in (NP September )NP )PP (NP (NP reports )NP (PP on (NP (NP industrial production )NP and (NP (NP capacity )NP (NP utilization , (ADJP also due )ADJP tomorrow )NP )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )PP )PP )VP )VP . )S 15 20 (S (NP Economists )NP (VP are (VP divided (PP as (PP to (SBAR (WHNP how much manufacturing strength )WHNP (S (NP they )NP (VP expect (S (VP to (VP see (PP in (NP (NP September reports )NP (PP on (NP industrial production and capacity )NP )PP )NP )PP (NP utilization , also due tomorrow )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )PP )PP )VP )VP . )S 18 25 (S (NP Economists )NP (VP are (VP divided (PP as (PP to (SBAR (WHNP how much manufacturing strength )WHNP (S (NP they )NP (VP expect (S (VP to (VP see (PP in (NP September )NP )PP (NP (NP reports )NP (PP on (NP (NP (NP industrial production )NP and (NP capacity utilization )NP )NP , (ADVP also due )ADVP (NP tomorrow )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )PP )PP )VP )VP . )S 15 23 (S (NP Economists )NP (VP are (VP divided (PP as (PP to (SBAR (WHNP how much manufacturing strength )WHNP (S (NP they )NP (VP expect (S (VP to (VP see (PP in (NP September )NP )PP (NP (NP reports )NP (PP on (NP (NP industrial production )NP and (NP capacity utilization , (ADJP also due )ADJP tomorrow )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )PP )PP )VP )VP . )S 16 27 (S (NP Economists )NP (VP are (VP divided (PP as (PP to (SBAR (WHNP (WHADVP how much manufacturing )WHADVP strength )WHNP (S (NP they )NP (VP expect (S (VP to (VP see (PP in (NP September )NP )PP (NP (NP reports )NP (PP on (NP (NP industrial production )NP and (NP (NP capacity )NP (NP utilization , (ADJP (ADVP also )ADVP due )ADJP tomorrow )NP )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )PP )PP )VP )VP . )S 17 25 (S (NP Economists )NP (VP are (VP divided (PP as (PP to (SBAR (WHNP how much manufacturing strength )WHNP (S (NP they )NP (VP expect (S (VP to (VP see (PP in (NP September )NP )PP (NP (NP reports )NP (PP on (NP (NP industrial production )NP and (NP (NP capacity utilization )NP , (ADVP also )ADVP (NP due tomorrow )NP )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )PP )PP )VP )VP . )S 16 25 (S (NP Economists )NP (VP are (VP divided (PP as (PP to (SBAR (WHNP how much manufacturing strength )WHNP (S (NP they )NP (VP expect (S (VP to (VP see (PP in (NP September )NP )PP (NP (NP reports )NP (PP on (NP industrial (NX (NX production )NX and (NX capacity utilization )NX )NX )NP )PP , (ADVP also (NP due tomorrow )NP )ADVP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )PP )PP )VP )VP . )S 16 25 (S (NP Economists )NP (VP are (VP divided (PP as (PP to (SBAR (WHNP (WHADVP how much manufacturing )WHADVP strength )WHNP (S (NP they )NP (VP expect (S (VP to (VP see (PP in (NP September )NP )PP (NP (NP reports )NP (PP on (NP (NP industrial production )NP and (NP capacity utilization , (ADJP (ADVP also )ADVP due )ADJP tomorrow )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )PP )PP )VP )VP . )S 18 24 (S (NP Economists )NP (VP are (VP divided (PP as (PP to (SBAR (WHNP how much manufacturing strength )WHNP (S (NP they )NP (VP expect (S (VP to (VP see (PP in (NP September )NP )PP (NP (NP reports )NP (PP on (NP (NP (NP industrial production )NP and (NP capacity utilization )NP )NP , also due (NP tomorrow )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )PP )PP )VP )VP . )S 16 25 (S (NP Economists )NP (VP are (VP divided (PP as (PP to (SBAR (WHNP how much manufacturing strength )WHNP (S (NP they )NP (VP expect (S (VP to (VP see (PP in (NP September )NP )PP (NP (NP reports )NP (PP on (NP (NP industrial production )NP and (NP (NP capacity utilization )NP , (NP (ADJP also due )ADJP tomorrow )NP )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )PP )PP )VP )VP . )S 16 26 (S (NP Economists )NP (VP are (VP divided (PP as (PP to (SBAR (WHNP how much manufacturing strength )WHNP (S (NP they )NP (VP expect (S (VP to (VP see (PP in (NP September )NP )PP (NP (NP reports )NP (PP on (NP (NP (NP industrial production )NP and (NP capacity )NP )NP (NP utilization , (ADJP (ADVP also )ADVP due )ADJP tomorrow )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )PP )PP )VP )VP . )S 17 26 (S (NP Economists )NP (VP are (VP divided (PP as (PP to (SBAR (WHNP how much manufacturing strength )WHNP (S (NP they )NP (VP expect (S (VP to (VP see (PP in (NP September )NP )PP (NP (NP reports )NP (PP on (NP industrial (NX (NX production )NX and (NX capacity utilization )NX )NX )NP )PP , (RRC (ADVP also )ADVP (NP due tomorrow )NP )RRC )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )PP )PP )VP )VP . )S 17 24 (S (NP Economists )NP (VP are (VP divided (PP as (PP to (SBAR (WHNP how much manufacturing strength )WHNP (S (NP they )NP (VP expect (S (VP to (VP see (PP in (NP September )NP )PP (NP (NP reports )NP (PP on (NP (NP industrial production )NP and (NP capacity utilization )NP , (ADVP also )ADVP (NP due tomorrow )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )PP )PP )VP )VP . )S 17 27 (S (NP Economists )NP (VP are (VP divided (PP as (PP to (SBAR (WHNP (WHADVP how much manufacturing )WHADVP strength )WHNP (S (NP they )NP (VP expect (S (VP to (VP see (PP in (NP September )NP )PP (NP (NP reports )NP (PP on (NP (NP industrial production )NP and (NP (NP capacity utilization )NP , (NP (ADJP (ADVP also )ADVP due )ADJP tomorrow )NP )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )PP )PP )VP )VP . )S 17 24 (S (NP Economists )NP (VP are (VP divided (PP as (PP to (SBAR (WHNP how much manufacturing strength )WHNP (S (NP they )NP (VP expect (S (VP to (VP see (PP in (NP September )NP )PP (NP (NP reports )NP (PP on (NP (NP (NP industrial production )NP and (NP capacity utilization )NP )NP , (NP also due tomorrow )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )PP )PP )VP )VP . )S 16 24 (S (NP Economists )NP (VP are (VP divided (PP as (PP to (SBAR (WHNP how much manufacturing strength )WHNP (S (NP they )NP (VP expect (S (VP to (VP see (PP in (NP September )NP )PP (NP (NP reports )NP (PP on (NP (NP industrial production )NP and (NP (NP capacity utilization )NP , also (NP due tomorrow )NP )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )PP )PP )VP )VP . )S 16 22 (S (NP Economists )NP (VP are (VP divided (PP as (PP to (SBAR (WHNP how much manufacturing strength )WHNP (S (NP they )NP (VP expect (S (VP to (VP see (PP in (NP (NP September reports )NP (PP on (NP industrial production and capacity )NP )PP )NP )PP (NP utilization , (ADJP (ADVP also )ADVP due )ADJP tomorrow )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )PP )PP )VP )VP . )S 19 25 (S (NP Economists )NP (VP are (VP divided (PP as (PP to (SBAR (WHNP how much manufacturing strength )WHNP (S (NP they )NP (VP expect (S (VP to (VP see (PP in (NP September )NP )PP (NP (NP reports )NP (PP on (NP (NP industrial production )NP and (NP capacity utilization )NP )NP )PP )NP , (NP (ADJP (ADVP also )ADVP due )ADJP tomorrow )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )PP )PP )VP )VP . )S 50 13 13 (S (ADVP Meanwhile )ADVP , (NP (NP September housing starts )NP , (ADJP due (NP Wednesday )NP )ADJP , )NP (VP are (VP thought (S (VP to (VP have (VP inched (ADVP upward )ADVP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 13 14 (S (ADVP Meanwhile )ADVP , (NP (NP September housing starts )NP , (ADJP due (NP Wednesday )NP )ADJP , )NP (VP are (VP thought (S (VP to (VP have (S (VP inched (ADVP upward )ADVP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 11 12 (S (ADVP Meanwhile )ADVP , (NP (NP September housing starts )NP , (NP due Wednesday )NP , )NP (VP are (VP thought (S (VP to (VP have (VP inched (ADVP upward )ADVP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 11 13 (S (ADVP Meanwhile )ADVP , (NP (NP September housing starts )NP , (NP due Wednesday )NP , )NP (VP are (VP thought (S (VP to (VP have (S (VP inched (ADVP upward )ADVP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 13 14 (S (ADVP Meanwhile )ADVP , (NP (NP September housing starts )NP , (ADJP due (NP Wednesday )NP )ADJP , )NP (VP are (VP thought (SBAR (S (VP to (VP have (VP inched (ADVP upward )ADVP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 13 14 (S (ADVP Meanwhile )ADVP , (S (NP (NP September housing starts )NP , (ADJP due (NP Wednesday )NP )ADJP , )NP (VP are (VP thought (S (VP to (VP have (VP inched (ADVP upward )ADVP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S . )S 13 14 (S (ADVP Meanwhile )ADVP , (NP (NP (NP September )NP housing starts )NP , (ADJP due (NP Wednesday )NP )ADJP , )NP (VP are (VP thought (S (VP to (VP have (VP inched (ADVP upward )ADVP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 13 15 (S (ADVP Meanwhile )ADVP , (NP (NP September housing starts )NP , (ADJP due (NP Wednesday )NP )ADJP , )NP (VP are (VP thought (SBAR (S (VP to (VP have (S (VP inched (ADVP upward )ADVP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 12 12 (S (ADVP Meanwhile )ADVP , (NP (NP September housing starts )NP , due (NP Wednesday )NP , )NP (VP are (VP thought (S (VP to (VP have (VP inched (ADVP upward )ADVP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 12 13 (S (ADVP Meanwhile )ADVP , (NP (NP September housing starts )NP , (ADJP due (NP Wednesday )NP )ADJP , )NP (VP are (ADJP thought (S (VP to (VP have (VP inched (ADVP upward )ADVP )VP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP . )S 13 15 (S (ADVP Meanwhile )ADVP , (NP (NP September housing starts )NP , (ADJP due (NP Wednesday )NP )ADJP , )NP (VP are (VP thought (S (VP to (VP have (SBAR (S (VP inched (ADVP upward )ADVP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 13 15 (S (ADVP Meanwhile )ADVP , (S (NP (NP September housing starts )NP , (ADJP due (NP Wednesday )NP )ADJP , )NP (VP are (VP thought (S (VP to (VP have (S (VP inched (ADVP upward )ADVP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S . )S 12 13 (S (ADVP Meanwhile )ADVP , (NP (NP September housing starts )NP , (ADVP due )ADVP (NP Wednesday )NP , )NP (VP are (VP thought (S (VP to (VP have (VP inched (ADVP upward )ADVP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 13 15 (S (ADVP Meanwhile )ADVP , (NP (NP (NP September )NP housing starts )NP , (ADJP due (NP Wednesday )NP )ADJP , )NP (VP are (VP thought (S (VP to (VP have (S (VP inched (ADVP upward )ADVP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 12 13 (S (INTJ Meanwhile )INTJ , (NP (NP September housing starts )NP , (ADJP due (NP Wednesday )NP )ADJP , )NP (VP are (VP thought (S (VP to (VP have (VP inched (ADVP upward )ADVP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 12 14 (S (ADVP Meanwhile )ADVP , (NP (NP September housing starts )NP , (ADJP due (NP Wednesday )NP )ADJP , )NP (VP are (VP thought (S (VP to (VP have (VP inched (S (ADJP upward )ADJP )S )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 12 13 (S (ADVP Meanwhile )ADVP , (NP (NP September housing starts )NP , due (NP Wednesday )NP , )NP (VP are (VP thought (S (VP to (VP have (S (VP inched (ADVP upward )ADVP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 12 13 (S (ADVP Meanwhile )ADVP , (NP (NP September housing starts )NP , (ADVP due )ADVP (NP Wednesday )NP , )NP (VP are (VP thought (S (VP to (VP have (VP inched (ADVP upward )ADVP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 12 13 (S (ADVP Meanwhile )ADVP , (NP (NP September housing starts )NP , (ADJP due (NP Wednesday )NP )ADJP , )NP (VP are (VP thought (S (VP to (VP have (VP inched (ADJP upward )ADJP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 12 14 (S (ADVP Meanwhile )ADVP , (NP (NP September housing starts )NP , (ADJP due (NP Wednesday )NP )ADJP , )NP (VP are (ADJP thought (S (VP to (VP have (S (VP inched (ADVP upward )ADVP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP . )S 12 14 (S (ADVP Meanwhile )ADVP , (NP (NP September housing starts )NP , (ADVP due )ADVP (NP Wednesday )NP , )NP (VP are (VP thought (S (VP to (VP have (S (VP inched (ADVP upward )ADVP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 13 13 (S (ADVP Meanwhile )ADVP , (NP (NP September housing starts )NP , (ADJP due (NP Wednesday )NP )ADJP , )NP (VP are (VP thought (S (VP to (VP have (VP inched (ADVP upward )ADVP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 9 13 (S (ADVP Meanwhile )ADVP , (NP (NP September housing starts )NP , (ADJP due (NP Wednesday )NP )ADJP , )NP (VP are (VP thought (S (VP to (VP have (VP inched )VP )VP )VP )S (ADVP upward )ADVP )VP )VP . )S 12 14 (S (INTJ Meanwhile )INTJ , (NP (NP September housing starts )NP , (ADJP due (NP Wednesday )NP )ADJP , )NP (VP are (VP thought (S (VP to (VP have (S (VP inched (ADVP upward )ADVP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 12 14 (S (ADVP Meanwhile )ADVP , (NP (NP September housing starts )NP , (ADVP due )ADVP (NP Wednesday )NP , )NP (VP are (VP thought (S (VP to (VP have (S (VP inched (ADVP upward )ADVP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 12 14 (S (ADVP Meanwhile )ADVP , (NP (NP September housing starts )NP , (ADJP due (NP Wednesday )NP )ADJP , )NP (VP are (VP thought (S (VP to (VP have (S (VP inched (ADJP upward )ADJP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 12 13 (S (ADVP Meanwhile )ADVP , (NP (NP September housing starts )NP , (ADJP due (NP Wednesday )NP )ADJP , )NP (VP are (VP thought (S (VP to (VP have (VP inched (NP upward )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 12 14 (S (ADVP Meanwhile )ADVP , (NP (NP September housing starts )NP , (ADJP due (NP Wednesday )NP )ADJP , )NP (VP are (VP thought (S (VP to (VP have (VP inched (S (ADJP upward )ADJP )S )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 13 14 (S (ADVP Meanwhile )ADVP , (NP (NP September housing starts )NP , (ADJP due (NP Wednesday )NP )ADJP , )NP (VP are (VP thought (S (VP to (VP have (S (VP inched (ADVP upward )ADVP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 12 13 (S (ADVP Meanwhile )ADVP , (NP (NP September housing starts )NP , (ADJP due (NP Wednesday )NP )ADJP , )NP (VP are (VP thought (S (VP to (VP have (VP inched (NP upward )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 12 14 (S (ADVP Meanwhile )ADVP , (NP (NP September housing starts )NP , (ADJP due (NP Wednesday )NP )ADJP , )NP (VP are (ADJP thought (SBAR (S (VP to (VP have (VP inched (ADVP upward )ADVP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )ADJP )VP . )S 11 12 (S (ADVP Meanwhile )ADVP , (NP (NP September housing starts )NP , (NP due Wednesday )NP , )NP (VP are (VP thought (S (VP to (VP have (VP inched (ADVP upward )ADVP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 11 13 (S (ADVP Meanwhile )ADVP , (NP (NP September housing starts )NP , (NP due Wednesday )NP , )NP (VP are (VP thought (SBAR (S (VP to (VP have (VP inched (ADVP upward )ADVP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 13 13 (S (ADVP Meanwhile )ADVP , (NP (NP September housing starts )NP , (ADJP due (NP Wednesday )NP )ADJP , )NP (VP are (VP thought (S (VP to (VP have (VP inched (PRT upward )PRT )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 13 13 (S (ADVP Meanwhile )ADVP , (NP (NP September housing starts )NP , (ADJP due (NP Wednesday )NP )ADJP , )NP (VP are (VP thought (S (VP to (VP have (VP inched (ADVP upward )ADVP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 13 14 (S (ADVP Meanwhile )ADVP , (NP (NP September housing starts )NP , (ADJP due (NP Wednesday )NP )ADJP , )NP (VP are (VP thought (S (VP to (VP have (VP inched (S (ADVP upward )ADVP )S )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 11 13 (S (ADVP Meanwhile )ADVP , (S (NP (NP September housing starts )NP , (NP due Wednesday )NP , )NP (VP are (VP thought (S (VP to (VP have (VP inched (ADVP upward )ADVP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S . )S 12 15 (S (ADVP Meanwhile )ADVP , (NP (NP September housing starts )NP , (ADJP due (NP Wednesday )NP )ADJP , )NP (VP are (ADJP thought (SBAR (S (VP to (VP have (S (VP inched (ADVP upward )ADVP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )ADJP )VP . )S 11 13 (S (ADVP Meanwhile )ADVP , (NP (NP September housing starts )NP , (NP due Wednesday )NP , )NP (VP are (VP thought (S (VP to (VP have (S (VP inched (ADVP upward )ADVP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 11 14 (S (ADVP Meanwhile )ADVP , (NP (NP September housing starts )NP , (NP due Wednesday )NP , )NP (VP are (VP thought (SBAR (S (VP to (VP have (S (VP inched (ADVP upward )ADVP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 11 13 (S (ADVP Meanwhile )ADVP , (NP (NP (NP September )NP housing starts )NP , (NP due Wednesday )NP , )NP (VP are (VP thought (S (VP to (VP have (VP inched (ADVP upward )ADVP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 11 13 (S (ADVP Meanwhile )ADVP , (NP (NP September housing starts )NP , (NP (ADJP due )ADJP Wednesday )NP , )NP (VP are (VP thought (S (VP to (VP have (VP inched (ADVP upward )ADVP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 13 14 (S (ADVP Meanwhile )ADVP , (NP (NP September housing starts )NP , (ADJP due (NP Wednesday )NP )ADJP , )NP (VP are (VP thought (S (VP to (VP have (S (VP inched (ADVP upward )ADVP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 10 12 (S (ADVP Meanwhile )ADVP , (NP (NP September housing starts )NP , (NP due Wednesday )NP , )NP (VP are (ADJP thought (S (VP to (VP have (VP inched (ADVP upward )ADVP )VP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP . )S 11 14 (S (ADVP Meanwhile )ADVP , (NP (NP September housing starts )NP , (NP due Wednesday )NP , )NP (VP are (VP thought (S (VP to (VP have (SBAR (S (VP inched (ADVP upward )ADVP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 11 14 (S (ADVP Meanwhile )ADVP , (S (NP (NP September housing starts )NP , (NP due Wednesday )NP , )NP (VP are (VP thought (S (VP to (VP have (S (VP inched (ADVP upward )ADVP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S . )S 11 14 (S (ADVP Meanwhile )ADVP , (NP (NP (NP September )NP housing starts )NP , (NP due Wednesday )NP , )NP (VP are (VP thought (S (VP to (VP have (S (VP inched (ADVP upward )ADVP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 12 13 (S (ADVP Meanwhile )ADVP , (NP (NP September housing starts )NP , (ADJP due (NP Wednesday )NP )ADJP , )NP (VP are (VP thought (S (VP to (VP have (VP inched (ADJP upward )ADJP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 10 12 (S (INTJ Meanwhile )INTJ , (NP (NP September housing starts )NP , (NP due Wednesday )NP , )NP (VP are (VP thought (S (VP to (VP have (VP inched (ADVP upward )ADVP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 10 13 (S (ADVP Meanwhile )ADVP , (NP (NP September housing starts )NP , (NP due Wednesday )NP , )NP (VP are (VP thought (S (VP to (VP have (VP inched (S (ADJP upward )ADJP )S )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 50 20 20 (SINV `` (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (NP (NP a possibility )NP (PP of (NP (NP a surprise )NP '' (PP in (NP the trade report )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )S , (VP said )VP (NP (NP Michael Englund )NP , (NP (NP director )NP (PP of (NP research )NP )PP (PP at (NP MMS )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 17 19 (SINV `` (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (NP (NP a possibility )NP (PP of (NP a surprise )NP )PP )NP '' (PP in (NP the trade report )NP )PP )VP )S , (VP said )VP (NP (NP Michael Englund )NP , (NP (NP director )NP (PP of (NP research )NP )PP (PP at (NP MMS )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 19 21 (SINV `` (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (NP (NP a possibility )NP (PP of (NP (NP a surprise )NP '' (PP in (NP the trade report )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )S , (VP said )VP (NP (NP Michael Englund )NP , (NP (NP director )NP (PP of (NP (NP research )NP (PP at (NP MMS )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 16 20 (SINV `` (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (NP (NP a possibility )NP (PP of (NP a surprise )NP )PP )NP '' (PP in (NP the trade report )NP )PP )VP )S , (VP said )VP (NP (NP Michael Englund )NP , (NP (NP director )NP (PP of (NP (NP research )NP (PP at (NP MMS )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 17 19 (SINV `` (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (NP (NP a possibility )NP (PP of (NP a surprise )NP )PP '' )NP (PP in (NP the trade report )NP )PP )VP )S , (VP said )VP (NP (NP Michael Englund )NP , (NP (NP director )NP (PP of (NP research )NP )PP (PP at (NP MMS )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 20 20 (SINV `` (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (NP (NP a possibility )NP (PP of (NP (NP a surprise '' )NP (PP in (NP the trade report )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )S , (VP said )VP (NP (NP Michael Englund )NP , (NP (NP director )NP (PP of (NP research )NP )PP (PP at (NP MMS )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 20 20 (SINV (S `` (NP There )NP (VP 's (NP (NP a possibility )NP (PP of (NP (NP a surprise )NP '' (PP in (NP the trade report )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )S , (VP said )VP (NP (NP Michael Englund )NP , (NP (NP director )NP (PP of (NP research )NP )PP (PP at (NP MMS )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 17 20 (SINV `` (S (NP There )NP (VP (VP 's (NP (NP a possibility )NP (PP of (NP a surprise )NP )PP )NP )VP '' (PP in (NP the trade report )NP )PP )VP )S , (VP said )VP (NP (NP Michael Englund )NP , (NP (NP director )NP (PP of (NP research )NP )PP (PP at (NP MMS )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 18 19 (SINV `` (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (NP (NP a possibility )NP (PP of (NP a surprise )NP )PP '' (PP in (NP the trade report )NP )PP )NP )VP )S , (VP said )VP (NP (NP Michael Englund )NP , (NP (NP director )NP (PP of (NP research )NP )PP (PP at (NP MMS )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 17 19 (SINV (S `` (NP There )NP (VP 's (NP (NP a possibility )NP (PP of (NP a surprise )NP )PP )NP '' (PP in (NP the trade report )NP )PP )VP )S , (VP said )VP (NP (NP Michael Englund )NP , (NP (NP director )NP (PP of (NP research )NP )PP (PP at (NP MMS )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 16 20 (SINV `` (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (NP (NP a possibility )NP (PP of (NP a surprise )NP )PP '' )NP (PP in (NP the trade report )NP )PP )VP )S , (VP said )VP (NP (NP Michael Englund )NP , (NP (NP director )NP (PP of (NP (NP research )NP (PP at (NP MMS )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 20 21 (SINV `` (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (NP (NP a possibility )NP (PP of (NP (NP a surprise )NP '' (PP in (NP the trade report )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )S , (VP said )VP (NP (NP Michael Englund )NP , (NP (NP (NP director )NP (PP of (NP research )NP )PP )NP (PP at (NP MMS )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 17 20 (SINV `` (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (NP (NP a possibility )NP (PP of (NP a surprise )NP )PP )NP '' (PP in (NP the trade report )NP )PP )VP )S , (VP said )VP (NP (NP Michael Englund )NP , (NP (NP (NP director )NP (PP of (NP research )NP )PP )NP (PP at (NP MMS )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 19 21 (SINV `` (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (NP (NP a possibility )NP (PP of (NP (NP a surprise '' )NP (PP in (NP the trade report )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )S , (VP said )VP (NP (NP Michael Englund )NP , (NP (NP director )NP (PP of (NP (NP research )NP (PP at (NP MMS )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 17 19 (SINV `` (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (NP (NP a possibility )NP (PP of (NP a surprise )NP '' )PP )NP (PP in (NP the trade report )NP )PP )VP )S , (VP said )VP (NP (NP Michael Englund )NP , (NP (NP director )NP (PP of (NP research )NP )PP (PP at (NP MMS )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 19 21 (SINV (S `` (NP There )NP (VP 's (NP (NP a possibility )NP (PP of (NP (NP a surprise )NP '' (PP in (NP the trade report )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )S , (VP said )VP (NP (NP Michael Englund )NP , (NP (NP director )NP (PP of (NP (NP research )NP (PP at (NP MMS )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 16 21 (SINV `` (S (NP There )NP (VP (VP 's (NP (NP a possibility )NP (PP of (NP a surprise )NP )PP )NP )VP '' (PP in (NP the trade report )NP )PP )VP )S , (VP said )VP (NP (NP Michael Englund )NP , (NP (NP director )NP (PP of (NP (NP research )NP (PP at (NP MMS )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 17 20 (SINV `` (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (NP (NP a possibility )NP (PP of (NP a surprise )NP )PP '' (PP in (NP the trade report )NP )PP )NP )VP )S , (VP said )VP (NP (NP Michael Englund )NP , (NP (NP director )NP (PP of (NP (NP research )NP (PP at (NP MMS )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 16 20 (SINV (S `` (NP There )NP (VP 's (NP (NP a possibility )NP (PP of (NP a surprise )NP )PP )NP '' (PP in (NP the trade report )NP )PP )VP )S , (VP said )VP (NP (NP Michael Englund )NP , (NP (NP director )NP (PP of (NP (NP research )NP (PP at (NP MMS )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 17 19 (SINV (S `` (NP There )NP (VP 's (NP (NP a possibility )NP (PP of (NP a surprise )NP )PP '' )NP (PP in (NP the trade report )NP )PP )VP )S , (VP said )VP (NP (NP Michael Englund )NP , (NP (NP director )NP (PP of (NP research )NP )PP (PP at (NP MMS )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 17 19 (SINV `` (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (NP (NP a possibility )NP (PP of (NP a surprise )NP )PP )NP '' (PP in (NP the trade report )NP )PP )VP )S , (VP said )VP (NP (NP Michael Englund )NP , (NP (NP director )NP (PP of (NP research )NP )PP (PP at (NP MMS )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 17 20 (SINV `` (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (NP (NP a possibility )NP (PP of (NP a surprise )NP )PP '' )NP (PP in (NP the trade report )NP )PP )VP )S , (VP said )VP (NP (NP Michael Englund )NP , (NP (NP (NP director )NP (PP of (NP research )NP )PP )NP (PP at (NP MMS )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 20 20 (SINV (S `` (NP There )NP (VP 's (NP (NP a possibility )NP (PP of (NP (NP a surprise '' )NP (PP in (NP the trade report )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )S , (VP said )VP (NP (NP Michael Englund )NP , (NP (NP director )NP (PP of (NP research )NP )PP (PP at (NP MMS )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 16 20 (SINV `` (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (NP (NP a possibility )NP (PP of (NP a surprise )NP '' )PP )NP (PP in (NP the trade report )NP )PP )VP )S , (VP said )VP (NP (NP Michael Englund )NP , (NP (NP director )NP (PP of (NP (NP research )NP (PP at (NP MMS )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 18 20 (SINV `` (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (NP (NP (NP a possibility )NP (PP of (NP a surprise )NP )PP )NP '' (PP in (NP the trade report )NP )PP )NP )VP )S , (VP said )VP (NP (NP Michael Englund )NP , (NP (NP director )NP (PP of (NP research )NP )PP (PP at (NP MMS )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 17 20 (SINV `` (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (NP (NP a possibility )NP (PP of (NP (NP a surprise )NP '' )NP )PP )NP (PP in (NP the trade report )NP )PP )VP )S , (VP said )VP (NP (NP Michael Englund )NP , (NP (NP director )NP (PP of (NP research )NP )PP (PP at (NP MMS )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 20 21 (SINV `` (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (NP (NP a possibility )NP (PP of (NP (NP a surprise '' )NP (PP in (NP the trade report )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )S , (VP said )VP (NP (NP Michael Englund )NP , (NP (NP (NP director )NP (PP of (NP research )NP )PP )NP (PP at (NP MMS )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 17 20 (SINV (S `` (NP There )NP (VP (VP 's (NP (NP a possibility )NP (PP of (NP a surprise )NP )PP )NP )VP '' (PP in (NP the trade report )NP )PP )VP )S , (VP said )VP (NP (NP Michael Englund )NP , (NP (NP director )NP (PP of (NP research )NP )PP (PP at (NP MMS )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 18 19 (SINV (S `` (NP There )NP (VP 's (NP (NP a possibility )NP (PP of (NP a surprise )NP )PP '' (PP in (NP the trade report )NP )PP )NP )VP )S , (VP said )VP (NP (NP Michael Englund )NP , (NP (NP director )NP (PP of (NP research )NP )PP (PP at (NP MMS )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 16 20 (SINV (S `` (NP There )NP (VP 's (NP (NP a possibility )NP (PP of (NP a surprise )NP )PP '' )NP (PP in (NP the trade report )NP )PP )VP )S , (VP said )VP (NP (NP Michael Englund )NP , (NP (NP director )NP (PP of (NP (NP research )NP (PP at (NP MMS )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 20 21 (SINV (S `` (NP There )NP (VP 's (NP (NP a possibility )NP (PP of (NP (NP a surprise )NP '' (PP in (NP the trade report )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )S , (VP said )VP (NP (NP Michael Englund )NP , (NP (NP (NP director )NP (PP of (NP research )NP )PP )NP (PP at (NP MMS )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 17 21 (SINV `` (S (NP There )NP (VP (VP 's (NP (NP a possibility )NP (PP of (NP a surprise )NP )PP )NP )VP '' (PP in (NP the trade report )NP )PP )VP )S , (VP said )VP (NP (NP Michael Englund )NP , (NP (NP (NP director )NP (PP of (NP research )NP )PP )NP (PP at (NP MMS )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 17 18 (SINV `` (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (NP a possibility )NP (PP of (NP a surprise )NP )PP '' (PP in (NP the trade report )NP )PP )VP )S , (VP said )VP (NP (NP Michael Englund )NP , (NP (NP director )NP (PP of (NP research )NP )PP (PP at (NP MMS )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 18 20 (SINV `` (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (NP (NP a possibility )NP (PP of (NP a surprise )NP )PP '' (PP in (NP the trade report )NP )PP )NP )VP )S , (VP said )VP (NP (NP Michael Englund )NP , (NP (NP (NP director )NP (PP of (NP research )NP )PP )NP (PP at (NP MMS )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 17 20 (SINV (S `` (NP There )NP (VP 's (NP (NP a possibility )NP (PP of (NP a surprise )NP )PP )NP '' (PP in (NP the trade report )NP )PP )VP )S , (VP said )VP (NP (NP Michael Englund )NP , (NP (NP (NP director )NP (PP of (NP research )NP )PP )NP (PP at (NP MMS )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 18 20 (SINV `` (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (NP (NP a possibility )NP (PP of (NP (NP a surprise )NP '' (PP in (NP the trade report )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )S , (VP said )VP (NP (NP Michael Englund )NP , (NP (NP director )NP (PP of (NP research )NP )PP )NP )NP (PP at (NP MMS )NP )PP . )SINV 16 20 (SINV `` (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (NP (NP a possibility )NP (PP of (NP a surprise )NP )PP )NP '' (PP in (NP the trade report )NP )PP )VP )S , (VP said )VP (NP (NP Michael Englund )NP , (NP (NP director )NP (PP of (NP (NP research )NP (PP at (NP MMS )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 15 19 (SINV `` (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (NP (NP a possibility )NP (PP of (NP a surprise )NP )PP )NP '' (PP in (NP the trade report )NP )PP )VP )S , (VP said )VP (NP (NP Michael Englund )NP , (NP (NP director )NP (PP of (NP research )NP )PP )NP )NP (PP at (NP MMS )NP )PP . )SINV 20 20 (SINV (S (NP `` There )NP (VP 's (NP (NP a possibility )NP (PP of (NP (NP a surprise )NP '' (PP in (NP the trade report )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )S , (VP said )VP (NP (NP Michael Englund )NP , (NP (NP director )NP (PP of (NP research )NP )PP (PP at (NP MMS )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 17 19 (SINV `` (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (NP (NP a possibility )NP (PP of (NP a surprise '' )NP )PP )NP (PP in (NP the trade report )NP )PP )VP )S , (VP said )VP (NP (NP Michael Englund )NP , (NP (NP director )NP (PP of (NP research )NP )PP (PP at (NP MMS )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 17 19 (SINV (S (NP `` There )NP (VP 's (NP (NP a possibility )NP (PP of (NP a surprise )NP )PP )NP '' (PP in (NP the trade report )NP )PP )VP )S , (VP said )VP (NP (NP Michael Englund )NP , (NP (NP director )NP (PP of (NP research )NP )PP (PP at (NP MMS )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 17 19 (SINV `` (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (NP (NP a possibility )NP (PP of (NP a surprise )NP )PP '' )NP (PP in (NP the trade report )NP )PP )VP )S , (VP said )VP (NP (NP Michael Englund )NP , (NP (NP director )NP (PP of (NP research )NP )PP (PP at (NP MMS )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 19 19 (SINV `` (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (NP a possibility )NP (PP of (NP (NP a surprise )NP '' (PP in (NP the trade report )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S , (VP said )VP (NP (NP Michael Englund )NP , (NP (NP director )NP (PP of (NP research )NP )PP (PP at (NP MMS )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 20 20 (SINV `` (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (NP (NP a possibility )NP (PP of (NP (NP a surprise )NP '' (PP in (NP the trade report )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )S , (VP said )VP (NP (NP Michael Englund )NP , (NP (NP director )NP (PP of (NP research )NP )PP (PP at (NP MMS )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 19 21 (SINV (S `` (NP There )NP (VP 's (NP (NP a possibility )NP (PP of (NP (NP a surprise '' )NP (PP in (NP the trade report )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )S , (VP said )VP (NP (NP Michael Englund )NP , (NP (NP director )NP (PP of (NP (NP research )NP (PP at (NP MMS )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 20 20 (SINV `` (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (NP (NP a possibility )NP (PP of (NP (NP a surprise )NP '' (PP in (NP the trade report )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )S , (VP said )VP (NP (NP Michael Englund )NP , (NP (NP director )NP (PP of (NP research )NP )PP (PP at (NP MMS )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 17 19 (SINV (S `` (NP There )NP (VP 's (NP (NP a possibility )NP (PP of (NP a surprise )NP '' )PP )NP (PP in (NP the trade report )NP )PP )VP )S , (VP said )VP (NP (NP Michael Englund )NP , (NP (NP director )NP (PP of (NP research )NP )PP (PP at (NP MMS )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 16 19 (SINV (S `` (NP There )NP (VP 's (NP (NP a possibility )NP (PP of (NP a surprise )NP )PP )NP )VP '' (PP in (NP the trade report )NP )PP )S , (VP said )VP (NP (NP Michael Englund )NP , (NP (NP director )NP (PP of (NP research )NP )PP (PP at (NP MMS )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 19 20 (SINV `` (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (NP (NP a possibility )NP (PP of (NP (NP a surprise )NP '' (PP in (NP the trade report )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )S , (VP said )VP (NP (NP Michael Englund )NP , (NP (NP director )NP (PP of (NP research )NP )PP )NP (PP at (NP MMS )NP )PP )NP . )SINV 17 21 (SINV `` (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (NP (NP (NP a possibility )NP (PP of (NP a surprise )NP )PP )NP '' (PP in (NP the trade report )NP )PP )NP )VP )S , (VP said )VP (NP (NP Michael Englund )NP , (NP (NP director )NP (PP of (NP (NP research )NP (PP at (NP MMS )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 50 25 25 (S (S (NP (NP A widening )NP (PP of (NP the deficit )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR if (S (NP it )NP (VP were (VP combined (PP with (NP a (ADJP stubbornly strong )ADJP dollar )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (VP would (VP exacerbate (NP trade problems )NP )VP )VP )S -- but (S (NP the dollar )NP (VP weakened (NP Friday )NP (SBAR as (S (NP stocks )NP (VP plummeted )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S . )S 24 24 (S (S (NP (NP A widening )NP (PP of (NP the deficit )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR if (S (NP it )NP (VP were (VP combined (PP with (NP a stubbornly strong dollar )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (VP would (VP exacerbate (NP trade problems )NP )VP )VP )S -- but (S (NP the dollar )NP (VP weakened (NP Friday )NP (SBAR as (S (NP stocks )NP (VP plummeted )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S . )S 24 24 (S (NP (NP A widening )NP (PP of (NP the deficit )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR if (S (NP it )NP (VP were (VP combined (PP with (NP a (ADJP stubbornly strong )ADJP dollar )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (VP would (VP exacerbate (NP trade problems )NP )VP )VP -- but (S (NP the dollar )NP (VP weakened (NP Friday )NP (SBAR as (S (NP stocks )NP (VP plummeted )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S . )S 23 23 (S (NP (NP A widening )NP (PP of (NP the deficit )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR if (S (NP it )NP (VP were (VP combined (PP with (NP a stubbornly strong dollar )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (VP would (VP exacerbate (NP trade problems )NP )VP )VP -- but (S (NP the dollar )NP (VP weakened (NP Friday )NP (SBAR as (S (NP stocks )NP (VP plummeted )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S . )S 24 25 (S (NP (NP A widening )NP (PP of (NP the deficit )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR if (S (NP it )NP (VP were (VP combined (PP with (NP a (ADJP stubbornly strong )ADJP dollar )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (S (VP would (VP exacerbate (NP trade problems )NP )VP )VP )S -- but (S (NP the dollar )NP (VP weakened (NP Friday )NP (SBAR as (S (NP stocks )NP (VP plummeted )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S . )S 23 24 (S (NP (NP A widening )NP (PP of (NP the deficit )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR if (S (NP it )NP (VP were (VP combined (PP with (NP a stubbornly strong dollar )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (S (VP would (VP exacerbate (NP trade problems )NP )VP )VP )S -- but (S (NP the dollar )NP (VP weakened (NP Friday )NP (SBAR as (S (NP stocks )NP (VP plummeted )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S . )S 24 26 (S (NP (NP A widening )NP (PP of (NP the deficit )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR if (S (NP it )NP (VP were (VP combined (PP with (NP a (ADJP stubbornly strong )ADJP dollar )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (S (S (VP would (VP exacerbate (NP trade problems )NP )VP )VP )S -- but (S (NP the dollar )NP (VP weakened (NP Friday )NP (SBAR as (S (NP stocks )NP (VP plummeted )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )S . )S 23 25 (S (NP (NP A widening )NP (PP of (NP the deficit )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR if (S (NP it )NP (VP were (VP combined (PP with (NP a stubbornly strong dollar )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (S (S (VP would (VP exacerbate (NP trade problems )NP )VP )VP )S -- but (S (NP the dollar )NP (VP weakened (NP Friday )NP (SBAR as (S (NP stocks )NP (VP plummeted )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )S . )S 24 26 (S (S (NP (NP A widening )NP (PP of (NP the deficit )NP )PP (PRN , (SBAR if (S (NP it )NP (VP were (VP combined (PP with (NP a (ADJP stubbornly strong )ADJP dollar )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )PRN )NP (VP would (VP exacerbate (NP trade problems )NP )VP )VP )S -- but (S (NP the dollar )NP (VP weakened (NP Friday )NP (SBAR as (S (NP stocks )NP (VP plummeted )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S . )S 24 25 (S (S (NP (NP A widening )NP (PP of (NP the deficit )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR if (S (NP it )NP (VP were (VP combined (PP with (NP a (ADJP stubbornly strong )ADJP dollar )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (VP would (VP exacerbate (NP trade problems )NP )VP )VP )S -- (S but (NP the dollar )NP (VP weakened (NP Friday )NP (SBAR as (S (NP stocks )NP (VP plummeted )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S . )S 23 25 (S (S (NP (NP A widening )NP (PP of (NP the deficit )NP )PP (PRN , (SBAR if (S (NP it )NP (VP were (VP combined (PP with (NP a stubbornly strong dollar )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )PRN )NP (VP would (VP exacerbate (NP trade problems )NP )VP )VP )S -- but (S (NP the dollar )NP (VP weakened (NP Friday )NP (SBAR as (S (NP stocks )NP (VP plummeted )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S . )S 23 27 (S (S (NP (NP A widening )NP (PP of (NP (NP the deficit )NP (PRN , (SBAR if (S (NP it )NP (VP were (VP combined (PP with (NP a (ADJP stubbornly strong )ADJP dollar )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )PRN )NP )PP )NP (VP would (VP exacerbate (NP trade problems )NP )VP )VP )S -- but (S (NP the dollar )NP (VP weakened (NP Friday )NP (SBAR as (S (NP stocks )NP (VP plummeted )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S . )S 23 24 (S (S (NP (NP A widening )NP (PP of (NP the deficit )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR if (S (NP it )NP (VP were (VP combined (PP with (NP a stubbornly strong dollar )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (VP would (VP exacerbate (NP trade problems )NP )VP )VP )S -- (S but (NP the dollar )NP (VP weakened (NP Friday )NP (SBAR as (S (NP stocks )NP (VP plummeted )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S . )S 23 24 (S (NP (NP A widening )NP (PP of (NP the deficit )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR if (S (NP it )NP (VP were (VP combined (PP with (NP a (ADJP stubbornly strong )ADJP dollar )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (VP would (VP exacerbate (NP trade problems )NP )VP )VP -- (S but (NP the dollar )NP (VP weakened (NP Friday )NP (SBAR as (S (NP stocks )NP (VP plummeted )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S . )S 22 26 (S (S (NP (NP A widening )NP (PP of (NP (NP the deficit )NP (PRN , (SBAR if (S (NP it )NP (VP were (VP combined (PP with (NP a stubbornly strong dollar )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )PRN )NP )PP )NP (VP would (VP exacerbate (NP trade problems )NP )VP )VP )S -- but (S (NP the dollar )NP (VP weakened (NP Friday )NP (SBAR as (S (NP stocks )NP (VP plummeted )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S . )S 22 23 (S (NP (NP A widening )NP (PP of (NP the deficit )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR if (S (NP it )NP (VP were (VP combined (PP with (NP a stubbornly strong dollar )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (VP would (VP exacerbate (NP trade problems )NP )VP )VP -- (S but (NP the dollar )NP (VP weakened (NP Friday )NP (SBAR as (S (NP stocks )NP (VP plummeted )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S . )S 21 26 (S (NP (NP A widening )NP (PP of (NP the deficit )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR if (S (NP it )NP (VP were (VP combined (PP with (NP a (ADJP stubbornly strong )ADJP dollar )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (VP would (VP exacerbate (NP (NP trade problems )NP (PRN -- (S but (NP the dollar )NP (VP weakened (NP Friday )NP (SBAR as (S (NP stocks )NP (VP plummeted )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )PRN )NP )VP )VP . )S 25 26 (S (S (NP (NP A widening )NP (PP of (NP the deficit )NP )PP )NP (PRN , (SBAR if (S (NP it )NP (VP were (VP combined (PP with (NP a (ADJP stubbornly strong )ADJP dollar )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )PRN (VP would (VP exacerbate (NP trade problems )NP )VP )VP )S -- but (S (NP the dollar )NP (VP weakened (NP Friday )NP (SBAR as (S (NP stocks )NP (VP plummeted )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S . )S 20 25 (S (NP (NP A widening )NP (PP of (NP the deficit )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR if (S (NP it )NP (VP were (VP combined (PP with (NP a stubbornly strong dollar )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (VP would (VP exacerbate (NP (NP trade problems )NP (PRN -- (S but (NP the dollar )NP (VP weakened (NP Friday )NP (SBAR as (S (NP stocks )NP (VP plummeted )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )PRN )NP )VP )VP . )S 24 25 (S (S (NP (NP A widening )NP (PP of (NP the deficit )NP )PP )NP (PRN , (SBAR if (S (NP it )NP (VP were (VP combined (PP with (NP a stubbornly strong dollar )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )PRN (VP would (VP exacerbate (NP trade problems )NP )VP )VP )S -- but (S (NP the dollar )NP (VP weakened (NP Friday )NP (SBAR as (S (NP stocks )NP (VP plummeted )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S . )S 24 25 (S (S (NP (NP A widening )NP (PP of (NP the deficit )NP )PP , (SBAR if (S (NP it )NP (VP were (VP combined (PP with (NP a (ADJP stubbornly strong )ADJP dollar )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP would (VP exacerbate (NP trade problems )NP )VP )VP )S -- but (S (NP the dollar )NP (VP weakened (NP Friday )NP (SBAR as (S (NP stocks )NP (VP plummeted )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S . )S 23 24 (S (S (NP (NP A widening )NP (PP of (NP the deficit )NP )PP , (SBAR if (S (NP it )NP (VP were (VP combined (PP with (NP a stubbornly strong dollar )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP would (VP exacerbate (NP trade problems )NP )VP )VP )S -- but (S (NP the dollar )NP (VP weakened (NP Friday )NP (SBAR as (S (NP stocks )NP (VP plummeted )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S . )S 23 25 (S (NP (NP A widening )NP (PP of (NP the deficit )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR if (S (NP it )NP (VP were (VP combined (PP with (NP a (ADJP stubbornly strong )ADJP dollar )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (S (VP would (VP exacerbate (NP trade problems )NP )VP )VP )S -- (S but (NP the dollar )NP (VP weakened (NP Friday )NP (SBAR as (S (NP stocks )NP (VP plummeted )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S . )S 23 26 (S (S (NP (NP A widening )NP (PP of (NP the deficit )NP )PP (PRN , (SBAR if (S (NP it )NP (VP were (VP combined (PP with (NP a (ADJP stubbornly strong )ADJP dollar )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )PRN )NP (VP would (VP exacerbate (NP trade problems )NP )VP )VP )S -- (S but (NP the dollar )NP (VP weakened (NP Friday )NP (SBAR as (S (NP stocks )NP (VP plummeted )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S . )S 22 24 (S (NP (NP A widening )NP (PP of (NP the deficit )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR if (S (NP it )NP (VP were (VP combined (PP with (NP a stubbornly strong dollar )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (S (VP would (VP exacerbate (NP trade problems )NP )VP )VP )S -- (S but (NP the dollar )NP (VP weakened (NP Friday )NP (SBAR as (S (NP stocks )NP (VP plummeted )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S . )S 23 26 (S (S (NP (NP A widening )NP (PP of (NP (NP the deficit )NP , (SBAR if (S (NP it )NP (VP were (VP combined (PP with (NP a (ADJP stubbornly strong )ADJP dollar )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP )PP )NP (VP would (VP exacerbate (NP trade problems )NP )VP )VP )S -- but (S (NP the dollar )NP (VP weakened (NP Friday )NP (SBAR as (S (NP stocks )NP (VP plummeted )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S . )S 22 25 (S (S (NP (NP A widening )NP (PP of (NP the deficit )NP )PP (PRN , (SBAR if (S (NP it )NP (VP were (VP combined (PP with (NP a stubbornly strong dollar )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )PRN )NP (VP would (VP exacerbate (NP trade problems )NP )VP )VP )S -- (S but (NP the dollar )NP (VP weakened (NP Friday )NP (SBAR as (S (NP stocks )NP (VP plummeted )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S . )S 22 27 (S (S (NP (NP A widening )NP (PP of (NP (NP the deficit )NP (PRN , (SBAR if (S (NP it )NP (VP were (VP combined (PP with (NP a (ADJP stubbornly strong )ADJP dollar )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )PRN )NP )PP )NP (VP would (VP exacerbate (NP trade problems )NP )VP )VP )S -- (S but (NP the dollar )NP (VP weakened (NP Friday )NP (SBAR as (S (NP stocks )NP (VP plummeted )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S . )S 22 25 (S (S (NP (NP A widening )NP (PP of (NP (NP the deficit )NP , (SBAR if (S (NP it )NP (VP were (VP combined (PP with (NP a stubbornly strong dollar )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP )PP )NP (VP would (VP exacerbate (NP trade problems )NP )VP )VP )S -- but (S (NP the dollar )NP (VP weakened (NP Friday )NP (SBAR as (S (NP stocks )NP (VP plummeted )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S . )S 21 26 (S (S (NP (NP A widening )NP (PP of (NP (NP the deficit )NP (PRN , (SBAR if (S (NP it )NP (VP were (VP combined (PP with (NP a stubbornly strong dollar )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )PRN )NP )PP )NP (VP would (VP exacerbate (NP trade problems )NP )VP )VP )S -- (S but (NP the dollar )NP (VP weakened (NP Friday )NP (SBAR as (S (NP stocks )NP (VP plummeted )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S . )S 24 24 (S (NP (NP A widening )NP (PP of (NP the deficit )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR if (S (NP it )NP (VP were (VP combined (PP with (NP a (ADJP stubbornly strong )ADJP dollar )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (VP would (VP exacerbate (NP trade problems )NP )VP )VP -- but (S (NP the dollar )NP (VP weakened (NP Friday )NP (SBAR as (S (NP stocks )NP (VP plummeted )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S . )S 24 25 (S (NP (NP A widening )NP (PP of (NP the deficit )NP )PP )NP (PRN , (SBAR if (S (NP it )NP (VP were (VP combined (PP with (NP a (ADJP stubbornly strong )ADJP dollar )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )PRN (VP would (VP exacerbate (NP trade problems )NP )VP )VP -- but (S (NP the dollar )NP (VP weakened (NP Friday )NP (SBAR as (S (NP stocks )NP (VP plummeted )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S . )S 25 25 (S (S (NP (NP A widening )NP (PP of (NP the deficit )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR if (S (NP it )NP (VP were (VP combined (PP with (NP a (ADJP stubbornly strong )ADJP dollar )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (VP would (VP exacerbate (NP trade problems )NP )VP )VP -- )S but (S (NP the dollar )NP (VP weakened (NP Friday )NP (SBAR as (S (NP stocks )NP (VP plummeted )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S . )S 24 25 (S (S (NP (NP A widening )NP (PP of (NP the deficit )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR if (S (NP it )NP (VP were (VP combined (PP with (NP a (ADJP stubbornly )ADJP strong dollar )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (VP would (VP exacerbate (NP trade problems )NP )VP )VP )S -- but (S (NP the dollar )NP (VP weakened (NP Friday )NP (SBAR as (S (NP stocks )NP (VP plummeted )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S . )S 23 23 (S (NP (NP A widening )NP (PP of (NP the deficit )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR if (S (NP it )NP (VP were (VP combined (PP with (NP a stubbornly strong dollar )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (VP would (VP exacerbate (NP trade problems )NP )VP )VP -- but (S (NP the dollar )NP (VP weakened (NP Friday )NP (SBAR as (S (NP stocks )NP (VP plummeted )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S . )S 23 24 (S (NP (NP A widening )NP (PP of (NP the deficit )NP )PP )NP (PRN , (SBAR if (S (NP it )NP (VP were (VP combined (PP with (NP a stubbornly strong dollar )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )PRN (VP would (VP exacerbate (NP trade problems )NP )VP )VP -- but (S (NP the dollar )NP (VP weakened (NP Friday )NP (SBAR as (S (NP stocks )NP (VP plummeted )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S . )S 24 24 (S (S (NP (NP A widening )NP (PP of (NP the deficit )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR if (S (NP it )NP (VP were (VP combined (PP with (NP a stubbornly strong dollar )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (VP would (VP exacerbate (NP trade problems )NP )VP )VP -- )S but (S (NP the dollar )NP (VP weakened (NP Friday )NP (SBAR as (S (NP stocks )NP (VP plummeted )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S . )S 24 26 (S (S (NP (NP A widening )NP (PP of (NP the deficit )NP )PP )NP (PRN , (SBAR if (S (NP it )NP (VP were (VP combined (PP with (NP a (ADJP stubbornly strong )ADJP dollar )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )PRN (VP would (VP exacerbate (NP trade problems )NP )VP )VP )S -- (S but (NP the dollar )NP (VP weakened (NP Friday )NP (SBAR as (S (NP stocks )NP (VP plummeted )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S . )S 22 26 (S (S (NP (NP A widening )NP (PP of (NP the deficit (PRN , (SBAR if (S (NP it )NP (VP were (VP combined (PP with (NP a (ADJP stubbornly strong )ADJP dollar )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )PRN )NP )PP )NP (VP would (VP exacerbate (NP trade problems )NP )VP )VP )S -- but (S (NP the dollar )NP (VP weakened (NP Friday )NP (SBAR as (S (NP stocks )NP (VP plummeted )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S . )S 23 25 (S (S (NP (NP A widening )NP (PP of (NP the deficit )NP )PP )NP (PRN , (SBAR if (S (NP it )NP (VP were (VP combined (PP with (NP a stubbornly strong dollar )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )PRN (VP would (VP exacerbate (NP trade problems )NP )VP )VP )S -- (S but (NP the dollar )NP (VP weakened (NP Friday )NP (SBAR as (S (NP stocks )NP (VP plummeted )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S . )S 23 24 (S (NP (NP A widening )NP (PP of (NP the deficit )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR if (S (NP it )NP (VP were (VP combined (PP with (NP a (ADJP stubbornly )ADJP strong dollar )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (VP would (VP exacerbate (NP trade problems )NP )VP )VP -- but (S (NP the dollar )NP (VP weakened (NP Friday )NP (SBAR as (S (NP stocks )NP (VP plummeted )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S . )S 23 25 (S (S (NP (NP A widening )NP (PP of (NP the deficit )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR if (S (NP it )NP (VP were (VP combined (PP with (NP a (ADJP stubbornly strong )ADJP dollar )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (VP would (VP exacerbate (NP trade problems )NP )VP )VP )S -- but (S (NP the dollar )NP (VP weakened (NP Friday )NP )VP )S (SBAR as (S (NP stocks )NP (VP plummeted )VP )S )SBAR . )S 21 25 (S (S (NP (NP A widening )NP (PP of (NP the deficit (PRN , (SBAR if (S (NP it )NP (VP were (VP combined (PP with (NP a stubbornly strong dollar )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )PRN )NP )PP )NP (VP would (VP exacerbate (NP trade problems )NP )VP )VP )S -- but (S (NP the dollar )NP (VP weakened (NP Friday )NP (SBAR as (S (NP stocks )NP (VP plummeted )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S . )S 22 25 (S (NP (NP A widening )NP (PP of (NP the deficit )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR if (S (NP it )NP (VP were (VP combined (PP with (NP a (ADJP stubbornly strong )ADJP dollar )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (VP would (VP exacerbate (NP trade problems )NP (PRN -- but (S (NP the dollar )NP (VP weakened (NP Friday )NP (SBAR as (S (NP stocks )NP (VP plummeted )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )PRN )VP )VP . )S 22 24 (S (S (NP (NP A widening )NP (PP of (NP the deficit )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR if (S (NP it )NP (VP were (VP combined (PP with (NP a stubbornly strong dollar )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (VP would (VP exacerbate (NP trade problems )NP )VP )VP )S -- but (S (NP the dollar )NP (VP weakened (NP Friday )NP )VP )S (SBAR as (S (NP stocks )NP (VP plummeted )VP )S )SBAR . )S 25 25 (S (S (NP (NP A widening )NP (PP of (NP the deficit )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR if (S (NP it )NP (VP were (VP combined (PP with (NP a (ADJP stubbornly strong )ADJP dollar )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (VP would (VP exacerbate (NP trade problems )NP )VP )VP )S -- but (S (NP the dollar )NP (VP weakened (NP Friday )NP (SBAR as (S (NP stocks )NP (VP plummeted )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S . )S 23 25 (S (NP (NP A widening )NP (PP of (NP the deficit )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR if (S (NP it )NP (VP were (VP combined (PP with (NP a (ADJP stubbornly )ADJP strong dollar )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (S (VP would (VP exacerbate (NP trade problems )NP )VP )VP )S -- but (S (NP the dollar )NP (VP weakened (NP Friday )NP (SBAR as (S (NP stocks )NP (VP plummeted )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S . )S 21 27 (S (NP (NP A widening )NP (PP of (NP the deficit )NP )PP )NP (PRN , (SBAR if (S (NP it )NP (VP were (VP combined (PP with (NP a (ADJP stubbornly strong )ADJP dollar )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )PRN (VP would (VP exacerbate (NP (NP trade problems )NP (PRN -- (S but (NP the dollar )NP (VP weakened (NP Friday )NP (SBAR as (S (NP stocks )NP (VP plummeted )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )PRN )NP )VP )VP . )S 23 25 (S (S (NP (NP A widening )NP (PP of (NP the deficit )NP )PP , (SBAR if (S (NP it )NP (VP were (VP combined (PP with (NP a (ADJP stubbornly strong )ADJP dollar )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP would (VP exacerbate (NP trade problems )NP )VP )VP )S -- (S but (NP the dollar )NP (VP weakened (NP Friday )NP (SBAR as (S (NP stocks )NP (VP plummeted )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S . )S 21 24 (S (NP (NP A widening )NP (PP of (NP the deficit )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR if (S (NP it )NP (VP were (VP combined (PP with (NP a stubbornly strong dollar )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (VP would (VP exacerbate (NP trade problems )NP (PRN -- but (S (NP the dollar )NP (VP weakened (NP Friday )NP (SBAR as (S (NP stocks )NP (VP plummeted )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )PRN )VP )VP . )S 50 19 19 (S (PP In (NP any event )NP )PP , (NP (NP Mr. Englund )NP and (NP many others )NP )NP (VP say (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the easy gains )NP (PP in (S (VP narrowing (NP the trade gap )NP )VP )S )PP )NP (VP have (ADVP already )ADVP (VP been (VP made )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 19 20 (S (PP In (NP any event )NP )PP , (NP (NP Mr. Englund )NP and (NP many others )NP )NP (VP say (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the (ADJP easy )ADJP gains )NP (PP in (S (VP narrowing (NP the trade gap )NP )VP )S )PP )NP (VP have (ADVP already )ADVP (VP been (VP made )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 17 19 (S (PP In (NP any event )NP )PP , (NP (NP Mr. Englund )NP and (NP many others )NP )NP (VP say (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the easy gains )NP (PP in (NP (NP narrowing )NP (NP the trade gap )NP )NP )PP )NP (VP have (ADVP already )ADVP (VP been (VP made )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 17 18 (S (PP In (NP any event )NP )PP , (NP (NP Mr. Englund )NP and (NP many others )NP )NP (VP say (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the easy gains )NP (PP in (NP narrowing )NP (NP the trade gap )NP )PP )NP (VP have (ADVP already )ADVP (VP been (VP made )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 19 19 (S (PP In (NP any event )NP )PP , (NP (NP Mr. Englund )NP and (NP many others )NP )NP (VP say (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the easy gains )NP (PP in (S (VP narrowing (NP the trade gap )NP )VP )S )PP )NP (VP have (ADVP already )ADVP (VP been (VP made )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 15 18 (S (PP In (NP any event )NP )PP , (NP (NP Mr. Englund )NP and (NP many others )NP )NP (VP say (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the easy gains )NP (PP in (NP narrowing )NP )PP )NP (NP the trade gap )NP (VP have (ADVP already )ADVP (VP been (VP made )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 16 18 (S (PP In (NP any event )NP )PP , (NP (NP Mr. Englund )NP and (NP many others )NP )NP (VP say (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the easy gains )NP (VP (ADVP in )ADVP narrowing (NP the trade gap )NP )VP )NP (VP have (ADVP already )ADVP (VP been (VP made )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 19 19 (S (PP In (NP any event )NP )PP , (NP (NP Mr. Englund )NP and (NP many others )NP )NP (VP say (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the easy gains )NP (PP in (S (VP narrowing (NP the trade gap )NP )VP )S )PP )NP (VP have (ADVP already )ADVP (VP been (VP made )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 17 18 (S (PP In (NP any event )NP )PP , (NP (NP Mr. Englund )NP and (NP many others )NP )NP (VP say (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the easy gains )NP (PP in (NP narrowing )NP (NP the trade gap )NP )PP )NP (VP have (ADVP already )ADVP (VP been (VP made )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 15 18 (S (PP In (NP any event )NP )PP , (NP (NP Mr. Englund )NP and (NP many others )NP )NP (VP say (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the easy gains )NP (PP in (NP narrowing )NP )PP )NP (NP the trade gap )NP (VP have (ADVP already )ADVP (VP been (VP made )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 17 19 (S (PP In (NP any event )NP )PP , (NP (NP Mr. Englund )NP and (NP many others )NP )NP (VP say (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the easy gains )NP (PP in (NP (NP narrowing )NP (NP the trade gap )NP )NP )PP )NP (VP have (ADVP already )ADVP (VP been (VP made )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 17 20 (S (PP In (NP any event )NP )PP , (NP (NP Mr. Englund )NP and (NP many others )NP )NP (VP say (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the (ADJP easy )ADJP gains )NP (PP in (NP (NP narrowing )NP (NP the trade gap )NP )NP )PP )NP (VP have (ADVP already )ADVP (VP been (VP made )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 17 19 (S (PP In (NP any event )NP )PP , (NP (NP Mr. Englund )NP and (NP many others )NP )NP (VP say (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the (ADJP easy )ADJP gains )NP (PP in (NP narrowing )NP (NP the trade gap )NP )PP )NP (VP have (ADVP already )ADVP (VP been (VP made )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 19 20 (S (PP In (NP any event )NP )PP , (NP (NP Mr. Englund )NP and (NP many others )NP )NP (VP say (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the (ADJP easy )ADJP gains )NP (PP in (S (VP narrowing (NP the trade gap )NP )VP )S )PP )NP (VP have (ADVP already )ADVP (VP been (VP made )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 16 18 (S (PP In (NP any event )NP )PP , (NP (NP Mr. Englund )NP and (NP many others )NP )NP (VP say (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the easy gains )NP (VP (ADVP in )ADVP narrowing (NP the trade gap )NP )VP )NP (VP have (ADVP already )ADVP (VP been (VP made )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 16 18 (S (PP In (NP any event )NP )PP , (NP (NP Mr. Englund )NP and (NP many others )NP )NP (VP say (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the easy gains )NP (VP (ADVP in )ADVP narrowing (NP the trade gap )NP )VP )NP (VP have (ADVP already )ADVP (VP been (VP made )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 17 19 (S (PP In (NP any event )NP )PP , (NP (NP Mr. Englund )NP and (NP many others )NP )NP (VP say (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the easy gains )NP (PP in (NP (NP narrowing )NP (NP the trade gap )NP )NP )PP )NP (VP have (ADVP already )ADVP (VP been (VP made )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 15 19 (S (PP In (NP any event )NP )PP , (NP (NP Mr. Englund )NP and (NP many others )NP )NP (VP say (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the (ADJP easy )ADJP gains )NP (PP in (NP narrowing )NP )PP )NP (NP the trade gap )NP (VP have (ADVP already )ADVP (VP been (VP made )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 14 21 (S (PP In (NP any event )NP )PP , (NP (NP Mr. Englund )NP and (NP many others )NP )NP (VP say (SBAR that (S (NP the easy )NP (VP gains (PP in (S (VP narrowing (SBAR (S (NP the trade gap )NP (VP have (ADVP already )ADVP (VP been (VP made )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 16 19 (S (PP In (NP any event )NP )PP , (NP (NP Mr. Englund )NP and (NP many others )NP )NP (VP say (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the (ADJP easy )ADJP gains )NP (VP (ADVP in )ADVP narrowing (NP the trade gap )NP )VP )NP (VP have (ADVP already )ADVP (VP been (VP made )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 18 18 (S (PP In (NP any event )NP )PP , (NP (NP Mr. Englund )NP and (NP many others )NP )NP (VP say (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the easy gains )NP (PP in (VP narrowing (NP the trade gap )NP )VP )PP )NP (VP have (ADVP already )ADVP (VP been (VP made )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 17 18 (S (PP In (NP any event )NP )PP , (NP (NP Mr. Englund )NP and (NP many others )NP )NP (VP say (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the easy gains )NP (PP in (NP narrowing )NP (NP the trade gap )NP )PP )NP (VP have (ADVP already )ADVP (VP been (VP made )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 19 20 (S (PP In (NP any event )NP )PP , (NP (NP Mr. Englund )NP and (NP many others )NP )NP (VP say (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the (ADJP easy )ADJP gains )NP (PP in (S (VP narrowing (NP the trade gap )NP )VP )S )PP )NP (VP have (ADVP already )ADVP (VP been (VP made )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 18 18 (S (PP In (NP any event )NP )PP , (NP (NP Mr. Englund )NP and (NP many others )NP )NP (VP say (SBAR that (S (NP the easy gains )NP (PP in (S (VP narrowing (NP the trade gap )NP )VP )S )PP (VP have (ADVP already )ADVP (VP been (VP made )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 18 19 (S (PP In (NP any event )NP )PP , (NP (NP Mr. Englund )NP and (NP many others )NP )NP (VP say (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the easy gains )NP (PP in (S (VP narrowing (NP the trade gap )NP )VP )S )PP )NP (VP have (VP (ADVP already )ADVP been (VP made )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 15 18 (S (PP In (NP any event )NP )PP , (NP (NP Mr. Englund )NP and (NP many others )NP )NP (VP say (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the easy gains )NP (PP in (NP narrowing )NP )PP )NP (NP the trade gap )NP (VP have (ADVP already )ADVP (VP been (VP made )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 17 19 (S (PP In (NP any event )NP )PP , (NP (NP Mr. Englund )NP and (NP many others )NP )NP (VP say (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the (ADJP easy )ADJP gains )NP (PP in (NP narrowing )NP (NP the trade gap )NP )PP )NP (VP have (ADVP already )ADVP (VP been (VP made )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 16 18 (S (PP In (NP any event )NP )PP , (NP (NP Mr. Englund )NP and (NP many others )NP )NP (VP say (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the easy gains )NP (VP (ADVP in )ADVP narrowing (NP the trade gap )NP )VP )NP (VP have (ADVP already )ADVP (VP been (VP made )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 15 17 (S (PP In (NP any event )NP )PP , (NP (NP Mr. Englund )NP and (NP many others )NP )NP (VP say (SBAR that (S (NP the easy gains )NP (PP in (NP narrowing )NP )PP (NP the trade gap )NP (VP have (ADVP already )ADVP (VP been (VP made )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 19 19 (S (PP In (NP any event )NP )PP , (NP (NP Mr. Englund )NP and (NP many others )NP )NP (VP say (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the easy gains )NP (PP in (S (VP narrowing (NP the trade gap )NP )VP )S )PP )NP (VP have (ADVP already )ADVP (VP been (VP made )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 16 18 (S (PP In (NP any event )NP )PP , (NP (NP Mr. Englund )NP and (NP many others )NP )NP (VP say (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the easy gains )NP (PP in )PP (PP narrowing (NP the trade gap )NP )PP )NP (VP have (ADVP already )ADVP (VP been (VP made )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 14 21 (S (PP In (NP any event )NP )PP , (NP (NP Mr. Englund )NP and (NP many others )NP )NP (VP say (SBAR that (S (NP the easy )NP (VP gains (PP in (NP (NP narrowing )NP (SBAR (S (NP the trade gap )NP (VP have (ADVP already )ADVP (VP been (VP made )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 14 18 (S (PP In (NP any event )NP )PP , (NP (NP Mr. Englund )NP and (NP many others )NP )NP (VP say (SBAR that (S (NP the easy )NP (VP gains (SBAR in narrowing (S (NP the trade gap )NP (VP have (ADVP already )ADVP (VP been (VP made )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 15 19 (S (PP In (NP any event )NP )PP , (NP (NP Mr. Englund )NP and (NP many others )NP )NP (VP say (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the (ADJP easy )ADJP gains )NP (PP in (NP narrowing )NP )PP )NP (NP the trade gap )NP (VP have (ADVP already )ADVP (VP been (VP made )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 17 20 (S (PP In (NP any event )NP )PP , (NP (NP Mr. Englund )NP and (NP many others )NP )NP (VP say (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the (ADJP easy )ADJP gains )NP (PP in (NP (NP narrowing )NP (NP the trade gap )NP )NP )PP )NP (VP have (ADVP already )ADVP (VP been (VP made )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 18 18 (S (PP In (NP any event )NP )PP , (NP (NP Mr. Englund )NP and (NP many others )NP )NP (VP say (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the easy gains )NP (PP in (S (VP narrowing (NP the trade gap )NP )VP )S )PP )NP (VP have already (VP been (VP made )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 17 18 (S (PP In (NP any event )NP )PP , (NP (NP Mr. Englund )NP and (NP many others )NP )NP (VP say (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the easy gains )NP (PP in (NP narrowing )NP (NP the trade gap )NP )PP )NP (VP have (ADVP already )ADVP (VP been (VP made )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 19 20 (S (PP In (NP any event )NP )PP , (NP (NP Mr. Englund )NP and (NP many others )NP )NP (VP say (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the (NX easy gains )NX )NP (PP in (S (VP narrowing (NP the trade gap )NP )VP )S )PP )NP (VP have (ADVP already )ADVP (VP been (VP made )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 17 17 (S (PP In (NP any event )NP )PP , (NP Mr. Englund and many others )NP (VP say (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the easy gains )NP (PP in (S (VP narrowing (NP the trade gap )NP )VP )S )PP )NP (VP have (ADVP already )ADVP (VP been (VP made )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 18 19 (S (PP In (NP any event )NP )PP , (NP (NP Mr. Englund )NP and (NP many others )NP )NP (VP say (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the easy gains )NP (PP in (S (VP narrowing (NP the trade gap )NP )VP )S )PP )NP (VP have (ADVP already )ADVP (VP been (ADJP made )ADJP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 18 19 (S (PP In (NP any event )NP )PP , (NP (UCP (NP Mr. Englund )NP and many )UCP others )NP (VP say (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the easy gains )NP (PP in (S (VP narrowing (NP the trade gap )NP )VP )S )PP )NP (VP have (ADVP already )ADVP (VP been (VP made )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 19 19 (S (PP In (NP any event )NP )PP , (NP (NP Mr. Englund )NP and (NP many others )NP )NP (VP say (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the easy gains )NP (PP in (S (VP narrowing (NP the trade gap )NP )VP )S )PP )NP (VP have (ADVP already )ADVP (VP been (VP made )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 16 18 (S (PP In (NP any event )NP )PP , (NP (NP Mr. Englund )NP and (NP many others )NP )NP (VP say (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the easy gains )NP (PP in (NP narrowing )NP )PP (NP the trade gap )NP )NP (VP have (ADVP already )ADVP (VP been (VP made )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 14 20 (S (PP In (NP any event )NP )PP , (NP (NP Mr. Englund )NP and (NP many others )NP )NP (VP say (SBAR that (S (NP the easy )NP (VP gains (PP in (NP narrowing (SBAR (S (NP the trade gap )NP (VP have (ADVP already )ADVP (VP been (VP made )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 16 19 (S (PP In (NP any event )NP )PP , (NP (NP Mr. Englund )NP and (NP many others )NP )NP (VP say (SBAR that (S (NP (NP (NP the easy gains )NP (PP in (NP narrowing )NP )PP )NP (NP the trade gap )NP )NP (VP have (ADVP already )ADVP (VP been (VP made )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 18 20 (S (PP In (NP any event )NP )PP , (NP (NP Mr. Englund )NP and (NP many others )NP )NP (VP say (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the easy gains )NP (PP in (S (VP narrowing (NP the trade )NP (NP gap )NP )VP )S )PP )NP (VP have (ADVP already )ADVP (VP been (VP made )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 19 19 (S (PP In (NP any event )NP )PP , (NP (NP Mr. Englund )NP and (NP many others )NP )NP (VP say (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the easy gains )NP (PP in (S (VP narrowing (NP the trade gap )NP )VP )S )PP )NP (VP have (ADVP already )ADVP (VP been (VP made )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 16 19 (S (PP In (NP any event )NP )PP , (NP (NP Mr. Englund )NP and (NP many others )NP )NP (VP say (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the (ADJP easy )ADJP gains )NP (VP (ADVP in )ADVP narrowing (NP the trade gap )NP )VP )NP (VP have (ADVP already )ADVP (VP been (VP made )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 19 20 (S (PP In (NP any event )NP )PP , (NP (NP Mr. Englund )NP and (NP many others )NP )NP (VP say (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the easy gains )NP (PP in (SBAR (S (VP narrowing (NP the trade gap )NP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )NP (VP have (ADVP already )ADVP (VP been (VP made )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 16 19 (S (PP In (NP any event )NP )PP , (NP (NP Mr. Englund )NP and (NP many others )NP )NP (VP say (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the (ADJP easy )ADJP gains )NP (VP (ADVP in )ADVP narrowing (NP the trade gap )NP )VP )NP (VP have (ADVP already )ADVP (VP been (VP made )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 50 20 22 (S `` (S (NP Trade )NP (VP is (ADVP definitely )ADVP (VP going (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP (ADJP more politically sensitive (PP over (NP the next six or seven months )NP )PP )ADJP (SBAR as (S (NP improvement )NP (VP begins (S (VP to (VP slow )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 21 23 (S `` (S (NP Trade )NP (VP is (ADVP definitely )ADVP (VP going (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP (ADJP more politically sensitive (PP over (NP the next (QP six or seven )QP months )NP )PP )ADJP (SBAR as (S (NP improvement )NP (VP begins (S (VP to (VP slow )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 21 21 (S `` (S (NP Trade )NP (VP is (ADVP definitely )ADVP (VP going (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP more politically sensitive )ADJP (PP over (NP the next six or seven months )NP )PP (SBAR as (S (NP improvement )NP (VP begins (S (VP to (VP slow )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 20 22 (S `` (S (NP Trade )NP (VP is (ADVP definitely )ADVP (VP going (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP (ADJP more politically sensitive (PP over (NP the next six or seven months )NP )PP )ADJP (SBAR as (S (NP improvement )NP (VP begins (S (VP to (VP slow )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 21 21 (S `` (S (NP Trade )NP (VP is (ADVP definitely )ADVP (VP going (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP more politically sensitive )ADJP (PP over (NP the next six or seven months )NP )PP (SBAR as (S (NP improvement )NP (VP begins (S (VP to (VP slow )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 21 22 (S `` (S (NP Trade )NP (VP is (ADVP definitely )ADVP (VP going (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP (ADJP more politically sensitive )ADJP (PP over (NP the next six or seven months )NP )PP )ADJP (SBAR as (S (NP improvement )NP (VP begins (S (VP to (VP slow )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 22 22 (S `` (S (NP Trade )NP (VP is (ADVP definitely )ADVP (VP going (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP more politically sensitive )ADJP (PP over (NP the next (QP six or seven )QP months )NP )PP (SBAR as (S (NP improvement )NP (VP begins (S (VP to (VP slow )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 20 21 (S `` (S (NP Trade )NP (VP is (ADVP definitely )ADVP (VP going (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP more politically sensitive (PP over (NP the next six or seven months )NP )PP )ADJP (SBAR as (S (NP improvement )NP (VP begins (S (VP to (VP slow )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 21 23 (S `` (S (NP Trade )NP (VP is (ADVP definitely )ADVP (VP going (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP (ADJP more politically sensitive (PP over (NP the next (QP six or seven )QP months )NP )PP )ADJP (SBAR as (S (NP improvement )NP (VP begins (S (VP to (VP slow )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 18 21 (S `` (S (NP Trade )NP (VP is (ADVP definitely )ADVP (VP going (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP more politically sensitive )ADJP (PP over (NP the next six or seven months )NP )PP )VP )VP )S (SBAR as (S (NP improvement )NP (VP begins (S (VP to (VP slow )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 21 21 (S `` (S (NP Trade )NP (VP is (ADVP definitely )ADVP (VP going (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP more politically sensitive )ADJP (PP over (NP the next six or seven months )NP )PP (SBAR as (S (NP improvement )NP (VP begins (S (VP to (VP slow )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 22 22 (S `` (S (NP Trade )NP (VP is (ADVP definitely )ADVP (VP going (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP more politically sensitive )ADJP (PP over (NP the next (QP six or seven )QP months )NP )PP (SBAR as (S (NP improvement )NP (VP begins (S (VP to (VP slow )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 22 23 (S `` (S (NP Trade )NP (VP is (ADVP definitely )ADVP (VP going (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP (ADJP more politically sensitive )ADJP (PP over (NP the next (QP six or seven )QP months )NP )PP )ADJP (SBAR as (S (NP improvement )NP (VP begins (S (VP to (VP slow )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 21 22 (S `` (S (NP Trade )NP (VP is (ADVP definitely )ADVP (VP going (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP more politically sensitive (PP over (NP the next (QP six or seven )QP months )NP )PP )ADJP (SBAR as (S (NP improvement )NP (VP begins (S (VP to (VP slow )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 21 22 (S `` (S (NP Trade )NP (VP is (ADVP definitely )ADVP (VP going (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP (ADJP more politically sensitive )ADJP (PP over (NP the next six or seven months )NP )PP (SBAR as (S (NP improvement )NP (VP begins (S (VP to (VP slow )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 18 21 (S `` (S (NP Trade )NP (VP is (ADVP definitely )ADVP (VP going (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP more politically sensitive )ADJP (PP over (NP the next six or seven months )NP )PP )VP )VP )S (SBAR as (S (NP improvement )NP (VP begins (S (VP to (VP slow )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 18 22 (S `` (S (NP Trade )NP (VP is (ADVP definitely )ADVP (VP going (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP (ADJP more politically sensitive )ADJP (PP over (NP the next six or seven months )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )VP )S (SBAR as (S (NP improvement )NP (VP begins (S (VP to (VP slow )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 21 23 (S `` (S (NP Trade )NP (VP is (ADVP definitely )ADVP (VP going (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP (ADJP (ADJP more politically sensitive )ADJP (PP over (NP the next six or seven months )NP )PP )ADJP (SBAR as (S (NP improvement )NP (VP begins (S (VP to (VP slow )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 19 22 (S `` (S (NP Trade )NP (VP is (ADVP definitely )ADVP (VP going (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP more politically sensitive )ADJP (PP over (NP the next (QP six or seven )QP months )NP )PP )VP )VP )S (SBAR as (S (NP improvement )NP (VP begins (S (VP to (VP slow )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 21 21 (S `` (S (NP Trade )NP (VP is (ADVP definitely )ADVP (VP going (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP more politically sensitive )ADJP (PP over (NP the next six or seven months )NP )PP (SBAR as (S (NP improvement )NP (VP begins (S (VP to (VP slow )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 21 22 (S `` (S (NP Trade )NP (VP is (ADVP definitely )ADVP (VP going (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP (ADJP more politically sensitive )ADJP (PP over (NP the next six or seven months )NP )PP )ADJP (SBAR as (S (NP improvement )NP (VP begins (S (VP to (VP slow )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 18 21 (S `` (S (NP Trade )NP (VP is (ADVP definitely )ADVP (VP going (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP more politically sensitive )ADJP )VP )VP )S (PP over (NP the next six or seven months )NP )PP (SBAR as (S (NP improvement )NP (VP begins (S (VP to (VP slow )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 17 21 (S `` (S (NP Trade )NP (VP is (ADVP definitely )ADVP (VP going (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP more politically sensitive (PP over (NP the next six or seven months )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )VP )S (SBAR as (S (NP improvement )NP (VP begins (S (VP to (VP slow )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 22 22 (S `` (S (NP Trade )NP (VP is (ADVP definitely )ADVP (VP going (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP more politically sensitive )ADJP (PP over (NP the next (QP six or seven )QP months )NP )PP (SBAR as (S (NP improvement )NP (VP begins (S (VP to (VP slow )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 20 21 (S `` (S (NP Trade )NP (VP is (ADVP definitely )ADVP (VP going (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP more politically sensitive (PP over (NP the next six or seven months )NP )PP )ADJP (SBAR as (S (NP improvement )NP (VP begins (S (VP to (VP slow )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 18 21 (S `` (S (NP Trade )NP (VP is (ADVP definitely )ADVP (VP going (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP more politically sensitive )ADJP (PP over (NP the next six or seven months )NP )PP )VP )VP )S (SBAR as (S (NP improvement )NP (VP begins (S (VP to (VP slow )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 22 23 (S `` (S (NP Trade )NP (VP is (ADVP definitely )ADVP (VP going (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP (ADJP more politically sensitive )ADJP (PP over (NP the next (QP six or seven )QP months )NP )PP (SBAR as (S (NP improvement )NP (VP begins (S (VP to (VP slow )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 19 22 (S `` (S (NP Trade )NP (VP is (ADVP definitely )ADVP (VP going (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP more politically sensitive )ADJP (PP over (NP the next (QP six or seven )QP months )NP )PP )VP )VP )S (SBAR as (S (NP improvement )NP (VP begins (S (VP to (VP slow )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 19 23 (S `` (S (NP Trade )NP (VP is (ADVP definitely )ADVP (VP going (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP (ADJP more politically sensitive )ADJP (PP over (NP the next (QP six or seven )QP months )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )VP )S (SBAR as (S (NP improvement )NP (VP begins (S (VP to (VP slow )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 22 24 (S `` (S (NP Trade )NP (VP is (ADVP definitely )ADVP (VP going (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP (ADJP (ADJP more politically sensitive )ADJP (PP over (NP the next (QP six or seven )QP months )NP )PP )ADJP (SBAR as (S (NP improvement )NP (VP begins (S (VP to (VP slow )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 18 21 (S `` (S (NP Trade )NP (VP is (ADVP definitely )ADVP (VP going (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP more politically sensitive )ADJP )VP )VP )S (PP over (NP the next six or seven months )NP )PP (SBAR as (S (NP improvement )NP (VP begins (S (VP to (VP slow )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 22 22 (S `` (S (NP Trade )NP (VP is (ADVP definitely )ADVP (VP going (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP more politically sensitive )ADJP (PP over (NP the next (QP six or seven )QP months )NP )PP (SBAR as (S (NP improvement )NP (VP begins (S (VP to (VP slow )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 22 23 (S `` (S (NP Trade )NP (VP is (ADVP definitely )ADVP (VP going (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP (ADJP more politically sensitive )ADJP (PP over (NP the next (QP six or seven )QP months )NP )PP )ADJP (SBAR as (S (NP improvement )NP (VP begins (S (VP to (VP slow )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 19 22 (S `` (S (NP Trade )NP (VP is (ADVP definitely )ADVP (VP going (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP more politically sensitive )ADJP )VP )VP )S (PP over (NP the next (QP six or seven )QP months )NP )PP (SBAR as (S (NP improvement )NP (VP begins (S (VP to (VP slow )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 18 22 (S `` (S (NP Trade )NP (VP is (ADVP definitely )ADVP (VP going (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP more politically sensitive (PP over (NP the next (QP six or seven )QP months )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )VP )S (SBAR as (S (NP improvement )NP (VP begins (S (VP to (VP slow )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 21 22 (S `` (S (NP Trade )NP (VP is (ADVP definitely )ADVP (VP going (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP more politically sensitive (PP over (NP the next (QP six or seven )QP months )NP )PP )ADJP (SBAR as (S (NP improvement )NP (VP begins (S (VP to (VP slow )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 21 22 (S `` (S (NP Trade )NP (VP is (ADVP definitely )ADVP (VP going (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP (ADJP more politically sensitive )ADJP (PP over (NP the next six or seven months )NP )PP (SBAR as (S (NP improvement )NP (VP begins (S (VP to (VP slow )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 18 21 (S `` (S (NP Trade )NP (VP is (ADVP definitely )ADVP (VP going (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP more politically sensitive )ADJP (PP over (NP the next six or seven months )NP )PP )VP )VP )S (SBAR as (S (NP improvement )NP (VP begins (S (VP to (VP slow )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 18 22 (S `` (S (NP Trade )NP (VP is (ADVP definitely )ADVP (VP going (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP (ADJP more politically sensitive )ADJP (PP over (NP the next six or seven months )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )VP )S (SBAR as (S (NP improvement )NP (VP begins (S (VP to (VP slow )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 21 23 (S `` (S (NP Trade )NP (VP is (ADVP definitely )ADVP (VP going (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP (ADJP (ADJP more politically sensitive )ADJP (PP over (NP the next six or seven months )NP )PP )ADJP (SBAR as (S (NP improvement )NP (VP begins (S (VP to (VP slow )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 19 22 (S `` (S (NP Trade )NP (VP is (ADVP definitely )ADVP (VP going (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP more politically sensitive )ADJP (PP over (NP the next (QP six or seven )QP months )NP )PP )VP )VP )S (SBAR as (S (NP improvement )NP (VP begins (S (VP to (VP slow )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 18 21 (S `` (S (NP Trade )NP (VP is (ADVP definitely )ADVP (VP going (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP more politically sensitive )ADJP )VP )VP )S (PP over (NP the next six or seven months )NP )PP (SBAR as (S (NP improvement )NP (VP begins (S (VP to (VP slow )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 17 21 (S `` (S (NP Trade )NP (VP is (ADVP definitely )ADVP (VP going (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP more politically sensitive (PP over (NP the next six or seven months )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )VP )S (SBAR as (S (NP improvement )NP (VP begins (S (VP to (VP slow )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 20 21 (S `` (S (NP Trade )NP (VP is (ADVP definitely )ADVP (VP going (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP more politically sensitive (PP over (NP the next six or seven months )NP )PP (SBAR as (S (NP improvement )NP (VP begins (S (VP to (VP slow )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 19 22 (S `` (S (NP Trade )NP (VP is (ADVP definitely )ADVP (VP going (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP more politically sensitive )ADJP )VP )VP )S (PP over (NP the next (QP six or seven )QP months )NP )PP (SBAR as (S (NP improvement )NP (VP begins (S (VP to (VP slow )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 20 22 (S `` (S (NP Trade )NP (VP is (ADVP definitely )ADVP (VP going (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP (ADJP more politically sensitive )ADJP (SBAR (PP over (NP the next six or seven months )NP )PP as (S (NP improvement )NP (VP begins (S (VP to (VP slow )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 22 23 (S `` (S (NP Trade )NP (VP is (ADVP definitely )ADVP (VP going (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP (ADJP more politically sensitive )ADJP (PP over (NP the next (QP six or seven )QP months )NP )PP (SBAR as (S (NP improvement )NP (VP begins (S (VP to (VP slow )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 19 22 (S `` (S (NP Trade )NP (VP is (ADVP definitely )ADVP (VP going (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP more politically sensitive )ADJP (PP over (NP the next (QP six or seven )QP months )NP )PP )VP )VP )S (SBAR as (S (NP improvement )NP (VP begins (S (VP to (VP slow )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 19 23 (S `` (S (NP Trade )NP (VP is (ADVP definitely )ADVP (VP going (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP (ADJP more politically sensitive )ADJP (PP over (NP the next (QP six or seven )QP months )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )VP )S (SBAR as (S (NP improvement )NP (VP begins (S (VP to (VP slow )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 22 24 (S `` (S (NP Trade )NP (VP is (ADVP definitely )ADVP (VP going (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP (ADJP (ADJP more politically sensitive )ADJP (PP over (NP the next (QP six or seven )QP months )NP )PP )ADJP (SBAR as (S (NP improvement )NP (VP begins (S (VP to (VP slow )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 50 21 23 (S (S (NP Exports )NP (VP are (VP thought (S (VP to (VP have (VP risen (ADVP (ADVP strongly (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )ADVP , but (ADVP probably not enough )ADVP )ADVP (S (VP to (VP offset (NP (NP the jump )NP (PP in (NP imports )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , (NP economists )NP (VP said )VP . )S 17 22 (S (S (NP Exports )NP (VP are (VP thought (S (VP (VP to (VP have (VP risen (ADVP strongly )ADVP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP , (CONJP but probably not enough )CONJP (VP to (VP offset (NP (NP the jump )NP (PP in (NP imports )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , (NP economists )NP (VP said )VP . )S 21 23 (S (S (NP Exports )NP (VP are (VP thought (S (VP to (VP have (VP risen (ADVP (ADVP strongly (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )ADVP , but (ADVP probably not enough )ADVP )ADVP (S (VP to (VP offset (NP (NP the jump )NP (PP in (NP imports )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , (NP economists )NP (VP said )VP . )S 17 22 (S (S (NP Exports )NP (VP are (VP thought (S (VP (VP to (VP have (VP risen (ADVP strongly )ADVP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP , but (ADVP probably not enough )ADVP (VP to (VP offset (NP (NP the jump )NP (PP in (NP imports )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , (NP economists )NP (VP said )VP . )S 17 23 (S (S (NP Exports )NP (VP are (VP thought (S (VP (VP to (VP have (VP risen (ADVP strongly )ADVP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP , but (ADVP (ADVP probably not )ADVP enough )ADVP (VP to (VP offset (NP (NP the jump )NP (PP in (NP imports )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , (NP economists )NP (VP said )VP . )S 21 24 (S (S (NP Exports )NP (VP are (VP thought (S (VP to (VP have (VP risen (ADVP (ADVP (ADVP strongly )ADVP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )ADVP , but (ADVP probably not enough )ADVP )ADVP (S (VP to (VP offset (NP (NP the jump )NP (PP in (NP imports )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , (NP economists )NP (VP said )VP . )S 21 24 (S (S (NP Exports )NP (VP are (VP thought (S (VP to (VP have (VP (VP risen (ADVP strongly )ADVP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )VP , but (ADVP probably )ADVP (ADVP not enough )ADVP (S (VP to (VP offset (NP (NP the jump )NP (PP in (NP imports )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , (NP economists )NP (VP said )VP . )S 19 22 (S (S (NP Exports )NP (VP are (VP thought (S (VP to (VP have (VP (VP risen (ADVP strongly )ADVP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )VP , (CONJP but probably not enough )CONJP (VP to (VP offset (NP (NP the jump )NP (PP in (NP imports )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , (NP economists )NP (VP said )VP . )S 19 22 (S (S (NP Exports )NP (VP are (VP thought (S (VP to (VP have (VP (VP risen (ADVP strongly )ADVP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )VP , but (ADVP probably not enough )ADVP (VP to (VP offset (NP (NP the jump )NP (PP in (NP imports )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , (NP economists )NP (VP said )VP . )S 14 23 (S (S (NP Exports )NP (VP are (VP thought (S (VP to (VP have (VP risen (ADVP strongly )ADVP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP , but (S (ADVP probably )ADVP (ADVP not enough )ADVP (VP to (VP offset (NP (NP the jump )NP (PP in (NP imports )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )S , (NP economists )NP (VP said )VP . )S 18 23 (S (S (NP Exports )NP (VP are (VP thought (S (VP (VP to (VP have (VP risen (ADVP strongly )ADVP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP , but (ADVP probably )ADVP (ADVP not enough )ADVP (VP to (VP offset (NP (NP the jump )NP (PP in (NP imports )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , (NP economists )NP (VP said )VP . )S 13 22 (S (S (NP Exports )NP (VP are (VP thought (S (VP to (VP have (VP risen (ADVP strongly )ADVP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP , but (S (ADVP probably not enough )ADVP (VP to (VP offset (NP (NP the jump )NP (PP in (NP imports )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )S , (NP economists )NP (VP said )VP . )S 21 24 (S (S (NP Exports )NP (VP are (VP thought (S (VP to (VP have (VP risen (ADVP (ADVP strongly (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )ADVP , but (ADVP (ADVP probably not )ADVP enough )ADVP )ADVP (S (VP to (VP offset (NP (NP the jump )NP (PP in (NP imports )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , (NP economists )NP (VP said )VP . )S 14 22 (S (S (NP Exports )NP (VP are (VP thought (S (VP to (VP have (VP risen (ADVP strongly )ADVP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP , but (ADVP probably not enough )ADVP (S (VP to (VP offset (NP (NP the jump )NP (PP in (NP imports )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )S , (NP economists )NP (VP said )VP . )S 17 24 (S (S (NP Exports )NP (VP are (VP thought (S (S (VP to (VP have (VP risen (ADVP strongly )ADVP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S , but (S (ADVP probably )ADVP (ADVP not enough )ADVP (VP to (VP offset (NP (NP the jump )NP (PP in (NP imports )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )S )VP )VP )S , (NP economists )NP (VP said )VP . )S 17 23 (S (S (NP Exports )NP (VP are (VP thought (S (VP (VP to (VP have (VP risen (ADVP strongly )ADVP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP , but (ADVP probably )ADVP (VP (ADVP not enough )ADVP to (VP offset (NP (NP the jump )NP (PP in (NP imports )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , (NP economists )NP (VP said )VP . )S 21 24 (S (S (NP Exports )NP (VP are (VP thought (S (VP to (VP have (VP risen (ADVP (ADVP (ADVP strongly )ADVP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )ADVP , but (ADVP probably not enough )ADVP )ADVP (S (VP to (VP offset (NP (NP the jump )NP (PP in (NP imports )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , (NP economists )NP (VP said )VP . )S 20 23 (S (S (NP Exports )NP (VP are (VP thought (S (VP to (VP have (VP risen (ADVP strongly )ADVP (PP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP , but probably (ADJP not enough )ADJP )PP (S (VP to (VP offset (NP (NP the jump )NP (PP in (NP imports )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , (NP economists )NP (VP said )VP . )S 16 23 (S (S (NP Exports )NP (VP are (VP thought (S (S (VP to (VP have (VP risen (ADVP strongly )ADVP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S , but (S (ADVP probably not enough )ADVP (VP to (VP offset (NP (NP the jump )NP (PP in (NP imports )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )S )VP )VP )S , (NP economists )NP (VP said )VP . )S 17 22 (S (S (NP Exports )NP (VP are (VP thought (S (VP (VP to (VP have (VP risen (ADVP strongly )ADVP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP , (CONJP but probably not enough )CONJP (VP to (VP offset (NP (NP the jump )NP (PP in (NP imports )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , (NP economists )NP (VP said )VP . )S 15 24 (S (S (NP Exports )NP (VP (VP are (VP thought (S (VP to (VP have (VP risen (ADVP strongly )ADVP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP , but (VP (ADVP probably not )ADVP enough (S (VP to (VP offset (NP (NP the jump )NP (PP in (NP imports )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , (NP economists )NP (VP said )VP . )S 20 22 (S (S (NP Exports )NP (VP are (VP thought (S (VP to (VP have (VP risen (ADVP (ADVP strongly (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )ADVP , but (ADVP probably not enough )ADVP )ADVP (S (VP to (VP offset (NP the jump )NP (PP in (NP imports )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , (NP economists )NP (VP said )VP . )S 17 24 (S (S (NP Exports )NP (VP are (VP thought (S (S (VP to (VP have (VP risen (ADVP strongly )ADVP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S , but (S (ADVP probably )ADVP (NP not enough )NP (VP to (VP offset (NP (NP the jump )NP (PP in (NP imports )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )S )VP )VP )S , (NP economists )NP (VP said )VP . )S 14 23 (S (S (NP Exports )NP (VP are (VP thought (S (VP to (VP have (VP risen (ADVP strongly )ADVP )VP )VP )VP )S (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )VP )VP , but (S (ADVP probably )ADVP (ADVP not enough )ADVP (VP to (VP offset (NP (NP the jump )NP (PP in (NP imports )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )S , (NP economists )NP (VP said )VP . )S 15 22 (S (S (NP Exports )NP (VP are (VP (VP thought (S (VP to (VP have (VP risen (ADVP strongly )ADVP )VP )VP )VP )S (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )VP , but (ADVP probably not enough )ADVP (VP to (VP offset (NP (NP the jump )NP (PP in (NP imports )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S , (NP economists )NP (VP said )VP . )S 15 22 (S (S (NP Exports )NP (VP are (VP (VP thought (S (VP to (VP have (VP risen (ADVP strongly )ADVP )VP )VP )VP )S (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )VP , (CONJP but probably not enough )CONJP (VP to (VP offset (NP (NP the jump )NP (PP in (NP imports )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S , (NP economists )NP (VP said )VP . )S 8 25 (S (NP Exports )NP (VP are (VP thought (S (VP to (VP have (VP risen (ADVP strongly )ADVP (UCP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP , but probably (ADJP not enough (S (VP to (VP offset (NP (NP the jump )NP (PP in (NP (NP imports )NP , (SBAR (S (NP economists )NP (VP said )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )UCP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 13 22 (S (S (NP Exports )NP (VP are (VP thought (S (VP to (VP have (VP risen (ADVP strongly )ADVP )VP )VP )VP )S (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )VP )VP , but (S (ADVP probably not enough )ADVP (VP to (VP offset (NP (NP the jump )NP (PP in (NP imports )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )S , (NP economists )NP (VP said )VP . )S 14 22 (S (S (NP Exports )NP (VP are (VP thought (S (VP to (VP have (VP risen (ADVP strongly )ADVP )VP )VP )VP )S (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )VP )VP , but (ADVP probably not enough )ADVP (S (VP to (VP offset (NP (NP the jump )NP (PP in (NP imports )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )S , (NP economists )NP (VP said )VP . )S 16 22 (S (S (NP Exports )NP (VP are (VP thought (S (VP (VP to (VP have (VP risen (ADVP strongly )ADVP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP , but (VP (ADVP probably not enough )ADVP to (VP offset (NP (NP the jump )NP (PP in (NP imports )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , (NP economists )NP (VP said )VP . )S 18 22 (S (S (NP Exports )NP (VP are (VP thought (S (VP (VP to (VP have (VP risen (ADVP strongly (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )VP , (CONJP but probably not enough )CONJP (VP to (VP offset (NP (NP the jump )NP (PP in (NP imports )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , (NP economists )NP (VP said )VP . )S 20 24 (S (S (NP Exports )NP (VP are (VP thought (S (VP to (VP have (VP risen (ADVP strongly )ADVP (PP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP , but probably (ADJP not enough (SBAR (S (VP to (VP offset (NP (NP the jump )NP (PP in (NP imports )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )ADJP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , (NP economists )NP (VP said )VP . )S 16 21 (S (S (NP Exports )NP (VP are (VP thought (S (VP (VP to (VP have (VP risen (ADVP strongly )ADVP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP , (CONJP but probably not enough )CONJP (VP to (VP offset (NP the jump )NP (PP in (NP imports )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , (NP economists )NP (VP said )VP . )S 13 23 (S (S (NP Exports )NP (VP are (VP thought (S (VP to (VP have (VP risen (ADVP strongly )ADVP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP , but (S (ADVP (ADVP probably not )ADVP enough )ADVP (VP to (VP offset (NP (NP the jump )NP (PP in (NP imports )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )S , (NP economists )NP (VP said )VP . )S 19 21 (S (S (NP Exports )NP (VP are (VP thought (S (VP to (VP have (VP risen (ADVP strongly )ADVP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP , but (ADVP probably not enough )ADVP (VP to (VP offset (NP (NP the jump )NP (PP in (NP imports )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , (NP economists )NP (VP said )VP . )S 14 23 (S (S (NP Exports )NP (VP are (VP thought (S (VP to (VP have (VP risen (ADVP strongly )ADVP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP , but (ADVP probably )ADVP (S (ADVP not enough )ADVP (VP to (VP offset (NP (NP the jump )NP (PP in (NP imports )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )S , (NP economists )NP (VP said )VP . )S 19 23 (S (S (NP Exports )NP (VP are (VP thought (S (VP to (VP have (VP (VP risen (ADVP strongly )ADVP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )VP , but (ADVP (ADVP probably not )ADVP enough )ADVP (VP to (VP offset (NP (NP the jump )NP (PP in (NP imports )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , (NP economists )NP (VP said )VP . )S 20 23 (S (S (NP Exports )NP (VP are (VP thought (S (VP to (VP have (VP risen (ADVP strongly )ADVP (PP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP , but probably (ADJP not enough (S (VP to (VP offset (NP (NP the jump )NP (PP in (NP imports )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , (NP economists )NP (VP said )VP . )S 16 24 (S (S (NP Exports )NP (VP (VP are (VP thought (S (VP to (VP have (VP risen (ADVP strongly )ADVP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP , but (ADVP probably )ADVP (ADVP not enough )ADVP (S (VP to (VP offset (NP (NP the jump )NP (PP in (NP imports )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S , (NP economists )NP (VP said )VP . )S 13 24 (S (S (NP Exports )NP (VP are (VP thought (S (VP to (VP have (VP risen (ADVP strongly )ADVP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , but (S (S (ADVP probably )ADVP (ADVP not enough )ADVP (VP to (VP offset (NP (NP the jump )NP (PP in (NP imports )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S , (NP economists )NP (VP said )VP )S . )S 15 24 (S (S (NP Exports )NP (VP (VP are (VP thought (S (VP to (VP have (VP risen (ADVP strongly )ADVP )VP )VP )VP )S (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )VP )VP , but (VP (ADVP probably not )ADVP enough (S (VP to (VP offset (NP (NP the jump )NP (PP in (NP imports )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , (NP economists )NP (VP said )VP . )S 22 24 (S (S (NP Exports )NP (VP are (VP thought (S (VP to (VP have (VP risen (ADVP (ADVP strongly (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )ADVP , but (ADVP (ADVP probably )ADVP not enough )ADVP )ADVP (S (VP to (VP offset (NP (NP the jump )NP (PP in (NP imports )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , (NP economists )NP (VP said )VP . )S 20 24 (S (S (NP Exports )NP (VP are (VP thought (S (VP to (VP (VP have (VP risen (ADVP strongly )ADVP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )VP )VP , but (ADVP probably )ADVP (ADVP not enough )ADVP (S (VP to (VP offset (NP (NP the jump )NP (PP in (NP imports )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , (NP economists )NP (VP said )VP . )S 16 24 (S (S (NP Exports )NP (VP are (VP thought (S (S (VP to (VP have (VP risen (ADVP strongly )ADVP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S , but (S (ADVP (ADVP probably not )ADVP enough )ADVP (VP to (VP offset (NP (NP the jump )NP (PP in (NP imports )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )S )VP )VP )S , (NP economists )NP (VP said )VP . )S 17 23 (S (S (NP Exports )NP (VP are (VP thought (S (VP (VP to (VP have (VP risen (ADVP strongly )ADVP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP , but (VP (ADVP probably )ADVP (ADVP not enough )ADVP to (VP offset (NP (NP the jump )NP (PP in (NP imports )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , (NP economists )NP (VP said )VP . )S 17 24 (S (S (NP Exports )NP (VP are (VP thought (S (S (VP to (VP have (VP risen (ADVP strongly )ADVP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP (ADVP probably )ADVP not enough )NP (VP to (VP offset (NP (NP the jump )NP (PP in (NP imports )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )S )VP )VP )S , (NP economists )NP (VP said )VP . )S 16 23 (S (S (NP Exports )NP (VP are (VP thought (S (S (VP to (VP have (VP risen (ADVP strongly )ADVP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP probably not enough )NP (VP to (VP offset (NP (NP the jump )NP (PP in (NP imports )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )S )VP )VP )S , (NP economists )NP (VP said )VP . )S 12 23 (S (S (NP Exports )NP (VP are (VP thought (S (VP to (VP have (VP risen (ADVP strongly )ADVP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , but (S (S (ADVP probably not enough )ADVP (VP to (VP offset (NP (NP the jump )NP (PP in (NP imports )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S , (NP economists )NP (VP said )VP )S . )S 20 22 (S (S (NP Exports )NP (VP are (VP thought (S (VP to (VP have (VP risen (ADVP (ADVP strongly (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )ADVP , but (ADVP probably not enough )ADVP )ADVP (S (VP to (VP offset (NP the jump )NP (PP in (NP imports )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , (NP economists )NP (VP said )VP . )S 20 25 (S (S (NP Exports )NP (VP are (VP thought (S (VP to (VP have (VP risen (ADVP strongly )ADVP (PP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP , but probably (ADJP (ADJP not enough )ADJP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP offset (NP (NP the jump )NP (PP in (NP imports )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )ADJP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , (NP economists )NP (VP said )VP . )S 50 29 35 (S (NP (NP Views )NP (PP on (NP manufacturing strength )NP )PP )NP (VP are (VP split (PP between (NP (NP economists )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP read (NP (NP (NP September 's )NP low level )NP (PP of (NP factory job growth )NP )PP )NP (PP as (NP (NP (NP a sign )NP (PP of (NP a slowdown )NP )PP )NP and (NP (NP those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP use (NP the (ADJP somewhat more comforting )ADJP total employment figures )NP (PP in (NP their calculations )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 27 35 (S (NP (NP Views )NP (PP on (NP manufacturing strength )NP )PP )NP (VP are (VP split (PP between (NP (NP economists )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP read (NP (NP (NP September 's )NP low level )NP (PP of (NP factory job growth )NP )PP )NP (PP as (NP (NP a sign )NP (PP of (NP (NP a slowdown )NP and (NP (NP those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP use (NP the (ADJP somewhat more comforting )ADJP total employment figures )NP (PP in (NP their calculations )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 34 35 (S (NP (NP Views )NP (PP on (NP manufacturing strength )NP )PP )NP (VP are (VP split (PP between (NP (NP (NP economists )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP read (NP (NP (NP September 's )NP low level )NP (PP of (NP factory job growth )NP )PP )NP (PP as (NP (NP a sign )NP (PP of (NP a slowdown )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP and (NP (NP those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP use (NP the (ADJP somewhat more comforting )ADJP total employment figures )NP (PP in (NP their calculations )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 29 36 (S (NP (NP Views )NP (PP on (NP manufacturing strength )NP )PP )NP (VP are (VP split (PP between (NP (NP economists )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP read (NP (NP (NP September 's )NP low level )NP (PP of (NP factory job growth )NP )PP )NP (PP as (NP (NP (NP a sign )NP (PP of (NP a slowdown )NP )PP )NP and (NP (NP those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP use (NP (NP the (ADJP somewhat more comforting )ADJP total employment figures )NP (PP in (NP their calculations )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 27 36 (S (NP (NP Views )NP (PP on (NP manufacturing strength )NP )PP )NP (VP are (VP split (PP between (NP (NP economists )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP read (NP (NP (NP September 's )NP low level )NP (PP of (NP factory job growth )NP )PP )NP (PP as (NP (NP a sign )NP (PP of (NP (NP a slowdown )NP and (NP (NP those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP use (NP (NP the (ADJP somewhat more comforting )ADJP total employment figures )NP (PP in (NP their calculations )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 34 36 (S (NP (NP Views )NP (PP on (NP manufacturing strength )NP )PP )NP (VP are (VP split (PP between (NP (NP (NP economists )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP read (NP (NP (NP September 's )NP low level )NP (PP of (NP factory job growth )NP )PP )NP (PP as (NP (NP a sign )NP (PP of (NP a slowdown )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP and (NP (NP those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP use (NP (NP the (ADJP somewhat more comforting )ADJP total employment figures )NP (PP in (NP their calculations )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 29 36 (S (NP (NP Views )NP (PP on (NP manufacturing strength )NP )PP )NP (VP are (VP split (PP between (NP (NP economists )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP read (NP (NP (NP September 's )NP low level )NP (PP of (NP factory job growth )NP )PP )NP (PP as (NP (NP (NP a sign )NP (PP of (NP a slowdown )NP )PP )NP and (NP (NP those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP use (NP the (ADJP (ADVP somewhat more )ADVP comforting )ADJP total employment figures )NP (PP in (NP their calculations )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 29 35 (S (NP (NP Views )NP (PP on (NP manufacturing strength )NP )PP )NP (VP are (VP split (PP between (NP (NP economists )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP read (NP (NP (NP September 's )NP low level )NP (PP of (NP factory job growth )NP )PP )NP (PP as (NP (NP (NP a sign )NP (PP of (NP a slowdown )NP )PP )NP and (NP (NP those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP use (NP the (ADJP somewhat more comforting )ADJP total employment figures )NP (PP in (NP their calculations )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 27 36 (S (NP (NP Views )NP (PP on (NP manufacturing strength )NP )PP )NP (VP are (VP split (PP between (NP (NP economists )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP read (NP (NP (NP September 's )NP low level )NP (PP of (NP factory job growth )NP )PP )NP (PP as (NP (NP a sign )NP (PP of (NP (NP a slowdown )NP and (NP (NP those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP use (NP the (ADJP (ADVP somewhat more )ADVP comforting )ADJP total employment figures )NP (PP in (NP their calculations )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 27 35 (S (NP (NP Views )NP (PP on (NP manufacturing strength )NP )PP )NP (VP are (VP split (PP between (NP (NP economists )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP read (NP (NP (NP September 's )NP low level )NP (PP of (NP factory job growth )NP )PP )NP (PP as (NP (NP a sign )NP (PP of (NP (NP a slowdown )NP and (NP (NP those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP use (NP the (ADJP somewhat more comforting )ADJP total employment figures )NP (PP in (NP their calculations )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 34 36 (S (NP (NP Views )NP (PP on (NP manufacturing strength )NP )PP )NP (VP are (VP split (PP between (NP (NP (NP economists )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP read (NP (NP (NP September 's )NP low level )NP (PP of (NP factory job growth )NP )PP )NP (PP as (NP (NP a sign )NP (PP of (NP a slowdown )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP and (NP (NP those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP use (NP the (ADJP (ADVP somewhat more )ADVP comforting )ADJP total employment figures )NP (PP in (NP their calculations )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 34 35 (S (NP (NP Views )NP (PP on (NP manufacturing strength )NP )PP )NP (VP are (VP split (PP between (NP (NP (NP economists )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP read (NP (NP (NP September 's )NP low level )NP (PP of (NP factory job growth )NP )PP )NP (PP as (NP (NP a sign )NP (PP of (NP a slowdown )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP and (NP (NP those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP use (NP the (ADJP somewhat more comforting )ADJP total employment figures )NP (PP in (NP their calculations )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 29 37 (S (NP (NP Views )NP (PP on (NP manufacturing strength )NP )PP )NP (VP are (VP split (PP between (NP (NP economists )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP read (NP (NP (NP September 's )NP low level )NP (PP of (NP factory job growth )NP )PP )NP (PP as (NP (NP (NP a sign )NP (PP of (NP a slowdown )NP )PP )NP and (NP (NP those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP use (NP (NP the (ADJP (ADVP somewhat more )ADVP comforting )ADJP total employment figures )NP (PP in (NP their calculations )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 29 36 (S (NP (NP Views )NP (PP on (NP manufacturing strength )NP )PP )NP (VP are (VP split (PP between (NP (NP economists )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP read (NP (NP (NP September 's )NP low level )NP (PP of (NP factory job growth )NP )PP )NP (PP as (NP (NP (NP a sign )NP (PP of (NP a slowdown )NP )PP )NP and (NP (NP those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP use (NP (NP the (ADJP somewhat more comforting )ADJP total employment figures )NP (PP in (NP their calculations )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 29 36 (S (NP (NP Views )NP (PP on (NP manufacturing strength )NP )PP )NP (VP are (VP split (PP between (NP (NP economists )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP read (NP (NP (NP September 's )NP low level )NP (PP of (NP factory job growth )NP )PP )NP (PP as (NP (NP (NP a sign )NP (PP of (NP a slowdown )NP )PP )NP and (NP (NP those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP use (NP the (ADJP (ADVP somewhat more )ADVP comforting )ADJP total employment figures )NP (PP in (NP their calculations )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 27 37 (S (NP (NP Views )NP (PP on (NP manufacturing strength )NP )PP )NP (VP are (VP split (PP between (NP (NP economists )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP read (NP (NP (NP September 's )NP low level )NP (PP of (NP factory job growth )NP )PP )NP (PP as (NP (NP a sign )NP (PP of (NP (NP a slowdown )NP and (NP (NP those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP use (NP (NP the (ADJP (ADVP somewhat more )ADVP comforting )ADJP total employment figures )NP (PP in (NP their calculations )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 27 36 (S (NP (NP Views )NP (PP on (NP manufacturing strength )NP )PP )NP (VP are (VP split (PP between (NP (NP economists )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP read (NP (NP (NP September 's )NP low level )NP (PP of (NP factory job growth )NP )PP )NP (PP as (NP (NP a sign )NP (PP of (NP (NP a slowdown )NP and (NP (NP those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP use (NP (NP the (ADJP somewhat more comforting )ADJP total employment figures )NP (PP in (NP their calculations )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 28 35 (S (NP (NP Views )NP (PP on (NP manufacturing strength )NP )PP )NP (VP are (VP split (PP between (NP (NP (NP economists )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP read (NP (NP (NP September 's )NP low level )NP (PP of (NP factory job growth )NP )PP )NP (PP as (NP (NP a sign )NP (PP of (NP a slowdown )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP and (NP (NP those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP use (NP the (ADJP somewhat more comforting )ADJP total employment figures )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP )PP (PP in (NP their calculations )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 34 37 (S (NP (NP Views )NP (PP on (NP manufacturing strength )NP )PP )NP (VP are (VP split (PP between (NP (NP (NP economists )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP read (NP (NP (NP September 's )NP low level )NP (PP of (NP factory job growth )NP )PP )NP (PP as (NP (NP a sign )NP (PP of (NP a slowdown )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP and (NP (NP those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP use (NP (NP the (ADJP (ADVP somewhat more )ADVP comforting )ADJP total employment figures )NP (PP in (NP their calculations )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 34 36 (S (NP (NP Views )NP (PP on (NP manufacturing strength )NP )PP )NP (VP are (VP split (PP between (NP (NP (NP economists )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP read (NP (NP (NP September 's )NP low level )NP (PP of (NP factory job growth )NP )PP )NP (PP as (NP (NP a sign )NP (PP of (NP a slowdown )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP and (NP (NP those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP use (NP (NP the (ADJP somewhat more comforting )ADJP total employment figures )NP (PP in (NP their calculations )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 27 36 (S (NP (NP Views )NP (PP on (NP manufacturing strength )NP )PP )NP (VP are (VP split (PP between (NP (NP economists )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP read (NP (NP (NP September 's )NP low level )NP (PP of (NP factory job growth )NP )PP )NP (PP as (NP (NP a sign )NP (PP of (NP (NP a slowdown )NP and (NP (NP those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP use (NP the (ADJP (ADVP somewhat more )ADVP comforting )ADJP total employment figures )NP (PP in (NP their calculations )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 34 36 (S (NP (NP Views )NP (PP on (NP manufacturing strength )NP )PP )NP (VP are (VP split (PP between (NP (NP (NP economists )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP read (NP (NP (NP September 's )NP low level )NP (PP of (NP factory job growth )NP )PP )NP (PP as (NP (NP a sign )NP (PP of (NP a slowdown )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP and (NP (NP those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP use (NP the (ADJP (ADVP somewhat more )ADVP comforting )ADJP total employment figures )NP (PP in (NP their calculations )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 29 37 (S (NP (NP Views )NP (PP on (NP manufacturing strength )NP )PP )NP (VP are (VP split (PP between (NP (NP economists )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP read (NP (NP (NP September 's )NP low level )NP (PP of (NP factory job growth )NP )PP )NP (PP as (NP (NP (NP a sign )NP (PP of (NP a slowdown )NP )PP )NP and (NP (NP those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP use (NP (NP the (ADJP (ADVP somewhat more )ADVP comforting )ADJP total employment figures )NP (PP in (NP their calculations )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 33 34 (S (NP (NP Views )NP (PP on (NP manufacturing strength )NP )PP )NP (VP are (VP split (PP between (NP (NP economists (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP read (NP (NP (NP September 's )NP low level )NP (PP of (NP factory job growth )NP )PP )NP (PP as (NP (NP a sign )NP (PP of (NP a slowdown )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP and (NP (NP those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP use (NP the (ADJP somewhat more comforting )ADJP total employment figures )NP (PP in (NP their calculations )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 27 37 (S (NP (NP Views )NP (PP on (NP manufacturing strength )NP )PP )NP (VP are (VP split (PP between (NP (NP economists )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP read (NP (NP (NP September 's )NP low level )NP (PP of (NP factory job growth )NP )PP )NP (PP as (NP (NP a sign )NP (PP of (NP (NP a slowdown )NP and (NP (NP those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP use (NP (NP the (ADJP (ADVP somewhat more )ADVP comforting )ADJP total employment figures )NP (PP in (NP their calculations )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 34 37 (S (NP (NP Views )NP (PP on (NP manufacturing strength )NP )PP )NP (VP are (VP split (PP between (NP (NP (NP economists )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP read (NP (NP (NP September 's )NP low level )NP (PP of (NP factory job growth )NP )PP )NP (PP as (NP (NP a sign )NP (PP of (NP a slowdown )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP and (NP (NP those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP use (NP (NP the (ADJP (ADVP somewhat more )ADVP comforting )ADJP total employment figures )NP (PP in (NP their calculations )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 29 36 (S (NP (NP Views )NP (PP on (NP manufacturing strength )NP )PP )NP (VP are (VP split (PP between (NP (NP economists )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP read (NP (NP (NP September 's )NP (ADJP low )ADJP level )NP (PP of (NP factory job growth )NP )PP )NP (PP as (NP (NP (NP a sign )NP (PP of (NP a slowdown )NP )PP )NP and (NP (NP those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP use (NP the (ADJP somewhat more comforting )ADJP total employment figures )NP (PP in (NP their calculations )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 29 35 (S (NP (NP Views )NP (PP on (NP manufacturing strength )NP )PP )NP (VP are (VP split (PP between (NP (NP economists )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP read (NP (NP (NP September 's )NP low level )NP (PP of (NP factory job growth )NP )PP )NP (PP as (NP (NP (NP a sign )NP (PP of (NP a slowdown )NP )PP )NP and (NP (NP those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP use (NP the (ADJP somewhat more comforting )ADJP total employment figures )NP (PP in (NP their calculations )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 33 35 (S (NP (NP Views )NP (PP on (NP manufacturing strength )NP )PP )NP (VP are (VP split (PP between (NP (NP economists (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP read (NP (NP (NP September 's )NP low level )NP (PP of (NP factory job growth )NP )PP )NP (PP as (NP (NP a sign )NP (PP of (NP a slowdown )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP and (NP (NP those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP use (NP (NP the (ADJP somewhat more comforting )ADJP total employment figures )NP (PP in (NP their calculations )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 28 36 (S (NP (NP Views )NP (PP on (NP manufacturing strength )NP )PP )NP (VP are (VP split (PP between (NP (NP economists )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP read (NP (NP (NP September 's )NP low level )NP (PP of (NP (NP (NP factory job growth )NP (PP as (NP (NP a sign )NP (PP of (NP a slowdown )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP and (NP (NP those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP use (NP the (ADJP somewhat more comforting )ADJP total employment figures )NP (PP in (NP their calculations )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 27 36 (S (NP (NP Views )NP (PP on (NP manufacturing strength )NP )PP )NP (VP are (VP split (PP between (NP (NP economists )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP read (NP (NP (NP September 's )NP (ADJP low )ADJP level )NP (PP of (NP factory job growth )NP )PP )NP (PP as (NP (NP a sign )NP (PP of (NP (NP a slowdown )NP and (NP (NP those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP use (NP the (ADJP somewhat more comforting )ADJP total employment figures )NP (PP in (NP their calculations )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 34 36 (S (NP (NP Views )NP (PP on (NP manufacturing strength )NP )PP )NP (VP are (VP split (PP between (NP (NP (NP economists )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP read (NP (NP (NP September 's )NP (ADJP low )ADJP level )NP (PP of (NP factory job growth )NP )PP )NP (PP as (NP (NP a sign )NP (PP of (NP a slowdown )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP and (NP (NP those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP use (NP the (ADJP somewhat more comforting )ADJP total employment figures )NP (PP in (NP their calculations )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 27 36 (S (NP (NP Views )NP (PP on (NP manufacturing strength )NP )PP )NP (VP are (VP split (PP between (NP (NP economists )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP read (NP (NP (NP September 's )NP low level )NP (PP of (NP (NP factory job growth )NP (PP as (NP (NP (NP a sign )NP (PP of (NP a slowdown )NP )PP )NP and (NP (NP those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP use (NP the (ADJP somewhat more comforting )ADJP total employment figures )NP (PP in (NP their calculations )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 27 35 (S (NP (NP Views )NP (PP on (NP manufacturing strength )NP )PP )NP (VP are (VP split (PP between (NP (NP economists )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP read (NP (NP (NP September 's )NP low level )NP (PP of (NP factory job growth )NP )PP )NP (PP as (NP (NP a sign )NP (PP of (NP (NP a slowdown )NP and (NP (NP those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP use (NP the (ADJP somewhat more comforting )ADJP total employment figures )NP (PP in (NP their calculations )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 34 35 (S (NP (NP Views )NP (PP on (NP manufacturing strength )NP )PP )NP (VP are (VP split (PP between (NP (NP (NP economists )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP read (NP (NP (NP September 's )NP low level )NP (PP of (NP factory job growth )NP )PP )NP (PP as (NP (NP a sign )NP (PP of (NP a slowdown )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP and (NP (NP those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP use (NP the (ADJP somewhat more comforting )ADJP total employment figures )NP (PP in (NP their calculations )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 25 36 (S (NP (NP Views )NP (PP on (NP manufacturing strength )NP )PP )NP (VP are (VP split (PP between (NP (NP economists )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP read (NP (NP (NP September 's )NP low level )NP (PP of (NP (NP factory job growth )NP (PP as (NP (NP a sign )NP (PP of (NP (NP a slowdown )NP and (NP (NP those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP use (NP the (ADJP somewhat more comforting )ADJP total employment figures )NP (PP in (NP their calculations )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 29 37 (S (NP (NP Views )NP (PP on (NP manufacturing strength )NP )PP )NP (VP are (VP split (PP between (NP (NP economists )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP read (NP (NP (NP September 's )NP (ADJP low )ADJP level )NP (PP of (NP factory job growth )NP )PP )NP (PP as (NP (NP (NP a sign )NP (PP of (NP a slowdown )NP )PP )NP and (NP (NP those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP use (NP (NP the (ADJP somewhat more comforting )ADJP total employment figures )NP (PP in (NP their calculations )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 23 36 (S (NP (NP Views )NP (PP on (NP manufacturing strength )NP )PP )NP (VP are (VP split (PP between (NP (NP economists )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP read (NP (NP (NP September 's )NP low level )NP (PP of (NP factory job growth )NP )PP )NP (PP as (NP (NP a sign )NP (PP of (NP (NP (NP a slowdown )NP and (NP (NP those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP use (NP the (ADJP somewhat more comforting )ADJP total employment figures )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP (PP in (NP their calculations )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 23 35 (S (NP (NP Views )NP (PP on (NP manufacturing strength )NP )PP )NP (VP are (VP split (PP between (NP (NP economists )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP read (NP (NP (NP September 's )NP low level )NP (PP of (NP factory job growth )NP )PP )NP (PP as (NP (NP (NP a sign )NP (PP of (NP a slowdown )NP )PP )NP and (NP (NP those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP use (NP the (ADJP somewhat more comforting )ADJP total employment figures )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP (PP in (NP their calculations )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 28 36 (S (NP (NP Views )NP (PP on (NP manufacturing strength )NP )PP )NP (VP are (VP split (PP between (NP (NP (NP economists )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP read (NP (NP (NP September 's )NP low level )NP (PP of (NP factory job growth )NP )PP )NP (PP as (NP (NP a sign )NP (PP of (NP a slowdown )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP and (NP (NP those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP use (NP the (ADJP (ADVP somewhat more )ADVP comforting )ADJP total employment figures )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP )PP (PP in (NP their calculations )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 28 35 (S (NP (NP Views )NP (PP on (NP manufacturing strength )NP )PP )NP (VP are (VP split (PP between (NP (NP (NP economists )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP read (NP (NP (NP September 's )NP low level )NP (PP of (NP factory job growth )NP )PP )NP (PP as (NP (NP a sign )NP (PP of (NP a slowdown )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP and (NP (NP those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP use (NP the (ADJP somewhat more comforting )ADJP total employment figures )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP )PP (PP in (NP their calculations )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 28 37 (S (NP (NP Views )NP (PP on (NP manufacturing strength )NP )PP )NP (VP are (VP split (PP between (NP (NP economists )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP read (NP (NP (NP September 's )NP low level )NP (PP of (NP (NP (NP factory job growth )NP (PP as (NP (NP a sign )NP (PP of (NP a slowdown )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP and (NP (NP those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP use (NP (NP the (ADJP somewhat more comforting )ADJP total employment figures )NP (PP in (NP their calculations )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 27 37 (S (NP (NP Views )NP (PP on (NP manufacturing strength )NP )PP )NP (VP are (VP split (PP between (NP (NP economists )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP read (NP (NP (NP September 's )NP (ADJP low )ADJP level )NP (PP of (NP factory job growth )NP )PP )NP (PP as (NP (NP a sign )NP (PP of (NP (NP a slowdown )NP and (NP (NP those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP use (NP (NP the (ADJP somewhat more comforting )ADJP total employment figures )NP (PP in (NP their calculations )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 28 34 (S (NP (NP Views )NP (PP on (NP manufacturing strength )NP )PP )NP (VP are (VP split (PP between (NP economists (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP read (NP (NP (NP September 's )NP low level )NP (PP of (NP factory job growth )NP )PP )NP (PP as (NP (NP (NP a sign )NP (PP of (NP a slowdown )NP )PP )NP and (NP (NP those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP use (NP the (ADJP somewhat more comforting )ADJP total employment figures )NP (PP in (NP their calculations )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 34 37 (S (NP (NP Views )NP (PP on (NP manufacturing strength )NP )PP )NP (VP are (VP split (PP between (NP (NP (NP economists )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP read (NP (NP (NP September 's )NP (ADJP low )ADJP level )NP (PP of (NP factory job growth )NP )PP )NP (PP as (NP (NP a sign )NP (PP of (NP a slowdown )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP and (NP (NP those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP use (NP (NP the (ADJP somewhat more comforting )ADJP total employment figures )NP (PP in (NP their calculations )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 27 37 (S (NP (NP Views )NP (PP on (NP manufacturing strength )NP )PP )NP (VP are (VP split (PP between (NP (NP economists )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP read (NP (NP (NP September 's )NP low level )NP (PP of (NP (NP factory job growth )NP (PP as (NP (NP (NP a sign )NP (PP of (NP a slowdown )NP )PP )NP and (NP (NP those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP use (NP (NP the (ADJP somewhat more comforting )ADJP total employment figures )NP (PP in (NP their calculations )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 26 34 (S (NP (NP Views )NP (PP on (NP manufacturing strength )NP )PP )NP (VP are (VP split (PP between (NP economists (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP read (NP (NP (NP September 's )NP low level )NP (PP of (NP factory job growth )NP )PP )NP (PP as (NP (NP a sign )NP (PP of (NP (NP a slowdown )NP and (NP (NP those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP use (NP the (ADJP somewhat more comforting )ADJP total employment figures )NP (PP in (NP their calculations )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 25 37 (S (NP (NP Views )NP (PP on (NP manufacturing strength )NP )PP )NP (VP are (VP split (PP between (NP (NP economists )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP read (NP (NP (NP September 's )NP low level )NP (PP of (NP (NP factory job growth )NP (PP as (NP (NP a sign )NP (PP of (NP (NP a slowdown )NP and (NP (NP those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP use (NP (NP the (ADJP somewhat more comforting )ADJP total employment figures )NP (PP in (NP their calculations )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 29 36 (S (NP (NP Views )NP (PP on (NP manufacturing strength )NP )PP )NP (VP are (VP split (PP between (NP (NP economists )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP read (NP (NP (NP September 's )NP low level )NP (PP of (NP factory job growth )NP )PP )NP (PP as (NP (NP (NP a sign )NP (PP of (NP a slowdown )NP )PP )NP and (NP (NP those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP use (NP (NP the (ADJP somewhat more comforting )ADJP total employment figures )NP (PP in (NP their calculations )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 24 36 (S (NP (NP Views )NP (PP on (NP manufacturing strength )NP )PP )NP (VP are (VP split (PP between (NP (NP economists )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP read (NP (NP (NP September 's )NP low level )NP (PP of (NP (NP (NP factory job growth )NP (PP as (NP (NP a sign )NP (PP of (NP a slowdown )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP and (NP (NP those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP use (NP the (ADJP somewhat more comforting )ADJP total employment figures )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP )PP )NP (PP in (NP their calculations )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 50 27 28 (S (S (NP (NP The wide range )NP (PP of (NP (NP estimates )NP (PP for (NP the industrial output number )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP underscores (NP the differences )NP )VP )S : (S (NP The forecasts )NP (VP run (PP (PP from (NP (NP a drop )NP (PP of (NP 0.5 % )NP )PP )NP )PP (PP to (NP (NP an increase )NP (PP of (NP 0.4 % )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP , (PP according (PP to (NP MMS )NP )PP )PP )VP )S . )S 25 28 (S (S (NP (NP The wide range )NP (PP of (NP (NP estimates )NP (PP for (NP the industrial output number )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP underscores (NP the differences )NP )VP )S : (S (NP The forecasts )NP (VP run (PP (PP from (NP (NP a drop )NP (PP of (NP 0.5 % )NP )PP )NP )PP (PP to (NP (NP an increase )NP (PP of (NP 0.4 % )NP )PP , (PP according (PP to (NP MMS )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP )S . )S 23 27 (S (S (NP (NP The wide range )NP (PP of (NP (NP estimates )NP (PP for (NP the industrial output number )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP underscores (NP the differences )NP )VP )S : (S (NP The forecasts )NP (VP run (PP from (NP (NP a drop )NP (PP of (NP 0.5 % )NP )PP (PP to (NP (NP an increase )NP (PP of (NP 0.4 % )NP )PP , (PP according (PP to (NP MMS )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S . )S 25 27 (S (S (NP (NP The wide range )NP (PP of (NP (NP estimates )NP (PP for (NP the industrial output number )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP underscores (NP the differences )NP )VP )S : (S (NP The forecasts )NP (VP run (PP from (NP (NP a drop )NP (PP of (NP 0.5 % )NP )PP (PP to (NP (NP an increase )NP (PP of (NP 0.4 % )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP , (PP according (PP to (NP MMS )NP )PP )PP )VP )S . )S 25 27 (S (S (NP (NP The wide range )NP (PP of (NP estimates )NP )PP (PP for (NP the industrial output number )NP )PP )NP (VP underscores (NP the differences )NP )VP )S : (S (NP The forecasts )NP (VP run (PP (PP from (NP (NP a drop )NP (PP of (NP 0.5 % )NP )PP )NP )PP (PP to (NP (NP an increase )NP (PP of (NP 0.4 % )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP , (PP according (PP to (NP MMS )NP )PP )PP )VP )S . )S 23 27 (S (S (NP (NP The wide range )NP (PP of (NP estimates )NP )PP (PP for (NP the industrial output number )NP )PP )NP (VP underscores (NP the differences )NP )VP )S : (S (NP The forecasts )NP (VP run (PP (PP from (NP (NP a drop )NP (PP of (NP 0.5 % )NP )PP )NP )PP (PP to (NP (NP an increase )NP (PP of (NP 0.4 % )NP )PP , (PP according (PP to (NP MMS )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP )S . )S 23 28 (S (NP (NP The wide range )NP (PP of (NP (NP estimates )NP (PP for (NP the industrial output number )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP underscores (NP (NP the differences )NP : (S (NP The forecasts )NP (VP run (PP (PP from (NP (NP a drop )NP (PP of (NP 0.5 % )NP )PP )NP )PP (PP to (NP (NP an increase )NP (PP of (NP 0.4 % )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP )S )NP , (PP according (PP to (NP MMS )NP )PP )PP )VP . )S 22 29 (S (S (NP (NP The wide range )NP (PP of (NP (NP estimates )NP (PP for (NP the industrial output )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (NP number )NP (VP underscores (NP the differences )NP )VP )S : (S (NP The forecasts )NP (VP run (PP (PP from (NP (NP a drop )NP (PP of (NP 0.5 % )NP )PP )NP )PP (PP to (NP (NP an increase )NP (PP of (NP 0.4 % )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP , (PP according (PP to (NP MMS )NP )PP )PP )VP )S . )S 20 29 (S (S (NP (NP The wide range )NP (PP of (NP (NP estimates )NP (PP for (NP the industrial output )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (NP number )NP (VP underscores (NP the differences )NP )VP )S : (S (NP The forecasts )NP (VP run (PP (PP from (NP (NP a drop )NP (PP of (NP 0.5 % )NP )PP )NP )PP (PP to (NP (NP an increase )NP (PP of (NP 0.4 % )NP )PP , (PP according (PP to (NP MMS )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP )S . )S 25 27 (S (S (NP (NP The wide range )NP (PP of (NP (NP estimates )NP (PP for (NP the industrial output number )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP underscores (NP the differences )NP )VP )S : (S (NP The forecasts )NP (VP run (PP from (NP (NP a drop )NP (PP of (NP 0.5 % )NP )PP (PP to (NP (NP an increase )NP (PP of (NP 0.4 % )NP )PP )NP )PP , (PP according (PP to (NP MMS )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S . )S 23 26 (S (S (NP (NP The wide range )NP (PP of (NP (NP estimates )NP (PP for (NP the industrial output number )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP underscores (NP the differences )NP )VP )S : (S (NP The forecasts )NP (VP run (PP from (NP (NP a drop )NP (PP of (NP 0.5 % )NP )PP (PP to (NP an increase )NP )PP (PP of (NP 0.4 % )NP )PP )NP )PP , (PP according (PP to (NP MMS )NP )PP )PP )VP )S . )S 22 28 (S (S (NP (NP The wide range )NP (PP of (NP (NP estimates )NP (PP for (NP the industrial output number )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP underscores (NP the differences )NP )VP )S : (S (NP The forecasts )NP (VP run (PP from (NP (NP a drop )NP (PP of (NP (NP 0.5 % )NP (PP to (NP (NP an increase )NP (PP of (NP 0.4 % )NP )PP , (PP according (PP to (NP MMS )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S . )S 27 27 (S (S (NP (NP The wide range )NP (PP of (NP (NP estimates )NP (PP for (NP the industrial output number )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP underscores (NP the differences )NP )VP )S : (S (NP The forecasts )NP (VP run (PP from (NP (NP a drop )NP (PP of (NP 0.5 % )NP )PP )NP )PP (PP to (NP (NP an increase )NP (PP of (NP 0.4 % )NP )PP )NP )PP , (PP according (PP to (NP MMS )NP )PP )PP )VP )S . )S 23 28 (S (NP (NP The wide range )NP (PP of (NP (NP estimates )NP (PP for (NP the industrial output number )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP underscores (NP (NP the differences )NP : (S (NP The forecasts )NP (VP run (PP (PP from (NP (NP a drop )NP (PP of (NP 0.5 % )NP )PP )NP )PP (PP to (NP (NP an increase )NP (PP of (NP 0.4 % )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP )S )NP , (PP according (PP to (NP MMS )NP )PP )PP )VP . )S 21 26 (S (S (NP (NP The wide range )NP (PP of (NP estimates )NP )PP (PP for (NP the industrial output number )NP )PP )NP (VP underscores (NP the differences )NP )VP )S : (S (NP The forecasts )NP (VP run (PP from (NP (NP a drop )NP (PP of (NP 0.5 % )NP )PP (PP to (NP (NP an increase )NP (PP of (NP 0.4 % )NP )PP , (PP according (PP to (NP MMS )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S . )S 27 30 (S (S (NP (NP The wide range )NP (PP of (NP (NP estimates )NP (PP for (NP (NP the industrial output )NP (NP number )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP underscores (NP the differences )NP )VP )S : (S (NP The forecasts )NP (VP run (PP (PP from (NP (NP a drop )NP (PP of (NP 0.5 % )NP )PP )NP )PP (PP to (NP (NP an increase )NP (PP of (NP 0.4 % )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP , (PP according (PP to (NP MMS )NP )PP )PP )VP )S . )S 25 30 (S (S (NP (NP The wide range )NP (PP of (NP (NP estimates )NP (PP for (NP (NP the industrial output )NP (NP number )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP underscores (NP the differences )NP )VP )S : (S (NP The forecasts )NP (VP run (PP (PP from (NP (NP a drop )NP (PP of (NP 0.5 % )NP )PP )NP )PP (PP to (NP (NP an increase )NP (PP of (NP 0.4 % )NP )PP , (PP according (PP to (NP MMS )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP )S . )S 18 28 (S (S (NP (NP The wide range )NP (PP of (NP (NP estimates )NP (PP for (NP the industrial output )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (NP number )NP (VP underscores (NP the differences )NP )VP )S : (S (NP The forecasts )NP (VP run (PP from (NP (NP a drop )NP (PP of (NP 0.5 % )NP )PP (PP to (NP (NP an increase )NP (PP of (NP 0.4 % )NP )PP , (PP according (PP to (NP MMS )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S . )S 25 27 (S (S (NP (NP The wide range )NP (PP of (NP (NP estimates )NP (PP for (NP the industrial output number )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP underscores (NP the differences )NP )VP )S : (S (NP The forecasts )NP (VP run (PP from (NP (NP a drop )NP (PP of (NP 0.5 % )NP )PP )NP )PP (PP to (NP (NP an increase )NP (PP of (NP 0.4 % )NP )PP , (PP according (PP to (NP MMS )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S . )S 23 26 (S (S (NP (NP The wide range )NP (PP of (NP estimates )NP )PP (PP for (NP the industrial output number )NP )PP )NP (VP underscores (NP the differences )NP )VP )S : (S (NP The forecasts )NP (VP run (PP from (NP (NP a drop )NP (PP of (NP 0.5 % )NP )PP (PP to (NP (NP an increase )NP (PP of (NP 0.4 % )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP , (PP according (PP to (NP MMS )NP )PP )PP )VP )S . )S 21 27 (S (NP (NP The wide range )NP (PP of (NP (NP estimates )NP (PP for (NP the industrial output number )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP underscores (NP (NP the differences )NP : (S (NP The forecasts )NP (VP run (PP from (NP (NP a drop )NP (PP of (NP 0.5 % )NP )PP (PP to (NP (NP an increase )NP (PP of (NP 0.4 % )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )NP , (PP according (PP to (NP MMS )NP )PP )PP )VP . )S 25 28 (S (NP (NP The wide range )NP (PP of (NP (NP estimates )NP (PP for (NP the industrial output number )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP underscores (NP (NP the differences )NP : (S (NP The forecasts )NP (VP run (PP (PP from (NP (NP a drop )NP (PP of (NP 0.5 % )NP )PP )NP )PP (PP to (NP (NP an increase )NP (PP of (NP 0.4 % )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP , (PP according (PP to (NP MMS )NP )PP )PP )VP )S )NP )VP . )S 23 28 (S (NP (NP The wide range )NP (PP of (NP (NP estimates )NP (PP for (NP the industrial output number )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP underscores (NP (NP the differences )NP : (S (NP The forecasts )NP (VP run (PP (PP from (NP (NP a drop )NP (PP of (NP 0.5 % )NP )PP )NP )PP (PP to (NP (NP an increase )NP (PP of (NP 0.4 % )NP )PP , (PP according (PP to (NP MMS )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP )S )NP )VP . )S 20 28 (S (S (NP (NP The wide range )NP (PP of (NP (NP estimates )NP (PP for (NP the industrial output )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (NP number )NP (VP underscores (NP the differences )NP )VP )S : (S (NP The forecasts )NP (VP run (PP from (NP (NP a drop )NP (PP of (NP 0.5 % )NP )PP (PP to (NP (NP an increase )NP (PP of (NP 0.4 % )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP , (PP according (PP to (NP MMS )NP )PP )PP )VP )S . )S 24 28 (S (S (NP (NP The wide range )NP (PP of (NP (NP estimates )NP (PP for (NP the industrial output number )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP underscores (NP the differences )NP )VP )S : (S (NP The forecasts )NP (VP run (PP from (NP (NP a drop )NP (PP of (NP (NP 0.5 % )NP (PP to (NP (NP an increase )NP (PP of (NP 0.4 % )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP , (PP according (PP to (NP MMS )NP )PP )PP )VP )S . )S 27 28 (S (S (NP (NP The wide range )NP (PP of (NP (NP estimates )NP (PP for (NP the industrial output number )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP underscores (NP the differences )NP )VP )S : (S (NP The forecasts )NP (VP run (PP (PP from (NP (NP a drop )NP (PP of (NP 0.5 % )NP )PP )NP )PP (PP to (NP (NP an increase )NP (PP of (NP 0.4 % )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP , (PP according (PP to (NP MMS )NP )PP )PP )VP )S . )S 26 27 (S (S (NP (NP The wide range )NP (PP of (NP (NP estimates )NP (PP for (NP the industrial output number )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP underscores (NP the differences )NP )VP )S : (S (NP The forecasts )NP (VP run (PP from (NP (NP a drop )NP (PP of (NP 0.5 % )NP )PP )NP (PP to (NP (NP an increase )NP (PP of (NP 0.4 % )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP , (PP according (PP to (NP MMS )NP )PP )PP )VP )S . )S 24 27 (S (S (NP (NP The wide range )NP (PP of (NP (NP estimates )NP (PP for (NP the industrial output number )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP underscores (NP the differences )NP )VP )S : (S (NP The forecasts )NP (VP run (PP from (NP (NP a drop )NP (PP of (NP 0.5 % )NP )PP )NP (PP to (NP (NP an increase )NP (PP of (NP 0.4 % )NP )PP , (PP according (PP to (NP MMS )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP )S . )S 26 27 (S (S (NP (NP The wide range )NP (PP of (NP (NP estimates )NP (PP for (NP the industrial output number )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP underscores (NP the differences )NP )VP )S : (S (NP The forecasts )NP (VP run (PP (PP from (NP (NP a drop )NP (PP of (NP 0.5 % )NP )PP )NP )PP (PP to (NP an increase )NP (PP of (NP 0.4 % )NP )PP )PP )PP , (PP according (PP to (NP MMS )NP )PP )PP )VP )S . )S 23 30 (S (S (NP (NP (NP The wide range )NP (PP of (NP (NP estimates )NP (PP for (NP the industrial output )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (NP number )NP )NP (VP underscores (NP the differences )NP )VP )S : (S (NP The forecasts )NP (VP run (PP (PP from (NP (NP a drop )NP (PP of (NP 0.5 % )NP )PP )NP )PP (PP to (NP (NP an increase )NP (PP of (NP 0.4 % )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP , (PP according (PP to (NP MMS )NP )PP )PP )VP )S . )S 21 30 (S (S (NP (NP (NP The wide range )NP (PP of (NP (NP estimates )NP (PP for (NP the industrial output )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (NP number )NP )NP (VP underscores (NP the differences )NP )VP )S : (S (NP The forecasts )NP (VP run (PP (PP from (NP (NP a drop )NP (PP of (NP 0.5 % )NP )PP )NP )PP (PP to (NP (NP an increase )NP (PP of (NP 0.4 % )NP )PP , (PP according (PP to (NP MMS )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP )S . )S 21 27 (S (NP (NP The wide range )NP (PP of (NP estimates )NP )PP (PP for (NP the industrial output number )NP )PP )NP (VP underscores (NP (NP the differences )NP : (S (NP The forecasts )NP (VP run (PP (PP from (NP (NP a drop )NP (PP of (NP 0.5 % )NP )PP )NP )PP (PP to (NP (NP an increase )NP (PP of (NP 0.4 % )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP )S )NP , (PP according (PP to (NP MMS )NP )PP )PP )VP . )S 22 28 (S (S (NP (NP The wide range )NP (PP of (NP estimates )NP )PP (PP for (NP the industrial output )NP )PP )NP (NP number )NP (VP underscores (NP the differences )NP )VP )S : (S (NP The forecasts )NP (VP run (PP (PP from (NP (NP a drop )NP (PP of (NP 0.5 % )NP )PP )NP )PP (PP to (NP (NP an increase )NP (PP of (NP 0.4 % )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP , (PP according (PP to (NP MMS )NP )PP )PP )VP )S . )S 20 28 (S (S (NP (NP The wide range )NP (PP of (NP estimates )NP )PP (PP for (NP the industrial output )NP )PP )NP (NP number )NP (VP underscores (NP the differences )NP )VP )S : (S (NP The forecasts )NP (VP run (PP (PP from (NP (NP a drop )NP (PP of (NP 0.5 % )NP )PP )NP )PP (PP to (NP (NP an increase )NP (PP of (NP 0.4 % )NP )PP , (PP according (PP to (NP MMS )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP )S . )S 23 26 (S (S (NP (NP The wide range )NP (PP of (NP estimates )NP )PP (PP for (NP the industrial output number )NP )PP )NP (VP underscores (NP the differences )NP )VP )S : (S (NP The forecasts )NP (VP run (PP from (NP (NP a drop )NP (PP of (NP 0.5 % )NP )PP (PP to (NP (NP an increase )NP (PP of (NP 0.4 % )NP )PP )NP )PP , (PP according (PP to (NP MMS )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S . )S 25 28 (S (S (NP (NP The wide range )NP (PP of (NP (NP estimates )NP (PP for (NP the industrial output number )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP underscores (NP the differences )NP )VP )S : (S (NP The forecasts )NP (VP run (PP (PP from (NP (NP a drop )NP (PP of (NP 0.5 % )NP )PP )NP )PP (PP to (NP (NP an increase )NP (PP of (NP 0.4 % )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP )S , (PP according (PP to (NP MMS )NP )PP )PP . )S 27 28 (S (S (NP (NP The wide range )NP (PP of (NP (NP estimates )NP (PP for (NP the industrial output number )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP underscores (NP the differences )NP )VP )S : (S (NP The forecasts )NP (VP run (PP (PP from (NP (NP a drop )NP (PP of (NP 0.5 % )NP )PP )NP )PP (PP to (NP (NP an increase )NP (PP of (NP 0.4 % )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP , (PP according (PP to (NP MMS )NP )PP )PP )VP )S . )S 25 28 (S (S (NP (NP The wide range )NP (PP of (NP (NP estimates )NP (PP for (NP the industrial output number )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP underscores (NP the differences )NP )VP )S : (S (NP The forecasts )NP (VP run (PP (PP from (NP (NP a drop )NP (PP of (NP 0.5 % )NP )PP )NP )PP (PP to (NP (NP an increase )NP (PP of (NP 0.4 % )NP )PP , (PP according (PP to (NP MMS )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP )S . )S 20 28 (S (S (NP (NP The wide range )NP (PP of (NP (NP estimates )NP (PP for (NP the industrial output )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (NP number )NP (VP underscores (NP the differences )NP )VP )S : (S (NP The forecasts )NP (VP run (PP from (NP (NP a drop )NP (PP of (NP 0.5 % )NP )PP (PP to (NP (NP an increase )NP (PP of (NP 0.4 % )NP )PP )NP )PP , (PP according (PP to (NP MMS )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S . )S 27 29 (S (S (NP (NP The wide range )NP (PP of (NP (NP estimates )NP (PP for (NP the industrial output number )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP underscores (S (NP the differences )NP )S )VP )S : (S (NP The forecasts )NP (VP run (PP (PP from (NP (NP a drop )NP (PP of (NP 0.5 % )NP )PP )NP )PP (PP to (NP (NP an increase )NP (PP of (NP 0.4 % )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP , (PP according (PP to (NP MMS )NP )PP )PP )VP )S . )S 25 29 (S (S (NP (NP The wide range )NP (PP of (NP (NP estimates )NP (PP for (NP the industrial output number )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP underscores (S (NP the differences )NP )S )VP )S : (S (NP The forecasts )NP (VP run (PP (PP from (NP (NP a drop )NP (PP of (NP 0.5 % )NP )PP )NP )PP (PP to (NP (NP an increase )NP (PP of (NP 0.4 % )NP )PP , (PP according (PP to (NP MMS )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP )S . )S 23 27 (S (NP (NP The wide range )NP (PP of (NP (NP estimates )NP (PP for (NP the industrial output number )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP underscores (NP (NP the differences )NP : (S (NP The forecasts )NP (VP run (PP from (NP (NP a drop )NP (PP of (NP 0.5 % )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )NP (PP to (NP (NP an increase )NP (PP of (NP 0.4 % )NP )PP )NP )PP , (PP according (PP to (NP MMS )NP )PP )PP )VP . )S 26 27 (S (S (NP (NP The wide range )NP (PP of (NP (NP estimates )NP (PP for (NP the industrial output number )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP underscores (NP the differences )NP )VP )S : (S (NP The forecasts )NP (VP run (PP (PP from (NP a drop )NP (PP of (NP 0.5 % )NP )PP )PP (PP to (NP (NP an increase )NP (PP of (NP 0.4 % )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP , (PP according (PP to (NP MMS )NP )PP )PP )VP )S . )S 26 28 (S (S (NP (NP The wide range )NP (PP of (NP (NP estimates )NP (PP for (NP the industrial output number )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP underscores (NP the differences )NP )VP )S : (S (NP The forecasts )NP (VP run (PP (PP from (NP (NP a drop )NP (PP of (NP 0.5 % )NP )PP )NP )PP (PP to (NP (NP an increase )NP (PP of (NP 0.4 % )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP , (PP according (PP to (NP MMS )NP )PP )PP )S . )S 21 27 (S (NP (NP The wide range )NP (PP of (NP (NP estimates )NP (PP for (NP the industrial output number )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP underscores (NP (NP the differences )NP : (S (NP The forecasts )NP (VP run (PP from (NP (NP a drop )NP (PP of (NP 0.5 % )NP )PP (PP to (NP (NP an increase )NP (PP of (NP 0.4 % )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )NP , (PP according (PP to (NP MMS )NP )PP )PP )VP . )S 24 27 (S (S (NP (NP The wide range )NP (PP of (NP (NP estimates )NP (PP for (NP the industrial output number )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP underscores (NP the differences )NP )VP )S : (S (NP The forecasts )NP (VP run (PP (PP from (NP a drop )NP (PP of (NP 0.5 % )NP )PP )PP (PP to (NP (NP an increase )NP (PP of (NP 0.4 % )NP )PP , (PP according (PP to (NP MMS )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP )S . )S 25 27 (S (S (NP (NP The wide range )NP (PP of (NP (NP estimates )NP (PP for (NP the industrial output number )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP underscores (NP the differences )NP )VP )S : (S (NP The forecasts )NP (VP run (PP from (NP (NP a drop )NP (PP of (NP 0.5 % )NP )PP (PP to (NP (NP an increase )NP (PP of (NP 0.4 % )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP , (PP according (PP to (NP MMS )NP )PP )PP )VP )S . )S 25 27 (S (S (NP (NP The wide range )NP (PP of (NP (NP estimates )NP (PP for (NP the industrial output number )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP underscores (NP the differences )NP )VP )S : (S (NP The forecasts )NP (VP run (PP (PP from (NP (NP a drop )NP (PP of (NP 0.5 % )NP )PP )NP )PP (PP to (NP an increase )NP )PP (PP of (NP 0.4 % )NP )PP )PP , (PP according (PP to (NP MMS )NP )PP )PP )VP )S . )S 22 27 (S (S (NP (NP The wide range )NP (PP of (NP (NP estimates )NP (PP for (NP the industrial output number )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP underscores (NP the differences )NP )VP )S : (S (NP The forecasts )NP (VP run (PP from (NP (NP a drop )NP (PP of (NP (NP 0.5 % )NP (PP to (NP an increase )NP )PP )NP )PP (PP of (NP 0.4 % )NP )PP )NP )PP , (PP according (PP to (NP MMS )NP )PP )PP )VP )S . )S 25 27 (S (S (NP (NP The wide range )NP (PP of (NP (NP estimates )NP (PP for (NP the industrial output number )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP underscores (NP the differences )NP )VP )S : (S (NP The forecasts )NP (VP run (PP (PP from (NP (NP a drop )NP (PP of (NP 0.5 % )NP )PP )NP )PP (PP to (NP an increase )NP )PP )PP (PP of (NP 0.4 % )NP )PP , (PP according (PP to (NP MMS )NP )PP )PP )VP )S . )S 50 20 21 (S (NP (NP A rebound )NP (PP in (NP energy prices )NP )PP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP helped (S (VP push (PRT up )PRT (NP the producer price index )NP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP do (NP the same )NP (PP in (NP the consumer price report )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 20 20 (S (NP (NP A rebound )NP (PP in (NP energy prices )NP )PP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP helped (VP push (PRT up )PRT (NP the producer price index )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP do (NP the same )NP (PP in (NP the consumer price report )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 20 22 (S (NP (NP A rebound )NP (PP in (NP energy prices )NP )PP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP helped (S (VP push (PRT up )PRT (NP the producer price index )NP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP do (NP (NP the same )NP (PP in (NP the consumer price report )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 20 21 (S (NP (NP A rebound )NP (PP in (NP energy prices )NP )PP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP helped (VP push (PRT up )PRT (NP the producer price index )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP do (NP (NP the same )NP (PP in (NP the consumer price report )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 19 21 (S (NP (NP A rebound )NP (PP in (NP energy prices )NP )PP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP helped (S (VP push (PP up (NP the producer price index )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP do (NP the same )NP (PP in (NP the consumer price report )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 19 21 (S (NP (NP A rebound )NP (PP in (NP energy prices )NP )PP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP helped (S (VP push (PP up (NP the producer price index )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP do (NP the same )NP (PP in (NP the consumer price report )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 19 20 (S (NP (NP A rebound )NP (PP in (NP energy prices )NP )PP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP helped (VP push (PP up (NP the producer price index )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP do (NP the same )NP (PP in (NP the consumer price report )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 19 20 (S (NP (NP A rebound )NP (PP in (NP energy prices )NP )PP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP helped (VP push (PP up (NP the producer price index )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP do (NP the same )NP (PP in (NP the consumer price report )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 19 22 (S (NP (NP A rebound )NP (PP in (NP (NP energy prices )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP helped (S (VP push (PRT up )PRT (NP the producer price index )NP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR , )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP do (NP the same )NP (PP in (NP the consumer price report )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 19 21 (S (NP (NP A rebound )NP (PP in (NP (NP energy prices )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP helped (VP push (PRT up )PRT (NP the producer price index )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP do (NP the same )NP (PP in (NP the consumer price report )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 17 21 (S (NP (NP A rebound )NP (PP in (NP energy prices )NP )PP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP helped (S (VP push (PRT up )PRT (NP the producer price index )NP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP do (NP the same )NP )VP )VP )S (PP in (NP the consumer price report )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 17 20 (S (NP (NP A rebound )NP (PP in (NP energy prices )NP )PP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP helped (VP push (PRT up )PRT (NP the producer price index )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP do (NP the same )NP )VP )VP )S (PP in (NP the consumer price report )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 20 20 (S (NP (NP A rebound )NP (PP in (NP energy prices )NP )PP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP helped (VP push (PRT up )PRT (NP the producer price index )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP do (NP the same )NP (PP in (NP the consumer price report )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 20 22 (S (NP (NP (NP A rebound )NP (PP in (NP energy prices )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP helped (S (VP push (PRT up )PRT (NP the producer price index )NP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP do (NP the same )NP (PP in (NP the consumer price report )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 20 21 (S (NP (NP (NP A rebound )NP (PP in (NP energy prices )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP helped (VP push (PRT up )PRT (NP the producer price index )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP do (NP the same )NP (PP in (NP the consumer price report )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 19 22 (S (NP (NP A rebound )NP (PP in (NP energy prices )NP )PP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP helped (S (VP push (PRT up )PRT (NP the producer price index )NP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP do (NP the (ADJP same (PP in (NP the consumer price report )NP )PP )ADJP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 20 21 (S (NP (NP A rebound )NP (PP in (NP energy prices )NP )PP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP helped (S (VP push (PRT up )PRT (NP the producer price index )NP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP do (NP the same )NP (PP in (NP the consumer price report )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 19 21 (S (NP (NP A rebound )NP (PP in (NP energy prices )NP )PP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP helped (VP push (PRT up )PRT (NP the producer price index )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP do (NP the (ADJP same (PP in (NP the consumer price report )NP )PP )ADJP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 20 20 (S (NP (NP A rebound )NP (PP in (NP energy prices )NP )PP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP helped (VP push (ADVP up )ADVP (NP the producer price index )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP do (NP the same )NP (PP in (NP the consumer price report )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 20 20 (S (NP (NP A rebound )NP (PP in (NP energy prices )NP )PP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP helped (VP push (PRT up )PRT (NP the producer price index )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP do (NP the same )NP (PP in (NP the consumer price report )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 19 21 (S (NP (NP A rebound )NP (PP in (NP energy prices )NP )PP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP helped (S (VP push (PP up (NP the producer price index )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP do (NP the same )NP (PP in (NP the consumer price report )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 19 22 (S (NP (NP A rebound )NP (PP in (NP energy prices )NP )PP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP helped (S (VP push (PP up (NP the producer price index )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP do (NP (NP the same )NP (PP in (NP the consumer price report )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 19 20 (S (NP (NP A rebound )NP (PP in (NP energy prices )NP )PP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP helped (VP push (PP up (NP the producer price index )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP do (NP the same )NP (PP in (NP the consumer price report )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 19 22 (S (NP (NP A rebound )NP (PP in (NP energy prices )NP )PP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP helped (S (VP push (PP up (NP the producer price index )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP do (NP (NP the same )NP (PP in (NP the consumer price report )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 20 22 (S (NP (NP A rebound )NP (PP in (NP energy prices )NP )PP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP helped (VP push (PRT up )PRT (NP (NP the producer )NP (NP price index )NP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP do (NP the same )NP (PP in (NP the consumer price report )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 19 21 (S (NP (NP A rebound )NP (PP in (NP energy prices )NP )PP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP helped (VP push (PP up (NP the producer price index )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP do (NP (NP the same )NP (PP in (NP the consumer price report )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 18 22 (S (NP (NP A rebound )NP (PP in (NP energy prices )NP )PP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP helped (S (VP push (PRT up )PRT (NP the producer )NP )VP (NP price index )NP )S )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP do (NP the same )NP (PP in (NP the consumer price report )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 20 20 (S (NP (NP A rebound )NP (PP in (NP energy prices )NP )PP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP helped (VP push (ADVP up )ADVP (NP the producer price index )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP do (NP the same )NP (PP in (NP the consumer price report )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 19 21 (S (NP (NP A rebound )NP (PP in (NP energy prices )NP )PP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP helped (VP push (PP up (NP the producer price index )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP do (NP (NP the same )NP (PP in (NP the consumer price report )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 19 23 (S (NP (NP A rebound )NP (PP in (NP (NP energy prices )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP helped (S (VP push (PRT up )PRT (NP the producer price index )NP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR , )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP do (NP (NP the same )NP (PP in (NP the consumer price report )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 19 22 (S (NP (NP A rebound )NP (PP in (NP (NP energy prices )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP helped (VP push (PRT up )PRT (NP the producer price index )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP do (NP (NP the same )NP (PP in (NP the consumer price report )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 18 22 (S (NP (NP A rebound )NP (PP in (NP (NP energy prices )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP helped (S (VP push (PP up (NP the producer price index )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR , )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP do (NP the same )NP (PP in (NP the consumer price report )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 20 21 (S (NP (NP A rebound )NP (PP in (NP energy prices )NP )PP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP helped (S (VP push (ADVP up )ADVP (NP the producer price index )NP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP do (NP the same )NP (PP in (NP the consumer price report )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 19 22 (S (NP (NP A rebound )NP (PP in (NP (NP energy prices )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP helped (S (VP push (PRT up )PRT (NP the producer price index )NP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP , (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP do (NP the same )NP (PP in (NP the consumer price report )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 19 21 (S (NP (NP A rebound )NP (PP in (NP (NP energy prices )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP helped (VP push (PRT up )PRT (NP the producer price index )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP , (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP do (NP the same )NP (PP in (NP the consumer price report )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 16 21 (S (NP (NP A rebound )NP (PP in (NP energy prices )NP )PP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP helped (S (VP push (PP up (NP the producer price index )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP do (NP the same )NP )VP )VP )S (PP in (NP the consumer price report )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 20 21 (S (NP (NP A rebound )NP (PP in (NP energy prices )NP )PP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP helped (VP push (PRT up )PRT (NP the producer price index )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP do (NP (NP the same )NP (PP in (NP the consumer price report )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 20 23 (S (NP (NP A rebound )NP (PP in (NP energy prices )NP )PP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP helped (S (VP push (PRT up )PRT (NP (NP the producer )NP (NP price index )NP )NP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP do (NP the same )NP (PP in (NP the consumer price report )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 18 22 (S (NP (NP A rebound )NP (PP in (NP (NP energy prices )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP helped (S (VP push (PP up (NP the producer price index )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR , )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP do (NP the same )NP (PP in (NP the consumer price report )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 18 21 (S (NP (NP A rebound )NP (PP in (NP (NP energy prices )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP helped (VP push (PP up (NP the producer price index )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP do (NP the same )NP (PP in (NP the consumer price report )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 16 21 (S (NP (NP A rebound )NP (PP in (NP energy prices )NP )PP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP helped (S (VP push (PP up (NP the producer price index )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP do (NP the same )NP )VP )VP )S (PP in (NP the consumer price report )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 20 23 (S (NP (NP (NP A rebound )NP (PP in (NP energy prices )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP helped (S (VP push (PRT up )PRT (NP the producer price index )NP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP do (NP (NP the same )NP (PP in (NP the consumer price report )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 19 22 (S (NP (NP A rebound )NP (PP in (NP (NP energy prices )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP helped (S (VP push (PRT up )PRT (NP the producer price index )NP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP , )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP do (NP the same )NP (PP in (NP the consumer price report )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 16 20 (S (NP (NP A rebound )NP (PP in (NP energy prices )NP )PP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP helped (VP push (PP up (NP the producer price index )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP do (NP the same )NP )VP )VP )S (PP in (NP the consumer price report )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 19 21 (S (NP (NP A rebound )NP (PP in (NP energy prices )NP )PP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP helped (S (VP push (PRT up )PRT (NP the producer price index )NP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP do (ADJP the same (PP in (NP the consumer price report )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 20 22 (S (NP (NP (NP A rebound )NP (PP in (NP energy prices )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP helped (VP push (PRT up )PRT (NP the producer price index )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP do (NP (NP the same )NP (PP in (NP the consumer price report )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 19 21 (S (NP (NP A rebound )NP (PP in (NP (NP energy prices )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP helped (VP push (PRT up )PRT (NP the producer price index )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP , )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP do (NP the same )NP (PP in (NP the consumer price report )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 18 21 (S (NP (NP A rebound )NP (PP in (NP (NP energy prices )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP helped (VP push (PP up (NP the producer price index )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP do (NP the same )NP (PP in (NP the consumer price report )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 19 20 (S (NP (NP A rebound )NP (PP in (NP energy prices )NP )PP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP helped (VP push (PRT up )PRT (NP the producer price index )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP do (ADJP the same (PP in (NP the consumer price report )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 20 22 (S (NP (NP A rebound )NP (PP in (NP energy prices )NP )PP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP helped (S (VP push (PRT up )PRT (NP the producer price index )NP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP do (NP (NP the same )NP (PP in (NP the consumer price report )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 50 13 13 (S (NP The consensus view )NP (VP expects (NP (NP a (ADJP 0.4 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP in (NP the September CPI )NP )PP )NP (PP after (NP (NP a flat reading )NP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 11 12 (S (NP The consensus view )NP (VP expects (NP (NP a (ADJP 0.4 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP in (NP the September CPI )NP )PP )NP (PP after (NP a flat reading )NP )PP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )VP . )S 12 13 (S (NP The consensus view )NP (VP expects (NP (NP a (ADJP 0.4 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP in (NP the September CPI )NP )PP (PP after (NP (NP a flat reading )NP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 10 12 (S (NP The consensus view )NP (VP expects (NP (NP a (ADJP 0.4 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP in (NP the September CPI )NP )PP (PP after (NP a flat reading )NP )PP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 10 12 (S (NP The consensus view )NP (VP expects (NP (NP a (ADJP 0.4 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP in (NP the September CPI )NP )PP (PP after (NP a flat reading )NP )PP )NP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )VP . )S 13 14 (S (NP The consensus view )NP (VP expects (S (NP (NP a (ADJP 0.4 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP in (NP the September CPI )NP )PP )NP (PP after (NP (NP a flat reading )NP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )NP )PP )S )VP . )S 11 14 (S (NP The consensus view )NP (VP expects (NP (NP a (ADJP 0.4 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP in (NP (NP the September CPI )NP (PP after (NP (NP a flat reading )NP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 12 12 (S (NP The consensus view )NP (VP expects (NP a (ADJP 0.4 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP in (NP the September CPI )NP )PP (PP after (NP (NP a flat reading )NP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 11 14 (S (NP The consensus view )NP (VP expects (NP (NP a (ADJP 0.4 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP in (NP the September CPI )NP )PP )NP (PP after (S (NP a flat )NP (VP reading (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )VP . )S 9 13 (S (NP The consensus view )NP (VP expects (NP (NP a (ADJP 0.4 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP in (NP (NP the September CPI )NP (PP after (NP a flat reading )NP )PP )NP )PP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 13 14 (S (NP The consensus view )NP (VP expects (NP (NP a (ADJP 0.4 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP in (NP the September CPI )NP )PP )NP (PP after (S (NP (NP a flat reading )NP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )NP )S )PP )VP . )S 12 14 (S (NP The consensus view )NP (VP expects (NP (NP a (ADJP 0.4 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP in (NP the September CPI )NP )PP )NP (PP after (NP (NP a flat )NP (VP reading (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )VP . )S 9 13 (S (NP The consensus view )NP (VP expects (NP (NP a (ADJP 0.4 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP in (NP (NP the September CPI )NP (PP after (NP a flat reading )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )VP . )S 13 14 (S (NP The consensus view )NP (VP expects (NP (NP a (ADJP 0.4 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP in (NP (NP the September )NP CPI )NP )PP )NP (PP after (NP (NP a flat reading )NP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 11 13 (S (NP The consensus view )NP (VP expects (NP (NP a (ADJP 0.4 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP in (NP the September CPI )NP (PP after (NP (NP a flat reading )NP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )NP )VP . )S 13 14 (S (NP The consensus view )NP (VP expects (NP (NP a (ADJP 0.4 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP in (NP the (NX September CPI )NX )NP )PP )NP (PP after (NP (NP a flat reading )NP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 12 14 (S (NP The consensus view )NP (VP expects (NP (NP a (ADJP 0.4 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP (PP in (NP the September CPI )NP )PP (PP after (NP (NP a flat reading )NP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )NP )VP . )S 11 13 (S (NP The consensus view )NP (VP expects (S (NP (NP a (ADJP 0.4 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP in (NP the September CPI )NP )PP )NP (PP after (NP a flat reading )NP )PP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )S )VP . )S 9 13 (S (NP The consensus view )NP (VP expects (NP (NP a (ADJP 0.4 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP in (NP (NP the September CPI )NP (PP after (NP a flat reading )NP )PP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 13 14 (S (NP The consensus view )NP (VP expects (NP (NP a (ADJP 0.4 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP in (NP the September CPI )NP )PP )NP (PP after (NP (NP a (ADJP flat )ADJP reading )NP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 12 13 (S (NP The consensus view )NP (VP expects (NP (NP a (ADJP 0.4 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP in (NP the September CPI )NP )PP )NP )VP (PP after (NP (NP a flat reading )NP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )NP )PP . )S 13 13 (S (NP The consensus view )NP (VP expects (NP (NP a (ADJP 0.4 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP in (NP the September CPI )NP )PP )NP (PP after (NP (NP a flat reading )NP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 11 13 (S (NP The consensus view )NP (VP expects (NP (NP a (ADJP 0.4 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP in (NP (NP the September )NP CPI )NP )PP )NP (PP after (NP a flat reading )NP )PP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )VP . )S 12 13 (S (NP The consensus view )NP (VP expects (NP (NP a (ADJP 0.4 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP in (NP the September CPI )NP )PP )NP (PP after (S (NP a flat reading )NP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )S )PP )VP . )S 11 14 (S (NP The consensus view )NP (VP expects (NP (NP a (ADJP 0.4 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP in (NP the September CPI )NP )PP )NP (PP after (S (NP a flat )NP (VP reading (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )VP . )S 9 12 (S (NP The consensus view )NP (VP expects (NP (NP a (ADJP 0.4 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP in (NP the September CPI )NP (PP after (NP a flat reading )NP )PP )PP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 11 12 (S (NP The consensus view )NP (VP expects (NP (NP a (ADJP 0.4 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP in (NP the September CPI )NP )PP )NP (PP after (NP a flat reading )NP )PP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )VP . )S 11 13 (S (NP The consensus view )NP (VP expects (NP (NP a (ADJP 0.4 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP in (NP the (NX September CPI )NX )NP )PP )NP (PP after (NP a flat reading )NP )PP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )VP . )S 10 13 (S (NP The consensus view )NP (VP expects (NP (NP (NP a (ADJP 0.4 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP in (NP the September CPI )NP )PP (PP after (NP a flat reading )NP )PP )NP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 10 13 (S (NP The consensus view )NP (VP expects (NP (NP a (ADJP 0.4 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP (PP in (NP the September CPI )NP )PP (PP after (NP a flat reading )NP )PP )PP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 11 15 (S (NP The consensus view )NP (VP expects (NP (NP a (ADJP 0.4 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP in (NP (NP (NP the September )NP CPI )NP (PP after (NP (NP a flat reading )NP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 12 14 (S (NP The consensus view )NP (VP expects (NP (NP a (ADJP 0.4 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP in (NP the September CPI )NP )PP )NP (SBAR after (S (NP (NP a flat reading )NP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )NP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 11 13 (S (NP The consensus view )NP (VP expects (S (NP (NP a (ADJP 0.4 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP in (NP the September CPI )NP )PP )NP (PP after (NP a flat reading )NP )PP )S (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )VP . )S 10 11 (S (NP The consensus view )NP (VP expects (NP a (ADJP 0.4 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP in (NP the September CPI )NP )PP (PP after (NP a flat reading )NP )PP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )VP . )S 13 14 (S (NP The consensus view )NP (VP expects (NP (NP (NP a (ADJP 0.4 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP in (NP the September CPI )NP )PP )NP (PP after (NP (NP a flat reading )NP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 11 14 (S (NP The consensus view )NP (VP expects (NP (NP a (ADJP 0.4 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP in (NP the September CPI )NP )PP (PP after (NP (NP a flat )NP (VP reading (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 11 13 (S (NP The consensus view )NP (VP expects (NP (NP (NP a (ADJP 0.4 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP in (NP the September CPI )NP )PP )NP (PP after (NP a flat reading )NP )PP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 9 12 (S (NP The consensus view )NP (VP expects (NP (NP a (ADJP 0.4 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP in (NP the September CPI )NP (PP after (NP a flat reading )NP )PP )PP )NP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )VP . )S 12 12 (S (NP The consensus view )NP (VP expects (NP (NP a 0.4 % increase )NP (PP in (NP the September CPI )NP )PP )NP (PP after (NP (NP a flat reading )NP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 9 14 (S (NP The consensus view )NP (VP expects (NP (NP a (ADJP 0.4 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP in (NP (NP (NP the September )NP CPI )NP (PP after (NP a flat reading )NP )PP )NP )PP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 11 13 (S (NP The consensus view )NP (VP expects (NP (NP a (ADJP 0.4 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP in (NP the September CPI )NP )PP (PP (PP after (NP a flat reading )NP )PP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )PP )NP )VP . )S 12 13 (S (NP The consensus view )NP (VP expects (NP (NP a (ADJP 0.4 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP in (NP the September CPI )NP )PP )NP (PP (PP after (NP a flat reading )NP )PP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )PP )VP . )S 10 13 (S (NP The consensus view )NP (VP expects (NP (NP a (ADJP 0.4 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP (PP in (NP the September CPI )NP )PP (PP after (NP a flat reading )NP )PP )PP )NP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )VP . )S 11 14 (S (NP The consensus view )NP (VP expects (NP (NP a (ADJP 0.4 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP in (NP the September )NP )PP (NP CPI )NP )NP (PP after (NP (NP a flat reading )NP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 10 14 (S (NP The consensus view )NP (VP expects (NP (NP a (ADJP 0.4 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP in (NP the September CPI )NP )PP (PP after (S (NP a flat )NP (VP reading (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )NP )VP . )S 11 13 (S (NP The consensus view )NP (VP expects (NP (NP a (ADJP 0.4 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP in (NP the September CPI )NP )PP )NP (SBAR after (S (NP a flat reading )NP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 12 12 (S (NP The consensus view )NP (VP expects (NP (NP a (ADJP 0.4 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP in (NP the September CPI )NP )PP )NP (PP after (NP a flat reading )NP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )PP )VP . )S 7 11 (S (NP The consensus view )NP (VP expects (NP (NP a (ADJP 0.4 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP in (NP (NP the September CPI after a flat reading )NP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 12 14 (S (NP The consensus view )NP (VP expects (NP (NP a (ADJP 0.4 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP in (NP (NP the September )NP CPI )NP )PP (PP after (NP (NP a flat reading )NP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 11 13 (S (NP The consensus view )NP (VP expects (NP (NP a (ADJP 0.4 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP in (NP the September CPI )NP )PP )NP (PP after (NP a (ADJP flat )ADJP reading )NP )PP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )VP . )S 50 27 27 (S (NP (NP Robert H. Chandross )NP , (NP (NP an economist )NP (PP for (NP (NP (NP Lloyd 's )NP Bank )NP (PP in (NP New York )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP , )NP (VP is (PP among (NP (NP those )NP (VP expecting (NP (NP a (ADJP more moderate )ADJP gain )NP (PP in (NP the CPI )NP )PP (PP than (PP in (NP (NP prices )NP (PP at (NP the producer level )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )NP )VP )NP )PP )VP . )S 26 27 (S (NP (NP Robert H. Chandross )NP , (NP (NP an economist )NP (PP for (NP (NP (NP Lloyd 's )NP Bank )NP (PP in (NP New York )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP , )NP (VP is (PP among (NP (NP those )NP (VP expecting (NP (NP a (ADJP more moderate )ADJP gain )NP (PP in (NP the CPI )NP )PP )NP (PP than (PP in (NP (NP prices )NP (PP at (NP the producer level )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP )NP )PP )VP . )S 23 27 (S (NP (NP Robert H. Chandross )NP , (NP (NP an economist )NP (PP for (NP (NP (NP Lloyd 's )NP Bank )NP (PP in (NP New York )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP , )NP (VP is (PP among (NP (NP those )NP (VP expecting (NP (NP a (ADJP more moderate )ADJP gain )NP (PP in (NP the CPI )NP )PP )NP )VP )NP )PP (PP than (PP in (NP (NP prices )NP (PP at (NP the producer level )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP . )S 23 26 (S (NP (NP Robert H. Chandross )NP , (NP (NP an economist )NP (PP for (NP (NP (NP Lloyd 's )NP Bank )NP (PP in (NP New York )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP , )NP (VP is (PP among (NP (NP those )NP (VP expecting (NP (NP a (ADJP more moderate )ADJP gain )NP (PP in (NP the CPI )NP )PP (PP than (PP in (NP prices )NP )PP )PP )NP (PP at (NP the producer level )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )VP . )S 20 26 (S (NP (NP Robert H. Chandross )NP , (NP (NP an economist )NP (PP for (NP (NP (NP Lloyd 's )NP Bank )NP (PP in (NP New York )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP , )NP (VP is (PP among (NP (NP those )NP (VP expecting (NP (NP a (ADJP more moderate )ADJP gain )NP (PP in (NP the CPI )NP )PP )NP )VP )NP )PP (PP than (PP in (NP prices )NP )PP )PP (PP at (NP the producer level )NP )PP )VP . )S 23 26 (S (NP (NP Robert H. Chandross )NP , (NP (NP an economist )NP (PP for (NP (NP (NP Lloyd 's )NP Bank )NP (PP in (NP New York )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP , )NP (VP is (PP among (NP (NP those )NP (VP expecting (NP a (ADJP more moderate )ADJP gain )NP (PP in (NP the CPI )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP (PP than (PP in (NP (NP prices )NP (PP at (NP the producer level )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP . )S 20 26 (S (NP (NP Robert H. Chandross )NP , (NP (NP an economist )NP (PP for (NP (NP (NP Lloyd 's )NP Bank )NP (PP in (NP New York )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP , )NP (VP is (PP among (NP (NP those )NP (VP expecting (NP (NP a (ADJP more moderate )ADJP gain )NP (PP in (NP the CPI )NP )PP )NP (PP than (PP in (NP prices )NP )PP )PP )VP )NP )PP (PP at (NP the producer level )NP )PP )VP . )S 20 26 (S (NP (NP Robert H. Chandross )NP , (NP (NP an economist )NP (PP for (NP (NP (NP Lloyd 's )NP Bank )NP (PP in (NP New York )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP , )NP (VP is (PP among (NP (NP those )NP (VP expecting (NP (NP a (ADJP more moderate )ADJP gain )NP (PP in (NP the CPI )NP )PP (PP than (PP in (NP prices )NP )PP )PP )NP )VP )NP )PP (PP at (NP the producer level )NP )PP )VP . )S 23 26 (S (NP (NP Robert H. Chandross )NP , (NP (NP an economist )NP (PP for (NP (NP (NP Lloyd 's )NP Bank )NP (PP in (NP New York )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP , )NP (VP is (PP among (NP (NP those )NP (VP expecting (NP a (ADJP more moderate )ADJP gain )NP )VP )NP )PP (PP in (NP the CPI )NP )PP (PP than (PP in (NP (NP prices )NP (PP at (NP the producer level )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP . )S 20 25 (S (NP (NP Robert H. Chandross )NP , (NP (NP an economist )NP (PP for (NP (NP (NP Lloyd 's )NP Bank )NP (PP in (NP New York )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP , )NP (VP is (PP among (NP (NP those )NP (VP expecting (NP a (ADJP more moderate )ADJP gain )NP (PP in (NP the CPI )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP (PP than (PP in (NP prices )NP )PP )PP (PP at (NP the producer level )NP )PP )VP . )S 26 28 (S (NP (NP Robert H. Chandross )NP , (NP (NP an economist )NP (PP for (NP (NP (NP Lloyd 's )NP Bank )NP (PP in (NP New York )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP , )NP (VP is (PP among (NP (NP those )NP (VP expecting (NP (NP a (ADJP more moderate )ADJP gain )NP (PP in (NP (NP the CPI )NP (PP than (PP in (NP (NP prices )NP (PP at (NP the producer level )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )NP )PP )VP . )S 25 26 (S (NP (NP Robert H. Chandross )NP , (NP (NP an economist )NP (PP for (NP (NP (NP Lloyd 's )NP Bank )NP (PP in (NP New York )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP , )NP (VP is (PP among (NP those )NP )PP (VP expecting (NP (NP a (ADJP more moderate )ADJP gain )NP (PP in (NP the CPI )NP )PP (PP than (PP in (NP (NP prices )NP (PP at (NP the producer level )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )NP )VP )VP . )S 26 27 (S (NP (NP Robert H. Chandross )NP , (NP (NP an economist )NP (PP for (NP (NP (NP Lloyd 's )NP Bank )NP (PP in (NP New York )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP , )NP (VP is (PP among (NP (NP those )NP (VP expecting (NP (NP a (ADJP more moderate )ADJP gain )NP (PP in (NP the CPI )NP (PP than (PP in (NP (NP prices )NP (PP at (NP the producer level )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )PP )NP )VP )NP )PP )VP . )S 23 26 (S (NP (NP Robert H. Chandross )NP , (NP (NP an economist )NP (PP for (NP (NP (NP Lloyd 's )NP Bank )NP (PP in (NP New York )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP , )NP (VP is (PP among (NP (NP those )NP (VP expecting (NP (NP a (ADJP more moderate )ADJP gain )NP (PP in (NP the CPI )NP )PP )NP (PP than (PP in (NP prices )NP )PP )PP (PP at (NP the producer level )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )VP . )S 27 28 (S (NP (NP Robert H. Chandross )NP , (NP (NP an economist )NP (PP for (NP (NP (NP Lloyd 's )NP Bank )NP (PP in (NP New York )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP , )NP (VP is (PP among (NP (NP those )NP (VP expecting (NP (NP a (ADJP more moderate )ADJP gain )NP (PP (PP in (NP the CPI )NP )PP (PP than (PP in (NP (NP prices )NP (PP at (NP the producer level )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )PP )NP )VP )NP )PP )VP . )S 26 27 (S (NP (NP Robert H. Chandross )NP , (NP (NP an economist )NP (PP for (NP (NP (NP Lloyd 's )NP Bank )NP (PP in (NP New York )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP , )NP (VP is (PP among (NP (NP those )NP (VP expecting (NP a (ADJP more moderate )ADJP gain )NP (PP (PP in (NP the CPI )NP )PP (PP than (PP in (NP (NP prices )NP (PP at (NP the producer level )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )PP )VP )NP )PP )VP . )S 24 27 (S (NP (NP Robert H. Chandross )NP , (NP (NP an economist )NP (PP for (NP (NP (NP Lloyd 's )NP Bank )NP (PP in (NP New York )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP , )NP (VP is (PP among (NP (NP those )NP (VP expecting (NP (NP a (ADJP more moderate )ADJP gain )NP (PP in (NP the CPI )NP )PP )NP )VP )NP (PP than (PP in (NP (NP prices )NP (PP at (NP the producer level )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )PP )VP . )S 24 28 (S (NP (NP Robert H. Chandross )NP , (NP (NP an economist )NP (PP for (NP (NP (NP Lloyd 's )NP Bank )NP (PP in (NP New York )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP , )NP (VP is (PP (PP among (NP (NP those )NP (VP expecting (NP (NP a (ADJP more moderate )ADJP gain )NP (PP in (NP the CPI )NP )PP )NP )VP )NP )PP (PP than (PP in (NP (NP prices )NP (PP at (NP the producer level )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )PP )VP . )S 22 25 (S (NP (NP Robert H. Chandross )NP , (NP (NP an economist )NP (PP for (NP (NP (NP Lloyd 's )NP Bank )NP (PP in (NP New York )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP , )NP (VP is (PP among (NP (NP those )NP (VP expecting (NP a more moderate gain )NP (PP in (NP the CPI )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP (PP than (PP in (NP (NP prices )NP (PP at (NP the producer level )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP . )S 27 27 (S (NP (NP Robert H. Chandross )NP , (NP (NP an economist )NP (PP for (NP (NP (NP Lloyd 's )NP Bank )NP (PP in (NP New York )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP , )NP (VP is (PP among (NP (NP those )NP (VP expecting (NP (NP a (ADJP more moderate )ADJP gain )NP (PP in (NP the CPI )NP )PP (PP than (PP in (NP (NP prices )NP (PP at (NP the producer level )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )NP )VP )NP )PP )VP . )S 26 26 (S (NP (NP Robert H. Chandross )NP , (NP (NP an economist )NP (PP for (NP (NP (NP Lloyd 's )NP Bank )NP (PP in (NP New York )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP , )NP (VP is (PP among (NP (NP those )NP (VP expecting (NP (NP a more moderate gain )NP (PP in (NP the CPI )NP )PP (PP than (PP in (NP (NP prices )NP (PP at (NP the producer level )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )NP )VP )NP )PP )VP . )S 25 26 (S (NP (NP Robert H. Chandross )NP , (NP (NP an economist )NP (PP for (NP (NP (NP Lloyd 's )NP Bank )NP (PP in (NP New York )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP , )NP (VP is (PP among (NP (NP those )NP (VP expecting (NP a (ADJP more moderate )ADJP gain )NP (PP in (NP the CPI )NP (PP than (PP in (NP (NP prices )NP (PP at (NP the producer level )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )PP )VP )NP )PP )VP . )S 26 27 (S (NP (NP Robert H. Chandross )NP , (NP (NP an economist )NP (PP for (NP (NP (NP Lloyd 's )NP Bank )NP (PP in (NP New York )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP , )NP (VP is (PP among (NP (NP those )NP (VP expecting (NP (NP a (ADJP more moderate )ADJP gain )NP (PP in (NP the CPI )NP )PP )NP (PP than (PP in (NP (NP prices )NP (PP at (NP the producer level )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP )NP )PP )VP . )S 22 27 (S (NP (NP Robert H. Chandross )NP , (NP (NP an economist )NP (PP for (NP (NP (NP Lloyd 's )NP Bank )NP (PP in (NP New York )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP , )NP (VP is (PP among (NP (NP those )NP (VP expecting (NP (NP a (ADJP more moderate )ADJP gain )NP (PP in (NP (NP the CPI )NP (PP than (PP in (NP prices )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP (PP at (NP the producer level )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )VP . )S 25 26 (S (NP (NP Robert H. Chandross )NP , (NP (NP an economist )NP (PP for (NP (NP (NP Lloyd 's )NP Bank )NP (PP in (NP New York )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP , )NP (VP is (PP among (NP (NP those )NP (VP expecting (NP (NP a more moderate gain )NP (PP in (NP the CPI )NP )PP )NP (PP than (PP in (NP (NP prices )NP (PP at (NP the producer level )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP )NP )PP )VP . )S 23 27 (S (NP (NP Robert H. Chandross )NP , (NP (NP an economist )NP (PP for (NP (NP (NP Lloyd 's )NP Bank )NP (PP in (NP New York )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP , )NP (VP is (PP among (NP (NP those )NP (VP expecting (NP (NP a (ADJP more moderate )ADJP gain )NP (PP in (NP the CPI )NP )PP )NP )VP )NP )PP (PP than (PP in (NP (NP prices )NP (PP at (NP the producer level )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP . )S 22 26 (S (NP (NP Robert H. Chandross )NP , (NP (NP an economist )NP (PP for (NP (NP (NP Lloyd 's )NP Bank )NP (PP in (NP New York )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP , )NP (VP is (PP among (NP (NP those )NP (VP expecting (NP (NP a (ADJP more moderate )ADJP gain )NP (PP in (NP the CPI )NP (PP than (PP in (NP prices )NP )PP )PP )PP )NP (PP at (NP the producer level )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )VP . )S 22 26 (S (NP (NP Robert H. Chandross )NP , (NP (NP an economist )NP (PP for (NP (NP (NP Lloyd 's )NP Bank )NP (PP in (NP New York )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP , )NP (VP is (PP among (NP (NP those )NP (VP expecting (NP (NP a more moderate gain )NP (PP in (NP the CPI )NP )PP )NP )VP )NP )PP (PP than (PP in (NP (NP prices )NP (PP at (NP the producer level )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP . )S 24 27 (S (NP (NP Robert H. Chandross )NP , (NP (NP an economist )NP (PP for (NP (NP (NP Lloyd 's )NP Bank )NP (PP in (NP New York )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP , )NP (VP is (PP among (NP those )NP )PP (S (VP expecting (NP (NP a (ADJP more moderate )ADJP gain )NP (PP in (NP the CPI )NP )PP )NP (PP than (PP in (NP (NP prices )NP (PP at (NP the producer level )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP )S )VP . )S 20 25 (S (NP (NP Robert H. Chandross )NP , (NP (NP an economist )NP (PP for (NP (NP (NP Lloyd 's )NP Bank )NP (PP in (NP New York )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP , )NP (VP is (PP among (NP (NP those )NP (VP expecting (NP a (ADJP more moderate )ADJP gain )NP )VP )NP )PP (PP in (NP the CPI )NP )PP (PP than (PP in (NP prices )NP )PP )PP (PP at (NP the producer level )NP )PP )VP . )S 22 25 (S (NP (NP Robert H. Chandross )NP , (NP (NP an economist )NP (PP for (NP (NP (NP Lloyd 's )NP Bank )NP (PP in (NP New York )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP , )NP (VP is (PP among (NP (NP those )NP (VP expecting (NP a more moderate gain )NP )VP )NP )PP (PP in (NP the CPI )NP )PP (PP than (PP in (NP (NP prices )NP (PP at (NP the producer level )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP . )S 25 27 (S (NP (NP Robert H. Chandross )NP , (NP (NP an economist )NP (PP for (NP (NP (NP Lloyd 's )NP Bank )NP (PP in (NP New York )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP , )NP (VP is (PP among (NP those )NP )PP (S (VP expecting (NP (NP a (ADJP more moderate )ADJP gain )NP (PP in (NP the CPI )NP )PP (PP than (PP in (NP (NP prices )NP (PP at (NP the producer level )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )NP )VP )S )VP . )S 27 28 (S (NP (NP Robert H. Chandross )NP , (NP (NP an economist )NP (PP for (NP (NP (NP Lloyd 's )NP Bank )NP (PP in (NP New York )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP , )NP (VP is (PP among (NP (NP those )NP (VP expecting (NP (NP (NP a (ADJP more moderate )ADJP gain )NP (PP in (NP the CPI )NP )PP )NP (PP than (PP in (NP (NP prices )NP (PP at (NP the producer level )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )NP )VP )NP )PP )VP . )S 23 27 (S (NP (NP Robert H. Chandross )NP , (NP (NP an economist )NP (PP for (NP (NP (NP Lloyd 's )NP Bank )NP (PP in (NP New York )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP , )NP (VP is (PP among (NP (NP those )NP (VP expecting (NP (NP a (ADJP more moderate )ADJP gain )NP (PP (PP in (NP the CPI )NP )PP (PP than (PP in (NP prices )NP )PP )PP )PP )NP (PP at (NP the producer level )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )VP . )S 26 26 (S (NP (NP Robert H. Chandross )NP , (NP (NP an economist )NP (PP for (NP (NP (NP Lloyd 's )NP Bank )NP (PP in (NP New York )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP , )NP (VP is (PP among (NP (NP those )NP (VP expecting (NP (NP a more moderate gain )NP (PP in (NP the CPI )NP )PP (PP than (PP in (NP (NP prices )NP (PP at (NP the producer level )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )NP )VP )NP )PP )VP . )S 24 26 (S (NP (NP Robert H. Chandross )NP , (NP (NP an economist )NP (PP for (NP (NP (NP Lloyd 's )NP Bank )NP (PP in (NP New York )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP , )NP (VP is (PP among (NP those )NP )PP (VP expecting (NP (NP a (ADJP more moderate )ADJP gain )NP (PP in (NP the CPI )NP )PP )NP (PP than (PP in (NP (NP prices )NP (PP at (NP the producer level )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP . )S 26 26 (S (NP (NP Robert H. Chandross )NP , (NP (NP an economist )NP (PP for (NP (NP (NP Lloyd 's )NP Bank )NP (PP in (NP New York )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP , )NP (VP is (PP among (NP (NP those )NP (VP expecting (NP a (ADJP more moderate )ADJP gain )NP (PP in (NP the CPI )NP )PP (PP than (PP in (NP (NP prices )NP (PP at (NP the producer level )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP )NP )PP )VP . )S 26 26 (S (NP (NP Robert H. Chandross )NP , (NP (NP an economist )NP (PP for (NP (NP Lloyd 's )NP Bank (PP in (NP New York )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP , )NP (VP is (PP among (NP (NP those )NP (VP expecting (NP (NP a (ADJP more moderate )ADJP gain )NP (PP in (NP the CPI )NP )PP (PP than (PP in (NP (NP prices )NP (PP at (NP the producer level )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )NP )VP )NP )PP )VP . )S 26 28 (S (NP (NP Robert H. Chandross )NP , (NP (NP an economist )NP (PP for (NP (NP (NP Lloyd 's )NP Bank )NP (PP in (NP New York )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP , )NP (VP is (PP among (NP (NP those )NP (VP expecting (NP (NP a (ADJP more moderate )ADJP gain )NP (PP in (NP the CPI )NP )PP (SBAR than (FRAG (PP in (NP (NP prices )NP (PP at (NP the producer level )NP )PP )NP )PP )FRAG )SBAR )NP )VP )NP )PP )VP . )S 25 26 (S (NP (NP Robert H. Chandross )NP , (NP (NP an economist )NP (PP for (NP (NP (NP Lloyd 's )NP Bank )NP (PP in (NP New York )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP , )NP (VP is (PP among (NP (NP those )NP (VP expecting (NP (NP a more moderate gain )NP (PP in (NP the CPI )NP )PP )NP (PP than (PP in (NP (NP prices )NP (PP at (NP the producer level )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP )NP )PP )VP . )S 23 26 (S (NP (NP Robert H. Chandross )NP , (NP (NP an economist )NP (PP for (NP (NP (NP Lloyd 's )NP Bank )NP (PP in (NP New York )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP , )NP (VP is (PP among (NP (NP those )NP (VP expecting (NP (NP a (ADJP more moderate )ADJP gain )NP (PP in (NP the CPI )NP )PP (PP than (PP in (NP prices )NP )PP )PP )NP (PP at (NP the producer level )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )VP . )S 25 26 (S (NP (NP Robert H. Chandross )NP , (NP (NP an economist )NP (PP for (NP (NP Lloyd 's )NP Bank (PP in (NP New York )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP , )NP (VP is (PP among (NP (NP those )NP (VP expecting (NP (NP a (ADJP more moderate )ADJP gain )NP (PP in (NP the CPI )NP )PP )NP (PP than (PP in (NP (NP prices )NP (PP at (NP the producer level )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP )NP )PP )VP . )S 22 25 (S (NP (NP Robert H. Chandross )NP , (NP (NP an economist )NP (PP for (NP (NP (NP Lloyd 's )NP Bank )NP (PP in (NP New York )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP , )NP (VP is (PP among (NP (NP those )NP (VP expecting (NP (NP a more moderate gain )NP (PP in (NP the CPI )NP )PP (PP than (PP in (NP prices )NP )PP )PP )NP (PP at (NP the producer level )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )VP . )S 22 26 (S (NP (NP Robert H. Chandross )NP , (NP (NP an economist )NP (PP for (NP (NP (NP Lloyd 's )NP Bank )NP (PP in (NP New York )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP , )NP (VP is (PP among (NP (NP those )NP (VP expecting (NP (NP a more moderate gain )NP (PP in (NP the CPI )NP )PP )NP )VP )NP )PP (PP than (PP in (NP (NP prices )NP (PP at (NP the producer level )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP . )S 19 24 (S (NP (NP Robert H. Chandross )NP , (NP (NP an economist )NP (PP for (NP (NP (NP Lloyd 's )NP Bank )NP (PP in (NP New York )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP , )NP (VP is (PP among (NP (NP those )NP (VP expecting (NP a more moderate gain )NP (PP in (NP the CPI )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP (PP than (PP in (NP prices )NP )PP )PP (PP at (NP the producer level )NP )PP )VP . )S 22 26 (S (NP (NP Robert H. Chandross )NP , (NP (NP an economist )NP (PP for (NP (NP Lloyd 's )NP Bank (PP in (NP New York )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP , )NP (VP is (PP among (NP (NP those )NP (VP expecting (NP (NP a (ADJP more moderate )ADJP gain )NP (PP in (NP the CPI )NP )PP )NP )VP )NP )PP (PP than (PP in (NP (NP prices )NP (PP at (NP the producer level )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP . )S 25 27 (S (NP (NP Robert H. Chandross )NP , (NP (NP an economist )NP (PP for (NP (NP (NP Lloyd 's )NP Bank )NP (PP in (NP New York )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP , )NP (VP is (PP among (NP (NP those )NP (VP expecting (NP a (ADJP more moderate )ADJP gain )NP (PP in (NP (NP the CPI )NP (PP than (PP in (NP (NP prices )NP (PP at (NP the producer level )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )VP . )S 21 25 (S (NP (NP Robert H. Chandross )NP , (NP (NP an economist )NP (PP for (NP (NP (NP Lloyd 's )NP Bank )NP (PP in (NP New York )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP , )NP (VP is (PP among (NP those )NP )PP (VP expecting (NP (NP a (ADJP more moderate )ADJP gain )NP (PP in (NP the CPI )NP )PP (PP than (PP in (NP prices )NP )PP )PP )NP (PP at (NP the producer level )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 20 27 (S (NP (NP Robert H. Chandross )NP , (NP (NP an economist )NP (PP for (NP (NP (NP Lloyd 's )NP Bank )NP (PP in (NP New York )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP , )NP (VP is (PP (PP among (NP (NP those )NP (VP expecting (NP (NP a (ADJP more moderate )ADJP gain )NP (PP in (NP the CPI )NP )PP )NP )VP )NP )PP (PP than (PP in (NP prices )NP )PP )PP )PP (PP at (NP the producer level )NP )PP )VP . )S 25 27 (S (NP (NP Robert H. Chandross )NP , (NP (NP an economist )NP (PP for (NP (NP (NP Lloyd 's )NP Bank )NP (PP in (NP New York )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP , )NP (VP is (PP among (NP (NP those )NP (VP expecting (NP (NP a (ADJP more moderate )ADJP gain )NP (PP in (NP the CPI )NP )PP (PP (PP than (PP in (NP prices )NP )PP )PP (PP at (NP the producer level )NP )PP )PP )NP )VP )NP )PP )VP . )S 50 15 16 (S `` (S (S (NP Auto prices )NP (VP had (NP (NP a big effect )NP (PP in (NP the PPI )NP )PP )NP )VP )S , and (S (PP at (NP the CPI level )NP )PP (NP they )NP (VP wo n't )VP )S )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 15 15 (S `` (S (S (NP Auto prices )NP (VP had (NP a big effect )NP (PP in (NP the PPI )NP )PP )VP )S , and (S (PP at (NP the CPI level )NP )PP (NP they )NP (VP wo n't )VP )S )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 14 15 (S `` (S (NP Auto prices )NP (VP had (NP (NP a big effect )NP (PP in (NP the PPI )NP )PP )NP )VP , and (S (PP at (NP the CPI level )NP )PP (NP they )NP (VP wo n't )VP )S )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 14 14 (S `` (S (NP Auto prices )NP (VP had (NP a big effect )NP (PP in (NP the PPI )NP )PP )VP , and (S (PP at (NP the CPI level )NP )PP (NP they )NP (VP wo n't )VP )S )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 15 17 (S `` (S (S (NP Auto prices )NP (VP had (NP (NP a big effect )NP (PP in (NP the PPI )NP )PP )NP )VP )S , and (S (PP at (NP the (ADJP CPI )ADJP level )NP )PP (NP they )NP (VP wo n't )VP )S )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 15 16 (S `` (S (S (NP Auto prices )NP (VP had (NP a big effect )NP (PP in (NP the PPI )NP )PP )VP )S , and (S (PP at (NP the (ADJP CPI )ADJP level )NP )PP (NP they )NP (VP wo n't )VP )S )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 15 16 (S `` (S (S (NP Auto prices )NP (VP had (NP (NP a big effect )NP (PP in (NP the PPI )NP )PP )NP )VP )S , and (S (PP at (NP the CPI level )NP )PP (NP they )NP (VP wo n't )VP )S )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 11 18 (S `` (S (NP Auto prices )NP (VP had (NP (NP a big effect )NP (PP (PP in (NP the PPI )NP )PP , and (PP at (NP (NP the CPI level )NP (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP wo n't )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )PP )NP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 15 15 (S `` (S (S (NP Auto prices )NP (VP had (NP a big effect )NP (PP in (NP the PPI )NP )PP )VP )S , and (S (PP at (NP the CPI level )NP )PP (NP they )NP (VP wo n't )VP )S )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 15 16 (S `` (S (S (NP Auto prices )NP (VP had (NP a (ADJP big )ADJP effect )NP (PP in (NP the PPI )NP )PP )VP )S , and (S (PP at (NP the CPI level )NP )PP (NP they )NP (VP wo n't )VP )S )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 12 17 (S `` (S (NP Auto prices )NP (VP had (NP (NP a big effect )NP (PP (PP in (NP the PPI )NP )PP , and (PP at (NP the CPI level )NP )PP )PP (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP wo n't )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 11 17 (S `` (S (NP Auto prices )NP (VP had (NP a big effect )NP (PP (PP in (NP the PPI )NP )PP , and (PP at (NP (NP the CPI level )NP (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP wo n't )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )PP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 15 17 (S `` (S (S (NP Auto prices )NP (VP had (NP (NP a (ADJP big )ADJP effect )NP (PP in (NP the PPI )NP )PP )NP )VP )S , and (S (PP at (NP the CPI level )NP )PP (NP they )NP (VP wo n't )VP )S )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 15 17 (S `` (S (S (NP Auto prices )NP (VP had (NP (NP a big effect )NP (PP in (NP the (NX PPI )NX )NP )PP )NP )VP )S , and (S (PP at (NP the CPI level )NP )PP (NP they )NP (VP wo n't )VP )S )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 15 17 (S `` (S (S (NP Auto prices )NP (VP had (NP (NP a big effect )NP (PP in (NP the PPI )NP )PP )NP )VP )S , and (S (PP at (NP (NP the CPI )NP level )NP )PP (NP they )NP (VP wo n't )VP )S )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 14 16 (S `` (S (S (NP Auto prices )NP (VP had (NP (NP a big effect )NP (PP in (NP the PPI )NP )PP )NP )VP )S , (S and (PP at (NP the CPI level )NP )PP (NP they )NP (VP wo n't )VP )S )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 15 16 (S `` (S (S (NP Auto prices )NP (VP had (NP a big effect )NP (PP in (NP the PPI )NP )PP )VP )S , and (S (PP at (NP (NP the CPI )NP level )NP )PP (NP they )NP (VP wo n't )VP )S )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 14 15 (S `` (S (S (NP Auto prices )NP (VP had (NP a big effect )NP (PP in (NP the PPI )NP )PP )VP )S , (S and (PP at (NP the CPI level )NP )PP (NP they )NP (VP wo n't )VP )S )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 12 15 (S `` (S (NP Auto prices )NP (VP had (NP a big effect )NP (PP in (NP the PPI )NP )PP , (SBAR (S and (PP at (NP the CPI level )NP )PP (NP they )NP (VP wo n't )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 15 16 (S `` (S (S (NP Auto prices )NP (VP had (NP a big effect )NP (PP in (NP the (NX PPI )NX )NP )PP )VP )S , and (S (PP at (NP the CPI level )NP )PP (NP they )NP (VP wo n't )VP )S )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 15 17 (S `` (S (S (NP Auto prices )NP (VP had (NP (NP a big effect )NP (PP in (NP the PPI )NP )PP )NP )VP )S , and (S (PP at (NP the (NP CPI )NP level )NP )PP (NP they )NP (VP wo n't )VP )S )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 11 17 (S `` (S (NP Auto prices )NP (VP had (NP (NP a big effect )NP (PP in (NP (NP the PPI )NP , (SBAR (S and (PP at (NP the CPI level )NP )PP (NP they )NP (VP wo n't )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 15 16 (S `` (S (S (NP Auto prices )NP (VP had (VP (NP a big effect )NP (PP in (NP the PPI )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , and (S (PP at (NP the CPI level )NP )PP (NP they )NP (VP wo n't )VP )S )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 15 16 (S `` (S (S (NP Auto prices )NP (VP had (NP a big effect )NP (PP in (NP the PPI )NP )PP )VP )S , and (S (PP at (NP the (NP CPI )NP level )NP )PP (NP they )NP (VP wo n't )VP )S )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 12 17 (S `` (S (NP Auto prices )NP (VP had (NP (NP a big effect )NP (PP (PP in (NP the PPI )NP )PP , and (PP at (NP the CPI level )NP )PP )PP )NP (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP wo n't )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 10 17 (S `` (S (NP Auto prices )NP (VP had (NP (NP a big effect )NP (PP (PP in (NP the PPI )NP )PP , and (PP at (NP the CPI level (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP wo n't )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )PP )NP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 12 17 (S `` (S (NP Auto prices )NP (VP (VP had (NP a big effect )NP (PP in (NP the PPI )NP )PP )VP , and (PP at (NP (NP the CPI level )NP (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP wo n't )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 12 16 (S `` (S (NP Auto prices )NP (VP had (NP (NP a big effect )NP (PP in (NP the PPI )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR (S and (PP at (NP the CPI level )NP )PP (NP they )NP (VP wo n't )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 11 18 (S `` (S (NP Auto prices )NP (VP had (NP (NP a big effect )NP (UCP (PP in (NP the PPI )NP )PP , and (PP at (NP (NP the CPI level )NP (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP wo n't )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )UCP )NP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 15 17 (S `` (S (S (NP Auto prices )NP (VP had (NP (NP a big effect )NP (PP in (NP the (NP PPI )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )S , and (S (PP at (NP the CPI level )NP )PP (NP they )NP (VP wo n't )VP )S )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 12 18 (S `` (S (NP Auto prices )NP (VP (VP had (NP (NP a big effect )NP (PP in (NP the PPI )NP )PP )NP )VP , and (PP at (NP (NP the CPI level )NP (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP wo n't )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 11 16 (S `` (S (NP Auto prices )NP (VP had (NP a big effect )NP (PP in (NP (NP the PPI )NP , (SBAR (S and (PP at (NP the CPI level )NP )PP (NP they )NP (VP wo n't )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 12 16 (S `` (S (NP Auto prices )NP (VP had (NP a big effect )NP (PP (PP in (NP the PPI )NP )PP , and (PP at (NP the CPI level )NP )PP )PP (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP wo n't )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 15 16 (S `` (S (S (NP Auto prices )NP (VP had (NP a big effect )NP (PP in (NP the (NP PPI )NP )NP )PP )VP )S , and (S (PP at (NP the CPI level )NP )PP (NP they )NP (VP wo n't )VP )S )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 10 16 (S `` (S (NP Auto prices )NP (VP had (NP a big effect )NP (PP (PP in (NP the PPI )NP )PP , and (PP at (NP the CPI level (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP wo n't )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )PP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 14 15 (S `` (S (S (NP Auto prices )NP (VP had (NP a big effect )NP )VP (PP in (NP the PPI )NP )PP )S , and (S (PP at (NP the CPI level )NP )PP (NP they )NP (VP wo n't )VP )S )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 10 18 (S `` (S (NP Auto prices )NP (VP had (NP (NP a big effect )NP (PP in (NP (NP the PPI )NP , and (PP at (NP (NP the CPI level )NP (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP wo n't )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 11 17 (S `` (S (NP Auto prices )NP (VP had (NP (NP a big effect )NP (PP in (NP (NP the PPI )NP , and (PP at (NP the CPI level )NP )PP )NP )PP (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP wo n't )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 11 17 (S `` (S (NP Auto prices )NP (VP had (NP a big effect )NP (PP in (NP the PPI )NP )PP , (PP and (PP at (NP (NP the CPI level )NP (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP wo n't )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )PP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 11 17 (S `` (S (NP Auto prices )NP (VP had (NP (NP a big effect )NP (PP in (NP the PPI )NP )PP )NP , and (PP at (NP (NP the CPI level )NP (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP wo n't )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 11 18 (S `` (S (NP Auto prices )NP (VP had (NP (NP a big effect )NP (PP in (NP the PPI )NP )PP )NP , (PP and (PP at (NP (NP the CPI level )NP (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP wo n't )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )PP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 12 16 (S `` (S (NP Auto prices )NP (VP had (NP (NP a big effect )NP (PP in (NP the PPI )NP )PP , (SBAR (S and (PP at (NP the CPI level )NP )PP (NP they )NP (VP wo n't )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 10 17 (S `` (S (NP Auto prices )NP (VP had (NP a big effect )NP (PP in (NP (NP the PPI )NP , and (PP at (NP (NP the CPI level )NP (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP wo n't )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 15 16 (S (S `` (S (NP Auto prices )NP (VP had (NP (NP a big effect )NP (PP in (NP the PPI )NP )PP )NP )VP )S , and (S (PP at (NP the CPI level )NP )PP (NP they )NP (VP wo n't )VP )S )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 11 16 (S `` (S (NP Auto prices )NP (VP (VP had (NP a big effect )NP (PP in (NP the PPI )NP )PP )VP , and (PP at (NP the CPI level (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP wo n't )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 11 16 (S `` (S (NP Auto prices )NP (VP had (NP a big effect )NP (PP in (NP the PPI )NP )PP , (PP and at (NP (NP the CPI level )NP (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP wo n't )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 10 16 (S `` (S (NP Auto prices )NP (VP had (NP a big effect )NP (PP in (NP the PPI )NP , and (PP at (NP (NP the CPI level )NP (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP wo n't )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )PP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 11 17 (S `` (S (NP Auto prices )NP (VP had (NP (NP a big effect )NP (PP in (NP the PPI )NP )PP )NP , (PP and at (NP (NP the CPI level )NP (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP wo n't )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 15 15 (S (S `` (S (NP Auto prices )NP (VP had (NP a big effect )NP (PP in (NP the PPI )NP )PP )VP )S , and (S (PP at (NP the CPI level )NP )PP (NP they )NP (VP wo n't )VP )S )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 11 17 (S `` (S (NP Auto prices )NP (VP (VP had (NP (NP a big effect )NP (PP in (NP the PPI )NP )PP )NP )VP , and (PP at (NP the CPI level (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP wo n't )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 50 21 22 (SINV (S (S (NP Food prices )NP (VP are (VP expected (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP unchanged )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP energy costs )NP (VP jumped (NP (QP as much as 4 )QP % )NP )VP )S )S , (VP said )VP (NP (NP Gary Ciminero )NP , (NP (NP economist )NP (PP at (NP Fleet\/Norstar Financial Group )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 20 21 (SINV (S (NP Food prices )NP (VP are (VP expected (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP unchanged )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP , but (S (NP energy costs )NP (VP jumped (NP (QP as much as 4 )QP % )NP )VP )S )S , (VP said )VP (NP (NP Gary Ciminero )NP , (NP (NP economist )NP (PP at (NP Fleet\/Norstar Financial Group )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 21 22 (SINV (S (S (NP Food prices )NP (VP are (VP expected (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP unchanged )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP energy costs )NP (VP jumped (NP (QP as much as 4 % )QP )NP )VP )S )S , (VP said )VP (NP (NP Gary Ciminero )NP , (NP (NP economist )NP (PP at (NP Fleet\/Norstar Financial Group )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 21 22 (SINV (S (S (NP Food prices )NP (VP are (VP expected (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP unchanged )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP energy costs )NP (VP jumped (NP (QP as much as 4 )QP % )NP )VP )S )S , (VP said )VP (NP (NP Gary Ciminero )NP , (NP (NP economist )NP (PP at (NP Fleet\/Norstar Financial Group )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 20 22 (SINV (S (S (NP Food prices )NP (VP are (VP expected (S (VP to (VP be (ADVP unchanged )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP energy costs )NP (VP jumped (NP (QP as much as 4 )QP % )NP )VP )S )S , (VP said )VP (NP (NP Gary Ciminero )NP , (NP (NP economist )NP (PP at (NP Fleet\/Norstar Financial Group )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 20 21 (SINV (S (NP Food prices )NP (VP are (VP expected (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP unchanged )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP energy costs )NP (VP jumped (NP (QP as much as 4 )QP % )NP )VP )S , (VP said )VP (NP (NP Gary Ciminero )NP , (NP (NP economist )NP (PP at (NP Fleet\/Norstar Financial Group )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 18 22 (SINV (S (NP Food prices )NP (VP are (VP expected (S (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP unchanged )ADJP )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP energy costs )NP (VP jumped (NP (QP as much as 4 )QP % )NP )VP )S )S )VP )VP )S , (VP said )VP (NP (NP Gary Ciminero )NP , (NP (NP economist )NP (PP at (NP Fleet\/Norstar Financial Group )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 21 22 (SINV (S (S (NP Food prices )NP (VP are (VP expected (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP unchanged )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP energy costs )NP (VP jumped (NP (QP as much as 4 )QP % )NP )VP )S )S , (VP said )VP (NP (NP Gary Ciminero )NP , (NP (NP economist )NP (PP at (NP Fleet\/Norstar Financial Group )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 20 23 (SINV (S (S (NP Food prices )NP (VP are (VP expected (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP unchanged )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP energy costs )NP (VP jumped (ADVP as much )ADVP (NP (QP as 4 )QP % )NP )VP )S )S , (VP said )VP (NP (NP Gary Ciminero )NP , (NP (NP economist )NP (PP at (NP Fleet\/Norstar Financial Group )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 20 24 (SINV (S (S (NP Food prices )NP (VP are (VP expected (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP unchanged )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP energy costs )NP (VP jumped (ADVP (ADVP as much )ADVP (PP as (NP 4 % )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )S )S , (VP said )VP (NP (NP Gary Ciminero )NP , (NP (NP economist )NP (PP at (NP Fleet\/Norstar Financial Group )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 20 23 (SINV (S (S (NP Food prices )NP (VP are (VP expected (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP unchanged )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP energy costs )NP (VP jumped (ADVP as much (PP as (NP 4 % )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )S )S , (VP said )VP (NP (NP Gary Ciminero )NP , (NP (NP economist )NP (PP at (NP Fleet\/Norstar Financial Group )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 20 22 (SINV (S (S (NP Food prices )NP (VP are (VP expected (S (VP to (VP be (VP unchanged )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP energy costs )NP (VP jumped (NP (QP as much as 4 )QP % )NP )VP )S )S , (VP said )VP (NP (NP Gary Ciminero )NP , (NP (NP economist )NP (PP at (NP Fleet\/Norstar Financial Group )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 20 21 (SINV (S (NP Food prices )NP (VP are (VP expected (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP unchanged )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP , but (S (NP energy costs )NP (VP jumped (NP (QP as much as 4 % )QP )NP )VP )S )S , (VP said )VP (NP (NP Gary Ciminero )NP , (NP (NP economist )NP (PP at (NP Fleet\/Norstar Financial Group )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 20 24 (SINV (S (S (NP Food prices )NP (VP are (VP expected (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP unchanged )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP energy costs )NP (VP jumped (ADVP (ADVP as much )ADVP (PP as (NP 4 % )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )S )S , (VP said )VP (NP (NP Gary Ciminero )NP , (NP (NP economist )NP (PP at (NP Fleet\/Norstar Financial Group )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 21 24 (SINV (S (S (NP Food prices )NP (VP are (VP expected (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP unchanged )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP energy costs )NP (VP jumped (NP (NP as much )NP (PP as (NP 4 % )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )S , (VP said )VP (NP (NP Gary Ciminero )NP , (NP (NP economist )NP (PP at (NP Fleet\/Norstar Financial Group )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 21 23 (SINV (S (S (NP Food prices )NP (VP are (VP expected (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP unchanged )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP energy costs )NP (VP jumped (NP (QP as much as 4 )QP )NP (NP % )NP )VP )S )S , (VP said )VP (NP (NP Gary Ciminero )NP , (NP (NP economist )NP (PP at (NP Fleet\/Norstar Financial Group )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 21 22 (SINV (S (S (NP Food prices )NP (VP are (VP expected (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP unchanged )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP energy costs )NP (VP jumped (NP (QP as much as 4 )QP % )NP )VP )S )S , (VP said )VP (NP (NP Gary Ciminero )NP , (NP (NP economist )NP (PP at (NP Fleet\/Norstar Financial Group )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 21 23 (SINV (S (S (NP Food prices )NP (VP are (VP expected (S (VP to (VP be (S (ADJP unchanged )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP energy costs )NP (VP jumped (NP (QP as much as 4 )QP % )NP )VP )S )S , (VP said )VP (NP (NP Gary Ciminero )NP , (NP (NP economist )NP (PP at (NP Fleet\/Norstar Financial Group )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 20 21 (SINV (S (NP Food prices )NP (VP are (VP expected (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP unchanged )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP , but (S (NP energy costs )NP (VP jumped (NP (QP as much as 4 )QP % )NP )VP )S )S , (VP said )VP (NP (NP Gary Ciminero )NP , (NP (NP economist )NP (PP at (NP Fleet\/Norstar Financial Group )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 21 24 (SINV (S (S (NP Food prices )NP (VP are (VP expected (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP unchanged )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP energy costs )NP (VP jumped (NP (NP as much )NP (PP as (NP 4 % )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )S , (VP said )VP (NP (NP Gary Ciminero )NP , (NP (NP economist )NP (PP at (NP Fleet\/Norstar Financial Group )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 20 22 (SINV (S (S (NP Food prices )NP (VP are (VP expected (S (VP to (VP be (NP unchanged )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP energy costs )NP (VP jumped (NP (QP as much as 4 )QP % )NP )VP )S )S , (VP said )VP (NP (NP Gary Ciminero )NP , (NP (NP economist )NP (PP at (NP Fleet\/Norstar Financial Group )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 19 21 (SINV (S (NP Food prices )NP (VP are (VP expected (S (VP to (VP be (ADVP unchanged )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP , but (S (NP energy costs )NP (VP jumped (NP (QP as much as 4 )QP % )NP )VP )S )S , (VP said )VP (NP (NP Gary Ciminero )NP , (NP (NP economist )NP (PP at (NP Fleet\/Norstar Financial Group )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 20 23 (SINV (S (S (NP Food prices )NP (VP are (VP expected (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP unchanged )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP energy costs )NP (VP jumped (ADVP as much )ADVP (NP (QP as 4 )QP % )NP )VP )S )S , (VP said )VP (NP (NP Gary Ciminero )NP , (NP (NP economist )NP (PP at (NP Fleet\/Norstar Financial Group )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 21 22 (SINV (S (S (NP Food prices )NP (VP are (VP expected (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP unchanged )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP energy costs )NP (VP jumped (NP as much as (NP 4 % )NP )NP )VP )S )S , (VP said )VP (NP (NP Gary Ciminero )NP , (NP (NP economist )NP (PP at (NP Fleet\/Norstar Financial Group )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 20 22 (SINV (S (S (NP Food prices )NP (VP are (VP expected (S (VP to (VP be (ADVP unchanged )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP energy costs )NP (VP jumped (NP (QP as much as 4 % )QP )NP )VP )S )S , (VP said )VP (NP (NP Gary Ciminero )NP , (NP (NP economist )NP (PP at (NP Fleet\/Norstar Financial Group )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 21 22 (SINV (S (S (NP Food prices )NP (VP are (VP expected (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP unchanged )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP energy costs )NP (VP jumped (NP (QP as much as 4 )QP % )NP )VP )S )S , (VP said )VP (NP (NP Gary Ciminero )NP , (NP (NP economist )NP (PP at (NP Fleet\/Norstar Financial Group )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 20 23 (SINV (S (S (NP Food prices )NP (VP are (VP expected (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP unchanged )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP energy costs )NP (VP jumped (ADVP as much )ADVP (NP (QP as 4 )QP % )NP )VP )S )S , (VP said )VP (NP (NP Gary Ciminero )NP , (NP (NP economist )NP (PP at (NP Fleet\/Norstar Financial Group )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 20 21 (SINV (S (NP Food prices )NP (VP are (VP expected (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP unchanged )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP energy costs )NP (VP jumped (NP (QP as much as 4 % )QP )NP )VP )S , (VP said )VP (NP (NP Gary Ciminero )NP , (NP (NP economist )NP (PP at (NP Fleet\/Norstar Financial Group )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 20 24 (SINV (S (S (NP Food prices )NP (VP are (VP expected (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP unchanged )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP energy costs )NP (VP jumped (ADVP (ADVP as much )ADVP (PP as (ADJP 4 % )ADJP )PP )ADVP )VP )S )S , (VP said )VP (NP (NP Gary Ciminero )NP , (NP (NP economist )NP (PP at (NP Fleet\/Norstar Financial Group )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 21 22 (SINV (S (S (NP Food prices )NP (VP are (VP expected (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP unchanged )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP energy costs )NP (VP jumped (NP (QP as much as 4 )QP % )NP )VP )S )S , (VP said )VP (NP (NP Gary Ciminero )NP , (NP (NP economist )NP (PP at (NP Fleet\/Norstar Financial Group )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 20 23 (SINV (S (S (NP Food prices )NP (VP are (VP expected (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP unchanged )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP energy costs )NP (VP jumped (ADVP as much (PP as (ADJP 4 % )ADJP )PP )ADVP )VP )S )S , (VP said )VP (NP (NP Gary Ciminero )NP , (NP (NP economist )NP (PP at (NP Fleet\/Norstar Financial Group )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 20 23 (SINV (S (S (NP Food prices )NP (VP are (VP expected (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP unchanged )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP energy costs )NP (VP jumped (ADVP as much (PP as (NP 4 % )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )S )S , (VP said )VP (NP (NP Gary Ciminero )NP , (NP (NP economist )NP (PP at (NP Fleet\/Norstar Financial Group )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 18 22 (SINV (S (NP Food prices )NP (VP are (VP expected (S (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP unchanged )ADJP )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP energy costs )NP (VP jumped (NP (QP as much as 4 % )QP )NP )VP )S )S )VP )VP )S , (VP said )VP (NP (NP Gary Ciminero )NP , (NP (NP economist )NP (PP at (NP Fleet\/Norstar Financial Group )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 21 23 (SINV (S (S (NP Food prices )NP (VP are (VP expected (SBAR (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP unchanged )ADJP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP energy costs )NP (VP jumped (NP (QP as much as 4 )QP % )NP )VP )S )S , (VP said )VP (NP (NP Gary Ciminero )NP , (NP (NP economist )NP (PP at (NP Fleet\/Norstar Financial Group )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 21 24 (SINV (S (S (NP Food prices )NP (VP are (VP expected (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP unchanged )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP energy costs )NP (VP jumped (NP (NP as much )NP (PP as (ADJP 4 % )ADJP )PP )NP )VP )S )S , (VP said )VP (NP (NP Gary Ciminero )NP , (NP (NP economist )NP (PP at (NP Fleet\/Norstar Financial Group )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 20 22 (SINV (S (S (NP Food prices )NP (VP are (VP expected (S (VP to (VP be (ADVP unchanged )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP energy costs )NP (VP jumped (NP (QP as much as 4 )QP % )NP )VP )S )S , (VP said )VP (NP (NP Gary Ciminero )NP , (NP (NP economist )NP (PP at (NP Fleet\/Norstar Financial Group )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 20 24 (SINV (S (S (NP Food prices )NP (VP are (VP expected (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP unchanged )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP energy costs )NP (VP jumped (ADVP (ADVP as much )ADVP (PP as (ADJP 4 % )ADJP )PP )ADVP )VP )S )S , (VP said )VP (NP (NP Gary Ciminero )NP , (NP (NP economist )NP (PP at (NP Fleet\/Norstar Financial Group )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 21 22 (SINV (S (S (NP Food prices )NP (VP are (VP expected (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP unchanged )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP energy costs )NP (VP jumped (NP (QP as much as 4 % )QP )NP )VP )S )S , (VP said )VP (NP (NP Gary Ciminero )NP , (NP (NP economist )NP (PP at (NP Fleet\/Norstar Financial Group )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 20 21 (SINV (S (NP Food prices )NP (VP are (VP expected (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP unchanged )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP , but (S (NP energy costs )NP (VP jumped (NP (QP as much as 4 )QP % )NP )VP )S )S , (VP said )VP (NP (NP Gary Ciminero )NP , (NP (NP economist )NP (PP at (NP Fleet\/Norstar Financial Group )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 20 21 (SINV (S (NP Food prices )NP (VP are (VP expected (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP unchanged )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP energy costs )NP (VP jumped (NP (QP as much as 4 )QP % )NP )VP )S , (VP said )VP (NP (NP Gary Ciminero )NP , (NP (NP economist )NP (PP at (NP Fleet\/Norstar Financial Group )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 21 22 (SINV (S (S (NP Food prices )NP (VP are (VP expected (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP unchanged )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP energy costs )NP (VP jumped (NP (QP as much as 4 % )QP )NP )VP )S )S , (VP said )VP (NP (NP Gary Ciminero )NP , (NP (NP economist )NP (PP at (NP Fleet\/Norstar Financial Group )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 19 22 (SINV (S (NP Food prices )NP (VP are (VP expected (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP unchanged )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP , but (S (NP energy costs )NP (VP jumped (ADVP as much )ADVP (NP (QP as 4 )QP % )NP )VP )S )S , (VP said )VP (NP (NP Gary Ciminero )NP , (NP (NP economist )NP (PP at (NP Fleet\/Norstar Financial Group )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 19 21 (SINV (S (NP Food prices )NP (VP are (VP expected (S (VP to (VP be (ADVP unchanged )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP energy costs )NP (VP jumped (NP (QP as much as 4 )QP % )NP )VP )S , (VP said )VP (NP (NP Gary Ciminero )NP , (NP (NP economist )NP (PP at (NP Fleet\/Norstar Financial Group )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 21 22 (SINV (S (S (NP Food prices )NP (VP are (VP expected (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP unchanged )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP energy costs )NP (VP jumped (NP (QP as much as 4 )QP % )NP )VP )S )S , (VP said )VP (NP (NP Gary Ciminero )NP , (NP (NP economist )NP (PP at (NP Fleet\/Norstar Financial Group )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 18 22 (SINV (S (NP Food prices )NP (VP are (VP expected (S (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP unchanged )ADJP )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP energy costs )NP (VP jumped (NP (QP as much as 4 )QP % )NP )VP )S )S )VP )VP )S , (VP said )VP (NP (NP Gary Ciminero )NP , (NP (NP economist )NP (PP at (NP Fleet\/Norstar Financial Group )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 19 23 (SINV (S (NP Food prices )NP (VP are (VP expected (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP unchanged )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP , but (S (NP energy costs )NP (VP jumped (ADVP (ADVP as much )ADVP (PP as (NP 4 % )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )S )S , (VP said )VP (NP (NP Gary Ciminero )NP , (NP (NP economist )NP (PP at (NP Fleet\/Norstar Financial Group )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 21 22 (SINV (S (S (NP Food prices )NP (VP are (VP expected (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP unchanged )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP energy costs )NP (VP jumped (NP (QP as much as 4 )QP % )NP )VP )S )S , (VP said )VP (NP (NP Gary Ciminero )NP , (NP (NP economist )NP (PP at (NP Fleet\/Norstar Financial Group )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 17 22 (SINV (S (NP Food prices )NP (VP are (VP expected (S (S (VP to (VP be (ADVP unchanged )ADVP )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP energy costs )NP (VP jumped (NP (QP as much as 4 )QP % )NP )VP )S )S )VP )VP )S , (VP said )VP (NP (NP Gary Ciminero )NP , (NP (NP economist )NP (PP at (NP Fleet\/Norstar Financial Group )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 20 23 (SINV (S (S (NP Food prices )NP (VP are (VP expected (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP unchanged )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP energy costs )NP (VP jumped (NP as much )NP (PP as (NP 4 % )NP )PP )VP )S )S , (VP said )VP (NP (NP Gary Ciminero )NP , (NP (NP economist )NP (PP at (NP Fleet\/Norstar Financial Group )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 19 22 (SINV (S (NP Food prices )NP (VP are (VP expected (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP unchanged )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP , but (S (NP energy costs )NP (VP jumped (ADVP as much (PP as (NP 4 % )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )S )S , (VP said )VP (NP (NP Gary Ciminero )NP , (NP (NP economist )NP (PP at (NP Fleet\/Norstar Financial Group )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 50 18 19 (S (NP He )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP says (SBAR (S (NP he )NP (VP thinks (SBAR (S (NP `` (NP core inflation )NP , '' (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP excludes (NP the volatile food and energy prices )NP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP was (NP strong last month )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 18 19 (S (NP He )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP says (SBAR (S (NP he )NP (VP thinks (SBAR (S (NP `` (NP core inflation )NP , '' (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP excludes (NP the volatile food and energy prices )NP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP was (NP strong last month )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 17 20 (S (NP He )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP says (SBAR (S (NP he )NP (VP thinks (SBAR (S (NP `` (NP core inflation )NP , '' (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP excludes (NP the volatile food and energy )NP (NP prices )NP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP was (NP strong last month )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 20 20 (S (NP He )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP says (SBAR (S (NP he )NP (VP thinks (SBAR (S (NP `` (NP core inflation )NP , '' (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP excludes (NP the volatile food and energy prices )NP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP was (ADJP strong )ADJP (NP last month )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 17 20 (S (NP He )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP says (SBAR (S (NP he )NP (VP thinks (SBAR (S (NP `` (NP core inflation )NP , '' (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP excludes (NP the volatile food and energy )NP (NP prices )NP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP was (NP strong last month )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 20 20 (S (NP He )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP says (SBAR (S (NP he )NP (VP thinks (SBAR (S (NP `` (NP core inflation )NP , '' (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP excludes (NP the volatile food and energy prices )NP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP was (ADJP strong )ADJP (NP last month )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 19 21 (S (NP He )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP says (SBAR (S (NP he )NP (VP thinks (SBAR (S (NP `` (NP core inflation )NP , '' (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP excludes (NP the volatile food and energy )NP (NP prices )NP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP was (ADJP strong )ADJP (NP last month )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 19 21 (S (NP He )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP says (SBAR (S (NP he )NP (VP thinks (SBAR (S (NP `` (NP core inflation )NP , '' (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP excludes (NP the volatile food and energy )NP (NP prices )NP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP was (ADJP strong )ADJP (NP last month )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 18 21 (S (NP He )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP says (SBAR (S (NP he )NP (VP thinks (SBAR (S (NP `` (NP core inflation )NP , '' (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP excludes (NP (NP the volatile food )NP and (NP energy prices )NP )NP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP was (NP strong last month )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 18 20 (S (NP He )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP says (SBAR (S (NP he )NP (VP thinks (SBAR (S (NP `` (NP core inflation )NP , '' (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP excludes (NP the (ADJP volatile )ADJP food and energy prices )NP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP was (NP strong last month )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 19 19 (S (NP He )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP says (SBAR (S (NP he )NP (VP thinks (SBAR (S (NP `` (NP core inflation )NP , '' (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP excludes (NP the volatile food and energy prices )NP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP was strong (NP last month )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 17 18 (S (NP He )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP says (SBAR (S (NP he )NP (VP thinks (SBAR (S (NP `` core inflation , '' (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP excludes (NP the volatile food and energy prices )NP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP was (NP strong last month )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 19 20 (S (NP He )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP says (SBAR (S (NP he )NP (VP thinks (SBAR (S (NP `` (NP core inflation )NP , '' (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP excludes (NP the volatile food and energy prices )NP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP was (ADVP strong )ADVP (NP last month )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 18 21 (S (NP He )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP says (SBAR (S (NP he )NP (VP thinks (SBAR (S (NP `` (NP core inflation )NP , '' (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP excludes (NP (NP the volatile food )NP and (NP energy prices )NP )NP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP was (NP strong last month )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 18 20 (S (NP He )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP says (SBAR (S (NP he )NP (VP thinks (SBAR (S (NP `` (NP core inflation )NP , '' (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP excludes (NP the (ADJP volatile )ADJP food and energy prices )NP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP was (NP strong last month )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 19 19 (S (NP He )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP says (SBAR (S (NP he )NP (VP thinks (SBAR (S (NP `` (NP core inflation )NP , '' (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP excludes (NP the volatile food and energy prices )NP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP was strong (NP last month )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 19 20 (S (NP He )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP says (SBAR (S (NP he )NP (VP thinks (SBAR (S (NP `` (NP core inflation )NP , '' (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP excludes (NP the volatile food and energy prices )NP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP was (ADVP strong )ADVP (NP last month )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 20 22 (S (NP He )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP says (SBAR (S (NP he )NP (VP thinks (SBAR (S (NP `` (NP core inflation )NP , '' (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP excludes (NP (NP the volatile food )NP and (NP energy prices )NP )NP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP was (ADJP strong )ADJP (NP last month )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 18 20 (S (NP He )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP says (SBAR (S (NP he )NP (VP thinks (SBAR (S (NP `` (NP core inflation )NP , '' (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP excludes (S (NP the volatile food and energy prices )NP )S )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP was (NP strong last month )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 20 21 (S (NP He )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP says (SBAR (S (NP he )NP (VP thinks (SBAR (S (NP `` (NP core inflation )NP , '' (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP excludes (NP the (ADJP volatile )ADJP food and energy prices )NP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP was (ADJP strong )ADJP (NP last month )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 17 19 (S (NP He )NP (VP (ADVP also )ADVP says (SBAR (S (NP he )NP (VP thinks (SBAR (S (NP `` (NP core inflation )NP , '' (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP excludes (NP the volatile food and energy prices )NP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP was (NP strong last month )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 18 19 (S (NP He )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP says (SBAR (S (NP he )NP (VP thinks (SBAR (S (NP `` (NP core inflation )NP , '' (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP excludes (NP the volatile food and energy prices )NP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP was (NP strong last month )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 18 20 (S (NP He )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP says (SBAR (S (NP he )NP (VP thinks (SBAR (S (NP `` (NP core inflation )NP , '' (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP excludes (NP the volatile food and energy )NP (NP prices )NP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP was strong (NP last month )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 16 19 (S (NP He )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP says (SBAR (S (NP he )NP (VP thinks (SBAR (S (NP `` core inflation , '' (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP excludes (NP the volatile food and energy )NP (NP prices )NP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP was (NP strong last month )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 19 19 (S (NP He )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP says (SBAR (S (NP he )NP (VP thinks (SBAR (S (NP `` core inflation , '' (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP excludes (NP the volatile food and energy prices )NP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP was (ADJP strong )ADJP (NP last month )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 18 21 (S (NP He )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP says (SBAR (S (NP he )NP (VP thinks (SBAR (S (NP `` (NP core inflation )NP , '' (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP excludes (NP the volatile food and energy )NP (NP prices )NP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP was (ADVP strong )ADVP (NP last month )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 17 18 (S (NP He )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP says (SBAR (S (NP he )NP (VP thinks (SBAR (S (NP `` core inflation , '' (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP excludes (NP the volatile food and energy prices )NP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP was (NP strong last month )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 19 20 (S (NP He )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP says (SBAR (S (NP he )NP (VP thinks (SBAR (S (NP `` (NP core inflation )NP , '' (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP excludes (NP the volatile food and energy prices )NP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP was (VP strong (NP last month )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 20 22 (S (NP He )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP says (SBAR (S (NP he )NP (VP thinks (SBAR (S (NP `` (NP core inflation )NP , '' (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP excludes (NP (NP the volatile food )NP and (NP energy prices )NP )NP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP was (ADJP strong )ADJP (NP last month )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 18 20 (S (NP He )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP says (SBAR (S (NP he )NP (VP thinks (SBAR (S (NP `` (NP core inflation )NP , '' (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP excludes (S (NP the volatile food and energy prices )NP )S )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP was (NP strong last month )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 20 21 (S (NP He )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP says (SBAR (S (NP he )NP (VP thinks (SBAR (S (NP `` (NP core inflation )NP , '' (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP excludes (NP the (ADJP volatile )ADJP food and energy prices )NP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP was (ADJP strong )ADJP (NP last month )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 17 19 (S (NP He )NP (VP (ADVP also )ADVP says (SBAR (S (NP he )NP (VP thinks (SBAR (S (NP `` (NP core inflation )NP , '' (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP excludes (NP the volatile food and energy prices )NP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP was (NP strong last month )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 18 19 (S (NP He )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP says (SBAR (S (NP he )NP (VP thinks (SBAR `` (S (NP (NP core inflation )NP , '' (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP excludes (NP the volatile food and energy prices )NP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP was (NP strong last month )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 18 19 (S (NP He )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP says (SBAR (S (NP he )NP (VP thinks (SBAR (S (NP `` (NP core inflation )NP , '' (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP excludes (NP the volatile food and energy prices )NP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP was (NP strong last month )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 18 20 (S (NP He )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP says (SBAR (S (NP he )NP (VP thinks (SBAR (S (NP `` (NP core inflation )NP , '' (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP excludes (NP the volatile food and energy )NP (NP prices )NP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP was strong (NP last month )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 18 21 (S (NP He )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP says (SBAR (S (NP he )NP (VP thinks (SBAR (S (NP `` (NP core inflation )NP , '' (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP excludes (NP the volatile food and energy )NP (NP prices )NP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP was (ADVP strong )ADVP (NP last month )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 19 20 (S (NP He )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP says (SBAR (S (NP he )NP (VP thinks (SBAR (S (NP `` (NP core inflation )NP , '' (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP excludes (NP the volatile food and energy prices )NP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP was (VP strong (NP last month )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 20 21 (S (NP He )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP says (SBAR (S (NP he )NP (VP thinks (SBAR (S (NP `` (NP core inflation )NP , '' (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP excludes (S (NP the volatile food and energy prices )NP )S )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP was (ADJP strong )ADJP (NP last month )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 16 20 (S (NP He )NP (VP (ADVP also )ADVP says (SBAR (S (NP he )NP (VP thinks (SBAR (S (NP `` (NP core inflation )NP , '' (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP excludes (NP the volatile food and energy )NP (NP prices )NP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP was (NP strong last month )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 19 20 (S (NP He )NP (VP (ADVP also )ADVP says (SBAR (S (NP he )NP (VP thinks (SBAR (S (NP `` (NP core inflation )NP , '' (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP excludes (NP the volatile food and energy prices )NP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP was (ADJP strong )ADJP (NP last month )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 18 19 (S (NP He )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP says (SBAR (S (NP he )NP (VP thinks (SBAR `` (S (NP (NP core inflation )NP , '' (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP excludes (NP the volatile food and energy prices )NP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP was (NP strong last month )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 17 20 (S (NP He )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP says (SBAR (S (NP he )NP (VP thinks (SBAR (S (NP `` (NP core inflation )NP , '' (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP excludes (NP the volatile food and energy )NP (NP prices )NP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP was (NP strong last month )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 18 20 (S (NP He )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP says (SBAR (S (NP he )NP (VP thinks (SBAR (S (NP `` core inflation , '' (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP excludes (NP the volatile food and energy )NP (NP prices )NP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP was (ADJP strong )ADJP (NP last month )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 16 19 (S (NP He )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP says (SBAR (S (NP he )NP (VP thinks (SBAR (S (NP `` core inflation , '' (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP excludes (NP the volatile food and energy )NP (NP prices )NP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP was (NP strong last month )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 19 19 (S (NP He )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP says (SBAR (S (NP he )NP (VP thinks (SBAR (S (NP `` core inflation , '' (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP excludes (NP the volatile food and energy prices )NP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP was (ADJP strong )ADJP (NP last month )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 18 21 (S (NP He )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP says (SBAR (S (NP he )NP (VP thinks (SBAR (S (NP `` (NP core inflation )NP , '' (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP excludes (NP the volatile food and energy )NP (NP prices )NP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP was (VP strong (NP last month )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 17 18 (S (NP He )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP says (SBAR (S (NP he )NP (VP thinks (S (NP `` (NP core inflation )NP , '' (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP excludes (NP the volatile food and energy prices )NP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP was (NP strong last month )NP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 20 21 (S (NP He )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP says (SBAR (S (NP he )NP (VP thinks (SBAR (S (NP `` (NP core inflation )NP , '' (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP excludes (S (NP the volatile food and energy prices )NP )S )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP was (ADJP strong )ADJP (NP last month )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 16 20 (S (NP He )NP (VP (ADVP also )ADVP says (SBAR (S (NP he )NP (VP thinks (SBAR (S (NP `` (NP core inflation )NP , '' (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP excludes (NP the volatile food and energy )NP (NP prices )NP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP was (NP strong last month )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 19 20 (S (NP He )NP (VP (ADVP also )ADVP says (SBAR (S (NP he )NP (VP thinks (SBAR (S (NP `` (NP core inflation )NP , '' (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP excludes (NP the volatile food and energy prices )NP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP was (ADJP strong )ADJP (NP last month )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 50 15 16 (S (NP He )NP (VP expects (NP (NP a gain )NP (PP of (NP (QP as much as 0.5 )QP % )NP )PP (PP in (NP core inflation )NP )PP )NP (PP after (NP (NP a summer )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP far smaller )ADJP increases )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 14 17 (S (NP He )NP (VP expects (NP (NP a gain )NP (PP of (NP (NP (QP as much as 0.5 )QP % )NP (PP in (NP core inflation )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (PP after (NP (NP a summer )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP far smaller )ADJP increases )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 15 16 (S (NP He )NP (VP expects (NP (NP a gain )NP (PP of (NP (QP as much as 0.5 )QP % )NP )PP )NP (PP in (NP core inflation )NP )PP (PP after (NP (NP a summer )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP far smaller )ADJP increases )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 15 17 (S (NP He )NP (VP expects (NP (NP a gain )NP (PP of (NP (NP (QP as much as 0.5 )QP % )NP (PP in (NP core inflation )NP )PP )NP )PP (PP after (NP (NP a summer )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP far smaller )ADJP increases )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 15 16 (S (NP He )NP (VP expects (NP (NP a gain )NP (PP of (NP (QP as much as 0.5 )QP % )NP )PP (PP in (NP core inflation )NP )PP )NP (PP after (NP (NP a summer )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP far smaller )ADJP increases )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 14 17 (S (NP He )NP (VP expects (NP (NP a gain )NP (PP of (NP (NP (QP as much as 0.5 )QP % )NP (PP in (NP core inflation )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (PP after (NP (NP a summer )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP far smaller )ADJP increases )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 15 16 (S (NP He )NP (VP expects (NP (NP a gain )NP (PP of (NP (QP as much as 0.5 )QP % )NP )PP )NP (PP in (NP core inflation )NP )PP (PP after (NP (NP a summer )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP far smaller )ADJP increases )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 15 17 (S (NP He )NP (VP expects (NP (NP a gain )NP (PP of (NP (NP (QP as much as 0.5 )QP % )NP (PP in (NP core inflation )NP )PP )NP )PP (PP after (NP (NP a summer )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP far smaller )ADJP increases )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 13 15 (S (NP He )NP (VP expects (NP (NP a gain )NP (PP of (NP (QP as much as 0.5 )QP % )NP )PP (PP in (NP core inflation )NP )PP )NP (PP after (NP a summer )NP )PP (PP of (NP (ADJP far smaller )ADJP increases )NP )PP )VP . )S 12 16 (S (NP He )NP (VP expects (NP (NP a gain )NP (PP of (NP (NP (QP as much as 0.5 )QP % )NP (PP in (NP core inflation )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (PP after (NP a summer )NP )PP (PP of (NP (ADJP far smaller )ADJP increases )NP )PP )VP . )S 14 16 (S (NP He )NP (VP expects (NP a gain )NP (PP of (NP (NP (QP as much as 0.5 )QP % )NP (PP in (NP core inflation )NP )PP )NP )PP (PP after (NP (NP a summer )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP far smaller )ADJP increases )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 14 16 (S (NP He )NP (VP expects (NP (NP a gain )NP (PP of (NP (QP as much as 0.5 % )QP )NP )PP (PP in (NP core inflation )NP )PP )NP (PP after (NP (NP a summer )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP far smaller )ADJP increases )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 14 18 (S (NP He )NP (VP expects (NP (NP a gain )NP (PP of (NP (NP (QP as much as 0.5 )QP % )NP (PP in (NP (NP core inflation )NP (PP after (NP (NP a summer )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP far smaller )ADJP increases )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 16 16 (S (NP He )NP (VP expects (NP (NP a gain )NP (PP of (NP (QP as much as 0.5 )QP % )NP )PP (PP in (NP core inflation )NP )PP (PP after (NP (NP a summer )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP far smaller )ADJP increases )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 12 16 (S (NP He )NP (VP expects (NP (NP a gain )NP (PP of (NP (NP (QP as much as 0.5 )QP % )NP (PP in (NP core inflation )NP )PP )NP )PP (PP after (NP a summer )NP )PP )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP far smaller )ADJP increases )NP )PP )VP . )S 14 16 (S (NP He )NP (VP expects (NP (NP a gain )NP (PP of (NP (QP as much as 0.5 % )QP )NP )PP )NP (PP in (NP core inflation )NP )PP (PP after (NP (NP a summer )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP far smaller )ADJP increases )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 15 17 (S (NP He )NP (VP expects (NP (NP a gain )NP (PP of (NP (QP as much as 0.5 )QP % )NP )PP (PP in (NP (NP core inflation )NP (PP after (NP (NP a summer )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP far smaller )ADJP increases )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 14 18 (S (NP He )NP (VP expects (S (NP (NP a gain )NP (PP of (NP (NP (QP as much as 0.5 )QP % )NP (PP in (NP core inflation )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (PP after (NP (NP a summer )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP far smaller )ADJP increases )NP )PP )NP )PP )S )VP . )S 15 16 (S (NP He )NP (VP expects (NP (NP a gain )NP (PP of (NP (QP as much as 0.5 )QP % )NP )PP (PP in (NP core inflation )NP )PP )NP (PP after (NP (NP a summer )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP far smaller )ADJP increases )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 13 16 (S (NP He )NP (VP expects (NP (NP a gain )NP (PP of (NP (NP (QP as much as 0.5 )QP % )NP (PP in (NP core inflation )NP )PP )NP )PP (PP after (NP a summer )NP )PP (PP of (NP (ADJP far smaller )ADJP increases )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 14 18 (S (NP He )NP (VP expects (NP (NP a gain )NP (PP of (NP (NP (QP as much as 0.5 )QP % )NP (PP in (NP (NP core inflation )NP (PP after (NP (NP a summer )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP far smaller )ADJP increases )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 14 17 (S (NP He )NP (VP expects (NP (NP a gain )NP (PP of (NP (NP (QP as much as 0.5 )QP % )NP (PP in (NP core inflation )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (PP after (NP (NP a summer )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP far smaller )ADJP increases )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 13 15 (S (NP He )NP (VP expects (NP (NP a gain )NP (PP of (NP (QP as much as 0.5 )QP % )NP )PP (PP in (NP core inflation )NP )PP )NP (PP after (NP a summer )NP )PP (PP of (NP (ADJP far smaller )ADJP increases )NP )PP )VP . )S 14 18 (S (NP He )NP (VP expects (NP (NP a gain )NP (PP of (NP (NP as much )NP (PP as (NP 0.5 % )NP )PP )NP )PP (PP in (NP core inflation )NP )PP )NP (PP after (NP (NP a summer )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP far smaller )ADJP increases )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 15 16 (S (NP He )NP (VP expects (NP (NP a gain )NP (PP of (NP (QP as much as 0.5 )QP % )NP )PP )NP (PP in (NP core inflation )NP )PP (PP after (NP (NP a summer )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP far smaller )ADJP increases )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 15 17 (S (NP He )NP (VP expects (NP (NP a gain )NP (PP of (NP (QP as much as 0.5 )QP % )NP )PP (PP in (NP (NP core inflation )NP (PP after (NP (NP a summer )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP far smaller )ADJP increases )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 14 17 (S (NP He )NP (VP expects (NP (NP a gain )NP (PP of (NP (QP as much as 0.5 )QP % )NP )PP )NP (PP in (NP (NP core inflation )NP (PP after (NP (NP a summer )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP far smaller )ADJP increases )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 12 16 (S (NP He )NP (VP expects (NP (NP a gain )NP (PP of (NP (NP (QP as much as 0.5 )QP % )NP (PP in (NP core inflation )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (PP after (NP a summer )NP )PP (PP of (NP (ADJP far smaller )ADJP increases )NP )PP )VP . )S 15 17 (S (NP He )NP (VP expects (NP (NP a gain )NP (PP of (NP (NP (QP as much as 0.5 )QP % )NP (PP in (NP core inflation )NP )PP )NP )PP (PP after (NP (NP a summer )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP far smaller )ADJP increases )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 15 16 (S (NP He )NP (VP expects (NP (NP a gain )NP (PP of (NP (QP as much as 0.5 )QP % )NP )PP (PP in (NP core inflation )NP )PP )NP (PP after (NP (NP a summer )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP far smaller )ADJP increases )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 14 16 (S (NP He )NP (VP expects (NP a gain )NP (PP of (NP (NP (QP as much as 0.5 )QP % )NP (PP in (NP core inflation )NP )PP )NP )PP (PP after (NP (NP a summer )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP far smaller )ADJP increases )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 15 17 (S (NP He )NP (VP expects (NP (NP a gain )NP (PP of (NP (NP (QP as much as 0.5 )QP % )NP (PP in (NP core inflation )NP )PP (PP after (NP (NP a summer )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP far smaller )ADJP increases )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 14 16 (S (NP He )NP (VP expects (NP (NP a gain )NP (PP of (NP (QP as much as 0.5 % )QP )NP )PP (PP in (NP core inflation )NP )PP )NP (PP after (NP (NP a summer )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP far smaller )ADJP increases )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 15 17 (S (NP He )NP (VP expects (NP (NP (NP a gain )NP (PP of (NP (QP as much as 0.5 )QP % )NP )PP )NP (PP in (NP core inflation )NP )PP )NP (PP after (NP (NP a summer )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP far smaller )ADJP increases )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 14 18 (S (NP He )NP (VP expects (NP (NP a gain )NP (PP of (NP (NP as much )NP (PP as (NP 0.5 % )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (PP in (NP core inflation )NP )PP (PP after (NP (NP a summer )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP far smaller )ADJP increases )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 12 17 (S (NP He )NP (VP expects (NP (NP a gain )NP (PP of (NP (NP (QP as much as 0.5 )QP % )NP (PP in (NP (NP core inflation )NP (PP after (NP a summer )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP (PP of (NP (ADJP far smaller )ADJP increases )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 14 17 (S (NP He )NP (VP expects (NP (NP a gain )NP (PP of (NP (NP (QP as much as 0.5 )QP % )NP (PP in (NP core inflation )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (PP after (NP (NP a summer )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP far smaller )ADJP increases )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 16 16 (S (NP He )NP (VP expects (NP (NP a gain )NP (PP of (NP (QP as much as 0.5 )QP % )NP )PP (PP in (NP core inflation )NP )PP (PP after (NP (NP a summer )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP far smaller )ADJP increases )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 15 16 (S (NP He )NP (VP expects (NP (NP a gain )NP (PP of (NP (QP as much as 0.5 )QP % )NP )PP )NP (PP in (NP core inflation )NP )PP (PP after (NP (NP a summer )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP far smaller )ADJP increases )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 14 17 (S (NP He )NP (VP expects (NP (NP a gain )NP (PP of (NP (QP as much as 0.5 )QP % )NP )PP )NP (PP in (NP (NP core inflation )NP (PP after (NP (NP a summer )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP far smaller )ADJP increases )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 13 17 (S (NP He )NP (VP expects (NP (NP a gain )NP (PP of (NP (NP (QP as much as 0.5 % )QP )NP (PP in (NP core inflation )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (PP after (NP (NP a summer )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP far smaller )ADJP increases )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 12 16 (S (NP He )NP (VP expects (NP (NP a gain )NP (PP of (NP (NP (QP as much as 0.5 )QP % )NP (PP in (NP core inflation )NP )PP )NP )PP (PP after (NP a summer )NP )PP )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP far smaller )ADJP increases )NP )PP )VP . )S 16 17 (S (NP He )NP (VP expects (NP (NP (NP a gain )NP (PP of (NP (QP as much as 0.5 )QP % )NP )PP )NP (PP in (NP core inflation )NP )PP (PP after (NP (NP a summer )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP far smaller )ADJP increases )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 14 16 (S (NP He )NP (VP expects (NP (NP a gain )NP (PP of (NP (QP as much as 0.5 % )QP )NP )PP )NP (PP in (NP core inflation )NP )PP (PP after (NP (NP a summer )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP far smaller )ADJP increases )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 15 17 (S (NP He )NP (VP expects (NP (NP a gain )NP (PP of (NP (NP (QP as much as 0.5 )QP % )NP (PP in (NP core inflation )NP )PP )NP )PP (PP after (NP (NP a summer )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP far smaller )ADJP increases )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 15 16 (S (NP He )NP (VP expects (NP (NP a gain )NP (PP of (NP (QP as much as 0.5 )QP % )NP )PP (PP in (NP core inflation )NP )PP )NP (PP after (NP (NP a summer )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP far smaller )ADJP increases )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 14 18 (S (NP He )NP (VP expects (S (NP (NP a gain )NP (PP of (NP (NP (QP as much as 0.5 )QP % )NP (PP in (NP core inflation )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (PP after (NP (NP a summer )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP far smaller )ADJP increases )NP )PP )NP )PP )S )VP . )S 15 16 (S (NP He )NP (VP expects (NP (NP a gain )NP (PP of (NP (QP as much as 0.5 )QP % )NP )PP (PP in (NP core inflation )NP )PP )NP (PP after (NP (NP a summer )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP far smaller )ADJP increases )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 13 16 (S (NP He )NP (VP expects (NP (NP a gain )NP (PP of (NP (NP (QP as much as 0.5 )QP % )NP (PP in (NP core inflation )NP )PP )NP )PP (PP after (NP a summer )NP )PP (PP of (NP (ADJP far smaller )ADJP increases )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 13 16 (S (NP He )NP (VP expects (NP (NP a gain )NP (PP of (NP (NP (QP as much as 0.5 )QP % )NP (PP in (NP core inflation )NP )PP (PP after (NP a summer )NP )PP )NP )PP (PP of (NP (ADJP far smaller )ADJP increases )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 50 14 14 (S (NP Housing starts )NP (VP are (VP expected (S (VP to (VP quicken (NP a bit )NP (PP from (NP (NP (NP August 's )NP annual pace )NP (PP of (NP 1,350,000 units )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 14 15 (S (NP Housing starts )NP (VP are (VP expected (S (VP to (VP quicken (NP (NP a bit )NP (PP from (NP (NP (NP August 's )NP annual pace )NP (PP of (NP 1,350,000 units )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 13 13 (S (NP Housing starts )NP (VP are (VP expected (S (VP to (VP quicken (NP a bit )NP (PP from (NP (NP August 's )NP annual pace (PP of (NP 1,350,000 units )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 12 14 (S (NP Housing starts )NP (VP are (VP expected (S (VP to (VP quicken (NP (NP a bit )NP (PP from (NP (NP August 's )NP annual pace )NP )PP (PP of (NP 1,350,000 units )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 11 14 (S (NP Housing starts )NP (VP are (VP expected (S (VP to (VP quicken (NP a bit )NP )VP )VP )S (PP from (NP (NP (NP August 's )NP annual pace )NP (PP of (NP 1,350,000 units )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 13 14 (S (NP Housing starts )NP (VP are (VP expected (S (VP to (VP quicken (NP (NP a bit )NP (PP from (NP (NP August 's )NP annual pace (PP of (NP 1,350,000 units )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 12 15 (S (NP Housing starts )NP (VP are (VP expected (S (VP to (VP quicken (NP (NP (NP a bit )NP (PP from (NP (NP August 's )NP annual pace )NP )PP )NP (PP of (NP 1,350,000 units )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 12 13 (S (NP Housing starts )NP (VP are (VP expected (S (VP to (VP quicken (NP a bit )NP (PP from (NP (NP August 's )NP annual pace )NP )PP (PP of (NP 1,350,000 units )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 14 14 (S (NP Housing starts )NP (VP are (VP expected (S (VP to (VP quicken (NP a bit )NP (PP from (NP (NP (NP August 's )NP annual pace )NP (PP of (NP 1,350,000 units )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 12 14 (S (NP Housing starts )NP (VP are (VP expected (S (VP to (VP quicken (NP (NP a bit )NP (PP from (NP (NP August 's )NP annual pace )NP )PP )NP (PP of (NP 1,350,000 units )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 13 13 (S (NP Housing starts )NP (VP are (VP expected (S (VP to (VP quicken (NP a bit )NP (PP from (NP (NP August 's )NP annual pace )NP (PP of (NP 1,350,000 units )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 10 13 (S (NP Housing starts )NP (VP are (VP expected (S (VP to (VP quicken (NP a bit )NP )VP )VP )S (PP from (NP (NP August 's )NP annual pace (PP of (NP 1,350,000 units )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 13 14 (S (NP Housing starts )NP (VP are (VP expected (S (VP to (VP quicken (NP a bit )NP (PP (PP from (NP (NP August 's )NP annual pace )NP )PP (PP of (NP 1,350,000 units )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 14 14 (S (NP Housing starts )NP (VP are (VP expected (S (VP to (VP quicken (NP a bit )NP (PP from (NP (NP (NP August 's )NP annual pace )NP (PP of (NP 1,350,000 units )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 13 13 (S (NP Housing starts )NP (VP are (VP expected (S (VP to (VP quicken (NP a bit )NP (PP from (NP (NP August 's annual pace )NP (PP of (NP 1,350,000 units )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 13 13 (S (NP Housing starts )NP (VP are (VP expected (S (VP to (VP quicken (NP a bit )NP (PP from (NP (NP August 's )NP annual pace (PP of (NP 1,350,000 units )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 12 14 (S (NP Housing starts )NP (VP are (VP expected (S (VP to (VP quicken (NP a bit )NP (PP from (NP (NP (NP August 's )NP annual pace )NP (NP (QP of 1,350,000 )QP units )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 14 14 (S (NP Housing starts )NP (VP are (VP expected (S (VP to (VP quicken (NP a bit )NP (PP from (NP (NP (NP August 's )NP annual pace )NP (PP of (NP 1,350,000 units )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 9 13 (S (NP Housing starts )NP (VP are (VP expected (S (VP to (VP quicken (NP a bit )NP (PP from (NP (NP August 's )NP annual pace )NP )PP )VP )VP )S (PP of (NP 1,350,000 units )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 13 15 (S (NP Housing starts )NP (VP are (VP expected (S (VP to (VP quicken (NP (NP a bit )NP (PP (PP from (NP (NP August 's )NP annual pace )NP )PP (PP of (NP 1,350,000 units )NP )PP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 14 15 (S (NP Housing starts )NP (VP are (VP expected (S (VP to (VP quicken (NP a bit )NP (PP from (NP (NP (NP (NP August )NP 's )NP annual pace )NP (PP of (NP 1,350,000 units )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 14 14 (S (NP Housing starts )NP (VP are (VP expected (S (VP to (VP quicken (NP a bit )NP (PP from (NP (NP (NP August 's )NP annual pace )NP (PP of (NP 1,350,000 units )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 10 15 (S (NP Housing starts )NP (VP are (VP expected (S (VP to (VP quicken (NP (NP (NP (NP a bit )NP (PP from (NP August )NP )PP 's )NP annual pace )NP (PP of (NP 1,350,000 units )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 14 15 (S (NP Housing starts )NP (VP are (VP expected (SBAR (S (VP to (VP quicken (NP a bit )NP (PP from (NP (NP (NP August 's )NP annual pace )NP (PP of (NP 1,350,000 units )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 14 14 (S (NP Housing starts )NP (VP are (VP expected (S (VP to (VP quicken (NP a bit )NP (PP from (NP (NP (NP August 's )NP annual pace )NP (PP of (NP 1,350,000 units )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 13 15 (S (NP Housing starts )NP (VP are (VP expected (S (VP to (VP quicken (NP a bit )NP (PP from (NP (NP August 's )NP (NX (NX annual pace )NX (PP of (NP 1,350,000 units )NP )PP )NX )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 11 14 (S (NP Housing starts )NP (VP are (VP expected (S (VP to (VP quicken (NP a bit )NP )VP )VP )S (PP from (NP (NP (NP August 's )NP annual pace )NP (PP of (NP 1,350,000 units )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 13 14 (S (NP Housing starts )NP (VP are (VP expected (S (VP to (VP quicken (NP a bit )NP (PP from (NP (NP August 's )NP (NX annual pace (PP of (NP 1,350,000 units )NP )PP )NX )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 10 13 (S (NP Housing starts )NP (VP are (VP expected (S (VP to (VP quicken (NP a bit )NP )VP )VP )S (PP from (NP (NP August 's )NP annual pace )NP (PP of (NP 1,350,000 units )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP . )S 14 15 (S (NP Housing starts )NP (VP are (VP expected (S (VP to (VP quicken (NP (NP a bit )NP (PP from (NP (NP (NP August 's )NP annual pace )NP (PP of (NP 1,350,000 units )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 13 13 (S (NP Housing starts )NP (VP are (VP expected (S (VP to (VP quicken (NP a bit )NP (PP from (NP (NP August 's )NP annual pace (PP of (NP 1,350,000 units )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 13 14 (S (NP Housing starts )NP (VP are (VP expected (S (VP to (VP quicken (NP (NP a bit )NP (PP from (NP (NP August 's )NP annual pace )NP (PP of (NP 1,350,000 units )NP )PP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 13 14 (S (NP Housing starts )NP (VP are (VP expected (S (VP to (VP quicken (NP (NP a bit )NP (PP from (NP (NP August 's annual pace )NP (PP of (NP 1,350,000 units )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 14 15 (S (NP Housing starts )NP (VP are (VP expected (S (VP to (VP quicken (NP a bit )NP (PP from (S (NP (NP (NP August 's )NP annual pace )NP (PP of (NP 1,350,000 units )NP )PP )NP )S )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 12 14 (S (NP Housing starts )NP (VP are (VP expected (S (VP to (VP quicken (NP a bit )NP (PP from (NP August 's )NP (NP (NP annual pace )NP (PP of (NP 1,350,000 units )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 12 13 (S (NP Housing starts )NP (VP are (VP expected (S (VP to (VP quicken (NP a bit )NP (PP from (NP (NP August 's )NP annual pace )NP )PP (PP of (NP 1,350,000 units )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 14 15 (S (NP Housing starts )NP (VP are (VP expected (S (VP to (VP quicken (NP a bit )NP (PP from (NP (NP (NP August 's )NP annual pace )NP (PP of (NP (NP 1,350,000 )NP units )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 14 15 (S (NP Housing starts )NP (VP are (VP expected (S (VP to (VP quicken (NP a bit )NP (PP from (NP (NP (NP August 's )NP (ADJP annual )ADJP pace )NP (PP of (NP 1,350,000 units )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 14 14 (S (NP Housing starts )NP (VP are (VP expected (S (VP to (VP quicken (NP a bit )NP (PP from (NP (NP (NP August 's )NP annual pace )NP (PP of (NP 1,350,000 units )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 12 14 (S (NP Housing starts )NP (VP are (VP expected (S (VP to (VP quicken (NP (NP a bit )NP (PP from (NP (NP August 's )NP annual pace )NP )PP (PP of (NP 1,350,000 units )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 14 16 (S (NP Housing starts )NP (VP are (VP expected (S (VP to (VP quicken (S (NP (NP a bit )NP (PP from (NP (NP (NP August 's )NP annual pace )NP (PP of (NP 1,350,000 units )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 14 15 (S (NP Housing starts )NP (VP are (VP expected (S (VP to (S (VP quicken (NP a bit )NP (PP from (NP (NP (NP August 's )NP annual pace )NP (PP of (NP 1,350,000 units )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 14 15 (S (NP Housing starts )NP (VP are (VP expected (S (VP to (VP quicken (NP a bit )NP (PP from (NP (NP (NP (NP August 's )NP annual )NP pace )NP (PP of (NP 1,350,000 units )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 10 13 (S (NP Housing starts )NP (VP are (VP expected (S (VP to (VP quicken (NP a bit )NP (PP from (NP (NP August 's )NP annual pace )NP )PP )VP )VP (PP of (NP 1,350,000 units )NP )PP )S )VP )VP . )S 13 14 (S (NP Housing starts )NP (VP are (VP expected (S (VP to (VP quicken (PP (NP a bit )NP from (NP (NP (NP August 's )NP annual pace )NP (PP of (NP 1,350,000 units )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 12 15 (S (NP Housing starts )NP (VP are (VP expected (S (VP to (VP quicken (NP (NP a bit )NP (PP from (NP (NP (NP August 's )NP annual pace )NP (NP (QP of 1,350,000 )QP units )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 13 16 (S (NP Housing starts )NP (VP are (VP expected (S (VP to (VP quicken (NP (NP a bit )NP (PP from (NP (NP August 's )NP (NX (NX annual pace )NX (PP of (NP 1,350,000 units )NP )PP )NX )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 13 15 (S (NP Housing starts )NP (VP are (VP expected (S (VP to (VP quicken (NP (NP a bit )NP (PP from (NP (NP August 's )NP (NX annual pace (PP of (NP 1,350,000 units )NP )PP )NX )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 10 14 (S (NP Housing starts )NP (VP are (VP expected (S (VP to (VP quicken (NP a bit )NP )VP )VP )S (PP (PP from (NP (NP August 's )NP annual pace )NP )PP (PP of (NP 1,350,000 units )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP . )S 9 14 (S (NP Housing starts )NP (VP are (VP expected (S (VP to (VP quicken (NP (NP a bit )NP (PP from (NP (NP August 's )NP annual pace )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S (PP of (NP 1,350,000 units )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 50 19 27 (S (NP Economists )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP (NP an August rebound )NP (PP in (NP (NP permits )NP (PP for (NP multifamily units )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP signaled (SBAR (S (NP (NP an increase )NP (PP in (NP September )NP )PP )NP (VP starts , (SBAR though (S (NP activity )NP (VP remains (ADJP fairly modest (PP by (NP historical standards )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 22 24 (S (NP Economists )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP (NP an August rebound )NP (PP in (NP (NP permits )NP (PP for (NP multifamily units )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP signaled (NP (NP an increase )NP (PP in (NP September starts )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR though (S (NP activity )NP (VP remains (ADJP fairly modest (PP by (NP historical standards )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 17 26 (S (NP Economists )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP (NP an August rebound )NP (PP in (NP permits )NP )PP (PP for (NP multifamily units )NP )PP )NP (VP signaled (SBAR (S (NP (NP an increase )NP (PP in (NP September )NP )PP )NP (VP starts , (SBAR though (S (NP activity )NP (VP remains (ADJP fairly modest (PP by (NP historical standards )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 20 23 (S (NP Economists )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP (NP an August rebound )NP (PP in (NP permits )NP )PP (PP for (NP multifamily units )NP )PP )NP (VP signaled (NP (NP an increase )NP (PP in (NP September starts )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR though (S (NP activity )NP (VP remains (ADJP fairly modest (PP by (NP historical standards )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 22 24 (S (NP Economists )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP (NP an August rebound )NP (PP in (NP (NP permits )NP (PP for (NP multifamily units )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP signaled (NP (NP an increase )NP (PP in (NP September starts )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR though (S (NP activity )NP (VP remains (ADJP fairly modest (PP by (NP historical standards )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 19 24 (S (NP Economists )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP (NP an August rebound )NP (PP in (NP (NP permits )NP (PP for (NP multifamily units )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP signaled (NP (NP an increase )NP (PP in (NP September starts )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR , (SBAR though (S (NP activity )NP (VP remains (ADJP fairly modest (PP by (NP historical standards )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 20 23 (S (NP Economists )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP (NP an August rebound )NP (PP in (NP permits )NP )PP (PP for (NP multifamily units )NP )PP )NP (VP signaled (NP (NP an increase )NP (PP in (NP September starts )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR though (S (NP activity )NP (VP remains (ADJP fairly modest (PP by (NP historical standards )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 19 27 (S (NP Economists )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP (NP an August rebound )NP (PP in (NP (NP permits )NP (PP for (NP multifamily units )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP signaled (SBAR (S (NP (NP an increase )NP (PP in (NP September )NP )PP )NP (VP starts )VP )S )SBAR , (SBAR though (S (NP activity )NP (VP remains (ADJP fairly modest (PP by (NP historical standards )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 17 23 (S (NP Economists )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP (NP an August rebound )NP (PP in (NP permits )NP )PP (PP for (NP multifamily units )NP )PP )NP (VP signaled (NP (NP an increase )NP (PP in (NP September starts )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR , (SBAR though (S (NP activity )NP (VP remains (ADJP fairly modest (PP by (NP historical standards )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 20 28 (S (NP Economists )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP (NP an August rebound )NP (PP in (NP (NP permits )NP (PP for (NP multifamily units )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP signaled (SBAR (S (NP (NP an increase )NP (PP in (NP September )NP )PP )NP (VP starts , (SBAR though (S (NP activity )NP (VP remains (ADJP (ADJP fairly modest )ADJP (PP by (NP historical standards )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 16 27 (S (NP Economists )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP (NP an August rebound )NP (PP in (NP (NP permits )NP (PP for (NP multifamily units )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP signaled (SBAR (S (NP (NP an increase )NP (PP in (NP September )NP )PP )NP (VP starts )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR , (SBAR though (S (NP activity )NP (VP remains (ADJP fairly modest (PP by (NP historical standards )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 23 25 (S (NP Economists )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP (NP an August rebound )NP (PP in (NP (NP permits )NP (PP for (NP multifamily units )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP signaled (NP (NP an increase )NP (PP in (NP September starts )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR though (S (NP activity )NP (VP remains (ADJP (ADJP fairly modest )ADJP (PP by (NP historical standards )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 19 24 (S (NP Economists )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP (NP an August rebound )NP (PP in (NP (NP permits )NP (PP for (NP multifamily units )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP signaled (NP (NP an increase )NP (PP in (NP September starts )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR , (SBAR though (S (NP activity )NP (VP remains (ADJP fairly modest (PP by (NP historical standards )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 21 23 (S (NP Economists )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP (NP an August rebound )NP (PP in (NP (NP permits )NP (PP for (NP multifamily units )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP signaled (NP an increase )NP (PP in (NP September starts )NP )PP , (SBAR though (S (NP activity )NP (VP remains (ADJP fairly modest (PP by (NP historical standards )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 17 26 (S (NP Economists )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP (NP an August rebound )NP (PP in (NP permits )NP )PP (PP for (NP multifamily units )NP )PP )NP (VP signaled (SBAR (S (NP (NP an increase )NP (PP in (NP September )NP )PP )NP (VP starts )VP )S )SBAR , (SBAR though (S (NP activity )NP (VP remains (ADJP fairly modest (PP by (NP historical standards )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 18 27 (S (NP Economists )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP (NP an August rebound )NP (PP in (NP permits )NP )PP (PP for (NP multifamily units )NP )PP )NP (VP signaled (SBAR (S (NP (NP an increase )NP (PP in (NP September )NP )PP )NP (VP starts , (SBAR though (S (NP activity )NP (VP remains (ADJP (ADJP fairly modest )ADJP (PP by (NP historical standards )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 12 26 (S (NP Economists )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP (NP an August rebound )NP (PP in (NP (NP permits )NP (PP for (NP (NP multifamily units )NP (VP signaled (NP (NP an increase )NP (PP in (NP September )NP )PP )NP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP starts )VP )S )SBAR , (SBAR though (S (NP activity )NP (VP remains (ADJP fairly modest (PP by (NP historical standards )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 14 26 (S (NP Economists )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP (NP an August rebound )NP (PP in (NP permits )NP )PP (PP for (NP multifamily units )NP )PP )NP (VP signaled (SBAR (S (NP (NP an increase )NP (PP in (NP September )NP )PP )NP (VP starts )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR , (SBAR though (S (NP activity )NP (VP remains (ADJP fairly modest (PP by (NP historical standards )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 21 24 (S (NP Economists )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP (NP an August rebound )NP (PP in (NP permits )NP )PP (PP for (NP multifamily units )NP )PP )NP (VP signaled (NP (NP an increase )NP (PP in (NP September starts )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR though (S (NP activity )NP (VP remains (ADJP (ADJP fairly modest )ADJP (PP by (NP historical standards )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 17 23 (S (NP Economists )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP (NP an August rebound )NP (PP in (NP permits )NP )PP (PP for (NP multifamily units )NP )PP )NP (VP signaled (NP (NP an increase )NP (PP in (NP September starts )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR , (SBAR though (S (NP activity )NP (VP remains (ADJP fairly modest (PP by (NP historical standards )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 19 22 (S (NP Economists )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP (NP an August rebound )NP (PP in (NP permits )NP )PP (PP for (NP multifamily units )NP )PP )NP (VP signaled (NP an increase )NP (PP in (NP September starts )NP )PP , (SBAR though (S (NP activity )NP (VP remains (ADJP fairly modest (PP by (NP historical standards )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 19 27 (S (NP Economists )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP (NP an August rebound )NP (PP in (NP (NP permits )NP (PP for (NP multifamily units )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP signaled (SBAR (S (NP (NP an increase )NP (PP in (NP September )NP )PP )NP (VP starts )VP )S )SBAR , (SBAR though (S (NP activity )NP (VP remains (ADJP fairly modest (PP by (NP historical standards )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 20 25 (S (NP Economists )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP (NP an August rebound )NP (PP in (NP (NP permits )NP (PP for (NP multifamily units )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP signaled (NP (NP an increase )NP (PP in (NP (NP September starts )NP , (SBAR though (S (NP activity )NP (VP remains (ADJP fairly modest (PP by (NP historical standards )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 19 27 (S (NP Economists )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP (NP an August rebound )NP (PP in (NP (NP permits )NP (PP for (NP multifamily units )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP signaled (SBAR (S (NP (NP an increase )NP (PP in (NP September )NP )PP )NP (VP starts , (SBAR though (S (NP activity )NP (VP remains (ADJP fairly modest (PP by (NP historical standards )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 20 27 (S (NP Economists )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP (NP an August rebound )NP (PP in (NP (NP permits )NP (PP for (NP multifamily units )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP signaled (SBAR (S (NP (NP an increase )NP (PP in (NP September )NP )PP )NP (VP starts , (SBAR though (S (NP activity )NP (VP remains (ADJP fairly modest )ADJP (PP by (NP historical standards )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 23 25 (S (NP Economists )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP (NP an August rebound )NP (PP in (NP (NP permits )NP (PP for (NP multifamily units )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP signaled (NP (NP an increase )NP (PP in (NP September starts )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR though (S (NP activity )NP (VP remains (ADJP (ADJP fairly modest )ADJP (PP by (NP historical standards )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 12 25 (S (NP Economists )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP (NP an August rebound )NP (PP in (NP (NP permits )NP (PP for (NP (NP multifamily units )NP (VP signaled (NP an increase )NP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP (PP in (NP September )NP )PP )NP (VP starts )VP )S )SBAR , (SBAR though (S (NP activity )NP (VP remains (ADJP fairly modest (PP by (NP historical standards )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 12 25 (S (NP Economists )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP (NP an August rebound )NP (PP in (NP permits )NP )PP (PP for (NP (NP multifamily units )NP (VP signaled (NP (NP an increase )NP (PP in (NP September )NP )PP )NP )VP )NP )PP )NP (VP starts )VP )S )SBAR , (SBAR though (S (NP activity )NP (VP remains (ADJP fairly modest (PP by (NP historical standards )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 20 25 (S (NP Economists )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP (NP an August rebound )NP (PP in (NP (NP permits )NP (PP for (NP multifamily units )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP signaled (NP (NP an increase )NP (PP in (NP September starts )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR , (SBAR though (S (NP activity )NP (VP remains (ADJP (ADJP fairly modest )ADJP (PP by (NP historical standards )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 23 24 (S (NP Economists )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP (NP an August rebound )NP (PP in (NP (NP permits )NP (PP for (NP multifamily units )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP signaled (NP (NP an increase )NP (PP in (NP September starts )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR though (S (NP activity )NP (VP remains (ADJP fairly modest )ADJP (PP by (NP historical standards )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 19 28 (S (NP Economists )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP (NP an August rebound )NP (PP in (NP (NP permits )NP (PP for (NP multifamily units )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP signaled (SBAR (S (NP (NP an increase )NP (PP in (NP September )NP )PP )NP (VP (VP starts )VP , (SBAR though (S (NP activity )NP (VP remains (ADJP fairly modest (PP by (NP historical standards )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 16 27 (S (NP Economists )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP (NP an August rebound )NP (PP in (NP (NP permits )NP (PP for (NP multifamily units )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP signaled (SBAR (S (NP (NP an increase )NP (PP in (NP September )NP )PP )NP (VP starts )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR , (SBAR though (S (NP activity )NP (VP remains (ADJP fairly modest (PP by (NP historical standards )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 17 26 (S (NP Economists )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP (NP an August rebound )NP (PP in (NP permits )NP )PP (PP for (NP multifamily units )NP )PP )NP (VP signaled (SBAR (S (NP (NP an increase )NP (PP in (NP September )NP )PP )NP (VP starts )VP )S )SBAR , (SBAR though (S (NP activity )NP (VP remains (ADJP fairly modest (PP by (NP historical standards )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 18 24 (S (NP Economists )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP (NP an August rebound )NP (PP in (NP permits )NP )PP (PP for (NP multifamily units )NP )PP )NP (VP signaled (NP (NP an increase )NP (PP in (NP (NP September starts )NP , (SBAR though (S (NP activity )NP (VP remains (ADJP fairly modest (PP by (NP historical standards )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 21 24 (S (NP Economists )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP (NP an August rebound )NP (PP in (NP (NP permits )NP (PP for (NP multifamily units )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP signaled (NP (NP an increase )NP (PP in (NP September starts )NP )PP , (SBAR though (S (NP activity )NP (VP remains (ADJP fairly modest (PP by (NP historical standards )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 17 26 (S (NP Economists )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP (NP an August rebound )NP (PP in (NP permits )NP )PP (PP for (NP multifamily units )NP )PP )NP (VP signaled (SBAR (S (NP (NP an increase )NP (PP in (NP September )NP )PP )NP (VP starts , (SBAR though (S (NP activity )NP (VP remains (ADJP fairly modest (PP by (NP historical standards )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 18 26 (S (NP Economists )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP (NP an August rebound )NP (PP in (NP permits )NP )PP (PP for (NP multifamily units )NP )PP )NP (VP signaled (SBAR (S (NP (NP an increase )NP (PP in (NP September )NP )PP )NP (VP starts , (SBAR though (S (NP activity )NP (VP remains (ADJP fairly modest )ADJP (PP by (NP historical standards )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 12 26 (S (NP Economists )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP (NP an August rebound )NP (PP in (NP (NP permits )NP (SBAR for (S (NP multifamily units )NP (VP signaled (NP (NP an increase )NP (PP in (NP September )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP (VP starts )VP )S )SBAR , (SBAR though (S (NP activity )NP (VP remains (ADJP fairly modest (PP by (NP historical standards )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 21 24 (S (NP Economists )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP (NP an August rebound )NP (PP in (NP permits )NP )PP (PP for (NP multifamily units )NP )PP )NP (VP signaled (NP (NP an increase )NP (PP in (NP September starts )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR though (S (NP activity )NP (VP remains (ADJP (ADJP fairly modest )ADJP (PP by (NP historical standards )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 18 26 (S (NP Economists )NP (VP say (S (NP (NP an August rebound )NP (PP in (NP (NP permits )NP (PP for (NP multifamily units )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP signaled (SBAR (S (NP (NP an increase )NP (PP in (NP September )NP )PP )NP (VP starts , (SBAR though (S (NP activity )NP (VP remains (ADJP fairly modest (PP by (NP historical standards )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )VP . )S 20 28 (S (NP Economists )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP (NP an August rebound )NP (PP in (NP (NP permits )NP (PP for (NP multifamily units )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP signaled (SBAR (S (NP (NP an increase )NP (PP in (NP September )NP )PP )NP (VP starts )VP )S )SBAR , (SBAR though (S (NP activity )NP (VP remains (ADJP (ADJP fairly modest )ADJP (PP by (NP historical standards )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 14 26 (S (NP Economists )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP (NP an August rebound )NP (PP in (NP (NP permits )NP (PP for (NP (NP multifamily units )NP (VP signaled (NP (NP an increase )NP (PP in (NP September )NP )PP )NP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP starts , (SBAR though (S (NP activity )NP (VP remains (ADJP fairly modest (PP by (NP historical standards )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 18 24 (S (NP Economists )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP (NP an August rebound )NP (PP in (NP permits )NP )PP (PP for (NP multifamily units )NP )PP )NP (VP signaled (NP (NP an increase )NP (PP in (NP September starts )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR , (SBAR though (S (NP activity )NP (VP remains (ADJP (ADJP fairly modest )ADJP (PP by (NP historical standards )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 14 25 (S (NP Economists )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP (NP an August rebound )NP (PP in (NP (NP permits )NP (PP for (NP (NP multifamily units )NP (VP signaled (NP an increase )NP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP (PP in (NP September )NP )PP )NP (VP starts , (SBAR though (S (NP activity )NP (VP remains (ADJP fairly modest (PP by (NP historical standards )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 21 23 (S (NP Economists )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP (NP an August rebound )NP (PP in (NP permits )NP )PP (PP for (NP multifamily units )NP )PP )NP (VP signaled (NP (NP an increase )NP (PP in (NP September starts )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR though (S (NP activity )NP (VP remains (ADJP fairly modest )ADJP (PP by (NP historical standards )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 20 25 (S (NP Economists )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP (NP an August rebound )NP (PP in (NP (NP permits )NP (PP for (NP multifamily units )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP signaled (NP (NP an increase )NP (PP in (NP (NP September starts )NP , (SBAR though (S (NP activity )NP (VP remains (ADJP fairly modest (PP by (NP historical standards )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 17 27 (S (NP Economists )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP (NP an August rebound )NP (PP in (NP permits )NP )PP (PP for (NP multifamily units )NP )PP )NP (VP signaled (SBAR (S (NP (NP an increase )NP (PP in (NP September )NP )PP )NP (VP (VP starts )VP , (SBAR though (S (NP activity )NP (VP remains (ADJP fairly modest (PP by (NP historical standards )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 14 26 (S (NP Economists )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP (NP an August rebound )NP (PP in (NP permits )NP )PP (PP for (NP multifamily units )NP )PP )NP (VP signaled (SBAR (S (NP (NP an increase )NP (PP in (NP September )NP )PP )NP (VP starts )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR , (SBAR though (S (NP activity )NP (VP remains (ADJP fairly modest (PP by (NP historical standards )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 14 25 (S (NP Economists )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP (NP an August rebound )NP (PP in (NP permits )NP )PP (PP for (NP (NP multifamily units )NP (VP signaled (NP (NP an increase )NP (PP in (NP September )NP )PP )NP )VP )NP )PP )NP (VP starts , (SBAR though (S (NP activity )NP (VP remains (ADJP fairly modest (PP by (NP historical standards )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 21 23 (S (NP Economists )NP (VP say (S (NP (NP an August rebound )NP (PP in (NP (NP permits )NP (PP for (NP multifamily units )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP signaled (NP (NP an increase )NP (PP in (NP September starts )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR though (S (NP activity )NP (VP remains (ADJP fairly modest (PP by (NP historical standards )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )VP . )S 50 1 1 (NP Two-Way Street )NP 1 1 (NP Two-Way Street )NP 1 1 (NP Two-Way Street )NP 1 2 (S (NP Two-Way Street )NP )S 0 1 (ADJP Two-Way Street )ADJP 1 2 (FRAG (NP Two-Way Street )NP )FRAG 0 3 (FRAG (ADJP Two-Way )ADJP (NP Street )NP )FRAG 1 2 (FRAG (NP Two-Way Street )NP )FRAG 1 1 (NP Two-Way Street )NP 0 2 (S (ADJP Two-Way Street )ADJP )S 1 2 (X (NP Two-Way Street )NP )X 0 3 (FRAG (NP Two-Way )NP (NP Street )NP )FRAG 1 2 (S (NP Two-Way Street )NP )S 1 2 (NP (ADJP Two-Way )ADJP Street )NP 0 1 (X Two-Way Street )X 1 2 (NP (NP Two-Way )NP Street )NP 1 2 (X (NP Two-Way Street )NP )X 0 1 (X Two-Way Street )X 0 3 (S (ADJP Two-Way )ADJP (NP Street )NP )S 0 3 (FRAG (NP Two-Way )NP (NP Street )NP )FRAG 0 3 (S (VP Two-Way (NP Street )NP )VP )S 0 1 (ADJP Two-Way Street )ADJP 0 2 (FRAG Two-Way (NP Street )NP )FRAG 1 3 (NP (NP Two-Way )NP (NP Street )NP )NP 0 2 (FRAG (ADJP Two-Way Street )ADJP )FRAG 1 1 (NP Two-Way Street )NP 1 2 (NP (NP Two-Way )NP Street )NP 1 3 (NP (NP Two-Way )NP (NP Street )NP )NP 0 3 (S (VP Two-Way (NP Street )NP )VP )S 0 3 (FRAG (NP Two-Way )NP (NP Street )NP )FRAG 1 2 (S (NP Two-Way Street )NP )S 0 2 (VP Two-Way (NP Street )NP )VP 1 1 (NP Two-Way Street )NP 1 3 (NP (NP Two-Way )NP (NP Street )NP )NP 0 2 (S (ADJP Two-Way Street )ADJP )S 0 2 (X Two-Way (NP Street )NP )X 0 3 (S (NP Two-Way )NP (NP Street )NP )S 0 2 (FRAG (ADJP Two-Way Street )ADJP )FRAG 1 2 (NP (NP Two-Way )NP Street )NP 1 3 (FRAG (S (NP Two-Way Street )NP )S )FRAG 0 3 (S (VP Two-Way (NP Street )NP )VP )S 1 2 (FRAG (NP Two-Way Street )NP )FRAG 1 2 (FRAG (NP Two-Way Street )NP )FRAG 1 4 (FRAG (NP (NP Two-Way )NP (NP Street )NP )NP )FRAG 0 3 (S (NP Two-Way )NP (NP Street )NP )S 0 3 (S (NP Two-Way )NP (NP Street )NP )S 1 2 (X (NP Two-Way Street )NP )X 1 2 (FRAG (NP Two-Way Street )NP )FRAG 1 2 (S (NP Two-Way Street )NP )S 1 2 (S (NP Two-Way Street )NP )S 50 17 24 (SBARQ (SBAR If (S (NP the sixty-day plant-closing law )NP (VP 's (ADJP fair )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR , (WHADVP Why )WHADVP (SQ should (NP we )NP (ADVP not then )ADVP (VP amend (NP the writ )NP (S (VP To (VP require (SBAR that (S (NP all employees )NP (VP give (NP Similar notice )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S (SBAR before (S (NP they )NP (VP quit )VP )S )SBAR )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 17 24 (SBARQ (SBAR If (S (NP the sixty-day plant-closing law )NP (VP 's (ADJP fair )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR , (WHADVP Why )WHADVP (SQ should (NP we )NP (ADVP not then )ADVP (VP amend (NP the writ )NP (S (VP To (VP require (SBAR that (S (NP all employees )NP (VP give (NP Similar notice )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S (SBAR before (S (NP they )NP (VP quit )VP )S )SBAR )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 20 24 (SBARQ (SBAR If (S (NP the sixty-day plant-closing law )NP (VP 's (ADJP fair )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR , (WHADVP Why )WHADVP (SQ should (NP we )NP (ADVP not then )ADVP (VP amend (NP the writ )NP (S (VP To (VP require (SBAR that (S (NP all employees )NP (VP give (NP Similar notice )NP )VP )S )SBAR (SBAR before (S (NP they )NP (VP quit )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 20 24 (SBARQ (SBAR If (S (NP the sixty-day plant-closing law )NP (VP 's (ADJP fair )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR , (WHADVP Why )WHADVP (SQ should (NP we )NP (ADVP not then )ADVP (VP amend (NP the writ )NP (S (VP To (VP require (SBAR that (S (NP all employees )NP (VP give (NP Similar notice )NP )VP )S )SBAR (SBAR before (S (NP they )NP (VP quit )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 23 24 (SBARQ (SBAR If (S (NP the sixty-day plant-closing law )NP (VP 's (ADJP fair )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR , (WHADVP Why )WHADVP (SQ should (NP we )NP (ADVP not then )ADVP (VP amend (NP the writ )NP (S (VP To (VP require (SBAR that (S (NP all employees )NP (VP give (NP Similar notice )NP (SBAR before (S (NP they )NP (VP quit )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 23 24 (SBARQ (SBAR If (S (NP the sixty-day plant-closing law )NP (VP 's (ADJP fair )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR , (WHADVP Why )WHADVP (SQ should (NP we )NP (ADVP not then )ADVP (VP amend (NP the writ )NP (S (VP To (VP require (SBAR that (S (NP all employees )NP (VP give (NP Similar notice )NP (SBAR before (S (NP they )NP (VP quit )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 16 24 (SBARQ (SBAR If (S (NP the sixty-day plant-closing law )NP (VP 's (ADJP fair )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR , (WHADVP Why )WHADVP (SQ should (NP we )NP (ADVP not then )ADVP (VP amend (NP the writ (S (VP To (VP require (SBAR that (S (NP all employees )NP (VP give (NP Similar notice )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )NP (SBAR before (S (NP they )NP (VP quit )VP )S )SBAR )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 19 24 (SBARQ (SBAR If (S (NP the sixty-day plant-closing law )NP (VP 's (ADJP fair )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR , (WHADVP Why )WHADVP (SQ should (NP we )NP (ADVP not then )ADVP (VP amend (S (NP the writ )NP (VP To (VP require (SBAR that (S (NP all employees )NP (VP give (NP Similar notice )NP )VP )S )SBAR (SBAR before (S (NP they )NP (VP quit )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 16 24 (SBARQ (SBAR If (S (NP the sixty-day plant-closing law )NP (VP 's (ADJP fair )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR , (WHADVP Why )WHADVP (SQ should (NP we )NP (ADVP not then )ADVP (VP amend (NP the writ (S (VP To (VP require (SBAR that (S (NP all employees )NP (VP give (NP Similar notice )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )NP (SBAR before (S (NP they )NP (VP quit )VP )S )SBAR )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 22 24 (SBARQ (SBAR If (S (NP the sixty-day plant-closing law )NP (VP 's (ADJP fair )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR , (WHADVP Why )WHADVP (SQ should (NP we )NP (ADVP not then )ADVP (VP amend (NP the writ )NP (S (VP To (VP require (SBAR that (S (NP all employees )NP (VP give (NP Similar notice (SBAR before (S (NP they )NP (VP quit )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 19 24 (SBARQ (SBAR If (S (NP the sixty-day plant-closing law )NP (VP 's (ADJP fair )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR , (WHADVP Why )WHADVP (SQ should (NP we )NP (ADVP not then )ADVP (VP amend (S (NP the writ )NP (VP To (VP require (SBAR that (S (NP all employees )NP (VP give (NP Similar notice )NP )VP )S )SBAR (SBAR before (S (NP they )NP (VP quit )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 19 24 (SBARQ (SBAR If (S (NP the sixty-day plant-closing law )NP (VP 's (ADJP fair )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR , (WHADVP Why )WHADVP (SQ should (NP we )NP (ADVP not then )ADVP (VP amend (NP the writ (S (VP To (VP require (SBAR that (S (NP all employees )NP (VP give (NP Similar notice )NP )VP )S )SBAR (SBAR before (S (NP they )NP (VP quit )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 22 24 (SBARQ (SBAR If (S (NP the sixty-day plant-closing law )NP (VP 's (ADJP fair )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR , (WHADVP Why )WHADVP (SQ should (NP we )NP (ADVP not then )ADVP (VP amend (NP the writ )NP (S (VP To (VP require (SBAR that (S (NP all employees )NP (VP give (NP Similar notice (SBAR before (S (NP they )NP (VP quit )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 22 24 (SBARQ (SBAR If (S (NP the sixty-day plant-closing law )NP (VP 's (ADJP fair )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR , (WHADVP Why )WHADVP (SQ should (NP we )NP (ADVP not then )ADVP (VP amend (S (NP the writ )NP (VP To (VP require (SBAR that (S (NP all employees )NP (VP give (NP Similar notice )NP (SBAR before (S (NP they )NP (VP quit )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 17 24 (SBARQ (SBAR If (S (NP the sixty-day plant-closing law )NP (VP 's (ADJP fair )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR , (WHADVP Why )WHADVP (SQ should (NP we )NP (ADVP not then )ADVP (VP amend (NP the writ )NP (S (VP To (VP require (SBAR that (S (NP all employees )NP (VP give (NP Similar notice )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S (SBAR before (S (NP they )NP (VP quit )VP )S )SBAR )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 19 24 (SBARQ (SBAR If (S (NP the sixty-day plant-closing law )NP (VP 's (ADJP fair )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR , (WHADVP Why )WHADVP (SQ should (NP we )NP (ADVP not then )ADVP (VP amend (NP the writ (S (VP To (VP require (SBAR that (S (NP all employees )NP (VP give (NP Similar notice )NP )VP )S )SBAR (SBAR before (S (NP they )NP (VP quit )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 22 24 (SBARQ (SBAR If (S (NP the sixty-day plant-closing law )NP (VP 's (ADJP fair )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR , (WHADVP Why )WHADVP (SQ should (NP we )NP (ADVP not then )ADVP (VP amend (S (NP the writ )NP (VP To (VP require (SBAR that (S (NP all employees )NP (VP give (NP Similar notice )NP (SBAR before (S (NP they )NP (VP quit )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 22 24 (SBARQ (SBAR If (S (NP the sixty-day plant-closing law )NP (VP 's (ADJP fair )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR , (WHADVP Why )WHADVP (SQ should (NP we )NP (ADVP not then )ADVP (VP amend (NP the writ (S (VP To (VP require (SBAR that (S (NP all employees )NP (VP give (NP Similar notice )NP (SBAR before (S (NP they )NP (VP quit )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 17 24 (SBARQ (SBAR If (S (NP the sixty-day plant-closing law )NP (VP 's (ADJP fair )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR , (WHADVP Why )WHADVP (SQ should (NP we )NP (ADVP not then )ADVP (VP amend (NP the writ )NP (S (VP To (VP require (SBAR that (S (NP all employees )NP (VP give (NP Similar notice )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S (SBAR before (S (NP they )NP (VP quit )VP )S )SBAR )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 22 24 (SBARQ (SBAR If (S (NP the sixty-day plant-closing law )NP (VP 's (ADJP fair )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR , (WHADVP Why )WHADVP (SQ should (NP we )NP (ADVP not then )ADVP (VP amend (NP the writ (S (VP To (VP require (SBAR that (S (NP all employees )NP (VP give (NP Similar notice )NP (SBAR before (S (NP they )NP (VP quit )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 17 24 (SBARQ (SBAR If (S (NP the sixty-day plant-closing law )NP (VP 's (ADJP fair )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR , (WHADVP Why )WHADVP (SQ should (NP we )NP (ADVP not then )ADVP (VP amend (NP the writ )NP (S (VP To (VP require (SBAR that (S (NP all employees )NP (VP give (NP Similar notice )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S (SBAR before (S (NP they )NP (VP quit )VP )S )SBAR )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 18 24 (SBARQ (SBAR If (S (NP the sixty-day plant-closing law )NP (VP 's (ADJP fair )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR , (WHADVP Why )WHADVP (SQ should (NP we )NP (VP (ADVP not then )ADVP amend (NP the writ (S (VP To (VP require (SBAR that (S (NP all employees )NP (VP give (NP Similar notice )NP )VP )S )SBAR (SBAR before (S (NP they )NP (VP quit )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 18 24 (SBARQ (SBAR If (S (NP the sixty-day plant-closing law )NP (VP 's (ADJP fair )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR , (WHADVP Why )WHADVP (SQ should (NP we )NP (VP (ADVP not then )ADVP amend (NP the writ (S (VP To (VP require (SBAR that (S (NP all employees )NP (VP give (NP Similar notice )NP )VP )S )SBAR (SBAR before (S (NP they )NP (VP quit )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 21 24 (SBARQ (SBAR If (S (NP the sixty-day plant-closing law )NP (VP 's (ADJP fair )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR , (WHADVP Why )WHADVP (SQ should (NP we )NP (VP (ADVP not then )ADVP amend (NP the writ (S (VP To (VP require (SBAR that (S (NP all employees )NP (VP give (NP Similar notice )NP (SBAR before (S (NP they )NP (VP quit )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 21 24 (SBARQ (SBAR If (S (NP the sixty-day plant-closing law )NP (VP 's (ADJP fair )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR , (WHADVP Why )WHADVP (SQ should (NP we )NP (ADVP not then )ADVP (VP amend (S (NP the writ )NP (VP To (VP require (SBAR that (S (NP all employees )NP (VP give (NP Similar notice (SBAR before (S (NP they )NP (VP quit )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 19 24 (SBARQ (SBAR If (S (NP the sixty-day plant-closing law )NP (VP 's (ADJP fair )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR , (WHADVP Why )WHADVP (SQ should (NP we )NP (VP not then (VP amend (NP the writ (S (VP To (VP require (SBAR that (S (NP all employees )NP (VP give (NP Similar notice )NP )VP )S )SBAR (SBAR before (S (NP they )NP (VP quit )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 19 24 (SBARQ (SBAR If (S (NP the sixty-day plant-closing law )NP (VP 's (ADJP fair )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR , (WHADVP Why )WHADVP (SQ should (NP we )NP (VP not (ADVP then )ADVP amend (NP the writ (S (VP To (VP require (SBAR that (S (NP all employees )NP (VP give (NP Similar notice )NP )VP )S )SBAR (SBAR before (S (NP they )NP (VP quit )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 21 24 (SBARQ (SBAR If (S (NP the sixty-day plant-closing law )NP (VP 's (ADJP fair )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR , (WHADVP Why )WHADVP (SQ should (NP we )NP (VP (ADVP not then )ADVP amend (NP the writ (S (VP To (VP require (SBAR that (S (NP all employees )NP (VP give (NP Similar notice )NP (SBAR before (S (NP they )NP (VP quit )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 21 24 (SBARQ (SBAR If (S (NP the sixty-day plant-closing law )NP (VP 's (ADJP fair )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR , (WHADVP Why )WHADVP (SQ should (NP we )NP (ADVP not then )ADVP (VP amend (S (NP the writ )NP (VP To (VP require (SBAR that (S (NP all employees )NP (VP give (NP Similar notice (SBAR before (S (NP they )NP (VP quit )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 20 24 (SBARQ (SBAR If (S (NP the sixty-day plant-closing law )NP (VP 's (ADJP fair )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR , (WHADVP Why )WHADVP (SQ should (NP we )NP (ADVP not then )ADVP (VP amend (NP the writ )NP (S (VP To (VP require (SBAR that (S (NP all employees )NP (VP give (NP Similar notice )NP )VP )S )SBAR (SBAR before (S (NP they )NP (VP quit )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 19 24 (SBARQ (SBAR If (S (NP the sixty-day plant-closing law )NP (VP 's (ADJP fair )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR , (WHADVP Why )WHADVP (SQ should (NP we )NP (VP not then (VP amend (NP the writ (S (VP To (VP require (SBAR that (S (NP all employees )NP (VP give (NP Similar notice )NP )VP )S )SBAR (SBAR before (S (NP they )NP (VP quit )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 21 24 (SBARQ (SBAR If (S (NP the sixty-day plant-closing law )NP (VP 's (ADJP fair )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR , (WHADVP Why )WHADVP (SQ should (NP we )NP (ADVP not then )ADVP (VP amend (NP the writ (S (VP To (VP require (SBAR that (S (NP all employees )NP (VP give (NP Similar notice (SBAR before (S (NP they )NP (VP quit )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 19 24 (SBARQ (SBAR If (S (NP the sixty-day plant-closing law )NP (VP 's (ADJP fair )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR , (WHADVP Why )WHADVP (SQ should (NP we )NP (VP not (ADVP then )ADVP amend (NP the writ (S (VP To (VP require (SBAR that (S (NP all employees )NP (VP give (NP Similar notice )NP )VP )S )SBAR (SBAR before (S (NP they )NP (VP quit )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 22 24 (SBARQ (SBAR If (S (NP the sixty-day plant-closing law )NP (VP 's (ADJP fair )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR , (WHADVP Why )WHADVP (SQ should (NP we )NP (VP not then (VP amend (NP the writ (S (VP To (VP require (SBAR that (S (NP all employees )NP (VP give (NP Similar notice )NP (SBAR before (S (NP they )NP (VP quit )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 21 24 (SBARQ (SBAR If (S (NP the sixty-day plant-closing law )NP (VP 's (ADJP fair )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR , (WHADVP Why )WHADVP (SQ should (NP we )NP (ADVP not then )ADVP (VP amend (NP the writ (S (VP To (VP require (SBAR that (S (NP all employees )NP (VP give (NP Similar notice (SBAR before (S (NP they )NP (VP quit )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 20 24 (SBARQ (SBAR If (S (NP the sixty-day plant-closing law )NP (VP 's (ADJP fair )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR , (WHADVP Why )WHADVP (SQ should (NP we )NP (ADVP not then )ADVP (VP amend (NP the writ )NP (S (VP To (VP require (SBAR that (S (NP all employees )NP (VP give (NP Similar notice )NP )VP )S )SBAR (SBAR before (S (NP they )NP (VP quit )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 22 24 (SBARQ (SBAR If (S (NP the sixty-day plant-closing law )NP (VP 's (ADJP fair )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR , (WHADVP Why )WHADVP (SQ should (NP we )NP (VP not (ADVP then )ADVP amend (NP the writ (S (VP To (VP require (SBAR that (S (NP all employees )NP (VP give (NP Similar notice )NP (SBAR before (S (NP they )NP (VP quit )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 20 26 (SBARQ (SBAR If (S (NP the sixty-day plant-closing law )NP (VP 's (ADJP fair )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR , (WHADVP Why )WHADVP (SQ should (NP we )NP (ADVP not then )ADVP (VP amend (NP (NP the writ )NP (SBAR (S (VP To (VP require (SBAR that (S (NP all employees )NP (VP give (NP Similar notice )NP )VP )S )SBAR (SBAR before (S (NP they )NP (VP quit )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 23 24 (SBARQ (SBAR If (S (NP the sixty-day plant-closing law )NP (VP 's (ADJP fair )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR , (WHADVP Why )WHADVP (SQ should (NP we )NP (ADVP not then )ADVP (VP amend (NP the writ )NP (S (VP To (VP require (SBAR that (S (NP all employees )NP (VP give (NP Similar notice )NP (SBAR before (S (NP they )NP (VP quit )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 22 24 (SBARQ (SBAR If (S (NP the sixty-day plant-closing law )NP (VP 's (ADJP fair )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR , (WHADVP Why )WHADVP (SQ should (NP we )NP (VP not then (VP amend (NP the writ (S (VP To (VP require (SBAR that (S (NP all employees )NP (VP give (NP Similar notice )NP (SBAR before (S (NP they )NP (VP quit )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 20 24 (SBARQ (SBAR If (S (NP the sixty-day plant-closing law )NP (VP 's (ADJP fair )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR , (WHADVP Why )WHADVP (SQ should (NP we )NP (ADVP not then )ADVP (VP amend (NP the writ )NP (S (VP To (VP require (SBAR that (S (NP all employees )NP (VP give (NP Similar notice )NP )VP )S )SBAR (SBAR before (S (NP they )NP (VP quit )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 22 24 (SBARQ (SBAR If (S (NP the sixty-day plant-closing law )NP (VP 's (ADJP fair )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR , (WHADVP Why )WHADVP (SQ should (NP we )NP (VP not (ADVP then )ADVP amend (NP the writ (S (VP To (VP require (SBAR that (S (NP all employees )NP (VP give (NP Similar notice )NP (SBAR before (S (NP they )NP (VP quit )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 23 24 (SBARQ (SBAR If (S (NP the sixty-day plant-closing law )NP (VP 's (ADJP fair )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR , (WHADVP Why )WHADVP (SQ should (NP we )NP (ADVP not then )ADVP (VP amend (NP the writ )NP (S (VP To (VP require (SBAR that (S (NP all employees )NP (VP give (NP Similar notice )NP (SBAR before (S (NP they )NP (VP quit )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 20 26 (SBARQ (SBAR If (S (NP the sixty-day plant-closing law )NP (VP 's (ADJP fair )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR , (WHADVP Why )WHADVP (SQ should (NP we )NP (ADVP not then )ADVP (VP amend (NP (NP the writ )NP (SBAR (S (VP To (VP require (SBAR that (S (NP all employees )NP (VP give (NP Similar notice )NP )VP )S )SBAR (SBAR before (S (NP they )NP (VP quit )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 23 26 (SBARQ (SBAR If (S (NP the sixty-day plant-closing law )NP (VP 's (ADJP fair )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR , (WHADVP Why )WHADVP (SQ should (NP we )NP (ADVP not then )ADVP (VP amend (NP (NP the writ )NP (SBAR (S (VP To (VP require (SBAR that (S (NP all employees )NP (VP give (NP Similar notice )NP (SBAR before (S (NP they )NP (VP quit )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 20 24 (SBARQ (SBAR If (S (NP the sixty-day plant-closing law )NP (VP 's (ADJP fair )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR , (WHADVP Why )WHADVP (SQ should (NP we )NP (VP (ADVP not then )ADVP amend (NP the writ (S (VP To (VP require (SBAR that (S (NP all employees )NP (VP give (NP Similar notice (SBAR before (S (NP they )NP (VP quit )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 23 24 (SBARQ (SBAR If (S (NP the sixty-day plant-closing law )NP (VP 's (ADJP fair )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR , (WHADVP Why )WHADVP (SQ should (NP we )NP (ADVP not then )ADVP (VP amend (NP the writ )NP (S (VP To (VP require (SBAR that (S (NP all employees )NP (VP give (NP Similar notice )NP (SBAR before (S (NP they )NP (VP quit )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 17 26 (SBARQ (SBAR If (S (NP the sixty-day plant-closing law )NP (VP 's (ADJP fair )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR , (WHADVP Why )WHADVP (SQ should (NP we )NP (ADVP not then )ADVP (VP amend (NP (NP the writ )NP (SBAR (S (VP To (VP require (SBAR that (S (NP all employees )NP (VP give (NP Similar notice )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP (SBAR before (S (NP they )NP (VP quit )VP )S )SBAR )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 20 24 (SBARQ (SBAR If (S (NP the sixty-day plant-closing law )NP (VP 's (ADJP fair )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR , (WHADVP Why )WHADVP (SQ should (NP we )NP (VP (ADVP not then )ADVP amend (NP the writ (S (VP To (VP require (SBAR that (S (NP all employees )NP (VP give (NP Similar notice (SBAR before (S (NP they )NP (VP quit )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 23 26 (SBARQ (SBAR If (S (NP the sixty-day plant-closing law )NP (VP 's (ADJP fair )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR , (WHADVP Why )WHADVP (SQ should (NP we )NP (ADVP not then )ADVP (VP amend (NP (NP the writ )NP (SBAR (S (VP To (VP require (SBAR that (S (NP all employees )NP (VP give (NP Similar notice )NP (SBAR before (S (NP they )NP (VP quit )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 50 1 1 (NP -- Rollin S. Trexler . )NP 1 2 (NP -- (NP Rollin S. Trexler )NP . )NP 1 4 (NP -- (NP (NP Rollin )NP (NP S. Trexler )NP )NP . )NP 1 4 (NP -- (NP (NP Rollin S. )NP (NP Trexler )NP )NP . )NP 1 2 (S -- (NP Rollin S. Trexler )NP . )S 1 2 (X -- (NP Rollin S. Trexler )NP . )X 1 2 (FRAG (NP -- Rollin S. Trexler )NP . )FRAG 1 2 (FRAG -- (NP Rollin S. Trexler )NP . )FRAG 1 2 (NP -- (NP Rollin S. Trexler . )NP )NP 1 2 (NP (NP -- Rollin S. Trexler )NP . )NP 1 4 (X -- (NP (NP Rollin )NP (NP S. Trexler )NP )NP . )X 1 4 (NP -- (S (VP Rollin (NP S. Trexler )NP )VP )S . )NP 1 3 (NP -- (NP Rollin )NP (NP S. Trexler )NP . )NP 1 3 (NP -- (NP (NP Rollin )NP S. Trexler )NP . )NP 1 2 (X (NP -- Rollin S. Trexler )NP . )X 0 3 (FRAG -- (NP Rollin )NP (NP S. Trexler )NP . )FRAG 1 4 (X -- (NP (NP Rollin S. )NP (NP Trexler )NP )NP . )X 0 4 (S -- (NP Rollin )NP (VP S. (NP Trexler )NP )VP . )S 1 4 (NP -- (NP (NP Rollin )NP (NP S. Trexler )NP . )NP )NP 1 4 (FRAG -- (NP (NP Rollin )NP (NP S. Trexler )NP )NP . )FRAG 1 3 (NP (NP -- Rollin S. )NP (NP Trexler )NP . )NP 0 4 (S (LST -- )LST (VP Rollin (NP S. Trexler )NP )VP . )S 1 2 (S -- (NP Rollin S. Trexler . )NP )S 0 3 (FRAG -- (VP Rollin (NP S. Trexler )NP )VP . )FRAG 1 3 (X -- (S (NP Rollin S. Trexler )NP )S . )X 0 3 (S -- (VP Rollin (NP S. Trexler )NP )VP . )S 1 2 (FRAG (NP -- Rollin S. Trexler . )NP )FRAG 1 5 (S (NP -- (S (VP Rollin (NP S. Trexler )NP )VP )S . )NP )S 1 3 (NP -- (NP Rollin S. )NP (NP Trexler )NP . )NP 1 3 (FRAG -- (S (NP Rollin S. Trexler )NP )S . )FRAG 1 3 (FRAG (NP -- (NP Rollin S. Trexler )NP . )NP )FRAG 1 3 (NP -- (S (NP Rollin S. Trexler )NP )S . )NP 0 3 (X -- (VP Rollin (NP S. Trexler )NP )VP . )X 1 4 (NP -- (S (NP Rollin )NP (NP S. Trexler )NP )S . )NP 1 3 (X (NP -- (NP Rollin S. Trexler )NP . )NP )X 1 3 (NP -- (NP (NP Rollin S. )NP Trexler )NP . )NP 1 3 (X -- (FRAG (NP Rollin S. Trexler )NP )FRAG . )X 1 4 (NP -- (NP (NP Rollin S. )NP (NP Trexler )NP . )NP )NP 1 4 (FRAG -- (NP (NP Rollin S. )NP (NP Trexler )NP )NP . )FRAG 1 4 (NP -- (NP (NP Rollin S. )NP (NP Trexler )NP )NP . )NP 1 3 (S (NP -- (NP Rollin S. Trexler )NP . )NP )S 0 3 (FRAG (NP -- Rollin S. )NP (NP Trexler )NP . )FRAG 1 4 (S -- (NP (NP Rollin )NP (NP S. Trexler )NP )NP . )S 0 4 (X -- (S (VP Rollin (NP S. Trexler )NP )VP )S . )X 1 3 (FRAG -- (FRAG (NP Rollin S. Trexler )NP )FRAG . )FRAG 0 3 (FRAG -- (NP Rollin S. )NP (NP Trexler )NP . )FRAG 0 4 (X -- (S (NP Rollin )NP (NP S. Trexler )NP )S . )X 0 3 (FRAG -- (ADVP Rollin )ADVP (NP S. Trexler )NP . )FRAG 0 3 (X (NP -- Rollin S. )NP (NP Trexler )NP . )X 1 5 (FRAG (NP -- (NP (NP Rollin )NP (NP S. Trexler )NP )NP . )NP )FRAG 50 1 1 (NP Candid Comment )NP 1 2 (S (NP Candid Comment )NP )S 1 2 (FRAG (NP Candid Comment )NP )FRAG 1 2 (X (NP Candid Comment )NP )X 1 2 (NP (ADJP Candid )ADJP Comment )NP 0 3 (FRAG (ADJP Candid )ADJP (NP Comment )NP )FRAG 0 3 (S (ADJP Candid )ADJP (NP Comment )NP )S 0 3 (S (VP Candid (NP Comment )NP )VP )S 1 1 (NP Candid Comment )NP 1 2 (NP (NP Candid )NP Comment )NP 0 3 (S (ADJP Candid )ADJP (NP Comment )NP )S 1 3 (S (VP (NP Candid Comment )NP )VP )S 1 3 (FRAG (NP (ADJP Candid )ADJP Comment )NP )FRAG 0 3 (FRAG (ADVP Candid )ADVP (NP Comment )NP )FRAG 0 4 (FRAG (ADJP Candid )ADJP (S (VP Comment )VP )S )FRAG 0 2 (FRAG Candid (NP Comment )NP )FRAG 1 3 (FRAG (S (NP Candid Comment )NP )S )FRAG 0 3 (S (NP Candid )NP (VP Comment )VP )S 1 3 (NP (NP Candid )NP (NP Comment )NP )NP 0 3 (S (NP Candid )NP (NP Comment )NP )S 1 3 (NP (NP Candid )NP (VP Comment )VP )NP 0 3 (S (ADVP Candid )ADVP (VP Comment )VP )S 1 3 (S (NP (ADJP Candid )ADJP Comment )NP )S 0 3 (FRAG (ADJP Candid )ADJP (NP Comment )NP )FRAG 0 3 (S (ADJP Candid )ADJP (VP Comment )VP )S 0 3 (S (NP Candid )NP (VP Comment )VP )S 0 3 (ADJP Candid (S (VP Comment )VP )S )ADJP 1 2 (FRAG (NP Candid Comment )NP )FRAG 1 2 (S (NP Candid Comment )NP )S 1 3 (NP (NP Candid )NP (VP Comment )VP )NP 1 3 (X (NP (ADJP Candid )ADJP Comment )NP )X 0 3 (S (ADJP Candid )ADJP (VP Comment )VP )S 1 3 (FRAG (NP (NP Candid )NP Comment )NP )FRAG 0 3 (S (ADVP Candid )ADVP (NP Comment )NP )S 1 4 (FRAG (NP (NP Candid )NP (NP Comment )NP )NP )FRAG 0 4 (FRAG (S (VP Candid (NP Comment )NP )VP )S )FRAG 0 3 (S (NP Candid )NP (NP Comment )NP )S 1 2 (NP (ADJP Candid )ADJP Comment )NP 1 3 (S (NP (NP Candid )NP Comment )NP )S 0 4 (S (ADJP Candid (S (VP Comment )VP )S )ADJP )S 0 3 (ADJP Candid (S (NP Comment )NP )S )ADJP 0 4 (FRAG (ADJP Candid (S (VP Comment )VP )S )ADJP )FRAG 0 3 (S (VP (ADVP Candid )ADVP Comment )VP )S 0 4 (FRAG (ADJP Candid )ADJP (S (NP Comment )NP )S )FRAG 1 4 (FRAG (NP (NP Candid )NP (VP Comment )VP )NP )FRAG 1 3 (NP (NP Candid )NP (NP Comment )NP )NP 0 3 (S (VP Candid (NP Comment )NP )VP )S 0 3 (FRAG (ADVP Candid )ADVP (NP Comment )NP )FRAG 0 2 (FRAG Candid (NP Comment )NP )FRAG 0 3 (ADJP Candid (S (VP Comment )VP )S )ADJP 50 12 15 (SQ (SBAR (WHADVP When )WHADVP (S (NP research projects )NP (VP are (VP curtailed (PP due to (NP government funding cuts )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , are (S (NP we )NP `` (VP caught (PP with (NP our grants )NP )PP (ADVP down )ADVP )VP '' )S ? )SQ 12 16 (SQ (SBAR (WHADVP When )WHADVP (S (NP research projects )NP (VP are (VP curtailed (PP due to (NP government funding cuts )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , are (SBAR (S (NP we )NP `` (VP caught (PP with (NP our grants )NP )PP (ADVP down )ADVP )VP '' )S )SBAR ? )SQ 11 17 (SQ (SBAR (WHADVP When )WHADVP (S (NP research projects )NP (VP are (VP curtailed (S (ADJP due (PP to (NP government funding cuts )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR , are (S (NP we )NP `` (VP caught (PP with (NP our grants )NP )PP (ADVP down )ADVP )VP '' )S ? )SQ 11 18 (SQ (SBAR (WHADVP When )WHADVP (S (NP research projects )NP (VP are (VP curtailed (S (ADJP due (PP to (NP government funding cuts )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR , are (SBAR (S (NP we )NP `` (VP caught (PP with (NP our grants )NP )PP (ADVP down )ADVP )VP '' )S )SBAR ? )SQ 12 16 (SQ (SBAR (WHADVP When )WHADVP (S (NP research projects )NP (VP are (VP curtailed (PP due to (NP government funding cuts )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , are (S (NP we )NP (VP `` (VP caught (PP with (NP our grants )NP )PP (ADVP down )ADVP )VP '' )VP )S ? )SQ 11 16 (SQ (SBAR (WHADVP When )WHADVP (S (NP research projects )NP (VP are (VP curtailed (ADVP due (PP to (NP government funding cuts )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , are (S (NP we )NP `` (VP caught (PP with (NP our grants )NP )PP (ADVP down )ADVP )VP '' )S ? )SQ 12 16 (SQ (SBAR (WHADVP When )WHADVP (S (NP research projects )NP (VP are (VP curtailed (PP due to (NP government funding cuts )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , are (S (NP we )NP `` (VP caught (PP with (NP (NP our grants )NP (ADVP down )ADVP )NP )PP )VP '' )S ? )SQ 12 15 (SQ (SBAR (WHADVP When )WHADVP (S (NP research projects )NP (VP are (VP curtailed (PP due to (NP government funding cuts )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , are (S (NP we )NP `` (VP caught (PP with (NP our grants )NP )PP (ADVP down )ADVP )VP '' )S ? )SQ 12 15 (SQ (SBAR (WHADVP When )WHADVP (S (NP research projects )NP (VP are (VP curtailed (PP due to (NP government funding cuts )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , are (S (NP we )NP `` (VP caught (PP with (NP our grants )NP )PP (ADVP down )ADVP )VP '' )S ? )SQ 12 17 (SQ (SBAR (WHADVP When )WHADVP (S (NP research projects )NP (VP are (VP curtailed (PP due to (NP government funding cuts )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , are (SBAR (S (NP we )NP (VP `` (VP caught (PP with (NP our grants )NP )PP (ADVP down )ADVP )VP '' )VP )S )SBAR ? )SQ 11 17 (SQ (SBAR (WHADVP When )WHADVP (S (NP research projects )NP (VP are (VP curtailed (ADVP due (PP to (NP government funding cuts )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , are (SBAR (S (NP we )NP `` (VP caught (PP with (NP our grants )NP )PP (ADVP down )ADVP )VP '' )S )SBAR ? )SQ 12 16 (SQ (SBAR (WHADVP When )WHADVP (S (NP research projects )NP (VP are (VP curtailed (PP due (PP to (NP government funding cuts )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , are (S (NP we )NP `` (VP caught (PP with (NP our grants )NP )PP (ADVP down )ADVP )VP '' )S ? )SQ 11 16 (SQ (SBAR (WHADVP When )WHADVP (S (NP research projects )NP (VP are (VP curtailed (ADJP due (PP to (NP government funding cuts )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , are (S (NP we )NP `` (VP caught (PP with (NP our grants )NP )PP (ADVP down )ADVP )VP '' )S ? )SQ 11 16 (SQ (SBAR (WHADVP When )WHADVP (S (NP research projects )NP (VP are (VP curtailed (PP due to (NP government funding cuts )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , are (S (NP we )NP `` (ADJP caught (PP with (NP (NP our grants )NP (ADVP down )ADVP )NP )PP )ADJP '' )S ? )SQ 12 17 (SQ (SBAR (WHADVP When )WHADVP (S (NP research projects )NP (VP are (VP curtailed (PP due to (NP government funding cuts )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , are (SBAR (S (NP we )NP `` (VP caught (PP with (NP (NP our grants )NP (ADVP down )ADVP )NP )PP )VP '' )S )SBAR ? )SQ 12 16 (SQ (SBAR (WHADVP When )WHADVP (S (NP research projects )NP (VP are (VP curtailed (PP due to (NP government funding cuts )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , are (SBAR (S (NP we )NP `` (VP caught (PP with (NP our grants )NP )PP (ADVP down )ADVP )VP '' )S )SBAR ? )SQ 12 16 (SQ (SBAR (WHADVP When )WHADVP (S (NP research projects )NP (VP are (VP curtailed (PP due to (NP government funding cuts )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , are (SBAR (S (NP we )NP `` (VP caught (PP with (NP our grants )NP )PP (ADVP down )ADVP )VP '' )S )SBAR ? )SQ 11 18 (SQ (SBAR (WHADVP When )WHADVP (S (NP research projects )NP (VP are (VP curtailed (S (ADJP due (PP to (NP government funding cuts )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR , are (S (NP we )NP (VP `` (VP caught (PP with (NP our grants )NP )PP (ADVP down )ADVP )VP '' )VP )S ? )SQ 12 17 (SQ (SBAR (WHADVP When )WHADVP (S (NP research projects )NP (VP are (VP curtailed (PP due (PP to (NP government funding cuts )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , are (SBAR (S (NP we )NP `` (VP caught (PP with (NP our grants )NP )PP (ADVP down )ADVP )VP '' )S )SBAR ? )SQ 11 17 (SQ (SBAR (WHADVP When )WHADVP (S (NP research projects )NP (VP are (VP curtailed (ADJP due (PP to (NP government funding cuts )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , are (SBAR (S (NP we )NP `` (VP caught (PP with (NP our grants )NP )PP (ADVP down )ADVP )VP '' )S )SBAR ? )SQ 12 16 (SQ (SBAR (WHADVP When )WHADVP (S (NP research projects )NP (VP are (VP curtailed (PP due to (NP government funding cuts )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , are (S (NP we )NP (VP `` (VP caught (PP with (NP our grants )NP )PP (ADVP down )ADVP )VP '' )VP )S ? )SQ 11 18 (SQ (SBAR (WHADVP When )WHADVP (S (NP research projects )NP (VP are (VP curtailed (S (ADJP due (PP to (NP government funding cuts )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR , are (S (NP we )NP `` (VP caught (PP with (NP (NP our grants )NP (ADVP down )ADVP )NP )PP )VP '' )S ? )SQ 11 17 (SQ (SBAR (WHADVP When )WHADVP (S (NP research projects )NP (VP are (VP curtailed (S (ADJP due (PP to (NP government funding cuts )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR , are (S (NP we )NP `` (VP caught (PP with (NP our grants )NP )PP (ADVP down )ADVP )VP '' )S ? )SQ 11 17 (SQ (SBAR (WHADVP When )WHADVP (S (NP research projects )NP (VP are (VP curtailed (S (ADJP due (PP to (NP government funding cuts )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR , are (S (NP we )NP `` (VP caught (PP with (NP our grants )NP )PP (ADVP down )ADVP )VP '' )S ? )SQ 12 16 (SQ (SBAR (WHADVP When )WHADVP (S (NP research projects )NP (VP are (VP curtailed (PP due to (NP government funding cuts )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (SQ are (S (NP we )NP `` (VP caught (PP with (NP our grants )NP )PP (ADVP down )ADVP )VP '' )S )SQ ? )SQ 10 18 (SBARQ (SBAR (WHADVP When )WHADVP (S (NP research projects )NP (VP are (VP curtailed (PP due to (NP government funding cuts )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (SQ (VP are (S (NP we )NP `` (ADJP caught (PP with (NP (NP our grants )NP (ADVP down )ADVP )NP )PP )ADJP '' )S )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 11 16 (SQ (SBAR (WHADVP When )WHADVP (S (NP research projects )NP (VP are (VP curtailed (ADVP due (PP to (NP government funding cuts )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , are (S (NP we )NP `` (VP caught (PP with (NP our grants )NP )PP (ADVP down )ADVP )VP '' )S ? )SQ 12 16 (SQ (SBAR (WHADVP When )WHADVP (S (NP research projects )NP (VP are (VP curtailed (PP due to (NP government funding cuts )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , are (S (NP we )NP (VP `` (VP caught (PP with (NP our grants )NP )PP (ADVP down )ADVP )VP '' )VP )S ? )SQ 11 19 (SQ (SBAR (WHADVP When )WHADVP (S (NP research projects )NP (VP are (VP curtailed (S (ADJP due (PP to (NP government funding cuts )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR , are (SBAR (S (NP we )NP (VP `` (VP caught (PP with (NP our grants )NP )PP (ADVP down )ADVP )VP '' )VP )S )SBAR ? )SQ 12 17 (SQ (SBAR (WHADVP When )WHADVP (S (NP research projects )NP (VP are (VP curtailed (PP due to (NP government funding cuts )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , are (S (NP we )NP (VP `` (VP caught (PP with (NP (NP our grants )NP (ADVP down )ADVP )NP )PP )VP '' )VP )S ? )SQ 12 15 (SQ (SBAR (WHADVP When )WHADVP (S (NP research projects )NP (VP are (VP curtailed (PP due to (NP government funding cuts )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , are (S (NP we )NP `` (VP caught (PP with (NP our grants )NP )PP (ADVP down )ADVP )VP '' )S ? )SQ 11 15 (SQ (SBAR (WHADVP When )WHADVP (S (NP research projects )NP (VP are (VP curtailed (PP due to (NP government funding cuts )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , are (NP (NP we )NP `` (VP caught (PP with (NP our grants )NP )PP )VP )NP (ADVP down '' )ADVP ? )SQ 11 17 (SQ (SBAR (WHADVP When )WHADVP (S (NP research projects )NP (VP are (VP curtailed (ADVP due (PP to (NP government funding cuts )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , are (S (NP we )NP (VP `` (VP caught (PP with (NP our grants )NP )PP (ADVP down )ADVP )VP '' )VP )S ? )SQ 11 15 (SQ (SBAR (WHADVP When )WHADVP (S (NP research projects )NP (VP are (ADJP curtailed (PP due to (NP government funding cuts )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR , are (S (NP we )NP `` (VP caught (PP with (NP our grants )NP )PP (ADVP down )ADVP )VP '' )S ? )SQ 10 18 (SQ (SBAR (WHADVP When )WHADVP (S (NP research projects )NP (VP are (VP curtailed (S (ADJP due (PP to (NP government funding cuts )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR , are (S (NP we )NP `` (ADJP caught (PP with (NP (NP our grants )NP (ADVP down )ADVP )NP )PP )ADJP '' )S ? )SQ 11 19 (SQ (SBAR (WHADVP When )WHADVP (S (NP research projects )NP (VP are (VP curtailed (S (ADJP due (PP to (NP government funding cuts )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR , are (SBAR (S (NP we )NP `` (VP caught (PP with (NP (NP our grants )NP (ADVP down )ADVP )NP )PP )VP '' )S )SBAR ? )SQ 12 16 (SQ (SBAR (WHADVP When )WHADVP (S (NP research projects )NP (VP are (VP curtailed (PP due to (NP government funding cuts )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , are (SBAR (S (NP we )NP `` (VP caught (PP with (NP our grants )NP )PP (ADVP down )ADVP )VP '' )S )SBAR ? )SQ 11 18 (SQ (SBAR (WHADVP When )WHADVP (S (NP research projects )NP (VP are (VP curtailed (S (ADJP due (PP to (NP government funding cuts )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR , are (SBAR (S (NP we )NP `` (VP caught (PP with (NP our grants )NP )PP (ADVP down )ADVP )VP '' )S )SBAR ? )SQ 11 18 (SQ (SBAR (WHADVP When )WHADVP (S (NP research projects )NP (VP are (VP curtailed (S (ADJP due (PP to (NP government funding cuts )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR , are (SBAR (S (NP we )NP `` (VP caught (PP with (NP our grants )NP )PP (ADVP down )ADVP )VP '' )S )SBAR ? )SQ 11 17 (SQ (SBAR (WHADVP When )WHADVP (S (NP research projects )NP (VP are (VP curtailed (ADVP due (PP to (NP government funding cuts )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , are (SBAR (S (NP we )NP `` (VP caught (PP with (NP our grants )NP )PP (ADVP down )ADVP )VP '' )S )SBAR ? )SQ 12 16 (SQ (SBAR (WHADVP When )WHADVP (S (NP research projects )NP (VP are (VP curtailed (PP due to (NP government funding cuts )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , are (S (NP we )NP (VP `` (VP caught (PP with (NP our grants )NP )PP (ADVP down )ADVP )VP '' )VP )S ? )SQ 12 18 (SQ (SBAR (WHADVP When )WHADVP (S (NP research projects )NP (VP are (VP curtailed (PP due to (NP (NP government )NP (VP funding (NP cuts )NP )VP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , are (S (NP we )NP `` (VP caught (PP with (NP our grants )NP )PP (ADVP down )ADVP )VP '' )S ? )SQ 12 15 (SQ (SBAR (WHADVP When )WHADVP (S (NP research projects )NP (VP are (VP curtailed (PP due to (NP government funding cuts )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , are (S (NP we )NP `` (VP caught (PP with (NP our grants )NP )PP (ADVP down '' )ADVP )VP )S ? )SQ 11 17 (SQ (SBAR (WHADVP When )WHADVP (S (NP research projects )NP (VP are (VP curtailed (ADVP due (PP to (NP government funding cuts )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , are (S (NP we )NP `` (VP caught (PP with (NP (NP our grants )NP (ADVP down )ADVP )NP )PP )VP '' )S ? )SQ 12 17 (SQ (SBAR (WHADVP When )WHADVP (S (NP research projects )NP (VP are (VP curtailed (PP due to (NP government funding cuts )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , are (SBAR (S (NP we )NP (VP `` (VP caught (PP with (NP our grants )NP )PP (ADVP down )ADVP )VP '' )VP )S )SBAR ? )SQ 12 17 (SQ (SBAR (WHADVP When )WHADVP (S (NP research projects )NP (VP are (VP curtailed (PP due to (NP government funding cuts )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , are (SBAR (S (NP we )NP (VP `` (VP caught (PP with (NP our grants )NP )PP (ADVP down )ADVP )VP '' )VP )S )SBAR ? )SQ 11 16 (SBARQ (SBAR (WHADVP When )WHADVP (S (NP research projects )NP (VP are (VP curtailed (PP due to (NP government funding cuts )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (SQ are (S (NP we )NP `` (VP caught (PP with (NP our grants )NP )PP (ADVP down )ADVP )VP '' )S )SQ ? )SBARQ 11 16 (SQ (SBAR (WHADVP When )WHADVP (S (NP research projects )NP (VP are (VP curtailed (ADVP due (PP to (NP government funding cuts )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , are (S (NP we )NP `` (VP caught (PP with (NP our grants )NP )PP (ADVP down )ADVP )VP '' )S ? )SQ 12 15 (SQ (SBAR (WHADVP When )WHADVP (S (NP research projects )NP (VP are (VP curtailed (PP due to (NP government funding cuts )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , are (S (NP we )NP `` (VP caught (PP with (NP our grants )NP )PP (ADVP down '' )ADVP )VP )S ? )SQ 11 16 (SQ (SBAR (WHADVP When )WHADVP (S (NP research projects )NP (VP are (VP curtailed (ADVP due (PP to (NP government funding cuts )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , are (S (NP we )NP `` (VP caught (PP with (NP our grants )NP )PP (ADVP down )ADVP )VP '' )S ? )SQ 50 1 1 (NP -- C.E. Friedman . )NP 1 2 (NP -- (NP C.E. Friedman )NP . )NP 1 2 (S -- (NP C.E. Friedman )NP . )S 1 4 (NP -- (NP (NP C.E. )NP (NP Friedman )NP )NP . )NP 1 2 (X -- (NP C.E. Friedman )NP . )X 1 2 (FRAG -- (NP C.E. Friedman )NP . )FRAG 1 2 (FRAG (NP -- C.E. Friedman . )NP )FRAG 1 2 (S (NP -- C.E. Friedman . )NP )S 1 2 (FRAG (NP -- C.E. Friedman )NP . )FRAG 1 2 (X (NP -- C.E. Friedman . )NP )X 1 2 (NP (NP -- C.E. Friedman )NP . )NP 0 3 (FRAG -- (NP C.E. )NP (NP Friedman )NP . )FRAG 1 2 (X (NP -- C.E. Friedman )NP . )X 1 3 (X -- (S (NP C.E. Friedman )NP )S . )X 1 3 (FRAG -- (S (NP C.E. Friedman )NP )S . )FRAG 1 4 (X -- (NP (NP C.E. )NP (NP Friedman )NP )NP . )X 1 3 (NP -- (NP (NP C.E. )NP Friedman )NP . )NP 1 3 (FRAG (NP -- (NP C.E. Friedman )NP . )NP )FRAG 1 3 (X -- (FRAG (NP C.E. Friedman )NP )FRAG . )X 1 3 (X (NP -- (NP C.E. Friedman )NP . )NP )X 1 4 (FRAG -- (NP (NP C.E. )NP (NP Friedman )NP )NP . )FRAG 1 3 (FRAG -- (FRAG (NP C.E. Friedman )NP )FRAG . )FRAG 1 3 (S (NP -- (NP C.E. Friedman )NP . )NP )S 1 3 (FRAG (NP -- (NP C.E. Friedman )NP )NP . )FRAG 0 4 (X -- (S (NP C.E. )NP (NP Friedman )NP )S . )X 1 3 (UCP -- (S (NP C.E. Friedman )NP )S . )UCP 0 4 (FRAG -- (S (NP C.E. )NP (NP Friedman )NP )S . )FRAG 1 3 (X (NP -- (NP C.E. Friedman )NP )NP . )X 1 4 (S -- (NP (NP C.E. )NP (NP Friedman )NP )NP . )S 1 5 (FRAG (NP -- (NP (NP C.E. )NP (NP Friedman )NP )NP . )NP )FRAG 1 2 (S (NP -- C.E. Friedman )NP . )S 1 3 (S -- (NP (NP C.E. )NP Friedman )NP . )S 1 5 (X (NP -- (NP (NP C.E. )NP (NP Friedman )NP )NP . )NP )X 1 5 (FRAG (NP -- (NP (NP C.E. )NP (NP Friedman )NP )NP )NP . )FRAG 1 3 (X -- (NP (NP C.E. )NP Friedman )NP . )X 0 4 (UCP -- (S (NP C.E. )NP (NP Friedman )NP )S . )UCP 1 5 (S (NP -- (NP (NP C.E. )NP (NP Friedman )NP )NP . )NP )S 1 3 (NP (NP -- (NP C.E. Friedman )NP )NP . )NP 1 3 (S -- (S (NP C.E. Friedman )NP )S . )S 1 3 (UCP -- (FRAG (NP C.E. Friedman )NP )FRAG . )UCP 1 3 (FRAG -- (NP (NP C.E. )NP Friedman )NP . )FRAG 1 2 (UCP -- (NP C.E. Friedman )NP . )UCP 1 5 (X (NP -- (NP (NP C.E. )NP (NP Friedman )NP )NP )NP . )X 1 5 (X -- (FRAG (NP (NP C.E. )NP (NP Friedman )NP )NP )FRAG . )X 1 3 (FRAG (NP (NP -- C.E. Friedman )NP . )NP )FRAG 1 5 (FRAG -- (FRAG (NP (NP C.E. )NP (NP Friedman )NP )NP )FRAG . )FRAG 1 5 (NP (NP -- (NP (NP C.E. )NP (NP Friedman )NP )NP )NP . )NP 1 3 (X (NP (NP -- C.E. Friedman )NP . )NP )X 1 4 (X -- (S (NP (NP C.E. )NP Friedman )NP )S . )X 1 4 (FRAG (NP -- (NP (NP C.E. )NP Friedman )NP . )NP )FRAG 50 24 25 (S (S (VP Assuming (SBAR (S (NP the stock market )NP (VP does n't (VP (VP crash (ADVP again )ADVP )VP and (VP (ADVP completely )ADVP discredit (NP yuppies and trading rooms )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , (NP (NP American television audiences )NP (PP in (NP a few months )NP )PP )NP (VP may (VP be (VP seeing (NP (NP (NP Britain 's )NP concept )NP (PP of (NP both )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP . )S 24 25 (S (S (VP Assuming (SBAR (S (NP the stock market )NP (VP does n't (VP (VP crash (ADVP again )ADVP )VP and (VP (ADVP completely )ADVP discredit (NP yuppies and trading rooms )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , (NP (NP American television audiences )NP (PP in (NP a few months )NP )PP )NP (VP may (VP be (VP seeing (NP (NP (NP Britain 's )NP concept )NP (PP of (NP both )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP . )S 23 25 (S (S (VP Assuming (SBAR (S (NP the stock market )NP (VP does n't (VP (VP crash (ADVP again )ADVP )VP and (ADVP completely )ADVP (VP discredit (NP yuppies and trading rooms )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , (NP (NP American television audiences )NP (PP in (NP a few months )NP )PP )NP (VP may (VP be (VP seeing (NP (NP (NP Britain 's )NP concept )NP (PP of (NP both )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP . )S 23 24 (S (S (VP Assuming (SBAR (S (NP the stock market )NP (VP does n't (VP (VP crash (ADVP again )ADVP )VP and (VP (ADVP completely )ADVP discredit (NP yuppies and trading rooms )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , (NP (NP American television audiences )NP (PP in (NP a few months )NP )PP )NP (VP may (VP be (VP seeing (NP (NP (NP Britain 's )NP concept )NP (PP of both )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP . )S 23 25 (S (S (VP Assuming (SBAR (S (NP the stock market )NP (VP does n't (VP (VP crash (ADVP again )ADVP )VP and (ADVP completely )ADVP (VP discredit (NP yuppies and trading rooms )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , (NP (NP American television audiences )NP (PP in (NP a few months )NP )PP )NP (VP may (VP be (VP seeing (NP (NP (NP Britain 's )NP concept )NP (PP of (NP both )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP . )S 24 24 (S (S (VP Assuming (SBAR (S (NP the stock market )NP (VP does n't (VP (VP crash (ADVP again )ADVP )VP and (VP (ADVP completely )ADVP discredit (NP yuppies and trading rooms )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , (NP American television audiences )NP (PP in (NP a few months )NP )PP (VP may (VP be (VP seeing (NP (NP (NP Britain 's )NP concept )NP (PP of (NP both )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP . )S 26 27 (S (S (VP Assuming (SBAR (S (NP the stock market )NP (VP does n't (VP (VP crash (ADVP again )ADVP )VP and (VP (ADVP completely )ADVP discredit (NP (NP yuppies )NP and (NP trading rooms )NP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , (NP (NP American television audiences )NP (PP in (NP a few months )NP )PP )NP (VP may (VP be (VP seeing (NP (NP (NP Britain 's )NP concept )NP (PP of (NP both )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP . )S 24 24 (S (S (VP Assuming (SBAR (S (NP the stock market )NP (VP does n't (VP (VP crash (ADVP again )ADVP )VP and (VP (ADVP completely )ADVP discredit (NP yuppies and trading rooms )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , (NP American television audiences )NP (PP in (NP a few months )NP )PP (VP may (VP be (VP seeing (NP (NP (NP Britain 's )NP concept )NP (PP of (NP both )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP . )S 23 24 (S (S (VP Assuming (SBAR (S (NP the stock market )NP (VP does n't (VP (VP crash (ADVP again )ADVP )VP and (VP (ADVP completely )ADVP discredit (NP yuppies and trading rooms )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , (NP (NP American television audiences )NP (PP in (NP a few months )NP )PP )NP (VP may (VP be (VP seeing (NP (NP (NP Britain 's )NP concept )NP (PP of both )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP . )S 26 27 (S (S (VP Assuming (SBAR (S (NP the stock market )NP (VP does n't (VP (VP crash (ADVP again )ADVP )VP and (VP (ADVP completely )ADVP discredit (NP (NP yuppies )NP and (NP trading rooms )NP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , (NP (NP American television audiences )NP (PP in (NP a few months )NP )PP )NP (VP may (VP be (VP seeing (NP (NP (NP Britain 's )NP concept )NP (PP of (NP both )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP . )S 22 24 (S (S (VP Assuming (SBAR (S (NP the stock market )NP (VP does n't (VP (VP crash (ADVP again )ADVP )VP and (ADVP completely )ADVP (VP discredit (NP yuppies and trading rooms )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , (NP (NP American television audiences )NP (PP in (NP a few months )NP )PP )NP (VP may (VP be (VP seeing (NP (NP (NP Britain 's )NP concept )NP (PP of both )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP . )S 22 24 (S (S (VP Assuming (SBAR (S (NP the stock market )NP (VP does n't (VP (VP crash (ADVP again )ADVP )VP and completely (VP discredit (NP yuppies and trading rooms )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , (NP (NP American television audiences )NP (PP in (NP a few months )NP )PP )NP (VP may (VP be (VP seeing (NP (NP (NP Britain 's )NP concept )NP (PP of (NP both )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP . )S 23 24 (S (S (VP Assuming (SBAR (S (NP the stock market )NP (VP does n't (VP (VP crash (ADVP again )ADVP )VP and (ADVP completely )ADVP (VP discredit (NP yuppies and trading rooms )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , (NP American television audiences )NP (PP in (NP a few months )NP )PP (VP may (VP be (VP seeing (NP (NP (NP Britain 's )NP concept )NP (PP of (NP both )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP . )S 25 27 (S (S (VP Assuming (SBAR (S (NP the stock market )NP (VP does n't (VP (VP crash (ADVP again )ADVP )VP and (ADVP completely )ADVP (VP discredit (NP (NP yuppies )NP and (NP trading rooms )NP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , (NP (NP American television audiences )NP (PP in (NP a few months )NP )PP )NP (VP may (VP be (VP seeing (NP (NP (NP Britain 's )NP concept )NP (PP of (NP both )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP . )S 24 26 (S (S (VP Assuming (SBAR (S (NP the stock market )NP (VP does n't (VP (VP crash (ADVP again )ADVP )VP and (VP (ADVP completely )ADVP discredit (NP yuppies and trading rooms )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , (NP (NP American television audiences )NP (PP in (NP a few months )NP )PP )NP (VP may (VP be (S (VP seeing (NP (NP (NP Britain 's )NP concept )NP (PP of (NP both )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 24 25 (S (S (VP Assuming (SBAR (S (NP the stock market )NP (VP does n't (VP (VP crash (ADVP again )ADVP )VP and (VP (ADVP completely )ADVP discredit (NP yuppies and trading rooms )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , (NP (NP American television audiences )NP (PP in (NP a few months )NP )PP )NP (VP may (VP be (VP seeing (NP (NP (NP Britain 's )NP concept )NP (PP of (NP both )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP . )S 23 24 (S (S (VP Assuming (SBAR (S (NP the stock market )NP (VP does n't (VP (VP crash (ADVP again )ADVP )VP and (VP (ADVP completely )ADVP discredit (NP yuppies and trading rooms )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , (NP (NP American television audiences )NP (PP in (NP a few months )NP )PP )NP (VP may (VP be (VP seeing (NP (NP Britain 's )NP concept (PP of (NP both )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP . )S 23 24 (S (S (VP Assuming (SBAR (S (NP the stock market )NP (VP does n't (VP (VP crash (ADVP again )ADVP )VP and (ADVP completely )ADVP (VP discredit (NP yuppies and trading rooms )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , (NP American television audiences )NP (PP in (NP a few months )NP )PP (VP may (VP be (VP seeing (NP (NP (NP Britain 's )NP concept )NP (PP of (NP both )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP . )S 24 26 (S (S (VP Assuming (SBAR (S (NP the stock market )NP (VP does n't (VP (VP crash (ADVP again )ADVP )VP and (VP (ADVP completely )ADVP discredit (NP (UCP yuppies and trading )UCP rooms )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , (NP (NP American television audiences )NP (PP in (NP a few months )NP )PP )NP (VP may (VP be (VP seeing (NP (NP (NP Britain 's )NP concept )NP (PP of (NP both )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP . )S 22 24 (S (S (VP Assuming (SBAR (S (NP the stock market )NP (VP does n't (VP (VP crash (ADVP again )ADVP )VP and (ADVP completely )ADVP (VP discredit (NP yuppies and trading rooms )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , (NP (NP American television audiences )NP (PP in (NP a few months )NP )PP )NP (VP may (VP be (VP seeing (NP (NP (NP Britain 's )NP concept )NP (PP of both )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP . )S 23 26 (S (S (VP Assuming (SBAR (S (NP the stock market )NP (VP does n't (VP (VP crash (ADVP again )ADVP )VP and (VP (ADVP completely )ADVP discredit (NP yuppies and trading rooms )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , (NP American )NP (NP (NP television audiences )NP (PP in (NP a few months )NP )PP )NP (VP may (VP be (VP seeing (NP (NP (NP Britain 's )NP concept )NP (PP of (NP both )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP . )S 23 23 (S (S (VP Assuming (SBAR (S (NP the stock market )NP (VP does n't (VP (VP crash (ADVP again )ADVP )VP and (VP (ADVP completely )ADVP discredit (NP yuppies and trading rooms )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , (NP American television audiences )NP (PP in (NP a few months )NP )PP (VP may (VP be (VP seeing (NP (NP (NP Britain 's )NP concept )NP (PP of both )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP . )S 21 23 (S (S (VP Assuming (SBAR (S (NP the stock market )NP (VP does n't (VP (VP crash (ADVP again )ADVP )VP and (VP (ADVP completely )ADVP discredit (NP yuppies and trading rooms )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , (NP (NP American television audiences )NP (PP in (NP a few months )NP )PP )NP (VP may (VP be (VP seeing (NP (NP Britain 's )NP concept )NP (ADVP of both )ADVP )VP )VP )VP . )S 22 24 (S (S (VP Assuming (SBAR (S (NP the stock market )NP (VP does n't (VP (VP crash (ADVP again )ADVP )VP and completely (VP discredit (NP yuppies and trading rooms )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , (NP (NP American television audiences )NP (PP in (NP a few months )NP )PP )NP (VP may (VP be (VP seeing (NP (NP (NP Britain 's )NP concept )NP (PP of (NP both )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP . )S 24 26 (S (S (VP Assuming (SBAR (S (NP the stock market )NP (VP does n't (VP (VP crash (ADVP again )ADVP )VP and (VP (ADVP completely )ADVP (VP discredit (NP yuppies and trading rooms )NP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , (NP (NP American television audiences )NP (PP in (NP a few months )NP )PP )NP (VP may (VP be (VP seeing (NP (NP (NP Britain 's )NP concept )NP (PP of (NP both )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP . )S 25 26 (S (S (VP Assuming (SBAR (S (NP the stock market )NP (VP does n't (VP (VP crash (ADVP again )ADVP )VP and (VP (ADVP completely )ADVP discredit (NP (NP yuppies )NP and (NP trading rooms )NP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , (NP (NP American television audiences )NP (PP in (NP a few months )NP )PP )NP (VP may (VP be (VP seeing (NP (NP (NP Britain 's )NP concept )NP (PP of both )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP . )S 23 24 (S (S (VP Assuming (SBAR (S (NP the stock market )NP (VP does n't (VP (VP crash (ADVP again )ADVP )VP and (VP (ADVP completely )ADVP discredit (NP yuppies and trading rooms )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , (NP (NP American television audiences )NP (PP in (NP a few months )NP )PP )NP (VP may (VP be (VP seeing (NP (NP Britain 's )NP concept )NP (PP of (NP both )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 24 25 (S (S (VP Assuming (SBAR (S (NP the stock market )NP (VP does n't (VP (VP crash (ADVP again )ADVP )VP and (VP (ADVP completely )ADVP discredit (NP yuppies and trading rooms )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , (NP (NP American television audiences )NP (PP in (NP a few months )NP )PP )NP (VP may (VP be (VP seeing (NP (NP (NP Britain 's )NP concept )NP (PP of (NP both )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP . )S 25 27 (S (S (VP Assuming (SBAR (S (NP the stock market )NP (VP does n't (VP (VP crash (ADVP again )ADVP )VP and (ADVP completely )ADVP (VP discredit (NP (NP yuppies )NP and (NP trading rooms )NP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , (NP (NP American television audiences )NP (PP in (NP a few months )NP )PP )NP (VP may (VP be (VP seeing (NP (NP (NP Britain 's )NP concept )NP (PP of (NP both )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP . )S 24 26 (S (S (VP Assuming (SBAR (S (NP the stock market )NP (VP does n't (VP (VP crash (ADVP again )ADVP )VP and (VP (ADVP completely )ADVP discredit (NP yuppies and trading rooms )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , (NP (NP American television audiences )NP (PP in (NP a few months )NP )PP )NP (VP may (VP be (S (VP seeing (NP (NP (NP Britain 's )NP concept )NP (PP of (NP both )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 23 23 (S (S (VP Assuming (SBAR (S (NP the stock market )NP (VP does n't (VP (VP crash (ADVP again )ADVP )VP and (VP (ADVP completely )ADVP discredit (NP yuppies and trading rooms )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , (NP American television audiences )NP (PP in (NP a few months )NP )PP (VP may (VP be (VP seeing (NP (NP (NP Britain 's )NP concept )NP (PP of both )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP . )S 26 26 (S (S (VP Assuming (SBAR (S (NP the stock market )NP (VP does n't (VP (VP crash (ADVP again )ADVP )VP and (VP (ADVP completely )ADVP discredit (NP (NP yuppies )NP and (NP trading rooms )NP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , (NP American television audiences )NP (PP in (NP a few months )NP )PP (VP may (VP be (VP seeing (NP (NP (NP Britain 's )NP concept )NP (PP of (NP both )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP . )S 24 25 (S (S (VP Assuming (SBAR (S (NP the stock market )NP (VP does n't (VP (VP crash (ADVP again )ADVP )VP and (VP (ADVP completely )ADVP discredit (NP yuppies and trading rooms )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , (NP (NP American television audiences )NP (PP in (NP a few months )NP )PP )NP (VP may (VP be (VP seeing (NP (NP (NP Britain 's )NP concept )NP (PP of (NP both )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP . )S 23 24 (S (S (VP Assuming (SBAR (S (NP the stock market )NP (VP does n't (VP (VP crash (ADVP again )ADVP )VP and (VP (ADVP completely )ADVP discredit (NP yuppies and trading rooms )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , (NP (NP American television audiences )NP (PP in (NP a few months )NP )PP )NP (VP may (VP be (VP seeing (NP (NP Britain 's )NP concept (PP of (NP both )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP . )S 24 25 (S (S (VP Assuming (SBAR (S (NP the stock market )NP (VP does n't (VP (VP crash (ADVP again )ADVP )VP and (VP (ADVP completely )ADVP discredit (NP yuppies and trading rooms )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , (NP (NP American television audiences )NP (PP in (NP a few months )NP )PP )NP (VP may (VP be (VP seeing (NP (NP (NP Britain 's )NP concept )NP (PP of (NP both )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP . )S 24 26 (S (S (VP Assuming (SBAR (S (NP the stock market )NP (VP does n't (VP (VP crash (ADVP again )ADVP )VP and (VP (ADVP completely )ADVP discredit (NP (UCP yuppies and trading )UCP rooms )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , (NP (NP American television audiences )NP (PP in (NP a few months )NP )PP )NP (VP may (VP be (VP seeing (NP (NP (NP Britain 's )NP concept )NP (PP of (NP both )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP . )S 26 27 (S (S (VP Assuming (SBAR (S (NP the stock market )NP (VP does n't (VP (VP crash (ADVP again )ADVP )VP and (VP (ADVP completely )ADVP discredit (NP (NP yuppies )NP and (NP trading rooms )NP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , (NP (NP American television audiences )NP (PP in (NP a few months )NP )PP )NP (VP may (VP be (VP seeing (NP (NP (NP Britain 's )NP concept )NP (PP of (NP both )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP . )S 21 23 (S (S (VP Assuming (SBAR (S (NP the stock market )NP (VP does n't (VP (VP crash (ADVP again )ADVP )VP and (VP (ADVP completely )ADVP discredit (NP yuppies and trading rooms )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , (NP (NP American television audiences )NP (PP in (NP a few months )NP )PP )NP (VP may (VP be (VP seeing (NP (NP Britain 's )NP concept )NP (ADVP of both )ADVP )VP )VP )VP . )S 23 24 (S (S (VP Assuming (SBAR (S (NP the stock market )NP (VP does n't (VP (VP crash (ADVP again )ADVP )VP and (VP completely discredit (NP yuppies and trading rooms )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , (NP (NP American television audiences )NP (PP in (NP a few months )NP )PP )NP (VP may (VP be (VP seeing (NP (NP (NP Britain 's )NP concept )NP (PP of (NP both )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP . )S 26 26 (S (S (VP Assuming (SBAR (S (NP the stock market )NP (VP does n't (VP (VP crash (ADVP again )ADVP )VP and (VP (ADVP completely )ADVP discredit (NP (NP yuppies )NP and (NP trading rooms )NP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , (NP American television audiences )NP (PP in (NP a few months )NP )PP (VP may (VP be (VP seeing (NP (NP (NP Britain 's )NP concept )NP (PP of (NP both )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP . )S 23 24 (S (S (VP Assuming (S (NP the stock market )NP (VP does n't (VP (VP crash (ADVP again )ADVP )VP and (VP (ADVP completely )ADVP discredit (NP yuppies and trading rooms )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )S , (NP (NP American television audiences )NP (PP in (NP a few months )NP )PP )NP (VP may (VP be (VP seeing (NP (NP (NP Britain 's )NP concept )NP (PP of (NP both )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP . )S 23 26 (S (S (VP Assuming (SBAR (S (NP the stock market )NP (VP does n't (VP (VP crash (ADVP again )ADVP )VP and (ADVP completely )ADVP (VP discredit (NP yuppies and trading rooms )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , (NP (NP American television audiences )NP (PP in (NP a few months )NP )PP )NP (VP may (VP be (S (VP seeing (NP (NP (NP Britain 's )NP concept )NP (PP of (NP both )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 23 25 (S (S (VP Assuming (SBAR (S (NP the stock market )NP (VP does n't (VP (VP crash (ADVP again )ADVP )VP and (ADVP completely )ADVP (VP discredit (NP yuppies and trading rooms )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , (NP (NP American television audiences )NP (PP in (NP a few months )NP )PP )NP (VP may (VP be (VP seeing (NP (NP (NP Britain 's )NP concept )NP (PP of (NP both )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP . )S 24 26 (S (S (VP Assuming (SBAR (S (NP the stock market )NP (VP does n't (VP (VP crash (ADVP again )ADVP )VP and (VP (ADVP completely )ADVP (VP discredit (NP yuppies and trading rooms )NP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , (NP (NP American television audiences )NP (PP in (NP a few months )NP )PP )NP (VP may (VP be (VP seeing (NP (NP (NP Britain 's )NP concept )NP (PP of (NP both )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP . )S 22 24 (S (S (VP Assuming (SBAR (S (NP the stock market )NP (VP does n't (VP (VP crash (ADVP again )ADVP )VP and (ADVP completely )ADVP (VP discredit (NP yuppies and trading rooms )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , (NP (NP American television audiences )NP (PP in (NP a few months )NP )PP )NP (VP may (VP be (VP seeing (NP (NP Britain 's )NP concept (PP of (NP both )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP . )S 25 26 (S (S (VP Assuming (SBAR (S (NP the stock market )NP (VP does n't (VP (VP crash (ADVP again )ADVP )VP and (VP (ADVP completely )ADVP discredit (NP (NP yuppies )NP and (NP trading rooms )NP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , (NP (NP American television audiences )NP (PP in (NP a few months )NP )PP )NP (VP may (VP be (VP seeing (NP (NP (NP Britain 's )NP concept )NP (PP of both )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP . )S 23 24 (S (S (VP Assuming (SBAR (S (NP the stock market )NP (VP does n't (VP (VP crash (ADVP again )ADVP )VP and (VP (ADVP completely )ADVP discredit (NP yuppies and trading rooms )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , (NP (NP American television audiences )NP (PP in (NP a few months )NP )PP )NP (VP may (VP be (VP seeing (NP (NP Britain 's )NP concept )NP (PP of (NP both )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 24 25 (S (S (VP Assuming (SBAR (S (NP the stock market )NP (VP does n't (VP (VP crash (ADVP again )ADVP )VP and (VP (ADVP completely )ADVP discredit (NP yuppies and trading rooms )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , (NP (NP American television audiences )NP (PP in (NP a few months )NP )PP )NP (VP may (VP be (VP seeing (NP (NP (NP Britain 's )NP concept )NP (PP of (NP both )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP . )S 23 26 (S (S (VP Assuming (SBAR (S (NP the stock market )NP (VP does n't (VP (VP crash (ADVP again )ADVP )VP and (ADVP completely )ADVP (VP discredit (NP (UCP yuppies and trading )UCP rooms )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , (NP (NP American television audiences )NP (PP in (NP a few months )NP )PP )NP (VP may (VP be (VP seeing (NP (NP (NP Britain 's )NP concept )NP (PP of (NP both )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP . )S 24 25 (S (S (VP Assuming (SBAR (S (NP the stock market )NP (VP does n't (VP (VP crash (ADVP again )ADVP )VP and (VP (ADVP completely )ADVP discredit (NP yuppies and trading rooms )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , (NP (NP American television audiences )NP (PP in (NP a few months )NP )PP )NP (VP may (VP be (VP seeing (NP (NP (NP Britain 's )NP concept )NP (PP of (NP both )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP . )S 50 18 19 (S `` (NP Capital City )NP '' (VP is (NP (NP a weekly series )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP premiered (ADVP here )ADVP (ADVP (NP three weeks )NP ago )ADVP (PP amid (NP (NP unprecedented hype )NP (PP by (NP (NP its producer )NP , (NP Thames Television )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 16 18 (S `` (NP Capital City )NP '' (VP is (NP (NP a weekly series )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP premiered (ADVP (NP here three weeks )NP ago )ADVP (PP amid (NP (NP unprecedented hype )NP (PP by (NP (NP its producer )NP , (NP Thames Television )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 16 18 (S `` (NP Capital City )NP '' (VP is (NP (NP a weekly series )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP premiered (ADVP here )ADVP (ADVP (NP three weeks )NP ago )ADVP (PP amid (NP unprecedented hype )NP )PP (PP by (NP (NP its producer )NP , (NP Thames Television )NP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 18 20 (S (NP `` (NP Capital City )NP '' )NP (VP is (NP (NP a weekly series )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP premiered (ADVP here )ADVP (ADVP (NP three weeks )NP ago )ADVP (PP amid (NP (NP unprecedented hype )NP (PP by (NP (NP its producer )NP , (NP Thames Television )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 14 17 (S `` (NP Capital City )NP '' (VP is (NP (NP a weekly series )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP premiered (ADVP (NP here three weeks )NP ago )ADVP (PP amid (NP unprecedented hype )NP )PP (PP by (NP (NP its producer )NP , (NP Thames Television )NP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 16 19 (S (NP `` (NP Capital City )NP '' )NP (VP is (NP (NP a weekly series )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP premiered (ADVP (NP here three weeks )NP ago )ADVP (PP amid (NP (NP unprecedented hype )NP (PP by (NP (NP its producer )NP , (NP Thames Television )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 16 19 (S (NP `` (NP Capital City )NP '' )NP (VP is (NP (NP a weekly series )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP premiered (ADVP here )ADVP (ADVP (NP three weeks )NP ago )ADVP (PP amid (NP unprecedented hype )NP )PP (PP by (NP (NP its producer )NP , (NP Thames Television )NP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 14 18 (S (NP `` (NP Capital City )NP '' )NP (VP is (NP (NP a weekly series )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP premiered (ADVP (NP here three weeks )NP ago )ADVP (PP amid (NP unprecedented hype )NP )PP (PP by (NP (NP its producer )NP , (NP Thames Television )NP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 17 19 (S `` (NP Capital City )NP '' (VP is (NP (NP a weekly series )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP premiered (ADVP here )ADVP (PP (ADVP (NP three weeks )NP ago )ADVP amid (NP (NP unprecedented hype )NP (PP by (NP (NP its producer )NP , (NP Thames Television )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 18 19 (S (NP `` Capital City '' )NP (VP is (NP (NP a weekly series )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP premiered (ADVP here )ADVP (ADVP (NP three weeks )NP ago )ADVP (PP amid (NP (NP unprecedented hype )NP (PP by (NP (NP its producer )NP , (NP Thames Television )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 16 19 (S `` (NP Capital City )NP '' (VP is (NP (NP a weekly series )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP premiered (ADVP (NP (QP here three )QP weeks )NP ago )ADVP (PP amid (NP (NP unprecedented hype )NP (PP by (NP (NP its producer )NP , (NP Thames Television )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 16 18 (S (NP `` Capital City '' )NP (VP is (NP (NP a weekly series )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP premiered (ADVP (NP here three weeks )NP ago )ADVP (PP amid (NP (NP unprecedented hype )NP (PP by (NP (NP its producer )NP , (NP Thames Television )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 16 18 (S `` (NP Capital City )NP '' (VP is (NP (NP a weekly series )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP premiered (ADVP here )ADVP (PP (ADVP (NP three weeks )NP ago )ADVP amid (NP unprecedented hype )NP )PP (PP by (NP (NP its producer )NP , (NP Thames Television )NP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 16 18 (S (NP `` Capital City '' )NP (VP is (NP (NP a weekly series )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP premiered (ADVP here )ADVP (ADVP (NP three weeks )NP ago )ADVP (PP amid (NP unprecedented hype )NP )PP (PP by (NP (NP its producer )NP , (NP Thames Television )NP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 17 20 (S (NP `` (NP Capital City )NP '' )NP (VP is (NP (NP a weekly series )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP premiered (ADVP here )ADVP (PP (ADVP (NP three weeks )NP ago )ADVP amid (NP (NP unprecedented hype )NP (PP by (NP (NP its producer )NP , (NP Thames Television )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 16 19 (S `` (NP Capital City )NP '' (VP is (NP (NP a weekly series )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP premiered (ADVP (NP (ADVP here )ADVP three weeks )NP ago )ADVP (PP amid (NP (NP unprecedented hype )NP (PP by (NP (NP its producer )NP , (NP Thames Television )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 16 18 (S `` (NP Capital City )NP '' (VP is (NP (NP a weekly series )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP premiered (ADVP (NP here three weeks )NP ago )ADVP (PP amid (NP (NP unprecedented hype )NP (PP by (NP (NP its producer )NP , (NP Thames Television )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 16 17 (S `` (NP Capital City )NP '' (VP is (NP (NP a weekly series )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP premiered (ADVP here )ADVP (ADVP (NP three weeks )NP ago )ADVP (PP amid (NP (NP unprecedented hype )NP (PP by (NP its producer , Thames Television )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 14 18 (S `` (NP Capital City )NP '' (VP is (NP (NP a weekly series )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP premiered (ADVP (NP (QP here three )QP weeks )NP ago )ADVP (PP amid (NP unprecedented hype )NP )PP (PP by (NP (NP its producer )NP , (NP Thames Television )NP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 17 18 (S `` (NP Capital City )NP '' (VP is (NP (NP a weekly series )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP premiered (ADVP here )ADVP (ADVP (NP three weeks )NP ago )ADVP (PP amid (NP unprecedented hype )NP (PP by (NP (NP its producer )NP , (NP Thames Television )NP )NP )PP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 16 20 (S (NP `` (NP Capital City )NP '' )NP (VP is (NP (NP a weekly series )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP premiered (ADVP (NP (QP here three )QP weeks )NP ago )ADVP (PP amid (NP (NP unprecedented hype )NP (PP by (NP (NP its producer )NP , (NP Thames Television )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 14 17 (S (NP `` Capital City '' )NP (VP is (NP (NP a weekly series )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP premiered (ADVP (NP here three weeks )NP ago )ADVP (PP amid (NP unprecedented hype )NP )PP (PP by (NP (NP its producer )NP , (NP Thames Television )NP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 16 19 (S (NP `` (NP Capital City )NP '' )NP (VP is (NP (NP a weekly series )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP premiered (ADVP here )ADVP (PP (ADVP (NP three weeks )NP ago )ADVP amid (NP unprecedented hype )NP )PP (PP by (NP (NP its producer )NP , (NP Thames Television )NP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 14 18 (S `` (NP Capital City )NP '' (VP is (NP (NP a weekly series )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP premiered (ADVP (NP (ADVP here )ADVP three weeks )NP ago )ADVP (PP amid (NP unprecedented hype )NP )PP (PP by (NP (NP its producer )NP , (NP Thames Television )NP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 16 20 (S (NP `` (NP Capital City )NP '' )NP (VP is (NP (NP a weekly series )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP premiered (ADVP (NP (ADVP here )ADVP three weeks )NP ago )ADVP (PP amid (NP (NP unprecedented hype )NP (PP by (NP (NP its producer )NP , (NP Thames Television )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 14 16 (S `` (NP Capital City )NP '' (VP is (NP (NP a weekly series )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP premiered (ADVP (NP here three weeks )NP ago )ADVP (PP amid (NP (NP unprecedented hype )NP (PP by (NP its producer , Thames Television )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 15 17 (S `` (NP Capital City )NP '' (VP is (NP (NP a weekly series )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP premiered (ADVP (NP here three weeks )NP ago )ADVP (PP amid (NP unprecedented hype )NP (PP by (NP (NP its producer )NP , (NP Thames Television )NP )NP )PP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 14 17 (S `` (NP Capital City )NP '' (VP is (NP (NP a weekly series )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP premiered (ADVP (NP here three weeks )NP ago )ADVP (PP amid (NP unprecedented hype )NP )PP (PP by (NP (NP its producer )NP , (NP Thames Television )NP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 16 19 (S (NP `` (NP Capital City )NP '' )NP (VP is (NP (NP a weekly series )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP premiered (ADVP (NP here three weeks )NP ago )ADVP (PP amid (NP (NP unprecedented hype )NP (PP by (NP (NP its producer )NP , (NP Thames Television )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 12 18 (S `` (NP Capital City )NP '' (VP is (NP (NP a weekly series )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP premiered (ADVP here )ADVP (ADVP (NP three weeks )NP ago )ADVP (PP amid (NP unprecedented hype )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP (PP by (NP (NP its producer )NP , (NP Thames Television )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 16 18 (S (NP `` (NP Capital City )NP '' )NP (VP is (NP (NP a weekly series )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP premiered (ADVP here )ADVP (ADVP (NP three weeks )NP ago )ADVP (PP amid (NP (NP unprecedented hype )NP (PP by (NP its producer , Thames Television )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 14 19 (S (NP `` (NP Capital City )NP '' )NP (VP is (NP (NP a weekly series )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP premiered (ADVP (NP (QP here three )QP weeks )NP ago )ADVP (PP amid (NP unprecedented hype )NP )PP (PP by (NP (NP its producer )NP , (NP Thames Television )NP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 17 19 (S (NP `` (NP Capital City )NP '' )NP (VP is (NP (NP a weekly series )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP premiered (ADVP here )ADVP (ADVP (NP three weeks )NP ago )ADVP (PP amid (NP unprecedented hype )NP (PP by (NP (NP its producer )NP , (NP Thames Television )NP )NP )PP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 17 18 (S `` (NP Capital City )NP '' (VP is (NP a weekly series (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP premiered (ADVP here )ADVP (ADVP (NP three weeks )NP ago )ADVP (PP amid (NP (NP unprecedented hype )NP (PP by (NP (NP its producer )NP , (NP Thames Television )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 16 19 (S `` (NP Capital City )NP '' (VP is (NP (NP a weekly series )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP premiered (ADVP here )ADVP (ADVP (NP three weeks )NP ago )ADVP (PP amid (NP (NP (NP unprecedented hype )NP (PP by (NP its producer )NP )PP )NP , (NP Thames Television )NP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 14 17 (S `` (NP Capital City )NP '' (VP is (NP (NP a weekly series )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP premiered (PP (ADVP (NP here three weeks )NP ago )ADVP amid (NP unprecedented hype )NP )PP (PP by (NP (NP its producer )NP , (NP Thames Television )NP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 15 18 (S `` (NP Capital City )NP '' (VP is (NP (NP a weekly series )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP premiered (PP (ADVP (NP here three weeks )NP ago )ADVP amid (NP (NP unprecedented hype )NP (PP by (NP (NP its producer )NP , (NP Thames Television )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 14 19 (S (NP `` (NP Capital City )NP '' )NP (VP is (NP (NP a weekly series )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP premiered (ADVP (NP (ADVP here )ADVP three weeks )NP ago )ADVP (PP amid (NP unprecedented hype )NP )PP (PP by (NP (NP its producer )NP , (NP Thames Television )NP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 18 19 (S `` (NP Capital City )NP '' (VP is (NP (NP a weekly series )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP premiered (ADVP here )ADVP (ADVP (NP three weeks )NP ago )ADVP (PP amid (NP (NP unprecedented hype )NP (PP by (NP (NP its producer )NP , (NP Thames Television )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 16 18 (S `` (NP Capital City )NP '' (VP is (NP (NP a weekly series )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP premiered (ADVP here )ADVP (ADVP (NP three weeks )NP ago )ADVP (PP amid (NP (NP unprecedented hype )NP (PP by (NP its producer )NP )PP , (NP Thames Television )NP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 10 17 (S `` (NP Capital City )NP '' (VP is (NP (NP a weekly series )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP premiered (ADVP (NP here three weeks )NP ago )ADVP (PP amid (NP unprecedented hype )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP (PP by (NP (NP its producer )NP , (NP Thames Television )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 14 17 (S (NP `` (NP Capital City )NP '' )NP (VP is (NP (NP a weekly series )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP premiered (ADVP (NP here three weeks )NP ago )ADVP (PP amid (NP (NP unprecedented hype )NP (PP by (NP its producer , Thames Television )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 15 18 (S (NP `` (NP Capital City )NP '' )NP (VP is (NP (NP a weekly series )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP premiered (ADVP (NP here three weeks )NP ago )ADVP (PP amid (NP unprecedented hype )NP (PP by (NP (NP its producer )NP , (NP Thames Television )NP )NP )PP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 14 18 (S (NP `` (NP Capital City )NP '' )NP (VP is (NP (NP a weekly series )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP premiered (ADVP (NP here three weeks )NP ago )ADVP (PP amid (NP unprecedented hype )NP )PP (PP by (NP (NP its producer )NP , (NP Thames Television )NP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 14 16 (S `` (NP Capital City )NP '' (VP is (NP (NP a weekly series )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP premiered (ADVP here )ADVP (ADVP (NP three weeks )NP ago )ADVP (PP amid (NP unprecedented hype )NP )PP (PP by (NP its producer , Thames Television )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 15 17 (S `` (NP Capital City )NP '' (VP is (NP a weekly series (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP premiered (ADVP (NP here three weeks )NP ago )ADVP (PP amid (NP (NP unprecedented hype )NP (PP by (NP (NP its producer )NP , (NP Thames Television )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 15 17 (S `` (NP Capital City )NP '' (VP is (NP a weekly series (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP premiered (ADVP here )ADVP (ADVP (NP three weeks )NP ago )ADVP (PP amid (NP unprecedented hype )NP )PP (PP by (NP (NP its producer )NP , (NP Thames Television )NP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 12 19 (S (NP `` (NP Capital City )NP '' )NP (VP is (NP (NP a weekly series )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP premiered (ADVP here )ADVP (ADVP (NP three weeks )NP ago )ADVP (PP amid (NP unprecedented hype )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP (PP by (NP (NP its producer )NP , (NP Thames Television )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 14 18 (S `` (NP Capital City )NP '' (VP is (NP (NP a weekly series )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP premiered (ADVP (NP here three weeks )NP ago )ADVP (PP amid (NP (NP (NP unprecedented hype )NP (PP by (NP its producer )NP )PP )NP , (NP Thames Television )NP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 16 18 (S `` (NP Capital City )NP '' (VP is (NP (NP a weekly series )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP premiered (ADVP (NP here three weeks )NP ago )ADVP (PP amid (NP (NP unprecedented hype )NP (PP by (NP (NP its producer )NP , (NP Thames Television )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 50 11 13 (S (NP The early episodes )NP (VP make (NP you )NP (PP (ADVP long )ADVP for (NP (NP a rerun )NP (PP of (NP (NP the crash )NP (PP of (NP 1987 )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 13 14 (S (NP The early episodes )NP (VP make (S (NP you )NP (ADJP long (PP for (NP (NP a rerun )NP (PP of (NP (NP the crash )NP (PP of (NP 1987 )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP . )S 9 12 (S (NP The early episodes )NP (VP make (NP you )NP (PP (ADVP long )ADVP for (NP (NP a rerun )NP (PP of (NP the crash )NP )PP (PP of (NP 1987 )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 11 13 (S (NP The early episodes )NP (VP make (S (NP you )NP (ADJP long (PP for (NP (NP a rerun )NP (PP of (NP the crash )NP )PP (PP of (NP 1987 )NP )PP )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP . )S 8 12 (S (NP The early episodes )NP (VP make (NP you )NP (PP (ADVP long )ADVP for (NP (NP a rerun )NP (PP of (NP the crash )NP )PP )NP )PP (PP of (NP 1987 )NP )PP )VP . )S 11 12 (S (NP The early episodes )NP (VP make (NP you long )NP (PP for (NP (NP a rerun )NP (PP of (NP (NP the crash )NP (PP of (NP 1987 )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 12 13 (S (NP The early episodes )NP (VP make (NP you )NP (ADVP long )ADVP (PP for (NP (NP a rerun )NP (PP of (NP (NP the crash )NP (PP of (NP 1987 )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 11 13 (S (NP The early episodes )NP (VP make (NP you )NP (PP (ADVP long )ADVP for (NP (NP a rerun )NP (PP of (NP (NP the crash )NP (PP of (NP 1987 )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 13 14 (S (NP The early episodes )NP (VP make (S (NP you )NP (ADJP long )ADJP (PP for (NP (NP a rerun )NP (PP of (NP (NP the crash )NP (PP of (NP 1987 )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )S )VP . )S 9 11 (S (NP The early episodes )NP (VP make (NP you long )NP (PP for (NP (NP a rerun )NP (PP of (NP the crash )NP )PP (PP of (NP 1987 )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 9 13 (S (NP The early episodes )NP (VP make (NP you )NP (PP (ADVP long )ADVP for (NP (NP (NP a rerun )NP (PP of (NP the crash )NP )PP )NP (PP of (NP 1987 )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 10 12 (S (NP The early episodes )NP (VP make (NP you )NP (ADVP long )ADVP (PP for (NP (NP a rerun )NP (PP of (NP the crash )NP )PP (PP of (NP 1987 )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 13 14 (S (NP The early episodes )NP (VP make (S (NP you )NP (ADJP long (PP for (NP (NP a rerun )NP (PP of (NP (NP the crash )NP (PP of (NP 1987 )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP . )S 11 13 (S (NP The early episodes )NP (VP make (NP you )NP (PP (ADVP long )ADVP for (NP (NP a rerun )NP (PP of (NP (NP the crash )NP (PP of (NP 1987 )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 11 13 (S (NP The early episodes )NP (VP make (NP you )NP (PP (ADVP long )ADVP for (NP (NP a rerun )NP (PP of (NP (NP the crash )NP (PP of (NP 1987 )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 13 14 (S (NP The early episodes )NP (VP make (S (NP you )NP (ADVP long )ADVP (PP for (NP (NP a rerun )NP (PP of (NP (NP the crash )NP (PP of (NP 1987 )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )S )VP . )S 13 15 (S (NP The early episodes )NP (VP make (S (NP you )NP (ADJP (ADJP long )ADJP (PP for (NP (NP a rerun )NP (PP of (NP (NP the crash )NP (PP of (NP 1987 )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP . )S 13 14 (S (NP The early episodes )NP (VP make (S (NP you )NP (ADJP long (PP for (NP (NP a rerun )NP (PP of (NP (NP the crash )NP (PP of (NP 1987 )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP . )S 10 12 (S (NP The early episodes )NP (VP make (NP you )NP (PP (ADVP long )ADVP for (NP (NP a rerun )NP (PP of (NP the crash )NP (PP of (NP 1987 )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 11 14 (S (NP The early episodes )NP (VP make (S (NP you )NP (ADJP long (PP for (NP (NP (NP a rerun )NP (PP of (NP the crash )NP )PP )NP (PP of (NP 1987 )NP )PP )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP . )S 9 12 (S (NP The early episodes )NP (VP make (NP you )NP (PP (ADVP long )ADVP for (NP (NP a rerun )NP (PP of (NP the crash )NP )PP (PP of (NP 1987 )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 11 13 (S (NP The early episodes )NP (VP make (S (NP you )NP (ADJP long )ADJP (PP for (NP (NP a rerun )NP (PP of (NP the crash )NP )PP (PP of (NP 1987 )NP )PP )NP )PP )S )VP . )S 11 12 (S (NP The early episodes )NP (VP make (NP you )NP (PP long for (NP (NP a rerun )NP (PP of (NP (NP the crash )NP (PP of (NP 1987 )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 13 14 (S (NP The early episodes )NP (VP make (S (NP you )NP (ADJP long (PP for (NP (NP a rerun )NP (PP of (NP (NP the crash )NP (PP of (NP 1987 )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP . )S 10 12 (S (NP The early episodes )NP (VP make (NP you )NP (PP (ADVP long )ADVP for (NP a rerun )NP )PP (PP of (NP (NP the crash )NP (PP of (NP 1987 )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 13 14 (S (NP The early episodes )NP (VP make (S (NP you )NP (ADJP long (PP for (NP (NP a rerun )NP (PP of (NP (NP the crash )NP (PP of (NP 1987 )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP . )S 12 15 (S (NP The early episodes )NP (VP make (S (NP you )NP (ADJP long )ADJP (SBAR for (S (NP (NP a rerun )NP (PP of (NP (NP the crash )NP (PP of (NP 1987 )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )S )SBAR )S )VP . )S 11 13 (S (NP The early episodes )NP (VP make (S (NP you )NP (ADJP long (PP for (NP (NP a rerun )NP (PP of (NP the crash )NP )PP (PP of (NP 1987 )NP )PP )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP . )S 9 13 (S (NP The early episodes )NP (VP make (S (NP you )NP (ADJP long (PP for (NP (NP a rerun )NP (PP of (NP the crash )NP )PP )NP )PP (PP of (NP 1987 )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP . )S 12 13 (S (NP The early episodes )NP (VP make (S (NP you )NP (ADJP long (PP for (NP (NP a rerun )NP (PP of (NP the crash )NP (PP of (NP 1987 )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP . )S 12 15 (S (NP The early episodes )NP (VP make (S (NP you )NP (ADJP long )ADJP (SBAR for (S (NP (NP a rerun )NP (PP of (NP (NP the crash )NP (PP of (NP 1987 )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )S )SBAR )S )VP . )S 11 13 (S (NP The early episodes )NP (VP make (S (NP you )NP (ADVP long )ADVP (PP for (NP (NP a rerun )NP (PP of (NP the crash )NP )PP (PP of (NP 1987 )NP )PP )NP )PP )S )VP . )S 11 14 (S (NP The early episodes )NP (VP make (S (NP you )NP (ADJP (ADJP long )ADJP (PP for (NP (NP a rerun )NP (PP of (NP the crash )NP )PP (PP of (NP 1987 )NP )PP )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP . )S 11 13 (S (NP The early episodes )NP (VP make (S (NP you )NP (ADJP long (PP for (NP (NP a rerun )NP (PP of (NP the crash )NP )PP (PP of (NP 1987 )NP )PP )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP . )S 9 12 (S (NP The early episodes )NP (VP make (NP you )NP (PP (ADVP long )ADVP for (NP (NP a rerun )NP (PP of (NP the crash )NP )PP (PP of (NP 1987 )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 7 11 (S (NP The early episodes )NP (VP make (NP you long )NP (PP for (NP (NP a rerun )NP (PP of (NP the crash )NP )PP )NP )PP (PP of (NP 1987 )NP )PP )VP . )S 11 13 (S (NP The early episodes )NP (VP make (NP you )NP (PP (ADVP long )ADVP for (NP (NP a rerun )NP (PP of (NP (NP the crash )NP (PP of (NP 1987 )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 12 13 (S (NP The early episodes )NP (VP make (NP you )NP (ADVP long )ADVP (PP for (NP (NP a rerun )NP (PP of (NP (NP the crash )NP (PP of (NP 1987 )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 9 11 (S (NP The early episodes )NP (VP make (NP you )NP (PP long for (NP (NP a rerun )NP (PP of (NP the crash )NP )PP (PP of (NP 1987 )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 13 14 (S (NP The early episodes )NP (VP make (S (NP you )NP (ADVP long )ADVP (PP for (NP (NP a rerun )NP (PP of (NP (NP the crash )NP (PP of (NP 1987 )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )S )VP . )S 12 15 (S (NP The early episodes )NP (VP make (S (NP you )NP (ADJP long )ADJP (SBAR for (S (NP (NP a rerun )NP (PP of (NP (NP the crash )NP (PP of (NP 1987 )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )S )SBAR )S )VP . )S 9 12 (S (NP The early episodes )NP (VP make (NP you )NP (PP (ADVP long )ADVP for (NP (NP a rerun )NP (PP of (NP the crash )NP )PP (PP of (NP 1987 )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 12 15 (S (NP The early episodes )NP (VP make (S (NP you )NP (ADJP long )ADJP (SBAR for (S (NP (NP a rerun )NP (PP of (NP (NP the crash )NP (PP of (NP 1987 )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )S )SBAR )S )VP . )S 8 10 (S (NP The early episodes )NP (VP make (NP you )NP (PP (ADVP long )ADVP for (NP (NP a rerun )NP (PP of (NP the crash of 1987 )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 8 12 (S (NP The early episodes )NP (VP make (NP you )NP (ADVP long )ADVP (PP for (NP (NP a rerun )NP (PP of (NP the crash )NP )PP )NP )PP (PP of (NP 1987 )NP )PP )VP . )S 12 13 (S (NP The early episodes )NP (VP make (NP you )NP (ADVP long (PP for (NP (NP a rerun )NP (PP of (NP (NP the crash )NP (PP of (NP 1987 )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )ADVP )VP . )S 12 14 (S (NP The early episodes )NP (VP make (S (NP you )NP (PP (ADVP long )ADVP for (NP (NP a rerun )NP (PP of (NP (NP the crash )NP (PP of (NP 1987 )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )S )VP . )S 12 13 (S (NP The early episodes )NP (VP make (NP you )NP (ADVP long )ADVP (PP for (NP (NP a rerun )NP (PP of (NP (NP the crash )NP (PP of (NP 1987 )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 11 13 (S (NP The early episodes )NP (VP make (S (NP you )NP (ADJP long (PP for (NP (NP a rerun )NP (PP of (NP the crash )NP )PP (PP of (NP 1987 )NP )PP )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP . )S 8 12 (S (NP The early episodes )NP (VP make (NP you )NP (PP (ADVP long )ADVP for (NP (NP a rerun )NP (PP of (NP the crash )NP )PP )NP )PP (PP of (NP 1987 )NP )PP )VP . )S 50 11 15 (S (VP Let (S (NP 's )NP (VP make (S (PP that (NP (NP 1929 )NP , (SBAR (S (ADVP just )ADVP (VP to (VP be (ADJP sure )ADJP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )S )VP )S )VP . )S 11 15 (S (VP Let (S (NP 's )NP (VP make (S (PP that (NP (NP 1929 )NP , (SBAR (S (ADVP just )ADVP (VP to (VP be (ADJP sure )ADJP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )S )VP )S )VP . )S 10 15 (S (VP Let (S (NP 's )NP (VP make (S (PP that (NP (NP 1929 )NP , (SBAR (ADVP just )ADVP (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP sure )ADJP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )S )VP )S )VP . )S 10 15 (S (VP Let (S (NP 's )NP (VP make (S (PP that (NP (NP 1929 )NP , (SBAR (ADVP just )ADVP (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP sure )ADJP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )S )VP )S )VP . )S 10 14 (S (VP Let (S (NP 's )NP (VP make (S (PP that (NP (NP 1929 )NP , (SBAR (S just (VP to (VP be (ADJP sure )ADJP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )S )VP )S )VP . )S 10 14 (S (VP Let (S (NP 's )NP (VP make (S (PP that (NP (NP 1929 )NP , (SBAR (S just (VP to (VP be (ADJP sure )ADJP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )S )VP )S )VP . )S 9 13 (S (VP Let (S (NP 's )NP (VP make (S (PP that (NP 1929 )NP , (ADVP just (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP sure )ADJP )VP )VP )S )ADVP )PP )S )VP )S )VP . )S 10 15 (S (VP Let (S (NP 's )NP (VP make (S (PP that (NP (NP 1929 )NP , (SBAR (S (VP (ADVP just )ADVP to (VP be (ADJP sure )ADJP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )S )VP )S )VP . )S 11 15 (S (VP Let (S (NP 's )NP (VP make (S (PP that (NP (NP 1929 )NP , (SBAR (S (ADVP just )ADVP (VP to (VP be (ADJP sure )ADJP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )S )VP )S )VP . )S 8 13 (S (NP Let 's )NP (VP make (S (PP that (NP (NP 1929 )NP , (SBAR (S (ADVP just )ADVP (VP to (VP be (ADJP sure )ADJP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )S )VP . )S 9 13 (S (VP Let (S (NP 's )NP (VP make (S (PP that (NP 1929 )NP , (ADVP just (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP sure )ADJP )VP )VP )S )ADVP )PP )S )VP )S )VP . )S 10 15 (S (VP Let (S (NP 's )NP (VP make (S (PP that (NP (NP 1929 )NP , (SBAR (S (VP (ADVP just )ADVP to (VP be (ADJP sure )ADJP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )S )VP )S )VP . )S 9 14 (S (VP Let (S (NP 's )NP (VP make (S (PP (PP that (NP 1929 )NP )PP , (ADVP just (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP sure )ADJP )VP )VP )S )ADVP )PP )S )VP )S )VP . )S 10 13 (S (VP Let (S (NP 's )NP (VP make (SBAR that (S (NP (NP 1929 )NP , (ADVP just )ADVP )NP (VP to (VP be (ADJP sure )ADJP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )VP . )S 11 15 (S (VP Let (S (NP 's )NP (VP make (S (PP that (NP (NP 1929 )NP , (SBAR (S (ADVP just )ADVP (VP to (VP be (ADJP sure )ADJP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )S )VP )S )VP . )S 11 14 (S (VP Let (S (NP 's )NP (VP make (S (PP that (NP (NP 1929 )NP , (S (ADVP just )ADVP (VP to (VP be (ADJP sure )ADJP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )S )VP )S )VP . )S 10 15 (S (VP Let (S (VP 's (VP make (S (PP that (NP (NP 1929 )NP , (SBAR (S (ADVP just )ADVP (VP to (VP be (ADJP sure )ADJP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )S )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 9 13 (S (VP Let (S (NP 's )NP (VP make (S (PP (PP that (NP 1929 )NP )PP , just (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP sure )ADJP )VP )VP )S )PP )S )VP )S )VP . )S 9 14 (S (VP Let (S (NP 's )NP (VP make (S (PP that (NP (NP 1929 )NP , (ADVP just (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP sure )ADJP )VP )VP )S )ADVP )NP )PP )S )VP )S )VP . )S 9 14 (S (VP Let (S (NP 's )NP (VP make (S (PP (PP that (NP 1929 )NP )PP , (ADVP just (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP sure )ADJP )VP )VP )S )ADVP )PP )S )VP )S )VP . )S 10 13 (S (VP Let (S (NP 's )NP (VP make (SBAR that (S (NP (NP 1929 )NP , (ADVP just )ADVP )NP (VP to (VP be (ADJP sure )ADJP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )VP . )S 9 12 (S (VP Let (S (NP 's )NP (VP make (S (NP (NP that 1929 )NP , (ADVP just )ADVP )NP (VP to (VP be (ADJP sure )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )VP . )S 11 14 (S (VP Let (S (NP 's )NP (VP make (S (PP that (NP (NP 1929 )NP , (S (ADVP just )ADVP (VP to (VP be (ADJP sure )ADJP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )S )VP )S )VP . )S 9 12 (S (VP Let (S (NP 's )NP (VP make (S (NP (NP that 1929 )NP , (ADVP just )ADVP )NP (VP to (VP be (ADJP sure )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )VP . )S 10 15 (S (VP Let (S (NP 's )NP (VP make (S (PP that (NP (NP 1929 )NP , (SBAR (S (ADVP just )ADVP (VP to (VP be (ADVP sure )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )S )VP )S )VP . )S 9 13 (S (VP Let (S (NP 's )NP (VP make (S (PP (PP that (NP 1929 )NP )PP , just (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP sure )ADJP )VP )VP )S )PP )S )VP )S )VP . )S 10 15 (S (VP Let (S (NP 's )NP (VP make (S (PP that (NP (NP 1929 )NP , (SBAR (ADVP just )ADVP (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP sure )ADJP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )S )VP )S )VP . )S 9 14 (S (VP Let (S (NP 's )NP (VP make (S (PP that (NP (NP 1929 )NP , (ADVP just (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP sure )ADJP )VP )VP )S )ADVP )NP )PP )S )VP )S )VP . )S 7 13 (S (NP Let 's )NP (VP make (S (PP that (NP (NP 1929 )NP , (SBAR (ADVP just )ADVP (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP sure )ADJP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )S )VP . )S 9 12 (S (VP Let (S (NP 's )NP (VP make (S (NP (NP that 1929 )NP , (ADVP just )ADVP )NP (VP to (VP be (ADJP sure )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )VP . )S 10 16 (S (VP Let (S (NP 's )NP (VP make (S (PP that (NP (NP (NP 1929 )NP , (ADVP just )ADVP )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP sure )ADJP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )S )VP )S )VP . )S 9 12 (S (VP Let (S (NP 's )NP (VP make (S (NP (NP that 1929 )NP , (ADVP just )ADVP )NP (VP to (VP be (ADJP sure )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )VP . )S 10 15 (S (VP Let (S (NP 's )NP (VP make (S (PP that (NP (NP 1929 )NP , (SBAR (S (ADVP just )ADVP (VP to (VP be (ADVP sure )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )S )VP )S )VP . )S 9 14 (S (VP Let (S (NP 's )NP (VP make (S (PP that (NP (NP 1929 )NP , (SBAR just (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP sure )ADJP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )S )VP )S )VP . )S 9 11 (S (VP Let (S (NP 's )NP (VP make (S (NP that 1929 )NP , (ADVP just )ADVP (VP to (VP be (ADJP sure )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )VP . )S 10 12 (S (VP Let (S (NP 's )NP (VP make (S (PP that (NP 1929 )NP )PP , (ADVP just )ADVP (VP to (VP be (ADJP sure )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )VP . )S 9 14 (S (VP Let (S (NP 's )NP (VP make (S (PP that (NP (NP 1929 )NP , (SBAR (S (VP just to (VP be (ADJP sure )ADJP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )S )VP )S )VP . )S 10 15 (S (VP Let (S (NP 's )NP (VP make (S (PP that (NP (NP 1929 )NP , (SBAR (ADVP just )ADVP (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP sure )ADJP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )S )VP )S )VP . )S 9 15 (S (VP Let (S (VP 's (VP make (S (PP that (NP (NP 1929 )NP , (SBAR (ADVP just )ADVP (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP sure )ADJP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )S )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 10 13 (S (VP Let (S (NP 's )NP (VP make (NP (NP that 1929 )NP , (SBAR (S (ADVP just )ADVP (VP to (VP be (ADJP sure )ADJP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )VP . )S 8 13 (S (NP Let 's )NP (VP make (S (PP that (NP (NP 1929 )NP , (SBAR (S (ADVP just )ADVP (VP to (VP be (ADJP sure )ADJP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )S )VP . )S 10 13 (S (VP Let (S (NP 's )NP (VP make (NP (NP that 1929 )NP , (SBAR (S (ADVP just )ADVP (VP to (VP be (ADJP sure )ADJP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )VP . )S 10 16 (S (VP Let (S (NP 's )NP (VP make (S (PP that (NP (NP (NP 1929 )NP , (ADVP just )ADVP )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP sure )ADJP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )S )VP )S )VP . )S 9 14 (S (VP Let (S (NP 's )NP (VP make (S (PP that (NP (NP 1929 )NP , (SBAR just (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP sure )ADJP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )S )VP )S )VP . )S 9 11 (S (VP Let (S (NP 's )NP (VP make (S (NP that 1929 )NP , (ADVP just )ADVP (VP to (VP be (ADJP sure )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )VP . )S 10 12 (S (VP Let (S (NP 's )NP (VP make (S (PP that (NP 1929 )NP )PP , (ADVP just )ADVP (VP to (VP be (ADJP sure )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )VP . )S 9 14 (S (VP Let (S (NP 's )NP (VP make (S (PP that (NP (NP 1929 )NP , (SBAR (S (VP just to (VP be (ADJP sure )ADJP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )S )VP )S )VP . )S 9 15 (S (VP Let (S (NP 's )NP (VP make (S (PP that (NP (NP 1929 )NP , (SBAR (ADVP just )ADVP (S (VP to (VP be (ADVP sure )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )S )VP )S )VP . )S 10 13 (S (VP Let (S (NP 's )NP (VP make (NP (NP that 1929 )NP , (SBAR (S (ADVP just )ADVP (VP to (VP be (ADJP sure )ADJP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )VP . )S 10 12 (S (VP Let (S (NP 's )NP (VP make (SBAR that (S (NP 1929 )NP , (ADVP just )ADVP (VP to (VP be (ADJP sure )ADJP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )VP . )S 50 33 34 (S (PP According (PP to (NP (NP the program 's )NP publicity prospectus )NP )PP )PP , (NP `` (NP Capital City )NP , '' (VP set (PP at (NP (NP Shane Longman )NP , (NP (NP a fictional mid-sized securities firm )NP (PP with (NP (QP # 500 million )QP capital )NP )PP )NP , )NP )PP )VP `` )NP (VP follows (NP (NP the fortunes )NP (PP of (NP (NP a close-knit team )NP (PP of (NP (NP young , high-flying dealers )NP , (VP hired (PP for (NP their particular (VP blend (PP of (NP (NP style )NP , (NP genius )NP and (NP energy )NP )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 31 35 (S (PP According (PP to (NP (NP the program 's )NP publicity prospectus )NP )PP )PP , (NP `` (NP Capital City )NP , '' (VP set (PP at (NP (NP Shane Longman )NP , (NP (NP a fictional mid-sized securities firm )NP (PP with (NP (QP # 500 million )QP capital )NP )PP )NP , )NP )PP )VP `` )NP (VP follows (NP (NP the fortunes )NP (PP of (NP (NP a close-knit team )NP (PP of (NP (NP young , high-flying dealers )NP , (VP hired (SBAR for (S (NP their particular )NP (VP blend (PP of (NP (NP style )NP , (NP genius )NP and (NP energy )NP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 32 36 (S (PP According (PP to (NP (NP the program 's )NP publicity prospectus )NP )PP )PP , (NP `` (NP Capital City )NP , '' (VP set (PP at (NP (NP Shane Longman )NP , (NP (NP a fictional mid-sized securities firm )NP (PP with (NP (QP # 500 million )QP capital )NP )PP )NP , )NP )PP )VP `` )NP (VP follows (NP (NP the fortunes )NP (PP of (NP (NP a close-knit team )NP (PP of (NP (NP young , high-flying dealers )NP , (VP hired (PP for (SBAR (S (NP their particular )NP (VP blend (PP of (NP (NP style )NP , (NP genius )NP and (NP energy )NP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 29 33 (S (PP According (PP to (NP (NP the program 's )NP publicity prospectus )NP )PP )PP , (NP `` (NP Capital City )NP , '' (VP set (PP at (NP (NP Shane Longman )NP , (NP (NP a fictional mid-sized securities firm )NP (PP with (NP (QP # 500 million )QP capital )NP )PP )NP , )NP )PP )VP `` )NP (VP follows (NP (NP the fortunes )NP (PP of (NP (NP a close-knit team )NP (PP of (NP young , high-flying dealers )NP )PP )NP )PP , (VP hired (PP for (NP their particular (VP blend (PP of (NP (NP style )NP , (NP genius )NP and (NP energy )NP )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )VP )NP )VP . )S 27 34 (S (PP According (PP to (NP (NP the program 's )NP publicity prospectus )NP )PP )PP , (NP `` (NP Capital City )NP , '' (VP set (PP at (NP (NP Shane Longman )NP , (NP (NP a fictional mid-sized securities firm )NP (PP with (NP (QP # 500 million )QP capital )NP )PP )NP , )NP )PP )VP `` )NP (VP follows (NP (NP the fortunes )NP (PP of (NP (NP a close-knit team )NP (PP of (NP young , high-flying dealers )NP )PP )NP )PP , (VP hired (SBAR for (S (NP their particular )NP (VP blend (PP of (NP (NP style )NP , (NP genius )NP and (NP energy )NP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )NP )VP . )S 28 35 (S (PP According (PP to (NP (NP the program 's )NP publicity prospectus )NP )PP )PP , (NP `` (NP Capital City )NP , '' (VP set (PP at (NP (NP Shane Longman )NP , (NP (NP a fictional mid-sized securities firm )NP (PP with (NP (QP # 500 million )QP capital )NP )PP )NP , )NP )PP )VP `` )NP (VP follows (NP (NP the fortunes )NP (PP of (NP (NP a close-knit team )NP (PP of (NP young , high-flying dealers )NP )PP )NP )PP , (VP hired (PP for (SBAR (S (NP their particular )NP (VP blend (PP of (NP (NP style )NP , (NP genius )NP and (NP energy )NP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )VP )NP )VP . )S 30 31 (S (PP According (PP to (NP (NP the program 's )NP publicity prospectus )NP )PP )PP , (NP `` (NP Capital City )NP , '' (VP set (PP at (NP (NP Shane Longman )NP , (NP (NP a fictional mid-sized securities firm )NP (PP with (NP (QP # 500 million )QP capital )NP )PP )NP , )NP )PP )VP `` )NP (VP follows (NP (NP the fortunes )NP (PP of (NP (NP a close-knit team )NP (PP of (NP (NP young , high-flying dealers )NP , (VP hired (PP for (NP their particular (VP blend (PP of (NP style , genius and energy )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 28 32 (S (PP According (PP to (NP (NP the program 's )NP publicity prospectus )NP )PP )PP , (NP `` (NP Capital City )NP , '' (VP set (PP at (NP (NP Shane Longman )NP , (NP (NP a fictional mid-sized securities firm )NP (PP with (NP (QP # 500 million )QP capital )NP )PP )NP , )NP )PP )VP `` )NP (VP follows (NP (NP the fortunes )NP (PP of (NP (NP a close-knit team )NP (PP of (NP (NP young , high-flying dealers )NP , (VP hired (SBAR for (S (NP their particular )NP (VP blend (PP of (NP style , genius and energy )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 29 34 (S (PP According (PP to (NP (NP the program 's )NP publicity prospectus )NP )PP )PP , (NP `` (NP Capital City )NP , '' (VP set (PP at (NP (NP Shane Longman )NP , (NP (NP a fictional mid-sized securities firm )NP (PP with (NP (QP # 500 million )QP capital )NP )PP )NP , )NP )PP )VP `` )NP (VP follows (NP (NP the fortunes )NP (PP of (NP (NP a close-knit team )NP (PP of (NP young , high-flying dealers )NP )PP , (VP hired (SBAR for (S (NP their particular )NP (VP blend (PP of (NP (NP style )NP , (NP genius )NP and (NP energy )NP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 31 33 (S (PP According (PP to (NP (NP the program 's )NP publicity prospectus )NP )PP )PP , (NP `` (NP Capital City )NP , '' (VP set (PP at (NP (NP Shane Longman )NP , (NP (NP a fictional mid-sized securities firm )NP (PP with (NP (QP # 500 million )QP capital )NP )PP )NP , )NP )PP )VP `` )NP (VP follows (NP (NP the fortunes )NP (PP of (NP (NP a close-knit team )NP (PP of (NP young , high-flying dealers )NP )PP , (VP hired (PP for (NP their particular (VP blend (PP of (NP (NP style )NP , (NP genius )NP and (NP energy )NP )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 31 37 (S (PP According (PP to (NP (NP the program 's )NP publicity prospectus )NP )PP )PP , (NP `` (NP Capital City )NP , '' (VP set (PP at (NP (NP Shane Longman )NP , (NP (NP a fictional mid-sized securities firm )NP (PP with (NP (QP # 500 million )QP capital )NP )PP )NP , )NP )PP )VP `` )NP (VP follows (NP (NP the fortunes )NP (PP of (NP (NP a close-knit team )NP (PP of (NP (NP young , high-flying dealers )NP , (SBAR (S (VP hired (SBAR for (S (NP their particular )NP (VP blend (PP of (NP (NP style )NP , (NP genius )NP and (NP energy )NP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 34 35 (S (PP According (PP to (NP (NP the program 's )NP publicity prospectus )NP )PP )PP , (NP `` (NP Capital City )NP , '' (VP set (PP at (NP (NP Shane Longman )NP , (NP (NP a fictional mid-sized securities firm )NP (PP with (NP (ADJP (QP # 500 million )QP )ADJP capital )NP )PP )NP , )NP )PP )VP `` )NP (VP follows (NP (NP the fortunes )NP (PP of (NP (NP a close-knit team )NP (PP of (NP (NP young , high-flying dealers )NP , (VP hired (PP for (NP their particular (VP blend (PP of (NP (NP style )NP , (NP genius )NP and (NP energy )NP )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 32 36 (S (PP According (PP to (NP (NP the program 's )NP publicity prospectus )NP )PP )PP , (NP `` (NP Capital City )NP , '' (VP set (PP at (NP (NP Shane Longman )NP , (NP (NP a fictional mid-sized securities firm )NP (PP with (NP (ADJP (QP # 500 million )QP )ADJP capital )NP )PP )NP , )NP )PP )VP `` )NP (VP follows (NP (NP the fortunes )NP (PP of (NP (NP a close-knit team )NP (PP of (NP (NP young , high-flying dealers )NP , (VP hired (SBAR for (S (NP their particular )NP (VP blend (PP of (NP (NP style )NP , (NP genius )NP and (NP energy )NP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 29 33 (S (PP According (PP to (NP (NP the program 's )NP publicity prospectus )NP )PP )PP , (NP `` (NP Capital City )NP , '' (VP set (PP at (NP (NP Shane Longman )NP , (NP (NP a fictional mid-sized securities firm )NP (PP with (NP (QP # 500 million )QP capital )NP )PP )NP , )NP )PP )VP `` )NP (VP follows (NP (NP the fortunes )NP (PP of (NP (NP a close-knit team )NP (PP of (NP (NP young , high-flying dealers )NP , (VP hired (PP for (SBAR (S (NP their particular )NP (VP blend (PP of (NP style , genius and energy )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 32 35 (S (PP According (PP to (NP (NP the program 's )NP publicity prospectus )NP )PP )PP , (NP `` (NP Capital City )NP , '' (VP set (PP at (NP (NP Shane Longman )NP , (NP (NP a fictional mid-sized securities firm )NP (PP with (NP (QP # 500 million )QP capital )NP )PP )NP , )NP )PP )VP `` )NP (VP follows (NP (NP the fortunes )NP (PP of (NP (NP a close-knit team )NP (PP of (NP (NP young , high-flying dealers )NP , (VP hired (PP for (S (NP their particular )NP (VP blend (PP of (NP (NP style )NP , (NP genius )NP and (NP energy )NP )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 26 34 (S (PP According (PP to (NP (NP the program 's )NP publicity prospectus )NP )PP )PP , (NP `` (NP Capital City )NP , '' (VP set (PP at (NP (NP Shane Longman )NP , (NP (NP a fictional mid-sized securities firm )NP (PP with (NP (QP # 500 million )QP capital )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP , )NP (VP `` follows (NP (NP the fortunes )NP (PP of (NP (NP a close-knit team )NP (PP of (NP young , high-flying dealers )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP , (VP hired (SBAR for (S (NP their particular )NP (VP blend (PP of (NP (NP style )NP , (NP genius )NP and (NP energy )NP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 30 35 (S (PP According (PP to (NP (NP the program 's )NP publicity prospectus )NP )PP )PP , (NP `` (NP Capital City )NP , '' (VP set (PP at (NP (NP Shane Longman )NP , (NP (NP a fictional mid-sized securities firm )NP (PP with (NP (QP # 500 million )QP capital )NP )PP )NP , )NP )PP )VP `` )NP (VP follows (NP (NP the fortunes )NP (PP of (NP (NP a close-knit team )NP (PP of (NP young , high-flying dealers )NP )PP , (VP hired (PP for (SBAR (S (NP their particular )NP (VP blend (PP of (NP (NP style )NP , (NP genius )NP and (NP energy )NP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 33 37 (S (PP According (PP to (NP (NP the program 's )NP publicity prospectus )NP )PP )PP , (NP `` (NP Capital City )NP , '' (VP set (PP at (NP (NP Shane Longman )NP , (NP (NP a fictional mid-sized securities firm )NP (PP with (NP (ADJP (QP # 500 million )QP )ADJP capital )NP )PP )NP , )NP )PP )VP `` )NP (VP follows (NP (NP the fortunes )NP (PP of (NP (NP a close-knit team )NP (PP of (NP (NP young , high-flying dealers )NP , (VP hired (PP for (SBAR (S (NP their particular )NP (VP blend (PP of (NP (NP style )NP , (NP genius )NP and (NP energy )NP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 26 34 (S (PP According (PP to (NP (NP the program 's )NP publicity prospectus )NP )PP )PP , (NP `` (NP Capital City )NP , '' (VP set (PP at (NP (NP Shane Longman )NP , (NP (NP a fictional mid-sized securities firm )NP (PP with (NP (QP # 500 million )QP capital )NP )PP )NP , )NP )PP )VP )NP (VP `` follows (NP (NP the fortunes )NP (PP of (NP (NP a close-knit team )NP (PP of (NP young , high-flying dealers )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP , (VP hired (SBAR for (S (NP their particular )NP (VP blend (PP of (NP (NP style )NP , (NP genius )NP and (NP energy )NP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 26 30 (S (PP According (PP to (NP (NP the program 's )NP publicity prospectus )NP )PP )PP , (NP `` (NP Capital City )NP , '' (VP set (PP at (NP (NP Shane Longman )NP , (NP (NP a fictional mid-sized securities firm )NP (PP with (NP (QP # 500 million )QP capital )NP )PP )NP , )NP )PP )VP `` )NP (VP follows (NP (NP the fortunes )NP (PP of (NP (NP a close-knit team )NP (PP of (NP young , high-flying dealers )NP )PP )NP )PP , (VP hired (PP for (NP their particular (VP blend (PP of (NP style , genius and energy )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )VP )NP )VP . )S 24 31 (S (PP According (PP to (NP (NP the program 's )NP publicity prospectus )NP )PP )PP , (NP `` (NP Capital City )NP , '' (VP set (PP at (NP (NP Shane Longman )NP , (NP (NP a fictional mid-sized securities firm )NP (PP with (NP (QP # 500 million )QP capital )NP )PP )NP , )NP )PP )VP `` )NP (VP follows (NP (NP the fortunes )NP (PP of (NP (NP a close-knit team )NP (PP of (NP young , high-flying dealers )NP )PP )NP )PP , (VP hired (SBAR for (S (NP their particular )NP (VP blend (PP of (NP style , genius and energy )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )NP )VP . )S 30 34 (S (PP According (PP to (NP (NP the program 's )NP publicity prospectus )NP )PP )PP , (NP `` (NP Capital City )NP , '' (VP set (PP at (NP (NP Shane Longman )NP , (NP (NP a fictional mid-sized securities firm )NP (PP with (NP (ADJP (QP # 500 million )QP )ADJP capital )NP )PP )NP , )NP )PP )VP `` )NP (VP follows (NP (NP the fortunes )NP (PP of (NP (NP a close-knit team )NP (PP of (NP young , high-flying dealers )NP )PP )NP )PP , (VP hired (PP for (NP their particular (VP blend (PP of (NP (NP style )NP , (NP genius )NP and (NP energy )NP )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )VP )NP )VP . )S 28 35 (S (PP According (PP to (NP (NP the program 's )NP publicity prospectus )NP )PP )PP , (NP `` (NP Capital City )NP , '' (VP set (PP at (NP (NP Shane Longman )NP , (NP (NP a fictional mid-sized securities firm )NP (PP with (NP (ADJP (QP # 500 million )QP )ADJP capital )NP )PP )NP , )NP )PP )VP `` )NP (VP follows (NP (NP the fortunes )NP (PP of (NP (NP a close-knit team )NP (PP of (NP young , high-flying dealers )NP )PP )NP )PP , (VP hired (SBAR for (S (NP their particular )NP (VP blend (PP of (NP (NP style )NP , (NP genius )NP and (NP energy )NP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )NP )VP . )S 33 35 (S (PP According (PP to (NP (NP the program 's )NP publicity prospectus )NP )PP )PP , (NP `` (NP Capital City )NP , '' (VP set (PP at (NP (NP Shane Longman )NP , (NP (NP a fictional mid-sized securities firm )NP (PP with (NP (QP # 500 million )QP capital )NP )PP )NP , )NP )PP )VP `` )NP (VP follows (NP (NP the fortunes )NP (PP of (NP (NP a close-knit team )NP (PP of (NP (NP young , high-flying dealers )NP , (VP hired (PP for (NP their particular (VP blend (PP of (NP (NP style )NP , (NP (NP genius )NP and (NP energy )NP )NP )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 31 36 (S (PP According (PP to (NP (NP the program 's )NP publicity prospectus )NP )PP )PP , (NP `` (NP Capital City )NP , '' (VP set (PP at (NP (NP Shane Longman )NP , (NP (NP a fictional mid-sized securities firm )NP (PP with (NP (QP # 500 million )QP capital )NP )PP )NP , )NP )PP )VP `` )NP (VP follows (NP (NP the fortunes )NP (PP of (NP (NP a close-knit team )NP (PP of (NP (NP young , high-flying dealers )NP , (VP hired (SBAR for (S (NP their particular )NP (VP blend (PP of (NP (NP style )NP , (NP (NP genius )NP and (NP energy )NP )NP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 25 32 (S (PP According (PP to (NP (NP the program 's )NP publicity prospectus )NP )PP )PP , (NP `` (NP Capital City )NP , '' (VP set (PP at (NP (NP Shane Longman )NP , (NP (NP a fictional mid-sized securities firm )NP (PP with (NP (QP # 500 million )QP capital )NP )PP )NP , )NP )PP )VP `` )NP (VP follows (NP (NP the fortunes )NP (PP of (NP (NP a close-knit team )NP (PP of (NP young , high-flying dealers )NP )PP )NP )PP , (VP hired (PP for (SBAR (S (NP their particular )NP (VP blend (PP of (NP style , genius and energy )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )VP )NP )VP . )S 28 34 (S (PP According (PP to (NP (NP the program 's )NP publicity prospectus )NP )PP )PP , (NP `` (NP Capital City )NP , '' (VP set (PP at (NP (NP Shane Longman )NP , (NP (NP a fictional mid-sized securities firm )NP (PP with (NP (QP # 500 million )QP capital )NP )PP )NP , )NP )PP )VP `` )NP (VP follows (NP (NP the fortunes )NP (PP of (NP (NP a close-knit team )NP (PP of (NP young , high-flying dealers )NP )PP )NP )PP , (VP hired (PP for (S (NP their particular )NP (VP blend (PP of (NP (NP style )NP , (NP genius )NP and (NP energy )NP )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )VP )NP )VP . )S 29 36 (S (PP According (PP to (NP (NP the program 's )NP publicity prospectus )NP )PP )PP , (NP `` (NP Capital City )NP , '' (VP set (PP at (NP (NP Shane Longman )NP , (NP (NP a fictional mid-sized securities firm )NP (PP with (NP (ADJP (QP # 500 million )QP )ADJP capital )NP )PP )NP , )NP )PP )VP `` )NP (VP follows (NP (NP the fortunes )NP (PP of (NP (NP a close-knit team )NP (PP of (NP young , high-flying dealers )NP )PP )NP )PP , (VP hired (PP for (SBAR (S (NP their particular )NP (VP blend (PP of (NP (NP style )NP , (NP genius )NP and (NP energy )NP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )VP )NP )VP . )S 31 33 (S (PP According (PP to (NP (NP the program 's )NP publicity prospectus )NP )PP )PP , (NP `` (NP Capital City )NP , '' (VP set (PP at (NP (NP Shane Longman )NP , (NP (NP a fictional mid-sized securities firm )NP (PP with (NP (QP # 500 million )QP capital )NP )PP )NP , )NP )PP )VP `` )NP (VP follows (NP (NP the fortunes )NP (PP of (NP a close-knit team )NP )PP (PP of (NP (NP young , high-flying dealers )NP , (VP hired (PP for (NP their particular (VP blend (PP of (NP (NP style )NP , (NP genius )NP and (NP energy )NP )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 29 32 (S (PP According (PP to (NP (NP the program 's )NP publicity prospectus )NP )PP )PP , (NP `` (NP Capital City )NP , '' (VP set (PP at (NP (NP Shane Longman )NP , (NP (NP a fictional mid-sized securities firm )NP (PP with (NP (QP # 500 million )QP capital )NP )PP )NP , )NP )PP )VP `` )NP (VP follows (NP (NP the fortunes )NP (PP of (NP (NP a close-knit team )NP (PP of (NP (NP young , high-flying dealers )NP , (VP hired (PP for (NP their particular (VP blend (PP of (NP style )NP )PP , (NP genius and energy )NP )VP )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 29 34 (S (PP According (PP to (NP (NP the program 's )NP publicity prospectus )NP )PP )PP , (NP `` (NP Capital City )NP , '' (VP set (PP at (NP (NP Shane Longman )NP , (NP (NP a fictional mid-sized securities firm )NP (PP with (NP (QP # 500 million )QP capital )NP )PP )NP , )NP )PP )VP `` )NP (VP follows (NP (NP the fortunes )NP (PP of (NP a close-knit team )NP )PP (PP of (NP (NP young , high-flying dealers )NP , (VP hired (SBAR for (S (NP their particular )NP (VP blend (PP of (NP (NP style )NP , (NP genius )NP and (NP energy )NP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 24 35 (S (PP According (PP to (NP (NP the program 's )NP publicity prospectus )NP )PP )PP , (NP `` (NP Capital City )NP , '' (VP set (PP at (NP (NP Shane Longman )NP , (NP (NP a fictional mid-sized securities firm )NP (PP with (NP (QP # 500 million )QP capital )NP )PP )NP , )NP )PP )VP `` (S (VP follows (NP (NP the fortunes )NP (PP of (NP (NP a close-knit team )NP (PP of (NP young , high-flying dealers )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )S , )NP (VP hired (SBAR for (S (NP their particular )NP (VP blend (PP of (NP (NP style )NP , (NP genius )NP and (NP energy )NP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 33 34 (S (PP According (PP to (NP (NP the program 's )NP publicity prospectus )NP )PP )PP , (NP `` (NP Capital City )NP , '' (VP set (PP at (NP (NP Shane Longman )NP , (NP (NP a fictional mid-sized securities firm )NP (PP with (NP (QP # 500 million )QP capital )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP , )NP (VP `` follows (NP (NP the fortunes )NP (PP of (NP (NP a close-knit team )NP (PP of (NP (NP young , high-flying dealers )NP , (VP hired (PP for (NP their particular (VP blend (PP of (NP (NP style )NP , (NP genius )NP and (NP energy )NP )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 31 35 (S (PP According (PP to (NP (NP the program 's )NP publicity prospectus )NP )PP )PP , (NP `` (NP Capital City )NP , '' (VP set (PP at (NP (NP Shane Longman )NP , (NP (NP a fictional mid-sized securities firm )NP (PP with (NP (QP # 500 million )QP capital )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP , )NP (VP `` follows (NP (NP the fortunes )NP (PP of (NP (NP a close-knit team )NP (PP of (NP (NP young , high-flying dealers )NP , (VP hired (SBAR for (S (NP their particular )NP (VP blend (PP of (NP (NP style )NP , (NP genius )NP and (NP energy )NP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 32 37 (S (PP According (PP to (NP (NP the program 's )NP publicity prospectus )NP )PP )PP , (NP `` (NP Capital City )NP , '' (VP set (PP at (NP (NP Shane Longman )NP , (NP (NP a fictional mid-sized securities firm )NP (PP with (NP (QP # 500 million )QP capital )NP )PP )NP , )NP )PP )VP `` )NP (VP follows (NP (NP the fortunes )NP (PP of (NP (NP a close-knit team )NP (PP of (NP (NP young , high-flying dealers )NP , (VP hired (PP for (SBAR (S (NP their particular )NP (VP blend (PP of (NP (NP style )NP , (NP (NP genius )NP and (NP energy )NP )NP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 33 34 (S (PP According (PP to (NP (NP the program 's )NP publicity prospectus )NP )PP )PP , (NP `` (NP Capital City )NP , '' (VP set (PP at (NP (NP Shane Longman )NP , (NP (NP a fictional mid-sized securities firm )NP (PP with (NP (QP # 500 million )QP capital )NP )PP )NP , )NP )PP )VP )NP (VP `` follows (NP (NP the fortunes )NP (PP of (NP (NP a close-knit team )NP (PP of (NP (NP young , high-flying dealers )NP , (VP hired (PP for (NP their particular (VP blend (PP of (NP (NP style )NP , (NP genius )NP and (NP energy )NP )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 31 35 (S (PP According (PP to (NP (NP the program 's )NP publicity prospectus )NP )PP )PP , (NP `` (NP Capital City )NP , '' (VP set (PP at (NP (NP Shane Longman )NP , (NP (NP a fictional mid-sized securities firm )NP (PP with (NP (QP # 500 million )QP capital )NP )PP )NP , )NP )PP )VP )NP (VP `` follows (NP (NP the fortunes )NP (PP of (NP (NP a close-knit team )NP (PP of (NP (NP young , high-flying dealers )NP , (VP hired (SBAR for (S (NP their particular )NP (VP blend (PP of (NP (NP style )NP , (NP genius )NP and (NP energy )NP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 26 31 (S (PP According (PP to (NP (NP the program 's )NP publicity prospectus )NP )PP )PP , (NP `` (NP Capital City )NP , '' (VP set (PP at (NP (NP Shane Longman )NP , (NP (NP a fictional mid-sized securities firm )NP (PP with (NP (QP # 500 million )QP capital )NP )PP )NP , )NP )PP )VP `` )NP (VP follows (NP (NP the fortunes )NP (PP of (NP (NP a close-knit team )NP (PP of (NP young , high-flying dealers )NP )PP , (VP hired (SBAR for (S (NP their particular )NP (VP blend (PP of (NP style , genius and energy )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 28 30 (S (PP According (PP to (NP (NP the program 's )NP publicity prospectus )NP )PP )PP , (NP `` (NP Capital City )NP , '' (VP set (PP at (NP (NP Shane Longman )NP , (NP (NP a fictional mid-sized securities firm )NP (PP with (NP (QP # 500 million )QP capital )NP )PP )NP , )NP )PP )VP `` )NP (VP follows (NP (NP the fortunes )NP (PP of (NP (NP a close-knit team )NP (PP of (NP young , high-flying dealers )NP )PP , (VP hired (PP for (NP their particular (VP blend (PP of (NP style , genius and energy )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 26 35 (S (PP According (PP to (NP (NP the program 's )NP publicity prospectus )NP )PP )PP , (NP `` (NP Capital City )NP , '' (VP set (PP at (NP (NP Shane Longman )NP , (NP (NP a fictional mid-sized securities firm )NP (PP with (NP (QP # 500 million )QP capital )NP )PP )NP , )NP )PP )VP `` )NP (VP follows (NP (NP the fortunes )NP (PP of (NP (NP a close-knit team )NP (PP of (NP young , high-flying dealers )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP , (S (VP hired (SBAR for (S (NP their particular )NP (VP blend (PP of (NP (NP style )NP , (NP genius )NP and (NP energy )NP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )VP . )S 29 34 (S (PP According (PP to (NP (NP the program 's )NP publicity prospectus )NP )PP )PP , (NP `` (NP Capital City )NP , '' (VP set (PP at (NP (NP Shane Longman )NP , (NP (NP a fictional mid-sized securities firm )NP (PP with (NP (QP # 500 million )QP capital )NP )PP )NP , )NP )PP )VP `` )NP (VP follows (NP (NP the fortunes )NP (PP of (NP (NP a close-knit team )NP (PP of (NP young , high-flying dealers )NP )PP )NP )PP , (VP hired (PP for (NP their particular (VP blend (PP of (NP (NP style )NP , (NP (NP genius )NP and (NP energy )NP )NP )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )VP )NP )VP . )S 28 34 (S (PP According (PP to (NP (NP the program 's )NP publicity prospectus )NP )PP )PP , (NP `` (NP Capital City )NP , '' (VP set (PP at (NP (NP Shane Longman )NP , (NP (NP a fictional mid-sized securities firm )NP (PP with (NP (QP # 500 million )QP capital )NP )PP )NP , )NP )PP )VP `` )NP (VP follows (NP (NP the fortunes )NP (PP of (NP (NP a close-knit team )NP (PP of (NP (NP young , high-flying dealers )NP , (SBAR (S (VP hired (SBAR for (S (NP their particular )NP (VP blend (PP of (NP style , genius and energy )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 23 34 (S (PP According (PP to (NP (NP the program 's )NP publicity prospectus )NP )PP )PP , (NP (NP `` (NP Capital City )NP , '' (VP set (PP at (NP Shane Longman )NP )PP )VP )NP , (NP (NP a fictional mid-sized securities firm )NP (PP with (NP (QP # 500 million )QP capital )NP )PP )NP , )NP (VP `` follows (NP (NP the fortunes )NP (PP of (NP (NP a close-knit team )NP (PP of (NP young , high-flying dealers )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP , (VP hired (SBAR for (S (NP their particular )NP (VP blend (PP of (NP (NP style )NP , (NP genius )NP and (NP energy )NP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 31 32 (S (PP According (PP to (NP (NP the program 's )NP publicity prospectus )NP )PP )PP , (NP `` (NP Capital City )NP , '' (VP set (PP at (NP (NP Shane Longman )NP , (NP (NP a fictional mid-sized securities firm )NP (PP with (NP (ADJP (QP # 500 million )QP )ADJP capital )NP )PP )NP , )NP )PP )VP `` )NP (VP follows (NP (NP the fortunes )NP (PP of (NP (NP a close-knit team )NP (PP of (NP (NP young , high-flying dealers )NP , (VP hired (PP for (NP their particular (VP blend (PP of (NP style , genius and energy )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 27 35 (S (PP According (PP to (NP (NP the program 's )NP publicity prospectus )NP )PP )PP , (NP `` (NP Capital City )NP , '' (VP set (PP at (NP (NP Shane Longman )NP , (NP (NP a fictional mid-sized securities firm )NP (PP with (NP (QP # 500 million )QP capital )NP )PP )NP , )NP )PP )VP `` )NP (VP follows (NP (NP the fortunes )NP (PP of (NP (NP a close-knit team )NP (PP of (NP young , high-flying dealers )NP )PP )NP )PP , (VP hired (SBAR for (S (NP their particular )NP (VP blend (PP of (NP (NP style )NP , (NP (NP genius )NP and (NP energy )NP )NP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )NP )VP . )S 29 33 (S (PP According (PP to (NP (NP the program 's )NP publicity prospectus )NP )PP )PP , (NP `` (NP Capital City )NP , '' (VP set (PP at (NP (NP Shane Longman )NP , (NP (NP a fictional mid-sized securities firm )NP (PP with (NP (ADJP (QP # 500 million )QP )ADJP capital )NP )PP )NP , )NP )PP )VP `` )NP (VP follows (NP (NP the fortunes )NP (PP of (NP (NP a close-knit team )NP (PP of (NP (NP young , high-flying dealers )NP , (VP hired (SBAR for (S (NP their particular )NP (VP blend (PP of (NP style , genius and energy )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 30 35 (S (PP According (PP to (NP (NP the program 's )NP publicity prospectus )NP )PP )PP , (NP `` (NP Capital City )NP , '' (VP set (PP at (NP (NP Shane Longman )NP , (NP (NP a fictional mid-sized securities firm )NP (PP with (NP (QP # 500 million )QP capital )NP )PP )NP , )NP )PP )VP `` )NP (VP follows (NP (NP the fortunes )NP (PP of (NP a close-knit team )NP )PP (PP of (NP (NP young , high-flying dealers )NP , (VP hired (PP for (SBAR (S (NP their particular )NP (VP blend (PP of (NP (NP style )NP , (NP genius )NP and (NP energy )NP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 30 35 (S (PP According (PP to (NP (NP the program 's )NP publicity prospectus )NP )PP )PP , (NP `` (NP Capital City )NP , '' (VP set (PP at (NP (NP Shane Longman )NP , (NP (NP a fictional mid-sized securities firm )NP (PP with (NP (ADJP (QP # 500 million )QP )ADJP capital )NP )PP )NP , )NP )PP )VP `` )NP (VP follows (NP (NP the fortunes )NP (PP of (NP (NP a close-knit team )NP (PP of (NP young , high-flying dealers )NP )PP , (VP hired (SBAR for (S (NP their particular )NP (VP blend (PP of (NP (NP style )NP , (NP genius )NP and (NP energy )NP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 32 34 (S (PP According (PP to (NP (NP the program 's )NP publicity prospectus )NP )PP )PP , (NP `` (NP Capital City )NP , '' (VP set (PP at (NP (NP Shane Longman )NP , (NP (NP a fictional mid-sized securities firm )NP (PP with (NP (ADJP (QP # 500 million )QP )ADJP capital )NP )PP )NP , )NP )PP )VP `` )NP (VP follows (NP (NP the fortunes )NP (PP of (NP (NP a close-knit team )NP (PP of (NP young , high-flying dealers )NP )PP , (VP hired (PP for (NP their particular (VP blend (PP of (NP (NP style )NP , (NP genius )NP and (NP energy )NP )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 27 35 (S (PP According (PP to (NP (NP the program 's )NP publicity prospectus )NP )PP )PP , (NP `` (NP Capital City )NP , '' (VP set (PP at (NP (NP Shane Longman )NP , (NP (NP a fictional mid-sized securities firm )NP (PP with (NP (QP # 500 million )QP capital )NP )PP )NP , )NP )PP )VP `` )NP (VP follows (NP (NP the fortunes )NP (PP of (NP (NP a close-knit team )NP (PP of (NP young , high-flying dealers )NP )PP )NP )PP , (PP hired (PP for (SBAR (S (NP their particular )NP (VP blend (PP of (NP (NP style )NP , (NP genius )NP and (NP energy )NP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )PP )NP )VP . )S 50 19 31 (S But (S (NP (NP with all the money and glamour )NP (PP of (NP high finance )NP )PP )NP (VP come (S (S (NP the relentless pressures )NP (VP to (VP do (ADVP well )ADVP )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP pressure )NP (VP to (VP pull (PRT off )PRT (NP another million )NP (PP before (NP lunch )NP )PP )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP pressure )NP (VP to (VP anticipate (NP the market )NP (PP by (NP (NP a fraction )NP (PP of (NP a second )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )S )VP )S ... '' )S 19 33 (S But (S (NP (NP with all the money )NP and (NP (NP glamour )NP (PP of (NP high finance )NP )PP )NP )NP (VP come (S (S (NP the relentless pressures )NP (VP to (VP do (ADVP well )ADVP )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP pressure )NP (VP to (VP pull (PRT off )PRT (NP another million )NP (PP before (NP lunch )NP )PP )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP pressure )NP (VP to (VP anticipate (NP the market )NP (PP by (NP (NP a fraction )NP (PP of (NP a second )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )S )VP )S ... '' )S 21 32 (FRAG But (SBAR with (S (NP (NP all the money and glamour )NP (PP of (NP high finance )NP )PP )NP (VP come (S (S (NP the relentless pressures )NP (VP to (VP do (ADVP well )ADVP )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP pressure )NP (VP to (VP pull (PRT off )PRT (NP another million )NP (PP before (NP lunch )NP )PP )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP pressure )NP (VP to (VP anticipate (NP the market )NP (PP by (NP (NP a fraction )NP (PP of (NP a second )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )S )VP )S )SBAR ... '' )FRAG 23 33 (S But (S (SBAR with (S (NP (NP all the money and glamour )NP (PP of (NP high finance )NP )PP )NP (VP come (S (NP the relentless pressures )NP (VP to (VP do (ADVP well )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR ; (S (VP pressure (S (VP to (VP pull (PRT off )PRT (NP another million )NP (PP before (NP lunch )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )S ; (VP pressure (S (VP to (VP anticipate (NP the market )NP (PP by (NP (NP a fraction )NP (PP of (NP a second )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )S ... '' )S 19 31 (S But (S (NP (NP with all the money and glamour )NP (PP of (NP high finance )NP )PP )NP (VP come (S (S (NP the relentless pressures )NP (VP to (VP do (ADVP well )ADVP )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP pressure )NP (VP to (VP pull (PRT off )PRT (NP another million )NP (PP before (NP lunch )NP )PP )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP pressure )NP (VP to (VP anticipate (NP the market )NP (PP by (NP (NP a fraction )NP (PP of (NP a second )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )S )VP )S ... '' )S 22 32 (S But (PP with (NP (NP all the money and glamour )NP (PP of (NP high finance )NP )PP )NP )PP (S (VP come (S (S (NP the relentless pressures )NP (VP to (VP do (ADVP well )ADVP )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP pressure )NP (VP to (VP pull (PRT off )PRT (NP another million )NP (PP before (NP lunch )NP )PP )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP pressure )NP (VP to (VP anticipate (NP the market )NP (PP by (NP (NP a fraction )NP (PP of (NP a second )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )S )VP )S ... '' )S 19 33 (S But (S (NP (NP with all the money )NP and (NP (NP glamour )NP (PP of (NP high finance )NP )PP )NP )NP (VP come (S (S (NP the relentless pressures )NP (VP to (VP do (ADVP well )ADVP )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP pressure )NP (VP to (VP pull (PRT off )PRT (NP another million )NP (PP before (NP lunch )NP )PP )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP pressure )NP (VP to (VP anticipate (NP the market )NP (PP by (NP (NP a fraction )NP (PP of (NP a second )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )S )VP )S ... '' )S 19 32 (S But (S (NP (NP with all the money and glamour )NP (PP of (NP high finance )NP )PP )NP (VP come (S (S (NP the relentless pressures )NP (VP to (VP do (ADVP well )ADVP )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP pressure )NP (VP to (VP pull (PRT off )PRT (NP another million )NP (PP before (NP lunch )NP )PP )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP pressure )NP (VP to (VP anticipate (NP (NP the market )NP (PP by (NP (NP a fraction )NP (PP of (NP a second )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )S )VP )S ... '' )S 18 30 (FRAG But (PP with (NP (NP all the money and glamour )NP (PP of (NP high finance come (S (S (NP the relentless pressures )NP (VP to (VP do (ADVP well )ADVP )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP pressure )NP (VP to (VP pull (PRT off )PRT (NP another million )NP (PP before (NP lunch )NP )PP )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP pressure )NP (VP to (VP anticipate (NP the market )NP (PP by (NP (NP a fraction )NP (PP of (NP a second )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S ... '' )S )NP )PP )NP )PP )FRAG 21 32 (FRAG But (SBAR with (S (NP (NP all the money and glamour )NP (PP of (NP high finance )NP )PP )NP (VP come (S (S (NP the relentless pressures )NP (VP to (VP do (ADVP well )ADVP )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP pressure )NP (VP to (VP pull (PRT off )PRT (NP another million )NP (PP before (NP lunch )NP )PP )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP pressure )NP (VP to (VP anticipate (NP the market )NP (PP by (NP (NP a fraction )NP (PP of (NP a second )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )S )VP )S )SBAR ... '' )FRAG 23 33 (S But (S (SBAR with (S (NP (NP all the money and glamour )NP (PP of (NP high finance )NP )PP )NP (VP come (S (NP the relentless pressures )NP (VP to (VP do (ADVP well )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR ; (S (VP pressure (S (VP to (VP pull (PRT off )PRT (NP another million )NP (PP before (NP lunch )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )S ; (VP pressure (S (VP to (VP anticipate (NP the market )NP (PP by (NP (NP a fraction )NP (PP of (NP a second )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )S ... '' )S 22 32 (S But (S (PP with (NP (NP all the money and glamour )NP (PP of (NP high finance )NP )PP )NP )PP (VP come (S (S (NP the relentless pressures )NP (VP to (VP do (ADVP well )ADVP )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP pressure )NP (VP to (VP pull (PRT off )PRT (NP another million )NP (PP before (NP lunch )NP )PP )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP pressure )NP (VP to (VP anticipate (NP the market )NP (PP by (NP (NP a fraction )NP (PP of (NP a second )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )S )VP )S ... '' )S 19 30 (S But (NP (NP with all the money and glamour )NP (PP of (NP high finance )NP )PP )NP (VP come (S (S (NP the relentless pressures )NP (VP to (VP do (ADVP well )ADVP )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP pressure )NP (VP to (VP pull (PRT off )PRT (NP another million )NP (PP before (NP lunch )NP )PP )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP pressure )NP (VP to (VP anticipate (NP the market )NP (PP by (NP (NP a fraction )NP (PP of (NP a second )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )S )VP ... '' )S 23 33 (S But (S (SBAR with (S (NP (NP all the money and glamour )NP (PP of (NP high finance )NP )PP )NP (VP come (S (NP the relentless pressures )NP (VP to (VP do (ADVP well )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR ; (S (VP pressure (S (VP to (VP pull (PRT off )PRT (NP another million )NP (PP before (NP lunch )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )S ; (VP pressure (S (VP to (VP anticipate (NP the market )NP (PP by (NP (NP a fraction )NP (PP of (NP a second )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )S ... '' )S 19 34 (S But (S (NP (NP with all the money )NP and (NP (NP glamour )NP (PP of (NP high finance )NP )PP )NP )NP (VP come (S (S (NP the relentless pressures )NP (VP to (VP do (ADVP well )ADVP )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP pressure )NP (VP to (VP pull (PRT off )PRT (NP another million )NP (PP before (NP lunch )NP )PP )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP pressure )NP (VP to (VP anticipate (NP (NP the market )NP (PP by (NP (NP a fraction )NP (PP of (NP a second )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )S )VP )S ... '' )S 21 32 (FRAG But (SBAR with (S (NP (NP all the money and glamour )NP (PP of (NP high finance )NP )PP )NP (VP come (S (S (NP the relentless pressures )NP (VP to (VP do (ADVP well )ADVP )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP pressure )NP (VP to (VP pull (PRT off )PRT (NP another million )NP (PP before (NP lunch )NP )PP )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP pressure )NP (VP to (VP anticipate (NP the market )NP (PP by (NP (NP a fraction )NP (PP of (NP a second )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )S )VP )S )SBAR ... '' )FRAG 21 33 (FRAG But (SBAR with (S (NP (NP all the money and glamour )NP (PP of (NP high finance )NP )PP )NP (VP come (S (S (NP the relentless pressures )NP (VP to (VP do (ADVP well )ADVP )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP pressure )NP (VP to (VP pull (PRT off )PRT (NP another million )NP (PP before (NP lunch )NP )PP )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP pressure )NP (VP to (VP anticipate (NP (NP the market )NP (PP by (NP (NP a fraction )NP (PP of (NP a second )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )S )VP )S )SBAR ... '' )FRAG 19 31 (S But (S (NP (NP with all the money and glamour )NP (PP of (NP high finance )NP )PP )NP (VP come (S (S (NP the relentless pressures )NP (VP to (VP do (ADVP well )ADVP )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP pressure )NP (VP to (VP pull (PRT off )PRT (NP another million )NP (PP before (NP lunch )NP )PP )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP pressure )NP (VP to (VP anticipate (NP the market )NP (PP by (NP (NP a fraction )NP (PP of (NP a second )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )S )VP )S ... '' )S 19 32 (S But (NP (NP with all the money )NP and (NP (NP glamour )NP (PP of (NP high finance )NP )PP )NP )NP (VP come (S (S (NP the relentless pressures )NP (VP to (VP do (ADVP well )ADVP )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP pressure )NP (VP to (VP pull (PRT off )PRT (NP another million )NP (PP before (NP lunch )NP )PP )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP pressure )NP (VP to (VP anticipate (NP the market )NP (PP by (NP (NP a fraction )NP (PP of (NP a second )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )S )VP ... '' )S 18 30 (FRAG But (PP with (NP (NP all the money and glamour )NP (PP of (NP high finance come (S (S (NP the relentless pressures )NP (VP to (VP do (ADVP well )ADVP )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP pressure )NP (VP to (VP pull (PRT off )PRT (NP another million )NP (PP before (NP lunch )NP )PP )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP pressure )NP (VP to (VP anticipate (NP the market )NP (PP by (NP (NP a fraction )NP (PP of (NP a second )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )S )NP )PP )NP )PP ... '' )FRAG 23 34 (S But (S (SBAR with (S (NP (NP all the money and glamour )NP (PP of (NP high finance )NP )PP )NP (VP come (S (NP the relentless pressures )NP (VP to (VP do (ADVP well )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR ; (S (VP pressure (S (VP to (VP pull (PRT off )PRT (NP another million )NP (PP before (NP lunch )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )S ; (VP pressure (S (VP to (VP anticipate (NP (NP the market )NP (PP by (NP (NP a fraction )NP (PP of (NP a second )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S ... '' )S 22 32 (S But (PP with (NP (NP all the money and glamour )NP (PP of (NP high finance )NP )PP )NP )PP (S (VP come (S (S (NP the relentless pressures )NP (VP to (VP do (ADVP well )ADVP )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP pressure )NP (VP to (VP pull (PRT off )PRT (NP another million )NP (PP before (NP lunch )NP )PP )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP pressure )NP (VP to (VP anticipate (NP the market )NP (PP by (NP (NP a fraction )NP (PP of (NP a second )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )S )VP )S ... '' )S 19 32 (S But (S (NP (NP with all the money and glamour )NP (PP of (NP high finance )NP )PP )NP (VP come (S (S (NP the relentless pressures )NP (VP to (VP do (ADVP well )ADVP )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP pressure )NP (VP to (VP pull (PRT off )PRT (NP another million )NP (PP before (NP lunch )NP )PP )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP pressure )NP (VP to (VP anticipate (NP (NP the market )NP (PP by (NP (NP a fraction )NP (PP of (NP a second )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )S )VP )S ... '' )S 18 30 (FRAG But (PP with (NP (NP all the money and glamour )NP (PP of (NP high finance come (S (S (NP the relentless pressures )NP (VP to (VP do (ADVP well )ADVP )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP pressure )NP (VP to (VP pull (PRT off )PRT (NP another million )NP (PP before (NP lunch )NP )PP )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP pressure )NP (VP to (VP anticipate (NP the market )NP (PP by (NP (NP a fraction )NP (PP of (NP a second )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S ... '' )S )NP )PP )NP )PP )FRAG 22 31 (S But (PP with (NP (NP all the money and glamour )NP (PP of (NP high finance )NP )PP )NP )PP (VP come (S (S (NP the relentless pressures )NP (VP to (VP do (ADVP well )ADVP )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP pressure )NP (VP to (VP pull (PRT off )PRT (NP another million )NP (PP before (NP lunch )NP )PP )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP pressure )NP (VP to (VP anticipate (NP the market )NP (PP by (NP (NP a fraction )NP (PP of (NP a second )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S ... '' )S )VP )S 23 33 (S But (S (SBAR with (S (NP (NP all the money and glamour )NP (PP of (NP high finance )NP )PP )NP (VP come (S (NP the relentless pressures )NP (VP to (VP do (ADVP well )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR ; (S (VP pressure (S (VP to (VP pull (PRT off )PRT (NP another million )NP (PP before (NP lunch )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )S ; (VP pressure (S (VP to (VP anticipate (NP the market )NP (PP by (NP (NP a fraction )NP (PP of (NP a second )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )S ... '' )S 22 32 (S But (S (PP with (NP (NP all the money and glamour )NP (PP of (NP high finance )NP )PP )NP )PP (VP come (S (S (NP the relentless pressures )NP (VP to (VP do (ADVP well )ADVP )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP pressure )NP (VP to (VP pull (PRT off )PRT (NP another million )NP (PP before (NP lunch )NP )PP )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP pressure )NP (VP to (VP anticipate (NP the market )NP (PP by (NP (NP a fraction )NP (PP of (NP a second )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )S )VP )S ... '' )S 22 33 (S But (PP with (NP (NP all the money and glamour )NP (PP of (NP high finance )NP )PP )NP )PP (S (VP come (S (S (NP the relentless pressures )NP (VP to (VP do (ADVP well )ADVP )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP pressure )NP (VP to (VP pull (PRT off )PRT (NP another million )NP (PP before (NP lunch )NP )PP )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP pressure )NP (VP to (VP anticipate (NP (NP the market )NP (PP by (NP (NP a fraction )NP (PP of (NP a second )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )S )VP )S ... '' )S 19 30 (S But (NP (NP with all the money and glamour )NP (PP of (NP high finance )NP )PP )NP (VP come (S (S (NP the relentless pressures )NP (VP to (VP do (ADVP well )ADVP )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP pressure )NP (VP to (VP pull (PRT off )PRT (NP another million )NP (PP before (NP lunch )NP )PP )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP pressure )NP (VP to (VP anticipate (NP the market )NP (PP by (NP (NP a fraction )NP (PP of (NP a second )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )S )VP ... '' )S 23 33 (S But (S (SBAR with (S (NP (NP all the money and glamour )NP (PP of (NP high finance )NP )PP )NP (VP come (S (NP the relentless pressures )NP (VP to (VP do (ADVP well )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR ; (S (VP pressure (S (VP to (VP pull (PRT off )PRT (NP another million )NP (PP before (NP lunch )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )S ; (VP pressure (S (VP to (VP anticipate (NP the market )NP (PP by (NP (NP a fraction )NP (PP of (NP a second )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )S ... '' )S 22 32 (S But (S (PP with (NP (NP all the money and glamour )NP (PP of (NP high finance )NP )PP )NP )PP (VP come (S (S (NP the relentless pressures )NP (VP to (VP do (ADVP well )ADVP )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP pressure )NP (VP to (VP pull (PRT off )PRT (NP another million )NP (PP before (NP lunch )NP )PP )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP pressure )NP (VP to (VP anticipate (NP the market )NP (PP by (NP (NP a fraction )NP (PP of (NP a second )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )S )VP )S ... '' )S 19 34 (S But (S (NP (NP with all the money )NP and (NP (NP glamour )NP (PP of (NP high finance )NP )PP )NP )NP (VP come (S (S (NP the relentless pressures )NP (VP to (VP do (ADVP well )ADVP )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP pressure )NP (VP to (VP pull (PRT off )PRT (NP another million )NP (PP before (NP lunch )NP )PP )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP pressure )NP (VP to (VP anticipate (NP (NP the market )NP (PP by (NP (NP a fraction )NP (PP of (NP a second )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )S )VP )S ... '' )S 21 32 (FRAG But (SBAR with (S (NP (NP all the money and glamour )NP (PP of (NP high finance )NP )PP )NP (VP come (S (S (NP the relentless pressures )NP (VP to (VP do (ADVP well )ADVP )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP pressure )NP (VP to (VP pull (PRT off )PRT (NP another million )NP (PP before (NP lunch )NP )PP )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP pressure )NP (VP to (VP anticipate (NP the market )NP (PP by (NP (NP a fraction )NP (PP of (NP a second )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )S )VP )S )SBAR ... '' )FRAG 18 31 (FRAG But (PP with (NP (NP all the money and glamour )NP (PP of (NP high finance come (S (S (NP the relentless pressures )NP (VP to (VP do (ADVP well )ADVP )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP pressure )NP (VP to (VP pull (PRT off )PRT (NP another million )NP (PP before (NP lunch )NP )PP )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP pressure )NP (VP to (VP anticipate (NP (NP the market )NP (PP by (NP (NP a fraction )NP (PP of (NP a second )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S ... '' )S )NP )PP )NP )PP )FRAG 21 33 (FRAG But (SBAR with (S (NP (NP all the money and glamour )NP (PP of (NP high finance )NP )PP )NP (VP come (S (S (NP the relentless pressures )NP (VP to (VP do (ADVP well )ADVP )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP pressure )NP (VP to (VP pull (PRT off )PRT (NP another million )NP (PP before (NP lunch )NP )PP )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP pressure )NP (VP to (VP anticipate (NP (NP the market )NP (PP by (NP (NP a fraction )NP (PP of (NP a second )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )S )VP )S )SBAR ... '' )FRAG 23 34 (S But (S (SBAR with (S (NP (NP all the money and glamour )NP (PP of (NP high finance )NP )PP )NP (VP come (S (NP the relentless pressures )NP (VP to (VP do (ADVP well )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR ; (S (VP pressure (S (VP to (VP pull (PRT off )PRT (NP another million )NP (PP before (NP lunch )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )S ; (VP pressure (S (VP to (VP anticipate (NP (NP the market )NP (PP by (NP (NP a fraction )NP (PP of (NP a second )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S ... '' )S 19 31 (S But (S (NP (NP with all the money and glamour )NP (PP of (NP high finance )NP )PP )NP (VP come (S (S (NP the relentless pressures )NP (VP to (VP do (ADVP well )ADVP )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP pressure )NP (VP to (VP pull (PRT off )PRT (NP another million )NP (PP before (NP lunch )NP )PP )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP pressure )NP (VP to (VP anticipate (NP the market )NP (PP by (NP (NP a fraction )NP (PP of (NP a second )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )S )VP )S ... '' )S 19 31 (S But (S (NP (NP with all the money and glamour )NP (PP of (NP high finance )NP )PP )NP (VP come (S (S (NP the relentless pressures )NP (VP to (VP do (ADVP well )ADVP )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP pressure )NP (VP to (VP pull (PRT off )PRT (NP another million )NP (PP before (NP lunch )NP )PP )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP pressure )NP (VP to (VP anticipate (NP the market )NP (PP by (NP (NP a fraction )NP (PP of (NP a second )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )S )VP )S ... '' )S 22 32 (S But (S (SBAR with (S (NP (NP all the money and glamour )NP (PP of (NP high finance )NP )PP )NP (VP come (S (NP the relentless pressures )NP (VP to (VP do (ADVP well )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR ; (S (NP pressure )NP (VP to (VP pull (PRT off )PRT (NP another million )NP (PP before (NP lunch )NP )PP )VP )VP )S ; (VP pressure (S (VP to (VP anticipate (NP the market )NP (PP by (NP (NP a fraction )NP (PP of (NP a second )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )S ... '' )S 19 30 (S But (NP (NP with all the money and glamour )NP (PP of (NP high finance )NP )PP )NP (VP come (S (S (NP the relentless pressures )NP (VP to (VP do (ADVP well )ADVP )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP pressure )NP (VP to (VP pull (PRT off )PRT (NP another million )NP (PP before (NP lunch )NP )PP )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP pressure )NP (VP to (VP anticipate (NP the market )NP (PP by (NP (NP a fraction )NP (PP of (NP a second )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )S )VP ... '' )S 22 33 (S But (S (PP with (NP (NP all the money and glamour )NP (PP of (NP high finance )NP )PP )NP )PP (VP come (S (S (NP the relentless pressures )NP (VP to (VP do (ADVP well )ADVP )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP pressure )NP (VP to (VP pull (PRT off )PRT (NP another million )NP (PP before (NP lunch )NP )PP )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP pressure )NP (VP to (VP anticipate (NP (NP the market )NP (PP by (NP (NP a fraction )NP (PP of (NP a second )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )S )VP )S ... '' )S 19 32 (S But (NP (NP with all the money )NP and (NP (NP glamour )NP (PP of (NP high finance )NP )PP )NP )NP (VP come (S (S (NP the relentless pressures )NP (VP to (VP do (ADVP well )ADVP )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP pressure )NP (VP to (VP pull (PRT off )PRT (NP another million )NP (PP before (NP lunch )NP )PP )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP pressure )NP (VP to (VP anticipate (NP the market )NP (PP by (NP (NP a fraction )NP (PP of (NP a second )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )S )VP ... '' )S 19 31 (S But (NP (NP with all the money and glamour )NP (PP of (NP high finance )NP )PP )NP (VP come (S (S (NP the relentless pressures )NP (VP to (VP do (ADVP well )ADVP )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP pressure )NP (VP to (VP pull (PRT off )PRT (NP another million )NP (PP before (NP lunch )NP )PP )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP pressure )NP (VP to (VP anticipate (NP (NP the market )NP (PP by (NP (NP a fraction )NP (PP of (NP a second )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )S )VP ... '' )S 22 32 (S But (PP with (NP (NP all the money and glamour )NP (PP of (NP high finance )NP )PP )NP )PP (S (VP come (S (S (NP the relentless pressures )NP (VP to (VP do (ADVP well )ADVP )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP pressure )NP (VP to (VP pull (PRT off )PRT (NP another million )NP (PP before (NP lunch )NP )PP )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP pressure )NP (VP to (VP anticipate (NP the market )NP (PP by (NP (NP a fraction )NP (PP of (NP a second )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )S )VP )S ... '' )S 18 30 (FRAG But (PP with (NP (NP all the money and glamour )NP (PP of (NP high finance come (S (S (NP the relentless pressures )NP (VP to (VP do (ADVP well )ADVP )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP pressure )NP (VP to (VP pull (PRT off )PRT (NP another million )NP (PP before (NP lunch )NP )PP )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP pressure )NP (VP to (VP anticipate (NP the market )NP (PP by (NP (NP a fraction )NP (PP of (NP a second )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )S )NP )PP )NP )PP ... '' )FRAG 23 34 (S But (S (SBAR with (S (NP (NP all the money and glamour )NP (PP of (NP high finance )NP )PP )NP (VP come (S (NP the relentless pressures )NP (VP to (VP do (ADVP well )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR ; (S (VP pressure (S (VP to (VP pull (PRT off )PRT (NP another million )NP (PP before (NP lunch )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )S ; (VP pressure (S (VP to (VP anticipate (NP (NP the market )NP (PP by (NP (NP a fraction )NP (PP of (NP a second )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S ... '' )S 24 34 (S But (S (S (PP with (NP (NP all the money and glamour )NP (PP of (NP high finance )NP )PP )NP )PP (VP come (S (NP the relentless pressures )NP (VP to (VP do (ADVP well )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP )S ; (S (VP pressure (S (VP to (VP pull (PRT off )PRT (NP another million )NP (PP before (NP lunch )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )S ; (S (VP pressure (S (VP to (VP anticipate (NP the market )NP (PP by (NP (NP a fraction )NP (PP of (NP a second )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )S ... '' )S 21 33 (FRAG But (SBAR with (S (NP (NP all the money and glamour )NP (PP of (NP high finance )NP )PP )NP (VP come (S (S (NP the relentless pressures )NP (VP to (VP do (ADVP well )ADVP )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP pressure )NP (VP to (VP pull (PRT off )PRT (NP another million )NP (PP before (NP lunch )NP )PP )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP pressure )NP (VP to (VP anticipate (NP (NP the market )NP (PP by (NP (NP a fraction )NP (PP of (NP a second )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )S )VP )S )SBAR ... '' )FRAG 23 32 (S But (SBAR with (S (NP (NP all the money and glamour )NP (PP of (NP high finance )NP )PP )NP (VP come (S (NP the relentless pressures )NP (VP to (VP do (ADVP well )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR ; (S (VP pressure (S (VP to (VP pull (PRT off )PRT (NP another million )NP (PP before (NP lunch )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )S ; (VP pressure (S (VP to (VP anticipate (NP the market )NP (PP by (NP (NP a fraction )NP (PP of (NP a second )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP ... '' )S 19 32 (S But (S (NP (NP with all the money and glamour )NP (PP of (NP high finance )NP )PP )NP (VP come (S (S (NP the relentless pressures )NP (VP to (VP do (ADVP well )ADVP )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP pressure )NP (VP to (VP pull (PRT off )PRT (NP another million )NP (PP before (NP lunch )NP )PP )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP pressure )NP (VP to (VP anticipate (NP (NP the market )NP (PP by (NP (NP a fraction )NP (PP of (NP a second )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )S )VP )S ... '' )S 50 18 20 (S (NP You )NP (VP need n't (VP be (NP (NP a high-powered securities lawyer )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP realize (SBAR (S (NP the prospectus )NP (VP is (ADJP guilty (PP of (NP (NP less )NP (PP than (NP full disclosure )NP )PP )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP . )S 18 20 (S (NP You )NP (VP need n't (VP be (NP (NP a high-powered securities lawyer )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP realize (SBAR (S (NP the prospectus )NP (VP is (ADJP guilty (PP of (NP (NP less )NP (PP than (NP full disclosure )NP )PP )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP . )S 17 21 (S (NP You )NP (VP need n't (VP be (NP (NP a high-powered securities lawyer )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP realize (SBAR (S (NP the prospectus )NP (VP is (NP (NP guilty )NP (PP of (NP (NP less )NP (PP than (NP full disclosure )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP . )S 18 21 (S (NP You )NP (VP need n't (S (VP be (NP (NP a high-powered securities lawyer )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP realize (SBAR (S (NP the prospectus )NP (VP is (ADJP guilty (PP of (NP (NP less )NP (PP than (NP full disclosure )NP )PP )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )VP . )S 16 20 (S (NP You )NP (VP need n't (VP be (NP (NP a high-powered securities lawyer )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP realize (SBAR (S (NP the prospectus )NP (VP is (ADJP guilty (PP of (ADJP (ADJP less )ADJP (PP than (NP full disclosure )NP )PP )ADJP )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP . )S 17 21 (S (NP You )NP (VP need n't (VP be (NP (NP a high-powered securities lawyer )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP realize (SBAR (S (NP the prospectus )NP (VP is (NP (NP guilty )NP (PP of (NP (NP less )NP (PP than (NP full disclosure )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP . )S 18 18 (S (NP You )NP (VP need n't (VP be (NP a high-powered securities lawyer )NP (S (VP to (VP realize (SBAR (S (NP the prospectus )NP (VP is (ADJP guilty (PP of (NP (NP less )NP (PP than (NP full disclosure )NP )PP )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 15 18 (S (NP You )NP (VP need n't (VP be (NP (NP a high-powered securities lawyer )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP realize (SBAR (S (NP the prospectus )NP (VP is (ADJP guilty (PP of (NP (QP less than full )QP disclosure )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP . )S 18 21 (S (NP You )NP (VP need n't (VP be (NP (NP a high-powered securities lawyer )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP realize (SBAR (S (NP the prospectus )NP (VP is (ADJP (ADJP guilty )ADJP (PP of (NP (NP less )NP (PP than (NP full disclosure )NP )PP )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP . )S 16 20 (S (NP You )NP (VP need n't (VP be (NP (NP a high-powered securities lawyer )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP realize (SBAR (S (NP the prospectus )NP (VP is (ADJP guilty (PP of (ADJP (ADJP less )ADJP (PP than (NP full disclosure )NP )PP )ADJP )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP . )S 18 19 (S (NP You )NP (VP need n't (VP be (NP (NP a high-powered securities lawyer )NP (S (VP to (VP realize (SBAR (S (NP the prospectus )NP (VP is (ADJP guilty (PP of (NP (NP less )NP (PP than (NP full disclosure )NP )PP )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )VP . )S 18 19 (S (NP You )NP (VP need n't (VP be (NP a high-powered securities lawyer )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP realize (SBAR (S (NP the prospectus )NP (VP is (ADJP guilty (PP of (NP (NP less )NP (PP than (NP full disclosure )NP )PP )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 18 20 (S (NP You )NP (VP need n't (VP be (NP (NP a high-powered securities lawyer )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP realize (SBAR (S (NP the prospectus )NP (VP is (ADJP guilty (PP of (NP (NP less )NP (PP than (NP full disclosure )NP )PP )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP . )S 17 18 (S (NP You )NP (VP need n't (VP be (NP a high-powered securities lawyer (S (VP to (VP realize (SBAR (S (NP the prospectus )NP (VP is (ADJP guilty (PP of (NP (NP less )NP (PP than (NP full disclosure )NP )PP )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )VP . )S 17 22 (S (NP You )NP (VP need n't (S (VP be (NP (NP a high-powered securities lawyer )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP realize (SBAR (S (NP the prospectus )NP (VP is (NP (NP guilty )NP (PP of (NP (NP less )NP (PP than (NP full disclosure )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )VP . )S 17 20 (S (NP You )NP (VP need n't (VP be (NP (NP a high-powered securities lawyer )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP realize (SBAR (S (NP the prospectus )NP (VP is (ADJP guilty )ADJP (PP of (NP (NP less )NP (PP than (NP full disclosure )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP . )S 16 19 (S (NP You )NP (VP need n't (VP be (NP (NP a high-powered securities lawyer )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP realize (SBAR (S (NP the prospectus )NP (VP is (ADJP guilty (PP of (ADVP less (PP than (NP full disclosure )NP )PP )ADVP )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP . )S 18 18 (S (NP You )NP (VP need n't (VP be (NP a high-powered securities lawyer )NP (S (VP to (VP realize (SBAR (S (NP the prospectus )NP (VP is (ADJP guilty (PP of (NP (NP less )NP (PP than (NP full disclosure )NP )PP )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 17 18 (S (NP You )NP (VP need n't (VP be (S (NP a high-powered securities lawyer )NP (VP to (VP realize (SBAR (S (NP the prospectus )NP (VP is (ADJP guilty (PP of (NP (NP less )NP (PP than (NP full disclosure )NP )PP )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 15 18 (S (NP You )NP (VP need n't (VP be (NP (NP a high-powered securities lawyer )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP realize (SBAR (S (NP the prospectus )NP (VP is (ADJP guilty (PP of (NP (QP less than full )QP disclosure )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP . )S 18 21 (S (NP You )NP (VP need n't (VP be (NP (NP a high-powered securities lawyer )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP realize (SBAR (S (NP the prospectus )NP (VP is (ADJP (ADJP guilty )ADJP (PP of (NP (NP less )NP (PP than (NP full disclosure )NP )PP )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP . )S 16 20 (S (NP You )NP (VP need n't (VP be (NP (NP a high-powered securities lawyer )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP realize (SBAR (S (NP the prospectus )NP (VP is (ADJP guilty (PP of (ADVP (ADVP less )ADVP (PP than (NP full disclosure )NP )PP )ADVP )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP . )S 16 19 (S (NP You )NP (VP need n't (VP be (NP (NP a high-powered securities lawyer )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP realize (SBAR (S (NP the prospectus )NP (VP is (ADJP guilty (PP of (ADJP less (PP than (NP full disclosure )NP )PP )ADJP )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP . )S 16 21 (S (NP You )NP (VP need n't (S (VP be (NP (NP a high-powered securities lawyer )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP realize (SBAR (S (NP the prospectus )NP (VP is (ADJP guilty (PP of (ADJP (ADJP less )ADJP (PP than (NP full disclosure )NP )PP )ADJP )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )VP . )S 18 19 (S (NP You )NP (VP need n't (VP be (NP (NP a high-powered securities lawyer )NP (S (VP to (VP realize (SBAR (S (NP the prospectus )NP (VP is (ADJP guilty (PP of (NP (NP less )NP (PP than (NP full disclosure )NP )PP )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )VP . )S 18 20 (S (NP You )NP (VP need n't (VP be (NP (NP a high-powered securities lawyer )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP realize (SBAR (S (NP the prospectus )NP (VP is (ADJP guilty (PP of (NP (NP less )NP (PP than (NP full disclosure )NP )PP )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP . )S 17 18 (S (NP You )NP (VP need n't (VP be (NP a high-powered securities lawyer (S (VP to (VP realize (SBAR (S (NP the prospectus )NP (VP is (ADJP guilty (PP of (NP (NP less )NP (PP than (NP full disclosure )NP )PP )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )VP . )S 17 20 (S (NP You )NP (VP need n't (VP be (NP (NP a high-powered securities lawyer )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP realize (SBAR (S (NP the prospectus )NP (VP is (ADJP guilty )ADJP (PP of (NP (NP less )NP (PP than (NP full disclosure )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP . )S 16 19 (S (NP You )NP (VP need n't (VP be (NP (NP a high-powered securities lawyer )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP realize (SBAR (S (NP the prospectus )NP (VP is (ADJP guilty (PP of (ADVP less (PP than (NP full disclosure )NP )PP )ADVP )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP . )S 18 20 (S (NP You )NP (VP need n't (VP be (NP (NP a high-powered securities lawyer )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP realize (SBAR (S (NP the prospectus )NP (VP is (ADJP guilty (PP of (NP (NP less )NP (PP than (NP full disclosure )NP )PP )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP . )S 17 19 (S (NP You )NP (VP need n't (VP be (NP a high-powered securities lawyer )NP (S (VP to (VP realize (SBAR (S (NP the prospectus )NP (VP is (NP (NP guilty )NP (PP of (NP (NP less )NP (PP than (NP full disclosure )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 18 21 (S (NP You )NP (VP need n't (VP be (NP (NP a high-powered securities lawyer )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP realize (SBAR (S (NP the prospectus )NP (VP is (S (ADJP guilty (PP of (NP (NP less )NP (PP than (NP full disclosure )NP )PP )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP . )S 15 18 (S (NP You )NP (VP need n't (VP be (NP (NP a high-powered securities lawyer )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP realize (SBAR (S (NP the prospectus )NP (VP is (ADJP guilty (PP of (NP (QP less than full )QP disclosure )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP . )S 18 19 (S (NP You )NP (VP need n't (VP be (NP a high-powered securities lawyer )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP realize (SBAR (S (NP the prospectus )NP (VP is (ADJP guilty (PP of (NP (NP less )NP (PP than (NP full disclosure )NP )PP )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 16 20 (S (NP You )NP (VP need n't (VP be (NP (NP a high-powered securities lawyer )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP realize (SBAR (S (NP the prospectus )NP (VP is (ADJP guilty (PP of (ADVP (ADVP less )ADVP (PP than (NP full disclosure )NP )PP )ADVP )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP . )S 15 19 (S (NP You )NP (VP need n't (S (VP be (NP (NP a high-powered securities lawyer )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP realize (SBAR (S (NP the prospectus )NP (VP is (ADJP guilty (PP of (NP (QP less than full )QP disclosure )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )VP . )S 17 19 (S (NP You )NP (VP need n't (VP be (NP (NP a high-powered securities lawyer )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP realize (S (NP the prospectus )NP (VP is (ADJP guilty (PP of (NP (NP less )NP (PP than (NP full disclosure )NP )PP )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP . )S 14 19 (S (NP You )NP (VP need n't (VP be (NP (NP a high-powered securities lawyer )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP realize (SBAR (S (NP the prospectus )NP (VP is (NP (NP guilty )NP (PP of (NP (QP less than full )QP disclosure )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP . )S 18 22 (S (NP You )NP (VP need n't (S (VP be (NP (NP a high-powered securities lawyer )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP realize (SBAR (S (NP the prospectus )NP (VP is (ADJP (ADJP guilty )ADJP (PP of (NP (NP less )NP (PP than (NP full disclosure )NP )PP )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )VP . )S 16 19 (S (NP You )NP (VP need n't (VP be (NP (NP a high-powered securities lawyer )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP realize (SBAR (S (NP the prospectus )NP (VP is (ADJP guilty (PP of (ADJP less (PP than (NP full disclosure )NP )PP )ADJP )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP . )S 10 19 (S (NP You )NP (VP need n't (VP be (NP (NP a high-powered securities lawyer (S (VP to (VP realize (SBAR (S (NP the prospectus )NP (VP is (ADJP guilty )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )NP (PP of (NP (NP less )NP (PP than (NP full disclosure )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP . )S 17 18 (S (NP You )NP (VP need n't (VP be (S (NP a high-powered securities lawyer )NP (VP to (VP realize (SBAR (S (NP the prospectus )NP (VP is (ADJP guilty (PP of (NP (NP less )NP (PP than (NP full disclosure )NP )PP )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 16 18 (S (NP You )NP (VP need n't (VP be (NP a high-powered securities lawyer )NP (S (VP to (VP realize (SBAR (S (NP the prospectus )NP (VP is (ADJP guilty (PP of (ADJP (ADJP less )ADJP (PP than (NP full disclosure )NP )PP )ADJP )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 18 20 (S (NP You )NP (VP need n't (VP be (NP (NP a high-powered securities lawyer )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP realize (SBAR (S (NP the prospectus )NP (VP is (ADJP guilty (PP of (NP (NP less )NP (PP than (NP full disclosure )NP )PP )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP . )S 18 21 (S (NP You )NP (VP need n't (VP be (NP (NP a high-powered securities lawyer )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP realize (SBAR (S (NP the prospectus )NP (VP is (S (ADJP guilty (PP of (NP (NP less )NP (PP than (NP full disclosure )NP )PP )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP . )S 15 18 (S (NP You )NP (VP need n't (VP be (NP (NP a high-powered securities lawyer )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP realize (SBAR (S (NP the prospectus )NP (VP is (ADJP guilty (PP of (NP (QP less than full )QP disclosure )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP . )S 17 20 (S (NP You )NP (VP need n't (VP be (NP (NP a high-powered securities lawyer )NP (S (VP to (VP realize (SBAR (S (NP the prospectus )NP (VP is (NP (NP guilty )NP (PP of (NP (NP less )NP (PP than (NP full disclosure )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )VP . )S 17 20 (S (NP You )NP (VP need n't (VP be (NP a high-powered securities lawyer )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP realize (SBAR (S (NP the prospectus )NP (VP is (NP (NP guilty )NP (PP of (NP (NP less )NP (PP than (NP full disclosure )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 16 19 (S (NP You )NP (VP need n't (VP be (NP a high-powered securities lawyer (S (VP to (VP realize (SBAR (S (NP the prospectus )NP (VP is (NP (NP guilty )NP (PP of (NP (NP less )NP (PP than (NP full disclosure )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )VP . )S 16 20 (S (NP You )NP (VP need n't (VP be (NP (NP a high-powered securities lawyer )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP realize (SBAR (S (NP the prospectus )NP (VP is (ADJP guilty (PP of (ADVP (ADVP less )ADVP (PP than (NP full disclosure )NP )PP )ADVP )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP . )S 50 20 22 (S (S (NP The (ADJP slickly produced )ADJP series )NP (VP has (VP been (VP criticized (PP by (NP (NP London 's )NP financial cognoscenti )NP )PP (PP as (ADJP inaccurate )ADJP )PP (PP in (NP detail )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP its major weakness )NP (VP is (NP (NP its unrealistic depiction )NP (PP of (NP (NP the characters ' )NP professional and private lives )NP )PP )NP )VP )S . )S 19 22 (S (S (NP The (ADJP slickly produced )ADJP series )NP (VP has (VP been (VP criticized (PP by (NP (NP (NP London 's )NP financial cognoscenti )NP (ADJP as inaccurate )ADJP )NP )PP (PP in (NP detail )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP its major weakness )NP (VP is (NP (NP its unrealistic depiction )NP (PP of (NP (NP the characters ' )NP professional and private lives )NP )PP )NP )VP )S . )S 21 23 (S (S (NP The (ADJP slickly produced )ADJP series )NP (VP has (VP been (VP criticized (PP by (NP (NP London 's )NP financial cognoscenti )NP )PP (PP as (S (VP inaccurate (PP in (NP detail )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )VP )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP its major weakness )NP (VP is (NP (NP its unrealistic depiction )NP (PP of (NP (NP the characters ' )NP professional and private lives )NP )PP )NP )VP )S . )S 22 22 (S (S (NP The (ADJP slickly produced )ADJP series )NP (VP has (VP been (VP criticized (PP by (NP (NP London 's )NP financial cognoscenti )NP )PP (PP as (ADJP inaccurate (PP in (NP detail )NP )PP )ADJP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP its major weakness )NP (VP is (NP (NP its unrealistic depiction )NP (PP of (NP (NP the characters ' )NP professional and private lives )NP )PP )NP )VP )S . )S 19 23 (S (S (NP The (ADJP slickly produced )ADJP series )NP (VP has (VP been (VP criticized (PP by (NP (NP (NP London 's )NP financial cognoscenti )NP (PP as (ADJP inaccurate )ADJP )PP )NP )PP (PP in (NP detail )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP its major weakness )NP (VP is (NP (NP its unrealistic depiction )NP (PP of (NP (NP the characters ' )NP professional and private lives )NP )PP )NP )VP )S . )S 19 21 (S (S (NP The slickly produced series )NP (VP has (VP been (VP criticized (PP by (NP (NP London 's )NP financial cognoscenti )NP )PP (PP as (ADJP inaccurate )ADJP )PP (PP in (NP detail )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP its major weakness )NP (VP is (NP (NP its unrealistic depiction )NP (PP of (NP (NP the characters ' )NP professional and private lives )NP )PP )NP )VP )S . )S 18 21 (S (S (NP The slickly produced series )NP (VP has (VP been (VP criticized (PP by (NP (NP (NP London 's )NP financial cognoscenti )NP (ADJP as inaccurate )ADJP )NP )PP (PP in (NP detail )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP its major weakness )NP (VP is (NP (NP its unrealistic depiction )NP (PP of (NP (NP the characters ' )NP professional and private lives )NP )PP )NP )VP )S . )S 19 23 (S (S (NP The (ADJP slickly produced )ADJP series )NP (VP has (VP been (VP criticized (PP by (NP (NP (NP London 's )NP financial cognoscenti )NP (ADJP (ADJP as inaccurate )ADJP (PP in (NP detail )NP )PP )ADJP )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP its major weakness )NP (VP is (NP (NP its unrealistic depiction )NP (PP of (NP (NP the characters ' )NP professional and private lives )NP )PP )NP )VP )S . )S 20 22 (S (S (NP The slickly produced series )NP (VP has (VP been (VP criticized (PP by (NP (NP London 's )NP financial cognoscenti )NP )PP (PP as (S (VP inaccurate (PP in (NP detail )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )VP )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP its major weakness )NP (VP is (NP (NP its unrealistic depiction )NP (PP of (NP (NP the characters ' )NP professional and private lives )NP )PP )NP )VP )S . )S 20 23 (S (S (NP The (ADJP slickly produced )ADJP series )NP (VP has (VP been (VP criticized (PP by (NP (NP London 's )NP financial cognoscenti )NP )PP (SBAR as (S (ADJP inaccurate )ADJP (PP in (NP detail )NP )PP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP its major weakness )NP (VP is (NP (NP its unrealistic depiction )NP (PP of (NP (NP the characters ' )NP professional and private lives )NP )PP )NP )VP )S . )S 21 21 (S (S (NP The slickly produced series )NP (VP has (VP been (VP criticized (PP by (NP (NP London 's )NP financial cognoscenti )NP )PP (PP as (ADJP inaccurate (PP in (NP detail )NP )PP )ADJP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP its major weakness )NP (VP is (NP (NP its unrealistic depiction )NP (PP of (NP (NP the characters ' )NP professional and private lives )NP )PP )NP )VP )S . )S 21 23 (S (S (NP The (ADJP slickly produced )ADJP series )NP (VP has (VP been (VP criticized (PP by (NP (NP London 's )NP financial cognoscenti )NP )PP (PP as (NP (NP inaccurate )NP (PP in (NP detail )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP its major weakness )NP (VP is (NP (NP its unrealistic depiction )NP (PP of (NP (NP the characters ' )NP professional and private lives )NP )PP )NP )VP )S . )S 18 22 (S (S (NP The slickly produced series )NP (VP has (VP been (VP criticized (PP by (NP (NP (NP London 's )NP financial cognoscenti )NP (PP as (ADJP inaccurate )ADJP )PP )NP )PP (PP in (NP detail )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP its major weakness )NP (VP is (NP (NP its unrealistic depiction )NP (PP of (NP (NP the characters ' )NP professional and private lives )NP )PP )NP )VP )S . )S 18 22 (S (S (NP The slickly produced series )NP (VP has (VP been (VP criticized (PP by (NP (NP (NP London 's )NP financial cognoscenti )NP (ADJP (ADJP as inaccurate )ADJP (PP in (NP detail )NP )PP )ADJP )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP its major weakness )NP (VP is (NP (NP its unrealistic depiction )NP (PP of (NP (NP the characters ' )NP professional and private lives )NP )PP )NP )VP )S . )S 19 22 (S (S (NP The slickly produced series )NP (VP has (VP been (VP criticized (PP by (NP (NP London 's )NP financial cognoscenti )NP )PP (SBAR as (S (ADJP inaccurate )ADJP (PP in (NP detail )NP )PP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP its major weakness )NP (VP is (NP (NP its unrealistic depiction )NP (PP of (NP (NP the characters ' )NP professional and private lives )NP )PP )NP )VP )S . )S 20 22 (S (S (NP The slickly produced series )NP (VP has (VP been (VP criticized (PP by (NP (NP London 's )NP financial cognoscenti )NP )PP (PP as (NP (NP inaccurate )NP (PP in (NP detail )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP its major weakness )NP (VP is (NP (NP its unrealistic depiction )NP (PP of (NP (NP the characters ' )NP professional and private lives )NP )PP )NP )VP )S . )S 19 22 (S (S (NP The (ADJP slickly produced )ADJP series )NP (VP has (VP been (VP criticized (PP by (NP (NP (NP London 's )NP financial cognoscenti )NP (ADJP as inaccurate )ADJP (PP in (NP detail )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP its major weakness )NP (VP is (NP (NP its unrealistic depiction )NP (PP of (NP (NP the characters ' )NP professional and private lives )NP )PP )NP )VP )S . )S 19 22 (S (S (NP The (ADJP slickly produced )ADJP series )NP (VP has (VP been (VP criticized (PP by (NP (NP (NP London 's )NP financial cognoscenti )NP (ADJP as inaccurate )ADJP )NP )PP (PP in (NP detail )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP its major weakness )NP (VP is (NP (NP its unrealistic depiction )NP (PP of (NP (NP the characters ' )NP professional and private lives )NP )PP )NP )VP )S . )S 20 23 (S (S (NP The (ADJP slickly produced )ADJP series )NP (VP has (VP been (VP criticized (PP by (NP (NP London 's )NP financial cognoscenti )NP )PP (S (ADJP (ADJP as inaccurate )ADJP (PP in (NP detail )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP its major weakness )NP (VP is (NP (NP its unrealistic depiction )NP (PP of (NP (NP the characters ' )NP professional and private lives )NP )PP )NP )VP )S . )S 20 23 (S (S (NP The (ADJP slickly produced )ADJP series )NP (VP has (VP been (VP criticized (PP by (NP (NP London 's )NP financial cognoscenti )NP )PP (SBAR as (S (VP inaccurate (PP in (NP detail )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP its major weakness )NP (VP is (NP (NP its unrealistic depiction )NP (PP of (NP (NP the characters ' )NP professional and private lives )NP )PP )NP )VP )S . )S 20 22 (S (S (NP The (ADJP slickly produced )ADJP series )NP (VP has (VP been (VP criticized (PP by (NP (NP London 's )NP financial cognoscenti )NP )PP (PP as (NP inaccurate )NP )PP (PP in (NP detail )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP its major weakness )NP (VP is (NP (NP its unrealistic depiction )NP (PP of (NP (NP the characters ' )NP professional and private lives )NP )PP )NP )VP )S . )S 18 21 (S (S (NP The slickly produced series )NP (VP has (VP been (VP criticized (PP by (NP (NP (NP London 's )NP financial cognoscenti )NP (ADJP as inaccurate )ADJP (PP in (NP detail )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP its major weakness )NP (VP is (NP (NP its unrealistic depiction )NP (PP of (NP (NP the characters ' )NP professional and private lives )NP )PP )NP )VP )S . )S 20 22 (S (S (NP The (ADJP slickly produced )ADJP series )NP (VP has (VP been (VP criticized (PP by (NP (NP London 's )NP financial cognoscenti )NP )PP (PP as (ADJP inaccurate )ADJP )PP (PP in (NP detail )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP its major weakness )NP (VP is (NP (NP its unrealistic depiction )NP (PP of (NP (NP the characters ' )NP professional and private lives )NP )PP )NP )VP )S . )S 16 23 (S (NP The (ADJP slickly produced )ADJP series )NP (VP has (VP been (VP criticized (PP by (NP (NP London 's )NP financial cognoscenti )NP )PP (SBAR as (S (S (ADJP inaccurate )ADJP (PP in (NP detail )NP )PP )S , but (S (NP its major weakness )NP (VP is (NP (NP its unrealistic depiction )NP (PP of (NP (NP the characters ' )NP professional and private lives )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP . )S 19 23 (S (S (NP The (ADJP slickly produced )ADJP series )NP (VP has (VP been (VP criticized (PP by (NP (NP (NP London 's )NP financial cognoscenti )NP (PP as (ADJP inaccurate )ADJP )PP (PP in (NP detail )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP its major weakness )NP (VP is (NP (NP its unrealistic depiction )NP (PP of (NP (NP the characters ' )NP professional and private lives )NP )PP )NP )VP )S . )S 18 21 (S (S (NP The slickly produced series )NP (VP has (VP been (VP criticized (PP by (NP (NP (NP London 's )NP financial cognoscenti )NP (ADJP as inaccurate )ADJP )NP )PP (PP in (NP detail )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP its major weakness )NP (VP is (NP (NP its unrealistic depiction )NP (PP of (NP (NP the characters ' )NP professional and private lives )NP )PP )NP )VP )S . )S 21 23 (S (S (NP The (ADJP slickly produced )ADJP series )NP (VP has (VP been (VP criticized (PP by (NP (NP (NP London 's )NP financial cognoscenti )NP (PP as (ADJP inaccurate (PP in (NP detail )NP )PP )ADJP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP its major weakness )NP (VP is (NP (NP its unrealistic depiction )NP (PP of (NP (NP the characters ' )NP professional and private lives )NP )PP )NP )VP )S . )S 20 22 (S (S (NP The (ADJP slickly produced )ADJP series )NP (VP has (VP been (VP criticized (PP by (NP (NP London 's )NP financial cognoscenti )NP )PP (S (ADJP as inaccurate (PP in (NP detail )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP its major weakness )NP (VP is (NP (NP its unrealistic depiction )NP (PP of (NP (NP the characters ' )NP professional and private lives )NP )PP )NP )VP )S . )S 19 22 (S (S (NP The (ADJP slickly produced )ADJP series )NP (VP has (VP been (VP criticized (PP by (NP (NP (NP London 's )NP financial cognoscenti )NP (ADJP as inaccurate (PP in (NP detail )NP )PP )ADJP )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP its major weakness )NP (VP is (NP (NP its unrealistic depiction )NP (PP of (NP (NP the characters ' )NP professional and private lives )NP )PP )NP )VP )S . )S 20 24 (S (S (NP The (ADJP slickly produced )ADJP series )NP (VP has (VP been (VP criticized (PP by (NP (NP (NP London 's )NP financial cognoscenti )NP (PP as (S (VP inaccurate (PP in (NP detail )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP its major weakness )NP (VP is (NP (NP its unrealistic depiction )NP (PP of (NP (NP the characters ' )NP professional and private lives )NP )PP )NP )VP )S . )S 19 22 (S (S (NP The (ADJP slickly produced )ADJP series )NP (VP has (VP been (VP criticized (PP by (NP (NP (NP London 's )NP financial cognoscenti )NP (ADJP as inaccurate )ADJP )NP )PP (PP in (NP detail )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP its major weakness )NP (VP is (NP (NP its unrealistic depiction )NP (PP of (NP (NP the characters ' )NP professional and private lives )NP )PP )NP )VP )S . )S 19 22 (S (S (NP The slickly produced series )NP (VP has (VP been (VP criticized (PP by (NP (NP London 's )NP financial cognoscenti )NP )PP (S (ADJP (ADJP as inaccurate )ADJP (PP in (NP detail )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP its major weakness )NP (VP is (NP (NP its unrealistic depiction )NP (PP of (NP (NP the characters ' )NP professional and private lives )NP )PP )NP )VP )S . )S 19 22 (S (S (NP The slickly produced series )NP (VP has (VP been (VP criticized (PP by (NP (NP London 's )NP financial cognoscenti )NP )PP (SBAR as (S (VP inaccurate (PP in (NP detail )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP its major weakness )NP (VP is (NP (NP its unrealistic depiction )NP (PP of (NP (NP the characters ' )NP professional and private lives )NP )PP )NP )VP )S . )S 21 23 (S (S (NP The (ADJP slickly produced )ADJP series )NP (VP has (VP been (VP criticized (PP by (NP (NP London 's )NP financial cognoscenti )NP )PP (SBAR as (S (ADJP inaccurate (PP in (NP detail )NP )PP )ADJP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP its major weakness )NP (VP is (NP (NP its unrealistic depiction )NP (PP of (NP (NP the characters ' )NP professional and private lives )NP )PP )NP )VP )S . )S 21 23 (S (S (NP The (ADJP slickly produced )ADJP series )NP (VP has (VP been (VP criticized (PP by (NP (NP London 's )NP financial cognoscenti )NP )PP (PP as (S (VP inaccurate (PP in (NP detail )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )VP )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP its major weakness )NP (VP is (NP (NP its unrealistic depiction )NP (PP of (NP (NP the characters ' )NP professional and private lives )NP )PP )NP )VP )S . )S 19 21 (S (S (NP The slickly produced series )NP (VP has (VP been (VP criticized (PP by (NP (NP London 's )NP financial cognoscenti )NP )PP (PP as (ADJP inaccurate )ADJP )PP (PP in (NP detail )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP its major weakness )NP (VP is (NP (NP its unrealistic depiction )NP (PP of (NP (NP the characters ' )NP professional and private lives )NP )PP )NP )VP )S . )S 19 21 (S (S (NP The slickly produced series )NP (VP has (VP been (VP criticized (PP by (NP (NP London 's )NP financial cognoscenti )NP )PP (PP as (NP inaccurate )NP )PP (PP in (NP detail )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP its major weakness )NP (VP is (NP (NP its unrealistic depiction )NP (PP of (NP (NP the characters ' )NP professional and private lives )NP )PP )NP )VP )S . )S 20 22 (S (S (NP The (ADJP slickly produced )ADJP series )NP (VP has (VP been (VP criticized (PP by (NP (NP London 's )NP financial cognoscenti )NP )PP (PP as (ADJP inaccurate )ADJP )PP (PP in (NP detail )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP its major weakness )NP (VP is (NP (NP its unrealistic depiction )NP (PP of (NP (NP the characters ' )NP professional and private lives )NP )PP )NP )VP )S . )S 19 23 (S (S (NP The (ADJP slickly produced )ADJP series )NP (VP has (VP been (VP criticized (PP by (NP (NP (NP London 's )NP financial cognoscenti )NP (PP as (NP inaccurate )NP )PP )NP )PP (PP in (NP detail )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP its major weakness )NP (VP is (NP (NP its unrealistic depiction )NP (PP of (NP (NP the characters ' )NP professional and private lives )NP )PP )NP )VP )S . )S 22 22 (S (S (NP The (ADJP slickly produced )ADJP series )NP (VP has (VP been (VP criticized (PP by (NP (NP London 's )NP financial cognoscenti )NP )PP (PP as (ADJP inaccurate (PP in (NP detail )NP )PP )ADJP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP its major weakness )NP (VP is (NP (NP its unrealistic depiction )NP (PP of (NP (NP the characters ' )NP professional and private lives )NP )PP )NP )VP )S . )S 16 23 (S (NP The (ADJP slickly produced )ADJP series )NP (VP has (VP been (VP criticized (PP by (NP (NP London 's )NP financial cognoscenti )NP )PP (SBAR as (S (S (ADJP inaccurate )ADJP (PP in (NP detail )NP )PP )S , but (S (NP its major weakness )NP (VP is (NP (NP its unrealistic depiction )NP (PP of (NP (NP the characters ' )NP professional and private lives )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP . )S 19 23 (S (S (NP The (ADJP slickly produced )ADJP series )NP (VP has (VP been (VP criticized (PP by (NP (NP (NP London 's )NP financial cognoscenti )NP (PP as (ADJP inaccurate )ADJP )PP )NP )PP (PP in (NP detail )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP its major weakness )NP (VP is (NP (NP its unrealistic depiction )NP (PP of (NP (NP the characters ' )NP professional and private lives )NP )PP )NP )VP )S . )S 15 22 (S (NP The slickly produced series )NP (VP has (VP been (VP criticized (PP by (NP (NP London 's )NP financial cognoscenti )NP )PP (SBAR as (S (S (ADJP inaccurate )ADJP (PP in (NP detail )NP )PP )S , but (S (NP its major weakness )NP (VP is (NP (NP its unrealistic depiction )NP (PP of (NP (NP the characters ' )NP professional and private lives )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP . )S 21 23 (S (S (NP The (ADJP slickly produced )ADJP series )NP (VP has (VP been (VP criticized (PP by (NP (NP London 's )NP financial cognoscenti )NP )PP (PP as (ADJP inaccurate )ADJP )PP (PP in (NP detail )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP its major weakness )NP (VP is (NP (NP its unrealistic depiction )NP (PP of (NP (NP the characters ' )NP (ADJP professional and private )ADJP lives )NP )PP )NP )VP )S . )S 18 22 (S (S (NP The slickly produced series )NP (VP has (VP been (VP criticized (PP by (NP (NP (NP London 's )NP financial cognoscenti )NP (PP as (ADJP inaccurate )ADJP )PP (PP in (NP detail )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP its major weakness )NP (VP is (NP (NP its unrealistic depiction )NP (PP of (NP (NP the characters ' )NP professional and private lives )NP )PP )NP )VP )S . )S 22 23 (S (S (NP The (ADJP slickly produced )ADJP series )NP (VP has (VP been (VP criticized (PP by (NP (NP London 's )NP financial cognoscenti )NP )PP (PP as (ADJP (ADJP inaccurate )ADJP (PP in (NP detail )NP )PP )ADJP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP its major weakness )NP (VP is (NP (NP its unrealistic depiction )NP (PP of (NP (NP the characters ' )NP professional and private lives )NP )PP )NP )VP )S . )S 16 23 (S (NP The (ADJP slickly produced )ADJP series )NP (VP has (VP been (VP criticized (PP by (NP (NP London 's )NP financial cognoscenti )NP )PP (PP as (S (S (ADJP inaccurate )ADJP (PP in (NP detail )NP )PP )S , but (S (NP its major weakness )NP (VP is (NP (NP its unrealistic depiction )NP (PP of (NP (NP the characters ' )NP professional and private lives )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )S )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 18 21 (S (S (NP The slickly produced series )NP (VP has (VP been (VP criticized (PP by (NP (NP (NP London 's )NP financial cognoscenti )NP (ADJP as inaccurate )ADJP )NP )PP (PP in (NP detail )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP its major weakness )NP (VP is (NP (NP its unrealistic depiction )NP (PP of (NP (NP the characters ' )NP professional and private lives )NP )PP )NP )VP )S . )S 20 22 (S (S (NP The slickly produced series )NP (VP has (VP been (VP criticized (PP by (NP (NP London 's )NP financial cognoscenti )NP )PP (PP as (S (VP inaccurate (PP in (NP detail )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )VP )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP its major weakness )NP (VP is (NP (NP its unrealistic depiction )NP (PP of (NP (NP the characters ' )NP professional and private lives )NP )PP )NP )VP )S . )S 20 22 (S (S (NP The slickly produced series )NP (VP has (VP been (VP criticized (PP by (NP (NP (NP London 's )NP financial cognoscenti )NP (PP as (ADJP inaccurate (PP in (NP detail )NP )PP )ADJP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP its major weakness )NP (VP is (NP (NP its unrealistic depiction )NP (PP of (NP (NP the characters ' )NP professional and private lives )NP )PP )NP )VP )S . )S 50 9 10 (S (S (VP Turned (ADVP loose )ADVP (PP in (NP (NP Shane Longman 's )NP trading room )NP )PP )VP )S , (NP the yuppie dealers )NP (VP do (ADJP little right )ADJP )VP . )S 10 10 (S (S (VP Turned (ADVP loose )ADVP (PP in (NP (NP Shane Longman 's )NP trading room )NP )PP )VP )S , (NP the yuppie dealers )NP (VP do little (ADJP right )ADJP )VP . )S 9 10 (S (S (VP Turned (ADVP loose )ADVP (PP in (NP (NP Shane Longman 's )NP trading room )NP )PP )VP )S , (NP the yuppie dealers )NP (VP do (ADJP little right )ADJP )VP . )S 10 10 (S (S (VP Turned (ADVP loose )ADVP (PP in (NP (NP Shane Longman 's )NP trading room )NP )PP )VP )S , (NP the yuppie dealers )NP (VP do (NP little right )NP )VP . )S 8 10 (S (S (VP Turned (ADVP loose (PP in (NP (NP Shane Longman 's )NP trading room )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )S , (NP the yuppie dealers )NP (VP do (ADJP little right )ADJP )VP . )S 8 11 (S (S (VP Turned (S (ADJP loose (PP in (NP (NP Shane Longman 's )NP trading room )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP )S , (NP the yuppie dealers )NP (VP do (ADJP little right )ADJP )VP . )S 10 10 (S (S (VP Turned (ADVP loose )ADVP (PP in (NP (NP Shane Longman 's )NP trading room )NP )PP )VP )S , (NP the yuppie dealers )NP (VP do (NP little right )NP )VP . )S 8 11 (S (S (VP Turned (S (ADJP loose (PP in (NP (NP Shane Longman 's )NP trading room )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP )S , (NP the yuppie dealers )NP (VP do (ADJP little right )ADJP )VP . )S 10 10 (S (S (VP Turned (ADVP loose )ADVP (PP in (NP (NP Shane Longman 's )NP trading room )NP )PP )VP )S , (NP the yuppie dealers )NP (VP do little (ADJP right )ADJP )VP . )S 8 11 (S (S (VP Turned (S (ADJP loose )ADJP (PP in (NP (NP Shane Longman 's )NP trading room )NP )PP )S )VP )S , (NP the yuppie dealers )NP (VP do (ADJP little right )ADJP )VP . )S 10 11 (S (S (VP Turned (ADVP loose )ADVP (PP in (NP (NP Shane Longman 's )NP trading room )NP )PP )VP )S , (NP the yuppie dealers )NP (VP do (ADVP little )ADVP (ADJP right )ADJP )VP . )S 9 11 (S (S (VP Turned (ADVP (ADVP loose )ADVP (PP in (NP (NP Shane Longman 's )NP trading room )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )S , (NP the yuppie dealers )NP (VP do (ADJP little right )ADJP )VP . )S 9 10 (S (S (VP Turned (ADVP loose )ADVP (PP in (NP (NP Shane Longman 's )NP trading room )NP )PP )VP )S , (NP the yuppie dealers )NP (VP do (ADJP little right )ADJP )VP . )S 10 10 (S (S (VP Turned (ADVP loose )ADVP (PP in (NP (NP Shane Longman 's )NP trading room )NP )PP )VP )S , (NP the yuppie dealers )NP (VP do (NP little right )NP )VP . )S 9 10 (S (S (VP Turned (ADVP loose (PP in (NP (NP Shane Longman 's )NP trading room )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )S , (NP the yuppie dealers )NP (VP do little (ADJP right )ADJP )VP . )S 6 9 (S (PP Turned (PP (ADVP loose )ADVP in (NP (NP Shane Longman 's )NP trading room )NP )PP )PP , (NP the yuppie dealers )NP (VP do (ADJP little right )ADJP )VP . )S 9 11 (S (S (VP Turned (S (ADJP loose (PP in (NP (NP Shane Longman 's )NP trading room )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP )S , (NP the yuppie dealers )NP (VP do little (ADJP right )ADJP )VP . )S 8 10 (S (S (VP Turned (ADVP loose (PP in (NP (NP Shane Longman 's )NP trading room )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )S , (NP the yuppie dealers )NP (VP do (ADJP little right )ADJP )VP . )S 10 10 (S (S (VP Turned (ADVP loose )ADVP (PP in (NP (NP Shane Longman 's )NP trading room )NP )PP )VP )S , (NP the yuppie dealers )NP (VP do (NP little right )NP )VP . )S 10 10 (S (S (VP Turned (ADVP loose )ADVP (PP in (NP (NP Shane Longman 's )NP trading room )NP )PP )VP )S , (NP the yuppie dealers )NP (VP do (NP little right )NP )VP . )S 10 10 (S (S (VP Turned (ADVP loose )ADVP (PP in (NP (NP Shane Longman 's )NP trading room )NP )PP )VP )S , (NP the yuppie dealers )NP (VP do (NP little right )NP )VP . )S 10 10 (S (S (VP Turned (ADVP loose )ADVP (PP in (NP (NP Shane Longman 's )NP trading room )NP )PP )VP )S , (NP the yuppie dealers )NP (VP do little (ADJP right )ADJP )VP . )S 8 11 (S (S (VP Turned (S (ADJP loose (PP in (NP (NP Shane Longman 's )NP trading room )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP )S , (NP the yuppie dealers )NP (VP do (ADJP little right )ADJP )VP . )S 9 10 (S (S (VP Turned (ADVP loose )ADVP (PP in (NP (NP Shane Longman 's )NP trading room )NP )PP )VP )S , (NP the yuppie dealers )NP (VP do (ADJP little right )ADJP )VP . )S 9 10 (S (S (VP Turned (ADVP loose )ADVP (PP in (NP (NP Shane Longman 's )NP trading room )NP )PP )VP )S , (NP the yuppie dealers )NP (VP do (ADJP little right )ADJP )VP . )S 9 10 (S (S (VP Turned (ADVP loose )ADVP (PP in (NP (NP Shane Longman 's )NP trading room )NP )PP )VP )S , (NP the yuppie dealers )NP (VP do (ADJP little right )ADJP )VP . )S 9 11 (S (S (VP Turned (S (ADJP loose (PP in (NP (NP Shane Longman 's )NP trading room )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP )S , (NP the yuppie dealers )NP (VP do little (ADJP right )ADJP )VP . )S 9 10 (S (S (VP Turned (ADVP loose )ADVP (PP in (NP (NP Shane Longman 's )NP trading room )NP )PP )VP )S , (NP the yuppie dealers )NP (VP do (ADVP little right )ADVP )VP . )S 9 10 (S (S (VP Turned (ADVP loose (PP in (NP (NP Shane Longman 's )NP trading room )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )S , (NP the yuppie dealers )NP (VP do (NP little right )NP )VP . )S 10 10 (S (S (VP Turned (ADVP loose )ADVP (PP in (NP (NP Shane Longman 's )NP trading room )NP )PP )VP )S , (NP the yuppie dealers )NP (VP do (NP little right )NP )VP . )S 8 11 (S (S (VP Turned (S (ADJP loose (PP in (NP (NP Shane Longman 's )NP trading room )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP )S , (NP the yuppie dealers )NP (VP do (ADJP little right )ADJP )VP . )S 9 11 (S (S (VP Turned (S (ADJP loose (PP in (NP (NP Shane Longman 's )NP trading room )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP )S , (NP the yuppie dealers )NP (VP do (NP little right )NP )VP . )S 9 10 (S (S (VP Turned (ADVP loose )ADVP (PP in (NP (NP Shane Longman 's )NP trading room )NP )PP )VP )S , (NP the yuppie dealers )NP (VP do (ADJP little right )ADJP )VP . )S 9 11 (S (S (VP Turned (S (ADJP loose )ADJP (PP in (NP (NP Shane Longman 's )NP trading room )NP )PP )S )VP )S , (NP the yuppie dealers )NP (VP do little (ADJP right )ADJP )VP . )S 8 10 (S (S (VP Turned (PP (ADVP loose )ADVP in (NP (NP Shane Longman 's )NP trading room )NP )PP )VP )S , (NP the yuppie dealers )NP (VP do (ADJP little right )ADJP )VP . )S 9 11 (S (SBAR (S (VP Turned (ADVP loose )ADVP (PP in (NP (NP Shane Longman 's )NP trading room )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP the yuppie dealers )NP (VP do (ADJP little right )ADJP )VP . )S 8 10 (S (S (VP Turned (ADJP loose )ADJP (PP in (NP (NP Shane Longman 's )NP trading room )NP )PP )VP )S , (NP the yuppie dealers )NP (VP do (ADJP little right )ADJP )VP . )S 9 11 (S (S (VP Turned (S (ADJP loose (PP in (NP (NP Shane Longman 's )NP trading room )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP )S , (NP the yuppie dealers )NP (VP do (NP little right )NP )VP . )S 8 11 (S (S (VP Turned (S (ADJP loose )ADJP (PP in (NP (NP Shane Longman 's )NP trading room )NP )PP )S )VP )S , (NP the yuppie dealers )NP (VP do (ADJP little right )ADJP )VP . )S 8 9 (S (S (VP Turned (ADVP loose )ADVP (PP in (NP Shane Longman 's trading room )NP )PP )VP )S , (NP the yuppie dealers )NP (VP do (ADJP little right )ADJP )VP . )S 8 11 (S (S (VP Turned (S (ADJP loose )ADJP (PP in (NP (NP Shane Longman 's )NP trading room )NP )PP )S )VP )S , (NP the yuppie dealers )NP (VP do (ADJP little right )ADJP )VP . )S 10 11 (S (S (VP Turned (ADVP (ADVP loose )ADVP (PP in (NP (NP Shane Longman 's )NP trading room )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )S , (NP the yuppie dealers )NP (VP do little (ADJP right )ADJP )VP . )S 9 11 (S (S (VP Turned (ADVP loose )ADVP (PP in (NP (NP (NP Shane )NP Longman 's )NP trading room )NP )PP )VP )S , (NP the yuppie dealers )NP (VP do (ADJP little right )ADJP )VP . )S 6 9 (S (PP Turned (PP (ADVP loose )ADVP in (NP (NP Shane Longman 's )NP trading room )NP )PP )PP , (NP the yuppie dealers )NP (VP do (ADJP little right )ADJP )VP . )S 9 10 (S (S (VP Turned (ADVP loose )ADVP (PP in (NP (NP Shane Longman 's )NP trading room )NP )PP )VP )S , (NP the yuppie dealers )NP (VP do little (NP right )NP )VP . )S 10 11 (S (S (VP Turned (ADVP loose )ADVP (PP in (NP (NP Shane Longman 's )NP trading room )NP )PP )VP )S , (NP the yuppie dealers )NP (VP do (ADVP little )ADVP (ADJP right )ADJP )VP . )S 10 10 (S (S (VP Turned (ADVP loose )ADVP (PP in (NP (NP Shane Longman 's )NP trading room )NP )PP )VP )S , (NP the yuppie dealers )NP (VP do little (ADJP right )ADJP )VP . )S 9 10 (S (S (VP Turned (ADVP loose (PP in (NP (NP Shane Longman 's )NP trading room )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )S , (NP the yuppie dealers )NP (VP do (NP little right )NP )VP . )S 5 8 (S (PP Turned (PP loose in (NP (NP Shane Longman 's )NP trading room )NP )PP )PP , (NP the yuppie dealers )NP (VP do (ADJP little right )ADJP )VP . )S 9 11 (S (S (VP Turned (ADVP (ADVP loose )ADVP (PP in (NP (NP Shane Longman 's )NP trading room )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )S , (NP the yuppie dealers )NP (VP do (ADJP little right )ADJP )VP . )S 50 18 21 (S (S (VP Judging (PP by (NP (NP (NP the money )NP (VP lost )VP )NP and (NP (NP mistakes )NP (VP made (PP in (NP the early episodes )NP )PP )VP )NP )NP )PP )VP )S , (NP (NP Shane Longman 's )NP capital )NP (VP should (VP be (VP (ADVP just about )ADVP exhausted (PP by (NP the final 13th week )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 18 21 (S (S (VP Judging (PP by (NP (NP (NP the money )NP (VP lost )VP )NP and (NP (NP mistakes )NP (VP made (PP in (NP the early episodes )NP )PP )VP )NP )NP )PP )VP )S , (NP (NP Shane Longman 's )NP capital )NP (VP should (VP be (ADJP (ADVP just about )ADVP exhausted (PP by (NP the final 13th week )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 18 21 (S (S (VP Judging (PP by (NP (NP (NP the money )NP (VP lost )VP )NP and (NP (NP mistakes )NP (VP made (PP in (NP the early episodes )NP )PP )VP )NP )NP )PP )VP )S , (NP (NP Shane Longman 's )NP capital )NP (VP should (VP be (VP (ADVP just about )ADVP exhausted (PP by (NP the final 13th week )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 18 21 (S (S (VP Judging (PP by (NP (NP (NP the money )NP (VP lost )VP )NP and (NP (NP mistakes )NP (VP made (PP in (NP the early episodes )NP )PP )VP )NP )NP )PP )VP )S , (NP (NP Shane Longman 's )NP capital )NP (VP should (VP be (VP (ADVP just about )ADVP exhausted (PP by (NP the final 13th week )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 18 21 (S (S (VP Judging (PP by (NP (NP (NP the money )NP (VP lost )VP )NP and (NP (NP mistakes )NP (VP made (PP in (NP the early episodes )NP )PP )VP )NP )NP )PP )VP )S , (NP (NP Shane Longman 's )NP capital )NP (VP should (VP be (ADJP (ADVP just about )ADVP exhausted (PP by (NP the final 13th week )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 18 21 (S (S (VP Judging (PP by (NP (NP (NP the money )NP (VP lost )VP )NP and (NP (NP mistakes )NP (VP made (PP in (NP the early episodes )NP )PP )VP )NP )NP )PP )VP )S , (NP (NP Shane Longman 's )NP capital )NP (VP should (VP be (ADVP just about )ADVP (VP exhausted (PP by (NP the final 13th week )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 19 21 (S (S (VP Judging (PP by (NP (NP (NP the money )NP (VP lost )VP )NP and (NP (NP mistakes )NP (VP made (PP in (NP the early episodes )NP )PP )VP )NP )NP )PP )VP )S , (NP (NP Shane Longman 's )NP capital )NP (VP should (VP be (ADJP (ADVP just about )ADVP exhausted )ADJP (PP by (NP the final 13th week )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 18 21 (S (S (VP Judging (PP by (NP (NP (NP the money )NP (VP lost )VP )NP and (NP (NP mistakes )NP (VP made (PP in (NP the early episodes )NP )PP )VP )NP )NP )PP )VP )S , (NP (NP Shane Longman 's )NP capital )NP (VP should (VP be (ADJP (ADVP just about )ADVP exhausted (PP by (NP the final 13th week )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 19 21 (S (S (VP Judging (PP by (NP (NP (NP the money )NP (VP lost )VP )NP and (NP (NP mistakes )NP (VP made (PP in (NP the early episodes )NP )PP )VP )NP )NP )PP )VP )S , (NP (NP Shane Longman 's )NP capital )NP (VP should (VP be (ADJP (ADVP just about )ADVP exhausted )ADJP (PP by (NP the final 13th week )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 18 21 (S (S (VP Judging (PP by (NP (NP (NP the money )NP (VP lost )VP )NP and (NP (NP mistakes )NP (VP made (PP in (NP the early episodes )NP )PP )VP )NP )NP )PP )VP )S , (NP (NP Shane Longman 's )NP capital )NP (VP should (VP be (VP (ADVP just about )ADVP exhausted (PP by (NP the final 13th week )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 19 22 (S (S (VP Judging (PP by (NP (NP (NP the money )NP (VP lost )VP )NP and (NP (NP mistakes )NP (VP made (PP in (NP the early episodes )NP )PP )VP )NP )NP )PP )VP )S , (NP (NP Shane Longman 's )NP capital )NP (VP should (VP be (ADJP (ADJP (ADVP just about )ADVP exhausted )ADJP (PP by (NP the final 13th week )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 17 21 (S (S (VP Judging (PRT by )PRT (NP (NP (NP the money )NP (VP lost )VP )NP and (NP (NP mistakes )NP (VP made (PP in (NP the early episodes )NP )PP )VP )NP )NP )VP )S , (NP (NP Shane Longman 's )NP capital )NP (VP should (VP be (VP (ADVP just about )ADVP exhausted (PP by (NP the final 13th week )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 16 19 (S (S (VP Judging (PP by (NP (NP the money lost )NP and (NP (NP mistakes )NP (VP made (PP in (NP the early episodes )NP )PP )VP )NP )NP )PP )VP )S , (NP (NP Shane Longman 's )NP capital )NP (VP should (VP be (VP (ADVP just about )ADVP exhausted (PP by (NP the final 13th week )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 18 21 (S (S (VP Judging (PP by (NP (NP (NP the money )NP (VP lost )VP )NP and (NP (NP mistakes )NP (VP made (PP in (NP the early episodes )NP )PP )VP )NP )NP )PP )VP )S , (NP (NP Shane Longman 's )NP capital )NP (VP should (VP be (VP (ADVP just about )ADVP exhausted (PP by (NP the final 13th week )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 18 21 (S (S (VP Judging (PP by (NP (NP (NP the money )NP (VP lost )VP )NP and (NP (NP mistakes )NP (VP made (PP in (NP the early episodes )NP )PP )VP )NP )NP )PP )VP )S , (NP (NP Shane Longman 's )NP capital )NP (VP should (VP be (ADJP (ADVP just about )ADVP exhausted (PP by (NP the final 13th week )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 16 21 (S (S (VP Judging (PP by (NP (NP the money )NP (VP lost (PP and (NP (NP mistakes )NP (VP made (PP in (NP the early episodes )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )VP )S , (NP (NP Shane Longman 's )NP capital )NP (VP should (VP be (VP (ADVP just about )ADVP exhausted (PP by (NP the final 13th week )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 18 21 (S (S (VP Judging (PP by (NP (NP (NP the money )NP (VP lost )VP )NP and (NP (NP mistakes )NP (VP made (PP in (NP the early episodes )NP )PP )VP )NP )NP )PP )VP )S , (NP (NP Shane Longman 's )NP capital )NP (VP should (VP be (ADVP just about )ADVP (VP exhausted (PP by (NP the final 13th week )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 18 21 (S (S (VP Judging (PP by (NP (NP (NP the money )NP (VP lost )VP )NP and (NP (NP mistakes )NP (VP made (PP in (NP the early episodes )NP )PP )VP )NP )NP )PP )VP )S , (NP (NP Shane Longman 's )NP capital )NP (VP should (VP be (ADJP (ADVP just about )ADVP exhausted (PP by (NP the final 13th week )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 19 21 (S (S (VP Judging (PP by (NP (NP (NP the money )NP (VP lost )VP )NP and (NP (NP mistakes )NP (VP made (PP in (NP the early episodes )NP )PP )VP )NP )NP )PP )VP )S , (NP (NP Shane Longman 's )NP capital )NP (VP should (VP be (ADJP (ADVP just about )ADVP exhausted )ADJP (PP by (NP the final 13th week )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 19 22 (S (S (VP Judging (PP by (NP (NP (NP the money )NP (VP lost )VP )NP and (NP (NP mistakes )NP (VP made (PP in (NP the early episodes )NP )PP )VP )NP )NP )PP )VP )S , (NP (NP Shane Longman 's )NP capital )NP (VP should (VP be (ADJP (ADJP (ADVP just about )ADVP exhausted )ADJP (PP by (NP the final 13th week )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 18 23 (S (S (VP Judging (PP by (NP (NP (NP the money )NP (VP lost )VP )NP and (NP (NP mistakes )NP (VP made (PP in (NP the early episodes )NP )PP )VP )NP )NP )PP )VP )S , (NP (NP Shane Longman 's )NP capital )NP (VP should (VP be (VP (ADVP just about )ADVP exhausted (PP by (NP (NP the final 13th )NP (NP week )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 19 21 (S (S (VP Judging (PP by (NP (NP (NP the money )NP (VP lost )VP )NP and (NP (NP mistakes )NP (VP made (PP in (NP the early episodes )NP )PP )VP )NP )NP )PP )VP )S , (NP (NP Shane Longman 's )NP capital )NP (VP should (VP be (ADJP (ADVP just about )ADVP exhausted )ADJP (PP by (NP the final 13th week )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 17 22 (S (S (VP Judging (PP by (NP (NP (NP the money )NP (VP lost )VP )NP and (NP (NP mistakes )NP (VP made (PP in (NP the early episodes )NP )PP )VP )NP )NP )PP )VP )S , (NP (NP Shane Longman 's )NP capital )NP (VP should (VP be (ADJP just about (S (VP exhausted (PP by (NP the final 13th week )NP )PP )VP )S )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 18 23 (S (S (VP Judging (PP by (NP (NP (NP the money )NP (SBAR (S (VP lost )VP )S )SBAR )NP and (NP (NP mistakes )NP (VP made (PP in (NP the early episodes )NP )PP )VP )NP )NP )PP )VP )S , (NP (NP Shane Longman 's )NP capital )NP (VP should (VP be (VP (ADVP just about )ADVP exhausted (PP by (NP the final 13th week )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 17 21 (S (S (VP Judging (PRT by )PRT (NP (NP (NP the money )NP (VP lost )VP )NP and (NP (NP mistakes )NP (VP made (PP in (NP the early episodes )NP )PP )VP )NP )NP )VP )S , (NP (NP Shane Longman 's )NP capital )NP (VP should (VP be (ADJP (ADVP just about )ADVP exhausted (PP by (NP the final 13th week )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 16 19 (S (S (VP Judging (PP by (NP (NP the money lost )NP and (NP (NP mistakes )NP (VP made (PP in (NP the early episodes )NP )PP )VP )NP )NP )PP )VP )S , (NP (NP Shane Longman 's )NP capital )NP (VP should (VP be (VP (ADVP just about )ADVP exhausted (PP by (NP the final 13th week )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 17 21 (S (S (VP Judging (PRT by )PRT (NP (NP (NP the money )NP (VP lost )VP )NP and (NP (NP mistakes )NP (VP made (PP in (NP the early episodes )NP )PP )VP )NP )NP )VP )S , (NP (NP Shane Longman 's )NP capital )NP (VP should (VP be (VP (ADVP just about )ADVP exhausted (PP by (NP the final 13th week )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 19 22 (S (S (VP Judging (PP by (NP (NP (NP the money )NP (VP lost )VP )NP and (NP (NP mistakes )NP (VP made (PP in (NP the early episodes )NP )PP )VP )NP )NP )PP )VP )S , (NP (NP Shane Longman 's )NP capital )NP (VP should (VP be (ADJP (ADJP (ADVP just about )ADVP exhausted )ADJP (PP by (NP the final 13th week )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 18 21 (S (S (VP Judging (PP by (NP (NP (NP the money )NP (VP lost )VP )NP and (NP (NP mistakes )NP (VP made (PP in (NP the early episodes )NP )PP )VP )NP )NP )PP )VP )S , (NP (NP Shane Longman 's )NP capital )NP (VP should (VP be (ADVP just about )ADVP (VP exhausted (PP by (NP the final 13th week )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 17 20 (S (S (VP Judging (PP by (NP (NP the money )NP (VP (VP lost )VP and (VP (NP mistakes )NP made (PP in (NP the early episodes )NP )PP )VP )VP )NP )PP )VP )S , (NP (NP Shane Longman 's )NP capital )NP (VP should (VP be (VP (ADVP just about )ADVP exhausted (PP by (NP the final 13th week )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 17 21 (S (S (VP Judging (PRT by )PRT (NP (NP (NP the money )NP (VP lost )VP )NP and (NP (NP mistakes )NP (VP made (PP in (NP the early episodes )NP )PP )VP )NP )NP )VP )S , (NP (NP Shane Longman 's )NP capital )NP (VP should (VP be (VP (ADVP just about )ADVP exhausted (PP by (NP the final 13th week )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 18 22 (S (S (VP Judging (PP by (NP (NP (NP the money )NP (VP lost )VP )NP and (NP (NP mistakes )NP (VP made (PP in (NP the early episodes )NP )PP )VP )NP )NP )PP )VP )S , (NP (NP Shane Longman 's )NP capital )NP (VP should (VP be (VP (ADVP just about )ADVP exhausted (PP by (NP the (ADJP final 13th )ADJP week )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 16 19 (S (S (VP Judging (PP by (NP (NP the money lost )NP and (NP (NP mistakes )NP (VP made (PP in (NP the early episodes )NP )PP )VP )NP )NP )PP )VP )S , (NP (NP Shane Longman 's )NP capital )NP (VP should (VP be (ADJP (ADVP just about )ADVP exhausted (PP by (NP the final 13th week )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 18 21 (S (S (VP Judging (PP by (NP (NP (NP (NP the money )NP (VP lost )VP )NP and (NP mistakes )NP )NP (VP made (PP in (NP the early episodes )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )VP )S , (NP (NP Shane Longman 's )NP capital )NP (VP should (VP be (VP (ADVP just about )ADVP exhausted (PP by (NP the final 13th week )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 18 21 (S (S (VP Judging (PP by (NP (NP (NP the money )NP (VP lost )VP )NP and (NP (NP mistakes )NP (VP made (PP in (NP the early episodes )NP )PP )VP )NP )NP )PP )VP )S , (NP (NP Shane Longman 's )NP capital )NP (VP should (VP be (ADJP (ADVP just about )ADVP exhausted (PP by (NP the final 13th week )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 18 21 (S (S (VP Judging (PP by (NP (NP (NP the money )NP (VP lost )VP )NP and (NP (NP mistakes )NP (VP made (PP in (NP the early episodes )NP )PP )VP )NP )NP )PP )VP )S , (NP (NP Shane Longman 's )NP capital )NP (VP should (VP be (ADJP (ADVP just about )ADVP exhausted (PP by (NP the final 13th week )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 16 19 (S (S (VP Judging (PP by (NP (NP the money lost )NP and (NP (NP mistakes )NP (VP made (PP in (NP the early episodes )NP )PP )VP )NP )NP )PP )VP )S , (NP (NP Shane Longman 's )NP capital )NP (VP should (VP be (VP (ADVP just about )ADVP exhausted (PP by (NP the final 13th week )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 18 21 (S (S (VP Judging (PP by (NP (NP (NP the money )NP (VP lost )VP )NP and (NP (NP mistakes )NP (VP made (PP in (NP the early episodes )NP )PP )VP )NP )NP )PP )VP )S , (NP (NP Shane Longman 's )NP capital )NP (VP should (VP be (VP (ADVP just about )ADVP exhausted (PP by (NP the final 13th week )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 16 21 (S (S (VP Judging (PP by (NP (NP the money )NP (VP lost (PP and (NP (NP mistakes )NP (VP made (PP in (NP the early episodes )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )VP )S , (NP (NP Shane Longman 's )NP capital )NP (VP should (VP be (ADJP (ADVP just about )ADVP exhausted (PP by (NP the final 13th week )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 16 19 (S (S (VP Judging (PP by (NP (NP the money lost )NP and (NP (NP mistakes )NP (VP made (PP in (NP the early episodes )NP )PP )VP )NP )NP )PP )VP )S , (NP (NP Shane Longman 's )NP capital )NP (VP should (VP be (VP (ADVP just about )ADVP exhausted (PP by (NP the final 13th week )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 18 21 (S (S (VP Judging (PP by (NP (NP (NP the money )NP (VP lost )VP )NP and (NP (NP mistakes )NP (VP made (PP in (NP the early episodes )NP )PP )VP )NP )NP )PP )VP )S , (NP (NP Shane Longman 's )NP capital )NP (VP should (VP be (VP (ADVP just about )ADVP exhausted (PP by (NP the final 13th week )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 16 21 (S (S (VP Judging (PP by (NP (NP the money )NP (VP lost (PP and (NP (NP mistakes )NP (VP made (PP in (NP the early episodes )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )VP )S , (NP (NP Shane Longman 's )NP capital )NP (VP should (VP be (VP (ADVP just about )ADVP exhausted (PP by (NP the final 13th week )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 18 23 (S (S (VP Judging (PP by (NP (NP (NP the money )NP (VP lost )VP )NP and (NP (NP mistakes )NP (VP made (PP in (NP the early episodes )NP )PP )VP )NP )NP )PP )VP )S , (NP (NP Shane Longman 's )NP capital )NP (VP should (VP be (ADJP (ADVP just about )ADVP exhausted (PP by (NP (NP the final 13th )NP (NP week )NP )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 16 21 (S (S (VP Judging (PP by (NP (NP the money )NP (VP lost (PP and (NP (NP mistakes )NP (VP made (PP in (NP the early episodes )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )VP )S , (NP (NP Shane Longman 's )NP capital )NP (VP should (VP be (VP (ADVP just about )ADVP exhausted (PP by (NP the final 13th week )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 19 21 (S (S (VP Judging (PP by (NP (NP (NP the money )NP (VP lost )VP )NP and (NP (NP mistakes )NP (VP made (PP in (NP the early episodes )NP )PP )VP )NP )NP )PP )VP )S , (NP (NP Shane Longman 's )NP capital )NP (VP should (VP be (ADJP (ADVP just about )ADVP exhausted )ADJP (PP by (NP the final 13th week )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 16 20 (S (PP Judging (PP by (NP (NP (NP the money )NP (VP lost )VP )NP and (NP (NP mistakes )NP (VP made (PP in (NP the early episodes )NP )PP )VP )NP )NP )PP )PP , (NP (NP Shane Longman 's )NP capital )NP (VP should (VP be (VP (ADVP just about )ADVP exhausted (PP by (NP the final 13th week )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 16 19 (S (S (VP Judging (PP by (NP (NP the money lost )NP and (NP (NP mistakes )NP (VP made (PP in (NP the early episodes )NP )PP )VP )NP )NP )PP )VP )S , (NP (NP Shane Longman 's )NP capital )NP (VP should (VP be (VP (ADVP just about )ADVP exhausted (PP by (NP the final 13th week )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 17 20 (S (S (VP Judging (PP by (NP (NP (NP the money )NP lost )NP and (NP (NP mistakes )NP (VP made (PP in (NP the early episodes )NP )PP )VP )NP )NP )PP )VP )S , (NP (NP Shane Longman 's )NP capital )NP (VP should (VP be (VP (ADVP just about )ADVP exhausted (PP by (NP the final 13th week )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 18 21 (S (S (VP Judging (PP by (NP (NP (NP the money )NP (VP lost )VP )NP and (NP (NP mistakes )NP (VP made (PP in (NP the early episodes )NP )PP )VP )NP )NP )PP )VP )S , (NP (NP Shane Longman 's )NP capital )NP (VP should (VP be (ADJP (ADVP just about )ADVP exhausted (PP by (NP the final 13th week )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 17 22 (S (S (VP Judging (PP by (NP (NP (NP the money )NP (VP lost )VP )NP and (NP (NP mistakes )NP (VP made (PP in (NP the early episodes )NP )PP )VP )NP )NP )PP )VP )S , (NP (NP Shane Longman 's )NP capital )NP (VP should (VP be (ADVP just )ADVP (VP (ADVP about )ADVP exhausted (PP by (NP the final 13th week )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 50 17 17 (S (PP In (NP the opening episode )NP )PP (NP we )NP (VP learn (SBAR that (S (NP (NP Michelle )NP , (NP a junior bond trader )NP , )NP (VP has (ADVP indeed )ADVP (VP pulled (PRT off )PRT (NP another million )NP (PP before (NP lunch )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 17 17 (S (PP In (NP the opening episode )NP )PP (NP we )NP (VP learn (SBAR that (S (NP (NP Michelle )NP , (NP a junior bond trader )NP , )NP (VP has (ADVP indeed )ADVP (VP pulled (PRT off )PRT (NP another million )NP (PP before (NP lunch )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 17 17 (S (PP In (NP the opening episode )NP )PP (NP we )NP (VP learn (SBAR that (S (NP (NP Michelle )NP , (NP a junior bond trader )NP , )NP (VP has (ADVP indeed )ADVP (VP pulled (PRT off )PRT (NP another million )NP (PP before (NP lunch )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 17 17 (S (PP In (NP the opening episode )NP )PP (NP we )NP (VP learn (SBAR that (S (NP (NP Michelle )NP , (NP a junior bond trader )NP , )NP (VP has (ADVP indeed )ADVP (VP pulled (PRT off )PRT (NP another million )NP (PP before (NP lunch )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 17 17 (S (PP In (NP the opening episode )NP )PP (NP we )NP (VP learn (SBAR that (S (NP (NP Michelle )NP , (NP a junior bond trader )NP , )NP (VP has (ADVP indeed )ADVP (VP pulled (PRT off )PRT (NP another million )NP (PP before (NP lunch )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 17 18 (S (PP In (NP the opening episode )NP )PP (NP we )NP (VP learn (SBAR that (S (NP (NP Michelle )NP , (NP a junior bond trader )NP , )NP (VP has (ADVP indeed )ADVP (VP pulled (PRT off )PRT (NP (NP another million )NP (PP before (NP lunch )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 17 18 (S (PP In (NP the opening episode )NP )PP (NP we )NP (VP learn (SBAR that (S (NP (NP Michelle )NP , (NP a junior bond trader )NP , )NP (VP has (ADVP indeed )ADVP (VP pulled (PRT off )PRT (NP (NP another million )NP (PP before (NP lunch )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 17 17 (S (PP In (NP the opening episode )NP )PP (NP we )NP (VP learn (SBAR that (S (NP (NP Michelle )NP , (NP a junior bond trader )NP , )NP (VP has (ADVP indeed )ADVP (VP pulled (PRT off )PRT (NP another million )NP (PP before (NP lunch )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 17 18 (S (PP In (NP the opening episode )NP )PP (NP we )NP (VP learn (SBAR that (S (NP (NP Michelle )NP , (NP a junior bond trader )NP , )NP (VP has (ADVP indeed )ADVP (VP pulled (PRT off )PRT (NP (NP another million )NP (PP before (NP lunch )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 17 18 (S (PP In (NP the opening episode )NP )PP (NP we )NP (VP learn (SBAR that (S (NP (NP Michelle )NP , (NP a junior bond trader )NP , )NP (VP has (ADVP indeed )ADVP (VP pulled (PRT off )PRT (NP (NP another million )NP (PP before (NP lunch )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 17 18 (S (PP In (NP the opening episode )NP )PP (NP we )NP (VP learn (SBAR that (S (NP (NP Michelle )NP , (NP a junior bond trader )NP , )NP (VP has (ADVP indeed )ADVP (VP pulled (PRT off )PRT (NP (NP another million )NP (PP before (NP lunch )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 17 17 (S (PP In (NP the opening episode )NP )PP (NP we )NP (VP learn (SBAR that (S (NP (NP Michelle )NP , (NP a junior bond trader )NP , )NP (VP has (ADVP indeed )ADVP (VP pulled (PRT off )PRT (NP another million )NP (PP before (NP lunch )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 17 18 (S (PP In (NP the opening episode )NP )PP (NP we )NP (VP learn (SBAR that (S (NP (NP Michelle )NP , (NP a junior bond trader )NP , )NP (VP has (ADVP indeed )ADVP (VP pulled (PRT off )PRT (NP (NP another million )NP (PP before (NP lunch )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 17 17 (S (PP In (NP the opening episode )NP )PP (NP we )NP (VP learn (SBAR that (S (NP (NP Michelle )NP , (NP a junior bond trader )NP , )NP (VP has (ADVP indeed )ADVP (VP pulled (PRT off )PRT (NP another million )NP (PP before (NP lunch )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 17 19 (S (PP In (NP the opening episode )NP )PP (NP we )NP (VP learn (SBAR that (S (NP (NP Michelle )NP , (NP a junior bond trader )NP , )NP (VP has (ADVP indeed )ADVP (VP pulled (PRT off )PRT (NP (NP (QP another million )QP )NP (PP before (NP lunch )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 17 19 (S (PP In (NP the opening episode )NP )PP (NP we )NP (VP learn (SBAR that (S (NP (NP Michelle )NP , (NP a junior bond trader )NP , )NP (VP has (ADVP indeed )ADVP (VP pulled (PRT off )PRT (NP (NP (QP another million )QP )NP (PP before (NP lunch )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 17 18 (S (PP In (NP the opening episode )NP )PP (NP we )NP (VP learn (SBAR that (S (NP (NP Michelle )NP , (NP a junior bond trader )NP , )NP (VP has (ADVP indeed )ADVP (VP pulled (PRT off )PRT (NP (QP another million )QP )NP (PP before (NP lunch )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 17 18 (S (PP In (NP the opening episode )NP )PP (NP we )NP (VP learn (SBAR that (S (NP (NP Michelle )NP , (NP a junior bond trader )NP , )NP (VP has (ADVP indeed )ADVP (VP pulled (PRT off )PRT (NP (QP another million )QP )NP (PP before (NP lunch )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 17 17 (S (PP In (NP the opening episode )NP )PP (NP we )NP (VP learn (SBAR that (S (NP (NP Michelle )NP , (NP a junior bond trader )NP , )NP (VP has (ADVP indeed )ADVP (VP pulled (PRT off )PRT (NP another million )NP (PP before (NP lunch )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 17 17 (S (PP In (NP the opening episode )NP )PP (NP we )NP (VP learn (SBAR that (S (NP (NP Michelle )NP , (NP a junior bond trader )NP , )NP (VP has (ADVP indeed )ADVP (VP pulled (PRT off )PRT (NP another million )NP (PP before (NP lunch )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 17 19 (S (PP In (NP the opening episode )NP )PP (NP we )NP (VP learn (SBAR that (S (NP (NP Michelle )NP , (NP a junior bond trader )NP , )NP (VP has (ADVP indeed )ADVP (VP pulled (PRT off )PRT (NP (NP (QP another million )QP )NP (PP before (NP lunch )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 17 17 (S (PP In (NP the opening episode )NP )PP (NP we )NP (VP learn (SBAR that (S (NP (NP Michelle )NP , (NP a junior bond trader )NP , )NP (VP has (ADVP indeed )ADVP (VP pulled (PRT off )PRT (NP another million )NP (PP before (NP lunch )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 17 19 (S (PP In (NP the opening episode )NP )PP (NP we )NP (VP learn (SBAR that (S (NP (NP Michelle )NP , (NP a junior bond trader )NP , )NP (VP has (ADVP indeed )ADVP (VP pulled (PRT off )PRT (NP (NP (QP another million )QP )NP (PP before (NP lunch )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 16 16 (S (PP In (NP the opening episode )NP )PP (NP we )NP (VP learn (SBAR that (S (NP (NP Michelle )NP , (NP a junior bond trader )NP , )NP (VP has indeed (VP pulled (PRT off )PRT (NP another million )NP (PP before (NP lunch )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 17 19 (S (PP In (NP the opening episode )NP )PP (NP we )NP (VP learn (SBAR that (S (NP (NP Michelle )NP , (NP a junior bond trader )NP , )NP (VP has (ADVP indeed )ADVP (VP pulled (PRT off )PRT (NP (NP (QP another million )QP )NP (PP before (NP lunch )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 16 16 (S (PP In (NP the opening episode )NP )PP (NP we )NP (VP learn (SBAR that (S (NP (NP Michelle )NP , (NP a junior bond trader )NP , )NP (VP has indeed (VP pulled (PRT off )PRT (NP another million )NP (PP before (NP lunch )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 17 18 (S (PP In (NP the opening episode )NP )PP (NP we )NP (VP learn (SBAR that (S (NP (NP Michelle )NP , (NP a junior bond trader )NP , )NP (VP has (ADVP indeed )ADVP (VP pulled (PRT off )PRT (NP (QP another million )QP )NP (PP before (NP lunch )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 17 18 (S (PP In (NP the opening episode )NP )PP (NP we )NP (VP learn (SBAR that (S (NP (NP Michelle )NP , (NP a junior bond trader )NP , )NP (VP has (ADVP indeed )ADVP (VP pulled (PRT off )PRT (NP (QP another million )QP )NP (PP before (NP lunch )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 17 18 (S (PP In (NP the opening episode )NP )PP (NP we )NP (VP learn (SBAR that (S (NP (NP Michelle )NP , (NP a junior bond trader )NP , )NP (VP has (ADVP indeed )ADVP (VP pulled (PRT off )PRT (NP (QP another million )QP )NP (PP before (NP lunch )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 17 18 (S (PP In (NP the opening episode )NP )PP (NP we )NP (VP learn (SBAR that (S (NP (NP Michelle )NP , (NP a junior bond trader )NP , )NP (VP has (ADVP indeed )ADVP (VP pulled (PRT off )PRT (NP (NP another million )NP (PP before (NP lunch )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 17 18 (S (PP In (NP the opening episode )NP )PP (NP we )NP (VP learn (SBAR that (S (NP (NP Michelle )NP , (NP a junior bond trader )NP , )NP (VP has (ADVP indeed )ADVP (VP pulled (PRT off )PRT (NP (NP another million )NP (PP before (NP lunch )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 17 17 (S (PP In (NP the opening episode )NP )PP (NP we )NP (VP learn (SBAR that (S (NP (NP Michelle )NP , (NP a junior bond trader )NP , )NP (VP has (ADVP indeed )ADVP (VP pulled (PRT off )PRT (NP another million )NP (PP before (NP lunch )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 16 16 (S (PP In (NP the opening episode )NP )PP (NP we )NP (VP learn (SBAR that (S (NP (NP Michelle )NP , (NP a junior bond trader )NP , )NP (VP has indeed (VP pulled (PRT off )PRT (NP another million )NP (PP before (NP lunch )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 17 19 (S (PP In (NP the opening episode )NP )PP (NP we )NP (VP learn (SBAR that (S (NP (NP Michelle )NP , (NP a junior bond trader )NP , )NP (VP has (ADVP indeed )ADVP (VP pulled (PRT off )PRT (NP (NP (QP another million )QP )NP (PP before (NP lunch )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 16 16 (S (PP In (NP the opening episode )NP )PP (NP we )NP (VP learn (SBAR that (S (NP (NP Michelle )NP , (NP a junior bond trader )NP , )NP (VP has indeed (VP pulled (PRT off )PRT (NP another million )NP (PP before (NP lunch )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 16 16 (S (PP In (NP the opening episode )NP )PP (NP we )NP (VP learn (SBAR that (S (NP (NP Michelle )NP , (NP a junior bond trader )NP , )NP (VP has indeed (VP pulled (PRT off )PRT (NP another million )NP (PP before (NP lunch )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 17 18 (S (PP In (NP the opening episode )NP )PP (NP we )NP (VP learn (SBAR that (S (NP (NP Michelle )NP , (NP a junior bond trader )NP , )NP (VP has (ADVP indeed )ADVP (VP pulled (PRT off )PRT (NP (QP another million )QP )NP (PP before (NP lunch )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 17 18 (S (PP In (NP the opening episode )NP )PP (NP we )NP (VP learn (SBAR that (S (NP (NP Michelle )NP , (NP a junior bond trader )NP , )NP (VP has (ADVP indeed )ADVP (VP pulled (PRT off )PRT (NP (NP another million )NP (PP before (NP lunch )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 17 18 (S (PP In (NP the opening episode )NP )PP (NP we )NP (VP learn (SBAR that (S (NP (NP Michelle )NP , (NP a junior bond trader )NP , )NP (VP has (ADVP indeed )ADVP (VP pulled (PRT off )PRT (NP (NP another million )NP (PP before (NP lunch )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 17 18 (S (PP In (NP the opening episode )NP )PP (NP we )NP (VP learn (SBAR that (S (NP (NP Michelle )NP , (NP a junior bond trader )NP , )NP (VP has (ADVP indeed )ADVP (VP pulled (PRT off )PRT (NP (NP another million )NP (PP before (NP lunch )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 16 17 (S (PP In (NP the opening episode )NP )PP (NP we )NP (VP learn (SBAR that (S (NP (NP Michelle )NP , (NP a junior bond trader )NP , )NP (VP has indeed (VP pulled (PRT off )PRT (NP (NP another million )NP (PP before (NP lunch )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 16 17 (S (PP In (NP the opening episode )NP )PP (NP we )NP (VP learn (SBAR that (S (NP (NP Michelle )NP , (NP a junior bond trader )NP , )NP (VP has indeed (VP pulled (PRT off )PRT (NP (NP another million )NP (PP before (NP lunch )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 16 16 (S (PP In (NP the opening episode )NP )PP (NP we )NP (VP learn (SBAR that (S (NP (NP Michelle )NP , (NP a junior bond trader )NP , )NP (VP has indeed (VP pulled (PRT off )PRT (NP another million )NP (PP before (NP lunch )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 17 18 (S (PP In (NP the opening episode )NP )PP (NP we )NP (VP learn (SBAR that (S (NP (NP Michelle )NP , (NP a junior bond trader )NP , )NP (VP has (ADVP indeed )ADVP (VP pulled (PRT off )PRT (NP (NP another million )NP (PP before (NP lunch )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 16 17 (S (PP In (NP the opening episode )NP )PP (NP we )NP (VP learn (SBAR that (S (NP (NP Michelle )NP , (NP a junior bond trader )NP , )NP (VP has indeed (VP pulled (PRT off )PRT (NP (NP another million )NP (PP before (NP lunch )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 17 19 (S (PP In (NP the opening episode )NP )PP (NP we )NP (VP learn (SBAR that (S (NP (NP Michelle )NP , (NP a junior bond trader )NP , )NP (VP has (ADVP indeed )ADVP (VP pulled (PRT off )PRT (NP (NP (QP another million )QP )NP (PP before (NP lunch )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 16 17 (S (PP In (NP the opening episode )NP )PP (NP we )NP (VP learn (SBAR that (S (NP (NP Michelle )NP , (NP a junior bond trader )NP , )NP (VP has indeed (VP pulled (PRT off )PRT (NP (NP another million )NP (PP before (NP lunch )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 17 19 (S (PP In (NP the opening episode )NP )PP (NP we )NP (VP learn (SBAR that (S (NP (NP Michelle )NP , (NP a junior bond trader )NP , )NP (VP has (ADVP indeed )ADVP (VP pulled (PRT off )PRT (NP (NP (QP another million )QP )NP (PP before (NP lunch )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 16 17 (S (PP In (NP the opening episode )NP )PP (NP we )NP (VP learn (SBAR that (S (NP (NP Michelle )NP , (NP a junior bond trader )NP , )NP (VP has indeed (VP pulled (PRT off )PRT (NP (NP another million )NP (PP before (NP lunch )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 17 18 (S (PP In (NP the opening episode )NP )PP (NP we )NP (VP learn (SBAR that (S (NP (NP Michelle )NP , (NP a junior bond trader )NP , )NP (VP has (ADVP indeed )ADVP (VP pulled (PRT off )PRT (NP (QP another million )QP )NP (PP before (NP lunch )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 50 10 10 (S (NP Trouble )NP (VP is , (SBAR (S (NP she )NP (VP has (VP lost (NP it )NP (ADVP just as quickly )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 9 9 (S (NP Trouble )NP (VP is , (S (NP she )NP (VP has (VP lost (NP it )NP (ADVP just as quickly )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 9 13 (S (NP Trouble )NP (VP is , (SBAR (S (NP she )NP (VP has (VP lost (NP it )NP (SBAR (ADVP just )ADVP as (FRAG (ADVP quickly )ADVP )FRAG )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 9 13 (S (NP Trouble )NP (VP is , (SBAR (S (NP she )NP (VP has (VP lost (NP it )NP (SBAR (ADVP just )ADVP as (FRAG (ADVP quickly )ADVP )FRAG )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 9 12 (S (NP Trouble )NP (VP is , (SBAR (S (NP she )NP (VP has (VP lost (NP it )NP (SBAR just as (FRAG (ADVP quickly )ADVP )FRAG )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 8 10 (S (S (NP Trouble )NP (VP is )VP )S , (S (NP she )NP (VP has (VP lost (NP it )NP (ADVP just as quickly )ADVP )VP )VP )S . )S 8 12 (S (NP Trouble )NP (VP is , (S (NP she )NP (VP has (VP lost (NP it )NP (SBAR (ADVP just )ADVP as (FRAG (ADVP quickly )ADVP )FRAG )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 9 11 (S (NP Trouble )NP (VP is , (SBAR (S (NP she )NP (VP has (VP lost (NP it )NP (ADVP just )ADVP (ADVP as quickly )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 7 9 (S (S (NP Trouble )NP (VP is )VP )S , (NP she )NP (VP has (VP lost (NP it )NP (ADVP just as quickly )ADVP )VP )VP . )S 9 12 (S (NP Trouble )NP (VP is , (SBAR (S (NP she )NP (VP has (VP lost (NP it )NP (PP (ADVP just )ADVP as (ADVP quickly )ADVP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 8 12 (S (NP Trouble )NP (VP is , (S (NP she )NP (VP has (VP lost (NP it )NP (SBAR (ADVP just )ADVP as (FRAG (ADVP quickly )ADVP )FRAG )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 8 11 (S (NP Trouble )NP (VP is , (S (NP she )NP (VP has (VP lost (NP it )NP (SBAR just as (FRAG (ADVP quickly )ADVP )FRAG )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 7 13 (S (S (NP Trouble )NP (VP is )VP )S , (S (NP she )NP (VP has (VP lost (NP it )NP (SBAR (ADVP just )ADVP as (FRAG (ADVP quickly )ADVP )FRAG )SBAR )VP )VP )S . )S 8 10 (S (NP Trouble )NP (VP is , (S (NP she )NP (VP has (VP lost (NP it )NP (ADVP just )ADVP (ADVP as quickly )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 6 12 (S (S (NP Trouble )NP (VP is )VP )S , (NP she )NP (VP has (VP lost (NP it )NP (SBAR (ADVP just )ADVP as (FRAG (ADVP quickly )ADVP )FRAG )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 8 11 (S (NP Trouble )NP (VP is , (S (NP she )NP (VP has (VP lost (NP it )NP (PP (ADVP just )ADVP as (ADVP quickly )ADVP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 10 10 (S (NP Trouble )NP (VP is , (SBAR (S (NP she )NP (VP has (VP lost (NP it )NP (ADVP just as quickly )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 10 11 (S (NP Trouble )NP (VP is , (SBAR (S (NP she )NP (VP has (VP lost (NP it )NP (ADVP just (ADVP as quickly )ADVP )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 7 13 (S (S (NP Trouble )NP (VP is )VP )S , (S (NP she )NP (VP has (VP lost (NP it )NP (SBAR (ADVP just )ADVP as (FRAG (ADVP quickly )ADVP )FRAG )SBAR )VP )VP )S . )S 7 12 (S (S (NP Trouble )NP (VP is )VP )S , (S (NP she )NP (VP has (VP lost (NP it )NP (SBAR just as (FRAG (ADVP quickly )ADVP )FRAG )SBAR )VP )VP )S . )S 10 11 (S (NP Trouble )NP (VP (VP is )VP , (SBAR (S (NP she )NP (VP has (VP lost (NP it )NP (ADVP just as quickly )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 9 11 (S (NP Trouble )NP (VP is , (SBAR (S (NP she )NP (VP has (VP lost (NP it )NP (PP just as (ADVP quickly )ADVP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 9 11 (S (NP Trouble )NP (VP is , (SBAR (S (NP she )NP (VP has (VP lost (NP it )NP (PP just as (ADJP quickly )ADJP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 6 12 (S (S (NP Trouble )NP (VP is )VP )S , (NP she )NP (VP has (VP lost (NP it )NP (SBAR (ADVP just )ADVP as (FRAG (ADVP quickly )ADVP )FRAG )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 7 11 (S (S (NP Trouble )NP (VP is )VP )S , (S (NP she )NP (VP has (VP lost (NP it )NP (ADVP just )ADVP (ADVP as quickly )ADVP )VP )VP )S . )S 6 11 (S (S (NP Trouble )NP (VP is )VP )S , (NP she )NP (VP has (VP lost (NP it )NP (SBAR just as (FRAG (ADVP quickly )ADVP )FRAG )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 9 11 (S (NP Trouble )NP (VP is , (SBAR (S (NP she )NP (VP has (VP lost (NP it )NP (ADVP just as )ADVP (ADVP quickly )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 6 10 (S (S (NP Trouble )NP (VP is )VP )S , (NP she )NP (VP has (VP lost (NP it )NP (ADVP just )ADVP (ADVP as quickly )ADVP )VP )VP . )S 9 9 (S (NP Trouble )NP (VP is , (S (NP she )NP (VP has (VP lost (NP it )NP (ADVP just as quickly )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 7 12 (S (S (NP Trouble )NP (VP is )VP )S , (S (NP she )NP (VP has (VP lost (NP it )NP (PP (ADVP just )ADVP as (ADVP quickly )ADVP )PP )VP )VP )S . )S 9 10 (S (NP Trouble )NP (VP is , (S (NP she )NP (VP has (VP lost (NP it )NP (ADVP just (ADVP as quickly )ADVP )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 9 12 (S (NP Trouble )NP (VP is , (SBAR (S (NP she )NP (VP has (VP lost (NP it )NP (PP (ADVP just )ADVP as (NP quickly )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 10 11 (S (NP Trouble )NP (VP is , (SBAR (S (NP she )NP (VP has (VP lost (NP it )NP (ADVP (ADVP just )ADVP as quickly )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 8 10 (S (NP Trouble )NP (VP is , (S (NP she )NP (VP has (VP lost (NP it )NP (PP just as (ADVP quickly )ADVP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 9 14 (S (NP Trouble )NP (VP (VP is )VP , (SBAR (S (NP she )NP (VP has (VP lost (NP it )NP (SBAR (ADVP just )ADVP as (FRAG (ADVP quickly )ADVP )FRAG )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 6 11 (S (S (NP Trouble )NP (VP is )VP )S , (NP she )NP (VP has (VP lost (NP it )NP (PP (ADVP just )ADVP as (ADVP quickly )ADVP )PP )VP )VP . )S 8 10 (S (NP Trouble )NP (VP is , (S (NP she )NP (VP has (VP lost (NP it )NP (PP just as (ADJP quickly )ADJP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 10 11 (S (NP Trouble )NP (VP is , (SBAR (S (NP she )NP (VP has (VP lost (NP it )NP (ADVP (ADVP just as )ADVP quickly )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 10 12 (S (NP Trouble )NP (VP is , (SBAR (S (NP she )NP (VP has (VP lost (NP it )NP (ADVP just (PP as (ADVP quickly )ADVP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 9 11 (S (NP Trouble )NP (VP is , (SBAR (S (NP she )NP (VP has (VP lost (NP it )NP (PP just (ADVP as quickly )ADVP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 9 12 (S (NP Trouble )NP (VP is , (SBAR (S (NP she )NP (VP has (VP lost (NP it )NP (SBAR just as (S (ADVP quickly )ADVP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 9 12 (S (NP Trouble )NP (VP is , (SBAR (S (NP she )NP (VP has (VP lost (NP it )NP (SBAR (ADVP just )ADVP as (FRAG quickly )FRAG )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 8 10 (S (NP Trouble )NP (VP is , (S (NP she )NP (VP has (VP lost (NP it )NP (ADVP just as )ADVP (ADVP quickly )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 9 14 (S (NP Trouble )NP (VP (VP is )VP , (SBAR (S (NP she )NP (VP has (VP lost (NP it )NP (SBAR (ADVP just )ADVP as (FRAG (ADVP quickly )ADVP )FRAG )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 8 10 (S (S (NP Trouble )NP (VP is )VP )S , (S (NP she )NP (VP has (VP lost (NP it )NP (ADVP just as quickly )ADVP )VP )VP )S . )S 9 13 (S (NP Trouble )NP (VP (VP is )VP , (SBAR (S (NP she )NP (VP has (VP lost (NP it )NP (SBAR just as (FRAG (ADVP quickly )ADVP )FRAG )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 8 11 (S (S (NP Trouble )NP (VP is )VP )S , (S (NP she )NP (VP has (VP lost (NP it )NP (ADVP just (ADVP as quickly )ADVP )ADVP )VP )VP )S . )S 10 11 (S (NP Trouble )NP (VP is , (SBAR (S (NP she )NP (VP has (VP lost (NP (NP it )NP (ADVP just as quickly )ADVP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 8 11 (S (NP Trouble )NP (VP is , (S (NP she )NP (VP has (VP lost (NP it )NP (PP (ADVP just )ADVP as (NP quickly )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 9 10 (S (NP Trouble )NP (VP is , (S (NP she )NP (VP has (VP lost (NP it )NP (ADVP (ADVP just )ADVP as quickly )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 50 22 23 (S (SBAR Rather than (S (VP keep (S (NP the loss )NP (NP (NP a secret )NP (PP from (NP the outside world )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )S )SBAR , (NP Michelle )NP (VP blabs (PP (PP about (NP it )NP )PP (PP to (NP a sandwich man )NP )PP )PP (SBAR while (S (VP ordering (NP lunch )NP (PP over (NP the phone )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 21 23 (S (PP Rather than (S (VP keep (S (NP the loss )NP (NP (NP a secret )NP (PP from (NP the outside world )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )S )PP , (NP Michelle )NP (VP blabs (PP (PP about (NP it )NP )PP (PP to (NP a sandwich man )NP )PP )PP (SBAR while (S (VP ordering (NP lunch )NP (PP over (NP the phone )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 21 22 (S (PP Rather than (S (VP keep (S (NP the loss )NP (NP (NP a secret )NP (PP from (NP the outside world )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )S )PP , (NP Michelle )NP (VP blabs (PP about (NP it )NP )PP (PP to (NP a sandwich man )NP )PP (SBAR while (S (VP ordering (NP lunch )NP (PP over (NP the phone )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 22 22 (S (SBAR Rather than (S (VP keep (S (NP the loss )NP (NP (NP a secret )NP (PP from (NP the outside world )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )S )SBAR , (NP Michelle )NP (VP blabs (PP about (NP it )NP )PP (PP to (NP a sandwich man )NP )PP (SBAR while (S (VP ordering (NP lunch )NP (PP over (NP the phone )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 22 22 (S (SBAR Rather than (S (VP keep (S (NP the loss )NP (NP (NP a secret )NP (PP from (NP the outside world )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )S )SBAR , (NP Michelle )NP (VP blabs (PP about (NP it )NP )PP (PP to (NP a sandwich man )NP )PP (SBAR while (S (VP ordering (NP lunch )NP (PP over (NP the phone )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 21 22 (S (PP Rather than (S (VP keep (S (NP the loss )NP (NP (NP a secret )NP (PP from (NP the outside world )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )S )PP , (NP Michelle )NP (VP blabs (PP about (NP it )NP )PP (PP to (NP a sandwich man )NP )PP (SBAR while (S (VP ordering (NP lunch )NP (PP over (NP the phone )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 21 23 (S (SBAR Rather than (S (VP keep (S (NP the loss )NP (NP (NP a secret )NP (PP from (NP the outside world )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )S )SBAR , (NP Michelle )NP (VP blabs (PP about (NP it )NP )PP (PP to (NP (NP a sandwich man )NP (SBAR while (S (VP ordering (NP lunch )NP (PP over (NP the phone )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 21 23 (S (SBAR Rather than (S (VP keep (S (NP the loss )NP (NP (NP a secret )NP (PP from (NP the outside world )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )S )SBAR , (NP Michelle )NP (VP blabs (PP about (NP (NP it )NP (PP to (NP a sandwich man )NP )PP )NP )PP (SBAR while (S (VP ordering (NP lunch )NP (PP over (NP the phone )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 22 24 (S (SBAR Rather than (S (VP keep (S (NP the loss )NP (NP (NP a secret )NP (PP from (NP the outside world )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )S )SBAR , (NP Michelle )NP (VP blabs (PP (PP about (NP it )NP )PP (PP to (NP a sandwich man )NP )PP )PP (SBAR while (S (VP ordering (NP (NP lunch )NP (PP over (NP the phone )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 20 23 (S (PP Rather than (S (VP keep (S (NP the loss )NP (NP (NP a secret )NP (PP from (NP the outside world )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )S )PP , (NP Michelle )NP (VP blabs (PP about (NP it )NP )PP (PP to (NP (NP a sandwich man )NP (SBAR while (S (VP ordering (NP lunch )NP (PP over (NP the phone )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 20 23 (S (PP Rather than (S (VP keep (S (NP the loss )NP (NP (NP a secret )NP (PP from (NP the outside world )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )S )PP , (NP Michelle )NP (VP blabs (PP about (NP (NP it )NP (PP to (NP a sandwich man )NP )PP )NP )PP (SBAR while (S (VP ordering (NP lunch )NP (PP over (NP the phone )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 20 22 (S (PP Rather than (S (VP keep (S (NP the loss )NP (NP (NP a secret )NP (PP from (NP the outside world )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )S )PP , (NP Michelle )NP (VP blabs (PP about (NP it )NP )PP (PP to (NP a sandwich man )NP )PP (PP while (S (VP ordering (NP lunch )NP (PP over (NP the phone )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )VP . )S 21 22 (S (SBAR Rather than (S (VP keep (S (NP the loss )NP (NP (NP a secret )NP (PP from (NP the outside world )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )S )SBAR , (NP Michelle )NP (VP blabs (PP about (NP it )NP )PP (PP to (NP a sandwich man )NP )PP (PP while (S (VP ordering (NP lunch )NP (PP over (NP the phone )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )VP . )S 20 24 (S (S (VP (CONJP Rather than )CONJP (VP keep (S (NP the loss )NP (NP (NP a secret )NP (PP from (NP the outside world )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )VP )S , (NP Michelle )NP (VP blabs (PP (PP about (NP it )NP )PP (PP to (NP a sandwich man )NP )PP )PP (SBAR while (S (VP ordering (NP lunch )NP (PP over (NP the phone )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 21 24 (S (PP Rather than (S (VP keep (S (NP the loss )NP (NP (NP a secret )NP (PP from (NP the outside world )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )S )PP , (NP Michelle )NP (VP blabs (PP (PP about (NP it )NP )PP (PP to (NP a sandwich man )NP )PP )PP (SBAR while (S (VP ordering (NP (NP lunch )NP (PP over (NP the phone )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 21 22 (S (SBAR Rather than (S (VP keep (S (NP the loss )NP (NP (NP a secret )NP (PP from (NP the outside world )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )S )SBAR , (NP Michelle )NP (VP blabs (PP about (NP it )NP )PP (PP to (NP a sandwich man )NP )PP (PP while (S (VP ordering (NP lunch )NP (PP over (NP the phone )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )VP . )S 21 23 (S (PP Rather than (S (VP keep (S (NP the loss )NP (NP (NP a secret )NP (PP from (NP the outside world )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )S )PP , (NP Michelle )NP (VP blabs (PP about (NP it )NP )PP (PP to (NP a sandwich man )NP )PP (SBAR while (S (VP ordering (NP (NP lunch )NP (PP over (NP the phone )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 22 23 (S (SBAR Rather than (S (VP keep (S (NP the loss )NP (NP (NP a secret )NP (PP from (NP the outside world )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )S )SBAR , (NP Michelle )NP (VP blabs (PP about (NP it )NP )PP (PP to (NP a sandwich man )NP )PP (SBAR while (S (VP ordering (NP (NP lunch )NP (PP over (NP the phone )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 22 23 (S (SBAR Rather than (S (VP keep (S (NP the loss )NP (NP (NP a secret )NP (PP from (NP the outside world )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )S )SBAR , (NP Michelle )NP (VP blabs (PP about (NP it )NP )PP (PP to (NP a sandwich man )NP )PP (SBAR while (S (VP ordering (NP (NP lunch )NP (PP over (NP the phone )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 20 23 (S (SBAR Rather than (S (VP keep (S (NP the loss )NP (NP (NP a secret )NP (PP from (NP the outside world )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )S )SBAR , (NP Michelle )NP (VP blabs (PP about (NP it )NP )PP (PP to (NP (NP a sandwich man )NP (PP while (S (VP ordering (NP lunch )NP (PP over (NP the phone )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 20 23 (S (PP Rather than (S (VP keep (S (NP the loss )NP (NP (NP a secret )NP (PP from (NP the outside world )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )S )PP , (NP Michelle )NP (VP blabs (PP about (NP it )NP )PP (PP to (NP (NP a sandwich man )NP (SBAR while (S (VP ordering (NP lunch )NP (PP over (NP the phone )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 21 23 (S (SBAR Rather than (S (VP keep (S (NP the loss )NP (NP (NP a secret )NP (PP from (NP the outside world )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )S )SBAR , (NP Michelle )NP (VP blabs (PP (PP about (NP it )NP )PP (PP to (NP a sandwich man )NP )PP )PP (PP while (S (VP ordering (NP lunch )NP (PP over (NP the phone )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )VP . )S 21 23 (S (SBAR Rather than (S (VP keep (S (NP the loss )NP (NP (NP a secret )NP (PP from (NP the outside world )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )S )SBAR , (NP Michelle )NP (VP blabs (PP about (NP it )NP )PP (PP to (NP (NP a sandwich man )NP (SBAR while (S (VP ordering (NP lunch )NP (PP over (NP the phone )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 21 24 (S (SBAR Rather than (S (VP keep (S (NP the loss )NP (NP (NP a secret )NP (PP from (NP the outside world )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )S )SBAR , (NP Michelle )NP (VP blabs (PP (PP about (NP it )NP )PP (PP to (NP (NP a sandwich man )NP (SBAR while (S (VP ordering (NP lunch )NP (PP over (NP the phone )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )PP )VP . )S 20 23 (S (SBAR Rather than (S (VP keep (S (NP the loss )NP (NP (NP a secret )NP (PP from (NP the outside world )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )S )SBAR , (NP Michelle )NP (VP blabs (PP about (NP it )NP )PP (PP to (NP a sandwich )NP )PP (NP man )NP (SBAR while (S (VP ordering (NP lunch )NP (PP over (NP the phone )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 20 22 (S (PP Rather than (S (VP keep (S (NP the loss )NP (NP (NP a secret )NP (PP from (NP the outside world )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )S )PP , (NP Michelle )NP (VP blabs (PP about (NP it )NP )PP (PP to (NP a sandwich man )NP )PP (PP while (S (VP ordering (NP lunch )NP (PP over (NP the phone )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )VP . )S 20 23 (S (S (VP (CONJP Rather than )CONJP (VP keep (S (NP the loss )NP (NP (NP a secret )NP (PP from (NP the outside world )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )VP )S , (NP Michelle )NP (VP blabs (PP about (NP it )NP )PP (PP to (NP a sandwich man )NP )PP (SBAR while (S (VP ordering (NP lunch )NP (PP over (NP the phone )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 21 23 (S (PP Rather than (S (VP keep (S (NP the loss )NP (NP (NP a secret )NP (PP from (NP the outside world )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )S )PP , (NP Michelle )NP (VP blabs (PP about (NP it )NP )PP (PP to (NP a sandwich man )NP )PP (SBAR while (S (VP ordering (NP (NP lunch )NP (PP over (NP the phone )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 19 23 (S (PP Rather than (S (VP keep (S (NP the loss )NP (NP (NP a secret )NP (PP from (NP the outside world )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )S )PP , (NP Michelle )NP (VP blabs (PP about (NP it )NP )PP (PP to (NP (NP a sandwich man )NP (PP while (S (VP ordering (NP lunch )NP (PP over (NP the phone )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 20 22 (S (PP Rather than (VP keep (S (NP the loss )NP (NP (NP a secret )NP (PP from (NP the outside world )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )PP , (NP Michelle )NP (VP blabs (PP (PP about (NP it )NP )PP (PP to (NP a sandwich man )NP )PP )PP (SBAR while (S (VP ordering (NP lunch )NP (PP over (NP the phone )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 20 23 (S (PP Rather than (S (VP keep (S (NP the loss )NP (NP (NP a secret )NP (PP from (NP the outside world )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )S )PP , (NP Michelle )NP (VP blabs (PP (PP about (NP it )NP )PP (PP to (NP a sandwich man )NP )PP )PP (PP while (S (VP ordering (NP lunch )NP (PP over (NP the phone )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )VP . )S 20 24 (S (PP Rather than (S (VP keep (S (NP the loss )NP (NP (NP a secret )NP (PP from (NP the outside world )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )S )PP , (NP Michelle )NP (VP blabs (PP (PP about (NP it )NP )PP (PP to (NP (NP a sandwich man )NP (SBAR while (S (VP ordering (NP lunch )NP (PP over (NP the phone )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )PP )VP . )S 20 21 (S (PP Rather than (VP keep (S (NP the loss )NP (NP (NP a secret )NP (PP from (NP the outside world )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )PP , (NP Michelle )NP (VP blabs (PP about (NP it )NP )PP (PP to (NP a sandwich man )NP )PP (SBAR while (S (VP ordering (NP lunch )NP (PP over (NP the phone )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 19 23 (S (PP Rather than (S (VP keep (S (NP the loss )NP (NP (NP a secret )NP (PP from (NP the outside world )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )S )PP , (NP Michelle )NP (VP blabs (PP about (NP it )NP )PP (PP to (NP a sandwich )NP )PP (NP man )NP (SBAR while (S (VP ordering (NP lunch )NP (PP over (NP the phone )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 21 24 (S (S (PP Rather than (S (VP keep (S (NP the loss )NP (NP (NP a secret )NP (PP from (NP the outside world )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )S )PP )S , (NP Michelle )NP (VP blabs (PP (PP about (NP it )NP )PP (PP to (NP a sandwich man )NP )PP )PP (SBAR while (S (VP ordering (NP lunch )NP (PP over (NP the phone )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 21 22 (S (SBAR Rather than (S (VP keep (S (NP the loss )NP (NP (NP a secret )NP (PP from (NP the outside world )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )S )SBAR , (NP Michelle )NP (VP blabs (PP about (NP it )NP (PP to (NP a sandwich man )NP )PP )PP (SBAR while (S (VP ordering (NP lunch )NP (PP over (NP the phone )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 21 24 (S (SBAR Rather than (S (VP keep (S (NP the loss )NP (NP (NP a secret )NP (PP from (NP the outside world )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )S )SBAR , (NP Michelle )NP (VP blabs (PP about (NP it )NP )PP (PP to (NP (NP a sandwich man )NP (SBAR while (S (VP ordering (NP (NP lunch )NP (PP over (NP the phone )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 21 24 (S (ADVP Rather (PP than (S (VP keep (S (NP the loss )NP (NP (NP a secret )NP (PP from (NP the outside world )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )S )PP )ADVP , (NP Michelle )NP (VP blabs (PP (PP about (NP it )NP )PP (PP to (NP a sandwich man )NP )PP )PP (SBAR while (S (VP ordering (NP lunch )NP (PP over (NP the phone )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 19 23 (S (PP Rather than (S (VP keep (S (NP the loss )NP (NP (NP a secret )NP (PP from (NP the outside world )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )S )PP , (NP Michelle )NP (VP blabs (PP about (NP it )NP )PP (PP to (NP (NP a sandwich man )NP (PP while (S (VP ordering (NP lunch )NP (PP over (NP the phone )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 20 22 (S (SBAR Rather than (S (VP keep (S (NP the loss )NP (NP (NP a secret )NP (PP from (NP the outside world )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )S )SBAR , (NP Michelle )NP (VP blabs (PP about (NP it )NP )PP (PP to (NP a sandwich man )NP (PP while (S (VP ordering (NP lunch )NP (PP over (NP the phone )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )PP )VP . )S 21 24 (S (SBAR Rather than (S (VP keep (S (NP the loss )NP (NP (NP a secret )NP (PP from (NP the outside world )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )S )SBAR , (NP Michelle )NP (VP blabs (PP about (NP (NP it )NP (PP to (NP a sandwich man )NP )PP )NP )PP (SBAR while (S (VP ordering (NP (NP lunch )NP (PP over (NP the phone )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 20 21 (S (PP Rather than (VP keep (S (NP the loss )NP (NP (NP a secret )NP (PP from (NP the outside world )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )PP , (NP Michelle )NP (VP blabs (PP about (NP it )NP )PP (PP to (NP a sandwich man )NP )PP (SBAR while (S (VP ordering (NP lunch )NP (PP over (NP the phone )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 20 23 (S (SBAR Rather than (S (VP keep (S (NP the loss )NP (NP (NP a secret )NP (PP from (NP the outside world )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )S )SBAR , (NP Michelle )NP (VP blabs (PP about (NP it )NP )PP (PP to (NP (NP a sandwich man )NP (PP while (S (VP ordering (NP lunch )NP (PP over (NP the phone )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 20 24 (S (SBAR Rather than (S (VP keep (S (NP the loss )NP (NP (NP a secret )NP (PP from (NP the outside world )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )S )SBAR , (NP Michelle )NP (VP blabs (PP (PP about (NP it )NP )PP (PP to (NP (NP a sandwich man )NP (PP while (S (VP ordering (NP lunch )NP (PP over (NP the phone )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP . )S 20 22 (S (PP Rather than (S (VP keep (S (NP the loss )NP (NP (NP a secret )NP (PP from (NP the outside world )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )S )PP , (NP Michelle )NP (VP blabs (PP about (NP it )NP (PP to (NP a sandwich man )NP )PP )PP (SBAR while (S (VP ordering (NP lunch )NP (PP over (NP the phone )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 21 23 (S (S (PP Rather than (S (VP keep (S (NP the loss )NP (NP (NP a secret )NP (PP from (NP the outside world )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )S )PP )S , (NP Michelle )NP (VP blabs (PP about (NP it )NP )PP (PP to (NP a sandwich man )NP )PP (SBAR while (S (VP ordering (NP lunch )NP (PP over (NP the phone )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 20 23 (S (S (VP (CONJP Rather than )CONJP (VP keep (S (NP the loss )NP (NP (NP a secret )NP (PP from (NP the outside world )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )VP )S , (NP Michelle )NP (VP blabs (PP about (NP it )NP )PP (PP to (NP a sandwich man )NP )PP (SBAR while (S (VP ordering (NP lunch )NP (PP over (NP the phone )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 20 23 (S (PP Rather than (S (VP keep (S (NP the loss )NP (NP (NP a secret )NP (PP from (NP the outside world )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )S )PP , (NP Michelle )NP (VP blabs (PP (PP about (NP it )NP )PP (PP to (NP a sandwich man )NP )PP )PP (PP while (S (VP ordering (NP lunch )NP (PP over (NP the phone )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )VP . )S 19 24 (S (S (VP (CONJP Rather than )CONJP (VP keep (S (NP the loss )NP (NP (NP a secret )NP (PP from (NP the outside world )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )VP )S , (NP Michelle )NP (VP blabs (PP about (NP it )NP )PP (PP to (NP (NP a sandwich man )NP (SBAR while (S (VP ordering (NP lunch )NP (PP over (NP the phone )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 21 23 (S (SBAR Rather than (S (VP keep (S (NP the loss )NP (NP (NP a secret )NP (PP from (NP the outside world )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )S )SBAR , (NP Michelle )NP (VP blabs (PP (PP about (NP it )NP )PP (PP to (NP a sandwich man )NP )PP )PP (PP while (S (VP ordering (NP lunch )NP (PP over (NP the phone )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )VP . )S 50 9 12 (S (NP Little )NP (VP chance (SBAR that (S (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP is (VP going (S (VP to (VP recoup (NP today )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 9 12 (S (NP Little )NP (VP chance (SBAR that (S (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP is (VP going (S (VP to (VP recoup (NP today )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 10 11 (NP (NP Little chance )NP (SBAR that (S (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP is (VP going (S (VP to (VP recoup (NP today )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR . )NP 10 12 (NP (NP Little chance )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP is (VP going (S (VP to (VP recoup (NP today )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR . )NP 9 12 (S (NP Little )NP (VP chance (SBAR that (S (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP is (VP going (S (VP to (VP recoup (NP today )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 9 12 (S (NP Little )NP (VP chance (SBAR that (S (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP is (VP going (S (VP to (VP recoup (NP today )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 9 11 (S Little (VP chance (SBAR that (S (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP is (VP going (S (VP to (VP recoup (NP today )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 9 12 (S (NP Little )NP (VP chance (SBAR that (S (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP is (VP going (S (VP to (VP recoup (NP today )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 8 12 (S (NP Little )NP (VP chance (SBAR that (S (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP is (VP going (S (VP to (VP recoup (ADVP today )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 9 13 (S (NP Little )NP (VP chance (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP is (VP going (S (VP to (VP recoup (NP today )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 10 12 (NP (NP Little chance )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP is (VP going (S (VP to (VP recoup (NP today )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR . )NP 9 12 (S (NP Little )NP (VP chance (SBAR that (S (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP is (VP going (S (VP to (VP recoup (NP today )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 9 11 (S (NP Little chance )NP (SBAR that (S (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP is (VP going (S (VP to (VP recoup (NP today )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR . )S 6 10 (S (NP (NP Little chance )NP (NP that Shane Longman )NP )NP (VP is (VP going (S (VP to (VP recoup (NP today )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 9 12 (S (NP Little )NP (VP chance (SBAR that (S (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP is (VP going (S (VP to (VP recoup (NP today )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 9 13 (S (NP Little )NP (VP chance (SBAR that (S (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP is (VP going (S (VP to (S (VP recoup (NP today )NP )VP )S )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 7 11 (S (NP (NP Little chance )NP (PP that (NP Shane Longman )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP going (S (VP to (VP recoup (NP today )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 6 9 (S (NP Little chance )NP (NP that Shane Longman )NP (VP is (VP going (S (VP to (VP recoup (NP today )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 10 12 (NP (NP Little chance )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP is (VP going (S (VP to (VP recoup (NP today )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR . )NP 7 13 (S (NP (NP Little chance )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP Shane Longman )NP )S )SBAR )NP (VP is (VP going (S (VP to (VP recoup (NP today )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 9 11 (S Little (VP chance (SBAR that (S (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP is (VP going (S (VP to (VP recoup (NP today )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 6 10 (S (NP (NP Little chance )NP (NP that Shane Longman )NP )NP (VP is (VP going (S (VP to (VP recoup (NP today )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 9 12 (S (NP Little )NP (VP chance (SBAR that (S (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP is (VP going (S (VP to (VP recoup (NP today )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 9 12 (S (NP Little )NP (VP chance (SBAR that (S (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP is (VP going (S (VP to (VP recoup (NP today )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 10 11 (NP (NP Little chance )NP (SBAR that (S (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP is (VP going (S (VP to (VP recoup (NP today )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR . )NP 7 12 (S (NP (NP Little chance )NP (SBAR that (S (NP Shane Longman )NP )S )SBAR )NP (VP is (VP going (S (VP to (VP recoup (NP today )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 8 12 (S (NP Little )NP (VP chance (SBAR that (S (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP is (VP going (S (VP to (VP recoup (ADVP today )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 7 11 (S (NP (NP Little chance )NP (ADVP that (NP Shane Longman )NP )ADVP )NP (VP is (VP going (S (VP to (VP recoup (NP today )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 9 11 (NP (NP Little chance )NP (SBAR that (S (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP is (VP going (S (VP to (VP recoup (ADVP today )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR . )NP 8 11 (S (NP Little )NP (VP chance (SBAR that (S (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP is (VP going (S to (VP recoup (NP today )NP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 9 13 (S (NP Little )NP (VP chance (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP is (VP going (S (VP to (VP recoup (NP today )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 9 13 (S (NP Little )NP (VP chance (SBAR that (S (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP is (VP going (S (VP to (VP recoup (S (NP today )NP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 9 12 (NP (NP Little chance )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP is (VP going (S (VP to (VP recoup (ADVP today )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR . )NP 9 13 (S (NP Little )NP (VP chance (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP is (VP going (S (VP to (VP recoup (NP today )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 10 11 (NP (NP Little chance )NP (SBAR that (S (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP is (VP going (S (VP to (VP recoup (NP today )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR . )NP 8 12 (S (NP Little )NP (VP chance (SBAR that (S (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP is (VP going (S (VP to (VP recoup (ADVP today )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 9 12 (S (NP Little )NP (VP chance (SBAR that (S (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP is (VP going (S (VP to (VP recoup (NP today )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 9 13 (S (NP Little )NP (VP chance (SBAR that (S (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP is (VP going (S (VP to (S (VP recoup (NP today )NP )VP )S )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 9 12 (S (ADVP Little )ADVP (VP chance (SBAR that (S (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP is (VP going (S (VP to (VP recoup (NP today )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 10 12 (NP (NP Little chance )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP is (VP going (S (VP to (VP recoup (NP today )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR . )NP 9 11 (S Little (VP chance (SBAR that (S (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP is (VP going (S (VP to (VP recoup (NP today )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 9 13 (S (NP Little )NP (VP chance (SBAR that (S (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP is (S (VP going (S (VP to (VP recoup (NP today )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 9 13 (S (NP Little )NP (VP chance (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP is (VP going (S (VP to (VP recoup (NP today )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 7 9 (S (NP Little chance that (NP Shane Longman )NP )NP (VP is (VP going (S (VP to (VP recoup (NP today )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 10 12 (NP (NP Little chance )NP (SBAR that (S (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP is (VP going (S (VP to (S (VP recoup (NP today )NP )VP )S )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR . )NP 9 14 (S (NP Little )NP (VP chance (SBAR that (S (NP (NP Shane )NP (NP Longman )NP )NP (VP is (VP going (S (VP to (VP recoup (NP today )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 7 10 (S (ADVP (NP Little chance )NP that )ADVP (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP is (VP going (S (VP to (VP recoup (NP today )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 9 13 (S (NP Little )NP (VP chance (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP is (VP going (S (VP to (VP recoup (NP today )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 9 12 (S (NP Little )NP (VP chance (SBAR that (S (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP is (VP going (S (VP to (VP recoup (NP today )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 9 13 (S (NP Little )NP (VP chance (SBAR that (S (NP (NP Shane )NP Longman )NP (VP is (VP going (S (VP to (VP recoup (NP today )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 50 14 15 (S (NP Traders )NP (VP spend (NP the morning )NP (VP (ADVP frantically )ADVP selling (NP bonds )NP , (PP in (NP the belief (SBAR that (S (NP the U.S. monthly trade figures )NP (VP will (VP look (ADJP lousy )ADJP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 14 16 (S (NP Traders )NP (VP spend (NP the morning )NP (S (ADVP frantically )ADVP (VP selling (NP bonds )NP , (PP in (NP the belief (SBAR that (S (NP the U.S. monthly trade figures )NP (VP will (VP look (ADJP lousy )ADJP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )S )VP . )S 14 16 (S (NP Traders )NP (VP spend (NP the morning )NP (VP (ADVP frantically )ADVP selling (NP (NP bonds )NP , (PP in (NP the belief (SBAR that (S (NP the U.S. monthly trade figures )NP (VP will (VP look (ADJP lousy )ADJP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP . )S 14 16 (S (NP Traders )NP (VP spend (NP the morning )NP (ADVP frantically )ADVP (S (VP selling (NP bonds )NP )VP )S , (PP in (NP the belief (SBAR that (S (NP the U.S. monthly trade figures )NP (VP will (VP look (ADJP lousy )ADJP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 14 16 (S (NP Traders )NP (VP spend (NP the morning )NP (S (VP (ADVP frantically )ADVP selling (NP bonds )NP , (PP in (NP the belief (SBAR that (S (NP the U.S. monthly trade figures )NP (VP will (VP look (ADJP lousy )ADJP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )S )VP . )S 14 16 (S (NP Traders )NP (VP spend (NP the morning )NP (ADVP frantically )ADVP (S (VP selling (NP bonds )NP , (PP in (NP the belief (SBAR that (S (NP the U.S. monthly trade figures )NP (VP will (VP look (ADJP lousy )ADJP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )S )VP . )S 15 16 (S (NP Traders )NP (VP spend (NP the morning )NP (S (ADVP frantically )ADVP (VP selling (NP bonds )NP )VP )S , (PP in (NP the belief (SBAR that (S (NP the U.S. monthly trade figures )NP (VP will (VP look (ADJP lousy )ADJP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 13 16 (S (NP Traders )NP (VP spend (NP the morning )NP (PP frantically (S (VP selling (NP bonds )NP , (PP in (NP the belief (SBAR that (S (NP the U.S. monthly trade figures )NP (VP will (VP look (ADJP lousy )ADJP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )VP . )S 16 16 (S (NP Traders )NP (VP spend (NP the morning )NP (S (VP (ADVP frantically )ADVP selling (NP bonds )NP )VP )S , (PP in (NP the belief (SBAR that (S (NP the U.S. monthly trade figures )NP (VP will (VP look (ADJP lousy )ADJP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 14 17 (S (NP Traders )NP (VP spend (NP the morning )NP (S (ADVP frantically )ADVP (VP selling (NP (NP bonds )NP , (PP in (NP the belief (SBAR that (S (NP the U.S. monthly trade figures )NP (VP will (VP look (ADJP lousy )ADJP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )VP . )S 14 16 (S (NP Traders )NP (VP spend (S (NP the morning )NP (ADVP frantically )ADVP (VP selling (NP bonds )NP )VP )S , (PP in (NP the belief (SBAR that (S (NP the U.S. monthly trade figures )NP (VP will (VP look (ADJP lousy )ADJP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 14 15 (S (NP Traders )NP (VP spend (NP the morning )NP (VP (ADVP frantically )ADVP selling (NP bonds )NP , (PP in (NP the belief (SBAR that (S (NP the U.S. monthly trade figures )NP (VP will (VP look (ADJP lousy )ADJP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 14 16 (S (NP Traders )NP (VP spend (NP the morning )NP (VP (ADVP frantically )ADVP selling (NP bonds )NP , (PP in (NP the belief (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP the U.S. monthly trade figures )NP (VP will (VP look (ADJP lousy )ADJP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 13 16 (S (NP Traders )NP (VP spend (NP the morning )NP (VP (ADVP frantically )ADVP selling (NP bonds )NP , (PP in (NP the belief (SBAR that (S (NP the U.S. )NP (NP monthly trade figures )NP (VP will (VP look (ADJP lousy )ADJP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 14 16 (S (NP Traders )NP (VP spend (NP the morning )NP (ADVP frantically )ADVP (S (VP selling (NP bonds )NP )VP )S , (PP in (NP the belief (SBAR that (S (NP the U.S. monthly trade figures )NP (VP will (VP look (ADJP lousy )ADJP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 15 17 (S (NP Traders )NP (VP spend (NP the morning )NP (S (VP (VP (ADVP frantically )ADVP selling (NP bonds )NP )VP , (PP in (NP the belief (SBAR that (S (NP the U.S. monthly trade figures )NP (VP will (VP look (ADJP lousy )ADJP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )S )VP . )S 15 16 (S (NP Traders )NP (VP spend (NP (NP the morning )NP (VP (ADVP frantically )ADVP selling (NP bonds )NP )VP )NP , (PP in (NP the belief (SBAR that (S (NP the U.S. monthly trade figures )NP (VP will (VP look (ADJP lousy )ADJP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 14 15 (S (NP Traders )NP (VP spend (NP the morning )NP (ADVP frantically )ADVP (VP selling (NP bonds )NP , (PP in (NP the belief (SBAR that (S (NP the U.S. monthly trade figures )NP (VP will (VP look (ADJP lousy )ADJP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 14 17 (S (NP Traders )NP (VP spend (NP the morning )NP (ADVP frantically )ADVP (S (VP selling (NP (NP bonds )NP , (PP in (NP the belief (SBAR that (S (NP the U.S. monthly trade figures )NP (VP will (VP look (ADJP lousy )ADJP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )VP . )S 13 15 (S (NP Traders )NP (VP spend (NP the morning )NP (VP (ADVP frantically )ADVP selling (NP bonds )NP , (PP in (NP the belief (SBAR that (S (NP the U.S. monthly trade figures )NP (VP will (VP look (ADVP lousy )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 14 16 (S (NP Traders )NP (VP spend (S (NP the morning )NP (ADVP frantically )ADVP (VP selling (NP bonds )NP , (PP in (NP the belief (SBAR that (S (NP the U.S. monthly trade figures )NP (VP will (VP look (ADJP lousy )ADJP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )S )VP . )S 14 17 (S (NP Traders )NP (VP spend (NP the morning )NP (S (VP (ADVP frantically )ADVP selling (NP (NP bonds )NP , (PP in (NP the belief (SBAR that (S (NP the U.S. monthly trade figures )NP (VP will (VP look (ADJP lousy )ADJP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )VP . )S 14 16 (S (NP Traders )NP (VP spend (NP the morning )NP (ADVP frantically )ADVP (S (VP selling (NP bonds )NP , (PP in (NP the belief (SBAR that (S (NP the U.S. monthly trade figures )NP (VP will (VP look (ADJP lousy )ADJP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )S )VP . )S 14 16 (S (NP Traders )NP (VP spend (NP the morning )NP (S (ADVP frantically )ADVP (VP selling (NP bonds )NP , (PP in (NP the belief (SBAR that (S (NP the U.S. monthly trade figures )NP (VP will (VP look (ADJP lousy )ADJP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )S )VP . )S 14 17 (S (NP Traders )NP (VP spend (NP the morning )NP (S (ADVP frantically )ADVP (VP selling (NP bonds )NP , (PP in (NP the belief (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP the U.S. monthly trade figures )NP (VP will (VP look (ADJP lousy )ADJP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )S )VP . )S 13 15 (S (NP Traders )NP (VP (VP spend (NP the morning )NP )VP frantically (VP selling (NP bonds )NP , (PP in (NP the belief (SBAR that (S (NP the U.S. monthly trade figures )NP (VP will (VP look (ADJP lousy )ADJP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 13 17 (S (NP Traders )NP (VP spend (NP the morning )NP (S (ADVP frantically )ADVP (VP selling (NP bonds )NP , (PP in (NP the belief (SBAR that (S (NP the U.S. )NP (NP monthly trade figures )NP (VP will (VP look (ADJP lousy )ADJP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )S )VP . )S 15 16 (S (NP Traders )NP (VP spend (NP the morning (S (VP (ADVP frantically )ADVP selling (NP bonds )NP )VP )S )NP , (PP in (NP the belief (SBAR that (S (NP the U.S. monthly trade figures )NP (VP will (VP look (ADJP lousy )ADJP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 14 16 (S (NP Traders )NP (VP spend (NP the morning )NP (VP (ADVP frantically )ADVP selling (NP (NP bonds )NP , (PP in (NP the belief (SBAR that (S (NP the U.S. monthly trade figures )NP (VP will (VP look (ADJP lousy )ADJP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP . )S 14 17 (S (NP Traders )NP (VP spend (NP the morning )NP (VP (ADVP frantically )ADVP selling (NP (NP bonds )NP , (PP in (NP the belief (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP the U.S. monthly trade figures )NP (VP will (VP look (ADJP lousy )ADJP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP . )S 14 16 (S (NP Traders )NP (VP spend (NP the morning )NP (VP (ADVP frantically )ADVP selling (NP bonds )NP , (PP in (NP the belief (SBAR that (S (NP the U.S. monthly trade figures )NP (VP will (VP look (S (ADJP lousy )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 15 16 (S (NP Traders )NP (VP spend (NP the morning )NP (S (ADVP frantically )ADVP (VP selling (NP bonds )NP )VP )S , (PP in (NP the belief (SBAR that (S (NP the U.S. monthly trade figures )NP (VP will (VP look (ADJP lousy )ADJP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 13 17 (S (NP Traders )NP (VP spend (NP the morning )NP (VP (ADVP frantically )ADVP selling (NP (NP bonds )NP , (PP in (NP the belief (SBAR that (S (NP the U.S. )NP (NP monthly trade figures )NP (VP will (VP look (ADJP lousy )ADJP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP . )S 13 15 (S (NP Traders )NP (VP spend (NP the morning )NP (S frantically (VP selling (NP bonds )NP , (PP in (NP the belief (SBAR that (S (NP the U.S. monthly trade figures )NP (VP will (VP look (ADJP lousy )ADJP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )S )VP . )S 14 16 (S (NP Traders )NP (VP spend (NP the morning )NP (ADVP frantically )ADVP (S (VP selling (NP bonds )NP )VP )S , (PP in (NP the belief (SBAR that (S (NP the U.S. monthly trade figures )NP (VP will (VP look (ADJP lousy )ADJP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 14 17 (S (NP Traders )NP (VP spend (NP the morning )NP (ADVP frantically )ADVP (S (VP selling (NP bonds )NP )VP )S , (PP in (NP the belief (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP the U.S. monthly trade figures )NP (VP will (VP look (ADJP lousy )ADJP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 14 17 (S (NP Traders )NP (VP spend (NP the morning )NP (S (ADVP frantically )ADVP (VP (VP selling (NP bonds )NP )VP , (PP in (NP the belief (SBAR that (S (NP the U.S. monthly trade figures )NP (VP will (VP look (ADJP lousy )ADJP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )S )VP . )S 14 16 (S (NP Traders )NP (VP spend (NP the morning )NP (S (ADVP frantically )ADVP (VP selling (NP bonds )NP , (PP in (NP the belief (SBAR that (S (NP the U.S. monthly trade figures )NP (VP will (VP look (ADJP lousy )ADJP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )S )VP . )S 14 16 (S (NP Traders )NP (VP spend (NP the morning (S (ADVP frantically )ADVP (VP selling (NP bonds )NP )VP )S )NP , (PP in (NP the belief (SBAR that (S (NP the U.S. monthly trade figures )NP (VP will (VP look (ADJP lousy )ADJP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 13 17 (S (NP Traders )NP (VP spend (NP the morning )NP (PP frantically (S (VP selling (NP (NP bonds )NP , (PP in (NP the belief (SBAR that (S (NP the U.S. monthly trade figures )NP (VP will (VP look (ADJP lousy )ADJP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )PP )VP . )S 13 17 (S (NP Traders )NP (VP spend (NP the morning )NP (ADVP frantically )ADVP (S (VP selling (NP bonds )NP )VP )S , (PP in (NP the belief (SBAR that (S (NP the U.S. )NP (NP monthly trade figures )NP (VP will (VP look (ADJP lousy )ADJP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 13 16 (S (NP Traders )NP (VP spend (NP the morning )NP (S (ADVP frantically )ADVP (VP selling (NP bonds )NP , (PP in (NP the belief (SBAR that (S (NP the U.S. monthly trade figures )NP (VP will (VP look (ADVP lousy )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )S )VP . )S 14 16 (S (NP Traders )NP (VP spend (NP the morning )NP (S (VP (ADVP frantically )ADVP selling (NP bonds )NP , (PP in (NP the belief (SBAR that (S (NP the U.S. monthly trade figures )NP (VP will (VP look (ADJP lousy )ADJP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )S )VP . )S 14 17 (S (NP Traders )NP (VP spend (NP the morning )NP (S (VP (ADVP frantically )ADVP selling (NP bonds )NP , (PP in (NP the belief (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP the U.S. monthly trade figures )NP (VP will (VP look (ADJP lousy )ADJP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )S )VP . )S 14 16 (S (NP Traders )NP (VP spend (NP the morning )NP (ADVP frantically )ADVP (S (VP selling (NP bonds )NP , (PP in (NP the belief (SBAR that (S (NP the U.S. monthly trade figures )NP (VP will (VP look (ADJP lousy )ADJP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )S )VP . )S 14 17 (S (NP Traders )NP (VP spend (NP the morning )NP (ADVP frantically )ADVP (S (VP selling (NP bonds )NP , (PP in (NP the belief (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP the U.S. monthly trade figures )NP (VP will (VP look (ADJP lousy )ADJP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )S )VP . )S 14 16 (S (NP Traders )NP (VP spend (NP the morning )NP (S (VP (ADVP frantically )ADVP selling (NP bonds )NP , (PP in (NP the belief (SBAR that (S (NP the U.S. monthly trade figures )NP (VP will (VP look (ADJP lousy )ADJP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )S )VP . )S 13 17 (S (NP Traders )NP (VP spend (NP the morning )NP (S (VP (ADVP frantically )ADVP selling (NP bonds )NP , (PP in (NP the belief (SBAR that (S (NP the U.S. )NP (NP monthly trade figures )NP (VP will (VP look (ADJP lousy )ADJP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )S )VP . )S 15 16 (S (NP Traders )NP (VP spend (NP the morning )NP (S (ADVP frantically )ADVP (VP selling (NP bonds )NP )VP )S , (PP in (NP the belief (SBAR that (S (NP the U.S. monthly trade figures )NP (VP will (VP look (ADJP lousy )ADJP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 15 17 (S (NP Traders )NP (VP spend (NP the morning )NP (S (ADVP frantically )ADVP (VP selling (NP bonds )NP )VP )S , (PP in (NP the belief (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP the U.S. monthly trade figures )NP (VP will (VP look (ADJP lousy )ADJP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 50 1 3 (FRAG (INTJ Ah )INTJ , (NP perfidious Columbia )NP ! )FRAG 1 3 (FRAG (INTJ Ah )INTJ , (NP perfidious Columbia )NP ! )FRAG 1 5 (FRAG (INTJ Ah )INTJ , (NP (NP perfidious )NP (NP Columbia )NP )NP ! )FRAG 1 3 (FRAG (INTJ Ah )INTJ , (NP perfidious Columbia )NP ! )FRAG 1 3 (FRAG (INTJ Ah )INTJ , (NP perfidious Columbia )NP ! )FRAG 0 4 (FRAG (INTJ Ah )INTJ , (ADVP perfidious )ADVP (NP Columbia )NP ! )FRAG 1 3 (FRAG (INTJ Ah )INTJ , (NP perfidious Columbia )NP ! )FRAG 0 4 (FRAG (INTJ Ah )INTJ , (ADJP perfidious )ADJP (NP Columbia )NP ! )FRAG 0 4 (FRAG (INTJ Ah )INTJ , (ADVP perfidious )ADVP (NP Columbia )NP ! )FRAG 0 4 (S (INTJ Ah )INTJ , (VP perfidious (NP Columbia )NP )VP ! )S 1 4 (FRAG (INTJ Ah )INTJ , (NP perfidious (NX Columbia )NX )NP ! )FRAG 1 4 (FRAG (INTJ Ah )INTJ , (NP (ADJP perfidious )ADJP Columbia )NP ! )FRAG 1 5 (FRAG (INTJ Ah )INTJ , (NP (NP perfidious )NP (NP Columbia )NP )NP ! )FRAG 1 3 (FRAG (INTJ Ah )INTJ , (NP perfidious Columbia )NP ! )FRAG 0 4 (FRAG (INTJ Ah )INTJ , (ADVP perfidious (NP Columbia )NP )ADVP ! )FRAG 1 4 (FRAG (INTJ Ah )INTJ , (NP (NP perfidious )NP Columbia )NP ! )FRAG 1 5 (FRAG (INTJ Ah )INTJ , (NP (NP perfidious )NP (NP Columbia )NP )NP ! )FRAG 1 5 (FRAG (INTJ Ah )INTJ , (NP (NP perfidious )NP (NP Columbia )NP )NP ! )FRAG 1 3 (FRAG (INTJ Ah )INTJ , (NP perfidious Columbia )NP ! )FRAG 0 4 (FRAG (INTJ Ah )INTJ , (PP perfidious (NP Columbia )NP )PP ! )FRAG 0 4 (FRAG (INTJ Ah )INTJ , (VP perfidious (NP Columbia )NP )VP ! )FRAG 0 4 (FRAG (INTJ Ah )INTJ , (NP perfidious )NP (NP Columbia )NP ! )FRAG 0 4 (FRAG (INTJ Ah )INTJ , (PP perfidious (NP Columbia )NP )PP ! )FRAG 0 4 (FRAG (INTJ Ah )INTJ , (PP perfidious (NP Columbia )NP )PP ! )FRAG 0 4 (FRAG (INTJ Ah )INTJ , (ADVP perfidious (NP Columbia )NP )ADVP ! )FRAG 1 4 (FRAG (INTJ Ah )INTJ , (NP (ADVP perfidious )ADVP Columbia )NP ! )FRAG 0 4 (FRAG (INTJ Ah )INTJ , (ADVP perfidious )ADVP (NP Columbia )NP ! )FRAG 1 5 (FRAG (INTJ Ah )INTJ , (NP (NP perfidious )NP (NP Columbia )NP )NP ! )FRAG 0 4 (FRAG (INTJ Ah )INTJ , (ADVP perfidious )ADVP (NP Columbia )NP ! )FRAG 1 4 (FRAG (INTJ Ah )INTJ , (NP (ADVP perfidious )ADVP Columbia )NP ! )FRAG 0 4 (S (INTJ Ah )INTJ , (VP perfidious (NP Columbia )NP )VP ! )S 0 4 (FRAG (INTJ Ah )INTJ , (NP perfidious )NP (NP Columbia )NP ! )FRAG 0 4 (S (INTJ Ah )INTJ , (VP perfidious (NP Columbia )NP )VP ! )S 0 4 (FRAG (INTJ Ah )INTJ , (VP perfidious (NP Columbia )NP )VP ! )FRAG 1 4 (FRAG (INTJ Ah )INTJ , (NP perfidious (NP Columbia )NP )NP ! )FRAG 1 5 (FRAG (INTJ Ah )INTJ , (NP (NP perfidious )NP (NX Columbia )NX )NP ! )FRAG 1 4 (FRAG (INTJ Ah )INTJ , (NP (NP perfidious )NP Columbia )NP ! )FRAG 0 4 (FRAG (INTJ Ah )INTJ , (NP perfidious )NP (NP Columbia )NP ! )FRAG 1 3 (FRAG (ADVP Ah )ADVP , (NP perfidious Columbia )NP ! )FRAG 0 5 (S (INTJ Ah )INTJ , (S (VP perfidious (NP Columbia )NP )VP )S ! )S 1 5 (FRAG (INTJ Ah )INTJ , (NP (NP perfidious )NP (NP Columbia )NP )NP ! )FRAG 1 4 (FRAG (INTJ Ah )INTJ , (NP (NP perfidious )NP Columbia )NP ! )FRAG 0 4 (S (ADVP Ah )ADVP , (VP perfidious (NP Columbia )NP )VP ! )S 0 4 (S (INTJ Ah )INTJ , (VP perfidious (NP Columbia )NP )VP ! )S 0 4 (FRAG (INTJ Ah )INTJ , (NP perfidious )NP (NP Columbia )NP ! )FRAG 0 3 (FRAG (INTJ Ah )INTJ , perfidious (NP Columbia )NP ! )FRAG 1 4 (FRAG (INTJ Ah )INTJ , (NP (NP perfidious )NP Columbia )NP ! )FRAG 1 5 (FRAG (INTJ Ah )INTJ , (NP (ADVP perfidious )ADVP (NP Columbia )NP )NP ! )FRAG 1 5 (FRAG (INTJ Ah )INTJ , (NP (NP perfidious )NP (NX Columbia )NX )NP ! )FRAG 1 4 (FRAG (FRAG (INTJ Ah )INTJ , (NP perfidious Columbia )NP )FRAG ! )FRAG 50 12 12 (S (S (NP The trade figures )NP (VP turn (PRT out )PRT (ADVP well )ADVP )VP )S , and (S (NP all those (ADJP recently unloaded )ADJP bonds )NP (VP spurt (PP in (NP price )NP )PP )VP )S . )S 12 12 (S (S (NP The trade figures )NP (VP turn (ADVP out )ADVP (ADVP well )ADVP )VP )S , and (S (NP all those (ADJP recently unloaded )ADJP bonds )NP (VP spurt (PP in (NP price )NP )PP )VP )S . )S 11 13 (S (S (NP The trade figures )NP (VP turn (PRT out )PRT (ADVP well )ADVP )VP )S , and (S (NP all those (ADJP recently unloaded )ADJP bonds )NP (NP (NP spurt )NP (PP in (NP price )NP )PP )NP )S . )S 11 12 (S (S (NP The trade figures )NP (VP turn (PRT out )PRT (ADVP well )ADVP )VP )S , and (S (NP all those (ADJP recently unloaded )ADJP bonds )NP (ADJP spurt (PP in (NP price )NP )PP )ADJP )S . )S 10 11 (S (S (NP The trade figures )NP (VP turn (ADVP out well )ADVP )VP )S , and (S (NP all those (ADJP recently unloaded )ADJP bonds )NP (VP spurt (PP in (NP price )NP )PP )VP )S . )S 10 11 (S (S (NP The trade figures )NP (VP turn (ADVP out well )ADVP )VP )S , and (S (NP all those (ADJP recently unloaded )ADJP bonds )NP (VP spurt (PP in (NP price )NP )PP )VP )S . )S 11 13 (S (S (NP The trade figures )NP (VP turn (ADVP out )ADVP (ADVP well )ADVP )VP )S , and (S (NP all those (ADJP recently unloaded )ADJP bonds )NP (NP (NP spurt )NP (PP in (NP price )NP )PP )NP )S . )S 11 12 (S (S (NP The trade figures )NP (VP turn (ADVP out )ADVP (ADVP well )ADVP )VP )S , and (S (NP all those (ADJP recently unloaded )ADJP bonds )NP (ADJP spurt (PP in (NP price )NP )PP )ADJP )S . )S 12 12 (S (S (NP The trade figures )NP (VP turn (PRT out )PRT (ADVP well )ADVP )VP )S , and (S (NP all those (ADJP recently unloaded )ADJP bonds )NP (VP spurt (PP in (NP price )NP )PP )VP )S . )S 10 13 (S (NP The trade figures )NP (VP turn (PRT out )PRT (UCP (ADVP well )ADVP , and (SBAR (S (NP all those (ADJP recently unloaded )ADJP bonds )NP (VP spurt (PP in (NP price )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )UCP )VP . )S 12 12 (S (S (NP The trade figures )NP (VP turn (PRT out )PRT (ADVP well )ADVP )VP )S , and (S (NP all those (ADJP recently unloaded )ADJP bonds )NP (VP spurt (PP in (NP price )NP )PP )VP )S . )S 11 12 (S (S (NP The trade figures )NP (VP turn (PRT out )PRT (NP well )NP )VP )S , and (S (NP all those (ADJP recently unloaded )ADJP bonds )NP (VP spurt (PP in (NP price )NP )PP )VP )S . )S 9 12 (S (S (NP The trade figures )NP (VP turn (ADVP out well )ADVP )VP )S , and (S (NP all those (ADJP recently unloaded )ADJP bonds )NP (NP (NP spurt )NP (PP in (NP price )NP )PP )NP )S . )S 9 11 (S (S (NP The trade figures )NP (VP turn (ADVP out well )ADVP )VP )S , and (S (NP all those (ADJP recently unloaded )ADJP bonds )NP (ADJP spurt (PP in (NP price )NP )PP )ADJP )S . )S 9 12 (S (S (NP The trade figures )NP (VP turn (ADVP out well )ADVP )VP )S , and (S (NP all those (ADJP recently unloaded )ADJP bonds )NP (NP (NP spurt )NP (PP in (NP price )NP )PP )NP )S . )S 9 11 (S (S (NP The trade figures )NP (VP turn (ADVP out well )ADVP )VP )S , and (S (NP all those (ADJP recently unloaded )ADJP bonds )NP (ADJP spurt (PP in (NP price )NP )PP )ADJP )S . )S 10 12 (S (S (NP The trade figures )NP (VP turn (PRT out )PRT (ADVP well )ADVP )VP )S , and all (S (NP those (ADJP recently unloaded )ADJP bonds )NP (VP spurt (PP in (NP price )NP )PP )VP )S . )S 12 12 (S (S (NP The trade figures )NP (VP turn (ADVP out )ADVP (ADVP well )ADVP )VP )S , and (S (NP all those (ADJP recently unloaded )ADJP bonds )NP (VP spurt (PP in (NP price )NP )PP )VP )S . )S 11 12 (S (S (NP The trade figures )NP (VP turn (PRT out )PRT (NP well )NP )VP )S , and (S (NP all those (ADJP recently unloaded )ADJP bonds )NP (VP spurt (PP in (NP price )NP )PP )VP )S . )S 12 13 (S (S (NP The trade figures )NP (VP turn (PRT out )PRT (ADVP well )ADVP )VP )S , and (S (NP all (NP those (ADJP recently unloaded )ADJP bonds )NP )NP (VP spurt (PP in (NP price )NP )PP )VP )S . )S 10 13 (S (S (NP The trade figures )NP (VP turn (PRT out )PRT (ADVP well )ADVP )VP )S , and (S (NP all those )NP (NP (NP (ADJP recently unloaded )ADJP bonds spurt )NP (PP in (NP price )NP )PP )NP )S . )S 9 12 (S (NP The trade figures )NP (VP turn (PRT out )PRT (UCP (ADVP well )ADVP , and (NP (NP all those (ADJP recently unloaded )ADJP bonds )NP (VP spurt (PP in (NP price )NP )PP )VP )NP )UCP )VP . )S 11 12 (S (S (NP The trade figures )NP (VP turn (PRT out )PRT (ADVP well )ADVP )VP )S , and (S (NP all those (ADJP recently unloaded )ADJP bonds )NP (VP spurt (PRT in )PRT (NP price )NP )VP )S . )S 10 11 (S (S (NP The trade figures )NP (VP turn (ADVP out well )ADVP )VP )S , and (S (NP all those (ADJP recently unloaded )ADJP bonds )NP (VP spurt (PP in (NP price )NP )PP )VP )S . )S 12 12 (S (S (NP The trade figures )NP (VP turn (ADVP out )ADVP (ADVP well )ADVP )VP )S , and (S (NP all those (ADJP recently unloaded )ADJP bonds )NP (VP spurt (PP in (NP price )NP )PP )VP )S . )S 12 13 (S (S (NP The trade figures )NP (VP turn (PRT out )PRT (ADVP well )ADVP )VP )S , and (S (NP all those (ADJP recently unloaded )ADJP bonds )NP (VP (NP spurt )NP (PP in (NP price )NP )PP )VP )S . )S 12 12 (S (S (NP The trade figures )NP (VP turn (ADVP out )ADVP (ADVP well )ADVP )VP )S , and (S (NP all those (ADJP recently unloaded )ADJP bonds )NP (VP spurt (PP in (NP price )NP )PP )VP )S . )S 12 12 (S (S (NP The trade figures )NP (VP turn (PRT out )PRT (ADVP well )ADVP )VP )S , and (S (NP all those (ADJP recently unloaded )ADJP bonds )NP (VP spurt (PP in (NP price )NP )PP )VP )S . )S 12 12 (S (S (NP The trade figures )NP (VP turn (PRT out )PRT (ADVP well )ADVP )VP )S , and (S (NP all those (ADJP recently unloaded )ADJP bonds )NP (VP spurt (PP in (NP price )NP )PP )VP )S . )S 10 11 (S (S (NP The trade figures )NP (VP turn (ADVP out well )ADVP )VP )S , and (S (NP all those (ADJP recently unloaded )ADJP bonds )NP (VP spurt (PP in (NP price )NP )PP )VP )S . )S 8 12 (S (NP The trade figures )NP (VP turn (PRT out )PRT (UCP (ADVP well )ADVP , and (NP (NP (NP all those (ADJP recently unloaded )ADJP bonds )NP spurt )NP (PP in (NP price )NP )PP )NP )UCP )VP . )S 11 13 (S (S (NP The trade figures )NP (VP turn (PRT out )PRT (ADVP well )ADVP )VP )S , and (S (NP all those (ADJP recently unloaded )ADJP bonds )NP (NP (NP spurt )NP (PP in (NP price )NP )PP )NP )S . )S 12 12 (S (S (NP The trade figures )NP (VP turn (ADVP out )ADVP (ADVP well )ADVP )VP )S , and (S (NP all those (ADJP recently unloaded )ADJP bonds )NP (VP spurt (PP in (NP price )NP )PP )VP )S . )S 11 12 (S (S (NP The trade figures )NP (VP turn (PRT out )PRT (ADVP well )ADVP )VP )S , and (S (NP all those (ADJP recently unloaded )ADJP bonds )NP (ADJP spurt (PP in (NP price )NP )PP )ADJP )S . )S 11 12 (S (S (NP The trade figures )NP (VP turn (PRT out )PRT (NP well )NP )VP )S , and (S (NP all those (ADJP recently unloaded )ADJP bonds )NP (VP spurt (PP in (NP price )NP )PP )VP )S . )S 7 11 (S (NP The trade figures )NP (VP (VP turn (ADVP out well )ADVP )VP , and (VP (NP all those (ADJP recently unloaded )ADJP bonds )NP (NP spurt )NP (PP in (NP price )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 11 13 (S (S (NP The trade figures )NP (VP turn (PRT out )PRT (ADVP well )ADVP )VP )S , and (S (NP all those (ADJP recently unloaded )ADJP bonds )NP (NP (NP spurt )NP (PP in (NP price )NP )PP )NP )S . )S 10 13 (S (S (NP The trade figures )NP (VP turn (PRT out )PRT (NP well )NP )VP )S , and (S (NP all those (ADJP recently unloaded )ADJP bonds )NP (NP (NP spurt )NP (PP in (NP price )NP )PP )NP )S . )S 11 12 (S (S (NP The trade figures )NP (VP turn (PP out (ADVP well )ADVP )PP )VP )S , and (S (NP all those (ADJP recently unloaded )ADJP bonds )NP (VP spurt (PP in (NP price )NP )PP )VP )S . )S 8 12 (S (NP The trade figures )NP (VP turn (PRT out )PRT (NP (NP well )NP , and (NP (NP all those (ADJP recently unloaded )ADJP bonds )NP (VP spurt (PP in (NP price )NP )PP )VP )NP )NP )VP . )S 8 12 (S (NP The trade figures )NP (VP turn (PRT out )PRT (NP (NP (UCP (ADVP well )ADVP , and (NP all those (ADJP recently unloaded )ADJP bonds )NP )UCP spurt )NP (PP in (NP price )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 10 12 (S (NP The trade figures )NP (VP turn (PRT out )PRT (UCP (ADVP well )ADVP , and (S (NP all those (ADJP recently unloaded )ADJP bonds )NP (VP spurt (PP in (NP price )NP )PP )VP )S )UCP )VP . )S 10 14 (S (S (NP The trade figures )NP (VP turn (PRT out )PRT (ADVP well )ADVP )VP )S , and (S (NP all those )NP (NP (NP (NP (ADJP recently unloaded )ADJP bonds )NP spurt )NP (PP in (NP price )NP )PP )NP )S . )S 7 11 (S (NP The trade figures )NP (VP (VP turn (ADVP out well )ADVP )VP , and (VP (NP all those (ADJP recently unloaded )ADJP bonds )NP (NP spurt )NP (PP in (NP price )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 11 12 (S (S (NP The trade figures )NP (VP turn (PRT out )PRT (ADVP well )ADVP )VP )S , and (S (NP all those (ADJP recently unloaded )ADJP bonds )NP (ADJP spurt (PP in (NP price )NP )PP )ADJP )S . )S 10 12 (S (S (NP The trade figures )NP (VP turn (ADVP out )ADVP (ADVP well )ADVP )VP )S , and all (S (NP those (ADJP recently unloaded )ADJP bonds )NP (VP spurt (PP in (NP price )NP )PP )VP )S . )S 10 12 (S (S (NP The trade figures )NP (VP turn (PRT out )PRT (NP well )NP )VP )S , and (S (NP all those (ADJP recently unloaded )ADJP bonds )NP (ADJP spurt (PP in (NP price )NP )PP )ADJP )S . )S 10 11 (S (S (NP The trade figures )NP (VP turn (ADVP out well )ADVP )VP )S , and (S (NP all those (ADJP recently unloaded )ADJP bonds )NP (VP spurt (PP in (NP price )NP )PP )VP )S . )S 8 12 (S (NP The trade figures )NP (VP turn (PRT out )PRT (NP (NP well )NP , and (NP (NP all those (ADJP recently unloaded )ADJP bonds )NP (VP spurt (PP in (NP price )NP )PP )VP )NP )NP )VP . )S 10 12 (S (S (NP The trade figures )NP (VP turn (PP out (NP well )NP )PP )VP )S , and (S (NP all those (ADJP recently unloaded )ADJP bonds )NP (VP spurt (PP in (NP price )NP )PP )VP )S . )S 50 9 11 (FRAG (ADJP So much (PP for (S (VP anticipating (NP the market )NP (PP by (NP (NP a fraction )NP (PP of (NP a second )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )ADJP . )FRAG 9 12 (FRAG (ADJP (ADJP So much )ADJP (PP for (S (VP anticipating (NP the market )NP (PP by (NP (NP a fraction )NP (PP of (NP a second )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )ADJP . )FRAG 9 12 (FRAG (ADJP So much (PP for (S (VP anticipating (NP (NP the market )NP (PP by (NP (NP a fraction )NP (PP of (NP a second )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )PP )ADJP . )FRAG 9 11 (FRAG (ADJP So much (PP for (S (VP anticipating (NP the market )NP (PP by (NP (NP a fraction )NP (PP of (NP a second )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )ADJP . )FRAG 9 13 (FRAG (ADJP (ADJP So much )ADJP (PP for (S (VP anticipating (NP (NP the market )NP (PP by (NP (NP a fraction )NP (PP of (NP a second )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )PP )ADJP . )FRAG 9 11 (S (ADJP So much (PP for (S (VP anticipating (NP the market )NP (PP by (NP (NP a fraction )NP (PP of (NP a second )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )ADJP . )S 9 12 (FRAG (ADJP (ADJP So much )ADJP (PP for (S (VP anticipating (NP the market )NP (PP by (NP (NP a fraction )NP (PP of (NP a second )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )ADJP . )FRAG 9 12 (FRAG (ADJP So much (PP for (S (VP anticipating (NP (NP the market )NP (PP by (NP (NP a fraction )NP (PP of (NP a second )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )PP )ADJP . )FRAG 9 12 (S (ADJP So much (PP for (S (VP anticipating (NP (NP the market )NP (PP by (NP (NP a fraction )NP (PP of (NP a second )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )PP )ADJP . )S 6 12 (FRAG (ADJP (ADJP So much )ADJP (PP for (S (VP anticipating (NP the market )NP )VP )S )PP (PP by (NP (NP a fraction )NP (PP of (NP a second )NP )PP )NP )PP )ADJP . )FRAG 9 13 (FRAG (ADJP (ADJP So much )ADJP (PP for (S (VP anticipating (NP (NP the market )NP (PP by (NP (NP a fraction )NP (PP of (NP a second )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )PP )ADJP . )FRAG 6 11 (FRAG (ADJP So much (PP for (S (VP anticipating (NP the market )NP )VP )S )PP (PP by (NP (NP a fraction )NP (PP of (NP a second )NP )PP )NP )PP )ADJP . )FRAG 9 12 (S (ADJP (ADJP So much )ADJP (PP for (S (VP anticipating (NP the market )NP (PP by (NP (NP a fraction )NP (PP of (NP a second )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )ADJP . )S 9 11 (S (ADJP So much (PP for (S (VP anticipating (NP the market )NP (PP by (NP (NP a fraction )NP (PP of (NP a second )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )ADJP . )S 6 12 (S (ADJP (ADJP So much )ADJP (PP for (S (VP anticipating (NP the market )NP )VP )S )PP (PP by (NP (NP a fraction )NP (PP of (NP a second )NP )PP )NP )PP )ADJP . )S 9 13 (S (ADJP (ADJP So much )ADJP (PP for (S (VP anticipating (NP (NP the market )NP (PP by (NP (NP a fraction )NP (PP of (NP a second )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )PP )ADJP . )S 9 11 (FRAG (ADVP So )ADVP much (PP for (S (VP anticipating (NP the market )NP (PP by (NP (NP a fraction )NP (PP of (NP a second )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )PP . )FRAG 9 12 (S (ADJP So much (PP for (S (VP anticipating (NP (NP the market )NP (PP by (NP (NP a fraction )NP (PP of (NP a second )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )PP )ADJP . )S 6 12 (FRAG (ADJP (ADJP So much )ADJP (PP for (S (VP anticipating (NP the market )NP )VP )S )PP (PP by (NP (NP a fraction )NP (PP of (NP a second )NP )PP )NP )PP )ADJP . )FRAG 6 11 (FRAG (ADJP So much (PP for (S (VP anticipating (NP the market )NP )VP )S )PP (PP by (NP (NP a fraction )NP (PP of (NP a second )NP )PP )NP )PP )ADJP . )FRAG 9 12 (S (ADJP (ADJP So much )ADJP (PP for (S (VP anticipating (NP the market )NP (PP by (NP (NP a fraction )NP (PP of (NP a second )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )ADJP . )S 6 12 (S (ADJP (ADJP So much )ADJP (PP for (S (VP anticipating (NP the market )NP )VP )S )PP (PP by (NP (NP a fraction )NP (PP of (NP a second )NP )PP )NP )PP )ADJP . )S 9 12 (FRAG (ADVP So )ADVP much (PP for (S (VP anticipating (NP (NP the market )NP (PP by (NP (NP a fraction )NP (PP of (NP a second )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )PP . )FRAG 9 13 (S (ADJP (ADJP So much )ADJP (PP for (S (VP anticipating (NP (NP the market )NP (PP by (NP (NP a fraction )NP (PP of (NP a second )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )PP )ADJP . )S 9 11 (FRAG (ADVP So )ADVP much (PP for (S (VP anticipating (NP the market )NP (PP by (NP (NP a fraction )NP (PP of (NP a second )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )PP . )FRAG 9 11 (FRAG So (ADJP much (PP for (S (VP anticipating (NP the market )NP (PP by (NP (NP a fraction )NP (PP of (NP a second )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )ADJP . )FRAG 6 11 (S (ADJP So much (PP for (S (VP anticipating (NP the market )NP )VP )S )PP (PP by (NP (NP a fraction )NP (PP of (NP a second )NP )PP )NP )PP )ADJP . )S 9 11 (FRAG So (ADJP much (PP for (S (VP anticipating (NP the market )NP (PP by (NP (NP a fraction )NP (PP of (NP a second )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )ADJP . )FRAG 9 12 (FRAG (ADVP So )ADVP much (PP for (S (VP anticipating (NP (NP the market )NP (PP by (NP (NP a fraction )NP (PP of (NP a second )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )PP . )FRAG 9 10 (FRAG So much (PP for (S (VP anticipating (NP the market )NP (PP by (NP (NP a fraction )NP (PP of (NP a second )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )PP . )FRAG 8 11 (FRAG (ADJP So much )ADJP (SBAR for (S (VP anticipating (NP the market )NP (PP by (NP (NP a fraction )NP (PP of (NP a second )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR . )FRAG 9 12 (FRAG So (ADJP much (PP for (S (VP anticipating (NP (NP the market )NP (PP by (NP (NP a fraction )NP (PP of (NP a second )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )PP )ADJP . )FRAG 8 11 (FRAG (ADVP So much )ADVP (SBAR for (S (VP anticipating (NP the market )NP (PP by (NP (NP a fraction )NP (PP of (NP a second )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR . )FRAG 9 12 (FRAG So (ADJP much (PP for (S (VP anticipating (NP (NP the market )NP (PP by (NP (NP a fraction )NP (PP of (NP a second )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )PP )ADJP . )FRAG 9 11 (FRAG So (ADVP much )ADVP (PP for (S (VP anticipating (NP the market )NP (PP by (NP (NP a fraction )NP (PP of (NP a second )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )PP . )FRAG 9 11 (FRAG So (ADJP much (PP for (S (VP anticipating (NP the market )NP (PP by (NP (NP a fraction )NP (PP of (NP a second )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )ADJP . )FRAG 9 11 (FRAG So much (PP for (S (VP anticipating (NP (NP the market )NP (PP by (NP (NP a fraction )NP (PP of (NP a second )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )PP . )FRAG 6 11 (S (ADJP So much (PP for (S (VP anticipating (NP the market )NP )VP )S )PP (PP by (NP (NP a fraction )NP (PP of (NP a second )NP )PP )NP )PP )ADJP . )S 8 12 (FRAG (ADJP So much )ADJP (SBAR for (S (VP anticipating (NP (NP the market )NP (PP by (NP (NP a fraction )NP (PP of (NP a second )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR . )FRAG 9 11 (FRAG (ADVP So much )ADVP (PP for (S (VP anticipating (NP the market )NP (PP by (NP (NP a fraction )NP (PP of (NP a second )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )PP . )FRAG 9 11 (FRAG So (ADJP much (PP for (S (VP anticipating (NP the market )NP (PP by (NP (NP a fraction )NP (PP of (NP a second )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )ADJP . )FRAG 9 11 (FRAG (ADJP So much (PP for (S (VP anticipating (NP the market )NP (PP by (NP (NP a fraction )NP (PP of (NP a second )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )ADJP . )FRAG 9 10 (FRAG So much (PP for (S (VP anticipating (NP the market )NP (PP by (NP (NP a fraction )NP (PP of (NP a second )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )PP . )FRAG 8 12 (FRAG (ADVP So )ADVP (SBAR (ADVP much )ADVP for (S (VP anticipating (NP the market )NP (PP by (NP (NP a fraction )NP (PP of (NP a second )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR . )FRAG 8 12 (FRAG (ADVP So much )ADVP (SBAR for (S (VP anticipating (NP (NP the market )NP (PP by (NP (NP a fraction )NP (PP of (NP a second )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR . )FRAG 8 11 (FRAG (ADJP So much )ADJP (SBAR for (S (VP anticipating (NP the market )NP (PP by (NP (NP a fraction )NP (PP of (NP a second )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR . )FRAG 9 12 (FRAG So (ADVP much )ADVP (PP for (S (VP anticipating (NP (NP the market )NP (PP by (NP (NP a fraction )NP (PP of (NP a second )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )PP . )FRAG 9 12 (FRAG So (ADJP much (PP for (S (VP anticipating (NP (NP the market )NP (PP by (NP (NP a fraction )NP (PP of (NP a second )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )PP )ADJP . )FRAG 8 11 (FRAG (ADVP So much )ADVP (SBAR for (S (VP anticipating (NP the market )NP (PP by (NP (NP a fraction )NP (PP of (NP a second )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR . )FRAG 8 11 (FRAG So (PP (ADVP much )ADVP for (S (VP anticipating (NP the market )NP (PP by (NP (NP a fraction )NP (PP of (NP a second )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )PP . )FRAG 50 13 28 (S And (NP (NP a large slice )NP (PP of (NP the first episode )NP )PP )NP (VP is (ADJP devoted (PP to (NP efforts (S (VP to (VP get (ADJP rid (PP of (NP (NP some (ADJP nearly worthless )ADJP Japanese bonds )NP (PRN -LRB- (SBAR since (FRAG (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (VP is (NP anything )NP )VP )S )SBAR (NP Japanese )NP (ADJP nearly worthless )ADJP (ADVP nowadays )ADVP ? )FRAG )SBAR -RRB- )PRN )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 13 26 (S And (NP (NP a large slice )NP (PP of (NP the first episode )NP )PP )NP (VP is (ADJP devoted (PP to (NP efforts (S (VP to (VP get (ADJP rid (PP of (NP (NP some (ADJP nearly worthless )ADJP Japanese bonds )NP (PRN -LRB- (PP since (SBARQ (WHADVP when )WHADVP (SQ is (NP (NP anything Japanese )NP (ADJP nearly worthless )ADJP )NP (ADJP nowadays )ADJP )SQ ? )SBARQ )PP -RRB- )PRN )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 13 28 (S And (NP (NP a large slice )NP (PP of (NP the first episode )NP )PP )NP (VP is (ADJP devoted (PP to (NP efforts (S (VP to (VP get (ADJP rid (PP of (NP (NP some (ADJP nearly worthless )ADJP Japanese bonds )NP (PRN -LRB- (FRAG (ADVP since )ADVP (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (VP is (NP (NP anything Japanese )NP (ADJP nearly worthless )ADJP )NP (ADVP nowadays )ADVP )VP )S )SBAR ? )FRAG -RRB- )PRN )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 13 28 (S And (NP (NP a large slice )NP (PP of (NP the first episode )NP )PP )NP (VP is (ADJP devoted (PP to (NP efforts (S (VP to (VP get (ADJP rid (PP of (NP (NP some (ADJP nearly worthless )ADJP Japanese bonds )NP (PRN -LRB- (SBAR since (FRAG (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (VP is (NP anything )NP )VP )S )SBAR (NP Japanese )NP (ADJP nearly worthless )ADJP (ADVP nowadays )ADVP ? )FRAG )SBAR -RRB- )PRN )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 12 27 (S And (NP (NP a large slice )NP (PP of (NP the first episode )NP )PP )NP (VP is (ADJP devoted (PP to (NP efforts (S (VP to (VP get (ADJP rid (PP of (NP (NP some nearly worthless Japanese bonds )NP (PRN -LRB- (SBAR since (FRAG (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (VP is (NP anything )NP )VP )S )SBAR (NP Japanese )NP (ADJP nearly worthless )ADJP (ADVP nowadays )ADVP ? )FRAG )SBAR -RRB- )PRN )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 14 27 (S And (NP (NP a large slice )NP (PP of (NP the first episode )NP )PP )NP (VP is (ADJP devoted (PP to (NP efforts (S (VP to (VP get (ADJP rid (PP of (NP (NP some (ADJP nearly worthless )ADJP Japanese bonds )NP (PRN -LRB- (PP since (SBARQ (WHADVP when )WHADVP (SQ (VP is (NP (NP anything Japanese )NP (ADJP nearly worthless )ADJP )NP (ADVP nowadays )ADVP )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ )PP -RRB- )PRN )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 12 27 (S And (NP (NP a large slice )NP (PP of (NP the first episode )NP )PP )NP (VP is (ADJP devoted (PP to (NP efforts (S (VP to (VP get (ADJP rid (PP of (NP (NP some (ADJP nearly worthless )ADJP Japanese bonds )NP (PRN -LRB- (PP since (SBARQ (WHADVP when )WHADVP (SQ (VP is (NP anything )NP )VP (NP Japanese )NP (ADVP nearly )ADVP (ADJP worthless nowadays )ADJP )SQ ? )SBARQ )PP -RRB- )PRN )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 13 26 (S And (NP (NP a large slice )NP (PP of (NP the first episode )NP )PP )NP (VP is (ADJP devoted (PP to (NP efforts (S (VP to (VP get (ADJP rid (PP of (NP (NP some (ADJP nearly worthless )ADJP Japanese bonds )NP (PRN -LRB- (PP since (SBARQ (WHADVP when )WHADVP (SQ is (NP (NP anything Japanese )NP (ADJP nearly worthless )ADJP )NP (ADJP nowadays )ADJP )SQ ? )SBARQ )PP -RRB- )PRN )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 12 25 (S And (NP (NP a large slice )NP (PP of (NP the first episode )NP )PP )NP (VP is (ADJP devoted (PP to (NP efforts (S (VP to (VP get (ADJP rid (PP of (NP (NP some (ADJP nearly worthless )ADJP Japanese bonds )NP (PRN -LRB- (PP since (SBARQ (WHADVP when )WHADVP (SQ is (NP anything Japanese )NP (ADVP nearly )ADVP (ADJP worthless nowadays )ADJP )SQ ? )SBARQ )PP -RRB- )PRN )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 13 28 (S And (NP (NP a large slice )NP (PP of (NP the first episode )NP )PP )NP (VP is (ADJP devoted (PP to (NP efforts (S (VP to (VP get (ADJP rid (PP of (NP (NP some (ADJP nearly worthless )ADJP Japanese bonds )NP (PRN -LRB- (FRAG (ADVP since )ADVP (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (VP is (NP (NP anything Japanese )NP (ADJP nearly worthless )ADJP )NP (ADVP nowadays )ADVP )VP )S )SBAR ? )FRAG -RRB- )PRN )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 12 25 (S And (NP (NP a large slice )NP (PP of (NP the first episode )NP )PP )NP (VP is (ADJP devoted (PP to (NP efforts (S (VP to (VP get (ADJP rid (PP of (NP (NP some nearly worthless Japanese bonds )NP (PRN -LRB- (PP since (SBARQ (WHADVP when )WHADVP (SQ is (NP (NP anything Japanese )NP (ADJP nearly worthless )ADJP )NP (ADJP nowadays )ADJP )SQ ? )SBARQ )PP -RRB- )PRN )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 12 27 (S And (NP (NP a large slice )NP (PP of (NP the first episode )NP )PP )NP (VP is (ADJP devoted (PP to (NP efforts (S (VP to (VP get (ADJP rid (PP of (NP (NP some nearly worthless Japanese bonds )NP (PRN -LRB- (FRAG (ADVP since )ADVP (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (VP is (NP (NP anything Japanese )NP (ADJP nearly worthless )ADJP )NP (ADVP nowadays )ADVP )VP )S )SBAR ? )FRAG -RRB- )PRN )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 13 28 (S And (NP (NP a large slice )NP (PP of (NP the first episode )NP )PP )NP (VP is (ADJP devoted (PP to (NP efforts (S (VP to (VP get (ADJP rid (PP of (NP (NP some (ADJP nearly worthless )ADJP Japanese bonds )NP (PRN -LRB- (FRAG (PP since (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (VP is (NP anything )NP )VP )S )SBAR )PP (NP Japanese )NP (ADJP nearly worthless )ADJP (ADVP nowadays )ADVP ? )FRAG -RRB- )PRN )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 13 28 (S And (NP (NP a large slice )NP (PP of (NP the first episode )NP )PP )NP (VP is (ADJP devoted (PP to (NP efforts (S (VP to (VP get (VP rid (PP of (NP (NP some (ADJP nearly worthless )ADJP Japanese bonds )NP (PRN -LRB- (SBAR since (FRAG (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (VP is (NP anything )NP )VP )S )SBAR (NP Japanese )NP (ADJP nearly worthless )ADJP (ADVP nowadays )ADVP ? )FRAG )SBAR -RRB- )PRN )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 15 27 (S And (NP (NP a large slice )NP (PP of (NP the first episode )NP )PP )NP (VP is (ADJP devoted (PP to (NP efforts (S (VP to (VP get (ADJP rid (PP of (NP some (ADJP nearly worthless )ADJP Japanese bonds )NP )PP )ADJP (PRN -LRB- (SBAR since (FRAG (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (VP is (NP anything )NP )VP )S )SBAR (NP Japanese )NP (ADJP nearly worthless )ADJP (ADVP nowadays )ADVP ? )FRAG )SBAR -RRB- )PRN )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 13 30 (S And (NP (NP a large slice )NP (PP of (NP the first episode )NP )PP )NP (VP is (ADJP devoted (PP to (NP (NP efforts )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP get (ADJP rid (PP of (NP (NP some (ADJP nearly worthless )ADJP Japanese bonds )NP (PRN -LRB- (SBAR since (FRAG (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (VP is (NP anything )NP )VP )S )SBAR (NP Japanese )NP (ADJP nearly worthless )ADJP (ADVP nowadays )ADVP ? )FRAG )SBAR -RRB- )PRN )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 12 25 (S And (NP (NP a large slice )NP (PP of (NP the first episode )NP )PP )NP (VP is (ADJP devoted (PP to (NP efforts (S (VP to (VP get (ADJP rid (PP of (NP (NP some (ADJP nearly worthless )ADJP Japanese bonds )NP -LRB- (PP since (SBARQ (WHADVP when )WHADVP (SQ is (NP (NP anything Japanese )NP (ADJP nearly worthless )ADJP )NP (ADJP nowadays )ADJP )SQ ? )SBARQ )PP -RRB- )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 13 28 (S And (NP (NP a large slice )NP (PP of (NP the first episode )NP )PP )NP (VP is (ADJP devoted (PP to (NP efforts (S (VP to (VP get (ADJP rid (PP of (NP (NP some (ADJP nearly worthless )ADJP Japanese bonds )NP (PRN -LRB- (SBAR since (FRAG (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (VP is (NP anything )NP )VP )S )SBAR (NP Japanese )NP (ADJP nearly worthless )ADJP (ADVP nowadays )ADVP ? )FRAG )SBAR -RRB- )PRN )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 15 27 (S And (NP (NP a large slice )NP (PP of (NP the first episode )NP )PP )NP (VP is (ADJP devoted (PP to (NP efforts (S (VP to (VP get (ADJP rid (PP of (NP some (ADJP nearly worthless )ADJP Japanese bonds )NP )PP )ADJP (PRN -LRB- (SBAR since (FRAG (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (VP is (NP anything )NP )VP )S )SBAR (NP Japanese )NP (ADJP nearly worthless )ADJP (ADVP nowadays )ADVP ? )FRAG )SBAR -RRB- )PRN )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 13 26 (S And (NP (NP a large slice )NP (PP of (NP the first episode )NP )PP )NP (VP is (ADJP devoted (PP to (NP efforts (S (VP to (VP get (VP rid (PP of (NP (NP some (ADJP nearly worthless )ADJP Japanese bonds )NP (PRN -LRB- (PP since (SBARQ (WHADVP when )WHADVP (SQ is (NP (NP anything Japanese )NP (ADJP nearly worthless )ADJP )NP (ADJP nowadays )ADJP )SQ ? )SBARQ )PP -RRB- )PRN )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 12 27 (S And (NP (NP a large slice )NP (PP of (NP the first episode )NP )PP )NP (VP is (ADJP devoted (PP to (NP efforts (S (VP to (VP get (ADJP rid (PP of (NP (NP some (ADJP nearly worthless )ADJP Japanese bonds )NP (PRN -LRB- (PP since (SBARQ (WHADVP when )WHADVP (SQ (VP is (NP anything )NP )VP (NP Japanese )NP (ADVP nearly )ADVP (ADJP worthless nowadays )ADJP )SQ ? )SBARQ )PP -RRB- )PRN )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 13 28 (S And (NP (NP a large slice )NP (PP of (NP the first episode )NP )PP )NP (VP is (ADJP devoted (PP to (NP (NP efforts )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP get (ADJP rid (PP of (NP (NP some (ADJP nearly worthless )ADJP Japanese bonds )NP (PRN -LRB- (PP since (SBARQ (WHADVP when )WHADVP (SQ is (NP (NP anything Japanese )NP (ADJP nearly worthless )ADJP )NP (ADJP nowadays )ADJP )SQ ? )SBARQ )PP -RRB- )PRN )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 13 28 (S And (NP (NP a large slice )NP (PP of (NP the first episode )NP )PP )NP (VP is (ADJP devoted (PP to (NP efforts (S (VP to (VP get (VP rid (PP of (NP (NP some (ADJP nearly worthless )ADJP Japanese bonds )NP (PRN -LRB- (FRAG (ADVP since )ADVP (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (VP is (NP (NP anything Japanese )NP (ADJP nearly worthless )ADJP )NP (ADVP nowadays )ADVP )VP )S )SBAR ? )FRAG -RRB- )PRN )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 13 30 (S And (NP (NP a large slice )NP (PP of (NP the first episode )NP )PP )NP (VP is (ADJP devoted (PP to (NP (NP efforts )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP get (ADJP rid (PP of (NP (NP some (ADJP nearly worthless )ADJP Japanese bonds )NP (PRN -LRB- (FRAG (ADVP since )ADVP (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (VP is (NP (NP anything Japanese )NP (ADJP nearly worthless )ADJP )NP (ADVP nowadays )ADVP )VP )S )SBAR ? )FRAG -RRB- )PRN )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 13 26 (S And (NP (NP a large slice )NP (PP of (NP the first episode )NP )PP )NP (VP is (ADJP devoted (PP to (NP efforts (S (VP to (VP get (ADJP rid (PP of (NP (NP some (ADJP nearly worthless )ADJP Japanese bonds )NP (PRN -LRB- (SBAR since (FRAG (WHADVP when )WHADVP (VP is (NP (NP anything Japanese )NP (ADJP nearly worthless )ADJP )NP (ADVP nowadays )ADVP )VP ? )FRAG )SBAR -RRB- )PRN )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 14 28 (S And (NP (NP a large slice )NP (PP of (NP the first episode )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP devoted (PP to (NP efforts (S (VP to (VP get (ADJP rid (PP of (NP (NP some (ADJP nearly worthless )ADJP Japanese bonds )NP (PRN -LRB- (SBAR since (FRAG (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (VP is (NP anything )NP )VP )S )SBAR (NP Japanese )NP (ADJP nearly worthless )ADJP (ADVP nowadays )ADVP ? )FRAG )SBAR -RRB- )PRN )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 14 27 (S And (NP (NP a large slice )NP (PP of (NP the first episode )NP )PP )NP (VP is (ADJP devoted (PP to (NP efforts (S (VP to (VP get (ADJP rid (PP of (NP (NP some (ADJP nearly worthless )ADJP Japanese bonds )NP (PRN -LRB- (PP since (SBARQ (WHADVP when )WHADVP (SQ (VP is (NP (NP anything Japanese )NP (ADJP nearly worthless )ADJP )NP (ADVP nowadays )ADVP )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ )PP -RRB- )PRN )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 12 27 (S And (NP (NP a large slice )NP (PP of (NP the first episode )NP )PP )NP (VP is (ADJP devoted (PP to (NP efforts (S (VP to (VP get (ADJP rid (PP of (NP (NP some (ADJP nearly worthless )ADJP Japanese bonds )NP (PRN -LRB- (PP since (SBARQ (WHADVP when )WHADVP (SQ (VP is (NP anything )NP )VP (NP Japanese )NP (ADVP nearly )ADVP (ADJP worthless nowadays )ADJP )SQ ? )SBARQ )PP -RRB- )PRN )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 12 25 (S And (NP (NP a large slice )NP (PP of (NP the first episode )NP )PP )NP (VP is (ADJP devoted (PP to (NP efforts (S (VP to (VP get (ADJP rid (PP of (NP (NP some (ADJP nearly worthless )ADJP Japanese bonds )NP (PRN -LRB- (PP since (SBARQ (WHADVP when )WHADVP (SQ is (NP anything Japanese )NP (ADVP nearly )ADVP (ADJP worthless nowadays )ADJP )SQ ? )SBARQ )PP -RRB- )PRN )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 13 26 (S And (NP (NP a large slice )NP (PP of (NP the first episode )NP )PP )NP (VP is (ADJP devoted (PP to (NP efforts (S (VP to (VP get (ADJP rid (PP of (NP (NP some nearly worthless Japanese bonds )NP (PRN -LRB- (PP since (SBARQ (WHADVP when )WHADVP (SQ (VP is (NP (NP anything Japanese )NP (ADJP nearly worthless )ADJP )NP (ADVP nowadays )ADVP )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ )PP -RRB- )PRN )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 11 26 (S And (NP (NP a large slice )NP (PP of (NP the first episode )NP )PP )NP (VP is (ADJP devoted (PP to (NP efforts (S (VP to (VP get (ADJP rid (PP of (NP (NP some nearly worthless Japanese bonds )NP (PRN -LRB- (PP since (SBARQ (WHADVP when )WHADVP (SQ (VP is (NP anything )NP )VP (NP Japanese )NP (ADVP nearly )ADVP (ADJP worthless nowadays )ADJP )SQ ? )SBARQ )PP -RRB- )PRN )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 14 26 (S And (NP (NP a large slice )NP (PP of (NP the first episode )NP )PP )NP (VP is (ADJP devoted (PP to (NP efforts (S (VP to (VP get (ADJP rid (PP of (NP some nearly worthless Japanese bonds )NP )PP )ADJP (PRN -LRB- (SBAR since (FRAG (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (VP is (NP anything )NP )VP )S )SBAR (NP Japanese )NP (ADJP nearly worthless )ADJP (ADVP nowadays )ADVP ? )FRAG )SBAR -RRB- )PRN )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 14 27 (S And (NP (NP a large slice )NP (PP of (NP the first episode )NP )PP )NP (VP is (ADJP devoted (PP to (NP efforts (S (VP to (VP get (VP rid (PP of (NP some (ADJP nearly worthless )ADJP Japanese bonds )NP )PP (PRN -LRB- (SBAR since (FRAG (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (VP is (NP anything )NP )VP )S )SBAR (NP Japanese )NP (ADJP nearly worthless )ADJP (ADVP nowadays )ADVP ? )FRAG )SBAR -RRB- )PRN )VP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 11 24 (S And (NP (NP a large slice )NP (PP of (NP the first episode )NP )PP )NP (VP is (ADJP devoted (PP to (NP efforts (S (VP to (VP get (ADJP rid (PP of (NP (NP some nearly worthless Japanese bonds )NP (PRN -LRB- (PP since (SBARQ (WHADVP when )WHADVP (SQ is (NP anything Japanese )NP (ADVP nearly )ADVP (ADJP worthless nowadays )ADJP )SQ ? )SBARQ )PP -RRB- )PRN )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 13 28 (S And (NP (NP a large slice )NP (PP of (NP the first episode )NP )PP )NP (VP is (ADJP devoted (PP to (NP efforts (S (VP to (VP get (ADJP rid (PP of (NP (NP some (ADJP nearly worthless )ADJP Japanese bonds )NP (PRN -LRB- (FRAG (ADVP since )ADVP (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (VP is (NP (NP anything Japanese )NP (ADJP nearly worthless )ADJP (ADVP nowadays )ADVP )NP )VP )S )SBAR ? )FRAG -RRB- )PRN )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 14 26 (S And (NP (NP a large slice )NP (PP of (NP the first episode )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP devoted (PP to (NP efforts (S (VP to (VP get (ADJP rid (PP of (NP (NP some (ADJP nearly worthless )ADJP Japanese bonds )NP (PRN -LRB- (PP since (SBARQ (WHADVP when )WHADVP (SQ is (NP (NP anything Japanese )NP (ADJP nearly worthless )ADJP )NP (ADJP nowadays )ADJP )SQ ? )SBARQ )PP -RRB- )PRN )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 14 28 (S And (NP (NP a large slice )NP (PP of (NP the first episode )NP )PP )NP (VP is (ADJP devoted (PP to (NP efforts (S (VP to (VP get (VP rid (PP (PP of (NP some (ADJP nearly worthless )ADJP Japanese bonds )NP )PP (PRN -LRB- (FRAG (PP since (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (VP is (NP anything )NP )VP )S )SBAR )PP (NP Japanese )NP (ADJP nearly worthless )ADJP (ADVP nowadays )ADVP ? )FRAG -RRB- )PRN )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 14 26 (S And (NP (NP a large slice )NP (PP of (NP the first episode )NP )PP )NP (VP is (ADJP devoted (PP to (NP efforts (S (VP to (VP get (ADJP rid (PP of (NP (NP some (ADJP nearly worthless )ADJP Japanese bonds )NP (PRN -LRB- (PP since (SBARQ (WHADVP when )WHADVP (SQ is (NP (NP anything Japanese )NP (ADJP nearly worthless )ADJP (ADVP nowadays )ADVP )NP )SQ ? )SBARQ )PP -RRB- )PRN )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 13 28 (S And (NP (NP a large slice )NP (PP of (NP the first episode )NP )PP )NP (VP is (ADJP devoted (PP to (NP efforts (S (VP to (VP get (ADJP rid (PP of (NP (NP some (ADJP nearly worthless )ADJP Japanese bonds )NP (PRN -LRB- (SBAR since (FRAG (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (VP is (NP anything )NP )VP )S )SBAR (NP Japanese )NP (ADJP nearly worthless )ADJP (ADVP nowadays )ADVP ? )FRAG )SBAR -RRB- )PRN )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 14 28 (S And (NP (NP a large slice )NP (PP of (NP the first episode )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP devoted (PP to (NP efforts (S (VP to (VP get (ADJP rid (PP of (NP (NP some (ADJP nearly worthless )ADJP Japanese bonds )NP (PRN -LRB- (FRAG (ADVP since )ADVP (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (VP is (NP (NP anything Japanese )NP (ADJP nearly worthless )ADJP )NP (ADVP nowadays )ADVP )VP )S )SBAR ? )FRAG -RRB- )PRN )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 14 27 (S And (NP (NP a large slice )NP (PP of (NP the first episode )NP )PP )NP (VP is (ADJP devoted (PP to (NP efforts (S (VP to (VP get (VP rid (PP of (NP some (ADJP nearly worthless )ADJP Japanese bonds )NP )PP (PRN -LRB- (SBAR since (FRAG (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (VP is (NP anything )NP )VP )S )SBAR (NP Japanese )NP (ADJP nearly worthless )ADJP (ADVP nowadays )ADVP ? )FRAG )SBAR -RRB- )PRN )VP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 13 29 (S And (NP (NP a large slice )NP (PP of (NP the first episode )NP )PP )NP (VP is (ADJP devoted (PP to (NP efforts (S (VP to (VP get (ADJP rid (PP of (NP (NP some (ADJP nearly worthless )ADJP Japanese bonds )NP (PRN -LRB- (PP since (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (VP is (NP (NP anything )NP (FRAG (NP Japanese )NP (ADJP nearly worthless )ADJP (ADVP nowadays )ADVP ? )FRAG )NP )VP )S )SBAR )PP -RRB- )PRN )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 14 27 (S And (NP (NP a large slice )NP (PP of (NP the first episode )NP )PP )NP (VP is (ADJP devoted (PP to (NP efforts (S (VP to (VP get (VP rid (PP of (NP some (ADJP nearly worthless )ADJP Japanese bonds )NP )PP )VP (PRN -LRB- (SBAR since (FRAG (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (VP is (NP anything )NP )VP )S )SBAR (NP Japanese )NP (ADJP nearly worthless )ADJP (ADVP nowadays )ADVP ? )FRAG )SBAR -RRB- )PRN )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 14 28 (S And (NP (NP a large slice )NP (PP of (NP the first episode )NP )PP )NP (VP is (ADJP devoted (PP to (NP efforts (S (VP to (VP get (ADJP rid (PP (PP of (NP some (ADJP nearly worthless )ADJP Japanese bonds )NP )PP (PRN -LRB- (FRAG (PP since (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (VP is (NP anything )NP )VP )S )SBAR )PP (NP Japanese )NP (ADJP nearly worthless )ADJP (ADVP nowadays )ADVP ? )FRAG -RRB- )PRN )PP )ADJP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 14 27 (S And (NP (NP a large slice )NP (PP of (NP the first episode )NP )PP )NP (VP is (ADJP devoted (PP to (NP efforts (S (VP to (VP get (ADJP rid (PP of (NP (NP some (ADJP nearly worthless )ADJP Japanese bonds )NP (PRN -LRB- (PP since (SBARQ (WHADVP when )WHADVP (SQ (VP is (NP (NP anything Japanese )NP (ADJP nearly worthless )ADJP (ADVP nowadays )ADVP )NP )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ )PP -RRB- )PRN )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 14 28 (S And (NP (NP a large slice )NP (PP of (NP the first episode )NP )PP )NP (VP is (ADJP devoted (PP to (NP efforts (S (VP to (VP get (S (VP rid (PP of (NP some (ADJP nearly worthless )ADJP Japanese bonds )NP )PP )VP )S (PRN -LRB- (SBAR since (FRAG (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (VP is (NP anything )NP )VP )S )SBAR (NP Japanese )NP (ADJP nearly worthless )ADJP (ADVP nowadays )ADVP ? )FRAG )SBAR -RRB- )PRN )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 13 28 (S And (NP (NP a large slice )NP (PP of (NP the first episode )NP )PP )NP (VP is (ADJP devoted (PP to (NP efforts (S (VP to (VP get (ADJP rid (PP of (NP (NP some (ADJP nearly worthless )ADJP Japanese bonds )NP (PRN -LRB- (FRAG (PP since (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (VP is (NP anything )NP )VP )S )SBAR )PP (NP Japanese )NP (ADJP nearly worthless )ADJP (ADVP nowadays )ADVP ? )FRAG -RRB- )PRN )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 13 28 (S And (NP (NP a large slice )NP (PP of (NP the first episode )NP )PP )NP (VP is (ADJP devoted (PP to (NP efforts (S (VP to (VP get (VP rid (PP of (NP (NP some (ADJP nearly worthless )ADJP Japanese bonds )NP (PRN -LRB- (SBAR since (FRAG (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (VP is (NP anything )NP )VP )S )SBAR (NP Japanese )NP (ADJP nearly worthless )ADJP (ADVP nowadays )ADVP ? )FRAG )SBAR -RRB- )PRN )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 14 28 (S And (NP (NP a large slice )NP (PP of (NP the first episode )NP )PP )NP (VP is (ADJP devoted (PP to (NP efforts (S (VP to (VP get (VP rid (PP (PP of (NP some (ADJP nearly worthless )ADJP Japanese bonds )NP )PP (PRN -LRB- (FRAG (PP since (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (VP is (NP anything )NP )VP )S )SBAR )PP (NP Japanese )NP (ADJP nearly worthless )ADJP (ADVP nowadays )ADVP ? )FRAG -RRB- )PRN )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 13 26 (S And (NP (NP a large slice )NP (PP of (NP the first episode )NP )PP )NP (VP is (ADJP devoted (PP to (NP efforts (S (VP to (VP get (ADJP rid (PP of (NP (NP some (ADJP nearly worthless )ADJP Japanese bonds )NP -LRB- (PP since (SBARQ (WHADVP when )WHADVP (SQ (VP is (NP (NP anything Japanese )NP (ADJP nearly worthless )ADJP )NP (ADVP nowadays )ADVP )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ )PP -RRB- )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 50 21 21 (S (ADVP Surprisingly )ADVP , (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP survives (NP the week )NP , (S (ADVP only )ADVP (VP to (VP have (S (NP a senior executive )NP (VP (ADVP innocently )ADVP bumble (NP his way )NP (PP into (S (VP becoming (NP (NP the target )NP (PP of (NP a criminal insider trading investigation )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )PP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 19 20 (S (ADVP Surprisingly )ADVP , (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP survives (NP the week )NP , (S (ADVP only )ADVP (VP to (VP have (S (NP a senior executive )NP innocently (VP bumble (NP his way )NP (PP into (S (VP becoming (NP (NP the target )NP (PP of (NP a criminal insider trading investigation )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )PP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 20 22 (S (ADVP Surprisingly )ADVP , (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP survives (NP the week )NP , (S (ADVP only )ADVP (VP to (VP have (S (NP (NP a senior executive )NP (ADVP innocently )ADVP )NP (VP bumble (NP his way )NP (PP into (S (VP becoming (NP (NP the target )NP (PP of (NP a criminal insider trading investigation )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )PP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 21 23 (S (ADVP Surprisingly )ADVP , (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP survives (NP (NP the week )NP , (SBAR (S (ADVP only )ADVP (VP to (VP have (S (NP a senior executive )NP (VP (ADVP innocently )ADVP bumble (NP his way )NP (PP into (S (VP becoming (NP (NP the target )NP (PP of (NP a criminal insider trading investigation )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )PP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 19 22 (S (ADVP Surprisingly )ADVP , (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP survives (NP (NP the week )NP , (SBAR (S (ADVP only )ADVP (VP to (VP have (S (NP a senior executive )NP innocently (VP bumble (NP his way )NP (PP into (S (VP becoming (NP (NP the target )NP (PP of (NP a criminal insider trading investigation )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )PP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 20 21 (S (ADVP Surprisingly )ADVP , (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP survives (NP the week )NP , (S (ADVP only )ADVP (VP to (VP have (S (NP a senior executive )NP (ADVP innocently )ADVP (VP bumble (NP his way )NP (PP into (S (VP becoming (NP (NP the target )NP (PP of (NP a criminal insider trading investigation )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )PP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 20 24 (S (ADVP Surprisingly )ADVP , (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP survives (NP (NP the week )NP , (SBAR (S (ADVP only )ADVP (VP to (VP have (S (NP (NP a senior executive )NP (ADVP innocently )ADVP )NP (VP bumble (NP his way )NP (PP into (S (VP becoming (NP (NP the target )NP (PP of (NP a criminal insider trading investigation )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )PP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 20 23 (S (ADVP Surprisingly )ADVP , (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP survives (NP (NP the week )NP , (SBAR (S (ADVP only )ADVP (VP to (VP have (S (NP a senior executive )NP (ADVP innocently )ADVP (VP bumble (NP his way )NP (PP into (S (VP becoming (NP (NP the target )NP (PP of (NP a criminal insider trading investigation )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )PP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 19 23 (S (ADVP Surprisingly )ADVP , (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP survives (NP the week )NP , (S (ADVP only )ADVP (VP to (VP have (NP (NP a senior executive )NP (SBAR (S (ADVP innocently )ADVP (VP bumble (NP his way )NP (PP into (S (VP becoming (NP (NP the target )NP (PP of (NP a criminal insider trading investigation )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 19 25 (S (ADVP Surprisingly )ADVP , (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP survives (NP (NP the week )NP , (SBAR (S (ADVP only )ADVP (VP to (VP have (NP (NP a senior executive )NP (SBAR (S (ADVP innocently )ADVP (VP bumble (NP his way )NP (PP into (S (VP becoming (NP (NP the target )NP (PP of (NP a criminal insider trading investigation )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 20 20 (S (ADVP Surprisingly )ADVP , (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP survives (NP the week )NP , (S (ADVP only )ADVP (VP to (VP have (S (NP a senior executive )NP (VP innocently bumble (NP his way )NP (PP into (S (VP becoming (NP (NP the target )NP (PP of (NP a criminal insider trading investigation )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )PP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 20 20 (S (ADVP Surprisingly )ADVP , (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP survives (NP the week )NP , (S only (VP to (VP have (S (NP a senior executive )NP (VP (ADVP innocently )ADVP bumble (NP his way )NP (PP into (S (VP becoming (NP (NP the target )NP (PP of (NP a criminal insider trading investigation )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )PP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 18 20 (S (ADVP Surprisingly )ADVP , (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP survives (NP the week )NP , (S (ADVP only )ADVP (VP to (VP have (S (NP a senior executive innocently )NP (VP bumble (NP his way )NP (PP into (S (VP becoming (NP (NP the target )NP (PP of (NP a criminal insider trading investigation )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )PP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 18 19 (S (ADVP Surprisingly )ADVP , (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP survives (NP the week )NP , (S only (VP to (VP have (S (NP a senior executive )NP innocently (VP bumble (NP his way )NP (PP into (S (VP becoming (NP (NP the target )NP (PP of (NP a criminal insider trading investigation )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )PP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 20 23 (S (ADVP Surprisingly )ADVP , (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP survives (NP (NP the week )NP , (SBAR (ADVP only )ADVP (S (VP to (VP have (S (NP a senior executive )NP (VP (ADVP innocently )ADVP bumble (NP his way )NP (PP into (S (VP becoming (NP (NP the target )NP (PP of (NP a criminal insider trading investigation )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )PP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 19 21 (S (ADVP Surprisingly )ADVP , (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP survives (NP the week )NP , (S (ADVP only )ADVP (VP to (VP have (NP a senior executive )NP (ADVP innocently )ADVP (S (VP bumble (NP his way )NP (PP into (S (VP becoming (NP (NP the target )NP (PP of (NP a criminal insider trading investigation )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )PP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 18 22 (S (ADVP Surprisingly )ADVP , (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP survives (NP (NP the week )NP , (SBAR (ADVP only )ADVP (S (VP to (VP have (S (NP a senior executive )NP innocently (VP bumble (NP his way )NP (PP into (S (VP becoming (NP (NP the target )NP (PP of (NP a criminal insider trading investigation )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )PP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 19 21 (S (ADVP Surprisingly )ADVP , (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP survives (NP the week )NP , (S only (VP to (VP have (S (NP (NP a senior executive )NP (ADVP innocently )ADVP )NP (VP bumble (NP his way )NP (PP into (S (VP becoming (NP (NP the target )NP (PP of (NP a criminal insider trading investigation )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )PP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 20 22 (S (ADVP Surprisingly )ADVP , (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP survives (NP (NP the week )NP , (SBAR (S (ADVP only )ADVP (VP to (VP have (S (NP a senior executive )NP (VP innocently bumble (NP his way )NP (PP into (S (VP becoming (NP (NP the target )NP (PP of (NP a criminal insider trading investigation )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )PP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 18 20 (S (ADVP Surprisingly )ADVP , (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP survives (NP the week )NP , (S (ADVP only )ADVP (VP to (VP have (NP a senior executive )NP (S innocently (VP bumble (NP his way )NP (PP into (S (VP becoming (NP (NP the target )NP (PP of (NP a criminal insider trading investigation )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )PP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 18 22 (S (ADVP Surprisingly )ADVP , (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP survives (NP (NP the week )NP , (SBAR (S (ADVP only )ADVP (VP to (VP have (S (NP a senior executive innocently )NP (VP bumble (NP his way )NP (PP into (S (VP becoming (NP (NP the target )NP (PP of (NP a criminal insider trading investigation )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )PP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 20 21 (S (ADVP Surprisingly )ADVP , (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP survives (NP the week )NP , (ADVP only )ADVP (S (VP to (VP have (S (NP a senior executive )NP (VP (ADVP innocently )ADVP bumble (NP his way )NP (PP into (S (VP becoming (NP (NP the target )NP (PP of (NP a criminal insider trading investigation )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )PP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 19 24 (S (ADVP Surprisingly )ADVP , (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP survives (NP (NP the week )NP , (SBAR (ADVP only )ADVP (S (VP to (VP have (S (NP (NP a senior executive )NP (ADVP innocently )ADVP )NP (VP bumble (NP his way )NP (PP into (S (VP becoming (NP (NP the target )NP (PP of (NP a criminal insider trading investigation )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )PP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 19 20 (S (ADVP Surprisingly )ADVP , (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP survives (NP the week )NP , (S only (VP to (VP have (S (NP a senior executive )NP (ADVP innocently )ADVP (VP bumble (NP his way )NP (PP into (S (VP becoming (NP (NP the target )NP (PP of (NP a criminal insider trading investigation )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )PP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 20 21 (S (ADVP Surprisingly )ADVP , (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP survives (S (NP the week )NP , (ADVP only )ADVP (VP to (VP have (S (NP a senior executive )NP (VP (ADVP innocently )ADVP bumble (NP his way )NP (PP into (S (VP becoming (NP (NP the target )NP (PP of (NP a criminal insider trading investigation )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )PP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 18 20 (S (ADVP Surprisingly )ADVP , (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP survives (NP the week )NP , (ADVP only )ADVP (S (VP to (VP have (S (NP a senior executive )NP innocently (VP bumble (NP his way )NP (PP into (S (VP becoming (NP (NP the target )NP (PP of (NP a criminal insider trading investigation )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )PP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 19 23 (S (ADVP Surprisingly )ADVP , (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP survives (NP (NP the week )NP , (SBAR (S (ADVP only )ADVP (VP to (VP have (NP a senior executive )NP (ADVP innocently )ADVP (S (VP bumble (NP his way )NP (PP into (S (VP becoming (NP (NP the target )NP (PP of (NP a criminal insider trading investigation )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )PP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 18 20 (S (ADVP Surprisingly )ADVP , (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP survives (S (NP the week )NP , (ADVP only )ADVP (VP to (VP have (S (NP a senior executive )NP innocently (VP bumble (NP his way )NP (PP into (S (VP becoming (NP (NP the target )NP (PP of (NP a criminal insider trading investigation )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )PP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 19 23 (S (ADVP Surprisingly )ADVP , (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP survives (NP (NP the week )NP , (SBAR (ADVP only )ADVP (S (VP to (VP have (S (NP a senior executive )NP (ADVP innocently )ADVP (VP bumble (NP his way )NP (PP into (S (VP becoming (NP (NP the target )NP (PP of (NP a criminal insider trading investigation )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )PP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 20 22 (S (ADVP Surprisingly )ADVP , (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP survives (NP (NP the week )NP , (SBAR (S only (VP to (VP have (S (NP a senior executive )NP (VP (ADVP innocently )ADVP bumble (NP his way )NP (PP into (S (VP becoming (NP (NP the target )NP (PP of (NP a criminal insider trading investigation )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )PP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 19 22 (S (ADVP Surprisingly )ADVP , (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP survives (NP the week )NP , (S (ADVP only )ADVP (VP to (VP have (NP (NP a senior executive )NP (S (ADVP innocently )ADVP (VP bumble (NP his way )NP (PP into (S (VP becoming (NP (NP the target )NP (PP of (NP a criminal insider trading investigation )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )PP )VP )S )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 20 23 (S (ADVP Surprisingly )ADVP , (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP survives (NP the week )NP , (S (ADVP only )ADVP (VP to (VP have (NP (NP a senior executive )NP (SBAR (S (VP (ADVP innocently )ADVP bumble (NP his way )NP (PP into (S (VP becoming (NP (NP the target )NP (PP of (NP a criminal insider trading investigation )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 18 22 (S (ADVP Surprisingly )ADVP , (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP survives (NP (NP the week )NP , (SBAR (S (ADVP only )ADVP (VP to (VP have (NP a senior executive )NP (S innocently (VP bumble (NP his way )NP (PP into (S (VP becoming (NP (NP the target )NP (PP of (NP a criminal insider trading investigation )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )PP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 19 22 (S (ADVP Surprisingly )ADVP , (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP survives (NP the week )NP , (ADVP only )ADVP (S (VP to (VP have (S (NP (NP a senior executive )NP (ADVP innocently )ADVP )NP (VP bumble (NP his way )NP (PP into (S (VP becoming (NP (NP the target )NP (PP of (NP a criminal insider trading investigation )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )PP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 18 21 (S (ADVP Surprisingly )ADVP , (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP survives (NP (NP the week )NP , (SBAR (S only (VP to (VP have (S (NP a senior executive )NP innocently (VP bumble (NP his way )NP (PP into (S (VP becoming (NP (NP the target )NP (PP of (NP a criminal insider trading investigation )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )PP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 21 22 (S (ADVP Surprisingly )ADVP , (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP survives (NP (NP the week )NP , (S (ADVP only )ADVP (VP to (VP have (S (NP a senior executive )NP (VP (ADVP innocently )ADVP bumble (NP his way )NP (PP into (S (VP becoming (NP (NP the target )NP (PP of (NP a criminal insider trading investigation )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )PP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )NP )VP . )S 19 22 (S (ADVP Surprisingly )ADVP , (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP survives (S (NP the week )NP , (ADVP only )ADVP (VP to (VP have (S (NP (NP a senior executive )NP (ADVP innocently )ADVP )NP (VP bumble (NP his way )NP (PP into (S (VP becoming (NP (NP the target )NP (PP of (NP a criminal insider trading investigation )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )PP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 19 21 (S (ADVP Surprisingly )ADVP , (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP survives (NP (NP the week )NP , (S (ADVP only )ADVP (VP to (VP have (S (NP a senior executive )NP innocently (VP bumble (NP his way )NP (PP into (S (VP becoming (NP (NP the target )NP (PP of (NP a criminal insider trading investigation )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )PP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )NP )VP . )S 20 22 (S (ADVP Surprisingly )ADVP , (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP survives (NP (NP the week )NP , (ADVP only )ADVP )NP (S (VP to (VP have (S (NP a senior executive )NP (VP (ADVP innocently )ADVP bumble (NP his way )NP (PP into (S (VP becoming (NP (NP the target )NP (PP of (NP a criminal insider trading investigation )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )PP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 19 21 (S (ADVP Surprisingly )ADVP , (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP survives (NP the week )NP , (ADVP only )ADVP (S (VP to (VP have (S (NP a senior executive )NP (ADVP innocently )ADVP (VP bumble (NP his way )NP (PP into (S (VP becoming (NP (NP the target )NP (PP of (NP a criminal insider trading investigation )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )PP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 19 23 (S (ADVP Surprisingly )ADVP , (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP survives (NP (NP the week )NP , (SBAR (S only (VP to (VP have (S (NP (NP a senior executive )NP (ADVP innocently )ADVP )NP (VP bumble (NP his way )NP (PP into (S (VP becoming (NP (NP the target )NP (PP of (NP a criminal insider trading investigation )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )PP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 21 21 (S (ADVP Surprisingly )ADVP , (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP survives (NP the week )NP , (S (ADVP only )ADVP (VP to (VP have (S (NP a senior executive )NP (VP (ADVP innocently )ADVP bumble (NP his way )NP (PP into (S (VP becoming (NP (NP the target )NP (PP of (NP a criminal insider trading investigation )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )PP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 19 21 (S (ADVP Surprisingly )ADVP , (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP survives (S (NP the week )NP , (ADVP only )ADVP (VP to (VP have (S (NP a senior executive )NP (ADVP innocently )ADVP (VP bumble (NP his way )NP (PP into (S (VP becoming (NP (NP the target )NP (PP of (NP a criminal insider trading investigation )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )PP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 18 21 (S (ADVP Surprisingly )ADVP , (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP survives (NP (NP the week )NP , (ADVP only )ADVP )NP (S (VP to (VP have (S (NP a senior executive )NP innocently (VP bumble (NP his way )NP (PP into (S (VP becoming (NP (NP the target )NP (PP of (NP a criminal insider trading investigation )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )PP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 19 24 (S (ADVP Surprisingly )ADVP , (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP survives (NP (NP the week )NP , (SBAR (S (ADVP only )ADVP (VP to (VP have (NP (NP a senior executive )NP (S (ADVP innocently )ADVP (VP bumble (NP his way )NP (PP into (S (VP becoming (NP (NP the target )NP (PP of (NP a criminal insider trading investigation )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )PP )VP )S )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 18 22 (S (ADVP Surprisingly )ADVP , (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP survives (NP the week )NP , (S only (VP to (VP have (NP (NP a senior executive )NP (SBAR (S (ADVP innocently )ADVP (VP bumble (NP his way )NP (PP into (S (VP becoming (NP (NP the target )NP (PP of (NP a criminal insider trading investigation )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 18 21 (S (ADVP Surprisingly )ADVP , (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP survives (NP the week )NP , (S (ADVP only )ADVP (VP to (VP have (NP a senior executive (S (ADVP innocently )ADVP (VP bumble (NP his way )NP (PP into (S (VP becoming (NP (NP the target )NP (PP of (NP a criminal insider trading investigation )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )PP )VP )S )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 20 25 (S (ADVP Surprisingly )ADVP , (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP survives (NP (NP the week )NP , (SBAR (S (ADVP only )ADVP (VP to (VP have (NP (NP a senior executive )NP (SBAR (S (VP (ADVP innocently )ADVP bumble (NP his way )NP (PP into (S (VP becoming (NP (NP the target )NP (PP of (NP a criminal insider trading investigation )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 20 23 (S (ADVP Surprisingly )ADVP , (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP survives (NP (NP the week )NP , (S (ADVP only )ADVP (VP to (VP have (S (NP (NP a senior executive )NP (ADVP innocently )ADVP )NP (VP bumble (NP his way )NP (PP into (S (VP becoming (NP (NP the target )NP (PP of (NP a criminal insider trading investigation )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )PP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )NP )VP . )S 19 22 (S (ADVP Surprisingly )ADVP , (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP survives (NP the week )NP , (S (ADVP only )ADVP (VP to (VP have (NP (NP a senior executive )NP (S (ADVP innocently )ADVP (VP bumble (NP his way )NP (PP into (S (VP becoming (NP (NP the target )NP (PP of (NP a criminal insider trading investigation )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )PP )VP )S )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 50 18 18 (S (PP Instead of (S (VP closing (NP ranks )NP (S (VP to (VP protect (NP (NP the firm 's )NP reputation )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )PP , (NP (NP (NP the executive 's )NP internal rivals )NP , (VP led (PP by (NP a loutish American )NP )PP )VP , )NP (VP demand (NP his resignation )NP )VP . )S 17 18 (S (PP Instead of (S (VP closing (NP ranks (S (VP to (VP protect (NP (NP the firm 's )NP reputation )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )S )PP , (NP (NP (NP the executive 's )NP internal rivals )NP , (VP led (PP by (NP a loutish American )NP )PP )VP , )NP (VP demand (NP his resignation )NP )VP . )S 18 20 (S (PP Instead of (S (VP closing (NP ranks )NP (S (VP to (VP protect (NP (NP the firm 's )NP reputation )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )PP , (NP (NP (NP the executive 's )NP internal rivals )NP , (VP led (PP by (NP (NP a loutish )NP (NX American )NX )NP )PP )VP , )NP (VP demand (NP his resignation )NP )VP . )S 18 20 (S (PP Instead of (S (VP closing (NP ranks )NP (S (VP to (VP protect (NP (NP the firm 's )NP reputation )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )PP , (NP (NP (NP the executive 's )NP internal rivals )NP , (VP led (PP by (NP (NP a loutish )NP (NP American )NP )NP )PP )VP , )NP (VP demand (NP his resignation )NP )VP . )S 16 19 (S (PP Instead of (S (VP closing (NP ranks )NP (S (VP to (VP protect (NP (NP the firm 's )NP reputation )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )PP , (NP (NP (NP the executive 's )NP internal rivals )NP , (VP led (PP by (NP a loutish )NP )PP (NP American )NP )VP , )NP (VP demand (NP his resignation )NP )VP . )S 18 18 (S (PP Instead of (S (VP closing (NP ranks )NP (S (VP to (VP protect (NP (NP the firm 's )NP reputation )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )PP , (NP (NP (NP the executive 's )NP internal rivals )NP , (VP led (PP by (NP a loutish American )NP )PP )VP , )NP (VP demand (NP his resignation )NP )VP . )S 18 19 (S (PP Instead of (S (VP closing (NP ranks )NP (S (VP to (VP protect (NP (NP the firm 's )NP reputation )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )PP , (NP (NP (NP the executive 's )NP internal rivals )NP , (VP led (PP by (NP (NP a loutish )NP American )NP )PP )VP , )NP (VP demand (NP his resignation )NP )VP . )S 18 18 (S (PP Instead of (S (VP closing (NP ranks )NP (S (VP to (VP protect (NP (NP the firm 's )NP reputation )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )PP , (NP (NP (NP the executive 's )NP internal rivals )NP , (VP led (PP by (NP a loutish American )NP )PP )VP , )NP (VP demand (NP his resignation )NP )VP . )S 18 20 (S (PP Instead of (S (VP closing (NP ranks )NP (S (VP to (VP protect (NP (NP the firm 's )NP reputation )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )PP , (NP (NP (NP the executive 's )NP internal rivals )NP , (VP led (PP by (NP (NP a loutish )NP (ADJP American )ADJP )NP )PP )VP , )NP (VP demand (NP his resignation )NP )VP . )S 17 20 (S (PP Instead of (S (VP closing (NP ranks (S (VP to (VP protect (NP (NP the firm 's )NP reputation )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )S )PP , (NP (NP (NP the executive 's )NP internal rivals )NP , (VP led (PP by (NP (NP a loutish )NP (NX American )NX )NP )PP )VP , )NP (VP demand (NP his resignation )NP )VP . )S 17 20 (S (PP Instead of (S (VP closing (NP ranks (S (VP to (VP protect (NP (NP the firm 's )NP reputation )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )S )PP , (NP (NP (NP the executive 's )NP internal rivals )NP , (VP led (PP by (NP (NP a loutish )NP (NP American )NP )NP )PP )VP , )NP (VP demand (NP his resignation )NP )VP . )S 18 20 (S (PP Instead of (S (VP closing (NP ranks )NP (S (VP to (VP protect (NP (NP the firm 's )NP reputation )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )PP , (NP (NP (NP the executive 's )NP internal rivals )NP , (VP led (PP by (NP (NP a loutish )NP (ADVP American )ADVP )NP )PP )VP , )NP (VP demand (NP his resignation )NP )VP . )S 17 18 (S (PP Instead of (S (VP closing (S (NP ranks )NP (VP to (VP protect (NP (NP the firm 's )NP reputation )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )PP , (NP (NP (NP the executive 's )NP internal rivals )NP , (VP led (PP by (NP a loutish American )NP )PP )VP , )NP (VP demand (NP his resignation )NP )VP . )S 15 19 (S (PP Instead of (S (VP closing (NP ranks (S (VP to (VP protect (NP (NP the firm 's )NP reputation )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )S )PP , (NP (NP (NP the executive 's )NP internal rivals )NP , (VP led (PP by (NP a loutish )NP )PP (NP American )NP )VP , )NP (VP demand (NP his resignation )NP )VP . )S 17 18 (S (PP Instead of (S (VP closing (NP ranks (S (VP to (VP protect (NP (NP the firm 's )NP reputation )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )S )PP , (NP (NP (NP the executive 's )NP internal rivals )NP , (VP led (PP by (NP a loutish American )NP )PP )VP , )NP (VP demand (NP his resignation )NP )VP . )S 18 18 (S (PP Instead of (S (VP closing (NP ranks )NP (S (VP to (VP protect (NP (NP the firm 's )NP reputation )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )PP , (NP (NP (NP the executive 's )NP internal rivals )NP , (VP led (PP by (NP a loutish American )NP )PP )VP , )NP (VP demand (NP his resignation )NP )VP . )S 17 19 (S (PP Instead of (S (VP closing (NP ranks (S (VP to (VP protect (NP (NP the firm 's )NP reputation )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )S )PP , (NP (NP (NP the executive 's )NP internal rivals )NP , (VP led (PP by (NP (NP a loutish )NP American )NP )PP )VP , )NP (VP demand (NP his resignation )NP )VP . )S 17 18 (S (PP Instead of (S (VP closing (NP ranks (S (VP to (VP protect (NP (NP the firm 's )NP reputation )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )S )PP , (NP (NP (NP the executive 's )NP internal rivals )NP , (VP led (PP by (NP a loutish American )NP )PP )VP , )NP (VP demand (NP his resignation )NP )VP . )S 18 18 (S (PP Instead of (S (VP closing (NP ranks )NP (S (VP to (VP protect (NP (NP the firm 's )NP reputation )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )PP , (NP (NP (NP the executive 's )NP internal rivals )NP , (VP led (PP by (NP a loutish American )NP )PP )VP , )NP (VP demand (NP his resignation )NP )VP . )S 18 18 (S (PP Instead of (S (VP closing (NP ranks )NP (S (VP to (VP protect (NP (NP the firm 's )NP reputation )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )PP , (NP (NP (NP the executive 's )NP internal rivals )NP , (VP led (PP by (NP a loutish American )NP )PP )VP , )NP (VP demand (NP his resignation )NP )VP . )S 18 20 (S (PP Instead of (S (VP closing (NP ranks )NP (S (VP to (VP protect (NP (NP the firm 's )NP reputation )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )PP , (NP (NP (NP the executive 's )NP internal rivals )NP , (VP led (PP by (NP (NP a loutish )NP (NX American )NX )NP )PP )VP , )NP (VP demand (NP his resignation )NP )VP . )S 17 20 (S (PP Instead of (S (VP closing (NP ranks (S (VP to (VP protect (NP (NP the firm 's )NP reputation )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )S )PP , (NP (NP (NP the executive 's )NP internal rivals )NP , (VP led (PP by (NP (NP a loutish )NP (ADJP American )ADJP )NP )PP )VP , )NP (VP demand (NP his resignation )NP )VP . )S 18 20 (S (PP Instead of (S (VP closing (NP ranks )NP (S (VP to (VP protect (NP (NP the firm 's )NP reputation )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )PP , (NP (NP (NP the executive 's )NP internal rivals )NP , (VP led (PP by (NP (NP a loutish )NP (NP American )NP )NP )PP )VP , )NP (VP demand (NP his resignation )NP )VP . )S 18 20 (S (PP Instead of (S (VP closing (NP (NP ranks )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP protect (NP (NP the firm 's )NP reputation )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )PP , (NP (NP (NP the executive 's )NP internal rivals )NP , (VP led (PP by (NP a loutish American )NP )PP )VP , )NP (VP demand (NP his resignation )NP )VP . )S 16 19 (S (PP Instead of (S (VP closing (NP ranks )NP (S (VP to (VP protect (NP (NP the firm 's )NP reputation )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )PP , (NP (NP (NP the executive 's )NP internal rivals )NP , (VP led (PP by (NP a loutish )NP )PP (NP American )NP )VP , )NP (VP demand (NP his resignation )NP )VP . )S 18 18 (S (PP Instead of (S (VP closing (NP ranks )NP (S (VP to (VP protect (NP (NP the firm 's )NP reputation )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )PP , (NP (NP (NP the executive 's )NP internal rivals )NP , (VP led (PP by (NP a loutish American )NP )PP )VP , )NP (VP demand (NP his resignation )NP )VP . )S 17 20 (S (PP Instead of (S (VP closing (NP ranks (S (VP to (VP protect (NP (NP the firm 's )NP reputation )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )S )PP , (NP (NP (NP the executive 's )NP internal rivals )NP , (VP led (PP by (NP (NP a loutish )NP (ADVP American )ADVP )NP )PP )VP , )NP (VP demand (NP his resignation )NP )VP . )S 18 19 (S (PP Instead of (S (VP closing (NP ranks )NP (S (VP to (VP protect (NP (NP the firm 's )NP reputation )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )PP , (NP (NP (NP the executive 's )NP internal rivals )NP , (VP led (PP by (NP (NP a loutish )NP American )NP )PP )VP , )NP (VP demand (NP his resignation )NP )VP . )S 17 18 (S (PP Instead of (S (VP closing (NP ranks (S (VP to (VP protect (NP (NP the firm 's )NP reputation )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )S )PP , (NP (NP (NP the executive 's )NP internal rivals )NP , (VP led (PP by (NP a loutish American )NP )PP )VP , )NP (VP demand (NP his resignation )NP )VP . )S 17 20 (S (PP Instead of (S (VP closing (S (NP ranks )NP (VP to (VP protect (NP (NP the firm 's )NP reputation )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )PP , (NP (NP (NP the executive 's )NP internal rivals )NP , (VP led (PP by (NP (NP a loutish )NP (NX American )NX )NP )PP )VP , )NP (VP demand (NP his resignation )NP )VP . )S 18 18 (S (PP Instead of (S (VP closing (NP ranks )NP (S (VP to (VP protect (NP (NP the firm 's )NP reputation )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )PP , (NP (NP (NP the executive 's )NP internal rivals )NP , (VP led (PP by (NP a loutish American )NP )PP )VP , )NP (VP demand (NP his resignation )NP )VP . )S 17 18 (S (PP Instead of (S (VP closing (NP ranks (S (VP to (VP protect (NP (NP the firm 's )NP reputation )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )S )PP , (NP (NP (NP the executive 's )NP internal rivals )NP , (VP led (PP by (NP a loutish American )NP )PP )VP , )NP (VP demand (NP his resignation )NP )VP . )S 17 20 (S (PP Instead of (S (VP closing (S (NP ranks )NP (VP to (VP protect (NP (NP the firm 's )NP reputation )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )PP , (NP (NP (NP the executive 's )NP internal rivals )NP , (VP led (PP by (NP (NP a loutish )NP (NP American )NP )NP )PP )VP , )NP (VP demand (NP his resignation )NP )VP . )S 18 20 (S (PP Instead of (S (VP closing (NP ranks )NP (S (VP to (VP protect (NP (NP the firm 's )NP reputation )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )PP , (NP (NP (NP the executive 's )NP internal rivals )NP , (VP led (PP by (NP (NP a loutish )NP (ADJP American )ADJP )NP )PP )VP , )NP (VP demand (NP his resignation )NP )VP . )S 18 20 (S (PP Instead of (S (VP closing (NP ranks )NP (S (VP to (VP protect (NP (NP the firm 's )NP reputation )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )PP , (NP (NP (NP the executive 's )NP internal rivals )NP , (VP led (PP by (NP (NP a loutish )NP (NX American )NX )NP )PP )VP , )NP (VP demand (NP his resignation )NP )VP . )S 18 20 (S (PP Instead of (S (VP closing (NP ranks )NP (S (VP to (VP protect (NP (NP the firm 's )NP reputation )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )PP , (NP (NP (NP the executive 's )NP internal rivals )NP , (VP led (PP by (NP (NP a loutish )NP (ADVP American )ADVP )NP )PP )VP , )NP (VP demand (NP his resignation )NP )VP . )S 17 18 (S (PP Instead of (S (VP closing (NP ranks (S (VP to (VP protect (NP (NP the firm 's )NP reputation )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )S )PP , (NP (NP (NP the executive 's )NP internal rivals )NP , (VP led (PP by (NP a loutish American )NP )PP )VP , )NP (VP demand (NP his resignation )NP )VP . )S 17 20 (S (PP Instead of (S (VP closing (NP ranks (S (VP to (VP protect (NP (NP the firm 's )NP reputation )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )S )PP , (NP (NP (NP the executive 's )NP internal rivals )NP , (VP led (PP by (NP (NP a loutish )NP (NX American )NX )NP )PP )VP , )NP (VP demand (NP his resignation )NP )VP . )S 15 19 (S (PP Instead of (S (VP closing (S (NP ranks )NP (VP to (VP protect (NP (NP the firm 's )NP reputation )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )PP , (NP (NP (NP the executive 's )NP internal rivals )NP , (VP led (PP by (NP a loutish )NP )PP (NP American )NP )VP , )NP (VP demand (NP his resignation )NP )VP . )S 17 18 (S (PP Instead of (S (VP closing (S (NP ranks )NP (VP to (VP protect (NP (NP the firm 's )NP reputation )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )PP , (NP (NP (NP the executive 's )NP internal rivals )NP , (VP led (PP by (NP a loutish American )NP )PP )VP , )NP (VP demand (NP his resignation )NP )VP . )S 18 20 (S (PP Instead of (S (VP closing (NP ranks )NP (S (VP to (VP protect (NP (NP the firm 's )NP reputation )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )PP , (NP (NP (NP the executive 's )NP internal rivals )NP , (VP led (PP by (NP (NP a loutish )NP (NP American )NP )NP )PP )VP , )NP (VP demand (NP his resignation )NP )VP . )S 17 19 (S (PP Instead of (S (VP closing (NP ranks (SBAR (S (VP to (VP protect (NP (NP the firm 's )NP reputation )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )PP , (NP (NP (NP the executive 's )NP internal rivals )NP , (VP led (PP by (NP a loutish American )NP )PP )VP , )NP (VP demand (NP his resignation )NP )VP . )S 17 20 (S (PP Instead of (S (VP closing (NP ranks (S (VP to (VP protect (NP (NP the firm 's )NP reputation )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )S )PP , (NP (NP (NP the executive 's )NP internal rivals )NP , (VP led (PP by (NP (NP a loutish )NP (NP American )NP )NP )PP )VP , )NP (VP demand (NP his resignation )NP )VP . )S 16 19 (S (PP Instead of (S (VP closing (NP ranks )NP (S (VP to (VP protect (NP (NP the firm 's )NP reputation )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )PP , (NP (NP (NP the executive 's )NP internal rivals )NP , (VP led (PP by (NP a loutish )NP )PP (NP American )NP )VP , )NP (VP demand (NP his resignation )NP )VP . )S 18 18 (S (PP Instead of (S (VP closing (NP ranks )NP (S (VP to (VP protect (NP (NP the firm 's )NP reputation )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )PP , (NP (NP (NP the executive 's )NP internal rivals )NP , (VP led (PP by (NP a loutish American )NP )PP )VP , )NP (VP demand (NP his resignation )NP )VP . )S 18 20 (S (PP Instead of (S (VP closing (NP ranks )NP (S (VP to (VP protect (NP (NP the firm 's )NP reputation )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )PP , (NP (NP (NP the executive 's )NP internal rivals )NP , (VP led (PP by (NP (NP a loutish )NP (ADVP American )ADVP )NP )PP )VP , )NP (VP demand (NP his resignation )NP )VP . )S 18 20 (S (PP Instead of (S (VP closing (NP ranks )NP (S (VP to (VP protect (NP (NP the firm 's )NP reputation )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )PP , (NP (NP (NP the executive 's )NP internal rivals )NP , (VP led (PP by (NP (NP a loutish )NP (ADJP American )ADJP )NP )PP )VP , )NP (VP demand (NP his resignation )NP )VP . )S 17 19 (S (PP Instead of (S (VP closing (S (NP ranks )NP (VP to (VP protect (NP (NP the firm 's )NP reputation )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )PP , (NP (NP (NP the executive 's )NP internal rivals )NP , (VP led (PP by (NP (NP a loutish )NP American )NP )PP )VP , )NP (VP demand (NP his resignation )NP )VP . )S 18 20 (S (PP Instead of (S (VP closing (NP ranks )NP (S (VP to (VP protect (NP (NP the firm 's )NP reputation )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )PP , (NP (NP (NP the executive 's )NP internal rivals )NP , (VP led (PP by (NP (NP a loutish )NP (NX American )NX )NP )PP )VP , )NP (VP demand (NP his resignation )NP )VP . )S 17 18 (S (PP Instead of (S (VP closing (S (NP ranks )NP (VP to (VP protect (NP (NP the firm 's )NP reputation )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )PP , (NP (NP (NP the executive 's )NP internal rivals )NP , (VP led (PP by (NP a loutish American )NP )PP )VP , )NP (VP demand (NP his resignation )NP )VP . )S 50 22 23 (S (NP The plot )NP (VP is (VP thwarted (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP (NP (NP the firm 's )NP major stockholder )NP , (NP (NP kelp farming )NP (PP on (NP (NP the other side )NP (PP of (NP the globe )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP , )NP (VP hurries (ADVP home )ADVP (S (VP to (VP support (NP the executive )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 20 23 (S (NP The plot )NP (VP is (VP thwarted (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP (NP (NP the firm 's )NP major stockholder )NP , (VP kelp (PP farming (PP on (NP (NP the other side )NP (PP of (NP the globe )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP , )NP (VP hurries (ADVP home )ADVP (S (VP to (VP support (NP the executive )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 22 23 (S (NP The plot )NP (VP is (VP thwarted (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP (NP (NP the firm 's )NP major stockholder )NP , (NP (NP kelp farming )NP (PP on (NP (NP the other side )NP (PP of (NP the globe )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP , )NP (VP hurries (ADVP home )ADVP (S (VP to (VP support (NP the executive )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 20 23 (S (NP The plot )NP (VP is (VP thwarted (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP (NP (NP the firm 's )NP major stockholder )NP , (VP kelp (PP farming (PP on (NP (NP the other side )NP (PP of (NP the globe )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP , )NP (VP hurries (ADVP home )ADVP (S (VP to (VP support (NP the executive )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 23 23 (S (NP The plot )NP (VP is (VP thwarted (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP (NP (NP the firm 's )NP major stockholder )NP , (NP (NP kelp farming )NP (PP on (NP (NP the other side )NP (PP of (NP the globe )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP , )NP (VP hurries (NP home )NP (S (VP to (VP support (NP the executive )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 21 23 (S (NP The plot )NP (VP is (VP thwarted (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP (NP (NP the firm 's )NP major stockholder )NP , (VP kelp (PP farming (PP on (NP (NP the other side )NP (PP of (NP the globe )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP , )NP (VP hurries (NP home )NP (S (VP to (VP support (NP the executive )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 22 23 (S (NP The plot )NP (VP is (VP thwarted (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP (NP (NP the firm 's )NP major stockholder )NP , (NP (NP kelp farming )NP (PP on (NP (NP the other side )NP (PP of (NP the globe )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP , )NP (VP hurries (ADVP home )ADVP (S (VP to (VP support (NP the executive )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 21 24 (S (NP The plot )NP (VP is (VP thwarted (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP (NP (NP the firm 's )NP major stockholder )NP , (NP (NP kelp )NP (VP farming (PP on (NP (NP the other side )NP (PP of (NP the globe )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )NP , )NP (VP hurries (ADVP home )ADVP (S (VP to (VP support (NP the executive )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 20 22 (S (NP The plot )NP (VP is (VP thwarted (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP (NP (NP the firm 's )NP major stockholder )NP , (NP (NP kelp farming )NP (PP on (NP the other side )NP )PP (PP of (NP the globe )NP )PP )NP , )NP (VP hurries (ADVP home )ADVP (S (VP to (VP support (NP the executive )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 20 23 (S (NP The plot )NP (VP is (VP thwarted (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP (NP (NP the firm 's )NP major stockholder )NP , (VP kelp (PP farming (PP on (NP (NP the other side )NP (PP of (NP the globe )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP , )NP (VP hurries (ADVP home )ADVP (S (VP to (VP support (NP the executive )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 22 23 (S (NP The plot )NP (VP is (VP thwarted (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP (NP (NP the firm 's )NP major stockholder )NP , (NP (NP kelp farming )NP (PP on (NP (NP the other side )NP (PP of (NP the globe )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP , )NP (VP hurries (ADVP home )ADVP (S (VP to (VP support (NP the executive )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 21 24 (S (NP The plot )NP (VP is (VP thwarted (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP (NP (NP the firm 's )NP major stockholder )NP , (NP (NP kelp )NP (VP farming (PP on (NP (NP the other side )NP (PP of (NP the globe )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )NP , )NP (VP hurries (ADVP home )ADVP (S (VP to (VP support (NP the executive )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 20 22 (S (NP The plot )NP (VP is (VP thwarted (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP (NP (NP the firm 's )NP major stockholder )NP , (NP (NP kelp farming )NP (PP on (NP the other side )NP )PP (PP of (NP the globe )NP )PP )NP , )NP (VP hurries (ADVP home )ADVP (S (VP to (VP support (NP the executive )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 20 23 (S (NP The plot )NP (VP is (VP thwarted (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP (NP (NP the firm 's )NP major stockholder )NP , (VP kelp (PP farming (PP on (NP (NP the other side )NP (PP of (NP the globe )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP , )NP (VP hurries (ADVP home )ADVP (S (VP to (VP support (NP the executive )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 20 23 (S (NP The plot )NP (VP is (VP thwarted (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP (NP (NP the firm 's )NP major stockholder )NP , (VP (ADVP kelp )ADVP farming (PP on (NP (NP the other side )NP (PP of (NP the globe )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP , )NP (VP hurries (ADVP home )ADVP (S (VP to (VP support (NP the executive )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 20 23 (S (NP The plot )NP (VP is (VP thwarted (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP (NP (NP the firm 's )NP major stockholder )NP , (VP kelp (NP farming )NP (PP on (NP (NP the other side )NP (PP of (NP the globe )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP , )NP (VP hurries (ADVP home )ADVP (S (VP to (VP support (NP the executive )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 20 23 (S (NP The plot )NP (VP is (VP thwarted (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP (NP (NP the firm 's )NP major stockholder )NP , (VP (ADVP kelp )ADVP farming (PP on (NP (NP the other side )NP (PP of (NP the globe )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP , )NP (VP hurries (ADVP home )ADVP (S (VP to (VP support (NP the executive )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 20 23 (S (NP The plot )NP (VP is (VP thwarted (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP (NP (NP the firm 's )NP major stockholder )NP , (VP kelp (NP farming )NP (PP on (NP (NP the other side )NP (PP of (NP the globe )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP , )NP (VP hurries (ADVP home )ADVP (S (VP to (VP support (NP the executive )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 22 23 (S (NP The plot )NP (VP is (VP thwarted (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP (NP (NP the firm 's )NP major stockholder )NP , (NP (NP kelp farming )NP (PP on (NP (NP the other side )NP (PP of (NP the globe )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP , )NP (VP hurries (S (NP home )NP (VP to (VP support (NP the executive )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 23 23 (S (NP The plot )NP (VP is (VP thwarted (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP (NP (NP the firm 's )NP major stockholder )NP , (NP (NP kelp farming )NP (PP on (NP (NP the other side )NP (PP of (NP the globe )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP , )NP (VP hurries (NP home )NP (S (VP to (VP support (NP the executive )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 20 23 (S (NP The plot )NP (VP is (VP thwarted (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP (NP (NP the firm 's )NP major stockholder )NP , (VP kelp (PP farming (PP on (NP (NP the other side )NP (PP of (NP the globe )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP , )NP (VP hurries (S (NP home )NP (VP to (VP support (NP the executive )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 22 24 (S (NP The plot )NP (VP is (VP thwarted (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP (NP (NP the firm 's )NP major stockholder )NP , (NP (NP kelp )NP (VP farming (PP on (NP (NP the other side )NP (PP of (NP the globe )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )NP , )NP (VP hurries (NP home )NP (S (VP to (VP support (NP the executive )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 21 22 (S (NP The plot )NP (VP is (VP thwarted (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP (NP (NP the firm 's )NP major stockholder )NP , (NP (NP kelp farming )NP (PP on (NP the other side )NP )PP (PP of (NP the globe )NP )PP )NP , )NP (VP hurries (NP home )NP (S (VP to (VP support (NP the executive )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 21 23 (S (NP The plot )NP (VP is (VP thwarted (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP (NP (NP the firm 's )NP major stockholder )NP , (VP kelp (PP farming (PP on (NP (NP the other side )NP (PP of (NP the globe )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP , )NP (VP hurries (NP home )NP (S (VP to (VP support (NP the executive )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 20 22 (S (NP The plot )NP (VP is (VP thwarted (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP (NP (NP the firm 's )NP major stockholder )NP , (NP (NP kelp farming )NP (PP on (NP the other side )NP )PP (PP of (NP the globe )NP )PP )NP , )NP (VP hurries (ADVP home )ADVP (S (VP to (VP support (NP the executive )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 22 23 (S (NP The plot )NP (VP is (VP thwarted (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP (NP (NP the firm 's )NP major stockholder )NP , (NP (NP kelp farming )NP (PP on (NP (NP the other side )NP (PP of (NP the globe )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP , )NP (VP hurries (ADVP home )ADVP (S (VP to (VP support (NP the executive )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 20 22 (S (NP The plot )NP (VP is (VP thwarted (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP (NP (NP the firm 's )NP major stockholder )NP , (NP (NP kelp farming )NP (PP on (NP the other side )NP )PP (PP of (NP the globe )NP )PP )NP , )NP (VP hurries (ADVP home )ADVP (S (VP to (VP support (NP the executive )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 21 23 (S (NP The plot )NP (VP is (VP thwarted (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP (NP (NP the firm 's )NP major stockholder )NP , (VP (ADVP kelp )ADVP farming (PP on (NP (NP the other side )NP (PP of (NP the globe )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP , )NP (VP hurries (NP home )NP (S (VP to (VP support (NP the executive )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 21 23 (S (NP The plot )NP (VP is (VP thwarted (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP (NP (NP the firm 's )NP major stockholder )NP , (VP kelp (NP farming )NP (PP on (NP (NP the other side )NP (PP of (NP the globe )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP , )NP (VP hurries (NP home )NP (S (VP to (VP support (NP the executive )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 20 24 (S (NP The plot )NP (VP is (VP thwarted (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP (NP (NP the firm 's )NP major stockholder )NP , (VP kelp (NP (NP farming )NP (PP on (NP (NP the other side )NP (PP of (NP the globe )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP , )NP (VP hurries (ADVP home )ADVP (S (VP to (VP support (NP the executive )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 22 23 (S (NP The plot )NP (VP is (VP thwarted (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP (NP (NP the firm 's )NP major stockholder )NP , (NP (NP kelp farming )NP (PP on (NP (NP the other side )NP (PP of (NP the globe )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP , )NP (VP hurries (ADVP home )ADVP (S (VP to (VP support (NP the executive )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 20 24 (S (NP The plot )NP (VP is (VP thwarted (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP (NP (NP the firm 's )NP major stockholder )NP , (VP kelp (NP (NP farming )NP (PP on (NP (NP the other side )NP (PP of (NP the globe )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP , )NP (VP hurries (ADVP home )ADVP (S (VP to (VP support (NP the executive )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 22 23 (S (NP The plot )NP (VP is (VP thwarted (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP (NP (NP the firm 's )NP major stockholder )NP , (NP (NP kelp farming )NP (PP on (NP (NP the other side )NP (PP of (NP the globe )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP , )NP (VP hurries (S (NP home )NP (VP to (VP support (NP the executive )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 21 24 (S (NP The plot )NP (VP is (VP thwarted (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP (NP (NP the firm 's )NP major stockholder )NP , (NP (NP kelp )NP (VP farming (PP on (NP (NP the other side )NP (PP of (NP the globe )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )NP , )NP (VP hurries (S (NP home )NP (VP to (VP support (NP the executive )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 20 22 (S (NP The plot )NP (VP is (VP thwarted (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP (NP (NP the firm 's )NP major stockholder )NP , (NP (NP kelp farming )NP (PP on (NP the other side )NP )PP (PP of (NP the globe )NP )PP )NP , )NP (VP hurries (S (NP home )NP (VP to (VP support (NP the executive )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 20 24 (S (NP The plot )NP (VP is (VP thwarted (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP (NP (NP the firm 's )NP major stockholder )NP , (VP kelp (S (VP farming (PP on (NP (NP the other side )NP (PP of (NP the globe )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )VP , )NP (VP hurries (ADVP home )ADVP (S (VP to (VP support (NP the executive )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 20 23 (S (NP The plot )NP (VP is (VP thwarted (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP (NP (NP the firm 's )NP major stockholder )NP , (VP kelp (PP farming (PP on (NP (NP the other side )NP (PP of (NP the globe )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP , )NP (VP hurries (S (NP home )NP (VP to (VP support (NP the executive )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 21 22 (S (NP The plot )NP (VP is (VP thwarted (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP (NP (NP the firm 's )NP major stockholder )NP , (NP (NP kelp farming )NP (PP on (NP the other side )NP )PP (PP of (NP the globe )NP )PP )NP , )NP (VP hurries (NP home )NP (S (VP to (VP support (NP the executive )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 20 24 (S (NP The plot )NP (VP is (VP thwarted (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP (NP (NP the firm 's )NP major stockholder )NP , (VP kelp (S (VP farming (PP on (NP (NP the other side )NP (PP of (NP the globe )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )VP , )NP (VP hurries (ADVP home )ADVP (S (VP to (VP support (NP the executive )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 23 23 (S (NP The plot )NP (VP is (VP thwarted (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP (NP (NP the firm 's )NP major stockholder )NP , (NP (NP kelp farming )NP (PP on (NP (NP the other side )NP (PP of (NP the globe )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP , )NP (VP hurries (NP home )NP (S (VP to (VP support (NP the executive )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 21 24 (S (NP The plot )NP (VP is (VP thwarted (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP (NP (NP the firm 's )NP major stockholder )NP , (VP kelp (NP (NP farming )NP (PP on (NP (NP the other side )NP (PP of (NP the globe )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP , )NP (VP hurries (NP home )NP (S (VP to (VP support (NP the executive )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 20 23 (S (NP The plot )NP (VP is (VP thwarted (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP (NP (NP the firm 's )NP major stockholder )NP , (VP (ADVP kelp )ADVP farming (PP on (NP (NP the other side )NP (PP of (NP the globe )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP , )NP (VP hurries (S (NP home )NP (VP to (VP support (NP the executive )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 20 23 (S (NP The plot )NP (VP is (VP thwarted (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP (NP (NP the firm 's )NP major stockholder )NP , (VP kelp (NP farming )NP (PP on (NP (NP the other side )NP (PP of (NP the globe )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP , )NP (VP hurries (S (NP home )NP (VP to (VP support (NP the executive )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 20 22 (S (NP The plot )NP (VP is (VP thwarted (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP (NP (NP the firm 's )NP major stockholder )NP , (NP (NP kelp farming )NP (PP on (NP the other side )NP )PP (PP of (NP the globe )NP )PP )NP , )NP (VP hurries (ADVP home )ADVP (S (VP to (VP support (NP the executive )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 21 22 (S (NP The plot )NP (VP is (VP thwarted (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP (NP (NP the firm 's )NP major stockholder )NP , (NP (NP kelp farming )NP (PP on (NP (NP the other side )NP (PP of (NP the globe )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP , )NP (VP hurries (S home (VP to (VP support (NP the executive )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 19 22 (S (NP The plot )NP (VP is (VP thwarted (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP (NP (NP the firm 's )NP major stockholder )NP , (VP kelp (PP farming (PP on (NP (NP the other side )NP (PP of (NP the globe )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP , )NP (VP hurries (S home (VP to (VP support (NP the executive )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 20 22 (S (NP The plot )NP (VP is (VP thwarted (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP (NP (NP the firm 's )NP major stockholder )NP , (NP (NP kelp farming )NP (PP on (NP the other side )NP )PP (PP of (NP the globe )NP )PP )NP , )NP (VP hurries (ADVP home )ADVP (S (VP to (VP support (NP the executive )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 22 23 (S (NP The plot )NP (VP is (VP thwarted (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP (NP (NP the firm 's )NP major stockholder )NP , (NP (NP kelp farming )NP (PP on (NP (NP the other side )NP (PP of (NP the globe )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP , )NP (VP hurries (NP home (S (VP to (VP support (NP the executive )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 20 23 (S (NP The plot )NP (VP is (VP thwarted (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP (NP (NP the firm 's )NP major stockholder )NP , (VP kelp (PP farming (PP on (NP (NP the other side )NP (PP of (NP the globe )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP , )NP (VP hurries (NP home (S (VP to (VP support (NP the executive )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 21 24 (S (NP The plot )NP (VP is (VP thwarted (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP (NP (NP the firm 's )NP major stockholder )NP , (VP kelp (S (VP farming (PP on (NP (NP the other side )NP (PP of (NP the globe )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )VP , )NP (VP hurries (NP home )NP (S (VP to (VP support (NP the executive )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 12 3 3 (S But (NP the investigation )NP (VP continues )VP . )S 3 4 (S But (S (NP the investigation )NP (VP continues )VP )S . )S 2 4 (FRAG But (S (NP the investigation )NP (VP continues )VP )S . )FRAG 3 4 (FRAG (S But (NP the investigation )NP (VP continues )VP . )S )FRAG 3 4 (S But (S (NP the investigation )NP (VP continues )VP . )S )S 3 4 (S (NP But (NP the investigation )NP )NP (VP continues )VP . )S 2 4 (FRAG But (S (NP the investigation )NP (VP continues )VP . )S )FRAG 2 3 (S (NP But the investigation )NP (VP continues )VP . )S 3 5 (FRAG (S But (S (NP the investigation )NP (VP continues )VP )S . )S )FRAG 3 5 (FRAG (S But (S (NP the investigation )NP (VP continues )VP . )S )S )FRAG 3 5 (FRAG (S (NP But (NP the investigation )NP )NP (VP continues )VP . )S )FRAG 2 4 (FRAG (S (NP But the investigation )NP (VP continues )VP . )S )FRAG 50 27 29 (S (SBAR If (S (NP you )NP (VP can (VP swallow (NP the premise (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the rewards )NP (PP for (NP such ineptitude )NP )PP )NP (VP are (NP six-figure salaries )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP you )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP are (VP left (S (VP puzzled )VP )S , (SBAR because (S (NP (NP few )NP (PP of (NP the yuppies )NP )PP )NP (VP consume (ADVP very conspicuously )ADVP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 26 29 (S (SBAR If (S (NP you )NP (VP can (VP swallow (NP the premise )NP (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the rewards )NP (PP for (NP such ineptitude )NP )PP )NP (VP are (NP six-figure salaries )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP you )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP are (VP left (S (VP puzzled )VP )S , (SBAR because (S (NP (NP few )NP (PP of (NP the yuppies )NP )PP )NP (VP consume (ADVP very conspicuously )ADVP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 27 31 (S (SBAR If (S (NP you )NP (VP can (VP swallow (NP (NP the premise )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP (NP the rewards )NP (PP for (NP such ineptitude )NP )PP )NP (VP are (NP six-figure salaries )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP you )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP are (VP left (S (VP puzzled )VP )S , (SBAR because (S (NP (NP few )NP (PP of (NP the yuppies )NP )PP )NP (VP consume (ADVP very conspicuously )ADVP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 27 30 (S (SBAR If (S (NP you )NP (VP can (VP swallow (NP (NP the premise )NP (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the rewards )NP (PP for (NP such ineptitude )NP )PP )NP (VP are (NP six-figure salaries )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP you )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP are (VP left (S (VP puzzled )VP )S , (SBAR because (S (NP (NP few )NP (PP of (NP the yuppies )NP )PP )NP (VP consume (ADVP very conspicuously )ADVP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 28 29 (S (SBAR If (S (NP you )NP (VP can (VP swallow (NP the premise (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the rewards )NP (PP for (NP such ineptitude )NP )PP )NP (VP are (NP six-figure salaries )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP you )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP are (VP left (S (ADJP puzzled )ADJP )S , (SBAR because (S (NP (NP few )NP (PP of (NP the yuppies )NP )PP )NP (VP consume (ADVP very conspicuously )ADVP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 27 29 (S (SBAR If (S (NP you )NP (VP can (VP swallow (NP the premise )NP (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the rewards )NP (PP for (NP such ineptitude )NP )PP )NP (VP are (NP six-figure salaries )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP you )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP are (VP left (S (ADJP puzzled )ADJP )S , (SBAR because (S (NP (NP few )NP (PP of (NP the yuppies )NP )PP )NP (VP consume (ADVP very conspicuously )ADVP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 28 31 (S (SBAR If (S (NP you )NP (VP can (VP swallow (NP (NP the premise )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP (NP the rewards )NP (PP for (NP such ineptitude )NP )PP )NP (VP are (NP six-figure salaries )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP you )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP are (VP left (S (ADJP puzzled )ADJP )S , (SBAR because (S (NP (NP few )NP (PP of (NP the yuppies )NP )PP )NP (VP consume (ADVP very conspicuously )ADVP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 28 30 (S (SBAR If (S (NP you )NP (VP can (VP swallow (NP (NP the premise )NP (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the rewards )NP (PP for (NP such ineptitude )NP )PP )NP (VP are (NP six-figure salaries )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP you )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP are (VP left (S (ADJP puzzled )ADJP )S , (SBAR because (S (NP (NP few )NP (PP of (NP the yuppies )NP )PP )NP (VP consume (ADVP very conspicuously )ADVP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 27 31 (S (SBAR If (S (NP you )NP (VP can (VP swallow (NP (NP the premise )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP (NP the rewards )NP (PP for (NP such ineptitude )NP )PP )NP (VP are (NP six-figure salaries )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP you )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP are (VP left (S (VP puzzled )VP )S , (SBAR because (S (NP (NP few )NP (PP of (NP the yuppies )NP )PP )NP (VP consume (ADVP very conspicuously )ADVP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 28 31 (S (SBAR If (S (NP you )NP (VP can (VP swallow (NP (NP the premise )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP (NP the rewards )NP (PP for (NP such ineptitude )NP )PP )NP (VP are (NP six-figure salaries )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP you )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP are (VP left (S (ADJP puzzled )ADJP )S , (SBAR because (S (NP (NP few )NP (PP of (NP the yuppies )NP )PP )NP (VP consume (ADVP very conspicuously )ADVP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 26 28 (S (SBAR If (S (NP you )NP (VP can (VP swallow (NP the premise (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the rewards )NP (PP for (NP such ineptitude )NP )PP )NP (VP are (NP six-figure salaries )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP you )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP are (VP (ADVP left )ADVP puzzled , (SBAR because (S (NP (NP few )NP (PP of (NP the yuppies )NP )PP )NP (VP consume (ADVP very conspicuously )ADVP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 25 28 (S (SBAR If (S (NP you )NP (VP can (VP swallow (NP the premise )NP (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the rewards )NP (PP for (NP such ineptitude )NP )PP )NP (VP are (NP six-figure salaries )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP you )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP are (VP (ADVP left )ADVP puzzled , (SBAR because (S (NP (NP few )NP (PP of (NP the yuppies )NP )PP )NP (VP consume (ADVP very conspicuously )ADVP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 26 29 (S (SBAR If (S (NP you )NP (VP can (VP swallow (NP the premise (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the rewards )NP (PP for (NP such ineptitude )NP )PP )NP (VP are (NP six-figure salaries )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP you )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP are (VP left (S (VP puzzled )VP )S , (SBAR because (S (NP (NP few )NP (PP of (NP the yuppies )NP )PP )NP (VP consume (ADJP very conspicuously )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 25 29 (S (SBAR If (S (NP you )NP (VP can (VP swallow (NP the premise )NP (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the rewards )NP (PP for (NP such ineptitude )NP )PP )NP (VP are (NP six-figure salaries )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP you )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP are (VP left (S (VP puzzled )VP )S , (SBAR because (S (NP (NP few )NP (PP of (NP the yuppies )NP )PP )NP (VP consume (ADJP very conspicuously )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 26 30 (S (SBAR If (S (NP you )NP (VP can (VP swallow (NP (NP the premise )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP (NP the rewards )NP (PP for (NP such ineptitude )NP )PP )NP (VP are (NP six-figure salaries )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP you )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP are (VP (ADVP left )ADVP puzzled , (SBAR because (S (NP (NP few )NP (PP of (NP the yuppies )NP )PP )NP (VP consume (ADVP very conspicuously )ADVP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 26 29 (S (SBAR If (S (NP you )NP (VP can (VP swallow (NP (NP the premise )NP (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the rewards )NP (PP for (NP such ineptitude )NP )PP )NP (VP are (NP six-figure salaries )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP you )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP are (VP (ADVP left )ADVP puzzled , (SBAR because (S (NP (NP few )NP (PP of (NP the yuppies )NP )PP )NP (VP consume (ADVP very conspicuously )ADVP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 26 29 (S (SBAR If (S (NP you )NP (VP can (VP swallow (NP the premise (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the rewards )NP (PP for (NP such ineptitude )NP )PP )NP (VP are (NP six-figure salaries )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP you )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP are (VP left (S (VP puzzled )VP )S , (SBAR because (S (NP (NP few )NP (PP of (NP the yuppies )NP )PP )NP (VP consume (ADJP very conspicuously )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 25 29 (S (SBAR If (S (NP you )NP (VP can (VP swallow (NP the premise )NP (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the rewards )NP (PP for (NP such ineptitude )NP )PP )NP (VP are (NP six-figure salaries )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP you )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP are (VP left (S (VP puzzled )VP )S , (SBAR because (S (NP (NP few )NP (PP of (NP the yuppies )NP )PP )NP (VP consume (ADJP very conspicuously )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 27 30 (S (SBAR If (S (NP you )NP (VP can (VP swallow (NP the premise (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP (NP the rewards )NP (PP for (NP such ineptitude )NP )PP )NP (VP are (NP six-figure salaries )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP you )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP are (VP left (S (VP puzzled )VP )S , (SBAR because (S (NP (NP few )NP (PP of (NP the yuppies )NP )PP )NP (VP consume (ADVP very conspicuously )ADVP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 26 31 (S (SBAR If (S (NP you )NP (VP can (VP swallow (NP (NP the premise )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP (NP the rewards )NP (PP for (NP such ineptitude )NP )PP )NP (VP are (NP six-figure salaries )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP you )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP are (VP left (S (VP puzzled )VP )S , (SBAR because (S (NP (NP few )NP (PP of (NP the yuppies )NP )PP )NP (VP consume (ADJP very conspicuously )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 26 30 (S (SBAR If (S (NP you )NP (VP can (VP swallow (NP (NP the premise )NP (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the rewards )NP (PP for (NP such ineptitude )NP )PP )NP (VP are (NP six-figure salaries )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP you )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP are (VP left (S (VP puzzled )VP )S , (SBAR because (S (NP (NP few )NP (PP of (NP the yuppies )NP )PP )NP (VP consume (ADJP very conspicuously )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 27 29 (S (SBAR If (S (NP you )NP (VP can (VP swallow (NP the premise (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the rewards )NP (PP for (NP such ineptitude )NP )PP )NP (VP are (NP six-figure salaries )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP you )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP are (VP left (S (ADJP puzzled )ADJP )S , (SBAR because (S (NP (NP few )NP (PP of (NP the yuppies )NP )PP )NP (VP consume (ADJP very conspicuously )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 26 29 (S (SBAR If (S (NP you )NP (VP can (VP swallow (NP the premise (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the rewards )NP (PP for (NP such ineptitude )NP )PP )NP (VP are (NP six-figure salaries )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP you )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP are (VP left (S (VP puzzled , (SBAR because (S (NP (NP few )NP (PP of (NP the yuppies )NP )PP )NP (VP consume (ADVP very conspicuously )ADVP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 26 28 (S (SBAR If (S (NP you )NP (VP can (VP swallow (NP the premise (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the rewards )NP (PP for (NP such ineptitude )NP )PP )NP (VP are (NP six-figure salaries )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP you )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP are (ADVP left )ADVP (VP puzzled , (SBAR because (S (NP (NP few )NP (PP of (NP the yuppies )NP )PP )NP (VP consume (ADVP very conspicuously )ADVP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 27 29 (S (SBAR If (S (NP you )NP (VP can (VP swallow (NP the premise (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the rewards )NP (PP for (NP such ineptitude )NP )PP )NP (VP are (NP six-figure salaries )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP you )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP are (VP left (S (VP puzzled )VP )S , (SBAR because (S (NP (NP few )NP (PP of (NP the yuppies )NP )PP )NP (VP consume (ADVP very conspicuously )ADVP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 26 29 (S (SBAR If (S (NP you )NP (VP can (VP swallow (NP the premise )NP (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the rewards )NP (PP for (NP such ineptitude )NP )PP )NP (VP are (NP six-figure salaries )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP you )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP are (VP left (S (ADJP puzzled )ADJP )S , (SBAR because (S (NP (NP few )NP (PP of (NP the yuppies )NP )PP )NP (VP consume (ADJP very conspicuously )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 25 29 (S (SBAR If (S (NP you )NP (VP can (VP swallow (NP the premise )NP (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the rewards )NP (PP for (NP such ineptitude )NP )PP )NP (VP are (NP six-figure salaries )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP you )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP are (VP left (S (VP puzzled , (SBAR because (S (NP (NP few )NP (PP of (NP the yuppies )NP )PP )NP (VP consume (ADVP very conspicuously )ADVP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 25 28 (S (SBAR If (S (NP you )NP (VP can (VP swallow (NP the premise )NP (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the rewards )NP (PP for (NP such ineptitude )NP )PP )NP (VP are (NP six-figure salaries )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP you )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP are (ADVP left )ADVP (VP puzzled , (SBAR because (S (NP (NP few )NP (PP of (NP the yuppies )NP )PP )NP (VP consume (ADVP very conspicuously )ADVP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 26 29 (S (SBAR If (S (NP you )NP (VP can (VP swallow (NP the premise )NP (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the rewards )NP (PP for (NP such ineptitude )NP )PP )NP (VP are (NP six-figure salaries )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP you )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP are (VP left (S (VP puzzled )VP )S , (SBAR because (S (NP (NP few )NP (PP of (NP the yuppies )NP )PP )NP (VP consume (ADVP very conspicuously )ADVP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 26 31 (S (SBAR If (S (NP you )NP (VP can (VP swallow (NP (NP the premise )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP (NP the rewards )NP (PP for (NP such ineptitude )NP )PP )NP (VP are (NP six-figure salaries )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP you )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP are (VP left (S (VP puzzled )VP )S , (SBAR because (S (NP (NP few )NP (PP of (NP the yuppies )NP )PP )NP (VP consume (ADJP very conspicuously )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 26 30 (S (SBAR If (S (NP you )NP (VP can (VP swallow (NP (NP the premise )NP (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the rewards )NP (PP for (NP such ineptitude )NP )PP )NP (VP are (NP six-figure salaries )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP you )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP are (VP left (S (VP puzzled )VP )S , (SBAR because (S (NP (NP few )NP (PP of (NP the yuppies )NP )PP )NP (VP consume (ADJP very conspicuously )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 26 30 (S (SBAR If (S (NP you )NP (VP can (VP swallow (NP (NP the premise )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP (NP the rewards )NP (PP for (NP such ineptitude )NP )PP )NP (VP are (NP six-figure salaries )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP you )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP are (VP (ADVP left )ADVP puzzled , (SBAR because (S (NP (NP few )NP (PP of (NP the yuppies )NP )PP )NP (VP consume (ADVP very conspicuously )ADVP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 27 29 (S (SBAR If (S (NP you )NP (VP can (VP swallow (NP the premise (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the rewards )NP (PP for (NP such ineptitude )NP )PP )NP (VP are (NP six-figure salaries )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP you )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP are (VP left (S (ADJP puzzled )ADJP )S , (SBAR because (S (NP (NP few )NP (PP of (NP the yuppies )NP )PP )NP (VP consume (ADJP very conspicuously )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 26 29 (S (SBAR If (S (NP you )NP (VP can (VP swallow (NP the premise )NP (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the rewards )NP (PP for (NP such ineptitude )NP )PP )NP (VP are (NP six-figure salaries )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP you )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP are (VP left (S (ADJP puzzled )ADJP )S , (SBAR because (S (NP (NP few )NP (PP of (NP the yuppies )NP )PP )NP (VP consume (ADJP very conspicuously )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 28 30 (S (SBAR If (S (NP you )NP (VP can (VP swallow (NP the premise (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP (NP the rewards )NP (PP for (NP such ineptitude )NP )PP )NP (VP are (NP six-figure salaries )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP you )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP are (VP left (S (ADJP puzzled )ADJP )S , (SBAR because (S (NP (NP few )NP (PP of (NP the yuppies )NP )PP )NP (VP consume (ADVP very conspicuously )ADVP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 27 31 (S (SBAR If (S (NP you )NP (VP can (VP swallow (NP (NP the premise )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP (NP the rewards )NP (PP for (NP such ineptitude )NP )PP )NP (VP are (NP six-figure salaries )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP you )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP are (VP left (S (ADJP puzzled )ADJP )S , (SBAR because (S (NP (NP few )NP (PP of (NP the yuppies )NP )PP )NP (VP consume (ADJP very conspicuously )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 27 30 (S (SBAR If (S (NP you )NP (VP can (VP swallow (NP (NP the premise )NP (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the rewards )NP (PP for (NP such ineptitude )NP )PP )NP (VP are (NP six-figure salaries )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP you )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP are (VP left (S (ADJP puzzled )ADJP )S , (SBAR because (S (NP (NP few )NP (PP of (NP the yuppies )NP )PP )NP (VP consume (ADJP very conspicuously )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 26 31 (S (SBAR If (S (NP you )NP (VP can (VP swallow (NP (NP the premise )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP (NP the rewards )NP (PP for (NP such ineptitude )NP )PP )NP (VP are (NP six-figure salaries )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP you )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP are (VP left (S (VP puzzled , (SBAR because (S (NP (NP few )NP (PP of (NP the yuppies )NP )PP )NP (VP consume (ADVP very conspicuously )ADVP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 26 30 (S (SBAR If (S (NP you )NP (VP can (VP swallow (NP (NP the premise )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP (NP the rewards )NP (PP for (NP such ineptitude )NP )PP )NP (VP are (NP six-figure salaries )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP you )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP are (ADVP left )ADVP (VP puzzled , (SBAR because (S (NP (NP few )NP (PP of (NP the yuppies )NP )PP )NP (VP consume (ADVP very conspicuously )ADVP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 26 30 (S (SBAR If (S (NP you )NP (VP can (VP swallow (NP (NP the premise )NP (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the rewards )NP (PP for (NP such ineptitude )NP )PP )NP (VP are (NP six-figure salaries )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP you )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP are (VP left (S (VP puzzled , (SBAR because (S (NP (NP few )NP (PP of (NP the yuppies )NP )PP )NP (VP consume (ADVP very conspicuously )ADVP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 26 29 (S (SBAR If (S (NP you )NP (VP can (VP swallow (NP (NP the premise )NP (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the rewards )NP (PP for (NP such ineptitude )NP )PP )NP (VP are (NP six-figure salaries )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP you )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP are (ADVP left )ADVP (VP puzzled , (SBAR because (S (NP (NP few )NP (PP of (NP the yuppies )NP )PP )NP (VP consume (ADVP very conspicuously )ADVP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 26 31 (S (SBAR If (S (NP you )NP (VP can (VP swallow (NP (NP the premise )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP (NP the rewards )NP (PP for (NP such ineptitude )NP )PP )NP (VP are (NP six-figure salaries )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP you )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP are (VP left (S (VP puzzled )VP )S , (SBAR because (S (NP (NP few )NP (PP of (NP the yuppies )NP )PP )NP (VP consume (ADJP very conspicuously )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 26 27 (S (SBAR If (S (NP you )NP (VP can (VP swallow (NP the premise (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the rewards )NP (PP for (NP such ineptitude )NP )PP )NP (VP are (NP six-figure salaries )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP you )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP are left (VP puzzled , (SBAR because (S (NP (NP few )NP (PP of (NP the yuppies )NP )PP )NP (VP consume (ADVP very conspicuously )ADVP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 27 31 (S (SBAR If (S (NP you )NP (VP can (VP swallow (NP (NP the premise )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP (NP the rewards )NP (PP for (NP such ineptitude )NP )PP )NP (VP are (NP six-figure salaries )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP you )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP are (VP left (S (VP puzzled )VP )S , (SBAR because (S (NP (NP few )NP (PP of (NP the yuppies )NP )PP )NP (VP consume (ADVP very conspicuously )ADVP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 27 30 (S (SBAR If (S (NP you )NP (VP can (VP swallow (NP (NP the premise )NP (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the rewards )NP (PP for (NP such ineptitude )NP )PP )NP (VP are (NP six-figure salaries )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP you )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP are (VP left (S (VP puzzled )VP )S , (SBAR because (S (NP (NP few )NP (PP of (NP the yuppies )NP )PP )NP (VP consume (ADVP very conspicuously )ADVP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 28 29 (S (SBAR If (S (NP you )NP (VP can (VP swallow (NP the premise (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the rewards )NP (PP for (NP such ineptitude )NP )PP )NP (VP are (NP six-figure salaries )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP you )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP are (VP left (S (ADJP puzzled )ADJP )S , (SBAR because (S (NP (NP few )NP (PP of (NP the yuppies )NP )PP )NP (VP consume (ADVP very conspicuously )ADVP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 25 27 (S (SBAR If (S (NP you )NP (VP can (VP swallow (NP the premise )NP (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the rewards )NP (PP for (NP such ineptitude )NP )PP )NP (VP are (NP six-figure salaries )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP you )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP are left (VP puzzled , (SBAR because (S (NP (NP few )NP (PP of (NP the yuppies )NP )PP )NP (VP consume (ADVP very conspicuously )ADVP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 27 29 (S (SBAR If (S (NP you )NP (VP can (VP swallow (NP the premise )NP (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the rewards )NP (PP for (NP such ineptitude )NP )PP )NP (VP are (NP six-figure salaries )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP you )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP are (VP left (S (ADJP puzzled )ADJP )S , (SBAR because (S (NP (NP few )NP (PP of (NP the yuppies )NP )PP )NP (VP consume (ADVP very conspicuously )ADVP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 27 31 (S (SBAR If (S (NP you )NP (VP can (VP swallow (NP (NP the premise )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP (NP the rewards )NP (PP for (NP such ineptitude )NP )PP )NP (VP are (NP six-figure salaries )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP you )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP are (VP left (S (ADJP puzzled )ADJP )S , (SBAR because (S (NP (NP few )NP (PP of (NP the yuppies )NP )PP )NP (VP consume (ADJP very conspicuously )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 27 30 (S (SBAR If (S (NP you )NP (VP can (VP swallow (NP (NP the premise )NP (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the rewards )NP (PP for (NP such ineptitude )NP )PP )NP (VP are (NP six-figure salaries )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP you )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP are (VP left (S (ADJP puzzled )ADJP )S , (SBAR because (S (NP (NP few )NP (PP of (NP the yuppies )NP )PP )NP (VP consume (ADJP very conspicuously )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 50 9 9 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP few )NP (VP consume (NP (NP much )NP (PP of (NP anything )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 9 9 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP few )NP (VP consume (NP (NP much )NP (PP of (NP anything )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 9 9 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP few )NP (VP consume (NP (NP much )NP (PP of (NP anything )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 9 9 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP few )NP (VP consume (NP (NP much )NP (PP of (NP anything )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 7 8 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP few )NP (VP consume (ADVP much )ADVP (PP of (NP anything )NP )PP )VP . )S 6 7 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP few )NP (VP consume (PP much of (NP anything )NP )PP )VP . )S 7 8 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP few )NP (VP consume (ADJP much (PP of (NP anything )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 8 8 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP few )NP (VP consume (NP much )NP (PP of (NP anything )NP )PP )VP . )S 8 8 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP few )NP (VP consume (NP much )NP (PP of (NP anything )NP )PP )VP . )S 7 8 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP few )NP (VP consume (ADVP much (PP of (NP anything )NP )PP )ADVP )VP . )S 7 8 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP few )NP (VP consume (PP much (PP of (NP anything )NP )PP )PP )VP . )S 7 8 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP few )NP (VP consume (ADVP much (PP of (NP anything )NP )PP )ADVP )VP . )S 7 8 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP few )NP (VP consume (ADJP much (PP of (NP anything )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 9 10 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (S (NP few )NP (VP consume (NP (NP much )NP (PP of (NP anything )NP )PP )NP )VP )S . )S 7 9 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP few )NP (VP consume (S (ADJP much (PP of (NP anything )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP . )S 8 9 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (ADVP few )ADVP (VP consume (NP (NP much )NP (PP of (NP anything )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 7 9 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP few )NP (VP consume (ADVP (ADVP much )ADVP (PP of (NP anything )NP )PP )ADVP )VP . )S 7 9 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP few )NP (VP consume (S (ADJP much (PP of (NP anything )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP . )S 6 6 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP few )NP (VP consume (NP much of anything )NP )VP . )S 6 8 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP few )NP (VP consume (PP (ADVP much )ADVP of (NP anything )NP )PP )VP . )S 7 8 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP few )NP (VP consume (ADVP much )ADVP (PP of (NP anything )NP )PP )VP . )S 6 7 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP few )NP (VP consume (PP much of (NP anything )NP )PP )VP . )S 8 8 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP few )NP (VP consume (NP much )NP (PP of (NP anything )NP )PP )VP . )S 7 8 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP few )NP (VP consume (ADJP much (PP of (NP anything )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 9 10 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP few )NP (VP consume (NP (NP much )NP (PP of (S (NP anything )NP )S )PP )NP )VP . )S 7 8 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP few )NP (VP consume (ADVP much )ADVP (PP of (NP anything )NP )PP )VP . )S 9 10 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (S (NP few )NP (VP consume (NP (NP much )NP (PP of (NP anything )NP )PP )NP )VP )S . )S 8 8 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP few )NP (VP consume (NP much )NP (PP of (NP anything )NP )PP )VP . )S 8 10 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP few )NP (VP consume (NP (NP much )NP (PP of (S (VP anything )VP )S )PP )NP )VP . )S 8 9 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (ADVP few )ADVP (VP consume (NP (NP much )NP (PP of (NP anything )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 7 8 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP few )NP (VP consume (ADJP much )ADJP (PP of (NP anything )NP )PP )VP . )S 7 8 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP few )NP (VP consume (ADVP much (PP of (NP anything )NP )PP )ADVP )VP . )S 6 7 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP few )NP (VP consume (NP (QP much of anything )QP )NP )VP . )S 7 8 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP few )NP (VP consume (PP much (PP of (NP anything )NP )PP )PP )VP . )S 7 8 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP few )NP (VP consume (ADVP much (PP of (NP anything )NP )PP )ADVP )VP . )S 9 10 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP few )NP (VP consume (S (NP (NP much )NP (PP of (NP anything )NP )PP )NP )S )VP . )S 8 10 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (S (ADJP few )ADJP )S (VP consume (NP (NP much )NP (PP of (NP anything )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 9 10 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP few )NP (VP consume (NP (NP much )NP (PP of (S (NP anything )NP )S )PP )NP )VP . )S 9 10 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP few )NP (VP consume (NP (NP (ADJP much )ADJP )NP (PP of (NP anything )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 6 7 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP few )NP (VP consume (ADJP much of (NP anything )NP )ADJP )VP . )S 7 8 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP few )NP (VP consume (PRT much )PRT (PP of (NP anything )NP )PP )VP . )S 8 9 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP few )NP (VP consume (NP (ADJP much (PP of (NP anything )NP )PP )ADJP )NP )VP . )S 7 8 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP few )NP (VP consume (ADJP much (PP of (NP anything )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 8 10 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP few )NP (VP consume (NP (NP much )NP (PP of (S (VP anything )VP )S )PP )NP )VP . )S 7 8 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP few )NP (VP consume (ADJP much )ADJP (PP of (NP anything )NP )PP )VP . )S 7 8 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP few )NP (VP consume (VP much (PP of (NP anything )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 9 10 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP few )NP (VP consume (NP (NP (ADJP much )ADJP )NP (PP of (NP anything )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 7 9 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP few )NP (VP consume (ADJP (ADJP much )ADJP (PP of (NP anything )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 9 10 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP (ADJP few )ADJP )NP (VP consume (NP (NP much )NP (PP of (NP anything )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 7 9 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP few )NP (VP consume (ADVP (ADVP much )ADVP (PP of (NP anything )NP )PP )ADVP )VP . )S 50 3 7 (FRAG (NP Two share )NP (NP (NP a house )NP (ADJP almost devoid )ADJP )NP (PP of (NP furniture )NP )PP . )FRAG 4 7 (FRAG (NP Two share )NP (NP (NP a house )NP (ADJP almost devoid )ADJP (PP of (NP furniture )NP )PP )NP . )FRAG 8 8 (S (NP Two )NP (VP share (NP (NP a house )NP (ADJP almost devoid (PP of (NP furniture )NP )PP )ADJP )NP )VP . )S 7 8 (S (NP Two )NP (VP share (NP (NP a house )NP (ADJP almost devoid )ADJP (PP of (NP furniture )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 8 9 (S (NP Two )NP (VP share (NP (NP a house )NP (ADJP (ADJP almost devoid )ADJP (PP of (NP furniture )NP )PP )ADJP )NP )VP . )S 6 8 (S (NP Two )NP (VP share (NP (NP a house )NP (ADJP almost devoid )ADJP )NP (PP of (NP furniture )NP )PP )VP . )S 5 7 (FRAG (NP Two share )NP (NP (NP a house )NP (ADJP almost devoid (PP of (NP furniture )NP )PP )ADJP )NP . )FRAG 7 8 (S (NP Two )NP (VP share (S (NP a house )NP (ADJP almost devoid (PP of (NP furniture )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP . )S 4 7 (NP (NP (NP Two share )NP (NP a house )NP )NP (ADJP almost devoid (PP of (NP furniture )NP )PP )ADJP . )NP 7 8 (S (NP Two )NP (VP share (NP (NP a house )NP (ADVP almost devoid )ADVP (PP of (NP furniture )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 5 8 (FRAG (NP Two share )NP (NP (NP a house )NP (ADJP (ADJP almost devoid )ADJP (PP of (NP furniture )NP )PP )ADJP )NP . )FRAG 7 8 (S (NP Two )NP (VP share (NP a house )NP (S (ADJP almost devoid (PP of (NP furniture )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP . )S 4 7 (FRAG (ADVP Two share )ADVP (NP (NP a house )NP (ADJP almost devoid )ADJP (PP of (NP furniture )NP )PP )NP . )FRAG 5 7 (NP (NP Two share )NP (NP (NP a house )NP (ADJP almost devoid (PP of (NP furniture )NP )PP )ADJP )NP . )NP 7 9 (S (NP Two )NP (VP share (NP (NP (NP a house )NP (ADJP almost devoid )ADJP )NP (PP of (NP furniture )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 4 8 (NP (NP (NP Two share )NP (NP a house )NP )NP (ADJP (ADJP almost devoid )ADJP (PP of (NP furniture )NP )PP )ADJP . )NP 7 8 (S (NP Two )NP (VP share (NP (NP a house )NP (ADVP almost devoid (PP of (NP furniture )NP )PP )ADVP )NP )VP . )S 7 9 (S (NP Two )NP (VP share (S (NP a house )NP (ADJP (ADJP almost devoid )ADJP (PP of (NP furniture )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP . )S 4 7 (FRAG (NP (NP Two share )NP (NP a house )NP )NP (ADJP almost devoid (PP of (NP furniture )NP )PP )ADJP . )FRAG 5 8 (NP (NP Two share )NP (NP (NP a house )NP (ADJP (ADJP almost devoid )ADJP (PP of (NP furniture )NP )PP )ADJP )NP . )NP 3 7 (FRAG (NP Two share )NP (NP (NP a house )NP (ADVP almost devoid )ADVP )NP (PP of (NP furniture )NP )PP . )FRAG 4 8 (NP (NP Two share )NP (NP (NP (NP a house )NP (ADJP almost devoid )ADJP )NP (PP of (NP furniture )NP )PP )NP . )NP 6 8 (S (NP Two )NP (VP share (ADVP (NP a house )NP almost )ADVP (ADJP devoid (PP of (NP furniture )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 7 7 (S (NP Two )NP (VP share (NP a house )NP (ADJP almost devoid (PP of (NP furniture )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 4 7 (FRAG (NP Two share )NP (S (NP a house )NP (ADJP almost devoid (PP of (NP furniture )NP )PP )ADJP )S . )FRAG 6 8 (S (NP Two )NP (VP share (NP a house )NP (ADVP almost )ADVP (ADJP devoid (PP of (NP furniture )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 6 7 (S (NP Two )NP (VP share (ADJP (NP a house )NP almost devoid (PP of (NP furniture )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 4 7 (NP (NP Two share )NP (NP (NP a house )NP (ADVP almost devoid )ADVP (PP of (NP furniture )NP )PP )NP . )NP 4 7 (FRAG (NP Two share )NP (NP (NP a house )NP (ADVP almost devoid (PP of (NP furniture )NP )PP )ADVP )NP . )FRAG 4 8 (FRAG (NP (NP Two share )NP (NP a house )NP )NP (ADJP (ADJP almost devoid )ADJP (PP of (NP furniture )NP )PP )ADJP . )FRAG 7 8 (S (NP Two )NP (VP share (NP a house )NP (ADJP (ADJP almost devoid )ADJP (PP of (NP furniture )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 4 6 (FRAG (NP Two share )NP (NP a house )NP (ADJP almost devoid (PP of (NP furniture )NP )PP )ADJP . )FRAG 4 7 (NP (NP Two share )NP (NP (NP a house )NP (ADJP almost devoid )ADJP (PP of (NP furniture )NP )PP )NP . )NP 7 9 (S (NP Two )NP (VP share (NP a house )NP (S (ADJP (ADJP almost devoid )ADJP (PP of (NP furniture )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP . )S 5 7 (FRAG (ADVP Two share )ADVP (NP (NP a house )NP (ADJP almost devoid (PP of (NP furniture )NP )PP )ADJP )NP . )FRAG 4 8 (FRAG (NP Two share )NP (NP (NP (NP a house )NP (ADJP almost devoid )ADJP )NP (PP of (NP furniture )NP )PP )NP . )FRAG 4 7 (FRAG (NP Two share )NP (NP (NP a house )NP (ADVP almost devoid )ADVP (PP of (NP furniture )NP )PP )NP . )FRAG 3 7 (NP (NP Two share )NP (NP (NP a house )NP (ADJP almost devoid )ADJP )NP (PP of (NP furniture )NP )PP . )NP 6 7 (S (NP Two )NP (VP share (NP a house )NP (ADVP almost devoid (PP of (NP furniture )NP )PP )ADVP )VP . )S 3 6 (NP (NP (QP Two share )QP a house )NP (ADJP almost devoid (PP of (NP furniture )NP )PP )ADJP . )NP 6 8 (S (NP Two )NP (VP share (NP (NP a house )NP (PP (ADVP almost devoid )ADVP of (NP furniture )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 3 6 (NP (NP (ADVP Two share )ADVP a house )NP (ADJP almost devoid (PP of (NP furniture )NP )PP )ADJP . )NP 6 8 (S (NP Two )NP (VP share (NP (NP a house almost )NP (ADJP devoid (PP of (NP furniture )NP )PP )ADJP )NP )VP . )S 4 7 (FRAG (NP Two share )NP (NP a house )NP (ADJP (ADJP almost devoid )ADJP (PP of (NP furniture )NP )PP )ADJP . )FRAG 5 7 (S (NP Two )NP (VP share (NP a house )NP (PP (ADVP almost devoid )ADVP of (NP furniture )NP )PP )VP . )S 5 8 (FRAG (ADVP Two share )ADVP (NP (NP a house )NP (ADJP (ADJP almost devoid )ADJP (PP of (NP furniture )NP )PP )ADJP )NP . )FRAG 4 8 (NP (NP (NP (QP Two share )QP )NP (NP a house )NP )NP (ADJP almost devoid (PP of (NP furniture )NP )PP )ADJP . )NP 6 8 (S (NP Two )NP (VP share (NP (NP a house )NP (ADVP almost devoid )ADVP )NP (PP of (NP furniture )NP )PP )VP . )S 4 8 (FRAG (NP Two share )NP (S (NP a house )NP (ADJP (ADJP almost devoid )ADJP (PP of (NP furniture )NP )PP )ADJP )S . )FRAG 2 6 (FRAG (NP Two share )NP (NP a house )NP (PP (ADVP almost devoid )ADVP of (NP furniture )NP )PP . )FRAG 50 39 40 (S (S (NP Michelle )NP (VP lives (PP in (NP a hotel room )NP )PP )VP )S , and (S (SBAR although (S (NP she )NP (VP drives (NP a canary-colored Porsche )NP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP she )NP (VP has n't (NP (NP time )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP clean or repair (NP it )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S ; (S (NP the beat-up vehicle )NP (VP can (VP be (VP started (ADVP only )ADVP (PP with (NP (NP a huge pair )NP (PP of (NP pliers )NP )PP )NP )PP (SBAR because (S (NP the ignition key )NP (VP has (VP broken (PRT off )PRT (PP in (NP the lock )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP )S . )S 39 42 (S (S (NP Michelle )NP (VP lives (PP in (NP a hotel room )NP )PP )VP )S , and (S (SBAR although (S (NP she )NP (VP drives (NP a canary-colored Porsche )NP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP she )NP (VP has n't (NP (NP time )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP (VP clean )VP or (VP repair (NP it )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S ; (S (NP the beat-up vehicle )NP (VP can (VP be (VP started (ADVP only )ADVP (PP with (NP (NP a huge pair )NP (PP of (NP pliers )NP )PP )NP )PP (SBAR because (S (NP the ignition key )NP (VP has (VP broken (PRT off )PRT (PP in (NP the lock )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP )S . )S 39 40 (S (S (NP Michelle )NP (VP lives (PP in (NP a hotel room )NP )PP )VP )S , and (S (SBAR although (S (NP she )NP (VP drives (NP a canary-colored Porsche )NP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP she )NP (VP has n't (NP (NP time )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP clean or repair (NP it )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S ; (S (NP the beat-up vehicle )NP (VP can (VP be (VP started (ADVP only )ADVP (PP with (NP (NP a huge pair )NP (PP of (NP pliers )NP )PP )NP )PP (SBAR because (S (NP the ignition key )NP (VP has (VP broken (PRT off )PRT (PP in (NP the lock )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP )S . )S 39 42 (S (S (NP Michelle )NP (VP lives (PP in (NP a hotel room )NP )PP )VP )S , and (S (SBAR although (S (NP she )NP (VP drives (NP a canary-colored Porsche )NP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP she )NP (VP has n't (NP (NP time )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP (VP clean )VP or (VP repair (NP it )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S ; (S (NP the beat-up vehicle )NP (VP can (VP be (VP started (ADVP only )ADVP (PP with (NP (NP a huge pair )NP (PP of (NP pliers )NP )PP )NP )PP (SBAR because (S (NP the ignition key )NP (VP has (VP broken (PRT off )PRT (PP in (NP the lock )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP )S . )S 36 38 (S (S (NP Michelle )NP (VP lives (PP in (NP a hotel room )NP )PP )VP )S , and (S (SBAR although (S (NP she )NP (VP drives (NP a canary-colored Porsche )NP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP she )NP (VP has n't (VP time (S (VP to (VP clean or repair (NP it )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP the beat-up vehicle )NP (VP can (VP be (VP started (ADVP only )ADVP (PP with (NP (NP a huge pair )NP (PP of (NP pliers )NP )PP )NP )PP (SBAR because (S (NP the ignition key )NP (VP has (VP broken (PRT off )PRT (PP in (NP the lock )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP )S . )S 39 40 (S (S (NP Michelle )NP (VP lives (PP in (NP a hotel room )NP )PP )VP )S , and (S (SBAR although (S (NP she )NP (VP drives (NP a canary-colored Porsche )NP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP she )NP (VP has n't (NP (NP time )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP clean or repair (NP it )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S ; (S (NP the beat-up vehicle )NP (VP can (VP be (VP started (ADVP only )ADVP (PP with (NP (NP a huge pair )NP (PP of (NP pliers )NP )PP )NP )PP (SBAR because (S (NP the ignition key )NP (VP has (VP broken (PRT off )PRT (PP in (NP the lock )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP )S . )S 36 40 (S (S (NP Michelle )NP (VP lives (PP in (NP a hotel room )NP )PP )VP )S , and (S (SBAR although (S (NP she )NP (VP drives (NP a canary-colored Porsche )NP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP she )NP (VP has n't (VP time (S (VP to (VP (VP clean )VP or (VP repair (NP it )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP the beat-up vehicle )NP (VP can (VP be (VP started (ADVP only )ADVP (PP with (NP (NP a huge pair )NP (PP of (NP pliers )NP )PP )NP )PP (SBAR because (S (NP the ignition key )NP (VP has (VP broken (PRT off )PRT (PP in (NP the lock )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP )S . )S 39 42 (S (S (NP Michelle )NP (VP lives (PP in (NP a hotel room )NP )PP )VP )S , and (S (SBAR although (S (NP she )NP (VP drives (NP a canary-colored Porsche )NP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP she )NP (VP has n't (NP (NP time )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP (VP clean )VP or (VP repair (NP it )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S ; (S (NP the beat-up vehicle )NP (VP can (VP be (VP started (ADVP only )ADVP (PP with (NP (NP a huge pair )NP (PP of (NP pliers )NP )PP )NP )PP (SBAR because (S (NP the ignition key )NP (VP has (VP broken (PRT off )PRT (PP in (NP the lock )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP )S . )S 39 41 (S (S (S (NP Michelle )NP (VP lives (PP in (NP a hotel room )NP )PP )VP )S , and (S (SBAR although (S (NP she )NP (VP drives (NP a canary-colored Porsche )NP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP she )NP (VP has n't (NP (NP time )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP clean or repair (NP it )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )S ; (S (NP the beat-up vehicle )NP (VP can (VP be (VP started (ADVP only )ADVP (PP with (NP (NP a huge pair )NP (PP of (NP pliers )NP )PP )NP )PP (SBAR because (S (NP the ignition key )NP (VP has (VP broken (PRT off )PRT (PP in (NP the lock )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP )S . )S 39 43 (S (S (S (NP Michelle )NP (VP lives (PP in (NP a hotel room )NP )PP )VP )S , and (S (SBAR although (S (NP she )NP (VP drives (NP a canary-colored Porsche )NP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP she )NP (VP has n't (NP (NP time )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP (VP clean )VP or (VP repair (NP it )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )S ; (S (NP the beat-up vehicle )NP (VP can (VP be (VP started (ADVP only )ADVP (PP with (NP (NP a huge pair )NP (PP of (NP pliers )NP )PP )NP )PP (SBAR because (S (NP the ignition key )NP (VP has (VP broken (PRT off )PRT (PP in (NP the lock )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP )S . )S 39 39 (S (S (NP Michelle )NP (VP lives (PP in (NP a hotel room )NP )PP )VP )S , and (S (SBAR although (S (NP she )NP (VP drives (NP a canary-colored Porsche )NP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP she )NP (VP has n't (NP (NP time )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP clean or repair (NP it )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S ; (S (NP the beat-up vehicle )NP (VP can (VP be (VP started (PP only with (NP (NP a huge pair )NP (PP of (NP pliers )NP )PP )NP )PP (SBAR because (S (NP the ignition key )NP (VP has (VP broken (PRT off )PRT (PP in (NP the lock )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP )S . )S 39 40 (S (S (NP Michelle )NP (VP lives (PP in (NP a hotel room )NP )PP )VP )S , and (S (SBAR although (S (NP she )NP (VP drives (NP a canary-colored Porsche )NP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP she )NP (VP has n't (NP (NP time )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP clean or repair (NP it )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S ; (S (NP the beat-up vehicle )NP (VP can (VP be (VP started (ADVP only )ADVP (PP with (NP (NP a huge pair )NP (PP of (NP pliers )NP )PP )NP )PP (SBAR because (S (NP the ignition key )NP (VP has (VP broken (PRT off )PRT (PP in (NP the lock )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP )S . )S 36 38 (S (S (NP Michelle )NP (VP lives (PP in (NP a hotel room )NP )PP )VP )S , and (S (SBAR although (S (NP she )NP (VP drives (NP a canary-colored Porsche )NP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP she )NP (VP has n't (VP time (S (VP to (VP clean or repair (NP it )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP the beat-up vehicle )NP (VP can (VP be (VP started (ADVP only )ADVP (PP with (NP (NP a huge pair )NP (PP of (NP pliers )NP )PP )NP )PP (SBAR because (S (NP the ignition key )NP (VP has (VP broken (PRT off )PRT (PP in (NP the lock )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP )S . )S 40 40 (S (S (NP Michelle )NP (VP lives (PP in (NP a hotel room )NP )PP )VP )S , and (S (SBAR although (S (NP she )NP (VP drives (NP a canary-colored Porsche )NP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP she )NP (VP has n't (NP (NP time )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP clean or repair (NP it )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S ; (S (NP the beat-up vehicle )NP (VP can (VP be (VP started (PP (ADVP only )ADVP with (NP (NP a huge pair )NP (PP of (NP pliers )NP )PP )NP )PP (SBAR because (S (NP the ignition key )NP (VP has (VP broken (PRT off )PRT (PP in (NP the lock )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP )S . )S 39 40 (S (S (NP Michelle )NP (VP lives (PP in (NP a hotel room )NP )PP )VP )S , and (S (SBAR although (S (NP she )NP (VP drives (NP a canary-colored Porsche )NP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP she )NP (VP has n't (NP (NP time )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP clean or repair (NP it )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S ; (S (NP the beat-up vehicle )NP (VP can (VP be (VP started (ADVP only )ADVP (PP with (NP (NP a huge pair )NP (PP of (NP pliers )NP )PP )NP )PP (SBAR because (S (NP the ignition key )NP (VP has (VP broken (PRT off )PRT (PP in (NP the lock )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP )S . )S 38 39 (S (S (NP Michelle )NP (VP lives (PP in (NP a hotel room )NP )PP )VP )S , and (S (SBAR although (S (NP she )NP (VP drives (NP a canary-colored Porsche )NP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP she )NP (VP has n't (NP (NP time )NP (S (VP to (VP clean or repair (NP it )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )S ; (S (NP the beat-up vehicle )NP (VP can (VP be (VP started (ADVP only )ADVP (PP with (NP (NP a huge pair )NP (PP of (NP pliers )NP )PP )NP )PP (SBAR because (S (NP the ignition key )NP (VP has (VP broken (PRT off )PRT (PP in (NP the lock )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP )S . )S 39 41 (S (S (NP Michelle )NP (VP lives (PP in (NP a hotel room )NP )PP )VP )S , and (S (SBAR although (S (NP she )NP (VP drives (NP a canary-colored Porsche )NP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP she )NP (VP has n't (NP (NP time )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP (VP clean )VP or (VP repair (NP it )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S ; (S (NP the beat-up vehicle )NP (VP can (VP be (VP started (PP only with (NP (NP a huge pair )NP (PP of (NP pliers )NP )PP )NP )PP (SBAR because (S (NP the ignition key )NP (VP has (VP broken (PRT off )PRT (PP in (NP the lock )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP )S . )S 39 41 (S (S (NP Michelle )NP (VP lives (PP in (NP a hotel room )NP )PP )VP )S , and (S (S (SBAR although (S (NP she )NP (VP drives (NP a canary-colored Porsche )NP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP she )NP (VP has n't (NP (NP time )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP clean or repair (NP it )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S ; (S (NP the beat-up vehicle )NP (VP can (VP be (VP started (ADVP only )ADVP (PP with (NP (NP a huge pair )NP (PP of (NP pliers )NP )PP )NP )PP (SBAR because (S (NP the ignition key )NP (VP has (VP broken (PRT off )PRT (PP in (NP the lock )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP )S )S . )S 39 42 (S (S (NP Michelle )NP (VP lives (PP in (NP a hotel room )NP )PP )VP )S , and (S (SBAR although (S (NP she )NP (VP drives (NP a canary-colored Porsche )NP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP she )NP (VP has n't (NP (NP time )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP (VP clean )VP or (VP repair (NP it )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S ; (S (NP the beat-up vehicle )NP (VP can (VP be (VP started (ADVP only )ADVP (PP with (NP (NP a huge pair )NP (PP of (NP pliers )NP )PP )NP )PP (SBAR because (S (NP the ignition key )NP (VP has (VP broken (PRT off )PRT (PP in (NP the lock )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP )S . )S 36 40 (S (S (NP Michelle )NP (VP lives (PP in (NP a hotel room )NP )PP )VP )S , and (S (SBAR although (S (NP she )NP (VP drives (NP a canary-colored Porsche )NP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP she )NP (VP has n't (VP time (S (VP to (VP (VP clean )VP or (VP repair (NP it )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP the beat-up vehicle )NP (VP can (VP be (VP started (ADVP only )ADVP (PP with (NP (NP a huge pair )NP (PP of (NP pliers )NP )PP )NP )PP (SBAR because (S (NP the ignition key )NP (VP has (VP broken (PRT off )PRT (PP in (NP the lock )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP )S . )S 40 42 (S (S (NP Michelle )NP (VP lives (PP in (NP a hotel room )NP )PP )VP )S , and (S (SBAR although (S (NP she )NP (VP drives (NP a canary-colored Porsche )NP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP she )NP (VP has n't (NP (NP time )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP (VP clean )VP or (VP repair (NP it )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S ; (S (NP the beat-up vehicle )NP (VP can (VP be (VP started (PP (ADVP only )ADVP with (NP (NP a huge pair )NP (PP of (NP pliers )NP )PP )NP )PP (SBAR because (S (NP the ignition key )NP (VP has (VP broken (PRT off )PRT (PP in (NP the lock )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP )S . )S 39 42 (S (S (NP Michelle )NP (VP lives (PP in (NP a hotel room )NP )PP )VP )S , and (S (SBAR although (S (NP she )NP (VP drives (NP a canary-colored Porsche )NP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP she )NP (VP has n't (NP (NP time )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP (VP clean )VP or (VP repair (NP it )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S ; (S (NP the beat-up vehicle )NP (VP can (VP be (VP started (ADVP only )ADVP (PP with (NP (NP a huge pair )NP (PP of (NP pliers )NP )PP )NP )PP (SBAR because (S (NP the ignition key )NP (VP has (VP broken (PRT off )PRT (PP in (NP the lock )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP )S . )S 36 38 (S (S (NP Michelle )NP (VP lives (PP in (NP a hotel room )NP )PP )VP )S , and (S (SBAR although (S (NP she )NP (VP drives (NP a canary-colored Porsche )NP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP she )NP (VP has n't (VP time (S (VP to (VP clean or repair (NP it )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP the beat-up vehicle )NP (VP can (VP be (VP started (ADVP only )ADVP (PP with (NP (NP a huge pair )NP (PP of (NP pliers )NP )PP )NP )PP (SBAR because (S (NP the ignition key )NP (VP has (VP broken (PRT off )PRT (PP in (NP the lock )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP )S . )S 38 41 (S (S (NP Michelle )NP (VP lives (PP in (NP a hotel room )NP )PP )VP )S , and (S (SBAR although (S (NP she )NP (VP drives (NP a canary-colored Porsche )NP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP she )NP (VP has n't (NP (NP time )NP (S (VP to (VP (VP clean )VP or (VP repair (NP it )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )S ; (S (NP the beat-up vehicle )NP (VP can (VP be (VP started (ADVP only )ADVP (PP with (NP (NP a huge pair )NP (PP of (NP pliers )NP )PP )NP )PP (SBAR because (S (NP the ignition key )NP (VP has (VP broken (PRT off )PRT (PP in (NP the lock )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP )S . )S 39 41 (S (S (S (NP Michelle )NP (VP lives (PP in (NP a hotel room )NP )PP )VP )S , and (S (SBAR although (S (NP she )NP (VP drives (NP a canary-colored Porsche )NP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP she )NP (VP has n't (NP (NP time )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP clean or repair (NP it )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )S ; (S (NP the beat-up vehicle )NP (VP can (VP be (VP started (ADVP only )ADVP (PP with (NP (NP a huge pair )NP (PP of (NP pliers )NP )PP )NP )PP (SBAR because (S (NP the ignition key )NP (VP has (VP broken (PRT off )PRT (PP in (NP the lock )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP )S . )S 39 43 (S (S (NP Michelle )NP (VP lives (PP in (NP a hotel room )NP )PP )VP )S , and (S (S (SBAR although (S (NP she )NP (VP drives (NP a canary-colored Porsche )NP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP she )NP (VP has n't (NP (NP time )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP (VP clean )VP or (VP repair (NP it )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S ; (S (NP the beat-up vehicle )NP (VP can (VP be (VP started (ADVP only )ADVP (PP with (NP (NP a huge pair )NP (PP of (NP pliers )NP )PP )NP )PP (SBAR because (S (NP the ignition key )NP (VP has (VP broken (PRT off )PRT (PP in (NP the lock )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP )S )S . )S 39 40 (S (S (NP Michelle )NP (VP lives (PP in (NP a hotel room )NP )PP )VP )S , and (S (SBAR although (S (NP she )NP (VP drives (NP a canary-colored Porsche )NP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP she )NP (VP has n't (NP (NP time )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP clean or repair (NP it )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S ; (S (NP the beat-up vehicle )NP (VP can (VP be (VP started (ADVP only )ADVP (PP with (NP (NP a huge pair )NP (PP of (NP pliers )NP )PP )NP )PP (SBAR because (S (NP the ignition key )NP (VP has (VP broken (PRT off )PRT (PP in (NP the lock )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP )S . )S 36 40 (S (S (NP Michelle )NP (VP lives (PP in (NP a hotel room )NP )PP )VP )S , and (S (SBAR although (S (NP she )NP (VP drives (NP a canary-colored Porsche )NP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP she )NP (VP has n't (VP time (S (VP to (VP (VP clean )VP or (VP repair (NP it )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP the beat-up vehicle )NP (VP can (VP be (VP started (ADVP only )ADVP (PP with (NP (NP a huge pair )NP (PP of (NP pliers )NP )PP )NP )PP (SBAR because (S (NP the ignition key )NP (VP has (VP broken (PRT off )PRT (PP in (NP the lock )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP )S . )S 39 43 (S (S (S (NP Michelle )NP (VP lives (PP in (NP a hotel room )NP )PP )VP )S , and (S (SBAR although (S (NP she )NP (VP drives (NP a canary-colored Porsche )NP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP she )NP (VP has n't (NP (NP time )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP (VP clean )VP or (VP repair (NP it )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )S ; (S (NP the beat-up vehicle )NP (VP can (VP be (VP started (ADVP only )ADVP (PP with (NP (NP a huge pair )NP (PP of (NP pliers )NP )PP )NP )PP (SBAR because (S (NP the ignition key )NP (VP has (VP broken (PRT off )PRT (PP in (NP the lock )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP )S . )S 36 39 (S (S (S (NP Michelle )NP (VP lives (PP in (NP a hotel room )NP )PP )VP )S , and (S (SBAR although (S (NP she )NP (VP drives (NP a canary-colored Porsche )NP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP she )NP (VP has n't (VP time (S (VP to (VP clean or repair (NP it )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )S ; (S (NP the beat-up vehicle )NP (VP can (VP be (VP started (ADVP only )ADVP (PP with (NP (NP a huge pair )NP (PP of (NP pliers )NP )PP )NP )PP (SBAR because (S (NP the ignition key )NP (VP has (VP broken (PRT off )PRT (PP in (NP the lock )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP )S . )S 36 38 (S (S (NP Michelle )NP (VP lives (PP in (NP a hotel room )NP )PP )VP )S , and (S (SBAR although (S (NP she )NP (VP drives (NP a canary-colored Porsche )NP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP she )NP (VP has n't (VP time (S (VP to (VP clean or repair (NP it )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP the beat-up vehicle )NP (VP can (VP be (VP started (ADVP only )ADVP (PP with (NP (NP a huge pair )NP (PP of (NP pliers )NP )PP )NP )PP (SBAR because (S (NP the ignition key )NP (VP has (VP broken (PRT off )PRT (PP in (NP the lock )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP )S . )S 39 42 (S (S (NP Michelle )NP (VP lives (PP in (NP a hotel room )NP )PP )VP )S , and (S (SBAR although (S (NP she )NP (VP drives (NP a canary-colored Porsche )NP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP she )NP (VP has n't (NP (NP time )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP (VP clean )VP or (VP repair (NP it )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S ; (S (NP the beat-up vehicle )NP (VP can (VP be (VP started (ADVP only )ADVP (PP with (NP (NP a huge pair )NP (PP of (NP pliers )NP )PP )NP )PP (SBAR because (S (NP the ignition key )NP (VP has (VP broken (PRT off )PRT (PP in (NP the lock )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP )S . )S 39 41 (S (S (S (NP Michelle )NP (VP lives (PP in (NP a hotel room )NP )PP )VP )S , and (S (SBAR although (S (NP she )NP (VP drives (NP a canary-colored Porsche )NP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP she )NP (VP has n't (NP (NP time )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP clean or repair (NP it )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )S ; (S (NP the beat-up vehicle )NP (VP can (VP be (VP started (ADVP only )ADVP (PP with (NP (NP a huge pair )NP (PP of (NP pliers )NP )PP )NP )PP (SBAR because (S (NP the ignition key )NP (VP has (VP broken (PRT off )PRT (PP in (NP the lock )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP )S . )S 36 41 (S (S (S (NP Michelle )NP (VP lives (PP in (NP a hotel room )NP )PP )VP )S , and (S (SBAR although (S (NP she )NP (VP drives (NP a canary-colored Porsche )NP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP she )NP (VP has n't (VP time (S (VP to (VP (VP clean )VP or (VP repair (NP it )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )S ; (S (NP the beat-up vehicle )NP (VP can (VP be (VP started (ADVP only )ADVP (PP with (NP (NP a huge pair )NP (PP of (NP pliers )NP )PP )NP )PP (SBAR because (S (NP the ignition key )NP (VP has (VP broken (PRT off )PRT (PP in (NP the lock )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP )S . )S 36 40 (S (S (NP Michelle )NP (VP lives (PP in (NP a hotel room )NP )PP )VP )S , and (S (SBAR although (S (NP she )NP (VP drives (NP a canary-colored Porsche )NP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP she )NP (VP has n't (VP time (S (VP to (VP (VP clean )VP or (VP repair (NP it )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP the beat-up vehicle )NP (VP can (VP be (VP started (ADVP only )ADVP (PP with (NP (NP a huge pair )NP (PP of (NP pliers )NP )PP )NP )PP (SBAR because (S (NP the ignition key )NP (VP has (VP broken (PRT off )PRT (PP in (NP the lock )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP )S . )S 39 43 (S (S (S (NP Michelle )NP (VP lives (PP in (NP a hotel room )NP )PP )VP )S , and (S (SBAR although (S (NP she )NP (VP drives (NP a canary-colored Porsche )NP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP she )NP (VP has n't (NP (NP time )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP (VP clean )VP or (VP repair (NP it )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )S ; (S (NP the beat-up vehicle )NP (VP can (VP be (VP started (ADVP only )ADVP (PP with (NP (NP a huge pair )NP (PP of (NP pliers )NP )PP )NP )PP (SBAR because (S (NP the ignition key )NP (VP has (VP broken (PRT off )PRT (PP in (NP the lock )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP )S . )S 39 39 (S (S (NP Michelle )NP (VP lives (PP in (NP a hotel room )NP )PP )VP )S , and (S (SBAR although (S (NP she )NP (VP drives (NP a canary-colored Porsche )NP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP she )NP (VP has n't (NP (NP time )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP clean or repair (NP it )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S ; (S (NP the beat-up vehicle )NP (VP can (VP be (VP started (PP only with (NP (NP a huge pair )NP (PP of (NP pliers )NP )PP )NP )PP (SBAR because (S (NP the ignition key )NP (VP has (VP broken (PRT off )PRT (PP in (NP the lock )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP )S . )S 39 40 (S (S (NP Michelle )NP (VP lives (PP in (NP a hotel room )NP )PP )VP )S , and (S (SBAR although (S (NP she )NP (VP drives (NP a canary-colored Porsche )NP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP she )NP (VP has n't (NP (NP time )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP clean or repair (NP it )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S ; (S (NP the beat-up vehicle )NP (VP can (VP be (VP started (ADVP only )ADVP (PP with (NP (NP a huge pair )NP (PP of (NP pliers )NP )PP )NP )PP (SBAR because (S (NP the ignition key )NP (VP has (VP broken (PRT off )PRT (PP in (NP the lock )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP )S . )S 40 40 (S (S (NP Michelle )NP (VP lives (PP in (NP a hotel room )NP )PP )VP )S , and (S (SBAR although (S (NP she )NP (VP drives (NP a canary-colored Porsche )NP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP she )NP (VP has n't (NP (NP time )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP clean or repair (NP it )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S ; (S (NP the beat-up vehicle )NP (VP can (VP be (VP started (PP (ADVP only )ADVP with (NP (NP a huge pair )NP (PP of (NP pliers )NP )PP )NP )PP (SBAR because (S (NP the ignition key )NP (VP has (VP broken (PRT off )PRT (PP in (NP the lock )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP )S . )S 38 39 (S (S (NP Michelle )NP (VP lives (PP in (NP a hotel room )NP )PP )VP )S , and (S (SBAR although (S (NP she )NP (VP drives (NP a canary-colored Porsche )NP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP she )NP (VP has n't (NP (NP time )NP (S (VP to (VP clean or repair (NP it )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )S ; (S (NP the beat-up vehicle )NP (VP can (VP be (VP started (ADVP only )ADVP (PP with (NP (NP a huge pair )NP (PP of (NP pliers )NP )PP )NP )PP (SBAR because (S (NP the ignition key )NP (VP has (VP broken (PRT off )PRT (PP in (NP the lock )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP )S . )S 36 40 (S (S (NP Michelle )NP (VP lives (PP in (NP a hotel room )NP )PP )VP )S , and (S (SBAR although (S (NP she )NP (VP drives (NP a canary-colored Porsche )NP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP she )NP (VP has n't (NP (NP time )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP clean or repair (NP it )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S ; (S (NP the beat-up vehicle )NP (VP can (VP be (VP started (ADVP only )ADVP (PP with (NP (NP a huge pair )NP (PP of (NP pliers (SBAR because (S (NP the ignition key )NP (VP has (VP broken (PRT off )PRT (PP in (NP the lock )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S . )S 39 41 (S (S (NP Michelle )NP (VP lives (PP in (NP a hotel room )NP )PP )VP )S , and (S (SBAR although (S (NP she )NP (VP drives (NP a canary-colored Porsche )NP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP she )NP (VP has n't (NP (NP time )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP (VP clean )VP or (VP repair (NP it )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S ; (S (NP the beat-up vehicle )NP (VP can (VP be (VP started (PP only with (NP (NP a huge pair )NP (PP of (NP pliers )NP )PP )NP )PP (SBAR because (S (NP the ignition key )NP (VP has (VP broken (PRT off )PRT (PP in (NP the lock )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP )S . )S 36 37 (S (S (NP Michelle )NP (VP lives (PP in (NP a hotel room )NP )PP )VP )S , and (S (SBAR although (S (NP she )NP (VP drives (NP a canary-colored Porsche )NP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP she )NP (VP has n't (VP time (S (VP to (VP clean or repair (NP it )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP the beat-up vehicle )NP (VP can (VP be (VP started (PP only with (NP (NP a huge pair )NP (PP of (NP pliers )NP )PP )NP )PP (SBAR because (S (NP the ignition key )NP (VP has (VP broken (PRT off )PRT (PP in (NP the lock )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP )S . )S 39 41 (S (S (NP Michelle )NP (VP lives (PP in (NP a hotel room )NP )PP )VP )S , and (S (S (SBAR although (S (NP she )NP (VP drives (NP a canary-colored Porsche )NP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP she )NP (VP has n't (NP (NP time )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP clean or repair (NP it )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S ; (S (NP the beat-up vehicle )NP (VP can (VP be (VP started (ADVP only )ADVP (PP with (NP (NP a huge pair )NP (PP of (NP pliers )NP )PP )NP )PP (SBAR because (S (NP the ignition key )NP (VP has (VP broken (PRT off )PRT (PP in (NP the lock )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP )S )S . )S 39 42 (S (S (NP Michelle )NP (VP lives (PP in (NP a hotel room )NP )PP )VP )S , and (S (SBAR although (S (NP she )NP (VP drives (NP a canary-colored Porsche )NP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP she )NP (VP has n't (NP (NP time )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP (VP clean )VP or (VP repair (NP it )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S ; (S (NP the beat-up vehicle )NP (VP can (VP be (VP started (ADVP only )ADVP (PP with (NP (NP a huge pair )NP (PP of (NP pliers )NP )PP )NP )PP (SBAR because (S (NP the ignition key )NP (VP has (VP broken (PRT off )PRT (PP in (NP the lock )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP )S . )S 36 38 (S (S (NP Michelle )NP (VP lives (PP in (NP a hotel room )NP )PP )VP )S , and (S (SBAR although (S (NP she )NP (VP drives (NP a canary-colored Porsche )NP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP she )NP (VP has n't (VP time (S (VP to (VP clean or repair (NP it )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP the beat-up vehicle )NP (VP can (VP be (VP started (ADVP only )ADVP (PP with (NP (NP a huge pair )NP (PP of (NP pliers )NP )PP )NP )PP (SBAR because (S (NP the ignition key )NP (VP has (VP broken (PRT off )PRT (PP in (NP the lock )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP )S . )S 40 42 (S (S (NP Michelle )NP (VP lives (PP in (NP a hotel room )NP )PP )VP )S , and (S (SBAR although (S (NP she )NP (VP drives (NP a canary-colored Porsche )NP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP she )NP (VP has n't (NP (NP time )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP (VP clean )VP or (VP repair (NP it )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S ; (S (NP the beat-up vehicle )NP (VP can (VP be (VP started (PP (ADVP only )ADVP with (NP (NP a huge pair )NP (PP of (NP pliers )NP )PP )NP )PP (SBAR because (S (NP the ignition key )NP (VP has (VP broken (PRT off )PRT (PP in (NP the lock )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP )S . )S 38 40 (S (S (NP Michelle )NP (VP lives (PP in (NP a hotel room )NP )PP )VP , and (S (SBAR although (S (NP she )NP (VP drives (NP a canary-colored Porsche )NP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP she )NP (VP has n't (NP (NP time )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP clean or repair (NP it )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )S ; (S (NP the beat-up vehicle )NP (VP can (VP be (VP started (ADVP only )ADVP (PP with (NP (NP a huge pair )NP (PP of (NP pliers )NP )PP )NP )PP (SBAR because (S (NP the ignition key )NP (VP has (VP broken (PRT off )PRT (PP in (NP the lock )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP )S . )S 38 41 (S (S (NP Michelle )NP (VP lives (PP in (NP a hotel room )NP )PP )VP )S , and (S (SBAR although (S (NP she )NP (VP drives (NP a canary-colored Porsche )NP )VP )S )SBAR , (S (NP she )NP (VP has n't (NP (NP time )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP clean or repair (NP it )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S ; (S (NP the beat-up vehicle )NP (VP can (VP be (VP started (ADVP only )ADVP (PP with (NP (NP a huge pair )NP (PP of (NP pliers )NP )PP )NP )PP (SBAR because (S (NP the ignition key )NP (VP has (VP broken (PRT off )PRT (PP in (NP the lock )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP )S )S . )S 37 38 (S (S (NP Michelle )NP (VP lives (PP in (NP a hotel room )NP )PP )VP )S , and (S (SBAR although (S (NP she )NP (VP drives (NP a canary-colored Porsche )NP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP she )NP (VP has n't (VP time (S (VP to (VP clean or repair (NP it )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP the beat-up vehicle )NP (VP can (VP be (VP started (PP (ADVP only )ADVP with (NP (NP a huge pair )NP (PP of (NP pliers )NP )PP )NP )PP (SBAR because (S (NP the ignition key )NP (VP has (VP broken (PRT off )PRT (PP in (NP the lock )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP )S . )S 50 17 21 (S And (NP it )NP (VP takes (NP (NP Declan )NP , (NP (NP (NP the obligatory ladies ' )NP man )NP (PP of (NP the cast )NP )PP )NP , )NP (PP until (NP the third episode (S (VP to (VP get (NP past first base )NP (PP with (NP (NP any )NP (PP of (NP his prey )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )VP . )S 18 21 (S And (NP it )NP (VP takes (S (NP (NP Declan )NP , (NP (NP (NP the obligatory ladies ' )NP man )NP (PP of (NP the cast )NP )PP )NP , )NP (PP until (NP the third episode )NP )PP (VP to (VP get (NP past first base )NP (PP with (NP (NP any )NP (PP of (NP his prey )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 17 21 (S And (NP it )NP (VP takes (NP (NP Declan )NP , (NP (NP (NP the obligatory ladies ' )NP man )NP (PP of (NP the cast )NP )PP )NP )NP , (PP until (NP the third episode (S (VP to (VP get (NP past first base )NP (PP with (NP (NP any )NP (PP of (NP his prey )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )VP . )S 19 21 (S And (NP it )NP (VP takes (NP (NP Declan )NP , (NP (NP (NP the obligatory ladies ' )NP man )NP (PP of (NP the cast )NP )PP )NP , )NP (PP until (NP the third episode )NP )PP (S (VP to (VP get (NP past first base )NP (PP with (NP (NP any )NP (PP of (NP his prey )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 18 23 (S And (NP it )NP (VP takes (NP (NP Declan )NP , (NP (NP (NP the obligatory ladies ' )NP man )NP (PP of (NP the cast )NP )PP )NP , )NP (PP until (NP (NP the third episode )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP get (NP past first base )NP (PP with (NP (NP any )NP (PP of (NP his prey )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 17 22 (S And (NP it )NP (VP takes (NP (NP Declan )NP , (NP (NP (NP the obligatory ladies ' )NP man )NP (PP of (NP the cast )NP )PP )NP , )NP (PP until (NP the third episode (S (VP to (VP get (NP (NP past first base )NP (PP with (NP (NP any )NP (PP of (NP his prey )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )VP . )S 19 22 (S And (NP it )NP (VP takes (NP (NP Declan )NP , (NP (NP (NP the obligatory ladies ' )NP man )NP (PP of (NP the cast )NP )PP )NP , )NP (PP until (NP the third episode (S (VP to (VP get (PP past (NP first base )NP )PP (PP with (NP (NP any )NP (PP of (NP his prey )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )VP . )S 18 22 (S And (NP it )NP (VP takes (S (NP (NP Declan )NP , (NP (NP (NP the obligatory ladies ' )NP man )NP (PP of (NP the cast )NP )PP )NP , )NP (PP until (NP the third episode )NP )PP (VP to (VP get (NP (NP past first base )NP (PP with (NP (NP any )NP (PP of (NP his prey )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 18 23 (S And (NP it )NP (VP takes (NP (NP Declan )NP , (NP (NP (NP the obligatory ladies ' )NP man )NP (PP of (NP the cast )NP )PP )NP , )NP (PP until (NP the third episode (S (VP to (VP get (PP past (NP (NP first base )NP (PP with (NP (NP any )NP (PP of (NP his prey )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )VP . )S 20 22 (S And (NP it )NP (VP takes (S (NP (NP Declan )NP , (NP (NP (NP the obligatory ladies ' )NP man )NP (PP of (NP the cast )NP )PP )NP , )NP (PP until (NP the third episode )NP )PP (VP to (VP get (PP past (NP first base )NP )PP (PP with (NP (NP any )NP (PP of (NP his prey )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 19 23 (S And (NP it )NP (VP takes (S (NP (NP Declan )NP , (NP (NP (NP the obligatory ladies ' )NP man )NP (PP of (NP the cast )NP )PP )NP , )NP (PP until (NP the third episode )NP )PP (VP to (VP get (PP past (NP (NP first base )NP (PP with (NP (NP any )NP (PP of (NP his prey )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 18 21 (S And (NP it )NP (VP takes (NP (NP Declan )NP , (NP (NP (NP the obligatory ladies ' )NP man )NP (PP of (NP the cast )NP )PP )NP , (PP until (NP the third episode )NP )PP )NP (S (VP to (VP get (NP past first base )NP (PP with (NP (NP any )NP (PP of (NP his prey )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 18 23 (S And (NP it )NP (VP takes (NP (NP Declan )NP , (NP (NP (NP the obligatory ladies ' )NP man )NP (PP of (NP the cast )NP )PP )NP )NP , (PP until (NP (NP the third episode )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP get (NP past first base )NP (PP with (NP (NP any )NP (PP of (NP his prey )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 17 22 (S And (NP it )NP (VP takes (NP (NP Declan )NP , (NP (NP (NP the obligatory ladies ' )NP man )NP (PP of (NP the cast )NP )PP )NP )NP , (PP until (NP the third episode (S (VP to (VP get (NP (NP past first base )NP (PP with (NP (NP any )NP (PP of (NP his prey )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )VP . )S 19 22 (S And (NP it )NP (VP takes (NP (NP Declan )NP , (NP (NP (NP the obligatory ladies ' )NP man )NP (PP of (NP the cast )NP )PP )NP , )NP (PP until (NP the third episode )NP )PP (S (VP to (VP get (NP (NP past first base )NP (PP with (NP (NP any )NP (PP of (NP his prey )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 19 22 (S And (NP it )NP (VP takes (NP (NP Declan )NP , (NP (NP (NP the obligatory ladies ' )NP man )NP (PP of (NP the cast )NP )PP )NP )NP , (PP until (NP the third episode (S (VP to (VP get (PP past (NP first base )NP )PP (PP with (NP (NP any )NP (PP of (NP his prey )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )VP . )S 21 22 (S And (NP it )NP (VP takes (NP (NP Declan )NP , (NP (NP (NP the obligatory ladies ' )NP man )NP (PP of (NP the cast )NP )PP )NP , )NP (PP until (NP the third episode )NP )PP (S (VP to (VP get (PP past (NP first base )NP )PP (PP with (NP (NP any )NP (PP of (NP his prey )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 18 23 (S And (NP it )NP (VP takes (NP (NP Declan )NP , (NP (NP (NP the obligatory ladies ' )NP man )NP (PP of (NP the cast )NP )PP )NP )NP , (PP until (NP the third episode (S (VP to (VP get (PP past (NP (NP first base )NP (PP with (NP (NP any )NP (PP of (NP his prey )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )VP . )S 20 23 (S And (NP it )NP (VP takes (NP (NP Declan )NP , (NP (NP (NP the obligatory ladies ' )NP man )NP (PP of (NP the cast )NP )PP )NP , )NP (PP until (NP the third episode )NP )PP (S (VP to (VP get (PP past (NP (NP first base )NP (PP with (NP (NP any )NP (PP of (NP his prey )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 18 24 (S And (NP it )NP (VP takes (NP (NP Declan )NP , (NP (NP (NP the obligatory ladies ' )NP man )NP (PP of (NP the cast )NP )PP )NP , )NP (PP until (NP (NP the third episode )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP get (NP (NP past first base )NP (PP with (NP (NP any )NP (PP of (NP his prey )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 20 24 (S And (NP it )NP (VP takes (NP (NP Declan )NP , (NP (NP (NP the obligatory ladies ' )NP man )NP (PP of (NP the cast )NP )PP )NP , )NP (PP until (NP (NP the third episode )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP get (PP past (NP first base )NP )PP (PP with (NP (NP any )NP (PP of (NP his prey )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 18 21 (S And (NP it )NP (VP takes (NP (NP Declan )NP , (NP (NP (NP the obligatory ladies ' )NP man )NP (PP of (NP the cast )NP )PP )NP , )NP (S (PP until (NP the third episode )NP )PP (VP to (VP get (NP past first base )NP (PP with (NP (NP any )NP (PP of (NP his prey )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 19 25 (S And (NP it )NP (VP takes (NP (NP Declan )NP , (NP (NP (NP the obligatory ladies ' )NP man )NP (PP of (NP the cast )NP )PP )NP , )NP (PP until (NP (NP the third episode )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP get (PP past (NP (NP first base )NP (PP with (NP (NP any )NP (PP of (NP his prey )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 19 21 (S And (NP it )NP (VP takes (NP (NP Declan )NP , (NP (NP (NP the obligatory ladies ' )NP man )NP (PP of (NP the cast )NP )PP )NP )NP , (PP until (NP the third episode )NP )PP (S (VP to (VP get (NP past first base )NP (PP with (NP (NP any )NP (PP of (NP his prey )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 17 21 (S And (NP it )NP (VP takes (NP (NP Declan )NP , (NP (NP (NP the obligatory ladies ' )NP man )NP (PP of (NP the cast )NP )PP , (PP until (NP the third episode )NP )PP )NP )NP (S (VP to (VP get (NP past first base )NP (PP with (NP (NP any )NP (PP of (NP his prey )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 18 22 (S And (NP it )NP (VP takes (NP (NP Declan )NP , (NP (NP (NP the obligatory ladies ' )NP man )NP (PP of (NP the cast )NP )PP )NP , )NP (PP until (NP the third episode (S (VP to (VP get (PP past (NP first base )NP (PP with (NP (NP any )NP (PP of (NP his prey )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )VP . )S 18 22 (S And (NP it )NP (VP takes (NP (NP Declan )NP , (NP (NP (NP the obligatory ladies ' )NP man )NP (PP of (NP the cast )NP )PP )NP , (PP until (NP the third episode )NP )PP )NP (S (VP to (VP get (NP (NP past first base )NP (PP with (NP (NP any )NP (PP of (NP his prey )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 19 22 (S And (NP it )NP (VP takes (S (NP (NP Declan )NP , (NP (NP (NP the obligatory ladies ' )NP man )NP (PP of (NP the cast )NP )PP )NP , )NP (PP until (NP the third episode )NP )PP (VP to (VP get (PP past (NP first base )NP (PP with (NP (NP any )NP (PP of (NP his prey )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 20 22 (S And (NP it )NP (VP takes (NP (NP Declan )NP , (NP (NP (NP the obligatory ladies ' )NP man )NP (PP of (NP the cast )NP )PP )NP , (PP until (NP the third episode )NP )PP )NP (S (VP to (VP get (PP past (NP first base )NP )PP (PP with (NP (NP any )NP (PP of (NP his prey )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 19 23 (S And (NP it )NP (VP takes (NP (NP Declan )NP , (NP (NP (NP the obligatory ladies ' )NP man )NP (PP of (NP the cast )NP )PP )NP , (PP until (NP the third episode )NP )PP )NP (S (VP to (VP get (PP past (NP (NP first base )NP (PP with (NP (NP any )NP (PP of (NP his prey )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 15 20 (S And (NP it )NP (VP takes (NP (NP Declan )NP , (NP (NP the obligatory ladies ' )NP man )NP )NP (PP of (NP the cast )NP )PP , (PP until (NP the third episode (S (VP to (VP get (NP past first base )NP (PP with (NP (NP any )NP (PP of (NP his prey )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )VP . )S 19 22 (S And (NP it )NP (VP takes (NP (NP (NP Declan )NP , (NP (NP (NP the obligatory ladies ' )NP man )NP (PP of (NP the cast )NP )PP )NP , )NP (PP until (NP the third episode )NP )PP )NP (S (VP to (VP get (NP past first base )NP (PP with (NP (NP any )NP (PP of (NP his prey )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 18 24 (S And (NP it )NP (VP takes (NP (NP Declan )NP , (NP (NP (NP the obligatory ladies ' )NP man )NP (PP of (NP the cast )NP )PP )NP )NP , (PP until (NP (NP the third episode )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP get (NP (NP past first base )NP (PP with (NP (NP any )NP (PP of (NP his prey )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 14 21 (S And (NP it )NP (VP takes (NP (NP Declan )NP , (NP (NP (NP the obligatory ladies ' )NP man )NP (PP of (NP the cast )NP )PP )NP , )NP (PP until (NP the third episode (S (VP to (VP get (NP past first base )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP (PP with (NP (NP any )NP (PP of (NP his prey )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 20 24 (S And (NP it )NP (VP takes (NP (NP Declan )NP , (NP (NP (NP the obligatory ladies ' )NP man )NP (PP of (NP the cast )NP )PP )NP )NP , (PP until (NP (NP the third episode )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP get (PP past (NP first base )NP )PP (PP with (NP (NP any )NP (PP of (NP his prey )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 19 25 (S And (NP it )NP (VP takes (NP (NP Declan )NP , (NP (NP (NP the obligatory ladies ' )NP man )NP (PP of (NP the cast )NP )PP )NP )NP , (PP until (NP (NP the third episode )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP get (PP past (NP (NP first base )NP (PP with (NP (NP any )NP (PP of (NP his prey )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 16 21 (S And (NP it )NP (VP takes (NP (NP Declan )NP , (NP (NP (NP the obligatory ladies ' )NP man )NP (PP of (NP the cast )NP )PP )NP , (PP until (NP the third episode (S (VP to (VP get (NP past first base )NP (PP with (NP (NP any )NP (PP of (NP his prey )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 17 20 (S And (NP it )NP (VP takes (S (NP (NP Declan )NP , (NP (NP the obligatory ladies ' )NP man (PP of (NP the cast )NP )PP )NP , )NP (PP until (NP the third episode )NP )PP (VP to (VP get (NP past first base )NP (PP with (NP (NP any )NP (PP of (NP his prey )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 16 20 (S And (NP it )NP (VP takes (NP (NP Declan )NP , (NP (NP the obligatory ladies ' )NP man (PP of (NP the cast )NP )PP )NP , )NP (PP until (NP the third episode (S (VP to (VP get (NP past first base )NP (PP with (NP (NP any )NP (PP of (NP his prey )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )VP . )S 14 22 (S And (NP it )NP (VP takes (NP (NP Declan )NP , (NP (NP (NP the obligatory ladies ' )NP man )NP (PP of (NP the cast )NP )PP )NP , )NP (PP until (NP (NP the third episode (S (VP to (VP get (NP past first base )NP )VP )VP )S )NP (PP with (NP (NP any )NP (PP of (NP his prey )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 15 21 (S And (NP it )NP (VP takes (NP (NP Declan )NP , (NP (NP (NP the obligatory ladies ' )NP man )NP (PP of (NP the cast )NP )PP )NP , )NP (PP until (NP the third episode (S (VP to (VP get (NP (NP past first base )NP (PP with (NP any )NP )PP (PP of (NP his prey )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )VP . )S 17 21 (S And (NP it )NP (VP takes (NP (NP Declan )NP , (NP (NP (NP the obligatory ladies ' )NP man )NP (PP of (NP the cast )NP )PP )NP )NP , (SBAR until (S (NP the third episode )NP (VP to (VP get (NP past first base )NP (PP with (NP (NP any )NP (PP of (NP his prey )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 18 22 (S And (NP it )NP (VP takes (NP (NP Declan )NP , (NP (NP (NP the obligatory ladies ' )NP man )NP (PP of (NP the cast )NP )PP )NP , )NP (S (PP until (NP the third episode )NP )PP (VP to (VP get (NP (NP past first base )NP (PP with (NP (NP any )NP (PP of (NP his prey )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 16 21 (S And (NP it )NP (VP takes (S (NP (NP Declan )NP , (NP (NP (NP the obligatory ladies ' )NP man )NP (PP of (NP the cast )NP )PP )NP , )NP (PP until (NP the third episode )NP )PP (VP to (VP get (NP (NP past first base )NP (PP with (NP any )NP )PP (PP of (NP his prey )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 20 22 (S And (NP it )NP (VP takes (NP (NP Declan )NP , (NP (NP (NP the obligatory ladies ' )NP man )NP (PP of (NP the cast )NP )PP )NP , )NP (S (PP until (NP the third episode )NP )PP (VP to (VP get (PP past (NP first base )NP )PP (PP with (NP (NP any )NP (PP of (NP his prey )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 19 23 (S And (NP it )NP (VP takes (NP (NP Declan )NP , (NP (NP (NP the obligatory ladies ' )NP man )NP (PP of (NP the cast )NP )PP )NP , )NP (S (PP until (NP the third episode )NP )PP (VP to (VP get (PP past (NP (NP first base )NP (PP with (NP (NP any )NP (PP of (NP his prey )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 18 23 (S And (NP it )NP (VP takes (NP (NP Declan )NP , (NP (NP (NP the obligatory ladies ' )NP man )NP (PP of (NP the cast )NP )PP )NP , )NP (PP until (NP the third episode (S (VP to (VP get (PP past (NP (NP first base )NP (PP with (NP (NP any )NP (PP of (NP his prey )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )VP . )S 19 23 (S And (NP it )NP (VP takes (S (NP (NP Declan )NP , (NP (NP (NP the obligatory ladies ' )NP man )NP (PP of (NP the cast )NP )PP )NP , )NP (PP until (NP the third episode )NP )PP (VP to (VP get (PP past (NP (NP first base )NP (PP with (NP (NP any )NP (PP of (NP his prey )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 16 21 (S And (NP it )NP (VP takes (S (NP (NP Declan )NP , (NP (NP (NP the obligatory ladies ' )NP man )NP (PP of (NP the cast )NP )PP , (PP until (NP the third episode )NP )PP )NP )NP (VP to (VP get (NP past first base )NP (PP with (NP (NP any )NP (PP of (NP his prey )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 18 22 (S And (NP it )NP (VP takes (NP (NP Declan )NP , (NP (NP (NP the obligatory ladies ' )NP man )NP (PP of (NP the cast )NP )PP )NP )NP , (PP until (NP the third episode (S (VP to (VP get (PP past (NP first base )NP (PP with (NP (NP any )NP (PP of (NP his prey )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )VP . )S 50 24 24 (S (ADVP Perhaps )ADVP (NP (NP the explanation )NP (PP for (NP these anomalies )NP )PP )NP (VP is (SBAR that (S (NP class-conscious Britain )NP (VP is n't (ADJP ready (S (VP to (VP come (PP to (NP (NP terms )NP (PP with (NP (NP the wealth )NP (VP created (PP by (NP the Thatcherian free-enterprise regime )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 24 24 (S (ADVP Perhaps )ADVP (NP (NP the explanation )NP (PP for (NP these anomalies )NP )PP )NP (VP is (SBAR that (S (NP class-conscious Britain )NP (VP is n't (ADJP ready (S (VP to (VP come (PP to (NP (NP terms )NP (PP with (NP (NP the wealth )NP (VP created (PP by (NP the Thatcherian free-enterprise regime )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 21 23 (S (NP (NP Perhaps the explanation )NP (PP for (NP these anomalies )NP )PP )NP (VP is (SBAR that (S (NP class-conscious Britain )NP (VP is n't (ADJP ready (S (VP to (VP come (PP to (NP (NP terms )NP (PP with (NP (NP the wealth )NP (VP created (PP by (NP the Thatcherian free-enterprise regime )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 21 23 (S (NP (NP Perhaps the explanation )NP (PP for (NP these anomalies )NP )PP )NP (VP is (SBAR that (S (NP class-conscious Britain )NP (VP is n't (ADJP ready (S (VP to (VP come (PP to (NP (NP terms )NP (PP with (NP (NP the wealth )NP (VP created (PP by (NP the Thatcherian free-enterprise regime )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 24 24 (S (ADVP Perhaps )ADVP (NP (NP the explanation )NP (PP for (NP these anomalies )NP )PP )NP (VP is (SBAR that (S (NP class-conscious Britain )NP (VP is n't (ADJP ready (S (VP to (VP come (PP to (NP (NP terms )NP (PP with (NP (NP the wealth )NP (VP created (PP by (NP the Thatcherian free-enterprise regime )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 22 23 (S (ADVP Perhaps )ADVP (NP (NP the explanation )NP (PP for (NP these anomalies )NP )PP )NP (VP is (SBAR that (S (NP class-conscious Britain )NP (VP is n't (ADJP ready (S (VP to (VP come (PP to (NP terms )NP )PP (PP with (NP (NP the wealth )NP (VP created (PP by (NP the Thatcherian free-enterprise regime )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 24 24 (S (ADVP Perhaps )ADVP (NP (NP the explanation )NP (PP for (NP these anomalies )NP )PP )NP (VP is (SBAR that (S (NP class-conscious Britain )NP (VP is n't (ADJP ready (S (VP to (VP come (PP to (NP (NP terms )NP (PP with (NP (NP the wealth )NP (VP created (PP by (NP the Thatcherian free-enterprise regime )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 22 23 (S (ADVP Perhaps )ADVP (NP (NP the explanation )NP (PP for (NP these anomalies )NP )PP )NP (VP is (SBAR that (S (NP class-conscious Britain )NP (VP is n't (ADJP ready (S (VP to (VP come (PP to (NP terms )NP )PP (PP with (NP (NP the wealth )NP (VP created (PP by (NP the Thatcherian free-enterprise regime )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 21 23 (S (NP (NP Perhaps the explanation )NP (PP for (NP these anomalies )NP )PP )NP (VP is (SBAR that (S (NP class-conscious Britain )NP (VP is n't (ADJP ready (S (VP to (VP come (PP to (NP (NP terms )NP (PP with (NP (NP the wealth )NP (VP created (PP by (NP the Thatcherian free-enterprise regime )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 24 24 (S (ADVP Perhaps )ADVP (NP (NP the explanation )NP (PP for (NP these anomalies )NP )PP )NP (VP is (SBAR that (S (NP class-conscious Britain )NP (VP is n't (ADJP ready (S (VP to (VP come (PP to (NP (NP terms )NP (PP with (NP (NP the wealth )NP (VP created (PP by (NP the Thatcherian free-enterprise regime )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 19 22 (S (NP (NP Perhaps the explanation )NP (PP for (NP these anomalies )NP )PP )NP (VP is (SBAR that (S (NP class-conscious Britain )NP (VP is n't (ADJP ready (S (VP to (VP come (PP to (NP terms )NP )PP (PP with (NP (NP the wealth )NP (VP created (PP by (NP the Thatcherian free-enterprise regime )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 21 23 (S (NP (NP Perhaps the explanation )NP (PP for (NP these anomalies )NP )PP )NP (VP is (SBAR that (S (NP class-conscious Britain )NP (VP is n't (ADJP ready (S (VP to (VP come (PP to (NP (NP terms )NP (PP with (NP (NP the wealth )NP (VP created (PP by (NP the Thatcherian free-enterprise regime )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 21 25 (S (ADVP Perhaps )ADVP (NP (NP the explanation )NP (PP for (NP these anomalies )NP )PP )NP (VP is (ADJP that class-conscious (SBAR (S (NP Britain )NP (VP is n't (ADJP ready (S (VP to (VP come (PP to (NP (NP terms )NP (PP with (NP (NP the wealth )NP (VP created (PP by (NP the Thatcherian free-enterprise regime )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )ADJP )VP . )S 19 22 (S (NP (NP Perhaps the explanation )NP (PP for (NP these anomalies )NP )PP )NP (VP is (SBAR that (S (NP class-conscious Britain )NP (VP is n't (ADJP ready (S (VP to (VP come (PP to (NP terms )NP )PP (PP with (NP (NP the wealth )NP (VP created (PP by (NP the Thatcherian free-enterprise regime )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 22 23 (S (ADVP Perhaps )ADVP (NP (NP the explanation )NP (PP for (NP these anomalies )NP )PP )NP (VP is (SBAR that (S (NP class-conscious Britain )NP (VP is n't (ADJP ready (S (VP to (VP come (PP to (NP terms )NP )PP (PP with (NP (NP the wealth )NP (VP created (PP by (NP the Thatcherian free-enterprise regime )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 21 25 (S (ADVP Perhaps )ADVP (NP (NP the explanation )NP (PP for (NP these anomalies )NP )PP )NP (VP is (ADJP that class-conscious (SBAR (S (NP Britain )NP (VP is n't (ADJP ready (S (VP to (VP come (PP to (NP (NP terms )NP (PP with (NP (NP the wealth )NP (VP created (PP by (NP the Thatcherian free-enterprise regime )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )ADJP )VP . )S 24 24 (S (ADVP Perhaps )ADVP (NP (NP the explanation )NP (PP for (NP these anomalies )NP )PP )NP (VP is (SBAR that (S (NP class-conscious Britain )NP (VP is n't (ADJP ready (S (VP to (VP come (PP to (NP (NP terms )NP (PP with (NP (NP the wealth )NP (VP created (PP by (NP the Thatcherian free-enterprise regime )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 24 25 (S (ADVP Perhaps )ADVP (NP (NP the explanation )NP (PP for (NP these anomalies )NP )PP )NP (VP is (SBAR that (S (NP class-conscious Britain )NP (VP is n't (ADJP ready (S (VP to (VP come (PP to (NP (NP terms )NP (PP with (NP (NP the wealth )NP (VP created (PP by (NP the (ADJP Thatcherian free-enterprise )ADJP regime )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 21 23 (S (NP (NP Perhaps the explanation )NP (PP for (NP these anomalies )NP )PP )NP (VP is (SBAR that (S (NP class-conscious Britain )NP (VP is n't (ADJP ready (S (VP to (VP come (PP to (NP (NP terms )NP (PP with (NP (NP the wealth )NP (VP created (PP by (NP the Thatcherian free-enterprise regime )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 22 23 (S (ADVP Perhaps )ADVP (NP (NP the explanation )NP (PP for (NP these anomalies )NP )PP )NP (VP is (SBAR that (S (NP class-conscious Britain )NP (VP is n't (ADJP ready (S (VP to (VP come (PP to (NP terms )NP )PP (PP with (NP (NP the wealth )NP (VP created (PP by (NP the Thatcherian free-enterprise regime )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 22 24 (S (NP (NP (ADVP Perhaps )ADVP the explanation )NP (PP for (NP these anomalies )NP )PP )NP (VP is (SBAR that (S (NP class-conscious Britain )NP (VP is n't (ADJP ready (S (VP to (VP come (PP to (NP (NP terms )NP (PP with (NP (NP the wealth )NP (VP created (PP by (NP the Thatcherian free-enterprise regime )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 22 23 (S (ADVP Perhaps )ADVP (NP (NP the explanation )NP (PP for (NP these anomalies )NP )PP )NP (VP is (SBAR that (S (NP class-conscious Britain )NP (VP is n't (ADJP ready (S (VP to (VP come (PP to (NP (NP terms )NP (PP with (NP the wealth )NP )PP (VP created (PP by (NP the Thatcherian free-enterprise regime )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 18 24 (S (NP (NP Perhaps the explanation )NP (PP for (NP these anomalies )NP )PP )NP (VP is (ADJP that class-conscious (SBAR (S (NP Britain )NP (VP is n't (ADJP ready (S (VP to (VP come (PP to (NP (NP terms )NP (PP with (NP (NP the wealth )NP (VP created (PP by (NP the Thatcherian free-enterprise regime )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )ADJP )VP . )S 24 24 (S (ADVP Perhaps )ADVP (NP (NP the explanation )NP (PP for (NP these anomalies )NP )PP )NP (VP is (SBAR that (S (NP class-conscious Britain )NP (VP is n't (ADJP ready (S (VP to (VP come (PP to (NP (NP terms )NP (PP with (NP (NP the wealth )NP (VP created (PP by (NP the Thatcherian free-enterprise regime )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 22 24 (S (NP (NP (ADVP Perhaps )ADVP the explanation )NP (PP for (NP these anomalies )NP )PP )NP (VP is (SBAR that (S (NP class-conscious Britain )NP (VP is n't (ADJP ready (S (VP to (VP come (PP to (NP (NP terms )NP (PP with (NP (NP the wealth )NP (VP created (PP by (NP the Thatcherian free-enterprise regime )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 19 22 (S (NP (NP Perhaps the explanation )NP (PP for (NP these anomalies )NP )PP )NP (VP is (SBAR that (S (NP class-conscious Britain )NP (VP is n't (ADJP ready (S (VP to (VP come (PP to (NP terms )NP )PP (PP with (NP (NP the wealth )NP (VP created (PP by (NP the Thatcherian free-enterprise regime )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 22 23 (S (ADVP Perhaps )ADVP (NP (NP the explanation )NP (PP for (NP these anomalies )NP )PP )NP (VP is (SBAR that (S (NP class-conscious Britain )NP (VP is n't (ADJP ready (S (VP to (VP come (PP to (NP (NP terms )NP (PP with (NP the wealth )NP )PP (VP created (PP by (NP the Thatcherian free-enterprise regime )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 18 24 (S (NP (NP Perhaps the explanation )NP (PP for (NP these anomalies )NP )PP )NP (VP is (ADJP that class-conscious (SBAR (S (NP Britain )NP (VP is n't (ADJP ready (S (VP to (VP come (PP to (NP (NP terms )NP (PP with (NP (NP the wealth )NP (VP created (PP by (NP the Thatcherian free-enterprise regime )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )ADJP )VP . )S 21 23 (S (NP (NP Perhaps the explanation )NP (PP for (NP these anomalies )NP )PP )NP (VP is (SBAR that (S (NP class-conscious Britain )NP (VP is n't (ADJP ready (S (VP to (VP come (PP to (NP (NP terms )NP (PP with (NP (NP the wealth )NP (VP created (PP by (NP the Thatcherian free-enterprise regime )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 22 23 (S (ADVP Perhaps )ADVP (NP (NP the explanation )NP (PP for (NP these anomalies )NP )PP )NP (VP is (SBAR that (S (NP class-conscious Britain )NP (VP is n't (ADJP ready (S (VP to (VP come (PP to (NP terms )NP )PP (PP with (NP (NP the wealth )NP (VP created (PP by (NP the Thatcherian free-enterprise regime )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 21 24 (S (NP (NP Perhaps the explanation )NP (PP for (NP these anomalies )NP )PP )NP (VP is (SBAR that (S (NP class-conscious Britain )NP (VP is n't (ADJP ready (S (VP to (VP come (PP to (NP (NP terms )NP (PP with (NP (NP the wealth )NP (VP created (PP by (NP the (ADJP Thatcherian free-enterprise )ADJP regime )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 19 22 (S (NP (NP Perhaps the explanation )NP (PP for (NP these anomalies )NP )PP )NP (VP is (SBAR that (S (NP class-conscious Britain )NP (VP is n't (ADJP ready (S (VP to (VP come (PP to (NP terms )NP )PP (PP with (NP (NP the wealth )NP (VP created (PP by (NP the Thatcherian free-enterprise regime )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 23 23 (S Perhaps (NP (NP the explanation )NP (PP for (NP these anomalies )NP )PP )NP (VP is (SBAR that (S (NP class-conscious Britain )NP (VP is n't (ADJP ready (S (VP to (VP come (PP to (NP (NP terms )NP (PP with (NP (NP the wealth )NP (VP created (PP by (NP the Thatcherian free-enterprise regime )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 19 24 (S (ADVP Perhaps )ADVP (NP (NP the explanation )NP (PP for (NP these anomalies )NP )PP )NP (VP is (ADJP that class-conscious (SBAR (S (NP Britain )NP (VP is n't (ADJP ready (S (VP to (VP come (PP to (NP terms )NP )PP (PP with (NP (NP the wealth )NP (VP created (PP by (NP the Thatcherian free-enterprise regime )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )ADJP )VP . )S 24 24 (S (ADVP Perhaps )ADVP (NP (NP the explanation )NP (PP for (NP these anomalies )NP )PP )NP (VP is (SBAR that (S (NP class-conscious Britain )NP (VP is n't (ADJP ready (S (VP to (VP come (PP to (NP (NP terms )NP (PP with (NP (NP the wealth )NP (VP created (PP by (NP the Thatcherian free-enterprise regime )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 24 25 (S (ADVP Perhaps )ADVP (NP (NP the explanation )NP (PP for (NP these anomalies )NP )PP )NP (VP is (SBAR that (S (NP class-conscious Britain )NP (VP is n't (ADJP ready (SBAR (S (VP to (VP come (PP to (NP (NP terms )NP (PP with (NP (NP the wealth )NP (VP created (PP by (NP the Thatcherian free-enterprise regime )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 19 22 (S (NP (NP Perhaps the explanation )NP (PP for (NP these anomalies )NP )PP )NP (VP is (SBAR that (S (NP class-conscious Britain )NP (VP is n't (ADJP ready (S (VP to (VP come (PP to (NP (NP terms )NP (PP with (NP the wealth )NP )PP (VP created (PP by (NP the Thatcherian free-enterprise regime )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 24 25 (S (ADVP Perhaps )ADVP (NP (NP the explanation )NP (PP for (NP these anomalies )NP )PP )NP (VP is (SBAR that (S (NP class-conscious Britain )NP (VP is n't (ADJP ready (S (VP to (VP come (PP to (NP (NP terms )NP (PP with (NP (NP the wealth )NP (VP created (PP by (NP the (ADJP Thatcherian free-enterprise )ADJP regime )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 18 23 (S (ADVP Perhaps )ADVP (NP (NP the explanation )NP (PP for (NP these anomalies )NP )PP )NP (VP is (SBAR that (S (NP class-conscious Britain )NP (VP is n't (ADJP ready (S (VP to (VP come (PP to (NP terms )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )ADJP (PP with (NP (NP the wealth )NP (VP created (PP by (NP the Thatcherian free-enterprise regime )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 21 23 (S (NP (NP Perhaps the explanation )NP (PP for (NP these anomalies )NP )PP )NP (VP is (SBAR that (S (NP class-conscious Britain )NP (VP is n't (ADJP ready (S (VP to (VP come (PP to (NP (NP terms )NP (PP with (NP (NP the wealth )NP (VP created (PP by (NP the Thatcherian free-enterprise regime )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 23 23 (S Perhaps (NP (NP the explanation )NP (PP for (NP these anomalies )NP )PP )NP (VP is (SBAR that (S (NP class-conscious Britain )NP (VP is n't (ADJP ready (S (VP to (VP come (PP to (NP (NP terms )NP (PP with (NP (NP the wealth )NP (VP created (PP by (NP the Thatcherian free-enterprise regime )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 19 24 (S (ADVP Perhaps )ADVP (NP (NP the explanation )NP (PP for (NP these anomalies )NP )PP )NP (VP is (ADJP that class-conscious (SBAR (S (NP Britain )NP (VP is n't (ADJP ready (S (VP to (VP come (PP to (NP terms )NP )PP (PP with (NP (NP the wealth )NP (VP created (PP by (NP the Thatcherian free-enterprise regime )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )ADJP )VP . )S 22 23 (S (ADVP Perhaps )ADVP (NP (NP the explanation )NP (PP for (NP these anomalies )NP )PP )NP (VP is (SBAR that (S (NP class-conscious Britain )NP (VP is n't (ADJP ready (S (VP to (VP come (PP to (NP terms )NP )PP (PP with (NP (NP the wealth )NP (VP created (PP by (NP the Thatcherian free-enterprise regime )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 22 24 (S (NP (NP (ADVP Perhaps )ADVP the explanation )NP (PP for (NP these anomalies )NP )PP )NP (VP is (SBAR that (S (NP class-conscious Britain )NP (VP is n't (ADJP ready (S (VP to (VP come (PP to (NP (NP terms )NP (PP with (NP (NP the wealth )NP (VP created (PP by (NP the Thatcherian free-enterprise regime )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 24 25 (S (ADVP Perhaps )ADVP (NP (NP the explanation )NP (PP for (NP these anomalies )NP )PP )NP (VP is (SBAR that (S (NP class-conscious Britain )NP (VP is n't (ADJP ready (SBAR (S (VP to (VP come (PP to (NP (NP terms )NP (PP with (NP (NP the wealth )NP (VP created (PP by (NP the Thatcherian free-enterprise regime )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 19 22 (S (NP (NP Perhaps the explanation )NP (PP for (NP these anomalies )NP )PP )NP (VP is (SBAR that (S (NP class-conscious Britain )NP (VP is n't (ADJP ready (S (VP to (VP come (PP to (NP (NP terms )NP (PP with (NP the wealth )NP )PP (VP created (PP by (NP the Thatcherian free-enterprise regime )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 22 24 (S (ADVP Perhaps )ADVP (NP (NP the explanation )NP (PP for (NP these anomalies )NP )PP )NP (VP is (SBAR that (S (NP class-conscious Britain )NP (VP is n't (ADJP ready (S (VP to (VP come (PP to (NP terms )NP )PP (PP with (NP (NP the wealth )NP (VP created (PP by (NP the (ADJP Thatcherian free-enterprise )ADJP regime )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 22 23 (S (ADVP Perhaps )ADVP (NP (NP the explanation )NP (PP for (NP these anomalies )NP )PP )NP (VP is (SBAR that (S (NP class-conscious Britain )NP (VP is n't (ADJP ready (S (VP to (VP come (PP to (NP (NP terms )NP (PP with (NP the wealth )NP )PP (VP created (PP by (NP the Thatcherian free-enterprise regime )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 18 23 (S (ADVP Perhaps )ADVP (NP (NP the explanation )NP (PP for (NP these anomalies )NP )PP )NP (VP is (SBAR that (S (NP class-conscious Britain )NP (VP is n't (ADJP ready (S (VP to (VP come (PP to (NP terms )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )ADJP (PP with (NP (NP the wealth )NP (VP created (PP by (NP the Thatcherian free-enterprise regime )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 19 22 (S (NP (NP Perhaps the explanation )NP (PP for (NP these anomalies )NP )PP )NP (VP is (SBAR that (S (NP class-conscious Britain )NP (VP is n't (ADJP ready (S (VP to (VP come (PP to (NP terms )NP )PP (PP with (NP (NP the wealth )NP (VP created (PP by (NP the Thatcherian free-enterprise regime )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 50 9 13 (S (PP After (NP all )NP )PP , (S (NP this )NP (VP is n't (NP (NP old money )NP , but (NP new money )NP )NP )VP )S , and (S (PP in (NP many cases )NP )PP , (NP young money )NP )S . )S 11 11 (S (PP After (NP all )NP )PP , (NP this )NP (VP is n't (NP (NP old money )NP , but (NP new money )NP , and (PP in (NP many cases )NP )PP , (NP young money )NP )NP )VP . )S 9 13 (S (S (PP After (NP all )NP )PP , (NP this )NP (VP is n't (NP (NP old money )NP , but (NP new money )NP )NP )VP )S , and (S (PP in (NP many cases )NP )PP , (NP young money )NP )S . )S 11 13 (S (PP After (NP all )NP )PP , (NP this )NP (VP is n't (NP (NP old money )NP , but (NP (NP new money )NP , (PP and (PP in (NP many cases )NP )PP )PP , (NP young money )NP )NP )NP )VP . )S 9 10 (S (PP After (NP all )NP )PP , (NP this )NP (VP is n't (NP (NP old money )NP , but (NP new money , and (PP in (NP many cases )NP )PP , young money )NP )NP )VP . )S 10 11 (S (PP After (NP all )NP )PP , (NP this )NP (VP is n't (NP (NP old money )NP , but (NP new money )NP )NP , and (PP in (NP many cases )NP )PP , (NP young money )NP )VP . )S 9 13 (S (PP After (NP all )NP )PP , (S (NP this )NP (VP is n't (NP (NP old money )NP , but (NP new money )NP , )NP )VP )S and (S (PP in (NP many cases )NP )PP , (NP young money )NP )S . )S 7 11 (S (PP After (NP all )NP )PP , (S (NP this )NP (VP is n't (NP old money )NP )VP )S , but (S (NP new money , and (PP in (NP many cases )NP )PP , young money )NP )S . )S 11 12 (S (PP After (NP all )NP )PP , (NP this )NP (VP is n't (NP (NP old money )NP , but (NP (NP new money )NP , and (PP in (NP many cases )NP )PP , (NP young money )NP )NP )NP )VP . )S 11 13 (S (PP After (NP all )NP )PP , (NP this )NP (VP is n't (NP (NP old money )NP , but (NP (NP new money )NP (PRN , and (PP in (NP many cases )NP )PP )PRN , (NP young money )NP )NP )NP )VP . )S 7 11 (S (S (PP After (NP all )NP )PP , (NP this )NP (VP is n't (NP old money )NP )VP )S , but (S (NP new money , and (PP in (NP many cases )NP )PP , young money )NP )S . )S 11 13 (S (PP After (NP all )NP )PP , (NP this )NP (VP is n't (NP (NP old money )NP , but (NP (NP new money )NP (PRN , and (PP in (NP many cases )NP )PP , )PRN (NP young money )NP )NP )NP )VP . )S 10 13 (S (PP After (NP all )NP )PP , (NP this )NP (VP is n't (NP (NP old money )NP , but (NP (NP new money )NP (PRN , (PP and in (NP many cases )NP )PP , )PRN (NP young money )NP )NP )NP )VP . )S 11 13 (S (PP After (NP all )NP )PP , (NP this )NP (VP is n't (NP (NP old money )NP , but (NP (NP new money )NP , (PP and (PP in (NP many cases )NP )PP )PP )NP , (NP young money )NP )NP )VP . )S 9 13 (S (PP After (NP all )NP )PP , (NP this )NP (VP is n't (UCP (NP (NP old money )NP , but (NP new money )NP )NP , and (PP in (NP many cases )NP )PP , (ADJP young (NP money )NP )ADJP )UCP )VP . )S 11 12 (S (PP After (NP all )NP )PP , (NP this )NP (VP is n't (NP (NP (NP old money )NP , but (NP new money )NP )NP , and (PP in (NP many cases )NP )PP , (NP young money )NP )NP )VP . )S 9 13 (S (S (PP After (NP all )NP )PP , (NP this )NP (VP is n't (NP (NP old money )NP , but (NP new money )NP )NP )VP )S , and (FRAG (PP in (NP many cases )NP )PP , (NP young money )NP )FRAG . )S 7 12 (S (ADVP After all )ADVP , (S (NP this )NP (VP is n't (NP (NP old money )NP , but (NP new money )NP )NP )VP )S , and (S (PP in (NP many cases )NP )PP , (NP young money )NP )S . )S 10 13 (S (PP After (NP all )NP )PP , (NP this )NP (VP (VP is n't (NP (NP old money )NP , but (NP new money )NP )NP )VP , and (VP (PP in (NP many cases )NP )PP , (NP young money )NP )VP )VP . )S 11 13 (S (PP After (NP all )NP )PP , (NP this )NP (VP is n't (NP (NP old money )NP , but (NP (NP new money )NP , and (PRN (PP in (NP many cases )NP )PP , )PRN (NP young money )NP )NP )NP )VP . )S 11 14 (S (PP After (NP all )NP )PP , (NP this )NP (VP is n't (NP (NP old money )NP , but (NP (NP new money )NP , (SBAR (S and (PP in (NP many cases )NP )PP , (NP young money )NP )S )SBAR )NP )NP )VP . )S 11 14 (S (PP After (NP all )NP )PP , (NP this )NP (VP is n't (NP (NP old money )NP , but (NP (NP new money )NP (PRN , (PP and (PP in (NP many cases )NP )PP )PP , )PRN (NP young money )NP )NP )NP )VP . )S 9 12 (S (PP After (NP all )NP )PP , (NP this )NP (VP is n't (NP (NP old money )NP , but (NP new money )NP )NP )VP , and (S (PP in (NP many cases )NP )PP , (NP young money )NP )S . )S 9 11 (S (PP After (NP all )NP )PP , (NP this )NP (VP is n't (NP (NP old money )NP , but (NP new (UCP money , and (PP in (NP many cases )NP )PP , )UCP young money )NP )NP )VP . )S 9 13 (S (PP After (NP all )NP )PP , (S (NP this )NP (VP is n't (NP (NP old money )NP , but (NP new money )NP )NP )VP )S , and (FRAG (PP in (NP many cases )NP )PP , (NP young money )NP )FRAG . )S 9 13 (S (S (PP After (NP all )NP )PP , (NP this )NP (VP is n't (NP (NP old money )NP , but (NP new money )NP )NP )VP )S , and (FRAG (PP in (NP many cases )NP )PP , (NP young money )NP . )FRAG )S 9 12 (S (PP After (NP all )NP )PP , (NP this )NP (VP is n't (NP (NP old money )NP , but (NP new money )NP )NP , and (PP in (NP (NP many cases )NP , (NP young money )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 10 12 (S (PP After (NP all )NP )PP , (NP this )NP (VP is n't (NP (NP old money )NP , but (NP new money )NP , and (NP (PRN (PP in (NP many cases )NP )PP , )PRN young money )NP )NP )VP . )S 9 12 (S (PP After (NP all )NP )PP , (NP this )NP (VP is n't (NP (NP old money )NP , but (NP new (UCP money , and (PP in (NP many cases )NP )PP , (ADJP young )ADJP )UCP money )NP )NP )VP . )S 11 14 (S (PP After (NP all )NP )PP , (NP this )NP (VP is n't (NP (NP (NP old money )NP , but (NP (NP new money )NP , (PP and (PP in (NP many cases )NP )PP )PP )NP )NP , (NP young money )NP )NP )VP . )S 9 10 (S (ADVP After all )ADVP , (NP this )NP (VP is n't (NP (NP old money )NP , but (NP new money )NP , and (PP in (NP many cases )NP )PP , (NP young money )NP )NP )VP . )S 9 13 (S (PP After (NP all )NP )PP , (S (NP this )NP (VP is n't (NP (NP old money )NP , but (NP new money )NP )NP )VP )S , and (S (PP in (NP many cases )NP )PP , (NP young money )NP )S . )S 9 13 (S (PP After (NP all )NP )PP , (S (NP this )NP (VP is n't (NP (NP old money )NP , but (NP new money )NP )NP )VP )S , and (S (PP in (NP many cases )NP )PP , (NP young money )NP )S . )S 9 14 (S (PP After (NP all )NP )PP , (S (NP this )NP (VP is n't (NP old money )NP )VP )S , but (S (NP (NP new money )NP , and (PRN (PP in (NP many cases )NP )PP , )PRN (NP young money )NP )NP )S . )S 11 11 (S (PP After (NP all )NP )PP , (NP this )NP (VP is n't (NP (NP old money )NP , but (NP new money )NP , and (PP in (NP many cases )NP )PP , (NP young money )NP )NP )VP . )S 10 13 (S (PP After (NP all )NP )PP , (NP this )NP (VP (VP is n't (NP (NP old money )NP , but (NP new money )NP , )NP )VP and (VP (PP in (NP many cases )NP )PP , (NP young money )NP )VP )VP . )S 9 13 (S (PP After (NP all )NP )PP , (NP this )NP (VP is (UCP (NP n't (NP old money )NP , but (NP new money )NP )NP , and (PP in (NP many cases )NP )PP , (ADJP young (NP money )NP )ADJP )UCP )VP . )S 9 13 (S (PP After (NP all )NP )PP , (S (NP this )NP (VP is n't (NP old money )NP )VP )S , but (S (NP (NP new money )NP , and (PP in (NP many cases )NP )PP , (NP young money )NP )NP )S . )S 9 13 (S (PP After (NP all )NP )PP , (S (NP this )NP (VP is n't (NP (NP old money )NP , but (NP new money )NP )NP )VP )S , and (S (PP in (NP many cases )NP )PP , (NP young money )NP )S . )S 9 12 (S (PP After (NP all )NP )PP , (NP this )NP (VP is n't (NP (NP old money )NP , but (NP new money )NP , )NP (PP and (PP in (NP many cases )NP )PP , (ADVP young money )ADVP )PP )VP . )S 11 11 (S (PP After (NP all )NP )PP , (NP this )NP (VP is n't (NP (NP old money )NP , but (NP new money )NP , and (PP in (NP many cases )NP )PP , (NP young money )NP )NP )VP . )S 7 12 (S (PP After (NP all )NP )PP , (S (NP this )NP (VP is n't (NP (ADJP old )ADJP money )NP )VP )S , but (S (NP new money , and (PP in (NP many cases )NP )PP , young money )NP )S . )S 10 11 (S (PP After (NP all )NP )PP , (NP this )NP (VP is n't (NP (NP old money )NP , but (NP new money )NP , and (NP (PP in (NP many cases )NP )PP , young money )NP )NP )VP . )S 11 13 (S (PP After (NP all )NP )PP , (NP this )NP (VP is n't (NP (NP old money )NP , but (NP (NP new money )NP , (PP and (PP in (NP many cases )NP )PP , (NP young money )NP )PP )NP )NP )VP . )S 7 10 (S (PP After (NP all )NP )PP , (NP this )NP (VP is n't (NP old money )NP )VP , but (S (NP new money , and (PP in (NP many cases )NP )PP , young money )NP )S . )S 9 13 (S (S (PP After (NP all )NP )PP , (NP this )NP (VP is n't (NP (NP old money )NP , but (NP new money )NP )NP )VP )S , and (S (PP in (NP many cases )NP )PP , (NP young money )NP )S . )S 9 12 (S (PP After (NP all )NP )PP , (NP this )NP (VP is n't (NP (NP old money )NP , but (NP new money )NP )NP , (PP and (PP in (NP many cases )NP )PP , (ADVP young money )ADVP )PP )VP . )S 9 13 (S (S (PP After (NP all )NP )PP , (NP this )NP (VP is n't (NP (NP old money )NP , but (NP new money )NP )NP )VP )S , and (S (PP in (NP many cases )NP )PP , (NP young money )NP )S . )S 10 12 (S (PP After (NP all )NP )PP , (NP this )NP (VP is n't (NP (NP old money )NP , but (NP (NP new money )NP , (PP and in (NP many cases )NP )PP , (NP young money )NP )NP )NP )VP . )S 10 14 (S (PP After (NP all )NP )PP , (NP this )NP (VP is n't (NP (NP old money )NP , but (NP (NP new money )NP , (PP and (PP in (NP (NP many cases )NP , (NP young money )NP )NP )PP )PP )NP )NP )VP . )S 50 13 14 (S (NP This attitude )NP (VP is (ADVP clearly )ADVP (VP illustrated (PP in (NP (NP the treatment )NP (PP of (NP (NP Max )NP , (NP (NP the trading room 's )NP (ADJP most flamboyant )ADJP character )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 12 13 (S (NP This attitude )NP (VP is (ADVP clearly )ADVP (VP illustrated (PP in (NP (NP the treatment )NP (PP of (NP (NP Max )NP , (NP (NP the trading room 's )NP most flamboyant character )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 12 13 (S (NP This attitude )NP (VP is (ADVP clearly )ADVP (VP illustrated (PP in (NP (NP the treatment )NP (PP of (NP (NP Max )NP , (NP (NP the trading room 's )NP most flamboyant character )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 13 14 (S (NP This attitude )NP (VP is (ADVP clearly )ADVP (VP illustrated (PP in (NP (NP the treatment )NP (PP of (NP (NP Max )NP , (NP (NP the trading room 's )NP (ADJP most flamboyant )ADJP character )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 12 13 (S (NP This attitude )NP (VP is (ADVP clearly )ADVP (VP illustrated (PP in (NP (NP the treatment )NP (PP of (NP (NP Max )NP , (NP (NP the trading room 's )NP most flamboyant character )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 13 14 (S (NP This attitude )NP (VP is (ADVP clearly )ADVP (VP illustrated (PP in (NP (NP the treatment )NP (PP of (NP (NP Max )NP , (NP (NP the trading room 's )NP (ADJP most flamboyant )ADJP character )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 12 13 (S (NP This attitude )NP (VP is (ADVP clearly )ADVP (VP illustrated (PP in (NP (NP the treatment )NP (PP of (NP (NP Max )NP , (NP (NP the trading room 's )NP most flamboyant character )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 13 14 (S (NP This attitude )NP (VP is (ADVP clearly )ADVP (VP illustrated (PP in (NP (NP the treatment )NP (PP of (NP (NP Max )NP , (NP (NP the trading room 's )NP (ADJP most flamboyant )ADJP character )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 12 13 (S (NP This attitude )NP (VP is (ADVP clearly )ADVP (VP illustrated (PP in (NP (NP the treatment )NP (PP of (NP (NP Max )NP , (NP (NP the trading room 's )NP most flamboyant character )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 14 14 (S (NP This attitude )NP (VP is (VP (ADVP clearly )ADVP illustrated (PP in (NP (NP the treatment )NP (PP of (NP (NP Max )NP , (NP (NP the trading room 's )NP (ADJP most flamboyant )ADJP character )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 12 13 (S (NP This attitude )NP (VP is (ADVP clearly )ADVP (VP illustrated (PP in (NP (NP the treatment )NP (PP of (NP (NP Max )NP , (NP (NP the trading room 's )NP most flamboyant character )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 13 13 (S (NP This attitude )NP (VP is (VP (ADVP clearly )ADVP illustrated (PP in (NP (NP the treatment )NP (PP of (NP (NP Max )NP , (NP (NP the trading room 's )NP most flamboyant character )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 13 14 (S (NP This attitude )NP (VP is (ADVP clearly )ADVP (VP illustrated (PP in (NP (NP the treatment )NP (PP of (NP (NP Max )NP , (NP (NP the trading room 's )NP (ADJP most flamboyant )ADJP character )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 13 13 (S (NP This attitude )NP (VP is (VP (ADVP clearly )ADVP illustrated (PP in (NP (NP the treatment )NP (PP of (NP (NP Max )NP , (NP (NP the trading room 's )NP most flamboyant character )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 14 14 (S (NP This attitude )NP (VP is (VP (ADVP clearly )ADVP illustrated (PP in (NP (NP the treatment )NP (PP of (NP (NP Max )NP , (NP (NP the trading room 's )NP (ADJP most flamboyant )ADJP character )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 13 13 (S (NP This attitude )NP (VP is (VP (ADVP clearly )ADVP illustrated (PP in (NP (NP the treatment )NP (PP of (NP (NP Max )NP , (NP (NP the trading room 's )NP most flamboyant character )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 13 14 (S (NP This attitude )NP (VP is (ADVP clearly )ADVP (VP illustrated (PP in (NP (NP the treatment )NP (PP of (NP (NP Max )NP , (NP (NP the trading room 's )NP (ADJP most flamboyant )ADJP character )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 12 18 (S (NP This attitude )NP (VP is (ADVP clearly )ADVP (VP illustrated (PP in (NP (NP the treatment )NP (PP of (NP (NP Max )NP , (NP (NP the trading room )NP (SBAR (S (VP 's (NP (ADJP most flamboyant )ADJP character )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 14 14 (S (NP This attitude )NP (VP is (VP (ADVP clearly )ADVP illustrated (PP in (NP (NP the treatment )NP (PP of (NP (NP Max )NP , (NP (NP the trading room 's )NP (ADJP most flamboyant )ADJP character )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 13 13 (S (NP This attitude )NP (VP is (VP (ADVP clearly )ADVP illustrated (PP in (NP (NP the treatment )NP (PP of (NP (NP Max )NP , (NP (NP the trading room 's )NP most flamboyant character )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 13 14 (S (NP This attitude )NP (VP is (ADVP clearly )ADVP (ADJP illustrated (PP in (NP (NP the treatment )NP (PP of (NP (NP Max )NP , (NP (NP the trading room 's )NP (ADJP most flamboyant )ADJP character )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 14 14 (S (NP This attitude )NP (VP is (VP (ADVP clearly )ADVP illustrated (PP in (NP (NP the treatment )NP (PP of (NP (NP Max )NP , (NP (NP the trading room 's )NP (ADJP most flamboyant )ADJP character )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 6 16 (S (S (NP This attitude )NP (VP is (ADVP clearly )ADVP (VP illustrated (PP in (NP (NP the treatment )NP (PP of (NP Max )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , (S (NP the trading room )NP (VP 's (NP (ADJP most flamboyant )ADJP character )NP )VP )S . )S 13 13 (S (NP This attitude )NP (VP is (VP (ADVP clearly )ADVP illustrated (PP in (NP (NP the treatment )NP (PP of (NP (NP Max )NP , (NP (NP the trading room 's )NP most flamboyant character )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 13 15 (S (NP This attitude )NP (VP is (ADVP clearly )ADVP (VP illustrated (PP in (NP (NP the treatment )NP (PP of (NP (NP Max )NP , (NP (NP (NP the trading room )NP 's )NP (ADJP most flamboyant )ADJP character )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 12 13 (S (NP This attitude )NP (VP is clearly (VP illustrated (PP in (NP (NP the treatment )NP (PP of (NP (NP Max )NP , (NP (NP the trading room 's )NP (ADJP most flamboyant )ADJP character )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 13 13 (S (NP This attitude )NP (VP is (VP (ADVP clearly )ADVP illustrated (PP in (NP (NP the treatment )NP (PP of (NP (NP Max )NP , (NP (NP the trading room 's )NP most flamboyant character )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 12 13 (S (NP This attitude )NP (VP is (ADVP clearly )ADVP (ADJP illustrated (PP in (NP (NP the treatment )NP (PP of (NP (NP Max )NP , (NP (NP the trading room 's )NP most flamboyant character )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 12 14 (S (NP This attitude )NP (VP is (ADVP clearly )ADVP (VP illustrated (PP in (NP (NP the treatment )NP (PP of (NP (NP Max )NP , (NP (NP (NP the trading room )NP 's )NP most flamboyant character )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 13 15 (S (NP This attitude )NP (VP is (ADVP clearly )ADVP (VP illustrated (PP in (NP (NP the treatment )NP (PP of (NP (NP Max )NP , (NP (NP the trading room 's )NP (NX (ADJP most flamboyant )ADJP character )NX )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 11 12 (S (NP This attitude )NP (VP is clearly (VP illustrated (PP in (NP (NP the treatment )NP (PP of (NP (NP Max )NP , (NP (NP the trading room 's )NP most flamboyant character )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 12 13 (S (NP This attitude )NP (VP is (ADVP clearly )ADVP (ADJP illustrated (PP in (NP (NP the treatment )NP (PP of (NP (NP Max )NP , (NP (NP the trading room 's )NP most flamboyant character )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 11 13 (S (NP This attitude )NP (VP is (ADVP clearly )ADVP (VP illustrated (PP in (NP the treatment )NP )PP (PP of (NP (NP Max )NP , (NP (NP the trading room 's )NP (ADJP most flamboyant )ADJP character )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 13 14 (S (NP This attitude )NP (VP is (ADVP clearly )ADVP (ADJP illustrated (PP in (NP (NP the treatment )NP (PP of (NP (NP Max )NP , (NP (NP the trading room 's )NP (ADJP most flamboyant )ADJP character )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 14 14 (S (NP This attitude )NP (VP is (VP (ADVP clearly )ADVP illustrated (PP in (NP (NP the treatment )NP (PP of (NP (NP Max )NP , (NP (NP the trading room 's )NP (ADJP most flamboyant )ADJP character )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 12 14 (S (NP This attitude )NP (VP is (ADVP clearly )ADVP (VP illustrated (PP in (NP (NP the treatment )NP (PP of (NP (NP Max )NP , (NP (NP (NP the trading room )NP 's )NP most flamboyant character )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 11 12 (S (NP This attitude )NP (VP is clearly (VP illustrated (PP in (NP (NP the treatment )NP (PP of (NP (NP Max )NP , (NP (NP the trading room 's )NP most flamboyant character )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 12 13 (S (NP This attitude )NP (VP is clearly (VP illustrated (PP in (NP (NP the treatment )NP (PP of (NP (NP Max )NP , (NP (NP the trading room 's )NP (ADJP most flamboyant )ADJP character )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 9 14 (S (NP This attitude )NP (VP is (ADVP clearly )ADVP (VP illustrated (PP in (NP (NP (NP the treatment )NP (PP of (NP (NP Max )NP , (NP the trading room )NP )NP )PP 's )NP (ADJP most flamboyant )ADJP character )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 11 16 (S (NP This attitude )NP (VP is (ADVP clearly )ADVP (VP illustrated (PP in (NP (NP the treatment )NP (PP of (NP (NP Max )NP , (S (NP the trading room )NP (VP 's (NP (ADJP most flamboyant )ADJP character )NP )VP )S )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 6 15 (S (S (NP This attitude )NP (VP is (ADVP clearly )ADVP (VP illustrated (PP in (NP (NP the treatment )NP (PP of (NP Max )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , (NP the trading room )NP (VP 's (NP (ADJP most flamboyant )ADJP character )NP )VP . )S 10 12 (S (NP This attitude )NP (VP is (ADVP clearly )ADVP (VP illustrated (PP in (NP the treatment )NP )PP (PP of (NP (NP Max )NP , (NP (NP the trading room 's )NP most flamboyant character )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 12 13 (S (NP This attitude )NP (VP is (ADVP clearly )ADVP (ADJP illustrated (PP in (NP (NP the treatment )NP (PP of (NP (NP Max )NP , (NP (NP the trading room 's )NP most flamboyant character )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 7 16 (S (NP This attitude )NP (VP is (ADVP clearly )ADVP (VP illustrated (PP in (NP (NP the treatment )NP (PP of (NP Max )NP )PP )NP )PP , (SBAR (S (NP the trading room )NP (VP 's (NP (ADJP most flamboyant )ADJP character )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 12 14 (S (NP This attitude )NP (VP is (ADVP clearly )ADVP (VP illustrated (PRT in )PRT (NP (NP the treatment )NP (PP of (NP (NP Max )NP , (NP (NP the trading room 's )NP (ADJP most flamboyant )ADJP character )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP . )S 13 14 (S (NP This attitude )NP (VP is (ADVP clearly )ADVP (VP illustrated (PP in (NP (NP the treatment )NP (PP of (NP (NP Max )NP , (NP (NP the trading room 's )NP (ADJP most flamboyant )ADJP character )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 13 15 (S (NP This attitude )NP (VP is (ADVP clearly )ADVP (VP illustrated (PP in (NP (NP the treatment )NP (PP of (NP (NP Max )NP , (NP (NP the trading room 's )NP (NX (ADJP most flamboyant )ADJP character )NX )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 11 14 (S (NP This attitude )NP (VP is (ADVP clearly )ADVP (VP illustrated (PP in (NP (NP (NP the treatment )NP (PP of (NP Max )NP )PP )NP , (NP (NP the trading room 's )NP (ADJP most flamboyant )ADJP character )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 11 12 (S (NP This attitude )NP (VP is clearly (VP illustrated (PP in (NP (NP the treatment )NP (PP of (NP (NP Max )NP , (NP (NP the trading room 's )NP most flamboyant character )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 12 13 (S (NP This attitude )NP (VP is (ADJP clearly illustrated (PP in (NP (NP the treatment )NP (PP of (NP (NP Max )NP , (NP (NP the trading room 's )NP (ADJP most flamboyant )ADJP character )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 50 11 11 (S (ADVP Yuppily enough )ADVP , (NP he )NP (VP lives (PP in (NP a (ADJP lavishly furnished )ADJP converted church )NP )PP , (VP wears (NP designer clothes )NP )VP and (VP drives (NP an antique car )NP )VP )VP . )S 11 11 (S (ADVP Yuppily enough )ADVP , (NP he )NP (VP lives (PP in (NP a (ADJP lavishly furnished )ADJP converted church )NP )PP , (VP wears (NP designer clothes )NP )VP and (VP drives (NP an antique car )NP )VP )VP . )S 12 12 (S (ADVP Yuppily enough )ADVP , (NP he )NP (VP (VP lives (PP in (NP a (ADJP lavishly furnished )ADJP converted church )NP )PP )VP , (VP wears (NP designer clothes )NP )VP and (VP drives (NP an antique car )NP )VP )VP . )S 12 12 (S (ADVP Yuppily enough )ADVP , (NP he )NP (VP (VP lives (PP in (NP a (ADJP lavishly furnished )ADJP converted church )NP )PP )VP , (VP wears (NP designer clothes )NP )VP and (VP drives (NP an antique car )NP )VP )VP . )S 11 11 (S (ADVP Yuppily enough )ADVP , (NP he )NP (VP lives (PP in (NP a (ADJP lavishly furnished )ADJP converted church )NP )PP , (VP wears (NP designer clothes )NP )VP and (VP drives (NP an antique car )NP )VP )VP . )S 11 11 (S (ADVP Yuppily enough )ADVP , (NP he )NP (VP lives (PP in (NP a (ADJP lavishly furnished )ADJP converted church )NP )PP , (VP wears (NP designer clothes )NP )VP and (VP drives (NP an antique car )NP )VP )VP . )S 11 13 (S (ADVP Yuppily enough )ADVP , (S (NP he )NP (VP lives (PP in (NP a (ADJP lavishly furnished )ADJP converted church )NP )PP )VP )S , (VP (VP wears (NP designer clothes )NP )VP and (VP drives (NP an antique car )NP )VP )VP . )S 11 11 (S (ADVP Yuppily enough )ADVP , (NP he )NP (VP lives (PP in (NP a (ADJP lavishly furnished )ADJP converted church )NP )PP , (VP wears (NP designer clothes )NP )VP and (VP drives (NP an antique car )NP )VP )VP . )S 12 12 (S (ADVP Yuppily enough )ADVP , (NP he )NP (VP (VP lives (PP in (NP a (ADJP lavishly furnished )ADJP converted church )NP )PP )VP , (VP wears (NP designer clothes )NP )VP and (VP drives (NP an antique car )NP )VP )VP . )S 11 11 (S (ADVP Yuppily enough )ADVP , (NP he )NP (VP lives (PP in (NP a (ADJP lavishly furnished )ADJP converted church )NP )PP , (VP wears (NP designer clothes )NP )VP and (VP drives (NP an antique car )NP )VP )VP . )S 12 12 (S (ADVP Yuppily enough )ADVP , (NP he )NP (VP (VP lives (PP in (NP a (ADJP lavishly furnished )ADJP converted church )NP )PP )VP , (VP wears (NP designer clothes )NP )VP and (VP drives (NP an antique car )NP )VP )VP . )S 11 12 (S (ADVP Yuppily enough )ADVP , (NP he )NP (VP (VP lives (PRT in )PRT (NP a (ADJP lavishly furnished )ADJP converted church )NP )VP , (VP wears (NP designer clothes )NP )VP and (VP drives (NP an antique car )NP )VP )VP . )S 11 13 (S (ADVP Yuppily enough )ADVP , (S (NP he )NP (VP lives (PP in (NP a (ADJP lavishly furnished )ADJP converted church )NP )PP )VP )S , (VP (VP wears (NP designer clothes )NP )VP and (VP drives (NP an antique car )NP )VP )VP . )S 11 14 (S (ADVP Yuppily enough )ADVP (PRN , (S (NP he )NP (VP lives (PP in (NP a (ADJP lavishly furnished )ADJP converted church )NP )PP )VP )S , )PRN (VP (VP wears (NP designer clothes )NP )VP and (VP drives (NP an antique car )NP )VP )VP . )S 12 12 (S (ADVP Yuppily enough )ADVP , (NP he )NP (VP (VP lives (PP in (NP a (ADJP lavishly furnished )ADJP converted church )NP )PP )VP , (VP wears (NP designer clothes )NP )VP and (VP drives (NP an antique car )NP )VP )VP . )S 11 12 (S (ADVP Yuppily enough )ADVP , (NP he )NP (VP lives (PP in (NP a (ADJP (ADVP lavishly )ADVP furnished )ADJP converted church )NP )PP , (VP wears (NP designer clothes )NP )VP and (VP drives (NP an antique car )NP )VP )VP . )S 12 12 (S (ADVP Yuppily enough )ADVP , (NP he )NP (VP (VP lives (PP in (NP a (ADJP lavishly furnished )ADJP converted church )NP )PP )VP , (VP wears (NP designer clothes )NP )VP and (VP drives (NP an antique car )NP )VP )VP . )S 11 12 (S (ADVP Yuppily enough )ADVP , (NP he )NP (VP (VP lives (PRT in )PRT (NP a (ADJP lavishly furnished )ADJP converted church )NP )VP , (VP wears (NP designer clothes )NP )VP and (VP drives (NP an antique car )NP )VP )VP . )S 11 14 (S (ADVP Yuppily enough )ADVP (PRN , (S (NP he )NP (VP lives (PP in (NP a (ADJP lavishly furnished )ADJP converted church )NP )PP )VP )S , )PRN (VP (VP wears (NP designer clothes )NP )VP and (VP drives (NP an antique car )NP )VP )VP . )S 11 12 (S (ADVP Yuppily enough )ADVP , (NP he )NP (VP lives (PP in (NP a (ADJP (ADVP lavishly )ADVP furnished )ADJP converted church )NP )PP , (VP wears (NP designer clothes )NP )VP and (VP drives (NP an antique car )NP )VP )VP . )S 12 13 (S (ADVP Yuppily enough )ADVP , (NP he )NP (VP (VP lives (PP in (NP a (ADJP (ADVP lavishly )ADVP furnished )ADJP converted church )NP )PP )VP , (VP wears (NP designer clothes )NP )VP and (VP drives (NP an antique car )NP )VP )VP . )S 10 15 (S (ADVP Yuppily enough )ADVP , (NP he )NP (VP lives (PP in (NP (NP a (ADJP lavishly furnished )ADJP converted church )NP , (SBAR (S (VP (VP wears (NP designer clothes )NP )VP and (VP drives (NP an antique car )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 12 13 (S (ADVP Yuppily enough )ADVP , (NP he )NP (VP (VP lives (PP in (NP a (ADJP (ADVP lavishly )ADVP furnished )ADJP converted church )NP )PP )VP , (VP wears (NP designer clothes )NP )VP and (VP drives (NP an antique car )NP )VP )VP . )S 10 15 (S (ADVP Yuppily enough )ADVP , (NP he )NP (VP lives (PP in (NP (NP a (ADJP lavishly furnished )ADJP converted church )NP , (SBAR (S (VP (VP wears (NP designer clothes )NP )VP and (VP drives (NP an antique car )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 11 12 (S (ADVP Yuppily enough )ADVP , (NP he )NP (VP lives (PP in (NP a (ADJP lavishly furnished )ADJP converted church )NP )PP , (VP wears (NP designer clothes )NP )VP and (VP drives (S (NP an antique car )NP )S )VP )VP . )S 10 15 (S (ADVP Yuppily enough )ADVP , (NP he )NP (VP lives (PP in (NP (NP a (ADJP lavishly furnished )ADJP converted church )NP , (SBAR (S (VP (VP wears (NP designer clothes )NP )VP and (VP drives (NP an antique car )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 10 15 (S (ADVP Yuppily enough )ADVP , (NP he )NP (VP lives (PP in (NP (NP a (ADJP lavishly furnished )ADJP converted church )NP , (SBAR (S (VP (VP wears (NP designer clothes )NP )VP and (VP drives (NP an antique car )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 11 12 (S (ADVP Yuppily enough )ADVP , (NP he )NP (VP lives (PP in (NP a (ADJP lavishly furnished )ADJP converted church )NP )PP , (VP wears (NP designer clothes )NP )VP and (VP drives (S (NP an antique car )NP )S )VP )VP . )S 10 11 (S (ADJP Yuppily enough )ADJP , (NP he )NP (VP lives (PP in (NP a (ADJP lavishly furnished )ADJP converted church )NP )PP , (VP wears (NP designer clothes )NP )VP and (VP drives (NP an antique car )NP )VP )VP . )S 11 13 (S (S (ADVP Yuppily enough )ADVP , (NP he )NP (VP lives (PP in (NP a (ADJP lavishly furnished )ADJP converted church )NP )PP )VP )S , (VP (VP wears (NP designer clothes )NP )VP and (VP drives (NP an antique car )NP )VP )VP . )S 12 13 (S (ADVP Yuppily enough )ADVP , (NP he )NP (VP (VP (VP lives (PP in (NP a (ADJP lavishly furnished )ADJP converted church )NP )PP )VP , (VP wears (NP designer clothes )NP )VP )VP and (VP drives (NP an antique car )NP )VP )VP . )S 12 13 (S (ADVP Yuppily enough )ADVP , (NP he )NP (VP (VP lives (PP in (NP a (ADJP lavishly furnished )ADJP converted church )NP )PP )VP , (VP wears (NP designer clothes )NP )VP and (VP drives (S (NP an antique car )NP )S )VP )VP . )S 10 11 (S (ADJP Yuppily enough )ADJP , (NP he )NP (VP lives (PP in (NP a (ADJP lavishly furnished )ADJP converted church )NP )PP , (VP wears (NP designer clothes )NP )VP and (VP drives (NP an antique car )NP )VP )VP . )S 11 13 (S (S (ADVP Yuppily enough )ADVP , (NP he )NP (VP lives (PP in (NP a (ADJP lavishly furnished )ADJP converted church )NP )PP )VP )S , (VP (VP wears (NP designer clothes )NP )VP and (VP drives (NP an antique car )NP )VP )VP . )S 12 13 (S (ADVP Yuppily enough )ADVP , (NP he )NP (VP (VP (VP lives (PP in (NP a (ADJP lavishly furnished )ADJP converted church )NP )PP )VP , (VP wears (NP designer clothes )NP )VP )VP and (VP drives (NP an antique car )NP )VP )VP . )S 12 13 (S (ADVP Yuppily enough )ADVP , (NP he )NP (VP (VP lives (PP in (NP a (ADJP lavishly furnished )ADJP converted church )NP )PP )VP , (VP wears (NP designer clothes )NP )VP and (VP drives (S (NP an antique car )NP )S )VP )VP . )S 11 12 (S (ADJP Yuppily enough )ADJP , (NP he )NP (VP (VP lives (PP in (NP a (ADJP lavishly furnished )ADJP converted church )NP )PP )VP , (VP wears (NP designer clothes )NP )VP and (VP drives (NP an antique car )NP )VP )VP . )S 10 12 (S (ADVP Yuppily )ADVP (ADJP enough )ADJP , (NP he )NP (VP lives (PP in (NP a (ADJP lavishly furnished )ADJP converted church )NP )PP , (VP wears (NP designer clothes )NP )VP and (VP drives (NP an antique car )NP )VP )VP . )S 10 11 (S Yuppily (ADVP enough )ADVP , (NP he )NP (VP lives (PP in (NP a (ADJP lavishly furnished )ADJP converted church )NP )PP , (VP wears (NP designer clothes )NP )VP and (VP drives (NP an antique car )NP )VP )VP . )S 10 12 (S (S (ADJP Yuppily enough )ADJP )S , (NP he )NP (VP lives (PP in (NP a (ADJP lavishly furnished )ADJP converted church )NP )PP , (VP wears (NP designer clothes )NP )VP and (VP drives (NP an antique car )NP )VP )VP . )S 11 12 (S (ADJP Yuppily enough )ADJP , (NP he )NP (VP (VP lives (PP in (NP a (ADJP lavishly furnished )ADJP converted church )NP )PP )VP , (VP wears (NP designer clothes )NP )VP and (VP drives (NP an antique car )NP )VP )VP . )S 11 12 (S (ADVP Yuppily enough )ADVP , (S (NP he )NP (VP lives (PP in (NP a (ADJP lavishly furnished )ADJP converted church )NP )PP , (VP wears (NP designer clothes )NP )VP and (VP drives (NP an antique car )NP )VP )VP )S . )S 12 13 (S (ADVP Yuppily enough )ADVP , (NP he )NP (VP (VP lives (PP in (NP a (ADJP lavishly furnished )ADJP converted church )NP )PP )VP , (VP (VP wears (NP designer clothes )NP )VP and (VP drives (NP an antique car )NP )VP )VP )VP . )S 11 14 (S (ADVP Yuppily enough )ADVP , (NP he )NP (VP lives (PP in (NP a (ADJP lavishly furnished )ADJP converted church )NP )PP , (SBAR (S (VP (VP wears (NP designer clothes )NP )VP and (VP drives (NP an antique car )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 11 14 (S (ADVP Yuppily enough )ADVP , (SBAR (S (NP he )NP (VP lives (PP in (NP a (ADJP lavishly furnished )ADJP converted church )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR , (VP (VP wears (NP designer clothes )NP )VP and (VP drives (NP an antique car )NP )VP )VP . )S 10 12 (S (ADVP Yuppily )ADVP (ADVP enough )ADVP , (NP he )NP (VP lives (PP in (NP a (ADJP lavishly furnished )ADJP converted church )NP )PP , (VP wears (NP designer clothes )NP )VP and (VP drives (NP an antique car )NP )VP )VP . )S 10 12 (S (ADVP Yuppily )ADVP (ADJP enough )ADJP , (NP he )NP (VP lives (PP in (NP a (ADJP lavishly furnished )ADJP converted church )NP )PP , (VP wears (NP designer clothes )NP )VP and (VP drives (NP an antique car )NP )VP )VP . )S 11 13 (S (ADVP Yuppily )ADVP (ADJP enough )ADJP , (NP he )NP (VP (VP lives (PP in (NP a (ADJP lavishly furnished )ADJP converted church )NP )PP )VP , (VP wears (NP designer clothes )NP )VP and (VP drives (NP an antique car )NP )VP )VP . )S 10 10 (S (ADVP Yuppily enough )ADVP , (NP he )NP (VP lives (PP in (NP a lavishly furnished converted church )NP )PP , (VP wears (NP designer clothes )NP )VP and (VP drives (NP an antique car )NP )VP )VP . )S 10 14 (S (NP Yuppily enough )NP (PRN , (S (NP he )NP (VP lives (PP in (NP a (ADJP lavishly furnished )ADJP converted church )NP )PP )VP )S , )PRN (VP (VP wears (NP designer clothes )NP )VP and (VP drives (NP an antique car )NP )VP )VP . )S 50 19 20 (S But (S (ADVP apparently )ADVP (VP to (VP make (S (NP him )NP (ADJP palatable , even lovable , (PP to (NP the masses )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S , (NP the script )NP (VP inflates (NP pony-tailed Max )NP (PP into (NP (NP an eccentric genius )NP , (NP (NP master )NP (PP of (NP 11 Chinese dialects )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 17 20 (S But (SBAR apparently (S (VP to (VP make (S (NP him )NP (ADJP palatable , even lovable , (PP to (NP the masses )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP the script )NP (VP inflates (NP pony-tailed Max )NP (PP into (NP (NP an eccentric genius )NP , (NP (NP master )NP (PP of (NP 11 Chinese dialects )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 17 20 (S But (S (ADVP apparently )ADVP (VP to (VP make (S (NP him )NP (ADJP palatable , even lovable , (PP to (NP the masses )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S , (NP the script )NP (VP inflates (NP pony-tailed Max )NP (PP into (NP an eccentric genius )NP )PP , (S (NP (NP master )NP (PP of (NP 11 Chinese dialects )NP )PP )NP )S )VP . )S 17 20 (S But (ADVP apparently (S (VP to (VP make (S (NP him )NP (ADJP palatable , even lovable , (PP to (NP the masses )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )ADVP , (NP the script )NP (VP inflates (NP pony-tailed Max )NP (PP into (NP (NP an eccentric genius )NP , (NP (NP master )NP (PP of (NP 11 Chinese dialects )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 17 19 (S But (S (ADVP apparently )ADVP (VP to (VP make (S (NP him )NP (ADJP palatable , even lovable , (PP to (NP the masses )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S , (NP the script )NP (VP inflates (NP pony-tailed Max )NP (PP into (NP an eccentric genius )NP )PP , (NP (NP master )NP (PP of (NP 11 Chinese dialects )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 19 20 (S But (S (ADVP apparently )ADVP (VP to (VP make (S (NP him )NP (ADJP palatable , even lovable , (PP to (NP the masses )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S , (NP the script )NP (VP inflates (NP pony-tailed Max )NP (PP into (NP (NP an eccentric genius )NP , (NP (NP master )NP (PP of (NP 11 Chinese dialects )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 15 20 (S But (SBAR apparently (S (VP to (VP make (S (NP him )NP (ADJP palatable , even lovable , (PP to (NP the masses )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP the script )NP (VP inflates (NP pony-tailed Max )NP (PP into (NP an eccentric genius )NP )PP , (S (NP (NP master )NP (PP of (NP 11 Chinese dialects )NP )PP )NP )S )VP . )S 18 19 (S But (S apparently (VP to (VP make (S (NP him )NP (ADJP palatable , even lovable , (PP to (NP the masses )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S , (NP the script )NP (VP inflates (NP pony-tailed Max )NP (PP into (NP (NP an eccentric genius )NP , (NP (NP master )NP (PP of (NP 11 Chinese dialects )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 17 19 (S (S But apparently (VP to (VP make (S (NP him )NP (ADJP palatable , even lovable , (PP to (NP the masses )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S , (NP the script )NP (VP inflates (NP pony-tailed Max )NP (PP into (NP (NP an eccentric genius )NP , (NP (NP master )NP (PP of (NP 11 Chinese dialects )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 19 21 (S But (S (S (ADVP apparently )ADVP (VP to (VP make (S (NP him )NP (ADJP palatable , even lovable , (PP to (NP the masses )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S , (NP the script )NP (VP inflates (NP pony-tailed Max )NP (PP into (NP (NP an eccentric genius )NP , (NP (NP master )NP (PP of (NP 11 Chinese dialects )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP )S . )S 15 19 (S But (SBAR apparently (S (VP to (VP make (S (NP him )NP (ADJP palatable , even lovable , (PP to (NP the masses )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP the script )NP (VP inflates (NP pony-tailed Max )NP (PP into (NP an eccentric genius )NP )PP , (NP (NP master )NP (PP of (NP 11 Chinese dialects )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 17 20 (S But (SBAR apparently (S (VP to (VP make (S (NP him )NP (ADJP palatable , even lovable , (PP to (NP the masses )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP the script )NP (VP inflates (NP pony-tailed Max )NP (PP into (NP (NP an eccentric genius )NP , (NP (NP master )NP (PP of (NP 11 Chinese dialects )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 18 21 (S But (S (ADVP apparently )ADVP (VP to (VP make (S (NP him )NP (VP palatable , (ADVP even lovable )ADVP , (PP to (NP the masses )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , (NP the script )NP (VP inflates (NP pony-tailed Max )NP (PP into (NP (NP an eccentric genius )NP , (NP (NP master )NP (PP of (NP 11 Chinese dialects )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 16 18 (S But (S (ADVP apparently )ADVP (VP to (VP make (S (NP him )NP (ADJP palatable , even lovable , (PP to (NP the masses )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S , (NP the script )NP (VP inflates (NP pony-tailed Max )NP (PP into (NP (NP an eccentric genius , master )NP (PP of (NP 11 Chinese dialects )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 21 22 (S But (S (ADVP apparently )ADVP (VP to (VP make (S (NP him )NP (ADJP (ADJP palatable )ADJP , (ADJP even lovable )ADJP , (PP to (NP the masses )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S , (NP the script )NP (VP inflates (NP pony-tailed Max )NP (PP into (NP (NP an eccentric genius )NP , (NP (NP master )NP (PP of (NP 11 Chinese dialects )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 17 21 (S But (ADVP apparently (SBAR (S (VP to (VP make (S (NP him )NP (ADJP palatable , even lovable , (PP to (NP the masses )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )ADVP , (NP the script )NP (VP inflates (NP pony-tailed Max )NP (PP into (NP (NP an eccentric genius )NP , (NP (NP master )NP (PP of (NP 11 Chinese dialects )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 19 20 (S But (S (ADVP apparently )ADVP (VP to (VP make (S (NP him )NP (ADJP palatable , even lovable , (PP to (NP the masses )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S , (NP the script )NP (VP inflates (NP pony-tailed Max )NP (PP into (NP (NP an eccentric genius )NP , (NP (NP master )NP (PP of (NP 11 Chinese dialects )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 17 20 (S But (S (ADVP apparently )ADVP (VP to (VP make (S (NP him )NP (ADJP palatable , even lovable , (PP to (NP the masses )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S , (NP the script )NP (VP (VP inflates (NP pony-tailed Max )NP (PP into (NP an eccentric genius )NP )PP )VP , (NP (NP master )NP (PP of (NP 11 Chinese dialects )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 19 21 (S But (S (ADVP apparently )ADVP (VP to (VP make (S (NP him )NP (ADJP (ADJP palatable , even lovable , )ADJP (PP to (NP the masses )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S , (NP the script )NP (VP inflates (NP pony-tailed Max )NP (PP into (NP (NP an eccentric genius )NP , (NP (NP master )NP (PP of (NP 11 Chinese dialects )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 15 20 (S But (ADVP apparently (S (VP to (VP make (S (NP him )NP (ADJP palatable , even lovable , (PP to (NP the masses )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )ADVP , (NP the script )NP (VP inflates (NP pony-tailed Max )NP (PP into (NP an eccentric genius )NP )PP , (S (NP (NP master )NP (PP of (NP 11 Chinese dialects )NP )PP )NP )S )VP . )S 16 21 (S But (SBAR apparently (S (VP to (VP make (S (NP him )NP (VP palatable , (ADVP even lovable )ADVP , (PP to (NP the masses )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP the script )NP (VP inflates (NP pony-tailed Max )NP (PP into (NP (NP an eccentric genius )NP , (NP (NP master )NP (PP of (NP 11 Chinese dialects )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 14 18 (S But (SBAR apparently (S (VP to (VP make (S (NP him )NP (ADJP palatable , even lovable , (PP to (NP the masses )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP the script )NP (VP inflates (NP pony-tailed Max )NP (PP into (NP (NP an eccentric genius , master )NP (PP of (NP 11 Chinese dialects )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 19 22 (S But (SBAR apparently (S (VP to (VP make (S (NP him )NP (ADJP (ADJP palatable )ADJP , (ADJP even lovable )ADJP , (PP to (NP the masses )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP the script )NP (VP inflates (NP pony-tailed Max )NP (PP into (NP (NP an eccentric genius )NP , (NP (NP master )NP (PP of (NP 11 Chinese dialects )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 17 20 (S But (S (ADVP apparently )ADVP (VP to (VP make (S (NP him )NP (ADJP palatable , even lovable , (PP to (NP the masses )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S , (NP the script )NP (VP inflates (NP pony-tailed Max )NP (PP into (NP an eccentric genius )NP )PP , (S (NP (NP master )NP (PP of (NP 11 Chinese dialects )NP )PP )NP )S )VP . )S 17 20 (S But (SBAR apparently (S (VP to (VP make (S (NP him )NP (ADJP palatable , even lovable , (PP to (NP the masses )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP the script )NP (VP inflates (NP pony-tailed Max )NP (PP into (NP (NP an eccentric genius )NP , (NP (NP master )NP (PP of (NP 11 Chinese dialects )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 15 19 (S But (ADVP apparently (S (VP to (VP make (S (NP him )NP (ADJP palatable , even lovable , (PP to (NP the masses )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )ADVP , (NP the script )NP (VP inflates (NP pony-tailed Max )NP (PP into (NP an eccentric genius )NP )PP , (NP (NP master )NP (PP of (NP 11 Chinese dialects )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 17 20 (S But (ADVP apparently (S (VP to (VP make (S (NP him )NP (ADJP palatable , even lovable , (PP to (NP the masses )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )ADVP , (NP the script )NP (VP inflates (NP pony-tailed Max )NP (PP into (NP (NP an eccentric genius )NP , (NP (NP master )NP (PP of (NP 11 Chinese dialects )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 16 19 (S But (S apparently (VP to (VP make (S (NP him )NP (ADJP palatable , even lovable , (PP to (NP the masses )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S , (NP the script )NP (VP inflates (NP pony-tailed Max )NP (PP into (NP an eccentric genius )NP )PP , (S (NP (NP master )NP (PP of (NP 11 Chinese dialects )NP )PP )NP )S )VP . )S 15 20 (S But (SBAR apparently (S (VP to (VP make (S (NP him )NP (ADJP palatable , even lovable , (PP to (NP the masses )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP the script )NP (VP (VP inflates (NP pony-tailed Max )NP (PP into (NP an eccentric genius )NP )PP )VP , (NP (NP master )NP (PP of (NP 11 Chinese dialects )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 17 21 (S But (SBAR apparently (S (VP to (VP make (S (NP him )NP (ADJP (ADJP palatable , even lovable , )ADJP (PP to (NP the masses )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP the script )NP (VP inflates (NP pony-tailed Max )NP (PP into (NP (NP an eccentric genius )NP , (NP (NP master )NP (PP of (NP 11 Chinese dialects )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 18 20 (S But (S (ADVP apparently )ADVP (VP to (VP make (S (NP him )NP (ADJP palatable , even lovable )ADJP )S , (PP to (NP the masses )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , (NP the script )NP (VP inflates (NP pony-tailed Max )NP (PP into (NP (NP an eccentric genius )NP , (NP (NP master )NP (PP of (NP 11 Chinese dialects )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 15 19 (S (S But apparently (VP to (VP make (S (NP him )NP (ADJP palatable , even lovable , (PP to (NP the masses )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S , (NP the script )NP (VP inflates (NP pony-tailed Max )NP (PP into (NP an eccentric genius )NP )PP , (S (NP (NP master )NP (PP of (NP 11 Chinese dialects )NP )PP )NP )S )VP . )S 18 20 (S But (ADVP apparently )ADVP (S (VP to (VP make (S (NP him )NP (ADJP palatable , even lovable , (PP to (NP the masses )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S , (NP the script )NP (VP inflates (NP pony-tailed Max )NP (PP into (NP (NP an eccentric genius )NP , (NP (NP master )NP (PP of (NP 11 Chinese dialects )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 17 21 (S But (S (ADVP apparently )ADVP (VP to (VP make (S (NP him )NP (ADJP palatable , even lovable , (PP to (NP the masses )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S , (NP the script )NP (VP inflates (NP (NP (NP pony-tailed Max )NP (PP into (NP an eccentric genius )NP )PP )NP , (NP (NP master )NP (PP of (NP 11 Chinese dialects )NP )PP )NP )NP )VP . )S 18 20 (S (S But (ADVP apparently )ADVP (VP to (VP make (S (NP him )NP (ADJP palatable , even lovable , (PP to (NP the masses )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S , (NP the script )NP (VP inflates (NP pony-tailed Max )NP (PP into (NP (NP an eccentric genius )NP , (NP (NP master )NP (PP of (NP 11 Chinese dialects )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 17 21 (S But (S (S (ADVP apparently )ADVP (VP to (VP make (S (NP him )NP (ADJP palatable , even lovable , (PP to (NP the masses )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S , (NP the script )NP (VP inflates (NP pony-tailed Max )NP (PP into (NP an eccentric genius )NP )PP , (S (NP (NP master )NP (PP of (NP 11 Chinese dialects )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )S . )S 17 19 (S But (S (ADVP apparently )ADVP (VP to (VP make (S (NP him )NP (ADJP palatable , even lovable , (PP to (NP the masses )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S , (NP the script )NP (VP inflates (NP pony-tailed Max )NP (PP into (NP an eccentric genius )NP )PP , (NP (NP master )NP (PP of (NP 11 Chinese dialects )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 15 20 (S But (SBAR apparently (S (VP to (VP make (S (NP him )NP (ADJP palatable , even lovable , (PP to (NP the masses )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP the script )NP (VP inflates (NP pony-tailed Max )NP (PP into (NP an eccentric genius )NP )PP , (S (NP (NP master )NP (PP of (NP 11 Chinese dialects )NP )PP )NP )S )VP . )S 16 18 (S But (S apparently (VP to (VP make (S (NP him )NP (ADJP palatable , even lovable , (PP to (NP the masses )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S , (NP the script )NP (VP inflates (NP pony-tailed Max )NP (PP into (NP an eccentric genius )NP )PP , (NP (NP master )NP (PP of (NP 11 Chinese dialects )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 18 19 (S But (S apparently (VP to (VP make (S (NP him )NP (ADJP palatable , even lovable , (PP to (NP the masses )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S , (NP the script )NP (VP inflates (NP pony-tailed Max )NP (PP into (NP (NP an eccentric genius )NP , (NP (NP master )NP (PP of (NP 11 Chinese dialects )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 16 21 (S But (S (ADVP apparently )ADVP (VP to (VP make (S (NP him )NP (VP palatable , (ADVP even lovable )ADVP , (PP to (NP the masses )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , (NP the script )NP (VP inflates (NP pony-tailed Max )NP (PP into (NP an eccentric genius )NP )PP , (S (NP (NP master )NP (PP of (NP 11 Chinese dialects )NP )PP )NP )S )VP . )S 16 21 (S But (ADVP apparently (S (VP to (VP make (S (NP him )NP (VP palatable , (ADVP even lovable )ADVP , (PP to (NP the masses )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )ADVP , (NP the script )NP (VP inflates (NP pony-tailed Max )NP (PP into (NP (NP an eccentric genius )NP , (NP (NP master )NP (PP of (NP 11 Chinese dialects )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 18 22 (S But (ADVP (ADVP apparently )ADVP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP make (S (NP him )NP (ADJP palatable , even lovable , (PP to (NP the masses )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )ADVP , (NP the script )NP (VP inflates (NP pony-tailed Max )NP (PP into (NP (NP an eccentric genius )NP , (NP (NP master )NP (PP of (NP 11 Chinese dialects )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 16 20 (S But (SBAR apparently (S (VP to (VP make (S (NP him )NP (ADJP palatable , even lovable )ADJP )S , (PP to (NP the masses )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP the script )NP (VP inflates (NP pony-tailed Max )NP (PP into (NP (NP an eccentric genius )NP , (NP (NP master )NP (PP of (NP 11 Chinese dialects )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 19 22 (S But (S (ADVP apparently )ADVP (VP to (VP make (S (NP him )NP (ADJP (ADJP palatable )ADJP , (ADJP even lovable )ADJP , (PP to (NP the masses )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S , (NP the script )NP (VP inflates (NP pony-tailed Max )NP (PP into (NP an eccentric genius )NP )PP , (S (NP (NP master )NP (PP of (NP 11 Chinese dialects )NP )PP )NP )S )VP . )S 18 21 (S But (ADVP apparently )ADVP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP make (S (NP him )NP (ADJP palatable , even lovable , (PP to (NP the masses )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP the script )NP (VP inflates (NP pony-tailed Max )NP (PP into (NP (NP an eccentric genius )NP , (NP (NP master )NP (PP of (NP 11 Chinese dialects )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 15 21 (S But (ADVP apparently (SBAR (S (VP to (VP make (S (NP him )NP (ADJP palatable , even lovable , (PP to (NP the masses )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )ADVP , (NP the script )NP (VP inflates (NP pony-tailed Max )NP (PP into (NP an eccentric genius )NP )PP , (S (NP (NP master )NP (PP of (NP 11 Chinese dialects )NP )PP )NP )S )VP . )S 14 18 (S But (ADVP apparently (S (VP to (VP make (S (NP him )NP (ADJP palatable , even lovable , (PP to (NP the masses )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )ADVP , (NP the script )NP (VP inflates (NP pony-tailed Max )NP (PP into (NP (NP an eccentric genius , master )NP (PP of (NP 11 Chinese dialects )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 19 22 (S But (ADVP apparently (S (VP to (VP make (S (NP him )NP (ADJP (ADJP palatable )ADJP , (ADJP even lovable )ADJP , (PP to (NP the masses )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )ADVP , (NP the script )NP (VP inflates (NP pony-tailed Max )NP (PP into (NP (NP an eccentric genius )NP , (NP (NP master )NP (PP of (NP 11 Chinese dialects )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 15 18 (S (S But apparently (VP to (VP make (S (NP him )NP (ADJP palatable , even lovable , (PP to (NP the masses )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S , (NP the script )NP (VP inflates (NP pony-tailed Max )NP (PP into (NP an eccentric genius )NP )PP , (NP (NP master )NP (PP of (NP 11 Chinese dialects )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 50 33 34 (S (NP He )NP (VP takes (NP his wash )NP (PP to (NP (NP the laundromat )NP , (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP he )NP (VP meets (NP (NP a punky French girl )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP (VP dupes (NP him )NP (PP into (S (VP providing (NP a home )NP (PP for (NP her pet piranha )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )VP and then (VP (VP (ADVP promptly )ADVP steals (NP his car )NP )VP and (VP dumps (NP it )NP (PP in (NP Dieppe )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 33 35 (S (NP He )NP (VP takes (NP (NP his wash )NP (PP to (NP (NP the laundromat )NP , (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP he )NP (VP meets (NP (NP a punky French girl )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP (VP dupes (NP him )NP (PP into (S (VP providing (NP a home )NP (PP for (NP her pet piranha )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )VP and then (VP (VP (ADVP promptly )ADVP steals (NP his car )NP )VP and (VP dumps (NP it )NP (PP in (NP Dieppe )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 33 35 (S (NP He )NP (VP takes (NP his wash )NP (PP to (NP (NP the laundromat )NP , (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP he )NP (VP meets (NP (NP a punky French girl )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP (VP dupes (NP him )NP (PP into (S (VP providing (NP (NP a home )NP (PP for (NP her pet piranha )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )PP )VP and then (VP (VP (ADVP promptly )ADVP steals (NP his car )NP )VP and (VP dumps (NP it )NP (PP in (NP Dieppe )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 33 34 (S (NP He )NP (VP takes (NP his wash )NP (PP to (NP (NP the laundromat )NP , (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP he )NP (VP meets (NP (NP a punky French girl )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP (VP dupes (NP him )NP (PP into (S (VP providing (NP a home )NP (PP for (NP her pet piranha )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )VP and then (VP (VP (ADVP promptly )ADVP steals (NP his car )NP )VP and (VP dumps (NP it )NP (PP in (NP Dieppe )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 33 34 (S (NP He )NP (VP takes (NP his wash )NP (PP to (NP (NP the laundromat )NP , (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP he )NP (VP meets (NP (NP a punky French girl )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP (VP dupes (NP him )NP (PP into (S (VP providing (NP a home )NP (PP for (NP her pet piranha )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )VP and then (VP (VP (ADVP promptly )ADVP steals (NP his car )NP )VP and (VP dumps (NP it )NP (PP in (NP Dieppe )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 33 36 (S (NP He )NP (VP takes (NP (NP his wash )NP (PP to (NP (NP the laundromat )NP , (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP he )NP (VP meets (NP (NP a punky French girl )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP (VP dupes (NP him )NP (PP into (S (VP providing (NP (NP a home )NP (PP for (NP her pet piranha )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )PP )VP and then (VP (VP (ADVP promptly )ADVP steals (NP his car )NP )VP and (VP dumps (NP it )NP (PP in (NP Dieppe )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 33 35 (S (NP He )NP (VP takes (NP (NP his wash )NP (PP to (NP (NP the laundromat )NP , (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP he )NP (VP meets (NP (NP a punky French girl )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP (VP dupes (NP him )NP (PP into (S (VP providing (NP a home )NP (PP for (NP her pet piranha )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )VP and then (VP (VP (ADVP promptly )ADVP steals (NP his car )NP )VP and (VP dumps (NP it )NP (PP in (NP Dieppe )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 33 35 (S (NP He )NP (VP takes (NP his wash )NP (PP to (NP (NP the laundromat )NP , (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP he )NP (VP meets (NP (NP a punky French girl )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP (VP dupes (NP him )NP (PP into (S (VP providing (NP (NP a home )NP (PP for (NP her pet piranha )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )PP )VP and then (VP (VP (ADVP promptly )ADVP steals (NP his car )NP )VP and (VP dumps (NP it )NP (PP in (NP Dieppe )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 33 35 (S (NP He )NP (VP takes (NP (NP his wash )NP (PP to (NP (NP the laundromat )NP , (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP he )NP (VP meets (NP (NP a punky French girl )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP (VP dupes (NP him )NP (PP into (S (VP providing (NP a home )NP (PP for (NP her pet piranha )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )VP and then (VP (VP (ADVP promptly )ADVP steals (NP his car )NP )VP and (VP dumps (NP it )NP (PP in (NP Dieppe )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 28 34 (S (NP He )NP (VP takes (NP his wash )NP (PP to (NP (NP the laundromat )NP , (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP he )NP (VP (VP meets (NP (NP a punky French girl )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP dupes (NP him )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP (PP into (S (VP providing (NP a home )NP (PP for (NP her pet piranha )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )VP and then (VP (VP (ADVP promptly )ADVP steals (NP his car )NP )VP and (VP dumps (NP it )NP (PP in (NP Dieppe )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 33 35 (S (NP He )NP (VP takes (NP his wash )NP (PP to (NP (NP the laundromat )NP , (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP he )NP (VP meets (NP (NP a punky French girl )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP (VP dupes (NP him )NP (PP into (S (VP providing (NP (NP a home )NP (PP for (NP her pet piranha )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )PP )VP and then (VP (VP (ADVP promptly )ADVP steals (NP his car )NP )VP and (VP dumps (NP it )NP (PP in (NP Dieppe )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 33 34 (S (NP He )NP (VP takes (NP his wash )NP (PP to (NP (NP the laundromat )NP , (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP he )NP (VP meets (NP (NP a punky French girl )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP (VP dupes (NP him )NP (PP into (S (VP providing (NP a home )NP (PP for (NP her pet piranha )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )VP and then (VP (VP (ADVP promptly )ADVP steals (NP his car )NP )VP and (VP dumps (NP it )NP (PP in (NP Dieppe )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 33 36 (S (NP He )NP (VP takes (NP (NP his wash )NP (PP to (NP (NP the laundromat )NP , (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP he )NP (VP meets (NP (NP a punky French girl )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP (VP dupes (NP him )NP (PP into (S (VP providing (NP (NP a home )NP (PP for (NP her pet piranha )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )PP )VP and then (VP (VP (ADVP promptly )ADVP steals (NP his car )NP )VP and (VP dumps (NP it )NP (PP in (NP Dieppe )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 31 34 (S (NP He )NP (VP takes (NP (NP his wash )NP (PP to (NP the laundromat )NP )PP , (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP he )NP (VP meets (NP (NP a punky French girl )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP (VP dupes (NP him )NP (PP into (S (VP providing (NP a home )NP (PP for (NP her pet piranha )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )VP and then (VP (VP (ADVP promptly )ADVP steals (NP his car )NP )VP and (VP dumps (NP it )NP (PP in (NP Dieppe )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 25 34 (S (NP He )NP (VP takes (NP his wash )NP (PP to (NP (NP the laundromat )NP , (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP he )NP (VP (VP meets (NP (NP a punky French girl )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP dupes (NP him )NP (PP into (S (VP providing (NP a home )NP )VP )S )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP (PP for (NP her pet piranha )NP )PP )VP and then (VP (VP (ADVP promptly )ADVP steals (NP his car )NP )VP and (VP dumps (NP it )NP (PP in (NP Dieppe )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 28 35 (S (NP He )NP (VP takes (NP (NP his wash )NP (PP to (NP (NP the laundromat )NP , (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP he )NP (VP (VP meets (NP (NP a punky French girl )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP dupes (NP him )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP (PP into (S (VP providing (NP a home )NP (PP for (NP her pet piranha )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )VP and then (VP (VP (ADVP promptly )ADVP steals (NP his car )NP )VP and (VP dumps (NP it )NP (PP in (NP Dieppe )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 29 34 (S (NP He )NP (VP takes (NP his wash )NP (PP to (NP (NP the laundromat )NP , (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP he )NP (VP (VP meets (NP (NP a punky French girl )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP (VP dupes (NP him )NP (PP into (S (VP providing (NP a home )NP (PP for (NP her pet piranha )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )VP and then (VP (ADVP promptly )ADVP steals (NP his car )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP and (VP dumps (NP it )NP (PP in (NP Dieppe )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 33 36 (S (NP He )NP (VP takes (NP (NP his wash )NP (PP to (NP (NP the laundromat )NP , (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP he )NP (VP meets (NP (NP a punky French girl )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP (VP dupes (NP him )NP (PP into (S (VP providing (NP (NP a home )NP (PP for (NP her pet piranha )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )PP )VP and then (VP (VP (ADVP promptly )ADVP steals (NP his car )NP )VP and (VP dumps (NP it )NP (PP in (NP Dieppe )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 33 35 (S (NP He )NP (VP takes (NP (NP his wash )NP (PP to (NP (NP the laundromat )NP , (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP he )NP (VP meets (NP (NP a punky French girl )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP (VP dupes (NP him )NP (PP into (S (VP providing (NP a home )NP (PP for (NP her pet piranha )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )VP and then (VP (VP (ADVP promptly )ADVP steals (NP his car )NP )VP and (VP dumps (NP it )NP (PP in (NP Dieppe )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 29 34 (S (NP He )NP (VP takes (NP his wash )NP (PP to (NP (NP the laundromat )NP , (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP he )NP (VP (VP meets (NP (NP a punky French girl )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP dupes (NP him )NP (PP into (S (VP providing (NP a home )NP (PP for (NP her pet piranha )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP and then (VP (VP (ADVP promptly )ADVP steals (NP his car )NP )VP and (VP dumps (NP it )NP (PP in (NP Dieppe )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 24 34 (S (NP He )NP (VP (VP takes (NP his wash )NP (PP to (NP (NP the laundromat )NP , (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP he )NP (VP meets (NP (NP a punky French girl )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP (VP dupes (NP him )NP (PP into (S (VP providing (NP a home )NP (PP for (NP her pet piranha )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )VP and then (VP (ADVP promptly )ADVP steals (NP his car )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP and (VP dumps (NP it )NP (PP in (NP Dieppe )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 30 34 (S (NP He )NP (VP takes (NP his wash )NP (PP to (NP (NP the laundromat )NP , (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP he )NP (VP meets (NP (NP a punky French girl )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP (VP dupes (NP him )NP (PP into (S (VP providing (NP a home )NP )VP )S )PP (PP for (NP her pet piranha )NP )PP )VP and then (VP (VP (ADVP promptly )ADVP steals (NP his car )NP )VP and (VP dumps (NP it )NP (PP in (NP Dieppe )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 24 34 (S (NP He )NP (VP (VP takes (NP his wash )NP (PP to (NP (NP the laundromat )NP , (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP he )NP (VP meets (NP (NP a punky French girl )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP dupes (NP him )NP (PP into (S (VP providing (NP a home )NP (PP for (NP her pet piranha )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP and then (VP (VP (ADVP promptly )ADVP steals (NP his car )NP )VP and (VP dumps (NP it )NP (PP in (NP Dieppe )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 25 35 (S (NP He )NP (VP takes (NP (NP his wash )NP (PP to (NP (NP the laundromat )NP , (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP he )NP (VP (VP meets (NP (NP a punky French girl )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP dupes (NP him )NP (PP into (S (VP providing (NP a home )NP )VP )S )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP (PP for (NP her pet piranha )NP )PP )VP and then (VP (VP (ADVP promptly )ADVP steals (NP his car )NP )VP and (VP dumps (NP it )NP (PP in (NP Dieppe )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 28 35 (S (NP He )NP (VP takes (NP his wash )NP (PP to (NP (NP the laundromat )NP , (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP he )NP (VP (VP meets (NP (NP a punky French girl )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP dupes (NP him )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP (PP into (S (VP providing (NP (NP a home )NP (PP for (NP her pet piranha )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )PP )VP and then (VP (VP (ADVP promptly )ADVP steals (NP his car )NP )VP and (VP dumps (NP it )NP (PP in (NP Dieppe )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 28 34 (S (NP He )NP (VP takes (NP his wash )NP (PP to (NP (NP the laundromat )NP , (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP he )NP (VP (VP meets (NP (NP a punky French girl )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP dupes (NP him )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP (PP into (S (VP providing (NP a home )NP (PP for (NP her pet piranha )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )VP and then (VP (VP (ADVP promptly )ADVP steals (NP his car )NP )VP and (VP dumps (NP it )NP (PP in (NP Dieppe )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 33 35 (S (NP He )NP (VP takes (NP his wash )NP (PP to (NP (NP the laundromat )NP , (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP he )NP (VP meets (NP (NP a punky French girl )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP (VP dupes (NP him )NP (PP into (S (VP providing (NP (NP a home )NP (PP for (NP her pet piranha )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )PP )VP and then (VP (VP (ADVP promptly )ADVP steals (NP his car )NP )VP and (VP dumps (NP it )NP (PP in (NP Dieppe )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 23 35 (S (NP He )NP (VP (VP takes (NP (NP his wash )NP (PP to (NP (NP the laundromat )NP , (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP he )NP (VP meets (NP (NP a punky French girl )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP dupes (NP him )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP (PP into (S (VP providing (NP a home )NP (PP for (NP her pet piranha )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )VP and then (VP (VP (ADVP promptly )ADVP steals (NP his car )NP )VP and (VP dumps (NP it )NP (PP in (NP Dieppe )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 29 35 (S (NP He )NP (VP takes (NP (NP his wash )NP (PP to (NP (NP the laundromat )NP , (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP he )NP (VP (VP meets (NP (NP a punky French girl )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP (VP dupes (NP him )NP (PP into (S (VP providing (NP a home )NP (PP for (NP her pet piranha )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )VP and then (VP (ADVP promptly )ADVP steals (NP his car )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP and (VP dumps (NP it )NP (PP in (NP Dieppe )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 31 35 (S (NP He )NP (VP takes (NP (NP his wash )NP (PP to (NP the laundromat )NP )PP , (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP he )NP (VP meets (NP (NP a punky French girl )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP (VP dupes (NP him )NP (PP into (S (VP providing (NP (NP a home )NP (PP for (NP her pet piranha )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )PP )VP and then (VP (VP (ADVP promptly )ADVP steals (NP his car )NP )VP and (VP dumps (NP it )NP (PP in (NP Dieppe )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 31 34 (S (NP He )NP (VP takes (NP (NP his wash )NP (PP to (NP the laundromat )NP )PP , (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP he )NP (VP meets (NP (NP a punky French girl )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP (VP dupes (NP him )NP (PP into (S (VP providing (NP a home )NP (PP for (NP her pet piranha )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )VP and then (VP (VP (ADVP promptly )ADVP steals (NP his car )NP )VP and (VP dumps (NP it )NP (PP in (NP Dieppe )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 24 35 (S (NP He )NP (VP (VP takes (NP (NP his wash )NP (PP to (NP (NP the laundromat )NP , (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP he )NP (VP meets (NP (NP a punky French girl )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP (VP dupes (NP him )NP (PP into (S (VP providing (NP a home )NP (PP for (NP her pet piranha )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )VP and then (VP (ADVP promptly )ADVP steals (NP his car )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP and (VP dumps (NP it )NP (PP in (NP Dieppe )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 29 35 (S (NP He )NP (VP takes (NP (NP his wash )NP (PP to (NP (NP the laundromat )NP , (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP he )NP (VP (VP meets (NP (NP a punky French girl )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP dupes (NP him )NP (PP into (S (VP providing (NP a home )NP (PP for (NP her pet piranha )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP and then (VP (VP (ADVP promptly )ADVP steals (NP his car )NP )VP and (VP dumps (NP it )NP (PP in (NP Dieppe )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 33 34 (S (NP He )NP (VP takes (NP his wash )NP (PP to (NP (NP the laundromat )NP , (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP he )NP (VP meets (NP (NP a punky French girl )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP (VP dupes (NP him )NP (PP into (S (VP providing (NP a home )NP (PP for (NP her pet piranha )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )VP and then (VP (VP (ADVP promptly )ADVP steals (NP his car )NP )VP and (VP dumps (NP it )NP (PP in (NP Dieppe )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 25 34 (S (NP He )NP (VP takes (NP his wash )NP (PP to (NP (NP the laundromat )NP , (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP he )NP (VP (VP meets (NP (NP a punky French girl )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP dupes (NP him )NP (PP into (S (VP providing (NP a home )NP )VP )S )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP (PP for (NP her pet piranha )NP )PP )VP and then (VP (VP (ADVP promptly )ADVP steals (NP his car )NP )VP and (VP dumps (NP it )NP (PP in (NP Dieppe )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 35 35 (S (NP He )NP (VP takes (NP his wash )NP (PP to (NP (NP the laundromat )NP , (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP he )NP (VP meets (NP (NP a punky French girl )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP (VP dupes (NP him )NP (PP into (S (VP providing (NP a home )NP (PP for (NP her pet piranha )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )VP and (VP (ADVP then )ADVP (VP (ADVP promptly )ADVP steals (NP his car )NP )VP and (VP dumps (NP it )NP (PP in (NP Dieppe )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 28 34 (S (NP He )NP (VP takes (NP his wash )NP (PP to (NP (NP the laundromat )NP , (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP he )NP (VP (VP meets (NP (NP a punky French girl )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP dupes (NP him )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP (PP into (S (VP providing (NP a home )NP (PP for (NP her pet piranha )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )VP and then (VP (VP (ADVP promptly )ADVP steals (NP his car )NP )VP and (VP dumps (NP it )NP (PP in (NP Dieppe )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 30 35 (S (NP He )NP (VP takes (NP (NP his wash )NP (PP to (NP (NP the laundromat )NP , (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP he )NP (VP meets (NP (NP a punky French girl )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP (VP dupes (NP him )NP (PP into (S (VP providing (NP a home )NP )VP )S )PP (PP for (NP her pet piranha )NP )PP )VP and then (VP (VP (ADVP promptly )ADVP steals (NP his car )NP )VP and (VP dumps (NP it )NP (PP in (NP Dieppe )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 24 35 (S (NP He )NP (VP (VP takes (NP (NP his wash )NP (PP to (NP (NP the laundromat )NP , (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP he )NP (VP meets (NP (NP a punky French girl )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP dupes (NP him )NP (PP into (S (VP providing (NP a home )NP (PP for (NP her pet piranha )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP and then (VP (VP (ADVP promptly )ADVP steals (NP his car )NP )VP and (VP dumps (NP it )NP (PP in (NP Dieppe )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 29 35 (S (NP He )NP (VP takes (NP his wash )NP (PP to (NP (NP the laundromat )NP , (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP he )NP (VP (VP meets (NP (NP a punky French girl )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP (VP dupes (NP him )NP (PP into (S (VP providing (NP a home )NP (PP for (NP her pet piranha )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )VP and (VP (ADVP then )ADVP (ADVP promptly )ADVP steals (NP his car )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP and (VP dumps (NP it )NP (PP in (NP Dieppe )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 28 36 (S (NP He )NP (VP takes (NP (NP his wash )NP (PP to (NP (NP the laundromat )NP , (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP he )NP (VP (VP meets (NP (NP a punky French girl )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP dupes (NP him )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP (PP into (S (VP providing (NP (NP a home )NP (PP for (NP her pet piranha )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )PP )VP and then (VP (VP (ADVP promptly )ADVP steals (NP his car )NP )VP and (VP dumps (NP it )NP (PP in (NP Dieppe )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 29 35 (S (NP He )NP (VP takes (NP his wash )NP (PP to (NP (NP the laundromat )NP , (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP he )NP (VP (VP meets (NP (NP a punky French girl )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP (VP dupes (NP him )NP (PP into (S (VP providing (NP (NP a home )NP (PP for (NP her pet piranha )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )PP )VP and then (VP (ADVP promptly )ADVP steals (NP his car )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP and (VP dumps (NP it )NP (PP in (NP Dieppe )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 28 35 (S (NP He )NP (VP takes (NP (NP his wash )NP (PP to (NP (NP the laundromat )NP , (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP he )NP (VP (VP meets (NP (NP a punky French girl )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP dupes (NP him )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP (PP into (S (VP providing (NP a home )NP (PP for (NP her pet piranha )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )VP and then (VP (VP (ADVP promptly )ADVP steals (NP his car )NP )VP and (VP dumps (NP it )NP (PP in (NP Dieppe )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 29 34 (S (NP He )NP (VP takes (NP his wash )NP (PP to (NP (NP the laundromat )NP , (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP he )NP (VP (VP meets (NP (NP a punky French girl )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP (VP dupes (NP him )NP (PP into (S (VP providing (NP a home )NP (PP for (NP her pet piranha )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )VP and then (VP (ADVP promptly )ADVP steals (NP his car )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP and (VP dumps (NP it )NP (PP in (NP Dieppe )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 24 35 (S (NP He )NP (VP (VP takes (NP his wash )NP (PP to (NP (NP the laundromat )NP , (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP he )NP (VP meets (NP (NP a punky French girl )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP (VP dupes (NP him )NP (PP into (S (VP providing (NP a home )NP (PP for (NP her pet piranha )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )VP and (VP (ADVP then )ADVP (ADVP promptly )ADVP steals (NP his car )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP and (VP dumps (NP it )NP (PP in (NP Dieppe )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 34 35 (S (NP He )NP (VP takes (NP his wash )NP (PP to (NP (NP the laundromat )NP , (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP he )NP (VP meets (NP (NP a punky French girl )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP (VP (VP dupes (NP him )NP (PP into (S (VP providing (NP a home )NP (PP for (NP her pet piranha )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )VP and (ADVP then )ADVP (VP (ADVP promptly )ADVP steals (NP his car )NP )VP )VP and (VP dumps (NP it )NP (PP in (NP Dieppe )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 33 36 (S (NP He )NP (VP takes (NP (NP his wash )NP (PP to (NP (NP the laundromat )NP , (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP he )NP (VP meets (NP (NP a punky French girl )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP (VP dupes (NP him )NP (PP into (S (VP providing (NP (NP a home )NP (PP for (NP her pet piranha )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )PP )VP and then (VP (VP (ADVP promptly )ADVP steals (NP his car )NP )VP and (VP dumps (NP it )NP (PP in (NP Dieppe )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 33 34 (S (NP He )NP (VP takes (NP his wash )NP (PP to (NP (NP the laundromat )NP , (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP he )NP (VP meets (NP (NP a punky French girl )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP (VP dupes (NP him )NP (PP into (S (VP providing (NP a home )NP (PP for (NP her pet piranha )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )VP and then (VP (VP (ADVP promptly )ADVP steals (NP his car )NP )VP and (VP dumps (NP it )NP (PP in (NP Dieppe )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 31 34 (S (NP He )NP (VP takes (NP (NP his wash )NP (PP to (NP the laundromat )NP )PP , (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP he )NP (VP meets (NP (NP a punky French girl )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP (VP dupes (NP him )NP (PP into (S (VP providing (NP a home )NP (PP for (NP her pet piranha )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )VP and then (VP (VP (ADVP promptly )ADVP steals (NP his car )NP )VP and (VP dumps (NP it )NP (PP in (NP Dieppe )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 29 35 (S (NP He )NP (VP takes (NP his wash )NP (PP to (NP (NP the laundromat )NP , (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP he )NP (VP (VP meets (NP (NP a punky French girl )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP dupes (NP him )NP (PP into (S (VP providing (NP (NP a home )NP (PP for (NP her pet piranha )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP and then (VP (VP (ADVP promptly )ADVP steals (NP his car )NP )VP and (VP dumps (NP it )NP (PP in (NP Dieppe )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 50 14 17 (S (PP In (S (VP producing and promoting (NP `` Capital City )NP )VP )S )PP , '' (NP Thames )NP (VP has (VP spent (PRT about )PRT (ADVP (ADVP as much )ADVP (SBAR as (S (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP loses (PP on (NP a good day )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )ADVP )VP )VP . )S 14 16 (S (PP In (S (VP producing and promoting (NP `` Capital City )NP )VP )S )PP , '' (NP Thames )NP (VP has (VP spent (ADVP (ADVP about as much )ADVP (SBAR as (S (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP loses (PP on (NP a good day )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )ADVP )VP )VP . )S 14 17 (S (PP In (S (VP producing and promoting `` (NP Capital City )NP )VP )S )PP , '' (NP Thames )NP (VP has (VP spent (PRT about )PRT (ADVP (ADVP as much )ADVP (SBAR as (S (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP loses (PP on (NP a good day )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )ADVP )VP )VP . )S 14 18 (S (PP In (S (VP producing and promoting (NP `` (NP Capital City )NP , '' )NP )VP )S )PP (NP Thames )NP (VP has (VP spent (PRT about )PRT (ADVP (ADVP as much )ADVP (SBAR as (S (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP loses (PP on (NP a good day )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )ADVP )VP )VP . )S 14 16 (S (PP In (S (VP producing and promoting (NP `` Capital City )NP )VP )S )PP , '' (NP Thames )NP (VP has (VP spent (ADVP (ADVP about as much )ADVP (SBAR as (S (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP loses (PP on (NP a good day )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )ADVP )VP )VP . )S 14 16 (S (PP In (S (VP producing and promoting `` (NP Capital City )NP )VP )S )PP , '' (NP Thames )NP (VP has (VP spent (ADVP (ADVP about as much )ADVP (SBAR as (S (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP loses (PP on (NP a good day )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )ADVP )VP )VP . )S 14 17 (S (PP In (S (VP producing and promoting (NP `` (NP Capital City )NP , '' )NP )VP )S )PP (NP Thames )NP (VP has (VP spent (ADVP (ADVP about as much )ADVP (SBAR as (S (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP loses (PP on (NP a good day )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )ADVP )VP )VP . )S 14 16 (S (PP In (S (VP producing and promoting `` (NP Capital City )NP )VP )S )PP , '' (NP Thames )NP (VP has (VP spent (ADVP (ADVP about as much )ADVP (SBAR as (S (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP loses (PP on (NP a good day )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )ADVP )VP )VP . )S 11 18 (S (PP In (S (VP producing and promoting )VP )S )PP (NP `` (NP Capital City )NP , '' (NP Thames )NP )NP (VP has (VP spent (PRT about )PRT (ADVP (ADVP as much )ADVP (SBAR as (S (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP loses (PP on (NP a good day )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )ADVP )VP )VP . )S 14 17 (S (PP In (S (VP producing and promoting (NP `` (NP Capital City )NP , '' )NP )VP )S )PP (NP Thames )NP (VP has (VP spent (ADVP (ADVP about as much )ADVP (SBAR as (S (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP loses (PP on (NP a good day )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )ADVP )VP )VP . )S 14 16 (S (PP In (S (VP producing and promoting (NP `` Capital City )NP )VP )S )PP , '' (NP Thames )NP (VP has (VP spent (ADVP (ADVP about as much )ADVP (SBAR as (S (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP loses (PP on (NP a good day )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )ADVP )VP )VP . )S 11 17 (S (PP In (S (VP producing and promoting )VP )S )PP (NP `` (NP Capital City )NP , '' (NP Thames )NP )NP (VP has (VP spent (ADVP (ADVP about as much )ADVP (SBAR as (S (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP loses (PP on (NP a good day )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )ADVP )VP )VP . )S 14 18 (S (PP In (S (VP producing and promoting (NP `` (NX Capital City )NX )NP )VP )S )PP , '' (NP Thames )NP (VP has (VP spent (PRT about )PRT (ADVP (ADVP as much )ADVP (SBAR as (S (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP loses (PP on (NP a good day )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )ADVP )VP )VP . )S 14 17 (S (PP In (S (VP producing and promoting (NP `` Capital City )NP )VP )S )PP , '' (NP Thames )NP (VP has (VP spent (ADVP about )ADVP (ADVP (ADVP as much )ADVP (SBAR as (S (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP loses (PP on (NP a good day )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )ADVP )VP )VP . )S 11 17 (S (PP In (S (VP producing and promoting )VP )S )PP (NP `` (NP Capital City )NP , '' (NP Thames )NP )NP (VP has (VP spent (ADVP (ADVP about as much )ADVP (SBAR as (S (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP loses (PP on (NP a good day )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )ADVP )VP )VP . )S 14 18 (S (PP In (S (VP producing and promoting (NP `` (NP Capital City )NP )NP )VP )S )PP , '' (NP Thames )NP (VP has (VP spent (PRT about )PRT (ADVP (ADVP as much )ADVP (SBAR as (S (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP loses (PP on (NP a good day )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )ADVP )VP )VP . )S 14 17 (S (PP In (S (VP producing and promoting (NP `` Capital City )NP )VP )S )PP , '' (NP Thames )NP (VP has (VP spent (PP about )PP (ADVP (ADVP as much )ADVP (SBAR as (S (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP loses (PP on (NP a good day )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )ADVP )VP )VP . )S 14 17 (S (PP In (S (VP producing and promoting (NP `` Capital City )NP )VP )S )PP , '' (NP Thames )NP (VP has (VP spent (PRT about )PRT (ADVP (ADVP as much )ADVP (SBAR as (S (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP loses (PP on (NP a good day )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )ADVP )VP )VP . )S 14 16 (S (PP In (S (VP producing and promoting `` (NP Capital City )NP )VP )S )PP , '' (NP Thames )NP (VP has (VP spent (ADVP (ADVP about as much )ADVP (SBAR as (S (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP loses (PP on (NP a good day )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )ADVP )VP )VP . )S 14 17 (S (PP In (S (VP producing and promoting (NP `` (NX Capital City )NX )NP )VP )S )PP , '' (NP Thames )NP (VP has (VP spent (ADVP (ADVP about as much )ADVP (SBAR as (S (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP loses (PP on (NP a good day )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )ADVP )VP )VP . )S 14 17 (S (PP In (S (VP producing and promoting (NP `` Capital City )NP )VP )S )PP , '' (NP Thames )NP (VP has (VP spent (PRT about )PRT (NP (NP as much )NP (SBAR as (S (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP loses (PP on (NP a good day )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP . )S 14 17 (S (PP In (S (VP producing and promoting `` (NP Capital City )NP )VP )S )PP , '' (NP Thames )NP (VP has (VP spent (ADVP about )ADVP (ADVP (ADVP as much )ADVP (SBAR as (S (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP loses (PP on (NP a good day )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )ADVP )VP )VP . )S 14 15 (S (PP In (S (VP producing and promoting (NP `` Capital City )NP )VP )S )PP , '' (NP Thames )NP (VP has (VP spent (ADVP about as much (SBAR as (S (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP loses (PP on (NP a good day )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )ADVP )VP )VP . )S 14 17 (S (PP In (S (VP producing and promoting (NP `` (NP Capital City )NP , '' )NP )VP )S )PP (NP Thames )NP (VP has (VP spent (ADVP (ADVP about as much )ADVP (SBAR as (S (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP loses (PP on (NP a good day )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )ADVP )VP )VP . )S 14 16 (S (PP In (S (VP producing and promoting (NP `` Capital City )NP )VP )S )PP , '' (NP Thames )NP (VP has (VP spent (PRT about )PRT (ADVP as much (SBAR as (S (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP loses (PP on (NP a good day )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )ADVP )VP )VP . )S 14 17 (S (PP In (S (VP producing and promoting (NP `` Capital City )NP )VP )S )PP , '' (NP Thames )NP (VP has (VP spent (PRT about )PRT (ADVP (ADVP as much )ADVP (SBAR as (S (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP loses (PP on (NP a good day )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )ADVP )VP )VP . )S 14 18 (S (PP In (S (VP producing and promoting (NP `` (NP Capital City )NP , '' )NP )VP )S )PP (NP Thames )NP (VP has (VP spent (PRT about )PRT (ADVP (ADVP as much )ADVP (SBAR as (S (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP loses (PP on (NP a good day )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )ADVP )VP )VP . )S 14 17 (S (PP In (S (VP producing and promoting (NP `` (NP Capital City )NP )NP )VP )S )PP , '' (NP Thames )NP (VP has (VP spent (ADVP (ADVP about as much )ADVP (SBAR as (S (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP loses (PP on (NP a good day )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )ADVP )VP )VP . )S 14 16 (S (PP In (S (VP producing and promoting (NP `` Capital City )NP )VP )S )PP , '' (NP Thames )NP (VP has (VP spent (ADVP (ADVP about as much )ADVP (SBAR as (S (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP loses (PP on (NP a good day )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )ADVP )VP )VP . )S 14 16 (S (PP In (S (VP producing and promoting (NP `` Capital City )NP )VP )S )PP , '' (NP Thames )NP (VP has (VP spent (PRT about )PRT (ADVP as much )ADVP (SBAR as (S (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP loses (PP on (NP a good day )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 14 18 (S (PP In (S (VP producing and promoting (NP `` (NP Capital City )NP , '' )NP )VP )S )PP (NP Thames )NP (VP has (VP spent (ADVP about )ADVP (ADVP (ADVP as much )ADVP (SBAR as (S (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP loses (PP on (NP a good day )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )ADVP )VP )VP . )S 14 17 (S (PP In (S (VP producing and promoting `` (NP Capital City )NP )VP )S )PP , '' (NP Thames )NP (VP has (VP spent (PP about )PP (ADVP (ADVP as much )ADVP (SBAR as (S (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP loses (PP on (NP a good day )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )ADVP )VP )VP . )S 14 17 (S (PP In (S (VP producing and promoting (NP `` (NX Capital City )NX )NP )VP )S )PP , '' (NP Thames )NP (VP has (VP spent (ADVP (ADVP about as much )ADVP (SBAR as (S (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP loses (PP on (NP a good day )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )ADVP )VP )VP . )S 14 17 (S (PP In (S (VP producing and promoting `` (NP Capital City )NP )VP )S )PP , '' (NP Thames )NP (VP has (VP spent (PRT about )PRT (ADVP (ADVP as much )ADVP (SBAR as (S (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP loses (PP on (NP a good day )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )ADVP )VP )VP . )S 11 17 (S (PP In (S (VP producing and promoting )VP )S )PP `` (NP Capital City )NP , '' (NP Thames )NP (VP has (VP spent (PRT about )PRT (ADVP (ADVP as much )ADVP (SBAR as (S (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP loses (PP on (NP a good day )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )ADVP )VP )VP . )S 14 17 (S (PP In (S (VP producing and promoting `` (NP Capital City )NP )VP )S )PP , '' (NP Thames )NP (VP has (VP spent (PRT about )PRT (NP (NP as much )NP (SBAR as (S (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP loses (PP on (NP a good day )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP . )S 14 15 (S (PP In (S (VP producing and promoting `` (NP Capital City )NP )VP )S )PP , '' (NP Thames )NP (VP has (VP spent (ADVP about as much (SBAR as (S (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP loses (PP on (NP a good day )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )ADVP )VP )VP . )S 14 18 (S (PP In (S (VP producing and promoting (NP `` (NP Capital City )NP , '' )NP )VP )S )PP (NP Thames )NP (VP has (VP spent (PP about )PP (ADVP (ADVP as much )ADVP (SBAR as (S (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP loses (PP on (NP a good day )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )ADVP )VP )VP . )S 14 17 (S (PP In (S (VP producing and promoting (NP `` Capital City )NP )VP )S )PP , '' (NP Thames )NP (VP has (VP spent (ADVP (ADVP (ADVP about )ADVP as much )ADVP (SBAR as (S (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP loses (PP on (NP a good day )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )ADVP )VP )VP . )S 14 16 (S (PP In (S (VP producing and promoting `` (NP Capital City )NP )VP )S )PP , '' (NP Thames )NP (VP has (VP spent (PRT about )PRT (ADVP as much (SBAR as (S (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP loses (PP on (NP a good day )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )ADVP )VP )VP . )S 14 17 (S (PP In (S (VP producing and promoting (NP `` (NP Capital City )NP )NP )VP )S )PP , '' (NP Thames )NP (VP has (VP spent (ADVP (ADVP about as much )ADVP (SBAR as (S (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP loses (PP on (NP a good day )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )ADVP )VP )VP . )S 14 16 (S (PP In (S (VP producing and promoting (NP `` Capital City )NP )VP )S )PP , '' (NP Thames )NP (VP has (VP spent (ADVP (ADVP about as much )ADVP (SBAR as (S (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP loses (PP on (NP a good day )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )ADVP )VP )VP . )S 14 17 (S (PP In (S (VP producing and promoting (NP `` (NP Capital City )NP , '' )NP )VP )S )PP (NP Thames )NP (VP has (VP spent (ADVP (ADVP about as much )ADVP (SBAR as (S (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP loses (PP on (NP a good day )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )ADVP )VP )VP . )S 14 16 (S (PP In (S (VP producing and promoting (NP `` Capital City )NP )VP )S )PP , '' (NP Thames )NP (VP has (VP spent (PRT about )PRT (NP as much (SBAR as (S (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP loses (PP on (NP a good day )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP . )S 14 16 (S (PP In (S (VP producing and promoting (NP `` Capital City )NP )VP )S )PP , '' (NP Thames )NP (VP has (VP spent (PRT about )PRT (NP as much )NP (SBAR as (S (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP loses (PP on (NP a good day )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 14 17 (S (PP In (S (VP producing and promoting `` (NP Capital City )NP )VP )S )PP , '' (NP Thames )NP (VP has (VP spent (PRT about )PRT (ADVP (ADVP as much )ADVP (SBAR as (S (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP loses (PP on (NP a good day )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )ADVP )VP )VP . )S 14 18 (S (PP In (S (VP producing and promoting (NP `` (NP Capital City )NP , '' )NP )VP )S )PP (NP Thames )NP (VP has (VP spent (PRT about )PRT (NP (NP as much )NP (SBAR as (S (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP loses (PP on (NP a good day )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP . )S 14 16 (S (PP In (S (VP producing and promoting (NP `` Capital City )NP )VP )S )PP , '' (NP Thames )NP (VP has (VP spent (PRT about )PRT (NP as much )NP (SBAR as (S (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP loses (PP on (NP a good day )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 11 17 (S (PP In (S (VP producing and promoting )VP )S )PP (NP `` (NP Capital City )NP , '' (NP Thames )NP )NP (VP has (VP spent (ADVP (ADVP about as much )ADVP (SBAR as (S (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP loses (PP on (NP a good day )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )ADVP )VP )VP . )S 14 16 (S (PP In (S (VP producing and promoting `` (NP Capital City )NP )VP )S )PP , '' (NP Thames )NP (VP has (VP spent (ADVP (ADVP about as much )ADVP (SBAR as (S (NP Shane Longman )NP (VP loses (PP on (NP a good day )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )ADVP )VP )VP . )S 50 28 30 (S (NP The production costs )NP (VP (VP are (NP (NP a not inconsiderable (QP # 8 million )QP )NP (PRN -LRB- (NP (QP $ 12.4 million )QP )NP -RRB- )PRN )NP )VP , and (VP would (VP have (VP been (ADJP much higher )ADJP (SBAR (S (VP had not (NP (NP the cost )NP (PP of (NP the trading floor set )NP )PP )NP )VP (VP been (VP absorbed (PP in (NP (NP the budget )NP (PP of (NP `` (NP Dealers )NP , '' (NP an earlier made-for-TV movie )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP )VP . )S 28 31 (S (NP The production costs )NP (VP (VP are (NP (NP a not inconsiderable (QP # 8 million )QP )NP (PRN -LRB- (NP (QP $ 12.4 million )QP )NP -RRB- )PRN )NP )VP , and (VP would (VP have (VP been (ADJP much higher )ADJP (SBAR (S (VP had not (NP (NP the cost )NP (PP of (NP the trading floor set )NP )PP )NP )VP (VP been (VP absorbed (PP in (NP (NP the budget )NP (PP of (NP `` (NP Dealers )NP , '' (NP an (ADJP earlier made-for-TV )ADJP movie )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP )VP . )S 24 31 (S (NP The production costs )NP (VP (VP are (NP (NP a not inconsiderable (QP # 8 million )QP )NP (PRN -LRB- (NP (QP $ 12.4 million )QP )NP -RRB- )PRN )NP )VP , and (VP would (VP have (VP been (ADJP much higher )ADJP (SBAR (S (VP had not (NP (NP the cost )NP (PP of (NP the trading floor set )NP )PP )NP )VP (VP been (VP absorbed (PP in (NP (NP the budget )NP (PP of (NP `` (NP Dealers )NP , '' )NP )PP )NP )PP (NP an (ADJP earlier made-for-TV )ADJP movie )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP )VP . )S 27 30 (S (NP The production costs )NP (VP (VP are (NP a not inconsiderable (NP (QP # 8 million )QP )NP (PRN -LRB- (NP (QP $ 12.4 million )QP )NP -RRB- )PRN )NP )VP , and (VP would (VP have (VP been (ADJP much higher )ADJP (SBAR (S (VP had not (NP (NP the cost )NP (PP of (NP the trading floor set )NP )PP )NP )VP (VP been (VP absorbed (PP in (NP (NP the budget )NP (PP of (NP `` (NP Dealers )NP , '' (NP an earlier made-for-TV movie )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP )VP . )S 27 31 (S (NP The production costs )NP (VP (VP are (NP a not inconsiderable (NP (QP # 8 million )QP )NP (PRN -LRB- (NP (QP $ 12.4 million )QP )NP -RRB- )PRN )NP )VP , and (VP would (VP have (VP been (ADJP much higher )ADJP (SBAR (S (VP had not (NP (NP the cost )NP (PP of (NP the trading floor set )NP )PP )NP )VP (VP been (VP absorbed (PP in (NP (NP the budget )NP (PP of (NP `` (NP Dealers )NP , '' (NP an (ADJP earlier made-for-TV )ADJP movie )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP )VP . )S 24 31 (S (NP The production costs )NP (VP (VP are (NP (NP a not inconsiderable (QP # 8 million )QP )NP (PRN -LRB- (NP (QP $ 12.4 million )QP )NP -RRB- )PRN )NP )VP , and (VP would (VP have (VP been (ADJP much higher )ADJP (SBAR (S (VP had not (NP (NP the cost )NP (PP of (NP the trading floor set )NP )PP )NP )VP (VP been (VP absorbed (PP in (NP (NP the budget )NP (PP of (NP `` (NP Dealers )NP , '' )NP )PP )NP )PP (NP an (ADJP earlier made-for-TV )ADJP movie )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP )VP . )S 24 30 (S (NP The production costs )NP (VP (VP are (NP (NP a not inconsiderable (QP # 8 million )QP )NP (PRN -LRB- (NP (QP $ 12.4 million )QP )NP -RRB- )PRN )NP )VP , and (VP would (VP have (VP been (ADJP much higher )ADJP (SBAR (S (VP had not (NP (NP the cost )NP (PP of (NP the trading floor set )NP )PP )NP )VP (VP been (VP absorbed (PP in (NP (NP the budget )NP (PP of (NP `` (NP Dealers )NP , '' )NP )PP )NP )PP (NP an earlier made-for-TV movie )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP )VP . )S 28 31 (S (NP The production costs )NP (VP (VP are (NP (NP a not inconsiderable (QP # 8 million )QP )NP (PRN -LRB- (NP (QP $ 12.4 million )QP )NP -RRB- )PRN )NP )VP , and (VP would (VP have (VP been (ADJP much higher )ADJP (SBAR (S (VP had not (NP (NP the cost )NP (PP of (NP the trading floor set )NP )PP )NP )VP (VP been (VP absorbed (PP in (NP (NP the budget )NP (PP of (NP `` (NP Dealers )NP , '' (NP an (ADJP earlier made-for-TV )ADJP movie )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP )VP . )S 27 31 (S (S (NP The production costs )NP (VP are (NP (NP a not inconsiderable (QP # 8 million )QP )NP (PRN -LRB- (NP (QP $ 12.4 million )QP )NP -RRB- )PRN )NP )VP )S , and (S (VP would (VP have (VP been (ADJP much higher )ADJP (SBAR (S (VP had not (NP (NP the cost )NP (PP of (NP the trading floor set )NP )PP )NP )VP (VP been (VP absorbed (PP in (NP (NP the budget )NP (PP of (NP `` (NP Dealers )NP , '' (NP an earlier made-for-TV movie )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP )S . )S 27 32 (S (S (NP The production costs )NP (VP are (NP (NP a not inconsiderable (QP # 8 million )QP )NP (PRN -LRB- (NP (QP $ 12.4 million )QP )NP -RRB- )PRN )NP )VP )S , and (S (VP would (VP have (VP been (ADJP much higher )ADJP (SBAR (S (VP had not (NP (NP the cost )NP (PP of (NP the trading floor set )NP )PP )NP )VP (VP been (VP absorbed (PP in (NP (NP the budget )NP (PP of (NP `` (NP Dealers )NP , '' (NP an (ADJP earlier made-for-TV )ADJP movie )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP )S . )S 27 30 (S (NP The production costs )NP (VP (VP are (NP (NP a not inconsiderable (QP # 8 million )QP )NP (PRN -LRB- (ADJP (QP $ 12.4 million )QP )ADJP -RRB- )PRN )NP )VP , and (VP would (VP have (VP been (ADJP much higher )ADJP (SBAR (S (VP had not (NP (NP the cost )NP (PP of (NP the trading floor set )NP )PP )NP )VP (VP been (VP absorbed (PP in (NP (NP the budget )NP (PP of (NP `` (NP Dealers )NP , '' (NP an earlier made-for-TV movie )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP )VP . )S 28 30 (S (NP The production costs )NP (VP (VP are (NP (NP a not inconsiderable (QP # 8 million )QP )NP (PRN -LRB- (NP (QP $ 12.4 million )QP )NP -RRB- )PRN )NP )VP , and (VP would (VP have (VP been (ADJP much higher )ADJP (SBAR (S (VP had not (NP (NP the cost )NP (PP of (NP the trading floor set )NP )PP )NP )VP (VP been (VP absorbed (PP in (NP (NP the budget )NP (PP of (NP `` (NP Dealers )NP , '' (NP an earlier made-for-TV movie )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP )VP . )S 27 29 (S (NP The production costs )NP (VP (VP are (NP a not inconsiderable (QP # 8 million )QP (PRN -LRB- (NP (QP $ 12.4 million )QP )NP -RRB- )PRN )NP )VP , and (VP would (VP have (VP been (ADJP much higher )ADJP (SBAR (S (VP had not (NP (NP the cost )NP (PP of (NP the trading floor set )NP )PP )NP )VP (VP been (VP absorbed (PP in (NP (NP the budget )NP (PP of (NP `` (NP Dealers )NP , '' (NP an earlier made-for-TV movie )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP )VP . )S 23 31 (S (NP The production costs )NP (VP (VP are (NP a not inconsiderable (NP (QP # 8 million )QP )NP (PRN -LRB- (NP (QP $ 12.4 million )QP )NP -RRB- )PRN )NP )VP , and (VP would (VP have (VP been (ADJP much higher )ADJP (SBAR (S (VP had not (NP (NP the cost )NP (PP of (NP the trading floor set )NP )PP )NP )VP (VP been (VP absorbed (PP in (NP (NP the budget )NP (PP of (NP `` (NP Dealers )NP , '' )NP )PP )NP )PP (NP an (ADJP earlier made-for-TV )ADJP movie )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP )VP . )S 28 32 (S (NP The production costs )NP (VP (VP are (NP (NP a not inconsiderable (QP # 8 million )QP )NP (PRN -LRB- (NP (QP $ 12.4 million )QP )NP -RRB- )PRN )NP )VP , and (VP would (VP have (VP been (ADJP much higher )ADJP (SBAR (S (VP had not (NP (NP the cost )NP (PP of (NP (NP the trading floor )NP (VP set )VP )NP )PP )NP )VP (VP been (VP absorbed (PP in (NP (NP the budget )NP (PP of (NP `` (NP Dealers )NP , '' (NP an earlier made-for-TV movie )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP )VP . )S 27 31 (S (NP The production costs )NP (VP (VP are (NP (NP a not inconsiderable (QP # 8 million )QP )NP (PRN -LRB- (ADJP (QP $ 12.4 million )QP )ADJP -RRB- )PRN )NP )VP , and (VP would (VP have (VP been (ADJP much higher )ADJP (SBAR (S (VP had not (NP (NP the cost )NP (PP of (NP the trading floor set )NP )PP )NP )VP (VP been (VP absorbed (PP in (NP (NP the budget )NP (PP of (NP `` (NP Dealers )NP , '' (NP an (ADJP earlier made-for-TV )ADJP movie )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP )VP . )S 28 31 (S (NP The production costs )NP (VP (VP are (NP (NP a not inconsiderable (QP # 8 million )QP )NP (PRN -LRB- (NP (QP $ 12.4 million )QP )NP -RRB- )PRN )NP )VP , and (VP would (VP have (VP been (ADJP much higher )ADJP (SBAR (S (VP had not (NP (NP the cost )NP (PP of (NP the trading floor set )NP )PP )NP )VP (VP been (VP absorbed (PP in (NP (NP the budget )NP (PP of (NP `` (NP Dealers )NP , '' (NP an (ADJP earlier made-for-TV )ADJP movie )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP )VP . )S 24 31 (S (NP The production costs )NP (VP (VP are (NP (NP a not inconsiderable (QP # 8 million )QP )NP (PRN -LRB- (NP (QP $ 12.4 million )QP )NP -RRB- )PRN )NP )VP , and (VP would (VP have (VP been (ADJP much higher )ADJP (SBAR (S (VP had not (NP (NP the cost )NP (PP of (NP the trading floor set )NP )PP )NP )VP (VP been (VP absorbed (PP in (NP (NP the budget )NP (PP of (NP `` (NP Dealers )NP , '' )NP )PP )NP )PP (NP an (ADJP earlier made-for-TV )ADJP movie )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP )VP . )S 24 30 (S (NP The production costs )NP (VP (VP are (NP (NP a not inconsiderable (QP # 8 million )QP )NP (PRN -LRB- (NP (QP $ 12.4 million )QP )NP -RRB- )PRN )NP )VP , and (VP would (VP have (VP been (ADJP much higher )ADJP (SBAR (S (VP had not (NP (NP the cost )NP (PP of (NP the trading floor set )NP )PP )NP )VP (VP been (VP absorbed (PP in (NP (NP the budget )NP (PP of (NP `` (NP Dealers )NP , '' )NP )PP )NP )PP (NP an earlier made-for-TV movie )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP )VP . )S 27 30 (S (NP The production costs )NP (VP (VP are (NP a not inconsiderable (QP # 8 million )QP (PRN -LRB- (NP (QP $ 12.4 million )QP )NP -RRB- )PRN )NP )VP , and (VP would (VP have (VP been (ADJP much higher )ADJP (SBAR (S (VP had not (NP (NP the cost )NP (PP of (NP the trading floor set )NP )PP )NP )VP (VP been (VP absorbed (PP in (NP (NP the budget )NP (PP of (NP `` (NP Dealers )NP , '' (NP an (ADJP earlier made-for-TV )ADJP movie )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP )VP . )S 28 33 (S (NP The production costs )NP (VP (VP are (NP (NP a not inconsiderable (QP # 8 million )QP )NP (PRN -LRB- (NP (QP $ 12.4 million )QP )NP -RRB- )PRN )NP )VP , and (VP would (VP have (VP been (ADJP much higher )ADJP (SBAR (S (VP had not (NP (NP the cost )NP (PP of (NP (NP the trading floor )NP (VP set )VP )NP )PP )NP )VP (VP been (VP absorbed (PP in (NP (NP the budget )NP (PP of (NP `` (NP Dealers )NP , '' (NP an (ADJP earlier made-for-TV )ADJP movie )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP )VP . )S 23 32 (S (S (NP The production costs )NP (VP are (NP (NP a not inconsiderable (QP # 8 million )QP )NP (PRN -LRB- (NP (QP $ 12.4 million )QP )NP -RRB- )PRN )NP )VP )S , and (S (VP would (VP have (VP been (ADJP much higher )ADJP (SBAR (S (VP had not (NP (NP the cost )NP (PP of (NP the trading floor set )NP )PP )NP )VP (VP been (VP absorbed (PP in (NP (NP the budget )NP (PP of (NP `` (NP Dealers )NP , '' )NP )PP )NP )PP (NP an (ADJP earlier made-for-TV )ADJP movie )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP )S . )S 26 30 (S (S (NP The production costs )NP (VP are (NP (NP a not inconsiderable (QP # 8 million )QP )NP (PRN -LRB- (NP (QP $ 12.4 million )QP )NP -RRB- )PRN )NP )VP )S , and (S would (VP have (VP been (ADJP much higher )ADJP (SBAR (S (VP had not (NP (NP the cost )NP (PP of (NP the trading floor set )NP )PP )NP )VP (VP been (VP absorbed (PP in (NP (NP the budget )NP (PP of (NP `` (NP Dealers )NP , '' (NP an earlier made-for-TV movie )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S . )S 24 30 (S (NP The production costs )NP (VP (VP are (NP (NP a not inconsiderable (QP # 8 million )QP )NP (PRN -LRB- (NP (QP $ 12.4 million )QP )NP -RRB- )PRN )NP )VP , and (VP would (VP have (VP been (ADJP much higher )ADJP (SBAR (S (VP had not (NP (NP the cost )NP (PP of (NP the trading floor set )NP )PP )NP )VP (VP been (VP absorbed (PP in (NP (NP the budget )NP (PP of `` (NP Dealers )NP )PP )NP )PP , '' (NP an (ADJP earlier made-for-TV )ADJP movie )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP )VP . )S 26 31 (S (S (NP The production costs )NP (VP are (NP a not inconsiderable (NP (QP # 8 million )QP )NP (PRN -LRB- (NP (QP $ 12.4 million )QP )NP -RRB- )PRN )NP )VP )S , and (S (VP would (VP have (VP been (ADJP much higher )ADJP (SBAR (S (VP had not (NP (NP the cost )NP (PP of (NP the trading floor set )NP )PP )NP )VP (VP been (VP absorbed (PP in (NP (NP the budget )NP (PP of (NP `` (NP Dealers )NP , '' (NP an earlier made-for-TV movie )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP )S . )S 23 31 (S (NP The production costs )NP (VP (VP are (NP a not inconsiderable (NP (QP # 8 million )QP )NP (PRN -LRB- (NP (QP $ 12.4 million )QP )NP -RRB- )PRN )NP )VP , and (VP would (VP have (VP been (ADJP much higher )ADJP (SBAR (S (VP had not (NP (NP the cost )NP (PP of (NP the trading floor set )NP )PP )NP )VP (VP been (VP absorbed (PP in (NP (NP the budget )NP (PP of (NP `` (NP Dealers )NP , '' )NP )PP )NP )PP (NP an (ADJP earlier made-for-TV )ADJP movie )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP )VP . )S 26 31 (S (S (NP The production costs )NP (VP are (NP (NP a not inconsiderable (QP # 8 million )QP )NP (PRN -LRB- (NP (QP $ 12.4 million )QP )NP -RRB- )PRN )NP )VP )S , and (S would (VP have (VP been (ADJP much higher )ADJP (SBAR (S (VP had not (NP (NP the cost )NP (PP of (NP the trading floor set )NP )PP )NP )VP (VP been (VP absorbed (PP in (NP (NP the budget )NP (PP of (NP `` (NP Dealers )NP , '' (NP an (ADJP earlier made-for-TV )ADJP movie )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S . )S 27 30 (S (NP The production costs )NP (VP (VP are (NP (NP a not inconsiderable (QP # 8 million )QP )NP (PRN -LRB- (NP (QP $ 12.4 million )QP )NP -RRB- )PRN )NP )VP , and (VP would (VP have (VP been (ADJP much higher )ADJP (SBAR (S (VP had not (NP (NP the cost )NP (PP of (NP the trading floor set )NP )PP )NP )VP (VP been (ADJP absorbed (PP in (NP (NP the budget )NP (PP of (NP `` (NP Dealers )NP , '' (NP an earlier made-for-TV movie )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP )VP . )S 24 30 (S (NP The production costs )NP (VP (VP are (NP (NP a not inconsiderable (QP # 8 million )QP )NP (PRN -LRB- (NP (QP $ 12.4 million )QP )NP -RRB- )PRN )NP )VP , and (VP would (VP have (VP been (ADJP much higher )ADJP (SBAR (S (VP had not (NP (NP the cost )NP (PP of (NP the trading floor set )NP )PP )NP )VP (VP been (VP absorbed (PP in (NP (NP the budget )NP (PP of `` (NP Dealers )NP )PP )NP )PP , '' (NP an (ADJP earlier made-for-TV )ADJP movie )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP )VP . )S 27 30 (S (NP The production costs )NP (VP (VP are (NP a not inconsiderable (NP (QP # 8 million )QP (PRN -LRB- (NP (QP $ 12.4 million )QP )NP -RRB- )PRN )NP )NP )VP , and (VP would (VP have (VP been (ADJP much higher )ADJP (SBAR (S (VP had not (NP (NP the cost )NP (PP of (NP the trading floor set )NP )PP )NP )VP (VP been (VP absorbed (PP in (NP (NP the budget )NP (PP of (NP `` (NP Dealers )NP , '' (NP an earlier made-for-TV movie )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP )VP . )S 23 30 (S (NP The production costs )NP (VP (VP are (NP a not inconsiderable (NP (QP # 8 million )QP )NP (PRN -LRB- (NP (QP $ 12.4 million )QP )NP -RRB- )PRN )NP )VP , and (VP would (VP have (VP been (ADJP much higher )ADJP (SBAR (S (VP had not (NP (NP the cost )NP (PP of (NP the trading floor set )NP )PP )NP )VP (VP been (VP absorbed (PP in (NP (NP the budget )NP (PP of (NP `` (NP Dealers )NP , '' )NP )PP )NP )PP (NP an earlier made-for-TV movie )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP )VP . )S 23 31 (S (NP The production costs )NP (VP (VP are (NP (NP a not inconsiderable (QP # 8 million )QP )NP (PRN -LRB- (ADJP (QP $ 12.4 million )QP )ADJP -RRB- )PRN )NP )VP , and (VP would (VP have (VP been (ADJP much higher )ADJP (SBAR (S (VP had not (NP (NP the cost )NP (PP of (NP the trading floor set )NP )PP )NP )VP (VP been (VP absorbed (PP in (NP (NP the budget )NP (PP of (NP `` (NP Dealers )NP , '' )NP )PP )NP )PP (NP an (ADJP earlier made-for-TV )ADJP movie )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP )VP . )S 27 31 (S (NP The production costs )NP (VP (VP are (NP a not inconsiderable (NP (QP # 8 million )QP )NP (PRN -LRB- (NP (QP $ 12.4 million )QP )NP -RRB- )PRN )NP )VP , and (VP would (VP have (VP been (ADJP much higher )ADJP (SBAR (S (VP had not (NP (NP the cost )NP (PP of (NP the trading floor set )NP )PP )NP )VP (VP been (VP absorbed (PP in (NP (NP the budget )NP (PP of (NP `` (NP Dealers )NP , '' (NP an (ADJP earlier made-for-TV )ADJP movie )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP )VP . )S 26 32 (S (S (NP The production costs )NP (VP are (NP a not inconsiderable (NP (QP # 8 million )QP )NP (PRN -LRB- (NP (QP $ 12.4 million )QP )NP -RRB- )PRN )NP )VP )S , and (S (VP would (VP have (VP been (ADJP much higher )ADJP (SBAR (S (VP had not (NP (NP the cost )NP (PP of (NP the trading floor set )NP )PP )NP )VP (VP been (VP absorbed (PP in (NP (NP the budget )NP (PP of (NP `` (NP Dealers )NP , '' (NP an (ADJP earlier made-for-TV )ADJP movie )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP )S . )S 23 30 (S (NP The production costs )NP (VP (VP are (NP a not inconsiderable (QP # 8 million )QP (PRN -LRB- (NP (QP $ 12.4 million )QP )NP -RRB- )PRN )NP )VP , and (VP would (VP have (VP been (ADJP much higher )ADJP (SBAR (S (VP had not (NP (NP the cost )NP (PP of (NP the trading floor set )NP )PP )NP )VP (VP been (VP absorbed (PP in (NP (NP the budget )NP (PP of (NP `` (NP Dealers )NP , '' )NP )PP )NP )PP (NP an (ADJP earlier made-for-TV )ADJP movie )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP )VP . )S 24 31 (S (NP The production costs )NP (VP (VP are (NP (NP a not inconsiderable (QP # 8 million )QP )NP (PRN -LRB- (NP (QP $ 12.4 million )QP )NP -RRB- )PRN )NP )VP , and (VP would (VP have (VP been (ADJP much higher )ADJP (SBAR (S (VP had not (NP (NP the cost )NP (PP of (NP the trading floor set )NP )PP )NP )VP (VP been (VP absorbed (PP in (NP (NP the budget )NP (PP of (NP `` (NP Dealers )NP , '' )NP )PP )NP )PP (NP an (ADJP earlier made-for-TV )ADJP movie )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP )VP . )S 24 33 (S (NP The production costs )NP (VP (VP are (NP (NP a not inconsiderable (QP # 8 million )QP )NP (PRN -LRB- (NP (QP $ 12.4 million )QP )NP -RRB- )PRN )NP )VP , and (VP would (VP have (VP been (ADJP much higher )ADJP (SBAR (S (VP had not (NP (NP the cost )NP (PP of (NP (NP the trading floor )NP (VP set )VP )NP )PP )NP )VP (VP been (VP absorbed (PP in (NP (NP the budget )NP (PP of (NP `` (NP Dealers )NP , '' )NP )PP )NP )PP (NP an (ADJP earlier made-for-TV )ADJP movie )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP )VP . )S 27 29 (S (NP The production costs )NP (VP (VP are (NP a not inconsiderable (QP # 8 million )QP )NP (PRN -LRB- (NP (QP $ 12.4 million )QP )NP -RRB- )PRN )VP , and (VP would (VP have (VP been (ADJP much higher )ADJP (SBAR (S (VP had not (NP (NP the cost )NP (PP of (NP the trading floor set )NP )PP )NP )VP (VP been (VP absorbed (PP in (NP (NP the budget )NP (PP of (NP `` (NP Dealers )NP , '' (NP an earlier made-for-TV movie )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP )VP . )S 26 29 (S (NP The production costs )NP (VP (VP are (NP (NP a not inconsiderable (QP # 8 million )QP )NP (PRN -LRB- (NP (QP $ 12.4 million )QP )NP -RRB- )PRN )NP )VP , and (VP would (VP have (VP been (ADJP much higher )ADJP (SBAR (S (VP had not (NP (NP the cost )NP (PP of (NP the trading floor set )NP )PP )NP )VP (VP been (VP absorbed (PP in (NP the budget )NP )PP (PP of (NP `` (NP Dealers )NP , '' (NP an earlier made-for-TV movie )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP )VP . )S 27 31 (S (NP The production costs )NP (VP (VP are (NP (NP a not inconsiderable (QP # 8 million )QP )NP (PRN -LRB- (NP (QP $ 12.4 million )QP )NP -RRB- )PRN )NP )VP , and (VP would (VP have (VP been (ADJP much higher )ADJP (SBAR (S (VP had not (NP (NP the cost )NP (PP of (NP the trading floor set )NP )PP )NP )VP (VP been (ADJP absorbed (PP in (NP (NP the budget )NP (PP of (NP `` (NP Dealers )NP , '' (NP an (ADJP earlier made-for-TV )ADJP movie )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP )VP . )S 27 30 (S (NP The production costs )NP (VP (VP are (NP (NP a not inconsiderable (QP # 8 million )QP )NP (PRN -LRB- (NP (QP $ 12.4 million )QP )NP -RRB- )PRN )NP )VP , and (VP would (VP have (VP been (ADJP much higher (SBAR (S (VP had not (NP (NP the cost )NP (PP of (NP the trading floor set )NP )PP )NP )VP (VP been (VP absorbed (PP in (NP (NP the budget )NP (PP of (NP `` (NP Dealers )NP , '' (NP an earlier made-for-TV movie )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )ADJP )VP )VP )VP )VP . )S 27 31 (S (NP The production costs )NP (VP (VP are (NP a not inconsiderable (NP (QP # 8 million )QP (PRN -LRB- (NP (QP $ 12.4 million )QP )NP -RRB- )PRN )NP )NP )VP , and (VP would (VP have (VP been (ADJP much higher )ADJP (SBAR (S (VP had not (NP (NP the cost )NP (PP of (NP the trading floor set )NP )PP )NP )VP (VP been (VP absorbed (PP in (NP (NP the budget )NP (PP of (NP `` (NP Dealers )NP , '' (NP an (ADJP earlier made-for-TV )ADJP movie )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP )VP . )S 28 32 (S (NP The production costs )NP (VP (VP are (NP (NP a not inconsiderable (QP # 8 million )QP )NP (PRN -LRB- (NP (QP $ 12.4 million )QP )NP -RRB- )PRN )NP )VP , and (VP would (VP have (VP been (ADJP much higher )ADJP (SBAR (S (VP had not (NP (NP the cost )NP (PP of (NP (NP the trading floor )NP (VP set )VP )NP )PP )NP )VP (VP been (VP absorbed (PP in (NP (NP the budget )NP (PP of (NP `` (NP Dealers )NP , '' (NP an earlier made-for-TV movie )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP )VP . )S 28 31 (S (NP The production costs )NP (VP (VP are (NP (NP a not inconsiderable (QP # 8 million )QP )NP (PRN -LRB- (NP (QP $ 12.4 million )QP )NP -RRB- )PRN )NP )VP , and (VP would (VP have (VP been (ADJP much higher )ADJP (SBAR (S (VP had not (NP (NP the cost )NP (PP of (NP the trading floor set )NP )PP )NP )VP (VP been (VP absorbed (PP in (NP (NP the budget )NP (PP of (NP `` (NP Dealers )NP , '' (NP an (ADJP earlier made-for-TV )ADJP movie )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP )VP . )S 27 31 (S (NP The production costs )NP (VP (VP are (NP a not inconsiderable (NP (NP (QP # 8 million )QP )NP (PRN -LRB- (NP (QP $ 12.4 million )QP )NP -RRB- )PRN )NP )NP )VP , and (VP would (VP have (VP been (ADJP much higher )ADJP (SBAR (S (VP had not (NP (NP the cost )NP (PP of (NP the trading floor set )NP )PP )NP )VP (VP been (VP absorbed (PP in (NP (NP the budget )NP (PP of (NP `` (NP Dealers )NP , '' (NP an earlier made-for-TV movie )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP )VP . )S 23 32 (S (S (NP The production costs )NP (VP are (NP (NP a not inconsiderable (QP # 8 million )QP )NP (PRN -LRB- (NP (QP $ 12.4 million )QP )NP -RRB- )PRN )NP )VP )S , and (S (VP would (VP have (VP been (ADJP much higher )ADJP (SBAR (S (VP had not (NP (NP the cost )NP (PP of (NP the trading floor set )NP )PP )NP )VP (VP been (VP absorbed (PP in (NP (NP the budget )NP (PP of (NP `` (NP Dealers )NP , '' )NP )PP )NP )PP (NP an (ADJP earlier made-for-TV )ADJP movie )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP )S . )S 27 30 (S (NP The production costs )NP (VP (VP are (NP a not inconsiderable (QP # 8 million )QP )NP (PRN -LRB- (NP (QP $ 12.4 million )QP )NP -RRB- )PRN )VP , and (VP would (VP have (VP been (ADJP much higher )ADJP (SBAR (S (VP had not (NP (NP the cost )NP (PP of (NP the trading floor set )NP )PP )NP )VP (VP been (VP absorbed (PP in (NP (NP the budget )NP (PP of (NP `` (NP Dealers )NP , '' (NP an (ADJP earlier made-for-TV )ADJP movie )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP )VP . )S 26 30 (S (NP The production costs )NP (VP (VP are (NP (NP a not inconsiderable (QP # 8 million )QP )NP (PRN -LRB- (NP (QP $ 12.4 million )QP )NP -RRB- )PRN )NP )VP , and (VP would (VP have (VP been (ADJP much higher )ADJP (SBAR (S (VP had not (NP (NP the cost )NP (PP of (NP the trading floor set )NP )PP )NP )VP (VP been (VP absorbed (PP in (NP the budget )NP )PP (PP of (NP `` (NP Dealers )NP , '' (NP an (ADJP earlier made-for-TV )ADJP movie )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP )VP . )S 27 31 (S (NP The production costs )NP (VP (VP are (NP (NP a not inconsiderable (QP # 8 million )QP )NP (PRN -LRB- (NP (QP $ 12.4 million )QP )NP -RRB- )PRN )NP )VP , and (VP would (VP have (VP been (ADJP much higher (SBAR (S (VP had not (NP (NP the cost )NP (PP of (NP the trading floor set )NP )PP )NP )VP (VP been (VP absorbed (PP in (NP (NP the budget )NP (PP of (NP `` (NP Dealers )NP , '' (NP an (ADJP earlier made-for-TV )ADJP movie )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )ADJP )VP )VP )VP )VP . )S 28 30 (S (NP The production costs )NP (VP (VP are (NP (NP a not inconsiderable (QP # 8 million )QP )NP (PRN -LRB- (NP (QP $ 12.4 million )QP )NP -RRB- )PRN )NP )VP , and (VP would (VP have (VP been (ADJP much higher )ADJP (SBAR (S (VP had not (NP (NP the cost )NP (PP of (NP the trading floor set )NP )PP )NP )VP (VP been (VP absorbed (PP in (NP (NP the budget )NP (PP of (NP `` (NP Dealers )NP , '' (NP an earlier made-for-TV movie )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP )VP . )S 50 17 18 (S (NP (QP Another half million )QP quid )NP (VP went (PP (PP for (NP (NP a volley )NP (PP of (NP (NP full-page advertisements )NP (PP in (NP six major British newspapers )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP and (PP for (NP (NP huge posters )NP (PP in (NP the London subway )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP . )S 13 18 (S (NP (QP Another half million )QP quid )NP (VP went (PP for (NP (NP a volley )NP (PP of (NP (NP full-page advertisements )NP (PP (PP in (NP six major British newspapers )NP )PP and (PP for (NP (NP huge posters )NP (PP in (NP the London subway )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 14 17 (S (NP (QP Another half million )QP quid )NP (VP went (PP (PP for (NP (NP a volley )NP (PP of (NP (NP full-page advertisements )NP (PP in (NP six major British newspapers )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP and (PP for (NP huge posters )NP )PP )PP (PP in (NP the London subway )NP )PP )VP . )S 15 17 (S (NP (QP Another half million )QP quid )NP (VP went (PP (PP for (NP (NP a volley )NP (PP of (NP full-page advertisements )NP )PP (PP in (NP six major British newspapers )NP )PP )NP )PP and (PP for (NP (NP huge posters )NP (PP in (NP the London subway )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP . )S 17 18 (S (NP (QP Another half million )QP quid )NP (VP went (PP (PP for (NP (NP a volley )NP (PP of (NP (NP full-page advertisements )NP (PP in (NP six major British newspapers )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP and (PP for (NP (NP huge posters )NP (PP in (NP the London subway )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP . )S 12 17 (S (NP (QP Another half million )QP quid )NP (VP went (PP for (NP (NP a volley )NP (PP of (NP full-page advertisements )NP )PP )NP )PP (PP (PP in (NP six major British newspapers )NP )PP and (PP for (NP (NP huge posters )NP (PP in (NP the London subway )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP . )S 12 16 (S (NP (QP Another half million )QP quid )NP (VP went (PP (PP for (NP (NP a volley )NP (PP of (NP full-page advertisements )NP )PP (PP in (NP six major British newspapers )NP )PP )NP )PP and (PP for (NP huge posters )NP )PP )PP (PP in (NP the London subway )NP )PP )VP . )S 15 18 (S (NP (QP Another half million )QP quid )NP (VP went (PP for (NP (NP a volley )NP (PP (PP of (NP (NP full-page advertisements )NP (PP in (NP six major British newspapers )NP )PP )NP )PP and (PP for (NP (NP huge posters )NP (PP in (NP the London subway )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 13 18 (S (NP (QP Another half million )QP quid )NP (VP went (PP for (NP (NP a volley )NP (PP of (NP (NP full-page advertisements )NP (PP (PP in (NP six major British newspapers )NP )PP and (PP for (NP (NP huge posters )NP (PP in (NP the London subway )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 14 17 (S (NP (QP Another half million )QP quid )NP (VP went (PP (PP for (NP (NP a volley )NP (PP of (NP (NP full-page advertisements )NP (PP in (NP six major British newspapers )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP and (PP for (NP huge posters )NP )PP )PP (PP in (NP the London subway )NP )PP )VP . )S 13 17 (S (NP (QP Another half million )QP quid )NP (VP went (PP for (NP (NP a volley )NP (PP of (NP full-page advertisements )NP )PP (PP (PP in (NP six major British newspapers )NP )PP and (PP for (NP (NP huge posters )NP (PP in (NP the London subway )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 10 17 (S (NP (QP Another half million )QP quid )NP (VP went (PP for (NP (NP a volley )NP (PP of (NP (NP full-page advertisements )NP (PP (PP in (NP six major British newspapers )NP )PP and (PP for (NP huge posters )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP (PP in (NP the London subway )NP )PP )VP . )S 15 17 (S (NP (QP Another half million )QP quid )NP (VP went (PP (PP for (NP (NP a volley )NP (PP of (NP full-page advertisements )NP )PP (PP in (NP six major British newspapers )NP )PP )NP )PP and (PP for (NP (NP huge posters )NP (PP in (NP the London subway )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP . )S 13 16 (S (NP (QP Another half million )QP quid )NP (VP went (PP for (NP (NP a volley )NP (PP of (NP full-page advertisements )NP )PP )NP (PP in (NP six major British newspapers )NP )PP and (PP for (NP (NP huge posters )NP (PP in (NP the London subway )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP . )S 12 17 (S (NP (QP Another half million )QP quid )NP (VP went (PP for (NP (NP a volley )NP (PP of (NP full-page advertisements )NP )PP )NP )PP (PP (PP in (NP six major British newspapers )NP )PP and (PP for (NP (NP huge posters )NP (PP in (NP the London subway )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP . )S 15 18 (S (NP (QP Another half million )QP quid )NP (VP went (PP (PP for (NP (NP (NP a volley )NP (PP of (NP full-page advertisements )NP )PP )NP (PP in (NP six major British newspapers )NP )PP )NP )PP and (PP for (NP (NP huge posters )NP (PP in (NP the London subway )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP . )S 12 16 (S (NP (QP Another half million )QP quid )NP (VP went (PP (PP for (NP (NP a volley )NP (PP of (NP full-page advertisements )NP )PP (PP in (NP six major British newspapers )NP )PP )NP )PP and (PP for (NP huge posters )NP )PP )PP (PP in (NP the London subway )NP )PP )VP . )S 12 17 (S (NP (QP Another half million )QP quid )NP (VP went (PP for (NP (NP a volley )NP (PP (PP of (NP (NP full-page advertisements )NP (PP in (NP six major British newspapers )NP )PP )NP )PP and (PP for (NP huge posters )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP (PP in (NP the London subway )NP )PP )VP . )S 10 15 (S (NP (QP Another half million )QP quid )NP (VP went (PP for (NP (NP a volley )NP (PP of (NP full-page advertisements )NP )PP )NP (PP in (NP six major British newspapers )NP )PP and (PP for (NP huge posters )NP )PP )PP (PP in (NP the London subway )NP )PP )VP . )S 14 17 (S (NP (QP Another half million )QP quid )NP (VP went (PP (PP for (NP (NP a volley )NP (PP of (NP full-page advertisements )NP )PP )NP (PP in (NP six major British newspapers )NP )PP )PP and (PP for (NP (NP huge posters )NP (PP in (NP the London subway )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP . )S 15 18 (S (NP (QP Another half million )QP quid )NP (VP went (PP for (NP (NP a volley )NP (PP (PP of (NP (NP full-page advertisements )NP (PP in (NP six major British newspapers )NP )PP )NP )PP and (PP for (NP (NP huge posters )NP (PP in (NP the London subway )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 10 16 (S (NP (QP Another half million )QP quid )NP (VP went (PP for (NP (NP a volley )NP (PP of (NP full-page advertisements )NP )PP (PP (PP in (NP six major British newspapers )NP )PP and (PP for (NP huge posters )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP (PP in (NP the London subway )NP )PP )VP . )S 11 17 (S (NP (QP Another half million )QP quid )NP (VP went (PP for (NP (NP a volley )NP (PP of (NP (NP full-page advertisements )NP (PP (PP in (NP six major British newspapers )NP )PP and (PP for (NP huge posters )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP (PP in (NP the London subway )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 15 16 (S (NP (QP Another half million )QP quid )NP (VP went (PP for (NP a volley )NP (PP of (NP (NP full-page advertisements )NP (PP in (NP six major British newspapers )NP )PP )NP )PP and (PP for (NP (NP huge posters )NP (PP in (NP the London subway )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP . )S 13 17 (S (NP (QP Another half million )QP quid )NP (VP went (PP for (NP (NP a volley )NP (PP of (NP full-page advertisements )NP )PP (PP (PP in (NP six major British newspapers )NP )PP and (PP for (NP (NP huge posters )NP (PP in (NP the London subway )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 9 19 (S (NP (QP Another half million )QP quid )NP (VP went (PP for (NP (NP a volley )NP (PP of (NP (NP full-page advertisements )NP (PP (PP in (NP six major British newspapers )NP )PP and (PP for (NP (NP huge posters )NP (PP in (NP the London )NP )PP )NP )PP (NP subway )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 10 17 (S (NP (QP Another half million )QP quid )NP (VP went (PP for (NP (NP a volley )NP (PP of (NP (NP full-page advertisements )NP (PP (PP in (NP six major British newspapers )NP )PP and (PP for (NP huge posters )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP (PP in (NP the London subway )NP )PP )VP . )S 17 17 (S (NP Another half million quid )NP (VP went (PP (PP for (NP (NP a volley )NP (PP of (NP (NP full-page advertisements )NP (PP in (NP six major British newspapers )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP and (PP for (NP (NP huge posters )NP (PP in (NP the London subway )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP . )S 11 17 (S (NP (QP Another half million )QP quid )NP (VP went (PP for (NP (NP a volley )NP (PP of (NP (NP full-page advertisements )NP (PP (PP in (NP six major British newspapers )NP )PP and (PP for (NP huge posters )NP )PP )PP (PP in (NP the London subway )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 16 17 (S (NP (QP Another half million )QP quid )NP (VP went (PP (PP for (NP (NP a volley )NP (PP of (NP (NP full-page advertisements )NP (PP in (NP six major British newspapers )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP and (PP for (NP huge posters )NP (PP in (NP the London subway )NP )PP )PP )PP )VP . )S 10 16 (S (NP (QP Another half million )QP quid )NP (VP went (PP for (NP (NP a volley )NP (PP of (NP full-page advertisements )NP )PP )NP )PP (PP (PP in (NP six major British newspapers )NP )PP and (PP for (NP huge posters )NP )PP )PP (PP in (NP the London subway )NP )PP )VP . )S 13 16 (S (NP (QP Another half million )QP quid )NP (VP went (PP for (NP (NP a volley )NP (PP of (NP full-page advertisements )NP )PP )NP (PP in (NP six major British newspapers )NP )PP and (PP for (NP (NP huge posters )NP (PP in (NP the London subway )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP . )S 12 17 (S (NP (QP Another half million )QP quid )NP (VP went (PP (PP for (NP (NP (NP a volley )NP (PP of (NP full-page advertisements )NP )PP )NP (PP in (NP six major British newspapers )NP )PP )NP )PP and (PP for (NP huge posters )NP )PP )PP (PP in (NP the London subway )NP )PP )VP . )S 13 17 (S (NP (QP Another half million )QP quid )NP (VP went (PP (PP for (NP (NP a volley )NP (PP of (NP full-page advertisements )NP )PP )NP )PP (PP in (NP six major British newspapers )NP )PP and (PP for (NP (NP huge posters )NP (PP in (NP the London subway )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP . )S 11 16 (S (NP (QP Another half million )QP quid )NP (VP went (PP (PP for (NP (NP a volley )NP (PP of (NP full-page advertisements )NP )PP )NP (PP in (NP six major British newspapers )NP )PP )PP and (PP for (NP huge posters )NP )PP )PP (PP in (NP the London subway )NP )PP )VP . )S 17 19 (S (NP (QP Another half million )QP quid )NP (VP went (PP (PP for (NP (NP a volley )NP (PP of (NP (NP (ADJP full-page )ADJP advertisements )NP (PP in (NP six major British newspapers )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP and (PP for (NP (NP huge posters )NP (PP in (NP the London subway )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP . )S 16 17 (S (NP (QP Another half million )QP quid )NP (VP went (PP for (NP (NP a volley )NP (PP of (NP (NP full-page advertisements )NP (PP in (NP six major British newspapers )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP and (PP for (NP (NP huge posters )NP (PP in (NP the London subway )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 13 17 (S (NP (QP Another half million )QP quid )NP (VP went (PP for (NP (NP a volley )NP (PP (PP of (NP (NP full-page advertisements )NP (PP in (NP six major British newspapers )NP )PP )NP )PP and (PP for (NP huge posters )NP )PP )PP (PP in (NP the London subway )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 16 17 (S (NP (QP Another half million )QP quid )NP (VP went (PP (PP for (NP a volley )NP (PP of (NP (NP full-page advertisements )NP (PP in (NP six major British newspapers )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP and (PP for (NP (NP huge posters )NP (PP in (NP the London subway )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP . )S 12 15 (S (NP (QP Another half million )QP quid )NP (VP went (PP for (NP a volley )NP (PP of (NP (NP full-page advertisements )NP (PP in (NP six major British newspapers )NP )PP )NP )PP and (PP for (NP huge posters )NP )PP )PP (PP in (NP the London subway )NP )PP )VP . )S 13 16 (S (NP (QP Another half million )QP quid )NP (VP went (PP for (NP (NP a volley )NP (PP of (NP full-page advertisements )NP (PP in (NP six major British newspapers )NP )PP and (PP for (NP (NP huge posters )NP (PP in (NP the London subway )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 11 16 (S (NP (QP Another half million )QP quid )NP (VP went (PP for (NP (NP a volley )NP (PP of (NP full-page advertisements )NP )PP (PP (PP in (NP six major British newspapers )NP )PP and (PP for (NP huge posters )NP )PP )PP (PP in (NP the London subway )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 13 17 (S (NP Another half million quid )NP (VP went (PP for (NP (NP a volley )NP (PP of (NP (NP full-page advertisements )NP (PP (PP in (NP six major British newspapers )NP )PP and (PP for (NP (NP huge posters )NP (PP in (NP the London subway )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 15 18 (S (NP (QP Another half million )QP quid )NP (VP went (PP (PP for (NP (NP (NP a volley )NP (PP of (NP full-page advertisements )NP )PP )NP (PP in (NP six major British newspapers )NP )PP )NP )PP and (PP for (NP (NP huge posters )NP (PP in (NP the London subway )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP . )S 12 17 (S (NP (QP Another half million )QP quid )NP (VP went (PP for (NP (NP a volley )NP (PP of (NP (NP full-page advertisements )NP (PP in (NP six major British newspapers )NP and (PP for (NP (NP huge posters )NP (PP in (NP the London subway )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 14 16 (S (NP Another half million quid )NP (VP went (PP (PP for (NP (NP a volley )NP (PP of (NP (NP full-page advertisements )NP (PP in (NP six major British newspapers )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP and (PP for (NP huge posters )NP )PP )PP (PP in (NP the London subway )NP )PP )VP . )S 12 17 (S (NP (QP Another half million )QP quid )NP (VP went (PP for (NP (NP a volley )NP (PP (PP of (NP (NP full-page advertisements )NP (PP in (NP six major British newspapers )NP )PP )NP )PP and (PP for (NP huge posters )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP (PP in (NP the London subway )NP )PP )VP . )S 17 18 (S (NP (QP Another half million )QP quid )NP (VP went (PP (PP for (NP (NP a volley )NP (PP of (NP (NP full-page advertisements )NP (PP in (NP six major British newspapers )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP and (PP for (NP (NP huge posters )NP (PP in (NP the London subway )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP . )S 12 17 (S (NP (QP Another half million )QP quid )NP (VP went (PP for (NP (NP a volley )NP (PP of (NP (NP full-page advertisements )NP (PP (PP in (NP six major British newspapers )NP )PP and (PP for (NP huge posters )NP (PP in (NP the London subway )NP )PP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 12 18 (S (NP (QP Another half million )QP quid )NP (VP went (PP (PP for (NP (NP a volley )NP (PP of (NP (NP full-page advertisements )NP (PP in (NP six major British newspapers )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP and (PP for (NP huge posters )NP )PP )PP (PP in (NP the London )NP )PP (NP subway )NP )VP . )S 50 17 20 (S (NP These expenses )NP (VP create (NP (NP a special incentive )NP (PP for (NP `` (NP Capital City 's )NP '' producers )NP )PP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP flog (NP (NP it )NP , or (NP (NP a Yank-oriented version )NP (PP of (NP it )NP )PP )NP , )NP (PP in (NP America )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 16 20 (S (NP These expenses )NP (VP create (NP (NP a special incentive )NP (PP for (NP `` (NP Capital City 's )NP '' producers )NP )PP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP flog (NP (NP it )NP , or (NP (NP a Yank-oriented version )NP (PP of (NP it )NP )PP )NP , (PP in (NP America )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 18 18 (S (NP These expenses )NP (VP create (NP a special incentive (SBAR for (S (NP `` (NP Capital City 's )NP '' producers )NP (VP to (VP flog (NP (NP it )NP , or (NP (NP a Yank-oriented version )NP (PP of (NP it )NP )PP )NP , )NP (PP in (NP America )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 13 19 (S (NP These expenses )NP (VP create (NP (NP (NP a special incentive )NP (PP for (NP `` (NP Capital City 's )NP '' producers )NP )PP (S (VP to (VP flog (NP it )NP )VP )VP )S )NP , or (NP (NP a Yank-oriented version )NP (PP of (NP it )NP )PP )NP , )NP (PP in (NP America )NP )PP )VP . )S 17 18 (S (NP These expenses )NP (VP create (NP a special incentive (SBAR for (S (NP `` (NP Capital City 's )NP '' producers )NP (VP to (VP flog (NP (NP it )NP , or (NP (NP a Yank-oriented version )NP (PP of (NP it )NP )PP )NP , (PP in (NP America )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 14 20 (S (NP These expenses )NP (VP create (NP (NP a special incentive )NP (PP for (NP `` (NP Capital City 's )NP '' producers )NP )PP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP flog (NP (NP it )NP , or (NP (NP a Yank-oriented version )NP (PP of (NP it )NP )PP )NP , )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP (PP in (NP America )NP )PP )VP . )S 13 19 (S (NP These expenses )NP (VP create (NP (NP (NP a special incentive )NP (SBAR for (S (NP `` (NP Capital City 's )NP '' producers )NP (VP to (VP flog (NP it )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP , or (NP (NP a Yank-oriented version )NP (PP of (NP it )NP )PP )NP , )NP (PP in (NP America )NP )PP )VP . )S 12 19 (S (NP These expenses )NP (VP create (NP (NP (NP a special incentive )NP (PP for (NP `` (NP Capital City 's )NP '' producers (S (VP to (VP flog (NP it )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )NP , or (NP (NP a Yank-oriented version )NP (PP of (NP it )NP )PP )NP , )NP (PP in (NP America )NP )PP )VP . )S 13 20 (S (NP These expenses )NP (VP create (NP (NP (NP a special incentive )NP (PP for (NP `` (NP Capital City 's )NP '' producers )NP )PP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP flog (NP it )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP , or (NP (NP a Yank-oriented version )NP (PP of (NP it )NP )PP )NP , )NP (PP in (NP America )NP )PP )VP . )S 14 19 (S (NP These expenses )NP (VP create (NP (NP (NP a special incentive )NP (PP for (NP `` (NP Capital City 's )NP '' producers )NP )PP (S (VP to (VP flog (NP it )NP )VP )VP )S )NP , or (NP (NP a Yank-oriented version )NP (PP of (NP it )NP )PP )NP , (PP in (NP America )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 19 19 (S (NP These expenses )NP (VP create (NP (NP a special incentive )NP (SBAR for (S (NP `` (NP Capital City 's )NP '' producers )NP (VP to (VP flog (NP (NP it )NP , or (NP (NP a Yank-oriented version )NP (PP of (NP it )NP )PP )NP , )NP (PP in (NP America )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 14 19 (S (NP These expenses )NP (VP create (NP (NP (NP a special incentive )NP (SBAR for (S (NP `` (NP Capital City 's )NP '' producers )NP (VP to (VP flog (NP it )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP , or (NP (NP a Yank-oriented version )NP (PP of (NP it )NP )PP )NP , (PP in (NP America )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 13 18 (S (NP These expenses )NP (VP create (NP a special incentive (SBAR for (S (NP `` (NP Capital City 's )NP '' producers )NP (VP to (VP flog (NP (NP it )NP , or (NP (NP a Yank-oriented version )NP (PP of (NP it )NP )PP )NP , )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP (PP in (NP America )NP )PP )VP . )S 13 19 (S (NP These expenses )NP (VP create (NP (NP (NP a special incentive )NP (PP for (NP `` (NP Capital City 's )NP '' producers )NP )PP (S (VP to (VP flog (NP it )NP )VP )VP )S )NP , or (NP (NP a Yank-oriented version )NP (PP of (NP it )NP )PP )NP )NP , (PP in (NP America )NP )PP )VP . )S 13 19 (S (NP These expenses )NP (VP create (NP (NP (NP a special incentive )NP (PP for (NP `` (NP Capital City 's )NP '' producers (S (VP to (VP flog (NP it )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )NP , or (NP (NP a Yank-oriented version )NP (PP of (NP it )NP )PP )NP , (PP in (NP America )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 14 20 (S (NP These expenses )NP (VP create (NP (NP (NP a special incentive )NP (PP for (NP `` (NP Capital City 's )NP '' producers )NP )PP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP flog (NP it )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP , or (NP (NP a Yank-oriented version )NP (PP of (NP it )NP )PP )NP , (PP in (NP America )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 17 20 (S (NP These expenses )NP (VP create (NP (NP a special incentive )NP (PP for (NP `` (NP Capital City 's )NP '' producers )NP )PP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP flog (NP (NP it )NP , or (NP (NP a Yank-oriented version )NP (PP of (NP it )NP )PP )NP , )NP (PP in (NP America )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 17 20 (S (NP These expenses )NP (VP create (NP (NP a special incentive )NP (PP for (NP `` (NP Capital City 's )NP '' producers )NP )PP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP flog (NP (NP it )NP , or (NP (NP a Yank-oriented version )NP (PP of (NP it )NP )PP )NP )NP , (PP in (NP America )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 17 19 (S (NP These expenses )NP (VP create (NP (NP a special incentive )NP (PP for (NP `` (NP Capital City 's )NP '' producers )NP )PP (S (VP to (VP flog (NP (NP it )NP , or (NP (NP a Yank-oriented version )NP (PP of (NP it )NP )PP )NP , )NP (PP in (NP America )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP . )S 13 19 (S (NP These expenses )NP (VP create (NP (NP (NP a special incentive )NP (SBAR for (S (NP `` (NP Capital City 's )NP '' producers )NP (VP to (VP flog (NP it )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP , or (NP (NP a Yank-oriented version )NP (PP of (NP it )NP )PP )NP )NP , (PP in (NP America )NP )PP )VP . )S 18 19 (S (NP These expenses )NP (VP create (NP (NP a special incentive )NP (SBAR for (S (NP `` (NP Capital City 's )NP '' producers )NP (VP to (VP flog (NP (NP it )NP , or (NP (NP a Yank-oriented version )NP (PP of (NP it )NP )PP )NP , (PP in (NP America )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 16 19 (S (NP These expenses )NP (VP create (NP (NP a special incentive )NP (PP for (NP `` (NP Capital City 's )NP '' producers )NP )PP )NP (S (VP to (VP flog (NP (NP it )NP , or (NP (NP a Yank-oriented version )NP (PP of (NP it )NP )PP )NP , )NP (PP in (NP America )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 13 19 (S (NP These expenses )NP (VP create (NP (NP (NP a special incentive )NP (PP for (NP `` (NP Capital City 's )NP '' producers )NP )PP (S (VP to (VP flog (NP it )NP )VP )VP )S )NP , or (NP (NP a Yank-oriented version )NP (PP of (NP it )NP )PP )NP , )NP (PP in (NP America )NP )PP )VP . )S 12 19 (S (NP These expenses )NP (VP create (NP (NP (NP a special incentive )NP (PP for (NP `` (NP Capital City 's )NP '' producers (S (VP to (VP flog (NP it )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )NP , or (NP (NP a Yank-oriented version )NP (PP of (NP it )NP )PP )NP )NP , (PP in (NP America )NP )PP )VP . )S 13 20 (S (NP These expenses )NP (VP create (NP (NP (NP a special incentive )NP (PP for (NP `` (NP Capital City 's )NP '' producers )NP )PP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP flog (NP it )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP , or (NP (NP a Yank-oriented version )NP (PP of (NP it )NP )PP )NP )NP , (PP in (NP America )NP )PP )VP . )S 13 21 (S (NP These expenses )NP (VP create (NP (NP (NP a special incentive )NP (PP for (NP (NP `` (NP Capital City 's )NP '' producers )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP flog (NP it )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP , or (NP (NP a Yank-oriented version )NP (PP of (NP it )NP )PP )NP , )NP (PP in (NP America )NP )PP )VP . )S 16 20 (S (NP These expenses )NP (VP create (NP (NP a special incentive )NP (PP for (NP `` (NP Capital City 's )NP '' producers )NP )PP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP flog (NP (NP it )NP , or (NP (NP a Yank-oriented version )NP (PP of (NP it )NP )PP )NP , (PP in (NP America )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 14 20 (S (NP These expenses )NP (VP create (NP (NP a special incentive )NP (PP for (NP `` (NP Capital City 's )NP '' producers )NP )PP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP flog (NP (NP it )NP , or (NP (NP a Yank-oriented version )NP (PP of (NP it )NP )PP )NP , )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP (PP in (NP America )NP )PP )VP . )S 16 19 (S (NP These expenses )NP (VP create (NP (NP a special incentive )NP (PP for (NP `` (NP Capital City 's )NP '' producers )NP )PP (S (VP to (VP flog (NP (NP it )NP , or (NP (NP a Yank-oriented version )NP (PP of (NP it )NP )PP )NP , (PP in (NP America )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP . )S 12 18 (S (NP These expenses )NP (VP create (NP (NP a special incentive (SBAR for (S (NP `` (NP Capital City 's )NP '' producers )NP (VP to (VP flog (NP it )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP , or (NP (NP a Yank-oriented version )NP (PP of (NP it )NP )PP )NP , )NP (PP in (NP America )NP )PP )VP . )S 18 18 (S (NP These expenses )NP (VP create (NP a special incentive (SBAR for (S (NP `` (NP Capital City 's )NP '' producers )NP (VP to (VP flog (NP (NP it )NP , or (NP (NP a Yank-oriented version )NP (PP of (NP it )NP )PP )NP , )NP (PP in (NP America )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 13 19 (S (NP These expenses )NP (VP create (NP (NP (NP a special incentive )NP (SBAR for (S (NP `` (NP Capital City 's )NP '' producers )NP (VP to (VP flog (NP it )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP , or (NP (NP a Yank-oriented version )NP (PP of (NP it )NP )PP )NP , )NP (PP in (NP America )NP )PP )VP . )S 16 19 (S (NP These expenses )NP (VP create (NP (NP a special incentive )NP (PP for (NP `` (NP Capital City 's )NP '' producers (S (VP to (VP flog (NP (NP it )NP , or (NP (NP a Yank-oriented version )NP (PP of (NP it )NP )PP )NP , )NP (PP in (NP America )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 18 18 (S (NP These expenses )NP (VP create (NP a special incentive (SBAR for (S (NP `` (NP Capital City 's )NP '' producers )NP (VP to (VP flog (NP (NP it )NP , or (NP (NP a Yank-oriented version )NP (PP of (NP it )NP )PP )NP )NP , (PP in (NP America )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 14 20 (S (NP These expenses )NP (VP create (NP (NP a special incentive )NP (PP for (NP `` (NP Capital City 's )NP '' producers )NP )PP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP flog (NP (NP it )NP , or (NP (NP a Yank-oriented version )NP (PP of (NP it )NP )PP )NP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP , (PP in (NP America )NP )PP )VP . )S 16 18 (S (NP These expenses )NP (VP create (NP a special incentive )NP (PP for (NP `` (NP Capital City 's )NP '' producers )NP )PP (S (VP to (VP flog (NP (NP it )NP , or (NP (NP a Yank-oriented version )NP (PP of (NP it )NP )PP )NP , )NP (PP in (NP America )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 15 19 (S (NP These expenses )NP (VP create (NP (NP a special incentive )NP (PP for (NP `` (NP Capital City 's )NP '' producers )NP )PP )NP (S (VP to (VP flog (NP (NP it )NP , or (NP (NP a Yank-oriented version )NP (PP of (NP it )NP )PP )NP , (PP in (NP America )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 14 20 (S (NP These expenses )NP (VP create (NP (NP (NP (NP a special incentive )NP (PP for (NP `` (NP Capital City 's )NP '' producers )NP )PP (S (VP to (VP flog (NP it )NP )VP )VP )S )NP , or (NP (NP a Yank-oriented version )NP (PP of (NP it )NP )PP )NP , )NP (PP in (NP America )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 13 21 (S (NP These expenses )NP (VP create (NP (NP (NP (NP a special incentive )NP (PP for (NP `` (NP Capital City 's )NP '' producers )NP )PP )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP flog (NP it )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP , or (NP (NP a Yank-oriented version )NP (PP of (NP it )NP )PP )NP , )NP (PP in (NP America )NP )PP )VP . )S 12 19 (S (NP These expenses )NP (VP create (NP (NP (NP a special incentive )NP (PP for (NP `` (NP Capital City 's )NP '' producers (S (VP to (VP flog (NP it )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )NP , or (NP (NP a Yank-oriented version )NP (PP of (NP it )NP )PP )NP , )NP (PP in (NP America )NP )PP )VP . )S 13 20 (S (NP These expenses )NP (VP create (NP (NP (NP a special incentive )NP (PP for (NP `` (NP Capital City 's )NP '' producers )NP )PP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP flog (NP it )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP , or (NP (NP a Yank-oriented version )NP (PP of (NP it )NP )PP )NP , )NP (PP in (NP America )NP )PP )VP . )S 14 19 (S (NP These expenses )NP (VP create (NP (NP a special incentive )NP (SBAR for (S (NP `` (NP Capital City 's )NP '' producers )NP (VP to (VP flog (NP (NP it )NP , or (NP (NP a Yank-oriented version )NP (PP of (NP it )NP )PP )NP , )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP (PP in (NP America )NP )PP )VP . )S 18 18 (S (NP These expenses )NP (VP create (NP a special incentive )NP (SBAR for (S (NP `` (NP Capital City 's )NP '' producers )NP (VP to (VP flog (NP (NP it )NP , or (NP (NP a Yank-oriented version )NP (PP of (NP it )NP )PP )NP , )NP (PP in (NP America )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 14 21 (S (NP These expenses )NP (VP create (NP (NP (NP a special incentive )NP (PP for (NP (NP `` (NP Capital City 's )NP '' producers )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP flog (NP it )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP , or (NP (NP a Yank-oriented version )NP (PP of (NP it )NP )PP )NP , (PP in (NP America )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 15 18 (S (NP These expenses )NP (VP create (NP a special incentive )NP (PP for (NP `` (NP Capital City 's )NP '' producers (S (VP to (VP flog (NP (NP it )NP , or (NP (NP a Yank-oriented version )NP (PP of (NP it )NP )PP )NP , )NP (PP in (NP America )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )VP . )S 14 19 (S (NP These expenses )NP (VP create (NP (NP a special incentive )NP (PP for (NP `` (NP Capital City 's )NP '' producers )NP )PP (S (VP to (VP flog (NP (NP it )NP , or (NP (NP a Yank-oriented version )NP (PP of (NP it )NP )PP )NP , )NP )VP )VP )S )NP (PP in (NP America )NP )PP )VP . )S 14 20 (S (NP These expenses )NP (VP create (NP (NP (NP (NP a special incentive )NP (SBAR for (S (NP `` (NP Capital City 's )NP '' producers )NP (VP to (VP flog (NP it )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP , or (NP (NP a Yank-oriented version )NP (PP of (NP it )NP )PP )NP , )NP (PP in (NP America )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 17 18 (S (NP These expenses )NP (VP create (NP a special incentive (SBAR for (S (NP `` (NP Capital City 's )NP '' producers )NP (VP to (VP flog (NP (NP it )NP , or (NP (NP a Yank-oriented version )NP (PP of (NP it )NP )PP )NP , (PP in (NP America )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 13 18 (S (NP These expenses )NP (VP create (NP a special incentive (SBAR for (S (NP `` (NP Capital City 's )NP '' producers )NP (VP to (VP flog (NP (NP it )NP , or (NP (NP a Yank-oriented version )NP (PP of (NP it )NP )PP )NP , )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP (PP in (NP America )NP )PP )VP . )S 15 19 (S (NP These expenses )NP (VP create (NP (NP a special incentive )NP (PP for (NP `` (NP Capital City 's )NP '' producers (S (VP to (VP flog (NP (NP it )NP , or (NP (NP a Yank-oriented version )NP (PP of (NP it )NP )PP )NP , (PP in (NP America )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 50 11 11 (S (NP (NP (NP Thames 's )NP U.S. marketing agent )NP , (NP Donald Taffner )NP , )NP (VP is (VP preparing (S (VP to (VP do (NP just that )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 11 11 (S (NP (NP (NP Thames 's )NP U.S. marketing agent )NP , (NP Donald Taffner )NP , )NP (VP is (VP preparing (S (VP to (VP do (NP just that )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 11 11 (S (NP (NP (NP Thames 's )NP U.S. marketing agent )NP , (NP Donald Taffner )NP , )NP (VP is (VP preparing (S (VP to (VP do (NP just that )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 11 11 (S (NP (NP (NP Thames 's )NP U.S. marketing agent )NP , (NP Donald Taffner )NP , )NP (VP is (VP preparing (S (VP to (VP do (NP just that )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 11 11 (S (NP (NP (NP Thames 's )NP U.S. marketing agent )NP , (NP Donald Taffner )NP , )NP (VP is (VP preparing (S (VP to (VP do (NP just that )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 11 12 (S (NP (NP (NP (NP Thames 's )NP U.S. )NP marketing agent )NP , (NP Donald Taffner )NP , )NP (VP is (VP preparing (S (VP to (VP do (NP just that )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 11 11 (S (NP (NP (NP Thames 's )NP U.S. marketing agent )NP , (NP Donald Taffner )NP , )NP (VP is (VP preparing (S (VP to (VP do (NP just that )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 11 11 (S (NP (NP (NP Thames 's )NP U.S. marketing agent )NP , (NP Donald Taffner )NP , )NP (VP is (VP preparing (S (VP to (VP do (NP just that )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 11 11 (S (NP (NP (NP Thames 's )NP U.S. marketing agent )NP , (NP Donald Taffner )NP , )NP (VP is (VP preparing (S (VP to (VP do (NP just that )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 11 12 (S (NP (NP (NP Thames 's )NP (NX U.S. marketing agent )NX )NP , (NP Donald Taffner )NP , )NP (VP is (VP preparing (S (VP to (VP do (NP just that )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 11 11 (S (NP (NP (NP Thames 's )NP U.S. marketing agent )NP , (NP Donald Taffner )NP , )NP (VP is (VP preparing (S (VP to (VP do (NP just that )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 10 12 (S (NP (NP (NP Thames 's )NP U.S. marketing agent )NP , (NP Donald Taffner )NP , )NP (VP is (VP preparing (S (VP to (VP do (ADVP just )ADVP (NP that )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 11 11 (S (NP (NP (NP Thames 's )NP U.S. marketing agent )NP , (NP Donald Taffner )NP )NP , (VP is (VP preparing (S (VP to (VP do (NP just that )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 11 12 (S (NP (NP (NP (NP Thames 's )NP U.S. )NP marketing agent )NP , (NP Donald Taffner )NP , )NP (VP is (VP preparing (S (VP to (VP do (NP just that )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 11 11 (S (NP (NP (NP Thames 's )NP U.S. marketing agent )NP , (NP Donald Taffner )NP , )NP (VP is (VP preparing (S (VP to (VP do (NP just that )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 11 12 (S (NP (NP (NP (NP Thames 's )NP U.S. )NP marketing agent )NP , (NP Donald Taffner )NP , )NP (VP is (VP preparing (S (VP to (VP do (NP just that )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 11 11 (S (NP (NP (NP Thames 's )NP U.S. marketing agent )NP , (NP Donald Taffner )NP , )NP (VP is (VP preparing (S (VP to (VP do (NP just that )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 11 12 (S (NP (NP (NP Thames 's )NP (NP U.S. marketing agent )NP )NP , (NP Donald Taffner )NP , )NP (VP is (VP preparing (S (VP to (VP do (NP just that )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 11 12 (S (NP (NP (NP (NP Thames 's )NP U.S. )NP marketing agent )NP , (NP Donald Taffner )NP , )NP (VP is (VP preparing (S (VP to (VP do (NP just that )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 11 12 (S (NP (NP (NP Thames 's )NP (NP U.S. marketing agent )NP )NP , (NP Donald Taffner )NP , )NP (VP is (VP preparing (S (VP to (VP do (NP just that )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 11 12 (S (NP (NP (NP (NP Thames 's )NP U.S. )NP marketing agent )NP , (NP Donald Taffner )NP , )NP (VP is (VP preparing (S (VP to (VP do (NP just that )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 11 12 (S (NP (NP (NP (NP Thames 's )NP U.S. marketing )NP agent )NP , (NP Donald Taffner )NP , )NP (VP is (VP preparing (S (VP to (VP do (NP just that )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 11 12 (S (NP (NP (NP Thames 's )NP U.S. marketing agent )NP , (NP Donald Taffner )NP , )NP (VP is (S (VP preparing (S (VP to (VP do (NP just that )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )VP . )S 10 12 (S (NP (NP (NP Thames 's )NP U.S. marketing agent )NP , (NP Donald Taffner )NP , )NP (VP is (VP preparing (S (VP to (VP do (ADVP just )ADVP (NP that )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 11 12 (S (NP (NP (NP Thames 's )NP (NX U.S. marketing agent )NX )NP , (NP Donald Taffner )NP , )NP (VP is (VP preparing (S (VP to (VP do (NP just that )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 11 11 (S (NP (NP (NP Thames 's )NP U.S. marketing agent )NP , (NP Donald Taffner )NP )NP , (VP is (VP preparing (S (VP to (VP do (NP just that )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 11 12 (S (NP (NP (NP Thames 's )NP U.S. marketing agent )NP , (NP Donald Taffner )NP , )NP (VP is (VP preparing (SBAR (S (VP to (VP do (NP just that )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 10 12 (S (NP (NP (NP Thames 's )NP U.S. marketing agent )NP , (NP Donald Taffner )NP , )NP (VP is (VP preparing (S (VP to (VP do (ADVP just )ADVP (NP that )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 10 11 (S (NP (NP (NP Thames 's )NP U.S. marketing agent )NP , (NP Donald Taffner )NP , )NP (VP is (VP preparing (S (VP to (VP do (ADVP just that )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 11 12 (S (NP (NP (NP Thames 's )NP U.S. marketing agent )NP , (NP Donald Taffner )NP , )NP (VP is (VP preparing (S (VP to (VP do (NP (QP just that )QP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 11 11 (S (NP (NP (NP Thames 's )NP U.S. marketing agent )NP , (NP Donald Taffner )NP )NP , (VP is (VP preparing (S (VP to (VP do (NP just that )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 11 11 (S (NP (NP (NP Thames 's )NP U.S. marketing agent )NP , (NP Donald Taffner )NP , )NP (VP is (VP preparing (S (VP to (VP do (NP just that )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 9 11 (S (NP Thames 's )NP (NP (NP U.S. marketing agent )NP , (NP Donald Taffner )NP , )NP (VP is (VP preparing (S (VP to (VP do (NP just that )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 10 10 (S (NP (NP Thames 's )NP U.S. marketing agent )NP , (NP Donald Taffner )NP , (VP is (VP preparing (S (VP to (VP do (NP just that )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 11 12 (S (NP (NP (NP Thames 's )NP (ADJP U.S. )ADJP marketing agent )NP , (NP Donald Taffner )NP , )NP (VP is (VP preparing (S (VP to (VP do (NP just that )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 11 12 (S (NP (NP (NP Thames 's )NP U.S. marketing agent )NP , (NP Donald Taffner )NP , )NP (VP is (S (VP preparing (S (VP to (VP do (NP just that )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )VP . )S 11 12 (S (NP (NP (NP (NP Thames 's )NP U.S. )NP marketing agent )NP , (NP Donald Taffner )NP , )NP (VP is (VP preparing (S (VP to (VP do (NP just that )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 11 12 (S (NP (NP (NP (NP Thames )NP 's )NP U.S. marketing agent )NP , (NP Donald Taffner )NP , )NP (VP is (VP preparing (S (VP to (VP do (NP just that )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 11 12 (S (NP (NP (NP (NP Thames 's )NP U.S. marketing )NP agent )NP , (NP Donald Taffner )NP , )NP (VP is (VP preparing (S (VP to (VP do (NP just that )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 11 12 (S (NP (NP (NP Thames 's )NP U.S. marketing agent )NP , (NP Donald Taffner )NP , )NP (VP is (VP preparing (SBAR (S (VP to (VP do (NP just that )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 10 11 (S (NP (NP (NP Thames 's U.S. )NP marketing agent )NP , (NP Donald Taffner )NP , )NP (VP is (VP preparing (S (VP to (VP do (NP just that )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 10 12 (S (NP (NP (NP Thames 's )NP U.S. marketing agent )NP , (NP Donald Taffner )NP , )NP (VP is (VP preparing (S (VP to (VP do (NP just )NP (NP that )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 11 12 (S (NP (NP (NP (NP Thames 's )NP U.S. )NP marketing agent )NP , (NP Donald Taffner )NP , )NP (VP is (VP preparing (S (VP to (VP do (NP just that )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 11 12 (S (NP (NP (NP Thames 's )NP U.S. marketing agent )NP , (NP Donald Taffner )NP , )NP (VP is (S (VP preparing (S (VP to (VP do (NP just that )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )VP . )S 11 12 (S (NP (NP (NP Thames 's )NP U.S. marketing agent )NP , (NP Donald Taffner )NP , )NP (VP is (VP preparing (S (VP to (VP do (NP (ADVP just )ADVP that )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 10 12 (S (NP (NP (NP Thames 's )NP U.S. marketing agent )NP , (NP Donald Taffner )NP , )NP (VP is (VP preparing (S (VP to (VP do (ADVP just )ADVP (NP that )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 11 12 (S (NP (NP (NP (NP Thames 's )NP U.S. )NP marketing agent )NP , (NP Donald Taffner )NP , )NP (VP is (VP preparing (S (VP to (VP do (NP just that )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 10 11 (S (NP (NP (NP Thames 's )NP U.S. marketing agent )NP , (NP Donald Taffner )NP , )NP (VP is (VP preparing (S (VP to (VP do (ADVP just that )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 10 11 (S (NP (NP (NP Thames 's )NP U.S. marketing agent )NP , (NP Donald Taffner )NP , )NP (VP is (ADJP preparing )ADJP (S (VP to (VP do (NP just that )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 11 12 (S (NP (NP (NP Thames 's )NP (NX U.S. marketing agent )NX )NP , (NP Donald Taffner )NP , )NP (VP is (VP preparing (S (VP to (VP do (NP just that )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 50 17 23 (S (NP He )NP (VP is discreetly (ADJP hopeful )ADJP , (S (VP citing (NP (NP three U.S. comedy series )NP -- `` (NP (NP Three 's )NP Company )NP , '' `` (NP (NP Too Close )NP (PP for (NP Comfort )NP )PP )NP '' and `` (S (VP Check (NP It )NP (PRT Out )PRT )VP )S '' )NP )VP )S -- (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP had (NP British antecedents )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 17 23 (S (NP He )NP (VP is discreetly (ADJP hopeful )ADJP , (S (VP citing (NP (NP three U.S. comedy series )NP -- `` (NP (NP Three 's )NP Company )NP , '' `` (NP (NP Too Close )NP (PP for (NP Comfort )NP )PP )NP '' and `` (S (VP Check (NP It )NP (PRT Out )PRT )VP )S '' )NP )VP )S -- (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP had (NP British antecedents )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 20 23 (S (NP He )NP (VP is discreetly (ADJP hopeful )ADJP , (S (VP citing (NP (NP three U.S. comedy series )NP (PRN -- (UCP `` (NP (NP Three 's )NP Company )NP , '' `` (ADJP Too Close (PP for (NP Comfort )NP )PP )ADJP '' and `` (VP Check (NP It )NP (PRT Out )PRT '' )VP )UCP -- )PRN (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP had (NP British antecedents )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )VP . )S 18 23 (S (NP He )NP (VP is (ADJP discreetly hopeful )ADJP , (S (VP citing (NP (NP three U.S. comedy series )NP -- `` (NP (NP Three 's )NP Company )NP , '' `` (NP (NP Too Close )NP (PP for (NP Comfort )NP )PP )NP '' and `` (S (VP Check (NP It )NP (PRT Out )PRT )VP )S '' )NP )VP )S -- (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP had (NP British antecedents )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 20 23 (S (NP He )NP (VP is discreetly (ADJP hopeful )ADJP , (S (VP citing (NP (NP three U.S. comedy series )NP (PRN -- (UCP `` (NP (NP Three 's )NP Company )NP , '' `` (ADJP Too Close (PP for (NP Comfort )NP )PP )ADJP '' and `` (VP Check (NP It )NP (PRT Out )PRT )VP '' )UCP -- )PRN (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP had (NP British antecedents )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )VP . )S 20 23 (S (NP He )NP (VP is discreetly (ADJP hopeful )ADJP , (S (VP citing (NP (NP three U.S. comedy series )NP (PRN -- (UCP `` (NP (NP Three 's )NP Company )NP , '' `` (ADJP Too Close (PP for (NP Comfort )NP )PP )ADJP '' and `` (VP Check (NP It )NP (PRT Out )PRT '' )VP )UCP -- )PRN (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP had (NP British antecedents )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )VP . )S 18 23 (S (NP He )NP (VP is (ADJP discreetly hopeful )ADJP , (S (VP citing (NP (NP three U.S. comedy series )NP -- `` (NP (NP Three 's )NP Company )NP , '' `` (NP (NP Too Close )NP (PP for (NP Comfort )NP )PP )NP '' and `` (S (VP Check (NP It )NP (PRT Out )PRT )VP )S '' )NP )VP )S -- (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP had (NP British antecedents )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 20 23 (S (NP He )NP (VP is discreetly (ADJP hopeful )ADJP , (S (VP citing (NP (NP three U.S. comedy series )NP (PRN -- (UCP `` (NP (NP Three 's )NP Company )NP , '' `` (ADJP Too Close (PP for (NP Comfort )NP )PP )ADJP '' and `` (VP Check (NP It )NP (PRT Out )PRT )VP '' )UCP -- )PRN (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP had (NP British antecedents )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )VP . )S 21 23 (S (NP He )NP (VP is (ADJP discreetly hopeful )ADJP , (S (VP citing (NP (NP three U.S. comedy series )NP (PRN -- (UCP `` (NP (NP Three 's )NP Company )NP , '' `` (ADJP Too Close (PP for (NP Comfort )NP )PP )ADJP '' and `` (VP Check (NP It )NP (PRT Out )PRT '' )VP )UCP -- )PRN (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP had (NP British antecedents )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )VP . )S 21 23 (S (NP He )NP (VP is (ADJP discreetly hopeful )ADJP , (S (VP citing (NP (NP three U.S. comedy series )NP (PRN -- (UCP `` (NP (NP Three 's )NP Company )NP , '' `` (ADJP Too Close (PP for (NP Comfort )NP )PP )ADJP '' and `` (VP Check (NP It )NP (PRT Out )PRT )VP '' )UCP -- )PRN (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP had (NP British antecedents )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )VP . )S 21 23 (S (NP He )NP (VP is (ADJP discreetly hopeful )ADJP , (S (VP citing (NP (NP three U.S. comedy series )NP (PRN -- (UCP `` (NP (NP Three 's )NP Company )NP , '' `` (ADJP Too Close (PP for (NP Comfort )NP )PP )ADJP '' and `` (VP Check (NP It )NP (PRT Out )PRT '' )VP )UCP -- )PRN (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP had (NP British antecedents )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )VP . )S 17 23 (S (NP He )NP (VP is discreetly (ADJP hopeful )ADJP , (S (VP citing (NP (NP three U.S. comedy series )NP -- `` (NP (NP Three 's )NP Company )NP , '' `` (NP (NP Too Close )NP (PP for (NP Comfort )NP )PP )NP '' and `` (S (VP Check (NP It )NP (ADVP Out )ADVP )VP )S '' )NP )VP )S -- (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP had (NP British antecedents )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 21 23 (S (NP He )NP (VP is (ADJP discreetly hopeful )ADJP , (S (VP citing (NP (NP three U.S. comedy series )NP (PRN -- (UCP `` (NP (NP Three 's )NP Company )NP , '' `` (ADJP Too Close (PP for (NP Comfort )NP )PP )ADJP '' and `` (VP Check (NP It )NP (PRT Out )PRT )VP '' )UCP -- )PRN (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP had (NP British antecedents )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )VP . )S 17 23 (S (NP He )NP (VP is discreetly (ADJP hopeful )ADJP , (S (VP citing (NP (NP three U.S. comedy series )NP -- `` (NP (NP Three 's )NP Company )NP , '' `` (NP (NP Too Close )NP (PP for (NP Comfort )NP )PP )NP '' and `` (S (VP Check (NP It )NP (ADVP Out )ADVP )VP )S '' )NP )VP )S -- (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP had (NP British antecedents )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 20 24 (S (NP He )NP (VP is discreetly (ADJP hopeful )ADJP , (S (VP citing (NP (NP three U.S. comedy series )NP (PRN -- (UCP `` (NP (NP Three 's )NP Company )NP , '' `` (ADJP (ADJP Too Close )ADJP (PP for (NP Comfort )NP )PP )ADJP '' and `` (VP Check (NP It )NP (PRT Out )PRT '' )VP )UCP -- )PRN (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP had (NP British antecedents )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )VP . )S 17 24 (S (NP He )NP (VP is (ADVP discreetly )ADVP (ADJP hopeful )ADJP , (S (VP citing (NP (NP three U.S. comedy series )NP -- `` (NP (NP Three 's )NP Company )NP , '' `` (NP (NP Too Close )NP (PP for (NP Comfort )NP )PP )NP '' and `` (S (VP Check (NP It )NP (PRT Out )PRT )VP )S '' )NP )VP )S -- (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP had (NP British antecedents )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 20 24 (S (NP He )NP (VP is discreetly (ADJP hopeful )ADJP , (S (VP citing (NP (NP three U.S. comedy series )NP (PRN -- (UCP `` (NP (NP Three 's )NP Company )NP , '' `` (ADJP (ADJP Too Close )ADJP (PP for (NP Comfort )NP )PP )ADJP '' and `` (VP Check (NP It )NP (PRT Out )PRT )VP '' )UCP -- )PRN (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP had (NP British antecedents )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )VP . )S 20 24 (S (NP He )NP (VP is discreetly (ADJP hopeful )ADJP , (S (VP citing (NP (NP three U.S. comedy series )NP (PRN -- (UCP `` (NP (NP Three 's )NP Company )NP , '' `` (ADJP (ADJP Too Close )ADJP (PP for (NP Comfort )NP )PP )ADJP '' and `` (VP Check (NP It )NP (PRT Out )PRT '' )VP )UCP -- )PRN (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP had (NP British antecedents )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )VP . )S 17 24 (S (NP He )NP (VP is (ADVP discreetly )ADVP (ADJP hopeful )ADJP , (S (VP citing (NP (NP three U.S. comedy series )NP -- `` (NP (NP Three 's )NP Company )NP , '' `` (NP (NP Too Close )NP (PP for (NP Comfort )NP )PP )NP '' and `` (S (VP Check (NP It )NP (PRT Out )PRT )VP )S '' )NP )VP )S -- (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP had (NP British antecedents )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 20 24 (S (NP He )NP (VP is discreetly (ADJP hopeful )ADJP , (S (VP citing (NP (NP three U.S. comedy series )NP (PRN -- (UCP `` (NP (NP Three 's )NP Company )NP , '' `` (ADJP (ADJP Too Close )ADJP (PP for (NP Comfort )NP )PP )ADJP '' and `` (VP Check (NP It )NP (PRT Out )PRT )VP '' )UCP -- )PRN (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP had (NP British antecedents )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )VP . )S 18 23 (S (NP He )NP (VP is (ADJP discreetly hopeful )ADJP , (S (VP citing (NP (NP three U.S. comedy series )NP -- `` (NP (NP Three 's )NP Company )NP , '' `` (NP (NP Too Close )NP (PP for (NP Comfort )NP )PP )NP '' and `` (S (VP Check (NP It )NP (ADVP Out )ADVP )VP )S '' )NP )VP )S -- (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP had (NP British antecedents )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 20 23 (S (NP He )NP (VP is discreetly (ADJP hopeful )ADJP , (S (VP citing (NP (NP three U.S. comedy series )NP (PRN -- (UCP `` (NP (NP Three 's )NP Company )NP , '' `` (ADJP Too Close (PP for (NP Comfort )NP )PP )ADJP '' and `` (VP Check (NP It )NP (ADVP Out )ADVP )VP '' )UCP -- )PRN (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP had (NP British antecedents )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )VP . )S 18 23 (S (NP He )NP (VP is (ADJP discreetly hopeful )ADJP , (S (VP citing (NP (NP three U.S. comedy series )NP -- `` (NP (NP Three 's )NP Company )NP , '' `` (NP (NP Too Close )NP (PP for (NP Comfort )NP )PP )NP '' and `` (S (VP Check (NP It )NP (ADVP Out )ADVP )VP )S '' )NP )VP )S -- (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP had (NP British antecedents )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 20 23 (S (NP He )NP (VP is discreetly (ADJP hopeful )ADJP , (S (VP citing (NP (NP three U.S. comedy series )NP (PRN -- (UCP `` (NP (NP Three 's )NP Company )NP , '' `` (ADJP Too Close (PP for (NP Comfort )NP )PP )ADJP '' and `` (VP Check (NP It )NP (ADVP Out )ADVP )VP '' )UCP -- )PRN (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP had (NP British antecedents )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )VP . )S 21 24 (S (NP He )NP (VP is (ADJP discreetly hopeful )ADJP , (S (VP citing (NP (NP three U.S. comedy series )NP (PRN -- (UCP `` (NP (NP Three 's )NP Company )NP , '' `` (ADJP (ADJP Too Close )ADJP (PP for (NP Comfort )NP )PP )ADJP '' and `` (VP Check (NP It )NP (PRT Out )PRT '' )VP )UCP -- )PRN (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP had (NP British antecedents )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )VP . )S 20 24 (S (NP He )NP (VP is (ADVP discreetly )ADVP (ADJP hopeful )ADJP , (S (VP citing (NP (NP three U.S. comedy series )NP (PRN -- (UCP `` (NP (NP Three 's )NP Company )NP , '' `` (ADJP Too Close (PP for (NP Comfort )NP )PP )ADJP '' and `` (VP Check (NP It )NP (PRT Out )PRT '' )VP )UCP -- )PRN (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP had (NP British antecedents )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )VP . )S 21 24 (S (NP He )NP (VP is (ADJP discreetly hopeful )ADJP , (S (VP citing (NP (NP three U.S. comedy series )NP (PRN -- (UCP `` (NP (NP Three 's )NP Company )NP , '' `` (ADJP (ADJP Too Close )ADJP (PP for (NP Comfort )NP )PP )ADJP '' and `` (VP Check (NP It )NP (PRT Out )PRT )VP '' )UCP -- )PRN (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP had (NP British antecedents )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )VP . )S 21 24 (S (NP He )NP (VP is (ADJP discreetly hopeful )ADJP , (S (VP citing (NP (NP three U.S. comedy series )NP (PRN -- (UCP `` (NP (NP Three 's )NP Company )NP , '' `` (ADJP (ADJP Too Close )ADJP (PP for (NP Comfort )NP )PP )ADJP '' and `` (VP Check (NP It )NP (PRT Out )PRT '' )VP )UCP -- )PRN (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP had (NP British antecedents )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )VP . )S 20 24 (S (NP He )NP (VP is (ADVP discreetly )ADVP (ADJP hopeful )ADJP , (S (VP citing (NP (NP three U.S. comedy series )NP (PRN -- (UCP `` (NP (NP Three 's )NP Company )NP , '' `` (ADJP Too Close (PP for (NP Comfort )NP )PP )ADJP '' and `` (VP Check (NP It )NP (PRT Out )PRT )VP '' )UCP -- )PRN (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP had (NP British antecedents )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )VP . )S 20 24 (S (NP He )NP (VP is (ADVP discreetly )ADVP (ADJP hopeful )ADJP , (S (VP citing (NP (NP three U.S. comedy series )NP (PRN -- (UCP `` (NP (NP Three 's )NP Company )NP , '' `` (ADJP Too Close (PP for (NP Comfort )NP )PP )ADJP '' and `` (VP Check (NP It )NP (PRT Out )PRT '' )VP )UCP -- )PRN (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP had (NP British antecedents )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )VP . )S 20 23 (S (NP He )NP (VP is discreetly (ADJP hopeful )ADJP , (S (VP citing (NP (NP three U.S. comedy series )NP (PRN -- (UCP `` (NP (NP Three 's )NP Company )NP , '' `` (ADJP Too Close (PP for (NP Comfort )NP )PP )ADJP '' and `` (VP Check (NP It )NP (ADVP Out '' )ADVP )VP )UCP -- )PRN (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP had (NP British antecedents )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )VP . )S 21 24 (S (NP He )NP (VP is (ADJP discreetly hopeful )ADJP , (S (VP citing (NP (NP three U.S. comedy series )NP (PRN -- (UCP `` (NP (NP Three 's )NP Company )NP , '' `` (ADJP (ADJP Too Close )ADJP (PP for (NP Comfort )NP )PP )ADJP '' and `` (VP Check (NP It )NP (PRT Out )PRT )VP '' )UCP -- )PRN (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP had (NP British antecedents )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )VP . )S 20 24 (S (NP He )NP (VP is (ADVP discreetly )ADVP (ADJP hopeful )ADJP , (S (VP citing (NP (NP three U.S. comedy series )NP (PRN -- (UCP `` (NP (NP Three 's )NP Company )NP , '' `` (ADJP Too Close (PP for (NP Comfort )NP )PP )ADJP '' and `` (VP Check (NP It )NP (PRT Out )PRT )VP '' )UCP -- )PRN (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP had (NP British antecedents )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )VP . )S 21 23 (S (NP He )NP (VP is (ADJP discreetly hopeful )ADJP , (S (VP citing (NP (NP three U.S. comedy series )NP (PRN -- (UCP `` (NP (NP Three 's )NP Company )NP , '' `` (ADJP Too Close (PP for (NP Comfort )NP )PP )ADJP '' and `` (VP Check (NP It )NP (ADVP Out )ADVP )VP '' )UCP -- )PRN (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP had (NP British antecedents )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )VP . )S 20 23 (S (NP He )NP (VP is discreetly (ADJP hopeful )ADJP , (S (VP citing (NP (NP three U.S. comedy series )NP (PRN -- (UCP `` (NP (NP Three 's )NP Company )NP , '' `` (ADJP Too Close (PP for (NP Comfort )NP )PP )ADJP '' and `` (VP Check (NP It )NP (ADVP Out '' )ADVP )VP )UCP -- )PRN (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP had (NP British antecedents )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )VP . )S 13 23 (S (S (NP He )NP (VP is discreetly (ADJP hopeful )ADJP , (S (VP citing (NP (NP three U.S. comedy series )NP -- `` (NP (NP Three 's )NP Company )NP , '' `` (NP (NP Too Close )NP (PP for (NP Comfort )NP )PP )NP '' and `` (S (VP Check (NP It )NP (PRT Out )PRT )VP )S '' )NP )VP )S )VP )S -- (S (NP that )NP (VP had (NP British antecedents )NP )VP )S . )S 21 23 (S (NP He )NP (VP is (ADJP discreetly hopeful )ADJP , (S (VP citing (NP (NP three U.S. comedy series )NP (PRN -- (UCP `` (NP (NP Three 's )NP Company )NP , '' `` (ADJP Too Close (PP for (NP Comfort )NP )PP )ADJP '' and `` (VP Check (NP It )NP (ADVP Out )ADVP )VP '' )UCP -- )PRN (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP had (NP British antecedents )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )VP . )S 13 23 (S (S (NP He )NP (VP is discreetly (ADJP hopeful )ADJP , (S (VP citing (NP (NP three U.S. comedy series )NP -- `` (NP (NP Three 's )NP Company )NP , '' `` (NP (NP Too Close )NP (PP for (NP Comfort )NP )PP )NP '' and `` (S (VP Check (NP It )NP (PRT Out )PRT )VP )S '' )NP )VP )S )VP )S -- (S (NP that )NP (VP had (NP British antecedents )NP )VP )S . )S 17 23 (S (NP He )NP (VP is discreetly (ADJP hopeful )ADJP , (S (VP citing (NP (NP three U.S. comedy series )NP -- `` (NP (NP Three 's )NP Company )NP , '' `` (NP (NP Too Close )NP (PP for (NP Comfort )NP )PP )NP '' and `` (S (VP Check (NP It )NP (PRT Out )PRT )VP )S '' )NP )VP )S -- (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP had (NP British antecedents )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 20 23 (S (NP He )NP (VP is discreetly (ADJP hopeful )ADJP , (S (VP citing (NP (NP three U.S. comedy series )NP (PRN -- (UCP `` (NP (NP Three 's )NP Company )NP , '' `` (ADJP Too Close (PP for (NP Comfort )NP )PP )ADJP '' and `` (VP Check (NP It )NP (ADVP Out )ADVP '' )VP )UCP -- )PRN (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP had (NP British antecedents )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )VP . )S 20 24 (S (NP He )NP (VP is discreetly (ADJP hopeful )ADJP , (S (VP citing (NP (NP three U.S. comedy series )NP (PRN -- (UCP `` (NP (NP Three 's )NP Company )NP , '' `` (ADJP (ADJP Too Close )ADJP (PP for (NP Comfort )NP )PP )ADJP '' and `` (VP Check (NP It )NP (ADVP Out )ADVP )VP '' )UCP -- )PRN (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP had (NP British antecedents )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )VP . )S 17 24 (S (NP He )NP (VP is (ADVP discreetly )ADVP (ADJP hopeful )ADJP , (S (VP citing (NP (NP three U.S. comedy series )NP -- `` (NP (NP Three 's )NP Company )NP , '' `` (NP (NP Too Close )NP (PP for (NP Comfort )NP )PP )NP '' and `` (S (VP Check (NP It )NP (ADVP Out )ADVP )VP )S '' )NP )VP )S -- (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP had (NP British antecedents )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 14 20 (S (NP He )NP (VP is discreetly (ADJP hopeful )ADJP , (S (VP citing (NP (NP three U.S. comedy series )NP -- `` (NP (NP Three 's )NP Company )NP , '' `` (NX Too Close for Comfort )NX '' and `` (S (VP Check (NP It )NP (PRT Out )PRT )VP )S '' )NP )VP )S -- (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP had (NP British antecedents )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 21 23 (S (NP He )NP (VP is (ADJP discreetly hopeful )ADJP , (S (VP citing (NP (NP three U.S. comedy series )NP (PRN -- (UCP `` (NP (NP Three 's )NP Company )NP , '' `` (ADJP Too Close (PP for (NP Comfort )NP )PP )ADJP '' and `` (VP Check (NP It )NP (ADVP Out '' )ADVP )VP )UCP -- )PRN (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP had (NP British antecedents )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )VP . )S 17 23 (S (NP He )NP (VP is discreetly (ADJP hopeful )ADJP , (S (VP citing (NP (NP three U.S. comedy series )NP -- `` (NP (NP Three 's )NP Company )NP , '' `` (NP (NP Too Close )NP (PP for (NP Comfort )NP )PP )NP '' and `` (S (VP Check (NP It )NP (PRT Out )PRT )VP )S '' )NP )VP )S -- (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP had (NP British antecedents )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 17 23 (S (NP He )NP (VP is discreetly (ADJP hopeful )ADJP , (S (VP citing (NP (NP three U.S. comedy series )NP -- `` (NP (NP Three 's )NP Company )NP , '' `` (ADJP (ADJP Too Close )ADJP (PP for (NP Comfort )NP )PP )ADJP '' and `` (S (VP Check (NP It )NP (PRT Out )PRT )VP )S '' )NP )VP )S -- (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP had (NP British antecedents )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 20 23 (S (NP He )NP (VP is discreetly (ADJP hopeful )ADJP , (S (VP citing (NP (NP three U.S. comedy series )NP (PRN -- (UCP `` (NP (NP Three 's )NP Company )NP , '' `` (ADJP Too Close (PP for (NP Comfort )NP )PP )ADJP '' and `` (VP Check (NP It )NP (ADVP Out )ADVP '' )VP )UCP -- )PRN (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP had (NP British antecedents )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )VP . )S 15 22 (S (NP He )NP (VP is discreetly (ADJP hopeful )ADJP , (S (VP citing (NP three U.S. comedy series )NP )VP )S -- `` (S (UCP (NP (NP Three 's )NP Company )NP , '' `` (ADJP Too Close (PP for (NP Comfort )NP )PP )ADJP '' and `` (VP Check (NP It )NP (PRT Out )PRT '' -- (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP had (NP British antecedents )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )UCP )S )VP . )S 17 23 (S (NP He )NP (VP is discreetly (ADJP hopeful )ADJP , (S (VP citing (NP (NP three U.S. comedy series )NP -- `` (NP (NP Three 's )NP Company )NP , '' `` (NP (NP Too Close )NP (PP for (NP Comfort )NP )PP )NP '' and `` (S (VP Check (NP It )NP (PRT Out )PRT )VP )S '' )NP )VP )S -- (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP had (NP British antecedents )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 17 25 (S (NP He )NP (VP is discreetly (ADJP hopeful )ADJP , (S (VP citing (NP (NP (NP three )NP (NP U.S. comedy series )NP )NP -- `` (NP (NP Three 's )NP Company )NP , '' `` (NP (NP Too Close )NP (PP for (NP Comfort )NP )PP )NP '' and `` (S (VP Check (NP It )NP (PRT Out )PRT )VP )S '' )NP )VP )S -- (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP had (NP British antecedents )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 50 26 34 (S (PP Perhaps without (S (VP realizing (NP it )NP )VP )S )PP , (NP Mr. Taffner )NP (ADVP simultaneously )ADVP (VP has (VP put (NP his finger )NP (PP on (NP (NP the problem )NP and (S (NP (NP an ideal solution )NP : `` (NP Capital City )NP '' )NP (VP should (VP have (VP been (NP (NP a comedy )NP , (NP (NP a worthy sequel )NP (PP to (NP the screwball (S (NP British )NP `` (VP Carry (PRT On )PRT '' (NP (NP movies )NP (PP of (NP the 1960s )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )NP )PP )NP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 25 34 (S (PP Perhaps without (S (VP realizing (NP it )NP )VP )S )PP , (NP Mr. Taffner )NP (ADVP simultaneously )ADVP (VP has (VP put (NP his finger )NP (PP on (NP (NP the problem )NP and (S (NP (NP an ideal solution )NP : `` (NX Capital City )NX '' )NP (VP should (VP have (VP been (NP (NP a comedy )NP , (NP (NP a worthy sequel )NP (PP to (NP the screwball (S (NP British )NP `` (VP Carry (PRT On )PRT '' (NP (NP movies )NP (PP of (NP the 1960s )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )NP )PP )NP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 26 36 (S (PP Perhaps without (S (VP realizing (NP it )NP )VP )S )PP , (NP Mr. Taffner )NP (ADVP simultaneously )ADVP (VP has (VP put (NP his finger )NP (PP on (NP (NP the problem )NP and (S (NP (NP an ideal solution )NP : `` (NP Capital City )NP '' )NP (VP should (VP have (VP been (NP (NP a comedy )NP , (NP (NP a worthy sequel )NP (PP to (NP (NP the screwball )NP (SBAR (S (NP British )NP (VP `` Carry (PRT On )PRT '' (NP (NP movies )NP (PP of (NP the 1960s )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 26 33 (S (PP Perhaps without (S (VP realizing (NP it )NP )VP )S )PP , (NP Mr. Taffner )NP (ADVP simultaneously )ADVP (VP has (VP put (NP his finger )NP (PP on (NP (NP the problem )NP and (S (NP (NP an ideal solution )NP : `` (NP Capital City )NP '' )NP (VP should (VP have (VP been (NP (NP a comedy )NP , (NP (NP a worthy sequel )NP (PP to (NP the screwball (S (NP British )NP `` (VP Carry (PRT On )PRT '' (NP movies )NP (PP of (NP the 1960s )NP )PP )VP )S )NP )PP )NP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 26 34 (S (PP Perhaps without (S (VP realizing (NP it )NP )VP )S )PP , (NP Mr. Taffner )NP (ADVP simultaneously )ADVP (VP has (VP put (NP his finger )NP (PP on (NP (NP the problem )NP and (S (NP (NP an ideal solution )NP : `` (NP Capital City )NP '' )NP (VP should (VP have (VP been (NP (NP a comedy )NP , (NP (NP a worthy sequel )NP (PP to (NP the screwball (S (NP British )NP `` (VP Carry (PP On '' (NP (NP movies )NP (PP of (NP the 1960s )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )NP )PP )NP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 20 33 (S (PP Perhaps without (S (VP realizing (NP it )NP )VP )S )PP , (NP Mr. Taffner )NP (ADVP simultaneously )ADVP (VP has (VP put (NP his finger )NP (PP on (NP (NP the problem )NP and (S (NP (NP an ideal solution )NP : `` (NP Capital City )NP '' )NP (VP should (VP have (VP been (NP a comedy )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP , (NP (NP a worthy sequel )NP (PP to (NP the screwball (S (NP British )NP `` (VP Carry (PRT On )PRT '' (NP (NP movies )NP (PP of (NP the 1960s )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP . )S 26 35 (S (PP Perhaps without (S (VP realizing (NP it )NP )VP )S )PP , (NP Mr. Taffner )NP (ADVP simultaneously )ADVP (VP has (VP put (NP his finger )NP (PP on (NP (NP the problem )NP and (S (NP (NP an ideal solution )NP : `` (NP Capital City )NP '' )NP (VP should (VP have (VP been (NP (NP a comedy )NP , (NP (NP a worthy sequel )NP (PP to (NP (NP the screwball )NP (SBAR (S (NP British )NP (VP `` Carry (PRT On )PRT '' (NP movies )NP (PP of (NP the 1960s )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 26 36 (S (PP Perhaps without (S (VP realizing (NP it )NP )VP )S )PP , (NP Mr. Taffner )NP (ADVP simultaneously )ADVP (VP has (VP put (NP his finger )NP (PP on (NP (NP the problem )NP and (S (NP (NP an ideal solution )NP : `` (NP Capital City )NP '' )NP (VP should (VP have (VP been (NP (NP a comedy )NP , (NP (NP a worthy sequel )NP (PP to (NP (NP the screwball )NP (SBAR (S (NP British )NP `` (VP Carry (PRT On )PRT '' (NP (NP movies )NP (PP of (NP the 1960s )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 25 36 (S (PP Perhaps without (S (VP realizing (NP it )NP )VP )S )PP , (NP Mr. Taffner )NP (ADVP simultaneously )ADVP (VP has (VP put (NP his finger )NP (PP on (NP (NP the problem )NP and (S (NP (NP an ideal solution )NP : `` (NX Capital City )NX '' )NP (VP should (VP have (VP been (NP (NP a comedy )NP , (NP (NP a worthy sequel )NP (PP to (NP (NP the screwball )NP (SBAR (S (NP British )NP (VP `` Carry (PRT On )PRT '' (NP (NP movies )NP (PP of (NP the 1960s )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 25 33 (S (PP Perhaps without (S (VP realizing (NP it )NP )VP )S )PP , (NP Mr. Taffner )NP (ADVP simultaneously )ADVP (VP has (VP put (NP his finger )NP (PP on (NP (NP the problem )NP and (S (NP (NP an ideal solution )NP : `` (NX Capital City )NX '' )NP (VP should (VP have (VP been (NP (NP a comedy )NP , (NP (NP a worthy sequel )NP (PP to (NP the screwball (S (NP British )NP `` (VP Carry (PRT On )PRT '' (NP movies )NP (PP of (NP the 1960s )NP )PP )VP )S )NP )PP )NP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 25 34 (S (PP Perhaps without (S (VP realizing (NP it )NP )VP )S )PP , (NP Mr. Taffner )NP (ADVP simultaneously )ADVP (VP has (VP put (NP his finger )NP (PP on (NP (NP the problem )NP and (S (NP (NP an ideal solution )NP : `` (NX Capital City )NX '' )NP (VP should (VP have (VP been (NP (NP a comedy )NP , (NP (NP a worthy sequel )NP (PP to (NP the screwball (S (NP British )NP `` (VP Carry (PP On '' (NP (NP movies )NP (PP of (NP the 1960s )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )NP )PP )NP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 18 33 (S (PP Perhaps without (S (VP realizing (NP it )NP )VP )S )PP , (NP Mr. Taffner )NP (ADVP simultaneously )ADVP (VP has (VP put (NP his finger )NP (PP on (NP (NP the problem )NP and (S (NP (NP an ideal solution )NP : `` (NP Capital City )NP '' )NP (VP should (VP have (VP been (NP a comedy )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP , (NP (NP a worthy sequel )NP (PP to (NP the screwball )NP )PP (S (NP British )NP `` (VP Carry (PRT On )PRT '' (NP (NP movies )NP (PP of (NP the 1960s )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )NP )VP )VP . )S 26 35 (S (PP Perhaps without (S (VP realizing (NP it )NP )VP )S )PP , (NP Mr. Taffner )NP (ADVP simultaneously )ADVP (VP has (VP put (NP (NP his finger )NP (PP on (NP (NP the problem )NP and (S (NP (NP an ideal solution )NP : `` (NP Capital City )NP '' )NP (VP should (VP have (VP been (NP (NP a comedy )NP , (NP (NP a worthy sequel )NP (PP to (NP the screwball (S (NP British )NP `` (VP Carry (PRT On )PRT '' (NP (NP movies )NP (PP of (NP the 1960s )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )NP )PP )NP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP . )S 26 35 (S (PP Perhaps without (S (VP realizing (NP it )NP )VP )S )PP , (NP Mr. Taffner )NP (ADVP simultaneously )ADVP (VP has (VP put (NP his finger )NP (PP on (NP (NP the problem )NP and (S (NP (NP an ideal solution )NP : `` (NP Capital City )NP '' )NP (VP should (VP have (VP been (NP (NP a comedy )NP , (NP (NP a worthy sequel )NP (PP to (NP the screwball (SBAR (S (NP British )NP (VP `` Carry (PRT On )PRT '' (NP (NP movies )NP (PP of (NP the 1960s )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 19 33 (S (PP Perhaps without (S (VP realizing (NP it )NP )VP )S )PP , (NP Mr. Taffner )NP (ADVP simultaneously )ADVP (VP has (VP put (NP his finger )NP (PP on (NP (NP the problem )NP and (S (NP (NP an ideal solution )NP : `` (NX Capital City )NX '' )NP (VP should (VP have (VP been (NP a comedy )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP , (NP (NP a worthy sequel )NP (PP to (NP the screwball (S (NP British )NP `` (VP Carry (PRT On )PRT '' (NP (NP movies )NP (PP of (NP the 1960s )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP . )S 25 35 (S (PP Perhaps without (S (VP realizing (NP it )NP )VP )S )PP , (NP Mr. Taffner )NP (ADVP simultaneously )ADVP (VP has (VP put (NP his finger )NP (PP on (NP (NP the problem )NP and (S (NP (NP an ideal solution )NP : `` (NX Capital City )NX '' )NP (VP should (VP have (VP been (NP (NP a comedy )NP , (NP (NP a worthy sequel )NP (PP to (NP (NP the screwball )NP (SBAR (S (NP British )NP (VP `` Carry (PRT On )PRT '' (NP movies )NP (PP of (NP the 1960s )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 26 35 (S (PP Perhaps without (S (VP realizing (NP it )NP )VP )S )PP , (NP Mr. Taffner )NP (ADVP simultaneously )ADVP (VP has (VP put (NP his finger )NP (PP on (NP (NP the problem )NP and (S (NP (NP an ideal solution )NP : `` (NP Capital City )NP '' )NP (VP should (VP have (VP been (NP (NP a comedy )NP , (NP (NP a worthy sequel )NP (PP to (NP the screwball (SBAR (S (NP British )NP `` (VP Carry (PRT On )PRT '' (NP (NP movies )NP (PP of (NP the 1960s )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 25 36 (S (PP Perhaps without (S (VP realizing (NP it )NP )VP )S )PP , (NP Mr. Taffner )NP (ADVP simultaneously )ADVP (VP has (VP put (NP his finger )NP (PP on (NP (NP the problem )NP and (S (NP (NP an ideal solution )NP : `` (NX Capital City )NX '' )NP (VP should (VP have (VP been (NP (NP a comedy )NP , (NP (NP a worthy sequel )NP (PP to (NP (NP the screwball )NP (SBAR (S (NP British )NP `` (VP Carry (PRT On )PRT '' (NP (NP movies )NP (PP of (NP the 1960s )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 24 35 (S (PP Perhaps without (S (VP realizing (NP it )NP )VP )S )PP , (NP Mr. Taffner )NP (ADVP simultaneously )ADVP (VP has (VP put (NP his finger )NP (PP on (NP (NP the problem )NP and (S (NP (NP an ideal solution )NP : `` (NP Capital City )NP '' )NP (VP should (VP have (VP been (NP (NP a comedy )NP , (NP (NP a worthy sequel )NP (PP to (NP the screwball )NP )PP (SBAR (S (NP British )NP (VP `` Carry (PRT On )PRT '' (NP (NP movies )NP (PP of (NP the 1960s )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 20 35 (S (PP Perhaps without (S (VP realizing (NP it )NP )VP )S )PP , (NP Mr. Taffner )NP (ADVP simultaneously )ADVP (VP has (VP put (NP his finger )NP (PP on (NP (NP the problem )NP and (S (NP (NP an ideal solution )NP : `` (NP Capital City )NP '' )NP (VP should (VP have (VP been (NP a comedy )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP , (NP (NP a worthy sequel )NP (PP to (NP (NP the screwball )NP (SBAR (S (NP British )NP (VP `` Carry (PRT On )PRT '' (NP (NP movies )NP (PP of (NP the 1960s )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP . )S 20 32 (S (PP Perhaps without (S (VP realizing (NP it )NP )VP )S )PP , (NP Mr. Taffner )NP (ADVP simultaneously )ADVP (VP has (VP put (NP his finger )NP (PP on (NP (NP the problem )NP and (S (NP (NP an ideal solution )NP : `` (NP Capital City )NP '' )NP (VP should (VP have (VP been (NP a comedy )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP , (NP (NP a worthy sequel )NP (PP to (NP the screwball (S (NP British )NP `` (VP Carry (PRT On )PRT '' (NP movies )NP (PP of (NP the 1960s )NP )PP )VP )S )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP . )S 26 35 (S (PP Perhaps without (S (VP realizing (NP it )NP )VP )S )PP , (NP Mr. Taffner )NP (ADVP simultaneously )ADVP (VP has (VP put (NP his finger )NP (PP on (NP (NP the problem )NP and (S (NP (NP an ideal solution )NP : `` (NP Capital City )NP '' )NP (VP should (VP have (VP been (NP (NP a comedy )NP , (NP (NP a worthy sequel )NP (PP to (NP (NP the screwball )NP (SBAR (S (NP British )NP `` (VP Carry (PRT On )PRT '' (NP movies )NP (PP of (NP the 1960s )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 26 34 (S (PP Perhaps without (S (VP realizing (NP it )NP )VP )S )PP , (NP Mr. Taffner )NP (ADVP simultaneously )ADVP (VP has (VP put (NP his finger )NP (PP on (NP (NP the problem )NP and (S (NP (NP an ideal solution )NP : `` (NP Capital City )NP '' )NP (VP should (VP have (VP been (NP (NP a comedy )NP , (NP (NP a worthy sequel )NP (PP to (NP the screwball (SBAR (S (NP British )NP (VP `` Carry (PRT On )PRT '' (NP movies )NP (PP of (NP the 1960s )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 17 33 (S (PP Perhaps without (S (VP realizing (NP it )NP )VP )S )PP , (NP Mr. Taffner )NP (ADVP simultaneously )ADVP (VP has (VP put (NP his finger )NP (PP on (NP (NP the problem )NP and (S (NP (NP an ideal solution )NP : `` (NX Capital City )NX '' )NP (VP should (VP have (VP been (NP a comedy )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP , (NP (NP a worthy sequel )NP (PP to (NP the screwball )NP )PP (S (NP British )NP `` (VP Carry (PRT On )PRT '' (NP (NP movies )NP (PP of (NP the 1960s )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )NP )VP )VP . )S 20 33 (S (PP Perhaps without (S (VP realizing (NP it )NP )VP )S )PP , (NP Mr. Taffner )NP (ADVP simultaneously )ADVP (VP has (VP put (NP his finger )NP (PP on (NP (NP the problem )NP and (S (NP (NP an ideal solution )NP : `` (NP Capital City )NP '' )NP (VP should (VP have (VP been (NP a comedy )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP , (NP (NP a worthy sequel )NP (PP to (NP the screwball (S (NP British )NP `` (VP Carry (PP On '' (NP (NP movies )NP (PP of (NP the 1960s )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP . )S 25 35 (S (PP Perhaps without (S (VP realizing (NP it )NP )VP )S )PP , (NP Mr. Taffner )NP (ADVP simultaneously )ADVP (VP has (VP put (NP (NP his finger )NP (PP on (NP (NP the problem )NP and (S (NP (NP an ideal solution )NP : `` (NX Capital City )NX '' )NP (VP should (VP have (VP been (NP (NP a comedy )NP , (NP (NP a worthy sequel )NP (PP to (NP the screwball (S (NP British )NP `` (VP Carry (PRT On )PRT '' (NP (NP movies )NP (PP of (NP the 1960s )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )NP )PP )NP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP . )S 25 35 (S (PP Perhaps without (S (VP realizing (NP it )NP )VP )S )PP , (NP Mr. Taffner )NP (ADVP simultaneously )ADVP (VP has (VP put (NP his finger )NP (PP on (NP (NP the problem )NP and (S (NP (NP an ideal solution )NP : `` (NX Capital City )NX '' )NP (VP should (VP have (VP been (NP (NP a comedy )NP , (NP (NP a worthy sequel )NP (PP to (NP the screwball (SBAR (S (NP British )NP (VP `` Carry (PRT On )PRT '' (NP (NP movies )NP (PP of (NP the 1960s )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 24 34 (S (PP Perhaps without (S (VP realizing (NP it )NP )VP )S )PP , (NP Mr. Taffner )NP (ADVP simultaneously )ADVP (VP has (VP put (NP his finger )NP (PP on (NP (NP the problem )NP and (S (NP (NP an ideal solution )NP : `` (NP Capital City )NP '' )NP (VP should (VP have (VP been (NP (NP a comedy )NP , (NP (NP a worthy sequel )NP (PP to (NP the screwball )NP )PP (SBAR (S (NP British )NP (VP `` Carry (PRT On )PRT '' (NP movies )NP (PP of (NP the 1960s )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 26 36 (S (PP Perhaps without (S (VP realizing (NP it )NP )VP )S )PP , (NP Mr. Taffner )NP (ADVP simultaneously )ADVP (VP has (VP put (NP his finger )NP (PP on (NP (NP the problem )NP and (S (NP (NP an ideal solution )NP : `` (NP Capital City )NP '' )NP (VP should (VP have (VP been (NP (NP a comedy )NP , (NP (NP a worthy sequel )NP (PP to (NP (NP the screwball )NP (SBAR (S (NP British )NP `` (VP Carry (PP On '' (NP (NP movies )NP (PP of (NP the 1960s )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 26 36 (S (PP Perhaps without (S (VP realizing (NP it )NP )VP )S )PP , (NP Mr. Taffner )NP (ADVP simultaneously )ADVP (VP has (VP put (NP his finger )NP (PP on (NP (NP the problem )NP and (S (NP (NP an ideal solution )NP : `` (NP Capital City )NP '' )NP (VP should (VP have (VP been (NP (NP a comedy )NP , (NP (NP a worthy sequel )NP (PP to (NP (NP the screwball )NP (SBAR (S (NP British )NP `` (VP Carry (PP On '' (NP (NP movies )NP (PP of (NP the 1960s )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 25 35 (S (PP Perhaps without (S (VP realizing (NP it )NP )VP )S )PP , (NP Mr. Taffner )NP (ADVP simultaneously )ADVP (VP has (VP put (NP his finger )NP (PP on (NP (NP the problem )NP and (S (NP (NP an ideal solution )NP : `` (NX Capital City )NX '' )NP (VP should (VP have (VP been (NP (NP a comedy )NP , (NP (NP a worthy sequel )NP (PP to (NP the screwball (SBAR (S (NP British )NP `` (VP Carry (PRT On )PRT '' (NP (NP movies )NP (PP of (NP the 1960s )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 22 34 (S (S (PP Perhaps without (S (VP realizing (NP it )NP )VP )S )PP , (NP Mr. Taffner )NP (ADVP simultaneously )ADVP (VP has (VP put (NP his finger )NP (PP on (NP the problem )NP )PP )VP )VP )S and (S (NP (NP an ideal solution )NP : `` (NP Capital City )NP '' )NP (VP should (VP have (VP been (NP (NP a comedy )NP , (NP (NP a worthy sequel )NP (PP to (NP the screwball (S (NP British )NP `` (VP Carry (PRT On )PRT '' (NP (NP movies )NP (PP of (NP the 1960s )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )NP )PP )NP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S . )S 20 34 (S (PP Perhaps without (S (VP realizing (NP it )NP )VP )S )PP , (NP Mr. Taffner )NP (ADVP simultaneously )ADVP (VP has (VP put (NP his finger )NP (PP on (NP (NP the problem )NP and (S (NP (NP an ideal solution )NP : `` (NP Capital City )NP '' )NP (VP should (VP have (VP been (NP a comedy )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP , (NP (NP a worthy sequel )NP (PP to (NP (NP the screwball )NP (SBAR (S (NP British )NP (VP `` Carry (PRT On )PRT '' (NP movies )NP (PP of (NP the 1960s )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP . )S 23 35 (S (PP Perhaps without (S (VP realizing (NP it )NP )VP )S )PP , (NP Mr. Taffner )NP (ADVP simultaneously )ADVP (VP has (VP put (NP his finger )NP (PP on (NP (NP the problem )NP and (S (NP (NP an ideal solution )NP : `` (NX Capital City )NX '' )NP (VP should (VP have (VP been (NP (NP a comedy )NP , (NP (NP a worthy sequel )NP (PP to (NP the screwball )NP )PP (SBAR (S (NP British )NP (VP `` Carry (PRT On )PRT '' (NP (NP movies )NP (PP of (NP the 1960s )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 26 37 (S (PP Perhaps without (S (VP realizing (NP it )NP )VP )S )PP , (NP Mr. Taffner )NP (ADVP simultaneously )ADVP (VP has (VP put (NP (NP his finger )NP (PP on (NP (NP the problem )NP and (S (NP (NP an ideal solution )NP : `` (NP Capital City )NP '' )NP (VP should (VP have (VP been (NP (NP a comedy )NP , (NP (NP a worthy sequel )NP (PP to (NP (NP the screwball )NP (SBAR (S (NP British )NP (VP `` Carry (PRT On )PRT '' (NP (NP movies )NP (PP of (NP the 1960s )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP . )S 18 32 (S (PP Perhaps without (S (VP realizing (NP it )NP )VP )S )PP , (NP Mr. Taffner )NP (ADVP simultaneously )ADVP (VP has (VP put (NP his finger )NP (PP on (NP (NP the problem )NP and (S (NP (NP an ideal solution )NP : `` (NP Capital City )NP '' )NP (VP should (VP have (VP been (NP a comedy )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP , (NP (NP a worthy sequel )NP (PP to (NP the screwball )NP )PP (S (NP British )NP `` (VP Carry (PRT On )PRT '' (NP movies )NP (PP of (NP the 1960s )NP )PP )VP )S )NP )VP )VP . )S 20 35 (S (PP Perhaps without (S (VP realizing (NP it )NP )VP )S )PP , (NP Mr. Taffner )NP (ADVP simultaneously )ADVP (VP has (VP put (NP his finger )NP (PP on (NP (NP the problem )NP and (S (NP (NP an ideal solution )NP : `` (NP Capital City )NP '' )NP (VP should (VP have (VP been (NP a comedy )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP , (NP (NP a worthy sequel )NP (PP to (NP (NP the screwball )NP (SBAR (S (NP British )NP `` (VP Carry (PRT On )PRT '' (NP (NP movies )NP (PP of (NP the 1960s )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP . )S 26 34 (S (PP Perhaps without (S (VP realizing (NP it )NP )VP )S )PP , (NP Mr. Taffner )NP (ADVP simultaneously )ADVP (VP has (VP put (NP (NP his finger )NP (PP on (NP (NP the problem )NP and (S (NP (NP an ideal solution )NP : `` (NP Capital City )NP '' )NP (VP should (VP have (VP been (NP (NP a comedy )NP , (NP (NP a worthy sequel )NP (PP to (NP the screwball (S (NP British )NP `` (VP Carry (PRT On )PRT '' (NP movies )NP (PP of (NP the 1960s )NP )PP )VP )S )NP )PP )NP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP . )S 19 35 (S (PP Perhaps without (S (VP realizing (NP it )NP )VP )S )PP , (NP Mr. Taffner )NP (ADVP simultaneously )ADVP (VP has (VP put (NP his finger )NP (PP on (NP (NP the problem )NP and (S (NP (NP an ideal solution )NP : `` (NX Capital City )NX '' )NP (VP should (VP have (VP been (NP a comedy )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP , (NP (NP a worthy sequel )NP (PP to (NP (NP the screwball )NP (SBAR (S (NP British )NP (VP `` Carry (PRT On )PRT '' (NP (NP movies )NP (PP of (NP the 1960s )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP . )S 19 32 (S (PP Perhaps without (S (VP realizing (NP it )NP )VP )S )PP , (NP Mr. Taffner )NP (ADVP simultaneously )ADVP (VP has (VP put (NP his finger )NP (PP on (NP (NP the problem )NP and (S (NP (NP an ideal solution )NP : `` (NX Capital City )NX '' )NP (VP should (VP have (VP been (NP a comedy )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP , (NP (NP a worthy sequel )NP (PP to (NP the screwball (S (NP British )NP `` (VP Carry (PRT On )PRT '' (NP movies )NP (PP of (NP the 1960s )NP )PP )VP )S )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP . )S 26 34 (S (PP Perhaps without (S (VP realizing (NP it )NP )VP )S )PP , (NP Mr. Taffner )NP (ADVP simultaneously )ADVP (VP has (VP put (NP his finger )NP (PP on (NP (NP the problem )NP and (S (NP (NP an ideal solution )NP : `` (NP Capital City )NP '' )NP (VP should (VP have (VP been (NP (NP a comedy )NP , (NP (NP a worthy sequel )NP (PP to (NP the screwball (S (NP British )NP (VP `` Carry (PRT On )PRT '' (NP (NP movies )NP (PP of (NP the 1960s )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )NP )PP )NP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 26 34 (S (PP Perhaps without (S (VP realizing (NP it )NP )VP )S )PP , (NP Mr. Taffner )NP (ADVP simultaneously )ADVP (VP has (VP put (NP his finger )NP (PP on (NP (NP the problem )NP and (S (NP (NP an ideal solution )NP : `` (NP Capital City )NP '' )NP (VP should (VP have (VP been (NP (NP a comedy )NP , (NP (NP a worthy sequel )NP (PP to (NP the screwball (SBAR (S (NP British )NP `` (VP Carry (PRT On )PRT '' (NP movies )NP (PP of (NP the 1960s )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 26 34 (S (PP Perhaps without (S (VP realizing (NP it )NP )VP )S )PP , (NP Mr. Taffner )NP (ADVP simultaneously )ADVP (VP has (VP put (NP his finger )NP (PP on (NP (NP the problem )NP and (S (NP (NP an ideal solution )NP : `` (NP Capital City )NP '' )NP (VP should (VP have (VP been (NP (NP a comedy )NP , (NP (NP a worthy sequel )NP (PP to (NP the screwball (S (NP British )NP `` (VP Carry (PRT On )PRT '' (NP (NP movies )NP (PP of (NP the 1960s )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )NP )PP )NP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 25 35 (S (PP Perhaps without (S (VP realizing (NP it )NP )VP )S )PP , (NP Mr. Taffner )NP (ADVP simultaneously )ADVP (VP has (VP put (NP his finger )NP (PP on (NP (NP the problem )NP and (S (NP (NP an ideal solution )NP : `` (NX Capital City )NX '' )NP (VP should (VP have (VP been (NP (NP a comedy )NP , (NP (NP a worthy sequel )NP (PP to (NP (NP the screwball )NP (SBAR (S (NP British )NP `` (VP Carry (PRT On )PRT '' (NP movies )NP (PP of (NP the 1960s )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 24 34 (S (PP Perhaps without (S (VP realizing (NP it )NP )VP )S )PP , (NP Mr. Taffner )NP (ADVP simultaneously )ADVP (VP has (VP put (NP his finger )NP (PP on (NP (NP the problem )NP and (S (NP (NP an ideal solution )NP : `` (NP Capital City )NP '' )NP (VP should (VP have (VP been (NP (NP a comedy )NP , (NP (NP a worthy sequel )NP (PP to (NP the screwball )NP )PP (S (NP British )NP `` (VP Carry (PRT On )PRT '' (NP (NP movies )NP (PP of (NP the 1960s )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )NP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 18 33 (S (PP Perhaps without (S (VP realizing (NP it )NP )VP )S )PP , (NP Mr. Taffner )NP (ADVP simultaneously )ADVP (VP has (VP put (NP his finger )NP (PP on (NP (NP the problem )NP and (S (NP (NP an ideal solution )NP : `` (NP Capital City )NP '' )NP (VP should (VP have (VP been (NP a comedy )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP , (NP (NP a worthy sequel )NP (PP to (NP the screwball )NP )PP (S (NP British )NP `` (VP Carry (PP On '' (NP (NP movies )NP (PP of (NP the 1960s )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )NP )VP )VP . )S 25 34 (S (PP Perhaps without (S (VP realizing (NP it )NP )VP )S )PP , (NP Mr. Taffner )NP (ADVP simultaneously )ADVP (VP has (VP put (NP his finger )NP (PP on (NP (NP the problem )NP and (S (NP (NP an ideal solution )NP : `` (NX Capital City )NX '' )NP (VP should (VP have (VP been (NP (NP a comedy )NP , (NP (NP a worthy sequel )NP (PP to (NP the screwball (SBAR (S (NP British )NP (VP `` Carry (PRT On )PRT '' (NP movies )NP (PP of (NP the 1960s )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 26 35 (S (PP Perhaps without (S (VP realizing (NP it )NP )VP )S )PP , (NP Mr. Taffner )NP (ADVP simultaneously )ADVP (VP has (VP put (NP (NP his finger )NP (PP on (NP (NP the problem )NP and (S (NP (NP an ideal solution )NP : `` (NP Capital City )NP '' )NP (VP should (VP have (VP been (NP (NP a comedy )NP , (NP (NP a worthy sequel )NP (PP to (NP the screwball (S (NP British )NP `` (VP Carry (PP On '' (NP (NP movies )NP (PP of (NP the 1960s )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )NP )PP )NP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP . )S 27 34 (S (PP Perhaps without (S (VP realizing (NP it )NP )VP )S )PP , (NP Mr. Taffner )NP (ADVP simultaneously )ADVP (VP has (VP put (NP his finger )NP (PP on (NP (NP the problem )NP and (S (NP (NP an ideal solution )NP : `` (NP Capital City )NP '' )NP (VP should (VP have (VP been (NP (NP a comedy )NP , (NP (NP a worthy sequel )NP (PP to (NP (NP the screwball (S (NP British )NP (VP `` Carry (PRT On )PRT '' (NP movies )NP )VP )S )NP (PP of (NP the 1960s )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 19 33 (S (PP Perhaps without (S (VP realizing (NP it )NP )VP )S )PP , (NP Mr. Taffner )NP (ADVP simultaneously )ADVP (VP has (VP put (NP his finger )NP (PP on (NP (NP the problem )NP and (S (NP (NP an ideal solution )NP : `` (NX Capital City )NX '' )NP (VP should (VP have (VP been (NP a comedy )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP , (NP (NP a worthy sequel )NP (PP to (NP the screwball (S (NP British )NP `` (VP Carry (PP On '' (NP (NP movies )NP (PP of (NP the 1960s )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP . )S 50 5 6 (S (NP The seeds )NP (ADVP already )ADVP (VP are (PP in (NP the script )NP )PP )VP . )S 5 7 (S (NP (NP The seeds )NP (ADVP already )ADVP )NP (VP are (PP in (NP the script )NP )PP )VP . )S 5 7 (S (NP The seeds )NP (ADVP already )ADVP (VP are (VP (PP in (NP the script )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 5 7 (S (NP The seeds )NP (VP (ADVP already )ADVP (VP are (PP in (NP the script )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 5 7 (S (NP The (NX seeds )NX )NP (ADVP already )ADVP (VP are (PP in (NP the script )NP )PP )VP . )S 5 7 (S (NP The seeds )NP (ADVP already )ADVP (VP are (PP in (S (NP the script )NP )S )PP )VP . )S 4 5 (S (NP The seeds already )NP (VP are (PP in (NP the script )NP )PP )VP . )S 5 6 (S (NP The seeds )NP (ADVP already )ADVP (VP are (PP in (NP the script )NP )PP )VP . )S 5 7 (S (NP The seeds )NP (ADVP already )ADVP (VP are (PP in (NP (NP the )NP script )NP )PP )VP . )S 4 6 (S (NP The seeds )NP (ADVP already )ADVP (VP are (ADVP in )ADVP (NP the script )NP )VP . )S 5 8 (S (NP (NP The seeds )NP (ADVP already )ADVP )NP (VP are (VP (PP in (NP the script )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 4 6 (S (NP The seeds )NP (ADVP already )ADVP (VP are (VP in (NP the script )NP )VP )VP . )S 5 6 (S (NP (NP The seeds )NP already )NP (VP are (PP in (NP the script )NP )PP )VP . )S 4 7 (S (NP The seeds )NP (ADVP already )ADVP (VP are (VP in (S (NP the script )NP )S )VP )VP . )S 4 6 (S (NP The seeds )NP (ADVP already )ADVP (VP are (ADVP in )ADVP (NP the script )NP )VP . )S 4 6 (S (NP The seeds )NP (VP (ADVP already )ADVP are (PP in (NP the script )NP )PP )VP . )S 5 7 (S (NP (NP The )NP seeds )NP (ADVP already )ADVP (VP are (PP in (NP the script )NP )PP )VP . )S 3 5 (S (NP The seeds )NP (ADVP already )ADVP (VP are (NP in the script )NP )VP . )S 5 6 (S (NP The seeds )NP (VP already (VP are (PP in (NP the script )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 4 7 (S (NP The seeds )NP (ADVP already )ADVP (VP are (VP (ADVP in (NP the script )NP )ADVP )VP )VP . )S 4 6 (S (NP The seeds )NP (ADVP already )ADVP (VP are (ADVP in (NP the script )NP )ADVP )VP . )S 4 6 (S (NP The seeds )NP (ADVP already )ADVP (VP are (ADVP in )ADVP (NP the script )NP )VP . )S 5 8 (S (NP (NP The seeds )NP (ADVP already )ADVP )NP (VP are (PP in (S (NP the script )NP )S )PP )VP . )S 4 6 (S (NP The seeds )NP (ADVP already )ADVP (VP are (ADVP in (NP the script )NP )ADVP )VP . )S 5 7 (S (NP (NP The seeds )NP (ADVP already )ADVP )NP (VP are (PP in (NP the script )NP )PP )VP . )S 5 6 (S (ADVP (NP The seeds )NP already )ADVP (VP are (PP in (NP the script )NP )PP )VP . )S 4 5 (S (NP The seeds )NP (ADVP already )ADVP (VP are in (NP the script )NP )VP . )S 4 7 (S (NP The seeds )NP (VP (ADVP already )ADVP are (VP (PP in (NP the script )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 5 8 (S (NP The (NX seeds )NX )NP (ADVP already )ADVP (VP are (VP (PP in (NP the script )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 5 8 (S (NP (NP The (NX seeds )NX )NP (ADVP already )ADVP )NP (VP are (PP in (NP the script )NP )PP )VP . )S 4 5 (S (NP The seeds )NP (VP already are (PP in (NP the script )NP )PP )VP . )S 5 8 (S (NP The seeds )NP (ADVP already )ADVP (VP are (VP (PP in (S (NP the script )NP )S )PP )VP )VP . )S 3 5 (S (NP The seeds )NP (ADVP already )ADVP (VP are (NP in the script )NP )VP . )S 3 5 (S (NP The seeds )NP (ADVP already )ADVP (VP are (ADVP in the script )ADVP )VP . )S 5 8 (S (NP (NP The seeds )NP (ADVP already )ADVP )NP (VP are (PP in (NP (NP the )NP script )NP )PP )VP . )S 4 7 (S (NP (NP The seeds )NP (ADVP already )ADVP )NP (VP are (ADVP in )ADVP (NP the script )NP )VP . )S 4 6 (S (NP The seeds already )NP (VP are (VP (PP in (NP the script )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 4 7 (S (NP (NP The seeds )NP (ADVP already )ADVP )NP (VP are (VP in (NP the script )NP )VP )VP . )S 5 8 (S (NP The (NX seeds )NX )NP (VP (ADVP already )ADVP (VP are (PP in (NP the script )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 5 8 (S (NP The seeds )NP (VP (ADVP already )ADVP (VP are (PP in (S (NP the script )NP )S )PP )VP )VP . )S 4 8 (S (NP (NP The seeds )NP (ADVP already )ADVP )NP (VP are (VP in (S (NP the script )NP )S )VP )VP . )S 4 7 (S (NP The seeds )NP (ADVP already )ADVP (VP are (SBAR in (S (NP the script )NP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 5 7 (S (NP The seeds )NP (VP (ADVP already )ADVP (VP are (PP in (NP the script )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 5 8 (S (NP The seeds )NP (ADVP already )ADVP (VP are (VP (PP in (NP (NP the )NP script )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 3 6 (S (NP The seeds )NP (ADVP already )ADVP (VP are (NP (ADVP in )ADVP the script )NP )VP . )S 5 7 (S (NP (NP The seeds )NP already )NP (VP are (VP (PP in (NP the script )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 5 5 (S (NP The seeds )NP already (VP are (PP in (NP the script )NP )PP )VP . )S 4 7 (S (NP (NP The seeds )NP (ADVP already )ADVP )NP (VP are (ADVP in )ADVP (NP the script )NP )VP . )S 3 6 (S (NP The seeds )NP (ADVP already )ADVP (VP are (NP (ADVP in )ADVP the script )NP )VP . )S 5 8 (S (NP The (NX seeds )NX )NP (ADVP already )ADVP (VP are (PP in (S (NP the script )NP )S )PP )VP . )S 50 21 22 (S (NP The first episode )NP (VP concluded (PP with (NP (NP a (ADJP marvelously cute )ADJP scene )NP (SBAR (WHPP in (WHNP which )WHNP )WHPP (S (NP the trading-room crew )NP (VP (VP minded (NP a baby )NP )VP , (NP (NP the casualty )NP (PP of (NP (NP a broken marriage )NP (PP at (NP the firm )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 21 21 (S (NP The first episode )NP (VP concluded (PP with (NP (NP a (ADJP marvelously cute )ADJP scene )NP (SBAR (WHPP in (WHNP which )WHNP )WHPP (S (NP the trading-room crew )NP (VP minded (NP a baby )NP , (NP (NP the casualty )NP (PP of (NP (NP a broken marriage )NP (PP at (NP the firm )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 21 22 (S (NP The first episode )NP (VP concluded (PP with (NP (NP a (ADJP marvelously cute )ADJP scene )NP (SBAR (WHPP in (WHNP which )WHNP )WHPP (S (NP the trading-room crew )NP (VP (VP minded (NP a baby )NP )VP , (NP (NP the casualty )NP (PP of (NP (NP a broken marriage )NP (PP at (NP the firm )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 21 22 (S (NP The first episode )NP (VP concluded (PP with (NP (NP a (ADJP marvelously cute )ADJP scene )NP (SBAR (WHPP in (WHNP which )WHNP )WHPP (S (NP the trading-room crew )NP (VP (VP minded (NP a baby )NP )VP , (NP (NP the casualty )NP (PP of (NP (NP a broken marriage )NP (PP at (NP the firm )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 21 21 (S (NP The first episode )NP (VP concluded (PP with (NP (NP a (ADJP marvelously cute )ADJP scene )NP (SBAR (WHPP in (WHNP which )WHNP )WHPP (S (NP the trading-room crew )NP (VP minded (NP a baby )NP , (NP (NP the casualty )NP (PP of (NP (NP a broken marriage )NP (PP at (NP the firm )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 21 21 (S (NP The first episode )NP (VP concluded (PP with (NP (NP a (ADJP marvelously cute )ADJP scene )NP (SBAR (WHPP in (WHNP which )WHNP )WHPP (S (NP the trading-room crew )NP (VP minded (NP a baby )NP , (NP (NP the casualty )NP (PP of (NP (NP a broken marriage )NP (PP at (NP the firm )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 21 22 (S (NP The first episode )NP (VP concluded (PP with (NP (NP a (ADJP marvelously cute )ADJP scene )NP (SBAR (WHPP in (WHNP which )WHNP )WHPP (S (NP the trading-room crew )NP (VP (VP minded (NP a baby )NP )VP , (NP (NP the casualty )NP (PP of (NP (NP a broken marriage )NP (PP at (NP the firm )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 21 21 (S (NP The first episode )NP (VP concluded (PP with (NP (NP a (ADJP marvelously cute )ADJP scene )NP (SBAR (WHPP in (WHNP which )WHNP )WHPP (S (NP the trading-room crew )NP (VP minded (NP a baby )NP , (NP (NP the casualty )NP (PP of (NP (NP a broken marriage )NP (PP at (NP the firm )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 22 22 (S (NP The first episode )NP (VP concluded (PP with (NP (NP a (ADJP marvelously cute )ADJP scene )NP (SBAR (WHPP in (WHNP which )WHNP )WHPP (S (NP the trading-room crew )NP (VP minded (NP (NP a baby )NP , (NP (NP the casualty )NP (PP of (NP (NP a broken marriage )NP (PP at (NP the firm )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 18 21 (S (NP The first episode )NP (VP concluded (PP with (NP (NP a (ADJP marvelously cute )ADJP scene )NP (SBAR (WHPP in (WHNP which )WHNP )WHPP (S (NP the trading-room crew )NP (VP minded (NP (NP a baby )NP , (NP (NP the casualty )NP (PP of (NP a broken marriage )NP )PP )NP )NP (PP at (NP the firm )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 20 21 (S (NP The first episode )NP (VP concluded (PP with (NP (NP a (ADJP marvelously cute )ADJP scene )NP (SBAR (WHPP in (WHNP which )WHNP )WHPP (S (NP the trading-room crew )NP (VP minded (NP (NP a baby )NP , (NP (NP the casualty )NP (PP of (NP a broken marriage )NP )PP (PP at (NP the firm )NP )PP )NP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 16 21 (S (NP The first episode )NP (VP concluded (PP with (NP (NP a (ADJP marvelously cute )ADJP scene )NP (SBAR (WHPP in (WHNP which )WHNP )WHPP (S (NP the trading-room crew )NP (VP minded (NP a baby )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP , (NP (NP the casualty )NP (PP of (NP (NP a broken marriage )NP (PP at (NP the firm )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 22 22 (S (NP The first episode )NP (VP concluded (PP with (NP (NP a (ADJP marvelously cute )ADJP scene )NP (SBAR (WHPP in (WHNP which )WHNP )WHPP (S (NP the trading-room crew )NP (VP minded (NP (NP a baby )NP , (NP (NP the casualty )NP (PP of (NP (NP a broken marriage )NP (PP at (NP the firm )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 22 22 (S (NP The first episode )NP (VP concluded (PP with (NP (NP a (ADJP marvelously cute )ADJP scene )NP (SBAR (WHPP in (WHNP which )WHNP )WHPP (S (NP the trading-room crew )NP (VP minded (NP (NP a baby )NP , (NP (NP the casualty )NP (PP of (NP (NP a broken marriage )NP (PP at (NP the firm )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 18 21 (S (NP The first episode )NP (VP concluded (PP with (NP (NP a (ADJP marvelously cute )ADJP scene )NP (SBAR (WHPP in (WHNP which )WHNP )WHPP (S (NP the trading-room crew )NP (VP minded (NP (NP a baby )NP , (NP (NP the casualty )NP (PP of (NP a broken marriage )NP )PP )NP )NP (PP at (NP the firm )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 16 22 (S (NP The first episode )NP (VP (VP concluded (PP with (NP (NP a (ADJP marvelously cute )ADJP scene )NP (SBAR (WHPP in (WHNP which )WHNP )WHPP (S (NP the trading-room crew )NP (VP minded (NP a baby )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP , (NP (NP the casualty )NP (PP of (NP (NP a broken marriage )NP (PP at (NP the firm )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 21 22 (S (NP The first episode )NP (VP concluded (PP with (NP (NP a (ADJP marvelously cute )ADJP scene )NP (SBAR (WHPP in (WHNP which )WHNP )WHPP (S (NP the trading-room crew )NP (VP minded (NP a baby )NP , (S (NP (NP the casualty )NP (PP of (NP (NP a broken marriage )NP (PP at (NP the firm )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 19 21 (S (NP The first episode )NP (VP concluded (PP with (NP (NP a (ADJP marvelously cute )ADJP scene )NP (SBAR (WHPP in (WHNP which )WHNP )WHPP (S (NP the trading-room crew )NP (VP (VP minded (NP a baby )NP )VP , (NP (NP the casualty )NP (PP of (NP a broken marriage )NP )PP (PP at (NP the firm )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 20 21 (S (NP The first episode )NP (VP concluded (PP with (NP (NP a (ADJP marvelously cute )ADJP scene )NP (SBAR (WHPP in (WHNP which )WHNP )WHPP (S (NP the trading-room crew )NP (VP minded (NP (NP a baby )NP , (NP (NP the casualty )NP (PP of (NP a broken marriage )NP )PP (PP at (NP the firm )NP )PP )NP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 16 21 (S (NP The first episode )NP (VP concluded (PP with (NP (NP a (ADJP marvelously cute )ADJP scene )NP (SBAR (WHPP in (WHNP which )WHNP )WHPP (S (NP the trading-room crew )NP (VP minded (NP a baby )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP , (NP (NP the casualty )NP (PP of (NP (NP a broken marriage )NP (PP at (NP the firm )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 16 21 (S (NP The first episode )NP (VP concluded (PP with (NP (NP a (ADJP marvelously cute )ADJP scene )NP (SBAR (WHPP in (WHNP which )WHNP )WHPP (S (NP the trading-room crew )NP (VP minded (NP a baby )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP , (NP (NP the casualty )NP (PP of (NP (NP a broken marriage )NP (PP at (NP the firm )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 22 22 (S (NP The first episode )NP (VP concluded (PP with (NP (NP a (ADJP marvelously cute )ADJP scene )NP (SBAR (WHPP in (WHNP which )WHNP )WHPP (S (NP the trading-room crew )NP (VP minded (NP (NP a baby )NP , (NP (NP the casualty )NP (PP of (NP (NP a broken marriage )NP (PP at (NP the firm )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 18 21 (S (NP The first episode )NP (VP concluded (PP with (NP (NP a (ADJP marvelously cute )ADJP scene )NP (SBAR (WHPP in (WHNP which )WHNP )WHPP (S (NP the trading-room crew )NP (VP minded (NP (NP a baby )NP , (NP (NP the casualty )NP (PP of (NP a broken marriage )NP )PP )NP )NP (PP at (NP the firm )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 16 22 (S (NP The first episode )NP (VP (VP concluded (PP with (NP (NP a (ADJP marvelously cute )ADJP scene )NP (SBAR (WHPP in (WHNP which )WHNP )WHPP (S (NP the trading-room crew )NP (VP minded (NP a baby )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP , (NP (NP the casualty )NP (PP of (NP (NP a broken marriage )NP (PP at (NP the firm )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 19 20 (S (NP The first episode )NP (VP concluded (PP with (NP (NP a (ADJP marvelously cute )ADJP scene )NP (SBAR (WHPP in (WHNP which )WHNP )WHPP (S (NP the trading-room crew )NP (VP minded (NP a baby )NP , (NP (NP the casualty )NP (PP of (NP a broken marriage )NP )PP (PP at (NP the firm )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 16 22 (S (NP The first episode )NP (VP (VP concluded (PP with (NP (NP a (ADJP marvelously cute )ADJP scene )NP (SBAR (WHPP in (WHNP which )WHNP )WHPP (S (NP the trading-room crew )NP (VP minded (NP a baby )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP , (NP (NP the casualty )NP (PP of (NP (NP a broken marriage )NP (PP at (NP the firm )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 18 22 (S (NP The first episode )NP (VP concluded (PP with (NP (NP (NP a (ADJP marvelously cute )ADJP scene )NP (SBAR (WHPP in (WHNP which )WHNP )WHPP (S (NP the trading-room crew )NP (VP minded (NP a baby )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP , (NP (NP the casualty )NP (PP of (NP (NP a broken marriage )NP (PP at (NP the firm )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 21 22 (S (NP The first episode )NP (VP concluded (PP with (NP (NP a (ADJP marvelously cute )ADJP scene )NP (SBAR (WHPP in (WHNP which )WHNP )WHPP (S (NP the trading-room crew )NP (VP minded (NP a baby )NP , (S (NP (NP the casualty )NP (PP of (NP (NP a broken marriage )NP (PP at (NP the firm )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 21 22 (S (NP The first episode )NP (VP concluded (PP with (NP (NP a (ADJP marvelously cute )ADJP scene )NP (SBAR (WHPP in (WHNP which )WHNP )WHPP (S (NP the trading-room crew )NP (VP minded (NP a baby )NP , (S (NP (NP the casualty )NP (PP of (NP (NP a broken marriage )NP (PP at (NP the firm )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 20 21 (S (NP The first episode )NP (VP concluded (PP with (NP (NP a (ADJP marvelously cute )ADJP scene )NP (SBAR (WHPP in (WHNP which )WHNP )WHPP (S (NP the trading-room crew )NP (VP minded (NP (NP a baby )NP , (NP (NP the casualty )NP (PP of (NP a broken marriage )NP )PP (PP at (NP the firm )NP )PP )NP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 19 21 (S (NP The first episode )NP (VP concluded (PP with (NP (NP a (ADJP marvelously cute )ADJP scene )NP (SBAR (WHPP in (WHNP which )WHNP )WHPP (S (NP the trading-room crew )NP (VP (VP minded (NP a baby )NP )VP , (NP (NP the casualty )NP (PP of (NP a broken marriage )NP )PP (PP at (NP the firm )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 20 21 (S (NP The first episode )NP (VP concluded (PP with (NP a (ADJP marvelously cute )ADJP scene (SBAR (WHPP in (WHNP which )WHNP )WHPP (S (NP the trading-room crew )NP (VP (VP minded (NP a baby )NP )VP , (NP (NP the casualty )NP (PP of (NP (NP a broken marriage )NP (PP at (NP the firm )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 16 21 (S (NP The first episode )NP (VP concluded (PP with (NP (NP a (ADJP marvelously cute )ADJP scene )NP (SBAR (WHPP in (WHNP which )WHNP )WHPP (S (NP the trading-room crew )NP (VP minded (NP a baby )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP , (NP (NP the casualty )NP (PP of (NP (NP a broken marriage )NP (PP at (NP the firm )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 18 21 (S (NP The first episode )NP (VP concluded (PP with (NP (NP a (ADJP marvelously cute )ADJP scene )NP (SBAR (WHPP in (WHNP which )WHNP )WHPP (S (NP the trading-room crew )NP (VP minded (NP (NP a baby )NP , (NP (NP the casualty )NP (PP of (NP a broken marriage )NP )PP )NP )NP (PP at (NP the firm )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 16 21 (S (NP The first episode )NP (VP concluded (PP with (NP (NP (NP a (ADJP marvelously cute )ADJP scene )NP (SBAR (WHPP in (WHNP which )WHNP )WHPP (S (NP the trading-room crew )NP (VP minded (NP a baby )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP , (NP (NP the casualty )NP (PP of (NP a broken marriage )NP )PP (PP at (NP the firm )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 16 22 (S (NP The first episode )NP (VP (VP concluded (PP with (NP (NP a (ADJP marvelously cute )ADJP scene )NP (SBAR (WHPP in (WHNP which )WHNP )WHPP (S (NP the trading-room crew )NP (VP minded (NP a baby )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP , (NP (NP the casualty )NP (PP of (NP (NP a broken marriage )NP (PP at (NP the firm )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 18 22 (S (NP The first episode )NP (VP concluded (PP with (NP (NP (NP a (ADJP marvelously cute )ADJP scene )NP (SBAR (WHPP in (WHNP which )WHNP )WHPP (S (NP the trading-room crew )NP (VP minded (NP a baby )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP , (NP (NP the casualty )NP (PP of (NP (NP a broken marriage )NP (PP at (NP the firm )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 19 20 (S (NP The first episode )NP (VP concluded (PP with (NP (NP a (ADJP marvelously cute )ADJP scene )NP (SBAR (WHPP in (WHNP which )WHNP )WHPP (S (NP the trading-room crew )NP (VP minded (NP a baby )NP , (NP (NP the casualty )NP (PP of (NP a broken marriage )NP )PP (PP at (NP the firm )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 18 22 (S (NP The first episode )NP (VP concluded (PP with (NP (NP (NP a (ADJP marvelously cute )ADJP scene )NP (SBAR (WHPP in (WHNP which )WHNP )WHPP (S (NP the trading-room crew )NP (VP minded (NP a baby )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP , (NP (NP the casualty )NP (PP of (NP (NP a broken marriage )NP (PP at (NP the firm )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 20 20 (S (NP The first episode )NP (VP concluded (PP with (NP a (ADJP marvelously cute )ADJP scene (SBAR (WHPP in (WHNP which )WHNP )WHPP (S (NP the trading-room crew )NP (VP minded (NP a baby )NP , (NP (NP the casualty )NP (PP of (NP (NP a broken marriage )NP (PP at (NP the firm )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 19 21 (S (NP The first episode )NP (VP concluded (PP with (NP (NP a (ADJP marvelously cute )ADJP scene )NP (SBAR (WHPP in (WHNP which )WHNP )WHPP (S (NP the trading-room crew )NP (VP (VP minded (NP a baby )NP )VP , (NP (NP the casualty )NP (PP of (NP a broken marriage )NP )PP (PP at (NP the firm )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 21 22 (S (NP The first episode )NP (VP concluded (PP with (NP (NP a (ADJP marvelously cute )ADJP scene )NP (SBAR (WHPP in (WHNP which )WHNP )WHPP (S (NP the trading-room crew )NP (VP minded (NP a baby )NP , (S (NP (NP the casualty )NP (PP of (NP (NP a broken marriage )NP (PP at (NP the firm )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 20 21 (S (NP The first episode )NP (VP concluded (PP with (NP (NP a (ADJP marvelously cute )ADJP scene )NP (SBAR (WHPP in (WHNP which )WHNP )WHPP (S (NP the trading-room crew )NP (VP minded (NP (NP a baby )NP , (NP (NP the casualty )NP (PP of (NP a broken marriage )NP )PP (PP at (NP the firm )NP )PP )NP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 20 21 (S (NP The first episode )NP (VP concluded (PP with (NP a (ADJP marvelously cute )ADJP scene (SBAR (WHPP in (WHNP which )WHNP )WHPP (S (NP the trading-room crew )NP (VP (VP minded (NP a baby )NP )VP , (NP (NP the casualty )NP (PP of (NP (NP a broken marriage )NP (PP at (NP the firm )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 20 21 (S (NP The first episode )NP (VP concluded (PP with (NP a (ADJP marvelously cute )ADJP scene (SBAR (WHPP in (WHNP which )WHNP )WHPP (S (NP the trading-room crew )NP (VP (VP minded (NP a baby )NP )VP , (NP (NP the casualty )NP (PP of (NP (NP a broken marriage )NP (PP at (NP the firm )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 19 20 (S (NP The first episode )NP (VP concluded (PP with (NP (NP a (ADJP marvelously cute )ADJP scene )NP (SBAR (WHPP in (WHNP which )WHNP )WHPP (S (NP the trading-room crew )NP (VP minded (NP a baby )NP , (NP (NP the casualty )NP (PP of (NP a broken marriage )NP )PP (PP at (NP the firm )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 16 21 (S (NP The first episode )NP (VP concluded (PP with (NP (NP (NP a (ADJP marvelously cute )ADJP scene )NP (SBAR (WHPP in (WHNP which )WHNP )WHPP (S (NP the trading-room crew )NP (VP minded (NP a baby )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP , (NP (NP the casualty )NP (PP of (NP a broken marriage )NP )PP (PP at (NP the firm )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 20 21 (S (NP The first episode )NP (VP concluded (PP with (NP (NP a marvelously cute scene )NP (SBAR (WHPP in (WHNP which )WHNP )WHPP (S (NP the trading-room crew )NP (VP (VP minded (NP a baby )NP )VP , (NP (NP the casualty )NP (PP of (NP (NP a broken marriage )NP (PP at (NP the firm )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 18 22 (S (NP The first episode )NP (VP concluded (PP with (NP (NP (NP a (ADJP marvelously cute )ADJP scene )NP (SBAR (WHPP in (WHNP which )WHNP )WHPP (S (NP the trading-room crew )NP (VP minded (NP a baby )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP , (NP (NP the casualty )NP (PP of (NP (NP a broken marriage )NP (PP at (NP the firm )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 20 20 (S (NP The first episode )NP (VP concluded (PP with (NP a (ADJP marvelously cute )ADJP scene (SBAR (WHPP in (WHNP which )WHNP )WHPP (S (NP the trading-room crew )NP (VP minded (NP a baby )NP , (NP (NP the casualty )NP (PP of (NP (NP a broken marriage )NP (PP at (NP the firm )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 50 10 16 (S And (NP (NP many )NP (PP in (NP the young cast )NP )PP )NP (VP bear (NP (NP (NP striking resemblances )NP (PP to (NP American TV )NP )PP )NP and (NP (NP movie personalities )NP (VP known (PP for (NP light roles )NP )PP )VP )NP )NP )VP . )S 12 15 (S And (NP (NP many )NP (PP in (NP the young cast )NP )PP )NP (VP bear (S (VP striking (NP resemblances )NP (PP to (NP (NP American TV and movie personalities )NP (VP known (PP for (NP light roles )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )VP )S )VP . )S 10 16 (S And (NP (NP many )NP (PP in (NP the young cast )NP )PP )NP (VP bear (NP (NP (NP striking resemblances )NP (PP to (NP American TV )NP )PP )NP and (NP (NP movie personalities )NP (VP known (PP for (NP light roles )NP )PP )VP )NP )NP )VP . )S 12 15 (S And (NP (NP many )NP (PP in (NP the young cast )NP )PP )NP (VP bear (S (VP striking (NP resemblances )NP (PP to (NP (NP American TV and movie personalities )NP (VP known (PP for (NP light roles )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )VP )S )VP . )S 13 14 (S And (NP (NP many )NP (PP in (NP the young cast )NP )PP )NP (VP bear (NP (NP striking resemblances )NP (PP to (NP (NP American TV and movie personalities )NP (VP known (PP for (NP light roles )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 13 13 (S And (NP (NP many )NP (PP in (NP the young cast )NP )PP )NP (VP bear (NP striking resemblances )NP (PP to (NP (NP American TV and movie personalities )NP (VP known (PP for (NP light roles )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )VP . )S 10 16 (S And (NP (NP many )NP (PP in (NP the young cast )NP )PP )NP (VP bear (NP (NP (NP striking resemblances )NP (PP to (NP American TV )NP )PP )NP and (NP (NP movie personalities )NP (VP known (PP for (NP light roles )NP )PP )VP )NP )NP )VP . )S 13 14 (S And (NP (NP many )NP (PP in (NP the young cast )NP )PP )NP (VP bear (NP (NP striking resemblances )NP (PP to (NP (NP American TV and movie personalities )NP (VP known (PP for (NP light roles )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 13 13 (S And (NP (NP many )NP (PP in (NP the young cast )NP )PP )NP (VP bear (NP striking resemblances )NP (PP to (NP (NP American TV and movie personalities )NP (VP known (PP for (NP light roles )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )VP . )S 13 14 (S And (NP (NP many )NP (PP in (NP the young cast )NP )PP )NP (VP bear (NP (NP striking resemblances )NP (PP to (NP (NP American TV and movie personalities )NP (VP known (PP for (NP light roles )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 10 16 (S And (NP (NP many )NP (PP in (NP the young cast )NP )PP )NP (VP bear (NP (NP (NP (NP striking resemblances )NP (PP to (NP American TV )NP )PP )NP and (NP movie personalities )NP )NP (VP known (PP for (NP light roles )NP )PP )VP )NP )VP . )S 12 15 (S And (NP (NP many )NP (PP in (NP the young cast )NP )PP )NP (VP bear (S (VP striking (NP resemblances )NP (PP to (NP (NP American TV and movie personalities )NP (VP known (PP for (NP light roles )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )VP )S )VP . )S 10 16 (S And (NP (NP many )NP (PP in (NP the young cast )NP )PP )NP (VP bear (NP (NP (NP striking resemblances )NP (PP to (NP American TV )NP )PP )NP and (NP (NP movie personalities )NP (VP known (PP for (NP light roles )NP )PP )VP )NP )NP )VP . )S 13 14 (S And (NP (NP many )NP (PP in (NP the young cast )NP )PP )NP (VP bear (NP (NP striking resemblances )NP (PP to (NP (NP American TV and movie personalities )NP (VP known (PP for (NP light roles )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 11 17 (S And (NP (NP many )NP (PP in (NP the young cast )NP )PP )NP (VP bear (S (VP striking (NP resemblances )NP (PP to (NP (NP American TV )NP and (NP (NP movie personalities )NP (VP known (PP for (NP light roles )NP )PP )VP )NP )NP )PP )VP )S )VP . )S 9 18 (S And (NP (NP many )NP (PP in (NP the young cast )NP )PP )NP (VP bear (S (VP striking (NP (NP (NP resemblances )NP (PP to (NP American TV )NP )PP )NP and (NP (NP movie personalities )NP (VP known (PP for (NP light roles )NP )PP )VP )NP )NP )VP )S )VP . )S 12 15 (S And (NP (NP many )NP (PP in (NP the young cast )NP )PP )NP (VP bear (S (VP striking (NP resemblances )NP (PP to (NP (NP American TV and movie personalities )NP (VP known (PP for (NP light roles )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )VP )S )VP . )S 13 13 (S And (NP (NP many )NP (PP in (NP the young cast )NP )PP )NP (VP bear (NP striking resemblances )NP (PP to (NP (NP American TV and movie personalities )NP (VP known (PP for (NP light roles )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )VP . )S 10 16 (S And (NP (NP many )NP (PP in (NP the young cast )NP )PP )NP (VP bear (NP (NP (NP (NP striking resemblances )NP (PP to (NP American TV )NP )PP )NP and (NP movie personalities )NP )NP (VP known (PP for (NP light roles )NP )PP )VP )NP )VP . )S 12 15 (S And (NP (NP many )NP (PP in (NP the young cast )NP )PP )NP (VP bear (S (VP striking (NP resemblances )NP (PP to (NP (NP American TV and movie personalities )NP (VP known (PP for (NP light roles )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )VP )S )VP . )S 13 14 (S And (NP (NP many )NP (PP in (NP the young cast )NP )PP )NP (VP bear (NP (NP striking resemblances )NP (PP to (NP (NP American TV and movie personalities )NP (VP known (PP for (NP light roles )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 13 13 (S And (NP (NP many )NP (PP in (NP the young cast )NP )PP )NP (VP bear (NP striking resemblances )NP (PP to (NP (NP American TV and movie personalities )NP (VP known (PP for (NP light roles )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )VP . )S 12 16 (S And (NP (NP many )NP (PP in (NP the young cast )NP )PP )NP (VP bear (NP (NP striking resemblances )NP (PP to (NP (NP American TV )NP and (NP (NP movie personalities )NP (VP known (PP for (NP light roles )NP )PP )VP )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 10 16 (S And (NP (NP many )NP (PP in (NP the young cast )NP )PP )NP (VP bear (NP (NP (NP striking resemblances )NP (PP to (NP American TV )NP )PP )NP and (NP (NP movie personalities )NP (VP known (PP for (NP light roles )NP )PP )VP )NP )NP )VP . )S 11 13 (S And (NP (NP many )NP (PP in (NP the young cast )NP )PP )NP (VP bear (NP (NP striking resemblances )NP (PP to (NP American TV and movie personalities )NP )PP (VP known (PP for (NP light roles )NP )PP )VP )NP )VP . )S 13 13 (S And (NP (NP many )NP (PP in (NP the young cast )NP )PP )NP (VP bear (NP striking resemblances )NP (PP to (NP (NP American TV and movie personalities )NP (VP known (PP for (NP light roles )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )VP . )S 12 15 (S And (NP (NP many )NP (PP in (NP the young cast )NP )PP )NP (VP bear (S (VP striking (NP resemblances )NP (PP to (NP (NP American TV and movie personalities )NP (VP known (PP for (NP light roles )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )VP )S )VP . )S 13 14 (S And (NP (NP many )NP (PP in (NP the young cast )NP )PP )NP (VP bear (NP (NP striking resemblances )NP (PP to (NP (NP American TV and movie personalities )NP (VP known (PP for (NP light roles )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 12 15 (S And (NP (NP many )NP (PP in (NP the young cast )NP )PP )NP (VP bear (NP striking resemblances )NP (PP to (NP (NP American TV )NP and (NP (NP movie personalities )NP (VP known (PP for (NP light roles )NP )PP )VP )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 10 16 (S And (NP (NP many )NP (PP in (NP the young cast )NP )PP )NP (VP bear (NP (NP (NP striking resemblances )NP (PP to (NP American TV )NP )PP )NP and (NP (NP movie personalities )NP (VP known (PP for (NP light roles )NP )PP )VP )NP )NP )VP . )S 11 17 (S And (NP (NP many )NP (PP in (NP the young cast )NP )PP )NP (VP bear (S (VP striking (NP resemblances )NP (PP to (NP (NP American TV )NP and (NP (NP movie personalities )NP (VP known (PP for (NP light roles )NP )PP )VP )NP )NP )PP )VP )S )VP . )S 13 13 (S And (NP (NP many )NP (PP in (NP the young cast )NP )PP )NP (VP bear (NP striking resemblances )NP (PP to (NP (NP American TV and movie personalities )NP (VP known (PP for (NP light roles )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )VP . )S 13 14 (S And (NP (NP many )NP (PP in (NP the young cast )NP )PP )NP (VP bear (NP (NP striking resemblances )NP (PP to (NP (NP American TV and movie personalities )NP (VP known (PP for (NP light roles )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 13 13 (S And (NP (NP many )NP (PP in (NP the young cast )NP )PP )NP (VP bear (NP striking resemblances )NP (PP to (NP (NP American TV and movie personalities )NP (VP known (PP for (NP light roles )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )VP . )S 11 13 (S And (NP (NP many )NP (PP in (NP the young cast )NP )PP )NP (VP bear (NP (NP striking resemblances )NP (PP to (NP American TV and movie personalities )NP )PP (VP known (PP for (NP light roles )NP )PP )VP )NP )VP . )S 10 16 (S And (NP (NP many )NP (PP in (NP the young cast )NP )PP )NP (VP bear (NP (NP (NP (NP striking resemblances )NP (PP to (NP American TV )NP )PP )NP and (NP movie personalities )NP )NP (VP known (PP for (NP light roles )NP )PP )VP )NP )VP . )S 12 15 (S And (NP (NP many )NP (PP in (NP the young cast )NP )PP )NP (VP bear (S (VP striking (NP resemblances )NP (PP to (NP (NP American TV and movie personalities )NP (VP known (PP for (NP light roles )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )VP )S )VP . )S 12 16 (S And (NP (NP many )NP (PP in (NP the young cast )NP )PP )NP (VP bear (S (VP striking (NP (NP resemblances )NP (PP to (NP (NP American TV and movie personalities )NP (VP known (PP for (NP light roles )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )VP . )S 12 16 (S And (NP (NP many )NP (PP in (NP the young cast )NP )PP )NP (VP bear (NP (NP striking resemblances )NP (PP to (NP (NP American TV )NP and (NP (NP movie personalities )NP (VP known (PP for (NP light roles )NP )PP )VP )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 12 16 (S And (NP (NP many )NP (PP in (NP the young cast )NP )PP )NP (VP bear (NP (NP striking resemblances )NP (PP to (NP (NP American TV )NP and (NP (NP movie personalities )NP (VP known (PP for (NP light roles )NP )PP )VP )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 10 16 (S And (NP (NP many )NP (PP in (NP the young cast )NP )PP )NP (VP bear (NP (NP (NP striking resemblances )NP (PP to (NP American TV )NP )PP )NP and (NP (NP movie personalities )NP (VP known (PP for (NP light roles )NP )PP )VP )NP )NP )VP . )S 10 16 (S And (NP (NP many )NP (PP in (NP the young cast )NP )PP )NP (VP bear (NP (NP (NP striking resemblances )NP (PP to (NP American TV )NP )PP )NP and (NP (NP movie personalities )NP (VP known (PP for (NP light roles )NP )PP )VP )NP )NP )VP . )S 13 13 (S And (NP (NP many )NP (PP in (NP the young cast )NP )PP )NP (VP bear (NP striking resemblances )NP (PP to (NP (NP American TV and movie personalities )NP (VP known (PP for (NP light roles )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )VP . )S 11 13 (S And (NP (NP many )NP (PP in (NP the young cast )NP )PP )NP (VP bear (NP (NP striking resemblances )NP (PP to (NP American TV and movie personalities )NP )PP (VP known (PP for (NP light roles )NP )PP )VP )NP )VP . )S 12 15 (S And (NP (NP many )NP (PP in (NP the young cast )NP )PP )NP (VP bear (S (VP striking (NP resemblances )NP (PP to (NP (NP American TV and movie personalities )NP (VP known (PP for (NP light roles )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )VP )S )VP . )S 10 16 (S And (NP (NP many )NP (PP in (NP the young cast )NP )PP )NP (VP bear (NP (NP (NP striking resemblances )NP (PP to (NP American TV )NP )PP )NP and (NP (NP movie personalities )NP (VP known (PP for (NP light roles )NP )PP )VP )NP )NP )VP . )S 10 16 (S And (NP (NP many )NP (PP in (NP the young cast )NP )PP )NP (VP bear (S (NP (NP (NP striking resemblances )NP (PP to (NP American TV )NP )PP )NP and (NP movie personalities )NP )NP (VP known (PP for (NP light roles )NP )PP )VP )S )VP . )S 13 14 (S And (NP (NP many )NP (PP in (NP the young cast )NP )PP )NP (VP bear (NP (NP striking resemblances )NP (PP to (NP (NP American TV and movie personalities )NP (VP known (PP for (NP light roles )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 13 13 (S And (NP (NP many )NP (PP in (NP the young cast )NP )PP )NP (VP bear (NP striking resemblances )NP (PP to (NP (NP American TV and movie personalities )NP (VP known (PP for (NP light roles )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )VP . )S 9 15 (S And (NP many )NP (PP in (NP the young cast )NP )PP (VP bear (NP (NP (NP striking resemblances )NP (PP to (NP American TV )NP )PP )NP and (NP (NP movie personalities )NP (VP known (PP for (NP light roles )NP )PP )VP )NP )NP )VP . )S 50 36 41 (S (S (NP Joanna Kanska )NP (VP looks (PP like (NP a young Zsa Zsa Gabor )NP )PP )VP )S ; (S (NP (NP William Armstrong )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP plays (NP Max )NP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP could (VP pass (PP for (NP (NP Hans Conreid )NP , and (NP (NP Douglas Hodge )NP (PRN -LRB- (NP Declan )NP -RRB- )PRN )NP )NP )PP (PP for (NP James Farentino )NP )PP )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP Rolf Saxon )NP (VP is (NP a passable Tommy Noonan )NP )VP )S and (S (NP Dorian Healy )NP (VP could (ADVP easily )ADVP (VP double (PP for (NP (NP Huntz Hall )NP , (NP (NP the blank-faced foil )NP (PP of (NP the Bowery Boys comedies )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S . )S 32 42 (S (S (NP Joanna Kanska )NP (VP looks (PP like (NP a young Zsa Zsa Gabor )NP )PP )VP )S ; (S (NP (NP William Armstrong )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP plays (NP Max )NP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP could (VP pass (PP for (NP (NP Hans Conreid )NP , and (NP (NP Douglas Hodge )NP (PRN -LRB- (NP Declan )NP -RRB- )PRN )NP )NP )PP (PP for (NP James Farentino )NP )PP )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP Rolf Saxon )NP (VP is (ADJP a passable (SBAR (S (NP Tommy Noonan and Dorian Healy )NP (VP could (ADVP easily )ADVP (VP double (PP for (NP (NP Huntz Hall )NP , (NP (NP the blank-faced foil )NP (PP of (NP the Bowery Boys comedies )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )ADJP )VP )S . )S 35 40 (S (S (NP Joanna Kanska )NP (VP looks (PP like (NP a young Zsa Zsa Gabor )NP )PP )VP )S ; (S (NP (NP William Armstrong )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP plays (NP Max )NP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP could (VP pass (PP for (NP (NP Hans Conreid )NP , and (NP Douglas Hodge )NP (PRN -LRB- (NP Declan )NP -RRB- )PRN (PP for (NP James Farentino )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP Rolf Saxon )NP (VP is (NP a passable Tommy Noonan )NP )VP )S and (S (NP Dorian Healy )NP (VP could (ADVP easily )ADVP (VP double (PP for (NP (NP Huntz Hall )NP , (NP (NP the blank-faced foil )NP (PP of (NP the Bowery Boys comedies )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S . )S 32 42 (S (S (NP Joanna Kanska )NP (VP looks (PP like (NP a young Zsa Zsa Gabor )NP )PP )VP )S ; (S (NP (NP William Armstrong )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP plays (NP Max )NP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP could (VP pass (PP for (NP (NP Hans Conreid )NP , and (NP (NP Douglas Hodge )NP (PRN -LRB- (NP Declan )NP -RRB- )PRN )NP )NP )PP (PP for (NP James Farentino )NP )PP )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP Rolf Saxon )NP (VP is a (ADJP passable (SBAR (S (NP Tommy Noonan and Dorian Healy )NP (VP could (ADVP easily )ADVP (VP double (PP for (NP (NP Huntz Hall )NP , (NP (NP the blank-faced foil )NP (PP of (NP the Bowery Boys comedies )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )ADJP )VP )S . )S 37 42 (S (S (NP Joanna Kanska )NP (VP looks (PP like (NP a young Zsa Zsa Gabor )NP )PP )VP )S ; (S (NP (NP William Armstrong )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP plays (NP Max )NP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP could (VP pass (PP for (NP (NP Hans Conreid )NP , and (NP (NP Douglas Hodge )NP (PRN -LRB- (NP Declan )NP -RRB- )PRN )NP )NP )PP (PP for (NP James Farentino )NP )PP )VP )VP )S ; (S (S (NP Rolf Saxon )NP (VP is (NP a passable Tommy Noonan )NP )VP )S and (S (NP Dorian Healy )NP (VP could (ADVP easily )ADVP (VP double (PP for (NP (NP Huntz Hall )NP , (NP (NP the blank-faced foil )NP (PP of (NP the Bowery Boys comedies )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )S . )S 31 41 (S (S (NP Joanna Kanska )NP (VP looks (PP like (NP a young Zsa Zsa Gabor )NP )PP )VP )S ; (S (NP (NP William Armstrong )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP plays (NP Max )NP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP could (VP pass (PP for (NP (NP Hans Conreid )NP , and (NP Douglas Hodge )NP (PRN -LRB- (NP Declan )NP -RRB- )PRN (PP for (NP James Farentino )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP Rolf Saxon )NP (VP is (ADJP a passable (SBAR (S (NP Tommy Noonan and Dorian Healy )NP (VP could (ADVP easily )ADVP (VP double (PP for (NP (NP Huntz Hall )NP , (NP (NP the blank-faced foil )NP (PP of (NP the Bowery Boys comedies )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )ADJP )VP )S . )S 34 43 (S (S (NP Joanna Kanska )NP (VP looks (PP like (NP a young Zsa Zsa Gabor )NP )PP )VP )S ; (S (NP (NP William Armstrong )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP plays (NP Max )NP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP could (VP pass (PP for (NP (NP Hans Conreid )NP , and (NP (NP Douglas Hodge )NP (PRN -LRB- (NP Declan )NP -RRB- )PRN )NP )NP )PP (PP for (NP James Farentino )NP )PP )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP Rolf Saxon )NP (VP is (SBAR (S (NP (NP a passable Tommy Noonan )NP and (NP Dorian Healy )NP )NP (VP could (ADVP easily )ADVP (VP double (PP for (NP (NP Huntz Hall )NP , (NP (NP the blank-faced foil )NP (PP of (NP the Bowery Boys comedies )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S . )S 31 41 (S (S (NP Joanna Kanska )NP (VP looks (PP like (NP a young Zsa Zsa Gabor )NP )PP )VP )S ; (S (NP (NP William Armstrong )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP plays (NP Max )NP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP could (VP pass (PP for (NP (NP Hans Conreid )NP , and (NP Douglas Hodge )NP (PRN -LRB- (NP Declan )NP -RRB- )PRN (PP for (NP James Farentino )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP Rolf Saxon )NP (VP is a (ADJP passable (SBAR (S (NP Tommy Noonan and Dorian Healy )NP (VP could (ADVP easily )ADVP (VP double (PP for (NP (NP Huntz Hall )NP , (NP (NP the blank-faced foil )NP (PP of (NP the Bowery Boys comedies )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )ADJP )VP )S . )S 36 42 (S (S (NP Joanna Kanska )NP (VP looks (PP like (NP a young Zsa Zsa Gabor )NP )PP )VP )S ; (S (S (NP (NP William Armstrong )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP plays (NP Max )NP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP could (VP pass (PP for (NP (NP Hans Conreid )NP , and (NP (NP Douglas Hodge )NP (PRN -LRB- (NP Declan )NP -RRB- )PRN )NP )NP )PP (PP for (NP James Farentino )NP )PP )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP Rolf Saxon )NP (VP is (NP a passable Tommy Noonan )NP )VP )S and (S (NP Dorian Healy )NP (VP could (ADVP easily )ADVP (VP double (PP for (NP (NP Huntz Hall )NP , (NP (NP the blank-faced foil )NP (PP of (NP the Bowery Boys comedies )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )S . )S 36 41 (S (S (NP Joanna Kanska )NP (VP looks (PP like (NP a young Zsa Zsa Gabor )NP )PP )VP )S ; (S (NP (NP William Armstrong )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP plays (NP Max )NP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP could (VP pass (PP for (NP (NP Hans Conreid )NP , and (NP Douglas Hodge )NP (PRN -LRB- (NP Declan )NP -RRB- )PRN (PP for (NP James Farentino )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S ; (S (S (NP Rolf Saxon )NP (VP is (NP a passable Tommy Noonan )NP )VP )S and (S (NP Dorian Healy )NP (VP could (ADVP easily )ADVP (VP double (PP for (NP (NP Huntz Hall )NP , (NP (NP the blank-faced foil )NP (PP of (NP the Bowery Boys comedies )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )S . )S 33 42 (S (S (NP Joanna Kanska )NP (VP looks (PP like (NP a young Zsa Zsa Gabor )NP )PP )VP )S ; (S (NP (NP William Armstrong )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP plays (NP Max )NP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP could (VP pass (PP for (NP (NP Hans Conreid )NP , and (NP Douglas Hodge )NP (PRN -LRB- (NP Declan )NP -RRB- )PRN (PP for (NP James Farentino )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP Rolf Saxon )NP (VP is (SBAR (S (NP (NP a passable Tommy Noonan )NP and (NP Dorian Healy )NP )NP (VP could (ADVP easily )ADVP (VP double (PP for (NP (NP Huntz Hall )NP , (NP (NP the blank-faced foil )NP (PP of (NP the Bowery Boys comedies )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S . )S 35 41 (S (S (NP Joanna Kanska )NP (VP looks (PP like (NP a young Zsa Zsa Gabor )NP )PP )VP )S ; (S (S (NP (NP William Armstrong )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP plays (NP Max )NP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP could (VP pass (PP for (NP (NP Hans Conreid )NP , and (NP Douglas Hodge )NP (PRN -LRB- (NP Declan )NP -RRB- )PRN (PP for (NP James Farentino )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP Rolf Saxon )NP (VP is (NP a passable Tommy Noonan )NP )VP )S and (S (NP Dorian Healy )NP (VP could (ADVP easily )ADVP (VP double (PP for (NP (NP Huntz Hall )NP , (NP (NP the blank-faced foil )NP (PP of (NP the Bowery Boys comedies )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )S . )S 35 41 (S (S (NP Joanna Kanska )NP (VP looks (PP like (NP a young Zsa Zsa Gabor )NP )PP )VP )S ; (S (NP (NP William Armstrong )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP plays (NP Max )NP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP could (VP pass (PP for (NP (NP Hans Conreid )NP , and (NP (NP Douglas Hodge )NP (PRN -LRB- (NP Declan )NP -RRB- )PRN (PP for (NP James Farentino )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP Rolf Saxon )NP (VP is (NP a passable Tommy Noonan )NP )VP )S and (S (NP Dorian Healy )NP (VP could (ADVP easily )ADVP (VP double (PP for (NP (NP Huntz Hall )NP , (NP (NP the blank-faced foil )NP (PP of (NP the Bowery Boys comedies )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S . )S 31 42 (S (S (NP Joanna Kanska )NP (VP looks (PP like (NP a young Zsa Zsa Gabor )NP )PP )VP )S ; (S (NP (NP William Armstrong )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP plays (NP Max )NP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP could (VP pass (PP for (NP (NP Hans Conreid )NP , and (NP (NP Douglas Hodge )NP (PRN -LRB- (NP Declan )NP -RRB- )PRN (PP for (NP James Farentino )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP Rolf Saxon )NP (VP is (ADJP a passable (SBAR (S (NP Tommy Noonan and Dorian Healy )NP (VP could (ADVP easily )ADVP (VP double (PP for (NP (NP Huntz Hall )NP , (NP (NP the blank-faced foil )NP (PP of (NP the Bowery Boys comedies )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )ADJP )VP )S . )S 36 42 (S (S (NP Joanna Kanska )NP (VP looks (PP like (NP a young Zsa Zsa Gabor )NP )PP )VP )S ; (S (NP (NP William Armstrong )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP plays (NP Max )NP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP could (VP pass (PP for (NP (NP Hans Conreid )NP , and (NP (NP (NP Douglas Hodge )NP (PRN -LRB- (NP Declan )NP -RRB- )PRN )NP (PP for (NP James Farentino )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP Rolf Saxon )NP (VP is (NP a passable Tommy Noonan )NP )VP )S and (S (NP Dorian Healy )NP (VP could (ADVP easily )ADVP (VP double (PP for (NP (NP Huntz Hall )NP , (NP (NP the blank-faced foil )NP (PP of (NP the Bowery Boys comedies )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S . )S 35 40 (S (S (NP Joanna Kanska )NP (VP looks (PP like (NP a young Zsa Zsa Gabor )NP )PP )VP )S ; (S (NP (NP William Armstrong )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP plays (NP Max )NP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP could (VP pass (PP for (NP (NP Hans Conreid )NP , and (NP Douglas Hodge )NP (PRN -LRB- (NP Declan )NP -RRB- )PRN )NP )PP (PP for (NP James Farentino )NP )PP )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP Rolf Saxon )NP (VP is (NP a passable Tommy Noonan )NP )VP )S and (S (NP Dorian Healy )NP (VP could (ADVP easily )ADVP (VP double (PP for (NP (NP Huntz Hall )NP , (NP (NP the blank-faced foil )NP (PP of (NP the Bowery Boys comedies )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S . )S 36 42 (S (S (S (NP Joanna Kanska )NP (VP looks (PP like (NP a young Zsa Zsa Gabor )NP )PP )VP )S ; (S (NP (NP William Armstrong )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP plays (NP Max )NP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP could (VP pass (PP for (NP (NP Hans Conreid )NP , and (NP (NP Douglas Hodge )NP (PRN -LRB- (NP Declan )NP -RRB- )PRN )NP )NP )PP (PP for (NP James Farentino )NP )PP )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP Rolf Saxon )NP (VP is (NP a passable Tommy Noonan )NP )VP )S )S and (S (NP Dorian Healy )NP (VP could (ADVP easily )ADVP (VP double (PP for (NP (NP Huntz Hall )NP , (NP (NP the blank-faced foil )NP (PP of (NP the Bowery Boys comedies )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S . )S 36 42 (S (S (NP Joanna Kanska )NP (VP looks (PP like (NP a young Zsa Zsa Gabor )NP )PP )VP )S ; (S (NP (NP William Armstrong )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP plays (NP Max )NP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP could (VP pass (PP (PP for (NP (NP Hans Conreid )NP , and (NP (NP Douglas Hodge )NP (PRN -LRB- (NP Declan )NP -RRB- )PRN )NP )NP )PP (PP for (NP James Farentino )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP Rolf Saxon )NP (VP is (NP a passable Tommy Noonan )NP )VP )S and (S (NP Dorian Healy )NP (VP could (ADVP easily )ADVP (VP double (PP for (NP (NP Huntz Hall )NP , (NP (NP the blank-faced foil )NP (PP of (NP the Bowery Boys comedies )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S . )S 35 43 (S (S (NP Joanna Kanska )NP (VP looks (PP like (NP a young Zsa Zsa Gabor )NP )PP )VP )S ; (S (NP (NP William Armstrong )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP plays (NP Max )NP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP could (VP pass (PP for (NP (NP Hans Conreid )NP , and (NP (NP Douglas Hodge )NP (PRN -LRB- (NP Declan )NP -RRB- )PRN )NP )NP )PP (PP for (NP (NP James Farentino )NP ; (S (S (NP Rolf Saxon )NP (VP is (NP a passable Tommy Noonan )NP )VP )S and (S (NP Dorian Healy )NP (VP could (ADVP easily )ADVP (VP double (PP for (NP (NP Huntz Hall )NP , (NP (NP the blank-faced foil )NP (PP of (NP the Bowery Boys comedies )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )S )NP )PP )VP )VP )S . )S 31 42 (S (S (NP Joanna Kanska )NP (VP looks (PP like (NP a young Zsa Zsa Gabor )NP )PP )VP )S ; (S (NP (NP William Armstrong )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP plays (NP Max )NP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP could (VP pass (PP for (NP (NP Hans Conreid )NP , and (NP (NP Douglas Hodge )NP (PRN -LRB- (NP Declan )NP -RRB- )PRN (PP for (NP James Farentino )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP Rolf Saxon )NP (VP is a (ADJP passable (SBAR (S (NP Tommy Noonan and Dorian Healy )NP (VP could (ADVP easily )ADVP (VP double (PP for (NP (NP Huntz Hall )NP , (NP (NP the blank-faced foil )NP (PP of (NP the Bowery Boys comedies )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )ADJP )VP )S . )S 37 41 (S (S (NP Joanna Kanska )NP (VP looks (PP like (NP a young Zsa Zsa Gabor )NP )PP )VP )S ; (S (NP (NP William Armstrong )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP plays (NP Max )NP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP could (VP pass (PP for (NP (NP Hans Conreid )NP , and (NP (NP Douglas Hodge )NP (PRN -LRB- (NP Declan )NP -RRB- )PRN )NP )NP )PP (PP for (NP James Farentino )NP )PP )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP Rolf Saxon )NP (VP is (NP a passable Tommy Noonan )NP )VP )S and (S (NP Dorian Healy )NP (VP could (VP (ADVP easily )ADVP double (PP for (NP (NP Huntz Hall )NP , (NP (NP the blank-faced foil )NP (PP of (NP the Bowery Boys comedies )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S . )S 36 42 (S (S (NP Joanna Kanska )NP (VP looks (PP like (NP a young Zsa Zsa Gabor )NP )PP )VP )S ; (S (NP (NP William Armstrong )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP plays (NP Max )NP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP could (VP pass (PP for (NP (NP Hans Conreid )NP , and (NP (NP Douglas Hodge )NP (PRN -LRB- (NP Declan )NP -RRB- )PRN (PP for (NP James Farentino )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S ; (S (S (NP Rolf Saxon )NP (VP is (NP a passable Tommy Noonan )NP )VP )S and (S (NP Dorian Healy )NP (VP could (ADVP easily )ADVP (VP double (PP for (NP (NP Huntz Hall )NP , (NP (NP the blank-faced foil )NP (PP of (NP the Bowery Boys comedies )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )S . )S 35 41 (S (S (NP Joanna Kanska )NP (VP looks (PP like (NP a young Zsa Zsa Gabor )NP )PP )VP )S ; (S (NP (NP William Armstrong )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP plays (NP Max )NP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP could (VP pass (PP for (NP (NP Hans Conreid )NP , and (NP Douglas Hodge )NP (PRN -LRB- (NP Declan )NP -RRB- )PRN (PP for (NP James Farentino )NP )PP ; (S (S (NP Rolf Saxon )NP (VP is (NP a passable Tommy Noonan )NP )VP )S and (S (NP Dorian Healy )NP (VP could (ADVP easily )ADVP (VP double (PP for (NP (NP Huntz Hall )NP , (NP (NP the blank-faced foil )NP (PP of (NP the Bowery Boys comedies )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )S )NP )PP )VP )VP )S . )S 34 42 (S (S (NP Joanna Kanska )NP (VP looks (PP like (NP a young Zsa Zsa Gabor )NP )PP )VP )S ; (S (NP (NP William Armstrong )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP plays (NP Max )NP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP could (VP pass (PP for (NP (NP Hans Conreid )NP , and (NP Douglas Hodge )NP (PRN -LRB- (NP Declan )NP -RRB- )PRN (PP for (NP (NP James Farentino )NP ; (S (S (NP Rolf Saxon )NP (VP is (NP a passable Tommy Noonan )NP )VP )S and (S (NP Dorian Healy )NP (VP could (ADVP easily )ADVP (VP double (PP for (NP (NP Huntz Hall )NP , (NP (NP the blank-faced foil )NP (PP of (NP the Bowery Boys comedies )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )S )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S . )S 32 43 (S (S (NP Joanna Kanska )NP (VP looks (PP like (NP a young Zsa Zsa Gabor )NP )PP )VP )S ; (S (NP (NP William Armstrong )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP plays (NP Max )NP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP could (VP pass (PP for (NP (NP Hans Conreid )NP , and (NP (NP (NP Douglas Hodge )NP (PRN -LRB- (NP Declan )NP -RRB- )PRN )NP (PP for (NP James Farentino )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP Rolf Saxon )NP (VP is (ADJP a passable (SBAR (S (NP Tommy Noonan and Dorian Healy )NP (VP could (ADVP easily )ADVP (VP double (PP for (NP (NP Huntz Hall )NP , (NP (NP the blank-faced foil )NP (PP of (NP the Bowery Boys comedies )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )ADJP )VP )S . )S 31 41 (S (S (NP Joanna Kanska )NP (VP looks (PP like (NP a young Zsa Zsa Gabor )NP )PP )VP )S ; (S (NP (NP William Armstrong )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP plays (NP Max )NP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP could (VP pass (PP for (NP (NP Hans Conreid )NP , and (NP Douglas Hodge )NP (PRN -LRB- (NP Declan )NP -RRB- )PRN )NP )PP (PP for (NP James Farentino )NP )PP )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP Rolf Saxon )NP (VP is (ADJP a passable (SBAR (S (NP Tommy Noonan and Dorian Healy )NP (VP could (ADVP easily )ADVP (VP double (PP for (NP (NP Huntz Hall )NP , (NP (NP the blank-faced foil )NP (PP of (NP the Bowery Boys comedies )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )ADJP )VP )S . )S 32 43 (S (S (NP Joanna Kanska )NP (VP looks (PP like (NP a young Zsa Zsa Gabor )NP )PP )VP )S ; (S (NP (NP William Armstrong )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP plays (NP Max )NP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP could (VP pass (PP (PP for (NP (NP Hans Conreid )NP , and (NP (NP Douglas Hodge )NP (PRN -LRB- (NP Declan )NP -RRB- )PRN )NP )NP )PP (PP for (NP James Farentino )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP Rolf Saxon )NP (VP is (ADJP a passable (SBAR (S (NP Tommy Noonan and Dorian Healy )NP (VP could (ADVP easily )ADVP (VP double (PP for (NP (NP Huntz Hall )NP , (NP (NP the blank-faced foil )NP (PP of (NP the Bowery Boys comedies )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )ADJP )VP )S . )S 33 43 (S (S (NP Joanna Kanska )NP (VP looks (PP like (NP a young Zsa Zsa Gabor )NP )PP )VP )S ; (S (NP (NP William Armstrong )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP plays (NP Max )NP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP could (VP pass (PP for (NP (NP Hans Conreid )NP , and (NP (NP Douglas Hodge )NP (PRN -LRB- (NP Declan )NP -RRB- )PRN (PP for (NP James Farentino )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP Rolf Saxon )NP (VP is (SBAR (S (NP (NP a passable Tommy Noonan )NP and (NP Dorian Healy )NP )NP (VP could (ADVP easily )ADVP (VP double (PP for (NP (NP Huntz Hall )NP , (NP (NP the blank-faced foil )NP (PP of (NP the Bowery Boys comedies )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S . )S 35 41 (S (S (S (NP Joanna Kanska )NP (VP looks (PP like (NP a young Zsa Zsa Gabor )NP )PP )VP )S ; (S (NP (NP William Armstrong )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP plays (NP Max )NP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP could (VP pass (PP for (NP (NP Hans Conreid )NP , and (NP Douglas Hodge )NP (PRN -LRB- (NP Declan )NP -RRB- )PRN (PP for (NP James Farentino )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP Rolf Saxon )NP (VP is (NP a passable Tommy Noonan )NP )VP )S )S and (S (NP Dorian Healy )NP (VP could (ADVP easily )ADVP (VP double (PP for (NP (NP Huntz Hall )NP , (NP (NP the blank-faced foil )NP (PP of (NP the Bowery Boys comedies )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S . )S 32 43 (S (S (NP Joanna Kanska )NP (VP looks (PP like (NP a young Zsa Zsa Gabor )NP )PP )VP )S ; (S (NP (NP William Armstrong )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP plays (NP Max )NP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP could (VP pass (PP for (NP (NP Hans Conreid )NP , and (NP (NP Douglas Hodge )NP (PRN -LRB- (NP Declan )NP -RRB- )PRN )NP )NP )PP (PP for (NP James Farentino )NP )PP )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP Rolf Saxon )NP (VP is (NP a (ADJP passable (SBAR (S (NP Tommy Noonan and Dorian Healy )NP (VP could (ADVP easily )ADVP (VP double (PP for (NP (NP Huntz Hall )NP , (NP (NP the blank-faced foil )NP (PP of (NP the Bowery Boys comedies )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )ADJP )NP )VP )S . )S 35 40 (S (S (NP Joanna Kanska )NP (VP looks (PP like (NP a young Zsa Zsa Gabor )NP )PP )VP )S ; (S (NP (NP William Armstrong )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP plays (NP Max )NP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP could (VP pass (PP for (NP (NP Hans Conreid )NP , and (NP (NP Douglas Hodge )NP (PRN -LRB- Declan -RRB- )PRN )NP )NP )PP (PP for (NP James Farentino )NP )PP )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP Rolf Saxon )NP (VP is (NP a passable Tommy Noonan )NP )VP )S and (S (NP Dorian Healy )NP (VP could (ADVP easily )ADVP (VP double (PP for (NP (NP Huntz Hall )NP , (NP (NP the blank-faced foil )NP (PP of (NP the Bowery Boys comedies )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S . )S 36 41 (S (S (NP Joanna Kanska )NP (VP looks (PP like (NP a young Zsa Zsa Gabor )NP )PP )VP )S ; (S (NP (NP William Armstrong )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP plays (NP Max )NP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP could (VP pass (PP for (NP (NP Hans Conreid )NP , and (NP (NP Douglas Hodge )NP (PRN -LRB- (NP Declan )NP -RRB- )PRN )NP )NP (PP for (NP James Farentino )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP Rolf Saxon )NP (VP is (NP a passable Tommy Noonan )NP )VP )S and (S (NP Dorian Healy )NP (VP could (ADVP easily )ADVP (VP double (PP for (NP (NP Huntz Hall )NP , (NP (NP the blank-faced foil )NP (PP of (NP the Bowery Boys comedies )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S . )S 33 42 (S (S (NP Joanna Kanska )NP (VP looks (PP like (NP a young Zsa Zsa Gabor )NP )PP )VP )S ; (S (NP (NP William Armstrong )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP plays (NP Max )NP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP could (VP pass (PP for (NP (NP Hans Conreid )NP , and (NP (NP Douglas Hodge )NP (PRN -LRB- (NP Declan )NP -RRB- )PRN )NP )NP )PP (PP for (NP James Farentino )NP )PP )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP Rolf Saxon )NP (VP is (ADJP a passable (SBAR (S (NP Tommy Noonan and Dorian Healy )NP (VP could (VP (ADVP easily )ADVP double (PP for (NP (NP Huntz Hall )NP , (NP (NP the blank-faced foil )NP (PP of (NP the Bowery Boys comedies )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )ADJP )VP )S . )S 32 43 (S (S (NP Joanna Kanska )NP (VP looks (PP like (NP a young Zsa Zsa Gabor )NP )PP )VP )S ; (S (NP (NP William Armstrong )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP plays (NP Max )NP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP could (VP pass (PP for (NP (NP Hans Conreid )NP , and (NP (NP (NP Douglas Hodge )NP (PRN -LRB- (NP Declan )NP -RRB- )PRN )NP (PP for (NP James Farentino )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP Rolf Saxon )NP (VP is a (ADJP passable (SBAR (S (NP Tommy Noonan and Dorian Healy )NP (VP could (ADVP easily )ADVP (VP double (PP for (NP (NP Huntz Hall )NP , (NP (NP the blank-faced foil )NP (PP of (NP the Bowery Boys comedies )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )ADJP )VP )S . )S 35 42 (S (S (NP Joanna Kanska )NP (VP looks (PP like (NP a young Zsa Zsa Gabor )NP )PP )VP )S ; (S (S (NP (NP William Armstrong )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP plays (NP Max )NP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP could (VP pass (PP for (NP (NP Hans Conreid )NP , and (NP (NP Douglas Hodge )NP (PRN -LRB- (NP Declan )NP -RRB- )PRN (PP for (NP James Farentino )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP Rolf Saxon )NP (VP is (NP a passable Tommy Noonan )NP )VP )S and (S (NP Dorian Healy )NP (VP could (ADVP easily )ADVP (VP double (PP for (NP (NP Huntz Hall )NP , (NP (NP the blank-faced foil )NP (PP of (NP the Bowery Boys comedies )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )S . )S 31 41 (S (S (NP Joanna Kanska )NP (VP looks (PP like (NP a young Zsa Zsa Gabor )NP )PP )VP )S ; (S (NP (NP William Armstrong )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP plays (NP Max )NP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP could (VP pass (PP for (NP (NP Hans Conreid )NP , and (NP Douglas Hodge )NP (PRN -LRB- (NP Declan )NP -RRB- )PRN )NP )PP (PP for (NP James Farentino )NP )PP )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP Rolf Saxon )NP (VP is a (ADJP passable (SBAR (S (NP Tommy Noonan and Dorian Healy )NP (VP could (ADVP easily )ADVP (VP double (PP for (NP (NP Huntz Hall )NP , (NP (NP the blank-faced foil )NP (PP of (NP the Bowery Boys comedies )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )ADJP )VP )S . )S 32 43 (S (S (NP Joanna Kanska )NP (VP looks (PP like (NP a young Zsa Zsa Gabor )NP )PP )VP )S ; (S (NP (NP William Armstrong )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP plays (NP Max )NP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP could (VP pass (PP (PP for (NP (NP Hans Conreid )NP , and (NP (NP Douglas Hodge )NP (PRN -LRB- (NP Declan )NP -RRB- )PRN )NP )NP )PP (PP for (NP James Farentino )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP Rolf Saxon )NP (VP is a (ADJP passable (SBAR (S (NP Tommy Noonan and Dorian Healy )NP (VP could (ADVP easily )ADVP (VP double (PP for (NP (NP Huntz Hall )NP , (NP (NP the blank-faced foil )NP (PP of (NP the Bowery Boys comedies )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )ADJP )VP )S . )S 32 41 (S (S (NP Joanna Kanska )NP (VP looks (PP like (NP a young Zsa Zsa Gabor )NP )PP )VP )S ; (S (NP (NP William Armstrong )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP plays (NP Max )NP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP could (VP pass (PP for (NP (NP Hans Conreid )NP , and (NP (NP Douglas Hodge )NP (PRN -LRB- (NP Declan )NP -RRB- )PRN )NP )NP )PP (PP for (NP James Farentino )NP )PP )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP Rolf Saxon )NP (VP is (SBAR (S (NP a passable Tommy Noonan and Dorian Healy )NP (VP could (ADVP easily )ADVP (VP double (PP for (NP (NP Huntz Hall )NP , (NP (NP the blank-faced foil )NP (PP of (NP the Bowery Boys comedies )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S . )S 36 40 (S (S (NP Joanna Kanska )NP (VP looks (PP like (NP a young Zsa Zsa Gabor )NP )PP )VP )S ; (S (NP (NP William Armstrong )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP plays (NP Max )NP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP could (VP pass (PP for (NP (NP Hans Conreid )NP , and (NP Douglas Hodge )NP (PRN -LRB- (NP Declan )NP -RRB- )PRN (PP for (NP James Farentino )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP Rolf Saxon )NP (VP is (NP a passable Tommy Noonan )NP )VP )S and (S (NP Dorian Healy )NP (VP could (VP (ADVP easily )ADVP double (PP for (NP (NP Huntz Hall )NP , (NP (NP the blank-faced foil )NP (PP of (NP the Bowery Boys comedies )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S . )S 36 42 (S (S (NP Joanna Kanska )NP (VP looks (PP like (NP a young Zsa Zsa Gabor )NP )PP )VP )S ; (S (NP (NP William Armstrong )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP plays (NP Max )NP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP could (VP pass (PP for (NP (NP (NP Hans Conreid )NP , and (NP (NP Douglas Hodge )NP (PRN -LRB- (NP Declan )NP -RRB- )PRN )NP )NP (PP for (NP James Farentino )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP Rolf Saxon )NP (VP is (NP a passable Tommy Noonan )NP )VP )S and (S (NP Dorian Healy )NP (VP could (ADVP easily )ADVP (VP double (PP for (NP (NP Huntz Hall )NP , (NP (NP the blank-faced foil )NP (PP of (NP the Bowery Boys comedies )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S . )S 37 43 (S (S (NP Joanna Kanska )NP (VP looks (PP like (NP a young Zsa Zsa Gabor )NP )PP )VP )S ; (S (NP (NP William Armstrong )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP plays (NP Max )NP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP could (VP pass (PP for (NP (NP Hans Conreid )NP , and (NP (NP (NP Douglas Hodge )NP (PRN -LRB- (NP Declan )NP -RRB- )PRN )NP (PP for (NP James Farentino )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S ; (S (S (NP Rolf Saxon )NP (VP is (NP a passable Tommy Noonan )NP )VP )S and (S (NP Dorian Healy )NP (VP could (ADVP easily )ADVP (VP double (PP for (NP (NP Huntz Hall )NP , (NP (NP the blank-faced foil )NP (PP of (NP the Bowery Boys comedies )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )S . )S 36 41 (S (S (NP Joanna Kanska )NP (VP looks (PP like (NP a young Zsa Zsa Gabor )NP )PP )VP )S ; (S (NP (NP William Armstrong )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP plays (NP Max )NP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP could (VP pass (PP for (NP (NP Hans Conreid )NP , and (NP Douglas Hodge )NP (PRN -LRB- (NP Declan )NP -RRB- )PRN )NP )PP (PP for (NP James Farentino )NP )PP )VP )VP )S ; (S (S (NP Rolf Saxon )NP (VP is (NP a passable Tommy Noonan )NP )VP )S and (S (NP Dorian Healy )NP (VP could (ADVP easily )ADVP (VP double (PP for (NP (NP Huntz Hall )NP , (NP (NP the blank-faced foil )NP (PP of (NP the Bowery Boys comedies )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )S . )S 37 43 (S (S (NP Joanna Kanska )NP (VP looks (PP like (NP a young Zsa Zsa Gabor )NP )PP )VP )S ; (S (NP (NP William Armstrong )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP plays (NP Max )NP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP could (VP pass (PP (PP for (NP (NP Hans Conreid )NP , and (NP (NP Douglas Hodge )NP (PRN -LRB- (NP Declan )NP -RRB- )PRN )NP )NP )PP (PP for (NP James Farentino )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )S ; (S (S (NP Rolf Saxon )NP (VP is (NP a passable Tommy Noonan )NP )VP )S and (S (NP Dorian Healy )NP (VP could (ADVP easily )ADVP (VP double (PP for (NP (NP Huntz Hall )NP , (NP (NP the blank-faced foil )NP (PP of (NP the Bowery Boys comedies )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )S . )S 33 42 (S (S (NP Joanna Kanska )NP (VP looks (PP like (NP a young Zsa Zsa Gabor )NP )PP )VP )S ; (S (NP (NP William Armstrong )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP plays (NP Max )NP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP could (VP pass (PP for (NP (NP Hans Conreid )NP , and (NP (NP Douglas Hodge )NP (PRN -LRB- (NP Declan )NP -RRB- )PRN )NP )NP )PP (PP for (NP James Farentino )NP )PP )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP Rolf Saxon )NP (VP is a (ADJP passable (SBAR (S (NP Tommy Noonan and Dorian Healy )NP (VP could (VP (ADVP easily )ADVP double (PP for (NP (NP Huntz Hall )NP , (NP (NP the blank-faced foil )NP (PP of (NP the Bowery Boys comedies )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )ADJP )VP )S . )S 38 42 (S (S (NP Joanna Kanska )NP (VP looks (PP like (NP a young Zsa Zsa Gabor )NP )PP )VP )S ; (S (NP (NP William Armstrong )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP plays (NP Max )NP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP could (VP pass (PP for (NP (NP Hans Conreid )NP , and (NP (NP Douglas Hodge )NP (PRN -LRB- (NP Declan )NP -RRB- )PRN )NP )NP )PP (PP for (NP James Farentino )NP )PP )VP )VP )S ; (S (S (NP Rolf Saxon )NP (VP is (NP a passable Tommy Noonan )NP )VP )S and (S (NP Dorian Healy )NP (VP could (VP (ADVP easily )ADVP double (PP for (NP (NP Huntz Hall )NP , (NP (NP the blank-faced foil )NP (PP of (NP the Bowery Boys comedies )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )S . )S 31 41 (S (S (NP Joanna Kanska )NP (VP looks (PP like (NP a young Zsa Zsa Gabor )NP )PP )VP )S ; (S (NP (NP William Armstrong )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP plays (NP Max )NP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP could (VP pass (PP for (NP (NP Hans Conreid )NP , and (NP (NP Douglas Hodge )NP (PRN -LRB- Declan -RRB- )PRN )NP )NP )PP (PP for (NP James Farentino )NP )PP )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP Rolf Saxon )NP (VP is (ADJP a passable (SBAR (S (NP Tommy Noonan and Dorian Healy )NP (VP could (ADVP easily )ADVP (VP double (PP for (NP (NP Huntz Hall )NP , (NP (NP the blank-faced foil )NP (PP of (NP the Bowery Boys comedies )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )ADJP )VP )S . )S 32 42 (S (S (NP Joanna Kanska )NP (VP looks (PP like (NP a young Zsa Zsa Gabor )NP )PP )VP )S ; (S (NP (NP William Armstrong )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP plays (NP Max )NP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP could (VP pass (PP for (NP (NP Hans Conreid )NP , and (NP (NP Douglas Hodge )NP (PRN -LRB- (NP Declan )NP -RRB- )PRN )NP )NP (PP for (NP James Farentino )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP Rolf Saxon )NP (VP is (ADJP a passable (SBAR (S (NP Tommy Noonan and Dorian Healy )NP (VP could (ADVP easily )ADVP (VP double (PP for (NP (NP Huntz Hall )NP , (NP (NP the blank-faced foil )NP (PP of (NP the Bowery Boys comedies )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )ADJP )VP )S . )S 34 44 (S (S (NP Joanna Kanska )NP (VP looks (PP like (NP a young Zsa Zsa Gabor )NP )PP )VP )S ; (S (NP (NP William Armstrong )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP plays (NP Max )NP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP could (VP pass (PP for (NP (NP Hans Conreid )NP , and (NP (NP (NP Douglas Hodge )NP (PRN -LRB- (NP Declan )NP -RRB- )PRN )NP (PP for (NP James Farentino )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP Rolf Saxon )NP (VP is (SBAR (S (NP (NP a passable Tommy Noonan )NP and (NP Dorian Healy )NP )NP (VP could (ADVP easily )ADVP (VP double (PP for (NP (NP Huntz Hall )NP , (NP (NP the blank-faced foil )NP (PP of (NP the Bowery Boys comedies )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S . )S 33 42 (S (S (NP Joanna Kanska )NP (VP looks (PP like (NP a young Zsa Zsa Gabor )NP )PP )VP )S ; (S (NP (NP William Armstrong )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP plays (NP Max )NP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP could (VP pass (PP for (NP (NP Hans Conreid )NP , and (NP Douglas Hodge )NP (PRN -LRB- (NP Declan )NP -RRB- )PRN )NP )PP (PP for (NP James Farentino )NP )PP )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP Rolf Saxon )NP (VP is (SBAR (S (NP (NP a passable Tommy Noonan )NP and (NP Dorian Healy )NP )NP (VP could (ADVP easily )ADVP (VP double (PP for (NP (NP Huntz Hall )NP , (NP (NP the blank-faced foil )NP (PP of (NP the Bowery Boys comedies )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S . )S 34 44 (S (S (NP Joanna Kanska )NP (VP looks (PP like (NP a young Zsa Zsa Gabor )NP )PP )VP )S ; (S (NP (NP William Armstrong )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP plays (NP Max )NP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP could (VP pass (PP (PP for (NP (NP Hans Conreid )NP , and (NP (NP Douglas Hodge )NP (PRN -LRB- (NP Declan )NP -RRB- )PRN )NP )NP )PP (PP for (NP James Farentino )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )S ; (S (NP Rolf Saxon )NP (VP is (SBAR (S (NP (NP a passable Tommy Noonan )NP and (NP Dorian Healy )NP )NP (VP could (ADVP easily )ADVP (VP double (PP for (NP (NP Huntz Hall )NP , (NP (NP the blank-faced foil )NP (PP of (NP the Bowery Boys comedies )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S . )S 50 30 35 (FRAG (ADVP So )ADVP , (NP OK kids )NP , (NP everybody )NP (PP on (NP stage )NP )PP (PP for `` (S (VP Carry (PP On (NP Trading )NP )PP )VP )S '' )PP : (S (NP The cast )NP (VP is (ADVP frantically )ADVP (VP searching (NP the office )NP (PP for (NP (NP misplaced Japanese bonds )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (ADVP suddenly )ADVP (VP have (VP soared (PP in (NP value )NP )PP (SBAR because (S (NP Dai-Ichi Kangyo Bank )NP (VP has (ADVP just )ADVP (VP bought (NP the White House )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP )S . )FRAG 30 36 (FRAG (ADVP So )ADVP , (NP OK kids )NP , (NP (NP everybody )NP (PP on (NP stage )NP )PP (PP for `` (S (VP Carry (PP On (NP Trading )NP )PP )VP )S '' )PP )NP : (S (NP The cast )NP (VP is (ADVP frantically )ADVP (VP searching (NP the office )NP (PP for (NP (NP misplaced Japanese bonds )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (ADVP suddenly )ADVP (VP have (VP soared (PP in (NP value )NP )PP (SBAR because (S (NP Dai-Ichi Kangyo Bank )NP (VP has (ADVP just )ADVP (VP bought (NP the White House )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP )S . )FRAG 31 35 (FRAG (ADVP So )ADVP , (NP OK kids )NP , (NP everybody )NP (PP on (NP stage )NP )PP (PP for `` (S (VP Carry (PP On (NP Trading )NP )PP )VP )S '' )PP : (S (NP The cast )NP (VP is (VP (ADVP frantically )ADVP searching (NP the office )NP (PP for (NP (NP misplaced Japanese bonds )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (ADVP suddenly )ADVP (VP have (VP soared (PP in (NP value )NP )PP (SBAR because (S (NP Dai-Ichi Kangyo Bank )NP (VP has (ADVP just )ADVP (VP bought (NP the White House )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP )S . )FRAG 31 36 (FRAG (ADVP So )ADVP , (NP OK kids )NP , (NP (NP everybody )NP (PP on (NP stage )NP )PP (PP for `` (S (VP Carry (PP On (NP Trading )NP )PP )VP )S '' )PP )NP : (S (NP The cast )NP (VP is (VP (ADVP frantically )ADVP searching (NP the office )NP (PP for (NP (NP misplaced Japanese bonds )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (ADVP suddenly )ADVP (VP have (VP soared (PP in (NP value )NP )PP (SBAR because (S (NP Dai-Ichi Kangyo Bank )NP (VP has (ADVP just )ADVP (VP bought (NP the White House )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP )S . )FRAG 28 35 (FRAG (ADVP So )ADVP , (NP OK kids )NP , (NP everybody )NP (PP on (NP stage )NP )PP (PP for `` (NP (NP Carry )NP (PP On (NP Trading )NP )PP )NP '' )PP : (S (NP The cast )NP (VP is (ADVP frantically )ADVP (VP searching (NP the office )NP (PP for (NP (NP misplaced Japanese bonds )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (ADVP suddenly )ADVP (VP have (VP soared (PP in (NP value )NP )PP (SBAR because (S (NP Dai-Ichi Kangyo Bank )NP (VP has (ADVP just )ADVP (VP bought (NP the White House )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP )S . )FRAG 29 37 (FRAG (ADVP So )ADVP , (NP OK kids )NP , (NP (NP everybody )NP (PP on (NP (NP stage )NP (PP for `` (S (VP Carry (PP On (NP Trading )NP )PP )VP )S '' )PP )NP )PP )NP : (S (NP The cast )NP (VP is (ADVP frantically )ADVP (VP searching (NP the office )NP (PP for (NP (NP misplaced Japanese bonds )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (ADVP suddenly )ADVP (VP have (VP soared (PP in (NP value )NP )PP (SBAR because (S (NP Dai-Ichi Kangyo Bank )NP (VP has (ADVP just )ADVP (VP bought (NP the White House )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP )S . )FRAG 29 35 (FRAG (ADVP So )ADVP , (NP OK kids )NP , (NP everybody )NP (PP on (NP stage )NP )PP (PP for `` (NP (NP Carry )NP (PP On (NP Trading )NP )PP )NP '' )PP : (S (NP The cast )NP (VP is (VP (ADVP frantically )ADVP searching (NP the office )NP (PP for (NP (NP misplaced Japanese bonds )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (ADVP suddenly )ADVP (VP have (VP soared (PP in (NP value )NP )PP (SBAR because (S (NP Dai-Ichi Kangyo Bank )NP (VP has (ADVP just )ADVP (VP bought (NP the White House )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP )S . )FRAG 30 37 (FRAG (ADVP So )ADVP , (NP OK kids )NP , (NP (NP everybody )NP (PP on (NP (NP stage )NP (PP for `` (S (VP Carry (PP On (NP Trading )NP )PP )VP )S '' )PP )NP )PP )NP : (S (NP The cast )NP (VP is (VP (ADVP frantically )ADVP searching (NP the office )NP (PP for (NP (NP misplaced Japanese bonds )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (ADVP suddenly )ADVP (VP have (VP soared (PP in (NP value )NP )PP (SBAR because (S (NP Dai-Ichi Kangyo Bank )NP (VP has (ADVP just )ADVP (VP bought (NP the White House )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP )S . )FRAG 28 36 (FRAG (ADVP So )ADVP , (NP OK kids )NP , (NP (NP everybody )NP (PP on (NP stage )NP )PP (PP for `` (NP (NP Carry )NP (PP On (NP Trading )NP )PP )NP '' )PP )NP : (S (NP The cast )NP (VP is (ADVP frantically )ADVP (VP searching (NP the office )NP (PP for (NP (NP misplaced Japanese bonds )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (ADVP suddenly )ADVP (VP have (VP soared (PP in (NP value )NP )PP (SBAR because (S (NP Dai-Ichi Kangyo Bank )NP (VP has (ADVP just )ADVP (VP bought (NP the White House )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP )S . )FRAG 31 36 (FRAG (ADVP So )ADVP , (NP OK kids )NP , (NP everybody )NP (PP on (NP stage )NP )PP (PP for `` (S (VP Carry (PP On (NP Trading )NP )PP )VP )S '' )PP : (S (NP The cast )NP (VP is (VP (ADVP frantically )ADVP searching (NP (NP the office )NP (PP for (NP (NP misplaced Japanese bonds )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (ADVP suddenly )ADVP (VP have (VP soared (PP in (NP value )NP )PP (SBAR because (S (NP Dai-Ichi Kangyo Bank )NP (VP has (ADVP just )ADVP (VP bought (NP the White House )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S . )FRAG 31 37 (FRAG (ADVP So )ADVP , (NP OK kids )NP , (NP (NP everybody )NP (PP on (NP stage )NP )PP (PP for `` (S (VP Carry (PP On (NP Trading )NP )PP )VP )S '' )PP )NP : (S (NP The cast )NP (VP is (VP (ADVP frantically )ADVP searching (NP (NP the office )NP (PP for (NP (NP misplaced Japanese bonds )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (ADVP suddenly )ADVP (VP have (VP soared (PP in (NP value )NP )PP (SBAR because (S (NP Dai-Ichi Kangyo Bank )NP (VP has (ADVP just )ADVP (VP bought (NP the White House )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S . )FRAG 29 36 (FRAG (ADVP So )ADVP , (NP OK kids )NP , (NP (NP everybody )NP (PP on (NP stage )NP )PP (PP for `` (NP (NP Carry )NP (PP On (NP Trading )NP )PP )NP '' )PP )NP : (S (NP The cast )NP (VP is (VP (ADVP frantically )ADVP searching (NP the office )NP (PP for (NP (NP misplaced Japanese bonds )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (ADVP suddenly )ADVP (VP have (VP soared (PP in (NP value )NP )PP (SBAR because (S (NP Dai-Ichi Kangyo Bank )NP (VP has (ADVP just )ADVP (VP bought (NP the White House )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP )S . )FRAG 29 35 (FRAG (ADVP So )ADVP , (NP OK kids )NP , (NP everybody )NP (PP on (NP stage )NP )PP (PP for `` (S (VP Carry (PP On (NP Trading )NP )PP )VP )S '' )PP : (S (NP The cast )NP (VP is (VP (ADVP frantically )ADVP searching (NP (NP the office )NP (PP for (NP misplaced Japanese bonds )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (ADVP suddenly )ADVP (VP have (VP soared (PP in (NP value )NP )PP (SBAR because (S (NP Dai-Ichi Kangyo Bank )NP (VP has (ADVP just )ADVP (VP bought (NP the White House )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S . )FRAG 29 35 (FRAG (ADVP So )ADVP , (NP OK kids )NP , (NP everybody )NP (PP on (NP stage )NP )PP (PP for `` (S (VP Carry (PP On (NP Trading )NP )PP )VP )S '' )PP : (S (NP The cast )NP (VP is (VP (ADVP frantically )ADVP searching (NP (NP the office )NP (PP for (NP misplaced Japanese bonds )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (ADVP suddenly )ADVP (VP have (VP soared (PP in (NP value )NP )PP (SBAR because (S (NP Dai-Ichi Kangyo Bank )NP (VP has (ADVP just )ADVP (VP bought (NP the White House )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S . )FRAG 29 36 (FRAG (ADVP So )ADVP , (NP OK kids )NP , (NP (NP everybody )NP (PP on (NP stage )NP )PP (PP for `` (S (VP Carry (PP On (NP Trading )NP )PP )VP )S '' )PP )NP : (S (NP The cast )NP (VP is (VP (ADVP frantically )ADVP searching (NP (NP the office )NP (PP for (NP misplaced Japanese bonds )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (ADVP suddenly )ADVP (VP have (VP soared (PP in (NP value )NP )PP (SBAR because (S (NP Dai-Ichi Kangyo Bank )NP (VP has (ADVP just )ADVP (VP bought (NP the White House )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S . )FRAG 27 37 (FRAG (ADVP So )ADVP , (NP OK kids )NP , (NP (NP everybody )NP (PP on (NP (NP stage )NP (PP for `` (NP (NP Carry )NP (PP On (NP Trading )NP )PP )NP '' )PP )NP )PP )NP : (S (NP The cast )NP (VP is (ADVP frantically )ADVP (VP searching (NP the office )NP (PP for (NP (NP misplaced Japanese bonds )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (ADVP suddenly )ADVP (VP have (VP soared (PP in (NP value )NP )PP (SBAR because (S (NP Dai-Ichi Kangyo Bank )NP (VP has (ADVP just )ADVP (VP bought (NP the White House )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP )S . )FRAG 28 35 (FRAG (ADVP So )ADVP , (NP OK kids )NP , (NP everybody )NP (PP on (NP stage )NP )PP (PP for `` (NP (NP Carry )NP (PP On (NP Trading )NP )PP )NP '' )PP : (S (NP The cast )NP (VP is (ADVP frantically )ADVP (VP searching (NP the office )NP (PP for (NP (NP misplaced Japanese bonds )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (ADVP suddenly )ADVP (VP have (VP soared (PP in (NP value )NP )PP (SBAR because (S (NP Dai-Ichi Kangyo Bank )NP (VP has (ADVP just )ADVP (VP bought (NP the White House )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP )S . )FRAG 30 36 (FRAG (ADVP So )ADVP , (NP OK kids )NP , (NP everybody )NP (PP on (NP stage )NP )PP (PP for `` (S (VP Carry (PP On (NP Trading )NP )PP )VP )S '' )PP : (S (NP The cast )NP (VP is (ADVP frantically )ADVP (VP searching (NP (NP the office )NP (PP for (NP (NP misplaced Japanese bonds )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (ADVP suddenly )ADVP (VP have (VP soared (PP in (NP value )NP )PP (SBAR because (S (NP Dai-Ichi Kangyo Bank )NP (VP has (ADVP just )ADVP (VP bought (NP the White House )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S . )FRAG 29 36 (FRAG (ADVP So )ADVP , (NP OK kids )NP , (NP everybody )NP (PP on (NP stage )NP )PP (PP for `` (NP (NP Carry )NP (PP On (NP Trading )NP )PP )NP '' )PP : (S (NP The cast )NP (VP is (VP (ADVP frantically )ADVP searching (NP (NP the office )NP (PP for (NP (NP misplaced Japanese bonds )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (ADVP suddenly )ADVP (VP have (VP soared (PP in (NP value )NP )PP (SBAR because (S (NP Dai-Ichi Kangyo Bank )NP (VP has (ADVP just )ADVP (VP bought (NP the White House )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S . )FRAG 29 36 (FRAG (ADVP So )ADVP , (NP OK kids )NP , (NP (NP everybody )NP (PP on (NP stage )NP )PP (PP for `` (S (VP Carry (PP On (NP Trading )NP )PP )VP )S '' )PP )NP : (S (NP The cast )NP (VP is (VP (ADVP frantically )ADVP searching (NP (NP the office )NP (PP for (NP misplaced Japanese bonds )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (ADVP suddenly )ADVP (VP have (VP soared (PP in (NP value )NP )PP (SBAR because (S (NP Dai-Ichi Kangyo Bank )NP (VP has (ADVP just )ADVP (VP bought (NP the White House )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S . )FRAG 30 38 (FRAG (ADVP So )ADVP , (NP OK kids )NP , (NP (NP everybody )NP (PP on (NP (NP stage )NP (PP for `` (S (VP Carry (PP On (NP Trading )NP )PP )VP )S '' )PP )NP )PP )NP : (S (NP The cast )NP (VP is (VP (ADVP frantically )ADVP searching (NP (NP the office )NP (PP for (NP (NP misplaced Japanese bonds )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (ADVP suddenly )ADVP (VP have (VP soared (PP in (NP value )NP )PP (SBAR because (S (NP Dai-Ichi Kangyo Bank )NP (VP has (ADVP just )ADVP (VP bought (NP the White House )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S . )FRAG 28 37 (FRAG (ADVP So )ADVP , (NP OK kids )NP , (NP (NP everybody )NP (PP on (NP (NP stage )NP (PP for `` (NP (NP Carry )NP (PP On (NP Trading )NP )PP )NP '' )PP )NP )PP )NP : (S (NP The cast )NP (VP is (VP (ADVP frantically )ADVP searching (NP the office )NP (PP for (NP (NP misplaced Japanese bonds )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (ADVP suddenly )ADVP (VP have (VP soared (PP in (NP value )NP )PP (SBAR because (S (NP Dai-Ichi Kangyo Bank )NP (VP has (ADVP just )ADVP (VP bought (NP the White House )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP )S . )FRAG 29 35 (FRAG (ADVP So )ADVP , (NP OK kids )NP , (NP everybody )NP (PP on (NP stage )NP )PP (PP for `` (NP (NP Carry )NP (PP On (NP Trading )NP )PP )NP '' )PP : (S (NP The cast )NP (VP is (VP (ADVP frantically )ADVP searching (NP the office )NP (PP for (NP (NP misplaced Japanese bonds )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (ADVP suddenly )ADVP (VP have (VP soared (PP in (NP value )NP )PP (SBAR because (S (NP Dai-Ichi Kangyo Bank )NP (VP has (ADVP just )ADVP (VP bought (NP the White House )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP )S . )FRAG 30 37 (FRAG (ADVP So )ADVP , (NP OK kids )NP , (NP (NP everybody )NP (PP on (NP stage )NP )PP (PP for `` (S (VP Carry (PP On (NP Trading )NP )PP )VP )S '' )PP )NP : (S (NP The cast )NP (VP is (ADVP frantically )ADVP (VP searching (NP (NP the office )NP (PP for (NP (NP misplaced Japanese bonds )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (ADVP suddenly )ADVP (VP have (VP soared (PP in (NP value )NP )PP (SBAR because (S (NP Dai-Ichi Kangyo Bank )NP (VP has (ADVP just )ADVP (VP bought (NP the White House )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S . )FRAG 28 35 (FRAG (ADVP So )ADVP , (NP OK kids )NP , (NP everybody )NP (PP on (NP stage )NP )PP (PP for `` (S (VP Carry (PP On (NP Trading )NP )PP )VP )S '' )PP : (S (NP The cast )NP (VP is (ADVP frantically )ADVP (VP searching (NP (NP the office )NP (PP for (NP misplaced Japanese bonds )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (ADVP suddenly )ADVP (VP have (VP soared (PP in (NP value )NP )PP (SBAR because (S (NP Dai-Ichi Kangyo Bank )NP (VP has (ADVP just )ADVP (VP bought (NP the White House )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S . )FRAG 27 35 (FRAG (ADVP So )ADVP , (NP OK kids )NP , (NP everybody )NP (PP on (NP stage )NP )PP (PP for `` (NP (NP Carry )NP (PP On (NP Trading )NP )PP )NP '' )PP : (S (NP The cast )NP (VP is (VP (ADVP frantically )ADVP searching (NP (NP the office )NP (PP for (NP misplaced Japanese bonds )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (ADVP suddenly )ADVP (VP have (VP soared (PP in (NP value )NP )PP (SBAR because (S (NP Dai-Ichi Kangyo Bank )NP (VP has (ADVP just )ADVP (VP bought (NP the White House )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S . )FRAG 28 36 (FRAG (ADVP So )ADVP , (NP OK kids )NP , (NP (NP everybody )NP (PP on (NP stage )NP )PP (PP for `` (NP (NP Carry )NP (PP On (NP Trading )NP )PP )NP '' )PP )NP : (S (NP The cast )NP (VP is (ADVP frantically )ADVP (VP searching (NP the office )NP (PP for (NP (NP misplaced Japanese bonds )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (ADVP suddenly )ADVP (VP have (VP soared (PP in (NP value )NP )PP (SBAR because (S (NP Dai-Ichi Kangyo Bank )NP (VP has (ADVP just )ADVP (VP bought (NP the White House )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP )S . )FRAG 28 37 (FRAG (ADVP So )ADVP , (NP OK kids )NP , (NP (NP everybody )NP (PP on (NP (NP stage )NP (PP for `` (S (VP Carry (PP On (NP Trading )NP )PP )VP )S '' )PP )NP )PP )NP : (S (NP The cast )NP (VP is (VP (ADVP frantically )ADVP searching (NP (NP the office )NP (PP for (NP misplaced Japanese bonds )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (ADVP suddenly )ADVP (VP have (VP soared (PP in (NP value )NP )PP (SBAR because (S (NP Dai-Ichi Kangyo Bank )NP (VP has (ADVP just )ADVP (VP bought (NP the White House )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S . )FRAG 29 37 (FRAG (ADVP So )ADVP , (NP OK kids )NP , (NP (NP everybody )NP (PP on (NP stage )NP )PP (PP for `` (NP (NP Carry )NP (PP On (NP Trading )NP )PP )NP '' )PP )NP : (S (NP The cast )NP (VP is (VP (ADVP frantically )ADVP searching (NP (NP the office )NP (PP for (NP (NP misplaced Japanese bonds )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (ADVP suddenly )ADVP (VP have (VP soared (PP in (NP value )NP )PP (SBAR because (S (NP Dai-Ichi Kangyo Bank )NP (VP has (ADVP just )ADVP (VP bought (NP the White House )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S . )FRAG 28 35 (FRAG (ADVP So )ADVP , (NP OK kids )NP , (NP everybody )NP (PP on (NP stage )NP )PP (PP for `` (S (VP Carry (PP On (NP Trading )NP )PP )VP )S '' )PP : (S (NP The cast )NP (VP is (ADVP frantically )ADVP (VP searching (NP (NP the office )NP (PP for (NP misplaced Japanese bonds )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (ADVP suddenly )ADVP (VP have (VP soared (PP in (NP value )NP )PP (SBAR because (S (NP Dai-Ichi Kangyo Bank )NP (VP has (ADVP just )ADVP (VP bought (NP the White House )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S . )FRAG 28 36 (FRAG (ADVP So )ADVP , (NP OK kids )NP , (NP (NP everybody )NP (PP on (NP stage )NP )PP (PP for `` (S (VP Carry (PP On (NP Trading )NP )PP )VP )S '' )PP )NP : (S (NP The cast )NP (VP is (ADVP frantically )ADVP (VP searching (NP (NP the office )NP (PP for (NP misplaced Japanese bonds )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (ADVP suddenly )ADVP (VP have (VP soared (PP in (NP value )NP )PP (SBAR because (S (NP Dai-Ichi Kangyo Bank )NP (VP has (ADVP just )ADVP (VP bought (NP the White House )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S . )FRAG 27 35 (FRAG (ADVP So )ADVP , (NP OK kids )NP , (NP everybody )NP (PP on (NP stage )NP )PP (PP for `` (NP (NP Carry )NP (PP On (NP Trading )NP )PP )NP '' )PP : (S (NP The cast )NP (VP is (VP (ADVP frantically )ADVP searching (NP (NP the office )NP (PP for (NP misplaced Japanese bonds )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (ADVP suddenly )ADVP (VP have (VP soared (PP in (NP value )NP )PP (SBAR because (S (NP Dai-Ichi Kangyo Bank )NP (VP has (ADVP just )ADVP (VP bought (NP the White House )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S . )FRAG 28 37 (FRAG (ADVP So )ADVP , (NP OK kids )NP , (NP (NP everybody )NP (PP on (NP (NP stage )NP (PP for `` (S (VP Carry (PP On (NP Trading )NP )PP )VP )S '' )PP )NP )PP )NP : (S (NP The cast )NP (VP is (VP (ADVP frantically )ADVP searching (NP (NP the office )NP (PP for (NP misplaced Japanese bonds )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (ADVP suddenly )ADVP (VP have (VP soared (PP in (NP value )NP )PP (SBAR because (S (NP Dai-Ichi Kangyo Bank )NP (VP has (ADVP just )ADVP (VP bought (NP the White House )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S . )FRAG 30 35 (FRAG (ADVP So )ADVP , (NP OK kids )NP , (NP everybody )NP (PP on (NP stage )NP )PP (PP for `` (S (VP Carry (PP On (NP Trading )NP )PP )VP )S '' )PP : (S (NP The cast )NP (VP is (ADVP frantically )ADVP (VP searching (NP the office )NP (PP for (NP (NP misplaced Japanese bonds )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (ADVP suddenly )ADVP (VP have (VP soared (PP in (NP value )NP )PP (SBAR because (S (NP Dai-Ichi Kangyo Bank )NP (VP has (ADVP just )ADVP (VP bought (NP the White House )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP )S . )FRAG 29 36 (FRAG (ADVP So )ADVP , (NP OK kids )NP , (NP (NP everybody )NP (PP on (NP stage )NP )PP (PP for `` (NP (NP Carry )NP (PP On (NP Trading )NP )PP )NP '' )PP )NP : (S (NP The cast )NP (VP is (VP (ADVP frantically )ADVP searching (NP the office )NP (PP for (NP (NP misplaced Japanese bonds )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (ADVP suddenly )ADVP (VP have (VP soared (PP in (NP value )NP )PP (SBAR because (S (NP Dai-Ichi Kangyo Bank )NP (VP has (ADVP just )ADVP (VP bought (NP the White House )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP )S . )FRAG 28 36 (FRAG (ADVP So )ADVP , (NP OK kids )NP , (NP everybody )NP (PP on (NP stage )NP )PP (PP for `` (NP (NP Carry )NP (PP On (NP Trading )NP )PP )NP '' )PP : (S (NP The cast )NP (VP is (ADVP frantically )ADVP (VP searching (NP (NP the office )NP (PP for (NP (NP misplaced Japanese bonds )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (ADVP suddenly )ADVP (VP have (VP soared (PP in (NP value )NP )PP (SBAR because (S (NP Dai-Ichi Kangyo Bank )NP (VP has (ADVP just )ADVP (VP bought (NP the White House )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S . )FRAG 28 36 (FRAG (ADVP So )ADVP , (NP OK kids )NP , (NP (NP everybody )NP (PP on (NP stage )NP )PP (PP for `` (S (VP Carry (PP On (NP Trading )NP )PP )VP )S '' )PP )NP : (S (NP The cast )NP (VP is (ADVP frantically )ADVP (VP searching (NP (NP the office )NP (PP for (NP misplaced Japanese bonds )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (ADVP suddenly )ADVP (VP have (VP soared (PP in (NP value )NP )PP (SBAR because (S (NP Dai-Ichi Kangyo Bank )NP (VP has (ADVP just )ADVP (VP bought (NP the White House )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S . )FRAG 29 38 (FRAG (ADVP So )ADVP , (NP OK kids )NP , (NP (NP everybody )NP (PP on (NP (NP stage )NP (PP for `` (S (VP Carry (PP On (NP Trading )NP )PP )VP )S '' )PP )NP )PP )NP : (S (NP The cast )NP (VP is (ADVP frantically )ADVP (VP searching (NP (NP the office )NP (PP for (NP (NP misplaced Japanese bonds )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (ADVP suddenly )ADVP (VP have (VP soared (PP in (NP value )NP )PP (SBAR because (S (NP Dai-Ichi Kangyo Bank )NP (VP has (ADVP just )ADVP (VP bought (NP the White House )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S . )FRAG 27 36 (FRAG (ADVP So )ADVP , (NP OK kids )NP , (NP (NP everybody )NP (PP on (NP stage )NP )PP (PP for `` (NP (NP Carry )NP (PP On (NP Trading )NP )PP )NP '' )PP )NP : (S (NP The cast )NP (VP is (VP (ADVP frantically )ADVP searching (NP (NP the office )NP (PP for (NP misplaced Japanese bonds )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (ADVP suddenly )ADVP (VP have (VP soared (PP in (NP value )NP )PP (SBAR because (S (NP Dai-Ichi Kangyo Bank )NP (VP has (ADVP just )ADVP (VP bought (NP the White House )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S . )FRAG 30 36 (FRAG (ADVP So )ADVP , (NP OK kids )NP , (NP (NP everybody )NP (PP on (NP stage )NP )PP (PP for `` (S (VP Carry (PP On (NP Trading )NP )PP )VP )S '' )PP )NP : (S (NP The cast )NP (VP is (ADVP frantically )ADVP (VP searching (NP the office )NP (PP for (NP (NP misplaced Japanese bonds )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (ADVP suddenly )ADVP (VP have (VP soared (PP in (NP value )NP )PP (SBAR because (S (NP Dai-Ichi Kangyo Bank )NP (VP has (ADVP just )ADVP (VP bought (NP the White House )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP )S . )FRAG 29 36 (FRAG (ADVP So )ADVP , (NP OK kids )NP , (NP (NP everybody )NP (PP on (NP stage )NP )PP (PP for `` (FRAG (VP Carry (PP On (NP Trading )NP )PP )VP )FRAG '' )PP )NP : (S (NP The cast )NP (VP is (ADVP frantically )ADVP (VP searching (NP the office )NP (PP for (NP (NP misplaced Japanese bonds )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (ADVP suddenly )ADVP (VP have (VP soared (PP in (NP value )NP )PP (SBAR because (S (NP Dai-Ichi Kangyo Bank )NP (VP has (ADVP just )ADVP (VP bought (NP the White House )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP )S . )FRAG 31 35 (FRAG (ADVP So )ADVP , (NP OK kids )NP , (NP everybody )NP (PP on (NP stage )NP )PP (PP for `` (S (VP Carry (PP On (NP Trading )NP )PP )VP )S '' )PP : (S (NP The cast )NP (VP is (VP (ADVP frantically )ADVP searching (NP the office )NP (PP for (NP (NP misplaced Japanese bonds )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (ADVP suddenly )ADVP (VP have (VP soared (PP in (NP value )NP )PP (SBAR because (S (NP Dai-Ichi Kangyo Bank )NP (VP has (ADVP just )ADVP (VP bought (NP the White House )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP )S . )FRAG 27 37 (FRAG (ADVP So )ADVP , (NP OK kids )NP , (NP (NP everybody )NP (PP on (NP (NP stage )NP (PP for `` (NP (NP Carry )NP (PP On (NP Trading )NP )PP )NP '' )PP )NP )PP )NP : (S (NP The cast )NP (VP is (ADVP frantically )ADVP (VP searching (NP the office )NP (PP for (NP (NP misplaced Japanese bonds )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (ADVP suddenly )ADVP (VP have (VP soared (PP in (NP value )NP )PP (SBAR because (S (NP Dai-Ichi Kangyo Bank )NP (VP has (ADVP just )ADVP (VP bought (NP the White House )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP )S . )FRAG 27 36 (FRAG (ADVP So )ADVP , (NP OK kids )NP , (NP (NP everybody )NP (PP on (NP stage )NP )PP (PP for `` (NP (NP Carry )NP (PP On (NP Trading )NP )PP )NP '' )PP )NP : (S (NP The cast )NP (VP is (VP (ADVP frantically )ADVP searching (NP (NP the office )NP (PP for (NP misplaced Japanese bonds )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (ADVP suddenly )ADVP (VP have (VP soared (PP in (NP value )NP )PP (SBAR because (S (NP Dai-Ichi Kangyo Bank )NP (VP has (ADVP just )ADVP (VP bought (NP the White House )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S . )FRAG 28 38 (FRAG (ADVP So )ADVP , (NP OK kids )NP , (NP (NP everybody )NP (PP on (NP (NP stage )NP (PP for `` (NP (NP Carry )NP (PP On (NP Trading )NP )PP )NP '' )PP )NP )PP )NP : (S (NP The cast )NP (VP is (VP (ADVP frantically )ADVP searching (NP (NP the office )NP (PP for (NP (NP misplaced Japanese bonds )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (ADVP suddenly )ADVP (VP have (VP soared (PP in (NP value )NP )PP (SBAR because (S (NP Dai-Ichi Kangyo Bank )NP (VP has (ADVP just )ADVP (VP bought (NP the White House )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S . )FRAG 29 36 (FRAG (ADVP So )ADVP , (NP OK kids )NP , (NP everybody )NP (PP on (NP (NP stage )NP (PP for `` (S (VP Carry (PP On (NP Trading )NP )PP )VP )S '' )PP )NP )PP : (S (NP The cast )NP (VP is (ADVP frantically )ADVP (VP searching (NP the office )NP (PP for (NP (NP misplaced Japanese bonds )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (ADVP suddenly )ADVP (VP have (VP soared (PP in (NP value )NP )PP (SBAR because (S (NP Dai-Ichi Kangyo Bank )NP (VP has (ADVP just )ADVP (VP bought (NP the White House )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP )S . )FRAG 30 35 (FRAG (ADVP So )ADVP , (NP OK kids )NP , (NP everybody )NP (PP on (NP stage )NP )PP (PP for `` (S (VP Carry (PP On (NP Trading )NP )PP )VP )S '' )PP : (S (NP The cast )NP (VP is (ADVP frantically )ADVP (VP searching (NP the office )NP (PP for (NP (NP misplaced Japanese bonds )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (ADVP suddenly )ADVP (VP have (VP soared (PP in (NP value )NP )PP (SBAR because (S (NP Dai-Ichi Kangyo Bank )NP (VP has (ADVP just )ADVP (VP bought (NP the White House )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP )S . )FRAG 26 35 (FRAG (ADVP So )ADVP , (NP OK kids )NP , (NP everybody )NP (PP on (NP stage )NP )PP (PP for `` (NP (NP Carry )NP (PP On (NP Trading )NP )PP )NP '' )PP : (S (NP The cast )NP (VP is (ADVP frantically )ADVP (VP searching (NP (NP the office )NP (PP for (NP misplaced Japanese bonds )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (ADVP suddenly )ADVP (VP have (VP soared (PP in (NP value )NP )PP (SBAR because (S (NP Dai-Ichi Kangyo Bank )NP (VP has (ADVP just )ADVP (VP bought (NP the White House )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S . )FRAG 27 37 (FRAG (ADVP So )ADVP , (NP OK kids )NP , (NP (NP everybody )NP (PP on (NP (NP stage )NP (PP for `` (S (VP Carry (PP On (NP Trading )NP )PP )VP )S '' )PP )NP )PP )NP : (S (NP The cast )NP (VP is (ADVP frantically )ADVP (VP searching (NP (NP the office )NP (PP for (NP misplaced Japanese bonds )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (ADVP suddenly )ADVP (VP have (VP soared (PP in (NP value )NP )PP (SBAR because (S (NP Dai-Ichi Kangyo Bank )NP (VP has (ADVP just )ADVP (VP bought (NP the White House )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S . )FRAG 29 36 (FRAG (ADVP So )ADVP , (NP OK kids )NP , (NP everybody )NP (PP on (NP stage )NP )PP (PP for `` (NP (NP Carry )NP (PP On (NP Trading )NP )PP )NP '' )PP : (S (NP The cast )NP (VP is (VP (ADVP frantically )ADVP searching (NP (NP the office )NP (PP for (NP (NP misplaced Japanese bonds )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (ADVP suddenly )ADVP (VP have (VP soared (PP in (NP value )NP )PP (SBAR because (S (NP Dai-Ichi Kangyo Bank )NP (VP has (ADVP just )ADVP (VP bought (NP the White House )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S . )FRAG 50 12 13 (S (NP The pressure )NP (VP is (NP (NP too much )NP (PP for (NP (NP Zsa Zsa )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP slaps (NP a security guard )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 11 12 (S (NP The pressure )NP (VP is (ADVP too much )ADVP (PP for (NP (NP Zsa Zsa )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP slaps (NP a security guard )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 12 13 (S (NP The pressure )NP (VP is (NP (NP too much )NP (PP for (NP (NP Zsa Zsa )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP slaps (NP a security guard )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 12 12 (S (NP The pressure )NP (VP is (NP too much )NP (PP for (NP (NP Zsa Zsa )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP slaps (NP a security guard )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 11 12 (S (NP The pressure )NP (VP is (ADVP too much )ADVP (PP for (NP (NP Zsa Zsa )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP slaps (NP a security guard )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 12 14 (S (NP The pressure )NP (VP is (NP (NP too much )NP (PP for (NP (NP Zsa Zsa )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP slaps (S (NP a security guard )NP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 10 12 (S (NP The pressure )NP (VP is (PP (ADVP too much )ADVP for (NP (NP Zsa Zsa )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP slaps (NP a security guard )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 11 13 (S (NP The pressure )NP (VP is (ADVP too much )ADVP (PP for (NP (NP Zsa Zsa )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP slaps (S (NP a security guard )NP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 12 14 (S (NP The pressure )NP (VP is (NP (NP too much )NP (PP for (NP (NP Zsa Zsa )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP slaps (S (NP a security guard )NP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 12 12 (S (NP The pressure )NP (VP is (NP too much )NP (PP for (NP (NP Zsa Zsa )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP slaps (NP a security guard )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 9 11 (S (NP The pressure )NP (VP is (ADVP too much )ADVP (PP for (NP Zsa Zsa )NP )PP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP slaps (NP a security guard )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 11 12 (S (NP The pressure )NP (VP is (ADJP too much (PP for (NP (NP Zsa Zsa )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP slaps (NP a security guard )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 11 12 (S (NP The pressure )NP (VP is (ADJP too much (PP for (NP (NP Zsa Zsa )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP slaps (NP a security guard )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 11 12 (S (NP The pressure )NP (VP is (ADJP too much )ADJP (PP for (NP (NP Zsa Zsa )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP slaps (NP a security guard )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 11 14 (S (NP The pressure )NP (VP is (ADVP too )ADVP (NP (NP much )NP (PP for (NP (NP Zsa Zsa )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP slaps (NP a security guard )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 12 13 (S (NP The pressure )NP (VP is (NP too much )NP (PP for (NP (NP Zsa Zsa )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP slaps (S (NP a security guard )NP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 10 12 (S (NP The pressure )NP (VP is (NP (NP too much )NP (PP for (NP Zsa Zsa )NP )PP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP slaps (NP a security guard )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 11 12 (S (NP The pressure )NP (VP is (ADVP too much (PP for (NP (NP Zsa Zsa )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP slaps (NP a security guard )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )ADVP )VP . )S 11 12 (S (NP The pressure )NP (VP is (ADJP too much )ADJP (PP for (NP (NP Zsa Zsa )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP slaps (NP a security guard )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 10 12 (S (NP The pressure )NP (VP is (NP (NP too much )NP (PP for (NP Zsa Zsa )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP slaps (NP a security guard )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 11 13 (S (NP The pressure )NP (VP is (VP (ADVP too much )ADVP (PP for (NP (NP Zsa Zsa )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP slaps (NP a security guard )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 11 13 (S (NP The pressure )NP (VP is (ADVP too much )ADVP (PP for (NP (NP Zsa Zsa )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP slaps (S (NP a security guard )NP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 11 13 (S (NP The pressure )NP (VP is (VP (ADVP too much )ADVP (PP for (NP (NP Zsa Zsa )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP slaps (NP a security guard )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 11 13 (S (NP The pressure )NP (VP is (ADVP (ADVP too much )ADVP (PP for (NP (NP Zsa Zsa )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP slaps (NP a security guard )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )ADVP )VP . )S 11 12 (S (NP The pressure )NP (VP is (ADVP too much (PP for (NP (NP Zsa Zsa )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP slaps (NP a security guard )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )ADVP )VP . )S 10 12 (S (NP The pressure )NP (VP is (NP (NP too much )NP (PP for (NP Zsa Zsa )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP slaps (NP a security guard )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 10 12 (S (NP The pressure )NP (VP is (NP (NP too much )NP (PP for (NP Zsa Zsa )NP )PP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP slaps (NP a security guard )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 11 13 (S (NP The pressure )NP (VP is (VP (ADJP too much )ADJP (PP for (NP (NP Zsa Zsa )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP slaps (NP a security guard )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 11 14 (S (NP The pressure )NP (VP is (ADVP too )ADVP (NP (NP much )NP (PP for (NP (NP Zsa Zsa )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP slaps (NP a security guard )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 9 11 (S (NP The pressure )NP (VP is (ADVP too much )ADVP (PP for (NP Zsa Zsa )NP )PP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP slaps (NP a security guard )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 11 13 (S (NP The pressure )NP (VP is (ADJP (ADJP too much )ADJP (PP for (NP (NP Zsa Zsa )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP slaps (NP a security guard )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 10 13 (S (NP The pressure )NP (VP is (PP (ADVP too much )ADVP for (NP (NP Zsa Zsa )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP slaps (S (NP a security guard )NP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 11 13 (S (NP The pressure )NP (VP is (ADVP too )ADVP (ADVP much )ADVP (PP for (NP (NP Zsa Zsa )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP slaps (NP a security guard )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 11 13 (S (NP The pressure )NP (VP is (ADJP (ADJP too much )ADJP (PP for (NP (NP Zsa Zsa )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP slaps (NP a security guard )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 11 13 (S (NP The pressure )NP (VP is (NP (ADJP too much (PP for (NP (NP Zsa Zsa )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP slaps (NP a security guard )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )ADJP )NP )VP . )S 9 12 (S (NP The pressure )NP (VP (VP is (ADVP too much )ADVP (PP for (NP Zsa Zsa )NP )PP )VP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP slaps (NP a security guard )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 12 13 (S (NP The pressure )NP (VP is (NP too much )NP (PP for (NP (NP Zsa Zsa )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP slaps (S (NP a security guard )NP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 11 13 (S (NP The pressure )NP (VP is (ADVP too )ADVP (NP much )NP (PP for (NP (NP Zsa Zsa )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP slaps (NP a security guard )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 9 12 (S (NP The pressure )NP (VP is (ADVP too much )ADVP (PP for (NP Zsa Zsa )NP )PP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP slaps (S (NP a security guard )NP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 10 13 (S (NP The pressure )NP (VP is (ADVP too )ADVP (PP (ADVP much )ADVP for (NP (NP Zsa Zsa )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP slaps (NP a security guard )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 11 13 (S (NP The pressure )NP (VP is (ADJP too much (PP for (NP (NP Zsa Zsa )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP slaps (S (NP a security guard )NP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 11 13 (S (NP The pressure )NP (VP is (ADJP too much (PP for (NP (NP Zsa Zsa )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP slaps (S (NP a security guard )NP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 11 14 (S (NP The pressure )NP (VP is (NP (ADJP (ADJP too much )ADJP (PP for (NP (NP Zsa Zsa )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP slaps (NP a security guard )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )ADJP )NP )VP . )S 9 11 (S (NP The pressure )NP (VP is (ADVP too much (PP for (NP Zsa Zsa )NP )PP )ADVP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP slaps (NP a security guard )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 10 12 (S (NP The pressure )NP (VP is (ADVP too )ADVP (PP much for (NP (NP Zsa Zsa )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP slaps (NP a security guard )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 11 13 (S (NP The pressure )NP (VP is (ADJP too much )ADJP (PP for (NP (NP Zsa Zsa )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP slaps (S (NP a security guard )NP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 11 15 (S (NP The pressure )NP (VP is (ADVP too )ADVP (NP (NP much )NP (PP for (NP (NP Zsa Zsa )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP slaps (S (NP a security guard )NP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 9 11 (S (NP The pressure )NP (VP is (PP (ADVP too much )ADVP for (NP Zsa Zsa )NP )PP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP slaps (NP a security guard )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 10 13 (S (NP The pressure )NP (VP is (NP (NP too much )NP (PP for (NP Zsa Zsa )NP )PP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP slaps (S (NP a security guard )NP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 11 13 (S (NP The pressure )NP (VP is (VP (ADVP too much (PP for (NP (NP Zsa Zsa )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP slaps (NP a security guard )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP . )S 50 16 16 (S (NP He )NP (VP backflips (PP into (NP (NP a desktop computer terminal )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP explodes , (S (VP covering (NP (NP Huntz Hall 's )NP face )NP (PP with (NP microchips )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 16 16 (S (NP He )NP (VP backflips (PP into (NP (NP a desktop computer terminal )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP explodes , (S (VP covering (NP (NP Huntz Hall 's )NP face )NP (PP with (NP microchips )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 16 17 (S (NP He )NP (VP backflips (PP into (NP (NP a desktop computer terminal )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP explodes , (S (VP covering (NP (NP (NP Huntz Hall 's )NP face )NP (PP with (NP microchips )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 16 17 (S (NP He )NP (VP backflips (PP into (NP (NP a desktop computer terminal )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP explodes , (S (VP covering (NP (NP (NP Huntz Hall 's )NP face )NP (PP with (NP microchips )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 11 16 (S (NP He )NP (VP backflips (PP into (NP (NP a desktop computer terminal )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP explodes )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP , (S (VP covering (NP (NP Huntz Hall 's )NP face )NP (PP with (NP microchips )NP )PP )VP )S )VP . )S 11 16 (S (NP He )NP (VP backflips (PP into (NP (NP a desktop computer terminal )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP explodes )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP , (S (VP covering (NP (NP Huntz Hall 's )NP face )NP (PP with (NP microchips )NP )PP )VP )S )VP . )S 11 17 (S (NP He )NP (VP backflips (PP into (NP (NP a desktop computer terminal )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP explodes )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP , (S (VP covering (NP (NP (NP Huntz Hall 's )NP face )NP (PP with (NP microchips )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )VP . )S 11 17 (S (NP He )NP (VP backflips (PP into (NP (NP a desktop computer terminal )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP explodes )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP , (S (VP covering (NP (NP (NP Huntz Hall 's )NP face )NP (PP with (NP microchips )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )VP . )S 15 16 (S (NP He )NP (VP backflips (PP into (NP (NP a desktop computer terminal )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP explodes , (S (VP covering (NP (NP Huntz Hall 's )NP face (PP with (NP microchips )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 12 16 (S (NP He )NP (VP backflips (PP into (NP (NP a desktop computer terminal )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP explodes )VP )S )SBAR , (VP covering (NP (NP (NP Huntz Hall 's )NP face )NP (PP with (NP microchips )NP )PP )NP )VP )NP )PP )VP . )S 15 15 (S (NP He )NP (VP backflips (PP into (NP (NP a desktop computer terminal )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP explodes , (S (VP covering (NP Huntz Hall 's face )NP (PP with (NP microchips )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 15 16 (S (NP He )NP (VP backflips (PP into (NP (NP a desktop computer terminal )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP explodes , (S (VP covering (NP (NP Huntz Hall 's )NP face (PP with (NP microchips )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 11 16 (S (NP He )NP (VP backflips (PP into (NP (NP a desktop computer terminal )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP explodes )VP )S )SBAR , (PP covering (NP (NP (NP Huntz Hall 's )NP face )NP (PP with (NP microchips )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 14 15 (S (NP He )NP (VP backflips (PP into (NP a desktop computer terminal )NP )PP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP explodes , (S (VP covering (NP (NP Huntz Hall 's )NP face )NP (PP with (NP microchips )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 12 16 (S (NP He )NP (VP backflips (PP into (NP (NP a desktop computer terminal )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP explodes )VP )S )SBAR , (VP covering (NP (NP (NP Huntz Hall 's )NP face )NP (PP with (NP microchips )NP )PP )NP )VP )NP )PP )VP . )S 15 15 (S (NP He )NP (VP backflips (PP into (NP (NP a desktop computer terminal )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP explodes , (S (VP covering (NP Huntz Hall 's face )NP (PP with (NP microchips )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 11 16 (S (NP He )NP (VP backflips (PP into (NP a desktop computer terminal )NP )PP (PRN , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP explodes )VP )S )SBAR , )PRN (S (VP covering (NP (NP Huntz Hall 's )NP face )NP (PP with (NP microchips )NP )PP )VP )S )VP . )S 15 18 (S (NP He )NP (VP backflips (PP into (NP (NP a desktop computer terminal )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP explodes , (S (VP covering (SBAR (S (NP Huntz Hall 's )NP (VP face (PP with (NP microchips )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 10 15 (S (NP He )NP (VP backflips (PP into (NP (NP a desktop computer terminal )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP explodes )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP , (VP covering (NP (NP Huntz Hall 's )NP face )NP (PP with (NP microchips )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 11 16 (S (NP He )NP (VP backflips (PP into (NP (NP a desktop computer terminal )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP explodes )VP )S )SBAR , (PP covering (NP (NP (NP Huntz Hall 's )NP face )NP (PP with (NP microchips )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 14 15 (S (NP He )NP (VP backflips (PP into (NP a desktop computer terminal )NP )PP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP explodes , (S (VP covering (NP (NP Huntz Hall 's )NP face )NP (PP with (NP microchips )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 12 15 (S (NP He )NP (VP backflips (PP into (NP (NP a desktop computer terminal )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP explodes )VP )S )SBAR , (VP covering (NP (NP Huntz Hall 's )NP face )NP (PP with (NP microchips )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )VP . )S 16 16 (S (NP He )NP (VP backflips (PP into (NP (NP a desktop computer terminal )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP explodes , (S (VP covering (NP (NP Huntz Hall 's )NP face )NP (PP with (NP microchips )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 11 16 (S (NP He )NP (VP backflips (PP into (NP a desktop computer terminal )NP )PP (PRN , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP explodes )VP )S )SBAR , )PRN (S (VP covering (NP (NP Huntz Hall 's )NP face )NP (PP with (NP microchips )NP )PP )VP )S )VP . )S 15 18 (S (NP He )NP (VP backflips (PP into (NP (NP a desktop computer terminal )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP explodes , (S (VP covering (SBAR (S (NP Huntz Hall 's )NP (VP face (PP with (NP microchips )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 11 16 (S (NP He )NP (VP backflips (PP into (NP (NP a desktop computer terminal )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP explodes )VP )S )SBAR , )NP )PP (S (VP covering (NP (NP Huntz Hall 's )NP face )NP (PP with (NP microchips )NP )PP )VP )S )VP . )S 10 15 (S (NP He )NP (VP backflips (PP into (NP (NP a desktop computer terminal )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP explodes )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP , (VP covering (NP (NP Huntz Hall 's )NP face )NP (PP with (NP microchips )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 12 15 (S (NP He )NP (VP backflips (PP into (NP (NP a desktop computer terminal )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP explodes )VP )S )SBAR , (VP covering (NP (NP Huntz Hall 's )NP face )NP (PP with (NP microchips )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )VP . )S 14 16 (S (NP He )NP (VP backflips (PP into (NP a desktop computer terminal )NP )PP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP explodes , (S (VP covering (NP (NP (NP Huntz Hall 's )NP face )NP (PP with (NP microchips )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 16 16 (S (NP He )NP (VP backflips (PP into (NP (NP a desktop computer terminal )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP explodes , (S (VP covering (NP (NP Huntz Hall 's )NP face )NP (PP with (NP microchips )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 11 16 (S (NP He )NP (VP backflips (PP into (NP (NP a desktop computer terminal )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP explodes )VP )S )SBAR , )NP )PP (S (VP covering (NP (NP Huntz Hall 's )NP face )NP (PP with (NP microchips )NP )PP )VP )S )VP . )S 11 17 (S (NP He )NP (VP backflips (PP into (NP a desktop computer terminal )NP )PP (PRN , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP explodes )VP )S )SBAR , )PRN (S (VP covering (NP (NP (NP Huntz Hall 's )NP face )NP (PP with (NP microchips )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )VP . )S 16 16 (S (NP He )NP (VP backflips (PP into (NP (NP a desktop computer terminal )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP explodes , (S (VP covering (NP (NP Huntz Hall 's )NP face )NP (PP with (NP microchips )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 12 17 (S (NP He )NP (VP backflips (PP into (NP (NP (NP a desktop computer terminal )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP explodes )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP covering (NP (NP (NP Huntz Hall 's )NP face )NP (PP with (NP microchips )NP )PP )NP )VP )NP )PP )VP . )S 14 16 (S (NP He )NP (VP backflips (PP into (NP a desktop computer terminal )NP )PP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP explodes , (S (VP covering (NP (NP (NP Huntz Hall 's )NP face )NP (PP with (NP microchips )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 15 17 (S (NP He )NP (VP backflips (PP into (NP (NP a desktop computer terminal )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP explodes , (S (VP covering (S (NP Huntz Hall 's )NP (VP face (PP with (NP microchips )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 14 20 (S (NP He )NP (VP backflips (PP into (NP (NP a desktop computer terminal )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP explodes , (S (VP covering (SBAR (S (NP Huntz Hall )NP (VP 's (NP (NP face )NP (PP with (NP microchips )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 12 17 (S (NP He )NP (VP backflips (PP into (NP (NP a desktop computer terminal )NP (PRN , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP explodes )VP )S )SBAR , )PRN (VP covering (NP (NP (NP Huntz Hall 's )NP face )NP (PP with (NP microchips )NP )PP )NP )VP )NP )PP )VP . )S 11 17 (S (NP He )NP (VP backflips (PP into (NP a desktop computer terminal )NP )PP (PRN , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP explodes )VP )S )SBAR , )PRN (S (VP covering (NP (NP (NP Huntz Hall 's )NP face )NP (PP with (NP microchips )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )VP . )S 16 16 (S (NP He )NP (VP backflips (PP into (NP (NP a desktop computer terminal )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP explodes , (S (VP covering (NP (NP Huntz Hall 's )NP face )NP (PP with (NP microchips )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 9 16 (S (NP He )NP (VP backflips (PP into (NP (NP (NP a desktop computer terminal )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP explodes )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP covering (NP (NP Huntz Hall 's )NP face )NP )VP )NP )PP (PP with (NP microchips )NP )PP )VP . )S 11 17 (S (NP He )NP (VP backflips (PP into (NP (NP a desktop computer terminal )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP explodes )VP )S )SBAR , )NP )PP (S (VP covering (NP (NP (NP Huntz Hall 's )NP face )NP (PP with (NP microchips )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )VP . )S 14 19 (S (NP He )NP (VP backflips (PP into (NP (NP a desktop computer terminal )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP explodes , (S (VP covering (SBAR (S (NP Huntz Hall )NP (VP 's (ADJP face (PP with (NP microchips )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 10 16 (S (NP He )NP (VP backflips (PP into (NP (NP a desktop computer terminal )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP explodes )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP , (S (VP covering (NP (NP Huntz Hall 's )NP face (PP with (NP microchips )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )VP . )S 12 17 (S (NP He )NP (VP backflips (PP into (NP (NP (NP a desktop computer terminal )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP explodes )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP covering (NP (NP (NP Huntz Hall 's )NP face )NP (PP with (NP microchips )NP )PP )NP )VP )NP )PP )VP . )S 16 17 (S (NP He )NP (VP backflips (PP into (NP (NP a desktop computer terminal )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP (VP explodes )VP , (S (VP covering (NP (NP Huntz Hall 's )NP face )NP (PP with (NP microchips )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 15 16 (S (NP He )NP (VP backflips (PP into (NP (NP a desktop computer terminal )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP explodes , (S (VP covering (NP (NP Huntz Hall 's face )NP (PP with (NP microchips )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 14 16 (S (NP He )NP (VP backflips (PP into (NP (NP a desktop computer terminal )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP explodes , (PP covering (NP (NP (NP Huntz Hall 's )NP face )NP (PP with (NP microchips )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 16 17 (S (NP He )NP (VP backflips (PP into (NP (NP a desktop computer terminal )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP explodes , (S (VP covering (NP (NP (NP Huntz Hall 's )NP face )NP (PP with (NP microchips )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 15 17 (S (NP He )NP (VP backflips (PP into (NP (NP a desktop computer terminal )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP explodes , (S (VP covering (S (NP Huntz Hall 's )NP (VP face (PP with (NP microchips )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 50 7 7 (S And (NP all the while )NP , (NP the bonds )NP (VP are (PP in (NP (NP the baby 's )NP diaper )NP )PP )VP . )S 7 8 (S And (S (NP all the while )NP )S , (NP the bonds )NP (VP are (PP in (NP (NP the baby 's )NP diaper )NP )PP )VP . )S 6 7 (S And (ADVP all the while )ADVP , (NP the bonds )NP (VP are (PP in (NP (NP the baby 's )NP diaper )NP )PP )VP . )S 6 8 (S And (PP all (NP the while )NP )PP , (NP the bonds )NP (VP are (PP in (NP (NP the baby 's )NP diaper )NP )PP )VP . )S 7 8 (S And (NP all the while )NP , (NP the bonds )NP (VP are (VP (PP in (NP (NP the baby 's )NP diaper )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 6 8 (S And (ADVP all (NP the while )NP )ADVP , (NP the bonds )NP (VP are (PP in (NP (NP the baby 's )NP diaper )NP )PP )VP . )S 7 8 (S And (NP all the while )NP , (NP the bonds )NP (VP are (PP in (S (NP (NP the baby 's )NP diaper )NP )S )PP )VP . )S 7 8 (S And (S (NP all the while )NP , (NP the bonds )NP (VP are (PP in (NP (NP the baby 's )NP diaper )NP )PP )VP )S . )S 6 7 (S And all (NP the while )NP , (NP the bonds )NP (VP are (PP in (NP (NP the baby 's )NP diaper )NP )PP )VP . )S 6 7 (S And (NP all the while )NP , (NP the bonds )NP (VP are (PP in (NP the (NP baby 's )NP diaper )NP )PP )VP . )S 7 9 (S And (S (NP all the while )NP )S , (NP the bonds )NP (VP are (VP (PP in (NP (NP the baby 's )NP diaper )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 6 7 (S And (NP all the while )NP , (NP the bonds )NP (VP are (ADVP in )ADVP (NP (NP the baby 's )NP diaper )NP )VP . )S 6 6 (S And (NP all the while )NP , (NP the bonds )NP (VP are (PP in (NP the baby 's diaper )NP )PP )VP . )S 7 8 (S And (NP all the while )NP , (NP the bonds )NP (VP are (PP in (NP (NP the baby 's )NP (NX diaper )NX )NP )PP )VP . )S 6 7 (S And (NP all the while )NP , (NP the bonds )NP (VP are (VP in (NP (NP the baby 's )NP diaper )NP )VP )VP . )S 6 8 (S And (ADVP (NP all the )NP while )ADVP , (NP the bonds )NP (VP are (PP in (NP (NP the baby 's )NP diaper )NP )PP )VP . )S 7 7 (S And (NP all the while )NP , (NP the bonds )NP (VP are (PP in (NP (NP the baby 's )NP diaper )NP )PP )VP . )S 7 7 (S And (NP all the while )NP , (NP the bonds )NP (VP are (PP in (NP (NP the baby 's )NP diaper )NP )PP )VP . )S 7 9 (S And (S (NP all the while )NP )S , (NP the bonds )NP (VP are (PP in (S (NP (NP the baby 's )NP diaper )NP )S )PP )VP . )S 6 8 (S And (ADVP all the while )ADVP , (NP the bonds )NP (VP are (VP (PP in (NP (NP the baby 's )NP diaper )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 6 8 (S (FRAG And all (NP the while )NP )FRAG , (NP the bonds )NP (VP are (PP in (NP (NP the baby 's )NP diaper )NP )PP )VP . )S 6 8 (S And (NP all the while )NP , (NP the bonds )NP (VP are (VP in (S (NP (NP the baby 's )NP diaper )NP )S )VP )VP . )S 6 7 (S And (ADVP all the while )ADVP , (NP the bonds )NP (VP are (PP in (NP (NP the baby 's )NP diaper )NP )PP )VP . )S 7 7 (S And (NP all the while )NP , (NP the bonds )NP (VP are (PP in (NP (NP the baby 's )NP diaper )NP )PP )VP . )S 7 8 (S And (NP all the while )NP , (S (NP the bonds )NP (VP are (PP in (NP (NP the baby 's )NP diaper )NP )PP )VP )S . )S 6 8 (S And (S (NP all the while )NP )S , (NP the bonds )NP (VP are (PP in (NP the (NP baby 's )NP diaper )NP )PP )VP . )S 7 8 (S And (NP all the while )NP , (NP the (NX bonds )NX )NP (VP are (PP in (NP (NP the baby 's )NP diaper )NP )PP )VP . )S 6 7 (S And (NP all the while )NP , (NP the bonds )NP (VP are (ADVP in )ADVP (NP (NP the baby 's )NP diaper )NP )VP . )S 6 8 (S And (S (ADVP all the while )ADVP , (NP the bonds )NP (VP are (PP in (NP (NP the baby 's )NP diaper )NP )PP )VP )S . )S 6 8 (S And (S (NP all the while )NP )S , (NP the bonds )NP (VP are (ADVP in )ADVP (NP (NP the baby 's )NP diaper )NP )VP . )S 6 8 (S And (ADVP all the while )ADVP , (NP the bonds )NP (VP are (PP in (S (NP (NP the baby 's )NP diaper )NP )S )PP )VP . )S 6 7 (S And (S (NP all the while )NP )S , (NP the bonds )NP (VP are (PP in (NP the baby 's diaper )NP )PP )VP . )S 7 8 (S (FRAG And (NP all the while )NP )FRAG , (NP the bonds )NP (VP are (PP in (NP (NP the baby 's )NP diaper )NP )PP )VP . )S 7 9 (S And (S (NP all the while )NP )S , (NP the bonds )NP (VP are (PP in (NP (NP the baby 's )NP (NX diaper )NX )NP )PP )VP . )S 6 9 (S And (PP all (NP the while )NP )PP , (NP the bonds )NP (VP are (VP (PP in (NP (NP the baby 's )NP diaper )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 6 7 (S And (NP all the while )NP , (NP the bonds )NP (VP are (ADVP in )ADVP (NP (NP the baby 's )NP diaper )NP )VP . )S 6 8 (S And (S (NP all the while )NP )S , (NP the bonds )NP (VP are (VP in (NP (NP the baby 's )NP diaper )NP )VP )VP . )S 6 8 (S And (ADVP all the while )ADVP , (S (NP the bonds )NP (VP are (PP in (NP (NP the baby 's )NP diaper )NP )PP )VP )S . )S 6 8 (S And (ADVP all )ADVP (NP the while )NP , (NP the bonds )NP (VP are (PP in (NP (NP the baby 's )NP diaper )NP )PP )VP . )S 7 8 (S And (S (NP all the while )NP )S , (NP the bonds )NP (VP are (PP in (NP (NP the baby 's )NP diaper )NP )PP )VP . )S 5 7 (S And (ADVP all the while )ADVP , (NP the bonds )NP (VP are (PP in (NP the (NP baby 's )NP diaper )NP )PP )VP . )S 7 8 (S And (S (NP all the while )NP )S , (NP the bonds )NP (VP are (PP in (NP (NP the baby 's )NP diaper )NP )PP )VP . )S 5 6 (S And (NP all the while )NP , (NP the bonds )NP (VP are (NP in (NP the baby 's )NP diaper )NP )VP . )S 7 8 (S And (NP all the while )NP , (NP the bonds )NP (VP are (PP in (NP (NP the baby 's )NP (NP diaper )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 5 7 (S And (ADVP all the while )ADVP , (NP the bonds )NP (VP are (ADVP in )ADVP (NP (NP the baby 's )NP diaper )NP )VP . )S 7 9 (S And (S (NP all the while )NP )S , (S (NP the bonds )NP (VP are (PP in (NP (NP the baby 's )NP diaper )NP )PP )VP )S . )S 6 9 (S And (S (NP all the while )NP )S , (NP the bonds )NP (VP are (VP in (S (NP (NP the baby 's )NP diaper )NP )S )VP )VP . )S 5 6 (S And (ADVP all the while )ADVP , (NP the bonds )NP (VP are (PP in (NP the baby 's diaper )NP )PP )VP . )S 6 9 (S And (PP all (NP the while )NP )PP , (NP the bonds )NP (VP are (PP in (S (NP (NP the baby 's )NP diaper )NP )S )PP )VP . )S 6 8 (S And (ADVP all the while )ADVP , (NP the bonds )NP (VP are (PP in (NP (NP the baby 's )NP (NX diaper )NX )NP )PP )VP . )S 50 5 5 (S (NP It )NP (VP should (VP run (ADVP forever )ADVP )VP )VP . )S 4 5 (S (NP It )NP (VP should (VP run (NP forever )NP )VP )VP . )S 5 5 (S (NP It )NP (VP should (VP run (PRT forever )PRT )VP )VP . )S 5 5 (S (NP It )NP (VP should (VP run (ADVP forever )ADVP )VP )VP . )S 4 5 (S (NP It )NP (VP should (VP run (ADJP forever )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 5 6 (S (NP It )NP (VP should (S (VP run (ADVP forever )ADVP )VP )S )VP . )S 4 5 (S (NP It )NP (VP should (VP run (PP forever )PP )VP )VP . )S 4 6 (S (NP It )NP (VP should (VP run (S (ADJP forever )ADJP )S )VP )VP . )S 5 5 (S (NP It )NP (VP should (VP run (ADVP forever )ADVP )VP )VP . )S 5 6 (S (NP It )NP (VP should (VP run (S (ADVP forever )ADVP )S )VP )VP . )S 4 4 (S (NP It )NP should (VP run (ADVP forever )ADVP )VP . )S 5 6 (S (NP It )NP (VP should (S (VP run (ADVP forever )ADVP )VP )S )VP . )S 4 5 (S (NP It )NP (VP should (VP run (NP forever )NP )VP )VP . )S 5 5 (S (NP It )NP (VP should (VP run (ADVP forever )ADVP )VP )VP . )S 4 4 (S (NP It )NP should (VP run (ADVP forever )ADVP )VP . )S 4 5 (S (NP It )NP (VP should (VP run (ADJP forever )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 4 6 (S (NP It )NP (VP should (VP run (S (ADJP forever )ADJP )S )VP )VP . )S 5 5 (S (NP It )NP (VP should (VP run (PRT forever )PRT )VP )VP . )S 5 6 (S (NP It )NP (VP should (S (VP run (ADVP forever )ADVP )VP )S )VP . )S 4 5 (S (NP It )NP (VP should (VP run (PP forever )PP )VP )VP . )S 4 6 (S (NP It )NP (VP should (S (VP run (ADJP forever )ADJP )VP )S )VP . )S 4 6 (S (NP It )NP (VP should (S (VP run (NP forever )NP )VP )S )VP . )S 4 4 (S (NP It )NP should (VP run (ADVP forever )ADVP )VP . )S 4 6 (S (NP It )NP (VP should (VP run (S (ADJP forever )ADJP )S )VP )VP . )S 4 5 (S (NP It )NP (VP should (VP run (NP forever )NP )VP )VP . )S 4 5 (S (NP It )NP (VP should (VP run (ADJP forever )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 5 6 (S (NP It )NP (VP should (VP run (S (ADVP forever )ADVP )S )VP )VP . )S 4 6 (S (NP It )NP (VP should (VP run (S (NP forever )NP )S )VP )VP . )S 5 6 (S (NP It )NP (VP should (S (VP run (PRT forever )PRT )VP )S )VP . )S 4 4 (S (NP It )NP (VP should (VP run forever )VP )VP . )S 5 5 (S (NP It )NP (VP should (VP run (PRT forever )PRT )VP )VP . )S 4 4 (S (NP It )NP should (VP run (ADVP forever )ADVP )VP . )S 4 5 (S (NP It )NP (VP should (S (VP run forever )VP )S )VP . )S 4 6 (S (NP It )NP (VP should (S (VP run (PP forever )PP )VP )S )VP . )S 4 7 (S (NP It )NP (VP should (S (VP run (S (ADJP forever )ADJP )S )VP )S )VP . )S 5 6 (S (NP It )NP (VP should (VP run (S (ADVP forever )ADVP )S )VP )VP . )S 4 4 (S (NP It )NP (VP should (VP run forever )VP )VP . )S 4 5 (S (NP It )NP (VP should (VP run (PP forever )PP )VP )VP . )S 5 7 (S (NP It )NP (VP should (S (VP run (S (ADVP forever )ADVP )S )VP )S )VP . )S 4 5 (S (NP It )NP (VP should (VP run (NP forever )NP )VP )VP . )S 4 6 (S (NP It )NP (VP should (VP run (S (ADJP forever )ADJP )S )VP )VP . )S 5 6 (S (NP It )NP (VP should (S (VP run (ADVP forever )ADVP )VP )S )VP . )S 5 5 (S (NP It )NP (VP should (VP run (PRT forever )PRT )VP )VP . )S 4 6 (S (NP It )NP (VP should (S (VP run (NP forever )NP )VP )S )VP . )S 3 4 (S (NP It )NP should (VP run (ADJP forever )ADJP )VP . )S 3 4 (S (NP It )NP should (VP run (NP forever )NP )VP . )S 4 7 (S (NP It )NP (VP should (S (VP run (S (ADJP forever )ADJP )S )VP )S )VP . )S 4 6 (S (NP It )NP (VP should (S (VP run (ADJP forever )ADJP )VP )S )VP . )S 4 6 (S (NP It )NP (VP should (S (VP run (NP forever )NP )VP )S )VP . )S 5 6 (S (NP It )NP (VP should (VP run (S (ADVP forever )ADVP )S )VP )VP . )S 50 8 8 (S (NP Mr. Rustin )NP (VP is (NP (NP senior correspondent )NP (PP in (NP (NP the Journal 's )NP London bureau )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 7 7 (S (NP Mr. Rustin )NP (VP is (NP senior correspondent )NP (PP in (NP (NP the Journal 's )NP London bureau )NP )PP )VP . )S 7 8 (S (NP Mr. Rustin )NP (VP is (NP (NP senior correspondent )NP (PP in (NP the (NP Journal 's )NP London bureau )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 8 8 (S (NP Mr. Rustin )NP (VP is (NP (NP senior correspondent )NP (PP in (NP (NP the Journal 's )NP London bureau )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 6 7 (S (NP Mr. Rustin )NP (VP is (ADVP senior correspondent )ADVP (PP in (NP (NP the Journal 's )NP London bureau )NP )PP )VP . )S 8 9 (S (NP Mr. Rustin )NP (VP is (NP (NP senior correspondent )NP (PP in (NP (NP (NP the Journal )NP 's )NP London bureau )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 8 9 (S (NP Mr. Rustin )NP (VP is (NP (NP (ADJP senior )ADJP correspondent )NP (PP in (NP (NP the Journal 's )NP London bureau )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 8 9 (S (NP Mr. Rustin )NP (VP is (S (NP (NP senior correspondent )NP (PP in (NP (NP the Journal 's )NP London bureau )NP )PP )NP )S )VP . )S 6 9 (S (NP Mr. Rustin )NP (VP is (VP senior (NP (NP correspondent )NP (PP in (NP (NP the Journal 's )NP London bureau )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP . )S 8 9 (S (NP Mr. Rustin )NP (VP is (NP (NP (NP senior )NP correspondent )NP (PP in (NP (NP the Journal 's )NP London bureau )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 6 8 (S (NP Mr. Rustin )NP (VP is (VP senior (NP correspondent )NP (PP in (NP (NP the Journal 's )NP London bureau )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 8 8 (S (NP Mr. Rustin )NP (VP is (NP (NP senior correspondent )NP (PP in (NP (NP the Journal 's )NP London bureau )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 6 7 (S (NP Mr. Rustin )NP (VP is (ADVP senior correspondent (PP in (NP (NP the Journal 's )NP London bureau )NP )PP )ADVP )VP . )S 7 8 (S (NP Mr. Rustin )NP (VP is (S (NP senior correspondent )NP (PP in (NP (NP the Journal 's )NP London bureau )NP )PP )S )VP . )S 6 7 (S (NP Mr. Rustin )NP (VP is (NP senior correspondent )NP (PP in (NP the (NP Journal 's )NP London bureau )NP )PP )VP . )S 8 8 (S (NP Mr. Rustin )NP (VP is (NP (NP senior correspondent )NP (PP in (NP (NP the Journal 's )NP London bureau )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 7 8 (S (NP Mr. Rustin )NP (VP is (NP (ADJP senior )ADJP correspondent )NP (PP in (NP (NP the Journal 's )NP London bureau )NP )PP )VP . )S 6 7 (S (NP Mr. Rustin )NP (VP is (NP senior correspondent )NP )VP (PP in (NP (NP the Journal 's )NP London bureau )NP )PP . )S 7 8 (S (NP Mr. Rustin )NP (VP is (VP (NP senior correspondent )NP (PP in (NP (NP the Journal 's )NP London bureau )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 7 7 (S (NP Mr. Rustin )NP (VP is (NP senior correspondent )NP (PP in (NP (NP the Journal 's )NP London bureau )NP )PP )VP . )S 6 8 (S (NP Mr. Rustin )NP (VP is (ADJP (ADJP senior correspondent )ADJP (PP in (NP (NP the Journal 's )NP London bureau )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 8 9 (S (NP Mr. Rustin )NP (VP is (VP (NP (NP senior correspondent )NP (PP in (NP (NP the Journal 's )NP London bureau )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP . )S 6 9 (S (NP Mr. Rustin )NP (VP is (ADJP senior (S (VP correspondent (PP in (NP (NP the Journal 's )NP London bureau )NP )PP )VP )S )ADJP )VP . )S 8 8 (S (NP Mr. Rustin )NP (VP is (NP (NP senior correspondent )NP (PP in (NP (NP the Journal 's )NP London bureau )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 6 8 (S (NP Mr. Rustin )NP (VP is (VP (ADJP senior correspondent )ADJP (PP in (NP (NP the Journal 's )NP London bureau )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 6 7 (S (NP Mr. Rustin )NP (VP is (ADJP senior correspondent )ADJP (PP in (NP (NP the Journal 's )NP London bureau )NP )PP )VP . )S 6 9 (S (NP Mr. Rustin )NP (VP is (ADJP senior )ADJP (NP (NP correspondent )NP (PP in (NP (NP the Journal 's )NP London bureau )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 7 8 (S (NP Mr. Rustin )NP (VP is (NP (NP senior correspondent )NP (PP in (NP the (NP Journal 's )NP London bureau )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 7 8 (S (NP Mr. Rustin )NP (VP is (NP senior correspondent )NP (PP in (NP (NP (NP the Journal )NP 's )NP London bureau )NP )PP )VP . )S 8 9 (S (NP Mr. Rustin )NP (VP is (NP (NP senior correspondent )NP (PP in (NP (NP (NP the )NP Journal 's )NP London bureau )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 6 8 (S (NP Mr. Rustin )NP (VP is (ADJP senior (NP correspondent )NP )ADJP (PP in (NP (NP the Journal 's )NP London bureau )NP )PP )VP . )S 5 7 (S (NP Mr. Rustin )NP (VP is (ADVP senior correspondent )ADVP (PP in (NP the (NP Journal 's )NP London bureau )NP )PP )VP . )S 8 10 (S (NP Mr. Rustin )NP (VP is (NP (NP senior correspondent )NP (PP in (NP (NP (NP the Journal 's )NP (NP London )NP )NP bureau )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 6 7 (S (NP Mr. Rustin )NP (VP is (ADVP senior correspondent )ADVP (PP in (NP (NP the Journal 's )NP London bureau )NP )PP )VP . )S 6 7 (S (NP Mr. Rustin )NP (VP is (ADJP senior correspondent (PP in (NP (NP the Journal 's )NP London bureau )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 6 8 (S (NP Mr. Rustin )NP (VP is (ADJP senior )ADJP (NP correspondent )NP (PP in (NP (NP the Journal 's )NP London bureau )NP )PP )VP . )S 8 9 (S (NP Mr. Rustin )NP (VP is (NP (NP senior correspondent )NP (PP in (NP (NP (NP the Journal 's )NP London )NP bureau )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 6 9 (S (NP Mr. Rustin )NP (VP is (VP (ADJP senior (NP correspondent )NP )ADJP (PP in (NP (NP the Journal 's )NP London bureau )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 6 8 (S (NP Mr. Rustin )NP (VP is (ADJP senior (NP correspondent )NP (PP in (NP (NP the Journal 's )NP London bureau )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 6 8 (S (NP Mr. Rustin )NP (VP is (VP senior (PP correspondent (PP in (NP (NP the Journal 's )NP London bureau )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP . )S 7 7 (S (NP Mr. Rustin )NP (VP is (NP senior correspondent (PP in (NP (NP the Journal 's )NP London bureau )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 7 9 (S (NP Mr. Rustin )NP (VP is (S (VP (NP senior correspondent )NP (PP in (NP (NP the Journal 's )NP London bureau )NP )PP )VP )S )VP . )S 8 9 (S (NP Mr. Rustin )NP (VP is (NP (NP senior correspondent )NP (PP in (NP (NP the Journal 's )NP (ADJP London )ADJP bureau )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 7 9 (S (NP Mr. Rustin )NP (VP is (NP (NP senior correspondent )NP (PP in (NP the (NP (NP Journal 's )NP London bureau )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 7 7 (S (NP Mr. Rustin )NP (VP is (NP senior correspondent )NP (PP in (NP (NP the Journal 's )NP London bureau )NP )PP )VP . )S 7 9 (S (NP Mr. Rustin )NP (VP is (NP (NP (ADJP senior )ADJP correspondent )NP (PP in (NP the (NP Journal 's )NP London bureau )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 7 9 (S (NP Mr. Rustin )NP (VP is (S (NP (NP senior correspondent )NP (PP in (NP the (NP Journal 's )NP London bureau )NP )PP )NP )S )VP . )S 7 8 (S (NP Mr. Rustin )NP (VP is (NP (NP senior )NP correspondent )NP (PP in (NP (NP the Journal 's )NP London bureau )NP )PP )VP . )S 6 9 (S (NP Mr. Rustin )NP (VP is (NP (NP senior correspondent )NP (PP in (NP the )NP (NP (NP Journal 's )NP London bureau )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 5 8 (S (NP Mr. Rustin )NP (VP is (VP senior (PP (NP correspondent )NP in (NP (NP the Journal 's )NP London bureau )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 50 24 32 (S (NP (NP Axa-Midi Assurances )NP (PP of (NP France )NP )PP )NP (VP gave (NP (NP details )NP (PP of (NP (NP its financing plans )NP (PP for (NP (NP its proposed (ADJP (QP $ 4.5 billion )QP )ADJP acquisition )NP (PP of (NP (NP Farmers Group Inc. )NP , (PP in (NP (NP amended filings )NP (PP with (NP (NP insurance regulators )NP (PP in (NP the nine U.S. states )NP )PP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP Farmers )NP (VP operates )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 24 31 (S (NP (NP Axa-Midi Assurances )NP (PP of (NP France )NP )PP )NP (VP gave (NP (NP details )NP (PP of (NP its financing plans )NP )PP )NP (PP for (NP (NP its proposed (ADJP (QP $ 4.5 billion )QP )ADJP acquisition )NP (PP of (NP (NP Farmers Group Inc. )NP , (PP in (NP (NP amended filings )NP (PP with (NP (NP insurance regulators )NP (PP in (NP the nine U.S. states )NP )PP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP Farmers )NP (VP operates )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 27 30 (S (NP (NP Axa-Midi Assurances )NP (PP of (NP France )NP )PP )NP (VP gave (NP (NP details )NP (PP of (NP its financing plans )NP )PP )NP (PP for (NP (NP its proposed (ADJP (QP $ 4.5 billion )QP )ADJP acquisition )NP (PP of (NP Farmers Group Inc. )NP )PP )NP )PP , (PP in (NP (NP amended filings )NP (PP with (NP (NP insurance regulators )NP (PP in (NP the nine U.S. states )NP )PP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP Farmers )NP (VP operates )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 26 33 (S (NP (NP Axa-Midi Assurances )NP (PP of (NP France )NP )PP )NP (VP gave (NP (NP details )NP (PP of (NP (NP its financing plans )NP (PP for (NP (NP its proposed (ADJP (QP $ 4.5 billion )QP )ADJP acquisition )NP (PP of (NP (NP Farmers Group Inc. )NP , (PP in (NP (NP amended filings )NP (PP with (NP (NP insurance regulators )NP (PP in (NP (NP the nine U.S. states )NP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP Farmers )NP (VP operates )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 22 32 (S (NP (NP Axa-Midi Assurances )NP (PP of (NP France )NP )PP )NP (VP gave (NP (NP details )NP (PP of (NP (NP its financing plans )NP (PP for (NP (NP its proposed (ADJP (QP $ 4.5 billion )QP )ADJP acquisition )NP (PP of (NP (NP Farmers Group Inc. )NP , (PP in (NP (NP amended filings )NP (PP with (NP (NP insurance regulators )NP (PP in (NP the nine U.S. states )NP )PP )NP )PP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP Farmers )NP (VP operates )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 24 32 (S (NP (NP Axa-Midi Assurances )NP (PP of (NP France )NP )PP )NP (VP gave (NP (NP details )NP (PP of (NP (NP its financing plans )NP (PP for (NP (NP its proposed (ADJP (QP $ 4.5 billion )QP )ADJP acquisition )NP (PP of (NP (NP Farmers Group Inc. )NP , (PP in (NP (NP amended filings )NP (PP with (NP (NP insurance regulators )NP (PP in (NP the nine U.S. states )NP )PP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP Farmers )NP (VP operates )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 26 32 (S (NP (NP Axa-Midi Assurances )NP (PP of (NP France )NP )PP )NP (VP gave (NP (NP details )NP (PP of (NP its financing plans )NP )PP )NP (PP for (NP (NP its proposed (ADJP (QP $ 4.5 billion )QP )ADJP acquisition )NP (PP of (NP (NP Farmers Group Inc. )NP , (PP in (NP (NP amended filings )NP (PP with (NP (NP insurance regulators )NP (PP in (NP (NP the nine U.S. states )NP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP Farmers )NP (VP operates )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 22 31 (S (NP (NP Axa-Midi Assurances )NP (PP of (NP France )NP )PP )NP (VP gave (NP (NP details )NP (PP of (NP its financing plans )NP )PP )NP (PP for (NP (NP its proposed (ADJP (QP $ 4.5 billion )QP )ADJP acquisition )NP (PP of (NP (NP Farmers Group Inc. )NP , (PP in (NP (NP amended filings )NP (PP with (NP (NP insurance regulators )NP (PP in (NP the nine U.S. states )NP )PP )NP )PP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP Farmers )NP (VP operates )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 29 31 (S (NP (NP Axa-Midi Assurances )NP (PP of (NP France )NP )PP )NP (VP gave (NP (NP details )NP (PP of (NP its financing plans )NP )PP )NP (PP for (NP (NP its proposed (ADJP (QP $ 4.5 billion )QP )ADJP acquisition )NP (PP of (NP Farmers Group Inc. )NP )PP )NP )PP , (PP in (NP (NP amended filings )NP (PP with (NP (NP insurance regulators )NP (PP in (NP (NP the nine U.S. states )NP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP Farmers )NP (VP operates )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 25 30 (S (NP (NP Axa-Midi Assurances )NP (PP of (NP France )NP )PP )NP (VP gave (NP (NP details )NP (PP of (NP its financing plans )NP )PP )NP (PP for (NP (NP its proposed (ADJP (QP $ 4.5 billion )QP )ADJP acquisition )NP (PP of (NP Farmers Group Inc. )NP )PP )NP )PP , (PP in (NP (NP amended filings )NP (PP with (NP (NP insurance regulators )NP (PP in (NP the nine U.S. states )NP )PP )NP )PP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP Farmers )NP (VP operates )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 25 32 (S (NP (NP Axa-Midi Assurances )NP (PP of (NP France )NP )PP )NP (VP gave (NP (NP details )NP (PP of (NP (NP its financing plans )NP (PP for (NP (NP its proposed (ADJP (QP $ 4.5 billion )QP )ADJP acquisition )NP (PP of (NP (NP Farmers Group Inc. )NP , (PP in (NP (NP amended filings )NP (PP with (NP (NP insurance regulators )NP (PP in (NP the nine U.S. states (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP Farmers )NP (VP operates )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 24 32 (S (NP (NP Axa-Midi Assurances )NP (PP of (NP France )NP )PP )NP (VP gave (NP (NP details )NP (PP of (NP (NP its financing plans )NP (PP for (NP (NP its proposed (ADJP (QP $ 4.5 billion )QP )ADJP acquisition )NP (PP of (NP (NP Farmers Group Inc. )NP , (PP in (NP (NP amended filings )NP (PP with (NP (NP insurance regulators )NP (PP in (NP the nine U.S. states )NP )PP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP Farmers )NP (VP operates )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 24 33 (S (NP (NP Axa-Midi Assurances )NP (PP of (NP France )NP )PP )NP (VP gave (NP (NP details )NP (PP of (NP (NP its financing plans )NP (PP for (NP (NP its proposed (ADJP (QP $ 4.5 billion )QP )ADJP acquisition )NP (PP of (NP (NP Farmers Group Inc. )NP , (PP in (NP (NP amended filings )NP (PP with (NP (NP (NP insurance regulators )NP (PP in (NP the nine U.S. states )NP )PP )NP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP Farmers )NP (VP operates )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 20 31 (S (NP (NP Axa-Midi Assurances )NP (PP of (NP France )NP )PP )NP (VP gave (NP (NP details )NP (PP of (NP (NP its financing plans )NP (PP for (NP (NP its proposed (ADJP (QP $ 4.5 billion )QP )ADJP acquisition )NP (PP of (NP (NP Farmers Group Inc. )NP , (PP in (NP (NP amended filings )NP (PP with (NP insurance regulators )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (PP in (NP the nine U.S. states )NP )PP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP Farmers )NP (VP operates )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 26 33 (S (NP (NP Axa-Midi Assurances )NP (PP of (NP France )NP )PP )NP (VP gave (NP (NP details )NP (PP of (NP (NP its financing plans )NP (PP for (NP (NP its proposed (ADJP (QP $ 4.5 billion )QP )ADJP acquisition )NP (PP of (NP (NP Farmers Group Inc. )NP , (PP in (NP (NP amended filings )NP (PP with (NP (NP insurance regulators )NP (PP in (NP (NP the nine U.S. states )NP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP Farmers )NP (VP operates )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 20 31 (S (NP (NP Axa-Midi Assurances )NP (PP of (NP France )NP )PP )NP (VP gave (NP (NP details )NP (PP of (NP (NP its financing plans )NP (PP for (NP (NP its proposed (ADJP (QP $ 4.5 billion )QP )ADJP acquisition )NP (PP of (NP (NP Farmers Group Inc. )NP , (PP in (NP (NP amended filings )NP (PP with (NP insurance regulators )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP (PP in (NP the nine U.S. states )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP Farmers )NP (VP operates )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 25 31 (S (NP (NP Axa-Midi Assurances )NP (PP of (NP France )NP )PP )NP (VP gave (NP (NP details )NP (PP of (NP its financing plans )NP )PP )NP (PP for (NP (NP its proposed (ADJP (QP $ 4.5 billion )QP )ADJP acquisition )NP (PP of (NP (NP Farmers Group Inc. )NP , (PP in (NP (NP amended filings )NP (PP with (NP (NP insurance regulators )NP (PP in (NP the nine U.S. states (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP Farmers )NP (VP operates )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 22 32 (S (NP (NP Axa-Midi Assurances )NP (PP of (NP France )NP )PP )NP (VP gave (NP (NP details )NP (PP of (NP (NP its financing plans )NP (PP for (NP (NP its proposed (ADJP (QP $ 4.5 billion )QP )ADJP acquisition )NP (PP of (NP (NP Farmers Group Inc. )NP , (PP in (NP (NP amended filings )NP (PP with (NP (NP insurance regulators )NP (PP in (NP the nine U.S. states )NP )PP )NP )PP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP Farmers )NP (VP operates )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 24 32 (S (NP (NP Axa-Midi Assurances )NP (PP of (NP France )NP )PP )NP (VP gave (NP (NP details )NP (PP of (NP (NP its financing plans )NP (PP for (NP (NP its proposed (ADJP (QP $ 4.5 billion )QP )ADJP acquisition )NP (PP of (NP (NP Farmers Group Inc. )NP , (PP in (NP (NP amended filings )NP (PP with (NP (NP insurance regulators )NP (PP in (NP the nine U.S. states )NP )PP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP Farmers )NP (VP operates )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 20 30 (S (NP (NP Axa-Midi Assurances )NP (PP of (NP France )NP )PP )NP (VP gave (NP (NP details )NP (PP of (NP its financing plans )NP )PP )NP (PP for (NP (NP its proposed (ADJP (QP $ 4.5 billion )QP )ADJP acquisition )NP (PP of (NP (NP Farmers Group Inc. )NP , (PP in (NP (NP amended filings )NP (PP with (NP insurance regulators )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP (PP in (NP the nine U.S. states )NP )PP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP Farmers )NP (VP operates )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 20 32 (S (NP (NP Axa-Midi Assurances )NP (PP of (NP France )NP )PP )NP (VP gave (NP (NP details )NP (PP of (NP (NP its financing plans )NP (PP for (NP (NP its proposed (ADJP (QP $ 4.5 billion )QP )ADJP acquisition )NP (PP of (NP (NP Farmers Group Inc. )NP , (PP in (NP (NP amended filings )NP (PP with (NP (NP insurance regulators )NP (PP in (NP the nine U.S. states )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP Farmers )NP (VP operates )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 20 32 (S (NP (NP Axa-Midi Assurances )NP (PP of (NP France )NP )PP )NP (VP gave (NP (NP details )NP (PP of (NP (NP its financing plans )NP (PP for (NP (NP its proposed (ADJP (QP $ 4.5 billion )QP )ADJP acquisition )NP (PP of (NP (NP Farmers Group Inc. )NP , (PP in (NP (NP amended filings )NP (PP with (NP (NP insurance regulators )NP (PP in (NP the nine U.S. states )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP Farmers )NP (VP operates )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 24 32 (S (NP (NP Axa-Midi Assurances )NP (PP of (NP France )NP )PP )NP (VP gave (NP (NP details )NP (PP of (NP its financing plans )NP )PP )NP (PP for (NP (NP its proposed (ADJP (QP $ 4.5 billion )QP )ADJP acquisition )NP (PP of (NP (NP Farmers Group Inc. )NP , (PP in (NP (NP amended filings )NP (PP with (NP (NP (NP insurance regulators )NP (PP in (NP the nine U.S. states )NP )PP )NP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP Farmers )NP (VP operates )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 22 31 (S (NP (NP Axa-Midi Assurances )NP (PP of (NP France )NP )PP )NP (VP gave (NP (NP details )NP (PP of (NP its financing plans )NP )PP )NP (PP for (NP (NP its proposed (ADJP (QP $ 4.5 billion )QP )ADJP acquisition )NP (PP of (NP (NP Farmers Group Inc. )NP , (PP in (NP (NP amended filings )NP (PP with (NP insurance regulators )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP (PP in (NP (NP the nine U.S. states )NP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP Farmers )NP (VP operates )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 22 32 (S (NP (NP Axa-Midi Assurances )NP (PP of (NP France )NP )PP )NP (VP gave (NP (NP details )NP (PP of (NP (NP its financing plans )NP (PP for (NP (NP its proposed (ADJP (QP $ 4.5 billion )QP )ADJP acquisition )NP (PP of (NP (NP Farmers Group Inc. )NP , (PP in (NP (NP amended filings )NP (PP with (NP insurance regulators )NP )PP )NP )PP (PP in (NP (NP the nine U.S. states )NP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP Farmers )NP (VP operates )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 24 31 (S (NP (NP Axa-Midi Assurances )NP (PP of (NP France )NP )PP )NP (VP gave (NP (NP details )NP (PP of (NP its financing plans )NP )PP )NP (PP for (NP (NP its proposed (ADJP (QP $ 4.5 billion )QP )ADJP acquisition )NP (PP of (NP (NP Farmers Group Inc. )NP , (PP in (NP (NP amended filings )NP (PP with (NP (NP insurance regulators )NP (PP in (NP the nine U.S. states )NP )PP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP Farmers )NP (VP operates )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 28 30 (S (NP (NP Axa-Midi Assurances )NP (PP of (NP France )NP )PP )NP (VP gave (NP (NP details )NP (PP of (NP its financing plans )NP )PP )NP (PP for (NP (NP its proposed (ADJP (QP $ 4.5 billion )QP )ADJP acquisition )NP (PP of (NP Farmers Group Inc. )NP )PP )NP )PP , (PP in (NP (NP amended filings )NP (PP with (NP (NP insurance regulators )NP (PP in (NP the nine U.S. states (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP Farmers )NP (VP operates )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 20 30 (S (NP (NP Axa-Midi Assurances )NP (PP of (NP France )NP )PP )NP (VP gave (NP (NP details )NP (PP of (NP its financing plans )NP )PP )NP (PP for (NP (NP its proposed (ADJP (QP $ 4.5 billion )QP )ADJP acquisition )NP (PP of (NP (NP Farmers Group Inc. )NP , (PP in (NP (NP amended filings )NP (PP with (NP insurance regulators )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP (PP in (NP the nine U.S. states )NP )PP )NP )PP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP Farmers )NP (VP operates )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 20 31 (S (NP (NP Axa-Midi Assurances )NP (PP of (NP France )NP )PP )NP (VP gave (NP (NP details )NP (PP of (NP its financing plans )NP )PP )NP (PP for (NP (NP its proposed (ADJP (QP $ 4.5 billion )QP )ADJP acquisition )NP (PP of (NP (NP Farmers Group Inc. )NP , (PP in (NP (NP amended filings )NP (PP with (NP (NP insurance regulators )NP (PP in (NP the nine U.S. states )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP Farmers )NP (VP operates )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 30 31 (S (NP (NP Axa-Midi Assurances )NP (PP of (NP France )NP )PP )NP (VP gave (NP (NP details )NP (PP of (NP (NP its financing plans )NP (PP for (NP (NP its proposed (ADJP (QP $ 4.5 billion )QP )ADJP acquisition )NP (PP of (NP Farmers Group Inc. )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP , (PP in (NP (NP amended filings )NP (PP with (NP (NP insurance regulators )NP (PP in (NP the nine U.S. states )NP )PP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP Farmers )NP (VP operates )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 20 31 (S (NP (NP Axa-Midi Assurances )NP (PP of (NP France )NP )PP )NP (VP gave (NP (NP details )NP (PP of (NP its financing plans )NP )PP )NP (PP for (NP (NP its proposed (ADJP (QP $ 4.5 billion )QP )ADJP acquisition )NP (PP of (NP (NP Farmers Group Inc. )NP , (PP in (NP (NP amended filings )NP (PP with (NP (NP insurance regulators )NP (PP in (NP the nine U.S. states )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP Farmers )NP (VP operates )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 22 32 (S (NP (NP Axa-Midi Assurances )NP (PP of (NP France )NP )PP )NP (VP gave (NP (NP details )NP (PP of (NP (NP its financing plans )NP (PP for (NP (NP its proposed (ADJP (QP $ 4.5 billion )QP )ADJP acquisition )NP (PP of (NP (NP Farmers Group Inc. )NP , (PP in (NP (NP amended filings )NP (PP with (NP insurance regulators )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP (PP in (NP (NP the nine U.S. states )NP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP Farmers )NP (VP operates )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 20 31 (S (NP (NP Axa-Midi Assurances )NP (PP of (NP France )NP )PP )NP (VP gave (NP (NP details )NP (PP of (NP (NP its financing plans )NP (PP for (NP (NP its proposed (ADJP (QP $ 4.5 billion )QP )ADJP acquisition )NP (PP of (NP (NP Farmers Group Inc. )NP , (PP in (NP (NP amended filings )NP (PP with (NP insurance regulators )NP )PP )NP )PP (PP in (NP the nine U.S. states )NP )PP )NP )PP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP Farmers )NP (VP operates )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 20 31 (S (NP (NP Axa-Midi Assurances )NP (PP of (NP France )NP )PP )NP (VP gave (NP (NP details )NP (PP of (NP (NP its financing plans )NP (PP for (NP (NP its proposed (ADJP (QP $ 4.5 billion )QP )ADJP acquisition )NP (PP of (NP (NP Farmers Group Inc. )NP , (PP in (NP (NP amended filings )NP (PP with (NP insurance regulators )NP )PP )NP )PP (PP in (NP the nine U.S. states )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP Farmers )NP (VP operates )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 24 32 (S (NP (NP Axa-Midi Assurances )NP (PP of (NP France )NP )PP )NP (VP gave (NP (NP details )NP (PP of (NP (NP its financing plans )NP (PP for (NP (NP its proposed (ADJP (QP $ 4.5 billion )QP )ADJP acquisition )NP (PP of (NP (NP Farmers Group Inc. )NP , (PP in (NP (NP amended filings )NP (PP with (NP (NP insurance regulators )NP (PP in (NP the nine U.S. states )NP )PP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP Farmers )NP (VP operates )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 22 31 (S (NP (NP Axa-Midi Assurances )NP (PP of (NP France )NP )PP )NP (VP gave (NP (NP details )NP (PP of (NP (NP its financing plans )NP (PP for (NP (NP its proposed (ADJP (QP $ 4.5 billion )QP )ADJP acquisition )NP (PP of (NP (NP Farmers Group Inc. )NP , (PP in (NP (NP amended filings )NP (PP with (NP insurance regulators )NP )PP (PP in (NP the nine U.S. states )NP )PP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP Farmers )NP (VP operates )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 27 31 (S (NP (NP Axa-Midi Assurances )NP (PP of (NP France )NP )PP )NP (VP gave (NP (NP details )NP (PP of (NP its financing plans )NP )PP )NP (PP for (NP (NP its proposed (ADJP (QP $ 4.5 billion )QP )ADJP acquisition )NP (PP of (NP Farmers Group Inc. )NP )PP )NP )PP , (PP in (NP (NP amended filings )NP (PP with (NP (NP (NP insurance regulators )NP (PP in (NP the nine U.S. states )NP )PP )NP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP Farmers )NP (VP operates )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 20 31 (S (NP (NP Axa-Midi Assurances )NP (PP of (NP France )NP )PP )NP (VP gave (NP (NP details )NP (PP of (NP (NP its financing plans )NP (PP for (NP (NP its proposed (ADJP (QP $ 4.5 billion )QP )ADJP acquisition )NP (PP of (NP (NP Farmers Group Inc. )NP , (PP in (NP (NP amended filings )NP (PP with (NP insurance regulators )NP )PP )NP )PP (PP in (NP the nine U.S. states )NP )PP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP Farmers )NP (VP operates )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 24 32 (S (NP (NP Axa-Midi Assurances )NP (PP of (NP France )NP )PP )NP (VP gave (NP (NP details )NP (PP of (NP (NP its financing plans )NP (PP for (NP (NP its proposed (ADJP (QP $ 4.5 billion )QP )ADJP acquisition )NP (PP of (NP (NP Farmers Group Inc. )NP , (PP in (NP (NP amended filings )NP (PP with (NP insurance regulators )NP )PP (PP in (NP (NP the nine U.S. states )NP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP Farmers )NP (VP operates )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 22 31 (S (NP (NP Axa-Midi Assurances )NP (PP of (NP France )NP )PP )NP (VP gave (NP (NP details )NP (PP of (NP its financing plans )NP )PP )NP (PP for (NP (NP its proposed (ADJP (QP $ 4.5 billion )QP )ADJP acquisition )NP (PP of (NP (NP Farmers Group Inc. )NP , (PP in (NP (NP amended filings )NP (PP with (NP insurance regulators )NP )PP )NP )PP (PP in (NP (NP the nine U.S. states )NP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP Farmers )NP (VP operates )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 22 32 (S (NP (NP Axa-Midi Assurances )NP (PP of (NP France )NP )PP )NP (VP gave (NP (NP details )NP (PP of (NP (NP its financing plans )NP (PP for (NP (NP its proposed (ADJP (QP $ 4.5 billion )QP )ADJP acquisition )NP (PP of (NP (NP Farmers Group Inc. )NP , (PP in (NP (NP amended filings )NP (PP with (NP insurance regulators )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (PP in (NP (NP the nine U.S. states )NP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP Farmers )NP (VP operates )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 27 30 (S (NP (NP Axa-Midi Assurances )NP (PP of (NP France )NP )PP )NP (VP gave (NP (NP details )NP (PP of (NP its financing plans )NP )PP )NP (PP for (NP (NP its proposed (ADJP (QP $ 4.5 billion )QP )ADJP acquisition )NP (PP of (NP Farmers Group Inc. )NP )PP )NP )PP , (PP in (NP (NP amended filings )NP (PP with (NP (NP insurance regulators )NP (PP in (NP the nine U.S. states )NP )PP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP Farmers )NP (VP operates )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 24 31 (S (NP (NP Axa-Midi Assurances )NP (PP of (NP France )NP )PP )NP (VP gave (NP (NP details )NP (PP of (NP its financing plans )NP )PP )NP (PP for (NP (NP its proposed (ADJP (QP $ 4.5 billion )QP )ADJP acquisition )NP (PP of (NP (NP Farmers Group Inc. )NP , (PP in (NP (NP amended filings )NP (PP with (NP (NP insurance regulators )NP (PP in (NP the nine U.S. states )NP )PP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP Farmers )NP (VP operates )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 22 31 (S (NP (NP Axa-Midi Assurances )NP (PP of (NP France )NP )PP )NP (VP gave (NP (NP details )NP (PP of (NP its financing plans )NP )PP )NP (PP for (NP (NP its proposed (ADJP (QP $ 4.5 billion )QP )ADJP acquisition )NP (PP of (NP (NP Farmers Group Inc. )NP , (PP in (NP (NP amended filings )NP (PP with (NP insurance regulators )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP (PP in (NP (NP the nine U.S. states )NP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP Farmers )NP (VP operates )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 26 33 (S (NP (NP Axa-Midi Assurances )NP (PP of (NP France )NP )PP )NP (VP gave (NP (NP details )NP (PP of (NP (NP its financing plans )NP (PP for (NP (NP its proposed (ADJP (QP $ 4.5 billion )QP )ADJP acquisition )NP (PP of (NP (NP Farmers Group Inc. )NP , (PP in (NP (NP amended filings )NP (PP with (NP (NP insurance regulators )NP (PP in (NP (NP the nine U.S. states )NP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP Farmers )NP (VP operates )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 20 30 (S (NP (NP Axa-Midi Assurances )NP (PP of (NP France )NP )PP )NP (VP gave (NP (NP details )NP (PP of (NP its financing plans )NP )PP )NP (PP for (NP (NP its proposed (ADJP (QP $ 4.5 billion )QP )ADJP acquisition )NP (PP of (NP (NP Farmers Group Inc. )NP , (PP in (NP (NP amended filings )NP (PP with (NP insurance regulators )NP )PP )NP )PP (PP in (NP the nine U.S. states )NP )PP )NP )PP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP Farmers )NP (VP operates )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 20 31 (S (NP (NP Axa-Midi Assurances )NP (PP of (NP France )NP )PP )NP (VP gave (NP (NP details )NP (PP of (NP (NP its financing plans )NP (PP for (NP (NP its proposed (ADJP (QP $ 4.5 billion )QP )ADJP acquisition )NP (PP of (NP (NP Farmers Group Inc. )NP , (PP in (NP (NP amended filings )NP (PP with (NP insurance regulators )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP (PP in (NP the nine U.S. states )NP )PP )NP )PP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP Farmers )NP (VP operates )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 24 31 (S (NP (NP Axa-Midi Assurances )NP (PP of (NP France )NP )PP )NP (VP gave (NP (NP details )NP (PP of (NP its financing plans )NP )PP )NP (PP for (NP (NP its proposed (ADJP (QP $ 4.5 billion )QP )ADJP acquisition )NP (PP of (NP (NP Farmers Group Inc. )NP , (PP in (NP (NP amended filings )NP (PP with (NP (NP insurance regulators )NP (PP in (NP the nine U.S. states )NP )PP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP Farmers )NP (VP operates )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 22 32 (S (NP (NP Axa-Midi Assurances )NP (PP of (NP France )NP )PP )NP (VP gave (NP (NP details )NP (PP of (NP (NP its financing plans )NP (PP for (NP (NP its proposed (ADJP (QP $ 4.5 billion )QP )ADJP acquisition )NP (PP of (NP (NP Farmers Group Inc. )NP , (PP in (NP (NP amended filings )NP (PP with (NP (NP insurance regulators )NP (PP in (NP the nine U.S. states )NP )PP )NP )PP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP Farmers )NP (VP operates )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 22 30 (S (NP (NP Axa-Midi Assurances )NP (PP of (NP France )NP )PP )NP (VP gave (NP (NP details )NP (PP of (NP its financing plans )NP )PP )NP (PP for (NP (NP its proposed (ADJP (QP $ 4.5 billion )QP )ADJP acquisition )NP (PP of (NP (NP Farmers Group Inc. )NP , (PP in (NP (NP amended filings )NP (PP with (NP insurance regulators )NP )PP (PP in (NP the nine U.S. states )NP )PP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP Farmers )NP (VP operates )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 50 23 23 (S (NP The proposed acquisition )NP (VP is (NP (NP part )NP (PP of (NP (NP (NP Sir James Goldsmith 's )NP unfriendly takeover attempt )NP (PP for (NP (NP B.A.T Industries PLC )NP , (NP (NP the British tobacco , retailing , paper and financial services concern )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP is (NP (NP parent )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP Los Angeles-based )ADJP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 23 23 (S (NP The proposed acquisition )NP (VP is (NP (NP part )NP (PP of (NP (NP (NP Sir James Goldsmith 's )NP unfriendly takeover attempt )NP (PP for (NP (NP B.A.T Industries PLC )NP , (NP (NP the British tobacco , retailing , paper and financial services concern )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP is (NP (NP parent )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP Los Angeles-based )ADJP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 23 23 (S (NP The proposed acquisition )NP (VP is (NP (NP part )NP (PP of (NP (NP (NP Sir James Goldsmith 's )NP unfriendly takeover attempt )NP (PP for (NP (NP B.A.T Industries PLC )NP , (NP (NP the British tobacco , retailing , paper and financial services concern )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP is (NP (NP parent )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP Los Angeles-based )ADJP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 23 23 (S (NP The proposed acquisition )NP (VP is (NP (NP part )NP (PP of (NP (NP (NP Sir James Goldsmith 's )NP unfriendly takeover attempt )NP (PP for (NP (NP B.A.T Industries PLC )NP , (NP (NP the British tobacco , retailing , paper and financial services concern )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP is (NP (NP parent )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP Los Angeles-based )ADJP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 23 23 (S (NP The proposed acquisition )NP (VP is (NP (NP part )NP (PP of (NP (NP (NP Sir James Goldsmith 's )NP unfriendly takeover attempt )NP (PP for (NP (NP B.A.T Industries PLC )NP , (NP (NP the British tobacco , retailing , paper and financial services concern )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP is (NP (NP parent )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP Los Angeles-based )ADJP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 23 23 (S (NP The proposed acquisition )NP (VP is (NP (NP part )NP (PP of (NP (NP (NP Sir James Goldsmith 's )NP unfriendly takeover attempt )NP (PP for (NP (NP B.A.T Industries PLC )NP , (NP (NP the British tobacco , retailing , paper and financial services concern )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP is (NP (NP parent )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP Los Angeles-based )ADJP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 18 22 (S (NP The proposed acquisition )NP (VP is (NP (NP part )NP (PP of (NP (NP (NP Sir James Goldsmith 's )NP unfriendly takeover attempt )NP (PP for (NP (NP B.A.T Industries PLC )NP , (NP the British tobacco , retailing , paper and financial services concern )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP is (NP (NP parent )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP Los Angeles-based )ADJP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 22 22 (S (NP The proposed acquisition )NP (VP is (NP (NP part )NP (PP of (NP (NP (NP Sir James Goldsmith 's )NP unfriendly takeover attempt )NP (PP for (NP (NP B.A.T Industries PLC )NP , (NP the British tobacco , retailing , paper and financial services concern )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP is (NP (NP parent )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP Los Angeles-based )ADJP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 18 22 (S (NP The proposed acquisition )NP (VP is (NP (NP part )NP (PP of (NP (NP (NP Sir James Goldsmith 's )NP unfriendly takeover attempt )NP (PP for (NP (NP B.A.T Industries PLC )NP , (NP the British tobacco , retailing , paper and financial services concern )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP is (NP (NP parent )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP Los Angeles-based )ADJP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 22 22 (S (NP The proposed acquisition )NP (VP is (NP (NP part )NP (PP of (NP (NP (NP Sir James Goldsmith 's )NP unfriendly takeover attempt )NP (PP for (NP (NP B.A.T Industries PLC )NP , (NP the British tobacco , retailing , paper and financial services concern )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP is (NP (NP parent )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP Los Angeles-based )ADJP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 23 23 (S (NP The proposed acquisition )NP (VP is (NP (NP part )NP (PP of (NP (NP (NP Sir James Goldsmith 's )NP unfriendly takeover attempt )NP (PP for (NP (NP B.A.T Industries PLC )NP , (NP (NP the British tobacco , retailing , paper and financial services concern )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP is (NP (NP parent )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP Los Angeles-based )ADJP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 23 23 (S (NP The proposed acquisition )NP (VP is (NP (NP part )NP (PP of (NP (NP (NP Sir James Goldsmith 's )NP unfriendly takeover attempt )NP (PP for (NP (NP B.A.T Industries PLC )NP , (NP (NP the British tobacco , retailing , paper and financial services concern )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP is (NP (NP parent )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP Los Angeles-based )ADJP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 18 22 (S (NP The proposed acquisition )NP (VP is (NP (NP part )NP (PP of (NP (NP (NP Sir James Goldsmith 's )NP unfriendly takeover attempt )NP (PP for (NP (NP B.A.T Industries PLC )NP , (NP the British tobacco , retailing , paper and financial services concern )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP is (NP (NP parent )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP Los Angeles-based )ADJP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 22 22 (S (NP The proposed acquisition )NP (VP is (NP (NP part )NP (PP of (NP (NP (NP Sir James Goldsmith 's )NP unfriendly takeover attempt )NP (PP for (NP (NP B.A.T Industries PLC )NP , (NP the British tobacco , retailing , paper and financial services concern )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP is (NP (NP parent )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP Los Angeles-based )ADJP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 18 22 (S (NP The proposed acquisition )NP (VP is (NP (NP part )NP (PP of (NP (NP (NP Sir James Goldsmith 's )NP unfriendly takeover attempt )NP (PP for (NP (NP B.A.T Industries PLC )NP , (NP the British tobacco , retailing , paper and financial services concern )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP is (NP (NP parent )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP Los Angeles-based )ADJP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 22 22 (S (NP The proposed acquisition )NP (VP is (NP (NP part )NP (PP of (NP (NP (NP Sir James Goldsmith 's )NP unfriendly takeover attempt )NP (PP for (NP (NP B.A.T Industries PLC )NP , (NP the British tobacco , retailing , paper and financial services concern )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP is (NP (NP parent )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP Los Angeles-based )ADJP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 20 22 (S (NP The proposed acquisition )NP (VP is (NP (NP part )NP (PP of (NP (NP (NP Sir James Goldsmith 's )NP unfriendly takeover attempt )NP (PP for (NP (NP B.A.T Industries PLC )NP , (NP the British tobacco , retailing , paper and financial services concern )NP )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP is (NP (NP parent )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP Los Angeles-based )ADJP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 18 22 (S (NP The proposed acquisition )NP (VP is (NP (NP part )NP (PP of (NP (NP (NP Sir James Goldsmith 's )NP unfriendly takeover attempt )NP (PP for (NP (NP B.A.T Industries PLC )NP , (NP the British tobacco , retailing , paper and financial services concern )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP is (NP (NP parent )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP Los Angeles-based )ADJP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 22 22 (S (NP The proposed acquisition )NP (VP is (NP (NP part )NP (PP of (NP (NP (NP Sir James Goldsmith 's )NP unfriendly takeover attempt )NP (PP for (NP (NP B.A.T Industries PLC )NP , (NP the British tobacco , retailing , paper and financial services concern )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP is (NP (NP parent )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP Los Angeles-based )ADJP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 18 22 (S (NP The proposed acquisition )NP (VP is (NP (NP part )NP (PP of (NP (NP (NP Sir James Goldsmith 's )NP unfriendly takeover attempt )NP (PP for (NP (NP B.A.T Industries PLC )NP , (NP the British tobacco , retailing , paper and financial services concern )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP is (NP (NP parent )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP Los Angeles-based )ADJP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 22 22 (S (NP The proposed acquisition )NP (VP is (NP (NP part )NP (PP of (NP (NP (NP Sir James Goldsmith 's )NP unfriendly takeover attempt )NP (PP for (NP (NP B.A.T Industries PLC )NP , (NP the British tobacco , retailing , paper and financial services concern )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP is (NP (NP parent )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP Los Angeles-based )ADJP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 20 22 (S (NP The proposed acquisition )NP (VP is (NP (NP part )NP (PP of (NP (NP (NP Sir James Goldsmith 's )NP unfriendly takeover attempt )NP (PP for (NP (NP B.A.T Industries PLC )NP , (NP the British tobacco , retailing , paper and financial services concern )NP )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP is (NP (NP parent )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP Los Angeles-based )ADJP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 18 22 (S (NP The proposed acquisition )NP (VP is (NP (NP part )NP (PP of (NP (NP (NP Sir James Goldsmith 's )NP unfriendly takeover attempt )NP (PP for (NP (NP B.A.T Industries PLC )NP , (NP the British tobacco , retailing , paper and financial services concern )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP is (NP (NP parent )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP Los Angeles-based )ADJP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 22 22 (S (NP The proposed acquisition )NP (VP is (NP (NP part )NP (PP of (NP (NP (NP Sir James Goldsmith 's )NP unfriendly takeover attempt )NP (PP for (NP (NP B.A.T Industries PLC )NP , (NP the British tobacco , retailing , paper and financial services concern )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP is (NP (NP parent )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP Los Angeles-based )ADJP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 20 22 (S (NP The proposed acquisition )NP (VP is (NP (NP part )NP (PP of (NP (NP (NP Sir James Goldsmith 's )NP unfriendly takeover attempt )NP (PP for (NP (NP B.A.T Industries PLC )NP , (NP the British tobacco , retailing , paper and financial services concern )NP )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP is (NP (NP parent )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP Los Angeles-based )ADJP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 17 22 (S (NP The proposed acquisition )NP (VP is (NP (NP part )NP (PP of (NP (NP (NP Sir James Goldsmith 's )NP unfriendly takeover attempt )NP (PP for (NP (NP B.A.T Industries PLC )NP , (NP the British tobacco , retailing , paper and financial services concern )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP is (NP (NP parent )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP Los Angeles-based )ADJP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 20 22 (S (NP The proposed acquisition )NP (VP is (NP (NP part )NP (PP of (NP (NP (NP Sir James Goldsmith 's )NP unfriendly takeover attempt )NP (PP for (NP (NP B.A.T Industries PLC )NP , (NP the British tobacco , retailing , paper and financial services concern )NP )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP is (NP (NP parent )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP Los Angeles-based )ADJP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 18 22 (S (NP The proposed acquisition )NP (VP is (NP (NP part )NP (PP of (NP (NP (NP Sir James Goldsmith 's )NP unfriendly takeover attempt )NP (PP for (NP (NP B.A.T Industries PLC )NP , (NP the British tobacco , retailing , paper and financial services concern )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP is (NP (NP parent )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP Los Angeles-based )ADJP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 22 22 (S (NP The proposed acquisition )NP (VP is (NP (NP part )NP (PP of (NP (NP (NP Sir James Goldsmith 's )NP unfriendly takeover attempt )NP (PP for (NP (NP B.A.T Industries PLC )NP , (NP the British tobacco , retailing , paper and financial services concern )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP is (NP (NP parent )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP Los Angeles-based )ADJP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 20 22 (S (NP The proposed acquisition )NP (VP is (NP (NP part )NP (PP of (NP (NP (NP Sir James Goldsmith 's )NP unfriendly takeover attempt )NP (PP for (NP (NP B.A.T Industries PLC )NP , (NP the British tobacco , retailing , paper and financial services concern )NP )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP is (NP (NP parent )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP Los Angeles-based )ADJP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 17 22 (S (NP The proposed acquisition )NP (VP is (NP (NP part )NP (PP of (NP (NP (NP Sir James Goldsmith 's )NP unfriendly takeover attempt )NP (PP for (NP (NP B.A.T Industries PLC )NP , (NP the British tobacco , retailing , paper and financial services concern )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP is (NP (NP parent )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP Los Angeles-based )ADJP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 20 22 (S (NP The proposed acquisition )NP (VP is (NP (NP part )NP (PP of (NP (NP (NP Sir James Goldsmith 's )NP unfriendly takeover attempt )NP (PP for (NP (NP B.A.T Industries PLC )NP , (NP the British tobacco , retailing , paper and financial services concern )NP )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP is (NP (NP parent )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP Los Angeles-based )ADJP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 17 22 (S (NP The proposed acquisition )NP (VP is (NP (NP part )NP (PP of (NP (NP (NP Sir James Goldsmith 's )NP unfriendly takeover attempt )NP (PP for (NP (NP B.A.T Industries PLC )NP , (NP the British tobacco , retailing , paper and financial services concern )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP is (NP (NP parent )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP Los Angeles-based )ADJP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 20 22 (S (NP The proposed acquisition )NP (VP is (NP (NP part )NP (PP of (NP (NP (NP Sir James Goldsmith 's )NP unfriendly takeover attempt )NP (PP for (NP (NP B.A.T Industries PLC )NP , (NP the British tobacco , retailing , paper and financial services concern )NP )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP is (NP (NP parent )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP Los Angeles-based )ADJP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 17 22 (S (NP The proposed acquisition )NP (VP is (NP (NP part )NP (PP of (NP (NP (NP Sir James Goldsmith 's )NP unfriendly takeover attempt )NP (PP for (NP (NP B.A.T Industries PLC )NP , (NP the British tobacco , retailing , paper and financial services concern )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP is (NP (NP parent )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP Los Angeles-based )ADJP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 17 22 (S (NP The proposed acquisition )NP (VP is (NP (NP part )NP (PP of (NP (NP (NP Sir James Goldsmith 's )NP unfriendly takeover attempt )NP (PP for (NP (NP B.A.T Industries PLC )NP , (NP the British tobacco , retailing , paper and financial services concern )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP is (NP (NP parent )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP Los Angeles-based )ADJP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 23 23 (S (NP The proposed acquisition )NP (VP is (NP (NP part )NP (PP of (NP (NP (NP Sir James Goldsmith 's )NP unfriendly takeover attempt )NP (PP for (NP (NP B.A.T Industries PLC )NP , (NP (NP the British tobacco , retailing , paper and financial services concern )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP is (NP (NP parent )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP Los Angeles-based )ADJP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 20 22 (S (NP The proposed acquisition )NP (VP is (NP (NP part )NP (PP of (NP (NP (NP Sir James Goldsmith 's )NP unfriendly takeover attempt )NP (PP for (NP (NP B.A.T Industries PLC )NP , (NP the British tobacco , retailing , paper and financial services concern )NP )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP is (NP (NP parent )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP Los Angeles-based )ADJP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 17 22 (S (NP The proposed acquisition )NP (VP is (NP (NP part )NP (PP of (NP (NP (NP Sir James Goldsmith 's )NP unfriendly takeover attempt )NP (PP for (NP (NP B.A.T Industries PLC )NP , (NP the British tobacco , retailing , paper and financial services concern )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP is (NP (NP parent )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP Los Angeles-based )ADJP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 23 23 (S (NP The proposed acquisition )NP (VP is (NP (NP part )NP (PP of (NP (NP (NP Sir James Goldsmith 's )NP unfriendly takeover attempt )NP (PP for (NP (NP B.A.T Industries PLC )NP , (NP (NP the British tobacco , retailing , paper and financial services concern )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP is (NP (NP parent )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP Los Angeles-based )ADJP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 17 22 (S (NP The proposed acquisition )NP (VP is (NP (NP part )NP (PP of (NP (NP (NP Sir James Goldsmith 's )NP unfriendly takeover attempt )NP (PP for (NP (NP B.A.T Industries PLC )NP , (NP the British tobacco , retailing , paper and financial services concern )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP is (NP (NP parent )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP Los Angeles-based )ADJP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 23 23 (S (NP The proposed acquisition )NP (VP is (NP (NP part )NP (PP of (NP (NP (NP Sir James Goldsmith 's )NP unfriendly takeover attempt )NP (PP for (NP (NP B.A.T Industries PLC )NP , (NP (NP the British tobacco , retailing , paper and financial services concern )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP is (NP (NP parent )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP Los Angeles-based )ADJP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 17 22 (S (NP The proposed acquisition )NP (VP is (NP (NP part )NP (PP of (NP (NP (NP Sir James Goldsmith 's )NP unfriendly takeover attempt )NP (PP for (NP (NP B.A.T Industries PLC )NP , (NP the British tobacco , retailing , paper and financial services concern )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP is (NP (NP parent )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP Los Angeles-based )ADJP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 23 23 (S (NP The proposed acquisition )NP (VP is (NP (NP part )NP (PP of (NP (NP (NP Sir James Goldsmith 's )NP unfriendly takeover attempt )NP (PP for (NP (NP B.A.T Industries PLC )NP , (NP (NP the British tobacco , retailing , paper and financial services concern )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP is (NP (NP parent )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP Los Angeles-based )ADJP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 23 23 (S (NP The proposed acquisition )NP (VP is (NP (NP part )NP (PP of (NP (NP (NP Sir James Goldsmith 's )NP unfriendly takeover attempt )NP (PP for (NP (NP B.A.T Industries PLC )NP , (NP (NP the British tobacco , retailing , paper and financial services concern )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP is (NP (NP parent )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP Los Angeles-based )ADJP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 22 22 (S (NP The proposed acquisition )NP (VP is (NP (NP part )NP (PP of (NP (NP (NP Sir James Goldsmith 's )NP unfriendly takeover attempt )NP (PP for (NP (NP B.A.T Industries PLC )NP , (NP (NP the British tobacco , retailing , paper and financial services concern )NP (SBAR that (S (VP is (NP (NP parent )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP Los Angeles-based )ADJP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 23 23 (S (NP The proposed acquisition )NP (VP is (NP (NP part )NP (PP of (NP (NP (NP Sir James Goldsmith 's )NP unfriendly takeover attempt )NP (PP for (NP (NP B.A.T Industries PLC )NP , (NP (NP the British tobacco , retailing , paper and financial services concern )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP is (NP (NP parent )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP Los Angeles-based )ADJP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 22 22 (S (NP The proposed acquisition )NP (VP is (NP (NP part )NP (PP of (NP (NP (NP Sir James Goldsmith 's )NP unfriendly takeover attempt )NP (PP for (NP (NP B.A.T Industries PLC )NP , (NP (NP the British tobacco , retailing , paper and financial services concern )NP (SBAR that (S (VP is (NP (NP parent )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP Los Angeles-based )ADJP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 16 21 (S (NP The proposed acquisition )NP (VP is (NP (NP part )NP (PP of (NP (NP (NP Sir James Goldsmith 's )NP unfriendly takeover attempt )NP (PP for (NP (NP B.A.T Industries PLC )NP , (NP the British tobacco , retailing , paper and financial services concern )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (SBAR that (S (VP is (NP (NP parent )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP Los Angeles-based )ADJP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 16 21 (S (NP The proposed acquisition )NP (VP is (NP (NP part )NP (PP of (NP (NP (NP Sir James Goldsmith 's )NP unfriendly takeover attempt )NP (PP for (NP (NP B.A.T Industries PLC )NP , (NP the British tobacco , retailing , paper and financial services concern )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (SBAR that (S (VP is (NP (NP parent )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP Los Angeles-based )ADJP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 50 33 34 (S (PP In (NP an attempt (S (VP to (VP appease (NP (NP (NP U.S. regulators ' )NP concern )NP (PP over (NP (NP a Goldsmith acquisition )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP , (NP (NP Sir James )NP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )NP (VP agreed (S (VP to (VP sell (NP Farmers )NP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP (SBAR if (S (NP he )NP (VP is (ADJP successful (PP in (S (VP acquiring (NP B.A.T )NP )VP )S )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 33 34 (S (PP In (NP an attempt (S (VP to (VP appease (NP (NP (NP U.S. regulators ' )NP concern )NP (PP over (NP (NP a Goldsmith acquisition )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP , (NP (NP Sir James )NP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )NP (VP agreed (S (VP to (VP sell (NP Farmers )NP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP (SBAR if (S (NP he )NP (VP is (ADJP successful (PP in (S (VP acquiring (NP B.A.T )NP )VP )S )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 33 33 (S (PP In (NP an attempt (S (VP to (VP appease (NP (NP (NP U.S. regulators ' )NP concern )NP (PP over (NP (NP a Goldsmith acquisition )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP , (NP Sir James )NP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP (VP agreed (S (VP to (VP sell (NP Farmers )NP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP (SBAR if (S (NP he )NP (VP is (ADJP successful (PP in (S (VP acquiring (NP B.A.T )NP )VP )S )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 33 33 (S (PP In (NP an attempt (S (VP to (VP appease (NP (NP (NP U.S. regulators ' )NP concern )NP (PP over (NP (NP a Goldsmith acquisition )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP , (NP Sir James )NP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP (VP agreed (S (VP to (VP sell (NP Farmers )NP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP (SBAR if (S (NP he )NP (VP is (ADJP successful (PP in (S (VP acquiring (NP B.A.T )NP )VP )S )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 30 34 (S (PP In (NP an attempt (S (VP to (VP appease (NP (NP (NP U.S. regulators ' )NP concern )NP (PP over (NP (NP a Goldsmith acquisition )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP , (NP (NP Sir James )NP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )NP (VP agreed (S (VP to (VP sell (NP Farmers )NP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP )VP )VP )S (SBAR if (S (NP he )NP (VP is (ADJP successful (PP in (S (VP acquiring (NP B.A.T )NP )VP )S )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 30 34 (S (PP In (NP an attempt (S (VP to (VP appease (NP (NP (NP U.S. regulators ' )NP concern )NP (PP over (NP (NP a Goldsmith acquisition )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP , (NP (NP Sir James )NP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )NP (VP agreed (S (VP to (VP sell (NP Farmers )NP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP )VP )VP )S (SBAR if (S (NP he )NP (VP is (ADJP successful (PP in (S (VP acquiring (NP B.A.T )NP )VP )S )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 33 34 (S (PP In (NP an attempt (S (VP to (VP appease (NP (NP (NP U.S. regulators ' )NP concern )NP (PP over (NP (NP a Goldsmith acquisition )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP , (NP (NP Sir James )NP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )NP (VP agreed (S (VP to (VP sell (NP Farmers )NP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP (SBAR if (S (NP he )NP (VP is (ADJP successful (PP in (S (VP acquiring (NP B.A.T )NP )VP )S )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 30 33 (S (PP In (NP an attempt (S (VP to (VP appease (NP (NP (NP U.S. regulators ' )NP concern )NP (PP over (NP (NP a Goldsmith acquisition )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP , (NP Sir James )NP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP (VP agreed (S (VP to (VP sell (NP Farmers )NP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP )VP )VP )S (SBAR if (S (NP he )NP (VP is (ADJP successful (PP in (S (VP acquiring (NP B.A.T )NP )VP )S )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 33 34 (S (PP In (NP an attempt (S (VP to (VP appease (NP (NP (NP U.S. regulators ' )NP concern )NP (PP over (NP (NP a Goldsmith acquisition )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP , (NP (NP Sir James )NP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )NP (VP agreed (S (VP to (VP sell (NP Farmers )NP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP (SBAR if (S (NP he )NP (VP is (ADJP successful (PP in (S (VP acquiring (NP B.A.T )NP )VP )S )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 30 33 (S (PP In (NP an attempt (S (VP to (VP appease (NP (NP (NP U.S. regulators ' )NP concern )NP (PP over (NP (NP a Goldsmith acquisition )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP , (NP Sir James )NP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP (VP agreed (S (VP to (VP sell (NP Farmers )NP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP )VP )VP )S (SBAR if (S (NP he )NP (VP is (ADJP successful (PP in (S (VP acquiring (NP B.A.T )NP )VP )S )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 33 33 (S (PP In (NP an attempt (S (VP to (VP appease (NP (NP (NP U.S. regulators ' )NP concern )NP (PP over (NP (NP a Goldsmith acquisition )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP , (NP Sir James )NP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP (VP agreed (S (VP to (VP sell (NP Farmers )NP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP (SBAR if (S (NP he )NP (VP is (ADJP successful (PP in (S (VP acquiring (NP B.A.T )NP )VP )S )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 33 33 (S (PP In (NP an attempt (S (VP to (VP appease (NP (NP (NP U.S. regulators ' )NP concern )NP (PP over (NP (NP a Goldsmith acquisition )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP , (NP Sir James )NP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP (VP agreed (S (VP to (VP sell (NP Farmers )NP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP (SBAR if (S (NP he )NP (VP is (ADJP successful (PP in (S (VP acquiring (NP B.A.T )NP )VP )S )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 32 33 (S (PP In (NP an attempt (S (VP to (VP appease (NP (NP U.S. regulators ' )NP concern )NP (PP over (NP (NP a Goldsmith acquisition )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP , (NP (NP Sir James )NP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )NP (VP agreed (S (VP to (VP sell (NP Farmers )NP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP (SBAR if (S (NP he )NP (VP is (ADJP successful (PP in (S (VP acquiring (NP B.A.T )NP )VP )S )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 30 34 (S (PP In (NP an attempt (S (VP to (VP appease (NP (NP (NP U.S. regulators ' )NP concern )NP (PP over (NP (NP a Goldsmith acquisition )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP , (NP (NP Sir James )NP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )NP (VP agreed (S (VP to (VP sell (NP Farmers )NP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP )VP )VP )S (SBAR if (S (NP he )NP (VP is (ADJP successful (PP in (S (VP acquiring (NP B.A.T )NP )VP )S )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 33 34 (S (PP In (NP an attempt (S (VP to (VP appease (NP (NP (NP U.S. regulators ' )NP concern )NP (PP over (NP (NP a Goldsmith acquisition )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP , (NP (NP Sir James )NP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )NP (VP agreed (S (VP to (VP sell (NP Farmers )NP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP (SBAR if (S (NP he )NP (VP is (ADJP successful (PP in (S (VP acquiring (NP B.A.T )NP )VP )S )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 32 33 (S (PP In (NP an attempt (S (VP to (VP appease (NP (NP U.S. regulators ' )NP concern )NP (PP over (NP (NP a Goldsmith acquisition )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP , (NP (NP Sir James )NP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )NP (VP agreed (S (VP to (VP sell (NP Farmers )NP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP (SBAR if (S (NP he )NP (VP is (ADJP successful (PP in (S (VP acquiring (NP B.A.T )NP )VP )S )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 30 34 (S (PP In (NP an attempt (S (VP to (VP appease (NP (NP (NP U.S. regulators ' )NP concern )NP (PP over (NP (NP a Goldsmith acquisition )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP , (NP (NP Sir James )NP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )NP (VP agreed (S (VP to (VP sell (NP Farmers )NP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP )VP )VP )S (SBAR if (S (NP he )NP (VP is (ADJP successful (PP in (S (VP acquiring (NP B.A.T )NP )VP )S )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 33 34 (S (PP In (NP an attempt (S (VP to (VP appease (NP (NP (NP U.S. regulators ' )NP concern )NP (PP over (NP (NP a Goldsmith acquisition )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP , (NP (NP Sir James )NP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )NP (VP agreed (S (VP to (VP sell (NP Farmers )NP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP (SBAR if (S (NP he )NP (VP is (ADJP successful (PP in (S (VP acquiring (NP B.A.T )NP )VP )S )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 32 32 (S (PP In (NP an attempt (S (VP to (VP appease (NP (NP U.S. regulators ' )NP concern )NP (PP over (NP (NP a Goldsmith acquisition )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP , (NP Sir James )NP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP (VP agreed (S (VP to (VP sell (NP Farmers )NP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP (SBAR if (S (NP he )NP (VP is (ADJP successful (PP in (S (VP acquiring (NP B.A.T )NP )VP )S )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 30 33 (S (PP In (NP an attempt (S (VP to (VP appease (NP (NP (NP U.S. regulators ' )NP concern )NP (PP over (NP (NP a Goldsmith acquisition )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP , (NP Sir James )NP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP (VP agreed (S (VP to (VP sell (NP Farmers )NP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP )VP )VP )S (SBAR if (S (NP he )NP (VP is (ADJP successful (PP in (S (VP acquiring (NP B.A.T )NP )VP )S )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 32 34 (S (PP In (NP an attempt (S (VP to (VP appease (NP (NP (NP U.S. regulators ' )NP concern )NP (PP over (NP (NP a Goldsmith acquisition )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP , (NP (NP Sir James )NP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )NP (VP agreed (S (VP to (VP sell (NP Farmers )NP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP (SBAR if (S (NP he )NP (VP is (ADJP successful )ADJP (PP in (S (VP acquiring (NP B.A.T )NP )VP )S )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 33 33 (S (PP In (NP an attempt (S (VP to (VP appease (NP (NP (NP U.S. regulators ' )NP concern )NP (PP over (NP (NP a Goldsmith acquisition )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP , (NP Sir James )NP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP (VP agreed (S (VP to (VP sell (NP Farmers )NP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP (SBAR if (S (NP he )NP (VP is (ADJP successful (PP in (S (VP acquiring (NP B.A.T )NP )VP )S )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 33 34 (S (PP In (NP an attempt (S (VP to (VP appease (NP (NP (NP U.S. regulators ' )NP concern )NP (PP over (NP (NP a Goldsmith acquisition )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP , (NP (NP Sir James )NP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )NP (VP agreed (S (VP to (VP sell (NP Farmers )NP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP (SBAR if (S (NP he )NP (VP is (ADJP successful (PP in (S (VP acquiring (NP B.A.T )NP )VP )S )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 32 33 (S (PP In (NP an attempt (S (VP to (VP appease (NP (NP U.S. regulators ' )NP concern (PP over (NP (NP a Goldsmith acquisition )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP , (NP (NP Sir James )NP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )NP (VP agreed (S (VP to (VP sell (NP Farmers )NP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP (SBAR if (S (NP he )NP (VP is (ADJP successful (PP in (S (VP acquiring (NP B.A.T )NP )VP )S )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 32 32 (S (PP In (NP an attempt (S (VP to (VP appease (NP (NP U.S. regulators ' )NP concern )NP (PP over (NP (NP a Goldsmith acquisition )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP , (NP Sir James )NP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP (VP agreed (S (VP to (VP sell (NP Farmers )NP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP (SBAR if (S (NP he )NP (VP is (ADJP successful (PP in (S (VP acquiring (NP B.A.T )NP )VP )S )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 30 33 (S (PP In (NP an attempt (S (VP to (VP appease (NP (NP (NP U.S. regulators ' )NP concern )NP (PP over (NP (NP a Goldsmith acquisition )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP , (NP Sir James )NP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP (VP agreed (S (VP to (VP sell (NP Farmers )NP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP )VP )VP )S (SBAR if (S (NP he )NP (VP is (ADJP successful (PP in (S (VP acquiring (NP B.A.T )NP )VP )S )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 32 34 (S (PP In (NP an attempt (S (VP to (VP appease (NP (NP (NP U.S. regulators ' )NP concern )NP (PP over (NP (NP a Goldsmith acquisition )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP , (NP (NP Sir James )NP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )NP (VP agreed (S (VP to (VP sell (NP Farmers )NP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP (SBAR if (S (NP he )NP (VP is (ADJP successful )ADJP (PP in (S (VP acquiring (NP B.A.T )NP )VP )S )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 29 33 (S (PP In (NP an attempt (S (VP to (VP appease (NP (NP U.S. regulators ' )NP concern )NP (PP over (NP (NP a Goldsmith acquisition )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP , (NP (NP Sir James )NP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )NP (VP agreed (S (VP to (VP sell (NP Farmers )NP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP )VP )VP )S (SBAR if (S (NP he )NP (VP is (ADJP successful (PP in (S (VP acquiring (NP B.A.T )NP )VP )S )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 33 33 (S (PP In (NP an attempt (S (VP to (VP appease (NP (NP (NP U.S. regulators ' )NP concern )NP (PP over (NP (NP a Goldsmith acquisition )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP , (NP Sir James )NP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP (VP agreed (S (VP to (VP sell (NP Farmers )NP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP (SBAR if (S (NP he )NP (VP is (ADJP successful (PP in (S (VP acquiring (NP B.A.T )NP )VP )S )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 32 33 (S (PP In (NP an attempt (S (VP to (VP appease (NP (NP U.S. regulators ' )NP concern (PP over (NP (NP a Goldsmith acquisition )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP , (NP (NP Sir James )NP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )NP (VP agreed (S (VP to (VP sell (NP Farmers )NP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP (SBAR if (S (NP he )NP (VP is (ADJP successful (PP in (S (VP acquiring (NP B.A.T )NP )VP )S )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 32 33 (S (PP In (NP an attempt (S (VP to (VP appease (NP (NP (NP U.S. regulators ' )NP concern )NP (PP over (NP (NP a Goldsmith acquisition )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP , (NP Sir James )NP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP (VP agreed (S (VP to (VP sell (NP Farmers )NP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP (SBAR if (S (NP he )NP (VP is (ADJP successful )ADJP (PP in (S (VP acquiring (NP B.A.T )NP )VP )S )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 30 34 (S (PP In (NP an attempt (S (VP to (VP appease (NP (NP (NP U.S. regulators ' )NP concern )NP (PP over (NP (NP a Goldsmith acquisition )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP , (NP (NP Sir James )NP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )NP (VP agreed (S (VP to (VP sell (NP Farmers )NP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP )VP )VP )S (SBAR if (S (NP he )NP (VP is (ADJP successful (PP in (S (VP acquiring (NP B.A.T )NP )VP )S )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 33 33 (S (PP In (NP an attempt (S (VP to (VP appease (NP (NP (NP U.S. regulators ' )NP concern )NP (PP over (NP (NP a Goldsmith acquisition )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP , (NP Sir James )NP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP (VP agreed (S (VP to (VP sell (NP Farmers )NP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP (SBAR if (S (NP he )NP (VP is (ADJP successful (PP in (S (VP acquiring (NP B.A.T )NP )VP )S )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 32 32 (S (PP In (NP an attempt (S (VP to (VP appease (NP (NP U.S. regulators ' )NP concern (PP over (NP (NP a Goldsmith acquisition )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP , (NP Sir James )NP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP (VP agreed (S (VP to (VP sell (NP Farmers )NP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP (SBAR if (S (NP he )NP (VP is (ADJP successful (PP in (S (VP acquiring (NP B.A.T )NP )VP )S )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 29 33 (S (PP In (NP an attempt (S (VP to (VP appease (NP (NP U.S. regulators ' )NP concern )NP (PP over (NP (NP a Goldsmith acquisition )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP , (NP (NP Sir James )NP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )NP (VP agreed (S (VP to (VP sell (NP Farmers )NP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP )VP )VP )S (SBAR if (S (NP he )NP (VP is (ADJP successful (PP in (S (VP acquiring (NP B.A.T )NP )VP )S )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 31 33 (S (PP In (NP an attempt (S (VP to (VP appease (NP (NP (NP U.S. regulators ' )NP concern )NP (PP over (NP a Goldsmith acquisition )NP )PP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP , (NP (NP Sir James )NP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )NP (VP agreed (S (VP to (VP sell (NP Farmers )NP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP (SBAR if (S (NP he )NP (VP is (ADJP successful (PP in (S (VP acquiring (NP B.A.T )NP )VP )S )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 32 33 (S (PP In (NP an attempt (S (VP to (VP appease (NP (NP (NP U.S. regulators ' )NP concern )NP (PP over (NP (NP a Goldsmith acquisition )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP , (NP Sir James )NP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP (VP agreed (S (VP to (VP sell (NP Farmers )NP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP (SBAR if (S (NP he )NP (VP is (ADJP successful )ADJP (PP in (S (VP acquiring (NP B.A.T )NP )VP )S )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 30 34 (S (PP In (NP an attempt (S (VP to (VP appease (NP (NP (NP U.S. regulators ' )NP concern )NP (PP over (NP (NP a Goldsmith acquisition )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP , (NP (NP Sir James )NP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )NP (VP agreed (S (VP to (VP sell (NP Farmers )NP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP )VP )VP )S (SBAR if (S (NP he )NP (VP is (ADJP successful (PP in (S (VP acquiring (NP B.A.T )NP )VP )S )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 32 33 (S (PP In (NP an attempt (S (VP to (VP appease (NP (NP U.S. regulators ' )NP concern )NP (PP over (NP (NP a Goldsmith acquisition )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP , (NP (NP Sir James )NP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )NP (VP agreed (S (VP to (VP sell (NP Farmers )NP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP (SBAR if (S (NP he )NP (VP is (ADJP successful (PP in (S (VP acquiring (NP B.A.T )NP )VP )S )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 29 32 (S (PP In (NP an attempt (S (VP to (VP appease (NP (NP U.S. regulators ' )NP concern )NP (PP over (NP (NP a Goldsmith acquisition )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP , (NP Sir James )NP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP (VP agreed (S (VP to (VP sell (NP Farmers )NP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP )VP )VP )S (SBAR if (S (NP he )NP (VP is (ADJP successful (PP in (S (VP acquiring (NP B.A.T )NP )VP )S )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 32 32 (S (PP In (NP an attempt (S (VP to (VP appease (NP (NP U.S. regulators ' )NP concern (PP over (NP (NP a Goldsmith acquisition )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP , (NP Sir James )NP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP (VP agreed (S (VP to (VP sell (NP Farmers )NP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP (SBAR if (S (NP he )NP (VP is (ADJP successful (PP in (S (VP acquiring (NP B.A.T )NP )VP )S )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 29 34 (S (PP In (NP an attempt (S (VP to (VP appease (NP (NP (NP U.S. regulators ' )NP concern )NP (PP over (NP (NP a Goldsmith acquisition )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP , (NP (NP Sir James )NP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )NP (VP agreed (S (VP to (VP sell (NP Farmers )NP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP )VP )VP )S (SBAR if (S (NP he )NP (VP is (ADJP successful )ADJP (PP in (S (VP acquiring (NP B.A.T )NP )VP )S )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 30 33 (S (PP In (NP an attempt (S (VP to (VP appease (NP (NP (NP U.S. regulators ' )NP concern )NP (PP over (NP (NP a Goldsmith acquisition )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP , (NP Sir James )NP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP (VP agreed (S (VP to (VP sell (NP Farmers )NP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP )VP )VP )S (SBAR if (S (NP he )NP (VP is (ADJP successful (PP in (S (VP acquiring (NP B.A.T )NP )VP )S )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 33 35 (S (PP In (NP an attempt (S (VP to (VP appease (NP (NP (NP U.S. regulators ' )NP concern )NP (PP over (NP (NP a Goldsmith acquisition )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP , (NP (NP Sir James )NP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )NP (VP agreed (S (VP to (VP sell (NP Farmers )NP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP (SBAR if (S (NP he )NP (VP is (ADJP (ADJP successful )ADJP (PP in (S (VP acquiring (NP B.A.T )NP )VP )S )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 30 34 (S (PP In (NP an attempt (S (VP to (VP appease (NP (NP (NP U.S. regulators ' )NP concern )NP (PP over (NP (NP a Goldsmith acquisition )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP , (NP (NP Sir James )NP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )NP (VP agreed (S (VP to (VP sell (NP Farmers )NP )VP )VP )S (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP (SBAR if (S (NP he )NP (VP is (ADJP successful (PP in (S (VP acquiring (NP B.A.T )NP )VP )S )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 31 33 (S (PP In (NP an attempt (S (VP to (VP appease (NP (NP (NP U.S. regulators ' )NP concern )NP (PP over (NP a Goldsmith acquisition )NP )PP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP , (NP (NP Sir James )NP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )NP (VP agreed (S (VP to (VP sell (NP Farmers )NP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP (SBAR if (S (NP he )NP (VP is (ADJP successful (PP in (S (VP acquiring (NP B.A.T )NP )VP )S )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 30 34 (S (PP In (NP an attempt (S (VP to (VP appease (NP (NP (NP U.S. regulators ' )NP concern )NP (PP over (NP (NP a Goldsmith acquisition )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP , (NP (NP Sir James )NP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )NP (VP agreed (S (VP to (VP sell (NP Farmers )NP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP )VP )VP )S (SBAR if (S (NP he )NP (VP is (ADJP successful (PP in (S (VP acquiring (NP B.A.T )NP )VP )S )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 29 33 (S (PP In (NP an attempt (S (VP to (VP appease (NP (NP U.S. regulators ' )NP concern (PP over (NP (NP a Goldsmith acquisition )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP , (NP (NP Sir James )NP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )NP (VP agreed (S (VP to (VP sell (NP Farmers )NP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP )VP )VP )S (SBAR if (S (NP he )NP (VP is (ADJP successful (PP in (S (VP acquiring (NP B.A.T )NP )VP )S )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 32 33 (S (PP In (NP an attempt (S (VP to (VP appease (NP (NP U.S. regulators ' )NP concern )NP (PP over (NP (NP a Goldsmith acquisition )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP , (NP (NP Sir James )NP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )NP (VP agreed (S (VP to (VP sell (NP Farmers )NP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP (SBAR if (S (NP he )NP (VP is (ADJP successful (PP in (S (VP acquiring (NP B.A.T )NP )VP )S )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 29 32 (S (PP In (NP an attempt (S (VP to (VP appease (NP (NP U.S. regulators ' )NP concern )NP (PP over (NP (NP a Goldsmith acquisition )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP , (NP Sir James )NP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP (VP agreed (S (VP to (VP sell (NP Farmers )NP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP )VP )VP )S (SBAR if (S (NP he )NP (VP is (ADJP successful (PP in (S (VP acquiring (NP B.A.T )NP )VP )S )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 50 18 18 (S (PP As (NP (NP part )NP (PP of (NP the agreement )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP Axa )NP (VP agreed (S (VP to (VP invest (NP (QP $ 1 billion )QP )NP (PP in (NP (NP Hoylake Investments Ltd. )NP , (NP (NP Sir James 's )NP acquisition vehicle )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 18 19 (S (PP As (NP (NP part )NP (PP of (NP the agreement )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP Axa )NP (VP agreed (S (VP to (VP invest (NP (NP (QP $ 1 billion )QP )NP (PP in (NP (NP Hoylake Investments Ltd. )NP , (NP (NP Sir James 's )NP acquisition vehicle )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 18 18 (S (PP As (NP (NP part )NP (PP of (NP the agreement )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP Axa )NP (VP agreed (S (VP to (VP invest (NP (QP $ 1 billion )QP )NP (PP in (NP (NP Hoylake Investments Ltd. )NP , (NP (NP Sir James 's )NP acquisition vehicle )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 18 19 (S (PP As (NP (NP part )NP (PP of (NP the agreement )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP Axa )NP (VP agreed (S (VP to (VP invest (NP (NP (QP $ 1 billion )QP )NP (PP in (NP (NP Hoylake Investments Ltd. )NP , (NP (NP Sir James 's )NP acquisition vehicle )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 15 18 (S (PP As (NP (NP part )NP (PP of (NP the agreement )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP Axa )NP (VP agreed (S (VP to (VP invest (NP (QP $ 1 billion )QP )NP )VP )VP )S (PP in (NP (NP Hoylake Investments Ltd. )NP , (NP (NP Sir James 's )NP acquisition vehicle )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 16 17 (S (PP As (NP (NP part )NP (PP of (NP the agreement )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP Axa )NP (VP agreed (S (VP to (VP invest (NP (QP $ 1 billion )QP )NP (PP in (NP Hoylake Investments Ltd. )NP )PP , (NP (NP Sir James 's )NP acquisition vehicle )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 18 18 (S (PP As (NP (NP part )NP (PP of (NP the agreement )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP Axa )NP (VP agreed (S (VP to (VP invest (NP (QP $ 1 billion )QP )NP (PP in (NP (NP Hoylake Investments Ltd. )NP , (NP (NP Sir James 's )NP acquisition vehicle )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 18 19 (S (PP As (NP (NP part )NP (PP of (NP the agreement )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP Axa )NP (VP agreed (S (VP to (VP invest (NP (QP $ 1 billion )QP )NP (PP in (NP (NP Hoylake Investments Ltd. )NP , (NP (NP Sir James 's )NP (NX acquisition vehicle )NX )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 18 19 (S (PP As (NP (NP part )NP (PP of (NP the agreement )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP Axa )NP (VP agreed (S (VP to (VP invest (NP (NP (QP $ 1 billion )QP )NP (PP in (NP (NP Hoylake Investments Ltd. )NP , (NP (NP Sir James 's )NP acquisition vehicle )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 18 20 (S (PP As (NP (NP part )NP (PP of (NP the agreement )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP Axa )NP (VP agreed (S (VP to (VP invest (NP (NP (QP $ 1 billion )QP )NP (PP in (NP (NP Hoylake Investments Ltd. )NP , (NP (NP Sir James 's )NP (NX acquisition vehicle )NX )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 15 18 (S (PP As (NP (NP part )NP (PP of (NP the agreement )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP Axa )NP (VP agreed (S (VP to (VP invest (NP (QP $ 1 billion )QP )NP )VP )VP )S (PP in (NP (NP Hoylake Investments Ltd. )NP , (NP (NP Sir James 's )NP acquisition vehicle )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 16 17 (S (PP As (NP part )NP )PP (PP of (NP the agreement )NP )PP , (NP Axa )NP (VP agreed (S (VP to (VP invest (NP (QP $ 1 billion )QP )NP (PP in (NP (NP Hoylake Investments Ltd. )NP , (NP (NP Sir James 's )NP acquisition vehicle )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 16 19 (S (PP As (NP (NP part )NP (PP of (NP the agreement )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP Axa )NP (VP agreed (S (VP to (VP invest (NP (QP $ 1 billion )QP )NP (PP in (NP Hoylake Investments Ltd. )NP )PP , (NP (NP (NP Sir James 's )NP acquisition )NP (NP vehicle )NP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 16 18 (S (PP As (NP part )NP )PP (PP of (NP the agreement )NP )PP , (NP Axa )NP (VP agreed (S (VP to (VP invest (NP (NP (QP $ 1 billion )QP )NP (PP in (NP (NP Hoylake Investments Ltd. )NP , (NP (NP Sir James 's )NP acquisition vehicle )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 17 18 (S (PP As (NP (NP part )NP (PP of (NP the agreement )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP Axa )NP (VP agreed (S (VP to (VP invest (NP (NP $ 1 billion )NP (PP in (NP (NP Hoylake Investments Ltd. )NP , (NP (NP Sir James 's )NP acquisition vehicle )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 17 17 (S (PP As (NP (NP part )NP (PP of (NP the agreement )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP Axa )NP (VP agreed (S (VP to (VP invest (NP $ 1 billion )NP (PP in (NP (NP Hoylake Investments Ltd. )NP , (NP (NP Sir James 's )NP acquisition vehicle )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 18 18 (S (PP As (NP (NP part )NP (PP of (NP the agreement )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP Axa )NP (VP agreed (S (VP to (VP invest (NP (QP $ 1 billion )QP )NP (PP in (NP (NP Hoylake Investments Ltd. )NP , (NP (NP Sir James 's )NP acquisition vehicle )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 18 19 (S (PP As (NP (NP part )NP (PP of (NP the agreement )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP Axa )NP (VP agreed (S (VP to (VP invest (NP (QP $ 1 billion )QP )NP (PP in (NP (NP Hoylake Investments Ltd. )NP , (NP (NP (NP Sir James 's )NP acquisition )NP vehicle )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 18 20 (S (PP As (NP (NP part )NP (PP of (NP the agreement )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP Axa )NP (VP agreed (S (VP to (VP invest (S (NP (NP (QP $ 1 billion )QP )NP (PP in (NP (NP Hoylake Investments Ltd. )NP , (NP (NP Sir James 's )NP acquisition vehicle )NP )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 18 19 (S (PP As (NP (NP part )NP (PP of (NP the agreement )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP Axa )NP (VP agreed (S (VP to (VP invest (NP (QP $ 1 billion )QP )NP (PP in (NP (NP Hoylake Investments Ltd. )NP , (NP (NP Sir James 's )NP (NX acquisition vehicle )NX )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 17 17 (S (PP As (NP part )NP (PP of (NP the agreement )NP )PP )PP , (NP Axa )NP (VP agreed (S (VP to (VP invest (NP (QP $ 1 billion )QP )NP (PP in (NP (NP Hoylake Investments Ltd. )NP , (NP (NP Sir James 's )NP acquisition vehicle )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 16 19 (S (PP As (NP (NP part )NP (PP of (NP the agreement )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP Axa )NP (VP agreed (S (VP to (VP invest (NP (NP (NP (QP $ 1 billion )QP )NP (PP in (NP Hoylake Investments Ltd. )NP )PP )NP , (NP (NP Sir James 's )NP acquisition vehicle )NP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 18 19 (S (PP As (NP (NP part )NP (PP of (NP the agreement )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP Axa )NP (VP agreed (S (VP to (VP invest (NP (NP (QP $ 1 billion )QP )NP (PP in (NP (NP Hoylake Investments Ltd. )NP , (NP (NP Sir James 's )NP acquisition vehicle )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 18 20 (S (PP As (NP (NP part )NP (PP of (NP the agreement )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP Axa )NP (VP agreed (S (VP to (VP invest (NP (NP (QP $ 1 billion )QP )NP (PP in (NP (NP Hoylake Investments Ltd. )NP , (NP (NP (NP Sir James 's )NP acquisition )NP vehicle )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 16 18 (S (PP As (NP (NP part )NP (PP of (NP the agreement )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP Axa )NP (VP agreed (S (VP to (VP invest (NP (QP $ 1 billion )QP )NP )VP )VP (PP in (NP (NP Hoylake Investments Ltd. )NP , (NP (NP Sir James 's )NP acquisition vehicle )NP )NP )PP )S )VP . )S 18 19 (S (PP As (NP (NP part )NP (PP of (NP the agreement )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP Axa )NP (VP agreed (SBAR (S (VP to (VP invest (NP (QP $ 1 billion )QP )NP (PP in (NP (NP Hoylake Investments Ltd. )NP , (NP (NP Sir James 's )NP acquisition vehicle )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 16 17 (S (PP As (NP (NP part )NP (PP of (NP the agreement )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP Axa )NP (VP agreed (S (VP to (VP invest (NP (QP $ 1 billion )QP )NP (PP in (NP Hoylake Investments Ltd. )NP )PP , (NP (NP Sir James 's )NP acquisition vehicle )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 17 18 (S (PP (PP As (NP part )NP )PP (PP of (NP the agreement )NP )PP )PP , (NP Axa )NP (VP agreed (S (VP to (VP invest (NP (QP $ 1 billion )QP )NP (PP in (NP (NP Hoylake Investments Ltd. )NP , (NP (NP Sir James 's )NP acquisition vehicle )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 18 20 (S (PP As (NP (NP part )NP (PP of (NP the agreement )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP Axa )NP (VP agreed (S (VP to (S (VP invest (NP (NP (QP $ 1 billion )QP )NP (PP in (NP (NP Hoylake Investments Ltd. )NP , (NP (NP Sir James 's )NP acquisition vehicle )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )VP )S )VP . )S 18 20 (S (PP As (NP (NP part )NP (PP of (NP the agreement )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP Axa )NP (VP agreed (S (VP to (VP invest (NP (NP (QP $ 1 billion )QP )NP (PP in (NP (NP Hoylake Investments Ltd. )NP , (NP (NP Sir James 's )NP (NX acquisition vehicle )NX )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 17 18 (S (PP As (NP part )NP (PP of (NP the agreement )NP )PP )PP , (NP Axa )NP (VP agreed (S (VP to (VP invest (NP (NP (QP $ 1 billion )QP )NP (PP in (NP (NP Hoylake Investments Ltd. )NP , (NP (NP Sir James 's )NP acquisition vehicle )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 15 18 (S (PP As (NP (NP part )NP (PP of (NP the agreement )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP Axa )NP (VP agreed (S (VP to (VP invest (NP (QP $ 1 billion )QP )NP )VP )VP )S (PP in (NP (NP Hoylake Investments Ltd. )NP , (NP (NP Sir James 's )NP acquisition vehicle )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 15 19 (S (PP As (NP (NP part )NP (PP of (NP the agreement )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP Axa )NP (VP agreed (S (VP to (VP invest (NP (NP (QP $ 1 billion )QP )NP (PP in (NP (NP Hoylake Investments Ltd. )NP , (NP Sir James 's )NP )NP )PP )NP (NP acquisition vehicle )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 18 20 (S (PP As (NP (NP part )NP (PP of (NP the agreement )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP Axa )NP (VP agreed (SBAR (S (VP to (VP invest (NP (NP (QP $ 1 billion )QP )NP (PP in (NP (NP Hoylake Investments Ltd. )NP , (NP (NP Sir James 's )NP acquisition vehicle )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 17 18 (S (PP As (NP (NP part )NP (PP of (NP the agreement )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP Axa )NP (VP agreed (S (VP to (VP invest (ADJP (QP $ 1 billion )QP )ADJP (PP in (NP (NP Hoylake Investments Ltd. )NP , (NP (NP Sir James 's )NP acquisition vehicle )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 16 18 (S (PP As (NP (NP part )NP (PP of (NP the agreement )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP Axa )NP (VP agreed (S (VP to (VP invest (NP (NP (QP $ 1 billion )QP )NP (PP in (NP Hoylake Investments Ltd. )NP )PP , (NP (NP Sir James 's )NP acquisition vehicle )NP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 17 19 (S (PP (PP As (NP part )NP )PP (PP of (NP the agreement )NP )PP )PP , (NP Axa )NP (VP agreed (S (VP to (VP invest (NP (NP (QP $ 1 billion )QP )NP (PP in (NP (NP Hoylake Investments Ltd. )NP , (NP (NP Sir James 's )NP acquisition vehicle )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 18 20 (S (PP As (NP (NP part )NP (PP of (NP the agreement )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP Axa )NP (VP agreed (S (VP to (VP invest (NP (QP $ 1 billion )QP )NP (PP in (NP (NP Hoylake Investments Ltd. )NP , (NP (NP (NP Sir James 's )NP acquisition )NP (NP vehicle )NP )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 16 17 (S (PP As (NP part )NP )PP (PP of (NP the agreement )NP )PP , (NP Axa )NP (VP agreed (S (VP to (VP invest (NP (QP $ 1 billion )QP )NP (PP in (NP (NP Hoylake Investments Ltd. )NP , (NP (NP Sir James 's )NP acquisition vehicle )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 17 20 (S (PP As (NP (NP part )NP (PP of (NP the agreement )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP Axa )NP (VP agreed (S (VP to (VP invest (NP (QP $ 1 billion )QP )NP (PP in (NP (NP Hoylake Investments Ltd. )NP , (NP (NP Sir )NP (NP (NP James 's )NP acquisition vehicle )NP )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 18 19 (S (PP As (NP (NP part )NP (PP of (NP the agreement )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP Axa )NP (VP agreed (S (VP to (VP invest (NP (QP $ 1 billion )QP )NP (PP in (NP (NP Hoylake Investments Ltd. )NP , (NP (NP Sir James 's )NP (NP acquisition vehicle )NP )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 13 18 (S (PP As (NP (NP part )NP (PP of (NP the agreement )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP Axa )NP (VP (VP agreed (S (VP to (VP invest (NP (QP $ 1 billion )QP )NP (PP in (NP Hoylake Investments Ltd. )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP , (NP (NP Sir James 's )NP acquisition vehicle )NP )VP . )S 17 19 (S (SBAR As (S (NP (NP part )NP (PP of (NP the agreement )NP )PP )NP )S )SBAR , (NP Axa )NP (VP agreed (S (VP to (VP invest (NP (QP $ 1 billion )QP )NP (PP in (NP (NP Hoylake Investments Ltd. )NP , (NP (NP Sir James 's )NP acquisition vehicle )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 16 18 (S (PP As (NP (NP part )NP (PP of (NP the agreement )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP Axa )NP (VP agreed (S (VP to (VP (VP invest (NP (QP $ 1 billion )QP )NP (PP in (NP Hoylake Investments Ltd. )NP )PP )VP , (NP (NP Sir James 's )NP acquisition vehicle )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 14 20 (S (PP As (NP (NP part )NP (PP of (NP the agreement )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP Axa )NP (VP agreed (S (VP to (VP invest (NP (QP $ 1 billion )QP )NP (PP in (NP Hoylake Investments Ltd. )NP )PP , (SBAR (S (NP Sir James )NP (VP 's (NP acquisition vehicle )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 16 18 (S (PP As (NP (NP part )NP (PP of (NP the agreement )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP Axa )NP (VP agreed (PP to (VP invest (NP (NP (QP $ 1 billion )QP )NP (PP in (NP (NP Hoylake Investments Ltd. )NP , (NP (NP Sir James 's )NP acquisition vehicle )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )PP )VP . )S 18 19 (S (PP As (NP (NP part )NP (PP of (NP the agreement )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP Axa )NP (VP agreed (S (VP to (S (VP invest (NP (QP $ 1 billion )QP )NP (PP in (NP (NP Hoylake Investments Ltd. )NP , (NP (NP Sir James 's )NP acquisition vehicle )NP )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )S )VP . )S 18 21 (S (PP As (NP (NP part )NP (PP of (NP the agreement )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP Axa )NP (VP agreed (S (VP to (VP invest (NP (NP (QP $ 1 billion )QP )NP (PP in (NP (NP Hoylake Investments Ltd. )NP , (NP (NP (NP Sir James 's )NP acquisition )NP (NP vehicle )NP )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 16 18 (S (PP As (NP part )NP )PP (PP of (NP the agreement )NP )PP , (NP Axa )NP (VP agreed (S (VP to (VP invest (NP (NP (QP $ 1 billion )QP )NP (PP in (NP (NP Hoylake Investments Ltd. )NP , (NP (NP Sir James 's )NP acquisition vehicle )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 17 17 (S (PP As (NP (NP part )NP (PP of (NP the agreement )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP Axa )NP (VP agreed (S (VP to (VP invest (NP (QP $ 1 billion )QP )NP (PP in (NP (NP Hoylake Investments Ltd. )NP , (NP Sir James 's acquisition vehicle )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 50 37 46 (S (PP Of (NP (NP the total (QP $ 5.5 billion )QP )NP (VP to (VP be (VP paid (PP to (NP Hoylake )NP )PP (PP by (NP Axa )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )NP )PP , (S (NP (QP about $ 1 billion )QP )NP (VP will (VP come (PP from (NP (NP available resources )NP (PP of (NP (NP Axa 's )NP parent )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , (S (NP (NP Axa-Midi Group )NP , (ADJP (QP $ 2.25 billion )QP )ADJP )NP (VP will (VP be (PP in (NP (NP the form )NP (PP of (NP (NP notes )NP (VP issued (PP by (NP Axa )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , and (S (NP the remaining (QP $ 2.25 billion )QP )NP (VP will (VP be (PP in (NP long-term bank loans )NP )PP )VP )VP )S . )S 37 47 (S (PP Of (NP (NP the total (QP $ 5.5 billion )QP )NP (VP to (VP be (VP paid (PP to (NP Hoylake )NP )PP (PP by (NP Axa )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )NP )PP , (S (NP (QP about $ 1 billion )QP )NP (VP will (VP come (PP from (NP (NP (ADJP available )ADJP resources )NP (PP of (NP (NP Axa 's )NP parent )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , (S (NP (NP Axa-Midi Group )NP , (ADJP (QP $ 2.25 billion )QP )ADJP )NP (VP will (VP be (PP in (NP (NP the form )NP (PP of (NP (NP notes )NP (VP issued (PP by (NP Axa )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , and (S (NP the remaining (QP $ 2.25 billion )QP )NP (VP will (VP be (PP in (NP long-term bank loans )NP )PP )VP )VP )S . )S 38 45 (S (PP Of (NP (NP the total (QP $ 5.5 billion )QP )NP (VP to (VP be (VP paid (PP to (NP Hoylake )NP )PP (PP by (NP Axa )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )NP )PP , (S (NP (QP about $ 1 billion )QP )NP (VP will (VP come (PP from (NP (NP available resources )NP (PP of (NP (NP Axa 's )NP parent )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , (S (NP Axa-Midi Group )NP , (NP (QP $ 2.25 billion )QP )NP (VP will (VP be (PP in (NP (NP the form )NP (PP of (NP (NP notes )NP (VP issued (PP by (NP Axa )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , and (S (NP the remaining (QP $ 2.25 billion )QP )NP (VP will (VP be (PP in (NP long-term bank loans )NP )PP )VP )VP )S . )S 38 46 (S (PP Of (NP (NP the total (QP $ 5.5 billion )QP )NP (VP to (VP be (VP paid (PP to (NP Hoylake )NP )PP (PP by (NP Axa )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )NP )PP , (S (NP (QP about $ 1 billion )QP )NP (VP will (VP come (PP from (NP (NP (ADJP available )ADJP resources )NP (PP of (NP (NP Axa 's )NP parent )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , (S (NP Axa-Midi Group )NP , (NP (QP $ 2.25 billion )QP )NP (VP will (VP be (PP in (NP (NP the form )NP (PP of (NP (NP notes )NP (VP issued (PP by (NP Axa )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , and (S (NP the remaining (QP $ 2.25 billion )QP )NP (VP will (VP be (PP in (NP long-term bank loans )NP )PP )VP )VP )S . )S 35 45 (S (PP Of (NP (NP the total (QP $ 5.5 billion )QP )NP (VP to (VP be (VP paid (PP to (NP Hoylake )NP )PP (PP by (NP Axa )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )NP )PP , (S (NP (QP about $ 1 billion )QP )NP (VP will (VP come (PP from (NP (NP available resources )NP (PP of (NP (NP Axa 's )NP parent )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , (S (NP (NP Axa-Midi Group )NP , (ADJP (QP $ 2.25 billion )QP )ADJP )NP (VP will (VP be (PP in (NP (NP the form )NP (PP of (NP notes )NP )PP (VP issued (PP by (NP Axa )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , and (S (NP the remaining (QP $ 2.25 billion )QP )NP (VP will (VP be (PP in (NP long-term bank loans )NP )PP )VP )VP )S . )S 36 47 (S (PP Of (NP the total (S (NP (QP $ 5.5 billion )QP )NP (VP to (VP be (VP paid (PP to (NP Hoylake )NP )PP (PP by (NP Axa )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP , (S (NP (QP about $ 1 billion )QP )NP (VP will (VP come (PP from (NP (NP available resources )NP (PP of (NP (NP Axa 's )NP parent )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , (S (NP (NP Axa-Midi Group )NP , (ADJP (QP $ 2.25 billion )QP )ADJP )NP (VP will (VP be (PP in (NP (NP the form )NP (PP of (NP (NP notes )NP (VP issued (PP by (NP Axa )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , and (S (NP the remaining (QP $ 2.25 billion )QP )NP (VP will (VP be (PP in (NP long-term bank loans )NP )PP )VP )VP )S . )S 39 47 (S (PP Of (NP (NP the total (QP $ 5.5 billion )QP )NP (VP to (VP be (VP paid (PP to (NP Hoylake )NP )PP (PP by (NP Axa )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )NP )PP , (NP (QP about $ 1 billion )QP )NP (VP will (VP come (PP from (NP (NP available resources )NP (PP of (NP (NP (NP Axa 's )NP parent )NP , (NP Axa-Midi Group )NP , (SBAR (S (S (NP (QP $ 2.25 billion )QP )NP (VP will (VP be (PP in (NP (NP the form )NP (PP of (NP (NP notes )NP (VP issued (PP by (NP Axa )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , and (S (NP the remaining (QP $ 2.25 billion )QP )NP (VP will (VP be (PP in (NP long-term bank loans )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 35 46 (S (PP Of (NP (NP the total (QP $ 5.5 billion )QP )NP (VP to (VP be (VP paid (PP to (NP Hoylake )NP )PP (PP by (NP Axa )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )NP )PP , (S (NP (QP about $ 1 billion )QP )NP (VP will (VP come (PP from (NP (NP (ADJP available )ADJP resources )NP (PP of (NP (NP Axa 's )NP parent )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , (S (NP (NP Axa-Midi Group )NP , (ADJP (QP $ 2.25 billion )QP )ADJP )NP (VP will (VP be (PP in (NP (NP the form )NP (PP of (NP notes )NP )PP (VP issued (PP by (NP Axa )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , and (S (NP the remaining (QP $ 2.25 billion )QP )NP (VP will (VP be (PP in (NP long-term bank loans )NP )PP )VP )VP )S . )S 36 44 (S (PP Of (NP (NP the total (QP $ 5.5 billion )QP )NP (VP to (VP be (VP paid (PP to (NP Hoylake )NP )PP (PP by (NP Axa )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )NP )PP , (S (NP (QP about $ 1 billion )QP )NP (VP will (VP come (PP from (NP (NP available resources )NP (PP of (NP (NP Axa 's )NP parent )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , (S (NP Axa-Midi Group )NP , (NP (QP $ 2.25 billion )QP )NP (VP will (VP be (PP in (NP (NP the form )NP (PP of (NP notes )NP )PP (VP issued (PP by (NP Axa )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , and (S (NP the remaining (QP $ 2.25 billion )QP )NP (VP will (VP be (PP in (NP long-term bank loans )NP )PP )VP )VP )S . )S 37 46 (S (S (PP Of (NP (NP the total (QP $ 5.5 billion )QP )NP (VP to (VP be (VP paid (PP to (NP Hoylake )NP )PP (PP by (NP Axa )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )NP )PP , (NP (QP about $ 1 billion )QP )NP (VP will (VP come (PP from (NP (NP available resources )NP (PP of (NP (NP Axa 's )NP parent )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , (S (NP (NP Axa-Midi Group )NP , (ADJP (QP $ 2.25 billion )QP )ADJP )NP (VP will (VP be (PP in (NP (NP the form )NP (PP of (NP (NP notes )NP (VP issued (PP by (NP Axa )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , and (S (NP the remaining (QP $ 2.25 billion )QP )NP (VP will (VP be (PP in (NP long-term bank loans )NP )PP )VP )VP )S . )S 36 48 (S (PP Of (NP the total (S (NP (QP $ 5.5 billion )QP )NP (VP to (VP be (VP paid (PP to (NP Hoylake )NP )PP (PP by (NP Axa )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP , (S (NP (QP about $ 1 billion )QP )NP (VP will (VP come (PP from (NP (NP (ADJP available )ADJP resources )NP (PP of (NP (NP Axa 's )NP parent )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , (S (NP (NP Axa-Midi Group )NP , (ADJP (QP $ 2.25 billion )QP )ADJP )NP (VP will (VP be (PP in (NP (NP the form )NP (PP of (NP (NP notes )NP (VP issued (PP by (NP Axa )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , and (S (NP the remaining (QP $ 2.25 billion )QP )NP (VP will (VP be (PP in (NP long-term bank loans )NP )PP )VP )VP )S . )S 39 48 (S (PP Of (NP (NP the total (QP $ 5.5 billion )QP )NP (VP to (VP be (VP paid (PP to (NP Hoylake )NP )PP (PP by (NP Axa )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )NP )PP , (NP (QP about $ 1 billion )QP )NP (VP will (VP come (PP from (NP (NP (ADJP available )ADJP resources )NP (PP of (NP (NP (NP Axa 's )NP parent )NP , (NP Axa-Midi Group )NP , (SBAR (S (S (NP (QP $ 2.25 billion )QP )NP (VP will (VP be (PP in (NP (NP the form )NP (PP of (NP (NP notes )NP (VP issued (PP by (NP Axa )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , and (S (NP the remaining (QP $ 2.25 billion )QP )NP (VP will (VP be (PP in (NP long-term bank loans )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 37 46 (S (PP Of (NP the total (S (NP (QP $ 5.5 billion )QP )NP (VP to (VP be (VP paid (PP to (NP Hoylake )NP )PP (PP by (NP Axa )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP , (S (NP (QP about $ 1 billion )QP )NP (VP will (VP come (PP from (NP (NP available resources )NP (PP of (NP (NP Axa 's )NP parent )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , (S (NP Axa-Midi Group )NP , (NP (QP $ 2.25 billion )QP )NP (VP will (VP be (PP in (NP (NP the form )NP (PP of (NP (NP notes )NP (VP issued (PP by (NP Axa )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , and (S (NP the remaining (QP $ 2.25 billion )QP )NP (VP will (VP be (PP in (NP long-term bank loans )NP )PP )VP )VP )S . )S 39 47 (S (PP Of (NP (NP the total (QP $ 5.5 billion )QP )NP (VP to (VP be (VP paid (PP to (NP Hoylake )NP )PP (PP by (NP Axa )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )NP )PP , (S (NP (QP about $ 1 billion )QP )NP (VP will (VP come (PP from (NP (NP available resources )NP (PP of (NP (NP (NP Axa 's )NP parent )NP , (NP Axa-Midi Group )NP , (SBAR (S (NP (QP $ 2.25 billion )QP )NP (VP will (VP be (PP in (NP (NP the form )NP (PP of (NP (NP notes )NP (VP issued (PP by (NP Axa )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , and (S (NP the remaining (QP $ 2.25 billion )QP )NP (VP will (VP be (PP in (NP long-term bank loans )NP )PP )VP )VP )S . )S 37 47 (S (PP Of (NP (NP the total (QP $ 5.5 billion )QP )NP (VP to (VP be (VP paid (PP to (NP Hoylake )NP )PP (PP by (NP Axa )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )NP )PP , (S (NP (QP about $ 1 billion )QP )NP (VP will (VP come (PP from (NP (NP available resources )NP (PP of (NP (NP Axa 's )NP parent )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , (S (NP (NP Axa-Midi Group )NP , (ADJP (QP $ 2.25 billion )QP )ADJP )NP (VP will (VP be (PP in (NP (NP the form )NP (PP of (NP (NP notes )NP (VP issued (PP by (NP Axa )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , and (S (NP the remaining (QP $ 2.25 billion )QP )NP (VP will (VP be (PP in (NP (ADJP long-term )ADJP bank loans )NP )PP )VP )VP )S . )S 36 45 (S (PP Of (NP (NP the total (QP $ 5.5 billion )QP )NP (VP to (VP be (VP paid (PP to (NP Hoylake )NP )PP (PP by (NP Axa )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )NP )PP , (S (NP (QP about $ 1 billion )QP )NP (VP will (VP come (PP from (NP (NP (ADJP available )ADJP resources )NP (PP of (NP (NP Axa 's )NP parent )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , (S (NP Axa-Midi Group )NP , (NP (QP $ 2.25 billion )QP )NP (VP will (VP be (PP in (NP (NP the form )NP (PP of (NP notes )NP )PP (VP issued (PP by (NP Axa )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , and (S (NP the remaining (QP $ 2.25 billion )QP )NP (VP will (VP be (PP in (NP long-term bank loans )NP )PP )VP )VP )S . )S 38 46 (S (PP Of (NP (NP the total (QP $ 5.5 billion )QP )NP (VP to (VP be (VP paid (PP to (NP Hoylake )NP )PP (PP by (NP Axa )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )NP )PP , (S (NP (QP about $ 1 billion )QP )NP (VP will (VP come (PP from (NP (NP available resources )NP (PP of (NP (NP Axa 's )NP parent )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , (S (NP (NP Axa-Midi Group )NP , (NP (QP $ 2.25 billion )QP )NP )NP (VP will (VP be (PP in (NP (NP the form )NP (PP of (NP (NP notes )NP (VP issued (PP by (NP Axa )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , and (S (NP the remaining (QP $ 2.25 billion )QP )NP (VP will (VP be (PP in (NP long-term bank loans )NP )PP )VP )VP )S . )S 35 46 (S (SBAR Of (S (NP the total (QP $ 5.5 billion )QP )NP (VP to (VP be (VP paid (PP to (NP Hoylake )NP )PP (PP by (NP Axa )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (S (NP (QP about $ 1 billion )QP )NP (VP will (VP come (PP from (NP (NP available resources )NP (PP of (NP (NP Axa 's )NP parent )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , (S (NP (NP Axa-Midi Group )NP , (ADJP (QP $ 2.25 billion )QP )ADJP )NP (VP will (VP be (PP in (NP (NP the form )NP (PP of (NP (NP notes )NP (VP issued (PP by (NP Axa )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , and (S (NP the remaining (QP $ 2.25 billion )QP )NP (VP will (VP be (PP in (NP long-term bank loans )NP )PP )VP )VP )S . )S 34 47 (S (PP Of (NP (NP (NP the total (QP $ 5.5 billion )QP )NP (VP to (VP be (VP paid (PP to (NP Hoylake )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )NP (PP by (NP Axa )NP )PP )NP )PP , (S (NP (QP about $ 1 billion )QP )NP (VP will (VP come (PP from (NP (NP available resources )NP (PP of (NP (NP Axa 's )NP parent )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , (S (NP (NP Axa-Midi Group )NP , (ADJP (QP $ 2.25 billion )QP )ADJP )NP (VP will (VP be (PP in (NP (NP the form )NP (PP of (NP (NP notes )NP (VP issued (PP by (NP Axa )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , and (S (NP the remaining (QP $ 2.25 billion )QP )NP (VP will (VP be (PP in (NP long-term bank loans )NP )PP )VP )VP )S . )S 36 49 (S (PP Of (NP (NP the total )NP (SBAR (S (NP (QP $ 5.5 billion )QP )NP (VP to (VP be (VP paid (PP to (NP Hoylake )NP )PP (PP by (NP Axa )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP , (S (NP (QP about $ 1 billion )QP )NP (VP will (VP come (PP from (NP (NP available resources )NP (PP of (NP (NP Axa 's )NP parent )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , (S (NP (NP Axa-Midi Group )NP , (ADJP (QP $ 2.25 billion )QP )ADJP )NP (VP will (VP be (PP in (NP (NP the form )NP (PP of (NP (NP notes )NP (VP issued (PP by (NP Axa )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , and (S (NP the remaining (QP $ 2.25 billion )QP )NP (VP will (VP be (PP in (NP long-term bank loans )NP )PP )VP )VP )S . )S 37 47 (S (S (PP Of (NP (NP the total (QP $ 5.5 billion )QP )NP (VP to (VP be (VP paid (PP to (NP Hoylake )NP )PP (PP by (NP Axa )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )NP )PP , (NP (QP about $ 1 billion )QP )NP (VP will (VP come (PP from (NP (NP (ADJP available )ADJP resources )NP (PP of (NP (NP Axa 's )NP parent )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , (S (NP (NP Axa-Midi Group )NP , (ADJP (QP $ 2.25 billion )QP )ADJP )NP (VP will (VP be (PP in (NP (NP the form )NP (PP of (NP (NP notes )NP (VP issued (PP by (NP Axa )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , and (S (NP the remaining (QP $ 2.25 billion )QP )NP (VP will (VP be (PP in (NP long-term bank loans )NP )PP )VP )VP )S . )S 38 45 (S (S (PP Of (NP (NP the total (QP $ 5.5 billion )QP )NP (VP to (VP be (VP paid (PP to (NP Hoylake )NP )PP (PP by (NP Axa )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )NP )PP , (NP (QP about $ 1 billion )QP )NP (VP will (VP come (PP from (NP (NP available resources )NP (PP of (NP (NP Axa 's )NP parent )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , (S (NP Axa-Midi Group )NP , (NP (QP $ 2.25 billion )QP )NP (VP will (VP be (PP in (NP (NP the form )NP (PP of (NP (NP notes )NP (VP issued (PP by (NP Axa )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , and (S (NP the remaining (QP $ 2.25 billion )QP )NP (VP will (VP be (PP in (NP long-term bank loans )NP )PP )VP )VP )S . )S 37 46 (S (PP Of (NP (NP the total (QP $ 5.5 billion )QP )NP (VP to (VP be (VP paid (PP to (NP Hoylake )NP )PP (PP by (NP Axa )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )NP )PP , (S (NP (QP about $ 1 billion )QP )NP (VP will (VP come (PP from (NP (NP available resources )NP (PP of (NP (NP Axa 's )NP parent )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , (S (NP (NP Axa-Midi Group )NP , (ADJP (QP $ 2.25 billion )QP )ADJP )NP (VP will (VP be (PP in (NP (NP the form )NP (PP of (NP (NP notes )NP (VP issued (PP by (NP Axa )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , and (S (NP the remaining (QP $ 2.25 billion )QP )NP (VP will (VP be (PP in (NP long-term bank loans )NP )PP )VP )VP )S . )S 37 45 (S (PP Of (NP (NP the total (QP $ 5.5 billion )QP )NP (VP to (VP be (VP paid (PP to (NP Hoylake )NP )PP (PP by (NP Axa )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )NP )PP , (S (NP (QP about $ 1 billion )QP )NP (VP will (VP come (PP from (NP available resources )NP )PP (PP of (NP (NP Axa 's )NP parent )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , (S (NP (NP Axa-Midi Group )NP , (ADJP (QP $ 2.25 billion )QP )ADJP )NP (VP will (VP be (PP in (NP (NP the form )NP (PP of (NP (NP notes )NP (VP issued (PP by (NP Axa )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , and (S (NP the remaining (QP $ 2.25 billion )QP )NP (VP will (VP be (PP in (NP long-term bank loans )NP )PP )VP )VP )S . )S 37 47 (S (PP Of (NP the total (S (NP (QP $ 5.5 billion )QP )NP (VP to (VP be (VP paid (PP to (NP Hoylake )NP )PP (PP by (NP Axa )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP , (S (NP (QP about $ 1 billion )QP )NP (VP will (VP come (PP from (NP (NP (ADJP available )ADJP resources )NP (PP of (NP (NP Axa 's )NP parent )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , (S (NP Axa-Midi Group )NP , (NP (QP $ 2.25 billion )QP )NP (VP will (VP be (PP in (NP (NP the form )NP (PP of (NP (NP notes )NP (VP issued (PP by (NP Axa )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , and (S (NP the remaining (QP $ 2.25 billion )QP )NP (VP will (VP be (PP in (NP long-term bank loans )NP )PP )VP )VP )S . )S 39 48 (S (PP Of (NP (NP the total (QP $ 5.5 billion )QP )NP (VP to (VP be (VP paid (PP to (NP Hoylake )NP )PP (PP by (NP Axa )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )NP )PP , (S (NP (QP about $ 1 billion )QP )NP (VP will (VP come (PP from (NP (NP (ADJP available )ADJP resources )NP (PP of (NP (NP (NP Axa 's )NP parent )NP , (NP Axa-Midi Group )NP , (SBAR (S (NP (QP $ 2.25 billion )QP )NP (VP will (VP be (PP in (NP (NP the form )NP (PP of (NP (NP notes )NP (VP issued (PP by (NP Axa )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , and (S (NP the remaining (QP $ 2.25 billion )QP )NP (VP will (VP be (PP in (NP long-term bank loans )NP )PP )VP )VP )S . )S 37 48 (S (PP Of (NP (NP the total (QP $ 5.5 billion )QP )NP (VP to (VP be (VP paid (PP to (NP Hoylake )NP )PP (PP by (NP Axa )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )NP )PP , (S (NP (QP about $ 1 billion )QP )NP (VP will (VP come (PP from (NP (NP (ADJP available )ADJP resources )NP (PP of (NP (NP Axa 's )NP parent )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , (S (NP (NP Axa-Midi Group )NP , (ADJP (QP $ 2.25 billion )QP )ADJP )NP (VP will (VP be (PP in (NP (NP the form )NP (PP of (NP (NP notes )NP (VP issued (PP by (NP Axa )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , and (S (NP the remaining (QP $ 2.25 billion )QP )NP (VP will (VP be (PP in (NP (ADJP long-term )ADJP bank loans )NP )PP )VP )VP )S . )S 38 47 (S (PP Of (NP (NP the total (QP $ 5.5 billion )QP )NP (VP to (VP be (VP paid (PP to (NP Hoylake )NP )PP (PP by (NP Axa )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )NP )PP , (S (NP (QP about $ 1 billion )QP )NP (VP will (VP come (PP from (NP (NP (ADJP available )ADJP resources )NP (PP of (NP (NP Axa 's )NP parent )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , (S (NP (NP Axa-Midi Group )NP , (NP (QP $ 2.25 billion )QP )NP )NP (VP will (VP be (PP in (NP (NP the form )NP (PP of (NP (NP notes )NP (VP issued (PP by (NP Axa )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , and (S (NP the remaining (QP $ 2.25 billion )QP )NP (VP will (VP be (PP in (NP long-term bank loans )NP )PP )VP )VP )S . )S 34 46 (S (PP Of (NP (NP the total (QP $ 5.5 billion )QP )NP (VP to (VP be (VP paid (PP to (NP Hoylake )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP (PP by (NP Axa )NP )PP )NP )PP , (S (NP (QP about $ 1 billion )QP )NP (VP will (VP come (PP from (NP (NP available resources )NP (PP of (NP (NP Axa 's )NP parent )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , (S (NP (NP Axa-Midi Group )NP , (ADJP (QP $ 2.25 billion )QP )ADJP )NP (VP will (VP be (PP in (NP (NP the form )NP (PP of (NP (NP notes )NP (VP issued (PP by (NP Axa )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , and (S (NP the remaining (QP $ 2.25 billion )QP )NP (VP will (VP be (PP in (NP long-term bank loans )NP )PP )VP )VP )S . )S 35 47 (S (SBAR Of (S (NP the total (QP $ 5.5 billion )QP )NP (VP to (VP be (VP paid (PP to (NP Hoylake )NP )PP (PP by (NP Axa )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (S (NP (QP about $ 1 billion )QP )NP (VP will (VP come (PP from (NP (NP (ADJP available )ADJP resources )NP (PP of (NP (NP Axa 's )NP parent )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , (S (NP (NP Axa-Midi Group )NP , (ADJP (QP $ 2.25 billion )QP )ADJP )NP (VP will (VP be (PP in (NP (NP the form )NP (PP of (NP (NP notes )NP (VP issued (PP by (NP Axa )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , and (S (NP the remaining (QP $ 2.25 billion )QP )NP (VP will (VP be (PP in (NP long-term bank loans )NP )PP )VP )VP )S . )S 34 48 (S (PP Of (NP (NP (NP the total (QP $ 5.5 billion )QP )NP (VP to (VP be (VP paid (PP to (NP Hoylake )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )NP (PP by (NP Axa )NP )PP )NP )PP , (S (NP (QP about $ 1 billion )QP )NP (VP will (VP come (PP from (NP (NP (ADJP available )ADJP resources )NP (PP of (NP (NP Axa 's )NP parent )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , (S (NP (NP Axa-Midi Group )NP , (ADJP (QP $ 2.25 billion )QP )ADJP )NP (VP will (VP be (PP in (NP (NP the form )NP (PP of (NP (NP notes )NP (VP issued (PP by (NP Axa )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , and (S (NP the remaining (QP $ 2.25 billion )QP )NP (VP will (VP be (PP in (NP long-term bank loans )NP )PP )VP )VP )S . )S 36 50 (S (PP Of (NP (NP the total )NP (SBAR (S (NP (QP $ 5.5 billion )QP )NP (VP to (VP be (VP paid (PP to (NP Hoylake )NP )PP (PP by (NP Axa )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP , (S (NP (QP about $ 1 billion )QP )NP (VP will (VP come (PP from (NP (NP (ADJP available )ADJP resources )NP (PP of (NP (NP Axa 's )NP parent )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , (S (NP (NP Axa-Midi Group )NP , (ADJP (QP $ 2.25 billion )QP )ADJP )NP (VP will (VP be (PP in (NP (NP the form )NP (PP of (NP (NP notes )NP (VP issued (PP by (NP Axa )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , and (S (NP the remaining (QP $ 2.25 billion )QP )NP (VP will (VP be (PP in (NP long-term bank loans )NP )PP )VP )VP )S . )S 38 46 (S (PP Of (NP (NP the total (QP $ 5.5 billion )QP )NP (VP to (VP be (VP paid (PP to (NP Hoylake )NP )PP (PP by (NP Axa )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )NP )PP , (S (NP (QP about $ 1 billion )QP )NP (VP will (VP come (PP from (NP (NP available resources )NP (PP of (NP (NP Axa 's )NP parent )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , (S (NP Axa-Midi Group )NP , (NP (QP $ 2.25 billion )QP )NP (VP will (VP be (PP in (NP (NP the form )NP (PP of (NP (NP notes )NP (VP issued (PP by (NP Axa )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , and (S (NP the remaining (QP $ 2.25 billion )QP )NP (VP will (VP be (PP in (NP (ADJP long-term )ADJP bank loans )NP )PP )VP )VP )S . )S 34 46 (S (PP Of (NP the total (S (NP (QP $ 5.5 billion )QP )NP (VP to (VP be (VP paid (PP to (NP Hoylake )NP )PP (PP by (NP Axa )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP , (S (NP (QP about $ 1 billion )QP )NP (VP will (VP come (PP from (NP (NP available resources )NP (PP of (NP (NP Axa 's )NP parent )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , (S (NP (NP Axa-Midi Group )NP , (ADJP (QP $ 2.25 billion )QP )ADJP )NP (VP will (VP be (PP in (NP (NP the form )NP (PP of (NP notes )NP )PP (VP issued (PP by (NP Axa )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , and (S (NP the remaining (QP $ 2.25 billion )QP )NP (VP will (VP be (PP in (NP long-term bank loans )NP )PP )VP )VP )S . )S 36 45 (S (SBAR Of (S (NP the total (QP $ 5.5 billion )QP )NP (VP to (VP be (VP paid (PP to (NP Hoylake )NP )PP (PP by (NP Axa )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (S (NP (QP about $ 1 billion )QP )NP (VP will (VP come (PP from (NP (NP available resources )NP (PP of (NP (NP Axa 's )NP parent )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , (S (NP Axa-Midi Group )NP , (NP (QP $ 2.25 billion )QP )NP (VP will (VP be (PP in (NP (NP the form )NP (PP of (NP (NP notes )NP (VP issued (PP by (NP Axa )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , and (S (NP the remaining (QP $ 2.25 billion )QP )NP (VP will (VP be (PP in (NP long-term bank loans )NP )PP )VP )VP )S . )S 35 46 (S (PP Of (NP (NP (NP the total (QP $ 5.5 billion )QP )NP (VP to (VP be (VP paid (PP to (NP Hoylake )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )NP (PP by (NP Axa )NP )PP )NP )PP , (S (NP (QP about $ 1 billion )QP )NP (VP will (VP come (PP from (NP (NP available resources )NP (PP of (NP (NP Axa 's )NP parent )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , (S (NP Axa-Midi Group )NP , (NP (QP $ 2.25 billion )QP )NP (VP will (VP be (PP in (NP (NP the form )NP (PP of (NP (NP notes )NP (VP issued (PP by (NP Axa )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , and (S (NP the remaining (QP $ 2.25 billion )QP )NP (VP will (VP be (PP in (NP long-term bank loans )NP )PP )VP )VP )S . )S 37 48 (S (PP Of (NP (NP the total )NP (SBAR (S (NP (QP $ 5.5 billion )QP )NP (VP to (VP be (VP paid (PP to (NP Hoylake )NP )PP (PP by (NP Axa )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP , (S (NP (QP about $ 1 billion )QP )NP (VP will (VP come (PP from (NP (NP available resources )NP (PP of (NP (NP Axa 's )NP parent )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , (S (NP Axa-Midi Group )NP , (NP (QP $ 2.25 billion )QP )NP (VP will (VP be (PP in (NP (NP the form )NP (PP of (NP (NP notes )NP (VP issued (PP by (NP Axa )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , and (S (NP the remaining (QP $ 2.25 billion )QP )NP (VP will (VP be (PP in (NP long-term bank loans )NP )PP )VP )VP )S . )S 37 46 (S (PP Of (NP (NP the total (QP $ 5.5 billion )QP )NP (VP to (VP be (VP paid (PP to (NP Hoylake )NP )PP (PP by (NP Axa )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )NP )PP , (S (NP (QP about $ 1 billion )QP )NP (VP will (VP come (PP from (NP (NP available resources )NP (PP of (NP (NP Axa 's )NP parent )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , (S (NP (NP Axa-Midi Group )NP , (ADJP (QP $ 2.25 billion )QP )ADJP )NP (VP will (VP be (PP in (NP (NP the form )NP (PP of (NP (NP notes )NP (VP issued (PP by (NP Axa )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , and (S (NP the remaining (QP $ 2.25 billion )QP )NP (VP will (VP be (PP in (NP long-term bank loans )NP )PP )VP )VP )S . )S 37 46 (S (PP Of (NP (NP the total (QP $ 5.5 billion )QP )NP (VP to (VP be (VP paid (PP to (NP Hoylake )NP )PP (PP by (NP Axa )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )NP )PP , (NP (QP about $ 1 billion )QP )NP (VP will (VP come (PP from (NP (NP available resources )NP (PP of (NP (NP (NP Axa 's )NP parent )NP , (NP Axa-Midi Group )NP , (SBAR (S (S (NP (QP $ 2.25 billion )QP )NP (VP will (VP be (PP in (NP (NP the form )NP (PP of (NP notes )NP )PP (VP issued (PP by (NP Axa )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , and (S (NP the remaining (QP $ 2.25 billion )QP )NP (VP will (VP be (PP in (NP long-term bank loans )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 38 46 (S (S (PP Of (NP (NP the total (QP $ 5.5 billion )QP )NP (VP to (VP be (VP paid (PP to (NP Hoylake )NP )PP (PP by (NP Axa )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )NP )PP , (NP (QP about $ 1 billion )QP )NP (VP will (VP come (PP from (NP (NP (ADJP available )ADJP resources )NP (PP of (NP (NP Axa 's )NP parent )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , (S (NP Axa-Midi Group )NP , (NP (QP $ 2.25 billion )QP )NP (VP will (VP be (PP in (NP (NP the form )NP (PP of (NP (NP notes )NP (VP issued (PP by (NP Axa )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , and (S (NP the remaining (QP $ 2.25 billion )QP )NP (VP will (VP be (PP in (NP long-term bank loans )NP )PP )VP )VP )S . )S 37 47 (S (PP Of (NP (NP the total (QP $ 5.5 billion )QP )NP (VP to (VP be (VP paid (PP to (NP Hoylake )NP )PP (PP by (NP Axa )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )NP )PP , (S (NP (QP about $ 1 billion )QP )NP (VP will (VP come (PP from (NP (NP (ADJP available )ADJP resources )NP (PP of (NP (NP Axa 's )NP parent )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , (S (NP (NP Axa-Midi Group )NP , (ADJP (QP $ 2.25 billion )QP )ADJP )NP (VP will (VP be (PP in (NP (NP the form )NP (PP of (NP (NP notes )NP (VP issued (PP by (NP Axa )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , and (S (NP the remaining (QP $ 2.25 billion )QP )NP (VP will (VP be (PP in (NP long-term bank loans )NP )PP )VP )VP )S . )S 37 44 (S (PP Of (NP (NP the total (QP $ 5.5 billion )QP )NP (VP to (VP be (VP paid (PP to (NP Hoylake )NP )PP (PP by (NP Axa )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )NP )PP , (S (NP (QP about $ 1 billion )QP )NP (VP will (VP come (PP from (NP (NP available resources )NP (PP of (NP (NP Axa 's )NP parent )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , (S (NP Axa-Midi Group )NP , (NP $ 2.25 billion )NP (VP will (VP be (PP in (NP (NP the form )NP (PP of (NP (NP notes )NP (VP issued (PP by (NP Axa )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , and (S (NP the remaining (QP $ 2.25 billion )QP )NP (VP will (VP be (PP in (NP long-term bank loans )NP )PP )VP )VP )S . )S 37 47 (S (PP Of (NP (NP the total (QP $ 5.5 billion )QP )NP (VP to (VP be (VP paid (PP to (NP Hoylake )NP )PP (PP by (NP Axa )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )NP )PP , (S (NP (QP about $ 1 billion )QP )NP (VP will (VP come (PP from (NP (NP available resources )NP (PP of (NP (NP Axa 's )NP parent )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , (S (NP (NP Axa-Midi Group )NP , (ADJP (QP $ 2.25 billion )QP )ADJP )NP (VP will (VP be (PP in (NP (NP the form )NP (PP of (NP (NP notes )NP (VP issued (PP by (NP Axa )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , and (S (NP the remaining (QP $ 2.25 billion )QP )NP (VP will (VP be (VP (PP in (NP long-term bank loans )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S . )S 38 45 (S (PP Of (NP (NP the total (QP $ 5.5 billion )QP )NP (VP to (VP be (VP paid (PP to (NP Hoylake )NP )PP (PP by (NP Axa )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )NP )PP , (S (NP (QP about $ 1 billion )QP )NP (VP will (VP come (PP from (NP (NP available resources )NP (PP of (NP (NP Axa 's )NP parent )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , (S (NP Axa-Midi Group )NP , (NP (QP $ 2.25 billion )QP )NP (VP will (VP be (PP in (NP (NP the form )NP (PP of (NP (NP notes )NP (VP issued (PP by (NP Axa )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , and (S (NP the remaining (QP $ 2.25 billion )QP )NP (VP will (VP be (PP in (NP long-term bank loans )NP )PP )VP )VP )S . )S 38 44 (S (PP Of (NP (NP the total (QP $ 5.5 billion )QP )NP (VP to (VP be (VP paid (PP to (NP Hoylake )NP )PP (PP by (NP Axa )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )NP )PP , (S (NP (QP about $ 1 billion )QP )NP (VP will (VP come (PP from (NP available resources )NP )PP (PP of (NP (NP Axa 's )NP parent )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , (S (NP Axa-Midi Group )NP , (NP (QP $ 2.25 billion )QP )NP (VP will (VP be (PP in (NP (NP the form )NP (PP of (NP (NP notes )NP (VP issued (PP by (NP Axa )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , and (S (NP the remaining (QP $ 2.25 billion )QP )NP (VP will (VP be (PP in (NP long-term bank loans )NP )PP )VP )VP )S . )S 39 47 (S (S (PP Of (NP (NP the total (QP $ 5.5 billion )QP )NP (VP to (VP be (VP paid (PP to (NP Hoylake )NP )PP (PP by (NP Axa )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )NP )PP , (NP (QP about $ 1 billion )QP )NP (VP will (VP come (PP from (NP (NP available resources )NP (PP of (NP (NP (NP Axa 's )NP parent )NP , (NP Axa-Midi Group )NP , (SBAR (S (NP (QP $ 2.25 billion )QP )NP (VP will (VP be (PP in (NP (NP the form )NP (PP of (NP (NP notes )NP (VP issued (PP by (NP Axa )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , and (S (NP the remaining (QP $ 2.25 billion )QP )NP (VP will (VP be (PP in (NP long-term bank loans )NP )PP )VP )VP )S . )S 37 46 (S (PP Of (NP (NP the total (QP $ 5.5 billion )QP )NP (VP to (VP be (VP paid (PP to (NP Hoylake )NP )PP (PP by (NP Axa )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )NP )PP , (S (NP (QP about $ 1 billion )QP )NP (VP will (VP come (PP from (NP (ADJP available )ADJP resources )NP )PP (PP of (NP (NP Axa 's )NP parent )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , (S (NP (NP Axa-Midi Group )NP , (ADJP (QP $ 2.25 billion )QP )ADJP )NP (VP will (VP be (PP in (NP (NP the form )NP (PP of (NP (NP notes )NP (VP issued (PP by (NP Axa )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , and (S (NP the remaining (QP $ 2.25 billion )QP )NP (VP will (VP be (PP in (NP long-term bank loans )NP )PP )VP )VP )S . )S 36 46 (S (PP Of (S (NP the total (QP $ 5.5 billion )QP )NP (VP to (VP be (VP paid (PP to (NP Hoylake )NP )PP (PP by (NP Axa )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )PP , (S (NP (QP about $ 1 billion )QP )NP (VP will (VP come (PP from (NP (NP available resources )NP (PP of (NP (NP Axa 's )NP parent )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , (S (NP (NP Axa-Midi Group )NP , (ADJP (QP $ 2.25 billion )QP )ADJP )NP (VP will (VP be (PP in (NP (NP the form )NP (PP of (NP (NP notes )NP (VP issued (PP by (NP Axa )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , and (S (NP the remaining (QP $ 2.25 billion )QP )NP (VP will (VP be (PP in (NP long-term bank loans )NP )PP )VP )VP )S . )S 34 47 (S (PP Of (NP (NP the total (QP $ 5.5 billion )QP )NP (VP to (VP be (VP paid (PP to (NP Hoylake )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP (PP by (NP Axa )NP )PP )NP )PP , (S (NP (QP about $ 1 billion )QP )NP (VP will (VP come (PP from (NP (NP (ADJP available )ADJP resources )NP (PP of (NP (NP Axa 's )NP parent )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , (S (NP (NP Axa-Midi Group )NP , (ADJP (QP $ 2.25 billion )QP )ADJP )NP (VP will (VP be (PP in (NP (NP the form )NP (PP of (NP (NP notes )NP (VP issued (PP by (NP Axa )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , and (S (NP the remaining (QP $ 2.25 billion )QP )NP (VP will (VP be (PP in (NP long-term bank loans )NP )PP )VP )VP )S . )S 35 45 (S (S (PP Of (NP (NP the total (QP $ 5.5 billion )QP )NP (VP to (VP be (VP paid (PP to (NP Hoylake )NP )PP (PP by (NP Axa )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )NP )PP , (NP (QP about $ 1 billion )QP )NP (VP will (VP come (PP from (NP (NP available resources )NP (PP of (NP (NP Axa 's )NP parent )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , (S (NP (NP Axa-Midi Group )NP , (ADJP (QP $ 2.25 billion )QP )ADJP )NP (VP will (VP be (PP in (NP (NP the form )NP (PP of (NP notes )NP )PP (VP issued (PP by (NP Axa )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , and (S (NP the remaining (QP $ 2.25 billion )QP )NP (VP will (VP be (PP in (NP long-term bank loans )NP )PP )VP )VP )S . )S 50 37 38 (S (PP In (NP an interview )NP )PP (NP Thursday )NP , (NP (NP Claude Bebear )NP , (NP (NP (NP chairman )NP and (NP chief executive officer )NP )NP (PP of (NP Axa )NP )PP )NP , )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP his group )NP (VP has (ADVP already )ADVP (VP obtained (NP (NP assurances )NP (PP from (NP (NP a group )NP (PP of (NP banks )NP )PP (VP led (PP by (NP Cie . Financiere de Paribas )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP (SBAR that (S (NP they )NP (VP can (VP provide (NP (NP the loan portion )NP (PP of (NP the financing )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 37 38 (S (PP In (NP an interview )NP )PP (NP Thursday )NP , (NP (NP Claude Bebear )NP , (NP (NP (NP chairman )NP and (NP chief executive officer )NP )NP (PP of (NP Axa )NP )PP )NP , )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP his group )NP (VP has (ADVP already )ADVP (VP obtained (NP (NP assurances )NP (PP from (NP (NP a group )NP (PP of (NP banks )NP )PP (VP led (PP by (NP Cie . Financiere de Paribas )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP (SBAR that (S (NP they )NP (VP can (VP provide (NP (NP the loan portion )NP (PP of (NP the financing )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 39 39 (S (PP In (NP an interview )NP )PP (NP Thursday )NP , (NP (NP Claude Bebear )NP , (NP (NP (NP chairman )NP and (NP chief executive officer )NP )NP (PP of (NP Axa )NP )PP )NP , )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP his group )NP (VP has (ADVP already )ADVP (VP obtained (NP (NP assurances )NP (PP from (NP (NP a group )NP (PP of (NP (NP banks )NP (VP led (PP by (NP Cie . Financiere de Paribas )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP (SBAR that (S (NP they )NP (VP can (VP provide (NP (NP the loan portion )NP (PP of (NP the financing )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 39 39 (S (PP In (NP an interview )NP )PP (NP Thursday )NP , (NP (NP Claude Bebear )NP , (NP (NP (NP chairman )NP and (NP chief executive officer )NP )NP (PP of (NP Axa )NP )PP )NP , )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP his group )NP (VP has (ADVP already )ADVP (VP obtained (NP (NP assurances )NP (PP from (NP (NP a group )NP (PP of (NP (NP banks )NP (VP led (PP by (NP Cie . Financiere de Paribas )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP (SBAR that (S (NP they )NP (VP can (VP provide (NP (NP the loan portion )NP (PP of (NP the financing )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 37 38 (S (PP In (NP an interview )NP )PP (NP Thursday )NP , (NP (NP Claude Bebear )NP , (NP (NP (NP chairman )NP and (NP chief executive officer )NP )NP (PP of (NP Axa )NP )PP )NP , )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP his group )NP (VP has (ADVP already )ADVP (VP obtained (NP (NP assurances )NP (PP from (NP (NP a group )NP (PP of (NP banks )NP )PP (VP led (PP by (NP Cie . Financiere de Paribas )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP (SBAR that (S (NP they )NP (VP can (VP provide (NP (NP the loan portion )NP (PP of (NP the financing )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 37 39 (S (PP In (NP an interview )NP )PP (NP Thursday )NP , (NP (NP Claude Bebear )NP , (NP (NP (NP chairman )NP and (NP chief executive officer )NP )NP (PP of (NP Axa )NP )PP )NP , )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP his group )NP (VP has (ADVP already )ADVP (VP obtained (NP (NP assurances )NP (PP from (NP (NP a group )NP (PP of (NP banks )NP )PP (VP led (PP by (NP Cie . Financiere de Paribas )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP they )NP (VP can (VP provide (NP (NP the loan portion )NP (PP of (NP the financing )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 37 39 (S (PP In (NP an interview )NP )PP (NP Thursday )NP , (NP (NP Claude Bebear )NP , (NP (NP (NP chairman )NP and (NP chief executive officer )NP )NP (PP of (NP Axa )NP )PP )NP , )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP his group )NP (VP has (ADVP already )ADVP (VP obtained (NP (NP assurances )NP (PP from (NP (NP a group )NP (PP of (NP banks )NP )PP (VP led (PP by (NP Cie . Financiere de Paribas )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP they )NP (VP can (VP provide (NP (NP the loan portion )NP (PP of (NP the financing )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 39 39 (S (PP In (NP an interview )NP )PP (NP Thursday )NP , (NP (NP Claude Bebear )NP , (NP (NP (NP chairman )NP and (NP chief executive officer )NP )NP (PP of (NP Axa )NP )PP )NP , )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP his group )NP (VP has (ADVP already )ADVP (VP obtained (NP (NP assurances )NP (PP from (NP (NP a group )NP (PP of (NP (NP banks )NP (VP led (PP by (NP Cie . Financiere de Paribas )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP (SBAR that (S (NP they )NP (VP can (VP provide (NP (NP the loan portion )NP (PP of (NP the financing )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 37 38 (S (PP In (NP an interview )NP )PP (NP Thursday )NP , (NP (NP Claude Bebear )NP , (NP (NP (NP chairman )NP and (NP chief executive officer )NP )NP (PP of (NP Axa )NP )PP )NP , )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP his group )NP (VP has (ADVP already )ADVP (VP obtained (NP (NP assurances )NP (PP from (NP (NP a group )NP (PP of (NP banks )NP )PP (VP led (PP by (NP Cie . Financiere de Paribas )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP (SBAR that (S (NP they )NP (VP can (VP provide (NP (NP the loan portion )NP (PP of (NP the financing )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 39 40 (S (PP In (NP an interview )NP )PP (NP Thursday )NP , (NP (NP Claude Bebear )NP , (NP (NP (NP chairman )NP and (NP chief executive officer )NP )NP (PP of (NP Axa )NP )PP )NP , )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP his group )NP (VP has (ADVP already )ADVP (VP obtained (NP (NP assurances )NP (PP from (NP (NP a group )NP (PP of (NP (NP banks )NP (VP led (PP by (NP Cie . Financiere de Paribas )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP they )NP (VP can (VP provide (NP (NP the loan portion )NP (PP of (NP the financing )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 39 40 (S (PP In (NP an interview )NP )PP (NP Thursday )NP , (NP (NP Claude Bebear )NP , (NP (NP (NP chairman )NP and (NP chief executive officer )NP )NP (PP of (NP Axa )NP )PP )NP , )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP his group )NP (VP has (ADVP already )ADVP (VP obtained (NP (NP assurances )NP (PP from (NP (NP a group )NP (PP of (NP (NP banks )NP (VP led (PP by (NP Cie . Financiere de Paribas )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP they )NP (VP can (VP provide (NP (NP the loan portion )NP (PP of (NP the financing )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 39 39 (S (PP In (NP an interview )NP )PP (NP Thursday )NP , (NP (NP Claude Bebear )NP , (NP (NP (NP chairman )NP and (NP chief executive officer )NP )NP (PP of (NP Axa )NP )PP )NP , )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP his group )NP (VP has (ADVP already )ADVP (VP obtained (NP (NP assurances )NP (PP from (NP (NP a group )NP (PP of (NP (NP banks )NP (VP led (PP by (NP Cie . Financiere de Paribas )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP (SBAR that (S (NP they )NP (VP can (VP provide (NP (NP the loan portion )NP (PP of (NP the financing )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 37 39 (S (PP In (NP an interview )NP )PP (NP Thursday )NP , (NP (NP Claude Bebear )NP , (NP (NP (NP chairman )NP and (NP chief executive officer )NP )NP (PP of (NP Axa )NP )PP )NP , )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP his group )NP (VP has (ADVP already )ADVP (VP obtained (NP (NP assurances )NP (PP from (NP (NP a group )NP (PP of (NP banks )NP )PP (VP led (PP by (NP Cie . Financiere de Paribas )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP they )NP (VP can (VP provide (NP (NP the loan portion )NP (PP of (NP the financing )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 36 39 (S (PP In (NP (NP an interview )NP (NP Thursday )NP )NP )PP , (NP (NP Claude Bebear )NP , (NP (NP (NP chairman )NP and (NP chief executive officer )NP )NP (PP of (NP Axa )NP )PP )NP , )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP his group )NP (VP has (ADVP already )ADVP (VP obtained (NP (NP assurances )NP (PP from (NP (NP a group )NP (PP of (NP banks )NP )PP (VP led (PP by (NP Cie . Financiere de Paribas )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP (SBAR that (S (NP they )NP (VP can (VP provide (NP (NP the loan portion )NP (PP of (NP the financing )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 36 39 (S (PP In (NP (NP an interview )NP (NP Thursday )NP )NP )PP , (NP (NP Claude Bebear )NP , (NP (NP (NP chairman )NP and (NP chief executive officer )NP )NP (PP of (NP Axa )NP )PP )NP , )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP his group )NP (VP has (ADVP already )ADVP (VP obtained (NP (NP assurances )NP (PP from (NP (NP a group )NP (PP of (NP banks )NP )PP (VP led (PP by (NP Cie . Financiere de Paribas )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP (SBAR that (S (NP they )NP (VP can (VP provide (NP (NP the loan portion )NP (PP of (NP the financing )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 36 38 (S (PP In (NP an interview )NP )PP (NP Thursday )NP , (NP (NP Claude Bebear )NP , (NP (NP chairman )NP and (NP (NP chief executive officer )NP (PP of (NP Axa )NP )PP )NP )NP , )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP his group )NP (VP has (ADVP already )ADVP (VP obtained (NP (NP assurances )NP (PP from (NP (NP a group )NP (PP of (NP banks )NP )PP (VP led (PP by (NP Cie . Financiere de Paribas )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP (SBAR that (S (NP they )NP (VP can (VP provide (NP (NP the loan portion )NP (PP of (NP the financing )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 39 40 (S (PP In (NP an interview )NP )PP (NP Thursday )NP , (NP (NP Claude Bebear )NP , (NP (NP (NP chairman )NP and (NP chief executive officer )NP )NP (PP of (NP Axa )NP )PP )NP , )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP his group )NP (VP has (ADVP already )ADVP (VP obtained (NP (NP assurances )NP (PP from (NP (NP a group )NP (PP of (NP (NP banks )NP (VP led (PP by (NP Cie . Financiere de Paribas )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP they )NP (VP can (VP provide (NP (NP the loan portion )NP (PP of (NP the financing )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 37 39 (S (PP In (NP an interview )NP )PP (NP Thursday )NP , (NP (NP Claude Bebear )NP , (NP (NP (NP chairman )NP and (NP chief executive officer )NP )NP (PP of (NP Axa )NP )PP )NP , )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP his group )NP (VP has (ADVP already )ADVP (VP obtained (NP (NP assurances )NP (PP from (NP (NP a group )NP (PP of (NP banks )NP )PP (VP led (PP by (NP Cie . Financiere de Paribas )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP they )NP (VP can (VP provide (NP (NP the loan portion )NP (PP of (NP the financing )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 38 40 (S (PP In (NP (NP an interview )NP (NP Thursday )NP )NP )PP , (NP (NP Claude Bebear )NP , (NP (NP (NP chairman )NP and (NP chief executive officer )NP )NP (PP of (NP Axa )NP )PP )NP , )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP his group )NP (VP has (ADVP already )ADVP (VP obtained (NP (NP assurances )NP (PP from (NP (NP a group )NP (PP of (NP (NP banks )NP (VP led (PP by (NP Cie . Financiere de Paribas )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP (SBAR that (S (NP they )NP (VP can (VP provide (NP (NP the loan portion )NP (PP of (NP the financing )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 38 40 (S (PP In (NP (NP an interview )NP (NP Thursday )NP )NP )PP , (NP (NP Claude Bebear )NP , (NP (NP (NP chairman )NP and (NP chief executive officer )NP )NP (PP of (NP Axa )NP )PP )NP , )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP his group )NP (VP has (ADVP already )ADVP (VP obtained (NP (NP assurances )NP (PP from (NP (NP a group )NP (PP of (NP (NP banks )NP (VP led (PP by (NP Cie . Financiere de Paribas )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP (SBAR that (S (NP they )NP (VP can (VP provide (NP (NP the loan portion )NP (PP of (NP the financing )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 38 39 (S (PP In (NP an interview )NP )PP (NP Thursday )NP , (NP (NP Claude Bebear )NP , (NP (NP chairman )NP and (NP (NP chief executive officer )NP (PP of (NP Axa )NP )PP )NP )NP , )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP his group )NP (VP has (ADVP already )ADVP (VP obtained (NP (NP assurances )NP (PP from (NP (NP a group )NP (PP of (NP (NP banks )NP (VP led (PP by (NP Cie . Financiere de Paribas )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP (SBAR that (S (NP they )NP (VP can (VP provide (NP (NP the loan portion )NP (PP of (NP the financing )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 36 39 (S (PP In (NP (NP an interview )NP (NP Thursday )NP )NP )PP , (NP (NP Claude Bebear )NP , (NP (NP (NP chairman )NP and (NP chief executive officer )NP )NP (PP of (NP Axa )NP )PP )NP , )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP his group )NP (VP has (ADVP already )ADVP (VP obtained (NP (NP assurances )NP (PP from (NP (NP a group )NP (PP of (NP banks )NP )PP (VP led (PP by (NP Cie . Financiere de Paribas )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP (SBAR that (S (NP they )NP (VP can (VP provide (NP (NP the loan portion )NP (PP of (NP the financing )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 39 40 (S (PP In (NP an interview )NP )PP (NP Thursday )NP , (NP (NP Claude Bebear )NP , (NP (NP (NP chairman )NP and (NP chief executive officer )NP )NP (PP of (NP Axa )NP )PP )NP , )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP his group )NP (VP has (ADVP already )ADVP (VP obtained (NP (NP assurances )NP (PP from (NP (NP a group )NP (PP of (NP (NP banks )NP (VP led (PP by (NP Cie . Financiere de Paribas )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP they )NP (VP can (VP provide (NP (NP the loan portion )NP (PP of (NP the financing )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 36 40 (S (PP In (NP (NP an interview )NP (NP Thursday )NP )NP )PP , (NP (NP Claude Bebear )NP , (NP (NP (NP chairman )NP and (NP chief executive officer )NP )NP (PP of (NP Axa )NP )PP )NP , )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP his group )NP (VP has (ADVP already )ADVP (VP obtained (NP (NP assurances )NP (PP from (NP (NP a group )NP (PP of (NP banks )NP )PP (VP led (PP by (NP Cie . Financiere de Paribas )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP they )NP (VP can (VP provide (NP (NP the loan portion )NP (PP of (NP the financing )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 36 40 (S (PP In (NP (NP an interview )NP (NP Thursday )NP )NP )PP , (NP (NP Claude Bebear )NP , (NP (NP (NP chairman )NP and (NP chief executive officer )NP )NP (PP of (NP Axa )NP )PP )NP , )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP his group )NP (VP has (ADVP already )ADVP (VP obtained (NP (NP assurances )NP (PP from (NP (NP a group )NP (PP of (NP banks )NP )PP (VP led (PP by (NP Cie . Financiere de Paribas )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP they )NP (VP can (VP provide (NP (NP the loan portion )NP (PP of (NP the financing )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 36 38 (S (PP In (NP an interview )NP )PP (NP Thursday )NP , (NP (NP Claude Bebear )NP , (NP (NP chairman )NP and (NP (NP chief executive officer )NP (PP of (NP Axa )NP )PP )NP )NP , )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP his group )NP (VP has (ADVP already )ADVP (VP obtained (NP (NP assurances )NP (PP from (NP (NP a group )NP (PP of (NP banks )NP )PP (VP led (PP by (NP Cie . Financiere de Paribas )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP (SBAR that (S (NP they )NP (VP can (VP provide (NP (NP the loan portion )NP (PP of (NP the financing )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 38 40 (S (PP In (NP (NP an interview )NP (NP Thursday )NP )NP )PP , (NP (NP Claude Bebear )NP , (NP (NP (NP chairman )NP and (NP chief executive officer )NP )NP (PP of (NP Axa )NP )PP )NP , )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP his group )NP (VP has (ADVP already )ADVP (VP obtained (NP (NP assurances )NP (PP from (NP (NP a group )NP (PP of (NP (NP banks )NP (VP led (PP by (NP Cie . Financiere de Paribas )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP (SBAR that (S (NP they )NP (VP can (VP provide (NP (NP the loan portion )NP (PP of (NP the financing )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 36 39 (S (PP In (NP an interview )NP )PP (NP Thursday )NP , (NP (NP Claude Bebear )NP , (NP (NP chairman )NP and (NP (NP chief executive officer )NP (PP of (NP Axa )NP )PP )NP )NP , )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP his group )NP (VP has (ADVP already )ADVP (VP obtained (NP (NP assurances )NP (PP from (NP (NP a group )NP (PP of (NP banks )NP )PP (VP led (PP by (NP Cie . Financiere de Paribas )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP they )NP (VP can (VP provide (NP (NP the loan portion )NP (PP of (NP the financing )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 36 39 (S (PP In (NP (NP an interview )NP (NP Thursday )NP )NP )PP , (NP (NP Claude Bebear )NP , (NP (NP (NP chairman )NP and (NP chief executive officer )NP )NP (PP of (NP Axa )NP )PP )NP , )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP his group )NP (VP has (ADVP already )ADVP (VP obtained (NP (NP assurances )NP (PP from (NP (NP a group )NP (PP of (NP banks )NP )PP (VP led (PP by (NP Cie . Financiere de Paribas )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP (SBAR that (S (NP they )NP (VP can (VP provide (NP (NP the loan portion )NP (PP of (NP the financing )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 38 41 (S (PP In (NP (NP an interview )NP (NP Thursday )NP )NP )PP , (NP (NP Claude Bebear )NP , (NP (NP (NP chairman )NP and (NP chief executive officer )NP )NP (PP of (NP Axa )NP )PP )NP , )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP his group )NP (VP has (ADVP already )ADVP (VP obtained (NP (NP assurances )NP (PP from (NP (NP a group )NP (PP of (NP (NP banks )NP (VP led (PP by (NP Cie . Financiere de Paribas )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP they )NP (VP can (VP provide (NP (NP the loan portion )NP (PP of (NP the financing )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 38 41 (S (PP In (NP (NP an interview )NP (NP Thursday )NP )NP )PP , (NP (NP Claude Bebear )NP , (NP (NP (NP chairman )NP and (NP chief executive officer )NP )NP (PP of (NP Axa )NP )PP )NP , )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP his group )NP (VP has (ADVP already )ADVP (VP obtained (NP (NP assurances )NP (PP from (NP (NP a group )NP (PP of (NP (NP banks )NP (VP led (PP by (NP Cie . Financiere de Paribas )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP they )NP (VP can (VP provide (NP (NP the loan portion )NP (PP of (NP the financing )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 33 40 (S (PP In (NP an interview )NP )PP (NP Thursday )NP , (NP (NP Claude Bebear )NP , (NP (NP (NP chairman )NP and (NP chief executive officer )NP )NP (PP of (NP Axa )NP )PP )NP , )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP his group )NP (VP has (ADVP already )ADVP (VP obtained (NP (NP assurances )NP (PP from (NP (NP a group )NP (PP of (NP (NP banks )NP (VP led (PP by (NP (NP Cie . Financiere de Paribas )NP (SBAR that (S (NP they )NP (VP can (VP provide (NP (NP the loan portion )NP (PP of (NP the financing )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 33 40 (S (PP In (NP an interview )NP )PP (NP Thursday )NP , (NP (NP Claude Bebear )NP , (NP (NP (NP chairman )NP and (NP chief executive officer )NP )NP (PP of (NP Axa )NP )PP )NP , )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP his group )NP (VP has (ADVP already )ADVP (VP obtained (NP (NP assurances )NP (PP from (NP (NP a group )NP (PP of (NP (NP banks )NP (VP led (PP by (NP (NP Cie . Financiere de Paribas )NP (SBAR that (S (NP they )NP (VP can (VP provide (NP (NP the loan portion )NP (PP of (NP the financing )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 36 38 (S (PP In (NP an interview )NP )PP (NP Thursday )NP , (NP (NP Claude Bebear )NP , (NP (NP chairman )NP and (NP (NP chief executive officer )NP (PP of (NP Axa )NP )PP )NP )NP , )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP his group )NP (VP has (ADVP already )ADVP (VP obtained (NP (NP assurances )NP (PP from (NP (NP a group )NP (PP of (NP banks )NP )PP (VP led (PP by (NP Cie . Financiere de Paribas )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP (SBAR that (S (NP they )NP (VP can (VP provide (NP (NP the loan portion )NP (PP of (NP the financing )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 38 39 (S (PP In (NP an interview )NP )PP (NP Thursday )NP , (NP (NP Claude Bebear )NP , (NP (NP chairman )NP and (NP (NP chief executive officer )NP (PP of (NP Axa )NP )PP )NP )NP , )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP his group )NP (VP has (ADVP already )ADVP (VP obtained (NP (NP assurances )NP (PP from (NP (NP a group )NP (PP of (NP (NP banks )NP (VP led (PP by (NP Cie . Financiere de Paribas )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP (SBAR that (S (NP they )NP (VP can (VP provide (NP (NP the loan portion )NP (PP of (NP the financing )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 38 40 (S (PP In (NP an interview )NP )PP (NP Thursday )NP , (NP (NP Claude Bebear )NP , (NP (NP chairman )NP and (NP (NP chief executive officer )NP (PP of (NP Axa )NP )PP )NP )NP , )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP his group )NP (VP has (ADVP already )ADVP (VP obtained (NP (NP assurances )NP (PP from (NP (NP a group )NP (PP of (NP (NP banks )NP (VP led (PP by (NP Cie . Financiere de Paribas )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP they )NP (VP can (VP provide (NP (NP the loan portion )NP (PP of (NP the financing )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 38 40 (S (PP In (NP (NP an interview )NP (NP Thursday )NP )NP )PP , (NP (NP Claude Bebear )NP , (NP (NP (NP chairman )NP and (NP chief executive officer )NP )NP (PP of (NP Axa )NP )PP )NP , )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP his group )NP (VP has (ADVP already )ADVP (VP obtained (NP (NP assurances )NP (PP from (NP (NP a group )NP (PP of (NP (NP banks )NP (VP led (PP by (NP Cie . Financiere de Paribas )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP (SBAR that (S (NP they )NP (VP can (VP provide (NP (NP the loan portion )NP (PP of (NP the financing )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 36 38 (S (PP In (NP an interview )NP )PP (NP Thursday )NP , (NP (NP Claude Bebear )NP , (NP (NP (NP chairman )NP and (NP chief executive officer )NP )NP (PP of (NP Axa )NP )PP )NP , )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP his group )NP (VP has (ADVP already )ADVP (VP obtained (NP (NP assurances )NP (PP from (NP (NP a group )NP (PP of (NP banks )NP )PP (VP led (PP by (NP Cie . Financiere de Paribas )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP (SBAR that (S (NP they )NP (VP can (VP provide (NP (NP the loan portion )NP (PP of (NP the financing )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 36 38 (S (PP In (NP an interview )NP )PP (NP Thursday )NP , (NP (NP Claude Bebear )NP , (NP (NP (NP chairman )NP and (NP chief executive officer )NP )NP (PP of (NP Axa )NP )PP )NP , )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP his group )NP (VP has (ADVP already )ADVP (VP obtained (NP (NP assurances )NP (PP from (NP (NP a group )NP (PP of (NP banks )NP )PP (VP led (PP by (NP Cie . Financiere de Paribas )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP (SBAR that (S (NP they )NP (VP can (VP provide (NP (NP the loan portion )NP (PP of (NP the financing )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 36 40 (S (PP In (NP (NP an interview )NP (NP Thursday )NP )NP )PP , (NP (NP Claude Bebear )NP , (NP (NP (NP chairman )NP and (NP chief executive officer )NP )NP (PP of (NP Axa )NP )PP )NP , )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP his group )NP (VP has (ADVP already )ADVP (VP obtained (NP (NP assurances )NP (PP from (NP (NP a group )NP (PP of (NP banks )NP )PP (VP led (PP by (NP Cie . Financiere de Paribas )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP they )NP (VP can (VP provide (NP (NP the loan portion )NP (PP of (NP the financing )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 33 39 (S (PP In (NP an interview )NP )PP (NP Thursday )NP , (NP (NP Claude Bebear )NP , (NP (NP (NP chairman )NP and (NP chief executive officer )NP )NP (PP of (NP Axa )NP )PP )NP , )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP his group )NP (VP has (ADVP already )ADVP (VP obtained (NP (NP assurances )NP (PP from (NP (NP a group )NP (PP of (NP banks )NP )PP (VP led (PP by (NP (NP Cie . Financiere de Paribas )NP (SBAR that (S (NP they )NP (VP can (VP provide (NP (NP the loan portion )NP (PP of (NP the financing )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 33 39 (S (PP In (NP an interview )NP )PP (NP Thursday )NP , (NP (NP Claude Bebear )NP , (NP (NP (NP chairman )NP and (NP chief executive officer )NP )NP (PP of (NP Axa )NP )PP )NP , )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP his group )NP (VP has (ADVP already )ADVP (VP obtained (NP (NP assurances )NP (PP from (NP (NP a group )NP (PP of (NP banks )NP )PP (VP led (PP by (NP (NP Cie . Financiere de Paribas )NP (SBAR that (S (NP they )NP (VP can (VP provide (NP (NP the loan portion )NP (PP of (NP the financing )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 36 38 (S (PP In (NP an interview )NP )PP (NP Thursday )NP , (NP (NP Claude Bebear )NP , (NP (NP chairman )NP and (NP (NP chief executive officer )NP (PP of (NP Axa )NP )PP )NP )NP , )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP his group )NP (VP has (ADVP already )ADVP (VP obtained (NP (NP assurances )NP (PP from (NP (NP a group )NP (PP of (NP banks )NP )PP (VP led (PP by (NP Cie . Financiere de Paribas )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP (SBAR that (S (NP they )NP (VP can (VP provide (NP (NP the loan portion )NP (PP of (NP the financing )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 38 39 (S (PP In (NP an interview )NP )PP (NP Thursday )NP , (NP (NP Claude Bebear )NP , (NP (NP chairman )NP and (NP (NP chief executive officer )NP (PP of (NP Axa )NP )PP )NP )NP , )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP his group )NP (VP has (ADVP already )ADVP (VP obtained (NP (NP assurances )NP (PP from (NP (NP a group )NP (PP of (NP (NP banks )NP (VP led (PP by (NP Cie . Financiere de Paribas )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP (SBAR that (S (NP they )NP (VP can (VP provide (NP (NP the loan portion )NP (PP of (NP the financing )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 35 39 (S (PP In (NP (NP an interview )NP (NP Thursday )NP )NP )PP , (NP (NP Claude Bebear )NP , (NP (NP chairman )NP and (NP (NP chief executive officer )NP (PP of (NP Axa )NP )PP )NP )NP , )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP his group )NP (VP has (ADVP already )ADVP (VP obtained (NP (NP assurances )NP (PP from (NP (NP a group )NP (PP of (NP banks )NP )PP (VP led (PP by (NP Cie . Financiere de Paribas )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP (SBAR that (S (NP they )NP (VP can (VP provide (NP (NP the loan portion )NP (PP of (NP the financing )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 33 41 (S (PP In (NP an interview )NP )PP (NP Thursday )NP , (NP (NP Claude Bebear )NP , (NP (NP (NP chairman )NP and (NP chief executive officer )NP )NP (PP of (NP Axa )NP )PP )NP , )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP his group )NP (VP has (ADVP already )ADVP (VP obtained (NP (NP assurances )NP (PP from (NP (NP a group )NP (PP of (NP (NP banks )NP (VP led (PP by (NP (NP Cie . Financiere de Paribas )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP they )NP (VP can (VP provide (NP (NP the loan portion )NP (PP of (NP the financing )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 33 41 (S (PP In (NP an interview )NP )PP (NP Thursday )NP , (NP (NP Claude Bebear )NP , (NP (NP (NP chairman )NP and (NP chief executive officer )NP )NP (PP of (NP Axa )NP )PP )NP , )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP his group )NP (VP has (ADVP already )ADVP (VP obtained (NP (NP assurances )NP (PP from (NP (NP a group )NP (PP of (NP (NP banks )NP (VP led (PP by (NP (NP Cie . Financiere de Paribas )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP they )NP (VP can (VP provide (NP (NP the loan portion )NP (PP of (NP the financing )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 38 39 (S (PP In (NP an interview )NP )PP (NP Thursday )NP , (NP (NP Claude Bebear )NP , (NP (NP (NP chairman )NP and (NP chief executive officer )NP )NP (PP of (NP Axa )NP )PP )NP , )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP his group )NP (VP has (ADVP already )ADVP (VP obtained (NP (NP assurances )NP (PP from (NP (NP a group )NP (PP of (NP (NP banks )NP (VP led (PP by (NP Cie . Financiere de Paribas )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (SBAR that (S (NP they )NP (VP can (VP provide (NP (NP the loan portion )NP (PP of (NP the financing )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 38 39 (S (PP In (NP an interview )NP )PP (NP Thursday )NP , (NP (NP Claude Bebear )NP , (NP (NP (NP chairman )NP and (NP chief executive officer )NP )NP (PP of (NP Axa )NP )PP )NP , )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP his group )NP (VP has (ADVP already )ADVP (VP obtained (NP (NP assurances )NP (PP from (NP (NP a group )NP (PP of (NP (NP banks )NP (VP led (PP by (NP Cie . Financiere de Paribas )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (SBAR that (S (NP they )NP (VP can (VP provide (NP (NP the loan portion )NP (PP of (NP the financing )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 36 39 (S (PP In (NP an interview )NP )PP (NP Thursday )NP , (NP (NP Claude Bebear )NP , (NP (NP chairman )NP and (NP (NP chief executive officer )NP (PP of (NP Axa )NP )PP )NP )NP , )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP his group )NP (VP has (ADVP already )ADVP (VP obtained (NP (NP assurances )NP (PP from (NP (NP a group )NP (PP of (NP banks )NP )PP (VP led (PP by (NP Cie . Financiere de Paribas )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP they )NP (VP can (VP provide (NP (NP the loan portion )NP (PP of (NP the financing )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 50 14 14 (S (S (NP (NP The other banking companies )NP (PP in (NP the group )NP )PP )NP (VP are (NP (NP Credit Lyonnais )NP , (NP Societe Generale )NP , (NP BankAmerica Corp. )NP and (NP Citicorp )NP )NP )VP )S , (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 12 13 (S (S (NP (NP The other banking companies )NP (PP in (NP the group )NP )PP )NP (VP are (NP (NP Credit Lyonnais , Societe Generale )NP , (NP BankAmerica Corp. )NP and (NP Citicorp )NP )NP )VP )S , (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 14 15 (S (S (NP (NP The other banking companies )NP (PP in (NP the group )NP )PP )NP (VP are (NP (NP (NP Credit Lyonnais )NP , (NP Societe Generale )NP )NP , (NP BankAmerica Corp. )NP and (NP Citicorp )NP )NP )VP )S , (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 14 14 (S (S (NP (NP The other banking companies )NP (PP in (NP the group )NP )PP )NP (VP are (NP (NP Credit Lyonnais )NP , (NP Societe Generale )NP , (NP BankAmerica Corp. )NP and (NP Citicorp )NP )NP )VP )S , (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 14 15 (S (S (NP (NP The other banking companies )NP (PP in (NP the group )NP )PP )NP (VP are (NP (NP (NP Credit Lyonnais )NP , (NP Societe Generale )NP , (NP BankAmerica Corp. )NP )NP and (NP Citicorp )NP )NP )VP )S , (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 14 15 (S (S (NP (NP The other banking companies )NP (PP in (NP the group )NP )PP )NP (VP are (NP (NP Credit Lyonnais )NP , (NP (NP Societe Generale )NP , (NP BankAmerica Corp. )NP and (NP Citicorp )NP )NP )NP )VP )S , (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 14 15 (S (S (NP (NP The other banking companies )NP (PP in (NP the group )NP )PP )NP (VP are (NP (NP Credit Lyonnais )NP , (NP Societe Generale )NP , (NP (NP BankAmerica Corp. )NP and (NP Citicorp )NP )NP )NP )VP )S , (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 14 15 (S (S (NP (NP The other banking companies )NP (PP in (NP the group )NP )PP )NP (VP are (NP (NP Credit Lyonnais )NP , (NP (NP Societe Generale )NP , (NP BankAmerica Corp. )NP )NP and (NP Citicorp )NP )NP )VP )S , (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 12 13 (S (S (NP (NP The other banking companies )NP (PP in (NP the group )NP )PP )NP (VP are (NP (NP Credit Lyonnais , Societe Generale )NP , (NP BankAmerica Corp. )NP and (NP Citicorp )NP )NP )VP )S , (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 14 15 (S (S (NP (NP The other banking companies )NP (PP in (NP the group )NP )PP )NP (VP are (NP (NP (NP Credit Lyonnais )NP , (NP Societe Generale )NP )NP , (NP BankAmerica Corp. )NP and (NP Citicorp )NP )NP )VP )S , (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 14 14 (S (S (NP (NP The other banking companies )NP (PP in (NP the group )NP )PP )NP (VP are (NP (NP Credit Lyonnais )NP , (NP Societe Generale )NP , (NP BankAmerica Corp. )NP and (NP Citicorp )NP )NP )VP )S , (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 14 15 (S (S (NP (NP The other banking companies )NP (PP in (NP the group )NP )PP )NP (VP are (NP (NP (NP Credit Lyonnais )NP , (NP Societe Generale )NP , (NP BankAmerica Corp. )NP )NP and (NP Citicorp )NP )NP )VP )S , (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 14 15 (S (S (NP (NP The other banking companies )NP (PP in (NP the group )NP )PP )NP (VP are (NP (NP Credit Lyonnais )NP , (NP Societe Generale )NP , (NP BankAmerica Corp. )NP and (NP Citicorp )NP )NP )VP )S , (S (NP he )NP (VP said )VP )S . )S 14 14 (S (S (NP (NP The other banking companies )NP (PP in (NP the group )NP )PP )NP (VP are (NP (NP Credit Lyonnais )NP , (NP Societe Generale )NP , (NP BankAmerica Corp. )NP and (NP Citicorp )NP , )NP )VP )S (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 14 15 (S (S (NP (NP The other banking companies )NP (PP in (NP the group )NP )PP )NP (VP are (NP (NP Credit Lyonnais )NP , (NP (NP Societe Generale )NP , (NP BankAmerica Corp. )NP and (NP Citicorp )NP )NP )NP )VP )S , (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 14 15 (S (S (NP (NP The other banking companies )NP (PP in (NP the group )NP )PP )NP (VP are (NP (NP Credit Lyonnais )NP , (NP Societe Generale )NP , (NP (NP BankAmerica Corp. )NP and (NP Citicorp )NP )NP )NP )VP )S , (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 12 13 (S (S (NP (NP The other banking companies )NP (PP in (NP the group )NP )PP )NP (VP are (NP (NP Credit Lyonnais , Societe Generale )NP , (NP BankAmerica Corp. )NP and (NP Citicorp )NP )NP )VP )S , (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 13 15 (S (S (NP (NP The other banking companies )NP (PP in (NP the group )NP )PP )NP (VP are (NP (NP (NP (NP Credit Lyonnais )NP , (NP Societe Generale )NP , )NP BankAmerica Corp. )NP and (NP Citicorp )NP )NP )VP )S , (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 14 15 (S (S (NP (NP The other banking companies )NP (PP in (NP the group )NP )PP )NP (VP are (NP (NP (NP Credit Lyonnais )NP , (NP Societe Generale )NP )NP , (NP BankAmerica Corp. )NP and (NP Citicorp )NP )NP )VP )S , (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 14 15 (S (S (NP (NP The other banking companies )NP (PP in (NP the group )NP )PP )NP (VP are (NP (NP Credit Lyonnais )NP , (NP (NP Societe Generale )NP , (NP BankAmerica Corp. )NP )NP and (NP Citicorp )NP )NP )VP )S , (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 14 15 (S (S (NP (NP The other banking companies )NP (PP in (NP the group )NP )PP )NP (VP are (NP (NP (NP Credit Lyonnais )NP , (NP Societe Generale )NP , )NP (NP BankAmerica Corp. )NP and (NP Citicorp )NP )NP )VP )S , (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 12 13 (S (S (NP (NP The other banking companies )NP (PP in (NP the group )NP )PP )NP (VP are (NP (NP Credit Lyonnais )NP , (NP Societe Generale )NP , (NP BankAmerica Corp. and Citicorp )NP )NP )VP )S , (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 14 16 (S (S (NP (NP The other banking companies )NP (PP in (NP the group )NP )PP )NP (VP are (NP (NP (NP Credit Lyonnais )NP , (NP (NP Societe Generale )NP , (NP BankAmerica Corp. )NP )NP )NP and (NP Citicorp )NP )NP )VP )S , (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 14 15 (S (S (NP (NP The other banking companies )NP (PP in (NP the group )NP )PP )NP (VP are (NP (NP Credit Lyonnais )NP , (NP (NP Societe Generale )NP , (NP BankAmerica Corp. )NP and (NP Citicorp )NP )NP , )NP )VP )S (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 12 14 (S (S (NP (NP The other banking companies )NP (PP in (NP the group )NP )PP )NP (VP are (NP (NP Credit Lyonnais , Societe Generale )NP , (NP BankAmerica Corp. )NP and (NP Citicorp )NP )NP )VP )S , (S (NP he )NP (VP said )VP )S . )S 14 16 (S (S (NP (NP The other banking companies )NP (PP in (NP the group )NP )PP )NP (VP are (NP (NP (NP Credit Lyonnais )NP , (NP Societe Generale )NP )NP , (NP BankAmerica Corp. )NP and (NP Citicorp )NP )NP )VP )S , (S (NP he )NP (VP said )VP )S . )S 14 16 (S (S (NP (NP The other banking companies )NP (PP in (NP the group )NP )PP )NP (VP are (NP (NP Credit Lyonnais )NP , (NP (NP Societe Generale )NP , (NP (NP BankAmerica Corp. )NP and (NP Citicorp )NP )NP )NP )NP )VP )S , (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 14 15 (S (S (NP (NP The other banking companies )NP (PP in (NP the group )NP )PP )NP (VP are (NP (NP Credit Lyonnais )NP , (NP Societe Generale )NP , (NP (NP BankAmerica Corp. )NP and (NP Citicorp )NP )NP , )NP )VP )S (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 14 15 (S (S (NP (NP The other (NX banking companies )NX )NP (PP in (NP the group )NP )PP )NP (VP are (NP (NP Credit Lyonnais )NP , (NP Societe Generale )NP , (NP BankAmerica Corp. )NP and (NP Citicorp )NP )NP )VP )S , (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 14 14 (S (S (NP (NP The other banking companies )NP (PP in (NP the group )NP )PP )NP (VP are (NP (NP Credit Lyonnais )NP , (NP Societe Generale )NP , (NP BankAmerica Corp. )NP and (NP Citicorp )NP )NP )VP , )S (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 14 15 (S (S (NP (NP The (ADJP other )ADJP banking companies )NP (PP in (NP the group )NP )PP )NP (VP are (NP (NP Credit Lyonnais )NP , (NP Societe Generale )NP , (NP BankAmerica Corp. )NP and (NP Citicorp )NP )NP )VP )S , (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 12 13 (S (S (NP (NP The other banking companies )NP (PP in (NP the group )NP )PP )NP (VP are (NP (NP Credit Lyonnais , Societe Generale )NP , (NP BankAmerica Corp. )NP and (NP Citicorp )NP , )NP )VP )S (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 14 15 (S (S (NP (NP The other banking companies )NP (PP in (NP the group )NP )PP )NP (VP are (NP (NP (NP Credit Lyonnais )NP , (NP Societe Generale )NP )NP , (NP BankAmerica Corp. )NP and (NP Citicorp )NP , )NP )VP )S (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 14 16 (S (S (NP (NP The other banking companies )NP (PP in (NP the group )NP )PP )NP (VP are (NP (NP (NP Credit Lyonnais )NP , (NP Societe Generale )NP )NP , (NP (NP BankAmerica Corp. )NP and (NP Citicorp )NP )NP )NP )VP )S , (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 14 16 (S (S (NP (NP The other banking companies )NP (PP in (NP the group )NP )PP )NP (VP are (NP (NP (NP (NP Credit Lyonnais )NP , (NP Societe Generale )NP )NP , (NP BankAmerica Corp. )NP )NP and (NP Citicorp )NP )NP )VP )S , (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 13 15 (S (S (NP (NP The other banking companies )NP (PP in (NP the group )NP )PP )NP (VP are (NP (NP Credit Lyonnais )NP , (NP Societe Generale )NP , )NP (NP (NP BankAmerica Corp. )NP and (NP Citicorp )NP )NP )VP )S , (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 14 15 (S (S (NP (NP The other banking companies )NP (PP in (NP the group )NP )PP )NP (VP are (VP (NP (NP Credit Lyonnais )NP , (NP Societe Generale )NP , (NP BankAmerica Corp. )NP and (NP Citicorp )NP )NP )VP )VP )S , (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 14 15 (S (S (NP (NP The other banking companies )NP (PP in (NP the group )NP )PP )NP (VP are (NP (NP (NP Credit Lyonnais )NP , (NP Societe Generale )NP , (NP BankAmerica Corp. )NP )NP and (NP Citicorp )NP )NP )VP )S , (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 12 14 (S (S (NP (NP The other banking companies )NP (PP in (NP the group )NP )PP )NP (VP are (NP (NP Credit Lyonnais , Societe Generale )NP , (NP (NP BankAmerica Corp. )NP and (NP Citicorp )NP )NP )NP )VP )S , (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 11 15 (S (S (NP (NP The other banking companies )NP (PP in (NP the group )NP )PP )NP (VP are (NP (NP Credit Lyonnais )NP , (NP Societe Generale )NP )NP )VP )S , (NP (NP BankAmerica Corp. )NP and (NP Citicorp )NP )NP , (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 12 14 (S (S (NP (NP The other banking companies )NP (PP in (NP the group )NP )PP )NP (VP are (NP (NP (NP Credit Lyonnais , Societe Generale )NP , (NP BankAmerica Corp. )NP )NP and (NP Citicorp )NP )NP )VP )S , (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 11 16 (S (NP (NP The other banking companies )NP (PP in (NP the group )NP )PP )NP (VP are (NP (NP Credit Lyonnais )NP , (NP Societe Generale )NP , (NP BankAmerica Corp. )NP and (NP (NP Citicorp )NP , (SBAR (S (NP he )NP (VP said )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP )VP . )S 14 15 (S (S (NP (NP The (NX other banking companies )NX )NP (PP in (NP the group )NP )PP )NP (VP are (NP (NP Credit Lyonnais )NP , (NP Societe Generale )NP , (NP BankAmerica Corp. )NP and (NP Citicorp )NP )NP )VP )S , (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 14 15 (S (S (NP (NP The other banking companies )NP (PP in (NP the group )NP )PP )NP (VP are (NP (NP Credit Lyonnais )NP , (NP Societe Generale )NP , (NP BankAmerica Corp. )NP and (NP Citicorp )NP )NP )VP )S , (S (NP he )NP (VP said )VP )S . )S 14 16 (S (S (NP (NP The other banking companies )NP (PP in (NP the group )NP )PP )NP (VP are (NP (NP Credit Lyonnais )NP , (NP (NP (NP Societe Generale )NP , (NP BankAmerica Corp. )NP )NP and (NP Citicorp )NP )NP )NP )VP )S , (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 12 13 (S (S (NP (NP The other banking companies )NP (PP in (NP the group )NP )PP )NP (VP are (NP (NP Credit Lyonnais )NP , (NP Societe Generale , BankAmerica Corp. )NP and (NP Citicorp )NP )NP )VP )S , (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 12 16 (S (NP (NP The other banking companies )NP (PP in (NP the group )NP )PP )NP (VP are (NP (NP (NP Credit Lyonnais )NP , (NP Societe Generale )NP , (NP BankAmerica Corp. )NP and (NP Citicorp )NP )NP , (SBAR (S (NP he )NP (VP said )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 14 16 (S (S (NP (NP The other banking companies )NP (PP in (NP the group )NP )PP )NP (VP are (NP (NP (NP Credit Lyonnais )NP , (NP Societe Generale )NP , (NP BankAmerica Corp. )NP )NP and (NP Citicorp )NP )NP )VP )S , (S (NP he )NP (VP said )VP )S . )S 14 14 (S (S (NP (NP The other banking companies )NP (PP in (NP the group )NP )PP )NP (VP are (NP (NP Credit Lyonnais )NP , (NP Societe Generale )NP , (NP BankAmerica Corp. )NP and (NP Citicorp )NP , )NP )VP )S (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 14 15 (S (S (NP (NP The other banking companies )NP (PP in (NP the group )NP )PP )NP (VP are (NP (NP Credit Lyonnais )NP , (NP (NP Societe Generale )NP , (NP BankAmerica Corp. )NP and (NP Citicorp )NP )NP )NP )VP )S , (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 50 21 26 (S (NP Mr. Bebear )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP Axa-Midi Group )NP (VP has `` (NP (NP (QP more than $ 2.5 billion )QP )NP (PP of (NP non-strategic assets )NP )PP (SBAR that (S (NP we )NP (VP can and will (VP sell )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP '' (S (VP to (VP help (VP pay (PRT off )PRT (NP (NP debt )NP (PP from (NP the acquisition )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 21 28 (S (NP Mr. Bebear )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP Axa-Midi Group )NP (VP has `` (NP (NP (QP more than $ 2.5 billion )QP )NP (PP of (NP (NP non-strategic assets )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP we )NP (VP can and will (VP sell )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP '' (S (VP to (VP help (VP pay (PRT off )PRT (NP (NP debt )NP (PP from (NP the acquisition )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 20 27 (S (NP Mr. Bebear )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP Axa-Midi Group )NP (VP has `` (NP (NP (QP more than $ 2.5 billion )QP )NP (PP of (NP (NP non-strategic assets )NP (SBAR that (S (NP we )NP (VP can and will (VP sell )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP '' (S (VP to (VP help (VP pay (PRT off )PRT (NP (NP debt )NP (PP from (NP the acquisition )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 22 27 (S (NP Mr. Bebear )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP Axa-Midi Group )NP (VP has `` (NP (NP (QP more than $ 2.5 billion )QP )NP (PP of (NP non-strategic assets )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP we )NP (VP can and will (VP sell )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP '' (S (VP to (VP help (VP pay (PRT off )PRT (NP (NP debt )NP (PP from (NP the acquisition )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 21 28 (S (NP Mr. Bebear )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP Axa-Midi Group )NP (VP has `` (NP (NP (QP more than $ 2.5 billion )QP )NP (PP of (NP non-strategic assets )NP )PP (SBAR that (S (NP we )NP (VP (VP can )VP and (VP will (VP sell )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP '' (S (VP to (VP help (VP pay (PRT off )PRT (NP (NP debt )NP (PP from (NP the acquisition )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 20 25 (S (NP Mr. Bebear )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP Axa-Midi Group )NP (VP has `` (NP (NP (QP more than $ 2.5 billion )QP )NP (PP of (NP non-strategic assets )NP )PP (SBAR that (S (NP we )NP (VP can and will (VP sell )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP '' (S (VP to (VP help (VP pay (PRT off )PRT (NP debt )NP (PP from (NP the acquisition )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 22 27 (S (NP Mr. Bebear )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP Axa-Midi Group )NP (VP has `` (NP (NP (QP more than $ 2.5 billion )QP )NP (PP of (NP non-strategic assets )NP )PP (SBAR that (S (NP we )NP (VP can and will (VP sell )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP '' (S (VP to (VP help (S (VP pay (PRT off )PRT (NP (NP debt )NP (PP from (NP the acquisition )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 22 27 (S (NP Mr. Bebear )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP Axa-Midi Group )NP (VP has `` (NP (NP (QP more than $ 2.5 billion )QP )NP (PP of (NP non-strategic assets )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP we )NP (VP can and will (VP sell )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP '' (S (VP to (VP help (VP pay (PRT off )PRT (NP (NP debt )NP (PP from (NP the acquisition )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 21 26 (S (NP Mr. Bebear )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP Axa-Midi Group )NP (VP has `` (NP (NP (QP more than $ 2.5 billion )QP )NP (PP of (NP non-strategic assets )NP )PP (SBAR that (S (NP we )NP (VP can and will (VP sell )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP '' (S (VP to (VP help (VP pay (PRT off )PRT (NP (NP debt )NP (PP from (NP the acquisition )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 21 30 (S (NP Mr. Bebear )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP Axa-Midi Group )NP (VP has `` (NP (NP (QP more than $ 2.5 billion )QP )NP (PP of (NP (NP non-strategic assets )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP we )NP (VP (VP can )VP and (VP will (VP sell )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP '' (S (VP to (VP help (VP pay (PRT off )PRT (NP (NP debt )NP (PP from (NP the acquisition )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 21 28 (S (NP Mr. Bebear )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP Axa-Midi Group )NP (VP has `` (NP (NP (QP more than $ 2.5 billion )QP )NP (PP of (NP (NP non-strategic assets )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP we )NP (VP can and will (VP sell )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP '' (S (VP to (VP help (VP pay (PRT off )PRT (NP (NP debt )NP (PP from (NP the acquisition )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 20 27 (S (NP Mr. Bebear )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP Axa-Midi Group )NP (VP has `` (NP (NP (QP more than $ 2.5 billion )QP )NP (PP of (NP (NP non-strategic assets )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP we )NP (VP can and will (VP sell )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP '' (S (VP to (VP help (VP pay (PRT off )PRT (NP debt )NP (PP from (NP the acquisition )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 22 29 (S (NP Mr. Bebear )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP Axa-Midi Group )NP (VP has `` (NP (NP (QP more than $ 2.5 billion )QP )NP (PP of (NP (NP non-strategic assets )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP we )NP (VP can and will (VP sell )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP '' (S (VP to (VP help (S (VP pay (PRT off )PRT (NP (NP debt )NP (PP from (NP the acquisition )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 20 29 (S (NP Mr. Bebear )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP Axa-Midi Group )NP (VP has `` (NP (NP (QP more than $ 2.5 billion )QP )NP (PP of (NP (NP non-strategic assets )NP (SBAR that (S (NP we )NP (VP (VP can )VP and (VP will (VP sell )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP '' (S (VP to (VP help (VP pay (PRT off )PRT (NP (NP debt )NP (PP from (NP the acquisition )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 19 26 (S (NP Mr. Bebear )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP Axa-Midi Group )NP (VP has `` (NP (NP (QP more than $ 2.5 billion )QP )NP (PP of (NP (NP non-strategic assets )NP (SBAR that (S (NP we )NP (VP can and will (VP sell )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP '' (S (VP to (VP help (VP pay (PRT off )PRT (NP debt )NP (PP from (NP the acquisition )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 22 29 (S (NP Mr. Bebear )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP Axa-Midi Group )NP (VP has `` (NP (NP (QP more than $ 2.5 billion )QP )NP (PP of (NP non-strategic assets )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP we )NP (VP (VP can )VP and (VP will (VP sell )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP '' (S (VP to (VP help (VP pay (PRT off )PRT (NP (NP debt )NP (PP from (NP the acquisition )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 21 26 (S (NP Mr. Bebear )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP Axa-Midi Group )NP (VP has `` (NP (NP (QP more than $ 2.5 billion )QP )NP (PP of (NP non-strategic assets )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP we )NP (VP can and will (VP sell )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP '' (S (VP to (VP help (VP pay (PRT off )PRT (NP debt )NP (PP from (NP the acquisition )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 22 29 (S (NP Mr. Bebear )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP Axa-Midi Group )NP (VP has `` (NP (NP (QP more than $ 2.5 billion )QP )NP (PP of (NP non-strategic assets )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP we )NP (VP (VP can )VP and (VP will (VP sell )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP '' (S (VP to (VP help (VP pay (PRT off )PRT (NP (NP debt )NP (PP from (NP the acquisition )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 20 27 (S (NP Mr. Bebear )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP Axa-Midi Group )NP (VP has `` (NP (NP (QP more than $ 2.5 billion )QP )NP (PP of (NP non-strategic assets )NP )PP (SBAR that (S (NP we )NP (VP (VP can )VP and (VP will (VP sell )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP '' (S (VP to (VP help (VP pay (PRT off )PRT (NP debt )NP (PP from (NP the acquisition )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 21 28 (S (NP Mr. Bebear )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP Axa-Midi Group )NP (VP has `` (NP (NP (QP more than $ 2.5 billion )QP )NP (PP of (NP (NP non-strategic assets )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP we )NP (VP can and will (VP sell )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP '' (S (VP to (VP help (VP pay (PRT off )PRT (NP (NP debt )NP (PP from (NP the acquisition )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 22 29 (S (NP Mr. Bebear )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP Axa-Midi Group )NP (VP has (NP `` (NP (QP more than $ 2.5 billion )QP )NP (PP of (NP (NP non-strategic assets )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP we )NP (VP can and will (VP sell )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP '' (SBAR (S (VP to (VP help (VP pay (PRT off )PRT (NP (NP debt )NP (PP from (NP the acquisition )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 21 28 (S (NP Mr. Bebear )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP Axa-Midi Group )NP (VP has `` (NP (NP (QP more than $ 2.5 billion )QP )NP (PP of (NP (NP non-strategic assets )NP (SBAR that (S (NP we )NP (VP can and will (VP sell )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP '' (S (VP to (VP help (S (VP pay (PRT off )PRT (NP (NP debt )NP (PP from (NP the acquisition )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 23 28 (S (NP Mr. Bebear )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP Axa-Midi Group )NP (VP has `` (NP (NP (QP more than $ 2.5 billion )QP )NP (PP of (NP non-strategic assets )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP we )NP (VP can and will (VP sell )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP '' (S (VP to (VP help (S (VP pay (PRT off )PRT (NP (NP debt )NP (PP from (NP the acquisition )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 21 30 (S (NP Mr. Bebear )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP Axa-Midi Group )NP (VP has `` (NP (NP (QP more than $ 2.5 billion )QP )NP (PP of (NP (NP non-strategic assets )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP we )NP (VP (VP can )VP and (VP will (VP sell )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP '' (S (VP to (VP help (VP pay (PRT off )PRT (NP (NP debt )NP (PP from (NP the acquisition )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 21 26 (S (NP Mr. Bebear )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP Axa-Midi Group )NP (VP has `` (NP (NP (QP more than $ 2.5 billion )QP )NP (PP of (NP non-strategic assets )NP )PP (SBAR that (S (NP we )NP (VP can and will (VP sell )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP '' (S (VP to (VP help (S (VP pay (PRT off )PRT (NP debt )NP (PP from (NP the acquisition )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 22 29 (S (NP Mr. Bebear )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP Axa-Midi Group )NP (VP has `` (NP (NP (QP more than $ 2.5 billion )QP )NP (PP of (NP non-strategic assets )NP )PP (SBAR that (S (NP we )NP (VP (VP can )VP and (VP will (VP sell )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP '' (S (VP to (VP help (S (VP pay (PRT off )PRT (NP (NP debt )NP (PP from (NP the acquisition )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 21 26 (S (NP Mr. Bebear )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP Axa-Midi Group )NP (VP has `` (NP (NP (QP more than $ 2.5 billion )QP )NP (PP of (NP non-strategic assets )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP we )NP (VP can and will (VP sell )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP '' (S (VP to (VP help (VP pay (PRT off )PRT (NP debt )NP (PP from (NP the acquisition )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 20 27 (S (NP Mr. Bebear )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP Axa-Midi Group )NP (VP has `` (NP (NP (QP more than $ 2.5 billion )QP )NP (PP of (NP (NP non-strategic assets )NP (SBAR that (S (NP we )NP (VP can and will (VP sell )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP '' (S (VP to (VP help (VP pay (PRT off )PRT (NP (NP debt )NP (PP from (NP the acquisition )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 19 29 (S (NP Mr. Bebear )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP Axa-Midi Group )NP (VP has `` (ADJP (ADJP more (PP than (NP (NP (QP $ 2.5 billion )QP )NP (PP of (NP non-strategic assets )NP )PP )NP )PP )ADJP (SBAR that (S (NP we )NP (VP can and will (VP sell )VP )VP )S )SBAR )ADJP '' (S (VP to (VP help (VP pay (PRT off )PRT (NP (NP debt )NP (PP from (NP the acquisition )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 21 28 (S (NP Mr. Bebear )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP Axa-Midi Group )NP (VP has (NP `` (NP (QP more than $ 2.5 billion )QP )NP (PP of (NP (NP non-strategic assets )NP (SBAR that (S (NP we )NP (VP can and will (VP sell )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP '' (SBAR (S (VP to (VP help (VP pay (PRT off )PRT (NP (NP debt )NP (PP from (NP the acquisition )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 22 27 (S (NP Mr. Bebear )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP Axa-Midi Group )NP (VP has `` (NP (NP (QP more than $ 2.5 billion )QP )NP (PP of (NP non-strategic assets )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP we )NP (VP can and will (VP sell )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP '' (S (VP to (VP help (VP pay (PRT off )PRT (NP (NP debt )NP (PP from (NP the acquisition )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 22 28 (S (NP Mr. Bebear )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP Axa-Midi Group )NP (VP has (NP `` (NP (QP more than $ 2.5 billion )QP )NP (PP of (NP (NP non-strategic assets )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP we )NP (VP can and will (VP sell )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP '' (S (VP to (VP help (VP pay (PRT off )PRT (NP (NP debt )NP (PP from (NP the acquisition )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 21 28 (S (NP Mr. Bebear )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP Axa-Midi Group )NP (VP has `` (NP (NP (QP more than $ 2.5 billion )QP )NP (PP of (NP non-strategic assets )NP )PP (SBAR that (S (NP we )NP (VP (VP can )VP and (VP will (VP sell )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP '' (S (VP to (VP help (VP pay (PRT off )PRT (NP (NP debt )NP (PP from (NP the acquisition )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 20 25 (S (NP Mr. Bebear )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP Axa-Midi Group )NP (VP has `` (NP (NP (QP more than $ 2.5 billion )QP )NP (PP of (NP non-strategic assets )NP )PP (SBAR that (S (NP we )NP (VP can and will (VP sell )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP '' (S (VP to (VP help (VP pay (PRT off )PRT (NP debt )NP (PP from (NP the acquisition )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 25 26 (S (NP Mr. Bebear )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP Axa-Midi Group )NP (VP has `` (NP (NP (QP more than $ 2.5 billion )QP )NP (PP of (NP non-strategic assets )NP )PP )NP (SBAR that (S (NP we )NP (VP can and will (VP sell '' (S (VP to (VP help (VP pay (PRT off )PRT (NP (NP debt )NP (PP from (NP the acquisition )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 20 29 (S (NP Mr. Bebear )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP Axa-Midi Group )NP (VP has `` (NP (NP (QP more than $ 2.5 billion )QP )NP (PP of (NP (NP non-strategic assets )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP we )NP (VP (VP can )VP and (VP will (VP sell )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP '' (S (VP to (VP help (VP pay (PRT off )PRT (NP debt )NP (PP from (NP the acquisition )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 23 28 (S (NP Mr. Bebear )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP Axa-Midi Group )NP (VP has `` (NP (NP (QP more than $ 2.5 billion )QP )NP (PP of (NP non-strategic assets )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP we )NP (VP can and will (VP sell )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP '' (S (VP to (VP help (S (VP pay (PRT off )PRT (NP (NP debt )NP (PP from (NP the acquisition )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 20 27 (S (NP Mr. Bebear )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP Axa-Midi Group )NP (VP has `` (NP (NP (QP more than $ 2.5 billion )QP )NP (PP of (NP (NP non-strategic assets )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP we )NP (VP can and will (VP sell )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP '' (S (VP to (VP help (VP pay (PRT off )PRT (NP debt )NP (PP from (NP the acquisition )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 26 26 (S (NP Mr. Bebear )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP Axa-Midi Group )NP (VP has `` (NP (NP (QP more than $ 2.5 billion )QP )NP (PP of (NP non-strategic assets )NP )PP (SBAR that (S (NP we )NP (VP can and will (VP sell '' (S (VP to (VP help (VP pay (PRT off )PRT (NP (NP debt )NP (PP from (NP the acquisition )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 26 28 (S (NP Mr. Bebear )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP Axa-Midi Group )NP (VP has `` (NP (NP (QP more than $ 2.5 billion )QP )NP (PP of (NP (NP non-strategic assets )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP we )NP (VP can and will (VP sell '' (S (VP to (VP help (VP pay (PRT off )PRT (NP (NP debt )NP (PP from (NP the acquisition )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 21 27 (S (NP Mr. Bebear )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP Axa-Midi Group )NP (VP has `` (NP (NP (NP (QP more than $ 2.5 billion )QP )NP (PP of (NP non-strategic assets )NP )PP )NP (SBAR that (S (NP we )NP (VP can and will (VP sell )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP '' (S (VP to (VP help (VP pay (PRT off )PRT (NP (NP debt )NP (PP from (NP the acquisition )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 16 25 (S (NP Mr. Bebear )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP Axa-Midi Group )NP (VP has `` (NP (NP (QP more than $ 2.5 billion )QP )NP (PP of (NP non-strategic assets )NP )PP (SBAR that (S (NP we )NP (VP can and will (VP sell )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP '' (S (VP to (VP help (VP pay (PRT off )PRT (NP debt )NP )VP )VP )VP )S (PP from (NP the acquisition )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 22 27 (S (NP Mr. Bebear )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP Axa-Midi Group )NP (VP has `` (NP (NP (QP more than $ 2.5 billion )QP )NP (PP of (NP non-strategic assets )NP )PP (SBAR that (S (NP we )NP (VP can and will (VP sell )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP '' (S (VP to (VP help (S (VP pay (PRT off )PRT (NP (NP debt )NP (PP from (NP the acquisition )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 21 28 (S (NP Mr. Bebear )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP Axa-Midi Group )NP (VP has `` (NP (NP (QP more than $ 2.5 billion )QP )NP (PP of (NP (NP non-strategic assets )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP we )NP (VP can and will (VP sell )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP '' (S (VP to (VP help (S (VP pay (PRT off )PRT (NP debt )NP (PP from (NP the acquisition )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 22 31 (S (NP Mr. Bebear )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP Axa-Midi Group )NP (VP has `` (NP (NP (QP more than $ 2.5 billion )QP )NP (PP of (NP (NP non-strategic assets )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP we )NP (VP (VP can )VP and (VP will (VP sell )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP '' (S (VP to (VP help (S (VP pay (PRT off )PRT (NP (NP debt )NP (PP from (NP the acquisition )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 22 27 (S (NP Mr. Bebear )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP Axa-Midi Group )NP (VP has `` (NP (NP (QP more than $ 2.5 billion )QP )NP (PP of (NP non-strategic assets )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP we )NP (VP can and will (VP sell )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP '' (S (VP to (VP help (VP pay (PRT off )PRT (NP (NP debt )NP (PP from (NP the acquisition )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 22 29 (S (NP Mr. Bebear )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP Axa-Midi Group )NP (VP has `` (NP (NP (QP more than $ 2.5 billion )QP )NP (PP of (NP (NP non-strategic assets )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP we )NP (VP can and will (VP sell )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP '' (S (VP to (VP help (S (VP pay (PRT off )PRT (NP (NP debt )NP (PP from (NP the acquisition )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 21 27 (S (NP Mr. Bebear )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP Axa-Midi Group )NP (VP has (NP `` (NP (QP more than $ 2.5 billion )QP )NP (PP of (NP (NP non-strategic assets )NP (SBAR that (S (NP we )NP (VP can and will (VP sell )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP '' (S (VP to (VP help (VP pay (PRT off )PRT (NP (NP debt )NP (PP from (NP the acquisition )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 22 30 (S (NP Mr. Bebear )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP Axa-Midi Group )NP (VP has (NP `` (NP (NP (QP more than $ 2.5 billion )QP )NP (PP of (NP (NP non-strategic assets )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP we )NP (VP can and will (VP sell )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP '' (SBAR (S (VP to (VP help (VP pay (PRT off )PRT (NP (NP debt )NP (PP from (NP the acquisition )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 19 28 (S (NP Mr. Bebear )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP Axa-Midi Group )NP (VP has `` (NP (NP (QP more than $ 2.5 billion )QP )NP (PP of (NP (NP non-strategic assets )NP (SBAR that (S (NP we )NP (VP (VP can )VP and (VP will (VP sell )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP '' (S (VP to (VP help (VP pay (PRT off )PRT (NP debt )NP (PP from (NP the acquisition )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 50 25 25 (S (NP He )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP the assets (S (VP to (VP be (VP sold )VP )VP )VP )S )NP (VP (VP would (VP be (NP (NP `` non-insurance '' assets )NP , (PP including (NP (NP a beer company )NP and (NP a real estate firm )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP , and (VP would n't (VP include (NP (NP any pieces )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 25 25 (S (NP He )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP the assets (S (VP to (VP be (VP sold )VP )VP )VP )S )NP (VP (VP would (VP be (NP (NP `` non-insurance '' assets )NP , (PP including (NP (NP a beer company )NP and (NP a real estate firm )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP , and (VP would n't (VP include (NP (NP any pieces )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 25 25 (S (NP He )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP the assets (S (VP to (VP be (VP sold )VP )VP )VP )S )NP (VP (VP would (VP be (NP (NP `` non-insurance '' assets )NP , (PP including (NP (NP a beer company )NP and (NP a real estate firm )NP )NP )PP , )NP )VP )VP and (VP would n't (VP include (NP (NP any pieces )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 25 25 (S (NP He )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP the assets (S (VP to (VP be (VP sold )VP )VP )VP )S )NP (VP (VP would (VP be (NP (NP `` non-insurance '' assets )NP , (PP including (NP (NP a beer company )NP and (NP a real estate firm )NP )NP )PP , )NP )VP )VP and (VP would n't (VP include (NP (NP any pieces )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 25 25 (S (NP He )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP the assets )NP (VP to (VP be (VP sold )VP )VP )VP )NP (VP (VP would (VP be (NP (NP `` non-insurance '' assets )NP , (PP including (NP (NP a beer company )NP and (NP a real estate firm )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP , and (VP would n't (VP include (NP (NP any pieces )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 24 25 (S (NP He )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP the assets (S (VP to (VP be (VP sold )VP )VP )VP )S )NP (VP (VP would (VP be (NP (NP `` non-insurance '' assets )NP , (VP including (NP (NP a beer company )NP and (NP a real estate firm )NP )NP )VP )NP )VP )VP , and (VP would n't (VP include (NP (NP any pieces )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 25 25 (S (NP He )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP the assets (S (VP to (VP be (VP sold )VP )VP )VP )S )NP (VP (VP would (VP be (NP (NP `` non-insurance '' assets )NP , (PP including (NP (NP a beer company )NP and (NP a real estate firm )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP , and (VP would n't (VP include (NP (NP any pieces )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 25 25 (S (NP He )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP the assets )NP (VP to (VP be (VP sold )VP )VP )VP )NP (VP (VP would (VP be (NP (NP `` non-insurance '' assets )NP , (PP including (NP (NP a beer company )NP and (NP a real estate firm )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP , and (VP would n't (VP include (NP (NP any pieces )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 24 25 (S (NP He )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP the assets (S (VP to (VP be (VP sold )VP )VP )VP )S )NP (VP (VP would (VP be (NP (NP `` non-insurance '' assets )NP , (VP including (NP (NP a beer company )NP and (NP a real estate firm )NP )NP )VP )NP )VP )VP , and (VP would n't (VP include (NP (NP any pieces )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 25 25 (S (NP He )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP the assets (S (VP to (VP be (VP sold )VP )VP )VP )S )NP (VP (VP would (VP be (NP (NP `` non-insurance '' assets )NP , (PP including (NP (NP a beer company )NP and (NP a real estate firm )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP , and (VP would n't (VP include (NP (NP any pieces )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 25 25 (S (NP He )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP the assets )NP (VP to (VP be (VP sold )VP )VP )VP )NP (VP (VP would (VP be (NP (NP `` non-insurance '' assets )NP , (PP including (NP (NP a beer company )NP and (NP a real estate firm )NP )NP )PP , )NP )VP )VP and (VP would n't (VP include (NP (NP any pieces )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 24 25 (S (NP He )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (S (NP the assets )NP (VP to (VP be (VP sold )VP )VP )VP )S (VP (VP would (VP be (NP (NP `` non-insurance '' assets )NP , (PP including (NP (NP a beer company )NP and (NP a real estate firm )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP , and (VP would n't (VP include (NP (NP any pieces )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 25 25 (S (NP He )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP the assets (S (VP to (VP be (VP sold )VP )VP )VP )S )NP (VP (VP would (VP be (NP (NP `` non-insurance '' assets )NP , (PP including (NP (NP a beer company )NP and (NP a real estate firm )NP )NP )PP , )NP )VP )VP and (VP would n't (VP include (NP (NP any pieces )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 25 25 (S (NP He )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP the assets )NP (VP to (VP be (VP sold )VP )VP )VP )NP (VP (VP would (VP be (NP (NP `` non-insurance '' assets )NP , (PP including (NP (NP a beer company )NP and (NP a real estate firm )NP )NP )PP , )NP )VP )VP and (VP would n't (VP include (NP (NP any pieces )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 24 25 (S (NP He )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (S (NP the assets )NP (VP to (VP be (VP sold )VP )VP )VP )S (VP (VP would (VP be (NP (NP `` non-insurance '' assets )NP , (PP including (NP (NP a beer company )NP and (NP a real estate firm )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP , and (VP would n't (VP include (NP (NP any pieces )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 25 25 (S (NP He )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP the assets (S (VP to (VP be (VP sold )VP )VP )VP )S )NP (VP (VP would (VP be (NP (NP `` non-insurance '' assets )NP , (PP including (NP (NP a beer company )NP and (NP a real estate firm )NP )NP )PP , )NP )VP )VP and (VP would n't (VP include (NP (NP any pieces )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 25 25 (S (NP He )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP the assets (S (VP to (VP be (VP sold )VP )VP )VP )S )NP (VP (VP would (VP be (NP (NP `` non-insurance '' assets )NP , (PP including (NP (NP a beer company )NP and (NP a real estate firm )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP , and (VP would n't (VP include (NP (NP any pieces )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 22 25 (S (NP He )NP (VP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP the assets (S (VP to (VP be (VP sold )VP )VP )VP )S )NP (VP would (VP be (NP (NP `` non-insurance '' assets )NP , (PP including (NP (NP a beer company )NP and (NP a real estate firm )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP , and (VP would n't (VP include (NP (NP any pieces )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP . )S 24 25 (S (NP He )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (S (NP the assets )NP (VP to (VP be (VP sold )VP )VP )VP )S (VP (VP would (VP be (NP (NP `` non-insurance '' assets )NP , (PP including (NP (NP a beer company )NP and (NP a real estate firm )NP )NP )PP , )NP )VP )VP and (VP would n't (VP include (NP (NP any pieces )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 24 25 (S (NP He )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP the assets )NP (VP to (VP be (VP sold )VP )VP )VP )NP (VP (VP would (VP be (NP (NP `` non-insurance '' assets )NP , (VP including (NP (NP a beer company )NP and (NP a real estate firm )NP )NP )VP )NP )VP )VP , and (VP would n't (VP include (NP (NP any pieces )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 25 25 (S (NP He )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP the assets )NP (VP to (VP be (VP sold )VP )VP )VP )NP (VP (VP would (VP be (NP (NP `` non-insurance '' assets )NP , (PP including (NP (NP a beer company )NP and (NP a real estate firm )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP , and (VP would n't (VP include (NP (NP any pieces )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 25 25 (S (NP He )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP the assets (S (VP to (VP be (VP sold )VP )VP )VP )S )NP (VP (VP would (VP be (NP (NP `` non-insurance '' assets )NP , (PP including (NP (NP a beer company )NP and (NP a real estate firm )NP , )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP and (VP would n't (VP include (NP (NP any pieces )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 22 25 (S (NP He )NP (VP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP the assets (S (VP to (VP be (VP sold )VP )VP )VP )S )NP (VP would (VP be (NP (NP `` non-insurance '' assets )NP , (PP including (NP (NP a beer company )NP and (NP a real estate firm )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP , and (VP would n't (VP include (NP (NP any pieces )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP . )S 24 25 (S (NP He )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP the assets (S (VP to (VP be (VP sold )VP )VP )VP )S )NP (VP (VP would (VP be (NP (NP `` non-insurance '' assets )NP , (VP including (NP (NP a beer company )NP and (NP a real estate firm )NP )NP )VP , )NP )VP )VP and (VP would n't (VP include (NP (NP any pieces )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 24 25 (S (NP He )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (S (NP the assets )NP (VP to (VP be (VP sold )VP )VP )VP )S (VP (VP would (VP be (NP (NP `` non-insurance '' assets )NP , (PP including (NP (NP a beer company )NP and (NP a real estate firm )NP )NP )PP , )NP )VP )VP and (VP would n't (VP include (NP (NP any pieces )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 25 25 (S (NP He )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP the assets (S (VP to (VP be (VP sold )VP )VP )VP )S )NP (VP (VP would (VP be (NP (NP `` non-insurance '' assets )NP , (PP including (NP (NP a beer company )NP and (NP a real estate firm )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP , and (VP would n't (VP include (NP (NP any pieces )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 24 25 (S (NP He )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP the assets (S (VP to (VP be (VP sold )VP )VP )VP )S )NP (VP (VP would (VP be (NP (NP `` non-insurance '' assets )NP , (VP including (NP (NP a beer company )NP and (NP a real estate firm )NP )NP )VP )NP )VP )VP , and (VP would n't (VP include (NP (NP any pieces )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 22 25 (S (NP He )NP (VP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP the assets (S (VP to (VP be (VP sold )VP )VP )VP )S )NP (VP would (VP be (NP (NP `` non-insurance '' assets )NP , (PP including (NP (NP a beer company )NP and (NP a real estate firm )NP )NP )PP , )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP and (VP would n't (VP include (NP (NP any pieces )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP . )S 24 25 (S (NP He )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP the assets )NP (VP to (VP be (VP sold )VP )VP )VP )NP (VP (VP would (VP be (NP (NP `` non-insurance '' assets )NP , (VP including (NP (NP a beer company )NP and (NP a real estate firm )NP )NP )VP )NP )VP )VP , and (VP would n't (VP include (NP (NP any pieces )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 25 25 (S (NP He )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP the assets )NP (VP to (VP be (VP sold )VP )VP )VP )NP (VP (VP would (VP be (NP (NP `` non-insurance '' assets )NP , (PP including (NP (NP a beer company )NP and (NP a real estate firm )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP , and (VP would n't (VP include (NP (NP any pieces )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 25 25 (S (NP He )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP the assets (S (VP to (VP be (VP sold )VP )VP )VP )S )NP (VP (VP would (VP be (NP (NP `` non-insurance '' assets )NP , (PP including (NP (NP a beer company )NP and (NP a real estate firm )NP , )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP and (VP would n't (VP include (NP (NP any pieces )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 25 25 (S (NP He )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP the assets (S (VP to (VP be (VP sold )VP )VP )VP )S )NP (VP (VP would (VP be (NP (NP `` non-insurance '' assets )NP , (PP including (NP (NP a beer company )NP and (NP a real estate firm )NP )NP )PP , )NP )VP )VP and (VP would n't (VP include (NP (NP any pieces )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 25 26 (S (NP He )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP the assets (S (VP to (VP be (VP sold )VP )VP )VP )S )NP (VP (VP would (VP be (NP (NP `` (ADJP non-insurance )ADJP '' assets )NP , (PP including (NP (NP a beer company )NP and (NP a real estate firm )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP , and (VP would n't (VP include (NP (NP any pieces )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 24 25 (S (NP He )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP the assets (S (VP to (VP be (VP sold )VP )VP )VP )S )NP (VP (VP would (VP be (NP (NP `` non-insurance '' assets )NP , (VP including (NP (NP a beer company )NP and (NP a real estate firm )NP )NP )VP , )NP )VP )VP and (VP would n't (VP include (NP (NP any pieces )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 25 25 (S (NP He )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP the assets (S (VP to (VP be (VP sold )VP )VP )VP )S )NP (VP (VP would (VP be (NP (NP `` non-insurance '' assets )NP , (PP including (NP (NP a beer company )NP and (NP a real estate firm )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP , and (VP would n't (VP include (NP (NP any pieces )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 24 25 (S (NP He )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP the assets (S (VP to (VP be (VP sold )VP )VP )VP )S )NP (VP (VP would (VP be (NP (NP `` non-insurance '' assets )NP , (VP including (NP (NP a beer company )NP and (NP a real estate firm )NP )NP )VP )NP )VP )VP , and (VP would n't (VP include (NP (NP any pieces )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 22 25 (S (NP He )NP (VP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP the assets (S (VP to (VP be (VP sold )VP )VP )VP )S )NP (VP would (VP be (NP (NP `` non-insurance '' assets )NP , (PP including (NP (NP a beer company )NP and (NP a real estate firm )NP )NP )PP , )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP and (VP would n't (VP include (NP (NP any pieces )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP . )S 25 25 (S (NP He )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP the assets )NP (VP to (VP be (VP sold )VP )VP )VP )NP (VP (VP would (VP be (NP (NP `` non-insurance '' assets )NP , (PP including (NP (NP a beer company )NP and (NP a real estate firm )NP )NP )PP , )NP )VP )VP and (VP would n't (VP include (NP (NP any pieces )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 25 26 (S (NP He )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP the assets (S (VP to (VP be (VP sold )VP )VP )VP )S )NP (VP (VP would (VP be (NP (NP `` (ADJP non-insurance )ADJP '' assets )NP , (PP including (NP (NP a beer company )NP and (NP a real estate firm )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP , and (VP would n't (VP include (NP (NP any pieces )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 23 25 (S (NP He )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (S (NP the assets )NP (VP to (VP be (VP sold )VP )VP )VP )S (VP (VP would (VP be (NP (NP `` non-insurance '' assets )NP , (VP including (NP (NP a beer company )NP and (NP a real estate firm )NP )NP )VP )NP )VP )VP , and (VP would n't (VP include (NP (NP any pieces )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 24 25 (S (NP He )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (S (NP the assets )NP (VP to (VP be (VP sold )VP )VP )VP )S (VP (VP would (VP be (NP (NP `` non-insurance '' assets )NP , (PP including (NP (NP a beer company )NP and (NP a real estate firm )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP , and (VP would n't (VP include (NP (NP any pieces )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 25 25 (S (NP He )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP the assets (S (VP to (VP be (VP sold )VP )VP )VP )S )NP (VP (VP would (VP be (NP (NP `` non-insurance '' assets )NP , (PP including (NP (NP a beer company )NP and (NP a real estate firm )NP )NP )PP , )NP )VP )VP and (VP would n't (VP include (NP (NP any pieces )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 25 25 (S (NP He )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP the assets )NP (VP to (VP be (VP sold )VP )VP )VP )NP (VP (VP would (VP be (NP (NP `` non-insurance '' assets )NP , (PP including (NP (NP a beer company )NP and (NP a real estate firm )NP )NP )PP , )NP )VP )VP and (VP would n't (VP include (NP (NP any pieces )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 25 26 (S (NP He )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP the assets (S (VP to (VP be (VP sold )VP )VP )VP )S )NP (VP (VP would (VP be (NP (NP `` (ADJP non-insurance )ADJP '' assets )NP , (PP including (NP (NP a beer company )NP and (NP a real estate firm )NP )NP )PP , )NP )VP )VP and (VP would n't (VP include (NP (NP any pieces )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 25 26 (S (NP He )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP the assets (S (VP to (VP be (VP sold )VP )VP )VP )S )NP (VP (VP would (VP be (NP (NP (ADJP `` non-insurance '' )ADJP assets )NP , (PP including (NP (NP a beer company )NP and (NP a real estate firm )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP , and (VP would n't (VP include (NP (NP any pieces )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 25 25 (S (NP He )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP the assets )NP (VP to (VP be (VP sold )VP )VP )VP )NP (VP (VP would (VP be (NP (NP `` non-insurance '' assets )NP , (PP including (NP (NP a beer company )NP and (NP a real estate firm )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP , and (VP would n't (VP include (NP (NP any pieces )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 23 25 (S (NP He )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (S (NP the assets )NP (VP to (VP be (VP sold )VP )VP )VP )S (VP (VP would (VP be (NP (NP `` non-insurance '' assets )NP , (VP including (NP (NP a beer company )NP and (NP a real estate firm )NP )NP )VP )NP )VP )VP , and (VP would n't (VP include (NP (NP any pieces )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 24 25 (S (NP He )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (S (NP the assets )NP (VP to (VP be (VP sold )VP )VP )VP )S (VP (VP would (VP be (NP (NP `` non-insurance '' assets )NP , (PP including (NP (NP a beer company )NP and (NP a real estate firm )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP , and (VP would n't (VP include (NP (NP any pieces )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 25 25 (S (NP He )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP the assets (S (VP to (VP be (VP sold )VP )VP )VP )S )NP (VP (VP would (VP be (NP (NP `` non-insurance '' assets )NP , (PP including (NP (NP a beer company )NP and (NP a real estate firm )NP )NP )PP , )NP )VP )VP and (VP would n't (VP include (NP (NP any pieces )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 22 25 (S (NP He )NP (VP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP the assets )NP (VP to (VP be (VP sold )VP )VP )VP )NP (VP would (VP be (NP (NP `` non-insurance '' assets )NP , (PP including (NP (NP a beer company )NP and (NP a real estate firm )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP , and (VP would n't (VP include (NP (NP any pieces )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP . )S 50 10 10 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP wo n't (VP put (NP any burden )NP (PP on (NP Farmers )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 10 11 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP wo n't (VP put (NP (NP any burden )NP (PP on (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 10 10 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP wo n't (VP put (NP any burden )NP (PP on (NP Farmers )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 10 11 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP wo n't (VP put (NP (NP any burden )NP (PP on (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 10 10 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP wo n't (VP put (NP any burden )NP (PP on (NP Farmers )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 10 10 (S (S `` (NP We )NP (VP wo n't (VP put (NP any burden )NP (PP on (NP Farmers )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 10 11 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP wo n't (VP put (NP (NP any burden )NP (PP on (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 10 12 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP wo n't (VP put (S (NP (NP any burden )NP (PP on (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 10 11 (S (S `` (NP We )NP (VP wo n't (VP put (NP (NP any burden )NP (PP on (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 10 11 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP wo n't (VP put (NP (NP any burden )NP (PP on (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 10 10 (S (S `` (NP We )NP (VP wo n't (VP put (NP any burden )NP (PP on (NP Farmers )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 10 10 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP wo n't (VP put (NP any burden )NP (PP on (NP Farmers )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 10 10 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP wo n't (VP put (NP any burden )NP (PP on (NP Farmers )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 10 12 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP wo n't (VP put (S (NP (NP any burden )NP (PP on (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 10 11 (S (S `` (NP We )NP (VP wo n't (VP put (NP (NP any burden )NP (PP on (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 10 11 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP wo n't (VP put (S (NP any burden )NP (PP on (NP Farmers )NP )PP )S )VP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 9 10 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP wo n't (VP put (NP any burden (PP on (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 10 11 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP wo n't (VP put (NP (NP any burden )NP (PP on (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 10 11 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP wo n't (VP put (NP (NP any burden )NP (PP on (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 10 11 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP wo (VP n't (VP put (NP any burden )NP (PP on (NP Farmers )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 10 11 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP wo n't (VP put (NP (NP any burden )NP (PP on (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 10 11 (S `` (SBAR (S (NP We )NP (VP wo n't (VP put (NP any burden )NP (PP on (NP Farmers )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 10 11 (S (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP wo n't (VP put (NP any burden )NP (PP on (NP Farmers )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 10 10 (S (S `` (NP We )NP (VP wo n't (VP put (NP any burden )NP (PP on (NP Farmers )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 9 11 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP wo (VP n't put (NP (NP any burden )NP (PP on (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 10 10 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP wo n't (VP put (NP any burden )NP (PP on (NP Farmers )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 9 10 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP wo n't (VP put (PP (NP any burden )NP on (NP Farmers )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 9 10 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP wo (VP n't put (NP any burden )NP (PP on (NP Farmers )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 10 10 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP wo n't (VP put (NP any burden )NP (PP on (NP Farmers )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 10 10 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP wo n't (VP put (NP any burden )NP (PP on (NP Farmers )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 10 12 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP wo (VP n't (VP put (NP (NP any burden )NP (PP on (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 9 10 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP wo n't (VP put (NP any burden (PP on (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 10 12 (S `` (SBAR (S (NP We )NP (VP wo n't (VP put (NP (NP any burden )NP (PP on (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 10 11 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP wo n't (VP put (S (NP any burden )NP (PP on (NP Farmers )NP )PP )S )VP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 10 11 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP wo n't (VP put (NP (NP any burden )NP (PP on (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 10 12 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP wo n't (VP put (S (NP (NP any burden )NP (PP on (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 10 12 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP wo n't (VP put (S (NP (NP any burden )NP (PP on (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 10 12 (S (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP wo n't (VP put (NP (NP any burden )NP (PP on (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 10 11 (S (S `` (NP We )NP (VP wo n't (VP put (NP (NP any burden )NP (PP on (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 10 11 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP wo (VP n't (VP put (NP any burden )NP (PP on (NP Farmers )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 10 11 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP wo n't (VP put (NP (NP any burden )NP (PP on (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 10 11 (S `` (SBAR (S (NP We )NP (VP wo n't (VP put (NP any burden )NP (PP on (NP Farmers )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 10 13 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP wo n't (VP put (SBAR (S (NP (NP any burden )NP (PP on (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 10 11 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP wo n't (VP put (NP (NP any burden )NP (PP on (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 10 12 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP wo n't (VP put (S (NP (NP any burden )NP (PP on (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 10 11 (S (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP wo n't (VP put (NP any burden )NP (PP on (NP Farmers )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 10 11 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP wo n't (VP put (PP (NP any burden )NP (PP on (NP Farmers )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 10 12 (S (S `` (NP We )NP (VP wo n't (VP put (S (NP (NP any burden )NP (PP on (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 9 11 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP wo (VP n't put (NP (NP any burden )NP (PP on (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 10 10 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP wo n't (VP put (NP any burden )NP (PP on (NP Farmers )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S 50 23 23 (S (NP The amended filings )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP point (PRT out )PRT (SBAR that (S (PP under (NP a new agreement )NP )PP , (NP Hoylake )NP (VP has (NP an absolute obligation (S (VP to (VP sell (NP Farmers )NP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP (PP upon (NP (NP an acquisition )NP (PP of (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 23 25 (S (NP The amended filings )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP point (PRT out )PRT (SBAR that (S (PP under (NP a new agreement )NP )PP , (NP Hoylake )NP (VP has (NP (NP an absolute obligation )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP sell (NP Farmers )NP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP (PP upon (NP (NP an acquisition )NP (PP of (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 23 23 (S (NP The amended filings )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP point (PRT out )PRT (SBAR that (S (PP under (NP a new agreement )NP )PP , (NP Hoylake )NP (VP has (NP an absolute obligation (S (VP to (VP sell (NP Farmers )NP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP (PP upon (NP (NP an acquisition )NP (PP of (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 19 23 (S (NP The amended filings )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP point (PRT out )PRT (SBAR that (S (PP under (NP a new agreement )NP )PP , (NP Hoylake )NP (VP has (NP an absolute obligation (S (VP to (VP sell (NP Farmers )NP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )NP (PP upon (NP (NP an acquisition )NP (PP of (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 23 25 (S (NP The amended filings )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP point (PRT out )PRT (SBAR that (S (PP under (NP a new agreement )NP )PP , (NP Hoylake )NP (VP has (NP (NP an absolute obligation )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP sell (NP Farmers )NP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP (PP upon (NP (NP an acquisition )NP (PP of (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 23 23 (S (NP The amended filings )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP point (PRT out )PRT (SBAR that (S (PP under (NP a new agreement )NP )PP , (NP Hoylake )NP (VP has (NP an absolute obligation (S (VP to (VP sell (NP Farmers )NP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP (PP upon (NP (NP an acquisition )NP (PP of (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 23 24 (S (NP The amended filings )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP point (PRT out )PRT (SBAR that (S (PP under (NP a new agreement )NP )PP , (NP Hoylake )NP (VP has (NP (NP an absolute obligation )NP (S (VP to (VP sell (NP Farmers )NP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP (PP upon (NP (NP an acquisition )NP (PP of (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 22 23 (S (NP The amended filings )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP point (PRT out )PRT (SBAR that (S (PP under (NP a new agreement )NP )PP , (NP Hoylake )NP (VP has (NP an absolute obligation )NP (S (VP to (VP sell (NP Farmers )NP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP (PP upon (NP (NP an acquisition )NP (PP of (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 23 24 (S (NP The amended filings )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP point (PRT out )PRT (SBAR that (S (PP under (NP a new agreement )NP )PP , (NP Hoylake )NP (VP has (NP an absolute obligation (SBAR (S (VP to (VP sell (NP Farmers )NP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP (PP upon (NP (NP an acquisition )NP (PP of (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 23 25 (S (NP The amended filings )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP point (PRT out )PRT (SBAR that (S (PP under (NP a new agreement )NP )PP , (NP Hoylake )NP (VP has (NP (NP an absolute obligation )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP sell (NP Farmers )NP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP (PP upon (NP (NP an acquisition )NP (PP of (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 19 23 (S (NP The amended filings )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP point (PRT out )PRT (SBAR that (S (PP under (NP a new agreement )NP )PP , (NP Hoylake )NP (VP has (NP an absolute obligation (S (VP to (VP sell (NP Farmers )NP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )NP (PP upon (NP (NP an acquisition )NP (PP of (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 22 24 (S (NP The amended filings )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP point (PRT out )PRT (SBAR that (S (PP under (NP a new agreement )NP )PP , (NP Hoylake )NP (VP has (NP an absolute obligation (S (VP to (VP sell (NP Farmers )NP (PP to (NP (NP Axa )NP (PP upon (NP (NP an acquisition )NP (PP of (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 23 23 (S (NP The amended filings )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP point (PRT out )PRT (SBAR that (S (PP under (NP a new agreement )NP )PP , (NP Hoylake )NP (VP has (NP an absolute obligation (S (VP to (VP sell (NP Farmers )NP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP (PP upon (NP (NP an acquisition )NP (PP of (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 22 23 (S (NP The amended filings )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP point (PRT out )PRT (SBAR that (S (PP under (NP a new agreement )NP )PP , (NP Hoylake )NP (VP has (NP an absolute obligation (S (VP to (VP sell (NP Farmers )NP (PP to (NP Axa )NP (PP upon (NP (NP an acquisition )NP (PP of (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 23 24 (S (NP The amended filings )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP point (PRT out )PRT (SBAR that (S (PP under (NP a new agreement )NP )PP , (NP Hoylake )NP (VP has (NP (NP an absolute obligation )NP (S (VP to (VP sell (NP Farmers )NP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP (PP upon (NP (NP an acquisition )NP (PP of (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 22 23 (S (NP The amended filings )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP point (PRT out )PRT (SBAR that (S (PP under (NP a new agreement )NP )PP , (NP Hoylake )NP (VP has (NP an absolute obligation )NP (S (VP to (VP sell (NP Farmers )NP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP (PP upon (NP (NP an acquisition )NP (PP of (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 23 24 (S (NP The amended filings )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP point (PRT out )PRT (SBAR that (S (PP under (NP a new agreement )NP )PP , (NP Hoylake )NP (VP has (NP an absolute obligation (SBAR (S (VP to (VP sell (NP Farmers )NP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP (PP upon (NP (NP an acquisition )NP (PP of (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 22 26 (S (NP The amended filings )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP point (PRT out )PRT (SBAR that (S (PP under (NP a new agreement )NP )PP , (NP Hoylake )NP (VP has (NP (NP an absolute obligation )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP sell (NP Farmers )NP (PP to (NP (NP Axa )NP (PP upon (NP (NP an acquisition )NP (PP of (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 19 23 (S (NP The amended filings )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP point (PRT out )PRT (SBAR that (S (PP under (NP a new agreement )NP )PP , (NP Hoylake )NP (VP has (NP an absolute obligation (S (VP to (VP sell (NP Farmers )NP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )NP (PP upon (NP (NP an acquisition )NP (PP of (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 23 25 (S (NP The amended filings )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP point (PRT out )PRT (SBAR that (S (PP under (NP a new agreement )NP )PP , (NP Hoylake )NP (VP has (NP (NP an absolute obligation )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP sell (NP Farmers )NP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP (PP upon (NP (NP an acquisition )NP (PP of (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 22 25 (S (NP The amended filings )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP point (PRT out )PRT (SBAR that (S (PP under (NP a new agreement )NP )PP , (NP Hoylake )NP (VP has (NP (NP an absolute obligation )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP sell (NP Farmers )NP (PP to (NP Axa )NP (PP upon (NP (NP an acquisition )NP (PP of (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 23 24 (S (NP The amended filings )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP point (PRT out )PRT (SBAR that (S (PP under (NP a new agreement )NP )PP , (NP Hoylake )NP (VP has (NP an absolute obligation (S (VP to (VP sell (NP Farmers )NP (PP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP (PP upon (NP (NP an acquisition )NP (PP of (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 23 24 (S (NP The amended filings )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP point (PRT out )PRT (SBAR that (S (PP under (NP a new agreement )NP )PP , (NP Hoylake )NP (VP has (NP an absolute obligation (S (VP to (VP sell (NP (NP Farmers )NP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP )NP (PP upon (NP (NP an acquisition )NP (PP of (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 22 24 (S (NP The amended filings )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP point (PRT out )PRT (SBAR that (S (PP under (NP a new agreement )NP )PP , (NP Hoylake )NP (VP has (NP an absolute obligation (S (VP to (VP sell (NP Farmers )NP (PP to (NP (NP Axa )NP (PP upon (NP (NP an acquisition )NP (PP of (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 23 24 (S (NP The amended filings )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP point (PRT out )PRT (SBAR that (S (PP under (NP a new agreement )NP )PP , (NP Hoylake )NP (VP has (NP (NP an absolute obligation )NP (S (VP to (VP sell (NP Farmers )NP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP (PP upon (NP (NP an acquisition )NP (PP of (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 22 23 (S (NP The amended filings )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP point (PRT out )PRT (SBAR that (S (PP under (NP a new agreement )NP )PP , (NP Hoylake )NP (VP has (NP an absolute obligation )NP (S (VP to (VP sell (NP Farmers )NP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP (PP upon (NP (NP an acquisition )NP (PP of (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 23 23 (S (NP The amended filings )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP point (PRT out )PRT (SBAR that (S (PP under (NP a new agreement )NP )PP , (NP Hoylake )NP (VP has (NP an absolute obligation (S (VP to (VP sell (NP Farmers )NP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP (PP upon (NP (NP an acquisition )NP (PP of (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 22 23 (S (NP The amended filings )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP point (PRT out )PRT (SBAR that (S (PP under (NP a new agreement )NP )PP , (NP Hoylake )NP (VP has (NP an absolute obligation (S (VP to (VP sell (NP Farmers )NP (PP to (NP Axa )NP (PP upon (NP (NP an acquisition )NP (PP of (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 23 24 (S (NP The amended filings )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP point (PRT out )PRT (SBAR that (S (PP under (NP a new agreement )NP )PP , (NP Hoylake )NP (VP has (NP an absolute obligation (SBAR (S (VP to (VP sell (NP Farmers )NP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP (PP upon (NP (NP an acquisition )NP (PP of (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 23 26 (S (NP The amended filings )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP point (PRT out )PRT (SBAR that (S (PP under (NP a new agreement )NP )PP , (NP Hoylake )NP (VP has (NP (NP an absolute obligation )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP sell (NP Farmers )NP (PP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP (PP upon (NP (NP an acquisition )NP (PP of (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 20 24 (S (NP The amended filings )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP point (PRT out )PRT (SBAR that (S (PP under (NP a new agreement )NP )PP , (NP Hoylake )NP (VP has (NP (NP an absolute obligation (S (VP to (VP sell (NP Farmers )NP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )NP (PP upon (NP (NP an acquisition )NP (PP of (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 19 23 (S (NP The amended filings )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP point (PRT out )PRT (SBAR that (S (PP under (NP a new agreement )NP )PP , (NP Hoylake )NP (VP has (NP an absolute obligation (S (VP to (VP sell (NP Farmers )NP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )NP (PP upon (NP (NP an acquisition )NP (PP of (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 23 26 (S (NP The amended filings )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP point (PRT out )PRT (SBAR that (S (PP under (NP a new agreement )NP )PP , (NP Hoylake )NP (VP has (NP (NP an absolute obligation )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP sell (NP (NP Farmers )NP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP )NP (PP upon (NP (NP an acquisition )NP (PP of (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 22 26 (S (NP The amended filings )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP point (PRT out )PRT (SBAR that (S (PP under (NP a new agreement )NP )PP , (NP Hoylake )NP (VP has (NP (NP an absolute obligation )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP sell (NP Farmers )NP (PP to (NP (NP Axa )NP (PP upon (NP (NP an acquisition )NP (PP of (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 21 23 (S (NP The amended filings )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP point (PRT out )PRT (SBAR that (S (PP under (NP a new agreement )NP )PP , (NP Hoylake )NP (VP has (NP an absolute obligation (S (VP to (VP sell (NP Farmers )NP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP )VP )VP (PP upon (NP (NP an acquisition )NP (PP of (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )NP )PP )S )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 23 25 (S (NP The amended filings )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP point (PRT out )PRT (SBAR that (S (PP under (NP a new agreement )NP )PP , (NP Hoylake )NP (VP has (NP (NP an absolute obligation )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP sell (NP Farmers )NP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP (PP upon (NP (NP an acquisition )NP (PP of (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 22 25 (S (NP The amended filings )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP point (PRT out )PRT (SBAR that (S (PP under (NP a new agreement )NP )PP , (NP Hoylake )NP (VP has (NP (NP an absolute obligation )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP sell (NP Farmers )NP (PP to (NP Axa )NP (PP upon (NP (NP an acquisition )NP (PP of (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 23 24 (S (NP The amended filings )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP point (PRT out )PRT (SBAR that (S (PP under (NP a new agreement )NP )PP , (NP Hoylake )NP (VP has (NP an absolute obligation (S (VP to (VP sell (NP Farmers )NP (PP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP (PP upon (NP (NP an acquisition )NP (PP of (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 22 24 (S (NP The amended filings )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP point (PRT out )PRT (SBAR that (S (PP under (NP a new agreement )NP )PP , (NP Hoylake )NP (VP has (NP an absolute obligation (S (VP to (VP sell (NP Farmers )NP (PP to (NP (NP Axa )NP (PP upon (NP (NP an acquisition )NP (PP of (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 22 24 (S (NP The amended filings )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP point (PRT out )PRT (SBAR that (S (PP under (NP a new agreement )NP )PP , (NP Hoylake )NP (VP has (NP an absolute obligation )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP sell (NP Farmers )NP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP (PP upon (NP (NP an acquisition )NP (PP of (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 22 25 (S (NP The amended filings )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP point (PRT out )PRT (SBAR that (S (PP under (NP a new agreement )NP )PP , (NP Hoylake )NP (VP has (NP (NP an absolute obligation )NP (S (VP to (VP sell (NP Farmers )NP (PP to (NP (NP Axa )NP (PP upon (NP (NP an acquisition )NP (PP of (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 21 24 (S (NP The amended filings )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP point (PRT out )PRT (SBAR that (S (PP under (NP a new agreement )NP )PP , (NP Hoylake )NP (VP has (NP an absolute obligation )NP (S (VP to (VP sell (NP Farmers )NP (PP to (NP (NP Axa )NP (PP upon (NP (NP an acquisition )NP (PP of (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 23 23 (S (NP The amended filings )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP point (PRT out )PRT (SBAR that (S (PP under (NP a new agreement )NP )PP , (NP Hoylake )NP (VP has (NP an absolute obligation (S (VP to (VP sell (NP Farmers )NP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP (PP upon (NP (NP an acquisition )NP (PP of (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 20 23 (S (NP The amended filings )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP point (PRT out )PRT (SBAR that (S (PP under (NP a new agreement )NP )PP , (NP Hoylake )NP (VP has (NP an absolute obligation (S (VP to (VP sell (NP Farmers )NP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP )VP )VP )S (PP upon (NP (NP an acquisition )NP (PP of (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 22 23 (S (NP The amended filings )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP point (PRT out )PRT (SBAR that (S (PP under (NP a new agreement )NP )PP , (NP Hoylake )NP (VP has (NP an absolute obligation (S (VP to (VP sell (NP Farmers )NP (PP to (NP Axa )NP (PP upon (NP (NP an acquisition )NP (PP of (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 23 24 (S (NP The amended filings )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP point (PRT out )PRT (SBAR that (S (PP under (NP a new agreement )NP )PP , (NP Hoylake )NP (VP has (NP (NP an absolute obligation )NP (S (VP to (VP sell (NP Farmers )NP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP (PP upon (NP (NP an acquisition )NP (PP of (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 23 24 (S (NP The amended filings )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP point (PRT out )PRT (SBAR that (S (PP under (NP a new agreement )NP )PP , (NP Hoylake )NP (VP has (NP an (ADJP absolute )ADJP obligation (S (VP to (VP sell (NP Farmers )NP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP (PP upon (NP (NP an acquisition )NP (PP of (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 22 23 (S (NP The amended filings )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP point (PRT out )PRT (SBAR that (S (PP under (NP a new agreement )NP )PP , (NP Hoylake )NP (VP has (NP an absolute obligation )NP (S (VP to (VP sell (NP Farmers )NP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP (PP upon (NP (NP an acquisition )NP (PP of (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 22 24 (S (NP The amended filings )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP point (PRT out )PRT (SBAR that (S (PP under (NP a new agreement )NP )PP , (NP Hoylake )NP (VP has (NP (NP an absolute obligation )NP (S (VP to (VP sell (NP Farmers )NP (PP to (NP Axa )NP (PP upon (NP (NP an acquisition )NP (PP of (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 21 23 (S (NP The amended filings )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP point (PRT out )PRT (SBAR that (S (PP under (NP a new agreement )NP )PP , (NP Hoylake )NP (VP has (NP an absolute obligation )NP (S (VP to (VP sell (NP Farmers )NP (PP to (NP Axa )NP (PP upon (NP (NP an acquisition )NP (PP of (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 50 32 43 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP hope (SBAR that (S (PP with (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (NP we )NP (VP did )VP )S )SBAR )PP , (NP the regulators )NP (VP will not (VP need (S (VP to (VP evaluate (NP Hoylake )NP (PRN , (S and (NP they )NP (VP can (ADVP directly )ADVP (VP look (PP at (NP (NP the agreement )NP (PP with (NP us )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , )PRN (SBAR because (S (NP Hoylake )NP (VP wo n't (VP be (NP (NP an owner )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP (PP at (NP anytime )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , '' (NP Mr. Bebear )NP (VP said )VP . )S 39 42 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP hope (SBAR that (S (PP with (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (NP we )NP (VP did )VP )S )SBAR )PP , (S (NP the regulators )NP (VP will not (VP need (VP to (VP evaluate (NP Hoylake )NP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S , and (S (NP they )NP (VP can (ADVP directly )ADVP (VP look (PP at (NP (NP the agreement )NP (PP with (NP us )NP )PP )NP )PP , (SBAR because (S (NP Hoylake )NP (VP wo n't (VP be (NP (NP an owner )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP (PP at (NP anytime )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )S )SBAR )VP )S , '' (NP Mr. Bebear )NP (VP said )VP . )S 32 43 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP hope (SBAR that (S (PP with (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (NP we )NP (VP did )VP )S )SBAR )PP , (NP the regulators )NP (VP will not (VP need (S (VP to (VP evaluate (NP Hoylake )NP (PRN , (S and (NP they )NP (VP can (ADVP directly )ADVP (VP look (PP at (NP (NP the agreement )NP (PP with (NP us )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , )PRN (SBAR because (S (NP Hoylake )NP (VP wo n't (VP be (NP (NP an owner )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP (PP at (NP anytime )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , '' (NP Mr. Bebear )NP (VP said )VP . )S 39 42 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP hope (SBAR that (S (PP with (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (NP we )NP (VP did )VP )S )SBAR )PP , (S (NP the regulators )NP (VP will not (VP need (VP to (VP evaluate (NP Hoylake )NP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S , and (S (NP they )NP (VP can (ADVP directly )ADVP (VP look (PP at (NP (NP the agreement )NP (PP with (NP us )NP )PP )NP )PP , (SBAR because (S (NP Hoylake )NP (VP wo n't (VP be (NP (NP an owner )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP (PP at (NP anytime )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )S )SBAR )VP )S , '' (NP Mr. Bebear )NP (VP said )VP . )S 31 42 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP hope (SBAR that (S (PP with (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (NP we )NP (VP did )VP )S )SBAR )PP , (NP the regulators )NP (VP will not (VP need (S (VP to (VP evaluate (NP Hoylake )NP (PRN , (S and (NP they )NP (VP can (ADVP directly )ADVP (VP look (PP at (NP (NP the agreement )NP (PP with (NP us )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , )PRN (SBAR because (S (NP Hoylake )NP (VP wo n't (VP be (NP (NP an owner )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP (PP at anytime )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , '' (NP Mr. Bebear )NP (VP said )VP . )S 34 42 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP hope (SBAR that (S (PP with (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (NP we )NP (VP did )VP )S )SBAR )PP , (S (NP the regulators )NP (VP will not (VP need (VP to (VP evaluate (NP Hoylake )NP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S , and (S (NP they )NP (VP can (ADVP directly )ADVP (VP look (PP at (NP (NP the agreement )NP (PP with (NP us )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )S )SBAR , (SBAR because (S (NP Hoylake )NP (VP wo n't (VP be (NP (NP an owner )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP (PP at (NP anytime )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , '' (NP Mr. Bebear )NP (VP said )VP . )S 38 41 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP hope (SBAR that (S (PP with (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (NP we )NP (VP did )VP )S )SBAR )PP , (S (NP the regulators )NP (VP will not (VP need (VP to (VP evaluate (NP Hoylake )NP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S , and (S (NP they )NP (VP can (ADVP directly )ADVP (VP look (PP at (NP (NP the agreement )NP (PP with (NP us )NP )PP )NP )PP , (SBAR because (S (NP Hoylake )NP (VP wo n't (VP be (NP (NP an owner )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP (PP at anytime )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )S )SBAR )VP )S , '' (NP Mr. Bebear )NP (VP said )VP . )S 31 42 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP hope (SBAR that (S (PP with (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (NP we )NP (VP did )VP )S )SBAR )PP , (NP the regulators )NP (VP will not (VP need (S (VP to (VP evaluate (NP Hoylake )NP (PRN , (S and (NP they )NP (VP can (ADVP directly )ADVP (VP look (PP at (NP (NP the agreement )NP (PP with (NP us )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , )PRN (SBAR because (S (NP Hoylake )NP (VP wo n't (VP be (NP (NP an owner )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP (PP at anytime )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , '' (NP Mr. Bebear )NP (VP said )VP . )S 34 42 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP hope (SBAR that (S (PP with (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (NP we )NP (VP did )VP )S )SBAR )PP , (S (NP the regulators )NP (VP will not (VP need (VP to (VP evaluate (NP Hoylake )NP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S , and (S (NP they )NP (VP can (ADVP directly )ADVP (VP look (PP at (NP (NP the agreement )NP (PP with (NP us )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )S )SBAR , (SBAR because (S (NP Hoylake )NP (VP wo n't (VP be (NP (NP an owner )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP (PP at (NP anytime )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , '' (NP Mr. Bebear )NP (VP said )VP . )S 38 41 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP hope (SBAR that (S (PP with (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (NP we )NP (VP did )VP )S )SBAR )PP , (S (NP the regulators )NP (VP will not (VP need (VP to (VP evaluate (NP Hoylake )NP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S , and (S (NP they )NP (VP can (ADVP directly )ADVP (VP look (PP at (NP (NP the agreement )NP (PP with (NP us )NP )PP )NP )PP , (SBAR because (S (NP Hoylake )NP (VP wo n't (VP be (NP (NP an owner )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP (PP at anytime )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )S )SBAR )VP )S , '' (NP Mr. Bebear )NP (VP said )VP . )S 40 42 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP hope (SBAR that (S (S (PP with (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (NP we )NP (VP did )VP )S )SBAR )PP , (NP the regulators )NP (VP will not (VP need (VP to (VP evaluate (NP Hoylake )NP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S , and (S (NP they )NP (VP can (ADVP directly )ADVP (VP look (PP at (NP (NP the agreement )NP (PP with (NP us )NP )PP )NP )PP , (SBAR because (S (NP Hoylake )NP (VP wo n't (VP be (NP (NP an owner )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP (PP at (NP anytime )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )S )SBAR )VP )S , '' (NP Mr. Bebear )NP (VP said )VP . )S 38 42 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP hope (SBAR that (S (PP with (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (NP we )NP (VP did )VP )S )SBAR )PP , (S (NP the regulators )NP (VP will not (VP need (VP to (VP evaluate (NP Hoylake )NP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S , and (S (NP they )NP (VP can (VP (ADVP directly )ADVP look (PP at (NP (NP the agreement )NP (PP with (NP us )NP )PP )NP )PP , (SBAR because (S (NP Hoylake )NP (VP wo n't (VP be (NP (NP an owner )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP (PP at (NP anytime )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )S )SBAR )VP )S , '' (NP Mr. Bebear )NP (VP said )VP . )S 33 41 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP hope (SBAR that (S (PP with (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (NP we )NP (VP did )VP )S )SBAR )PP , (S (NP the regulators )NP (VP will not (VP need (VP to (VP evaluate (NP Hoylake )NP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S , and (S (NP they )NP (VP can (ADVP directly )ADVP (VP look (PP at (NP (NP the agreement )NP (PP with (NP us )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )S )SBAR , (SBAR because (S (NP Hoylake )NP (VP wo n't (VP be (NP (NP an owner )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP (PP at anytime )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , '' (NP Mr. Bebear )NP (VP said )VP . )S 37 42 (S `` (S (S (NP We )NP (VP hope (SBAR that (S (PP with (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (NP we )NP (VP did )VP )S )SBAR )PP , (NP the regulators )NP (VP will not (VP need (VP to (VP evaluate (NP Hoylake )NP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , and (S (NP they )NP (VP can (ADVP directly )ADVP (VP look (PP at (NP (NP the agreement )NP (PP with (NP us )NP )PP )NP )PP , (SBAR because (S (NP Hoylake )NP (VP wo n't (VP be (NP (NP an owner )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP (PP at (NP anytime )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )S , '' (NP Mr. Bebear )NP (VP said )VP . )S 40 42 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP hope (SBAR that (S (S (PP with (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (NP we )NP (VP did )VP )S )SBAR )PP , (NP the regulators )NP (VP will not (VP need (VP to (VP evaluate (NP Hoylake )NP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S , and (S (NP they )NP (VP can (ADVP directly )ADVP (VP look (PP at (NP (NP the agreement )NP (PP with (NP us )NP )PP )NP )PP , (SBAR because (S (NP Hoylake )NP (VP wo n't (VP be (NP (NP an owner )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP (PP at (NP anytime )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )S )SBAR )VP )S , '' (NP Mr. Bebear )NP (VP said )VP . )S 38 42 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP hope (SBAR that (S (PP with (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (NP we )NP (VP did )VP )S )SBAR )PP , (S (NP the regulators )NP (VP will not (VP need (VP to (VP evaluate (NP Hoylake )NP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S , and (S (NP they )NP (VP can (VP (ADVP directly )ADVP look (PP at (NP (NP the agreement )NP (PP with (NP us )NP )PP )NP )PP , (SBAR because (S (NP Hoylake )NP (VP wo n't (VP be (NP (NP an owner )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP (PP at (NP anytime )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )S )SBAR )VP )S , '' (NP Mr. Bebear )NP (VP said )VP . )S 31 43 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP hope (SBAR that (S (PP with (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (NP we )NP (VP did )VP )S )SBAR )PP , (NP the regulators )NP (VP will not (VP need (S (VP to (VP evaluate (NP Hoylake )NP (PRN , (S and (NP they )NP (VP can (ADVP directly )ADVP (VP look (PP at (NP (NP the agreement )NP (PP with (NP us )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , )PRN (SBAR because (S (NP Hoylake )NP (VP wo n't (VP be (NP (NP an owner )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP (PP at (ADVP anytime )ADVP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , '' (NP Mr. Bebear )NP (VP said )VP . )S 33 41 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP hope (SBAR that (S (PP with (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (NP we )NP (VP did )VP )S )SBAR )PP , (S (NP the regulators )NP (VP will not (VP need (VP to (VP evaluate (NP Hoylake )NP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S , and (S (NP they )NP (VP can (ADVP directly )ADVP (VP look (PP at (NP (NP the agreement )NP (PP with (NP us )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )S )SBAR , (SBAR because (S (NP Hoylake )NP (VP wo n't (VP be (NP (NP an owner )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP (PP at anytime )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , '' (NP Mr. Bebear )NP (VP said )VP . )S 37 42 (S `` (S (S (NP We )NP (VP hope (SBAR that (S (PP with (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (NP we )NP (VP did )VP )S )SBAR )PP , (NP the regulators )NP (VP will not (VP need (VP to (VP evaluate (NP Hoylake )NP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , and (S (NP they )NP (VP can (ADVP directly )ADVP (VP look (PP at (NP (NP the agreement )NP (PP with (NP us )NP )PP )NP )PP , (SBAR because (S (NP Hoylake )NP (VP wo n't (VP be (NP (NP an owner )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP (PP at (NP anytime )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )S , '' (NP Mr. Bebear )NP (VP said )VP . )S 34 43 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP hope (SBAR that (S (PP with (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (NP we )NP (VP did )VP )S )SBAR )PP , (NP the regulators )NP (VP will not (VP need (S (VP to (VP evaluate (NP (NP Hoylake )NP , (S and (NP they )NP (VP can (ADVP directly )ADVP (VP look (PP at (NP (NP the agreement )NP (PP with (NP us )NP )PP )NP )PP , (SBAR because (S (NP Hoylake )NP (VP wo n't (VP be (NP (NP an owner )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP (PP at (NP anytime )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , '' (NP Mr. Bebear )NP (VP said )VP . )S 35 42 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP hope (SBAR that (S (S (PP with (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (NP we )NP (VP did )VP )S )SBAR )PP , (NP the regulators )NP (VP will not (VP need (VP to (VP evaluate (NP Hoylake )NP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S , and (S (NP they )NP (VP can (ADVP directly )ADVP (VP look (PP at (NP (NP the agreement )NP (PP with (NP us )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )S )SBAR , (SBAR because (S (NP Hoylake )NP (VP wo n't (VP be (NP (NP an owner )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP (PP at (NP anytime )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , '' (NP Mr. Bebear )NP (VP said )VP . )S 30 44 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP hope (SBAR that (S (PP with (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (NP we )NP (VP did )VP )S )SBAR )PP , (NP the regulators )NP (VP will not (VP need (S (VP to (VP evaluate (NP Hoylake )NP (PRN , (S and (NP they )NP (VP can (ADVP directly )ADVP (VP look (PP at (NP (NP the agreement )NP (PP with (NP us )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , )PRN (SBAR because (S (NP Hoylake )NP (VP wo n't (VP be (NP (NP an owner )NP (PP of (NP (NP Farmers )NP (PP at (NP anytime )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , '' (NP Mr. Bebear )NP (VP said )VP . )S 38 42 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP hope (SBAR that (S (PP with (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (NP we )NP (VP did )VP )S )SBAR )PP , (S (NP the regulators )NP (VP will not (VP need (VP to (VP evaluate (NP Hoylake )NP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S , and (S (NP they )NP (VP can (ADVP directly )ADVP (VP look (PP at (NP (NP the agreement )NP (PP with (NP us )NP )PP )NP )PP , (SBAR because (S (NP Hoylake )NP (VP wo n't (VP be (NP (NP an owner )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP (PP at (ADVP anytime )ADVP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )S )SBAR )VP )S , '' (NP Mr. Bebear )NP (VP said )VP . )S 31 43 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP hope (SBAR that (S (PP with (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (NP we )NP (VP did )VP )S )SBAR )PP , (NP the regulators )NP (VP will not (VP need (S (VP to (VP evaluate (NP Hoylake )NP (PRN , (S and (NP they )NP (VP can (ADVP directly )ADVP (VP look (PP at (NP (NP the agreement )NP (PP with (NP us )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , )PRN (SBAR because (S (NP Hoylake )NP (VP wo n't (VP be (NP (NP an owner )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP (PP at (ADVP anytime )ADVP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , '' (NP Mr. Bebear )NP (VP said )VP . )S 33 44 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP hope (SBAR that (S (PP with (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (NP we )NP (VP did )VP )S )SBAR )PP , (NP the regulators )NP (VP will not (VP need (S (VP to (VP (VP evaluate (NP Hoylake )NP )VP (PRN , (S and (NP they )NP (VP can (ADVP directly )ADVP (VP look (PP at (NP (NP the agreement )NP (PP with (NP us )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , )PRN (SBAR because (S (NP Hoylake )NP (VP wo n't (VP be (NP (NP an owner )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP (PP at (NP anytime )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , '' (NP Mr. Bebear )NP (VP said )VP . )S 39 41 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP hope (SBAR that (S (S (PP with (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (NP we )NP (VP did )VP )S )SBAR )PP , (NP the regulators )NP (VP will not (VP need (VP to (VP evaluate (NP Hoylake )NP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S , and (S (NP they )NP (VP can (ADVP directly )ADVP (VP look (PP at (NP (NP the agreement )NP (PP with (NP us )NP )PP )NP )PP , (SBAR because (S (NP Hoylake )NP (VP wo n't (VP be (NP (NP an owner )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP (PP at anytime )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )S )SBAR )VP )S , '' (NP Mr. Bebear )NP (VP said )VP . )S 37 41 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP hope (SBAR that (S (PP with (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (NP we )NP (VP did )VP )S )SBAR )PP , (S (NP the regulators )NP (VP will not (VP need (VP to (VP evaluate (NP Hoylake )NP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S , and (S (NP they )NP (VP can (VP (ADVP directly )ADVP look (PP at (NP (NP the agreement )NP (PP with (NP us )NP )PP )NP )PP , (SBAR because (S (NP Hoylake )NP (VP wo n't (VP be (NP (NP an owner )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP (PP at anytime )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )S )SBAR )VP )S , '' (NP Mr. Bebear )NP (VP said )VP . )S 39 43 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP hope (SBAR that (S (PP with (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (NP we )NP (VP did )VP )S )SBAR )PP , (S (NP the regulators )NP (VP will not (VP need (VP to (VP evaluate (NP Hoylake )NP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S , and (S (NP they )NP (VP can (ADVP directly )ADVP (VP (VP look (PP at (NP (NP the agreement )NP (PP with (NP us )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP , (SBAR because (S (NP Hoylake )NP (VP wo n't (VP be (NP (NP an owner )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP (PP at (NP anytime )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )S )SBAR )VP )S , '' (NP Mr. Bebear )NP (VP said )VP . )S 34 43 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP hope (SBAR that (S (PP with (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (NP we )NP (VP did )VP )S )SBAR )PP , (NP the regulators )NP (VP will not (VP need (S (VP to (VP evaluate (NP (NP Hoylake )NP , (S and (NP they )NP (VP can (ADVP directly )ADVP (VP look (PP at (NP (NP the agreement )NP (PP with (NP us )NP )PP )NP )PP , (SBAR because (S (NP Hoylake )NP (VP wo n't (VP be (NP (NP an owner )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP (PP at (NP anytime )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , '' (NP Mr. Bebear )NP (VP said )VP . )S 37 43 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP hope (SBAR that (S (PP with (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (NP we )NP (VP did )VP )S )SBAR )PP , (S (NP the regulators )NP (VP will not (VP need (VP to (VP evaluate (NP Hoylake )NP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S , and (S (NP they )NP (VP can (ADVP directly )ADVP (VP look (PP at (NP (NP the agreement )NP (PP with (NP us )NP )PP )NP )PP , (SBAR because (S (NP Hoylake )NP (VP wo n't (VP be (NP (NP an owner )NP (PP of (NP (NP Farmers )NP (PP at (NP anytime )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )S )SBAR )VP )S , '' (NP Mr. Bebear )NP (VP said )VP . )S 39 43 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP hope (SBAR that (S (PP with (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (NP we )NP (VP did )VP )S )SBAR )PP , (S (NP the regulators )NP (VP will not (VP need (VP to (VP evaluate (NP Hoylake )NP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S , and (S (NP they )NP (VP can (ADVP directly )ADVP (VP (VP look (PP at (NP (NP the agreement )NP (PP with (NP us )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP , (SBAR because (S (NP Hoylake )NP (VP wo n't (VP be (NP (NP an owner )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP (PP at (NP anytime )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )S )SBAR )VP )S , '' (NP Mr. Bebear )NP (VP said )VP . )S 36 41 (S `` (S (S (NP We )NP (VP hope (SBAR that (S (PP with (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (NP we )NP (VP did )VP )S )SBAR )PP , (NP the regulators )NP (VP will not (VP need (VP to (VP evaluate (NP Hoylake )NP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , and (S (NP they )NP (VP can (ADVP directly )ADVP (VP look (PP at (NP (NP the agreement )NP (PP with (NP us )NP )PP )NP )PP , (SBAR because (S (NP Hoylake )NP (VP wo n't (VP be (NP (NP an owner )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP (PP at anytime )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )S , '' (NP Mr. Bebear )NP (VP said )VP . )S 35 42 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP hope (SBAR that (S (S (PP with (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (NP we )NP (VP did )VP )S )SBAR )PP , (NP the regulators )NP (VP will not (VP need (VP to (VP evaluate (NP Hoylake )NP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S , and (S (NP they )NP (VP can (ADVP directly )ADVP (VP look (PP at (NP (NP the agreement )NP (PP with (NP us )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )S )SBAR , (SBAR because (S (NP Hoylake )NP (VP wo n't (VP be (NP (NP an owner )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP (PP at (NP anytime )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , '' (NP Mr. Bebear )NP (VP said )VP . )S 35 41 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP hope (SBAR that (S (PP with (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (NP we )NP (VP did )VP )S )SBAR )PP , (S (NP the regulators )NP (VP will not (VP need (VP to (VP evaluate (NP Hoylake )NP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S , and (S (NP they )NP (VP can (ADVP directly )ADVP (VP look (PP at (NP (NP the agreement )NP (PP with (NP us )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , because (S (NP Hoylake )NP (VP wo n't (VP be (NP (NP an owner )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP (PP at (NP anytime )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )S )SBAR )VP )S , '' (NP Mr. Bebear )NP (VP said )VP . )S 38 42 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP hope (SBAR that (S (PP with (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (NP we )NP (VP did )VP )S )SBAR )PP , (S (NP the regulators )NP (VP will not (VP need (VP to (VP evaluate (NP Hoylake )NP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S , and (S (NP they )NP (VP can (ADVP directly )ADVP (VP look (PP at (NP (NP the agreement )NP (PP with (NP us )NP )PP )NP )PP , (SBAR because (S (NP Hoylake )NP (VP wo n't (VP be (NP (NP an owner )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP (PP at (ADVP anytime )ADVP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )S )SBAR )VP )S , '' (NP Mr. Bebear )NP (VP said )VP . )S 31 42 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP hope (SBAR that (S (PP with (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (NP we )NP (VP did )VP )S )SBAR )PP , (NP the regulators )NP (VP will not (VP need (S (VP to (VP evaluate (NP Hoylake )NP (PRN , (S and (NP they )NP (VP can directly (VP look (PP at (NP (NP the agreement )NP (PP with (NP us )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , )PRN (SBAR because (S (NP Hoylake )NP (VP wo n't (VP be (NP (NP an owner )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP (PP at (NP anytime )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , '' (NP Mr. Bebear )NP (VP said )VP . )S 30 42 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP hope (SBAR that (S (PP with (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (NP we )NP (VP did )VP )S )SBAR )PP , (NP the regulators )NP (VP will not (VP need (S (VP to (VP evaluate (NP Hoylake )NP (PRN , (S and (NP they )NP (VP can (ADVP directly )ADVP (VP look (PP at (NP (NP the agreement )NP (PP with (NP us )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , )PRN (SBAR because (S (NP Hoylake )NP (VP wo n't (VP be (NP (NP an owner )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP (ADVP at anytime )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , '' (NP Mr. Bebear )NP (VP said )VP . )S 33 44 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP hope (SBAR that (S (PP with (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (NP we )NP (VP did )VP )S )SBAR )PP , (NP the regulators )NP (VP will not (VP need (S (VP to (VP (VP evaluate (NP Hoylake )NP )VP (PRN , (S and (NP they )NP (VP can (ADVP directly )ADVP (VP look (PP at (NP (NP the agreement )NP (PP with (NP us )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , )PRN (SBAR because (S (NP Hoylake )NP (VP wo n't (VP be (NP (NP an owner )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP (PP at (NP anytime )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , '' (NP Mr. Bebear )NP (VP said )VP . )S 39 41 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP hope (SBAR that (S (S (PP with (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (NP we )NP (VP did )VP )S )SBAR )PP , (NP the regulators )NP (VP will not (VP need (VP to (VP evaluate (NP Hoylake )NP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S , and (S (NP they )NP (VP can (ADVP directly )ADVP (VP look (PP at (NP (NP the agreement )NP (PP with (NP us )NP )PP )NP )PP , (SBAR because (S (NP Hoylake )NP (VP wo n't (VP be (NP (NP an owner )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP (PP at anytime )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )S )SBAR )VP )S , '' (NP Mr. Bebear )NP (VP said )VP . )S 31 43 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP hope (SBAR that (S (PP with (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (NP we )NP (VP did )VP )S )SBAR )PP , (NP the regulators )NP (VP will not (VP need (S (VP to (VP evaluate (NP Hoylake )NP (PRN , (S and (NP they )NP (VP can (ADVP directly )ADVP (VP look (PP at (NP (NP the agreement )NP (PP with (NP us )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , )PRN (SBAR because (S (NP Hoylake )NP (VP wo n't (VP be (NP (NP an owner )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP (PP at (NP anytime )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , '' (NP Mr. Bebear )NP (VP said )VP . )S 37 41 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP hope (SBAR that (S (PP with (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (NP we )NP (VP did )VP )S )SBAR )PP , (S (NP the regulators )NP (VP will not (VP need (VP to (VP evaluate (NP Hoylake )NP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S , and (S (NP they )NP (VP can (VP (ADVP directly )ADVP look (PP at (NP (NP the agreement )NP (PP with (NP us )NP )PP )NP )PP , (SBAR because (S (NP Hoylake )NP (VP wo n't (VP be (NP (NP an owner )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP (PP at anytime )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )S )SBAR )VP )S , '' (NP Mr. Bebear )NP (VP said )VP . )S 39 43 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP hope (SBAR that (S (PP with (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (NP we )NP (VP did )VP )S )SBAR )PP , (S (NP the regulators )NP (VP will not (VP need (VP to (VP evaluate (NP Hoylake )NP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S , and (S (NP they )NP (VP can (ADVP directly )ADVP (VP (VP look (PP at (NP (NP the agreement )NP (PP with (NP us )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP , (SBAR because (S (NP Hoylake )NP (VP wo n't (VP be (NP (NP an owner )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP (PP at (NP anytime )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )S )SBAR )VP )S , '' (NP Mr. Bebear )NP (VP said )VP . )S 40 41 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP hope (SBAR that (S (PP with (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (NP we )NP (VP did )VP )S )SBAR )PP , (S (NP the regulators )NP (VP will not (VP need (VP to (VP evaluate (NP Hoylake )NP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S , and (S (NP they )NP (VP can (ADVP directly )ADVP (VP look (PP at (NP the agreement )NP )PP (PP with (NP us )NP )PP , (SBAR because (S (NP Hoylake )NP (VP wo n't (VP be (NP (NP an owner )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP (PP at (NP anytime )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )S )SBAR )VP )S , '' (NP Mr. Bebear )NP (VP said )VP . )S 39 43 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP hope (SBAR that (S (PP with (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (NP we )NP (VP did )VP )S )SBAR )PP , (S (NP the regulators )NP (VP will not (VP need (VP to (VP evaluate (NP Hoylake )NP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S , and (S (NP they )NP (VP can (ADVP directly )ADVP (VP (VP look (PP at (NP (NP the agreement )NP (PP with (NP us )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP , (SBAR because (S (NP Hoylake )NP (VP wo n't (VP be (NP (NP an owner )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP (PP at (NP anytime )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )S )SBAR )VP )S , '' (NP Mr. Bebear )NP (VP said )VP . )S 33 42 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP hope (SBAR that (S (PP with (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (NP we )NP (VP did )VP )S )SBAR )PP , (S (NP the regulators )NP (VP will not (VP need (VP to (VP evaluate (NP Hoylake )NP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S , and (S (NP they )NP (VP can (ADVP directly )ADVP (VP look (PP at (NP (NP the agreement )NP (PP with (NP us )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )S )SBAR , (SBAR because (S (NP Hoylake )NP (VP wo n't (VP be (NP (NP an owner )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP (PP at (ADVP anytime )ADVP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , '' (NP Mr. Bebear )NP (VP said )VP . )S 36 41 (S `` (S (S (NP We )NP (VP hope (SBAR that (S (PP with (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (NP we )NP (VP did )VP )S )SBAR )PP , (NP the regulators )NP (VP will not (VP need (VP to (VP evaluate (NP Hoylake )NP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , and (S (NP they )NP (VP can (ADVP directly )ADVP (VP look (PP at (NP (NP the agreement )NP (PP with (NP us )NP )PP )NP )PP , (SBAR because (S (NP Hoylake )NP (VP wo n't (VP be (NP (NP an owner )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP (PP at anytime )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )S , '' (NP Mr. Bebear )NP (VP said )VP . )S 32 43 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP hope (SBAR that (S (PP with (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (NP we )NP (VP did )VP )S )SBAR )PP , (NP the regulators )NP (VP will not (VP need (S (VP to (VP evaluate (NP Hoylake )NP (PRN , (S and (NP they )NP (VP can (VP (ADVP directly )ADVP look (PP at (NP (NP the agreement )NP (PP with (NP us )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , )PRN (SBAR because (S (NP Hoylake )NP (VP wo n't (VP be (NP (NP an owner )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP (PP at (NP anytime )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , '' (NP Mr. Bebear )NP (VP said )VP . )S 33 42 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP hope (SBAR that (S (PP with (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (NP we )NP (VP did )VP )S )SBAR )PP , (NP the regulators )NP (VP will not (VP need (S (VP to (VP evaluate (NP (NP Hoylake )NP , (S and (NP they )NP (VP can (ADVP directly )ADVP (VP look (PP at (NP (NP the agreement )NP (PP with (NP us )NP )PP )NP )PP , (SBAR because (S (NP Hoylake )NP (VP wo n't (VP be (NP (NP an owner )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP (PP at anytime )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , '' (NP Mr. Bebear )NP (VP said )VP . )S 38 41 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP hope (SBAR that (S (PP with (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (NP we )NP (VP did )VP )S )SBAR )PP , (S (NP the regulators )NP (VP will not (VP need (VP to (VP evaluate (NP Hoylake )NP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S , and (S (NP they )NP (VP can directly (VP look (PP at (NP (NP the agreement )NP (PP with (NP us )NP )PP )NP )PP , (SBAR because (S (NP Hoylake )NP (VP wo n't (VP be (NP (NP an owner )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP (PP at (NP anytime )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )S )SBAR )VP )S , '' (NP Mr. Bebear )NP (VP said )VP . )S 35 41 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP hope (SBAR that (S (PP with (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (NP we )NP (VP did )VP )S )SBAR )PP , (S (NP the regulators )NP (VP will not (VP need (VP to (VP evaluate (NP Hoylake )NP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S , and (S (NP they )NP (VP can (ADVP directly )ADVP (VP look (PP at (NP (NP the agreement )NP (PP with (NP us )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , because (S (NP Hoylake )NP (VP wo n't (VP be (NP (NP an owner )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP (PP at (NP anytime )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )S )SBAR )VP )S , '' (NP Mr. Bebear )NP (VP said )VP . )S 50 22 25 (S (NP (NP Any change )NP (PP of (NP (NP control )NP (PP in (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP needs (NP (NP approval )NP (PP of (NP (NP the insurance commissioners )NP (PP in (NP (NP the nine states )NP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP (NP Farmers )NP and (NP its related companies )NP )NP (VP are (ADJP incorporated )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 22 25 (S (NP (NP Any change )NP (PP of (NP (NP control )NP (PP in (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP needs (NP (NP approval )NP (PP of (NP (NP the insurance commissioners )NP (PP in (NP (NP the nine states )NP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP (NP Farmers )NP and (NP its related companies )NP )NP (VP are (ADJP incorporated )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 23 24 (S (NP (NP Any change )NP (PP of (NP control )NP )PP (PP in (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP (VP needs (NP (NP approval )NP (PP of (NP (NP the insurance commissioners )NP (PP in (NP (NP the nine states )NP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP (NP Farmers )NP and (NP its related companies )NP )NP (VP are (ADJP incorporated )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 22 25 (S (NP (NP Any change )NP (PP of (NP (NP control )NP (PP in (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP needs (NP (NP approval )NP (PP of (NP (NP the insurance commissioners )NP (PP in (NP (NP the nine states )NP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP (NP Farmers )NP and (NP its related companies )NP )NP (VP are (ADJP incorporated )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 22 25 (S (NP (NP Any change )NP (PP of (NP (NP control )NP (PP in (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP needs (NP (NP approval )NP (PP of (NP (NP the insurance commissioners )NP (PP in (NP (NP the nine states )NP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP (NP Farmers )NP and (NP its related companies )NP )NP (VP are (ADJP incorporated )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 22 25 (S (NP (NP Any change )NP (PP of (NP (NP control )NP (PP in (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP needs (NP (NP approval )NP (PP of (NP (NP the insurance commissioners )NP (PP in (NP (NP the nine states )NP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP (NP Farmers )NP and (NP its related companies )NP )NP (VP are (ADJP incorporated )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 23 24 (S (NP (NP Any change )NP (PP of (NP control )NP )PP (PP in (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP (VP needs (NP (NP approval )NP (PP of (NP (NP the insurance commissioners )NP (PP in (NP (NP the nine states )NP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP (NP Farmers )NP and (NP its related companies )NP )NP (VP are (ADJP incorporated )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 22 25 (S (NP (NP Any change )NP (PP of (NP (NP control )NP (PP in (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP needs (NP (NP approval )NP (PP of (NP (NP the insurance commissioners )NP (PP in (NP (NP the nine states )NP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP (NP Farmers )NP and (NP its related companies )NP )NP (VP are (ADJP incorporated )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 23 25 (S (NP (NP Any change )NP (PP of (NP (NP control )NP (PP in (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP needs (NP (NP approval )NP (PP of (NP (NP the insurance commissioners )NP (PP in (NP (NP the nine states )NP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP (NP Farmers )NP and (NP its related companies )NP )NP (VP are (VP incorporated )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 22 25 (S (NP (NP Any change )NP (PP of (NP (NP control )NP (PP in (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP needs (NP (NP approval )NP (PP of (NP (NP the insurance commissioners )NP (PP in (NP (NP the nine states )NP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP (NP Farmers )NP and (NP its related companies )NP )NP (VP are (ADJP incorporated )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 22 25 (S (NP (NP Any change )NP (PP of (NP (NP control )NP (PP in (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP needs (NP (NP approval )NP (PP of (NP (NP the insurance commissioners )NP (PP in (NP (NP the nine states )NP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP (NP Farmers )NP and (NP its related companies )NP )NP (VP are (ADJP incorporated )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 23 24 (S (NP (NP Any change )NP (PP of (NP control )NP )PP (PP in (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP (VP needs (NP (NP approval )NP (PP of (NP (NP the insurance commissioners )NP (PP in (NP (NP the nine states )NP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP (NP Farmers )NP and (NP its related companies )NP )NP (VP are (ADJP incorporated )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 23 25 (S (NP (NP (NP Any change )NP (PP of (NP control )NP )PP )NP (PP in (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP (VP needs (NP (NP approval )NP (PP of (NP (NP the insurance commissioners )NP (PP in (NP (NP the nine states )NP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP (NP Farmers )NP and (NP its related companies )NP )NP (VP are (ADJP incorporated )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 23 25 (S (NP (NP Any change )NP (PP of (NP (NP control )NP (PP in (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP needs (NP (NP approval )NP (PP of (NP (NP the insurance commissioners )NP (PP in (NP (NP the nine states )NP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP (NP Farmers )NP and (NP its related companies )NP )NP (VP are (VP incorporated )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 23 24 (S (NP (NP Any change )NP (PP of (NP control )NP )PP (PP in (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP (VP needs (NP (NP approval )NP (PP of (NP (NP the insurance commissioners )NP (PP in (NP (NP the nine states )NP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP (NP Farmers )NP and (NP its related companies )NP )NP (VP are (ADJP incorporated )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 20 24 (S (NP (NP Any change )NP (PP of (NP (NP control )NP (PP in (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP needs (NP (NP approval )NP (PP of (NP (NP the insurance commissioners )NP (PP in (NP (NP the nine states )NP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP Farmers and its (ADJP related )ADJP companies )NP (VP are (ADJP incorporated )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 23 24 (S (NP (NP Any change )NP (PP of (NP control )NP )PP (PP in (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP (VP needs (NP (NP approval )NP (PP of (NP (NP the insurance commissioners )NP (PP in (NP (NP the nine states )NP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP (NP Farmers )NP and (NP its related companies )NP )NP (VP are (ADJP incorporated )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 22 25 (S (NP (NP Any change )NP (PP of (NP (NP control )NP (PP in (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP needs (NP (NP approval )NP (PP of (NP (NP the insurance commissioners )NP (PP in (NP (NP the nine states )NP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP (NP Farmers )NP and (NP its related companies )NP )NP (VP are (ADJP incorporated )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 23 24 (S (NP (NP Any change )NP (PP of (NP control )NP )PP (PP in (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP (VP needs (NP (NP approval )NP (PP of (NP (NP the insurance commissioners )NP (PP in (NP (NP the nine states )NP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP (NP Farmers )NP and (NP its related companies )NP )NP (VP are (ADJP incorporated )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 24 24 (S (NP (NP Any change )NP (PP of (NP control )NP )PP (PP in (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP (VP needs (NP (NP approval )NP (PP of (NP (NP the insurance commissioners )NP (PP in (NP (NP the nine states )NP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP (NP Farmers )NP and (NP its related companies )NP )NP (VP are (VP incorporated )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 23 25 (S (NP (NP (NP Any change )NP (PP of (NP control )NP )PP )NP (PP in (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP (VP needs (NP (NP approval )NP (PP of (NP (NP the insurance commissioners )NP (PP in (NP (NP the nine states )NP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP (NP Farmers )NP and (NP its related companies )NP )NP (VP are (ADJP incorporated )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 23 25 (S (NP (NP Any change )NP (PP of (NP (NP control )NP (PP in (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP needs (NP (NP approval )NP (PP of (NP (NP the insurance commissioners )NP (PP in (NP (NP the nine states )NP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP (NP Farmers )NP and (NP its related companies )NP )NP (VP are (VP incorporated )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 23 24 (S (NP (NP Any change )NP (PP of (NP control )NP )PP (PP in (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP (VP needs (NP (NP approval )NP (PP of (NP (NP the insurance commissioners )NP (PP in (NP (NP the nine states )NP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP (NP Farmers )NP and (NP its related companies )NP )NP (VP are (ADJP incorporated )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 20 24 (S (NP (NP Any change )NP (PP of (NP (NP control )NP (PP in (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP needs (NP (NP approval )NP (PP of (NP (NP the insurance commissioners )NP (PP in (NP (NP the nine states )NP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP Farmers and its (ADJP related )ADJP companies )NP (VP are (ADJP incorporated )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 23 24 (S (NP (NP Any change )NP (PP of (NP control )NP )PP (PP in (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP (VP needs (NP (NP approval )NP (PP of (NP (NP the insurance commissioners )NP (PP in (NP (NP the nine states )NP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP (NP Farmers )NP and (NP its related companies )NP )NP (VP are (ADJP incorporated )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 20 24 (S (NP (NP Any change )NP (PP of (NP (NP control )NP (PP in (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP needs (NP (NP approval )NP (PP of (NP (NP the insurance commissioners )NP (PP in (NP the nine states )NP )PP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP (NP Farmers )NP and (NP its related companies )NP )NP (VP are (ADJP incorporated )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 23 25 (S (NP (NP Any change )NP (PP of (NP (NP control )NP (PP in (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP needs (NP (NP approval )NP (PP of (NP (NP the insurance commissioners )NP (PP in (NP (NP the nine states )NP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP (NP Farmers )NP and (NP its related companies )NP )NP (VP are (VP incorporated )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 22 25 (S (NP (NP Any change )NP (PP of (NP (NP control )NP (PP in (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP needs (NP (NP approval )NP (PP of (NP (NP the insurance commissioners )NP (PP in (NP (NP the nine states )NP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP (NP Farmers )NP and (NP its related companies )NP )NP (VP are (ADJP incorporated )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 23 25 (S (NP (NP Any change )NP (PP of (NP (NP control )NP (PP in (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP needs (NP (NP approval )NP (PP of (NP (NP the insurance commissioners )NP (PP in (NP (NP the nine states )NP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP (NP Farmers )NP and (NP its related companies )NP )NP (VP are (VP incorporated )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 24 24 (S (NP (NP Any change )NP (PP of (NP control )NP )PP (PP in (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP (VP needs (NP (NP approval )NP (PP of (NP (NP the insurance commissioners )NP (PP in (NP (NP the nine states )NP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP (NP Farmers )NP and (NP its related companies )NP )NP (VP are (VP incorporated )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 21 23 (S (NP (NP Any change )NP (PP of (NP control )NP )PP (PP in (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP (VP needs (NP (NP approval )NP (PP of (NP (NP the insurance commissioners )NP (PP in (NP (NP the nine states )NP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP Farmers and its (ADJP related )ADJP companies )NP (VP are (ADJP incorporated )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 20 24 (S (NP (NP Any change )NP (PP of (NP (NP control )NP (PP in (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP needs (NP (NP approval )NP (PP of (NP (NP the insurance commissioners )NP (PP in (NP (NP the nine states )NP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP Farmers and its (ADJP related )ADJP companies )NP (VP are (ADJP incorporated )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 23 25 (S (NP (NP (NP Any change )NP (PP of (NP control )NP )PP )NP (PP in (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP (VP needs (NP (NP approval )NP (PP of (NP (NP the insurance commissioners )NP (PP in (NP (NP the nine states )NP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP (NP Farmers )NP and (NP its related companies )NP )NP (VP are (ADJP incorporated )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 23 25 (S (NP (NP Any change )NP (PP of (NP (NP control )NP (PP in (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP needs (NP (NP approval )NP (PP of (NP (NP the insurance commissioners )NP (PP in (NP (NP the nine states )NP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP (NP Farmers )NP and (NP its related companies )NP )NP (VP are (VP incorporated )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 23 24 (S (NP (NP Any change )NP (PP of (NP control )NP )PP (PP in (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP (VP needs (NP (NP approval )NP (PP of (NP (NP the insurance commissioners )NP (PP in (NP (NP the nine states )NP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP (NP Farmers )NP and (NP its related companies )NP )NP (VP are (ADJP incorporated )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 20 24 (S (NP (NP Any change )NP (PP of (NP (NP control )NP (PP in (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP needs (NP (NP approval )NP (PP of (NP (NP the insurance commissioners )NP (PP in (NP the nine states )NP )PP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP (NP Farmers )NP and (NP its related companies )NP )NP (VP are (ADJP incorporated )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 19 24 (S (NP (NP Any change )NP (PP of (NP (NP control )NP (PP in (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP needs (NP (NP approval )NP (PP of (NP the insurance commissioners )NP )PP )NP (PP in (NP (NP the nine states )NP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP (NP Farmers )NP and (NP its related companies )NP )NP (VP are (ADJP incorporated )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 22 25 (S (NP (NP Any change )NP (PP of (NP (NP control )NP (PP in (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP needs (NP (NP approval )NP (PP of (NP (NP the insurance commissioners )NP (PP in (NP (NP the nine states )NP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP (NP Farmers )NP and (NP its related companies )NP )NP (VP are (ADJP incorporated )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 23 25 (S (NP (NP (NP Any change )NP (PP of (NP control )NP )PP )NP (PP in (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP (VP needs (NP (NP approval )NP (PP of (NP (NP the insurance commissioners )NP (PP in (NP (NP the nine states )NP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP (NP Farmers )NP and (NP its related companies )NP )NP (VP are (ADJP incorporated )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 23 25 (S (NP (NP (NP Any change )NP (PP of (NP control )NP )PP )NP (PP in (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP (VP needs (NP (NP approval )NP (PP of (NP (NP the insurance commissioners )NP (PP in (NP (NP the nine states )NP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP (NP Farmers )NP and (NP its related companies )NP )NP (VP are (ADJP incorporated )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 23 25 (S (NP (NP Any change )NP (PP of (NP (NP control )NP (PP in (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP needs (NP (NP approval )NP (PP of (NP (NP the insurance commissioners )NP (PP in (NP (NP the nine states )NP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP (NP Farmers )NP and (NP its related companies )NP )NP (VP are (VP incorporated )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 23 25 (S (NP (NP Any change )NP (PP of (NP (NP control )NP (PP in (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP needs (NP (NP approval )NP (PP of (NP (NP the insurance commissioners )NP (PP in (NP (NP the nine states )NP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP (NP Farmers )NP and (NP its related companies )NP )NP (VP are (VP incorporated )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 24 24 (S (NP (NP Any change )NP (PP of (NP control )NP )PP (PP in (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP (VP needs (NP (NP approval )NP (PP of (NP (NP the insurance commissioners )NP (PP in (NP (NP the nine states )NP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP (NP Farmers )NP and (NP its related companies )NP )NP (VP are (VP incorporated )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 20 23 (S (NP (NP Any change )NP (PP of (NP (NP control )NP (PP in (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP needs (NP (NP approval )NP (PP of (NP (NP the insurance commissioners )NP (PP in (NP (NP the nine states )NP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP Farmers and its related companies )NP (VP are (ADJP incorporated )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 21 23 (S (NP (NP Any change )NP (PP of (NP control )NP )PP (PP in (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP (VP needs (NP (NP approval )NP (PP of (NP (NP the insurance commissioners )NP (PP in (NP (NP the nine states )NP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP Farmers and its (ADJP related )ADJP companies )NP (VP are (ADJP incorporated )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 20 24 (S (NP (NP Any change )NP (PP of (NP (NP control )NP (PP in (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP needs (NP (NP approval )NP (PP of (NP (NP the insurance commissioners )NP (PP in (NP (NP the nine states )NP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP Farmers and its (ADJP related )ADJP companies )NP (VP are (ADJP incorporated )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 21 23 (S (NP (NP Any change )NP (PP of (NP control )NP )PP (PP in (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP (VP needs (NP (NP approval )NP (PP of (NP (NP the insurance commissioners )NP (PP in (NP the nine states )NP )PP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP (NP Farmers )NP and (NP its related companies )NP )NP (VP are (ADJP incorporated )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 23 25 (S (NP (NP (NP Any change )NP (PP of (NP control )NP )PP )NP (PP in (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP (VP needs (NP (NP approval )NP (PP of (NP (NP the insurance commissioners )NP (PP in (NP (NP the nine states )NP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP (NP Farmers )NP and (NP its related companies )NP )NP (VP are (ADJP incorporated )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 24 25 (S (NP (NP (NP Any change )NP (PP of (NP control )NP )PP )NP (PP in (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP (VP needs (NP (NP approval )NP (PP of (NP (NP the insurance commissioners )NP (PP in (NP (NP the nine states )NP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP (NP Farmers )NP and (NP its related companies )NP )NP (VP are (VP incorporated )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 24 24 (S (NP (NP Any change )NP (PP of (NP control )NP )PP (PP in (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP (VP needs (NP (NP approval )NP (PP of (NP (NP the insurance commissioners )NP (PP in (NP (NP the nine states )NP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP (NP Farmers )NP and (NP its related companies )NP )NP (VP are (VP incorporated )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 50 22 24 (S (NP The amended filings )NP (VP (VP were (VP required (PP because of (NP (NP the new agreement )NP (PP between (NP Axa and Hoylake )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP , and (VP to (VP reflect (NP the extension (SBAR that (S (NP Sir James )NP (VP received (NP last month )NP (PP under (NP British takeover rules )NP )PP (S (VP to (VP complete (NP his proposed acquisition )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )VP . )S 22 25 (S (NP The amended filings )NP (VP (VP were (VP required (PP because of (NP (NP the new agreement )NP (PP between (NP Axa and Hoylake )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP , and (VP to (VP reflect (NP the extension (SBAR that (S (NP Sir James )NP (VP received (NP last month )NP (PP under (NP British takeover rules )NP )PP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP complete (NP his proposed acquisition )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )VP . )S 24 26 (S (NP The amended filings )NP (VP (VP were (VP required (PP because of (NP (NP the new agreement )NP (PP between (NP Axa and Hoylake )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP , and (VP to (VP reflect (NP (NP the extension )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP Sir James )NP (VP received (NP last month )NP (PP under (NP British takeover rules )NP )PP (S (VP to (VP complete (NP his proposed acquisition )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )VP . )S 24 27 (S (NP The amended filings )NP (VP (VP were (VP required (PP because of (NP (NP the new agreement )NP (PP between (NP Axa and Hoylake )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP , and (VP to (VP reflect (NP (NP the extension )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP Sir James )NP (VP received (NP last month )NP (PP under (NP British takeover rules )NP )PP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP complete (NP his proposed acquisition )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )VP . )S 23 24 (S (NP The amended filings )NP (VP were (VP (VP required (PP because of (NP (NP the new agreement )NP (PP between (NP Axa and Hoylake )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP , and (VP to (VP reflect (NP the extension (SBAR that (S (NP Sir James )NP (VP received (NP last month )NP (PP under (NP British takeover rules )NP )PP (S (VP to (VP complete (NP his proposed acquisition )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )VP )VP . )S 23 25 (S (NP The amended filings )NP (VP were (VP (VP required (PP because of (NP (NP the new agreement )NP (PP between (NP Axa and Hoylake )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP , and (VP to (VP reflect (NP the extension (SBAR that (S (NP Sir James )NP (VP received (NP last month )NP (PP under (NP British takeover rules )NP )PP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP complete (NP his proposed acquisition )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )VP )VP . )S 25 26 (S (NP The amended filings )NP (VP were (VP (VP required (PP because of (NP (NP the new agreement )NP (PP between (NP Axa and Hoylake )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP , and (VP to (VP reflect (NP (NP the extension )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP Sir James )NP (VP received (NP last month )NP (PP under (NP British takeover rules )NP )PP (S (VP to (VP complete (NP his proposed acquisition )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )VP )VP . )S 23 25 (S (NP The amended filings )NP (VP (VP were (VP required (PP because of (NP (NP the new agreement )NP (PP between (NP Axa and Hoylake )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP , and (VP to (VP reflect (NP (NP the extension )NP (SBAR that (S (NP Sir James )NP (VP received (NP last month )NP (PP under (NP British takeover rules )NP )PP (S (VP to (VP complete (NP his proposed acquisition )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )VP . )S 25 27 (S (NP The amended filings )NP (VP were (VP (VP required (PP because of (NP (NP the new agreement )NP (PP between (NP Axa and Hoylake )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP , and (VP to (VP reflect (NP (NP the extension )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP Sir James )NP (VP received (NP last month )NP (PP under (NP British takeover rules )NP )PP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP complete (NP his proposed acquisition )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )VP )VP . )S 23 26 (S (NP The amended filings )NP (VP (VP were (VP required (PP because of (NP (NP the new agreement )NP (PP between (NP Axa and Hoylake )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP , and (VP to (VP reflect (NP (NP the extension )NP (SBAR that (S (NP Sir James )NP (VP received (NP last month )NP (PP under (NP British takeover rules )NP )PP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP complete (NP his proposed acquisition )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )VP . )S 24 25 (S (NP The amended filings )NP (VP were (VP (VP required (PP because of (NP (NP the new agreement )NP (PP between (NP Axa and Hoylake )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP , and (VP to (VP reflect (NP (NP the extension )NP (SBAR that (S (NP Sir James )NP (VP received (NP last month )NP (PP under (NP British takeover rules )NP )PP (S (VP to (VP complete (NP his proposed acquisition )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )VP )VP . )S 24 26 (S (NP The amended filings )NP (VP were (VP (VP required (PP because of (NP (NP the new agreement )NP (PP between (NP Axa and Hoylake )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP , and (VP to (VP reflect (NP (NP the extension )NP (SBAR that (S (NP Sir James )NP (VP received (NP last month )NP (PP under (NP British takeover rules )NP )PP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP complete (NP his proposed acquisition )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )VP )VP . )S 24 26 (S (NP The amended filings )NP (VP (VP were (VP required (PP because of (NP (NP the new agreement )NP (PP between (NP (NP Axa )NP and (NP Hoylake )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP , and (VP to (VP reflect (NP the extension (SBAR that (S (NP Sir James )NP (VP received (NP last month )NP (PP under (NP British takeover rules )NP )PP (S (VP to (VP complete (NP his proposed acquisition )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )VP . )S 24 27 (S (NP The amended filings )NP (VP (VP were (VP required (PP because of (NP (NP the new agreement )NP (PP between (NP (NP Axa )NP and (NP Hoylake )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP , and (VP to (VP reflect (NP the extension (SBAR that (S (NP Sir James )NP (VP received (NP last month )NP (PP under (NP British takeover rules )NP )PP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP complete (NP his proposed acquisition )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )VP . )S 22 24 (S (NP The amended filings )NP (VP (VP were (VP required (PP because of (NP (NP the new agreement )NP (PP between (NP Axa and Hoylake )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP , and (VP to (VP reflect (NP the extension (SBAR that (S (NP Sir James )NP (VP received (NP last month )NP (PP under (NP British takeover rules )NP )PP (S (VP to (VP complete (NP his proposed acquisition )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )VP . )S 26 28 (S (NP The amended filings )NP (VP (VP were (VP required (PP because of (NP (NP the new agreement )NP (PP between (NP (NP Axa )NP and (NP Hoylake )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP , and (VP to (VP reflect (NP (NP the extension )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP Sir James )NP (VP received (NP last month )NP (PP under (NP British takeover rules )NP )PP (S (VP to (VP complete (NP his proposed acquisition )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )VP . )S 22 25 (S (NP The amended filings )NP (VP (VP were (VP required (PP because of (NP (NP the new agreement )NP (PP between (NP Axa and Hoylake )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP , and (VP to (VP reflect (NP the extension (SBAR that (S (NP Sir James )NP (VP received (NP last month )NP (PP under (NP British takeover rules )NP )PP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP complete (NP his proposed acquisition )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )VP . )S 26 29 (S (NP The amended filings )NP (VP (VP were (VP required (PP because of (NP (NP the new agreement )NP (PP between (NP (NP Axa )NP and (NP Hoylake )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP , and (VP to (VP reflect (NP (NP the extension )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP Sir James )NP (VP received (NP last month )NP (PP under (NP British takeover rules )NP )PP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP complete (NP his proposed acquisition )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )VP . )S 24 26 (S (NP The amended filings )NP (VP (VP were (VP required (PP because of (NP (NP the new agreement )NP (PP between (NP Axa and Hoylake )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP , and (VP to (VP reflect (NP (NP the extension )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP Sir James )NP (VP received (NP last month )NP (PP under (NP British takeover rules )NP )PP (S (VP to (VP complete (NP his proposed acquisition )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )VP . )S 24 27 (S (NP The amended filings )NP (VP (VP were (VP required (PP because of (NP (NP the new agreement )NP (PP between (NP Axa and Hoylake )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP , and (VP to (VP reflect (NP (NP the extension )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP Sir James )NP (VP received (NP last month )NP (PP under (NP British takeover rules )NP )PP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP complete (NP his proposed acquisition )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )VP . )S 22 24 (S (NP The amended filings )NP (VP (VP were (ADJP required )ADJP (PP because of (NP (NP the new agreement )NP (PP between (NP Axa and Hoylake )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP , and (VP to (VP reflect (NP the extension (SBAR that (S (NP Sir James )NP (VP received (NP last month )NP (PP under (NP British takeover rules )NP )PP (S (VP to (VP complete (NP his proposed acquisition )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )VP . )S 22 25 (S (NP The amended filings )NP (VP (VP were (ADJP required )ADJP (PP because of (NP (NP the new agreement )NP (PP between (NP Axa and Hoylake )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP , and (VP to (VP reflect (NP the extension (SBAR that (S (NP Sir James )NP (VP received (NP last month )NP (PP under (NP British takeover rules )NP )PP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP complete (NP his proposed acquisition )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )VP . )S 24 26 (S (NP The amended filings )NP (VP (VP were (ADJP required )ADJP (PP because of (NP (NP the new agreement )NP (PP between (NP Axa and Hoylake )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP , and (VP to (VP reflect (NP (NP the extension )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP Sir James )NP (VP received (NP last month )NP (PP under (NP British takeover rules )NP )PP (S (VP to (VP complete (NP his proposed acquisition )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )VP . )S 25 26 (S (NP The amended filings )NP (VP were (VP (VP required (PP because of (NP (NP the new agreement )NP (PP between (NP (NP Axa )NP and (NP Hoylake )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP , and (VP to (VP reflect (NP the extension (SBAR that (S (NP Sir James )NP (VP received (NP last month )NP (PP under (NP British takeover rules )NP )PP (S (VP to (VP complete (NP his proposed acquisition )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )VP )VP . )S 24 27 (S (NP The amended filings )NP (VP (VP were (ADJP required )ADJP (PP because of (NP (NP the new agreement )NP (PP between (NP Axa and Hoylake )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP , and (VP to (VP reflect (NP (NP the extension )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP Sir James )NP (VP received (NP last month )NP (PP under (NP British takeover rules )NP )PP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP complete (NP his proposed acquisition )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )VP . )S 25 27 (S (NP The amended filings )NP (VP were (VP (VP required (PP because of (NP (NP the new agreement )NP (PP between (NP (NP Axa )NP and (NP Hoylake )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP , and (VP to (VP reflect (NP the extension (SBAR that (S (NP Sir James )NP (VP received (NP last month )NP (PP under (NP British takeover rules )NP )PP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP complete (NP his proposed acquisition )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )VP )VP . )S 23 24 (S (NP The amended filings )NP (VP were (VP (VP required (PP because of (NP (NP the new agreement )NP (PP between (NP Axa and Hoylake )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP , and (VP to (VP reflect (NP the extension (SBAR that (S (NP Sir James )NP (VP received (NP last month )NP (PP under (NP British takeover rules )NP )PP (S (VP to (VP complete (NP his proposed acquisition )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )VP )VP . )S 27 28 (S (NP The amended filings )NP (VP were (VP (VP required (PP because of (NP (NP the new agreement )NP (PP between (NP (NP Axa )NP and (NP Hoylake )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP , and (VP to (VP reflect (NP (NP the extension )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP Sir James )NP (VP received (NP last month )NP (PP under (NP British takeover rules )NP )PP (S (VP to (VP complete (NP his proposed acquisition )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )VP )VP . )S 25 27 (S (NP The amended filings )NP (VP (VP were (VP required (PP because of (NP (NP the new agreement )NP (PP between (NP (NP Axa )NP and (NP Hoylake )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP , and (VP to (VP reflect (NP (NP the extension )NP (SBAR that (S (NP Sir James )NP (VP received (NP last month )NP (PP under (NP British takeover rules )NP )PP (S (VP to (VP complete (NP his proposed acquisition )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )VP . )S 23 25 (S (NP The amended filings )NP (VP were (VP (VP required (PP because of (NP (NP the new agreement )NP (PP between (NP Axa and Hoylake )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP , and (VP to (VP reflect (NP the extension (SBAR that (S (NP Sir James )NP (VP received (NP last month )NP (PP under (NP British takeover rules )NP )PP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP complete (NP his proposed acquisition )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )VP )VP . )S 27 29 (S (NP The amended filings )NP (VP were (VP (VP required (PP because of (NP (NP the new agreement )NP (PP between (NP (NP Axa )NP and (NP Hoylake )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP , and (VP to (VP reflect (NP (NP the extension )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP Sir James )NP (VP received (NP last month )NP (PP under (NP British takeover rules )NP )PP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP complete (NP his proposed acquisition )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )VP )VP . )S 25 28 (S (NP The amended filings )NP (VP (VP were (VP required (PP because of (NP (NP the new agreement )NP (PP between (NP (NP Axa )NP and (NP Hoylake )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP , and (VP to (VP reflect (NP (NP the extension )NP (SBAR that (S (NP Sir James )NP (VP received (NP last month )NP (PP under (NP British takeover rules )NP )PP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP complete (NP his proposed acquisition )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )VP . )S 25 26 (S (NP The amended filings )NP (VP were (VP (VP required (PP because of (NP (NP the new agreement )NP (PP between (NP Axa and Hoylake )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP , and (VP to (VP reflect (NP (NP the extension )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP Sir James )NP (VP received (NP last month )NP (PP under (NP British takeover rules )NP )PP (S (VP to (VP complete (NP his proposed acquisition )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )VP )VP . )S 23 25 (S (NP The amended filings )NP (VP (VP were (VP required (PP because of (NP (NP the new agreement )NP (PP between (NP Axa and Hoylake )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP , and (VP to (VP reflect (NP (NP the extension )NP (SBAR that (S (NP Sir James )NP (VP received (NP last month )NP (PP under (NP British takeover rules )NP )PP (S (VP to (VP complete (NP his proposed acquisition )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )VP . )S 25 27 (S (NP The amended filings )NP (VP were (VP (VP required (PP because of (NP (NP the new agreement )NP (PP between (NP Axa and Hoylake )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP , and (VP to (VP reflect (NP (NP the extension )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP Sir James )NP (VP received (NP last month )NP (PP under (NP British takeover rules )NP )PP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP complete (NP his proposed acquisition )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )VP )VP . )S 23 26 (S (NP The amended filings )NP (VP (VP were (VP required (PP because of (NP (NP the new agreement )NP (PP between (NP Axa and Hoylake )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP , and (VP to (VP reflect (NP (NP the extension )NP (SBAR that (S (NP Sir James )NP (VP received (NP last month )NP (PP under (NP British takeover rules )NP )PP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP complete (NP his proposed acquisition )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )VP . )S 23 25 (S (NP The amended filings )NP (VP (VP were (ADJP required )ADJP (PP because of (NP (NP the new agreement )NP (PP between (NP Axa and Hoylake )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP , and (VP to (VP reflect (NP (NP the extension )NP (SBAR that (S (NP Sir James )NP (VP received (NP last month )NP (PP under (NP British takeover rules )NP )PP (S (VP to (VP complete (NP his proposed acquisition )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )VP . )S 23 26 (S (NP The amended filings )NP (VP (VP were (ADJP required )ADJP (PP because of (NP (NP the new agreement )NP (PP between (NP Axa and Hoylake )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP , and (VP to (VP reflect (NP (NP the extension )NP (SBAR that (S (NP Sir James )NP (VP received (NP last month )NP (PP under (NP British takeover rules )NP )PP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP complete (NP his proposed acquisition )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )VP . )S 22 24 (S (NP The amended filings )NP (VP (VP were (ADJP required )ADJP (PP because of (NP (NP the new agreement )NP (PP between (NP Axa and Hoylake )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP , and (VP to (VP reflect (NP the extension (SBAR that (S (NP Sir James )NP (VP received (NP last month )NP (PP under (NP British takeover rules )NP )PP (S (VP to (VP complete (NP his proposed acquisition )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )VP . )S 22 25 (S (NP The amended filings )NP (VP (VP were (ADJP required )ADJP (PP because of (NP (NP the new agreement )NP (PP between (NP Axa and Hoylake )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP , and (VP to (VP reflect (NP the extension (SBAR that (S (NP Sir James )NP (VP received (NP last month )NP (PP under (NP British takeover rules )NP )PP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP complete (NP his proposed acquisition )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )VP . )S 26 27 (S (NP The amended filings )NP (VP were (VP (VP required (PP because of (NP (NP the new agreement )NP (PP between (NP (NP Axa )NP and (NP Hoylake )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP , and (VP to (VP reflect (NP (NP the extension )NP (SBAR that (S (NP Sir James )NP (VP received (NP last month )NP (PP under (NP British takeover rules )NP )PP (S (VP to (VP complete (NP his proposed acquisition )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )VP )VP . )S 26 28 (S (NP The amended filings )NP (VP were (VP (VP required (PP because of (NP (NP the new agreement )NP (PP between (NP (NP Axa )NP and (NP Hoylake )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP , and (VP to (VP reflect (NP (NP the extension )NP (SBAR that (S (NP Sir James )NP (VP received (NP last month )NP (PP under (NP British takeover rules )NP )PP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP complete (NP his proposed acquisition )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )VP )VP . )S 22 24 (S (NP The amended filings )NP (VP (VP were (VP required (PP because of (NP (NP the new agreement )NP (PP between (NP Axa and Hoylake )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP , and (VP to (VP reflect (NP the extension (SBAR that (S (NP Sir James )NP (VP received (NP last month )NP (PP under (NP British takeover rules )NP )PP (S (VP to (VP complete (NP his proposed acquisition )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )VP . )S 24 26 (S (NP The amended filings )NP (VP (VP were (ADJP required )ADJP (PP because of (NP (NP the new agreement )NP (PP between (NP Axa and Hoylake )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP , and (VP to (VP reflect (NP (NP the extension )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP Sir James )NP (VP received (NP last month )NP (PP under (NP British takeover rules )NP )PP (S (VP to (VP complete (NP his proposed acquisition )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )VP . )S 22 25 (S (NP The amended filings )NP (VP (VP were (VP required (PP because of (NP (NP the new agreement )NP (PP between (NP Axa and Hoylake )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP , and (VP to (VP reflect (NP the extension (SBAR that (S (NP Sir James )NP (VP received (NP last month )NP (PP under (NP British takeover rules )NP )PP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP complete (NP his proposed acquisition )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )VP . )S 24 27 (S (NP The amended filings )NP (VP (VP were (ADJP required )ADJP (PP because of (NP (NP the new agreement )NP (PP between (NP Axa and Hoylake )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP , and (VP to (VP reflect (NP (NP the extension )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP Sir James )NP (VP received (NP last month )NP (PP under (NP British takeover rules )NP )PP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP complete (NP his proposed acquisition )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )VP . )S 24 25 (S (NP The amended filings )NP (VP were (VP (VP required (PP because of (NP (NP the new agreement )NP (PP between (NP Axa and Hoylake )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP , and (VP to (VP reflect (NP (NP the extension )NP (SBAR that (S (NP Sir James )NP (VP received (NP last month )NP (PP under (NP British takeover rules )NP )PP (S (VP to (VP complete (NP his proposed acquisition )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )VP )VP . )S 24 26 (S (NP The amended filings )NP (VP were (VP (VP required (PP because of (NP (NP the new agreement )NP (PP between (NP Axa and Hoylake )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP , and (VP to (VP reflect (NP (NP the extension )NP (SBAR that (S (NP Sir James )NP (VP received (NP last month )NP (PP under (NP British takeover rules )NP )PP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP complete (NP his proposed acquisition )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )VP )VP . )S 24 26 (S (NP The amended filings )NP (VP (VP were (VP required (PP because of (NP (NP the new agreement )NP (PP between (NP Axa and Hoylake )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP , and (VP to (VP reflect (NP (NP the extension )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP Sir James )NP (VP received (NP last month )NP (PP under (NP British takeover rules )NP )PP (S (VP to (VP complete (NP his proposed acquisition )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )VP . )S 24 27 (S (NP The amended filings )NP (VP (VP were (VP required (PP because of (NP (NP the new agreement )NP (PP between (NP Axa and Hoylake )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP , and (VP to (VP reflect (NP (NP the extension )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP Sir James )NP (VP received (NP last month )NP (PP under (NP British takeover rules )NP )PP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP complete (NP his proposed acquisition )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )VP . )S 50 33 36 (S (NP Hoylake )NP (VP (VP dropped (NP its initial (ADJP (ADJP (QP # 13.35 billion )QP )ADJP (PRN -LRB- (ADJP (QP $ 20.71 billion )QP )ADJP -RRB- )PRN )ADJP takeover bid )NP (SBAR after (S (NP it )NP (VP received (NP the extension )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP , but (VP said (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (VP would (VP launch (NP (NP a new bid )NP (SBAR (UCP if and (WHADVP when )WHADVP )UCP (S (NP (NP the propsed sale )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP )NP (VP receives (NP regulatory approval )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 33 36 (S (NP Hoylake )NP (VP (VP dropped (NP its initial (ADJP (ADJP (QP # 13.35 billion )QP )ADJP (PRN -LRB- (ADJP (QP $ 20.71 billion )QP )ADJP -RRB- )PRN )ADJP takeover bid )NP (SBAR after (S (NP it )NP (VP received (NP the extension )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP , but (VP said (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (VP would (VP launch (NP (NP a new bid )NP (SBAR (UCP if and (WHADVP when )WHADVP )UCP (S (NP (NP the propsed sale )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP )NP (VP receives (NP regulatory approval )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 30 36 (S (NP Hoylake )NP (VP dropped (NP its initial (ADJP (ADJP (QP # 13.35 billion )QP )ADJP (PRN -LRB- (ADJP (QP $ 20.71 billion )QP )ADJP -RRB- )PRN )ADJP takeover bid )NP (SBAR after (S (NP it )NP (VP (VP received (NP the extension )NP )VP , but (VP said (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (VP would (VP launch (NP (NP a new bid )NP (SBAR (UCP if and (WHADVP when )WHADVP )UCP (S (NP (NP the propsed sale )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP )NP (VP receives (NP regulatory approval )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 33 36 (S (NP Hoylake )NP (VP (VP dropped (NP its initial (ADJP (ADJP (QP # 13.35 billion )QP )ADJP (PRN -LRB- (ADJP (QP $ 20.71 billion )QP )ADJP -RRB- )PRN )ADJP takeover bid )NP (SBAR after (S (NP it )NP (VP received (NP the extension )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP , but (VP said (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (VP would (VP launch (NP (NP a new bid )NP (SBAR (UCP if and (WHADVP when )WHADVP )UCP (S (NP (NP the propsed sale )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP )NP (VP receives (NP regulatory approval )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 32 36 (S (NP Hoylake )NP (VP (VP dropped (NP its initial (ADJP (ADJP (QP # 13.35 billion )QP )ADJP (PRN -LRB- (NP (QP $ 20.71 billion )QP )NP -RRB- )PRN )ADJP takeover bid )NP (SBAR after (S (NP it )NP (VP received (NP the extension )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP , but (VP said (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (VP would (VP launch (NP (NP a new bid )NP (SBAR (UCP if and (WHADVP when )WHADVP )UCP (S (NP (NP the propsed sale )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP )NP (VP receives (NP regulatory approval )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 30 36 (S (NP Hoylake )NP (VP dropped (NP its initial (ADJP (ADJP (QP # 13.35 billion )QP )ADJP (PRN -LRB- (ADJP (QP $ 20.71 billion )QP )ADJP -RRB- )PRN )ADJP takeover bid )NP (SBAR after (S (NP it )NP (VP (VP received (NP the extension )NP )VP , but (VP said (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (VP would (VP launch (NP (NP a new bid )NP (SBAR (UCP if and (WHADVP when )WHADVP )UCP (S (NP (NP the propsed sale )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP )NP (VP receives (NP regulatory approval )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 33 36 (S (NP Hoylake )NP (VP (VP dropped (NP its initial (ADJP (ADJP (QP # 13.35 billion )QP )ADJP (PRN -LRB- (ADJP (QP $ 20.71 billion )QP )ADJP -RRB- )PRN )ADJP takeover bid )NP (SBAR after (S (NP it )NP (VP received (NP the extension )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP , but (VP said (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (VP would (VP launch (NP (NP a new bid )NP (SBAR (UCP if and (WHADVP when )WHADVP )UCP (S (NP (NP the propsed sale )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP )NP (VP receives (NP regulatory approval )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 32 36 (S (NP Hoylake )NP (VP (VP dropped (NP its initial (ADJP (ADJP (QP # 13.35 billion )QP )ADJP (PRN -LRB- (NP (QP $ 20.71 billion )QP )NP -RRB- )PRN )ADJP takeover bid )NP (SBAR after (S (NP it )NP (VP received (NP the extension )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP , but (VP said (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (VP would (VP launch (NP (NP a new bid )NP (SBAR (UCP if and (WHADVP when )WHADVP )UCP (S (NP (NP the propsed sale )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP )NP (VP receives (NP regulatory approval )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 33 35 (S (NP Hoylake )NP (VP (VP dropped (NP its initial (ADJP (ADJP (QP # 13.35 billion )QP )ADJP (PRN -LRB- (ADJP (QP $ 20.71 billion )QP )ADJP -RRB- )PRN )ADJP takeover bid )NP (SBAR after (S (NP it )NP (VP received (NP the extension )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP , but (VP said (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (VP would (VP launch (NP a new bid )NP (SBAR if and (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP (NP the propsed sale )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP )NP (VP receives (NP regulatory approval )NP )VP )S )SBAR )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 33 35 (S (NP Hoylake )NP (VP (VP dropped (NP its initial (ADJP (ADJP (QP # 13.35 billion )QP )ADJP (PRN -LRB- (ADJP (QP $ 20.71 billion )QP )ADJP -RRB- )PRN )ADJP takeover bid )NP (SBAR after (S (NP it )NP (VP received (NP the extension )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP , but (VP said (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (VP would (VP launch (NP a new bid )NP (SBAR if and (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP (NP the propsed sale )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP )NP (VP receives (NP regulatory approval )NP )VP )S )SBAR )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 30 36 (S (NP Hoylake )NP (VP dropped (NP its initial (ADJP (ADJP (QP # 13.35 billion )QP )ADJP (PRN -LRB- (ADJP (QP $ 20.71 billion )QP )ADJP -RRB- )PRN )ADJP takeover bid )NP (SBAR after (S (NP it )NP (VP (VP received (NP the extension )NP )VP , but (VP said (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (VP would (VP launch (NP (NP a new bid )NP (SBAR (UCP if and (WHADVP when )WHADVP )UCP (S (NP (NP the propsed sale )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP )NP (VP receives (NP regulatory approval )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 29 36 (S (NP Hoylake )NP (VP dropped (NP its initial (ADJP (ADJP (QP # 13.35 billion )QP )ADJP (PRN -LRB- (NP (QP $ 20.71 billion )QP )NP -RRB- )PRN )ADJP takeover bid )NP (SBAR after (S (NP it )NP (VP (VP received (NP the extension )NP )VP , but (VP said (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (VP would (VP launch (NP (NP a new bid )NP (SBAR (UCP if and (WHADVP when )WHADVP )UCP (S (NP (NP the propsed sale )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP )NP (VP receives (NP regulatory approval )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 32 36 (S (NP Hoylake )NP (VP (VP dropped (NP its initial (ADJP (ADJP (QP # 13.35 billion )QP )ADJP (PRN -LRB- (NP (QP $ 20.71 billion )QP )NP -RRB- )PRN )ADJP takeover bid )NP (SBAR after (S (NP it )NP (VP received (NP the extension )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP , but (VP said (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (VP would (VP launch (NP (NP a new bid )NP (SBAR (UCP if and (WHADVP when )WHADVP )UCP (S (NP (NP the propsed sale )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP )NP (VP receives (NP regulatory approval )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 30 36 (S (NP Hoylake )NP (VP dropped (NP its initial (ADJP (ADJP (QP # 13.35 billion )QP )ADJP (PRN -LRB- (ADJP (QP $ 20.71 billion )QP )ADJP -RRB- )PRN )ADJP takeover bid )NP (SBAR after (S (NP it )NP (VP (VP received (NP the extension )NP )VP , but (VP said (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (VP would (VP launch (NP (NP a new bid )NP (SBAR (UCP if and (WHADVP when )WHADVP )UCP (S (NP (NP the propsed sale )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP )NP (VP receives (NP regulatory approval )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 29 36 (S (NP Hoylake )NP (VP dropped (NP its initial (ADJP (ADJP (QP # 13.35 billion )QP )ADJP (PRN -LRB- (NP (QP $ 20.71 billion )QP )NP -RRB- )PRN )ADJP takeover bid )NP (SBAR after (S (NP it )NP (VP (VP received (NP the extension )NP )VP , but (VP said (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (VP would (VP launch (NP (NP a new bid )NP (SBAR (UCP if and (WHADVP when )WHADVP )UCP (S (NP (NP the propsed sale )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP )NP (VP receives (NP regulatory approval )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 32 36 (S (NP Hoylake )NP (VP (VP dropped (NP its initial (ADJP (ADJP (QP # 13.35 billion )QP )ADJP (PRN -LRB- (NP (QP $ 20.71 billion )QP )NP -RRB- )PRN )ADJP takeover bid )NP (SBAR after (S (NP it )NP (VP received (NP the extension )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP , but (VP said (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (VP would (VP launch (NP (NP a new bid )NP (SBAR (UCP if and (WHADVP when )WHADVP )UCP (S (NP (NP the propsed sale )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP )NP (VP receives (NP regulatory approval )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 30 35 (S (NP Hoylake )NP (VP dropped (NP its initial (ADJP (ADJP (QP # 13.35 billion )QP )ADJP (PRN -LRB- (ADJP (QP $ 20.71 billion )QP )ADJP -RRB- )PRN )ADJP takeover bid )NP (SBAR after (S (NP it )NP (VP (VP received (NP the extension )NP )VP , but (VP said (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (VP would (VP launch (NP a new bid )NP (SBAR if and (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP (NP the propsed sale )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP )NP (VP receives (NP regulatory approval )NP )VP )S )SBAR )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 33 35 (S (NP Hoylake )NP (VP (VP dropped (NP its initial (ADJP (ADJP (QP # 13.35 billion )QP )ADJP (PRN -LRB- (ADJP (QP $ 20.71 billion )QP )ADJP -RRB- )PRN )ADJP takeover bid )NP (SBAR after (S (NP it )NP (VP received (NP the extension )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP , but (VP said (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (VP would (VP launch (NP a new bid )NP (SBAR if and (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP (NP the propsed sale )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP )NP (VP receives (NP regulatory approval )NP )VP )S )SBAR )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 32 35 (S (NP Hoylake )NP (VP (VP dropped (NP its initial (ADJP (ADJP (QP # 13.35 billion )QP )ADJP (PRN -LRB- (NP (QP $ 20.71 billion )QP )NP -RRB- )PRN )ADJP takeover bid )NP (SBAR after (S (NP it )NP (VP received (NP the extension )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP , but (VP said (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (VP would (VP launch (NP a new bid )NP (SBAR if and (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP (NP the propsed sale )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP )NP (VP receives (NP regulatory approval )NP )VP )S )SBAR )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 30 35 (S (NP Hoylake )NP (VP dropped (NP its initial (ADJP (ADJP (QP # 13.35 billion )QP )ADJP (PRN -LRB- (ADJP (QP $ 20.71 billion )QP )ADJP -RRB- )PRN )ADJP takeover bid )NP (SBAR after (S (NP it )NP (VP (VP received (NP the extension )NP )VP , but (VP said (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (VP would (VP launch (NP a new bid )NP (SBAR if and (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP (NP the propsed sale )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP )NP (VP receives (NP regulatory approval )NP )VP )S )SBAR )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 33 35 (S (NP Hoylake )NP (VP (VP dropped (NP its initial (ADJP (ADJP (QP # 13.35 billion )QP )ADJP (PRN -LRB- (ADJP (QP $ 20.71 billion )QP )ADJP -RRB- )PRN )ADJP takeover bid )NP (SBAR after (S (NP it )NP (VP received (NP the extension )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP , but (VP said (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (VP would (VP launch (NP a new bid )NP (SBAR if and (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP (NP the propsed sale )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP )NP (VP receives (NP regulatory approval )NP )VP )S )SBAR )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 32 35 (S (NP Hoylake )NP (VP (VP dropped (NP its initial (ADJP (ADJP (QP # 13.35 billion )QP )ADJP (PRN -LRB- (NP (QP $ 20.71 billion )QP )NP -RRB- )PRN )ADJP takeover bid )NP (SBAR after (S (NP it )NP (VP received (NP the extension )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP , but (VP said (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (VP would (VP launch (NP a new bid )NP (SBAR if and (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP (NP the propsed sale )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP )NP (VP receives (NP regulatory approval )NP )VP )S )SBAR )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 29 36 (S (NP Hoylake )NP (VP dropped (NP its initial (ADJP (ADJP (QP # 13.35 billion )QP )ADJP (PRN -LRB- (NP (QP $ 20.71 billion )QP )NP -RRB- )PRN )ADJP takeover bid )NP (SBAR after (S (NP it )NP (VP (VP received (NP the extension )NP )VP , but (VP said (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (VP would (VP launch (NP (NP a new bid )NP (SBAR (UCP if and (WHADVP when )WHADVP )UCP (S (NP (NP the propsed sale )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP )NP (VP receives (NP regulatory approval )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 32 36 (S (NP Hoylake )NP (VP (VP dropped (NP its initial (ADJP (ADJP (QP # 13.35 billion )QP )ADJP (PRN -LRB- (ADJP (QP $ 20.71 billion )QP )ADJP -RRB- )PRN )ADJP takeover bid )NP (SBAR after (S (NP it )NP (VP received (NP the extension )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP , but (VP said (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (VP would (VP launch (NP (NP a new bid )NP (UCP if and (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP (NP the propsed sale )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP )NP (VP receives (NP regulatory approval )NP )VP )S )SBAR )UCP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 29 36 (S (NP Hoylake )NP (VP dropped (NP its initial (ADJP (ADJP (QP # 13.35 billion )QP )ADJP (PRN -LRB- (NP (QP $ 20.71 billion )QP )NP -RRB- )PRN )ADJP takeover bid )NP (SBAR after (S (NP it )NP (VP (VP received (NP the extension )NP )VP , but (VP said (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (VP would (VP launch (NP (NP a new bid )NP (SBAR (UCP if and (WHADVP when )WHADVP )UCP (S (NP (NP the propsed sale )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP )NP (VP receives (NP regulatory approval )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 30 35 (S (NP Hoylake )NP (VP dropped (NP its initial (ADJP (ADJP (QP # 13.35 billion )QP )ADJP (PRN -LRB- (ADJP (QP $ 20.71 billion )QP )ADJP -RRB- )PRN )ADJP takeover bid )NP (SBAR after (S (NP it )NP (VP (VP received (NP the extension )NP )VP , but (VP said (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (VP would (VP launch (NP a new bid )NP (SBAR if and (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP (NP the propsed sale )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP )NP (VP receives (NP regulatory approval )NP )VP )S )SBAR )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 33 36 (S (NP Hoylake )NP (VP (VP dropped (NP its initial (ADJP (ADJP (QP # 13.35 billion )QP )ADJP (PRN -LRB- (ADJP (QP $ 20.71 billion )QP )ADJP -RRB- )PRN )ADJP takeover bid )NP (SBAR after (S (NP it )NP (VP received (NP the extension )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP , but (VP said (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (VP would (VP launch (NP (NP a new bid )NP (SBAR (UCP if and (WHADVP when )WHADVP )UCP (S (NP (NP the propsed sale )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP )NP (VP receives (NP regulatory approval )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 29 35 (S (NP Hoylake )NP (VP dropped (NP its initial (ADJP (ADJP (QP # 13.35 billion )QP )ADJP (PRN -LRB- (NP (QP $ 20.71 billion )QP )NP -RRB- )PRN )ADJP takeover bid )NP (SBAR after (S (NP it )NP (VP (VP received (NP the extension )NP )VP , but (VP said (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (VP would (VP launch (NP a new bid )NP (SBAR if and (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP (NP the propsed sale )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP )NP (VP receives (NP regulatory approval )NP )VP )S )SBAR )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 32 35 (S (NP Hoylake )NP (VP (VP dropped (NP its initial (ADJP (ADJP (QP # 13.35 billion )QP )ADJP (PRN -LRB- (NP (QP $ 20.71 billion )QP )NP -RRB- )PRN )ADJP takeover bid )NP (SBAR after (S (NP it )NP (VP received (NP the extension )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP , but (VP said (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (VP would (VP launch (NP a new bid )NP (SBAR if and (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP (NP the propsed sale )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP )NP (VP receives (NP regulatory approval )NP )VP )S )SBAR )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 32 35 (S (NP Hoylake )NP (VP (VP dropped (NP its initial (ADJP (ADJP (QP # 13.35 billion )QP )ADJP (PRN -LRB- (ADJP (QP $ 20.71 billion )QP )ADJP -RRB- )PRN )ADJP takeover bid )NP (SBAR after (S (NP it )NP (VP received (NP the extension )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP , but (VP said (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (VP would (VP launch (NP a new bid )NP (UCP if and (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP (NP the propsed sale )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP )NP (VP receives (NP regulatory approval )NP )VP )S )SBAR )UCP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 32 35 (S (NP Hoylake )NP (VP (VP dropped (NP its initial (ADJP (ADJP (QP # 13.35 billion )QP )ADJP (PRN -LRB- (ADJP (QP $ 20.71 billion )QP )ADJP -RRB- )PRN )ADJP takeover bid )NP (SBAR after (S (NP it )NP (VP received (NP the extension )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP , but (VP said (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (VP would (VP launch (NP a new bid (SBAR (UCP if and (WHADVP when )WHADVP )UCP (S (NP (NP the propsed sale )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP )NP (VP receives (NP regulatory approval )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 32 36 (S (NP Hoylake )NP (VP (VP dropped (NP its initial (ADJP (ADJP (QP # 13.35 billion )QP )ADJP (PRN -LRB- (ADJP (QP $ 20.71 billion )QP )ADJP -RRB- )PRN )ADJP takeover bid )NP (SBAR after (S (NP it )NP (VP received (NP the extension )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP , but (VP said (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (VP would (VP launch (NP (NP a new bid )NP (UCP if and (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP (NP the propsed sale )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP )NP (VP receives (NP regulatory approval )NP )VP )S )SBAR )UCP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 30 35 (S (NP Hoylake )NP (VP dropped (NP its initial (ADJP (ADJP (QP # 13.35 billion )QP )ADJP (PRN -LRB- (ADJP (QP $ 20.71 billion )QP )ADJP -RRB- )PRN )ADJP takeover bid )NP (SBAR after (S (NP it )NP (VP (VP received (NP the extension )NP )VP , but (VP said (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (VP would (VP launch (NP a new bid )NP (SBAR if and (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP (NP the propsed sale )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP )NP (VP receives (NP regulatory approval )NP )VP )S )SBAR )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 29 35 (S (NP Hoylake )NP (VP dropped (NP its initial (ADJP (ADJP (QP # 13.35 billion )QP )ADJP (PRN -LRB- (NP (QP $ 20.71 billion )QP )NP -RRB- )PRN )ADJP takeover bid )NP (SBAR after (S (NP it )NP (VP (VP received (NP the extension )NP )VP , but (VP said (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (VP would (VP launch (NP a new bid )NP (SBAR if and (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP (NP the propsed sale )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP )NP (VP receives (NP regulatory approval )NP )VP )S )SBAR )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 32 35 (S (NP Hoylake )NP (VP (VP dropped (NP its initial (ADJP (ADJP (QP # 13.35 billion )QP )ADJP (PRN -LRB- (NP (QP $ 20.71 billion )QP )NP -RRB- )PRN )ADJP takeover bid )NP (SBAR after (S (NP it )NP (VP received (NP the extension )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP , but (VP said (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (VP would (VP launch (NP a new bid )NP (SBAR if and (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP (NP the propsed sale )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP )NP (VP receives (NP regulatory approval )NP )VP )S )SBAR )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 32 35 (S (NP Hoylake )NP (VP (VP dropped (NP its initial (ADJP (ADJP (QP # 13.35 billion )QP )ADJP (PRN -LRB- (ADJP (QP $ 20.71 billion )QP )ADJP -RRB- )PRN )ADJP takeover bid )NP (SBAR after (S (NP it )NP (VP received (NP the extension )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP , but (VP said (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (VP would (VP launch (NP a new bid )NP (UCP if and (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP (NP the propsed sale )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP )NP (VP receives (NP regulatory approval )NP )VP )S )SBAR )UCP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 32 35 (S (NP Hoylake )NP (VP (VP dropped (NP its initial (ADJP (ADJP (QP # 13.35 billion )QP )ADJP (PRN -LRB- (ADJP (QP $ 20.71 billion )QP )ADJP -RRB- )PRN )ADJP takeover bid )NP (SBAR after (S (NP it )NP (VP received (NP the extension )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP , but (VP said (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (VP would (VP launch (NP a new bid (SBAR (UCP if and (WHADVP when )WHADVP )UCP (S (NP (NP the propsed sale )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP )NP (VP receives (NP regulatory approval )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 33 36 (S (NP Hoylake )NP (VP (VP dropped (NP its initial (ADJP (ADJP (QP # 13.35 billion )QP )ADJP (PRN -LRB- (ADJP (QP $ 20.71 billion )QP )ADJP -RRB- )PRN )ADJP takeover bid )NP (SBAR after (S (NP it )NP (VP received (NP the extension )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP , but (VP said (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (VP would (VP launch (NP a new bid )NP (SBAR if (S and (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP (NP the propsed sale )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP )NP (VP receives (NP regulatory approval )NP )VP )S )SBAR )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 29 36 (S (NP Hoylake )NP (VP dropped (NP its initial (ADJP (ADJP (QP # 13.35 billion )QP )ADJP (PRN -LRB- (ADJP (QP $ 20.71 billion )QP )ADJP -RRB- )PRN )ADJP takeover bid )NP (SBAR after (S (NP it )NP (VP (VP received (NP the extension )NP )VP , but (VP said (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (VP would (VP launch (NP (NP a new bid )NP (UCP if and (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP (NP the propsed sale )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP )NP (VP receives (NP regulatory approval )NP )VP )S )SBAR )UCP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 32 36 (S (NP Hoylake )NP (VP (VP dropped (NP its initial (ADJP (ADJP (QP # 13.35 billion )QP )ADJP (PRN -LRB- (ADJP (QP $ 20.71 billion )QP )ADJP -RRB- )PRN )ADJP takeover bid )NP (SBAR after (S (NP it )NP (VP received (NP the extension )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP , but (VP said (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (VP would (VP launch (NP (NP a new bid )NP (UCP if and (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP (NP the propsed sale )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP )NP (VP receives (NP regulatory approval )NP )VP )S )SBAR )UCP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 33 36 (S (NP Hoylake )NP (VP (VP dropped (NP its initial (ADJP (ADJP (QP # 13.35 billion )QP )ADJP (PRN -LRB- (ADJP (QP $ 20.71 billion )QP )ADJP -RRB- )PRN )ADJP takeover bid )NP (SBAR after (S (NP it )NP (VP received (NP the extension )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP , but (VP said (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (VP would (VP launch (NP a new bid )NP (SBAR if (S and (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP (NP the propsed sale )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP )NP (VP receives (NP regulatory approval )NP )VP )S )SBAR )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 33 35 (S (NP Hoylake )NP (VP (VP dropped (NP its initial (ADJP (ADJP (QP # 13.35 billion )QP )ADJP (PRN -LRB- (ADJP (QP $ 20.71 billion )QP )ADJP -RRB- )PRN )ADJP takeover bid )NP (SBAR after (S (NP it )NP (VP received (NP the extension )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP , but (VP said (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (VP would (VP launch (NP a new bid )NP (SBAR (UCP if and (WHADVP when )WHADVP )UCP (S (NP (NP the propsed sale )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP )NP (VP receives (NP regulatory approval )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 31 34 (S (NP Hoylake )NP (VP (VP dropped (NP its initial (ADJP (ADJP (QP # 13.35 billion )QP )ADJP (PRN -LRB- (ADJP (QP $ 20.71 billion )QP )ADJP -RRB- )PRN )ADJP takeover bid )NP (SBAR after (S (NP it )NP (VP received (NP the extension )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP , but (VP said (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (VP would (VP launch (NP a new bid )NP (SBAR if (S and (ADVP when )ADVP (NP (NP the propsed sale )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP )NP (VP receives (NP regulatory approval )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 31 36 (S (NP Hoylake )NP (VP (VP dropped (NP its initial (ADJP (ADJP (QP # 13.35 billion )QP )ADJP (PRN -LRB- (NP (QP $ 20.71 billion )QP )NP -RRB- )PRN )ADJP takeover bid )NP (SBAR after (S (NP it )NP (VP received (NP the extension )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP , but (VP said (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (VP would (VP launch (NP (NP a new bid )NP (UCP if and (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP (NP the propsed sale )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP )NP (VP receives (NP regulatory approval )NP )VP )S )SBAR )UCP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 33 37 (S (NP Hoylake )NP (VP (VP dropped (NP its initial (ADJP (ADJP (QP # 13.35 billion )QP )ADJP (PRN -LRB- (ADJP (QP $ 20.71 billion )QP )ADJP -RRB- )PRN )ADJP takeover bid )NP (SBAR after (S (NP it )NP (VP received (NP the extension )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP , but (VP said (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (VP would (VP launch (NP (NP a new bid )NP (SBAR (UCP if and (WHADVP when )WHADVP )UCP (S (NP (NP the (ADJP propsed )ADJP sale )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP )NP (VP receives (NP regulatory approval )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 30 36 (S (NP Hoylake )NP (VP dropped (NP its initial (ADJP (ADJP (QP # 13.35 billion )QP )ADJP (PRN -LRB- (ADJP (QP $ 20.71 billion )QP )ADJP -RRB- )PRN )ADJP takeover bid )NP (SBAR after (S (NP it )NP (VP (VP received (NP the extension )NP )VP , but (VP said (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (VP would (VP launch (NP (NP a new bid )NP (SBAR (UCP if and (WHADVP when )WHADVP )UCP (S (NP (NP the propsed sale )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP )NP (VP receives (NP regulatory approval )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 33 36 (S (NP Hoylake )NP (VP (VP dropped (NP its initial (ADJP (ADJP (QP # 13.35 billion )QP )ADJP (PRN -LRB- (ADJP (QP $ 20.71 billion )QP )ADJP -RRB- )PRN )ADJP takeover bid )NP (SBAR after (S (NP it )NP (VP received (NP the extension )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP , but (VP said (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (VP would (VP launch (NP (NP a new bid )NP (SBAR (UCP if and (WHADVP when )WHADVP )UCP (S (NP (NP the propsed sale )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP )NP (VP receives (NP regulatory approval )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 29 35 (S (NP Hoylake )NP (VP dropped (NP its initial (ADJP (ADJP (QP # 13.35 billion )QP )ADJP (PRN -LRB- (NP (QP $ 20.71 billion )QP )NP -RRB- )PRN )ADJP takeover bid )NP (SBAR after (S (NP it )NP (VP (VP received (NP the extension )NP )VP , but (VP said (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (VP would (VP launch (NP a new bid )NP (SBAR if and (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP (NP the propsed sale )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP )NP (VP receives (NP regulatory approval )NP )VP )S )SBAR )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 29 35 (S (NP Hoylake )NP (VP dropped (NP its initial (ADJP (ADJP (QP # 13.35 billion )QP )ADJP (PRN -LRB- (ADJP (QP $ 20.71 billion )QP )ADJP -RRB- )PRN )ADJP takeover bid )NP (SBAR after (S (NP it )NP (VP (VP received (NP the extension )NP )VP , but (VP said (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (VP would (VP launch (NP a new bid )NP (UCP if and (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP (NP the propsed sale )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP )NP (VP receives (NP regulatory approval )NP )VP )S )SBAR )UCP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 32 35 (S (NP Hoylake )NP (VP (VP dropped (NP its initial (ADJP (ADJP (QP # 13.35 billion )QP )ADJP (PRN -LRB- (ADJP (QP $ 20.71 billion )QP )ADJP -RRB- )PRN )ADJP takeover bid )NP (SBAR after (S (NP it )NP (VP received (NP the extension )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP , but (VP said (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (VP would (VP launch (NP a new bid )NP (UCP if and (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP (NP the propsed sale )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP )NP (VP receives (NP regulatory approval )NP )VP )S )SBAR )UCP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 50 18 18 (S (NP (NP A spokesman )NP (PP for (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )NP (VP said (PP of (NP the amended filings )NP )PP (SBAR that , `` (S (NP It )NP (VP would (VP appear (SBAR that (S (NP nothing substantive )NP (VP has (VP changed )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 18 18 (S (NP (NP A spokesman )NP (PP for (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )NP (VP said (PP of (NP the amended filings )NP )PP (SBAR that , `` (S (NP It )NP (VP would (VP appear (SBAR that (S (NP nothing substantive )NP (VP has (VP changed )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 20 20 (S (NP (NP A spokesman )NP (PP for (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )NP (VP said (PP of (NP the amended filings )NP )PP (SBAR that , `` (S (NP It )NP (VP would (VP appear (SBAR that (S (NP (NP nothing )NP (ADJP substantive )ADJP )NP (VP has (VP changed )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 18 18 (S (NP (NP A spokesman )NP (PP for (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )NP (VP said (PP of (NP the amended filings )NP )PP (SBAR that , `` (S (NP It )NP (VP would (VP appear (SBAR that (S (NP nothing substantive )NP (VP has (VP changed )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 18 18 (S (NP (NP A spokesman )NP (PP for (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )NP (VP said (PP of (NP the amended filings )NP )PP (SBAR that , (S `` (NP It )NP (VP would (VP appear (SBAR that (S (NP nothing substantive )NP (VP has (VP changed )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 19 19 (S (NP (NP A spokesman )NP (PP for (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )NP (VP said (PP of (NP the amended filings )NP )PP (SBAR that , `` (S (NP It )NP (VP would (VP appear (SBAR that (S (NP (NP nothing )NP substantive )NP (VP has (VP changed )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 18 19 (S (NP (NP A spokesman )NP (PP for (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )NP (VP said (PP of (NP the amended filings )NP )PP (SBAR that , `` (S (NP It )NP (VP would (VP appear (SBAR that (S (NP nothing )NP (ADVP substantive )ADVP (VP has (VP changed )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 19 20 (S (NP (NP A spokesman )NP (PP for (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )NP (VP said (PP of (NP the amended filings )NP )PP (SBAR that , `` (S (NP It )NP (VP would (VP appear (SBAR that (S (NP (NP nothing )NP (ADVP substantive )ADVP )NP (VP has (VP changed )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 20 20 (S (NP (NP A spokesman )NP (PP for (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )NP (VP said (PP of (NP the amended filings )NP )PP (SBAR that , `` (S (NP It )NP (VP would (VP appear (SBAR that (S (NP (NP nothing )NP (ADJP substantive )ADJP )NP (VP has (VP changed )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 18 19 (S (NP (NP A spokesman )NP (PP for (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )NP (VP said (PP of (NP the (NX amended filings )NX )NP )PP (SBAR that , `` (S (NP It )NP (VP would (VP appear (SBAR that (S (NP nothing substantive )NP (VP has (VP changed )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 18 18 (S (NP (NP A spokesman )NP (PP for (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )NP (VP said (PP of (NP the amended filings )NP )PP (SBAR that , `` (S (NP It )NP (VP would (VP appear (SBAR that (S (NP nothing substantive )NP (VP has (VP changed )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 18 19 (S (NP (NP A spokesman )NP (PP for (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )NP (VP said (PP of (NP the amended (NX filings )NX )NP )PP (SBAR that , `` (S (NP It )NP (VP would (VP appear (SBAR that (S (NP nothing substantive )NP (VP has (VP changed )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 18 18 (S (NP (NP A spokesman )NP (PP for (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )NP (VP said (PP of (NP the amended filings )NP )PP (SBAR that , (S `` (NP It )NP (VP would (VP appear (SBAR that (S (NP nothing substantive )NP (VP has (VP changed )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 17 18 (S (NP (NP A spokesman )NP (PP for (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )NP (VP said (SBAR (PP of (NP the amended filings )NP )PP that , `` (S (NP It )NP (VP would (VP appear (SBAR that (S (NP nothing substantive )NP (VP has (VP changed )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 19 19 (S (NP (NP A spokesman )NP (PP for (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )NP (VP said (PP of (NP the amended filings )NP )PP (SBAR that , `` (S (NP It )NP (VP would (VP appear (SBAR that (S (NP (NP nothing )NP substantive )NP (VP has (VP changed )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 18 18 (S (NP (NP A spokesman )NP (PP for (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )NP (VP said (PP of (NP the amended filings )NP )PP (SBAR that (S , `` (NP It )NP (VP would (VP appear (SBAR that (S (NP nothing substantive )NP (VP has (VP changed )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 18 19 (S (NP (NP A spokesman )NP (PP for (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )NP (VP said (PP of (NP the amended filings )NP )PP (SBAR that , `` (S (NP It )NP (VP would (VP appear (SBAR that (S (NP nothing )NP (ADVP substantive )ADVP (VP has (VP changed )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 19 20 (S (NP (NP A spokesman )NP (PP for (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )NP (VP said (PP of (NP the amended filings )NP )PP (SBAR that , `` (S (NP It )NP (VP would (VP appear (SBAR that (S (NP (NP nothing )NP (ADVP substantive )ADVP )NP (VP has (VP changed )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 20 20 (S (NP (NP A spokesman )NP (PP for (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )NP (VP said (PP of (NP the amended filings )NP )PP (SBAR that , `` (S (NP It )NP (VP would (VP appear (SBAR that (S (NP (NP nothing )NP (ADJP substantive )ADJP )NP (VP has (VP changed )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 20 20 (S (NP (NP A spokesman )NP (PP for (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )NP (VP said (PP of (NP the amended filings )NP )PP (SBAR that , (S `` (NP It )NP (VP would (VP appear (SBAR that (S (NP (NP nothing )NP (ADJP substantive )ADJP )NP (VP has (VP changed )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 18 18 (S (NP (NP A spokesman )NP (PP for (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )NP (VP said (PP of (NP the amended filings )NP )PP (SBAR that , `` (S (NP It )NP (VP would (VP appear (SBAR that (S (NP nothing substantive )NP (VP has (VP changed )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 18 18 (S (NP (NP A spokesman )NP (PP for (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )NP (VP said (PP of (NP the amended filings )NP )PP (SBAR that , `` (S (NP It )NP (VP would (VP appear (SBAR that (S (NP nothing substantive )NP (VP has (VP changed )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 18 19 (S (NP (NP A spokesman )NP (PP for (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )NP (VP said (PP of (NP the amended filings )NP )PP (SBAR that , `` (S (NP It )NP (VP would (VP appear (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP nothing substantive )NP (VP has (VP changed )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 18 18 (S (NP (NP A spokesman )NP (PP for (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )NP (VP said (PP of (NP the amended filings )NP )PP (SBAR that , (S `` (NP It )NP (VP would (VP appear (SBAR that (S (NP nothing substantive )NP (VP has (VP changed )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 17 19 (S (NP (NP A spokesman )NP (PP for (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )NP (VP said (PP of (NP (NP the amended filings )NP (SBAR that , `` (S (NP It )NP (VP would (VP appear (SBAR that (S (NP nothing substantive )NP (VP has (VP changed )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 19 19 (S (NP (NP A spokesman )NP (PP for (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )NP (VP said (PP of (NP the amended filings )NP )PP (SBAR that , `` (S (NP It )NP (VP would (VP appear (SBAR that (S (NP (NP nothing )NP substantive )NP (VP has (VP changed )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 16 19 (S (NP (NP A spokesman )NP (PP for (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (PP of (NP the amended filings )NP )PP (NP that )NP , `` (NP It )NP (VP would (VP appear (SBAR that (S (NP nothing substantive )NP (VP has (VP changed )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 19 20 (S (NP (NP A spokesman )NP (PP for (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )NP (VP said (PP of (NP the amended filings )NP )PP (SBAR that , `` (S (NP It )NP (VP would (VP appear (SBAR that (S (NP (NP nothing )NP (VP substantive )VP )NP (VP has (VP changed )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 17 18 (S (NP (NP A spokesman )NP (PP for (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )NP (VP said (PP of (NP the amended filings )NP )PP (SBAR that , `` (S (NP It )NP (VP would (VP appear (SBAR that (S (NP nothing substantive )NP (VP has (ADJP changed )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 18 19 (S (NP (NP A spokesman )NP (PP for (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )NP (VP said (PP of (NP the amended filings )NP )PP (SBAR that , `` (S (NP It )NP (VP would (VP appear (SBAR that (S (NP nothing )NP (ADVP substantive )ADVP (VP has (VP changed )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 17 20 (S (NP (NP A spokesman )NP (PP for (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )NP (VP said (PP of (NP (NP the amended filings )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP , (S `` (NP It )NP (VP would (VP appear (SBAR that (S (NP nothing substantive )NP (VP has (VP changed )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 19 20 (S (NP (NP A spokesman )NP (PP for (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )NP (VP said (PP of (NP the amended filings )NP )PP (SBAR that , `` (S (NP It )NP (VP would (VP appear (SBAR that (S (NP (NP nothing )NP (ADVP substantive )ADVP )NP (VP has (VP changed )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 19 19 (S (NP (NP A spokesman )NP (PP for (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )NP (VP said (PP of (NP the amended filings )NP )PP (SBAR that , (S `` (NP It )NP (VP would (VP appear (SBAR that (S (NP (NP nothing )NP substantive )NP (VP has (VP changed )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 19 20 (S (NP (NP A spokesman )NP (PP for (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )NP (VP said (PP of (NP the amended filings )NP )PP (SBAR that , `` (S (NP It )NP (VP would (VP appear (SBAR that (S (S (NP nothing )NP (ADJP substantive )ADJP )S (VP has (VP changed )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 18 19 (S (NP (NP A spokesman )NP (PP for (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )NP (VP said (PP of (NP the amended filings )NP )PP (SBAR that , (S `` (NP It )NP (VP would (VP appear (SBAR that (S (NP nothing )NP (ADVP substantive )ADVP (VP has (VP changed )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 18 19 (S (NP (NP A spokesman )NP (PP for (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )NP (VP said (PP of (NP the (NX amended filings )NX )NP )PP (SBAR that , `` (S (NP It )NP (VP would (VP appear (SBAR that (S (NP nothing substantive )NP (VP has (VP changed )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 19 20 (S (NP (NP A spokesman )NP (PP for (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )NP (VP said (PP of (NP the amended filings )NP )PP (SBAR that , (S `` (NP It )NP (VP would (VP appear (SBAR that (S (NP (NP nothing )NP (ADVP substantive )ADVP )NP (VP has (VP changed )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 18 19 (S (NP (NP A spokesman )NP (PP for (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )NP (VP said (PP of (NP the amended filings )NP )PP (SBAR that , `` (S (NP It )NP (VP would (VP appear (SBAR that (S (NP nothing )NP (NP substantive )NP (VP has (VP changed )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 18 19 (S (NP (NP A spokesman )NP (PP for (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )NP (VP said (PP of (NP the amended (NX filings )NX )NP )PP (SBAR that , `` (S (NP It )NP (VP would (VP appear (SBAR that (S (NP nothing substantive )NP (VP has (VP changed )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 17 18 (S (NP (NP A spokesman )NP (PP for (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )NP (VP said (SBAR (PP of (NP the amended filings )NP )PP that , `` (S (NP It )NP (VP would (VP appear (SBAR that (S (NP nothing substantive )NP (VP has (VP changed )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 20 21 (S (NP (NP A spokesman )NP (PP for (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )NP (VP said (PP of (NP the (NX amended filings )NX )NP )PP (SBAR that , `` (S (NP It )NP (VP would (VP appear (SBAR that (S (NP (NP nothing )NP (ADJP substantive )ADJP )NP (VP has (VP changed )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 17 20 (S (NP (NP A spokesman )NP (PP for (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )NP (VP said (PP of (NP (NP the amended filings )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP , `` (S (NP It )NP (VP would (VP appear (SBAR that (S (NP nothing substantive )NP (VP has (VP changed )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 18 18 (S (NP (NP A spokesman )NP (PP for (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )NP (VP said (PP of (NP the amended filings )NP )PP (SBAR that (S , `` (NP It )NP (VP would (VP appear (SBAR that (S (NP nothing substantive )NP (VP has (VP changed )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 16 19 (S (NP (NP A spokesman )NP (PP for (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (PP of (NP the amended filings )NP )PP (NP that )NP , `` (NP It )NP (VP would (VP appear (SBAR that (S (NP nothing substantive )NP (VP has (VP changed )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 18 19 (S (NP (NP A spokesman )NP (PP for (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )NP (VP said (PP of (NP the (ADJP amended )ADJP filings )NP )PP (SBAR that , `` (S (NP It )NP (VP would (VP appear (SBAR that (S (NP nothing substantive )NP (VP has (VP changed )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 18 19 (S (NP (NP A spokesman )NP (PP for (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )NP (VP said (PP of (NP the amended filings )NP )PP (SBAR that , `` (SBAR (S (NP It )NP (VP would (VP appear (SBAR that (S (NP nothing substantive )NP (VP has (VP changed )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )SBAR )VP . )S 20 20 (S (NP (NP A spokesman )NP (PP for (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )NP (VP said (PP of (NP the amended filings )NP )PP (SBAR that , `` (S (NP It )NP (VP would (VP appear (SBAR that (S (NP (NP nothing )NP (ADJP substantive )ADJP )NP (VP has (VP changed )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 16 18 (S (NP (NP A spokesman )NP (PP for (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )NP (VP said (PP of (NP the amended filings )NP )PP (SBAR that , `` (S (NP It )NP (VP would (VP appear (SBAR (S (NP that nothing substantive )NP (VP has (VP changed )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 17 18 (S (NP (NP A spokesman )NP (PP for (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )NP (VP said (ADVP of (NP the amended filings )NP )ADVP (SBAR that , `` (S (NP It )NP (VP would (VP appear (SBAR that (S (NP nothing substantive )NP (VP has (VP changed )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 20 21 (S (NP (NP A spokesman )NP (PP for (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )NP (VP said (PP of (NP the amended (NX filings )NX )NP )PP (SBAR that , `` (S (NP It )NP (VP would (VP appear (SBAR that (S (NP (NP nothing )NP (ADJP substantive )ADJP )NP (VP has (VP changed )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 50 23 25 (S (S (NP The new financing structure )NP (VP is (ADVP still )ADVP (NP a very-highly leveraged one )NP )VP )S , and (S (NP Axa )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP plans (S (VP to (VP take (PRT out )PRT (NP (NP 75 % )NP (PP of (NP (NP Farmers ' )NP earnings )NP )PP )NP (PP as (NP dividends (S (VP to (VP service (NP their debt )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )S . '' )S 21 26 (S (S (NP The new financing structure )NP (VP is (ADVP still )ADVP (NP a very-highly leveraged one )NP )VP )S , and (S (NP Axa )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP plans (S (VP to (VP take (PRT out )PRT (NP (NP 75 % )NP (PP of (NP (NP (NP Farmers ' )NP earnings )NP (PP as (NP dividends (S (VP to (VP service (NP their debt )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S . '' )S 24 27 (S (S (NP The new financing structure )NP (VP is (ADVP still )ADVP (NP a very-highly leveraged one )NP )VP )S , and (S (NP Axa )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP plans (S (VP to (VP take (PRT out )PRT (NP (NP 75 % )NP (PP of (NP (NP Farmers ' )NP earnings )NP )PP )NP (PP as (NP (NP dividends )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP service (NP their debt )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )S . '' )S 22 28 (S (S (NP The new financing structure )NP (VP is (ADVP still )ADVP (NP a very-highly leveraged one )NP )VP )S , and (S (NP Axa )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP plans (S (VP to (VP take (PRT out )PRT (NP (NP 75 % )NP (PP of (NP (NP (NP Farmers ' )NP earnings )NP (PP as (NP (NP dividends )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP service (NP their debt )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S . '' )S 22 25 (S (S (NP The new financing structure )NP (VP is (ADVP still )ADVP (NP a very-highly leveraged one )NP )VP )S , and (S (NP Axa )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP plans (S (VP to (VP take (PRT out )PRT (NP (NP 75 % )NP (PP of (NP (NP Farmers ' )NP earnings )NP )PP )NP (PP as (NP dividends )NP )PP )VP )VP )S (S (VP to (VP service (NP their debt )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S . '' )S 23 25 (S (S (NP The new financing structure )NP (VP is (ADVP still )ADVP (NP a very-highly leveraged one )NP )VP )S , and (S (NP Axa )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP plans (S (VP to (VP take (PRT out )PRT (NP (NP 75 % )NP (PP of (NP (NP Farmers ' )NP earnings )NP )PP )NP (SBAR as (S (NP dividends )NP (VP to (VP service (NP their debt )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )S . '' )S 20 25 (S (S (NP The new financing structure )NP (VP is (ADVP still )ADVP (NP a very-highly leveraged one )NP )VP )S , and (S (NP Axa )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP plans (S (VP to (VP take (PRT out )PRT (NP (NP 75 % )NP (PP of (NP (NP Farmers ' )NP earnings )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S (PP as (NP dividends (S (VP to (VP service (NP their debt )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )VP )S . '' )S 21 27 (S (S (NP The new financing structure )NP (VP is (ADVP still )ADVP (NP a very-highly leveraged one )NP )VP )S , and (S (NP Axa )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP plans (S (VP to (VP take (PRT out )PRT (NP (NP 75 % )NP (PP of (NP (NP Farmers ' )NP earnings )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S (PP as (NP (NP dividends )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP service (NP their debt )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )S . '' )S 23 26 (S (S (NP The new financing structure )NP (VP is (ADVP still )ADVP (NP a very-highly leveraged one )NP )VP )S , and (S (NP Axa )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP plans (S (VP to (VP take (PRT out )PRT (NP (NP 75 % )NP (PP of (NP (NP (NP Farmers ' )NP earnings )NP (PP as (NP dividends )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (S (VP to (VP service (NP their debt )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )S . '' )S 20 25 (S (S (NP The new financing structure )NP (VP is (ADVP still )ADVP (NP a very-highly leveraged one )NP )VP )S , and (S (NP Axa )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP plans (S (VP to (VP take (PRT out )PRT (NP (NP 75 % )NP (PP of (NP (NP Farmers ' )NP earnings (SBAR as (S (NP dividends )NP (VP to (VP service (NP their debt )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S . '' )S 20 26 (S (S (NP The new financing structure )NP (VP is (ADVP still )ADVP (NP a very-highly leveraged one )NP )VP )S , and (S (NP Axa )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP plans (S (VP to (VP take (PRT out )PRT (NP (NP 75 % )NP (PP of (NP (NP (NP Farmers ' )NP earnings )NP (PP as (NP dividends )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S (S (VP to (VP service (NP their debt )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S . '' )S 23 26 (S (S (NP The new financing structure )NP (VP is (ADVP still )ADVP (NP a very-highly leveraged one )NP )VP )S , and (S (NP Axa )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP plans (S (VP to (VP take (PRT out )PRT (NP (NP 75 % )NP (PP of (NP (NP (NP Farmers ' )NP earnings )NP (PP as (NP dividends )NP )PP (S (VP to (VP service (NP their debt )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S . '' )S 25 26 (S (S (NP The new financing structure )NP (VP is (ADVP still )ADVP (NP a very-highly leveraged one )NP )VP )S , and (S (NP Axa )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP plans (S (VP to (VP take (PRT out )PRT (NP (NP 75 % )NP (PP of (NP (NP Farmers ' )NP earnings )NP )PP )NP (PP as (NP dividends )NP )PP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP service (NP their debt )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )S . '' )S 23 25 (S (S (NP The new financing structure )NP (VP is (ADVP still )ADVP (NP a very-highly leveraged one )NP )VP )S , and (S (NP Axa )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP plans (S (VP to (VP take (PRT out )PRT (NP (NP 75 % )NP (PP of (NP (NP Farmers ' )NP earnings )NP )PP )NP (PP as (NP dividends (S (VP to (VP service (NP their debt )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )S . '' )S 21 26 (S (S (NP The new financing structure )NP (VP is (ADVP still )ADVP (NP a very-highly leveraged one )NP )VP )S , and (S (NP Axa )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP plans (S (VP to (VP take (PRT out )PRT (NP (NP 75 % )NP (PP of (NP (NP (NP Farmers ' )NP earnings )NP (PP as (NP dividends (S (VP to (VP service (NP their debt )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S . '' )S 24 27 (S (S (NP The new financing structure )NP (VP is (ADVP still )ADVP (NP a very-highly leveraged one )NP )VP )S , and (S (NP Axa )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP plans (S (VP to (VP take (PRT out )PRT (NP (NP 75 % )NP (PP of (NP (NP Farmers ' )NP earnings )NP )PP )NP (PP as (NP (NP dividends )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP service (NP their debt )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )S . '' )S 23 26 (S (S (NP The new financing structure )NP (VP is (ADVP still )ADVP (NP a very-highly leveraged one )NP )VP )S , and (S (NP Axa )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP plans (S (VP to (VP take (PRT out )PRT (NP (NP 75 % )NP (PP of (NP (NP (NP Farmers ' )NP earnings )NP (PP as (NP dividends )NP )PP )NP )PP (S (VP to (VP service (NP their debt )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S . '' )S 23 27 (S (S (NP The new financing structure )NP (VP is (ADVP still )ADVP (NP a very-highly leveraged one )NP )VP )S , and (S (NP Axa )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP plans (S (VP to (VP take (PRT out )PRT (NP (NP 75 % )NP (PP of (NP (NP (NP Farmers ' )NP earnings )NP (PP as (NP dividends )NP )PP )NP )PP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP service (NP their debt )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S . '' )S 23 25 (S (S (NP The new financing structure )NP (VP is (ADVP still )ADVP (NP a very-highly leveraged one )NP )VP )S , and (S (NP Axa )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP plans (S (VP to (VP take (PRT out )PRT (NP (NP 75 % )NP (PP of (NP (NP Farmers ' )NP earnings )NP )PP )NP (PP as (NP dividends (S (VP to (VP service (NP their debt )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )S . '' )S 25 25 (S (S (NP The new financing structure )NP (VP is (ADVP still )ADVP (NP a very-highly leveraged one )NP )VP )S , and (S (NP Axa )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP plans (S (VP to (VP take (PRT out )PRT (NP (NP 75 % )NP (PP of (NP (NP Farmers ' )NP earnings )NP )PP )NP (PP as (NP dividends )NP )PP (S (VP to (VP service (NP their debt )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )S . '' )S 21 26 (S (S (NP The new financing structure )NP (VP is (ADVP still )ADVP (NP a very-highly leveraged one )NP )VP )S , and (S (NP Axa )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP plans (S (VP to (VP take (PRT out )PRT (NP (NP 75 % )NP (PP of (NP (NP (NP Farmers ' )NP earnings )NP (PP as (NP dividends (S (VP to (VP service (NP their debt )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S . '' )S 22 28 (S (S (NP The new financing structure )NP (VP is (ADVP still )ADVP (NP a very-highly leveraged one )NP )VP )S , and (S (NP Axa )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP plans (S (VP to (VP take (PRT out )PRT (NP (NP 75 % )NP (PP of (NP (NP (NP Farmers ' )NP earnings )NP (PP as (NP (NP dividends )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP service (NP their debt )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S . '' )S 24 27 (S (S (NP The new financing structure )NP (VP is (ADVP still )ADVP (NP a very-highly leveraged one )NP )VP )S , and (S (NP Axa )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP plans (S (VP to (VP take (PRT out )PRT (NP (NP 75 % )NP (PP of (NP (NP Farmers ' )NP earnings )NP )PP )NP (PP as (NP (NP dividends )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP service (NP their debt )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )S . '' )S 24 26 (S (S (NP The new financing structure )NP (VP is (ADVP still )ADVP (NP a (ADJP very-highly leveraged )ADJP one )NP )VP )S , and (S (NP Axa )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP plans (S (VP to (VP take (PRT out )PRT (NP (NP 75 % )NP (PP of (NP (NP Farmers ' )NP earnings )NP )PP )NP (PP as (NP dividends (S (VP to (VP service (NP their debt )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )S . '' )S 22 27 (S (S (NP The new financing structure )NP (VP is (ADVP still )ADVP (NP a (ADJP very-highly leveraged )ADJP one )NP )VP )S , and (S (NP Axa )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP plans (S (VP to (VP take (PRT out )PRT (NP (NP 75 % )NP (PP of (NP (NP (NP Farmers ' )NP earnings )NP (PP as (NP dividends (S (VP to (VP service (NP their debt )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S . '' )S 25 28 (S (S (NP The new financing structure )NP (VP is (ADVP still )ADVP (NP a (ADJP very-highly leveraged )ADJP one )NP )VP )S , and (S (NP Axa )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP plans (S (VP to (VP take (PRT out )PRT (NP (NP 75 % )NP (PP of (NP (NP Farmers ' )NP earnings )NP )PP )NP (PP as (NP (NP dividends )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP service (NP their debt )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )S . '' )S 23 26 (S (S (NP The new financing structure )NP (VP is (ADVP still )ADVP (NP a very-highly leveraged one )NP )VP )S , and (S (NP Axa )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP plans (S (VP to (VP take (PRT out )PRT (NP (NP 75 % )NP (PP of (NP (NP Farmers ' )NP earnings )NP )PP )NP (SBAR as (S (VP dividends (S (VP to (VP service (NP their debt )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )S . '' )S 19 26 (S (S (NP The new financing structure )NP (VP is (ADVP still )ADVP (NP a very-highly leveraged one )NP )VP )S , and (S (NP Axa )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP plans (S (VP to (VP take (NP (NP (QP out 75 )QP % )NP (PP of (NP (NP (NP Farmers ' )NP earnings )NP (PP as (NP dividends (S (VP to (VP service (NP their debt )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S . '' )S 23 26 (S (S (NP The new financing structure )NP (VP is (ADVP still )ADVP (NP a very-highly leveraged one )NP )VP )S , and (S (NP Axa )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP plans (S (VP to (VP take (PRT out )PRT (NP (NP 75 % )NP (PP of (NP (NP Farmers ' )NP earnings )NP )PP )NP (PP as (NP dividends (SBAR (S (VP to (VP service (NP their debt )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )S . '' )S 21 27 (S (S (NP The new financing structure )NP (VP is (ADVP still )ADVP (NP a very-highly leveraged one )NP )VP )S , and (S (NP Axa )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP plans (S (VP to (VP take (PRT out )PRT (NP (NP 75 % )NP (PP of (NP (NP (NP Farmers ' )NP earnings )NP (PP as (NP dividends (SBAR (S (VP to (VP service (NP their debt )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S . '' )S 22 28 (S (S (NP The new financing structure )NP (VP is (ADVP still )ADVP (NP a very-highly leveraged one )NP )VP )S , and (S (NP Axa )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP plans (S (VP to (VP take (PRT out )PRT (NP (NP 75 % )NP (PP of (NP (NP (NP Farmers ' )NP earnings )NP (PP as (NP (NP dividends )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP service (NP their debt )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S . '' )S 20 26 (S (S (NP The new financing structure )NP (VP is (ADVP still )ADVP (NP a very-highly leveraged one )NP )VP )S , and (S (NP Axa )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP plans (S (VP to (VP take (PRT out )PRT (NP (NP 75 % )NP (PP of (NP (NP Farmers ' )NP earnings (SBAR as (S (VP dividends (S (VP to (VP service (NP their debt )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S . '' )S 23 29 (S (S (NP The new financing structure )NP (VP is (ADVP still )ADVP (NP a (ADJP very-highly leveraged )ADJP one )NP )VP )S , and (S (NP Axa )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP plans (S (VP to (VP take (PRT out )PRT (NP (NP 75 % )NP (PP of (NP (NP (NP Farmers ' )NP earnings )NP (PP as (NP (NP dividends )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP service (NP their debt )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S . '' )S 22 26 (S (S (NP The new financing structure )NP (VP is (ADVP still )ADVP (NP a very-highly leveraged one )NP )VP )S , and (S (NP Axa )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP plans (S (VP to (VP take (PP out (NP (NP 75 % )NP (PP of (NP (NP (NP Farmers ' )NP earnings )NP (PP as (NP dividends )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP (S (VP to (VP service (NP their debt )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )S . '' )S 22 25 (S (S (NP The new financing structure )NP (VP is (ADVP still )ADVP (NP a very-highly leveraged one )NP )VP )S , and (S (NP Axa )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP plans (S (VP to (VP take (PRT out )PRT (NP (NP 75 % )NP (PP of (NP (NP Farmers ' )NP earnings )NP )PP )NP (PP as (NP dividends )NP )PP )VP )VP )S (S (VP to (VP service (NP their debt )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S . '' )S 21 25 (S (S (NP The new financing structure )NP (VP is (ADVP still )ADVP (NP a very-highly leveraged one )NP )VP )S , and (S (NP Axa )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP plans (S (VP to (VP take (PRT out )PRT (NP 75 % )NP (PP of (NP (NP (NP Farmers ' )NP earnings )NP (PP as (NP dividends (S (VP to (VP service (NP their debt )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )S . '' )S 20 28 (S (S (NP The new financing structure )NP (VP is (ADVP still )ADVP (NP a very-highly leveraged one )NP )VP )S , and (S (NP Axa )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP plans (S (VP to (VP take (NP (NP (QP out 75 )QP % )NP (PP of (NP (NP (NP Farmers ' )NP earnings )NP (PP as (NP (NP dividends )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP service (NP their debt )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S . '' )S 23 27 (S (S (NP The new financing structure )NP (VP is (ADVP still )ADVP (NP a very-highly leveraged one )NP )VP )S , and (S (NP Axa )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP plans (S (VP to (VP take (PRT out )PRT (NP (NP 75 % )NP (PP of (NP (NP (NP Farmers ' )NP earnings )NP (PP as (NP dividends )NP )PP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP service (NP their debt )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S . '' )S 23 25 (S (S (NP The new financing structure )NP (VP is (ADVP still )ADVP (NP a very-highly leveraged one )NP )VP )S , and (S (NP Axa )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP plans (S (VP to (VP take (PRT out )PRT (NP (NP 75 % )NP (PP of (NP (NP Farmers ' )NP earnings )NP )PP )NP (SBAR as (S (NP dividends )NP (VP to (VP service (NP their debt )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )S . '' )S 20 25 (S (S (NP The new financing structure )NP (VP is (ADVP still )ADVP (NP a very-highly leveraged one )NP )VP )S , and (S (NP Axa )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP plans (S (VP to (VP take (PRT out )PRT (NP (NP 75 % )NP (PP of (NP (NP Farmers ' )NP earnings )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S (PP as (NP dividends (S (VP to (VP service (NP their debt )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )VP )S . '' )S 22 25 (S (S (NP The new financing structure )NP (VP is (ADVP still )ADVP (NP a very-highly leveraged one )NP )VP )S , and (S (NP Axa )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP plans (S (VP to (VP take (PRT out )PRT (NP (NP 75 % )NP (PP of (NP (NP Farmers ' )NP earnings )NP )PP (SBAR as (S (NP dividends )NP (VP to (VP service (NP their debt )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S . '' )S 21 27 (S (S (NP The new financing structure )NP (VP is (ADVP still )ADVP (NP a very-highly leveraged one )NP )VP )S , and (S (NP Axa )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP plans (S (VP to (VP take (PRT out )PRT (NP (NP 75 % )NP (PP of (NP (NP Farmers ' )NP earnings )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S (PP as (NP (NP dividends )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP service (NP their debt )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )S . '' )S 23 25 (S (S (NP The new financing structure )NP (VP is (ADVP still )ADVP (NP a very-highly leveraged one )NP )VP )S , and (S (NP Axa )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP plans (S (VP to (VP take (PRT out )PRT (NP (NP 75 % )NP (PP of (NP (NP Farmers ' )NP earnings )NP )PP )NP (PP as (NP dividends (S (VP to (VP service (NP their debt )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )S . '' )S 22 25 (S (S (NP The new financing structure )NP (VP is (ADVP still )ADVP (NP a very-highly leveraged one )NP )VP )S , and (S (NP Axa )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP plans (S (VP to (VP take (PRT out )PRT (NP (NP 75 % )NP (PP of (NP (NP Farmers ' )NP earnings )NP )PP )NP (PP as (NP dividends )NP )PP )VP )VP )S (S (VP to (VP service (NP their debt )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S . '' )S 21 26 (S (S (NP The new financing structure )NP (VP is (ADVP still )ADVP (NP a very-highly leveraged one )NP )VP )S , and (S (NP Axa )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP plans (S (VP to (VP take (PRT out )PRT (NP (NP 75 % )NP (PP of (NP (NP (NP Farmers ' )NP earnings )NP (PP as (NP dividends (S (VP to (VP service (NP their debt )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S . '' )S 23 26 (S (S (NP The new financing structure )NP (VP is (ADVP still )ADVP (NP a very-highly leveraged one )NP )VP )S , and (S (NP Axa )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP plans (S (VP to (VP take (PRT out )PRT (NP (NP 75 % )NP (PP of (NP (NP (NP Farmers ' )NP earnings )NP (PP as (NP dividends )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (S (VP to (VP service (NP their debt )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )S . '' )S 24 27 (S (S (NP The new financing structure )NP (VP is (ADVP still )ADVP (NP a very-highly leveraged one )NP )VP )S , and (S (NP Axa )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP plans (S (VP to (VP take (PRT out )PRT (NP (NP 75 % )NP (PP of (NP (NP Farmers ' )NP earnings )NP )PP )NP (PP as (NP (NP dividends )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP service (NP their debt )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )S . '' )S 23 26 (S (S (NP The new financing structure )NP (VP is (ADVP still )ADVP (NP a (ADJP very-highly leveraged )ADJP one )NP )VP )S , and (S (NP Axa )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP plans (S (VP to (VP take (PRT out )PRT (NP (NP 75 % )NP (PP of (NP (NP Farmers ' )NP earnings )NP )PP )NP (PP as (NP dividends )NP )PP )VP )VP )S (S (VP to (VP service (NP their debt )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S . '' )S 22 27 (S (S (NP The new financing structure )NP (VP is (ADVP still )ADVP (NP a very-highly leveraged one )NP )VP )S , and (S (NP Axa )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP plans (S (VP to (VP take (PRT out )PRT (NP 75 % )NP (PP of (NP (NP (NP Farmers ' )NP earnings )NP (PP as (NP (NP dividends )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP service (NP their debt )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )S . '' )S 23 25 (S (S (NP The new financing structure )NP (VP is (ADVP still )ADVP (NP a very-highly leveraged one )NP )VP )S , and (S (NP Axa )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP plans (S (VP to (VP take (PRT out )PRT (NP (NP 75 % )NP (PP of (NP (NP Farmers ' )NP earnings )NP )PP )NP (SBAR as (S (NP dividends )NP (VP to (VP service (NP their debt )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )S . '' )S 50 15 16 (S (S (NP That dividend )NP (VP is (ADVP almost double )ADVP (NP (NP the 35 % )NP (VP (ADVP currently )ADVP taken (PP out (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )PP (PP by (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )VP )NP )VP )S , (NP the spokesman )NP (VP added )VP . )S 13 16 (S (S (NP That dividend )NP (VP is (ADJP almost double )ADJP (S (NP the 35 % )NP (ADVP currently )ADVP (VP taken (PP out (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )PP (PP by (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )S , (NP the spokesman )NP (VP added )VP . )S 15 16 (S (S (NP That dividend )NP (VP is (ADVP almost double )ADVP (NP (NP the 35 % )NP (VP (ADVP currently )ADVP taken (PP out (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )PP (PP by (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )VP )NP )VP )S , (NP the spokesman )NP (VP added )VP . )S 15 16 (S (S (NP That dividend )NP (VP is (ADVP almost double )ADVP (NP (NP the 35 % )NP (VP (ADVP currently )ADVP taken (PP out (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )PP (PP by (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )VP )NP )VP )S , (NP the spokesman )NP (VP added )VP . )S 12 16 (S (S (NP That dividend )NP (VP is (ADJP almost double )ADJP (S (NP the 35 % )NP (ADVP currently )ADVP (VP taken (ADVP out (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )ADVP (PP by (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )S , (NP the spokesman )NP (VP added )VP . )S 13 16 (S (S (NP That dividend )NP (VP is (ADJP almost double )ADJP (S (NP the 35 % )NP (ADVP currently )ADVP (VP taken (PP out (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )PP (PP by (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )S , (NP the spokesman )NP (VP added )VP . )S 15 16 (S (S (NP That dividend )NP (VP is (ADVP almost double )ADVP (NP (NP the 35 % )NP (VP (ADVP currently )ADVP taken (PP out (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )PP (PP by (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )VP )NP )VP )S , (NP the spokesman )NP (VP added )VP . )S 13 17 (S (S (NP That dividend )NP (VP is (VP (ADVP almost )ADVP double (NP (NP the 35 % )NP (VP (ADVP currently )ADVP taken (PP out (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )PP )VP )NP (PP by (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , (NP the spokesman )NP (VP added )VP . )S 12 16 (S (S (NP That dividend )NP (VP is (ADJP almost double )ADJP (S (NP the 35 % )NP (ADVP currently )ADVP (VP taken (ADVP out (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )ADVP (PP by (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )S , (NP the spokesman )NP (VP added )VP . )S 12 15 (S (S (NP That dividend )NP (VP is (ADVP almost double )ADVP (ADVP (NP the 35 % )NP currently )ADVP (VP taken (PP out (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )PP (PP by (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , (NP the spokesman )NP (VP added )VP . )S 11 17 (S (NP That dividend )NP (VP is (ADJP almost double )ADJP (S (S (NP the 35 % )NP (ADVP currently )ADVP (VP taken (PP out (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )PP (PP by (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )VP )S , (S (NP the spokesman )NP (VP added )VP )S )S )VP . )S 13 17 (S (S (NP That dividend )NP (VP is (ADVP almost )ADVP (ADVP double )ADVP (S (NP the 35 % )NP (ADVP currently )ADVP (VP taken (PP out (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )PP (PP by (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )S , (NP the spokesman )NP (VP added )VP . )S 14 16 (S (S (NP That dividend )NP (VP is (ADJP almost double )ADJP (S (NP the 35 % )NP (VP (ADVP currently )ADVP taken (PP out (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )PP (PP by (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )S , (NP the spokesman )NP (VP added )VP . )S 12 15 (S (S (NP That dividend )NP (VP is (ADVP almost double )ADVP (ADVP (NP the 35 % )NP currently )ADVP (VP taken (PP out (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )PP (PP by (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , (NP the spokesman )NP (VP added )VP . )S 13 17 (S (S (NP That dividend )NP (VP is (VP (ADVP almost )ADVP double (NP (NP the 35 % )NP (VP (ADVP currently )ADVP taken (PP out (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )PP )VP )NP (PP by (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , (NP the spokesman )NP (VP added )VP . )S 14 16 (S (S (NP That dividend )NP (VP is (ADVP almost double )ADVP (NP (NP the 35 % )NP (VP (ADVP currently )ADVP taken (ADVP out (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )ADVP (PP by (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )VP )NP )VP )S , (NP the spokesman )NP (VP added )VP . )S 10 17 (S (NP That dividend )NP (VP is (ADJP almost double )ADJP (S (S (NP the 35 % )NP (ADVP currently )ADVP (VP taken (ADVP out (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )ADVP (PP by (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )VP )S , (S (NP the spokesman )NP (VP added )VP )S )S )VP . )S 12 15 (S (S (NP That dividend )NP (VP is (ADVP almost double )ADVP (ADVP (NP the 35 % )NP currently )ADVP (VP taken (PP out (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )PP (PP by (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , (NP the spokesman )NP (VP added )VP . )S 11 17 (S (NP That dividend )NP (VP is (ADJP almost double )ADJP (S (S (NP the 35 % )NP (ADVP currently )ADVP (VP taken (PP out (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )PP (PP by (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )VP )S , (S (NP the spokesman )NP (VP added )VP )S )S )VP . )S 12 17 (S (S (NP That dividend )NP (VP is (ADVP almost )ADVP (ADVP double )ADVP (S (NP the 35 % )NP (ADVP currently )ADVP (VP taken (ADVP out (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )ADVP (PP by (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )S , (NP the spokesman )NP (VP added )VP . )S 15 17 (S (S (NP That dividend )NP (VP is (VP (ADVP almost )ADVP double (NP (NP the 35 % )NP (VP (ADVP currently )ADVP taken (PP out (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )PP (PP by (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )VP )NP )VP )VP )S , (NP the spokesman )NP (VP added )VP . )S 13 17 (S (S (NP That dividend )NP (VP is (ADVP almost )ADVP (ADVP double )ADVP (S (NP the 35 % )NP (ADVP currently )ADVP (VP taken (PP out (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )PP (PP by (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )S , (NP the spokesman )NP (VP added )VP . )S 14 16 (S (S (NP That dividend )NP (VP is (ADJP almost double )ADJP (S (NP the 35 % )NP (VP (ADVP currently )ADVP taken (PP out (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )PP (PP by (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )S , (NP the spokesman )NP (VP added )VP . )S 14 16 (S (S (NP That dividend )NP (VP is (ADVP almost double )ADVP (NP (NP the 35 % )NP (VP (ADVP currently )ADVP taken (ADVP out (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )ADVP (PP by (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )VP )NP )VP )S , (NP the spokesman )NP (VP added )VP . )S 13 16 (S (S (NP That dividend )NP (VP is (ADVP almost double )ADVP (S (NP the 35 % )NP (ADVP currently )ADVP (VP taken (PP out (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )PP (PP by (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )S , (NP the spokesman )NP (VP added )VP . )S 12 15 (S (S (NP That dividend )NP (VP is (ADVP almost double )ADVP (ADVP (NP the 35 % )NP currently )ADVP (VP taken (PP out (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )PP (PP by (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , (NP the spokesman )NP (VP added )VP . )S 12 15 (S (S (NP That dividend )NP (VP is (ADVP almost )ADVP double (ADVP (NP the 35 % )NP currently )ADVP (VP taken (PP out (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )PP (PP by (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , (NP the spokesman )NP (VP added )VP . )S 15 16 (S (S (NP That dividend )NP (VP is (ADVP almost double )ADVP (NP (NP the 35 % )NP (VP (ADVP currently )ADVP taken (PP out (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )PP (PP by (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )VP )NP )VP )S , (NP the spokesman )NP (VP added )VP . )S 15 17 (S (S (NP That dividend )NP (VP is (ADVP almost double )ADVP (NP (NP (QP the 35 )QP % )NP (VP (ADVP currently )ADVP taken (PP out (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )PP (PP by (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )VP )NP )VP )S , (NP the spokesman )NP (VP added )VP . )S 14 16 (S (S (NP That dividend )NP (VP is (ADVP almost double )ADVP (NP (NP the 35 % )NP (VP (ADVP currently )ADVP taken (ADVP out (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )ADVP (PP by (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )VP )NP )VP )S , (NP the spokesman )NP (VP added )VP . )S 10 17 (S (NP That dividend )NP (VP is (ADJP almost double )ADJP (S (S (NP the 35 % )NP (ADVP currently )ADVP (VP taken (ADVP out (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )ADVP (PP by (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )VP )S , (S (NP the spokesman )NP (VP added )VP )S )S )VP . )S 15 17 (S (S (NP That dividend )NP (VP is (VP (ADVP almost )ADVP double (NP (NP the 35 % )NP (VP (ADVP currently )ADVP taken (PP out (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )PP (PP by (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )VP )NP )VP )VP )S , (NP the spokesman )NP (VP added )VP . )S 12 17 (S (S (NP That dividend )NP (VP is (ADVP almost )ADVP (ADVP double )ADVP (S (NP the 35 % )NP (ADVP currently )ADVP (VP taken (ADVP out (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )ADVP (PP by (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )S , (NP the spokesman )NP (VP added )VP . )S 13 16 (S (S (NP That dividend )NP (VP is (ADJP almost double )ADJP (S (NP the 35 % )NP (ADVP currently )ADVP (VP taken (PP out (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )PP (PP by (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )S , (NP the spokesman )NP (VP added )VP . )S 11 18 (S (NP That dividend )NP (VP is (ADVP almost )ADVP (ADVP double )ADVP (S (S (NP the 35 % )NP (ADVP currently )ADVP (VP taken (PP out (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )PP (PP by (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )VP )S , (S (NP the spokesman )NP (VP added )VP )S )S )VP . )S 13 16 (S (S (NP That dividend )NP (VP is (ADVP almost double )ADVP (S (NP the 35 % )NP (ADVP currently )ADVP (VP taken (PP out (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )PP (PP by (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )S , (NP the spokesman )NP (VP added )VP . )S 12 16 (S (S (NP That dividend )NP (VP is (ADVP almost double )ADVP (S (NP the 35 % )NP (ADVP currently )ADVP (VP taken (ADVP out (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )ADVP (PP by (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )S , (NP the spokesman )NP (VP added )VP . )S 12 16 (S (S (NP That dividend )NP (VP is (ADVP almost double )ADVP (ADVP (NP (QP the 35 )QP % )NP currently )ADVP (VP taken (PP out (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )PP (PP by (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , (NP the spokesman )NP (VP added )VP . )S 13 16 (S (S (NP That dividend )NP (VP is (ADJP almost double )ADJP (S (NP the 35 % )NP (ADVP currently )ADVP (VP taken (PP out (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )PP (PP by (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )S , (NP the spokesman )NP (VP added )VP . )S 13 16 (S (S (NP That dividend )NP (VP is (ADVP almost double )ADVP (S (NP the 35 % )NP (ADVP currently )ADVP (VP taken (PP out (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )PP (PP by (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )S , (NP the spokesman )NP (VP added )VP . )S 15 17 (S (S (NP That dividend )NP (VP is (ADVP almost double )ADVP (NP (NP the (ADJP 35 % )ADJP )NP (VP (ADVP currently )ADVP taken (PP out (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )PP (PP by (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )VP )NP )VP )S , (NP the spokesman )NP (VP added )VP . )S 15 16 (S (S (NP That dividend )NP (VP is (ADVP almost double )ADVP (NP (NP the 35 % )NP (VP (ADVP currently )ADVP taken (PP out (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )PP (PP by (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )VP )NP )VP )S , (NP the spokesman )NP (VP added )VP . )S 13 17 (S (S (NP That dividend )NP (VP is (ADJP almost double )ADJP (S (NP (NP the 35 % )NP (ADVP currently )ADVP )NP (VP taken (PP out (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )PP (PP by (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )S , (NP the spokesman )NP (VP added )VP . )S 14 15 (S (S (NP That dividend )NP (VP is (ADVP almost double )ADVP (NP (NP the 35 % )NP (VP (ADVP currently )ADVP taken (PP out of (NP Farmers )NP )PP (PP by (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )VP )NP )VP )S , (NP the spokesman )NP (VP added )VP . )S 14 17 (S (S (NP That dividend )NP (VP is (ADVP almost )ADVP (ADVP double )ADVP (S (NP the 35 % )NP (VP (ADVP currently )ADVP taken (PP out (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )PP (PP by (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )S , (NP the spokesman )NP (VP added )VP . )S 15 17 (S (S (NP That dividend )NP (VP is (ADVP almost double )ADVP (NP (NP (QP the 35 )QP % )NP (VP (ADVP currently )ADVP taken (PP out (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )PP (PP by (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )VP )NP )VP )S , (NP the spokesman )NP (VP added )VP . )S 14 16 (S (S (NP That dividend )NP (VP is (ADVP almost double )ADVP (NP (NP the 35 % )NP (VP (ADVP currently )ADVP taken (ADVP out (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )ADVP (PP by (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )VP )NP )VP )S , (NP the spokesman )NP (VP added )VP . )S 12 17 (S (S (NP That dividend )NP (VP is (ADJP almost double )ADJP (S (NP the 35 % )NP (ADVP currently )ADVP (VP taken (ADVP (ADVP out )ADVP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )ADVP (PP by (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )S , (NP the spokesman )NP (VP added )VP . )S 12 15 (S (S (NP That dividend )NP (VP is (ADVP almost )ADVP double (ADVP (NP the 35 % )NP currently )ADVP (VP taken (PP out (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )PP (PP by (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , (NP the spokesman )NP (VP added )VP . )S 15 16 (S (S (NP That dividend )NP (VP is (ADVP almost double )ADVP (NP (NP the 35 % )NP (VP (ADVP currently )ADVP taken (PP out (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )PP (PP by (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )VP )NP )VP )S , (NP the spokesman )NP (VP added )VP . )S 50 9 9 (S `` (NP It )NP (VP would (VP have (NP (NP severe implications )NP (PP for (NP (NP Farmers ' )NP policy holders )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP . '' )S 9 9 (S `` (NP It )NP (VP would (VP have (NP (NP severe implications )NP (PP for (NP (NP Farmers ' )NP policy holders )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP . '' )S 8 8 (S `` (NP It )NP (VP would (VP have (NP severe implications )NP (PP for (NP (NP Farmers ' )NP policy holders )NP )PP )VP )VP . '' )S 9 9 (S `` (NP It )NP (VP would (VP have (NP (NP severe implications )NP (PP for (NP (NP Farmers ' )NP policy holders )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP . '' )S 8 8 (S `` (NP It )NP (VP would (VP have (NP severe implications )NP (PP for (NP (NP Farmers ' )NP policy holders )NP )PP )VP )VP . '' )S 9 10 (S `` (NP It )NP (VP would (VP have (NP (NP (ADJP severe )ADJP implications )NP (PP for (NP (NP Farmers ' )NP policy holders )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP . '' )S 8 8 (S `` (NP It )NP (VP would (VP have (NP severe implications )NP (PP for (NP (NP Farmers ' )NP policy holders )NP )PP )VP )VP . '' )S 9 10 (S `` (S (NP It )NP (VP would (VP have (NP (NP severe implications )NP (PP for (NP (NP Farmers ' )NP policy holders )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S . '' )S 9 10 (S `` (NP It )NP (VP would (VP have (S (NP (NP severe implications )NP (PP for (NP (NP Farmers ' )NP policy holders )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )VP . '' )S 6 10 (S `` (NP It )NP (VP would (VP have (NP (NP severe implications )NP (PP for (NP (NP Farmers ' )NP policy )NP )PP )NP (NP holders )NP )VP )VP . '' )S 8 9 (S `` (NP It )NP (VP would (VP have (NP (ADJP severe )ADJP implications )NP (PP for (NP (NP Farmers ' )NP policy holders )NP )PP )VP )VP . '' )S 9 10 (S `` (NP It )NP (VP would (VP have (NP (NP (ADJP severe )ADJP implications )NP (PP for (NP (NP Farmers ' )NP policy holders )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP . '' )S 8 9 (S `` (NP It )NP (VP would (VP have (S (NP severe implications )NP (PP for (NP (NP Farmers ' )NP policy holders )NP )PP )S )VP )VP . '' )S 7 10 (S `` (NP It )NP (VP would (VP have (ADJP severe )ADJP (NP (NP implications )NP (PP for (NP (NP Farmers ' )NP policy holders )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP . '' )S 9 10 (S `` (S (NP It )NP (VP would (VP have (NP (NP severe implications )NP (PP for (NP (NP Farmers ' )NP policy holders )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S . '' )S 8 8 (S `` (NP It )NP (VP would (VP have (NP (NP severe implications )NP (PP for (NP Farmers ' policy holders )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP . '' )S 8 9 (S `` (NP It )NP (VP would (VP have (VP (NP severe implications )NP (PP for (NP (NP Farmers ' )NP policy holders )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . '' )S 9 11 (S `` (NP It )NP (VP would (VP have (NP (NP severe implications )NP (PP for (NP (NP (NP Farmers ' )NP policy )NP (NP holders )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP . '' )S 8 9 (S `` (S (NP It )NP (VP would (VP have (NP severe implications )NP (PP for (NP (NP Farmers ' )NP policy holders )NP )PP )VP )VP )S . '' )S 9 10 (S `` (NP It )NP (VP would (VP have (S (NP (NP severe implications )NP (PP for (NP (NP Farmers ' )NP policy holders )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )VP . '' )S 9 10 (S `` (NP It )NP (VP would (VP have (VP (NP (NP severe implications )NP (PP for (NP (NP Farmers ' )NP policy holders )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP . '' )S 7 11 (S `` (NP It )NP (VP would (VP have (S (VP severe (NP (NP implications )NP (PP for (NP (NP Farmers ' )NP policy holders )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )VP )VP . '' )S 9 10 (S `` (NP It )NP (VP would (VP have (NP (NP (ADJP severe )ADJP implications )NP (PP for (NP (NP Farmers ' )NP policy holders )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP . '' )S 8 8 (S `` (NP It )NP (VP would (VP have (NP (NP severe implications )NP (PP for (NP Farmers ' policy holders )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP . '' )S 8 9 (S `` (NP It )NP (VP would (VP have (NP (ADJP severe )ADJP implications )NP (PP for (NP (NP Farmers ' )NP policy holders )NP )PP )VP )VP . '' )S 9 10 (S `` (NP It )NP (VP would (VP have (NP (NP severe implications )NP (PP for (NP (NP Farmers ' )NP (NP policy holders )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP . '' )S 7 11 (S `` (NP It )NP (VP would (VP have (NP (NP (NP severe implications )NP (PP for (NP (NP Farmers ' )NP policy )NP )PP )NP (NP holders )NP )NP )VP )VP . '' )S 7 10 (S `` (NP It )NP (VP would (VP have (VP severe (NP (NP implications )NP (PP for (NP (NP Farmers ' )NP policy holders )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP . '' )S 9 10 (S `` (NP It )NP (VP would (VP have (NP (NP severe implications )NP (PP for (NP (NP (NP Farmers ' )NP policy )NP holders )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP . '' )S 7 10 (S `` (NP It )NP (VP would (VP have (NP (NP severe implications )NP (PP for (NP (NP Farmers ' )NP policy )NP )PP (NP holders )NP )NP )VP )VP . '' )S 9 10 (S `` (S (NP It )NP (VP would (VP have (NP (NP severe implications )NP (PP for (NP (NP Farmers ' )NP policy holders )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S . '' )S 9 10 (S `` (NP It )NP (VP would (S (VP have (NP (NP severe implications )NP (PP for (NP (NP Farmers ' )NP policy holders )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )VP . '' )S 8 9 (S `` (NP It )NP (VP would (VP have (S (NP severe implications )NP (PP for (NP (NP Farmers ' )NP policy holders )NP )PP )S )VP )VP . '' )S 6 10 (S `` (NP It )NP (VP would (VP have (NP (NP severe implications )NP (PP for (NP (NP Farmers ' )NP policy )NP )PP )NP (NP holders )NP )VP )VP . '' )S 7 10 (S `` (NP It )NP (VP would (VP have (ADJP severe )ADJP (NP (NP implications )NP (PP for (NP (NP Farmers ' )NP policy holders )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP . '' )S 9 10 (S `` (NP It )NP (VP would (VP have (S (NP (NP severe implications )NP (PP for (NP (NP Farmers ' )NP policy holders )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )VP . '' )S 8 9 (S `` (NP It )NP (VP would (VP have (VP (NP severe implications )NP (PP for (NP (NP Farmers ' )NP policy holders )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . '' )S 6 10 (S `` (NP It )NP (VP would (VP have (NP (NP severe implications )NP (PP for (NP (NP Farmers ' )NP policy )NP )PP )NP (NP holders )NP )VP )VP . '' )S 8 9 (S `` (S (NP It )NP (VP would (VP have (NP severe implications )NP (PP for (NP (NP Farmers ' )NP policy holders )NP )PP )VP )VP )S . '' )S 7 7 (S `` (NP It )NP (VP would (VP have (NP severe implications )NP (PP for (NP Farmers ' policy holders )NP )PP )VP )VP . '' )S 6 10 (S `` (NP It )NP (VP would (VP have (NP severe implications (SBAR for (S (NP Farmers ' )NP (VP policy (NP holders )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP . '' )S 9 10 (S `` (NP It )NP (VP would (VP have (VP (NP (NP severe implications )NP (PP for (NP (NP Farmers ' )NP policy holders )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP . '' )S 8 10 (S `` (NP It )NP (VP would (VP have (NP severe implications )NP (PP for (NP (NP (NP Farmers ' )NP policy )NP (NP holders )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP . '' )S 8 9 (S `` (NP It )NP (VP would (VP have (NP (ADJP severe )ADJP implications )NP (PP for (NP (NP Farmers ' )NP policy holders )NP )PP )VP )VP . '' )S 8 11 (S `` (NP It )NP (VP would (VP have (NP (NP severe implications )NP (PP for (S (NP Farmers ' )NP (VP policy (NP holders )NP )VP )S )PP )NP )VP )VP . '' )S 7 11 (S `` (NP It )NP (VP would (VP have (S (VP severe (NP (NP implications )NP (PP for (NP (NP Farmers ' )NP policy holders )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )VP )VP . '' )S 6 9 (S `` (NP It )NP (VP would (VP have (NP (NP severe implications )NP (PP for (NP Farmers ' )NP )PP )NP (NP policy holders )NP )VP )VP . '' )S 9 10 (S `` (NP It )NP (VP would (VP have (NP (NP severe implications )NP (PP for (NP (NP Farmers ' )NP (NX policy holders )NX )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP . '' )S 7 9 (S `` (NP It )NP (VP would (VP have (NP severe implications (SBAR for (S (NP (NP Farmers ' )NP policy holders )NP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP . '' )S 8 10 (S `` (NP It )NP (VP would (VP have (S (VP (NP severe implications )NP (PP for (NP (NP Farmers ' )NP policy holders )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )VP . '' )S 50 20 20 (S (S (VP To (VP fend (PRT off )PRT (NP (NP Sir James 's )NP advances )NP )VP )VP )S , (NP B.A.T )NP (VP has (VP proposed (NP (NP a sweeping restructuring )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP would (VP pare (NP it )NP (PP to (NP a tobacco and financial services concern )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP . )S 15 20 (S (S (VP To (VP fend (PRT off )PRT (NP (NP Sir James 's )NP advances )NP )VP )VP )S , (NP B.A.T )NP (VP has (VP proposed (NP (NP a sweeping restructuring )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP would (VP pare (NP it )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP (PP to (NP a tobacco and financial services concern )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 20 21 (S (SBAR (S (VP To (VP fend (PRT off )PRT (NP (NP Sir James 's )NP advances )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP B.A.T )NP (VP has (VP proposed (NP (NP a sweeping restructuring )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP would (VP pare (NP it )NP (PP to (NP a tobacco and financial services concern )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP . )S 20 21 (S (S (VP To (VP fend (PRT off )PRT (NP (NP Sir James 's )NP advances )NP )VP )VP )S , (NP B.A.T )NP (VP has (VP proposed (S (NP (NP a sweeping restructuring )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP would (VP pare (NP it )NP (PP to (NP a tobacco and financial services concern )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )S )VP )VP . )S 19 19 (S (S (VP To (VP fend (PRT off )PRT (NP (NP Sir James 's )NP advances )NP )VP )VP )S , (NP B.A.T )NP (VP has (VP proposed (NP a sweeping restructuring (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP would (VP pare (NP it )NP (PP to (NP a tobacco and financial services concern )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP . )S 15 21 (S (SBAR (S (VP To (VP fend (PRT off )PRT (NP (NP Sir James 's )NP advances )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP B.A.T )NP (VP has (VP proposed (NP (NP a sweeping restructuring )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP would (VP pare (NP it )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP (PP to (NP a tobacco and financial services concern )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 20 20 (S (S (VP To (VP fend (PRT off )PRT (NP (NP Sir James 's )NP advances )NP )VP )VP )S , (NP B.A.T )NP (VP has (VP proposed (NP (NP a sweeping restructuring )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP would (VP pare (NP it )NP (PP to (NP a tobacco and financial services concern )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP . )S 20 21 (S (S (VP To (VP fend (PRT off )PRT (NP (NP Sir James 's )NP advances )NP )VP )VP )S , (NP B.A.T )NP (VP has (VP proposed (NP (NP a sweeping restructuring )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP would (VP pare (NP it )NP (PP to (NP a (UCP tobacco and financial services )UCP concern )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP . )S 19 19 (S (S (VP To (VP fend (PRT off )PRT (NP (NP Sir James 's )NP advances )NP )VP )VP )S , (NP B.A.T )NP (VP has (VP proposed (NP (NP a sweeping restructuring )NP (SBAR that (S (VP would (VP pare (NP it )NP (PP to (NP a tobacco and financial services concern )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP . )S 18 18 (S (S (VP To (VP fend (PRT off )PRT (NP (NP Sir James 's )NP advances )NP )VP )VP )S , (NP B.A.T )NP (VP has (VP proposed (NP a sweeping restructuring (SBAR that (S (VP would (VP pare (NP it )NP (PP to (NP a tobacco and financial services concern )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP . )S 18 20 (S (S (VP To (VP fend (PRT off )PRT (NP (NP Sir James 's )NP advances )NP )VP )VP )S , (NP B.A.T )NP (VP has (VP proposed (NP (NP a sweeping restructuring )NP (SBAR (S (NP that )NP (VP would (VP pare (NP it )NP (PP to (NP a tobacco and financial services concern )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP . )S 19 19 (S (S (VP To (VP fend (PRT off )PRT (NP (NP Sir James 's )NP advances )NP )VP )VP )S , (NP B.A.T )NP (VP has (VP proposed (NP (NP a sweeping restructuring )NP (SBAR that (S (VP would (VP pare (NP it )NP (PP to (NP a tobacco and financial services concern )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP . )S 20 20 (S (S (VP To (VP fend (PRT off )PRT (NP (NP Sir James 's )NP advances )NP )VP )VP )S , (NP B.A.T )NP (VP has (VP proposed (NP (NP a sweeping restructuring )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP would (VP pare (NP it )NP (PP to (NP a tobacco and financial services concern )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP . )S 20 21 (S (S (VP To (VP fend (PRT off )PRT (NP (NP Sir James 's )NP advances )NP )VP )VP )S , (NP B.A.T )NP (VP has (VP proposed (NP (NP a sweeping restructuring )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP would (VP pare (S (NP it )NP (PP to (NP a tobacco and financial services concern )NP )PP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP . )S 20 20 (S (S (VP To (VP fend (PRT off )PRT (NP (NP Sir James 's )NP advances )NP )VP )VP )S , (NP B.A.T )NP (VP has (VP proposed (NP (NP a sweeping restructuring )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP would (VP pare (NP it )NP (PP to (NP a tobacco and financial services concern )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP . )S 20 20 (S (S (VP To (VP fend (PRT off )PRT (NP (NP Sir James 's )NP advances )NP )VP )VP )S , (NP B.A.T )NP (VP has (VP proposed (NP (NP a sweeping restructuring )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP would (VP pare (NP it )NP (PP to (NP a tobacco and financial services concern )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP . )S 20 21 (S (S (VP To (VP fend (PRT off )PRT (NP (NP Sir James 's )NP advances )NP )VP )VP )S , (NP B.A.T )NP (VP has (VP proposed (NP (NP a sweeping restructuring )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP would (VP pare (NP (NP it )NP (PP to (NP a tobacco and financial services concern )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP . )S 15 20 (S (S (VP To (VP fend (PRT off )PRT (NP (NP Sir James 's )NP advances )NP )VP )VP )S , (NP B.A.T )NP (VP has (VP proposed (NP (NP a sweeping restructuring )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP would (VP pare (NP it )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP (PP to (NP a tobacco and financial services concern )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 18 18 (S (S (VP To (VP fend (PRT off )PRT (NP (NP Sir James 's )NP advances )NP )VP )VP )S , (NP B.A.T )NP (VP has (VP proposed (NP a sweeping restructuring )NP (SBAR that (S (VP would (VP pare (NP it )NP (PP to (NP a tobacco and financial services concern )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 14 19 (S (S (VP To (VP fend (PRT off )PRT (NP (NP Sir James 's )NP advances )NP )VP )VP )S , (NP B.A.T )NP (VP has (VP proposed (NP a sweeping restructuring (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP would (VP pare (NP it )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP (PP to (NP a tobacco and financial services concern )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 18 18 (S (S (VP To (VP fend (PRT off )PRT (NP (NP Sir James 's )NP advances )NP )VP )VP )S , (NP B.A.T )NP (VP has (VP proposed (NP a sweeping restructuring (SBAR that (S (VP would (VP pare (NP it )NP (PP to (NP a tobacco and financial services concern )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP . )S 18 20 (S (S (VP To (VP fend (PRT off )PRT (NP (NP Sir James 's )NP advances )NP )VP )VP )S , (NP B.A.T )NP (VP has (VP proposed (NP (NP a sweeping restructuring )NP (SBAR (S (NP that )NP (VP would (VP pare (NP it )NP (PP to (NP a tobacco and financial services concern )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP . )S 15 20 (S (S (VP To (VP fend (PRT off )PRT (NP (NP Sir James 's )NP advances )NP )VP )VP )S , (NP B.A.T )NP (VP has (VP proposed (NP (NP a sweeping restructuring )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP would (VP pare (NP it )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP (PP to (NP a tobacco and financial services concern )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 15 21 (S (S (VP To (VP fend (PRT off )PRT (NP (NP Sir James 's )NP advances )NP )VP )VP )S , (NP B.A.T )NP (VP has (VP proposed (NP (NP a sweeping restructuring )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP would (VP pare (NP it )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP (PP to (NP a (UCP tobacco and financial services )UCP concern )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 20 21 (S (S (VP To (VP fend (PRT off )PRT (NP (NP Sir James 's )NP advances )NP )VP )VP )S , (NP B.A.T )NP (VP has (VP proposed (NP (NP a sweeping restructuring )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP would (S (VP pare (NP it )NP (PP to (NP a tobacco and financial services concern )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP . )S 20 21 (S (S (VP To (VP fend (PRT off )PRT (NP (NP Sir James 's )NP advances )NP )VP )VP )S , (NP B.A.T )NP (VP has (VP proposed (NP (NP a sweeping restructuring )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP would (VP pare (NP it )NP (PP to (NP a (ADJP tobacco and financial )ADJP services concern )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP . )S 20 20 (S (S (VP To (VP fend (PRT off )PRT (NP (NP Sir James 's )NP advances )NP )VP )VP )S , (NP B.A.T )NP (VP has (VP proposed (NP (NP a sweeping restructuring )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP would (VP pare (NP it )NP (PP to (NP a tobacco and financial services concern )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP . )S 14 19 (S (S (VP To (VP fend (PRT off )PRT (NP (NP Sir James 's )NP advances )NP )VP )VP )S , (NP B.A.T )NP (VP has (VP proposed (NP (NP a sweeping restructuring )NP (SBAR that (S (VP would (VP pare (NP it )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP (PP to (NP a tobacco and financial services concern )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 15 20 (S (S (VP To (VP fend (PRT off )PRT (NP (NP Sir James 's )NP advances )NP )VP )VP )S , (NP B.A.T )NP (VP has (VP proposed (NP (NP a sweeping restructuring )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP would (VP pare (NP it )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP (PP to (NP a tobacco and financial services concern )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 20 22 (S (SBAR (S (VP To (VP fend (PRT off )PRT (NP (NP Sir James 's )NP advances )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP B.A.T )NP (VP has (VP proposed (S (NP (NP a sweeping restructuring )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP would (VP pare (NP it )NP (PP to (NP a tobacco and financial services concern )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )S )VP )VP . )S 19 19 (S (S (VP To (VP fend (PRT off )PRT (NP Sir James 's advances )NP )VP )VP )S , (NP B.A.T )NP (VP has (VP proposed (NP (NP a sweeping restructuring )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP would (VP pare (NP it )NP (PP to (NP a tobacco and financial services concern )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP . )S 19 19 (S (S (VP To (VP fend (PRT off )PRT (NP (NP Sir James 's )NP advances )NP )VP )VP )S , (NP B.A.T )NP (VP has (VP proposed (NP (NP a sweeping restructuring )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (VP would (VP pare (NP it )NP (PP to (NP a tobacco and financial services concern )NP )PP )VP )VP )SBAR )NP )VP )VP . )S 19 20 (S (SBAR (S (VP To (VP fend (PRT off )PRT (NP (NP Sir James 's )NP advances )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP B.A.T )NP (VP has (VP proposed (NP a sweeping restructuring (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP would (VP pare (NP it )NP (PP to (NP a tobacco and financial services concern )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP . )S 20 21 (S (SBAR (S (VP To (VP fend (PRT off )PRT (NP (NP Sir James 's )NP advances )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP B.A.T )NP (VP has (VP proposed (NP (NP a sweeping restructuring )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP would (VP pare (NP it )NP (PP to (NP a tobacco and financial services concern )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP . )S 20 22 (S (SBAR (S (VP To (VP fend (PRT off )PRT (NP (NP Sir James 's )NP advances )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP B.A.T )NP (VP has (VP proposed (NP (NP a sweeping restructuring )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP would (VP pare (NP it )NP (PP to (NP a (UCP tobacco and financial services )UCP concern )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP . )S 20 21 (S (S (VP To (VP fend (PRT off )PRT (NP (NP Sir James 's )NP advances )NP )VP )VP )S , (NP B.A.T )NP (VP has (VP proposed (NP (NP a sweeping restructuring )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP would (VP pare (NP it )NP (PP to (NP a (UCP tobacco and financial )UCP services concern )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP . )S 18 20 (S (S (VP To (VP fend (PRT off )PRT (NP (NP Sir James 's )NP advances )NP )VP )VP )S , (NP B.A.T )NP (VP has (VP proposed (NP (NP a sweeping restructuring )NP (SBAR (S (NP that )NP (VP would (VP pare (NP it )NP (PP to (NP a tobacco and financial services concern )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP . )S 16 20 (S (S (VP To (VP fend (PRT off )PRT (NP (NP Sir James 's )NP advances )NP )VP )VP )S , (NP B.A.T )NP (VP has (VP proposed (NP (NP a sweeping restructuring )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP would (VP pare (NP it )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR (PP to (NP a tobacco and financial services concern )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP . )S 18 20 (S (PP To (S (VP fend (PRT off )PRT (NP (NP Sir James 's )NP advances )NP )VP )S )PP , (NP B.A.T )NP (VP has (VP proposed (NP (NP a sweeping restructuring )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP would (VP pare (NP it )NP (PP to (NP a tobacco and financial services concern )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP . )S 20 22 (S (S (VP To (VP fend (PRT off )PRT (NP (NP Sir James 's )NP advances )NP )VP )VP )S , (NP B.A.T )NP (VP has (VP proposed (NP (NP a sweeping restructuring )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP would (VP pare (NP it )NP (PP to (NP (NP a tobacco )NP and (NP financial services concern )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP . )S 19 19 (S (S (VP To (VP fend (PRT off )PRT (NP (NP Sir James 's )NP advances )NP )VP )VP )S , (NP B.A.T )NP (VP has (VP proposed (NP a sweeping restructuring )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP would (VP pare (NP it )NP (PP to (NP a tobacco and financial services concern )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 19 20 (S (SBAR (S (VP To (VP fend (PRT off )PRT (NP (NP Sir James 's )NP advances )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP B.A.T )NP (VP has (VP proposed (NP (NP a sweeping restructuring )NP (SBAR that (S (VP would (VP pare (NP it )NP (PP to (NP a tobacco and financial services concern )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP . )S 18 19 (S (SBAR (S (VP To (VP fend (PRT off )PRT (NP (NP Sir James 's )NP advances )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP B.A.T )NP (VP has (VP proposed (NP a sweeping restructuring (SBAR that (S (VP would (VP pare (NP it )NP (PP to (NP a tobacco and financial services concern )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP . )S 18 21 (S (SBAR (S (VP To (VP fend (PRT off )PRT (NP (NP Sir James 's )NP advances )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP B.A.T )NP (VP has (VP proposed (NP (NP a sweeping restructuring )NP (SBAR (S (NP that )NP (VP would (VP pare (NP it )NP (PP to (NP a tobacco and financial services concern )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP . )S 17 19 (S (S (VP To (VP fend (PRT off )PRT (NP (NP Sir James 's )NP advances )NP )VP )VP )S , (NP B.A.T )NP (VP has (VP proposed (NP a sweeping restructuring )NP (SBAR (S (NP that )NP (VP would (VP pare (NP it )NP (PP to (NP a tobacco and financial services concern )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 20 21 (S (S (VP To (VP fend (PRT off )PRT (NP (NP Sir James 's )NP advances )NP )VP )VP )S , (NP B.A.T )NP (VP has (VP proposed (NP (NP a (ADJP sweeping )ADJP restructuring )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP would (VP pare (NP it )NP (PP to (NP a tobacco and financial services concern )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP . )S 19 20 (S (SBAR (S (VP To (VP fend (PRT off )PRT (NP (NP Sir James 's )NP advances )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP B.A.T )NP (VP has (VP proposed (NP (NP a sweeping restructuring )NP (SBAR that (S (VP would (VP pare (NP it )NP (PP to (NP a tobacco and financial services concern )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP . )S 20 21 (S (SBAR (S (VP To (VP fend (PRT off )PRT (NP (NP Sir James 's )NP advances )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP B.A.T )NP (VP has (VP proposed (NP (NP a sweeping restructuring )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP would (VP pare (NP it )NP (PP to (NP a tobacco and financial services concern )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP . )S 20 22 (S (SBAR (S (VP To (VP fend (PRT off )PRT (NP (NP Sir James 's )NP advances )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP B.A.T )NP (VP has (VP proposed (NP (NP a sweeping restructuring )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP would (VP pare (S (NP it )NP (PP to (NP a tobacco and financial services concern )NP )PP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP . )S 13 18 (S (S (VP To (VP fend (PRT off )PRT (NP (NP Sir James 's )NP advances )NP )VP )VP )S , (NP B.A.T )NP (VP has (VP proposed (NP a sweeping restructuring (SBAR that (S (VP would (VP pare (NP it )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP (PP to (NP a tobacco and financial services concern )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 50 13 16 (S (NP (NP Dismal sales )NP (PP at (NP General Motors Corp. )NP )PP )NP (VP dragged (NP the U.S. car and truck market )NP (ADVP down (PP below (NP year-ago levels )NP (PP in (NP early October )NP )PP )PP )ADVP , (NP (NP the first sales period )NP (PP of (NP the 1990 model year )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 15 17 (S (NP (NP Dismal sales )NP (PP at (NP General Motors Corp. )NP )PP )NP (VP (VP dragged (NP the U.S. car and truck market )NP (ADVP down )ADVP (PP below (NP year-ago levels )NP )PP (PP in (NP early October )NP )PP )VP , (NP (NP the first sales period )NP (PP of (NP the 1990 model year )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 14 17 (S (NP (NP Dismal sales )NP (PP at (NP General Motors Corp. )NP )PP )NP (VP (VP dragged (NP the U.S. car and truck market )NP (ADVP down (PP below (NP year-ago levels )NP )PP )ADVP (PP in (NP early October )NP )PP )VP , (NP (NP the first sales period )NP (PP of (NP the 1990 model year )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 16 16 (S (NP (NP Dismal sales )NP (PP at (NP General Motors Corp. )NP )PP )NP (VP dragged (NP the U.S. car and truck market )NP (PRT down )PRT (PP below (NP year-ago levels )NP )PP (PP in (NP early October )NP , (NP (NP the first sales period )NP (PP of (NP the 1990 model year )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 14 18 (S (NP (NP Dismal sales )NP (PP at (NP General Motors Corp. )NP )PP )NP (VP (VP dragged (NP the U.S. car and truck market )NP (ADVP down )ADVP (PP below (NP (NP year-ago levels )NP (PP in (NP early October )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP , (NP (NP the first sales period )NP (PP of (NP the 1990 model year )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 15 16 (S (NP (NP Dismal sales )NP (PP at (NP General Motors Corp. )NP )PP )NP (VP dragged (NP the U.S. car and truck market )NP (PRT down )PRT (PP below (NP year-ago levels )NP )PP (PP in (NP early October )NP )PP , (NP (NP the first sales period )NP (PP of (NP the 1990 model year )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 13 16 (S (NP (NP Dismal sales )NP (PP at (NP General Motors Corp. )NP )PP )NP (VP dragged (NP the U.S. car and truck market )NP (ADVP down (PP below (NP year-ago levels )NP (PP in (NP early October )NP )PP )PP )ADVP , (NP (NP the first sales period )NP (PP of (NP the 1990 model year )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 15 17 (S (NP (NP Dismal sales )NP (PP at (NP General Motors Corp. )NP )PP )NP (VP (VP dragged (NP the U.S. car and truck market )NP (PRT down )PRT (PP below (NP year-ago levels )NP )PP (PP in (NP early October )NP )PP )VP , (NP (NP the first sales period )NP (PP of (NP the 1990 model year )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 14 17 (S (NP (NP Dismal sales )NP (PP at (NP General Motors Corp. )NP )PP )NP (VP (VP dragged (NP the U.S. car and truck market )NP (PP (ADVP down )ADVP below (NP year-ago levels )NP )PP (PP in (NP early October )NP )PP )VP , (NP (NP the first sales period )NP (PP of (NP the 1990 model year )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 15 18 (S (NP (NP Dismal sales )NP (PP at (NP General Motors Corp. )NP )PP )NP (VP dragged (S (NP the U.S. car and truck market )NP (ADVP down (PP below (NP year-ago levels )NP (PP in (NP (NP early October )NP , (NP (NP the first sales period )NP (PP of (NP the 1990 model year )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )PP )ADVP )S )VP . )S 16 16 (S (NP (NP Dismal sales )NP (PP at (NP General Motors Corp. )NP )PP )NP (VP dragged (NP the U.S. car and truck market )NP (ADVP down )ADVP (PP below (NP year-ago levels )NP )PP (PP in (NP early October )NP , (NP (NP the first sales period )NP (PP of (NP the 1990 model year )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 15 16 (S (NP (NP Dismal sales )NP (PP at (NP General Motors Corp. )NP )PP )NP (VP dragged (NP the U.S. car and truck market )NP (ADVP down (PP below (NP year-ago levels )NP )PP )ADVP (PP in (NP early October )NP , (NP (NP the first sales period )NP (PP of (NP the 1990 model year )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 14 16 (S (NP (NP Dismal sales )NP (PP at (NP General Motors Corp. )NP )PP )NP (VP dragged (NP the U.S. car and truck market )NP (ADVP down (PP below (NP year-ago levels )NP )PP )ADVP (PP in (NP early October )NP )PP , (NP (NP the first sales period )NP (PP of (NP the 1990 model year )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 15 17 (S (NP (NP Dismal sales )NP (PP at (NP General Motors Corp. )NP )PP )NP (VP (VP dragged (NP the U.S. car and truck market )NP (ADVP down )ADVP (PP below (NP year-ago levels )NP )PP (PP in (NP early October )NP )PP )VP , (NP (NP the first sales period )NP (PP of (NP the 1990 model year )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 14 17 (S (NP (NP Dismal sales )NP (PP at (NP General Motors Corp. )NP )PP )NP (VP (VP dragged (NP the U.S. car and truck market )NP (ADVP down (PP below (NP year-ago levels )NP )PP )ADVP (PP in (NP early October )NP )PP )VP , (NP (NP the first sales period )NP (PP of (NP the 1990 model year )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 14 17 (S (NP (NP Dismal sales )NP (PP at (NP General Motors Corp. )NP )PP )NP (VP dragged (NP the U.S. car and truck market )NP (ADVP down )ADVP (PP below (NP (NP year-ago levels )NP (PP in (NP early October )NP )PP )NP , (NP (NP the first sales period )NP (PP of (NP the 1990 model year )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 15 16 (S (NP (NP Dismal sales )NP (PP at (NP General Motors Corp. )NP )PP )NP (VP dragged (NP the U.S. car and truck market )NP (PP (ADVP down )ADVP below (NP year-ago levels )NP )PP (PP in (NP early October )NP , (NP (NP the first sales period )NP (PP of (NP the 1990 model year )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 15 16 (S (NP (NP Dismal sales )NP (PP at (NP General Motors Corp. )NP )PP )NP (VP dragged (NP the U.S. car and truck market )NP (ADVP down )ADVP (PP below (NP year-ago levels )NP )PP (PP in (NP early October )NP )PP , (NP (NP the first sales period )NP (PP of (NP the 1990 model year )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 17 17 (S (NP (NP Dismal sales )NP (PP at (NP General Motors Corp. )NP )PP )NP (VP dragged (NP the U.S. car and truck market )NP (PRT down )PRT (PP below (NP year-ago levels )NP )PP (PP in (NP (NP early October )NP , (NP (NP the first sales period )NP (PP of (NP the 1990 model year )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 16 16 (S (NP (NP Dismal sales )NP (PP at (NP General Motors Corp. )NP )PP )NP (VP dragged (NP the U.S. car and truck market )NP (PRT down )PRT (PP below (NP year-ago levels )NP )PP (PP in (NP early October )NP , (NP (NP the first sales period )NP (PP of (NP the 1990 model year )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 14 18 (S (NP (NP Dismal sales )NP (PP at (NP General Motors Corp. )NP )PP )NP (VP (VP dragged (NP the U.S. car and truck market )NP (ADVP down )ADVP (PP below (NP (NP year-ago levels )NP (PP in (NP early October )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP , (NP (NP the first sales period )NP (PP of (NP the 1990 model year )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 15 17 (S (NP (NP Dismal sales )NP (PP at (NP General Motors Corp. )NP )PP )NP (VP (VP dragged (NP the U.S. car and truck market )NP (ADVP down )ADVP (PP below (NP year-ago levels )NP )PP (PP in (NP early October )NP )PP )VP , (NP (NP the first sales period )NP (PP of (NP the 1990 model year )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 13 18 (S (NP (NP Dismal sales )NP (PP at (NP General Motors Corp. )NP )PP )NP (VP dragged (S (NP the U.S. car and truck market )NP (ADVP down (PP below (NP (NP year-ago levels )NP (PP in (NP early October )NP )PP )NP , (NP (NP the first sales period )NP (PP of (NP the 1990 model year )NP )PP )NP )PP )ADVP )S )VP . )S 15 16 (S (NP (NP Dismal sales )NP (PP at (NP General Motors Corp. )NP )PP )NP (VP dragged (NP the U.S. car and truck market )NP (PRT down )PRT (PP below (NP year-ago levels )NP )PP (PP in (NP early October )NP )PP , (NP (NP the first sales period )NP (PP of (NP the 1990 model year )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 14 17 (S (NP (NP Dismal sales )NP (PP at (NP General Motors Corp. )NP )PP )NP (VP dragged (NP the U.S. car and truck market )NP (ADVP down )ADVP (PP below (NP (NP year-ago levels )NP (PP in (NP early October )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP (NP the first sales period )NP (PP of (NP the 1990 model year )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 15 17 (S (NP (NP Dismal sales )NP (PP at (NP General Motors Corp. )NP )PP )NP (VP dragged (NP the U.S. car and truck market )NP (ADVP down (PP below (NP year-ago levels )NP (PP in (NP (NP early October )NP , (NP (NP the first sales period )NP (PP of (NP the 1990 model year )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )PP )ADVP )VP . )S 14 16 (S (NP (NP Dismal sales )NP (PP at (NP General Motors Corp. )NP )PP )NP (VP dragged (NP the U.S. car and truck market )NP (PP (ADVP down )ADVP below (NP year-ago levels )NP )PP (PP in (NP early October )NP )PP , (NP (NP the first sales period )NP (PP of (NP the 1990 model year )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 14 17 (S (NP (NP Dismal sales )NP (PP at (NP General Motors Corp. )NP )PP )NP (VP dragged (NP the U.S. car and truck market )NP (PRT down )PRT (PP below (NP (NP year-ago levels )NP (PP in (NP early October )NP )PP )NP , (NP (NP the first sales period )NP (PP of (NP the 1990 model year )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 14 18 (S (NP (NP Dismal sales )NP (PP at (NP General Motors Corp. )NP )PP )NP (VP (VP dragged (NP the U.S. car and truck market )NP (ADVP down )ADVP (PP below (NP (NP year-ago levels )NP (PP in (NP early October )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP , (NP (NP the first sales period )NP (PP of (NP the 1990 model year )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 16 18 (S (NP (NP Dismal sales )NP (PP at (NP General Motors Corp. )NP )PP )NP (VP dragged (NP the U.S. car and truck market )NP (ADVP down )ADVP (PP below (NP (NP year-ago levels )NP (PP in (NP (NP early October )NP , (NP (NP the first sales period )NP (PP of (NP the 1990 model year )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 14 18 (S (NP (NP Dismal sales )NP (PP at (NP General Motors Corp. )NP )PP )NP (VP dragged (NP the U.S. car and truck market )NP (ADVP down )ADVP (PP below (NP (NP (NP year-ago levels )NP (PP in (NP early October )NP )PP )NP , (NP (NP the first sales period )NP (PP of (NP the 1990 model year )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 15 17 (S (NP (NP Dismal sales )NP (PP at (NP General Motors Corp. )NP )PP )NP (VP (VP dragged (NP the U.S. car and truck market )NP (PRT down )PRT (PP below (NP year-ago levels )NP )PP (PP in (NP early October )NP )PP )VP , (NP (NP the first sales period )NP (PP of (NP the 1990 model year )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 13 17 (S (NP (NP Dismal sales )NP (PP at (NP General Motors Corp. )NP )PP )NP (VP (VP dragged (NP the U.S. car and truck market )NP (ADVP down (PP below (NP year-ago levels )NP (PP in (NP early October )NP )PP )PP )ADVP )VP , (NP (NP the first sales period )NP (PP of (NP the 1990 model year )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 14 17 (S (NP (NP Dismal sales )NP (PP at (NP General Motors Corp. )NP )PP )NP (VP dragged (S (NP the U.S. car and truck market )NP (ADVP down (PP below (NP year-ago levels )NP (PP in (NP early October )NP , (NP (NP the first sales period )NP (PP of (NP the 1990 model year )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )ADVP )S )VP . )S 14 17 (S (NP (NP Dismal sales )NP (PP at (NP General Motors Corp. )NP )PP )NP (VP (VP dragged (NP the U.S. car and truck market )NP (PP (ADVP down )ADVP below (NP year-ago levels )NP )PP (PP in (NP early October )NP )PP )VP , (NP (NP the first sales period )NP (PP of (NP the 1990 model year )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 14 17 (S (NP (NP Dismal sales )NP (PP at (NP General Motors Corp. )NP )PP )NP (VP (VP dragged (NP the U.S. car and truck market )NP (ADVP down )ADVP (PP below (NP year-ago levels )NP (PP in (NP early October )NP )PP )PP )VP , (NP (NP the first sales period )NP (PP of (NP the 1990 model year )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 14 17 (S (NP (NP Dismal sales )NP (PP at (NP General Motors Corp. )NP )PP )NP (VP (VP dragged (NP the U.S. car and truck market )NP (ADVP down (PP below (NP year-ago levels )NP )PP )ADVP (PP in (NP early October )NP )PP )VP , (NP (NP the first sales period )NP (PP of (NP the 1990 model year )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 15 18 (S (NP (NP Dismal sales )NP (PP at (NP General Motors Corp. )NP )PP )NP (VP dragged (S (NP the U.S. car and truck market )NP (ADVP down (PP below (NP year-ago levels )NP (PP in (NP (NP early October )NP , (NP (NP the first sales period )NP (PP of (NP the 1990 model year )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )PP )ADVP )S )VP . )S 14 16 (S (NP (NP Dismal sales )NP (PP at (NP General Motors Corp. )NP )PP )NP (VP dragged (NP the U.S. car and truck market )NP (PP (ADVP down )ADVP below (NP year-ago levels )NP )PP (PP in (NP early October )NP )PP , (NP (NP the first sales period )NP (PP of (NP the 1990 model year )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 16 18 (S (NP (NP Dismal sales )NP (PP at (NP General Motors Corp. )NP )PP )NP (VP dragged (NP the U.S. car and truck market )NP (PRT down )PRT (PP below (NP (NP year-ago levels )NP (PP in (NP (NP early October )NP , (NP (NP the first sales period )NP (PP of (NP the 1990 model year )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 13 17 (S (NP (NP Dismal sales )NP (PP at (NP General Motors Corp. )NP )PP )NP (VP dragged (NP the U.S. car and truck market )NP (ADVP down (PP below (NP (NP year-ago levels )NP (PP in (NP early October )NP )PP )NP , (NP (NP the first sales period )NP (PP of (NP the 1990 model year )NP )PP )NP )PP )ADVP )VP . )S 15 17 (S (NP (NP Dismal sales )NP (PP at (NP General Motors Corp. )NP )PP )NP (VP (VP dragged (NP the U.S. car and truck market )NP (PRT down )PRT (PP below (NP year-ago levels )NP )PP (PP in (NP early October )NP )PP )VP , (NP (NP the first sales period )NP (PP of (NP the 1990 model year )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 14 18 (S (NP (NP Dismal sales )NP (PP at (NP General Motors Corp. )NP )PP )NP (VP dragged (NP the U.S. car and truck market )NP (PRT down )PRT (PP below (NP (NP (NP year-ago levels )NP (PP in (NP early October )NP )PP )NP , (NP (NP the first sales period )NP (PP of (NP the 1990 model year )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 17 17 (S (NP (NP Dismal sales )NP (PP at (NP General Motors Corp. )NP )PP )NP (VP dragged (NP the U.S. car and truck market )NP (ADVP down )ADVP (PP below (NP year-ago levels )NP )PP (PP in (NP (NP early October )NP , (NP (NP the first sales period )NP (PP of (NP the 1990 model year )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 16 16 (S (NP (NP Dismal sales )NP (PP at (NP General Motors Corp. )NP )PP )NP (VP dragged (NP the U.S. car and truck market )NP (ADVP down )ADVP (PP below (NP year-ago levels )NP )PP (PP in (NP early October )NP , (NP (NP the first sales period )NP (PP of (NP the 1990 model year )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 16 17 (S (NP (NP Dismal sales )NP (PP at (NP General Motors Corp. )NP )PP )NP (VP dragged (NP the U.S. car and truck market )NP (ADVP down (PP below (NP year-ago levels )NP )PP )ADVP (PP in (NP (NP early October )NP , (NP (NP the first sales period )NP (PP of (NP the 1990 model year )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 15 16 (S (NP (NP Dismal sales )NP (PP at (NP General Motors Corp. )NP )PP )NP (VP dragged (NP the U.S. car and truck market )NP (ADVP down (PP below (NP year-ago levels )NP )PP )ADVP (PP in (NP early October )NP , (NP (NP the first sales period )NP (PP of (NP the 1990 model year )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 14 18 (S (NP (NP Dismal sales )NP (PP at (NP General Motors Corp. )NP )PP )NP (VP (VP dragged (NP the U.S. car and truck market )NP (PRT down )PRT (PP below (NP (NP year-ago levels )NP (PP in (NP early October )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP , (NP (NP the first sales period )NP (PP of (NP the 1990 model year )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 14 18 (S (NP (NP Dismal sales )NP (PP at (NP General Motors Corp. )NP )PP )NP (VP (VP dragged (NP the U.S. car and truck market )NP (PRT down )PRT (PP below (NP (NP year-ago levels )NP (PP in (NP early October )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP , (NP (NP the first sales period )NP (PP of (NP the 1990 model year )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 14 16 (S (NP (NP Dismal sales )NP (PP at (NP General Motors Corp. )NP )PP )NP (VP dragged (NP the U.S. car and truck market )NP (ADVP down (PP below (NP year-ago levels )NP )PP )ADVP (PP in (NP early October )NP )PP , (NP (NP the first sales period )NP (PP of (NP the 1990 model year )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 50 15 15 (S (NP The eight major domestic auto makers )NP (VP sold (NP 160,510 North American-made cars )NP (PP in (NP (NP the first 10 days )NP (PP of (NP October )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP (NP a (ADJP 12.6 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )PP )NP )VP . )S 16 16 (S (NP The eight major domestic auto makers )NP (VP (VP sold (NP 160,510 North American-made cars )NP (PP in (NP (NP the first 10 days )NP (PP of (NP October )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP , (NP (NP a (ADJP 12.6 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )PP )NP )VP . )S 12 16 (S (NP The eight major domestic auto makers )NP (VP sold (NP 160,510 North American-made cars )NP (PP in (NP (NP the first 10 days )NP (PP of (NP (NP October )NP , (NP (NP a (ADJP 12.6 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 16 16 (S (NP The eight major domestic auto makers )NP (VP sold (NP 160,510 (ADJP North American-made )ADJP cars )NP (PP in (NP (NP the first 10 days )NP (PP of (NP October )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP (NP a (ADJP 12.6 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )PP )NP )VP . )S 17 17 (S (NP The eight major domestic auto makers )NP (VP (VP sold (NP 160,510 (ADJP North American-made )ADJP cars )NP (PP in (NP (NP the first 10 days )NP (PP of (NP October )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP , (NP (NP a (ADJP 12.6 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )PP )NP )VP . )S 11 15 (S (NP The eight major domestic auto makers )NP (VP sold (NP 160,510 North American-made cars )NP (PP in (NP (NP the first 10 days )NP (PP of (NP (NP October )NP , (NP a (ADJP 12.6 % )ADJP drop )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )PP )VP . )S 13 17 (S (NP The eight major domestic auto makers )NP (VP sold (NP 160,510 (ADJP North American-made )ADJP cars )NP (PP in (NP (NP the first 10 days )NP (PP of (NP (NP October )NP , (NP (NP a (ADJP 12.6 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 14 16 (S (NP The eight )NP (NP major domestic auto makers )NP (VP sold (NP 160,510 North American-made cars )NP (PP in (NP (NP the first 10 days )NP (PP of (NP October )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP (NP a (ADJP 12.6 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )PP )NP )VP . )S 13 18 (S (NP The eight major domestic auto makers )NP (VP sold (NP (NP 160,510 (ADJP North American-made )ADJP cars )NP (PP in (NP (NP the first 10 days )NP (PP of (NP (NP October )NP , (NP (NP a (ADJP 12.6 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 14 16 (S (NP The eight major domestic auto makers )NP (VP sold (NP 160,510 North American-made cars )NP (PP in (NP (NP (NP the first 10 days )NP (PP of (NP October )NP )PP )NP , (NP (NP a (ADJP 12.6 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 15 17 (S (NP The eight )NP (NP major domestic auto makers )NP (VP (VP sold (NP 160,510 North American-made cars )NP (PP in (NP (NP the first 10 days )NP (PP of (NP October )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP , (NP (NP a (ADJP 12.6 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )PP )NP )VP . )S 16 17 (S (NP The eight major domestic auto makers )NP (VP sold (NP (NP 160,510 (ADJP North American-made )ADJP cars )NP (PP in (NP (NP the first 10 days )NP (PP of (NP October )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP , (NP (NP a (ADJP 12.6 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )PP )NP )VP . )S 13 15 (S (NP The eight major domestic auto makers )NP (VP sold (NP 160,510 North American-made cars )NP (PP in (NP (NP (NP the first 10 days )NP (PP of (NP October )NP )PP )NP , (NP a (ADJP 12.6 % )ADJP drop )NP )NP )PP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )PP )VP . )S 15 15 (S (NP The eight major domestic auto makers )NP (VP sold (NP 160,510 North American-made cars )NP (PP in (NP (NP the first 10 days )NP (PP of (NP October )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP (NP a (ADJP 12.6 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )PP )NP )VP . )S 17 18 (S (NP The eight major domestic auto makers )NP (VP (VP sold (NP (NP 160,510 (ADJP North American-made )ADJP cars )NP (PP in (NP (NP the first 10 days )NP (PP of (NP October )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP , (NP (NP a (ADJP 12.6 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )PP )NP )VP . )S 14 14 (S (NP The eight major domestic auto makers )NP (VP sold (NP 160,510 North American-made cars )NP (PP in (NP the first 10 days )NP (PP of (NP October )NP )PP )PP , (NP (NP a (ADJP 12.6 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )PP )NP )VP . )S 14 15 (S (NP The eight major domestic auto makers )NP (VP (VP sold (NP 160,510 North American-made cars )NP (PP in (NP the first 10 days )NP )PP (PP of (NP October )NP )PP )VP , (NP (NP a (ADJP 12.6 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )PP )NP )VP . )S 14 15 (S (NP The eight major domestic auto makers )NP (VP sold (NP 160,510 North American-made cars )NP (PP in (NP (NP the first 10 days )NP (PP of (NP October )NP )PP )NP , (NP (NP a (ADJP 12.6 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 13 14 (S (NP The eight major domestic auto makers )NP (VP sold (NP 160,510 North American-made cars )NP (PP in (NP the first 10 days )NP )PP (PP of (NP October )NP )PP , (NP (NP a (ADJP 12.6 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )PP )NP )VP . )S 15 15 (S (NP The eight major domestic auto makers )NP (VP sold (NP 160,510 North American-made cars )NP (PP in (NP (NP the first 10 days )NP (PP of (NP October )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP (NP a (ADJP 12.6 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )PP )NP )VP . )S 16 16 (S (NP The eight major domestic auto makers )NP (VP (VP sold (NP 160,510 North American-made cars )NP (PP in (NP (NP the first 10 days )NP (PP of (NP October )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP , (NP (NP a (ADJP 12.6 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )PP )NP )VP . )S 15 15 (S (NP The eight major domestic auto makers )NP (VP (VP sold (NP 160,510 North American-made cars )NP (PP in (NP the first 10 days )NP (PP of (NP October )NP )PP )PP )VP , (NP (NP a (ADJP 12.6 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )PP )NP )VP . )S 13 14 (S (NP The eight major domestic auto makers )NP (VP sold (NP 160,510 North American-made cars )NP (PP in (NP (NP the first 10 days )NP (PP of (NP October )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP (NP a (ADJP 12.6 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP from (NP a year earlier )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 11 17 (S (NP The eight )NP (NP major domestic auto makers )NP (VP sold (NP 160,510 North American-made cars )NP (PP in (NP (NP the first 10 days )NP (PP of (NP (NP October )NP , (NP (NP a (ADJP 12.6 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 12 16 (S (NP The eight major domestic auto makers )NP (VP sold (NP 160,510 (ADJP North American-made )ADJP cars )NP (PP in (NP (NP the first 10 days )NP (PP of (NP (NP October )NP , (NP a (ADJP 12.6 % )ADJP drop )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )PP )VP . )S 16 16 (S (NP The eight major domestic auto makers )NP (VP (VP sold (NP 160,510 North American-made cars )NP (PP in (NP (NP the first 10 days )NP (PP of (NP October )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP , (NP (NP a (ADJP 12.6 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )PP )NP )VP . )S 12 15 (S (NP The eight major domestic auto makers )NP (VP sold (NP 160,510 North American-made cars )NP (PP in (NP the first 10 days )NP )PP (PP of (NP (NP October )NP , (NP (NP a (ADJP 12.6 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 14 15 (S (NP The eight major domestic auto makers )NP (VP (VP sold (NP 160,510 North American-made cars )NP (PP in (NP (NP the first 10 days )NP (PP of (NP October )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP , (NP (NP a (ADJP 12.6 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP from (NP a year earlier )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 12 16 (S (NP The eight major domestic auto makers )NP (VP sold (NP 160,510 North American-made cars )NP (PP in (NP (NP the first 10 days )NP (PP of (NP (NP October )NP , (NP (NP a (ADJP 12.6 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 12 17 (S (NP The eight major domestic auto makers )NP (VP sold (NP (NP 160,510 (ADJP North American-made )ADJP cars )NP (PP in (NP (NP the first 10 days )NP (PP of (NP (NP October )NP , (NP a (ADJP 12.6 % )ADJP drop )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )PP )VP . )S 15 16 (S (NP The eight (ADJP major domestic )ADJP auto makers )NP (VP sold (NP 160,510 North American-made cars )NP (PP in (NP (NP the first 10 days )NP (PP of (NP October )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP (NP a (ADJP 12.6 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )PP )NP )VP . )S 12 16 (S (NP The eight major domestic auto makers )NP (VP sold (NP 160,510 North American-made cars )NP (PP in (NP (NP the first 10 days )NP (PP of (NP (NP October )NP , (NP (NP a (ADJP 12.6 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 14 16 (S (NP The eight major domestic auto makers )NP (VP sold (NP (NP 160,510 (ADJP North American-made )ADJP cars )NP (PP in (NP the first 10 days )NP )PP )NP (PP of (NP October )NP )PP , (NP (NP a (ADJP 12.6 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )PP )NP )VP . )S 15 17 (S (NP The eight )NP (NP major domestic auto makers )NP (VP sold (NP 160,510 (ADJP North American-made )ADJP cars )NP (PP in (NP (NP the first 10 days )NP (PP of (NP October )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP (NP a (ADJP 12.6 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )PP )NP )VP . )S 10 15 (S (NP The eight major domestic auto makers )NP (VP sold (NP 160,510 North American-made cars )NP (PP in (NP (NP the first 10 days )NP (PP of (NP (NP October )NP , (NP (NP a (ADJP 12.6 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP from (NP a year earlier )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 15 17 (S (NP The eight major domestic auto makers )NP (VP sold (NP (NP (NP 160,510 (ADJP North American-made )ADJP cars )NP (PP in (NP (NP the first 10 days )NP (PP of (NP October )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP , (NP a (ADJP 12.6 % )ADJP drop )NP )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )PP )VP . )S 16 17 (S (NP The eight (ADJP major domestic )ADJP auto makers )NP (VP (VP sold (NP 160,510 North American-made cars )NP (PP in (NP (NP the first 10 days )NP (PP of (NP October )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP , (NP (NP a (ADJP 12.6 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )PP )NP )VP . )S 15 17 (S (NP The eight major domestic auto makers )NP (VP sold (NP 160,510 (ADJP North American-made )ADJP cars )NP (PP in (NP (NP (NP the first 10 days )NP (PP of (NP October )NP )PP )NP , (NP (NP a (ADJP 12.6 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 14 16 (S (NP The eight major domestic auto makers )NP (VP sold (NP (NP 160,510 (ADJP North American-made )ADJP cars )NP (PP in (NP the first 10 days )NP )PP (PP of (NP October )NP )PP )NP , (NP (NP a (ADJP 12.6 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )PP )NP )VP . )S 16 18 (S (NP The eight major domestic auto makers )NP (VP sold (NP (NP (NP 160,510 (ADJP North American-made )ADJP cars )NP (PP in (NP (NP the first 10 days )NP (PP of (NP October )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP , (NP (NP a (ADJP 12.6 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )PP )NP )NP )VP . )S 12 15 (S (NP The eight major domestic auto makers )NP (VP sold (NP 160,510 North American-made cars )NP (PP in (NP the first 10 days )NP (PP of (NP (NP October )NP , (NP (NP a (ADJP 12.6 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )PP )NP )NP )PP )PP )VP . )S 16 18 (S (NP The eight )NP (NP major domestic auto makers )NP (VP (VP sold (NP 160,510 (ADJP North American-made )ADJP cars )NP (PP in (NP (NP the first 10 days )NP (PP of (NP October )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP , (NP (NP a (ADJP 12.6 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )PP )NP )VP . )S 15 17 (S (NP The eight major domestic auto makers )NP (VP (VP sold (NP (NP 160,510 (ADJP North American-made )ADJP cars )NP (PP in (NP the first 10 days )NP )PP (PP of (NP October )NP )PP )NP )VP , (NP (NP a (ADJP 12.6 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )PP )NP )VP . )S 13 17 (S (NP The eight major domestic auto makers )NP (VP sold (NP (NP 160,510 (ADJP North American-made )ADJP cars )NP (PP in (NP the first 10 days )NP )PP (PP of (NP (NP October )NP , (NP (NP a (ADJP 12.6 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 14 16 (S (NP The eight major domestic auto makers )NP (VP sold (NP 160,510 (ADJP North American-made )ADJP cars )NP (PP in (NP (NP (NP the first 10 days )NP (PP of (NP October )NP )PP )NP , (NP a (ADJP 12.6 % )ADJP drop )NP )NP )PP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )PP )VP . )S 10 16 (S (NP The eight )NP (NP major domestic auto makers )NP (VP sold (NP 160,510 North American-made cars )NP (PP in (NP (NP the first 10 days )NP (PP of (NP (NP October )NP , (NP a (ADJP 12.6 % )ADJP drop )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )PP )VP . )S 15 17 (S (NP The eight major domestic auto makers )NP (VP (VP sold (NP (NP 160,510 (ADJP North American-made )ADJP cars )NP (PP in (NP the first 10 days )NP )PP )NP (PP of (NP October )NP )PP )VP , (NP (NP a (ADJP 12.6 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )PP )NP )VP . )S 15 15 (S (NP The eight major domestic auto makers )NP (VP sold (NP 160,510 North American-made cars )NP (PP in (NP (NP the first 10 days )NP (PP of (NP October )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP (NP a (ADJP 12.6 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )PP )NP )VP . )S 15 15 (S (NP The eight major domestic auto makers )NP (VP sold (NP 160,510 (ADJP North American-made )ADJP cars )NP (PP in (NP the first 10 days )NP (PP of (NP October )NP )PP )PP , (NP (NP a (ADJP 12.6 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )PP )NP )VP . )S 14 15 (S (NP The eight major domestic auto makers )NP (VP sold (NP 160,510 North American-made cars )NP (PP (PP in (NP the first 10 days )NP )PP (PP of (NP October )NP )PP )PP , (NP (NP a (ADJP 12.6 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )PP )NP )VP . )S 50 8 11 (S (NP (ADJP Domestically built )ADJP truck sales )NP (VP were (ADVP down (NP 10.4 % )NP (PP to (NP (NP 86,555 pickups )NP , (NP vans )NP and (NP sport utility vehicles )NP )NP )PP )ADVP )VP . )S 8 11 (S (NP (ADJP Domestically built )ADJP truck sales )NP (VP were (ADVP down (NP 10.4 % )NP (PP to (NP (NP 86,555 pickups )NP , (NP vans )NP and (NP sport utility vehicles )NP )NP )PP )ADVP )VP . )S 7 11 (S (NP (ADJP Domestically built )ADJP truck sales )NP (VP were (ADVP down (NP 10.4 % )NP )ADVP (PP to (NP (NP 86,555 pickups )NP , (NP vans )NP and (NP sport utility vehicles )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 8 12 (S (NP (ADJP Domestically built )ADJP truck sales )NP (VP were (ADVP down (NP 10.4 % )NP (PP to (NP (NP 86,555 pickups )NP , (NP (NP vans )NP and (NP sport utility vehicles )NP )NP )NP )PP )ADVP )VP . )S 7 11 (S (NP (ADJP Domestically built )ADJP truck sales )NP (VP were (ADVP down (NP 10.4 % )NP )ADVP (PP to (NP (NP 86,555 pickups )NP , (NP vans )NP and (NP sport utility vehicles )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 8 8 (S (NP (ADJP Domestically built )ADJP truck sales )NP (VP were (ADVP down (NP 10.4 % )NP (PP to (NP 86,555 pickups , vans and sport utility vehicles )NP )PP )ADVP )VP . )S 8 12 (S (NP (ADJP Domestically built )ADJP truck sales )NP (VP were (ADVP down (NP 10.4 % )NP (PP to (NP (NP 86,555 pickups )NP , (NP (NP vans )NP and (NP sport utility vehicles )NP )NP )NP )PP )ADVP )VP . )S 7 12 (S (NP (ADJP Domestically built )ADJP truck sales )NP (VP were (ADVP down (NP 10.4 % )NP )ADVP (PP to (NP (NP 86,555 pickups )NP , (NP (NP vans )NP and (NP sport utility vehicles )NP )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 8 8 (S (NP (ADJP Domestically built )ADJP truck sales )NP (VP were (ADVP down (NP 10.4 % )NP (PP to (NP 86,555 pickups , vans and sport utility vehicles )NP )PP )ADVP )VP . )S 7 12 (S (NP (ADJP Domestically built )ADJP truck sales )NP (VP were (ADVP down (NP 10.4 % )NP )ADVP (PP to (NP (NP 86,555 pickups )NP , (NP (NP vans )NP and (NP sport utility vehicles )NP )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 8 10 (S (NP (ADJP Domestically built )ADJP truck sales )NP (VP were (ADVP down (NP 10.4 % )NP (PP to (NP 86,555 pickups , (NP vans )NP and (NP sport utility vehicles )NP )NP )PP )ADVP )VP . )S 7 8 (S (NP (ADJP Domestically built )ADJP truck sales )NP (VP were (ADVP down (NP 10.4 % )NP )ADVP (PP to (NP 86,555 pickups , vans and sport utility vehicles )NP )PP )VP . )S 7 8 (S (NP (ADJP Domestically built )ADJP truck sales )NP (VP were (ADVP down (NP 10.4 % )NP )ADVP (PP to (NP 86,555 pickups , vans and sport utility vehicles )NP )PP )VP . )S 5 12 (S (NP (ADJP Domestically built )ADJP truck sales )NP (VP were (ADVP down )ADVP (NP (NP (NP 10.4 % )NP to (NP 86,555 pickups )NP )NP , (NP (NP vans )NP and (NP sport utility vehicles )NP )NP )NP )VP . )S 8 12 (S (NP (ADJP Domestically built )ADJP truck sales )NP (VP were (ADVP down (NP 10.4 % )NP (PP to (NP (NP (NP 86,555 pickups )NP , (NP vans )NP )NP and (NP sport utility vehicles )NP )NP )PP )ADVP )VP . )S 7 12 (S (NP (ADJP Domestically built )ADJP truck sales )NP (VP were (PP (PP down (NP 10.4 % )NP )PP (PP to (NP (NP 86,555 pickups )NP , (NP vans )NP and (NP sport utility vehicles )NP )NP )PP )PP )VP . )S 8 11 (S (NP (ADJP Domestically built )ADJP truck sales )NP (VP were (ADVP down (NP 10.4 % )NP (PP to (NP (NP 86,555 pickups )NP , (NP vans )NP and (NP sport utility vehicles )NP )NP )PP )ADVP )VP . )S 8 9 (S (NP (ADJP Domestically built )ADJP truck sales )NP (VP were (ADVP down (NP 10.4 % )NP (PP to (NP (NP 86,555 )NP pickups , vans and sport utility vehicles )NP )PP )ADVP )VP . )S 6 12 (S (NP (ADJP Domestically built )ADJP truck sales )NP (VP were (ADVP down (NP (NP (NP 10.4 % )NP to (NP 86,555 pickups )NP )NP , (NP (NP vans )NP and (NP sport utility vehicles )NP )NP )NP )ADVP )VP . )S 8 10 (S (NP (ADJP Domestically built )ADJP truck sales )NP (VP were (ADVP down (NP 10.4 % )NP (PP to (NP 86,555 pickups , (NP vans )NP and (NP sport utility vehicles )NP )NP )PP )ADVP )VP . )S 6 12 (S (NP (ADJP Domestically built )ADJP truck sales )NP (VP were (ADVP down (NP (NP (NP 10.4 % )NP to (NP 86,555 pickups )NP )NP , (NP (NP vans )NP and (NP sport utility vehicles )NP )NP )NP )ADVP )VP . )S 8 10 (S (NP (ADJP Domestically built )ADJP truck sales )NP (VP were (ADVP down (NP 10.4 % )NP (PP to (NP (NP 86,555 pickups )NP , (NP vans and sport utility vehicles )NP )NP )PP )ADVP )VP . )S 7 11 (S (NP (ADJP Domestically built )ADJP truck sales )NP (VP were (ADJP down (NP 10.4 % )NP (PP to (NP (NP 86,555 pickups )NP , (NP vans )NP and (NP sport utility vehicles )NP )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 7 10 (S (NP (ADJP Domestically built )ADJP truck sales )NP (VP were (ADVP down (NP 10.4 % )NP )ADVP (PP to (NP 86,555 pickups , (NP vans )NP and (NP sport utility vehicles )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 8 12 (S (NP (ADJP Domestically built )ADJP truck sales )NP (VP were (ADVP down (NP 10.4 % )NP (PP to (NP (NP 86,555 pickups )NP , (NP (NP vans )NP and (NP sport utility vehicles )NP )NP )NP )PP )ADVP )VP . )S 8 12 (S (NP (ADJP Domestically built )ADJP truck sales )NP (VP were (ADVP down (NP 10.4 % )NP (PP to (NP (NP (NP 86,555 )NP pickups )NP , (NP vans )NP and (NP sport utility vehicles )NP )NP )PP )ADVP )VP . )S 7 12 (S (NP (ADJP Domestically built )ADJP truck sales )NP (VP were (PP down (NP (NP 10.4 % )NP (PP to (NP (NP 86,555 pickups )NP , (NP vans )NP and (NP sport utility vehicles )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 8 12 (S (NP (ADJP Domestically built )ADJP truck sales )NP (VP were (ADVP down (NP 10.4 % )NP (PP to (NP (NP (NP 86,555 pickups )NP , (NP vans )NP )NP and (NP sport utility vehicles )NP )NP )PP )ADVP )VP . )S 8 12 (S (NP (ADJP (ADVP Domestically )ADVP built )ADJP truck sales )NP (VP were (ADVP down (NP 10.4 % )NP (PP to (NP (NP 86,555 pickups )NP , (NP vans )NP and (NP sport utility vehicles )NP )NP )PP )ADVP )VP . )S 7 12 (S (NP (ADJP Domestically built )ADJP truck sales )NP (VP were (ADVP down )ADVP (NP (NP 10.4 % )NP (PP to (NP (NP 86,555 pickups )NP , (NP vans )NP and (NP sport utility vehicles )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 8 12 (S (NP (ADJP Domestically built )ADJP truck sales )NP (VP were (ADVP down (NP (NP 10.4 % )NP (PP to (NP (NP 86,555 pickups )NP , (NP vans )NP and (NP sport utility vehicles )NP )NP )PP )NP )ADVP )VP . )S 8 12 (S (NP (ADJP Domestically built )ADJP truck sales )NP (VP were (ADVP down (NP (NP 10.4 % )NP (PP to (NP (NP 86,555 pickups )NP , (NP vans )NP and (NP sport utility vehicles )NP )NP )PP )NP )ADVP )VP . )S 7 10 (S (NP Domestically built truck sales )NP (VP were (ADVP down (NP 10.4 % )NP (PP to (NP (NP 86,555 pickups )NP , (NP vans )NP and (NP sport utility vehicles )NP )NP )PP )ADVP )VP . )S 7 12 (S (NP (ADJP Domestically built )ADJP truck sales )NP (VP were (ADVP down (NP 10.4 % )NP )ADVP (PP to (NP (NP (NP 86,555 pickups )NP , (NP vans )NP )NP and (NP sport utility vehicles )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 4 7 (S (NP (ADJP Domestically built )ADJP truck sales )NP (VP were (PP down (NP (QP 10.4 % to 86,555 )QP pickups , vans and sport utility vehicles )NP )PP )VP . )S 5 12 (S (NP (ADJP Domestically built )ADJP truck sales )NP (VP were (PP down (NP (NP (NP 10.4 % )NP to (NP 86,555 pickups )NP )NP , (NP (NP vans )NP and (NP sport utility vehicles )NP )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 8 12 (S (NP (ADJP Domestically built )ADJP truck sales )NP (VP were (VP (ADVP down (NP 10.4 % )NP (PP to (NP (NP 86,555 pickups )NP , (NP vans )NP and (NP sport utility vehicles )NP )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP . )S 4 10 (S (NP (ADJP Domestically built )ADJP truck sales )NP (VP were (ADVP down )ADVP (NP (NP (QP 10.4 % to 86,555 )QP pickups )NP , (NP vans )NP and (NP sport utility vehicles )NP )NP )VP . )S 8 9 (S (NP (ADJP Domestically built )ADJP truck sales )NP (VP were (ADVP down (NP 10.4 % )NP (PP to (NP (NP 86,555 )NP pickups , vans and sport utility vehicles )NP )PP )ADVP )VP . )S 6 13 (S Domestically (VP built (SBAR (S (NP truck sales )NP (VP were (ADVP down (NP 10.4 % )NP (PP to (NP (NP 86,555 pickups )NP , (NP vans )NP and (NP sport utility vehicles )NP )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 4 10 (S (NP (ADJP Domestically built )ADJP truck sales )NP (VP were (PP down (NP (NP (QP 10.4 % to 86,555 )QP pickups )NP , (NP vans )NP and (NP sport utility vehicles )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 7 10 (S (NP (ADJP Domestically built )ADJP truck sales )NP (VP were (ADVP down (NP 10.4 % )NP )ADVP (PP to (NP 86,555 pickups , (NP vans )NP and (NP sport utility vehicles )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 7 13 (S (NP (ADJP Domestically built )ADJP truck sales )NP (VP were (PP (PP down (NP 10.4 % )NP )PP (PP to (NP (NP 86,555 pickups )NP , (NP (NP vans )NP and (NP sport utility vehicles )NP )NP )NP )PP )PP )VP . )S 7 9 (S (NP (ADJP Domestically built )ADJP truck sales )NP (VP were (ADVP down (NP 10.4 % )NP (PP to (NP 86,555 )NP (NP pickups , vans and sport utility vehicles )NP )PP )ADVP )VP . )S 8 12 (S (NP (ADJP Domestically built )ADJP truck sales )NP (VP were (ADVP down (NP 10.4 % )NP (PP to (NP (NP 86,555 pickups )NP , (NP (NP vans )NP and (NP sport utility vehicles )NP )NP )NP )PP )ADVP )VP . )S 8 10 (S (NP (ADJP Domestically built )ADJP truck sales )NP (VP were (ADVP down (NP 10.4 % )NP (PP to (NP (NP 86,555 pickups )NP , (NP vans and sport utility vehicles )NP )NP )PP )ADVP )VP . )S 5 10 (S (NP (ADJP Domestically built )ADJP truck sales )NP (VP were (ADVP down (NP (NP (QP 10.4 % to 86,555 )QP pickups )NP , (NP vans )NP and (NP sport utility vehicles )NP )NP )ADVP )VP . )S 6 14 (S (NP Domestically )NP (VP built (SBAR (S (NP truck sales )NP (VP were (ADVP down (NP 10.4 % )NP (PP to (NP (NP 86,555 pickups )NP , (NP vans )NP and (NP sport utility vehicles )NP )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 5 11 (S (NP (ADJP Domestically built )ADJP truck sales )NP (VP were (ADVP down (NP (NP (QP 10.4 % to 86,555 )QP pickups )NP , (NP (NP vans )NP and (NP sport utility vehicles )NP )NP )NP )ADVP )VP . )S 5 12 (S (NP (ADJP Domestically built )ADJP truck sales )NP (VP were (ADVP down )ADVP (NP (NP (NP 10.4 % )NP to (NP 86,555 pickups )NP )NP , (NP (NP vans )NP and (NP sport utility vehicles )NP )NP )NP )VP . )S 50 28 28 (S (NP (NP The heavy use )NP (PP of (NP incentives (S (VP to (VP clear (PRT out )PRT (NP 1989 models )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )NP (VP appears (S (VP to (VP have (VP taken (NP the steam )NP , (ADVP (ADVP at least )ADVP initially )ADVP , (PP out (PP of (NP (NP 1990 model sales )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP began (ADVP officially )ADVP (NP Oct. 1 )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 26 28 (S (NP (NP The heavy use )NP (PP of (NP incentives )NP )PP (S (VP to (VP clear (PRT out )PRT (NP 1989 models )NP )VP )VP )S )NP (VP appears (S (VP to (VP have (VP taken (NP the steam )NP , (ADVP (ADVP at least )ADVP initially )ADVP , (PP out (PP of (NP (NP 1990 model sales )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP began (ADVP officially )ADVP (NP Oct. 1 )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 27 29 (S (NP (NP The heavy use )NP (PP of (NP incentives (S (VP to (VP clear (PRT out )PRT (NP 1989 models )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )NP (VP appears (S (VP to (VP have (VP taken (NP (NP the steam )NP , (ADVP at least )ADVP )NP (ADVP initially )ADVP , (PP out (PP of (NP (NP 1990 model sales )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP began (ADVP officially )ADVP (NP Oct. 1 )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 28 28 (S (NP (NP The heavy use )NP (PP of (NP incentives (S (VP to (VP clear (PRT out )PRT (NP 1989 models )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )NP (VP appears (S (VP to (VP have (VP taken (NP the steam )NP , (ADVP (ADVP at least )ADVP initially )ADVP , (PP out (PP of (NP (NP 1990 model sales )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP began (ADVP officially )ADVP (NP Oct. 1 )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 26 29 (S (NP (NP The heavy use )NP (PP of (NP incentives (S (VP to (VP clear (PRT out )PRT (NP 1989 models )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )NP (VP appears (S (VP to (VP have (VP taken (NP (NP the steam )NP , (ADVP at least )ADVP )NP (ADVP initially )ADVP , (ADVP out (PP of (NP (NP 1990 model sales )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP began (ADVP officially )ADVP (NP Oct. 1 )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 24 28 (S (NP (NP The heavy use )NP (PP of (NP incentives (S (VP to (VP clear (PRT out )PRT (NP 1989 models )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )NP (VP appears (S (VP to (VP have (VP taken (NP the steam )NP )VP )VP )VP )S , (ADVP (ADVP at least )ADVP initially )ADVP , (PP out (PP of (NP (NP 1990 model sales )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP began (ADVP officially )ADVP (NP Oct. 1 )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )PP )VP . )S 25 29 (S (NP (NP The heavy use )NP (PP of (NP incentives )NP )PP (S (VP to (VP clear (PRT out )PRT (NP 1989 models )NP )VP )VP )S )NP (VP appears (S (VP to (VP have (VP taken (NP (NP the steam )NP , (ADVP at least )ADVP )NP (ADVP initially )ADVP , (PP out (PP of (NP (NP 1990 model sales )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP began (ADVP officially )ADVP (NP Oct. 1 )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 27 28 (S (NP (NP The heavy use )NP (PP of (NP incentives (S (VP to (VP clear (PRT out )PRT (NP 1989 models )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )NP (VP appears (S (VP to (VP have (VP taken (NP the steam )NP , (ADVP (ADVP at least )ADVP initially )ADVP , (ADVP out (PP of (NP (NP 1990 model sales )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP began (ADVP officially )ADVP (NP Oct. 1 )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 26 28 (S (NP (NP The heavy use )NP (PP of (NP incentives )NP )PP (S (VP to (VP clear (PRT out )PRT (NP 1989 models )NP )VP )VP )S )NP (VP appears (S (VP to (VP have (VP taken (NP the steam )NP , (ADVP (ADVP at least )ADVP initially )ADVP , (PP out (PP of (NP (NP 1990 model sales )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP began (ADVP officially )ADVP (NP Oct. 1 )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 28 30 (S (NP (NP The heavy use )NP (PP of (NP (NP incentives )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP clear (PRT out )PRT (NP 1989 models )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP (VP appears (S (VP to (VP have (VP taken (NP the steam )NP , (ADVP (ADVP at least )ADVP initially )ADVP , (PP out (PP of (NP (NP 1990 model sales )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP began (ADVP officially )ADVP (NP Oct. 1 )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 28 28 (S (NP (NP The heavy use )NP (PP of (NP incentives (S (VP to (VP clear (PRT out )PRT (NP 1989 models )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )NP (VP appears (S (VP to (VP have (VP taken (NP the steam )NP , (ADVP (ADVP at least )ADVP initially )ADVP , (PP out (PP of (NP (NP 1990 model sales )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP began (ADVP officially )ADVP (NP Oct. 1 )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 24 29 (S (NP (NP The heavy use )NP (PP of (NP incentives )NP )PP (S (VP to (VP clear (PRT out )PRT (NP 1989 models )NP )VP )VP )S )NP (VP appears (S (VP to (VP have (VP taken (NP (NP the steam )NP , (ADVP at least )ADVP )NP (ADVP initially )ADVP , (ADVP out (PP of (NP (NP 1990 model sales )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP began (ADVP officially )ADVP (NP Oct. 1 )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 22 28 (S (NP (NP The heavy use )NP (PP of (NP incentives )NP )PP (S (VP to (VP clear (PRT out )PRT (NP 1989 models )NP )VP )VP )S )NP (VP appears (S (VP to (VP have (VP taken (NP the steam )NP )VP )VP )VP )S , (ADVP (ADVP at least )ADVP initially )ADVP , (PP out (PP of (NP (NP 1990 model sales )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP began (ADVP officially )ADVP (NP Oct. 1 )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )PP )VP . )S 27 27 (S (NP (NP The heavy use )NP (PP of (NP incentives (S (VP to (VP clear (PRT out )PRT (NP 1989 models )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )NP (VP appears (S (VP to (VP have (VP taken (NP the steam )NP , (ADVP (ADVP at least )ADVP initially )ADVP , (PP out of (NP (NP 1990 model sales )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP began (ADVP officially )ADVP (NP Oct. 1 )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 27 29 (S (NP (NP The heavy use )NP (PP of (NP incentives (S (VP to (VP clear (PRT out )PRT (NP 1989 models )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )NP (VP appears (S (VP to (VP have (VP taken (NP (NP the steam )NP , (ADVP at least )ADVP )NP (ADVP initially )ADVP , (PP out (PP of (NP (NP 1990 model sales )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP began (ADVP officially )ADVP (NP Oct. 1 )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 25 28 (S (NP (NP The heavy use )NP (PP of (NP incentives )NP )PP (S (VP to (VP clear (PRT out )PRT (NP 1989 models )NP )VP )VP )S )NP (VP appears (S (VP to (VP have (VP taken (NP the steam )NP , (ADVP (ADVP at least )ADVP initially )ADVP , (ADVP out (PP of (NP (NP 1990 model sales )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP began (ADVP officially )ADVP (NP Oct. 1 )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 26 28 (S (NP (NP The heavy use )NP (PP of (NP incentives )NP )PP (S (VP to (VP clear (PRT out )PRT (NP 1989 models )NP )VP )VP )S )NP (VP appears (S (VP to (VP have (VP taken (NP the steam )NP , (ADVP (ADVP at least )ADVP initially )ADVP , (PP out (PP of (NP (NP 1990 model sales )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP began (ADVP officially )ADVP (NP Oct. 1 )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 28 30 (S (NP (NP The heavy use )NP (PP of (NP incentives (S (VP to (VP clear (PRT out )PRT (NP 1989 models )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )NP (VP appears (S (VP to (VP have (VP taken (NP (NP the steam )NP (PRN , (ADVP (ADVP at least )ADVP initially )ADVP , )PRN )NP (PP out (PP of (NP (NP 1990 model sales )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP began (ADVP officially )ADVP (NP Oct. 1 )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 26 29 (S (NP (NP The heavy use )NP (PP of (NP incentives (S (VP to (VP clear (PRT out )PRT (NP 1989 models )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )NP (VP appears (S (VP to (VP have (VP taken (NP (NP the steam )NP , (ADVP at least )ADVP )NP (ADVP initially )ADVP , (ADVP out (PP of (NP (NP 1990 model sales )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP began (ADVP officially )ADVP (NP Oct. 1 )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 25 27 (S (NP (NP The heavy use )NP (PP of (NP incentives )NP )PP (S (VP to (VP clear (PRT out )PRT (NP 1989 models )NP )VP )VP )S )NP (VP appears (S (VP to (VP have (VP taken (NP the steam )NP , (ADVP (ADVP at least )ADVP initially )ADVP , (PP out of (NP (NP 1990 model sales )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP began (ADVP officially )ADVP (NP Oct. 1 )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 24 28 (S (NP (NP The heavy use )NP (PP of (NP incentives (S (VP to (VP clear (PRT out )PRT (NP 1989 models )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )NP (VP appears (S (VP to (VP have (VP taken (NP the steam )NP )VP )VP )VP )S , (ADVP (ADVP at least )ADVP initially )ADVP , (PP out (PP of (NP (NP 1990 model sales )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP began (ADVP officially )ADVP (NP Oct. 1 )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )PP )VP . )S 25 27 (S (NP (NP The heavy use )NP (PP of (NP incentives (S (VP to (VP clear (PRT out )PRT (NP 1989 models )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )NP (VP appears (S (VP to (VP have (VP taken (NP the steam )NP , (ADVP (ADVP at least )ADVP initially )ADVP , (PP out (PP of (NP 1990 model sales )NP )PP )PP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP began (ADVP officially )ADVP (NP Oct. 1 )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 25 29 (S (NP (NP The heavy use )NP (PP of (NP incentives )NP )PP (S (VP to (VP clear (PRT out )PRT (NP 1989 models )NP )VP )VP )S )NP (VP appears (S (VP to (VP have (VP taken (NP (NP the steam )NP , (ADVP at least )ADVP )NP (ADVP initially )ADVP , (PP out (PP of (NP (NP 1990 model sales )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP began (ADVP officially )ADVP (NP Oct. 1 )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 27 31 (S (NP (NP The heavy use )NP (PP of (NP (NP incentives )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP clear (PRT out )PRT (NP 1989 models )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP (VP appears (S (VP to (VP have (VP taken (NP (NP the steam )NP , (ADVP at least )ADVP )NP (ADVP initially )ADVP , (PP out (PP of (NP (NP 1990 model sales )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP began (ADVP officially )ADVP (NP Oct. 1 )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 27 29 (S (NP (NP The heavy use )NP (PP of (NP incentives (S (VP to (VP clear (PRT out )PRT (NP 1989 models )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )NP (VP appears (S (VP to (VP have (VP taken (NP (NP the steam )NP , (ADVP at least )ADVP )NP (ADVP initially )ADVP , (PP out (PP of (NP (NP 1990 model sales )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP began (ADVP officially )ADVP (NP Oct. 1 )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 26 29 (S (NP (NP The heavy use )NP (PP of (NP incentives (S (VP to (VP clear (PRT out )PRT (NP 1989 models )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )NP (VP appears (S (VP to (VP have (VP taken (NP (NP the steam )NP , (ADVP at least )ADVP )NP (ADVP initially )ADVP , (ADVP out (PP of (NP (NP 1990 model sales )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP began (ADVP officially )ADVP (NP Oct. 1 )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 28 30 (S (NP (NP The heavy use )NP (PP of (NP incentives (S (VP to (VP clear (PRT out )PRT (NP 1989 models )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )NP (VP appears (S (VP to (VP have (VP taken (NP the steam )NP , (ADVP (ADVP at least )ADVP initially )ADVP , (PP out (PP of (NP (NP (NP 1990 model )NP (NP sales )NP )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP began (ADVP officially )ADVP (NP Oct. 1 )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 27 28 (S (NP (NP The heavy use )NP (PP of (NP incentives (S (VP to (VP clear (PRT out )PRT (NP 1989 models )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )NP (VP appears (S (VP to (VP have (VP taken (NP the steam )NP , (ADVP (ADVP at least )ADVP initially )ADVP , (ADVP out (PP of (NP (NP 1990 model sales )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP began (ADVP officially )ADVP (NP Oct. 1 )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 23 29 (S (NP (NP The heavy use )NP (PP of (NP incentives (S (VP to (VP clear (PRT out )PRT (NP 1989 models )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )NP (VP appears (S (VP to (VP have (VP taken (NP (NP the steam )NP , (ADVP at least )ADVP )NP (ADVP initially )ADVP )VP )VP )VP )S , (PP out (PP of (NP (NP 1990 model sales )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP began (ADVP officially )ADVP (NP Oct. 1 )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )PP )VP . )S 24 28 (S (NP (NP The heavy use )NP (PP of (NP incentives (S (VP to (VP clear (PRT out )PRT (NP 1989 models )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )NP (VP appears (S (VP to (VP have (VP taken (NP the steam )NP , (ADVP (ADVP at least )ADVP initially )ADVP )VP )VP )VP )S , (PP out (PP of (NP (NP 1990 model sales )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP began (ADVP officially )ADVP (NP Oct. 1 )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )PP )VP . )S 28 30 (S (NP (NP The heavy use )NP (PP of (NP (NP incentives )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP clear (PRT out )PRT (NP 1989 models )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP (VP appears (S (VP to (VP have (VP taken (NP the steam )NP , (ADVP (ADVP at least )ADVP initially )ADVP , (PP out (PP of (NP (NP 1990 model sales )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP began (ADVP officially )ADVP (NP Oct. 1 )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 28 28 (S (NP (NP The heavy use )NP (PP of (NP incentives (S (VP to (VP clear (PRT out )PRT (NP 1989 models )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )NP (VP appears (S (VP to (VP have (VP taken (NP the steam )NP , (ADVP (ADVP at least )ADVP initially )ADVP , (PP out (PP of (NP (NP 1990 model sales )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP began (ADVP officially )ADVP (NP Oct. 1 )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 28 28 (S (NP (NP The heavy use )NP (PP of (NP incentives (S (VP to (VP clear (PRT out )PRT (NP 1989 models )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )NP (VP appears (S (VP to (VP have (VP taken (NP the steam )NP , (ADVP (ADVP at least )ADVP initially )ADVP , (PP out (PP of (NP (NP 1990 model sales )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP began (ADVP officially )ADVP (NP Oct. 1 )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 27 27 (S (NP (NP The heavy use )NP (PP of (NP incentives (S (VP to (VP clear (PRT out )PRT (NP 1989 models )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )NP (VP appears (S (VP to (VP have (VP taken (NP the steam )NP , (ADVP at least initially )ADVP , (PP out (PP of (NP (NP 1990 model sales )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP began (ADVP officially )ADVP (NP Oct. 1 )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 27 28 (S (NP (NP The heavy use )NP (PP of (NP incentives (S (VP to (VP clear (PRT out )PRT (NP 1989 models )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )NP (VP appears (S (VP to (VP have (VP taken (NP the steam )NP , (ADVP (ADVP at least )ADVP initially )ADVP , (ADVP out (PP of (NP (NP 1990 model sales )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP began (ADVP officially )ADVP (NP Oct. 1 )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 26 28 (S (NP (NP The heavy use )NP (PP of (NP incentives (S (VP to (VP clear (PRT out )PRT (NP 1989 models )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )NP (VP appears (S (VP to (VP have (VP taken (NP (NP the steam )NP , (ADVP at least )ADVP )NP (ADVP initially )ADVP , (PP out of (NP (NP 1990 model sales )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP began (ADVP officially )ADVP (NP Oct. 1 )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 28 29 (S (NP (NP The heavy use )NP (PP of (NP incentives (S (VP to (VP clear (PRT out )PRT (NP 1989 models )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )NP (VP appears (S (VP to (VP have (VP taken (NP the steam )NP , (ADVP (ADVP at least )ADVP initially )ADVP , (PP out (PP of (NP (NP (ADJP 1990 model )ADJP sales )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP began (ADVP officially )ADVP (NP Oct. 1 )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 24 28 (S (NP (NP The heavy use )NP (PP of (NP incentives (S (VP to (VP clear (PRT out )PRT (NP 1989 models )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )NP (VP appears (S (VP to (VP have (VP taken (NP (NP the steam )NP , (ADVP at least )ADVP )NP (ADVP initially )ADVP , (ADVP out (PP of (NP 1990 model sales )NP )PP )ADVP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP began (ADVP officially )ADVP (NP Oct. 1 )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 26 30 (S (NP (NP The heavy use )NP (PP of (NP incentives )NP )PP (S (VP to (VP clear (PRT out )PRT (NP 1989 models )NP )VP )VP )S )NP (VP appears (S (VP to (VP have (VP taken (NP (NP the steam )NP (PRN , (ADVP (ADVP at least )ADVP initially )ADVP , )PRN )NP (PP out (PP of (NP (NP 1990 model sales )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP began (ADVP officially )ADVP (NP Oct. 1 )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 24 29 (S (NP (NP The heavy use )NP (PP of (NP incentives )NP )PP (S (VP to (VP clear (PRT out )PRT (NP 1989 models )NP )VP )VP )S )NP (VP appears (S (VP to (VP have (VP taken (NP (NP the steam )NP , (ADVP at least )ADVP )NP (ADVP initially )ADVP , (ADVP out (PP of (NP (NP 1990 model sales )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP began (ADVP officially )ADVP (NP Oct. 1 )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 26 31 (S (NP (NP The heavy use )NP (PP of (NP (NP incentives )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP clear (PRT out )PRT (NP 1989 models )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP (VP appears (S (VP to (VP have (VP taken (NP (NP the steam )NP , (ADVP at least )ADVP )NP (ADVP initially )ADVP , (ADVP out (PP of (NP (NP 1990 model sales )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP began (ADVP officially )ADVP (NP Oct. 1 )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 22 28 (S (NP (NP The heavy use )NP (PP of (NP incentives )NP )PP (S (VP to (VP clear (PRT out )PRT (NP 1989 models )NP )VP )VP )S )NP (VP appears (S (VP to (VP have (VP taken (NP the steam )NP )VP )VP )VP )S , (ADVP (ADVP at least )ADVP initially )ADVP , (PP out (PP of (NP (NP 1990 model sales )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP began (ADVP officially )ADVP (NP Oct. 1 )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )PP )VP . )S 23 27 (S (NP (NP The heavy use )NP (PP of (NP incentives )NP )PP (S (VP to (VP clear (PRT out )PRT (NP 1989 models )NP )VP )VP )S )NP (VP appears (S (VP to (VP have (VP taken (NP the steam )NP , (ADVP (ADVP at least )ADVP initially )ADVP , (PP out (PP of (NP 1990 model sales )NP )PP )PP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP began (ADVP officially )ADVP (NP Oct. 1 )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 24 30 (S (NP (NP The heavy use )NP (PP of (NP (NP incentives )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP clear (PRT out )PRT (NP 1989 models )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP (VP appears (S (VP to (VP have (VP taken (NP the steam )NP )VP )VP )VP )S , (ADVP (ADVP at least )ADVP initially )ADVP , (PP out (PP of (NP (NP 1990 model sales )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP began (ADVP officially )ADVP (NP Oct. 1 )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )PP )VP . )S 27 27 (S (NP (NP The heavy use )NP (PP of (NP incentives (S (VP to (VP clear (PRT out )PRT (NP 1989 models )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )NP (VP appears (S (VP to (VP have (VP taken (NP the steam )NP , (ADVP (ADVP at least )ADVP initially )ADVP , (PP out of (NP (NP 1990 model sales )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP began (ADVP officially )ADVP (NP Oct. 1 )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 25 29 (S (NP (NP The heavy use )NP (PP of (NP incentives )NP )PP (S (VP to (VP clear (PRT out )PRT (NP 1989 models )NP )VP )VP )S )NP (VP appears (S (VP to (VP have (VP taken (NP (NP the steam )NP , (ADVP at least )ADVP )NP (ADVP initially )ADVP , (PP out (PP of (NP (NP 1990 model sales )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP began (ADVP officially )ADVP (NP Oct. 1 )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 24 29 (S (NP (NP The heavy use )NP (PP of (NP incentives )NP )PP (S (VP to (VP clear (PRT out )PRT (NP 1989 models )NP )VP )VP )S )NP (VP appears (S (VP to (VP have (VP taken (NP (NP the steam )NP , (ADVP at least )ADVP )NP (ADVP initially )ADVP , (ADVP out (PP of (NP (NP 1990 model sales )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP began (ADVP officially )ADVP (NP Oct. 1 )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 26 30 (S (NP (NP The heavy use )NP (PP of (NP incentives )NP )PP (S (VP to (VP clear (PRT out )PRT (NP 1989 models )NP )VP )VP )S )NP (VP appears (S (VP to (VP have (VP taken (NP the steam )NP , (ADVP (ADVP at least )ADVP initially )ADVP , (PP out (PP of (NP (NP (NP 1990 model )NP (NP sales )NP )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP began (ADVP officially )ADVP (NP Oct. 1 )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 27 28 (S (NP (NP The heavy use )NP (PP of (NP incentives (S (VP to (VP clear (PP out (NP 1989 models )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )NP (VP appears (S (VP to (VP have (VP taken (NP the steam )NP , (ADVP (ADVP at least )ADVP initially )ADVP , (PP out (PP of (NP (NP 1990 model sales )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP began (ADVP officially )ADVP (NP Oct. 1 )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 25 27 (S (NP (NP The heavy use )NP (PP of (NP incentives (S (VP to (VP clear (PRT out )PRT (NP 1989 models )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )NP (VP appears (S (VP to (VP have (VP taken (NP the steam )NP , (ADVP (ADVP at least )ADVP initially )ADVP , (ADVP out (PP of (NP 1990 model sales )NP )PP )ADVP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP began (ADVP officially )ADVP (NP Oct. 1 )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 50 21 26 (S (NP This )NP (VP appears (ADJP particularly true (PP at (NP (NP GM )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP (VP had (NP (NP strong sales )NP (PP in (NP August and September )NP )PP )NP )VP but (VP saw (NP its early October )NP (S (NP car and truck results )NP (VP fall (NP 26.3 % )NP (PP from (NP (NP last year 's )NP (ADJP unusually high )ADJP level )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 21 25 (S (NP This )NP (VP appears (ADJP particularly true (PP at (NP (NP GM )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP (VP had (NP strong sales )NP (PP in (NP August and September )NP )PP )VP but (VP saw (NP its early October )NP (S (NP car and truck results )NP (VP fall (NP 26.3 % )NP (PP from (NP (NP last year 's )NP (ADJP unusually high )ADJP level )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 23 25 (S (NP This )NP (VP appears (ADJP particularly true (PP at (NP (NP GM )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP (VP had (NP (NP strong sales )NP (PP in (NP August and September )NP )PP )NP )VP but (VP saw (S (NP its early October car and truck results )NP (VP fall (NP 26.3 % )NP (PP from (NP (NP last year 's )NP (ADJP unusually high )ADJP level )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 23 24 (S (NP This )NP (VP appears (ADJP particularly true (PP at (NP (NP GM )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP (VP had (NP strong sales )NP (PP in (NP August and September )NP )PP )VP but (VP saw (S (NP its early October car and truck results )NP (VP fall (NP 26.3 % )NP (PP from (NP (NP last year 's )NP (ADJP unusually high )ADJP level )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 23 26 (S (NP This )NP (VP appears (ADJP particularly true (PP at (NP (NP GM )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP (VP had (NP (NP strong sales )NP (PP in (NP August and September )NP )PP )NP )VP but (VP saw (S (NP (NP its early October )NP car and truck results )NP (VP fall (NP 26.3 % )NP (PP from (NP (NP last year 's )NP (ADJP unusually high )ADJP level )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 22 26 (S (NP This )NP (VP appears (ADJP particularly true )ADJP (PP at (NP (NP GM )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP (VP had (NP (NP strong sales )NP (PP in (NP August and September )NP )PP )NP )VP but (VP saw (NP its early October )NP (S (NP car and truck results )NP (VP fall (NP 26.3 % )NP (PP from (NP (NP last year 's )NP (ADJP unusually high )ADJP level )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 23 25 (S (NP This )NP (VP appears (ADJP particularly true (PP at (NP (NP GM )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP (VP had (NP strong sales )NP (PP in (NP August and September )NP )PP )VP but (VP saw (S (NP (NP its early October )NP car and truck results )NP (VP fall (NP 26.3 % )NP (PP from (NP (NP last year 's )NP (ADJP unusually high )ADJP level )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 22 25 (S (NP This )NP (VP appears (ADJP particularly true )ADJP (PP at (NP (NP GM )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP (VP had (NP strong sales )NP (PP in (NP August and September )NP )PP )VP but (VP saw (NP its early October )NP (S (NP car and truck results )NP (VP fall (NP 26.3 % )NP (PP from (NP (NP last year 's )NP (ADJP unusually high )ADJP level )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 24 25 (S (NP This )NP (VP appears (ADJP particularly true )ADJP (PP at (NP (NP GM )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP (VP had (NP (NP strong sales )NP (PP in (NP August and September )NP )PP )NP )VP but (VP saw (S (NP its early October car and truck results )NP (VP fall (NP 26.3 % )NP (PP from (NP (NP last year 's )NP (ADJP unusually high )ADJP level )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 24 24 (S (NP This )NP (VP appears (ADJP particularly true )ADJP (PP at (NP (NP GM )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP (VP had (NP strong sales )NP (PP in (NP August and September )NP )PP )VP but (VP saw (S (NP its early October car and truck results )NP (VP fall (NP 26.3 % )NP (PP from (NP (NP last year 's )NP (ADJP unusually high )ADJP level )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 24 26 (S (NP This )NP (VP appears (ADJP particularly true )ADJP (PP at (NP (NP GM )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP (VP had (NP (NP strong sales )NP (PP in (NP August and September )NP )PP )NP )VP but (VP saw (S (NP (NP its early October )NP car and truck results )NP (VP fall (NP 26.3 % )NP (PP from (NP (NP last year 's )NP (ADJP unusually high )ADJP level )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 24 25 (S (NP This )NP (VP appears (ADJP particularly true )ADJP (PP at (NP (NP GM )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP (VP had (NP strong sales )NP (PP in (NP August and September )NP )PP )VP but (VP saw (S (NP (NP its early October )NP car and truck results )NP (VP fall (NP 26.3 % )NP (PP from (NP (NP last year 's )NP (ADJP unusually high )ADJP level )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 22 27 (S (NP This )NP (VP appears (ADJP (ADJP particularly true )ADJP (PP at (NP (NP GM )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP (VP had (NP (NP strong sales )NP (PP in (NP August and September )NP )PP )NP )VP but (VP saw (NP its early October )NP (S (NP car and truck results )NP (VP fall (NP 26.3 % )NP (PP from (NP (NP last year 's )NP (ADJP unusually high )ADJP level )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 21 26 (S (NP This )NP (VP appears (ADJP particularly true (PP at (NP (NP GM )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP (VP had (NP (NP strong sales )NP (PP in (NP August and September )NP )PP )NP )VP but (VP saw (NP its early October car and truck )NP (S (NP results )NP (VP fall (NP 26.3 % )NP (PP from (NP (NP last year 's )NP (ADJP unusually high )ADJP level )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 22 26 (S (NP This )NP (VP appears (ADJP (ADJP particularly true )ADJP (PP at (NP (NP GM )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP (VP had (NP strong sales )NP (PP in (NP August and September )NP )PP )VP but (VP saw (NP its early October )NP (S (NP car and truck results )NP (VP fall (NP 26.3 % )NP (PP from (NP (NP last year 's )NP (ADJP unusually high )ADJP level )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 22 25 (S (NP This )NP (VP appears (ADJP particularly true (PP at (NP (NP GM )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP (VP had (NP (NP strong sales )NP (PP in (NP August and September )NP )PP )NP )VP but (VP saw (NP its early October car and truck results )NP (S (VP fall (NP 26.3 % )NP (PP from (NP (NP last year 's )NP (ADJP unusually high )ADJP level )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 24 26 (S (NP This )NP (VP appears (ADJP (ADJP particularly true )ADJP (PP at (NP (NP GM )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP (VP had (NP (NP strong sales )NP (PP in (NP August and September )NP )PP )NP )VP but (VP saw (S (NP its early October car and truck results )NP (VP fall (NP 26.3 % )NP (PP from (NP (NP last year 's )NP (ADJP unusually high )ADJP level )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 21 28 (S (NP This )NP (VP appears (ADJP particularly true (PP at (NP (NP GM )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP (VP had (NP (NP strong sales )NP (PP in (NP (NP August )NP and (NP September )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP but (VP saw (NP its early October )NP (S (NP car and truck results )NP (VP fall (NP 26.3 % )NP (PP from (NP (NP last year 's )NP (ADJP unusually high )ADJP level )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 21 25 (S (NP This )NP (VP appears (ADJP particularly true (PP at (NP (NP GM )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP (VP had (NP strong sales )NP (PP in (NP August and September )NP )PP )VP but (VP saw (NP its early October car and truck )NP (S (NP results )NP (VP fall (NP 26.3 % )NP (PP from (NP (NP last year 's )NP (ADJP unusually high )ADJP level )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 22 24 (S (NP This )NP (VP appears (ADJP particularly true (PP at (NP (NP GM )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP (VP had (NP strong sales )NP (PP in (NP August and September )NP )PP )VP but (VP saw (NP its early October car and truck results )NP (S (VP fall (NP 26.3 % )NP (PP from (NP (NP last year 's )NP (ADJP unusually high )ADJP level )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 24 25 (S (NP This )NP (VP appears (ADJP (ADJP particularly true )ADJP (PP at (NP (NP GM )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP (VP had (NP strong sales )NP (PP in (NP August and September )NP )PP )VP but (VP saw (S (NP its early October car and truck results )NP (VP fall (NP 26.3 % )NP (PP from (NP (NP last year 's )NP (ADJP unusually high )ADJP level )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 23 27 (S (NP This )NP (VP appears (ADJP particularly true (PP at (NP (NP GM )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP (VP had (NP (NP strong sales )NP (PP in (NP (NP August )NP and (NP September )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP but (VP saw (S (NP its early October car and truck results )NP (VP fall (NP 26.3 % )NP (PP from (NP (NP last year 's )NP (ADJP unusually high )ADJP level )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 24 27 (S (NP This )NP (VP appears (ADJP (ADJP particularly true )ADJP (PP at (NP (NP GM )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP (VP had (NP (NP strong sales )NP (PP in (NP August and September )NP )PP )NP )VP but (VP saw (S (NP (NP its early October )NP car and truck results )NP (VP fall (NP 26.3 % )NP (PP from (NP (NP last year 's )NP (ADJP unusually high )ADJP level )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 22 26 (S (NP This )NP (VP appears (ADJP particularly true (PP at (NP (NP GM )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP (VP had (NP (NP strong sales )NP (PP in (NP August and September )NP )PP )NP )VP but (VP saw (S (NP its early October )NP (NP car and truck results )NP (VP fall (NP 26.3 % )NP (PP from (NP (NP last year 's )NP (ADJP unusually high )ADJP level )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 21 27 (S (NP This )NP (VP appears (ADJP particularly true (PP at (NP (NP GM )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP (VP had (NP strong sales )NP (PP in (NP (NP August )NP and (NP September )NP )NP )PP )VP but (VP saw (NP its early October )NP (S (NP car and truck results )NP (VP fall (NP 26.3 % )NP (PP from (NP (NP last year 's )NP (ADJP unusually high )ADJP level )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 21 27 (S (NP This )NP (VP appears (ADJP particularly true (PP at (NP (NP GM )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP (VP had (NP (NP strong sales )NP (PP in (NP August and September )NP )PP )NP )VP but (VP saw (NP its early October )NP (S (NP car and truck results )NP (VP fall (NP (NP 26.3 % )NP (PP from (NP (NP last year 's )NP (ADJP unusually high )ADJP level )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 21 25 (S (NP This )NP (VP appears (ADJP particularly true (PP at (NP (NP GM )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP (VP had (NP (NP strong sales )NP (PP in (NP August and September )NP )PP )NP )VP but (VP saw (S (NP its early October car and truck results )NP (VP fall (NP 26.3 % )NP )VP )S (PP from (NP (NP last year 's )NP (ADJP unusually high )ADJP level )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 21 27 (S (NP This )NP (VP appears (S (ADJP particularly true (PP at (NP (NP GM )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP (VP had (NP (NP strong sales )NP (PP in (NP August and September )NP )PP )NP )VP but (VP saw (NP its early October )NP (S (NP car and truck results )NP (VP fall (NP 26.3 % )NP (PP from (NP (NP last year 's )NP (ADJP unusually high )ADJP level )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP . )S 24 26 (S (NP This )NP (VP appears (ADJP (ADJP particularly true )ADJP (PP at (NP (NP GM )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP (VP had (NP strong sales )NP (PP in (NP August and September )NP )PP )VP but (VP saw (S (NP (NP its early October )NP car and truck results )NP (VP fall (NP 26.3 % )NP (PP from (NP (NP last year 's )NP (ADJP unusually high )ADJP level )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 19 25 (S (NP This )NP (VP appears (ADJP particularly true (PP at (NP GM )NP )PP )ADJP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP (VP had (NP (NP strong sales )NP (PP in (NP August and September )NP )PP )NP )VP but (VP saw (NP its early October )NP (S (NP car and truck results )NP (VP fall (NP 26.3 % )NP (PP from (NP (NP last year 's )NP (ADJP unusually high )ADJP level )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 21 27 (S (NP This )NP (VP appears (ADJP particularly true (PP at (NP (NP GM )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP (VP had (NP (NP strong sales )NP (PP in (NP August and September )NP )PP )NP )VP but (VP saw (NP (NP its early October )NP car and truck )NP (S (NP results )NP (VP fall (NP 26.3 % )NP (PP from (NP (NP last year 's )NP (ADJP unusually high )ADJP level )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 22 26 (S (NP This )NP (VP appears (ADJP particularly true )ADJP (PP at (NP (NP GM )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP (VP had (NP (NP strong sales )NP (PP in (NP August and September )NP )PP )NP )VP but (VP saw (NP its early October car and truck )NP (S (NP results )NP (VP fall (NP 26.3 % )NP (PP from (NP (NP last year 's )NP (ADJP unusually high )ADJP level )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 22 25 (S (NP This )NP (VP appears (ADJP particularly true (PP at (NP (NP GM )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP (VP had (NP strong sales )NP (PP in (NP August and September )NP )PP )VP but (VP saw (S (NP its early October )NP (NP car and truck results )NP (VP fall (NP 26.3 % )NP (PP from (NP (NP last year 's )NP (ADJP unusually high )ADJP level )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 23 28 (S (NP This )NP (VP appears (ADJP particularly true (PP at (NP (NP GM )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP (VP had (NP (NP strong sales )NP (PP in (NP (NP August )NP and (NP September )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP but (VP saw (S (NP (NP its early October )NP car and truck results )NP (VP fall (NP 26.3 % )NP (PP from (NP (NP last year 's )NP (ADJP unusually high )ADJP level )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 23 25 (S (NP This )NP (VP appears (ADJP particularly true )ADJP (PP at (NP (NP GM )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP (VP had (NP (NP strong sales )NP (PP in (NP August and September )NP )PP )NP )VP but (VP saw (NP its early October car and truck results )NP (S (VP fall (NP 26.3 % )NP (PP from (NP (NP last year 's )NP (ADJP unusually high )ADJP level )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 21 26 (S (NP This )NP (VP appears (ADJP particularly true (PP at (NP (NP GM )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP (VP had (NP strong sales )NP (PP in (NP August and September )NP )PP )VP but (VP saw (NP its early October )NP (S (NP car and truck results )NP (VP fall (NP (NP 26.3 % )NP (PP from (NP (NP last year 's )NP (ADJP unusually high )ADJP level )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 21 24 (S (NP This )NP (VP appears (ADJP particularly true (PP at (NP (NP GM )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP (VP had (NP strong sales )NP (PP in (NP August and September )NP )PP )VP but (VP saw (S (NP its early October car and truck results )NP (VP fall (NP 26.3 % )NP )VP )S (PP from (NP (NP last year 's )NP (ADJP unusually high )ADJP level )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 23 27 (S (NP This )NP (VP appears (ADJP particularly true (PP at (NP (NP GM )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP (VP had (NP (NP strong sales )NP (PP in (NP August and September )NP )PP )NP )VP but (VP saw (S (NP (NP its early October car )NP and (NP truck results )NP )NP (VP fall (NP 26.3 % )NP (PP from (NP (NP last year 's )NP (ADJP unusually high )ADJP level )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 21 26 (S (NP This )NP (VP appears (S (ADJP particularly true (PP at (NP (NP GM )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP (VP had (NP strong sales )NP (PP in (NP August and September )NP )PP )VP but (VP saw (NP its early October )NP (S (NP car and truck results )NP (VP fall (NP 26.3 % )NP (PP from (NP (NP last year 's )NP (ADJP unusually high )ADJP level )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP . )S 22 28 (S (NP This )NP (VP appears (ADJP particularly true )ADJP (PP at (NP (NP GM )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP (VP had (NP (NP strong sales )NP (PP in (NP (NP August )NP and (NP September )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP but (VP saw (NP its early October )NP (S (NP car and truck results )NP (VP fall (NP 26.3 % )NP (PP from (NP (NP last year 's )NP (ADJP unusually high )ADJP level )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 17 25 (S (S (NP This )NP (VP appears (ADJP particularly true (PP at (NP (NP GM )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP had (NP strong sales )NP (PP in (NP August and September )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )S but (S (VP saw (S (NP its early October car and truck results )NP (VP fall (NP 26.3 % )NP (PP from (NP (NP last year 's )NP (ADJP unusually high )ADJP level )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )S . )S 23 26 (S (NP This )NP (VP appears (ADJP particularly true (PP at (NP (NP GM )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP (VP had (NP strong sales )NP (PP in (NP (NP August )NP and (NP September )NP )NP )PP )VP but (VP saw (S (NP its early October car and truck results )NP (VP fall (NP 26.3 % )NP (PP from (NP (NP last year 's )NP (ADJP unusually high )ADJP level )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 20 26 (S (NP This )NP (VP appears (ADJP particularly true (PP at (NP (NP GM )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP (VP had (NP (NP strong sales )NP (PP in (NP August and September )NP )PP )NP )VP but (VP saw (NP its early October )NP (S (NP car and truck results )NP (VP fall (NP 26.3 % )NP )VP )S (PP from (NP (NP last year 's )NP (ADJP unusually high )ADJP level )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 19 24 (S (NP This )NP (VP appears (ADJP particularly true (PP at (NP GM )NP )PP )ADJP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP (VP had (NP strong sales )NP (PP in (NP August and September )NP )PP )VP but (VP saw (NP its early October )NP (S (NP car and truck results )NP (VP fall (NP 26.3 % )NP (PP from (NP (NP last year 's )NP (ADJP unusually high )ADJP level )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 21 26 (S (NP This )NP (VP appears (ADJP particularly true (PP at (NP (NP GM )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP (VP had (NP strong sales )NP (PP in (NP August and September )NP )PP )VP but (VP saw (NP (NP its early October )NP car and truck )NP (S (NP results )NP (VP fall (NP 26.3 % )NP (PP from (NP (NP last year 's )NP (ADJP unusually high )ADJP level )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 23 26 (S (NP This )NP (VP appears (ADJP particularly true (PP at (NP (NP GM )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP (VP had (NP (NP strong sales )NP (PP in (NP August and September )NP )PP )NP )VP but (VP saw (S (NP its early October car and truck results )NP (VP fall (NP (NP 26.3 % )NP (PP from (NP (NP last year 's )NP (ADJP unusually high )ADJP level )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 22 25 (S (NP This )NP (VP appears (ADJP particularly true )ADJP (PP at (NP (NP GM )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP (VP had (NP strong sales )NP (PP in (NP August and September )NP )PP )VP but (VP saw (NP its early October car and truck )NP (S (NP results )NP (VP fall (NP 26.3 % )NP (PP from (NP (NP last year 's )NP (ADJP unusually high )ADJP level )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 17 25 (S (NP This )NP (VP (VP appears (ADJP particularly true )ADJP (PP at (NP (NP GM )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP had (NP strong sales )NP (PP in (NP August and September )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP but (VP saw (NP its early October )NP (S (NP car and truck results )NP (VP fall (NP 26.3 % )NP (PP from (NP (NP last year 's )NP (ADJP unusually high )ADJP level )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 23 26 (S (NP This )NP (VP appears (S (ADJP particularly true (PP at (NP (NP GM )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP (VP had (NP (NP strong sales )NP (PP in (NP August and September )NP )PP )NP )VP but (VP saw (S (NP its early October car and truck results )NP (VP fall (NP 26.3 % )NP (PP from (NP (NP last year 's )NP (ADJP unusually high )ADJP level )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP . )S 21 24 (S (NP This )NP (VP appears (ADJP particularly true (PP at (NP GM )NP )PP )ADJP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP (VP had (NP (NP strong sales )NP (PP in (NP August and September )NP )PP )NP )VP but (VP saw (S (NP its early October car and truck results )NP (VP fall (NP 26.3 % )NP (PP from (NP (NP last year 's )NP (ADJP unusually high )ADJP level )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 50 11 11 (S (ADVP Overall )ADVP , (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP all domestic-made vehicles )NP )PP )NP (VP fell (NP 11.9 % )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP ago )ADVP )PP )VP . )S 11 11 (S (ADVP Overall )ADVP , (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP all domestic-made vehicles )NP )PP )NP (VP fell (NP 11.9 % )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP ago )ADVP )PP )VP . )S 11 11 (S (ADVP Overall )ADVP , (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP all domestic-made vehicles )NP )PP )NP (VP fell (NP 11.9 % )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP ago )ADVP )PP )VP . )S 11 11 (S (ADVP Overall )ADVP , (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP all domestic-made vehicles )NP )PP )NP (VP fell (NP 11.9 % )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP ago )ADVP )PP )VP . )S 11 11 (S (ADVP Overall )ADVP , (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP all domestic-made vehicles )NP )PP )NP (VP fell (NP 11.9 % )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP ago )ADVP )PP )VP . )S 11 11 (S (ADVP Overall )ADVP , (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP all domestic-made vehicles )NP )PP )NP (VP fell (NP 11.9 % )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP ago )ADVP )PP )VP . )S 11 11 (S (ADVP Overall )ADVP , (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP all domestic-made vehicles )NP )PP )NP (VP fell (NP 11.9 % )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP ago )ADVP )PP )VP . )S 11 12 (S (ADVP Overall )ADVP , (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP all (NP domestic-made vehicles )NP )NP )PP )NP (VP fell (NP 11.9 % )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP ago )ADVP )PP )VP . )S 11 11 (S (ADVP Overall )ADVP , (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP all domestic-made vehicles )NP )PP )NP (VP fell (NP 11.9 % )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP ago )ADVP )PP )VP . )S 11 12 (S (ADVP Overall )ADVP , (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP all (NP domestic-made vehicles )NP )NP )PP )NP (VP fell (NP 11.9 % )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP ago )ADVP )PP )VP . )S 11 12 (S (ADVP Overall )ADVP , (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP all (ADJP domestic-made )ADJP vehicles )NP )PP )NP (VP fell (NP 11.9 % )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP ago )ADVP )PP )VP . )S 11 11 (S (ADVP Overall )ADVP , (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP all domestic-made vehicles )NP )PP )NP (VP fell (NP 11.9 % )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP ago )ADVP )PP )VP . )S 11 12 (S (ADVP Overall )ADVP , (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP all domestic-made )ADJP vehicles )NP )PP )NP (VP fell (NP 11.9 % )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP ago )ADVP )PP )VP . )S 11 12 (S (ADVP Overall )ADVP , (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP all (ADJP domestic-made )ADJP vehicles )NP )PP )NP (VP fell (NP 11.9 % )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP ago )ADVP )PP )VP . )S 11 12 (S (ADVP Overall )ADVP , (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP all (NP domestic-made vehicles )NP )NP )PP )NP (VP fell (NP 11.9 % )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP ago )ADVP )PP )VP . )S 11 12 (S (ADVP Overall )ADVP , (S (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP all domestic-made vehicles )NP )PP )NP (VP fell (NP 11.9 % )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP ago )ADVP )PP )VP )S . )S 10 12 (S (S (ADJP Overall )ADJP )S , (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP all domestic-made vehicles )NP )PP )NP (VP fell (NP 11.9 % )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP ago )ADVP )PP )VP . )S 10 11 (S (INTJ Overall )INTJ , (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP all domestic-made vehicles )NP )PP )NP (VP fell (NP 11.9 % )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP ago )ADVP )PP )VP . )S 11 11 (S (ADVP Overall )ADVP , (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP all domestic-made vehicles )NP )PP )NP (VP fell (NP 11.9 % )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP ago )ADVP )PP )VP . )S 11 12 (S (ADVP Overall )ADVP , (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP all domestic-made )ADJP vehicles )NP )PP )NP (VP fell (NP 11.9 % )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP ago )ADVP )PP )VP . )S 11 12 (S (ADVP Overall )ADVP , (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP all (NP domestic-made vehicles )NP )NP )PP )NP (VP fell (NP 11.9 % )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP ago )ADVP )PP )VP . )S 11 12 (S (ADVP Overall )ADVP , (S (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP all domestic-made vehicles )NP )PP )NP (VP fell (NP 11.9 % )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP ago )ADVP )PP )VP )S . )S 10 11 (S (ADVP Overall )ADVP , (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP all domestic-made vehicles )NP )PP )NP (VP fell (NP 11.9 % )NP (PP from (NP a year )NP (ADVP ago )ADVP )PP )VP . )S 11 12 (S (ADVP Overall )ADVP , (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP all (ADJP domestic-made )ADJP vehicles )NP )PP )NP (VP fell (NP 11.9 % )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP ago )ADVP )PP )VP . )S 10 12 (S (S (ADJP Overall )ADJP )S , (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP all domestic-made vehicles )NP )PP )NP (VP fell (NP 11.9 % )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP ago )ADVP )PP )VP . )S 10 11 (S (INTJ Overall )INTJ , (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP all domestic-made vehicles )NP )PP )NP (VP fell (NP 11.9 % )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP ago )ADVP )PP )VP . )S 11 12 (S (ADVP Overall )ADVP , (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP all (NP domestic-made vehicles )NP )NP )PP )NP (VP fell (NP 11.9 % )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP ago )ADVP )PP )VP . )S 10 11 (S (ADJP Overall )ADJP , (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP all domestic-made vehicles )NP )PP )NP (VP fell (NP 11.9 % )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP ago )ADVP )PP )VP . )S 11 12 (S (ADVP Overall )ADVP , (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP all domestic-made )ADJP vehicles )NP )PP )NP (VP fell (NP 11.9 % )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP ago )ADVP )PP )VP . )S 11 12 (S (ADVP Overall )ADVP , (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP all (ADJP domestic-made )ADJP vehicles )NP )PP )NP (VP fell (NP 11.9 % )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP ago )ADVP )PP )VP . )S 11 12 (S (ADVP Overall )ADVP , (S (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP all domestic-made vehicles )NP )PP )NP (VP fell (NP 11.9 % )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP ago )ADVP )PP )VP )S . )S 9 10 (S (ADVP Overall )ADVP , (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP all domestic-made vehicles )NP )PP )NP (VP fell (NP 11.9 % )NP (PP from (NP a year ago )NP )PP )VP . )S 11 12 (S (ADVP Overall )ADVP , (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP all (NP domestic-made vehicles )NP )NP )PP )NP (VP fell (NP 11.9 % )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP ago )ADVP )PP )VP . )S 10 11 (S (ADJP Overall )ADJP , (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP all domestic-made vehicles )NP )PP )NP (VP fell (NP 11.9 % )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP ago )ADVP )PP )VP . )S 11 12 (S (ADVP Overall )ADVP , (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP all domestic-made )ADJP vehicles )NP )PP )NP (VP fell (NP 11.9 % )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP ago )ADVP )PP )VP . )S 11 11 (S (ADVP Overall )ADVP , (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP all domestic-made vehicles )NP )PP )NP (VP fell (NP 11.9 % )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP ago )ADVP )PP )VP . )S 11 12 (S (ADVP Overall )ADVP , (S (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP all domestic-made vehicles )NP )PP )NP (VP fell (NP 11.9 % )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP ago )ADVP )PP )VP )S . )S 10 11 (S (ADVP Overall )ADVP , (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP all domestic-made vehicles )NP )PP )NP (VP fell (NP 11.9 % )NP (PP from (NP a year )NP (ADVP ago )ADVP )PP )VP . )S 11 12 (S (ADVP Overall )ADVP , (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP all domestic-made vehicles )NP )PP )NP (VP fell (NP (NP 11.9 % )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP ago )ADVP )PP )NP )VP . )S 11 12 (S (ADVP Overall )ADVP , (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP all (NX domestic-made vehicles )NX )NP )PP )NP (VP fell (NP 11.9 % )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP ago )ADVP )PP )VP . )S 11 12 (S (ADVP Overall )ADVP , (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP all (NP domestic-made vehicles )NP )NP )PP )NP (VP fell (NP 11.9 % )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP ago )ADVP )PP )VP . )S 10 12 (S (ADVP Overall )ADVP , (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP all domestic-made vehicles )NP )PP )NP (VP fell (NP 11.9 % )NP (PP from (NP (NP a year )NP (ADVP ago )ADVP )NP )PP )VP . )S 10 11 (S (NP Overall )NP , (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP all domestic-made vehicles )NP )PP )NP (VP fell (NP 11.9 % )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP ago )ADVP )PP )VP . )S 10 11 (S (ADVP Overall )ADVP , (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP all domestic-made vehicles )NP )PP )NP (VP fell (NP 11.9 % )NP (PP from (NP a year )NP (ADVP ago )ADVP )PP )VP . )S 11 11 (S (ADVP Overall )ADVP , (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP all domestic-made vehicles )NP )PP )NP (VP fell (NP 11.9 % )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP ago )ADVP )PP )VP . )S 11 12 (S (ADVP Overall )ADVP , (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP (NP all )NP domestic-made vehicles )NP )PP )NP (VP fell (NP 11.9 % )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP ago )ADVP )PP )VP . )S 11 12 (S (ADVP Overall )ADVP , (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP all domestic-made vehicles )NP )PP )NP (VP fell (NP (NP 11.9 % )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP ago )ADVP )PP )NP )VP . )S 9 10 (S (ADVP Overall )ADVP , (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP all domestic-made vehicles )NP )PP )NP (VP fell (NP 11.9 % )NP (PP from (NP a year ago )NP )PP )VP . )S 11 12 (S (ADVP Overall )ADVP , (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP all (NX domestic-made vehicles )NX )NP )PP )NP (VP fell (NP 11.9 % )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP ago )ADVP )PP )VP . )S 11 12 (S (ADVP Overall )ADVP , (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP all (NP domestic-made vehicles )NP )NP )PP )NP (VP fell (NP 11.9 % )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP ago )ADVP )PP )VP . )S 50 11 11 (S (PP Without (NP GM )NP )PP , (NP (NP overall sales )NP (PP for (NP the other U.S. automakers )NP )PP )NP (VP were (ADJP roughly flat (PP with (NP 1989 results )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 11 12 (S (PP Without (NP GM )NP )PP , (NP (NP overall sales )NP (PP for (NP the other U.S. automakers )NP )PP )NP (VP were (ADJP (ADJP roughly flat )ADJP (PP with (NP 1989 results )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 10 11 (S (PP Without (NP GM )NP )PP , (NP (NP overall sales )NP (PP for (NP the other U.S. automakers )NP )PP )NP (VP were (ADJP roughly flat )ADJP (PP with (NP 1989 results )NP )PP )VP . )S 10 11 (S (PP Without (NP GM )NP )PP , (NP (NP overall sales )NP (PP for (NP the other U.S. automakers )NP )PP )NP (VP were roughly (ADJP flat (PP with (NP 1989 results )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 10 11 (S (PP Without (NP GM )NP )PP , (NP (NP overall sales )NP (PP for (NP the other U.S. automakers )NP )PP )NP (VP were roughly (ADJP flat )ADJP (PP with (NP 1989 results )NP )PP )VP . )S 11 11 (S (PP Without (NP GM )NP )PP , (NP (NP overall sales )NP (PP for (NP the other U.S. automakers )NP )PP )NP (VP were (ADJP roughly flat (PP with (NP 1989 results )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 11 12 (S (PP Without (NP GM )NP )PP , (NP (NP overall sales )NP (PP for (NP the other U.S. automakers )NP )PP )NP (VP were (ADJP (ADVP roughly )ADVP flat (PP with (NP 1989 results )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 10 12 (S (PP Without (NP GM )NP )PP , (NP (NP overall sales )NP (PP for (NP the other U.S. automakers )NP )PP )NP (VP were roughly (ADJP (ADJP flat )ADJP (PP with (NP 1989 results )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 10 12 (S (PP Without (NP GM )NP )PP , (NP (NP overall sales )NP (PP for (NP the other U.S. automakers )NP )PP )NP (VP were (ADVP roughly )ADVP (ADJP flat (PP with (NP 1989 results )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 11 13 (S (PP Without (NP GM )NP )PP , (NP (NP overall sales )NP (PP for (NP the other U.S. automakers )NP )PP )NP (VP were (ADJP (ADJP (ADVP roughly )ADVP flat )ADJP (PP with (NP 1989 results )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 10 12 (S (PP Without (NP GM )NP )PP , (NP (NP overall sales )NP (PP for (NP the other U.S. automakers )NP )PP )NP (VP were (ADVP roughly )ADVP (ADJP flat )ADJP (PP with (NP 1989 results )NP )PP )VP . )S 11 12 (S (PP Without (NP GM )NP )PP , (NP (NP overall sales )NP (PP for (NP the (ADJP other )ADJP U.S. automakers )NP )PP )NP (VP were (ADJP roughly flat (PP with (NP 1989 results )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 10 10 (S (PP Without (NP GM )NP )PP , (NP overall sales )NP (PP for (NP the other U.S. automakers )NP )PP (VP were (ADJP roughly flat (PP with (NP 1989 results )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 11 12 (S (PP Without (NP GM )NP )PP , (NP (NP overall sales )NP (PP for (NP the other U.S. automakers )NP )PP )NP (VP were (ADJP (ADJP roughly flat )ADJP (PP with (NP 1989 results )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 11 13 (S (PP Without (NP GM )NP )PP , (NP (NP overall sales )NP (PP for (NP the (ADJP other )ADJP U.S. automakers )NP )PP )NP (VP were (ADJP (ADJP roughly flat )ADJP (PP with (NP 1989 results )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 10 11 (S (PP Without (NP GM )NP )PP , (NP overall sales )NP (PP for (NP the other U.S. automakers )NP )PP (VP were (ADJP (ADJP roughly flat )ADJP (PP with (NP 1989 results )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 11 11 (S (PP Without (NP GM )NP )PP , (NP (NP overall sales )NP (PP for (NP the other U.S. automakers )NP )PP )NP (VP were (ADJP roughly flat (PP with (NP 1989 results )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 10 12 (S (PP Without (NP GM )NP )PP , (NP (NP overall sales )NP (PP for (NP the other U.S. automakers )NP )PP )NP (VP were (ADJP (ADVP roughly )ADVP flat )ADJP (PP with (NP 1989 results )NP )PP )VP . )S 10 12 (S (PP Without (NP GM )NP )PP , (NP (NP overall sales )NP (PP for (NP the (ADJP other )ADJP U.S. automakers )NP )PP )NP (VP were (ADJP roughly flat )ADJP (PP with (NP 1989 results )NP )PP )VP . )S 9 10 (S (PP Without (NP GM )NP )PP , (NP overall sales )NP (PP for (NP the other U.S. automakers )NP )PP (VP were (ADJP roughly flat )ADJP (PP with (NP 1989 results )NP )PP )VP . )S 11 12 (S (PP Without (NP GM )NP )PP , (NP (NP overall sales )NP (PP for (NP the other U.S. automakers )NP )PP )NP (VP were (ADJP (ADJP roughly flat )ADJP (PP with (NP 1989 results )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 10 11 (S (PP Without (NP GM )NP )PP , (NP (NP overall sales )NP (PP for (NP the other U.S. automakers )NP )PP )NP (VP were (ADJP roughly flat )ADJP (PP with (NP 1989 results )NP )PP )VP . )S 10 13 (S (PP Without (NP GM )NP )PP , (NP (NP overall sales )NP (PP for (NP the other U.S. automakers )NP )PP )NP (VP were (ADVP roughly )ADVP (ADJP (ADJP flat )ADJP (PP with (NP 1989 results )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 11 11 (S (PP Without (NP GM )NP )PP , (NP (NP overall sales )NP (PP for (NP the other U.S. automakers )NP )PP )NP (VP were (ADJP roughly flat (PP with (NP 1989 results )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 11 12 (S (PP Without (NP GM )NP )PP , (NP (NP overall sales )NP (PP for (NP the other U.S. automakers )NP )PP )NP (VP were (ADJP roughly flat (PP with (NP (NP 1989 )NP results )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 11 12 (S (PP Without (NP GM )NP )PP , (NP (NP overall sales )NP (PP for (NP (NP the other U.S. )NP automakers )NP )PP )NP (VP were (ADJP roughly flat (PP with (NP 1989 results )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 10 11 (S (PP Without (NP GM )NP )PP , (NP (NP overall sales )NP (PP for (NP the other U.S. automakers )NP )PP )NP (VP were (ADJP roughly flat )ADJP (PP with (NP 1989 results )NP )PP )VP . )S 8 12 (S (PP Without (NP GM )NP )PP , (NP (NP overall sales )NP (PP for (NP the other U.S. )NP )PP )NP (NP automakers )NP (VP were (ADJP roughly flat (PP with (NP 1989 results )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 10 12 (S (PP Without (NP GM )NP )PP , (NP (NP overall sales )NP (PP for (NP the other U.S. automakers )NP )PP )NP (VP were (VP (ADVP roughly )ADVP flat (PP with (NP 1989 results )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 8 12 (S (PP Without (NP GM )NP )PP , (NP (NP overall sales )NP (PP for (NP the other U.S. automakers )NP )PP )NP (VP were (NP (ADJP roughly flat (PP with (NP 1989 )NP )PP )ADJP results )NP )VP . )S 11 12 (S (PP Without (NP GM )NP )PP , (NP (NP (ADJP overall )ADJP sales )NP (PP for (NP the other U.S. automakers )NP )PP )NP (VP were (ADJP roughly flat (PP with (NP 1989 results )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 11 12 (S (PP Without (NP GM )NP )PP , (NP (NP overall sales )NP (PP for (NP the other U.S. automakers )NP )PP )NP (VP were (ADJP (ADJP roughly flat )ADJP (PP with (NP 1989 results )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 10 11 (S (PP Without (NP GM )NP )PP , (NP (NP overall sales )NP (PP for (NP the other U.S. automakers )NP )PP )NP (VP were roughly (VP flat (PP with (NP 1989 results )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 11 13 (S (PP Without (NP GM )NP )PP , (NP (NP overall sales )NP (PP for (NP the other U.S. automakers )NP )PP )NP (VP were (ADJP (ADJP roughly flat )ADJP (PP with (NP (NP 1989 )NP results )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 10 12 (S (PP Without (NP GM )NP )PP , (NP (NP overall sales )NP (PP for (NP the (ADJP other )ADJP U.S. automakers )NP )PP )NP (VP were roughly (ADJP flat (PP with (NP 1989 results )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 11 13 (S (PP Without (NP GM )NP )PP , (NP (NP overall sales )NP (PP for (NP (NP the other U.S. )NP automakers )NP )PP )NP (VP were (ADJP (ADJP roughly flat )ADJP (PP with (NP 1989 results )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 8 12 (S (PP Without (NP GM )NP )PP , (NP (NP overall sales )NP (PP for (NP the other U.S. automakers )NP )PP )NP (VP were (ADJP roughly flat (PP with (NP 1989 )NP )PP )ADJP (NP results )NP )VP . )S 11 12 (S (PP Without (NP GM )NP )PP , (NP (NP overall sales )NP (PP for (NP the other U.S. automakers )NP )PP )NP (VP were (ADJP roughly (ADJP flat )ADJP (PP with (NP 1989 results )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 9 10 (S (PP Without (NP GM )NP )PP , (NP overall sales )NP (PP for (NP the other U.S. automakers )NP )PP (VP were roughly (ADJP flat (PP with (NP 1989 results )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 8 13 (S (PP Without (NP GM )NP )PP , (NP (NP overall sales )NP (PP for (NP the other U.S. automakers )NP )PP )NP (VP were (NP (ADJP (ADJP roughly flat )ADJP (PP with (NP 1989 )NP )PP )ADJP results )NP )VP . )S 10 10 (S Without (NP GM )NP , (NP (NP overall sales )NP (PP for (NP the other U.S. automakers )NP )PP )NP (VP were (ADJP roughly flat (PP with (NP 1989 results )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 8 13 (S (PP Without (NP GM )NP )PP , (NP (NP overall sales )NP (PP for (NP the other U.S. )NP )PP )NP (NP automakers )NP (VP were (ADJP (ADJP roughly flat )ADJP (PP with (NP 1989 results )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 11 13 (S (PP Without (NP GM )NP )PP , (NP (NP (ADJP overall )ADJP sales )NP (PP for (NP the other U.S. automakers )NP )PP )NP (VP were (ADJP (ADJP roughly flat )ADJP (PP with (NP 1989 results )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 11 12 (S (PP Without (NP GM )NP )PP , (NP (NP overall sales )NP (PP for (NP the (NX other U.S. automakers )NX )NP )PP )NP (VP were (ADJP roughly flat (PP with (NP 1989 results )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 10 12 (S (PP Without (NP GM )NP )PP , (NP (NP overall sales )NP (PP for (NP the other U.S. automakers )NP )PP )NP (VP were (VP (ADJP roughly flat )ADJP (PP with (NP 1989 results )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 10 11 (S (PP Without (NP GM )NP )PP , (NP (NP overall sales )NP (PP for (NP the other U.S. automakers )NP )PP )NP (VP were (ADJP roughly flat )ADJP (PP with (NP 1989 results )NP )PP )VP . )S 10 12 (S (PP Without (NP GM )NP )PP , (NP (NP overall sales )NP (PP for (NP the other U.S. automakers )NP )PP )NP (VP were (ADJP roughly flat )ADJP (PP with (NP (NP 1989 )NP results )NP )PP )VP . )S 8 13 (S (PP Without (NP GM )NP )PP , (NP (NP overall sales )NP (PP for (NP the other U.S. automakers )NP )PP )NP (VP were (ADJP (ADJP roughly flat )ADJP (PP with (NP 1989 )NP )PP )ADJP (NP results )NP )VP . )S 10 12 (S (PP Without (NP GM )NP )PP , (NP (NP overall sales )NP (PP for (NP (NP the other U.S. )NP automakers )NP )PP )NP (VP were (ADJP roughly flat )ADJP (PP with (NP 1989 results )NP )PP )VP . )S 10 12 (S (PP Without (NP GM )NP )PP , (NP (NP overall sales )NP (PP for (NP the (ADJP other )ADJP U.S. automakers )NP )PP )NP (VP were roughly (ADJP flat )ADJP (PP with (NP 1989 results )NP )PP )VP . )S 50 20 26 (S (S (NP (NP Some )NP (PP of (NP the U.S. auto makers )NP )PP )NP (VP have (ADVP already )ADVP (VP adopted (NP (NP incentives )NP (PP on (NP many 1990 models )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP they )NP (VP may (VP have (S (VP to (VP broaden (NP their programs (S (VP to (VP keep (NP sales )NP (PRT up )PRT )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S . )S 21 26 (S (S (NP (NP Some )NP (PP of (NP the U.S. auto makers )NP )PP )NP (VP have (ADVP already )ADVP (VP adopted (NP (NP incentives )NP (PP on (NP many 1990 models )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP they )NP (VP may (VP have (S (VP to (VP broaden (NP their programs )NP (S (VP to (VP keep (NP sales )NP (PRT up )PRT )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S . )S 21 28 (S (S (NP (NP Some )NP (PP of (NP the U.S. auto makers )NP )PP )NP (VP have (ADVP already )ADVP (VP adopted (NP (NP incentives )NP (PP on (NP many 1990 models )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP they )NP (VP may (VP have (S (VP to (VP broaden (NP (NP their programs )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP keep (NP sales )NP (PRT up )PRT )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S . )S 19 26 (S (S (NP (NP Some )NP (PP of (NP the U.S. auto makers )NP )PP )NP (VP have (VP (ADVP already )ADVP adopted (NP (NP incentives )NP (PP on (NP many 1990 models )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP they )NP (VP may (VP have (S (VP to (VP broaden (NP their programs (S (VP to (VP keep (NP sales )NP (PRT up )PRT )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S . )S 20 26 (S (S (NP (NP Some )NP (PP of (NP the U.S. auto makers )NP )PP )NP (VP have (ADVP already )ADVP (VP adopted (NP (NP incentives )NP (PP on (NP many 1990 models )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP they )NP (VP may (VP have (S (VP to (VP broaden (S (NP their programs )NP (VP to (VP keep (NP sales )NP (PRT up )PRT )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S . )S 20 26 (S (S (NP (NP Some )NP (PP of (NP the U.S. auto makers )NP )PP )NP (VP have (ADVP already )ADVP (VP adopted (NP (NP incentives )NP (PP on (NP many 1990 models )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP they )NP (VP may (VP have (S (VP to (VP broaden (NP their programs (S (VP to (VP keep (NP sales )NP (PRT up )PRT )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S . )S 19 25 (S (S (NP (NP Some )NP (PP of (NP the U.S. auto makers )NP )PP )NP (VP have (ADVP already )ADVP (VP adopted (NP incentives )NP (PP on (NP many 1990 models )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP they )NP (VP may (VP have (S (VP to (VP broaden (NP their programs (S (VP to (VP keep (NP sales )NP (PRT up )PRT )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S . )S 20 27 (S (S (NP (NP Some )NP (PP of (NP the U.S. auto makers )NP )PP )NP (VP have (ADVP already )ADVP (VP adopted (NP (NP incentives )NP (PP on (NP many 1990 models )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP they )NP (VP may (VP have (S (VP to (VP broaden (NP their programs (S (VP to (VP keep (NP (NP sales )NP (ADVP up )ADVP )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S . )S 20 27 (S (S (NP (NP Some )NP (PP of (NP the U.S. auto makers )NP )PP )NP (VP have (ADVP already )ADVP (VP adopted (NP (NP incentives )NP (PP on (NP many 1990 models )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP they )NP (VP may (VP have (S (VP to (VP broaden (NP their programs (SBAR (S (VP to (VP keep (NP sales )NP (PRT up )PRT )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S . )S 20 26 (S (S (NP (NP Some )NP (PP of (NP the U.S. auto makers )NP )PP )NP (VP have (ADVP already )ADVP (VP adopted (NP (NP incentives )NP (PP on (NP many 1990 models )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP they )NP (VP may (VP have (S (VP to (VP broaden (NP their programs (S (VP to (VP keep (NP sales )NP (ADVP up )ADVP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S . )S 20 26 (S (S (NP (NP Some )NP (PP of (NP the U.S. auto makers )NP )PP )NP (VP have (ADVP already )ADVP (VP adopted (NP (NP incentives )NP (PP on (NP many 1990 models )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP they )NP (VP may (VP have (S (VP to (VP broaden (NP their programs (S (VP to (VP keep (NP sales )NP (ADVP up )ADVP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S . )S 20 26 (S (S (NP (NP Some )NP (PP of (NP the U.S. auto makers )NP )PP )NP (VP have (VP (ADVP already )ADVP adopted (NP (NP incentives )NP (PP on (NP many 1990 models )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP they )NP (VP may (VP have (S (VP to (VP broaden (NP their programs )NP (S (VP to (VP keep (NP sales )NP (PRT up )PRT )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S . )S 20 28 (S (S (NP (NP Some )NP (PP of (NP the U.S. auto makers )NP )PP )NP (VP have (VP (ADVP already )ADVP adopted (NP (NP incentives )NP (PP on (NP many 1990 models )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP they )NP (VP may (VP have (S (VP to (VP broaden (NP (NP their programs )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP keep (NP sales )NP (PRT up )PRT )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S . )S 20 26 (S (S (NP (NP Some )NP (PP of (NP the U.S. auto makers )NP )PP )NP (VP have (ADVP already )ADVP (VP adopted (NP (NP incentives )NP (PP on (NP many 1990 models )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP they )NP (VP may (VP have (S (VP to (VP broaden (NP their programs (S (VP to (VP keep (NP sales )NP (PRT up )PRT )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S . )S 21 26 (S (S (NP (NP Some )NP (PP of (NP the U.S. auto makers )NP )PP )NP (VP have (ADVP already )ADVP (VP adopted (NP (NP incentives )NP (PP on (NP many 1990 models )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP they )NP (VP may (VP have (S (VP to (VP broaden (NP their programs )NP (S (VP to (VP keep (NP sales )NP (PRT up )PRT )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S . )S 20 25 (S (S (NP (NP Some )NP (PP of (NP the U.S. auto makers )NP )PP )NP (VP have (ADVP already )ADVP (VP adopted (NP incentives )NP (PP on (NP many 1990 models )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP they )NP (VP may (VP have (S (VP to (VP broaden (NP their programs )NP (S (VP to (VP keep (NP sales )NP (PRT up )PRT )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S . )S 20 25 (S (S (NP (NP Some )NP (PP of (NP the U.S. auto makers )NP )PP )NP (VP have (ADVP already )ADVP (VP adopted (NP (NP incentives )NP (PP on (NP many 1990 models )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP they )NP may (VP have (S (VP to (VP broaden (NP their programs (S (VP to (VP keep (NP sales )NP (PRT up )PRT )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S . )S 21 27 (S (S (NP (NP Some )NP (PP of (NP the U.S. auto makers )NP )PP )NP (VP have (ADVP already )ADVP (VP adopted (NP (NP incentives )NP (PP on (NP many 1990 models )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP they )NP (VP may (VP have (S (VP to (VP broaden (NP their programs )NP (S (VP to (VP keep (NP (NP sales )NP (ADVP up )ADVP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S . )S 21 28 (S (S (NP (NP Some )NP (PP of (NP the U.S. auto makers )NP )PP )NP (VP have (ADVP already )ADVP (VP adopted (NP (NP incentives )NP (PP on (NP many 1990 models )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP they )NP (VP may (VP have (S (VP to (VP broaden (NP (NP their programs )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP keep (NP sales )NP (PRT up )PRT )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S . )S 21 26 (S (S (NP (NP Some )NP (PP of (NP the U.S. auto makers )NP )PP )NP (VP have (ADVP already )ADVP (VP adopted (NP (NP incentives )NP (PP on (NP many 1990 models )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP they )NP (VP may (VP have (S (VP to (VP broaden (NP their programs )NP (S (VP to (VP keep (NP sales )NP (ADVP up )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S . )S 20 27 (S (S (NP (NP Some )NP (PP of (NP the U.S. auto makers )NP )PP )NP (VP have (ADVP already )ADVP (VP adopted (NP incentives )NP (PP on (NP many 1990 models )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP they )NP (VP may (VP have (S (VP to (VP broaden (NP (NP their programs )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP keep (NP sales )NP (PRT up )PRT )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S . )S 21 29 (S (S (NP (NP Some )NP (PP of (NP the U.S. auto makers )NP )PP )NP (VP have (ADVP already )ADVP (VP adopted (NP (NP incentives )NP (PP on (NP many 1990 models )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP they )NP (VP may (VP have (S (VP to (VP broaden (NP (NP their programs )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP keep (NP (NP sales )NP (ADVP up )ADVP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S . )S 21 28 (S (S (NP (NP Some )NP (PP of (NP the U.S. auto makers )NP )PP )NP (VP have (ADVP already )ADVP (VP adopted (NP (NP incentives )NP (PP on (NP many 1990 models )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP they )NP (VP may (VP have (S (VP to (VP broaden (NP (NP their programs )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP keep (NP sales )NP (ADVP up )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S . )S 20 26 (S (S (NP (NP Some )NP (PP of (NP the U.S. auto makers )NP )PP )NP (VP have (ADVP already )ADVP (VP adopted (NP (NP incentives )NP (PP on (NP many 1990 models )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP they )NP (VP may (VP have (S (VP to (VP broaden (NP their programs (S (VP to (VP keep (NP sales )NP (ADVP up )ADVP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S . )S 21 26 (S (S (NP (NP Some )NP (PP of (NP the U.S. auto makers )NP )PP )NP (VP have (ADVP already )ADVP (VP adopted (NP (NP incentives )NP (PP on (NP many 1990 models )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP they )NP (VP may (VP have (S (VP to (VP broaden (NP their programs )NP (S (VP to (VP keep (NP sales )NP (ADVP up )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S . )S 16 25 (S (S (NP (NP Some )NP (PP of (NP the U.S. auto makers )NP )PP )NP (VP have (NP (NP (ADJP already adopted )ADJP incentives )NP (PP on (NP many 1990 models )NP )PP )NP )VP )S , but (S (NP they )NP (VP may (VP have (S (VP to (VP broaden (NP their programs (S (VP to (VP keep (NP sales )NP (PRT up )PRT )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S . )S 21 28 (S (S (NP (NP Some )NP (PP of (NP the U.S. auto makers )NP )PP )NP (VP have (ADVP already )ADVP (VP adopted (NP (NP incentives )NP (PP on (NP many 1990 models )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP they )NP (VP may (VP have (S (VP to (VP broaden (NP (NP their programs )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP keep (NP sales )NP (ADVP up )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S . )S 21 26 (S (S (NP (NP Some )NP (PP of (NP the U.S. auto makers )NP )PP )NP (VP have (ADVP already )ADVP (VP adopted (NP (NP incentives )NP (PP on (NP many 1990 models )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP they )NP (VP may (VP have (S (VP to (VP broaden (NP their programs )NP (S (VP to (VP keep (NP sales )NP (PRT up )PRT )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S . )S 21 28 (S (S (NP (NP Some )NP (PP of (NP the U.S. auto makers )NP )PP )NP (VP have (ADVP already )ADVP (VP adopted (NP (NP incentives )NP (PP on (NP many 1990 models )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP they )NP (VP may (VP have (S (VP to (VP broaden (NP (NP their programs )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP keep (NP sales )NP (PRT up )PRT )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S . )S 19 26 (S (S (NP (NP Some )NP (PP of (NP the U.S. auto makers )NP )PP )NP (VP have (ADVP already )ADVP (VP adopted (NP (NP incentives )NP (PP on (NP many 1990 models )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP they )NP (VP may (VP have (S (VP to (VP broaden (NP their programs (S (VP to (VP keep (NP sales )NP (PP up )PP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S . )S 21 25 (S (S (NP (NP Some )NP (PP of (NP the U.S. auto makers )NP )PP )NP (VP have (ADVP already )ADVP (VP adopted (NP (NP incentives )NP (PP on (NP many 1990 models )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP they )NP may (VP have (S (VP to (VP broaden (NP their programs )NP (S (VP to (VP keep (NP sales )NP (PRT up )PRT )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )S . )S 19 25 (S (NP (NP Some )NP (PP of (NP the U.S. auto makers )NP )PP )NP (VP have (ADVP already )ADVP (VP adopted (NP (NP incentives )NP (PP on (NP many 1990 models )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP , but (S (NP they )NP (VP may (VP have (S (VP to (VP broaden (NP their programs (S (VP to (VP keep (NP sales )NP (PRT up )PRT )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S . )S 20 26 (S (S (NP (NP Some )NP (PP of (NP the U.S. auto makers )NP )PP )NP (VP have (ADVP already )ADVP (VP adopted (NP (NP incentives )NP (PP on (NP many 1990 models )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP they )NP (VP may (VP have (S (VP to (VP broaden (NP their programs (S (VP to (VP keep (NP sales )NP (PRT up )PRT )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S . )S 21 27 (S (S (NP (NP Some )NP (PP of (NP the U.S. auto makers )NP )PP )NP (VP have (ADVP already )ADVP (VP adopted (NP (NP incentives )NP (PP on (NP many 1990 models )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP they )NP may (VP have (S (VP to (VP broaden (NP (NP their programs )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP keep (NP sales )NP (PRT up )PRT )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S . )S 21 27 (S (S (NP (NP Some )NP (PP of (NP the U.S. auto makers )NP )PP )NP (VP have (ADVP already )ADVP (VP adopted (NP (NP incentives )NP (PP on (NP many 1990 models )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP they )NP (VP may (VP have (S (VP to (VP broaden (NP their programs )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP keep (NP sales )NP (PRT up )PRT )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S . )S 21 26 (S (S (NP (NP Some )NP (PP of (NP the U.S. auto makers )NP )PP )NP (VP have (ADVP already )ADVP (VP adopted (NP (NP incentives )NP (PP on (NP many 1990 models )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP they )NP (VP may (VP have (S (VP to (VP broaden (NP their programs )NP (S (VP to (VP keep (NP sales )NP (ADVP up )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S . )S 21 28 (S (S (NP (NP Some )NP (PP of (NP the U.S. auto makers )NP )PP )NP (VP have (ADVP already )ADVP (VP adopted (NP (NP incentives )NP (PP on (NP many 1990 models )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP they )NP (VP may (VP have (S (VP to (VP broaden (NP (NP their programs )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP keep (NP sales )NP (ADVP up )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S . )S 17 25 (S (S (NP (NP Some )NP (PP of (NP the U.S. auto makers )NP )PP )NP (VP have (NP (NP (ADJP already adopted )ADJP incentives )NP (PP on (NP many 1990 models )NP )PP )NP )VP )S , but (S (NP they )NP (VP may (VP have (S (VP to (VP broaden (NP their programs )NP (S (VP to (VP keep (NP sales )NP (PRT up )PRT )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S . )S 18 25 (S (S (NP (NP Some )NP (PP of (NP the U.S. auto makers )NP )PP )NP (VP have (VP (ADVP already )ADVP adopted (NP incentives )NP (PP on (NP many 1990 models )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP they )NP (VP may (VP have (S (VP to (VP broaden (NP their programs (S (VP to (VP keep (NP sales )NP (PRT up )PRT )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S . )S 17 27 (S (S (NP (NP Some )NP (PP of (NP the U.S. auto makers )NP )PP )NP (VP have (NP (NP (ADJP already adopted )ADJP incentives )NP (PP on (NP many 1990 models )NP )PP )NP )VP )S , but (S (NP they )NP (VP may (VP have (S (VP to (VP broaden (NP (NP their programs )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP keep (NP sales )NP (PRT up )PRT )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S . )S 20 27 (S (S (NP (NP Some )NP (PP of (NP the U.S. auto makers )NP )PP )NP (VP have (ADVP already )ADVP (VP adopted (NP (NP incentives )NP (PP on (NP many 1990 models )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP they )NP (VP may (VP have (S (VP to (VP broaden (NP their programs (S (VP to (VP keep (NP (NP sales )NP (ADVP up )ADVP )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S . )S 20 26 (S (S (NP (NP Some )NP (PP of (NP the U.S. auto makers )NP )PP )NP (VP have (ADVP already )ADVP (VP adopted (NP (NP incentives )NP (PP on (NP many 1990 models )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP they )NP (VP may (VP have (S (VP to (VP broaden (NP their programs )NP (S (VP to (VP keep (NP sales )NP (PP up )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S . )S 20 27 (S (S (NP (NP Some )NP (PP of (NP the U.S. auto makers )NP )PP )NP (VP have (ADVP already )ADVP (VP adopted (NP (NP incentives )NP (PP on (NP many 1990 models )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP they )NP (VP may (VP have (S (VP to (VP broaden (NP their programs (S (VP to (VP keep (NP (NP sales )NP (ADVP up )ADVP )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S . )S 20 28 (S (S (NP (NP Some )NP (PP of (NP the U.S. auto makers )NP )PP )NP (VP have (ADVP already )ADVP (VP adopted (NP (NP incentives )NP (PP on (NP many 1990 models )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP they )NP (VP may (VP have (S (VP to (VP broaden (NP (NP their programs )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP keep (NP sales )NP (PP up )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S . )S 20 26 (S (S (NP (NP Some )NP (PP of (NP the U.S. auto makers )NP )PP )NP (VP have (ADVP already )ADVP (VP adopted (NP (NP incentives )NP (PP on (NP many 1990 models )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP they )NP (VP may (VP have (S (VP to (VP broaden (NP their programs (S (VP to (VP keep (NP sales )NP (PRT up )PRT )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S . )S 20 25 (S (NP (NP Some )NP (PP of (NP the U.S. auto makers )NP )PP )NP (VP have (ADVP already )ADVP (VP adopted (NP (NP incentives )NP (PP on (NP many 1990 models )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP , but (S (NP they )NP (VP may (VP have (S (VP to (VP broaden (NP their programs )NP (S (VP to (VP keep (NP sales )NP (PRT up )PRT )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S . )S 21 26 (S (S (NP (NP Some )NP (PP of (NP the U.S. auto makers )NP )PP )NP (VP have (ADVP already )ADVP (VP adopted (NP (NP incentives )NP (PP on (NP many 1990 models )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP they )NP (VP may (VP have (S (VP to (VP broaden (NP their programs )NP (S (VP to (VP keep (NP sales )NP (PRT up )PRT )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S . )S 19 26 (S (S (NP (NP Some )NP (PP of (NP the U.S. auto makers )NP )PP )NP (VP have (VP (ADVP already )ADVP adopted (NP (NP incentives )NP (PP on (NP many 1990 models )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP they )NP (VP may (VP have (S (VP to (VP broaden (S (NP their programs )NP (VP to (VP keep (NP sales )NP (PRT up )PRT )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S . )S 20 27 (S (NP (NP Some )NP (PP of (NP the U.S. auto makers )NP )PP )NP (VP have (ADVP already )ADVP (VP adopted (NP (NP incentives )NP (PP on (NP many 1990 models )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP , but (S (NP they )NP (VP may (VP have (S (VP to (VP broaden (NP (NP their programs )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP keep (NP sales )NP (PRT up )PRT )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S . )S 21 28 (S (S (NP (NP Some )NP (PP of (NP the U.S. auto makers )NP )PP )NP (VP have (ADVP already )ADVP (VP adopted (NP (NP incentives )NP (PP on (NP many 1990 models )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP they )NP (VP may (VP have (S (VP to (VP broaden (NP (NP their programs )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP keep (NP sales )NP (PRT up )PRT )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S . )S 50 25 25 (SINV `` (S (NP We )NP (VP 've (VP created (NP (NP a condition )NP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S , (PP without (NP incentives )NP )PP , (NP it )NP (VP 's (NP a tough market )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S , '' (VP said )VP (NP (NP Tom Kelly )NP , (NP (NP sales manager )NP (PP for (NP (NP Bill Wink Chevrolet )NP (PP in (NP Dearborn , Mich )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 24 26 (SINV `` (S (NP We )NP (VP 've (VP created (NP (NP a condition )NP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (PRN , (PP without (NP incentives )NP )PP , )PRN (S (NP it )NP (VP 's (NP a tough market )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S , '' (VP said )VP (NP (NP Tom Kelly )NP , (NP (NP sales manager )NP (PP for (NP (NP Bill Wink Chevrolet )NP (PP in (NP Dearborn , Mich )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 27 27 (SINV `` (S (NP We )NP (VP 've (VP created (NP (NP a condition )NP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S , (PP without (NP incentives )NP )PP , (NP it )NP (VP 's (NP a tough market )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S , '' (VP said )VP (NP (NP Tom Kelly )NP , (NP (NP sales manager )NP (PP for (NP (NP Bill Wink Chevrolet )NP (PP in (NP (NP Dearborn )NP , (NP Mich )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 26 28 (SINV `` (S (NP We )NP (VP 've (VP created (NP (NP a condition )NP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (PRN , (PP without (NP incentives )NP )PP , )PRN (S (NP it )NP (VP 's (NP a tough market )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S , '' (VP said )VP (NP (NP Tom Kelly )NP , (NP (NP sales manager )NP (PP for (NP (NP Bill Wink Chevrolet )NP (PP in (NP (NP Dearborn )NP , (NP Mich )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 25 25 (SINV `` (S (NP We )NP (VP 've (VP created (NP (NP a condition )NP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP , (S (PP without (NP incentives )NP )PP , (NP it )NP (VP 's (NP a tough market )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S , '' (VP said )VP (NP (NP Tom Kelly )NP , (NP (NP sales manager )NP (PP for (NP (NP Bill Wink Chevrolet )NP (PP in (NP Dearborn , Mich )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 25 25 (SINV `` (S (NP We )NP (VP 've (VP created (NP (NP a condition )NP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S , (PP without (NP incentives )NP )PP , (NP it )NP (VP 's (NP a tough market )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S , '' (VP said )VP (NP (NP Tom Kelly )NP , (NP (NP sales manager )NP (PP for (NP (NP Bill Wink Chevrolet )NP (PP in (NP Dearborn , Mich )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 24 24 (SINV `` (S (NP We )NP (VP 've (VP created (NP a condition (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S , (PP without (NP incentives )NP )PP , (NP it )NP (VP 's (NP a tough market )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S , '' (VP said )VP (NP (NP Tom Kelly )NP , (NP (NP sales manager )NP (PP for (NP (NP Bill Wink Chevrolet )NP (PP in (NP Dearborn , Mich )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 27 27 (SINV `` (S (NP We )NP (VP 've (VP created (NP (NP a condition )NP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP , (S (PP without (NP incentives )NP )PP , (NP it )NP (VP 's (NP a tough market )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S , '' (VP said )VP (NP (NP Tom Kelly )NP , (NP (NP sales manager )NP (PP for (NP (NP Bill Wink Chevrolet )NP (PP in (NP (NP Dearborn )NP , (NP Mich )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 24 26 (SINV `` (S (NP We )NP (VP 've (VP created (NP (NP a condition )NP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (PRN , (PP without (NP incentives )NP )PP , )PRN (S (NP it )NP (VP 's (NP a tough market )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S , '' (VP said )VP (NP (NP Tom Kelly )NP , (NP (NP sales manager )NP (PP for (NP (NP Bill Wink Chevrolet )NP (PP in (NP Dearborn , Mich )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 27 27 (SINV `` (S (NP We )NP (VP 've (VP created (NP (NP a condition )NP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S , (PP without (NP incentives )NP )PP , (NP it )NP (VP 's (NP a tough market )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S , '' (VP said )VP (NP (NP Tom Kelly )NP , (NP (NP sales manager )NP (PP for (NP (NP Bill Wink Chevrolet )NP (PP in (NP (NP Dearborn )NP , (NP Mich )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 23 25 (SINV `` (S (NP We )NP (VP 've (VP created (NP a condition (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (PRN , (PP without (NP incentives )NP )PP , )PRN (S (NP it )NP (VP 's (NP a tough market )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S , '' (VP said )VP (NP (NP Tom Kelly )NP , (NP (NP sales manager )NP (PP for (NP (NP Bill Wink Chevrolet )NP (PP in (NP Dearborn , Mich )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 26 26 (SINV `` (S (NP We )NP (VP 've (VP created (NP a condition (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S , (PP without (NP incentives )NP )PP , (NP it )NP (VP 's (NP a tough market )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S , '' (VP said )VP (NP (NP Tom Kelly )NP , (NP (NP sales manager )NP (PP for (NP (NP Bill Wink Chevrolet )NP (PP in (NP (NP Dearborn )NP , (NP Mich )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 26 28 (SINV `` (S (NP We )NP (VP 've (VP created (NP (NP a condition )NP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (PRN , (PP without (NP incentives )NP )PP , )PRN (S (NP it )NP (VP 's (NP a tough market )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S , '' (VP said )VP (NP (NP Tom Kelly )NP , (NP (NP sales manager )NP (PP for (NP (NP Bill Wink Chevrolet )NP (PP in (NP (NP Dearborn )NP , (NP Mich )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 25 25 (SINV `` (S (NP We )NP (VP 've (VP created (NP (NP a condition )NP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP , (S (PP without (NP incentives )NP )PP , (NP it )NP (VP 's (NP a tough market )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S , '' (VP said )VP (NP (NP Tom Kelly )NP , (NP (NP sales manager )NP (PP for (NP (NP Bill Wink Chevrolet )NP (PP in (NP Dearborn , Mich )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 25 27 (SINV `` (S (NP We )NP (VP 've (VP created (NP a condition (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (PRN , (PP without (NP incentives )NP )PP , )PRN (S (NP it )NP (VP 's (NP a tough market )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S , '' (VP said )VP (NP (NP Tom Kelly )NP , (NP (NP sales manager )NP (PP for (NP (NP Bill Wink Chevrolet )NP (PP in (NP (NP Dearborn )NP , (NP Mich )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 24 24 (SINV `` (S (NP We )NP (VP 've (VP created (NP a condition (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP , (S (PP without (NP incentives )NP )PP , (NP it )NP (VP 's (NP a tough market )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S , '' (VP said )VP (NP (NP Tom Kelly )NP , (NP (NP sales manager )NP (PP for (NP (NP Bill Wink Chevrolet )NP (PP in (NP Dearborn , Mich )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 23 24 (SINV `` (S (NP We )NP (VP 've (VP created (NP (NP a condition )NP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S , (PP without (NP incentives )NP )PP , (NP it )NP (VP 's (NP a tough market )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S , '' (VP said )VP (NP (NP Tom Kelly )NP , (NP (NP sales manager )NP (PP for (NP Bill Wink Chevrolet )NP )PP (PP in (NP Dearborn , Mich )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 24 24 (SINV `` (S (NP We )NP (VP 've (VP created (NP a condition (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S , (PP without (NP incentives )NP )PP , (NP it )NP (VP 's (NP a tough market )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S , '' (VP said )VP (NP (NP Tom Kelly )NP , (NP (NP sales manager )NP (PP for (NP (NP Bill Wink Chevrolet )NP (PP in (NP Dearborn , Mich )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 24 25 (SINV `` (S (NP We )NP (VP 've (VP created (NP (NP a condition )NP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP , (PP without (NP incentives )NP )PP , (S (NP it )NP (VP 's (NP a tough market )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S , '' (VP said )VP (NP (NP Tom Kelly )NP , (NP (NP sales manager )NP (PP for (NP (NP Bill Wink Chevrolet )NP (PP in (NP Dearborn , Mich )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 23 26 (SINV `` (S (NP We )NP (VP 've (VP created (NP (NP a condition )NP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S , (PP without (NP incentives )NP )PP , (NP it )NP (VP 's (NP a tough market )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S , '' (VP said )VP (NP (NP Tom Kelly )NP , (NP (NP sales manager )NP (PP for (NP Bill Wink Chevrolet )NP )PP )NP )NP (PP in (NP (NP Dearborn )NP , (NP Mich )NP )NP )PP . )SINV 27 27 (SINV `` (S (NP We )NP (VP 've (VP created (NP (NP a condition )NP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP , (S (PP without (NP incentives )NP )PP , (NP it )NP (VP 's (NP a tough market )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S , '' (VP said )VP (NP (NP Tom Kelly )NP , (NP (NP sales manager )NP (PP for (NP (NP Bill Wink Chevrolet )NP (PP in (NP (NP Dearborn )NP , (NP Mich )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 22 25 (SINV `` (S (NP We )NP (VP 've (VP created (NP (NP a condition )NP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (PRN , (PP without (NP incentives )NP )PP , )PRN (S (NP it )NP (VP 's (NP a tough market )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S , '' (VP said )VP (NP (NP Tom Kelly )NP , (NP (NP sales manager )NP (PP for (NP Bill Wink Chevrolet )NP )PP (PP in (NP Dearborn , Mich )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 26 26 (SINV `` (S (NP We )NP (VP 've (VP created (NP a condition (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP , (S (PP without (NP incentives )NP )PP , (NP it )NP (VP 's (NP a tough market )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S , '' (VP said )VP (NP (NP Tom Kelly )NP , (NP (NP sales manager )NP (PP for (NP (NP Bill Wink Chevrolet )NP (PP in (NP (NP Dearborn )NP , (NP Mich )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 23 25 (SINV `` (S (NP We )NP (VP 've (VP created (NP a condition (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (PRN , (PP without (NP incentives )NP )PP , )PRN (S (NP it )NP (VP 's (NP a tough market )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S , '' (VP said )VP (NP (NP Tom Kelly )NP , (NP (NP sales manager )NP (PP for (NP (NP Bill Wink Chevrolet )NP (PP in (NP Dearborn , Mich )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 25 26 (SINV `` (S (NP We )NP (VP 've (VP created (NP (NP a condition )NP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S , (PP without (NP incentives )NP )PP , (NP it )NP (VP 's (NP a tough market )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S , '' (VP said )VP (NP (NP Tom Kelly )NP , (NP (NP sales manager )NP (PP for (NP Bill Wink Chevrolet )NP )PP (PP in (NP (NP Dearborn )NP , (NP Mich )NP )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 26 26 (SINV `` (S (NP We )NP (VP 've (VP created (NP a condition (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S , (PP without (NP incentives )NP )PP , (NP it )NP (VP 's (NP a tough market )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S , '' (VP said )VP (NP (NP Tom Kelly )NP , (NP (NP sales manager )NP (PP for (NP (NP Bill Wink Chevrolet )NP (PP in (NP (NP Dearborn )NP , (NP Mich )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 22 27 (SINV `` (S (NP We )NP (VP 've (VP created (NP (NP a condition )NP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (PRN , (PP without (NP incentives )NP )PP , )PRN (S (NP it )NP (VP 's (NP a tough market )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S , '' (VP said )VP (NP (NP Tom Kelly )NP , (NP (NP sales manager )NP (PP for (NP Bill Wink Chevrolet )NP )PP )NP )NP (PP in (NP (NP Dearborn )NP , (NP Mich )NP )NP )PP . )SINV 24 24 (SINV `` (S (NP We )NP (VP 've (VP created (NP a condition )NP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S , (PP without (NP incentives )NP )PP , (NP it )NP (VP 's (NP a tough market )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S , '' (VP said )VP (NP (NP Tom Kelly )NP , (NP (NP sales manager )NP (PP for (NP (NP Bill Wink Chevrolet )NP (PP in (NP Dearborn , Mich )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 26 27 (SINV `` (S (NP We )NP (VP 've (VP created (NP (NP a condition )NP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP , (PP without (NP incentives )NP )PP , (S (NP it )NP (VP 's (NP a tough market )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S , '' (VP said )VP (NP (NP Tom Kelly )NP , (NP (NP sales manager )NP (PP for (NP (NP Bill Wink Chevrolet )NP (PP in (NP (NP Dearborn )NP , (NP Mich )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 24 27 (SINV `` (S (NP We )NP (VP 've (VP created (NP (NP a condition )NP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (PRN , (PP without (NP incentives )NP )PP , )PRN (S (NP it )NP (VP 's (NP a tough market )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S , '' (VP said )VP (NP (NP Tom Kelly )NP , (NP (NP sales manager )NP (PP for (NP Bill Wink Chevrolet )NP )PP (PP in (NP (NP Dearborn )NP , (NP Mich )NP )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 25 27 (SINV `` (S (NP We )NP (VP 've (VP created (NP a condition (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (PRN , (PP without (NP incentives )NP )PP , )PRN (S (NP it )NP (VP 's (NP a tough market )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S , '' (VP said )VP (NP (NP Tom Kelly )NP , (NP (NP sales manager )NP (PP for (NP (NP Bill Wink Chevrolet )NP (PP in (NP (NP Dearborn )NP , (NP Mich )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 23 24 (SINV `` (S (NP We )NP (VP 've (VP created (NP (NP a condition )NP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP , (S (PP without (NP incentives )NP )PP , (NP it )NP (VP 's (NP a tough market )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S , '' (VP said )VP (NP (NP Tom Kelly )NP , (NP (NP sales manager )NP (PP for (NP Bill Wink Chevrolet )NP )PP (PP in (NP Dearborn , Mich )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 24 24 (SINV `` (S (NP We )NP (VP 've (VP created (NP a condition (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP , (S (PP without (NP incentives )NP )PP , (NP it )NP (VP 's (NP a tough market )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S , '' (VP said )VP (NP (NP Tom Kelly )NP , (NP (NP sales manager )NP (PP for (NP (NP Bill Wink Chevrolet )NP (PP in (NP Dearborn , Mich )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 25 26 (SINV `` (S (NP We )NP (VP 've (VP created (NP (NP a condition )NP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (PRN , (PP without (NP incentives )NP )PP , )PRN (NP it )NP (VP 's (NP a tough market )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S , '' (VP said )VP (NP (NP Tom Kelly )NP , (NP (NP sales manager )NP (PP for (NP (NP Bill Wink Chevrolet )NP (PP in (NP Dearborn , Mich )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 23 24 (SINV `` (S (NP We )NP (VP 've (VP created (NP (NP a condition )NP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S , (PP without (NP incentives )NP )PP , (NP it )NP (VP 's (NP a tough market )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S , '' (VP said )VP (NP (NP Tom Kelly )NP , (NP (NP sales manager )NP (PP for (NP Bill Wink Chevrolet )NP )PP (PP in (NP Dearborn , Mich )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 26 26 (SINV `` (S (NP We )NP (VP 've (VP created (NP a condition )NP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S , (PP without (NP incentives )NP )PP , (NP it )NP (VP 's (NP a tough market )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S , '' (VP said )VP (NP (NP Tom Kelly )NP , (NP (NP sales manager )NP (PP for (NP (NP Bill Wink Chevrolet )NP (PP in (NP (NP Dearborn )NP , (NP Mich )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 23 26 (SINV `` (S (NP We )NP (VP 've (VP created (NP (NP a condition )NP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP , (S (PP without (NP incentives )NP )PP , (NP it )NP (VP 's (NP a tough market )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S , '' (VP said )VP (NP (NP Tom Kelly )NP , (NP (NP sales manager )NP (PP for (NP Bill Wink Chevrolet )NP )PP )NP )NP (PP in (NP (NP Dearborn )NP , (NP Mich )NP )NP )PP . )SINV 24 25 (SINV `` (S (NP We )NP (VP 've (VP created (NP (NP a condition )NP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP , (PP without (NP incentives )NP )PP , (S (NP it )NP (VP 's (NP a tough market )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S , '' (VP said )VP (NP (NP Tom Kelly )NP , (NP (NP sales manager )NP (PP for (NP (NP Bill Wink Chevrolet )NP (PP in (NP Dearborn , Mich )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 23 26 (SINV `` (S (NP We )NP (VP 've (VP created (NP (NP a condition )NP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S , (PP without (NP incentives )NP )PP , (NP it )NP (VP 's (NP a tough market )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S , '' (VP said )VP (NP (NP Tom Kelly )NP , (NP (NP sales manager )NP (PP for (NP Bill Wink Chevrolet )NP )PP )NP )NP (PP in (NP (NP Dearborn )NP , (NP Mich )NP )NP )PP . )SINV 22 23 (SINV `` (S (NP We )NP (VP 've (VP created (NP a condition (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S , (PP without (NP incentives )NP )PP , (NP it )NP (VP 's (NP a tough market )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S , '' (VP said )VP (NP (NP Tom Kelly )NP , (NP (NP sales manager )NP (PP for (NP Bill Wink Chevrolet )NP )PP (PP in (NP Dearborn , Mich )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 24 24 (SINV `` (S (NP We )NP (VP 've (VP created (NP a condition )NP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP , (S (PP without (NP incentives )NP )PP , (NP it )NP (VP 's (NP a tough market )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S , '' (VP said )VP (NP (NP Tom Kelly )NP , (NP (NP sales manager )NP (PP for (NP (NP Bill Wink Chevrolet )NP (PP in (NP Dearborn , Mich )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 21 24 (SINV `` (S (NP We )NP (VP 've (VP created (NP (NP a condition )NP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S , (PP without (NP incentives )NP )PP , (NP it )NP (VP 's (NP a tough market )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S , '' (VP said )VP (NP (NP Tom Kelly )NP , (NP (NP sales manager )NP (PP for (NP Bill Wink Chevrolet )NP )PP )NP )NP (PP in (NP Dearborn , Mich )NP )PP . )SINV 25 25 (SINV `` (S (NP We )NP (VP 've (VP created (NP (NP a condition )NP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S , (PP without (NP incentives )NP )PP , (NP it )NP (VP 's (NP a tough market )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S , '' (VP said )VP (NP (NP Tom Kelly )NP , (NP (NP sales manager )NP (PP for (NP (NP Bill Wink Chevrolet )NP (PP in (NP Dearborn , Mich )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 23 24 (SINV `` (S (NP We )NP (VP 've (VP created (NP a condition (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP , (PP without (NP incentives )NP )PP , (S (NP it )NP (VP 's (NP a tough market )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S , '' (VP said )VP (NP (NP Tom Kelly )NP , (NP (NP sales manager )NP (PP for (NP (NP Bill Wink Chevrolet )NP (PP in (NP Dearborn , Mich )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 22 25 (SINV `` (S (NP We )NP (VP 've (VP created (NP a condition (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S , (PP without (NP incentives )NP )PP , (NP it )NP (VP 's (NP a tough market )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S , '' (VP said )VP (NP (NP Tom Kelly )NP , (NP (NP sales manager )NP (PP for (NP Bill Wink Chevrolet )NP )PP )NP )NP (PP in (NP (NP Dearborn )NP , (NP Mich )NP )NP )PP . )SINV 25 26 (SINV `` (S (NP We )NP (VP 've (VP created (NP (NP a condition )NP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP , (S (PP without (NP incentives )NP )PP , (NP it )NP (VP 's (NP a tough market )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S , '' (VP said )VP (NP (NP Tom Kelly )NP , (NP (NP sales manager )NP (PP for (NP Bill Wink Chevrolet )NP )PP (PP in (NP (NP Dearborn )NP , (NP Mich )NP )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 22 25 (SINV `` (S (NP We )NP (VP 've (VP created (NP (NP a condition )NP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (PRN , (PP without (NP incentives )NP )PP , )PRN (S (NP it )NP (VP 's (NP a tough market )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S , '' (VP said )VP (NP (NP Tom Kelly )NP , (NP (NP sales manager )NP (PP for (NP Bill Wink Chevrolet )NP )PP (PP in (NP Dearborn , Mich )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 26 26 (SINV `` (S (NP We )NP (VP 've (VP created (NP a condition (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP , (S (PP without (NP incentives )NP )PP , (NP it )NP (VP 's (NP a tough market )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S , '' (VP said )VP (NP (NP Tom Kelly )NP , (NP (NP sales manager )NP (PP for (NP (NP Bill Wink Chevrolet )NP (PP in (NP (NP Dearborn )NP , (NP Mich )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 27 28 (SINV `` (S (NP We )NP (VP 've (VP created (NP (NP a condition )NP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (PRN , (PP without (NP incentives )NP )PP , )PRN (NP it )NP (VP 's (NP a tough market )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S , '' (VP said )VP (NP (NP Tom Kelly )NP , (NP (NP sales manager )NP (PP for (NP (NP Bill Wink Chevrolet )NP (PP in (NP (NP Dearborn )NP , (NP Mich )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 25 26 (SINV `` (S (NP We )NP (VP 've (VP created (NP (NP a condition )NP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S , (PP without (NP incentives )NP )PP , (NP it )NP (VP 's (NP a tough market )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S , '' (VP said )VP (NP (NP Tom Kelly )NP , (NP (NP sales manager )NP (PP for (NP Bill Wink Chevrolet )NP )PP (PP in (NP (NP Dearborn )NP , (NP Mich )NP )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 50 13 15 (S (NP Car sales )NP (VP fell (PP to (NP (NP a (ADJP seasonally adjusted )ADJP annual selling rate )NP (PP of (NP (NP (QP 5.8 million )QP vehicles )NP , (NP (NP the lowest )NP (PP since (NP October 1987 )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 15 15 (S (NP Car sales )NP (VP fell (PP to (NP (NP (NP a (ADJP seasonally adjusted )ADJP annual selling rate )NP (PP of (NP (QP 5.8 million )QP vehicles )NP )PP )NP , (NP (NP the lowest )NP (PP since (NP October 1987 )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 13 16 (S (NP Car sales )NP (VP fell (PP to (NP (NP a (ADJP (ADVP seasonally )ADVP adjusted )ADJP annual selling rate )NP (PP of (NP (NP (QP 5.8 million )QP vehicles )NP , (NP (NP the lowest )NP (PP since (NP October 1987 )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 15 16 (S (NP Car sales )NP (VP fell (PP to (NP (NP (NP a (ADJP (ADVP seasonally )ADVP adjusted )ADJP annual selling rate )NP (PP of (NP (QP 5.8 million )QP vehicles )NP )PP )NP , (NP (NP the lowest )NP (PP since (NP October 1987 )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 13 15 (S (NP Car sales )NP (VP fell (PP to (NP (NP a (ADJP seasonally adjusted )ADJP annual selling rate )NP (PP of (NP (NP (QP 5.8 million )QP vehicles )NP , (NP (NP the lowest )NP (PP since (NP October 1987 )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 13 15 (S (NP Car sales )NP (VP (VP fell (PP to (NP (NP a (ADJP seasonally adjusted )ADJP annual selling rate )NP (PP of (NP (QP 5.8 million )QP vehicles )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP , (NP (NP the lowest )NP (PP since (NP October 1987 )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 15 15 (S (NP Car sales )NP (VP fell (PP to (NP (NP (NP a (ADJP seasonally adjusted )ADJP annual selling rate )NP (PP of (NP (QP 5.8 million )QP vehicles )NP )PP )NP , (NP (NP the lowest )NP (PP since (NP October 1987 )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 14 14 (S (NP Car sales )NP (VP fell (PP to (NP (NP a (ADJP seasonally adjusted )ADJP annual selling rate )NP (PP of (NP (QP 5.8 million )QP vehicles )NP )PP , (NP (NP the lowest )NP (PP since (NP October 1987 )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 13 17 (S (NP Car sales )NP (VP fell (PP to (NP (NP a (ADJP seasonally adjusted )ADJP annual selling rate )NP (PP of (NP (NP (QP 5.8 million )QP vehicles )NP , (NP (NP the lowest )NP (PP since (NP (NP October )NP (NP 1987 )NP )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 13 15 (S (NP Car sales )NP (VP fell (PP to (NP (NP a (ADJP seasonally adjusted )ADJP annual selling rate )NP (PP of (NP (NP (QP 5.8 million )QP vehicles )NP , (NP (NP the lowest )NP (PP since (NP October 1987 )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 15 17 (S (NP Car sales )NP (VP fell (PP to (NP (NP (NP a (ADJP seasonally adjusted )ADJP annual selling rate )NP (PP of (NP (QP 5.8 million )QP vehicles )NP )PP )NP , (NP (NP the lowest )NP (PP since (NP (NP October )NP (NP 1987 )NP )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 15 15 (S (NP Car sales )NP (VP fell (PP to (NP (NP (NP a (ADJP seasonally adjusted )ADJP annual selling rate )NP (PP of (NP (QP 5.8 million )QP vehicles )NP )PP )NP , (NP (NP the lowest )NP (PP since (NP October 1987 )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 13 16 (S (NP Car sales )NP (VP (VP fell (PP to (NP (NP a (ADJP (ADVP seasonally )ADVP adjusted )ADJP annual selling rate )NP (PP of (NP (QP 5.8 million )QP vehicles )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP , (NP (NP the lowest )NP (PP since (NP October 1987 )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 13 14 (S (NP Car sales )NP (VP fell (PP to (NP (NP a (ADJP seasonally adjusted )ADJP annual selling rate )NP (PP of (NP (QP 5.8 million )QP vehicles )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP (NP the lowest )NP (PP since (NP October 1987 )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 14 15 (S (NP Car sales )NP (VP fell (PP to (NP (NP a (ADJP (ADVP seasonally )ADVP adjusted )ADJP annual selling rate )NP (PP of (NP (QP 5.8 million )QP vehicles )NP )PP , (NP (NP the lowest )NP (PP since (NP October 1987 )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 13 15 (S (NP Car sales )NP (VP fell (PP to (NP (NP a (ADJP seasonally adjusted )ADJP annual selling rate )NP (PP of (NP (NP (QP 5.8 million )QP vehicles )NP , (NP (NP the lowest )NP (PP since (NP October 1987 )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 11 14 (S (NP Car sales )NP (VP fell (PP to (NP a (ADJP seasonally adjusted )ADJP annual selling rate )NP )PP (PP of (NP (NP (QP 5.8 million )QP vehicles )NP , (NP (NP the lowest )NP (PP since (NP October 1987 )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 12 14 (S (NP Car sales )NP (VP fell (PP to (NP a (ADJP seasonally adjusted )ADJP annual selling rate )NP (PP of (NP (NP (QP 5.8 million )QP vehicles )NP , (NP (NP the lowest )NP (PP since (NP October 1987 )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )PP )VP . )S 13 18 (S (NP Car sales )NP (VP fell (PP to (NP (NP a (ADJP (ADVP seasonally )ADVP adjusted )ADJP annual selling rate )NP (PP of (NP (NP (QP 5.8 million )QP vehicles )NP , (NP (NP the lowest )NP (PP since (NP (NP October )NP (NP 1987 )NP )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 15 15 (S (NP Car sales )NP (VP fell (PP to (NP (NP (NP a (ADJP seasonally adjusted )ADJP annual selling rate )NP (PP of (NP (QP 5.8 million )QP vehicles )NP )PP )NP , (NP (NP the lowest )NP (PP since (NP October 1987 )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 13 16 (S (NP Car sales )NP (VP fell (PP to (NP (NP a (ADJP (ADVP seasonally )ADVP adjusted )ADJP annual selling rate )NP (PP of (NP (NP (QP 5.8 million )QP vehicles )NP , (NP (NP the lowest )NP (PP since (NP October 1987 )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 15 18 (S (NP Car sales )NP (VP fell (PP to (NP (NP (NP a (ADJP (ADVP seasonally )ADVP adjusted )ADJP annual selling rate )NP (PP of (NP (QP 5.8 million )QP vehicles )NP )PP )NP , (NP (NP the lowest )NP (PP since (NP (NP October )NP (NP 1987 )NP )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 15 16 (S (NP Car sales )NP (VP fell (PP to (NP (NP (NP a (ADJP (ADVP seasonally )ADVP adjusted )ADJP annual selling rate )NP (PP of (NP (QP 5.8 million )QP vehicles )NP )PP )NP , (NP (NP the lowest )NP (PP since (NP October 1987 )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 13 15 (S (NP Car sales )NP (VP fell (PP to (NP (NP a (ADJP (ADVP seasonally )ADVP adjusted )ADJP annual selling rate )NP (PP of (NP (QP 5.8 million )QP vehicles )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP (NP the lowest )NP (PP since (NP October 1987 )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 13 15 (S (NP Car sales )NP (VP (VP fell (PP to (NP (NP a (ADJP seasonally adjusted )ADJP annual selling rate )NP (PP of (NP (QP 5.8 million )QP vehicles )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP , (NP (NP the lowest )NP (PP since (NP October 1987 )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 13 15 (S (NP Car sales )NP (VP fell (PP to (NP (NP a (ADJP seasonally adjusted )ADJP annual selling rate )NP (PP of (NP (NP (QP 5.8 million )QP vehicles )NP , (NP (NP the lowest )NP (PP since (NP October 1987 )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 13 15 (S (NP Car sales )NP (VP fell (PP to (NP (NP a (ADJP seasonally adjusted )ADJP annual selling rate )NP (PP of (NP (QP 5.8 million )QP vehicles )NP )PP )NP )PP , (S (NP (NP the lowest )NP (PP since (NP October 1987 )NP )PP )NP )S )VP . )S 14 14 (S (NP Car sales )NP (VP fell (PP to (NP (NP a (ADJP seasonally adjusted )ADJP annual selling rate )NP (PP of (NP (QP 5.8 million )QP vehicles )NP )PP , (NP (NP the lowest )NP (PP since (NP October 1987 )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 13 16 (S (NP Car sales )NP (VP fell (PP to (NP (NP a (ADJP (ADVP seasonally )ADVP adjusted )ADJP annual selling rate )NP (PP of (NP (NP (QP 5.8 million )QP vehicles )NP , (NP (NP the lowest )NP (PP since (NP October 1987 )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 11 15 (S (NP Car sales )NP (VP fell (PP to (NP a (ADJP (ADVP seasonally )ADVP adjusted )ADJP annual selling rate )NP )PP (PP of (NP (NP (QP 5.8 million )QP vehicles )NP , (NP (NP the lowest )NP (PP since (NP October 1987 )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 15 15 (S (NP Car sales )NP (VP fell (PP to (NP (NP (NP a (ADJP seasonally adjusted )ADJP annual selling rate )NP (PP of (NP (QP 5.8 million )QP vehicles )NP )PP )NP , (NP (NP the lowest )NP (PP since (NP October 1987 )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 12 15 (S (NP Car sales )NP (VP fell (PP to (NP a (ADJP (ADVP seasonally )ADVP adjusted )ADJP annual selling rate )NP (PP of (NP (NP (QP 5.8 million )QP vehicles )NP , (NP (NP the lowest )NP (PP since (NP October 1987 )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )PP )VP . )S 15 16 (S (NP Car sales )NP (VP fell (PP to (NP (NP (NP a (ADJP (ADVP seasonally )ADVP adjusted )ADJP annual selling rate )NP (PP of (NP (QP 5.8 million )QP vehicles )NP )PP )NP , (NP (NP the lowest )NP (PP since (NP October 1987 )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 13 15 (S (NP Car sales )NP (VP fell (PP to (NP (NP a (ADJP seasonally adjusted )ADJP annual selling rate )NP (PP of (NP (NP (QP 5.8 million )QP vehicles )NP , (NP (NP the lowest )NP (PP since (NP October 1987 )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 13 17 (S (NP Car sales )NP (VP fell (PP to (NP (NP a (ADJP seasonally adjusted )ADJP annual selling rate )NP (PP of (NP (NP (QP 5.8 million )QP vehicles )NP , (NP (NP the lowest )NP (PP since (NP (NP October )NP (NP 1987 )NP )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 10 14 (S (NP Car sales )NP (VP fell (PP to (NP (NP a (ADJP seasonally adjusted )ADJP annual selling rate )NP (PP of (NP (NP (QP 5.8 million )QP vehicles )NP , (NP the lowest )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP (PP since (NP October 1987 )NP )PP )VP . )S 13 15 (S (NP Car sales )NP (VP fell (PP to (NP (NP a (ADJP seasonally adjusted )ADJP annual selling rate )NP (PP of (NP (NP (QP 5.8 million )QP vehicles )NP , (NP (NP the lowest )NP (PP since (NP October 1987 )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 9 13 (S (NP Car sales )NP (VP fell (PP to (NP a (ADJP seasonally adjusted )ADJP annual selling rate )NP )PP (NP (NP (QP of 5.8 million )QP vehicles )NP , (NP (NP the lowest )NP (PP since (NP October 1987 )NP )PP )NP )NP )VP . )S 12 14 (S (NP Car sales )NP (VP fell (PP to (NP (NP (NP a (ADJP seasonally adjusted )ADJP annual selling rate )NP (PP of (NP (QP 5.8 million )QP vehicles )NP )PP )NP , (NP the lowest )NP )NP )PP (PP since (NP October 1987 )NP )PP )VP . )S 12 14 (S (NP Car sales )NP (VP fell (PP to (NP (NP a (ADJP seasonally adjusted )ADJP annual selling rate )NP (PP of (NP (NP (QP 5.8 million )QP vehicles )NP , (NP the lowest )NP )NP )PP (PP since (NP October 1987 )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 15 15 (S (NP Car sales )NP (VP fell (PP to (NP (NP (NP a (ADJP seasonally adjusted )ADJP annual selling rate )NP (PP of (NP (QP 5.8 million )QP vehicles )NP )PP )NP , (NP (NP the lowest )NP (PP since (NP October 1987 )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 13 17 (S (NP Car sales )NP (VP (VP fell (PP to (NP (NP a (ADJP seasonally adjusted )ADJP annual selling rate )NP (PP of (NP (QP 5.8 million )QP vehicles )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP , (NP (NP the lowest )NP (PP since (NP (NP October )NP (NP 1987 )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 15 17 (S (NP Car sales )NP (VP fell (PP to (NP (NP (NP a (ADJP seasonally adjusted )ADJP annual selling rate )NP (PP of (NP (QP 5.8 million )QP vehicles )NP )PP )NP , (NP (NP the lowest )NP (PP since (NP (NP October )NP (NP 1987 )NP )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 12 14 (S (NP Car sales )NP (VP fell (PP to (NP (NP a seasonally adjusted annual selling rate )NP (PP of (NP (NP (QP 5.8 million )QP vehicles )NP , (NP (NP the lowest )NP (PP since (NP October 1987 )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 13 15 (S (NP Car sales )NP (VP (VP fell (PP to (NP (NP a (ADJP seasonally adjusted )ADJP annual selling rate )NP (PP of (NP (QP 5.8 million )QP vehicles )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP , (NP (NP the lowest )NP (PP since (NP October 1987 )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 15 15 (S (NP Car sales )NP (VP fell (PP to (NP (NP (NP a (ADJP seasonally adjusted )ADJP annual selling rate )NP (PP of (NP (QP 5.8 million )QP vehicles )NP )PP )NP , (NP (NP the lowest )NP (PP since (NP October 1987 )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 13 14 (S (NP Car sales )NP (VP fell (PP to (NP (NP a (ADJP seasonally adjusted )ADJP annual selling rate )NP (PP of (NP (QP 5.8 million )QP vehicles )NP )PP )NP , )PP (NP (NP the lowest )NP (PP since (NP October 1987 )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 12 16 (S (NP Car sales )NP (VP fell (S (VP to (NP (NP a (ADJP seasonally adjusted )ADJP annual selling rate )NP (PP of (NP (NP (QP 5.8 million )QP vehicles )NP , (NP (NP the lowest )NP (PP since (NP October 1987 )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )VP . )S 13 16 (S (NP Car sales )NP (VP fell (PP to (NP (NP a (ADJP (ADVP seasonally )ADVP adjusted )ADJP annual selling rate )NP (PP of (NP (NP (QP 5.8 million )QP vehicles )NP , (NP (NP the lowest )NP (PP since (NP October 1987 )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 13 14 (S (NP Car sales )NP (VP fell (PP to (NP (NP a (ADJP seasonally adjusted )ADJP annual selling rate )NP (PP of (NP (QP 5.8 million )QP vehicles )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP (NP the lowest )NP (PP since (NP October 1987 )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 50 8 11 (S (NP The poor performance )NP (VP contrasts (PP with (NP (NP a robust selling rate )NP (PP of (NP (NP (QP almost eight million )QP )NP (NP last month )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 8 10 (S (NP The poor performance )NP (VP contrasts (PP with (NP (NP a robust selling rate )NP (PP of (NP (NP almost eight million )NP (NP last month )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 8 11 (S (NP The poor performance )NP (VP contrasts (PP with (NP (NP a robust selling rate )NP (PP of (NP (NP (QP almost eight million )QP )NP (NP last month )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 8 11 (S (NP The poor performance )NP (VP contrasts (PP with (NP (NP a robust selling rate )NP (PP of (NP (NP (QP almost eight million )QP )NP (NP last month )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 7 10 (S (NP The poor performance )NP (VP contrasts (PP with (NP (NP a robust selling rate )NP (PP of (NP (QP almost eight million )QP )NP )PP )NP )PP (NP last month )NP )VP . )S 7 9 (S (NP The poor performance )NP (VP contrasts (PP with (NP (NP a robust selling rate )NP (PP of (NP almost eight million )NP )PP )NP )PP (NP last month )NP )VP . )S 9 10 (S (NP The poor performance )NP (VP contrasts (PP with (NP (NP a robust selling rate )NP (PP of (NP (QP almost eight million )QP )NP )PP (NP last month )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 9 9 (S (NP The poor performance )NP (VP contrasts (PP with (NP (NP a robust selling rate )NP (PP of (NP almost eight million )NP )PP (NP last month )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 8 10 (S (NP The poor performance )NP (VP contrasts (PP with (NP (NP a robust selling rate )NP (PP of (NP (NP almost eight million )NP (NP last month )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 8 10 (S (NP The poor performance )NP (VP contrasts (PP with (NP (NP a robust selling rate )NP (PP of (NP (NP almost eight million )NP (NP last month )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 9 11 (S (NP The poor performance )NP (VP contrasts (PP with (NP (NP (NP a robust selling rate )NP (PP of (NP (QP almost eight million )QP )NP )PP )NP (NP last month )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 6 9 (S (NP The poor performance )NP (VP contrasts (PP with (NP (NP a robust selling rate )NP (PP of (NP (QP almost eight million )QP last month )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 9 10 (S (NP The poor performance )NP (VP contrasts (PP with (NP (NP (NP a robust selling rate )NP (PP of (NP almost eight million )NP )PP )NP (NP last month )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 8 11 (S (NP The poor performance )NP (VP contrasts (PP with (NP (NP a robust selling rate )NP (PP of (NP (NP (QP almost eight million )QP )NP (NP last month )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 6 10 (S (NP The poor performance )NP (VP contrasts (PP with (NP a robust selling rate )NP )PP (PP of (NP (NP (QP almost eight million )QP )NP (NP last month )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 9 11 (S (NP The poor performance )NP (VP contrasts (PP with (NP (NP a robust selling rate )NP (PP of (NP (NP (QP almost eight )QP million )NP (NP last month )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 8 12 (S (NP The (ADJP poor )ADJP performance )NP (VP contrasts (PP with (NP (NP a robust selling rate )NP (PP of (NP (NP (QP almost eight million )QP )NP (NP last month )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 8 12 (S (NP The poor performance )NP (VP contrasts (PP with (NP (NP a (ADJP robust )ADJP selling rate )NP (PP of (NP (NP (QP almost eight million )QP )NP (NP last month )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 7 11 (S (NP The poor performance )NP (VP contrasts (PP (PP with (NP a robust selling rate )NP )PP (PP of (NP (NP (QP almost eight million )QP )NP (NP last month )NP )NP )PP )PP )VP . )S 9 10 (S (NP The poor performance )NP (VP contrasts (PP with (NP (NP a robust selling rate )NP (PP of (NP (QP almost eight million )QP )NP )PP (NP last month )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 8 12 (S (NP The poor performance )NP (VP contrasts (PP with (S (NP (NP a robust selling rate )NP (PP of (NP (NP (QP almost eight million )QP )NP (NP last month )NP )NP )PP )NP )S )PP )VP . )S 8 10 (S (NP The poor performance )NP (VP contrasts (PP with (NP (NP a robust selling rate )NP (PP of (NP (NP almost eight million )NP (NP last month )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 7 10 (S (NP The poor performance )NP (VP contrasts (PP with (NP a robust selling rate )NP (PP of (NP (NP (QP almost eight million )QP )NP (NP last month )NP )NP )PP )PP )VP . )S 6 9 (S (NP The poor performance )NP (VP contrasts (PP with (NP a robust selling rate )NP )PP (PP of (NP (NP almost eight million )NP (NP last month )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 9 9 (S (NP The poor performance )NP (VP contrasts (PP with (NP (NP a robust selling rate )NP (PP of (NP almost eight million )NP )PP (NP last month )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 7 10 (S (NP The poor performance )NP (VP contrasts (PP with (NP (NP a robust selling rate )NP (PP of (NP (NP (QP almost eight million )QP )NP last month )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 8 12 (S (NP The poor performance )NP (VP contrasts (PP with (NP (NP a robust (NX selling rate )NX )NP (PP of (NP (NP (QP almost eight million )QP )NP (NP last month )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 9 10 (S (NP The poor performance )NP (VP contrasts (PP with (NP (NP a robust selling rate )NP (PP of (NP (QP almost eight million )QP )NP )PP (NP last month )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 8 11 (S (NP The (ADJP poor )ADJP performance )NP (VP contrasts (PP with (NP (NP a robust selling rate )NP (PP of (NP (NP almost eight million )NP (NP last month )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 7 10 (S (NP The poor performance )NP (VP contrasts (PP with (NP (NP a robust selling rate )NP (PP of (NP (QP almost eight million )QP )NP )PP )NP )PP (NP last month )NP )VP . )S 7 10 (S (NP The poor performance )NP (VP contrasts (PP with (NP (NP a robust selling rate )NP (PP of (NP (QP almost eight million )QP )NP )PP )NP )PP (NP last month )NP )VP . )S 8 12 (S (NP The poor performance )NP (VP contrasts (PP with (NP (NP a robust selling rate )NP (PP of (NP (NP (ADVP almost )ADVP (QP eight million )QP )NP (NP last month )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 8 11 (S (NP The poor performance )NP (VP contrasts (PP with (NP (NP a robust selling rate )NP (PP of (NP (NP (QP almost eight million )QP )NP (NP last month )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 8 11 (S (NP The poor performance )NP (VP contrasts (PP with (NP (NP a (ADJP robust )ADJP selling rate )NP (PP of (NP (NP almost eight million )NP (NP last month )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 9 9 (S (NP The poor performance )NP (VP contrasts (PP with (NP (NP a robust selling rate )NP (PP of (NP almost eight million )NP )PP (NP last month )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 7 9 (S (NP The poor performance )NP (VP contrasts (PP with (NP (NP a robust selling rate )NP (PP of (NP almost eight million )NP )PP )NP )PP (NP last month )NP )VP . )S 7 9 (S (NP The poor performance )NP (VP contrasts (PP with (NP (NP a robust selling rate )NP (PP of (NP almost eight million )NP )PP )NP )PP (NP last month )NP )VP . )S 7 10 (S (NP The poor performance )NP (VP contrasts (PP (PP with (NP a robust selling rate )NP )PP (PP of (NP (NP almost eight million )NP (NP last month )NP )NP )PP )PP )VP . )S 8 12 (S (NP The poor performance )NP (VP contrasts (PP with (NP (NP a robust (NX selling rate )NX )NP (PP of (NP (NP (QP almost eight million )QP )NP (NP last month )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 8 11 (S (NP The poor performance )NP (VP contrasts (PP with (S (NP (NP a robust selling rate )NP (PP of (NP (NP almost eight million )NP (NP last month )NP )NP )PP )NP )S )PP )VP . )S 7 9 (S (NP The poor performance )NP (VP contrasts (PP with (NP a robust selling rate )NP (PP of (NP (NP almost eight million )NP (NP last month )NP )NP )PP )PP )VP . )S 7 9 (S (NP The poor performance )NP (VP contrasts (PP with (NP (NP a robust selling rate )NP (PP of (NP (NP almost eight million )NP last month )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 6 10 (S (NP The poor performance )NP (VP contrasts (PP with (NP a robust selling rate )NP )PP (PP of (NP (NP (QP almost eight million )QP )NP (NP last month )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 8 10 (S (NP The poor performance )NP (VP contrasts (PP with (NP (NP a robust selling rate )NP (PP of (NP (QP almost eight million )QP )NP (NP last month )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 6 10 (S (NP The poor performance )NP (VP contrasts (PP with (NP (NP a robust selling rate )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP (QP almost eight million )QP )ADJP last month )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 9 11 (S (NP The poor performance )NP (VP contrasts (PP with (NP (NP (NP a robust selling rate )NP (PP of (NP (QP almost eight million )QP )NP )PP )NP (NP last month )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 8 12 (S (NP The poor performance )NP (VP contrasts (PP with (NP (NP (NP a )NP robust selling rate )NP (PP of (NP (NP (QP almost eight million )QP )NP (NP last month )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 8 11 (S (NP The poor performance )NP (VP contrasts (PP with (NP (NP a robust (NX selling rate )NX )NP (PP of (NP (NP almost eight million )NP (NP last month )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 8 12 (S (NP The poor performance )NP (VP contrasts (PP with (NP (NP a (ADJP robust )ADJP selling rate )NP (PP of (NP (NP (QP almost eight million )QP )NP (NP last month )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 8 12 (S (NP The poor performance )NP (VP contrasts (PP with (NP (NP (NP a robust )NP selling rate )NP (PP of (NP (NP (QP almost eight million )QP )NP (NP last month )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 50 18 20 (S (ADVP Furthermore )ADVP , (NP (NP dealers )NP (VP contacted (NP late last week )NP )VP )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP could n't (VP see (NP (NP any immediate impact )NP (PP on (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP (NP Friday 's )NP steep market decline )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 18 20 (S (ADVP Furthermore )ADVP , (NP (NP dealers )NP (VP contacted (NP late last week )NP )VP )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP could n't (VP see (NP (NP any immediate impact )NP (PP on (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP (NP Friday 's )NP steep market decline )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 16 21 (S (ADVP Furthermore )ADVP , (NP dealers )NP (VP contacted (SBAR (S (NP late last week )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP could n't (VP see (NP (NP any immediate impact )NP (PP on (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP (NP Friday 's )NP steep market decline )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 19 19 (S (ADVP Furthermore )ADVP , (NP (NP dealers )NP (VP contacted (NP late last week )NP )VP )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP could n't (VP see (NP (NP any immediate impact )NP (PP on (NP sales )NP )PP (PP of (NP (NP Friday 's )NP steep market decline )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 17 21 (S (ADVP Furthermore )ADVP , (NP (NP dealers )NP (VP contacted (ADVP late )ADVP (NP last week )NP )VP )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP could n't (VP see (NP (NP any immediate impact )NP (PP on (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP (NP Friday 's )NP steep market decline )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 18 20 (S (ADVP Furthermore )ADVP , (NP (NP dealers )NP (VP contacted (NP late last week )NP )VP )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP could n't (VP see (NP (NP any immediate impact )NP (PP on (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP (NP Friday 's )NP steep market decline )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 17 19 (S (ADVP Furthermore )ADVP , (NP (NP dealers )NP (VP contacted (NP late last week )NP )VP )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP could n't (VP see (NP any immediate impact )NP (PP on (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP (NP Friday 's )NP steep market decline )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 19 19 (S (ADVP Furthermore )ADVP , (NP (NP dealers )NP (VP contacted (NP late last week )NP )VP )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP could n't (VP see (NP (NP any immediate impact )NP (PP on (NP sales )NP )PP (PP of (NP (NP Friday 's )NP steep market decline )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 16 21 (S (ADVP Furthermore )ADVP , (NP dealers )NP (VP contacted (SBAR (S (NP late last week )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP could n't (VP see (NP (NP any immediate impact )NP (PP on (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP (NP Friday 's )NP steep market decline )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 16 20 (S (ADVP Furthermore )ADVP , (NP (NP dealers )NP (VP contacted )VP )NP (NP late last week )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP could n't (VP see (NP (NP any immediate impact )NP (PP on (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP (NP Friday 's )NP steep market decline )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 17 20 (S (ADVP Furthermore )ADVP , (NP dealers )NP (VP contacted (SBAR (S (NP late last week )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP could n't (VP see (NP (NP any immediate impact )NP (PP on (NP sales )NP )PP (PP of (NP (NP Friday 's )NP steep market decline )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 18 20 (S (ADVP Furthermore )ADVP , (NP (NP dealers )NP (VP contacted (NP late last week )NP )VP )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP could n't (VP see (NP (NP any immediate impact )NP (PP on (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP (NP Friday 's )NP steep market decline )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 18 19 (S (ADVP Furthermore )ADVP , (NP (NP dealers )NP (VP contacted (NP late last week )NP )VP )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP could n't (VP see (NP (NP any immediate impact )NP (PP on (NP sales )NP )PP )NP (PP of (NP (NP Friday 's )NP steep market decline )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 18 20 (S (ADVP Furthermore )ADVP , (NP (NP dealers )NP (VP contacted (ADVP late )ADVP (NP last week )NP )VP )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP could n't (VP see (NP (NP any immediate impact )NP (PP on (NP sales )NP )PP (PP of (NP (NP Friday 's )NP steep market decline )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 17 19 (S (ADVP Furthermore )ADVP , (NP (NP dealers )NP (VP contacted (NP late last week )NP )VP )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP could n't (VP see (NP any immediate impact )NP (PP on (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP (NP Friday 's )NP steep market decline )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 19 19 (S (ADVP Furthermore )ADVP , (NP (NP dealers )NP (VP contacted (NP late last week )NP )VP )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP could n't (VP see (NP (NP any immediate impact )NP (PP on (NP sales )NP )PP (PP of (NP (NP Friday 's )NP steep market decline )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 18 20 (S (ADVP Furthermore )ADVP , (NP (NP dealers )NP (VP contacted (NP late last week )NP )VP )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP could n't (VP see (NP (NP any immediate impact )NP (PP on (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP (NP Friday 's )NP steep market decline )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 15 20 (S (ADVP Furthermore )ADVP , (NP dealers )NP (VP contacted (SBAR (S (NP late last week )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP could n't (VP see (NP any immediate impact )NP (PP on (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP (NP Friday 's )NP steep market decline )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 15 21 (S (ADVP Furthermore )ADVP , (NP (NP dealers )NP (VP contacted (ADVP late )ADVP )VP )NP (NP last week )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP could n't (VP see (NP (NP any immediate impact )NP (PP on (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP (NP Friday 's )NP steep market decline )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 15 18 (S (ADVP Furthermore )ADVP , (NP dealers )NP (NP contacted late last week )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP could n't (VP see (NP (NP any immediate impact )NP (PP on (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP (NP Friday 's )NP steep market decline )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 17 20 (S (INTJ Furthermore )INTJ , (NP (NP dealers )NP (VP contacted (NP late last week )NP )VP )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP could n't (VP see (NP (NP any immediate impact )NP (PP on (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP (NP Friday 's )NP steep market decline )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 16 20 (S (ADVP Furthermore )ADVP , (NP (NP dealers )NP (VP contacted )VP )NP (NP late last week )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP could n't (VP see (NP (NP any immediate impact )NP (PP on (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP (NP Friday 's )NP steep market decline )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 16 20 (S (ADVP Furthermore )ADVP , (NP (NP dealers )NP (VP contacted (ADVP late )ADVP (NP last week )NP )VP )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP could n't (VP see (NP any immediate impact )NP (PP on (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP (NP Friday 's )NP steep market decline )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 17 20 (S (ADVP Furthermore )ADVP , (NP dealers )NP (VP contacted (SBAR (S (NP late last week )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP could n't (VP see (NP (NP any immediate impact )NP (PP on (NP sales )NP )PP (PP of (NP (NP Friday 's )NP steep market decline )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 18 19 (S (ADVP Furthermore )ADVP , (NP (NP dealers )NP (VP contacted (NP late last week )NP )VP )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP could n't (VP see (NP (NP any immediate impact )NP (PP on (NP sales )NP )PP )NP (PP of (NP (NP Friday 's )NP steep market decline )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 15 18 (S (ADVP Furthermore )ADVP , (NP dealers )NP (NP contacted late last week )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP could n't (VP see (NP (NP any immediate impact )NP (PP on (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP (NP Friday 's )NP steep market decline )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 16 20 (S (ADVP Furthermore )ADVP , (NP dealers )NP (VP contacted (S (NP late last week )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP could n't (VP see (NP (NP any immediate impact )NP (PP on (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP (NP Friday 's )NP steep market decline )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )VP . )S 17 19 (S (ADVP Furthermore )ADVP , (NP (NP dealers )NP (VP contacted (NP late last week )NP )VP )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP could n't (VP see (NP any immediate impact )NP (PP on (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP (NP Friday 's )NP steep market decline )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 18 21 (S (ADVP Furthermore )ADVP , (NP (NP dealers )NP (VP contacted (NP late last week )NP )VP )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP could n't (VP see (S (NP (NP any immediate impact )NP (PP on (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP (NP Friday 's )NP steep market decline )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 17 19 (S (ADVP Furthermore )ADVP , (NP (NP dealers )NP (VP contacted )VP )NP (NP late last week )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP could n't (VP see (NP (NP any immediate impact )NP (PP on (NP sales )NP )PP (PP of (NP (NP Friday 's )NP steep market decline )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 17 21 (S (ADVP Furthermore )ADVP , (NP (NP dealers )NP (VP contacted (ADVP late )ADVP (NP last week )NP )VP )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP could n't (VP see (NP (NP any immediate impact )NP (PP on (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP (NP Friday 's )NP steep market decline )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 16 20 (S (ADVP Furthermore )ADVP , (NP dealers )NP (VP contacted (NP late last week )NP (S (VP said (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP could n't (VP see (NP (NP any immediate impact )NP (PP on (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP (NP Friday 's )NP steep market decline )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )VP . )S 15 21 (S (ADVP Furthermore )ADVP , (NP dealers )NP (VP contacted (SBAR late (S (NP last week )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP could n't (VP see (NP (NP any immediate impact )NP (PP on (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP (NP Friday 's )NP steep market decline )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 16 20 (S (ADVP Furthermore )ADVP , (NP dealers )NP (VP contacted (SBAR (S (NP late last week )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP could n't (VP see (NP (NP any immediate impact )NP (PP on (NP sales )NP )PP )NP (PP of (NP (NP Friday 's )NP steep market decline )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 19 19 (S (ADVP Furthermore )ADVP , (NP (NP dealers )NP (VP contacted (NP late last week )NP )VP )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP could n't (VP see (NP (NP any immediate impact )NP (PP on (NP sales )NP )PP (PP of (NP (NP Friday 's )NP steep market decline )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 16 19 (S (ADVP Furthermore )ADVP , (NP dealers )NP (VP contacted (NP late last week )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP could n't (VP see (NP (NP any immediate impact )NP (PP on (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP (NP Friday 's )NP steep market decline )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 16 19 (S (ADVP Furthermore )ADVP , (NP dealers )NP (VP contacted (NP late last week )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP could n't (VP see (NP (NP any immediate impact )NP (PP on (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP (NP Friday 's )NP steep market decline )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 18 20 (S (ADVP Furthermore )ADVP , (NP (NP dealers )NP (VP contacted (NP late last week )NP )VP )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP could n't (VP see (NP (NP any immediate impact )NP (PP on (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP (NP Friday 's )NP steep market decline )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 17 20 (S (ADVP Furthermore )ADVP , (S (NP dealers )NP (VP contacted (NP late last week )NP )VP )S (VP said (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP could n't (VP see (NP (NP any immediate impact )NP (PP on (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP (NP Friday 's )NP steep market decline )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 17 20 (S (ADVP Furthermore )ADVP , (NP (NP dealers )NP (VP contacted (ADVP late )ADVP (NP last week )NP )VP )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP could n't (VP see (NP (NP any immediate impact )NP (PP on (NP sales )NP )PP )NP (PP of (NP (NP Friday 's )NP steep market decline )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 18 22 (S (ADVP Furthermore )ADVP , (NP (NP dealers )NP (SBAR (S (VP contacted (NP late last week )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP could n't (VP see (NP (NP any immediate impact )NP (PP on (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP (NP Friday 's )NP steep market decline )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 15 20 (S (ADVP Furthermore )ADVP , (NP dealers )NP (VP contacted (SBAR (S (NP late last week )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP could n't (VP see (NP any immediate impact )NP (PP on (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP (NP Friday 's )NP steep market decline )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 17 20 (S (INTJ Furthermore )INTJ , (NP (NP dealers )NP (VP contacted (NP late last week )NP )VP )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP could n't (VP see (NP (NP any immediate impact )NP (PP on (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP (NP Friday 's )NP steep market decline )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 17 20 (S (ADVP Furthermore )ADVP , (NP dealers (S (VP contacted (NP late last week )NP )VP )S )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP could n't (VP see (NP (NP any immediate impact )NP (PP on (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP (NP Friday 's )NP steep market decline )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 17 19 (S (ADVP Furthermore )ADVP , (NP dealers )NP (VP contacted (NP late last week )NP )VP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP could n't (VP see (NP (NP any immediate impact )NP (PP on (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP (NP Friday 's )NP steep market decline )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 16 21 (S (ADVP Furthermore )ADVP , (NP dealers )NP (VP contacted (SBAR (S (NP late last week )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP could n't (VP see (NP (NP any immediate impact )NP (PP on (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP (NP Friday 's )NP steep market decline )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 18 19 (S (ADVP Furthermore )ADVP , (NP (NP dealers )NP (VP contacted (NP late last week )NP )VP )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP could n't (VP see (NP (NP any immediate impact )NP (PP on (NP sales )NP )PP )NP (PP of (NP (NP Friday 's )NP steep market decline )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 15 19 (S (ADVP Furthermore )ADVP , (NP (NP dealers )NP (VP contacted )VP )NP (NP late last week )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP could n't (VP see (NP any immediate impact )NP (PP on (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP (NP Friday 's )NP steep market decline )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 19 19 (S (ADVP Furthermore )ADVP , (NP (NP dealers )NP (VP contacted (NP late last week )NP )VP )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP could n't (VP see (NP (NP any immediate impact )NP (PP on (NP sales )NP )PP (PP of (NP (NP Friday 's )NP steep market decline )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 15 21 (S (INTJ Furthermore )INTJ , (NP dealers )NP (VP contacted (SBAR (S (NP late last week )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP could n't (VP see (NP (NP any immediate impact )NP (PP on (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP (NP Friday 's )NP steep market decline )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 50 16 16 (S (S (NP (NP GM 's )NP domestic car sales )NP (VP dropped (NP 24.3 % )NP )VP )S and (S (NP its domestic trucks )NP (VP were (ADVP down (NP an (ADJP even steeper )ADJP 28.7 % )NP (PP from (NP the same period )NP (ADVP (NP a year )NP ago )ADVP )PP )ADVP )VP )S . )S 16 16 (S (S (NP (NP GM 's )NP domestic car sales )NP (VP dropped (NP 24.3 % )NP )VP )S and (S (NP its domestic trucks )NP (VP were (ADVP down (NP an (ADJP even steeper )ADJP 28.7 % )NP (PP from (NP the same period )NP (ADVP (NP a year )NP ago )ADVP )PP )ADVP )VP )S . )S 16 16 (S (S (NP (NP GM 's )NP domestic car sales )NP (VP dropped (NP 24.3 % )NP )VP )S and (S (NP its domestic trucks )NP (VP were (ADVP down (NP an (ADJP even steeper )ADJP 28.7 % )NP (PP from (NP the same period )NP (ADVP (NP a year )NP ago )ADVP )PP )ADVP )VP )S . )S 16 16 (S (S (NP (NP GM 's )NP domestic car sales )NP (VP dropped (NP 24.3 % )NP )VP )S and (S (NP its domestic trucks )NP (VP were (ADVP down (NP an (ADJP even steeper )ADJP 28.7 % )NP (PP from (NP the same period )NP (ADVP (NP a year )NP ago )ADVP )PP )ADVP )VP )S . )S 17 17 (S (S (NP (NP GM 's )NP domestic car sales )NP (VP dropped (NP 24.3 % )NP )VP )S and (S (NP its domestic trucks )NP (VP were (ADVP down (NP an (ADJP even steeper )ADJP 28.7 % )NP (PP from (NP (NP the same period )NP (ADVP (NP a year )NP ago )ADVP )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )S . )S 15 16 (S (S (NP (NP GM 's )NP domestic car sales )NP (VP dropped (NP 24.3 % )NP )VP )S and (S (NP its domestic trucks )NP (VP were (ADVP down (NP an (ADJP even steeper )ADJP 28.7 % )NP )ADVP (PP from (NP the same period )NP (ADVP (NP a year )NP ago )ADVP )PP )VP )S . )S 14 16 (S (NP (NP GM 's )NP domestic car sales )NP (VP dropped (NP 24.3 % )NP (SBAR and (S (NP its domestic trucks )NP (VP were (ADVP down (NP an (ADJP even steeper )ADJP 28.7 % )NP (PP from (NP the same period )NP (ADVP (NP a year )NP ago )ADVP )PP )ADVP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 15 16 (S (S (NP (NP GM 's )NP domestic car sales )NP (VP dropped (NP 24.3 % )NP )VP )S and (S (NP its domestic trucks )NP (VP were (ADVP down (NP an (ADJP even steeper )ADJP 28.7 % )NP )ADVP (PP from (NP the same period )NP (ADVP (NP a year )NP ago )ADVP )PP )VP )S . )S 14 16 (S (NP (NP GM 's )NP domestic car sales )NP (VP dropped (NP 24.3 % )NP (SBAR and (S (NP its domestic trucks )NP (VP were (ADVP down (NP an (ADJP even steeper )ADJP 28.7 % )NP (PP from (NP the same period )NP (ADVP (NP a year )NP ago )ADVP )PP )ADVP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 15 16 (S (S (NP (NP GM 's )NP domestic car sales )NP (VP dropped (NP 24.3 % )NP )VP )S and (S (NP its domestic trucks )NP (VP were (ADVP down (NP an (ADJP even steeper )ADJP 28.7 % )NP )ADVP (PP from (NP the same period )NP (ADVP (NP a year )NP ago )ADVP )PP )VP )S . )S 14 17 (S (S (NP (NP GM 's )NP domestic car sales )NP (VP dropped (NP 24.3 % )NP )VP )S and (S (NP its domestic trucks )NP (VP were (ADVP down (NP an (ADJP even steeper )ADJP 28.7 % )NP (PP from (NP the same period )NP )PP )ADVP (VP (ADVP (NP a year )NP ago )ADVP )VP )VP )S . )S 16 17 (S (S (NP (NP GM 's )NP domestic car sales )NP (VP dropped (NP 24.3 % )NP )VP )S and (S (NP its domestic trucks )NP (VP were (ADVP (ADVP down (NP an (ADJP even steeper )ADJP 28.7 % )NP )ADVP (PP from (NP the same period )NP (ADVP (NP a year )NP ago )ADVP )PP )ADVP )VP )S . )S 14 16 (S (S (NP (NP GM 's )NP domestic car sales )NP (VP dropped (NP 24.3 % )NP )VP )S and (S (NP its domestic trucks )NP (VP were (ADVP down (NP an (ADJP even steeper )ADJP 28.7 % )NP (PP from (NP the same period )NP )PP )ADVP (ADVP (NP a year )NP ago )ADVP )VP )S . )S 14 16 (S (S (NP (NP GM 's )NP domestic car sales )NP (VP dropped (NP 24.3 % )NP )VP )S and (S (NP its domestic trucks )NP (VP were (ADVP down (NP an (ADJP even steeper )ADJP 28.7 % )NP (PP from (NP the same period )NP )PP )ADVP (ADVP (NP a year )NP ago )ADVP )VP )S . )S 17 17 (S (S (NP (NP GM 's )NP domestic car sales )NP (VP dropped (NP 24.3 % )NP )VP )S and (S (NP its domestic trucks )NP (VP were (ADVP down (NP an (ADJP even steeper )ADJP 28.7 % )NP (PP from (NP (NP the same period )NP (ADVP (NP a year )NP ago )ADVP )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )S . )S 15 16 (S (S (NP (NP GM 's )NP domestic car sales )NP (VP dropped (NP 24.3 % )NP )VP )S and (S (NP its domestic trucks )NP (VP were (ADVP down (NP an (ADJP even steeper )ADJP 28.7 % )NP )ADVP (PP from (NP the same period )NP (ADVP (NP a year )NP ago )ADVP )PP )VP )S . )S 16 17 (S (S (NP (NP GM 's )NP domestic car sales )NP (VP dropped (NP 24.3 % )NP )VP )S and (S (NP its domestic trucks )NP (VP were (ADVP down (NP an (ADJP (ADVP even )ADVP steeper )ADJP 28.7 % )NP (PP from (NP the same period )NP (ADVP (NP a year )NP ago )ADVP )PP )ADVP )VP )S . )S 16 17 (S (S (NP (NP GM 's )NP domestic car sales )NP (VP dropped (NP 24.3 % )NP )VP )S and (S (NP its domestic trucks )NP (VP were (ADVP (ADVP down (NP an (ADJP even steeper )ADJP 28.7 % )NP )ADVP (PP from (NP the same period )NP (ADVP (NP a year )NP ago )ADVP )PP )ADVP )VP )S . )S 16 16 (S (S (NP (NP GM 's )NP domestic car sales )NP (VP dropped (NP 24.3 % )NP )VP )S and (S (NP its domestic trucks )NP (VP were (ADVP down (NP an (ADJP even steeper )ADJP 28.7 % )NP (PP from (NP the same period )NP (ADVP (NP a year )NP ago )ADVP )PP )ADVP )VP )S . )S 17 17 (S (S (NP (NP GM 's )NP domestic car sales )NP (VP dropped (NP 24.3 % )NP )VP )S and (S (NP its domestic trucks )NP (VP were (ADVP down (NP an (ADJP even steeper )ADJP 28.7 % )NP (PP from (NP (NP the same period )NP (ADVP (NP a year )NP ago )ADVP )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )S . )S 14 16 (S (NP (NP GM 's )NP domestic car sales )NP (VP dropped (NP 24.3 % )NP (SBAR and (S (NP its domestic trucks )NP (VP were (ADVP down (NP an (ADJP even steeper )ADJP 28.7 % )NP (PP from (NP the same period )NP (ADVP (NP a year )NP ago )ADVP )PP )ADVP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 13 17 (S (NP (NP GM 's )NP domestic car sales )NP (VP dropped (SBAR (S (NP (NP 24.3 % )NP and (NP its domestic trucks )NP )NP (VP were (ADVP down (NP an (ADJP even steeper )ADJP 28.7 % )NP (PP from (NP the same period )NP (ADVP (NP a year )NP ago )ADVP )PP )ADVP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 16 17 (S (S (NP (NP GM 's )NP domestic car sales )NP (VP dropped (NP 24.3 % )NP )VP )S and (S (NP its domestic trucks )NP (VP were (ADVP down (NP an (ADJP (ADVP even )ADVP steeper )ADJP 28.7 % )NP (PP from (NP the same period )NP (ADVP (NP a year )NP ago )ADVP )PP )ADVP )VP )S . )S 16 16 (S (S (NP (NP GM 's )NP domestic car sales )NP (VP dropped (NP 24.3 % )NP )VP )S and (S (NP its domestic trucks )NP (VP were (ADVP down (NP an (ADJP even steeper )ADJP 28.7 % )NP (PP from (NP the same period )NP (ADVP (NP a year )NP ago )ADVP )PP )ADVP )VP )S . )S 14 16 (S (NP (NP GM 's )NP domestic car sales )NP (VP dropped (NP 24.3 % )NP (SBAR and (S (NP its domestic trucks )NP (VP were (ADVP down (NP an (ADJP even steeper )ADJP 28.7 % )NP (PP from (NP the same period )NP (ADVP (NP a year )NP ago )ADVP )PP )ADVP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 14 17 (S (NP (NP GM 's )NP domestic car sales )NP (VP dropped (NP 24.3 % )NP (SBAR (S and (S (NP its domestic trucks )NP (VP were (ADVP down (NP an (ADJP even steeper )ADJP 28.7 % )NP (PP from (NP the same period )NP (ADVP (NP a year )NP ago )ADVP )PP )ADVP )VP )S )S )SBAR )VP . )S 16 17 (S (S (NP (NP GM 's )NP domestic car sales )NP (VP dropped (NP 24.3 % )NP )VP )S and (S (NP its domestic trucks )NP (VP were (ADVP down (NP an (ADJP even steeper )ADJP 28.7 % )NP )ADVP (PP from (NP (NP the same period )NP (ADVP (NP a year )NP ago )ADVP )NP )PP )VP )S . )S 13 17 (S (NP (NP GM 's )NP domestic car sales )NP (VP dropped (SBAR (S (NP (NP 24.3 % )NP and (NP its domestic trucks )NP )NP (VP were (ADVP down (NP an (ADJP even steeper )ADJP 28.7 % )NP (PP from (NP the same period )NP (ADVP (NP a year )NP ago )ADVP )PP )ADVP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 16 17 (S (S (NP (NP GM 's )NP domestic car sales )NP (VP dropped (NP (QP 24.3 % )QP )NP )VP )S and (S (NP its domestic trucks )NP (VP were (ADVP down (NP an (ADJP even steeper )ADJP 28.7 % )NP (PP from (NP the same period )NP (ADVP (NP a year )NP ago )ADVP )PP )ADVP )VP )S . )S 16 17 (S (S (NP (NP GM 's )NP domestic car sales )NP (VP dropped (NP 24.3 % )NP )VP )S and (S (NP its domestic trucks )NP (VP were (VP (ADVP down (NP an (ADJP even steeper )ADJP 28.7 % )NP (PP from (NP the same period )NP (ADVP (NP a year )NP ago )ADVP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )S . )S 15 17 (S (S (NP (NP GM 's )NP domestic car sales )NP (VP dropped (NP 24.3 % )NP )VP )S and (S (NP its domestic trucks )NP (VP were (ADVP down (NP an (ADJP even steeper )ADJP 28.7 % )NP (PP from (NP (NP the same period )NP (NP a year )NP )NP (ADVP ago )ADVP )PP )ADVP )VP )S . )S 14 17 (S (S (NP (NP GM 's )NP domestic car sales )NP (VP dropped (NP 24.3 % )NP )VP )S and (S (NP its domestic trucks )NP (VP were (ADVP down (NP an (ADJP even steeper )ADJP 28.7 % )NP (PP from (NP the same period )NP )PP )ADVP (VP (ADVP (NP a year )NP ago )ADVP )VP )VP )S . )S 14 16 (S (S (NP (NP GM 's )NP domestic car sales )NP (VP dropped (NP 24.3 % )NP )VP )S and (S (NP its domestic trucks )NP (VP were (ADVP down (NP an (ADJP even steeper )ADJP 28.7 % )NP (PP from (NP the same period )NP )PP )ADVP (ADVP (NP a year )NP ago )ADVP )VP )S . )S 14 16 (S (S (NP (NP GM 's )NP domestic car sales )NP (VP dropped (NP 24.3 % )NP )VP )S and (S (NP its domestic trucks )NP (VP were (ADVP down (NP an (ADJP even steeper )ADJP 28.7 % )NP (PP from (NP the same period )NP )PP )ADVP (ADVP (NP a year )NP ago )ADVP )VP )S . )S 14 17 (S (NP (NP GM 's )NP domestic car sales )NP (VP dropped (NP 24.3 % )NP (SBAR (S and (S (NP its domestic trucks )NP (VP were (ADVP down (NP an (ADJP even steeper )ADJP 28.7 % )NP (PP from (NP the same period )NP (ADVP (NP a year )NP ago )ADVP )PP )ADVP )VP )S )S )SBAR )VP . )S 15 15 (S (S (NP GM 's domestic car sales )NP (VP dropped (NP 24.3 % )NP )VP )S and (S (NP its domestic trucks )NP (VP were (ADVP down (NP an (ADJP even steeper )ADJP 28.7 % )NP (PP from (NP the same period )NP (ADVP (NP a year )NP ago )ADVP )PP )ADVP )VP )S . )S 16 17 (S (S (NP (NP GM 's )NP domestic car sales )NP (VP dropped (NP (QP 24.3 % )QP )NP )VP )S and (S (NP its domestic trucks )NP (VP were (ADVP down (NP an (ADJP even steeper )ADJP 28.7 % )NP (PP from (NP the same period )NP (ADVP (NP a year )NP ago )ADVP )PP )ADVP )VP )S . )S 16 17 (S (S (NP (NP GM 's )NP domestic car sales )NP (VP dropped (NP 24.3 % )NP )VP )S and (S (NP its domestic trucks )NP (VP were (VP (ADVP down (NP an (ADJP even steeper )ADJP 28.7 % )NP (PP from (NP the same period )NP (ADVP (NP a year )NP ago )ADVP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )S . )S 16 17 (S (S (NP (NP GM 's )NP domestic car sales )NP (VP dropped (NP 24.3 % )NP )VP )S and (S (NP its domestic trucks )NP (VP were (ADVP down (NP an (ADJP (ADVP even )ADVP steeper )ADJP 28.7 % )NP (PP from (NP the same period )NP (ADVP (NP a year )NP ago )ADVP )PP )ADVP )VP )S . )S 13 16 (S (NP (NP GM 's )NP domestic car sales )NP (VP dropped (NP 24.3 % )NP (SBAR (S and (NP its domestic trucks )NP (VP were (ADVP down (NP an (ADJP even steeper )ADJP 28.7 % )NP (PP from (NP the same period )NP (ADVP (NP a year )NP ago )ADVP )PP )ADVP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 15 17 (S (S (NP (NP GM 's )NP domestic car sales )NP (VP dropped (NP 24.3 )NP (NP % )NP )VP )S and (S (NP its domestic trucks )NP (VP were (ADVP down (NP an (ADJP even steeper )ADJP 28.7 % )NP (PP from (NP the same period )NP (ADVP (NP a year )NP ago )ADVP )PP )ADVP )VP )S . )S 16 16 (S (S (NP (NP GM 's )NP domestic car sales )NP (VP dropped (NP 24.3 % )NP )VP )S and (S (NP its domestic trucks )NP (VP were (ADVP down (NP an (ADJP even steeper )ADJP 28.7 % )NP (PP from (NP the same period )NP (ADVP (NP a year )NP ago )ADVP )PP )ADVP )VP )S . )S 15 15 (S (S (NP GM 's domestic car sales )NP (VP dropped (NP 24.3 % )NP )VP )S and (S (NP its domestic trucks )NP (VP were (ADVP down (NP an (ADJP even steeper )ADJP 28.7 % )NP (PP from (NP the same period )NP (ADVP (NP a year )NP ago )ADVP )PP )ADVP )VP )S . )S 16 17 (S (S (NP (NP GM 's )NP domestic car sales )NP (VP dropped (NP 24.3 % )NP )VP )S and (S (NP its domestic trucks )NP (VP were (ADVP down (NP an (ADJP even steeper )ADJP 28.7 % )NP )ADVP (PP from (NP (NP the same period )NP (ADVP (NP a year )NP ago )ADVP )NP )PP )VP )S . )S 13 17 (S (NP (NP GM 's )NP domestic car sales )NP (VP dropped (SBAR (S (NP (NP 24.3 % )NP and (NP its domestic trucks )NP )NP (VP were (ADVP down (NP an (ADJP even steeper )ADJP 28.7 % )NP (PP from (NP the same period )NP (ADVP (NP a year )NP ago )ADVP )PP )ADVP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 16 17 (S (S (NP (NP GM 's )NP (ADJP domestic )ADJP car sales )NP (VP dropped (NP 24.3 % )NP )VP )S and (S (NP its domestic trucks )NP (VP were (ADVP down (NP an (ADJP even steeper )ADJP 28.7 % )NP (PP from (NP the same period )NP (ADVP (NP a year )NP ago )ADVP )PP )ADVP )VP )S . )S 16 17 (S (S (NP (NP GM 's )NP domestic car sales )NP (VP dropped (NP 24.3 % )NP )VP )S and (S (NP its domestic trucks )NP (VP were (ADVP down (NP an (ADJP (ADVP even )ADVP steeper )ADJP 28.7 % )NP (PP from (NP the same period )NP (ADVP (NP a year )NP ago )ADVP )PP )ADVP )VP )S . )S 17 17 (S (S (NP (NP GM 's )NP domestic car sales )NP (VP dropped (NP 24.3 % )NP )VP )S and (S (NP its domestic trucks )NP (VP were (ADVP down (NP an (ADJP even steeper )ADJP 28.7 % )NP (PP from (NP (NP the same period )NP (ADVP (NP a year )NP ago )ADVP )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )S . )S 13 16 (S (NP (NP GM 's )NP domestic car sales )NP (VP dropped (NP 24.3 % )NP (SBAR (S and (NP its domestic trucks )NP (VP were (ADVP down (NP an (ADJP even steeper )ADJP 28.7 % )NP (PP from (NP the same period )NP (ADVP (NP a year )NP ago )ADVP )PP )ADVP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 15 17 (S (S (NP (NP GM 's )NP domestic car sales )NP (VP dropped (NP 24.3 )NP (NP % )NP )VP )S and (S (NP its domestic trucks )NP (VP were (ADVP down (NP an (ADJP even steeper )ADJP 28.7 % )NP (PP from (NP the same period )NP (ADVP (NP a year )NP ago )ADVP )PP )ADVP )VP )S . )S 50 9 9 (S (NP (NP All )NP (PP of (NP the GM divisions )NP )PP (PP except (NP Cadillac )NP )PP )NP (VP showed (NP big declines )NP )VP . )S 8 10 (S (NP (NP All )NP (PP of (NP (NP the GM divisions )NP (PP except (NP Cadillac )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP showed (NP big declines )NP )VP . )S 9 10 (S (NP (NP (NP All )NP (PP of (NP the GM divisions )NP )PP )NP (PP except (NP Cadillac )NP )PP )NP (VP showed (NP big declines )NP )VP . )S 9 9 (S (NP (NP All )NP (PP of (NP the GM divisions )NP )PP (PP except (NP Cadillac )NP )PP )NP (VP showed (NP big declines )NP )VP . )S 8 10 (S (NP (NP All )NP (PP of (NP (NP the GM divisions )NP (PP except (NP Cadillac )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP showed (NP big declines )NP )VP . )S 8 9 (S (NP (NP All )NP (PP of (NP the GM divisions )NP )PP )NP (PP except (NP Cadillac )NP )PP (VP showed (NP big declines )NP )VP . )S 8 10 (S (NP (NP All )NP (PP of (NP (NP the GM divisions )NP (PP except (NP Cadillac )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP showed (NP big declines )NP )VP . )S 9 10 (S (NP (NP All )NP (PP of (NP (NP the GM )NP divisions )NP )PP (PP except (NP Cadillac )NP )PP )NP (VP showed (NP big declines )NP )VP . )S 9 10 (S (NP (NP (NP All )NP (PP of (NP the GM divisions )NP )PP )NP (PP except (NP Cadillac )NP )PP )NP (VP showed (NP big declines )NP )VP . )S 9 10 (S (NP (NP All )NP (PP of (NP the (NP GM divisions )NP )NP )PP (PP except (NP Cadillac )NP )PP )NP (VP showed (NP big declines )NP )VP . )S 9 9 (S (NP (NP All )NP (PP of (NP the GM divisions )NP )PP (PP except (NP Cadillac )NP )PP )NP (VP showed (NP big declines )NP )VP . )S 5 11 (S (NP (NP All )NP (PP of (NP the GM )NP )PP )NP (VP divisions (SBAR except (S (NP Cadillac )NP (VP showed (NP big declines )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 9 9 (S (NP (NP All )NP (PP of (NP the GM divisions )NP )PP (PP except (NP Cadillac )NP )PP )NP (VP showed (NP big declines )NP )VP . )S 8 10 (S (NP (NP All )NP (PP of (NP (NP the GM divisions )NP (PP except (NP Cadillac )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP showed (NP big declines )NP )VP . )S 9 9 (S (NP (NP All )NP (PP of (NP the GM divisions )NP )PP (PP except (NP Cadillac )NP )PP )NP (VP showed (NP big declines )NP )VP . )S 8 9 (S (NP (NP All (PP of (NP the GM divisions )NP )PP )NP (PP except (NP Cadillac )NP )PP )NP (VP showed (NP big declines )NP )VP . )S 9 10 (S (NP (NP All )NP (PP of (NP the GM divisions )NP )PP (PP except (NP Cadillac )NP )PP )NP (VP showed (NP (ADJP big )ADJP declines )NP )VP . )S 9 10 (S (NP (NP (NP All )NP (PP of (NP the GM divisions )NP )PP )NP (PP except (NP Cadillac )NP )PP )NP (VP showed (NP big declines )NP )VP . )S 7 10 (S (NP (NP All )NP (PP of (NP (NP the GM divisions )NP (ADVP except (NP Cadillac )NP )ADVP )NP )PP )NP (VP showed (NP big declines )NP )VP . )S 9 10 (S (NP (NP (NP All )NP (PP of (NP the GM divisions )NP )PP )NP (PP except (NP Cadillac )NP )PP )NP (VP showed (NP big declines )NP )VP . )S 9 10 (S (NP (NP All )NP (PP of (NP the (NX GM divisions )NX )NP )PP (PP except (NP Cadillac )NP )PP )NP (VP showed (NP big declines )NP )VP . )S 8 10 (S (NP (NP All )NP (PP of (NP (NP the GM divisions )NP (PP except (NP Cadillac )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP showed (NP big declines )NP )VP . )S 9 10 (S (NP (NP All )NP (PP of (NP the GM divisions )NP )PP (PP except (NP Cadillac )NP )PP )NP (VP showed (S (NP big declines )NP )S )VP . )S 7 9 (S (NP (NP All )NP (PP of (NP the GM divisions )NP )PP )NP (VP (PP except (NP Cadillac )NP )PP showed (NP big declines )NP )VP . )S 7 9 (S (NP All (PP of (NP (NP the GM divisions )NP (PP except (NP Cadillac )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP showed (NP big declines )NP )VP . )S 9 10 (S (NP (NP (NP All )NP (PP of (NP the GM divisions )NP )PP )NP (PP except (NP Cadillac )NP )PP )NP (VP showed (NP big declines )NP )VP . )S 9 11 (S (NP (NP (NP All )NP (PP of (NP (NP the GM )NP divisions )NP )PP )NP (PP except (NP Cadillac )NP )PP )NP (VP showed (NP big declines )NP )VP . )S 8 10 (S (NP (NP All )NP (PP of (NP the GM divisions )NP )PP (PP except (NP Cadillac )NP )PP )NP (VP showed (NP big )NP (NP declines )NP )VP . )S 9 11 (S (NP (NP All )NP (PP of (NP the GM divisions )NP )PP (PP except (NP Cadillac )NP )PP )NP (VP showed (SBAR (S (NP big declines )NP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 7 9 (S (NP (NP All )NP (PP of (NP (NP the GM divisions )NP except (NP Cadillac )NP )NP )PP )NP (VP showed (NP big declines )NP )VP . )S 8 10 (S (NP (NP All )NP (PP of (NP the GM divisions )NP )PP (PP except (NP Cadillac )NP )PP )NP (VP showed (ADJP big )ADJP (NP declines )NP )VP . )S 8 8 (S (NP All (PP of (NP the GM divisions )NP )PP (PP except (NP Cadillac )NP )PP )NP (VP showed (NP big declines )NP )VP . )S 7 12 (S (NP (NP (NP (NP All )NP (PP of (NP the GM )NP )PP )NP (NP divisions )NP )NP (PP except (NP Cadillac )NP )PP )NP (VP showed (NP big declines )NP )VP . )S 7 10 (S (NP (NP All )NP (PP of (NP the GM divisions )NP )PP )NP (SBAR except (S (NP Cadillac )NP (VP showed (NP big declines )NP )VP )S )SBAR . )S 9 11 (S (NP (NP (NP All )NP (PP of (NP the (NP GM divisions )NP )NP )PP )NP (PP except (NP Cadillac )NP )PP )NP (VP showed (NP big declines )NP )VP . )S 8 10 (S (NP (NP All )NP (PP of (NP (NP the GM divisions )NP (PP except (NP Cadillac )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP showed (NP big declines )NP )VP . )S 8 9 (S (NP (NP All )NP (PP of (NP the GM divisions )NP )PP )NP (PP except (NP Cadillac )NP )PP (VP showed (NP big declines )NP )VP . )S 8 11 (S (NP (NP All )NP (PP of (NP (NP (NP the GM )NP divisions )NP (PP except (NP Cadillac )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP showed (NP big declines )NP )VP . )S 7 9 (S (NP (NP All )NP (PP of (NP the GM divisions )NP )PP )NP (ADVP except (NP Cadillac )NP )ADVP (VP showed (NP big declines )NP )VP . )S 7 11 (S (NP (NP All )NP (PP of (NP the (NP (NP GM divisions )NP (PP except (NP Cadillac )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP (VP showed (NP big declines )NP )VP . )S 8 11 (S (NP (NP All )NP (PP of (NP (NP the GM divisions )NP (PP except (NP Cadillac )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP showed (NP (ADJP big )ADJP declines )NP )VP . )S 6 9 (S (NP (NP All )NP (PP of (NP the GM divisions )NP )PP )NP (VP (ADVP except (NP Cadillac )NP )ADVP showed (NP big declines )NP )VP . )S 6 11 (S (NP (NP All )NP (PP of (NP the GM )NP )PP )NP (NP (NP divisions )NP (PP except (NP Cadillac )NP )PP )NP (VP showed (NP big declines )NP )VP . )S 9 10 (S (NP (NP All )NP (PP of (NP (NP the )NP GM divisions )NP )PP (PP except (NP Cadillac )NP )PP )NP (VP showed (NP big declines )NP )VP . )S 9 11 (S (NP (NP (NP All )NP (PP of (NP the GM divisions )NP )PP )NP (PP except (NP Cadillac )NP )PP )NP (VP showed (NP (ADJP big )ADJP declines )NP )VP . )S 8 9 (S (NP (NP All )NP (PP of (NP the GM divisions )NP )PP )NP (PP except (NP Cadillac )NP )PP (VP showed (NP big declines )NP )VP . )S 8 12 (S (NP (NP All )NP (PP of (NP the GM divisions )NP )PP (PP except (NP Cadillac )NP )PP )NP (VP showed (SBAR (S (NP big )NP (VP declines )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 9 10 (S (NP (NP All )NP (PP of (NP the GM divisions )NP )PP (PP except (NP Cadillac )NP )PP )NP (VP (VP showed )VP (NP big declines )NP )VP . )S 7 10 (S (NP (NP All )NP (PP of (NP the (NP GM divisions )NP (PP except (NP Cadillac )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP showed (NP big declines )NP )VP . )S 8 9 (S (NP (NP All )NP (PP of (NP the GM divisions )NP )PP )NP (PP except (NP Cadillac )NP )PP (VP showed (NP big declines )NP )VP . )S 50 15 15 (S (NP Cadillac )NP (VP posted (NP a (ADJP 3.2 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP despite (NP (NP new competition )NP (PP from (NP (NP Lexus )NP , (NP (NP the fledging luxury-car division )NP (PP of (NP Toyota Motor Corp )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 15 15 (S (NP Cadillac )NP (VP posted (NP a (ADJP 3.2 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP despite (NP (NP new competition )NP (PP from (NP (NP Lexus )NP , (NP (NP the fledging luxury-car division )NP (PP of (NP Toyota Motor Corp )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 15 15 (S (NP Cadillac )NP (VP posted (NP a (ADJP 3.2 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP despite (NP (NP new competition )NP (PP from (NP (NP Lexus )NP , (NP (NP the fledging luxury-car division )NP (PP of (NP Toyota Motor Corp )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 15 16 (S (NP Cadillac )NP (VP posted (NP (NP a (ADJP 3.2 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP despite (NP (NP new competition )NP (PP from (NP (NP Lexus )NP , (NP (NP the fledging luxury-car division )NP (PP of (NP Toyota Motor Corp )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 13 14 (S (NP Cadillac )NP (VP posted (NP a (ADJP 3.2 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP despite (NP new competition )NP )PP (PP from (NP (NP Lexus )NP , (NP (NP the fledging luxury-car division )NP (PP of (NP Toyota Motor Corp )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 15 15 (S (NP Cadillac )NP (VP posted (NP a (ADJP 3.2 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP despite (NP (NP new competition )NP (PP from (NP (NP Lexus )NP , (NP (NP the fledging luxury-car division )NP (PP of (NP Toyota Motor Corp )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 15 16 (S (NP Cadillac )NP (VP posted (NP (NP a (ADJP 3.2 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP despite (NP (NP new competition )NP (PP from (NP (NP Lexus )NP , (NP (NP the fledging luxury-car division )NP (PP of (NP Toyota Motor Corp )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 15 16 (S (NP Cadillac )NP (VP posted (NP (NP a (ADJP 3.2 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP despite (NP (NP new competition )NP (PP from (NP (NP Lexus )NP , (NP (NP the fledging luxury-car division )NP (PP of (NP Toyota Motor Corp )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 13 15 (S (NP Cadillac )NP (VP posted (NP (NP a (ADJP 3.2 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP despite (NP new competition )NP )PP (PP from (NP (NP Lexus )NP , (NP (NP the fledging luxury-car division )NP (PP of (NP Toyota Motor Corp )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 13 14 (S (NP Cadillac )NP (VP posted (NP a (ADJP 3.2 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP despite (NP new competition )NP )PP (PP from (NP (NP Lexus )NP , (NP (NP the fledging luxury-car division )NP (PP of (NP Toyota Motor Corp )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 13 14 (S (NP Cadillac )NP (VP posted (NP a (ADJP 3.2 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP despite (NP new competition )NP )PP (PP from (NP (NP Lexus )NP , (NP (NP the fledging luxury-car division )NP (PP of (NP Toyota Motor Corp )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 15 15 (S (NP Cadillac )NP (VP posted (NP a (ADJP 3.2 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP despite (NP (NP new competition )NP (PP from (NP (NP Lexus )NP , (NP (NP the fledging luxury-car division )NP (PP of (NP Toyota Motor Corp )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 15 15 (S (NP Cadillac )NP (VP posted (NP a (ADJP 3.2 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP despite (NP (NP new competition )NP (PP from (NP (NP Lexus )NP , (NP (NP the fledging luxury-car division )NP (PP of (NP Toyota Motor Corp )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 15 16 (S (NP Cadillac )NP (VP posted (NP a (ADJP 3.2 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP despite (NP (NP new competition )NP (PP from (NP (NP Lexus )NP , (NP (NP the (ADJP fledging luxury-car )ADJP division )NP (PP of (NP Toyota Motor Corp )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 15 15 (S (NP Cadillac )NP (VP posted (NP a (ADJP 3.2 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP despite (NP (NP new competition )NP (PP from (NP (NP Lexus )NP , (NP (NP the fledging luxury-car division )NP (PP of (NP Toyota Motor Corp )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 15 15 (S (NP Cadillac )NP (VP posted (NP a (ADJP 3.2 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP despite (NP (NP new competition )NP (PP from (NP (NP Lexus )NP , (NP (NP the fledging luxury-car division )NP (PP of (NP Toyota Motor Corp )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 13 15 (S (NP Cadillac )NP (VP posted (NP (NP a (ADJP 3.2 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP despite (NP new competition )NP )PP (PP from (NP (NP Lexus )NP , (NP (NP the fledging luxury-car division )NP (PP of (NP Toyota Motor Corp )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 12 14 (S (NP Cadillac )NP (VP posted (NP a (ADJP 3.2 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP despite (NP (NP new competition )NP (PP from (NP (NP Lexus )NP , (NP the fledging luxury-car division )NP )NP )PP (PP of (NP Toyota Motor Corp )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 15 16 (S (NP Cadillac )NP (VP posted (NP a (ADJP 3.2 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP despite (NP (NP new competition )NP (PP from (NP (NP Lexus )NP , (NP (NP the (ADJP fledging )ADJP luxury-car division )NP (PP of (NP Toyota Motor Corp )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 13 15 (S (NP Cadillac )NP (VP posted (NP (NP a (ADJP 3.2 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP despite (NP new competition )NP )PP (PP from (NP (NP Lexus )NP , (NP (NP the fledging luxury-car division )NP (PP of (NP Toyota Motor Corp )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 15 16 (S (NP Cadillac )NP (VP posted (NP a (ADJP (QP 3.2 % )QP )ADJP increase )NP (PP despite (NP (NP new competition )NP (PP from (NP (NP Lexus )NP , (NP (NP the fledging luxury-car division )NP (PP of (NP Toyota Motor Corp )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 13 15 (S (NP Cadillac )NP (VP posted (NP (NP a (ADJP 3.2 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP despite (NP new competition )NP )PP )NP (PP from (NP (NP Lexus )NP , (NP (NP the fledging luxury-car division )NP (PP of (NP Toyota Motor Corp )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 11 14 (S (NP Cadillac )NP (VP posted (NP a (ADJP 3.2 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP despite (NP (NP new competition )NP (PP from (NP Lexus )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP (NP the fledging luxury-car division )NP (PP of (NP Toyota Motor Corp )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 12 14 (S (NP Cadillac )NP (VP posted (NP a (ADJP 3.2 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP despite (NP (NP new competition )NP (PP from (NP (NP Lexus )NP , (NP the fledging luxury-car division )NP )NP )PP (PP of (NP Toyota Motor Corp )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 15 16 (S (NP Cadillac )NP (VP posted (NP a (ADJP (QP 3.2 % )QP )ADJP increase )NP (PP despite (NP (NP new competition )NP (PP from (NP (NP Lexus )NP , (NP (NP the fledging luxury-car division )NP (PP of (NP Toyota Motor Corp )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 14 15 (S (NP Cadillac )NP (VP posted (NP a (ADJP 3.2 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP despite (NP (NP new competition )NP (PP from (NP (NP (NP Lexus )NP , (NP the fledging luxury-car division )NP )NP (PP of (NP Toyota Motor Corp )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 13 15 (S (NP Cadillac )NP (VP posted (NP (NP a (ADJP 3.2 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP despite (NP new competition )NP )PP )NP (PP from (NP (NP Lexus )NP , (NP (NP the fledging luxury-car division )NP (PP of (NP Toyota Motor Corp )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 10 15 (S (NP Cadillac )NP (VP posted (NP (NP a (ADJP 3.2 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP despite (NP (NP new competition )NP (PP from (NP (NP Lexus )NP , (NP the fledging luxury-car division )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP (PP of (NP Toyota Motor Corp )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 15 16 (S (NP Cadillac )NP (VP posted (NP a (ADJP (QP 3.2 % )QP )ADJP increase )NP (PP despite (NP (NP new competition )NP (PP from (NP (NP Lexus )NP , (NP (NP the fledging luxury-car division )NP (PP of (NP Toyota Motor Corp )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 11 14 (S (NP Cadillac )NP (VP posted (NP a (ADJP 3.2 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP despite (NP (NP new competition )NP (PP from (NP Lexus )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP (NP the fledging luxury-car division )NP (PP of (NP Toyota Motor Corp )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 15 16 (S (NP Cadillac )NP (VP posted (NP (NP a (ADJP 3.2 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP despite (NP (NP new competition )NP (PP from (NP (NP Lexus )NP , (NP (NP the fledging luxury-car division )NP (PP of (NP Toyota Motor Corp )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 13 15 (S (NP Cadillac )NP (VP posted (NP (NP a (ADJP 3.2 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP despite (NP new competition )NP )PP )NP (PP from (NP (NP Lexus )NP , (NP (NP the fledging luxury-car division )NP (PP of (NP Toyota Motor Corp )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 15 16 (S (NP Cadillac )NP (VP posted (NP a (ADJP 3.2 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP despite (NP (NP new competition )NP (PP from (NP (NP Lexus )NP , (NP (NP the (ADJP fledging )ADJP luxury-car division )NP (PP of (NP Toyota Motor Corp )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 11 14 (S (NP Cadillac )NP (VP posted (NP a (ADJP 3.2 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP despite (NP (NP new competition )NP (PP from (NP Lexus )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP (NP the fledging luxury-car division )NP (PP of (NP Toyota Motor Corp )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 13 15 (S (NP Cadillac )NP (VP posted (NP a (ADJP 3.2 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP despite (NP (NP (NP new competition )NP (PP from (NP Lexus )NP )PP )NP , (NP (NP the fledging luxury-car division )NP (PP of (NP Toyota Motor Corp )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 14 14 (S (NP Cadillac )NP (VP posted (NP a (ADJP 3.2 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP despite (NP new competition )NP (PP from (NP (NP Lexus )NP , (NP (NP the fledging luxury-car division )NP (PP of (NP Toyota Motor Corp )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )PP )VP . )S 12 14 (S (NP Cadillac )NP (VP posted (NP a (ADJP 3.2 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP despite (NP (NP new competition )NP (PP from (NP (NP Lexus )NP , (NP the fledging luxury-car division )NP )NP )PP (PP of (NP Toyota Motor Corp )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 13 14 (S (NP Cadillac )NP (VP posted (NP a (ADJP 3.2 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP despite (NP new competition )NP )PP (PP from (NP (NP Lexus )NP , (NP (NP the fledging luxury-car division )NP (PP of (NP Toyota Motor Corp )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 11 14 (S (NP Cadillac )NP (VP posted (NP a (ADJP 3.2 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP despite (NP (NP new competition )NP (PP from (NP (NP Lexus )NP , (NP the fledging luxury-car division )NP )NP )PP )NP (PP of (NP Toyota Motor Corp )NP )PP )PP )VP . )S 15 16 (S (NP Cadillac )NP (VP posted (NP a (ADJP 3.2 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP despite (NP (NP new competition )NP (PP from (NP (NP Lexus )NP , (NP (NP (NP the fledging )NP luxury-car division )NP (PP of (NP Toyota Motor Corp )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 14 15 (S (NP Cadillac )NP (VP posted (NP a (ADJP 3.2 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP despite (NP (NP new competition )NP (PP from (NP (NP (NP Lexus )NP , (NP the fledging luxury-car division )NP )NP (PP of (NP Toyota Motor Corp )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 14 14 (S (NP Cadillac )NP (VP posted (NP a 3.2 % increase )NP (PP despite (NP (NP new competition )NP (PP from (NP (NP Lexus )NP , (NP (NP the fledging luxury-car division )NP (PP of (NP Toyota Motor Corp )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 10 15 (S (NP Cadillac )NP (VP posted (NP (NP a (ADJP 3.2 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP despite (NP (NP new competition )NP (PP from (NP (NP Lexus )NP , (NP the fledging luxury-car division )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP (PP of (NP Toyota Motor Corp )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 15 16 (S (NP Cadillac )NP (VP posted (NP (NP a (ADJP 3.2 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP despite (NP (NP new competition )NP (PP from (NP (NP Lexus )NP , (NP (NP the fledging luxury-car division )NP (PP of (NP Toyota Motor Corp )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 15 16 (S (NP Cadillac )NP (VP posted (NP (NP a (ADJP 3.2 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP despite (NP (NP new competition )NP (PP from (NP (NP Lexus )NP , (NP (NP the fledging luxury-car division )NP (PP of (NP Toyota Motor Corp )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 12 15 (S (NP Cadillac )NP (VP posted (NP a (ADJP 3.2 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP despite (NP (NP (NP new competition )NP (PP from (NP (NP Lexus )NP , (NP the fledging luxury-car division )NP )NP )PP )NP (PP of (NP Toyota Motor Corp )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 15 17 (S (NP Cadillac )NP (VP posted (NP (NP a (ADJP 3.2 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP despite (NP (NP new competition )NP (PP from (NP (NP Lexus )NP , (NP (NP the (ADJP fledging luxury-car )ADJP division )NP (PP of (NP Toyota Motor Corp )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 15 16 (S (NP Cadillac )NP (VP posted (NP (NP a (ADJP 3.2 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP despite (NP (NP new competition )NP (PP from (NP (NP Lexus )NP , (NP (NP the fledging luxury-car division )NP (PP of (NP Toyota Motor Corp )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 10 14 (S (NP Cadillac )NP (VP posted (NP (NP a (ADJP 3.2 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP despite (NP new competition )NP )PP (PP from (NP (NP Lexus )NP , (NP the fledging luxury-car division )NP )NP )PP (PP of (NP Toyota Motor Corp )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 13 15 (S (NP Cadillac )NP (VP posted (NP a (ADJP 3.2 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP despite (NP (NP (NP new competition )NP (PP from (NP Lexus )NP )PP )NP , (NP (NP the fledging luxury-car division )NP (PP of (NP Toyota Motor Corp )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 50 16 17 (S (S (NP Lexus sales )NP (VP were n't (ADJP available )ADJP )VP )S ; (S (S (NP the cars )NP (VP are (VP imported )VP )VP )S and (S (NP Toyota )NP (VP reports (NP their sales )NP (PP (ADVP only )ADVP at (ADJP month-end )ADJP )PP )VP )S )S . )S 17 17 (S (S (NP Lexus sales )NP (VP were n't (ADJP available )ADJP )VP )S ; (S (S (NP the cars )NP (VP are (VP imported )VP )VP )S and (S (NP Toyota )NP (VP reports (NP their sales )NP (PP (ADVP only )ADVP at (NP month-end )NP )PP )VP )S )S . )S 15 17 (S (S (NP Lexus sales )NP (VP were n't (ADJP available )ADJP )VP )S ; (S (S (NP the cars )NP (VP are (ADJP imported )ADJP )VP )S and (S (NP Toyota )NP (VP reports (NP their sales )NP (PP (ADVP only )ADVP at (ADJP month-end )ADJP )PP )VP )S )S . )S 16 17 (S (S (NP Lexus sales )NP (VP were n't (ADJP available )ADJP )VP )S ; (S (S (NP the cars )NP (VP are (ADJP imported )ADJP )VP )S and (S (NP Toyota )NP (VP reports (NP their sales )NP (PP (ADVP only )ADVP at (NP month-end )NP )PP )VP )S )S . )S 14 16 (S (S (NP Lexus sales )NP (VP were n't (ADJP available )ADJP )VP )S ; (S (S (NP the cars )NP (VP are (VP imported )VP )VP )S and (S (NP Toyota )NP (VP reports (NP their sales only )NP (PP at (NP month-end )NP )PP )VP )S )S . )S 17 17 (S (S (NP Lexus sales )NP (VP were n't (ADJP available )ADJP )VP )S ; (S (S (NP the cars )NP (VP are (VP imported )VP )VP )S and (S (NP Toyota )NP (VP reports (NP their sales )NP (PP (ADVP only )ADVP at (NP month-end )NP )PP )VP )S )S . )S 17 18 (S (S (NP Lexus sales )NP (VP were n't (ADJP available )ADJP )VP )S ; (S (S (NP the cars )NP (VP are (VP imported )VP )VP )S and (S (NP Toyota )NP (VP reports (NP (NP their sales )NP (PP (ADVP only )ADVP at (NP month-end )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )S . )S 15 16 (S (S (NP Lexus sales )NP (VP were n't (ADJP available )ADJP )VP )S ; (S (NP the cars )NP (VP are (VP imported )VP )VP )S and (S (NP Toyota )NP (VP reports (NP their sales )NP (PP (ADVP only )ADVP at (ADJP month-end )ADJP )PP )VP )S . )S 16 16 (S (S (NP Lexus sales )NP (VP were n't (ADJP available )ADJP )VP )S ; (S (NP the cars )NP (VP are (VP imported )VP )VP )S and (S (NP Toyota )NP (VP reports (NP their sales )NP (PP (ADVP only )ADVP at (NP month-end )NP )PP )VP )S . )S 16 17 (S (S (NP Lexus sales )NP (VP were n't (ADJP available )ADJP )VP )S ; (S (S (NP the cars )NP (VP are (VP imported )VP )VP )S and (S (NP Toyota )NP (VP reports (NP their sales )NP (ADVP only )ADVP (PP at (NP month-end )NP )PP )VP )S )S . )S 15 17 (S (S (NP Lexus sales )NP (VP were n't (ADJP available )ADJP )VP )S ; (S (S (NP the cars )NP (VP are (ADJP imported )ADJP )VP )S and (S (NP Toyota )NP (VP reports (NP their sales )NP (PP (ADVP only )ADVP at (ADJP month-end )ADJP )PP )VP )S )S . )S 16 17 (S (S (NP Lexus sales )NP (VP were n't (ADJP available )ADJP )VP )S ; (S (S (NP the cars )NP (VP are (ADJP imported )ADJP )VP )S and (S (NP Toyota )NP (VP reports (NP their sales )NP (PP (ADVP only )ADVP at (NP month-end )NP )PP )VP )S )S . )S 14 17 (S (S (NP Lexus sales )NP (VP were n't (ADJP available )ADJP )VP )S ; (S (S (NP the cars )NP (VP are (VP imported )VP )VP )S and (S (NP Toyota )NP (VP reports (NP (NP their sales only )NP (PP at (NP month-end )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )S . )S 16 16 (S (S (NP Lexus sales )NP (VP were n't (ADJP available )ADJP )VP )S ; (S (S (NP the cars )NP (VP are (VP imported )VP )VP )S and (S (NP Toyota )NP (VP reports (NP their sales )NP (PP only at (NP month-end )NP )PP )VP )S )S . )S 13 16 (S (S (NP Lexus sales )NP (VP were n't (ADJP available )ADJP )VP )S ; (S (S (NP the cars )NP (VP are (ADJP imported )ADJP )VP )S and (S (NP Toyota )NP (VP reports (NP their sales only )NP (PP at (NP month-end )NP )PP )VP )S )S . )S 16 17 (S (S (NP Lexus sales )NP (VP were n't (ADJP available )ADJP )VP )S ; (S (S (NP the cars )NP (VP are (ADJP imported )ADJP )VP )S and (S (NP Toyota )NP (VP reports (NP their sales )NP (PP (ADVP only )ADVP at (NP month-end )NP )PP )VP )S )S . )S 14 16 (S (S (NP Lexus sales )NP (VP were n't (ADJP available )ADJP )VP )S ; (S (S (NP the cars )NP (VP are (VP imported )VP )VP )S and (S (NP Toyota )NP (VP reports (NP their sales only )NP (PP at (NP month-end )NP )PP )VP )S )S . )S 16 18 (S (S (NP Lexus sales )NP (VP were n't (ADJP available )ADJP )VP )S ; (S (S (NP the cars )NP (VP are (ADJP imported )ADJP )VP )S and (S (NP Toyota )NP (VP reports (NP (NP their sales )NP (PP (ADVP only )ADVP at (NP month-end )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )S . )S 14 16 (S (S (NP Lexus sales )NP (VP were n't (ADJP available )ADJP )VP )S ; (S (NP the cars )NP (VP are (ADJP imported )ADJP )VP )S and (S (NP Toyota )NP (VP reports (NP their sales )NP (PP (ADVP only )ADVP at (ADJP month-end )ADJP )PP )VP )S . )S 15 16 (S (S (NP Lexus sales )NP (VP were n't (ADJP available )ADJP )VP )S ; (S (S (NP the cars )NP (VP are (VP imported )VP )VP )S and (S (NP Toyota )NP (VP reports (NP their sales )NP (PP only at (ADJP month-end )ADJP )PP )VP )S )S . )S 17 18 (S (S (NP Lexus sales )NP (VP were n't (ADJP available )ADJP )VP )S ; (S (S (NP the cars )NP (VP are (VP imported )VP )VP )S and (S (NP Toyota )NP (VP reports (NP (NP their sales )NP (PP (ADVP only )ADVP at (NP month-end )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )S . )S 15 16 (S (S (NP Lexus sales )NP (VP were n't (ADJP available )ADJP )VP )S ; (S (NP the cars )NP (VP are (ADJP imported )ADJP )VP )S and (S (NP Toyota )NP (VP reports (NP their sales )NP (PP (ADVP only )ADVP at (NP month-end )NP )PP )VP )S . )S 14 15 (S (S (NP Lexus sales )NP (VP were n't (ADJP available )ADJP )VP )S ; (S (S (NP the cars )NP (VP are (VP imported )VP )VP )S and (S (NP Toyota )NP (VP reports (NP their sales )NP (ADVP only at month-end )ADVP )VP )S )S . )S 13 16 (S (S (NP Lexus sales )NP (VP were n't (ADJP available )ADJP )VP )S ; (S (S (NP the cars )NP (VP are (VP imported )VP )VP )S and (S (NP Toyota )NP (VP reports (NP their sales only )NP (PP at (ADJP month-end )ADJP )PP )VP )S )S . )S 13 15 (S (S (NP Lexus sales )NP (VP were n't (ADJP available )ADJP )VP )S ; (S (NP the cars )NP (VP are (VP imported )VP )VP )S and (S (NP Toyota )NP (VP reports (NP their sales only )NP (PP at (NP month-end )NP )PP )VP )S . )S 16 16 (S (S (NP Lexus sales )NP (VP were n't (ADJP available )ADJP )VP )S ; (S (NP the cars )NP (VP are (VP imported )VP )VP )S and (S (NP Toyota )NP (VP reports (NP their sales )NP (PP (ADVP only )ADVP at (NP month-end )NP )PP )VP )S . )S 11 15 (S (S (NP Lexus sales )NP (VP were n't (ADJP available )ADJP )VP )S ; (S (NP the cars )NP (VP are (VP imported )VP )VP )S and (S (NP Toyota )NP (VP reports (NP their sales only )NP )VP )S (PP at (NP month-end )NP )PP . )S 15 17 (S (S (NP Lexus sales )NP (VP were n't (ADJP available )ADJP )VP )S ; (S (S (NP the cars )NP (VP are (ADJP imported )ADJP )VP )S and (S (NP Toyota )NP (VP reports (NP their sales )NP (ADVP only )ADVP (PP at (NP month-end )NP )PP )VP )S )S . )S 10 15 (S (S (NP Lexus sales )NP (VP were n't (ADJP available )ADJP )VP )S ; (S (NP the cars )NP (VP are (VP imported )VP )VP )S and (S (NP Toyota )NP (VP reports (NP their sales only )NP )VP )S (PP at (ADJP month-end )ADJP )PP . )S 16 17 (S (S (NP Lexus sales )NP (VP were n't (ADJP available )ADJP )VP )S ; (S (NP the cars )NP (VP are (VP imported )VP )VP )S and (S (NP Toyota )NP (VP reports (NP (NP their sales )NP (PP (ADVP only )ADVP at (NP month-end )NP )PP )NP )VP )S . )S 16 17 (S (S (NP Lexus sales )NP (VP were n't (ADJP available )ADJP )VP )S ; (S (S (NP the cars )NP (VP are (VP imported )VP )VP )S and (S (NP Toyota )NP (VP reports (NP their sales )NP (ADVP only )ADVP (PP at (NP month-end )NP )PP )VP )S )S . )S 13 17 (S (S (NP Lexus sales )NP (VP were n't (ADJP available )ADJP )VP )S ; (S (S (NP the cars )NP (VP are (ADJP imported )ADJP )VP )S and (S (NP Toyota )NP (VP reports (NP (NP their sales only )NP (PP at (NP month-end )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )S . )S 13 17 (S (S (NP Lexus sales )NP (VP were n't (ADJP available )ADJP )VP )S ; (S (S (NP the cars )NP (VP are (VP imported )VP )VP )S and (S (NP Toyota )NP (VP reports (NP (NP their sales only )NP (PP at (ADJP month-end )ADJP )PP )NP )VP )S )S . )S 13 16 (S (S (NP Lexus sales )NP (VP were n't (ADJP available )ADJP )VP )S ; (S (S (NP the cars )NP (VP are (ADJP imported )ADJP )VP )S and (S (NP Toyota )NP (VP reports (NP their sales only )NP (PP at (NP month-end )NP )PP )VP )S )S . )S 16 17 (S (S (NP Lexus sales )NP (VP were n't (ADJP available )ADJP )VP )S ; (S (S (NP the cars )NP (VP are (ADJP imported )ADJP )VP )S and (S (NP Toyota )NP (VP reports (NP their sales )NP (PP (ADVP only )ADVP at (NP month-end )NP )PP )VP )S )S . )S 14 17 (S (S (NP Lexus sales )NP (VP were n't (ADJP available )ADJP )VP )S ; (S (S (NP the cars )NP (VP are (VP imported )VP )VP )S and (S (NP Toyota )NP (VP reports (NP (NP their sales only )NP (PP at (NP month-end )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )S . )S 15 16 (S (NP Lexus sales )NP (VP were n't (ADJP available )ADJP )VP ; (S (S (NP the cars )NP (VP are (VP imported )VP )VP )S and (S (NP Toyota )NP (VP reports (NP their sales )NP (PP (ADVP only )ADVP at (ADJP month-end )ADJP )PP )VP )S )S . )S 14 15 (S (S (NP Lexus sales )NP (VP were n't (ADJP available )ADJP )VP )S ; (S (S (NP the cars )NP (VP are (VP imported )VP )VP )S and (S (NP Toyota )NP (VP reports (NP their sales )NP (NP only at month-end )NP )VP )S )S . )S 15 16 (S (S (NP Lexus sales )NP (VP were n't (ADJP available )ADJP )VP )S ; (S (S (NP the cars )NP (VP are (ADJP imported )ADJP )VP )S and (S (NP Toyota )NP (VP reports (NP their sales )NP (PP only at (NP month-end )NP )PP )VP )S )S . )S 15 17 (S (S (NP Lexus sales )NP (VP were n't (ADJP available )ADJP )VP )S ; (S (S (NP the cars )NP (VP are (VP imported )VP )VP )S and (S (NP Toyota )NP (VP reports (NP their sales )NP (ADVP only )ADVP (PP at (ADJP month-end )ADJP )PP )VP )S )S . )S 15 16 (S (S (NP Lexus sales )NP (VP were n't (ADJP available )ADJP )VP )S ; (S (NP the cars )NP (VP are (VP imported )VP )VP )S and (S (NP Toyota )NP (VP reports (NP their sales )NP (ADVP only )ADVP (PP at (NP month-end )NP )PP )VP )S . )S 16 18 (S (S (NP Lexus sales )NP (VP were n't (ADJP available )ADJP )VP )S ; (S (S (NP the cars )NP (VP are (ADJP imported )ADJP )VP )S and (S (NP Toyota )NP (VP reports (NP (NP their sales )NP (PP (ADVP only )ADVP at (NP month-end )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )S . )S 14 16 (S (S (NP Lexus sales )NP (VP were n't (ADJP available )ADJP )VP )S ; (S (NP the cars )NP (VP are (ADJP imported )ADJP )VP )S and (S (NP Toyota )NP (VP reports (NP their sales )NP (PP (ADVP only )ADVP at (ADJP month-end )ADJP )PP )VP )S . )S 16 16 (S (S (NP Lexus sales )NP (VP were n't (ADJP available )ADJP )VP )S ; (S (S (NP the cars )NP (VP are (VP imported )VP )VP )S and (S (NP Toyota )NP (VP reports (NP their sales )NP (PP only at (NP month-end )NP )PP )VP )S )S . )S 16 16 (S (NP Lexus sales )NP (VP were n't (ADJP available )ADJP )VP ; (S (S (NP the cars )NP (VP are (VP imported )VP )VP )S and (S (NP Toyota )NP (VP reports (NP their sales )NP (PP (ADVP only )ADVP at (NP month-end )NP )PP )VP )S )S . )S 15 16 (S (S (NP Lexus sales )NP (VP were n't (ADJP available )ADJP )VP )S ; (S (NP the cars )NP (VP are (ADJP imported )ADJP )VP )S and (S (NP Toyota )NP (VP reports (NP their sales )NP (PP (ADVP only )ADVP at (NP month-end )NP )PP )VP )S . )S 13 16 (S (S (NP Lexus sales )NP (VP were n't (ADJP available )ADJP )VP )S ; (S (NP the cars )NP (VP are (VP imported )VP )VP )S and (S (NP Toyota )NP (VP reports (NP (NP their sales only )NP (PP at (NP month-end )NP )PP )NP )VP )S . )S 13 16 (S (S (NP Lexus sales )NP (VP were n't (ADJP available )ADJP )VP )S ; (S (NP the cars )NP (VP are (VP imported )VP )VP )S and (S (NP Toyota )NP (VP reports (NP their sales )NP (ADVP only )ADVP )VP )S (PP at (NP month-end )NP )PP . )S 12 16 (S (S (NP Lexus sales )NP (VP were n't (ADJP available )ADJP )VP )S ; (S (NP the cars )NP (VP are (VP imported )VP )VP )S and (S (NP Toyota )NP (VP reports (NP their sales )NP (ADVP only )ADVP )VP )S (PP at (ADJP month-end )ADJP )PP . )S 15 17 (S (S (NP Lexus sales )NP (VP were n't (ADJP available )ADJP )VP )S ; (S (S (NP the cars )NP (VP are (ADJP imported )ADJP )VP )S and (S (NP Toyota )NP (VP reports (NP their sales )NP (ADVP only )ADVP (PP at (NP month-end )NP )PP )VP )S )S . )S 50 34 34 (S (S (NP (NP The sales drop )NP (PP for (NP the No. 1 car maker )NP )PP )NP (VP may (VP have (VP been (VP caused (PP in (NP part )NP )PP (PP by (NP (NP the end )NP (PP in (NP September )NP )PP (PP of (NP (NP dealer incentives )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP GM )NP (VP offered (PP in (NP (NP addition )NP (PP to (NP (NP consumer rebates )NP and (NP low-interest financing )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S , (NP a company spokesman )NP (VP said )VP . )S 34 34 (S (S (NP (NP The sales drop )NP (PP for (NP the No. 1 car maker )NP )PP )NP (VP may (VP have (VP been (VP caused (PP in (NP part )NP )PP (PP by (NP (NP the end )NP (PP in (NP September )NP )PP (PP of (NP (NP dealer incentives )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP GM )NP (VP offered (PP in (NP (NP addition )NP (PP to (NP (NP consumer rebates )NP and (NP low-interest financing )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S , (NP a company spokesman )NP (VP said )VP . )S 34 34 (S (S (NP (NP The sales drop )NP (PP for (NP the No. 1 car maker )NP )PP )NP (VP may (VP have (VP been (VP caused (PP in (NP part )NP )PP (PP by (NP (NP the end )NP (PP in (NP September )NP )PP (PP of (NP (NP dealer incentives )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP GM )NP (VP offered (PP in (NP (NP addition )NP (PP to (NP (NP consumer rebates )NP and (NP low-interest financing )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S , (NP a company spokesman )NP (VP said )VP . )S 33 33 (S (S (NP (NP The sales drop )NP (PP for (NP the No. 1 car maker )NP )PP )NP (VP may (VP have (VP been (VP caused (PP in (NP part )NP )PP (PP by (NP (NP the end )NP (PP in (NP September )NP )PP (PP of (NP (NP dealer incentives )NP (SBAR that (S (NP GM )NP (VP offered (PP in (NP (NP addition )NP (PP to (NP (NP consumer rebates )NP and (NP low-interest financing )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S , (NP a company spokesman )NP (VP said )VP . )S 33 35 (S (S (NP (NP The sales drop )NP (PP for (NP the No. 1 car maker )NP )PP )NP (VP may (VP have (VP been (VP caused (PP in (NP part )NP )PP (PP by (NP (NP the end )NP (PP in (NP (NP September )NP (PP of (NP (NP dealer incentives )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP GM )NP (VP offered (PP in (NP (NP addition )NP (PP to (NP (NP consumer rebates )NP and (NP low-interest financing )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S , (NP a company spokesman )NP (VP said )VP . )S 33 33 (S (S (NP (NP The sales drop )NP (PP for (NP the No. 1 car maker )NP )PP )NP (VP may (VP have (VP been (VP caused (PP in (NP part )NP )PP (PP by (NP (NP the end )NP (PP in (NP September )NP )PP (PP of (NP (NP dealer incentives )NP (SBAR that (S (NP GM )NP (VP offered (PP in (NP (NP addition )NP (PP to (NP (NP consumer rebates )NP and (NP low-interest financing )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S , (NP a company spokesman )NP (VP said )VP . )S 33 33 (S (S (NP (NP The sales drop )NP (PP for (NP the No. 1 car maker )NP )PP )NP (VP may (VP have (VP been (VP caused (PP in (NP part )NP )PP (PP by (NP (NP the end )NP (PP in (NP September )NP )PP (PP of (NP (NP dealer incentives )NP (SBAR that (S (NP GM )NP (VP offered (PP in (NP (NP addition )NP (PP to (NP (NP consumer rebates )NP and (NP low-interest financing )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S , (NP a company spokesman )NP (VP said )VP . )S 33 35 (S (S (NP (NP The sales drop )NP (PP for (NP the No. 1 car maker )NP )PP )NP (VP may (VP have (VP been (VP caused (PP in (NP part )NP )PP (PP by (NP (NP the end )NP (PP in (NP (NP September )NP (PP of (NP (NP dealer incentives )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP GM )NP (VP offered (PP in (NP (NP addition )NP (PP to (NP (NP consumer rebates )NP and (NP low-interest financing )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S , (NP a company spokesman )NP (VP said )VP . )S 33 35 (S (S (NP (NP The sales drop )NP (PP for (NP the No. 1 car maker )NP )PP )NP (VP may (VP have (VP been (VP caused (PP in (NP part )NP )PP (PP by (NP (NP the end )NP (PP in (NP (NP September )NP (PP of (NP (NP dealer incentives )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP GM )NP (VP offered (PP in (NP (NP addition )NP (PP to (NP (NP consumer rebates )NP and (NP low-interest financing )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S , (NP a company spokesman )NP (VP said )VP . )S 27 34 (S (S (NP (NP The sales drop )NP (PP for (NP the No. 1 car maker )NP )PP )NP (VP may (VP have (VP been (VP caused (PP in (NP part )NP )PP (PP by (NP (NP the end )NP (PP in (NP September )NP )PP (PP of (NP (NP (NP dealer incentives )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP GM )NP (VP offered (PP in (NP (NP addition )NP (PP to (NP consumer rebates )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP and (NP low-interest financing )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S , (NP a company spokesman )NP (VP said )VP . )S 31 34 (S (S (NP (NP The sales drop )NP (PP for (NP the No. 1 car maker )NP )PP )NP (VP may (VP have (VP been (VP caused (PP in (NP part )NP )PP (PP by (NP the end )NP )PP (PP in (NP (NP September )NP (PP of (NP (NP dealer incentives )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP GM )NP (VP offered (PP in (NP (NP addition )NP (PP to (NP (NP consumer rebates )NP and (NP low-interest financing )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S , (NP a company spokesman )NP (VP said )VP . )S 27 34 (S (S (NP (NP The sales drop )NP (PP for (NP the No. 1 car maker )NP )PP )NP (VP may (VP have (VP been (VP caused (PP in (NP part )NP )PP (PP by (NP (NP the end )NP (PP in (NP September )NP )PP (PP of (NP (NP (NP dealer incentives )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP GM )NP (VP offered (PP in (NP (NP addition )NP (PP to (NP consumer rebates )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP and (NP low-interest financing )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S , (NP a company spokesman )NP (VP said )VP . )S 27 34 (S (S (NP (NP The sales drop )NP (PP for (NP the No. 1 car maker )NP )PP )NP (VP may (VP have (VP been (VP caused (PP in (NP part )NP )PP (PP by (NP (NP the end )NP (PP in (NP September )NP )PP (PP of (NP (NP (NP dealer incentives )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP GM )NP (VP offered (PP in (NP (NP addition )NP (PP to (NP consumer rebates )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP and (NP low-interest financing )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S , (NP a company spokesman )NP (VP said )VP . )S 32 33 (S (S (NP (NP The sales drop )NP (PP for (NP the No. 1 car maker )NP )PP )NP (VP may (VP have (VP been (VP caused (PP in (NP part )NP )PP (PP by (NP (NP the end )NP (PP in (NP September )NP )PP (PP of (NP (NP dealer incentives )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP GM )NP (VP offered (PP in (NP addition )NP )PP (PP to (NP (NP consumer rebates )NP and (NP low-interest financing )NP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S , (NP a company spokesman )NP (VP said )VP . )S 25 34 (S (S (NP (NP The sales drop )NP (PP for (NP the No. 1 car maker )NP )PP )NP (VP may (VP have (VP been (VP caused (PP in (NP part )NP )PP (PP by (NP (NP (NP the end )NP (PP in (NP September )NP )PP (PP of (NP (NP dealer incentives )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP GM )NP (VP offered (PP in (NP (NP addition )NP (PP to (NP consumer rebates )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP and (NP low-interest financing )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S , (NP a company spokesman )NP (VP said )VP . )S 32 34 (S (S (NP (NP The sales drop )NP (PP for (NP the No. 1 car maker )NP )PP )NP (VP may (VP have (VP been (VP caused (PP in (NP part )NP )PP (PP by (NP (NP the end )NP (PP in (NP September )NP )PP (PP of (NP (NP dealer incentives )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP GM )NP (VP offered (PP in (NP (NP (NP addition )NP (PP to (NP consumer rebates )NP )PP )NP and (NP low-interest financing )NP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S , (NP a company spokesman )NP (VP said )VP . )S 32 34 (S (S (NP (NP The sales drop )NP (PP for (NP the No. 1 car maker )NP )PP )NP (VP may (VP have (VP been (VP caused (PP in (NP part )NP )PP (PP by (NP (NP the end )NP (PP in (NP (NP September )NP (PP of (NP (NP dealer incentives )NP (SBAR that (S (NP GM )NP (VP offered (PP in (NP (NP addition )NP (PP to (NP (NP consumer rebates )NP and (NP low-interest financing )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S , (NP a company spokesman )NP (VP said )VP . )S 29 32 (S (S (NP (NP The sales drop )NP (PP for (NP the No. 1 car maker )NP )PP )NP (VP may (VP have (VP been (VP caused (PP in (NP part )NP )PP (PP by (NP (NP the end )NP (PP in (NP September )NP )PP (PP of (NP dealer incentives )NP )PP )NP )PP (SBAR that (S (NP GM )NP (VP offered (PP in (NP (NP addition )NP (PP to (NP (NP consumer rebates )NP and (NP low-interest financing )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP )VP )S , (NP a company spokesman )NP (VP said )VP . )S 31 34 (S (S (NP (NP The sales drop )NP (PP for (NP the No. 1 car maker )NP )PP )NP (VP may (VP have (VP been (VP caused (PP in (NP part )NP )PP (PP by (NP the end )NP )PP (PP in (NP (NP September )NP (PP of (NP (NP dealer incentives )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP GM )NP (VP offered (PP in (NP (NP addition )NP (PP to (NP (NP consumer rebates )NP and (NP low-interest financing )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S , (NP a company spokesman )NP (VP said )VP . )S 31 34 (S (S (NP (NP The sales drop )NP (PP for (NP the No. 1 car maker )NP )PP )NP (VP may (VP have (VP been (VP caused (PP in (NP part )NP )PP (PP by (NP the end )NP )PP (PP in (NP (NP September )NP (PP of (NP (NP dealer incentives )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP GM )NP (VP offered (PP in (NP (NP addition )NP (PP to (NP (NP consumer rebates )NP and (NP low-interest financing )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S , (NP a company spokesman )NP (VP said )VP . )S 32 33 (S (S (NP (NP The sales drop )NP (PP for (NP the No. 1 car maker )NP )PP )NP (VP may (VP have (VP been (VP caused (PP in (NP part )NP )PP (PP by (NP (NP the end )NP (PP in (NP September )NP )PP (PP of (NP (NP dealer incentives )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP GM )NP (VP offered (PP in (NP addition )NP )PP (PP to (NP (NP consumer rebates )NP and (NP low-interest financing )NP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S , (NP a company spokesman )NP (VP said )VP . )S 32 33 (S (S (NP (NP The sales drop )NP (PP for (NP the No. 1 car maker )NP )PP )NP (VP may (VP have (VP been (VP caused (PP in (NP part )NP )PP (PP by (NP (NP the end )NP (PP in (NP September )NP )PP (PP of (NP (NP dealer incentives )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP GM )NP (VP offered (PP in (NP addition )NP )PP (PP to (NP (NP consumer rebates )NP and (NP low-interest financing )NP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S , (NP a company spokesman )NP (VP said )VP . )S 25 34 (S (S (NP (NP The sales drop )NP (PP for (NP the No. 1 car maker )NP )PP )NP (VP may (VP have (VP been (VP caused (PP in (NP part )NP )PP (PP by (NP (NP (NP the end )NP (PP in (NP September )NP )PP (PP of (NP (NP dealer incentives )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP GM )NP (VP offered (PP in (NP (NP addition )NP (PP to (NP consumer rebates )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP and (NP low-interest financing )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S , (NP a company spokesman )NP (VP said )VP . )S 32 34 (S (S (NP (NP The sales drop )NP (PP for (NP the No. 1 car maker )NP )PP )NP (VP may (VP have (VP been (VP caused (PP in (NP part )NP )PP (PP by (NP (NP the end )NP (PP in (NP September )NP )PP (PP of (NP (NP dealer incentives )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP GM )NP (VP offered (PP in (NP (NP (NP addition )NP (PP to (NP consumer rebates )NP )PP )NP and (NP low-interest financing )NP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S , (NP a company spokesman )NP (VP said )VP . )S 25 34 (S (S (NP (NP The sales drop )NP (PP for (NP the No. 1 car maker )NP )PP )NP (VP may (VP have (VP been (VP caused (PP in (NP part )NP )PP (PP by (NP (NP (NP the end )NP (PP in (NP September )NP )PP (PP of (NP (NP dealer incentives )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP GM )NP (VP offered (PP in (NP (NP addition )NP (PP to (NP consumer rebates )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP and (NP low-interest financing )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S , (NP a company spokesman )NP (VP said )VP . )S 32 34 (S (S (NP (NP The sales drop )NP (PP for (NP the No. 1 car maker )NP )PP )NP (VP may (VP have (VP been (VP caused (PP in (NP part )NP )PP (PP by (NP (NP the end )NP (PP in (NP September )NP )PP (PP of (NP (NP dealer incentives )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP GM )NP (VP offered (PP in (NP (NP (NP addition )NP (PP to (NP consumer rebates )NP )PP )NP and (NP low-interest financing )NP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S , (NP a company spokesman )NP (VP said )VP . )S 32 34 (S (S (NP (NP The sales drop )NP (PP for (NP the No. 1 car maker )NP )PP )NP (VP may (VP have (VP been (VP caused (PP in (NP part )NP )PP (PP by (NP (NP the end )NP (PP in (NP (NP September )NP (PP of (NP (NP dealer incentives )NP (SBAR that (S (NP GM )NP (VP offered (PP in (NP (NP addition )NP (PP to (NP (NP consumer rebates )NP and (NP low-interest financing )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S , (NP a company spokesman )NP (VP said )VP . )S 32 34 (S (S (NP (NP The sales drop )NP (PP for (NP the No. 1 car maker )NP )PP )NP (VP may (VP have (VP been (VP caused (PP in (NP part )NP )PP (PP by (NP (NP the end )NP (PP in (NP (NP September )NP (PP of (NP (NP dealer incentives )NP (SBAR that (S (NP GM )NP (VP offered (PP in (NP (NP addition )NP (PP to (NP (NP consumer rebates )NP and (NP low-interest financing )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S , (NP a company spokesman )NP (VP said )VP . )S 29 32 (S (S (NP (NP The sales drop )NP (PP for (NP the No. 1 car maker )NP )PP )NP (VP may (VP have (VP been (VP caused (PP in (NP part )NP )PP (PP by (NP (NP the end )NP (PP in (NP September )NP )PP (PP of (NP dealer incentives )NP )PP )NP )PP (SBAR that (S (NP GM )NP (VP offered (PP in (NP (NP addition )NP (PP to (NP (NP consumer rebates )NP and (NP low-interest financing )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP )VP )S , (NP a company spokesman )NP (VP said )VP . )S 29 32 (S (S (NP (NP The sales drop )NP (PP for (NP the No. 1 car maker )NP )PP )NP (VP may (VP have (VP been (VP caused (PP in (NP part )NP )PP (PP by (NP (NP the end )NP (PP in (NP September )NP )PP (PP of (NP dealer incentives )NP )PP )NP )PP (SBAR that (S (NP GM )NP (VP offered (PP in (NP (NP addition )NP (PP to (NP (NP consumer rebates )NP and (NP low-interest financing )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP )VP )S , (NP a company spokesman )NP (VP said )VP . )S 26 35 (S (S (NP (NP The sales drop )NP (PP for (NP the No. 1 car maker )NP )PP )NP (VP may (VP have (VP been (VP caused (PP in (NP part )NP )PP (PP by (NP (NP the end )NP (PP in (NP (NP September )NP (PP of (NP (NP (NP dealer incentives )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP GM )NP (VP offered (PP in (NP (NP addition )NP (PP to (NP consumer rebates )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP and (NP low-interest financing )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S , (NP a company spokesman )NP (VP said )VP . )S 34 35 (S (S (NP (NP The sales drop )NP (PP for (NP the No. 1 car maker )NP )PP )NP (VP may (VP have (VP been (VP caused (PP in (NP part )NP )PP (PP by (NP (NP (NP the end )NP (PP in (NP September )NP )PP )NP (PP of (NP (NP dealer incentives )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP GM )NP (VP offered (PP in (NP (NP addition )NP (PP to (NP (NP consumer rebates )NP and (NP low-interest financing )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S , (NP a company spokesman )NP (VP said )VP . )S 34 34 (S (S (NP (NP The sales drop )NP (PP for (NP the No. 1 car maker )NP )PP )NP (VP may (VP have (VP been (VP caused (PP in (NP part )NP )PP (PP by (NP (NP the end )NP (PP in (NP September )NP )PP (PP of (NP (NP dealer incentives )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP GM )NP (VP offered (PP in (NP (NP addition )NP (PP to (NP (NP consumer rebates )NP and (NP low-interest financing )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S , (NP a company spokesman )NP (VP said )VP . )S 26 33 (S (S (NP (NP The sales drop )NP (PP for (NP the No. 1 car maker )NP )PP )NP (VP may (VP have (VP been (VP caused (PP in (NP part )NP )PP (PP by (NP (NP the end )NP (PP in (NP September )NP )PP (PP of (NP (NP (NP dealer incentives )NP (SBAR that (S (NP GM )NP (VP offered (PP in (NP (NP addition )NP (PP to (NP consumer rebates )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP and (NP low-interest financing )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S , (NP a company spokesman )NP (VP said )VP . )S 34 35 (S (S (NP (NP The sales drop )NP (PP for (NP the (NAC No. 1 )NAC car maker )NP )PP )NP (VP may (VP have (VP been (VP caused (PP in (NP part )NP )PP (PP by (NP (NP the end )NP (PP in (NP September )NP )PP (PP of (NP (NP dealer incentives )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP GM )NP (VP offered (PP in (NP (NP addition )NP (PP to (NP (NP consumer rebates )NP and (NP low-interest financing )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S , (NP a company spokesman )NP (VP said )VP . )S 30 33 (S (S (NP (NP The sales drop )NP (PP for (NP the No. 1 car maker )NP )PP )NP (VP may (VP have (VP been (VP caused (PP in (NP part )NP )PP (PP by (NP the end )NP )PP (PP in (NP (NP September )NP (PP of (NP (NP dealer incentives )NP (SBAR that (S (NP GM )NP (VP offered (PP in (NP (NP addition )NP (PP to (NP (NP consumer rebates )NP and (NP low-interest financing )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S , (NP a company spokesman )NP (VP said )VP . )S 31 32 (S (S (NP (NP The sales drop )NP (PP for (NP the No. 1 car maker )NP )PP )NP (VP may (VP have (VP been (VP caused (PP in (NP part )NP )PP (PP by (NP (NP the end )NP (PP in (NP September )NP )PP (PP of (NP (NP dealer incentives )NP (SBAR that (S (NP GM )NP (VP offered (PP in (NP addition )NP )PP (PP to (NP (NP consumer rebates )NP and (NP low-interest financing )NP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S , (NP a company spokesman )NP (VP said )VP . )S 34 34 (S (S (NP (NP The sales drop )NP (PP for (NP the No. 1 car maker )NP )PP )NP (VP may (VP have (VP been (VP caused (PP in (NP part )NP )PP (PP by (NP (NP the end )NP (PP in (NP September )NP )PP (PP of (NP (NP dealer incentives )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP GM )NP (VP offered (PP in (NP (NP addition )NP (PP to (NP (NP consumer rebates )NP and (NP low-interest financing )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S , (NP a company spokesman )NP (VP said )VP . )S 24 33 (S (S (NP (NP The sales drop )NP (PP for (NP the No. 1 car maker )NP )PP )NP (VP may (VP have (VP been (VP caused (PP in (NP part )NP )PP (PP by (NP (NP (NP the end )NP (PP in (NP September )NP )PP (PP of (NP (NP dealer incentives )NP (SBAR that (S (NP GM )NP (VP offered (PP in (NP (NP addition )NP (PP to (NP consumer rebates )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP and (NP low-interest financing )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S , (NP a company spokesman )NP (VP said )VP . )S 31 33 (S (S (NP (NP The sales drop )NP (PP for (NP the No. 1 car maker )NP )PP )NP (VP may (VP have (VP been (VP caused (PP in (NP part )NP )PP (PP by (NP (NP the end )NP (PP in (NP September )NP )PP (PP of (NP (NP dealer incentives )NP (SBAR that (S (NP GM )NP (VP offered (PP in (NP (NP (NP addition )NP (PP to (NP consumer rebates )NP )PP )NP and (NP low-interest financing )NP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S , (NP a company spokesman )NP (VP said )VP . )S 26 35 (S (S (NP (NP The sales drop )NP (PP for (NP the No. 1 car maker )NP )PP )NP (VP may (VP have (VP been (VP caused (PP in (NP part )NP )PP (PP by (NP (NP the end )NP (PP in (NP (NP September )NP (PP of (NP (NP (NP dealer incentives )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP GM )NP (VP offered (PP in (NP (NP addition )NP (PP to (NP consumer rebates )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP and (NP low-interest financing )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S , (NP a company spokesman )NP (VP said )VP . )S 34 35 (S (S (NP (NP The sales drop )NP (PP for (NP the No. 1 car maker )NP )PP )NP (VP may (VP have (VP been (VP caused (PP in (NP part )NP )PP (PP by (NP (NP (NP the end )NP (PP in (NP September )NP )PP )NP (PP of (NP (NP dealer incentives )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP GM )NP (VP offered (PP in (NP (NP addition )NP (PP to (NP (NP consumer rebates )NP and (NP low-interest financing )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S , (NP a company spokesman )NP (VP said )VP . )S 26 35 (S (S (NP (NP The sales drop )NP (PP for (NP the No. 1 car maker )NP )PP )NP (VP may (VP have (VP been (VP caused (PP in (NP part )NP )PP (PP by (NP (NP the end )NP (PP in (NP (NP September )NP (PP of (NP (NP (NP dealer incentives )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP GM )NP (VP offered (PP in (NP (NP addition )NP (PP to (NP consumer rebates )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP and (NP low-interest financing )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S , (NP a company spokesman )NP (VP said )VP . )S 33 35 (S (S (NP (NP The sales drop )NP (PP for (NP the No. 1 car maker )NP )PP )NP (VP may (VP have (VP been (VP caused (PP in (NP (NP part )NP (PP by (NP (NP the end )NP (PP in (NP September )NP )PP (PP of (NP (NP dealer incentives )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP GM )NP (VP offered (PP in (NP (NP addition )NP (PP to (NP (NP consumer rebates )NP and (NP low-interest financing )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S , (NP a company spokesman )NP (VP said )VP . )S 31 34 (S (S (NP (NP The sales drop )NP (PP for (NP the No. 1 car maker )NP )PP )NP (VP may (VP have (VP been (VP caused (PP in (NP part )NP )PP (PP by (NP (NP the end )NP (PP in (NP (NP September )NP (PP of (NP (NP dealer incentives )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP GM )NP (VP offered (PP in (NP addition )NP )PP (PP to (NP (NP consumer rebates )NP and (NP low-interest financing )NP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S , (NP a company spokesman )NP (VP said )VP . )S 34 35 (S (S (NP (NP The sales drop )NP (PP for (NP the No. 1 car maker )NP )PP )NP (VP may (VP have (VP been (VP caused (PP in (NP part )NP )PP (PP by (NP (NP (NP the end )NP (PP in (NP September )NP )PP )NP (PP of (NP (NP dealer incentives )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP GM )NP (VP offered (PP in (NP (NP addition )NP (PP to (NP (NP consumer rebates )NP and (NP low-interest financing )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S , (NP a company spokesman )NP (VP said )VP . )S 34 34 (S (S (NP (NP The sales drop )NP (PP for (NP the No. 1 car maker )NP )PP )NP (VP may (VP have (VP been (VP caused (PP in (NP part )NP )PP (PP by (NP (NP the end )NP (PP in (NP September )NP )PP (PP of (NP (NP dealer incentives )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP GM )NP (VP offered (PP in (NP (NP addition )NP (PP to (NP (NP consumer rebates )NP and (NP low-interest financing )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S , (NP a company spokesman )NP (VP said )VP . )S 26 33 (S (S (NP (NP The sales drop )NP (PP for (NP the No. 1 car maker )NP )PP )NP (VP may (VP have (VP been (VP caused (PP in (NP part )NP )PP (PP by (NP (NP the end )NP (PP in (NP September )NP )PP (PP of (NP (NP (NP dealer incentives )NP (SBAR that (S (NP GM )NP (VP offered (PP in (NP (NP addition )NP (PP to (NP consumer rebates )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP and (NP low-interest financing )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S , (NP a company spokesman )NP (VP said )VP . )S 34 34 (S (S (NP (NP The sales drop )NP (PP for (NP the No. 1 car maker )NP )PP )NP (VP may (VP have (VP been (VP caused (PP in (NP part )NP )PP (PP by (NP (NP the end )NP (PP in (NP September )NP )PP (PP of (NP (NP dealer incentives )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP GM )NP (VP offered (PP in (NP (NP addition )NP (PP to (NP (NP consumer rebates )NP and (NP low-interest financing )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S , (NP a company spokesman )NP (VP said )VP . )S 30 33 (S (S (NP (NP The sales drop )NP (PP for (NP the No. 1 car maker )NP )PP )NP (VP may (VP have (VP been (VP caused (PP in (NP part )NP )PP (PP by (NP the end )NP )PP (PP in (NP (NP September )NP (PP of (NP (NP dealer incentives )NP (SBAR that (S (NP GM )NP (VP offered (PP in (NP (NP addition )NP (PP to (NP (NP consumer rebates )NP and (NP low-interest financing )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S , (NP a company spokesman )NP (VP said )VP . )S 50 18 21 (S (NP Last year )NP , (NP GM )NP (VP had (NP (NP a different program )NP (PP in (NP place )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP continued (S (VP rewarding (NP dealers )NP (SBAR until (S (NP all the 1989 models )NP (VP had (VP been (VP sold )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 18 20 (S (NP Last year )NP , (NP GM )NP (VP had (NP (NP a different program )NP (PP in (NP place )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP continued (VP rewarding (NP dealers )NP (SBAR until (S (NP all the 1989 models )NP (VP had (VP been (VP sold )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 17 21 (S (NP Last year )NP , (NP GM )NP (VP had (NP a different program )NP (PP in (NP (NP place )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP continued (S (VP rewarding (NP dealers )NP (SBAR until (S (NP all the 1989 models )NP (VP had (VP been (VP sold )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 17 20 (S (NP Last year )NP , (NP GM )NP (VP had (NP a different program )NP (PP in (NP (NP place )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP continued (VP rewarding (NP dealers )NP (SBAR until (S (NP all the 1989 models )NP (VP had (VP been (VP sold )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 16 19 (S (NP Last year )NP , (NP GM )NP (VP had (NP (NP a different program )NP (PP in (NP place )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP continued (SBAR (NP rewarding dealers )NP until (S (NP all the 1989 models )NP (VP had (VP been (VP sold )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 17 21 (S (NP Last year )NP , (NP GM )NP (VP had (NP (NP a different program )NP (PP in (NP place )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP continued (S (VP rewarding (NP dealers (SBAR until (S (NP all the 1989 models )NP (VP had (VP been (VP sold )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 17 19 (S (NP Last year )NP , (NP GM )NP (VP had (NP (NP a different program )NP (PP in (NP place )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP continued (NP rewarding dealers )NP (SBAR until (S (NP all the 1989 models )NP (VP had (VP been (VP sold )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 16 20 (S (NP Last year )NP , (NP GM )NP (VP had (NP a different program )NP (PP in (NP place (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP continued (S (VP rewarding (NP dealers )NP (SBAR until (S (NP all the 1989 models )NP (VP had (VP been (VP sold )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 15 24 (S (NP Last year )NP , (NP GM )NP (VP had (NP (NP a different program )NP (PP in (NP place )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP continued (S (VP rewarding (NP dealers )NP (PP until (NP (NP all )NP (SBAR (S (NP the 1989 models )NP (VP had (VP been (VP sold )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 18 22 (S (S (NP Last year )NP )S , (NP GM )NP (VP had (NP (NP a different program )NP (PP in (NP place )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP continued (S (VP rewarding (NP dealers )NP (SBAR until (S (NP all the 1989 models )NP (VP had (VP been (VP sold )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 16 19 (S (NP Last year )NP , (NP GM )NP (VP had (NP a different program )NP (PP in (NP place (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP continued (VP rewarding (NP dealers )NP (SBAR until (S (NP all the 1989 models )NP (VP had (VP been (VP sold )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 14 22 (S (NP Last year )NP , (NP GM )NP (VP had (NP (NP a different program )NP (PP in (NP place )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP continued (NP rewarding dealers )NP (PP until (NP (NP all )NP (SBAR (S (NP the 1989 models )NP (VP had (VP been (VP sold )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 18 21 (S (S (NP Last year )NP )S , (NP GM )NP (VP had (NP (NP a different program )NP (PP in (NP place )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP continued (VP rewarding (NP dealers )NP (SBAR until (S (NP all the 1989 models )NP (VP had (VP been (VP sold )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 14 17 (S (NP Last year )NP , (NP GM )NP (VP had (NP a different program )NP (PP in (NP place (SBAR that (S (VP continued (NP rewarding dealers )NP (SBAR until (S (NP all the 1989 models )NP (VP had (VP been (VP sold )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 18 22 (S (NP Last year )NP , (NP GM )NP (VP had (NP (NP a different program )NP (PP in (NP place )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP continued (S (VP rewarding (NP (NP dealers )NP (SBAR until (S (NP all the 1989 models )NP (VP had (VP been (VP sold )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 17 22 (S (NP Last year )NP , (NP GM )NP (VP had (NP (NP a different program )NP (PP in (NP (NP place )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP continued (S (VP rewarding (NP dealers )NP (SBAR until (S (NP all the 1989 models )NP (VP had (VP been (VP sold )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 15 19 (S (NP Last year )NP , (NP GM )NP (VP had (NP a different program )NP (PP in (NP (NP place )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP continued (SBAR (NP rewarding dealers )NP until (S (NP all the 1989 models )NP (VP had (VP been (VP sold )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 16 21 (S (NP Last year )NP , (NP GM )NP (VP had (NP a different program )NP (PP in (NP (NP place )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP continued (S (VP rewarding (NP dealers (SBAR until (S (NP all the 1989 models )NP (VP had (VP been (VP sold )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 18 22 (S (NP Last year )NP , (NP GM )NP (VP had (NP (NP a (ADJP different )ADJP program )NP (PP in (NP place )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP continued (S (VP rewarding (NP dealers )NP (SBAR until (S (NP all the 1989 models )NP (VP had (VP been (VP sold )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 18 20 (S (NP Last year )NP , (NP GM )NP (VP had (NP a different program )NP (PP in (NP place )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP continued (S (VP rewarding (NP dealers )NP (SBAR until (S (NP all the 1989 models )NP (VP had (VP been (VP sold )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 17 21 (S (NP Last year )NP , (NP GM )NP (VP had (NP (NP a different program )NP (PP in (NP (NP place )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP continued (VP rewarding (NP dealers )NP (SBAR until (S (NP all the 1989 models )NP (VP had (VP been (VP sold )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 15 19 (S (NP Last year )NP , (NP GM )NP (VP had (NP a different program )NP (PP in (NP place (SBAR that (S (VP continued (S (VP rewarding (NP dealers )NP (SBAR until (S (NP all the 1989 models )NP (VP had (VP been (VP sold )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 15 19 (S (NP Last year )NP , (NP GM )NP (VP had (NP a different program )NP (PP in (NP place (SBAR that (S (VP continued (S (VP rewarding (NP dealers )NP (SBAR until (S (NP all the 1989 models )NP (VP had (VP been (VP sold )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 18 21 (S (NP Last year )NP , (NP GM )NP (VP had (NP (NP a different program )NP (PP in (NP place )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP continued (S (VP rewarding (NP dealers )NP (SBAR until (S (NP all the 1989 models )NP (VP had (VP been (VP sold )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 18 21 (S (NP Last year )NP , (NP GM )NP (VP had (NP (NP a (ADJP different )ADJP program )NP (PP in (NP place )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP continued (VP rewarding (NP dealers )NP (SBAR until (S (NP all the 1989 models )NP (VP had (VP been (VP sold )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 16 19 (S (NP Last year )NP , (NP GM )NP (VP had (NP a different program )NP (PP in (NP (NP place )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP continued (NP rewarding dealers )NP (SBAR until (S (NP all the 1989 models )NP (VP had (VP been (VP sold )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 18 19 (S (NP Last year )NP , (NP GM )NP (VP had (NP a different program )NP (PP in (NP place )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP continued (VP rewarding (NP dealers )NP (SBAR until (S (NP all the 1989 models )NP (VP had (VP been (VP sold )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 18 23 (S (NP Last year )NP , (NP GM )NP (VP had (NP (NP a different program )NP (PP in (NP place )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP continued (S (VP rewarding (NP (NP dealers )NP (SBAR (WHNP until )WHNP (S (NP all the 1989 models )NP (VP had (VP been (VP sold )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 15 23 (S (NP Last year )NP , (NP GM )NP (VP had (NP (NP a different program )NP (PP in (NP place )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP continued (VP rewarding (NP dealers )NP (PP until (NP (NP all )NP (SBAR (S (NP the 1989 models )NP (VP had (VP been (VP sold )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 18 21 (S (NP Last year )NP , (NP GM )NP (VP had (NP (NP a different program )NP (PP in (NP place )NP )PP )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP continued (S (VP rewarding (NP dealers )NP (SBAR until (S (NP all the 1989 models )NP (VP had (VP been (VP sold )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 14 24 (S (NP Last year )NP , (NP GM )NP (VP had (NP a different program )NP (PP in (NP (NP place )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP continued (S (VP rewarding (NP dealers )NP (PP until (NP (NP all )NP (SBAR (S (NP the 1989 models )NP (VP had (VP been (VP sold )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 17 22 (S (S (NP Last year )NP )S , (NP GM )NP (VP had (NP a different program )NP (PP in (NP (NP place )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP continued (S (VP rewarding (NP dealers )NP (SBAR until (S (NP all the 1989 models )NP (VP had (VP been (VP sold )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 15 18 (S (NP Last year )NP , (NP GM )NP (VP had (NP a different program )NP (PP in (NP place (SBAR that (S (VP continued (VP rewarding (NP dealers )NP (SBAR until (S (NP all the 1989 models )NP (VP had (VP been (VP sold )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 15 18 (S (NP Last year )NP , (NP GM )NP (VP had (NP a different program )NP (PP in (NP place (SBAR that (S (VP continued (VP rewarding (NP dealers )NP (SBAR until (S (NP all the 1989 models )NP (VP had (VP been (VP sold )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 16 19 (S (NP Last year )NP , (NP GM )NP (VP had (NP (NP a different program )NP (PP in (NP place )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP continued (SBAR (NP rewarding dealers )NP until (S (NP all the 1989 models )NP (VP had (VP been (VP sold )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 18 20 (S (NP Last year )NP , (NP GM )NP (VP had (NP (NP a different program )NP (PP in (NP place )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP continued (VP rewarding (NP dealers )NP (SBAR until (S (NP all the 1989 models )NP (VP had (VP been (VP sold )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 16 18 (S (NP Last year )NP , (NP GM )NP (VP had (NP (NP a different program )NP (PP in (NP place )NP )PP (SBAR that (S (VP continued (NP rewarding dealers )NP (SBAR until (S (NP all the 1989 models )NP (VP had (VP been (VP sold )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 17 20 (S (NP Last year )NP , (NP GM )NP (VP had (NP (NP a different program )NP (PP in (NP place )NP )PP (SBAR that (S (VP continued (S (VP rewarding (NP dealers )NP (SBAR until (S (NP all the 1989 models )NP (VP had (VP been (VP sold )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 17 19 (S (NP Last year )NP , (NP GM )NP (VP had (NP a different program )NP (PP in (NP place )NP )PP (SBAR that (S (VP continued (S (VP rewarding (NP dealers )NP (SBAR until (S (NP all the 1989 models )NP (VP had (VP been (VP sold )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 16 17 (S (NP Last year )NP , (NP GM )NP (VP had (NP a different program )NP (PP in (NP place )NP )PP (SBAR that (S (VP continued (NP rewarding dealers )NP (SBAR until (S (NP all the 1989 models )NP (VP had (VP been (VP sold )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 17 22 (S (NP Last year )NP , (NP GM )NP (VP had (NP a (ADJP different )ADJP program )NP (PP in (NP (NP place )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP continued (S (VP rewarding (NP dealers )NP (SBAR until (S (NP all the 1989 models )NP (VP had (VP been (VP sold )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 18 20 (S (NP Last year )NP , (NP GM )NP (VP had (NP (NP a different program )NP (PP in (NP place )NP )PP )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP continued (VP rewarding (NP dealers )NP (SBAR until (S (NP all the 1989 models )NP (VP had (VP been (VP sold )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 18 20 (S (NP Last year )NP , (NP GM )NP (VP had (NP (NP a different program )NP (PP in (NP place )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP continued (PP rewarding (NP dealers )NP )PP (SBAR until (S (NP all the 1989 models )NP (VP had (VP been (VP sold )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 13 22 (S (NP Last year )NP , (NP GM )NP (VP had (NP a different program )NP (PP in (NP (NP place )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP continued (NP rewarding dealers )NP (PP until (NP (NP all )NP (SBAR (S (NP the 1989 models )NP (VP had (VP been (VP sold )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 17 21 (S (S (NP Last year )NP )S , (NP GM )NP (VP had (NP a different program )NP (PP in (NP (NP place )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP continued (VP rewarding (NP dealers )NP (SBAR until (S (NP all the 1989 models )NP (VP had (VP been (VP sold )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 14 19 (S (NP Last year )NP , (NP GM )NP (VP had (NP (NP a different program )NP (PP in (NP place )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP continued (NP rewarding dealers )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP (SBAR until (S (NP all the 1989 models )NP (VP had (VP been (VP sold )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 16 19 (S (NP Last year )NP , (NP GM )NP (VP had (NP (NP a different program )NP (PP in (NP place )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP continued (SBAR (NP rewarding dealers )NP until (S (NP all the 1989 models )NP (VP had (VP been (VP sold )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 18 22 (S (NP Last year )NP , (NP GM )NP (VP had (NP (NP (NP a different program )NP (PP in (NP place )NP )PP )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP continued (S (VP rewarding (NP dealers )NP (SBAR until (S (NP all the 1989 models )NP (VP had (VP been (VP sold )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 17 19 (S (NP Last year )NP , (NP GM )NP (VP had (NP (NP a different program )NP (PP in (NP place )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP continued (NP rewarding dealers )NP (SBAR until (S (NP all the 1989 models )NP (VP had (VP been (VP sold )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 16 19 (S (NP Last year )NP , (NP GM )NP (VP had (NP a different program )NP (PP in (NP (NP place )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP continued (NP rewarding dealers )NP (SBAR until (S (NP all the 1989 models )NP (VP had (VP been (VP sold )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 50 7 7 (S (ADVP Aside (PP from (NP GM )NP )PP )ADVP , (NP other car makers )NP (VP posted (NP generally mixed results )NP )VP . )S 7 7 (S (ADVP Aside (PP from (NP GM )NP )PP )ADVP , (NP other car makers )NP (VP posted (NP generally mixed results )NP )VP . )S 8 8 (S (ADVP Aside (PP from (NP GM )NP )PP )ADVP , (NP other car makers )NP (VP posted (NP (ADJP generally mixed )ADJP results )NP )VP . )S 8 8 (S (ADVP Aside (PP from (NP GM )NP )PP )ADVP , (NP other car makers )NP (VP posted (NP (ADJP generally mixed )ADJP results )NP )VP . )S 6 7 (S (PP Aside (PP from (NP GM )NP )PP )PP , (NP other car makers )NP (VP posted (NP generally mixed results )NP )VP . )S 6 7 (S (PP Aside (PP from (NP GM )NP )PP )PP , (NP other car makers )NP (VP posted (NP generally mixed results )NP )VP . )S 6 8 (S (ADVP Aside (PP from (NP GM )NP )PP )ADVP , (NP other car makers )NP (VP posted (ADVP generally )ADVP (NP mixed results )NP )VP . )S 7 8 (S (PP Aside (PP from (NP GM )NP )PP )PP , (NP other car makers )NP (VP posted (NP (ADJP generally mixed )ADJP results )NP )VP . )S 7 8 (S (PP Aside (PP from (NP GM )NP )PP )PP , (NP other car makers )NP (VP posted (NP (ADJP generally mixed )ADJP results )NP )VP . )S 5 6 (S (PP Aside from (NP GM )NP )PP , (NP other car makers )NP (VP posted (NP generally mixed results )NP )VP . )S 6 8 (S (ADVP Aside (PP from (NP GM )NP )PP )ADVP , (NP other car makers )NP (VP posted (PRT generally )PRT (NP mixed results )NP )VP . )S 7 8 (S (ADVP Aside (PP from (NP GM )NP )PP )ADVP , (NP other car makers )NP (VP posted (NP (ADVP generally )ADVP mixed results )NP )VP . )S 7 8 (S (ADVP Aside (PP from (NP GM )NP )PP )ADVP , (NP other car makers )NP (VP posted (NP (ADJP generally )ADJP mixed results )NP )VP . )S 5 6 (S (PP Aside from (NP GM )NP )PP , (NP other car makers )NP (VP posted (NP generally mixed results )NP )VP . )S 8 9 (S (ADVP Aside (PP from (NP GM )NP )PP )ADVP , (NP other car makers )NP (VP posted (NP (ADJP (ADVP generally )ADVP mixed )ADJP results )NP )VP . )S 6 8 (S (ADVP Aside (PP from (NP GM )NP )PP )ADVP , (NP other car makers )NP (VP posted (ADVP generally )ADVP (NP mixed results )NP )VP . )S 5 8 (S (PP Aside (PP from (NP GM )NP )PP )PP , (NP other car makers )NP (VP posted (ADVP generally )ADVP (NP mixed results )NP )VP . )S 6 8 (S (ADVP Aside (PP from (NP GM )NP )PP )ADVP , (NP other car makers )NP (VP posted (ADVP generally )ADVP (NP mixed results )NP )VP . )S 6 7 (S (PP Aside from (NP GM )NP )PP , (NP other car makers )NP (VP posted (NP (ADJP generally mixed )ADJP results )NP )VP . )S 6 7 (S (PP Aside from (NP GM )NP )PP , (NP other car makers )NP (VP posted (NP (ADJP generally mixed )ADJP results )NP )VP . )S 7 8 (S (ADVP (ADVP Aside )ADVP (PP from (NP GM )NP )PP )ADVP , (NP other car makers )NP (VP posted (NP generally mixed results )NP )VP . )S 7 7 (S (ADVP Aside (PP from (NP GM )NP )PP )ADVP , (NP other car makers )NP (VP posted (NP generally mixed results )NP )VP . )S 7 8 (S (ADVP Aside (PP from (NP GM )NP )PP )ADVP , (NP other car makers )NP (VP posted (ADJP generally mixed )ADJP (NP results )NP )VP . )S 6 8 (S (ADVP Aside (PP from (NP GM )NP )PP )ADVP , (NP other car makers )NP (VP posted (PRT generally )PRT (NP mixed results )NP )VP . )S 7 7 (S (ADVP Aside (PP from (NP GM )NP )PP )ADVP , (NP other car makers )NP (VP posted (NP generally mixed results )NP )VP . )S 7 8 (S (ADVP (ADVP Aside )ADVP (PP from (NP GM )NP )PP )ADVP , (NP other car makers )NP (VP posted (NP generally mixed results )NP )VP . )S 5 8 (S (PP Aside (PP from (NP GM )NP )PP )PP , (NP other car makers )NP (VP posted (PRT generally )PRT (NP mixed results )NP )VP . )S 6 8 (S (PP Aside (PP from (NP GM )NP )PP )PP , (NP other car makers )NP (VP posted (NP (ADVP generally )ADVP mixed results )NP )VP . )S 7 8 (S (ADVP Aside (PP from (NP GM )NP )PP )ADVP , (NP other car makers )NP (VP posted (ADJP generally mixed )ADJP (NP results )NP )VP . )S 5 8 (S (PP Aside (PP from (NP GM )NP )PP )PP , (NP other car makers )NP (VP posted (ADVP generally )ADVP (NP mixed results )NP )VP . )S 6 8 (S (PP Aside (PP from (NP GM )NP )PP )PP , (NP other car makers )NP (VP posted (NP (ADJP generally )ADJP mixed results )NP )VP . )S 8 9 (S (ADVP Aside (PP from (NP GM )NP )PP )ADVP , (NP other car makers )NP (VP posted (NP (ADJP (ADVP generally )ADVP mixed )ADJP results )NP )VP . )S 6 7 (S (PP Aside (PP from (NP GM )NP )PP )PP , (NP other car makers )NP (VP posted (NP generally mixed results )NP )VP . )S 7 9 (S (PP Aside (PP from (NP GM )NP )PP )PP , (NP other car makers )NP (VP posted (NP (ADJP (ADVP generally )ADVP mixed )ADJP results )NP )VP . )S 8 9 (S (ADVP (ADVP Aside )ADVP (PP from (NP GM )NP )PP )ADVP , (NP other car makers )NP (VP posted (NP (ADJP generally mixed )ADJP results )NP )VP . )S 7 8 (S (ADVP Aside (PP from (NP GM )NP )PP )ADVP , (NP other car makers )NP (VP posted (NP (QP generally mixed )QP results )NP )VP . )S 8 9 (S (ADVP (ADVP Aside )ADVP (PP from (NP GM )NP )PP )ADVP , (NP other car makers )NP (VP posted (NP (ADJP generally mixed )ADJP results )NP )VP . )S 6 8 (S (ADVP Aside (PP from (NP GM )NP )PP )ADVP , (NP other car makers )NP (VP posted (ADJP generally )ADJP (NP mixed results )NP )VP . )S 6 8 (S (ADVP Aside (PP from (NP GM )NP )PP )ADVP , (NP other car makers )NP (VP posted (ADVP generally )ADVP (NP mixed results )NP )VP . )S 7 8 (S (ADVP Aside (PP from (NP GM )NP )PP )ADVP , (S (NP other car makers )NP (VP posted (NP generally mixed results )NP )VP )S . )S 5 8 (S (PP Aside (PP from (NP GM )NP )PP )PP , (NP other car makers )NP (VP posted (ADVP generally )ADVP (NP mixed results )NP )VP . )S 6 7 (S (PP Aside (PP from (NP GM )NP )PP )PP , (NP other car makers )NP (VP posted (NP generally mixed results )NP )VP . )S 8 8 (S (ADVP Aside (PP from (NP GM )NP )PP )ADVP , (NP other car makers )NP (VP posted (NP (ADJP generally mixed )ADJP results )NP )VP . )S 4 7 (S (PP Aside from (NP GM )NP )PP , (NP other car makers )NP (VP posted (ADVP generally )ADVP (NP mixed results )NP )VP . )S 6 8 (S (ADVP Aside (PP from (NP GM )NP )PP )ADVP , (NP other car makers )NP (VP posted (PRT generally )PRT (NP mixed results )NP )VP . )S 8 8 (S (ADVP Aside (PP from (NP GM )NP )PP )ADVP , (NP other car makers )NP (VP posted (NP (ADJP generally mixed )ADJP results )NP )VP . )S 5 7 (S (PP (ADVP Aside )ADVP from (NP GM )NP )PP , (NP other car makers )NP (VP posted (NP generally mixed results )NP )VP . )S 6 10 (S (ADVP Aside (PP from (NP GM )NP )PP )ADVP , (NP other car makers )NP (VP posted (S (VP (ADVP generally )ADVP mixed (NP results )NP )VP )S )VP . )S 7 8 (S (ADVP Aside (PP from (NP GM )NP )PP )ADVP , (S (NP other car makers )NP (VP posted (NP generally mixed results )NP )VP )S . )S 6 9 (S (ADVP Aside (PP from (NP GM )NP )PP )ADVP , (NP other car makers )NP (VP posted (S (VP generally (NP mixed results )NP )VP )S )VP . )S 50 14 14 (S (NP Ford Motor Co. )NP (VP had (NP (NP (NP a (ADJP 1.8 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP in (NP domestic car sales )NP )PP )NP but (NP (NP a (ADJP 2.4 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP in (NP domestic truck sales )NP )PP )NP )NP )VP . )S 12 14 (S (NP Ford Motor Co. )NP (VP had (NP (NP a (ADJP 1.8 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP in (NP (NP domestic car sales )NP but (NP (NP a (ADJP 2.4 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP in (NP domestic truck sales )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 13 15 (S (NP Ford Motor Co. )NP (VP (VP had (NP (NP a (ADJP 1.8 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP in (NP domestic car sales )NP )PP )NP )VP but (VP (NP (NP a (ADJP 2.4 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP in (NP domestic truck sales )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP . )S 13 14 (S (NP Ford Motor Co. )NP (VP had (NP (NP a (ADJP 1.8 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP in (NP domestic car sales )NP )PP (PP but (NP (NP a (ADJP 2.4 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP in (NP domestic truck sales )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 12 13 (S (NP Ford Motor Co. )NP (VP had (NP (NP (NP a (ADJP 1.8 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP in (NP domestic car sales )NP )PP )NP but (NP a (ADJP 2.4 % )ADJP increase )NP )NP (PP in (NP domestic truck sales )NP )PP )VP . )S 13 14 (S (NP Ford Motor Co. )NP (VP had (NP (NP a (ADJP 1.8 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP in (NP domestic car sales )NP )PP )NP (PP but (NP (NP a (ADJP 2.4 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP in (NP domestic truck sales )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 11 13 (S (NP Ford Motor Co. )NP (VP had (NP (NP a (ADJP 1.8 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP in (NP (NP domestic car sales )NP but (NP a (ADJP 2.4 % )ADJP increase )NP )NP )PP (PP in (NP domestic truck sales )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 12 14 (S (NP Ford Motor Co. )NP (VP (VP had (NP (NP a (ADJP 1.8 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP in (NP domestic car sales )NP )PP )NP )VP but (VP (NP a (ADJP 2.4 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP in (NP domestic truck sales )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 11 13 (S (NP Ford Motor Co. )NP (VP had (NP a (ADJP 1.8 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP in (NP (NP domestic car sales )NP but (NP (NP a (ADJP 2.4 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP in (NP domestic truck sales )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 10 13 (S (NP Ford Motor Co. )NP (VP had (NP (NP a (ADJP 1.8 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP in (NP (NP domestic car sales )NP but (NP a (ADJP 2.4 % )ADJP increase )NP )NP )PP )NP (PP in (NP domestic truck sales )NP )PP )VP . )S 13 13 (S (NP Ford Motor Co. )NP (VP had (NP (NP (NP a (ADJP 1.8 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP in (NP domestic car sales )NP )PP )NP but (NP (NP a 2.4 % increase )NP (PP in (NP domestic truck sales )NP )PP )NP )NP )VP . )S 12 15 (S (NP Ford Motor Co. )NP (VP had (NP (NP a (ADJP 1.8 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP in (NP (NP domestic car sales )NP (PP but (NP (NP a (ADJP 2.4 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP in (NP domestic truck sales )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 13 14 (S (NP Ford Motor Co. )NP (VP had (NP (NP a (ADJP 1.8 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP in (NP domestic car sales )NP )PP (PP but (NP (NP a (ADJP 2.4 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP in (NP domestic truck sales )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 14 15 (S (NP Ford Motor Co. )NP (VP had (NP (NP (NP a (ADJP (QP 1.8 % )QP )ADJP drop )NP (PP in (NP domestic car sales )NP )PP )NP but (NP (NP a (ADJP 2.4 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP in (NP domestic truck sales )NP )PP )NP )NP )VP . )S 12 15 (S (NP Ford Motor Co. )NP (VP had (NP (NP a (ADJP 1.8 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP in (NP (NP domestic car sales )NP (PP but (NP (NP a (ADJP 2.4 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP in (NP domestic truck sales )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 13 14 (S (NP Ford Motor Co. )NP (VP had (NP (NP a (ADJP 1.8 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP in (NP domestic car sales )NP )PP )NP (PP but (NP (NP a (ADJP 2.4 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP in (NP domestic truck sales )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 14 15 (S (NP Ford Motor Co. )NP (VP had (NP (NP (NP a (ADJP 1.8 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP in (NP domestic car sales )NP )PP )NP but (NP (NP a (ADJP (QP 2.4 % )QP )ADJP increase )NP (PP in (NP domestic truck sales )NP )PP )NP )NP )VP . )S 13 13 (S (NP Ford Motor Co. )NP (VP had (NP (NP (NP a (ADJP 1.8 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP in (NP domestic car sales )NP )PP )NP but (NP a (ADJP 2.4 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP in (NP domestic truck sales )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 14 15 (S (NP Ford Motor Co. )NP (VP had (NP (NP (NP a (ADJP 1.8 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP in (NP (ADJP domestic )ADJP car sales )NP )PP )NP but (NP (NP a (ADJP 2.4 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP in (NP domestic truck sales )NP )PP )NP )NP )VP . )S 14 15 (S (NP Ford Motor Co. )NP (VP had (NP (NP (NP a (ADJP 1.8 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP in (NP domestic car sales )NP )PP )NP but (NP (NP a (ADJP 2.4 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP in (NP (ADJP domestic )ADJP truck sales )NP )PP )NP )NP )VP . )S 13 14 (S (NP Ford Motor Co. )NP (VP had (NP (NP (NP (NP a (ADJP 1.8 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP in (NP domestic car sales )NP )PP )NP but (NP a (ADJP 2.4 % )ADJP increase )NP )NP (PP in (NP domestic truck sales )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 13 15 (S (NP Ford )NP (NP Motor Co. )NP (VP had (NP (NP (NP a (ADJP 1.8 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP in (NP domestic car sales )NP )PP )NP but (NP (NP a (ADJP 2.4 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP in (NP domestic truck sales )NP )PP )NP )NP )VP . )S 11 13 (S (NP Ford Motor Co. )NP (VP had (NP (NP a (ADJP 1.8 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP in (NP (NP domestic car sales )NP but (NP (NP a 2.4 % increase )NP (PP in (NP domestic truck sales )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 11 14 (S (NP Ford Motor Co. )NP (VP had (NP (NP a (ADJP 1.8 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP in (NP (NP (NP domestic car sales )NP but (NP a (ADJP 2.4 % )ADJP increase )NP )NP (PP in (NP domestic truck sales )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 12 15 (S (NP Ford Motor Co. )NP (VP had (S (NP (NP a (ADJP 1.8 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP in (NP (NP domestic car sales )NP but (NP (NP a (ADJP 2.4 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP in (NP domestic truck sales )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )S )VP . )S 12 15 (S (NP Ford Motor Co. )NP (VP had (NP (NP a (ADJP (QP 1.8 % )QP )ADJP drop )NP (PP in (NP (NP domestic car sales )NP but (NP (NP a (ADJP 2.4 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP in (NP domestic truck sales )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 13 13 (S (NP Ford Motor Co. )NP (VP had (NP (NP (NP a 1.8 % drop )NP (PP in (NP domestic car sales )NP )PP )NP but (NP (NP a (ADJP 2.4 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP in (NP domestic truck sales )NP )PP )NP )NP )VP . )S 12 14 (S (NP Ford Motor Co. )NP (VP had (NP a (NP (NP (ADJP 1.8 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP in (NP domestic car sales )NP )PP )NP but (NP (NP a (ADJP 2.4 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP in (NP domestic truck sales )NP )PP )NP )NP )VP . )S 12 15 (S (NP Ford Motor Co. )NP (VP had (NP (NP a (ADJP 1.8 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP in (NP (NP domestic car sales )NP but (NP (NP a (ADJP (QP 2.4 % )QP )ADJP increase )NP (PP in (NP domestic truck sales )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 14 15 (S (NP Ford Motor Co. )NP (VP had (VP (NP (NP (NP a (ADJP 1.8 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP in (NP domestic car sales )NP )PP )NP but (NP (NP a (ADJP 2.4 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP in (NP domestic truck sales )NP )PP )NP )NP )VP )VP . )S 12 15 (S (S (NP Ford Motor Co. )NP (VP had (NP (NP a (ADJP 1.8 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP in (NP domestic car sales )NP )PP )NP )VP )S but (S (NP (NP a (ADJP 2.4 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP in (NP domestic truck sales )NP )PP )NP )S . )S 12 15 (S (NP Ford Motor Co. )NP (VP had (NP (NP a (ADJP 1.8 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP in (NP (NP domestic car sales )NP but (NP (NP a (ADJP 2.4 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP in (NP (ADJP domestic )ADJP truck sales )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 14 15 (S (NP Ford Motor Co. )NP (VP had (S (NP (NP (NP a (ADJP 1.8 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP in (NP domestic car sales )NP )PP )NP but (NP (NP a (ADJP 2.4 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP in (NP domestic truck sales )NP )PP )NP )NP )S )VP . )S 14 15 (S (NP Ford Motor Co. )NP (VP had (NP (NP (NP a (ADJP 1.8 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP in (NP domestic car sales )NP )PP )NP (PP but (NP (NP a (ADJP 2.4 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP in (NP domestic truck sales )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 11 15 (S (NP Ford )NP (NP Motor Co. )NP (VP had (NP (NP a (ADJP 1.8 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP in (NP (NP domestic car sales )NP but (NP (NP a (ADJP 2.4 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP in (NP domestic truck sales )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 14 15 (S (NP (NP Ford )NP Motor Co. )NP (VP had (NP (NP (NP a (ADJP 1.8 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP in (NP domestic car sales )NP )PP )NP but (NP (NP a (ADJP 2.4 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP in (NP domestic truck sales )NP )PP )NP )NP )VP . )S 12 14 (S (NP Ford Motor Co. )NP (VP (VP had (NP a (ADJP 1.8 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP in (NP domestic car sales )NP )PP )VP but (VP (NP (NP a (ADJP 2.4 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP in (NP domestic truck sales )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP . )S 14 15 (S (NP Ford Motor Co. )NP (VP had (NP (NP (NP a (ADJP 1.8 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP in (NP domestic car sales )NP )PP )NP but (NP (NP a (ADJP 2.4 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP in (NP domestic (NX truck sales )NX )NP )PP )NP )NP )VP . )S 11 14 (S (NP Ford Motor Co. )NP (VP had (NP (NP (NP a (ADJP 1.8 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP in (NP (NP domestic car sales )NP but (NP a (ADJP 2.4 % )ADJP increase )NP )NP )PP )NP (PP in (NP domestic truck sales )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 13 14 (S (NP Ford Motor Co. )NP (VP had (NP (NP (NP (NP a 1.8 % )NP drop )NP (PP in (NP domestic car sales )NP )PP )NP but (NP (NP a (ADJP 2.4 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP in (NP domestic truck sales )NP )PP )NP )NP )VP . )S 12 13 (S (NP Ford Motor Co. )NP (VP had (NP (NP a (ADJP 1.8 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP in (NP domestic car sales )NP )PP (PP but (NP a (ADJP 2.4 % )ADJP increase )NP )PP (PP in (NP domestic truck sales )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 11 13 (S (NP Ford Motor Co. )NP (VP had (NP (NP a 1.8 % drop )NP (PP in (NP (NP domestic car sales )NP but (NP (NP a (ADJP 2.4 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP in (NP domestic truck sales )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 12 13 (S (NP Ford Motor Co. )NP (VP had (NP a (ADJP 1.8 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP in (NP domestic car sales )NP )PP (PP but (NP (NP a (ADJP 2.4 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP in (NP domestic truck sales )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 13 14 (S (NP Ford Motor Co. )NP (VP had (NP (NP (NP a (ADJP 1.8 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP in (NP domestic car sales )NP )PP )NP but (NP (NP a (NP 2.4 % )NP increase )NP (PP in (NP domestic truck sales )NP )PP )NP )NP )VP . )S 11 14 (S (NP Ford Motor Co. )NP (VP had (NP a (ADJP 1.8 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP in (NP (NP domestic car sales )NP (PP but (NP (NP a (ADJP 2.4 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP in (NP domestic truck sales )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 12 15 (S (NP Ford Motor Co. )NP (VP had (NP (NP a (ADJP 1.8 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP in (NP (NP (ADJP domestic )ADJP car sales )NP but (NP (NP a (ADJP 2.4 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP in (NP domestic truck sales )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 12 14 (S (NP Ford Motor Co. )NP (VP (VP had (NP (NP a (ADJP 1.8 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP in (NP domestic car sales )NP )PP )NP )VP but (VP (NP (NP a 2.4 % increase )NP (PP in (NP domestic truck sales )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP . )S 10 15 (S (NP Ford Motor Co. )NP (VP had (NP (NP (NP a (ADJP 1.8 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP in (NP domestic car sales )NP )PP )NP but (NP (NP a (ADJP 2.4 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP in (NP domestic truck )NP )PP )NP )NP (NP sales )NP )VP . )S 10 12 (S (NP Ford Motor Co. )NP (VP had (NP a (ADJP 1.8 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP in (NP (NP domestic car sales )NP but (NP a (ADJP 2.4 % )ADJP increase )NP )NP )PP (PP in (NP domestic truck sales )NP )PP )VP . )S 11 13 (S (NP Ford Motor Co. )NP (VP had (NP (NP a (ADJP 1.8 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP in (NP domestic car sales )NP )PP (PP but (NP a (ADJP 2.4 % )ADJP increase )NP )PP )NP (PP in (NP domestic truck sales )NP )PP )VP . )S 50 12 13 (S (NP Chrysler Corp. )NP (VP had (NP (NP a (ADJP 7.5 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP in (NP car sales )NP )PP )NP , (PP echoing (NP (NP its (ADJP generally slow )ADJP performance )NP (NP all year )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 11 13 (S (NP Chrysler Corp. )NP (VP had (NP (NP a (ADJP 7.5 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP in (NP car sales )NP )PP , (PP echoing (NP (NP its (ADJP generally slow )ADJP performance )NP (NP all year )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 11 12 (S (NP Chrysler Corp. )NP (VP had (NP (NP a (ADJP 7.5 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP in (NP car sales )NP )PP )NP , (PP echoing (NP (NP its generally slow performance )NP (NP all year )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 10 12 (S (NP Chrysler Corp. )NP (VP had (NP (NP a (ADJP 7.5 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP in (NP car sales )NP )PP , (PP echoing (NP (NP its generally slow performance )NP (NP all year )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 10 14 (S (NP Chrysler Corp. )NP (VP had (NP (NP a (ADJP 7.5 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP in (NP (NP car sales )NP , (PP echoing (NP (NP its (ADJP generally slow )ADJP performance )NP (NP all year )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 13 13 (S (NP Chrysler Corp. )NP (VP had (NP (NP a (ADJP 7.5 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP in (NP car sales )NP )PP )NP , (S (VP echoing (NP its (ADJP generally slow )ADJP performance )NP (NP all year )NP )VP )S )VP . )S 9 13 (S (NP Chrysler Corp. )NP (VP had (NP (NP a (ADJP 7.5 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP in (NP (NP car sales )NP , (PP echoing (NP (NP its generally slow performance )NP (NP all year )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 14 14 (S (NP Chrysler Corp. )NP (VP had (NP (NP a (ADJP 7.5 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP in (NP car sales )NP )PP )NP , (S (VP echoing (NP (NP its (ADJP generally slow )ADJP performance )NP (NP all year )NP )NP )VP )S )VP . )S 11 12 (S (NP Chrysler Corp. )NP (VP had (NP a (ADJP 7.5 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP in (NP car sales )NP )PP , (PP echoing (NP (NP its (ADJP generally slow )ADJP performance )NP (NP all year )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 10 12 (S (NP Chrysler Corp. )NP (VP had (NP (NP a (ADJP 7.5 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP in (NP car sales )NP )PP , (PP echoing (NP its (ADJP generally slow )ADJP performance )NP )PP )NP (NP all year )NP )VP . )S 10 12 (S (NP Chrysler Corp. )NP (VP had (NP (NP a (ADJP 7.5 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP in (NP car sales )NP )PP , (VP echoing (NP its (ADJP generally slow )ADJP performance )NP )VP )NP (NP all year )NP )VP . )S 13 13 (S (NP Chrysler Corp. )NP (VP had (NP (NP a (ADJP 7.5 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP in (NP car sales )NP )PP )NP , (S (VP echoing (NP (NP its generally slow performance )NP (NP all year )NP )NP )VP )S )VP . )S 10 11 (S (NP Chrysler Corp. )NP (VP had (NP a (ADJP 7.5 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP in (NP car sales )NP )PP , (PP echoing (NP (NP its generally slow performance )NP (NP all year )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 11 12 (S (NP Chrysler Corp. )NP (VP had (NP (NP a (ADJP 7.5 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP in (NP car sales )NP )PP , (VP echoing (NP its (ADJP generally slow )ADJP performance )NP (NP all year )NP )VP )NP )VP . )S 12 13 (S (NP Chrysler Corp. )NP (VP had (NP (NP a (ADJP 7.5 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP in (NP car sales )NP )PP )NP , (PP echoing (NP (NP its (ADJP generally slow )ADJP performance )NP (NP all year )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 9 13 (S (NP Chrysler Corp. )NP (VP had (NP (NP a (ADJP 7.5 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP in (NP (NP car sales )NP , (PP echoing (NP its (ADJP generally slow )ADJP performance )NP )PP (NP all year )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 11 13 (S (NP Chrysler Corp. )NP (VP had (NP (NP a (ADJP 7.5 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP in (NP car sales )NP )PP , (PP echoing (NP (NP its (ADJP generally slow )ADJP performance )NP (NP all year )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 13 14 (S (NP Chrysler Corp. )NP (VP (VP had (NP (NP a (ADJP 7.5 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP in (NP car sales )NP )PP )NP )VP , (S (VP echoing (NP its (ADJP generally slow )ADJP performance )NP (NP all year )NP )VP )S )VP . )S 10 13 (S (NP Chrysler Corp. )NP (VP had (NP a (ADJP 7.5 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP in (NP (NP car sales )NP , (PP echoing (NP (NP its (ADJP generally slow )ADJP performance )NP (NP all year )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 9 13 (S (NP Chrysler Corp. )NP (VP had (NP (NP a (ADJP 7.5 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP in (NP (NP car sales )NP , (PP echoing (NP its (ADJP generally slow )ADJP performance )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (NP all year )NP )VP . )S 9 13 (S (NP Chrysler Corp. )NP (VP had (NP (NP a (ADJP 7.5 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP in (NP (NP car sales )NP , (PP echoing (NP its (ADJP generally slow )ADJP performance )NP )PP )NP )PP (NP all year )NP )NP )VP . )S 12 13 (S (NP Chrysler Corp. )NP (VP had (NP (NP a (ADJP 7.5 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP in (NP car sales )NP )PP , (VP echoing (NP (NP its (ADJP generally slow )ADJP performance )NP (NP all year )NP )NP )VP )NP )VP . )S 12 12 (S (NP Chrysler Corp. )NP (VP had (NP (NP a (ADJP 7.5 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP in (NP car sales )NP )PP )NP , (S (VP echoing (NP its generally slow performance )NP (NP all year )NP )VP )S )VP . )S 11 12 (S (NP Chrysler Corp. )NP (VP had (NP (NP a (ADJP 7.5 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP in (NP car sales )NP )PP )NP , (PP echoing (NP (NP its generally slow performance )NP (NP all year )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 14 15 (S (NP Chrysler Corp. )NP (VP (VP had (NP (NP a (ADJP 7.5 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP in (NP car sales )NP )PP )NP )VP , (S (VP echoing (NP (NP its (ADJP generally slow )ADJP performance )NP (NP all year )NP )NP )VP )S )VP . )S 9 14 (S (NP Chrysler Corp. )NP (VP had (NP (NP a (ADJP 7.5 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP in (NP (NP (NP car sales )NP , (PP echoing (NP its (ADJP generally slow )ADJP performance )NP )PP )NP (NP all year )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 12 12 (S (NP Chrysler Corp. )NP (VP had (NP a (ADJP 7.5 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP in (NP car sales )NP )PP , (S (VP echoing (NP its (ADJP generally slow )ADJP performance )NP (NP all year )NP )VP )S )VP . )S 10 12 (S (NP Chrysler Corp. )NP (VP had (NP (NP a (ADJP 7.5 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP in (NP car sales )NP )PP , (PP echoing (NP (NP its generally slow performance )NP (NP all year )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 14 15 (S (NP Chrysler Corp. )NP (VP had (NP (NP a (ADJP 7.5 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP in (NP car sales )NP )PP )NP , (S (VP echoing (S (NP (NP its (ADJP generally slow )ADJP performance )NP (NP all year )NP )NP )S )VP )S )VP . )S 12 14 (S (NP Chrysler Corp. )NP (VP had (NP (NP a (ADJP (QP 7.5 % )QP )ADJP drop )NP (PP in (NP car sales )NP )PP )NP , (PP echoing (NP (NP its (ADJP generally slow )ADJP performance )NP (NP all year )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 10 13 (S (NP Chrysler Corp. )NP (VP had (NP (NP a (ADJP 7.5 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP in (NP car sales )NP )PP , (S (VP echoing (NP its (ADJP generally slow )ADJP performance )NP )VP )S )NP (NP all year )NP )VP . )S 9 13 (S (NP Chrysler Corp. )NP (VP had (NP (NP a (ADJP 7.5 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP in (NP (NP car sales )NP , (VP echoing (NP its (ADJP generally slow )ADJP performance )NP )VP )NP )PP )NP (NP all year )NP )VP . )S 9 14 (S (NP Chrysler Corp. )NP (VP had (NP (NP a (ADJP 7.5 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP in (NP (NP (NP car sales )NP , (VP echoing (NP its (ADJP generally slow )ADJP performance )NP )VP )NP (NP all year )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 9 12 (S (NP Chrysler Corp. )NP (VP had (NP a (ADJP 7.5 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP in (NP (NP car sales )NP , (PP echoing (NP (NP its generally slow performance )NP (NP all year )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 12 13 (S (NP Chrysler Corp. )NP (VP had (NP (NP a (ADJP 7.5 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP in (NP car sales )NP )PP )NP , (S (VP echoing (NP its (ADJP generally slow )ADJP performance )NP )VP (NP all year )NP )S )VP . )S 9 14 (S (NP Chrysler Corp. )NP (VP had (NP (NP a (ADJP 7.5 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP in (NP car )NP )PP )NP (NP sales )NP , (PP echoing (NP (NP its (ADJP generally slow )ADJP performance )NP (NP all year )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 9 13 (S (NP Chrysler Corp. )NP (VP had (NP (NP a (ADJP 7.5 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP in (NP (NP car sales )NP , (VP echoing (NP its (ADJP generally slow )ADJP performance )NP )VP )NP )PP (NP all year )NP )NP )VP . )S 10 12 (S (NP Chrysler Corp. )NP (VP had (NP (NP a (ADJP 7.5 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP in (NP car sales )NP )PP , (PP echoing (NP its (ADJP generally slow )ADJP performance )NP )PP (NP all year )NP )NP )VP . )S 13 13 (S (NP Chrysler Corp. )NP (VP had (NP a (ADJP 7.5 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP in (NP car sales )NP )PP , (S (VP echoing (NP (NP its (ADJP generally slow )ADJP performance )NP (NP all year )NP )NP )VP )S )VP . )S 10 14 (S (NP Chrysler Corp. )NP (VP had (NP (NP a (ADJP 7.5 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP in (NP (NP car sales )NP , (PP echoing (NP (NP its (ADJP generally slow )ADJP performance )NP (NP all year )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 11 14 (S (NP Chrysler Corp. )NP (VP had (NP (NP a (ADJP (QP 7.5 % )QP )ADJP drop )NP (PP in (NP car sales )NP )PP , (PP echoing (NP (NP its (ADJP generally slow )ADJP performance )NP (NP all year )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 12 14 (S (NP Chrysler Corp. )NP (VP had (NP (NP a (ADJP 7.5 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP in (NP car sales )NP )PP )NP , (PP echoing (S (NP (NP its (ADJP generally slow )ADJP performance )NP (NP all year )NP )NP )S )PP )VP . )S 11 12 (S (NP Chrysler Corp. )NP (VP had (NP (NP a (ADJP 7.5 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP in (NP car sales )NP )PP , (VP echoing (NP (NP its generally slow performance )NP (NP all year )NP )NP )VP )NP )VP . )S 10 13 (S (NP Chrysler Corp. )NP (VP had (NP (NP a (ADJP 7.5 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP in (NP (NP car sales )NP , (VP echoing (NP its (ADJP generally slow )ADJP performance )NP (NP all year )NP )VP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 12 14 (S (NP Chrysler Corp. )NP (VP (VP had (NP (NP a (ADJP 7.5 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP in (NP car sales )NP )PP )NP )VP , (PP echoing (NP (NP its (ADJP generally slow )ADJP performance )NP (NP all year )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 12 14 (S (NP Chrysler Corp. )NP (VP had (NP (NP (NP a (ADJP 7.5 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP in (NP car sales )NP )PP )NP , (PP echoing (NP (NP its (ADJP generally slow )ADJP performance )NP (NP all year )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 12 13 (S (NP Chrysler Corp. )NP (VP had (NP (NP a (ADJP 7.5 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP in (NP car sales )NP )PP )NP , (S (VP echoing (NP its (ADJP generally slow )ADJP performance )NP all (NP year )NP )VP )S )VP . )S 10 14 (S (NP Chrysler Corp. )NP (VP had (NP (NP a (ADJP 7.5 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP in (NP car sales )NP )PP , (SBAR (S (VP echoing (NP its (ADJP generally slow )ADJP performance )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP (NP all year )NP )VP . )S 13 14 (S (NP Chrysler Corp. )NP (VP (VP had (NP (NP a (ADJP 7.5 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP in (NP car sales )NP )PP )NP )VP , (S (VP echoing (NP (NP its generally slow performance )NP (NP all year )NP )NP )VP )S )VP . )S 11 14 (S (S (NP Chrysler Corp. )NP (VP had (NP (NP a (ADJP 7.5 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP in (NP car sales )NP )PP )NP )VP )S , (PP echoing (NP (NP its (ADJP generally slow )ADJP performance )NP (NP all year )NP )NP )PP . )S 50 10 12 (S (ADVP However )ADVP , (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP (NP trucks )NP , (PP including (NP (NP the company 's )NP popular minivans )NP )PP , )NP )PP )NP (VP rose (NP 4.3 % )NP )VP . )S 11 11 (S (ADVP However )ADVP , (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP trucks )NP )PP , (PP including (NP (NP the company 's )NP popular minivans )NP )PP , )NP (VP rose (NP 4.3 % )NP )VP . )S 11 11 (S (ADVP However )ADVP , (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP trucks )NP )PP )NP , (PP including (NP (NP the company 's )NP popular minivans )NP )PP , (VP rose (NP 4.3 % )NP )VP . )S 10 13 (S (ADVP However )ADVP , (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP (NP trucks )NP , (PP including (NP (NP the company 's )NP (ADJP popular )ADJP minivans )NP )PP , )NP )PP )NP (VP rose (NP 4.3 % )NP )VP . )S 12 12 (S (ADVP However )ADVP , (NP (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP trucks )NP )PP )NP , (PP including (NP (NP the company 's )NP popular minivans )NP )PP , )NP (VP rose (NP 4.3 % )NP )VP . )S 11 12 (S (ADVP However )ADVP , (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP trucks )NP )PP , (PP including (NP (NP the company 's )NP (ADJP popular )ADJP minivans )NP )PP , )NP (VP rose (NP 4.3 % )NP )VP . )S 10 13 (S (ADVP However )ADVP , (S (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP (NP trucks )NP , (PP including (NP (NP the company 's )NP popular minivans )NP )PP , )NP )PP )NP (VP rose (NP 4.3 % )NP )VP )S . )S 10 13 (S (ADVP However )ADVP , (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP (NP trucks )NP (PRN , (PP including (NP (NP the company 's )NP popular minivans )NP )PP , )PRN )NP )PP )NP (VP rose (NP 4.3 % )NP )VP . )S 11 12 (S (ADVP However )ADVP , (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP trucks )NP )PP (PRN , (PP including (NP (NP the company 's )NP popular minivans )NP )PP , )PRN )NP (VP rose (NP 4.3 % )NP )VP . )S 10 12 (S (ADVP However )ADVP , (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP (NP trucks )NP , (PP including (NP (NP the company 's )NP popular minivans )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP , (VP rose (NP 4.3 % )NP )VP . )S 9 14 (S (ADVP However )ADVP , (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP (NP trucks )NP (PRN , (S (VP including (NP (NP the company 's )NP popular minivans )NP )VP )S , )PRN )NP )PP )NP (VP rose (NP 4.3 % )NP )VP . )S 9 12 (S (ADVP However )ADVP , (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP (NP trucks )NP , (VP including (NP (NP the company 's )NP popular minivans )NP )VP , )NP )PP )NP (VP rose (NP 4.3 % )NP )VP . )S 10 12 (S (ADVP However )ADVP , (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP trucks )NP )PP )NP , (S (VP including (NP (NP the company 's )NP popular minivans )NP )VP )S , (VP rose (NP 4.3 % )NP )VP . )S 10 13 (S (ADVP However )ADVP , (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP trucks )NP )PP )NP (PRN , (S (VP including (NP (NP the company 's )NP popular minivans )NP )VP )S , )PRN (VP rose (NP 4.3 % )NP )VP . )S 11 12 (S (ADVP However )ADVP , (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP trucks )NP )PP )NP , (PP including (NP (NP the company 's )NP (ADJP popular )ADJP minivans )NP )PP , (VP rose (NP 4.3 % )NP )VP . )S 11 12 (S (ADVP However )ADVP , (S (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP trucks )NP )PP , (PP including (NP (NP the company 's )NP popular minivans )NP )PP , )NP (VP rose (NP 4.3 % )NP )VP )S . )S 11 12 (S (ADVP However )ADVP , (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP trucks )NP )PP )NP (PRN , (PP including (NP (NP the company 's )NP popular minivans )NP )PP , )PRN (VP rose (NP 4.3 % )NP )VP . )S 10 11 (S (ADVP However )ADVP , (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP trucks )NP )PP , (VP including (NP (NP the company 's )NP popular minivans )NP )VP , )NP (VP rose (NP 4.3 % )NP )VP . )S 10 13 (S (ADVP However )ADVP , (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP (NP trucks )NP , (PP including (NP (NP the company 's )NP (NX popular minivans )NX )NP )PP , )NP )PP )NP (VP rose (NP 4.3 % )NP )VP . )S 9 11 (S (ADVP However )ADVP , (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP (NP trucks )NP , (PP including (NP (NP the company 's )NP popular minivans )NP )PP , )NP )PP (VP rose (NP 4.3 % )NP )VP . )S 9 12 (S (INTJ However )INTJ , (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP (NP trucks )NP , (PP including (NP (NP the company 's )NP popular minivans )NP )PP , )NP )PP )NP (VP rose (NP 4.3 % )NP )VP . )S 10 12 (S (ADVP However )ADVP , (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP (NP trucks )NP , (PP including (NP (NP the company 's )NP popular minivans )NP )PP )NP )PP , )NP (VP rose (NP 4.3 % )NP )VP . )S 10 12 (S (ADVP However )ADVP , (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP (NP trucks )NP , (PP including (NP (NP the company 's )NP popular minivans )NP )PP )NP , )PP )NP (VP rose (NP 4.3 % )NP )VP . )S 10 13 (S (ADVP However )ADVP , (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP trucks )NP )PP (PRN , (S (VP including (NP (NP the company 's )NP popular minivans )NP )VP )S , )PRN )NP (VP rose (NP 4.3 % )NP )VP . )S 12 13 (S (ADVP However )ADVP , (NP (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP trucks )NP )PP )NP , (PP including (NP (NP the company 's )NP (ADJP popular )ADJP minivans )NP )PP , )NP (VP rose (NP 4.3 % )NP )VP . )S 10 13 (S (ADVP However )ADVP , (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP (NP trucks )NP , (PP including (NP (NP the company 's )NP (NP popular minivans )NP )NP )PP , )NP )PP )NP (VP rose (NP 4.3 % )NP )VP . )S 11 12 (S (ADVP However )ADVP , (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP trucks )NP )PP , (PP including (NP (NP the company 's )NP (NX popular minivans )NX )NP )PP , )NP (VP rose (NP 4.3 % )NP )VP . )S 10 11 (S (ADVP However )ADVP , (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP trucks )NP )PP )NP (VP , (PP including (NP (NP the company 's )NP popular minivans )NP )PP , rose (NP 4.3 % )NP )VP . )S 10 11 (S (INTJ However )INTJ , (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP trucks )NP )PP , (PP including (NP (NP the company 's )NP popular minivans )NP )PP , )NP (VP rose (NP 4.3 % )NP )VP . )S 10 11 (S (INTJ However )INTJ , (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP trucks )NP )PP )NP , (PP including (NP (NP the company 's )NP popular minivans )NP )PP , (VP rose (NP 4.3 % )NP )VP . )S 11 12 (S (ADVP However )ADVP , (S (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP trucks )NP )PP )NP , (PP including (NP (NP the company 's )NP popular minivans )NP )PP , (VP rose (NP 4.3 % )NP )VP )S . )S 10 12 (S (ADVP However )ADVP , (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP (NP trucks )NP , (PP including (NP (NP the company 's )NP popular minivans )NP )PP , )NP )PP )NP (VP rose (NP 4.3 % )NP )VP . )S 9 10 (S (ADVP However )ADVP , (NP (NP (QP sales of trucks )QP )NP , (PP including (NP (NP the company 's )NP popular minivans )NP )PP , )NP (VP rose (NP 4.3 % )NP )VP . )S 10 13 (S (ADVP However )ADVP , (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP trucks )NP )PP , (SBAR (S (VP including (NP (NP the company 's )NP popular minivans )NP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP rose (NP 4.3 % )NP )VP . )S 10 14 (S (ADVP However )ADVP , (S (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP (NP trucks )NP , (PP including (NP (NP the company 's )NP (ADJP popular )ADJP minivans )NP )PP , )NP )PP )NP (VP rose (NP 4.3 % )NP )VP )S . )S 10 14 (S (ADVP However )ADVP , (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP (NP trucks )NP (PRN , (PP including (NP (NP the company 's )NP (ADJP popular )ADJP minivans )NP )PP , )PRN )NP )PP )NP (VP rose (NP 4.3 % )NP )VP . )S 9 14 (S (ADVP However )ADVP , (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP (NP trucks )NP , (SBAR (S (VP including (NP (NP the company 's )NP popular minivans )NP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP )PP )NP (VP rose (NP 4.3 % )NP )VP . )S 11 13 (S (ADVP However )ADVP , (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP trucks )NP )PP (PRN , (PP including (NP (NP the company 's )NP (ADJP popular )ADJP minivans )NP )PP , )PRN )NP (VP rose (NP 4.3 % )NP )VP . )S 11 11 (S (ADVP However )ADVP , (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP trucks )NP )PP , (PP including (NP (NP the company 's )NP popular minivans )NP )PP , )NP (VP rose (NP 4.3 % )NP )VP . )S 11 12 (S (ADVP However )ADVP , (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP trucks )NP )PP , (PP including (NP (NP the company 's )NP (NP popular minivans )NP )NP )PP , )NP (VP rose (NP 4.3 % )NP )VP . )S 10 13 (S (ADVP However )ADVP , (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP (NP trucks )NP , (PP including (NP (NP the company 's )NP (ADJP popular )ADJP minivans )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP , (VP rose (NP 4.3 % )NP )VP . )S 12 13 (S (ADVP However )ADVP , (S (NP (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP trucks )NP )PP )NP , (PP including (NP (NP the company 's )NP popular minivans )NP )PP , )NP (VP rose (NP 4.3 % )NP )VP )S . )S 11 11 (S (ADVP However )ADVP , (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP trucks )NP )PP , (PP including (NP (NP the company 's )NP popular minivans )NP )PP )NP , (VP rose (NP 4.3 % )NP )VP . )S 11 12 (S (ADVP However )ADVP , (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP trucks )NP )PP )NP , (PP including (NP (NP the company 's )NP (NX popular minivans )NX )NP )PP , (VP rose (NP 4.3 % )NP )VP . )S 12 13 (S (ADVP However )ADVP , (NP (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP trucks )NP )PP )NP (PRN , (PP including (NP (NP the company 's )NP popular minivans )NP )PP , )PRN )NP (VP rose (NP 4.3 % )NP )VP . )S 9 15 (S (ADVP However )ADVP , (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP (NP trucks )NP (PRN , (S (VP including (NP (NP the company 's )NP (ADJP popular )ADJP minivans )NP )VP )S , )PRN )NP )PP )NP (VP rose (NP 4.3 % )NP )VP . )S 9 13 (S (ADVP However )ADVP , (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP (NP trucks )NP , (VP including (NP (NP the company 's )NP (ADJP popular )ADJP minivans )NP )VP , )NP )PP )NP (VP rose (NP 4.3 % )NP )VP . )S 10 13 (S (ADVP However )ADVP , (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP trucks )NP )PP )NP , (S (VP including (NP (NP the company 's )NP (ADJP popular )ADJP minivans )NP )VP )S , (VP rose (NP 4.3 % )NP )VP . )S 11 13 (S (ADVP However )ADVP , (S (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP trucks )NP )PP , (PP including (NP (NP the company 's )NP (ADJP popular )ADJP minivans )NP )PP , )NP (VP rose (NP 4.3 % )NP )VP )S . )S 10 14 (S (ADVP However )ADVP , (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP trucks )NP )PP )NP (PRN , (S (VP including (NP (NP the company 's )NP (ADJP popular )ADJP minivans )NP )VP )S , )PRN (VP rose (NP 4.3 % )NP )VP . )S 50 12 12 (S (NP (NP (NP Honda Motor Co. 's )NP sales )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP domestically built )ADJP vehicles )NP )PP )NP (VP plunged (NP 21.7 % )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )PP )VP . )S 12 12 (S (NP (NP (NP Honda Motor Co. 's )NP sales )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP domestically built )ADJP vehicles )NP )PP )NP (VP plunged (NP 21.7 % )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )PP )VP . )S 9 15 (S (NP Honda Motor Co. )NP (VP 's (SBAR (S (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP domestically built )ADJP vehicles )NP )PP )NP (VP plunged (NP 21.7 % )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 12 13 (S (NP (NP (NP Honda Motor Co. 's )NP sales )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP domestically built )ADJP (NP vehicles )NP )NP )PP )NP (VP plunged (NP 21.7 % )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )PP )VP . )S 12 13 (S (NP (NP (NP (NP Honda Motor Co. )NP 's )NP sales )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP domestically built )ADJP vehicles )NP )PP )NP (VP plunged (NP 21.7 % )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )PP )VP . )S 11 11 (S (NP (NP (NP Honda Motor Co. 's )NP sales )NP (PP of (NP domestically built vehicles )NP )PP )NP (VP plunged (NP 21.7 % )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )PP )VP . )S 12 12 (S (NP (NP (NP Honda Motor Co. 's )NP sales )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP domestically built )ADJP vehicles )NP )PP )NP (VP plunged (NP 21.7 % )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )PP )VP . )S 9 14 (S (NP Honda Motor Co. )NP (VP 's (S (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP domestically built )ADJP vehicles )NP )PP )NP (VP plunged (NP 21.7 % )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )PP )VP )S )VP . )S 10 11 (S (NP (NP (NP Honda Motor Co. 's )NP sales )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP domestically built )ADJP vehicles )NP )PP )NP (VP plunged (NP 21.7 % )NP (PP from (NP a year earlier )NP )PP )VP . )S 11 12 (S (NP (NP (NP Honda Motor Co. )NP 's sales )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP domestically built )ADJP vehicles )NP )PP )NP (VP plunged (NP 21.7 % )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )PP )VP . )S 9 15 (S (NP Honda Motor Co. )NP (VP 's (SBAR (S (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP domestically built )ADJP vehicles )NP )PP )NP (VP plunged (NP 21.7 % )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 12 13 (S (NP (NP (NP Honda Motor Co. 's )NP sales )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP domestically built )ADJP vehicles )NP )PP )NP (VP plunged (NP (NP 21.7 % )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )PP )NP )VP . )S 9 15 (S (NP Honda Motor Co. )NP (VP 's (SBAR (S (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP domestically built )ADJP vehicles )NP )PP )NP (VP plunged (NP 21.7 % )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 12 13 (S (NP (NP (NP Honda Motor Co. 's )NP sales )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP domestically built )ADJP (NP vehicles )NP )NP )PP )NP (VP plunged (NP 21.7 % )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )PP )VP . )S 12 13 (S (NP (NP (NP (NP Honda Motor Co. )NP 's )NP sales )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP domestically built )ADJP vehicles )NP )PP )NP (VP plunged (NP 21.7 % )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )PP )VP . )S 11 11 (S (NP (NP (NP Honda Motor Co. 's )NP sales )NP (PP of (NP domestically built vehicles )NP )PP )NP (VP plunged (NP 21.7 % )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )PP )VP . )S 12 13 (S (NP (NP (NP Honda Motor Co. 's )NP sales )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP (ADVP domestically )ADVP built )ADJP vehicles )NP )PP )NP (VP plunged (NP 21.7 % )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )PP )VP . )S 9 13 (S (NP Honda )NP (NP (NP (NP Motor Co. 's )NP sales )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP domestically built )ADJP vehicles )NP )PP )NP (VP plunged (NP 21.7 % )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )PP )VP . )S 12 13 (S (NP (NP (NP (NP Honda )NP Motor Co. 's )NP sales )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP domestically built )ADJP vehicles )NP )PP )NP (VP plunged (NP 21.7 % )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )PP )VP . )S 9 13 (S (NP Honda Motor )NP (NP (NP (NP Co. 's )NP sales )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP domestically built )ADJP vehicles )NP )PP )NP (VP plunged (NP 21.7 % )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )PP )VP . )S 12 12 (S (NP (NP (NP Honda Motor Co. 's )NP sales )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP domestically built )ADJP vehicles )NP )PP )NP (VP plunged (NP 21.7 % )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )PP )VP . )S 11 12 (S (NP (NP (NP Honda Motor Co. 's )NP sales )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP domestically built )ADJP vehicles )NP )PP )NP (VP plunged (NP 21.7 % )NP (PP from (NP a year )NP (ADVP earlier )ADVP )PP )VP . )S 12 13 (S (NP (NP (NP Honda Motor Co. 's )NP sales )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP domestically built )ADJP vehicles )NP )PP )NP (VP (VP plunged (NP 21.7 % )NP )VP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )PP )VP . )S 9 14 (S (NP Honda Motor Co. )NP (VP 's (S (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP domestically built )ADJP vehicles )NP )PP )NP (VP plunged (NP 21.7 % )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )PP )VP )S )VP . )S 11 13 (S (NP (NP (NP Honda Motor Co. 's )NP sales )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP domestically built )ADJP vehicles )NP )PP )NP (VP plunged (NP 21.7 % )NP (PP from (NP (NP a year )NP (ADVP earlier )ADVP )NP )PP )VP . )S 11 12 (S (NP (NP (NP Honda Motor Co. )NP 's sales )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP domestically built )ADJP vehicles )NP )PP )NP (VP plunged (NP 21.7 % )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )PP )VP . )S 9 15 (S (NP Honda Motor Co. )NP (VP 's (SBAR (S (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP domestically built )ADJP vehicles )NP )PP )NP (VP plunged (NP 21.7 % )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 9 14 (S (NP Honda Motor Co. )NP (VP 's (S (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP domestically built )ADJP vehicles )NP )PP )NP (VP plunged (NP 21.7 % )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )PP )VP )S )VP . )S 9 13 (S (NP Honda )NP (NP (NP (NP Motor Co. 's )NP sales )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP domestically built )ADJP vehicles )NP )PP )NP (VP plunged (NP 21.7 % )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )PP )VP . )S 12 13 (S (NP (NP (NP Honda Motor Co. 's )NP sales )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP domestically built )ADJP vehicles )NP )PP )NP (VP plunged (NP (NP 21.7 % )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )PP )NP )VP . )S 11 12 (S (NP (NP (NP Honda Motor Co. 's )NP sales )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP domestically built )ADJP vehicles )NP )PP )NP (VP plunged (NP 21.7 % )NP (PP from (NP a year )NP (ADVP earlier )ADVP )PP )VP . )S 12 13 (S (NP (NP (NP Honda Motor Co. 's )NP sales )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP domestically built )ADJP vehicles )NP )PP )NP (VP plunged (NP (QP 21.7 % )QP )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )PP )VP . )S 11 11 (S (NP (NP Honda Motor Co. 's sales )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP domestically built )ADJP vehicles )NP )PP )NP (VP plunged (NP 21.7 % )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )PP )VP . )S 11 13 (S (NP (NP (NP Honda Motor Co. 's )NP sales )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP domestically built )ADJP vehicles )NP )PP )NP (VP plunged (NP 21.7 % )NP (PP from (NP (NP a year )NP (ADVP earlier )ADVP )NP )PP )VP . )S 11 11 (S (NP (NP Honda Motor Co. 's )NP sales )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP domestically built )ADJP vehicles )NP )PP (VP plunged (NP 21.7 % )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )PP )VP . )S 12 13 (S (NP (NP (NP Honda Motor Co. 's )NP sales )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP (ADVP domestically )ADVP built )ADJP vehicles )NP )PP )NP (VP plunged (NP 21.7 % )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )PP )VP . )S 10 11 (S (NP (NP (NP Honda Motor Co. 's )NP sales )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP domestically built )ADJP vehicles )NP )PP )NP (VP plunged (NP 21.7 % )NP (PP from (NP a year earlier )NP )PP )VP . )S 12 13 (S (NP (NP (NP (NP Honda Motor )NP Co. 's )NP sales )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP domestically built )ADJP vehicles )NP )PP )NP (VP plunged (NP 21.7 % )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )PP )VP . )S 9 13 (S (NP Honda )NP (NP (NP (NP Motor Co. 's )NP sales )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP domestically built )ADJP vehicles )NP )PP )NP (VP plunged (NP 21.7 % )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )PP )VP . )S 12 13 (S (NP (NP (NP (NP Honda )NP Motor Co. 's )NP sales )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP domestically built )ADJP vehicles )NP )PP )NP (VP plunged (NP 21.7 % )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )PP )VP . )S 9 13 (S (NP Honda Motor )NP (NP (NP (NP Co. 's )NP sales )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP domestically built )ADJP vehicles )NP )PP )NP (VP plunged (NP 21.7 % )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )PP )VP . )S 8 14 (S (NP Honda Motor Co. )NP (VP 's (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP (NP (ADJP domestically built )ADJP vehicles )NP (VP plunged (NP 21.7 % )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 12 12 (S (NP (NP (NP Honda Motor Co. 's )NP sales )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP domestically built )ADJP vehicles )NP )PP )NP (VP plunged (NP 21.7 % )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )PP )VP . )S 9 14 (S (NP Honda Motor Co. )NP (VP 's (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP domestically built )ADJP vehicles )NP )PP )NP (S (VP plunged (NP 21.7 % )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )PP )VP )S )VP . )S 8 16 (S (NP Honda Motor Co. )NP (VP 's (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP (NP (ADJP domestically built )ADJP vehicles )NP (SBAR (S (VP plunged (NP 21.7 % )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 12 13 (S (NP (NP (NP Honda Motor Co. 's )NP sales )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP domestically built )ADJP vehicles )NP )PP )NP (VP (VP plunged (NP 21.7 % )NP )VP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )PP )VP . )S 11 13 (S (NP (NP (NP Honda Motor Co. 's )NP sales )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP domestically built )ADJP vehicles )NP )PP )NP (VP plunged (NP 21.7 % )NP (PP from (NP (NP a year )NP (ADJP earlier )ADJP )NP )PP )VP . )S 12 12 (S (NP (NP (NP Honda Motor Co. 's )NP sales )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP domestically built )ADJP vehicles )NP )PP )NP (VP plunged (NP 21.7 % )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )PP )VP . )S 9 14 (S (NP Honda Motor Co. )NP (VP 's (S (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP domestically built )ADJP vehicles )NP )PP )NP (VP plunged (NP 21.7 % )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )PP )VP )S )VP . )S 9 13 (S (NP Honda )NP (NP (NP (NP Motor Co. 's )NP sales )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP domestically built )ADJP vehicles )NP )PP )NP (VP plunged (NP 21.7 % )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )PP )VP . )S 50 16 16 (S (S (NP (NP (NP Honda 's )NP plant )NP (PP in (NP Marysville , Ohio , )NP )PP )NP (VP was (VP gearing (PRT up )PRT (S (VP to (VP build (NP 1990 model Accords )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , (NP a Honda spokesman )NP (VP said )VP . )S 18 18 (S (S (NP (NP (NP Honda 's )NP plant )NP (PP in (NP (NP Marysville )NP , (NP Ohio )NP , )NP )PP )NP (VP was (VP gearing (PRT up )PRT (S (VP to (VP build (NP 1990 model Accords )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , (NP a Honda spokesman )NP (VP said )VP . )S 16 16 (S (S (NP (NP (NP Honda 's )NP plant )NP (PP in (NP Marysville , Ohio , )NP )PP )NP (VP was (VP gearing (PRT up )PRT (S (VP to (VP build (NP 1990 model Accords )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , (NP a Honda spokesman )NP (VP said )VP . )S 18 18 (S (S (NP (NP (NP Honda 's )NP plant )NP (PP in (NP (NP Marysville )NP , (NP Ohio )NP , )NP )PP )NP (VP was (VP gearing (PRT up )PRT (S (VP to (VP build (NP 1990 model Accords )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , (NP a Honda spokesman )NP (VP said )VP . )S 16 16 (S (S (NP (NP (NP Honda 's )NP plant )NP (PP in (NP Marysville , Ohio , )NP )PP )NP (VP was (VP gearing (PRT up )PRT (S (VP to (VP build (NP 1990 model Accords )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , (NP a Honda spokesman )NP (VP said )VP . )S 18 18 (S (S (NP (NP (NP Honda 's )NP plant )NP (PP in (NP (NP Marysville )NP , (NP Ohio )NP , )NP )PP )NP (VP was (VP gearing (PRT up )PRT (S (VP to (VP build (NP 1990 model Accords )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , (NP a Honda spokesman )NP (VP said )VP . )S 16 16 (S (S (NP (NP (NP Honda 's )NP plant )NP (PP in (NP Marysville , Ohio , )NP )PP )NP (VP was (VP gearing (PRT up )PRT (S (VP to (VP build (NP 1990 model Accords )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , (NP a Honda spokesman )NP (VP said )VP . )S 18 18 (S (S (NP (NP (NP Honda 's )NP plant )NP (PP in (NP (NP Marysville )NP , (NP Ohio )NP , )NP )PP )NP (VP was (VP gearing (PRT up )PRT (S (VP to (VP build (NP 1990 model Accords )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , (NP a Honda spokesman )NP (VP said )VP . )S 16 16 (S (S (NP (NP (NP Honda 's )NP plant )NP (PP in (NP Marysville , Ohio , )NP )PP )NP (VP was (VP gearing (PRT up )PRT (S (VP to (VP build (NP 1990 model Accords )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , (NP a Honda spokesman )NP (VP said )VP . )S 18 18 (S (S (NP (NP (NP Honda 's )NP plant )NP (PP in (NP (NP Marysville )NP , (NP Ohio )NP , )NP )PP )NP (VP was (VP gearing (PRT up )PRT (S (VP to (VP build (NP 1990 model Accords )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , (NP a Honda spokesman )NP (VP said )VP . )S 16 16 (S (S (NP (NP (NP Honda 's )NP plant )NP (PP in (NP Marysville , Ohio , )NP )PP )NP (VP was (VP gearing (PRT up )PRT (S (VP to (VP build (NP 1990 model Accords )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , (NP a Honda spokesman )NP (VP said )VP . )S 18 18 (S (S (NP (NP (NP Honda 's )NP plant )NP (PP in (NP (NP Marysville )NP , (NP Ohio )NP , )NP )PP )NP (VP was (VP gearing (PRT up )PRT (S (VP to (VP build (NP 1990 model Accords )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , (NP a Honda spokesman )NP (VP said )VP . )S 15 17 (S (S (NP (NP (NP Honda 's )NP plant )NP (PP in (NP Marysville , Ohio , )NP )PP )NP (VP was (VP gearing (PRT up )PRT (S (VP to (VP build (NP 1990 model )NP (NP Accords )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , (NP a Honda spokesman )NP (VP said )VP . )S 17 19 (S (S (NP (NP (NP Honda 's )NP plant )NP (PP in (NP (NP Marysville )NP , (NP Ohio )NP , )NP )PP )NP (VP was (VP gearing (PRT up )PRT (S (VP to (VP build (NP 1990 model )NP (NP Accords )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , (NP a Honda spokesman )NP (VP said )VP . )S 16 18 (S (S (NP (NP (NP Honda 's )NP plant )NP (PP in (NP Marysville , Ohio , )NP )PP )NP (VP was (VP gearing (PRT up )PRT (S (VP to (VP build (NP (NP 1990 model )NP (NP Accords )NP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , (NP a Honda spokesman )NP (VP said )VP . )S 18 20 (S (S (NP (NP (NP Honda 's )NP plant )NP (PP in (NP (NP Marysville )NP , (NP Ohio )NP , )NP )PP )NP (VP was (VP gearing (PRT up )PRT (S (VP to (VP build (NP (NP 1990 model )NP (NP Accords )NP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , (NP a Honda spokesman )NP (VP said )VP . )S 16 17 (S (S (NP (NP (NP Honda 's )NP plant )NP (PP in (NP Marysville , Ohio , )NP )PP )NP (VP was (S (VP gearing (PRT up )PRT (S (VP to (VP build (NP 1990 model Accords )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )VP )S , (NP a Honda spokesman )NP (VP said )VP . )S 18 19 (S (S (NP (NP (NP Honda 's )NP plant )NP (PP in (NP (NP Marysville )NP , (NP Ohio )NP , )NP )PP )NP (VP was (S (VP gearing (PRT up )PRT (S (VP to (VP build (NP 1990 model Accords )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )VP )S , (NP a Honda spokesman )NP (VP said )VP . )S 15 17 (S (S (NP (NP (NP Honda 's )NP plant )NP (PP in (NP Marysville , Ohio , )NP )PP )NP (VP was (VP gearing (PRT up )PRT (S (VP to (VP build (NP 1990 model )NP (NP Accords )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , (NP a Honda spokesman )NP (VP said )VP . )S 17 19 (S (S (NP (NP (NP Honda 's )NP plant )NP (PP in (NP (NP Marysville )NP , (NP Ohio )NP , )NP )PP )NP (VP was (VP gearing (PRT up )PRT (S (VP to (VP build (NP 1990 model )NP (NP Accords )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , (NP a Honda spokesman )NP (VP said )VP . )S 16 18 (S (S (NP (NP (NP (NP Honda 's )NP plant )NP (PP in (NP Marysville )NP )PP )NP , (NP Ohio )NP , )NP (VP was (VP gearing (PRT up )PRT (S (VP to (VP build (NP 1990 model Accords )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , (NP a Honda spokesman )NP (VP said )VP . )S 16 18 (S (S (NP (NP (NP Honda 's )NP plant )NP (PP in (NP Marysville , Ohio , )NP )PP )NP (VP was (VP gearing (PRT up )PRT (S (VP to (VP build (NP (NP 1990 model )NP (NP Accords )NP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , (NP a Honda spokesman )NP (VP said )VP . )S 18 20 (S (S (NP (NP (NP Honda 's )NP plant )NP (PP in (NP (NP Marysville )NP , (NP Ohio )NP , )NP )PP )NP (VP was (VP gearing (PRT up )PRT (S (VP to (VP build (NP (NP 1990 model )NP (NP Accords )NP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , (NP a Honda spokesman )NP (VP said )VP . )S 16 17 (S (S (NP (NP (NP Honda 's )NP plant )NP (PP in (NP Marysville , Ohio , )NP )PP )NP (VP was (S (VP gearing (PRT up )PRT (S (VP to (VP build (NP 1990 model Accords )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )VP )S , (NP a Honda spokesman )NP (VP said )VP . )S 18 19 (S (S (NP (NP (NP Honda 's )NP plant )NP (PP in (NP (NP Marysville )NP , (NP Ohio )NP , )NP )PP )NP (VP was (S (VP gearing (PRT up )PRT (S (VP to (VP build (NP 1990 model Accords )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )VP )S , (NP a Honda spokesman )NP (VP said )VP . )S 16 17 (S (S (NP (NP (NP Honda 's )NP plant )NP (PP in (NP Marysville , Ohio , )NP )PP )NP (VP was (S (VP gearing (PRT up )PRT (S (VP to (VP build (NP 1990 model Accords )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )VP )S , (NP a Honda spokesman )NP (VP said )VP . )S 18 19 (S (S (NP (NP (NP Honda 's )NP plant )NP (PP in (NP (NP Marysville )NP , (NP Ohio )NP , )NP )PP )NP (VP was (S (VP gearing (PRT up )PRT (S (VP to (VP build (NP 1990 model Accords )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )VP )S , (NP a Honda spokesman )NP (VP said )VP . )S 16 17 (S (S (NP (NP (NP Honda 's )NP plant )NP (PP in (NP Marysville , Ohio , )NP )PP )NP (VP was (S (VP gearing (PRT up )PRT (S (VP to (VP build (NP 1990 model Accords )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )VP )S , (NP a Honda spokesman )NP (VP said )VP . )S 18 19 (S (S (NP (NP (NP Honda 's )NP plant )NP (PP in (NP (NP Marysville )NP , (NP Ohio )NP , )NP )PP )NP (VP was (S (VP gearing (PRT up )PRT (S (VP to (VP build (NP 1990 model Accords )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )VP )S , (NP a Honda spokesman )NP (VP said )VP . )S 16 17 (S (S (NP (NP (NP Honda 's )NP plant )NP (PP in (NP Marysville , Ohio , )NP )PP )NP (VP was (S (VP gearing (PRT up )PRT (S (VP to (VP build (NP 1990 model Accords )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )VP )S , (NP a Honda spokesman )NP (VP said )VP . )S 18 19 (S (S (NP (NP (NP Honda 's )NP plant )NP (PP in (NP (NP Marysville )NP , (NP Ohio )NP , )NP )PP )NP (VP was (S (VP gearing (PRT up )PRT (S (VP to (VP build (NP 1990 model Accords )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )VP )S , (NP a Honda spokesman )NP (VP said )VP . )S 16 16 (S (S (NP (NP (NP Honda 's )NP plant )NP (PP in (NP Marysville , Ohio , )NP )PP )NP (VP was (VP gearing (PRT up )PRT (S (VP to (VP build (NP 1990 model Accords )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , (NP a Honda spokesman )NP (VP said )VP . )S 18 18 (S (S (NP (NP (NP Honda 's )NP plant )NP (PP in (NP (NP Marysville )NP , (NP Ohio )NP , )NP )PP )NP (VP was (VP gearing (PRT up )PRT (S (VP to (VP build (NP 1990 model Accords )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , (NP a Honda spokesman )NP (VP said )VP . )S 16 17 (S (S (NP (NP (NP Honda 's )NP plant )NP (PP in (NP Marysville , Ohio , )NP )PP )NP (VP was (S (VP gearing (PRT up )PRT (S (VP to (VP build (NP 1990 model Accords )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )VP )S , (NP a Honda spokesman )NP (VP said )VP . )S 18 19 (S (S (NP (NP (NP Honda 's )NP plant )NP (PP in (NP (NP Marysville )NP , (NP Ohio )NP , )NP )PP )NP (VP was (S (VP gearing (PRT up )PRT (S (VP to (VP build (NP 1990 model Accords )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )VP )S , (NP a Honda spokesman )NP (VP said )VP . )S 16 18 (S (S (NP (NP (NP (NP Honda 's )NP plant )NP (PP in (NP Marysville )NP )PP )NP , (NP Ohio )NP , )NP (VP was (VP gearing (PRT up )PRT (S (VP to (VP build (NP 1990 model Accords )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , (NP a Honda spokesman )NP (VP said )VP . )S 16 18 (S (S (NP (NP (NP (NP Honda 's )NP plant )NP (PP in (NP Marysville )NP )PP )NP , (NP Ohio )NP , )NP (VP was (VP gearing (PRT up )PRT (S (VP to (VP build (NP 1990 model Accords )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , (NP a Honda spokesman )NP (VP said )VP . )S 16 18 (S (S (NP (NP (NP (NP Honda 's )NP plant )NP (PP in (NP Marysville )NP )PP )NP , (NP Ohio )NP , )NP (VP was (VP gearing (PRT up )PRT (S (VP to (VP build (NP 1990 model Accords )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , (NP a Honda spokesman )NP (VP said )VP . )S 15 18 (S (S (NP (NP (NP Honda 's )NP plant )NP (PP in (NP Marysville , Ohio , )NP )PP )NP (VP was (S (VP gearing (PRT up )PRT (S (VP to (VP build (NP 1990 model )NP (NP Accords )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )VP )S , (NP a Honda spokesman )NP (VP said )VP . )S 17 20 (S (S (NP (NP (NP Honda 's )NP plant )NP (PP in (NP (NP Marysville )NP , (NP Ohio )NP , )NP )PP )NP (VP was (S (VP gearing (PRT up )PRT (S (VP to (VP build (NP 1990 model )NP (NP Accords )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )VP )S , (NP a Honda spokesman )NP (VP said )VP . )S 16 18 (S (S (NP (NP (NP (NP Honda 's )NP plant )NP (PP in (NP Marysville )NP )PP )NP , (NP Ohio )NP , )NP (VP was (VP gearing (PRT up )PRT (S (VP to (VP build (NP 1990 model Accords )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , (NP a Honda spokesman )NP (VP said )VP . )S 16 17 (S (S (NP (NP (NP Honda 's )NP plant )NP (PP in (NP Marysville , Ohio , )NP )PP )NP (VP was (VP gearing (PRT up )PRT (S (VP to (VP build (NP (NP 1990 model )NP Accords )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , (NP a Honda spokesman )NP (VP said )VP . )S 18 19 (S (S (NP (NP (NP Honda 's )NP plant )NP (PP in (NP (NP Marysville )NP , (NP Ohio )NP , )NP )PP )NP (VP was (VP gearing (PRT up )PRT (S (VP to (VP build (NP (NP 1990 model )NP Accords )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , (NP a Honda spokesman )NP (VP said )VP . )S 16 19 (S (S (NP (NP (NP Honda 's )NP plant )NP (PP in (NP Marysville , Ohio , )NP )PP )NP (VP was (S (VP gearing (PRT up )PRT (S (VP to (VP build (NP (NP 1990 model )NP (NP Accords )NP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )VP )S , (NP a Honda spokesman )NP (VP said )VP . )S 18 21 (S (S (NP (NP (NP Honda 's )NP plant )NP (PP in (NP (NP Marysville )NP , (NP Ohio )NP , )NP )PP )NP (VP was (S (VP gearing (PRT up )PRT (S (VP to (VP build (NP (NP 1990 model )NP (NP Accords )NP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )VP )S , (NP a Honda spokesman )NP (VP said )VP . )S 16 18 (S (S (NP (NP (NP (NP Honda 's )NP plant )NP (PP in (NP Marysville )NP )PP )NP , (NP Ohio )NP , )NP (VP was (VP gearing (PRT up )PRT (S (VP to (VP build (NP 1990 model Accords )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , (NP a Honda spokesman )NP (VP said )VP . )S 15 18 (S (S (NP (NP (NP Honda 's )NP plant )NP (PP in (NP Marysville , Ohio , )NP )PP )NP (VP was (VP gearing (PRT up )PRT (S (VP to (VP build (NP 1990 model )NP (S (NP Accords )NP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , (NP a Honda spokesman )NP (VP said )VP . )S 16 17 (S (S (NP (NP (NP Honda 's )NP plant )NP (PP in (NP Marysville , Ohio , )NP )PP )NP (VP was (VP gearing (PRT up )PRT (S (VP to (VP build (NP (ADJP 1990 model )ADJP Accords )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , (NP a Honda spokesman )NP (VP said )VP . )S 17 20 (S (S (NP (NP (NP Honda 's )NP plant )NP (PP in (NP (NP Marysville )NP , (NP Ohio )NP , )NP )PP )NP (VP was (VP gearing (PRT up )PRT (S (VP to (VP build (NP 1990 model )NP (S (NP Accords )NP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , (NP a Honda spokesman )NP (VP said )VP . )S 18 19 (S (S (NP (NP (NP Honda 's )NP plant )NP (PP in (NP (NP Marysville )NP , (NP Ohio )NP , )NP )PP )NP (VP was (VP gearing (PRT up )PRT (S (VP to (VP build (NP (ADJP 1990 model )ADJP Accords )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , (NP a Honda spokesman )NP (VP said )VP . )S 50 14 16 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP 're (ADVP really )ADVP (ADJP confident (SBAR (S (NP everything )NP (VP will (VP bounce (ADVP back (PP to (ADJP normal )ADJP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )ADJP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP added )VP . )S 13 16 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP 're (ADVP really )ADVP (ADJP confident (SBAR (S (NP everything )NP (VP will (VP bounce (ADVP back (PP to (NP normal )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )ADJP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP added )VP . )S 13 16 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP 're (ADVP really )ADVP (ADJP confident (SBAR (S (NP everything )NP (VP will (VP bounce (ADVP back )ADVP (PP to (ADJP normal )ADJP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )ADJP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP added )VP . )S 15 15 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP 're (ADJP really confident (SBAR (S (NP everything )NP (VP will (VP bounce (ADVP back (PP to (ADJP normal )ADJP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )ADJP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP added )VP . )S 12 16 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP 're (ADVP really )ADVP (ADJP confident (SBAR (S (NP everything )NP (VP will (VP bounce (ADVP back )ADVP (PP to (NP normal )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )ADJP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP added )VP . )S 14 15 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP 're (ADJP really confident (SBAR (S (NP everything )NP (VP will (VP bounce (ADVP back (PP to (NP normal )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )ADJP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP added )VP . )S 14 16 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP 're (ADVP really )ADVP (ADJP confident (SBAR (S (NP everything )NP (VP will (VP bounce (ADVP back (PP to (ADJP normal )ADJP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )ADJP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP added )VP . )S 13 16 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP 're (ADVP really )ADVP (ADJP confident (SBAR (S (NP everything )NP (VP will (VP bounce (ADVP back (PP to (NP normal )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )ADJP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP added )VP . )S 14 17 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP 're (ADVP really )ADVP (ADJP confident (SBAR (S (NP everything )NP (VP will (VP bounce (ADVP (ADVP back )ADVP (PP to (ADJP normal )ADJP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )ADJP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP added )VP . )S 14 15 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP 're (ADJP really confident (SBAR (S (NP everything )NP (VP will (VP bounce (ADVP back )ADVP (PP to (ADJP normal )ADJP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )ADJP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP added )VP . )S 14 15 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP 're really (ADJP confident (SBAR (S (NP everything )NP (VP will (VP bounce (ADVP back (PP to (ADJP normal )ADJP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )ADJP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP added )VP . )S 14 16 (S (S `` (NP We )NP (VP 're (ADVP really )ADVP (ADJP confident (SBAR (S (NP everything )NP (VP will (VP bounce (ADVP back (PP to (ADJP normal )ADJP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )ADJP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP added )VP . )S 13 15 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP 're (ADJP really confident (SBAR (S (NP everything )NP (VP will (VP bounce (ADVP back )ADVP (PP to (NP normal )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )ADJP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP added )VP . )S 13 16 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP 're (ADVP really )ADVP (ADJP confident (SBAR (S (NP everything )NP (VP will (VP bounce (ADVP back )ADVP (PP to (ADJP normal )ADJP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )ADJP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP added )VP . )S 13 17 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP 're (ADVP really )ADVP (ADJP confident (SBAR (S (NP everything )NP (VP will (VP bounce (ADVP (ADVP back )ADVP (PP to (NP normal )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )ADJP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP added )VP . )S 13 15 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP 're really (ADJP confident (SBAR (S (NP everything )NP (VP will (VP bounce (ADVP back (PP to (NP normal )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )ADJP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP added )VP . )S 13 16 (S (S `` (NP We )NP (VP 're (ADVP really )ADVP (ADJP confident (SBAR (S (NP everything )NP (VP will (VP bounce (ADVP back (PP to (NP normal )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )ADJP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP added )VP . )S 15 15 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP 're (ADJP really confident (SBAR (S (NP everything )NP (VP will (VP bounce (ADVP back (PP to (ADJP normal )ADJP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )ADJP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP added )VP . )S 12 16 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP 're (ADVP really )ADVP (ADJP confident (SBAR (S (NP everything )NP (VP will (VP bounce (ADVP back )ADVP (PP to (NP normal )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )ADJP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP added )VP . )S 14 15 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP 're (ADJP really confident (SBAR (S (NP everything )NP (VP will (VP bounce (ADVP back (PP to (NP normal )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )ADJP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP added )VP . )S 13 16 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP 're (ADVP really )ADVP (ADJP confident (SBAR (S (NP everything )NP (VP will (VP bounce (PRT back )PRT (PP to (ADJP normal )ADJP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )ADJP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP added )VP . )S 14 16 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP 're (ADVP really )ADVP (ADJP confident )ADJP (SBAR (S (NP everything )NP (VP will (VP bounce (ADVP back (PP to (ADJP normal )ADJP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP added )VP . )S 12 16 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP 're (ADVP really )ADVP (ADJP confident (SBAR (S (NP everything )NP (VP will (VP bounce (PRT back )PRT (PP to (NP normal )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )ADJP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP added )VP . )S 15 16 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP 're (ADJP (ADJP really confident )ADJP (SBAR (S (NP everything )NP (VP will (VP bounce (ADVP back (PP to (ADJP normal )ADJP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )ADJP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP added )VP . )S 14 16 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP 're (ADVP really )ADVP (ADJP confident (SBAR (S (NP everything )NP (VP will (VP bounce (ADVP back (PP to (ADJP normal )ADJP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )ADJP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP added )VP . )S 13 16 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP 're (ADVP really )ADVP (ADJP confident )ADJP (SBAR (S (NP everything )NP (VP will (VP bounce (ADVP back (PP to (NP normal )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP added )VP . )S 14 15 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP 're (ADJP really confident )ADJP (SBAR (S (NP everything )NP (VP will (VP bounce (ADVP back (PP to (ADJP normal )ADJP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP added )VP . )S 13 15 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP 're really (ADJP confident (SBAR (S (NP everything )NP (VP will (VP bounce (ADVP back )ADVP (PP to (ADJP normal )ADJP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )ADJP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP added )VP . )S 13 16 (S (S `` (NP We )NP (VP 're (ADVP really )ADVP (ADJP confident (SBAR (S (NP everything )NP (VP will (VP bounce (ADVP back )ADVP (PP to (ADJP normal )ADJP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )ADJP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP added )VP . )S 15 16 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP 're (ADJP really confident (SBAR (S (NP everything )NP (VP will (VP bounce (ADVP (ADVP back )ADVP (PP to (ADJP normal )ADJP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )ADJP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP added )VP . )S 14 17 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP 're (ADVP really )ADVP (ADJP (ADJP confident )ADJP (SBAR (S (NP everything )NP (VP will (VP bounce (ADVP back (PP to (ADJP normal )ADJP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )ADJP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP added )VP . )S 14 16 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP 're (ADJP (ADJP really confident )ADJP (SBAR (S (NP everything )NP (VP will (VP bounce (ADVP back (PP to (NP normal )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )ADJP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP added )VP . )S 15 15 (S (S `` (NP We )NP (VP 're (ADJP really confident (SBAR (S (NP everything )NP (VP will (VP bounce (ADVP back (PP to (ADJP normal )ADJP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )ADJP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP added )VP . )S 12 15 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP 're really (ADJP confident (SBAR (S (NP everything )NP (VP will (VP bounce (ADVP back )ADVP (PP to (NP normal )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )ADJP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP added )VP . )S 13 16 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP 're (ADVP really )ADVP (ADJP confident (SBAR (S (NP everything )NP (VP will (VP bounce (ADVP back (PP to (NP normal )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )ADJP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP added )VP . )S 12 16 (S (S `` (NP We )NP (VP 're (ADVP really )ADVP (ADJP confident (SBAR (S (NP everything )NP (VP will (VP bounce (ADVP back )ADVP (PP to (NP normal )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )ADJP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP added )VP . )S 14 16 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP 're (ADVP really )ADVP (ADJP confident (SBAR (S (NP everything )NP (VP will (VP bounce (ADVP back (PP to (ADJP normal )ADJP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )ADJP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP added )VP . )S 13 15 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP 're (ADJP really confident )ADJP (SBAR (S (NP everything )NP (VP will (VP bounce (ADVP back (PP to (NP normal )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP added )VP . )S 14 15 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP 're (ADJP really confident (SBAR (S (NP everything )NP (VP will (VP bounce (ADVP back )ADVP (PP to (ADJP normal )ADJP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )ADJP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP added )VP . )S 14 16 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP 're (ADJP really confident (SBAR (S (NP everything )NP (VP will (VP bounce (ADVP (ADVP back )ADVP (PP to (NP normal )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )ADJP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP added )VP . )S 13 17 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP 're (ADVP really )ADVP (ADJP (ADJP confident )ADJP (SBAR (S (NP everything )NP (VP will (VP bounce (ADVP back (PP to (NP normal )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )ADJP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP added )VP . )S 14 15 (S (S `` (NP We )NP (VP 're (ADJP really confident (SBAR (S (NP everything )NP (VP will (VP bounce (ADVP back (PP to (NP normal )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )ADJP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP added )VP . )S 14 15 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP 're really (ADJP confident (SBAR (S (NP everything )NP (VP will (VP bounce (ADVP back (PP to (ADJP normal )ADJP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )ADJP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP added )VP . )S 14 16 (S (S `` (NP We )NP (VP 're (ADVP really )ADVP (ADJP confident (SBAR (S (NP everything )NP (VP will (VP bounce (ADVP back (PP to (ADJP normal )ADJP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )ADJP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP added )VP . )S 13 15 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP 're (ADJP really confident (SBAR (S (NP everything )NP (VP will (VP bounce (ADVP back )ADVP (PP to (NP normal )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )ADJP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP added )VP . )S 14 17 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP 're (ADVP really )ADVP (S (ADJP confident (SBAR (S (NP everything )NP (VP will (VP bounce (ADVP back (PP to (ADJP normal )ADJP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )ADJP )S )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP added )VP . )S 13 16 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP 're (ADVP really )ADVP (ADJP confident (SBAR (S (NP everything )NP (VP will (VP bounce (ADVP back (PP to (NP normal )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )ADJP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP added )VP . )S 13 16 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP 're (ADVP really )ADVP (ADJP confident (SBAR (S (NP everything )NP (VP will (VP bounce (PRT back )PRT (PP to (ADJP normal )ADJP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )ADJP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP added )VP . )S 14 17 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP 're (ADVP really )ADVP (ADJP confident (SBAR (S (NP everything )NP (VP will (VP bounce (ADVP back (PP to (NP (ADJP normal )ADJP )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )ADJP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP added )VP . )S 13 15 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP 're really (ADJP confident (SBAR (S (NP everything )NP (VP will (VP bounce (ADVP back (PP to (NP normal )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )ADJP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP added )VP . )S 50 18 22 (S (ADVP Separately )ADVP , (NP Chrysler )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP firm prices )NP (PP on (NP its 1990-model (NX (NX domestic cars )NX and (NX minivans )NX )NX )NP )PP )NP (VP will (VP rise (NP (NP an average )NP (PP of (NP 5 % )NP )PP )NP (PP over (ADJP comparably equipped )ADJP )PP (NP 1989 models )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 15 21 (S (ADVP Separately )ADVP , (NP Chrysler )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP firm prices )NP (PP on (NP (NP its 1990-model domestic cars )NP and (NP minivans )NP )NP )PP )NP (VP will (VP rise (NP (NP an average )NP (PP of (NP 5 % )NP )PP )NP (PP over (ADJP comparably equipped )ADJP )PP (NP 1989 models )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 19 22 (S (ADVP Separately )ADVP , (NP Chrysler )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP firm prices )NP (PP on (NP its 1990-model (NX (NX domestic cars )NX and (NX minivans )NX )NX )NP )PP )NP (VP will (VP rise (NP (NP an average )NP (PP of (NP 5 % )NP )PP )NP (PP over (ADJP comparably equipped )ADJP (NP 1989 models )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 22 23 (S (ADVP Separately )ADVP , (NP Chrysler )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP firm prices )NP (PP on (NP its 1990-model (NX (NX domestic cars )NX and (NX minivans )NX )NX )NP )PP )NP (VP will (VP rise (NP (NP an average )NP (PP of (NP (NP 5 % )NP (PP over (ADJP comparably equipped )ADJP (NP 1989 models )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 16 21 (S (ADVP Separately )ADVP , (NP Chrysler )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP firm prices )NP (PP on (NP (NP its 1990-model domestic cars )NP and (NP minivans )NP )NP )PP )NP (VP will (VP rise (NP (NP an average )NP (PP of (NP 5 % )NP )PP )NP (PP over (ADJP comparably equipped )ADJP (NP 1989 models )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 19 22 (S (ADVP Separately )ADVP , (NP Chrysler )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP firm prices )NP (PP on (NP (NP its 1990-model domestic cars )NP and (NP minivans )NP )NP )PP )NP (VP will (VP rise (NP (NP an average )NP (PP of (NP (NP 5 % )NP (PP over (ADJP comparably equipped )ADJP (NP 1989 models )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 21 23 (S (ADVP Separately )ADVP , (NP Chrysler )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP firm prices )NP (PP on (NP its 1990-model (NX (NX domestic cars )NX and (NX minivans )NX )NX )NP )PP )NP (VP will (VP rise (NP (NP an average )NP (PP of (NP (NP 5 % )NP (PP over (ADJP comparably equipped )ADJP )PP (NP 1989 models )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 18 22 (S (ADVP Separately )ADVP , (NP Chrysler )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP firm prices )NP (PP on (NP its 1990-model (NX (NX domestic cars )NX and (NX minivans )NX )NX )NP )PP )NP (VP will (VP rise (NP (NP an average )NP (PP of (NP 5 % )NP )PP )NP (PP over (ADJP comparably equipped )ADJP )PP (NP 1989 models )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 18 22 (S (ADVP Separately )ADVP , (NP Chrysler )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP firm prices )NP (PP on (NP (NP its 1990-model domestic cars )NP and (NP minivans )NP )NP )PP )NP (VP will (VP rise (NP (NP an average )NP (PP of (NP (NP 5 % )NP (PP over (ADJP comparably equipped )ADJP )PP (NP 1989 models )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 15 19 (S (ADVP Separately )ADVP , (NP Chrysler )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP firm prices )NP (PP on (NP its 1990-model domestic cars and minivans )NP )PP )NP (VP will (VP rise (NP (NP an average )NP (PP of (NP 5 % )NP )PP )NP (PP over (ADJP comparably equipped )ADJP )PP (NP 1989 models )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 15 21 (S (ADVP Separately )ADVP , (NP Chrysler )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP firm prices )NP (PP on (NP (NP its 1990-model domestic cars )NP and (NP minivans )NP )NP )PP )NP (VP will (VP rise (NP (NP an average )NP (PP of (NP 5 % )NP )PP )NP (PP over (ADJP comparably equipped )ADJP )PP (NP 1989 models )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 19 22 (S (ADVP Separately )ADVP , (NP Chrysler )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP firm prices )NP (PP on (NP its 1990-model (NX (NX domestic cars )NX and (NX minivans )NX )NX )NP )PP )NP (VP will (VP rise (NP (NP an average )NP (PP of (NP 5 % )NP )PP )NP (PP over (ADJP comparably equipped )ADJP (NP 1989 models )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 22 23 (S (ADVP Separately )ADVP , (NP Chrysler )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP firm prices )NP (PP on (NP its 1990-model (NX (NX domestic cars )NX and (NX minivans )NX )NX )NP )PP )NP (VP will (VP rise (NP (NP an average )NP (PP of (NP (NP 5 % )NP (PP over (ADJP comparably equipped )ADJP (NP 1989 models )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 16 19 (S (ADVP Separately )ADVP , (NP Chrysler )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP firm prices )NP (PP on (NP its 1990-model domestic cars and minivans )NP )PP )NP (VP will (VP rise (NP (NP an average )NP (PP of (NP 5 % )NP )PP )NP (PP over (ADJP comparably equipped )ADJP (NP 1989 models )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 16 21 (S (ADVP Separately )ADVP , (NP Chrysler )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP firm prices )NP (PP on (NP (NP its 1990-model domestic cars )NP and (NP minivans )NP )NP )PP )NP (VP will (VP rise (NP (NP an average )NP (PP of (NP 5 % )NP )PP )NP (PP over (ADJP comparably equipped )ADJP (NP 1989 models )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 22 22 (S (ADVP Separately )ADVP , (NP Chrysler )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP firm prices )NP (PP on (NP its 1990-model (NX (NX domestic cars )NX and (NX minivans )NX )NX )NP )PP )NP (VP will (VP rise (NP (NP an average )NP (PP of (NP (NP 5 % )NP (PP over (NP comparably equipped 1989 models )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 19 20 (S (ADVP Separately )ADVP , (NP Chrysler )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP firm prices )NP (PP on (NP its 1990-model domestic cars and minivans )NP )PP )NP (VP will (VP rise (NP (NP an average )NP (PP of (NP (NP 5 % )NP (PP over (ADJP comparably equipped )ADJP (NP 1989 models )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 19 22 (S (ADVP Separately )ADVP , (NP Chrysler )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP firm prices )NP (PP on (NP (NP its 1990-model domestic cars )NP and (NP minivans )NP )NP )PP )NP (VP will (VP rise (NP (NP an average )NP (PP of (NP (NP 5 % )NP (PP over (ADJP comparably equipped )ADJP (NP 1989 models )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 13 21 (S (ADVP Separately )ADVP , (NP Chrysler )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP (NP firm prices )NP (PP on (NP its 1990-model domestic cars )NP )PP )NP and (NP minivans )NP )NP (VP will (VP rise (NP (NP an average )NP (PP of (NP 5 % )NP )PP )NP (PP over (ADJP comparably equipped )ADJP )PP (NP 1989 models )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 21 24 (S (ADVP Separately )ADVP , (NP Chrysler )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP firm prices )NP (PP on (NP its 1990-model (NX (NX domestic cars )NX and (NX minivans )NX )NX )NP )PP )NP (VP will (VP rise (NP (NP an average )NP (PP of (NP (NP (NP 5 % )NP (PP over (ADJP comparably equipped )ADJP )PP )NP (NP 1989 models )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 20 22 (S (ADVP Separately )ADVP , (NP Chrysler )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP firm prices )NP (PP on (NP its 1990-model (NX (NX domestic cars )NX and (NX minivans )NX )NX )NP )PP )NP (VP will (VP rise (NP (NP an average )NP (PP of (NP 5 % )NP )PP (PP over (ADJP comparably equipped )ADJP (NP 1989 models )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 19 21 (S (ADVP Separately )ADVP , (NP Chrysler )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP firm prices )NP (PP on (NP (NP its 1990-model domestic cars )NP and (NP minivans )NP )NP )PP )NP (VP will (VP rise (NP (NP an average )NP (PP of (NP (NP 5 % )NP (PP over (NP comparably equipped 1989 models )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 21 23 (S (ADVP Separately )ADVP , (NP Chrysler )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP firm prices )NP (PP on (NP its 1990-model (NX (NX domestic cars )NX and (NX minivans )NX )NX )NP )PP )NP (VP will (VP rise (NP (NP an average )NP (PP of (NP (NP 5 % )NP (PP over (ADJP comparably equipped )ADJP )PP (NP 1989 models )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 18 23 (S (ADVP Separately )ADVP , (NP Chrysler )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP firm prices )NP (PP on (NP (NP its 1990-model domestic cars )NP and (NP minivans )NP )NP )PP )NP (VP will (VP rise (NP (NP an average )NP (PP of (NP (NP (NP 5 % )NP (PP over (ADJP comparably equipped )ADJP )PP )NP (NP 1989 models )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 17 21 (S (ADVP Separately )ADVP , (NP Chrysler )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP firm prices )NP (PP on (NP (NP its 1990-model domestic cars )NP and (NP minivans )NP )NP )PP )NP (VP will (VP rise (NP (NP an average )NP (PP of (NP 5 % )NP )PP (PP over (ADJP comparably equipped )ADJP (NP 1989 models )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 14 21 (S (ADVP Separately )ADVP , (NP Chrysler )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP (NP firm prices )NP (PP on (NP its 1990-model domestic cars )NP )PP )NP and (NP minivans )NP )NP (VP will (VP rise (NP (NP an average )NP (PP of (NP 5 % )NP )PP )NP (PP over (ADJP comparably equipped )ADJP (NP 1989 models )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 18 20 (S (ADVP Separately )ADVP , (NP Chrysler )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP firm prices )NP (PP on (NP its 1990-model domestic cars and minivans )NP )PP )NP (VP will (VP rise (NP (NP an average )NP (PP of (NP (NP 5 % )NP (PP over (ADJP comparably equipped )ADJP )PP (NP 1989 models )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 18 22 (S (ADVP Separately )ADVP , (NP Chrysler )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP firm prices )NP (PP on (NP (NP its 1990-model domestic cars )NP and (NP minivans )NP )NP )PP )NP (VP will (VP rise (NP (NP an average )NP (PP of (NP (NP 5 % )NP (PP over (ADJP comparably equipped )ADJP )PP (NP 1989 models )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 15 19 (S (ADVP Separately )ADVP , (NP Chrysler )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP firm prices )NP (PP on (NP its 1990-model domestic cars and minivans )NP )PP )NP (VP will (VP rise (NP (NP an average )NP (PP of (NP 5 % )NP )PP )NP (PP over (ADJP comparably equipped )ADJP )PP (NP 1989 models )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 17 22 (S (ADVP Separately )ADVP , (NP Chrysler )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP (NP firm prices )NP (PP on (NP its 1990-model domestic cars )NP )PP )NP and (NP minivans )NP )NP (VP will (VP rise (NP (NP an average )NP (PP of (NP (NP 5 % )NP (PP over (ADJP comparably equipped )ADJP (NP 1989 models )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 19 21 (S (ADVP Separately )ADVP , (NP Chrysler )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP firm prices )NP (PP on (NP its 1990-model (NX (NX domestic cars )NX and (NX minivans )NX )NX )NP )PP )NP (VP will (VP rise (NP (NP an average )NP (PP of (NP 5 % )NP )PP )NP (PP over (NP comparably equipped 1989 models )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 16 19 (S (ADVP Separately )ADVP , (NP Chrysler )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP firm prices )NP (PP on (NP its 1990-model domestic cars and minivans )NP )PP )NP (VP will (VP rise (NP (NP an average )NP (PP of (NP 5 % )NP )PP )NP (PP over (ADJP comparably equipped )ADJP (NP 1989 models )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 22 22 (S (ADVP Separately )ADVP , (NP Chrysler )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP firm prices )NP (PP on (NP its 1990-model (NX (NX domestic cars )NX and (NX minivans )NX )NX )NP )PP )NP (VP will (VP rise (NP (NP an average )NP (PP of (NP (NP 5 % )NP (PP over (NP comparably equipped 1989 models )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 18 22 (S (ADVP Separately )ADVP , (NP Chrysler )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP firm prices )NP (PP on (NP its 1990-model (NX (NX domestic cars )NX and (NX minivans )NX )NX )NP )PP )NP (VP will (VP rise (NP (NP an average )NP (PP of (NP 5 % )NP )PP )NP (PP over (ADJP comparably equipped )ADJP )PP (NP 1989 models )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 19 20 (S (ADVP Separately )ADVP , (NP Chrysler )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP firm prices )NP (PP on (NP its 1990-model domestic cars and minivans )NP )PP )NP (VP will (VP rise (NP (NP an average )NP (PP of (NP (NP 5 % )NP (PP over (ADJP comparably equipped )ADJP (NP 1989 models )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 16 20 (S (ADVP Separately )ADVP , (NP Chrysler )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP firm prices )NP (PP on (NP (NP its 1990-model domestic cars )NP and (NP minivans )NP )NP )PP )NP (VP will (VP rise (NP (NP an average )NP (PP of (NP 5 % )NP )PP )NP (PP over (NP comparably equipped 1989 models )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 16 22 (S (ADVP Separately )ADVP , (NP Chrysler )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP (NP firm prices )NP (PP on (NP its 1990-model domestic cars )NP )PP )NP and (NP minivans )NP )NP (VP will (VP rise (NP (NP an average )NP (PP of (NP (NP 5 % )NP (PP over (ADJP comparably equipped )ADJP )PP (NP 1989 models )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 13 21 (S (ADVP Separately )ADVP , (NP Chrysler )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP (NP firm prices )NP (PP on (NP its 1990-model domestic cars )NP )PP )NP and (NP minivans )NP )NP (VP will (VP rise (NP (NP an average )NP (PP of (NP 5 % )NP )PP )NP (PP over (ADJP comparably equipped )ADJP )PP (NP 1989 models )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 21 24 (S (ADVP Separately )ADVP , (NP Chrysler )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP firm prices )NP (PP on (NP its 1990-model (NX (NX domestic cars )NX and (NX minivans )NX )NX )NP )PP )NP (VP will (VP rise (NP (NP an average )NP (PP of (NP (NP (NP 5 % )NP (PP over (ADJP comparably equipped )ADJP )PP )NP (NP 1989 models )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 20 22 (S (ADVP Separately )ADVP , (NP Chrysler )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP firm prices )NP (PP on (NP its 1990-model (NX (NX domestic cars )NX and (NX minivans )NX )NX )NP )PP )NP (VP will (VP rise (NP (NP an average )NP (PP of (NP 5 % )NP )PP (PP over (ADJP comparably equipped )ADJP (NP 1989 models )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 19 19 (S (ADVP Separately )ADVP , (NP Chrysler )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP firm prices )NP (PP on (NP its 1990-model domestic cars and minivans )NP )PP )NP (VP will (VP rise (NP (NP an average )NP (PP of (NP (NP 5 % )NP (PP over (NP comparably equipped 1989 models )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 19 21 (S (ADVP Separately )ADVP , (NP Chrysler )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP firm prices )NP (PP on (NP (NP its 1990-model domestic cars )NP and (NP minivans )NP )NP )PP )NP (VP will (VP rise (NP (NP an average )NP (PP of (NP (NP 5 % )NP (PP over (NP comparably equipped 1989 models )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 15 21 (S (ADVP Separately )ADVP , (NP Chrysler )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP firm prices )NP (PP on (NP (NP its 1990-model domestic cars )NP and (NP minivans )NP )NP )PP )NP (VP will (VP rise (NP (NP an average )NP (PP of (NP 5 % )NP )PP )NP (PP over (ADJP comparably equipped )ADJP )PP (NP 1989 models )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 20 21 (S (ADVP Separately )ADVP , (NP Chrysler )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP firm prices )NP (PP on (NP its 1990-model (NX (NX domestic cars )NX and (NX minivans )NX )NX )NP )PP )NP (VP will (VP rise (NP (NP an average )NP (PP of (NP 5 % )NP )PP (PP over (NP comparably equipped 1989 models )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 19 22 (S (ADVP Separately )ADVP , (NP Chrysler )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP firm prices )NP (PP on (NP its 1990-model (NX (NX domestic cars )NX and (NX minivans )NX )NX )NP )PP )NP (VP will (VP rise (NP (NP an average )NP (PP of (NP 5 % )NP )PP )NP (PP over (ADJP comparably equipped )ADJP (NP 1989 models )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 18 21 (S (ADVP Separately )ADVP , (NP Chrysler )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP firm prices )NP (PP on (NP its 1990-model domestic cars and minivans )NP )PP )NP (VP will (VP rise (NP (NP an average )NP (PP of (NP (NP (NP 5 % )NP (PP over (ADJP comparably equipped )ADJP )PP )NP (NP 1989 models )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 18 23 (S (ADVP Separately )ADVP , (NP Chrysler )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP firm prices )NP (PP on (NP (NP its 1990-model domestic cars )NP and (NP minivans )NP )NP )PP )NP (VP will (VP rise (NP (NP an average )NP (PP of (NP (NP (NP 5 % )NP (PP over (ADJP comparably equipped )ADJP )PP )NP (NP 1989 models )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 17 19 (S (ADVP Separately )ADVP , (NP Chrysler )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP firm prices )NP (PP on (NP its 1990-model domestic cars and minivans )NP )PP )NP (VP will (VP rise (NP (NP an average )NP (PP of (NP 5 % )NP )PP (PP over (ADJP comparably equipped )ADJP (NP 1989 models )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 17 21 (S (ADVP Separately )ADVP , (NP Chrysler )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP firm prices )NP (PP on (NP (NP its 1990-model domestic cars )NP and (NP minivans )NP )NP )PP )NP (VP will (VP rise (NP (NP an average )NP (PP of (NP 5 % )NP )PP (PP over (ADJP comparably equipped )ADJP (NP 1989 models )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 14 21 (S (ADVP Separately )ADVP , (NP Chrysler )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP (NP firm prices )NP (PP on (NP its 1990-model domestic cars )NP )PP )NP and (NP minivans )NP )NP (VP will (VP rise (NP (NP an average )NP (PP of (NP 5 % )NP )PP )NP (PP over (ADJP comparably equipped )ADJP (NP 1989 models )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 50 12 12 (S (NP Firm prices )NP (VP were (ADVP generally )ADVP (PP in (NP (NP line )NP (PP with (NP (NP the tentative prices )NP (VP announced (NP earlier this fall )NP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 12 12 (S (NP Firm prices )NP (VP were (ADVP generally )ADVP (PP in (NP (NP line )NP (PP with (NP (NP the tentative prices )NP (VP announced (NP earlier this fall )NP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 12 12 (S (NP Firm prices )NP (VP were (ADVP generally )ADVP (PP in (NP (NP line )NP (PP with (NP (NP the tentative prices )NP (VP announced (NP earlier this fall )NP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 12 12 (S (NP Firm prices )NP (VP were (ADVP generally )ADVP (PP in (NP (NP line )NP (PP with (NP (NP the tentative prices )NP (VP announced (NP earlier this fall )NP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 11 13 (S (NP Firm prices )NP (VP were (ADVP generally )ADVP (PP in (NP (NP line )NP (PP with (NP (NP the tentative prices )NP (VP announced (ADVP earlier (NP this fall )NP )ADVP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 11 15 (S (NP Firm prices )NP (VP were (ADVP generally )ADVP (PP in (NP (NP line )NP (PP with (NP (NP the )NP (SBAR (S (NP tentative prices )NP (VP announced (NP earlier this fall )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 11 13 (S (NP Firm prices )NP (VP were (ADVP generally )ADVP (PP in (NP (NP line )NP (PP with (NP (NP the tentative prices )NP (VP announced (ADVP earlier (NP this fall )NP )ADVP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 11 13 (S (NP Firm prices )NP (VP were (ADVP generally )ADVP (PP in (NP (NP line )NP (PP with (NP (NP the tentative prices )NP (VP announced (ADVP earlier (NP this fall )NP )ADVP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 12 12 (S (NP Firm prices )NP (VP were (ADVP generally )ADVP (PP in (NP (NP line )NP (PP with (NP (NP the tentative prices )NP (VP announced (NP earlier this fall )NP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 10 11 (S (NP Firm prices )NP (VP were (ADVP generally )ADVP (PP in (NP line )NP )PP (PP with (NP (NP the tentative prices )NP (VP announced (NP earlier this fall )NP )VP )NP )PP )VP . )S 11 15 (S (NP Firm prices )NP (VP were (ADVP generally )ADVP (PP in (NP (NP line )NP (PP with (NP (NP the )NP (SBAR (S (NP tentative prices )NP (VP announced (NP earlier this fall )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 10 11 (S (NP Firm prices )NP (VP were (ADVP generally )ADVP (PP in (NP (NP line )NP (PP with (NP the tentative prices )NP )PP (VP announced (NP earlier this fall )NP )VP )NP )PP )VP . )S 11 13 (S (NP Firm prices )NP (VP were (ADVP generally )ADVP (PP in (NP (NP line )NP (PP with (NP (NP the tentative prices )NP (VP announced (ADVP earlier (NP this fall )NP )ADVP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 11 15 (S (NP Firm prices )NP (VP were (ADVP generally )ADVP (PP in (NP (NP line )NP (PP with (NP (NP the tentative )NP (SBAR (S (NP prices )NP (VP announced (NP earlier this fall )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 11 13 (S (NP Firm prices )NP (VP were (ADVP generally )ADVP (PP in (NP (NP line )NP (PP with (NP (NP the tentative prices )NP (VP announced (ADVP earlier (NP this fall )NP )ADVP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 12 12 (S (NP Firm prices )NP (VP were (ADVP generally )ADVP (PP in (NP (NP line )NP (PP with (NP (NP the tentative prices )NP (VP announced (NP earlier this fall )NP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 10 11 (S (NP Firm prices )NP (VP were (ADVP generally )ADVP (PP in (NP line )NP )PP (PP with (NP (NP the tentative prices )NP (VP announced (NP earlier this fall )NP )VP )NP )PP )VP . )S 7 11 (S (NP Firm prices )NP (VP were (ADVP generally (PP in (NP (NP line )NP (PP with (NP the tentative prices )NP )PP )NP )PP )ADVP (VP announced (NP earlier this fall )NP )VP )VP . )S 12 12 (S (NP Firm prices )NP (VP were (ADVP generally )ADVP (PP in (NP (NP line )NP (PP with (NP (NP the tentative prices )NP (VP announced (NP earlier this fall )NP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 10 11 (S (NP Firm prices )NP (VP were (ADVP generally )ADVP (PP in (NP line )NP )PP (PP with (NP (NP the tentative prices )NP (VP announced (NP earlier this fall )NP )VP )NP )PP )VP . )S 10 11 (S (NP Firm prices )NP (VP were (ADVP generally )ADVP (PP in (NP (NP line )NP (PP with (NP the tentative prices )NP )PP (VP announced (NP earlier this fall )NP )VP )NP )PP )VP . )S 12 12 (S (NP Firm prices )NP (VP were (ADVP generally )ADVP (PP in (NP (NP line )NP (PP with (NP (NP the tentative prices )NP (VP announced (NP earlier this fall )NP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 10 11 (S (NP Firm prices )NP (VP were (ADVP generally )ADVP (PP in (NP (NP line )NP (PP with (NP the tentative prices )NP )PP (VP announced (NP earlier this fall )NP )VP )NP )PP )VP . )S 11 13 (S (NP Firm prices )NP (VP were (ADVP generally )ADVP (PP in (NP (NP line )NP (PP with (NP (NP the tentative prices )NP (VP announced (ADVP earlier (NP this fall )NP )ADVP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 11 12 (S (NP Firm prices )NP (VP were (PP (ADVP generally )ADVP in (NP (NP line )NP (PP with (NP (NP the tentative prices )NP (VP announced (NP earlier this fall )NP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 12 12 (S (NP Firm prices )NP (VP were (ADVP generally )ADVP (PP in (NP (NP line )NP (PP with (NP (NP the tentative prices )NP (VP announced (NP earlier this fall )NP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 12 12 (S (NP Firm prices )NP (VP were (ADVP generally )ADVP (PP in (NP (NP line )NP (PP with (NP (NP the tentative prices )NP (VP announced (NP earlier this fall )NP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 7 11 (S (NP Firm prices )NP (VP were (ADVP generally (PP in (NP (NP line )NP (PP with (NP the tentative prices )NP )PP )NP )PP )ADVP (VP announced (NP earlier this fall )NP )VP )VP . )S 12 12 (S (NP Firm prices )NP (VP were (ADVP generally )ADVP (PP in (NP (NP line )NP (PP with (NP (NP the tentative prices )NP (VP announced (NP earlier this fall )NP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 10 11 (S (NP Firm prices )NP (VP were (ADVP generally )ADVP (PP in (NP line )NP )PP (PP with (NP (NP the tentative prices )NP (VP announced (NP earlier this fall )NP )VP )NP )PP )VP . )S 10 11 (S (NP Firm prices )NP (VP were (ADVP generally )ADVP (PP in (NP (NP line )NP (PP with (NP the tentative prices )NP )PP (VP announced (NP earlier this fall )NP )VP )NP )PP )VP . )S 11 13 (S (NP Firm prices )NP (VP were (ADVP generally )ADVP (PP in (NP (NP line )NP (PP with (NP (NP the tentative prices )NP (VP announced (ADVP earlier (NP this fall )NP )ADVP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 9 12 (S (NP Firm prices )NP (VP were (ADVP generally )ADVP (PP in (NP line )NP )PP (PP with (NP (NP the tentative prices )NP (VP announced (ADVP earlier (NP this fall )NP )ADVP )VP )NP )PP )VP . )S 12 13 (S (NP Firm prices )NP (VP were (ADVP generally )ADVP (PP in (NP (NP line )NP (PP with (NP (NP the (ADJP tentative )ADJP prices )NP (VP announced (NP earlier this fall )NP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 11 12 (S (NP Firm prices )NP (VP were (PP (ADVP generally )ADVP in (NP (NP line )NP (PP with (NP (NP the tentative prices )NP (VP announced (NP earlier this fall )NP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 11 12 (S (NP Firm prices )NP (VP were (PP (ADVP generally )ADVP in (NP (NP line )NP (PP with (NP (NP the tentative prices )NP (VP announced (NP earlier this fall )NP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 12 12 (S (NP Firm prices )NP (VP were (ADVP generally )ADVP (PP in (NP (NP line )NP (PP with (NP (NP the tentative prices )NP (VP announced (NP earlier this fall )NP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 11 13 (S (NP Firm prices )NP (VP were (ADVP generally )ADVP (PP in (NP (NP line )NP (PP with (NP (NP the tentative prices )NP (VP announced (ADVP earlier (NP this fall )NP )ADVP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 11 15 (S (NP Firm prices )NP (VP were (ADVP generally )ADVP (PP in (NP (NP line )NP (PP with (NP (NP the )NP (SBAR (S (NP tentative prices )NP (VP announced (NP earlier this fall )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 12 12 (S (NP Firm prices )NP (VP were (ADVP generally )ADVP (PP in (NP (NP line )NP (PP with (NP (NP the tentative prices )NP (VP announced (NP earlier this fall )NP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 9 12 (S (NP Firm prices )NP (VP were (ADVP generally )ADVP (PP in (NP (NP line )NP (PP with (NP the tentative prices )NP )PP (VP announced (ADVP earlier (NP this fall )NP )ADVP )VP )NP )PP )VP . )S 12 13 (S (NP Firm prices )NP (VP were (ADVP generally )ADVP (PP in (NP (NP line )NP (PP with (NP (NP the (ADJP tentative )ADJP prices )NP (VP announced (NP earlier this fall )NP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 11 13 (S (NP Firm prices )NP (VP were (ADVP generally )ADVP (PP in (NP (NP line )NP (PP with (NP (NP the tentative prices )NP (VP announced (ADVP earlier (NP this fall )NP )ADVP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 9 12 (S (NP Firm prices )NP (VP were (ADVP generally )ADVP (PP in (NP line )NP )PP (PP with (NP (NP the tentative prices )NP (VP announced (ADVP earlier (NP this fall )NP )ADVP )VP )NP )PP )VP . )S 11 13 (S (NP Firm prices )NP (VP were (ADVP generally )ADVP (PP in (NP (NP line )NP (PP with (NP (NP the tentative prices )NP (VP announced (ADVP earlier (NP this fall )NP )ADVP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 9 12 (S (NP Firm prices )NP (VP were (ADVP generally )ADVP (PP in (NP line )NP )PP (PP with (NP (NP the tentative prices )NP (VP announced (ADVP earlier (NP this fall )NP )ADVP )VP )NP )PP )VP . )S 11 11 (S (NP Firm prices )NP (VP were generally (PP in (NP (NP line )NP (PP with (NP (NP the tentative prices )NP (VP announced (NP earlier this fall )NP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 11 12 (S (NP Firm prices )NP (VP were (PP (ADVP generally )ADVP in (NP (NP line )NP (PP with (NP (NP the tentative prices )NP (VP announced (NP earlier this fall )NP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 11 12 (S (NP Firm prices )NP (VP were (ADVP generally (PP in (NP (NP line )NP (PP with (NP (NP the tentative prices )NP (VP announced (NP earlier this fall )NP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )ADVP )VP . )S 12 13 (S (NP Firm prices )NP (VP were (ADVP generally )ADVP (PP in (NP (NP line )NP (PP with (NP (NP the tentative prices )NP (VP announced (NP (ADVP earlier )ADVP this fall )NP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 50 22 22 (S (PP At (NP that time )NP )PP , (NP Chrysler )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP base prices )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP are n't (VP adjusted (PP for (NP equipment changes )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP would (VP rise (NP (QP between 4 % and 9 % )QP )NP (PP on (NP most vehicle )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 22 23 (S (PP At (NP that time )NP )PP , (NP Chrysler )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP base prices )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP are n't (VP adjusted (PP for (NP equipment changes )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP would (VP rise (NP (NP (QP between 4 % and 9 % )QP )NP (PP on (NP most vehicle )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 22 22 (S (PP At (NP that time )NP )PP , (NP Chrysler )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP base prices )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP are n't (VP adjusted (PP for (NP equipment changes )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP would (VP rise (NP (QP between 4 % and 9 % )QP )NP (PP on (NP most vehicle )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 20 23 (S (PP At (NP that time )NP )PP , (NP Chrysler )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP base prices )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP are n't (VP adjusted (PP for (NP equipment changes )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP would (VP rise (NP (QP between 4 % and 9 % )QP )NP (PP on (NP most )NP )PP (NP vehicle )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 22 23 (S (PP At (NP that time )NP )PP , (NP Chrysler )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP base prices )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP are n't (VP adjusted (PP for (NP equipment changes )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP would (VP rise (NP (NP (QP between 4 % and 9 % )QP )NP (PP on (NP most vehicle )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 20 24 (S (PP At (NP that time )NP )PP , (NP Chrysler )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP base prices )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP are n't (VP adjusted (PP for (NP equipment changes )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP would (VP rise (NP (NP (QP between 4 % and 9 % )QP )NP (PP on (NP most )NP )PP )NP (NP vehicle )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 21 22 (S (PP At (NP that time )NP )PP , (NP Chrysler )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP base prices )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP are n't (VP adjusted (PP for (NP equipment changes )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP would (VP rise (NP (QP between 4 % and 9 % )QP )NP (PP on most (NP vehicle )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 20 23 (S (PP At (NP that time )NP )PP , (NP Chrysler )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP base prices )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP are n't (VP adjusted (PP for (NP equipment changes )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP would (VP rise (NP (QP between 4 % and 9 % )QP )NP (PP on (NP most )NP )PP (NP vehicle )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 22 23 (S (PP At (NP that time )NP )PP , (NP Chrysler )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP base prices )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP are n't (VP adjusted (PP for (NP equipment changes )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP would (VP rise (NP (QP between 4 % and 9 % )QP )NP (PP on (NP most (NX vehicle )NX )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 22 23 (S (PP At (NP that time )NP )PP , (NP Chrysler )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP base prices )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP are n't (VP adjusted (PP for (NP equipment changes )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP would (VP rise (NP (QP between 4 % and 9 % )QP )NP (PP on (NP (NP most )NP vehicle )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 20 22 (S (PP At (NP that time )NP )PP , (NP Chrysler )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP base prices )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP are n't (VP adjusted (PP for (NP equipment changes )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP would (VP rise (NP (QP between 4 % and 9 % )QP )NP )VP )VP (PP on (NP most vehicle )NP )PP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 21 22 (S (PP At (NP that time )NP )PP , (NP Chrysler )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP base prices )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP are n't (ADJP adjusted (PP for (NP equipment changes )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP would (VP rise (NP (QP between 4 % and 9 % )QP )NP (PP on (NP most vehicle )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 20 25 (S (PP At (NP that time )NP )PP , (NP Chrysler )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP base prices )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP are n't (VP adjusted (PP for (NP equipment changes )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP would (VP (VP rise (NP (QP between 4 )QP % )NP )VP and (VP (NP 9 % )NP (PP on (NP most vehicle )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 21 22 (S (PP At (NP that time )NP )PP , (NP Chrysler )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP base prices )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP are (VP n't adjusted (PP for (NP equipment changes )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP would (VP rise (NP (QP between 4 % and 9 % )QP )NP (PP on (NP most vehicle )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 21 22 (S (PP At (NP that time )NP )PP , (NP Chrysler )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP base prices )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP are n't (ADJP adjusted (PP for (NP equipment changes )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP would (VP rise (NP (QP between 4 % and 9 % )QP )NP (PP on (NP most vehicle )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 21 21 (S (PP At (NP that time )NP )PP , (NP Chrysler )NP (VP said (S (NP (NP base prices )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP are n't (VP adjusted (PP for (NP equipment changes )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP would (VP rise (NP (QP between 4 % and 9 % )QP )NP (PP on (NP most vehicle )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 21 22 (S (PP At (NP that time )NP )PP , (NP Chrysler )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP base prices )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP are n't (VP adjusted (PP for (NP equipment changes )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP would (VP rise (NP (QP between 4 % and 9 % )QP )NP (PP on most (NP vehicle )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 20 24 (S (PP At (NP that time )NP )PP , (NP Chrysler )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP base prices )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP are n't (VP adjusted (PP for (NP equipment changes )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP would (VP rise (NP (NP (QP between 4 % and 9 % )QP )NP (PP on (NP most )NP )PP )NP (NP vehicle )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 21 22 (S (PP At (NP that time )NP )PP , (NP Chrysler )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP base prices )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP are n't (ADJP adjusted )ADJP (PP for (NP equipment changes )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP would (VP rise (NP (QP between 4 % and 9 % )QP )NP (PP on (NP most vehicle )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 22 22 (S (PP At (NP that time )NP )PP , (NP Chrysler )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP base prices )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP are n't (VP adjusted (PP for (NP equipment changes )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP would (VP rise (NP (QP between 4 % and 9 % )QP )NP (PP on (NP most vehicle )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 21 22 (S (PP At (NP that time )NP )PP , (NP Chrysler )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP base prices )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP are n't (VP adjusted (PP for (NP equipment changes )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP would (VP rise (NP (QP between 4 % and 9 % )QP )NP (PP on most (NP vehicle )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 21 21 (S (PP At (NP that time )NP )PP , (NP Chrysler )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP base prices )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP are n't (VP adjusted (PP for (NP equipment changes )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (VP would (VP rise (NP (QP between 4 % and 9 % )QP )NP (PP on (NP most vehicle )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 21 23 (S (PP At (NP that time )NP )PP , (NP Chrysler )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP base prices )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP are n't (VP adjusted (PP for (NP equipment changes )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP would (VP rise (NP (NP (QP between 4 % and 9 % )QP )NP (PP on most (NP vehicle )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 22 24 (S (PP At (NP that time )NP )PP , (NP Chrysler )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP base prices )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP are n't (VP adjusted (PP for (NP equipment changes )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP would (VP rise (NP (NP (QP between 4 % and 9 % )QP )NP (PP on (NP (NP most )NP vehicle )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 22 24 (S (PP At (NP that time )NP )PP , (NP Chrysler )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP base prices )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP are n't (VP adjusted (PP for (NP equipment changes )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP would (VP rise (NP (NP (QP between 4 % and 9 % )QP )NP (PP on (NP most (NX vehicle )NX )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 21 23 (S (PP At (NP that time )NP )PP , (NP Chrysler )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP base prices )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP are n't (ADJP adjusted (PP for (NP equipment changes )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP would (VP rise (NP (NP (QP between 4 % and 9 % )QP )NP (PP on (NP most vehicle )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 21 23 (S (PP At (NP that time )NP )PP , (NP Chrysler )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP base prices )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP are (VP n't adjusted (PP for (NP equipment changes )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP would (VP rise (NP (NP (QP between 4 % and 9 % )QP )NP (PP on (NP most vehicle )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 22 22 (S (PP At (NP that time )NP )PP , (NP Chrysler )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP base prices )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP are n't (VP adjusted (PP for (NP equipment changes )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP would (VP rise (NP (QP between 4 % and 9 % )QP )NP (PP on (NP most vehicle )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 21 22 (S (PP At (NP that time )NP )PP , (NP Chrysler )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP base prices )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP are n't (VP adjusted (PP for (NP equipment changes )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP would (VP rise (NP (QP between 4 % and 9 )QP % )NP (PP on (NP most vehicle )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 21 23 (S (PP At (NP that time )NP )PP , (NP Chrysler )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP base prices )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP are n't (ADJP adjusted (PP for (NP equipment changes )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP would (VP rise (NP (NP (QP between 4 % and 9 % )QP )NP (PP on (NP most vehicle )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 20 23 (S (PP At (NP that time )NP )PP , (NP Chrysler )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP base prices )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP are n't (VP adjusted (PP for (NP equipment changes )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP would (VP rise (PP between (NP (QP 4 % and 9 % )QP )NP )PP (PP on (NP most vehicle )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 22 23 (S (PP At (NP that time )NP )PP , (NP Chrysler )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP base prices )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP are n't (VP adjusted (PP for (NP equipment changes )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP would (VP rise (NP (QP between 4 % and 9 % )QP )NP (PP on (NP most (NX vehicle )NX )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 21 22 (S (PP At (NP that time )NP )PP , (NP Chrysler )NP (VP said (S (NP (NP base prices )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP are n't (VP adjusted (PP for (NP equipment changes )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP would (VP rise (NP (NP (QP between 4 % and 9 % )QP )NP (PP on (NP most vehicle )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 19 22 (S (PP At (NP that time )NP )PP , (NP Chrysler )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP base prices )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP are n't (VP adjusted (PP for (NP equipment changes )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP would (VP rise (NP (QP between 4 % and 9 % )QP )NP )VP )VP (PP on most (NP vehicle )NP )PP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 22 23 (S (PP At (NP that time )NP )PP , (NP Chrysler )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP base prices )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP are n't (VP adjusted (PP for (NP equipment changes )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP would (VP rise (NP (QP between 4 % and 9 % )QP )NP (PP on (NP (NP most )NP vehicle )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 20 22 (S (PP At (NP that time )NP )PP , (NP Chrysler )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP base prices )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP are n't (VP adjusted (PP for (NP equipment changes )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP would (VP rise (NP (QP between 4 % and 9 % )QP )NP )VP )VP (PP on (NP most vehicle )NP )PP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 21 23 (S (PP At (NP that time )NP )PP , (NP Chrysler )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP base prices )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP are n't (ADJP adjusted )ADJP (PP for (NP equipment changes )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP would (VP rise (NP (NP (QP between 4 % and 9 % )QP )NP (PP on (NP most vehicle )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 21 22 (S (PP At (NP that time )NP )PP , (NP Chrysler )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP base prices )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP are n't (ADJP adjusted (PP for (NP equipment changes )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP would (VP rise (NP (QP between 4 % and 9 % )QP )NP (PP on (NP most vehicle )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 21 23 (S (PP At (NP that time )NP )PP , (NP Chrysler )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP base prices )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP are n't (VP adjusted (PP for (NP equipment changes )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP would (VP rise (NP (NP (QP between 4 % and 9 % )QP )NP (PP on most (NP vehicle )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 21 22 (S (PP At (NP that time )NP )PP , (NP Chrysler )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP base prices )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP are n't (VP adjusted (PP for (NP equipment changes )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP would (VP rise (ADJP (QP between 4 % and 9 % )QP )ADJP (PP on (NP most vehicle )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 20 24 (S (PP At (NP that time )NP )PP , (NP Chrysler )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP base prices )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP are n't (VP adjusted (PP for (NP equipment changes )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP would (VP rise (PP between (NP (NP 4 % )NP and (NP 9 % )NP )NP )PP (PP on (NP most vehicle )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 18 23 (S (PP At (NP that time )NP )PP , (NP Chrysler )NP (VP said (NP base )NP (SBAR (S (NP (NP prices )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP are n't (VP adjusted (PP for (NP equipment changes )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP would (VP rise (NP (QP between 4 % and 9 % )QP )NP (PP on (NP most vehicle )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 22 23 (S (PP At (NP that time )NP )PP , (NP Chrysler )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP base prices )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP are n't (VP adjusted (PP for (NP equipment changes )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP would (VP rise (NP (NP (QP between 4 % and 9 % )QP )NP (PP on (NP most vehicle )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 21 22 (S (PP At (NP that time )NP )PP , (NP Chrysler )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP base prices )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP are n't (VP adjusted (PP for (NP equipment changes )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP would (VP rise (PP (NP (QP between 4 % and 9 % )QP )NP on (NP most vehicle )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 20 25 (S (PP At (NP that time )NP )PP , (NP Chrysler )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP base prices )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP are n't (VP adjusted (PP for (NP equipment changes )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP would (VP (VP rise (NP (QP between 4 )QP % )NP )VP and (VP (NP 9 % )NP (PP on (NP most vehicle )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 21 22 (S (PP At (NP that time )NP )PP , (NP Chrysler )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP base prices )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP are n't (VP adjusted (PP for (NP equipment changes )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (VP would (VP rise (NP (NP (QP between 4 % and 9 % )QP )NP (PP on (NP most vehicle )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 21 22 (S (PP At (NP that time )NP )PP , (NP Chrysler )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP base prices )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP are (VP n't adjusted (PP for (NP equipment changes )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP would (VP rise (NP (QP between 4 % and 9 % )QP )NP (PP on (NP most vehicle )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 21 23 (S (PP At (NP that time )NP )PP , (NP Chrysler )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP base prices )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP are n't (VP adjusted (PP for (NP equipment changes )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP would (VP rise (NP (NP (QP between 4 % and 9 )QP % )NP (PP on (NP most vehicle )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 20 25 (S (PP At (NP that time )NP )PP , (NP Chrysler )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP base prices )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP are n't (VP adjusted (PP for (NP equipment changes )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP would (VP rise (PP between (NP (NP 4 % )NP and (NP (NP 9 % )NP (PP on (NP most vehicle )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 21 22 (S (PP At (NP that time )NP )PP , (NP Chrysler )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP base prices )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP are n't (ADJP adjusted (PP for (NP equipment changes )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP would (VP rise (NP (QP between 4 % and 9 % )QP )NP (PP on (NP most vehicle )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 50 6 11 (S (NP (NP a )NP - (NP Totals )NP )NP (VP include (ADVP only )ADVP (NP (NP vehicle sales )NP (VP reported (PP in (NP period )NP )PP )VP )NP )VP . )S 8 10 (S (NP (NP a )NP - (NP Totals )NP )NP (VP include (NP (NP only vehicle sales )NP (VP reported (PP in (NP period )NP )PP )VP )NP )VP . )S 8 10 (S (NP (NP a )NP - (NP Totals )NP )NP (VP include (NP (NP only vehicle sales )NP (VP reported (PP in (NP period )NP )PP )VP )NP )VP . )S 6 11 (S (NP (NP a )NP - (NP Totals )NP )NP (VP include (ADVP only )ADVP (NP (NP vehicle sales )NP (VP reported (PP in (NP period )NP )PP )VP )NP )VP . )S 5 11 (S (NP (NP a )NP - (NP Totals )NP )NP (VP include (ADVP only )ADVP (NP (NP vehicle sales )NP (PP reported (PP in (NP period )NP )PP )PP )NP )VP . )S 6 10 (S (NP (NP a )NP - (NP Totals )NP )NP (VP include only (NP (NP vehicle sales )NP (VP reported (PP in (NP period )NP )PP )VP )NP )VP . )S 6 11 (S (NP (NP a )NP - (NP Totals )NP )NP (VP include (ADVP only )ADVP (NP (NP vehicle sales )NP (VP reported (PP in (NP period )NP )PP )VP )NP )VP . )S 5 12 (S (NP (NP a )NP - (NP Totals )NP )NP (VP include (ADVP only )ADVP (NP (NP vehicle sales )NP (VP reported (PP in (S (VP period )VP )S )PP )VP )NP )VP . )S 8 11 (S (NP (NP a )NP - (NP Totals )NP )NP (VP include (NP (NP only (NX vehicle sales )NX )NP (VP reported (PP in (NP period )NP )PP )VP )NP )VP . )S 5 11 (S (NP (NP a )NP - (NP Totals )NP )NP (VP include (ADVP only )ADVP (NP (NP vehicle sales )NP (VP reported )VP )NP (PP in (NP period )NP )PP )VP . )S 7 10 (S (NP (NP a )NP - (NP Totals )NP )NP (VP include (NP (NP only vehicle sales )NP (PP reported (PP in (NP period )NP )PP )PP )NP )VP . )S 6 10 (S (NP (NP a )NP - (NP Totals )NP )NP (VP include (NP (NP only vehicle sales )NP (VP reported )VP )NP (PP in (NP period )NP )PP )VP . )S 8 11 (S (NP (NP a )NP - (NP Totals )NP )NP (VP include (NP (NP (QP only vehicle )QP sales )NP (VP reported (PP in (NP period )NP )PP )VP )NP )VP . )S 8 11 (S (NP (NP a )NP - (NP Totals )NP )NP (VP include (NP (NP (ADJP only )ADJP vehicle sales )NP (VP reported (PP in (NP period )NP )PP )VP )NP )VP . )S 6 11 (S (NP (NP a )NP - (NP Totals )NP )NP (VP include (PRT only )PRT (NP (NP vehicle sales )NP (VP reported (PP in (NP period )NP )PP )VP )NP )VP . )S 8 11 (S (NP (NP a )NP - (NP Totals )NP )NP (VP include (NP (NP only (NX vehicle sales )NX )NP (VP reported (PP in (NP period )NP )PP )VP )NP )VP . )S 8 10 (S (NP (NP a )NP - (NP Totals )NP )NP (VP include (NP (NP only vehicle sales )NP (VP reported (PP in (NP period )NP )PP )VP )NP )VP . )S 6 11 (S (NP (NP a )NP - (NP Totals )NP )NP (VP include (ADVP only )ADVP (S (NP vehicle sales )NP (VP reported (PP in (NP period )NP )PP )VP )S )VP . )S 7 11 (S (NP (NP a )NP - (NP Totals )NP )NP (VP include (NP (NP only vehicle sales )NP (VP reported (PP in (S (VP period )VP )S )PP )VP )NP )VP . )S 7 10 (S (NP (NP a )NP - (NP Totals )NP )NP (VP include (NP (NP only vehicle sales )NP (PP reported (PP in (NP period )NP )PP )PP )NP )VP . )S 5 11 (S (NP (NP a )NP - (NP Totals )NP )NP (VP include (ADVP only )ADVP (NP (NP vehicle sales )NP (VP reported )VP (PP in (NP period )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 5 11 (S (NP (NP a )NP - (NP Totals )NP )NP (VP include (ADVP only )ADVP (NP (NP vehicle sales )NP (ADJP reported (PP in (NP period )NP )PP )ADJP )NP )VP . )S 6 10 (S (NP (NP a )NP - (NP Totals )NP )NP (VP include (NP (NP only vehicle sales )NP (VP reported )VP )NP (PP in (NP period )NP )PP )VP . )S 4 10 (S (NP (NP a )NP - (NP Totals )NP )NP (VP include (ADVP only )ADVP (NP (NP vehicle sales )NP (PP reported in (NP period )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 8 11 (S (NP (NP a )NP - (NP Totals )NP )NP (VP include (NP (NP (ADJP only )ADJP vehicle sales )NP (VP reported (PP in (NP period )NP )PP )VP )NP )VP . )S 8 11 (S (NP (NP a )NP - (NP Totals )NP )NP (VP include (NP (NP (ADVP only )ADVP vehicle sales )NP (VP reported (PP in (NP period )NP )PP )VP )NP )VP . )S 5 12 (S (NP (NP a )NP - (NP Totals )NP )NP (VP include (ADVP only )ADVP (NP (NP (NP vehicle sales )NP (VP reported )VP )NP (PP in (NP period )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 8 10 (S (NP (NP a )NP - (NP Totals )NP )NP (VP include (NP (NP only vehicle sales )NP (VP reported (PP in (NP period )NP )PP )VP )NP )VP . )S 6 13 (S (NP (NP a )NP - (NP Totals )NP )NP (VP include (ADVP only )ADVP (NP (NP vehicle sales )NP (SBAR (S (VP reported (PP in (NP period )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 5 11 (S (NP (NP a )NP - (NP Totals )NP )NP (VP include (ADVP only )ADVP (NP (NP vehicle sales )NP (ADJP reported (PP in (NP period )NP )PP )ADJP )NP )VP . )S 8 10 (S (NP (NP a )NP - (NP Totals )NP )NP (VP include (NP (NP only vehicle sales )NP (VP reported (PP in (NP period )NP )PP )VP )NP )VP . )S 5 11 (S (NP (NP a )NP - (NP Totals )NP )NP (VP include (ADVP only )ADVP (S (NP vehicle sales )NP (ADJP reported (PP in (NP period )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP . )S 7 10 (S (NP (NP a )NP - (NP Totals )NP )NP (VP include (S (NP only vehicle sales )NP (VP reported (PP in (NP period )NP )PP )VP )S )VP . )S 6 12 (S (NP (NP a )NP - (NP Totals )NP )NP (VP include (ADVP only )ADVP (SBAR (S (NP vehicle sales )NP (VP reported (PP in (NP period )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 7 11 (S (NP (NP a )NP - (NP Totals )NP )NP (VP include (NP (NP only vehicle sales )NP (VP reported (PP in (S (VP period )VP )S )PP )VP )NP )VP . )S 4 11 (NP (NP a )NP - (NP Totals (S (VP include (ADVP only )ADVP (NP (NP vehicle sales )NP (VP reported (PP in (NP period )NP )PP )VP )NP )VP )S )NP . )NP 4 12 (FRAG (X a )X - (VP Totals (SBAR (S (VP include (ADVP only )ADVP (NP (NP vehicle sales )NP (VP reported (PP in (NP period )NP )PP )VP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )FRAG 5 13 (NP (NP a )NP - (NP (NP Totals )NP (SBAR (S (VP include (ADVP only )ADVP (NP (NP vehicle sales )NP (VP reported (PP in (NP period )NP )PP )VP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP . )NP 7 10 (S (NP (NP a )NP - (NP Totals )NP )NP (VP include (NP (NP only vehicle sales )NP (VP reported )VP (PP in (NP period )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 8 11 (S (NP (NP a )NP - (NP Totals )NP )NP (VP include (NP (NP (ADVP only )ADVP vehicle sales )NP (VP reported (PP in (NP period )NP )PP )VP )NP )VP . )S 7 10 (S (NP (NP a )NP - (NP Totals )NP )NP (VP include (NP (NP only vehicle sales )NP (ADJP reported (PP in (NP period )NP )PP )ADJP )NP )VP . )S 6 12 (S (NP (NP a )NP - (NP Totals )NP )NP (VP include (ADVP only )ADVP (S (NP (NP vehicle sales )NP (VP reported (PP in (NP period )NP )PP )VP )NP )S )VP . )S 4 12 (NP (NP a )NP - (NP Totals (SBAR (S (VP include (ADVP only )ADVP (NP (NP vehicle sales )NP (VP reported (PP in (NP period )NP )PP )VP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP . )NP 5 11 (S (NP (NP a )NP - (NP Totals )NP )NP (VP include (ADVP only )ADVP (NP (NP vehicle sales )NP (VP reported )VP )NP (PP in (NP period )NP )PP )VP . )S 5 11 (FRAG (X a )X - (S (NP Totals )NP (VP include (ADVP only )ADVP (NP (NP vehicle sales )NP (VP reported (PP in (NP period )NP )PP )VP )NP )VP )S . )FRAG 8 11 (S (NP (NP a )NP - (NP Totals )NP )NP (VP include (NP (NP only (NP vehicle sales )NP )NP (VP reported (PP in (NP period )NP )PP )VP )NP )VP . )S 6 12 (S (NP (NP a )NP - (NP Totals )NP )NP (VP include (ADVP only )ADVP (NP (NP vehicle sales )NP (VP reported (PP in (S (NP period )NP )S )PP )VP )NP )VP . )S 6 9 (S (NP (NP a )NP - (NP Totals )NP )NP (VP include (NP (NP only vehicle sales )NP (PP reported in (NP period )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 4 10 (S (NP (NP a )NP - (NP Totals )NP )NP (VP include (ADVP only )ADVP (NP (NP vehicle sales )NP (VP reported (ADVP in period )ADVP )VP )NP )VP . )S 6 13 (S (NP (NP a )NP - (NP Totals )NP )NP (VP include (ADVP only )ADVP (NP (NP vehicle sales )NP (SBAR (S (VP reported (PP in (NP period )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 50 1 3 (NP (NP c )NP - (NP Domestic car )NP )NP 2 3 (FRAG (X c )X - (NP Domestic car )NP )FRAG 1 3 (X (X c )X - (NP Domestic car )NP )X 1 3 (NP (NP c )NP - (NP Domestic car )NP )NP 1 4 (S (NP (NP c )NP - (NP Domestic car )NP )NP )S 2 4 (FRAG (NP (NP c )NP - (NP Domestic car )NP )NP )FRAG 2 3 (FRAG (X c - )X (NP Domestic car )NP )FRAG 1 3 (X (X c - )X (NP Domestic car )NP )X 1 2 (X c - (NP Domestic car )NP )X 2 3 (FRAG (X c )X - (NP Domestic car )NP )FRAG 1 4 (NP (NP c )NP - (NP (NP Domestic )NP car )NP )NP 1 3 (S (X c )X - (NP Domestic car )NP )S 1 4 (NP (NP c )NP - (NP (ADJP Domestic )ADJP car )NP )NP 2 3 (S (LST c )LST - (NP Domestic car )NP )S 0 4 (X (X c )X - (ADJP Domestic )ADJP (NP car )NP )X 2 4 (FRAG (X c )X - (FRAG (NP Domestic car )NP )FRAG )FRAG 2 4 (FRAG (X (X c )X - )X (NP Domestic car )NP )FRAG 1 3 (X (X c )X - (NP Domestic car )NP )X 2 3 (FRAG (X c )X (NP - Domestic car )NP )FRAG 1 3 (NP (X c )X - (NP Domestic car )NP )NP 1 4 (X (X (X c )X - )X (NP Domestic car )NP )X 1 2 (NP c - (NP Domestic car )NP )NP 1 5 (FRAG (X (X c )X - (ADJP Domestic )ADJP )X (NP car )NP )FRAG 1 4 (FRAG (X c )X - (NP Domestic )NP (NP car )NP )FRAG 1 4 (NP (NP c )NP - (NP (NP Domestic )NP car )NP )NP 2 4 (FRAG (X (NP c )NP )X - (NP Domestic car )NP )FRAG 1 4 (FRAG (X c - (ADJP Domestic )ADJP )X (NP car )NP )FRAG 1 4 (X (X (NP c )NP )X - (NP Domestic car )NP )X 1 3 (X (X c )X (NP - Domestic car )NP )X 0 5 (X (X (X c )X - (ADJP Domestic )ADJP )X (NP car )NP )X 1 4 (FRAG (X c )X - (ADJP Domestic )ADJP (NP car )NP )FRAG 0 4 (X (X c - (ADJP Domestic )ADJP )X (NP car )NP )X 2 3 (NP (LST c )LST - (NP Domestic car )NP )NP 2 4 (FRAG (X c )X - (NP (ADJP Domestic )ADJP car )NP )FRAG 2 3 (FRAG (NP c )NP - (NP Domestic car )NP )FRAG 2 3 (FRAG (X c - )X (NP Domestic car )NP )FRAG 1 3 (S (NP c )NP - (NP Domestic car )NP )S 1 4 (X (X c )X - (NP (ADJP Domestic )ADJP car )NP )X 2 3 (FRAG (NP c )NP - (NP Domestic car )NP )FRAG 0 4 (X (X c )X - (NP Domestic )NP (NP car )NP )X 1 2 (NP c - (NP Domestic car )NP )NP 1 4 (FRAG (X c )X - (NP Domestic )NP (NP car )NP )FRAG 1 3 (X (X c - )X (NP Domestic car )NP )X 1 3 (NP (NP c )NP - (NP Domestic car )NP )NP 1 3 (S (NP c )NP - (NP Domestic car )NP )S 2 4 (FRAG (X c )X - (NP (NP Domestic )NP car )NP )FRAG 0 4 (X (X c )X - (NP Domestic )NP (NP car )NP )X 0 2 (NP (X c )X - Domestic car )NP 0 3 (X c - (ADJP Domestic )ADJP (NP car )NP )X 1 2 (X c - (NP Domestic car )NP )X 50 8 9 (S (NP (NP d )NP - (NP Percentage change )NP )NP (VP is (ADJP (ADJP greater )ADJP (PP than (NP 999 % )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 7 8 (S (LST d )LST - (NP Percentage change )NP (VP is (ADJP (ADJP greater )ADJP (PP than (NP 999 % )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 7 8 (S (NP (NP d )NP - (NP Percentage change )NP )NP (VP is (ADJP greater (PP than (NP 999 % )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 6 7 (S (LST d )LST - (NP Percentage change )NP (VP is (ADJP greater (PP than (NP 999 % )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 7 8 (S (X d )X - (NP Percentage change )NP (VP is (ADJP (ADJP greater )ADJP (PP than (NP 999 % )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 7 8 (S (X d - )X (NP Percentage change )NP (VP is (ADJP (ADJP greater )ADJP (PP than (NP 999 % )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 6 9 (FRAG (X d )X - (S (NP Percentage change )NP (VP is (ADJP (ADJP greater )ADJP (PP than (NP 999 % )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )S . )FRAG 6 7 (S (X d )X - (NP Percentage change )NP (VP is (ADJP greater (PP than (NP 999 % )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 7 9 (S (LST d )LST - (S (NP Percentage change )NP (VP is (ADJP (ADJP greater )ADJP (PP than (NP 999 % )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )S . )S 6 7 (S (X d - )X (NP Percentage change )NP (VP is (ADJP greater (PP than (NP 999 % )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 5 8 (FRAG (X d )X - (S (NP Percentage change )NP (VP is (ADJP greater (PP than (NP 999 % )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )S . )FRAG 4 7 (S (NP (NP d )NP - (NP Percentage change )NP )NP (VP is (NP (QP greater than 999 )QP % )NP )VP . )S 7 9 (S (NP (NP d )NP - (NP Percentage change )NP )NP (VP is (ADJP (ADVP greater )ADVP (PP than (NP 999 % )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 3 6 (S (LST d )LST - (NP Percentage change )NP (VP is (NP (QP greater than 999 )QP % )NP )VP . )S 7 9 (S (X (X d )X - )X (NP Percentage change )NP (VP is (ADJP (ADJP greater )ADJP (PP than (NP 999 % )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 6 8 (S (LST d )LST - (NP Percentage change )NP (VP is (ADJP (ADVP greater )ADVP (PP than (NP 999 % )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 6 8 (S (LST d )LST - (S (NP Percentage change )NP (VP is (ADJP greater (PP than (NP 999 % )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )S . )S 7 9 (S (NP (NP d )NP - (NP Percentage change )NP )NP (VP is (ADJP (ADJP greater )ADJP (PP than (ADJP 999 % )ADJP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 7 8 (S (LST d )LST (NP - Percentage change )NP (VP is (ADJP (ADJP greater )ADJP (PP than (NP 999 % )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 6 8 (S (LST d )LST - (NP Percentage change )NP (VP is (ADJP (ADJP greater )ADJP (PP than (ADJP 999 % )ADJP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 6 10 (X (X d )X - (SBAR (S (NP Percentage change )NP (VP is (ADJP (ADJP greater )ADJP (PP than (NP 999 % )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR . )X 6 9 (S (NP (NP d )NP - (NP Percentage change )NP )NP (VP is (NP (NP greater )NP (PP than (NP 999 % )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 7 8 (S (X d )X (NP - Percentage change )NP (VP is (ADJP (ADJP greater )ADJP (PP than (NP 999 % )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 5 8 (S (LST d )LST - (NP Percentage change )NP (VP is (NP (NP greater )NP (PP than (NP 999 % )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 6 8 (S (X (X d )X - )X (NP Percentage change )NP (VP is (ADJP greater (PP than (NP 999 % )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 6 9 (X (X d )X - (S (NP Percentage change )NP (VP is (ADJP (ADJP greater )ADJP (PP than (NP 999 % )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )S . )X 7 10 (S (NP (NP d )NP - (NP Percentage change )NP )NP (VP is (ADJP (ADJP greater )ADJP (SBAR than (S (NP 999 % )NP )S )SBAR )ADJP )VP . )S 5 7 (S (NP (NP d )NP - (NP Percentage change )NP )NP (VP is (ADJP (QP greater than 999 )QP % )ADJP )VP . )S 7 9 (FRAG (NP d )NP - (S (NP Percentage change )NP (VP is (ADJP (ADJP greater )ADJP (PP than (NP 999 % )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )S . )FRAG 6 8 (S (NP (NP d )NP - (NP Percentage change )NP )NP (VP is (ADJP greater (PP than (ADJP 999 % )ADJP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 6 9 (S (LST d )LST - (NP Percentage change )NP (VP is (ADJP (ADJP greater )ADJP (SBAR than (S (NP 999 % )NP )S )SBAR )ADJP )VP . )S 6 7 (S (LST d )LST (NP - Percentage change )NP (VP is (ADJP greater (PP than (NP 999 % )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 4 6 (S (LST d )LST - (NP Percentage change )NP (VP is (ADJP (QP greater than 999 )QP % )ADJP )VP . )S 5 7 (S (LST d )LST - (NP Percentage change )NP (VP is (ADJP greater (PP than (ADJP 999 % )ADJP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 7 9 (S (X d )X - (S (NP Percentage change )NP (VP is (ADJP (ADJP greater )ADJP (PP than (NP 999 % )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )S . )S 5 9 (X (X d )X - (SBAR (S (NP Percentage change )NP (VP is (ADJP greater (PP than (NP 999 % )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR . )X 6 7 (S (X d )X (NP - Percentage change )NP (VP is (ADJP greater (PP than (NP 999 % )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 7 8 (S (NP (NP d )NP - (NP Percentage change )NP )NP (VP is (ADJP greater )ADJP (PP than (NP 999 % )NP )PP )VP . )S 6 9 (S (NP (NP d )NP - (NP Percentage change )NP )NP (VP is (ADJP greater (SBAR than (S (NP 999 % )NP )S )SBAR )ADJP )VP . )S 6 7 (S (LST d )LST - (NP Percentage change )NP (VP is (ADJP greater )ADJP (PP than (NP 999 % )NP )PP )VP . )S 6 9 (X (X d - )X (S (NP Percentage change )NP (VP is (ADJP (ADJP greater )ADJP (PP than (NP 999 % )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S )X 5 8 (X (X d )X - (S (NP Percentage change )NP (VP is (ADJP greater (PP than (NP 999 % )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )S . )X 6 7 (S (NP (NP d )NP - (NP Percentage change )NP )NP (VP is (ADJP greater than (NP 999 % )NP )ADJP )VP . )S 6 9 (FRAG (X d )X - (S (NP Percentage change )NP (VP is (ADJP (ADJP greater )ADJP (PP than (NP 999 % )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S )FRAG 6 8 (FRAG (NP d )NP - (S (NP Percentage change )NP (VP is (ADJP greater (PP than (NP 999 % )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )S . )FRAG 5 8 (S (LST d )LST - (NP Percentage change )NP (VP is (ADJP greater (SBAR than (S (NP 999 % )NP )S )SBAR )ADJP )VP . )S 6 9 (X (X d )X - (S (NP Percentage change )NP (VP is (ADJP (ADJP greater )ADJP (PP than (NP 999 % )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S )X 5 6 (S (LST d )LST - (NP Percentage change )NP (VP is (ADJP greater than (NP 999 % )NP )ADJP )VP . )S 6 8 (S (X d )X - (S (NP Percentage change )NP (VP is (ADJP greater (PP than (NP 999 % )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )S . )S 3 6 (S (X d )X - (NP Percentage change )NP (VP is (NP (QP greater than 999 )QP % )NP )VP . )S 50 10 13 (S (LST x )LST - (NP There )NP (VP (VP were (NP 8 selling days )NP (PP in (NP the (ADJP most recent )ADJP period )NP )PP )VP and (VP (NP 8 )NP (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )VP )VP . )S 10 13 (S (X x )X - (NP There )NP (VP (VP were (NP 8 selling days )NP (PP in (NP the (ADJP most recent )ADJP period )NP )PP )VP and (VP (NP 8 )NP (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )VP )VP . )S 11 14 (S (LST x )LST - (NP There )NP (VP (VP were (NP (NP 8 selling days )NP (PP in (NP the (ADJP most recent )ADJP period )NP )PP )NP )VP and (VP (NP 8 )NP (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )VP )VP . )S 10 14 (S (LST x )LST - (NP There )NP (VP (VP were (NP (ADJP 8 selling )ADJP days )NP (PP in (NP the (ADJP most recent )ADJP period )NP )PP )VP and (VP (NP 8 )NP (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )VP )VP . )S 13 14 (S (LST x )LST - (NP There )NP (VP were (NP (NP (NP 8 selling days )NP (PP in (NP the (ADJP most recent )ADJP period )NP )PP )NP and (NP (NP 8 )NP (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )NP )NP )VP . )S 6 10 (S (LST x )LST - (NP There )NP (VP were (NP 8 selling days )NP (PP in (NP (NP the most recent period and 8 )NP (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )NP )PP )VP . )S 9 14 (FRAG (X x )X - (S (NP There )NP (VP (VP were (NP 8 selling days )NP (PP in (NP the (ADJP most recent )ADJP period )NP )PP )VP and (VP (NP 8 )NP (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )VP )VP )S . )FRAG 10 13 (S (LST x )LST - (NP There )NP (VP (VP were (NP 8 selling days )NP (PP in (NP the (ADJP most recent )ADJP period )NP )PP )VP and (VP (NP 8 )NP (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )VP )VP . )S 11 14 (S (X x )X - (NP There )NP (VP (VP were (NP (NP 8 selling days )NP (PP in (NP the (ADJP most recent )ADJP period )NP )PP )NP )VP and (VP (NP 8 )NP (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )VP )VP . )S 7 11 (S (LST x )LST - (NP There )NP (VP were (NP (NP 8 selling days )NP (PP in (NP (NP the most recent period and 8 )NP (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 10 14 (S (LST x )LST - (NP There )NP (VP (VP were (NP (QP 8 selling )QP days )NP (PP in (NP the (ADJP most recent )ADJP period )NP )PP )VP and (VP (NP 8 )NP (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )VP )VP . )S 10 13 (S (LST x )LST - (NP There )NP (VP were (NP 8 selling days )NP (PP in (NP (NP the (ADJP most recent )ADJP period )NP and (NP (NP 8 )NP (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 9 13 (S (LST x )LST - (NP There )NP (VP were (NP 8 selling days )NP (PP in (NP (NP (NP the (ADJP most recent )ADJP period )NP and (NP 8 )NP )NP (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )NP )PP )VP . )S 10 14 (S (X x )X - (NP There )NP (VP (VP were (NP (ADJP 8 selling )ADJP days )NP (PP in (NP the (ADJP most recent )ADJP period )NP )PP )VP and (VP (NP 8 )NP (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )VP )VP . )S 10 14 (S (LST x )LST - (S (NP There )NP (VP (VP were (NP 8 selling days )NP (PP in (NP the (ADJP most recent )ADJP period )NP )PP )VP and (VP (NP 8 )NP (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )VP )VP )S . )S 11 15 (S (LST x )LST - (NP There )NP (VP (VP were (NP (NP (ADJP 8 selling )ADJP days )NP (PP in (NP the (ADJP most recent )ADJP period )NP )PP )NP )VP and (VP (NP 8 )NP (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )VP )VP . )S 13 14 (S (X x )X - (NP There )NP (VP were (NP (NP (NP 8 selling days )NP (PP in (NP the (ADJP most recent )ADJP period )NP )PP )NP and (NP (NP 8 )NP (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )NP )NP )VP . )S 13 14 (S (LST x )LST - (NP There )NP (VP were (NP (NP (NP 8 selling days )NP (PP in (NP the (ADJP most recent )ADJP period )NP )PP )NP and (NP (NP 8 )NP (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )NP )NP )VP . )S 6 10 (S (X x )X - (NP There )NP (VP were (NP 8 selling days )NP (PP in (NP (NP the most recent period and 8 )NP (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )NP )PP )VP . )S 6 10 (S (LST x )LST - (NP There )NP (VP were (NP 8 selling days )NP (PP in (NP (NP the most recent period and 8 )NP (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )NP )PP )VP . )S 9 12 (S (LST x )LST - (NP There )NP (VP were (NP 8 selling days )NP (PP in (NP (NP the (ADJP most recent )ADJP period )NP and (NP 8 )NP (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )NP )PP )VP . )S 6 12 (S (LST x )LST - (NP There )NP (VP were (NP 8 selling days )NP (PP in (NP (NP the (ADJP most recent )ADJP period )NP (ADVP (NP (QP and 8 )QP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )NP )PP )VP . )S 13 15 (S (LST x )LST - (NP There )NP (VP were (NP (NP (NP (ADJP 8 selling )ADJP days )NP (PP in (NP the (ADJP most recent )ADJP period )NP )PP )NP and (NP (NP 8 )NP (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )NP )NP )VP . )S 11 14 (S (LST x )LST - (NP There )NP (VP were (NP (NP 8 selling days )NP (PP in (NP (NP the (ADJP most recent )ADJP period )NP and (NP (NP 8 )NP (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 10 14 (S (LST x )LST - (NP There )NP (VP were (NP (NP 8 selling days )NP (PP in (NP (NP (NP the (ADJP most recent )ADJP period )NP and (NP 8 )NP )NP (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 10 15 (FRAG (X x )X - (S (NP There )NP (VP (VP were (NP (NP 8 selling days )NP (PP in (NP the (ADJP most recent )ADJP period )NP )PP )NP )VP and (VP (NP 8 )NP (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )VP )VP )S . )FRAG 10 13 (S (X x )X - (NP There )NP (VP (VP were (NP 8 selling days )NP (PP in (NP the (ADJP most recent )ADJP period )NP )PP )VP and (VP (NP 8 )NP (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )VP )VP . )S 11 15 (S (LST x )LST - (NP There )NP (VP (VP were (NP (NP (QP 8 selling )QP days )NP (PP in (NP the (ADJP most recent )ADJP period )NP )PP )NP )VP and (VP (NP 8 )NP (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )VP )VP . )S 6 11 (S (LST x )LST - (NP There )NP (VP were (NP (ADJP 8 selling )ADJP days )NP (PP in (NP (NP the most recent period and 8 )NP (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )NP )PP )VP . )S 12 15 (FRAG (X x )X - (S (NP There )NP (VP were (NP (NP (NP 8 selling days )NP (PP in (NP the (ADJP most recent )ADJP period )NP )PP )NP and (NP (NP 8 )NP (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )NP )NP )VP )S . )FRAG 11 14 (S (LST x )LST - (NP There )NP (VP (VP were (NP (NP 8 selling days )NP (PP in (NP the (ADJP most recent )ADJP period )NP )PP )NP )VP and (VP (NP 8 )NP (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )VP )VP . )S 5 11 (FRAG (X x )X - (S (NP There )NP (VP were (NP 8 selling days )NP (PP in (NP (NP the most recent period and 8 )NP (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )NP )PP )VP )S . )FRAG 9 15 (FRAG (X x )X - (S (NP There )NP (VP (VP were (NP (ADJP 8 selling )ADJP days )NP (PP in (NP the (ADJP most recent )ADJP period )NP )PP )VP and (VP (NP 8 )NP (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )VP )VP )S . )FRAG 7 11 (S (X x )X - (NP There )NP (VP were (NP (NP 8 selling days )NP (PP in (NP (NP the most recent period and 8 )NP (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 10 14 (S (X x )X - (NP There )NP (VP (VP were (NP (QP 8 selling )QP days )NP (PP in (NP the (ADJP most recent )ADJP period )NP )PP )VP and (VP (NP 8 )NP (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )VP )VP . )S 13 16 (S (LST x )LST - (NP There )NP (VP were (NP (NP (NP (NP 8 selling )NP (NP days )NP )NP (PP in (NP the (ADJP most recent )ADJP period )NP )PP )NP and (NP (NP 8 )NP (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )NP )NP )VP . )S 10 13 (S (X x )X - (NP There )NP (VP were (NP 8 selling days )NP (PP in (NP (NP the (ADJP most recent )ADJP period )NP and (NP (NP 8 )NP (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 11 13 (S (LST x )LST - (NP There )NP (VP were (NP (NP (NP 8 selling days )NP (PP in (NP the (ADJP most recent )ADJP period )NP )PP )NP and (NP (NP 8 )NP (NP a year earlier )NP )NP )NP )VP . )S 11 16 (S (LST x )LST - (NP There )NP (VP (VP were (NP (NP (NP 8 selling )NP (NP days )NP )NP (PP in (NP the (ADJP most recent )ADJP period )NP )PP )NP )VP and (VP (NP 8 )NP (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )VP )VP . )S 7 11 (S (LST x )LST - (NP There )NP (VP were (NP (NP 8 selling days )NP (PP in (NP (NP the most recent period and 8 )NP (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 9 13 (S (X x )X - (NP There )NP (VP were (NP 8 selling days )NP (PP in (NP (NP (NP the (ADJP most recent )ADJP period )NP and (NP 8 )NP )NP (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )NP )PP )VP . )S 10 13 (S (LST x )LST - (NP There )NP (VP were (NP (NP 8 selling days )NP (PP in (NP (NP the (ADJP most recent )ADJP period )NP and (NP 8 )NP (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 10 13 (S (LST x )LST - (NP There )NP (VP were (NP 8 selling days )NP (PP in (NP (NP the (ADJP most recent )ADJP period )NP and (NP (NP 8 )NP (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 10 14 (S (LST x )LST - (NP There )NP (VP (VP were (NP (ADJP 8 selling )ADJP days )NP (PP in (NP the (ADJP most recent )ADJP period )NP )PP )VP and (VP (NP 8 )NP (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )VP )VP . )S 7 13 (S (LST x )LST - (NP There )NP (VP were (NP (NP 8 selling days )NP (PP in (NP (NP the (ADJP most recent )ADJP period )NP (ADVP (NP (QP and 8 )QP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 10 13 (S (LST x )LST - (NP There )NP (VP (VP were (NP 8 selling days )NP (PP in (NP the (ADJP most recent )ADJP period )NP )PP )VP and (VP (NP 8 )NP (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )VP )VP . )S 9 13 (S (LST x )LST - (NP There )NP (VP were (NP 8 selling days )NP (PP in (NP (NP (NP the (ADJP most recent )ADJP period )NP and (NP 8 )NP )NP (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )NP )PP )VP . )S 13 15 (S (LST x )LST - (NP There )NP (VP were (NP (NP (NP (QP 8 selling )QP days )NP (PP in (NP the (ADJP most recent )ADJP period )NP )PP )NP and (NP (NP 8 )NP (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )NP )NP )VP . )S 11 15 (S (X x )X - (NP There )NP (VP (VP were (NP (NP (ADJP 8 selling )ADJP days )NP (PP in (NP the (ADJP most recent )ADJP period )NP )PP )NP )VP and (VP (NP 8 )NP (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )VP )VP . )S 13 14 (S (LST x )LST - (NP There )NP (VP were (NP (NP (NP 8 selling days )NP (PP in (NP the (ADJP most recent )ADJP period )NP )PP )NP and (NP (NP 8 )NP (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )NP )NP )VP . )S 50 8 8 (S (NP Percentage differences )NP (VP based (PP on (NP (NP daily sales rate )NP (CONJP rather than )CONJP (NP sales volume )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 8 8 (S (NP Percentage differences )NP (VP based (PP on (NP (NP daily sales rate )NP (CONJP rather than )CONJP (NP sales volume )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 8 8 (S (NP Percentage differences )NP (VP based (PP on (NP (NP daily sales rate )NP (CONJP rather than )CONJP (NP sales volume )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 8 8 (S (NP Percentage differences )NP (VP based (PP on (NP (NP daily sales rate )NP (CONJP rather than )CONJP (NP sales volume )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 8 8 (S (NP Percentage differences )NP (VP based (PP on (NP (NP daily sales rate )NP (CONJP rather than )CONJP (NP sales volume )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 8 10 (S (NP Percentage differences )NP (VP based (PP on (NP (NP daily sales rate )NP (CONJP rather than )CONJP (NP (NP sales )NP (NP volume )NP )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 8 8 (S (NP Percentage differences )NP (VP based (PP on (NP (NP daily sales rate )NP (CONJP rather than )CONJP (NP sales volume )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 8 8 (S (NP Percentage differences )NP (VP based (PP on (NP (NP daily sales rate )NP (CONJP rather than )CONJP (NP sales volume )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 7 8 (S (NP Percentage differences )NP (VP based (PRT on )PRT (NP (NP daily sales rate )NP (CONJP rather than )CONJP (NP sales volume )NP )NP )VP . )S 7 8 (S (NP Percentage differences )NP (VP based (PP on (NP (NP daily sales rate )NP (PP rather than (NP sales volume )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 8 8 (S (NP Percentage differences )NP (VP based (PP on (NP (NP daily sales rate )NP (CONJP rather than )CONJP (NP sales volume )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 8 8 (S (NP Percentage differences )NP (VP based (PP on (NP (NP daily sales rate )NP (CONJP rather than )CONJP (NP sales volume )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 8 8 (S (NP Percentage differences )NP (VP based (PP on (NP (NP daily sales rate )NP (CONJP rather than )CONJP (NP sales volume )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 8 9 (S (NP Percentage differences )NP (VP based (PP on (S (NP (NP daily sales rate )NP (CONJP rather than )CONJP (NP sales volume )NP )NP )S )PP )VP . )S 8 10 (S (NP Percentage differences )NP (VP based (PP on (NP (NP daily sales rate )NP (CONJP rather than )CONJP (NP (NP sales )NP (VP volume )VP )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 7 8 (S (NP Percentage differences )NP (VP based (PP on (NP (NP daily sales rate )NP (PP rather than (NP sales volume )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 8 8 (S (NP Percentage differences )NP (VP based (PP on (NP (NP daily sales rate )NP (CONJP rather than )CONJP (NP sales volume )NP )NP )PP . )VP )S 8 8 (S (NP Percentage differences )NP (VP based (PP on (NP (NP daily sales rate )NP (CONJP rather than )CONJP (NP sales volume )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 7 9 (S (NP Percentage )NP (NP differences )NP (VP based (PP on (NP (NP daily sales rate )NP (CONJP rather than )CONJP (NP sales volume )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 8 9 (S (NP Percentage differences )NP (VP based (PP on (NP (NP (ADJP daily )ADJP sales rate )NP (CONJP rather than )CONJP (NP sales volume )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 8 10 (S (NP Percentage differences )NP (VP based (PP on (NP (NP daily sales rate )NP (CONJP rather than )CONJP (NP (NP sales )NP (NP volume )NP )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 3 9 (S (NP (NP Percentage differences )NP (VP based (PP on (NP daily sales )NP )PP )VP )NP (VP rate (PP rather than (NP sales volume )NP )PP )VP . )S 8 8 (S (NP Percentage differences )NP (VP based (PP on (NP (NP daily sales rate )NP (CONJP rather than )CONJP (NP sales volume )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 8 10 (S (NP Percentage differences )NP (VP based (PP on (NP (NP daily sales rate )NP (CONJP rather than )CONJP (NP (NP sales )NP (NP volume )NP )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 7 8 (S (NP Percentage differences )NP (VP based (PP on (NP (NP daily sales rate )NP (PP rather than (NP sales volume )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 8 8 (S (NP Percentage differences )NP (VP based (PP on (NP (NP daily sales rate )NP (CONJP rather than )CONJP (NP sales volume )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 8 9 (S (NP (NP Percentage )NP differences )NP (VP based (PP on (NP (NP daily sales rate )NP (CONJP rather than )CONJP (NP sales volume )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 5 9 (S (NP Percentage differences )NP (VP based (PP on (NP daily sales )NP )PP (NP (NP rate )NP (CONJP rather than )CONJP (NP sales volume )NP )NP )VP . )S 3 9 (S (NP (NP Percentage differences )NP (PP based (PP on (NP daily sales )NP )PP )PP )NP (VP rate (PP rather than (NP sales volume )NP )PP )VP . )S 8 9 (S (NP Percentage differences )NP (VP based (PP on (NP (NP (NP daily sales )NP rate )NP (CONJP rather than )CONJP (NP sales volume )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 8 8 (S (NP Percentage differences )NP (VP based (PP on (NP (NP daily sales rate )NP (CONJP rather than )CONJP (NP sales volume )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 8 9 (S (NP Percentage differences )NP (VP based (PP on (NP (NP daily sales rate )NP (CONJP rather than )CONJP (NP (NP sales )NP volume )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 8 8 (S (NP Percentage differences )NP (VP based (PP on (NP (NP daily sales rate )NP (CONJP rather than )CONJP (NP sales volume )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 7 8 (S (NP Percentage differences )NP (VP based (PP (PP on (NP daily sales rate )NP )PP (CONJP rather than )CONJP (NP sales volume )NP )PP )VP . )S 8 8 (S (NP Percentage differences )NP (VP based (PP on (NP (NP daily sales rate )NP (CONJP rather than )CONJP (NP sales volume )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 7 8 (S (NP Percentage differences )NP (VP based (PRT on )PRT (NP (NP daily sales rate )NP (CONJP rather than )CONJP (NP sales volume )NP )NP )VP . )S 7 8 (S (NP Percentage differences )NP (VP based (PP on (NP (NP daily sales rate )NP (PP rather than (NP sales volume )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 8 8 (S (NP Percentage differences )NP (VP based (PP on (NP (NP daily sales rate )NP (CONJP rather than )CONJP (NP sales volume )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 8 9 (S (NP Percentage differences )NP (VP based (PP on (NP (NP daily sales rate )NP (CONJP rather than )CONJP (NP (ADJP sales )ADJP volume )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 7 8 (S (NP Percentage differences )NP (VP based (PP on (NP (NP daily sales rate )NP (PP rather than (NP sales volume )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 3 9 (S (NP (NP Percentage differences )NP (VP based (PP on (NP daily sales )NP )PP )VP )NP (VP rate (PP rather than (NP sales volume )NP )PP )VP . )S 7 8 (S (NP Percentage differences )NP (VP based (PRT on )PRT (NP (NP daily sales rate )NP (CONJP rather than )CONJP (NP sales volume )NP )NP )VP . )S 3 9 (S (NP (NP Percentage differences )NP (VP based (PP on (NP daily sales )NP )PP )VP )NP (VP rate (PP rather than (NP sales volume )NP )PP )VP . )S 8 10 (S (NP Percentage differences )NP (VP based (PP on (NP (NP daily sales rate )NP (CONJP rather than )CONJP (NP (NP sales )NP (NP volume )NP )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 7 9 (S (NP Percentage differences )NP (VP based (PRT on )PRT (S (NP (NP daily sales rate )NP (CONJP rather than )CONJP (NP sales volume )NP )NP )S )VP . )S 7 9 (S (NP Percentage differences )NP (VP based (PP on (NP (NP daily sales rate )NP (ADVP rather (PP than (NP sales volume )NP )PP )ADVP )NP )PP )VP . )S 8 8 (S (NP Percentage differences )NP (VP based (PP on (NP (NP daily sales rate )NP (CONJP rather than )CONJP (NP sales volume )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 6 9 (S (NP Percentage differences )NP (VP based (PP on (NP daily sales )NP (NP (NP rate )NP (CONJP rather than )CONJP (NP sales volume )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 8 9 (S (NP Percentage differences )NP (VP based (PP on (S (NP (NP daily sales rate )NP (CONJP rather than )CONJP (NP sales volume )NP )NP )S )PP )VP . )S 3 9 (S (NP (NP Percentage differences )NP (VP based (PP on (NP daily sales )NP )PP )VP )NP (VP rate (PP rather than (NP sales volume )NP )PP )VP . )S 50 13 13 (S (NP (NP Antonio L. Savoca )NP , (ADJP (NP 66 years )NP old )ADJP , )NP (VP was (VP named (S (NP (NP president )NP and (NP chief executive officer )NP (PP of (NP the Atlantic Research Corp. subsidiary )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )VP . )S 13 13 (S (NP (NP Antonio L. Savoca )NP , (ADJP (NP 66 years )NP old )ADJP , )NP (VP was (VP named (S (NP (NP president )NP and (NP chief executive officer )NP (PP of (NP the Atlantic Research Corp. subsidiary )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )VP . )S 13 13 (S (NP (NP Antonio L. Savoca )NP , (ADJP (NP 66 years )NP old )ADJP , )NP (VP was (VP named (S (NP (NP president )NP and (NP chief executive officer )NP (PP of (NP the Atlantic Research Corp. subsidiary )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )VP . )S 13 13 (S (NP (NP Antonio L. Savoca )NP , (ADJP (NP 66 years )NP old )ADJP , )NP (VP was (VP named (S (NP (NP president )NP and (NP chief executive officer )NP (PP of (NP the Atlantic Research Corp. subsidiary )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )VP . )S 14 14 (S (NP (NP Antonio L. Savoca )NP , (ADJP (NP 66 years )NP old )ADJP , )NP (VP was (VP named (S (NP (NP (NP president )NP and (NP chief executive officer )NP )NP (PP of (NP the Atlantic Research Corp. subsidiary )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )VP . )S 14 14 (S (NP (NP Antonio L. Savoca )NP , (ADJP (NP 66 years )NP old )ADJP , )NP (VP was (VP named (S (NP (NP (NP president )NP and (NP chief executive officer )NP )NP (PP of (NP the Atlantic Research Corp. subsidiary )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )VP . )S 14 14 (S (NP (NP Antonio L. Savoca )NP , (ADJP (NP 66 years )NP old )ADJP , )NP (VP was (VP named (S (NP (NP (NP president )NP and (NP chief executive officer )NP )NP (PP of (NP the Atlantic Research Corp. subsidiary )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )VP . )S 13 14 (S (NP (NP Antonio L. Savoca )NP , (ADJP (NP 66 years )NP old )ADJP , )NP (VP was (VP named (S (NP (NP president )NP and (NP (NP chief executive officer )NP (PP of (NP the Atlantic Research Corp. subsidiary )NP )PP )NP )NP )S )VP )VP . )S 14 14 (S (NP (NP Antonio L. Savoca )NP , (ADJP (NP 66 years )NP old )ADJP , )NP (VP was (VP named (S (NP (NP (NP president )NP and (NP chief executive officer )NP )NP (PP of (NP the Atlantic Research Corp. subsidiary )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )VP . )S 13 14 (S (NP (NP Antonio L. Savoca )NP , (ADJP (NP 66 years )NP old )ADJP , )NP (VP was (VP named (S (NP (NP president )NP and (NP (NP chief executive officer )NP (PP of (NP the Atlantic Research Corp. subsidiary )NP )PP )NP )NP )S )VP )VP . )S 13 14 (S (NP (NP Antonio L. Savoca )NP , (ADJP (NP 66 years )NP old )ADJP , )NP (VP was (VP named (S (NP (NP president )NP and (NP (NP chief executive officer )NP (PP of (NP the Atlantic Research Corp. subsidiary )NP )PP )NP )NP )S )VP )VP . )S 13 14 (S (NP (NP Antonio L. Savoca )NP , (ADJP (NP 66 years )NP old )ADJP , )NP (VP was (VP named (S (NP (NP president )NP and (NP (NP chief executive officer )NP (PP of (NP the Atlantic Research Corp. subsidiary )NP )PP )NP )NP )S )VP )VP . )S 13 13 (S (NP (NP Antonio L. Savoca )NP , (ADJP (NP 66 years )NP old )ADJP , )NP (VP was (VP named (S (NP (NP president )NP and (NP chief executive officer )NP (PP of (NP the Atlantic Research Corp. subsidiary )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )VP . )S 13 13 (S (NP (NP Antonio L. Savoca )NP , (ADJP (NP 66 years )NP old )ADJP , )NP (VP was (VP named (S (NP (NP president )NP and (NP chief executive officer )NP (PP of (NP the Atlantic Research Corp. subsidiary )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )VP . )S 13 13 (S (NP (NP Antonio L. Savoca )NP , (ADJP (NP 66 years )NP old )ADJP , )NP (VP was (VP named (S (NP (NP president )NP and (NP chief executive officer )NP (PP of (NP the Atlantic Research Corp. subsidiary )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )VP . )S 13 13 (S (NP (NP Antonio L. Savoca )NP , (ADJP (NP 66 years )NP old )ADJP , )NP (VP was (VP named (S (NP (NP president )NP and (NP chief executive officer )NP (PP of (NP the Atlantic Research Corp. subsidiary )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )VP . )S 14 14 (S (NP (NP Antonio L. Savoca )NP , (ADJP (NP 66 years )NP old )ADJP , )NP (VP was (VP named (S (NP (NP (NP president )NP and (NP chief executive officer )NP )NP (PP of (NP the Atlantic Research Corp. subsidiary )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )VP . )S 14 14 (S (NP (NP Antonio L. Savoca )NP , (ADJP (NP 66 years )NP old )ADJP , )NP (VP was (VP named (S (NP (NP (NP president )NP and (NP chief executive officer )NP )NP (PP of (NP the Atlantic Research Corp. subsidiary )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )VP . )S 14 14 (S (NP (NP Antonio L. Savoca )NP , (ADJP (NP 66 years )NP old )ADJP , )NP (VP was (VP named (S (NP (NP (NP president )NP and (NP chief executive officer )NP )NP (PP of (NP the Atlantic Research Corp. subsidiary )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )VP . )S 13 14 (S (NP (NP Antonio L. Savoca )NP , (ADJP (NP 66 years )NP old )ADJP , )NP (VP was (VP named (S (NP (NP president )NP and (NP (NP chief executive officer )NP (PP of (NP the Atlantic Research Corp. subsidiary )NP )PP )NP )NP )S )VP )VP . )S 14 14 (S (NP (NP Antonio L. Savoca )NP , (ADJP (NP 66 years )NP old )ADJP , )NP (VP was (VP named (S (NP (NP (NP president )NP and (NP chief executive officer )NP )NP (PP of (NP the Atlantic Research Corp. subsidiary )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )VP . )S 13 14 (S (NP (NP Antonio L. Savoca )NP , (ADJP (NP 66 years )NP old )ADJP , )NP (VP was (VP named (S (NP (NP president )NP and (NP chief executive officer )NP (PP of (NP (NP the )NP Atlantic Research Corp. subsidiary )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )VP . )S 13 14 (S (NP (NP Antonio L. Savoca )NP , (ADJP (NP 66 years )NP old )ADJP , )NP (VP was (VP named (S (NP (NP president )NP and (NP chief executive officer )NP (PP of (NP (NP the )NP Atlantic Research Corp. subsidiary )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )VP . )S 13 14 (S (NP (NP Antonio L. Savoca )NP , (ADJP (NP 66 years )NP old )ADJP , )NP (VP was (VP named (S (NP (NP president )NP and (NP (NP chief executive officer )NP (PP of (NP the Atlantic Research Corp. subsidiary )NP )PP )NP )NP )S )VP )VP . )S 11 14 (S (NP Antonio )NP (NP (NP L. Savoca )NP , (ADJP (NP 66 years )NP old )ADJP , )NP (VP was (VP named (S (NP (NP president )NP and (NP chief executive officer )NP (PP of (NP the Atlantic Research Corp. subsidiary )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )VP . )S 11 14 (S (NP Antonio )NP (NP (NP L. Savoca )NP , (ADJP (NP 66 years )NP old )ADJP , )NP (VP was (VP named (S (NP (NP president )NP and (NP chief executive officer )NP (PP of (NP the Atlantic Research Corp. subsidiary )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )VP . )S 12 12 (S (NP (NP Antonio L. Savoca )NP , (ADJP (NP 66 years )NP old )ADJP , )NP (VP was (VP named (S (NP (NP president and chief executive officer )NP (PP of (NP the Atlantic Research Corp. subsidiary )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )VP . )S 13 14 (S (NP (NP Antonio L. Savoca )NP , (ADJP (NP 66 years )NP old )ADJP , )NP (VP was (VP named (S (NP (NP president )NP and (NP (NP chief executive officer )NP (PP of (NP the Atlantic Research Corp. subsidiary )NP )PP )NP )NP )S )VP )VP . )S 13 14 (S (NP (NP Antonio L. Savoca )NP , (ADJP (NP 66 years )NP old )ADJP , )NP (VP was (VP named (S (NP (NP president )NP and (NP chief executive officer )NP (PP of (NP (NP the )NP Atlantic Research Corp. subsidiary )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )VP . )S 13 14 (S (NP (NP (NP Antonio )NP L. Savoca )NP , (ADJP (NP 66 years )NP old )ADJP , )NP (VP was (VP named (S (NP (NP president )NP and (NP chief executive officer )NP (PP of (NP the Atlantic Research Corp. subsidiary )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )VP . )S 13 14 (S (NP (NP (NP Antonio )NP L. Savoca )NP , (ADJP (NP 66 years )NP old )ADJP , )NP (VP was (VP named (S (NP (NP president )NP and (NP chief executive officer )NP (PP of (NP the Atlantic Research Corp. subsidiary )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )VP . )S 13 14 (S (NP (NP Antonio L. Savoca )NP , (ADJP (NP 66 years )NP old )ADJP , )NP (VP was (VP named (S (NP (NP president )NP and (NP (NP chief executive officer )NP (PP of (NP the Atlantic Research Corp. subsidiary )NP )PP )NP )NP )S )VP )VP . )S 13 14 (S (NP (NP Antonio L. Savoca )NP , (ADJP (NP 66 years )NP old )ADJP , )NP (VP was (VP named (S (NP (NP president )NP and (NP chief executive officer )NP (PP of (NP (NP the Atlantic )NP Research Corp. subsidiary )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )VP . )S 13 14 (S (NP (NP Antonio L. Savoca )NP , (ADJP (NP 66 years )NP old )ADJP , )NP (VP was (VP named (S (NP (NP president )NP and (NP chief executive officer )NP (PP of (NP (NP the Atlantic )NP Research Corp. subsidiary )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )VP . )S 13 14 (S (NP (NP Antonio L. Savoca )NP , (ADJP (NP 66 years )NP old )ADJP , )NP (VP was (VP named (S (NP (NP president )NP and (NP chief executive officer )NP (PP of (NP (NP the )NP Atlantic Research Corp. subsidiary )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )VP . )S 11 14 (S (NP Antonio )NP (NP (NP L. Savoca )NP , (ADJP (NP 66 years )NP old )ADJP , )NP (VP was (VP named (S (NP (NP president )NP and (NP chief executive officer )NP (PP of (NP the Atlantic Research Corp. subsidiary )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )VP . )S 12 12 (S (NP (NP Antonio L. Savoca )NP , (ADJP (NP 66 years )NP old )ADJP , )NP (VP was (VP named (S (NP (NP president and chief executive officer )NP (PP of (NP the Atlantic Research Corp. subsidiary )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )VP . )S 13 15 (S (NP (NP (NP Antonio )NP (NP L. Savoca )NP )NP , (ADJP (NP 66 years )NP old )ADJP , )NP (VP was (VP named (S (NP (NP president )NP and (NP chief executive officer )NP (PP of (NP the Atlantic Research Corp. subsidiary )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )VP . )S 13 15 (S (NP (NP (NP Antonio )NP (NP L. Savoca )NP )NP , (ADJP (NP 66 years )NP old )ADJP , )NP (VP was (VP named (S (NP (NP president )NP and (NP chief executive officer )NP (PP of (NP the Atlantic Research Corp. subsidiary )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )VP . )S 13 14 (S (NP (NP (NP Antonio )NP L. Savoca )NP , (ADJP (NP 66 years )NP old )ADJP , )NP (VP was (VP named (S (NP (NP president )NP and (NP chief executive officer )NP (PP of (NP the Atlantic Research Corp. subsidiary )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )VP . )S 13 13 (S (NP (NP Antonio L. Savoca )NP , (ADJP (NP 66 years )NP old )ADJP )NP , (VP was (VP named (S (NP (NP president )NP and (NP chief executive officer )NP (PP of (NP the Atlantic Research Corp. subsidiary )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )VP . )S 13 13 (S (NP (NP Antonio L. Savoca )NP , (ADJP (NP 66 years )NP old )ADJP )NP , (VP was (VP named (S (NP (NP president )NP and (NP chief executive officer )NP (PP of (NP the Atlantic Research Corp. subsidiary )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )VP . )S 14 15 (S (NP (NP Antonio L. Savoca )NP , (ADJP (NP 66 years )NP old )ADJP , )NP (VP was (VP named (S (NP (NP (NP president )NP and (NP chief executive officer )NP )NP (PP of (NP (NP the )NP Atlantic Research Corp. subsidiary )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )VP . )S 14 15 (S (NP (NP Antonio L. Savoca )NP , (ADJP (NP 66 years )NP old )ADJP , )NP (VP was (VP named (S (NP (NP (NP president )NP and (NP chief executive officer )NP )NP (PP of (NP (NP the )NP Atlantic Research Corp. subsidiary )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )VP . )S 12 12 (S (NP (NP Antonio L. Savoca )NP , (ADJP (NP 66 years )NP old )ADJP , )NP (VP was (VP named (S (NP (NP president and chief executive officer )NP (PP of (NP the Atlantic Research Corp. subsidiary )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )VP . )S 11 14 (S (NP Antonio )NP (NP (NP L. Savoca )NP , (ADJP (NP 66 years )NP old )ADJP , )NP (VP was (VP named (S (NP (NP president )NP and (NP chief executive officer )NP (PP of (NP the Atlantic Research Corp. subsidiary )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )VP . )S 13 14 (S (NP (NP Antonio L. Savoca )NP , (ADJP (NP 66 years )NP old )ADJP , )NP (VP was (VP named (S (NP (NP president )NP and (NP chief executive officer )NP (PP of (NP (NP the Atlantic )NP Research Corp. subsidiary )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )VP . )S 13 14 (S (NP (NP (NP Antonio )NP L. Savoca )NP , (ADJP (NP 66 years )NP old )ADJP , )NP (VP was (VP named (S (NP (NP president )NP and (NP chief executive officer )NP (PP of (NP the Atlantic Research Corp. subsidiary )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )VP . )S 13 14 (S (NP (NP Antonio L. Savoca )NP , (ADJP (NP 66 years )NP old )ADJP , )NP (VP was (VP named (S (NP (NP president )NP and (NP chief executive officer )NP (PP of (NP the (NP Atlantic Research Corp. )NP subsidiary )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )VP . )S 13 14 (S (NP (NP Antonio L. Savoca )NP , (ADJP (NP 66 years )NP old )ADJP , )NP (VP was (VP named (S (NP (NP president )NP and (NP chief executive officer )NP (PP of (NP the (NP Atlantic Research Corp. )NP subsidiary )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )VP . )S 50 9 9 (S (NP Mr. Savoca )NP (VP had (VP been (NP (NP a consultant )NP (PP to (NP (NP the subsidiary 's )NP rocket-propulsion operations )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP . )S 9 9 (S (NP Mr. Savoca )NP (VP had (VP been (NP (NP a consultant )NP (PP to (NP (NP the subsidiary 's )NP rocket-propulsion operations )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP . )S 9 10 (S (NP Mr. Savoca )NP (VP had (VP been (NP (NP a consultant )NP (PP to (NP (NP the subsidiary 's )NP (ADJP rocket-propulsion )ADJP operations )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP . )S 8 8 (S (NP Mr. Savoca )NP had (VP been (NP (NP a consultant )NP (PP to (NP (NP the subsidiary 's )NP rocket-propulsion operations )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 8 8 (S (NP Mr. Savoca )NP (VP had (VP been (NP a consultant )NP (PP to (NP (NP the subsidiary 's )NP rocket-propulsion operations )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 8 8 (S (NP Mr. Savoca )NP had (VP been (NP (NP a consultant )NP (PP to (NP (NP the subsidiary 's )NP rocket-propulsion operations )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 8 8 (S (NP Mr. Savoca )NP (VP had (VP been (NP a consultant )NP (PP to (NP (NP the subsidiary 's )NP rocket-propulsion operations )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 9 11 (S (NP Mr. Savoca )NP (VP had (VP been (NP (NP a consultant )NP (PP to (NP (NP (NP the subsidiary 's )NP rocket-propulsion )NP (NP operations )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP . )S 8 8 (S (NP Mr. Savoca )NP (VP had (VP been (NP a consultant (PP to (NP (NP the subsidiary 's )NP rocket-propulsion operations )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP . )S 6 10 (S (NP Mr. Savoca )NP (VP had (VP been (NP (NP a consultant )NP (PP to (NP (NP the subsidiary 's )NP rocket-propulsion )NP )PP )NP (NP operations )NP )VP )VP . )S 9 10 (S (NP Mr. Savoca )NP (VP had (VP been (NP (NP a consultant )NP (PP to (NP (NP the subsidiary 's )NP (NP rocket-propulsion operations )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP . )S 8 8 (S (NP Mr. Savoca )NP (VP had (VP been (NP a consultant (PP to (NP (NP the subsidiary 's )NP rocket-propulsion operations )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP . )S 9 10 (S (NP Mr. Savoca )NP (VP had (VP been (S (NP (NP a consultant )NP (PP to (NP (NP the subsidiary 's )NP rocket-propulsion operations )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )VP . )S 7 11 (S (NP Mr. Savoca )NP (VP had (VP been (NP (NP (NP a consultant )NP (PP to (NP (NP the subsidiary 's )NP rocket-propulsion )NP )PP )NP (NP operations )NP )NP )VP )VP . )S 9 10 (S (NP Mr. Savoca )NP (VP had (VP been (S (NP (NP a consultant )NP (PP to (NP (NP the subsidiary 's )NP rocket-propulsion operations )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )VP . )S 9 10 (S (NP Mr. Savoca )NP (VP had (VP been (NP (NP a consultant )NP (PP to (NP (NP the subsidiary 's )NP (NX rocket-propulsion operations )NX )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP . )S 9 10 (S (NP Mr. Savoca )NP (VP had (VP been (NP (NP a consultant )NP (PP to (NP (NP (NP the subsidiary 's )NP rocket-propulsion )NP operations )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP . )S 9 10 (S (NP Mr. Savoca )NP (VP had (VP been (NP (NP a consultant )NP (PP to (NP (NP the subsidiary 's )NP (NP rocket-propulsion operations )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP . )S 9 10 (S (NP Mr. Savoca )NP (VP had (VP been (NP (NP a consultant )NP (PP to (NP (NP the subsidiary 's )NP (NX rocket-propulsion operations )NX )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP . )S 8 9 (S (NP Mr. Savoca )NP had (VP been (NP (NP a consultant )NP (PP to (NP (NP the subsidiary 's )NP (ADJP rocket-propulsion )ADJP operations )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 9 10 (S (NP Mr. Savoca )NP (VP had (VP been (NP (NP a consultant )NP (PP to (NP (NP the subsidiary 's )NP (ADJP rocket-propulsion )ADJP operations )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP . )S 8 9 (S (NP Mr. Savoca )NP (VP had (VP been (NP a consultant )NP (PP to (NP (NP the subsidiary 's )NP (ADJP rocket-propulsion )ADJP operations )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 8 9 (S (NP Mr. Savoca )NP (VP had (VP been (VP (NP a consultant )NP (PP to (NP (NP the subsidiary 's )NP rocket-propulsion operations )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 9 10 (S (NP Mr. Savoca )NP (VP had (VP been (VP (NP (NP a consultant )NP (PP to (NP (NP the subsidiary 's )NP rocket-propulsion operations )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP . )S 8 8 (S (NP Mr. Savoca )NP (VP had (VP been (NP (NP a consultant )NP to (NP (NP the subsidiary 's )NP rocket-propulsion operations )NP )NP )VP )VP . )S 8 9 (S (NP Mr. Savoca )NP (VP had (VP been (VP (NP a consultant )NP (PP to (NP (NP the subsidiary 's )NP rocket-propulsion operations )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 8 8 (S (NP Mr. Savoca )NP (VP had (VP been (NP (NP a consultant )NP to (NP (NP the subsidiary 's )NP rocket-propulsion operations )NP )NP )VP )VP . )S 9 10 (S (NP Mr. Savoca )NP (VP had (VP been (VP (NP (NP a consultant )NP (PP to (NP (NP the subsidiary 's )NP rocket-propulsion operations )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP . )S 7 7 (S (NP Mr. Savoca )NP had (VP been (NP a consultant )NP (PP to (NP (NP the subsidiary 's )NP rocket-propulsion operations )NP )PP )VP . )S 7 10 (S (NP Mr. Savoca )NP (VP had (VP been (NP (NP a consultant )NP (PP to (NP (NP the subsidiary 's )NP rocket-propulsion )NP )PP (NP operations )NP )NP )VP )VP . )S 6 9 (S (NP Mr. Savoca )NP (VP had (VP been (NP (NP a consultant )NP (PP to (NP the subsidiary 's )NP )PP )NP (NP rocket-propulsion operations )NP )VP )VP . )S 8 10 (S (NP Mr. Savoca )NP (VP had (VP been (NP a consultant )NP (PP to (NP (NP (NP the subsidiary 's )NP rocket-propulsion )NP (NP operations )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 7 7 (S (NP Mr. Savoca )NP had (VP been (NP a consultant )NP (PP to (NP (NP the subsidiary 's )NP rocket-propulsion operations )NP )PP )VP . )S 7 10 (S (NP Mr. Savoca )NP (VP had (VP been (NP (NP (NP a consultant )NP (PP to (NP the subsidiary 's )NP )PP )NP (NP rocket-propulsion operations )NP )NP )VP )VP . )S 6 9 (S (NP Mr. Savoca )NP (VP had (VP been (NP (NP a consultant )NP (PP to (NP the subsidiary 's )NP )PP )NP (NP rocket-propulsion operations )NP )VP )VP . )S 8 10 (S (NP Mr. Savoca )NP (VP had (VP been (NP (NP a consultant )NP to (NP (NP (NP the subsidiary 's )NP rocket-propulsion )NP (NP operations )NP )NP )NP )VP )VP . )S 9 10 (S (NP Mr. Savoca )NP (VP had (VP been (NP (NP a consultant )NP (PP to (NP (NP (NP the subsidiary )NP 's )NP rocket-propulsion operations )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP . )S 9 10 (S (NP Mr. Savoca )NP (VP had (VP been (NP (NP a consultant )NP (PP to (NP (ADJP (NP the subsidiary 's )NP rocket-propulsion )ADJP operations )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP . )S 8 10 (S (NP Mr. Savoca )NP had (VP been (NP (NP a consultant )NP (PP to (NP (NP (NP the subsidiary 's )NP rocket-propulsion )NP (NP operations )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 9 10 (S (NP Mr. Savoca )NP (VP had (VP been (NP (NP a consultant )NP (PP to (NP (NP (NP the subsidiary )NP 's )NP rocket-propulsion operations )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP . )S 7 8 (S (NP Mr. Savoca )NP (VP had (VP been (NP (NP a consultant )NP to (NP the subsidiary 's )NP (NP rocket-propulsion operations )NP )NP )VP )VP . )S 7 8 (S (NP Mr. Savoca had )NP (VP been (NP (NP a consultant )NP (PP to (NP (NP the subsidiary 's )NP rocket-propulsion operations )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 8 9 (S (NP Mr. Savoca )NP (VP had (VP been (NP a consultant (PP to (NP (NP the subsidiary 's )NP (ADJP rocket-propulsion )ADJP operations )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP . )S 8 9 (S (NP Mr. Savoca )NP (VP had (VP been (NP a consultant )NP (PP to (NP (NP the subsidiary 's )NP (NP rocket-propulsion operations )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 9 11 (S (NP Mr. Savoca )NP (VP had (VP been (NP (NP a consultant )NP (PP to (NP (NP the subsidiary 's )NP (NP (ADJP rocket-propulsion )ADJP operations )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP . )S 7 8 (S (NP Mr. Savoca had )NP (VP been (NP (NP a consultant )NP (PP to (NP (NP the subsidiary 's )NP rocket-propulsion operations )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 9 11 (S (NP Mr. Savoca )NP (VP had (VP been (NP (NP a consultant )NP (PP to (NP (NP the subsidiary 's )NP (VP rocket-propulsion (NP operations )NP )VP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP . )S 7 8 (S (NP Mr. Savoca )NP (VP had (VP been (NP (NP a consultant )NP to (NP the subsidiary 's )NP (NP rocket-propulsion operations )NP )NP )VP )VP . )S 9 11 (S (NP Mr. Savoca )NP (VP had (VP been (NP (NP a consultant )NP (PP to (NP (NP the subsidiary 's )NP (NX (ADJP rocket-propulsion )ADJP operations )NX )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP . )S 9 9 (S (NP Mr. Savoca )NP (VP had (VP been (NP (NP a consultant )NP (PP to (NP (NP the subsidiary 's )NP rocket-propulsion operations )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP . )S 50 13 13 (S (NP Mr. Savoca )NP (VP succeeds (NP (NP William H. Borten )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP resigned (S (VP to (VP pursue (NP personal interests )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 9 13 (S (NP Mr. Savoca )NP (VP succeeds (NP (NP William H. Borten )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP resigned )VP )S )SBAR )NP (S (VP to (VP pursue (NP personal interests )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 13 13 (S (NP Mr. Savoca )NP (VP succeeds (NP (NP William H. Borten )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP resigned (S (VP to (VP pursue (NP personal interests )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 13 13 (S (NP Mr. Savoca )NP (VP succeeds (NP (NP William H. Borten , )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP resigned (S (VP to (VP pursue (NP personal interests )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 13 14 (S (NP Mr. Savoca )NP (VP succeeds (NP (NP William H. Borten )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP resigned (SBAR (S (VP to (VP pursue (NP personal interests )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 13 14 (S (NP Mr. Savoca )NP (VP succeeds (NP (NP (NP William )NP H. Borten )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP resigned (S (VP to (VP pursue (NP personal interests )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 13 14 (S (NP Mr. Savoca )NP (VP succeeds (NP (NP William H. Borten )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP resigned (S (VP to (VP pursue (NP (ADJP personal )ADJP interests )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 13 14 (S (NP Mr. Savoca )NP (VP succeeds (NP (NP (NP William H. )NP Borten )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP resigned (S (VP to (VP pursue (NP personal interests )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 12 12 (S (NP Mr. Savoca )NP (VP succeeds (NP (NP William H. Borten )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP resigned (S to (VP pursue (NP personal interests )NP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 13 15 (S (NP Mr. Savoca )NP (VP succeeds (NP (NP (NP William H. )NP (NP Borten )NP )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP resigned (S (VP to (VP pursue (NP personal interests )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 13 15 (S (NP Mr. Savoca )NP (VP succeeds (NP (NP (NP William )NP (NP H. Borten )NP )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP resigned (S (VP to (VP pursue (NP personal interests )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 8 13 (S (NP Mr. Savoca )NP (VP succeeds (S (NP (NP William H. Borten )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP resigned )VP )S )SBAR )NP (VP to (VP pursue (NP personal interests )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 11 14 (S (NP Mr. Savoca )NP (VP succeeds (NP William )NP (NP (NP H. Borten )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP resigned (S (VP to (VP pursue (NP personal interests )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 11 12 (S (NP Mr. Savoca )NP (VP succeeds (NP (NP William H. Borten )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP resigned (PP to (VP pursue (NP personal interests )NP )VP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 13 14 (S (NP Mr. Savoca )NP (VP succeeds (NP (NP William H. Borten )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP resigned (S (VP to (S (VP pursue (NP personal interests )NP )VP )S )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 12 12 (S (NP Mr. Savoca )NP (VP succeeds (NP William H. Borten , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP resigned (S (VP to (VP pursue (NP personal interests )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 9 13 (S (NP Mr. Savoca )NP (VP succeeds (NP (NP William H. Borten )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP resigned )VP )S )SBAR )NP (S (VP to (VP pursue (NP personal interests )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 11 14 (S (NP Mr. Savoca )NP (VP succeeds (NP William H. )NP (NP (NP Borten )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP resigned (S (VP to (VP pursue (NP personal interests )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 9 14 (S (NP Mr. Savoca )NP (VP succeeds (NP (NP William H. Borten )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP resigned )VP )S )SBAR )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP pursue (NP personal interests )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 9 13 (S (NP Mr. Savoca )NP (VP succeeds (NP (NP William H. Borten , )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP resigned )VP )S )SBAR )NP (S (VP to (VP pursue (NP personal interests )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 12 12 (S (NP Mr. Savoca )NP (VP succeeds (NP William H. Borten )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP resigned (S (VP to (VP pursue (NP personal interests )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 13 13 (S (NP Mr. Savoca )NP (VP succeeds (NP (NP William H. Borten )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP resigned (S (VP to (VP pursue (NP personal interests )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 10 15 (S (NP Mr. Savoca )NP (VP succeeds (NP (NP (NP William H. Borten )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP resigned )VP )S )SBAR )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP pursue (NP personal interests )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 13 13 (S (NP Mr. Savoca )NP (VP succeeds (NP (NP William H. Borten )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP resigned (S (VP to (VP pursue (NP personal interests )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 13 14 (S (NP Mr. Savoca )NP (VP succeeds (S (NP (NP William H. Borten )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP resigned (S (VP to (VP pursue (NP personal interests )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )S )VP . )S 12 12 (S (NP Mr. Savoca )NP (VP succeeds (NP (NP William H. Borten )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP resigned (VP to (VP pursue (NP personal interests )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 13 13 (S (NP Mr. Savoca )NP (VP succeeds (NP (NP William H. Borten , )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP resigned (S (VP to (VP pursue (NP personal interests )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 9 11 (S (NP Mr. Savoca )NP (VP succeeds (NP (NP William H. Borten )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP resigned (PP to (NP pursue personal interests )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 11 13 (S (NP Mr. Savoca )NP (VP succeeds (NP (NP William H. Borten )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP resigned (PP to (S (VP pursue (NP personal interests )NP )VP )S )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 13 14 (S (NP Mr. Savoca )NP (VP succeeds (NP (NP William H. Borten )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP resigned (S (VP to (VP pursue (S (NP personal interests )NP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 12 15 (S (NP Mr. Savoca )NP (VP succeeds (NP (NP William )NP (NP (NP H. Borten )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP resigned (S (VP to (VP pursue (NP personal interests )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP )VP . )S 7 12 (S (NP Mr. Savoca )NP (VP succeeds (NP (NP William H. Borten )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP resigned )VP )S )SBAR )NP (PP to (VP pursue (NP personal interests )NP )VP )PP )VP . )S 12 15 (S (NP Mr. Savoca )NP (VP succeeds (NP (NP William H. )NP (NP (NP Borten )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP resigned (S (VP to (VP pursue (NP personal interests )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP )VP . )S 13 13 (S (NP Mr. Savoca )NP (VP succeeds (NP (NP William H. Borten )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP resigned (S (VP to (VP pursue (NP personal interests )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP . )VP )S 13 14 (S (NP Mr. Savoca )NP (VP succeeds (NP (NP William H. Borten )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP resigned (SBAR (S (VP to (VP pursue (NP personal interests )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 13 14 (S (NP Mr. Savoca )NP (VP succeeds (NP (NP (NP William H. Borten )NP , )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP resigned (S (VP to (VP pursue (NP personal interests )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 9 14 (S (NP Mr. Savoca )NP (VP succeeds (NP (NP (NP William )NP H. Borten )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP resigned )VP )S )SBAR )NP (S (VP to (VP pursue (NP personal interests )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 13 14 (S (NP Mr. Savoca )NP (VP succeeds (NP (NP William H. Borten , )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP resigned (SBAR (S (VP to (VP pursue (NP personal interests )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 12 12 (S (NP Mr. Savoca )NP (VP succeeds (NP (NP William H. Borten )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (VP resigned (S (VP to (VP pursue (NP personal interests )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 9 14 (S (NP Mr. Savoca )NP (VP succeeds (NP (NP William H. Borten )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP resigned )VP )S )SBAR )NP (S (VP to (VP pursue (NP (ADJP personal )ADJP interests )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 9 14 (S (NP Mr. Savoca )NP (VP succeeds (NP (NP (NP William H. )NP Borten )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP resigned )VP )S )SBAR )NP (S (VP to (VP pursue (NP personal interests )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 9 13 (S (NP Mr. Savoca )NP (VP succeeds (NP (NP William H. Borten )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP resigned )VP )S )SBAR )NP (S (VP to (VP pursue (NP personal interests )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 8 13 (S (NP Mr. Savoca )NP (VP succeeds (S (NP (NP William H. Borten , )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP resigned )VP )S )SBAR )NP (VP to (VP pursue (NP personal interests )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 13 14 (S (NP Mr. Savoca )NP (VP succeeds (NP (NP (NP William )NP H. Borten )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP resigned (S (VP to (VP pursue (NP personal interests )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 9 15 (S (NP Mr. Savoca )NP (VP succeeds (NP (NP (NP William H. )NP (NP Borten )NP )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP resigned )VP )S )SBAR )NP (S (VP to (VP pursue (NP personal interests )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 7 13 (S (NP Mr. Savoca )NP (VP succeeds (NP (NP William H. Borten )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP resigned )VP )S )SBAR )NP (PP to (S (VP pursue (NP personal interests )NP )VP )S )PP )VP . )S 9 15 (S (NP Mr. Savoca )NP (VP succeeds (NP (NP (NP William )NP (NP H. Borten )NP )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP resigned )VP )S )SBAR )NP (S (VP to (VP pursue (NP personal interests )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 12 14 (S (NP Mr. Savoca )NP (VP succeeds (NP (NP William H. Borten )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP resigned (S (VP to (VP pursue (ADJP personal )ADJP (NP interests )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 10 14 (S (NP Mr. Savoca )NP (VP succeeds (NP (NP (NP William H. Borten )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP resigned )VP )S )SBAR )NP (S (VP to (VP pursue (NP personal interests )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP . )S 13 14 (S (NP Mr. Savoca )NP (VP succeeds (NP (NP (NP William H. )NP Borten )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP resigned (S (VP to (VP pursue (NP personal interests )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 50 4 6 (S (NP Sequa )NP (VP (VP makes )VP and (VP repairs (NP jet engines )NP )VP )VP . )S 4 4 (S (NP Sequa )NP (VP makes and repairs (NP jet engines )NP )VP . )S 4 6 (S (NP Sequa )NP (VP makes (S and (NP repairs )NP (NP jet engines )NP )S )VP . )S 4 5 (S (NP Sequa )NP (VP makes and (VP repairs (NP jet engines )NP )VP )VP . )S 3 5 (S (NP Sequa )NP (VP makes (NP and (NP repairs jet engines )NP )NP )VP . )S 4 6 (S (NP Sequa )NP (VP (VP makes )VP and (VP repairs (NP jet engines )NP )VP )VP . )S 4 4 (S (NP Sequa )NP (VP makes and repairs (NP jet engines )NP )VP . )S 4 5 (S (NP Sequa )NP (VP makes and repairs (S (NP jet engines )NP )S )VP . )S 3 4 (S (NP Sequa )NP (VP makes (NP and repairs jet engines )NP )VP . )S 4 7 (S (NP Sequa )NP (VP (VP makes )VP and (VP repairs (S (NP jet engines )NP )S )VP )VP . )S 4 5 (S (NP Sequa )NP (VP makes and repairs (FRAG (NP jet engines )NP )FRAG )VP . )S 4 6 (S (NP Sequa )NP (VP makes (NP and (NP repairs )NP )NP (NP jet engines )NP )VP . )S 3 5 (S (NP Sequa )NP (VP makes (S (NP and repairs jet engines )NP )S )VP . )S 3 7 (S (S (NP Sequa )NP (VP makes )VP )S and (S (NP repairs )NP (NP jet engines )NP )S . )S 4 7 (S (NP Sequa )NP (VP (VP makes )VP and (VP repairs (FRAG (NP jet engines )NP )FRAG )VP )VP . )S 4 6 (S (NP Sequa )NP (VP (VP makes )VP and (VP repairs )VP (NP jet engines )NP )VP . )S 4 6 (S (NP Sequa )NP (VP makes and repairs (SBAR (S (NP jet engines )NP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 3 5 (S (NP Sequa )NP (VP makes (NP (UCP and repairs )UCP jet engines )NP )VP . )S 4 6 (S (NP Sequa )NP (VP makes and (VP repairs (S (NP jet engines )NP )S )VP )VP . )S 4 7 (S (NP Sequa )NP (VP makes (S (NP and (NP repairs )NP )NP (NP jet engines )NP )S )VP . )S 4 7 (S (NP Sequa )NP (VP (VP makes )VP and (VP (NP repairs )NP (NP jet engines )NP )VP )VP . )S 3 5 (S (NP Sequa )NP (VP makes (PP and (NP repairs jet engines )NP )PP )VP . )S 3 6 (S (NP Sequa )NP (VP makes (NP and (NP (NP repairs )NP jet engines )NP )NP )VP . )S 3 5 (S (NP Sequa )NP (VP makes (NP (ADJP and repairs )ADJP jet engines )NP )VP . )S 4 6 (S (NP Sequa )NP (VP makes (PP and (NP repairs )NP )PP (NP jet engines )NP )VP . )S 4 6 (S (NP Sequa )NP (VP makes (S (VP and repairs (NP jet engines )NP )VP )S )VP . )S 4 7 (S (NP Sequa )NP (VP makes (NP and (NP repairs )NP )NP (S (NP jet engines )NP )S )VP . )S 3 7 (S (S (NP Sequa )NP (VP makes )VP )S and (S (VP repairs (NP jet engines )NP )VP )S . )S 3 6 (S (NP Sequa )NP (VP makes (S (NP and (NP repairs jet engines )NP )NP )S )VP . )S 2 6 (S (S (NP Sequa )NP (VP makes )VP )S and (S (NP repairs jet engines )NP )S . )S 4 7 (S (NP Sequa )NP (VP makes (SBAR (S and (NP repairs )NP (NP jet engines )NP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 4 5 (S (NP Sequa )NP (VP makes (NP and repairs )NP (NP jet engines )NP )VP . )S 4 6 (S (NP Sequa )NP (VP makes and (VP repairs (FRAG (NP jet engines )NP )FRAG )VP )VP . )S 4 5 (S (NP Sequa )NP (VP makes and repairs (S (NP jet engines )NP )S )VP . )S 4 6 (S (NP Sequa )NP (VP makes and (VP (NP repairs )NP (NP jet engines )NP )VP )VP . )S 3 5 (S (NP Sequa )NP (VP makes (NP and (NP repairs )NP jet engines )NP )VP . )S 4 7 (S (NP Sequa )NP (VP (VP makes )VP and (VP repairs (S (NP jet engines )NP )S )VP )VP . )S 4 7 (S (NP Sequa )NP (VP makes (SBAR and (S (VP repairs (NP jet engines )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 3 6 (S (NP Sequa )NP (VP makes (S (NP (UCP and repairs )UCP jet engines )NP )S )VP . )S 4 5 (S (NP Sequa )NP (VP makes and repairs (FRAG (NP jet engines )NP )FRAG )VP . )S 4 7 (S (NP Sequa )NP (VP makes (NP (NP and (NP repairs )NP )NP (NP jet engines )NP )NP )VP . )S 4 8 (S (NP Sequa )NP (VP (VP makes )VP and (VP repairs (SBAR (S (NP jet engines )NP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 4 6 (S (NP Sequa )NP (VP (VP makes )VP and (VP repairs )VP (NP jet engines )NP )VP . )S 1 3 (FRAG (NP Sequa makes and repairs )NP (NP jet engines )NP . )FRAG 4 6 (S (NP Sequa )NP (VP makes (S (NP and repairs )NP (NP jet engines )NP )S )VP . )S 4 6 (S (NP Sequa )NP (VP makes (S (ADJP and repairs )ADJP (NP jet engines )NP )S )VP . )S 4 7 (S (NP Sequa )NP (VP (VP makes )VP and (VP repairs (FRAG (NP jet engines )NP )FRAG )VP )VP . )S 4 6 (S (NP Sequa )NP (VP makes (NP and repairs )NP (S (NP jet engines )NP )S )VP . )S 3 7 (S (S (NP Sequa )NP (VP makes )VP )S and (S (NP repairs )NP (NP jet engines )NP )S . )S 1 5 (FRAG (NP (NP Sequa makes )NP and (NP repairs )NP )NP (NP jet engines )NP . )FRAG 50 16 17 (S (NP It )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP has (NP (NP interests )NP (PP in (NP (NP military electronics and electro-optics )NP , (NP marine transportation )NP and (NP (NP machinery )NP (VP used (S (VP to (VP make (NP food and beverage cans )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 13 16 (S (NP It )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP has (NP (NP interests )NP (PP in (NP (NP military electronics and electro-optics )NP , (NP marine transportation )NP and (NP machinery )NP )NP )PP (VP used (S (VP to (VP make (NP food and beverage cans )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )NP )VP . )S 15 17 (S (NP It )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP has (NP (NP interests )NP (PP in (NP (NP (NP military electronics and electro-optics )NP , (NP marine transportation )NP and (NP machinery )NP )NP (VP used (S (VP to (VP make (NP food and beverage cans )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 11 13 (S (NP It )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP has (NP (NP interests )NP (PP in (NP military electronics and electro-optics , marine transportation and machinery )NP )PP (VP used (S (VP to (VP make (NP food and beverage cans )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )NP )VP . )S 16 17 (S (NP It )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP has (NP (NP interests )NP (PP in (NP (NP military electronics and electro-optics )NP , (NP marine transportation )NP and (NP (NP machinery )NP (VP used (S (VP to (VP make (NP food and beverage cans )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 14 17 (S (NP It )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP has (NP (NP (NP interests )NP (PP in (NP military electronics and electro-optics )NP )PP )NP , (NP marine transportation )NP and (NP (NP machinery )NP (VP used (S (VP to (VP make (NP food and beverage cans )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )NP )NP )VP . )S 13 16 (S (NP It )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP has (NP (NP interests )NP (PP in (NP (NP military electronics and electro-optics )NP , (NP marine transportation )NP and (NP machinery )NP )NP )PP (VP used (S (VP to (VP make (NP food and beverage cans )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )NP )VP . )S 15 17 (S (NP It )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP has (NP (NP interests )NP (PP in (NP (NP (NP military electronics and electro-optics )NP , (NP marine transportation )NP and (NP machinery )NP )NP (VP used (S (VP to (VP make (NP food and beverage cans )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 11 13 (S (NP It )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP has (NP (NP interests )NP (PP in (NP military electronics and electro-optics , marine transportation and machinery )NP )PP (VP used (S (VP to (VP make (NP food and beverage cans )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )NP )VP . )S 14 17 (S (NP It )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP has (NP (NP (NP interests )NP (PP in (NP military electronics and electro-optics )NP )PP )NP , (NP marine transportation )NP and (NP (NP machinery )NP (VP used (S (VP to (VP make (NP food and beverage cans )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )NP )NP )VP . )S 14 16 (S (NP It )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP has (NP (NP interests )NP (PP in (NP (NP military electronics )NP and (NP (NP electro-optics , marine transportation and machinery )NP (VP used (S (VP to (VP make (NP food and beverage cans )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 11 13 (S (NP It )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP has (NP (NP interests )NP (PP in (NP military electronics and electro-optics , marine transportation and machinery )NP )PP (VP used (S (VP to (VP make (NP food and beverage cans )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )NP )VP . )S 13 14 (S (NP It )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP has (NP (NP interests )NP (PP in (NP (NP military electronics and electro-optics , marine transportation and machinery )NP (VP used (S (VP to (VP make (NP food and beverage cans )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 16 17 (S (NP It )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP has (NP (NP interests )NP (PP in (NP (NP military electronics and electro-optics )NP , (NP marine transportation )NP and (NP (NP machinery )NP (VP used (S (VP to (VP make (NP food and beverage cans )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 13 14 (S (NP It )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP has (NP (NP interests )NP (PP in (NP (NP military electronics and electro-optics , marine transportation and machinery )NP (VP used (S (VP to (VP make (NP food and beverage cans )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 12 16 (S (NP It )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP has (NP (NP (NP interests )NP (PP in (NP military electronics )NP )PP )NP and (NP (NP electro-optics , marine transportation and machinery )NP (VP used (S (VP to (VP make (NP food and beverage cans )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )NP )NP )VP . )S 16 17 (S (NP It )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP has (NP (NP interests )NP (PP in (NP (NP military electronics and electro-optics )NP , (NP marine transportation )NP and (NP (NP machinery )NP (VP used (S (VP to (VP make (NP food and beverage cans )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 11 13 (S (NP It )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP has (NP (NP interests )NP (PP in (NP military electronics and electro-optics , marine transportation and machinery )NP )PP (VP used (S (VP to (VP make (NP food and beverage cans )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )NP )VP . )S 16 17 (S (NP It )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP has (NP (NP interests )NP (PP in (NP (NP military electronics and electro-optics )NP , (NP marine transportation )NP and (NP (NP machinery )NP (VP used (S (VP to (VP make (NP food and beverage cans )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 11 13 (S (NP It )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP has (NP (NP interests )NP (PP in (NP military electronics and electro-optics , marine transportation and machinery )NP )PP (VP used (S (VP to (VP make (NP food and beverage cans )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )NP )VP . )S 13 17 (S (NP It )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP has (NP (NP (NP (NP interests )NP (PP in (NP military electronics and electro-optics )NP )PP )NP , (NP marine transportation )NP and (NP machinery )NP )NP (VP used (S (VP to (VP make (NP food and beverage cans )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )NP )VP . )S 15 17 (S (NP It )NP (VP (ADVP also )ADVP has (NP (NP interests )NP (PP in (NP (NP military electronics and electro-optics )NP , (NP marine transportation )NP and (NP (NP machinery )NP (VP used (S (VP to (VP make (NP food and beverage cans )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 13 16 (S (NP It )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP has (NP (NP interests )NP (PP in (NP (NP military electronics and electro-optics )NP , (NP marine transportation )NP and (NP machinery )NP )NP )PP (VP used (S (VP to (VP make (NP food and beverage cans )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )NP )VP . )S 11 13 (S (NP It )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP has (NP (NP interests )NP (PP in (NP military electronics and electro-optics , marine transportation and machinery )NP )PP (VP used (S (VP to (VP make (NP food and beverage cans )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )NP )VP . )S 17 19 (S (NP It )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP has (NP (NP interests )NP (PP in (NP (NP military electronics )NP and (NP (NP (NP electro-optics )NP , (NP marine transportation )NP and (NP machinery )NP )NP (VP used (S (VP to (VP make (NP food and beverage cans )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 14 16 (S (NP It )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP has (NP (NP interests )NP (PP in (NP (NP (NP military electronics )NP and (NP electro-optics , marine transportation and machinery )NP )NP (VP used (S (VP to (VP make (NP food and beverage cans )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 15 18 (S (NP It )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP has (NP (NP interests )NP (PP in (NP (NP military electronics and electro-optics )NP , (NP (NP (NP marine transportation )NP and (NP machinery )NP )NP (VP used (S (VP to (VP make (NP food and beverage cans )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 12 15 (S (NP It )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP has (NP (NP interests )NP (PP in (NP (NP military electronics )NP and (NP electro-optics , marine transportation and machinery )NP )NP )PP (VP used (S (VP to (VP make (NP food and beverage cans )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )NP )VP . )S 15 18 (S (NP It )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP has (NP (NP interests )NP (PP in (NP (NP military electronics )NP and (NP (NP (NP electro-optics , marine transportation )NP and (NP machinery )NP )NP (VP used (S (VP to (VP make (NP food and beverage cans )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 13 16 (S (NP It )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP has (NP (NP interests )NP (PP in (NP (NP military electronics and electro-optics )NP , (NP marine transportation )NP and (NP machinery )NP )NP )PP (VP used (S (VP to (VP make (NP food and beverage cans )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )NP )VP . )S 16 17 (S (NP It )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP has (NP (NP interests )NP (PP in (NP (NP military electronics and electro-optics )NP , (NP marine transportation )NP and (NP (NP machinery )NP (VP used (S (VP to (VP make (NP food and beverage cans )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 15 17 (S (NP It )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP has (NP (NP interests )NP (PP in (NP (NP (NP military electronics and electro-optics )NP , (NP marine transportation )NP and (NP machinery )NP )NP (VP used (S (VP to (VP make (NP food and beverage cans )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 16 17 (S (NP It )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP has (NP (NP interests )NP (PP in (NP (NP military electronics and electro-optics )NP , (NP marine transportation )NP and (NP (NP machinery )NP (VP used (S (VP to (VP make (NP food and beverage cans )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 13 14 (S (NP It )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP has (NP (NP interests )NP (PP in (NP (NP military electronics and electro-optics , marine transportation and machinery )NP (VP used (S (VP to (VP make (NP food and beverage cans )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 12 16 (S (NP It )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP has (NP (NP interests )NP (PP in (NP (NP military electronics and electro-optics )NP , (NP marine transportation )NP and (NP machinery )NP )NP )PP )NP (VP used (S (VP to (VP make (NP food and beverage cans )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 14 16 (S (NP It )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP has (NP (NP interests )NP (PP in (NP (NP (NP military electronics and electro-optics , marine transportation )NP and (NP machinery )NP )NP (VP used (S (VP to (VP make (NP food and beverage cans )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 16 17 (S (NP It )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP has (NP (NP interests )NP (PP in (NP (NP military electronics and electro-optics )NP , (NP marine transportation )NP and (NP (NP machinery )NP (VP used (S (VP to (VP make (NP food and beverage cans )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 13 16 (S (NP It )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP has (NP (NP interests )NP (PP in (NP (NP military electronics and electro-optics )NP , (NP (NP marine transportation and machinery )NP (VP used (S (VP to (VP make (NP food and beverage cans )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 15 17 (S (NP It )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP has (NP (NP interests )NP (PP in (NP (NP military electronics and electro-optics , (NP (NP marine transportation )NP and (NP machinery )NP )NP )NP (VP used (S (VP to (VP make (NP food and beverage cans )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 15 17 (S (NP It )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP has (NP (NP interests )NP (PP in (NP (NP (NP military electronics and electro-optics )NP , (NP marine transportation )NP and (NP machinery )NP )NP (VP used (S (VP to (VP make (NP food and beverage cans )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 13 18 (S (NP It )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP has (NP (NP (NP interests )NP (PP in (NP military electronics and electro-optics )NP )PP )NP , (NP (NP (NP marine transportation )NP and (NP machinery )NP )NP (VP used (S (VP to (VP make (NP food and beverage cans )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )NP )NP )VP . )S 13 16 (S (NP It )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP has (NP (NP interests )NP (PP in (NP (NP military electronics and electro-optics )NP , (NP marine transportation )NP and (NP machinery )NP )NP )PP (VP used (S (VP to (VP make (NP food and beverage cans )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )NP )VP . )S 10 13 (S (NP It )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP has (NP (NP interests )NP (PP in (NP military electronics and electro-optics , marine transportation and machinery )NP )PP )NP (VP used (S (VP to (VP make (NP food and beverage cans )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 15 17 (S (NP It )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP has (NP (NP interests )NP (PP in (NP (NP (NP military electronics and electro-optics )NP , (NP marine transportation )NP and (NP machinery )NP )NP (VP used (S (VP to (VP make (NP food and beverage cans )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 16 17 (S (NP It )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP has (NP (NP interests )NP (PP in (NP (NP military electronics and electro-optics )NP , (NP marine transportation )NP and (NP (NP machinery )NP (VP used (S (VP to (VP make (NP food and beverage cans )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 16 17 (S (NP It )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP has (NP (NP interests )NP (PP in (NP (NP military electronics and electro-optics )NP , (NP marine transportation )NP and (NP (NP machinery )NP (VP used (S (VP to (VP make (NP food and beverage cans )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 12 16 (S (NP It )NP (VP (ADVP also )ADVP has (NP (NP interests )NP (PP in (NP (NP military electronics and electro-optics )NP , (NP marine transportation )NP and (NP machinery )NP )NP )PP (VP used (S (VP to (VP make (NP food and beverage cans )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )NP )VP . )S 14 17 (S (NP It )NP (VP (ADVP also )ADVP has (NP (NP interests )NP (PP in (NP (NP (NP military electronics and electro-optics )NP , (NP marine transportation )NP and (NP machinery )NP )NP (VP used (S (VP to (VP make (NP food and beverage cans )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 11 16 (S (NP It )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP has (NP (NP (NP interests )NP (PP in (NP military electronics and electro-optics )NP )PP )NP , (NP (NP marine transportation and machinery )NP (VP used (S (VP to (VP make (NP food and beverage cans )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )NP )NP )VP . )S 13 17 (S (NP It )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP has (NP (NP (NP (NP interests )NP (PP in (NP military electronics and electro-optics )NP )PP )NP , (NP marine transportation )NP and (NP machinery )NP )NP (VP used (S (VP to (VP make (NP food and beverage cans )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )NP )VP . )S 50 22 25 (S (NP It )NP (VP was n't (ADVP so long ago )ADVP (SBAR that (S (NP (NP a radio network )NP (VP funded (PP by (NP the U.S. Congress )NP )PP )VP (PRN -- and (ADVP originally )ADVP (PP by (NP the Central Intelligence Agency )NP )PP -- )PRN )NP (VP was (VP accused (PP by (NP (NP officials )NP (ADVP here )ADVP (PP of (S (VP employing (NP propagandists , imperialists and spies )NP )VP )S )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 23 26 (S (NP It )NP (VP was n't (ADVP so long ago )ADVP (SBAR that (S (NP (NP a radio network )NP (VP (VP funded (PP by (NP the U.S. Congress )NP )PP )VP (PRN -- and (ADVP originally )ADVP (PP by (NP the Central Intelligence Agency )NP )PP -- )PRN )VP )NP (VP was (VP accused (PP by (NP (NP officials )NP (ADVP here )ADVP (PP of (S (VP employing (NP propagandists , imperialists and spies )NP )VP )S )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 21 25 (S (NP It )NP (VP was n't (ADVP so long ago )ADVP (SBAR that (S (NP (NP a radio network )NP (VP funded (PP by (NP the U.S. Congress )NP )PP )VP (PRN -- and (ADVP originally )ADVP (PP by (NP the Central Intelligence Agency )NP )PP -- )PRN )NP (VP was (VP accused (PP by (NP (NP officials )NP (ADVP here (PP of (S (VP employing (NP propagandists , imperialists and spies )NP )VP )S )PP )ADVP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 22 26 (S (NP It )NP (VP was n't (ADVP so long ago )ADVP (SBAR that (S (NP (NP a radio network )NP (VP (VP funded (PP by (NP the U.S. Congress )NP )PP )VP (PRN -- and (ADVP originally )ADVP (PP by (NP the Central Intelligence Agency )NP )PP -- )PRN )VP )NP (VP was (VP accused (PP by (NP (NP officials )NP (ADVP here (PP of (S (VP employing (NP propagandists , imperialists and spies )NP )VP )S )PP )ADVP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 21 26 (S (NP It )NP (VP was n't (ADVP so long ago )ADVP (SBAR that (S (NP (NP a radio network )NP (VP funded (PP by (NP the U.S. Congress )NP )PP )VP (PRN -- and (ADVP originally )ADVP (PP by (NP the Central Intelligence Agency )NP )PP -- )PRN )NP (VP was (VP accused (PP by (NP (NP officials )NP (ADVP here )ADVP (PP of (NP (NP employing propagandists )NP , (NP imperialists )NP and (NP spies )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 22 27 (S (NP It )NP (VP was n't (ADVP so long ago )ADVP (SBAR that (S (NP (NP a radio network )NP (VP (VP funded (PP by (NP the U.S. Congress )NP )PP )VP (PRN -- and (ADVP originally )ADVP (PP by (NP the Central Intelligence Agency )NP )PP -- )PRN )VP )NP (VP was (VP accused (PP by (NP (NP officials )NP (ADVP here )ADVP (PP of (NP (NP employing propagandists )NP , (NP imperialists )NP and (NP spies )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 19 23 (S (NP It )NP (VP was n't (ADVP so long ago )ADVP (SBAR that (S (NP (NP a radio network )NP (VP funded (PP by (NP the U.S. Congress )NP )PP )VP (PRN -- and (ADVP originally )ADVP (PP by (NP the Central Intelligence Agency )NP )PP -- )PRN )NP (VP was (VP accused (PP by (NP (NP officials )NP (ADVP here )ADVP (PP of (NP employing propagandists , imperialists and spies )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 20 24 (S (NP It )NP (VP was n't (ADVP so long ago )ADVP (SBAR that (S (NP (NP a radio network )NP (VP (VP funded (PP by (NP the U.S. Congress )NP )PP )VP (PRN -- and (ADVP originally )ADVP (PP by (NP the Central Intelligence Agency )NP )PP -- )PRN )VP )NP (VP was (VP accused (PP by (NP (NP officials )NP (ADVP here )ADVP (PP of (NP employing propagandists , imperialists and spies )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 22 26 (S (NP It )NP (VP was n't (ADVP so long ago )ADVP (SBAR that (S (NP (NP a radio network )NP (VP (VP funded (PP by (NP the U.S. Congress )NP )PP )VP (PRN -- and (PP (ADVP originally )ADVP by (NP the Central Intelligence Agency )NP )PP -- )PRN )VP )NP (VP was (VP accused (PP by (NP (NP officials )NP (ADVP here )ADVP (PP of (S (VP employing (NP propagandists , imperialists and spies )NP )VP )S )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 20 23 (S (NP It )NP (VP was n't (ADVP so long ago )ADVP (SBAR that (S (NP (NP a radio network )NP (VP funded (PP by (NP the U.S. Congress )NP )PP )VP (PRN -- and (ADVP originally )ADVP (PP by (NP the Central Intelligence Agency )NP )PP -- )PRN )NP (VP was (VP accused (PP by (NP officials )NP )PP (PP here of (S (VP employing (NP propagandists , imperialists and spies )NP )VP )S )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 21 24 (S (NP It )NP (VP was n't (ADVP so long ago )ADVP (SBAR that (S (NP (NP a radio network )NP (VP (VP funded (PP by (NP the U.S. Congress )NP )PP )VP (PRN -- and (ADVP originally )ADVP (PP by (NP the Central Intelligence Agency )NP )PP -- )PRN )VP )NP (VP was (VP accused (PP by (NP officials )NP )PP (PP here of (S (VP employing (NP propagandists , imperialists and spies )NP )VP )S )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 21 25 (S (NP It )NP (VP was n't (ADVP so long ago )ADVP (SBAR that (S (NP (NP a radio network )NP (VP funded (PP by (NP the U.S. Congress )NP )PP )VP (PRN -- and (PP (ADVP originally )ADVP by (NP the Central Intelligence Agency )NP )PP -- )PRN )NP (VP was (VP accused (PP by (NP (NP officials )NP (ADVP here )ADVP (PP of (S (VP employing (NP propagandists , imperialists and spies )NP )VP )S )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 21 26 (S (NP It )NP (VP was n't (ADVP so long ago )ADVP (SBAR that (S (NP (NP a radio network )NP (VP (VP funded (PP by (NP the U.S. Congress )NP )PP )VP (PRN -- and (PP (ADVP originally )ADVP by (NP the Central Intelligence Agency )NP )PP -- )PRN )VP )NP (VP was (VP accused (PP by (NP (NP officials )NP (ADVP here (PP of (S (VP employing (NP propagandists , imperialists and spies )NP )VP )S )PP )ADVP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 20 26 (S (NP It )NP (VP was n't (ADVP so long ago )ADVP (SBAR that (S (NP (NP a radio network )NP (VP funded (PP by (NP the U.S. Congress )NP )PP )VP (PRN -- and (ADVP originally )ADVP (PP by (NP the Central Intelligence Agency )NP )PP -- )PRN )NP (VP was (VP accused (PP by (NP (NP officials )NP (ADVP here )ADVP (PP of (NP (S (VP employing (NP propagandists )NP )VP )S , imperialists and spies )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 21 27 (S (NP It )NP (VP was n't (ADVP so long ago )ADVP (SBAR that (S (NP (NP a radio network )NP (VP (VP funded (PP by (NP the U.S. Congress )NP )PP )VP (PRN -- and (ADVP originally )ADVP (PP by (NP the Central Intelligence Agency )NP )PP -- )PRN )VP )NP (VP was (VP accused (PP by (NP (NP officials )NP (ADVP here )ADVP (PP of (NP (S (VP employing (NP propagandists )NP )VP )S , imperialists and spies )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 20 26 (S (NP It )NP (VP was n't (ADJP so long (SBAR (ADVP ago )ADVP that (S (NP (NP a radio network )NP (VP funded (PP by (NP the U.S. Congress )NP )PP )VP (PRN -- and (ADVP originally )ADVP (PP by (NP the Central Intelligence Agency )NP )PP -- )PRN )NP (VP was (VP accused (PP by (NP (NP officials )NP (ADVP here )ADVP (PP of (S (VP employing (NP propagandists , imperialists and spies )NP )VP )S )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )ADJP )VP . )S 21 27 (S (NP It )NP (VP was n't (ADJP so long (SBAR (ADVP ago )ADVP that (S (NP (NP a radio network )NP (VP (VP funded (PP by (NP the U.S. Congress )NP )PP )VP (PRN -- and (ADVP originally )ADVP (PP by (NP the Central Intelligence Agency )NP )PP -- )PRN )VP )NP (VP was (VP accused (PP by (NP (NP officials )NP (ADVP here )ADVP (PP of (S (VP employing (NP propagandists , imperialists and spies )NP )VP )S )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )ADJP )VP . )S 22 24 (S (NP It )NP (VP was n't (ADVP so long ago )ADVP (SBAR that (S (NP (NP a radio network )NP (VP funded (PP by (NP the U.S. Congress )NP )PP )VP (PRN -- and (ADVP originally )ADVP (PP by (NP the Central Intelligence Agency )NP )PP -- )PRN )NP (VP was (VP accused (PP by (NP officials )NP )PP (ADVP here )ADVP (PP of (S (VP employing (NP propagandists , imperialists and spies )NP )VP )S )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 23 25 (S (NP It )NP (VP was n't (ADVP so long ago )ADVP (SBAR that (S (NP (NP a radio network )NP (VP (VP funded (PP by (NP the U.S. Congress )NP )PP )VP (PRN -- and (ADVP originally )ADVP (PP by (NP the Central Intelligence Agency )NP )PP -- )PRN )VP )NP (VP was (VP accused (PP by (NP officials )NP )PP (ADVP here )ADVP (PP of (S (VP employing (NP propagandists , imperialists and spies )NP )VP )S )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 20 25 (S (NP It )NP (VP was n't (ADVP so long ago )ADVP (SBAR that (S (NP (NP a radio network )NP (VP funded (PP by (NP the U.S. Congress )NP )PP )VP (PRN -- and (PP (ADVP originally )ADVP by (NP the Central Intelligence Agency )NP )PP -- )PRN )NP (VP was (VP accused (PP by (NP (NP officials )NP (ADVP here (PP of (S (VP employing (NP propagandists , imperialists and spies )NP )VP )S )PP )ADVP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 21 27 (S (NP It )NP (VP was n't (ADVP so long ago )ADVP (SBAR that (S (NP (NP a radio network )NP (VP (VP funded (PP by (NP the U.S. Congress )NP )PP )VP (PRN -- and (PP (ADVP originally )ADVP by (NP the Central Intelligence Agency )NP )PP -- )PRN )VP )NP (VP was (VP accused (PP by (NP (NP officials )NP (ADVP here )ADVP (PP of (NP (NP employing propagandists )NP , (NP imperialists )NP and (NP spies )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 22 26 (S (NP It )NP (VP was n't (ADVP so long ago )ADVP (SBAR that (S (NP (NP a radio network )NP (VP (VP funded (PP by (NP the U.S. Congress )NP )PP )VP (PRN -- and (ADVP originally (PP by (NP the Central Intelligence Agency )NP )PP )ADVP -- )PRN )VP )NP (VP was (VP accused (PP by (NP (NP officials )NP (ADVP here )ADVP (PP of (S (VP employing (NP propagandists , imperialists and spies )NP )VP )S )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 20 26 (S (NP It )NP (VP was n't (ADVP so long ago )ADVP (SBAR that (S (NP (NP a radio network )NP (VP funded (PP by (NP the U.S. Congress )NP )PP )VP (PRN -- and (ADVP originally )ADVP (PP by (NP the Central Intelligence Agency )NP )PP -- )PRN )NP (VP was (VP accused (PP by (NP (NP officials )NP (ADVP here (PP of (NP (NP employing propagandists )NP , (NP imperialists )NP and (NP spies )NP )NP )PP )ADVP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 21 27 (S (NP It )NP (VP was n't (ADVP so long ago )ADVP (SBAR that (S (NP (NP a radio network )NP (VP (VP funded (PP by (NP the U.S. Congress )NP )PP )VP (PRN -- and (ADVP originally )ADVP (PP by (NP the Central Intelligence Agency )NP )PP -- )PRN )VP )NP (VP was (VP accused (PP by (NP (NP officials )NP (ADVP here (PP of (NP (NP employing propagandists )NP , (NP imperialists )NP and (NP spies )NP )NP )PP )ADVP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 21 25 (S (NP It )NP (VP was n't (ADVP so long ago )ADVP (SBAR that (S (NP (NP a radio network )NP (VP funded (PP by (NP the U.S. Congress )NP )PP )VP (PRN -- and (ADVP originally (PP by (NP the Central Intelligence Agency )NP )PP )ADVP -- )PRN )NP (VP was (VP accused (PP by (NP (NP officials )NP (ADVP here )ADVP (PP of (S (VP employing (NP propagandists , imperialists and spies )NP )VP )S )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 23 27 (S (NP It )NP (VP was n't (ADVP so long ago )ADVP (SBAR that (S (NP (NP a radio network )NP (VP (VP funded (PP by (NP the U.S. Congress )NP )PP )VP (PRN -- and (ADVP (ADVP originally )ADVP (PP by (NP the Central Intelligence Agency )NP )PP )ADVP -- )PRN )VP )NP (VP was (VP accused (PP by (NP (NP officials )NP (ADVP here )ADVP (PP of (S (VP employing (NP propagandists , imperialists and spies )NP )VP )S )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 19 24 (S (NP It )NP (VP was n't (ADVP so long ago )ADVP (SBAR that (S (NP (NP a radio network )NP (VP (VP funded (PP by (NP the U.S. Congress )NP )PP )VP (PRN -- and (PP (ADVP originally )ADVP by (NP the Central Intelligence Agency )NP )PP -- )PRN )VP )NP (VP was (VP accused (PP by (NP (NP officials )NP (ADVP here )ADVP (PP of (NP employing propagandists , imperialists and spies )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 18 23 (S (NP It )NP (VP was n't (ADVP so long ago )ADVP (SBAR that (S (NP (NP a radio network )NP (VP funded (PP by (NP the U.S. Congress )NP )PP )VP (PRN -- and (ADVP originally )ADVP (PP by (NP the Central Intelligence Agency )NP )PP -- )PRN )NP (VP was (VP accused (PP by (NP (NP officials )NP (ADVP here (PP of (NP employing propagandists , imperialists and spies )NP )PP )ADVP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 19 24 (S (NP It )NP (VP was n't (ADVP so long ago )ADVP (SBAR that (S (NP (NP a radio network )NP (VP (VP funded (PP by (NP the U.S. Congress )NP )PP )VP (PRN -- and (ADVP originally )ADVP (PP by (NP the Central Intelligence Agency )NP )PP -- )PRN )VP )NP (VP was (VP accused (PP by (NP (NP officials )NP (ADVP here (PP of (NP employing propagandists , imperialists and spies )NP )PP )ADVP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 20 26 (S (NP It )NP (VP was n't (ADJP so long )ADJP (SBAR (ADVP ago )ADVP that (S (NP (NP a radio network )NP (VP funded (PP by (NP the U.S. Congress )NP )PP )VP (PRN -- and (ADVP originally )ADVP (PP by (NP the Central Intelligence Agency )NP )PP -- )PRN )NP (VP was (VP accused (PP by (NP (NP officials )NP (ADVP here )ADVP (PP of (S (VP employing (NP propagandists , imperialists and spies )NP )VP )S )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 21 27 (S (NP It )NP (VP was n't (ADJP so long )ADJP (SBAR (ADVP ago )ADVP that (S (NP (NP a radio network )NP (VP (VP funded (PP by (NP the U.S. Congress )NP )PP )VP (PRN -- and (ADVP originally )ADVP (PP by (NP the Central Intelligence Agency )NP )PP -- )PRN )VP )NP (VP was (VP accused (PP by (NP (NP officials )NP (ADVP here )ADVP (PP of (S (VP employing (NP propagandists , imperialists and spies )NP )VP )S )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 22 26 (S (NP It )NP (VP was n't (ADVP so long ago )ADVP (SBAR that (S (NP (NP a radio network )NP (VP funded (PP by (NP the U.S. Congress )NP )PP )VP (PRN -- and (ADVP (ADVP originally )ADVP (PP by (NP the Central Intelligence Agency )NP )PP )ADVP -- )PRN )NP (VP was (VP accused (PP by (NP (NP officials )NP (ADVP here )ADVP (PP of (S (VP employing (NP propagandists , imperialists and spies )NP )VP )S )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 23 25 (S (NP It )NP (VP was n't (ADVP so long ago )ADVP (SBAR that (S (NP (NP a radio network )NP (VP funded (PP by (NP the U.S. Congress )NP )PP (PRN -- and (ADVP originally )ADVP (PP by (NP the Central Intelligence Agency )NP )PP -- )PRN )VP )NP (VP was (VP accused (PP by (NP (NP officials )NP (ADVP here )ADVP (PP of (S (VP employing (NP propagandists , imperialists and spies )NP )VP )S )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 21 24 (S (NP It )NP (VP was n't (ADVP so long ago )ADVP (SBAR that (S (NP (NP a radio network )NP (VP funded (PP by (NP the U.S. Congress )NP )PP )VP (PRN -- and (ADVP originally )ADVP (PP by (NP the Central Intelligence Agency )NP )PP -- )PRN )NP (VP was (VP accused (PP by (NP officials )NP )PP (PP (ADVP here )ADVP of (S (VP employing (NP propagandists , imperialists and spies )NP )VP )S )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 22 25 (S (NP It )NP (VP was n't (ADVP so long ago )ADVP (SBAR that (S (NP (NP a radio network )NP (VP (VP funded (PP by (NP the U.S. Congress )NP )PP )VP (PRN -- and (ADVP originally )ADVP (PP by (NP the Central Intelligence Agency )NP )PP -- )PRN )VP )NP (VP was (VP accused (PP by (NP officials )NP )PP (PP (ADVP here )ADVP of (S (VP employing (NP propagandists , imperialists and spies )NP )VP )S )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 19 26 (S (NP It )NP (VP was n't (ADJP so long (SBAR (ADVP ago )ADVP that (S (NP (NP a radio network )NP (VP funded (PP by (NP the U.S. Congress )NP )PP )VP (PRN -- and (ADVP originally )ADVP (PP by (NP the Central Intelligence Agency )NP )PP -- )PRN )NP (VP was (VP accused (PP by (NP (NP officials )NP (ADVP here (PP of (S (VP employing (NP propagandists , imperialists and spies )NP )VP )S )PP )ADVP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )ADJP )VP . )S 22 26 (S (NP It )NP (VP was n't (ADVP so long ago )ADVP (SBAR that (S (NP (NP a radio network )NP (VP (VP funded (PP by (NP the U.S. Congress )NP )PP )VP (PRN -- and (ADVP originally )ADVP )PRN (PP by (NP the Central Intelligence Agency )NP )PP )VP -- )NP (VP was (VP accused (PP by (NP (NP officials )NP (ADVP here )ADVP (PP of (S (VP employing (NP propagandists , imperialists and spies )NP )VP )S )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 20 27 (S (NP It )NP (VP was n't (ADJP so long (SBAR (ADVP ago )ADVP that (S (NP (NP a radio network )NP (VP (VP funded (PP by (NP the U.S. Congress )NP )PP )VP (PRN -- and (ADVP originally )ADVP (PP by (NP the Central Intelligence Agency )NP )PP -- )PRN )VP )NP (VP was (VP accused (PP by (NP (NP officials )NP (ADVP here (PP of (S (VP employing (NP propagandists , imperialists and spies )NP )VP )S )PP )ADVP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )ADJP )VP . )S 20 26 (S (NP It )NP (VP was n't (ADVP so long ago )ADVP (SBAR that (S (NP (NP a radio network )NP (VP funded (PP by (NP the U.S. Congress )NP )PP )VP (PRN -- and (PP (ADVP originally )ADVP by (NP the Central Intelligence Agency )NP )PP -- )PRN )NP (VP was (VP accused (PP by (NP (NP officials )NP (ADVP here )ADVP (PP of (NP (NP employing propagandists )NP , (NP imperialists )NP and (NP spies )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 20 24 (S (NP It )NP (VP was n't (ADVP so long ago )ADVP (SBAR that (S (NP (NP a radio network )NP (VP (VP funded (PP by (NP the U.S. Congress )NP )PP )VP (PRN -- and (PP (ADVP originally )ADVP by (NP the Central Intelligence Agency )NP )PP -- )PRN )VP )NP (VP was (VP accused (PP by (NP officials )NP )PP (PP here of (S (VP employing (NP propagandists , imperialists and spies )NP )VP )S )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 21 26 (S (NP It )NP (VP was n't (ADVP so long ago )ADVP (SBAR that (S (NP (NP a radio network )NP (VP (VP funded (PP by (NP the U.S. Congress )NP )PP )VP (PRN -- and (ADVP originally (PP by (NP the Central Intelligence Agency )NP )PP )ADVP -- )PRN )VP )NP (VP was (VP accused (PP by (NP (NP officials )NP (ADVP here (PP of (S (VP employing (NP propagandists , imperialists and spies )NP )VP )S )PP )ADVP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 25 28 (S (NP It )NP (VP was n't (ADVP so long ago )ADVP (SBAR that (S (NP (NP a radio network )NP (VP funded (PP by (NP the U.S. Congress )NP )PP )VP (PRN -- and (ADVP originally )ADVP (PP by (NP the Central Intelligence Agency )NP )PP -- )PRN )NP (VP was (VP accused (PP by (NP (NP officials )NP (ADVP here )ADVP (PP of (S (VP employing (NP (NP propagandists )NP , (NP imperialists )NP and (NP spies )NP )NP )VP )S )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 26 29 (S (NP It )NP (VP was n't (ADVP so long ago )ADVP (SBAR that (S (NP (NP a radio network )NP (VP (VP funded (PP by (NP the U.S. Congress )NP )PP )VP (PRN -- and (ADVP originally )ADVP (PP by (NP the Central Intelligence Agency )NP )PP -- )PRN )VP )NP (VP was (VP accused (PP by (NP (NP officials )NP (ADVP here )ADVP (PP of (S (VP employing (NP (NP propagandists )NP , (NP imperialists )NP and (NP spies )NP )NP )VP )S )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 18 23 (S (NP It )NP (VP was n't (ADVP so long ago )ADVP (SBAR that (S (NP (NP a radio network )NP (VP funded (PP by (NP the U.S. Congress )NP )PP )VP (PRN -- and (PP (ADVP originally )ADVP by (NP the Central Intelligence Agency )NP )PP -- )PRN )NP (VP was (VP accused (PP by (NP (NP officials )NP (ADVP here )ADVP (PP of (NP employing propagandists , imperialists and spies )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 20 25 (S (NP It )NP (VP was n't (ADVP so long ago )ADVP (SBAR that (S (NP (NP a radio network )NP (VP funded (PP by (NP the U.S. Congress )NP )PP )VP (PRN -- and (ADVP originally (PP by (NP the Central Intelligence Agency )NP )PP )ADVP -- )PRN )NP (VP was (VP accused (PP by (NP (NP officials )NP (ADVP here (PP of (S (VP employing (NP propagandists , imperialists and spies )NP )VP )S )PP )ADVP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 22 27 (S (NP It )NP (VP was n't (ADVP so long ago )ADVP (SBAR that (S (NP (NP a radio network )NP (VP (VP funded (PP by (NP the U.S. Congress )NP )PP )VP (PRN -- and (ADVP (ADVP originally )ADVP (PP by (NP the Central Intelligence Agency )NP )PP )ADVP -- )PRN )VP )NP (VP was (VP accused (PP by (NP (NP officials )NP (ADVP here (PP of (S (VP employing (NP propagandists , imperialists and spies )NP )VP )S )PP )ADVP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 20 25 (S (NP It )NP (VP was n't (ADJP so long (SBAR ago that (S (NP (NP a radio network )NP (VP funded (PP by (NP the U.S. Congress )NP )PP )VP (PRN -- and (ADVP originally )ADVP (PP by (NP the Central Intelligence Agency )NP )PP -- )PRN )NP (VP was (VP accused (PP by (NP (NP officials )NP (ADVP here )ADVP (PP of (S (VP employing (NP propagandists , imperialists and spies )NP )VP )S )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )ADJP )VP . )S 21 26 (S (NP It )NP (VP was n't (ADJP so long (SBAR ago that (S (NP (NP a radio network )NP (VP (VP funded (PP by (NP the U.S. Congress )NP )PP )VP (PRN -- and (ADVP originally )ADVP (PP by (NP the Central Intelligence Agency )NP )PP -- )PRN )VP )NP (VP was (VP accused (PP by (NP (NP officials )NP (ADVP here )ADVP (PP of (S (VP employing (NP propagandists , imperialists and spies )NP )VP )S )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )ADJP )VP . )S 19 26 (S (NP It )NP (VP was n't (ADJP so long )ADJP (SBAR (ADVP ago )ADVP that (S (NP (NP a radio network )NP (VP funded (PP by (NP the U.S. Congress )NP )PP )VP (PRN -- and (ADVP originally )ADVP (PP by (NP the Central Intelligence Agency )NP )PP -- )PRN )NP (VP was (VP accused (PP by (NP (NP officials )NP (ADVP here (PP of (S (VP employing (NP propagandists , imperialists and spies )NP )VP )S )PP )ADVP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 20 27 (S (NP It )NP (VP was n't (ADJP so long )ADJP (SBAR (ADVP ago )ADVP that (S (NP (NP a radio network )NP (VP (VP funded (PP by (NP the U.S. Congress )NP )PP )VP (PRN -- and (ADVP originally )ADVP (PP by (NP the Central Intelligence Agency )NP )PP -- )PRN )VP )NP (VP was (VP accused (PP by (NP (NP officials )NP (ADVP here (PP of (S (VP employing (NP propagandists , imperialists and spies )NP )VP )S )PP )ADVP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 50 8 9 (S (ADVP Now )ADVP , (NP the network )NP (VP has (VP opened (NP (NP a news bureau )NP (PP in (NP the Hungarian capital )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP . )S 8 8 (S (ADVP Now )ADVP , (NP the network )NP (VP has (VP opened (NP a news bureau )NP (PP in (NP the Hungarian capital )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 8 10 (S (ADVP Now )ADVP , (NP the network )NP (VP has (VP opened (S (NP (NP a news bureau )NP (PP in (NP the Hungarian capital )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )VP . )S 7 9 (S (INTJ Now )INTJ , (NP the network )NP (VP has (VP opened (NP (NP a news bureau )NP (PP in (NP the Hungarian capital )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP . )S 8 9 (S (ADVP Now )ADVP , (NP the network )NP (VP has (VP opened (NP (NP a news bureau )NP (PP in (NP the Hungarian capital )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP . )S 7 8 (S (INTJ Now )INTJ , (NP the network )NP (VP has (VP opened (NP a news bureau )NP (PP in (NP the Hungarian capital )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 8 10 (S (ADVP Now )ADVP , (NP the network )NP (VP has (VP opened (NP (NP a news bureau )NP (PP in (NP the (ADJP Hungarian )ADJP capital )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP . )S 7 10 (S (INTJ Now )INTJ , (NP the network )NP (VP has (VP opened (S (NP (NP a news bureau )NP (PP in (NP the Hungarian capital )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )VP . )S 8 8 (S (ADVP Now )ADVP , (NP the network )NP (VP has (VP opened (NP a news bureau )NP (PP in (NP the Hungarian capital )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 8 9 (S (ADVP Now )ADVP , (NP the network )NP (VP has (VP opened (NP (NP a news bureau )NP (PP in (NP the Hungarian capital )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP . )S 7 8 (S (ADVP Now )ADVP , (NP the network )NP (VP has (VP opened (PP (NP a news bureau )NP in (NP the Hungarian capital )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 8 9 (S (ADVP Now )ADVP , (NP the network )NP (VP has (VP opened (S (NP a news bureau )NP (PP in (NP the Hungarian capital )NP )PP )S )VP )VP . )S 8 10 (S (ADVP Now )ADVP , (S (NP the network )NP (VP has (VP opened (NP (NP a news bureau )NP (PP in (NP the Hungarian capital )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S . )S 7 8 (S Now , (NP the network )NP (VP has (VP opened (NP (NP a news bureau )NP (PP in (NP the Hungarian capital )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP . )S 8 8 (S (ADVP Now )ADVP , (NP the network )NP (VP has (VP opened (NP a news bureau )NP (PP in (NP the Hungarian capital )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 8 10 (S (ADVP Now )ADVP , (NP the network )NP (VP has (VP opened (S (NP (NP a news bureau )NP (PP in (NP the Hungarian capital )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )VP . )S 8 9 (S (ADVP Now )ADVP , (NP the network )NP (VP has (VP opened (NP a news bureau )NP (PP in (NP the (ADJP Hungarian )ADJP capital )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 7 9 (S (INTJ Now )INTJ , (NP the network )NP (VP has (VP opened (NP (NP a news bureau )NP (PP in (NP the Hungarian capital )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP . )S 8 10 (S (ADVP Now )ADVP , (NP the network )NP (VP has (VP opened (NP (NP a news bureau )NP (PP in (NP (NP the )NP Hungarian capital )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP . )S 8 11 (S (ADVP Now )ADVP , (NP the network )NP (VP has (VP opened (S (NP (NP a news bureau )NP (PP in (NP the (ADJP Hungarian )ADJP capital )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )VP . )S 8 10 (S (ADVP Now )ADVP , (NP the network )NP (VP has (S (VP opened (NP (NP a news bureau )NP (PP in (NP the Hungarian capital )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )VP . )S 8 10 (S (ADVP Now )ADVP , (NP the network )NP (VP has (VP opened (NP (NP a news bureau )NP (PP in (NP the (NX Hungarian capital )NX )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP . )S 8 10 (S (ADVP Now )ADVP , (NP the network )NP (VP has (VP opened (S (NP (NP a news bureau )NP (PP in (NP the Hungarian capital )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )VP . )S 7 10 (S (INTJ Now )INTJ , (NP the network )NP (VP has (VP opened (NP (NP a news bureau )NP (PP in (NP the (ADJP Hungarian )ADJP capital )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP . )S 8 9 (S (ADVP Now )ADVP , (S (NP the network )NP (VP has (VP opened (NP a news bureau )NP (PP in (NP the Hungarian capital )NP )PP )VP )VP )S . )S 8 10 (S (ADVP Now )ADVP , (NP the network )NP (VP has (VP opened (NP (NP (NP a )NP news bureau )NP (PP in (NP the Hungarian capital )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP . )S 7 8 (S (INTJ Now )INTJ , (NP the network )NP (VP has (VP opened (NP a news bureau )NP (PP in (NP the Hungarian capital )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 7 7 (S Now , (NP the network )NP (VP has (VP opened (NP a news bureau )NP (PP in (NP the Hungarian capital )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 8 9 (S (ADVP Now )ADVP , (NP the network )NP (VP has (VP opened (PP (NP a news bureau )NP (PP in (NP the Hungarian capital )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP . )S 7 9 (S (ADVP Now )ADVP , (NP the network )NP (VP has (VP opened (NP a news )NP (NP bureau )NP (PP in (NP the Hungarian capital )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 7 9 (S (INTJ Now )INTJ , (NP the network )NP (VP has (VP opened (NP (NP a news bureau )NP (PP in (NP the Hungarian capital )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP . )S 7 10 (S (ADVP Now )ADVP , (NP the network )NP (VP has (VP opened (NP a news )NP (NP (NP bureau )NP (PP in (NP the Hungarian capital )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP . )S 8 11 (S (ADVP Now )ADVP , (S (NP the network )NP (VP has (VP opened (S (NP (NP a news bureau )NP (PP in (NP the Hungarian capital )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )VP )S . )S 7 9 (S Now , (NP the network )NP (VP has (VP opened (S (NP (NP a news bureau )NP (PP in (NP the Hungarian capital )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )VP . )S 8 11 (S (ADVP Now )ADVP , (NP the network )NP (VP has (VP opened (SBAR (S (NP (NP a news bureau )NP (PP in (NP the Hungarian capital )NP )PP )NP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 8 9 (S (ADVP Now )ADVP , (NP the network )NP (VP has (VP opened (NP (NP a )NP news bureau )NP (PP in (NP the Hungarian capital )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 6 8 (S (INTJ Now )INTJ , (NP the network )NP (VP has (VP opened (PP (NP a news bureau )NP in (NP the Hungarian capital )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 7 9 (S (INTJ Now )INTJ , (NP the network )NP (VP has (VP opened (S (NP a news bureau )NP (PP in (NP the Hungarian capital )NP )PP )S )VP )VP . )S 7 10 (S (ADVP Now )ADVP , (NP the network )NP (VP has (VP opened (NP (NP a news )NP (VP bureau (PP in (NP the Hungarian capital )NP )PP )VP )NP )VP )VP . )S 8 10 (S (ADVP Now )ADVP , (NP the network )NP (VP has (S (VP opened (NP (NP a news bureau )NP (PP in (NP the Hungarian capital )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )VP . )S 8 9 (S (ADVP Now )ADVP , (NP the network )NP (VP has (VP opened (NP a news bureau )NP (PP in (NP (NP the )NP Hungarian capital )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 8 11 (S (ADVP Now )ADVP , (NP the network )NP (VP has (S (VP opened (S (NP (NP a news bureau )NP (PP in (NP the Hungarian capital )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )S )VP . )S 8 10 (S (ADVP Now )ADVP , (NP the network )NP (VP has (VP opened (NP (NP (NP a news )NP bureau )NP (PP in (NP the Hungarian capital )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP . )S 8 10 (S (ADVP Now )ADVP , (NP the network )NP (VP has (VP opened (NP (NP a (NX news bureau )NX )NP (PP in (NP the Hungarian capital )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP . )S 7 10 (S (ADVP Now )ADVP , (NP the network )NP (VP has (VP opened (S (NP a news )NP (VP bureau (PP in (NP the Hungarian capital )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 7 8 (S (INTJ Now )INTJ , (NP the network )NP (VP has (VP opened (NP a news bureau )NP (PP in (NP the Hungarian capital )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 8 10 (S (ADVP Now )ADVP , (NP the network )NP (VP has (VP opened (NP (NP a news bureau )NP (PP in (NP the (ADJP Hungarian )ADJP capital )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP . )S 8 10 (S (ADVP Now )ADVP , (NP the network )NP (VP has (VP opened (NP (NP a news )NP (NP bureau )NP )NP (PP in (NP the Hungarian capital )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 8 9 (S (ADVP Now )ADVP , (NP the network )NP (VP has (VP opened (NP a news bureau )NP (PP in (NP the (NX Hungarian capital )NX )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 8 11 (S (ADVP Now )ADVP , (NP the network )NP (VP has (VP opened (S (NP (NP a news bureau )NP (PP in (NP (NP the )NP Hungarian capital )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )VP . )S 50 12 14 (S (NP Employees )NP (VP (VP held (NP an open house )NP (S (VP to (VP celebrate )VP )VP )S )VP and even (VP hung (PRT out )PRT (NP a sign )NP )VP : (NP `` (NP Szabad Europa Radio )NP '' -- (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )NP )VP . )S 12 16 (S (NP Employees )NP (VP held (NP an open house )NP (S (VP (VP to (VP celebrate )VP )VP and (ADVP even )ADVP (VP hung (PRT out )PRT (NP (NP (NP a sign )NP : `` (NX Szabad Europa Radio )NX '' )NP -- (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 11 14 (S (NP Employees )NP (VP (VP held (NP an open house )NP (S (VP to (VP celebrate )VP )VP )S )VP and even (VP hung (PRT out )PRT (NP (NP a sign )NP : `` (NX Szabad Europa Radio )NX '' )NP )VP -- (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )VP . )S 13 16 (S (NP Employees )NP (VP (VP held (NP an open house )NP (S (VP to (VP celebrate )VP )VP )S )VP and (VP (ADVP even )ADVP hung (PRT out )PRT (NP (NP (NP a sign )NP : `` (NX Szabad Europa Radio )NX '' )NP -- (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )NP )VP )VP . )S 14 16 (S (NP Employees )NP (VP (VP held (NP an open house )NP (S (VP to (VP celebrate )VP )VP )S )VP and (ADVP even )ADVP (VP hung (PRT out )PRT (NP (NP (NP a sign )NP : `` (NX Szabad Europa Radio )NX '' )NP -- (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )NP )VP )VP . )S 8 14 (S (NP Employees )NP (VP held (NP an open house )NP (S (VP to (VP (VP celebrate )VP and even (VP hung (PRT out )PRT (NP (NP a sign )NP : `` (NX Szabad Europa Radio )NX '' )NP )VP -- (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 13 16 (S (NP Employees )NP (VP held (NP an open house )NP (S (VP (VP to (VP celebrate )VP )VP and (ADVP even )ADVP (VP hung (PRT out )PRT (NP (NP a sign )NP : (NP `` (NP Szabad Europa Radio )NP '' -- (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )NP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 10 16 (S (NP Employees )NP (VP held (NP an open house )NP (S (VP (VP (VP to (VP celebrate )VP )VP and (ADVP even )ADVP (VP hung (PRT out )PRT (NP (NP a sign )NP : `` (NX Szabad Europa Radio )NX '' )NP )VP )VP -- (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )VP )S )VP . )S 14 16 (S (NP Employees )NP (VP (VP held (NP an open house )NP (S (VP to (VP celebrate )VP )VP )S )VP and (VP (ADVP even )ADVP hung (PRT out )PRT (NP (NP a sign )NP : (NP `` (NP Szabad Europa Radio )NP '' -- (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )NP )NP )VP )VP . )S 15 16 (S (NP Employees )NP (VP (VP held (NP an open house )NP (S (VP to (VP celebrate )VP )VP )S )VP and (ADVP even )ADVP (VP hung (PRT out )PRT (NP (NP a sign )NP : (NP `` (NP Szabad Europa Radio )NP '' -- (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )NP )NP )VP )VP . )S 8 14 (S (NP Employees )NP (VP held (NP an open house )NP (S (VP to (VP (VP celebrate )VP and even (VP hung (PRT out )PRT (NP (NP a sign )NP : `` (NX Szabad Europa Radio )NX '' )NP )VP -- (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 10 16 (S (NP Employees )NP (VP held (NP an open house )NP (S (VP (VP (VP to (VP celebrate )VP )VP and (ADVP even )ADVP (VP hung (PRT out )PRT (NP (NP a sign )NP : `` (NX Szabad Europa Radio )NX '' )NP )VP )VP -- (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )VP )S )VP . )S 12 15 (S (NP Employees )NP (VP held (NP an open house )NP (S (VP (VP to (VP celebrate )VP )VP and (ADVP even )ADVP (VP hung (PRT out )PRT (NP (NP a sign )NP : `` (NX Szabad Europa Radio )NX '' -- (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 13 15 (S (NP Employees )NP (VP (VP held (NP an open house )NP (S (VP to (VP celebrate )VP )VP )S )VP and even (VP hung (PRT out )PRT (NP (NP (NP a sign )NP : `` (NX Szabad Europa Radio )NX '' )NP -- (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )NP )VP )VP . )S 13 15 (S (NP Employees )NP (VP held (NP an open house )NP (S (VP (VP to (VP celebrate )VP )VP and (ADVP even )ADVP (VP hung (PRT out )PRT (NP (NP a sign )NP : `` (NP Szabad Europa Radio )NP '' -- (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 11 16 (S (NP Employees )NP (VP held (NP an open house (S (VP (VP to (VP celebrate )VP )VP and (ADVP even )ADVP (VP hung (PRT out )PRT (NP (NP (NP a sign )NP : `` (NX Szabad Europa Radio )NX '' )NP -- (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP . )S 13 15 (S (NP Employees )NP (VP (VP held (NP an open house )NP (S (VP to (VP celebrate )VP )VP )S )VP and (VP (ADVP even )ADVP hung (PRT out )PRT (NP (NP a sign )NP : `` (NX Szabad Europa Radio )NX '' -- (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )NP )VP )VP . )S 14 15 (S (NP Employees )NP (VP (VP held (NP an open house )NP (S (VP to (VP celebrate )VP )VP )S )VP and (ADVP even )ADVP (VP hung (PRT out )PRT (NP (NP a sign )NP : `` (NX Szabad Europa Radio )NX '' -- (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )NP )VP )VP . )S 13 16 (S (NP Employees )NP (VP (VP (VP held (NP an open house )NP (S (VP to (VP celebrate )VP )VP )S )VP and (ADVP even )ADVP (VP hung (PRT out )PRT (NP a sign )NP )VP )VP : (NP `` (NP Szabad Europa Radio )NP '' -- (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )NP )VP . )S 14 15 (S (NP Employees )NP (VP (VP held (NP an open house )NP (S (VP to (VP celebrate )VP )VP )S )VP and (VP (ADVP even )ADVP hung (PRT out )PRT (NP (NP a sign )NP : `` (NP Szabad Europa Radio )NP '' -- (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )NP )VP )VP . )S 15 15 (S (NP Employees )NP (VP (VP held (NP an open house )NP (S (VP to (VP celebrate )VP )VP )S )VP and (ADVP even )ADVP (VP hung (PRT out )PRT (NP (NP a sign )NP : `` (NP Szabad Europa Radio )NP '' -- (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )NP )VP )VP . )S 11 16 (S (NP Employees )NP (VP (VP held (NP an open house )NP (S (VP (VP to (VP celebrate )VP )VP and (ADVP even )ADVP (VP hung (PRT out )PRT (NP a sign )NP )VP )VP )S )VP : (NP `` (NP Szabad Europa Radio )NP '' -- (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )NP )VP . )S 7 14 (S (NP Employees )NP (VP held (NP an open house (S (VP to (VP (VP celebrate )VP and even (VP hung (PRT out )PRT (NP (NP a sign )NP : `` (NX Szabad Europa Radio )NX '' )NP )VP -- (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP . )S 14 15 (S (NP Employees )NP (VP (VP held (NP an open house )NP (S (VP to (VP celebrate )VP )VP )S )VP and even (VP hung (PRT out )PRT (NP (NP a sign )NP : (NP `` (NP Szabad Europa Radio )NP '' -- (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )NP )NP )VP )VP . )S 12 16 (S (NP Employees )NP (VP held (NP an open house (S (VP (VP to (VP celebrate )VP )VP and (ADVP even )ADVP (VP hung (PRT out )PRT (NP (NP a sign )NP : (NP `` (NP Szabad Europa Radio )NP '' -- (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )NP )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP . )S 13 16 (S (NP Employees )NP (VP (VP (VP held (NP an open house )NP (S (VP to (VP celebrate )VP )VP )S )VP and (VP (ADVP even )ADVP hung (PRT out )PRT (NP a sign )NP )VP )VP : (NP `` (NP Szabad Europa Radio )NP '' -- (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )NP )VP . )S 9 16 (S (NP Employees )NP (VP held (NP an open house (S (VP (VP (VP to (VP celebrate )VP )VP and (ADVP even )ADVP (VP hung (PRT out )PRT (NP (NP a sign )NP : `` (NX Szabad Europa Radio )NX '' )NP )VP )VP -- (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )VP )S )NP )VP . )S 12 16 (S (NP Employees )NP (VP (VP (VP held (NP an open house )NP (S (VP to (VP celebrate )VP )VP )S )VP and (ADVP even )ADVP (VP hung (PRT out )PRT (NP (NP a sign )NP : `` (NX Szabad Europa Radio )NX '' )NP )VP )VP -- (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )VP . )S 11 16 (S (NP Employees )NP (VP held (NP an open house )NP (S (VP (VP to (VP celebrate )VP )VP and (ADVP even )ADVP (VP (VP hung (PRT out )PRT (NP (NP a sign )NP : `` (NX Szabad Europa Radio )NX '' )NP )VP -- (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 12 15 (S (NP Employees )NP (VP held (NP an open house )NP (S (VP (VP to (VP celebrate )VP )VP and (ADVP even )ADVP (VP hung (PRT out )PRT (NP (NP a sign )NP : `` (NX Szabad Europa Radio )NX '' -- (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 7 14 (S (NP Employees )NP (VP held (NP an open house (S (VP to (VP (VP celebrate )VP and even (VP hung (PRT out )PRT (NP (NP a sign )NP : `` (NX Szabad Europa Radio )NX '' )NP )VP -- (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP . )S 9 16 (S (NP Employees )NP (VP held (NP an open house (S (VP (VP (VP to (VP celebrate )VP )VP and (ADVP even )ADVP (VP hung (PRT out )PRT (NP (NP a sign )NP : `` (NX Szabad Europa Radio )NX '' )NP )VP )VP -- (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )VP )S )NP )VP . )S 11 14 (S (NP Employees )NP (VP (VP held (NP an open house )NP (S (VP to (VP celebrate )VP )VP )S )VP and even (VP hung (PRT out )PRT (NP (NP a sign )NP : `` (NX Szabad Europa Radio )NX '' )NP )VP -- (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )VP . )S 12 17 (S (NP Employees )NP (VP held (NP an open house )NP (S (VP (VP to (VP celebrate )VP )VP and (ADVP even )ADVP (VP hung (PRT out )PRT (NP (NP a sign )NP (PRN : (NP `` (NP Szabad Europa Radio )NP '' )NP -- )PRN )NP (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 12 16 (S (NP Employees )NP (VP (VP (VP held (NP an open house )NP (S (VP to (VP celebrate )VP )VP )S )VP and (VP (ADVP even )ADVP hung (PRT out )PRT (NP (NP a sign )NP : `` (NX Szabad Europa Radio )NX '' )NP )VP )VP -- (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )VP . )S 13 14 (S (NP Employees )NP (VP (VP held (NP an open house )NP (S (VP to (VP celebrate )VP )VP )S )VP and even (VP hung (PRT out )PRT (NP (NP a sign )NP : `` (NX Szabad Europa Radio )NX '' -- (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )NP )VP )VP . )S 12 15 (S (NP Employees )NP (VP (VP (VP held (NP an open house )NP (S (VP to (VP celebrate )VP )VP )S )VP and even (VP hung (PRT out )PRT (NP a sign )NP )VP )VP : (NP `` (NP Szabad Europa Radio )NP '' -- (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )NP )VP . )S 14 14 (S (NP Employees )NP (VP (VP held (NP an open house )NP (S (VP to (VP celebrate )VP )VP )S )VP and even (VP hung (PRT out )PRT (NP (NP a sign )NP : `` (NP Szabad Europa Radio )NP '' -- (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )NP )VP )VP . )S 13 15 (S (NP Employees )NP (VP held (NP an open house )NP (S (VP (VP to (VP celebrate )VP )VP and (ADVP even )ADVP (VP hung (PRT out )PRT (NP (NP a sign )NP : `` (NP Szabad Europa Radio )NP '' -- (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 11 15 (S (NP Employees )NP (VP held (NP an open house (S (VP (VP to (VP celebrate )VP )VP and (ADVP even )ADVP (VP hung (PRT out )PRT (NP (NP a sign )NP : `` (NX Szabad Europa Radio )NX '' -- (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP . )S 13 17 (S (NP Employees )NP (VP (VP held (NP an open house )NP (S (VP to (VP celebrate )VP )VP )S )VP and (VP (ADVP even )ADVP hung (PRT out )PRT (NP (NP a sign )NP (PRN : (NP `` (NP Szabad Europa Radio )NP '' )NP -- )PRN )NP (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )VP )VP . )S 14 17 (S (NP Employees )NP (VP (VP held (NP an open house )NP (S (VP to (VP celebrate )VP )VP )S )VP and (ADVP even )ADVP (VP hung (PRT out )PRT (NP (NP a sign )NP (PRN : (NP `` (NP Szabad Europa Radio )NP '' )NP -- )PRN )NP (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )VP )VP . )S 12 15 (S (NP Employees )NP (VP held (NP an open house (S (VP (VP to (VP celebrate )VP )VP and (ADVP even )ADVP (VP hung (PRT out )PRT (NP (NP a sign )NP : `` (NP Szabad Europa Radio )NP '' -- (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP . )S 11 15 (S (NP Employees )NP (VP held (NP an open house )NP (S (VP (VP to (VP celebrate )VP )VP and (ADVP even )ADVP (VP hung (PRT out )PRT (NP a sign )NP )VP )VP )S : (NP `` (NP Szabad Europa Radio )NP '' -- (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )NP )VP . )S 11 15 (S (NP Employees )NP (VP held (NP an open house )NP (S (VP (VP to (VP celebrate )VP )VP and (ADVP even )ADVP (VP hung (PRT out )PRT (NP (NP a sign )NP : `` (NX Szabad Europa Radio )NX '' )NP (NP -- Radio Free Europe )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 13 16 (S (NP Employees )NP (VP (VP held (NP an open house )NP (S (VP to (VP celebrate )VP )VP )S )VP and (VP (VP (ADVP even )ADVP hung (PRT out )PRT (NP a sign )NP )VP : (NP `` (NP Szabad Europa Radio )NP '' -- (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )NP )VP )VP . )S 12 15 (S (NP Employees )NP (VP (VP held (NP an open house )NP (S (VP to (VP celebrate )VP )VP )S )VP and (VP (ADVP even )ADVP hung (PRT out )PRT (NP (NP a sign )NP : `` (NX Szabad Europa Radio )NX '' )NP (NP -- Radio Free Europe )NP )VP )VP . )S 13 15 (S (NP Employees )NP (VP (VP held (NP an open house )NP (S (VP to (VP celebrate )VP )VP )S )VP and (ADVP even )ADVP (VP hung (PRT out )PRT (NP (NP a sign )NP : `` (NX Szabad Europa Radio )NX '' )NP (NP -- Radio Free Europe )NP )VP )VP . )S 11 15 (S (NP Employees )NP (VP (VP (VP held (NP an open house )NP (S (VP to (VP celebrate )VP )VP )S )VP and even (VP hung (PRT out )PRT (NP (NP a sign )NP : `` (NX Szabad Europa Radio )NX '' )NP )VP )VP -- (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )VP . )S 12 15 (S (NP Employees )NP (VP (VP held (NP an open house )NP (S (VP to (VP celebrate )VP )VP )S )VP and (VP (ADVP even )ADVP hung (PP out (NP (NP a sign )NP : `` (NX Szabad Europa Radio )NX '' -- (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 50 26 32 (SINV `` (S (NP I )NP (VP think (SBAR (S (NP this )NP (VP is (NP (NP a victory )NP (PP for (NP the radio )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Barnabas de Bueky )NP , (NP (NP a 55-year-old former Hungarian refugee )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP works (PP in (NP (NP the (NP (NP Munich )NP , (NP West Germany )NP , )NP headquarters )NP (PP as (NP (NP deputy director )NP (PP of (NP the Hungarian service )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP . )SINV 27 31 (SINV `` (S (NP I )NP (VP think (SBAR (S (NP this )NP (VP is (NP (NP a victory )NP (PP for (NP the radio )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Barnabas de Bueky )NP , (NP (NP a 55-year-old former Hungarian refugee )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP works (PP in (NP (NP the Munich )NP , (NP West Germany )NP , (NP headquarters )NP )NP )PP (PP as (NP (NP deputy director )NP (PP of (NP the Hungarian service )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP . )SINV 27 31 (SINV `` (S (NP I )NP (VP think (SBAR (S (NP this )NP (VP is (NP (NP a victory )NP (PP for (NP the radio )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Barnabas de Bueky )NP , (NP (NP a 55-year-old former Hungarian refugee )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP works (PP in (NP (NP the Munich )NP , (NP West Germany )NP , (NP headquarters )NP )NP )PP (PP as (NP (NP deputy director )NP (PP of (NP the Hungarian service )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP . )SINV 26 32 (SINV `` (S (NP I )NP (VP think (SBAR (S (NP this )NP (VP is (NP (NP a victory )NP (PP for (NP the radio )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Barnabas de Bueky )NP , (NP (NP a 55-year-old former Hungarian refugee )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP works (PP in (NP (NP the (NP (NP Munich )NP , (NP West Germany )NP , )NP headquarters )NP (PP as (NP (NP deputy director )NP (PP of (NP the Hungarian service )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP . )SINV 27 31 (SINV `` (S (NP I )NP (VP think (SBAR (S (NP this )NP (VP is (NP (NP a victory )NP (PP for (NP the radio )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Barnabas de Bueky )NP , (NP (NP a 55-year-old former Hungarian refugee )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP works (PP in (NP the (NP (NP Munich )NP , (NP West Germany )NP , )NP headquarters )NP )PP (PP as (NP (NP deputy director )NP (PP of (NP the Hungarian service )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP . )SINV 27 31 (SINV `` (S (NP I )NP (VP think (SBAR (S (NP this )NP (VP is (NP (NP a victory )NP (PP for (NP the radio )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Barnabas de Bueky )NP , (NP (NP a 55-year-old former Hungarian refugee )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP works (PP in (NP (NP the Munich )NP , (NP West Germany )NP , (NP headquarters )NP )NP )PP (PP as (NP (NP deputy director )NP (PP of (NP the Hungarian service )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP . )SINV 25 32 (SINV `` (S (NP I )NP (VP think (SBAR (S (NP this )NP (VP is (NP (NP a victory )NP (PP for (NP the radio )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Barnabas de Bueky )NP , (NP (NP a 55-year-old former Hungarian refugee )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP works (PP in (NP (NP the Munich )NP , (NP West Germany )NP , (NP (NP headquarters )NP (PP as (NP (NP deputy director )NP (PP of (NP the Hungarian service )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP . )SINV 27 31 (SINV `` (S (NP I )NP (VP think (SBAR (S (NP this )NP (VP is (NP (NP a victory )NP (PP for (NP the radio )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Barnabas de Bueky )NP , (NP (NP a 55-year-old former Hungarian refugee )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP works (PP in (NP (NP the Munich )NP , (NP West Germany )NP , (NP headquarters )NP )NP )PP (PP as (NP (NP deputy director )NP (PP of (NP the Hungarian service )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP . )SINV 27 31 (SINV `` (S (NP I )NP (VP think (SBAR (S (NP this )NP (VP is (NP (NP a victory )NP (PP for (NP the radio )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Barnabas de Bueky )NP , (NP (NP a 55-year-old former Hungarian refugee )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP works (PP in (NP the (NP (NP Munich )NP , (NP West Germany )NP , )NP headquarters )NP )PP (PP as (NP (NP deputy director )NP (PP of (NP the Hungarian service )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP . )SINV 25 32 (SINV `` (S (NP I )NP (VP think (SBAR (S (NP this )NP (VP is (NP (NP a victory )NP (PP for (NP the radio )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Barnabas de Bueky )NP , (NP (NP a 55-year-old former Hungarian refugee )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP works (PP in (NP (NP the Munich )NP , (NP West Germany )NP , (NP (NP headquarters )NP (PP as (NP (NP deputy director )NP (PP of (NP the Hungarian service )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP . )SINV 26 32 (SINV `` (S (NP I )NP (VP think (SBAR (S (NP this )NP (VP is (NP (NP a victory )NP (PP for (NP the radio )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Barnabas de Bueky )NP , (NP (NP a 55-year-old former Hungarian refugee )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP works (PP in (NP (NP the (NP (NP Munich )NP , (NP West Germany )NP , )NP headquarters )NP (PP as (NP (NP deputy director )NP (PP of (NP the Hungarian service )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP . )SINV 27 31 (SINV `` (S (NP I )NP (VP think (SBAR (S (NP this )NP (VP is (NP (NP a victory )NP (PP for (NP the radio )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Barnabas de Bueky )NP , (NP (NP a 55-year-old former Hungarian refugee )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP works (PP in (NP (NP the Munich )NP , (NP West Germany )NP , (NP headquarters )NP )NP )PP (PP as (NP (NP deputy director )NP (PP of (NP the Hungarian service )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP . )SINV 27 31 (SINV `` (S (NP I )NP (VP think (SBAR (S (NP this )NP (VP is (NP (NP a victory )NP (PP for (NP the radio )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Barnabas de Bueky )NP , (NP (NP a 55-year-old former Hungarian refugee )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP works (PP in (NP (NP the Munich )NP , (NP West Germany )NP , (NP headquarters )NP )NP )PP (PP as (NP (NP deputy director )NP (PP of (NP the Hungarian service )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP . )SINV 26 32 (SINV `` (S (NP I )NP (VP think (SBAR (S (NP this )NP (VP is (NP (NP a victory )NP (PP for (NP the radio )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Barnabas de Bueky )NP , (NP (NP a 55-year-old former Hungarian refugee )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP works (PP in (NP (NP the (NP (NP Munich )NP , (NP West Germany )NP , )NP headquarters )NP (PP as (NP (NP deputy director )NP (PP of (NP the Hungarian service )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP . )SINV 27 31 (SINV `` (S (NP I )NP (VP think (SBAR (S (NP this )NP (VP is (NP (NP a victory )NP (PP for (NP the radio )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Barnabas de Bueky )NP , (NP (NP a 55-year-old former Hungarian refugee )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP works (PP in (NP the (NP (NP Munich )NP , (NP West Germany )NP , )NP headquarters )NP )PP (PP as (NP (NP deputy director )NP (PP of (NP the Hungarian service )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP . )SINV 27 31 (SINV `` (S (NP I )NP (VP think (SBAR (S (NP this )NP (VP is (NP (NP a victory )NP (PP for (NP the radio )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Barnabas de Bueky )NP , (NP (NP a 55-year-old former Hungarian refugee )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP works (PP in (NP (NP the Munich )NP , (NP West Germany )NP , (NP headquarters )NP )NP )PP (PP as (NP (NP deputy director )NP (PP of (NP the Hungarian service )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP . )SINV 25 31 (SINV `` (S (NP I )NP (VP think (SBAR (S (NP this )NP (VP is (NP (NP a victory )NP (PP for (NP the radio )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Barnabas de Bueky )NP , (NP (NP a 55-year-old former Hungarian refugee )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP works (PP in (NP (NP the Munich )NP , (NP West Germany )NP , )NP )PP (NP headquarters )NP (PP as (NP (NP deputy director )NP (PP of (NP the Hungarian service )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP . )SINV 25 32 (SINV `` (S (NP I )NP (VP think (SBAR (S (NP this )NP (VP is (NP (NP a victory )NP (PP for (NP the radio )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Barnabas de Bueky )NP , (NP (NP a 55-year-old former Hungarian refugee )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP works (PP in (NP (NP the Munich )NP , (NP West Germany )NP , (NP (NP headquarters )NP (PP as (NP (NP deputy director )NP (PP of (NP the Hungarian service )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP . )SINV 27 31 (SINV `` (S (NP I )NP (VP think (SBAR (S (NP this )NP (VP is (NP (NP a victory )NP (PP for (NP the radio )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Barnabas de Bueky )NP , (NP (NP a 55-year-old former Hungarian refugee )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP works (PP in (NP (NP the Munich )NP , (NP West Germany )NP , (NP headquarters )NP )NP )PP (PP as (NP (NP deputy director )NP (PP of (NP the Hungarian service )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP . )SINV 26 32 (SINV `` (S (NP I )NP (VP think (SBAR (S (NP this )NP (VP is (NP (NP a victory )NP (PP for (NP the radio )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Barnabas de Bueky )NP , (NP (NP a 55-year-old former Hungarian refugee )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP works (PP in (NP (NP the (NP (NP Munich )NP , (NP West Germany )NP , )NP headquarters )NP (PP as (NP (NP deputy director )NP (PP of (NP the Hungarian service )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP . )SINV 27 31 (SINV `` (S (NP I )NP (VP think (SBAR (S (NP this )NP (VP is (NP (NP a victory )NP (PP for (NP the radio )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Barnabas de Bueky )NP , (NP (NP a 55-year-old former Hungarian refugee )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP works (PP in (NP the (NP (NP Munich )NP , (NP West Germany )NP , )NP headquarters )NP )PP (PP as (NP (NP deputy director )NP (PP of (NP the Hungarian service )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP . )SINV 27 31 (SINV `` (S (NP I )NP (VP think (SBAR (S (NP this )NP (VP is (NP (NP a victory )NP (PP for (NP the radio )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Barnabas de Bueky )NP , (NP (NP a 55-year-old former Hungarian refugee )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP works (PP in (NP (NP the Munich )NP , (NP West Germany )NP , (NP headquarters )NP )NP )PP (PP as (NP (NP deputy director )NP (PP of (NP the Hungarian service )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP . )SINV 25 32 (SINV `` (S (NP I )NP (VP think (SBAR (S (NP this )NP (VP is (NP (NP a victory )NP (PP for (NP the radio )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Barnabas de Bueky )NP , (NP (NP a 55-year-old former Hungarian refugee )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP works (PP in (NP (NP the Munich )NP , (NP West Germany )NP , (NP (NP headquarters )NP (PP as (NP (NP deputy director )NP (PP of (NP the Hungarian service )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP . )SINV 25 31 (SINV `` (S (NP I )NP (VP think (SBAR (S (NP this )NP (VP is (NP (NP a victory )NP (PP for (NP the radio )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Barnabas de Bueky )NP , (NP (NP a 55-year-old former Hungarian refugee )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP works (PP in (NP (NP the Munich )NP , (NP West Germany )NP , )NP )PP (NP headquarters )NP (PP as (NP (NP deputy director )NP (PP of (NP the Hungarian service )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP . )SINV 26 32 (SINV `` (S (NP I )NP (VP think (SBAR (S (NP this )NP (VP is (NP (NP a victory )NP (PP for (NP the radio )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Barnabas de Bueky )NP , (NP (NP a 55-year-old former Hungarian refugee )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP works (PRT in )PRT (NP (NP the (NP (NP Munich )NP , (NP West Germany )NP , )NP headquarters )NP (PP as (NP (NP deputy director )NP (PP of (NP the Hungarian service )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP . )SINV 25 32 (SINV `` (S (NP I )NP (VP think (SBAR (S (NP this )NP (VP is (NP (NP a victory )NP (PP for (NP the radio )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Barnabas de Bueky )NP , (NP (NP a 55-year-old former Hungarian refugee )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP works (PP in (NP (NP the Munich )NP , (NP West Germany )NP , (NP (NP headquarters )NP (PP as (NP (NP deputy director )NP (PP of (NP the Hungarian service )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP . )SINV 27 31 (SINV `` (S (NP I )NP (VP think (SBAR (S (NP this )NP (VP is (NP (NP a victory )NP (PP for (NP the radio )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Barnabas de Bueky )NP , (NP (NP a 55-year-old former Hungarian refugee )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP works (PP in (NP (NP the Munich )NP , (NP West Germany )NP , (NP headquarters )NP )NP )PP (PP as (NP (NP deputy director )NP (PP of (NP the Hungarian service )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP . )SINV 25 31 (SINV `` (S (NP I )NP (VP think (S (NP this )NP (VP is (NP (NP a victory )NP (PP for (NP the radio )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Barnabas de Bueky )NP , (NP (NP a 55-year-old former Hungarian refugee )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP works (PP in (NP (NP the (NP (NP Munich )NP , (NP West Germany )NP , )NP headquarters )NP (PP as (NP (NP deputy director )NP (PP of (NP the Hungarian service )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP . )SINV 26 32 (SINV `` (S (NP I )NP (VP think (SBAR (S (NP this )NP (VP is (NP (NP a victory )NP (PP for (NP the radio )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Barnabas de Bueky )NP , (NP (NP a 55-year-old former Hungarian refugee )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP works (PP in (NP (NP the (NP (NP Munich )NP , (NP West Germany )NP , )NP headquarters )NP (PP as (NP (NP deputy director )NP (PP of (NP the Hungarian service )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP . )SINV 27 31 (SINV `` (S (NP I )NP (VP think (SBAR (S (NP this )NP (VP is (NP (NP a victory )NP (PP for (NP the radio )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Barnabas de Bueky )NP , (NP (NP a 55-year-old former Hungarian refugee )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP works (PP in (NP the (NP (NP Munich )NP , (NP West Germany )NP , )NP headquarters )NP )PP (PP as (NP (NP deputy director )NP (PP of (NP the Hungarian service )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP . )SINV 26 30 (SINV `` (S (NP I )NP (VP think (S (NP this )NP (VP is (NP (NP a victory )NP (PP for (NP the radio )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Barnabas de Bueky )NP , (NP (NP a 55-year-old former Hungarian refugee )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP works (PP in (NP (NP the Munich )NP , (NP West Germany )NP , (NP headquarters )NP )NP )PP (PP as (NP (NP deputy director )NP (PP of (NP the Hungarian service )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP . )SINV 27 31 (SINV `` (S (NP I )NP (VP think (SBAR (S (NP this )NP (VP is (NP (NP a victory )NP (PP for (NP the radio )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Barnabas de Bueky )NP , (NP (NP a 55-year-old former Hungarian refugee )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP works (PP in (NP (NP the Munich )NP , (NP West Germany )NP , (NP headquarters )NP )NP )PP (PP as (NP (NP deputy director )NP (PP of (NP the Hungarian service )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP . )SINV 25 32 (SINV `` (S (NP I )NP (VP think (SBAR (S (NP this )NP (VP is (NP (NP a victory )NP (PP for (NP the radio )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Barnabas de Bueky )NP , (NP (NP a 55-year-old former Hungarian refugee )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP works (PP in (NP (NP the Munich )NP , (NP West Germany )NP , (NP (NP headquarters )NP (PP as (NP (NP deputy director )NP (PP of (NP the Hungarian service )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP . )SINV 25 32 (SINV `` (S (NP I )NP (VP think (SBAR (S (NP this )NP (VP is (NP (NP a victory )NP (PP for (NP the radio )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Barnabas de Bueky )NP , (NP (NP a 55-year-old former Hungarian refugee )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP works (PP in (NP (NP the Munich )NP , (NP West Germany )NP , (NP (NP headquarters )NP (PP as (NP (NP deputy director )NP (PP of (NP the Hungarian service )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP . )SINV 26 32 (SINV `` (S (NP I )NP (VP think (SBAR (S (NP this )NP (VP is (NP (NP a victory )NP (PP for (NP the radio )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Barnabas de Bueky )NP , (NP (NP a 55-year-old former Hungarian refugee )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP works (PRT in )PRT (NP (NP the (NP (NP Munich )NP , (NP West Germany )NP , )NP headquarters )NP (PP as (NP (NP deputy director )NP (PP of (NP the Hungarian service )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP . )SINV 25 32 (SINV `` (S (NP I )NP (VP think (SBAR (S (NP this )NP (VP is (NP (NP a victory )NP (PP for (NP the radio )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Barnabas de Bueky )NP , (NP (NP a 55-year-old former Hungarian refugee )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP works (PP in (NP (NP the Munich )NP , (NP West Germany )NP , )NP )PP (NP (NP headquarters )NP (PP as (NP (NP deputy director )NP (PP of (NP the Hungarian service )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP . )SINV 26 30 (SINV `` (S (NP I )NP (VP think (S (NP this )NP (VP is (NP (NP a victory )NP (PP for (NP the radio )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Barnabas de Bueky )NP , (NP (NP a 55-year-old former Hungarian refugee )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP works (PP in (NP (NP the Munich )NP , (NP West Germany )NP , (NP headquarters )NP )NP )PP (PP as (NP (NP deputy director )NP (PP of (NP the Hungarian service )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP . )SINV 27 31 (SINV `` (S (NP I )NP (VP think (SBAR (S (NP this )NP (VP is (NP (NP a victory )NP (PP for (NP the radio )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Barnabas de Bueky )NP , (NP (NP a 55-year-old former Hungarian refugee )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP works (PP in (NP (NP the Munich )NP , (NP West Germany )NP , (NP headquarters )NP )NP )PP (PP as (NP (NP deputy director )NP (PP of (NP the Hungarian service )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP . )SINV 25 31 (SINV `` (S (NP I )NP (VP think (SBAR (S (NP this )NP (VP is (NP (NP a victory )NP (PP for (NP the radio )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Barnabas de Bueky )NP , (NP (NP a 55-year-old former Hungarian refugee )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP works (PP in (NP (NP the Munich )NP , (NP West Germany )NP , )NP )PP (NP headquarters )NP (PP as (NP (NP deputy director )NP (PP of (NP the Hungarian service )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP . )SINV 28 29 (SINV `` (S (NP I )NP (VP think (SBAR (S (NP this )NP (VP is (NP (NP a victory )NP (PP for (NP the radio )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Barnabas de Bueky )NP , (NP (NP a 55-year-old former Hungarian refugee )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP works (PP in (NP the (NAC Munich , West Germany , )NAC headquarters )NP )PP (PP as (NP (NP deputy director )NP (PP of (NP the Hungarian service )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP . )SINV 25 31 (SINV `` (S (NP I )NP (VP think (S (NP this )NP (VP is (NP (NP a victory )NP (PP for (NP the radio )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Barnabas de Bueky )NP , (NP (NP a 55-year-old former Hungarian refugee )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP works (PP in (NP (NP the (NP (NP Munich )NP , (NP West Germany )NP , )NP headquarters )NP (PP as (NP (NP deputy director )NP (PP of (NP the Hungarian service )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP . )SINV 26 30 (SINV `` (S (NP I )NP (VP think (S (NP this )NP (VP is (NP (NP a victory )NP (PP for (NP the radio )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Barnabas de Bueky )NP , (NP (NP a 55-year-old former Hungarian refugee )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP works (PP in (NP the (NP (NP Munich )NP , (NP West Germany )NP , )NP headquarters )NP )PP (PP as (NP (NP deputy director )NP (PP of (NP the Hungarian service )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP . )SINV 27 31 (SINV `` (S (NP I )NP (VP think (SBAR (S (NP this )NP (VP is (NP (NP a victory )NP (PP for (NP the radio )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Barnabas de Bueky )NP , (NP (NP a 55-year-old former Hungarian refugee )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP works (PP in (NP the (NP (NP Munich )NP , (NP West Germany )NP , )NP headquarters )NP )PP (PP as (NP (NP deputy director )NP (PP of (NP the Hungarian service )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP . )SINV 26 30 (SINV `` (S (NP I )NP (VP think (S (NP this )NP (VP is (NP (NP a victory )NP (PP for (NP the radio )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Barnabas de Bueky )NP , (NP (NP a 55-year-old former Hungarian refugee )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP works (PP in (NP (NP the Munich )NP , (NP West Germany )NP , (NP headquarters )NP )NP )PP (PP as (NP (NP deputy director )NP (PP of (NP the Hungarian service )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP . )SINV 26 31 (SINV `` (S (NP I )NP (VP think (SBAR (S (NP this )NP (VP is (NP (NP a victory )NP (PP for (NP the radio )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Barnabas de Bueky )NP , (NP (NP a 55-year-old former Hungarian refugee )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP works (PRT in )PRT (NP the (NP (NP Munich )NP , (NP West Germany )NP , )NP headquarters )NP (PP as (NP (NP deputy director )NP (PP of (NP the Hungarian service )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP . )SINV 27 32 (SINV `` (S (NP I )NP (VP think (SBAR (S (NP this )NP (VP is (NP (NP a victory )NP (PP for (NP the radio )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Barnabas de Bueky )NP , (NP (NP a 55-year-old former Hungarian refugee )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP works (PP in (NP (NP the Munich )NP , (NP (NP West Germany )NP , (NP headquarters )NP )NP )NP )PP (PP as (NP (NP deputy director )NP (PP of (NP the Hungarian service )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP . )SINV 24 31 (SINV `` (S (NP I )NP (VP think (S (NP this )NP (VP is (NP (NP a victory )NP (PP for (NP the radio )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Barnabas de Bueky )NP , (NP (NP a 55-year-old former Hungarian refugee )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP works (PP in (NP (NP the Munich )NP , (NP West Germany )NP , (NP (NP headquarters )NP (PP as (NP (NP deputy director )NP (PP of (NP the Hungarian service )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP . )SINV 25 32 (SINV `` (S (NP I )NP (VP think (SBAR (S (NP this )NP (VP is (NP (NP a victory )NP (PP for (NP the radio )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Barnabas de Bueky )NP , (NP (NP a 55-year-old former Hungarian refugee )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP works (PP in (NP (NP the Munich )NP , (NP West Germany )NP , (NP (NP headquarters )NP (PP as (NP (NP deputy director )NP (PP of (NP the Hungarian service )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP . )SINV 26 32 (SINV `` (S (NP I )NP (VP think (SBAR (S (NP this )NP (VP is (NP (NP a victory )NP (PP for (NP the radio )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Barnabas de Bueky )NP , (NP (NP a 55-year-old former Hungarian refugee )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP works (PP in (NP (NP the (NP (NP Munich )NP , (NP West Germany )NP , )NP headquarters )NP (PP as (NP (NP deputy director )NP (PP of (NP the Hungarian service )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP . )SINV 27 31 (SINV `` (S (NP I )NP (VP think (SBAR (S (NP this )NP (VP is (NP (NP a victory )NP (PP for (NP the radio )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Barnabas de Bueky )NP , (NP (NP a 55-year-old former Hungarian refugee )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP works (PP in (NP (NP the Munich )NP , (NP West Germany )NP , (NP headquarters )NP )NP )PP (PP as (NP (NP deputy director )NP (PP of (NP the Hungarian service )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP . )SINV 50 20 24 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP the network )NP (VP hopes (S (VP to (VP set (PRT up )PRT (NP (NP offices )NP (PP in (NP (NP Warsaw )NP and (NP (NP anywhere else )NP (PP in (NP the East Bloc )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP will (VP have (NP it )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 23 24 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP the network )NP (VP hopes (S (VP to (VP set (PRT up )PRT (NP (NP offices )NP (PP in (NP (NP Warsaw )NP and (NP (NP anywhere else )NP (PP in (NP the East Bloc )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP will (VP have (NP it )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 21 24 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP the network )NP (VP hopes (S (VP to (VP set (PRT up )PRT (NP (NP (NP offices )NP (PP in (NP Warsaw )NP )PP )NP and (NP (NP anywhere else )NP (PP in (NP the East Bloc )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP will (VP have (NP it )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 20 25 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP the network )NP (VP hopes (S (VP to (VP set (PRT up )PRT (NP (NP (NP (NP offices )NP (PP in (NP Warsaw )NP )PP )NP and (NP (NP anywhere else )NP (PP in (NP the East Bloc )NP )PP )NP )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP will (VP have (NP it )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 19 23 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP the network )NP (VP hopes (S (VP to (VP set (PRT up )PRT (NP (NP (NP offices )NP (PP in (NP Warsaw )NP )PP )NP and (NP (NP anywhere else )NP (PP in (NP the East Bloc )NP )PP )NP )NP (SBAR that (S (VP will (VP have (NP it )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 20 24 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP the network )NP (VP hopes (S (VP to (VP set (PRT up )PRT (NP (NP (NP offices )NP (PP in (NP Warsaw )NP )PP )NP and (NP (NP anywhere else )NP (PP in (NP the East Bloc )NP )PP )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP will (VP have (NP it )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 19 23 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP the network )NP (VP hopes (S (VP to (VP set (PRT up )PRT (NP (NP offices )NP (PP in (NP (NP Warsaw )NP and (NP (NP anywhere else )NP (PP in (NP the East Bloc )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP (SBAR that (S (VP will (VP have (NP it )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 23 23 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP the network )NP (VP hopes (S (VP to (VP set (PRT up )PRT (NP offices )NP (PP in (NP (NP Warsaw )NP and (NP (NP anywhere else )NP (PP in (NP the East Bloc )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP will (VP have (NP it )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 22 23 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP the network )NP (VP hopes (S (VP to (VP set (PRT up )PRT (NP (NP offices )NP (PP in (NP (NP Warsaw )NP and (NP (NP anywhere else )NP (PP in (NP the East Bloc )NP )PP (SBAR that (S (VP will (VP have (NP it )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 20 23 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP the network )NP (VP hopes (S (VP to (VP set (PRT up )PRT (NP (NP (NP offices )NP (PP in (NP Warsaw )NP )PP )NP and (NP (NP anywhere else )NP (PP in (NP the East Bloc )NP )PP (SBAR that (S (VP will (VP have (NP it )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 15 24 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP the network )NP (VP hopes (S (VP to (VP set (PRT up )PRT (NP (NP (NP offices )NP (PP in (NP Warsaw )NP )PP )NP and (NP (NP anywhere else )NP (PP in (NP the East Bloc )NP )PP )NP )NP )VP )VP )S (SBAR (S (NP that )NP (VP will (VP have (NP it )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 23 25 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP the network )NP (VP hopes (S (VP to (VP set (PRT up )PRT (NP (NP offices )NP (PP in (NP (NP Warsaw )NP and (NP (NP (NP anywhere else )NP (PP in (NP the East Bloc )NP )PP )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP will (VP have (NP it )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 21 25 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP the network )NP (VP hopes (S (VP to (VP set (PRT up )PRT (NP (NP (NP offices )NP (PP in (NP Warsaw )NP )PP )NP and (NP (NP (NP anywhere else )NP (PP in (NP the East Bloc )NP )PP )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP will (VP have (NP it )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 20 24 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP the network )NP (VP hopes (S (VP to (VP set (PRT up )PRT (NP (NP (NP offices )NP (PP in (NP Warsaw )NP )PP )NP and (NP (NP anywhere else )NP (PP in (NP the East Bloc )NP )PP )NP )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP will (VP have (NP it )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 15 24 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP the network )NP (VP hopes (S (VP to (VP set (PRT up )PRT (NP (NP offices )NP (PP in (NP (NP Warsaw )NP and (NP (NP anywhere else )NP (PP in (NP the East Bloc )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S (SBAR (S (NP that )NP (VP will (VP have (NP it )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 15 24 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP the network )NP (VP hopes (S (VP to (VP set (PRT up )PRT (NP (NP (NP offices )NP (PP in (NP Warsaw )NP )PP )NP and (NP (NP anywhere else )NP (PP in (NP the East Bloc )NP )PP )NP )NP )VP )VP )S (SBAR (S (NP that )NP (VP will (VP have (NP it )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 20 24 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP the network )NP (VP hopes (S (VP to (VP set (PRT up )PRT (NP (NP offices )NP (PP in (NP (NP Warsaw )NP and (NP (NP anywhere else )NP (PP in (NP the East Bloc )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP will (VP have (NP it )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 20 25 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP the network )NP (VP hopes (S (VP to (VP set (PRT up )PRT (NP (NP (NP offices )NP (PP in (NP (NP Warsaw )NP and (NP (NP anywhere else )NP (PP in (NP the East Bloc )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP will (VP have (NP it )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 14 24 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP the network )NP (VP hopes (S (VP to (VP (VP set (PRT up )PRT (NP (NP offices )NP (PP in (NP Warsaw )NP )PP )NP )VP and (VP (ADVP anywhere else )ADVP (PP in (NP the East Bloc )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S (SBAR (S (NP that )NP (VP will (VP have (NP it )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 18 23 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP the network )NP (VP hopes (S (VP to (VP (VP set (PRT up )PRT (NP (NP offices )NP (PP in (NP Warsaw )NP )PP )NP )VP and (VP (ADVP anywhere else )ADVP (PP in (NP the East Bloc )NP )PP (SBAR that (S (VP will (VP have (NP it )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 15 24 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP the network )NP (VP hopes (S (VP to (VP set (PRT up )PRT (NP (NP offices )NP (PP in (NP (NP Warsaw )NP and (NP (NP anywhere else )NP (PP in (NP the East Bloc )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S (SBAR (S (NP that )NP (VP will (VP have (NP it )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 22 22 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP the network )NP (VP hopes (S (VP to (VP set (PRT up )PRT (NP offices )NP (PP in (NP (NP Warsaw )NP and (NP (NP anywhere else )NP (PP in (NP the East Bloc )NP )PP (SBAR that (S (VP will (VP have (NP it )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 16 23 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP the network )NP (VP hopes (S (VP to (VP set (PRT up )PRT (NP (NP (NP offices )NP (PP in (NP Warsaw )NP )PP )NP and (NP (NP anywhere else )NP (PP in (NP the East Bloc )NP )PP )NP )NP )VP )VP )S (SBAR that (S (VP will (VP have (NP it )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 19 24 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP the network )NP (VP hopes (S (VP to (VP (VP set (PRT up )PRT (NP (NP offices )NP (PP in (NP Warsaw )NP )PP )NP )VP and (VP (ADVP anywhere else )ADVP (PP in (NP the East Bloc )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP will (VP have (NP it )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 19 22 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP the network )NP (VP hopes (S (VP to (VP set (PRT up )PRT (NP offices )NP (PP in (NP (NP Warsaw )NP and (NP (NP anywhere else )NP (PP in (NP the East Bloc )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP (SBAR that (S (VP will (VP have (NP it )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 15 23 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP the network )NP (VP hopes (S (VP to (VP set (PRT up )PRT (NP offices )NP (PP in (NP (NP Warsaw )NP and (NP (NP anywhere else )NP (PP in (NP the East Bloc )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S (SBAR (S (NP that )NP (VP will (VP have (NP it )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 23 24 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP the network )NP (VP hopes (S (VP to (VP set (PRT up )PRT (NP offices )NP (PP in (NP (NP Warsaw )NP and (NP (NP (NP anywhere else )NP (PP in (NP the East Bloc )NP )PP )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP will (VP have (NP it )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 16 23 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP the network )NP (VP hopes (S (VP to (VP set (PRT up )PRT (NP (NP offices )NP (PP in (NP (NP Warsaw )NP and (NP (NP anywhere else )NP (PP in (NP the East Bloc )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S (SBAR that (S (VP will (VP have (NP it )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 14 24 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP the network )NP (VP hopes (S (VP to (VP (VP set (PRT up )PRT (NP (NP offices )NP (PP in (NP Warsaw )NP )PP )NP )VP and (VP (ADVP anywhere else )ADVP (PP in (NP the East Bloc )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S (SBAR (S (NP that )NP (VP will (VP have (NP it )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 20 23 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP the network )NP (VP hopes (S (VP to (VP set (PRT up )PRT (NP offices )NP (PP in (NP (NP Warsaw )NP and (NP (NP anywhere else )NP (PP in (NP the East Bloc )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP will (VP have (NP it )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 19 23 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP the network )NP (VP hopes (S (VP to (VP set (PRT up )PRT (NP (NP offices )NP (PP in (NP (NP Warsaw )NP and (NP (NP anywhere else )NP (PP in (NP the East Bloc )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP (SBAR that (S (VP will (VP have (NP it )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 20 24 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP the network )NP (VP hopes (S (VP to (VP set (PRT up )PRT (NP (NP (NP (NP offices )NP (PP in (NP Warsaw )NP )PP )NP and (NP anywhere else )NP )NP (PP in (NP the East Bloc )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP will (VP have (NP it )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 19 23 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP the network )NP (VP hopes (S (VP to (VP set (PRT up )PRT (NP (NP offices )NP (PP (PP in (NP Warsaw )NP )PP and (ADVP anywhere else )ADVP (PP in (NP the East Bloc )NP )PP )PP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP will (VP have (NP it )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 18 24 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP the network )NP (VP hopes (S (VP to (VP set (PRT up )PRT (NP (NP (NP offices )NP (PP in (NP Warsaw )NP )PP )NP and (NP (NP anywhere else )NP (PP in (NP the East Bloc )NP )PP )NP )NP (SBAR (S (NP that )NP (VP will (VP have (NP it )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 18 23 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP the network )NP (VP hopes (S (VP to (VP set (PRT up )PRT (NP (NP offices )NP (PP (PP in (NP Warsaw )NP )PP and (PP (ADVP anywhere else )ADVP in (NP the East Bloc )NP )PP )PP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP will (VP have (NP it )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 17 24 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP the network )NP (VP hopes (S (VP to (VP (VP set (PRT up )PRT (NP (NP offices )NP (PP in (NP Warsaw )NP )PP )NP )VP and (VP (ADVP anywhere else )ADVP (PP in (NP the East Bloc )NP )PP (SBAR (S (NP that )NP (VP will (VP have (NP it )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 19 24 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP the network )NP (VP hopes (S (VP to (VP (VP set (PRT up )PRT (NP (NP offices )NP (PP in (NP Warsaw )NP )PP )NP )VP and (VP (ADVP anywhere else )ADVP (PP in (NP the East Bloc )NP )PP )VP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP will (VP have (NP it )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 14 23 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP the network )NP (VP hopes (S (VP to (VP (VP set (PRT up )PRT (NP offices )NP (PP in (NP Warsaw )NP )PP )VP and (VP (ADVP anywhere else )ADVP (PP in (NP the East Bloc )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S (SBAR (S (NP that )NP (VP will (VP have (NP it )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 18 22 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP the network )NP (VP hopes (S (VP to (VP (VP set (PRT up )PRT (NP offices )NP (PP in (NP Warsaw )NP )PP )VP and (VP (ADVP anywhere else )ADVP (PP in (NP the East Bloc )NP )PP (SBAR that (S (VP will (VP have (NP it )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 18 23 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP the network )NP (VP hopes (S (VP to (VP (VP set (PRT up )PRT (NP (NP offices )NP (PP in (NP Warsaw )NP )PP )NP )VP and (VP (ADVP anywhere else )ADVP (PP in (NP the East Bloc )NP )PP )VP (SBAR that (S (VP will (VP have (NP it )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 15 23 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP the network )NP (VP hopes (S (VP to (VP set (PRT up )PRT (NP offices )NP (PP in (NP (NP Warsaw )NP and (NP (NP anywhere else )NP (PP in (NP the East Bloc )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S (SBAR (S (NP that )NP (VP will (VP have (NP it )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 15 23 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP the network )NP (VP hopes (S (VP to (VP (VP set (PRT up )PRT (NP (NP offices )NP (PP in (NP Warsaw )NP )PP )NP )VP and (VP (ADVP anywhere else )ADVP (PP in (NP the East Bloc )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S (SBAR that (S (VP will (VP have (NP it )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 22 24 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP the network )NP (VP hopes (S (VP to (VP set (PRT up )PRT (NP (NP offices )NP (PP in (NP (NP Warsaw )NP and (NP (NP (NP anywhere else )NP (PP in (NP the East Bloc )NP )PP )NP (SBAR that (S (VP will (VP have (NP it )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 19 22 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP the network )NP (VP hopes (S (VP to (VP set (PRT up )PRT (NP (NP (NP offices )NP (PP in (NP Warsaw )NP )PP )NP and (NP anywhere else )NP )NP (PP in (NP the East Bloc )NP )PP (SBAR that (S (VP will (VP have (NP it )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 20 24 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP the network )NP (VP hopes (S (VP to (VP set (PRT up )PRT (NP (NP (NP offices )NP (PP in (NP Warsaw )NP )PP )NP and (NP (NP (NP anywhere else )NP (PP in (NP the East Bloc )NP )PP )NP (SBAR that (S (VP will (VP have (NP it )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 18 24 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP the network )NP (VP hopes (S (VP to (VP set (PRT up )PRT (NP (NP offices )NP (PP in (NP (NP Warsaw )NP and (NP (NP anywhere else )NP (PP in (NP the East Bloc )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP (SBAR (S (NP that )NP (VP will (VP have (NP it )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 15 23 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP the network )NP (VP hopes (S (VP to (VP set (PRT up )PRT (NP (NP (NP offices )NP (PP in (NP Warsaw )NP )PP )NP and (NP anywhere else )NP )NP (PP in (NP the East Bloc )NP )PP )VP )VP )S (SBAR (S (NP that )NP (VP will (VP have (NP it )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 22 25 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP the network )NP (VP hopes (S (VP to (VP set (PRT up )PRT (NP (NP offices )NP (PP in (NP (NP Warsaw )NP and (NP (NP anywhere else )NP (PP in (NP (NP the East Bloc )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP will (VP have (NP it )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 21 24 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP the network )NP (VP hopes (S (VP to (VP set (PRT up )PRT (NP (NP offices )NP (PP in (NP (NP Warsaw )NP and (NP (NP anywhere else )NP (PP in (NP the East Bloc )NP )PP (SBAR (S (NP that )NP (VP will (VP have (NP it )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 19 23 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP the network )NP (VP hopes (S (VP to (VP (VP set (PRT up )PRT (NP offices )NP (PP in (NP Warsaw )NP )PP )VP and (VP (ADVP anywhere else )ADVP (PP in (NP the East Bloc )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP will (VP have (NP it )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 50 15 18 (S But (NP (NP (NP the rapid changes )NP (VP brought (PRT on )PRT (PP by (NP glasnost )NP )PP )VP )NP and (NP open borders )NP )NP (VP are (VP altering (NP (NP the network 's )NP life )NP (PP in (NP (NP more ways )NP (PP than (NP one )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 15 18 (S But (NP (NP (NP the rapid changes )NP (VP brought (PRT on )PRT (PP by (NP glasnost )NP )PP )VP )NP and (NP open borders )NP )NP (VP are (VP altering (NP (NP the network 's )NP life )NP (PP in (NP (NP more ways )NP (PP than (NP one )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 18 18 (S But (NP (NP the rapid changes )NP (VP brought (PRT on )PRT (PP by (NP (NP glasnost )NP and (NP open borders )NP )NP )PP )VP )NP (VP are (VP altering (NP (NP the network 's )NP life )NP (PP in (NP (NP more ways )NP (PP than (NP one )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 16 16 (S But (NP (NP the rapid changes )NP (VP brought (PRT on )PRT (PP by (NP glasnost and open borders )NP )PP )VP )NP (VP are (VP altering (NP (NP the network 's )NP life )NP (PP in (NP (NP more ways )NP (PP than (NP one )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 16 17 (S But (NP (NP the rapid changes )NP (VP brought (PRT on )PRT (PP by (NP (UCP glasnost and open )UCP borders )NP )PP )VP )NP (VP are (VP altering (NP (NP the network 's )NP life )NP (PP in (NP (NP more ways )NP (PP than (NP one )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 16 17 (S But (NP (NP the rapid changes )NP (VP brought (PRT on )PRT (PP by (NP (ADJP glasnost and open )ADJP borders )NP )PP )VP )NP (VP are (VP altering (NP (NP the network 's )NP life )NP (PP in (NP (NP more ways )NP (PP than (NP one )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 15 18 (S But (NP (NP (NP the rapid changes )NP (VP brought (PRT on )PRT (PP by (NP glasnost )NP )PP )VP )NP and (NP open borders )NP )NP (VP are (VP altering (NP (NP the network 's )NP life )NP (PP in (NP (NP more ways )NP (PP than (NP one )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 15 18 (S But (NP (NP (NP the rapid changes )NP (VP brought (PRT on )PRT (PP by (NP glasnost )NP )PP )VP )NP and (NP open borders )NP )NP (VP are (VP altering (NP (NP the network 's )NP life )NP (PP in (NP (NP more ways )NP (PP than (NP one )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 18 18 (S But (NP (NP the rapid changes )NP (VP brought (PRT on )PRT (PP by (NP (NP glasnost )NP and (NP open borders )NP )NP )PP )VP )NP (VP are (VP altering (NP (NP the network 's )NP life )NP (PP in (NP (NP more ways )NP (PP than (NP one )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 15 18 (S But (NP (NP (NP the rapid changes )NP (VP brought (PRT on )PRT (PP by (NP glasnost )NP )PP )VP )NP and (NP open borders )NP )NP (VP are (VP altering (NP (NP the network 's )NP life )NP (PP in (NP (NP more ways )NP (PP than (NP one )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 15 18 (S But (NP (NP (NP the rapid changes )NP (VP brought (PRT on )PRT (PP by (NP glasnost )NP )PP )VP )NP and (NP open borders )NP )NP (VP are (VP altering (NP (NP the network 's )NP life )NP (PP in (NP (NP more ways )NP (PP than (NP one )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 18 18 (S But (NP (NP the rapid changes )NP (VP brought (PRT on )PRT (PP by (NP (NP glasnost )NP and (NP open borders )NP )NP )PP )VP )NP (VP are (VP altering (NP (NP the network 's )NP life )NP (PP in (NP (NP more ways )NP (PP than (NP one )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 16 16 (S But (NP (NP the rapid changes )NP (VP brought (PRT on )PRT (PP by (NP glasnost and open borders )NP )PP )VP )NP (VP are (VP altering (NP (NP the network 's )NP life )NP (PP in (NP (NP more ways )NP (PP than (NP one )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 16 17 (S But (NP (NP the rapid changes )NP (VP brought (PRT on )PRT (PP by (NP (UCP glasnost and open )UCP borders )NP )PP )VP )NP (VP are (VP altering (NP (NP the network 's )NP life )NP (PP in (NP (NP more ways )NP (PP than (NP one )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 18 18 (S But (NP (NP the rapid changes )NP (VP brought (PRT on )PRT (PP by (NP (NP glasnost )NP and (NP open borders )NP )NP )PP )VP )NP (VP are (VP altering (NP (NP the network 's )NP life )NP (PP in (NP (NP more ways )NP (PP than (NP one )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 16 16 (S But (NP (NP the rapid changes )NP (VP brought (PRT on )PRT (PP by (NP glasnost and open borders )NP )PP )VP )NP (VP are (VP altering (NP (NP the network 's )NP life )NP (PP in (NP (NP more ways )NP (PP than (NP one )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 16 17 (S But (NP (NP the rapid changes )NP (VP brought (PRT on )PRT (PP by (NP (UCP glasnost and open )UCP borders )NP )PP )VP )NP (VP are (VP altering (NP (NP the network 's )NP life )NP (PP in (NP (NP more ways )NP (PP than (NP one )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 14 17 (S But (NP (NP (NP the rapid changes )NP (VP brought (PRT on )PRT (PP by (NP glasnost )NP )PP )VP )NP and (NP open borders )NP )NP (VP are (VP altering (NP (NP the network 's )NP life )NP (PP in (NP (NP more ways )NP (PP than one )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 16 16 (S But (NP (NP the rapid changes )NP (VP brought (PRT on )PRT (PP by (NP glasnost and open borders )NP )PP )VP )NP (VP are (VP altering (NP (NP the network 's )NP life )NP (PP in (NP (NP more ways )NP (PP than (NP one )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 16 17 (S But (NP (NP the rapid changes )NP (VP brought (PRT on )PRT (PP by (NP (ADJP glasnost and open )ADJP borders )NP )PP )VP )NP (VP are (VP altering (NP (NP the network 's )NP life )NP (PP in (NP (NP more ways )NP (PP than (NP one )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 14 17 (S But (NP (NP (NP the rapid changes )NP (VP brought (PRT on )PRT (PP by (NP glasnost )NP )PP )VP )NP and (NP open borders )NP )NP (VP are (VP altering (NP (NP the network 's )NP life )NP (PP in (NP (NP more ways )NP (PP than one )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 15 19 (S But (NP (NP (NP the rapid changes )NP (VP brought (PRT on )PRT (PP by (NP glasnost )NP )PP )VP )NP and (NP open borders )NP )NP (VP are (VP altering (NP (NP (NP the network 's )NP life )NP (PP in (NP (NP more ways )NP (PP than (NP one )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP . )S 15 19 (S But (NP (NP (NP the rapid changes )NP (VP brought (PRT on )PRT (PP by (NP glasnost )NP )PP )VP )NP and (NP open borders )NP )NP (VP are (VP altering (NP (NP (NP the network 's )NP life )NP (PP in (NP (NP more ways )NP (PP than (NP one )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP . )S 16 17 (S But (NP (NP the rapid changes )NP (VP brought (PRT on )PRT (PP by (NP (ADJP glasnost and open )ADJP borders )NP )PP )VP )NP (VP are (VP altering (NP (NP the network 's )NP life )NP (PP in (NP (NP more ways )NP (PP than (NP one )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 18 18 (S But (NP (NP the rapid changes )NP (VP brought (PRT on )PRT (PP by (NP (NP glasnost )NP and (NP open borders )NP )NP )PP )VP )NP (VP are (VP altering (NP (NP the network 's )NP life )NP (PP in (NP (NP more ways )NP (PP than (NP one )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 17 17 (S But (NP (NP the rapid changes )NP (VP brought (PRT on )PRT (PP by (NP (NP glasnost )NP and (NP open borders )NP )NP )PP )VP )NP (VP are (VP altering (NP (NP the network 's )NP life )NP (PP in (NP (NP more ways )NP (PP than one )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 15 15 (S But (NP (NP the rapid changes )NP (VP brought (PRT on )PRT (PP by (NP glasnost and open borders )NP )PP )VP )NP (VP are (VP altering (NP (NP the network 's )NP life )NP (PP in (NP (NP more ways )NP (PP than one )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 15 16 (S But (NP (NP the rapid changes )NP (VP brought (PRT on )PRT (PP by (NP (UCP glasnost and open )UCP borders )NP )PP )VP )NP (VP are (VP altering (NP (NP the network 's )NP life )NP (PP in (NP (NP more ways )NP (PP than one )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 15 19 (S But (NP (NP (NP the rapid changes )NP (VP brought (PRT on )PRT (PP by (NP glasnost )NP )PP )VP )NP and (NP open borders )NP )NP (VP are (S (VP altering (NP (NP the network 's )NP life )NP (PP in (NP (NP more ways )NP (PP than (NP one )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )VP . )S 15 18 (S But (NP (NP (NP the rapid changes )NP (VP brought (PRT on )PRT (PP by (NP glasnost )NP )PP )VP )NP and (NP open borders )NP )NP (VP are (VP altering (NP (NP the network 's )NP life )NP (PP in (NP (NP more ways )NP (PP than (NP one )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 18 18 (S But (NP (NP the rapid changes )NP (VP brought (PRT on )PRT (PP by (NP (NP glasnost )NP and (NP open borders )NP )NP )PP )VP )NP (VP are (VP altering (NP (NP the network 's )NP life )NP (PP in (NP (NP more ways )NP (PP than (NP one )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 15 19 (S But (NP (NP (NP the rapid changes )NP (VP brought (PRT on )PRT (PP by (NP glasnost )NP )PP )VP )NP and (NP open borders )NP )NP (VP are (S (VP altering (NP (NP the network 's )NP life )NP (PP in (NP (NP more ways )NP (PP than (NP one )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )VP . )S 16 16 (S But (NP (NP the rapid changes )NP (VP brought (PRT on )PRT (PP by (NP glasnost and open borders )NP )PP )VP )NP (VP are (VP altering (NP (NP the network 's )NP life )NP (PP in (NP (NP more ways )NP (PP than (NP one )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 15 18 (S But (NP (NP (NP the rapid changes )NP (VP brought (PRT on )PRT (PP by (NP glasnost )NP )PP )VP )NP and (NP open borders )NP )NP (VP are (VP altering (NP (NP the network 's )NP life )NP (PP in (NP (NP more ways )NP (PP than (NP one )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 18 19 (S But (NP (NP the rapid changes )NP (VP brought (PRT on )PRT (PP by (NP (NP glasnost )NP and (NP open borders )NP )NP )PP )VP )NP (VP are (VP altering (NP (NP (NP the network 's )NP life )NP (PP in (NP (NP more ways )NP (PP than (NP one )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP . )S 16 17 (S But (NP (NP the rapid changes )NP (VP brought (PRT on )PRT (PP by (NP glasnost and open borders )NP )PP )VP )NP (VP are (VP altering (NP (NP (NP the network 's )NP life )NP (PP in (NP (NP more ways )NP (PP than (NP one )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP . )S 16 18 (S But (NP (NP the rapid changes )NP (VP brought (PRT on )PRT (PP by (NP (UCP glasnost and open )UCP borders )NP )PP )VP )NP (VP are (VP altering (NP (NP (NP the network 's )NP life )NP (PP in (NP (NP more ways )NP (PP than (NP one )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP . )S 15 19 (S But (NP (NP (NP the rapid changes )NP (VP brought (PRT on )PRT (PP by (NP glasnost )NP )PP )VP )NP and (NP (ADJP open )ADJP borders )NP )NP (VP are (VP altering (NP (NP the network 's )NP life )NP (PP in (NP (NP more ways )NP (PP than (NP one )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 15 19 (S But (NP (NP (NP the rapid changes )NP (VP brought (PRT on )PRT (PP by (NP glasnost )NP )PP )VP )NP and (NP (ADJP open )ADJP borders )NP )NP (VP are (VP altering (NP (NP the network 's )NP life )NP (PP in (NP (NP more ways )NP (PP than (NP one )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 18 18 (S But (NP (NP the rapid changes )NP (VP brought (PRT on )PRT (PP by (NP (NP glasnost )NP and (NP open borders )NP )NP )PP )VP )NP (VP are (VP altering (NP (NP the network 's )NP life )NP (PP in (NP (NP more ways )NP (PP than (NP one )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 16 16 (S But (NP (NP the rapid changes )NP (VP brought (PRT on )PRT (PP by (NP glasnost and open borders )NP )PP )VP )NP (VP are (VP altering (NP (NP the network 's )NP life )NP (PP in (NP (NP more ways )NP (PP than (NP one )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 16 17 (S But (NP (NP the rapid changes )NP (VP brought (PRT on )PRT (PP by (NP (UCP glasnost and open )UCP borders )NP )PP )VP )NP (VP are (VP altering (NP (NP the network 's )NP life )NP (PP in (NP (NP more ways )NP (PP than (NP one )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 18 19 (S But (NP (NP the rapid changes )NP (VP brought (PRT on )PRT (PP by (NP (NP glasnost )NP and (NP open borders )NP )NP )PP )VP )NP (VP are (S (VP altering (NP (NP the network 's )NP life )NP (PP in (NP (NP more ways )NP (PP than (NP one )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )VP . )S 15 16 (S But (NP (NP the rapid changes )NP (VP brought (PRT on )PRT (PP by (NP (ADJP glasnost and open )ADJP borders )NP )PP )VP )NP (VP are (VP altering (NP (NP the network 's )NP life )NP (PP in (NP (NP more ways )NP (PP than one )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 16 17 (S But (NP (NP the rapid changes )NP (VP brought (PRT on )PRT (PP by (NP glasnost and open borders )NP )PP )VP )NP (VP are (S (VP altering (NP (NP the network 's )NP life )NP (PP in (NP (NP more ways )NP (PP than (NP one )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )VP . )S 16 18 (S But (NP (NP the rapid changes )NP (VP brought (PRT on )PRT (PP by (NP (UCP glasnost and open )UCP borders )NP )PP )VP )NP (VP are (S (VP altering (NP (NP the network 's )NP life )NP (PP in (NP (NP more ways )NP (PP than (NP one )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )VP . )S 16 16 (S But (NP (NP the rapid changes )NP (VP brought (PRT on )PRT (PP by (NP glasnost and open borders )NP )PP )VP )NP (VP are (VP altering (NP (NP the network 's )NP life )NP (PP in (NP (NP more ways )NP (PP than (NP one )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 15 18 (S But (NP (NP (NP the rapid changes )NP (VP brought (PRT on )PRT (PP by (NP glasnost )NP )PP )VP )NP and (NP open borders )NP )NP (VP are (VP altering (NP (NP the network 's )NP life )NP (PP in (NP (NP more ways )NP (PP than (NP one )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 16 18 (S But (NP (NP the rapid changes )NP (VP brought (PRT on )PRT (PP by (NP (ADJP glasnost and open )ADJP borders )NP )PP )VP )NP (VP are (VP altering (NP (NP (NP the network 's )NP life )NP (PP in (NP (NP more ways )NP (PP than (NP one )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP . )S 15 18 (S But (NP (NP (NP the rapid changes )NP (VP brought (PRT on )PRT (PP by (NP glasnost )NP )PP )VP )NP and (NP open borders )NP )NP (VP are (VP altering (NP (NP the network 's )NP life )NP (PP in (NP (NP more ways )NP (PP than (NP one )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 50 13 13 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP is (PP in (NP (NP danger )NP (PP of (S (VP suffering (PP from (NP its success )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 11 12 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP is (PP in (NP danger )NP )PP (PP of (S (VP suffering (PP from (NP its success )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )VP . )S 11 13 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP is (PP in (NP (NP danger )NP (PP of (NP (NP suffering )NP (PP from (NP its success )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 13 14 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP is (VP (PP in (NP (NP danger )NP (PP of (S (VP suffering (PP from (NP its success )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 12 13 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP is (ADVP in )ADVP (NP (NP danger )NP (PP of (S (VP suffering (PP from (NP its success )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )NP )VP . )S 10 12 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP is (PP in (NP (NP danger )NP (PP of (NP suffering )NP )PP (PP from (NP its success )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 11 13 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP is (PP in (NP (NP danger )NP (PP of (NP (NP suffering )NP (PP from (NP its success )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 13 14 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP is (PP in (NP (NP danger )NP (PP of (S (VP suffering (PP from (S (NP its success )NP )S )PP )VP )S )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 12 13 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP is (ADVP in )ADVP (NP (NP danger )NP (PP of (S (VP suffering (PP from (NP its success )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )NP )VP . )S 10 12 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP is (PP in (NP (NP danger )NP (PP of (NP suffering )NP )PP (PP from (NP its success )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 13 13 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP is (PP in (NP (NP danger )NP (PP of (S (VP suffering (PP from (NP its success )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 12 13 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP is (ADVP in )ADVP (NP (NP danger )NP (PP of (S (VP suffering (PP from (NP its success )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )NP )VP . )S 8 12 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP is (PP in (NP (NP danger )NP (PP of (NP suffering )NP )PP )NP )PP (PP from (NP its success )NP )PP )VP . )S 12 12 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP is (PP in (NP danger )NP (PP of (S (VP suffering (PP from (NP its success )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )PP )VP . )S 13 14 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP is (PP in (NP (NP danger )NP (PP of (SBAR (S (VP suffering (PP from (NP its success )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 8 12 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP is (PP in (NP (NP danger )NP (PP of (NP suffering )NP )PP )NP )PP (PP from (NP its success )NP )PP )VP . )S 12 12 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP is (PP in (NP (NP danger )NP (PP of (VP suffering (PP from (NP its success )NP )PP )VP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 12 13 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP is (VP in (NP (NP danger )NP (PP of (S (VP suffering (PP from (NP its success )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )NP )VP )VP . )S 11 12 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP is (PP in (NP (NP danger )NP (PP of )PP (VP suffering (PP from (NP its success )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )VP . )S 12 13 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP is (PP (PP in (NP danger )NP )PP (PP of (S (VP suffering (PP from (NP its success )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )PP )VP . )S 10 12 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP is (NP (NP in danger )NP (PP of (S (VP suffering (PP from (NP its success )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )NP )VP . )S 10 13 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP is (PP in (NP (NP danger )NP (PP of (S (VP suffering )VP )S )PP (PP from (NP its success )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 10 12 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP is (NP (NP in danger )NP (PP of (S (VP suffering (PP from (NP its success )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )NP )VP . )S 10 13 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP is (PP in (NP (NP (NP danger )NP (PP of (NP suffering )NP )PP )NP (PP from (NP its success )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 11 13 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP is (VP (PP in (NP danger )NP )PP (PP of (S (VP suffering (PP from (NP its success )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )VP )VP . )S 13 15 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP (NP Radio )NP (NP Free Europe )NP )NP (VP is (PP in (NP (NP danger )NP (PP of (S (VP suffering (PP from (NP its success )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 10 13 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP is (NP (NP (QP in danger )QP )NP (PP of (S (VP suffering (PP from (NP its success )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )NP )VP . )S 13 14 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP is (PP in (NP (NP danger )NP (PP of (S (VP suffering (PP from (NP its (NX success )NX )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 10 13 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP is (PP in (S (NP (NP danger )NP (PP of )PP )NP (VP suffering (PP from (NP its success )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )VP . )S 10 13 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP is (PP in (NP (NP (NP danger )NP (PP of (NP suffering )NP )PP )NP (PP from (NP its success )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 12 12 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP is in (NP (NP danger )NP (PP of (S (VP suffering (PP from (NP its success )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )NP )VP . )S 11 13 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP is (PP in (S (VP danger (PP of (S (VP suffering (PP from (NP its success )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )VP )S )PP )VP . )S 11 12 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP is (PP in (NP (NP danger )NP (PP of (NP suffering (PP from (NP its success )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 11 13 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP is (PP in (NP danger )NP )PP (PP of (S (VP suffering (PP from (S (NP its success )NP )S )PP )VP )S )PP )VP . )S 9 12 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP is (PP in (NP danger )NP )PP (PP of (NP (NP suffering )NP (PP from (NP its success )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 8 13 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP is (PP in (NP (NP danger )NP (PP of (S (VP suffering )VP )S )PP )NP )PP (PP from (NP its success )NP )PP )VP . )S 11 14 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP is (VP (PP in (NP (NP danger )NP (PP of (NP (NP suffering )NP (PP from (NP its success )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 11 12 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP is (PP in (NP danger (SBAR of (S (VP suffering (PP from (NP its success )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 10 13 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP is (ADVP in )ADVP (NP (NP danger )NP (PP of (NP (NP suffering )NP (PP from (NP its success )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 12 14 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP Radio )NP (NP Free Europe )NP (VP is (PP in (NP (NP danger )NP (PP of (S (VP suffering (PP from (NP its success )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 11 12 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP is (PP in (NP danger )NP )PP (PP of (S (VP suffering (PP from (NP its success )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )VP . )S 13 14 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP is (PP in (S (NP (NP danger )NP (PP of (S (VP suffering (PP from (NP its success )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )NP )S )PP )VP . )S 9 12 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP is (PP in (NP (NP danger )NP (PP of (NP suffering )NP )PP )NP (PP from (NP its success )NP )PP )PP )VP . )S 10 13 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP is (ADVP in )ADVP (NP (NP danger )NP (PP of (NP (NP suffering )NP (PP from (NP its success )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 9 12 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP is (PP in (NP (NP danger )NP (PP of (NP suffering )NP )PP )NP (PP from (NP its success )NP )PP )PP )VP . )S 11 12 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP is (PP in (NP (NP danger )NP (PP of (PP suffering (PP from (NP its success )NP )PP )PP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 12 13 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP is (PP in (NP (NP danger )NP (PP of )PP (S (VP suffering (PP from (NP its success )NP )PP )VP )S )NP )PP )VP . )S 8 9 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP is (ADVP in danger of )ADVP (VP suffering (PP from (NP its success )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 11 12 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP is (PP in (NP (NP danger )NP (PP of (NP suffering )NP (PP from (NP its success )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 12 13 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP is (ADJP in (NP (NP danger )NP (PP of (S (VP suffering (PP from (NP its success )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )NP )ADJP )VP . )S 50 11 12 (SINV (SBAR While (S (NP the network )NP (ADVP currently )ADVP (VP can (VP operate (ADVP freely )ADVP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (ADVP so )ADVP can (NP others )NP . )SINV 11 13 (SINV (SBAR While (S (NP the network )NP (ADVP currently )ADVP (VP can (VP operate (ADVP freely )ADVP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (ADVP so )ADVP (VP can )VP (NP others )NP . )SINV 10 12 (SINV (SBAR While (S (NP the network )NP (ADVP currently )ADVP (VP can (VP operate (ADVP freely (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (ADVP so )ADVP can (NP others )NP . )SINV 9 11 (SINV (SBAR While (S (NP the network currently )NP (VP can (VP operate (ADVP freely )ADVP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (ADVP so )ADVP can (NP others )NP . )SINV 10 13 (SINV (SBAR While (S (NP the network )NP (ADVP currently )ADVP (VP can (VP operate (ADVP freely (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (ADVP so )ADVP (VP can )VP (NP others )NP . )SINV 9 12 (SINV (SBAR While (S (NP the network currently )NP (VP can (VP operate (ADVP freely )ADVP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (ADVP so )ADVP (VP can )VP (NP others )NP . )SINV 9 12 (SINV (SBAR While (S (NP the network )NP (ADVP currently )ADVP (VP can (VP operate (ADVP freely )ADVP )VP )VP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )S )SBAR , (ADVP so )ADVP can (NP others )NP . )SINV 11 13 (SINV (SBAR While (S (NP (NP the network )NP (ADVP currently )ADVP )NP (VP can (VP operate (ADVP freely )ADVP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (ADVP so )ADVP can (NP others )NP . )SINV 11 13 (SINV (SBAR While (S (NP the network )NP (ADVP currently )ADVP (VP can (VP operate (ADVP (ADVP freely )ADVP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (ADVP so )ADVP can (NP others )NP . )SINV 9 13 (SINV (SBAR While (S (NP the network )NP (ADVP currently )ADVP (VP can (VP operate (ADVP freely )ADVP )VP )VP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )S )SBAR , (ADVP so )ADVP (VP can )VP (NP others )NP . )SINV 11 14 (SINV (SBAR While (S (NP (NP the network )NP (ADVP currently )ADVP )NP (VP can (VP operate (ADVP freely )ADVP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (ADVP so )ADVP (VP can )VP (NP others )NP . )SINV 11 14 (SINV (SBAR While (S (NP the network )NP (ADVP currently )ADVP (VP can (VP operate (ADVP (ADVP freely )ADVP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (ADVP so )ADVP (VP can )VP (NP others )NP . )SINV 8 11 (SINV (SBAR While (S (NP the network currently )NP (VP can (VP operate (ADVP freely (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (ADVP so )ADVP can (NP others )NP . )SINV 10 12 (SINV (SBAR While (S (NP the network )NP (VP (ADVP currently )ADVP can (VP operate (ADVP freely )ADVP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (ADVP so )ADVP can (NP others )NP . )SINV 8 12 (SINV (SBAR While (S (NP the network currently )NP (VP can (VP operate (ADVP freely (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (ADVP so )ADVP (VP can )VP (NP others )NP . )SINV 10 12 (SINV (SBAR While (S (NP the network )NP (ADVP currently )ADVP (VP can (VP operate (PP (ADVP freely )ADVP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (ADVP so )ADVP can (NP others )NP . )SINV 10 13 (SINV (SBAR While (S (NP the network )NP (VP (ADVP currently )ADVP can (VP operate (ADVP freely )ADVP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (ADVP so )ADVP (VP can )VP (NP others )NP . )SINV 11 12 (SINV (SBAR While (S (NP the network )NP (ADVP currently )ADVP (VP can (VP operate (ADVP freely )ADVP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (ADVP so )ADVP can (NP others )NP . )SINV 10 13 (SINV (SBAR While (S (NP (NP the network )NP (ADVP currently )ADVP )NP (VP can (VP operate (ADVP freely (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (ADVP so )ADVP can (NP others )NP . )SINV 12 13 (S (SBAR While (S (NP the network )NP (ADVP currently )ADVP (VP can (VP operate (ADVP freely )ADVP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (ADVP so )ADVP (VP can (NP others )NP )VP . )S 10 13 (S (SBAR While (S (NP the network )NP (ADVP currently )ADVP (VP can (VP operate (ADVP freely )ADVP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP so )NP (VP can (VP others )VP )VP . )S 10 13 (SINV (SBAR While (S (NP the network )NP (ADVP currently )ADVP (VP can (VP operate (PP (ADVP freely )ADVP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (ADVP so )ADVP (VP can )VP (NP others )NP . )SINV 11 13 (SINV (SBAR While (S (NP the network )NP (ADVP currently )ADVP (VP can (VP operate (ADVP freely )ADVP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (ADVP so )ADVP can (S (NP others )NP )S . )SINV 11 13 (S (SBAR While (S (NP the network )NP (ADVP currently )ADVP (VP can (VP operate (ADVP freely )ADVP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (ADVP so )ADVP (VP can (VP others )VP )VP . )S 10 11 (SINV (SBAR While (S (NP the network )NP currently (VP can (VP operate (ADVP freely )ADVP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (ADVP so )ADVP can (NP others )NP . )SINV 9 12 (SINV (SBAR While (S (NP the network currently )NP (VP can (VP operate (ADVP (ADVP freely )ADVP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (ADVP so )ADVP can (NP others )NP . )SINV 11 13 (SINV (SBAR While (S (NP the network )NP (ADVP currently )ADVP (VP can (VP operate (ADVP freely )ADVP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (ADVP so )ADVP (VP can )VP (NP others )NP . )SINV 10 13 (S (SBAR While (S (NP the network )NP (ADVP currently )ADVP (VP can (VP operate (ADVP freely )ADVP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP so )NP (VP can (VP others )VP )VP . )S 10 14 (SINV (SBAR While (S (NP (NP the network )NP (ADVP currently )ADVP )NP (VP can (VP operate (ADVP freely (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (ADVP so )ADVP (VP can )VP (NP others )NP . )SINV 9 11 (SINV (SBAR While (S (NP the network )NP (ADVP currently )ADVP (VP can (VP operate (PP freely in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (ADVP so )ADVP can (NP others )NP . )SINV 10 13 (S (SBAR While (S (NP the network )NP (ADVP currently )ADVP (VP can (VP operate (ADVP freely )ADVP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (S so (VP can (VP others )VP )VP )S . )S 11 14 (S (SBAR While (S (NP the network )NP (ADVP currently )ADVP (VP can (VP operate (ADVP freely )ADVP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP so )NP (VP can (S (NP others )NP )S )VP . )S 10 12 (SINV (SBAR While (S (NP the network )NP (ADVP currently )ADVP (VP can (VP operate (NP freely )NP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (ADVP so )ADVP can (NP others )NP . )SINV 11 13 (S (SBAR While (S (NP the network )NP (ADVP currently )ADVP (VP can (VP operate (ADVP freely )ADVP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (ADVP so )ADVP (VP can (VP others )VP )VP . )S 9 12 (SINV (SBAR While (S (NP the network )NP (VP (ADVP currently )ADVP can (VP operate (ADVP freely (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (ADVP so )ADVP can (NP others )NP . )SINV 12 14 (S (SBAR While (S (NP the network )NP (ADVP currently )ADVP (VP can (VP operate (ADVP freely )ADVP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (ADVP so )ADVP (VP can (S (NP others )NP )S )VP . )S 10 12 (SINV (SBAR While (S (NP the network )NP currently (VP can (VP operate (ADVP freely )ADVP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (ADVP so )ADVP (VP can )VP (NP others )NP . )SINV 11 13 (SINV (SBAR While (S (NP the network )NP (VP (ADVP currently )ADVP (VP can (VP operate (ADVP freely )ADVP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (ADVP so )ADVP can (NP others )NP . )SINV 9 13 (SINV (SBAR While (S (NP the network currently )NP (VP can (VP operate (ADVP (ADVP freely )ADVP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (ADVP so )ADVP (VP can )VP (NP others )NP . )SINV 10 13 (SINV (SBAR While (S (NP (NP the network )NP (ADJP currently )ADJP )NP (VP can (VP operate (ADVP freely )ADVP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (ADVP so )ADVP can (NP others )NP . )SINV 11 14 (S (SBAR While (S (NP the network )NP (ADVP currently )ADVP (VP can (VP operate (ADVP freely )ADVP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP so )NP (VP can (S (NP others )NP )S )VP . )S 11 14 (S (SBAR While (S (NP the network )NP (ADVP currently )ADVP (VP can (VP operate (ADVP freely )ADVP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP so )NP (VP can (VP (NP others )NP )VP )VP . )S 11 14 (S (SBAR While (S (NP the network )NP (ADVP currently )ADVP (VP can (VP operate (ADVP freely )ADVP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (S so (VP can (S (NP others )NP )S )VP )S . )S 10 13 (SINV (SBAR While (S (NP the network )NP (ADVP currently )ADVP (VP can (VP operate (NP (NP freely )NP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (ADVP so )ADVP can (NP others )NP . )SINV 9 12 (SINV (SBAR While (S (NP the network )NP (ADVP currently )ADVP (VP can (VP operate (PP freely in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (ADVP so )ADVP (VP can )VP (NP others )NP . )SINV 12 14 (S (SBAR While (S (NP the network )NP (ADVP currently )ADVP (VP can (VP operate (ADVP freely )ADVP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (ADVP so )ADVP (VP can (VP (NP others )NP )VP )VP . )S 10 13 (SINV (SBAR While (S (NP the network )NP (ADVP currently )ADVP (VP can (VP operate (NP freely )NP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (ADVP so )ADVP (VP can )VP (NP others )NP . )SINV 11 13 (SINV (SBAR While (S (NP the network )NP (ADVP currently )ADVP (VP can (S (VP operate (ADVP freely )ADVP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR , (ADVP so )ADVP can (NP others )NP . )SINV 11 12 (SINV (SBAR While (S (NP the network )NP (ADVP currently )ADVP (VP can (VP operate (ADVP freely )ADVP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (ADVP so )ADVP can (NP others )NP . )SINV 12 14 (S (SBAR While (S (NP the network )NP (ADVP currently )ADVP (VP can (VP operate (ADVP freely )ADVP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (ADVP so )ADVP (VP can (S (NP others )NP )S )VP . )S 50 20 23 (S (PP In (NP addition )NP )PP , (NP (NP competition )NP (PP for (NP listeners )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP getting (ADJP (ADJP tougher (PP in (NP many ways )NP )PP )ADJP (PP than (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP (NP broadcasting )NP (ADVP here )ADVP )NP (VP was (VP (ADVP strictly )ADVP controlled )VP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 18 22 (S (PP In (NP addition )NP )PP , (NP (NP competition )NP (PP for (NP listeners )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP getting (ADJP (ADJP tougher (PP in (NP many ways )NP )PP )ADJP (PP than (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP (NP broadcasting )NP (ADVP here )ADVP )NP (VP was (ADJP strictly controlled )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 20 22 (S (PP In (NP addition )NP )PP , (NP (NP competition )NP (PP for (NP listeners )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP getting (ADJP tougher (PP in (NP many ways )NP )PP (PP than (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP (NP broadcasting )NP (ADVP here )ADVP )NP (VP was (VP (ADVP strictly )ADVP controlled )VP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 18 21 (S (PP In (NP addition )NP )PP , (NP (NP competition )NP (PP for (NP listeners )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP getting (ADJP tougher (PP in (NP many ways )NP )PP (PP than (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP (NP broadcasting )NP (ADVP here )ADVP )NP (VP was (ADJP strictly controlled )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 19 23 (S (PP In (NP addition )NP )PP , (NP (NP competition )NP (PP for (NP listeners )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP getting (ADJP (ADJP tougher (PP in (NP many ways )NP )PP )ADJP (PP than (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP (NP broadcasting )NP (ADVP here )ADVP )NP (VP was (ADVP strictly )ADVP (VP controlled )VP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 21 24 (S (PP In (NP addition )NP )PP , (NP (NP competition )NP (PP for (NP listeners )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP getting (ADJP (ADJP (ADJP tougher )ADJP (PP in (NP many ways )NP )PP )ADJP (PP than (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP (NP broadcasting )NP (ADVP here )ADVP )NP (VP was (VP (ADVP strictly )ADVP controlled )VP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 20 22 (S (PP In (NP addition )NP )PP , (NP (NP competition )NP (PP for (NP listeners )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP getting (ADJP (ADJP tougher (PP in (NP many ways )NP )PP )ADJP (PP than (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP broadcasting )NP (ADVP here )ADVP (VP was (VP (ADVP strictly )ADVP controlled )VP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 19 23 (S (PP In (NP addition )NP )PP , (NP (NP competition )NP (PP for (NP listeners )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP getting (ADJP (ADJP (ADJP tougher )ADJP (PP in (NP many ways )NP )PP )ADJP (PP than (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP (NP broadcasting )NP (ADVP here )ADVP )NP (VP was (ADJP strictly controlled )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 18 21 (S (PP In (NP addition )NP )PP , (NP (NP competition )NP (PP for (NP listeners )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP getting (ADJP (ADJP tougher (PP in (NP many ways )NP )PP )ADJP (PP than (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP broadcasting )NP (ADVP here )ADVP (VP was (ADJP strictly controlled )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 19 22 (S (PP In (NP addition )NP )PP , (NP (NP competition )NP (PP for (NP listeners )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP getting (ADJP tougher (PP in (NP many ways )NP )PP (PP than (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP (NP broadcasting )NP (ADVP here )ADVP )NP (VP was (ADVP strictly )ADVP (VP controlled )VP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 20 21 (S (PP In (NP addition )NP )PP , (NP (NP competition )NP (PP for (NP listeners )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP getting (ADJP tougher (PP in (NP many ways )NP )PP (PP than (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP broadcasting )NP (ADVP here )ADVP (VP was (VP (ADVP strictly )ADVP controlled )VP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 18 20 (S (PP In (NP addition )NP )PP , (NP (NP competition )NP (PP for (NP listeners )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP getting (ADJP tougher (PP in (NP many ways )NP )PP (PP than (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP broadcasting )NP (ADVP here )ADVP (VP was (ADJP strictly controlled )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 20 23 (S (PP In (NP addition )NP )PP , (NP (NP competition )NP (PP for (NP listeners )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP getting (ADJP (ADJP tougher (PP in (NP many ways )NP )PP )ADJP (PP than (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP (NP broadcasting )NP (ADVP here )ADVP )NP (VP was (VP (ADVP strictly )ADVP controlled )VP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 20 24 (S (PP In (NP addition )NP )PP , (NP (NP competition )NP (PP for (NP listeners )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP getting (ADJP (ADJP (ADJP tougher )ADJP (PP in (NP many ways )NP )PP )ADJP (PP than (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP (NP broadcasting )NP (ADVP here )ADVP )NP (VP was (ADVP strictly )ADVP (VP controlled )VP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 19 21 (S (PP In (NP addition )NP )PP , (NP (NP competition )NP (PP for (NP listeners )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP getting (ADJP (ADJP tougher (PP in (NP many ways )NP )PP )ADJP (PP than (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP broadcasting here )NP (VP was (VP (ADVP strictly )ADVP controlled )VP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 19 22 (S (PP In (NP addition )NP )PP , (NP (NP competition )NP (PP for (NP listeners )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP getting (ADJP (ADJP tougher (PP in (NP many ways )NP )PP )ADJP (PP than (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP broadcasting )NP (ADVP here )ADVP (VP was (ADVP strictly )ADVP (VP controlled )VP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 18 22 (S (PP In (NP addition )NP )PP , (NP (NP competition )NP (PP for (NP listeners )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP getting (ADJP (ADJP tougher (PP in (NP many ways )NP )PP )ADJP (PP than (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP (NP broadcasting )NP (ADVP here )ADVP )NP (VP was (ADJP strictly controlled )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 21 23 (S (PP In (NP addition )NP )PP , (NP (NP competition )NP (PP for (NP listeners )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP getting (ADJP (ADJP (ADJP tougher )ADJP (PP in (NP many ways )NP )PP )ADJP (PP than (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP broadcasting )NP (ADVP here )ADVP (VP was (VP (ADVP strictly )ADVP controlled )VP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 17 20 (S (PP In (NP addition )NP )PP , (NP (NP competition )NP (PP for (NP listeners )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP getting (ADJP (ADJP tougher (PP in (NP many ways )NP )PP )ADJP (PP than (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP broadcasting here )NP (VP was (ADJP strictly controlled )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 20 22 (S (PP In (NP addition )NP )PP , (NP (NP competition )NP (PP for (NP listeners )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP getting (ADJP tougher (PP in (NP many ways )NP )PP (PP than (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP (NP broadcasting )NP (ADVP here )ADVP )NP (VP was (VP (ADVP strictly )ADVP controlled )VP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 19 22 (S (PP In (NP addition )NP )PP , (NP (NP competition )NP (PP for (NP listeners )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP getting (ADJP (ADJP (ADJP tougher )ADJP (PP in (NP many ways )NP )PP )ADJP (PP than (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP broadcasting )NP (ADVP here )ADVP (VP was (ADJP strictly controlled )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 19 20 (S (PP In (NP addition )NP )PP , (NP (NP competition )NP (PP for (NP listeners )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP getting (ADJP tougher (PP in (NP many ways )NP )PP (PP than (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP broadcasting here )NP (VP was (VP (ADVP strictly )ADVP controlled )VP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 19 21 (S (PP In (NP addition )NP )PP , (NP (NP competition )NP (PP for (NP listeners )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP getting (ADJP tougher (PP in (NP many ways )NP )PP (PP than (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP broadcasting )NP (ADVP here )ADVP (VP was (ADVP strictly )ADVP (VP controlled )VP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 18 21 (S (PP In (NP addition )NP )PP , (NP (NP competition )NP (PP for (NP listeners )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP getting (ADJP tougher (PP in (NP many ways )NP )PP (PP than (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP (NP broadcasting )NP (ADVP here )ADVP )NP (VP was (ADJP strictly controlled )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 20 23 (S (PP In (NP addition )NP )PP , (NP (NP competition )NP (PP for (NP listeners )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP getting (ADJP (ADJP tougher (PP in (NP many ways )NP )PP )ADJP (PP than (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP (NP broadcasting )NP (ADVP here )ADVP )NP (VP was (VP (ADVP strictly )ADVP controlled )VP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 17 19 (S (PP In (NP addition )NP )PP , (NP (NP competition )NP (PP for (NP listeners )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP getting (ADJP tougher (PP in (NP many ways )NP )PP (PP than (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP broadcasting here )NP (VP was (ADJP strictly controlled )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 19 23 (S (PP In (NP addition )NP )PP , (NP (NP competition )NP (PP for (NP listeners )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP getting (ADJP (ADJP tougher (PP in (NP many ways )NP )PP )ADJP (PP than (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP (NP broadcasting )NP (ADVP here )ADVP )NP (VP was (ADVP strictly )ADVP (VP controlled )VP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 18 21 (S (PP In (NP addition )NP )PP , (NP (NP competition )NP (PP for (NP listeners )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP getting (ADJP (ADJP tougher (PP in (NP many ways )NP )PP )ADJP (PP than (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP broadcasting here )NP (VP was (ADVP strictly )ADVP (VP controlled )VP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 21 24 (S (PP In (NP addition )NP )PP , (NP (NP competition )NP (PP for (NP listeners )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP getting (ADJP (ADJP (ADJP tougher )ADJP (PP in (NP many ways )NP )PP )ADJP (PP than (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP (NP broadcasting )NP (ADVP here )ADVP )NP (VP was (VP (ADVP strictly )ADVP controlled )VP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 20 22 (S (PP In (NP addition )NP )PP , (NP (NP competition )NP (PP for (NP listeners )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP getting (ADJP (ADJP (ADJP tougher )ADJP (PP in (NP many ways )NP )PP )ADJP (PP than (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP broadcasting here )NP (VP was (VP (ADVP strictly )ADVP controlled )VP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 20 22 (S (PP In (NP addition )NP )PP , (NP (NP competition )NP (PP for (NP listeners )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP getting (ADJP tougher (PP in (NP many ways )NP )PP (PP than (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP (NP broadcasting )NP (ADVP here )ADVP )NP (VP was (VP (ADVP strictly )ADVP controlled )VP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 20 23 (S (PP In (NP addition )NP )PP , (NP (NP competition )NP (PP for (NP listeners )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP getting (ADJP (ADJP (ADJP tougher )ADJP (PP in (NP many ways )NP )PP )ADJP (PP than (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP broadcasting )NP (ADVP here )ADVP (VP was (ADVP strictly )ADVP (VP controlled )VP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 19 23 (S (PP In (NP addition )NP )PP , (NP (NP competition )NP (PP for (NP listeners )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP getting (ADJP (ADJP (ADJP tougher )ADJP (PP in (NP many ways )NP )PP )ADJP (PP than (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP (NP broadcasting )NP (ADVP here )ADVP )NP (VP was (ADJP strictly controlled )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 22 23 (S (PP In (NP addition )NP )PP , (NP (NP competition )NP (PP for (NP listeners )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP getting (ADJP (ADJP tougher (PP in (NP many ways )NP )PP )ADJP (PP than (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (S (VP broadcasting (ADVP here )ADVP )VP )S (VP was (VP (ADVP strictly )ADVP controlled )VP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 20 22 (S (PP In (NP addition )NP )PP , (NP (NP competition )NP (PP for (NP listeners )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP getting (ADJP (ADJP tougher (PP in (NP many ways )NP )PP )ADJP (PP than (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP broadcasting )NP (ADVP here )ADVP (VP was (VP (ADVP strictly )ADVP controlled )VP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 19 22 (S (PP In (NP addition )NP )PP , (NP (NP competition )NP (PP for (NP listeners )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP getting (ADJP tougher (PP in (NP many ways )NP )PP (PP than (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP (NP broadcasting )NP (ADVP here )ADVP )NP (VP was (ADVP strictly )ADVP (VP controlled )VP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 18 21 (S (PP In (NP addition )NP )PP , (NP (NP competition )NP (PP for (NP listeners )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP getting (ADJP (ADJP (ADJP tougher )ADJP (PP in (NP many ways )NP )PP )ADJP (PP than (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP broadcasting here )NP (VP was (ADJP strictly controlled )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 20 22 (S (PP In (NP addition )NP )PP , (NP (NP competition )NP (PP for (NP listeners )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP getting (ADJP (ADJP tougher (PP in (NP many ways )NP )PP )ADJP (PP than (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (S (VP broadcasting (ADVP here )ADVP )VP )S (VP was (ADJP strictly controlled )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 19 23 (S (PP In (NP addition )NP )PP , (NP (NP competition )NP (PP for (NP listeners )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP getting (ADJP (ADJP tougher (PP in (NP many ways )NP )PP )ADJP (PP than (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP (NP broadcasting )NP (ADVP here )ADVP )NP (VP was (ADVP strictly )ADVP (ADJP controlled )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 18 20 (S (PP In (NP addition )NP )PP , (NP (NP competition )NP (PP for (NP listeners )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP getting (ADJP tougher (PP in (NP many ways )NP )PP (PP than (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP broadcasting here )NP (VP was (ADVP strictly )ADVP (VP controlled )VP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 18 21 (S (PP In (NP addition )NP )PP , (NP (NP competition )NP (PP for (NP listeners )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP getting (ADJP (ADJP tougher (PP in (NP many ways )NP )PP )ADJP (PP than (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP broadcasting )NP (ADVP here )ADVP (VP was (ADJP strictly controlled )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 21 23 (S (PP In (NP addition )NP )PP , (NP (NP competition )NP (PP for (NP listeners )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP getting (ADJP (ADJP tougher )ADJP (PP in (NP many ways )NP )PP (PP than (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP (NP broadcasting )NP (ADVP here )ADVP )NP (VP was (VP (ADVP strictly )ADVP controlled )VP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 22 22 (S (PP In (NP addition )NP )PP , (NP (NP competition )NP (PP for (NP listeners )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP getting (ADJP tougher (PP in (NP many ways )NP )PP (PP than (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (S (VP broadcasting (ADVP here )ADVP )VP )S (VP was (VP (ADVP strictly )ADVP controlled )VP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 21 24 (S (PP In (NP addition )NP )PP , (NP (NP competition )NP (PP for (NP listeners )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP getting (ADJP (ADJP (ADJP tougher )ADJP (PP in (NP many ways )NP )PP )ADJP (PP than (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP (NP broadcasting )NP (ADVP here )ADVP )NP (VP was (VP (ADVP strictly )ADVP controlled )VP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 19 22 (S (PP In (NP addition )NP )PP , (NP (NP competition )NP (PP for (NP listeners )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP getting (ADJP (ADJP tougher )ADJP (PP in (NP many ways )NP )PP (PP than (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP (NP broadcasting )NP (ADVP here )ADVP )NP (VP was (ADJP strictly controlled )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 20 22 (S (PP In (NP addition )NP )PP , (NP (NP competition )NP (PP for (NP listeners )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP getting (ADJP (ADJP tougher (PP in (NP many ways )NP )PP )ADJP (PP than (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP broadcasting )NP (ADVP here )ADVP (VP was (VP (ADVP strictly )ADVP controlled )VP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 20 21 (S (PP In (NP addition )NP )PP , (NP (NP competition )NP (PP for (NP listeners )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP getting (ADJP tougher (PP in (NP many ways )NP )PP (PP than (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP broadcasting )NP (ADVP here )ADVP (VP was (VP (ADVP strictly )ADVP controlled )VP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 19 23 (S (PP In (NP addition )NP )PP , (NP (NP competition )NP (PP for (NP listeners )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP getting (ADJP (ADJP tougher (PP in (NP many ways )NP )PP )ADJP (PP than (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP (NP broadcasting )NP (ADVP here )ADVP )NP (VP was (ADVP strictly )ADVP (ADJP controlled )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 20 24 (S (PP In (NP addition )NP )PP , (NP (NP competition )NP (PP for (NP listeners )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP getting (ADJP (ADJP (ADJP tougher )ADJP (PP in (NP many ways )NP )PP )ADJP (PP than (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP (NP broadcasting )NP (ADVP here )ADVP )NP (VP was (ADVP strictly )ADVP (VP controlled )VP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 20 21 (S (PP In (NP addition )NP )PP , (NP (NP competition )NP (PP for (NP listeners )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP getting (ADJP tougher (PP in (NP many ways )NP )PP (PP than (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (S (VP broadcasting (ADVP here )ADVP )VP )S (VP was (ADJP strictly controlled )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 50 24 24 (S (PP Instead of (S (VP being (VP denounced (PP as (NP (NP an evil agent )NP (PP of (NP imperialism )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )PP , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP is (ADJP more likely (S (VP to (VP draw (NP the criticism (SBAR that (S (NP its programs )NP (VP are (ADJP (ADJP too tame )ADJP , (ADJP even boring )ADJP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP . )S 24 24 (S (PP Instead of (S (VP being (VP denounced (PP as (NP (NP an evil agent )NP (PP of (NP imperialism )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )PP , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP is (ADJP more likely (S (VP to (VP draw (NP the criticism (SBAR that (S (NP its programs )NP (VP are (ADJP (ADJP too tame )ADJP , (ADJP even boring )ADJP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP . )S 24 26 (S (PP Instead of (S (VP being (VP denounced (PP as (NP (NP an evil agent )NP (PP of (NP imperialism )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )PP , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP is (ADJP more likely (S (VP to (VP draw (NP (NP the criticism )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP its programs )NP (VP are (ADJP (ADJP too tame )ADJP , (ADJP even boring )ADJP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP . )S 24 25 (S (PP Instead of (S (VP being (VP denounced (PP as (NP (NP an evil agent )NP (PP of (NP imperialism )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )PP , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP is (ADJP more likely (S (VP to (VP draw (NP (NP the criticism )NP (SBAR that (S (NP its programs )NP (VP are (ADJP (ADJP too tame )ADJP , (ADJP even boring )ADJP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP . )S 20 25 (S (PP Instead of (S (VP being (VP denounced (PP as (NP (NP an evil agent )NP (PP of (NP imperialism )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )PP , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP is (ADJP (ADJP more likely (S (VP to (VP draw (NP the criticism )NP )VP )VP )S )ADJP (SBAR that (S (NP its programs )NP (VP are (ADJP (ADJP too tame )ADJP , (ADJP even boring )ADJP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )ADJP )VP . )S 24 24 (S (PP Instead of (S (VP being (VP denounced (PP as (NP (NP an evil agent )NP (PP of (NP imperialism )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )PP , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP is (ADJP more likely (S (VP to (VP draw (NP the criticism (SBAR that (S (NP its programs )NP (VP are (ADJP (ADJP too tame )ADJP , (ADJP even boring )ADJP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP . )S 19 24 (S (PP Instead of (S (VP being (VP denounced (PP as (NP (NP an evil agent )NP (PP of (NP imperialism )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )PP , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP is (ADJP more likely (S (VP to (VP draw (NP the criticism )NP )VP )VP )S )ADJP (SBAR that (S (NP its programs )NP (VP are (ADJP (ADJP too tame )ADJP , (ADJP even boring )ADJP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 24 26 (S (PP Instead of (S (VP being (VP denounced (PP as (NP (NP an evil agent )NP (PP of (NP imperialism )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )PP , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP is (ADJP more likely (S (VP to (VP draw (NP (NP the criticism )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP its programs )NP (VP are (ADJP (ADJP too tame )ADJP , (ADJP even boring )ADJP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP . )S 24 25 (S (PP Instead of (S (VP being (VP denounced (PP as (NP (NP an evil agent )NP (PP of (NP imperialism )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )PP , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP is (ADJP more likely (S (VP to (VP draw (NP (NP the criticism )NP (SBAR that (S (NP its programs )NP (VP are (ADJP (ADJP too tame )ADJP , (ADJP even boring )ADJP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP . )S 20 25 (S (PP Instead of (S (VP being (VP denounced (PP as (NP (NP an evil agent )NP (PP of (NP imperialism )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )PP , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP is (ADJP (ADJP more likely (S (VP to (VP draw (NP the criticism )NP )VP )VP )S )ADJP (SBAR that (S (NP its programs )NP (VP are (ADJP (ADJP too tame )ADJP , (ADJP even boring )ADJP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )ADJP )VP . )S 16 24 (S (PP Instead of (S (VP being (VP denounced (PP as (NP (NP an evil agent )NP (PP of (NP imperialism )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )PP , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP is (ADJP (ADJP more likely (S (VP to (VP draw (NP the criticism (SBAR that (S (NP its programs )NP (VP are (ADJP too tame )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )ADJP , (ADJP even boring )ADJP )ADJP )VP . )S 24 24 (S (PP Instead of (S (VP being (VP denounced (PP as (NP (NP an evil agent )NP (PP of (NP imperialism )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )PP , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP is (ADJP more likely (S (VP to (VP draw (NP the criticism (SBAR that (S (NP its programs )NP (VP are (ADJP (ADJP too tame )ADJP , (ADJP even boring )ADJP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP . )S 19 24 (S (PP Instead of (S (VP being (VP denounced (PP as (NP (NP an evil agent )NP (PP of (NP imperialism )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )PP , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP is (ADJP more likely (S (VP to (VP draw (NP the criticism )NP )VP )VP )S )ADJP (SBAR that (S (NP its programs )NP (VP are (ADJP (ADJP too tame )ADJP , (ADJP even boring )ADJP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 24 26 (S (PP Instead of (S (VP being (VP denounced (PP as (NP (NP an evil agent )NP (PP of (NP imperialism )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )PP , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP is (ADJP more likely (S (VP to (VP draw (NP (NP the criticism )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP its programs )NP (VP are (ADJP (ADJP too tame )ADJP , (ADJP even boring )ADJP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP . )S 24 25 (S (PP Instead of (S (VP being (VP denounced (PP as (NP (NP an evil agent )NP (PP of (NP imperialism )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )PP , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP is (ADJP more likely (S (VP to (VP draw (NP (NP the criticism )NP (SBAR that (S (NP its programs )NP (VP are (ADJP (ADJP too tame )ADJP , (ADJP even boring )ADJP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP . )S 23 24 (S (PP Instead of (S (VP being (VP denounced (PP as (NP (NP an evil agent )NP (PP of (NP imperialism )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )PP , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP is (ADJP more likely (S (VP to (VP draw (NP the criticism )NP (SBAR that (S (NP its programs )NP (VP are (ADJP (ADJP too tame )ADJP , (ADJP even boring )ADJP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP . )S 20 25 (S (PP Instead of (S (VP being (VP denounced (PP as (NP (NP an evil agent )NP (PP of (NP imperialism )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )PP , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP is (ADJP (ADJP more likely (S (VP to (VP draw (NP the criticism )NP )VP )VP )S )ADJP (SBAR that (S (NP its programs )NP (VP are (ADJP (ADJP too tame )ADJP , (ADJP even boring )ADJP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )ADJP )VP . )S 24 25 (S (PP Instead of (S (VP being (VP denounced (PP as (NP (NP an evil agent )NP (PP of (NP imperialism )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )PP , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP is (ADJP more likely (S (VP to (VP draw (NP the criticism (SBAR that (S (NP its programs )NP (VP are (ADJP (ADJP too tame )ADJP , (ADJP (ADVP even )ADVP boring )ADJP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP . )S 16 24 (S (PP Instead of (S (VP being (VP denounced (PP as (NP (NP an evil agent )NP (PP of (NP imperialism )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )PP , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP is (ADJP (ADJP more likely (S (VP to (VP draw (NP the criticism (SBAR that (S (NP its programs )NP (VP are (ADJP too tame )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )ADJP , (ADJP even boring )ADJP )ADJP )VP . )S 16 26 (S (PP Instead of (S (VP being (VP denounced (PP as (NP (NP an evil agent )NP (PP of (NP imperialism )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )PP , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP is (ADJP (ADJP more likely (S (VP to (VP draw (NP (NP the criticism )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP its programs )NP (VP are (ADJP too tame )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )ADJP , (ADJP even boring )ADJP )ADJP )VP . )S 16 25 (S (PP Instead of (S (VP being (VP denounced (PP as (NP (NP an evil agent )NP (PP of (NP imperialism )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )PP , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP is (ADJP (ADJP more likely (S (VP to (VP draw (NP (NP the criticism )NP (SBAR that (S (NP its programs )NP (VP are (ADJP too tame )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )ADJP , (ADJP even boring )ADJP )ADJP )VP . )S 19 24 (S (PP Instead of (S (VP being (VP denounced (PP as (NP (NP an evil agent )NP (PP of (NP imperialism )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )PP , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP is (ADJP more likely (S (VP to (VP draw (NP the criticism )NP )VP )VP )S )ADJP (SBAR that (S (NP its programs )NP (VP are (ADJP (ADJP too tame )ADJP , (ADJP even boring )ADJP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 24 25 (S (PP Instead of (S (VP being (VP denounced (PP as (NP (NP an evil agent )NP (PP of (NP imperialism )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )PP , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP is (ADJP more likely (S (VP to (VP draw (NP the criticism (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP its programs )NP (VP are (ADJP (ADJP too tame )ADJP , (ADJP even boring )ADJP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP . )S 24 26 (S (PP Instead of (S (VP being (VP denounced (PP as (NP (NP an evil agent )NP (PP of (NP imperialism )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )PP , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP is (ADJP more likely (S (VP to (VP draw (NP (NP the criticism )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP its programs )NP (VP are (ADJP (ADJP too tame )ADJP , (ADJP even boring )ADJP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP . )S 24 24 (S (PP Instead of (S (VP being (VP denounced (PP as (NP (NP an evil agent )NP (PP of (NP imperialism )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )PP , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP is (ADJP more likely (S (VP to (VP draw (NP the criticism (SBAR that (S (NP its programs )NP (VP are (ADJP (ADJP too tame )ADJP , (ADJP even boring )ADJP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP . )S 23 23 (S (PP Instead of (S (VP being (VP denounced (PP as (NP (NP an evil agent )NP (PP of (NP imperialism )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )PP , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP is (ADJP more likely (S (VP to (VP draw (NP the criticism (SBAR that (S (NP its programs )NP (VP are (ADJP (ADJP too tame )ADJP , even boring )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP . )S 24 26 (S (PP Instead of (S (VP being (VP denounced (PP as (NP (NP an evil agent )NP (PP of (NP imperialism )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )PP , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP is (ADJP more likely (S (VP to (VP draw (NP (NP the criticism )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP its programs )NP (VP are (ADJP (ADJP too tame )ADJP , (ADJP even boring )ADJP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP . )S 24 25 (S (PP Instead of (S (VP being (VP denounced (PP as (NP (NP an evil agent )NP (PP of (NP imperialism )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )PP , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP is (ADJP more likely (S (VP to (VP draw (NP (NP the criticism )NP (SBAR that (S (NP its programs )NP (VP are (ADJP (ADJP too tame )ADJP , (ADJP even boring )ADJP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP . )S 23 24 (S (PP Instead of (S (VP being (VP denounced (PP as (NP (NP an evil agent )NP (PP of (NP imperialism )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )PP , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP is (ADJP more likely (S (VP to (VP draw (NP the criticism )NP (SBAR that (S (NP its programs )NP (VP are (ADJP (ADJP too tame )ADJP , (ADJP even boring )ADJP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP . )S 20 25 (S (PP Instead of (S (VP being (VP denounced (PP as (NP (NP an evil agent )NP (PP of (NP imperialism )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )PP , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP is (ADJP (ADJP more likely (S (VP to (VP draw (NP the criticism )NP )VP )VP )S )ADJP (SBAR that (S (NP its programs )NP (VP are (ADJP (ADJP too tame )ADJP , (ADJP even boring )ADJP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )ADJP )VP . )S 16 24 (S (PP Instead of (S (VP being (VP denounced (PP as (NP (NP an evil agent )NP (PP of (NP imperialism )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )PP , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP is (ADJP (ADJP more likely (S (VP to (VP draw (NP the criticism (SBAR that (S (NP its programs )NP (VP are (ADJP too tame )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )ADJP , (ADJP even boring )ADJP )ADJP )VP . )S 24 25 (S (PP Instead of (S (VP being (VP denounced (PP as (NP (NP an evil agent )NP (PP of (NP imperialism )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )PP , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP is (ADJP more likely (S (VP to (VP draw (NP the criticism (SBAR that (S (NP its programs )NP (VP are (ADJP (ADJP too tame )ADJP , (ADJP (ADVP even )ADVP boring )ADJP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP . )S 24 27 (S (PP Instead of (S (VP being (VP denounced (PP as (NP (NP an evil agent )NP (PP of (NP imperialism )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )PP , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP is (ADJP more likely (S (VP to (VP draw (NP (NP the criticism )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP its programs )NP (VP are (ADJP (ADJP too tame )ADJP , (ADJP (ADVP even )ADVP boring )ADJP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP . )S 24 26 (S (PP Instead of (S (VP being (VP denounced (PP as (NP (NP an evil agent )NP (PP of (NP imperialism )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )PP , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP is (ADJP more likely (S (VP to (VP draw (NP (NP the criticism )NP (SBAR that (S (NP its programs )NP (VP are (ADJP (ADJP too tame )ADJP , (ADJP (ADVP even )ADVP boring )ADJP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP . )S 20 26 (S (PP Instead of (S (VP being (VP denounced (PP as (NP (NP an evil agent )NP (PP of (NP imperialism )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )PP , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP is (ADJP (ADJP more likely (S (VP to (VP draw (NP the criticism )NP )VP )VP )S )ADJP (SBAR that (S (NP its programs )NP (VP are (ADJP (ADJP too tame )ADJP , (ADJP (ADVP even )ADVP boring )ADJP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )ADJP )VP . )S 16 26 (S (PP Instead of (S (VP being (VP denounced (PP as (NP (NP an evil agent )NP (PP of (NP imperialism )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )PP , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP is (ADJP (ADJP more likely (S (VP to (VP draw (NP (NP the criticism )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP its programs )NP (VP are (ADJP too tame )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )ADJP , (ADJP even boring )ADJP )ADJP )VP . )S 16 25 (S (PP Instead of (S (VP being (VP denounced (PP as (NP (NP an evil agent )NP (PP of (NP imperialism )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )PP , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP is (ADJP (ADJP more likely (S (VP to (VP draw (NP (NP the criticism )NP (SBAR that (S (NP its programs )NP (VP are (ADJP too tame )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )ADJP , (ADJP even boring )ADJP )ADJP )VP . )S 19 24 (S (PP Instead of (S (VP being (VP denounced (PP as (NP (NP an evil agent )NP (PP of (NP imperialism )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )PP , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP is (ADJP more likely (S (VP to (VP draw (NP the criticism )NP )VP )VP )S )ADJP (SBAR that (S (NP its programs )NP (VP are (ADJP (ADJP too tame )ADJP , (ADJP even boring )ADJP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 24 25 (S (PP Instead of (S (VP being (VP denounced (PP as (NP (NP an evil agent )NP (PP of (NP imperialism )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )PP , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP is (ADJP more likely (S (VP to (VP draw (NP the criticism (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP its programs )NP (VP are (ADJP (ADJP too tame )ADJP , (ADJP even boring )ADJP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP . )S 24 26 (S (PP Instead of (S (VP being (VP denounced (PP as (NP (NP an evil agent )NP (PP of (NP imperialism )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )PP , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP is (ADJP more likely (S (VP to (VP draw (NP (NP the criticism )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP its programs )NP (VP are (ADJP (ADJP too tame )ADJP , (ADJP even boring )ADJP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP . )S 24 24 (S (PP Instead of (S (VP being (VP denounced (PP as (NP (NP an evil agent )NP (PP of (NP imperialism )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )PP , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP is (ADJP more likely (S (VP to (VP draw (NP the criticism (SBAR that (S (NP its programs )NP (VP are (ADJP (ADJP too tame )ADJP , (ADJP even boring )ADJP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP . )S 23 23 (S (PP Instead of (S (VP being (VP denounced (PP as (NP (NP an evil agent )NP (PP of (NP imperialism )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )PP , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP is (ADJP more likely (S (VP to (VP draw (NP the criticism (SBAR that (S (NP its programs )NP (VP are (ADJP (ADJP too tame )ADJP , even boring )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP . )S 22 22 (S (PP Instead of (S (VP being (VP denounced (PP as (NP (NP an evil agent )NP (PP of (NP imperialism )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )PP , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP is (ADJP more likely (S (VP to (VP draw (NP the criticism (SBAR that (S (NP its programs )NP (VP are (ADJP too tame , even boring )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP . )S 24 26 (S (PP Instead of (S (VP being (VP denounced (PP as (NP (NP an evil agent )NP (PP of (NP imperialism )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )PP , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP is (ADJP more likely (S (VP to (VP draw (NP (NP the criticism )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP its programs )NP (VP are (ADJP (ADJP too tame )ADJP , (ADJP even boring )ADJP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP . )S 24 25 (S (PP Instead of (S (VP being (VP denounced (PP as (NP (NP an evil agent )NP (PP of (NP imperialism )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )PP , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP is (ADJP more likely (S (VP to (VP draw (NP (NP the criticism )NP (SBAR that (S (NP its programs )NP (VP are (ADJP (ADJP too tame )ADJP , (ADJP even boring )ADJP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP . )S 23 25 (S (PP Instead of (S (VP being (VP denounced (PP as (NP (NP an evil agent )NP (PP of (NP imperialism )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )PP , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP is (ADJP more likely (S (VP to (VP draw (NP (NP the criticism )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP its programs )NP (VP are (ADJP (ADJP too tame )ADJP , even boring )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP . )S 23 24 (S (PP Instead of (S (VP being (VP denounced (PP as (NP (NP an evil agent )NP (PP of (NP imperialism )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )PP , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP is (ADJP more likely (S (VP to (VP draw (NP the criticism )NP (SBAR that (S (NP its programs )NP (VP are (ADJP (ADJP too tame )ADJP , (ADJP even boring )ADJP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP . )S 23 24 (S (PP Instead of (S (VP being (VP denounced (PP as (NP (NP an evil agent )NP (PP of (NP imperialism )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )PP , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP is (ADJP more likely (S (VP to (VP draw (NP (NP the criticism )NP (SBAR that (S (NP its programs )NP (VP are (ADJP (ADJP too tame )ADJP , even boring )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP . )S 19 25 (S (PP Instead of (S (VP being (VP denounced (PP as (NP (NP an evil agent )NP (PP of (NP imperialism )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )PP , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP is (ADJP more likely (S (VP to (VP draw (NP the criticism )NP )VP )VP )S )ADJP (SBAR that (S (NP its programs )NP (VP are (ADJP (ADJP too tame )ADJP , (ADJP (ADVP even )ADVP boring )ADJP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 23 24 (S (PP Instead of (S (VP being (VP denounced (PP as (NP (NP an evil agent )NP (PP of (NP imperialism )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )PP , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP is (ADJP more likely )ADJP (S (VP to (VP draw (NP the criticism (SBAR that (S (NP its programs )NP (VP are (ADJP (ADJP too tame )ADJP , (ADJP even boring )ADJP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 50 21 26 (SINV `` (S (NP They )NP (VP have (NP (NP a lot )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP do (NP these days )NP (S (VP to (VP compete (PP with (NP Hungarian radio )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Andrew Deak )NP , (NP (NP a computer-science student )NP (PP at (NP (NP the Technical University )NP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 20 26 (SINV `` (S (NP They )NP (VP have (NP (NP a lot )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP do (NP these days (S (VP to (VP compete (PP with (NP Hungarian radio )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Andrew Deak )NP , (NP (NP a computer-science student )NP (PP at (NP (NP the Technical University )NP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 21 26 (SINV `` (S (NP They )NP (VP have (NP (NP a lot )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP do (NP these days )NP (S (VP to (VP compete (PP with (NP Hungarian radio )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Andrew Deak )NP , (NP (NP a computer-science student )NP (PP at (NP (NP the Technical University )NP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 20 26 (SINV `` (S (NP They )NP (VP have (NP (NP a lot )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP do (NP these days (S (VP to (VP compete (PP with (NP Hungarian radio )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Andrew Deak )NP , (NP (NP a computer-science student )NP (PP at (NP (NP the Technical University )NP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 21 28 (SINV `` (S (NP They )NP (VP have (NP (NP a lot )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP do (NP (NP these days )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP compete (PP with (NP Hungarian radio )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Andrew Deak )NP , (NP (NP a computer-science student )NP (PP at (NP (NP the Technical University )NP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 20 24 (SINV `` (S (NP They )NP (VP have (NP a lot (S (VP to (VP do (NP these days )NP (S (VP to (VP compete (PP with (NP Hungarian radio )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Andrew Deak )NP , (NP (NP a computer-science student )NP (PP at (NP (NP the Technical University )NP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 19 24 (SINV `` (S (NP They )NP (VP have (NP a lot (S (VP to (VP do (NP these days (S (VP to (VP compete (PP with (NP Hungarian radio )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Andrew Deak )NP , (NP (NP a computer-science student )NP (PP at (NP (NP the Technical University )NP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 17 26 (SINV `` (S (NP They )NP (VP have (NP (NP a lot )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP do (NP these days (S (VP to (VP compete )VP )VP )S )NP (PP with (NP Hungarian radio )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Andrew Deak )NP , (NP (NP a computer-science student )NP (PP at (NP (NP the Technical University )NP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 21 28 (SINV `` (S (NP They )NP (VP have (NP (NP a lot )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP do (NP (NP these days )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP compete (PP with (NP Hungarian radio )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Andrew Deak )NP , (NP (NP a computer-science student )NP (PP at (NP (NP the Technical University )NP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 26 26 (SINV `` (S (NP They )NP (VP have (NP (NP a lot )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP do (NP these days )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP (S (VP to (VP compete (PP with (NP Hungarian radio )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Andrew Deak )NP , (NP (NP a computer-science student )NP (PP at (NP (NP the Technical University )NP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 20 24 (SINV `` (S (NP They )NP (VP have (NP a lot (S (VP to (VP do (NP these days )NP (S (VP to (VP compete (PP with (NP Hungarian radio )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Andrew Deak )NP , (NP (NP a computer-science student )NP (PP at (NP (NP the Technical University )NP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 21 25 (SINV `` (S (NP They )NP (VP have (NP (NP a lot )NP (S (VP to (VP do (NP these days )NP (S (VP to (VP compete (PP with (NP Hungarian radio )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Andrew Deak )NP , (NP (NP a computer-science student )NP (PP at (NP (NP the Technical University )NP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 19 24 (SINV `` (S (NP They )NP (VP have (NP a lot (S (VP to (VP do (NP these days (S (VP to (VP compete (PP with (NP Hungarian radio )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Andrew Deak )NP , (NP (NP a computer-science student )NP (PP at (NP (NP the Technical University )NP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 20 25 (SINV `` (S (NP They )NP (VP have (NP (NP a lot )NP (S (VP to (VP do (NP these days (S (VP to (VP compete (PP with (NP Hungarian radio )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Andrew Deak )NP , (NP (NP a computer-science student )NP (PP at (NP (NP the Technical University )NP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 19 25 (SINV `` (S (NP They )NP (VP have (NP (NP a lot )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP do (NP these days )NP (S (VP to (VP compete (PP with (NP Hungarian radio )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Andrew Deak )NP , (NP (NP a computer-science student )NP (PP at (NP the Technical University )NP )PP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 18 25 (SINV `` (S (NP They )NP (VP have (NP (NP a lot )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP do (NP these days (S (VP to (VP compete (PP with (NP Hungarian radio )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Andrew Deak )NP , (NP (NP a computer-science student )NP (PP at (NP the Technical University )NP )PP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 17 26 (SINV `` (S (NP They )NP (VP have (NP (NP a lot )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP do (NP these days (S (VP to (VP compete )VP )VP )S )NP (PP with (NP Hungarian radio )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Andrew Deak )NP , (NP (NP a computer-science student )NP (PP at (NP (NP the Technical University )NP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 21 27 (SINV `` (S (NP They )NP (VP have (NP (NP a lot )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP do (NP these days )NP (S (VP to (VP compete (PP with (S (NP Hungarian radio )NP )S )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Andrew Deak )NP , (NP (NP a computer-science student )NP (PP at (NP (NP the Technical University )NP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 20 27 (SINV `` (S (NP They )NP (VP have (NP (NP a lot )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP do (NP these days (S (VP to (VP compete (PP with (S (NP Hungarian radio )NP )S )PP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Andrew Deak )NP , (NP (NP a computer-science student )NP (PP at (NP (NP the Technical University )NP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 20 26 (SINV `` (S (NP They )NP (VP have (NP a lot (S (VP to (VP do (NP (NP these days )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP compete (PP with (NP Hungarian radio )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Andrew Deak )NP , (NP (NP a computer-science student )NP (PP at (NP (NP the Technical University )NP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 26 26 (SINV `` (S (NP They )NP (VP have (NP (NP a lot )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP do (NP these days )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP (S (VP to (VP compete (PP with (NP Hungarian radio )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Andrew Deak )NP , (NP (NP a computer-science student )NP (PP at (NP (NP the Technical University )NP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 21 25 (SINV `` (S (NP They )NP (VP have (NP (NP a lot )NP (S (VP to (VP do (NP these days )NP (S (VP to (VP compete (PP with (NP Hungarian radio )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Andrew Deak )NP , (NP (NP a computer-science student )NP (PP at (NP (NP the Technical University )NP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 20 25 (SINV `` (S (NP They )NP (VP have (NP (NP a lot )NP (S (VP to (VP do (NP these days (S (VP to (VP compete (PP with (NP Hungarian radio )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Andrew Deak )NP , (NP (NP a computer-science student )NP (PP at (NP (NP the Technical University )NP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 21 24 (SINV `` (S (NP They )NP (VP have (NP a lot )NP (S (VP to (VP do (NP these days )NP (S (VP to (VP compete (PP with (NP Hungarian radio )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Andrew Deak )NP , (NP (NP a computer-science student )NP (PP at (NP (NP the Technical University )NP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 20 24 (SINV `` (S (NP They )NP (VP have (NP a lot )NP (S (VP to (VP do (NP these days (S (VP to (VP compete (PP with (NP Hungarian radio )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Andrew Deak )NP , (NP (NP a computer-science student )NP (PP at (NP (NP the Technical University )NP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 19 25 (SINV `` (S (NP They )NP (VP have (NP (NP a lot )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP do (NP these days )NP (S (VP to (VP compete (PP with (NP Hungarian radio )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Andrew Deak )NP , (NP (NP a computer-science student )NP (PP at (NP the Technical University )NP )PP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 20 26 (SINV `` (S (NP They )NP (VP have (NP (NP a lot )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP do (S (NP these days )NP (VP to (VP compete (PP with (NP Hungarian radio )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Andrew Deak )NP , (NP (NP a computer-science student )NP (PP at (NP (NP the Technical University )NP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 21 27 (SINV `` (S (NP They )NP (VP have (NP (NP a lot )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP do (NP these days )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP compete (PP with (NP Hungarian radio )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Andrew Deak )NP , (NP (NP a computer-science student )NP (PP at (NP (NP the Technical University )NP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 18 25 (SINV `` (S (NP They )NP (VP have (NP (NP a lot )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP do (NP these days (S (VP to (VP compete (PP with (NP Hungarian radio )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Andrew Deak )NP , (NP (NP a computer-science student )NP (PP at (NP the Technical University )NP )PP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 18 28 (SINV `` (S (NP They )NP (VP have (NP (NP a lot )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP do (NP (NP these days )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP compete )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP (PP with (NP Hungarian radio )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Andrew Deak )NP , (NP (NP a computer-science student )NP (PP at (NP (NP the Technical University )NP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 16 24 (SINV `` (S (NP They )NP (VP have (NP a lot (S (VP to (VP do (NP these days (S (VP to (VP compete )VP )VP )S )NP (PP with (NP Hungarian radio )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Andrew Deak )NP , (NP (NP a computer-science student )NP (PP at (NP (NP the Technical University )NP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 24 24 (SINV `` (S (NP They )NP (VP have (NP a lot (S (VP to (VP do (NP these days )NP )VP )VP )S )NP (S (VP to (VP compete (PP with (NP Hungarian radio )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Andrew Deak )NP , (NP (NP a computer-science student )NP (PP at (NP (NP the Technical University )NP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 21 27 (SINV `` (S (NP They )NP (VP have (NP (NP a lot )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP do (NP these days )NP (S (VP to (VP compete (PP with (S (NP Hungarian radio )NP )S )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Andrew Deak )NP , (NP (NP a computer-science student )NP (PP at (NP (NP the Technical University )NP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 20 27 (SINV `` (S (NP They )NP (VP have (NP (NP a lot )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP do (NP these days (S (VP to (VP compete (PP with (S (NP Hungarian radio )NP )S )PP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Andrew Deak )NP , (NP (NP a computer-science student )NP (PP at (NP (NP the Technical University )NP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 21 26 (SINV `` (S (NP They )NP (VP have (NP (NP a lot )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP do (NP these days )NP (S (VP to (VP compete (PP with (NP Hungarian radio )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Andrew Deak )NP , (NP (NP a computer-science student )NP (PP at (NP (NP the Technical University )NP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 20 26 (SINV `` (S (NP They )NP (VP have (NP a lot (S (VP to (VP do (NP (NP these days )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP compete (PP with (NP Hungarian radio )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Andrew Deak )NP , (NP (NP a computer-science student )NP (PP at (NP (NP the Technical University )NP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 21 27 (SINV `` (S (NP They )NP (VP have (NP (NP a lot )NP (S (VP to (VP do (NP (NP these days )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP compete (PP with (NP Hungarian radio )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Andrew Deak )NP , (NP (NP a computer-science student )NP (PP at (NP (NP the Technical University )NP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 20 26 (SINV `` (S (NP They )NP (VP have (NP (NP a lot )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP do (NP these days (S (VP to (VP compete (PP with (NP Hungarian radio )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Andrew Deak )NP , (NP (NP a computer-science student )NP (PP at (NP (NP the Technical University )NP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 19 26 (SINV `` (S (NP They )NP (VP have (NP (NP a lot )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP do (NP these days )NP (S (VP to (VP compete (PP with (NP Hungarian radio )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Andrew Deak )NP , (NP (NP (NP a computer-science student )NP (PP at (NP the Technical University )NP )PP )NP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 18 26 (SINV `` (S (NP They )NP (VP have (NP (NP a lot )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP do (NP these days (S (VP to (VP compete (PP with (NP Hungarian radio )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Andrew Deak )NP , (NP (NP (NP a computer-science student )NP (PP at (NP the Technical University )NP )PP )NP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 20 27 (SINV `` (S (NP They )NP (VP have (NP (NP a lot )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP do (NP these days (SBAR (S (VP to (VP compete (PP with (NP Hungarian radio )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Andrew Deak )NP , (NP (NP a computer-science student )NP (PP at (NP (NP the Technical University )NP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 19 27 (SINV `` (S (NP They )NP (VP have (NP (NP a lot )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP do (NP (NP these days )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP compete (PP with (NP Hungarian radio )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Andrew Deak )NP , (NP (NP a computer-science student )NP (PP at (NP the Technical University )NP )PP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 20 25 (SINV `` (S (NP They )NP (VP have (NP a lot (SBAR (S (VP to (VP do (NP these days )NP (S (VP to (VP compete (PP with (NP Hungarian radio )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Andrew Deak )NP , (NP (NP a computer-science student )NP (PP at (NP (NP the Technical University )NP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 19 25 (SINV `` (S (NP They )NP (VP have (NP a lot (SBAR (S (VP to (VP do (NP these days (S (VP to (VP compete (PP with (NP Hungarian radio )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Andrew Deak )NP , (NP (NP a computer-science student )NP (PP at (NP (NP the Technical University )NP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 21 24 (SINV `` (S (NP They )NP (VP have (NP a lot )NP (S (VP to (VP do (NP these days )NP (S (VP to (VP compete (PP with (NP Hungarian radio )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Andrew Deak )NP , (NP (NP a computer-science student )NP (PP at (NP (NP the Technical University )NP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 18 23 (SINV `` (S (NP They )NP (VP have (NP a lot (S (VP to (VP do (NP these days )NP (S (VP to (VP compete (PP with (NP Hungarian radio )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Andrew Deak )NP , (NP (NP a computer-science student )NP (PP at (NP the Technical University )NP )PP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 20 24 (SINV `` (S (NP They )NP (VP have (NP a lot )NP (S (VP to (VP do (NP these days (S (VP to (VP compete (PP with (NP Hungarian radio )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Andrew Deak )NP , (NP (NP a computer-science student )NP (PP at (NP (NP the Technical University )NP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 21 29 (SINV `` (S (NP They )NP (VP have (NP (NP a lot )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP do (NP (NP these days )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP compete (PP with (S (NP Hungarian radio )NP )S )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Andrew Deak )NP , (NP (NP a computer-science student )NP (PP at (NP (NP the Technical University )NP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 17 23 (SINV `` (S (NP They )NP (VP have (NP a lot (S (VP to (VP do (NP these days (S (VP to (VP compete (PP with (NP Hungarian radio )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Andrew Deak )NP , (NP (NP a computer-science student )NP (PP at (NP the Technical University )NP )PP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 20 26 (SINV `` (S (NP They )NP (VP have (NP (NP a lot )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP do (S (NP these days )NP (VP to (VP compete (PP with (NP Hungarian radio )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Andrew Deak )NP , (NP (NP a computer-science student )NP (PP at (NP (NP the Technical University )NP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV 50 13 15 (S `` (NP The Hungarian -LCB- radio -RCB- reporters )NP (VP seem (ADJP (ADJP better informed )ADJP and (ADJP more critical )ADJP (PP about (PP about (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (VP 's (VP going (PRT on )PRT (ADVP here )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )PP )ADJP )VP . '' )S 14 15 (S `` (NP The Hungarian -LCB- radio -RCB- reporters )NP (VP seem (ADJP (ADJP better informed )ADJP and (ADJP more critical (PP about (PP about (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (VP 's (VP going (PRT on )PRT (ADVP here )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )PP )ADJP )ADJP )VP . '' )S 12 15 (S `` (NP The Hungarian -LCB- radio -RCB- reporters )NP (VP seem (ADJP (ADJP better informed )ADJP and (ADJP more critical )ADJP )ADJP (PP about (PP about (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (VP 's (VP going (PRT on )PRT (ADVP here )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )PP )VP . '' )S 13 16 (S `` (NP The Hungarian -LCB- radio -RCB- reporters )NP (VP seem (ADJP (ADJP (ADJP better informed )ADJP and (ADJP more critical )ADJP )ADJP (PP about (PP about (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (VP 's (VP going (PRT on )PRT (ADVP here )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )PP )ADJP )VP . '' )S 14 16 (S `` (NP The Hungarian -LCB- radio -RCB- reporters )NP (VP seem (ADJP (ADJP better informed )ADJP and (ADJP (ADJP more critical )ADJP (PP about (PP about (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (VP 's (VP going (PRT on )PRT (ADVP here )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )PP )ADJP )ADJP )VP . '' )S 14 16 (S `` (NP The Hungarian -LCB- radio -RCB- reporters )NP (VP seem (S (ADJP (ADJP better informed )ADJP and (ADJP more critical (PP about (PP about (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (VP 's (VP going (PRT on )PRT (ADVP here )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )PP )ADJP )ADJP )S )VP . '' )S 11 14 (S `` (NP The Hungarian -LCB- radio -RCB- reporters )NP (VP seem (ADJP (ADJP better informed )ADJP and (ADJP more critical )ADJP (PP about (SBAR (WHNP about what )WHNP (S (VP 's (VP going (PRT on )PRT (ADVP here )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )ADJP )VP . '' )S 12 14 (S `` (NP The Hungarian -LCB- radio -RCB- reporters )NP (VP seem (ADJP (ADJP better informed )ADJP and (ADJP more critical (PP about (SBAR (WHNP about what )WHNP (S (VP 's (VP going (PRT on )PRT (ADVP here )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )ADJP )ADJP )VP . '' )S 13 16 (S `` (NP The Hungarian -LCB- radio -RCB- reporters )NP (VP seem (ADJP (ADJP (ADJP better informed )ADJP and (ADJP more critical )ADJP )ADJP (PP about (PP about (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (VP 's (VP going (PRT on )PRT (ADVP here )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )PP )ADJP )VP . '' )S 10 14 (S `` (NP The Hungarian -LCB- radio -RCB- reporters )NP (VP seem (ADJP (ADJP better informed )ADJP and (ADJP more critical )ADJP )ADJP (PP about (SBAR (WHNP about what )WHNP (S (VP 's (VP going (PRT on )PRT (ADVP here )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )VP . '' )S 13 16 (S `` (NP The Hungarian -LCB- radio -RCB- reporters )NP (VP seem (S (ADJP (ADJP better informed )ADJP and (ADJP more critical )ADJP (PP about (PP about (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (VP 's (VP going (PRT on )PRT (ADVP here )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )PP )ADJP )S )VP . '' )S 14 17 (S `` (NP The Hungarian -LCB- radio -RCB- reporters )NP (VP seem (S (ADJP (ADJP better informed )ADJP and (ADJP (ADJP more critical )ADJP (PP about (PP about (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (VP 's (VP going (PRT on )PRT (ADVP here )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )PP )ADJP )ADJP )S )VP . '' )S 12 14 (S `` (NP The Hungarian -LCB- radio -RCB- reporters )NP (VP seem (ADJP better informed and (ADJP more critical )ADJP (PP about (PP about (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (VP 's (VP going (PRT on )PRT (ADVP here )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )PP )ADJP )VP . '' )S 13 14 (S `` (NP The Hungarian -LCB- radio -RCB- reporters )NP (VP seem (ADJP better informed and (ADJP more critical (PP about (PP about (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (VP 's (VP going (PRT on )PRT (ADVP here )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )PP )ADJP )ADJP )VP . '' )S 11 14 (S `` (NP The Hungarian -LCB- radio -RCB- reporters )NP (VP seem (ADJP (ADJP better informed )ADJP and (ADJP more critical )ADJP (PP about (PP about (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (VP 's (VP going (ADVP on here )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )PP )ADJP )VP . '' )S 13 15 (S `` (NP The Hungarian -LCB- radio -RCB- reporters )NP (VP seem (ADJP (ADJP better informed )ADJP and (ADJP more critical )ADJP (PP about (PP about (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (VP 's (VP going (PRT on )PRT (ADVP here )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )PP )ADJP )VP . '' )S 13 17 (S `` (NP The Hungarian -LCB- radio -RCB- reporters )NP (VP seem (S (ADJP (ADJP (ADJP better informed )ADJP and (ADJP more critical )ADJP )ADJP (PP about (PP about (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (VP 's (VP going (PRT on )PRT (ADVP here )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )PP )ADJP )S )VP . '' )S 12 14 (S `` (NP The Hungarian -LCB- radio -RCB- reporters )NP (VP seem (ADJP (ADJP better informed )ADJP and (ADJP more critical (PP about (PP about (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (VP 's (VP going (ADVP on here )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )PP )ADJP )ADJP )VP . '' )S 14 15 (S `` (NP The Hungarian -LCB- radio -RCB- reporters )NP (VP seem (ADJP (ADJP better informed )ADJP and (ADJP more critical (PP about (PP about (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (VP 's (VP going (PRT on )PRT (ADVP here )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )PP )ADJP )ADJP )VP . '' )S 11 14 (S `` (NP The Hungarian -LCB- radio -RCB- reporters )NP (VP seem (ADJP better informed and (ADJP more critical )ADJP )ADJP (PP about (PP about (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (VP 's (VP going (PRT on )PRT (ADVP here )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )PP )VP . '' )S 10 14 (S `` (NP The Hungarian -LCB- radio -RCB- reporters )NP (VP seem (ADJP (ADJP better informed )ADJP and (ADJP more critical )ADJP )ADJP (PP about (PP about (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (VP 's (VP going (ADVP on here )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )PP )VP . '' )S 13 17 (S `` (NP The Hungarian -LCB- radio -RCB- reporters )NP (VP seem (S (ADJP (ADJP (ADJP better informed )ADJP and (ADJP more critical )ADJP )ADJP (PP about (PP about (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (VP 's (VP going (PRT on )PRT (ADVP here )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )PP )ADJP )S )VP . '' )S 13 15 (S `` (NP The Hungarian -LCB- radio -RCB- reporters )NP (VP seem (ADJP (ADJP better informed )ADJP and (ADJP more critical )ADJP (PP about (PP about (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (VP 's (VP going (PRT on )PRT (ADVP here )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )PP )ADJP )VP . '' )S 11 15 (S `` (NP The Hungarian -LCB- radio -RCB- reporters )NP (VP seem (ADJP (ADJP (ADJP better informed )ADJP and (ADJP more critical )ADJP )ADJP (PP about (SBAR (WHNP about what )WHNP (S (VP 's (VP going (PRT on )PRT (ADVP here )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )ADJP )VP . '' )S 12 16 (S `` (NP The Hungarian -LCB- radio -RCB- reporters )NP (VP seem (ADJP (ADJP (ADJP better informed )ADJP and (ADJP more critical )ADJP )ADJP (PP about )PP (PP about (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (VP 's (VP going (PRT on )PRT (ADVP here )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )ADJP )VP . '' )S 12 15 (S `` (NP The Hungarian -LCB- radio -RCB- reporters )NP (VP seem (ADJP (ADJP better informed )ADJP and (ADJP (ADJP more critical )ADJP (PP about (SBAR (WHNP about what )WHNP (S (VP 's (VP going (PRT on )PRT (ADVP here )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )ADJP )ADJP )VP . '' )S 14 15 (S `` (NP The Hungarian -LCB- radio -RCB- reporters )NP (VP seem (ADJP (ADJP better informed )ADJP and (ADJP more critical (PP about (PP about (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (VP 's (VP going (PRT on )PRT (ADVP here )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )PP )ADJP )ADJP )VP . '' )S 12 15 (S `` (NP The Hungarian -LCB- radio -RCB- reporters )NP (VP seem (ADJP (ADJP better informed )ADJP and (ADJP more critical (PP about )PP )ADJP (PP about (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (VP 's (VP going (PRT on )PRT (ADVP here )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )ADJP )VP . '' )S 14 16 (S `` (NP The Hungarian -LCB- radio -RCB- reporters )NP (VP seem (S (ADJP (ADJP better informed )ADJP and (ADJP more critical (PP about (PP about (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (VP 's (VP going (PRT on )PRT (ADVP here )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )PP )ADJP )ADJP )S )VP . '' )S 12 15 (S `` (NP The Hungarian -LCB- radio -RCB- reporters )NP (VP seem (S (ADJP (ADJP better informed )ADJP and (ADJP more critical (PP about (SBAR (WHNP about what )WHNP (S (VP 's (VP going (PRT on )PRT (ADVP here )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )ADJP )ADJP )S )VP . '' )S 12 15 (S `` (NP The Hungarian -LCB- radio -RCB- reporters )NP (VP seem (ADJP (ADJP better informed )ADJP and (ADJP more critical )ADJP )ADJP (PP about (PP about (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (VP 's (VP going (PRT on )PRT (ADVP here )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )PP )VP . '' )S 12 14 (S `` (NP The Hungarian -LCB- radio -RCB- reporters )NP (VP seem (ADJP (ADJP better informed )ADJP and (ADJP more critical )ADJP about (PP about (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (VP 's (VP going (PRT on )PRT (ADVP here )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )ADJP )VP . '' )S 11 15 (S `` (NP The Hungarian -LCB- radio -RCB- reporters )NP (VP seem (ADJP (ADJP better informed )ADJP and (ADJP more critical (PP about )PP )ADJP )ADJP (PP about (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (VP 's (VP going (PRT on )PRT (ADVP here )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )VP . '' )S 13 15 (S `` (NP The Hungarian -LCB- radio -RCB- reporters )NP (VP seem (ADJP better informed and (ADJP (ADJP more critical )ADJP (PP about (PP about (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (VP 's (VP going (PRT on )PRT (ADVP here )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )PP )ADJP )ADJP )VP . '' )S 11 15 (S `` (NP The Hungarian -LCB- radio -RCB- reporters )NP (VP seem (ADJP (ADJP better informed )ADJP and (ADJP more critical )ADJP (PP about (PP about (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (VP 's (VP going (PP on (NP here )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )PP )ADJP )VP . '' )S 11 15 (S `` (NP The Hungarian -LCB- radio -RCB- reporters )NP (VP seem (ADJP (ADJP (ADJP better informed )ADJP and (ADJP more critical )ADJP )ADJP (PP about (PP about (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (VP 's (VP going (ADVP on here )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )PP )ADJP )VP . '' )S 12 15 (S `` (NP The Hungarian -LCB- radio -RCB- reporters )NP (VP seem (ADJP (ADJP better informed )ADJP and (ADJP more critical (PP about (PP about (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (VP 's (VP going (PP on (NP here )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )PP )ADJP )ADJP )VP . '' )S 13 16 (S `` (NP The Hungarian -LCB- radio -RCB- reporters )NP (VP seem (S (ADJP (ADJP better informed )ADJP and (ADJP more critical )ADJP (PP about (PP about (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (VP 's (VP going (PRT on )PRT (ADVP here )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )PP )ADJP )S )VP . '' )S 12 15 (S `` (NP The Hungarian -LCB- radio -RCB- reporters )NP (VP seem (ADJP (ADJP better informed )ADJP and (ADJP (ADJP more critical )ADJP (PP about (PP about (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (VP 's (VP going (ADVP on here )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )PP )ADJP )ADJP )VP . '' )S 12 16 (S `` (NP The Hungarian -LCB- radio -RCB- reporters )NP (VP seem (ADJP (ADJP (ADJP better informed )ADJP and (ADJP more critical )ADJP )ADJP (PP about )PP (PP about (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (VP 's (VP going (PRT on )PRT (ADVP here )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )ADJP )VP . '' )S 13 16 (S `` (NP The Hungarian -LCB- radio -RCB- reporters )NP (VP seem (ADJP (ADJP (ADJP better informed )ADJP and (ADJP more critical )ADJP )ADJP (PP about (PP about (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (VP 's (VP going (PRT on )PRT (ADVP here )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )PP )ADJP )VP . '' )S 12 15 (S `` (NP The Hungarian -LCB- radio -RCB- reporters )NP (VP seem (S (ADJP (ADJP better informed )ADJP and (ADJP more critical (PP about (PP about (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (VP 's (VP going (ADVP on here )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )PP )ADJP )ADJP )S )VP . '' )S 12 15 (S `` (NP The Hungarian -LCB- radio -RCB- reporters )NP (VP seem (ADJP (ADJP (ADJP better informed )ADJP and (ADJP more critical )ADJP )ADJP about (PP about (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (VP 's (VP going (PRT on )PRT (ADVP here )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )ADJP )VP . '' )S 13 15 (S `` (NP The Hungarian -LCB- radio -RCB- reporters )NP (VP seem (ADJP (ADJP better informed )ADJP and (ADJP more critical )ADJP (PP about (PP about (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (VP 's (VP going (PRT on )PRT (ADVP here )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )PP )ADJP )VP . '' )S 11 15 (S `` (NP The Hungarian -LCB- radio -RCB- reporters )NP (VP seem (ADJP (ADJP (ADJP better informed )ADJP and (ADJP more critical )ADJP )ADJP (PP about (SBAR (WHNP about what )WHNP (S (VP 's (VP going (PRT on )PRT (ADVP here )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )ADJP )VP . '' )S 10 15 (S `` (NP The Hungarian -LCB- radio -RCB- reporters )NP (VP seem (ADJP (ADJP better informed )ADJP and (ADJP more critical )ADJP )ADJP (PP about (PP about (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (VP 's (VP going (PP on (NP here )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )PP )VP . '' )S 13 16 (S `` (NP The Hungarian -LCB- radio -RCB- reporters )NP (VP seem (ADJP (ADJP (ADJP better informed )ADJP and (ADJP more critical )ADJP )ADJP (PP about (PP about (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (VP 's (VP going (PRT on )PRT (ADVP here )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )PP )ADJP )VP . '' )S 12 15 (S `` (NP The Hungarian -LCB- radio -RCB- reporters )NP (VP seem (ADJP (ADJP better informed and (ADJP more critical )ADJP )ADJP (PP about (PP about (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (VP 's (VP going (PRT on )PRT (ADVP here )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )PP )ADJP )VP . '' )S 14 16 (S `` (NP The Hungarian -LCB- radio -RCB- reporters )NP (VP seem (ADJP (ADJP better informed )ADJP and (ADJP (ADJP more critical )ADJP (PP about (PP about (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (VP 's (VP going (PRT on )PRT (ADVP here )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )PP )ADJP )ADJP )VP . '' )S 12 16 (S `` (NP The Hungarian -LCB- radio -RCB- reporters )NP (VP seem (ADJP (ADJP (ADJP better informed )ADJP and (ADJP more critical (PP about )PP )ADJP )ADJP (PP about (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (VP 's (VP going (PRT on )PRT (ADVP here )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )ADJP )VP . '' )S 50 9 9 (S (ADVP Indeed )ADVP , (NP Hungary )NP (VP is (PP in (NP (NP the midst )NP (PP of (NP a media explosion )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 9 9 (S (ADVP Indeed )ADVP , (NP Hungary )NP (VP is (PP in (NP (NP the midst )NP (PP of (NP a media explosion )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 9 10 (S (ADVP Indeed )ADVP , (S (NP Hungary )NP (VP is (PP in (NP (NP the midst )NP (PP of (NP a media explosion )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S . )S 8 9 (S (INTJ Indeed )INTJ , (NP Hungary )NP (VP is (PP in (NP (NP the midst )NP (PP of (NP a media explosion )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 9 10 (S (ADVP Indeed )ADVP , (NP Hungary )NP (VP is (VP (PP in (NP (NP the midst )NP (PP of (NP a media explosion )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 9 10 (S (ADVP Indeed )ADVP , (S (NP Hungary )NP (VP is (PP in (NP (NP the midst )NP (PP of (NP a media explosion )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S . )S 8 9 (S (INTJ Indeed )INTJ , (NP Hungary )NP (VP is (PP in (NP (NP the midst )NP (PP of (NP a media explosion )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 8 9 (S (INTJ Indeed )INTJ , (NP Hungary )NP (VP is (PP in (NP (NP the midst )NP (PP of (NP a media explosion )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 9 9 (S (ADVP Indeed )ADVP , (NP Hungary )NP (VP is (PP in (NP (NP the midst )NP (PP of (NP a media explosion )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 9 10 (S (ADVP Indeed )ADVP , (NP Hungary )NP (VP is (PP in (NP (NP the midst )NP (PP of (S (NP a media explosion )NP )S )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 9 10 (S (ADVP Indeed )ADVP , (NP Hungary )NP (VP is (VP (PP in (NP (NP the midst )NP (PP of (NP a media explosion )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 9 10 (S (ADVP Indeed )ADVP , (NP Hungary )NP (VP is (PP in (NP (NP the midst )NP (PP of (NP a (NX media explosion )NX )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 7 8 (S (ADVP Indeed )ADVP , (NP Hungary )NP (VP is (PP in (NP the midst )NP )PP (PP of (NP a media explosion )NP )PP )VP . )S 9 10 (S (ADVP Indeed )ADVP , (NP Hungary )NP (VP is (PP in (NP (NP the midst )NP (PP of (NP (NP a )NP media explosion )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 8 9 (S (INTJ Indeed )INTJ , (NP Hungary )NP (VP is (PP in (NP (NP the midst )NP (PP of (NP a media explosion )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 9 9 (S (ADVP Indeed )ADVP , (NP Hungary )NP (VP is (PP in (NP (NP the midst )NP (PP of (NP a media explosion )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 8 8 (S Indeed , (NP Hungary )NP (VP is (PP in (NP (NP the midst )NP (PP of (NP a media explosion )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 9 11 (S (ADVP Indeed )ADVP , (S (NP Hungary )NP (VP is (VP (PP in (NP (NP the midst )NP (PP of (NP a media explosion )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S . )S 5 10 (S (ADVP Indeed )ADVP , (NP Hungary )NP (VP is (PP in (NP (NP the midst )NP (PP of (NP a media )NP )PP )NP )PP (NP explosion )NP )VP . )S 9 10 (S (ADVP Indeed )ADVP , (NP Hungary )NP (VP is (PP in (NP (NP the midst )NP (PP of (S (NP a media explosion )NP )S )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 8 10 (S (INTJ Indeed )INTJ , (NP Hungary )NP (VP is (VP (PP in (NP (NP the midst )NP (PP of (NP a media explosion )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 9 10 (S (ADVP Indeed )ADVP , (NP Hungary )NP (VP is (PP in (NP (NP the midst )NP (PP of (NP a (NX media explosion )NX )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 8 9 (S (ADVP Indeed )ADVP , (NP Hungary )NP (VP is (ADVP in )ADVP (NP (NP the midst )NP (PP of (NP a media explosion )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 8 10 (S (INTJ Indeed )INTJ , (S (NP Hungary )NP (VP is (PP in (NP (NP the midst )NP (PP of (NP a media explosion )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S . )S 7 8 (S (ADVP Indeed )ADVP , (NP Hungary )NP (VP is (PP in (NP the midst )NP )PP (PP of (NP a media explosion )NP )PP )VP . )S 8 8 (S (ADVP Indeed )ADVP , (NP Hungary )NP (VP is (PP in (NP the midst )NP (PP of (NP a media explosion )NP )PP )PP )VP . )S 9 9 (S (ADVP Indeed )ADVP , (NP Hungary )NP (VP is (PP in (NP (NP the midst )NP (PP of (NP a media explosion )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 8 9 (S (ADVP Indeed )ADVP , (NP Hungary )NP (VP is (ADVP in )ADVP (NP (NP the midst )NP (PP of (NP a media explosion )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 9 11 (S (ADVP Indeed )ADVP , (NP Hungary )NP (VP is (PP in (NP (NP the midst )NP (PP of (NP (NP a media )NP (NP explosion )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 5 10 (S (ADVP Indeed )ADVP , (NP Hungary )NP (VP is (PP in (NP (NP the midst )NP (PP of (NP a media )NP )PP )NP )PP (NP explosion )NP )VP . )S 9 10 (S (ADVP Indeed )ADVP , (NP Hungary )NP (VP is (PP in (S (NP (NP the midst )NP (PP of (NP a media explosion )NP )PP )NP )S )PP )VP . )S 9 10 (S (ADVP Indeed )ADVP , (NP Hungary )NP (VP is (PP in (NP (NP the midst )NP (PP of (NP (NP a media )NP explosion )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 9 10 (S (ADVP Indeed )ADVP , (NP Hungary )NP (VP is (PP in (NP (NP the midst )NP (PP of (NP (NP a )NP media explosion )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 9 11 (S (ADVP Indeed )ADVP , (NP Hungary )NP (VP is (PP in (NP (NP the midst )NP (PP of (NP (NP a media )NP (VP explosion )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 8 9 (S (ADVP Indeed )ADVP , (NP Hungary )NP (VP is (PP (PP in (NP the midst )NP )PP (PP of (NP a media explosion )NP )PP )PP )VP . )S 9 10 (S (ADVP Indeed )ADVP , (S (NP Hungary )NP (VP is (PP in (NP (NP the midst )NP (PP of (NP a media explosion )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S . )S 9 11 (S (ADVP Indeed )ADVP , (NP Hungary )NP (VP is (PP in (NP (NP the midst )NP (PP of (NP (NP a media )NP (VP explosion )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 8 9 (S (ADVP Indeed )ADVP , (NP Hungary )NP (VP is (ADVP in )ADVP (NP (NP the midst )NP (PP of (NP a media explosion )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 8 9 (S (ADVP Indeed )ADVP , (NP Hungary )NP (VP is (VP in (NP (NP the midst )NP (PP of (NP a media explosion )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP . )S 8 8 (S Indeed , (NP Hungary )NP (VP is (PP in (NP (NP the midst )NP (PP of (NP a media explosion )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 9 10 (S (ADVP Indeed )ADVP , (NP Hungary )NP (VP is (PP in (NP (NP (NP the )NP midst )NP (PP of (NP a media explosion )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 9 11 (S (ADVP Indeed )ADVP , (S (NP Hungary )NP (VP is (PP in (NP (NP the midst )NP (PP of (S (NP a media explosion )NP )S )PP )NP )PP )VP )S . )S 9 11 (S (ADVP Indeed )ADVP , (S (NP Hungary )NP (VP is (VP (PP in (NP (NP the midst )NP (PP of (NP a media explosion )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S . )S 9 11 (S (ADVP Indeed )ADVP , (S (NP Hungary )NP (VP is (PP in (NP (NP the midst )NP (PP of (NP a (NX media explosion )NX )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S . )S 8 10 (S (INTJ Indeed )INTJ , (NP Hungary )NP (VP is (PP in (NP (NP the midst )NP (PP of (S (NP a media explosion )NP )S )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 7 10 (S (ADVP Indeed )ADVP , (NP Hungary )NP (VP is (PP in (NP (NP the midst )NP (PP of (NP a media )NP )PP (NP explosion )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 8 10 (S (INTJ Indeed )INTJ , (NP Hungary )NP (VP is (VP (PP in (NP (NP the midst )NP (PP of (NP a media explosion )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 8 9 (S (ADVP Indeed )ADVP , (NP Hungary )NP (VP is (ADVP in )ADVP (NP (NP the midst )NP (PP of (NP a media explosion )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 8 10 (S (INTJ Indeed )INTJ , (NP Hungary )NP (VP is (PP in (NP (NP the midst )NP (PP of (NP a (NX media explosion )NX )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 7 10 (S (ADVP Indeed )ADVP , (NP Hungary )NP (VP is (PP in (NP (NP the midst )NP (PP of (NP a media )NP )PP (VP explosion )VP )NP )PP )VP . )S 50 10 10 (S (NP (NP Boys )NP (PP on (NP busy street corners )NP )PP )NP (VP peddle (NP (NP newspapers )NP (PP of (NP every political stripe )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 9 9 (S (NP (NP Boys )NP (PP on (NP busy street corners )NP )PP )NP (VP peddle (NP newspapers )NP (PP of (NP every political stripe )NP )PP )VP . )S 10 11 (S (NP (NP Boys )NP (PP on (NP (ADJP busy )ADJP street corners )NP )PP )NP (VP peddle (NP (NP newspapers )NP (PP of (NP every political stripe )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 9 9 (S (NP Boys )NP (PP on (NP busy street corners )NP )PP (VP peddle (NP (NP newspapers )NP (PP of (NP every political stripe )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 10 10 (S (NP (NP Boys )NP (PP on (NP busy street corners )NP )PP )NP (VP peddle (NP (NP newspapers )NP (PP of (NP every political stripe )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 10 10 (S (NP (NP Boys )NP (PP on (NP busy street corners )NP )PP )NP (VP peddle (NP (NP newspapers )NP (PP of (NP every political stripe )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 8 9 (S (NP Boys )NP (VP (PP on (NP busy street corners )NP )PP peddle (NP (NP newspapers )NP (PP of (NP every political stripe )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 10 11 (S (NP (NP Boys )NP (PP on (NP busy street corners )NP )PP )NP (VP peddle (S (NP (NP newspapers )NP (PP of (NP every political stripe )NP )PP )NP )S )VP . )S 9 9 (S (NP Boys )NP (PP on (NP busy street corners )NP )PP (VP peddle (NP (NP newspapers )NP (PP of (NP every political stripe )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 9 10 (S (NP (NP Boys )NP (PP on (NP (ADJP busy )ADJP street corners )NP )PP )NP (VP peddle (NP newspapers )NP (PP of (NP every political stripe )NP )PP )VP . )S 8 8 (S (NP Boys )NP (PP on (NP busy street corners )NP )PP (VP peddle (NP newspapers )NP (PP of (NP every political stripe )NP )PP )VP . )S 9 10 (S (NP (NP Boys )NP (PP on (NP busy street corners )NP )PP )NP (VP peddle (S (NP newspapers )NP (PP of (NP every political stripe )NP )PP )S )VP . )S 9 10 (S (NP Boys )NP (PP on (NP (ADJP busy )ADJP street corners )NP )PP (VP peddle (NP (NP newspapers )NP (PP of (NP every political stripe )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 10 11 (S (NP (NP Boys )NP (PP on (NP busy street corners )NP )PP )NP (VP peddle (NP (NP newspapers )NP (PP of (NP every (ADJP political )ADJP stripe )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 10 11 (S (NP (NP Boys )NP (PP on (NP (ADJP busy )ADJP street corners )NP )PP )NP (VP peddle (NP (NP newspapers )NP (PP of (NP every political stripe )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 9 9 (S (NP Boys )NP (PP on (NP busy street corners )NP )PP (VP peddle (NP (NP newspapers )NP (PP of (NP every political stripe )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 9 9 (S (NP (NP Boys )NP (PP on (NP busy street corners )NP )PP )NP (VP peddle (NP newspapers )NP (PP of (NP every political stripe )NP )PP )VP . )S 9 9 (S (NP (NP Boys )NP (PP on (NP busy street corners )NP )PP )NP (VP peddle (NP newspapers )NP (PP of (NP every political stripe )NP )PP )VP . )S 10 11 (S (NP (NP Boys )NP (PP on (NP (ADJP busy )ADJP street corners )NP )PP )NP (VP peddle (NP (NP newspapers )NP (PP of (NP every political stripe )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 9 9 (S (NP (NP Boys )NP (PP on (NP busy street corners )NP )PP )NP (VP peddle (NP newspapers (PP of (NP every political stripe )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 10 10 (S (NP (NP Boys )NP (PP on (NP busy street corners )NP )PP )NP (VP peddle (NP (NP newspapers )NP (PP of (NP every political stripe )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 8 9 (NP (NP Boys )NP (PP on (NP busy street corners )NP )PP (VP peddle (NP (NP newspapers )NP (PP of (NP every political stripe )NP )PP )NP )VP . )NP 10 11 (S (NP (NP Boys )NP (PP on (NP busy street corners )NP )PP )NP (VP peddle (NP (NP newspapers )NP (PP of (NP every (NX political stripe )NX )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 7 8 (S (NP Boys )NP (VP (PP on (NP busy street corners )NP )PP peddle (NP newspapers )NP (PP of (NP every political stripe )NP )PP )VP . )S 8 9 (S (NP Boys )NP (VP (PP on (NP busy street corners )NP )PP peddle (NP (NP newspapers )NP (PP of (NP every political stripe )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 10 11 (S (NP (NP Boys )NP (PP on (NP busy street corners )NP )PP )NP (VP peddle (NP (NP newspapers )NP (PP of (NP every (ADJP political )ADJP stripe )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 8 10 (S (NP Boys )NP (VP (PP on (NP (ADJP busy )ADJP street corners )NP )PP peddle (NP (NP newspapers )NP (PP of (NP every political stripe )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 10 11 (S (NP (NP Boys )NP (PP on (NP busy street corners )NP )PP )NP (VP peddle (NP (NP newspapers )NP (PP of (NP (NP every )NP political stripe )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 10 10 (S (NP (NP Boys )NP (PP on (NP busy street corners )NP )PP )NP (VP peddle (NP (NP newspapers )NP (PP of (NP every political stripe )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 8 9 (S (NP Boys )NP (VP (PP on (NP busy street corners )NP )PP peddle (NP (NP newspapers )NP (PP of (NP every political stripe )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 8 10 (S (NP (NP Boys )NP (PP on (NP busy street corners )NP )PP )NP (VP peddle (S (VP newspapers (PP of (NP every political stripe )NP )PP )VP )S )VP . )S 10 12 (S (NP (NP Boys )NP (PP on (NP (ADJP busy )ADJP street corners )NP )PP )NP (VP peddle (S (NP (NP newspapers )NP (PP of (NP every political stripe )NP )PP )NP )S )VP . )S 8 8 (S (NP Boys )NP (PP on (NP busy street corners )NP )PP (VP peddle (NP newspapers )NP (PP of (NP every political stripe )NP )PP )VP . )S 10 10 (S (NP (NP Boys )NP (PP on (NP busy street corners )NP )PP )NP (VP peddle (NP (NP newspapers )NP (PP of (NP every political stripe )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 9 10 (S (NP Boys )NP (PP on (NP busy street corners )NP )PP (VP peddle (S (NP (NP newspapers )NP (PP of (NP every political stripe )NP )PP )NP )S )VP . )S 9 9 (S (NP Boys (PP on (NP busy street corners )NP )PP )NP (VP peddle (NP (NP newspapers )NP (PP of (NP every political stripe )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 9 10 (S (NP Boys )NP (PP on (NP (ADJP busy )ADJP street corners )NP )PP (VP peddle (NP (NP newspapers )NP (PP of (NP every political stripe )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 8 9 (S (NP Boys )NP (PP on (NP (ADJP busy )ADJP street corners )NP )PP (VP peddle (NP newspapers )NP (PP of (NP every political stripe )NP )PP )VP . )S 8 9 (NP (NP Boys )NP (PP on (NP busy street corners )NP )PP (VP peddle (NP (NP newspapers )NP (PP of (NP every political stripe )NP )PP )NP )VP . )NP 9 11 (S (NP (NP Boys )NP (PP on (NP (ADJP busy )ADJP street corners )NP )PP )NP (VP peddle (S (NP newspapers )NP (PP of (NP every political stripe )NP )PP )S )VP . )S 10 11 (S (NP (NP Boys )NP (PP on (NP busy street corners )NP )PP )NP (VP peddle (S (NP (NP newspapers )NP (PP of (NP every political stripe )NP )PP )NP )S )VP . )S 8 9 (S (NP Boys )NP (PP on (NP busy street corners )NP )PP (VP peddle (S (NP newspapers )NP (PP of (NP every political stripe )NP )PP )S )VP . )S 9 10 (S (NP (NP Boys )NP (PP on (NP busy street corners )NP )PP )NP (VP peddle (NP newspapers )NP (PP of (NP every (ADJP political )ADJP stripe )NP )PP )VP . )S 9 9 (S (NP Boys )NP (PP on (NP busy street corners )NP )PP (VP peddle (NP (NP newspapers )NP (PP of (NP every political stripe )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 8 10 (S (NP Boys )NP (VP on (S (NP busy street corners )NP (VP peddle (NP (NP newspapers )NP (PP of (NP every political stripe )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )VP . )S 10 11 (S (NP (NP Boys )NP (PP on (NP busy street corners )NP )PP )NP (VP peddle (S (NP (NP newspapers )NP (PP of (NP every political stripe )NP )PP )NP )S )VP . )S 9 10 (NP (NP (NP Boys )NP (PP on (NP busy street corners )NP )PP )NP (VP peddle (NP (NP newspapers )NP (PP of (NP every political stripe )NP )PP )NP )VP . )NP 10 12 (S (NP (NP Boys )NP (PP on (NP (ADJP busy )ADJP street corners )NP )PP )NP (VP peddle (NP (NP newspapers )NP (PP of (NP every (ADJP political )ADJP stripe )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 9 10 (S (NP Boys )NP (PP on (NP busy street corners )NP )PP (VP peddle (NP (NP newspapers )NP (PP of (NP every (ADJP political )ADJP stripe )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 9 10 (S (NP Boys )NP (PP on (NP (ADJP busy )ADJP street corners )NP )PP (VP peddle (NP (NP newspapers )NP (PP of (NP every political stripe )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 50 9 9 (S (NP Newsstands )NP (VP are (ADJP packed (PP with (NP (NP a colorful array )NP (PP of (NP magazines )NP )PP )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 8 9 (S (NP Newsstands )NP (VP are (VP packed (PP with (NP (NP a colorful array )NP (PP of (NP magazines )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 8 9 (S (NP Newsstands )NP (VP are (PP packed (PP with (NP (NP a colorful array )NP (PP of (NP magazines )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP . )S 8 9 (S (NP Newsstands )NP (VP are (ADJP packed )ADJP (PP with (NP (NP a colorful array )NP (PP of (NP magazines )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 9 10 (S (NP Newsstands )NP (VP are (ADJP packed (PP with (NP (NP a (ADJP colorful )ADJP array )NP (PP of (NP magazines )NP )PP )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 8 9 (S (NP Newsstands )NP (VP are (VP packed (PP with (NP (NP a colorful array )NP (PP of (NP magazines )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 9 10 (S (NP Newsstands )NP (VP are (ADJP (ADJP packed )ADJP (PP with (NP (NP a colorful array )NP (PP of (NP magazines )NP )PP )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 8 10 (S (NP Newsstands )NP (VP are (VP packed (PP with (NP (NP a (ADJP colorful )ADJP array )NP (PP of (NP magazines )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 8 10 (S (NP Newsstands )NP (VP are (S (VP packed (PP with (NP (NP a colorful array )NP (PP of (NP magazines )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )VP . )S 6 8 (S (NP Newsstands )NP (VP are (ADJP packed (PP with (NP a colorful array )NP )PP )ADJP (PP of (NP magazines )NP )PP )VP . )S 8 10 (S (NP Newsstands )NP (VP are (PP packed (PP with (NP (NP a (ADJP colorful )ADJP array )NP (PP of (NP magazines )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP . )S 9 10 (S (NP Newsstands )NP (VP are (ADJP packed (PP with (S (NP (NP a colorful array )NP (PP of (NP magazines )NP )PP )NP )S )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 8 10 (S (NP Newsstands )NP (VP are (ADJP packed )ADJP (PP with (NP (NP a (ADJP colorful )ADJP array )NP (PP of (NP magazines )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 8 10 (S (NP Newsstands )NP (VP are (VP packed (PP with (NP (NP a (ADJP colorful )ADJP array )NP (PP of (NP magazines )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 7 8 (S (NP Newsstands )NP are (VP packed (PP with (NP (NP a colorful array )NP (PP of (NP magazines )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 9 11 (S (NP Newsstands )NP (VP are (ADJP (ADJP packed )ADJP (PP with (NP (NP a (ADJP colorful )ADJP array )NP (PP of (NP magazines )NP )PP )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 9 9 (S (NP Newsstands )NP (VP are (ADJP packed (PP with (NP (NP a colorful array )NP (PP of (NP magazines )NP )PP )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 8 10 (S (NP Newsstands )NP (VP are (ADJP packed (SBAR with (S (NP (NP a colorful array )NP (PP of (NP magazines )NP )PP )NP )S )SBAR )ADJP )VP . )S 8 10 (S (NP Newsstands )NP (VP are (VP (PP packed (PP with (NP (NP a colorful array )NP (PP of (NP magazines )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP . )S 6 8 (S (NP Newsstands )NP (VP are (VP packed (PP with (NP a colorful array )NP )PP (PP of (NP magazines )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 8 10 (S (NP Newsstands )NP (VP are (VP packed (PP with (S (NP (NP a colorful array )NP (PP of (NP magazines )NP )PP )NP )S )PP )VP )VP . )S 9 10 (S (NP Newsstands )NP (VP are (S (ADJP packed (PP with (NP (NP a colorful array )NP (PP of (NP magazines )NP )PP )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP . )S 8 11 (S (NP Newsstands )NP (VP are (SBAR (S (VP packed (PP with (NP (NP a colorful array )NP (PP of (NP magazines )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 9 10 (S (NP Newsstands )NP (VP are (ADJP packed (PP with (NP (NP a (NX colorful array )NX )NP (PP of (NP magazines )NP )PP )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 7 8 (S (NP Newsstands )NP are (VP packed (PP with (NP (NP a colorful array )NP (PP of (NP magazines )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 7 10 (S (NP Newsstands )NP (VP are (VP packed (SBAR with (S (NP (NP a colorful array )NP (PP of (NP magazines )NP )PP )NP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 7 9 (S (NP Newsstands )NP (VP are (ADJP (ADJP packed )ADJP (PP with (NP a colorful array )NP )PP (PP of (NP magazines )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 7 9 (S (NP Newsstands )NP (VP are (ADJP (ADJP packed (PP with (NP a colorful array )NP )PP )ADJP (PP of (NP magazines )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 8 8 (S (NP Newsstands )NP (VP are (ADJP packed (PP with (NP a colorful array )NP (PP of (NP magazines )NP )PP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 8 11 (S (NP Newsstands )NP (VP are (S (VP packed (PP with (NP (NP a (ADJP colorful )ADJP array )NP (PP of (NP magazines )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )VP . )S 7 8 (S (NP Newsstands )NP (VP are (ADJP packed (PP with (NP a colorful array )NP )PP (PP of (NP magazines )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 8 10 (S (NP Newsstands )NP (VP are (S (VP packed (PP with (NP (NP a colorful array )NP (PP of (NP magazines )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )VP . )S 7 9 (S (NP Newsstands )NP (VP are (VP packed (PRT with )PRT (NP (NP a colorful array )NP (PP of (NP magazines )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP . )S 6 8 (S (NP Newsstands )NP (VP are (ADJP packed )ADJP (PP with (NP a colorful array )NP )PP (PP of (NP magazines )NP )PP )VP . )S 7 8 (S (NP Newsstands )NP (VP are (VP packed (PP with (NP a colorful array )NP (PP of (NP magazines )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP . )S 8 10 (S (NP Newsstands )NP (VP are (ADJP packed )ADJP (PP with (S (NP (NP a colorful array )NP (PP of (NP magazines )NP )PP )NP )S )PP )VP . )S 6 9 (S (NP Newsstands )NP (VP are (ADJP packed (PP with (NP a (ADJP colorful )ADJP array )NP )PP )ADJP (PP of (NP magazines )NP )PP )VP . )S 8 9 (S (NP Newsstands )NP (VP are (ADJP packed (PP (PP with (NP a colorful array )NP )PP (PP of (NP magazines )NP )PP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 7 9 (S (NP Newsstands )NP (VP are (VP packed (PRT with )PRT (NP (NP a colorful array )NP (PP of (NP magazines )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP . )S 9 11 (S (NP Newsstands )NP (VP are (ADJP packed (PP with (S (NP (NP a (ADJP colorful )ADJP array )NP (PP of (NP magazines )NP )PP )NP )S )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 8 10 (S (NP Newsstands )NP (VP are (VP packed (PP with (NP (NP a (NX colorful array )NX )NP (PP of (NP magazines )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 8 10 (S (NP Newsstands )NP (VP are (VP packed (PP with (S (NP (NP a colorful array )NP (PP of (NP magazines )NP )PP )NP )S )PP )VP )VP . )S 6 9 (S (NP Newsstands )NP (VP are (ADJP (ADJP packed )ADJP (PP with (NP a colorful array )NP )PP )ADJP (PP of (NP magazines )NP )PP )VP . )S 8 10 (S (NP Newsstands )NP (VP are (PP packed (PP with (S (NP (NP a colorful array )NP (PP of (NP magazines )NP )PP )NP )S )PP )PP )VP . )S 7 9 (S (NP Newsstands )NP (VP are (VP packed (PP (PP with (NP a colorful array )NP )PP (PP of (NP magazines )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP . )S 9 11 (S (NP Newsstands )NP (VP are (ADJP (ADJP packed )ADJP (PP with (S (NP (NP a colorful array )NP (PP of (NP magazines )NP )PP )NP )S )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 7 8 (S (NP Newsstands )NP (VP are (PP packed (PP with (NP a colorful array )NP (PP of (NP magazines )NP )PP )PP )PP )VP . )S 6 8 (S (NP Newsstands )NP (VP are (VP packed (PP with (NP a colorful array )NP )PP (PP of (NP magazines )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 7 9 (S (NP Newsstands )NP are (VP packed (PP with (NP (NP a (ADJP colorful )ADJP array )NP (PP of (NP magazines )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 9 10 (S (NP Newsstands )NP (VP are (ADJP packed (PP with (NP (NP a (ADJP colorful )ADJP array )NP (PP of (NP magazines )NP )PP )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 50 5 5 (S (NP Radio and television )NP (VP are (VP getting (ADJP livelier and bolder )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 5 7 (S (NP Radio and television )NP (VP are (VP getting (ADJP (ADJP livelier )ADJP and (ADJP bolder )ADJP )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 5 5 (S (NP Radio and television )NP (VP are (VP getting (ADJP livelier and bolder )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 5 7 (S (NP (NP Radio )NP and (NP television )NP )NP (VP are (VP getting (ADJP livelier and bolder )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 5 6 (S (NP Radio and television )NP (VP are (VP getting (S (ADJP livelier and bolder )ADJP )S )VP )VP . )S 5 7 (S (NP (NP Radio )NP and (NP television )NP )NP (VP are (VP getting (ADJP livelier and bolder )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 5 5 (S (NP Radio and television )NP (VP are (VP getting (ADJP livelier and bolder )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 5 7 (S (NP Radio and television )NP (VP are (VP getting (ADJP (ADJP livelier )ADJP and (ADJP bolder )ADJP )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 5 9 (S (NP (NP Radio )NP and (NP television )NP )NP (VP are (VP getting (ADJP (ADJP livelier )ADJP and (ADJP bolder )ADJP )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 4 5 (S (NP Radio and television )NP (VP are (VP getting (NP livelier and bolder )NP )VP )VP . )S 4 5 (S (NP Radio and television )NP (VP are (VP getting (ADVP livelier and bolder )ADVP )VP )VP . )S 5 6 (S (NP Radio and television )NP (VP are (S (VP getting (ADJP livelier and bolder )ADJP )VP )S )VP . )S 5 7 (S (NP (NP Radio )NP and (NP television )NP )NP (VP are (VP getting (ADJP livelier and bolder )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 5 9 (S (NP (NP Radio )NP and (NP television )NP )NP (VP are (VP getting (ADJP (ADJP livelier )ADJP and (ADJP bolder )ADJP )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 5 7 (S (NP Radio and television )NP (VP are (VP getting (ADJP (ADJP livelier )ADJP and (ADJP bolder )ADJP )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 5 5 (S (NP Radio and television )NP (VP are (VP getting (ADJP livelier and bolder )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 5 8 (S (NP Radio and television )NP (VP are (VP getting (S (ADJP (ADJP livelier )ADJP and (ADJP bolder )ADJP )ADJP )S )VP )VP . )S 5 7 (S (NP (NP Radio )NP and (NP television )NP )NP (VP are (VP getting (ADJP livelier and bolder )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 5 8 (S (NP (NP Radio )NP and (NP television )NP )NP (VP are (VP getting (S (ADJP livelier and bolder )ADJP )S )VP )VP . )S 4 7 (S (NP Radio and television )NP (VP are (VP getting (UCP (NP livelier )NP and (ADJP bolder )ADJP )UCP )VP )VP . )S 5 5 (S (NP Radio and television )NP (VP are (VP getting (ADJP livelier and bolder )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 4 7 (S (NP Radio and television )NP (VP are (VP getting (NP (NP livelier )NP and (NP bolder )NP )NP )VP )VP . )S 5 6 (S (NP Radio and television )NP (VP are (VP getting (S (ADJP livelier and bolder )ADJP )S )VP )VP . )S 4 7 (S (NP Radio and television )NP (VP are (VP getting (UCP (ADJP livelier )ADJP and (ADJP bolder )ADJP )UCP )VP )VP . )S 5 8 (S (NP Radio and television )NP (VP are (S (VP getting (ADJP (ADJP livelier )ADJP and (ADJP bolder )ADJP )ADJP )VP )S )VP . )S 3 5 (S (NP Radio and television )NP (VP are (ADJP (NP getting )NP livelier and bolder )ADJP )VP . )S 5 6 (S (NP Radio and television )NP (VP are (VP getting (NP (ADJP livelier and bolder )ADJP )NP )VP )VP . )S 5 7 (S (NP (NP Radio )NP and (NP television )NP )NP (VP are (VP getting (ADJP livelier and bolder )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 5 7 (S (NP Radio and television )NP (VP are (VP getting (ADJP livelier (NP (QP and bolder )QP )NP )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 5 9 (S (NP (NP Radio )NP and (NP television )NP )NP (VP are (VP getting (ADJP (ADJP livelier )ADJP and (ADJP bolder )ADJP )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 4 6 (S (NP Radio and television )NP (VP are (VP getting (S (ADVP livelier and bolder )ADVP )S )VP )VP . )S 5 8 (S (NP (NP Radio )NP and (NP television )NP )NP (VP are (VP getting (S (ADJP livelier and bolder )ADJP )S )VP )VP . )S 5 7 (S (NP Radio and television )NP (VP are (VP getting (ADJP (ADJP livelier )ADJP and (ADJP bolder )ADJP )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 4 7 (S (NP (NP Radio )NP and (NP television )NP )NP (VP are (VP getting (NP livelier and bolder )NP )VP )VP . )S 4 5 (S (NP Radio and television )NP (VP are (VP getting (UCP livelier and bolder )UCP )VP )VP . )S 4 7 (S (NP (NP Radio )NP and (NP television )NP )NP (VP are (VP getting (ADVP livelier and bolder )ADVP )VP )VP . )S 5 6 (S (NP Radio and television )NP (VP are (S (VP getting (ADJP livelier and bolder )ADJP )VP )S )VP . )S 4 5 (S (NP Radio and television )NP (VP are (VP getting (NP livelier and bolder )NP )VP )VP . )S 5 7 (S (NP Radio and television )NP (VP are (S (VP getting (S (ADJP livelier and bolder )ADJP )S )VP )S )VP . )S 5 6 (S (NP Radio and television )NP (VP are (VP getting (ADJP livelier and (ADJP bolder )ADJP )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 5 6 (S (NP Radio and television )NP (VP are (VP getting (S (ADJP livelier and bolder )ADJP )S )VP )VP . )S 4 7 (S (NP Radio and television )NP (VP are (VP getting (NP (NP livelier )NP and (NP bolder )NP )NP )VP )VP . )S 5 8 (S (NP (NP Radio )NP and (NP television )NP )NP (VP are (S (VP getting (ADJP livelier and bolder )ADJP )VP )S )VP . )S 5 7 (S (NP (NP Radio )NP and (NP television )NP )NP (VP are (VP getting (ADJP livelier and bolder )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 5 9 (S (NP (NP Radio )NP and (NP television )NP )NP (VP are (VP getting (ADJP (ADJP livelier )ADJP and (ADJP bolder )ADJP )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 4 7 (S (NP Radio and television )NP (VP are (VP getting (UCP (ADJP livelier )ADJP and (ADJP bolder )ADJP )UCP )VP )VP . )S 5 5 (S (NP Radio and television )NP (VP are (VP getting (ADJP livelier and bolder )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 5 9 (S (NP (NP Radio )NP and (NP television )NP )NP (VP are (VP getting (ADJP (ADJP livelier )ADJP and (ADJP bolder )ADJP )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 5 8 (S (NP Radio and television )NP (VP are (VP getting (S (ADJP (ADJP livelier )ADJP and (ADJP bolder )ADJP )ADJP )S )VP )VP . )S 4 6 (S (NP Radio and television )NP (VP are (VP getting (UCP (ADJP livelier )ADJP and bolder )UCP )VP )VP . )S 50 13 20 (S (NP The (NP British Broadcasting Corp. )NP and (NP (NP (NP the U.S. State Department 's )NP Voice )NP (PP of (NP America )NP )PP )NP )NP (VP broadcast (PP over (NP (NP Hungarian airwaves )NP , (ADVP though (NP (NP (QP only a few )QP hours )NP (NP a day )NP )NP )ADVP (NP each )NP )NP )PP (PP in (ADJP Hungarian )ADJP )PP )VP . )S 15 20 (S (NP The (NP British Broadcasting Corp. )NP and (NP (NP (NP the U.S. State Department 's )NP Voice )NP (PP of (NP America )NP )PP )NP )NP (VP broadcast (PP over (NP Hungarian airwaves )NP )PP , (ADVP though (NP (NP (NP (QP only a few )QP hours )NP (NP a day )NP )NP (NP each )NP )NP (PP in (ADJP Hungarian )ADJP )PP )ADVP )VP . )S 14 20 (S (NP The (NP British Broadcasting Corp. )NP and (NP (NP (NP the U.S. State Department 's )NP Voice )NP (PP of (NP America )NP )PP )NP )NP (VP broadcast (PP over (NP (NP Hungarian airwaves )NP , (ADVP though (NP (NP (QP only a few )QP hours )NP (NP a day )NP )NP )ADVP (NP each )NP )NP )PP (PP in (NP Hungarian )NP )PP )VP . )S 14 20 (S (NP (NP The British Broadcasting Corp. )NP and (NP (NP (NP the U.S. State Department 's )NP Voice )NP (PP of (NP America )NP )PP )NP )NP (VP broadcast (PP over (NP (NP Hungarian airwaves )NP , (ADVP though (NP (NP (QP only a few )QP hours )NP (NP a day )NP )NP )ADVP (NP each )NP )NP )PP (PP in (ADJP Hungarian )ADJP )PP )VP . )S 14 21 (S (NP The (NP British Broadcasting Corp. )NP and (NP (NP (NP the U.S. State Department 's )NP Voice )NP (PP of (NP America )NP )PP )NP )NP (VP broadcast (PP over (NP (NP Hungarian airwaves )NP , (ADVP though (NP (NP (QP only a few )QP hours )NP (NP a day )NP )NP )ADVP (NP (NP each )NP (PP in (NP Hungarian )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 13 21 (S (NP The (NP British Broadcasting Corp. )NP and (NP (NP (NP the U.S. State Department 's )NP Voice )NP (PP of (NP America )NP )PP )NP )NP (VP broadcast (PP over (NP (NP Hungarian airwaves )NP , (ADVP though (NP (NP (QP only a few )QP hours )NP (NP a day )NP )NP )ADVP (NP (NP each )NP (PP in (ADJP Hungarian )ADJP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 16 20 (S (NP (NP The British Broadcasting Corp. )NP and (NP (NP (NP the U.S. State Department 's )NP Voice )NP (PP of (NP America )NP )PP )NP )NP (VP broadcast (PP over (NP Hungarian airwaves )NP )PP , (ADVP though (NP (NP (NP (QP only a few )QP hours )NP (NP a day )NP )NP (NP each )NP )NP (PP in (ADJP Hungarian )ADJP )PP )ADVP )VP . )S 12 22 (S (NP The (NP British Broadcasting Corp. )NP and (NP the U.S. State Department )NP )NP (VP 's (NP (NP Voice )NP (PP of (NP America )NP )PP (VP broadcast (PP over (NP (NP Hungarian airwaves )NP , (ADVP though (NP (NP (QP only a few )QP hours )NP (NP a day )NP )NP )ADVP (NP (NP each )NP (PP in (NP Hungarian )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP )NP )VP . )S 11 22 (S (NP The (NP British Broadcasting Corp. )NP and (NP the U.S. State Department )NP )NP (VP 's (NP (NP Voice )NP (PP of (NP America )NP )PP (VP broadcast (PP over (NP (NP Hungarian airwaves )NP , (ADVP though (NP (NP (QP only a few )QP hours )NP (NP a day )NP )NP )ADVP (NP (NP each )NP (PP in (ADJP Hungarian )ADJP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP )NP )VP . )S 15 20 (S (NP (NP The British Broadcasting Corp. )NP and (NP (NP (NP the U.S. State Department 's )NP Voice )NP (PP of (NP America )NP )PP )NP )NP (VP broadcast (PP over (NP (NP Hungarian airwaves )NP , (ADVP though (NP (NP (QP only a few )QP hours )NP (NP a day )NP )NP )ADVP (NP each )NP )NP )PP (PP in (NP Hungarian )NP )PP )VP . )S 15 21 (S (NP (NP The British Broadcasting Corp. )NP and (NP (NP (NP the U.S. State Department 's )NP Voice )NP (PP of (NP America )NP )PP )NP )NP (VP broadcast (PP over (NP (NP Hungarian airwaves )NP , (ADVP though (NP (NP (QP only a few )QP hours )NP (NP a day )NP )NP )ADVP (NP (NP each )NP (PP in (NP Hungarian )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 14 21 (S (NP (NP The British Broadcasting Corp. )NP and (NP (NP (NP the U.S. State Department 's )NP Voice )NP (PP of (NP America )NP )PP )NP )NP (VP broadcast (PP over (NP (NP Hungarian airwaves )NP , (ADVP though (NP (NP (QP only a few )QP hours )NP (NP a day )NP )NP )ADVP (NP (NP each )NP (PP in (ADJP Hungarian )ADJP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 13 20 (S (NP The (NP British Broadcasting Corp. )NP and (NP (NP (NP the U.S. State Department 's )NP Voice )NP (PP of (NP America )NP )PP )NP )NP (VP broadcast (PP over (NP (NP Hungarian airwaves )NP , (ADVP though (NP (NP (QP only a few )QP hours )NP (NP a day )NP )NP )ADVP (NP each )NP )NP )PP (PP in (ADJP Hungarian )ADJP )PP )VP . )S 15 20 (S (NP The (NP British Broadcasting Corp. )NP and (NP (NP (NP the U.S. State Department 's )NP Voice )NP (PP of (NP America )NP )PP )NP )NP (VP broadcast (PP over (NP Hungarian airwaves )NP )PP , (ADVP though (NP (NP (NP (QP only a few )QP hours )NP (NP a day )NP )NP (NP each )NP )NP (PP in (ADJP Hungarian )ADJP )PP )ADVP )VP . )S 13 20 (S (NP The (NP British Broadcasting Corp. )NP and (NP (NP (NP the U.S. State Department 's )NP Voice )NP (PP of (NP America )NP )PP )NP )NP (VP broadcast (PP over (NP (NP Hungarian airwaves )NP , (ADVP though (NP (NP (QP only a few )QP hours )NP (NP a day )NP )NP )ADVP (NP each )NP (PP in (ADJP Hungarian )ADJP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 16 20 (S (NP The (NP British Broadcasting Corp. )NP and (NP (NP (NP the U.S. State Department 's )NP Voice )NP (PP of (NP America )NP )PP )NP )NP (VP broadcast (PP over (NP Hungarian airwaves )NP )PP , (ADVP though (NP (NP (NP (QP only a few )QP hours )NP (NP a day )NP )NP (NP each )NP )NP (PP in (NP Hungarian )NP )PP )ADVP )VP . )S 13 20 (S (NP The (NP British Broadcasting Corp. )NP and (NP (NP (NP the U.S. State Department 's )NP Voice )NP (PP of (NP America )NP )PP )NP )NP (VP broadcast (PP over (NP (NP Hungarian airwaves )NP , (ADVP though (NP (NP (QP only a few )QP hours )NP (NP a day )NP )NP )ADVP (NP each )NP )NP )PP (PP in (ADJP Hungarian )ADJP )PP )VP . )S 14 20 (S (NP The (NP British Broadcasting Corp. )NP and (NP (NP (NP the U.S. State Department 's )NP Voice )NP (PP of (NP America )NP )PP )NP )NP (VP broadcast (PP over (NP (NP Hungarian airwaves )NP , (ADVP though (NP (NP (QP only a few )QP hours )NP (NP a day )NP )NP )ADVP (NP each )NP )NP )PP (PP in (NP Hungarian )NP )PP )VP . )S 14 20 (S (NP (NP The British Broadcasting Corp. )NP and (NP (NP (NP the U.S. State Department 's )NP Voice )NP (PP of (NP America )NP )PP )NP )NP (VP broadcast (PP over (NP (NP Hungarian airwaves )NP , (ADVP though (NP (NP (QP only a few )QP hours )NP (NP a day )NP )NP )ADVP (NP each )NP )NP )PP (PP in (ADJP Hungarian )ADJP )PP )VP . )S 14 21 (S (NP The (NP British Broadcasting Corp. )NP and (NP (NP (NP the U.S. State Department 's )NP Voice )NP (PP of (NP America )NP )PP )NP )NP (VP broadcast (PP over (NP (NP Hungarian airwaves )NP , (ADVP though (NP (NP (QP only a few )QP hours )NP (NP a day )NP )NP )ADVP (NP (NP each )NP (PP in (NP Hungarian )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 13 21 (S (NP The (NP British Broadcasting Corp. )NP and (NP (NP (NP the U.S. State Department 's )NP Voice )NP (PP of (NP America )NP )PP )NP )NP (VP broadcast (PP over (NP (NP Hungarian airwaves )NP , (ADVP though (NP (NP (QP only a few )QP hours )NP (NP a day )NP )NP )ADVP (NP (NP each )NP (PP in (ADJP Hungarian )ADJP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 13 21 (S (NP The (NP British Broadcasting Corp. )NP and (NP (NP (NP (NP the U.S. )NP State Department 's )NP Voice )NP (PP of (NP America )NP )PP )NP )NP (VP broadcast (PP over (NP (NP Hungarian airwaves )NP , (ADVP though (NP (NP (QP only a few )QP hours )NP (NP a day )NP )NP )ADVP (NP each )NP )NP )PP (PP in (ADJP Hungarian )ADJP )PP )VP . )S 16 20 (S (NP (NP The British Broadcasting Corp. )NP and (NP (NP (NP the U.S. State Department 's )NP Voice )NP (PP of (NP America )NP )PP )NP )NP (VP broadcast (PP over (NP Hungarian airwaves )NP )PP , (ADVP though (NP (NP (NP (QP only a few )QP hours )NP (NP a day )NP )NP (NP each )NP )NP (PP in (ADJP Hungarian )ADJP )PP )ADVP )VP . )S 11 21 (S (NP The (NP British Broadcasting Corp. )NP and (NP the U.S. State Department )NP )NP (VP 's (NP (NP Voice )NP (PP of (NP America )NP )PP (VP broadcast (PP over (NP (NP Hungarian airwaves )NP , (ADVP though (NP (NP (QP only a few )QP hours )NP (NP a day )NP )NP )ADVP (NP each )NP (PP in (ADJP Hungarian )ADJP )PP )NP )PP )VP )NP )VP . )S 15 20 (S (NP The (NP British Broadcasting Corp. )NP and (NP (NP (NP the U.S. State Department 's )NP Voice )NP (PP of (NP America )NP )PP )NP )NP (VP broadcast (PP over (NP Hungarian airwaves )NP )PP , (ADVP though (NP (NP (NP (QP only a few )QP hours )NP (NP a day )NP )NP (NP each )NP )NP (PP in (ADJP Hungarian )ADJP )PP )ADVP )VP . )S 15 21 (S (NP The (NP British Broadcasting Corp. )NP and (NP (NP (NP the U.S. State Department 's )NP Voice )NP (PP of (NP America )NP )PP )NP )NP (VP broadcast (PP over (NP Hungarian airwaves )NP )PP , (ADVP though (NP (NP (NP (QP only a few )QP hours )NP (NP a day )NP )NP (NP (NP each )NP (PP in (NP Hungarian )NP )PP )NP )NP )ADVP )VP . )S 14 21 (S (NP The (NP British Broadcasting Corp. )NP and (NP (NP (NP the U.S. State Department 's )NP Voice )NP (PP of (NP America )NP )PP )NP )NP (VP broadcast (PP over (NP Hungarian airwaves )NP )PP , (ADVP though (NP (NP (NP (QP only a few )QP hours )NP (NP a day )NP )NP (NP (NP each )NP (PP in (ADJP Hungarian )ADJP )PP )NP )NP )ADVP )VP . )S 13 20 (S (NP The (NP British Broadcasting Corp. )NP and (NP (NP (NP the U.S. State Department 's )NP Voice )NP (PP of (NP America )NP )PP )NP )NP (VP broadcast (PRT over )PRT (NP (NP Hungarian airwaves )NP , (ADVP though (NP (NP (QP only a few )QP hours )NP (NP a day )NP )NP )ADVP (NP each )NP )NP (PP in (ADJP Hungarian )ADJP )PP )VP . )S 14 20 (S (NP (NP The British Broadcasting Corp. )NP and (NP (NP (NP the U.S. State Department 's )NP Voice )NP (PP of (NP America )NP )PP )NP )NP (VP broadcast (PP over (NP (NP Hungarian airwaves )NP , (ADVP though (NP (NP (QP only a few )QP hours )NP (NP a day )NP )NP )ADVP (NP each )NP (PP in (ADJP Hungarian )ADJP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 15 21 (S (NP The (NP British Broadcasting Corp. )NP and (NP (NP (NP (NP the U.S. )NP State Department 's )NP Voice )NP (PP of (NP America )NP )PP )NP )NP (VP broadcast (PP over (NP Hungarian airwaves )NP )PP , (ADVP though (NP (NP (NP (QP only a few )QP hours )NP (NP a day )NP )NP (NP each )NP )NP (PP in (ADJP Hungarian )ADJP )PP )ADVP )VP . )S 14 20 (S (NP The (NP British Broadcasting Corp. )NP and (NP (NP (NP the U.S. State Department 's )NP Voice )NP (PP of (NP America )NP )PP )NP )NP (VP broadcast (PP over (NP (NP Hungarian airwaves )NP , (ADVP though (NP (NP (QP only a few )QP hours )NP (NP a day )NP )NP )ADVP (NP each )NP (PP in (NP Hungarian )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 13 22 (S (NP (NP The British Broadcasting Corp. )NP and (NP the U.S. State Department )NP )NP (VP 's (NP (NP Voice )NP (PP of (NP America )NP )PP (VP broadcast (PP over (NP (NP Hungarian airwaves )NP , (ADVP though (NP (NP (QP only a few )QP hours )NP (NP a day )NP )NP )ADVP (NP (NP each )NP (PP in (NP Hungarian )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP )NP )VP . )S 12 22 (S (NP (NP The British Broadcasting Corp. )NP and (NP the U.S. State Department )NP )NP (VP 's (NP (NP Voice )NP (PP of (NP America )NP )PP (VP broadcast (PP over (NP (NP Hungarian airwaves )NP , (ADVP though (NP (NP (QP only a few )QP hours )NP (NP a day )NP )NP )ADVP (NP (NP each )NP (PP in (ADJP Hungarian )ADJP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP )NP )VP . )S 14 20 (S (NP The (NP British Broadcasting Corp. )NP and (NP (NP (NP the U.S. State Department 's )NP Voice )NP (PP of (NP America )NP )PP )NP )NP (VP broadcast (PP over (NP (NP Hungarian airwaves )NP , (ADVP though (NP (NP (QP only a few )QP hours )NP (NP a day )NP )NP )ADVP (NP each )NP )NP )PP (PP in (NP Hungarian )NP )PP )VP . )S 17 20 (S (NP (NP The British Broadcasting Corp. )NP and (NP (NP (NP the U.S. State Department 's )NP Voice )NP (PP of (NP America )NP )PP )NP )NP (VP broadcast (PP over (NP Hungarian airwaves )NP )PP , (ADVP though (NP (NP (NP (QP only a few )QP hours )NP (NP a day )NP )NP (NP each )NP )NP (PP in (NP Hungarian )NP )PP )ADVP )VP . )S 12 22 (S (NP The (NP British Broadcasting Corp. )NP and (NP the U.S. State Department )NP )NP (VP 's (NP (NP Voice )NP (PP of (NP America )NP )PP (VP broadcast (PP over (NP (NP Hungarian airwaves )NP , (ADVP though (NP (NP (QP only a few )QP hours )NP (NP a day )NP )NP )ADVP (NP (NP each )NP (PP in (NP Hungarian )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP )NP )VP . )S 11 22 (S (NP The (NP British Broadcasting Corp. )NP and (NP the U.S. State Department )NP )NP (VP 's (NP (NP Voice )NP (PP of (NP America )NP )PP (VP broadcast (PP over (NP (NP Hungarian airwaves )NP , (ADVP though (NP (NP (QP only a few )QP hours )NP (NP a day )NP )NP )ADVP (NP (NP each )NP (PP in (ADJP Hungarian )ADJP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP )NP )VP . )S 14 20 (S (NP (NP The British Broadcasting Corp. )NP and (NP (NP (NP the U.S. State Department 's )NP Voice )NP (PP of (NP America )NP )PP )NP )NP (VP broadcast (PP over (NP (NP Hungarian airwaves )NP , (ADVP though (NP (NP (QP only a few )QP hours )NP (NP a day )NP )NP )ADVP (NP each )NP )NP )PP (PP in (ADJP Hungarian )ADJP )PP )VP . )S 15 20 (S (NP (NP The British Broadcasting Corp. )NP and (NP (NP (NP the U.S. State Department 's )NP Voice )NP (PP of (NP America )NP )PP )NP )NP (VP broadcast (PP over (NP (NP Hungarian airwaves )NP , (ADVP though (NP (NP (QP only a few )QP hours )NP (NP a day )NP )NP )ADVP (NP each )NP )NP )PP (PP in (NP Hungarian )NP )PP )VP . )S 14 21 (S (NP The (NP British Broadcasting Corp. )NP and (NP (NP (NP the U.S. State Department 's )NP Voice )NP (PP of (NP America )NP )PP )NP )NP (VP broadcast (PP over (NP (NP Hungarian airwaves )NP , (ADVP though (NP (NP (QP only a few )QP hours )NP (NP a day )NP )NP )ADVP (NP (NP each )NP (PP in (NP Hungarian )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 13 21 (S (NP The (NP British Broadcasting Corp. )NP and (NP (NP (NP the U.S. State Department 's )NP Voice )NP (PP of (NP America )NP )PP )NP )NP (VP broadcast (PP over (NP (NP Hungarian airwaves )NP , (ADVP though (NP (NP (QP only a few )QP hours )NP (NP a day )NP )NP )ADVP (NP (NP each )NP (PP in (ADJP Hungarian )ADJP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 14 21 (S (NP The (NP British Broadcasting Corp. )NP and (NP (NP (NP (NP the U.S. )NP State Department 's )NP Voice )NP (PP of (NP America )NP )PP )NP )NP (VP broadcast (PP over (NP (NP Hungarian airwaves )NP , (ADVP though (NP (NP (QP only a few )QP hours )NP (NP a day )NP )NP )ADVP (NP each )NP )NP )PP (PP in (NP Hungarian )NP )PP )VP . )S 15 21 (S (NP (NP The British Broadcasting Corp. )NP and (NP (NP (NP the U.S. State Department 's )NP Voice )NP (PP of (NP America )NP )PP )NP )NP (VP broadcast (PP over (NP (NP Hungarian airwaves )NP , (ADVP though (NP (NP (QP only a few )QP hours )NP (NP a day )NP )NP )ADVP (NP (NP each )NP (PP in (NP Hungarian )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 14 21 (S (NP (NP The British Broadcasting Corp. )NP and (NP (NP (NP the U.S. State Department 's )NP Voice )NP (PP of (NP America )NP )PP )NP )NP (VP broadcast (PP over (NP (NP Hungarian airwaves )NP , (ADVP though (NP (NP (QP only a few )QP hours )NP (NP a day )NP )NP )ADVP (NP (NP each )NP (PP in (ADJP Hungarian )ADJP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 14 21 (S (NP (NP The British Broadcasting Corp. )NP and (NP (NP (NP (NP the U.S. )NP State Department 's )NP Voice )NP (PP of (NP America )NP )PP )NP )NP (VP broadcast (PP over (NP (NP Hungarian airwaves )NP , (ADVP though (NP (NP (QP only a few )QP hours )NP (NP a day )NP )NP )ADVP (NP each )NP )NP )PP (PP in (ADJP Hungarian )ADJP )PP )VP . )S 14 22 (S (NP The (NP British Broadcasting Corp. )NP and (NP (NP (NP (NP the U.S. )NP State Department 's )NP Voice )NP (PP of (NP America )NP )PP )NP )NP (VP broadcast (PP over (NP (NP Hungarian airwaves )NP , (ADVP though (NP (NP (QP only a few )QP hours )NP (NP a day )NP )NP )ADVP (NP (NP each )NP (PP in (NP Hungarian )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 13 22 (S (NP The (NP British Broadcasting Corp. )NP and (NP (NP (NP (NP the U.S. )NP State Department 's )NP Voice )NP (PP of (NP America )NP )PP )NP )NP (VP broadcast (PP over (NP (NP Hungarian airwaves )NP , (ADVP though (NP (NP (QP only a few )QP hours )NP (NP a day )NP )NP )ADVP (NP (NP each )NP (PP in (ADJP Hungarian )ADJP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 16 20 (S (NP (NP The British Broadcasting Corp. )NP and (NP (NP (NP the U.S. State Department 's )NP Voice )NP (PP of (NP America )NP )PP )NP )NP (VP broadcast (PP over (NP Hungarian airwaves )NP )PP , (ADVP though (NP (NP (NP (QP only a few )QP hours )NP (NP a day )NP )NP (NP each )NP )NP (PP in (ADJP Hungarian )ADJP )PP )ADVP )VP . )S 16 20 (S (NP The (NP British Broadcasting Corp. )NP and (NP (NP (NP the U.S. State Department 's )NP Voice )NP (PP of (NP America )NP )PP )NP )NP (VP broadcast (PP over (NP Hungarian airwaves )NP )PP , (ADVP though (NP (NP (NP (QP only a few )QP hours )NP (NP a day )NP )NP (NP each )NP )NP (PP in (NP Hungarian )NP )PP )ADVP )VP . )S 14 20 (S (NP The (NP British Broadcasting Corp. )NP and (NP (NP (NP the U.S. State Department 's )NP Voice )NP (PP of (NP America )NP )PP )NP )NP (VP broadcast (PRT over )PRT (NP (NP Hungarian airwaves )NP , (ADVP though (NP (NP (QP only a few )QP hours )NP (NP a day )NP )NP )ADVP (NP each )NP )NP (PP in (NP Hungarian )NP )PP )VP . )S 50 28 29 (S (NP Australian press magnate Rupert Murdoch )NP (VP has (VP bought (NP (NP (ADJP 50 % )ADJP stakes )NP (PP in (NP two (ADJP popular and gossipy )ADJP Hungarian newspapers )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR while (S (NP (NP Britain 's )NP Robert Maxwell )NP (VP has (S (VP let (S (NP it )NP (VP be (VP known (ADVP here )ADVP (SBAR that (S (NP he )NP (VP is (VP thinking (PP about (NP similar moves )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 28 28 (S (NP Australian press magnate Rupert Murdoch )NP (VP has (VP bought (NP (NP (ADJP 50 % )ADJP stakes )NP (PP in (NP two (ADJP popular and gossipy )ADJP Hungarian newspapers )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR while (S (NP (NP Britain 's )NP Robert Maxwell )NP (VP has (VP let (S (NP it )NP (VP be (VP known (ADVP here )ADVP (SBAR that (S (NP he )NP (VP is (VP thinking (PP about (NP similar moves )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 25 29 (S (NP Australian press magnate Rupert Murdoch )NP (VP has (VP bought (NP 50 % )NP (NP (NP stakes )NP (PP in (NP two (ADJP popular and gossipy )ADJP Hungarian newspapers )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR while (S (NP (NP Britain 's )NP Robert Maxwell )NP (VP has (S (VP let (S (NP it )NP (VP be (VP known (ADVP here )ADVP (SBAR that (S (NP he )NP (VP is (VP thinking (PP about (NP similar moves )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 28 30 (S (NP Australian press magnate Rupert Murdoch )NP (VP has (VP bought (NP (NP (ADJP 50 % )ADJP stakes )NP (PP in (NP two (ADJP popular and gossipy )ADJP Hungarian newspapers )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR while (S (NP (NP Britain 's )NP Robert Maxwell )NP (VP has (S (VP let (S (NP it )NP (VP be (VP known (ADVP (ADVP here )ADVP (SBAR that (S (NP he )NP (VP is (VP thinking (PP about (NP similar moves )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 25 28 (S (NP Australian press magnate Rupert Murdoch )NP (VP has (VP bought (NP 50 % )NP (NP (NP stakes )NP (PP in (NP two (ADJP popular and gossipy )ADJP Hungarian newspapers )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR while (S (NP (NP Britain 's )NP Robert Maxwell )NP (VP has (VP let (S (NP it )NP (VP be (VP known (ADVP here )ADVP (SBAR that (S (NP he )NP (VP is (VP thinking (PP about (NP similar moves )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 27 29 (S (NP Australian press magnate Rupert Murdoch )NP (VP has (VP bought (NP (NP (ADJP 50 % )ADJP stakes )NP (PP in (NP two (ADJP popular and gossipy )ADJP Hungarian newspapers )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR while (S (NP (NP Britain 's )NP Robert Maxwell )NP (VP has (S (VP let (S (NP it )NP (VP be (VP known (SBAR (ADVP here )ADVP that (S (NP he )NP (VP is (VP thinking (PP about (NP similar moves )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 28 29 (S (NP Australian press magnate Rupert Murdoch )NP (VP has (VP bought (NP (NP (ADJP 50 % )ADJP stakes )NP (PP in (NP two (ADJP popular and gossipy )ADJP Hungarian newspapers )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR while (S (NP (NP Britain 's )NP Robert Maxwell )NP (VP has (VP let (S (NP it )NP (VP be (VP known (ADVP (ADVP here )ADVP (SBAR that (S (NP he )NP (VP is (VP thinking (PP about (NP similar moves )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 25 29 (S (NP Australian press magnate Rupert Murdoch )NP (VP has (VP bought (NP (NP (ADJP 50 % )ADJP stakes )NP (PP in (NP two (ADJP popular and gossipy )ADJP Hungarian newspapers )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR while (S (NP (NP Britain 's )NP Robert Maxwell )NP (VP has (S (VP let (S (NP it )NP (VP be (VP known (ADVP here )ADVP )VP )VP )S (SBAR that (S (NP he )NP (VP is (VP thinking (PP about (NP similar moves )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 27 30 (S (NP Australian press magnate Rupert Murdoch )NP (VP (VP has (VP bought (NP (NP (ADJP 50 % )ADJP stakes )NP (PP in (NP two (ADJP popular and gossipy )ADJP Hungarian newspapers )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP , (SBAR while (S (NP (NP Britain 's )NP Robert Maxwell )NP (VP has (S (VP let (S (NP it )NP (VP be (VP known (ADVP here )ADVP (SBAR that (S (NP he )NP (VP is (VP thinking (PP about (NP similar moves )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 28 29 (S (NP Australian press magnate Rupert Murdoch )NP (VP has (VP bought (NP (NP (ADJP 50 % )ADJP stakes )NP (PP in (NP two (ADJP popular and gossipy )ADJP Hungarian newspapers )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR while (S (NP (NP Britain 's )NP Robert Maxwell )NP (VP has (S (VP let (S (NP it )NP (VP be (VP known (ADVP here )ADVP (SBAR that (S (NP he )NP (VP is (VP thinking (PP about (NP similar moves )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 27 28 (S (NP Australian press magnate Rupert Murdoch )NP (VP has (VP bought (NP (NP (ADJP 50 % )ADJP stakes )NP (PP in (NP two (ADJP popular and gossipy )ADJP Hungarian newspapers )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR while (S (NP (NP Britain 's )NP Robert Maxwell )NP (VP has (VP let (S (NP it )NP (VP be (VP known (SBAR (ADVP here )ADVP that (S (NP he )NP (VP is (VP thinking (PP about (NP similar moves )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 27 28 (S (NP Australian press magnate Rupert Murdoch )NP (VP has (VP bought (NP (NP (ADJP 50 % )ADJP stakes )NP (PP in (NP two (ADJP popular and gossipy )ADJP Hungarian newspapers )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR while (S (NP (NP Britain 's )NP Robert Maxwell )NP (VP has (S (VP let (NP it )NP (VP be (VP known (ADVP here )ADVP (SBAR that (S (NP he )NP (VP is (VP thinking (PP about (NP similar moves )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 28 29 (S (NP Australian press magnate Rupert Murdoch )NP (VP has (VP bought (NP (NP (ADJP 50 % )ADJP stakes )NP (PP in (NP two (ADJP popular and gossipy )ADJP Hungarian newspapers )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR while (S (NP (NP Britain 's )NP Robert Maxwell )NP (VP has (VP let (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (VP be (VP known (ADVP here )ADVP (SBAR that (S (NP he )NP (VP is (VP thinking (PP about (NP similar moves )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 25 28 (S (NP Australian press magnate Rupert Murdoch )NP (VP has (VP bought (NP (NP (ADJP 50 % )ADJP stakes )NP (PP in (NP two (ADJP popular and gossipy )ADJP Hungarian newspapers )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR while (S (NP (NP Britain 's )NP Robert Maxwell )NP (VP has (VP let (S (NP it )NP (VP be (VP known (ADVP here )ADVP )VP )VP )S (SBAR that (S (NP he )NP (VP is (VP thinking (PP about (NP similar moves )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 25 30 (S (NP Australian press magnate Rupert Murdoch )NP (VP has (VP bought (NP 50 % )NP (NP (NP stakes )NP (PP in (NP two (ADJP popular and gossipy )ADJP Hungarian newspapers )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR while (S (NP (NP Britain 's )NP Robert Maxwell )NP (VP has (S (VP let (S (NP it )NP (VP be (VP known (ADVP (ADVP here )ADVP (SBAR that (S (NP he )NP (VP is (VP thinking (PP about (NP similar moves )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 27 29 (S (NP Australian press magnate Rupert Murdoch )NP (VP (VP has (VP bought (NP (NP (ADJP 50 % )ADJP stakes )NP (PP in (NP two (ADJP popular and gossipy )ADJP Hungarian newspapers )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP , (SBAR while (S (NP (NP Britain 's )NP Robert Maxwell )NP (VP has (VP let (S (NP it )NP (VP be (VP known (ADVP here )ADVP (SBAR that (S (NP he )NP (VP is (VP thinking (PP about (NP similar moves )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 26 28 (S (NP Australian press magnate Rupert Murdoch )NP (VP has (VP bought (NP (NP (ADJP 50 % )ADJP stakes )NP (PP in (NP two (ADJP popular and gossipy )ADJP Hungarian newspapers )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR while (S (NP (NP Britain 's )NP Robert Maxwell )NP (VP has (S (VP let (S (NP it )NP (VP be (VP known (SBAR here that (S (NP he )NP (VP is (VP thinking (PP about (NP similar moves )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 28 29 (S (NP Australian press magnate Rupert Murdoch )NP (VP has (VP bought (NP (NP (ADJP 50 % )ADJP stakes )NP (PP in (NP two (ADJP popular and gossipy )ADJP Hungarian newspapers )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR while (S (NP (NP Britain 's )NP Robert Maxwell )NP (VP has (VP let (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (VP be (VP known (ADVP here )ADVP (SBAR that (S (NP he )NP (VP is (VP thinking (PP about (NP similar moves )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 28 28 (S (NP Australian press magnate Rupert Murdoch )NP (VP has (VP bought (NP (NP (ADJP 50 % )ADJP stakes )NP (PP in (NP two (ADJP popular and gossipy )ADJP Hungarian newspapers )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR while (S (NP (NP Britain 's )NP Robert Maxwell )NP (VP has (VP let (S (NP it )NP (VP be (VP known (ADVP here )ADVP (SBAR that (S (NP he )NP (VP is (VP thinking (PP about (NP similar moves )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 24 29 (S (NP Australian press magnate Rupert Murdoch )NP (VP has (VP bought (NP 50 % )NP (NP (NP stakes )NP (PP in (NP two (ADJP popular and gossipy )ADJP Hungarian newspapers )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR while (S (NP (NP Britain 's )NP Robert Maxwell )NP (VP has (S (VP let (S (NP it )NP (VP be (VP known (SBAR (ADVP here )ADVP that (S (NP he )NP (VP is (VP thinking (PP about (NP similar moves )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 28 28 (S (NP Australian press magnate Rupert Murdoch )NP (VP has (VP bought (NP (NP (ADJP 50 % )ADJP stakes )NP (PP in (NP two (ADJP popular and gossipy )ADJP Hungarian newspapers )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR while (S (NP (NP Britain 's )NP Robert Maxwell )NP (VP has (VP let (S (NP it )NP (VP be (VP known (ADVP here )ADVP (SBAR that (S (NP he )NP (VP is (VP thinking (PP about (NP similar moves )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 27 28 (S (NP Australian press magnate Rupert Murdoch )NP (VP has (VP bought (NP (NP (ADJP 50 % )ADJP stakes )NP (PP in (NP two popular and gossipy Hungarian newspapers )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR while (S (NP (NP Britain 's )NP Robert Maxwell )NP (VP has (S (VP let (S (NP it )NP (VP be (VP known (ADVP here )ADVP (SBAR that (S (NP he )NP (VP is (VP thinking (PP about (NP similar moves )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 25 30 (S (NP Australian press magnate Rupert Murdoch )NP (VP has (VP bought (NP (NP (ADJP 50 % )ADJP stakes )NP (PP in (NP two )NP )PP )NP (NP (ADJP popular and gossipy )ADJP Hungarian newspapers )NP , (SBAR while (S (NP (NP Britain 's )NP Robert Maxwell )NP (VP has (S (VP let (S (NP it )NP (VP be (VP known (ADVP here )ADVP (SBAR that (S (NP he )NP (VP is (VP thinking (PP about (NP similar moves )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 27 27 (S (NP Australian press magnate Rupert Murdoch )NP (VP has (VP bought (NP (NP (ADJP 50 % )ADJP stakes )NP (PP in (NP two (ADJP popular and gossipy )ADJP Hungarian newspapers )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR while (S (NP (NP Britain 's )NP Robert Maxwell )NP has (VP let (S (NP it )NP (VP be (VP known (ADVP here )ADVP (SBAR that (S (NP he )NP (VP is (VP thinking (PP about (NP similar moves )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 25 29 (S (NP Australian press magnate Rupert Murdoch )NP (VP has (VP bought (NP 50 % )NP (NP (NP stakes )NP (PP in (NP two (ADJP popular and gossipy )ADJP Hungarian newspapers )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR while (S (NP (NP Britain 's )NP Robert Maxwell )NP (VP has (VP let (S (NP it )NP (VP be (VP known (ADVP (ADVP here )ADVP (SBAR that (S (NP he )NP (VP is (VP thinking (PP about (NP similar moves )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 27 29 (S (NP Australian press magnate Rupert Murdoch )NP (VP has (VP bought (NP (NP (ADJP 50 % )ADJP stakes )NP (PP in (NP two (ADJP popular and gossipy )ADJP Hungarian newspapers )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR while (S (NP (NP Britain 's )NP Robert Maxwell )NP (VP has (S (VP let (NP it )NP (S (VP be (VP known (ADVP here )ADVP (SBAR that (S (NP he )NP (VP is (VP thinking (PP about (NP similar moves )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 28 30 (S (NP Australian press magnate Rupert Murdoch )NP (VP has (VP bought (NP (NP (ADJP 50 % )ADJP stakes )NP (PP in (NP two (ADJP popular and gossipy )ADJP Hungarian newspapers )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR while (S (NP (NP Britain 's )NP (NP Robert Maxwell )NP )NP (VP has (S (VP let (S (NP it )NP (VP be (VP known (ADVP here )ADVP (SBAR that (S (NP he )NP (VP is (VP thinking (PP about (NP similar moves )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 27 29 (S (NP Australian press magnate Rupert Murdoch )NP (VP has (VP bought (NP (NP (ADJP 50 % )ADJP stakes )NP (PP in (NP two (ADJP popular and gossipy )ADJP Hungarian newspapers )NP )PP )NP )VP , (SBAR while (S (NP (NP Britain 's )NP Robert Maxwell )NP (VP has (S (VP let (S (NP it )NP (VP be (VP known (ADVP here )ADVP (SBAR that (S (NP he )NP (VP is (VP thinking (PP about (NP similar moves )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 28 29 (S (NP Australian press magnate Rupert Murdoch )NP (VP has (VP bought (NP (NP (ADJP 50 % )ADJP stakes )NP (PP in (NP two (ADJP popular and gossipy )ADJP Hungarian newspapers )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR while (S (NP (NP Britain 's )NP Robert Maxwell )NP (VP has (S (VP let (S (NP it )NP (VP be (VP known (ADVP here )ADVP (SBAR that (S (NP he )NP (VP is (VP thinking (PP about (NP similar moves )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 27 29 (S (NP Australian press magnate Rupert Murdoch )NP (VP has (VP bought (NP (NP (ADJP 50 % )ADJP stakes )NP (PP in (NP two (ADJP popular and gossipy Hungarian )ADJP newspapers )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR while (S (NP (NP Britain 's )NP Robert Maxwell )NP (VP has (S (VP let (S (NP it )NP (VP be (VP known (ADVP here )ADVP (SBAR that (S (NP he )NP (VP is (VP thinking (PP about (NP similar moves )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 22 29 (S (NP Australian press magnate Rupert Murdoch )NP (VP has (VP bought (NP 50 % )NP (NP (NP stakes )NP (PP in (NP two (ADJP popular and gossipy )ADJP Hungarian newspapers )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR while (S (NP (NP Britain 's )NP Robert Maxwell )NP (VP has (S (VP let (S (NP it )NP (VP be (VP known (ADVP here )ADVP )VP )VP )S (SBAR that (S (NP he )NP (VP is (VP thinking (PP about (NP similar moves )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 26 27 (S (NP Australian press magnate Rupert Murdoch )NP (VP has (VP bought (NP (NP (ADJP 50 % )ADJP stakes )NP (PP in (NP two (ADJP popular and gossipy )ADJP Hungarian newspapers )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR while (S (NP (NP Britain 's )NP Robert Maxwell )NP (VP has (VP let (S (NP it )NP (VP be (VP known (SBAR here that (S (NP he )NP (VP is (VP thinking (PP about (NP similar moves )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 25 29 (S (NP Australian press magnate Rupert Murdoch )NP (VP has (VP bought (NP 50 % )NP (NP (NP stakes )NP (PP in (NP two (ADJP popular and gossipy )ADJP Hungarian newspapers )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR while (S (NP (NP Britain 's )NP Robert Maxwell )NP (VP has (S (VP let (S (NP it )NP (VP be (VP known (ADVP here )ADVP (SBAR that (S (NP he )NP (VP is (VP thinking (PP about (NP similar moves )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 24 28 (S (NP Australian press magnate Rupert Murdoch )NP (VP has (VP bought (NP 50 % )NP (NP (NP stakes )NP (PP in (NP two (ADJP popular and gossipy )ADJP Hungarian newspapers )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR while (S (NP (NP Britain 's )NP Robert Maxwell )NP (VP has (VP let (S (NP it )NP (VP be (VP known (SBAR (ADVP here )ADVP that (S (NP he )NP (VP is (VP thinking (PP about (NP similar moves )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 27 29 (S (NP Australian press magnate Rupert Murdoch )NP (VP has (VP bought (NP (NP (ADJP 50 % )ADJP stakes )NP (PP in (NP two (ADJP popular and gossipy )ADJP Hungarian newspapers )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR while (S (NP (NP Britain 's )NP Robert Maxwell )NP (VP has (S (VP let (S (NP it )NP (VP be (VP known (ADVP here (SBAR that (S (NP he )NP (VP is (VP thinking (PP about (NP similar moves )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 24 28 (S (NP Australian press magnate Rupert Murdoch )NP (VP has (VP bought (NP 50 % )NP (NP (NP stakes )NP (PP in (NP two (ADJP popular and gossipy )ADJP Hungarian newspapers )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR while (S (NP (NP Britain 's )NP Robert Maxwell )NP (VP has (S (VP let (NP it )NP (VP be (VP known (ADVP here )ADVP (SBAR that (S (NP he )NP (VP is (VP thinking (PP about (NP similar moves )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 25 31 (S (NP Australian press magnate Rupert Murdoch )NP (VP has (VP bought (NP (NP (ADJP 50 % )ADJP stakes )NP (PP in (NP (NP two )NP (ADJP popular and gossipy )ADJP )NP )PP )NP (NP Hungarian newspapers )NP , (SBAR while (S (NP (NP Britain 's )NP Robert Maxwell )NP (VP has (S (VP let (S (NP it )NP (VP be (VP known (ADVP here )ADVP (SBAR that (S (NP he )NP (VP is (VP thinking (PP about (NP similar moves )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 25 29 (S (NP Australian press magnate Rupert Murdoch )NP (VP has (VP bought (NP 50 % )NP (NP (NP stakes )NP (PP in (NP two (ADJP popular and gossipy )ADJP Hungarian newspapers )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR while (S (NP (NP Britain 's )NP Robert Maxwell )NP (VP has (VP let (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (VP be (VP known (ADVP here )ADVP (SBAR that (S (NP he )NP (VP is (VP thinking (PP about (NP similar moves )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 27 27 (S (NP Australian press magnate Rupert Murdoch )NP (VP has (VP bought (NP (NP (ADJP 50 % )ADJP stakes )NP (PP in (NP two popular and gossipy Hungarian newspapers )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR while (S (NP (NP Britain 's )NP Robert Maxwell )NP (VP has (VP let (S (NP it )NP (VP be (VP known (ADVP here )ADVP (SBAR that (S (NP he )NP (VP is (VP thinking (PP about (NP similar moves )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 25 29 (S (NP Australian press magnate Rupert Murdoch )NP (VP has (VP bought (NP (NP (ADJP 50 % )ADJP stakes )NP (PP in (NP two )NP )PP )NP (NP (ADJP popular and gossipy )ADJP Hungarian newspapers )NP , (SBAR while (S (NP (NP Britain 's )NP Robert Maxwell )NP (VP has (VP let (S (NP it )NP (VP be (VP known (ADVP here )ADVP (SBAR that (S (NP he )NP (VP is (VP thinking (PP about (NP similar moves )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 26 28 (S (NP Australian press magnate Rupert Murdoch )NP (VP has (VP bought (NP (NP (ADJP 50 % )ADJP stakes )NP (PP in (NP two (ADJP popular and gossipy )ADJP Hungarian newspapers )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR while (S (NP (NP Britain 's )NP Robert Maxwell )NP (VP has (S (VP let (S (NP it )NP (VP be (VP known (ADVP here )ADVP (SBAR that (S (NP he )NP (VP is (VP thinking (NP about similar moves )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 27 31 (S (NP Australian press magnate Rupert Murdoch )NP (VP (VP has (VP bought (NP (NP (ADJP 50 % )ADJP stakes )NP (PP in (NP two (ADJP popular and gossipy )ADJP Hungarian newspapers )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP , (SBAR while (S (NP (NP Britain 's )NP Robert Maxwell )NP (VP has (S (VP let (S (NP it )NP (VP be (VP known (ADVP (ADVP here )ADVP (SBAR that (S (NP he )NP (VP is (VP thinking (PP about (NP similar moves )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 22 28 (S (NP Australian press magnate Rupert Murdoch )NP (VP has (VP bought (NP 50 % )NP (NP (NP stakes )NP (PP in (NP two (ADJP popular and gossipy )ADJP Hungarian newspapers )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR while (S (NP (NP Britain 's )NP Robert Maxwell )NP (VP has (VP let (S (NP it )NP (VP be (VP known (ADVP here )ADVP )VP )VP )S (SBAR that (S (NP he )NP (VP is (VP thinking (PP about (NP similar moves )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 28 30 (S (NP Australian press magnate Rupert Murdoch )NP (VP has (VP bought (NP (NP (ADJP 50 % )ADJP stakes )NP (PP in (NP two (ADJP popular and gossipy )ADJP Hungarian newspapers )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR while (S (NP (NP Britain 's )NP Robert Maxwell )NP (VP has (S (VP let (S (NP it )NP (VP be (VP known (ADVP (ADVP here )ADVP (SBAR that (S (NP he )NP (VP is (VP thinking (PP about (NP similar moves )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 28 30 (S (NP Australian press magnate Rupert Murdoch )NP (VP has (VP bought (NP (NP (ADJP 50 % )ADJP stakes )NP (PP in (NP two (ADJP popular and gossipy )ADJP Hungarian newspapers )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR while (S (NP (NP Britain 's )NP Robert Maxwell )NP (VP has (S (VP let (S (NP it )NP (VP be (VP known (ADVP here )ADVP (SBAR that (S (NP he )NP (VP is (VP thinking (PP about (NP (ADJP similar )ADJP moves )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 28 31 (S (NP Australian press magnate Rupert Murdoch )NP (VP has (VP bought (NP (NP (ADJP 50 % )ADJP stakes )NP (PP in (NP two (ADJP (ADJP popular )ADJP and (ADJP gossipy )ADJP )ADJP Hungarian newspapers )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR while (S (NP (NP Britain 's )NP Robert Maxwell )NP (VP has (S (VP let (S (NP it )NP (VP be (VP known (ADVP here )ADVP (SBAR that (S (NP he )NP (VP is (VP thinking (PP about (NP similar moves )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 28 30 (S (NP Australian press magnate Rupert Murdoch )NP (VP has (VP (VP bought (NP (NP (ADJP 50 % )ADJP stakes )NP (PP in (NP two (ADJP popular and gossipy )ADJP Hungarian newspapers )NP )PP )NP )VP , (SBAR while (S (NP (NP Britain 's )NP Robert Maxwell )NP (VP has (S (VP let (S (NP it )NP (VP be (VP known (ADVP here )ADVP (SBAR that (S (NP he )NP (VP is (VP thinking (PP about (NP similar moves )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 26 30 (S (S (NP Australian press magnate Rupert Murdoch )NP (VP has (VP bought (NP (NP (ADJP 50 % )ADJP stakes )NP (PP in (NP two (ADJP popular and gossipy )ADJP Hungarian newspapers )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S , (SBAR while (S (NP (NP Britain 's )NP Robert Maxwell )NP (VP has (S (VP let (S (NP it )NP (VP be (VP known (ADVP here )ADVP (SBAR that (S (NP he )NP (VP is (VP thinking (PP about (NP similar moves )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR . )S 27 29 (S (NP Australian press magnate Rupert Murdoch )NP (VP has (VP bought (NP (NP (ADJP 50 % )ADJP stakes )NP (PP in (NP two (ADJP popular and gossipy )ADJP Hungarian newspapers )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR while (S (NP (NP Britain 's )NP Robert Maxwell )NP (VP has (S (VP let (NP it )NP (VP be (VP known (ADVP (ADVP here )ADVP (SBAR that (S (NP he )NP (VP is (VP thinking (PP about (NP similar moves )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )ADVP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 28 30 (S (NP Australian press magnate Rupert Murdoch )NP (VP has (VP bought (NP (NP (ADJP 50 % )ADJP stakes )NP (PP in (NP two (ADJP popular and gossipy )ADJP Hungarian newspapers )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR while (S (NP (NP Britain 's )NP Robert Maxwell )NP (VP has (VP let (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (VP be (VP known (ADVP (ADVP here )ADVP (SBAR that (S (NP he )NP (VP is (VP thinking (PP about (NP similar moves )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 50 8 8 (S But (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP does n't (VP plan (S (VP to (VP fade (ADVP away )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 8 8 (S But (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP does n't (VP plan (S (VP to (VP fade (PRT away )PRT )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 8 8 (S But (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP does n't (VP plan (S (VP to (VP fade (PRT away )PRT )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 8 8 (S But (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP does n't (VP plan (S (VP to (VP fade (ADVP away )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 8 8 (S But (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP does n't (VP plan (S (VP to (VP fade (ADVP away )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 8 8 (S But (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP does n't (VP plan (S (VP to (VP fade (PRT away )PRT )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 7 8 (S But (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP does n't (VP plan (S (VP to (VP fade (ADJP away )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 7 8 (S But (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP does n't (VP plan (S (VP to (VP fade (NP away )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 7 8 (S But (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP does n't (VP plan (S (VP to (VP fade (PP away )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 4 5 (S But (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP does n't (VP plan (ADVP to fade away )ADVP )VP )VP . )S 7 7 (S But (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP does n't (VP plan (S to (VP fade (ADVP away )ADVP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 8 9 (S But (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP does n't (VP plan (SBAR (S (VP to (VP fade (ADVP away )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 8 8 (S But (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP does n't (VP plan (S (VP to (VP fade (PRT away )PRT )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 7 8 (S But (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP does n't (VP plan (S (VP to (VP fade (ADJP away )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 8 9 (S But (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP does n't (VP plan (S (VP to (S (VP fade (ADVP away )ADVP )VP )S )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 7 8 (S But (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP does n't (VP plan (S (VP to (VP fade (PP away )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 8 9 (S But (S (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP does n't (VP plan (S (VP to (VP fade (ADVP away )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S . )S 7 7 (S But (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP does n't (VP plan (S to (VP fade (PRT away )PRT )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 4 5 (S But (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP does n't (VP plan (ADVP to fade away )ADVP )VP )VP . )S 8 8 (S But (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP does n't (VP plan (S (VP to (VP fade (ADVP away )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 8 9 (S But (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP does n't (VP plan (SBAR (S (VP to (VP fade (PRT away )PRT )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 8 8 (S But (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP does n't (VP plan (S (VP to (VP fade (ADVP away )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 8 9 (S But (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP does n't (VP plan (S (VP to (S (VP fade (PRT away )PRT )VP )S )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 8 9 (S But (S (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP does n't (VP plan (S (VP to (VP fade (PRT away )PRT )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S . )S 7 9 (FRAG But (S (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP does n't (VP plan (S (VP to (VP fade (ADVP away )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S . )FRAG 7 8 (S But (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP does n't (VP plan (S (VP to (VP fade (ADJP away )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 8 8 (S But (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP does n't (VP plan (S (VP to (VP fade (PRT away )PRT )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 7 8 (S But (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP does n't (VP plan (S (VP to (VP fade (NP away )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 7 9 (FRAG But (S (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP does n't (VP plan (S (VP to (VP fade (PRT away )PRT )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S . )FRAG 7 8 (S But (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP does n't (VP plan (S (VP to (VP fade (PP away )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 7 7 (S But (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP does n't (VP plan (S to (VP fade (PRT away )PRT )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 8 9 (S But (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP does n't (VP plan (SBAR (S (VP to (VP fade (PRT away )PRT )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 7 7 (S But (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP does n't (VP plan (S to (VP fade (ADVP away )ADVP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 8 9 (S But (NP (NP Radio )NP Free Europe )NP (VP does n't (VP plan (S (VP to (VP fade (ADVP away )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 8 9 (S But (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP does n't (VP plan (SBAR (S (VP to (VP fade (ADVP away )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 8 10 (S But (NP (NP Radio )NP (NP Free Europe )NP )NP (VP does n't (VP plan (S (VP to (VP fade (ADVP away )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 8 9 (S But (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP does n't (VP plan (S (VP to (S (VP fade (PRT away )PRT )VP )S )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 8 9 (S But (S (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP does n't (VP plan (S (VP to (VP fade (PRT away )PRT )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S . )S 8 9 (S But (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP does n't (VP plan (S (VP to (S (VP fade (ADVP away )ADVP )VP )S )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 4 5 (S But (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP does n't (VP plan (ADVP to fade away )ADVP )VP )VP . )S 7 8 (S But (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP does n't (VP plan (S (VP to (VP fade (ADJP away )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 8 9 (S But (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP does n't (VP plan (S (VP to (S (VP fade (ADVP away )ADVP )VP )S )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 6 8 (S But (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP does n't (VP plan (PP to (S (VP fade (ADVP away )ADVP )VP )S )PP )VP )VP . )S 6 7 (S But (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP does n't (VP plan (PP to (VP fade (ADVP away )ADVP )VP )PP )VP )VP . )S 8 9 (S But (NP (NP Radio )NP Free Europe )NP (VP does n't (VP plan (S (VP to (VP fade (PRT away )PRT )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 8 9 (S But (S (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP does n't (VP plan (S (VP to (VP fade (ADVP away )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S . )S 8 8 (S But (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP does n't (VP plan (S (VP to (VP fade (PRT away )PRT )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 7 8 (S But (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP does n't (VP plan (S (VP to (VP fade (PP away )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 8 9 (S But (S (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP does n't (VP plan (S (VP to (VP fade (ADVP away )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S . )S 6 7 (S But (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP does n't (VP plan (S to (VP fade (ADJP away )ADJP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 50 22 27 (S (PP With (NP (NP its mission )NP (PP for (NP (NP free speech )NP and (NP the capitalist way )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP (NP the network 's )NP staff )NP (VP says (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP has (NP (NP plenty )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP do -- (PP (PP in (NP Hungary )NP )PP and (PP in (NP the `` Great Eastern Beyond )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . '' )S 22 27 (S (PP With (NP (NP its mission )NP (PP for (NP (NP free speech )NP and (NP the capitalist way )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP (NP the network 's )NP staff )NP (VP says (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP has (NP (NP plenty )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP do (PP -- (PP in (NP Hungary )NP )PP and (PP in (NP the `` Great Eastern Beyond )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . '' )S 21 25 (S (PP With (NP (NP its mission )NP (PP for (NP (NP free speech )NP and (NP the capitalist way )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP (NP the network 's )NP staff )NP (VP says (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP has (ADVP plenty )ADVP (S (VP to (VP do )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR -- (PP (PP in (NP Hungary )NP )PP and (PP in (NP the `` Great Eastern Beyond )NP )PP )PP )VP . '' )S 20 27 (S (PP With (NP (NP (NP its mission )NP (PP for (NP free speech )NP )PP )NP and (NP the capitalist way )NP )NP )PP , (NP (NP the network 's )NP staff )NP (VP says (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP has (NP (NP plenty )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP do -- (PP (PP in (NP Hungary )NP )PP and (PP in (NP the `` Great Eastern Beyond )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . '' )S 24 25 (S (PP With (NP (NP its mission )NP (PP for (NP (NP free speech )NP and (NP the capitalist way )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP (NP the network 's )NP staff )NP (VP says (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP has (ADVP plenty )ADVP (S (VP to (VP do )VP )VP )S -- (PP (PP in (NP Hungary )NP )PP and (PP in (NP the `` Great Eastern Beyond )NP )PP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . '' )S 24 28 (S (PP With (NP (NP its mission )NP (PP for (NP (NP free speech )NP and (NP the capitalist way )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP (NP the network 's )NP staff )NP (VP says (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP has (NP (NP plenty )NP (SBAR (S (VP (VP to (VP do )VP )VP -- (PP (PP in (NP Hungary )NP )PP and (PP in (NP the `` Great Eastern Beyond )NP )PP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . '' )S 22 28 (S (PP With (NP (NP its mission )NP (PP for (NP (NP free speech )NP and (NP the capitalist way )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP (NP the network 's )NP staff )NP (VP says (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP has (NP (NP plenty )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP do (PRN -- (PP (PP in (NP Hungary )NP )PP and (PP in (NP the `` Great Eastern Beyond )NP )PP )PP )PRN )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . '' )S 20 27 (S (PP With (NP (NP (NP its mission )NP (PP for (NP free speech )NP )PP )NP and (NP the capitalist way )NP )NP )PP , (NP (NP the network 's )NP staff )NP (VP says (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP has (NP (NP plenty )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP do (PP -- (PP in (NP Hungary )NP )PP and (PP in (NP the `` Great Eastern Beyond )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . '' )S 19 25 (S (PP With (NP (NP (NP its mission )NP (PP for (NP free speech )NP )PP )NP and (NP the capitalist way )NP )NP )PP , (NP (NP the network 's )NP staff )NP (VP says (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP has (ADVP plenty )ADVP (S (VP to (VP do )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR -- (PP (PP in (NP Hungary )NP )PP and (PP in (NP the `` Great Eastern Beyond )NP )PP )PP )VP . '' )S 23 28 (S (PP With (NP (NP its mission )NP (PP for (NP (NP free speech )NP and (NP the capitalist way )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP (NP the network 's )NP staff )NP (VP says (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP has (NP (NP plenty )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP (VP do )VP -- (PP (PP in (NP Hungary )NP )PP and (PP in (NP the `` Great Eastern Beyond )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . '' )S 22 25 (S (PP With (NP (NP (NP its mission )NP (PP for (NP free speech )NP )PP )NP and (NP the capitalist way )NP )NP )PP , (NP (NP the network 's )NP staff )NP (VP says (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP has (ADVP plenty )ADVP (S (VP to (VP do )VP )VP )S -- (PP (PP in (NP Hungary )NP )PP and (PP in (NP the `` Great Eastern Beyond )NP )PP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . '' )S 22 28 (S (PP With (NP (NP (NP its mission )NP (PP for (NP free speech )NP )PP )NP and (NP the capitalist way )NP )NP )PP , (NP (NP the network 's )NP staff )NP (VP says (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP has (NP (NP plenty )NP (SBAR (S (VP (VP to (VP do )VP )VP -- (PP (PP in (NP Hungary )NP )PP and (PP in (NP the `` Great Eastern Beyond )NP )PP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . '' )S 24 25 (S (PP With (NP (NP its mission )NP (PP for (NP (NP free speech )NP and (NP the capitalist way )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP (NP the network 's )NP staff )NP (VP says (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP has (ADJP plenty (S (VP to (VP do )VP )VP )S )ADJP -- (PP (PP in (NP Hungary )NP )PP and (PP in (NP the `` Great Eastern Beyond )NP )PP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . '' )S 20 28 (S (PP With (NP (NP (NP its mission )NP (PP for (NP free speech )NP )PP )NP and (NP the capitalist way )NP )NP )PP , (NP (NP the network 's )NP staff )NP (VP says (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP has (NP (NP plenty )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP do (PRN -- (PP (PP in (NP Hungary )NP )PP and (PP in (NP the `` Great Eastern Beyond )NP )PP )PP )PRN )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . '' )S 22 25 (S (PP With (NP (NP its mission )NP (PP for (NP (NP free speech )NP and (NP the capitalist way )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP (NP the network 's )NP staff )NP (VP says (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP has (NP plenty )NP (S (VP to (VP do )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR -- (PP (PP in (NP Hungary )NP )PP and (PP in (NP the `` Great Eastern Beyond )NP )PP )PP )VP . '' )S 22 28 (S (PP With (NP (NP its mission )NP (PP for (NP (NP free speech )NP and (NP the capitalist way )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP (NP the network 's )NP staff )NP (VP says (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP has (NP (NP plenty )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP do -- (FRAG (PP (PP in (NP Hungary )NP )PP and (PP in (NP the `` Great Eastern Beyond )NP )PP )PP )FRAG )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . '' )S 21 28 (S (PP With (NP (NP (NP its mission )NP (PP for (NP free speech )NP )PP )NP and (NP the capitalist way )NP )NP )PP , (NP (NP the network 's )NP staff )NP (VP says (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP has (NP (NP plenty )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP (VP do )VP -- (PP (PP in (NP Hungary )NP )PP and (PP in (NP the `` Great Eastern Beyond )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . '' )S 24 29 (S (PP With (NP (NP its mission )NP (PP for (NP (NP free speech )NP and (NP the capitalist way )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP (NP the network 's )NP staff )NP (VP says (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP has (NP (NP plenty )NP (SBAR (S (VP (VP to (VP do )VP )VP (PRN -- (PP (PP in (NP Hungary )NP )PP and (PP in (NP the `` Great Eastern Beyond )NP )PP )PP )PRN )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . '' )S 22 27 (S (PP With (NP (NP its mission )NP (PP for (NP (NP free speech )NP and (NP the capitalist way )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP (NP the network 's )NP staff )NP (VP says (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP has (NP (NP plenty )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP do -- (PP (PP in (NP Hungary )NP )PP and (PP in (NP the `` Great Eastern Beyond )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . '' )S 22 25 (S (PP With (NP (NP (NP its mission )NP (PP for (NP free speech )NP )PP )NP and (NP the capitalist way )NP )NP )PP , (NP (NP the network 's )NP staff )NP (VP says (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP has (ADJP plenty (S (VP to (VP do )VP )VP )S )ADJP -- (PP (PP in (NP Hungary )NP )PP and (PP in (NP the `` Great Eastern Beyond )NP )PP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . '' )S 20 25 (S (PP With (NP (NP (NP its mission )NP (PP for (NP free speech )NP )PP )NP and (NP the capitalist way )NP )NP )PP , (NP (NP the network 's )NP staff )NP (VP says (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP has (NP plenty )NP (S (VP to (VP do )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR -- (PP (PP in (NP Hungary )NP )PP and (PP in (NP the `` Great Eastern Beyond )NP )PP )PP )VP . '' )S 20 28 (S (PP With (NP (NP (NP its mission )NP (PP for (NP free speech )NP )PP )NP and (NP the capitalist way )NP )NP )PP , (NP (NP the network 's )NP staff )NP (VP says (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP has (NP (NP plenty )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP do -- (FRAG (PP (PP in (NP Hungary )NP )PP and (PP in (NP the `` Great Eastern Beyond )NP )PP )PP )FRAG )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . '' )S 22 27 (S (PP With (NP (NP its mission )NP (PP for (NP (NP free speech )NP and (NP the capitalist way )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP (NP the network 's )NP staff )NP (VP says (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP has (NP (NP plenty )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP do (PP -- (PP in (NP Hungary )NP )PP and (PP in (NP the `` Great Eastern Beyond )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . '' )S 20 26 (S (PP With (NP its mission )NP )PP (PP for (NP (NP free speech )NP and (NP the capitalist way )NP )NP )PP , (NP (NP the network 's )NP staff )NP (VP says (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP has (NP (NP plenty )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP do -- (PP (PP in (NP Hungary )NP )PP and (PP in (NP the `` Great Eastern Beyond )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . '' )S 21 25 (S (PP With (NP (NP its mission )NP (PP for (NP (NP free speech )NP and (NP the capitalist way )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP (NP the network 's )NP staff )NP (VP says (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP has (ADVP plenty )ADVP (S (VP to (VP do )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR -- (PP (PP in (NP Hungary )NP )PP and (PP in (NP the `` Great Eastern Beyond )NP )PP )PP )VP . '' )S 21 28 (S (PP With (NP (NP its mission )NP (PP for (NP (NP free speech )NP and (NP the capitalist way )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP (NP the network 's )NP staff )NP (VP says (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP has (NP (NP plenty )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP do (PRN -- (UCP (PP in (NP Hungary )NP )PP and (PP in (NP the `` Great Eastern Beyond )NP )PP )UCP )PRN )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . '' )S 21 25 (S (PP With (NP (NP its mission )NP (PP for (NP (NP free speech )NP and (NP the capitalist way )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP (NP the network 's )NP staff )NP (VP says (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP has (ADJP plenty (S (VP to (VP do )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR -- (PP (PP in (NP Hungary )NP )PP and (PP in (NP the `` Great Eastern Beyond )NP )PP )PP )VP . '' )S 25 26 (S (PP With (NP (NP its mission )NP (PP for (NP (NP free speech )NP and (NP the capitalist way )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP (NP the network 's )NP staff )NP (VP says (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP has (ADJP plenty (SBAR (S (VP to (VP do )VP )VP )S )SBAR )ADJP -- (PP (PP in (NP Hungary )NP )PP and (PP in (NP the `` Great Eastern Beyond )NP )PP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . '' )S 21 25 (S (PP With (NP (NP its mission )NP (PP for (NP (NP free speech )NP and (NP the capitalist way )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP (NP the network 's )NP staff )NP (VP says (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP has (NP plenty (S (VP to (VP do -- (PP (PP in (NP Hungary )NP )PP and (PP in (NP the `` Great Eastern Beyond )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . '' )S 22 29 (S (PP With (NP (NP (NP its mission )NP (PP for (NP free speech )NP )PP )NP and (NP the capitalist way )NP )NP )PP , (NP (NP the network 's )NP staff )NP (VP says (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP has (NP (NP plenty )NP (SBAR (S (VP (VP to (VP do )VP )VP (PRN -- (PP (PP in (NP Hungary )NP )PP and (PP in (NP the `` Great Eastern Beyond )NP )PP )PP )PRN )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . '' )S 20 27 (S (PP With (NP (NP (NP its mission )NP (PP for (NP free speech )NP )PP )NP and (NP the capitalist way )NP )NP )PP , (NP (NP the network 's )NP staff )NP (VP says (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP has (NP (NP plenty )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP do -- (PP (PP in (NP Hungary )NP )PP and (PP in (NP the `` Great Eastern Beyond )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . '' )S 24 25 (S (PP With (NP (NP its mission )NP (PP for (NP (NP free speech )NP and (NP the capitalist way )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP (NP the network 's )NP staff )NP (VP says (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP has (ADVP plenty )ADVP (S (VP to (VP do )VP )VP )S -- (PP (PP in (NP Hungary )NP )PP and (PP in (NP the `` Great Eastern Beyond )NP )PP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . '' )S 20 26 (S (PP With (NP its mission )NP )PP (PP for (NP (NP free speech )NP and (NP the capitalist way )NP )NP )PP , (NP (NP the network 's )NP staff )NP (VP says (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP has (NP (NP plenty )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP do (PP -- (PP in (NP Hungary )NP )PP and (PP in (NP the `` Great Eastern Beyond )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . '' )S 21 28 (S (PP With (NP (NP its mission )NP (PP for (NP (NP free speech )NP and (NP the capitalist way )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP (NP the network 's )NP staff )NP (VP says (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP has (NP (NP plenty )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP do (PRN -- (PP in (UCP (NP Hungary )NP and (PP in (NP the `` Great Eastern Beyond )NP )PP )UCP )PP )PRN )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . '' )S 24 28 (S (PP With (NP (NP its mission )NP (PP for (NP (NP free speech )NP and (NP the capitalist way )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP (NP the network 's )NP staff )NP (VP says (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP has (NP (NP plenty )NP (SBAR (S (VP (VP to (VP do )VP )VP -- (PP (PP in (NP Hungary )NP )PP and (PP in (NP the `` Great Eastern Beyond )NP )PP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . '' )S 19 24 (S (PP With (NP its mission )NP )PP (PP for (NP (NP free speech )NP and (NP the capitalist way )NP )NP )PP , (NP (NP the network 's )NP staff )NP (VP says (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP has (ADVP plenty )ADVP (S (VP to (VP do )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR -- (PP (PP in (NP Hungary )NP )PP and (PP in (NP the `` Great Eastern Beyond )NP )PP )PP )VP . '' )S 22 28 (S (PP With (NP (NP its mission )NP (PP for (NP (NP free speech )NP and (NP the capitalist way )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP (NP the network 's )NP staff )NP (VP says (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP has (NP (NP plenty )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP do (PRN -- (PP (PP in (NP Hungary )NP )PP and (PP in (NP the `` Great Eastern Beyond )NP )PP )PP )PRN )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . '' )S 23 29 (S (PP With (NP (NP its mission )NP (PP for (NP (NP free speech )NP and (NP the capitalist way )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP (NP the network 's )NP staff )NP (VP says (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP has (NP (NP plenty )NP (SBAR (S (VP (VP to (VP do )VP )VP (PRN -- (UCP (PP in (NP Hungary )NP )PP and (PP in (NP the `` Great Eastern Beyond )NP )PP )UCP )PRN )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . '' )S 21 25 (S (PP With (NP (NP its mission )NP (PP for (NP (NP free speech )NP and (NP the capitalist way )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP (NP the network 's )NP staff )NP (VP says (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP has (NP plenty (S (VP to (VP do (PP -- (PP in (NP Hungary )NP )PP and (PP in (NP the `` Great Eastern Beyond )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . '' )S 20 27 (S (PP With (NP (NP (NP its mission )NP (PP for (NP free speech )NP )PP )NP and (NP the capitalist way )NP )NP )PP , (NP (NP the network 's )NP staff )NP (VP says (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP has (NP (NP plenty )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP do (PP -- (PP in (NP Hungary )NP )PP and (PP in (NP the `` Great Eastern Beyond )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . '' )S 22 28 (S (PP With (NP (NP its mission )NP (PP for (NP (NP free speech )NP and (NP the capitalist way )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP (NP the network 's )NP staff )NP (VP says (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP has (NP (NP plenty )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP (VP do )VP -- (UCP (PP in (NP Hungary )NP )PP and (PP in (NP the `` Great Eastern Beyond )NP )PP )UCP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . '' )S 22 24 (S (PP With (NP its mission )NP )PP (PP for (NP (NP free speech )NP and (NP the capitalist way )NP )NP )PP , (NP (NP the network 's )NP staff )NP (VP says (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP has (ADVP plenty )ADVP (S (VP to (VP do )VP )VP )S -- (PP (PP in (NP Hungary )NP )PP and (PP in (NP the `` Great Eastern Beyond )NP )PP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . '' )S 21 25 (S (PP With (NP (NP its mission )NP (PP for (NP (NP free speech )NP and (NP the capitalist way )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP (NP the network 's )NP staff )NP (VP says (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP has (ADJP plenty )ADJP (S (VP to (VP do )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR -- (PP (PP in (NP Hungary )NP )PP and (PP in (NP the `` Great Eastern Beyond )NP )PP )PP )VP . '' )S 19 25 (S (PP With (NP (NP (NP its mission )NP (PP for (NP free speech )NP )PP )NP and (NP the capitalist way )NP )NP )PP , (NP (NP the network 's )NP staff )NP (VP says (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP has (ADVP plenty )ADVP (S (VP to (VP do )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR -- (PP (PP in (NP Hungary )NP )PP and (PP in (NP the `` Great Eastern Beyond )NP )PP )PP )VP . '' )S 24 25 (S (PP With (NP (NP its mission )NP (PP for (NP (NP free speech )NP and (NP the capitalist way )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP (NP the network 's )NP staff )NP (VP says (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP has (ADJP plenty (S (VP to (VP do )VP )VP )S )ADJP -- (PP (PP in (NP Hungary )NP )PP and (PP in (NP the `` Great Eastern Beyond )NP )PP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . '' )S 26 26 (S (PP With (NP (NP its mission )NP (PP for (NP (NP free speech )NP and (NP the capitalist way )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP (NP the network 's )NP staff )NP (VP says (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP has (NP plenty )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP do )VP )VP )S )SBAR -- (PP (PP in (NP Hungary )NP )PP and (PP in (NP the `` Great Eastern Beyond )NP )PP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . '' )S 22 27 (S (PP With (NP its mission )NP )PP (PP for (NP (NP free speech )NP and (NP the capitalist way )NP )NP )PP , (NP (NP the network 's )NP staff )NP (VP says (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP has (NP (NP plenty )NP (SBAR (S (VP (VP to (VP do )VP )VP -- (PP (PP in (NP Hungary )NP )PP and (PP in (NP the `` Great Eastern Beyond )NP )PP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . '' )S 21 27 (S (PP With (NP (NP its mission )NP (PP for (NP (NP free speech )NP and (NP the capitalist way )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP (NP the network 's )NP staff )NP (VP says (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (VP (ADVP still )ADVP has (NP (NP plenty )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP do -- (PP (PP in (NP Hungary )NP )PP and (PP in (NP the `` Great Eastern Beyond )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . '' )S 20 27 (S (PP With (NP its mission )NP )PP (PP for (NP (NP free speech )NP and (NP the capitalist way )NP )NP )PP , (NP (NP the network 's )NP staff )NP (VP says (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP has (NP (NP plenty )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP do (PRN -- (PP (PP in (NP Hungary )NP )PP and (PP in (NP the `` Great Eastern Beyond )NP )PP )PP )PRN )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . '' )S 19 28 (S (PP With (NP (NP (NP its mission )NP (PP for (NP free speech )NP )PP )NP and (NP the capitalist way )NP )NP )PP , (NP (NP the network 's )NP staff )NP (VP says (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP has (NP (NP plenty )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP do (PRN -- (UCP (PP in (NP Hungary )NP )PP and (PP in (NP the `` Great Eastern Beyond )NP )PP )UCP )PRN )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . '' )S 50 20 21 (S (NP (NP Radio Free Europe )NP and (NP (NP (NP its sister station )NP (PP for (NP the Soviet Union )NP )PP )NP , (NP Radio Liberty )NP , )NP )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP wo n't (VP cut (ADVP back )ADVP (NP (NP their (QP more than 19 )QP hours )NP (PP of (NP daily broadcasts )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 20 21 (S (NP (NP Radio Free Europe )NP and (NP (NP (NP its sister station )NP (PP for (NP the Soviet Union )NP )PP )NP , (NP Radio Liberty )NP , )NP )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP wo n't (VP cut (ADVP back )ADVP (NP (NP their (QP more than 19 )QP hours )NP (PP of (NP daily broadcasts )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 18 21 (S (NP (NP Radio Free Europe )NP and (NP (NP its sister station )NP (PP for (NP (NP the Soviet Union )NP , (NP Radio Liberty )NP , )NP )PP )NP )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP wo n't (VP cut (ADVP back )ADVP (NP (NP their (QP more than 19 )QP hours )NP (PP of (NP daily broadcasts )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 20 21 (S (NP (NP Radio Free Europe )NP and (NP (NP (NP its sister station )NP (PP for (NP the Soviet Union )NP )PP )NP , (NP Radio Liberty )NP , )NP )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP wo n't (VP cut (PRT back )PRT (NP (NP their (QP more than 19 )QP hours )NP (PP of (NP daily broadcasts )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 18 21 (S (NP (NP Radio Free Europe )NP and (NP (NP its sister station )NP (PP for (NP (NP the Soviet Union )NP , (NP Radio Liberty )NP , )NP )PP )NP )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP wo n't (VP cut (ADVP back )ADVP (NP (NP their (QP more than 19 )QP hours )NP (PP of (NP daily broadcasts )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 20 21 (S (NP (NP Radio Free Europe )NP and (NP (NP (NP its sister station )NP (PP for (NP the Soviet Union )NP )PP )NP , (NP Radio Liberty )NP , )NP )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP wo n't (VP cut (PRT back )PRT (NP (NP their (QP more than 19 )QP hours )NP (PP of (NP daily broadcasts )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 18 21 (S (NP (NP Radio Free Europe )NP and (NP (NP its sister station )NP (PP for (NP (NP the Soviet Union )NP , (NP Radio Liberty )NP , )NP )PP )NP )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP wo n't (VP cut (PRT back )PRT (NP (NP their (QP more than 19 )QP hours )NP (PP of (NP daily broadcasts )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 18 21 (S (NP (NP Radio Free Europe )NP and (NP (NP its sister station )NP (PP for (NP (NP the Soviet Union )NP , (NP Radio Liberty )NP , )NP )PP )NP )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP wo n't (VP cut (PRT back )PRT (NP (NP their (QP more than 19 )QP hours )NP (PP of (NP daily broadcasts )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 20 21 (S (NP (NP Radio Free Europe )NP and (NP (NP (NP its sister station )NP (PP for (NP the Soviet Union )NP )PP )NP , (NP Radio Liberty )NP , )NP )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP wo n't (VP cut (PRT back )PRT (NP (NP their (QP more than 19 )QP hours )NP (PP of (NP daily broadcasts )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 20 21 (S (NP (NP Radio Free Europe )NP and (NP (NP (NP its sister station )NP (PP for (NP the Soviet Union )NP )PP )NP , (NP Radio Liberty )NP , )NP )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP wo n't (VP cut (ADVP back )ADVP (NP (NP their (QP more than 19 )QP hours )NP (PP of (NP daily broadcasts )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 20 21 (S (NP (NP Radio Free Europe )NP and (NP (NP (NP its sister station )NP (PP for (NP the Soviet Union )NP )PP )NP , (NP Radio Liberty )NP , )NP )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP wo n't (VP cut (PRT back )PRT (NP (NP their (QP more than 19 )QP hours )NP (PP of (NP daily broadcasts )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 20 21 (S (NP (NP Radio Free Europe )NP and (NP (NP (NP its sister station )NP (PP for (NP the Soviet Union )NP )PP )NP , (NP Radio Liberty )NP , )NP )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP wo n't (VP cut (ADVP back )ADVP (NP (NP their (QP more than 19 )QP hours )NP (PP of (NP daily broadcasts )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 18 21 (S (NP (NP Radio Free Europe )NP and (NP (NP its sister station )NP (PP for (NP (NP the Soviet Union )NP , (NP Radio Liberty )NP , )NP )PP )NP )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP wo n't (VP cut (PRT back )PRT (NP (NP their (QP more than 19 )QP hours )NP (PP of (NP daily broadcasts )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 18 21 (S (NP (NP Radio Free Europe )NP and (NP (NP its sister station )NP (PP for (NP (NP the Soviet Union )NP , (NP Radio Liberty )NP , )NP )PP )NP )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP wo n't (VP cut (ADVP back )ADVP (NP (NP their (QP more than 19 )QP hours )NP (PP of (NP daily broadcasts )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 19 20 (S (NP (NP Radio Free Europe )NP and (NP (NP its sister station )NP (PP for (NP the Soviet Union )NP )PP )NP , (NP Radio Liberty )NP , )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP wo n't (VP cut (ADVP back )ADVP (NP (NP their (QP more than 19 )QP hours )NP (PP of (NP daily broadcasts )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 19 20 (S (NP (NP Radio Free Europe )NP and (NP (NP its sister station )NP (PP for (NP the Soviet Union )NP )PP , (NP Radio Liberty )NP , )NP )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP wo n't (VP cut (ADVP back )ADVP (NP (NP their (QP more than 19 )QP hours )NP (PP of (NP daily broadcasts )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 20 21 (S (NP (NP Radio Free Europe )NP and (NP (NP (NP its sister station )NP (PP for (NP the Soviet Union )NP )PP )NP , (NP Radio Liberty )NP , )NP )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP wo n't (VP cut (PRT back )PRT (NP (NP their (QP more than 19 )QP hours )NP (PP of (NP daily broadcasts )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 18 21 (S (NP (NP Radio Free Europe )NP and (NP (NP its sister station )NP (PP for (NP (NP the Soviet Union )NP , (NP Radio Liberty )NP , )NP )PP )NP )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP wo n't (VP cut (PRT back )PRT (NP (NP their (QP more than 19 )QP hours )NP (PP of (NP daily broadcasts )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 19 23 (S (NP (NP Radio Free Europe )NP and (NP (NP (NP its sister station )NP (PP for (NP the Soviet Union )NP )PP )NP , (NP Radio Liberty )NP , )NP )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP wo n't (VP cut (ADVP back )ADVP (NP (NP their more )NP (PP than (NP (NP 19 hours )NP (PP of (NP daily broadcasts )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 18 21 (S (NP (NP Radio Free Europe )NP and (NP (NP its sister station )NP (PP for (NP (NP the Soviet Union )NP , (NP Radio Liberty )NP , )NP )PP )NP )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP wo n't (VP cut (ADVP back )ADVP (NP (NP their (QP more than 19 )QP hours )NP (PP of (NP daily broadcasts )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 19 20 (S (NP (NP Radio Free Europe )NP and (NP (NP its sister station )NP (PP for (NP the Soviet Union )NP )PP )NP , (NP Radio Liberty )NP , )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP wo n't (VP cut (ADVP back )ADVP (NP (NP their (QP more than 19 )QP hours )NP (PP of (NP daily broadcasts )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 20 21 (S (NP (NP Radio Free Europe )NP and (NP (NP (NP its sister station )NP (PP for (NP the Soviet Union )NP )PP )NP , (NP Radio Liberty )NP , )NP )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP wo n't (VP cut (ADVP back )ADVP (NP (NP their (QP more than 19 )QP hours )NP (PP of (NP daily broadcasts )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 19 20 (S (NP (NP Radio Free Europe )NP and (NP (NP its sister station )NP (PP for (NP the Soviet Union )NP )PP , (NP Radio Liberty )NP , )NP )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP wo n't (VP cut (ADVP back )ADVP (NP (NP their (QP more than 19 )QP hours )NP (PP of (NP daily broadcasts )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 20 21 (S (NP (NP Radio Free Europe )NP and (NP (NP (NP its sister station )NP (PP for (NP the Soviet Union )NP )PP )NP , (NP Radio Liberty )NP , )NP )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP wo n't (VP cut (PRT back )PRT (NP (NP their (QP more than 19 )QP hours )NP (PP of (NP daily broadcasts )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 18 21 (S (NP (NP Radio Free Europe )NP and (NP (NP its sister station )NP (PP for (NP (NP the Soviet Union )NP , (NP Radio Liberty )NP , )NP )PP )NP )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP wo n't (VP cut (PRT back )PRT (NP (NP their (QP more than 19 )QP hours )NP (PP of (NP daily broadcasts )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 19 20 (S (NP (NP Radio Free Europe )NP and (NP (NP its sister station )NP (PP for (NP the Soviet Union )NP )PP )NP , (NP Radio Liberty )NP , )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP wo n't (VP cut (PRT back )PRT (NP (NP their (QP more than 19 )QP hours )NP (PP of (NP daily broadcasts )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 17 23 (S (NP (NP Radio Free Europe )NP and (NP (NP its sister station )NP (PP for (NP (NP the Soviet Union )NP , (NP Radio Liberty )NP , )NP )PP )NP )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP wo n't (VP cut (ADVP back )ADVP (NP (NP their more )NP (PP than (NP (NP 19 hours )NP (PP of (NP daily broadcasts )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 20 21 (S (NP (NP Radio Free Europe )NP and (NP (NP (NP its sister station )NP (PP for (NP the Soviet Union )NP )PP )NP , (NP Radio Liberty )NP , )NP )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP wo n't (VP cut (ADVP back )ADVP (NP (NP their (QP more than 19 )QP hours )NP (PP of (NP daily broadcasts )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 19 20 (S (NP (NP Radio Free Europe )NP and (NP (NP its sister station )NP (PP for (NP the Soviet Union )NP )PP , (NP Radio Liberty )NP , )NP )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP wo n't (VP cut (PRT back )PRT (NP (NP their (QP more than 19 )QP hours )NP (PP of (NP daily broadcasts )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 18 21 (S (NP (NP Radio Free Europe )NP and (NP (NP its sister station )NP (PP for (NP (NP the Soviet Union )NP , (NP Radio Liberty )NP , )NP )PP )NP )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP wo n't (VP cut (ADVP back )ADVP (NP (NP their (QP more than 19 )QP hours )NP (PP of (NP daily broadcasts )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 19 21 (S (NP (NP (NP Radio Free Europe )NP and (NP (NP its sister station )NP (PP for (NP the Soviet Union )NP )PP )NP )NP , (NP Radio Liberty )NP , )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP wo n't (VP cut (ADVP back )ADVP (NP (NP their (QP more than 19 )QP hours )NP (PP of (NP daily broadcasts )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 18 21 (S (NP (NP Radio Free Europe )NP and (NP (NP its sister station )NP (PP for (NP (NP the Soviet Union )NP , (NP Radio Liberty )NP , )NP )PP )NP )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP wo n't (VP cut (PRT back )PRT (NP (NP their (QP more than 19 )QP hours )NP (PP of (NP daily broadcasts )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 18 20 (S (NP (NP Radio Free Europe )NP and (NP (NP (NP its sister station )NP (PP for (NP the Soviet Union )NP )PP )NP , (NP Radio Liberty )NP , )NP )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP wo n't (VP cut (ADVP back (NP their (QP more than 19 )QP hours )NP )ADVP (PP of (NP daily broadcasts )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 19 20 (S (NP (NP Radio Free Europe )NP and (NP (NP (NP its sister station )NP (PP for (NP the Soviet Union )NP )PP )NP , (NP Radio Liberty )NP , )NP )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP wo n't (VP cut (PRT back )PRT (NP their (QP more than 19 )QP hours )NP (PP of (NP daily broadcasts )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 19 20 (S (NP (NP Radio Free Europe )NP and (NP (NP its sister station )NP (PP for (NP the Soviet Union )NP )PP )NP , (NP Radio Liberty )NP , )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP wo n't (VP cut (PRT back )PRT (NP (NP their (QP more than 19 )QP hours )NP (PP of (NP daily broadcasts )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 20 21 (S (NP (NP Radio Free Europe )NP and (NP (NP (NP its sister station )NP (PP for (NP the Soviet Union )NP )PP )NP , (NP Radio Liberty )NP , )NP )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP wo n't (VP cut (ADVP back )ADVP (NP (NP their (QP more than 19 )QP hours )NP (PP of (NP daily broadcasts )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 19 23 (S (NP (NP Radio Free Europe )NP and (NP (NP (NP its sister station )NP (PP for (NP the Soviet Union )NP )PP )NP , (NP Radio Liberty )NP , )NP )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP wo n't (VP cut (PRT back )PRT (NP (NP their more )NP (PP than (NP (NP 19 hours )NP (PP of (NP daily broadcasts )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 20 21 (S (NP (NP Radio Free Europe )NP and (NP (NP (NP its sister station )NP (PP for (NP the Soviet Union )NP )PP )NP , (NP Radio Liberty )NP , )NP )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP wo n't (VP cut (PRT back )PRT (NP (NP their (QP more than 19 )QP hours )NP (PP of (NP daily broadcasts )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 20 21 (S (NP (NP Radio Free Europe )NP and (NP (NP (NP its sister station )NP (PP for (NP the Soviet Union )NP )PP )NP , (NP Radio Liberty )NP , )NP )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP wo n't (VP cut (PRT back )PRT (NP (NP their (QP more than 19 )QP hours )NP (PP of (NP daily broadcasts )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 19 20 (S (NP (NP Radio Free Europe )NP and (NP (NP its sister station )NP (PP for (NP the Soviet Union )NP )PP , (NP Radio Liberty )NP , )NP )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP wo n't (VP cut (PRT back )PRT (NP (NP their (QP more than 19 )QP hours )NP (PP of (NP daily broadcasts )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 20 23 (S (NP (NP Radio Free Europe )NP and (NP (NP (NP (NP its sister )NP (NP station )NP )NP (PP for (NP the Soviet Union )NP )PP )NP , (NP Radio Liberty )NP , )NP )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP wo n't (VP cut (ADVP back )ADVP (NP (NP their (QP more than 19 )QP hours )NP (PP of (NP daily broadcasts )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 17 18 (S (NP (NP Radio Free Europe )NP and (NP (NP (NP its sister station )NP (PP for (NP the Soviet Union )NP )PP )NP , (NP Radio Liberty )NP , )NP )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP wo n't (VP cut (ADVP back )ADVP (NP their (QP more than 19 hours of daily )QP broadcasts )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 19 20 (S (NP (NP Radio Free Europe )NP and (NP (NP its sister station )NP (PP for (NP the Soviet Union )NP )PP , (NP Radio Liberty )NP , )NP )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP wo n't (VP cut (ADVP back )ADVP (NP (NP their (QP more than 19 )QP hours )NP (PP of (NP daily broadcasts )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 17 18 (S (NP (NP Radio Free Europe )NP and (NP (NP (NP its sister station )NP (PP for (NP the Soviet Union )NP )PP )NP , (NP Radio Liberty )NP , )NP )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP wo n't (VP cut (ADVP back )ADVP (NP their (QP more than 19 hours of daily )QP broadcasts )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 18 21 (S (NP (NP Radio Free Europe )NP and (NP (NP its sister station )NP (PP for (NP (NP the Soviet Union )NP , (NP Radio Liberty )NP , )NP )PP )NP )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP wo n't (VP cut (ADVP back )ADVP (NP (NP their (QP more than 19 )QP hours )NP (PP of (NP daily broadcasts )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 19 21 (S (NP (NP (NP Radio Free Europe )NP and (NP (NP its sister station )NP (PP for (NP the Soviet Union )NP )PP )NP )NP , (NP Radio Liberty )NP , )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP wo n't (VP cut (ADVP back )ADVP (NP (NP their (QP more than 19 )QP hours )NP (PP of (NP daily broadcasts )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 18 21 (S (NP (NP (NP (NP Radio Free Europe )NP and (NP its sister station )NP )NP (PP for (NP the Soviet Union )NP )PP )NP , (NP Radio Liberty )NP , )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP wo n't (VP cut (ADVP back )ADVP (NP (NP their (QP more than 19 )QP hours )NP (PP of (NP daily broadcasts )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 18 20 (S (NP (NP Radio Free Europe )NP and (NP (NP (NP its sister station )NP (PP for (NP the Soviet Union )NP )PP )NP , (NP Radio Liberty )NP , )NP )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP wo n't (VP cut (ADVP back (NP their (QP more than 19 )QP hours )NP )ADVP (PP of (NP daily broadcasts )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 19 20 (S (NP (NP Radio Free Europe )NP and (NP (NP (NP its sister station )NP (PP for (NP the Soviet Union )NP )PP )NP , (NP Radio Liberty )NP , )NP )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP wo n't (VP cut (PRT back )PRT (NP their (QP more than 19 )QP hours )NP (PP of (NP daily broadcasts )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 20 21 (S (NP (NP Radio Free Europe )NP and (NP (NP (NP its sister station )NP (PP for (NP the Soviet Union )NP )PP )NP , (NP Radio Liberty )NP , )NP )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP wo n't (VP cut (ADVP back )ADVP (NP (NP their (QP more than 19 )QP hours )NP (PP of (NP daily broadcasts )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 50 15 20 (S (NP They )NP (VP are (ADVP still )ADVP (NP (NP an important source )NP (PP of (NP (NP news )NP (PP for (NP (NP (QP 60 million )QP listeners )NP (PP in (NP 23 exotic tongues )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP : (PP (PP from (NP Bulgarian and Belorussian )NP )PP (PP to (NP Kazakh and Kirghiz )NP )PP )PP )NP )VP . )S 17 21 (S (NP They )NP (VP are (ADVP still )ADVP (NP (NP an important source )NP (PP of (NP (NP news )NP (PP for (NP (NP (QP 60 million )QP listeners )NP (PP in (NP (NP 23 exotic tongues )NP : (PP (PP from (NP Bulgarian and Belorussian )NP )PP (PP to (NP Kazakh and Kirghiz )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 15 22 (S (NP They )NP (VP are (ADVP still )ADVP (NP (NP an important source )NP (PP of (NP (NP news )NP (PP for (NP (NP (QP 60 million )QP listeners )NP (PP in (NP 23 exotic tongues )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP : (PP (PP from (NP Bulgarian and Belorussian )NP )PP (PP to (NP (NP Kazakh )NP and (NP Kirghiz )NP )NP )PP )PP )NP )VP . )S 18 20 (S (NP They )NP (VP are (ADVP still )ADVP (NP (NP an important source )NP (PP of (NP news )NP )PP (PP for (NP (NP (QP 60 million )QP listeners )NP (PP in (NP (NP 23 exotic tongues )NP : (PP (PP from (NP Bulgarian and Belorussian )NP )PP (PP to (NP Kazakh and Kirghiz )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 17 23 (S (NP They )NP (VP are (ADVP still )ADVP (NP (NP an important source )NP (PP of (NP (NP news )NP (PP for (NP (NP (QP 60 million )QP listeners )NP (PP in (NP (NP 23 exotic tongues )NP : (PP (PP from (NP Bulgarian and Belorussian )NP )PP (PP to (NP (NP Kazakh )NP and (NP Kirghiz )NP )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 15 20 (S (NP They )NP (VP are (ADVP still )ADVP (NP (NP an important source )NP (PP of (NP (NP news )NP (PP for (NP (NP (QP 60 million )QP listeners )NP (PP in (NP 23 exotic tongues )NP )PP )NP )PP : (PP (PP from (NP Bulgarian and Belorussian )NP )PP (PP to (NP Kazakh and Kirghiz )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 16 19 (S (NP They )NP (VP are (ADVP still )ADVP (NP (NP an important source )NP (PP of (NP news )NP )PP (PP for (NP (NP (QP 60 million )QP listeners )NP (PP in (NP 23 exotic tongues )NP )PP )NP )PP : (PP (PP from (NP Bulgarian and Belorussian )NP )PP (PP to (NP Kazakh and Kirghiz )NP )PP )PP )NP )VP . )S 17 21 (S (NP They )NP (VP are (ADVP still )ADVP (NP (NP an important source )NP (PP of (NP (NP news )NP (PP for (NP (NP (QP 60 million )QP listeners )NP (PP in (NP (NP 23 exotic tongues : )NP (PP (PP from (NP Bulgarian and Belorussian )NP )PP (PP to (NP Kazakh and Kirghiz )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 14 20 (S (NP They )NP (VP are (ADVP still )ADVP (NP (NP an important source )NP (PP of (NP (NP news )NP (PP for (NP (NP (QP 60 million )QP listeners )NP (PP in (NP 23 exotic tongues )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP : (PP (PP from (ADJP Bulgarian and Belorussian )ADJP )PP (PP to (NP Kazakh and Kirghiz )NP )PP )PP )NP )VP . )S 13 22 (S (S (NP They )NP (VP are (ADVP still )ADVP (NP (NP an important source )NP (PP of (NP (NP news )NP (PP for (NP (NP (QP 60 million )QP listeners )NP (PP in (NP 23 exotic tongues )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )S : (S (PP (PP from (NP Bulgarian and Belorussian )NP )PP (PP to (NP Kazakh and Kirghiz )NP )PP )PP )S . )S 16 21 (S (NP They )NP (VP are (ADVP still )ADVP (NP (NP an important source )NP (PP of (NP (NP news )NP (PP for (NP (NP (QP 60 million )QP listeners )NP (PP in (NP (NP 23 exotic tongues )NP : (PP (PP from (ADJP Bulgarian and Belorussian )ADJP )PP (PP to (NP Kazakh and Kirghiz )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 17 20 (S (NP They )NP (VP are (ADVP still )ADVP (NP (NP an important source )NP (PP of (NP (NP news )NP (PP for (NP (QP 60 million )QP listeners )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (PP in (NP (NP 23 exotic tongues )NP : (PP (PP from (NP Bulgarian and Belorussian )NP )PP (PP to (NP Kazakh and Kirghiz )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 18 22 (S (NP They )NP (VP are (ADVP still )ADVP (NP (NP an important source )NP (PP of (NP news )NP )PP (PP for (NP (NP (QP 60 million )QP listeners )NP (PP in (NP (NP 23 exotic tongues )NP : (PP (PP from (NP Bulgarian and Belorussian )NP )PP (PP to (NP (NP Kazakh )NP and (NP Kirghiz )NP )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 18 20 (S (NP They )NP (VP are (ADVP still )ADVP (NP (NP an important source )NP (PP of (NP news )NP )PP (PP for (NP (NP (QP 60 million )QP listeners )NP (PP in (NP (NP 23 exotic tongues : )NP (PP (PP from (NP Bulgarian and Belorussian )NP )PP (PP to (NP Kazakh and Kirghiz )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 15 22 (S (NP They )NP (VP are (ADVP still )ADVP (NP (NP an important source )NP (PP of (NP (NP news )NP (PP for (NP (NP (QP 60 million )QP listeners )NP (PP in (NP 23 exotic tongues )NP )PP )NP )PP : (PP (PP from (NP Bulgarian and Belorussian )NP )PP (PP to (NP (NP Kazakh )NP and (NP Kirghiz )NP )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 14 20 (S (NP They )NP (VP are (ADVP still )ADVP (NP (NP an important source )NP (PP of (NP (NP news )NP (PP for (NP (NP (QP 60 million )QP listeners )NP (PP in (NP 23 exotic tongues )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP : (PP (PP from (NP Bulgarian and Belorussian )NP )PP (PP to (NP Kazakh and Kirghiz )NP )PP )PP )VP . )S 16 21 (S (NP They )NP (VP are (ADVP still )ADVP (NP (NP an important source )NP (PP of (NP news )NP )PP (PP for (NP (NP (QP 60 million )QP listeners )NP (PP in (NP 23 exotic tongues )NP )PP )NP )PP : (PP (PP from (NP Bulgarian and Belorussian )NP )PP (PP to (NP (NP Kazakh )NP and (NP Kirghiz )NP )NP )PP )PP )NP )VP . )S 18 20 (S (NP They )NP (VP are (ADVP still )ADVP (NP (NP an important source )NP (PP of (NP (NP news )NP (PP for (NP (QP 60 million )QP listeners )NP )PP )NP )PP (PP in (NP (NP 23 exotic tongues )NP : (PP (PP from (NP Bulgarian and Belorussian )NP )PP (PP to (NP Kazakh and Kirghiz )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 17 23 (S (NP They )NP (VP are (ADVP still )ADVP (NP (NP an important source )NP (PP of (NP (NP news )NP (PP for (NP (NP (QP 60 million )QP listeners )NP (PP in (NP (NP 23 exotic tongues : )NP (PP (PP from (NP Bulgarian and Belorussian )NP )PP (PP to (NP (NP Kazakh )NP and (NP Kirghiz )NP )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 18 19 (S (NP They )NP (VP are (ADVP still )ADVP (NP (NP an important source )NP (PP of (NP news )NP )PP )NP (PP for (NP (QP 60 million )QP listeners )NP )PP (PP in (NP (NP 23 exotic tongues )NP : (PP (PP from (NP Bulgarian and Belorussian )NP )PP (PP to (NP Kazakh and Kirghiz )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 18 19 (S (NP They )NP (VP are (ADVP still )ADVP (NP (NP an important source )NP (PP of (NP news )NP )PP (PP for (NP (QP 60 million )QP listeners )NP )PP )NP (PP in (NP (NP 23 exotic tongues )NP : (PP (PP from (NP Bulgarian and Belorussian )NP )PP (PP to (NP Kazakh and Kirghiz )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 16 19 (S (NP They )NP (VP are (ADVP still )ADVP (NP (NP an important source )NP (PP of (NP (NP news )NP (PP for (NP (QP 60 million )QP listeners )NP )PP )NP )PP (PP in (NP 23 exotic tongues )NP )PP : (PP (PP from (NP Bulgarian and Belorussian )NP )PP (PP to (NP Kazakh and Kirghiz )NP )PP )PP )NP )VP . )S 16 19 (S (NP They )NP (VP are (ADVP still )ADVP (NP (NP an important source )NP (PP of (NP (NP news )NP (PP for (NP (QP 60 million )QP listeners )NP )PP (PP in (NP 23 exotic tongues )NP )PP )NP )PP : (PP (PP from (NP Bulgarian and Belorussian )NP )PP (PP to (NP Kazakh and Kirghiz )NP )PP )PP )NP )VP . )S 17 20 (S (NP They )NP (VP are (ADVP still )ADVP (NP (NP an important source )NP (PP of (NP news )NP )PP )NP (PP for (NP (NP (QP 60 million )QP listeners )NP (PP in (NP (NP 23 exotic tongues )NP : (PP (PP from (NP Bulgarian and Belorussian )NP )PP (PP to (NP Kazakh and Kirghiz )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 14 21 (S (S (NP They )NP (VP are (ADVP still )ADVP (NP (NP an important source )NP (PP of (NP news )NP )PP (PP for (NP (NP (QP 60 million )QP listeners )NP (PP in (NP 23 exotic tongues )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )S : (S (PP (PP from (NP Bulgarian and Belorussian )NP )PP (PP to (NP Kazakh and Kirghiz )NP )PP )PP )S . )S 14 22 (S (NP They )NP (VP are (ADVP still )ADVP (NP (NP an important source )NP (PP of (NP (NP news )NP (PP for (NP (NP (QP 60 million )QP listeners )NP (PP in (NP 23 exotic tongues )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP : (PP (PP from (ADJP Bulgarian and Belorussian )ADJP )PP (PP to (NP (NP Kazakh )NP and (NP Kirghiz )NP )NP )PP )PP )NP )VP . )S 17 20 (S (NP They )NP (VP are (ADVP still )ADVP (NP (NP an important source )NP (PP of (NP news )NP )PP (PP for (NP (NP (QP 60 million )QP listeners )NP (PP in (NP (NP 23 exotic tongues )NP : (PP (PP from (ADJP Bulgarian and Belorussian )ADJP )PP (PP to (NP Kazakh and Kirghiz )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 14 20 (S (NP They )NP (VP are (ADVP still )ADVP (NP (NP an important source )NP (PP of (NP (NP news )NP (PP for (NP (NP (QP 60 million )QP listeners )NP (PP in (NP 23 exotic tongues )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP : (PP (PP from (UCP Bulgarian and Belorussian )UCP )PP (PP to (NP Kazakh and Kirghiz )NP )PP )PP )NP )VP . )S 18 20 (S (NP They )NP (VP are (ADVP still )ADVP (NP (NP an important source )NP (PP of (NP (NP news )NP (PP for (NP (QP 60 million )QP listeners )NP )PP (PP in (NP (NP 23 exotic tongues )NP : (PP (PP from (NP Bulgarian and Belorussian )NP )PP (PP to (NP Kazakh and Kirghiz )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 13 24 (S (S (NP They )NP (VP are (ADVP still )ADVP (NP (NP an important source )NP (PP of (NP (NP news )NP (PP for (NP (NP (QP 60 million )QP listeners )NP (PP in (NP 23 exotic tongues )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )S : (S (PP (PP from (NP Bulgarian and Belorussian )NP )PP (PP to (NP (NP Kazakh )NP and (NP Kirghiz )NP )NP )PP )PP )S . )S 16 23 (S (NP They )NP (VP are (ADVP still )ADVP (NP (NP an important source )NP (PP of (NP (NP news )NP (PP for (NP (NP (QP 60 million )QP listeners )NP (PP in (NP (NP 23 exotic tongues )NP : (PP (PP from (ADJP Bulgarian and Belorussian )ADJP )PP (PP to (NP (NP Kazakh )NP and (NP Kirghiz )NP )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 16 21 (S (NP They )NP (VP are (ADVP still )ADVP (NP (NP an important source )NP (PP of (NP (NP news )NP (PP for (NP (NP (QP 60 million )QP listeners )NP (PP in (NP (NP 23 exotic tongues )NP : (PP (PP from (UCP Bulgarian and Belorussian )UCP )PP (PP to (NP Kazakh and Kirghiz )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 15 21 (S (NP They )NP (VP are (ADVP still )ADVP (NP (NP an important source )NP (PP of (NP (NP news )NP (PP for (NP (NP (NP (QP 60 million )QP listeners )NP (PP in (NP 23 exotic tongues )NP )PP )NP : (PP (PP from (NP Bulgarian and Belorussian )NP )PP (PP to (NP Kazakh and Kirghiz )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 14 20 (S (NP They )NP (VP are (ADVP still )ADVP (NP (NP an important source )NP (PP of (NP (NP news )NP (PP for (NP (NP (QP 60 million )QP listeners )NP (PP in (NP 23 exotic tongues )NP )PP )NP )PP : (PP (PP from (ADJP Bulgarian and Belorussian )ADJP )PP (PP to (NP Kazakh and Kirghiz )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 17 22 (S (NP They )NP (VP are (ADVP still )ADVP (NP (NP an important source )NP (PP of (NP (NP news )NP (PP for (NP (QP 60 million )QP listeners )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (PP in (NP (NP 23 exotic tongues )NP : (PP (PP from (NP Bulgarian and Belorussian )NP )PP (PP to (NP (NP Kazakh )NP and (NP Kirghiz )NP )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 15 19 (S (NP They )NP (VP are (ADVP still )ADVP (NP (NP an important source )NP (PP of (NP news )NP )PP (PP for (NP (NP (QP 60 million )QP listeners )NP (PP in (NP 23 exotic tongues )NP )PP )NP )PP : (PP (PP from (ADJP Bulgarian and Belorussian )ADJP )PP (PP to (NP Kazakh and Kirghiz )NP )PP )PP )NP )VP . )S 16 21 (S (NP They )NP (VP are (ADVP still )ADVP (NP (NP an important source )NP (PP of (NP (NP news )NP (PP for (NP (NP (QP 60 million )QP listeners )NP (PP in (NP (NP 23 exotic tongues : )NP (PP (PP from (ADJP Bulgarian and Belorussian )ADJP )PP (PP to (NP Kazakh and Kirghiz )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 16 21 (S (NP They )NP (VP are (ADVP still )ADVP (NP (NP an important source )NP (PP of (NP (NP news )NP (PP for (NP (NP (QP 60 million )QP listeners )NP (PP (PP in (NP 23 exotic tongues )NP )PP : (PP (PP from (NP Bulgarian and Belorussian )NP )PP (PP to (NP Kazakh and Kirghiz )NP )PP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 17 22 (S (NP They )NP (VP are (ADVP still )ADVP (NP (NP an important source )NP (PP of (NP (NP news )NP (PP for (NP (NP (QP 60 million )QP listeners )NP (PP in (NP (NP 23 exotic tongues )NP (PRN : (PP (PP from (NP Bulgarian and Belorussian )NP )PP (PP to (NP Kazakh and Kirghiz )NP )PP )PP )PRN )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 17 20 (S (NP They )NP (VP are (ADVP still )ADVP (NP (NP an important source )NP (PP of (NP (NP news )NP (PP for (NP (QP 60 million )QP listeners )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (PP in (NP (NP 23 exotic tongues : )NP (PP (PP from (NP Bulgarian and Belorussian )NP )PP (PP to (NP Kazakh and Kirghiz )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 15 20 (S (NP They )NP (VP are (ADVP still )ADVP (NP (NP an important source )NP (PP of (NP (NP news )NP (PP for (NP (NP (QP 60 million )QP listeners )NP (PP in (NP 23 exotic tongues )NP )PP : (PP (PP from (NP Bulgarian and Belorussian )NP )PP (PP to (NP Kazakh and Kirghiz )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 15 20 (S (NP They )NP (VP are (ADVP still )ADVP (NP (NP an important source )NP (PP of (NP (NP news )NP (PP for (NP (NP (QP 60 million )QP listeners )NP (PP in (NP 23 exotic tongues )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP : (PP (PP from (NP Bulgarian and Belorussian )NP )PP (PP to (NP Kazakh and Kirghiz )NP )PP )PP )NP )VP . )S 15 19 (S (NP They )NP (VP are (ADVP still )ADVP (NP (NP an important source )NP (PP of (NP news )NP )PP (PP for (NP (NP (QP 60 million )QP listeners )NP (PP in (NP 23 exotic tongues )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP : (PP (PP from (NP Bulgarian and Belorussian )NP )PP (PP to (NP Kazakh and Kirghiz )NP )PP )PP )VP . )S 15 22 (S (NP They )NP (VP are (ADVP still )ADVP (NP (NP an important source )NP (PP of (NP (NP news )NP (PP for (NP (NP (QP 60 million )QP listeners )NP (PP in (NP 23 exotic tongues )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP : (PP (PP from (NP (NP Bulgarian )NP and (NP Belorussian )NP )NP )PP (PP to (NP Kazakh and Kirghiz )NP )PP )PP )NP )VP . )S 18 22 (S (NP They )NP (VP are (ADVP still )ADVP (NP (NP an important source )NP (PP of (NP news )NP )PP (PP for (NP (NP (QP 60 million )QP listeners )NP (PP in (NP (NP 23 exotic tongues : )NP (PP (PP from (NP Bulgarian and Belorussian )NP )PP (PP to (NP (NP Kazakh )NP and (NP Kirghiz )NP )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 14 22 (S (NP They )NP (VP are (ADVP still )ADVP (NP (NP an important source )NP (PP of (NP (NP news )NP (PP for (NP (NP (QP 60 million )QP listeners )NP (PP in (NP 23 exotic tongues )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP : (PP (PP from (NP Bulgarian and Belorussian )NP )PP (PP to (NP (NP Kazakh )NP and (NP Kirghiz )NP )NP )PP )PP )VP . )S 17 21 (S (NP They )NP (VP are (ADVP still )ADVP (NP (NP an important source )NP (PP of (NP (NP news )NP (PP for (NP (NP (QP 60 million )QP listeners )NP (PP in (NP (NP 23 exotic tongues )NP : (PP (PP from (NP Bulgarian and Belorussian )NP )PP (PP to (NP Kazakh and Kirghiz )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 15 20 (S (NP They )NP (VP are (ADVP still )ADVP (NP (NP an important source )NP (PP of (NP (NP news )NP (PP for (NP (NP (QP 60 million )QP listeners )NP (PP in (NP 23 exotic tongues )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP : (PP (PP from (NP Bulgarian and Belorussian )NP )PP (PP to (NP Kazakh and Kirghiz )NP )PP )PP )NP )VP . )S 18 22 (S (NP They )NP (VP are (ADVP still )ADVP (NP (NP an important source )NP (PP of (NP (NP news )NP (PP for (NP (QP 60 million )QP listeners )NP )PP )NP )PP (PP in (NP (NP 23 exotic tongues )NP : (PP (PP from (NP Bulgarian and Belorussian )NP )PP (PP to (NP (NP Kazakh )NP and (NP Kirghiz )NP )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 17 23 (S (NP They )NP (VP are (ADVP still )ADVP (NP (NP an important source )NP (PP of (NP (NP news )NP (PP for (NP (NP (QP 60 million )QP listeners )NP (PP in (NP (NP 23 exotic tongues )NP : (PP (PP from (NP (NP Bulgarian )NP and (NP Belorussian )NP )NP )PP (PP to (NP Kazakh and Kirghiz )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 50 19 20 (S (NP (NP The establishment )NP (PP of (NP (NP its first bureau )NP (PP in (NP (NP Warsaw Pact )NP territory )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP shows (NP (NP the depth )NP (PP of (NP (NP some )NP (PP of (NP (NP the changes )NP (PP in (NP Eastern Europe )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 19 19 (S (NP (NP The establishment )NP (PP of (NP (NP its first bureau )NP (PP in (NP Warsaw Pact territory )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP shows (NP (NP the depth )NP (PP of (NP (NP some )NP (PP of (NP (NP the changes )NP (PP in (NP Eastern Europe )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 16 19 (S (NP (NP The establishment )NP (PP of (NP its (NAC first bureau (PP in (NP Warsaw Pact )NP )PP )NAC territory )NP )PP )NP (VP shows (NP (NP the depth )NP (PP of (NP (NP some )NP (PP of (NP (NP the changes )NP (PP in (NP Eastern Europe )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 14 19 (S (NP The (NAC establishment (PP of (NP (NP its first bureau )NP (PP in (NP Warsaw Pact )NP )PP )NP )PP )NAC territory )NP (VP shows (NP (NP the depth )NP (PP of (NP (NP some )NP (PP of (NP (NP the changes )NP (PP in (NP Eastern Europe )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 17 20 (S (NP (NP The establishment )NP (PP of (NP (NP its first bureau )NP (PP in (NP Warsaw Pact )NP )PP (NP territory )NP )NP )PP )NP (VP shows (NP (NP the depth )NP (PP of (NP (NP some )NP (PP of (NP (NP the changes )NP (PP in (NP Eastern Europe )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 17 19 (S (NP (NP The establishment )NP (PP of (NP its first bureau )NP )PP (PP in (NP (NP Warsaw Pact )NP territory )NP )PP )NP (VP shows (NP (NP the depth )NP (PP of (NP (NP some )NP (PP of (NP (NP the changes )NP (PP in (NP Eastern Europe )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 14 20 (S (NP (NP The establishment )NP (PP of (NP (NP its first bureau )NP (PP in (NP Warsaw Pact )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP territory (VP shows (NP (NP the depth )NP (PP of (NP (NP some )NP (PP of (NP (NP the changes )NP (PP in (NP Eastern Europe )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP . )S 14 20 (S (NP (NP The establishment )NP (PP of (NP (NP its first bureau )NP (PP in (NP Warsaw Pact )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (NP territory )NP (VP shows (NP (NP the depth )NP (PP of (NP (NP some )NP (PP of (NP (NP the changes )NP (PP in (NP Eastern Europe )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 19 21 (S (NP (NP The establishment )NP (PP of (NP (NP its first bureau )NP (PP in (NP (NP Warsaw Pact )NP (NP territory )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP shows (NP (NP the depth )NP (PP of (NP (NP some )NP (PP of (NP (NP the changes )NP (PP in (NP Eastern Europe )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 17 18 (S (NP (NP The establishment )NP (PP of (NP its first bureau )NP )PP (PP in (NP Warsaw Pact territory )NP )PP )NP (VP shows (NP (NP the depth )NP (PP of (NP (NP some )NP (PP of (NP (NP the changes )NP (PP in (NP Eastern Europe )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 14 19 (S (NP (NP The establishment )NP (PP of (NP (NP its first bureau )NP (PP in (NP (NP Warsaw Pact )NP territory )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP shows (NP (NP the depth )NP (PP of (NP (NP some )NP (PP of (NP the changes )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (PP in (NP Eastern Europe )NP )PP )VP . )S 17 20 (S (NP (NP (NP The establishment )NP (PP of (NP its first bureau )NP )PP )NP (PP in (NP (NP Warsaw Pact )NP territory )NP )PP )NP (VP shows (NP (NP the depth )NP (PP of (NP (NP some )NP (PP of (NP (NP the changes )NP (PP in (NP Eastern Europe )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 15 19 (S (NP (NP The establishment )NP (PP of (NP (NP its first bureau )NP (PP in (NP (NP Warsaw Pact )NP territory )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP shows (NP (NP the depth )NP (PP of (NP (NP some )NP (PP of (NP the changes )NP )PP )NP )PP (PP in (NP Eastern Europe )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 14 19 (S (NP (NP The establishment )NP (PP of (NP its first bureau )NP )PP (PP in (NP Warsaw Pact )NP )PP )NP (VP territory (VP shows (NP (NP the depth )NP (PP of (NP (NP some )NP (PP of (NP (NP the changes )NP (PP in (NP Eastern Europe )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP . )S 17 21 (S (NP (NP The establishment )NP (PP of (NP (NP (NP its first bureau )NP (PP in (NP Warsaw Pact )NP )PP )NP (NP territory )NP )NP )PP )NP (VP shows (NP (NP the depth )NP (PP of (NP (NP some )NP (PP of (NP (NP the changes )NP (PP in (NP Eastern Europe )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 15 21 (S (NP (NP (NP The establishment )NP (PP of (NP (NP its first bureau )NP (PP in (NP Warsaw Pact )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (NP territory )NP )NP (VP shows (NP (NP the depth )NP (PP of (NP (NP some )NP (PP of (NP (NP the changes )NP (PP in (NP Eastern Europe )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 17 19 (S (NP (NP The establishment )NP (PP of (NP (NP its first bureau )NP (PP in (NP (NP Warsaw Pact )NP territory )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP shows (NP (NP the depth )NP (PP of (NP some )NP )PP (PP of (NP (NP the changes )NP (PP in (NP Eastern Europe )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 14 19 (S (NP (NP The establishment )NP (PP of (NP its first bureau )NP )PP (PP in (NP Warsaw Pact )NP )PP )NP (NP territory )NP (VP shows (NP (NP the depth )NP (PP of (NP (NP some )NP (PP of (NP (NP the changes )NP (PP in (NP Eastern Europe )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 16 19 (S (NP (NP The establishment )NP (PP of (NP its first bureau )NP )PP )NP (PP in (NP (NP Warsaw Pact )NP territory )NP )PP (VP shows (NP (NP the depth )NP (PP of (NP (NP some )NP (PP of (NP (NP the changes )NP (PP in (NP Eastern Europe )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 17 20 (S (NP (NP The establishment )NP (PP of (NP its first bureau )NP )PP (PP in (NP (NP Warsaw Pact )NP (NP territory )NP )NP )PP )NP (VP shows (NP (NP the depth )NP (PP of (NP (NP some )NP (PP of (NP (NP the changes )NP (PP in (NP Eastern Europe )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 14 18 (S (NP (NP The establishment )NP (PP of (NP (NP its first bureau )NP (PP in (NP Warsaw Pact territory )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP shows (NP (NP the depth )NP (PP of (NP (NP some )NP (PP of (NP the changes )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (PP in (NP Eastern Europe )NP )PP )VP . )S 17 19 (S (NP (NP (NP The establishment )NP (PP of (NP its first bureau )NP )PP )NP (PP in (NP Warsaw Pact territory )NP )PP )NP (VP shows (NP (NP the depth )NP (PP of (NP (NP some )NP (PP of (NP (NP the changes )NP (PP in (NP Eastern Europe )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 11 18 (S (NP (NP The establishment )NP (PP of (NP its (NAC first bureau (PP in (NP Warsaw Pact )NP )PP )NAC territory )NP )PP )NP (VP shows (NP (NP the depth )NP (PP of (NP (NP some )NP (PP of (NP the changes )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (PP in (NP Eastern Europe )NP )PP )VP . )S 9 19 (S (NP (NP The establishment )NP (PP of (NP (NP its first bureau )NP (PP in (NP Warsaw Pact )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP territory (VP shows (NP (NP the depth )NP (PP of (NP (NP some )NP (PP of (NP the changes )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (PP in (NP Eastern Europe )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 15 19 (S (NP (NP The establishment )NP (PP of (NP its first bureau )NP )PP (PP in (NP Warsaw Pact )NP )PP (NP territory )NP )NP (VP shows (NP (NP the depth )NP (PP of (NP (NP some )NP (PP of (NP (NP the changes )NP (PP in (NP Eastern Europe )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 14 19 (S (NP (NP The establishment )NP (PP of (NP its first bureau )NP )PP )NP (PP in (NP Warsaw Pact )NP )PP (NP territory )NP (VP shows (NP (NP the depth )NP (PP of (NP (NP some )NP (PP of (NP (NP the changes )NP (PP in (NP Eastern Europe )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 15 20 (S (NP (NP (NP The establishment )NP (PP of (NP its first bureau )NP )PP (PP in (NP Warsaw Pact )NP )PP )NP (NP territory )NP )NP (VP shows (NP (NP the depth )NP (PP of (NP (NP some )NP (PP of (NP (NP the changes )NP (PP in (NP Eastern Europe )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 9 18 (S (NP The (NAC establishment (PP of (NP (NP its first bureau )NP (PP in (NP Warsaw Pact )NP )PP )NP )PP )NAC territory )NP (VP shows (NP (NP the depth )NP (PP of (NP (NP some )NP (PP of (NP the changes )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (PP in (NP Eastern Europe )NP )PP )VP . )S 12 19 (S (NP (NP The establishment )NP (PP of (NP (NP its first bureau )NP (PP in (NP Warsaw Pact )NP )PP (NP territory )NP )NP )PP )NP (VP shows (NP (NP the depth )NP (PP of (NP (NP some )NP (PP of (NP the changes )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (PP in (NP Eastern Europe )NP )PP )VP . )S 12 18 (S (NP (NP The establishment )NP (PP of (NP its first bureau )NP )PP (PP in (NP (NP Warsaw Pact )NP territory )NP )PP )NP (VP shows (NP (NP the depth )NP (PP of (NP (NP some )NP (PP of (NP the changes )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (PP in (NP Eastern Europe )NP )PP )VP . )S 15 18 (S (NP (NP The establishment )NP (PP of (NP (NP its first bureau )NP (PP in (NP Warsaw Pact territory )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP shows (NP (NP the depth )NP (PP of (NP (NP some )NP (PP of (NP the changes )NP )PP )NP )PP (PP in (NP Eastern Europe )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 15 20 (S (NP (NP The establishment )NP (PP of (NP (NP its first bureau )NP (PP in (NP Warsaw Pact )NP )PP )NP )PP (NP territory )NP )NP (VP shows (NP (NP the depth )NP (PP of (NP (NP some )NP (PP of (NP (NP the changes )NP (PP in (NP Eastern Europe )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 15 20 (S (NP (NP (NP The establishment )NP (PP of (NP its first bureau )NP )PP )NP (PP in (NP Warsaw Pact )NP )PP (NP territory )NP )NP (VP shows (NP (NP the depth )NP (PP of (NP (NP some )NP (PP of (NP (NP the changes )NP (PP in (NP Eastern Europe )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 12 18 (S (NP (NP The establishment )NP (PP of (NP its (NAC first bureau (PP in (NP Warsaw Pact )NP )PP )NAC territory )NP )PP )NP (VP shows (NP (NP the depth )NP (PP of (NP (NP some )NP (PP of (NP the changes )NP )PP )NP )PP (PP in (NP Eastern Europe )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 19 20 (S (NP (NP The establishment )NP (PP of (NP (NP its first bureau )NP (PP in (NP (NP Warsaw Pact )NP territory )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP shows (NP (NP the depth )NP (PP of (NP (NP some )NP (PP of (NP (NP the changes )NP (PP in (NP Eastern Europe )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 15 20 (S (NP (NP (NP The establishment )NP (PP of (NP (NP its first bureau )NP (PP in (NP Warsaw Pact )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP territory )NP (VP shows (NP (NP the depth )NP (PP of (NP (NP some )NP (PP of (NP (NP the changes )NP (PP in (NP Eastern Europe )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 17 18 (S (NP (NP The establishment )NP (PP of (NP (NP its first bureau )NP (PP in (NP Warsaw Pact territory )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP shows (NP (NP the depth )NP (PP of (NP some )NP )PP (PP of (NP (NP the changes )NP (PP in (NP Eastern Europe )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 18 19 (S (NP (NP The establishment )NP (PP of (NP (NP its first bureau )NP (PP in (NP (NP Warsaw Pact )NP territory )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP shows (NP the depth )NP (PP of (NP (NP some )NP (PP of (NP (NP the changes )NP (PP in (NP Eastern Europe )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 10 18 (S (NP The (NAC establishment (PP of (NP (NP its first bureau )NP (PP in (NP Warsaw Pact )NP )PP )NP )PP )NAC territory )NP (VP shows (NP (NP the depth )NP (PP of (NP (NP some )NP (PP of (NP the changes )NP )PP )NP )PP (PP in (NP Eastern Europe )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 13 19 (S (NP (NP The establishment )NP (PP of (NP (NP its first bureau )NP (PP in (NP Warsaw Pact )NP )PP (NP territory )NP )NP )PP )NP (VP shows (NP (NP the depth )NP (PP of (NP (NP some )NP (PP of (NP the changes )NP )PP )NP )PP (PP in (NP Eastern Europe )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 13 18 (S (NP (NP The establishment )NP (PP of (NP its first bureau )NP )PP (PP in (NP (NP Warsaw Pact )NP territory )NP )PP )NP (VP shows (NP (NP the depth )NP (PP of (NP (NP some )NP (PP of (NP the changes )NP )PP )NP )PP (PP in (NP Eastern Europe )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 14 18 (S (NP (NP The establishment )NP (PP of (NP its (NAC first bureau (PP in (NP Warsaw Pact )NP )PP )NAC territory )NP )PP )NP (VP shows (NP (NP the depth )NP (PP of (NP some )NP )PP (PP of (NP (NP the changes )NP (PP in (NP Eastern Europe )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 19 21 (S (NP (NP The establishment )NP (PP of (NP (NP its first bureau )NP (PP in (NP (NP Warsaw Pact )NP territory )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP shows (S (NP (NP the depth )NP (PP of (NP (NP some )NP (PP of (NP (NP the changes )NP (PP in (NP Eastern Europe )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )S )VP . )S 16 18 (S (NP (NP The establishment )NP (PP of (NP its first bureau )NP )PP )NP (PP in (NP Warsaw Pact territory )NP )PP (VP shows (NP (NP the depth )NP (PP of (NP (NP some )NP (PP of (NP (NP the changes )NP (PP in (NP Eastern Europe )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 14 20 (S (NP (NP (NP The establishment )NP (PP of (NP its first bureau )NP )PP )NP (PP in (NP Warsaw Pact )NP )PP )NP (VP territory (VP shows (NP (NP the depth )NP (PP of (NP (NP some )NP (PP of (NP (NP the changes )NP (PP in (NP Eastern Europe )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP . )S 14 21 (S (NP (NP The establishment )NP (PP of (NP (NP its first bureau )NP (PP in (NP Warsaw Pact )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP territory (S (VP shows (NP (NP the depth )NP (PP of (NP (NP some )NP (PP of (NP (NP the changes )NP (PP in (NP Eastern Europe )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )VP . )S 9 19 (S (NP (NP The establishment )NP (PP of (NP (NP its first bureau )NP (PP in (NP Warsaw Pact )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (NP territory )NP (VP shows (NP (NP the depth )NP (PP of (NP (NP some )NP (PP of (NP the changes )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (PP in (NP Eastern Europe )NP )PP )VP . )S 14 20 (S (NP (NP (NP The establishment )NP (PP of (NP its first bureau )NP )PP )NP (PP in (NP Warsaw Pact )NP )PP )NP (NP territory )NP (VP shows (NP (NP the depth )NP (PP of (NP (NP some )NP (PP of (NP (NP the changes )NP (PP in (NP Eastern Europe )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 12 18 (S (NP The (NAC establishment (PP of (NP (NP its first bureau )NP (PP in (NP Warsaw Pact )NP )PP )NP )PP )NAC territory )NP (VP shows (NP (NP the depth )NP (PP of (NP some )NP )PP (PP of (NP (NP the changes )NP (PP in (NP Eastern Europe )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 15 19 (S (NP (NP The establishment )NP (PP of (NP (NP its first bureau )NP (PP in (NP Warsaw Pact )NP )PP (NP territory )NP )NP )PP )NP (VP shows (NP (NP the depth )NP (PP of (NP some )NP )PP (PP of (NP (NP the changes )NP (PP in (NP Eastern Europe )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 50 26 29 (S (SBAR (NP Months )NP before (S (NP (NP the decision )NP (PP by (NP the Hungarian Communist Party )NP )PP )NP (VP to (VP (VP rename (S (NP itself )NP (ADJP Socialist )ADJP )S )VP and (VP try (S (VP to (VP look (ADJP more appealing (PP to (NP voters )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP (NP the country 's )NP rulers )NP (VP were (VP trying (S (VP to (VP look (ADJP more hospitable )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 26 30 (S (SBAR (NP Months )NP before (S (NP (NP the decision )NP (PP by (NP the Hungarian Communist Party )NP )PP )NP (VP to (VP (VP rename (S (NP itself )NP (ADJP Socialist )ADJP )S )VP and (VP try (S (VP to (VP look (S (ADJP more appealing (PP to (NP voters )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP (NP the country 's )NP rulers )NP (VP were (VP trying (S (VP to (VP look (ADJP more hospitable )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 24 28 (S (SBAR (NP Months )NP before (S (NP (NP the decision )NP (PP by (NP the Hungarian Communist Party )NP )PP )NP (VP to (VP (VP rename (NP itself )NP (NP Socialist )NP )VP and (VP try (S (VP to (VP look (ADJP more appealing (PP to (NP voters )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP (NP the country 's )NP rulers )NP (VP were (VP trying (S (VP to (VP look (ADJP more hospitable )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 24 29 (S (SBAR (NP Months )NP before (S (NP (NP the decision )NP (PP by (NP the Hungarian Communist Party )NP )PP )NP (VP to (VP (VP rename (NP itself )NP (NP Socialist )NP )VP and (VP try (S (VP to (VP look (S (ADJP more appealing (PP to (NP voters )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP (NP the country 's )NP rulers )NP (VP were (VP trying (S (VP to (VP look (ADJP more hospitable )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 23 27 (S (SBAR (NP Months )NP before (S (NP (NP the decision )NP (PP by (NP the Hungarian Communist Party )NP )PP )NP (VP to (VP (VP rename (NP itself Socialist )NP )VP and (VP try (S (VP to (VP look (ADJP more appealing (PP to (NP voters )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP (NP the country 's )NP rulers )NP (VP were (VP trying (S (VP to (VP look (ADJP more hospitable )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 23 28 (S (SBAR (NP Months )NP before (S (NP (NP the decision )NP (PP by (NP the Hungarian Communist Party )NP )PP )NP (VP to (VP (VP rename (NP itself Socialist )NP )VP and (VP try (S (VP to (VP look (S (ADJP more appealing (PP to (NP voters )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP (NP the country 's )NP rulers )NP (VP were (VP trying (S (VP to (VP look (ADJP more hospitable )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 24 28 (S (SBAR (NP Months )NP before (S (NP (NP the decision )NP (PP by (NP the Hungarian Communist Party )NP )PP )NP (VP to (VP (VP rename (NP itself )NP (ADVP Socialist )ADVP )VP and (VP try (S (VP to (VP look (ADJP more appealing (PP to (NP voters )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP (NP the country 's )NP rulers )NP (VP were (VP trying (S (VP to (VP look (ADJP more hospitable )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 24 29 (S (SBAR (NP Months )NP before (S (NP (NP the decision )NP (PP by (NP the Hungarian Communist Party )NP )PP )NP (VP to (VP (VP rename (NP itself )NP (ADVP Socialist )ADVP )VP and (VP try (S (VP to (VP look (S (ADJP more appealing (PP to (NP voters )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP (NP the country 's )NP rulers )NP (VP were (VP trying (S (VP to (VP look (ADJP more hospitable )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 26 30 (S (SBAR (NP Months )NP before (S (NP (NP the decision )NP (PP by (NP the Hungarian Communist Party )NP )PP )NP (VP to (VP (VP rename (S (NP itself )NP (ADJP Socialist )ADJP )S )VP and (VP try (S (VP to (VP look (ADJP (ADJP more appealing )ADJP (PP to (NP voters )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP (NP the country 's )NP rulers )NP (VP were (VP trying (S (VP to (VP look (ADJP more hospitable )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 24 29 (S (SBAR (NP Months )NP before (S (NP (NP the decision )NP (PP by (NP the Hungarian Communist Party )NP )PP )NP (VP to (VP (VP rename (NP itself )NP (NP Socialist )NP )VP and (VP try (S (VP to (VP look (ADJP (ADJP more appealing )ADJP (PP to (NP voters )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP (NP the country 's )NP rulers )NP (VP were (VP trying (S (VP to (VP look (ADJP more hospitable )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 25 29 (S (SBAR (NP Months )NP before (S (NP (NP the decision )NP (PP by (NP the Hungarian Communist Party )NP )PP )NP (VP to (VP (VP rename (S (NP itself )NP (ADJP Socialist )ADJP )S )VP and (VP try (S (VP to (VP look (ADJP more appealing )ADJP (PP to (NP voters )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP (NP the country 's )NP rulers )NP (VP were (VP trying (S (VP to (VP look (ADJP more hospitable )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 25 29 (S (SBAR (NP Months )NP before (S (NP (NP the decision )NP (PP by (NP the Hungarian Communist Party )NP )PP )NP (VP (VP to (VP rename (S (NP itself )NP (ADJP Socialist )ADJP )S )VP )VP and (VP try (S (VP to (VP look (ADJP more appealing (PP to (NP voters )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP (NP the country 's )NP rulers )NP (VP were (VP trying (S (VP to (VP look (ADJP more hospitable )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 25 30 (S (SBAR (NP Months )NP before (S (NP (NP the decision )NP (PP by (NP the Hungarian Communist Party )NP )PP )NP (VP (VP to (VP rename (S (NP itself )NP (ADJP Socialist )ADJP )S )VP )VP and (VP try (S (VP to (VP look (S (ADJP more appealing (PP to (NP voters )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP (NP the country 's )NP rulers )NP (VP were (VP trying (S (VP to (VP look (ADJP more hospitable )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 26 31 (S (SBAR (NP Months )NP before (S (NP (NP the decision )NP (PP by (NP the Hungarian Communist Party )NP )PP )NP (VP to (VP (VP rename (S (NP itself )NP (ADJP Socialist )ADJP )S )VP and (VP try (S (VP to (VP look (S (ADJP (ADJP more appealing )ADJP (PP to (NP voters )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP (NP the country 's )NP rulers )NP (VP were (VP trying (S (VP to (VP look (ADJP more hospitable )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 24 29 (S (SBAR (NP Months )NP before (S (NP (NP the decision )NP (PP by (NP the Hungarian Communist Party )NP )PP )NP (VP to (VP (VP rename (NP itself )NP (S (NP Socialist )NP )S )VP and (VP try (S (VP to (VP look (ADJP more appealing (PP to (NP voters )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP (NP the country 's )NP rulers )NP (VP were (VP trying (S (VP to (VP look (ADJP more hospitable )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 23 28 (S (SBAR (NP Months )NP before (S (NP (NP the decision )NP (PP by (NP the Hungarian Communist Party )NP )PP )NP (VP to (VP (VP rename (NP itself )NP (NP Socialist )NP )VP and (VP try (S (VP to (VP look (ADJP more appealing )ADJP (PP to (NP voters )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP (NP the country 's )NP rulers )NP (VP were (VP trying (S (VP to (VP look (ADJP more hospitable )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 23 28 (S (SBAR (NP Months )NP before (S (NP (NP the decision )NP (PP by (NP the Hungarian Communist Party )NP )PP )NP (VP (VP to (VP rename (NP itself )NP (NP Socialist )NP )VP )VP and (VP try (S (VP to (VP look (ADJP more appealing (PP to (NP voters )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP (NP the country 's )NP rulers )NP (VP were (VP trying (S (VP to (VP look (ADJP more hospitable )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 24 30 (S (SBAR (NP Months )NP before (S (NP (NP the decision )NP (PP by (NP the Hungarian Communist Party )NP )PP )NP (VP to (VP (VP rename (NP itself )NP (S (NP Socialist )NP )S )VP and (VP try (S (VP to (VP look (S (ADJP more appealing (PP to (NP voters )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP (NP the country 's )NP rulers )NP (VP were (VP trying (S (VP to (VP look (ADJP more hospitable )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 23 29 (S (SBAR (NP Months )NP before (S (NP (NP the decision )NP (PP by (NP the Hungarian Communist Party )NP )PP )NP (VP (VP to (VP rename (NP itself )NP (NP Socialist )NP )VP )VP and (VP try (S (VP to (VP look (S (ADJP more appealing (PP to (NP voters )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP (NP the country 's )NP rulers )NP (VP were (VP trying (S (VP to (VP look (ADJP more hospitable )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 26 29 (S (SBAR (NP Months )NP before (S (NP (NP the decision )NP (PP by (NP the Hungarian Communist Party )NP )PP )NP (VP to (VP (VP rename (S (NP itself )NP (ADJP Socialist )ADJP )S )VP and (VP try (S (VP to (VP look (ADJP more appealing (PP to (NP voters )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP (NP the country 's )NP rulers )NP (VP were (VP trying (S (VP to (VP look (ADJP more hospitable )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 26 30 (S (SBAR (NP Months )NP before (S (NP (NP the decision )NP (PP by (NP the Hungarian Communist Party )NP )PP )NP (VP to (VP (VP rename (S (NP itself )NP (ADJP Socialist )ADJP )S )VP and (VP try (S (VP to (VP look (ADJP more appealing (PP to (NP voters )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP (NP the country 's )NP rulers )NP (VP were (VP trying (S (VP to (VP look (S (ADJP more hospitable )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 26 30 (S (SBAR (NP Months )NP before (S (NP (NP the decision )NP (PP by (NP the Hungarian Communist Party )NP )PP )NP (VP to (VP (VP rename (S (NP itself )NP (ADJP Socialist )ADJP )S )VP and (VP try (S (VP to (VP look (S (ADJP more appealing (PP to (NP voters )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP (NP the country 's )NP rulers )NP (VP were (VP trying (S (VP to (VP look (ADJP more hospitable )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 26 31 (S (SBAR (NP Months )NP before (S (NP (NP the decision )NP (PP by (NP the Hungarian Communist Party )NP )PP )NP (VP to (VP (VP rename (S (NP itself )NP (ADJP Socialist )ADJP )S )VP and (VP try (S (VP to (VP look (S (ADJP more appealing (PP to (NP voters )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP (NP the country 's )NP rulers )NP (VP were (VP trying (S (VP to (VP look (S (ADJP more hospitable )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 25 29 (S (SBAR (NP Months )NP before (S (NP (NP the decision )NP (PP by (NP the Hungarian Communist Party )NP )PP )NP (VP to (VP (VP rename (S (NP itself )NP (ADJP Socialist )ADJP )S )VP and (VP try (S (VP to (VP look (ADJP more appealing (PP to (NP voters )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP (NP the country 's )NP rulers )NP (VP were (VP trying (S (VP to (VP look (ADVP more hospitable )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 26 30 (S (SBAR (NP Months )NP before (S (NP (NP the decision )NP (PP by (NP the Hungarian Communist Party )NP )PP )NP (VP to (VP (VP rename (S (NP itself )NP (ADJP Socialist )ADJP )S )VP and (VP try (S (VP to (VP look (ADJP (ADJP more appealing )ADJP (PP to (NP voters )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP (NP the country 's )NP rulers )NP (VP were (VP trying (S (VP to (VP look (ADJP more hospitable )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 25 30 (S (SBAR (NP Months )NP before (S (NP (NP the decision )NP (PP by (NP the Hungarian Communist Party )NP )PP )NP (VP to (VP (VP rename (S (NP itself )NP (ADJP Socialist )ADJP )S )VP and (VP try (S (VP to (VP look (S (ADJP more appealing (PP to (NP voters )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP (NP the country 's )NP rulers )NP (VP were (VP trying (S (VP to (VP look (ADVP more hospitable )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 25 31 (S (SBAR (NP Months )NP before (S (NP (NP the decision )NP (PP by (NP the Hungarian Communist Party )NP )PP )NP (VP to (VP (VP rename (S (NP itself )NP (ADJP Socialist )ADJP )S )VP and (VP try (S (VP to (VP look (ADVP more )ADVP (S (VP appealing (PP to (NP voters )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP (NP the country 's )NP rulers )NP (VP were (VP trying (S (VP to (VP look (ADJP more hospitable )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 23 28 (S (SBAR (NP Months )NP before (S (NP (NP the decision )NP (PP by (NP the Hungarian Communist Party )NP )PP )NP (VP to (VP (VP rename (NP itself Socialist )NP )VP and (VP try (S (VP to (VP look (ADJP (ADJP more appealing )ADJP (PP to (NP voters )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP (NP the country 's )NP rulers )NP (VP were (VP trying (S (VP to (VP look (ADJP more hospitable )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 25 29 (S (SBAR (NP Months )NP before (S (NP (NP the decision )NP (PP by (NP the Hungarian Communist Party )NP )PP )NP (VP to (VP (VP rename (NP itself )NP (S (ADJP Socialist )ADJP )S )VP and (VP try (S (VP to (VP look (ADJP more appealing (PP to (NP voters )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP (NP the country 's )NP rulers )NP (VP were (VP trying (S (VP to (VP look (ADJP more hospitable )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 25 30 (S (SBAR (NP Months )NP before (S (NP (NP the decision )NP (PP by (NP the Hungarian Communist Party )NP )PP )NP (VP to (VP (VP rename (NP itself )NP (S (ADJP Socialist )ADJP )S )VP and (VP try (S (VP to (VP look (S (ADJP more appealing (PP to (NP voters )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP (NP the country 's )NP rulers )NP (VP were (VP trying (S (VP to (VP look (ADJP more hospitable )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 26 29 (S (SBAR (NP Months )NP before (S (NP (NP the decision )NP (PP by (NP the Hungarian Communist Party )NP )PP )NP (VP to (VP (VP rename (S (NP itself )NP (ADJP Socialist )ADJP )S )VP and (VP try (S (VP to (VP look (ADJP more appealing (PP to (NP voters )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP (NP the country 's )NP rulers )NP (VP were (VP trying (S (VP to (VP look (ADJP more hospitable )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 24 28 (S (SBAR (NP Months )NP before (S (NP (NP the decision )NP (PP by (NP the Hungarian Communist Party )NP )PP )NP (VP to (VP (VP rename (NP itself )NP (NP Socialist )NP )VP and (VP try (S (VP to (VP look (ADJP more appealing (PP to (NP voters )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP (NP the country 's )NP rulers )NP (VP were (VP trying (S (VP to (VP look (ADJP more hospitable )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 24 30 (S (SBAR (NP Months )NP before (S (NP (NP the decision )NP (PP by (NP the Hungarian Communist Party )NP )PP )NP (VP to (VP (VP rename (NP itself )NP (NP Socialist )NP )VP and (VP try (S (VP to (VP look (S (ADJP (ADJP more appealing )ADJP (PP to (NP voters )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP (NP the country 's )NP rulers )NP (VP were (VP trying (S (VP to (VP look (ADJP more hospitable )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 24 29 (S (SBAR (NP Months )NP before (S (NP (NP the decision )NP (PP by (NP the Hungarian Communist Party )NP )PP )NP (VP to (VP (VP rename (NP itself )NP (NP Socialist )NP )VP and (VP try (S (VP to (VP look (S (ADJP more appealing (PP to (NP voters )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP (NP the country 's )NP rulers )NP (VP were (VP trying (S (VP to (VP look (ADJP more hospitable )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 24 29 (S (SBAR (NP Months )NP before (S (NP (NP the decision )NP (PP by (NP the Hungarian Communist Party )NP )PP )NP (VP to (VP (VP rename (NP itself )NP (ADVP Socialist )ADVP )VP and (VP try (S (VP to (VP look (ADJP (ADJP more appealing )ADJP (PP to (NP voters )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP (NP the country 's )NP rulers )NP (VP were (VP trying (S (VP to (VP look (ADJP more hospitable )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 25 30 (S (SBAR (NP Months )NP before (S (NP (NP the decision )NP (PP by (NP the Hungarian Communist Party )NP )PP )NP (VP to (VP (VP rename (S (NP itself )NP (ADJP Socialist )ADJP )S )VP and (VP try (S (VP to (VP look (ADVP more )ADVP (PP appealing (PP to (NP voters )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP (NP the country 's )NP rulers )NP (VP were (VP trying (S (VP to (VP look (ADJP more hospitable )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 25 29 (S (SBAR (NP Months )NP before (S (NP (NP the decision )NP (PP by (NP the Hungarian Communist Party )NP )PP )NP (VP (VP to (VP rename (S (NP itself )NP (ADJP Socialist )ADJP )S )VP )VP and (VP try (S (VP to (VP look (ADJP more appealing (PP to (NP voters )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP (NP the country 's )NP rulers )NP (VP were (VP trying (S (VP to (VP look (ADJP more hospitable )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 25 30 (S (SBAR (NP Months )NP before (S (NP (NP the decision )NP (PP by (NP the Hungarian Communist Party )NP )PP )NP (VP (VP to (VP rename (S (NP itself )NP (ADJP Socialist )ADJP )S )VP )VP and (VP try (S (VP to (VP look (S (ADJP more appealing (PP to (NP voters )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP (NP the country 's )NP rulers )NP (VP were (VP trying (S (VP to (VP look (ADJP more hospitable )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 21 29 (S (SBAR (NP Months )NP before (S (NP (NP the decision )NP (PP by (NP the Hungarian Communist Party )NP )PP )NP (VP to (VP (VP rename (S (NP itself )NP (ADJP Socialist )ADJP )S )VP and (VP try (S (VP to (VP look (ADJP more appealing )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP (PP to (NP voters )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP (NP the country 's )NP rulers )NP (VP were (VP trying (S (VP to (VP look (ADJP more hospitable )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 24 28 (S (SBAR (NP Months )NP before (S (NP (NP the decision )NP (PP by (NP the Hungarian Communist Party )NP )PP )NP (VP to (VP (VP rename (NP itself )NP (NP Socialist )NP )VP and (VP try (S (VP to (VP look (ADJP more appealing (PP to (NP voters )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP (NP the country 's )NP rulers )NP (VP were (VP trying (S (VP to (VP look (ADJP more hospitable )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 24 29 (S (SBAR (NP Months )NP before (S (NP (NP the decision )NP (PP by (NP the Hungarian Communist Party )NP )PP )NP (VP to (VP (VP rename (NP itself )NP (NP Socialist )NP )VP and (VP try (S (VP to (VP look (ADJP more appealing (PP to (NP voters )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP (NP the country 's )NP rulers )NP (VP were (VP trying (S (VP to (VP look (S (ADJP more hospitable )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 24 29 (S (SBAR (NP Months )NP before (S (NP (NP the decision )NP (PP by (NP the Hungarian Communist Party )NP )PP )NP (VP to (VP (VP rename (NP itself )NP (NP Socialist )NP )VP and (VP try (S (VP to (VP look (S (ADJP more appealing (PP to (NP voters )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP (NP the country 's )NP rulers )NP (VP were (VP trying (S (VP to (VP look (ADJP more hospitable )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 24 30 (S (SBAR (NP Months )NP before (S (NP (NP the decision )NP (PP by (NP the Hungarian Communist Party )NP )PP )NP (VP to (VP (VP rename (NP itself )NP (NP Socialist )NP )VP and (VP try (S (VP to (VP look (S (ADJP more appealing (PP to (NP voters )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP (NP the country 's )NP rulers )NP (VP were (VP trying (S (VP to (VP look (S (ADJP more hospitable )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 22 27 (S (SBAR (NP Months )NP before (S (NP (NP the decision )NP (PP by (NP the Hungarian Communist Party )NP )PP )NP (VP (VP to (VP rename (NP itself Socialist )NP )VP )VP and (VP try (S (VP to (VP look (ADJP more appealing (PP to (NP voters )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP (NP the country 's )NP rulers )NP (VP were (VP trying (S (VP to (VP look (ADJP more hospitable )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 23 28 (S (SBAR (NP Months )NP before (S (NP (NP the decision )NP (PP by (NP the Hungarian Communist Party )NP )PP )NP (VP to (VP (VP rename (NP itself )NP (NP Socialist )NP )VP and (VP try (S (VP to (VP look (ADJP more appealing (PP to (NP voters )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP (NP the country 's )NP rulers )NP (VP were (VP trying (S (VP to (VP look (ADVP more hospitable )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 22 28 (S (SBAR (NP Months )NP before (S (NP (NP the decision )NP (PP by (NP the Hungarian Communist Party )NP )PP )NP (VP (VP to (VP rename (NP itself Socialist )NP )VP )VP and (VP try (S (VP to (VP look (S (ADJP more appealing (PP to (NP voters )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP (NP the country 's )NP rulers )NP (VP were (VP trying (S (VP to (VP look (ADJP more hospitable )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 24 29 (S (SBAR (NP Months )NP before (S (NP (NP the decision )NP (PP by (NP the Hungarian Communist Party )NP )PP )NP (VP to (VP (VP rename (NP itself )NP (NP Socialist )NP )VP and (VP try (S (VP to (VP look (ADJP (ADJP more appealing )ADJP (PP to (NP voters )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP (NP the country 's )NP rulers )NP (VP were (VP trying (S (VP to (VP look (ADJP more hospitable )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 23 29 (S (SBAR (NP Months )NP before (S (NP (NP the decision )NP (PP by (NP the Hungarian Communist Party )NP )PP )NP (VP to (VP (VP rename (NP itself )NP (NP Socialist )NP )VP and (VP try (S (VP to (VP look (S (ADJP more appealing (PP to (NP voters )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP (NP the country 's )NP rulers )NP (VP were (VP trying (S (VP to (VP look (ADVP more hospitable )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 23 30 (S (SBAR (NP Months )NP before (S (NP (NP the decision )NP (PP by (NP the Hungarian Communist Party )NP )PP )NP (VP to (VP (VP rename (NP itself )NP (NP Socialist )NP )VP and (VP try (S (VP to (VP look (ADVP more )ADVP (S (VP appealing (PP to (NP voters )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP (NP the country 's )NP rulers )NP (VP were (VP trying (S (VP to (VP look (ADJP more hospitable )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 24 29 (S (SBAR (NP Months )NP before (S (NP (NP the decision )NP (PP by (NP the Hungarian Communist Party )NP )PP )NP (VP to (VP (VP rename (NP (NP itself )NP (NP Socialist )NP )NP )VP and (VP try (S (VP to (VP look (ADJP more appealing (PP to (NP voters )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP (NP the country 's )NP rulers )NP (VP were (VP trying (S (VP to (VP look (ADJP more hospitable )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 50 14 18 (S (NP It )NP (VP proved (NP (NP a perfect time )NP (PP for (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )PP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP ask (PP for (NP permission (S (VP to (VP set (PRT up )PRT (NP office )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 14 17 (S (NP It )NP (VP proved (NP (NP a perfect time )NP (PP for (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )PP )NP (S (VP to (VP ask (PP for (NP permission (S (VP to (VP set (PRT up )PRT (NP office )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 16 17 (S (NP It )NP (VP proved (NP (NP a perfect time )NP (SBAR for (S (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP to (VP ask (PP for (NP permission (S (VP to (VP set (PRT up )PRT (NP office )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 14 17 (S (NP It )NP (VP proved (NP (NP a perfect time )NP (PP for (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )PP (S (VP to (VP ask (PP for (NP permission (S (VP to (VP set (PRT up )PRT (NP office )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP . )S 12 18 (S (NP It )NP (VP proved (NP (NP a perfect time )NP (PP for (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )PP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP ask (PP for (NP permission )NP )PP (S (VP to (VP set (PRT up )PRT (NP office )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 15 16 (S (NP It )NP (VP proved (NP a perfect time (SBAR for (S (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP to (VP ask (PP for (NP permission (S (VP to (VP set (PRT up )PRT (NP office )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 14 17 (S (NP It )NP (VP proved (S (NP (NP a perfect time )NP (PP for (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )PP )NP (VP to (VP ask (PP for (NP permission (S (VP to (VP set (PRT up )PRT (NP office )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 14 19 (S (NP It )NP (VP proved (NP (NP a perfect time )NP (PP for (NP (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP ask (PP for (NP permission (S (VP to (VP set (PRT up )PRT (NP office )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 14 20 (S (NP It )NP (VP proved (NP (NP a perfect time )NP (PP for (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )PP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP ask (PP for (NP (NP permission )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP set (PRT up )PRT (NP office )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 14 16 (S (NP It )NP (VP proved (NP a perfect time )NP (PP for (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )PP (S (VP to (VP ask (PP for (NP permission (S (VP to (VP set (PRT up )PRT (NP office )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 14 19 (S (NP It )NP (VP proved (NP (NP a perfect time )NP (PP for (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )PP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP ask (PP for (NP permission (SBAR (S (VP to (VP set (PRT up )PRT (NP office )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 16 18 (S (NP It )NP (VP proved (NP (NP a perfect time )NP (SBAR (WHNP for )WHNP (S (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP to (VP ask (PP for (NP permission (S (VP to (VP set (PRT up )PRT (NP office )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 14 18 (S (NP It )NP (VP proved (NP (NP a perfect time )NP (PP for (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )PP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP ask (PP for (NP permission (S (VP to (VP set (PRT up )PRT (NP office )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 12 17 (S (NP It )NP (VP proved (NP (NP a perfect time )NP (PP for (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )PP )NP (S (VP to (VP ask (PP for (NP permission )NP )PP (S (VP to (VP set (PRT up )PRT (NP office )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 14 19 (S (NP It )NP (VP proved (NP (NP (NP a perfect time )NP (PP for (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )PP )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP ask (PP for (NP permission (S (VP to (VP set (PRT up )PRT (NP office )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 14 17 (S (NP It )NP (VP proved (NP (NP a perfect time )NP (SBAR for (S (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP to (VP ask (PP for (NP permission )NP )PP (S (VP to (VP set (PRT up )PRT (NP office )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 14 18 (S (NP It )NP (VP proved (NP (NP a perfect time )NP (PP for (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )PP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP ask (PP for (NP permission (S (VP to (VP set (PRT up )PRT (NP office )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 14 19 (S (NP It )NP (VP proved (NP (NP a perfect time )NP (PP for (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )PP )NP (S (VP to (VP ask (PP for (NP (NP permission )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP set (PRT up )PRT (NP office )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 10 17 (S (NP It )NP (VP proved (NP (NP a perfect time )NP (SBAR for (S (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP to (VP ask (PP for (NP permission )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP (S (VP to (VP set (PRT up )PRT (NP office )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 16 19 (S (NP It )NP (VP proved (NP (NP a perfect time )NP (SBAR for (S (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP to (VP ask (PP for (NP (NP permission )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP set (PRT up )PRT (NP office )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 14 18 (S (NP It )NP (VP proved (NP (NP a perfect time )NP (PP for (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )PP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP ask (PP for (NP permission (S (VP to (VP set (ADVP up )ADVP (NP office )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 14 18 (S (NP It )NP (VP proved (NP (NP a perfect time )NP (PP for (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )PP )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP ask (PP for (NP permission (S (VP to (VP set (PRT up )PRT (NP office )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 14 18 (S (NP It )NP (VP proved (NP a perfect time )NP (PP for (NP (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP ask (PP for (NP permission (S (VP to (VP set (PRT up )PRT (NP office )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 16 16 (S (NP It )NP (VP proved (NP a perfect time )NP (SBAR for (S (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP to (VP ask (PP for (NP permission (S (VP to (VP set (PRT up )PRT (NP office )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 12 17 (S (NP It )NP (VP proved (NP (NP a perfect time )NP (PP for (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )PP (S (VP to (VP ask (PP for (NP permission )NP )PP (S (VP to (VP set (PRT up )PRT (NP office )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )NP )VP . )S 15 18 (S (NP It )NP (VP proved (NP (NP a perfect time )NP (SBAR (PP for (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )PP (S (VP to (VP ask (PP for (NP permission (S (VP to (VP set (PRT up )PRT (NP office )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 14 18 (S (NP It )NP (VP proved (NP (NP a perfect time )NP (PP for (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )PP )NP (S (VP to (VP ask (PP for (NP permission (SBAR (S (VP to (VP set (PRT up )PRT (NP office )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 14 17 (S (NP It )NP (VP proved (NP (NP a perfect time )NP (PP for (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )PP )NP (S (VP to (VP ask (PP for (NP permission (S (VP to (VP set (PRT up )PRT (NP office )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 16 18 (S (NP It )NP (VP proved (NP (NP a perfect time )NP (SBAR for (S (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP to (VP ask (PP for (NP permission (SBAR (S (VP to (VP set (PRT up )PRT (NP office )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 14 17 (S (NP It )NP (VP proved (NP (NP a perfect time )NP (PP for (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )PP )NP (S (VP to (VP ask (PP for (NP permission (S (VP to (VP set (PRT up )PRT (NP office )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 14 19 (S (NP It )NP (VP proved (NP (NP a (ADJP perfect )ADJP time )NP (PP for (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )PP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP ask (PP for (NP permission (S (VP to (VP set (PRT up )PRT (NP office )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 16 17 (S (NP It )NP (VP proved (NP (NP a perfect time )NP (SBAR for (S (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP to (VP ask (PP for (NP permission (S (VP to (VP set (PRT up )PRT (NP office )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 13 16 (S (NP It )NP (VP proved (NP a perfect time (SBAR for (S (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP to (VP ask (PP for (NP permission )NP )PP (S (VP to (VP set (PRT up )PRT (NP office )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 16 17 (S (NP It )NP (VP proved (NP (NP a perfect time )NP (SBAR for (S (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP to (VP ask (PP for (NP permission (S (VP to (VP set (PRT up )PRT (NP office )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 12 17 (S (NP It )NP (VP proved (NP (NP a perfect time )NP (SBAR for (S (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP to (VP ask )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP (PP for (NP permission (S (VP to (VP set (PRT up )PRT (NP office )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )VP . )S 15 18 (S (NP It )NP (VP proved (NP (NP a perfect time )NP (SBAR (S (PP for (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )PP (VP to (VP ask (PP for (NP permission (S (VP to (VP set (PRT up )PRT (NP office )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 13 18 (S (NP It )NP (VP proved (NP (NP a perfect time )NP (PP for (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )PP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP ask (PP for (NP permission (S (VP to (VP set (PRT up )PRT (ADVP office )ADVP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 12 17 (S (NP It )NP (VP proved (S (NP (NP a perfect time )NP (PP for (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )PP )NP (VP to (VP ask (PP for (NP permission )NP )PP (S (VP to (VP set (PRT up )PRT (NP office )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 12 19 (S (NP It )NP (VP proved (NP (NP a perfect time )NP (PP for (NP (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP ask (PP for (NP permission )NP )PP (S (VP to (VP set (PRT up )PRT (NP office )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 14 19 (S (NP It )NP (VP proved (NP (NP a perfect time )NP (PP for (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )PP (S (VP to (VP ask (PP for (NP (NP permission )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP set (PRT up )PRT (NP office )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP . )S 14 18 (S (NP It )NP (VP proved (NP (NP a perfect time )NP (PP for (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )PP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP ask (PP for (NP permission (S (VP to (VP set (ADVP up )ADVP (NP office )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 12 17 (S (NP It )NP (VP proved (NP (NP a perfect time )NP (PP for (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )PP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP ask (PP for (NP permission (S (VP to (VP set (NP up office )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 13 18 (S (NP It )NP (VP proved (NP (NP a perfect time (PP for (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )PP )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP ask (PP for (NP permission (S (VP to (VP set (PRT up )PRT (NP office )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 12 19 (S (NP It )NP (VP proved (NP (NP a perfect time )NP (PP for (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )PP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP ask (PP for (NP permission )NP )PP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP set (PRT up )PRT (NP office )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 13 18 (S (NP It )NP (VP proved (NP (NP a perfect time )NP (PP for (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )PP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP ask (PP for (NP permission (S (VP to (VP set (PP up (NP office )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 12 16 (S (NP It )NP (VP proved (NP a perfect time )NP (PP for (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )PP (S (VP to (VP ask (PP for (NP permission )NP )PP (S (VP to (VP set (PRT up )PRT (NP office )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 9 16 (S (NP It )NP (VP proved (NP a perfect time (SBAR for (S (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP to (VP ask (PP for (NP permission )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP (S (VP to (VP set (PRT up )PRT (NP office )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 11 18 (S (NP It )NP (VP proved (NP (NP a perfect time )NP (PP for (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )PP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP ask (SBAR for (S (NP permission )NP (VP to (VP set (PRT up )PRT (NP office )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 15 18 (S (NP It )NP (VP proved (NP a perfect time (SBAR for (S (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP to (VP ask (PP for (NP (NP permission )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP set (PRT up )PRT (NP office )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 14 19 (S (NP It )NP (VP proved (S (NP (NP a perfect time )NP (PP for (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )PP )NP (VP to (VP ask (PP for (NP (NP permission )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP set (PRT up )PRT (NP office )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 50 33 41 (SINV (CONJP Not only )CONJP did (S (S (NP (NP the Hungarian Ministry )NP (PP of (NP Foreign Affairs )NP )PP )NP (VP approve (NP (NP Radio Free Europe 's )NP new location )NP )VP )S , but (S (NP (NP the Ministry )NP (PP of (NP Telecommunications )NP )PP )NP (VP did (NP (NP something )NP (ADJP (ADVP even more )ADVP amazing )ADJP )NP : (S `` (NP They )NP (VP found (NP us )NP (NP (NP four phone lines )NP (PP in (NP central Budapest )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )VP )S )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Geza Szocs )NP , (NP (NP (NP a Radio Free Europe )NP correspondent )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP helped (VP organize (NP the Budapest location )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP . )SINV 33 41 (SINV (CONJP Not only )CONJP did (S (S (NP (NP the Hungarian Ministry )NP (PP of (NP Foreign Affairs )NP )PP )NP (VP approve (NP (NP Radio Free Europe 's )NP new location )NP )VP )S , but (S (NP (NP the Ministry )NP (PP of (NP Telecommunications )NP )PP )NP (VP did (NP (NP something )NP (ADJP (ADVP even more )ADVP amazing )ADJP )NP : (S `` (NP They )NP (VP found (NP us )NP (NP (NP four phone lines )NP (PP in (NP central Budapest )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )VP )S )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Geza Szocs )NP , (NP (NP (NP a Radio Free Europe )NP correspondent )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP helped (VP organize (NP the Budapest location )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP . )SINV 33 41 (SINV (CONJP Not only )CONJP did (S (S (NP (NP the Hungarian Ministry )NP (PP of (NP Foreign Affairs )NP )PP )NP (VP approve (NP (NP Radio Free Europe 's )NP new location )NP )VP )S , but (S (NP (NP the Ministry )NP (PP of (NP Telecommunications )NP )PP )NP (VP did (NP (NP something )NP (ADJP (ADVP even more )ADVP amazing )ADJP )NP : (S `` (NP They )NP (VP found (NP us )NP (NP (NP four phone lines )NP (PP in (NP central Budapest )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )VP )S )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Geza Szocs )NP , (NP (NP (NP a Radio Free Europe )NP correspondent )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP helped (VP organize (NP the Budapest location )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP . )SINV 34 42 (SINV (CONJP Not only )CONJP did (S (S (NP (NP the Hungarian Ministry )NP (PP of (NP Foreign Affairs )NP )PP )NP (VP approve (NP (NP Radio Free Europe 's )NP new location )NP )VP )S , but (S (NP (NP the Ministry )NP (PP of (NP Telecommunications )NP )PP )NP (VP did (NP (NP something )NP (ADJP (ADVP even more )ADVP amazing )ADJP )NP : (S `` (NP They )NP (VP found (NP us )NP (NP (NP four phone lines )NP (PP in (NP central Budapest )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )VP )S )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Geza Szocs )NP , (NP (NP (NP a Radio Free Europe )NP correspondent )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP helped (S (VP organize (NP the Budapest location )NP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP . )SINV 33 41 (SINV (CONJP Not only )CONJP did (S (S (NP (NP the Hungarian Ministry )NP (PP of (NP Foreign Affairs )NP )PP )NP (VP approve (NP (NP Radio Free Europe 's )NP new location )NP )VP )S , but (S (NP (NP the Ministry )NP (PP of (NP Telecommunications )NP )PP )NP (VP did (NP (NP something )NP (ADJP (ADVP even more )ADVP amazing )ADJP )NP : (S `` (NP They )NP (VP found (NP us )NP (NP (NP four phone lines )NP (PP in (NP central Budapest )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )VP )S )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Geza Szocs )NP , (NP (NP (NP a Radio Free Europe )NP correspondent )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP helped (VP organize (NP the Budapest location )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP . )SINV 34 42 (SINV (CONJP Not only )CONJP did (S (S (NP (NP the Hungarian Ministry )NP (PP of (NP Foreign Affairs )NP )PP )NP (VP approve (NP (NP Radio Free Europe 's )NP new location )NP )VP )S , but (S (NP (NP the Ministry )NP (PP of (NP Telecommunications )NP )PP )NP (VP did (NP (NP something )NP (ADJP (ADVP even more )ADVP amazing )ADJP )NP : (S `` (NP They )NP (VP found (NP us )NP (NP (NP four phone lines )NP (PP in (NP central Budapest )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )VP )S )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Geza Szocs )NP , (NP (NP (NP a Radio Free Europe )NP correspondent )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP helped (S (VP organize (NP the Budapest location )NP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP . )SINV 34 42 (SINV (CONJP Not only )CONJP did (S (S (NP (NP the Hungarian Ministry )NP (PP of (NP Foreign Affairs )NP )PP )NP (VP approve (NP (NP Radio Free Europe 's )NP new location )NP )VP )S , but (S (NP (NP the Ministry )NP (PP of (NP Telecommunications )NP )PP )NP (VP did (NP (NP something )NP (ADJP (ADVP even more )ADVP amazing )ADJP )NP : (S `` (NP They )NP (VP found (NP us )NP (NP (NP four phone lines )NP (PP in (NP central Budapest )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )VP )S )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Geza Szocs )NP , (NP (NP (NP a Radio Free Europe )NP correspondent )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP helped (S (VP organize (NP the Budapest location )NP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP . )SINV 34 42 (SINV (CONJP Not only )CONJP did (S (S (NP (NP the Hungarian Ministry )NP (PP of (NP Foreign Affairs )NP )PP )NP (VP approve (NP (NP Radio Free Europe 's )NP new location )NP )VP )S , but (S (NP (NP the Ministry )NP (PP of (NP Telecommunications )NP )PP )NP (VP did (NP (NP something )NP (ADJP (ADVP even more )ADVP amazing )ADJP )NP : (S `` (NP They )NP (VP found (NP us )NP (NP (NP four phone lines )NP (PP in (NP central Budapest )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )VP )S )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Geza Szocs )NP , (NP (NP (NP a Radio Free Europe )NP correspondent )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP helped (S (VP organize (NP the Budapest location )NP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP . )SINV 32 40 (SINV (CONJP Not only )CONJP did (S (S (NP (NP the Hungarian Ministry )NP (PP of (NP Foreign Affairs )NP )PP )NP (VP approve (NP (NP Radio Free Europe 's )NP new location )NP )VP )S , but (S (NP (NP the Ministry )NP (PP of (NP Telecommunications )NP )PP )NP (VP did (NP (NP something )NP (ADJP even more amazing )ADJP )NP : (S `` (NP They )NP (VP found (NP us )NP (NP (NP four phone lines )NP (PP in (NP central Budapest )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )VP )S )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Geza Szocs )NP , (NP (NP (NP a Radio Free Europe )NP correspondent )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP helped (VP organize (NP the Budapest location )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP . )SINV 33 41 (SINV (CONJP Not only )CONJP did (S (S (NP (NP the Hungarian Ministry )NP (PP of (NP Foreign Affairs )NP )PP )NP (VP approve (NP (NP Radio Free Europe 's )NP new location )NP )VP )S , but (S (NP (NP the Ministry )NP (PP of (NP Telecommunications )NP )PP )NP (VP did (NP (NP something )NP (ADJP (ADVP even more )ADVP amazing )ADJP )NP : (S `` (NP They )NP (VP found (NP us )NP (NP (NP four phone lines )NP (PP in (NP central Budapest )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )VP )S )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Geza Szocs )NP , (NP (NP (NP a Radio Free Europe )NP correspondent )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP helped (VP organize (NP the Budapest location )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP . )SINV 33 41 (SINV (CONJP Not only )CONJP did (S (S (NP (NP the Hungarian Ministry )NP (PP of (NP Foreign Affairs )NP )PP )NP (VP approve (NP (NP Radio Free Europe 's )NP new location )NP )VP )S , but (S (NP (NP the Ministry )NP (PP of (NP Telecommunications )NP )PP )NP (VP did (NP (NP something )NP (ADJP (ADVP even more )ADVP amazing )ADJP )NP : (S `` (NP They )NP (VP found (NP us )NP (NP (NP four phone lines )NP (PP in (NP central Budapest )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )VP )S )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Geza Szocs )NP , (NP (NP (NP a Radio Free Europe )NP correspondent )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP helped (VP organize (NP the Budapest location )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP . )SINV 32 40 (SINV (CONJP Not only )CONJP did (S (S (NP (NP the Hungarian Ministry )NP (PP of (NP Foreign Affairs )NP )PP )NP (VP approve (NP (NP Radio Free Europe 's )NP new location )NP )VP )S , but (S (NP (NP the Ministry )NP (PP of (NP Telecommunications )NP )PP )NP (VP did (NP (NP something )NP (ADJP even more amazing )ADJP )NP : (S `` (NP They )NP (VP found (NP us )NP (NP (NP four phone lines )NP (PP in (NP central Budapest )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )VP )S )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Geza Szocs )NP , (NP (NP (NP a Radio Free Europe )NP correspondent )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP helped (VP organize (NP the Budapest location )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP . )SINV 32 40 (SINV (CONJP Not only )CONJP did (S (S (NP (NP the Hungarian Ministry )NP (PP of (NP Foreign Affairs )NP )PP )NP (VP approve (NP (NP Radio Free Europe 's )NP new location )NP )VP )S , but (S (NP (NP the Ministry )NP (PP of (NP Telecommunications )NP )PP )NP (VP did (NP (NP something )NP (ADJP even more amazing )ADJP )NP : (S `` (NP They )NP (VP found (NP us )NP (NP (NP four phone lines )NP (PP in (NP central Budapest )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )VP )S )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Geza Szocs )NP , (NP (NP (NP a Radio Free Europe )NP correspondent )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP helped (VP organize (NP the Budapest location )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP . )SINV 33 41 (SINV (CONJP Not only )CONJP did (S (S (NP (NP the Hungarian Ministry )NP (PP of (NP Foreign Affairs )NP )PP )NP (VP approve (NP (NP Radio Free Europe 's )NP new location )NP )VP )S , but (S (NP (NP the Ministry )NP (PP of (NP Telecommunications )NP )PP )NP (VP did (NP (NP something )NP (ADJP (ADVP even more )ADVP amazing )ADJP )NP : (S `` (NP They )NP (VP found (NP us )NP (NP (NP four phone lines )NP (PP in (NP central Budapest )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )VP )S )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Geza Szocs )NP , (NP (NP (NP a Radio Free Europe )NP correspondent )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP helped (VP organize (NP the Budapest location )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP . )SINV 33 41 (SINV (CONJP Not only )CONJP did (S (S (NP (NP the Hungarian Ministry )NP (PP of (NP Foreign Affairs )NP )PP )NP (VP approve (NP (NP Radio Free Europe 's )NP new location )NP )VP )S , but (S (NP (NP the Ministry )NP (PP of (NP Telecommunications )NP )PP )NP (VP did (NP (NP something )NP (ADJP (ADVP even more )ADVP amazing )ADJP )NP : (S `` (NP They )NP (VP found (NP us )NP (NP (NP four phone lines )NP (PP in (NP central Budapest )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )VP )S )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Geza Szocs )NP , (NP (NP (NP a Radio Free Europe )NP correspondent )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP helped (VP organize (NP the Budapest location )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP . )SINV 33 41 (SINV (CONJP Not only )CONJP did (S (S (NP (NP the Hungarian Ministry )NP (PP of (NP Foreign Affairs )NP )PP )NP (VP approve (NP (NP Radio Free Europe 's )NP new location )NP )VP )S , but (S (NP (NP the Ministry )NP (PP of (NP Telecommunications )NP )PP )NP (VP did (NP (NP something )NP (ADJP even more amazing )ADJP )NP : (S `` (NP They )NP (VP found (NP us )NP (NP (NP four phone lines )NP (PP in (NP central Budapest )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )VP )S )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Geza Szocs )NP , (NP (NP (NP a Radio Free Europe )NP correspondent )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP helped (S (VP organize (NP the Budapest location )NP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP . )SINV 33 41 (SINV (CONJP Not only )CONJP did (S (S (NP (NP the Hungarian Ministry )NP (PP of (NP Foreign Affairs )NP )PP )NP (VP approve (NP (NP Radio Free Europe 's )NP new location )NP )VP )S , but (S (NP (NP the Ministry )NP (PP of (NP Telecommunications )NP )PP )NP (VP did (NP (NP something )NP (ADJP (ADVP even more )ADVP amazing )ADJP )NP : (S `` (NP They )NP (VP found (NP us )NP (NP (NP four phone lines )NP (PP in (NP central Budapest )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )VP )S )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Geza Szocs )NP , (NP (NP (NP a Radio Free Europe )NP correspondent )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP helped (VP organize (NP the Budapest location )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP . )SINV 30 40 (SINV (CONJP Not only )CONJP did (S (S (NP (NP the Hungarian Ministry )NP (PP of (NP Foreign Affairs )NP )PP )NP (VP approve (NP (NP Radio Free Europe 's )NP new location )NP )VP )S , but (S (NP (NP the Ministry )NP (PP of (NP Telecommunications )NP )PP )NP (VP did (NP (NP something even )NP (ADJP more amazing )ADJP )NP : (S `` (NP They )NP (VP found (NP us )NP (NP (NP four phone lines )NP (PP in (NP central Budapest )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )VP )S )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Geza Szocs )NP , (NP (NP (NP a Radio Free Europe )NP correspondent )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP helped (VP organize (NP the Budapest location )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP . )SINV 32 40 (SINV (CONJP Not only )CONJP did (S (S (NP (NP the Hungarian Ministry )NP (PP of (NP Foreign Affairs )NP )PP )NP (VP approve (NP (NP Radio Free Europe 's )NP new location )NP )VP )S , but (S (NP (NP the Ministry )NP (PP of (NP Telecommunications )NP )PP )NP (VP did (NP (NP something )NP (ADJP even more amazing )ADJP )NP : (S `` (NP They )NP (VP found (NP us )NP (NP (NP four phone lines )NP (PP in (NP central Budapest )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )VP )S )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Geza Szocs )NP , (NP (NP (NP a Radio Free Europe )NP correspondent )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP helped (VP organize (NP the Budapest location )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP . )SINV 34 42 (SINV (CONJP Not only )CONJP did (S (S (NP (NP the Hungarian Ministry )NP (PP of (NP Foreign Affairs )NP )PP )NP (VP approve (NP (NP Radio Free Europe 's )NP new location )NP )VP )S , but (S (NP (NP the Ministry )NP (PP of (NP Telecommunications )NP )PP )NP (VP did (NP (NP something )NP (ADJP (ADVP even more )ADVP amazing )ADJP )NP : (S `` (NP They )NP (VP found (NP us )NP (NP (NP four phone lines )NP (PP in (NP central Budapest )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )VP )S )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Geza Szocs )NP , (NP (NP (NP a Radio Free Europe )NP correspondent )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP helped (S (VP organize (NP the Budapest location )NP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP . )SINV 34 42 (SINV (CONJP Not only )CONJP did (S (S (NP (NP the Hungarian Ministry )NP (PP of (NP Foreign Affairs )NP )PP )NP (VP approve (NP (NP Radio Free Europe 's )NP new location )NP )VP )S , but (S (NP (NP the Ministry )NP (PP of (NP Telecommunications )NP )PP )NP (VP did (NP (NP something )NP (ADJP (ADVP even more )ADVP amazing )ADJP )NP : (S `` (NP They )NP (VP found (NP us )NP (NP (NP four phone lines )NP (PP in (NP central Budapest )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )VP )S )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Geza Szocs )NP , (NP (NP (NP a Radio Free Europe )NP correspondent )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP helped (S (VP organize (NP the Budapest location )NP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP . )SINV 32 40 (SINV (CONJP Not only )CONJP did (S (S (NP (NP the Hungarian Ministry )NP (PP of (NP Foreign Affairs )NP )PP )NP (VP approve (NP (NP Radio Free Europe 's )NP new location )NP )VP )S , but (S (NP (NP the Ministry )NP (PP of (NP Telecommunications )NP )PP )NP (VP did (NP (NP something )NP (ADJP (ADVP even more )ADVP amazing )ADJP )NP : (S `` (NP They )NP (VP found (NP us )NP (NP four phone lines )NP (PP in (NP central Budapest )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )S )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Geza Szocs )NP , (NP (NP (NP a Radio Free Europe )NP correspondent )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP helped (VP organize (NP the Budapest location )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP . )SINV 33 41 (SINV (CONJP Not only )CONJP did (S (S (NP (NP the Hungarian Ministry )NP (PP of (NP Foreign Affairs )NP )PP )NP (VP approve (NP (NP Radio Free Europe 's )NP new location )NP )VP )S , but (S (NP (NP the Ministry )NP (PP of (NP Telecommunications )NP )PP )NP (VP did (NP (NP something )NP (ADJP even more amazing )ADJP )NP : (S `` (NP They )NP (VP found (NP us )NP (NP (NP four phone lines )NP (PP in (NP central Budapest )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )VP )S )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Geza Szocs )NP , (NP (NP (NP a Radio Free Europe )NP correspondent )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP helped (S (VP organize (NP the Budapest location )NP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP . )SINV 33 41 (SINV (CONJP Not only )CONJP did (S (S (NP (NP the Hungarian Ministry )NP (PP of (NP Foreign Affairs )NP )PP )NP (VP approve (NP (NP Radio Free Europe 's )NP new location )NP )VP )S , but (S (NP (NP the Ministry )NP (PP of (NP Telecommunications )NP )PP )NP (VP did (NP (NP something )NP (ADJP (ADVP even more )ADVP amazing )ADJP )NP : (S `` (NP They )NP (VP found (NP us )NP (NP (NP four phone lines )NP (PP in (NP central Budapest )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )VP )S )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Geza Szocs )NP , (NP (NP (NP a Radio Free Europe )NP correspondent )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP helped (VP organize (NP the Budapest location )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP . )SINV 30 40 (SINV (CONJP Not only )CONJP did (S (S (NP (NP the Hungarian Ministry )NP (PP of (NP Foreign Affairs )NP )PP )NP (VP approve (NP (NP Radio Free Europe 's )NP new location )NP )VP )S , but (S (NP (NP the Ministry )NP (PP of (NP Telecommunications )NP )PP )NP (VP did (NP (NP something even )NP (ADJP more amazing )ADJP )NP : (S `` (NP They )NP (VP found (NP us )NP (NP (NP four phone lines )NP (PP in (NP central Budapest )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )VP )S )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Geza Szocs )NP , (NP (NP (NP a Radio Free Europe )NP correspondent )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP helped (VP organize (NP the Budapest location )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP . )SINV 33 41 (SINV (CONJP Not only )CONJP did (S (S (NP (NP the Hungarian Ministry )NP (PP of (NP Foreign Affairs )NP )PP )NP (VP approve (NP (NP Radio Free Europe 's )NP new location )NP )VP )S , but (S (NP (NP the Ministry )NP (PP of (NP Telecommunications )NP )PP )NP (VP did (NP (NP something )NP (ADJP even more amazing )ADJP )NP : (S `` (NP They )NP (VP found (NP us )NP (NP (NP four phone lines )NP (PP in (NP central Budapest )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )VP )S )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Geza Szocs )NP , (NP (NP (NP a Radio Free Europe )NP correspondent )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP helped (S (VP organize (NP the Budapest location )NP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP . )SINV 33 41 (SINV (CONJP Not only )CONJP did (S (S (NP (NP the Hungarian Ministry )NP (PP of (NP Foreign Affairs )NP )PP )NP (VP approve (NP (NP Radio Free Europe 's )NP new location )NP )VP )S , but (S (NP (NP the Ministry )NP (PP of (NP Telecommunications )NP )PP )NP (VP did (NP (NP something )NP (ADJP (ADVP even more )ADVP amazing )ADJP )NP : `` (S (NP They )NP (VP found (NP us )NP (NP (NP four phone lines )NP (PP in (NP central Budapest )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )VP )S )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Geza Szocs )NP , (NP (NP (NP a Radio Free Europe )NP correspondent )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP helped (VP organize (NP the Budapest location )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP . )SINV 34 42 (SINV (CONJP Not only )CONJP did (S (S (NP (NP the Hungarian Ministry )NP (PP of (NP Foreign Affairs )NP )PP )NP (VP approve (NP (NP Radio Free Europe 's )NP new location )NP )VP )S , but (S (NP (NP the Ministry )NP (PP of (NP Telecommunications )NP )PP )NP (VP did (NP (NP something )NP (ADJP (ADVP even more )ADVP amazing )ADJP )NP : (S `` (NP They )NP (VP found (NP us )NP (NP (NP four phone lines )NP (PP in (NP central Budapest )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )VP )S )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Geza Szocs )NP , (NP (NP (NP a Radio Free Europe )NP correspondent )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP helped (S (VP organize (NP the Budapest location )NP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP . )SINV 30 40 (SINV (CONJP Not only )CONJP did (S (S (NP (NP the Hungarian Ministry )NP (PP of (NP Foreign Affairs )NP )PP )NP (VP approve (NP (NP Radio Free Europe 's )NP new location )NP )VP )S , but (S (NP (NP the Ministry )NP (PP of (NP Telecommunications )NP )PP )NP (VP did (NP (NP something even )NP (ADJP more amazing )ADJP )NP : (S `` (NP They )NP (VP found (NP us )NP (NP (NP four phone lines )NP (PP in (NP central Budapest )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )VP )S )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Geza Szocs )NP , (NP (NP (NP a Radio Free Europe )NP correspondent )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP helped (VP organize (NP the Budapest location )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP . )SINV 34 42 (SINV (CONJP Not only )CONJP did (S (S (NP (NP the Hungarian Ministry )NP (PP of (NP Foreign Affairs )NP )PP )NP (VP approve (NP (NP Radio Free Europe 's )NP new location )NP )VP )S , but (S (NP (NP the Ministry )NP (PP of (NP Telecommunications )NP )PP )NP (VP did (NP (NP something )NP (ADJP (ADVP even more )ADVP amazing )ADJP )NP : (S `` (NP They )NP (VP found (NP us )NP (NP (NP four phone lines )NP (PP in (NP central Budapest )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )VP )S )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Geza Szocs )NP , (NP (NP (NP a Radio Free Europe )NP correspondent )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP helped (S (VP organize (NP the Budapest location )NP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP . )SINV 32 40 (SINV (CONJP Not only )CONJP did (S (S (NP (NP the Hungarian Ministry )NP (PP of (NP Foreign Affairs )NP )PP )NP (VP approve (NP (NP Radio Free Europe 's )NP new location )NP )VP )S , but (S (NP (NP the Ministry )NP (PP of (NP Telecommunications )NP )PP )NP (VP did (NP (NP something )NP (ADJP (ADVP even more )ADVP amazing )ADJP )NP : (S `` (NP They )NP (VP found (NP us )NP (NP four phone lines )NP (PP in (NP central Budapest )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )S )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Geza Szocs )NP , (NP (NP (NP a Radio Free Europe )NP correspondent )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP helped (VP organize (NP the Budapest location )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP . )SINV 34 42 (SINV (CONJP Not only )CONJP did (S (S (NP (NP the Hungarian Ministry )NP (PP of (NP Foreign Affairs )NP )PP )NP (VP approve (NP (NP Radio Free Europe 's )NP new location )NP )VP )S , but (S (NP (NP the Ministry )NP (PP of (NP Telecommunications )NP )PP )NP (VP did (NP (NP something )NP (ADJP (ADVP even more )ADVP amazing )ADJP )NP : (S `` (NP They )NP (VP found (NP us )NP (NP (NP four phone lines )NP (PP in (NP central Budapest )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )VP )S )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Geza Szocs )NP , (NP (NP (NP a Radio Free Europe )NP correspondent )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP helped (S (VP organize (NP the Budapest location )NP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP . )SINV 31 41 (SINV (CONJP Not only )CONJP did (S (S (NP (NP the Hungarian Ministry )NP (PP of (NP Foreign Affairs )NP )PP )NP (VP approve (NP (NP Radio Free Europe 's )NP new location )NP )VP )S , but (S (NP (NP the Ministry )NP (PP of (NP Telecommunications )NP )PP )NP (VP did (NP (NP something even )NP (ADJP more amazing )ADJP )NP : (S `` (NP They )NP (VP found (NP us )NP (NP (NP four phone lines )NP (PP in (NP central Budapest )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )VP )S )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Geza Szocs )NP , (NP (NP (NP a Radio Free Europe )NP correspondent )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP helped (S (VP organize (NP the Budapest location )NP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP . )SINV 32 40 (SINV (CONJP Not only )CONJP did (S (S (NP (NP the Hungarian Ministry )NP (PP of (NP Foreign Affairs )NP )PP )NP (VP approve (NP (NP Radio Free Europe 's )NP new location )NP )VP )S , but (S (NP (NP the Ministry )NP (PP of (NP Telecommunications )NP )PP )NP (VP did (NP (NP something )NP (ADJP (ADVP even more )ADVP amazing )ADJP )NP : (S `` (NP They )NP (VP found (NP us )NP (NP four phone lines )NP (PP in (NP central Budapest )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )S )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Geza Szocs )NP , (NP (NP (NP a Radio Free Europe )NP correspondent )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP helped (VP organize (NP the Budapest location )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP . )SINV 33 41 (SINV (CONJP Not only )CONJP did (S (S (NP (NP the Hungarian Ministry )NP (PP of (NP Foreign Affairs )NP )PP )NP (VP approve (NP (NP Radio Free Europe 's )NP new location )NP )VP )S , but (S (NP (NP the Ministry )NP (PP of (NP Telecommunications )NP )PP )NP (VP did (NP (NP something )NP (ADJP (ADVP even more )ADVP amazing )ADJP )NP : (S `` (NP They )NP (VP found (NP us )NP (NP (NP four phone lines )NP (PP in (NP central Budapest )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )VP )S )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Geza Szocs )NP , (NP (NP (NP a Radio Free Europe )NP correspondent )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP helped (VP organize (NP the Budapest location )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP . )SINV 33 41 (SINV (CONJP Not only )CONJP did (S (S (NP (NP the Hungarian Ministry )NP (PP of (NP Foreign Affairs )NP )PP )NP (VP approve (NP (NP Radio Free Europe 's )NP new location )NP )VP )S , but (S (NP (NP the Ministry )NP (PP of (NP Telecommunications )NP )PP )NP (VP did (NP (NP something )NP (ADJP even more amazing )ADJP )NP : (S `` (NP They )NP (VP found (NP us )NP (NP (NP four phone lines )NP (PP in (NP central Budapest )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )VP )S )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Geza Szocs )NP , (NP (NP (NP a Radio Free Europe )NP correspondent )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP helped (S (VP organize (NP the Budapest location )NP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP . )SINV 33 41 (SINV (CONJP Not only )CONJP did (S (S (NP (NP the Hungarian Ministry )NP (PP of (NP Foreign Affairs )NP )PP )NP (VP approve (NP (NP Radio Free Europe 's )NP new location )NP )VP )S , but (S (NP (NP the Ministry )NP (PP of (NP Telecommunications )NP )PP )NP (VP did (NP (NP something )NP (ADJP (ADVP even more )ADVP amazing )ADJP )NP : `` (S (NP They )NP (VP found (NP us )NP (NP (NP four phone lines )NP (PP in (NP central Budapest )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )VP )S )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Geza Szocs )NP , (NP (NP (NP a Radio Free Europe )NP correspondent )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP helped (VP organize (NP the Budapest location )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP . )SINV 33 40 (SINV (CONJP Not only )CONJP did (S (S (NP (NP the Hungarian Ministry )NP (PP of (NP Foreign Affairs )NP )PP )NP (VP approve (NP (NP Radio Free Europe 's )NP new location )NP )VP )S , but (S (NP (NP the Ministry )NP (PP of (NP Telecommunications )NP )PP )NP (VP did (NP (NP something )NP (ADJP (ADVP even more )ADVP amazing )ADJP )NP : (S `` (NP They )NP (VP found (NP us )NP (NP (NP four phone lines )NP (PP in (NP central Budapest )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )VP )S )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Geza Szocs )NP , (NP (NP a Radio Free Europe correspondent )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP helped (VP organize (NP the Budapest location )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP . )SINV 30 40 (SINV (CONJP Not only )CONJP did (S (S (NP (NP the Hungarian Ministry )NP (PP of (NP Foreign Affairs )NP )PP )NP (VP approve (NP (NP Radio Free Europe 's )NP new location )NP )VP )S , but (S (NP (NP the Ministry )NP (PP of (NP Telecommunications )NP )PP )NP (VP did (NP (NP something even )NP (ADJP more amazing )ADJP )NP : (S `` (NP They )NP (VP found (NP us )NP (NP (NP four phone lines )NP (PP in (NP central Budapest )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )VP )S )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Geza Szocs )NP , (NP (NP (NP a Radio Free Europe )NP correspondent )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP helped (VP organize (NP the Budapest location )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP . )SINV 33 41 (SINV (CONJP Not only )CONJP did (S (S (NP (NP the Hungarian Ministry )NP (PP of (NP Foreign Affairs )NP )PP )NP (VP approve (NP (NP Radio Free Europe 's )NP new location )NP )VP )S , but (S (NP (NP the Ministry )NP (PP of (NP Telecommunications )NP )PP )NP (VP did (NP (NP something )NP (ADJP (ADVP even more )ADVP amazing )ADJP )NP : (S `` (NP They )NP (VP found (NP us )NP (NP four phone lines )NP (PP in (NP central Budapest )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )S )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Geza Szocs )NP , (NP (NP (NP a Radio Free Europe )NP correspondent )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP helped (S (VP organize (NP the Budapest location )NP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP . )SINV 33 41 (SINV (CONJP Not only )CONJP did (S (S (NP (NP the Hungarian Ministry )NP (PP of (NP Foreign Affairs )NP )PP )NP (VP approve (NP (NP Radio Free Europe 's )NP new location )NP )VP )S , but (S (NP (NP the Ministry )NP (PP of (NP Telecommunications )NP )PP )NP (VP did (NP (NP something )NP (ADJP (ADVP even more )ADVP amazing )ADJP )NP : `` (S (NP They )NP (VP found (NP us )NP (NP (NP four phone lines )NP (PP in (NP central Budapest )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )VP )S )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Geza Szocs )NP , (NP (NP (NP a Radio Free Europe )NP correspondent )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP helped (VP organize (NP the Budapest location )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP . )SINV 34 42 (SINV (CONJP Not only )CONJP did (S (S (NP (NP the Hungarian Ministry )NP (PP of (NP Foreign Affairs )NP )PP )NP (VP approve (NP (NP Radio Free Europe 's )NP new location )NP )VP )S , but (S (NP (NP the Ministry )NP (PP of (NP Telecommunications )NP )PP )NP (VP did (NP (NP something )NP (ADJP (ADVP even more )ADVP amazing )ADJP )NP : (S `` (NP They )NP (VP found (NP us )NP (NP (NP four phone lines )NP (PP in (NP central Budapest )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )VP )S )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Geza Szocs )NP , (NP (NP (NP a Radio Free Europe )NP correspondent )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP helped (S (VP organize (NP the Budapest location )NP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP . )SINV 31 41 (SINV (CONJP Not only )CONJP did (S (S (NP (NP the Hungarian Ministry )NP (PP of (NP Foreign Affairs )NP )PP )NP (VP approve (NP (NP Radio Free Europe 's )NP new location )NP )VP )S , but (S (NP (NP the Ministry )NP (PP of (NP Telecommunications )NP )PP )NP (VP did (NP (NP something even )NP (ADJP more amazing )ADJP )NP : (S `` (NP They )NP (VP found (NP us )NP (NP (NP four phone lines )NP (PP in (NP central Budapest )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )VP )S )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Geza Szocs )NP , (NP (NP (NP a Radio Free Europe )NP correspondent )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP helped (S (VP organize (NP the Budapest location )NP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP . )SINV 32 40 (SINV (CONJP Not only )CONJP did (S (S (NP (NP the Hungarian Ministry )NP (PP of (NP Foreign Affairs )NP )PP )NP (VP approve (NP (NP Radio Free Europe 's )NP new location )NP )VP )S , but (S (NP (NP the Ministry )NP (PP of (NP Telecommunications )NP )PP )NP (VP did (NP (NP something )NP (ADJP (ADVP even more )ADVP amazing )ADJP )NP : (S `` (NP They )NP (VP found (NP us )NP (NP four phone lines )NP (PP in (NP central Budapest )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )S )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Geza Szocs )NP , (NP (NP (NP a Radio Free Europe )NP correspondent )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP helped (VP organize (NP the Budapest location )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP . )SINV 33 41 (SINV (CONJP Not only )CONJP did (S (S (NP (NP the Hungarian Ministry )NP (PP of (NP Foreign Affairs )NP )PP )NP (VP approve (NP (NP Radio Free Europe 's )NP new location )NP )VP )S , but (S (NP (NP the Ministry )NP (PP of (NP Telecommunications )NP )PP )NP (VP did (NP (NP something )NP (ADJP (ADVP even more )ADVP amazing )ADJP )NP : (S `` (NP They )NP (VP found (NP us )NP (NP (NP four phone lines )NP (PP in (NP central Budapest )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )VP )S )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Geza Szocs )NP , (NP (NP (NP a Radio Free Europe )NP correspondent )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP helped (VP organize (NP the Budapest location )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP . )SINV 33 40 (SINV (CONJP Not only )CONJP did (S (S (NP (NP the Hungarian Ministry )NP (PP of (NP Foreign Affairs )NP )PP )NP (VP approve (NP (NP Radio Free Europe 's )NP new location )NP )VP )S , but (S (NP (NP the Ministry )NP (PP of (NP Telecommunications )NP )PP )NP (VP did (NP (NP something )NP (ADJP (ADVP even more )ADVP amazing )ADJP )NP : (S `` (NP They )NP (VP found (NP us )NP (NP (NP four phone lines )NP (PP in (NP central Budapest )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )VP )S )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Geza Szocs )NP , (NP (NP a Radio Free Europe correspondent )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP helped (VP organize (NP the Budapest location )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP . )SINV 34 42 (SINV (CONJP Not only )CONJP did (S (S (NP (NP the Hungarian Ministry )NP (PP of (NP Foreign Affairs )NP )PP )NP (VP approve (NP (NP Radio Free Europe 's )NP new location )NP )VP )S , but (S (NP (NP the Ministry )NP (PP of (NP Telecommunications )NP )PP )NP (VP did (NP (NP something )NP (ADJP (ADVP even more )ADVP amazing )ADJP )NP : `` (S (NP They )NP (VP found (NP us )NP (NP (NP four phone lines )NP (PP in (NP central Budapest )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )VP )S )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Geza Szocs )NP , (NP (NP (NP a Radio Free Europe )NP correspondent )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP helped (S (VP organize (NP the Budapest location )NP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP . )SINV 31 41 (SINV (CONJP Not only )CONJP did (S (S (NP (NP the Hungarian Ministry )NP (PP of (NP Foreign Affairs )NP )PP )NP (VP approve (NP (NP Radio Free Europe 's )NP new location )NP )VP )S , but (S (NP (NP the Ministry )NP (PP of (NP Telecommunications )NP )PP )NP (VP did (NP (NP something even )NP (ADJP more amazing )ADJP )NP : (S `` (NP They )NP (VP found (NP us )NP (NP (NP four phone lines )NP (PP in (NP central Budapest )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )VP )S )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Geza Szocs )NP , (NP (NP (NP a Radio Free Europe )NP correspondent )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP helped (S (VP organize (NP the Budapest location )NP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP . )SINV 33 41 (SINV (CONJP Not only )CONJP did (S (S (NP (NP the Hungarian Ministry )NP (PP of (NP Foreign Affairs )NP )PP )NP (VP approve (NP (NP Radio Free Europe 's )NP new location )NP )VP )S , but (S (NP (NP the Ministry )NP (PP of (NP Telecommunications )NP )PP )NP (VP did (NP (NP something )NP (ADJP (ADVP even more )ADVP amazing )ADJP )NP : (S `` (NP They )NP (VP found (NP us )NP (NP four phone lines )NP (PP in (NP central Budapest )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )S )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Geza Szocs )NP , (NP (NP (NP a Radio Free Europe )NP correspondent )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP helped (S (VP organize (NP the Budapest location )NP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP . )SINV 33 41 (SINV (CONJP Not only )CONJP did (S (S (NP (NP the Hungarian Ministry )NP (PP of (NP Foreign Affairs )NP )PP )NP (VP approve (NP (NP Radio Free Europe 's )NP new location )NP )VP )S , but (S (NP (NP the Ministry )NP (PP of (NP Telecommunications )NP )PP )NP (VP did (NP (NP something )NP (ADJP (ADVP even more )ADVP amazing )ADJP )NP : (S `` (NP They )NP (VP found (NP us )NP (NP (NP four phone lines )NP (PP in (NP central Budapest )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )VP )S )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Geza Szocs )NP , (NP (NP (NP a Radio Free Europe )NP correspondent )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP helped (VP organize (NP the Budapest location )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP . )SINV 50 4 4 (S `` (NP That )NP (VP is (NP a miracle )NP )VP . '' )S 4 4 (S `` (NP That )NP (VP is (NP a miracle )NP )VP . '' )S 4 4 (S `` (NP That )NP (VP is (NP a miracle )NP )VP . '' )S 4 5 (S `` (S (NP That )NP (VP is (NP a miracle )NP )VP )S . '' )S 1 4 (SBARQ `` (WHNP That )WHNP (SQ is (NP a miracle )NP )SQ . '' )SBARQ 4 4 (S `` (NP That )NP (VP is (NP a miracle )NP )VP . '' )S 2 5 (SBARQ `` (WHNP That )WHNP (SQ (VP is (NP a miracle )NP )VP )SQ . '' )SBARQ 4 5 (S `` (S (NP That )NP (VP is (NP a miracle )NP )VP )S . '' )S 3 5 (S `` (SBAR That (S (VP is (NP a miracle )NP )VP )S )SBAR . '' )S 4 5 (S `` (S (NP That )NP (VP is (NP a miracle )NP )VP )S . '' )S 4 6 (S `` (SBAR (S (NP That )NP (VP is (NP a miracle )NP )VP )S )SBAR . '' )S 3 4 (S `` (WHNP That )WHNP (VP is (NP a miracle )NP )VP . '' )S 3 3 (S `` That (VP is (NP a miracle )NP )VP . '' )S 1 4 (SBARQ `` (WHNP That )WHNP (SQ is (NP a miracle )NP )SQ . '' )SBARQ 2 5 (SBARQ `` (WHNP That )WHNP (SQ (VP is (NP a miracle )NP )VP )SQ . '' )SBARQ 3 4 (S `` That (S (VP is (NP a miracle )NP )VP )S . '' )S 3 4 (S `` (ADVP That )ADVP (VP is (NP a miracle )NP )VP . '' )S 1 4 (SBARQ `` (WHNP That )WHNP (SQ is (NP a miracle )NP )SQ . '' )SBARQ 3 4 (S `` (ADVP That )ADVP (VP is (NP a miracle )NP )VP . '' )S 2 5 (SBARQ `` (WHNP That )WHNP (SQ (VP is (NP a miracle )NP )VP )SQ . '' )SBARQ 4 6 (S `` (SBAR (S (NP That )NP (VP is (NP a miracle )NP )VP )S )SBAR . '' )S 4 6 (S `` (SBAR (S (NP That )NP (VP is (NP a miracle )NP )VP )S )SBAR . '' )S 3 3 (S `` That (VP is (NP a miracle )NP )VP . '' )S 3 4 (S `` (ADVP That )ADVP (VP is (NP a miracle )NP )VP . '' )S 4 5 (S `` (S (NP That )NP (VP is (NP a miracle )NP )VP )S . '' )S 2 5 (SBARQ `` (WHNP That )WHNP (S (VP is (NP a miracle )NP )VP )S . '' )SBARQ 3 4 (S `` (S That (VP is (NP a miracle )NP )VP )S . '' )S 3 5 (S `` (S (WHNP That )WHNP (VP is (NP a miracle )NP )VP )S . '' )S 3 6 (S `` (SBAR (WHNP That )WHNP (S (VP is (NP a miracle )NP )VP )S )SBAR . '' )S 3 6 (S `` (SBAR (WHNP That )WHNP (S (VP is (NP a miracle )NP )VP )S )SBAR . '' )S 3 5 (S `` (ADVP That )ADVP (S (VP is (NP a miracle )NP )VP )S . '' )S 3 5 (S `` (ADVP That )ADVP (S (VP is (NP a miracle )NP )VP )S . '' )S 4 6 (S `` (SBAR (S (NP That )NP (VP is (NP a miracle )NP )VP )S )SBAR . '' )S 2 4 (SBARQ `` (WHNP That )WHNP (VP is (NP a miracle )NP )VP . '' )SBARQ 3 6 (S `` (SBAR (S (WHNP That )WHNP (VP is (NP a miracle )NP )VP )S )SBAR . '' )S 2 5 (SBARQ `` (WHNP That )WHNP (S (VP is (NP a miracle )NP )VP )S . '' )SBARQ 3 5 (S `` (S (ADVP That )ADVP (VP is (NP a miracle )NP )VP )S . '' )S 3 4 (S `` (WHNP That )WHNP (VP is (NP a miracle )NP )VP . '' )S 3 5 (S `` (S (ADVP That )ADVP (VP is (NP a miracle )NP )VP )S . '' )S 3 5 (S `` (SBAR That (S (VP is (NP a miracle )NP )VP )S )SBAR . '' )S 3 5 (S `` (SBAR (S That (VP is (NP a miracle )NP )VP )S )SBAR . '' )S 3 5 (S `` (ADVP That )ADVP (S (VP is (NP a miracle )NP )VP )S . '' )S 2 5 (SBARQ `` (WHNP That )WHNP (S (VP is (NP a miracle )NP )VP )S . '' )SBARQ 3 4 (S `` (WHNP That )WHNP (VP is (NP a miracle )NP )VP . '' )S 3 5 (S `` (S (ADVP That )ADVP (VP is (NP a miracle )NP )VP )S . '' )S 3 6 (S `` (SBAR (S (ADVP That )ADVP (VP is (NP a miracle )NP )VP )S )SBAR . '' )S 3 6 (S `` (SBAR (S (ADVP That )ADVP (VP is (NP a miracle )NP )VP )S )SBAR . '' )S 3 6 (S `` (SBAR (S (ADVP That )ADVP (VP is (NP a miracle )NP )VP )S )SBAR . '' )S 2 4 (SBARQ `` (WHNP That )WHNP (VP is (NP a miracle )NP )VP . '' )SBARQ 3 5 (S `` (SBAR That (S (VP is (NP a miracle )NP )VP )S )SBAR . '' )S 50 33 35 (S (NP It )NP (VP 's (NP (NP a far cry )NP (PP from (NP (NP the previous treatment )NP (PP of (NP (NP the network )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP had (S (VP to (VP overcome (NP (NP jamming )NP (PP of (NP its frequencies and intimidation )NP )PP (PP of (NP (NP local correspondents )NP (PRN -LRB- (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP filed (NP reports )NP (PP to (NP the network )NP )PP (PP by (NP phone , secret messengers or letters )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR -RRB- )PRN )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 33 35 (S (NP It )NP (VP 's (NP (NP a far cry )NP (PP from (NP (NP the previous treatment )NP (PP of (NP (NP the network )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP had (S (VP to (VP overcome (NP (NP jamming )NP (PP of (NP its frequencies and intimidation )NP )PP (PP of (NP (NP local correspondents )NP (PRN -LRB- (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP filed (NP reports )NP (PP to (NP the network )NP )PP (PP by (NP phone , secret messengers or letters )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR -RRB- )PRN )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 31 34 (S (NP It )NP (VP 's (NP (NP a far cry )NP (PP from (NP (NP the previous treatment )NP (PP of (NP the network )NP )PP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP had (S (VP to (VP overcome (NP (NP jamming )NP (PP of (NP its frequencies and intimidation )NP )PP (PP of (NP (NP local correspondents )NP (PRN -LRB- (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP filed (NP reports )NP (PP to (NP the network )NP )PP (PP by (NP phone , secret messengers or letters )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR -RRB- )PRN )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 34 37 (S (NP It )NP (VP 's (NP (NP a far cry )NP (PP from (NP (NP the previous treatment )NP (PP of (NP (NP the network )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP had (S (VP to (VP overcome (NP (NP jamming )NP (PP of (NP its frequencies and intimidation )NP )PP (PP of (NP (NP local correspondents )NP (PRN -LRB- (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP filed (NP reports )NP (PP to (NP the network )NP )PP (PP by (NP (NP phone , secret messengers )NP or (NP letters )NP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR -RRB- )PRN )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 36 38 (S (NP It )NP (VP 's (NP (NP a far cry )NP (PP from (NP (NP the previous treatment )NP (PP of (NP (NP the network )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP had (S (VP to (VP overcome (NP (NP jamming )NP (PP of (NP its frequencies and intimidation )NP )PP (PP of (NP (NP local correspondents )NP (PRN -LRB- (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP filed (NP reports )NP (PP to (NP the network )NP )PP (PP by (NP (NP phone )NP , (NP secret messengers )NP or (NP letters )NP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR -RRB- )PRN )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 33 40 (S (NP It )NP (VP 's (NP (NP a far cry )NP (PP from (NP (NP the previous treatment )NP (PP of (NP (NP the network )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP had (S (VP to (VP overcome (NP (NP jamming )NP (PP of (NP its frequencies and intimidation )NP )PP (PP of (NP (NP local correspondents )NP (PRN -LRB- (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP filed (NP (NP (NP reports )NP (PP to (NP (NP the network )NP (PP by (NP phone )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP , (NP secret messengers )NP or (NP letters )NP )NP )VP )S )SBAR -RRB- )PRN )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 35 39 (S (NP It )NP (VP 's (NP (NP a far cry )NP (PP from (NP (NP the previous treatment )NP (PP of (NP (NP the network )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP had (S (VP to (VP overcome (NP (NP jamming )NP (PP of (NP its frequencies and intimidation )NP )PP (PP of (NP (NP local correspondents )NP (PRN -LRB- (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP filed (NP (NP (NP reports )NP (PP to (NP the network )NP )PP )NP (PP by (NP phone )NP )PP , (NP secret messengers )NP or (NP letters )NP )NP )VP )S )SBAR -RRB- )PRN )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 34 39 (S (NP It )NP (VP 's (NP (NP a far cry )NP (PP from (NP (NP the previous treatment )NP (PP of (NP (NP the network )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP had (S (VP to (VP overcome (NP (NP jamming )NP (PP of (NP its frequencies and intimidation )NP )PP (PP of (NP (NP local correspondents )NP (PRN -LRB- (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP filed (NP (NP (NP reports )NP (PP to (NP the network )NP )PP (PP by (NP phone )NP )PP )NP , (NP secret messengers )NP or (NP letters )NP )NP )VP )S )SBAR -RRB- )PRN )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 29 34 (S (NP It )NP (VP 's (NP (NP a far cry )NP (PP from (NP (NP the previous treatment )NP (PP of (NP the network )NP )PP )NP )PP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP had (S (VP to (VP overcome (NP (NP jamming )NP (PP of (NP its frequencies and intimidation )NP )PP (PP of (NP (NP local correspondents )NP (PRN -LRB- (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP filed (NP reports )NP (PP to (NP the network )NP )PP (PP by (NP phone , secret messengers or letters )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR -RRB- )PRN )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 31 34 (S (NP It )NP (VP 's (NP (NP a far cry )NP (PP from (NP (NP the previous treatment )NP (PP of (NP the network )NP )PP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP had (S (VP to (VP overcome (NP (NP jamming )NP (PP of (NP its frequencies and intimidation )NP )PP (PP of (NP (NP local correspondents )NP (PRN -LRB- (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP filed (NP reports )NP (PP to (NP the network )NP )PP (PP by (NP phone , secret messengers or letters )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR -RRB- )PRN )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 35 40 (S (NP It )NP (VP 's (NP (NP a far cry )NP (PP from (NP (NP the previous treatment )NP (PP of (NP (NP the network )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP had (S (VP to (VP overcome (NP (NP jamming )NP (PP of (NP its frequencies and intimidation )NP )PP (PP of (NP (NP local correspondents )NP (PRN -LRB- (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP filed (NP (NP (NP (NP reports )NP (PP to (NP the network )NP )PP )NP (PP by (NP phone )NP )PP )NP , (NP secret messengers )NP or (NP letters )NP )NP )VP )S )SBAR -RRB- )PRN )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 29 34 (S (NP It )NP (VP 's (NP (NP a far cry )NP (PP from (NP (NP the previous treatment )NP (PP of (NP the network )NP )PP )NP )PP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP had (S (VP to (VP overcome (NP (NP jamming )NP (PP of (NP its frequencies and intimidation )NP )PP (PP of (NP (NP local correspondents )NP (PRN -LRB- (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP filed (NP reports )NP (PP to (NP the network )NP )PP (PP by (NP phone , secret messengers or letters )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR -RRB- )PRN )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 34 36 (S (NP It )NP (VP 's (NP (NP a far cry )NP (PP from (NP (NP the previous treatment )NP (PP of (NP (NP the network )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP had (S (VP to (VP overcome (NP (NP jamming )NP (PP of (NP its frequencies and intimidation )NP )PP (PP of (NP (NP local correspondents )NP (PRN -LRB- (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP filed (NP (NP reports )NP (PP to (NP the network )NP )PP )NP (PP by (NP phone , secret messengers or letters )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR -RRB- )PRN )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 31 34 (S (NP It )NP (VP 's (NP (NP a far cry )NP (PP from (NP (NP the previous treatment )NP (PP of (NP (NP the network )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP had (S (VP to (VP overcome (NP (NP jamming )NP (PP of (NP its frequencies and intimidation )NP )PP (PP of (NP local correspondents )NP )PP (PRN -LRB- (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP filed (NP reports )NP (PP to (NP the network )NP )PP (PP by (NP phone , secret messengers or letters )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR -RRB- )PRN )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 32 36 (S (NP It )NP (VP 's (NP (NP a far cry )NP (PP from (NP (NP the previous treatment )NP (PP of (NP (NP the network )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP had (S (VP to (VP overcome (NP (NP jamming )NP (PP of (NP its frequencies and intimidation )NP )PP (PP of (NP (NP local correspondents )NP (PRN -LRB- (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP filed (NP reports )NP (PP to (NP (NP the network )NP (PP by (NP phone , secret messengers or letters )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR -RRB- )PRN )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 32 36 (S (NP It )NP (VP 's (NP (NP a far cry )NP (PP from (NP (NP the previous treatment )NP (PP of (NP the network )NP )PP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP had (S (VP to (VP overcome (NP (NP jamming )NP (PP of (NP its frequencies and intimidation )NP )PP (PP of (NP (NP local correspondents )NP (PRN -LRB- (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP filed (NP reports )NP (PP to (NP the network )NP )PP (PP by (NP (NP phone , secret messengers )NP or (NP letters )NP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR -RRB- )PRN )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 34 37 (S (NP It )NP (VP 's (NP (NP a far cry )NP (PP from (NP (NP the previous treatment )NP (PP of (NP the network )NP )PP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP had (S (VP to (VP overcome (NP (NP jamming )NP (PP of (NP its frequencies and intimidation )NP )PP (PP of (NP (NP local correspondents )NP (PRN -LRB- (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP filed (NP reports )NP (PP to (NP the network )NP )PP (PP by (NP (NP phone )NP , (NP secret messengers )NP or (NP letters )NP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR -RRB- )PRN )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 33 36 (S (NP It )NP (VP 's (NP (NP a far cry )NP (PP from (NP (NP the previous treatment )NP (PP of (NP (NP the network )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP had (S (VP to (VP overcome (NP (NP jamming )NP (PP of (NP (NP its frequencies and intimidation )NP (PP of (NP (NP local correspondents )NP (PRN -LRB- (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP filed (NP reports )NP (PP to (NP the network )NP )PP (PP by (NP phone , secret messengers or letters )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR -RRB- )PRN )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 33 36 (S (NP It )NP (VP 's (NP (NP a far cry )NP (PP from (NP (NP the previous treatment )NP (PP of (NP (NP the network )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP had (S (VP to (VP overcome (NP (NP (NP jamming )NP (PP of (NP its frequencies and intimidation )NP )PP )NP (PP of (NP (NP local correspondents )NP (PRN -LRB- (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP filed (NP reports )NP (PP to (NP the network )NP )PP (PP by (NP phone , secret messengers or letters )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR -RRB- )PRN )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 31 39 (S (NP It )NP (VP 's (NP (NP a far cry )NP (PP from (NP (NP the previous treatment )NP (PP of (NP the network )NP )PP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP had (S (VP to (VP overcome (NP (NP jamming )NP (PP of (NP its frequencies and intimidation )NP )PP (PP of (NP (NP local correspondents )NP (PRN -LRB- (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP filed (NP (NP (NP reports )NP (PP to (NP (NP the network )NP (PP by (NP phone )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP , (NP secret messengers )NP or (NP letters )NP )NP )VP )S )SBAR -RRB- )PRN )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 33 38 (S (NP It )NP (VP 's (NP (NP a far cry )NP (PP from (NP (NP the previous treatment )NP (PP of (NP the network )NP )PP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP had (S (VP to (VP overcome (NP (NP jamming )NP (PP of (NP its frequencies and intimidation )NP )PP (PP of (NP (NP local correspondents )NP (PRN -LRB- (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP filed (NP (NP (NP reports )NP (PP to (NP the network )NP )PP )NP (PP by (NP phone )NP )PP , (NP secret messengers )NP or (NP letters )NP )NP )VP )S )SBAR -RRB- )PRN )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 32 38 (S (NP It )NP (VP 's (NP (NP a far cry )NP (PP from (NP (NP the previous treatment )NP (PP of (NP the network )NP )PP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP had (S (VP to (VP overcome (NP (NP jamming )NP (PP of (NP its frequencies and intimidation )NP )PP (PP of (NP (NP local correspondents )NP (PRN -LRB- (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP filed (NP (NP (NP reports )NP (PP to (NP the network )NP )PP (PP by (NP phone )NP )PP )NP , (NP secret messengers )NP or (NP letters )NP )NP )VP )S )SBAR -RRB- )PRN )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 30 36 (S (NP It )NP (VP 's (NP (NP a far cry )NP (PP from (NP (NP the previous treatment )NP (PP of (NP the network )NP )PP )NP )PP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP had (S (VP to (VP overcome (NP (NP jamming )NP (PP of (NP its frequencies and intimidation )NP )PP (PP of (NP (NP local correspondents )NP (PRN -LRB- (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP filed (NP reports )NP (PP to (NP the network )NP )PP (PP by (NP (NP phone , secret messengers )NP or (NP letters )NP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR -RRB- )PRN )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 34 36 (S (NP It )NP (VP 's (NP (NP a far cry )NP (PP from (NP (NP the previous treatment )NP (PP of (NP (NP the network )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP had (S (VP to (VP overcome (NP (NP jamming )NP (PP of (NP its frequencies and intimidation )NP )PP (PP of (NP (NP local correspondents )NP (PRN -LRB- (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP filed (NP (NP reports )NP (PP to (NP the network )NP )PP )NP (PP by (NP phone , secret messengers or letters )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR -RRB- )PRN )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 31 34 (S (NP It )NP (VP 's (NP (NP a far cry )NP (PP from (NP (NP the previous treatment )NP (PP of (NP (NP the network )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP had (S (VP to (VP overcome (NP (NP jamming )NP (PP of (NP its frequencies and intimidation )NP )PP (PP of (NP local correspondents )NP )PP (PRN -LRB- (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP filed (NP reports )NP (PP to (NP the network )NP )PP (PP by (NP phone , secret messengers or letters )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR -RRB- )PRN )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 36 38 (S (NP It )NP (VP 's (NP (NP a far cry )NP (PP from (NP (NP the previous treatment )NP (PP of (NP (NP the network )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP had (S (VP to (VP overcome (NP (NP jamming )NP (PP of (NP (NP its frequencies )NP and (NP (NP intimidation )NP (PP of (NP (NP local correspondents )NP (PRN -LRB- (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP filed (NP reports )NP (PP to (NP the network )NP )PP (PP by (NP phone , secret messengers or letters )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR -RRB- )PRN )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 32 37 (S (NP It )NP (VP 's (NP (NP a far cry )NP (PP from (NP (NP the previous treatment )NP (PP of (NP the network )NP )PP )NP )PP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP had (S (VP to (VP overcome (NP (NP jamming )NP (PP of (NP its frequencies and intimidation )NP )PP (PP of (NP (NP local correspondents )NP (PRN -LRB- (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP filed (NP reports )NP (PP to (NP the network )NP )PP (PP by (NP (NP phone )NP , (NP secret messengers )NP or (NP letters )NP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR -RRB- )PRN )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 38 38 (S (NP It )NP (VP 's (NP (NP a far cry )NP (PP from (NP (NP the previous treatment )NP (PP of (NP (NP the network )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP had (S (VP to (VP overcome (NP (NP (NP jamming )NP (PP of (NP its frequencies )NP )PP )NP and (NP (NP intimidation )NP (PP of (NP (NP local correspondents )NP (PRN -LRB- (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP filed (NP reports )NP (PP to (NP the network )NP )PP (PP by (NP phone , secret messengers or letters )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR -RRB- )PRN )NP )PP )NP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 32 36 (S (NP It )NP (VP 's (NP (NP a far cry )NP (PP from (NP (NP the previous treatment )NP (PP of (NP (NP the network )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP had (S (VP to (VP overcome (NP (NP jamming )NP (PP of (NP its frequencies and intimidation )NP )PP (PP of (NP (NP local correspondents )NP (PRN -LRB- (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP filed (NP reports )NP (PP to (NP (NP the network )NP (PP by (NP phone , secret messengers or letters )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR -RRB- )PRN )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 29 39 (S (NP It )NP (VP 's (NP (NP a far cry )NP (PP from (NP (NP the previous treatment )NP (PP of (NP the network )NP )PP )NP )PP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP had (S (VP to (VP overcome (NP (NP jamming )NP (PP of (NP its frequencies and intimidation )NP )PP (PP of (NP (NP local correspondents )NP (PRN -LRB- (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP filed (NP (NP (NP reports )NP (PP to (NP (NP the network )NP (PP by (NP phone )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP , (NP secret messengers )NP or (NP letters )NP )NP )VP )S )SBAR -RRB- )PRN )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 31 38 (S (NP It )NP (VP 's (NP (NP a far cry )NP (PP from (NP (NP the previous treatment )NP (PP of (NP the network )NP )PP )NP )PP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP had (S (VP to (VP overcome (NP (NP jamming )NP (PP of (NP its frequencies and intimidation )NP )PP (PP of (NP (NP local correspondents )NP (PRN -LRB- (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP filed (NP (NP (NP reports )NP (PP to (NP the network )NP )PP )NP (PP by (NP phone )NP )PP , (NP secret messengers )NP or (NP letters )NP )NP )VP )S )SBAR -RRB- )PRN )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 30 38 (S (NP It )NP (VP 's (NP (NP a far cry )NP (PP from (NP (NP the previous treatment )NP (PP of (NP the network )NP )PP )NP )PP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP had (S (VP to (VP overcome (NP (NP jamming )NP (PP of (NP its frequencies and intimidation )NP )PP (PP of (NP (NP local correspondents )NP (PRN -LRB- (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP filed (NP (NP (NP reports )NP (PP to (NP the network )NP )PP (PP by (NP phone )NP )PP )NP , (NP secret messengers )NP or (NP letters )NP )NP )VP )S )SBAR -RRB- )PRN )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 28 34 (S (NP It )NP (VP 's (NP (NP a far cry )NP (PP from (NP (NP the previous treatment )NP (PP of (NP the network )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP had (S (VP to (VP overcome (NP (NP jamming )NP (PP of (NP its frequencies and intimidation )NP )PP (PP of (NP (NP local correspondents )NP (PRN -LRB- (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP filed (NP reports )NP (PP to (NP the network )NP )PP (PP by (NP phone , secret messengers or letters )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR -RRB- )PRN )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 32 37 (S (NP It )NP (VP 's (NP (NP a far cry )NP (PP from (NP (NP the previous treatment )NP (PP of (NP (NP the network )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP had (S (VP to (VP overcome (NP (NP jamming )NP (PP of (NP its frequencies and intimidation )NP )PP (PP of (NP (NP local correspondents )NP (PRN -LRB- (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP filed (NP (NP reports )NP (PP to (NP (NP the network )NP (PP by (NP phone , secret messengers or letters )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR -RRB- )PRN )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 36 37 (S (NP It )NP (VP 's (NP (NP a far cry )NP (PP from (NP (NP the previous treatment )NP (PP of (NP (NP the network )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP had (S (VP to (VP overcome (NP (NP (NP jamming )NP (PP of (NP its frequencies )NP )PP )NP and (NP (NP intimidation )NP (PP of (NP local correspondents )NP )PP (PRN -LRB- (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP filed (NP reports )NP (PP to (NP the network )NP )PP (PP by (NP phone , secret messengers or letters )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR -RRB- )PRN )NP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 33 39 (S (NP It )NP (VP 's (NP (NP a far cry )NP (PP from (NP (NP the previous treatment )NP (PP of (NP the network )NP )PP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP had (S (VP to (VP overcome (NP (NP jamming )NP (PP of (NP its frequencies and intimidation )NP )PP (PP of (NP (NP local correspondents )NP (PRN -LRB- (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP filed (NP (NP (NP (NP reports )NP (PP to (NP the network )NP )PP )NP (PP by (NP phone )NP )PP )NP , (NP secret messengers )NP or (NP letters )NP )NP )VP )S )SBAR -RRB- )PRN )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 33 39 (S (NP It )NP (VP 's (NP (NP a far cry )NP (PP from (NP (NP the previous treatment )NP (PP of (NP (NP the network )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP had (S (VP to (VP overcome (NP (NP jamming )NP (PP of (NP its frequencies and intimidation )NP )PP (PP of (NP (NP local correspondents )NP (PRN -LRB- (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP filed (NP reports )NP (PP to (NP (NP (NP the network )NP (PP by (NP phone )NP )PP )NP , (NP secret messengers )NP or (NP letters )NP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR -RRB- )PRN )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 33 36 (S (NP It )NP (VP 's (NP (NP a far cry )NP (PP from (NP (NP the previous treatment )NP (PP of (NP (NP the network )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP had (S (VP to (VP overcome (NP (NP jamming )NP (PP of (NP (NP its frequencies and intimidation )NP (PP of (NP (NP local correspondents )NP (PRN -LRB- (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP filed (NP reports )NP (PP to (NP the network )NP )PP (PP by (NP phone , secret messengers or letters )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR -RRB- )PRN )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 33 36 (S (NP It )NP (VP 's (NP (NP a far cry )NP (PP from (NP (NP the previous treatment )NP (PP of (NP (NP the network )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP had (S (VP to (VP overcome (NP (NP (NP jamming )NP (PP of (NP its frequencies and intimidation )NP )PP )NP (PP of (NP (NP local correspondents )NP (PRN -LRB- (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP filed (NP reports )NP (PP to (NP the network )NP )PP (PP by (NP phone , secret messengers or letters )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR -RRB- )PRN )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 32 35 (S (NP It )NP (VP 's (NP (NP a far cry )NP (PP from (NP (NP the previous treatment )NP (PP of (NP (NP the network )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP had (S (VP to (VP overcome (NP (NP jamming )NP (PP of (NP its frequencies and intimidation )NP )PP )NP (PP of (NP (NP local correspondents )NP (PRN -LRB- (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP filed (NP reports )NP (PP to (NP the network )NP )PP (PP by (NP phone , secret messengers or letters )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR -RRB- )PRN )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 36 38 (S (NP It )NP (VP 's (NP (NP a far cry )NP (PP from (NP (NP the previous treatment )NP (PP of (NP (NP the network )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP had (S (VP to (VP overcome (NP (NP jamming )NP (PP of (NP (NP its frequencies )NP and (NP (NP intimidation )NP (PP of (NP (NP local correspondents )NP (PRN -LRB- (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP filed (NP reports )NP (PP to (NP the network )NP )PP (PP by (NP phone , secret messengers or letters )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR -RRB- )PRN )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 33 36 (S (NP It )NP (VP 's (NP (NP a far cry )NP (PP from (NP (NP the previous treatment )NP (PP of (NP (NP the network )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP had (S (VP to (VP overcome (NP (NP jamming )NP (PP of (NP its frequencies and intimidation )NP )PP (PP of (NP (NP local correspondents )NP (PRN -LRB- (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP filed (NP (NP reports )NP (PP to (NP the network )NP )PP (PP by (NP phone , secret messengers or letters )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR -RRB- )PRN )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 33 35 (S (NP It )NP (VP 's (NP (NP a far cry )NP (PP from (NP (NP the previous treatment )NP (PP of (NP (NP the network )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP had (S (VP to (VP overcome (NP (NP jamming )NP (PP of (NP its frequencies and intimidation )NP )PP (PP of (NP (NP local correspondents )NP (PRN -LRB- (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP filed (NP reports )NP (PP to (NP the network )NP )PP (PP by (NP phone , secret messengers or letters )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR -RRB- )PRN )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 31 39 (S (NP It )NP (VP 's (NP (NP a far cry )NP (PP from (NP (NP the previous treatment )NP (PP of (NP the network )NP )PP )NP )PP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP had (S (VP to (VP overcome (NP (NP jamming )NP (PP of (NP its frequencies and intimidation )NP )PP (PP of (NP (NP local correspondents )NP (PRN -LRB- (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP filed (NP (NP (NP (NP reports )NP (PP to (NP the network )NP )PP )NP (PP by (NP phone )NP )PP )NP , (NP secret messengers )NP or (NP letters )NP )NP )VP )S )SBAR -RRB- )PRN )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 32 35 (S (NP It )NP (VP 's (NP (NP a far cry )NP (PP from (NP (NP the previous treatment )NP (PP of (NP the network )NP )PP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP had (S (VP to (VP overcome (NP (NP jamming )NP (PP of (NP its frequencies and intimidation )NP )PP (PP of (NP (NP local correspondents )NP (PRN -LRB- (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP filed (NP (NP reports )NP (PP to (NP the network )NP )PP )NP (PP by (NP phone , secret messengers or letters )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR -RRB- )PRN )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 31 34 (S (NP It )NP (VP 's (NP (NP a far cry )NP (PP from (NP the previous treatment )NP )PP (PP of (NP (NP the network )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP had (S (VP to (VP overcome (NP (NP jamming )NP (PP of (NP its frequencies and intimidation )NP )PP (PP of (NP (NP local correspondents )NP (PRN -LRB- (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP filed (NP reports )NP (PP to (NP the network )NP )PP (PP by (NP phone , secret messengers or letters )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR -RRB- )PRN )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 29 33 (S (NP It )NP (VP 's (NP (NP a far cry )NP (PP from (NP (NP the previous treatment )NP (PP of (NP the network )NP )PP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP had (S (VP to (VP overcome (NP (NP jamming )NP (PP of (NP its frequencies and intimidation )NP )PP (PP of (NP local correspondents )NP )PP (PRN -LRB- (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP filed (NP reports )NP (PP to (NP the network )NP )PP (PP by (NP phone , secret messengers or letters )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR -RRB- )PRN )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 38 38 (S (NP It )NP (VP 's (NP (NP a far cry )NP (PP from (NP (NP the previous treatment )NP (PP of (NP (NP the network )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP had (S (VP to (VP overcome (NP (NP (NP jamming )NP (PP of (NP its frequencies )NP )PP )NP and (NP (NP intimidation )NP (PP of (NP (NP local correspondents )NP (PRN -LRB- (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP filed (NP reports )NP (PP to (NP the network )NP )PP (PP by (NP phone , secret messengers or letters )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR -RRB- )PRN )NP )PP )NP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 35 38 (S (NP It )NP (VP 's (NP (NP a far cry )NP (PP from (NP (NP the previous treatment )NP (PP of (NP (NP the network )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP had (S (VP to (VP overcome (NP (NP jamming )NP (PP of (NP its frequencies and intimidation )NP )PP (PP of (NP (NP local correspondents )NP (PRN -LRB- (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP filed (NP (NP reports )NP (PP to (NP the network )NP )PP )NP (PP by (NP (NP phone , secret messengers )NP or (NP letters )NP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR -RRB- )PRN )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 32 36 (S (NP It )NP (VP 's (NP (NP a far cry )NP (PP from (NP (NP the previous treatment )NP (PP of (NP (NP the network )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP had (S (VP to (VP overcome (NP (NP jamming )NP (PP of (NP its frequencies and intimidation )NP )PP (PP of (NP local correspondents )NP )PP (PRN -LRB- (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP filed (NP reports )NP (PP to (NP the network )NP )PP (PP by (NP (NP phone , secret messengers )NP or (NP letters )NP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR -RRB- )PRN )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 50 35 38 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP (NP some )NP (PP of (NP (NP the network 's )NP Hungarian listeners )NP )PP )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP owe (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (NP loyalty )NP (SBAR because (S (NP it )NP (VP was (ADJP responsible (PP in (NP many ways )NP )PP )ADJP (PP for (S (VP keeping (NP hope )NP (ADVP alive )ADVP (PP through (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (NP one writer )NP (VP (ADVP here )ADVP calls (NP (NP the `` Dark Ages )NP (PP of (NP the 20th Century )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )VP )S )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . '' )S 36 39 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP (NP some )NP (PP of (NP (NP the network 's )NP Hungarian listeners )NP )PP )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP owe (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (NP loyalty )NP (SBAR because (S (NP it )NP (VP was (ADJP (ADJP responsible (PP in (NP many ways )NP )PP )ADJP (PP for (S (VP keeping (NP hope )NP (ADVP alive )ADVP (PP through (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (NP one writer )NP (VP (ADVP here )ADVP calls (NP (NP the `` Dark Ages )NP (PP of (NP the 20th Century )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )VP )S )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . '' )S 36 38 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP (NP some )NP (PP of (NP (NP the network 's )NP Hungarian listeners )NP )PP )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP owe (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (NP loyalty )NP (SBAR because (S (NP it )NP (VP was (ADJP responsible (PP in (NP many ways )NP )PP (PP for (S (VP keeping (NP hope )NP (ADVP alive )ADVP (PP through (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (NP one writer )NP (VP (ADVP here )ADVP calls (NP (NP the `` Dark Ages )NP (PP of (NP the 20th Century )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )VP )S )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . '' )S 36 39 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP (NP some )NP (PP of (NP (NP the network 's )NP Hungarian listeners )NP )PP )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP owe (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (NP loyalty )NP (SBAR because (S (NP it )NP (VP was (ADJP responsible (PP in (NP many ways )NP )PP )ADJP (PP for (S (VP keeping (NP (NP hope )NP (ADJP alive )ADJP )NP (PP through (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (NP one writer )NP (VP (ADVP here )ADVP calls (NP (NP the `` Dark Ages )NP (PP of (NP the 20th Century )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )VP )S )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . '' )S 35 39 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP (NP some )NP (PP of (NP (NP the network 's )NP Hungarian listeners )NP )PP )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP owe (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (NP loyalty )NP (SBAR because (S (NP it )NP (VP was (ADJP responsible (PP in (NP (NP many ways )NP (PP for (S (VP keeping (NP hope )NP (ADVP alive )ADVP (PP through (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (NP one writer )NP (VP (ADVP here )ADVP calls (NP (NP the `` Dark Ages )NP (PP of (NP the 20th Century )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )VP )S )PP )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . '' )S 37 40 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP (NP some )NP (PP of (NP (NP the network 's )NP Hungarian listeners )NP )PP )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP owe (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (NP loyalty )NP (SBAR because (S (NP it )NP (VP was (ADJP (ADJP responsible (PP in (NP many ways )NP )PP )ADJP (PP for (S (VP keeping (NP (NP hope )NP (ADJP alive )ADJP )NP (PP through (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (NP one writer )NP (VP (ADVP here )ADVP calls (NP (NP the `` Dark Ages )NP (PP of (NP the 20th Century )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )VP )S )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . '' )S 36 38 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP (NP some )NP (PP of (NP (NP the network 's )NP Hungarian listeners )NP )PP )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP owe (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (NP loyalty )NP (SBAR because (S (NP it )NP (VP was (ADJP responsible (PP in (NP many ways )NP )PP )ADJP (PP for (S (VP keeping (NP hope )NP (ADJP alive )ADJP (PP through (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (NP one writer )NP (VP (ADVP here )ADVP calls (NP (NP the `` Dark Ages )NP (PP of (NP the 20th Century )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )VP )S )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . '' )S 37 39 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP (NP some )NP (PP of (NP (NP the network 's )NP Hungarian listeners )NP )PP )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP owe (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (NP loyalty )NP (SBAR because (S (NP it )NP (VP was (ADJP responsible (PP in (NP many ways )NP )PP (PP for (S (VP keeping (NP (NP hope )NP (ADJP alive )ADJP )NP (PP through (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (NP one writer )NP (VP (ADVP here )ADVP calls (NP (NP the `` Dark Ages )NP (PP of (NP the 20th Century )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )VP )S )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . '' )S 37 39 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP (NP some )NP (PP of (NP (NP the network 's )NP Hungarian listeners )NP )PP )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP owe (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (NP loyalty )NP (SBAR because (S (NP it )NP (VP was (ADJP (ADJP responsible (PP in (NP many ways )NP )PP )ADJP (PP for (S (VP keeping (NP hope )NP (ADJP alive )ADJP (PP through (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (NP one writer )NP (VP (ADVP here )ADVP calls (NP (NP the `` Dark Ages )NP (PP of (NP the 20th Century )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )VP )S )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . '' )S 36 40 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP (NP some )NP (PP of (NP (NP the network 's )NP Hungarian listeners )NP )PP )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP owe (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (NP loyalty )NP (SBAR because (S (NP it )NP (VP was (ADJP responsible (PP in (NP (NP many ways )NP (PP for (S (VP keeping (NP (NP hope )NP (ADJP alive )ADJP )NP (PP through (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (NP one writer )NP (VP (ADVP here )ADVP calls (NP (NP the `` Dark Ages )NP (PP of (NP the 20th Century )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )VP )S )PP )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . '' )S 36 39 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP (NP some )NP (PP of (NP (NP the network 's )NP Hungarian listeners )NP )PP )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP owe (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (NP loyalty )NP (SBAR because (S (NP it )NP (VP was (ADJP responsible (PP in (NP many ways )NP )PP )ADJP (PP for (S (VP keeping (S (NP hope )NP (ADJP alive (PP through (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (NP one writer )NP (VP (ADVP here )ADVP calls (NP (NP the `` Dark Ages )NP (PP of (NP the 20th Century )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )ADJP )S )VP )S )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . '' )S 37 39 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP (NP some )NP (PP of (NP (NP the network 's )NP Hungarian listeners )NP )PP )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP owe (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (NP loyalty )NP (SBAR because (S (NP it )NP (VP was (ADJP responsible (PP in (NP many ways )NP )PP )ADJP (PP for (S (VP keeping (S (NP hope )NP (ADJP alive )ADJP (PP through (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (NP one writer )NP (VP (ADVP here )ADVP calls (NP (NP the `` Dark Ages )NP (PP of (NP the 20th Century )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )S )VP )S )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . '' )S 37 38 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP (NP some )NP (PP of (NP (NP the network 's )NP Hungarian listeners )NP )PP )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP owe (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (NP loyalty )NP (SBAR because (S (NP it )NP (VP was (ADJP responsible (PP in (NP many ways )NP )PP (PP for (S (VP keeping (NP hope )NP (ADJP alive )ADJP (PP through (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (NP one writer )NP (VP (ADVP here )ADVP calls (NP (NP the `` Dark Ages )NP (PP of (NP the 20th Century )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )VP )S )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . '' )S 37 40 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP (NP some )NP (PP of (NP (NP the network 's )NP Hungarian listeners )NP )PP )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP owe (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (NP loyalty )NP (SBAR because (S (NP it )NP (VP was (ADJP (ADJP responsible (PP in (NP many ways )NP )PP )ADJP (PP for (S (VP keeping (S (NP hope )NP (ADJP alive (PP through (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (NP one writer )NP (VP (ADVP here )ADVP calls (NP (NP the `` Dark Ages )NP (PP of (NP the 20th Century )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )ADJP )S )VP )S )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . '' )S 36 39 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP (NP some )NP (PP of (NP (NP the network 's )NP Hungarian listeners )NP )PP )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP owe (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (NP loyalty )NP (SBAR because (S (NP it )NP (VP was (ADJP responsible (PP in (NP (NP many ways )NP (PP for (S (VP keeping (NP hope )NP (ADJP alive )ADJP (PP through (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (NP one writer )NP (VP (ADVP here )ADVP calls (NP (NP the `` Dark Ages )NP (PP of (NP the 20th Century )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )VP )S )PP )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . '' )S 38 40 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP (NP some )NP (PP of (NP (NP the network 's )NP Hungarian listeners )NP )PP )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP owe (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (NP loyalty )NP (SBAR because (S (NP it )NP (VP was (ADJP (ADJP responsible (PP in (NP many ways )NP )PP )ADJP (PP for (S (VP keeping (S (NP hope )NP (ADJP alive )ADJP (PP through (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (NP one writer )NP (VP (ADVP here )ADVP calls (NP (NP the `` Dark Ages )NP (PP of (NP the 20th Century )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )S )VP )S )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . '' )S 37 39 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP (NP some )NP (PP of (NP (NP the network 's )NP Hungarian listeners )NP )PP )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP owe (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (NP loyalty )NP (SBAR because (S (NP it )NP (VP was (ADJP responsible (PP in (NP many ways )NP )PP (PP for (S (VP keeping (S (NP hope )NP (ADJP alive (PP through (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (NP one writer )NP (VP (ADVP here )ADVP calls (NP (NP the `` Dark Ages )NP (PP of (NP the 20th Century )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )ADJP )S )VP )S )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . '' )S 38 39 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP (NP some )NP (PP of (NP (NP the network 's )NP Hungarian listeners )NP )PP )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP owe (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (NP loyalty )NP (SBAR because (S (NP it )NP (VP was (ADJP responsible (PP in (NP many ways )NP )PP (PP for (S (VP keeping (S (NP hope )NP (ADJP alive )ADJP (PP through (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (NP one writer )NP (VP (ADVP here )ADVP calls (NP (NP the `` Dark Ages )NP (PP of (NP the 20th Century )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )S )VP )S )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . '' )S 36 40 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP (NP some )NP (PP of (NP (NP the network 's )NP Hungarian listeners )NP )PP )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP owe (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (NP loyalty )NP (SBAR because (S (NP it )NP (VP was (ADJP responsible (PP in (NP (NP many ways )NP (PP for (S (VP keeping (S (NP hope )NP (ADJP alive (PP through (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (NP one writer )NP (VP (ADVP here )ADVP calls (NP (NP the `` Dark Ages )NP (PP of (NP the 20th Century )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )ADJP )S )VP )S )PP )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . '' )S 37 40 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP (NP some )NP (PP of (NP (NP the network 's )NP Hungarian listeners )NP )PP )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP owe (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (NP loyalty )NP (SBAR because (S (NP it )NP (VP was (ADJP responsible (PP in (NP (NP many ways )NP (PP for (S (VP keeping (S (NP hope )NP (ADJP alive )ADJP (PP through (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (NP one writer )NP (VP (ADVP here )ADVP calls (NP (NP the `` Dark Ages )NP (PP of (NP the 20th Century )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )S )VP )S )PP )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . '' )S 36 39 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP (NP some )NP (PP of (NP (NP the network 's )NP Hungarian listeners )NP )PP )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP owe (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (NP loyalty )NP (SBAR because (S (NP it )NP (VP was (ADJP responsible (PP in (NP many ways )NP )PP )ADJP (PP for (S (VP keeping (S (VP hope (ADJP alive )ADJP (PP through (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (NP one writer )NP (VP (ADVP here )ADVP calls (NP (NP the `` Dark Ages )NP (PP of (NP the 20th Century )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )VP )S )VP )S )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . '' )S 35 38 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP (NP some )NP (PP of (NP (NP the network 's )NP Hungarian listeners )NP )PP )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP owe (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (NP loyalty )NP (SBAR because (S (NP it )NP (VP was (ADJP responsible (PP in (NP many ways )NP )PP )ADJP (PP for (S (VP keeping (NP hope )NP (ADJP alive (PP through (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (NP one writer )NP (VP (ADVP here )ADVP calls (NP (NP the `` Dark Ages )NP (PP of (NP the 20th Century )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )ADJP )VP )S )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . '' )S 37 40 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP (NP some )NP (PP of (NP (NP the network 's )NP Hungarian listeners )NP )PP )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP owe (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (NP loyalty )NP (SBAR because (S (NP it )NP (VP was (ADJP (ADJP responsible (PP in (NP many ways )NP )PP )ADJP (PP for (S (VP keeping (S (VP hope (ADJP alive )ADJP (PP through (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (NP one writer )NP (VP (ADVP here )ADVP calls (NP (NP the `` Dark Ages )NP (PP of (NP the 20th Century )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )VP )S )VP )S )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . '' )S 36 39 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP (NP some )NP (PP of (NP (NP the network 's )NP Hungarian listeners )NP )PP )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP owe (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (NP loyalty )NP (SBAR because (S (NP it )NP (VP was (ADJP (ADJP responsible (PP in (NP many ways )NP )PP )ADJP (PP for (S (VP keeping (NP hope )NP (ADJP alive (PP through (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (NP one writer )NP (VP (ADVP here )ADVP calls (NP (NP the `` Dark Ages )NP (PP of (NP the 20th Century )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )ADJP )VP )S )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . '' )S 35 38 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP (NP some )NP (PP of (NP (NP the network 's )NP Hungarian listeners )NP )PP )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP owe (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (NP loyalty )NP (SBAR because (S (NP it )NP (VP was (ADJP responsible )ADJP (PP in (NP many ways )NP )PP (PP for (S (VP keeping (NP hope )NP (ADVP alive )ADVP (PP through (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (NP one writer )NP (VP (ADVP here )ADVP calls (NP (NP the `` Dark Ages )NP (PP of (NP the 20th Century )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )VP )S )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . '' )S 37 39 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP (NP some )NP (PP of (NP (NP the network 's )NP Hungarian listeners )NP )PP )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP owe (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (NP loyalty )NP (SBAR because (S (NP it )NP (VP was (ADJP responsible (PP in (NP many ways )NP )PP (PP for (S (VP keeping (S (VP hope (ADJP alive )ADJP (PP through (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (NP one writer )NP (VP (ADVP here )ADVP calls (NP (NP the `` Dark Ages )NP (PP of (NP the 20th Century )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )VP )S )VP )S )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . '' )S 36 38 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP (NP some )NP (PP of (NP (NP the network 's )NP Hungarian listeners )NP )PP )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP owe (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (NP loyalty )NP (SBAR because (S (NP it )NP (VP was (ADJP responsible (PP in (NP many ways )NP )PP (PP for (S (VP keeping (NP hope )NP (ADJP alive (PP through (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (NP one writer )NP (VP (ADVP here )ADVP calls (NP (NP the `` Dark Ages )NP (PP of (NP the 20th Century )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )ADJP )VP )S )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . '' )S 34 39 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP (NP some )NP (PP of (NP (NP the network 's )NP Hungarian listeners )NP )PP )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP owe (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (NP loyalty )NP (SBAR because (S (NP it )NP (VP was (ADJP responsible )ADJP (PP in (NP (NP many ways )NP (PP for (S (VP keeping (NP hope )NP (ADVP alive )ADVP (PP through (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (NP one writer )NP (VP (ADVP here )ADVP calls (NP (NP the `` Dark Ages )NP (PP of (NP the 20th Century )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )VP )S )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . '' )S 36 40 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP (NP some )NP (PP of (NP (NP the network 's )NP Hungarian listeners )NP )PP )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP owe (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (NP loyalty )NP (SBAR because (S (NP it )NP (VP was (ADJP responsible (PP in (NP (NP many ways )NP (PP for (S (VP keeping (S (VP hope (ADJP alive )ADJP (PP through (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (NP one writer )NP (VP (ADVP here )ADVP calls (NP (NP the `` Dark Ages )NP (PP of (NP the 20th Century )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )VP )S )VP )S )PP )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . '' )S 35 38 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP (NP some )NP (PP of (NP (NP the network 's )NP Hungarian listeners )NP )PP )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP owe (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (NP loyalty )NP (SBAR because (S (NP it )NP (VP was (ADJP responsible (PP in (NP many ways )NP )PP )ADJP (PP for (S (VP keeping (NP hope )NP (ADVP alive )ADVP (PP through (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (NP one writer )NP (VP (ADVP here )ADVP calls (NP (NP the `` Dark Ages )NP (PP of (NP the 20th Century )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )VP )S )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . '' )S 35 39 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP (NP some )NP (PP of (NP (NP the network 's )NP Hungarian listeners )NP )PP )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP owe (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (NP loyalty )NP (SBAR because (S (NP it )NP (VP was (ADJP responsible (PP in (NP (NP many ways )NP (PP for (S (VP keeping (NP hope )NP (ADJP alive (PP through (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (NP one writer )NP (VP (ADVP here )ADVP calls (NP (NP the `` Dark Ages )NP (PP of (NP the 20th Century )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )ADJP )VP )S )PP )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . '' )S 36 39 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP (NP some )NP (PP of (NP (NP the network 's )NP Hungarian listeners )NP )PP )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP owe (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (NP loyalty )NP (SBAR because (S (NP it )NP (VP was (ADJP (ADJP responsible (PP in (NP many ways )NP )PP )ADJP (PP for (S (VP keeping (NP hope )NP (ADVP alive )ADVP (PP through (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (NP one writer )NP (VP (ADVP here )ADVP calls (NP (NP the `` Dark Ages )NP (PP of (NP the 20th Century )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )VP )S )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . '' )S 36 39 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP (NP some )NP (PP of (NP (NP the network 's )NP Hungarian listeners )NP )PP )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP owe (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (NP loyalty )NP (SBAR because (S (NP it )NP (VP was (ADJP responsible )ADJP (PP in (NP many ways )NP )PP (PP for (S (VP keeping (NP (NP hope )NP (ADJP alive )ADJP )NP (PP through (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (NP one writer )NP (VP (ADVP here )ADVP calls (NP (NP the `` Dark Ages )NP (PP of (NP the 20th Century )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )VP )S )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . '' )S 34 38 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP (NP some )NP (PP of (NP (NP the network 's )NP Hungarian listeners )NP )PP )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP owe (NP (NP Radio Free Europe )NP loyalty )NP (SBAR because (S (NP it )NP (VP was (ADJP responsible (PP in (NP many ways )NP )PP )ADJP (PP for (S (VP keeping (NP hope )NP (ADVP alive )ADVP (PP through (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (NP one writer )NP (VP (ADVP here )ADVP calls (NP (NP the `` Dark Ages )NP (PP of (NP the 20th Century )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )VP )S )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . '' )S 36 38 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP (NP some )NP (PP of (NP (NP the network 's )NP Hungarian listeners )NP )PP )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP owe (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (NP loyalty )NP (SBAR because (S (NP it )NP (VP was (ADJP responsible (PP in (NP many ways )NP )PP (PP for (S (VP keeping (NP hope )NP (ADVP alive )ADVP (PP through (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (NP one writer )NP (VP (ADVP here )ADVP calls (NP (NP the `` Dark Ages )NP (PP of (NP the 20th Century )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )VP )S )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . '' )S 34 38 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP (NP some )NP (PP of (NP (NP the network 's )NP Hungarian listeners )NP )PP )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP owe (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (NP loyalty (SBAR because (S (NP it )NP (VP was (ADJP responsible (PP in (NP many ways )NP )PP )ADJP (PP for (S (VP keeping (NP hope )NP (ADVP alive )ADVP (PP through (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (NP one writer )NP (VP (ADVP here )ADVP calls (NP (NP the `` Dark Ages )NP (PP of (NP the 20th Century )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )VP )S )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . '' )S 35 40 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP (NP some )NP (PP of (NP (NP the network 's )NP Hungarian listeners )NP )PP )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP owe (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (NP loyalty )NP (SBAR because (S (NP it )NP (VP was (ADJP responsible )ADJP (PP in (NP (NP many ways )NP (PP for (S (VP keeping (NP (NP hope )NP (ADJP alive )ADJP )NP (PP through (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (NP one writer )NP (VP (ADVP here )ADVP calls (NP (NP the `` Dark Ages )NP (PP of (NP the 20th Century )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )VP )S )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . '' )S 36 39 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP (NP some )NP (PP of (NP (NP the network 's )NP Hungarian listeners )NP )PP )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP owe (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (NP loyalty )NP (SBAR because (S (NP it )NP (VP was (ADJP responsible (PP in (NP many ways )NP )PP )ADJP (PP for (S (VP keeping (NP (NP hope )NP (ADJP alive )ADJP )NP (PP through (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (NP one writer )NP (VP (ADVP here )ADVP calls (NP (NP the `` Dark Ages )NP (PP of (NP the 20th Century )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )VP )S )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . '' )S 35 39 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP (NP some )NP (PP of (NP (NP the network 's )NP Hungarian listeners )NP )PP )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP owe (NP (NP Radio Free Europe )NP loyalty )NP (SBAR because (S (NP it )NP (VP was (ADJP (ADJP responsible (PP in (NP many ways )NP )PP )ADJP (PP for (S (VP keeping (NP hope )NP (ADVP alive )ADVP (PP through (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (NP one writer )NP (VP (ADVP here )ADVP calls (NP (NP the `` Dark Ages )NP (PP of (NP the 20th Century )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )VP )S )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . '' )S 35 39 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP (NP some )NP (PP of (NP (NP the network 's )NP Hungarian listeners )NP )PP )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP owe (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (NP loyalty )NP (SBAR because (S (NP it )NP (VP was (ADJP responsible (PP in (NP (NP many ways )NP (PP for (S (VP keeping (NP hope )NP (ADVP alive )ADVP (PP through (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (NP one writer )NP (VP (ADVP here )ADVP calls (NP (NP the `` Dark Ages )NP (PP of (NP the 20th Century )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )VP )S )PP )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . '' )S 34 38 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP (NP some )NP (PP of (NP (NP the network 's )NP Hungarian listeners )NP )PP )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP owe (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (NP loyalty )NP (SBAR because (S (NP it )NP (VP was (ADJP responsible (PP in (NP many ways )NP )PP )ADJP (PP for (S (VP keeping (NP hope )NP (PP (ADVP alive )ADVP through (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (NP one writer )NP (VP (ADVP here )ADVP calls (NP (NP the `` Dark Ages )NP (PP of (NP the 20th Century )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )VP )S )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . '' )S 36 38 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP (NP some )NP (PP of (NP (NP the network 's )NP Hungarian listeners )NP )PP )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP owe (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (NP loyalty )NP (SBAR because (S (NP it )NP (VP was (ADJP responsible )ADJP (PP in (NP many ways )NP )PP (PP for (S (VP keeping (NP hope )NP (ADJP alive )ADJP (PP through (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (NP one writer )NP (VP (ADVP here )ADVP calls (NP (NP the `` Dark Ages )NP (PP of (NP the 20th Century )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )VP )S )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . '' )S 35 38 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP (NP some )NP (PP of (NP (NP the network 's )NP Hungarian listeners )NP )PP )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP owe (NP (NP Radio Free Europe )NP loyalty )NP (SBAR because (S (NP it )NP (VP was (ADJP responsible (PP in (NP many ways )NP )PP (PP for (S (VP keeping (NP hope )NP (ADVP alive )ADVP (PP through (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (NP one writer )NP (VP (ADVP here )ADVP calls (NP (NP the `` Dark Ages )NP (PP of (NP the 20th Century )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )VP )S )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . '' )S 35 39 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP (NP some )NP (PP of (NP (NP the network 's )NP Hungarian listeners )NP )PP )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP owe (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (NP loyalty (SBAR because (S (NP it )NP (VP was (ADJP (ADJP responsible (PP in (NP many ways )NP )PP )ADJP (PP for (S (VP keeping (NP hope )NP (ADVP alive )ADVP (PP through (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (NP one writer )NP (VP (ADVP here )ADVP calls (NP (NP the `` Dark Ages )NP (PP of (NP the 20th Century )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )VP )S )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . '' )S 35 39 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP (NP some )NP (PP of (NP (NP the network 's )NP Hungarian listeners )NP )PP )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP owe (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (NP (NP loyalty )NP (SBAR because (S (NP it )NP (VP was (ADJP responsible (PP in (NP many ways )NP )PP )ADJP (PP for (S (VP keeping (NP hope )NP (ADVP alive )ADVP (PP through (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (NP one writer )NP (VP (ADVP here )ADVP calls (NP (NP the `` Dark Ages )NP (PP of (NP the 20th Century )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )VP )S )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . '' )S 35 38 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP (NP some )NP (PP of (NP (NP the network 's )NP Hungarian listeners )NP )PP )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP owe (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (NP loyalty (SBAR because (S (NP it )NP (VP was (ADJP responsible (PP in (NP many ways )NP )PP (PP for (S (VP keeping (NP hope )NP (ADVP alive )ADVP (PP through (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (NP one writer )NP (VP (ADVP here )ADVP calls (NP (NP the `` Dark Ages )NP (PP of (NP the 20th Century )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )VP )S )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . '' )S 37 40 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP (NP some )NP (PP of (NP (NP the network 's )NP Hungarian listeners )NP )PP )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP owe (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (NP loyalty )NP (SBAR because (S (NP it )NP (VP was (ADJP (ADJP responsible (PP in (NP many ways )NP )PP )ADJP (PP for (S (VP keeping (NP (NP hope )NP (ADJP alive )ADJP )NP (PP through (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (NP one writer )NP (VP (ADVP here )ADVP calls (NP (NP the `` Dark Ages )NP (PP of (NP the 20th Century )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )VP )S )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . '' )S 35 39 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP (NP some )NP (PP of (NP (NP the network 's )NP Hungarian listeners )NP )PP )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP owe (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (NP loyalty )NP (SBAR because (S (NP it )NP (VP was (ADJP responsible )ADJP (PP in (NP (NP many ways )NP (PP for (S (VP keeping (NP hope )NP (ADJP alive )ADJP (PP through (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (NP one writer )NP (VP (ADVP here )ADVP calls (NP (NP the `` Dark Ages )NP (PP of (NP the 20th Century )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )VP )S )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . '' )S 35 39 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP (NP some )NP (PP of (NP (NP the network 's )NP Hungarian listeners )NP )PP )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP owe (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (NP loyalty )NP (SBAR because (S (NP it )NP (VP was (ADJP responsible (PP in (NP many ways )NP )PP )ADJP (PP for (S (VP keeping (NP (NP hope )NP (ADJP alive (PP through (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (NP one writer )NP (VP (ADVP here )ADVP calls (NP (NP the `` Dark Ages )NP (PP of (NP the 20th Century )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )ADJP )NP )VP )S )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . '' )S 35 39 (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP (NP some )NP (PP of (NP (NP the network 's )NP Hungarian listeners )NP )PP )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP owe (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (NP loyalty )NP (SBAR because (S (NP it )NP (VP was (ADJP (ADJP responsible (PP in (NP many ways )NP )PP )ADJP (PP for (S (VP keeping (NP hope )NP (PP (ADVP alive )ADVP through (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (NP one writer )NP (VP (ADVP here )ADVP calls (NP (NP the `` Dark Ages )NP (PP of (NP the 20th Century )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )VP )S )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . '' )S 50 19 21 (SINV `` (S (PP During (NP the past four years )NP )PP , (NP (NP many )NP (PP of (NP us )NP )PP )NP (VP have (VP sat (PRT up )PRT (PP until (ADJP late (PP at (NP night )NP )PP )ADJP )PP (S (VP listening (PP to (NP our radios )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP the writer )NP . )SINV 17 20 (SINV `` (S (PP During (NP the past four years )NP )PP , (NP (NP many )NP (PP of (NP us )NP )PP )NP (VP have (VP sat (PRT up )PRT (PP until (ADJP late (PP at (NP night )NP )PP )ADJP )PP (PP listening (PP to (NP our radios )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP the writer )NP . )SINV 17 21 (SINV `` (S (PP During (NP the past four years )NP )PP , (NP (NP many )NP (PP of (NP us )NP )PP )NP (VP have (VP sat (PRT up )PRT (PP until (ADJP late (PP at (NP (NP night )NP (VP listening (PP to (NP our radios )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )ADJP )PP )VP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP the writer )NP . )SINV 19 21 (SINV `` (S (PP During (NP the past four years )NP )PP , (NP (NP many )NP (PP of (NP us )NP )PP )NP (VP have (VP sat (PRT up )PRT (PP until (ADJP late (PP at (NP night )NP )PP )ADJP )PP (S (VP listening (PP to (NP our radios )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP the writer )NP . )SINV 17 21 (SINV `` (S (PP During (NP the past four years )NP )PP , (NP (NP many )NP (PP of (NP us )NP )PP )NP (VP have (VP sat (PRT up )PRT (PP until (ADJP late (PP at (S (NP night )NP (VP listening (PP to (NP our radios )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )ADJP )PP )VP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP the writer )NP . )SINV 17 21 (SINV `` (S (PP During (NP the past four years )NP )PP , (NP (NP many )NP (PP of (NP us )NP )PP )NP (VP have (VP sat (PRT up )PRT (PP until (NP (NP late )NP (PP at (NP night )NP )PP (VP listening (PP to (NP our radios )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP the writer )NP . )SINV 16 21 (SINV `` (S (PP During (NP the past four years )NP )PP , (NP (NP many )NP (PP of (NP us )NP )PP )NP (VP have (VP sat (PRT up )PRT (PP until (ADJP late (PP at (S (ADVP night )ADVP (VP listening (PP to (NP our radios )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )ADJP )PP )VP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP the writer )NP . )SINV 17 21 (SINV `` (S (PP During (NP the past four years )NP )PP , (NP (NP many )NP (PP of (NP us )NP )PP )NP (VP have (VP sat (PRT up )PRT (PP until (ADJP late )ADJP )PP (PP at (NP (NP night )NP (VP listening (PP to (NP our radios )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP the writer )NP . )SINV 17 21 (SINV `` (S (PP During (NP the past four years )NP )PP , (NP (NP many )NP (PP of (NP us )NP )PP )NP (VP have (VP sat (PRT up )PRT (PP until (S (ADVP late (PP at (NP night )NP )PP )ADVP (VP listening (PP to (NP our radios )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )VP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP the writer )NP . )SINV 17 21 (SINV `` (S (PP During (NP the past four years )NP )PP , (NP (NP many )NP (PP of (NP us )NP )PP )NP (VP have (VP sat (PRT up )PRT (PP until (ADJP late (PP at (NP night (S (VP listening (PP to (NP our radios )NP )PP )VP )S )NP )PP )ADJP )PP )VP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP the writer )NP . )SINV 16 21 (SINV `` (S (PP During (NP the past four years )NP )PP , (NP (NP many )NP (PP of (NP us )NP )PP )NP (VP have (VP sat (PRT up )PRT (PP until (S (VP (ADVP late (PP at (NP night )NP )PP )ADVP listening (PP to (NP our radios )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )VP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP the writer )NP . )SINV 17 21 (SINV `` (S (PP During (NP the past four years )NP )PP , (NP (NP many )NP (PP of (NP us )NP )PP )NP (VP have (VP sat (PRT up )PRT (PP until (ADJP late (PP at (S (NP night )NP (VP listening (PP to (NP our radios )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )ADJP )PP )VP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP the writer )NP . )SINV 16 20 (SINV `` (S (PP During (NP the past four years )NP )PP , (NP (NP many )NP (PP of (NP us )NP )PP )NP (VP have (VP sat (PRT up )PRT (PP until (ADJP late (PP at (S night (VP listening (PP to (NP our radios )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )ADJP )PP )VP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP the writer )NP . )SINV 17 22 (SINV `` (S (PP During (NP the past four years )NP )PP , (NP (NP many )NP (PP of (NP us )NP )PP )NP (VP have (VP sat (PRT up )PRT (PP until (ADJP late (PP at (S (VP night (S (VP listening (PP to (NP our radios )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )S )PP )ADJP )PP )VP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP the writer )NP . )SINV 18 21 (SINV `` (S (PP During (NP the past four years )NP )PP , (NP (NP many )NP (PP of (NP us )NP )PP )NP (VP have (VP sat (PRT up )PRT (PP until (ADJP late )ADJP )PP (PP at (NP night )NP )PP (S (VP listening (PP to (NP our radios )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP the writer )NP . )SINV 18 21 (SINV `` (S (PP During (NP the past four years )NP )PP , (NP (NP many )NP (PP of (NP us )NP )PP )NP (VP have (VP sat (PRT up )PRT (PP until (ADJP late (PP at (NP night )NP )PP (S (VP listening (PP to (NP our radios )NP )PP )VP )S )ADJP )PP )VP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP the writer )NP . )SINV 17 21 (SINV `` (S (PP During (NP the past four years )NP )PP , (NP (NP many )NP (PP of (NP us )NP )PP )NP (VP have (VP sat (PRT up )PRT (PP until (NP late )NP )PP (PP at (NP (NP night )NP (VP listening (PP to (NP our radios )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP the writer )NP . )SINV 15 21 (SINV `` (S (PP During (NP the past four years )NP )PP , (NP (NP many )NP (PP of (NP us )NP )PP )NP (VP have (VP sat (PRT up )PRT (PP until (ADJP late (PP at (S (VP (ADVP night )ADVP listening (PP to (NP our radios )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )ADJP )PP )VP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP the writer )NP . )SINV 17 21 (SINV `` (S (PP During (NP the past four years )NP )PP , (NP (NP many )NP (PP of (NP us )NP )PP )NP (VP have (VP sat (PRT up )PRT (PP until (ADJP late (PP at (NP (NP night )NP (VP listening (PP to (NP our radios )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )ADJP )PP )VP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP the writer )NP . )SINV 16 19 (SINV `` (S (PP During (NP the past four years )NP )PP , (NP (NP many )NP (PP of (NP us )NP )PP )NP (VP have (VP sat (PRT up )PRT (ADVP until late )ADVP (PP at (NP night )NP )PP (PP listening (PP to (NP our radios )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP the writer )NP . )SINV 19 21 (SINV `` (S (PP During (NP the past four years )NP )PP , (NP (NP many )NP (PP of (NP us )NP )PP )NP (VP have (VP sat (PRT up )PRT (PP until (ADJP late (PP at (NP night )NP )PP )ADJP )PP (S (VP listening (PP to (NP our radios )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP the writer )NP . )SINV 17 20 (SINV `` (S (PP During (NP the past four years )NP )PP , (NP (NP many )NP (PP of (NP us )NP )PP )NP (VP have (VP sat (PRT up )PRT (PP until (ADJP late (PP at (NP night )NP )PP )ADJP )PP (PP listening (PP to (NP our radios )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP the writer )NP . )SINV 17 21 (SINV `` (S (PP During (NP the past four years )NP )PP , (NP (NP many )NP (PP of (NP us )NP )PP )NP (VP have (VP sat (PRT up )PRT (PP until (ADJP late )ADJP )PP (PP at (NP night (S (VP listening (PP to (NP our radios )NP )PP )VP )S )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP the writer )NP . )SINV 17 21 (SINV `` (S (PP During (NP the past four years )NP )PP , (NP (NP many )NP (PP of (NP us )NP )PP )NP (VP have (VP sat (PRT up )PRT (SBAR until (S (ADVP late (PP at (NP night )NP )PP )ADVP (VP listening (PP to (NP our radios )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP the writer )NP . )SINV 18 22 (SINV `` (S (PP During (NP the past four years )NP )PP , (NP (NP many )NP (PP of (NP us )NP )PP )NP (VP have (VP sat (PRT up )PRT (PP until (NP (NP late )NP (PP at (NP night )NP )PP (S (VP listening (PP to (NP our radios )NP )PP )VP )S )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP the writer )NP . )SINV 17 21 (SINV `` (S (PP During (NP the past four years )NP )PP , (NP (NP many )NP (PP of (NP us )NP )PP )NP (VP have (VP sat (PRT up )PRT (PP until (ADJP late )ADJP )PP (PP at (NP (NP night )NP (VP listening (PP to (NP our radios )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP the writer )NP . )SINV 17 22 (SINV `` (S (PP During (NP the past four years )NP )PP , (NP (NP many )NP (PP of (NP us )NP )PP )NP (VP have (VP sat (PRT up )PRT (PP until (NP (NP (NP late )NP (PP at (NP night )NP )PP )NP (VP listening (PP to (NP our radios )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP the writer )NP . )SINV 19 22 (SINV `` (S (PP During (NP the past four years )NP )PP , (NP (NP many )NP (PP of (NP us )NP )PP )NP (VP have (VP sat (PRT up )PRT (PP until (NP (NP late )NP (PP at (NP night )NP )PP )NP )PP (S (VP listening (PP to (NP our radios )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP the writer )NP . )SINV 17 21 (SINV `` (S (PP During (NP the past four years )NP )PP , (NP (NP many )NP (PP of (NP us )NP )PP )NP (VP have (VP sat (PRT up )PRT (PP until (ADJP late (PP at (NP (NP night )NP (VP listening (PP to (NP our radios )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )ADJP )PP )VP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP the writer )NP . )SINV 18 21 (SINV `` (S (PP During (NP the past four years )NP )PP , (NP (NP many )NP (PP of (NP us )NP )PP )NP (VP have (VP sat (PRT up )PRT (PP until (NP late )NP )PP (PP at (NP night )NP )PP (S (VP listening (PP to (NP our radios )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP the writer )NP . )SINV 16 20 (SINV `` (S (PP During (NP the past four years )NP )PP , (NP (NP many )NP (PP of (NP us )NP )PP )NP (VP have (VP sat (PP up until (S (ADVP late (PP at (NP night )NP )PP )ADVP (VP listening (PP to (NP our radios )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )VP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP the writer )NP . )SINV 15 20 (SINV `` (S (PP During (NP the past four years )NP )PP , (NP (NP many )NP (PP of (NP us )NP )PP )NP (VP have (VP sat (PRT up )PRT (PP until (ADJP late (PP at (NP (NP night listening )NP (PP to (NP our radios )NP )PP )NP )PP )ADJP )PP )VP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP the writer )NP . )SINV 16 21 (SINV `` (S (PP During (NP the past four years )NP )PP , (NP (NP many )NP (PP of (NP us )NP )PP )NP (VP have (VP sat (PRT up )PRT (PP until (ADJP late (PP at (S (VP night (VP listening (PP to (NP our radios )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )PP )ADJP )PP )VP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP the writer )NP . )SINV 15 19 (SINV `` (S (PP During (NP the past four years )NP )PP , (NP (NP many )NP (PP of (NP us )NP )PP )NP (VP have (VP sat (PRT up )PRT (PP until (ADJP late (PP at (NP night listening )NP )PP )ADJP )PP (PP to (NP our radios )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP the writer )NP . )SINV 18 21 (SINV `` (S (PP During (NP the past four years )NP )PP , (NP (NP many )NP (PP of (NP us )NP )PP )NP (VP have (VP sat (ADVP up )ADVP (PP until (ADJP late )ADJP )PP (PP at (NP night )NP )PP (S (VP listening (PP to (NP our radios )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP the writer )NP . )SINV 16 20 (SINV `` (S (PP During (NP the past four years )NP )PP , (NP (NP many )NP (PP of (NP us )NP )PP )NP (VP have (VP sat (PRT up )PRT (PP until (ADJP late )ADJP )PP (PP at (NP night )NP )PP (PP listening (PP to (NP our radios )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP the writer )NP . )SINV 17 21 (SINV `` (S (PP During (NP the past four years )NP )PP , (NP (NP many )NP (PP of (NP us )NP )PP )NP (VP have (VP sat (PRT up )PRT (PP until (ADJP late (PP at (S (NP night )NP (VP listening (PP to (NP our radios )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )ADJP )PP )VP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP the writer )NP . )SINV 16 20 (SINV `` (S (PP During (NP the past four years )NP )PP , (NP (NP many )NP (PP of (NP us )NP )PP )NP (VP have (VP sat (PRT up )PRT (PP until (ADJP late (PP at (NP night )NP )PP (PP listening (PP to (NP our radios )NP )PP )PP )ADJP )PP )VP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP the writer )NP . )SINV 16 21 (SINV `` (S (PP During (NP the past four years )NP )PP , (NP (NP many )NP (PP of (NP us )NP )PP )NP (VP have (VP sat (PP up (PP until (S (ADVP late (PP at (NP night )NP )PP )ADVP (VP listening (PP to (NP our radios )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )PP )VP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP the writer )NP . )SINV 17 20 (SINV `` (S (PP During (NP the past four years )NP )PP , (NP (NP many )NP (PP of (NP us )NP )PP )NP (VP have (VP sat (PRT up )PRT (PP until (ADJP late (PP at (NP night )NP )PP )ADJP )PP (PP listening (PP to (NP our radios )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP the writer )NP . )SINV 19 21 (SINV `` (S (PP During (NP the past four years )NP )PP , (NP (NP many )NP (PP of (NP us )NP )PP )NP (VP have (VP sat (ADVP up )ADVP (PP until (ADJP late (PP at (NP night )NP )PP )ADJP )PP (S (VP listening (PP to (NP our radios )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP the writer )NP . )SINV 15 20 (SINV `` (S (PP During (NP the past four years )NP )PP , (NP (NP many )NP (PP of (NP us )NP )PP )NP (VP have (VP sat (PP up until (S (VP (ADVP late (PP at (NP night )NP )PP )ADVP listening (PP to (NP our radios )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )VP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP the writer )NP . )SINV 16 21 (SINV `` (S (PP During (NP the past four years )NP )PP , (NP (NP many )NP (PP of (NP us )NP )PP )NP (VP have (VP sat (PRT up )PRT (PP until (ADJP late (PP at (S (ADVP night )ADVP (VP listening (PP to (NP our radios )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )ADJP )PP )VP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP the writer )NP . )SINV 16 20 (SINV `` (S (PP During (NP the past four years )NP )PP , (NP (NP many )NP (PP of (NP us )NP )PP )NP (VP have (VP sat (PP up until (ADJP late (PP at (NP (NP night )NP (VP listening (PP to (NP our radios )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )ADJP )PP )VP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP the writer )NP . )SINV 17 20 (SINV `` (S (PP During (NP the past four years )NP )PP , (NP (NP many )NP (PP of (NP us )NP )PP )NP (VP have (VP sat (ADVP up )ADVP (PP until (ADJP late (PP at (NP night )NP )PP )ADJP )PP (PP listening (PP to (NP our radios )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP the writer )NP . )SINV 17 21 (SINV `` (S (PP During (NP the past four years )NP )PP , (NP (NP many )NP (PP of (NP us )NP )PP )NP (VP have (VP sat (PRT up )PRT (PP until (NP (NP late )NP (PP at (NP night )NP )PP )NP )PP (PP listening (PP to (NP our radios )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP the writer )NP . )SINV 17 21 (SINV `` (S (PP During (NP the past four years )NP )PP , (NP (NP many )NP (PP of (NP us )NP )PP )NP (VP have (VP sat (PRT up )PRT (PP until (NP late )NP )PP (PP at (NP night (S (VP listening (PP to (NP our radios )NP )PP )VP )S )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP the writer )NP . )SINV 17 21 (SINV `` (S (PP During (NP the past four years )NP )PP , (NP (NP many )NP (PP of (NP us )NP )PP )NP (VP have (VP sat (PRT up )PRT (PP until (NP (NP late )NP (PP at (NP night )NP )PP (VP listening (PP to (NP our radios )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP the writer )NP . )SINV 19 21 (SINV `` (S (PP During (NP the past four years )NP )PP , (NP (NP many )NP (PP of (NP us )NP )PP )NP (VP have (VP sat (PRT up )PRT (PP until (ADJP late (PP at (NP night )NP )PP )ADJP )PP (S (VP listening (PP to (NP our radios )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP the writer )NP . )SINV 17 21 (SINV `` (S (PP During (NP the past four years )NP )PP , (NP (NP many )NP (PP of (NP us )NP )PP )NP (VP have (VP sat (PRT up )PRT (PP until (ADJP late )ADJP )PP (PP at (S (NP night )NP (VP listening (PP to (NP our radios )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )VP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP the writer )NP . )SINV 50 5 5 (S `` (NP There )NP (VP were (NP some (ADJP very brave )ADJP broadcasts )NP )VP . '' )S 4 5 (S `` (NP There )NP (VP were some (NP (ADJP very brave )ADJP broadcasts )NP )VP . '' )S 5 5 (S `` (NP There )NP (VP were (NP some (ADJP very brave )ADJP broadcasts )NP )VP . '' )S 5 6 (S `` (NP There )NP (VP were (NP some (ADJP very brave )ADJP (NX broadcasts )NX )NP )VP . '' )S 4 4 (S `` (NP There )NP (VP were (NP some very brave broadcasts )NP )VP . '' )S 4 5 (S `` (NP There )NP (VP were some (NP (ADJP very brave )ADJP broadcasts )NP )VP . '' )S 4 4 (S `` (NP There )NP (VP were (NP some very brave broadcasts )NP )VP . '' )S 5 6 (S `` (NP There )NP (VP were (S (NP some (ADJP very brave )ADJP broadcasts )NP )S )VP . '' )S 4 5 (S `` (NP There )NP (VP were (NP (ADJP some very brave )ADJP broadcasts )NP )VP . '' )S 5 6 (S `` (S (NP There )NP (VP were (NP some (ADJP very brave )ADJP broadcasts )NP )VP )S . '' )S 4 5 (S `` (NP There )NP (VP were (NP (ADJP some very brave )ADJP broadcasts )NP )VP . '' )S 5 6 (S `` (NP There )NP (VP were (NP some (NP (ADJP very brave )ADJP broadcasts )NP )NP )VP . '' )S 4 6 (S `` (NP There )NP (VP were (ADVP some )ADVP (NP (ADJP very brave )ADJP broadcasts )NP )VP . '' )S 4 6 (S `` (NP There )NP (VP were (NP some )NP (NP (ADJP very brave )ADJP broadcasts )NP )VP . '' )S 3 5 (S `` (NP There )NP (VP were (ADJP some very brave )ADJP (NP broadcasts )NP )VP . '' )S 3 5 (S `` (NP There )NP (VP were (ADJP some very brave )ADJP (NP broadcasts )NP )VP . '' )S 4 5 (S `` (NP There )NP (VP were (NP some very (ADJP brave )ADJP broadcasts )NP )VP . '' )S 5 6 (S `` (NP There )NP (VP were (NP some (ADJP (ADVP very )ADVP brave )ADJP broadcasts )NP )VP . '' )S 4 6 (S `` (NP There )NP (VP were (ADVP some )ADVP (NP (ADJP very brave )ADJP broadcasts )NP )VP . '' )S 4 5 (S `` (NP There )NP (VP were (NP (QP some very brave )QP broadcasts )NP )VP . '' )S 5 5 (S `` (NP There )NP (VP were (NP some (ADJP very brave )ADJP broadcasts )NP )VP . '' )S 5 6 (S `` (NP There )NP (VP were (NP some (NX (ADJP very brave )ADJP broadcasts )NX )NP )VP . '' )S 4 5 (S `` (NP There )NP (VP were some (NP (ADJP very brave )ADJP broadcasts )NP )VP . '' )S 5 6 (S `` (NP There )NP (VP were (NP (NP some )NP (ADJP very brave )ADJP broadcasts )NP )VP . '' )S 3 4 (S `` (NP There )NP (VP were some (NP very brave broadcasts )NP )VP . '' )S 4 6 (S `` (NP There )NP (VP were (NP (ADJP (NP some very )NP brave )ADJP broadcasts )NP )VP . '' )S 5 7 (S `` (NP There )NP (VP were (NP (NP some )NP (NP (ADJP very brave )ADJP broadcasts )NP )NP )VP . '' )S 4 5 (S `` (NP There )NP (VP were (NP some very (ADJP brave )ADJP broadcasts )NP )VP . '' )S 4 5 (S `` (NP There )NP (VP were (NP (ADJP some very brave )ADJP broadcasts )NP )VP . '' )S 5 7 (S `` (NP There )NP (VP were (SBAR (S (NP some (ADJP very brave )ADJP broadcasts )NP )S )SBAR )VP . '' )S 4 4 (S `` (NP There )NP (VP were (NP some very brave broadcasts )NP )VP . '' )S 4 5 (S `` (NP There )NP (VP were (NP (QP some very brave )QP broadcasts )NP )VP . '' )S 5 6 (S `` (NP There )NP (VP were (NP some (ADJP very brave )ADJP (NX broadcasts )NX )NP )VP . '' )S 3 5 (S `` (NP There )NP (VP were (ADVP some very )ADVP (NP brave broadcasts )NP )VP . '' )S 4 5 (S `` (NP There )NP (VP were some (ADJP very brave )ADJP (NP broadcasts )NP )VP . '' )S 4 5 (S `` (ADVP There )ADVP (VP were (NP some (ADJP very brave )ADJP broadcasts )NP )VP . '' )S 4 5 (S `` (NP There )NP (VP were some (NP (ADJP very brave )ADJP broadcasts )NP )VP . '' )S 3 6 (S `` (NP There )NP (VP were (ADJP (NP some )NP very brave )ADJP (NP broadcasts )NP )VP . '' )S 3 4 (S `` (NP There )NP (VP were some (NP very brave broadcasts )NP )VP . '' )S 4 5 (S `` (NP There )NP (VP were (NP some very (NX brave broadcasts )NX )NP )VP . '' )S 4 6 (S `` (S (NP There )NP (VP were some (NP (ADJP very brave )ADJP broadcasts )NP )VP )S . '' )S 5 6 (S `` (NP There )NP (VP were (VP (NP some (ADJP very brave )ADJP broadcasts )NP )VP )VP . '' )S 3 4 (S `` (NP There )NP (VP were some (NP very brave broadcasts )NP )VP . '' )S 3 5 (S `` (NP There )NP (VP were (ADVP some very )ADVP (NP brave broadcasts )NP )VP . '' )S 3 5 (S `` (NP There )NP (VP were some (ADVP very )ADVP (NP brave broadcasts )NP )VP . '' )S 3 6 (S `` (NP There )NP (VP were (ADJP (NP some very )NP brave )ADJP (NP broadcasts )NP )VP . '' )S 3 6 (S `` (NP There )NP (VP were (ADJP (ADVP some )ADVP very brave )ADJP (NP broadcasts )NP )VP . '' )S 5 6 (S `` (NP There )NP (VP were (S (NP some (ADJP very brave )ADJP broadcasts )NP )S )VP . '' )S 5 7 (S `` (NP There )NP (VP were (NP (NP some (ADJP very brave )ADJP )NP (NP broadcasts )NP )NP )VP . '' )S 4 6 (S `` (NP There )NP (VP were (NP (ADJP (ADVP some )ADVP very brave )ADJP broadcasts )NP )VP . '' )S 50 8 8 (S (NP The listeners )NP , (ADVP too )ADVP , (VP had (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP brave )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 8 9 (S (NP (NP The listeners )NP , (ADVP too )ADVP , )NP (VP had (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP brave )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 8 9 (S (NP The listeners )NP (PRN , (ADVP too )ADVP , )PRN (VP had (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP brave )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 8 10 (S (NP (NP The listeners )NP (PRN , (ADVP too )ADVP , )PRN )NP (VP had (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP brave )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 7 9 (S (NP (NP The listeners )NP , (ADJP too )ADJP , )NP (VP had (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP brave )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 7 7 (S (NP The listeners )NP , (ADVP too )ADVP , (VP had (VP to (VP be (ADJP brave )ADJP )VP )VP )VP . )S 8 9 (S (NP The listeners )NP (VP , (ADVP too )ADVP , (VP had (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP brave )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 7 9 (S (NP (NP The listeners )NP , (NP too )NP , )NP (VP had (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP brave )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 7 8 (S (NP The listeners )NP , (ADVP too )ADVP , (VP had (S (VP to (VP be (NP brave )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 7 8 (S (NP (NP The listeners )NP , too , )NP (VP had (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP brave )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 7 8 (S (NP The listeners )NP , (ADVP too )ADVP , (VP had (S (VP to (VP be (ADVP brave )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 7 8 (S (NP The listeners )NP , (ADVP too )ADVP , (VP had (S (VP to (VP be (VP brave )VP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 7 8 (S (NP (NP The listeners )NP , (ADVP too )ADVP , )NP (VP had (VP to (VP be (ADJP brave )ADJP )VP )VP )VP . )S 8 9 (S (NP The (NX listeners )NX )NP , (ADVP too )ADVP , (VP had (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP brave )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 7 8 (S (NP The listeners )NP (PRN , (ADVP too )ADVP , )PRN (VP had (VP to (VP be (ADJP brave )ADJP )VP )VP )VP . )S 7 8 (S (NP The listeners )NP , (ADVP too )ADVP , (VP had (S (VP to (VP be (NP brave )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 7 9 (S (NP (NP The listeners )NP (PRN , (ADVP too )ADVP , )PRN )NP (VP had (VP to (VP be (ADJP brave )ADJP )VP )VP )VP . )S 7 9 (S (NP The listeners (PRN , (ADVP too )ADVP , )PRN )NP (VP had (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP brave )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 8 9 (S (NP The listeners )NP , (ADVP too )ADVP , (VP had (SBAR (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP brave )ADJP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 7 9 (S (NP The listeners )NP , (ADVP too )ADVP , (VP had (S (VP to (VP be (S (VP brave )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 6 8 (S (NP (NP The listeners )NP , (ADJP too )ADJP , )NP (VP had (VP to (VP be (ADJP brave )ADJP )VP )VP )VP . )S 7 9 (S (NP (NP The listeners )NP , (ADVP too )ADVP , )NP (VP had (S (VP to (VP be (NP brave )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 7 9 (S (NP (NP The listeners )NP , (ADVP too )ADVP , )NP (VP had (S (VP to (VP be (ADVP brave )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 7 8 (S (NP The listeners )NP , (ADJP too )ADJP , (VP had (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP brave )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 8 8 (S (NP The listeners )NP , (ADVP too )ADVP , (VP had (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP brave )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 7 9 (S (NP (NP The listeners )NP , (ADVP too )ADVP , )NP (VP had (S (VP to (VP be (VP brave )VP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 7 9 (S (NP The listeners )NP (PRN , (INTJ too )INTJ , )PRN (VP had (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP brave )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 7 9 (S (NP The listeners )NP (PRN , (ADVP too )ADVP , )PRN (VP had (S (VP to (VP be (NP brave )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 7 9 (S (NP The listeners )NP (PRN , (ADVP too )ADVP , )PRN (VP had (S (VP to (VP be (ADVP brave )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 7 9 (S (NP The listeners )NP (PRN , (ADVP too )ADVP , )PRN (VP had (S (VP to (VP be (VP brave )VP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 7 9 (S (NP (NP The listeners )NP , (ADVP too )ADVP , )NP (VP had (S (VP to (VP be (NP brave )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 7 8 (S (NP The listeners )NP (VP , (ADVP too )ADVP , had (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP brave )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 8 10 (S (NP (NP The (NX listeners )NX )NP , (ADVP too )ADVP , )NP (VP had (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP brave )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 7 7 (S (NP The listeners )NP , (ADVP too )ADVP , (VP had (S (VP to (VP be brave )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 8 10 (S (NP The (NX listeners )NX )NP (PRN , (ADVP too )ADVP , )PRN (VP had (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP brave )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 7 10 (S (NP (NP The listeners )NP (PRN , (ADVP too )ADVP , )PRN )NP (VP had (S (VP to (VP be (NP brave )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 8 9 (S (NP The listeners )NP , (ADVP too )ADVP , (VP had (S (VP to (VP be (S (ADJP brave )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 7 9 (S (NP The listeners )NP (PRN , (ADVP too )ADVP , )PRN (VP had (S (VP to (VP be (NP brave )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 7 10 (S (NP (NP The listeners )NP (PRN , (ADVP too )ADVP , )PRN )NP (VP had (S (VP to (VP be (ADVP brave )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 8 9 (S (NP (NP The listeners )NP , (ADVP too )ADVP )NP , (VP had (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP brave )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 7 10 (S (NP (NP The listeners )NP (PRN , (ADVP too )ADVP , )PRN )NP (VP had (S (VP to (VP be (VP brave )VP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 6 8 (S (NP (NP The listeners )NP , (NP too )NP , )NP (VP had (VP to (VP be (ADJP brave )ADJP )VP )VP )VP . )S 7 8 (S (NP The listeners )NP , (ADVP too )ADVP , (VP had (S (VP to (VP be (VP brave )VP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 6 9 (S (NP (NP The listeners )NP , (ADJP too )ADJP , )NP (VP had (S (VP to (VP be (NP brave )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 8 10 (S (NP (NP The listeners )NP , (ADVP too )ADVP , )NP (VP had (SBAR (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP brave )ADJP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 6 9 (S (NP (NP The listeners )NP , (ADJP too )ADJP , )NP (VP had (S (VP to (VP be (ADVP brave )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 7 10 (S (NP (NP The listeners )NP , (ADVP too )ADVP , )NP (VP had (S (VP to (VP be (S (VP brave )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 7 10 (S (NP (NP The listeners )NP (PRN , (ADVP too )ADVP , )PRN )NP (VP had (S (VP to (VP be (NP brave )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 6 9 (S (NP (NP The listeners )NP , (ADJP too )ADJP , )NP (VP had (S (VP to (VP be (VP brave )VP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 6 7 (S (NP The listeners )NP , (ADVP too )ADVP , (VP had (VP to (VP be (NP brave )NP )VP )VP )VP . )S 50 14 17 (S (PP Through (NP (NP much )NP (PP of (NP the (ADJP post-World (NP War II )NP )ADJP period )NP )PP )NP )PP , (S (VP listening (PP to (NP Western broadcasts )NP )PP )VP )S (VP was (NP (NP a crime )NP (PP in (NP Hungary )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 14 17 (S (PP Through (NP (NP much )NP (PP of (NP the (ADJP post-World (NP War II )NP )ADJP period )NP )PP )NP )PP , (S (VP listening (PP to (NP Western broadcasts )NP )PP )VP )S (VP was (NP (NP a crime )NP (PP in (NP Hungary )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 14 17 (S (PP Through (NP (NP much )NP (PP of (NP the (ADJP post-World (NP War II )NP )ADJP period )NP )PP )NP )PP , (S (VP listening (PP to (NP Western broadcasts )NP )PP )VP )S (VP was (NP (NP a crime )NP (PP in (NP Hungary )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 10 15 (S (NP (NP Through much )NP (PP of (NP the (ADJP post-World (NP War II )NP )ADJP period )NP )PP , (VP listening (PP to (NP Western broadcasts )NP )PP )VP )NP (VP was (NP (NP a crime )NP (PP in (NP Hungary )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 14 17 (S (PP Through (NP (NP much )NP (PP of (NP the (ADJP post-World (NP War II )NP )ADJP period )NP )PP )NP )PP , (S (VP listening (PP to (NP Western broadcasts )NP )PP )VP )S (VP was (NP (NP a crime )NP (PP in (NP Hungary )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 9 16 (S (NP (NP Through much )NP (PP of (NP (NP the (ADJP post-World (NP War II )NP )ADJP period )NP , (VP listening (PP to (NP Western broadcasts )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP (VP was (NP (NP a crime )NP (PP in (NP Hungary )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 10 15 (S (NP (NP Through much )NP (PP of (NP the (ADJP post-World (NP War II )NP )ADJP period )NP )PP , (VP listening (PP to (NP Western broadcasts )NP )PP )VP )NP (VP was (NP (NP a crime )NP (PP in (NP Hungary )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 10 15 (S (NP (NP Through much )NP (PP of (NP the (ADJP post-World (NP War II )NP )ADJP period )NP )PP , (VP listening (PP to (NP Western broadcasts )NP )PP )VP )NP (VP was (NP (NP a crime )NP (PP in (NP Hungary )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 9 16 (S (NP (NP Through much )NP (PP of (NP (NP the (ADJP post-World (NP War II )NP )ADJP period )NP , (VP listening (PP to (NP Western broadcasts )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP (VP was (NP (NP a crime )NP (PP in (NP Hungary )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 10 15 (S (NP (NP Through much )NP (PP of (NP the (ADJP post-World (NP War II )NP )ADJP period )NP )PP , (VP listening (PP to (NP Western broadcasts )NP )PP )VP )NP (VP was (NP (NP a crime )NP (PP in (NP Hungary )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 11 16 (S (NP (NP Through much )NP (PP of (NP the (ADJP post-World (NP War II )NP )ADJP period )NP )PP )NP , (S (VP listening (PP to (NP Western broadcasts )NP )PP )VP )S (VP was (NP (NP a crime )NP (PP in (NP Hungary )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 14 16 (S (PP Through (NP (NP much )NP (PP of (NP the (ADJP post-World (NP War II )NP )ADJP period )NP )PP )NP )PP , (S (VP listening (PP to (NP Western broadcasts )NP )PP )VP )S (VP was (NP a crime )NP (PP in (NP Hungary )NP )PP )VP . )S 11 16 (S (NP (NP Through much )NP (PP of (NP the (ADJP post-World (NP War II )NP )ADJP period )NP )PP )NP , (S (VP listening (PP to (NP Western broadcasts )NP )PP )VP )S (VP was (NP (NP a crime )NP (PP in (NP Hungary )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 14 16 (S (PP Through (NP (NP much )NP (PP of (NP the (ADJP post-World (NP War II )NP )ADJP period )NP )PP )NP )PP , (S (VP listening (PP to (NP Western broadcasts )NP )PP )VP )S (VP was (NP a crime )NP (PP in (NP Hungary )NP )PP )VP . )S 12 17 (S (PP Through (NP (NP much )NP (PP of (NP the (ADJP post-World (NP War II )NP )ADJP period )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP (NP listening )NP (PP to (NP Western broadcasts )NP )PP )NP (VP was (NP (NP a crime )NP (PP in (NP Hungary )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 9 16 (S (NP (NP Through much )NP (PP of (NP (NP the (ADJP post-World (NP War II )NP )ADJP period )NP , (VP listening (PP to (NP Western broadcasts )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP (VP was (NP (NP a crime )NP (PP in (NP Hungary )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 9 16 (S (NP (NP Through much )NP (PP of (NP (NP the (ADJP post-World (NP War II )NP )ADJP period )NP , (VP listening (PP to (NP Western broadcasts )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP (VP was (NP (NP a crime )NP (PP in (NP Hungary )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 10 15 (S (NP (NP Through much )NP (PP of (NP the (ADJP post-World (NP War II )NP )ADJP period )NP )PP , (VP listening (PP to (NP Western broadcasts )NP )PP )VP )NP (VP was (NP (NP a crime )NP (PP in (NP Hungary )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 12 17 (S (PP Through (NP (NP much )NP (PP of (NP the (ADJP post-World (NP War II )NP )ADJP period )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP (NP listening )NP (PP to (NP Western broadcasts )NP )PP )NP (VP was (NP (NP a crime )NP (PP in (NP Hungary )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 9 16 (S (NP (NP Through much )NP (PP of (NP (NP the (ADJP post-World (NP War II )NP )ADJP period )NP , (VP listening (PP to (NP Western broadcasts )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP (VP was (NP (NP a crime )NP (PP in (NP Hungary )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 10 15 (S (NP (NP Through much )NP (PP of (NP the (ADJP post-World (NP War II )NP )ADJP period )NP )PP , (VP listening (PP to (NP Western broadcasts )NP )PP )VP )NP (VP was (NP (NP a crime )NP (PP in (NP Hungary )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 11 16 (S (NP (NP Through much )NP (PP of (NP the (ADJP post-World (NP War II )NP )ADJP period )NP )PP )NP , (S (VP listening (PP to (NP Western broadcasts )NP )PP )VP )S (VP was (NP (NP a crime )NP (PP in (NP Hungary )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 11 16 (S (NP (NP Through much )NP (PP of (NP the (ADJP post-World (NP War II )NP )ADJP period )NP )PP )NP , (S (VP listening (PP to (NP Western broadcasts )NP )PP )VP )S (VP was (NP (NP a crime )NP (PP in (NP Hungary )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 9 16 (S (NP (NP Through much )NP (PP of (NP (NP the (ADJP post-World (NP War II )NP )ADJP period )NP , (VP listening (PP to (NP Western broadcasts )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP (VP was (NP (NP a crime )NP (PP in (NP Hungary )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 14 16 (S (PP Through (NP (NP much )NP (PP of (NP the (ADJP post-World (NP War II )NP )ADJP period )NP )PP )NP )PP , (S (VP listening (PP to (NP Western broadcasts )NP )PP )VP )S (VP was (NP a crime )NP (PP in (NP Hungary )NP )PP )VP . )S 11 16 (S (NP (NP Through much )NP (PP of (NP the (ADJP post-World (NP War II )NP )ADJP period )NP )PP )NP , (S (VP listening (PP to (NP Western broadcasts )NP )PP )VP )S (VP was (NP (NP a crime )NP (PP in (NP Hungary )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 10 15 (S (NP (NP Through much )NP (PP of (NP the (ADJP post-World (NP War II )NP )ADJP period )NP )PP , (VP listening (PP to (NP Western broadcasts )NP )PP )VP )NP (VP was (NP (NP a crime )NP (PP in (NP Hungary )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 10 14 (S (NP (NP Through much )NP (PP of (NP the (ADJP post-World (NP War II )NP )ADJP period )NP )PP , (VP listening (PP to (NP Western broadcasts )NP )PP )VP )NP (VP was (NP a crime )NP (PP in (NP Hungary )NP )PP )VP . )S 11 15 (S (PP Through (NP (ADJP much (PP of (NP the post-World War II )NP )PP )ADJP period )NP )PP , (S (VP listening (PP to (NP Western broadcasts )NP )PP )VP )S (VP was (NP (NP a crime )NP (PP in (NP Hungary )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 14 16 (S (PP Through (NP (NP much )NP (PP of (NP the (ADJP post-World (NP War II )NP )ADJP period )NP )PP )NP )PP , (S (VP listening (PP to (NP Western broadcasts )NP )PP )VP )S (VP was (NP a crime )NP (PP in (NP Hungary )NP )PP )VP . )S 11 16 (S (NP (NP Through much )NP (PP of (NP the (ADJP post-World (NP War II )NP )ADJP period )NP )PP )NP , (S (VP listening (PP to (NP Western broadcasts )NP )PP )VP )S (VP was (NP (NP a crime )NP (PP in (NP Hungary )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 12 17 (S (PP Through (NP (NP much )NP (PP of (NP the (ADJP post-World (NP War II )NP )ADJP period )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP (NP listening )NP (PP to (NP Western broadcasts )NP )PP )NP (VP was (NP (NP a crime )NP (PP in (NP Hungary )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 9 16 (S (NP (NP Through much )NP (PP of (NP (NP the (ADJP post-World (NP War II )NP )ADJP period )NP , (VP listening (PP to (NP Western broadcasts )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP (VP was (NP (NP a crime )NP (PP in (NP Hungary )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 12 17 (S (PP Through (NP (NP much )NP (PP of (NP the (ADJP post-World (NP War II )NP )ADJP period )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP (NP listening )NP (PP to (NP Western broadcasts )NP )PP )NP (VP was (NP (NP a crime )NP (PP in (NP Hungary )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 12 17 (S (PP Through (NP (NP much )NP (PP of (NP the (ADJP post-World (NP War II )NP )ADJP period )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP (NP listening )NP (PP to (NP Western broadcasts )NP )PP )NP (VP was (NP (NP a crime )NP (PP in (NP Hungary )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 11 16 (S (NP (NP Through much )NP (PP of (NP the (ADJP post-World (NP War II )NP )ADJP period )NP )PP )NP , (S (VP listening (PP to (NP Western broadcasts )NP )PP )VP )S (VP was (NP (NP a crime )NP (PP in (NP Hungary )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 12 17 (S (PP Through (NP (NP much )NP (PP of (NP the (ADJP post-World (NP War II )NP )ADJP period )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP (NP listening )NP (PP to (NP Western broadcasts )NP )PP )NP (VP was (NP (NP a crime )NP (PP in (NP Hungary )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 9 16 (S (NP (NP Through much )NP (PP of (NP (NP the (ADJP post-World (NP War II )NP )ADJP period )NP , (VP listening (PP to (NP Western broadcasts )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP (VP was (NP (NP a crime )NP (PP in (NP Hungary )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 10 18 (S (NP (NP Through much )NP (PP of (NP (NP the (ADJP post-World (NP War II )NP )ADJP period )NP , (SBAR (S (VP listening (PP to (NP Western broadcasts )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP (VP was (NP (NP a crime )NP (PP in (NP Hungary )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 10 17 (S (NP (NP Through much )NP (PP of (NP (NP the (ADJP post-World (NP War II )NP )ADJP period )NP , (S (VP listening (PP to (NP Western broadcasts )NP )PP )VP )S )NP )PP )NP (VP was (NP (NP a crime )NP (PP in (NP Hungary )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 10 15 (S (NP (NP Through much )NP (PP of (NP the (ADJP post-World (NP War II )NP )ADJP period )NP )PP , (VP listening (PP to (NP Western broadcasts )NP )PP )VP )NP (VP was (NP (NP a crime )NP (PP in (NP Hungary )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 9 15 (S (NP (NP Through much )NP (PP of (NP (NP the (ADJP post-World (NP War II )NP )ADJP period )NP , (VP listening (PP to (NP Western broadcasts )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP (VP was (NP a crime )NP (PP in (NP Hungary )NP )PP )VP . )S 12 16 (S (PP Through (NP (NP much )NP (PP of (NP the (ADJP post-World (NP War II )NP )ADJP period )NP )PP )NP )PP , (PP listening (PP to (NP Western broadcasts )NP )PP )PP (VP was (NP (NP a crime )NP (PP in (NP Hungary )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 13 16 (S Through (NP (NP much )NP (PP of (NP the (ADJP post-World (NP War II )NP )ADJP period )NP )PP )NP , (S (VP listening (PP to (NP Western broadcasts )NP )PP )VP )S (VP was (NP (NP a crime )NP (PP in (NP Hungary )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 10 14 (S (NP (NP Through much )NP (PP of (NP the (ADJP post-World (NP War II )NP )ADJP period )NP )PP , (VP listening (PP to (NP Western broadcasts )NP )PP )VP )NP (VP was (NP a crime )NP (PP in (NP Hungary )NP )PP )VP . )S 10 18 (S (NP (NP Through much )NP (PP of (NP (NP the (ADJP post-World (NP War II )NP )ADJP period )NP , (SBAR (S (VP listening (PP to (NP Western broadcasts )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP (VP was (NP (NP a crime )NP (PP in (NP Hungary )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 10 14 (S (NP (NP Through much )NP (PP of (NP the (ADJP post-World (NP War II )NP )ADJP period )NP )PP , (VP listening (PP to (NP Western broadcasts )NP )PP )VP )NP (VP was (NP a crime )NP (PP in (NP Hungary )NP )PP )VP . )S 13 16 (S Through (NP (NP much )NP (PP of (NP the (ADJP post-World (NP War II )NP )ADJP period )NP )PP )NP , (S (VP listening (PP to (NP Western broadcasts )NP )PP )VP )S (VP was (NP (NP a crime )NP (PP in (NP Hungary )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 11 15 (S Through (NP (NP much )NP (PP of (NP the (ADJP post-World (NP War II )NP )ADJP period )NP )PP , (VP listening (PP to (NP Western broadcasts )NP )PP )VP )NP (VP was (NP (NP a crime )NP (PP in (NP Hungary )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 10 17 (S (NP (NP Through much )NP (PP of (NP (NP the (ADJP post-World (NP War II )NP )ADJP period )NP , (S (VP listening (PP to (NP Western broadcasts )NP )PP )VP )S )NP )PP )NP (VP was (NP (NP a crime )NP (PP in (NP Hungary )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 50 15 15 (SINV `` (S (SBAR (WHADVP When )WHADVP (S (NP we )NP (VP listen (PP to (NP the Europe station )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP my mother )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP gets (ADJP nervous )ADJP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP a Budapest translator )NP . )SINV 15 15 (SINV `` (S (SBAR (WHADVP When )WHADVP (S (NP we )NP (VP listen (PP to (NP the Europe station )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP my mother )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP gets (ADJP nervous )ADJP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP a Budapest translator )NP . )SINV 15 16 (SINV `` (S (SBAR (WHADVP When )WHADVP (S (NP we )NP (VP listen (PP to (NP the Europe station )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP my mother )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP gets (S (ADJP nervous )ADJP )S )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP a Budapest translator )NP . )SINV 15 15 (SINV (S `` (SBAR (WHADVP When )WHADVP (S (NP we )NP (VP listen (PP to (NP the Europe station )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP my mother )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP gets (ADJP nervous )ADJP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP a Budapest translator )NP . )SINV 15 16 (SINV `` (S (SBAR (WHADVP When )WHADVP (S (NP we )NP (VP listen (PP to (NP the Europe station )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP my mother )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP gets (S (ADJP nervous )ADJP )S )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP a Budapest translator )NP . )SINV 15 15 (SINV (S `` (SBAR (WHADVP When )WHADVP (S (NP we )NP (VP listen (PP to (NP the Europe station )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP my mother )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP gets (ADJP nervous )ADJP )VP , '' )S (VP says )VP (NP a Budapest translator )NP . )SINV 15 15 (SINV (S `` (SBAR (WHADVP When )WHADVP (S (NP we )NP (VP listen (PP to (NP the Europe station )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP my mother )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP gets (ADJP nervous )ADJP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP a Budapest translator )NP . )SINV 15 15 (SINV (S `` (SBAR (WHADVP When )WHADVP (S (NP we )NP (VP listen (PP to (NP the Europe station )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP my mother )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP gets (ADJP nervous )ADJP )VP , '' )S (VP says )VP (NP a Budapest translator )NP . )SINV 13 16 (SINV `` (S (SBAR (WHADVP When )WHADVP (S (NP we )NP (VP listen (PP to (NP the Europe )NP )PP (NP station )NP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP my mother )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP gets (ADJP nervous )ADJP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP a Budapest translator )NP . )SINV 14 16 (SINV `` (S (SBAR (WHADVP When )WHADVP (S (NP we )NP (VP listen (PP to (NP the Europe station )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP my mother )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP gets (S (NP nervous )NP )S )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP a Budapest translator )NP . )SINV 14 15 (SINV `` (S (SBAR (WHADVP When )WHADVP (S (NP we )NP (VP listen (PP to (NP the Europe station )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP my mother )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP gets (NP nervous )NP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP a Budapest translator )NP . )SINV 14 15 (SINV `` (S (SBAR (WHADVP When )WHADVP (S (NP we )NP (VP listen (PP to (NP the Europe station )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP my mother )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP gets (ADVP nervous )ADVP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP a Budapest translator )NP . )SINV 15 15 (SINV `` (S (SBAR (WHADVP When )WHADVP (S (NP we )NP (VP listen (PP to (NP the Europe station )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP my mother )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP gets (ADJP nervous )ADJP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP a Budapest translator )NP . )SINV 14 15 (SINV `` (S (SBAR (WHADVP When )WHADVP (S (NP we )NP (VP listen (PP to (NP the Europe station )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP my mother )NP (VP (ADVP still )ADVP gets (ADJP nervous )ADJP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP a Budapest translator )NP . )SINV 14 16 (SINV `` (S (SBAR (WHADVP When )WHADVP (S (NP we )NP (VP listen (PP to (NP the Europe station )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP my mother )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP gets (S (NP nervous )NP )S )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP a Budapest translator )NP . )SINV 15 16 (SINV `` (S (SBAR (WHADVP When )WHADVP (S (NP we )NP (VP listen (PP to (NP the Europe station )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR , (S (NP my mother )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP gets (ADJP nervous )ADJP )VP )S )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP a Budapest translator )NP . )SINV 15 16 (SINV `` (S (SBAR (WHADVP When )WHADVP (S (NP we )NP (VP listen (PP to (NP the (ADJP Europe )ADJP station )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP my mother )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP gets (ADJP nervous )ADJP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP a Budapest translator )NP . )SINV 14 15 (SINV `` (S (SBAR (WHADVP When )WHADVP (S (NP we )NP (VP listen (PP to (NP the Europe station )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP my mother )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP gets (NP nervous )NP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP a Budapest translator )NP . )SINV 13 14 (SINV `` (S (SBAR (WHADVP When )WHADVP (S (NP we )NP (VP listen (PP to (NP the Europe station )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP my mother still )NP (VP gets (ADJP nervous )ADJP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP a Budapest translator )NP . )SINV 15 16 (SINV `` (S (SBAR (WHADVP When )WHADVP (S (NP we )NP (VP listen (PP to (NP the Europe station )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP my mother )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP gets (ADJP nervous )ADJP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP a (ADJP Budapest )ADJP translator )NP . )SINV 14 15 (SINV `` (S (SBAR (WHADVP When )WHADVP (S (NP we )NP (VP listen (PP to (NP the Europe station )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP my mother )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP gets (ADVP nervous )ADVP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP a Budapest translator )NP . )SINV 15 16 (SINV (S `` (SBAR (WHADVP When )WHADVP (S (NP we )NP (VP listen (PP to (NP the Europe station )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP my mother )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP gets (S (ADJP nervous )ADJP )S )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP a Budapest translator )NP . )SINV 15 15 (SINV `` (S (SBAR (WHADVP When )WHADVP (S (NP we )NP (VP listen (PP to (NP the Europe station )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP my mother )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP gets (ADJP nervous )ADJP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP a Budapest translator )NP . )SINV 14 15 (SINV `` (S (SBAR (WHADVP When )WHADVP (S (NP we )NP (VP listen (PP to (NP the Europe station )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP my mother )NP (VP (ADVP still )ADVP gets (ADJP nervous )ADJP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP a Budapest translator )NP . )SINV 13 16 (SINV `` (S (SBAR (WHADVP When )WHADVP (S (NP we )NP (VP listen (PP to (NP the Europe )NP )PP (NP station )NP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP my mother )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP gets (ADJP nervous )ADJP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP a Budapest translator )NP . )SINV 15 16 (SINV `` (S (SBAR (WHADVP When )WHADVP (S (NP we )NP (VP listen (PP to (NP the Europe station )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR , (S (NP my mother )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP gets (ADJP nervous )ADJP )VP )S )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP a Budapest translator )NP . )SINV 15 16 (SINV `` (S (SBAR (WHADVP When )WHADVP (S (NP we )NP (VP listen (PP to (NP the (ADJP Europe )ADJP station )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP my mother )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP gets (ADJP nervous )ADJP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP a Budapest translator )NP . )SINV 15 16 (SINV `` (S (SBAR (WHADVP When )WHADVP (S (NP we )NP (VP listen (PP to (NP the Europe station )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP my mother )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP gets (ADJP nervous )ADJP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP a Budapest )NP translator )NP . )SINV 13 14 (SINV `` (S (SBAR (WHADVP When )WHADVP (S (NP we )NP (VP listen (PP to (NP the Europe station )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP my mother still )NP (VP gets (ADJP nervous )ADJP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP a Budapest translator )NP . )SINV 15 16 (SINV `` (S (SBAR (WHADVP When )WHADVP (S (NP we )NP (VP listen (PP to (NP the Europe station )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP my mother )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP gets (ADJP nervous )ADJP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP a (ADJP Budapest )ADJP translator )NP . )SINV 15 16 (SINV (S `` (SBAR (WHADVP When )WHADVP (S (NP we )NP (VP listen (PP to (NP the Europe station )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP my mother )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP gets (S (ADJP nervous )ADJP )S )VP , '' )S (VP says )VP (NP a Budapest translator )NP . )SINV 15 16 (SINV `` (S (SBAR (WHADVP When )WHADVP (S (NP we )NP (VP listen (PP to (NP (NP the Europe )NP station )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP my mother )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP gets (ADJP nervous )ADJP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP a Budapest translator )NP . )SINV 15 16 (SINV (S `` (SBAR (WHADVP When )WHADVP (S (NP we )NP (VP listen (PP to (NP the Europe station )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP my mother )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP gets (S (ADJP nervous )ADJP )S )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP a Budapest translator )NP . )SINV 14 16 (SINV `` (S (SBAR (WHADVP When )WHADVP (S (NP we )NP (VP listen (PP to (NP the Europe station )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP my mother )NP (VP (ADVP still )ADVP gets (S (ADJP nervous )ADJP )S )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP a Budapest translator )NP . )SINV 15 16 (SINV `` (S (SBAR (WHADVP When )WHADVP (S (NP we )NP (VP listen (PP to (NP the Europe station )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP my mother )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP gets (ADJP nervous )ADJP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP a Budapest )NP translator )NP . )SINV 14 15 (SINV `` (S (SBAR (WHADVP When )WHADVP (S (NP we )NP (VP listen (PP to (NP the Europe station )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP my mother )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP gets (ADJP nervous )ADJP )VP )S , '' (VP says (NP a Budapest translator )NP )VP . )SINV 15 16 (SINV (S `` (SBAR (WHADVP When )WHADVP (S (NP we )NP (VP listen (PP to (NP the Europe station )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP my mother )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP gets (S (ADJP nervous )ADJP )S )VP , '' )S (VP says )VP (NP a Budapest translator )NP . )SINV 15 16 (SINV `` (S (SBAR (WHADVP When )WHADVP (S (NP we )NP (VP listen (PP to (NP (NP the Europe )NP station )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP my mother )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP gets (ADJP nervous )ADJP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP a Budapest translator )NP . )SINV 15 16 (SINV `` (S (SBAR (WHADVP When )WHADVP (S (NP we )NP (VP listen (PP to (NP the Europe station )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP my (NX mother )NX )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP gets (ADJP nervous )ADJP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP a Budapest translator )NP . )SINV 15 17 (SINV `` (S (SBAR (WHADVP When )WHADVP (S (NP we )NP (VP listen (PP to (NP (NP the Europe )NP (NP station )NP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP my mother )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP gets (ADJP nervous )ADJP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP a Budapest translator )NP . )SINV 15 16 (SINV (S `` (S (SBAR (WHADVP When )WHADVP (S (NP we )NP (VP listen (PP to (NP the Europe station )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP my mother )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP gets (ADJP nervous )ADJP )VP )S )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP a Budapest translator )NP . )SINV 13 15 (S `` (S (SBAR (WHADVP When )WHADVP (S (NP we )NP (VP listen (PP to (NP the Europe station )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP my mother )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP gets (ADJP nervous )ADJP )VP )S , '' (VP says (NP a Budapest translator )NP )VP . )S 13 17 (SINV `` (S (SBAR (WHADVP When )WHADVP (S (NP we )NP (VP listen (PP to (NP the Europe )NP )PP (NP station )NP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP my mother )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP gets (S (ADJP nervous )ADJP )S )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP a Budapest translator )NP . )SINV 15 16 (SINV `` (S (SBAR (WHADVP When )WHADVP (S (NP we )NP (VP listen (PP to (NP the Europe station )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP (NP my mother )NP (ADVP still )ADVP )NP (VP gets (ADJP nervous )ADJP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP a Budapest translator )NP . )SINV 14 16 (SINV `` (S (SBAR (WHADVP When )WHADVP (S (NP we )NP (VP listen (PP to (NP the Europe station )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP my mother )NP (VP (ADVP still )ADVP gets (S (ADJP nervous )ADJP )S )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP a Budapest translator )NP . )SINV 14 15 (SINV `` (S (SBAR (WHADVP When )WHADVP (S (NP we )NP (VP listen (PP to (NP the Europe station )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP my mother )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP gets (ADJP nervous )ADJP )VP )S , '' (VP says (NP a Budapest translator )NP )VP . )SINV 15 16 (SINV `` (S (SBAR (WHADVP When )WHADVP (S (NP we )NP (VP listen (PP to (NP the Europe station )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP my (NX mother )NX )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP gets (ADJP nervous )ADJP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP a Budapest translator )NP . )SINV 15 17 (SINV `` (S (SBAR (WHADVP When )WHADVP (S (NP we )NP (VP listen (PP to (NP (NP the Europe )NP (NP station )NP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP my mother )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP gets (ADJP nervous )ADJP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP a Budapest translator )NP . )SINV 15 16 (SINV `` (S (SBAR (WHADVP When )WHADVP (S (NP we )NP (VP listen (PP to (NP the Europe station )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP my mother )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP gets (S (ADJP nervous )ADJP )S )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP a Budapest translator )NP . )SINV 13 16 (SINV (S `` (SBAR (WHADVP When )WHADVP (S (NP we )NP (VP listen (PP to (NP the Europe )NP )PP (NP station )NP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP my mother )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP gets (ADJP nervous )ADJP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP a Budapest translator )NP . )SINV 50 11 11 (S `` (NP She )NP (VP wants (S (VP to (VP (VP turn (PRT down )PRT (NP the volume )NP )VP and (VP close (NP the curtains )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP . '' )S 10 11 (S `` (NP She )NP (VP wants (S (VP to (VP (VP turn (ADVP down (NP the volume )NP )ADVP )VP and (VP close (NP the curtains )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP . '' )S 11 11 (S `` (NP She )NP (VP wants (S (VP to (VP (VP turn (ADVP down )ADVP (NP the volume )NP )VP and (VP close (NP the curtains )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP . '' )S 10 11 (S `` (NP She )NP (VP wants (S (VP (VP to (VP turn (PRT down )PRT (NP the volume )NP )VP )VP and (VP close (NP the curtains )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . '' )S 10 11 (S `` (NP She )NP (VP wants (S (VP to (VP (VP turn (PP down (NP the volume )NP )PP )VP and (VP close (NP the curtains )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP . '' )S 11 11 (S `` (NP She )NP (VP wants (S (VP to (VP (VP turn (ADVP down )ADVP (NP the volume )NP )VP and (VP close (NP the curtains )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP . '' )S 11 11 (S `` (NP She )NP (VP wants (S (VP to (VP (VP turn (PRT down )PRT (NP the volume )NP )VP and (VP close (NP the curtains )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP . '' )S 11 11 (S `` (NP She )NP (VP wants (S (VP to (VP (VP turn (PRT down )PRT (NP the volume )NP )VP and (VP close (NP the curtains )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP . '' )S 11 11 (S `` (NP She )NP (VP wants (S (VP to (VP (VP turn (PRT down )PRT (NP the volume )NP )VP and (VP close (NP the curtains )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP . '' )S 8 11 (S `` (NP She )NP (VP (VP wants (S (VP to (VP turn (PRT down )PRT (NP the volume )NP )VP )VP )S )VP and (VP close (NP the curtains )NP )VP )VP . '' )S 11 11 (S `` (NP She )NP (VP wants (S (VP to (VP (VP turn (PRT down )PRT (NP the volume )NP )VP and (VP close (NP the curtains )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP . '' )S 11 12 (S `` (NP She )NP (VP wants (S (VP to (VP (VP turn (PRT down )PRT (NP the volume )NP )VP and (VP close (NP the (NX curtains )NX )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP . '' )S 7 12 (S `` (S (NP She )NP (VP wants (S (VP to (VP turn (PRT down )PRT (NP the volume )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S and (S (VP close (NP the curtains )NP )VP )S . '' )S 9 11 (S `` (NP She )NP (VP wants (S (VP to (VP turn (PRT down )PRT (NP (NP the volume )NP and (ADVP close )ADVP (NP the curtains )NP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . '' )S 9 10 (S `` (NP She )NP (VP wants (S (VP to (VP turn (PRT down )PRT (NP (NP the volume )NP and close (NP the curtains )NP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . '' )S 11 12 (S `` (NP She )NP (VP wants (S (VP to (VP (VP turn (PRT down )PRT (NP the volume )NP )VP and (VP close (S (NP the curtains )NP )S )VP )VP )VP )S )VP . '' )S 10 11 (S `` (NP She )NP (VP wants (S (VP to (VP (VP turn (PP down (NP the volume )NP )PP )VP and (VP close (NP the curtains )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP . '' )S 10 10 (S `` (NP She )NP (VP wants (S (VP to (VP (VP turn down (NP the volume )NP )VP and (VP close (NP the curtains )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP . '' )S 10 11 (S `` (NP She )NP (VP wants (S (VP to (VP (VP turn (PRT down )PRT (NP the volume )NP )VP and (VP close )VP (NP the curtains )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . '' )S 11 12 (S `` (S (NP She )NP (VP wants (S (VP to (VP (VP turn (PRT down )PRT (NP the volume )NP )VP and (VP close (NP the curtains )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )S . '' )S 11 11 (S `` (NP She )NP (VP wants (S (VP to (VP (VP turn (PRT down )PRT (NP the volume )NP )VP and (VP close (NP the curtains )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP . '' )S 8 10 (S `` (NP She )NP (VP wants (S (VP to (VP turn (PRT down )PRT (NP (NP the volume )NP and (NP close the curtains )NP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . '' )S 10 11 (S `` (NP She )NP (VP wants (S (VP to (VP (VP turn (PP down (NP the volume )NP )PP )VP and (VP close (NP the curtains )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP . '' )S 10 11 (S `` (NP She )NP (VP wants (S (VP (VP to (VP turn (PRT down )PRT (NP the volume )NP )VP )VP and (VP close (NP the curtains )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . '' )S 8 11 (S `` (NP She )NP (VP (VP wants (S (VP to (VP turn (PRT down )PRT (NP the volume )NP )VP )VP )S )VP and (VP close (NP the curtains )NP )VP )VP . '' )S 10 11 (S `` (NP She )NP (VP wants (S (VP to (VP (VP turn (ADVP down (NP the volume )NP )ADVP )VP and (VP close (NP the curtains )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP . '' )S 8 11 (S `` (NP She )NP (VP (VP wants (S (VP to (VP turn (PRT down )PRT (NP the volume )NP )VP )VP )S )VP and (VP close (NP the curtains )NP )VP )VP . '' )S 9 11 (S `` (NP She )NP (VP wants (S (VP (VP to (VP turn (ADVP down (NP the volume )NP )ADVP )VP )VP and (VP close (NP the curtains )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . '' )S 10 11 (S `` (NP She )NP (VP wants (S (VP to (VP (VP turn (ADVP down (NP the volume )NP )ADVP )VP and (VP close (NP the curtains )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP . '' )S 10 10 (S `` (NP She )NP (VP wants (S (VP to (VP turn (PRT down )PRT (NP the volume )NP )VP and (VP close (NP the curtains )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . '' )S 11 12 (S `` (NP She )NP (VP wants (S (VP to (S (VP (VP turn (PRT down )PRT (NP the volume )NP )VP and (VP close (NP the curtains )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )VP . '' )S 8 11 (S `` (NP She )NP (VP (VP wants (S (VP to (VP turn (PRT down )PRT (NP the volume )NP )VP )VP )S )VP and (VP close (NP the curtains )NP )VP )VP . '' )S 10 11 (S `` (NP She )NP (VP wants (S (VP to (VP (VP turn (NP (ADVP down )ADVP the volume )NP )VP and (VP close (NP the curtains )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP . '' )S 9 11 (S `` (NP She )NP (VP wants (S (VP to (VP turn (PRT down )PRT (NP (NP the volume )NP and (ADVP close )ADVP (NP the curtains )NP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . '' )S 10 11 (S `` (NP She )NP (VP wants (S (VP (VP to (VP turn (PRT down )PRT (NP the volume )NP )VP )VP and (VP close (NP the curtains )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . '' )S 11 12 (S `` (NP She )NP (VP wants (SBAR (S (VP to (VP (VP turn (PRT down )PRT (NP the volume )NP )VP and (VP close (NP the curtains )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . '' )S 10 11 (S `` (NP She )NP (VP wants (S (VP to (VP (VP turn (ADVP down (NP the volume )NP )ADVP )VP and (VP close (NP the curtains )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP . '' )S 11 12 (S `` (NP She )NP (VP wants (S (VP to (VP (VP turn (PRT down )PRT (NP the volume )NP )VP and (VP (ADVP close )ADVP (NP the curtains )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP . '' )S 9 12 (S `` (NP She )NP (VP wants (S (S (VP to (VP turn (PRT down )PRT (NP the volume )NP )VP )VP )S and (S (VP close (NP the curtains )NP )VP )S )S )VP . '' )S 10 10 (S `` (NP She )NP (VP wants (S to (VP (VP turn (PRT down )PRT (NP the volume )NP )VP and (VP close (NP the curtains )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . '' )S 10 11 (S `` (NP She )NP (VP wants (S (VP to (VP (VP turn (ADVP down (NP the volume )NP )ADVP )VP and (VP close (NP the curtains )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP . '' )S 9 11 (S `` (NP She )NP (VP wants (S (VP (VP to (VP turn (PP down (NP the volume )NP )PP )VP )VP and (VP close (NP the curtains )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . '' )S 10 12 (S `` (NP She )NP (VP wants (S (VP to (VP turn (PRT down )PRT (NP (NP the volume )NP and (S (VP close (NP the curtains )NP )VP )S )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . '' )S 10 12 (S `` (NP She )NP (VP wants (S (VP to (VP (VP turn (ADVP down (NP the volume )NP )ADVP )VP and (VP close (NP the (NX curtains )NX )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP . '' )S 8 11 (S `` (NP She )NP (VP (VP wants (S (VP to (VP turn (PRT down )PRT (NP the volume )NP )VP )VP )S )VP and (VP close (NP the curtains )NP )VP )VP . '' )S 11 12 (S `` (NP She )NP (VP wants (S (VP to (VP (VP turn (PRT down )PRT (NP the (NX volume )NX )NP )VP and (VP close (NP the curtains )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP . '' )S 10 11 (S `` (NP She )NP (VP wants (S (VP (VP to (VP turn (PRT down )PRT (NP the volume )NP )VP )VP and (VP close (NP the curtains )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . '' )S 11 12 (S `` (NP She )NP (VP wants (S (VP to (VP (VP turn (PRT down )PRT (NP the volume )NP )VP and (VP close (NP the (NP curtains )NP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP . '' )S 10 12 (S `` (NP She )NP (VP wants (S (VP to (VP (VP turn (ADVP down (NP the volume )NP )ADVP )VP and (VP close (S (NP the curtains )NP )S )VP )VP )VP )S )VP . '' )S 7 10 (S `` (NP She )NP (VP wants (S (VP to (VP turn (PP down (NP (NP the volume )NP and (NP close the curtains )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . '' )S 50 9 9 (S (ADVP Now )ADVP , (NP (NP the toughest competition )NP (PP for (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )PP )NP (VP comes (PP during (NP the late-night slot )NP )PP )VP . )S 8 8 (S (ADVP Now )ADVP , (NP the toughest competition )NP (PP for (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )PP (VP comes (PP during (NP the late-night slot )NP )PP )VP . )S 8 9 (S (INTJ Now )INTJ , (NP (NP the toughest competition )NP (PP for (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )PP )NP (VP comes (PP during (NP the late-night slot )NP )PP )VP . )S 9 10 (S (ADVP Now )ADVP , (NP (NP the toughest competition )NP (PP for (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )PP )NP (VP comes (PP during (NP the (ADJP late-night )ADJP slot )NP )PP )VP . )S 9 10 (S (ADVP Now )ADVP , (S (NP (NP the toughest competition )NP (PP for (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )PP )NP (VP comes (PP during (NP the late-night slot )NP )PP )VP )S . )S 9 10 (S (ADVP Now )ADVP , (NP (NP the (ADJP toughest )ADJP competition )NP (PP for (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )PP )NP (VP comes (PP during (NP the late-night slot )NP )PP )VP . )S 8 9 (S (ADVP Now )ADVP , (NP (NP the toughest competition )NP (PP for (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )PP )NP (VP comes (PRT during )PRT (NP the late-night slot )NP )VP . )S 9 10 (S (ADVP Now )ADVP , (NP (NP the toughest competition )NP (PP for (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )PP )NP (VP comes (PP during (NP the (NX late-night slot )NX )NP )PP )VP . )S 9 10 (S (ADVP Now )ADVP , (NP (NP the toughest competition )NP (PP for (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )PP )NP (VP comes (PP during (S (NP the late-night slot )NP )S )PP )VP . )S 9 10 (S (ADVP Now )ADVP , (NP (NP (NP the )NP toughest competition )NP (PP for (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )PP )NP (VP comes (PP during (NP the late-night slot )NP )PP )VP . )S 8 9 (S (NP Now )NP , (NP (NP the toughest competition )NP (PP for (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )PP )NP (VP comes (PP during (NP the late-night slot )NP )PP )VP . )S 8 8 (S Now , (NP (NP the toughest competition )NP (PP for (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )PP )NP (VP comes (PP during (NP the late-night slot )NP )PP )VP . )S 8 9 (S (ADVP Now )ADVP , (NP the toughest competition )NP (PP for (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )PP (VP comes (PP during (NP the (ADJP late-night )ADJP slot )NP )PP )VP . )S 9 10 (S (ADVP Now )ADVP , (NP (NP the toughest competition )NP (PP for (NP (NP Radio )NP Free Europe )NP )PP )NP (VP comes (PP during (NP the late-night slot )NP )PP )VP . )S 7 8 (S (INTJ Now )INTJ , (NP the toughest competition )NP (PP for (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )PP (VP comes (PP during (NP the late-night slot )NP )PP )VP . )S 8 10 (S (ADVP Now )ADVP , (NP (NP the toughest competition )NP (PP for (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )PP )NP (VP comes (SBAR during (S (NP the late-night slot )NP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 9 10 (S (ADVP Now )ADVP , (NP (NP (NP the toughest )NP competition )NP (PP for (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )PP )NP (VP comes (PP during (NP the late-night slot )NP )PP )VP . )S 7 8 (S (ADVP Now )ADVP , (NP (NP the toughest competition )NP (PP for (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )PP )NP (VP comes (NP during the late-night slot )NP )VP . )S 8 10 (S (INTJ Now )INTJ , (NP (NP the toughest competition )NP (PP for (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )PP )NP (VP comes (PP during (NP the (ADJP late-night )ADJP slot )NP )PP )VP . )S 9 11 (S (ADVP Now )ADVP , (NP (NP the toughest competition )NP (PP for (NP (NP Radio )NP (NP Free Europe )NP )NP )PP )NP (VP comes (PP during (NP the late-night slot )NP )PP )VP . )S 7 7 (S (ADVP Now )ADVP , (NP the toughest competition )NP for (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP comes (PP during (NP the late-night slot )NP )PP )VP . )S 8 9 (S (ADVP Now )ADVP , (NP (NP the toughest competition )NP (PP for (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )PP )NP (VP comes (ADVP during (NP the late-night slot )NP )ADVP )VP . )S 9 11 (S (ADVP Now )ADVP , (S (NP (NP the toughest competition )NP (PP for (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )PP )NP (VP comes (PP during (NP the (ADJP late-night )ADJP slot )NP )PP )VP )S . )S 8 9 (S (ADVP Now )ADVP , (NP the (ADJP toughest )ADJP competition )NP (PP for (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )PP (VP comes (PP during (NP the late-night slot )NP )PP )VP . )S 7 8 (S (ADVP Now )ADVP , (NP the toughest competition )NP (PP for (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )PP (VP comes (PRT during )PRT (NP the late-night slot )NP )VP . )S 8 9 (S (ADVP Now )ADVP , (NP the toughest competition )NP (PP for (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )PP (VP comes (PP during (NP the (NX late-night slot )NX )NP )PP )VP . )S 8 9 (S (ADVP Now )ADVP , (NP the toughest competition )NP (PP for (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )PP (VP comes (PP during (S (NP the late-night slot )NP )S )PP )VP . )S 8 9 (S (ADVP Now )ADVP , (S (NP the toughest competition )NP (PP for (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )PP (VP comes (PP during (NP the late-night slot )NP )PP )VP )S . )S 6 10 (S (ADVP Now )ADVP , (NP (NP the toughest competition )NP (PP for (NP Radio )NP )PP )NP (NP Free Europe )NP (VP comes (PP during (NP the late-night slot )NP )PP )VP . )S 9 11 (S (ADVP Now )ADVP , (NP (NP the toughest competition )NP (PP for (NP (NP Radio Free )NP (NP Europe )NP )NP )PP )NP (VP comes (PP during (NP the late-night slot )NP )PP )VP . )S 8 10 (S (ADVP Now )ADVP , (NP (NP the toughest competition )NP (PP for (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )PP )NP (VP comes (PRT during )PRT (NP the (ADJP late-night )ADJP slot )NP )VP . )S 8 10 (S (INTJ Now )INTJ , (NP (NP the (ADJP toughest )ADJP competition )NP (PP for (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )PP )NP (VP comes (PP during (NP the late-night slot )NP )PP )VP . )S 9 11 (S (ADVP Now )ADVP , (NP (NP the (ADJP toughest )ADJP competition )NP (PP for (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )PP )NP (VP comes (PP during (NP the (ADJP late-night )ADJP slot )NP )PP )VP . )S 9 11 (S (ADVP Now )ADVP , (NP (NP the toughest competition )NP (PP for (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )PP )NP (VP comes (PP during (S (NP the (ADJP late-night )ADJP slot )NP )S )PP )VP . )S 7 11 (S (ADVP Now )ADVP , (NP (NP (NP the toughest competition )NP (PP for (NP Radio )NP )PP )NP (NP Free Europe )NP )NP (VP comes (PP during (NP the late-night slot )NP )PP )VP . )S 8 9 (S (ADVP Now )ADVP , (NP (NP the )NP toughest competition )NP (PP for (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )PP (VP comes (PP during (NP the late-night slot )NP )PP )VP . )S 7 9 (S (INTJ Now )INTJ , (NP (NP the toughest competition )NP (PP for (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )PP )NP (VP comes (PRT during )PRT (NP the late-night slot )NP )VP . )S 9 11 (S (ADVP Now )ADVP , (S (NP (NP the (ADJP toughest )ADJP competition )NP (PP for (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )PP )NP (VP comes (PP during (NP the late-night slot )NP )PP )VP )S . )S 8 10 (S (INTJ Now )INTJ , (NP (NP the toughest competition )NP (PP for (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )PP )NP (VP comes (PP during (NP the (NX late-night slot )NX )NP )PP )VP . )S 8 10 (S (INTJ Now )INTJ , (NP (NP the toughest competition )NP (PP for (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )PP )NP (VP comes (PP during (S (NP the late-night slot )NP )S )PP )VP . )S 9 10 (S (ADVP Now )ADVP , (NP (NP the toughest competition )NP (PP for (NP (NP Radio Free )NP Europe )NP )PP )NP (VP comes (PP during (NP the late-night slot )NP )PP )VP . )S 8 10 (S (ADVP Now )ADVP , (S (NP (NP the toughest competition )NP (PP for (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )PP )NP (VP comes (PRT during )PRT (NP the late-night slot )NP )VP )S . )S 8 10 (S (INTJ Now )INTJ , (NP (NP (NP the )NP toughest competition )NP (PP for (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )PP )NP (VP comes (PP during (NP the late-night slot )NP )PP )VP . )S 9 11 (S (ADVP Now )ADVP , (NP (NP (NP the )NP toughest competition )NP (PP for (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )PP )NP (VP comes (PP during (NP the (ADJP late-night )ADJP slot )NP )PP )VP . )S 9 11 (S (ADVP Now )ADVP , (S (NP (NP the toughest competition )NP (PP for (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )PP )NP (VP comes (PP during (NP the (NX late-night slot )NX )NP )PP )VP )S . )S 7 10 (S (ADVP Now )ADVP , (NP (NP the toughest competition )NP (PP for (NP Radio )NP )PP (NP Free Europe )NP )NP (VP comes (PP during (NP the late-night slot )NP )PP )VP . )S 9 11 (S (ADVP Now )ADVP , (S (NP (NP the toughest competition )NP (PP for (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )PP )NP (VP comes (PP during (S (NP the late-night slot )NP )S )PP )VP )S . )S 8 10 (S (NP Now )NP , (NP (NP the toughest competition )NP (PP for (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )PP )NP (VP comes (PP during (NP the (ADJP late-night )ADJP slot )NP )PP )VP . )S 9 11 (S (ADVP Now )ADVP , (S (NP (NP (NP the )NP toughest competition )NP (PP for (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )PP )NP (VP comes (PP during (NP the late-night slot )NP )PP )VP )S . )S 8 9 (S (ADVP Now )ADVP , (NP the toughest competition )NP (PP for (NP (NP Radio )NP Free Europe )NP )PP (VP comes (PP during (NP the late-night slot )NP )PP )VP . )S 50 7 8 (S (NP Hungarian radio )NP (ADVP often )ADVP (VP saves (NP its (ADJP most politically outspoken )ADJP broadcasts )NP (PP for around (NP midnight )NP )PP )VP . )S 8 9 (S (NP Hungarian radio )NP (ADVP often )ADVP (VP saves (NP (NP its (ADJP most politically outspoken )ADJP broadcasts )NP (PP for (NP around midnight )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 7 9 (S (NP Hungarian radio )NP (ADVP often )ADVP (VP saves (NP its (ADJP most politically outspoken )ADJP broadcasts )NP (PP for (PP around (NP midnight )NP )PP )PP )VP . )S 7 10 (S (NP Hungarian radio )NP (ADVP often )ADVP (VP saves (NP (NP its (ADJP most politically outspoken )ADJP broadcasts )NP (PP for (PP around (NP midnight )NP )PP )PP )NP )VP . )S 8 10 (S (NP Hungarian radio )NP (ADVP often )ADVP (VP saves (NP (NP its (ADJP most politically outspoken )ADJP broadcasts )NP (PP for (NP (QP around midnight )QP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 8 9 (S (NP Hungarian radio )NP (ADVP often )ADVP (VP saves (NP (NP its (ADJP most politically outspoken )ADJP broadcasts )NP (PP for (NP around midnight )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 8 8 (S (NP Hungarian radio )NP (ADVP often )ADVP (VP saves (NP its (ADJP most politically outspoken )ADJP broadcasts )NP (PP for (NP around midnight )NP )PP )VP . )S 8 10 (S (NP Hungarian radio )NP (ADVP often )ADVP (VP saves (NP (NP its (ADJP most politically outspoken )ADJP broadcasts )NP (PP for (NP (QP around midnight )QP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 7 9 (S (NP Hungarian radio )NP (ADVP often )ADVP (VP saves (NP (NP its (ADJP most politically outspoken )ADJP broadcasts )NP (PP for around (NP midnight )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 8 8 (S (NP Hungarian radio )NP (ADVP often )ADVP (VP saves (NP its (ADJP most politically outspoken )ADJP broadcasts )NP (PP for (NP around midnight )NP )PP )VP . )S 8 9 (S (NP Hungarian radio )NP (ADVP often )ADVP (VP saves (NP its (ADJP most politically outspoken )ADJP broadcasts )NP (PP for (NP (QP around midnight )QP )NP )PP )VP . )S 6 9 (S (NP Hungarian radio )NP (ADVP often )ADVP (VP saves (NP its (ADJP most politically outspoken )ADJP broadcasts )NP (PP for )PP (PP around (NP midnight )NP )PP )VP . )S 8 9 (S (NP Hungarian radio )NP (ADVP often )ADVP (VP saves (NP its (ADJP most politically outspoken )ADJP broadcasts )NP (PP for (NP (QP around midnight )QP )NP )PP )VP . )S 7 8 (S (NP Hungarian radio )NP (ADVP often )ADVP (VP saves (NP (NP its most politically outspoken broadcasts )NP (PP for (NP around midnight )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 6 9 (S (NP Hungarian radio )NP (ADVP often )ADVP (VP saves (NP (NP its most politically outspoken broadcasts )NP (PP for (PP around (NP midnight )NP )PP )PP )NP )VP . )S 6 10 (S (NP Hungarian radio )NP (ADVP often )ADVP (VP saves (NP its most )NP (NP (NP (ADJP politically outspoken )ADJP broadcasts )NP (PP for (NP around midnight )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 6 8 (S (NP Hungarian radio )NP (ADVP often )ADVP (VP saves (NP its most (ADJP politically outspoken )ADJP broadcasts )NP (PP for around (NP midnight )NP )PP )VP . )S 7 9 (S (NP Hungarian radio )NP (ADVP often )ADVP (VP saves (NP (NP its most (ADJP politically outspoken )ADJP broadcasts )NP (PP for (NP around midnight )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 5 11 (S (NP Hungarian radio )NP (ADVP often )ADVP (VP saves (NP its most )NP (NP (NP (ADJP politically outspoken )ADJP broadcasts )NP (PP for (PP around (NP midnight )NP )PP )PP )NP )VP . )S 6 7 (S (NP Hungarian radio )NP (ADVP often )ADVP (VP saves (NP its most politically outspoken broadcasts )NP (PP for around (NP midnight )NP )PP )VP . )S 5 9 (S (NP Hungarian radio )NP (ADVP often )ADVP (VP saves (NP its most )NP (NP (ADJP politically outspoken )ADJP broadcasts )NP (PP for around (NP midnight )NP )PP )VP . )S 7 9 (S (NP Hungarian radio )NP (ADVP often )ADVP (VP saves (NP (NP its most politically outspoken broadcasts )NP (PP for (NP (QP around midnight )QP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 7 8 (S (NP Hungarian radio )NP (ADVP often )ADVP (VP saves (NP (NP its most politically outspoken broadcasts )NP (PP for (NP around midnight )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 6 10 (S (NP Hungarian radio )NP (ADVP often )ADVP (VP saves (NP (NP its most (ADJP politically outspoken )ADJP broadcasts )NP (PP for (PP around (NP midnight )NP )PP )PP )NP )VP . )S 6 9 (S (NP Hungarian radio )NP (ADVP often )ADVP (VP saves (NP its most (ADJP politically outspoken )ADJP broadcasts )NP (PP for (PP around (NP midnight )NP )PP )PP )VP . )S 6 8 (S (NP Hungarian radio )NP (ADVP often )ADVP (VP saves (NP its most politically outspoken broadcasts )NP (PP for (PP around (NP midnight )NP )PP )PP )VP . )S 5 10 (S (NP Hungarian radio )NP (ADVP often )ADVP (VP saves (NP its most )NP (NP (ADJP politically outspoken )ADJP broadcasts )NP (PP for (PP around (NP midnight )NP )PP )PP )VP . )S 6 11 (S (NP Hungarian radio )NP (ADVP often )ADVP (VP saves (NP its most )NP (NP (NP (ADJP politically outspoken )ADJP broadcasts )NP (PP for (NP (QP around midnight )QP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 6 10 (S (NP Hungarian radio )NP (ADVP often )ADVP (VP saves (NP its most )NP (NP (NP (ADJP politically outspoken )ADJP broadcasts )NP (PP for (NP around midnight )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 7 10 (S (NP Hungarian radio )NP (ADVP often )ADVP (VP saves (NP (NP its most (ADJP politically outspoken )ADJP broadcasts )NP (PP for (NP (QP around midnight )QP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 7 9 (S (NP Hungarian radio )NP (ADVP often )ADVP (VP saves (NP (NP its most (ADJP politically outspoken )ADJP broadcasts )NP (PP for (NP around midnight )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 6 9 (S (NP Hungarian radio )NP (ADVP often )ADVP (VP saves (NP its most )NP (NP (NP politically outspoken broadcasts )NP (PP for (NP around midnight )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 5 10 (S (NP Hungarian radio )NP (ADVP often )ADVP (VP saves (NP its most )NP (NP (NP politically outspoken broadcasts )NP (PP for (PP around (NP midnight )NP )PP )PP )NP )VP . )S 7 9 (S (NP Hungarian radio )NP (ADVP often )ADVP (VP saves (NP (NP its most politically outspoken broadcasts )NP (PP for (NP (QP around midnight )QP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 6 10 (S (NP Hungarian radio )NP (ADVP often )ADVP (VP saves (NP its most )NP (NP (NP politically outspoken broadcasts )NP (PP for (NP (QP around midnight )QP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 6 9 (S (NP Hungarian radio )NP (ADVP often )ADVP (VP saves (NP its most )NP (NP (NP politically outspoken broadcasts )NP (PP for (NP around midnight )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 8 10 (S (NP Hungarian radio )NP (ADVP often )ADVP (VP saves (NP (NP its (ADJP most politically outspoken )ADJP broadcasts )NP (PP for (NP (ADVP around )ADVP midnight )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 5 8 (S (NP Hungarian radio )NP (ADVP often )ADVP (VP saves (NP its most )NP (NP politically outspoken broadcasts )NP (PP for around (NP midnight )NP )PP )VP . )S 6 8 (S (NP Hungarian radio )NP (VP (ADVP often )ADVP saves (NP its (ADJP most politically outspoken )ADJP broadcasts )NP (PP for around (NP midnight )NP )PP )VP . )S 8 10 (S (NP Hungarian radio )NP (ADVP often )ADVP (VP saves (NP (NP its (ADJP most politically outspoken )ADJP broadcasts )NP (PP for (NP (ADJP around )ADJP midnight )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 6 11 (S (NP Hungarian radio )NP (ADVP often )ADVP (VP saves (NP its most )NP (NP (NP (ADJP politically outspoken )ADJP broadcasts )NP (PP for (NP (QP around midnight )QP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 6 8 (S (NP Hungarian radio )NP (ADVP often )ADVP (VP saves (NP (NP its most politically outspoken broadcasts )NP (PP for around (NP midnight )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 7 10 (S (NP Hungarian radio )NP (ADVP often )ADVP (VP saves (NP (NP its most (ADJP politically outspoken )ADJP broadcasts )NP (PP for (NP (QP around midnight )QP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 5 9 (S (NP Hungarian radio )NP (ADVP often )ADVP (VP saves (NP its most )NP (NP politically outspoken broadcasts )NP (PP for (PP around (NP midnight )NP )PP )PP )VP . )S 6 9 (S (NP Hungarian radio )NP (VP (ADVP often )ADVP saves (NP its (ADJP most politically outspoken )ADJP broadcasts )NP (PP for (PP around (NP midnight )NP )PP )PP )VP . )S 6 9 (S (NP Hungarian radio )NP (ADVP often )ADVP (VP saves (PP (NP its (ADJP most politically outspoken )ADJP broadcasts )NP for (PP around (NP midnight )NP )PP )PP )VP . )S 5 10 (S (NP Hungarian radio )NP (ADVP often )ADVP (VP saves (NP its most )NP (NP (NP (ADJP politically outspoken )ADJP broadcasts )NP (PP for around (NP midnight )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 7 8 (S (NP Hungarian radio )NP (ADVP often )ADVP (VP saves (NP its most (ADJP politically outspoken )ADJP broadcasts )NP (PP for (NP around midnight )NP )PP )VP . )S 7 7 (S (NP Hungarian radio )NP (ADVP often )ADVP (VP saves (NP its most politically outspoken broadcasts )NP (PP for (NP around midnight )NP )PP )VP . )S 6 9 (S (NP Hungarian radio )NP (ADVP often )ADVP (VP saves (NP its most )NP (NP (ADJP politically outspoken )ADJP broadcasts )NP (PP for (NP around midnight )NP )PP )VP . )S 50 31 33 (S (NP (NP Television )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (NP (NP most )NP (PP of (NP the time )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP considered (S (ADJP rather tame )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP has (VP entered (S (NP (NP the running )NP (PP with (NP (NP a new program )NP , `` (NP (NP The End )NP (PP of (NP the Day )NP )PP )NP , '' (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP comes (PRT on )PRT (PP after (NP 11 p.m )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )VP . )S 31 33 (S (NP (NP Television )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (NP (NP most )NP (PP of (NP the time )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP considered (S (ADJP rather tame )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP has (VP entered (S (NP (NP the running )NP (PP with (NP (NP a new program )NP , `` (NP (NP The End )NP (PP of (NP the Day )NP )PP )NP , '' (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP comes (PRT on )PRT (PP after (NP 11 p.m )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )VP . )S 31 33 (S (NP (NP Television )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (NP (NP most )NP (PP of (NP the time )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP considered (S (ADJP rather tame )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP has (VP entered (S (NP (NP the running )NP (PP with (NP (NP a new program )NP , `` (NP (NP The End )NP (PP of (NP the Day )NP )PP )NP , '' (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP comes (PRT on )PRT (PP after (NP 11 p.m )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )VP . )S 31 33 (S (NP (NP Television )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (NP (NP most )NP (PP of (NP the time )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP considered (S (ADJP rather tame )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP has (VP entered (S (NP (NP the running )NP (PP with (NP (NP a new program )NP , `` (NP (NP The End )NP (PP of (NP the Day )NP )PP )NP , '' (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP comes (PRT on )PRT (PP after (NP 11 p.m )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )VP . )S 31 33 (S (NP (NP Television )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (NP (NP most )NP (PP of (NP the time )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP considered (S (ADJP rather tame )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP has (VP entered (S (NP (NP the running )NP (PP with (NP (NP a new program )NP , `` (NP (NP The End )NP (PP of (NP the Day )NP )PP )NP , '' (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP comes (PRT on )PRT (PP after (NP 11 p.m )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )VP . )S 31 32 (S (NP (NP Television )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (NP (NP most )NP (PP of (NP the time )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP considered (S (ADJP rather tame )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP has (VP entered (NP (NP the running )NP (PP with (NP (NP a new program )NP , `` (NP (NP The End )NP (PP of (NP the Day )NP )PP )NP , '' (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP comes (PRT on )PRT (PP after (NP 11 p.m )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP . )S 31 33 (S (NP (NP Television )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (NP (NP most )NP (PP of (NP the time )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP considered (S (ADJP rather tame )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP has (VP entered (S (NP (NP the running )NP (PP with (NP (NP a new program )NP , `` (NP (NP The End )NP (PP of (NP the Day )NP )PP )NP , '' (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP comes (PRT on )PRT (PP after (NP 11 p.m )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )VP . )S 31 32 (S (NP (NP Television )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (NP (NP most )NP (PP of (NP the time )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP considered (S (ADJP rather tame )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP has (VP entered (NP (NP the running )NP (PP with (NP (NP a new program )NP , `` (NP (NP The End )NP (PP of (NP the Day )NP )PP )NP , '' (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP comes (PRT on )PRT (PP after (NP 11 p.m )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP . )S 31 33 (S (NP (NP Television )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (NP (NP most )NP (PP of (NP the time )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP considered (S (ADJP rather tame )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP has (VP entered (S (NP (NP the running )NP (PP with (NP (NP a new program )NP , `` (NP (NP The End )NP (PP of (NP the Day )NP )PP )NP , '' (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP comes (PRT on )PRT (PP after (NP 11 p.m )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )VP . )S 31 33 (S (NP (NP Television )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (NP (NP most )NP (PP of (NP the time )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP considered (S (ADJP rather tame )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP has (VP entered (S (NP (NP the running )NP (PP with (NP (NP a new program )NP , `` (NP (NP The End )NP (PP of (NP the Day )NP )PP )NP , '' (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP comes (PRT on )PRT (PP after (NP 11 p.m )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )VP . )S 31 32 (S (NP (NP Television )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (NP (NP most )NP (PP of (NP the time )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP considered (S (ADJP rather tame )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP has (VP entered (NP (NP the running )NP (PP with (NP (NP a new program )NP , `` (NP (NP The End )NP (PP of (NP the Day )NP )PP )NP , '' (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP comes (PRT on )PRT (PP after (NP 11 p.m )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP . )S 31 31 (S (NP (NP Television )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (NP (NP most )NP (PP of (NP the time )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP considered (S (ADJP rather tame )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP has (VP entered (NP the running )NP (PP with (NP (NP a new program )NP , `` (NP (NP The End )NP (PP of (NP the Day )NP )PP )NP , '' (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP comes (PRT on )PRT (PP after (NP 11 p.m )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 31 33 (S (NP (NP Television )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (NP (NP most )NP (PP of (NP the time )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP considered (S (ADJP rather tame )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP has (VP entered (S (NP (NP the running )NP (PP with (NP (NP a new program )NP , `` (NP (NP The End )NP (PP of (NP the Day )NP )PP )NP , '' (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP comes (PRT on )PRT (PP after (NP 11 p.m )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )VP . )S 31 32 (S (NP (NP Television )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (NP (NP most )NP (PP of (NP the time )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP considered (S (ADJP rather tame )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP has (VP entered (NP (NP the running )NP (PP with (NP (NP a new program )NP , `` (NP (NP The End )NP (PP of (NP the Day )NP )PP )NP , '' (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP comes (PRT on )PRT (PP after (NP 11 p.m )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP . )S 31 31 (S (NP (NP Television )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (NP (NP most )NP (PP of (NP the time )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP considered (S (ADJP rather tame )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP has (VP entered (NP the running )NP (PP with (NP (NP a new program )NP , `` (NP (NP The End )NP (PP of (NP the Day )NP )PP )NP , '' (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP comes (PRT on )PRT (PP after (NP 11 p.m )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 31 33 (S (NP (NP Television )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (NP (NP most )NP (PP of (NP the time )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP considered (S (ADJP rather tame )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP has (VP entered (S (NP (NP the running )NP (PP with (NP (NP a new program )NP , `` (NP (NP The End )NP (PP of (NP the Day )NP )PP )NP , '' (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP comes (PRT on )PRT (PP after (NP 11 p.m )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )VP . )S 31 32 (S (NP (NP Television )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (NP (NP most )NP (PP of (NP the time )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP considered (S (ADJP rather tame )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP has (VP entered (NP (NP the running )NP (PP with (NP (NP a new program )NP , `` (NP (NP The End )NP (PP of (NP the Day )NP )PP )NP , '' (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP comes (PRT on )PRT (PP after (NP 11 p.m )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP . )S 31 33 (S (NP (NP Television )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (NP (NP most )NP (PP of (NP the time )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP considered (S (ADJP rather tame )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP has (VP entered (S (NP (NP the running )NP (PP with (NP (NP a new program )NP , `` (NP (NP The End )NP (PP of (NP the Day )NP )PP )NP , '' (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP comes (PRT on )PRT (PP after (NP 11 p.m )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )VP . )S 31 32 (S (NP (NP Television )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (NP (NP most )NP (PP of (NP the time )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP considered (S (ADJP rather tame )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP has (VP entered (NP (NP the running )NP (PP with (NP (NP a new program )NP , `` (NP (NP The End )NP (PP of (NP the Day )NP )PP )NP , '' (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP comes (PRT on )PRT (PP after (NP 11 p.m )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP . )S 31 31 (S (NP (NP Television )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (NP (NP most )NP (PP of (NP the time )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP considered (S (ADJP rather tame )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP has (VP entered (NP the running )NP (PP with (NP (NP a new program )NP , `` (NP (NP The End )NP (PP of (NP the Day )NP )PP )NP , '' (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP comes (PRT on )PRT (PP after (NP 11 p.m )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 31 32 (S (NP (NP Television )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (NP (NP most )NP (PP of (NP the time )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP considered (S (ADJP rather tame )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP has (VP entered (S (NP the running )NP (PP with (NP (NP a new program )NP , `` (NP (NP The End )NP (PP of (NP the Day )NP )PP )NP , '' (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP comes (PRT on )PRT (PP after (NP 11 p.m )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )S )VP )VP . )S 31 32 (S (NP (NP Television )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (NP (NP most )NP (PP of (NP the time )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP considered (S (ADJP rather tame )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP has (VP entered (NP (NP the running )NP (PP with (NP (NP a new program )NP , `` (NP (NP The End )NP (PP of (NP the Day )NP )PP )NP , '' (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP comes (PRT on )PRT (PP after (NP 11 p.m )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP . )S 31 31 (S (NP (NP Television )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (NP (NP most )NP (PP of (NP the time )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP considered (S (ADJP rather tame )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP has (VP entered (NP the running )NP (PP with (NP (NP a new program )NP , `` (NP (NP The End )NP (PP of (NP the Day )NP )PP )NP , '' (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP comes (PRT on )PRT (PP after (NP 11 p.m )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 31 32 (S (NP (NP Television )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (NP (NP most )NP (PP of (NP the time )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP considered (S (ADJP rather tame )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP has (VP entered (NP (NP the running )NP (PP with (NP (NP a new program )NP , `` (NP (NP The End )NP (PP of (NP the Day )NP )PP )NP , '' (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP comes (PRT on )PRT (PP after (NP 11 p.m )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP . )S 31 32 (S (NP (NP Television )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (NP (NP most )NP (PP of (NP the time )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP considered (S (ADJP rather tame )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP has (VP entered (NP (NP the running )NP (PP with (NP (NP a new program )NP , `` (NP (NP The End )NP (PP of (NP the Day )NP )PP )NP , '' (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP comes (PRT on )PRT (PP after (NP 11 p.m )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP . )S 31 33 (S (NP (NP Television )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (NP (NP most )NP (PP of (NP the time )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP considered (S (ADJP rather tame )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP has (VP entered (S (NP (NP the running )NP (PP with (NP (NP a new program )NP , `` (NP (NP The End )NP (PP of (NP the Day )NP )PP )NP , '' (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP comes (PRT on )PRT (PP after (NP 11 p.m )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )VP . )S 31 33 (S (NP (NP Television )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (NP (NP most )NP (PP of (NP the time )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP considered (S (ADJP rather tame )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP has (VP entered (S (NP (NP the running )NP (PP with (NP (NP a new program )NP , `` (NP (NP The End )NP (PP of (NP the Day )NP )PP )NP , '' (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP comes (PRT on )PRT (PP after (NP 11 p.m )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )VP . )S 31 32 (S (NP (NP Television )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (NP (NP most )NP (PP of (NP the time )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP considered (S (ADJP rather tame )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP has (VP entered (S (NP the running )NP (PP with (NP (NP a new program )NP , `` (NP (NP The End )NP (PP of (NP the Day )NP )PP )NP , '' (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP comes (PRT on )PRT (PP after (NP 11 p.m )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )S )VP )VP . )S 31 31 (S (NP (NP Television )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (NP (NP most )NP (PP of (NP the time )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP considered (S (ADJP rather tame )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP has (VP entered (NP the running )NP (PP with (NP (NP a new program )NP , `` (NP (NP The End )NP (PP of (NP the Day )NP )PP )NP , '' (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP comes (PRT on )PRT (PP after (NP 11 p.m )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 31 32 (S (NP (NP Television )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (NP (NP most )NP (PP of (NP the time )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP considered (S (ADJP rather tame )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP has (VP entered (NP (NP the running )NP (PP with (NP (NP a new program )NP , `` (NP (NP The End )NP (PP of (NP the Day )NP )PP )NP , '' (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP comes (PRT on )PRT (PP after (NP 11 p.m )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP . )S 31 32 (S (NP (NP Television )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (NP (NP most )NP (PP of (NP the time )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP considered (S (ADJP rather tame )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP has (VP entered (NP (NP the running )NP (PP with (NP (NP a new program )NP , `` (NP (NP The End )NP (PP of (NP the Day )NP )PP )NP , '' (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP comes (PRT on )PRT (PP after (NP 11 p.m )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP . )S 31 33 (S (NP (NP Television )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (NP (NP most )NP (PP of (NP the time )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP considered (S (ADJP rather tame )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP has (VP entered (S (NP (NP the running )NP (PP with (NP (NP a new program )NP , `` (NP (NP The End )NP (PP of (NP the Day )NP )PP )NP , '' (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP comes (PRT on )PRT (PP after (NP 11 p.m )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )VP . )S 31 31 (S (NP (NP Television )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (NP (NP most )NP (PP of (NP the time )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP considered (S (ADJP rather tame )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP has (VP entered (NP the running )NP (PP with (NP (NP a new program )NP , `` (NP (NP The End )NP (PP of (NP the Day )NP )PP )NP , '' (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP comes (PRT on )PRT (PP after (NP 11 p.m )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 31 32 (S (NP (NP Television )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (NP (NP most )NP (PP of (NP the time )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP considered (S (ADJP rather tame )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP has (VP entered (S (NP the running )NP (PP with (NP (NP a new program )NP , `` (NP (NP The End )NP (PP of (NP the Day )NP )PP )NP , '' (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP comes (PRT on )PRT (PP after (NP 11 p.m )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )S )VP )VP . )S 31 32 (S (NP (NP Television )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (NP (NP most )NP (PP of (NP the time )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP considered (S (ADJP rather tame )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP has (VP entered (NP (NP the running )NP (PP with (NP (NP a new program )NP , `` (NP (NP The End )NP (PP of (NP the Day )NP )PP )NP , '' (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP comes (PRT on )PRT (PP after (NP 11 p.m )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP . )S 31 31 (S (NP (NP Television )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (NP (NP most )NP (PP of (NP the time )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP considered (S (ADJP rather tame )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP has (VP entered (NP the running )NP (PP with (NP (NP a new program )NP , `` (NP (NP The End )NP (PP of (NP the Day )NP )PP )NP , '' (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP comes (PRT on )PRT (PP after (NP 11 p.m )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 31 31 (S (NP (NP Television )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (NP (NP most )NP (PP of (NP the time )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP considered (S (ADJP rather tame )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP has (VP entered (NP the running )NP (PP with (NP (NP a new program )NP , `` (NP (NP The End )NP (PP of (NP the Day )NP )PP )NP , '' (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP comes (PRT on )PRT (PP after (NP 11 p.m )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 31 32 (S (NP (NP Television )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (NP (NP most )NP (PP of (NP the time )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP considered (S (ADJP rather tame )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP has (VP entered (NP (NP the running )NP (PP with (NP (NP a new program )NP , `` (NP (NP The End )NP (PP of (NP the Day )NP )PP )NP , '' (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP comes (PRT on )PRT (PP after (NP 11 p.m )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP . )S 31 33 (S (NP (NP Television )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (NP (NP most )NP (PP of (NP the time )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP considered (S (ADJP rather tame )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP has (VP entered (S (NP (NP the running )NP (PP with (NP (NP a new program )NP , `` (NP (NP The End )NP (PP of (NP the Day )NP )PP )NP , '' (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP comes (PRT on )PRT (PP after (NP 11 p.m )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )VP . )S 31 32 (S (NP (NP Television )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (NP (NP most )NP (PP of (NP the time )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP considered (S (ADJP rather tame )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP has (VP entered (S (NP the running )NP (PP with (NP (NP a new program )NP , `` (NP (NP The End )NP (PP of (NP the Day )NP )PP )NP , '' (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP comes (PRT on )PRT (PP after (NP 11 p.m )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )S )VP )VP . )S 31 32 (S (NP (NP Television )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (NP (NP most )NP (PP of (NP the time )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP considered (S (ADJP rather tame )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP has (VP entered (NP (NP the running )NP (PP with (NP (NP a new program )NP , `` (NP (NP The End )NP (PP of (NP the Day )NP )PP )NP , '' (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP comes (PRT on )PRT (PP after (NP 11 p.m )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP . )S 31 32 (S (NP (NP Television )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (NP (NP most )NP (PP of (NP the time )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP considered (S (ADJP rather tame )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP has (VP entered (NP (NP the running )NP (PP with (NP (NP a new program )NP , `` (NP (NP The End )NP (PP of (NP the Day )NP )PP )NP , '' (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP comes (PRT on )PRT (PP after (NP 11 p.m )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP . )S 31 33 (S (NP (NP Television )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (NP (NP most )NP (PP of (NP the time )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP considered (S (ADJP rather tame )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP has (VP entered (S (NP (NP the running )NP (PP with (NP (NP a new program )NP , `` (NP (NP The End )NP (PP of (NP the Day )NP )PP )NP , '' (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP comes (PRT on )PRT (PP after (NP 11 p.m )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )VP . )S 31 31 (S (NP (NP Television )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (NP (NP most )NP (PP of (NP the time )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP considered (S (ADJP rather tame )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP has (VP entered (NP the running )NP (PP with (NP (NP a new program )NP , `` (NP (NP The End )NP (PP of (NP the Day )NP )PP )NP , '' (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP comes (PRT on )PRT (PP after (NP 11 p.m )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 31 32 (S (NP (NP Television )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (NP (NP most )NP (PP of (NP the time )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP considered (S (ADJP rather tame )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP has (VP entered (S (NP the running )NP (PP with (NP (NP a new program )NP , `` (NP (NP The End )NP (PP of (NP the Day )NP )PP )NP , '' (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP comes (PRT on )PRT (PP after (NP 11 p.m )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )S )VP )VP . )S 31 32 (S (NP (NP Television )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (NP (NP most )NP (PP of (NP the time )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP considered (S (ADJP rather tame )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP has (VP entered (NP (NP the running )NP (PP with (NP (NP a new program )NP , `` (NP (NP The End )NP (PP of (NP the Day )NP )PP )NP , '' (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP comes (PRT on )PRT (PP after (NP 11 p.m )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP . )S 31 33 (S (NP (NP Television )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (NP (NP most )NP (PP of (NP the time )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP considered (S (ADJP rather tame )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP has (VP entered (S (NP (NP the running )NP (PP with (NP (NP a new program )NP , `` (NP (NP The End )NP (PP of (NP the Day )NP )PP )NP , '' (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP comes (PRT on )PRT (PP after (NP 11 p.m )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )VP . )S 31 32 (S (NP (NP Television )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (NP (NP most )NP (PP of (NP the time )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP considered (S (ADJP rather tame )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP has (VP entered (S (NP the running )NP (PP with (NP (NP a new program )NP , `` (NP (NP The End )NP (PP of (NP the Day )NP )PP )NP , '' (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP comes (PRT on )PRT (PP after (NP 11 p.m )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )S )VP )VP . )S 31 32 (S (NP (NP Television )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (NP (NP most )NP (PP of (NP the time )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP considered (S (ADJP rather tame )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP has (VP entered (NP (NP the running )NP (PP with (NP (NP a new program )NP , `` (NP (NP The End )NP (PP of (NP the Day )NP )PP )NP , '' (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP comes (PRT on )PRT (PP after (NP 11 p.m )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP . )S 31 33 (S (NP (NP Television )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (NP (NP most )NP (PP of (NP the time )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP considered (S (ADJP rather tame )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP has (VP entered (S (NP (NP the running )NP (PP with (NP (NP a new program )NP , `` (NP (NP The End )NP (PP of (NP the Day )NP )PP )NP , '' (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP comes (PRT on )PRT (PP after (NP 11 p.m )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )VP . )S 50 12 19 (S (NP It )NP (VP is (NP (NP (NP a talk show )NP (PP with (NP (NP opposition leaders )NP and (NP (NP political experts )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP discuss (NP (NP Hungary 's )NP domestic problems )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP )PP )NP (CONJP as well as )CONJP (NP foreign affairs )NP )NP )VP . )S 13 19 (S (NP It )NP (VP is (NP (NP (NP a talk show )NP (PP with (NP (NP (NP opposition leaders )NP and (NP political experts )NP )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP discuss (NP (NP Hungary 's )NP domestic problems )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP (CONJP as well as )CONJP (NP foreign affairs )NP )NP )VP . )S 18 19 (S (NP It )NP (VP is (NP (NP a talk show )NP (PP with (NP (NP opposition leaders )NP and (NP (NP political experts )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP discuss (NP (NP (NP Hungary 's )NP domestic problems )NP (CONJP as well as )CONJP (NP foreign affairs )NP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 19 19 (S (NP It )NP (VP is (NP (NP a talk show )NP (PP with (NP (NP (NP opposition leaders )NP and (NP political experts )NP )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP discuss (NP (NP (NP Hungary 's )NP domestic problems )NP (CONJP as well as )CONJP (NP foreign affairs )NP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 13 18 (S (NP It )NP (VP is (NP (NP (NP a talk show )NP (PP with (NP (NP opposition leaders )NP and (NP political experts )NP )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP discuss (NP (NP Hungary 's )NP domestic problems )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP (CONJP as well as )CONJP (NP foreign affairs )NP )NP )VP . )S 12 18 (S (NP It )NP (VP is (NP (NP (NP a talk show )NP (PP with (NP (NP opposition leaders )NP and (NP political experts )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP discuss (NP (NP Hungary 's )NP domestic problems )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP (CONJP as well as )CONJP (NP foreign affairs )NP )NP )VP . )S 14 18 (S (NP It )NP (VP is (NP (NP a talk show )NP (PP with (NP (NP opposition leaders )NP and (NP (NP political experts )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP discuss (NP (NP Hungary 's )NP domestic problems )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP (CONJP as well as )CONJP (NP foreign affairs )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 18 18 (S (NP It )NP (VP is (NP (NP a talk show )NP (PP with (NP (NP opposition leaders )NP and (NP political experts )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP discuss (NP (NP (NP Hungary 's )NP domestic problems )NP (CONJP as well as )CONJP (NP foreign affairs )NP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 14 19 (S (NP It )NP (VP is (NP (NP a talk show )NP (PP with (NP (NP opposition leaders )NP and (NP (NP (NP political experts )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP discuss (NP (NP Hungary 's )NP domestic problems )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP (CONJP as well as )CONJP (NP foreign affairs )NP )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 16 20 (S (NP It )NP (VP is (NP (NP a talk show )NP (PP with (NP (NP opposition leaders )NP and (NP (NP political experts )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP discuss (NP (NP Hungary 's )NP domestic problems )NP (ADVP (ADVP as well )ADVP (PP as (NP foreign affairs )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 15 19 (S (NP It )NP (VP is (NP (NP a talk show )NP (PP with (NP (NP (NP (NP opposition leaders )NP and (NP political experts )NP )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP discuss (NP (NP Hungary 's )NP domestic problems )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP (CONJP as well as )CONJP (NP foreign affairs )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 17 20 (S (NP It )NP (VP is (NP (NP a talk show )NP (PP with (NP (NP (NP opposition leaders )NP and (NP political experts )NP )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP discuss (NP (NP Hungary 's )NP domestic problems )NP (ADVP (ADVP as well )ADVP (PP as (NP foreign affairs )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 16 19 (S (NP It )NP (VP is (NP (NP (NP a talk show )NP (PP with (NP opposition leaders )NP )PP )NP and (NP (NP political experts )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP discuss (NP (NP (NP Hungary 's )NP domestic problems )NP (CONJP as well as )CONJP (NP foreign affairs )NP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP )VP . )S 17 18 (S (NP It )NP (VP is (NP (NP a talk show )NP (PP with (NP (NP opposition leaders )NP and (NP political experts )NP )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP discuss (NP (NP (NP Hungary 's )NP domestic problems )NP (CONJP as well as )CONJP (NP foreign affairs )NP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 12 18 (S (NP It )NP (VP is (NP (NP (NP a talk show )NP (PP with (NP opposition leaders )NP )PP )NP and (NP (NP political experts )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP discuss (NP (NP Hungary 's )NP domestic problems )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP (CONJP as well as )CONJP (NP foreign affairs )NP )NP )VP . )S 17 18 (S (NP It )NP (VP is (NP a talk show )NP (PP with (NP (NP opposition leaders )NP and (NP (NP political experts )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP discuss (NP (NP (NP Hungary 's )NP domestic problems )NP (CONJP as well as )CONJP (NP foreign affairs )NP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 16 18 (S (NP It )NP (VP is (NP (NP a talk show )NP (PP with (NP (NP opposition leaders )NP and (NP political experts )NP )NP )PP )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP discuss (NP (NP (NP Hungary 's )NP domestic problems )NP (CONJP as well as )CONJP (NP foreign affairs )NP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 16 19 (S (NP It )NP (VP is (NP (NP a talk show )NP (PP with (NP (NP opposition leaders )NP and (NP (NP political experts )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP discuss (NP (NP Hungary 's )NP domestic problems )NP (ADVP as well (PP as (NP foreign affairs )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 17 18 (S (NP It )NP (VP is (NP (NP a talk show )NP (PP with (NP (NP opposition leaders )NP and (NP (NP political experts )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (VP discuss (NP (NP (NP Hungary 's )NP domestic problems )NP (CONJP as well as )CONJP (NP foreign affairs )NP )NP )VP )SBAR )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 18 18 (S (NP It )NP (VP is (NP a talk show )NP (PP with (NP (NP (NP opposition leaders )NP and (NP political experts )NP )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP discuss (NP (NP (NP Hungary 's )NP domestic problems )NP (CONJP as well as )CONJP (NP foreign affairs )NP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 16 19 (S (NP It )NP (VP is (NP (NP a talk show )NP (PP with (NP (NP opposition leaders )NP and (NP political experts )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP discuss (NP (NP Hungary 's )NP domestic problems )NP (ADVP (ADVP as well )ADVP (PP as (NP foreign affairs )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 12 19 (S (NP It )NP (VP is (NP (NP (NP (NP a talk show )NP (PP with (NP opposition leaders )NP )PP )NP and (NP (NP political experts )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP discuss (NP (NP Hungary 's )NP domestic problems )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP (CONJP as well as )CONJP (NP foreign affairs )NP )NP )VP . )S 13 19 (S (NP It )NP (VP is (NP (NP (NP (NP a talk show )NP (PP with (NP (NP opposition leaders )NP and (NP political experts )NP )NP )PP )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP discuss (NP (NP Hungary 's )NP domestic problems )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP (CONJP as well as )CONJP (NP foreign affairs )NP )NP )VP . )S 14 19 (S (NP It )NP (VP is (NP (NP a talk show )NP (PP with (NP (NP (NP opposition leaders )NP and (NP (NP political experts )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP discuss (NP (NP Hungary 's )NP domestic problems )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP (CONJP as well as )CONJP (NP foreign affairs )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 17 19 (S (NP It )NP (VP is (NP (NP a talk show )NP (PP with (NP (NP (NP opposition leaders )NP and (NP political experts )NP )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP discuss (NP (NP Hungary 's )NP domestic problems )NP (ADVP as well (PP as (NP foreign affairs )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 18 18 (S (NP It )NP (VP is (NP (NP a talk show )NP (PP with (NP (NP (NP opposition leaders )NP and (NP political experts )NP )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (VP discuss (NP (NP (NP Hungary 's )NP domestic problems )NP (CONJP as well as )CONJP (NP foreign affairs )NP )NP )VP )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 12 19 (S (NP It )NP (VP is (NP (NP (NP (NP (NP a talk show )NP (PP with (NP opposition leaders )NP )PP )NP and (NP political experts )NP )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP discuss (NP (NP Hungary 's )NP domestic problems )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP (CONJP as well as )CONJP (NP foreign affairs )NP )NP )VP . )S 15 22 (S (NP It )NP (VP is (NP (NP a talk show )NP (PP with (NP (NP opposition leaders )NP and (NP (NP political experts )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP discuss (SBAR (S (NP Hungary )NP (VP 's (NP (NP domestic problems )NP (CONJP as well as )CONJP (NP foreign affairs )NP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 17 20 (S (NP It )NP (VP is (NP (NP a talk show )NP (PP with (NP (NP opposition leaders )NP and (NP (NP political experts )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP discuss (NP (NP (NP Hungary 's )NP domestic problems )NP (ADVP as well (PP as (NP foreign affairs )NP )PP )ADVP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 12 19 (S (NP It )NP (VP is (NP (NP (NP a talk show )NP (PP with (NP opposition leaders )NP )PP )NP and (NP (NP (NP political experts )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP discuss (NP (NP Hungary 's )NP domestic problems )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP (CONJP as well as )CONJP (NP foreign affairs )NP )NP )NP )VP . )S 13 17 (S (NP It )NP (VP is (NP a talk show )NP (PP with (NP (NP opposition leaders )NP and (NP (NP political experts )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP discuss (NP (NP Hungary 's )NP domestic problems )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP (CONJP as well as )CONJP (NP foreign affairs )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 14 20 (S (NP It )NP (VP is (NP (NP (NP a talk show )NP (PP with (NP opposition leaders )NP )PP )NP and (NP (NP political experts )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP discuss (NP (NP Hungary 's )NP domestic problems )NP (ADVP (ADVP as well )ADVP (PP as (NP foreign affairs )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP )VP . )S 17 17 (S (NP It )NP (VP is (NP a talk show )NP (PP with (NP (NP opposition leaders )NP and (NP political experts )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP discuss (NP (NP (NP Hungary 's )NP domestic problems )NP (CONJP as well as )CONJP (NP foreign affairs )NP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 15 19 (S (NP It )NP (VP is (NP (NP a talk show )NP (PP with (NP (NP opposition leaders )NP and (NP political experts )NP )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP discuss (NP (NP Hungary 's )NP domestic problems )NP (ADVP (ADVP as well )ADVP (PP as (NP foreign affairs )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 16 22 (S (NP It )NP (VP is (NP (NP a talk show )NP (PP with (NP (NP (NP opposition leaders )NP and (NP political experts )NP )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP discuss (SBAR (S (NP Hungary )NP (VP 's (NP (NP domestic problems )NP (CONJP as well as )CONJP (NP foreign affairs )NP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 15 19 (S (NP It )NP (VP is (NP (NP a talk show )NP (PP with (NP (NP opposition leaders )NP and (NP (NP political experts )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (VP discuss (NP (NP Hungary 's )NP domestic problems )NP (ADVP (ADVP as well )ADVP (PP as (NP foreign affairs )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )SBAR )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 18 20 (S (NP It )NP (VP is (NP (NP a talk show )NP (PP with (NP (NP (NP opposition leaders )NP and (NP political experts )NP )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP discuss (NP (NP (NP Hungary 's )NP domestic problems )NP (ADVP as well (PP as (NP foreign affairs )NP )PP )ADVP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 16 18 (S (NP It )NP (VP is (NP (NP a talk show )NP (PP with (NP (NP opposition leaders )NP and (NP political experts )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP discuss (NP (NP Hungary 's )NP domestic problems )NP (ADVP as well (PP as (NP foreign affairs )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 17 17 (S (NP It )NP (VP is (NP (NP a talk show )NP (PP with (NP (NP opposition leaders )NP and (NP political experts )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (VP discuss (NP (NP (NP Hungary 's )NP domestic problems )NP (CONJP as well as )CONJP (NP foreign affairs )NP )NP )VP )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 16 19 (S (NP It )NP (VP is (NP (NP a talk show )NP (PP with (NP (NP opposition leaders )NP and (NP (NP political experts )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP discuss (NP (NP Hungary 's )NP domestic problems )NP (ADVP as well )ADVP (PP as (NP foreign affairs )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 13 18 (S (NP It )NP (VP is (NP a talk show )NP (PP with (NP (NP opposition leaders )NP and (NP (NP (NP political experts )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP discuss (NP (NP Hungary 's )NP domestic problems )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP (CONJP as well as )CONJP (NP foreign affairs )NP )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 15 19 (S (NP It )NP (VP is (NP a talk show )NP (PP with (NP (NP opposition leaders )NP and (NP (NP political experts )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP discuss (NP (NP Hungary 's )NP domestic problems )NP (ADVP (ADVP as well )ADVP (PP as (NP foreign affairs )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 14 18 (S (NP It )NP (VP is (NP a talk show )NP (PP with (NP (NP (NP (NP opposition leaders )NP and (NP political experts )NP )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP discuss (NP (NP Hungary 's )NP domestic problems )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP (CONJP as well as )CONJP (NP foreign affairs )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 11 17 (S (NP It )NP (VP is (NP (NP (NP a talk show )NP (PP with (NP (NP opposition leaders and political experts )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP discuss (NP (NP Hungary 's )NP domestic problems )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP (CONJP as well as )CONJP (NP foreign affairs )NP )NP )VP . )S 16 19 (S (NP It )NP (VP is (NP (NP a talk show )NP (PP with (NP (NP opposition leaders )NP and (NP (NP political experts )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP discuss (NP (NP Hungary 's )NP domestic problems )NP (ADVP as well (PP as (NP foreign affairs )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 16 19 (S (NP It )NP (VP is (NP (NP a talk show )NP (PP with (NP (NP (NP opposition leaders )NP and (NP political experts )NP )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (VP discuss (NP (NP Hungary 's )NP domestic problems )NP (ADVP (ADVP as well )ADVP (PP as (NP foreign affairs )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 14 19 (S (NP It )NP (VP is (NP (NP a talk show )NP (PP with (NP (NP opposition leaders )NP and (NP political experts )NP )NP )PP )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP discuss (NP (NP Hungary 's )NP domestic problems )NP (ADVP (ADVP as well )ADVP (PP as (NP foreign affairs )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 17 19 (S (NP It )NP (VP is (NP (NP (NP a talk show )NP (PP with (NP (NP opposition leaders )NP and (NP political experts )NP )NP )PP )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP discuss (NP (NP (NP Hungary 's )NP domestic problems )NP (CONJP as well as )CONJP (NP foreign affairs )NP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 16 19 (S (NP It )NP (VP is (NP (NP a talk show )NP (PP with (NP (NP opposition leaders )NP and (NP (NP political experts )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP discuss (NP (NP Hungary 's )NP domestic problems )NP (ADVP as well )ADVP (PP as (NP foreign affairs )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 17 19 (S (NP It )NP (VP is (NP (NP a talk show )NP (PP with (NP (NP opposition leaders )NP and (NP (NP political experts )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP (VP discuss (NP (NP Hungary 's )NP domestic problems )NP )VP (CONJP as well as )CONJP (NP foreign affairs )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 50 25 27 (S (NP (NP Those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP want (S (VP to (VP hear (NP (ADJP even more radical )ADJP views )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP (VP have (S (VP to (VP get (PRT up )PRT (PP at (NP five )NP )PP (PP on (NP (NP Sunday morning )NP (PP for (NP `` (NP Sunday Journal )NP , '' (PP on (NP Hungarian Radio )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 25 27 (S (NP (NP Those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP want (S (VP to (VP hear (NP (ADJP even more radical )ADJP views )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP (VP have (S (VP to (VP get (PRT up )PRT (PP at (NP (NP five )NP (PP on (NP Sunday morning )NP )PP )NP )PP (PP for (NP `` (NP Sunday Journal )NP , '' (PP on (NP Hungarian Radio )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 25 27 (S (NP (NP Those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP want (S (VP to (VP hear (NP (ADJP even more radical )ADJP views )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP (VP have (S (VP to (VP get (PRT up )PRT (PP at (NP five )NP )PP (PP on (NP (NP Sunday morning )NP (PP for (NP `` (NP Sunday Journal )NP , '' (PP on (NP Hungarian Radio )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 26 26 (S (NP (NP Those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP want (S (VP to (VP hear (NP (ADJP even more radical )ADJP views )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP (VP have (S (VP to (VP get (PRT up )PRT (PP at (NP five )NP )PP (PP on (NP Sunday morning )NP )PP (PP for (NP `` (NP Sunday Journal )NP , '' (PP on (NP Hungarian Radio )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 25 28 (S (NP (NP Those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP want (S (VP to (VP hear (NP (ADJP even more radical )ADJP views )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP (VP have (S (VP to (VP get (PRT up )PRT (PP at (NP (NP (NP five )NP (PP on (NP Sunday morning )NP )PP )NP (PP for (NP `` (NP Sunday Journal )NP , '' (PP on (NP Hungarian Radio )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 25 27 (S (NP (NP Those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP want (S (VP to (VP hear (NP (ADJP even more radical )ADJP views )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP (VP have (S (VP to (VP get (PRT up )PRT (PP at (NP (NP five )NP (PP on (NP Sunday morning )NP )PP )NP )PP (PP for (NP `` (NP Sunday Journal )NP , '' (PP on (NP Hungarian Radio )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 24 28 (S (NP (NP Those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP want (S (VP to (VP hear (NP (ADJP even more radical )ADJP views )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP (VP have (S (VP to (VP get (PRT up )PRT (PP at (NP (NP five )NP (PP on (NP (NP Sunday morning )NP (PP for (NP `` (NP Sunday Journal )NP , '' (PP on (NP Hungarian Radio )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 26 26 (S (NP (NP Those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP want (S (VP to (VP hear (NP (ADJP even more radical )ADJP views )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP (VP have (S (VP to (VP get (PRT up )PRT (PP at (NP five )NP )PP (PP on (NP Sunday morning )NP )PP (PP for (NP `` (NP Sunday Journal )NP , '' (PP on (NP Hungarian Radio )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 25 28 (S (NP (NP Those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP want (S (VP to (VP hear (NP (ADJP even more radical )ADJP views )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP (VP have (S (VP to (VP get (PRT up )PRT (PP at (NP (NP (NP five )NP (PP on (NP Sunday morning )NP )PP )NP (PP for (NP `` (NP Sunday Journal )NP , '' (PP on (NP Hungarian Radio )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 25 27 (S (NP (NP Those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP want (S (VP to (VP hear (NP (ADJP even more radical )ADJP views )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP (VP have (S (VP to (VP get (PRT up )PRT (PP at (NP (NP five )NP (PP on (NP Sunday morning )NP )PP (PP for (NP `` (NP Sunday Journal )NP , '' (PP on (NP Hungarian Radio )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 24 28 (S (NP (NP Those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP want (S (VP to (VP hear (NP (ADJP even more radical )ADJP views )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP (VP have (S (VP to (VP get (PRT up )PRT (PP at (NP (NP five )NP (PP on (NP (NP Sunday morning )NP (PP for (NP `` (NP Sunday Journal )NP , '' (PP on (NP Hungarian Radio )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 25 27 (S (NP (NP Those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP want (S (VP to (VP hear (NP (ADJP even more radical )ADJP views )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP (VP have (S (VP to (VP get (PRT up )PRT (PP at (NP (NP five )NP (PP on (NP Sunday morning )NP )PP (PP for (NP `` (NP Sunday Journal )NP , '' (PP on (NP Hungarian Radio )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 24 27 (S (NP (NP Those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP want (S (VP to (VP hear (NP (ADJP even more radical )ADJP views )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP (VP have (S (VP to (VP get (PP up (PP at (NP five )NP )PP )PP (PP on (NP (NP Sunday morning )NP (PP for (NP `` (NP Sunday Journal )NP , '' (PP on (NP Hungarian Radio )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 26 28 (S (NP (NP Those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP want (S (VP to (VP hear (NP (ADJP (ADVP even more )ADVP radical )ADJP views )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP (VP have (S (VP to (VP get (PRT up )PRT (PP at (NP five )NP )PP (PP on (NP (NP Sunday morning )NP (PP for (NP `` (NP Sunday Journal )NP , '' (PP on (NP Hungarian Radio )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 25 26 (S (NP (NP Those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP want (S (VP to (VP hear (NP (ADJP even more radical )ADJP views )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP (VP have (S (VP to (VP get (PP up (PP at (NP five )NP )PP )PP (PP on (NP Sunday morning )NP )PP (PP for (NP `` (NP Sunday Journal )NP , '' (PP on (NP Hungarian Radio )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 26 28 (S (NP (NP Those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP want (S (VP to (VP hear (NP (ADJP (ADVP even more )ADVP radical )ADJP views )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP (VP have (S (VP to (VP get (PRT up )PRT (PP at (NP (NP five )NP (PP on (NP Sunday morning )NP )PP )NP )PP (PP for (NP `` (NP Sunday Journal )NP , '' (PP on (NP Hungarian Radio )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 26 26 (S (NP (NP Those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP want (S (VP to (VP hear (NP (ADJP even more radical )ADJP views )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP (VP have (S (VP to (VP get (ADVP up )ADVP (PP at (NP five )NP )PP (PP on (NP Sunday morning )NP )PP (PP for (NP `` (NP Sunday Journal )NP , '' (PP on (NP Hungarian Radio )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 24 27 (S (NP (NP Those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP want (S (VP to (VP hear (NP (ADJP even more radical )ADJP views )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP (VP have (S (VP to (VP get (PP up (PP at (NP (NP five )NP (PP on (NP Sunday morning )NP )PP )NP )PP (PP for (NP `` (NP Sunday Journal )NP , '' (PP on (NP Hungarian Radio )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 25 28 (S (NP (NP Those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP want (S (VP to (VP hear (NP (ADJP even more radical )ADJP views )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP (VP have (S (VP to (VP get (ADVP up )ADVP (PP at (NP (NP (NP five )NP (PP on (NP Sunday morning )NP )PP )NP (PP for (NP `` (NP Sunday Journal )NP , '' (PP on (NP Hungarian Radio )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 24 28 (S (NP (NP Those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP want (S (VP to (VP hear (NP (ADJP even more radical )ADJP views )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP (VP have (S (VP to (VP get (PP up (PP at (NP (NP (NP five )NP (PP on (NP Sunday morning )NP )PP )NP (PP for (NP `` (NP Sunday Journal )NP , '' (PP on (NP Hungarian Radio )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 26 27 (S (NP (NP Those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP want (S (VP to (VP hear (NP (ADJP even more radical )ADJP views )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP (VP have (S (VP to (VP get (PRT up )PRT (PP (PP at (NP five )NP )PP (PP on (NP Sunday morning )NP )PP )PP (PP for (NP `` (NP Sunday Journal )NP , '' (PP on (NP Hungarian Radio )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 24 27 (S (NP (NP Those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP want (S (VP to (VP hear (NP (ADJP even more radical )ADJP views )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP (VP have (S (VP to (VP get (PRT up )PRT (NP (NP (QP at five )QP )NP (PP on (NP Sunday morning )NP )PP )NP (PP for (NP `` (NP Sunday Journal )NP , '' (PP on (NP Hungarian Radio )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 24 27 (S (NP (NP Those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP want (S (VP to (VP hear (NP (ADJP even more radical )ADJP views )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP (VP have (S (VP to (VP get (PP up (PP at (NP five )NP )PP )PP (PP on (NP (NP Sunday morning )NP (PP for (NP `` (NP Sunday Journal )NP , '' (PP on (NP Hungarian Radio )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 26 27 (S (NP (NP Those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP want (S (VP to (VP hear (NP (ADJP even more radical )ADJP views )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP (VP have (S (VP to (VP get (PRT up )PRT (PP at (NP five )NP )PP (PP (PP on (NP Sunday morning )NP )PP (PP for (NP `` (NP Sunday Journal )NP , '' (PP on (NP Hungarian Radio )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 25 27 (S (NP (NP Those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP want (S (VP to (VP hear (NP (ADJP even more radical )ADJP views )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP (VP have (S (VP to (VP get (PRT up )PRT (PP at (NP five )NP )PP (PP on (NP (NP Sunday morning )NP (PP for (NP `` (NP Sunday Journal )NP , '' (PP on (NP Hungarian Radio )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 25 27 (S (NP (NP Those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP want (S (VP to (VP hear (NP (ADJP even more radical )ADJP views )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP (VP have (S (VP to (VP get (PRT up )PRT (PP at (NP five )NP )PP (PP on (NP (NP Sunday morning )NP (PP for (NP `` (NP Sunday Journal )NP , '' (PP on (NP Hungarian Radio )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 25 27 (S (NP (NP Those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP want (S (VP to (VP hear (NP (ADJP even more radical )ADJP views )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP (VP have (S (VP to (VP get (PRT up )PRT (PP at (NP five )NP )PP (PP on (NP (NP Sunday morning )NP (PP for (NP `` (NP Sunday Journal )NP , '' (PP on (NP Hungarian Radio )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 26 28 (S (NP (NP Those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP want (S (VP to (VP hear (NP (ADJP (ADVP even more )ADVP radical )ADJP views )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP (VP have (S (VP to (VP get (PRT up )PRT (PP at (NP five )NP )PP (PP on (NP (NP Sunday morning )NP (PP for (NP `` (NP Sunday Journal )NP , '' (PP on (NP Hungarian Radio )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 27 27 (S (NP (NP Those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP want (S (VP to (VP hear (NP (ADJP (ADVP even more )ADVP radical )ADJP views )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP (VP have (S (VP to (VP get (PRT up )PRT (PP at (NP five )NP )PP (PP on (NP Sunday morning )NP )PP (PP for (NP `` (NP Sunday Journal )NP , '' (PP on (NP Hungarian Radio )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 25 26 (S (NP (NP Those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP want (S (VP to (VP hear (NP (ADJP even more radical )ADJP views )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP (VP have (S (VP to (VP get (PP up (PP at (NP five )NP )PP )PP (PP on (NP Sunday morning )NP )PP (PP for (NP `` (NP Sunday Journal )NP , '' (PP on (NP Hungarian Radio )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 26 29 (S (NP (NP Those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP want (S (VP to (VP hear (NP (ADJP (ADVP even more )ADVP radical )ADJP views )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP (VP have (S (VP to (VP get (PRT up )PRT (PP at (NP (NP (NP five )NP (PP on (NP Sunday morning )NP )PP )NP (PP for (NP `` (NP Sunday Journal )NP , '' (PP on (NP Hungarian Radio )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 25 27 (S (NP (NP Those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP want (S (VP to (VP hear (NP (ADJP even more radical )ADJP views )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP (VP have (S (VP to (VP get (ADVP up )ADVP (PP at (NP five )NP )PP (PP on (NP (NP Sunday morning )NP (PP for (NP `` (NP Sunday Journal )NP , '' (PP on (NP Hungarian Radio )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 24 27 (S (NP (NP Those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP want (S (VP to (VP hear (NP (ADJP even more radical )ADJP views )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP (VP have (S (VP to (VP get (ADVP up (PP at (NP five )NP )PP )ADVP (PP on (NP (NP Sunday morning )NP (PP for (NP `` (NP Sunday Journal )NP , '' (PP on (NP Hungarian Radio )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 25 26 (S (NP (NP Those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP want (S (VP to (VP hear (NP (ADJP even more radical )ADJP views )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP (VP have (S (VP to (VP get (ADVP up (PP at (NP five )NP )PP )ADVP (PP on (NP Sunday morning )NP )PP (PP for (NP `` (NP Sunday Journal )NP , '' (PP on (NP Hungarian Radio )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 25 28 (S (NP (NP Those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP want (S (VP to (VP hear (NP (ADJP even more radical )ADJP views )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP (VP have (S (VP to (VP get (PRT up )PRT (PP at (NP five )NP )PP (PP on (NP (NP Sunday morning )NP (PP for (NP (NP `` (NP Sunday Journal )NP , '' )NP (PP on (NP Hungarian Radio )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 24 27 (S (NP (NP Those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP want (S (VP to (VP hear (NP (ADJP even more radical )ADJP views )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP (VP have (S (VP to (VP get (ADVP up (PP at (NP (NP five )NP (PP on (NP Sunday morning )NP )PP )NP )PP )ADVP (PP for (NP `` (NP Sunday Journal )NP , '' (PP on (NP Hungarian Radio )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 23 26 (S (NP (NP Those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP want (S (VP to (VP hear (NP (ADJP even more radical )ADJP views )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP (VP have (S (VP to (VP get (PRT up )PRT (PP at (NP (NP five )NP (PP on (NP Sunday morning )NP )PP )NP )PP (PP for `` (NP Sunday Journal )NP )PP , '' (PP on (NP Hungarian Radio )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 25 27 (S (NP (NP Those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP want (S (VP to (VP hear (NP (ADJP even more radical )ADJP views )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP (VP have (S (VP to (VP get (PRT up )PRT (PP at (NP (NP five )NP (PP on (NP Sunday morning )NP )PP )NP )PP (PP for (NP `` (NP Sunday Journal )NP , '' (PP on (NP Hungarian Radio )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 25 27 (S (NP (NP Those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP want (S (VP to (VP hear (NP (ADJP even more radical )ADJP views )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP (VP have (S (VP to (VP get (PRT up )PRT (PP at (NP (NP five )NP (PP on (NP Sunday morning )NP )PP )NP )PP (PP for (NP `` (NP Sunday Journal )NP , '' (PP on (NP Hungarian Radio )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 25 27 (S (NP (NP Those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP want (S (VP to (VP hear (NP (ADJP even more radical )ADJP views )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP (VP have (S (VP to (VP get (PRT up )PRT (PP at (NP (NP five )NP (PP on (NP Sunday morning )NP )PP )NP )PP (PP for (NP `` (NP Sunday Journal )NP , '' (PP on (NP Hungarian Radio )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 26 28 (S (NP (NP Those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP want (S (VP to (VP hear (NP (ADJP (ADVP even more )ADVP radical )ADJP views )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP (VP have (S (VP to (VP get (PRT up )PRT (PP at (NP (NP five )NP (PP on (NP Sunday morning )NP )PP )NP )PP (PP for (NP `` (NP Sunday Journal )NP , '' (PP on (NP Hungarian Radio )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 24 28 (S (NP (NP Those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP want (S (VP to (VP hear (NP (ADJP even more radical )ADJP views )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP (VP have (S (VP to (VP get (ADVP up )ADVP (PP at (NP (NP five )NP (PP on (NP (NP Sunday morning )NP (PP for (NP `` (NP Sunday Journal )NP , '' (PP on (NP Hungarian Radio )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 23 28 (S (NP (NP Those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP want (S (VP to (VP hear (NP (ADJP even more radical )ADJP views )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP (VP have (S (VP to (VP get (PP up (PP at (NP (NP five )NP (PP on (NP (NP Sunday morning )NP (PP for (NP `` (NP Sunday Journal )NP , '' (PP on (NP Hungarian Radio )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 23 26 (S (NP (NP Those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP want (S (VP to (VP hear (NP (ADJP even more radical )ADJP views )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP (VP have (S (VP to (VP get (PRT up )PRT (PP at (NP five )NP )PP (PP on (NP (NP Sunday morning )NP (PP for `` (NP Sunday Journal )NP )PP )NP )PP , '' (PP on (NP Hungarian Radio )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 25 27 (S (NP (NP Those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP want (S (VP to (VP hear (NP (ADJP even more radical )ADJP views )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP (VP have (S (VP to (VP get (ADVP up )ADVP (PP at (NP (NP five )NP (PP on (NP Sunday morning )NP )PP )NP )PP (PP for (NP `` (NP Sunday Journal )NP , '' (PP on (NP Hungarian Radio )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 26 26 (S (NP (NP Those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP want (S (VP to (VP hear (NP (ADJP even more radical )ADJP views )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP (VP have (S (VP to (VP get (ADVP up )ADVP (PP at (NP five )NP )PP (PP on (NP Sunday morning )NP )PP (PP for (NP `` (NP Sunday Journal )NP , '' (PP on (NP Hungarian Radio )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 24 27 (S (NP (NP Those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP want (S (VP to (VP hear (NP (ADJP even more radical )ADJP views )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP (VP have (S (VP to (VP get (PP up (PP at (NP (NP five )NP (PP on (NP Sunday morning )NP )PP )NP )PP (PP for (NP `` (NP Sunday Journal )NP , '' (PP on (NP Hungarian Radio )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 25 28 (S (NP (NP Those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP want (S (VP to (VP hear (NP (ADJP even more radical )ADJP views )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP (VP have (S (VP to (VP get (PRT up )PRT (PP at (NP (NP five )NP (PP on (NP Sunday morning )NP )PP )NP )PP (PP for (NP (NP `` (NP Sunday Journal )NP , '' )NP (PP on (NP Hungarian Radio )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 25 28 (S (NP (NP Those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP want (S (VP to (VP hear (NP (ADJP even more radical )ADJP views )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP (VP have (S (VP to (VP get (ADVP up )ADVP (PP at (NP (NP (NP five )NP (PP on (NP Sunday morning )NP )PP )NP (PP for (NP `` (NP Sunday Journal )NP , '' (PP on (NP Hungarian Radio )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 24 28 (S (NP (NP Those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP want (S (VP to (VP hear (NP (ADJP even more radical )ADJP views )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP (VP have (S (VP to (VP get (PP up (PP at (NP (NP (NP five )NP (PP on (NP Sunday morning )NP )PP )NP (PP for (NP `` (NP Sunday Journal )NP , '' (PP on (NP Hungarian Radio )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 50 17 17 (S (NP The competitive spirit )NP (VP is (ADVP clearly )ADVP (VP influencing (NP (NP Radio Free Europe )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP is (VP trying (S (VP to (VP beef (PRT up )PRT (NP programs )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP . )S 16 17 (S (NP The competitive spirit )NP (VP is (ADVP clearly )ADVP (PP influencing (NP (NP Radio Free Europe )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP is (VP trying (S (VP to (VP beef (PRT up )PRT (NP programs )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 16 17 (S (NP The competitive spirit )NP (VP is (VP (ADVP clearly )ADVP influencing (NP (NP Radio Free Europe )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP is (VP trying (S (VP to (VP beef (PRT up )PRT (NP programs )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP . )S 16 16 (S (NP The competitive spirit )NP (VP is (ADVP clearly )ADVP (VP influencing (NP Radio Free Europe )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP is (VP trying (S (VP to (VP beef (PRT up )PRT (NP programs )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 17 18 (S (NP The competitive spirit )NP (VP is (ADVP clearly )ADVP (VP influencing (NP (NP Radio Free Europe )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP is (S (VP trying (S (VP to (VP beef (PRT up )PRT (NP programs )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP . )S 17 18 (S (NP The competitive spirit )NP (VP is (ADVP clearly )ADVP (S (VP influencing (NP (NP Radio Free Europe )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP is (VP trying (S (VP to (VP beef (PRT up )PRT (NP programs )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )VP . )S 17 18 (S (NP The (ADJP competitive )ADJP spirit )NP (VP is (ADVP clearly )ADVP (VP influencing (NP (NP Radio Free Europe )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP is (VP trying (S (VP to (VP beef (PRT up )PRT (NP programs )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP . )S 17 17 (S (NP The competitive spirit )NP (VP is (ADVP clearly )ADVP (VP influencing (NP (NP Radio Free Europe , )NP (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP is (VP trying (S (VP to (VP beef (PRT up )PRT (NP programs )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP . )S 17 17 (S (NP The competitive spirit )NP (VP is (ADVP clearly )ADVP (VP influencing (NP (NP Radio Free Europe )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP is (VP trying (S (VP to (VP beef (PRT up )PRT (NP programs )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP . )S 17 18 (S (NP The competitive spirit )NP (VP is (S (ADVP clearly )ADVP (VP influencing (NP (NP Radio Free Europe )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP is (VP trying (S (VP to (VP beef (PRT up )PRT (NP programs )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )VP . )S 16 16 (S (NP The competitive spirit )NP (VP is clearly (VP influencing (NP (NP Radio Free Europe )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP is (VP trying (S (VP to (VP beef (PRT up )PRT (NP programs )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP . )S 16 17 (S (NP The competitive spirit )NP (VP is (ADVP clearly )ADVP (VP (VP influencing (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )VP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP is (VP trying (S (VP to (VP beef (PRT up )PRT (NP programs )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 16 16 (S (NP The competitive spirit )NP (VP is (ADVP clearly )ADVP (VP influencing (NP (NP Radio Free Europe )NP , (SBAR which (S (VP is (VP trying (S (VP to (VP beef (PRT up )PRT (NP programs )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP . )S 15 17 (S (NP The competitive spirit )NP (VP is (ADVP clearly )ADVP (S (VP influencing (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )VP )S , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP is (VP trying (S (VP to (VP beef (PRT up )PRT (NP programs )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 16 18 (S (NP The competitive spirit )NP (VP is (ADVP clearly )ADVP (PP influencing (NP (NP Radio Free Europe )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP is (S (VP trying (S (VP to (VP beef (PRT up )PRT (NP programs )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 12 17 (S (NP The competitive spirit )NP (VP is (ADVP clearly )ADVP (VP influencing (NP (NP Radio Free Europe )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP is (VP trying )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP (S (VP to (VP beef (PRT up )PRT (NP programs )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 16 18 (S (NP The competitive spirit )NP (VP is (S (VP (ADVP clearly )ADVP influencing (NP (NP Radio Free Europe )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP is (VP trying (S (VP to (VP beef (PRT up )PRT (NP programs )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )VP . )S 16 17 (S (NP The competitive spirit )NP (VP is (ADVP clearly )ADVP (ADJP influencing (NP (NP Radio Free Europe )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP is (VP trying (S (VP to (VP beef (PRT up )PRT (NP programs )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )ADJP )VP . )S 16 18 (S (NP The competitive spirit )NP (VP is (VP (ADVP clearly )ADVP influencing (NP (NP Radio Free Europe )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP is (S (VP trying (S (VP to (VP beef (PRT up )PRT (NP programs )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP . )S 14 16 (S (NP The competitive spirit )NP (VP is (ADVP clearly )ADVP (NP (NP influencing Radio Free Europe )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP is (VP trying (S (VP to (VP beef (PRT up )PRT (NP programs )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 16 18 (S (NP The (ADJP competitive )ADJP spirit )NP (VP is (ADVP clearly )ADVP (PP influencing (NP (NP Radio Free Europe )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP is (VP trying (S (VP to (VP beef (PRT up )PRT (NP programs )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 15 17 (S (NP The competitive spirit )NP (VP (VP is (ADVP clearly )ADVP (VP influencing (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )VP )VP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP is (VP trying (S (VP to (VP beef (PRT up )PRT (NP programs )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 16 17 (S (NP The competitive spirit )NP (VP is (ADVP clearly )ADVP (PP influencing (NP (NP Radio Free Europe )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP is (VP trying (S (VP to (VP beef (PRT up )PRT (NP programs )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 16 18 (S (NP The (ADJP competitive )ADJP spirit )NP (VP is (VP (ADVP clearly )ADVP influencing (NP (NP Radio Free Europe )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP is (VP trying (S (VP to (VP beef (PRT up )PRT (NP programs )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP . )S 17 18 (S (NP The competitive spirit )NP (VP is (ADVP clearly )ADVP (VP influencing (S (NP (NP Radio Free Europe )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP is (VP trying (S (VP to (VP beef (PRT up )PRT (NP programs )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )S )VP )VP . )S 15 16 (S (NP The competitive spirit )NP (VP is clearly (PP influencing (NP (NP Radio Free Europe )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP is (VP trying (S (VP to (VP beef (PRT up )PRT (NP programs )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 17 17 (S (NP The competitive spirit )NP (VP is (ADVP clearly )ADVP (VP influencing (NP (NP Radio Free Europe )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP is (VP trying (S (VP to (VP beef (ADVP up )ADVP (NP programs )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP . )S 16 17 (S (NP The competitive spirit )NP (VP is (VP (ADVP clearly )ADVP influencing (NP (NP Radio Free Europe , )NP (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP is (VP trying (S (VP to (VP beef (PRT up )PRT (NP programs )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP . )S 14 16 (S (NP The competitive spirit )NP (VP is (ADVP clearly )ADVP (NP (NP influencing Radio Free Europe )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP is (VP trying (S (VP to (VP beef (PRT up )PRT (NP programs )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 15 16 (S (NP The competitive spirit )NP (VP is (ADJP clearly influencing )ADJP (NP (NP Radio Free Europe )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP is (VP trying (S (VP to (VP beef (PRT up )PRT (NP programs )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 15 16 (S (NP The competitive spirit )NP (VP is (ADVP clearly )ADVP (PP influencing (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )PP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP is (VP trying (S (VP to (VP beef (PRT up )PRT (NP programs )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 16 17 (S (NP The competitive spirit )NP (VP is (VP (ADVP clearly )ADVP influencing (NP (NP Radio Free Europe )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP is (VP trying (S (VP to (VP beef (PRT up )PRT (NP programs )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP . )S 15 16 (S (NP The competitive spirit )NP (VP is (VP clearly influencing (NP (NP Radio Free Europe )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP is (VP trying (S (VP to (VP beef (PRT up )PRT (NP programs )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP . )S 16 17 (S (NP The competitive spirit )NP (VP is (ADVP clearly )ADVP (VP influencing (NP Radio Free Europe )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP is (S (VP trying (S (VP to (VP beef (PRT up )PRT (NP programs )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 14 15 (S (NP The competitive spirit )NP (VP is (ADVP clearly )ADVP (NP influencing Radio Free Europe )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP is (VP trying (S (VP to (VP beef (PRT up )PRT (NP programs )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 15 15 (S (NP The competitive spirit )NP (VP is (ADVP clearly )ADVP (VP influencing (NP Radio Free Europe )NP , (SBAR which (S (VP is (VP trying (S (VP to (VP beef (PRT up )PRT (NP programs )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 14 16 (S (NP The competitive spirit )NP (VP is (ADVP clearly )ADVP (NP (NP influencing Radio Free Europe )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP is (VP trying (S (VP to (VP beef (PRT up )PRT (NP programs )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 17 17 (S (NP The competitive spirit )NP (VP is (ADVP clearly )ADVP (VP influencing (NP (NP Radio Free Europe )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP is (VP trying (S (VP to (VP beef (PRT up )PRT (NP programs )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP . )S 16 18 (S (NP The competitive spirit )NP (VP is (VP clearly (S (VP influencing (NP (NP Radio Free Europe )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP is (VP trying (S (VP to (VP beef (PRT up )PRT (NP programs )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 16 18 (S (NP The competitive spirit )NP (VP is (ADJP clearly (S (VP influencing (NP (NP Radio Free Europe )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP is (VP trying (S (VP to (VP beef (PRT up )PRT (NP programs )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )ADJP )VP . )S 15 16 (S (NP The competitive spirit )NP (VP is (ADVP clearly )ADVP (PP influencing (NP (NP Radio Free Europe )NP , (SBAR which (S (VP is (VP trying (S (VP to (VP beef (PRT up )PRT (NP programs )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 15 17 (S (NP The competitive spirit )NP (VP is (VP (VP (ADVP clearly )ADVP influencing (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )VP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP is (VP trying (S (VP to (VP beef (PRT up )PRT (NP programs )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 15 18 (S (NP The competitive spirit )NP (VP (VP is (ADVP clearly )ADVP (S (VP influencing (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )VP )S )VP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP is (VP trying (S (VP to (VP beef (PRT up )PRT (NP programs )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 17 17 (S (NP The competitive spirit )NP (VP is (ADVP clearly )ADVP (VP influencing (NP (NP Radio Free Europe )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP is (VP trying (S (VP to (VP beef (ADVP up )ADVP (NP programs )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP . )S 16 17 (S (NP The (ADJP competitive )ADJP spirit )NP (VP is (ADVP clearly )ADVP (VP influencing (NP Radio Free Europe )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP is (VP trying (S (VP to (VP beef (PRT up )PRT (NP programs )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 17 19 (S (NP The competitive spirit )NP (VP is (ADVP clearly )ADVP (S (VP influencing (NP (NP Radio Free Europe )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP is (S (VP trying (S (VP to (VP beef (PRT up )PRT (NP programs )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )VP . )S 16 18 (S (NP The competitive spirit )NP (VP is (VP (ADVP clearly )ADVP (PP influencing (NP (NP Radio Free Europe )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP is (VP trying (S (VP to (VP beef (PRT up )PRT (NP programs )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 16 17 (S (NP The competitive spirit )NP (VP is (ADVP clearly )ADVP (VP influencing (NP (NP Radio Free Europe )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP is (VP trying (S (VP to (VP beef (PP up (NP programs )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP . )S 16 16 (S (NP The competitive spirit )NP (VP is (ADVP clearly )ADVP (VP influencing (NP Radio Free Europe , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP is (VP trying (S (VP to (VP beef (PRT up )PRT (NP programs )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP . )S 16 17 (S (NP The competitive spirit )NP (VP is (ADVP clearly )ADVP (VP influencing (NP (NP Radio Free Europe )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP is (VP trying (S (VP to (VP beef (PP up (NP programs )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP . )S 50 24 25 (S (NP The Budapest office )NP (VP plans (S (VP to (VP hire (NP free-lance reporters (S (VP to (VP cover (NP (NP the latest happenings )NP (PP in (NP (NP Hungarian country towns )NP (PP (PP from (NP Nagykanizsa )NP (PP in (NP the west )NP )PP )PP (PP to (NP (NP Nyiregyhaza )NP (PP in (NP the east )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 25 26 (S (NP The Budapest office )NP (VP plans (S (VP to (VP hire (NP free-lance reporters (S (VP to (VP cover (NP (NP the latest happenings )NP (PP in (NP (NP Hungarian country towns )NP (PP (PP from (NP (NP Nagykanizsa )NP (PP in (NP the west )NP )PP )NP )PP (PP to (NP (NP Nyiregyhaza )NP (PP in (NP the east )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 25 25 (S (NP The Budapest office )NP (VP plans (S (VP to (VP hire (NP free-lance reporters )NP (S (VP to (VP cover (NP (NP the latest happenings )NP (PP in (NP (NP Hungarian country towns )NP (PP (PP from (NP Nagykanizsa )NP (PP in (NP the west )NP )PP )PP (PP to (NP (NP Nyiregyhaza )NP (PP in (NP the east )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 23 25 (S (NP The Budapest office )NP (VP plans (S (VP to (VP hire (NP free-lance reporters (S (VP to (VP cover (NP (NP the latest happenings )NP (PP in (NP (NP Hungarian country towns )NP (PP (PP from (NP Nagykanizsa )NP )PP (PP in (NP the west )NP )PP (PP to (NP (NP Nyiregyhaza )NP (PP in (NP the east )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 22 25 (S (NP The Budapest office )NP (VP plans (S (VP to (VP hire (NP free-lance reporters )NP )VP )VP )S (S (VP to (VP cover (NP (NP the latest happenings )NP (PP in (NP (NP Hungarian country towns )NP (PP (PP from (NP Nagykanizsa )NP (PP in (NP the west )NP )PP )PP (PP to (NP (NP Nyiregyhaza )NP (PP in (NP the east )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 26 26 (S (NP The Budapest office )NP (VP plans (S (VP to (VP hire (NP free-lance reporters )NP (S (VP to (VP cover (NP (NP the latest happenings )NP (PP in (NP (NP Hungarian country towns )NP (PP (PP from (NP (NP Nagykanizsa )NP (PP in (NP the west )NP )PP )NP )PP (PP to (NP (NP Nyiregyhaza )NP (PP in (NP the east )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 25 27 (S (NP The Budapest office )NP (VP plans (S (VP to (VP hire (NP (NP free-lance reporters )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP cover (NP (NP the latest happenings )NP (PP in (NP (NP Hungarian country towns )NP (PP (PP from (NP Nagykanizsa )NP (PP in (NP the west )NP )PP )PP (PP to (NP (NP Nyiregyhaza )NP (PP in (NP the east )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 24 25 (S (NP The Budapest office )NP (VP plans (S (VP to (VP hire (NP free-lance reporters )NP (S (VP to (VP cover (NP (NP the latest happenings )NP (PP in (NP (NP Hungarian country towns )NP (PP (PP from (NP Nagykanizsa )NP )PP (PP in (NP the west )NP )PP (PP to (NP (NP Nyiregyhaza )NP (PP in (NP the east )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 23 26 (S (NP The Budapest office )NP (VP plans (S (VP to (VP hire (NP free-lance reporters )NP )VP )VP )S (S (VP to (VP cover (NP (NP the latest happenings )NP (PP in (NP (NP Hungarian country towns )NP (PP (PP from (NP (NP Nagykanizsa )NP (PP in (NP the west )NP )PP )NP )PP (PP to (NP (NP Nyiregyhaza )NP (PP in (NP the east )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 24 25 (S (NP The Budapest office )NP (VP plans (S (VP to (VP hire (NP free-lance reporters (S (VP to (VP cover (NP (NP the latest happenings )NP (PP in (NP (NP Hungarian country towns )NP (PP (PP from (NP Nagykanizsa )NP (PP in (NP the west )NP )PP )PP (PP to (NP (NP Nyiregyhaza )NP (PP in (NP the east )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 26 28 (S (NP The Budapest office )NP (VP plans (S (VP to (VP hire (NP (NP free-lance reporters )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP cover (NP (NP the latest happenings )NP (PP in (NP (NP Hungarian country towns )NP (PP (PP from (NP (NP Nagykanizsa )NP (PP in (NP the west )NP )PP )NP )PP (PP to (NP (NP Nyiregyhaza )NP (PP in (NP the east )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 21 25 (S (NP The Budapest office )NP (VP plans (S (VP to (VP hire (NP free-lance reporters )NP )VP )VP )S (S (VP to (VP cover (NP (NP the latest happenings )NP (PP in (NP (NP Hungarian country towns )NP (PP (PP from (NP Nagykanizsa )NP )PP (PP in (NP the west )NP )PP (PP to (NP (NP Nyiregyhaza )NP (PP in (NP the east )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 23 24 (S (NP The Budapest office )NP (VP plans (S (VP to (VP hire (NP free-lance reporters (S (VP to (VP cover (NP (NP the latest happenings )NP (PP in (NP (NP Hungarian country towns )NP (PP (PP from (NP Nagykanizsa )NP (PP in (NP the west )NP )PP )PP (PP to (NP Nyiregyhaza )NP (PP in (NP the east )NP )PP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 24 27 (S (NP The Budapest office )NP (VP plans (S (VP to (VP hire (NP (NP free-lance reporters )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP cover (NP (NP the latest happenings )NP (PP in (NP (NP Hungarian country towns )NP (PP (PP from (NP Nagykanizsa )NP )PP (PP in (NP the west )NP )PP (PP to (NP (NP Nyiregyhaza )NP (PP in (NP the east )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 25 26 (S (NP The Budapest office )NP (VP plans (S (VP to (VP hire (NP free-lance reporters (S (VP to (VP cover (NP (NP the latest happenings )NP (PP in (NP (NP Hungarian country towns )NP (PP (PP from (NP (NP Nagykanizsa )NP (PP in (NP the west )NP )PP )NP )PP (PP to (NP (NP Nyiregyhaza )NP (PP in (NP the east )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 24 25 (S (NP The Budapest office )NP (VP plans (S (VP to (VP hire (NP free-lance reporters (S (VP to (VP cover (NP (NP the latest happenings )NP (PP in (NP (NP Hungarian country towns )NP (PP (PP from (NP Nagykanizsa )NP (PP in (NP the west )NP )PP )PP (PP to (NP (NP Nyiregyhaza )NP (PP in (NP the east )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 25 25 (S (NP The Budapest office )NP (VP plans (S (VP to (VP hire (NP free-lance reporters )NP (S (VP to (VP cover (NP (NP the latest happenings )NP (PP in (NP (NP Hungarian country towns )NP (PP (PP from (NP Nagykanizsa )NP (PP in (NP the west )NP )PP )PP (PP to (NP (NP Nyiregyhaza )NP (PP in (NP the east )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 24 25 (S (NP The Budapest office )NP (VP plans (S (VP to (VP hire (NP free-lance reporters (S (VP to (VP cover (NP (NP the latest happenings )NP (PP in (NP (NP Hungarian country towns )NP (PP (PP from (NP (NP Nagykanizsa )NP (PP in (NP the west )NP )PP )NP )PP (PP to (NP Nyiregyhaza )NP (PP in (NP the east )NP )PP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 23 25 (S (NP The Budapest office )NP (VP plans (S (VP to (VP hire (NP free-lance reporters (S (VP to (VP cover (NP (NP the latest happenings )NP (PP in (NP (NP Hungarian country towns )NP (PP (PP from (NP Nagykanizsa )NP )PP (PP in (NP the west )NP )PP (PP to (NP (NP Nyiregyhaza )NP (PP in (NP the east )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 24 24 (S (NP The Budapest office )NP (VP plans (S (VP to (VP hire (NP free-lance reporters )NP (S (VP to (VP cover (NP (NP the latest happenings )NP (PP in (NP (NP Hungarian country towns )NP (PP (PP from (NP Nagykanizsa )NP (PP in (NP the west )NP )PP )PP (PP to (NP Nyiregyhaza )NP (PP in (NP the east )NP )PP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 18 24 (S (NP The Budapest office )NP (VP plans (S (VP to (VP hire (NP free-lance reporters (S (VP to (VP cover (NP (NP the latest happenings )NP (PP in (NP (NP Hungarian country towns )NP (PP (PP from (NP Nagykanizsa )NP (PP in (NP the west )NP )PP )PP (PP to (NP Nyiregyhaza )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP (PP in (NP the east )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 25 26 (S (NP The Budapest office )NP (VP plans (S (VP to (VP hire (NP free-lance reporters (S (VP to (VP cover (NP (NP the latest happenings )NP (PP in (NP (NP Hungarian country towns )NP (PP (PP from (NP (NP Nagykanizsa )NP (PP in (NP the west )NP )PP )NP )PP (PP to (NP (NP Nyiregyhaza )NP (PP in (NP the east )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 22 24 (S (NP The Budapest office )NP (VP plans (S (VP to (VP hire (NP free-lance reporters (S (VP to (VP cover (NP (NP the latest happenings )NP (PP in (NP (NP Hungarian country towns )NP (PP (PP from (NP Nagykanizsa )NP )PP (PP in (NP the west )NP )PP (PP to (NP Nyiregyhaza )NP (PP in (NP the east )NP )PP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 22 25 (S (NP The Budapest office )NP (VP plans (S (VP to (VP hire (NP free-lance reporters )NP )VP )VP )S (S (VP to (VP cover (NP (NP the latest happenings )NP (PP in (NP (NP Hungarian country towns )NP (PP (PP from (NP Nagykanizsa )NP (PP in (NP the west )NP )PP )PP (PP to (NP (NP Nyiregyhaza )NP (PP in (NP the east )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 26 26 (S (NP The Budapest office )NP (VP plans (S (VP to (VP hire (NP free-lance reporters )NP (S (VP to (VP cover (NP (NP the latest happenings )NP (PP in (NP (NP Hungarian country towns )NP (PP (PP from (NP (NP Nagykanizsa )NP (PP in (NP the west )NP )PP )NP )PP (PP to (NP (NP Nyiregyhaza )NP (PP in (NP the east )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 25 25 (S (NP The Budapest office )NP (VP plans (S (VP to (VP hire (NP free-lance reporters )NP (S (VP to (VP cover (NP (NP the latest happenings )NP (PP in (NP (NP Hungarian country towns )NP (PP (PP from (NP Nagykanizsa )NP (PP in (NP the west )NP )PP )PP (PP to (NP (NP Nyiregyhaza )NP (PP in (NP the east )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 22 24 (S (NP The Budapest office )NP (VP plans (S (VP to (VP hire (NP free-lance reporters (S (VP to (VP cover (NP (NP the latest happenings )NP (PP in (NP (NP Hungarian country towns )NP (PP (PP from (NP Nagykanizsa )NP (PP in (NP the west )NP )PP )PP (PP to (NP Nyiregyhaza )NP )PP (PP in (NP the east )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 25 27 (S (NP The Budapest office )NP (VP plans (S (VP to (VP hire (NP (NP free-lance reporters )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP cover (NP (NP the latest happenings )NP (PP in (NP (NP Hungarian country towns )NP (PP (PP from (NP Nagykanizsa )NP (PP in (NP the west )NP )PP )PP (PP to (NP (NP Nyiregyhaza )NP (PP in (NP the east )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 23 25 (S (NP The Budapest office )NP (VP plans (S (VP to (VP hire (NP free-lance reporters (S (VP to (VP cover (NP (NP the latest happenings )NP (PP in (NP (NP Hungarian country towns )NP (PP (PP from (NP Nagykanizsa )NP )PP (PP in (NP the west )NP )PP (PP to (NP (NP Nyiregyhaza )NP (PP in (NP the east )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 24 25 (S (NP The Budapest office )NP (VP plans (S (VP to (VP hire (S (NP free-lance reporters )NP (VP to (VP cover (NP (NP the latest happenings )NP (PP in (NP (NP Hungarian country towns )NP (PP (PP from (NP Nagykanizsa )NP (PP in (NP the west )NP )PP )PP (PP to (NP (NP Nyiregyhaza )NP (PP in (NP the east )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 21 24 (S (NP The Budapest office )NP (VP plans (S (VP to (VP hire (NP free-lance reporters )NP )VP )VP )S (S (VP to (VP cover (NP (NP the latest happenings )NP (PP in (NP (NP Hungarian country towns )NP (PP (PP from (NP Nagykanizsa )NP (PP in (NP the west )NP )PP )PP (PP to (NP Nyiregyhaza )NP (PP in (NP the east )NP )PP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 25 25 (S (NP The Budapest office )NP (VP plans (S (VP to (VP hire (NP free-lance reporters )NP (S (VP to (VP cover (NP (NP the latest happenings )NP (PP in (NP (NP Hungarian country towns )NP (PP (PP from (NP (NP Nagykanizsa )NP (PP in (NP the west )NP )PP )NP )PP (PP to (NP Nyiregyhaza )NP (PP in (NP the east )NP )PP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 24 25 (S (NP The Budapest office )NP (VP plans (S (VP to (VP hire (NP free-lance reporters )NP (S (VP to (VP cover (NP (NP the latest happenings )NP (PP in (NP (NP Hungarian country towns )NP (PP (PP from (NP Nagykanizsa )NP )PP (PP in (NP the west )NP )PP (PP to (NP (NP Nyiregyhaza )NP (PP in (NP the east )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 19 25 (S (NP The Budapest office )NP (VP plans (S (VP to (VP hire (NP free-lance reporters (S (VP to (VP cover (NP (NP the latest happenings )NP (PP in (NP (NP Hungarian country towns )NP (PP (PP from (NP (NP Nagykanizsa )NP (PP in (NP the west )NP )PP )NP )PP (PP to (NP Nyiregyhaza )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP (PP in (NP the east )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 24 26 (S (NP The Budapest office )NP (VP plans (S (VP to (VP hire (NP (NP free-lance reporters )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP cover (NP (NP the latest happenings )NP (PP in (NP (NP Hungarian country towns )NP (PP (PP from (NP Nagykanizsa )NP (PP in (NP the west )NP )PP )PP (PP to (NP Nyiregyhaza )NP (PP in (NP the east )NP )PP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 23 26 (S (NP The Budapest office )NP (VP plans (S (VP to (VP hire (NP free-lance reporters )NP )VP )VP )S (S (VP to (VP cover (NP (NP the latest happenings )NP (PP in (NP (NP Hungarian country towns )NP (PP (PP from (NP (NP Nagykanizsa )NP (PP in (NP the west )NP )PP )NP )PP (PP to (NP (NP Nyiregyhaza )NP (PP in (NP the east )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 19 24 (S (NP The Budapest office )NP (VP plans (S (VP to (VP hire (NP free-lance reporters )NP (S (VP to (VP cover (NP (NP the latest happenings )NP (PP in (NP (NP Hungarian country towns )NP (PP (PP from (NP Nagykanizsa )NP (PP in (NP the west )NP )PP )PP (PP to (NP Nyiregyhaza )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP (PP in (NP the east )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 21 24 (S (NP The Budapest office )NP (VP plans (S (VP to (VP hire (NP free-lance reporters (S (VP to (VP cover (NP (NP the latest happenings )NP (PP in (NP (NP Hungarian country towns )NP (PP (PP from (NP Nagykanizsa )NP (PP in (NP the west )NP )PP )PP (PP to (NP Nyiregyhaza )NP )PP )PP (PP in (NP the east )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 26 26 (S (NP The Budapest office )NP (VP plans (S (VP to (VP hire (NP free-lance reporters )NP (S (VP to (VP cover (NP (NP the latest happenings )NP (PP in (NP (NP Hungarian country towns )NP (PP (PP from (NP (NP Nagykanizsa )NP (PP in (NP the west )NP )PP )NP )PP (PP to (NP (NP Nyiregyhaza )NP (PP in (NP the east )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 23 25 (S (NP The Budapest office )NP (VP plans (S (VP to (VP hire (NP free-lance reporters (S (VP to (VP cover (NP (NP the latest happenings )NP (PP in (NP (NP Hungarian country towns )NP (PP (PP from (NP (NP Nagykanizsa )NP (PP in (NP the west )NP )PP )NP )PP (PP to (NP Nyiregyhaza )NP )PP (PP in (NP the east )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 23 24 (S (NP The Budapest office )NP (VP plans (S (VP to (VP hire (NP free-lance reporters )NP (S (VP to (VP cover (NP (NP the latest happenings )NP (PP in (NP (NP Hungarian country towns )NP (PP (PP from (NP Nagykanizsa )NP )PP (PP in (NP the west )NP )PP (PP to (NP Nyiregyhaza )NP (PP in (NP the east )NP )PP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 19 24 (S (NP The Budapest office )NP (VP plans (S (VP to (VP hire (NP free-lance reporters (S (VP to (VP cover (NP (NP the latest happenings )NP (PP in (NP (NP Hungarian country towns )NP (PP (PP from (NP Nagykanizsa )NP (PP in (NP the west )NP )PP )PP (PP to (NP Nyiregyhaza )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP (PP in (NP the east )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 26 28 (S (NP The Budapest office )NP (VP plans (S (VP to (VP hire (NP (NP free-lance reporters )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP cover (NP (NP the latest happenings )NP (PP in (NP (NP Hungarian country towns )NP (PP (PP from (NP (NP Nagykanizsa )NP (PP in (NP the west )NP )PP )NP )PP (PP to (NP (NP Nyiregyhaza )NP (PP in (NP the east )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 17 24 (S (NP The Budapest office )NP (VP plans (S (VP to (VP hire (NP free-lance reporters (S (VP to (VP cover (NP (NP the latest happenings )NP (PP in (NP (NP Hungarian country towns )NP (PP (PP from (NP Nagykanizsa )NP )PP (PP in (NP the west )NP )PP (PP to (NP Nyiregyhaza )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP (PP in (NP the east )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 25 27 (S (NP The Budapest office )NP (VP plans (S (VP to (VP hire (NP (NP free-lance reporters )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP cover (NP (NP the latest happenings )NP (PP in (NP (NP Hungarian country towns )NP (PP (PP from (NP Nagykanizsa )NP (PP in (NP the west )NP )PP )PP (PP to (NP (NP Nyiregyhaza )NP (PP in (NP the east )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 23 24 (S (NP The Budapest office )NP (VP plans (S (VP to (VP hire (NP free-lance reporters )NP (S (VP to (VP cover (NP (NP the latest happenings )NP (PP in (NP (NP Hungarian country towns )NP (PP (PP from (NP Nagykanizsa )NP (PP in (NP the west )NP )PP )PP (PP to (NP Nyiregyhaza )NP )PP (PP in (NP the east )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 23 24 (S (NP The Budapest office )NP (VP plans (S (VP to (VP hire (NP free-lance reporters (S (VP to (VP cover (NP (NP the latest happenings )NP (PP in (NP (NP Hungarian country towns )NP (PP (PP from (NP Nagykanizsa )NP (PP in (NP the west )NP )PP )PP (PP to (NP Nyiregyhaza )NP (PP in (NP the east )NP )PP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 25 26 (S (NP The Budapest office )NP (VP plans (S (VP to (VP hire (S (NP free-lance reporters )NP (VP to (VP cover (NP (NP the latest happenings )NP (PP in (NP (NP Hungarian country towns )NP (PP (PP from (NP (NP Nagykanizsa )NP (PP in (NP the west )NP )PP )NP )PP (PP to (NP (NP Nyiregyhaza )NP (PP in (NP the east )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 22 25 (S (NP The Budapest office )NP (VP plans (S (VP to (VP hire (NP free-lance reporters )NP )VP )VP )S (S (VP to (VP cover (NP (NP the latest happenings )NP (PP in (NP (NP Hungarian country towns )NP (PP (PP from (NP (NP Nagykanizsa )NP (PP in (NP the west )NP )PP )NP )PP (PP to (NP Nyiregyhaza )NP (PP in (NP the east )NP )PP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 21 25 (S (NP The Budapest office )NP (VP plans (S (VP to (VP hire (NP free-lance reporters )NP )VP )VP )S (S (VP to (VP cover (NP (NP the latest happenings )NP (PP in (NP (NP Hungarian country towns )NP (PP (PP from (NP Nagykanizsa )NP )PP (PP in (NP the west )NP )PP (PP to (NP (NP Nyiregyhaza )NP (PP in (NP the east )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 50 16 18 (S (NP The Hungarian service )NP (VP has (NP (NP a daily 40-minute news show )NP (VP called (NP Newsreel )NP )VP )NP , (PP with (NP (NP international and domestic news )NP , plus (NP (NP a daily news review )NP (PP of (NP (NP opinions )NP (PP from (PP around (NP the world )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 18 20 (S (NP The Hungarian service )NP (VP has (NP (NP a daily 40-minute news show )NP (VP called (S (NP (NP Newsreel )NP , (PP with (NP (NP international and domestic news )NP , plus (NP (NP a daily news review )NP (PP of (NP (NP opinions )NP (PP from (PP around (NP the world )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )NP )VP . )S 16 18 (S (NP The Hungarian service )NP (VP has (NP (NP a daily 40-minute news show )NP (VP called (NP Newsreel )NP )VP )NP , (PP with (NP (NP international and domestic news )NP , plus (NP (NP a daily news review )NP (PP of (NP (NP opinions )NP (PP from (PP around (NP the world )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 16 18 (S (NP The Hungarian service )NP (VP has (NP (NP a daily 40-minute news show )NP (VP called (NP Newsreel )NP )VP )NP , (PP with (NP (NP international and domestic news )NP , plus (NP (NP a daily news review )NP (PP of (NP (NP opinions )NP (PP from (PP around (NP the world )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 18 20 (S (NP The Hungarian service )NP (VP has (NP (NP a daily 40-minute news show )NP (VP called (S (NP (NP Newsreel )NP , (PP with (NP (NP international and domestic news )NP , plus (NP (NP a daily news review )NP (PP of (NP (NP opinions )NP (PP from (PP around (NP the world )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )NP )VP . )S 16 18 (S (NP The Hungarian service )NP (VP has (NP (NP a daily 40-minute news show )NP (VP called (NP Newsreel )NP )VP )NP , (PP with (NP (NP international and domestic news )NP , plus (NP (NP a daily news review )NP (PP of (NP (NP opinions )NP (PP from (PP around (NP the world )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 17 19 (S (NP The Hungarian service )NP (VP has (NP (NP a daily 40-minute news show )NP (VP called (NP Newsreel )NP )VP )NP , (PP with (NP (NP (ADJP international and domestic )ADJP news )NP , plus (NP (NP a daily news review )NP (PP of (NP (NP opinions )NP (PP from (PP around (NP the world )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 19 21 (S (NP The Hungarian service )NP (VP has (NP (NP a daily 40-minute news show )NP (VP called (S (NP (NP Newsreel )NP , (PP with (NP (NP (ADJP international and domestic )ADJP news )NP , plus (NP (NP a daily news review )NP (PP of (NP (NP opinions )NP (PP from (PP around (NP the world )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )NP )VP . )S 17 21 (S (NP The Hungarian service )NP (VP has (NP (NP a daily 40-minute news show )NP (VP called (S (NP (NP Newsreel )NP , (PP with (NP (ADJP international and domestic )ADJP news )NP )PP , (PP plus (NP (NP a daily news review )NP (PP of (NP (NP opinions )NP (PP from (PP around (NP the world )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )NP )VP . )S 17 19 (S (NP The Hungarian service )NP (VP has (NP (NP a daily 40-minute news show )NP (VP called (NP Newsreel )NP )VP )NP , (PP with (NP (NP (ADJP international and domestic )ADJP news )NP , plus (NP (NP a daily news review )NP (PP of (NP (NP opinions )NP (PP from (PP around (NP the world )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 18 18 (S (NP The Hungarian service )NP (VP has (NP (NP a daily 40-minute news show )NP (VP called (NP Newsreel )NP , (PP with (NP (NP international and domestic news )NP , plus (NP (NP a daily news review )NP (PP of (NP (NP opinions )NP (PP from (PP around (NP the world )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP )NP )VP . )S 16 20 (S (NP The Hungarian service )NP (VP has (NP (NP a daily 40-minute news show )NP (VP called (S (NP (NP Newsreel )NP , (PP with (NP international and domestic news )NP )PP , (PP plus (NP (NP a daily news review )NP (PP of (NP (NP opinions )NP (PP from (PP around (NP the world )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )NP )VP . )S 16 20 (S (NP The Hungarian service )NP (VP has (NP (NP a daily 40-minute news show )NP (VP called (S (NP (NP Newsreel )NP , (PP with (NP international and domestic news )NP )PP , (PP plus (NP (NP a daily news review )NP (PP of (NP (NP opinions )NP (PP from (PP around (NP the world )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )NP )VP . )S 13 19 (S (NP The Hungarian service )NP (VP has (NP (NP a daily 40-minute news show )NP (VP called (S (NP (NP Newsreel )NP , (PP with (NP (NP international and domestic news )NP , plus (NP (NP a daily news review )NP (PP of (NP opinions )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP (PP from (PP around (NP the world )NP )PP )PP )S )VP )NP )VP . )S 16 19 (S (NP The Hungarian service )NP (VP has (NP (NP a daily 40-minute news show )NP (VP called (NP Newsreel )NP )VP )NP , (PP with (NP (NP international and domestic news )NP , (PP plus (NP (NP a daily news review )NP (PP of (NP (NP opinions )NP (PP from (PP around (NP the world )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 18 21 (S (NP The Hungarian service )NP (VP has (NP (NP a daily 40-minute news show )NP (VP called (S (NP (NP Newsreel )NP , (PP with (NP (NP international and domestic news )NP , (PP plus (NP (NP a daily news review )NP (PP of (NP (NP opinions )NP (PP from (PP around (NP the world )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )NP )VP . )S 17 19 (S (NP The Hungarian service )NP (VP has (NP (NP a daily 40-minute news show )NP (VP called (NP Newsreel )NP )VP )NP , (PP with (NP (NP (ADJP international and domestic )ADJP news )NP , plus (NP (NP a daily news review )NP (PP of (NP (NP opinions )NP (PP from (PP around (NP the world )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 19 21 (S (NP The Hungarian service )NP (VP has (NP (NP a daily 40-minute news show )NP (VP called (S (NP (NP Newsreel )NP , (PP with (NP (NP (ADJP international and domestic )ADJP news )NP , plus (NP (NP a daily news review )NP (PP of (NP (NP opinions )NP (PP from (PP around (NP the world )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )NP )VP . )S 16 19 (S (NP The Hungarian service )NP (VP has (NP (NP a daily 40-minute news show )NP (VP called (NP Newsreel )NP )VP )NP , (PP with (NP (NP international and domestic news )NP , (PP plus (NP (NP a daily news review )NP (PP of (NP (NP opinions )NP (PP from (PP around (NP the world )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 17 21 (S (NP The Hungarian service )NP (VP has (NP (NP a daily 40-minute news show )NP (VP called (S (NP (NP Newsreel )NP , (PP with (NP (ADJP international and domestic )ADJP news )NP )PP , (PP plus (NP (NP a daily news review )NP (PP of (NP (NP opinions )NP (PP from (PP around (NP the world )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )NP )VP . )S 17 19 (S (NP The Hungarian service )NP (VP has (NP (NP a daily 40-minute news show )NP (VP called (NP Newsreel )NP )VP )NP , (PP with (NP (NP (ADJP international and domestic )ADJP news )NP , plus (NP (NP a daily news review )NP (PP of (NP (NP opinions )NP (PP from (PP around (NP the world )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 16 19 (S (NP The Hungarian service )NP (VP has (NP (NP a daily 40-minute news show )NP (VP called (NP Newsreel )NP )VP , (PP with (NP (ADJP international and domestic )ADJP news )NP )PP , (PP plus (NP (NP a daily news review )NP (PP of (NP (NP opinions )NP (PP from (PP around (NP the world )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 18 18 (S (NP The Hungarian service )NP (VP has (NP (NP a daily 40-minute news show )NP (VP called (NP Newsreel )NP , (PP with (NP (NP international and domestic news )NP , plus (NP (NP a daily news review )NP (PP of (NP (NP opinions )NP (PP from (PP around (NP the world )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP )NP )VP . )S 16 20 (S (NP The Hungarian service )NP (VP has (NP (NP a daily 40-minute news show )NP (VP called (S (NP (NP Newsreel )NP , (PP with (NP international and domestic news )NP )PP , (PP plus (NP (NP a daily news review )NP (PP of (NP (NP opinions )NP (PP from (PP around (NP the world )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )NP )VP . )S 16 20 (S (NP The Hungarian service )NP (VP has (NP (NP a daily 40-minute news show )NP (VP called (S (NP (NP Newsreel )NP , (PP with (NP international and domestic news )NP )PP , (PP plus (NP (NP a daily news review )NP (PP of (NP (NP opinions )NP (PP from (PP around (NP the world )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )NP )VP . )S 18 18 (S (NP The Hungarian service )NP (VP has (NP (NP a daily 40-minute news show )NP (VP called (NP Newsreel )NP , (PP with (NP (NP international and domestic news )NP , plus (NP (NP a daily news review )NP (PP of (NP (NP opinions )NP (PP from (PP around (NP the world )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP )NP )VP . )S 13 19 (S (NP The Hungarian service )NP (VP has (NP (NP a daily 40-minute news show )NP (VP called (S (NP (NP Newsreel )NP , (PP with (NP (NP international and domestic news )NP , plus (NP (NP a daily news review )NP (PP of (NP opinions )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP (PP from (PP around (NP the world )NP )PP )PP )S )VP )NP )VP . )S 16 19 (S (NP The Hungarian service )NP (VP has (NP (NP a daily 40-minute news show )NP (VP called (NP Newsreel )NP )VP , (PP with (NP (ADJP international and domestic )ADJP news )NP )PP , (PP plus (NP (NP a daily news review )NP (PP of (NP (NP opinions )NP (PP from (PP around (NP the world )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 15 18 (S (NP The Hungarian service )NP (VP has (NP (NP a daily 40-minute news show )NP (VP called (NP Newsreel )NP )VP , (PP with (NP international and domestic news )NP )PP , (PP plus (NP (NP a daily news review )NP (PP of (NP (NP opinions )NP (PP from (PP around (NP the world )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 15 18 (S (NP The Hungarian service )NP (VP has (NP (NP a daily 40-minute news show )NP (VP called (NP Newsreel )NP )VP , (PP with (NP international and domestic news )NP )PP , (PP plus (NP (NP a daily news review )NP (PP of (NP (NP opinions )NP (PP from (PP around (NP the world )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 16 19 (S (NP The Hungarian service )NP (VP has (NP (NP a daily 40-minute news show )NP (VP called (NP Newsreel )NP )VP )NP , (PP with (NP (NP (UCP international and domestic )UCP news )NP , plus (NP (NP a daily news review )NP (PP of (NP (NP opinions )NP (PP from (PP around (NP the world )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 18 21 (S (NP The Hungarian service )NP (VP has (NP (NP a daily 40-minute news show )NP (VP called (S (NP (NP Newsreel )NP , (PP with (NP (NP (UCP international and domestic )UCP news )NP , plus (NP (NP a daily news review )NP (PP of (NP (NP opinions )NP (PP from (PP around (NP the world )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )NP )VP . )S 16 19 (S (NP The Hungarian service )NP (VP has (NP (NP a daily 40-minute news show )NP (VP called (NP Newsreel )NP )VP )NP , (PP with (NP (NP international and domestic news )NP , (PP plus (NP (NP a daily news review )NP (PP of (NP (NP opinions )NP (PP from (PP around (NP the world )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 15 18 (S (NP The Hungarian service )NP (VP has (NP (NP a daily 40-minute news show )NP (VP called (NP Newsreel )NP )VP , (PP with (NP international and domestic news )NP )PP , (PP plus (NP (NP a daily news review )NP (PP of (NP (NP opinions )NP (PP from (PP around (NP the world )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 15 18 (S (NP The Hungarian service )NP (VP has (NP (NP a daily 40-minute news show )NP (VP called (NP Newsreel )NP )VP , (PP with (NP international and domestic news )NP )PP , (PP plus (NP (NP a daily news review )NP (PP of (NP (NP opinions )NP (PP from (PP around (NP the world )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 18 21 (S (NP The Hungarian service )NP (VP has (NP (NP a daily 40-minute news show )NP (VP called (S (NP (NP Newsreel )NP , (PP with (NP (NP international and domestic news )NP , (PP plus (NP (NP a daily news review )NP (PP of (NP (NP opinions )NP (PP from (PP around (NP the world )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )NP )VP . )S 17 21 (S (NP The Hungarian service )NP (VP has (NP (NP a daily 40-minute news show )NP (VP called (S (NP (NP (NP Newsreel )NP , (PP with (NP (ADJP international and domestic )ADJP news )NP )PP , )NP plus (NP (NP a daily news review )NP (PP of (NP (NP opinions )NP (PP from (PP around (NP the world )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP )S )VP )NP )VP . )S 16 19 (S (NP The Hungarian service )NP (VP has (NP (NP a daily 40-minute news show )NP (VP called (NP Newsreel )NP )VP )NP , (PP with (NP (NP (UCP international and domestic )UCP news )NP , plus (NP (NP a daily news review )NP (PP of (NP (NP opinions )NP (PP from (PP around (NP the world )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 17 21 (S (NP The Hungarian service )NP (VP has (NP (NP a daily 40-minute news show )NP (VP called (S (NP (NP Newsreel )NP , (PP with (NP (ADJP international and domestic )ADJP news )NP )PP , (PP plus (NP (NP a daily news review )NP (PP of (NP (NP opinions )NP (PP from (PP around (NP the world )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )NP )VP . )S 19 19 (S (NP The Hungarian service )NP (VP has (NP (NP a daily 40-minute news show )NP (VP called (NP Newsreel )NP , (PP with (NP (NP (ADJP international and domestic )ADJP news )NP , plus (NP (NP a daily news review )NP (PP of (NP (NP opinions )NP (PP from (PP around (NP the world )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP )NP )VP . )S 17 20 (S (NP The Hungarian service )NP (VP has (NP (NP a daily 40-minute news show )NP (VP called (NP Newsreel )NP )VP )NP , (PP with (NP (NP (ADJP international and domestic )ADJP news )NP , (PP plus (NP (NP a daily news review )NP (PP of (NP (NP opinions )NP (PP from (PP around (NP the world )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 16 19 (S (NP The Hungarian service )NP (VP has (NP (NP (NP a daily 40-minute news show )NP (VP called (NP Newsreel )NP , (PP with (NP (ADJP international and domestic )ADJP news )NP )PP )VP )NP , plus (NP (NP a daily news review )NP (PP of (NP (NP opinions )NP (PP from (PP around (NP the world )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP )VP . )S 16 19 (S (NP The Hungarian service )NP (VP has (NP (NP a daily 40-minute news show )NP (VP called (NP Newsreel )NP )VP )NP , (PP with (NP (NP international and domestic news )NP , (PP plus (NP (NP a daily news review )NP (PP of (NP (NP opinions )NP (PP from (PP around (NP the world )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 14 17 (S (NP The Hungarian service )NP (VP has (NP (NP a daily 40-minute news show )NP (VP called (NP Newsreel )NP )VP )NP , (PP with (NP (NP international and domestic news )NP , plus (NP (NP a daily news review )NP (PP of (NP opinions )NP )PP (PP from (PP around (NP the world )NP )PP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 15 19 (S (NP The Hungarian service )NP (VP has (NP (NP a daily 40-minute news show )NP (VP called (NP Newsreel )NP )VP )NP , (PP with (NP (ADJP international and domestic )ADJP news )NP )PP , (PP plus (NP (NP a daily news review )NP (PP of (NP (NP opinions )NP (PP from (PP around (NP the world )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 19 22 (S (NP The Hungarian service )NP (VP has (NP (NP a daily 40-minute news show )NP (VP called (S (NP (NP Newsreel )NP , (PP with (NP (NP (ADJP international and domestic )ADJP news )NP , (PP plus (NP (NP a daily news review )NP (PP of (NP (NP opinions )NP (PP from (PP around (NP the world )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )NP )VP . )S 14 20 (S (NP The Hungarian service )NP (VP has (NP (NP a daily 40-minute news show )NP (VP called (S (NP (NP Newsreel )NP , (PP with (NP (NP (ADJP international and domestic )ADJP news )NP , plus (NP (NP a daily news review )NP (PP of (NP opinions )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP (PP from (PP around (NP the world )NP )PP )PP )S )VP )NP )VP . )S 16 19 (S (NP The Hungarian service )NP (VP has (NP (NP a daily 40-minute news show )NP (VP called (S (NP (NP Newsreel )NP , (PP with (NP (NP international and domestic news )NP , plus (NP (NP a daily news review )NP (PP of (NP opinions )NP )PP (PP from (PP around (NP the world )NP )PP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )NP )VP . )S 16 20 (S (NP The Hungarian service )NP (VP has (NP (NP a daily 40-minute news show )NP (VP called (S (NP (NP (NP Newsreel )NP , (PP with (NP international and domestic news )NP )PP , )NP plus (NP (NP a daily news review )NP (PP of (NP (NP opinions )NP (PP from (PP around (NP the world )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP )S )VP )NP )VP . )S 16 20 (S (NP The Hungarian service )NP (VP has (NP (NP a daily 40-minute news show )NP (VP called (S (NP (NP (NP Newsreel )NP , (PP with (NP international and domestic news )NP )PP , )NP plus (NP (NP a daily news review )NP (PP of (NP (NP opinions )NP (PP from (PP around (NP the world )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP )S )VP )NP )VP . )S 50 19 19 (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (ADVP also )ADVP (NP (NP a host )NP (PP of (NP (NP new programs )NP , (VP trying (S (VP to (VP lighten (PRT up )PRT (PP on (NP (NP the traditional diet )NP (PP of (NP politics )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 16 19 (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (ADVP also )ADVP (NP (NP a host )NP (PP of (NP new programs )NP )PP )NP , (S (VP trying (S (VP to (VP lighten (PRT up )PRT (PP on (NP (NP the traditional diet )NP (PP of (NP politics )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )VP . )S 17 18 (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (ADVP also )ADVP (NP (NP a host )NP (PP of (NP new programs )NP )PP , (VP trying (S (VP to (VP lighten (PRT up )PRT (PP on (NP (NP the traditional diet )NP (PP of (NP politics )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )NP )VP . )S 19 19 (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (ADVP also )ADVP (NP (NP a host )NP (PP of (NP (NP new programs )NP , (VP trying (S (VP to (VP lighten (ADVP up )ADVP (PP on (NP (NP the traditional diet )NP (PP of (NP politics )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 19 19 (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (ADVP also )ADVP (NP (NP a host )NP (PP of (NP (NP new programs )NP , (VP trying (S (VP to (VP lighten (PRT up )PRT (PP on (NP (NP the traditional diet )NP (PP of (NP politics )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 19 19 (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (ADVP also )ADVP (NP (NP a host )NP (PP of (NP (NP new programs )NP , (VP trying (S (VP to (VP lighten (PRT up )PRT (PP on (NP (NP the traditional diet )NP (PP of (NP politics )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 11 18 (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (ADVP also )ADVP (NP (NP a host )NP (PP of (NP (NP new programs )NP , (VP trying (S (VP to (VP lighten (PRT up )PRT (PP on (NP the traditional diet )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )NP )PP (PP of (NP politics )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 19 19 (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (ADVP also )ADVP (NP (NP a host )NP (PP of (NP (NP new programs )NP , (VP trying (S (VP to (VP lighten (ADVP up )ADVP (PP on (NP (NP the traditional diet )NP (PP of (NP politics )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 19 21 (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (ADVP also )ADVP (NP (NP a host )NP (PP of (NP (NP new programs )NP , (SBAR (S (VP trying (S (VP to (VP lighten (PRT up )PRT (PP on (NP (NP the traditional diet )NP (PP of (NP politics )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 19 20 (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (ADVP also )ADVP (NP (NP a host )NP (PP of (NP (NP new programs )NP , (S (VP trying (S (VP to (VP lighten (PRT up )PRT (PP on (NP (NP the traditional diet )NP (PP of (NP politics )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 18 19 (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (ADVP also )ADVP (NP (NP a host )NP (PP of (NP (NP new programs )NP , (VP trying (S (VP to (VP lighten (PP up (PP on (NP (NP the traditional diet )NP (PP of (NP politics )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 16 19 (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (ADVP also )ADVP (NP (NP a host )NP (PP of (NP new programs )NP )PP )NP , (S (VP trying (S (VP to (VP lighten (ADVP up )ADVP (PP on (NP (NP the traditional diet )NP (PP of (NP politics )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )VP . )S 18 19 (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (ADVP also )ADVP (NP (NP a host )NP (PP of (NP (NP new programs )NP , (VP trying (S (VP to (VP lighten (PP up (PP on (NP (NP the traditional diet )NP (PP of (NP politics )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 16 18 (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (ADVP also )ADVP (NP (NP a host )NP (PP of (NP new programs )NP )PP )NP , (VP trying (S (VP to (VP lighten (PRT up )PRT (PP on (NP (NP the traditional diet )NP (PP of (NP politics )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 17 18 (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (ADVP also )ADVP (NP (NP a host )NP (PP of (NP new programs )NP )PP , (VP trying (S (VP to (VP lighten (ADVP up )ADVP (PP on (NP (NP the traditional diet )NP (PP of (NP politics )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )NP )VP . )S 16 19 (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (ADVP also )ADVP (NP (NP a host )NP (PP of (NP new programs )NP )PP )NP , (S (VP trying (S (VP to (VP lighten (PRT up )PRT (PP on (NP (NP the traditional diet )NP (PP of (NP politics )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )VP . )S 18 19 (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (ADVP also )ADVP (NP (NP a host )NP (PP of (NP (NP new programs )NP , (VP trying (S (VP to (VP lighten (ADVP up (PP on (NP (NP the traditional diet )NP (PP of (NP politics )NP )PP )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 18 19 (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (ADVP also )ADVP (NP (NP a host )NP (PP of (NP (NP new programs )NP , (VP trying (S (VP to (VP lighten (ADVP up (PP on (NP (NP the traditional diet )NP (PP of (NP politics )NP )PP )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 17 18 (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (ADVP also )ADVP (NP (NP a host )NP (PP of (NP new programs )NP )PP , (VP trying (S (VP to (VP lighten (PRT up )PRT (PP on (NP (NP the traditional diet )NP (PP of (NP politics )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )NP )VP . )S 16 19 (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (ADVP also )ADVP (NP (NP a host )NP (PP of (NP new programs )NP )PP )NP , (S (VP trying (S (VP to (VP lighten (PRT up )PRT (PP on (NP (NP the traditional diet )NP (PP of (NP politics )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )VP . )S 17 18 (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (ADVP also )ADVP (NP (NP a host )NP (PP of (NP (NP new programs )NP , (VP trying (S (VP to (VP lighten (PRT up )PRT (PP on (NP the traditional diet )NP )PP (PP of (NP politics )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 18 19 (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (ADVP also )ADVP (NP (NP a host )NP (PP of (NP (NP new programs )NP , (VP trying (S (VP to (VP lighten (ADVP up (PP on (NP (NP the traditional diet )NP (PP of (NP politics )NP )PP )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 16 19 (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (ADVP also )ADVP (NP (NP a host )NP (PP of (NP new programs )NP )PP )NP , (S (VP trying (S (VP to (VP lighten (ADVP up )ADVP (PP on (NP (NP the traditional diet )NP (PP of (NP politics )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )VP . )S 19 19 (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (ADVP also )ADVP (NP (NP a host )NP (PP of (NP (NP new programs )NP , (VP trying (S (VP to (VP lighten (PRT up )PRT (PP on (NP (NP the traditional diet )NP (PP of (NP politics )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 17 18 (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (ADVP also )ADVP (NP (NP a host )NP (PP of (NP new programs )NP )PP , (VP trying (S (VP to (VP lighten (PRT up )PRT (PP on (NP (NP the traditional diet )NP (PP of (NP politics )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )NP )VP . )S 18 19 (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (ADVP also )ADVP (NP (NP a host )NP (PP of (NP (NP new programs )NP , (VP trying (S (VP to (VP lighten (NP up )NP (PP on (NP (NP the traditional diet )NP (PP of (NP politics )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 16 18 (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (NP (NP also a host )NP (PP of (NP (NP new programs )NP , (VP trying (S (VP to (VP lighten (PRT up )PRT (PP on (NP (NP the traditional diet )NP (PP of (NP politics )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 19 19 (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (ADVP also )ADVP (NP (NP a host )NP (PP of (NP (NP new programs )NP , (VP trying (S (VP to (VP lighten (ADVP up )ADVP (PP on (NP (NP the traditional diet )NP (PP of (NP politics )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 19 21 (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (ADVP also )ADVP (NP (NP a host )NP (PP of (NP (NP new programs )NP (PRN , (S (VP trying (S (VP to (VP lighten (PRT up )PRT (PP on (NP (NP the traditional diet )NP (PP of (NP politics )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )PRN )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 17 18 (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (ADVP also )ADVP (NP (NP a host )NP (PP of (NP new programs )NP )PP , (VP trying (S (VP to (VP lighten (ADVP up )ADVP (PP on (NP (NP the traditional diet )NP (PP of (NP politics )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )NP )VP . )S 18 18 (S (NP There )NP (VP 's also (NP (NP a host )NP (PP of (NP (NP new programs )NP , (VP trying (S (VP to (VP lighten (PRT up )PRT (PP on (NP (NP the traditional diet )NP (PP of (NP politics )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 13 19 (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (ADVP also )ADVP (NP (NP a host )NP (PP of (NP new programs )NP )PP )NP , (S (VP trying (S (VP to (VP lighten (PRT up )PRT )VP )VP )S (PP on (NP (NP the traditional diet )NP (PP of (NP politics )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )VP . )S 16 19 (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (ADVP also )ADVP (NP (NP a host )NP (PP of (NP (NP new programs )NP , (VP trying (S (VP to (VP lighten (PRT up )PRT )VP )VP )S (PP on (NP (NP the traditional diet )NP (PP of (NP politics )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 18 19 (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (ADVP also )ADVP (NP (NP a host )NP (PP of (S (NP new programs )NP , (VP trying (S (VP to (VP lighten (PRT up )PRT (PP on (NP (NP the traditional diet )NP (PP of (NP politics )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )PP )NP )VP . )S 11 19 (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (ADVP also )ADVP (NP (NP (NP a host )NP (PP of (NP (NP new programs )NP , (VP trying (S (VP to (VP lighten (PRT up )PRT (PP on (NP the traditional diet )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )NP )PP )NP (PP of (NP politics )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 17 19 (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (ADVP also )ADVP (NP (NP a host )NP (PP of (NP new programs )NP )PP , (S (VP trying (S (VP to (VP lighten (PRT up )PRT (PP on (NP (NP the traditional diet )NP (PP of (NP politics )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )NP )VP . )S 15 19 (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (ADVP also )ADVP (NP (NP a host )NP (PP of (NP new programs )NP )PP )NP , (S (VP trying (S (VP to (VP lighten (PP up (PP on (NP (NP the traditional diet )NP (PP of (NP politics )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )VP . )S 17 20 (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (ADVP also )ADVP (NP (NP a host )NP (PP of (NP new programs )NP )PP , (SBAR (S (VP trying (S (VP to (VP lighten (PRT up )PRT (PP on (NP (NP the traditional diet )NP (PP of (NP politics )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 11 18 (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (ADVP also )ADVP (NP (NP a host )NP (PP of (NP (NP new programs )NP , (VP trying (S (VP to (VP lighten (ADVP up )ADVP (PP on (NP the traditional diet )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )NP )PP (PP of (NP politics )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 19 19 (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (ADVP also )ADVP (NP (NP a host )NP (PP of (NP (NP new programs )NP , (VP trying (S (VP to (VP lighten (PRT up )PRT (PP on (NP (NP the traditional diet )NP (PP of (NP politics )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 15 20 (S (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (ADVP also )ADVP (NP (NP a host )NP (PP of (NP new programs )NP )PP )NP )VP )S , (S (VP trying (S (VP to (VP lighten (PRT up )PRT (PP on (NP (NP the traditional diet )NP (PP of (NP politics )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )S . )S 15 19 (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (ADVP also )ADVP (NP (NP a host )NP (PP of (NP new programs )NP )PP )NP , (S (VP trying (S (VP to (VP lighten (PP up (PP on (NP (NP the traditional diet )NP (PP of (NP politics )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )VP . )S 17 18 (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (ADVP also )ADVP (NP (NP a host )NP (PP of (NP (NP new programs )NP , (VP trying (S (VP to (VP lighten (PP up on (NP (NP the traditional diet )NP (PP of (NP politics )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 16 18 (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (ADVP also )ADVP (NP (NP a host )NP (PP of (NP new programs )NP )PP , (VP trying (S (VP to (VP lighten (PP up (PP on (NP (NP the traditional diet )NP (PP of (NP politics )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )NP )VP . )S 19 19 (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (ADVP also )ADVP (NP (NP a host )NP (PP of (NP (NP new programs )NP , (VP trying (S (VP to (VP lighten (PRT up )PRT (PP on (NP (NP the traditional diet )NP (PP of (NP politics )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 19 20 (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (ADVP also )ADVP (NP (NP a host )NP (PP of (NP (NP new programs )NP , (VP trying (S (VP to (VP lighten (PRT up )PRT (PP on (NP (NP the (ADJP traditional )ADJP diet )NP (PP of (NP politics )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 11 18 (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (ADVP also )ADVP (NP (NP a host )NP (PP of (NP (NP new programs )NP , (VP trying (S (VP to (VP lighten (PRT up )PRT (PP on (NP the traditional diet )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )NP )PP (PP of (NP politics )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 19 19 (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (ADVP also )ADVP (NP (NP a host )NP (PP of (NP (NP new programs )NP , (VP trying (S (VP to (VP lighten (ADVP up )ADVP (PP on (NP (NP the traditional diet )NP (PP of (NP politics )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 18 19 (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (ADVP also )ADVP (NP (NP a host )NP (PP of (NP (NP new programs )NP , (VP trying (S (VP to (VP lighten (PP (ADVP up )ADVP on (NP (NP the traditional diet )NP (PP of (NP politics )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 15 19 (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (ADVP also )ADVP (NP (NP a host )NP (PP of (NP new programs )NP )PP )NP , (S (VP trying (S (VP to (VP lighten (ADVP up (PP on (NP (NP the traditional diet )NP (PP of (NP politics )NP )PP )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )VP . )S 50 18 22 (S (NP (NP A daily 35-minute program )NP (VP called (S `` (NP (NP The March )NP (PP of (NP Time )NP )PP )NP '' )S )VP )NP (VP tries (S (VP to (VP find (NP (NP interesting tidbits )NP (PP of (NP (NP lighthearted news )NP and (NP gossip )NP )NP )PP )NP (PP from (PP around (NP the world )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 18 22 (S (NP (NP A daily 35-minute program )NP (VP called (S `` (NP (NP The March )NP (PP of (NP Time )NP )PP )NP '' )S )VP )NP (VP tries (S (VP to (VP find (NP (NP interesting tidbits )NP (PP of (NP (NP lighthearted news )NP and (NP gossip )NP )NP )PP )NP (PP from (PP around (NP the world )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 18 22 (S (NP (NP A daily 35-minute program )NP (VP called (S `` (NP (NP The March )NP (PP of (NP Time )NP )PP )NP '' )S )VP )NP (VP tries (S (VP to (VP find (NP (NP interesting tidbits )NP (PP of (NP (NP lighthearted news )NP and (NP gossip )NP )NP )PP )NP (PP from (PP around (NP the world )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 17 22 (S (NP (NP A daily 35-minute program )NP (VP called (S `` (NP (NP The March )NP (PP of (NP Time )NP )PP )NP '' )S )VP )NP (VP tries (S (VP to (VP find (NP (NP (NP interesting tidbits )NP (PP of (NP lighthearted news )NP )PP )NP and (NP gossip )NP )NP (PP from (PP around (NP the world )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 18 22 (S (NP (NP A daily 35-minute program )NP (VP called (S `` (NP (NP The March )NP (PP of (NP Time )NP )PP )NP '' )S )VP )NP (VP tries (S (VP to (VP find (NP (NP interesting tidbits )NP (PP of (NP (NP lighthearted news )NP and (NP gossip )NP )NP )PP )NP (PP from (PP around (NP the world )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 18 22 (S (NP (NP A daily 35-minute program )NP (VP called (S `` (NP (NP The March )NP (PP of (NP Time )NP )PP )NP '' )S )VP )NP (VP tries (S (VP to (VP find (NP (NP interesting tidbits )NP (PP of (NP (NP lighthearted news )NP and (NP gossip )NP )NP )PP )NP (PP from (PP around (NP the world )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 19 23 (S (NP (NP A daily 35-minute program )NP (VP called (S `` (NP (NP The March )NP (PP of (NP Time )NP )PP )NP '' )S )VP )NP (VP tries (S (VP to (VP find (NP (NP interesting tidbits )NP (PP of (NP (NP lighthearted news )NP and (NP (NP gossip )NP (PP from (PP around (NP the world )NP )PP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 19 22 (S (NP (NP A daily 35-minute program )NP (VP called (S `` (NP (NP The March )NP (PP of (NP Time )NP )PP )NP '' )S )VP )NP (VP tries (S (VP to (VP find (NP (NP interesting tidbits )NP (PP of (NP (NP lighthearted news )NP and (NP gossip )NP )NP )PP (PP from (PP around (NP the world )NP )PP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 17 22 (S (NP (NP A daily 35-minute program )NP (VP called (S `` (NP (NP The March )NP (PP of (NP Time )NP )PP )NP '' )S )VP )NP (VP tries (S (VP to (VP find (NP (NP (NP interesting tidbits )NP (PP of (NP lighthearted news )NP )PP )NP and (NP gossip )NP )NP (PP from (PP around (NP the world )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 18 22 (S (NP (NP A daily 35-minute program )NP (VP called (S `` (NP (NP The March )NP (PP of (NP Time )NP )PP )NP '' )S )VP )NP (VP tries (S (VP to (VP find (NP (NP interesting tidbits )NP (PP of (NP (NP lighthearted news )NP and (NP gossip )NP )NP )PP )NP (PP from (PP around (NP the world )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 18 22 (S (NP (NP A daily 35-minute program )NP (VP called (S `` (NP (NP The March )NP (PP of (NP Time )NP )PP )NP '' )S )VP )NP (VP tries (S (VP to (VP find (NP (NP interesting tidbits )NP (PP of (NP (NP lighthearted news )NP and (NP gossip )NP )NP )PP )NP (PP from (PP around (NP the world )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 20 23 (S (NP (NP A daily 35-minute program )NP (VP called (S `` (NP (NP The March )NP (PP of (NP Time )NP )PP )NP '' )S )VP )NP (VP tries (S (VP to (VP find (NP (NP interesting tidbits )NP (PP of (NP (NP (NP lighthearted news )NP and (NP gossip )NP )NP (PP from (PP around (NP the world )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 19 23 (S (NP (NP A daily 35-minute program )NP (VP called (S `` (NP (NP The March )NP (PP of (NP Time )NP )PP )NP '' )S )VP )NP (VP tries (S (VP to (VP find (NP (NP interesting tidbits )NP (PP of (NP (NP lighthearted news )NP and (NP (NP gossip )NP (PP from (PP around (NP the world )NP )PP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 19 22 (S (NP (NP A daily 35-minute program )NP (VP called (S `` (NP (NP The March )NP (PP of (NP Time )NP )PP )NP '' )S )VP )NP (VP tries (S (VP to (VP find (NP (NP interesting tidbits )NP (PP of (NP (NP lighthearted news )NP and (NP gossip )NP )NP )PP (PP from (PP around (NP the world )NP )PP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 18 20 (S (NP (NP A daily 35-minute program )NP (VP called (S `` (NP (NP The March )NP (PP of (NP Time )NP )PP )NP '' )S )VP )NP (VP tries (S (VP to (VP find (NP (NP interesting tidbits )NP (PP of (NP lighthearted news and gossip )NP )PP )NP (PP from (PP around (NP the world )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 18 22 (S (NP (NP A daily 35-minute program )NP (VP called (S `` (NP (NP The March )NP (PP of (NP Time )NP )PP )NP '' )S )VP )NP (VP tries (S (VP to (VP find (NP (NP interesting tidbits )NP (PP of (NP (NP lighthearted news )NP and (NP gossip )NP )NP )PP )NP (PP from (PP around (NP the world )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 20 23 (S (NP (NP A daily 35-minute program )NP (VP called (S `` (NP (NP The March )NP (PP of (NP Time )NP )PP )NP '' )S )VP )NP (VP tries (S (VP to (VP find (NP (NP interesting tidbits )NP (PP of (NP (NP (NP lighthearted news )NP and (NP gossip )NP )NP (PP from (PP around (NP the world )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 17 22 (S (NP (NP A daily 35-minute program )NP (VP called (S `` (NP (NP The March )NP (PP of (NP Time )NP )PP )NP '' )S )VP )NP (VP tries (S (VP to (VP find (NP (NP (NP interesting tidbits )NP (PP of (NP lighthearted news )NP )PP )NP and (NP gossip )NP )NP (PP from (PP around (NP the world )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 18 20 (S (NP (NP A daily 35-minute program )NP (VP called (S `` (NP (NP The March )NP (PP of (NP Time )NP )PP )NP '' )S )VP )NP (VP tries (S (VP to (VP find (NP (NP interesting tidbits )NP (PP of (NP lighthearted news and gossip )NP )PP )NP (PP from (PP around (NP the world )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 18 22 (S (NP (NP A daily 35-minute program )NP (VP called (S `` (NP (NP The March )NP (PP of (NP Time )NP )PP )NP '' )S )VP )NP (VP tries (S (VP to (VP find (NP (NP interesting tidbits )NP (PP of (NP (NP lighthearted news )NP and (NP gossip )NP )NP )PP )NP (PP from (PP around (NP the world )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 18 20 (S (NP (NP A daily 35-minute program )NP (VP called (S `` (NP (NP The March )NP (PP of (NP Time )NP )PP )NP '' )S )VP )NP (VP tries (S (VP to (VP find (NP (NP interesting tidbits )NP (PP of (NP lighthearted news and gossip )NP )PP )NP (PP from (PP around (NP the world )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 19 23 (S (NP (NP A daily 35-minute program )NP (VP called (S `` (NP (NP The March )NP (PP of (NP Time )NP )PP )NP '' )S )VP )NP (VP tries (S (VP to (VP find (NP (NP interesting tidbits )NP (PP of (NP (NP lighthearted news )NP and (NP (NP gossip )NP (PP from (PP around (NP the world )NP )PP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 17 22 (S (NP (NP A daily 35-minute program )NP (VP called (S `` (NP (NP The March )NP (PP of (NP Time )NP )PP )NP '' )S )VP )NP (VP tries (S (VP to (VP find (NP (NP interesting tidbits )NP (PP of (NP (NP lighthearted news )NP and (NP gossip )NP )NP )PP )NP (PP from )PP (PP around (NP the world )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 19 22 (S (NP (NP A daily 35-minute program )NP (VP called (S `` (NP (NP The March )NP (PP of (NP Time )NP )PP )NP '' )S )VP )NP (VP tries (S (VP to (VP find (NP (NP interesting tidbits )NP (PP of (NP (NP lighthearted news )NP and (NP gossip )NP )NP )PP (PP from (PP around (NP the world )NP )PP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 19 22 (S (NP (NP A daily 35-minute program )NP (VP called (S `` (NP (NP The March )NP (PP of (NP Time )NP )PP )NP '' )S )VP )NP (VP tries (S (VP to (VP find (NP (NP interesting tidbits )NP (PP of (NP (NP lighthearted news )NP and (NP gossip )NP (PP from (PP around (NP the world )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 19 23 (S (NP (NP A daily 35-minute program )NP (VP called (S `` (NP (NP The March )NP (PP of (NP Time )NP )PP )NP '' )S )VP )NP (VP tries (S (VP to (VP find (NP (NP (NP interesting tidbits )NP (PP of (NP (NP lighthearted news )NP and (NP gossip )NP )NP )PP )NP (PP from (PP around (NP the world )NP )PP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 17 22 (S (NP (NP A daily 35-minute program )NP (VP called (S `` (NP (NP The March )NP (PP of (NP Time )NP )PP )NP '' )S )VP )NP (VP tries (S (VP to (VP find (NP (NP (NP interesting tidbits )NP (PP of (NP lighthearted news )NP )PP )NP and (NP gossip )NP )NP (PP from (PP around (NP the world )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 18 22 (S (NP (NP A daily 35-minute program )NP (VP called (S `` (NP (NP The March )NP (PP of (NP Time )NP )PP )NP '' )S )VP )NP (VP tries (S (VP to (VP find (NP (NP interesting tidbits )NP (PP of (NP (NP lighthearted news )NP and (NP gossip )NP )NP )PP )NP (PP from (PP around (NP the world )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 17 22 (S (NP (NP A daily 35-minute program )NP (VP called (S `` (NP (NP The March )NP (PP of (NP Time )NP )PP )NP '' )S )VP )NP (VP tries (S (VP to (VP find (NP (NP (NP interesting tidbits )NP (PP of (NP lighthearted news )NP )PP )NP and (NP gossip )NP )NP (PP from (PP around (NP the world )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 18 22 (S (NP (NP A daily 35-minute program )NP (VP called (S `` (NP (NP The March )NP (PP of (NP Time )NP )PP )NP '' )S )VP )NP (VP tries (S (VP to (VP find (NP (NP interesting tidbits )NP (PP of (NP (NP lighthearted news )NP and (NP gossip )NP )NP )PP )NP (PP from (PP around (NP the world )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 18 20 (S (NP (NP A daily 35-minute program )NP (VP called (S `` (NP (NP The March )NP (PP of (NP Time )NP )PP )NP '' )S )VP )NP (VP tries (S (VP to (VP find (NP (NP interesting tidbits )NP (PP of (NP lighthearted news and gossip )NP )PP )NP (PP from (PP around (NP the world )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 17 21 (S (NP (NP A daily 35-minute program )NP (VP called (S `` (NP (NP The March )NP (PP of (NP Time )NP )PP )NP '' )S )VP )NP (VP tries (S (VP to (VP find (NP (NP interesting tidbits )NP (PP of (NP (NP lighthearted news )NP and (NP gossip )NP )NP )PP )NP (PP from around (NP the world )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 20 23 (S (NP (NP A daily 35-minute program )NP (VP called (S `` (NP (NP The March )NP (PP of (NP Time )NP )PP )NP '' )S )VP )NP (VP tries (S (VP to (VP find (NP (NP interesting tidbits )NP (PP of (NP (NP (NP lighthearted news )NP and (NP gossip )NP )NP (PP from (PP around (NP the world )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 19 23 (S (NP (NP A daily 35-minute program )NP (VP called (S `` (NP (NP The March )NP (PP of (NP Time )NP )PP )NP '' )S )VP )NP (VP tries (S (VP to (VP find (NP (NP interesting tidbits )NP (PP of (NP (NP lighthearted news )NP and (NP (NP gossip )NP (PP from (PP around (NP the world )NP )PP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 17 22 (S (NP (NP A daily 35-minute program )NP (VP called (S `` (NP (NP The March )NP (PP of (NP Time )NP )PP )NP '' )S )VP )NP (VP tries (S (VP to (VP find (NP (NP interesting tidbits )NP (PP of (NP (NP lighthearted news )NP and (NP gossip )NP )NP )PP )NP (PP from )PP (PP around (NP the world )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 18 22 (S (NP (NP A daily 35-minute program )NP (VP called (S `` (NP (NP The March )NP (PP of (NP Time )NP )PP )NP '' )S )VP )NP (VP tries (S (VP to (VP find (NP (NP interesting tidbits )NP (PP of (NP (NP lighthearted news )NP and (NP gossip )NP )NP )PP )NP (PP from (PP around (NP the world )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 18 23 (S (NP (NP A daily 35-minute program )NP (VP called (S `` (NP (NP The March )NP (PP of (NP Time )NP )PP )NP '' )S )VP )NP (VP tries (S (VP to (VP find (NP (NP (NP interesting tidbits )NP (PP of (NP lighthearted news )NP )PP )NP and (NP (NP gossip )NP (PP from (PP around (NP the world )NP )PP )PP )NP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 19 22 (S (NP (NP A daily 35-minute program )NP (VP called (S `` (NP (NP The March )NP (PP of (NP Time )NP )PP )NP '' )S )VP )NP (VP tries (S (VP to (VP find (NP (NP interesting tidbits )NP (PP of (NP (NP lighthearted news )NP and (NP gossip )NP )NP )PP (PP from (PP around (NP the world )NP )PP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 19 22 (S (NP (NP A daily 35-minute program )NP (VP called (S `` (NP (NP The March )NP (PP of (NP Time )NP )PP )NP '' )S )VP )NP (VP tries (S (VP to (VP find (NP (NP interesting tidbits )NP (PP of (NP (NP lighthearted news )NP and (NP gossip )NP (PP from (PP around (NP the world )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 19 23 (S (NP (NP A daily 35-minute program )NP (VP called (S `` (NP (NP The March )NP (PP of (NP Time )NP )PP )NP '' )S )VP )NP (VP tries (S (VP to (VP find (NP (NP interesting tidbits )NP (PP of (NP (NP lighthearted news )NP and (NP (NP gossip )NP (PP from (PP around (NP the world )NP )PP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 15 22 (S (NP (NP A daily 35-minute program )NP (VP called (S `` (NP (NP The March )NP (PP of (NP Time )NP )PP )NP '' )S )VP )NP (VP tries (S (VP to (VP find (NP (NP interesting tidbits )NP (PP of (NP (NP lighthearted news )NP and (NP gossip )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S (PP from (PP around (NP the world )NP )PP )PP )VP . )S 19 23 (S (NP (NP A daily 35-minute program )NP (VP called (S `` (NP (NP The March )NP (PP of (NP Time )NP )PP )NP '' )S )VP )NP (VP tries (S (VP to (VP find (NP (NP (NP interesting tidbits )NP (PP of (NP (NP lighthearted news )NP and (NP gossip )NP )NP )PP )NP (PP from (PP around (NP the world )NP )PP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 18 22 (S (NP (NP A daily 35-minute program )NP (VP called (S `` (NP (NP The March )NP (PP of (NP Time )NP )PP )NP '' )S )VP )NP (VP tries (S (VP to (VP find (NP (NP interesting tidbits )NP (PP of (NP (NP lighthearted news )NP and (NP gossip )NP )NP )PP )NP (PP from (PP around (NP the world )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 17 22 (S (NP (NP A daily 35-minute program )NP (VP called (S `` (NP (NP The March )NP (PP of (NP Time )NP )PP )NP '' )S )VP )NP (VP tries (S (VP to (VP find (NP (NP (NP interesting tidbits )NP (PP of (NP lighthearted news )NP )PP )NP and (NP gossip )NP )NP (PP from (PP around (NP the world )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 19 22 (S (NP (NP A daily 35-minute program )NP (VP called (S `` (NP (NP The March )NP (PP of (NP Time )NP )PP )NP '' )S )VP )NP (VP tries (S (VP to (VP find (NP (NP interesting tidbits )NP (PP of (NP (NP lighthearted news )NP and (NP gossip )NP )NP )PP (PP from (PP around (NP the world )NP )PP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 18 23 (S (NP (NP A daily 35-minute program )NP (VP called (S `` (NP (NP The March )NP (PP of (NP Time )NP )PP )NP '' )S )VP )NP (VP tries (S (VP to (VP find (NP (NP (NP (NP interesting tidbits )NP (PP of (NP lighthearted news )NP )PP )NP and (NP gossip )NP )NP (PP from (PP around (NP the world )NP )PP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 18 20 (S (NP (NP A daily 35-minute program )NP (VP called (S `` (NP (NP The March )NP (PP of (NP Time )NP )PP )NP '' )S )VP )NP (VP tries (S (VP to (VP find (NP (NP interesting tidbits )NP (PP of (NP lighthearted news and gossip )NP )PP )NP (PP from (PP around (NP the world )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 18 22 (S (NP (NP A daily 35-minute program )NP (VP called (S `` (NP (NP The March )NP (PP of (NP Time )NP )PP )NP '' )S )VP )NP (VP tries (S (VP to (VP find (NP (NP interesting tidbits )NP (PP of (NP (NP lighthearted news )NP and (NP gossip )NP )NP )PP )NP (PP from (PP around (NP the world )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 17 22 (S (NP (NP A daily 35-minute program )NP (VP called (S `` (NP (NP The March )NP (PP of (NP Time )NP )PP )NP '' )S )VP )NP (VP tries (S (VP to (VP find (NP (NP (NP interesting tidbits )NP (PP of (NP lighthearted news )NP )PP )NP and (NP gossip )NP )NP (PP from (PP around (NP the world )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 17 21 (S (NP (NP A daily 35-minute program )NP (VP called (S `` (NP (NP The March )NP (PP of (NP Time )NP )PP )NP '' )S )VP )NP (VP tries (S (VP to (VP find (NP (NP interesting tidbits )NP (PP of (NP (NP lighthearted news )NP and (NP gossip )NP )NP )PP )NP (PP from around (NP the world )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 50 7 9 (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (NP (NP a program )NP (PP for (NP (NP women )NP and (NP a science show )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 9 9 (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (NP (NP (NP a program )NP (PP for (NP women )NP )PP )NP and (NP a science show )NP )NP )VP . )S 9 9 (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (NP (NP (NP a program )NP (PP for (NP women )NP )PP )NP and (NP a science show )NP )NP )VP . )S 6 8 (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (NP a program )NP (PP for (NP (NP women )NP and (NP a science show )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 7 9 (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (NP (NP a program )NP (PP for (NP (NP women )NP and (NP a science show )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 6 8 (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (NP a program )NP (PP for (NP (NP women )NP and (NP a science show )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 7 9 (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (NP (NP a program )NP (PP for (NP (NP women )NP and (NP a science show )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 9 9 (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (NP (NP (NP a program )NP (PP for (NP women )NP )PP )NP and (NP a science show )NP )NP )VP . )S 6 8 (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (NP (NP a program )NP (PP for (NP women and (NP a science show )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 6 8 (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (NP a program (PP for (NP (NP women )NP and (NP a science show )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 7 9 (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (NP (NP a program )NP (PP for (NP (NP women )NP and (NP a science show )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 6 9 (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (VP (NP a program )NP (PP for (NP (NP women )NP and (NP a science show )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 6 8 (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (NP a program )NP (PP for (NP (NP women )NP and (NP a science show )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 9 9 (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (NP (NP (NP a program )NP (PP for (NP women )NP )PP )NP and (NP a science show )NP )NP )VP . )S 8 9 (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (NP (NP a program )NP (PP for (NP women )NP )PP )NP (PP and (NP a science show )NP )PP )VP . )S 9 10 (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (NP (NP (NP a program )NP (PP for (NP women )NP )PP )NP and (NP (NP a science )NP show )NP )NP )VP . )S 7 10 (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (NP (NP a program )NP (PP for (NP (NP women )NP and (NP (NP a science )NP show )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 9 10 (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (VP (NP (NP (NP a program )NP (PP for (NP women )NP )PP )NP and (NP a science show )NP )NP )VP )VP . )S 7 10 (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (VP (NP (NP a program )NP (PP for (NP (NP women )NP and (NP a science show )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP . )S 9 9 (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (NP (NP (NP a program )NP (PP for (NP women )NP )PP )NP and (NP a science show )NP )NP )VP . )S 7 10 (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (NP (NP a program )NP (PP for (NP (NP women )NP (PP and (NP a science show )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 6 8 (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (NP a program (PP for (NP (NP women )NP and (NP a science show )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 9 10 (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (S (NP (NP (NP a program )NP (PP for (NP women )NP )PP )NP and (NP a science show )NP )NP )S )VP . )S 5 8 (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (NP a program )NP )VP (PP for (NP (NP women )NP and (NP a science show )NP )NP )PP . )S 7 10 (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (S (NP (NP a program )NP (PP for (NP (NP women )NP and (NP a science show )NP )NP )PP )NP )S )VP . )S 7 13 (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (NP (NP a program )NP (PP for (NP (NP women )NP and (NP (NP a science )NP (SBAR (S (VP show )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 7 11 (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (NP (NP a program )NP (PP for (NP (NP women )NP and (NP (NP a science )NP (VP show )VP )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 7 9 (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (NP (NP a program )NP (PP for (NP (NP women )NP and (NP a science show )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 9 11 (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (NP (NP (NP a program )NP (PP for (NP women )NP )PP )NP and (NP (NP a science )NP (VP show )VP )NP )NP )VP . )S 5 7 (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (NP (NP a program )NP (PP for (NP women and a science show )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 9 13 (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (NP (NP (NP a program )NP (PP for (NP women )NP )PP )NP and (NP (NP a science )NP (SBAR (S (VP show )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP )VP . )S 7 11 (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (NP (NP a program )NP (PP for (NP (NP women )NP and (NP (NP a science )NP (NP show )NP )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 6 11 (S (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (NP (NP a program )NP (PP for (NP women )NP )PP )NP )VP )S and (S (NP a science )NP (VP show )VP )S . )S 5 7 (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (NP a program )NP (PP for (NP women and (NP a science show )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 9 11 (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (NP (NP (NP a program )NP (PP for (NP women )NP )PP )NP and (NP (NP a science )NP (NP show )NP )NP )NP )VP . )S 9 10 (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (NP (NP (NP a program )NP (PP for (NP women )NP )PP )NP and (NP a (NX science show )NX )NP )NP )VP . )S 7 10 (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (NP (NP a program )NP (PP for (NP (NP women )NP and (NP a (NX science show )NX )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 7 10 (S (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (NP (NP a program )NP (PP for (NP women )NP )PP )NP )VP )S and (S (NP a science show )NP )S . )S 7 11 (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (NP (NP a program )NP (PP for (NP (NP women )NP and (NP a science (S (VP show )VP )S )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 5 10 (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (NP a program )NP (SBAR for (S (NP (NP women )NP and (NP a science )NP )NP (VP show )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 9 11 (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (NP (NP (NP a program )NP (PP for (NP women )NP )PP )NP and (NP a science (S (VP show )VP )S )NP )NP )VP . )S 9 9 (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (NP (NP (NP a program )NP (PP for (NP women )NP )PP )NP and (NP a science show )NP )NP )VP . )S 9 10 (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (S (NP (NP (NP a program )NP (PP for (NP women )NP )PP )NP and (NP a science show )NP )NP )S )VP . )S 7 10 (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (S (NP (NP a program )NP (PP for (NP (NP women )NP and (NP a science show )NP )NP )PP )NP )S )VP . )S 6 8 (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (NP (NP a program )NP (PP for (NP women and (NP a science show )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 9 10 (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (NP (NP (NP a program )NP (PP for (NP women )NP )PP )NP and (NP (NP a science )NP show )NP )NP )VP . )S 5 8 (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (NP a program )NP )VP (PP for (NP (NP women )NP and (NP a science show )NP )NP )PP . )S 6 11 (S (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (NP (NP a program )NP (PP for (NP women )NP )PP )NP )VP )S and (S (NP a science )NP (VP show )VP )S . )S 7 10 (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (NP (NP a program )NP (PP for (NP (NP women )NP and (NP (NP a )NP science show )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 6 8 (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (NP a program )NP (PP for (NP (NP women )NP and (NP a science show )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 50 11 11 (S And (S (VP to (VP attract (NP younger listeners )NP )VP )VP )S , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP intersperses (NP (NP the latest )NP (PP in (NP Western rock groups )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 11 11 (S And (S (VP to (VP attract (NP younger listeners )NP )VP )VP )S , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP intersperses (NP (NP the latest )NP (PP in (NP Western rock groups )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 11 12 (S And (SBAR (S (VP to (VP attract (NP younger listeners )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP intersperses (NP (NP the latest )NP (PP in (NP Western rock groups )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 10 11 (S (S And (VP to (VP attract (NP younger listeners )NP )VP )VP )S , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP intersperses (NP (NP the latest )NP (PP in (NP Western rock groups )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 11 12 (S And (S (S (VP to (VP attract (NP younger listeners )NP )VP )VP )S , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP intersperses (NP (NP the latest )NP (PP in (NP Western rock groups )NP )PP )NP )VP )S . )S 10 10 (S And (S (VP to (VP attract (NP younger listeners )NP )VP )VP )S , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP intersperses (NP the latest )NP (PP in (NP Western rock groups )NP )PP )VP . )S 11 12 (S And (SBAR (S (VP to (VP attract (NP younger listeners )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP intersperses (NP (NP the latest )NP (PP in (NP Western rock groups )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 11 11 (S And (S (VP to (VP attract (NP younger listeners )NP )VP )VP )S , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP intersperses (NP (NP the latest )NP (PP in (NP Western rock groups )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 10 11 (S (S And (VP to (VP attract (NP younger listeners )NP )VP )VP )S , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP intersperses (NP (NP the latest )NP (PP in (NP Western rock groups )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 11 12 (S And (S (S (VP to (VP attract (NP younger listeners )NP )VP )VP )S , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP intersperses (NP (NP the latest )NP (PP in (NP Western rock groups )NP )PP )NP )VP )S . )S 11 12 (S (SBAR And (S (VP to (VP attract (NP younger listeners )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP intersperses (NP (NP the latest )NP (PP in (NP Western rock groups )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 11 11 (S And (S (VP to (VP attract (NP younger listeners )NP )VP )VP )S , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP intersperses (NP (NP the latest )NP (PP in (NP Western rock groups )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 10 10 (S And (S (VP to (VP attract (NP younger listeners )NP )VP )VP )S , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP intersperses (NP the latest )NP (PP in (NP Western rock groups )NP )PP )VP . )S 11 11 (S And (S (VP to (VP attract (NP younger listeners )NP )VP )VP )S , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP intersperses (NP (NP the latest )NP (PP in (NP Western rock groups )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 11 12 (S And (PRN (S (VP to (VP attract (NP younger listeners )NP )VP )VP )S , )PRN (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP intersperses (NP (NP the latest )NP (PP in (NP Western rock groups )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 11 12 (S And (S (VP to (VP attract (NP younger listeners )NP )VP )VP )S , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP intersperses (S (NP (NP the latest )NP (PP in (NP Western rock groups )NP )PP )NP )S )VP . )S 10 11 (S And (SBAR (S (VP to (VP attract (NP younger listeners )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP intersperses (NP the latest )NP (PP in (NP Western rock groups )NP )PP )VP . )S 11 12 (S (S And (S (VP to (VP attract (NP younger listeners )NP )VP )VP )S )S , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP intersperses (NP (NP the latest )NP (PP in (NP Western rock groups )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 9 11 (S And (PP to (S (VP attract (NP younger listeners )NP )VP )S )PP , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP intersperses (NP (NP the latest )NP (PP in (NP Western rock groups )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 11 12 (S And (SBAR (S (VP to (VP attract (NP younger listeners )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP intersperses (NP (NP the latest )NP (PP in (NP Western rock groups )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 11 12 (S And (S (VP to (VP attract (NP younger (NX listeners )NX )NP )VP )VP )S , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP intersperses (NP (NP the latest )NP (PP in (NP Western rock groups )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 11 12 (S (SBAR And (S (VP to (VP attract (NP younger listeners )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP intersperses (NP (NP the latest )NP (PP in (NP Western rock groups )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 9 10 (S And (PP to (VP attract (NP younger listeners )NP )VP )PP , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP intersperses (NP (NP the latest )NP (PP in (NP Western rock groups )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 9 10 (S (S And (VP to (VP attract (NP younger listeners )NP )VP )VP )S , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP intersperses (NP the latest )NP (PP in (NP Western rock groups )NP )PP )VP . )S 10 11 (S And (S (S (VP to (VP attract (NP younger listeners )NP )VP )VP )S , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP intersperses (NP the latest )NP (PP in (NP Western rock groups )NP )PP )VP )S . )S 11 11 (S And (S (VP to (VP attract (NP younger listeners )NP )VP )VP )S , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP intersperses (NP (NP the latest )NP (PP in (NP Western rock groups )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 8 13 (S And (VP to (VP attract (NP (NP younger listeners )NP , (SBAR (S (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP intersperses (NP (NP the latest )NP (PP in (NP Western rock groups )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP . )S 8 12 (S And (S (VP to (VP attract (NP (NP younger listeners )NP , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )NP )VP )VP )S (VP intersperses (NP (NP the latest )NP (PP in (NP Western rock groups )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 11 13 (S (SBAR And (SBAR (S (VP to (VP attract (NP younger listeners )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )SBAR , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP intersperses (NP (NP the latest )NP (PP in (NP Western rock groups )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 11 12 (S And (S (VP to (VP attract (NP (ADJP younger )ADJP listeners )NP )VP )VP )S , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP intersperses (NP (NP the latest )NP (PP in (NP Western rock groups )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 11 13 (S (S And (SBAR (S (VP to (VP attract (NP younger listeners )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )S , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP intersperses (NP (NP the latest )NP (PP in (NP Western rock groups )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 11 11 (S And (S (VP to (VP attract (NP younger listeners )NP )VP )VP )S , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP intersperses (NP (NP the latest )NP (PP in (NP Western rock groups )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 10 11 (S (S And (VP to (VP attract (NP younger listeners )NP )VP )VP )S , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP intersperses (NP (NP the latest )NP (PP in (NP Western rock groups )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 10 12 (S And (S (VP to (VP attract (ADVP younger )ADVP (NP listeners )NP )VP )VP )S , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP intersperses (NP (NP the latest )NP (PP in (NP Western rock groups )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 10 10 (S And (S (VP to (VP attract (NP younger listeners )NP )VP )VP )S , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP intersperses (NP the latest )NP (PP in (NP Western rock groups )NP )PP )VP . )S 8 12 (S And (VP to (VP attract (NP younger listeners )NP , (SBAR (S (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP intersperses (NP (NP the latest )NP (PP in (NP Western rock groups )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 8 12 (S And (S (VP to (VP attract (NP younger listeners )NP )VP )VP )S , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP intersperses (NP (NP the latest )NP (PP in (NP Western )NP )PP )NP (NP rock groups )NP )VP . )S 11 12 (S And (PRN (S (VP to (VP attract (NP younger listeners )NP )VP )VP )S , )PRN (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP intersperses (NP (NP the latest )NP (PP in (NP Western rock groups )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 11 12 (S And (S (VP to (VP attract (NP younger listeners )NP )VP )VP )S , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP intersperses (S (NP (NP the latest )NP (PP in (NP Western rock groups )NP )PP )NP )S )VP . )S 10 11 (S And (SBAR (S (VP to (VP attract (NP younger listeners )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP intersperses (NP the latest )NP (PP in (NP Western rock groups )NP )PP )VP . )S 11 12 (S (S And (S (VP to (VP attract (NP younger listeners )NP )VP )VP )S )S , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP intersperses (NP (NP the latest )NP (PP in (NP Western rock groups )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 10 12 (FRAG And (S (S (VP to (VP attract (NP younger listeners )NP )VP )VP )S , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP intersperses (NP (NP the latest )NP (PP in (NP Western rock groups )NP )PP )NP )VP )S . )FRAG 10 11 (S And (S (VP to (VP attract (NP younger listeners )NP )VP )VP )S , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP intersperses (S (NP the latest )NP (PP in (NP Western rock groups )NP )PP )S )VP . )S 9 11 (S And (PP to (S (VP attract (NP younger listeners )NP )VP )S )PP , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP intersperses (NP (NP the latest )NP (PP in (NP Western rock groups )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 11 12 (S And (SBAR (S (VP to (VP attract (NP younger listeners )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP intersperses (NP (NP the latest )NP (PP in (NP Western rock groups )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 8 12 (S And (S (VP to (VP attract (NP younger listeners )NP )VP )VP )S , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP intersperses (NP (NP the latest )NP (PP in (NP Western rock )NP )PP )NP (NP groups )NP )VP . )S 11 12 (S And (S (VP to (VP attract (NP younger (NX listeners )NX )NP )VP )VP )S , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP intersperses (NP (NP the latest )NP (PP in (NP Western rock groups )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 11 12 (S And (S (VP to (VP attract (S (NP younger listeners )NP )S )VP )VP )S , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP intersperses (NP (NP the latest )NP (PP in (NP Western rock groups )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 11 12 (S And (S (VP to (VP attract (NP younger listeners )NP )VP )VP )S , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP intersperses (NP (NP the (ADJP latest )ADJP )NP (PP in (NP Western rock groups )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 11 13 (S And (S (SBAR (S (VP to (VP attract (NP younger listeners )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP intersperses (NP (NP the latest )NP (PP in (NP Western rock groups )NP )PP )NP )VP )S . )S 50 6 7 (S (NP The Pet Shop Boys )NP (VP are (ADVP big (NP this year )NP )ADVP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )VP . )S 5 7 (S (NP The Pet Shop Boys )NP (VP are (PP (ADVP big (NP this year )NP )ADVP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )VP . )S 6 7 (S (NP The Pet Shop Boys )NP (VP are (ADVP big (NP this year )NP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )ADVP )VP . )S 6 7 (S (NP The Pet Shop Boys )NP (VP are (ADVP big (NP this year )NP )ADVP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )VP . )S 6 7 (S (NP The Pet Shop Boys )NP (VP are (VP big (NP this year )NP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 5 7 (S (NP The Pet Shop Boys )NP (VP are (PP (ADVP big (NP this year )NP )ADVP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )VP . )S 6 7 (S (NP The Pet Shop Boys )NP (VP are (ADJP big (NP this year )NP )ADJP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )VP . )S 6 8 (S (NP The Pet Shop Boys )NP (VP are (PP big (NP (NP this year )NP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 6 7 (S (NP The Pet Shop Boys )NP (VP are (ADVP big (NP this year )NP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )ADVP )VP . )S 6 8 (S (NP The Pet Shop Boys )NP (VP are (ADVP big )ADVP (NP (NP this year )NP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 6 7 (S (NP The Pet Shop Boys )NP (VP are (ADVP big )ADVP (NP this year )NP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )VP . )S 6 7 (S (NP The Pet Shop Boys )NP (VP are (VP big (NP this year )NP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 6 8 (S (NP The Pet Shop Boys )NP (VP are (ADVP (ADVP big (NP this year )NP )ADVP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )ADVP )VP . )S 6 8 (S (NP The Pet Shop Boys )NP (VP are (VP big (NP (NP this year )NP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP . )S 7 7 (S (NP The Pet Shop Boys )NP (VP are (ADJP big )ADJP (NP this year )NP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )VP . )S 5 6 (S (NP The Pet Shop Boys )NP (VP are (NP big this year )NP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )VP . )S 6 7 (S (NP The Pet Shop Boys )NP (VP are (ADVP big (NP this year )NP )ADVP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )VP . )S 6 7 (S (NP The Pet Shop Boys )NP (VP are (ADJP big (NP this year )NP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 6 7 (S (NP The Pet Shop Boys )NP (VP are (ADJP big )ADJP (PP (NP this year )NP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )VP . )S 6 7 (S (NP The Pet Shop Boys )NP (VP are (ADJP big (NP this year )NP )ADJP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )VP . )S 6 8 (S (NP The Pet Shop Boys )NP (VP are (PP big (NP (NP this year )NP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 5 7 (S (NP The Pet Shop Boys )NP (VP are (NP (ADVP big )ADVP this year )NP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )VP . )S 6 8 (S (NP The Pet Shop Boys )NP (VP are (ADJP big (NP (NP this year )NP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )NP )ADJP )VP . )S 6 8 (S (NP The Pet Shop Boys )NP (VP are (ADVP big )ADVP (NP (NP this year )NP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 6 8 (S (NP The Pet Shop Boys )NP (VP are (ADVP big (NP (NP this year )NP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )NP )ADVP )VP . )S 6 7 (S (NP The Pet Shop Boys )NP (VP are (ADVP big )ADVP (NP this year )NP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )VP . )S 6 7 (S (NP The Pet Shop Boys )NP (VP are (NP big )NP (NP this year )NP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )VP . )S 7 8 (S (NP The Pet Shop Boys )NP (VP are (ADJP big )ADJP (NP (NP this year )NP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 6 8 (S (NP The (NX Pet Shop Boys )NX )NP (VP are (ADVP big (NP this year )NP )ADVP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )VP . )S 6 7 (S (NP The Pet Shop Boys )NP (VP are (ADVP big (NP this year )NP )ADVP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )VP . )S 6 8 (S (NP The Pet Shop Boys )NP (VP are (ADVP (ADVP big (NP this year )NP )ADVP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )ADVP )VP . )S 6 8 (S (NP The Pet Shop Boys )NP (VP are (VP big (NP (NP this year )NP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP . )S 7 7 (S (NP The Pet Shop Boys )NP (VP are (ADJP big )ADJP (NP this year )NP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )VP . )S 5 7 (S (NP The Pet Shop Boys )NP (VP are (PP (ADVP big (NP this year )NP )ADVP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )VP . )S 6 9 (S (NP The Pet Shop Boys )NP (VP are (NP (NP (NP big )NP (NP this year )NP )NP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 6 6 (S (NP The Pet Shop Boys )NP (VP are big (NP this year )NP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )VP . )S 5 6 (S (NP The Pet Shop Boys )NP (VP are (NP big this year )NP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )VP . )S 5 7 (S (NP The Pet Shop Boys )NP (VP are (NP (NP big this year )NP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 6 8 (S (NP The Pet Shop Boys )NP (VP are (ADJP (ADJP big (NP this year )NP )ADJP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 6 8 (S (NP The Pet Shop Boys )NP (VP are (VP (ADVP big (NP this year )NP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP . )S 5 7 (S (NP The Pet Shop Boys )NP (VP are (ADVP big )ADVP (PP (NP this year )NP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )VP . )S 6 7 (S (NP The Pet Shop Boys )NP (VP are (ADVP big (NP this year )NP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )ADVP )VP . )S 5 7 (S (NP The Pet Shop Boys )NP (VP are (VP big (PP (NP this year )NP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 6 8 (S (NP The Pet Shop Boys )NP (VP are (NP (NP big )NP (NP this year )NP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 6 8 (S (NP The Pet Shop Boys )NP (VP are (ADJP big (S (NP this year )NP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )S )ADJP )VP . )S 6 7 (S (NP The Pet Shop Boys )NP (VP are (VP big (NP this year )NP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 6 7 (S (NP The Pet Shop Boys )NP (VP are (ADJP big (NP this year )NP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S 6 8 (S (NP The Pet Shop Boys )NP (VP are (VP (ADJP big (NP this year )NP )ADJP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 6 7 (S (NP The Pet Shop Boys )NP (VP are (ADJP big )ADJP (PP (NP this year )NP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )VP . )S 6 8 (S (NP The Pet (NX Shop Boys )NX )NP (VP are (ADVP big (NP this year )NP )ADVP (PP in (NP Budapest )NP )PP )VP . )S 50 11 11 (SINV `` (S (NP We )NP (VP are (VP starving (PP for (NP all the news )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Mr. Deak )NP , (NP the student )NP )NP . )SINV 9 12 (SINV `` (S (NP We )NP (VP are (VP starving (PP for (NP all )NP )PP (NP the news )NP )VP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Mr. Deak )NP , (NP the student )NP )NP . )SINV 11 11 (SINV `` (S (NP We )NP (VP are (VP starving (PP for (NP all the news )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Mr. Deak )NP , (NP the student )NP )NP . )SINV 11 12 (SINV `` (S (NP We )NP (VP are (VP starving (PP for (NP all (NP the news )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Mr. Deak )NP , (NP the student )NP )NP . )SINV 10 11 (SINV `` (S (NP We )NP (VP are (PP starving (PP for (NP all the news )NP )PP )PP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Mr. Deak )NP , (NP the student )NP )NP . )SINV 11 11 (SINV `` (S (NP We )NP (VP are (VP starving (PP for (NP all the news )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Mr. Deak )NP , (NP the student )NP )NP . )SINV 11 12 (SINV `` (S (NP We )NP (VP are (S (VP starving (PP for (NP all the news )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Mr. Deak )NP , (NP the student )NP )NP . )SINV 10 11 (SINV `` (S (NP We )NP (VP are (ADJP starving (PP for (NP all the news )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Mr. Deak )NP , (NP the student )NP )NP . )SINV 10 11 (SINV `` (S (NP We )NP (VP are (ADJP starving )ADJP (PP for (NP all the news )NP )PP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Mr. Deak )NP , (NP the student )NP )NP . )SINV 11 13 (SINV `` (S (NP We )NP (VP are (VP starving (PP for (NP (NP all )NP (NP the news )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Mr. Deak )NP , (NP the student )NP )NP . )SINV 9 13 (SINV `` (S (NP We )NP (VP are (S (VP starving (PP for (NP all )NP )PP (NP the news )NP )VP )S )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Mr. Deak )NP , (NP the student )NP )NP . )SINV 10 11 (SINV `` (S (NP We )NP (VP are (VP starving (PRT for )PRT (NP all the news )NP )VP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Mr. Deak )NP , (NP the student )NP )NP . )SINV 9 12 (SINV `` (S (NP We )NP (VP are (VP starving (PP for (NP all )NP )PP (NP the news )NP )VP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Mr. Deak )NP , (NP the student )NP )NP . )SINV 11 11 (SINV `` (S (NP We )NP (VP are (VP starving (PP for (NP all the news )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Mr. Deak )NP , (NP the student )NP )NP . )SINV 10 11 (SINV `` (S (NP We )NP (VP are (VP starving (PRT for )PRT (NP all the news )NP )VP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Mr. Deak )NP , (NP the student )NP )NP . )SINV 10 12 (SINV `` (S (NP We )NP (VP are (NP (NP starving )NP (PP for (NP all the news )NP )PP )NP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Mr. Deak )NP , (NP the student )NP )NP . )SINV 11 12 (SINV `` (S (NP We )NP (VP are (VP starving (PP for (S (NP all the news )NP )S )PP )VP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Mr. Deak )NP , (NP the student )NP )NP . )SINV 10 11 (SINV `` (S (NP We )NP (VP are (PP starving (PP for (NP all the news )NP )PP )PP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Mr. Deak )NP , (NP the student )NP )NP . )SINV 11 12 (SINV `` (S (NP We )NP (VP are (VP starving (PP for (NP (QP all the news )QP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Mr. Deak )NP , (NP the student )NP )NP . )SINV 10 11 (SINV `` (S (NP We )NP (VP are (ADJP starving (PP for (NP all the news )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Mr. Deak )NP , (NP the student )NP )NP . )SINV 10 12 (SINV `` (S (NP We )NP (VP are (ADJP (ADJP starving )ADJP (PP for (NP all the news )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Mr. Deak )NP , (NP the student )NP )NP . )SINV 11 12 (SINV `` (S (NP We )NP (VP are (S (VP starving (PP for (NP all the news )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Mr. Deak )NP , (NP the student )NP )NP . )SINV 10 11 (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP are (VP starving (PP for (NP all the news )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Mr. Deak )NP , (NP the student )NP )NP . )S 9 10 (SINV `` (S (NP We )NP (VP are (VP starving (NP for all the news )NP )VP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Mr. Deak )NP , (NP the student )NP )NP . )SINV 11 11 (SINV `` (S (NP We )NP (VP are (VP starving (PP for (NP all the news )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Mr. Deak )NP , (NP the student )NP )NP . )SINV 11 12 (SINV `` (S (NP We )NP (VP are (VP starving (PP for (NP (NP all the )NP news )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Mr. Deak )NP , (NP the student )NP )NP . )SINV 10 12 (SINV `` (S (NP We )NP (VP are (PP starving (PP for (NP all (NP the news )NP )NP )PP )PP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Mr. Deak )NP , (NP the student )NP )NP . )SINV 10 13 (SINV `` (S (NP We )NP (VP are (VP starving (PP for (S (NP all )NP (NP the news )NP )S )PP )VP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Mr. Deak )NP , (NP the student )NP )NP . )SINV 11 13 (SINV `` (S (NP We )NP (VP are (S (VP starving (PP for (NP all (NP the news )NP )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Mr. Deak )NP , (NP the student )NP )NP . )SINV 10 11 (SINV `` (S (NP We )NP (VP are (PP starving (PP for (NP all the news )NP )PP )PP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Mr. Deak )NP , (NP the student )NP )NP . )SINV 10 11 (SINV `` (S (NP We )NP (VP are (ADJP starving )ADJP (PP for (NP all the news )NP )PP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Mr. Deak )NP , (NP the student )NP )NP . )SINV 11 12 (SINV `` (S (NP We )NP (VP are (VP starving (PP for (NP all (NP the news )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Mr. Deak )NP , (NP the student )NP )NP . )SINV 10 11 (SINV `` (S (NP We )NP (VP are (NP starving )NP (PP for (NP all the news )NP )PP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Mr. Deak )NP , (NP the student )NP )NP . )SINV 11 12 (SINV `` (S (NP We )NP (VP are (S (VP starving (PP for (NP all the news )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Mr. Deak )NP , (NP the student )NP )NP . )SINV 11 12 (SINV `` (S (NP We )NP (VP are (VP starving (PP for (NP (QP all the news )QP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Mr. Deak )NP , (NP the student )NP )NP . )SINV 10 12 (SINV `` (S (NP We )NP (VP are (ADJP starving (PP for (NP all (NP the news )NP )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Mr. Deak )NP , (NP the student )NP )NP . )SINV 11 13 (SINV `` (S (NP We )NP (VP are (VP starving (PP for (NP all the news )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Mr. Deak )NP , (SBAR (S (NP the student )NP )S )SBAR )NP . )SINV 10 12 (SINV `` (S (NP We )NP (VP are (VP starving (PP for (NP all )NP (NP the news )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Mr. Deak )NP , (NP the student )NP )NP . )SINV 10 11 (SINV `` (S (NP We )NP (VP are (ADJP starving (PP for (NP all the news )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Mr. Deak )NP , (NP the student )NP )NP . )SINV 11 13 (SINV `` (S (NP We )NP (VP are (VP starving (PP for (NP (NP all )NP (NP the news )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Mr. Deak )NP , (NP the student )NP )NP . )SINV 10 10 (SINV `` (S (NP We )NP (VP are (VP starving for (NP all the news )NP )VP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Mr. Deak )NP , (NP the student )NP )NP . )SINV 10 13 (SINV `` (S (NP We )NP (VP are (ADJP starving (PP for (NP (NP all )NP (NP the news )NP )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Mr. Deak )NP , (NP the student )NP )NP . )SINV 10 12 (SINV `` (S (NP We )NP (VP are (ADJP starving )ADJP (PP for (NP all (NP the news )NP )NP )PP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Mr. Deak )NP , (NP the student )NP )NP . )SINV 11 12 (SINV `` (S (NP We )NP (VP are (VP (PP starving (PP for (NP all the news )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Mr. Deak )NP , (NP the student )NP )NP . )SINV 9 12 (SINV `` (S (NP We )NP (VP are (VP starving (PP for (NP all )NP )PP (NP the news )NP )VP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Mr. Deak )NP , (NP the student )NP )NP . )SINV 10 13 (SINV `` (S (NP We )NP (VP are (PP starving (PP for (NP (NP all )NP (NP the news )NP )NP )PP )PP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Mr. Deak )NP , (NP the student )NP )NP . )SINV 10 12 (SINV `` (S (NP We )NP (VP are (S (VP starving (PRT for )PRT (NP all the news )NP )VP )S )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Mr. Deak )NP , (NP the student )NP )NP . )SINV 10 11 (SINV `` (S (NP We )NP (VP are (VP starving (PP for (NP all the news )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP Mr. Deak )NP , (S (NP the student )NP )S . )SINV 10 11 (SINV `` (S (NP We )NP (VP are (ADJP starving )ADJP (PP for (NP all the news )NP )PP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Mr. Deak )NP , (NP the student )NP )NP . )SINV 10 11 (SINV `` (S (NP We )NP (VP are (VP starving (ADVP for (NP all the news )NP )ADVP )VP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Mr. Deak )NP , (NP the student )NP )NP . )SINV 50 9 13 (FRAG `` (NP (NP Every moment )NP (SBAR (S (NP we )NP (VP want (S (VP to (VP know (NP everything )NP (PP about (NP the world )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP . )FRAG 10 14 (FRAG `` (NP (NP Every moment )NP (SBAR (S (NP we )NP (VP want (S (VP to (VP know (NP (NP everything )NP (PP about (NP the world )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP . )FRAG 8 12 (FRAG `` (NP Every moment (SBAR (S (NP we )NP (VP want (S (VP to (VP know (NP everything )NP (PP about (NP the world )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP . )FRAG 9 10 (S `` (ADVP Every moment )ADVP (NP we )NP (VP want (S (VP to (VP know (NP everything )NP (PP about (NP the world )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 9 13 (FRAG `` (NP Every moment (SBAR (S (NP we )NP (VP want (S (VP to (VP know (NP (NP everything )NP (PP about (NP the world )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP . )FRAG 10 11 (S `` (ADVP Every moment )ADVP (NP we )NP (VP want (S (VP to (VP know (NP (NP everything )NP (PP about (NP the world )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 8 10 (NP `` Every moment (S (NP we )NP (VP want (S (VP to (VP know (NP everything )NP (PP about (NP the world )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S )NP 10 11 (S (S `` (NP Every moment )NP )S (NP we )NP (VP want (S (VP to (VP know (NP everything )NP (PP about (NP the world )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 9 11 (FRAG `` (NP Every moment )NP (S (NP we )NP (VP want (S (VP to (VP know (NP everything )NP (PP about (NP the world )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )S . )FRAG 9 11 (NP `` Every moment (S (NP we )NP (VP want (S (VP to (VP know (NP (NP everything )NP (PP about (NP the world )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S )NP 10 11 (S `` (S (NP Every moment )NP )S (NP we )NP (VP want (S (VP to (VP know (NP everything )NP (PP about (NP the world )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 11 12 (S (S `` (NP Every moment )NP )S (NP we )NP (VP want (S (VP to (VP know (NP (NP everything )NP (PP about (NP the world )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 9 12 (FRAG `` (NP Every moment )NP (SBAR (S (NP we )NP (VP want (S (VP to (VP know (NP everything )NP (PP about (NP the world )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR . )FRAG 10 12 (FRAG `` (NP Every moment )NP (S (NP we )NP (VP want (S (VP to (VP know (NP (NP everything )NP (PP about (NP the world )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S . )FRAG 10 13 (S `` (NP (NP Every moment )NP (SBAR (S (NP we )NP (VP want (S (VP to (VP know (NP everything )NP (PP about (NP the world )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP . )S 6 13 (FRAG `` (NP (NP Every moment )NP (SBAR (S (NP we )NP (VP want (S (VP to (VP know (NP everything )NP )VP )VP )S (PP about (NP the world )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP . )FRAG 11 12 (S `` (S (NP Every moment )NP )S (NP we )NP (VP want (S (VP to (VP know (NP (NP everything )NP (PP about (NP the world )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 10 10 (S `` (NP Every moment )NP (NP we )NP (VP want (S (VP to (VP know (NP everything )NP (PP about (NP the world )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 10 13 (FRAG `` (NP Every moment )NP (SBAR (S (NP we )NP (VP want (S (VP to (VP know (NP (NP everything )NP (PP about (NP the world )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR . )FRAG 8 13 (FRAG `` (NP (NP Every moment )NP (SBAR (S (NP we )NP (VP want (S (VP to (VP know (PP (NP everything )NP about (NP the world )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP . )FRAG 10 11 (S `` (NP (NP Every moment )NP (NP we )NP )NP (VP want (S (VP to (VP know (NP everything )NP (PP about (NP the world )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 11 14 (S `` (NP (NP Every moment )NP (SBAR (S (NP we )NP (VP want (S (VP to (VP know (NP (NP everything )NP (PP about (NP the world )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP . )S 9 13 (FRAG `` (NP (NP Every moment )NP (SBAR (S (NP we )NP (VP want (S (VP to (VP know (NP everything )NP (PP about (NP the world )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR . )NP )FRAG 8 12 (FRAG `` (NP (NP Every moment )NP (SBAR (S (NP we )NP (VP want (VP to (VP know (NP everything )NP (PP about (NP the world )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP . )FRAG 8 11 (FRAG `` (NP Every moment (S (NP we )NP (VP want (S (VP to (VP know (NP everything )NP (PP about (NP the world )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )NP . )FRAG 11 11 (S `` (NP Every moment )NP (NP we )NP (VP want (S (VP to (VP know (NP (NP everything )NP (PP about (NP the world )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 8 13 (FRAG `` (NP (NP Every moment )NP (SBAR (S (NP we )NP (VP want (S (VP to (VP know (ADVP everything )ADVP (PP about (NP the world )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP . )FRAG 11 12 (S `` (NP (NP Every moment )NP (NP we )NP )NP (VP want (S (VP to (VP know (NP (NP everything )NP (PP about (NP the world )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 9 11 (FRAG `` (NP Every moment )NP (S (NP we )NP (VP want (S (VP to (VP know (NP everything )NP (PP about (NP the world )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )S . )FRAG 5 12 (FRAG `` (NP Every moment (SBAR (S (NP we )NP (VP want (S (VP to (VP know (NP everything )NP )VP )VP )S (PP about (NP the world )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP . )FRAG 6 10 (S `` (ADVP Every moment )ADVP (NP we )NP (VP want (S (VP to (VP know (NP everything )NP )VP )VP )S (PP about (NP the world )NP )PP )VP . )S 10 14 (FRAG `` (NP (NP Every moment )NP (SBAR (S (NP we )NP (VP want (S (VP to (VP know (NP (NP everything )NP (PP about (NP the world )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR . )NP )FRAG 10 15 (FRAG `` (NP (NP Every moment )NP (SBAR (S (NP we )NP (VP want (S (VP to (VP know (S (NP (NP everything )NP (PP about (NP the world )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP . )FRAG 9 13 (FRAG `` (NP (NP Every moment )NP (SBAR (S (NP we )NP (VP want (VP to (VP know (NP (NP everything )NP (PP about (NP the world )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP . )FRAG 8 12 (S `` (NP (NP Every moment )NP (SBAR (S (NP we )NP (VP want )VP )S )SBAR )NP (VP to (VP know (NP everything )NP (PP about (NP the world )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 9 12 (FRAG `` (NP Every moment (S (NP we )NP (VP want (S (VP to (VP know (NP (NP everything )NP (PP about (NP the world )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )NP . )FRAG 7 12 (FRAG `` (NP Every moment (SBAR (S (NP we )NP (VP want (S (VP to (VP know (PP (NP everything )NP about (NP the world )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP . )FRAG 8 10 (S `` (ADVP Every moment )ADVP (NP we )NP (VP want (S (VP to (VP know (PP (NP everything )NP about (NP the world )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 10 14 (S `` (S (NP (NP Every moment )NP (SBAR (S (NP we )NP (VP want (S (VP to (VP know (NP everything )NP (PP about (NP the world )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )S . )S 9 11 (S `` (NP (NP Every moment )NP (ADVP we )ADVP )NP (VP want (S (VP to (VP know (NP everything )NP (PP about (NP the world )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 10 12 (S (S `` (NP Every moment )NP )S (S (NP we )NP (VP want (S (VP to (VP know (NP everything )NP (PP about (NP the world )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )S . )S 10 13 (S `` (NP (NP Every moment )NP (SBAR (S (NP we )NP (VP want (S (VP to (VP know (NP everything )NP (PP about (NP the world )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR . )NP )S 8 9 (S `` (NP Every moment we )NP (VP want (S (VP to (VP know (NP everything )NP (PP about (NP the world )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 9 12 (S `` (NP Every moment )NP (VP we (SBAR (S (VP want (S (VP to (VP know (NP everything )NP (PP about (NP the world )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 9 10 (S `` (ADVP Every moment )ADVP (NP we )NP (VP want (S (VP to (VP know (NP everything )NP (PP about (NP the world )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 10 12 (FRAG `` (NP Every moment )NP (S (NP we )NP (VP want (S (VP to (VP know (NP (NP everything )NP (PP about (NP the world )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S . )FRAG 7 13 (FRAG `` (NP (NP Every moment )NP (SBAR (S (NP we )NP (VP want (S (VP to (VP know (PP (ADVP everything )ADVP about (NP the world )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP . )FRAG 7 11 (FRAG `` (NP Every moment (SBAR (S (NP we )NP (VP want (VP to (VP know (NP everything )NP (PP about (NP the world )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP . )FRAG 8 9 (S `` (ADVP Every moment )ADVP (NP we )NP (VP want (VP to (VP know (NP everything )NP (PP about (NP the world )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 10 11 (S `` (NP Every moment )NP (S (NP we )NP (VP want (S (VP to (VP know (NP everything )NP (PP about (NP the world )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )S . )S 50 23 36 (S (NP (NP Proposals )NP (PP for (NP (NP government-operated `` national service , '' )NP (PP like (NP (NP influenza )NP , (VP flare (PRT up )PRT (PP (PP from (NP time )NP )PP (PP to (NP time )NP )PP )PP )VP , )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP (VP depress (NP (NP the resistance )NP (PP of (NP (NP the body )NP (ADJP politic )ADJP , (VP run (NP their course )NP )VP )NP )PP )NP )VP , and (VP seem (S (VP to (VP disappear , (S (ADVP only )ADVP (VP to (VP mutate and afflict (NP public life )NP (ADVP anew )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 27 34 (S (NP (NP Proposals )NP (PP for (NP (NP government-operated `` national service , '' )NP (PP like (NP (NP influenza )NP , (VP flare (PRT up )PRT (PP (PP from (NP time )NP )PP (PP to (NP time )NP )PP )PP )VP , )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP (VP depress (NP (NP the resistance )NP (PP of (NP the body politic )NP )PP )NP )VP , (VP run (NP their course )NP )VP , and (VP seem (S (VP to (VP disappear , (S (ADVP only )ADVP (VP to (VP mutate and afflict (NP public life )NP (ADVP anew )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 28 32 (S (NP (NP Proposals )NP (PP for (NP government-operated `` national service , '' (PP like (NP influenza )NP )PP , )NP )PP )NP (VP (VP flare (PRT up )PRT (PP (PP from (NP time )NP )PP (PP to (NP time )NP )PP )PP )VP , (VP depress (NP (NP the resistance )NP (PP of (NP the body politic )NP )PP )NP )VP , (VP run (NP their course )NP )VP , and (VP seem (S (VP to (VP disappear , (S (ADVP only )ADVP (VP to (VP mutate and afflict (NP public life )NP (ADVP anew )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 25 34 (S (NP (NP Proposals )NP (PP for (NP (NP government-operated `` national service , '' )NP (PP like (NP (NP influenza )NP , (VP flare (PRT up )PRT (PP (PP from (NP time )NP )PP (PP to (NP time )NP )PP )PP )VP , )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP (VP depress (NP (NP the resistance )NP (PP of (NP the body politic )NP )PP , (VP run (NP their course )NP )VP )NP )VP , and (VP seem (S (VP to (VP disappear , (S (ADVP only )ADVP (VP to (VP mutate and afflict (NP public life )NP (ADVP anew )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 29 33 (S (NP (NP Proposals )NP (PP for (NP (NP government-operated `` national service , '' )NP (PP like (NP influenza )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP , (VP (VP flare (PRT up )PRT (PP (PP from (NP time )NP )PP (PP to (NP time )NP )PP )PP )VP , (VP depress (NP (NP the resistance )NP (PP of (NP the body politic )NP )PP )NP )VP , (VP run (NP their course )NP )VP , and (VP seem (S (VP to (VP disappear , (S (ADVP only )ADVP (VP to (VP mutate and afflict (NP public life )NP (ADVP anew )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 23 36 (S (NP (NP Proposals )NP (PP for (NP (NP government-operated `` national service , '' )NP (PP like (NP (NP influenza )NP , (VP flare (PRT up )PRT (PP (PP from (NP time )NP )PP (PP to (NP time )NP )PP )PP )VP , )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP (VP depress (NP (NP the resistance )NP (PP of (NP (NP the body )NP (ADJP politic )ADJP , (VP run (NP their course )NP )VP , )NP )PP )NP )VP and (VP seem (S (VP to (VP disappear , (S (ADVP only )ADVP (VP to (VP mutate and afflict (NP public life )NP (ADVP anew )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 23 35 (S (NP (NP Proposals )NP (PP for (NP (NP government-operated `` national service , '' (PP like (NP influenza )NP )PP )NP , (VP flare (PRT up )PRT (PP (PP from (NP time )NP )PP (PP to (NP time )NP )PP )PP )VP , )NP )PP )NP (VP (VP depress (NP (NP the resistance )NP (PP of (NP (NP the body )NP (ADJP politic )ADJP , (VP run (NP their course )NP )VP )NP )PP )NP )VP , and (VP seem (S (VP to (VP disappear , (S (ADVP only )ADVP (VP to (VP mutate and afflict (NP public life )NP (ADVP anew )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 27 33 (S (NP (NP Proposals )NP (PP for (NP (NP government-operated `` national service , '' (PP like (NP influenza )NP )PP )NP , (VP flare (PRT up )PRT (PP (PP from (NP time )NP )PP (PP to (NP time )NP )PP )PP )VP , )NP )PP )NP (VP (VP depress (NP (NP the resistance )NP (PP of (NP the body politic )NP )PP )NP )VP , (VP run (NP their course )NP )VP , and (VP seem (S (VP to (VP disappear , (S (ADVP only )ADVP (VP to (VP mutate and afflict (NP public life )NP (ADVP anew )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 31 32 (S (NP (NP Proposals )NP (PP for (NP government-operated `` national service , '' )NP )PP )NP (PP like (NP influenza )NP )PP , (VP (VP flare (PRT up )PRT (PP (PP from (NP time )NP )PP (PP to (NP time )NP )PP )PP )VP , (VP depress (NP (NP the resistance )NP (PP of (NP the body politic )NP )PP )NP )VP , (VP run (NP their course )NP )VP , and (VP seem (S (VP to (VP disappear , (S (ADVP only )ADVP (VP to (VP mutate and afflict (NP public life )NP (ADVP anew )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 25 33 (S (NP (NP Proposals )NP (PP for (NP (NP government-operated `` national service , '' (PP like (NP influenza )NP )PP )NP , (VP flare (PRT up )PRT (PP (PP from (NP time )NP )PP (PP to (NP time )NP )PP )PP )VP , )NP )PP )NP (VP (VP depress (NP (NP the resistance )NP (PP of (NP the body politic )NP )PP , (VP run (NP their course )NP )VP )NP )VP , and (VP seem (S (VP to (VP disappear , (S (ADVP only )ADVP (VP to (VP mutate and afflict (NP public life )NP (ADVP anew )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 23 35 (S (NP (NP Proposals )NP (PP for (NP (NP government-operated `` national service , '' (PP like (NP influenza )NP )PP )NP , (VP flare (PRT up )PRT (PP (PP from (NP time )NP )PP (PP to (NP time )NP )PP )PP )VP , )NP )PP )NP (VP (VP depress (NP (NP the resistance )NP (PP of (NP (NP the body )NP (ADJP politic )ADJP , (VP run (NP their course )NP )VP , )NP )PP )NP )VP and (VP seem (S (VP to (VP disappear , (S (ADVP only )ADVP (VP to (VP mutate and afflict (NP public life )NP (ADVP anew )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 27 34 (S (NP (NP Proposals )NP (PP for (NP (NP government-operated `` national service , '' )NP (PP like (NP (NP influenza )NP , (VP flare (PRT up )PRT (PP (PP from (NP time )NP )PP (PP to (NP time )NP )PP )PP )VP , )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP (VP depress (NP (NP the resistance )NP (PP of (NP the body politic )NP )PP )NP )VP , (VP run (NP their course )NP )VP , and (VP seem (S (VP to (VP disappear , (S (ADVP only )ADVP (VP to (VP mutate and afflict (NP public life )NP (ADVP anew )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 24 36 (S (NP (NP Proposals )NP (PP for (NP (NP government-operated `` national service , '' )NP (PP like (NP (NP influenza )NP , (VP flare (PRT up )PRT (PP (PP from (NP time )NP )PP (PP to (NP time )NP )PP )PP )VP , )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP (VP depress (S (NP (NP the resistance )NP (PP of (NP the body )NP )PP )NP (ADJP politic )ADJP )S )VP , (VP run (NP their course )NP )VP , and (VP seem (S (VP to (VP disappear , (S (ADVP only )ADVP (VP to (VP mutate and afflict (NP public life )NP (ADVP anew )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 28 32 (S (NP (NP Proposals )NP (PP for (NP government-operated `` national service , '' (PP like (NP influenza )NP )PP , )NP )PP )NP (VP (VP flare (PRT up )PRT (PP (PP from (NP time )NP )PP (PP to (NP time )NP )PP )PP )VP , (VP depress (NP (NP the resistance )NP (PP of (NP the body politic )NP )PP )NP )VP , (VP run (NP their course )NP )VP , and (VP seem (S (VP to (VP disappear , (S (ADVP only )ADVP (VP to (VP mutate and afflict (NP public life )NP (ADVP anew )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 25 34 (S (NP (NP Proposals )NP (PP for (NP government-operated `` national service , '' (PP like (NP influenza )NP )PP , )NP )PP )NP (VP (VP flare (PRT up )PRT (PP (PP from (NP time )NP )PP (PP to (NP time )NP )PP )PP )VP , (VP depress (S (NP (NP the resistance )NP (PP of (NP the body )NP )PP )NP (ADJP politic )ADJP )S )VP , (VP run (NP their course )NP )VP , and (VP seem (S (VP to (VP disappear , (S (ADVP only )ADVP (VP to (VP mutate and afflict (NP public life )NP (ADVP anew )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 29 33 (S (NP (NP Proposals )NP (PP for (NP (NP government-operated `` national service , '' )NP (PP like (NP influenza )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP , (VP (VP flare (PRT up )PRT (PP (PP from (NP time )NP )PP (PP to (NP time )NP )PP )PP )VP , (VP depress (NP (NP the resistance )NP (PP of (NP the body politic )NP )PP )NP )VP , (VP run (NP their course )NP )VP , and (VP seem (S (VP to (VP disappear , (S (ADVP only )ADVP (VP to (VP mutate and afflict (NP public life )NP (ADVP anew )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 24 34 (S (NP (NP Proposals )NP (PP for (NP government-operated `` national service , '' (PP like (NP influenza )NP )PP , )NP )PP )NP (VP (VP flare (PRT up )PRT (PP (PP from (NP time )NP )PP (PP to (NP time )NP )PP )PP )VP , (VP depress (NP (NP the resistance )NP (PP of (NP (NP the body )NP (ADJP politic )ADJP , (VP run (NP their course )NP )VP )NP )PP )NP )VP , and (VP seem (S (VP to (VP disappear , (S (ADVP only )ADVP (VP to (VP mutate and afflict (NP public life )NP (ADVP anew )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 26 35 (S (NP (NP Proposals )NP (PP for (NP (NP government-operated `` national service , '' )NP (PP like (NP influenza )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP , (VP (VP flare (PRT up )PRT (PP (PP from (NP time )NP )PP (PP to (NP time )NP )PP )PP )VP , (VP depress (S (NP (NP the resistance )NP (PP of (NP the body )NP )PP )NP (ADJP politic )ADJP )S )VP , (VP run (NP their course )NP )VP , and (VP seem (S (VP to (VP disappear , (S (ADVP only )ADVP (VP to (VP mutate and afflict (NP public life )NP (ADVP anew )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 27 33 (S (NP (NP Proposals )NP (PP for (NP (NP government-operated `` national service , '' (PP like (NP influenza )NP )PP )NP , (VP flare (PRT up )PRT (PP (PP from (NP time )NP )PP (PP to (NP time )NP )PP )PP )VP , )NP )PP )NP (VP (VP depress (NP (NP the resistance )NP (PP of (NP the body politic )NP )PP )NP )VP , (VP run (NP their course )NP )VP , and (VP seem (S (VP to (VP disappear , (S (ADVP only )ADVP (VP to (VP mutate and afflict (NP public life )NP (ADVP anew )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 25 35 (S (NP (NP Proposals )NP (PP for (NP (NP government-operated `` national service , '' )NP (PP like (NP influenza )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP , (VP (VP flare (PRT up )PRT (PP (PP from (NP time )NP )PP (PP to (NP time )NP )PP )PP )VP , (VP depress (NP (NP the resistance )NP (PP of (NP (NP the body )NP (ADJP politic )ADJP , (VP run (NP their course )NP )VP )NP )PP )NP )VP , and (VP seem (S (VP to (VP disappear , (S (ADVP only )ADVP (VP to (VP mutate and afflict (NP public life )NP (ADVP anew )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 31 32 (S (NP (NP Proposals )NP (PP for (NP government-operated `` national service , '' )NP )PP )NP (PP like (NP influenza )NP )PP , (VP (VP flare (PRT up )PRT (PP (PP from (NP time )NP )PP (PP to (NP time )NP )PP )PP )VP , (VP depress (NP (NP the resistance )NP (PP of (NP the body politic )NP )PP )NP )VP , (VP run (NP their course )NP )VP , and (VP seem (S (VP to (VP disappear , (S (ADVP only )ADVP (VP to (VP mutate and afflict (NP public life )NP (ADVP anew )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 24 35 (S (NP (NP Proposals )NP (PP for (NP (NP government-operated `` national service , '' (PP like (NP influenza )NP )PP )NP , (VP flare (PRT up )PRT (PP (PP from (NP time )NP )PP (PP to (NP time )NP )PP )PP )VP , )NP )PP )NP (VP (VP depress (S (NP (NP the resistance )NP (PP of (NP the body )NP )PP )NP (ADJP politic )ADJP )S )VP , (VP run (NP their course )NP )VP , and (VP seem (S (VP to (VP disappear , (S (ADVP only )ADVP (VP to (VP mutate and afflict (NP public life )NP (ADVP anew )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 24 35 (S (NP (NP Proposals )NP (PP for (NP (NP government-operated `` national service , '' )NP (PP like (NP influenza )NP )PP )NP )PP , (VP flare (PRT up )PRT (PP (PP from (NP time )NP )PP (PP to (NP time )NP )PP )PP )VP , )NP (VP (VP depress (NP (NP the resistance )NP (PP of (NP (NP the body )NP (ADJP politic )ADJP , (VP run (NP their course )NP )VP )NP )PP )NP )VP , and (VP seem (S (VP to (VP disappear , (S (ADVP only )ADVP (VP to (VP mutate and afflict (NP public life )NP (ADVP anew )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 28 34 (S (NP (NP Proposals )NP (PP for (NP government-operated `` national service , '' )NP )PP )NP (PP like (NP influenza )NP )PP , (VP (VP flare (PRT up )PRT (PP (PP from (NP time )NP )PP (PP to (NP time )NP )PP )PP )VP , (VP depress (S (NP (NP the resistance )NP (PP of (NP the body )NP )PP )NP (ADJP politic )ADJP )S )VP , (VP run (NP their course )NP )VP , and (VP seem (S (VP to (VP disappear , (S (ADVP only )ADVP (VP to (VP mutate and afflict (NP public life )NP (ADVP anew )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 23 35 (S (NP (NP Proposals )NP (PP for (NP (NP government-operated `` national service , '' )NP (PP like (NP (NP influenza )NP , (VP flare (PRT up )PRT (PP (PP from (NP time )NP )PP (PP to (NP time )NP )PP )PP )VP , )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP (VP depress (NP (NP the resistance )NP (PP of (NP the body )NP )PP (ADJP politic )ADJP , (VP run (NP their course )NP )VP )NP )VP , and (VP seem (S (VP to (VP disappear , (S (ADVP only )ADVP (VP to (VP mutate and afflict (NP public life )NP (ADVP anew )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 28 33 (S (NP (NP Proposals )NP (PP for (NP (NP government-operated `` national service , '' )NP (PP like (NP influenza )NP )PP )NP )PP , (VP flare (PRT up )PRT (PP (PP from (NP time )NP )PP (PP to (NP time )NP )PP )PP )VP , )NP (VP (VP depress (NP (NP the resistance )NP (PP of (NP the body politic )NP )PP )NP )VP , (VP run (NP their course )NP )VP , and (VP seem (S (VP to (VP disappear , (S (ADVP only )ADVP (VP to (VP mutate and afflict (NP public life )NP (ADVP anew )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 29 33 (S (NP (NP Proposals )NP (PP for (NP (NP government-operated `` national service , '' )NP (PP like (NP influenza )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP , (VP (VP flare (PRT up )PRT (PP (PP from (NP time )NP )PP (PP to (NP time )NP )PP )PP )VP , (VP depress (NP (NP the resistance )NP (PP of (NP the body politic )NP )PP )NP )VP , (VP run (NP their course )NP )VP , and (VP seem (S (VP to (VP disappear , (S (ADVP only )ADVP (VP to (VP mutate and afflict (NP public life )NP (ADVP anew )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 26 32 (S (NP (NP Proposals )NP (PP for (NP government-operated `` national service , '' (PP like (NP influenza )NP )PP , )NP )PP )NP (VP (VP flare (PRT up )PRT (PP (PP from (NP time )NP )PP (PP to (NP time )NP )PP )PP )VP , (VP depress (NP (NP the resistance )NP (PP of (NP the body politic )NP )PP , (VP run (NP their course )NP )VP )NP )VP , and (VP seem (S (VP to (VP disappear , (S (ADVP only )ADVP (VP to (VP mutate and afflict (NP public life )NP (ADVP anew )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 27 34 (S (NP (NP Proposals )NP (PP for (NP government-operated `` national service , '' )NP )PP )NP (PP like (NP influenza )NP )PP , (VP (VP flare (PRT up )PRT (PP (PP from (NP time )NP )PP (PP to (NP time )NP )PP )PP )VP , (VP depress (NP (NP the resistance )NP (PP of (NP (NP the body )NP (ADJP politic )ADJP , (VP run (NP their course )NP )VP )NP )PP )NP )VP , and (VP seem (S (VP to (VP disappear , (S (ADVP only )ADVP (VP to (VP mutate and afflict (NP public life )NP (ADVP anew )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 22 35 (S (NP (NP Proposals )NP (PP for (NP (NP government-operated `` national service , '' )NP (PP like (NP (NP influenza )NP , (VP flare (PRT up )PRT (PP from (NP time )NP (PP to (NP time )NP )PP )PP )VP , )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP (VP depress (NP (NP the resistance )NP (PP of (NP (NP the body )NP (ADJP politic )ADJP , (VP run (NP their course )NP )VP )NP )PP )NP )VP , and (VP seem (S (VP to (VP disappear , (S (ADVP only )ADVP (VP to (VP mutate and afflict (NP public life )NP (ADVP anew )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 27 33 (S (NP (NP Proposals )NP (PP for (NP (NP government-operated `` national service , '' )NP (PP like (NP influenza )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP , (VP (VP flare (PRT up )PRT (PP (PP from (NP time )NP )PP (PP to (NP time )NP )PP )PP )VP , (VP depress (NP (NP the resistance )NP (PP of (NP the body politic )NP )PP , (VP run (NP their course )NP )VP )NP )VP , and (VP seem (S (VP to (VP disappear , (S (ADVP only )ADVP (VP to (VP mutate and afflict (NP public life )NP (ADVP anew )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 26 33 (S (NP (NP Proposals )NP (PP for (NP (NP government-operated `` national service , '' )NP (PP like (NP (NP influenza )NP , (VP flare (PRT up )PRT (PP from (NP time )NP (PP to (NP time )NP )PP )PP )VP , )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP (VP depress (NP (NP the resistance )NP (PP of (NP the body politic )NP )PP )NP )VP , (VP run (NP their course )NP )VP , and (VP seem (S (VP to (VP disappear , (S (ADVP only )ADVP (VP to (VP mutate and afflict (NP public life )NP (ADVP anew )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 26 33 (S (NP (NP Proposals )NP (PP for (NP (NP government-operated `` national service , '' )NP (PP like (NP influenza )NP )PP )NP )PP , (VP flare (PRT up )PRT (PP (PP from (NP time )NP )PP (PP to (NP time )NP )PP )PP )VP , )NP (VP (VP depress (NP (NP the resistance )NP (PP of (NP the body politic )NP )PP , (VP run (NP their course )NP )VP )NP )VP , and (VP seem (S (VP to (VP disappear , (S (ADVP only )ADVP (VP to (VP mutate and afflict (NP public life )NP (ADVP anew )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 24 36 (S (NP (NP Proposals )NP (PP for (NP (NP government-operated `` national service , '' )NP (PP like (NP (NP influenza )NP , (VP flare (PRT up )PRT (PP (PP from (NP time )NP )PP (PP to (NP time )NP )PP )PP )VP , )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP (VP depress (S (NP (NP the resistance )NP (PP of (NP the body )NP )PP )NP (ADJP politic )ADJP )S )VP , (VP run (NP their course )NP )VP , and (VP seem (S (VP to (VP disappear , (S (ADVP only )ADVP (VP to (VP mutate and afflict (NP public life )NP (ADVP anew )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 29 32 (S (NP (NP Proposals )NP (PP for (NP government-operated `` national service , '' )NP )PP )NP (PP like (NP influenza )NP )PP , (VP (VP flare (PRT up )PRT (PP (PP from (NP time )NP )PP (PP to (NP time )NP )PP )PP )VP , (VP depress (NP (NP the resistance )NP (PP of (NP the body politic )NP )PP , (VP run (NP their course )NP )VP )NP )VP , and (VP seem (S (VP to (VP disappear , (S (ADVP only )ADVP (VP to (VP mutate and afflict (NP public life )NP (ADVP anew )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 24 35 (S (NP (NP Proposals )NP (PP for (NP (NP government-operated `` national service , '' )NP (PP like (NP influenza )NP )PP )NP )PP , (VP flare (PRT up )PRT (PP (PP from (NP time )NP )PP (PP to (NP time )NP )PP )PP )VP , )NP (VP (VP depress (NP (NP the resistance )NP (PP of (NP (NP the body )NP (ADJP politic )ADJP , (VP run (NP their course )NP )VP , )NP )PP )NP )VP and (VP seem (S (VP to (VP disappear , (S (ADVP only )ADVP (VP to (VP mutate and afflict (NP public life )NP (ADVP anew )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 24 36 (S (NP (NP Proposals )NP (PP for (NP (NP government-operated `` national service , '' )NP (PP like (NP influenza )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP , (S (VP flare (PRT up )PRT (PP (PP from (NP time )NP )PP (PP to (NP time )NP )PP )PP )VP )S , (VP (VP depress (NP (NP the resistance )NP (PP of (NP (NP the body )NP (ADJP politic )ADJP , (VP run (NP their course )NP )VP )NP )PP )NP )VP , and (VP seem (S (VP to (VP disappear , (S (ADVP only )ADVP (VP to (VP mutate and afflict (NP public life )NP (ADVP anew )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 24 33 (S (NP (NP Proposals )NP (PP for (NP (NP government-operated `` national service , '' )NP (PP like (NP (NP influenza )NP , (VP flare (PRT up )PRT (PP from (NP time )NP (PP to (NP time )NP )PP )PP )VP , )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP (VP depress (NP (NP the resistance )NP (PP of (NP the body politic )NP )PP , (VP run (NP their course )NP )VP )NP )VP , and (VP seem (S (VP to (VP disappear , (S (ADVP only )ADVP (VP to (VP mutate and afflict (NP public life )NP (ADVP anew )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 23 34 (S (NP (NP Proposals )NP (PP for (NP (NP government-operated `` national service , '' (PP like (NP influenza )NP )PP )NP , (VP flare (PRT up )PRT (PP (PP from (NP time )NP )PP (PP to (NP time )NP )PP )PP )VP , )NP )PP )NP (VP (VP depress (NP (NP the resistance )NP (PP of (NP the body )NP )PP (ADJP politic )ADJP , (VP run (NP their course )NP )VP )NP )VP , and (VP seem (S (VP to (VP disappear , (S (ADVP only )ADVP (VP to (VP mutate and afflict (NP public life )NP (ADVP anew )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 28 34 (S (NP (NP Proposals )NP (PP for (NP (NP government-operated `` national service , '' )NP (PP like (NP influenza )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP , (S (VP flare (PRT up )PRT (PP (PP from (NP time )NP )PP (PP to (NP time )NP )PP )PP )VP )S , (VP (VP depress (NP (NP the resistance )NP (PP of (NP the body politic )NP )PP )NP )VP , (VP run (NP their course )NP )VP , and (VP seem (S (VP to (VP disappear , (S (ADVP only )ADVP (VP to (VP mutate and afflict (NP public life )NP (ADVP anew )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 25 34 (S (NP (NP Proposals )NP (PP for (NP government-operated `` national service , '' (PP like (NP influenza )NP )PP , )NP )PP )NP (VP (VP flare (PRT up )PRT (PP (PP from (NP time )NP )PP (PP to (NP time )NP )PP )PP )VP , (VP depress (S (NP (NP the resistance )NP (PP of (NP the body )NP )PP )NP (ADJP politic )ADJP )S )VP , (VP run (NP their course )NP )VP , and (VP seem (S (VP to (VP disappear , (S (ADVP only )ADVP (VP to (VP mutate and afflict (NP public life )NP (ADVP anew )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 22 35 (S (NP (NP Proposals )NP (PP for (NP (NP government-operated `` national service , '' )NP (PP like (NP (NP influenza )NP , (VP flare (PRT up )PRT (PP from (NP time )NP (PP to (NP time )NP )PP )PP )VP , )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP (VP depress (NP (NP the resistance )NP (PP of (NP (NP the body )NP (ADJP politic )ADJP , (VP run (NP their course )NP )VP , )NP )PP )NP )VP and (VP seem (S (VP to (VP disappear , (S (ADVP only )ADVP (VP to (VP mutate and afflict (NP public life )NP (ADVP anew )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 22 34 (S (NP (NP Proposals )NP (PP for (NP (NP government-operated `` national service , '' (PP like (NP influenza )NP )PP )NP , (VP flare (PRT up )PRT (PP from (NP time )NP (PP to (NP time )NP )PP )PP )VP , )NP )PP )NP (VP (VP depress (NP (NP the resistance )NP (PP of (NP (NP the body )NP (ADJP politic )ADJP , (VP run (NP their course )NP )VP )NP )PP )NP )VP , and (VP seem (S (VP to (VP disappear , (S (ADVP only )ADVP (VP to (VP mutate and afflict (NP public life )NP (ADVP anew )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 22 36 (S (NP (NP Proposals )NP (PP for (NP (NP government-operated `` national service , '' )NP (PP like (NP (NP influenza )NP , (VP flare (PRT up )PRT (PP from (NP (NP time )NP (PP to (NP time )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP , )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP (VP depress (NP (NP the resistance )NP (PP of (NP (NP the body )NP (ADJP politic )ADJP , (VP run (NP their course )NP )VP )NP )PP )NP )VP , and (VP seem (S (VP to (VP disappear , (S (ADVP only )ADVP (VP to (VP mutate and afflict (NP public life )NP (ADVP anew )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 26 35 (S (NP (NP Proposals )NP (PP for (NP (NP government-operated `` national service , '' )NP (PP like (NP influenza )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP , (VP (VP flare (PRT up )PRT (PP (PP from (NP time )NP )PP (PP to (NP time )NP )PP )PP )VP , (VP depress (S (NP (NP the resistance )NP (PP of (NP the body )NP )PP )NP (ADJP politic )ADJP )S )VP , (VP run (NP their course )NP )VP , and (VP seem (S (VP to (VP disappear , (S (ADVP only )ADVP (VP to (VP mutate and afflict (NP public life )NP (ADVP anew )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 24 34 (S (NP (NP Proposals )NP (PP for (NP government-operated `` national service , '' (PP like (NP influenza )NP )PP , )NP )PP )NP (VP (VP flare (PRT up )PRT (PP (PP from (NP time )NP )PP (PP to (NP time )NP )PP )PP )VP , (VP depress (NP (NP the resistance )NP (PP of (NP (NP the body )NP (ADJP politic )ADJP , (VP run (NP their course )NP )VP , )NP )PP )NP )VP and (VP seem (S (VP to (VP disappear , (S (ADVP only )ADVP (VP to (VP mutate and afflict (NP public life )NP (ADVP anew )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 24 35 (S (NP (NP Proposals )NP (PP for (NP (NP government-operated `` national service , '' )NP (PP like (NP influenza )NP )PP , (VP flare (PRT up )PRT (PP (PP from (NP time )NP )PP (PP to (NP time )NP )PP )PP )VP , )NP )PP )NP (VP (VP depress (NP (NP the resistance )NP (PP of (NP (NP the body )NP (ADJP politic )ADJP , (VP run (NP their course )NP )VP )NP )PP )NP )VP , and (VP seem (S (VP to (VP disappear , (S (ADVP only )ADVP (VP to (VP mutate and afflict (NP public life )NP (ADVP anew )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 26 32 (S (NP (NP Proposals )NP (PP for (NP (NP government-operated `` national service , '' (PP like (NP influenza )NP )PP )NP , (VP flare (PRT up )PRT (PP from (NP time )NP (PP to (NP time )NP )PP )PP )VP , )NP )PP )NP (VP (VP depress (NP (NP the resistance )NP (PP of (NP the body politic )NP )PP )NP )VP , (VP run (NP their course )NP )VP , and (VP seem (S (VP to (VP disappear , (S (ADVP only )ADVP (VP to (VP mutate and afflict (NP public life )NP (ADVP anew )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 26 34 (S (NP (NP Proposals )NP (PP for (NP (NP government-operated `` national service , '' )NP (PP like (NP influenza )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP , (S (VP flare (PRT up )PRT (PP (PP from (NP time )NP )PP (PP to (NP time )NP )PP )PP )VP )S , (VP (VP depress (NP (NP the resistance )NP (PP of (NP the body politic )NP )PP , (VP run (NP their course )NP )VP )NP )VP , and (VP seem (S (VP to (VP disappear , (S (ADVP only )ADVP (VP to (VP mutate and afflict (NP public life )NP (ADVP anew )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 26 34 (S (NP (NP Proposals )NP (PP for (NP (NP government-operated `` national service , '' )NP (PP like (NP (NP influenza )NP , (VP flare (PRT up )PRT (PP from (NP (NP time )NP (PP to (NP time )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP , )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP (VP depress (NP (NP the resistance )NP (PP of (NP the body politic )NP )PP )NP )VP , (VP run (NP their course )NP )VP , and (VP seem (S (VP to (VP disappear , (S (ADVP only )ADVP (VP to (VP mutate and afflict (NP public life )NP (ADVP anew )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 50 15 16 (S (NP The disease metaphor )NP (VP comes (PP (PP to (NP mind )NP )PP , (PP of (NP course )NP )PP , not (PP as (NP (NP an aspersion )NP (PP on (NP (NP the advocates )NP (PP of (NP national service )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP . )S 13 16 (S (NP The disease metaphor )NP (VP comes (PP to (NP (NP mind )NP , (PP of (NP course )NP )PP , )NP )PP (PP not as (NP (NP an aspersion )NP (PP on (NP (NP the advocates )NP (PP of (NP national service )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 15 16 (S (NP The disease metaphor )NP (VP comes (PP (PP to (NP mind )NP )PP , (PP of (NP course )NP )PP , not (PP as (NP (NP an aspersion )NP (PP on (NP (NP the advocates )NP (PP of (NP national service )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP . )S 14 15 (S (NP The disease metaphor )NP (VP comes (PP to (NP mind )NP )PP , (PP of (NP course )NP )PP , (PP not as (NP (NP an aspersion )NP (PP on (NP (NP the advocates )NP (PP of (NP national service )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 14 15 (S (NP The disease metaphor )NP (VP comes (PP to (NP mind )NP )PP , (PP of (NP course )NP )PP , (PP not as (NP (NP an aspersion )NP (PP on (NP (NP the advocates )NP (PP of (NP national service )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 15 16 (S (NP The disease metaphor )NP (VP comes (PP to (NP mind )NP )PP (PP , (PP of (NP course )NP )PP , not (PP as (NP (NP an aspersion )NP (PP on (NP (NP the advocates )NP (PP of (NP national service )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP . )S 15 16 (S (NP The disease metaphor )NP (VP comes (PP to (NP mind )NP )PP (PP , (PP of (NP course )NP )PP , not (PP as (NP (NP an aspersion )NP (PP on (NP (NP the advocates )NP (PP of (NP national service )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP . )S 15 16 (S (NP The disease metaphor )NP (VP comes (PP to (NP mind )NP )PP , (PP (PP of (NP course )NP )PP , not (PP as (NP (NP an aspersion )NP (PP on (NP (NP the advocates )NP (PP of (NP national service )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP . )S 15 16 (S (NP The disease metaphor )NP (VP comes (PP to (NP mind )NP )PP , (PP of (NP course )NP )PP , (PP not (PP as (NP (NP an aspersion )NP (PP on (NP (NP the advocates )NP (PP of (NP national service )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP . )S 13 15 (S (NP The disease metaphor )NP (VP comes (PP (PP to (NP mind )NP )PP , (PP of (NP course )NP )PP , not (PP as (NP (NP an aspersion )NP (PP on (NP the advocates )NP )PP (PP of (NP national service )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP . )S 15 16 (S (NP The disease metaphor )NP (VP comes (PP to (NP mind )NP )PP , (PP (PP of (NP course )NP )PP , not (PP as (NP (NP an aspersion )NP (PP on (NP (NP the advocates )NP (PP of (NP national service )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP . )S 13 17 (S (NP The disease metaphor )NP (VP comes (S (VP to (VP mind (PP , (PP of (NP course )NP )PP , not (PP as (NP (NP an aspersion )NP (PP on (NP (NP the advocates )NP (PP of (NP national service )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 13 15 (S (NP The disease metaphor )NP (VP comes (PP (PP to (NP mind )NP )PP , (PP of (NP course )NP )PP , not (PP as (NP an aspersion )NP )PP )PP (PP on (NP (NP the advocates )NP (PP of (NP national service )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 15 16 (S (NP The disease metaphor )NP (VP comes (PP to (NP mind )NP )PP , (PP of (NP course )NP )PP , (PP not (PP as (NP (NP an aspersion )NP (PP on (NP (NP the advocates )NP (PP of (NP national service )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP . )S 11 15 (S (NP The disease metaphor )NP (VP comes (PP to (NP (NP mind )NP , (PP of (NP course )NP )PP , )NP )PP (PP not as (NP (NP an aspersion )NP (PP on (NP the advocates )NP )PP (PP of (NP national service )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 13 16 (S (NP The disease metaphor )NP (VP comes (PP to (NP (NP mind )NP , (PP of (NP course )NP )PP )NP )PP , (PP not as (NP (NP an aspersion )NP (PP on (NP (NP the advocates )NP (PP of (NP national service )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 13 17 (S (NP The disease metaphor )NP (VP comes (PP to (NP (NP mind )NP (PRN , (PP of (NP course )NP )PP , )PRN )NP )PP (PP not as (NP (NP an aspersion )NP (PP on (NP (NP the advocates )NP (PP of (NP national service )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 13 15 (S (NP The disease metaphor )NP (VP comes (PP (PP to (NP mind )NP )PP , (PP of (NP course )NP )PP , not (PP as (NP (NP an aspersion )NP (PP on (NP the advocates )NP )PP (PP of (NP national service )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP . )S 13 15 (S (NP The disease metaphor )NP (VP comes (PP (PP to (NP mind )NP )PP , (PP of (NP course )NP )PP , not (PP as (NP an aspersion )NP )PP )PP (PP on (NP (NP the advocates )NP (PP of (NP national service )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 12 14 (S (NP The disease metaphor )NP (VP comes (PP to (NP mind )NP )PP , (PP of (NP course )NP )PP , (PP not as (NP (NP an aspersion )NP (PP on (NP the advocates )NP )PP (PP of (NP national service )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 13 16 (S (NP The disease metaphor )NP (VP comes (PP to (NP (NP mind )NP , (PP of (NP course )NP )PP , )NP )PP (PP not as (NP (NP an aspersion )NP (PP on (NP (NP the advocates )NP (PP of (NP national service )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 12 16 (S (NP The disease metaphor )NP (VP comes (S (VP to (VP mind , (PP of (NP course )NP )PP , (PP not as (NP (NP an aspersion )NP (PP on (NP (NP the advocates )NP (PP of (NP national service )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 12 14 (S (NP The disease metaphor )NP (VP comes (PP to (NP mind )NP )PP , (PP of (NP course )NP )PP , (PP not as (NP (NP an aspersion )NP (PP on (NP the advocates )NP )PP (PP of (NP national service )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 14 17 (S (NP The disease metaphor )NP (VP comes (PP to (NP (NP mind )NP , (PP of (NP course )NP )PP , )NP )PP (PP not (PP as (NP (NP an aspersion )NP (PP on (NP (NP the advocates )NP (PP of (NP national service )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP . )S 13 17 (S (NP The disease metaphor )NP (VP comes (S (VP to (VP mind , (PP of (NP course )NP )PP , (PP not (PP as (NP (NP an aspersion )NP (PP on (NP (NP the advocates )NP (PP of (NP national service )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 13 17 (S (NP The disease metaphor )NP (VP comes (PP to (NP (NP (NP mind )NP , (PP of (NP course )NP )PP )NP , (CONJP not as )CONJP (NP (NP an aspersion )NP (PP on (NP (NP the advocates )NP (PP of (NP national service )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 13 16 (S (NP The disease metaphor )NP (VP comes (PP to (NP (NP mind )NP , (PP of (NP course )NP )PP , (PP not as (NP (NP an aspersion )NP (PP on (NP (NP the advocates )NP (PP of (NP national service )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 13 16 (S (NP The disease metaphor )NP (VP comes (PP to (VP mind (PP , (PP of (NP course )NP )PP , not (PP as (NP (NP an aspersion )NP (PP on (NP (NP the advocates )NP (PP of (NP national service )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP )PP )VP . )S 13 15 (S (NP The disease metaphor )NP (VP comes (PP to (NP mind )NP )PP (PP , (PP of (NP course )NP )PP , not (PP as (NP (NP an aspersion )NP (PP on (NP the advocates )NP )PP (PP of (NP national service )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP . )S 12 15 (S (NP The disease metaphor )NP (VP comes (PP to (VP mind , (PP of (NP course )NP )PP , (PP not as (NP (NP an aspersion )NP (PP on (NP (NP the advocates )NP (PP of (NP national service )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )PP )VP . )S 14 17 (S (NP The disease metaphor )NP (VP comes (PP to (NP (NP mind )NP , (PP of (NP course )NP )PP )NP )PP , (PP not (PP as (NP (NP an aspersion )NP (PP on (NP (NP the advocates )NP (PP of (NP national service )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP . )S 13 15 (S (NP The disease metaphor )NP (VP comes (PP to (NP mind )NP )PP (PP , (PP of (NP course )NP )PP , not (PP as (NP (NP an aspersion )NP (PP on (NP the advocates )NP )PP (PP of (NP national service )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP . )S 13 17 (S (NP The disease metaphor )NP (VP comes (PP to (NP (NP (NP mind )NP , (PP of (NP course )NP )PP , )NP (PP not as (NP (NP an aspersion )NP (PP on (NP (NP the advocates )NP (PP of (NP national service )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 13 17 (S (NP The disease metaphor )NP (VP comes (PP to (NP (NP (NP mind )NP , (PP of (NP course )NP )PP , )NP (CONJP not as )CONJP (NP (NP an aspersion )NP (PP on (NP (NP the advocates )NP (PP of (NP national service )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 14 16 (S (NP The disease metaphor )NP (VP comes (PP to (NP mind )NP )PP (PRN , (PP of (NP course )NP )PP , )PRN (PP not as (NP (NP an aspersion )NP (PP on (NP (NP the advocates )NP (PP of (NP national service )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 13 16 (S (NP The disease metaphor )NP (VP comes (PP to (VP mind , (PP of (NP course )NP )PP , (PP not (PP as (NP (NP an aspersion )NP (PP on (NP (NP the advocates )NP (PP of (NP national service )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP )PP )VP . )S 14 16 (S (NP The disease metaphor )NP (VP comes (PP (PP to (NP mind )NP )PP , (PP of (NP course )NP )PP , )PP (PP not as (NP (NP an aspersion )NP (PP on (NP (NP the advocates )NP (PP of (NP national service )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 14 16 (S (NP The disease metaphor )NP (VP comes (PP to (NP mind )NP )PP (PRN , (PP of (NP course )NP )PP , )PRN (PP not as (NP (NP an aspersion )NP (PP on (NP (NP the advocates )NP (PP of (NP national service )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 13 15 (S (NP The disease metaphor )NP (VP comes (PP to (NP mind )NP )PP , (PP (PP of (NP course )NP )PP , not (PP as (NP (NP an aspersion )NP (PP on (NP the advocates )NP )PP (PP of (NP national service )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP . )S 13 15 (S (NP The disease metaphor )NP (VP comes (PP to (NP mind )NP )PP , (PP of (NP course )NP )PP , (PP not (PP as (NP (NP an aspersion )NP (PP on (NP the advocates )NP )PP (PP of (NP national service )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP . )S 13 15 (S (NP The disease metaphor )NP (VP comes (PP to (NP mind )NP )PP , (PP (PP of (NP course )NP )PP , not (PP as (NP (NP an aspersion )NP (PP on (NP the advocates )NP )PP (PP of (NP national service )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP . )S 11 16 (S (NP The disease metaphor )NP (VP comes (S (VP to (VP mind (PP , (PP of (NP course )NP )PP , not (PP as (NP (NP an aspersion )NP (PP on (NP the advocates )NP )PP (PP of (NP national service )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 13 15 (S (NP The disease metaphor )NP (VP comes (PP to (NP mind )NP )PP , (PP of (NP course )NP )PP , (PP not (PP as (NP (NP an aspersion )NP (PP on (NP the advocates )NP )PP (PP of (NP national service )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP . )S 14 16 (S (NP The disease metaphor )NP (VP comes (PP (PP to (NP mind )NP )PP , (PP of (NP course )NP )PP , )PP (PP not as (NP (NP an aspersion )NP (PP on (NP (NP the advocates )NP (PP of (NP national service )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 13 15 (S (NP The disease metaphor )NP (VP comes (PP (PP to (NP mind )NP )PP , (PP of (NP course )NP )PP , not (PP as (NP an aspersion )NP )PP (PP on (NP (NP the advocates )NP (PP of (NP national service )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP . )S 13 17 (S (NP The disease metaphor )NP (VP comes (PP to (NP (NP mind )NP (PRN , (PP of (NP course )NP )PP , )PRN )NP )PP (PP not as (NP (NP an aspersion )NP (PP on (NP (NP the advocates )NP (PP of (NP national service )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 12 16 (S (NP The disease metaphor )NP (VP comes (S (VP to (VP mind )VP )VP )S , (PP of (NP course )NP )PP , (PP not as (NP (NP an aspersion )NP (PP on (NP (NP the advocates )NP (PP of (NP national service )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 11 15 (S (NP The disease metaphor )NP (VP comes (PP to (NP (NP mind )NP , (PP of (NP course )NP )PP )NP )PP , (PP not as (NP (NP an aspersion )NP (PP on (NP the advocates )NP )PP (PP of (NP national service )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 13 17 (S (NP The disease metaphor )NP (VP comes (PP to (NP (NP (NP mind )NP , (PP of (NP course )NP )PP )NP , (CONJP not as )CONJP (NP (NP an aspersion )NP (PP on (NP (NP the advocates )NP (PP of (NP national service )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 13 14 (S (NP The disease metaphor )NP (VP comes (PP to (NP mind )NP )PP , (PP of (NP course )NP )PP , (PP not as (NP an aspersion )NP )PP (PP on (NP (NP the advocates )NP (PP of (NP national service )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 50 29 36 (S (ADVP Rather )ADVP , (NP it )NP (VP is (VP born (PP of (NP frustration )NP )PP (PP with (S (VP having (S (VP to (VP combat (ADVP constantly )ADVP (S (VP changing (NP (NP strains )NP (PP of (NP (NP a statist idea )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP one )NP (VP thought (SBAR (S (VP had (VP been (VP eliminated (PP in (NP the early 1970s )NP )PP , (ADVP along (PP with (NP smallpox )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )S )PP )VP )VP . )S 28 35 (S (ADVP Rather )ADVP , (NP it )NP (VP is (VP born (PP of (NP frustration )NP )PP (PP with (S (VP having (S (VP to (VP combat (ADVP constantly )ADVP (S (VP changing (NP (NP strains )NP (PP of (NP (NP a statist idea )NP (SBAR that (S (NP one )NP (VP thought (SBAR (S (VP had (VP been (VP eliminated (PP in (NP the early 1970s )NP )PP , (ADVP along (PP with (NP smallpox )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )S )PP )VP )VP . )S 27 34 (S (ADVP Rather )ADVP , (NP it )NP (VP is (VP born (PP of (NP frustration )NP )PP (PP with (S (VP having (S (VP to (VP combat (ADVP constantly )ADVP (S (VP changing (NP (NP strains )NP (PP of (NP a statist idea (SBAR that (S (NP one )NP (VP thought (SBAR (S (VP had (VP been (VP eliminated (PP in (NP the early 1970s )NP )PP , (ADVP along (PP with (NP smallpox )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )S )PP )VP )VP . )S 26 34 (S (ADVP Rather )ADVP , (NP it )NP (VP is (VP born (PP of (NP frustration )NP )PP (PP with (S (VP having (S (VP to (VP combat (ADVP constantly )ADVP (S (VP changing (NP (NP strains )NP (PP of (NP a statist idea )NP )PP )NP (SBAR that (S (NP one )NP (VP thought (SBAR (S (VP had (VP been (VP eliminated (PP in (NP the early 1970s )NP )PP , (ADVP along (PP with (NP smallpox )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )S )PP )VP )VP . )S 29 36 (S (ADVP Rather )ADVP , (NP it )NP (VP is (VP born (PP of (NP frustration )NP )PP (PP with (S (VP having (S (VP to (VP combat (S (VP (ADVP constantly )ADVP changing (NP (NP strains )NP (PP of (NP (NP a statist idea )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP one )NP (VP thought (SBAR (S (VP had (VP been (VP eliminated (PP in (NP the early 1970s )NP )PP , (ADVP along (PP with (NP smallpox )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )S )PP )VP )VP . )S 26 34 (S (ADVP Rather )ADVP , (NP it )NP (VP is (VP born (PP of (NP frustration )NP )PP (PP with (S (VP having (S (VP to (VP combat (ADVP constantly )ADVP (S (VP changing (NP (NP strains )NP (PP of (NP a statist idea )NP )PP (SBAR that (S (NP one )NP (VP thought (SBAR (S (VP had (VP been (VP eliminated (PP in (NP the early 1970s )NP )PP , (ADVP along (PP with (NP smallpox )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )S )PP )VP )VP . )S 29 36 (S (ADVP Rather )ADVP , (NP it )NP (VP is (VP born (PP of (NP frustration )NP )PP (PP with (S (VP having (S (VP to (VP combat (ADVP constantly )ADVP (S (VP changing (NP (NP strains )NP (PP of (NP (NP a statist idea )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP one )NP (VP thought (SBAR (S (VP had (VP been (VP eliminated (PP in (NP the early 1970s )NP )PP , (ADVP along (PP with (NP smallpox )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )S )PP )VP )VP . )S 25 33 (S (ADVP Rather )ADVP , (NP it )NP (VP is (VP born (PP of (NP frustration )NP )PP (PP with (S (VP having (S (VP to (VP combat (ADVP constantly )ADVP (S (VP changing (NP (NP strains )NP (PP of (NP (NP a statist idea )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP one thought )NP (VP had (VP been (VP eliminated (PP in (NP the early 1970s )NP )PP , (ADVP along (PP with (NP smallpox )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )S )PP )VP )VP . )S 24 32 (S (ADVP Rather )ADVP , (NP it )NP (VP is (VP born (PP of (NP frustration )NP )PP (PP with (S (VP having (S (VP to (VP combat (ADVP constantly )ADVP (S (VP changing (NP (NP strains )NP (PP of (NP (NP a statist idea )NP (SBAR that (S (NP one thought )NP (VP had (VP been (VP eliminated (PP in (NP the early 1970s )NP )PP , (ADVP along (PP with (NP smallpox )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )S )PP )VP )VP . )S 28 35 (S (ADVP Rather )ADVP , (NP it )NP (VP is (VP born (PP of (NP frustration )NP )PP (PP with (S (VP having (S (VP to (VP combat (S (VP (ADVP constantly )ADVP changing (NP (NP strains )NP (PP of (NP (NP a statist idea )NP (SBAR that (S (NP one )NP (VP thought (SBAR (S (VP had (VP been (VP eliminated (PP in (NP the early 1970s )NP )PP , (ADVP along (PP with (NP smallpox )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )S )PP )VP )VP . )S 27 35 (S (ADVP Rather )ADVP , (NP it )NP (VP is (VP born (PP of (NP frustration )NP )PP (PP with (S (VP having (S (VP to (VP combat (ADVP constantly )ADVP (S (VP changing (NP (NP strains )NP (PP of (NP a statist idea )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP one )NP (VP thought (SBAR (S (VP had (VP been (VP eliminated (PP in (NP the early 1970s )NP )PP , (ADVP along (PP with (NP smallpox )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )S )PP )VP )VP . )S 29 36 (S (ADVP Rather )ADVP , (NP it )NP (VP is (VP born (PP of (NP frustration )NP )PP (PP with (S (VP having (S (VP to (VP combat (ADVP constantly )ADVP (S (VP changing (NP (NP strains )NP (PP of (NP (NP a statist idea )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP one )NP (VP thought (SBAR (S (VP had (VP been (VP eliminated (PP in (NP the early 1970s )NP )PP , (ADVP along (PP with (NP smallpox )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )S )PP )VP )VP . )S 29 34 (S (ADVP Rather )ADVP , (NP it )NP (VP is (VP born (PP of (NP frustration )NP )PP (PP with (S (VP having (S (VP to (VP combat (ADVP constantly )ADVP (NP (NP changing strains )NP (PP of (NP (NP a statist idea )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP one )NP (VP thought (SBAR (S (VP had (VP been (VP eliminated (PP in (NP the early 1970s )NP )PP , (ADVP along (PP with (NP smallpox )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )PP )VP )VP . )S 28 35 (S (ADVP Rather )ADVP , (NP it )NP (VP is (VP born (PP of (NP frustration )NP )PP (PP with (S (VP having (S (VP to (VP combat (ADVP constantly )ADVP (S (VP changing (NP (NP strains )NP (PP of (NP (NP a statist idea )NP (SBAR that (S (NP one )NP (VP thought (SBAR (S (VP had (VP been (VP eliminated (PP in (NP the early 1970s )NP )PP , (ADVP along (PP with (NP smallpox )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )S )PP )VP )VP . )S 29 36 (S (ADVP Rather )ADVP , (NP it )NP (VP is (VP born (PP of (NP frustration )NP )PP (PP with (S (VP having (S (VP to (VP combat (S (ADVP constantly )ADVP (VP changing (NP (NP strains )NP (PP of (NP (NP a statist idea )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP one )NP (VP thought (SBAR (S (VP had (VP been (VP eliminated (PP in (NP the early 1970s )NP )PP , (ADVP along (PP with (NP smallpox )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )S )PP )VP )VP . )S 23 31 (S (ADVP Rather )ADVP , (NP it )NP (VP is (VP born (PP of (NP frustration )NP )PP (PP with (S (VP having (S (VP to (VP combat (ADVP constantly )ADVP (S (VP changing (NP (NP strains )NP (PP of (NP a statist idea (SBAR that (S (NP one thought )NP (VP had (VP been (VP eliminated (PP in (NP the early 1970s )NP )PP , (ADVP along (PP with (NP smallpox )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )S )PP )VP )VP . )S 31 37 (S (ADVP Rather )ADVP , (NP it )NP (VP is (VP born (PP of (NP (NP frustration )NP (PP with (S (VP having (S (VP to (VP combat (ADVP constantly )ADVP (S (VP changing (NP (NP strains )NP (PP of (NP (NP a statist idea )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP one )NP (VP thought (SBAR (S (VP had (VP been (VP eliminated (PP in (NP the early 1970s )NP )PP , (ADVP along (PP with (NP smallpox )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )S )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 27 34 (S (ADVP Rather )ADVP , (NP it )NP (VP is (VP born (PP of (NP frustration )NP )PP (PP with (S (VP having (S (VP to (VP combat (S (VP (ADVP constantly )ADVP changing (NP (NP strains )NP (PP of (NP a statist idea (SBAR that (S (NP one )NP (VP thought (SBAR (S (VP had (VP been (VP eliminated (PP in (NP the early 1970s )NP )PP , (ADVP along (PP with (NP smallpox )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )S )PP )VP )VP . )S 22 31 (S (ADVP Rather )ADVP , (NP it )NP (VP is (VP born (PP of (NP frustration )NP )PP (PP with (S (VP having (S (VP to (VP combat (ADVP constantly )ADVP (S (VP changing (NP (NP strains )NP (PP of (NP a statist idea )NP )PP (SBAR that (S (NP one thought )NP (VP had (VP been (VP eliminated (PP in (NP the early 1970s )NP )PP , (ADVP along (PP with (NP smallpox )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )S )PP )VP )VP . )S 27 34 (S (ADVP Rather )ADVP , (NP it )NP (VP is (VP born (PP of (NP frustration )NP )PP (PP with (S (VP having (S (VP to (VP combat (ADVP constantly )ADVP (S (VP changing (NP (NP strains )NP (PP of (NP a statist idea (SBAR that (S (NP one )NP (VP thought (SBAR (S (VP had (VP been (VP eliminated (PP in (NP the early 1970s )NP )PP , (ADVP along (PP with (NP smallpox )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )S )PP )VP )VP . )S 28 35 (S (ADVP Rather )ADVP , (NP it )NP (VP is (VP born (PP of (NP frustration )NP )PP (PP with (S (VP having (S (VP to (VP combat (ADVP constantly )ADVP (S (VP changing (NP (NP strains )NP (PP of (NP (NP a statist idea )NP (SBAR that (S (NP one )NP (VP thought (SBAR (S (VP had (VP been (VP eliminated (PP in (NP the early 1970s )NP )PP , (ADVP along (PP with (NP smallpox )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )S )PP )VP )VP . )S 28 33 (S (ADVP Rather )ADVP , (NP it )NP (VP is (VP born (PP of (NP frustration )NP )PP (PP with (S (VP having (S (VP to (VP combat (ADVP constantly )ADVP (NP (NP changing strains )NP (PP of (NP (NP a statist idea )NP (SBAR that (S (NP one )NP (VP thought (SBAR (S (VP had (VP been (VP eliminated (PP in (NP the early 1970s )NP )PP , (ADVP along (PP with (NP smallpox )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )PP )VP )VP . )S 26 34 (S (ADVP Rather )ADVP , (NP it )NP (VP is (VP born (PP of (NP frustration )NP )PP (PP with (S (VP having (S (VP to (VP combat (S (VP (ADVP constantly )ADVP changing (NP (NP strains )NP (PP of (NP a statist idea )NP )PP (SBAR that (S (NP one )NP (VP thought (SBAR (S (VP had (VP been (VP eliminated (PP in (NP the early 1970s )NP )PP , (ADVP along (PP with (NP smallpox )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )S )PP )VP )VP . )S 26 34 (S (ADVP Rather )ADVP , (NP it )NP (VP is (VP born (PP of (NP frustration )NP )PP (PP with (S (VP having (S (VP to (VP combat (ADVP constantly )ADVP (S (VP changing (NP (NP strains )NP (PP of (NP a statist idea )NP )PP )NP (SBAR that (S (NP one )NP (VP thought (SBAR (S (VP had (VP been (VP eliminated (PP in (NP the early 1970s )NP )PP , (ADVP along (PP with (NP smallpox )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )S )PP )VP )VP . )S 29 36 (S (ADVP Rather )ADVP , (NP it )NP (VP is (VP born (PP of (NP frustration )NP )PP (PP with (S (VP having (S (VP to (VP combat (S (VP (ADVP constantly )ADVP changing (NP (NP strains )NP (PP of (NP (NP a statist idea )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP one )NP (VP thought (SBAR (S (VP had (VP been (VP eliminated (PP in (NP the early 1970s )NP )PP , (ADVP along (PP with (NP smallpox )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )S )PP )VP )VP . )S 26 34 (S (ADVP Rather )ADVP , (NP it )NP (VP is (VP born (PP of (NP frustration )NP )PP (PP with (S (VP having (S (VP to (VP combat (ADVP constantly )ADVP (S (VP changing (NP (NP strains )NP (PP of (NP a statist idea )NP )PP (SBAR that (S (NP one )NP (VP thought (SBAR (S (VP had (VP been (VP eliminated (PP in (NP the early 1970s )NP )PP , (ADVP along (PP with (NP smallpox )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )S )PP )VP )VP . )S 28 35 (S (ADVP Rather )ADVP , (NP it )NP (VP is (VP born (PP of (NP frustration )NP )PP (PP with (S (VP having (S (VP to (VP combat (S (ADVP constantly )ADVP (VP changing (NP (NP strains )NP (PP of (NP (NP a statist idea )NP (SBAR that (S (NP one )NP (VP thought (SBAR (S (VP had (VP been (VP eliminated (PP in (NP the early 1970s )NP )PP , (ADVP along (PP with (NP smallpox )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )S )PP )VP )VP . )S 26 32 (S (ADVP Rather )ADVP , (NP it )NP (VP is (VP born (PP of (NP frustration )NP )PP (PP with (S (VP having (S (VP to (VP combat (ADVP constantly )ADVP (NP (NP changing strains )NP (PP of (NP a statist idea )NP )PP (SBAR that (S (NP one )NP (VP thought (SBAR (S (VP had (VP been (VP eliminated (PP in (NP the early 1970s )NP )PP , (ADVP along (PP with (NP smallpox )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )PP )VP )VP . )S 30 36 (S (ADVP Rather )ADVP , (NP it )NP (VP is (VP born (PP of (NP (NP frustration )NP (PP with (S (VP having (S (VP to (VP combat (ADVP constantly )ADVP (S (VP changing (NP (NP strains )NP (PP of (NP (NP a statist idea )NP (SBAR that (S (NP one )NP (VP thought (SBAR (S (VP had (VP been (VP eliminated (PP in (NP the early 1970s )NP )PP , (ADVP along (PP with (NP smallpox )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )S )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 25 33 (S (ADVP Rather )ADVP , (NP it )NP (VP is (VP born (PP of (NP frustration )NP )PP (PP with (S (VP having (S (VP to (VP combat (S (VP (ADVP constantly )ADVP changing (NP (NP strains )NP (PP of (NP (NP a statist idea )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP one thought )NP (VP had (VP been (VP eliminated (PP in (NP the early 1970s )NP )PP , (ADVP along (PP with (NP smallpox )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )S )PP )VP )VP . )S 22 31 (S (ADVP Rather )ADVP , (NP it )NP (VP is (VP born (PP of (NP frustration )NP )PP (PP with (S (VP having (S (VP to (VP combat (ADVP constantly )ADVP (S (VP changing (NP (NP strains )NP (PP of (NP a statist idea )NP )PP )NP (SBAR that (S (NP one thought )NP (VP had (VP been (VP eliminated (PP in (NP the early 1970s )NP )PP , (ADVP along (PP with (NP smallpox )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )S )PP )VP )VP . )S 25 33 (S (ADVP Rather )ADVP , (NP it )NP (VP is (VP born (PP of (NP frustration )NP )PP (PP with (S (VP having (S (VP to (VP combat (ADVP constantly )ADVP (S (VP changing (NP (NP strains )NP (PP of (NP (NP a statist idea )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP one thought )NP (VP had (VP been (VP eliminated (PP in (NP the early 1970s )NP )PP , (ADVP along (PP with (NP smallpox )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )S )PP )VP )VP . )S 24 32 (S (ADVP Rather )ADVP , (NP it )NP (VP is (VP born (PP of (NP frustration )NP )PP (PP with (S (VP having (S (VP to (VP combat (S (VP (ADVP constantly )ADVP changing (NP (NP strains )NP (PP of (NP (NP a statist idea )NP (SBAR that (S (NP one thought )NP (VP had (VP been (VP eliminated (PP in (NP the early 1970s )NP )PP , (ADVP along (PP with (NP smallpox )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )S )PP )VP )VP . )S 29 35 (S (ADVP Rather )ADVP , (NP it )NP (VP is (VP born (PP of (NP frustration )NP )PP (PP with (S (VP having (S (VP to (VP combat (ADVP constantly )ADVP (PP changing (NP (NP strains )NP (PP of (NP (NP a statist idea )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP one )NP (VP thought (SBAR (S (VP had (VP been (VP eliminated (PP in (NP the early 1970s )NP )PP , (ADVP along (PP with (NP smallpox )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )PP )VP )VP . )S 27 34 (S (ADVP Rather )ADVP , (NP it )NP (VP is (VP born (PP of (NP frustration )NP )PP (PP with (S (VP having (S (VP to (VP combat (ADVP constantly )ADVP (S (VP changing (NP (NP strains )NP (PP of (NP a statist idea (SBAR that (S (NP one )NP (VP thought (SBAR (S (VP had (VP been (VP eliminated (PP in (NP the early 1970s )NP )PP , (ADVP along (PP with (NP smallpox )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )S )PP )VP )VP . )S 27 32 (S (ADVP Rather )ADVP , (NP it )NP (VP is (VP born (PP of (NP frustration )NP )PP (PP with (S (VP having (S (VP to (VP combat (ADVP constantly )ADVP (NP (NP changing strains )NP (PP of (NP a statist idea (SBAR that (S (NP one )NP (VP thought (SBAR (S (VP had (VP been (VP eliminated (PP in (NP the early 1970s )NP )PP , (ADVP along (PP with (NP smallpox )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )PP )VP )VP . )S 24 32 (S (ADVP Rather )ADVP , (NP it )NP (VP is (VP born (PP of (NP frustration )NP )PP (PP with (S (VP having (S (VP to (VP combat (ADVP constantly )ADVP (S (VP changing (NP (NP strains )NP (PP of (NP (NP a statist idea )NP (SBAR that (S (NP one thought )NP (VP had (VP been (VP eliminated (PP in (NP the early 1970s )NP )PP , (ADVP along (PP with (NP smallpox )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )S )PP )VP )VP . )S 26 34 (S (ADVP Rather )ADVP , (NP it )NP (VP is (VP born (PP of (NP frustration )NP )PP (PP with (S (VP having (S (VP to (VP combat (ADVP constantly )ADVP (S (VP changing (NP (NP strains )NP (PP of (NP a statist idea )NP )PP )NP (SBAR that (S (NP one )NP (VP thought (SBAR (S (VP had (VP been (VP eliminated (PP in (NP the early 1970s )NP )PP , (ADVP along (PP with (NP smallpox )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )S )PP )VP )VP . )S 27 34 (S (ADVP Rather )ADVP , (NP it )NP (VP is (VP born (PP of (NP frustration )NP )PP (PP with (S (VP having (S (VP to (VP combat (S (ADVP constantly )ADVP (VP changing (NP (NP strains )NP (PP of (NP a statist idea (SBAR that (S (NP one )NP (VP thought (SBAR (S (VP had (VP been (VP eliminated (PP in (NP the early 1970s )NP )PP , (ADVP along (PP with (NP smallpox )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )S )PP )VP )VP . )S 26 32 (S (ADVP Rather )ADVP , (NP it )NP (VP is (VP born (PP of (NP frustration )NP )PP (PP with (S (VP having (S (VP to (VP combat (ADVP constantly )ADVP (NP (NP changing strains )NP (PP of (NP a statist idea )NP )PP )NP (SBAR that (S (NP one )NP (VP thought (SBAR (S (VP had (VP been (VP eliminated (PP in (NP the early 1970s )NP )PP , (ADVP along (PP with (NP smallpox )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )S )PP )VP )VP . )S 27 35 (S (ADVP Rather )ADVP , (NP it )NP (VP is (VP born (PP of (NP frustration )NP )PP (PP with (S (VP having (S (VP to (VP combat (S (VP (ADVP constantly )ADVP changing (NP (NP strains )NP (PP of (NP a statist idea )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP one )NP (VP thought (SBAR (S (VP had (VP been (VP eliminated (PP in (NP the early 1970s )NP )PP , (ADVP along (PP with (NP smallpox )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )S )PP )VP )VP . )S 29 36 (S (ADVP Rather )ADVP , (NP it )NP (VP is (VP born (PP of (NP frustration )NP )PP (PP with (S (VP having (S (VP to (VP combat (S (VP (ADVP constantly )ADVP changing (NP (NP strains )NP (PP of (NP (NP a statist idea )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP one )NP (VP thought (SBAR (S (VP had (VP been (VP eliminated (PP in (NP the early 1970s )NP )PP , (ADVP along (PP with (NP smallpox )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )S )PP )VP )VP . )S 30 36 (S (ADVP Rather )ADVP , (NP it )NP (VP is (VP born (PP of (NP frustration )NP )PP (PP with (S (VP having (S (VP to (VP combat (ADVP constantly )ADVP (S (VP changing (NP (NP strains )NP (PP of (NP (NP a statist idea )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP one )NP (VP thought (SBAR (S (VP had (VP been (VP eliminated (PP in (NP the early 1970s )NP )PP , (PP along (PP with (NP smallpox )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )S )PP )VP )VP . )S 26 34 (S (ADVP Rather )ADVP , (NP it )NP (VP is (VP born (PP of (NP frustration )NP )PP (PP with (S (VP having (S (VP to (VP combat (ADVP constantly )ADVP (S (VP changing (NP (NP strains )NP (PP of (NP a statist idea )NP )PP (SBAR that (S (NP one )NP (VP thought (SBAR (S (VP had (VP been (VP eliminated (PP in (NP the early 1970s )NP )PP , (ADVP along (PP with (NP smallpox )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )S )PP )VP )VP . )S 29 35 (S (ADVP Rather )ADVP , (NP it )NP (VP is (VP born (PP of (NP (NP frustration )NP (PP with (S (VP having (S (VP to (VP combat (ADVP constantly )ADVP (S (VP changing (NP (NP strains )NP (PP of (NP a statist idea (SBAR that (S (NP one )NP (VP thought (SBAR (S (VP had (VP been (VP eliminated (PP in (NP the early 1970s )NP )PP , (ADVP along (PP with (NP smallpox )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )S )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 28 35 (S (ADVP Rather )ADVP , (NP it )NP (VP is (VP born (PP of (NP frustration )NP )PP (PP with (S (VP having (S (VP to (VP combat (S (VP (ADVP constantly )ADVP changing (NP (NP strains )NP (PP of (NP (NP a statist idea )NP (SBAR that (S (NP one )NP (VP thought (SBAR (S (VP had (VP been (VP eliminated (PP in (NP the early 1970s )NP )PP , (ADVP along (PP with (NP smallpox )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )S )PP )VP )VP . )S 26 34 (S (ADVP Rather )ADVP , (NP it )NP (VP is (VP born (PP of (NP frustration )NP )PP (PP with (S (VP having (S (VP to (VP combat (S (ADVP constantly )ADVP (VP changing (NP (NP strains )NP (PP of (NP a statist idea )NP )PP )NP (SBAR that (S (NP one )NP (VP thought (SBAR (S (VP had (VP been (VP eliminated (PP in (NP the early 1970s )NP )PP , (ADVP along (PP with (NP smallpox )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )S )PP )VP )VP . )S 27 35 (S (ADVP Rather )ADVP , (NP it )NP (VP is (VP born (PP of (NP frustration )NP )PP (PP with (S (VP having (S (VP to (VP combat (ADVP constantly )ADVP (S (VP changing (NP (NP strains )NP (PP of (NP a statist idea )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP one )NP (VP thought (SBAR (S (VP had (VP been (VP eliminated (PP in (NP the early 1970s )NP )PP , (ADVP along (PP with (NP smallpox )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )S )PP )VP )VP . )S 29 36 (S (ADVP Rather )ADVP , (NP it )NP (VP is (VP born (PP of (NP frustration )NP )PP (PP with (S (VP having (S (VP to (VP combat (ADVP constantly )ADVP (S (VP changing (NP (NP strains )NP (PP of (NP (NP a statist idea )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP one )NP (VP thought (SBAR (S (VP had (VP been (VP eliminated (PP in (NP the early 1970s )NP )PP , (ADVP along (PP with (NP smallpox )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )S )PP )VP )VP . )S 29 34 (S (ADVP Rather )ADVP , (NP it )NP (VP is (VP born (PP of (NP frustration )NP )PP (PP with (S (VP having (S (VP to (VP combat (ADVP constantly )ADVP (NP (NP changing strains )NP (PP of (NP (NP a statist idea )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP one )NP (VP thought (SBAR (S (VP had (VP been (VP eliminated (PP in (NP the early 1970s )NP )PP , (ADVP along (PP with (NP smallpox )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )PP )VP )VP . )S 50 19 30 (S (NP It )NP (VP is (ADVP back (PP with (NP us )NP )PP )ADVP (ADVP again )ADVP , (PP in (NP (NP the form )NP (PP of (NP (NP legislation )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP pay (NP (NP volunteers )NP (PP under (NP a `` (S (NP National and Community Service Act )NP )S , '' (NP a proposal )NP )NP )PP (PP with (NP (NP a serious shot )NP (PP at (NP congressional passage )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (NP this fall )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 19 29 (S (NP It )NP (VP is (ADVP back (PP with (NP us )NP )PP )ADVP (ADVP again )ADVP , (PP in (NP (NP the form )NP (PP of (NP (NP legislation )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP pay (NP volunteers )NP (PP under (NP a `` (S (NP National and Community Service Act )NP )S , '' (NP a proposal )NP )NP )PP (PP with (NP (NP a serious shot )NP (PP at (NP congressional passage )NP )PP )NP )PP (NP this fall )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 19 31 (S (NP It )NP (VP is (ADVP back )ADVP (PP with (NP (NP us )NP (ADVP again )ADVP )NP )PP , (PP in (NP (NP the form )NP (PP of (NP (NP legislation )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP pay (NP (NP volunteers )NP (PP under (NP a `` (S (NP National and Community Service Act )NP )S , '' (NP a proposal )NP )NP )PP (PP with (NP (NP a serious shot )NP (PP at (NP congressional passage )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (NP this fall )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 19 30 (S (NP It )NP (VP is (ADVP back )ADVP (PP with (NP (NP us )NP (ADVP again )ADVP )NP )PP , (PP in (NP (NP the form )NP (PP of (NP (NP legislation )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP pay (NP volunteers )NP (PP under (NP a `` (S (NP National and Community Service Act )NP )S , '' (NP a proposal )NP )NP )PP (PP with (NP (NP a serious shot )NP (PP at (NP congressional passage )NP )PP )NP )PP (NP this fall )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 11 29 (S (NP It )NP (VP is (ADVP back (PP with (NP us )NP (ADVP again )ADVP , (PP in (NP (NP the form )NP (PP of (NP (NP legislation )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP pay (NP volunteers )NP (PP under (NP a `` (S (NP National and Community Service Act )NP )S , '' (NP a proposal )NP )NP )PP (PP with (NP (NP a serious shot )NP (PP at (NP congressional passage )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )ADVP (NP this fall )NP )VP . )S 19 30 (S (NP It )NP (VP is (ADVP back (PP with (NP us )NP )PP )ADVP (ADVP again )ADVP , (PP in (NP (NP the form )NP (PP of (NP (NP legislation )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP pay (NP (NP volunteers )NP (PP under (NP a `` (S (NP National and Community Service Act )NP )S , '' (NP a proposal )NP )NP )PP )NP (PP with (NP (NP a serious shot )NP (PP at (NP congressional passage )NP )PP )NP )PP (NP this fall )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 19 30 (S (NP It )NP (VP is (ADVP back (PP with (NP us )NP )PP )ADVP (ADVP again )ADVP , (PP in (NP (NP the form )NP (PP of (NP (NP legislation )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP pay (NP (NP volunteers )NP (PP under (NP a `` (S (NP National and Community Service Act )NP )S , '' (NP a proposal )NP )NP )PP (PP with (NP (NP a serious shot )NP (PP at (NP congressional passage )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (NP this fall )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 22 31 (S (NP It )NP (VP is (ADVP back (PP with (NP us )NP )PP )ADVP (ADVP again )ADVP , (PP in (NP (NP the form )NP (PP of (NP (NP legislation )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP pay (NP volunteers )NP (PP under (NP a `` (S (NP National and Community Service Act )NP )S , '' (NP (NP (NP a proposal )NP (PP with (NP (NP a serious shot )NP (PP at (NP congressional passage )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (NP this fall )NP )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 19 30 (S (NP It )NP (VP is (ADJP back (PP with (NP us )NP )PP )ADJP (ADVP again )ADVP , (PP in (NP (NP the form )NP (PP of (NP (NP legislation )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP pay (NP (NP volunteers )NP (PP under (NP a `` (S (NP National and Community Service Act )NP )S , '' (NP a proposal )NP )NP )PP (PP with (NP (NP a serious shot )NP (PP at (NP congressional passage )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (NP this fall )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 19 31 (S (NP It )NP (VP is (ADVP back (PP with (NP us )NP )PP )ADVP (ADVP again )ADVP , (PP in (NP (NP the form )NP (PP of (NP (NP legislation )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP pay (NP (NP volunteers )NP (PP under (NP a `` (S (NP National and Community Service Act )NP )S , '' (NP (NP a proposal )NP (PP with (NP (NP a serious shot )NP (PP at (NP congressional passage )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP (NP this fall )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 11 30 (S (NP It )NP (VP is (ADVP back (PP with (NP us )NP (ADVP again )ADVP , (PP in (NP (NP the form )NP (PP of (NP (NP legislation )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP pay (NP (NP volunteers )NP (PP under (NP a `` (S (NP National and Community Service Act )NP )S , '' (NP a proposal )NP )NP )PP )NP (PP with (NP (NP a serious shot )NP (PP at (NP congressional passage )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )ADVP (NP this fall )NP )VP . )S 19 29 (S (NP It )NP (VP is (ADVP back (PP with (NP us )NP )PP )ADVP (ADVP again )ADVP , (PP in (NP (NP the form )NP (PP of (NP (NP legislation )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP pay (NP volunteers )NP (PP under (NP a `` (S (NP National and Community Service Act )NP )S , '' (NP a proposal )NP )NP )PP (PP with (NP (NP a serious shot )NP (PP at (NP congressional passage )NP )PP )NP )PP (NP this fall )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 19 29 (S (NP It )NP (VP is (ADJP back (PP with (NP us )NP )PP )ADJP (ADVP again )ADVP , (PP in (NP (NP the form )NP (PP of (NP (NP legislation )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP pay (NP volunteers )NP (PP under (NP a `` (S (NP National and Community Service Act )NP )S , '' (NP a proposal )NP )NP )PP (PP with (NP (NP a serious shot )NP (PP at (NP congressional passage )NP )PP )NP )PP (NP this fall )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 18 30 (S (NP It )NP (VP is (ADVP back (PP with (NP us )NP (ADVP again )ADVP )PP )ADVP , (PP in (NP (NP the form )NP (PP of (NP (NP legislation )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP pay (NP (NP volunteers )NP (PP under (NP a `` (S (NP National and Community Service Act )NP )S , '' (NP a proposal )NP )NP )PP (PP with (NP (NP a serious shot )NP (PP at (NP congressional passage )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (NP this fall )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 21 30 (S (NP It )NP (VP is (ADVP back (PP with (NP us )NP )PP )ADVP (ADVP again )ADVP , (PP in (NP (NP the form )NP (PP of (NP (NP legislation )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP pay (NP volunteers )NP (PP under (NP a `` (S (NP National and Community Service Act )NP )S , '' (NP a proposal )NP )NP )PP (PP with (NP (NP (NP a serious shot )NP (PP at (NP congressional passage )NP )PP )NP (NP this fall )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 18 29 (S (NP It )NP (VP is (ADVP back (PP with (NP us )NP (ADVP again )ADVP )PP )ADVP , (PP in (NP (NP the form )NP (PP of (NP (NP legislation )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP pay (NP volunteers )NP (PP under (NP a `` (S (NP National and Community Service Act )NP )S , '' (NP a proposal )NP )NP )PP (PP with (NP (NP a serious shot )NP (PP at (NP congressional passage )NP )PP )NP )PP (NP this fall )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 20 30 (S (NP It )NP (VP is (ADVP back )ADVP (PP with (NP us )NP )PP (ADVP again )ADVP , (PP in (NP (NP the form )NP (PP of (NP (NP legislation )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP pay (NP (NP volunteers )NP (PP under (NP a `` (S (NP National and Community Service Act )NP )S , '' (NP a proposal )NP )NP )PP (PP with (NP (NP a serious shot )NP (PP at (NP congressional passage )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (NP this fall )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 21 31 (S (NP It )NP (VP is (ADVP back (PP with (NP us )NP )PP )ADVP (ADVP again )ADVP , (PP in (NP (NP the form )NP (PP of (NP (NP legislation )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP pay (NP (NP volunteers )NP (PP under (NP a `` (S (NP National and Community Service Act )NP )S , '' (NP a proposal )NP )NP )PP )NP (PP with (NP (NP (NP a serious shot )NP (PP at (NP congressional passage )NP )PP )NP (NP this fall )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 20 29 (S (NP It )NP (VP is (ADVP back )ADVP (PP with (NP us )NP )PP (ADVP again )ADVP , (PP in (NP (NP the form )NP (PP of (NP (NP legislation )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP pay (NP volunteers )NP (PP under (NP a `` (S (NP National and Community Service Act )NP )S , '' (NP a proposal )NP )NP )PP (PP with (NP (NP a serious shot )NP (PP at (NP congressional passage )NP )PP )NP )PP (NP this fall )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 21 29 (S (NP It )NP (VP is (ADVP back (PP with (NP us )NP )PP )ADVP (ADVP again )ADVP , (PP in (NP (NP the form )NP (PP of (NP (NP legislation )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP pay (NP volunteers )NP (PP under (NP a `` (S (NP National and Community Service Act )NP )S , '' (NP a proposal )NP )NP )PP (PP with (NP (NP a serious shot )NP (PP at (NP congressional passage )NP )PP (NP this fall )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 19 31 (S (NP It )NP (VP is (ADVP back (PP with (NP us )NP )PP )ADVP (ADVP again )ADVP , (PP in (NP (NP the form )NP (PP of (NP (NP legislation )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP pay (NP (NP (NP volunteers )NP (PP under (NP a `` (S (NP National and Community Service Act )NP )S , '' (NP a proposal )NP )NP )PP )NP (PP with (NP (NP a serious shot )NP (PP at (NP congressional passage )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (NP this fall )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 19 30 (S (NP It )NP (VP is (ADVP back )ADVP (PP with (NP us )NP (ADVP again )ADVP )PP , (PP in (NP (NP the form )NP (PP of (NP (NP legislation )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP pay (NP (NP volunteers )NP (PP under (NP a `` (S (NP National and Community Service Act )NP )S , '' (NP a proposal )NP )NP )PP (PP with (NP (NP a serious shot )NP (PP at (NP congressional passage )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (NP this fall )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 19 29 (S (NP It )NP (VP is (ADVP back )ADVP (PP with (NP us )NP (ADVP again )ADVP )PP , (PP in (NP (NP the form )NP (PP of (NP (NP legislation )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP pay (NP volunteers )NP (PP under (NP a `` (S (NP National and Community Service Act )NP )S , '' (NP a proposal )NP )NP )PP (PP with (NP (NP a serious shot )NP (PP at (NP congressional passage )NP )PP )NP )PP (NP this fall )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 21 30 (S (NP It )NP (VP is (ADVP back (PP with (NP us )NP )PP )ADVP (ADVP again )ADVP , (PP in (NP (NP the form )NP (PP of (NP (NP legislation )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP pay (NP (NP volunteers )NP (PP under (NP a `` (S (NP National and Community Service Act )NP )S , '' (NP a proposal )NP )NP )PP )NP (PP with (NP (NP a serious shot )NP (PP at (NP congressional passage )NP )PP (NP this fall )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 19 30 (S (NP It )NP (VP is (ADVP back )ADVP (VP with (NP us )NP (ADVP again )ADVP , (PP in (NP (NP the form )NP (PP of (NP (NP legislation )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP pay (NP (NP volunteers )NP (PP under (NP a `` (S (NP National and Community Service Act )NP )S , '' (NP a proposal )NP )NP )PP (PP with (NP (NP a serious shot )NP (PP at (NP congressional passage )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (NP this fall )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 12 29 (S (NP It )NP (VP is (ADVP back (PP with (NP us )NP )PP )ADVP (ADVP again )ADVP , (PP in (NP (NP the form )NP (PP of (NP (NP legislation )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP pay (NP volunteers )NP (PP under (NP a `` (S (NP National and Community Service Act )NP )S , '' (NP a proposal )NP )NP )PP (PP with (NP (NP a serious shot )NP (PP at (NP congressional passage )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP (NP this fall )NP )VP . )S 19 31 (S (NP It )NP (VP is (ADVP back )ADVP (PP with (NP (NP us )NP (ADVP again )ADVP )NP )PP , (PP in (NP (NP the form )NP (PP of (NP (NP legislation )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP pay (NP (NP volunteers )NP (PP under (NP a `` (S (NP National and Community Service Act )NP )S , '' (NP a proposal )NP )NP )PP )NP (PP with (NP (NP a serious shot )NP (PP at (NP congressional passage )NP )PP )NP )PP (NP this fall )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 19 30 (S (NP It )NP (VP is (PP (ADVP back )ADVP with (NP us )NP )PP (ADVP again )ADVP , (PP in (NP (NP the form )NP (PP of (NP (NP legislation )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP pay (NP (NP volunteers )NP (PP under (NP a `` (S (NP National and Community Service Act )NP )S , '' (NP a proposal )NP )NP )PP (PP with (NP (NP a serious shot )NP (PP at (NP congressional passage )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (NP this fall )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 19 29 (S (NP It )NP (VP is (ADVP back )ADVP (VP with (NP us )NP (ADVP again )ADVP , (PP in (NP (NP the form )NP (PP of (NP (NP legislation )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP pay (NP volunteers )NP (PP under (NP a `` (S (NP National and Community Service Act )NP )S , '' (NP a proposal )NP )NP )PP (PP with (NP (NP a serious shot )NP (PP at (NP congressional passage )NP )PP )NP )PP (NP this fall )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 22 32 (S (NP It )NP (VP is (ADVP back )ADVP (PP with (NP (NP us )NP (ADVP again )ADVP )NP )PP , (PP in (NP (NP the form )NP (PP of (NP (NP legislation )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP pay (NP volunteers )NP (PP under (NP a `` (S (NP National and Community Service Act )NP )S , '' (NP (NP (NP a proposal )NP (PP with (NP (NP a serious shot )NP (PP at (NP congressional passage )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (NP this fall )NP )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 19 32 (S (NP It )NP (VP is (ADVP back )ADVP (PP with (NP (NP us )NP (ADVP again )ADVP )NP )PP , (PP in (NP (NP the form )NP (PP of (NP (NP legislation )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP pay (NP (NP volunteers )NP (PP under (NP a `` (S (NP National and Community Service Act )NP )S , '' (NP (NP a proposal )NP (PP with (NP (NP a serious shot )NP (PP at (NP congressional passage )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP (NP this fall )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 19 29 (S (NP It )NP (VP is (PP (ADVP back )ADVP with (NP us )NP )PP (ADVP again )ADVP , (PP in (NP (NP the form )NP (PP of (NP (NP legislation )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP pay (NP volunteers )NP (PP under (NP a `` (S (NP National and Community Service Act )NP )S , '' (NP a proposal )NP )NP )PP (PP with (NP (NP a serious shot )NP (PP at (NP congressional passage )NP )PP )NP )PP (NP this fall )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 19 30 (S (NP It )NP (VP is (ADJP back (PP with (NP us )NP )PP )ADJP (ADVP again )ADVP , (PP in (NP (NP the form )NP (PP of (NP (NP legislation )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP pay (NP (NP volunteers )NP (PP under (NP a `` (S (NP National and Community Service Act )NP )S , '' (NP a proposal )NP )NP )PP (PP with (NP (NP a serious shot )NP (PP at (NP congressional passage )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (NP this fall )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 17 29 (S (NP It )NP (VP is (ADVP back )ADVP (PP with (NP us again )NP )PP , (PP in (NP (NP the form )NP (PP of (NP (NP legislation )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP pay (NP (NP volunteers )NP (PP under (NP a `` (S (NP National and Community Service Act )NP )S , '' (NP a proposal )NP )NP )PP (PP with (NP (NP a serious shot )NP (PP at (NP congressional passage )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (NP this fall )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 19 31 (S (NP It )NP (VP is (ADVP back (PP with (NP us )NP )PP )ADVP (ADVP again )ADVP , (PP in (NP (NP the form )NP (PP of (NP (NP legislation )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP pay (NP (NP (NP volunteers )NP (PP under (NP a `` (S (NP National and Community Service Act )NP )S , '' (NP a proposal )NP )NP )PP )NP (PP with (NP (NP a serious shot )NP (PP at (NP congressional passage )NP )PP )NP )PP (NP this fall )NP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 21 31 (S (NP It )NP (VP is (ADVP back )ADVP (PP with (NP (NP us )NP (ADVP again )ADVP )NP )PP , (PP in (NP (NP the form )NP (PP of (NP (NP legislation )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP pay (NP volunteers )NP (PP under (NP a `` (S (NP National and Community Service Act )NP )S , '' (NP a proposal )NP )NP )PP (PP with (NP (NP (NP a serious shot )NP (PP at (NP congressional passage )NP )PP )NP (NP this fall )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 12 30 (S (NP It )NP (VP is (ADVP back (PP with (NP us )NP )PP )ADVP (ADVP again )ADVP , (PP in (NP (NP the form )NP (PP of (NP (NP legislation )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP pay (NP (NP volunteers )NP (PP under (NP a `` (S (NP National and Community Service Act )NP )S , '' (NP a proposal )NP )NP )PP )NP (PP with (NP (NP a serious shot )NP (PP at (NP congressional passage )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP (NP this fall )NP )VP . )S 19 29 (S (NP It )NP (VP is (ADJP back (PP with (NP us )NP )PP )ADJP (ADVP again )ADVP , (PP in (NP (NP the form )NP (PP of (NP (NP legislation )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP pay (NP volunteers )NP (PP under (NP a `` (S (NP National and Community Service Act )NP )S , '' (NP a proposal )NP )NP )PP (PP with (NP (NP a serious shot )NP (PP at (NP congressional passage )NP )PP )NP )PP (NP this fall )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 17 28 (S (NP It )NP (VP is (ADVP back )ADVP (PP with (NP us again )NP )PP , (PP in (NP (NP the form )NP (PP of (NP (NP legislation )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP pay (NP volunteers )NP (PP under (NP a `` (S (NP National and Community Service Act )NP )S , '' (NP a proposal )NP )NP )PP (PP with (NP (NP a serious shot )NP (PP at (NP congressional passage )NP )PP )NP )PP (NP this fall )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 19 30 (S (NP It )NP (VP is (ADVP back (PP with (NP us )NP )PP )ADVP (ADVP again )ADVP , (PP in (NP (NP the form )NP (PP of (NP (NP legislation )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP pay (NP (NP volunteers )NP (PP under (NP a `` (NP National and Community Service Act )NP , '' (NP (NP a proposal )NP (PP with (NP (NP a serious shot )NP (PP at (NP congressional passage )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP (NP this fall )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 19 30 (S (NP It )NP (VP is (ADVP back (PP with (NP us )NP )PP )ADVP (ADVP again )ADVP , (PP in (NP (NP the form )NP (PP of (NP (NP legislation )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP pay (NP (NP volunteers )NP (PP under (NP a `` (S (NP National and Community Service Act )NP )S , '' (NP a proposal )NP )NP )PP )NP (PP with (NP (NP a serious shot )NP (PP at (NP congressional passage )NP )PP )NP )PP (NP this fall )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 22 31 (S (NP It )NP (VP is (ADVP back (PP with (NP us )NP )PP )ADVP (ADVP again )ADVP , (PP in (NP (NP the form )NP (PP of (NP (NP legislation )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP pay (NP volunteers )NP (PP under (NP a `` (S (NP National and Community Service Act )NP )S , '' (NP (NP (NP a proposal )NP (PP with (NP (NP a serious shot )NP (PP at (NP congressional passage )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (NP this fall )NP )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 19 30 (S (NP It )NP (VP is (ADJP back (PP with (NP us )NP )PP )ADJP (ADVP again )ADVP , (PP in (NP (NP the form )NP (PP of (NP (NP legislation )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP pay (NP (NP volunteers )NP (PP under (NP a `` (S (NP National and Community Service Act )NP )S , '' (NP a proposal )NP )NP )PP )NP (PP with (NP (NP a serious shot )NP (PP at (NP congressional passage )NP )PP )NP )PP (NP this fall )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 22 31 (S (NP It )NP (VP is (ADJP back (PP with (NP us )NP )PP )ADJP (ADVP again )ADVP , (PP in (NP (NP the form )NP (PP of (NP (NP legislation )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP pay (NP volunteers )NP (PP under (NP a `` (S (NP National and Community Service Act )NP )S , '' (NP (NP (NP a proposal )NP (PP with (NP (NP a serious shot )NP (PP at (NP congressional passage )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (NP this fall )NP )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 19 31 (S (NP It )NP (VP is (ADVP back (PP with (NP us )NP )PP )ADVP (ADVP again )ADVP , (PP in (NP (NP the form )NP (PP of (NP (NP legislation )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP pay (NP (NP volunteers )NP (PP under (NP a `` (S (NP National and Community Service Act )NP )S , '' (NP (NP a proposal )NP (PP with (NP (NP a serious shot )NP (PP at (NP congressional passage )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP (NP this fall )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 19 31 (S (NP It )NP (VP is (ADJP back (PP with (NP us )NP )PP )ADJP (ADVP again )ADVP , (PP in (NP (NP the form )NP (PP of (NP (NP legislation )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP pay (NP (NP volunteers )NP (PP under (NP a `` (S (NP National and Community Service Act )NP )S , '' (NP (NP a proposal )NP (PP with (NP (NP a serious shot )NP (PP at (NP congressional passage )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP (NP this fall )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 19 29 (S (NP It )NP (VP is (ADVP back (PP with (NP us )NP )PP )ADVP (ADVP again )ADVP , (PP in (NP (NP the form )NP (PP of (NP (NP legislation )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP pay (NP (NP volunteers )NP (PP under (NP a `` (S (NP National and Community Service Act )NP )S , '' (NP a proposal )NP )NP )PP )NP (PP with (NP a serious shot )NP )PP (PP at (NP congressional passage )NP )PP (NP this fall )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 21 32 (S (NP It )NP (VP is (ADVP back )ADVP (PP with (NP (NP us )NP (ADVP again )ADVP )NP )PP , (PP in (NP (NP the form )NP (PP of (NP (NP legislation )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP pay (NP (NP volunteers )NP (PP under (NP a `` (S (NP National and Community Service Act )NP )S , '' (NP a proposal )NP )NP )PP )NP (PP with (NP (NP (NP a serious shot )NP (PP at (NP congressional passage )NP )PP )NP (NP this fall )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 22 30 (S (NP It )NP (VP is (ADVP back (PP with (NP us )NP )PP )ADVP (ADVP again )ADVP , (PP in (NP (NP the form )NP (PP of (NP (NP legislation )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP pay (NP volunteers )NP (PP under (NP a `` (S (NP National and Community Service Act )NP )S , '' (NP (NP (NP a proposal )NP (PP with (NP a serious shot )NP )PP (PP at (NP congressional passage )NP )PP )NP (NP this fall )NP )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 20 30 (S (NP It )NP (VP is (ADVP back (PP with (NP us )NP )PP )ADVP (ADVP again )ADVP , (PP in (NP (NP the form )NP (PP of (NP (NP legislation )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP pay (NP (NP volunteers )NP (PP under (NP (NP a `` National and Community Service Act )NP , '' (NP (NP a proposal )NP (PP with (NP (NP a serious shot )NP (PP at (NP congressional passage )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP (NP this fall )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 50 7 8 (SBARQ (WHADVP Why )WHADVP (SQ does (NP the national-service virus )NP (VP keep (S (VP coming (ADVP back )ADVP )VP )S )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 7 8 (SBARQ (WHADVP Why )WHADVP (SQ does (NP the national-service virus )NP (VP keep (S (VP coming (ADVP back )ADVP )VP )S )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 7 8 (SBARQ (WHADVP Why )WHADVP (SQ does (NP the national-service virus )NP (VP keep (S (VP coming (ADVP back )ADVP )VP )S )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 7 8 (SBARQ (WHADVP Why )WHADVP (SQ does (NP the national-service virus )NP (VP keep (S (VP coming (ADVP back )ADVP )VP )S )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 7 7 (SBARQ (WHADVP Why )WHADVP (SQ does (NP the national-service virus )NP (VP keep (VP coming (ADVP back )ADVP )VP )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 7 8 (SBARQ (WHADVP Why )WHADVP (SQ does (NP the national-service virus )NP (S (VP keep (VP coming (ADVP back )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SQ ? )SBARQ 7 7 (SBARQ (WHADVP Why )WHADVP (SQ does (NP the national-service virus )NP (VP keep (VP coming (ADVP back )ADVP )VP )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 7 8 (SBARQ (WHADVP Why )WHADVP (SQ does (NP the national-service virus )NP (VP keep (S (VP coming (PRT back )PRT )VP )S )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 7 9 (SBARQ (WHADVP Why )WHADVP (SQ does (NP the national-service virus )NP (S (VP keep (S (VP coming (ADVP back )ADVP )VP )S )VP )S )SQ ? )SBARQ 7 7 (SBARQ (WHADVP Why )WHADVP (SQ does (NP the national-service virus )NP (VP keep (VP coming (ADVP back )ADVP )VP )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 7 8 (SBARQ (WHADVP Why )WHADVP (SQ does (NP the national-service virus )NP (VP keep (S (VP coming (ADVP back )ADVP )VP )S )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 7 8 (SBARQ (WHADVP Why )WHADVP (SQ does (NP the national-service virus )NP (S (VP keep (VP coming (ADVP back )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SQ ? )SBARQ 7 8 (SBARQ (WHADVP Why )WHADVP (SQ does (NP the national-service virus )NP (VP keep (S (VP coming (PRT back )PRT )VP )S )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 7 7 (SBARQ (WHADVP Why )WHADVP (SQ does (NP the national-service virus )NP (VP keep (VP coming (ADVP back )ADVP )VP )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 7 8 (SBARQ (WHADVP Why )WHADVP (SQ does (NP the national-service virus )NP (VP keep (S (VP coming (PRT back )PRT )VP )S )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 7 9 (SBARQ (WHADVP Why )WHADVP (SQ does (NP the (ADJP national-service )ADJP virus )NP (VP keep (S (VP coming (ADVP back )ADVP )VP )S )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 7 9 (SBARQ (WHADVP Why )WHADVP (SQ does (NP the national-service virus )NP (S (VP keep (S (VP coming (ADVP back )ADVP )VP )S )VP )S )SQ ? )SBARQ 7 8 (SBARQ (WHADVP Why )WHADVP (SQ does (NP the national-service virus )NP (VP keep (S (VP coming (ADVP back )ADVP )VP )S )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 6 8 (SBARQ (WHADVP Why )WHADVP (SQ does (NP the national-service virus )NP (VP keep (S (VP coming )VP )S (ADVP back )ADVP )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 7 8 (SBARQ (WHADVP Why )WHADVP (SQ does (NP the national-service virus )NP (VP keep (S (VP coming (ADVP back )ADVP )VP )S )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 7 8 (SBARQ (WHADVP Why )WHADVP (SQ does (NP the national-service virus )NP (VP keep (S (VP coming (PRT back )PRT )VP )S )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 7 8 (SBARQ (WHADVP Why )WHADVP (SQ does (NP the national-service virus )NP (VP keep (S (VP coming (PRT back )PRT )VP )S )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 7 7 (SBARQ (WHADVP Why )WHADVP (SQ does (NP the national-service virus )NP (VP keep (VP coming (PRT back )PRT )VP )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 7 9 (SBARQ (WHADVP Why )WHADVP (SQ does (NP the (ADJP national-service )ADJP virus )NP (VP keep (S (VP coming (ADVP back )ADVP )VP )S )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 7 9 (SBARQ (WHADVP Why )WHADVP (SQ does (NP the national-service virus )NP (S (VP keep (S (VP coming (ADVP back )ADVP )VP )S )VP )S )SQ ? )SBARQ 7 8 (SBARQ (WHADVP Why )WHADVP (SQ does (NP the national-service virus )NP (VP keep (S (VP coming (ADVP back )ADVP )VP )S )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 6 8 (SBARQ (WHADVP Why )WHADVP (SQ does (NP the national-service virus )NP (VP keep (S (VP coming )VP )S (ADVP back )ADVP )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 7 8 (SBARQ (WHADVP Why )WHADVP (SQ does (NP the national-service virus )NP (VP keep (S (VP coming (ADVP back )ADVP )VP )S )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 6 8 (SBARQ (WHADVP Why )WHADVP (SQ does (NP the national-service virus )NP (VP keep )VP (S (VP coming (ADVP back )ADVP )VP )S )SQ ? )SBARQ 7 10 (SBARQ (WHADVP Why )WHADVP (SQ (VP does (S (NP the national-service virus )NP (VP keep (S (VP coming (ADVP back )ADVP )VP )S )VP )S )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 7 8 (SBARQ (WHADVP Why )WHADVP (SQ does (NP the national-service virus )NP (S (VP keep (VP coming (PRT back )PRT )VP )VP )S )SQ ? )SBARQ 7 8 (SBARQ (WHADVP Why )WHADVP (SQ does (NP the national-service virus )NP (VP keep (S (VP coming (PRT back )PRT )VP )S )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 7 7 (SBARQ (WHADVP Why )WHADVP (SQ does (NP the national-service virus )NP (VP keep (VP coming (PRT back )PRT )VP )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 7 8 (SBARQ (WHADVP Why )WHADVP (SQ does (NP the national-service virus )NP (VP keep (S (VP coming (PRT back )PRT )VP )S )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 7 9 (SBARQ (WHADVP Why )WHADVP (SQ (VP does (NP the national-service virus )NP )VP (S (VP keep (VP coming (ADVP back )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SQ ? )SBARQ 7 10 (SBARQ (WHADVP Why )WHADVP (SQ (VP does (NP the national-service virus )NP (S (VP keep (S (VP coming (ADVP back )ADVP )VP )S )VP )S )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 6 8 (SBARQ (WHADVP Why )WHADVP (SQ does (NP the national-service virus )NP (VP keep (S (VP coming (PP back )PP )VP )S )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 7 8 (SBARQ (WHADVP Why )WHADVP (SQ does (NP the national-service virus )NP (VP keep (S (VP coming (NP back )NP )VP )S )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 7 7 (SBARQ (WHADVP Why )WHADVP (SQ does (NP the national-service virus )NP (VP keep (VP coming (PRT back )PRT )VP )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 7 7 (SBARQ (WHADVP Why )WHADVP (SQ does (NP the national-service virus )NP (VP keep (VP coming (ADVP back )ADVP )VP )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 7 11 (SBARQ (WHADVP Why )WHADVP (SQ (VP does (NP (NP the national-service virus )NP (SBAR (S (VP keep (VP coming (ADVP back )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 7 8 (SBARQ (WHADVP Why )WHADVP (SQ does (NP the national-service virus )NP (VP keep (S (VP coming (ADVP back )ADVP )VP )S )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 7 10 (SBARQ (WHADVP Why )WHADVP (SQ (VP does (NP the national-service virus )NP )VP (S (VP keep (S (VP coming (ADVP back )ADVP )VP )S )VP )S )SQ ? )SBARQ 7 9 (SBARQ (WHADVP Why )WHADVP (SQ does (NP the national-service virus )NP (S (VP keep (S (VP coming (ADVP back )ADVP )VP )S )VP )S )SQ ? )SBARQ 7 8 (SBARQ (WHADVP Why )WHADVP (SQ does (NP the national-service virus )NP (VP keep (S (VP coming (ADVP back )ADVP )VP )S )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 7 7 (SBARQ (WHADVP Why )WHADVP (SQ does (NP the national-service virus )NP (VP keep (VP coming (PRT back )PRT )VP )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 6 8 (SBARQ (WHADVP Why )WHADVP (SQ does (NP the national-service virus )NP (VP keep )VP (S (VP coming (ADVP back )ADVP )VP )S )SQ ? )SBARQ 7 8 (SBARQ (WHADVP Why )WHADVP (SQ does (NP the national-service virus )NP (S (VP keep (VP coming (PRT back )PRT )VP )VP )S )SQ ? )SBARQ 7 9 (SBARQ (WHADVP Why )WHADVP (SQ does (NP (NP the national-service )NP virus )NP (VP keep (S (VP coming (ADVP back )ADVP )VP )S )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 7 8 (SBARQ (WHADVP Why )WHADVP (SQ does (NP the national-service virus )NP (VP keep (S (VP coming (PRT back )PRT )VP )S )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 50 11 11 (S (ADVP Perhaps )ADVP (NP it )NP (VP is (SBAR because (S (NP utopian nostalgia )NP (VP evokes (NP both (NP military experience )NP and (NP the social gospel )NP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 11 11 (S (ADVP Perhaps )ADVP (NP it )NP (VP is (SBAR because (S (NP utopian nostalgia )NP (VP evokes (NP both (NP military experience )NP and (NP the social gospel )NP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 11 11 (S (ADVP Perhaps )ADVP (NP it )NP (VP is (SBAR because (S (NP utopian nostalgia )NP (VP evokes (NP both (NP military experience )NP and (NP the social gospel )NP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 11 11 (S (ADVP Perhaps )ADVP (NP it )NP (VP is (SBAR because (S (NP utopian nostalgia )NP (VP evokes (NP both (NP military experience )NP and (NP the social gospel )NP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 10 11 (S (ADVP Perhaps )ADVP (NP it )NP (VP is (SBAR because (S (NP utopian nostalgia )NP (VP evokes (NP (NP both military experience )NP and (NP the social gospel )NP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 6 10 (S (ADVP Perhaps )ADVP (NP it )NP (VP is (PP because (NP (NP utopian nostalgia evokes )NP both (NP (NP military experience )NP and (NP the social gospel )NP )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 9 12 (S (ADVP Perhaps )ADVP (NP it )NP (VP is (SBAR because (S (NP utopian nostalgia )NP (VP evokes (NP both (NX (NX military experience )NX and (NX the social gospel )NX )NX )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 6 10 (S (ADVP Perhaps )ADVP (NP it )NP (VP is (PP because (NP (NP utopian nostalgia evokes )NP both (NP (NP military experience )NP and (NP the social gospel )NP )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 10 11 (S (ADVP Perhaps )ADVP (NP it )NP (VP is (SBAR because (S (NP utopian nostalgia )NP (VP evokes (NP (NP both military experience )NP and (NP the social gospel )NP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 11 11 (S (ADVP Perhaps )ADVP (NP it )NP (VP is (SBAR because (S (NP utopian nostalgia )NP (VP evokes (NP both (NP military experience )NP and (NP the social gospel )NP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 6 9 (S (ADVP Perhaps )ADVP (NP it )NP (VP is (PP because (NP (NP utopian nostalgia evokes )NP both (NP military experience )NP and (NP the social gospel )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 5 8 (S (ADVP Perhaps )ADVP (NP it )NP (VP is (PP because (NP (NP utopian nostalgia evokes both military experience )NP and (NP the social gospel )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 11 11 (S (ADVP Perhaps )ADVP (NP it )NP (VP is (SBAR because (S (NP utopian nostalgia )NP (VP evokes (NP both (NP military experience )NP and (NP the social gospel )NP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 9 12 (S (ADVP Perhaps )ADVP (NP it )NP (VP is (SBAR because (S (NP utopian nostalgia )NP (VP evokes (NP both (NX (NX military experience )NX and (NX the social gospel )NX )NX )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 11 12 (S (ADVP Perhaps )ADVP (NP it )NP (VP is (SBAR because (S (NP utopian nostalgia )NP (VP evokes (S (NP both (NP military experience )NP and (NP the social gospel )NP )NP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 6 10 (S (ADVP Perhaps )ADVP (NP it )NP (VP is (PP because (NP (NP (NP utopian nostalgia evokes )NP both (NP military experience )NP )NP and (NP the social gospel )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 6 9 (S (ADVP Perhaps )ADVP (NP it )NP (VP is (PP because (NP (NP utopian nostalgia evokes )NP both (NP military experience )NP and (NP the social gospel )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 5 8 (S (ADVP Perhaps )ADVP (NP it )NP (VP is (PP because (NP (NP utopian nostalgia evokes both military experience )NP and (NP the social gospel )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 10 12 (S (ADVP Perhaps )ADVP (NP it )NP (VP is (SBAR because (S (NP utopian nostalgia )NP (VP evokes (S (NP (NP both military experience )NP and (NP the social gospel )NP )NP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 11 11 (S (ADVP Perhaps )ADVP (NP it )NP (VP is (SBAR because (S (NP utopian nostalgia )NP (VP evokes (NP both (NP military experience )NP and (NP the social gospel )NP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 6 10 (S (ADVP Perhaps )ADVP (NP it )NP (VP is (PP because (NP (NP utopian nostalgia evokes )NP both (NP (NP military experience )NP and (NP the social gospel )NP )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 11 11 (S (ADVP Perhaps )ADVP (NP it )NP (VP is (SBAR because (S (NP utopian nostalgia )NP (VP evokes (NP both (NP military experience )NP and (NP the social gospel )NP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 11 12 (S (ADVP Perhaps )ADVP (NP it )NP (VP is (SBAR because (S (NP utopian nostalgia )NP (VP evokes (S (NP both (NP military experience )NP and (NP the social gospel )NP )NP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 10 10 (S Perhaps (NP it )NP (VP is (SBAR because (S (NP utopian nostalgia )NP (VP evokes (NP both (NP military experience )NP and (NP the social gospel )NP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 10 12 (S (ADVP Perhaps )ADVP (NP it )NP (VP is (SBAR because (S (NP utopian nostalgia )NP (VP evokes (NP both (NX (NX military experience )NX and (NP the social gospel )NP )NX )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 6 10 (S (ADVP Perhaps )ADVP (NP it )NP (VP is (PP because (NP (NP (NP utopian nostalgia evokes )NP both (NP military experience )NP )NP and (NP the social gospel )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 10 11 (S (ADVP Perhaps )ADVP (NP it )NP (VP is (SBAR because (S (NP utopian nostalgia )NP (VP evokes (NP (NP both military experience )NP and (NP the social gospel )NP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 7 9 (S (ADVP Perhaps )ADVP (NP it )NP (VP is (PP because (NP utopian nostalgia evokes )NP )PP (NP both (NP military experience )NP and (NP the social gospel )NP )NP )VP . )S 10 10 (S Perhaps (NP it )NP (VP is (SBAR because (S (NP utopian nostalgia )NP (VP evokes (NP both (NP military experience )NP and (NP the social gospel )NP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 6 10 (S (ADVP Perhaps )ADVP (NP it )NP (VP is (UCP (PP because (NP (NP utopian nostalgia evokes )NP both (NP military experience )NP )NP )PP and (NP the social gospel )NP )UCP )VP . )S 10 12 (S (ADVP Perhaps )ADVP (NP it )NP (VP is (SBAR because (S (NP utopian nostalgia )NP (VP evokes (S (NP (NP both military experience )NP and (NP the social gospel )NP )NP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 6 10 (S (ADVP Perhaps )ADVP (NP it )NP (VP is (UCP (PP because (NP (NP utopian nostalgia evokes )NP both (NP military experience )NP )NP )PP and (NP the social gospel )NP )UCP )VP . )S 11 12 (S (ADVP Perhaps )ADVP (NP it )NP (VP is (SBAR because (S (NP (ADJP utopian )ADJP nostalgia )NP (VP evokes (NP both (NP military experience )NP and (NP the social gospel )NP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 6 10 (S (ADVP Perhaps )ADVP (NP it )NP (VP is (PP because (NP (NP utopian nostalgia evokes )NP both (NP (NP military experience )NP and (NP the social gospel )NP )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 11 11 (S (ADVP Perhaps )ADVP (NP it )NP (VP is (SBAR because (S (NP utopian nostalgia )NP (VP evokes (NP both (NP military experience )NP and (NP the social gospel )NP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 11 12 (S (ADVP Perhaps )ADVP (NP it )NP (VP is (SBAR because (S (NP (ADJP utopian )ADJP nostalgia )NP (VP evokes (NP both (NP military experience )NP and (NP the social gospel )NP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 10 10 (S Perhaps (NP it )NP (VP is (SBAR because (S (NP utopian nostalgia )NP (VP evokes (NP both (NP military experience )NP and (NP the social gospel )NP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 10 12 (S (ADVP Perhaps )ADVP (NP it )NP (VP is (SBAR because (S (NP utopian nostalgia )NP (VP evokes (NP both (NX (NX military experience )NX and (NP the social gospel )NP )NX )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 6 9 (S (ADVP Perhaps )ADVP (NP it )NP (VP is (PP because (NP (NP utopian nostalgia evokes )NP both (NP military experience )NP and (NP the social gospel )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 11 12 (S (ADVP Perhaps )ADVP (NP it )NP (VP is (SBAR because (S (NP utopian nostalgia )NP (VP evokes (NP both (NP military experience )NP and (NP the (ADJP social )ADJP gospel )NP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 10 11 (S (ADVP Perhaps )ADVP (NP it )NP (VP is (SBAR because (S (NP utopian nostalgia )NP (VP evokes (NP (NP both military experience )NP and (NP the social gospel )NP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 10 10 (S Perhaps (NP it )NP (VP is (SBAR because (S (NP utopian nostalgia )NP (VP evokes (NP both (NP military experience )NP and (NP the social gospel )NP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 11 12 (S (ADVP Perhaps )ADVP (NP it )NP (VP is (SBAR because (S (NP utopian nostalgia )NP (VP evokes (NP both (NP military experience )NP and (NP the (ADJP social )ADJP gospel )NP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 9 13 (S (ADVP Perhaps )ADVP (NP it )NP (VP is (SBAR because (S (NP utopian nostalgia )NP (VP evokes (S (NP both (NX (NX military experience )NX and (NX the social gospel )NX )NX )NP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 11 11 (S (ADVP Perhaps )ADVP (NP it )NP (VP is (SBAR because (S (NP utopian nostalgia )NP (VP evokes (NP both (NP military experience )NP and (NP the social gospel )NP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 6 9 (S (ADVP Perhaps )ADVP (NP it )NP (VP is (PP because (NP (NP utopian nostalgia evokes )NP both (NP military experience )NP and (NP the social gospel )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 5 8 (S (ADVP Perhaps )ADVP (NP it )NP (VP is (PP because (NP (NP utopian nostalgia evokes both military experience )NP and (NP the social gospel )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 6 10 (S (ADVP Perhaps )ADVP (NP it )NP (VP is (PP because (NP (NP utopian nostalgia evokes )NP both (NP (NP military experience )NP and (NP the social gospel )NP )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 9 12 (S (ADVP Perhaps )ADVP (NP it )NP (VP is (SBAR because (S (NP utopian nostalgia )NP (VP evokes (NP both (NX (NX military experience )NX and (NX the social gospel )NX )NX )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 6 10 (S (ADVP Perhaps )ADVP (NP it )NP (VP is (PP because (NP (NP utopian nostalgia evokes )NP both (NP (NP military experience )NP and (NP the social gospel )NP )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 50 24 26 (S (SBAR If only (S (NP we )NP (VP could (VP get (NP (NP America 's )NP wastrel youth )NP (PP into (NP (ADVP at least )ADVP a psychic uniform )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR (NP we )NP (VP might (VP be (ADJP able (S (VP to (VP (VP teach (ADJP self-discipline )ADJP (ADVP again )ADVP )VP and (VP revive (NP (NP the spirit )NP (PP of (NP giving )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 24 26 (S (SBAR If only (S (NP we )NP (VP could (VP get (NP (NP America 's )NP wastrel youth )NP (PP into (NP (ADVP at least )ADVP a psychic uniform )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR (NP we )NP (VP might (VP be (ADJP able (S (VP to (VP (VP teach (ADJP self-discipline )ADJP (ADVP again )ADVP )VP and (VP revive (NP (NP the spirit )NP (PP of (NP giving )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 25 26 (S (SBAR If only (S (NP we )NP (VP could (VP get (NP (NP America 's )NP wastrel youth )NP (PP into (NP (ADVP at least )ADVP a psychic uniform )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR (NP we )NP (VP might (VP be (ADJP able (S (VP to (VP (VP teach (NP self-discipline )NP (ADVP again )ADVP )VP and (VP revive (NP (NP the spirit )NP (PP of (NP giving )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 25 26 (S (SBAR If only (S (NP we )NP (VP could (VP get (NP (NP America 's )NP wastrel youth )NP (PP into (NP (ADVP at least )ADVP a psychic uniform )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR (NP we )NP (VP might (VP be (ADJP able (S (VP to (VP (VP teach (NP self-discipline )NP (ADVP again )ADVP )VP and (VP revive (NP (NP the spirit )NP (PP of (NP giving )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 23 27 (S (SBAR If only (S (NP we )NP (VP could (VP get (NP (NP America 's )NP wastrel youth )NP (PP into (NP (ADVP at least )ADVP a psychic uniform )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR (NP we )NP (VP might (VP be (ADJP able (S (VP to (VP (VP teach (ADJP self-discipline )ADJP (ADVP again )ADVP )VP and (VP revive (NP (NP the spirit )NP (PP of (S (VP giving )VP )S )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 23 27 (S (SBAR If only (S (NP we )NP (VP could (VP get (NP (NP America 's )NP wastrel youth )NP (PP into (NP (ADVP at least )ADVP a psychic uniform )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR (NP we )NP (VP might (VP be (ADJP able (S (VP to (VP (VP teach (ADJP self-discipline )ADJP (ADVP again )ADVP )VP and (VP revive (NP (NP the spirit )NP (PP of (S (VP giving )VP )S )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 24 27 (S (SBAR If only (S (NP we )NP (VP could (VP get (NP (NP America 's )NP wastrel youth )NP (PP into (NP (ADVP at least )ADVP a psychic uniform )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR (NP we )NP (VP might (VP be (ADJP able (S (VP to (VP (VP teach (NP self-discipline )NP (ADVP again )ADVP )VP and (VP revive (NP (NP the spirit )NP (PP of (S (VP giving )VP )S )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 22 26 (S (SBAR If (S (NP only we )NP (VP could (VP get (NP (NP America 's )NP wastrel youth )NP (PP into (NP (ADVP at least )ADVP a psychic uniform )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR (NP we )NP (VP might (VP be (ADJP able (S (VP to (VP (VP teach (ADJP self-discipline )ADJP (ADVP again )ADVP )VP and (VP revive (NP (NP the spirit )NP (PP of (NP giving )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 24 27 (S (SBAR If only (S (NP we )NP (VP could (VP get (NP (NP America 's )NP wastrel youth )NP (PP into (NP (ADVP at least )ADVP a psychic uniform )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR (NP we )NP (VP might (VP be (ADJP able (S (VP to (VP (VP teach (NP self-discipline )NP (ADVP again )ADVP )VP and (VP revive (NP (NP the spirit )NP (PP of (S (VP giving )VP )S )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 25 26 (S (SBAR If only (S (NP we )NP (VP could (VP get (NP (NP America 's )NP wastrel youth )NP (PP into (NP (ADVP at least )ADVP a psychic uniform )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR (NP we )NP (VP might (VP be (ADJP able (S (VP to (VP (VP teach (NP self-discipline )NP (ADVP again )ADVP )VP and (VP revive (NP (NP the spirit )NP (PP of (NP giving )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 22 26 (S (SBAR If (S (NP only we )NP (VP could (VP get (NP (NP America 's )NP wastrel youth )NP (PP into (NP (ADVP at least )ADVP a psychic uniform )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR (NP we )NP (VP might (VP be (ADJP able (S (VP to (VP (VP teach (ADJP self-discipline )ADJP (ADVP again )ADVP )VP and (VP revive (NP (NP the spirit )NP (PP of (NP giving )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 25 26 (S (SBAR If only (S (NP we )NP (VP could (VP get (NP (NP America 's )NP wastrel youth )NP (PP into (NP (ADVP at least )ADVP a psychic uniform )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR (NP we )NP (VP might (VP be (ADJP able (S (VP to (VP (VP teach (NP self-discipline )NP (ADVP again )ADVP )VP and (VP revive (NP (NP the spirit )NP (PP of (NP giving )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 23 26 (S (SBAR If (S (NP only we )NP (VP could (VP get (NP (NP America 's )NP wastrel youth )NP (PP into (NP (ADVP at least )ADVP a psychic uniform )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR (NP we )NP (VP might (VP be (ADJP able (S (VP to (VP (VP teach (NP self-discipline )NP (ADVP again )ADVP )VP and (VP revive (NP (NP the spirit )NP (PP of (NP giving )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 23 25 (S (SBAR If only (S (NP we )NP (VP could (VP get (NP (NP America 's )NP wastrel youth )NP (PP into (NP (ADVP at least )ADVP a psychic uniform )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR (NP we )NP (VP might (VP be (ADJP able (S (VP to (VP (VP teach (ADVP self-discipline again )ADVP )VP and (VP revive (NP (NP the spirit )NP (PP of (NP giving )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 23 25 (S (SBAR If only (S (NP we )NP (VP could (VP get (NP (NP America 's )NP wastrel youth )NP (PP into (NP (ADVP at least )ADVP a psychic uniform )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR (NP we )NP (VP might (VP be (ADJP able (S (VP to (VP (VP teach (ADVP self-discipline again )ADVP )VP and (VP revive (NP (NP the spirit )NP (PP of (NP giving )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 23 26 (S (SBAR If (S (NP only we )NP (VP could (VP get (NP (NP America 's )NP wastrel youth )NP (PP into (NP (ADVP at least )ADVP a psychic uniform )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR (NP we )NP (VP might (VP be (ADJP able (S (VP to (VP (VP teach (NP self-discipline )NP (ADVP again )ADVP )VP and (VP revive (NP (NP the spirit )NP (PP of (NP giving )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 23 25 (S (SBAR If only (S (NP we )NP (VP could (VP get (NP (NP America 's )NP wastrel youth )NP (PP into (NP (ADVP at least )ADVP a psychic uniform )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR (NP we )NP (VP might (VP be (ADJP able (S (VP to (VP (VP teach (ADVP self-discipline again )ADVP )VP and (VP revive (NP (NP the spirit )NP (PP of (NP giving )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 23 25 (S (SBAR If only (S (NP we )NP (VP could (VP get (NP (NP America 's )NP wastrel youth )NP (PP into (NP (ADVP at least )ADVP a psychic uniform )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR (NP we )NP (VP might (VP be (ADJP able (S (VP to (VP (VP teach (ADVP self-discipline again )ADVP )VP and (VP revive (NP (NP the spirit )NP (PP of (NP giving )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 21 26 (S (SBAR If only (S (NP we )NP (VP could (VP get (NP (NP America 's )NP wastrel youth )NP (PP into (NP (ADVP at least )ADVP a psychic uniform )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR (NP we )NP (VP might (VP (VP be (ADJP able (S (VP to (VP teach (NP self-discipline )NP (ADVP again )ADVP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP and (VP revive (NP (NP the spirit )NP (PP of (NP giving )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP . )S 21 26 (S (SBAR If only (S (NP we )NP (VP could (VP get (NP (NP America 's )NP wastrel youth )NP (PP into (NP (ADVP at least )ADVP a psychic uniform )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR (NP we )NP (VP might (VP (VP be (ADJP able (S (VP to (VP teach (NP self-discipline )NP (ADVP again )ADVP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP and (VP revive (NP (NP the spirit )NP (PP of (NP giving )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP . )S 24 26 (S (SBAR If only (S (NP we )NP (VP could (VP get (NP (NP America 's )NP wastrel youth )NP (PP into (NP (ADVP at least )ADVP a psychic uniform )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR (NP we )NP (VP might (VP be (ADJP able (S (VP to (VP (VP teach (ADVP self-discipline )ADVP (ADVP again )ADVP )VP and (VP revive (NP (NP the spirit )NP (PP of (NP giving )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 20 26 (S (SBAR If only (S (NP we )NP (VP could (VP get (NP (NP America 's )NP wastrel youth )NP (PP into (NP (ADVP at least )ADVP a psychic uniform )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR (NP we )NP (VP might (VP (VP be (ADJP able (S (VP to (VP teach (ADJP self-discipline )ADJP (ADVP again )ADVP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP and (VP revive (NP (NP the spirit )NP (PP of (NP giving )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP . )S 24 26 (S (SBAR If only (S (NP we )NP (VP could (VP get (NP (NP America 's )NP wastrel youth )NP (PP into (NP (ADVP at least )ADVP a psychic uniform )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR (NP we )NP (VP might (VP be (ADJP able (S (VP to (VP (VP teach (ADVP self-discipline )ADVP (ADVP again )ADVP )VP and (VP revive (NP (NP the spirit )NP (PP of (NP giving )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 20 26 (S (SBAR If only (S (NP we )NP (VP could (VP get (NP (NP America 's )NP wastrel youth )NP (PP into (NP (ADVP at least )ADVP a psychic uniform )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR (NP we )NP (VP might (VP (VP be (ADJP able (S (VP to (VP teach (ADJP self-discipline )ADJP (ADVP again )ADVP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP and (VP revive (NP (NP the spirit )NP (PP of (NP giving )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP . )S 24 27 (S (SBAR If only (S (NP we )NP (VP could (VP get (NP (NP (NP America 's )NP wastrel youth )NP (PP into (NP (ADVP at least )ADVP a psychic uniform )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR (NP we )NP (VP might (VP be (ADJP able (S (VP to (VP (VP teach (ADJP self-discipline )ADJP (ADVP again )ADVP )VP and (VP revive (NP (NP the spirit )NP (PP of (NP giving )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 25 26 (S (SBAR If only (S (NP we )NP (VP could (VP get (NP (NP America 's )NP wastrel youth )NP (PP into (NP (ADVP at least )ADVP a psychic uniform )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR (NP we )NP (VP might (VP be (ADJP able (S (VP to (VP (VP teach (NP self-discipline )NP (ADVP again )ADVP )VP and (VP revive (NP (NP the spirit )NP (PP of (NP giving )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 23 27 (S (SBAR If only (S (NP we )NP (VP could (VP get (NP (NP America 's )NP wastrel youth )NP (PP into (NP (ADVP at least )ADVP a psychic uniform )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR (NP we )NP (VP might (VP be (ADJP able (S (VP to (VP teach (S (VP (VP self-discipline (ADVP again )ADVP )VP and (VP revive (NP (NP the spirit )NP (PP of (NP giving )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 21 27 (S (SBAR If (S (NP only we )NP (VP could (VP get (NP (NP America 's )NP wastrel youth )NP (PP into (NP (ADVP at least )ADVP a psychic uniform )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR (NP we )NP (VP might (VP be (ADJP able (S (VP to (VP (VP teach (ADJP self-discipline )ADJP (ADVP again )ADVP )VP and (VP revive (NP (NP the spirit )NP (PP of (S (VP giving )VP )S )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 24 26 (S (SBAR If only (S (NP we )NP (VP could (VP get (NP (NP America 's )NP wastrel youth )NP (PP into (NP (QP at least a psychic )QP uniform )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR (NP we )NP (VP might (VP be (ADJP able (S (VP to (VP (VP teach (ADJP self-discipline )ADJP (ADVP again )ADVP )VP and (VP revive (NP (NP the spirit )NP (PP of (NP giving )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 24 27 (S (SBAR If only (S (NP we )NP (VP could (VP get (NP (NP America 's )NP wastrel youth )NP (PP into (NP (ADVP at least )ADVP a psychic uniform )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR (NP we )NP (VP might (VP be (ADJP able (S (VP to (VP (VP teach (NP self-discipline )NP (ADVP again )ADVP )VP and (VP revive (NP (NP the spirit )NP (PP of (S (VP giving )VP )S )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 23 25 (S (SBAR If only (S (NP we )NP (VP could (VP get (NP (NP America 's )NP wastrel youth )NP (PP into (NP (ADVP at least )ADVP a psychic uniform )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR (NP we )NP (VP might (VP be (ADJP able (S (VP to (VP teach (VP self-discipline (ADVP again )ADVP )VP and (VP revive (NP (NP the spirit )NP (PP of (NP giving )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 25 26 (S (SBAR If only (S (NP we )NP (VP could (VP get (NP (NP America 's )NP wastrel youth )NP (PP into (NP (ADVP at least )ADVP a psychic uniform )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR (NP we )NP (VP might (VP be (ADJP able (S (VP to (VP (VP teach (NP self-discipline )NP (ADVP again )ADVP )VP and (VP revive (NP (NP the spirit )NP (PP of (NP giving )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 23 27 (S (SBAR If only (S (NP we )NP (VP could (VP get (NP (NP America 's )NP wastrel youth )NP (PP into (NP (ADVP at least )ADVP a psychic uniform )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR (NP we )NP (VP might (VP be (ADJP able (S (VP to (VP teach (S (VP (VP self-discipline (ADVP again )ADVP )VP and (VP revive (NP (NP the spirit )NP (PP of (NP giving )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 24 26 (S (SBAR If only (S (NP we )NP (VP could (VP get (NP (NP America 's )NP wastrel youth )NP (PP into (NP (ADVP at least )ADVP a psychic uniform )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR (NP we )NP (VP might (VP be (ADJP able (S (VP to (VP (VP teach (PRT self-discipline )PRT (ADVP again )ADVP )VP and (VP revive (NP (NP the spirit )NP (PP of (NP giving )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 25 27 (S (SBAR If only (S (NP we )NP (VP could (VP get (NP (NP (NP America 's )NP wastrel youth )NP (PP into (NP (ADVP at least )ADVP a psychic uniform )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR (NP we )NP (VP might (VP be (ADJP able (S (VP to (VP (VP teach (NP self-discipline )NP (ADVP again )ADVP )VP and (VP revive (NP (NP the spirit )NP (PP of (NP giving )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 24 27 (S (SBAR If only (S (NP we )NP (VP could (VP get (NP (NP America 's )NP wastrel youth )NP (PP into (NP (ADVP at least )ADVP a psychic uniform )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR (NP we )NP (VP might (VP be (ADJP able (S (VP to (VP (VP teach (S (VP self-discipline (ADVP again )ADVP )VP )S )VP and (VP revive (NP (NP the spirit )NP (PP of (NP giving )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 21 27 (S (SBAR If (S (NP only we )NP (VP could (VP get (NP (NP America 's )NP wastrel youth )NP (PP into (NP (ADVP at least )ADVP a psychic uniform )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR (NP we )NP (VP might (VP be (ADJP able (S (VP to (VP (VP teach (ADJP self-discipline )ADJP (ADVP again )ADVP )VP and (VP revive (NP (NP the spirit )NP (PP of (S (VP giving )VP )S )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 24 26 (S (SBAR If only (S (NP we )NP (VP could (VP get (NP (NP America 's )NP wastrel youth )NP (PP into (NP (QP at least a psychic )QP uniform )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR (NP we )NP (VP might (VP be (ADJP able (S (VP to (VP (VP teach (ADJP self-discipline )ADJP (ADVP again )ADVP )VP and (VP revive (NP (NP the spirit )NP (PP of (NP giving )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 24 27 (S (SBAR If only (S (NP we )NP (VP could (VP get (NP (NP America 's )NP wastrel youth )NP (PP into (NP (ADVP at least )ADVP a psychic uniform )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR (NP we )NP (VP might (VP be (ADJP able (S (VP to (VP (VP teach (NP self-discipline )NP (ADVP again )ADVP )VP and (VP revive (NP (NP the spirit )NP (PP of (S (VP giving )VP )S )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 23 25 (S (SBAR If only (S (NP we )NP (VP could (VP get (NP (NP America 's )NP wastrel youth )NP (PP into (NP (ADVP at least )ADVP a psychic uniform )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR (NP we )NP (VP might (VP be (ADJP able (S (VP to (VP teach (VP self-discipline (ADVP again )ADVP )VP and (VP revive (NP (NP the spirit )NP (PP of (NP giving )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 24 26 (S (SBAR If only (S (NP we )NP (VP could (VP get (NP (NP America 's )NP wastrel youth )NP (PP into (NP (QP at least a )QP psychic uniform )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR (NP we )NP (VP might (VP be (ADJP able (S (VP to (VP (VP teach (ADJP self-discipline )ADJP (ADVP again )ADVP )VP and (VP revive (NP (NP the spirit )NP (PP of (NP giving )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 24 26 (S (SBAR If only (S (NP we )NP (VP could (VP get (NP (NP America 's )NP wastrel youth )NP (PP into (NP (ADVP at least )ADVP a psychic uniform )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR (NP we )NP (VP might (VP be (ADJP able (S (VP to (VP (VP teach (PRT self-discipline )PRT (ADVP again )ADVP )VP and (VP revive (NP (NP the spirit )NP (PP of (NP giving )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 22 27 (S (SBAR If (S (NP only we )NP (VP could (VP get (NP (NP America 's )NP wastrel youth )NP (PP into (NP (ADVP at least )ADVP a psychic uniform )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR (NP we )NP (VP might (VP be (ADJP able (S (VP to (VP (VP teach (NP self-discipline )NP (ADVP again )ADVP )VP and (VP revive (NP (NP the spirit )NP (PP of (S (VP giving )VP )S )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 25 26 (S (SBAR If only (S (NP we )NP (VP could (VP get (NP (NP America 's )NP wastrel youth )NP (PP into (NP (QP at least a psychic )QP uniform )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR (NP we )NP (VP might (VP be (ADJP able (S (VP to (VP (VP teach (NP self-discipline )NP (ADVP again )ADVP )VP and (VP revive (NP (NP the spirit )NP (PP of (NP giving )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 22 26 (S (SBAR If only (S (NP we )NP (VP could (VP get (NP (NP America 's )NP wastrel youth )NP (PP into (NP (ADVP at least )ADVP a psychic uniform )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR (NP we )NP (VP might (VP be (ADJP able (S (VP to (VP (VP teach (ADVP self-discipline again )ADVP )VP and (VP revive (NP (NP the spirit )NP (PP of (S (VP giving )VP )S )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 24 27 (S (SBAR If only (S (NP we )NP (VP could (VP get (NP (NP America 's )NP wastrel youth )NP (PP into (NP (ADVP at least )ADVP a psychic uniform )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR (NP we )NP (VP might (VP be (ADJP able (S (VP to (VP (VP teach (S (VP self-discipline (ADVP again )ADVP )VP )S )VP and (VP revive (NP (NP the spirit )NP (PP of (NP giving )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 22 26 (S (SBAR If only (S (NP we )NP (VP could (VP get (NP (NP America 's )NP wastrel youth )NP (PP into (NP (ADVP at least )ADVP a psychic uniform )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR (NP we )NP (VP might (VP be (ADJP able (S (VP to (VP (VP teach (ADVP self-discipline again )ADVP )VP and (VP revive (NP (NP the spirit )NP (PP of (S (VP giving )VP )S )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 23 27 (S (SBAR If (S (ADVP only )ADVP (NP we )NP (VP could (VP get (NP (NP America 's )NP wastrel youth )NP (PP into (NP (ADVP at least )ADVP a psychic uniform )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR (NP we )NP (VP might (VP be (ADJP able (S (VP to (VP (VP teach (ADJP self-discipline )ADJP (ADVP again )ADVP )VP and (VP revive (NP (NP the spirit )NP (PP of (NP giving )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 22 26 (S (SBAR If only (S (NP we )NP (VP could (VP get (NP (NP America 's )NP wastrel youth )NP (PP into (NP (ADVP at least )ADVP a psychic uniform )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR (NP we )NP (VP might (VP be (ADJP able (S (VP to (VP (VP teach (ADJP self-discipline )ADJP (ADVP again )ADVP )VP and (VP revive (NP the spirit )NP (PP of (S (VP giving )VP )S )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 24 26 (S (SBAR If only (S (NP we )NP (VP could (VP get (NP (NP America 's )NP wastrel youth )NP (PP into (NP (QP at least a )QP psychic uniform )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR (NP we )NP (VP might (VP be (ADJP able (S (VP to (VP (VP teach (ADJP self-discipline )ADJP (ADVP again )ADVP )VP and (VP revive (NP (NP the spirit )NP (PP of (NP giving )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP )VP . )S 50 18 27 (S (NP (NP A quarter )NP (PP of (NP (NP a century )NP (ADVP ago )ADVP )NP )PP )NP (NP national service )NP (VP was (VP promoted (PP as (NP (NP a way )NP (PP of (S (VP curing (NP (NP the manifest inequities )NP (PP of (NP the draft )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )PP )NP )PP -- (PP by (PRN , (PP of (NP all things )NP )PP , )PRN (S (VP expanding (NP the draft )NP )VP )S )PP )VP )VP . )S 18 28 (S (NP (NP A quarter )NP (PP of (NP (NP a century )NP (ADVP ago )ADVP )NP )PP )NP (NP national service )NP (VP was (VP promoted (PP as (NP (NP a way )NP (PP of (S (VP curing (NP (NP the manifest inequities )NP (PP of (NP the draft )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )PP )NP )PP (PRN -- (PP by (PRN , (PP of (NP all things )NP )PP , )PRN (S (VP expanding (NP the draft )NP )VP )S )PP )PRN )VP )VP . )S 23 27 (S (NP (NP A quarter )NP (PP of (NP (NP a century )NP (ADVP ago )ADVP )NP )PP )NP (NP national service )NP (VP was (VP promoted (PP as (NP (NP a way )NP (PP of (S (VP curing (NP (NP the manifest inequities )NP (PP of (NP the draft )NP )PP )NP -- (PP by (PRN , (PP of (NP all things )NP )PP , )PRN (S (VP expanding (NP the draft )NP )VP )S )PP )VP )S )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 17 27 (S (NP (NP A quarter )NP (PP of (NP (NP a century )NP (ADVP ago )ADVP )NP )PP )NP (NP national service )NP (VP was (VP promoted (PP as (NP (NP a way )NP (PP of (S (VP curing (NP (NP the manifest inequities )NP (PP (PP of (NP the draft )NP )PP -- (PP by )PP , (PP of (NP (NP all things )NP , (PP expanding (NP the draft )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )NP )VP )S )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 21 26 (S (ADVP (NP (NP A quarter )NP (PP of (NP a century )NP )PP )NP ago )ADVP (NP national service )NP (VP was (VP promoted (PP as (NP (NP a way )NP (PP of (S (VP curing (NP (NP the manifest inequities )NP (PP of (NP the draft )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )PP )NP )PP -- (PP by (PRN , (PP of (NP all things )NP )PP , )PRN (S (VP expanding (NP the draft )NP )VP )S )PP )VP )VP . )S 22 27 (S (NP (NP A quarter )NP (PP of (NP (NP a century )NP (ADVP ago )ADVP )NP )PP )NP (NP national service )NP (VP was (VP promoted (PP as (NP (NP a way )NP (PP of (S (VP curing (NP (NP the manifest inequities )NP (PP of (NP the draft )NP )PP -- (PP by (PRN , (PP of (NP all things )NP )PP , )PRN (S (VP expanding (NP the draft )NP )VP )S )PP )NP )VP )S )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 21 26 (S (NP (NP A quarter )NP (PP of (NP (NP a century )NP (ADVP ago )ADVP )NP )PP )NP (NP national service )NP (VP was (VP promoted (PP as (NP (NP a way )NP (PP of (S (VP curing (NP (NP the manifest inequities )NP (PP of (NP the draft )NP )PP )NP -- (PP by )PP , (PP of (NP all things )NP )PP , (S (VP expanding (NP the draft )NP )VP )S )VP )S )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 19 25 (S (NP (NP A quarter )NP (PP of (NP a century )NP )PP )NP (NP ago national service )NP (VP was (VP promoted (PP as (NP (NP a way )NP (PP of (S (VP curing (NP (NP the manifest inequities )NP (PP of (NP the draft )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )PP )NP )PP -- (PP by (PRN , (PP of (NP all things )NP )PP , )PRN (S (VP expanding (NP the draft )NP )VP )S )PP )VP )VP . )S 19 27 (S (NP (NP A quarter )NP (PP of (NP (NP a century )NP (ADVP ago )ADVP )NP )PP )NP (NP national service )NP (VP was (VP promoted (PP as (NP (NP a way )NP (PP of (S (VP (VP curing (NP (NP the manifest inequities )NP (PP (PP of (NP the draft )NP )PP -- (PP by )PP , (PP of (NP all things )NP )PP )PP )NP )VP , (VP expanding (NP the draft )NP )VP )VP )S )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 18 26 (S (NP (NP A quarter )NP (PP of (NP (NP a century )NP (ADVP ago )ADVP )NP )PP )NP (NP national service )NP (VP was (VP promoted (PP as (NP (NP a way )NP (PP of (S (VP curing (NP (NP the manifest inequities )NP (PP of (NP the draft )NP )PP )NP -- (PP by )PP , (PP of (NP (NP all things )NP , (PP expanding (NP the draft )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 21 27 (S (ADVP (NP (NP A quarter )NP (PP of (NP a century )NP )PP )NP ago )ADVP (NP national service )NP (VP was (VP promoted (PP as (NP (NP a way )NP (PP of (S (VP curing (NP (NP the manifest inequities )NP (PP of (NP the draft )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )PP )NP )PP (PRN -- (PP by (PRN , (PP of (NP all things )NP )PP , )PRN (S (VP expanding (NP the draft )NP )VP )S )PP )PRN )VP )VP . )S 16 26 (S (NP (NP A quarter )NP (PP of (NP (NP a century )NP (ADVP ago )ADVP )NP )PP )NP (NP national service )NP (VP was (VP promoted (PP as (NP (NP a way )NP (PP of (S (VP curing (NP (NP the manifest inequities )NP (PP of (NP the draft )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )PP )NP )PP (PRN -- by , (PP of (NP all things )NP )PP , )PRN (S (VP expanding (NP the draft )NP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 26 26 (S (ADVP (NP (NP A quarter )NP (PP of (NP a century )NP )PP )NP ago )ADVP (NP national service )NP (VP was (VP promoted (PP as (NP (NP a way )NP (PP of (S (VP curing (NP (NP the manifest inequities )NP (PP of (NP the draft )NP )PP )NP -- (PP by (PRN , (PP of (NP all things )NP )PP , )PRN (S (VP expanding (NP the draft )NP )VP )S )PP )VP )S )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 16 26 (S (NP (NP A quarter )NP (PP of (NP (NP a century )NP (ADVP ago )ADVP )NP )PP )NP (NP national service )NP (VP was (VP promoted (PP as (NP (NP a way )NP (PP of (S (VP curing (NP (NP the manifest inequities )NP (PP of (NP the draft )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )PP )NP )PP -- (PP by (S , (PP of (NP all things )NP )PP , (VP expanding (NP the draft )NP )VP )S )PP )VP )VP . )S 18 27 (S (NP (NP A quarter )NP (PP of (NP (NP a century )NP (PP ago (NP national service )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP was (VP promoted (PP as (NP (NP a way )NP (PP of (S (VP curing (NP (NP the manifest inequities )NP (PP of (NP the draft )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )PP )NP )PP -- (PP by (PRN , (PP of (NP all things )NP )PP , )PRN (S (VP expanding (NP the draft )NP )VP )S )PP )VP )VP . )S 19 26 (S (NP (NP A quarter )NP (PP of (NP a century )NP )PP )NP (NP ago national service )NP (VP was (VP promoted (PP as (NP (NP a way )NP (PP of (S (VP curing (NP (NP the manifest inequities )NP (PP of (NP the draft )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )PP )NP )PP (PRN -- (PP by (PRN , (PP of (NP all things )NP )PP , )PRN (S (VP expanding (NP the draft )NP )VP )S )PP )PRN )VP )VP . )S 24 25 (S (NP (NP A quarter )NP (PP of (NP a century )NP )PP )NP (NP ago national service )NP (VP was (VP promoted (PP as (NP (NP a way )NP (PP of (S (VP curing (NP (NP the manifest inequities )NP (PP of (NP the draft )NP )PP )NP -- (PP by (PRN , (PP of (NP all things )NP )PP , )PRN (S (VP expanding (NP the draft )NP )VP )S )PP )VP )S )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 16 26 (S (NP (NP A quarter )NP (PP of (NP (NP a century )NP (ADVP ago )ADVP )NP )PP )NP (NP national service )NP (VP was (VP promoted (PP as (NP (NP a way )NP (PP of (S (VP curing (NP (NP the manifest inequities )NP (PP of (NP the draft )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )PP )NP )PP -- (PP by )PP , (PP of (NP all things )NP )PP , (S (VP expanding (NP the draft )NP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 18 28 (S (NP (NP A quarter )NP (PP of (NP (NP a century )NP (PP ago (NP national service )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP was (VP promoted (PP as (NP (NP a way )NP (PP of (S (VP curing (NP (NP the manifest inequities )NP (PP of (NP the draft )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )PP )NP )PP (PRN -- (PP by (PRN , (PP of (NP all things )NP )PP , )PRN (S (VP expanding (NP the draft )NP )VP )S )PP )PRN )VP )VP . )S 23 27 (S (NP (NP A quarter )NP (PP of (NP (NP a century )NP (PP ago (NP national service )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP was (VP promoted (PP as (NP (NP a way )NP (PP of (S (VP curing (NP (NP the manifest inequities )NP (PP of (NP the draft )NP )PP )NP -- (PP by (PRN , (PP of (NP all things )NP )PP , )PRN (S (VP expanding (NP the draft )NP )VP )S )PP )VP )S )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 18 29 (S (NP (NP A quarter )NP (PP of (NP (NP a century )NP (ADVP ago )ADVP )NP )PP )NP (NP national service )NP (VP was (VP (VP promoted (PP as (NP (NP a way )NP (PP of (S (VP curing (NP (NP the manifest inequities )NP (PP of (NP the draft )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )PP )NP )PP )VP (PRN -- (PP by (PRN , (PP of (NP all things )NP )PP , )PRN (S (VP expanding (NP the draft )NP )VP )S )PP )PRN )VP )VP . )S 21 26 (S (NP (NP A quarter )NP (PP of (NP (NP a century )NP (ADVP ago )ADVP )NP )PP )NP (NP national service )NP (VP was (VP promoted (PP as (NP (NP a way )NP (PP of (S (VP curing (NP (NP the manifest inequities )NP (PP of (NP the draft )NP )PP )NP (PRN -- by , (PP of (NP all things )NP )PP , )PRN (S (VP expanding (NP the draft )NP )VP )S )VP )S )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 17 26 (S (NP (NP A quarter )NP (PP of (NP (NP a century )NP (ADVP ago )ADVP )NP )PP )NP (NP national service )NP (VP was (VP promoted (PP as (NP (NP a way )NP (PP of (S (VP curing (NP the manifest inequities )NP (PP of (NP the draft )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )NP )PP -- (PP by (PRN , (PP of (NP all things )NP )PP , )PRN (S (VP expanding (NP the draft )NP )VP )S )PP )VP )VP . )S 14 27 (S (NP (NP A quarter )NP (PP of (NP (NP a century )NP (ADVP ago )ADVP )NP )PP )NP (NP national service )NP (VP was (VP promoted (PP (PP as (NP (NP a way )NP (PP of (S (VP curing (NP (NP the manifest inequities )NP (PP of (NP the draft )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )PP )NP )PP -- (PP by )PP , (PP of (NP (NP all things )NP , (PP expanding (NP the draft )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP . )S 21 28 (S (NP (NP A quarter )NP (PP of (NP (NP a century )NP (ADVP ago )ADVP )NP )PP )NP (NP national service )NP (VP was (VP promoted (PP as (NP (NP a way )NP (PP of (S (VP curing (NP (NP the manifest inequities )NP (PP of (NP (NP the draft )NP -- (PP by (PRN , (PP of (NP all things )NP )PP , )PRN (S (VP expanding (NP the draft )NP )VP )S )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 13 26 (S (NP (NP A quarter )NP (PP of (NP (NP a century )NP (ADVP ago )ADVP )NP )PP )NP (NP national service )NP (VP was (VP promoted (PP as (NP (NP a way )NP (PP of (S (VP curing (NP (NP the manifest inequities )NP (PP of (NP the draft )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )PP )NP )PP -- (PP by )PP , (PP of (NP (NP all things )NP , (PP expanding (NP the draft )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 16 27 (S (NP (NP A quarter )NP (PP of (NP (NP a century )NP (ADVP ago )ADVP )NP )PP )NP (NP national service )NP (VP was (VP promoted (PP (PP as (NP (NP a way )NP (PP of (S (VP curing (NP (NP the manifest inequities )NP (PP of (NP the draft )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )PP )NP )PP -- (PP by )PP , (PP of (NP all things )NP )PP )PP , (S (VP expanding (NP the draft )NP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 15 27 (S (NP (NP A quarter )NP (PP of (NP (NP a century )NP (ADVP ago )ADVP )NP )PP )NP (NP national service )NP (VP was (VP promoted (PP as (NP (NP a way )NP (PP of (S (VP curing (NP (NP the manifest inequities )NP (PP (PP of (NP the draft )NP )PP -- (PP by )PP , (PP of (NP all things )NP )PP )PP )NP )VP )S )PP )NP )PP , (S (VP expanding (NP the draft )NP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 16 26 (S (NP (NP A quarter )NP (PP of (NP (NP a century )NP (ADVP ago )ADVP )NP )PP )NP (NP national service )NP (VP was (VP promoted (PP as (NP (NP a way )NP (PP of (S (VP curing (NP (NP the manifest inequities )NP (PP of (NP the draft )NP )PP )NP -- (PP by )PP , (PP of (NP all things )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )NP )PP , (S (VP expanding (NP the draft )NP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 20 26 (S (ADVP (NP (NP A quarter )NP (PP of (NP a century )NP )PP )NP ago )ADVP (NP national service )NP (VP was (VP promoted (PP as (NP (NP a way )NP (PP of (S (VP curing (NP (NP the manifest inequities )NP (PP (PP of (NP the draft )NP )PP -- (PP by )PP , (PP of (NP (NP all things )NP , (PP expanding (NP the draft )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )NP )VP )S )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 18 28 (S (NP (NP A quarter )NP (PP of (NP (NP a century )NP (ADVP ago )ADVP )NP )PP )NP (NP national service )NP (VP was (VP promoted (PP as (NP (NP a way )NP (PP of (S (VP curing (NP (NP the (ADJP manifest )ADJP inequities )NP (PP of (NP the draft )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )PP )NP )PP -- (PP by (PRN , (PP of (NP all things )NP )PP , )PRN (S (VP expanding (NP the draft )NP )VP )S )PP )VP )VP . )S 18 25 (S (NP (NP A quarter )NP (PP of (NP a century )NP )PP )NP (NP ago national service )NP (VP was (VP promoted (PP as (NP (NP a way )NP (PP of (S (VP curing (NP (NP the manifest inequities )NP (PP (PP of (NP the draft )NP )PP -- (PP by )PP , (PP of (NP (NP all things )NP , (PP expanding (NP the draft )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )NP )VP )S )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 16 28 (S (NP (NP A quarter )NP (PP of (NP (NP a century )NP (ADVP ago )ADVP )NP )PP )NP (NP national service )NP (VP was (VP promoted (PP as (NP (NP a way )NP (PP of (S (VP curing (NP (NP the manifest inequities )NP (PP of (NP (NP the draft )NP (PRN -- (ADVP by )ADVP , )PRN (PP of (NP (NP all things )NP , (PP expanding (NP the draft )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 19 27 (S (NP (NP A quarter )NP (PP of (NP (NP a century )NP (ADVP ago )ADVP )NP )PP )NP (NP national service )NP (VP was (VP promoted (PP as (NP (NP a way )NP (PP of (S (VP curing (NP (NP the manifest inequities )NP (PP of (NP (NP the draft )NP -- (SBAR by , (PP of (NP all things )NP )PP , (S (VP expanding (NP the draft )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 17 26 (S (NP (NP A quarter )NP (PP of (NP (NP a century )NP (ADVP ago )ADVP )NP )PP )NP (NP national service )NP (VP was (VP promoted (PP as (NP (NP a way )NP (PP of (S (VP curing (NP the manifest inequities )NP )VP )S )PP (PP of (NP the draft )NP )PP )NP )PP -- (PP by (PRN , (PP of (NP all things )NP )PP , )PRN (S (VP expanding (NP the draft )NP )VP )S )PP )VP )VP . )S 17 27 (S (NP (NP A quarter )NP (PP of (NP (NP a century )NP (ADVP ago )ADVP )NP )PP )NP (NP national service )NP (VP was (VP promoted (PP as (NP (NP a way )NP (PP of (S (VP curing (NP the manifest inequities )NP (PP of (NP the draft )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )NP )PP (PRN -- (PP by (PRN , (PP of (NP all things )NP )PP , )PRN (S (VP expanding (NP the draft )NP )VP )S )PP )PRN )VP )VP . )S 13 26 (S (NP (NP A quarter )NP (PP of (NP (NP a century )NP (ADVP ago )ADVP )NP )PP )NP (NP national service )NP (VP was (VP promoted (PP as (NP (NP a way )NP (PP of (S (VP curing (NP (NP the manifest inequities )NP (PP of (NP the draft )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )PP )NP )PP (PRN -- by , )PRN (PP of (NP (NP all things )NP , (PP expanding (NP the draft )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 16 27 (S (NP (NP A quarter )NP (PP of (NP (NP a century )NP (ADVP ago )ADVP )NP )PP )NP (NP national service )NP (VP was (VP promoted (PP as (NP (NP a way )NP (PP of (S (VP curing (NP (NP the manifest inequities )NP (PP of (NP the draft )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )PP )NP )PP (PRN -- (PP by (S , (PP of (NP all things )NP )PP , (VP expanding (NP the draft )NP )VP )S )PP )PRN )VP )VP . )S 14 27 (S (NP (NP A quarter )NP (PP of (NP (NP a century )NP (ADVP ago )ADVP )NP )PP )NP (NP national service )NP (VP was (VP promoted (PP as (NP (NP a way )NP (PP of (S (VP curing (NP (NP the manifest inequities )NP (PP of (NP the draft )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )PP )NP )PP -- (PP (PP by )PP , (PP of (NP (NP all things )NP , (PP expanding (NP the draft )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP . )S 25 26 (S (ADVP (NP (NP A quarter )NP (PP of (NP a century )NP )PP )NP ago )ADVP (NP national service )NP (VP was (VP promoted (PP as (NP (NP a way )NP (PP of (S (VP curing (NP (NP the manifest inequities )NP (PP of (NP the draft )NP )PP -- (PP by (PRN , (PP of (NP all things )NP )PP , )PRN (S (VP expanding (NP the draft )NP )VP )S )PP )NP )VP )S )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 24 25 (S (ADVP (NP (NP A quarter )NP (PP of (NP a century )NP )PP )NP ago )ADVP (NP national service )NP (VP was (VP promoted (PP as (NP (NP a way )NP (PP of (S (VP curing (NP (NP the manifest inequities )NP (PP of (NP the draft )NP )PP )NP -- (PP by )PP , (PP of (NP all things )NP )PP , (S (VP expanding (NP the draft )NP )VP )S )VP )S )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 22 26 (S (NP (NP A quarter )NP (PP of (NP (NP a century )NP (ADVP ago )ADVP )NP )PP )NP (NP national service )NP (VP was (VP promoted (PP as (NP (NP a way )NP (PP of (S (VP curing (NP the manifest inequities )NP (PP of (NP the draft )NP )PP -- (PP by (PRN , (PP of (NP all things )NP )PP , )PRN (S (VP expanding (NP the draft )NP )VP )S )PP )VP )S )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 21 26 (S (NP (NP A quarter )NP (PP of (NP (NP a century )NP (ADVP ago )ADVP )NP )PP )NP (NP national service )NP (VP was (VP promoted (PP as (NP (NP a way )NP (PP of (S (VP curing (NP (NP the manifest inequities )NP (PP of (NP the draft )NP )PP )NP -- (PP by (S , (PP of (NP all things )NP )PP , (VP expanding (NP the draft )NP )VP )S )PP )VP )S )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 18 29 (S (NP (NP A quarter )NP (PP of (NP (NP a century )NP (ADVP ago )ADVP )NP )PP )NP (NP national service )NP (VP was (VP promoted (PP as (NP (NP a way )NP (PP of (S (VP curing (NP (NP the (ADJP manifest )ADJP inequities )NP (PP of (NP the draft )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )PP )NP )PP (PRN -- (PP by (PRN , (PP of (NP all things )NP )PP , )PRN (S (VP expanding (NP the draft )NP )VP )S )PP )PRN )VP )VP . )S 23 25 (S (NP (NP A quarter )NP (PP of (NP a century )NP )PP )NP (NP ago national service )NP (VP was (VP promoted (PP as (NP (NP a way )NP (PP of (S (VP curing (NP (NP the manifest inequities )NP (PP of (NP the draft )NP )PP -- (PP by (PRN , (PP of (NP all things )NP )PP , )PRN (S (VP expanding (NP the draft )NP )VP )S )PP )NP )VP )S )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 22 28 (S (NP (NP A quarter )NP (PP of (NP (NP a century )NP (ADVP ago )ADVP )NP )PP )NP (NP national service )NP (VP was (VP promoted (PP as (NP (NP a way )NP (PP of (S (VP curing (NP (NP the manifest inequities )NP (PP (PP of (NP the draft )NP )PP -- (PP by (PRN , (PP of (NP all things )NP )PP , )PRN (S (VP expanding (NP the draft )NP )VP )S )PP )PP )NP )VP )S )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 19 26 (S (NP (NP A quarter )NP (PP of (NP (NP a century )NP (ADVP ago )ADVP )NP )PP )NP (NP national service )NP (VP was (VP promoted (PP as (NP (NP a way )NP (PP of (S (VP (VP curing (NP (NP the manifest inequities )NP (PP of (NP the draft )NP )PP (PRN -- by , )PRN (PP of (NP all things )NP )PP )NP )VP , (VP expanding (NP the draft )NP )VP )VP )S )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 22 24 (S (NP (NP A quarter )NP (PP of (NP a century )NP )PP )NP (NP ago national service )NP (VP was (VP promoted (PP as (NP (NP a way )NP (PP of (S (VP curing (NP (NP the manifest inequities )NP (PP of (NP the draft )NP )PP )NP -- (PP by )PP , (PP of (NP all things )NP )PP , (S (VP expanding (NP the draft )NP )VP )S )VP )S )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 23 28 (S (NP (NP A quarter )NP (PP of (NP (NP a century )NP (ADVP ago )ADVP )NP )PP )NP (NP national service )NP (VP was (VP promoted (PP as (NP (NP a way )NP (PP of (S (VP curing (NP (NP the (ADJP manifest )ADJP inequities )NP (PP of (NP the draft )NP )PP )NP -- (PP by (PRN , (PP of (NP all things )NP )PP , )PRN (S (VP expanding (NP the draft )NP )VP )S )PP )VP )S )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 18 27 (S (NP (NP A quarter )NP (PP of (NP (NP a century )NP (ADVP ago )ADVP )NP )PP )NP (NP national service )NP (VP was (VP promoted (PP as (NP (NP a way )NP (PP of (S (VP curing (NP (NP the manifest inequities )NP (PP (PP of (NP the draft )NP )PP -- (PP by )PP , (PP of (NP (NP all things )NP , (VP expanding (NP the draft )NP )VP )NP )PP )PP )NP )VP )S )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 50 29 37 (S (NP (NP Those )NP (PP of (NP us )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP resisted (NP the idea )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP (ADVP then )ADVP (VP suspect (NP today )NP (SBAR that (S (NP (NP an obligation )NP (PP of (NP (NP government service )NP (PP for (NP all young people )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP is (ADVP still )ADVP (NP (NP the true long-term aim )NP (PP of (NP many national-service backers )NP )PP )NP , (PP despite (NP (NP their protests )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP present plans )NP (VP contain (NP no coercion )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 30 36 (S (NP (NP Those )NP (PP of (NP us )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP resisted (NP the idea )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP (ADVP then )ADVP (VP suspect (NP today )NP (SBAR that (S (NP (NP an obligation )NP (PP of (NP government service )NP )PP (PP for (NP all young people )NP )PP )NP (VP is (ADVP still )ADVP (NP (NP the true long-term aim )NP (PP of (NP many national-service backers )NP )PP )NP , (PP despite (NP (NP their protests )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP present plans )NP (VP contain (NP no coercion )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 29 37 (S (NP (NP Those )NP (PP of (NP us )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP resisted (NP the idea )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP (ADVP then )ADVP (VP suspect (NP today )NP (SBAR that (S (NP (NP an obligation )NP (PP of (NP (NP government service )NP (PP for (NP all young people )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP is (ADVP still )ADVP (NP (NP the true long-term aim )NP (PP of (NP many national-service backers )NP )PP )NP , (PP despite (NP (NP their protests )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP present plans )NP (VP contain (NP no coercion )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 30 36 (S (NP (NP Those )NP (PP of (NP us )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP resisted (NP the idea )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP (ADVP then )ADVP (VP suspect (NP today )NP (SBAR that (S (NP (NP an obligation )NP (PP of (NP government service )NP )PP (PP for (NP all young people )NP )PP )NP (VP is (ADVP still )ADVP (NP (NP the true long-term aim )NP (PP of (NP many national-service backers )NP )PP )NP , (PP despite (NP (NP their protests )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP present plans )NP (VP contain (NP no coercion )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 26 37 (S (NP (NP Those )NP (PP of (NP us )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP resisted (NP the idea )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP (ADVP then )ADVP (VP suspect (NP today )NP (SBAR that (S (NP (NP an obligation )NP (PP of (NP (NP government service )NP (PP for (NP all young people )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP is (ADVP still )ADVP (NP (NP the true long-term aim )NP (PP of (NP many national-service backers )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR , (PP despite (NP (NP their protests )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP present plans )NP (VP contain (NP no coercion )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 27 36 (S (NP (NP Those )NP (PP of (NP us )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP resisted (NP the idea )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP (ADVP then )ADVP (VP suspect (NP today )NP (SBAR that (S (NP (NP an obligation )NP (PP of (NP government service )NP )PP (PP for (NP all young people )NP )PP )NP (VP is (ADVP still )ADVP (NP (NP the true long-term aim )NP (PP of (NP many national-service backers )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR , (PP despite (NP (NP their protests )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP present plans )NP (VP contain (NP no coercion )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 28 37 (S (NP (NP Those )NP (PP of (NP us )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP resisted (NP the idea )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP (VP (ADVP then )ADVP suspect (NP today )NP (SBAR that (S (NP (NP an obligation )NP (PP of (NP (NP government service )NP (PP for (NP all young people )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP is (ADVP still )ADVP (NP (NP the true long-term aim )NP (PP of (NP many national-service backers )NP )PP )NP , (PP despite (NP (NP their protests )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP present plans )NP (VP contain (NP no coercion )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 29 36 (S (NP (NP Those )NP (PP of (NP us )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP resisted (NP the idea )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP (VP (ADVP then )ADVP suspect (NP today )NP (SBAR that (S (NP (NP an obligation )NP (PP of (NP government service )NP )PP (PP for (NP all young people )NP )PP )NP (VP is (ADVP still )ADVP (NP (NP the true long-term aim )NP (PP of (NP many national-service backers )NP )PP )NP , (PP despite (NP (NP their protests )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP present plans )NP (VP contain (NP no coercion )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 28 37 (S (NP (NP Those )NP (PP of (NP us )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP resisted (NP the idea )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP (ADVP then )ADVP (VP suspect (NP today (SBAR that (S (NP (NP an obligation )NP (PP of (NP (NP government service )NP (PP for (NP all young people )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP is (ADVP still )ADVP (NP (NP the true long-term aim )NP (PP of (NP many national-service backers )NP )PP )NP , (PP despite (NP (NP their protests )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP present plans )NP (VP contain (NP no coercion )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 29 36 (S (NP (NP Those )NP (PP of (NP us )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP resisted (NP the idea )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP (ADVP then )ADVP (VP suspect (NP today (SBAR that (S (NP (NP an obligation )NP (PP of (NP government service )NP )PP (PP for (NP all young people )NP )PP )NP (VP is (ADVP still )ADVP (NP (NP the true long-term aim )NP (PP of (NP many national-service backers )NP )PP )NP , (PP despite (NP (NP their protests )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP present plans )NP (VP contain (NP no coercion )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 26 37 (S (NP (NP Those )NP (PP of (NP us )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP resisted (NP the idea )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP (ADVP then )ADVP (VP suspect (NP today )NP (SBAR that (S (NP (NP an obligation )NP (PP of (NP (NP government service )NP (PP for (NP all young people )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP is (ADVP still )ADVP (NP (NP the true long-term aim )NP (PP of (NP many national-service backers )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR , (PP despite (NP (NP their protests )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP present plans )NP (VP contain (NP no coercion )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 29 37 (S (NP (NP Those )NP (PP of (NP us )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP resisted (NP the idea )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP (ADVP then )ADVP (VP suspect (NP today )NP (SBAR that (S (NP (NP an obligation )NP (PP of (NP (NP government service )NP (PP for (NP all young people )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP is (ADVP still )ADVP (NP (NP the true long-term aim )NP (PP of (NP many national-service backers )NP )PP )NP , (PP despite (NP (NP their protests )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP present plans )NP (VP contain (NP no coercion )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 27 36 (S (NP (NP Those )NP (PP of (NP us )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP resisted (NP the idea )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP (ADVP then )ADVP (VP suspect (NP today )NP (SBAR that (S (NP (NP an obligation )NP (PP of (NP government service )NP )PP (PP for (NP all young people )NP )PP )NP (VP is (ADVP still )ADVP (NP (NP the true long-term aim )NP (PP of (NP many national-service backers )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR , (PP despite (NP (NP their protests )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP present plans )NP (VP contain (NP no coercion )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 30 36 (S (NP (NP Those )NP (PP of (NP us )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP resisted (NP the idea )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP (ADVP then )ADVP (VP suspect (NP today )NP (SBAR that (S (NP (NP an obligation )NP (PP of (NP government service )NP )PP (PP for (NP all young people )NP )PP )NP (VP is (ADVP still )ADVP (NP (NP the true long-term aim )NP (PP of (NP many national-service backers )NP )PP )NP , (PP despite (NP (NP their protests )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP present plans )NP (VP contain (NP no coercion )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 29 37 (S (NP (NP Those )NP (PP of (NP us )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP resisted (NP the idea )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP (ADVP then )ADVP (VP suspect (NP today )NP (SBAR that (S (NP (NP an obligation )NP (PP of (NP (NP government service )NP (PP for (NP all young people )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP is (ADVP still )ADVP (NP (NP the true long-term aim )NP (PP of (NP many national-service backers )NP )PP )NP , (PP despite (NP (NP their protests )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP present plans )NP (VP contain (NP no coercion )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 30 36 (S (NP (NP Those )NP (PP of (NP us )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP resisted (NP the idea )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP (ADVP then )ADVP (VP suspect (NP today )NP (SBAR that (S (NP (NP an obligation )NP (PP of (NP government service )NP )PP (PP for (NP all young people )NP )PP )NP (VP is (ADVP still )ADVP (NP (NP the true long-term aim )NP (PP of (NP many national-service backers )NP )PP )NP , (PP despite (NP (NP their protests )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP present plans )NP (VP contain (NP no coercion )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 28 37 (S (NP (NP Those )NP (PP of (NP us )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP resisted (NP the idea )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP (VP (ADVP then )ADVP suspect (NP today )NP (SBAR that (S (NP (NP an obligation )NP (PP of (NP (NP government service )NP (PP for (NP all young people )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP is (ADVP still )ADVP (NP (NP the true long-term aim )NP (PP of (NP many national-service backers )NP )PP )NP , (PP despite (NP (NP their protests )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP present plans )NP (VP contain (NP no coercion )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 29 36 (S (NP (NP Those )NP (PP of (NP us )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP resisted (NP the idea )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP (VP (ADVP then )ADVP suspect (NP today )NP (SBAR that (S (NP (NP an obligation )NP (PP of (NP government service )NP )PP (PP for (NP all young people )NP )PP )NP (VP is (ADVP still )ADVP (NP (NP the true long-term aim )NP (PP of (NP many national-service backers )NP )PP )NP , (PP despite (NP (NP their protests )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP present plans )NP (VP contain (NP no coercion )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 28 37 (S (NP (NP Those )NP (PP of (NP us )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP resisted (NP the idea )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP (ADVP then )ADVP (VP suspect (NP today (SBAR that (S (NP (NP an obligation )NP (PP of (NP (NP government service )NP (PP for (NP all young people )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP is (ADVP still )ADVP (NP (NP the true long-term aim )NP (PP of (NP many national-service backers )NP )PP )NP , (PP despite (NP (NP their protests )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP present plans )NP (VP contain (NP no coercion )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 29 36 (S (NP (NP Those )NP (PP of (NP us )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP resisted (NP the idea )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP (ADVP then )ADVP (VP suspect (NP today (SBAR that (S (NP (NP an obligation )NP (PP of (NP government service )NP )PP (PP for (NP all young people )NP )PP )NP (VP is (ADVP still )ADVP (NP (NP the true long-term aim )NP (PP of (NP many national-service backers )NP )PP )NP , (PP despite (NP (NP their protests )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP present plans )NP (VP contain (NP no coercion )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 29 37 (S (NP (NP Those )NP (PP of (NP us )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP resisted (NP the idea )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP (ADVP then )ADVP (VP suspect (NP today )NP (SBAR that (S (NP (NP an obligation )NP (PP of (NP (NP government service )NP (PP for (NP all young people )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP is (ADVP still )ADVP (NP (NP the true long-term aim )NP (PP of (NP many national-service backers )NP )PP )NP , (PP despite (NP (NP their protests )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP present plans )NP (VP contain (NP no coercion )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 30 36 (S (NP (NP Those )NP (PP of (NP us )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP resisted (NP the idea )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP (ADVP then )ADVP (VP suspect (NP today )NP (SBAR that (S (NP (NP an obligation )NP (PP of (NP government service )NP )PP (PP for (NP all young people )NP )PP )NP (VP is (ADVP still )ADVP (NP (NP the true long-term aim )NP (PP of (NP many national-service backers )NP )PP )NP , (PP despite (NP (NP their protests )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP present plans )NP (VP contain (NP no coercion )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 29 37 (S (NP (NP Those )NP (PP of (NP us )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP resisted (NP the idea )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP (ADVP then )ADVP (VP suspect (NP today )NP (SBAR that (S (NP (NP an obligation )NP (PP of (NP (NP government service )NP (PP for (NP all young people )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP is (ADVP still )ADVP (NP (NP the true long-term aim )NP (PP of (NP many national-service backers )NP )PP )NP , (PP despite (NP (NP their protests )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP present plans )NP (VP contain (NP no coercion )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 30 36 (S (NP (NP Those )NP (PP of (NP us )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP resisted (NP the idea )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP (ADVP then )ADVP (VP suspect (NP today )NP (SBAR that (S (NP (NP an obligation )NP (PP of (NP government service )NP )PP (PP for (NP all young people )NP )PP )NP (VP is (ADVP still )ADVP (NP (NP the true long-term aim )NP (PP of (NP many national-service backers )NP )PP )NP , (PP despite (NP (NP their protests )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP present plans )NP (VP contain (NP no coercion )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 33 37 (S (NP (NP Those )NP (PP of (NP us )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP resisted (NP the idea )NP (ADVP then )ADVP )VP )S )SBAR )NP (VP suspect (NP today )NP (SBAR that (S (NP (NP an obligation )NP (PP of (NP (NP government service )NP (PP for (NP all young people )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP is (ADVP still )ADVP (NP (NP the true long-term aim )NP (PP of (NP many national-service backers )NP )PP )NP , (PP despite (NP (NP their protests )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP present plans )NP (VP contain (NP no coercion )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 34 36 (S (NP (NP Those )NP (PP of (NP us )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP resisted (NP the idea )NP (ADVP then )ADVP )VP )S )SBAR )NP (VP suspect (NP today )NP (SBAR that (S (NP (NP an obligation )NP (PP of (NP government service )NP )PP (PP for (NP all young people )NP )PP )NP (VP is (ADVP still )ADVP (NP (NP the true long-term aim )NP (PP of (NP many national-service backers )NP )PP )NP , (PP despite (NP (NP their protests )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP present plans )NP (VP contain (NP no coercion )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 25 37 (S (NP (NP Those )NP (PP of (NP us )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP resisted (NP the idea )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP (VP (ADVP then )ADVP suspect (NP today )NP (SBAR that (S (NP (NP an obligation )NP (PP of (NP (NP government service )NP (PP for (NP all young people )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP is (ADVP still )ADVP (NP (NP the true long-term aim )NP (PP of (NP many national-service backers )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR , (PP despite (NP (NP their protests )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP present plans )NP (VP contain (NP no coercion )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 26 36 (S (NP (NP Those )NP (PP of (NP us )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP resisted (NP the idea )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP (VP (ADVP then )ADVP suspect (NP today )NP (SBAR that (S (NP (NP an obligation )NP (PP of (NP government service )NP )PP (PP for (NP all young people )NP )PP )NP (VP is (ADVP still )ADVP (NP (NP the true long-term aim )NP (PP of (NP many national-service backers )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR , (PP despite (NP (NP their protests )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP present plans )NP (VP contain (NP no coercion )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 25 37 (S (NP (NP Those )NP (PP of (NP us )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP resisted (NP the idea )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP (ADVP then )ADVP (VP suspect (NP today (SBAR that (S (NP (NP an obligation )NP (PP of (NP (NP government service )NP (PP for (NP all young people )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP is (ADVP still )ADVP (NP (NP the true long-term aim )NP (PP of (NP many national-service backers )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP , (PP despite (NP (NP their protests )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP present plans )NP (VP contain (NP no coercion )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 26 36 (S (NP (NP Those )NP (PP of (NP us )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP resisted (NP the idea )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP (ADVP then )ADVP (VP suspect (NP today (SBAR that (S (NP (NP an obligation )NP (PP of (NP government service )NP )PP (PP for (NP all young people )NP )PP )NP (VP is (ADVP still )ADVP (NP (NP the true long-term aim )NP (PP of (NP many national-service backers )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP , (PP despite (NP (NP their protests )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP present plans )NP (VP contain (NP no coercion )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 27 36 (S (NP (NP Those )NP (PP of (NP us )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP resisted (NP the idea )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP (ADVP then )ADVP (VP suspect (NP today )NP (SBAR that (S (NP (NP an obligation )NP (PP of (NP (NP government service )NP (PP for (NP all young people )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP is (ADVP still )ADVP (NP (NP the true long-term aim )NP (PP of (NP many national-service backers )NP )PP )NP , (PP despite (NP (NP their protests )NP (SBAR (WHNP that present plans )WHNP (S (VP contain (NP no coercion )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 28 35 (S (NP (NP Those )NP (PP of (NP us )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP resisted (NP the idea )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP (ADVP then )ADVP (VP suspect (NP today )NP (SBAR that (S (NP (NP an obligation )NP (PP of (NP government service )NP )PP (PP for (NP all young people )NP )PP )NP (VP is (ADVP still )ADVP (NP (NP the true long-term aim )NP (PP of (NP many national-service backers )NP )PP )NP , (PP despite (NP (NP their protests )NP (SBAR (WHNP that present plans )WHNP (S (VP contain (NP no coercion )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 29 36 (S (NP (NP Those )NP (PP of (NP us )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP resisted (NP the idea )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP (ADVP then )ADVP (VP suspect (NP today )NP (SBAR that (S (NP (NP an obligation )NP (PP of (NP (NP government service )NP (PP for (NP all young people )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP is (ADVP still )ADVP (NP (NP the true long-term aim )NP (PP of (NP many national-service backers )NP )PP )NP , (PP despite (NP (NP their protests )NP (SBAR that (S (NP present plans )NP (VP contain (NP no coercion )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 30 35 (S (NP (NP Those )NP (PP of (NP us )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP resisted (NP the idea )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP (ADVP then )ADVP (VP suspect (NP today )NP (SBAR that (S (NP (NP an obligation )NP (PP of (NP government service )NP )PP (PP for (NP all young people )NP )PP )NP (VP is (ADVP still )ADVP (NP (NP the true long-term aim )NP (PP of (NP many national-service backers )NP )PP )NP , (PP despite (NP (NP their protests )NP (SBAR that (S (NP present plans )NP (VP contain (NP no coercion )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 26 37 (S (NP (NP Those )NP (PP of (NP us )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP resisted (NP the idea )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP (ADVP then )ADVP (VP suspect (NP today )NP (SBAR that (S (NP (NP an obligation )NP (PP of (NP (NP government service )NP (PP for (NP all young people )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP is (ADVP still )ADVP (NP (NP the true long-term aim )NP (PP of (NP many national-service backers )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR , (PP despite (NP (NP their protests )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP present plans )NP (VP contain (NP no coercion )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 27 36 (S (NP (NP Those )NP (PP of (NP us )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP resisted (NP the idea )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP (ADVP then )ADVP (VP suspect (NP today )NP (SBAR that (S (NP (NP an obligation )NP (PP of (NP government service )NP )PP (PP for (NP all young people )NP )PP )NP (VP is (ADVP still )ADVP (NP (NP the true long-term aim )NP (PP of (NP many national-service backers )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR , (PP despite (NP (NP their protests )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP present plans )NP (VP contain (NP no coercion )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 33 37 (S (NP (NP Those )NP (PP of (NP us )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP resisted (NP the idea )NP (ADVP then )ADVP )VP )S )SBAR )NP (VP suspect (NP today )NP (SBAR that (S (NP (NP an obligation )NP (PP of (NP (NP government service )NP (PP for (NP all young people )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP is (ADVP still )ADVP (NP (NP the true long-term aim )NP (PP of (NP many national-service backers )NP )PP )NP , (PP despite (NP (NP their protests )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP present plans )NP (VP contain (NP no coercion )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 34 36 (S (NP (NP Those )NP (PP of (NP us )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP resisted (NP the idea )NP (ADVP then )ADVP )VP )S )SBAR )NP (VP suspect (NP today )NP (SBAR that (S (NP (NP an obligation )NP (PP of (NP government service )NP )PP (PP for (NP all young people )NP )PP )NP (VP is (ADVP still )ADVP (NP (NP the true long-term aim )NP (PP of (NP many national-service backers )NP )PP )NP , (PP despite (NP (NP their protests )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP present plans )NP (VP contain (NP no coercion )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 25 37 (S (NP (NP Those )NP (PP of (NP us )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP resisted (NP the idea )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP (VP (ADVP then )ADVP suspect (NP today )NP (SBAR that (S (NP (NP an obligation )NP (PP of (NP (NP government service )NP (PP for (NP all young people )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP is (ADVP still )ADVP (NP (NP the true long-term aim )NP (PP of (NP many national-service backers )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR , (PP despite (NP (NP their protests )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP present plans )NP (VP contain (NP no coercion )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 28 37 (S (NP (NP Those )NP (PP of (NP us )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP resisted (NP the idea )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP (VP (ADVP then )ADVP suspect (NP today )NP (SBAR that (S (NP (NP an obligation )NP (PP of (NP (NP government service )NP (PP for (NP all young people )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP is (ADVP still )ADVP (NP (NP the true long-term aim )NP (PP of (NP many national-service backers )NP )PP )NP , (PP despite (NP (NP their protests )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP present plans )NP (VP contain (NP no coercion )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 26 36 (S (NP (NP Those )NP (PP of (NP us )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP resisted (NP the idea )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP (VP (ADVP then )ADVP suspect (NP today )NP (SBAR that (S (NP (NP an obligation )NP (PP of (NP government service )NP )PP (PP for (NP all young people )NP )PP )NP (VP is (ADVP still )ADVP (NP (NP the true long-term aim )NP (PP of (NP many national-service backers )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR , (PP despite (NP (NP their protests )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP present plans )NP (VP contain (NP no coercion )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 29 36 (S (NP (NP Those )NP (PP of (NP us )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP resisted (NP the idea )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP (VP (ADVP then )ADVP suspect (NP today )NP (SBAR that (S (NP (NP an obligation )NP (PP of (NP government service )NP )PP (PP for (NP all young people )NP )PP )NP (VP is (ADVP still )ADVP (NP (NP the true long-term aim )NP (PP of (NP many national-service backers )NP )PP )NP , (PP despite (NP (NP their protests )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP present plans )NP (VP contain (NP no coercion )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 27 35 (S (NP (NP Those )NP (PP of (NP us )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP resisted (NP the idea )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP (ADVP then )ADVP (VP suspect (NP today )NP (SBAR that (S (NP (NP an obligation )NP (PP of (NP (NP government service )NP (PP for (NP all young people )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP is (ADVP still )ADVP (NP (NP the true long-term aim )NP (PP of (NP many national-service backers )NP )PP )NP , (PP despite (NP their protests )NP )PP (SBAR that (S (NP present plans )NP (VP contain (NP no coercion )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 28 34 (S (NP (NP Those )NP (PP of (NP us )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP resisted (NP the idea )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP (ADVP then )ADVP (VP suspect (NP today )NP (SBAR that (S (NP (NP an obligation )NP (PP of (NP government service )NP )PP (PP for (NP all young people )NP )PP )NP (VP is (ADVP still )ADVP (NP (NP the true long-term aim )NP (PP of (NP many national-service backers )NP )PP )NP , (PP despite (NP their protests )NP )PP (SBAR that (S (NP present plans )NP (VP contain (NP no coercion )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 27 37 (S (NP (NP Those )NP (PP of (NP us )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP resisted (NP the idea )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP (VP (ADVP then )ADVP suspect (NP today (SBAR that (S (NP (NP an obligation )NP (PP of (NP (NP government service )NP (PP for (NP all young people )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP is (ADVP still )ADVP (NP (NP the true long-term aim )NP (PP of (NP many national-service backers )NP )PP )NP , (PP despite (NP (NP their protests )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP present plans )NP (VP contain (NP no coercion )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 28 36 (S (NP (NP Those )NP (PP of (NP us )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP resisted (NP the idea )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP (VP (ADVP then )ADVP suspect (NP today (SBAR that (S (NP (NP an obligation )NP (PP of (NP government service )NP )PP (PP for (NP all young people )NP )PP )NP (VP is (ADVP still )ADVP (NP (NP the true long-term aim )NP (PP of (NP many national-service backers )NP )PP )NP , (PP despite (NP (NP their protests )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP present plans )NP (VP contain (NP no coercion )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S 25 37 (S (NP (NP Those )NP (PP of (NP us )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP resisted (NP the idea )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP (ADVP then )ADVP (VP suspect (NP today (SBAR that (S (NP (NP an obligation )NP (PP of (NP (NP government service )NP (PP for (NP all young people )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP is (ADVP still )ADVP (NP (NP the true long-term aim )NP (PP of (NP many national-service backers )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP , (PP despite (NP (NP their protests )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP present plans )NP (VP contain (NP no coercion )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 26 36 (S (NP (NP Those )NP (PP of (NP us )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP resisted (NP the idea )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP (ADVP then )ADVP (VP suspect (NP today (SBAR that (S (NP (NP an obligation )NP (PP of (NP government service )NP )PP (PP for (NP all young people )NP )PP )NP (VP is (ADVP still )ADVP (NP (NP the true long-term aim )NP (PP of (NP many national-service backers )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP , (PP despite (NP (NP their protests )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP present plans )NP (VP contain (NP no coercion )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S 30 37 (S (NP (NP Those )NP (PP of (NP us )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP resisted (NP the idea )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP (ADVP then )ADVP (VP suspect (NP today )NP (SBAR that (S (NP (NP (NP an obligation )NP (PP of (NP government service )NP )PP )NP (PP for (NP all young people )NP )PP )NP (VP is (ADVP still )ADVP (NP (NP the true long-term aim )NP (PP of (NP many national-service backers )NP )PP )NP , (PP despite (NP (NP their protests )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP present plans )NP (VP contain (NP no coercion )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 29 37 (S (NP (NP Those )NP (PP of (NP us )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP resisted (NP the idea )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP (ADVP then )ADVP (VP suspect (NP today )NP (SBAR that (S (NP (NP an obligation )NP (PP of (NP (NP government service )NP (PP for (NP all young people )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP is (ADVP still )ADVP (NP (NP the true long-term aim )NP (PP of (NP many national-service backers )NP )PP )NP , (PP despite (NP (NP their protests )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP present plans )NP (VP contain (NP no coercion )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 50 13 17 (S (NP (NP Choice )NP (PP of (NP (NP the volunteer military )NP (PP in (NP the 1970s )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP seemed (S (VP to (VP doom (NP national service )NP (ADVP (ADVP as much )ADVP (PP as (NP the draft )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 13 17 (S (NP (NP Choice )NP (PP of (NP (NP the volunteer military )NP (PP in (NP the 1970s )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP seemed (S (VP to (VP doom (NP national service )NP (ADVP (ADVP as much )ADVP (PP as (NP the draft )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 13 16 (S (NP (NP Choice )NP (PP of (NP the volunteer military )NP )PP )NP (PP in (NP the 1970s )NP )PP (VP seemed (S (VP to (VP doom (NP national service )NP (ADVP (ADVP as much )ADVP (PP as (NP the draft )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 13 16 (S (NP (NP Choice )NP (PP of (NP the volunteer military )NP )PP )NP (PP in (NP the 1970s )NP )PP (VP seemed (S (VP to (VP doom (NP national service )NP (ADVP (ADVP as much )ADVP (PP as (NP the draft )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 13 16 (S (NP (NP Choice )NP (PP of (NP (NP the volunteer military )NP (PP in (NP the 1970s )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP seemed (S (VP to (VP doom (NP national service )NP (ADVP as much (PP as (NP the draft )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 13 16 (S (NP (NP Choice )NP (PP of (NP (NP the volunteer military )NP (PP in (NP the 1970s )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP seemed (S (VP to (VP doom (NP national service )NP (ADVP as much (PP as (NP the draft )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 14 16 (S (NP (NP Choice )NP (PP of (NP the volunteer military )NP )PP (PP in (NP the 1970s )NP )PP )NP (VP seemed (S (VP to (VP doom (NP national service )NP (ADVP (ADVP as much )ADVP (PP as (NP the draft )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 14 16 (S (NP (NP Choice )NP (PP of (NP the volunteer military )NP )PP (PP in (NP the 1970s )NP )PP )NP (VP seemed (S (VP to (VP doom (NP national service )NP (ADVP (ADVP as much )ADVP (PP as (NP the draft )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 13 17 (S (NP (NP Choice )NP (PP of (NP (NP the volunteer military )NP (PP in (NP the 1970s )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP seemed (S (VP to (VP doom (NP national service )NP (ADVP (ADVP as much )ADVP (PP as (NP the draft )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 13 17 (S (NP (NP Choice )NP (PP of (NP (NP the volunteer military )NP (PP in (NP the 1970s )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP seemed (S (VP to (VP doom (NP national service )NP (ADVP (ADVP as much )ADVP (PP as (NP the draft )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 13 15 (S (NP (NP Choice )NP (PP of (NP the volunteer military )NP )PP )NP (PP in (NP the 1970s )NP )PP (VP seemed (S (VP to (VP doom (NP national service )NP (ADVP as much (PP as (NP the draft )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 13 16 (S (NP (NP Choice )NP (PP of (NP (NP the volunteer military )NP (PP in (NP the 1970s )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP seemed (S (VP to (VP doom (NP national service )NP (ADVP as much (PP as (NP the draft )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 13 16 (S (NP (NP Choice )NP (PP of (NP (NP the volunteer military )NP (PP in (NP the 1970s )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP seemed (S (VP to (VP doom (NP national service )NP (ADVP as much (PP as (NP the draft )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 13 15 (S (NP (NP Choice )NP (PP of (NP the volunteer military )NP )PP )NP (PP in (NP the 1970s )NP )PP (VP seemed (S (VP to (VP doom (NP national service )NP (ADVP as much (PP as (NP the draft )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 13 16 (S (NP (NP Choice )NP (PP of (NP (NP the volunteer military )NP (PP in (NP the 1970s )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP seemed (S (VP to (VP doom (NP national service )NP (ADVP as much )ADVP (PP as (NP the draft )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 13 16 (S (NP (NP Choice )NP (PP of (NP (NP the volunteer military )NP (PP in (NP the 1970s )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP seemed (S (VP to (VP doom (NP national service )NP (ADVP as much )ADVP (PP as (NP the draft )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 13 17 (S (NP (NP Choice )NP (PP of (NP (NP the volunteer military )NP (PP in (NP the 1970s )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP seemed (S (VP to (VP doom (NP national service )NP (ADVP (ADVP as much )ADVP (PP as (NP the draft )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 13 17 (S (NP (NP Choice )NP (PP of (NP (NP the volunteer military )NP (PP in (NP the 1970s )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP seemed (S (VP to (VP doom (NP national service )NP (ADVP (ADVP as much )ADVP (PP as (NP the draft )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 13 18 (S (NP (NP Choice )NP (PP of (NP (NP the volunteer military )NP (PP in (NP the 1970s )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP seemed (S (VP to (VP doom (NP national service )NP (PP as (NP (NP much )NP (PP as (NP the draft )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 13 18 (S (NP (NP Choice )NP (PP of (NP (NP the volunteer military )NP (PP in (NP the 1970s )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP seemed (S (VP to (VP doom (NP national service )NP (PP as (NP (NP much )NP (PP as (NP the draft )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 14 15 (S (NP (NP Choice )NP (PP of (NP the volunteer military )NP )PP (PP in (NP the 1970s )NP )PP )NP (VP seemed (S (VP to (VP doom (NP national service )NP (ADVP as much (PP as (NP the draft )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 14 15 (S (NP (NP Choice )NP (PP of (NP the volunteer military )NP )PP (PP in (NP the 1970s )NP )PP )NP (VP seemed (S (VP to (VP doom (NP national service )NP (ADVP as much (PP as (NP the draft )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 13 16 (S (NP (NP Choice )NP (PP of (NP the volunteer military )NP )PP )NP (PP in (NP the 1970s )NP )PP (VP seemed (S (VP to (VP doom (NP national service )NP (ADVP (ADVP as much )ADVP (PP as (NP the draft )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 14 17 (S (NP (NP (NP Choice )NP (PP of (NP the volunteer military )NP )PP )NP (PP in (NP the 1970s )NP )PP )NP (VP seemed (S (VP to (VP doom (NP national service )NP (ADVP (ADVP as much )ADVP (PP as (NP the draft )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 14 16 (S (NP (NP Choice )NP (PP of (NP the volunteer military )NP )PP (PP in (NP the 1970s )NP )PP )NP (VP seemed (S (VP to (VP doom (NP national service )NP (ADVP (ADVP as much )ADVP (PP as (NP the draft )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 13 16 (S (NP (NP Choice )NP (PP of (NP the volunteer military )NP (PP in (NP the 1970s )NP )PP )PP )NP (VP seemed (S (VP to (VP doom (NP national service )NP (ADVP (ADVP as much )ADVP (PP as (NP the draft )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 14 17 (S (NP (NP (NP Choice )NP (PP of (NP the volunteer military )NP )PP )NP (PP in (NP the 1970s )NP )PP )NP (VP seemed (S (VP to (VP doom (NP national service )NP (ADVP (ADVP as much )ADVP (PP as (NP the draft )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 14 16 (S (NP (NP Choice )NP (PP of (NP the volunteer military )NP )PP (PP in (NP the 1970s )NP )PP )NP (VP seemed (S (VP to (VP doom (NP national service )NP (ADVP (ADVP as much )ADVP (PP as (NP the draft )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 13 16 (S (NP (NP Choice )NP (PP of (NP the volunteer military )NP )PP )NP (PP in (NP the 1970s )NP )PP (VP seemed (S (VP to (VP doom (NP national service )NP (ADVP (ADVP as much )ADVP (PP as (NP the draft )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 13 16 (S (NP (NP Choice )NP (PP of (NP (NP the volunteer military )NP (PP in (NP the 1970s )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP seemed (S (VP to (VP doom (NP national service )NP (ADVP as much (PP as (NP the draft )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 13 16 (S (NP (NP Choice )NP (PP of (NP (NP the volunteer military )NP (PP in (NP the 1970s )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP seemed (S (VP to (VP doom (NP national service )NP (ADVP as much (PP as (NP the draft )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 13 15 (S (NP (NP Choice )NP (PP of (NP the volunteer military )NP )PP )NP (PP in (NP the 1970s )NP )PP (VP seemed (S (VP to (VP doom (NP national service )NP (ADVP as much (PP as (NP the draft )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 13 15 (S (NP (NP Choice )NP (PP of (NP the volunteer military )NP )PP )NP (PP in (NP the 1970s )NP )PP (VP seemed (S (VP to (VP doom (NP national service )NP (ADVP as much )ADVP (PP as (NP the draft )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 13 15 (S (NP (NP Choice )NP (PP of (NP the volunteer military )NP )PP )NP (PP in (NP the 1970s )NP )PP (VP seemed (S (VP to (VP doom (NP national service )NP (ADVP as much (PP as (NP the draft )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 13 15 (S (NP (NP Choice )NP (PP of (NP the volunteer military )NP )PP )NP (PP in (NP the 1970s )NP )PP (VP seemed (S (VP to (VP doom (NP national service )NP (ADVP as much )ADVP (PP as (NP the draft )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 13 16 (S (NP (NP Choice )NP (PP of (NP the volunteer military )NP )PP )NP (PP in (NP the 1970s )NP )PP (VP seemed (S (VP to (VP doom (NP national service )NP (ADVP (ADVP as much )ADVP (PP as (NP the draft )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 12 16 (S (NP (NP Choice )NP (PP of (NP (NP the volunteer military )NP (PP in (NP the 1970s )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP seemed (S (VP to (VP doom (NP national service )NP (PP (ADVP as much )ADVP as (NP the draft )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 13 17 (S (NP (NP Choice )NP (PP of (NP the volunteer military )NP )PP )NP (PP in (NP the 1970s )NP )PP (VP seemed (S (VP to (VP doom (NP national service )NP (PP as (NP (NP much )NP (PP as (NP the draft )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 12 16 (S (NP (NP Choice )NP (PP of (NP (NP the volunteer military )NP (PP in (NP the 1970s )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP seemed (S (VP to (VP doom (NP national service )NP (PP (ADVP as much )ADVP as (NP the draft )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 13 16 (S (NP (NP Choice )NP (PP of (NP the volunteer military )NP )PP )NP (PP in (NP the 1970s )NP )PP (VP seemed (S (VP to (VP doom (NP national service )NP (ADVP (ADVP as much )ADVP (PP as (NP the draft )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 13 17 (S (NP (NP Choice )NP (PP of (NP the volunteer military )NP )PP )NP (PP in (NP the 1970s )NP )PP (VP seemed (S (VP to (VP doom (NP national service )NP (PP as (NP (NP much )NP (PP as (NP the draft )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 13 16 (S (NP (NP Choice )NP (PP of (NP the volunteer military )NP (PP in (NP the 1970s )NP )PP )PP )NP (VP seemed (S (VP to (VP doom (NP national service )NP (ADVP (ADVP as much )ADVP (PP as (NP the draft )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 13 17 (S (NP (NP Choice )NP (PP of (NP (NP the volunteer military )NP (PP in (NP the 1970s )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP seemed (S (VP to (VP doom (NP national service )NP (ADVP (ADVP as much )ADVP (PP as (NP the draft )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 13 17 (S (NP (NP Choice )NP (PP of (NP (NP the volunteer military )NP (PP in (NP the 1970s )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP seemed (S (VP to (VP doom (NP national service )NP (ADVP (ADVP as much )ADVP (PP as (NP the draft )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 14 15 (S (NP (NP Choice )NP (PP of (NP the volunteer military )NP )PP (PP in (NP the 1970s )NP )PP )NP (VP seemed (S (VP to (VP doom (NP national service )NP (ADVP as much (PP as (NP the draft )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 14 15 (S (NP (NP Choice )NP (PP of (NP the volunteer military )NP )PP (PP in (NP the 1970s )NP )PP )NP (VP seemed (S (VP to (VP doom (NP national service )NP (ADVP as much (PP as (NP the draft )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 14 15 (S (NP (NP Choice )NP (PP of (NP the volunteer military )NP )PP (PP in (NP the 1970s )NP )PP )NP (VP seemed (S (VP to (VP doom (NP national service )NP (ADVP as much )ADVP (PP as (NP the draft )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 14 15 (S (NP (NP Choice )NP (PP of (NP the volunteer military )NP )PP (PP in (NP the 1970s )NP )PP )NP (VP seemed (S (VP to (VP doom (NP national service )NP (ADVP as much )ADVP (PP as (NP the draft )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 10 17 (S (NP (NP Choice )NP (PP of (NP (NP the volunteer military )NP (PP in (NP the 1970s )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP seemed (PP to (NP doom )NP )PP (NP national service )NP (PP as (NP (NP much )NP (PP as (NP the draft )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 10 17 (S (NP (NP Choice )NP (PP of (NP (NP the volunteer military )NP (PP in (NP the 1970s )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP seemed (PP to (NP doom )NP )PP (NP national service )NP (PP as (NP (NP much )NP (PP as (NP the draft )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S 50 18 23 (S But (NP the virus )NP (VP was (VP kept (S (ADJP alive )ADJP (PP in (NP sociology departments )NP )PP (PP until (NP (NP a couple )NP (PP of (ADVP (NP years )NP ago )ADVP )PP , (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP it )NP (ADVP again )ADVP (VP was (VP let (S (ADJP loose )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )S )VP )VP . )S 18 24 (S But (NP the virus )NP (VP was (VP kept (S (ADJP alive )ADJP (PP in (NP sociology departments )NP )PP (PP until (NP (NP a couple )NP (PP of (NP (ADVP (NP years )NP ago )ADVP , (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP it )NP (ADVP again )ADVP (VP was (VP let (S (ADJP loose )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )S )VP )VP . )S 17 23 (S But (NP the virus )NP (VP was (VP kept (S (ADJP alive (PP in (NP sociology departments )NP )PP )ADJP (PP until (NP (NP a couple )NP (PP of (ADVP (NP years )NP ago )ADVP )PP , (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP it )NP (ADVP again )ADVP (VP was (VP let (S (ADJP loose )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )S )VP )VP . )S 17 24 (S But (NP the virus )NP (VP was (VP kept (S (ADJP alive (PP in (NP sociology departments )NP )PP )ADJP (PP until (NP (NP a couple )NP (PP of (NP (ADVP (NP years )NP ago )ADVP , (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP it )NP (ADVP again )ADVP (VP was (VP let (S (ADJP loose )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )S )VP )VP . )S 20 23 (S But (NP the virus )NP (VP was (VP kept (S (ADJP alive )ADJP (PP in (NP sociology departments )NP )PP (PP until (ADVP (NP (NP a couple )NP (PP of (NP years )NP )PP )NP ago )ADVP )PP )S , (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP it )NP (ADVP again )ADVP (VP was (VP let (S (ADJP loose )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 17 23 (S But (NP the virus )NP (VP was (VP kept (S (ADJP alive )ADJP (PP in (NP sociology departments )NP )PP (PP until (NP (NP a couple )NP (PP of (ADVP (NP years )NP ago )ADVP )PP )NP )PP )S , (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP it )NP (ADVP again )ADVP (VP was (VP let (S (ADJP loose )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 19 23 (S But (NP the virus )NP (VP was (VP kept (S (ADJP alive (PP in (NP sociology departments )NP )PP )ADJP (PP until (ADVP (NP (NP a couple )NP (PP of (NP years )NP )PP )NP ago )ADVP )PP )S , (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP it )NP (ADVP again )ADVP (VP was (VP let (S (ADJP loose )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 16 23 (S But (NP the virus )NP (VP was (VP kept (S (ADJP alive (PP in (NP sociology departments )NP )PP )ADJP (PP until (NP (NP a couple )NP (PP of (ADVP (NP years )NP ago )ADVP )PP )NP )PP )S , (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP it )NP (ADVP again )ADVP (VP was (VP let (S (ADJP loose )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 18 22 (S But (NP the virus )NP (VP was (VP kept (S (ADJP alive )ADJP (PP in (NP sociology departments )NP )PP (PP until (NP (NP a couple )NP (PP of (ADVP (NP years )NP ago )ADVP )PP , (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP it )NP (ADVP again )ADVP (VP was (VP let (ADVP loose )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )S )VP )VP . )S 18 23 (S But (NP the virus )NP (VP was (VP kept (S (ADJP alive )ADJP (PP in (NP sociology departments )NP )PP (PP until (NP (NP a couple )NP (PP of (ADVP (NP years )NP ago )ADVP )PP , (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP it )NP (ADVP again )ADVP (VP was (VP let (S (ADJP loose )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )S )VP )VP . )S 18 23 (S But (NP the virus )NP (VP was (VP kept (S (ADJP alive )ADJP (PP in (NP sociology departments )NP )PP (PP until (NP (NP a couple )NP (PP of (NP (ADVP (NP years )NP ago )ADVP , (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP it )NP (ADVP again )ADVP (VP was (VP let (ADVP loose )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )S )VP )VP . )S 18 23 (S But (NP the virus )NP (VP was (VP kept (S (ADJP alive )ADJP (PP in (NP sociology departments )NP )PP (PP until (NP (NP a couple )NP (PP of (ADVP (NP years )NP ago )ADVP )PP , (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP it )NP (ADVP again )ADVP (VP was (VP let (S (ADJP loose )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )S )VP )VP . )S 17 22 (S But (NP the virus )NP (VP was (VP kept (S (ADJP alive (PP in (NP sociology departments )NP )PP )ADJP (PP until (NP (NP a couple )NP (PP of (ADVP (NP years )NP ago )ADVP )PP , (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP it )NP (ADVP again )ADVP (VP was (VP let (ADVP loose )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )S )VP )VP . )S 18 24 (S But (NP the virus )NP (VP was (VP kept (S (ADJP alive )ADJP (PP in (NP sociology departments )NP )PP (PP until (NP (NP a couple )NP (PP of (NP (ADVP (NP years )NP ago )ADVP , (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP it )NP (ADVP again )ADVP (VP was (VP let (S (ADJP loose )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )S )VP )VP . )S 18 24 (S But (NP the virus )NP (VP was (VP kept (S (ADJP alive )ADJP (PP in (NP sociology departments )NP )PP (PP until (NP (NP a couple )NP (PP of (NP (ADVP (NP years )NP ago )ADVP , (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP it )NP (ADVP again )ADVP (VP was (VP let (S (ADJP loose )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )S )VP )VP . )S 17 23 (S But (NP the virus )NP (VP was (VP kept (S (ADJP alive (PP in (NP sociology departments )NP )PP )ADJP (PP until (NP (NP a couple )NP (PP of (ADVP (NP years )NP ago )ADVP )PP , (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP it )NP (ADVP again )ADVP (VP was (VP let (S (ADJP loose )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )S )VP )VP . )S 17 23 (S But (NP the virus )NP (VP was (VP kept (S (ADJP alive (PP in (NP sociology departments )NP )PP )ADJP (PP until (NP (NP a couple )NP (PP of (NP (ADVP (NP years )NP ago )ADVP , (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP it )NP (ADVP again )ADVP (VP was (VP let (ADVP loose )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )S )VP )VP . )S 17 23 (S But (NP the virus )NP (VP was (VP kept (S (ADJP alive (PP in (NP sociology departments )NP )PP )ADJP (PP until (NP (NP a couple )NP (PP of (ADVP (NP years )NP ago )ADVP )PP , (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP it )NP (ADVP again )ADVP (VP was (VP let (S (ADJP loose )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )S )VP )VP . )S 17 24 (S But (NP the virus )NP (VP was (VP kept (S (ADJP alive (PP in (NP sociology departments )NP )PP )ADJP (PP until (NP (NP a couple )NP (PP of (NP (ADVP (NP years )NP ago )ADVP , (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP it )NP (ADVP again )ADVP (VP was (VP let (S (ADJP loose )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )S )VP )VP . )S 18 24 (S But (NP the virus )NP (VP was (VP kept (S (ADJP alive )ADJP (PP in (NP sociology departments )NP )PP (PP until (NP (NP a couple )NP (PP of (ADVP (NP years )NP ago )ADVP )PP , (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP it )NP (ADVP again )ADVP (VP was (S (VP let (S (ADJP loose )ADJP )S )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )S )VP )VP . )S 18 23 (S But (NP the virus )NP (VP was (VP kept (S (ADJP alive )ADJP (PP in (NP sociology departments )NP )PP (PP until (NP (NP a couple )NP (PP of (NP (NP years )NP ago )NP )PP , (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP it )NP (ADVP again )ADVP (VP was (VP let (S (ADJP loose )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )S )VP )VP . )S 17 24 (S But (NP the virus )NP (VP was (VP kept (S (ADJP alive (PP in (NP sociology departments )NP )PP )ADJP (PP until (NP (NP a couple )NP (PP of (NP (ADVP (NP years )NP ago )ADVP , (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP it )NP (ADVP again )ADVP (VP was (VP let (S (ADJP loose )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )S )VP )VP . )S 18 25 (S But (NP the virus )NP (VP was (VP kept (S (ADJP alive )ADJP (PP in (NP sociology departments )NP )PP (PP until (NP (NP a couple )NP (PP of (NP (ADVP (NP years )NP ago )ADVP , (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP it )NP (ADVP again )ADVP (VP was (S (VP let (S (ADJP loose )ADJP )S )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )S )VP )VP . )S 17 24 (S But (NP the virus )NP (VP was (VP kept (S (ADJP alive (PP in (NP sociology departments )NP )PP )ADJP (PP until (NP (NP a couple )NP (PP of (ADVP (NP years )NP ago )ADVP )PP , (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP it )NP (ADVP again )ADVP (VP was (S (VP let (S (ADJP loose )ADJP )S )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )S )VP )VP . )S 18 24 (S But (NP the virus )NP (VP was (VP kept (S (ADJP alive )ADJP (PP in (NP sociology departments )NP )PP (PP until (NP (NP a couple )NP (PP of (ADVP (NP years )NP ago )ADVP )PP , (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP (NP it )NP (ADVP again )ADVP )NP (VP was (VP let (S (ADJP loose )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )S )VP )VP . )S 17 23 (S But (NP the virus )NP (VP was (VP kept (S (ADJP alive (PP in (NP sociology departments )NP )PP )ADJP (PP until (NP (NP a couple )NP (PP of (NP (NP years )NP ago )NP )PP , (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP it )NP (ADVP again )ADVP (VP was (VP let (S (ADJP loose )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )S )VP )VP . )S 20 22 (S But (NP the virus )NP (VP was (VP kept (S (ADJP alive )ADJP (PP in (NP sociology departments )NP )PP (PP until (ADVP (NP (NP a couple )NP (PP of (NP years )NP )PP )NP ago )ADVP )PP )S , (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP it )NP (ADVP again )ADVP (VP was (VP let (ADVP loose )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 17 22 (S But (NP the virus )NP (VP was (VP kept (S (ADJP alive )ADJP (PP in (NP sociology departments )NP )PP (PP until (NP (NP a couple )NP (PP of (ADVP (NP years )NP ago )ADVP )PP )NP )PP )S , (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP it )NP (ADVP again )ADVP (VP was (VP let (ADVP loose )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 17 25 (S But (NP the virus )NP (VP was (VP kept (S (ADJP alive (PP in (NP sociology departments )NP )PP )ADJP (PP until (NP (NP a couple )NP (PP of (NP (ADVP (NP years )NP ago )ADVP , (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP it )NP (ADVP again )ADVP (VP was (S (VP let (S (ADJP loose )ADJP )S )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )S )VP )VP . )S 17 22 (S But (NP the virus )NP (VP was (VP kept (ADJP alive )ADJP (PP in (NP sociology departments )NP )PP (PP until (NP (NP a couple )NP (PP of (ADVP (NP years )NP ago )ADVP )PP )NP )PP , (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP it )NP (ADVP again )ADVP (VP was (VP let (S (ADJP loose )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 18 25 (S But (NP the virus )NP (VP was (VP kept (S (ADJP alive )ADJP (PP in (NP sociology departments )NP )PP (PP until (NP (NP a couple )NP (PP of (NP (ADVP (NP years )NP ago )ADVP , (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP (NP it )NP (ADVP again )ADVP )NP (VP was (VP let (S (ADJP loose )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )S )VP )VP . )S 18 24 (S But (NP the virus )NP (VP was (VP kept (S (ADJP (ADJP alive )ADJP (PP in (NP sociology departments )NP )PP )ADJP (PP until (NP (NP a couple )NP (PP of (ADVP (NP years )NP ago )ADVP )PP , (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP it )NP (ADVP again )ADVP (VP was (VP let (S (ADJP loose )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )S )VP )VP . )S 17 24 (S But (NP the virus )NP (VP was (VP kept (S (ADJP alive (PP in (NP sociology departments )NP )PP )ADJP (PP until (NP (NP a couple )NP (PP of (ADVP (NP years )NP ago )ADVP )PP , (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP (NP it )NP (ADVP again )ADVP )NP (VP was (VP let (S (ADJP loose )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )S )VP )VP . )S 20 23 (S But (NP the virus )NP (VP was (VP kept (S (ADJP alive )ADJP (PP in (NP sociology departments )NP )PP (PP until (ADVP (NP (NP a couple )NP (PP of (NP years )NP )PP )NP ago )ADVP )PP )S , (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP it )NP (ADVP again )ADVP (VP was (VP let (S (ADJP loose )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 17 23 (S But (NP the virus )NP (VP was (VP kept (S (ADJP alive )ADJP (PP in (NP sociology departments )NP )PP (PP until (NP (NP a couple )NP (PP of (ADVP (NP years )NP ago )ADVP )PP )NP )PP )S , (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP it )NP (ADVP again )ADVP (VP was (VP let (S (ADJP loose )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 19 22 (S But (NP the virus )NP (VP was (VP kept (S (ADJP alive (PP in (NP sociology departments )NP )PP )ADJP (PP until (ADVP (NP (NP a couple )NP (PP of (NP years )NP )PP )NP ago )ADVP )PP )S , (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP it )NP (ADVP again )ADVP (VP was (VP let (ADVP loose )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 16 22 (S But (NP the virus )NP (VP was (VP kept (S (ADJP alive (PP in (NP sociology departments )NP )PP )ADJP (PP until (NP (NP a couple )NP (PP of (ADVP (NP years )NP ago )ADVP )PP )NP )PP )S , (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP it )NP (ADVP again )ADVP (VP was (VP let (ADVP loose )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 18 25 (S But (NP the virus )NP (VP was (VP kept (S (ADJP (ADJP alive )ADJP (PP in (NP sociology departments )NP )PP )ADJP (PP until (NP (NP a couple )NP (PP of (NP (ADVP (NP years )NP ago )ADVP , (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP it )NP (ADVP again )ADVP (VP was (VP let (S (ADJP loose )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )S )VP )VP . )S 17 25 (S But (NP the virus )NP (VP was (VP kept (S (ADJP alive (PP in (NP sociology departments )NP )PP )ADJP (PP until (NP (NP a couple )NP (PP of (NP (ADVP (NP years )NP ago )ADVP , (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP (NP it )NP (ADVP again )ADVP )NP (VP was (VP let (S (ADJP loose )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )S )VP )VP . )S 19 23 (S But (NP the virus )NP (VP was (VP kept (S (ADJP alive (PP in (NP sociology departments )NP )PP )ADJP (PP until (ADVP (NP (NP a couple )NP (PP of (NP years )NP )PP )NP ago )ADVP )PP )S , (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP it )NP (ADVP again )ADVP (VP was (VP let (S (ADJP loose )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 17 23 (S But (NP the virus )NP (VP was (VP kept (S (ADJP alive )ADJP (PP in (NP sociology departments )NP )PP (PP until (NP (NP a couple )NP (PP of (ADVP (NP years )NP ago )ADVP )PP , (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP it )NP (ADVP again )ADVP (VP was (S (VP let (ADJP loose )ADJP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )S )VP )VP . )S 16 23 (S But (NP the virus )NP (VP was (VP kept (S (ADJP alive (PP in (NP sociology departments )NP )PP )ADJP (PP until (NP (NP a couple )NP (PP of (ADVP (NP years )NP ago )ADVP )PP )NP )PP )S , (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP it )NP (ADVP again )ADVP (VP was (VP let (S (ADJP loose )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 20 24 (S But (NP the virus )NP (VP was (VP kept (S (ADJP alive )ADJP (PP in (NP sociology departments )NP )PP (PP until (ADVP (NP (NP a couple )NP (PP of (NP years )NP )PP )NP ago )ADVP )PP )S , (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP it )NP (ADVP again )ADVP (VP was (S (VP let (S (ADJP loose )ADJP )S )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 17 24 (S But (NP the virus )NP (VP was (VP kept (S (ADJP alive )ADJP (PP in (NP sociology departments )NP )PP (PP until (NP (NP a couple )NP (PP of (ADVP (NP years )NP ago )ADVP )PP )NP )PP )S , (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP it )NP (ADVP again )ADVP (VP was (S (VP let (S (ADJP loose )ADJP )S )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 17 23 (S But (NP the virus )NP (VP was (VP kept (S (ADJP alive )ADJP (PP in (NP sociology departments )NP )PP (PP until (NP (NP a couple )NP (PP of (NP (NP years )NP ago )NP )PP )NP )PP )S , (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP it )NP (ADVP again )ADVP (VP was (VP let (S (ADJP loose )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 17 24 (S But (NP the virus )NP (VP was (VP kept (S (ADJP alive )ADJP (PP in (NP sociology departments )NP )PP (PP until (NP (NP a couple )NP (PP of (NP (ADVP (NP years )NP ago )ADVP , (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP it )NP (ADVP again )ADVP (VP was (S (VP let (ADJP loose )ADJP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )S )VP )VP . )S 18 23 (S But (NP the virus )NP (VP was (VP kept (S (ADJP alive )ADJP (PP in (NP sociology departments )NP )PP (PP until (NP (NP a couple )NP (PP of (ADVP (NP years )NP ago )ADVP )PP , (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP it )NP (ADVP again )ADVP (VP was (S (VP let (ADVP loose )ADVP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )S )VP )VP . )S 18 24 (S But (NP the virus )NP (VP was (VP kept (S (ADJP alive )ADJP (PP in (NP sociology departments )NP )PP (PP until (NP (NP (NP a couple )NP (PP of (ADVP (NP years )NP ago )ADVP )PP )NP , (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP it )NP (ADVP again )ADVP (VP was (VP let (S (ADJP loose )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )S )VP )VP . )S 16 23 (S But (NP the virus )NP (VP was (VP kept (S (ADJP alive (PP in (NP sociology departments )NP )PP )ADJP (PP until (NP (NP a couple )NP (PP of (ADVP (NP years )NP ago )ADVP )PP , (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP it )NP (ADVP again )ADVP (VP was (S (VP let (ADJP loose )ADJP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )S )VP )VP . )S 17 22 (S But (NP the virus )NP (VP was (VP kept (S (ADJP alive )ADJP (PP in (NP sociology departments )NP )PP (PP until (NP (NP a couple )NP (PP of (NP years ago )NP )PP , (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP it )NP (ADVP again )ADVP (VP was (VP let (S (ADJP loose )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )S )VP )VP . )S 50 18 20 (S (NP This time )NP (NP it )NP (VP attempted (S (VP to (VP invade (NP (NP two connected problems )NP , (NP (NP the rising cost )NP (PP of (NP higher education )NP )PP )NP and (NP (NP the rising expense )NP (PP to (NP (NP the federal government )NP (PP of (NP educational grants and loans )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 19 19 (S (NP This time )NP (NP it )NP (VP attempted (S (VP to (VP invade (NP (NP two connected problems )NP , (NP (NP the rising cost )NP (PP of (NP higher education )NP )PP )NP and (NP (NP the rising expense )NP (PP to (NP the federal government )NP )PP (PP of (NP educational grants and loans )NP )PP )NP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 16 19 (S (NP This time )NP (NP it )NP (VP attempted (S (VP to (VP invade (NP (NP two connected problems )NP , (NP (NP the rising cost )NP (PP of (NP higher education )NP )PP )NP and (NP the rising expense )NP )NP (PP to (NP (NP the federal government )NP (PP of (NP educational grants and loans )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 18 22 (S (NP This time )NP (NP it )NP (VP attempted (S (VP to (VP invade (NP (NP two connected problems )NP , (NP (NP the rising cost )NP (PP of (NP higher education )NP )PP )NP and (NP (NP the rising expense )NP (PP to (NP (NP the federal government )NP (PP of (NP (NP educational grants )NP and (NP loans )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 19 21 (S (NP This time )NP (NP it )NP (VP attempted (S (VP to (VP invade (NP (NP two connected problems )NP , (NP (NP the rising cost )NP (PP of (NP higher education )NP )PP )NP and (NP (NP the rising expense )NP (PP to (NP the federal government )NP )PP (PP of (NP (NP educational grants )NP and (NP loans )NP )NP )PP )NP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 16 21 (S (NP This time )NP (NP it )NP (VP attempted (S (VP to (VP invade (NP (NP two connected problems )NP , (NP (NP the rising cost )NP (PP of (NP higher education )NP )PP )NP and (NP the rising expense )NP )NP (PP to (NP (NP the federal government )NP (PP of (NP (NP educational grants )NP and (NP loans )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 18 20 (S (NP This time )NP (NP it )NP (VP attempted (S (VP to (VP invade (NP (NP two connected problems )NP , (NP (NP the rising cost )NP (PP of (NP higher education )NP )PP )NP and (NP (NP the rising expense )NP (PP to (NP (NP the federal government )NP (PP of (NP educational grants and loans )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 19 19 (S (NP This time )NP (NP it )NP (VP attempted (S (VP to (VP invade (NP (NP two connected problems )NP , (NP (NP the rising cost )NP (PP of (NP higher education )NP )PP )NP and (NP (NP the rising expense )NP (PP to (NP the federal government )NP )PP (PP of (NP educational grants and loans )NP )PP )NP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 16 19 (S (NP This time )NP (NP it )NP (VP attempted (S (VP to (VP invade (NP (NP two connected problems )NP , (NP (NP the rising cost )NP (PP of (NP higher education )NP )PP )NP and (NP the rising expense )NP )NP (PP to (NP (NP the federal government )NP (PP of (NP educational grants and loans )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 18 22 (S (NP This time )NP (NP it )NP (VP attempted (S (VP to (VP invade (NP (NP two connected problems )NP , (NP (NP the rising cost )NP (PP of (NP higher education )NP )PP )NP and (NP (NP the rising expense )NP (PP to (NP (NP the federal government )NP (PP of (NP (NP educational grants )NP and (NP loans )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 19 20 (S (NP This time )NP (NP it )NP (VP attempted (S (VP to (VP invade (NP (NP two connected problems )NP , (NP (NP the rising cost )NP (PP of (NP higher education )NP )PP )NP and (NP (NP (NP the rising expense )NP (PP to (NP the federal government )NP )PP )NP (PP of (NP educational grants and loans )NP )PP )NP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 16 21 (S (NP This time )NP (NP it )NP (VP attempted (S (VP to (VP (VP invade (NP two connected problems )NP )VP , (NP (NP the rising cost )NP (PP of (NP (NP higher education )NP and (NP (NP the rising expense )NP (PP to (NP (NP the federal government )NP (PP of (NP educational grants and loans )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 17 20 (S (NP This time )NP (NP it )NP (VP attempted (S (VP to (VP (VP invade (NP two connected problems )NP )VP , (NP (NP the rising cost )NP (PP of (NP (NP higher education )NP and (NP (NP the rising expense )NP (PP to (NP the federal government )NP )PP (PP of (NP educational grants and loans )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 16 20 (S (NP This time )NP (NP it )NP (VP attempted (S (VP to (VP invade (NP two connected problems )NP , (NP (NP the rising cost )NP (PP of (NP (NP higher education )NP and (NP (NP the rising expense )NP (PP to (NP (NP the federal government )NP (PP of (NP educational grants and loans )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 17 21 (S (NP This time )NP (NP it )NP (VP attempted (S (VP to (VP invade (NP (NP two connected problems )NP , (NP (NP the rising cost )NP (PP of (NP (NP higher education )NP and (NP (NP the rising expense )NP (PP to (NP (NP the federal government )NP (PP of (NP educational grants and loans )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 19 21 (S (NP This time )NP (NP it )NP (VP attempted (S (VP to (VP invade (NP (NP two connected problems )NP , (NP (NP the rising cost )NP (PP of (NP higher education )NP )PP )NP and (NP (NP the rising expense )NP (PP to (NP the federal government )NP )PP (PP of (NP (NP educational grants )NP and (NP loans )NP )NP )PP )NP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 16 21 (S (NP This time )NP (NP it )NP (VP attempted (S (VP to (VP invade (NP (NP two connected problems )NP , (NP (NP the rising cost )NP (PP of (NP higher education )NP )PP )NP and (NP the rising expense )NP )NP (PP to (NP (NP the federal government )NP (PP of (NP (NP educational grants )NP and (NP loans )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 17 19 (S (NP This time )NP (NP it )NP (VP attempted (S (VP to (VP invade (NP two connected problems )NP , (NP (NP the rising cost )NP (PP of (NP (NP higher education )NP and (NP (NP the rising expense )NP (PP to (NP the federal government )NP )PP (PP of (NP educational grants and loans )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 18 20 (S (NP This time )NP (NP it )NP (VP attempted (S (VP to (VP invade (NP (NP two connected problems )NP , (NP (NP the rising cost )NP (PP of (NP (NP higher education )NP and (NP (NP the rising expense )NP (PP to (NP the federal government )NP )PP (PP of (NP educational grants and loans )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 19 22 (S (NP This time )NP (NP it )NP (VP attempted (S (VP to (VP invade (NP (NP two connected problems )NP , (NP (NP the rising cost )NP (PP of (NP higher education )NP )PP )NP and (NP (NP (NP the rising expense )NP (PP to (NP the federal government )NP )PP )NP (PP of (NP (NP educational grants )NP and (NP loans )NP )NP )PP )NP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 16 23 (S (NP This time )NP (NP it )NP (VP attempted (S (VP to (VP (VP invade (NP two connected problems )NP )VP , (NP (NP the rising cost )NP (PP of (NP (NP higher education )NP and (NP (NP the rising expense )NP (PP to (NP (NP the federal government )NP (PP of (NP (NP educational grants )NP and (NP loans )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 16 20 (S (NP This time )NP (NP it )NP (VP attempted (S (VP to (VP (VP invade (NP two connected problems )NP )VP , (NP (NP the rising cost )NP (PP of (NP (NP higher education )NP and (NP (NP the rising expense )NP (PP to (NP the federal government )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP (PP of (NP educational grants and loans )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 17 22 (S (NP This time )NP (NP it )NP (VP attempted (S (VP to (VP (VP invade (NP two connected problems )NP )VP , (NP (NP the rising cost )NP (PP of (NP (NP higher education )NP and (NP (NP the rising expense )NP (PP to (NP the federal government )NP )PP (PP of (NP (NP educational grants )NP and (NP loans )NP )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 13 21 (S (NP This time )NP (NP it )NP (VP (VP attempted (S (VP to (VP invade (NP two connected problems )NP )VP )VP )S )VP , (NP (NP the rising cost )NP (PP of (NP (NP higher education )NP and (NP (NP the rising expense )NP (PP to (NP (NP the federal government )NP (PP of (NP educational grants and loans )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 16 22 (S (NP This time )NP (NP it )NP (VP attempted (S (VP to (VP invade (NP two connected problems )NP , (NP (NP the rising cost )NP (PP of (NP (NP higher education )NP and (NP (NP the rising expense )NP (PP to (NP (NP the federal government )NP (PP of (NP (NP educational grants )NP and (NP loans )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 17 23 (S (NP This time )NP (NP it )NP (VP attempted (S (VP to (VP invade (NP (NP two connected problems )NP , (NP (NP the rising cost )NP (PP of (NP (NP higher education )NP and (NP (NP the rising expense )NP (PP to (NP (NP the federal government )NP (PP of (NP (NP educational grants )NP and (NP loans )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 13 20 (S (NP This time )NP (NP it )NP (VP (VP attempted (S (VP to (VP invade (NP two connected problems )NP )VP )VP )S )VP , (NP (NP the rising cost )NP (PP of (NP (NP higher education )NP and (NP (NP the rising expense )NP (PP to (NP the federal government )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP (PP of (NP educational grants and loans )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 15 20 (S (NP This time )NP (NP it )NP (VP attempted (S (VP to (VP (VP invade (NP two connected problems )NP )VP , (NP (NP the rising cost )NP (PP of (NP (NP higher education )NP and (NP the rising expense )NP )NP )PP (PP to (NP (NP the federal government )NP (PP of (NP educational grants and loans )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 16 19 (S (NP This time )NP (NP it )NP (VP attempted (S (VP to (VP invade (NP two connected problems )NP , (NP (NP the rising cost )NP (PP of (NP (NP higher education )NP and (NP (NP the rising expense )NP (PP to (NP the federal government )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP (PP of (NP educational grants and loans )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 17 19 (S (NP This time )NP (NP it )NP (VP attempted (S (VP to (VP invade (NP (NP two connected problems )NP , (NP (NP the rising cost )NP (PP of (NP (NP higher education )NP and (NP the rising expense )NP )NP )PP (PP to (NP the federal government )NP )PP (PP of (NP educational grants and loans )NP )PP )NP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 14 20 (S (NP This time )NP (NP it )NP (VP (VP attempted (S (VP to (VP invade (NP two connected problems )NP )VP )VP )S )VP , (NP (NP the rising cost )NP (PP of (NP (NP higher education )NP and (NP (NP the rising expense )NP (PP to (NP the federal government )NP )PP (PP of (NP educational grants and loans )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 17 21 (S (NP This time )NP (NP it )NP (VP attempted (S (VP to (VP invade (NP two connected problems )NP , (NP (NP the rising cost )NP (PP of (NP (NP higher education )NP and (NP (NP the rising expense )NP (PP to (NP the federal government )NP )PP (PP of (NP (NP educational grants )NP and (NP loans )NP )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 18 22 (S (NP This time )NP (NP it )NP (VP attempted (S (VP to (VP invade (NP (NP two connected problems )NP , (NP (NP the rising cost )NP (PP of (NP (NP higher education )NP and (NP (NP the rising expense )NP (PP to (NP the federal government )NP )PP (PP of (NP (NP educational grants )NP and (NP loans )NP )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 12 20 (S (NP This time )NP (NP it )NP (VP (VP attempted (S (VP to (VP invade (NP two connected problems )NP )VP )VP )S )VP , (NP (NP the rising cost )NP (PP of (NP (NP higher education )NP and (NP the rising expense )NP )NP )PP (PP to (NP (NP the federal government )NP (PP of (NP educational grants and loans )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 15 19 (S (NP This time )NP (NP it )NP (VP attempted (S (VP to (VP invade (NP two connected problems )NP , (NP (NP the rising cost )NP (PP of (NP (NP higher education )NP and (NP the rising expense )NP )NP )PP (PP to (NP (NP the federal government )NP (PP of (NP educational grants and loans )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 16 19 (S (NP This time )NP (NP it )NP (VP attempted (S (VP to (VP (VP invade (NP two connected problems )NP )VP , (NP (NP the rising cost )NP (PP of (NP (NP higher education )NP and (NP the rising expense )NP )NP )PP (PP to (NP the federal government )NP )PP (PP of (NP educational grants and loans )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 18 20 (S (NP This time )NP (NP it )NP (VP attempted (S (VP to (VP invade (NP (NP two connected problems )NP , (NP (NP the rising cost )NP (PP of (NP higher education )NP )PP )NP and (NP (NP the rising expense )NP (PP to (NP (NP the federal government )NP (PP of (NP educational grants and loans )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 16 22 (S (NP This time )NP (NP it )NP (VP attempted (S (VP to (VP (VP invade (NP two connected problems )NP )VP , (NP (NP the rising cost )NP (PP of (NP (NP higher education )NP and (NP (NP the rising expense )NP (PP to (NP the federal government )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP (PP of (NP (NP educational grants )NP and (NP loans )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 14 20 (S (NP This time )NP (NP it )NP (VP attempted (S (VP to (VP invade (NP (NP two connected problems )NP , (NP (NP the rising cost )NP (PP of (NP (NP higher education )NP and (NP the rising expense )NP )NP )PP )NP )NP (PP to (NP (NP the federal government )NP (PP of (NP educational grants and loans )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 17 20 (S (NP This time )NP (NP it )NP (VP attempted (S (VP to (VP invade (NP (NP two connected problems )NP , (NP (NP the rising cost )NP (PP of (NP (NP higher education )NP and (NP (NP the rising expense )NP (PP to (NP the federal government )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP (PP of (NP educational grants and loans )NP )PP )NP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 18 20 (S (NP This time )NP (NP it )NP (VP attempted (S (VP to (VP invade (NP (NP two connected problems )NP , (NP (NP the rising cost )NP (PP of (NP higher education )NP )PP )NP and (NP (NP the rising expense )NP (PP to (NP (NP the federal government )NP (PP of (NP educational grants and loans )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 17 22 (NP (NP This time )NP (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (VP attempted (S (VP to (VP invade (NP (NP two connected problems )NP , (NP (NP the rising cost )NP (PP of (NP higher education )NP )PP )NP and (NP (NP the rising expense )NP (PP to (NP (NP the federal government )NP (PP of (NP educational grants and loans )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR . )NP 19 20 (S (NP This time )NP (NP it )NP (VP attempted (S (VP to (VP invade (NP (NP two connected problems )NP , (NP (NP the rising cost )NP (PP of (NP higher education )NP )PP )NP and (NP (NP (NP the rising expense )NP (PP to (NP the federal government )NP )PP )NP (PP of (NP educational grants and loans )NP )PP )NP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 13 23 (S (NP This time )NP (NP it )NP (VP (VP attempted (S (VP to (VP invade (NP two connected problems )NP )VP )VP )S )VP , (NP (NP the rising cost )NP (PP of (NP (NP higher education )NP and (NP (NP the rising expense )NP (PP to (NP (NP the federal government )NP (PP of (NP (NP educational grants )NP and (NP loans )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 16 18 (S (NP This time )NP (NP it )NP (VP attempted (S (VP to (VP invade (NP two connected problems )NP , (NP (NP the rising cost )NP (PP of (NP (NP higher education )NP and (NP the rising expense )NP )NP )PP (PP to (NP the federal government )NP )PP (PP of (NP educational grants and loans )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 13 19 (S (NP This time )NP (NP it )NP (VP (VP attempted (S (VP to (VP invade (NP two connected problems )NP )VP )VP )S )VP , (NP (NP the rising cost )NP (PP of (NP (NP higher education )NP and (NP the rising expense )NP )NP )PP (PP to (NP the federal government )NP )PP (PP of (NP educational grants and loans )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 18 20 (S (NP This time )NP (NP it )NP (VP attempted (S (VP to (VP invade (NP (NP (NP two connected problems )NP , (NP (NP the rising cost )NP (PP of (NP higher education )NP )PP )NP and (NP (NP the rising expense )NP (PP to (NP the federal government )NP )PP )NP )NP (PP of (NP educational grants and loans )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 13 22 (S (NP This time )NP (NP it )NP (VP (VP attempted (S (VP to (VP invade (NP two connected problems )NP )VP )VP )S )VP , (NP (NP the rising cost )NP (PP of (NP (NP higher education )NP and (NP (NP the rising expense )NP (PP to (NP the federal government )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP (PP of (NP (NP educational grants )NP and (NP loans )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S 15 22 (S (NP This time )NP (NP it )NP (VP attempted (S (VP to (VP (VP invade (NP two connected problems )NP )VP , (NP (NP the rising cost )NP (PP of (NP (NP higher education )NP and (NP the rising expense )NP )NP )PP (PP to (NP (NP the federal government )NP (PP of (NP (NP educational grants )NP and (NP loans )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 16 21 (S (NP This time )NP (NP it )NP (VP attempted (S (VP to (VP invade (NP two connected problems )NP , (NP (NP the rising cost )NP (PP of (NP (NP higher education )NP and (NP (NP the rising expense )NP (PP to (NP the federal government )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP (PP of (NP (NP educational grants )NP and (NP loans )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 50 12 16 (FRAG (WHADVP Why )WHADVP not (VP (VP keep and even expand (NP the loans and grants )NP (PRN , (S (NP the advocates )NP (VP reasoned )VP )S , )PRN )VP but (VP require (NP (NP some form )NP (PP of (NP service )NP )PP )NP (PP from (NP each recipient )NP )PP )VP )VP ? )FRAG 13 16 (FRAG (WHADVP Why )WHADVP not (VP (VP keep and even expand (NP the loans and grants )NP )VP (PRN , (S (NP the advocates )NP (VP reasoned )VP )S , )PRN but (VP require (NP (NP some form )NP (PP of (NP service )NP )PP )NP (PP from (NP each recipient )NP )PP )VP )VP ? )FRAG 12 17 (FRAG (WHADVP Why )WHADVP not (VP (VP keep and even expand (NP (NP the loans and grants )NP (PRN , (S (NP the advocates )NP (VP reasoned )VP )S , )PRN )NP )VP but (VP require (NP (NP some form )NP (PP of (NP service )NP )PP )NP (PP from (NP each recipient )NP )PP )VP )VP ? )FRAG 12 16 (FRAG (WHADVP Why )WHADVP not (VP (VP keep and even expand (NP the loans and grants )NP (PRN , (S (NP the advocates )NP (VP reasoned )VP )S , )PRN )VP but (VP require (NP (NP some form )NP (PP of (NP service )NP )PP )NP (PP from (NP each recipient )NP )PP )VP )VP ? )FRAG 10 17 (FRAG (WHADVP Why )WHADVP not (VP (VP keep and even expand (NP the loans and grants )NP (PRN , (S (NP the advocates )NP (VP reasoned )VP )S , )PRN )VP but (VP require (NP (NP some form )NP (PP of (NP (NP service )NP (PP from (NP each recipient )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP ? )FRAG 13 16 (FRAG (WHADVP Why )WHADVP not (VP (VP keep and even expand (NP the loans and grants )NP )VP (PRN , (S (NP the advocates )NP (VP reasoned )VP )S , )PRN but (VP require (NP (NP some form )NP (PP of (NP service )NP )PP )NP (PP from (NP each recipient )NP )PP )VP )VP ? )FRAG 12 17 (FRAG (WHADVP Why )WHADVP not (VP (VP keep and even expand (NP (NP the loans and grants )NP (PRN , (S (NP the advocates )NP (VP reasoned )VP )S , )PRN )NP )VP but (VP require (NP (NP some form )NP (PP of (NP service )NP )PP )NP (PP from (NP each recipient )NP )PP )VP )VP ? )FRAG 12 18 (FRAG (WHADVP Why )WHADVP not (VP (VP keep and even expand (NP (NP the loans )NP and (NP grants )NP )NP (PRN , (S (NP the advocates )NP (VP reasoned )VP )S , )PRN )VP but (VP require (NP (NP some form )NP (PP of (NP service )NP )PP )NP (PP from (NP each recipient )NP )PP )VP )VP ? )FRAG 12 16 (FRAG (WHADVP Why )WHADVP not (VP (VP keep and even expand (NP the loans and grants )NP (PRN , (S (NP the advocates )NP (VP reasoned )VP )S , )PRN )VP but (VP require (NP (NP some form )NP (PP of (NP service )NP )PP )NP (PP from (NP each recipient )NP )PP )VP )VP ? )FRAG 11 17 (FRAG (WHADVP Why )WHADVP not (VP (VP keep and even expand (NP the loans and grants )NP )VP (PRN , (S (NP the advocates )NP (VP reasoned )VP )S , )PRN but (VP require (NP (NP some form )NP (PP of (NP (NP service )NP (PP from (NP each recipient )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP ? )FRAG 10 18 (FRAG (WHADVP Why )WHADVP not (VP (VP keep and even expand (NP (NP the loans and grants )NP (PRN , (S (NP the advocates )NP (VP reasoned )VP )S , )PRN )NP )VP but (VP require (NP (NP some form )NP (PP of (NP (NP service )NP (PP from (NP each recipient )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP ? )FRAG 10 17 (FRAG (WHADVP Why )WHADVP not (VP (VP keep and even expand (NP the loans and grants )NP (PRN , (S (NP the advocates )NP (VP reasoned )VP )S , )PRN )VP but (VP require (NP (NP some form )NP (PP of (NP (NP service )NP (PP from (NP each recipient )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP ? )FRAG 10 18 (FRAG (WHADVP Why )WHADVP not (VP (VP keep )VP and (VP (ADVP even )ADVP expand (NP (NP the loans and grants )NP , (SBAR (S (NP the advocates )NP (VP reasoned , but require (NP (NP some form )NP (PP of (NP service )NP )PP )NP (PP from (NP each recipient )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP ? )FRAG 11 16 (FRAG (WHADVP Why )WHADVP not (VP (VP keep and even expand (NP the loans and grants )NP (PRN , (S (NP the advocates )NP (VP reasoned )VP )S , )PRN )VP but (VP require (NP (NP some form )NP (PP of (NP service )NP )PP (PP from (NP each recipient )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP ? )FRAG 12 19 (FRAG (WHADVP Why )WHADVP not (VP (VP keep and even expand (NP the (NX (NX loans )NX and (NX grants )NX )NX )NP (PRN , (S (NP the advocates )NP (VP reasoned )VP )S , )PRN )VP but (VP require (NP (NP some form )NP (PP of (NP service )NP )PP )NP (PP from (NP each recipient )NP )PP )VP )VP ? )FRAG 13 18 (FRAG (WHADVP Why )WHADVP not (VP (VP keep and even expand (NP (NP the loans )NP and (NP grants )NP )NP )VP (PRN , (S (NP the advocates )NP (VP reasoned )VP )S , )PRN but (VP require (NP (NP some form )NP (PP of (NP service )NP )PP )NP (PP from (NP each recipient )NP )PP )VP )VP ? )FRAG 13 16 (FRAG (WHADVP Why )WHADVP not (VP (VP keep and even expand (NP the loans and grants )NP )VP (PRN , (S (NP the advocates )NP (VP reasoned )VP )S , )PRN but (VP require (NP (NP some form )NP (PP of (NP service )NP )PP )NP (PP from (NP each recipient )NP )PP )VP )VP ? )FRAG 12 18 (FRAG (WHADVP Why )WHADVP not (VP (VP keep and even expand (NP (NP the loans )NP and (NP grants )NP )NP (PRN , (S (NP the advocates )NP (VP reasoned )VP )S , )PRN )VP but (VP require (NP (NP some form )NP (PP of (NP service )NP )PP )NP (PP from (NP each recipient )NP )PP )VP )VP ? )FRAG 12 17 (FRAG (WHADVP Why )WHADVP not (VP (VP keep and even expand (NP (NP the loans and grants )NP (PRN , (S (NP the advocates )NP (VP reasoned )VP )S , )PRN )NP )VP but (VP require (NP (NP some form )NP (PP of (NP service )NP )PP )NP (PP from (NP each recipient )NP )PP )VP )VP ? )FRAG 12 16 (FRAG (WHADVP Why )WHADVP not (VP (VP keep and even expand (NP the loans and grants )NP (PRN , (S (NP the advocates )NP (VP reasoned )VP )S , )PRN )VP but (VP require (NP (NP some form )NP (PP of (NP service )NP )PP )NP (PP from (NP each recipient )NP )PP )VP )VP ? )FRAG 11 17 (FRAG (WHADVP Why )WHADVP not (VP (VP keep and even expand (NP the loans and grants )NP )VP (PRN , (S (NP the advocates )NP (VP reasoned )VP )S , )PRN but (VP require (NP (NP some form )NP (PP of (NP (NP service )NP (PP from (NP each recipient )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP ? )FRAG 12 16 (FRAG (WHADVP Why )WHADVP not (VP (VP keep and even expand (NP the loans and grants )NP )VP (PRN , (S (NP the advocates )NP (VP reasoned )VP )S , )PRN but (VP require (NP (NP some form )NP (PP of (NP service )NP )PP (PP from (NP each recipient )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP ? )FRAG 10 18 (FRAG (WHADVP Why )WHADVP not (VP (VP keep and even expand (NP (NP the loans and grants )NP (PRN , (S (NP the advocates )NP (VP reasoned )VP )S , )PRN )NP )VP but (VP require (NP (NP some form )NP (PP of (NP (NP service )NP (PP from (NP each recipient )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP ? )FRAG 8 14 (FRAG (WHADVP Why )WHADVP not (VP keep and even expand (NP the loans and grants )NP , (SBAR (S (NP the advocates )NP (VP reasoned , but require (NP (NP some form )NP (PP of (NP service )NP )PP )NP (PP from (NP each recipient )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP ? )FRAG 12 18 (FRAG (WHADVP Why )WHADVP not (VP (VP keep and even expand (NP the (NP loans )NP and (NP grants )NP )NP (PRN , (S (NP the advocates )NP (VP reasoned )VP )S , )PRN )VP but (VP require (NP (NP some form )NP (PP of (NP service )NP )PP )NP (PP from (NP each recipient )NP )PP )VP )VP ? )FRAG 13 19 (FRAG (WHADVP Why )WHADVP not (VP (VP keep and even expand (NP the (NX (NX loans )NX and (NX grants )NX )NX )NP )VP (PRN , (S (NP the advocates )NP (VP reasoned )VP )S , )PRN but (VP require (NP (NP some form )NP (PP of (NP service )NP )PP )NP (PP from (NP each recipient )NP )PP )VP )VP ? )FRAG 11 16 (FRAG (WHADVP Why )WHADVP not (VP (VP keep and even expand (NP the loans and grants )NP (PRN , (S (NP the advocates )NP (VP reasoned )VP )S , )PRN )VP but (VP require (NP (NP some form )NP (PP of (NP service )NP )PP )NP )VP (PP from (NP each recipient )NP )PP )VP ? )FRAG 10 18 (FRAG (WHADVP Why )WHADVP not (VP (VP keep )VP and (VP (ADVP even )ADVP expand (NP (NP the loans and grants )NP , (SBAR (S (NP the advocates )NP (VP reasoned , but require (NP (NP some form )NP (PP of (NP service )NP )PP )NP (PP from (NP each recipient )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP ? )FRAG 11 17 (FRAG (WHADVP Why )WHADVP not (VP (VP keep and even expand (NP (NP the loans and grants )NP (PRN , (S (NP the advocates )NP (VP reasoned )VP )S , )PRN )NP )VP but (VP require (NP (NP some form )NP (PP of (NP service )NP )PP (PP from (NP each recipient )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP ? )FRAG 13 17 (SBARQ (WHADVP Why )WHADVP (SQ not (VP (VP keep and even expand (NP the loans and grants )NP (PRN , (S (NP the advocates )NP (VP reasoned )VP )S , )PRN )VP but (VP require (NP (NP some form )NP (PP of (NP service )NP )PP )NP (PP from (NP each recipient )NP )PP )VP )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 10 19 (FRAG (WHADVP Why )WHADVP not (VP (VP keep and even expand (NP (NP the loans )NP and (NP grants )NP )NP (PRN , (S (NP the advocates )NP (VP reasoned )VP )S , )PRN )VP but (VP require (NP (NP some form )NP (PP of (NP (NP service )NP (PP from (NP each recipient )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP ? )FRAG 11 16 (FRAG (WHADVP Why )WHADVP not (VP (VP keep and even expand (NP the loans and grants )NP (PRN , (S (NP the advocates )NP (VP reasoned )VP )S , )PRN )VP but (VP require (NP (NP some form )NP (PP of (NP service )NP )PP (PP from (NP each recipient )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP ? )FRAG 10 17 (FRAG (WHADVP Why )WHADVP not (VP (VP keep and even expand (NP the loans and grants )NP (PRN , (S (NP the advocates )NP (VP reasoned )VP )S , )PRN )VP but (VP require (NP (NP some form )NP (PP of (NP (NP service )NP (PP from (NP each recipient )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP ? )FRAG 12 19 (FRAG (WHADVP Why )WHADVP not (VP (VP keep and even expand (NP the (NX (NX loans )NX and (NX grants )NX )NX )NP (PRN , (S (NP the advocates )NP (VP reasoned )VP )S , )PRN )VP but (VP require (NP (NP some form )NP (PP of (NP service )NP )PP )NP (PP from (NP each recipient )NP )PP )VP )VP ? )FRAG 8 15 (FRAG (WHADVP Why )WHADVP not (VP keep and even expand (NP (NP the loans and grants )NP , (SBAR (S (NP the advocates )NP (VP reasoned , but require (NP (NP some form )NP (PP of (NP service )NP )PP )NP (PP from (NP each recipient )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP ? )FRAG 13 18 (FRAG (WHADVP Why )WHADVP not (VP (VP keep and even expand (NP (NP the loans )NP and (NP grants )NP )NP )VP (PRN , (S (NP the advocates )NP (VP reasoned )VP )S , )PRN but (VP require (NP (NP some form )NP (PP of (NP service )NP )PP )NP (PP from (NP each recipient )NP )PP )VP )VP ? )FRAG 14 19 (FRAG (WHADVP Why )WHADVP not (VP (VP keep )VP and (VP (ADVP even )ADVP (VP expand (NP the loans and grants )NP (PRN , (S (NP the advocates )NP (VP reasoned )VP )S , )PRN )VP but (VP require (NP (NP some form )NP (PP of (NP service )NP )PP )NP (PP from (NP each recipient )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP ? )FRAG 13 16 (FRAG (WHADVP Why )WHADVP not (VP (VP keep and even expand (NP the loans and grants )NP )VP (PRN , (S (NP the advocates )NP (VP reasoned )VP )S , )PRN but (VP require (NP (NP some form )NP (PP of (NP service )NP )PP )NP (PP from (NP each recipient )NP )PP )VP )VP ? )FRAG 10 18 (FRAG (WHADVP Why )WHADVP not (VP (VP keep )VP and (VP (ADVP even )ADVP expand (NP (NP the loans and grants )NP , (SBAR (S (NP the advocates )NP (VP reasoned , but require (NP (NP some form )NP (PP of (NP service )NP )PP )NP (PP from (NP each recipient )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP ? )FRAG 11 17 (FRAG (WHADVP Why )WHADVP not (VP (VP keep and even expand (NP (NP the loans and grants )NP , (SBAR (S (NP the advocates )NP (VP reasoned )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP , but (VP require (NP (NP some form )NP (PP of (NP service )NP )PP )NP (PP from (NP each recipient )NP )PP )VP )VP ? )FRAG 13 16 (FRAG (WHADVP Why not )WHADVP (VP (VP keep and even expand (NP the loans and grants )NP (PRN , (S (NP the advocates )NP (VP reasoned )VP )S , )PRN )VP but (VP require (NP (NP some form )NP (PP of (NP service )NP )PP )NP (PP from (NP each recipient )NP )PP )VP )VP ? )FRAG 11 17 (FRAG (WHADVP Why )WHADVP not (VP (VP keep and even expand (NP (NP the loans and grants )NP , (SBAR (S (NP the advocates )NP (VP reasoned )VP )S )SBAR , )NP )VP but (VP require (NP (NP some form )NP (PP of (NP service )NP )PP )NP (PP from (NP each recipient )NP )PP )VP )VP ? )FRAG 12 17 (FRAG (WHADVP Why )WHADVP not (VP (VP keep and even expand (NP (NP the loans and grants )NP (PRN , (S (NP the advocates )NP (VP reasoned )VP )S , )PRN )NP )VP but (VP require (NP (NP some form )NP (PP of (NP service )NP )PP )NP (PP from (NP each recipient )NP )PP )VP )VP ? )FRAG 14 17 (SBARQ (WHADVP Why )WHADVP (SQ not (VP (VP keep and even expand (NP the loans and grants )NP )VP (PRN , (S (NP the advocates )NP (VP reasoned )VP )S , )PRN but (VP require (NP (NP some form )NP (PP of (NP service )NP )PP )NP (PP from (NP each recipient )NP )PP )VP )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 9 17 (FRAG (WHADVP Why )WHADVP not (VP (VP keep )VP and even (VP expand (NP (NP the loans and grants )NP , (SBAR (S (NP the advocates )NP (VP reasoned , but require (NP (NP some form )NP (PP of (NP service )NP )PP )NP (PP from (NP each recipient )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP ? )FRAG 10 17 (FRAG (WHADVP Why )WHADVP not (VP (VP keep )VP and (VP (ADVP even )ADVP expand (NP the loans and grants )NP )VP , (SBAR (S (NP the advocates )NP (VP reasoned , but require (NP (NP some form )NP (PP of (NP service )NP )PP )NP (PP from (NP each recipient )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP ? )FRAG 14 18 (FRAG (WHADVP Why )WHADVP not (VP (VP keep )VP and (VP (ADVP even )ADVP expand (NP the loans and grants )NP )VP (PRN , (S (NP the advocates )NP (VP reasoned )VP )S , )PRN but (VP require (NP (NP some form )NP (PP of (NP service )NP )PP )NP (PP from (NP each recipient )NP )PP )VP )VP ? )FRAG 13 18 (FRAG (WHADVP Why )WHADVP not (VP (VP keep and even expand (NP the (NP loans )NP and (NP grants )NP )NP )VP (PRN , (S (NP the advocates )NP (VP reasoned )VP )S , )PRN but (VP require (NP (NP some form )NP (PP of (NP service )NP )PP )NP (PP from (NP each recipient )NP )PP )VP )VP ? )FRAG 10 18 (FRAG (WHADVP Why )WHADVP not (VP (VP keep )VP and (ADVP even )ADVP (VP expand (NP (NP the loans and grants )NP , (SBAR (S (NP the advocates )NP (VP reasoned , but require (NP (NP some form )NP (PP of (NP service )NP )PP )NP (PP from (NP each recipient )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP ? )FRAG 12 18 (FRAG (WHADVP Why )WHADVP not (VP (VP keep and even expand (NP (NP the loans )NP and (NP grants )NP )NP (PRN , (S (NP the advocates )NP (VP reasoned )VP )S , )PRN )VP but (VP require (NP (NP some form )NP (PP of (NP service )NP )PP )NP (PP from (NP each recipient )NP )PP )VP )VP ? )FRAG 50 6 6 (S (NP Military service )NP , (ADVP moreover )ADVP , (VP could (VP be (NP a national-service option )NP )VP )VP . )S 6 6 (S (NP Military service )NP , (ADVP moreover )ADVP , (VP could (VP be (NP a national-service option )NP )VP )VP . )S 6 6 (S (NP Military service )NP , (ADVP moreover )ADVP , (VP could (VP be (NP a national-service option )NP )VP )VP . )S 6 6 (S (NP Military service )NP , (ADVP moreover )ADVP , (VP could (VP be (NP a national-service option )NP )VP )VP . )S 6 7 (S (NP Military service )NP , (ADVP moreover )ADVP , (VP could (VP be (NP a (ADJP national-service )ADJP option )NP )VP )VP . )S 5 6 (S (ADVP Military service )ADVP , (ADVP moreover )ADVP , (VP could (VP be (NP a national-service option )NP )VP )VP . )S 6 6 (S (NP Military service )NP , (ADVP moreover )ADVP , (VP could (VP be (NP a national-service option )NP )VP )VP . )S 5 6 (S (INTJ Military service )INTJ , (ADVP moreover )ADVP , (VP could (VP be (NP a national-service option )NP )VP )VP . )S 6 7 (S (NP Military service )NP , (ADVP moreover )ADVP , (VP could (VP be (NP a (ADJP national-service )ADJP option )NP )VP )VP . )S 5 6 (S (ADVP Military service )ADVP , (ADVP moreover )ADVP , (VP could (VP be (NP a national-service option )NP )VP )VP . )S 6 7 (S (NP (NP Military service )NP , (ADVP moreover )ADVP , )NP (VP could (VP be (NP a national-service option )NP )VP )VP . )S 6 8 (S (NP (NP Military service )NP (PRN , (ADVP moreover )ADVP , )PRN )NP (VP could (VP be (NP a national-service option )NP )VP )VP . )S 6 6 (S (NP Military service )NP , (ADVP moreover )ADVP , (VP could (VP be (NP a national-service option )NP )VP )VP . )S 6 7 (S (NP Military service )NP (PRN , (ADVP moreover )ADVP , )PRN (VP could (VP be (NP a national-service option )NP )VP )VP . )S 5 7 (S (NP Military service )NP , (ADVP moreover )ADVP , (VP could (VP be (NP a national-service )NP (NP option )NP )VP )VP . )S 5 6 (S (INTJ Military service )INTJ , (ADVP moreover )ADVP , (VP could (VP be (NP a national-service option )NP )VP )VP . )S 6 7 (S (NP (ADJP Military )ADJP service )NP , (ADVP moreover )ADVP , (VP could (VP be (NP a national-service option )NP )VP )VP . )S 6 7 (S (NP (NP Military )NP service )NP , (ADVP moreover )ADVP , (VP could (VP be (NP a national-service option )NP )VP )VP . )S 5 7 (S (NP (NP Military service )NP , (NP moreover )NP , )NP (VP could (VP be (NP a national-service option )NP )VP )VP . )S 6 7 (S (NP (NP Military service )NP , (ADVP moreover )ADVP , )NP (VP could (VP be (NP a national-service option )NP )VP )VP . )S 6 8 (S (NP (NP Military service )NP (PRN , (ADVP moreover )ADVP , )PRN )NP (VP could (VP be (NP a national-service option )NP )VP )VP . )S 6 7 (S (NP Military service )NP (PRN , (ADVP moreover )ADVP , )PRN (VP could (VP be (NP a national-service option )NP )VP )VP . )S 6 7 (S (NP (NP Military service )NP , (ADVP moreover )ADVP , )NP (VP could (VP be (NP a national-service option )NP )VP )VP . )S 6 8 (S (NP (NP Military service )NP (PRN , (ADVP moreover )ADVP , )PRN )NP (VP could (VP be (NP a national-service option )NP )VP )VP . )S 6 7 (S (NP Military service )NP , (ADVP moreover )ADVP , (VP could (VP be (NP (NP a national-service )NP option )NP )VP )VP . )S 5 7 (S (NP (NP Military service )NP , (ADJP moreover )ADJP , )NP (VP could (VP be (NP a national-service option )NP )VP )VP . )S 6 7 (S (NP Military service )NP , (ADVP moreover )ADVP , (VP could (VP be (S (NP a national-service option )NP )S )VP )VP . )S 6 7 (S (NP Military service )NP (PRN , (ADVP moreover )ADVP , )PRN (VP could (VP be (NP a national-service option )NP )VP )VP . )S 5 7 (S (NP Military service )NP , (ADVP moreover )ADVP , (VP could (VP be (NP a national-service )NP (NP option )NP )VP )VP . )S 6 7 (S (NP (ADJP Military )ADJP service )NP , (ADVP moreover )ADVP , (VP could (VP be (NP a national-service option )NP )VP )VP . )S 6 7 (S (NP (NP Military )NP service )NP , (ADVP moreover )ADVP , (VP could (VP be (NP a national-service option )NP )VP )VP . )S 6 7 (S (NP Military service )NP , (ADVP moreover )ADVP , (VP could (VP be (NP a (NX national-service option )NX )NP )VP )VP . )S 5 7 (S (NP (NP Military service )NP , (NP moreover )NP , )NP (VP could (VP be (NP a national-service option )NP )VP )VP . )S 6 8 (S (NP Military service )NP , (ADVP moreover )ADVP , (VP could (VP be (NP (NP a national-service )NP (NP option )NP )NP )VP )VP . )S 6 7 (S (NP Military service )NP , (ADVP moreover )ADVP , (VP could (VP be (NP a (NX national-service option )NX )NP )VP )VP . )S 5 7 (S (NP Military service )NP , (ADVP moreover )ADVP , (VP could (VP be (NP a national-service )NP (NP option )NP )VP )VP . )S 6 7 (S (NP Military service )NP , (ADVP moreover )ADVP , (VP could (S (VP be (NP a national-service option )NP )VP )S )VP . )S 6 8 (S (NP (NP Military )NP (NP service )NP )NP , (ADVP moreover )ADVP , (VP could (VP be (NP a national-service option )NP )VP )VP . )S 6 7 (S (NP Military service )NP , (ADVP moreover )ADVP , (VP could (VP be (S (NP a national-service option )NP )S )VP )VP . )S 6 7 (S (NP Military service )NP , (ADVP moreover )ADVP , (VP could (VP be (NP a (ADJP national-service )ADJP option )NP )VP )VP . )S 6 7 (S (NP (NP Military service )NP , (ADVP moreover )ADVP , )NP (VP could (VP be (NP a national-service option )NP )VP )VP . )S 6 8 (S (NP (NP Military service )NP (PRN , (ADVP moreover )ADVP , )PRN )NP (VP could (VP be (NP a national-service option )NP )VP )VP . )S 5 7 (S (NP (NP Military service )NP , (ADJP moreover )ADJP , )NP (VP could (VP be (NP a national-service option )NP )VP )VP . )S 5 7 (S (ADVP Military service )ADVP , (ADVP moreover )ADVP , (VP could (VP be (NP a (ADJP national-service )ADJP option )NP )VP )VP . )S 5 7 (S (NP Military service )NP (VP (PRN , (ADVP moreover )ADVP , )PRN could (VP be (NP a national-service option )NP )VP )VP . )S 5 7 (S (NP (NP Military service )NP , (ADJP moreover )ADJP , )NP (VP could (VP be (NP a national-service option )NP )VP )VP . )S 5 7 (S (NP Military service (PRN , (ADVP moreover )ADVP , )PRN )NP (VP could (VP be (NP a national-service option )NP )VP )VP . )S 6 7 (S (NP Military service )NP , (ADVP moreover )ADVP , (VP could (VP be (NP a (ADJP national-service )ADJP option )NP )VP )VP . )S 6 7 (S (NP Military service )NP (PRN , (ADVP moreover )ADVP , )PRN (VP could (VP be (NP a national-service option )NP )VP )VP . )S 6 7 (S (NP Military service )NP , (ADVP moreover )ADVP , (VP could (VP be (NP (NP a national-service )NP option )NP )VP )VP . )S 50 21 21 (S (ADVP Thus )ADVP , (ADVP undoubtedly )ADVP (NP it )NP (VP was (VP hoped (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the new strain )NP (PP of (NP national service )NP )PP )NP (VP would (VP prove (ADJP contagious )ADJP , (S (VP infecting (NP (NP patriotic conservatives )NP , (NP pay-as-you-go moderates )NP , and (NP idealistic liberals )NP )NP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 15 20 (S (ADVP Thus )ADVP , (ADVP undoubtedly )ADVP (NP it )NP (VP was (VP hoped (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the new strain )NP (PP of (NP national service )NP )PP )NP (VP would (VP prove (ADJP contagious )ADJP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (PP infecting (NP (NP patriotic conservatives )NP , (NP pay-as-you-go moderates )NP , and (NP idealistic liberals )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 18 22 (S (ADVP Thus )ADVP , (ADVP undoubtedly )ADVP (NP it )NP (VP was (VP hoped (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the new strain )NP (PP of (NP national service )NP )PP )NP (VP would (VP prove (ADJP contagious )ADJP , (S (VP infecting (NP patriotic (NX (NX conservatives )NX , (NX pay-as-you-go moderates )NX , and (NX idealistic liberals )NX )NX )NP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 19 20 (S (ADVP Thus )ADVP , (ADVP undoubtedly )ADVP (NP it )NP (VP was (VP hoped (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the new strain )NP (PP of (NP national service )NP )PP )NP (VP would (VP prove (ADJP contagious )ADJP , (PP infecting (NP (NP patriotic conservatives )NP , (NP pay-as-you-go moderates )NP , and (NP idealistic liberals )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 17 21 (S (ADVP Thus )ADVP , (ADVP undoubtedly )ADVP (NP it )NP (VP was (VP hoped (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the new strain )NP (PP of (NP national service )NP )PP )NP (VP would (VP prove (ADJP contagious )ADJP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (S (VP infecting (NP (NP patriotic conservatives )NP , (NP pay-as-you-go moderates )NP , and (NP idealistic liberals )NP )NP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 18 20 (S (ADVP Thus )ADVP , (ADVP undoubtedly )ADVP (NP it )NP (VP was (VP hoped (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the new strain )NP (PP of (NP national service )NP )PP )NP (VP would (VP prove (ADJP contagious )ADJP )VP , (PP infecting (NP (NP patriotic conservatives )NP , (NP pay-as-you-go moderates )NP , and (NP idealistic liberals )NP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 16 21 (S (ADVP Thus )ADVP , (ADVP undoubtedly )ADVP (NP it )NP (VP was (ADJP hoped (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the new strain )NP (PP of (NP national service )NP )PP )NP (VP would (VP prove (ADJP contagious )ADJP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )ADJP , (S (VP infecting (NP (NP patriotic conservatives )NP , (NP pay-as-you-go moderates )NP , and (NP idealistic liberals )NP )NP )VP )S )VP . )S 14 22 (S (ADVP Thus )ADVP , (ADVP undoubtedly )ADVP (NP it )NP (VP was (VP hoped (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the new strain )NP (PP of (NP national service )NP )PP )NP (VP would (VP prove (ADJP contagious )ADJP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (S (VP infecting (NP patriotic (NX (NX conservatives )NX , (NX pay-as-you-go moderates )NX , and (NX idealistic liberals )NX )NX )NP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 21 22 (S (ADVP Thus )ADVP , (S (ADVP undoubtedly )ADVP (NP it )NP (VP was (VP hoped (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the new strain )NP (PP of (NP national service )NP )PP )NP (VP would (VP prove (ADJP contagious )ADJP , (S (VP infecting (NP (NP patriotic conservatives )NP , (NP pay-as-you-go moderates )NP , and (NP idealistic liberals )NP )NP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S . )S 20 21 (S (ADVP Thus )ADVP , (ADVP undoubtedly )ADVP (NP it )NP (VP was (ADJP hoped (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the new strain )NP (PP of (NP national service )NP )PP )NP (VP would (VP prove (ADJP contagious )ADJP , (S (VP infecting (NP (NP patriotic conservatives )NP , (NP pay-as-you-go moderates )NP , and (NP idealistic liberals )NP )NP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )ADJP )VP . )S 13 21 (S (ADVP Thus )ADVP , (S (ADVP undoubtedly )ADVP (NP it )NP (VP was (VP hoped (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the new strain )NP (PP of (NP national service )NP )PP )NP (VP would (VP prove (ADJP contagious )ADJP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S , (PP infecting (NP (NP patriotic conservatives )NP , (NP pay-as-you-go moderates )NP , and (NP idealistic liberals )NP )NP )PP . )S 20 20 (S (ADVP Thus )ADVP , undoubtedly (NP it )NP (VP was (VP hoped (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the new strain )NP (PP of (NP national service )NP )PP )NP (VP would (VP prove (ADJP contagious )ADJP , (S (VP infecting (NP (NP patriotic conservatives )NP , (NP pay-as-you-go moderates )NP , and (NP idealistic liberals )NP )NP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 14 20 (S (ADVP Thus )ADVP , (ADVP undoubtedly )ADVP (NP it )NP (VP was (ADJP hoped (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the new strain )NP (PP of (NP national service )NP )PP )NP (VP would (VP prove (ADJP contagious )ADJP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )ADJP , (PP infecting (NP (NP patriotic conservatives )NP , (NP pay-as-you-go moderates )NP , and (NP idealistic liberals )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S 16 18 (S (ADVP Thus )ADVP , (ADVP undoubtedly )ADVP (NP it )NP (VP was (VP hoped (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the new strain )NP (PP of (NP national service )NP )PP )NP (VP would (VP prove (NP (NP contagious , infecting patriotic conservatives )NP , (NP pay-as-you-go moderates )NP , and (NP idealistic liberals )NP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 12 21 (S (ADVP Thus )ADVP , (ADVP undoubtedly )ADVP (NP it )NP (VP was (VP hoped (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the new strain )NP (PP of (NP national service )NP )PP )NP (VP would (VP prove (ADJP contagious )ADJP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (PP infecting (NP patriotic (NX (NX conservatives )NX , (NX pay-as-you-go moderates )NX , and (NX idealistic liberals )NX )NX )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 19 20 (S (ADVP Thus )ADVP , (NP undoubtedly it )NP (VP was (VP hoped (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the new strain )NP (PP of (NP national service )NP )PP )NP (VP would (VP prove (ADJP contagious )ADJP , (S (VP infecting (NP (NP patriotic conservatives )NP , (NP pay-as-you-go moderates )NP , and (NP idealistic liberals )NP )NP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 16 21 (S (ADVP Thus )ADVP , (ADVP undoubtedly )ADVP (NP it )NP (VP was (VP hoped (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the new strain )NP (PP of (NP national service )NP )PP )NP (VP would (VP prove (ADJP contagious )ADJP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP , (S (VP infecting (NP (NP patriotic conservatives )NP , (NP pay-as-you-go moderates )NP , and (NP idealistic liberals )NP )NP )VP )S )VP . )S 21 22 (S (ADVP Thus )ADVP , (ADVP undoubtedly )ADVP (NP it )NP (VP was (VP hoped (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the new strain )NP (PP of (NP national service )NP )PP )NP (VP would (VP prove (ADJP contagious )ADJP , (S (VP infecting (NP (NP patriotic conservatives )NP , (NP pay-as-you-go moderates )NP , and (NP (ADJP idealistic )ADJP liberals )NP )NP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 21 22 (S (ADVP Thus )ADVP , (ADVP undoubtedly )ADVP (NP it )NP (VP was (VP hoped (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the new strain )NP (PP of (NP national service )NP )PP )NP (VP would (VP prove (ADJP contagious )ADJP , (S (VP infecting (NP (NP (ADJP patriotic )ADJP conservatives )NP , (NP pay-as-you-go moderates )NP , and (NP idealistic liberals )NP )NP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 20 21 (S (ADVP Thus )ADVP , (NP undoubtedly )NP (NP it )NP (VP was (VP hoped (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the new strain )NP (PP of (NP national service )NP )PP )NP (VP would (VP prove (ADJP contagious )ADJP , (S (VP infecting (NP (NP patriotic conservatives )NP , (NP pay-as-you-go moderates )NP , and (NP idealistic liberals )NP )NP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 20 21 (S (INTJ Thus )INTJ , (ADVP undoubtedly )ADVP (NP it )NP (VP was (VP hoped (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the new strain )NP (PP of (NP national service )NP )PP )NP (VP would (VP prove (ADJP contagious )ADJP , (S (VP infecting (NP (NP patriotic conservatives )NP , (NP pay-as-you-go moderates )NP , and (NP idealistic liberals )NP )NP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 15 21 (S (ADVP Thus )ADVP , (S (ADVP undoubtedly )ADVP (NP it )NP (VP was (VP hoped (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the new strain )NP (PP of (NP national service )NP )PP )NP (VP would (VP prove (ADJP contagious )ADJP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (PP infecting (NP (NP patriotic conservatives )NP , (NP pay-as-you-go moderates )NP , and (NP idealistic liberals )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S . )S 14 19 (S (ADVP Thus )ADVP , undoubtedly (NP it )NP (VP was (VP hoped (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the new strain )NP (PP of (NP national service )NP )PP )NP (VP would (VP prove (ADJP contagious )ADJP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (PP infecting (NP (NP patriotic conservatives )NP , (NP pay-as-you-go moderates )NP , and (NP idealistic liberals )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 21 21 (S (ADVP Thus )ADVP , (ADVP undoubtedly )ADVP (NP it )NP (VP was (VP hoped (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the new strain )NP (PP of (NP national service )NP )PP )NP (VP would (VP prove (ADJP contagious )ADJP , (S (VP infecting (NP (NP patriotic conservatives )NP , (NP pay-as-you-go moderates )NP , and (NP idealistic liberals )NP )NP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 13 22 (S (ADVP Thus )ADVP , (ADVP undoubtedly )ADVP (NP it )NP (VP was (ADJP hoped (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the new strain )NP (PP of (NP national service )NP )PP )NP (VP would (VP prove (ADJP contagious )ADJP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )ADJP , (S (VP infecting (NP patriotic (NX (NX conservatives )NX , (NX pay-as-you-go moderates )NX , and (NX idealistic liberals )NX )NX )NP )VP )S )VP . )S 17 20 (S (ADVP Thus )ADVP , (ADVP undoubtedly )ADVP (NP it )NP (VP was (VP hoped (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the new strain )NP (PP of (NP national service )NP )PP )NP (VP would (VP (VP prove (ADJP contagious )ADJP )VP , (NP (NP infecting patriotic conservatives )NP , (NP pay-as-you-go moderates )NP , and (NP idealistic liberals )NP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 16 21 (S (ADVP Thus )ADVP , (ADVP undoubtedly )ADVP (NP it )NP (VP was (VP hoped (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the new strain )NP (PP of (NP national service )NP )PP )NP (VP would (VP prove (ADJP contagious )ADJP , (PP infecting (NP patriotic (NX (NX conservatives )NX , (NX pay-as-you-go moderates )NX , and (NX idealistic liberals )NX )NX )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 18 23 (S (ADVP Thus )ADVP , (S (ADVP undoubtedly )ADVP (NP it )NP (VP was (VP hoped (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the new strain )NP (PP of (NP national service )NP )PP )NP (VP would (VP prove (ADJP contagious )ADJP , (S (VP infecting (NP patriotic (NX (NX conservatives )NX , (NX pay-as-you-go moderates )NX , and (NX idealistic liberals )NX )NX )NP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S . )S 17 22 (S (ADVP Thus )ADVP , (ADVP undoubtedly )ADVP (NP it )NP (VP was (ADJP hoped (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the new strain )NP (PP of (NP national service )NP )PP )NP (VP would (VP prove (ADJP contagious )ADJP , (S (VP infecting (NP patriotic (NX (NX conservatives )NX , (NX pay-as-you-go moderates )NX , and (NX idealistic liberals )NX )NX )NP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )ADJP )VP . )S 21 22 (S (ADVP Thus )ADVP , (ADVP undoubtedly )ADVP (NP it )NP (VP was (VP hoped (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the new strain )NP (PP of (NP national service )NP )PP )NP (VP would (VP prove (S (ADJP contagious )ADJP )S , (S (VP infecting (NP (NP patriotic conservatives )NP , (NP pay-as-you-go moderates )NP , and (NP idealistic liberals )NP )NP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 20 21 (S (ADVP Thus )ADVP , (ADVP undoubtedly )ADVP (NP it )NP (VP was (VP hoped (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the new strain )NP (PP of (NP national service )NP )PP )NP (VP would (VP prove (ADJP contagious )ADJP )VP , (S (VP infecting (NP (NP patriotic conservatives )NP , (NP pay-as-you-go moderates )NP , and (NP idealistic liberals )NP )NP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 17 21 (S (ADVP Thus )ADVP , undoubtedly (NP it )NP (VP was (VP hoped (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the new strain )NP (PP of (NP national service )NP )PP )NP (VP would (VP prove (ADJP contagious )ADJP , (S (VP infecting (NP patriotic (NX (NX conservatives )NX , (NX pay-as-you-go moderates )NX , and (NX idealistic liberals )NX )NX )NP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 13 21 (S (ADVP Thus )ADVP , (SBAR undoubtedly (S (NP it )NP (VP was (VP hoped (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the new strain )NP (PP of (NP national service )NP )PP )NP (VP would (VP prove (ADJP contagious )ADJP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (VP infecting (NP (NP patriotic conservatives )NP , (NP pay-as-you-go moderates )NP , and (NP idealistic liberals )NP )NP )VP . )S 18 23 (S (ADVP Thus )ADVP , (ADVP undoubtedly )ADVP (NP it )NP (VP was (VP hoped (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the new strain )NP (PP of (NP national service )NP )PP )NP (VP would (VP prove (ADJP contagious )ADJP , (S (VP infecting (NP (ADJP patriotic )ADJP (NX (NX conservatives )NX , (NX pay-as-you-go moderates )NX , and (NX idealistic liberals )NX )NX )NP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 15 22 (S (ADVP Thus )ADVP , (S (ADVP undoubtedly )ADVP (NP it )NP (VP was (VP hoped (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the new strain )NP (PP of (NP national service )NP )PP )NP (VP would (VP prove (ADJP contagious )ADJP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S , (S (VP infecting (NP (NP patriotic conservatives )NP , (NP pay-as-you-go moderates )NP , and (NP idealistic liberals )NP )NP )VP )S . )S 19 21 (S (ADVP Thus )ADVP , (S (ADVP undoubtedly )ADVP (NP it )NP (VP was (VP hoped (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the new strain )NP (PP of (NP national service )NP )PP )NP (VP would (VP prove (ADJP contagious )ADJP , (PP infecting (NP (NP patriotic conservatives )NP , (NP pay-as-you-go moderates )NP , and (NP idealistic liberals )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S . )S 18 20 (S (ADVP Thus )ADVP , (ADVP undoubtedly )ADVP (NP it )NP (VP was (ADJP hoped (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the new strain )NP (PP of (NP national service )NP )PP )NP (VP would (VP prove (ADJP contagious )ADJP , (PP infecting (NP (NP patriotic conservatives )NP , (NP pay-as-you-go moderates )NP , and (NP idealistic liberals )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )ADJP )VP . )S 13 19 (S (ADVP Thus )ADVP , (NP undoubtedly it )NP (VP was (VP hoped (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the new strain )NP (PP of (NP national service )NP )PP )NP (VP would (VP prove (ADJP contagious )ADJP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (PP infecting (NP (NP patriotic conservatives )NP , (NP pay-as-you-go moderates )NP , and (NP idealistic liberals )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 15 21 (S (ADVP Thus )ADVP , (ADVP undoubtedly )ADVP (NP it )NP (VP was (VP hoped (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the new strain )NP (PP of (NP national service )NP )PP )NP (VP would (VP prove (S (ADJP contagious )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (PP infecting (NP (NP patriotic conservatives )NP , (NP pay-as-you-go moderates )NP , and (NP idealistic liberals )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 20 21 (S (ADVP Thus )ADVP , (ADVP undoubtedly )ADVP (NP it )NP (VP was (ADJP hoped )ADJP (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the new strain )NP (PP of (NP national service )NP )PP )NP (VP would (VP prove (ADJP contagious )ADJP , (S (VP infecting (NP (NP patriotic conservatives )NP , (NP pay-as-you-go moderates )NP , and (NP idealistic liberals )NP )NP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 18 23 (S (ADVP Thus )ADVP , (ADVP undoubtedly )ADVP (NP it )NP (VP was (VP hoped (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the new strain )NP (PP of (NP national service )NP )PP )NP (VP would (VP prove (ADJP contagious )ADJP , (S (VP infecting (NP patriotic (NX (NX conservatives )NX , (NX pay-as-you-go moderates )NX , and (NX (ADJP idealistic )ADJP liberals )NX )NX )NP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 17 22 (S (ADVP Thus )ADVP , (S (ADVP undoubtedly )ADVP (NP it )NP (VP was (VP hoped (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the new strain )NP (PP of (NP national service )NP )PP )NP (VP would (VP prove (ADJP contagious )ADJP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (S (VP infecting (NP (NP patriotic conservatives )NP , (NP pay-as-you-go moderates )NP , and (NP idealistic liberals )NP )NP )VP )S )VP )VP )S . )S 15 21 (S (ADVP Thus )ADVP , (ADVP undoubtedly )ADVP (NP it )NP (VP was (VP hoped (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the new strain )NP (PP of (NP national service )NP )PP )NP (VP would (VP prove (ADJP contagious )ADJP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (PP infecting (NP (NP patriotic conservatives )NP , (NP pay-as-you-go moderates )NP , and (NP (ADJP idealistic )ADJP liberals )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 15 21 (S (ADVP Thus )ADVP , (ADVP undoubtedly )ADVP (NP it )NP (VP was (VP hoped (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the new strain )NP (PP of (NP national service )NP )PP )NP (VP would (VP prove (ADJP contagious )ADJP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (PP infecting (NP (NP (ADJP patriotic )ADJP conservatives )NP , (NP pay-as-you-go moderates )NP , and (NP idealistic liberals )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 18 19 (S (ADVP Thus )ADVP , undoubtedly (NP it )NP (VP was (VP hoped (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the new strain )NP (PP of (NP national service )NP )PP )NP (VP would (VP prove (ADJP contagious )ADJP , (PP infecting (NP (NP patriotic conservatives )NP , (NP pay-as-you-go moderates )NP , and (NP idealistic liberals )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 14 20 (S (ADVP Thus )ADVP , (NP undoubtedly )NP (NP it )NP (VP was (VP hoped (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the new strain )NP (PP of (NP national service )NP )PP )NP (VP would (VP prove (ADJP contagious )ADJP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (PP infecting (NP (NP patriotic conservatives )NP , (NP pay-as-you-go moderates )NP , and (NP idealistic liberals )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 14 20 (S (INTJ Thus )INTJ , (ADVP undoubtedly )ADVP (NP it )NP (VP was (VP hoped (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the new strain )NP (PP of (NP national service )NP )PP )NP (VP would (VP prove (ADJP contagious )ADJP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (PP infecting (NP (NP patriotic conservatives )NP , (NP pay-as-you-go moderates )NP , and (NP idealistic liberals )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 21 21 (S (ADVP Thus )ADVP , (ADVP undoubtedly )ADVP (NP it )NP (VP was (VP hoped (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the new strain )NP (PP of (NP national service )NP )PP )NP (VP would (VP prove (ADJP contagious )ADJP , (S (VP infecting (NP (NP patriotic conservatives )NP , (NP pay-as-you-go moderates )NP , and (NP idealistic liberals )NP )NP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 17 20 (S (ADVP Thus )ADVP , (ADVP undoubtedly )ADVP (NP it )NP (VP was (VP hoped (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the new strain )NP (PP of (NP national service )NP )PP )NP (VP would (VP (VP prove (ADJP contagious )ADJP )VP , (NP (NP infecting patriotic conservatives )NP , (NP pay-as-you-go moderates )NP , and (NP idealistic liberals )NP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S 16 20 (S (ADVP Thus )ADVP , undoubtedly (NP it )NP (VP was (VP hoped (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the new strain )NP (PP of (NP national service )NP )PP )NP (VP would (VP prove (ADJP contagious )ADJP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (S (VP infecting (NP (NP patriotic conservatives )NP , (NP pay-as-you-go moderates )NP , and (NP idealistic liberals )NP )NP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 50 24 26 (S (NP (NP The Democratic Leadership Council )NP , (NP (NP a centrist group )NP (VP sponsoring (NP the plan )NP )VP )NP , )NP (ADVP surely )ADVP (VP thought (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (VP might (VP help (S (NP the party )NP (VP to (VP attract (NP (NP support )NP (PRN , (PP (ADVP especially )ADVP among (NP (NP college students )NP and (NP their parents )NP )NP )PP )PRN )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 24 26 (S (NP (NP The Democratic Leadership Council )NP , (NP (NP a centrist group )NP (VP sponsoring (NP the plan )NP )VP )NP , )NP (ADVP surely )ADVP (VP thought (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (VP might (VP help (S (NP the party )NP (VP to (VP attract (NP (NP support )NP (PRN , (PP (ADVP especially )ADVP among (NP (NP college students )NP and (NP their parents )NP )NP )PP )PRN )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 24 25 (S (NP (NP The Democratic Leadership Council )NP , (NP (NP a centrist group )NP (VP sponsoring (NP the plan )NP )VP )NP , )NP (ADVP surely )ADVP (VP thought (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (VP might (VP help (S (NP the party )NP (VP to (VP attract (NP (NP support )NP , (PP (ADVP especially )ADVP among (NP (NP college students )NP and (NP their parents )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 24 25 (S (NP (NP The Democratic Leadership Council )NP , (NP (NP a centrist group )NP (VP sponsoring (NP the plan )NP )VP )NP , )NP (ADVP surely )ADVP (VP thought (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (VP might (VP help (S (NP the party )NP (VP to (VP attract (NP (NP support )NP , (PP (ADVP especially )ADVP among (NP (NP college students )NP and (NP their parents )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 22 27 (S (NP The Democratic Leadership )NP (NP (NP Council )NP , (NP (NP a centrist group )NP (VP sponsoring (NP the plan )NP )VP )NP , )NP (ADVP surely )ADVP (VP thought (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (VP might (VP help (S (NP the party )NP (VP to (VP attract (NP (NP support )NP (PRN , (PP (ADVP especially )ADVP among (NP (NP college students )NP and (NP their parents )NP )NP )PP )PRN )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 22 26 (S (NP The Democratic Leadership )NP (NP (NP Council )NP , (NP (NP a centrist group )NP (VP sponsoring (NP the plan )NP )VP )NP , )NP (ADVP surely )ADVP (VP thought (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (VP might (VP help (S (NP the party )NP (VP to (VP attract (NP (NP support )NP , (PP (ADVP especially )ADVP among (NP (NP college students )NP and (NP their parents )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 24 24 (S (NP (NP The Democratic Leadership Council )NP , (NP (NP a centrist group )NP (VP sponsoring (NP the plan )NP )VP )NP , )NP (ADVP surely )ADVP (VP thought (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (VP might (VP help (S (NP the party )NP (VP to (VP attract (NP support )NP , (PP (ADVP especially )ADVP among (NP (NP college students )NP and (NP their parents )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 24 24 (S (NP (NP The Democratic Leadership Council )NP , (NP (NP a centrist group )NP (VP sponsoring (NP the plan )NP )VP )NP , )NP (ADVP surely )ADVP (VP thought (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (VP might (VP help (S (NP the party )NP (VP to (VP attract (NP support )NP , (PP (ADVP especially )ADVP among (NP (NP college students )NP and (NP their parents )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 24 27 (S (NP (NP (NP The Democratic Leadership )NP Council )NP , (NP (NP a centrist group )NP (VP sponsoring (NP the plan )NP )VP )NP , )NP (ADVP surely )ADVP (VP thought (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (VP might (VP help (S (NP the party )NP (VP to (VP attract (NP (NP support )NP (PRN , (PP (ADVP especially )ADVP among (NP (NP college students )NP and (NP their parents )NP )NP )PP )PRN )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 24 26 (S (NP (NP (NP The Democratic Leadership )NP Council )NP , (NP (NP a centrist group )NP (VP sponsoring (NP the plan )NP )VP )NP , )NP (ADVP surely )ADVP (VP thought (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (VP might (VP help (S (NP the party )NP (VP to (VP attract (NP (NP support )NP , (PP (ADVP especially )ADVP among (NP (NP college students )NP and (NP their parents )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 22 25 (S (NP The Democratic Leadership )NP (NP (NP Council )NP , (NP (NP a centrist group )NP (VP sponsoring (NP the plan )NP )VP )NP , )NP (ADVP surely )ADVP (VP thought (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (VP might (VP help (S (NP the party )NP (VP to (VP attract (NP support )NP , (PP (ADVP especially )ADVP among (NP (NP college students )NP and (NP their parents )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 22 25 (S (NP (NP The Democratic Leadership Council )NP , (NP (NP a centrist group )NP (VP sponsoring (NP the plan )NP )VP )NP , )NP (ADVP surely )ADVP (VP thought (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (VP might (VP help (S (NP the party )NP (VP to (VP attract (NP (NP (NP support )NP , (PP (ADVP especially )ADVP among (NP college students )NP )PP )NP and (NP their parents )NP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 22 25 (S (NP (NP The Democratic Leadership Council )NP , (NP (NP a centrist group )NP (VP sponsoring (NP the plan )NP )VP )NP , )NP (ADVP surely )ADVP (VP thought (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (VP might (VP help (S (NP the party )NP (VP to (VP attract (NP (NP (NP support )NP , (PP (ADVP especially )ADVP among (NP college students )NP )PP )NP and (NP their parents )NP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 22 26 (S (NP (NP The Democratic Leadership Council )NP , (NP (NP a centrist group )NP (VP sponsoring (NP the plan )NP )VP )NP , )NP (ADVP surely )ADVP (VP thought (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (VP might (VP help (NP the party (S (VP to (VP attract (NP (NP support )NP (PRN , (PP (ADVP especially )ADVP among (NP (NP college students )NP and (NP their parents )NP )NP )PP )PRN )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 22 26 (S (NP (NP The Democratic Leadership Council )NP , (NP (NP a centrist group )NP (VP sponsoring (NP the plan )NP )VP )NP , )NP (ADVP surely )ADVP (VP thought (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (VP might (VP help (NP the party (S (VP to (VP attract (NP (NP support )NP (PRN , (PP (ADVP especially )ADVP among (NP (NP college students )NP and (NP their parents )NP )NP )PP )PRN )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 22 25 (S (NP (NP The Democratic Leadership Council )NP , (NP (NP a centrist group )NP (VP sponsoring (NP the plan )NP )VP )NP , )NP (ADVP surely )ADVP (VP thought (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (VP might (VP help (NP the party (S (VP to (VP attract (NP (NP support )NP , (PP (ADVP especially )ADVP among (NP (NP college students )NP and (NP their parents )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 21 24 (S (NP (NP The Democratic Leadership Council )NP , (NP (NP a centrist group )NP (VP sponsoring (NP the plan )NP )VP )NP , )NP (ADVP surely )ADVP (VP thought (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (VP might (VP help (S (NP the party )NP (VP to (VP attract (NP support )NP )VP )VP )S , (PP (ADVP especially )ADVP among (NP (NP college students )NP and (NP their parents )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 24 25 (S (NP (NP The Democratic Leadership Council )NP , (NP (NP a centrist group )NP (VP sponsoring (NP the plan )NP )VP )NP , )NP (ADVP surely )ADVP (VP thought (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (VP might (VP help (S (NP the party )NP (VP to (VP attract (NP (NP support )NP (PP , (ADVP especially )ADVP among (NP (NP college students )NP and (NP their parents )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 22 25 (S (NP (NP The Democratic Leadership Council )NP , (NP (NP a centrist group )NP (VP sponsoring (NP the plan )NP )VP )NP , )NP (ADVP surely )ADVP (VP thought (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (VP might (VP help (NP the party (S (VP to (VP attract (NP (NP support )NP , (PP (ADVP especially )ADVP among (NP (NP college students )NP and (NP their parents )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 21 24 (S (NP (NP The Democratic Leadership Council )NP , (NP (NP a centrist group )NP (VP sponsoring (NP the plan )NP )VP )NP , )NP (ADVP surely )ADVP (VP thought (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (VP might (VP help (S (NP the party )NP (VP to (VP attract (NP support )NP )VP )VP )S , (PP (ADVP especially )ADVP among (NP (NP college students )NP and (NP their parents )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 24 25 (S (NP (NP The Democratic Leadership Council )NP , (NP (NP a centrist group )NP (VP sponsoring (NP the plan )NP )VP )NP , )NP (ADVP surely )ADVP (VP thought (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (VP might (VP help (S (NP the party )NP (VP to (VP attract (NP (NP support )NP (PP , (ADVP especially )ADVP among (NP (NP college students )NP and (NP their parents )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 20 26 (S (NP The Democratic Leadership )NP (NP (NP Council )NP , (NP (NP a centrist group )NP (VP sponsoring (NP the plan )NP )VP )NP , )NP (ADVP surely )ADVP (VP thought (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (VP might (VP help (S (NP the party )NP (VP to (VP attract (NP (NP (NP support )NP , (PP (ADVP especially )ADVP among (NP college students )NP )PP )NP and (NP their parents )NP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 20 27 (S (NP The Democratic Leadership )NP (NP (NP Council )NP , (NP (NP a centrist group )NP (VP sponsoring (NP the plan )NP )VP )NP , )NP (ADVP surely )ADVP (VP thought (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (VP might (VP help (NP the party (S (VP to (VP attract (NP (NP support )NP (PRN , (PP (ADVP especially )ADVP among (NP (NP college students )NP and (NP their parents )NP )NP )PP )PRN )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 23 26 (S (NP (NP The Democratic Leadership Council )NP , (NP (NP a centrist group )NP (VP sponsoring (NP the plan )NP )VP )NP , )NP (ADVP surely )ADVP (VP thought (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (VP might (VP help (S (NP the party )NP (VP to (VP attract (NP (NP support )NP (PRN , (ADVP especially )ADVP (PP among (NP (NP college students )NP and (NP their parents )NP )NP )PP )PRN )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 23 26 (S (NP (NP The Democratic Leadership Council )NP , (NP (NP a centrist group )NP (VP sponsoring (NP the plan )NP )VP )NP , )NP (ADVP surely )ADVP (VP thought (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (VP might (VP help (S (NP the party )NP (VP to (VP attract (NP (NP support )NP (PRN , (ADVP especially )ADVP (PP among (NP (NP college students )NP and (NP their parents )NP )NP )PP )PRN )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 20 26 (S (NP The Democratic Leadership )NP (NP (NP Council )NP , (NP (NP a centrist group )NP (VP sponsoring (NP the plan )NP )VP )NP , )NP (ADVP surely )ADVP (VP thought (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (VP might (VP help (NP the party (S (VP to (VP attract (NP (NP support )NP , (PP (ADVP especially )ADVP among (NP (NP college students )NP and (NP their parents )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 19 25 (S (NP The Democratic Leadership )NP (NP (NP Council )NP , (NP (NP a centrist group )NP (VP sponsoring (NP the plan )NP )VP )NP , )NP (ADVP surely )ADVP (VP thought (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (VP might (VP help (S (NP the party )NP (VP to (VP attract (NP support )NP )VP )VP )S , (PP (ADVP especially )ADVP among (NP (NP college students )NP and (NP their parents )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 22 26 (S (NP The Democratic Leadership )NP (NP (NP Council )NP , (NP (NP a centrist group )NP (VP sponsoring (NP the plan )NP )VP )NP , )NP (ADVP surely )ADVP (VP thought (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (VP might (VP help (S (NP the party )NP (VP to (VP attract (NP (NP support )NP (PP , (ADVP especially )ADVP among (NP (NP college students )NP and (NP their parents )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 23 25 (S (NP (NP The Democratic Leadership Council )NP , (NP (NP a centrist group )NP (VP sponsoring (NP the plan )NP )VP )NP , )NP (ADVP surely )ADVP (VP thought (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (VP might (VP help (S (NP the party )NP (VP to (VP attract (NP (NP support )NP (PRN , (PP especially among (NP (NP college students )NP and (NP their parents )NP )NP )PP )PRN )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 23 25 (S (NP (NP The Democratic Leadership Council )NP , (NP (NP a centrist group )NP (VP sponsoring (NP the plan )NP )VP )NP , )NP (ADVP surely )ADVP (VP thought (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (VP might (VP help (S (NP the party )NP (VP to (VP attract (NP (NP support )NP (PRN , (PP especially among (NP (NP college students )NP and (NP their parents )NP )NP )PP )PRN )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 21 27 (S (NP The Democratic Leadership )NP (NP (NP Council )NP , (NP (NP a centrist group )NP (VP sponsoring (NP the plan )NP )VP )NP , )NP (ADVP surely )ADVP (VP thought (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (VP might (VP help (S (NP the party )NP (VP to (VP attract (NP (NP support )NP (PRN , (ADVP especially )ADVP (PP among (NP (NP college students )NP and (NP their parents )NP )NP )PP )PRN )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 23 28 (S (NP (NP The Democratic Leadership Council )NP , (NP (NP a centrist group )NP (VP sponsoring (NP the plan )NP )VP )NP , )NP (ADVP surely )ADVP (VP thought (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (VP might (VP help (NP (NP the party )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP attract (NP (NP support )NP (PRN , (PP (ADVP especially )ADVP among (NP (NP college students )NP and (NP their parents )NP )NP )PP )PRN )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 23 28 (S (NP (NP The Democratic Leadership Council )NP , (NP (NP a centrist group )NP (VP sponsoring (NP the plan )NP )VP )NP , )NP (ADVP surely )ADVP (VP thought (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (VP might (VP help (NP (NP the party )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP attract (NP (NP support )NP (PRN , (PP (ADVP especially )ADVP among (NP (NP college students )NP and (NP their parents )NP )NP )PP )PRN )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 23 27 (S (NP (NP The Democratic Leadership Council )NP , (NP (NP a centrist group )NP (VP sponsoring (NP the plan )NP )VP )NP , )NP (ADVP surely )ADVP (VP thought (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (VP might (VP help (NP (NP the party )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP attract (NP (NP support )NP , (PP (ADVP especially )ADVP among (NP (NP college students )NP and (NP their parents )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 23 27 (S (NP (NP The Democratic Leadership Council )NP , (NP (NP a centrist group )NP (VP sponsoring (NP the plan )NP )VP )NP , )NP (ADVP surely )ADVP (VP thought (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (VP might (VP help (NP (NP the party )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP attract (NP (NP support )NP , (PP (ADVP especially )ADVP among (NP (NP college students )NP and (NP their parents )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 21 26 (S (NP The Democratic Leadership )NP (NP (NP Council )NP , (NP (NP a centrist group )NP (VP sponsoring (NP the plan )NP )VP )NP , )NP (ADVP surely )ADVP (VP thought (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (VP might (VP help (S (NP the party )NP (VP to (VP attract (NP (NP support )NP (PRN , (PP especially among (NP (NP college students )NP and (NP their parents )NP )NP )PP )PRN )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 23 26 (S (NP (NP The Democratic Leadership Council )NP , (NP (NP a centrist group )NP (VP sponsoring (NP the plan )NP )VP )NP , )NP (ADVP surely )ADVP (VP thought (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (VP might (VP help (NP the party )NP (S (VP to (VP attract (NP (NP support )NP (PRN , (PP (ADVP especially )ADVP among (NP (NP college students )NP and (NP their parents )NP )NP )PP )PRN )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 23 26 (S (NP (NP The Democratic Leadership Council )NP , (NP (NP a centrist group )NP (VP sponsoring (NP the plan )NP )VP )NP , )NP (ADVP surely )ADVP (VP thought (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (VP might (VP help (NP the party )NP (S (VP to (VP attract (NP (NP support )NP (PRN , (PP (ADVP especially )ADVP among (NP (NP college students )NP and (NP their parents )NP )NP )PP )PRN )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 23 25 (S (NP (NP The Democratic Leadership Council )NP , (NP (NP a centrist group )NP (VP sponsoring (NP the plan )NP )VP )NP , )NP (ADVP surely )ADVP (VP thought (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (VP might (VP help (NP the party )NP (S (VP to (VP attract (NP (NP support )NP , (PP (ADVP especially )ADVP among (NP (NP college students )NP and (NP their parents )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 21 29 (S (NP The Democratic Leadership )NP (NP (NP Council )NP , (NP (NP a centrist group )NP (VP sponsoring (NP the plan )NP )VP )NP , )NP (ADVP surely )ADVP (VP thought (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (VP might (VP help (NP (NP the party )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP attract (NP (NP support )NP (PRN , (PP (ADVP especially )ADVP among (NP (NP college students )NP and (NP their parents )NP )NP )PP )PRN )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 23 25 (S (NP (NP The Democratic Leadership Council )NP , (NP (NP a centrist group )NP (VP sponsoring (NP the plan )NP )VP )NP , )NP (ADVP surely )ADVP (VP thought (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (VP might (VP help (NP the party )NP (S (VP to (VP attract (NP (NP support )NP , (PP (ADVP especially )ADVP among (NP (NP college students )NP and (NP their parents )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 21 27 (S (NP The Democratic Leadership )NP (ADVP (NP (NP Council )NP , (NP (NP a centrist group )NP (VP sponsoring (NP the plan )NP )VP )NP , )NP surely )ADVP (VP thought (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (VP might (VP help (S (NP the party )NP (VP to (VP attract (NP (NP support )NP (PRN , (PP (ADVP especially )ADVP among (NP (NP college students )NP and (NP their parents )NP )NP )PP )PRN )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 21 28 (S (NP The Democratic Leadership )NP (NP (NP Council )NP , (NP (NP a centrist group )NP (VP sponsoring (NP the plan )NP )VP )NP , )NP (ADVP surely )ADVP (VP thought (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (VP might (VP help (NP (NP the party )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP attract (NP (NP support )NP , (PP (ADVP especially )ADVP among (NP (NP college students )NP and (NP their parents )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 24 27 (S (NP (NP The Democratic Leadership Council )NP , (NP (NP a centrist group )NP (VP sponsoring (NP the plan )NP )VP )NP , )NP (ADVP surely )ADVP (VP thought (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (VP might (VP help (S (NP the party )NP (VP to (VP attract (NP (NP support )NP (PRN , (PP (ADVP especially )ADVP (PP among (NP (NP college students )NP and (NP their parents )NP )NP )PP )PP )PRN )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 23 25 (S (NP (NP The Democratic Leadership Council )NP , (NP (NP a centrist group )NP (VP sponsoring (NP the plan )NP )VP )NP , )NP (ADVP surely )ADVP (VP thought (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (VP might (VP help (S (NP the party )NP (VP to (VP attract (NP (NP support )NP , (PP especially (PP among (NP (NP college students )NP and (NP their parents )NP )NP )PP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 21 26 (S (NP The Democratic Leadership )NP (ADVP (NP (NP Council )NP , (NP (NP a centrist group )NP (VP sponsoring (NP the plan )NP )VP )NP , )NP surely )ADVP (VP thought (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (VP might (VP help (S (NP the party )NP (VP to (VP attract (NP (NP support )NP , (PP (ADVP especially )ADVP among (NP (NP college students )NP and (NP their parents )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 24 27 (S (NP (NP The Democratic Leadership Council )NP , (NP (NP a centrist group )NP (VP sponsoring (NP the plan )NP )VP )NP , )NP (ADVP surely )ADVP (VP thought (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (VP might (VP help (S (NP the party )NP (VP to (VP attract (NP (NP support )NP (PRN , (PP (ADVP especially )ADVP (PP among (NP (NP college students )NP and (NP their parents )NP )NP )PP )PP )PRN )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 23 25 (S (NP (NP The Democratic Leadership Council )NP , (NP (NP a centrist group )NP (VP sponsoring (NP the plan )NP )VP )NP , )NP (ADVP surely )ADVP (VP thought (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (VP might (VP help (S (NP the party )NP (VP to (VP attract (NP (NP support )NP , (PP especially (PP among (NP (NP college students )NP and (NP their parents )NP )NP )PP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 21 27 (S (NP The Democratic Leadership )NP (NP (NP Council )NP , (NP (NP a centrist group )NP (VP sponsoring (NP the plan )NP )VP )NP , )NP (ADVP surely )ADVP (VP thought (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (VP might (VP help (NP the party )NP (S (VP to (VP attract (NP (NP support )NP (PRN , (PP (ADVP especially )ADVP among (NP (NP college students )NP and (NP their parents )NP )NP )PP )PRN )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 21 26 (S (NP The Democratic Leadership )NP (NP (NP Council )NP , (NP (NP a centrist group )NP (VP sponsoring (NP the plan )NP )VP )NP , )NP (ADVP surely )ADVP (VP thought (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (VP might (VP help (NP the party )NP (S (VP to (VP attract (NP (NP support )NP , (PP (ADVP especially )ADVP among (NP (NP college students )NP and (NP their parents )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 50 27 28 (S (NP (NP A provision )NP (VP allowing (S (NP grants )NP (VP to (VP be (VP applied (PP to (NP first-home purchases )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )NP (VP was (VP added (S (VP to (VP appeal (PP to (NP (NP those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP had (VP had (NP (NP enough )NP (PP of (NP schooling )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 27 28 (S (NP (NP A provision )NP (VP allowing (S (NP grants )NP (VP to (VP be (VP applied (PP to (NP first-home purchases )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )NP (VP was (VP added (S (VP to (VP appeal (PP to (NP (NP those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP had (VP had (NP (NP enough )NP (PP of (NP schooling )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 27 28 (S (NP (NP A provision )NP (VP allowing (NP grants (S (VP to (VP be (VP applied (PP to (NP first-home purchases )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )NP (VP was (VP added (S (VP to (VP appeal (PP to (NP (NP those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP had (VP had (NP (NP enough )NP (PP of (NP schooling )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 27 28 (S (NP (NP A provision )NP (VP allowing (S (NP grants )NP (VP to (VP be (VP applied (PP to (NP first-home purchases )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )NP (VP was (VP added (S (VP to (VP appeal (PP to (NP (NP those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP had (VP had (NP (NP enough )NP (PP of (NP schooling )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 28 30 (S (NP (NP A provision )NP (VP allowing (NP (NP grants )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP be (VP applied (PP to (NP first-home purchases )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )NP (VP was (VP added (S (VP to (VP appeal (PP to (NP (NP those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP had (VP had (NP (NP enough )NP (PP of (NP schooling )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 27 28 (S (NP (NP A provision )NP (VP allowing (NP grants (S (VP to (VP be (VP applied (PP to (NP first-home purchases )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )NP (VP was (VP added (S (VP to (VP appeal (PP to (NP (NP those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP had (VP had (NP (NP enough )NP (PP of (NP schooling )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 28 28 (S (NP (NP A provision )NP (VP allowing (NP grants )NP (S (VP to (VP be (VP applied (PP to (NP first-home purchases )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )NP (VP was (VP added (S (VP to (VP appeal (PP to (NP (NP those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP had (VP had (NP (NP enough )NP (PP of (NP schooling )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 28 30 (S (NP (NP A provision )NP (VP allowing (NP (NP grants )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP be (VP applied (PP to (NP first-home purchases )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )NP (VP was (VP added (S (VP to (VP appeal (PP to (NP (NP those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP had (VP had (NP (NP enough )NP (PP of (NP schooling )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 28 28 (S (NP (NP A provision )NP (VP allowing (NP grants )NP (S (VP to (VP be (VP applied (PP to (NP first-home purchases )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )NP (VP was (VP added (S (VP to (VP appeal (PP to (NP (NP those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP had (VP had (NP (NP enough )NP (PP of (NP schooling )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 24 27 (S (NP (NP A provision )NP (VP allowing (S (NP grants )NP (VP to (VP be (VP applied (PP to (NP first-home purchases )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )NP (VP was (VP added (PP to (NP appeal )NP )PP (PP to (NP (NP those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP had (VP had (NP (NP enough )NP (PP of (NP schooling )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 24 28 (S (NP (NP A provision )NP (VP allowing (S (NP grants )NP (VP to (VP be (VP applied (PP to (NP first-home purchases )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )NP (VP was (VP added (PP to (NP (NP appeal )NP (PP to (NP (NP those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP had (VP had (NP (NP enough )NP (PP of (NP schooling )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 27 28 (S (NP (NP A provision )NP (VP allowing (NP grants (S (VP to (VP be (VP applied (PP to (NP first-home purchases )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )NP (VP was (VP added (S (VP to (VP appeal (PP to (NP (NP those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP had (VP had (NP (NP enough )NP (PP of (NP schooling )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 25 27 (S (NP (NP A provision )NP (VP allowing (S (NP grants )NP (VP to (VP be (VP applied (PP to (NP first-home purchases )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )NP (VP was (VP added (S (VP to (VP appeal (PP to (NP (NP those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP had (VP had (ADJP enough (PP of (NP schooling )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 24 27 (S (NP (NP A provision )NP (VP allowing (S (NP grants )NP (VP to (VP be (VP applied (PP to (NP first-home purchases )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )NP (VP was (VP added (PP to (NP appeal )NP )PP (PP to (NP (NP those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP had (VP had (NP (NP enough )NP (PP of (NP schooling )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 24 28 (S (NP (NP A provision )NP (VP allowing (S (NP grants )NP (VP to (VP be (VP applied (PP to (NP first-home purchases )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )NP (VP was (VP added (PP to (NP (NP appeal )NP (PP to (NP (NP those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP had (VP had (NP (NP enough )NP (PP of (NP schooling )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 24 28 (S (NP (NP A provision )NP (VP allowing (S (NP grants )NP (VP to (VP be (VP applied (PP to (NP first-home purchases )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )NP (VP was (VP added (S (VP to (VP appeal )VP )VP )S (PP to (NP (NP those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP had (VP had (NP (NP enough )NP (PP of (NP schooling )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 28 30 (S (NP (NP A provision )NP (VP allowing (NP (NP grants )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP be (VP applied (PP to (NP first-home purchases )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )NP (VP was (VP added (S (VP to (VP appeal (PP to (NP (NP those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP had (VP had (NP (NP enough )NP (PP of (NP schooling )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 25 27 (S (NP (NP A provision )NP (VP allowing (S (NP grants )NP (VP to (VP be (VP applied (PP to (NP first-home purchases )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )NP (VP was (VP added (S (VP to (VP appeal (PP to (NP (NP those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP had (VP had (ADJP enough (PP of (NP schooling )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 28 28 (S (NP (NP A provision )NP (VP allowing (NP grants )NP (S (VP to (VP be (VP applied (PP to (NP first-home purchases )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )NP (VP was (VP added (S (VP to (VP appeal (PP to (NP (NP those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP had (VP had (NP (NP enough )NP (PP of (NP schooling )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 27 29 (S (NP (NP A provision )NP (VP allowing (S (VP grants (S (VP to (VP be (VP applied (PP to (NP first-home purchases )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )VP )NP (VP was (VP added (S (VP to (VP appeal (PP to (NP (NP those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP had (VP had (NP (NP enough )NP (PP of (NP schooling )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 24 27 (S (NP (NP A provision )NP (VP allowing (NP grants (S (VP to (VP be (VP applied (PP to (NP first-home purchases )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )NP (VP was (VP added (PP to (NP appeal )NP )PP (PP to (NP (NP those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP had (VP had (NP (NP enough )NP (PP of (NP schooling )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 24 28 (S (NP (NP A provision )NP (VP allowing (NP grants (S (VP to (VP be (VP applied (PP to (NP first-home purchases )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )NP (VP was (VP added (PP to (NP (NP appeal )NP (PP to (NP (NP those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP had (VP had (NP (NP enough )NP (PP of (NP schooling )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 26 28 (S (NP (NP A provision )NP (VP allowing (S (NP grants )NP (VP to (VP be (VP applied (PP to (NP first-home purchases )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )NP (VP was (ADJP added (S (VP to (VP appeal (PP to (NP (NP those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP had (VP had (NP (NP enough )NP (PP of (NP schooling )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP . )S 26 27 (S (NP (NP A provision )NP (VP allowing (S (NP grants )NP (VP to (VP be (VP applied (PP to (NP first-home purchases )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )NP (VP was (VP added (S (VP to (VP appeal (PP to (NP (NP those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP had (VP had (NP enough )NP (PP of (NP schooling )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 20 27 (S (NP (NP A provision )NP (VP allowing (S (NP grants )NP (VP to (VP be (VP applied (PP to (NP first-home purchases )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )NP (VP was (VP added (S (VP to (VP appeal (PP to (NP (NP those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP had (VP had (NP enough )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP (PP of (NP schooling )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 24 28 (S (NP (NP A provision )NP (VP allowing (S (NP grants )NP (VP to (VP be (VP applied (PP to (NP first-home purchases )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )NP (VP was (VP added (S (VP to (VP appeal )VP )VP )S (PP to (NP (NP those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP had (VP had (NP (NP enough )NP (PP of (NP schooling )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 25 27 (S (NP (NP A provision )NP (VP allowing (NP grants (S (VP to (VP be (VP applied (PP to (NP first-home purchases )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )NP (VP was (VP added (S (VP to (VP appeal (PP to (NP (NP those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP had (VP had (ADJP enough (PP of (NP schooling )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 24 27 (S (NP (NP A provision )NP (VP allowing (S (NP grants )NP (VP to (VP be (VP applied (PP to (NP first-home purchases )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )NP (VP was (VP added (PP to (NP appeal )NP )PP (PP to (NP (NP those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP had (VP had (NP (NP enough )NP (PP of (NP schooling )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 27 29 (S (NP (NP A provision )NP (VP allowing (NP grants (SBAR (S (VP to (VP be (VP applied (PP to (NP first-home purchases )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )NP (VP was (VP added (S (VP to (VP appeal (PP to (NP (NP those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP had (VP had (NP (NP enough )NP (PP of (NP schooling )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 25 29 (S (NP (NP A provision )NP (VP allowing (NP (NP grants )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP be (VP applied (PP to (NP first-home purchases )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )NP (VP was (VP added (PP to (NP appeal )NP )PP (PP to (NP (NP those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP had (VP had (NP (NP enough )NP (PP of (NP schooling )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 24 28 (S (NP (NP A provision )NP (VP allowing (S (NP grants )NP (VP to (VP be (VP applied (PP to (NP first-home purchases )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )NP (VP was (VP added (PP to (NP (NP appeal )NP (PP to (NP (NP those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP had (VP had (NP (NP enough )NP (PP of (NP schooling )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 27 29 (S (NP (NP A provision )NP (VP allowing (S (VP grants (S (VP to (VP be (VP applied (PP to (NP first-home purchases )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )VP )NP (VP was (VP added (S (VP to (VP appeal (PP to (NP (NP those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP had (VP had (NP (NP enough )NP (PP of (NP schooling )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 24 27 (S (NP (NP A provision )NP (VP allowing (NP grants (S (VP to (VP be (VP applied (PP to (NP first-home purchases )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )NP (VP was (VP added (PP to (NP appeal )NP )PP (PP to (NP (NP those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP had (VP had (NP (NP enough )NP (PP of (NP schooling )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 24 27 (S (NP (NP A provision )NP (VP allowing (S (NP grants )NP (VP to (VP be (VP applied (PP to (NP first-home purchases )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )NP (VP was (VP added (PP to (NP appeal )NP (PP to (NP (NP those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP had (VP had (NP (NP enough )NP (PP of (NP schooling )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP . )S 25 30 (S (NP (NP A provision )NP (VP allowing (NP (NP grants )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP be (VP applied (PP to (NP first-home purchases )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )NP (VP was (VP added (PP to (NP (NP appeal )NP (PP to (NP (NP those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP had (VP had (NP (NP enough )NP (PP of (NP schooling )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 24 28 (S (NP (NP A provision )NP (VP allowing (NP grants (S (VP to (VP be (VP applied (PP to (NP first-home purchases )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )NP (VP was (VP added (PP to (NP (NP appeal )NP (PP to (NP (NP those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP had (VP had (NP (NP enough )NP (PP of (NP schooling )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 26 28 (S (NP (NP A provision )NP (VP allowing (S (NP grants )NP (VP to (VP be (VP applied (PP to (NP first-home purchases )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )NP (VP was (ADJP added (S (VP to (VP appeal (PP to (NP (NP those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP had (VP had (NP (NP enough )NP (PP of (NP schooling )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP . )S 26 27 (S (NP (NP A provision )NP (VP allowing (S (NP grants )NP (VP to (VP be (VP applied (PP to (NP first-home purchases )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )NP (VP was (VP added (S (VP to (VP appeal (PP to (NP (NP those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP had (VP had (NP enough )NP (PP of (NP schooling )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 24 28 (S (NP (NP A provision )NP (VP allowing (NP grants (S (VP to (VP be (VP applied (PP to (NP first-home purchases )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )NP (VP was (VP added (S (VP to (VP appeal )VP )VP )S (PP to (NP (NP those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP had (VP had (NP (NP enough )NP (PP of (NP schooling )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 20 27 (S (NP (NP A provision )NP (VP allowing (S (NP grants )NP (VP to (VP be (VP applied (PP to (NP first-home purchases )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )NP (VP was (VP added (S (VP to (VP appeal (PP to (NP (NP those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP had (VP had (NP enough )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP (PP of (NP schooling )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 25 27 (S (NP (NP A provision )NP (VP allowing (NP grants )NP (S (VP to (VP be (VP applied (PP to (NP first-home purchases )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )NP (VP was (VP added (PP to (NP appeal )NP )PP (PP to (NP (NP those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP had (VP had (NP (NP enough )NP (PP of (NP schooling )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 26 28 (S (NP (NP A provision )NP (VP allowing (S (NP grants )NP (VP to (VP be (VP applied (PP to (NP first-home purchases )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )NP (VP was (ADJP added (S (VP to (VP appeal (PP to (NP (NP those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP had (VP had (NP (NP enough )NP (PP of (NP schooling )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP . )S 25 28 (S (NP (NP A provision )NP (VP allowing (NP grants )NP (S (VP to (VP be (VP applied (PP to (NP first-home purchases )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )NP (VP was (VP added (PP to (NP (NP appeal )NP (PP to (NP (NP those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP had (VP had (NP (NP enough )NP (PP of (NP schooling )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 25 27 (S (NP (NP A provision )NP (VP allowing (NP grants (S (VP to (VP be (VP applied (PP to (NP first-home purchases )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )NP (VP was (VP added (S (VP to (VP appeal (PP to (NP (NP those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP had (VP had (ADJP enough (PP of (NP schooling )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 24 28 (S (NP (NP A provision )NP (VP allowing (S (NP grants )NP (VP to (VP be (VP applied (PP to (NP first-home purchases )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )NP (VP was (VP added (PP (PP to (NP appeal )NP )PP (PP to (NP (NP those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP had (VP had (NP (NP enough )NP (PP of (NP schooling )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP . )S 26 29 (S (NP (NP A provision )NP (VP allowing (NP (NP grants )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP be (VP applied (PP to (NP first-home purchases )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )NP (VP was (VP added (S (VP to (VP appeal (PP to (NP (NP those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP had (VP had (ADJP enough (PP of (NP schooling )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 25 28 (S (NP (NP A provision )NP (VP allowing (S (NP grants )NP (VP to (VP be (VP applied (PP to (NP first-home purchases )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )NP (VP was (VP added (S (VP to (VP appeal (PP to (NP (NP those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP had (VP had (ADJP (ADJP enough )ADJP (PP of (NP schooling )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 27 29 (S (NP (NP A provision )NP (VP allowing (NP grants (SBAR (S (VP to (VP be (VP applied (PP to (NP first-home purchases )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )NP (VP was (VP added (S (VP to (VP appeal (PP to (NP (NP those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP had (VP had (NP (NP enough )NP (PP of (NP schooling )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 25 29 (S (NP (NP A provision )NP (VP allowing (NP (NP grants )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP be (VP applied (PP to (NP first-home purchases )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )NP (VP was (VP added (PP to (NP appeal )NP )PP (PP to (NP (NP those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP had (VP had (NP (NP enough )NP (PP of (NP schooling )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S 26 27 (S (NP (NP A provision )NP (VP allowing (NP grants )NP (S (VP to (VP be (VP applied (PP to (NP first-home purchases )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )NP (VP was (VP added (S (VP to (VP appeal (PP to (NP (NP those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP had (VP had (ADJP enough (PP of (NP schooling )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 50 16 23 (S (NP The DLC plan )NP (VP envisaged (S `` (NP volunteers )NP '' (VP (VP (VP planting (NP trees )NP )VP , (VP emptying (NP bedpans )NP )VP , (VP tutoring (NP children )NP )VP , and (VP assisting (NP (NP librarians )NP (PP for (NP (NP $ 100 )NP (NP a week )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP , (NP (NP tax free )NP , plus (NP medical care )NP )NP )VP )S )VP . )S 15 23 (S (NP The DLC plan )NP (VP envisaged `` (NP volunteers )NP '' (S (VP (VP (VP planting (NP trees )NP )VP , (VP emptying (NP bedpans )NP )VP , (VP tutoring (NP children )NP )VP , and (VP assisting (NP (NP librarians )NP (PP for (NP (NP $ 100 )NP (NP a week )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP , (NP (NP tax free )NP , plus (NP medical care )NP )NP )VP )S )VP . )S 16 22 (S (NP The DLC plan )NP (VP envisaged (S `` (NP volunteers )NP '' (VP (VP (VP planting (NP trees )NP )VP , (VP emptying (NP bedpans )NP )VP , (VP tutoring (NP children )NP )VP , and (VP assisting (NP librarians )NP (PP for (NP (NP $ 100 )NP (NP a week )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP , (NP (NP tax free )NP , plus (NP medical care )NP )NP )VP )S )VP . )S 15 22 (S (NP The DLC plan )NP (VP envisaged `` (NP volunteers )NP '' (S (VP (VP (VP planting (NP trees )NP )VP , (VP emptying (NP bedpans )NP )VP , (VP tutoring (NP children )NP )VP , and (VP assisting (NP librarians )NP (PP for (NP (NP $ 100 )NP (NP a week )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP , (NP (NP tax free )NP , plus (NP medical care )NP )NP )VP )S )VP . )S 16 22 (S (NP The DLC plan )NP (VP envisaged (S `` (NP volunteers )NP '' (VP (VP planting (NP trees )NP )VP , (VP emptying (NP bedpans )NP )VP , (VP tutoring (NP children )NP )VP , and (VP assisting (NP (NP (NP librarians )NP (PP for (NP (NP $ 100 )NP (NP a week )NP )NP )PP )NP , (NP tax free )NP , plus (NP medical care )NP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 15 22 (S (NP The DLC plan )NP (VP envisaged `` (NP volunteers )NP '' (S (VP (VP planting (NP trees )NP )VP , (VP emptying (NP bedpans )NP )VP , (VP tutoring (NP children )NP )VP , and (VP assisting (NP (NP (NP librarians )NP (PP for (NP (NP $ 100 )NP (NP a week )NP )NP )PP )NP , (NP tax free )NP , plus (NP medical care )NP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 15 22 (S (NP The DLC plan )NP (VP envisaged (NP (NP (NP `` volunteers '' )NP (VP (VP planting (NP trees )NP )VP , (VP emptying (NP bedpans )NP )VP , (VP tutoring (NP children )NP )VP , and (VP assisting (NP (NP librarians )NP (PP for (NP (NP $ 100 )NP (NP a week )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP , (ADJP tax free )ADJP , )NP plus (NP medical care )NP )NP )VP . )S 18 23 (S (NP The DLC plan )NP (VP envisaged (S `` (NP volunteers )NP '' (VP (VP planting (NP trees )NP )VP , (VP emptying (NP bedpans )NP )VP , (VP tutoring (NP children )NP )VP , and (VP assisting (NP (NP (NP librarians )NP (PP for (NP (NP (NP $ 100 )NP (NP a week )NP )NP , (ADJP tax free )ADJP , )NP )PP )NP plus (NP medical care )NP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 17 23 (S (NP The DLC plan )NP (VP envisaged `` (NP volunteers )NP '' (S (VP (VP planting (NP trees )NP )VP , (VP emptying (NP bedpans )NP )VP , (VP tutoring (NP children )NP )VP , and (VP assisting (NP (NP (NP librarians )NP (PP for (NP (NP (NP $ 100 )NP (NP a week )NP )NP , (ADJP tax free )ADJP , )NP )PP )NP plus (NP medical care )NP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 15 22 (S (NP The DLC plan )NP (VP envisaged (NP (NP `` (NP volunteers )NP '' (VP (VP planting (NP trees )NP )VP , (VP emptying (NP bedpans )NP )VP , (VP tutoring (NP children )NP )VP , and (VP assisting (NP (NP librarians )NP (PP for (NP (NP $ 100 )NP (NP a week )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP , (ADJP tax free )ADJP , )NP plus (NP medical care )NP )NP )VP . )S 15 21 (S (NP The DLC plan )NP (VP envisaged (NP (NP (NP `` volunteers '' )NP (VP (VP planting (NP trees )NP )VP , (VP emptying (NP bedpans )NP )VP , (VP tutoring (NP children )NP )VP , and (VP assisting (NP librarians )NP (PP for (NP (NP $ 100 )NP (NP a week )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP , (ADJP tax free )ADJP , )NP plus (NP medical care )NP )NP )VP . )S 13 23 (S (NP The DLC plan )NP (VP envisaged (NP `` (NP volunteers )NP '' (PP planting (NP trees )NP )PP )NP , (S (VP (VP emptying (NP bedpans )NP )VP , (VP tutoring (NP children )NP )VP , and (VP assisting (NP (NP (NP librarians )NP (PP for (NP (NP $ 100 )NP (NP a week )NP )NP )PP )NP , (NP tax free )NP , plus (NP medical care )NP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 15 23 (S (NP The DLC plan )NP (VP envisaged (NP `` (NP volunteers )NP '' (VP (VP (VP planting (NP trees )NP )VP , (VP emptying (NP bedpans )NP )VP , (VP tutoring (NP children )NP )VP , and (VP assisting (NP (NP librarians )NP (PP for (NP (NP $ 100 )NP (NP a week )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP , (NP (NP tax free )NP , plus (NP medical care )NP )NP )VP )NP )VP . )S 15 23 (S (NP The DLC plan )NP (VP envisaged (NP (NP `` volunteers '' )NP (VP (VP (VP planting (NP trees )NP )VP , (VP emptying (NP bedpans )NP )VP , (VP tutoring (NP children )NP )VP , and (VP assisting (NP (NP librarians )NP (PP for (NP (NP $ 100 )NP (NP a week )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP , (NP (NP tax free )NP , plus (NP medical care )NP )NP )VP )NP )VP . )S 15 24 (S (NP The DLC plan )NP (VP envisaged (NP `` (NP volunteers )NP '' (PP planting (NP trees )NP )PP )NP , (S (VP (VP emptying (NP bedpans )NP )VP , (VP tutoring (NP children )NP )VP , and (VP assisting (NP (NP (NP librarians )NP (PP for (NP (NP (NP $ 100 )NP (NP a week )NP )NP , (ADJP tax free )ADJP , )NP )PP )NP plus (NP medical care )NP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 17 25 (S (NP The DLC plan )NP (VP envisaged (S `` (NP volunteers )NP '' (VP (VP (VP planting (NP trees )NP )VP , (VP emptying (NP bedpans )NP )VP , (VP tutoring (NP children )NP )VP , and (VP assisting (NP (NP librarians )NP (PP for (NP (NP $ 100 )NP (NP a week )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP , (NP (NP (NP tax )NP (ADVP free )ADVP )NP , plus (NP medical care )NP )NP )VP )S )VP . )S 11 20 (S (NP The DLC plan )NP (VP envisaged (NP `` volunteers '' planting trees )NP , (S (VP (VP emptying (NP bedpans )NP )VP , (VP tutoring (NP children )NP )VP , and (VP assisting (NP (NP (NP librarians )NP (PP for (NP (NP $ 100 )NP (NP a week )NP )NP )PP )NP , (NP tax free )NP , plus (NP medical care )NP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 16 25 (S (NP The DLC plan )NP (VP envisaged `` (NP volunteers )NP '' (S (VP (VP (VP planting (NP trees )NP )VP , (VP emptying (NP bedpans )NP )VP , (VP tutoring (NP children )NP )VP , and (VP assisting (NP (NP librarians )NP (PP for (NP (NP $ 100 )NP (NP a week )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP , (NP (NP (NP tax )NP (ADVP free )ADVP )NP , plus (NP medical care )NP )NP )VP )S )VP . )S 15 21 (S (NP The DLC plan )NP (VP envisaged (NP (NP `` (NP volunteers )NP '' (VP (VP planting (NP trees )NP )VP , (VP emptying (NP bedpans )NP )VP , (VP tutoring (NP children )NP )VP , and (VP assisting (NP librarians )NP (PP for (NP (NP $ 100 )NP (NP a week )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP , (ADJP tax free )ADJP , )NP plus (NP medical care )NP )NP )VP . )S 13 21 (S (NP The DLC plan )NP (VP envisaged (NP `` volunteers '' planting trees )NP , (S (VP (VP emptying (NP bedpans )NP )VP , (VP tutoring (NP children )NP )VP , and (VP assisting (NP (NP (NP librarians )NP (PP for (NP (NP (NP $ 100 )NP (NP a week )NP )NP , (ADJP tax free )ADJP , )NP )PP )NP plus (NP medical care )NP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 15 22 (S (NP The DLC plan )NP (VP envisaged (NP `` (NP volunteers )NP '' (VP (VP (VP planting (NP trees )NP )VP , (VP emptying (NP bedpans )NP )VP , (VP tutoring (NP children )NP )VP , and (VP assisting (NP librarians )NP (PP for (NP (NP $ 100 )NP (NP a week )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP , (NP (NP tax free )NP , plus (NP medical care )NP )NP )VP )NP )VP . )S 15 22 (S (NP The DLC plan )NP (VP envisaged (NP (NP `` volunteers '' )NP (VP (VP (VP planting (NP trees )NP )VP , (VP emptying (NP bedpans )NP )VP , (VP tutoring (NP children )NP )VP , and (VP assisting (NP librarians )NP (PP for (NP (NP $ 100 )NP (NP a week )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP , (NP (NP tax free )NP , plus (NP medical care )NP )NP )VP )NP )VP . )S 17 24 (S (NP The DLC plan )NP (VP envisaged (S `` (NP volunteers )NP '' (VP (VP (VP planting (NP trees )NP )VP , (VP emptying (NP bedpans )NP )VP , (VP tutoring (NP children )NP )VP , and (VP assisting (NP librarians )NP (PP for (NP (NP $ 100 )NP (NP a week )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP , (NP (NP (NP tax )NP (ADVP free )ADVP )NP , plus (NP medical care )NP )NP )VP )S )VP . )S 16 24 (S (NP The DLC plan )NP (VP envisaged `` (NP volunteers )NP '' (S (VP (VP (VP planting (NP trees )NP )VP , (VP emptying (NP bedpans )NP )VP , (VP tutoring (NP children )NP )VP , and (VP assisting (NP librarians )NP (PP for (NP (NP $ 100 )NP (NP a week )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP , (NP (NP (NP tax )NP (ADVP free )ADVP )NP , plus (NP medical care )NP )NP )VP )S )VP . )S 17 24 (S (NP The DLC plan )NP (VP envisaged (S `` (NP volunteers )NP '' (VP (VP planting (NP trees )NP )VP , (VP emptying (NP bedpans )NP )VP , (VP tutoring (NP children )NP )VP , and (VP assisting (NP (NP (NP librarians )NP (PP for (NP (NP $ 100 )NP (NP a week )NP )NP )PP )NP , (NP (NP tax )NP (ADVP free )ADVP )NP , plus (NP medical care )NP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 16 24 (S (NP The DLC plan )NP (VP envisaged `` (NP volunteers )NP '' (S (VP (VP planting (NP trees )NP )VP , (VP emptying (NP bedpans )NP )VP , (VP tutoring (NP children )NP )VP , and (VP assisting (NP (NP (NP librarians )NP (PP for (NP (NP $ 100 )NP (NP a week )NP )NP )PP )NP , (NP (NP tax )NP (ADVP free )ADVP )NP , plus (NP medical care )NP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 14 23 (S (NP The DLC plan )NP (VP envisaged (NP `` (NP volunteers )NP '' (VP planting (NP trees )NP )VP )NP , (S (VP (VP emptying (NP bedpans )NP )VP , (VP tutoring (NP children )NP )VP , and (VP assisting (NP (NP (NP librarians )NP (PP for (NP (NP $ 100 )NP (NP a week )NP )NP )PP )NP , (NP tax free )NP , plus (NP medical care )NP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 14 23 (S (NP The DLC plan )NP (VP envisaged (NP (NP `` volunteers '' )NP (VP planting (NP trees )NP )VP )NP , (S (VP (VP emptying (NP bedpans )NP )VP , (VP tutoring (NP children )NP )VP , and (VP assisting (NP (NP (NP librarians )NP (PP for (NP (NP $ 100 )NP (NP a week )NP )NP )PP )NP , (NP tax free )NP , plus (NP medical care )NP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 14 23 (S (NP The DLC plan )NP (VP envisaged (NP (NP (NP `` volunteers '' (S (VP (VP planting (NP trees )NP )VP , (VP emptying (NP bedpans )NP )VP , (VP tutoring (NP children )NP )VP , and (VP assisting (NP (NP librarians )NP (PP for (NP (NP $ 100 )NP (NP a week )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )NP , (ADJP tax free )ADJP , )NP plus (NP medical care )NP )NP )VP . )S 16 24 (S (NP The DLC plan )NP (VP envisaged (NP `` (NP volunteers )NP '' (VP planting (NP trees )NP )VP )NP , (S (VP (VP emptying (NP bedpans )NP )VP , (VP tutoring (NP children )NP )VP , and (VP assisting (NP (NP (NP librarians )NP (PP for (NP (NP (NP $ 100 )NP (NP a week )NP )NP , (ADJP tax free )ADJP , )NP )PP )NP plus (NP medical care )NP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 16 24 (S (NP The DLC plan )NP (VP envisaged (NP (NP `` volunteers '' )NP (VP planting (NP trees )NP )VP )NP , (S (VP (VP emptying (NP bedpans )NP )VP , (VP tutoring (NP children )NP )VP , and (VP assisting (NP (NP (NP librarians )NP (PP for (NP (NP (NP $ 100 )NP (NP a week )NP )NP , (ADJP tax free )ADJP , )NP )PP )NP plus (NP medical care )NP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 19 23 (S (NP The DLC plan )NP (VP envisaged (S `` (NP volunteers )NP '' (VP (VP planting (NP trees )NP )VP , (VP emptying (NP bedpans )NP )VP , (VP tutoring (NP children )NP )VP , and (VP assisting (NP (NP librarians )NP (PP for (NP (NP (NP $ 100 )NP (NP a week )NP )NP , (ADJP tax free )ADJP , (PP plus (NP medical care )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 18 23 (S (NP The DLC plan )NP (VP envisaged `` (NP volunteers )NP '' (S (VP (VP planting (NP trees )NP )VP , (VP emptying (NP bedpans )NP )VP , (VP tutoring (NP children )NP )VP , and (VP assisting (NP (NP librarians )NP (PP for (NP (NP (NP $ 100 )NP (NP a week )NP )NP , (ADJP tax free )ADJP , (PP plus (NP medical care )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 14 25 (S (NP The DLC plan )NP (VP envisaged (NP `` (NP volunteers )NP '' (PP planting (NP trees )NP )PP )NP , (S (VP (VP emptying (NP bedpans )NP )VP , (VP tutoring (NP children )NP )VP , and (VP assisting (NP (NP (NP librarians )NP (PP for (NP (NP $ 100 )NP (NP a week )NP )NP )PP )NP , (NP (NP tax )NP (ADVP free )ADVP )NP , plus (NP medical care )NP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 16 25 (S (NP The DLC plan )NP (VP envisaged (NP `` (NP volunteers )NP '' (VP (VP (VP planting (NP trees )NP )VP , (VP emptying (NP bedpans )NP )VP , (VP tutoring (NP children )NP )VP , and (VP assisting (NP (NP librarians )NP (PP for (NP (NP $ 100 )NP (NP a week )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP , (NP (NP (NP tax )NP (ADVP free )ADVP )NP , plus (NP medical care )NP )NP )VP )NP )VP . )S 16 25 (S (NP The DLC plan )NP (VP envisaged (NP (NP `` volunteers '' )NP (VP (VP (VP planting (NP trees )NP )VP , (VP emptying (NP bedpans )NP )VP , (VP tutoring (NP children )NP )VP , and (VP assisting (NP (NP librarians )NP (PP for (NP (NP $ 100 )NP (NP a week )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP , (NP (NP (NP tax )NP (ADVP free )ADVP )NP , plus (NP medical care )NP )NP )VP )NP )VP . )S 15 22 (S (NP The DLC plan )NP (VP envisaged (NP `` (NP volunteers )NP '' (VP (VP planting (NP trees )NP )VP , (VP emptying (NP bedpans )NP )VP , (VP tutoring (NP children )NP )VP , and (VP assisting (NP (NP (NP librarians )NP (PP for (NP (NP $ 100 )NP (NP a week )NP )NP )PP )NP , (NP tax free )NP , plus (NP medical care )NP )NP )VP )VP )NP )VP . )S 15 22 (S (NP The DLC plan )NP (VP envisaged (NP (NP `` volunteers '' )NP (VP (VP planting (NP trees )NP )VP , (VP emptying (NP bedpans )NP )VP , (VP tutoring (NP children )NP )VP , and (VP assisting (NP (NP (NP librarians )NP (PP for (NP (NP $ 100 )NP (NP a week )NP )NP )PP )NP , (NP tax free )NP , plus (NP medical care )NP )NP )VP )VP )NP )VP . )S 14 22 (S (NP The DLC plan )NP (VP envisaged (NP (NP (NP `` volunteers '' (S (VP (VP planting (NP trees )NP )VP , (VP emptying (NP bedpans )NP )VP , (VP tutoring (NP children )NP )VP , and (VP assisting (NP librarians )NP (PP for (NP (NP $ 100 )NP (NP a week )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )NP , (ADJP tax free )ADJP , )NP plus (NP medical care )NP )NP )VP . )S 15 22 (S (NP The DLC plan )NP (VP envisaged (NP (NP `` (NP volunteers )NP '' (VP (VP planting (NP trees )NP )VP , (VP emptying (NP bedpans )NP )VP , (VP tutoring (NP children )NP )VP , and (VP assisting (NP (NP librarians )NP (PP for (NP (NP $ 100 )NP (NP a week )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )NP , (ADJP tax free )ADJP , plus (NP medical care )NP )NP )VP . )S 14 23 (S (NP The DLC plan )NP (VP (VP envisaged (S `` (NP volunteers )NP '' (VP (VP planting (NP trees )NP )VP , (VP emptying (NP bedpans )NP )VP , (VP tutoring (NP children )NP )VP , and (VP assisting (NP (NP librarians )NP (PP for (NP (NP $ 100 )NP (NP a week )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP , (NP (NP tax free )NP , plus (NP medical care )NP )NP )VP . )S 12 22 (S (NP The DLC plan )NP (VP envisaged (NP `` volunteers '' planting trees )NP , (S (VP (VP emptying (NP bedpans )NP )VP , (VP tutoring (NP children )NP )VP , and (VP assisting (NP (NP (NP librarians )NP (PP for (NP (NP $ 100 )NP (NP a week )NP )NP )PP )NP , (NP (NP tax )NP (ADVP free )ADVP )NP , plus (NP medical care )NP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 17 23 (S (NP The DLC plan )NP (VP envisaged (NP `` (NP volunteers )NP '' (VP (VP planting (NP trees )NP )VP , (VP emptying (NP bedpans )NP )VP , (VP tutoring (NP children )NP )VP , and (VP assisting (NP (NP (NP librarians )NP (PP for (NP (NP (NP $ 100 )NP (NP a week )NP )NP , (ADJP tax free )ADJP , )NP )PP )NP plus (NP medical care )NP )NP )VP )VP )NP )VP . )S 17 23 (S (NP The DLC plan )NP (VP envisaged (NP (NP `` volunteers '' )NP (VP (VP planting (NP trees )NP )VP , (VP emptying (NP bedpans )NP )VP , (VP tutoring (NP children )NP )VP , and (VP assisting (NP (NP (NP librarians )NP (PP for (NP (NP (NP $ 100 )NP (NP a week )NP )NP , (ADJP tax free )ADJP , )NP )PP )NP plus (NP medical care )NP )NP )VP )VP )NP )VP . )S 16 24 (S (NP The DLC plan )NP (VP envisaged (NP `` (NP volunteers )NP '' (PP planting (NP trees )NP )PP )NP , (S (VP (VP emptying (NP bedpans )NP )VP , (VP tutoring (NP children )NP )VP , and (VP assisting (NP (NP librarians )NP (PP for (NP (NP (NP $ 100 )NP (NP a week )NP )NP , (ADJP tax free )ADJP , (PP plus (NP medical care )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 11 20 (S (NP The DLC plan )NP (VP envisaged (NP `` volunteers '' planting trees )NP , (S (VP (VP emptying (NP bedpans )NP )VP , (VP tutoring (NP children )NP )VP , and (VP assisting (NP (NP (NP librarians )NP (PP for (NP (NP $ 100 )NP (NP a week )NP )NP )PP )NP , (NP tax free )NP , plus (NP medical care )NP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 16 24 (S (NP The DLC plan )NP (VP envisaged (NP `` (NP volunteers )NP '' (VP (VP (VP planting (NP trees )NP )VP , (VP emptying (NP bedpans )NP )VP , (VP tutoring (NP children )NP )VP , and (VP assisting (NP librarians )NP (PP for (NP (NP $ 100 )NP (NP a week )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP , (NP (NP (NP tax )NP (ADVP free )ADVP )NP , plus (NP medical care )NP )NP )VP )NP )VP . )S 16 24 (S (NP The DLC plan )NP (VP envisaged (NP (NP `` volunteers '' )NP (VP (VP (VP planting (NP trees )NP )VP , (VP emptying (NP bedpans )NP )VP , (VP tutoring (NP children )NP )VP , and (VP assisting (NP librarians )NP (PP for (NP (NP $ 100 )NP (NP a week )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP , (NP (NP (NP tax )NP (ADVP free )ADVP )NP , plus (NP medical care )NP )NP )VP )NP )VP . )S 14 21 (S (NP The DLC plan )NP (VP envisaged (NP `` volunteers '' planting trees )NP , (S (VP (VP emptying (NP bedpans )NP )VP , (VP tutoring (NP children )NP )VP , and (VP assisting (NP (NP librarians )NP (PP for (NP (NP (NP $ 100 )NP (NP a week )NP )NP , (ADJP tax free )ADJP , (PP plus (NP medical care )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 15 21 (S (NP The DLC plan )NP (VP envisaged (NP (NP `` (NP volunteers )NP '' (VP (VP planting (NP trees )NP )VP , (VP emptying (NP bedpans )NP )VP , (VP tutoring (NP children )NP )VP , and (VP assisting (NP librarians )NP (PP for (NP (NP $ 100 )NP (NP a week )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )NP , (ADJP tax free )ADJP , plus (NP medical care )NP )NP )VP . )S 50 21 21 (S (PP With (NP (NP a tax-free (ADJP $ 10,000 )ADJP voucher payment )NP (PP at (NP (NP the end )NP (PP of (NP each year )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP the volunteers )NP (VP would (VP be (VP making (NP (NP a wage )NP (ADJP comparable (PP to (NP (NP $ 17,500 )NP (NP a year )NP )NP )PP )ADJP )NP )VP )VP )VP . )S 21 21 (S (PP With (NP (NP a tax-free (ADJP $ 10,000 )ADJP voucher payment )NP (PP at (NP (NP the end )NP (PP of (NP each year )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP the volunteers )NP (VP would (VP be (VP making (NP (NP a wage )NP (ADJP comparable (PP to (NP (NP $ 17,500 )NP (NP a year )NP )NP )PP )ADJP )NP )VP )VP )VP . )S 20 21 (S (PP With (NP (NP a tax-free (ADJP $ 10,000 )ADJP voucher payment )NP (PP at (NP (NP the end )NP (PP of (NP each year )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP the volunteers )NP (VP would (VP be (VP making (S (NP a wage )NP (ADJP comparable (PP to (NP (NP $ 17,500 )NP (NP a year )NP )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP )VP )VP . )S 19 21 (S (PP With (NP (NP a tax-free (ADJP $ 10,000 )ADJP voucher payment )NP (PP at (NP (NP the end )NP (PP of (NP each year )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP the volunteers )NP (VP would (VP be (VP making (NP (NP a wage )NP (ADJP comparable )ADJP )NP (PP to (NP (NP $ 17,500 )NP (NP a year )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 20 22 (S (PP With (NP (NP a (ADJP tax-free (NP $ 10,000 )NP )ADJP voucher payment )NP (PP at (NP (NP the end )NP (PP of (NP each year )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP the volunteers )NP (VP would (VP be (VP making (NP (NP a wage )NP (ADJP comparable (PP to (NP (NP $ 17,500 )NP (NP a year )NP )NP )PP )ADJP )NP )VP )VP )VP . )S 20 21 (S (PP With (NP (NP a tax-free (ADJP $ 10,000 )ADJP voucher payment )NP (PP at (NP (NP the end )NP (PP of (NP each year )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP the volunteers )NP (VP would (VP be (VP making (S (NP a wage )NP (ADJP comparable (PP to (NP (NP $ 17,500 )NP (NP a year )NP )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP )VP )VP . )S 21 22 (S (PP With (NP (NP a tax-free (ADJP $ 10,000 )ADJP voucher payment )NP (PP at (NP (NP the end )NP (PP of (NP each year )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP the volunteers )NP (VP would (VP be (S (VP making (NP (NP a wage )NP (ADJP comparable (PP to (NP (NP $ 17,500 )NP (NP a year )NP )NP )PP )ADJP )NP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 20 22 (S (PP With (NP (NP a tax-free (ADJP $ 10,000 )ADJP voucher payment )NP (PP at (NP (NP the end )NP (PP of (NP each year )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP the volunteers )NP (VP would (VP be (S (VP making (S (NP a wage )NP (ADJP comparable (PP to (NP (NP $ 17,500 )NP (NP a year )NP )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 20 22 (S (PP With (NP (NP a (ADJP tax-free (NP $ 10,000 )NP )ADJP voucher payment )NP (PP at (NP (NP the end )NP (PP of (NP each year )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP the volunteers )NP (VP would (VP be (VP making (NP (NP a wage )NP (ADJP comparable (PP to (NP (NP $ 17,500 )NP (NP a year )NP )NP )PP )ADJP )NP )VP )VP )VP . )S 19 21 (S (PP With (NP (NP a tax-free (ADJP $ 10,000 )ADJP voucher payment )NP (PP at (NP (NP the end )NP (PP of (NP each year )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP the volunteers )NP (VP would (VP be (VP making (NP (NP a wage )NP (ADJP comparable )ADJP )NP (PP to (NP (NP $ 17,500 )NP (NP a year )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 21 22 (S (PP With (NP (NP a (ADJP tax-free )ADJP (ADJP $ 10,000 )ADJP voucher payment )NP (PP at (NP (NP the end )NP (PP of (NP each year )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP the volunteers )NP (VP would (VP be (VP making (NP (NP a wage )NP (ADJP comparable (PP to (NP (NP $ 17,500 )NP (NP a year )NP )NP )PP )ADJP )NP )VP )VP )VP . )S 20 21 (S (PP With (NP (NP a tax-free (ADJP $ 10,000 voucher )ADJP payment )NP (PP at (NP (NP the end )NP (PP of (NP each year )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP the volunteers )NP (VP would (VP be (VP making (NP (NP a wage )NP (ADJP comparable (PP to (NP (NP $ 17,500 )NP (NP a year )NP )NP )PP )ADJP )NP )VP )VP )VP . )S 21 22 (S (PP With (NP (NP a tax-free (ADJP $ 10,000 )ADJP voucher payment )NP (PP at (NP (NP the end )NP (PP of (NP each year )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP the volunteers )NP (VP would (VP be (S (VP making (NP (NP a wage )NP (ADJP comparable (PP to (NP (NP $ 17,500 )NP (NP a year )NP )NP )PP )ADJP )NP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 20 22 (S (PP With (NP (NP a (ADJP (QP tax-free $ 10,000 )QP )ADJP voucher payment )NP (PP at (NP (NP the end )NP (PP of (NP each year )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP the volunteers )NP (VP would (VP be (VP making (NP (NP a wage )NP (ADJP comparable (PP to (NP (NP $ 17,500 )NP (NP a year )NP )NP )PP )ADJP )NP )VP )VP )VP . )S 20 22 (S (PP With (NP (NP a tax-free (ADJP $ 10,000 )ADJP voucher payment )NP (PP at (NP (NP the end )NP (PP of (NP each year )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP the volunteers )NP (VP would (VP be (S (VP making (S (NP a wage )NP (ADJP comparable (PP to (NP (NP $ 17,500 )NP (NP a year )NP )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 19 20 (S (PP With (NP a tax-free (ADJP $ 10,000 )ADJP voucher payment )NP )PP (PP at (NP (NP the end )NP (PP of (NP each year )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP the volunteers )NP (VP would (VP be (VP making (NP (NP a wage )NP (ADJP comparable (PP to (NP (NP $ 17,500 )NP (NP a year )NP )NP )PP )ADJP )NP )VP )VP )VP . )S 21 22 (S (PP With (NP (NP a tax-free (ADJP (QP $ 10,000 )QP )ADJP voucher payment )NP (PP at (NP (NP the end )NP (PP of (NP each year )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP the volunteers )NP (VP would (VP be (VP making (NP (NP a wage )NP (ADJP comparable (PP to (NP (NP $ 17,500 )NP (NP a year )NP )NP )PP )ADJP )NP )VP )VP )VP . )S 21 22 (S (PP With (NP (NP a tax-free (ADJP $ 10,000 )ADJP voucher payment )NP (PP at (NP (NP the end )NP (PP of (NP each year )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP the volunteers )NP (VP would (VP be (VP making (NP (NP a wage )NP (ADJP (ADJP comparable )ADJP (PP to (NP (NP $ 17,500 )NP (NP a year )NP )NP )PP )ADJP )NP )VP )VP )VP . )S 19 22 (S (PP With (NP (NP a (ADJP tax-free (NP $ 10,000 )NP )ADJP voucher payment )NP (PP at (NP (NP the end )NP (PP of (NP each year )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP the volunteers )NP (VP would (VP be (VP making (S (NP a wage )NP (ADJP comparable (PP to (NP (NP $ 17,500 )NP (NP a year )NP )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP )VP )VP . )S 21 22 (S (PP With (NP (NP a (ADJP tax-free )ADJP (ADJP $ 10,000 )ADJP voucher payment )NP (PP at (NP (NP the end )NP (PP of (NP each year )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP the volunteers )NP (VP would (VP be (VP making (NP (NP a wage )NP (ADJP comparable (PP to (NP (NP $ 17,500 )NP (NP a year )NP )NP )PP )ADJP )NP )VP )VP )VP . )S 19 20 (S (PP With (NP (NP a tax-free (ADJP $ 10,000 )ADJP voucher payment )NP (PP at (NP the end )NP )PP (PP of (NP each year )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP the volunteers )NP (VP would (VP be (VP making (NP (NP a wage )NP (ADJP comparable (PP to (NP (NP $ 17,500 )NP (NP a year )NP )NP )PP )ADJP )NP )VP )VP )VP . )S 20 22 (S (PP With (NP (NP a (ADJP (QP tax-free $ 10,000 )QP )ADJP voucher payment )NP (PP at (NP (NP the end )NP (PP of (NP each year )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP the volunteers )NP (VP would (VP be (VP making (NP (NP a wage )NP (ADJP comparable (PP to (NP (NP $ 17,500 )NP (NP a year )NP )NP )PP )ADJP )NP )VP )VP )VP . )S 19 21 (S (PP With (NP (NP (NP a tax-free (ADJP $ 10,000 )ADJP voucher payment )NP (PP at (NP the end )NP )PP )NP (PP of (NP each year )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP the volunteers )NP (VP would (VP be (VP making (NP (NP a wage )NP (ADJP comparable (PP to (NP (NP $ 17,500 )NP (NP a year )NP )NP )PP )ADJP )NP )VP )VP )VP . )S 19 22 (S (PP With (NP (NP a (ADJP tax-free (NP $ 10,000 )NP )ADJP voucher payment )NP (PP at (NP (NP the end )NP (PP of (NP each year )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP the volunteers )NP (VP would (VP be (VP making (S (NP a wage )NP (ADJP comparable (PP to (NP (NP $ 17,500 )NP (NP a year )NP )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP )VP )VP . )S 20 22 (S (PP With (NP (NP a tax-free (ADJP $ 10,000 )ADJP voucher )NP (VP payment (PP at (NP (NP the end )NP (PP of (NP each year )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP , (NP the volunteers )NP (VP would (VP be (VP making (NP (NP a wage )NP (ADJP comparable (PP to (NP (NP $ 17,500 )NP (NP a year )NP )NP )PP )ADJP )NP )VP )VP )VP . )S 19 21 (S (SBAR With (S (NP a tax-free (ADJP $ 10,000 )ADJP voucher payment )NP (PP at (NP (NP the end )NP (PP of (NP each year )NP )PP )NP )PP )S )SBAR , (NP the volunteers )NP (VP would (VP be (VP making (NP (NP a wage )NP (ADJP comparable (PP to (NP (NP $ 17,500 )NP (NP a year )NP )NP )PP )ADJP )NP )VP )VP )VP . )S 21 21 (S (PP With (NP (NP a tax-free (ADJP $ 10,000 )ADJP voucher payment )NP (PP at (NP (NP the end )NP (PP of (NP each year )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP the volunteers )NP (VP would (VP be (VP making (NP (NP a wage )NP (ADJP comparable (PP to (NP (NP $ 17,500 )NP (NP a year )NP )NP )PP )ADJP )NP )VP )VP )VP . )S 20 22 (S (PP With (NP (NP a tax-free (ADJP $ 10,000 )ADJP voucher payment )NP (PP at (NP (NP the end )NP (PP of (NP each year )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP the volunteers )NP (VP would (VP be (VP making (S (NP a wage )NP (ADJP (ADJP comparable )ADJP (PP to (NP (NP $ 17,500 )NP (NP a year )NP )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP )VP )VP . )S 19 20 (S (PP With (NP (NP a tax-free (ADJP $ 10,000 )ADJP voucher payment )NP (PP at (NP (NP the end )NP (PP of (NP each year )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP the volunteers )NP (VP would (VP be (VP making (ADJP (NP a wage )NP comparable (PP to (NP (NP $ 17,500 )NP (NP a year )NP )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )VP )VP . )S 19 20 (S (PP With (NP a tax-free (ADJP $ 10,000 )ADJP voucher payment )NP )PP (PP at (NP (NP the end )NP (PP of (NP each year )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP the volunteers )NP (VP would (VP be (VP making (NP (NP a wage )NP (ADJP comparable (PP to (NP (NP $ 17,500 )NP (NP a year )NP )NP )PP )ADJP )NP )VP )VP )VP . )S 20 22 (S (PP With (NP (NP a tax-free (ADJP (NP $ 10,000 )NP voucher )ADJP payment )NP (PP at (NP (NP the end )NP (PP of (NP each year )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP the volunteers )NP (VP would (VP be (VP making (NP (NP a wage )NP (ADJP comparable (PP to (NP (NP $ 17,500 )NP (NP a year )NP )NP )PP )ADJP )NP )VP )VP )VP . )S 18 22 (S (PP With (NP (NP a (ADJP tax-free (NP $ 10,000 )NP )ADJP voucher payment )NP (PP at (NP (NP the end )NP (PP of (NP each year )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP the volunteers )NP (VP would (VP be (VP making (NP (NP a wage )NP (ADJP comparable )ADJP )NP (PP to (NP (NP $ 17,500 )NP (NP a year )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 21 22 (S (PP With (NP (NP a tax-free (ADJP (QP $ 10,000 )QP )ADJP voucher payment )NP (PP at (NP (NP the end )NP (PP of (NP each year )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP the volunteers )NP (VP would (VP be (VP making (NP (NP a wage )NP (ADJP comparable (PP to (NP (NP $ 17,500 )NP (NP a year )NP )NP )PP )ADJP )NP )VP )VP )VP . )S 20 22 (S (PP With (NP (NP a (ADJP tax-free )ADJP (ADJP $ 10,000 )ADJP voucher payment )NP (PP at (NP (NP the end )NP (PP of (NP each year )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP the volunteers )NP (VP would (VP be (VP making (S (NP a wage )NP (ADJP comparable (PP to (NP (NP $ 17,500 )NP (NP a year )NP )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP )VP )VP . )S 20 22 (S (PP With (NP (NP a (ADJP tax-free (NP $ 10,000 )NP )ADJP voucher payment )NP (PP at (NP (NP the end )NP (PP of (NP each year )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP the volunteers )NP (VP would (VP be (VP making (NP (NP a wage )NP (ADJP comparable (PP to (NP (NP $ 17,500 )NP (NP a year )NP )NP )PP )ADJP )NP )VP )VP )VP . )S 21 22 (S (PP With (NP (NP a tax-free (ADJP $ 10,000 )ADJP voucher payment )NP (PP at (NP (NP the end )NP (PP of (NP each year )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP the volunteers )NP (VP would (VP be (VP making (NP (NP a wage )NP (ADJP (ADJP comparable )ADJP (PP to (NP (NP $ 17,500 )NP (NP a year )NP )NP )PP )ADJP )NP )VP )VP )VP . )S 19 20 (S (PP With (NP (NP a tax-free (ADJP $ 10,000 )ADJP voucher payment )NP (PP at (NP the end )NP )PP (PP of (NP each year )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP the volunteers )NP (VP would (VP be (VP making (NP (NP a wage )NP (ADJP comparable (PP to (NP (NP $ 17,500 )NP (NP a year )NP )NP )PP )ADJP )NP )VP )VP )VP . )S 20 23 (S (PP With (NP (NP a (ADJP tax-free (NP $ 10,000 )NP )ADJP voucher payment )NP (PP at (NP (NP the end )NP (PP of (NP each year )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP the volunteers )NP (VP would (VP be (S (VP making (NP (NP a wage )NP (ADJP comparable (PP to (NP (NP $ 17,500 )NP (NP a year )NP )NP )PP )ADJP )NP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 19 21 (S (PP With (NP (NP a tax-free (ADJP $ 10,000 voucher )ADJP payment )NP (PP at (NP (NP the end )NP (PP of (NP each year )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP the volunteers )NP (VP would (VP be (VP making (S (NP a wage )NP (ADJP comparable (PP to (NP (NP $ 17,500 )NP (NP a year )NP )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP )VP )VP . )S 19 21 (S (PP With (NP (NP (NP a tax-free (ADJP $ 10,000 )ADJP voucher payment )NP (PP at (NP the end )NP )PP )NP (PP of (NP each year )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP the volunteers )NP (VP would (VP be (VP making (NP (NP a wage )NP (ADJP comparable (PP to (NP (NP $ 17,500 )NP (NP a year )NP )NP )PP )ADJP )NP )VP )VP )VP . )S 21 22 (S (PP With (NP (NP (NP a tax-free (ADJP $ 10,000 )ADJP voucher )NP payment )NP (PP at (NP (NP the end )NP (PP of (NP each year )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP the volunteers )NP (VP would (VP be (VP making (NP (NP a wage )NP (ADJP comparable (PP to (NP (NP $ 17,500 )NP (NP a year )NP )NP )PP )ADJP )NP )VP )VP )VP . )S 20 22 (S (PP With (NP (NP a tax-free (ADJP (QP $ 10,000 voucher )QP )ADJP payment )NP (PP at (NP (NP the end )NP (PP of (NP each year )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP the volunteers )NP (VP would (VP be (VP making (NP (NP a wage )NP (ADJP comparable (PP to (NP (NP $ 17,500 )NP (NP a year )NP )NP )PP )ADJP )NP )VP )VP )VP . )S 19 22 (S (PP With (NP (NP a tax-free (ADJP $ 10,000 )ADJP voucher payment )NP (PP at (NP (NP the end )NP (PP of (NP each year )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP the volunteers )NP (VP would (VP be (S (VP making (NP (NP a wage )NP (ADJP comparable )ADJP )NP (PP to (NP (NP $ 17,500 )NP (NP a year )NP )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 18 22 (S (PP With (NP (NP a (ADJP tax-free (NP $ 10,000 )NP )ADJP voucher payment )NP (PP at (NP (NP the end )NP (PP of (NP each year )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP the volunteers )NP (VP would (VP be (VP making (NP (NP a wage )NP (ADJP comparable )ADJP )NP (PP to (NP (NP $ 17,500 )NP (NP a year )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 19 23 (S (PP With (NP (NP a (ADJP tax-free (NP $ 10,000 )NP )ADJP voucher payment )NP (PP at (NP (NP the end )NP (PP of (NP each year )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP the volunteers )NP (VP would (VP be (S (VP making (S (NP a wage )NP (ADJP comparable (PP to (NP (NP $ 17,500 )NP (NP a year )NP )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP )S )VP )VP . )S 19 22 (S (PP With (NP (NP a (ADJP (QP tax-free $ 10,000 )QP )ADJP voucher payment )NP (PP at (NP (NP the end )NP (PP of (NP each year )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP the volunteers )NP (VP would (VP be (VP making (S (NP a wage )NP (ADJP comparable (PP to (NP (NP $ 17,500 )NP (NP a year )NP )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP )VP )VP . )S 18 20 (S (PP With (NP a tax-free (ADJP $ 10,000 )ADJP voucher payment )NP )PP (PP at (NP (NP the end )NP (PP of (NP each year )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP the volunteers )NP (VP would (VP be (VP making (S (NP a wage )NP (ADJP comparable (PP to (NP (NP $ 17,500 )NP (NP a year )NP )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP )VP )VP . )S 20 22 (S (PP With (NP (NP a tax-free (ADJP (QP $ 10,000 )QP )ADJP voucher payment )NP (PP at (NP (NP the end )NP (PP of (NP each year )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP the volunteers )NP (VP would (VP be (VP making (S (NP a wage )NP (ADJP comparable (PP to (NP (NP $ 17,500 )NP (NP a year )NP )NP )PP )ADJP )S )VP )VP )VP . )S 18 22 (S (SBAR With (S (NP a tax-free (ADJP $ 10,000 )ADJP voucher )NP (VP payment (PP at (NP (NP the end )NP (PP of (NP each year )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP the volunteers )NP (VP would (VP be (VP making (NP (NP a wage )NP (ADJP comparable (PP to (NP (NP $ 17,500 )NP (NP a year )NP )NP )PP )ADJP )NP )VP )VP )VP . )S 20 21 (S (PP With (S (NP a tax-free (ADJP $ 10,000 )ADJP voucher payment )NP (PP at (NP (NP the end )NP (PP of (NP each year )NP )PP )NP )PP )S )PP , (NP the volunteers )NP (VP would (VP be (VP making (NP (NP a wage )NP (ADJP comparable (PP to (NP (NP $ 17,500 )NP (NP a year )NP )NP )PP )ADJP )NP )VP )VP )VP . )S 50 13 25 (S (S (VP Mind (NP you )NP )VP )S , (NP (NP most )NP (PP of `` (NP the volunteers )NP '' )PP )NP (VP would (VP be (VP unskilled (NP (NP 17 )NP - (PP to (NP (NP 18-year-olds )NP , (NP some (ADJP (ADVP not even )ADVP high )ADJP school graduates )NP , and (NP many saving money )NP )NP )PP )NP (PP by (S (VP living (PP at (NP home )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 13 23 (S (S (VP Mind (NP you )NP )VP )S , (NP (NP most )NP (PP of `` (NP the volunteers )NP '' )PP )NP (VP would (VP be (VP unskilled (NP (NP 17 )NP - (PP to (NP (NP 18-year-olds )NP , (NP some not even high school graduates )NP , and (NP many saving money )NP )NP )PP )NP (PP by (S (VP living (PP at (NP home )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 13 25 (S (S (VP Mind (NP you )NP )VP )S , (NP (NP most )NP (PP of `` (NP the volunteers )NP '' )PP )NP (VP would (VP be (VP unskilled (NP (NP 17 )NP - (PP to (NP (NP 18-year-olds )NP , (NP some (ADJP (ADVP not even )ADVP high )ADJP school graduates )NP , and (NP many saving money )NP )NP )PP )NP (PP by (S (VP living (PP at (NP home )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 13 23 (S (S (VP Mind (NP you )NP )VP )S , (NP (NP most )NP (PP of `` (NP the volunteers )NP '' )PP )NP (VP would (VP be (VP unskilled (NP (NP 17 )NP - (PP to (NP (NP 18-year-olds )NP , (NP some not even high school graduates )NP , and (NP many saving money )NP )NP )PP )NP (PP by (S (VP living (PP at (NP home )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 13 26 (S (S (VP Mind (NP you )NP )VP )S , (S (NP (NP most )NP (PP of `` (NP the volunteers )NP '' )PP )NP (VP would (VP be (VP unskilled (NP (NP 17 )NP - (PP to (NP (NP 18-year-olds )NP , (NP some (ADJP (ADVP not even )ADVP high )ADJP school graduates )NP , and (NP many saving money )NP )NP )PP )NP (PP by (S (VP living (PP at (NP home )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )VP )VP )VP )S . )S 13 25 (S (S (VP Mind (NP you )NP )VP )S , (NP (NP most )NP (PP of `` (NP the volunteers )NP '' )PP )NP (VP would (VP be (VP unskilled (NP (NP 17 )NP - (PP to (NP (NP 18-year-olds )NP , (NP some (ADJP (ADVP not even )ADVP high )ADJP school graduates )NP , and (NP many saving money )NP )NP )PP )NP (PP by (S (VP living (PP at (NP home )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 13 24 (S (S (VP Mind (NP you )NP )VP )S , (S (NP (NP most )NP (PP of `` (NP the volunteers )NP '' )PP )NP (VP would (VP be (VP unskilled (NP (NP 17 )NP - (PP to (NP (NP 18-year-olds )NP , (NP some not even high school graduates )NP , and (NP many saving money )NP )NP )PP )NP (PP by (S (VP living (PP at (NP home )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )VP )VP )VP )S . )S 13 23 (S (S (VP Mind (NP you )NP )VP )S , (NP (NP most )NP (PP of `` (NP the volunteers )NP '' )PP )NP (VP would (VP be (VP unskilled (NP (NP 17 )NP - (PP to (NP (NP 18-year-olds )NP , (NP some not even high school graduates )NP , and (NP many saving money )NP )NP )PP )NP (PP by (S (VP living (PP at (NP home )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 13 24 (S (S (VP Mind (NP you )NP )VP )S , (NP (NP most )NP (PP of `` (NP the volunteers )NP '' )PP )NP (VP would (VP be (VP unskilled (NP (NP 17 )NP - (PP to (NP (NP 18-year-olds )NP , (NP some not (ADJP even high )ADJP school graduates )NP , and (NP many saving money )NP )NP )PP )NP (PP by (S (VP living (PP at (NP home )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 13 25 (S (S (VP Mind (NP you )NP )VP )S , (NP (NP most )NP (PP of `` (NP the volunteers )NP '' )PP )NP (VP would (VP be (VP unskilled (NP (NP 17 )NP - (PP to (NP (NP 18-year-olds )NP , (NP some (ADJP (ADVP not even )ADVP high )ADJP school graduates )NP , and (NP many saving money )NP )NP )PP )NP (PP by (S (VP living (PP at (NP home )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 13 26 (S (S (VP Mind (NP you )NP )VP )S , (S (NP (NP most )NP (PP of `` (NP the volunteers )NP '' )PP )NP (VP would (VP be (VP unskilled (NP (NP 17 )NP - (PP to (NP (NP 18-year-olds )NP , (NP some (ADJP (ADVP not even )ADVP high )ADJP school graduates )NP , and (NP many saving money )NP )NP )PP )NP (PP by (S (VP living (PP at (NP home )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )VP )VP )VP )S . )S 13 26 (S (S (VP Mind (NP you )NP )VP )S , (NP (NP most )NP (PP of (NP `` (NP the volunteers )NP '' )NP )PP )NP (VP would (VP be (VP unskilled (NP (NP 17 )NP - (PP to (NP (NP 18-year-olds )NP , (NP some (ADJP (ADVP not even )ADVP high )ADJP school graduates )NP , and (NP many saving money )NP )NP )PP )NP (PP by (S (VP living (PP at (NP home )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 13 23 (S (S (VP Mind (NP you )NP )VP )S , (NP (NP most )NP (PP of `` (NP the volunteers )NP '' )PP )NP (VP would (VP be (VP unskilled (NP (NP 17 )NP - (PP to (NP (NP 18-year-olds )NP , (NP some not even high school graduates )NP , and (NP many saving money )NP )NP )PP )NP (PP by (S (VP living (PP at (NP home )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 13 24 (S (S (VP Mind (NP you )NP )VP )S , (S (NP (NP most )NP (PP of `` (NP the volunteers )NP '' )PP )NP (VP would (VP be (VP unskilled (NP (NP 17 )NP - (PP to (NP (NP 18-year-olds )NP , (NP some not even high school graduates )NP , and (NP many saving money )NP )NP )PP )NP (PP by (S (VP living (PP at (NP home )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )VP )VP )VP )S . )S 13 24 (S (S (VP Mind (NP you )NP )VP )S , (NP (NP most )NP (PP of (NP `` (NP the volunteers )NP '' )NP )PP )NP (VP would (VP be (VP unskilled (NP (NP 17 )NP - (PP to (NP (NP 18-year-olds )NP , (NP some not even high school graduates )NP , and (NP many saving money )NP )NP )PP )NP (PP by (S (VP living (PP at (NP home )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 13 24 (S (S (VP Mind (NP you )NP )VP )S , (NP (NP most )NP (PP of `` (NP the volunteers )NP '' )PP )NP (VP would (VP be (VP unskilled (NP (NP 17 )NP - (PP to (NP (NP 18-year-olds )NP , (NP some not (ADJP even high )ADJP school graduates )NP , and (NP many saving money )NP )NP )PP )NP (PP by (S (VP living (PP at (NP home )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 13 26 (S (S (VP Mind (NP you )NP )VP )S , (NP (NP most )NP (PP of (NP `` (NP the volunteers )NP '' )NP )PP )NP (VP would (VP be (VP unskilled (NP (NP 17 )NP - (PP to (NP (NP 18-year-olds )NP , (NP some (ADJP (ADVP not even )ADVP high )ADJP school graduates )NP , and (NP many saving money )NP )NP )PP )NP (PP by (S (VP living (PP at (NP home )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 13 24 (S (S (VP Mind (NP you )NP )VP )S , (NP (NP most )NP (PP of (NP `` (NP the volunteers )NP '' )NP )PP )NP (VP would (VP be (VP unskilled (NP (NP 17 )NP - (PP to (NP (NP 18-year-olds )NP , (NP some not even high school graduates )NP , and (NP many saving money )NP )NP )PP )NP (PP by (S (VP living (PP at (NP home )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 10 24 (S (S (VP Mind (NP you )NP )VP )S , (NP (NP most )NP (PP of `` (NP the volunteers )NP '' )PP )NP (VP would (VP be (VP unskilled (NP (NP 17 )NP - (PP to (NP (NP 18-year-olds )NP , (NP some (ADJP (ADVP not even )ADVP high )ADJP school graduates )NP , and (NP many saving money )NP )NP )PP )NP (PP by (NP living )NP )PP (PP at (NP home )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 13 26 (S (VP Mind (NP you )NP , (SBAR (S (NP (NP most )NP (PP of `` (NP the volunteers )NP '' )PP )NP (VP would (VP be (VP unskilled (NP (NP 17 )NP - (PP to (NP (NP 18-year-olds )NP , (NP some (ADJP (ADVP not even )ADVP high )ADJP school graduates )NP , and (NP many saving money )NP )NP )PP )NP (PP by (S (VP living (PP at (NP home )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 10 22 (S (S (VP Mind (NP you )NP )VP )S , (NP (NP most )NP (PP of `` (NP the volunteers )NP '' )PP )NP (VP would (VP be (VP unskilled (NP (NP 17 )NP - (PP to (NP (NP 18-year-olds )NP , (NP some not even high school graduates )NP , and (NP many saving money )NP )NP )PP )NP (PP by (NP living )NP )PP (PP at (NP home )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 13 24 (S (VP Mind (NP you )NP , (SBAR (S (NP (NP most )NP (PP of `` (NP the volunteers )NP '' )PP )NP (VP would (VP be (VP unskilled (NP (NP 17 )NP - (PP to (NP (NP 18-year-olds )NP , (NP some not even high school graduates )NP , and (NP many saving money )NP )NP )PP )NP (PP by (S (VP living (PP at (NP home )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 13 26 (S (S (VP Mind (NP you )NP )VP )S , (S (NP (NP most )NP (PP of `` (NP the volunteers )NP '' )PP )NP (VP would (VP be (VP unskilled (NP (NP 17 )NP - (PP to (NP (NP 18-year-olds )NP , (NP some (ADJP (ADVP not even )ADVP high )ADJP school graduates )NP , and (NP many saving money )NP )NP )PP )NP (PP by (S (VP living (PP at (NP home )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )VP )VP )VP )S . )S 10 24 (S (S (VP Mind (NP you )NP )VP )S , (NP (NP most )NP (PP of `` (NP the volunteers )NP '' )PP )NP (VP would (VP be (VP unskilled (NP (NP 17 )NP - (PP to (NP (NP 18-year-olds )NP , (NP some (ADJP (ADVP not even )ADVP high )ADJP school graduates )NP , and (NP many saving money )NP )NP )PP )NP (PP by (NP living )NP )PP (PP at (NP home )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 13 24 (S (S (VP Mind (NP you )NP )VP )S , (NP (NP most )NP (PP of `` (NP the volunteers )NP '' )PP )NP (VP would (VP be (VP unskilled (NP (NP 17 )NP - (PP to (NP (NP 18-year-olds )NP , (NP some (ADJP not even high )ADJP school graduates )NP , and (NP many saving money )NP )NP )PP )NP (PP by (S (VP living (PP at (NP home )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 13 26 (S (VP Mind (NP you )NP , (SBAR (S (NP (NP most )NP (PP of `` (NP the volunteers )NP '' )PP )NP (VP would (VP be (VP unskilled (NP (NP 17 )NP - (PP to (NP (NP 18-year-olds )NP , (NP some (ADJP (ADVP not even )ADVP high )ADJP school graduates )NP , and (NP many saving money )NP )NP )PP )NP (PP by (S (VP living (PP at (NP home )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 13 24 (S (S (VP Mind (NP you )NP )VP )S , (S (NP (NP most )NP (PP of `` (NP the volunteers )NP '' )PP )NP (VP would (VP be (VP unskilled (NP (NP 17 )NP - (PP to (NP (NP 18-year-olds )NP , (NP some not even high school graduates )NP , and (NP many saving money )NP )NP )PP )NP (PP by (S (VP living (PP at (NP home )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )VP )VP )VP )S . )S 10 22 (S (S (VP Mind (NP you )NP )VP )S , (NP (NP most )NP (PP of `` (NP the volunteers )NP '' )PP )NP (VP would (VP be (VP unskilled (NP (NP 17 )NP - (PP to (NP (NP 18-year-olds )NP , (NP some not even high school graduates )NP , and (NP many saving money )NP )NP )PP )NP (PP by (NP living )NP )PP (PP at (NP home )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 13 25 (S (S (VP Mind (NP you )NP )VP )S , (S (NP (NP most )NP (PP of `` (NP the volunteers )NP '' )PP )NP (VP would (VP be (VP unskilled (NP (NP 17 )NP - (PP to (NP (NP 18-year-olds )NP , (NP some not (ADJP even high )ADJP school graduates )NP , and (NP many saving money )NP )NP )PP )NP (PP by (S (VP living (PP at (NP home )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )VP )VP )VP )S . )S 13 24 (S (VP Mind (NP you )NP , (SBAR (S (NP (NP most )NP (PP of `` (NP the volunteers )NP '' )PP )NP (VP would (VP be (VP unskilled (NP (NP 17 )NP - (PP to (NP (NP 18-year-olds )NP , (NP some not even high school graduates )NP , and (NP many saving money )NP )NP )PP )NP (PP by (S (VP living (PP at (NP home )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 13 24 (S (S (VP Mind (NP you )NP )VP )S , (NP (NP most )NP (PP of `` (NP the volunteers )NP '' )PP )NP (VP would (VP be (VP unskilled (NP (NP 17 )NP - (PP to (NP (NP 18-year-olds )NP , (NP some not (ADJP even high )ADJP school graduates )NP , and (NP many saving money )NP )NP )PP )NP (PP by (S (VP living (PP at (NP home )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 13 26 (S (S (VP Mind (NP you )NP )VP )S , (S (NP (NP most )NP (PP of `` (NP the volunteers )NP '' )PP )NP (VP would (VP be (VP unskilled (NP (NP 17 )NP - (PP to (NP (NP 18-year-olds )NP , (NP some (ADJP (ADVP not even )ADVP high )ADJP school graduates )NP , and (NP many saving money )NP )NP )PP )NP (PP by (S (VP living (PP at (NP home )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )VP )VP )VP )S . )S 13 27 (S (S (VP Mind (NP you )NP )VP )S , (S (NP (NP most )NP (PP of (NP `` (NP the volunteers )NP '' )NP )PP )NP (VP would (VP be (VP unskilled (NP (NP 17 )NP - (PP to (NP (NP 18-year-olds )NP , (NP some (ADJP (ADVP not even )ADVP high )ADJP school graduates )NP , and (NP many saving money )NP )NP )PP )NP (PP by (S (VP living (PP at (NP home )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )VP )VP )VP )S . )S 13 24 (S (S (VP Mind (NP you )NP )VP )S , (S (NP (NP most )NP (PP of `` (NP the volunteers )NP '' )PP )NP (VP would (VP be (VP unskilled (NP (NP 17 )NP - (PP to (NP (NP 18-year-olds )NP , (NP some not even high school graduates )NP , and (NP many saving money )NP )NP )PP )NP (PP by (S (VP living (PP at (NP home )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )VP )VP )VP )S . )S 13 26 (S (S (VP Mind (NP you )NP )VP )S , (NP (NP most )NP (PP of (NP `` (NP the volunteers )NP '' )NP )PP )NP (VP would (VP be (VP unskilled (NP (NP 17 )NP - (PP to (NP (NP 18-year-olds )NP , (NP some (ADJP (ADVP not even )ADVP high )ADJP school graduates )NP , and (NP many saving money )NP )NP )PP )NP (PP by (S (VP living (PP at (NP home )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 13 24 (S (S (VP Mind (NP you )NP )VP )S , (NP (NP most )NP (PP of `` (NP the volunteers )NP '' )PP )NP (VP would (VP be (VP unskilled (NP (NP 17 )NP - (PP to (NP (NP 18-year-olds )NP , (NP some (ADJP not even high )ADJP school graduates )NP , and (NP many saving money )NP )NP )PP )NP (PP by (S (VP living (PP at (NP home )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 10 24 (S (S (VP Mind (NP you )NP )VP )S , (NP (NP most )NP (PP of `` (NP the volunteers )NP '' )PP )NP (VP would (VP be (VP unskilled (NP (NP 17 )NP - (PP to (NP (NP 18-year-olds )NP , (NP some (ADJP (ADVP not even )ADVP high )ADJP school graduates )NP , and (NP many saving money )NP )NP )PP )NP (PP by (NP living )NP )PP (PP at (NP home )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 13 25 (S (S (VP Mind (NP you )NP )VP )S , (S (NP (NP most )NP (PP of (NP `` (NP the volunteers )NP '' )NP )PP )NP (VP would (VP be (VP unskilled (NP (NP 17 )NP - (PP to (NP (NP 18-year-olds )NP , (NP some not even high school graduates )NP , and (NP many saving money )NP )NP )PP )NP (PP by (S (VP living (PP at (NP home )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )VP )VP )VP )S . )S 13 25 (S (S (VP Mind (NP you )NP )VP )S , (NP (NP most )NP (PP of `` (NP the volunteers )NP '' )PP )NP (VP would (VP be (VP unskilled (NP (NP 17 )NP - (PP to (NP (NP 18-year-olds )NP , (NP some (ADJP (ADVP not even )ADVP high )ADJP school graduates )NP , and (NP many saving money )NP )NP )PP )NP (PP by (S (VP living (PP at (NP home )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 13 24 (S (S (VP Mind (NP you )NP )VP )S , (NP (NP most )NP (PP of `` (NP the volunteers )NP '' )PP )NP (VP would (VP be (VP unskilled (NP (NP 17 )NP - (PP to (NP (NP 18-year-olds )NP , (NP some not (ADJP even high )ADJP school graduates )NP , and (NP many saving money )NP )NP )PP )NP (PP by (S (VP living (PP at (NP home )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 13 25 (S (S (VP Mind (NP you )NP )VP )S , (S (NP (NP most )NP (PP of `` (NP the volunteers )NP '' )PP )NP (VP would (VP be (VP unskilled (NP (NP 17 )NP - (PP to (NP (NP 18-year-olds )NP , (NP some not (ADJP even high )ADJP school graduates )NP , and (NP many saving money )NP )NP )PP )NP (PP by (S (VP living (PP at (NP home )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )VP )VP )VP )S . )S 13 24 (S (S (VP Mind (NP you )NP )VP )S , (NP (NP most )NP (PP of (NP `` (NP the volunteers )NP '' )NP )PP )NP (VP would (VP be (VP unskilled (NP (NP 17 )NP - (PP to (NP (NP 18-year-olds )NP , (NP some not even high school graduates )NP , and (NP many saving money )NP )NP )PP )NP (PP by (S (VP living (PP at (NP home )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 10 22 (S (S (VP Mind (NP you )NP )VP )S , (NP (NP most )NP (PP of `` (NP the volunteers )NP '' )PP )NP (VP would (VP be (VP unskilled (NP (NP 17 )NP - (PP to (NP (NP 18-year-olds )NP , (NP some not even high school graduates )NP , and (NP many saving money )NP )NP )PP )NP (PP by (NP living )NP )PP (PP at (NP home )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 13 25 (S (S (VP Mind (NP you )NP )VP )S , (NP (NP most )NP (PP of (NP `` (NP the volunteers )NP '' )NP )PP )NP (VP would (VP be (VP unskilled (NP (NP 17 )NP - (PP to (NP (NP 18-year-olds )NP , (NP some not (ADJP even high )ADJP school graduates )NP , and (NP many saving money )NP )NP )PP )NP (PP by (S (VP living (PP at (NP home )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 13 23 (S (S (VP Mind (NP you )NP )VP )S , (NP (NP most )NP (PP of `` (NP the volunteers )NP '' )PP )NP (VP would (VP be (VP unskilled (NP (NP 17 )NP - (PP to (NP (NP 18-year-olds )NP , (NP some not even high school graduates )NP , and (NP many saving money )NP )NP )PP )NP (PP by (S (VP living (PP at (NP home )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 13 25 (S (S (VP Mind (NP you )NP )VP )S , (NP (NP most )NP (PP of (NP `` the volunteers '' )NP )PP )NP (VP would (VP be (VP unskilled (NP (NP 17 )NP - (PP to (NP (NP 18-year-olds )NP , (NP some (ADJP (ADVP not even )ADVP high )ADJP school graduates )NP , and (NP many saving money )NP )NP )PP )NP (PP by (S (VP living (PP at (NP home )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 13 26 (S (S (VP Mind (NP you )NP )VP )S , (NP (NP most )NP (PP of (NP `` (NP the volunteers )NP '' )NP )PP )NP (VP would (VP be (VP unskilled (NP (NP 17 )NP - (PP to (NP (NP 18-year-olds )NP , (NP some (ADJP (ADVP not even )ADVP high )ADJP school graduates )NP , and (NP many saving money )NP )NP )PP )NP (PP by (S (VP living (PP at (NP home )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 13 27 (S (S (VP Mind (NP you )NP )VP )S , (S (NP (NP most )NP (PP of (NP `` (NP the volunteers )NP '' )NP )PP )NP (VP would (VP be (VP unskilled (NP (NP 17 )NP - (PP to (NP (NP 18-year-olds )NP , (NP some (ADJP (ADVP not even )ADVP high )ADJP school graduates )NP , and (NP many saving money )NP )NP )PP )NP (PP by (S (VP living (PP at (NP home )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )VP )VP )VP )S . )S 13 23 (S (S (VP Mind (NP you )NP )VP )S , (NP (NP most )NP (PP of (NP `` the volunteers '' )NP )PP )NP (VP would (VP be (VP unskilled (NP (NP 17 )NP - (PP to (NP (NP 18-year-olds )NP , (NP some not even high school graduates )NP , and (NP many saving money )NP )NP )PP )NP (PP by (S (VP living (PP at (NP home )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 13 24 (S (S (VP Mind (NP you )NP )VP )S , (NP (NP most )NP (PP of (NP `` (NP the volunteers )NP '' )NP )PP )NP (VP would (VP be (VP unskilled (NP (NP 17 )NP - (PP to (NP (NP 18-year-olds )NP , (NP some not even high school graduates )NP , and (NP many saving money )NP )NP )PP )NP (PP by (S (VP living (PP at (NP home )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 50 12 20 (S (NP They )NP (VP would (VP be (VP doing (ADVP better financially )ADVP (PP under (NP (NP national service )NP (PP than (NP (NP many taxpayers )NP (VP working (PP at (NP (NP the same kinds )NP (PP of (NP (NP jobs )NP and (NP perhaps supporting families )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 13 21 (S (NP They )NP (VP would (VP be (VP doing (ADVP better financially )ADVP (PP under (NP (NP national service )NP (PP than (NP (NP many taxpayers )NP (VP working (PP at (NP (NP the same kinds )NP (PP of (NP (NP jobs )NP and (ADVP perhaps )ADVP (NP supporting families )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 13 21 (S (NP They )NP (VP would (VP be (VP doing (ADVP better )ADVP (ADVP financially )ADVP (PP under (NP (NP national service )NP (PP than (NP (NP many taxpayers )NP (VP working (PP at (NP (NP the same kinds )NP (PP of (NP (NP jobs )NP and (NP perhaps supporting families )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 13 21 (S (NP They )NP (VP would (VP be (VP doing (ADVP better )ADVP (PP (ADVP financially )ADVP under (NP (NP national service )NP (PP than (NP (NP many taxpayers )NP (VP working (PP at (NP (NP the same kinds )NP (PP of (NP (NP jobs )NP and (NP perhaps supporting families )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 18 22 (S (NP They )NP (VP would (VP be (VP doing (ADVP better financially )ADVP (PP under (NP (NP national service )NP (PP than (NP (NP many taxpayers )NP (VP (VP working (PP at (NP (NP the same kinds )NP (PP of (NP jobs )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP and (VP (ADVP perhaps )ADVP supporting (NP families )NP )VP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 13 20 (S (NP They )NP (VP would (VP be (VP doing (ADVP (ADVP better (PP financially under (NP national service )NP )PP )ADVP (PP than (NP (NP many taxpayers )NP (VP working (PP at (NP (NP the same kinds )NP (PP of (NP (NP jobs )NP and (NP perhaps supporting families )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )VP . )S 13 21 (S (NP They )NP (VP would (VP be (VP doing (ADVP better financially )ADVP (PP under (NP (NP national service )NP (PP than (NP (NP many taxpayers )NP (VP working (PP at (NP (NP the same kinds )NP (PP of (NP (NP jobs )NP and (ADVP perhaps )ADVP (NP supporting families )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 14 22 (S (NP They )NP (VP would (VP be (VP doing (ADVP better )ADVP (ADVP financially )ADVP (PP under (NP (NP national service )NP (PP than (NP (NP many taxpayers )NP (VP working (PP at (NP (NP the same kinds )NP (PP of (NP (NP jobs )NP and (ADVP perhaps )ADVP (NP supporting families )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 12 20 (S (NP They )NP (VP would (VP be (VP doing (ADVP better financially )ADVP (PP under (NP (NP national service )NP (PP than (NP (NP many taxpayers )NP (VP working (PP at (NP (NP the same kinds )NP (PP of (NP (NP jobs )NP and perhaps (NP supporting families )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 12 20 (S (NP They )NP (VP would (VP be (VP doing (ADVP better )ADVP (PP financially under (NP (NP national service )NP (PP than (NP (NP many taxpayers )NP (VP working (PP at (NP (NP the same kinds )NP (PP of (NP (NP jobs )NP and (NP perhaps supporting families )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 14 22 (S (NP They )NP (VP would (VP be (VP doing (ADVP better )ADVP (PP (ADVP financially )ADVP under (NP (NP national service )NP (PP than (NP (NP many taxpayers )NP (VP working (PP at (NP (NP the same kinds )NP (PP of (NP (NP jobs )NP and (ADVP perhaps )ADVP (NP supporting families )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 13 21 (S (NP They )NP (VP would (VP be (VP doing (ADVP better )ADVP (ADVP (ADVP financially (PP under (NP national service )NP )PP )ADVP (PP than (NP (NP many taxpayers )NP (VP working (PP at (NP (NP the same kinds )NP (PP of (NP (NP jobs )NP and (NP perhaps supporting families )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )VP . )S 12 19 (S (NP They )NP (VP would (VP be (VP doing (ADJP better (PP financially under (NP national service )NP )PP (PP than (NP (NP many taxpayers )NP (VP working (PP at (NP (NP the same kinds )NP (PP of (NP (NP jobs )NP and (NP perhaps supporting families )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )VP )VP . )S 14 21 (S (NP They )NP (VP would (VP be (VP doing (ADVP (ADVP better (PP financially under (NP national service )NP )PP )ADVP (PP than (NP (NP many taxpayers )NP (VP working (PP at (NP (NP the same kinds )NP (PP of (NP (NP jobs )NP and (ADVP perhaps )ADVP (NP supporting families )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )VP . )S 14 20 (S (NP They )NP (VP would (VP be (VP doing (ADVP better financially )ADVP (PP under (NP (NP national service )NP (PP than (NP (NP many taxpayers )NP (VP working (PP at (NP (NP (NP the same kinds )NP (PP of (NP jobs )NP )PP )NP and (NP perhaps supporting families )NP )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 12 20 (S (NP They )NP (VP would (VP be (VP doing (ADVP better financially )ADVP (PP under (NP (NP national service )NP (PP than (NP (NP many taxpayers )NP (VP working (PP at (NP (NP the same kinds )NP (PP of (NP (NP jobs )NP and (NP perhaps supporting families )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 11 20 (S (NP They )NP (VP would (VP be (VP doing (ADVP better financially )ADVP (PP under (NP (NP national service )NP (PP than (S (NP many taxpayers )NP (VP working (PP at (NP (NP the same kinds )NP (PP of (NP (NP jobs )NP and (NP perhaps supporting families )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 14 20 (S (NP They )NP (VP would (VP be (VP doing (ADVP better )ADVP (ADVP financially )ADVP (PP under (NP national service )NP )PP (PP than (NP (NP many taxpayers )NP (VP working (PP at (NP (NP the same kinds )NP (PP of (NP (NP jobs )NP and (NP perhaps supporting families )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 14 21 (S (NP They )NP (VP would (VP be (VP doing (ADVP (ADVP (ADVP better financially )ADVP (PP under (NP national service )NP )PP )ADVP (PP than (NP (NP many taxpayers )NP (VP working (PP at (NP (NP the same kinds )NP (PP of (NP (NP jobs )NP and (NP perhaps supporting families )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )VP . )S 13 21 (S (NP They )NP (VP would (VP be (VP doing (NP (NP better )NP (PP (ADVP financially )ADVP under (NP national service )NP )PP (PP than (NP (NP many taxpayers )NP (VP working (PP at (NP (NP the same kinds )NP (PP of (NP (NP jobs )NP and (NP perhaps supporting families )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP . )S 13 21 (S (NP They )NP (VP would (VP be (VP doing (ADVP better )ADVP (PP financially under (NP (NP national service )NP (PP than (NP (NP many taxpayers )NP (VP working (PP at (NP (NP the same kinds )NP (PP of (NP (NP jobs )NP and (ADVP perhaps )ADVP (NP supporting families )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 9 19 (S (NP They )NP (VP would (VP be (VP doing (ADVP better financially )ADVP (PP under (NP national service (SBAR than (S (NP many taxpayers )NP (VP working (PP at (NP (NP the same kinds )NP (PP of (NP (NP jobs )NP and (NP perhaps supporting families )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 14 20 (S (NP They )NP (VP would (VP be (VP doing (ADVP (ADVP better financially (PP under (NP national service )NP )PP )ADVP (PP than (NP (NP many taxpayers )NP (VP working (PP at (NP (NP the same kinds )NP (PP of (NP (NP jobs )NP and (NP perhaps supporting families )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )VP . )S 14 22 (S (NP They )NP (VP would (VP be (VP doing (ADVP better )ADVP (ADVP (ADVP financially (PP under (NP national service )NP )PP )ADVP (PP than (NP (NP many taxpayers )NP (VP working (PP at (NP (NP the same kinds )NP (PP of (NP (NP jobs )NP and (ADVP perhaps )ADVP (NP supporting families )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )VP . )S 15 20 (S (NP They )NP (VP would (VP be (VP doing (ADVP better financially )ADVP (PP under (NP (NP national service )NP (PP than (NP (NP (NP many taxpayers )NP (VP working (PP at (NP (NP the same kinds )NP (PP of (NP jobs )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )NP and (NP perhaps supporting families )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 13 20 (S (NP They )NP (VP would (VP be (VP doing (ADJP better (PP financially under (NP national service )NP )PP (PP than (NP (NP many taxpayers )NP (VP working (PP at (NP (NP the same kinds )NP (PP of (NP (NP jobs )NP and (ADVP perhaps )ADVP (NP supporting families )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )VP )VP . )S 12 19 (S (NP They )NP (VP would (VP be (VP doing (ADVP better financially )ADVP (PP under (NP national service )NP (PP than (NP (NP many taxpayers )NP (VP working (PP at (NP (NP the same kinds )NP (PP of (NP (NP jobs )NP and (NP perhaps supporting families )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 12 20 (S (NP They )NP (VP would (VP be (VP doing (NP (NP better )NP (PP financially under (NP national service )NP )PP (PP than (NP (NP many taxpayers )NP (VP working (PP at (NP (NP the same kinds )NP (PP of (NP (NP jobs )NP and (NP perhaps supporting families )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP . )S 13 20 (S (NP They )NP (VP would (VP be (VP doing (ADVP (ADVP better financially )ADVP (PP under (NP national service )NP (PP than (NP (NP many taxpayers )NP (VP working (PP at (NP (NP the same kinds )NP (PP of (NP (NP jobs )NP and (NP perhaps supporting families )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )VP . )S 15 21 (S (NP They )NP (VP would (VP be (VP doing (ADVP better financially )ADVP (PP under (NP (NP national service )NP (PP than (NP (NP many taxpayers )NP (VP working (PP at (NP (NP (NP the same kinds )NP (PP of (NP jobs )NP )PP )NP and (ADVP perhaps )ADVP (NP supporting families )NP )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 13 19 (S (NP They )NP (VP would (VP be (VP doing (ADVP better financially )ADVP (PP under (NP national service )NP )PP (PP than (NP (NP many taxpayers )NP (VP working (PP at (NP (NP the same kinds )NP (PP of (NP (NP jobs )NP and (NP perhaps supporting families )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 19 23 (S (NP They )NP (VP would (VP be (VP doing (ADVP better )ADVP (ADVP financially )ADVP (PP under (NP (NP national service )NP (PP than (NP (NP many taxpayers )NP (VP (VP working (PP at (NP (NP the same kinds )NP (PP of (NP jobs )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP and (VP (ADVP perhaps )ADVP supporting (NP families )NP )VP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 12 20 (S (NP They )NP (VP would (VP be (VP doing (ADVP better financially )ADVP (PP under (NP (NP national service )NP (PP than (NP (NP many taxpayers )NP (VP working (PP at (NP (NP the same kinds )NP (PP of (NP (NP jobs )NP and (NP perhaps supporting families )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 15 23 (S (NP They )NP (VP would (VP be (VP doing (ADVP better financially )ADVP (PP under (NP (NP national service )NP (PP than (NP (NP many taxpayers )NP (VP working (PP at (NP (NP the same kinds )NP (PP of (NP (NP jobs )NP and (S (ADVP perhaps )ADVP (VP supporting (NP families )NP )VP )S )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 12 21 (S (NP They )NP (VP would (VP be (VP doing (ADVP better financially )ADVP (PP under (NP (NP national service )NP (PP than (S (NP many taxpayers )NP (VP working (PP at (NP (NP the same kinds )NP (PP of (NP (NP jobs )NP and (ADVP perhaps )ADVP (NP supporting families )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 15 21 (S (NP They )NP (VP would (VP be (VP doing (ADVP better )ADVP (ADVP financially )ADVP (PP under (NP national service )NP )PP (PP than (NP (NP many taxpayers )NP (VP working (PP at (NP (NP the same kinds )NP (PP of (NP (NP jobs )NP and (ADVP perhaps )ADVP (NP supporting families )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 15 22 (S (NP They )NP (VP would (VP be (VP doing (ADVP (ADVP (ADVP better financially )ADVP (PP under (NP national service )NP )PP )ADVP (PP than (NP (NP many taxpayers )NP (VP working (PP at (NP (NP the same kinds )NP (PP of (NP (NP jobs )NP and (ADVP perhaps )ADVP (NP supporting families )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )VP . )S 12 20 (S (NP They )NP (VP would (VP be (VP doing (ADVP better )ADVP (ADVP financially (PP under (NP national service )NP (PP than (NP (NP many taxpayers )NP (VP working (PP at (NP (NP the same kinds )NP (PP of (NP (NP jobs )NP and (NP perhaps supporting families )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )VP . )S 14 22 (S (NP They )NP (VP would (VP be (VP doing (NP (NP better )NP (PP (ADVP financially )ADVP under (NP national service )NP )PP (PP than (NP (NP many taxpayers )NP (VP working (PP at (NP (NP the same kinds )NP (PP of (NP (NP jobs )NP and (ADVP perhaps )ADVP (NP supporting families )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP . )S 10 20 (S (NP They )NP (VP would (VP be (VP doing (ADVP better financially )ADVP (PP under (NP national service (SBAR than (S (NP many taxpayers )NP (VP working (PP at (NP (NP the same kinds )NP (PP of (NP (NP jobs )NP and (ADVP perhaps )ADVP (NP supporting families )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 15 21 (S (NP They )NP (VP would (VP be (VP doing (ADVP (ADVP better financially (PP under (NP national service )NP )PP )ADVP (PP than (NP (NP many taxpayers )NP (VP working (PP at (NP (NP the same kinds )NP (PP of (NP (NP jobs )NP and (ADVP perhaps )ADVP (NP supporting families )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )VP . )S 14 20 (S (NP They )NP (VP would (VP be (VP doing (ADVP (ADVP better financially )ADVP (PP under (NP national service )NP )PP (PP than (NP (NP many taxpayers )NP (VP working (PP at (NP (NP the same kinds )NP (PP of (NP (NP jobs )NP and (NP perhaps supporting families )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )VP . )S 13 22 (S (NP They )NP (VP would (VP be (VP doing (NP (NP (NP better )NP (PP (ADVP financially )ADVP under (NP national service )NP )PP )NP (PP than (NP (NP many taxpayers )NP (VP working (PP at (NP (NP the same kinds )NP (PP of (NP (NP jobs )NP and (NP perhaps supporting families )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP . )S 10 19 (S (NP They )NP (VP would (VP be (VP doing (ADVP better financially )ADVP (PP under (NP (NP national service )NP (PP than (NP many taxpayers )NP )PP (VP working (PP at (NP (NP the same kinds )NP (PP of (NP (NP jobs )NP and (NP perhaps supporting families )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 19 23 (S (NP They )NP (VP would (VP be (VP doing (ADVP better )ADVP (PP (ADVP financially )ADVP under (NP (NP national service )NP (PP than (NP (NP many taxpayers )NP (VP (VP working (PP at (NP (NP the same kinds )NP (PP of (NP jobs )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP and (VP (ADVP perhaps )ADVP supporting (NP families )NP )VP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 14 22 (S (NP They )NP (VP would (VP be (VP doing (ADVP better )ADVP (ADVP financially )ADVP (PP under (NP (NP national service )NP (PP than (NP (NP many taxpayers )NP (VP working (PP at (NP (NP the same kinds )NP (PP of (NP (NP jobs )NP and (ADVP perhaps )ADVP (NP supporting families )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 13 20 (S (NP They )NP (VP would (VP be (VP doing (ADJP better (PP (ADVP financially )ADVP under (NP national service )NP )PP (PP than (NP (NP many taxpayers )NP (VP working (PP at (NP (NP the same kinds )NP (PP of (NP (NP jobs )NP and (NP perhaps supporting families )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )VP )VP . )S 10 20 (S (NP They )NP (VP would (VP be (VP doing (ADVP better financially )ADVP (PP under (NP (NP national service )NP (SBAR than (S (NP many taxpayers )NP (VP working (PP at (NP (NP the same kinds )NP (PP of (NP (NP jobs )NP and (NP perhaps supporting families )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 13 20 (S (NP They )NP (VP would (VP be (VP doing (ADVP better financially )ADVP (PP (PP under (NP national service )NP )PP (PP than (NP (NP many taxpayers )NP (VP working (PP at (NP (NP the same kinds )NP (PP of (NP (NP jobs )NP and (NP perhaps supporting families )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S 10 20 (S (NP They )NP (VP would (VP be (VP doing (ADVP better financially )ADVP (PP under (NP (NP national service )NP (PP than (NP many taxpayers )NP )PP )NP )PP (S (VP working (PP at (NP (NP the same kinds )NP (PP of (NP (NP jobs )NP and (NP perhaps supporting families )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )VP )VP . )S 50 31 33 (S (SBAR As (S (NP it )NP (VP happened )VP )S )SBAR , (S (NP political resistance )NP (VP developed (PP among (NP (NP educational and minority interests )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP count (PP on (NP the present education grant system )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )S , so (S (NP the national-service devotees )NP (VP decided (S (VP to (VP abandon (NP (NP the (ADJP supposedly crucial )ADJP principle )NP (PP of `` (S (VP give (SBAR in order (S (VP to (VP get )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S . '' )S 31 33 (S (S (SBAR As (S (NP it )NP (VP happened )VP )S )SBAR , (NP political resistance )NP (VP developed (PP among (NP (NP educational and minority interests )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP count (PP on (NP the present education grant system )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )S , so (S (NP the national-service devotees )NP (VP decided (S (VP to (VP abandon (NP (NP the (ADJP supposedly crucial )ADJP principle )NP (PP of `` (S (VP give (SBAR in order (S (VP to (VP get )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S . '' )S 31 33 (S (S (SBAR As (S (NP it )NP (VP happened )VP )S )SBAR , (NP political resistance )NP (VP developed (PP among (NP (NP educational and minority interests )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP count (PP on (NP the present education grant system )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )S , so (S (NP the national-service devotees )NP (VP decided (S (VP to (VP abandon (NP (NP the (ADJP supposedly crucial )ADJP principle )NP (PP of `` (S (VP give (SBAR in order (S (VP to (VP get )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S . '' )S 31 33 (S (SBAR As (S (NP it )NP (VP happened )VP )S )SBAR , (S (NP political resistance )NP (VP developed (PP among (NP (NP educational and minority interests )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP count (PP on (NP the present education grant system )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )S , so (S (NP the national-service devotees )NP (VP decided (S (VP to (VP abandon (NP (NP the (ADJP supposedly crucial )ADJP principle )NP (PP of `` (S (VP give (SBAR in order (S (VP to (VP get )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S . '' )S 31 33 (S (S (SBAR As (S (NP it )NP (VP happened )VP )S )SBAR , (NP political resistance )NP (VP developed (PP among (NP (NP educational and minority interests )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP count (PP on (NP the present education grant system )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )S , so (S (NP the national-service devotees )NP (VP decided (S (VP to (VP abandon (NP (NP the (ADJP supposedly crucial )ADJP principle )NP (PP of `` (S (VP give (SBAR in order (S (VP to (VP get )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S . '' )S 28 33 (S (SBAR As (S (NP it )NP (VP happened )VP )S )SBAR , (NP political resistance )NP (VP developed (PP among (NP (NP educational and minority interests )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP count (PP on (NP the present education grant system )NP )PP , (SBAR so (S (NP the national-service devotees )NP (VP decided (S (VP to (VP abandon (NP (NP the (ADJP supposedly crucial )ADJP principle )NP (PP of `` (S (VP give (SBAR in order (S (VP to (VP get )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . '' )S 31 33 (S (S (SBAR As (S (NP it )NP (VP happened )VP )S )SBAR , (NP political resistance )NP (VP developed (PP among (NP (NP educational and minority interests )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP count (PP on (NP the present education grant system )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )S , so (S (NP the national-service devotees )NP (VP decided (S (VP to (VP abandon (NP (NP the (ADJP supposedly crucial )ADJP principle )NP (PP of `` (S (VP give (SBAR in order (S (VP to (VP get )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S . '' )S 31 33 (S (SBAR As (S (NP it )NP (VP happened )VP )S )SBAR , (S (NP political resistance )NP (VP developed (PP among (NP (NP educational and minority interests )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP count (PP on (NP the present education grant system )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )S , so (S (NP the national-service devotees )NP (VP decided (S (VP to (VP abandon (NP (NP the (ADJP supposedly crucial )ADJP principle )NP (PP of `` (S (VP give (SBAR in order (S (VP to (VP get )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S . '' )S 28 33 (S (SBAR As (S (NP it )NP (VP happened )VP )S )SBAR , (NP political resistance )NP (VP developed (PP among (NP (NP educational and minority interests )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP count (PP on (NP the present education grant system )NP )PP , (SBAR so (S (NP the national-service devotees )NP (VP decided (S (VP to (VP abandon (NP (NP the (ADJP supposedly crucial )ADJP principle )NP (PP of `` (S (VP give (SBAR in order (S (VP to (VP get )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . '' )S 31 33 (S (SBAR As (S (NP it )NP (VP happened )VP )S )SBAR , (S (NP political resistance )NP (VP developed (PP among (NP (NP educational and minority interests )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP count (PP on (NP the present education grant system )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )S , so (S (NP the national-service devotees )NP (VP decided (S (VP to (VP abandon (NP (NP the (ADJP supposedly crucial )ADJP principle )NP (PP of `` (S (VP give (SBAR in order (S (VP to (VP get )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S . '' )S 31 33 (S (S (SBAR As (S (NP it )NP (VP happened )VP )S )SBAR , (NP political resistance )NP (VP developed (PP among (NP (NP educational and minority interests )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP count (PP on (NP the present education grant system )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )S , so (S (NP the national-service devotees )NP (VP decided (S (VP to (VP abandon (NP (NP the (ADJP supposedly crucial )ADJP principle )NP (PP of `` (S (VP give (SBAR in order (S (VP to (VP get )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S . '' )S 31 33 (S (S (SBAR As (S (NP it )NP (VP happened )VP )S )SBAR , (NP political resistance )NP (VP developed (PP among (NP (NP educational and minority interests )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP count (PP on (NP the present education grant system )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )S , so (S (NP the national-service devotees )NP (VP decided (S (VP to (VP abandon (NP (NP the (ADJP supposedly crucial )ADJP principle )NP (PP of `` (S (VP give (SBAR in order (S (VP to (VP get )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S . '' )S 31 33 (S (SBAR As (S (NP it )NP (VP happened )VP )S )SBAR , (S (NP political resistance )NP (VP developed (PP among (NP (NP educational and minority interests )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP count (PP on (NP the present education grant system )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )S , so (S (NP the national-service devotees )NP (VP decided (S (VP to (VP abandon (NP (NP the (ADJP supposedly crucial )ADJP principle )NP (PP of `` (S (VP give (SBAR in order (S (VP to (VP get )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S . '' )S 31 33 (S (S (SBAR As (S (NP it )NP (VP happened )VP )S )SBAR , (NP political resistance )NP (VP developed (PP among (NP (NP educational and minority interests )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP count (PP on (NP the present education grant system )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )S , so (S (NP the national-service devotees )NP (VP decided (S (VP to (VP abandon (NP (NP the (ADJP supposedly crucial )ADJP principle )NP (PP of `` (S (VP give (SBAR in order (S (VP to (VP get )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S . '' )S 31 33 (S (SBAR As (S (NP it )NP (VP happened )VP )S )SBAR , (S (NP political resistance )NP (VP developed (PP among (NP (NP educational and minority interests )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP count (PP on (NP the present education grant system )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )S , so (S (NP the national-service devotees )NP (VP decided (S (VP to (VP abandon (NP (NP the (ADJP supposedly crucial )ADJP principle )NP (PP of `` (S (VP give (SBAR in order (S (VP to (VP get )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S . '' )S 31 33 (S (SBAR As (S (NP it )NP (VP happened )VP )S )SBAR , (S (NP political resistance )NP (VP developed (PP among (NP (NP educational and minority interests )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP count (PP on (NP the present education grant system )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )S , so (S (NP the national-service devotees )NP (VP decided (S (VP to (VP abandon (NP (NP the (ADJP supposedly crucial )ADJP principle )NP (PP of `` (S (VP give (SBAR in order (S (VP to (VP get )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S . '' )S 31 33 (S (S (SBAR As (S (NP it )NP (VP happened )VP )S )SBAR , (NP political resistance )NP (VP developed (PP among (NP (NP educational and minority interests )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP count (PP on (NP the present education grant system )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )S , so (S (NP the national-service devotees )NP (VP decided (S (VP to (VP abandon (NP (NP the (ADJP supposedly crucial )ADJP principle )NP (PP of `` (S (VP give (SBAR in order (S (VP to (VP get )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S . '' )S 31 33 (S (S (SBAR As (S (NP it )NP (VP happened )VP )S )SBAR , (NP political resistance )NP (VP developed (PP among (NP (NP educational and minority interests )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP count (PP on (NP the present education grant system )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )S , so (S (NP the national-service devotees )NP (VP decided (S (VP to (VP abandon (NP (NP the (ADJP supposedly crucial )ADJP principle )NP (PP of `` (S (VP give (SBAR in order (S (VP to (VP get )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S . '' )S 28 33 (S (SBAR As (S (NP it )NP (VP happened )VP )S )SBAR , (NP political resistance )NP (VP developed (PP among (NP (NP educational and minority interests )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP count (PP on (NP the present education grant system )NP )PP , (SBAR so (S (NP the national-service devotees )NP (VP decided (S (VP to (VP abandon (NP (NP the (ADJP supposedly crucial )ADJP principle )NP (PP of `` (S (VP give (SBAR in order (S (VP to (VP get )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . '' )S 31 33 (S (S (SBAR As (S (NP it )NP (VP happened )VP )S )SBAR , (NP political resistance )NP (VP developed (PP among (NP (NP educational and minority interests )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP count (PP on (NP the present education grant system )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )S , so (S (NP the national-service devotees )NP (VP decided (S (VP to (VP abandon (NP (NP the (ADJP supposedly crucial )ADJP principle )NP (PP of `` (S (VP give (SBAR in order (S (VP to (VP get )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S . '' )S 31 33 (S (SBAR As (S (NP it )NP (VP happened )VP )S )SBAR , (S (NP political resistance )NP (VP developed (PP among (NP (NP educational and minority interests )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP count (PP on (NP the present education grant system )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )S , so (S (NP the national-service devotees )NP (VP decided (S (VP to (VP abandon (NP (NP the (ADJP supposedly crucial )ADJP principle )NP (PP of `` (S (VP give (SBAR in order (S (VP to (VP get )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S . '' )S 28 33 (S (SBAR As (S (NP it )NP (VP happened )VP )S )SBAR , (NP political resistance )NP (VP developed (PP among (NP (NP educational and minority interests )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP count (PP on (NP the present education grant system )NP )PP , (SBAR so (S (NP the national-service devotees )NP (VP decided (S (VP to (VP abandon (NP (NP the (ADJP supposedly crucial )ADJP principle )NP (PP of `` (S (VP give (SBAR in order (S (VP to (VP get )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . '' )S 31 33 (S (SBAR As (S (NP it )NP (VP happened )VP )S )SBAR , (S (NP political resistance )NP (VP developed (PP among (NP (NP educational and minority interests )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP count (PP on (NP the present education grant system )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )S , so (S (NP the national-service devotees )NP (VP decided (S (VP to (VP abandon (NP (NP the (ADJP supposedly crucial )ADJP principle )NP (PP of `` (S (VP give (SBAR in order (S (VP to (VP get )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S . '' )S 31 33 (S (S (SBAR As (S (NP it )NP (VP happened )VP )S )SBAR , (NP political resistance )NP (VP developed (PP among (NP (NP educational and minority interests )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP count (PP on (NP the present education grant system )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )S , so (S (NP the national-service devotees )NP (VP decided (S (VP to (VP abandon (NP (NP the (ADJP supposedly crucial )ADJP principle )NP (PP of `` (S (VP give (SBAR in order (S (VP to (VP get )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S . '' )S 31 33 (S (SBAR As (S (NP it )NP (VP happened )VP )S )SBAR , (S (NP political resistance )NP (VP developed (PP among (NP (NP educational and minority interests )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP count (PP on (NP the present education grant system )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )S , so (S (NP the national-service devotees )NP (VP decided (S (VP to (VP abandon (NP (NP the (ADJP supposedly crucial )ADJP principle )NP (PP of `` (S (VP give (SBAR in order (S (VP to (VP get )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S . '' )S 33 33 (S (SBAR As (S (NP it )NP (VP happened )VP )S )SBAR , (NP political resistance )NP (VP developed (PP among (NP (NP educational and minority interests )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP count (PP on (NP the present education grant system )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP , (SBAR so (S (NP the national-service devotees )NP (VP decided (S (VP to (VP abandon (NP (NP the (ADJP supposedly crucial )ADJP principle )NP (PP of `` (S (VP give (SBAR in order (S (VP to (VP get )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP . '' )S 33 33 (S (SBAR As (S (NP it )NP (VP happened )VP )S )SBAR , (NP political resistance )NP (VP developed (PP among (NP (NP educational and minority interests )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP count (PP on (NP the present education grant system )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP , (SBAR so (S (NP the national-service devotees )NP (VP decided (S (VP to (VP abandon (NP (NP the (ADJP supposedly crucial )ADJP principle )NP (PP of `` (S (VP give (SBAR in order (S (VP to (VP get )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP . '' )S 28 33 (S (SBAR As (S (NP it )NP (VP (VP happened )VP , (NP (NP political resistance )NP (VP developed (PP among (NP (NP educational and minority interests )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP count (PP on (NP the present education grant system )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )NP )VP )S )SBAR , so (NP the national-service devotees )NP (VP decided (S (VP to (VP abandon (NP (NP the (ADJP supposedly crucial )ADJP principle )NP (PP of `` (S (VP give (SBAR in order (S (VP to (VP get )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . '' )S 31 33 (S (SBAR As (S (NP it )NP (VP happened )VP )S )SBAR , (S (NP political resistance )NP (VP developed (PP among (NP (NP educational and minority interests )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP count (PP on (NP the present education grant system )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )S , so (S (NP the national-service devotees )NP (VP decided (S (VP to (VP abandon (NP (NP the (ADJP supposedly crucial )ADJP principle )NP (PP of `` (S (VP give (SBAR in order (S (VP to (VP get )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S . '' )S 26 32 (S (SBAR As (S (NP it )NP (VP (VP happened )VP , (NP (NP political resistance )NP (VP developed (PP among (NP educational and minority interests )NP )PP )VP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP count (PP on (NP the present education grant system )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR , so (NP the national-service devotees )NP (VP decided (S (VP to (VP abandon (NP (NP the (ADJP supposedly crucial )ADJP principle )NP (PP of `` (S (VP give (SBAR in order (S (VP to (VP get )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . '' )S 31 33 (S (S (SBAR As (S (NP it )NP (VP happened )VP )S )SBAR , (NP political resistance )NP (VP developed (PP among (NP (NP educational and minority interests )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP count (PP on (NP the present education grant system )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )S , so (S (NP the national-service devotees )NP (VP decided (S (VP to (VP abandon (NP (NP the (ADJP supposedly crucial )ADJP principle )NP (PP of `` (S (VP give (SBAR in order (S (VP to (VP get )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S . '' )S 28 31 (S (S (SBAR As (S (NP it )NP (VP happened )VP )S )SBAR , (NP political resistance )NP (VP developed (PP among (NP educational and minority interests )NP )PP (SBAR that (S (VP count (PP on (NP the present education grant system )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , so (S (NP the national-service devotees )NP (VP decided (S (VP to (VP abandon (NP (NP the (ADJP supposedly crucial )ADJP principle )NP (PP of `` (S (VP give (SBAR in order (S (VP to (VP get )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S . '' )S 28 33 (S (SBAR As (S (NP it )NP (VP happened )VP )S )SBAR , (NP political resistance )NP (VP developed (PP among (NP (NP educational and minority interests )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP count (PP on (NP the present education grant system )NP )PP , (SBAR so (S (NP the national-service devotees )NP (VP decided (S (VP to (VP abandon (NP (NP the (ADJP supposedly crucial )ADJP principle )NP (PP of `` (S (VP give (SBAR in order (S (VP to (VP get )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . '' )S 31 34 (S (SBAR As (S (NP it )NP (VP happened )VP )S )SBAR , (S (NP political resistance )NP (VP developed (PP among (NP (NP (UCP educational and minority )UCP interests )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP count (PP on (NP the present education grant system )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )S , so (S (NP the national-service devotees )NP (VP decided (S (VP to (VP abandon (NP (NP the (ADJP supposedly crucial )ADJP principle )NP (PP of `` (S (VP give (SBAR in order (S (VP to (VP get )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S . '' )S 31 33 (S (SBAR As (S (NP it )NP (VP happened )VP )S )SBAR , (S (NP political resistance )NP (VP developed (PP among (NP (NP educational and minority interests )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP count (PP on (NP the present education grant system )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )S , so (S (NP the national-service devotees )NP (VP decided (S (VP to (VP abandon (NP (NP the (ADJP supposedly crucial )ADJP principle )NP (PP of `` (S (VP give (SBAR in order (S (VP to (VP get )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S . '' )S 28 31 (S (SBAR As (S (NP it )NP (VP happened )VP )S )SBAR , (S (NP political resistance )NP (VP developed (PP among (NP educational and minority interests )NP )PP (SBAR that (S (VP count (PP on (NP the present education grant system )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , so (S (NP the national-service devotees )NP (VP decided (S (VP to (VP abandon (NP (NP the (ADJP supposedly crucial )ADJP principle )NP (PP of `` (S (VP give (SBAR in order (S (VP to (VP get )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S . '' )S 31 34 (S (S (SBAR As (S (NP it )NP (VP happened )VP )S )SBAR , (NP political resistance )NP (VP developed (PP among (NP (NP (UCP educational and minority )UCP interests )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP count (PP on (NP the present education grant system )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )S , so (S (NP the national-service devotees )NP (VP decided (S (VP to (VP abandon (NP (NP the (ADJP supposedly crucial )ADJP principle )NP (PP of `` (S (VP give (SBAR in order (S (VP to (VP get )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S . '' )S 28 33 (S (SBAR As (S (NP it )NP (VP happened )VP )S )SBAR , (NP political resistance )NP (VP developed (PP among (NP (NP educational and minority interests )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP count (PP on (NP the present education grant system )NP )PP , (SBAR so (S (NP the national-service devotees )NP (VP decided (S (VP to (VP abandon (NP (NP the (ADJP supposedly crucial )ADJP principle )NP (PP of `` (S (VP give (SBAR in order (S (VP to (VP get )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . '' )S 31 34 (S (S (SBAR As (S (NP it )NP (VP happened )VP )S )SBAR , (NP political resistance )NP (VP developed (PP among (NP (NP (UCP educational and minority )UCP interests )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP count (PP on (NP the present education grant system )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )S , so (S (NP the national-service devotees )NP (VP decided (S (VP to (VP abandon (NP (NP the (ADJP supposedly crucial )ADJP principle )NP (PP of `` (S (VP give (SBAR in order (S (VP to (VP get )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S . '' )S 33 33 (S (SBAR As (S (NP it )NP (VP happened )VP )S )SBAR , (NP political resistance )NP (VP developed (PP among (NP (NP educational and minority interests )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP count (PP on (NP the present education grant system )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP , (SBAR so (S (NP the national-service devotees )NP (VP decided (S (VP to (VP abandon (NP (NP the (ADJP supposedly crucial )ADJP principle )NP (PP of `` (S (VP give (SBAR in order (S (VP to (VP get )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP . '' )S 33 33 (S (SBAR As (S (NP it )NP (VP happened )VP )S )SBAR , (NP political resistance )NP (VP developed (PP among (NP (NP educational and minority interests )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP count (PP on (NP the present education grant system )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP , (SBAR so (S (NP the national-service devotees )NP (VP decided (S (VP to (VP abandon (NP (NP the (ADJP supposedly crucial )ADJP principle )NP (PP of `` (S (VP give (SBAR in order (S (VP to (VP get )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP . '' )S 28 33 (S (SBAR As (S (NP it )NP (VP (VP happened )VP , (NP (NP political resistance )NP (VP developed (PP among (NP (NP educational and minority interests )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP count (PP on (NP the present education grant system )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )NP )VP )S )SBAR , so (NP the national-service devotees )NP (VP decided (S (VP to (VP abandon (NP (NP the (ADJP supposedly crucial )ADJP principle )NP (PP of `` (S (VP give (SBAR in order (S (VP to (VP get )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . '' )S 28 31 (S (S (SBAR As (S (NP it )NP (VP happened )VP )S )SBAR , (NP political resistance )NP (VP developed (PP among (NP educational and minority interests )NP )PP (SBAR that (S (VP count (PP on (NP the present education grant system )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , so (S (NP the national-service devotees )NP (VP decided (S (VP to (VP abandon (NP (NP the (ADJP supposedly crucial )ADJP principle )NP (PP of `` (S (VP give (SBAR in order (S (VP to (VP get )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S . '' )S 28 31 (S (S (SBAR As (S (NP it )NP (VP happened )VP )S )SBAR , (NP political resistance )NP (VP developed (PP among (NP educational and minority interests )NP )PP (SBAR that (S (VP count (PP on (NP the present education grant system )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , so (S (NP the national-service devotees )NP (VP decided (S (VP to (VP abandon (NP (NP the (ADJP supposedly crucial )ADJP principle )NP (PP of `` (S (VP give (SBAR in order (S (VP to (VP get )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S . '' )S 30 32 (S (SBAR As (S (NP it )NP (VP happened )VP )S )SBAR , (S (NP political resistance )NP (VP developed (PP among (NP (NP educational and minority interests )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP count (PP on (NP the present education grant system )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )S , so (S (NP the national-service devotees )NP (VP decided (S (VP to (VP abandon (NP (NP the supposedly crucial principle )NP (PP of `` (S (VP give (SBAR in order (S (VP to (VP get )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S . '' )S 26 32 (S (SBAR As (S (NP it )NP (VP (VP happened )VP , (NP (NP political resistance )NP (VP developed (PP among (NP educational and minority interests )NP )PP )VP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP count (PP on (NP the present education grant system )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR , so (NP the national-service devotees )NP (VP decided (S (VP to (VP abandon (NP (NP the (ADJP supposedly crucial )ADJP principle )NP (PP of `` (S (VP give (SBAR in order (S (VP to (VP get )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . '' )S 31 34 (S (SBAR As (S (NP it )NP (VP happened )VP )S )SBAR , (S (NP political resistance )NP (VP developed (PP among (NP (NP (UCP educational and minority )UCP interests )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP count (PP on (NP the present education grant system )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )S , so (S (NP the national-service devotees )NP (VP decided (S (VP to (VP abandon (NP (NP the (ADJP supposedly crucial )ADJP principle )NP (PP of `` (S (VP give (SBAR in order (S (VP to (VP get )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S . '' )S 31 34 (S (S (SBAR As (S (NP it )NP (VP happened )VP )S )SBAR , (NP political resistance )NP (VP developed (PP among (NP (NP (UCP educational and minority )UCP interests )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP count (PP on (NP the present education grant system )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )S , so (S (NP the national-service devotees )NP (VP decided (S (VP to (VP abandon (NP (NP the (ADJP supposedly crucial )ADJP principle )NP (PP of `` (S (VP give (SBAR in order (S (VP to (VP get )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S . '' )S 30 32 (S (S (SBAR As (S (NP it )NP (VP happened )VP )S )SBAR , (NP political resistance )NP (VP developed (PP among (NP (NP educational and minority interests )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP count (PP on (NP the present education grant system )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )S , so (S (NP the national-service devotees )NP (VP decided (S (VP to (VP abandon (NP (NP the supposedly crucial principle )NP (PP of `` (S (VP give (SBAR in order (S (VP to (VP get )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S . '' )S 28 31 (S (S (SBAR As (S (NP it )NP (VP happened )VP )S )SBAR , (NP political resistance )NP (VP developed (PP among (NP educational and minority interests )NP )PP (SBAR that (S (VP count (PP on (NP the present education grant system )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , so (S (NP the national-service devotees )NP (VP decided (S (VP to (VP abandon (NP (NP the (ADJP supposedly crucial )ADJP principle )NP (PP of `` (S (VP give (SBAR in order (S (VP to (VP get )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S . '' )S 50 21 22 (S (NP (NP Opposition )NP (PP to (NP national service )NP )PP (PP from (NP the Pentagon )NP )PP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP wants (S (VP to (VP protect (NP its own recruitment process )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP led (PP to (S (NP the military-service option )NP (VP being (VP dropped )VP )VP )S )PP )VP . )S 21 22 (S (NP (NP Opposition )NP (PP to (NP national service )NP )PP (PP from (NP the Pentagon )NP )PP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP wants (S (VP to (VP protect (NP its own recruitment process )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP led (PP to (S (NP the military-service option )NP (VP being (VP dropped )VP )VP )S )PP )VP . )S 23 23 (S (NP (NP Opposition )NP (PP to (NP national service )NP )PP (PP from (NP (NP the Pentagon )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP wants (S (VP to (VP protect (NP its own recruitment process )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR , )NP )PP )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP led (PP to (S (NP the military-service option )NP (VP being (VP dropped )VP )VP )S )PP )VP . )S 23 23 (S (NP (NP Opposition )NP (PP to (NP national service )NP )PP (PP from (NP (NP the Pentagon )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP wants (S (VP to (VP protect (NP its own recruitment process )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR , )NP )PP )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP led (PP to (S (NP the military-service option )NP (VP being (VP dropped )VP )VP )S )PP )VP . )S 20 23 (S (NP (NP Opposition )NP (PP to (NP (NP national service )NP (PP from (NP the Pentagon )NP )PP )NP )PP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP wants (S (VP to (VP protect (NP its own recruitment process )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP led (PP to (S (NP the military-service option )NP (VP being (VP dropped )VP )VP )S )PP )VP . )S 20 22 (S (NP (NP Opposition )NP (PP to (NP national service )NP )PP (PP from (NP the Pentagon )NP )PP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP wants (S (VP to (VP protect (NP its own recruitment process )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP led (PP to (NP (NP the military-service option )NP (VP being (VP dropped )VP )VP )NP )PP )VP . )S 20 22 (S (NP (NP Opposition )NP (PP to (NP national service )NP )PP (PP from (NP the Pentagon )NP )PP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP wants (S (VP to (VP protect (NP its own recruitment process )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP led (PP to (NP (NP the military-service option )NP (VP being (VP dropped )VP )VP )NP )PP )VP . )S 20 23 (S (NP (NP Opposition )NP (PP to (NP (NP national service )NP (PP from (NP the Pentagon )NP )PP )NP )PP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP wants (S (VP to (VP protect (NP its own recruitment process )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP led (PP to (S (NP the military-service option )NP (VP being (VP dropped )VP )VP )S )PP )VP . )S 20 22 (S (NP (NP Opposition )NP (PP to (NP national service )NP (PP from (NP the Pentagon )NP )PP )PP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP wants (S (VP to (VP protect (NP its own recruitment process )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP led (PP to (S (NP the military-service option )NP (VP being (VP dropped )VP )VP )S )PP )VP . )S 22 23 (S (NP (NP Opposition )NP (PP to (NP national service )NP )PP (PP from (NP (NP the Pentagon )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP wants (S (VP to (VP protect (NP its own recruitment process )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR , )NP )PP )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP led (PP to (NP (NP the military-service option )NP (VP being (VP dropped )VP )VP )NP )PP )VP . )S 20 22 (S (NP (NP Opposition )NP (PP to (NP national service )NP (PP from (NP the Pentagon )NP )PP )PP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP wants (S (VP to (VP protect (NP its own recruitment process )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP led (PP to (S (NP the military-service option )NP (VP being (VP dropped )VP )VP )S )PP )VP . )S 22 23 (S (NP (NP Opposition )NP (PP to (NP national service )NP )PP (PP from (NP (NP the Pentagon )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP wants (S (VP to (VP protect (NP its own recruitment process )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR , )NP )PP )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP led (PP to (NP (NP the military-service option )NP (VP being (VP dropped )VP )VP )NP )PP )VP . )S 21 22 (S (NP (NP Opposition )NP (PP to (NP national service )NP )PP (PP from (NP the Pentagon )NP )PP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP wants (S (VP to (VP protect (NP its own recruitment process )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP led (PP to (S (NP the military-service option )NP (VP being (VP dropped )VP )VP )S )PP )VP . )S 20 22 (S (NP (NP Opposition )NP (PP to (NP national service )NP )PP (PP from (NP the Pentagon )NP )PP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP wants (S (VP to (VP protect (NP its own recruitment process )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP led (PP to (NP (NP the military-service option )NP (VP being (VP dropped )VP )VP )NP )PP )VP . )S 19 23 (S (NP (NP Opposition )NP (PP to (NP (NP national service )NP (PP from (NP the Pentagon )NP )PP )NP )PP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP wants (S (VP to (VP protect (NP its own recruitment process )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP led (PP to (NP (NP the military-service option )NP (VP being (VP dropped )VP )VP )NP )PP )VP . )S 21 22 (S (NP (NP Opposition )NP (PP to (NP national service )NP )PP (PP from (NP the Pentagon )NP )PP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP wants (S (VP to (VP protect (NP its own recruitment process )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP led (PP to (S (NP the military-service option )NP (VP being (VP dropped )VP )VP )S )PP )VP . )S 21 23 (S (NP (NP (NP Opposition )NP (PP to (NP national service )NP )PP )NP (PP from (NP the Pentagon )NP )PP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP wants (S (VP to (VP protect (NP its own recruitment process )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP led (PP to (S (NP the military-service option )NP (VP being (VP dropped )VP )VP )S )PP )VP . )S 20 22 (S (NP (NP Opposition )NP (PP to (NP national service )NP )PP (PP from (NP the Pentagon )NP )PP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP wants (S (VP to (VP protect (NP its own recruitment process )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP led (PP to (NP (NP the military-service option )NP (VP being (VP dropped )VP )VP )NP )PP )VP . )S 19 23 (S (NP (NP Opposition )NP (PP to (NP (NP national service )NP (PP from (NP the Pentagon )NP )PP )NP )PP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP wants (S (VP to (VP protect (NP its own recruitment process )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP led (PP to (NP (NP the military-service option )NP (VP being (VP dropped )VP )VP )NP )PP )VP . )S 21 22 (S (NP (NP Opposition )NP (PP to (NP national service )NP )PP (PP from (NP the Pentagon )NP )PP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP wants (S (VP to (VP protect (NP its own recruitment process )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP led (PP to (S (NP the military-service option )NP (VP being (VP dropped )VP )VP )S )PP )VP . )S 21 22 (S (NP (NP Opposition )NP (PP to (NP national service )NP )PP (PP from (NP the Pentagon )NP )PP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP wants (S (VP to (VP protect (NP its own recruitment process )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP led (PP to (S (NP the military-service option )NP (VP being (VP dropped )VP )VP )S )PP )VP . )S 21 23 (S (NP (NP (NP Opposition )NP (PP to (NP national service )NP )PP )NP (PP from (NP the Pentagon )NP )PP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP wants (S (VP to (VP protect (NP its own recruitment process )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP led (PP to (S (NP the military-service option )NP (VP being (VP dropped )VP )VP )S )PP )VP . )S 22 24 (S (NP (NP Opposition )NP (PP to (NP (NP national service )NP (PP from (NP (NP the Pentagon )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP wants (S (VP to (VP protect (NP its own recruitment process )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR , )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP led (PP to (S (NP the military-service option )NP (VP being (VP dropped )VP )VP )S )PP )VP . )S 22 23 (S (NP (NP Opposition )NP (PP to (NP national service )NP )PP (PP from (NP (NP the Pentagon )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP wants (S (VP to (VP protect (NP its own recruitment process )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR , )NP )PP )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP led (PP to (NP (NP the military-service option )NP (VP being (VP dropped )VP )VP )NP )PP )VP . )S 19 22 (S (NP (NP Opposition )NP (PP to (NP national service )NP (PP from (NP the Pentagon )NP )PP )PP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP wants (S (VP to (VP protect (NP its own recruitment process )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP led (PP to (NP (NP the military-service option )NP (VP being (VP dropped )VP )VP )NP )PP )VP . )S 21 23 (S (NP (NP (NP Opposition )NP (PP to (NP national service )NP )PP (PP from (NP the Pentagon )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP wants (S (VP to (VP protect (NP its own recruitment process )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP led (PP to (S (NP the military-service option )NP (VP being (VP dropped )VP )VP )S )PP )VP . )S 23 23 (S (NP (NP Opposition )NP (PP to (NP national service )NP )PP (PP from (NP (NP the Pentagon )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP wants (S (VP to (VP protect (NP its own recruitment process )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR , )NP )PP )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP led (PP to (S (NP the military-service option )NP (VP being (VP dropped )VP )VP )S )PP )VP . )S 22 23 (S (NP (NP Opposition )NP (PP to (NP national service )NP )PP (PP from (NP (NP the Pentagon )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP wants (S (VP to (VP protect (NP its own recruitment process )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR , )NP )PP )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP led (PP to (NP (NP the military-service option )NP (VP being (VP dropped )VP )VP )NP )PP )VP . )S 19 22 (S (NP (NP Opposition )NP (PP to (NP national service )NP (PP from (NP the Pentagon )NP )PP )PP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP wants (S (VP to (VP protect (NP its own recruitment process )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP led (PP to (NP (NP the military-service option )NP (VP being (VP dropped )VP )VP )NP )PP )VP . )S 21 23 (S (NP (NP Opposition )NP (PP (PP to (NP national service )NP )PP (PP from (NP the Pentagon )NP )PP )PP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP wants (S (VP to (VP protect (NP its own recruitment process )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP led (PP to (S (NP the military-service option )NP (VP being (VP dropped )VP )VP )S )PP )VP . )S 22 24 (S (NP (NP Opposition )NP (PP to (NP (NP national service )NP (PP from (NP (NP the Pentagon )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP wants (S (VP to (VP protect (NP its own recruitment process )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR , )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP led (PP to (S (NP the military-service option )NP (VP being (VP dropped )VP )VP )S )PP )VP . )S 23 23 (S (NP (NP Opposition )NP (PP to (NP national service )NP )PP (PP from (NP (NP the Pentagon )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP wants (S (VP to (VP protect (NP its own recruitment process )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR , )NP )PP )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP led (PP to (S (NP the military-service option )NP (VP being (VP dropped )VP )VP )S )PP )VP . )S 19 23 (S (NP (NP Opposition )NP (PP to (NP (NP national service )NP (PP from (NP the Pentagon )NP )PP )NP )PP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP wants (S (VP to (VP protect (NP its own recruitment process )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP led (PP to (NP (NP the military-service option )NP (VP being (VP dropped )VP )VP )NP )PP )VP . )S 21 23 (S (NP (NP (NP Opposition )NP (PP to (NP national service )NP )PP (PP from (NP the Pentagon )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP wants (S (VP to (VP protect (NP its own recruitment process )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP led (PP to (S (NP the military-service option )NP (VP being (VP dropped )VP )VP )S )PP )VP . )S 23 23 (S (NP (NP Opposition )NP (PP to (NP national service )NP )PP (PP from (NP (NP the Pentagon )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP wants (S (VP to (VP protect (NP its own recruitment process )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR , )NP )PP )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP led (PP to (S (NP the military-service option )NP (VP being (VP dropped )VP )VP )S )PP )VP . )S 20 23 (S (NP (NP Opposition )NP (PP to (NP (NP national service )NP (PP from (NP the Pentagon )NP )PP )NP )PP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP wants (S (VP to (VP protect (NP its own recruitment process )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP led (PP to (S (NP the military-service option )NP (VP being (VP dropped )VP )VP )S )PP )VP . )S 21 23 (S (NP (NP Opposition )NP (PP (PP to (NP national service )NP )PP (PP from (NP the Pentagon )NP )PP )PP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP wants (S (VP to (VP protect (NP its own recruitment process )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP led (PP to (S (NP the military-service option )NP (VP being (VP dropped )VP )VP )S )PP )VP . )S 19 23 (S (NP (NP Opposition )NP (PP to (NP (NP national service )NP (PP from (NP the Pentagon )NP )PP )NP )PP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP wants (S (VP to (VP protect (NP its own recruitment process )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP led (PP to (NP (NP the military-service option )NP (VP being (VP dropped )VP )VP )NP )PP )VP . )S 20 23 (S (NP (NP (NP Opposition )NP (PP to (NP national service )NP )PP )NP (PP from (NP the Pentagon )NP )PP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP wants (S (VP to (VP protect (NP its own recruitment process )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP led (PP to (NP (NP the military-service option )NP (VP being (VP dropped )VP )VP )NP )PP )VP . )S 23 23 (S (NP (NP Opposition )NP (PP to (NP national service )NP )PP (PP from (NP (NP the Pentagon )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP wants (S (VP to (VP protect (NP its own recruitment process )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR , )NP )PP )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP led (PP to (S (NP the military-service option )NP (VP being (VP dropped )VP )VP )S )PP )VP . )S 20 23 (S (NP (NP (NP Opposition )NP (PP to (NP national service )NP )PP )NP (PP from (NP the Pentagon )NP )PP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP wants (S (VP to (VP protect (NP its own recruitment process )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP led (PP to (NP (NP the military-service option )NP (VP being (VP dropped )VP )VP )NP )PP )VP . )S 20 23 (S (NP (NP Opposition )NP (PP to (NP (NP national service )NP (PP from (NP the Pentagon )NP )PP )NP )PP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP wants (S (VP to (VP protect (NP its own recruitment process )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP led (PP to (S (NP the military-service option )NP (VP being (VP dropped )VP )VP )S )PP )VP . )S 19 22 (S (NP (NP Opposition )NP (PP to (NP national service )NP (PP from (NP the Pentagon )NP )PP )PP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP wants (S (VP to (VP protect (NP its own recruitment process )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP led (PP to (NP (NP the military-service option )NP (VP being (VP dropped )VP )VP )NP )PP )VP . )S 21 24 (S (NP (NP Opposition )NP (PP to (NP (NP national service )NP (PP from (NP (NP the Pentagon )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP wants (S (VP to (VP protect (NP its own recruitment process )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR , )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP led (PP to (NP (NP the military-service option )NP (VP being (VP dropped )VP )VP )NP )PP )VP . )S 20 22 (S (NP (NP Opposition )NP (PP to (NP national service )NP (PP from (NP the Pentagon )NP )PP )PP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP wants (S (VP to (VP protect (NP its own recruitment process )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP led (PP to (S (NP the military-service option )NP (VP being (VP dropped )VP )VP )S )PP )VP . )S 22 23 (S (NP (NP Opposition )NP (PP to (NP national service )NP (PP from (NP (NP the Pentagon )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP wants (S (VP to (VP protect (NP its own recruitment process )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR , )NP )PP )PP )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP led (PP to (S (NP the military-service option )NP (VP being (VP dropped )VP )VP )S )PP )VP . )S 23 24 (S (NP (NP (NP Opposition )NP (PP to (NP national service )NP )PP )NP (PP from (NP (NP the Pentagon )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP wants (S (VP to (VP protect (NP its own recruitment process )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR , )NP )PP )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP led (PP to (S (NP the military-service option )NP (VP being (VP dropped )VP )VP )S )PP )VP . )S 19 22 (S (NP (NP Opposition )NP (PP to (NP national service )NP (PP from (NP the Pentagon )NP )PP )PP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP wants (S (VP to (VP protect (NP its own recruitment process )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP led (PP to (NP (NP the military-service option )NP (VP being (VP dropped )VP )VP )NP )PP )VP . )S 20 23 (S (NP (NP Opposition )NP (PP to (NP (NP national service )NP (PP from (NP the Pentagon )NP )PP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP wants (S (VP to (VP protect (NP its own recruitment process )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR , )NP )PP )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP led (PP to (S (NP the military-service option )NP (VP being (VP dropped )VP )VP )S )PP )VP . )S 20 23 (S (NP (NP (NP Opposition )NP (PP to (NP national service )NP )PP (PP from (NP the Pentagon )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP wants (S (VP to (VP protect (NP its own recruitment process )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP led (PP to (NP (NP the military-service option )NP (VP being (VP dropped )VP )VP )NP )PP )VP . )S 50 12 12 (S (ADVP Clearly )ADVP , (NP (NP a new rationale )NP (PP for (NP national service )NP )PP )NP (VP had (S (VP to (VP be (VP cooked (PRT up )PRT )VP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 12 12 (S (ADVP Clearly )ADVP , (NP (NP a new rationale )NP (PP for (NP national service )NP )PP )NP (VP had (S (VP to (VP be (VP cooked (ADVP up )ADVP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 12 12 (S (ADVP Clearly )ADVP , (NP (NP a new rationale )NP (PP for (NP national service )NP )PP )NP (VP had (S (VP to (VP be (VP cooked (ADVP up )ADVP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 12 12 (S (ADVP Clearly )ADVP , (NP (NP a new rationale )NP (PP for (NP national service )NP )PP )NP (VP had (S (VP to (VP be (VP cooked (PRT up )PRT )VP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 12 12 (S (ADVP Clearly )ADVP , (NP (NP a new rationale )NP (PP for (NP national service )NP )PP )NP (VP had (S (VP to (VP be (VP cooked (PRT up )PRT )VP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 11 12 (S (ADVP Clearly )ADVP , (NP (NP a new rationale )NP (PP for (NP national service )NP )PP )NP (VP had (S (VP to (VP be (VP cooked (PP up )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 11 11 (S (ADVP Clearly )ADVP , (NP (NP a new rationale )NP (PP for (NP national service )NP )PP )NP (VP had (VP to (VP be (VP cooked (PRT up )PRT )VP )VP )VP )VP . )S 11 11 (S (ADVP Clearly )ADVP , (NP (NP a new rationale )NP (PP for (NP national service )NP )PP )NP (VP had (VP to (VP be (VP cooked (ADVP up )ADVP )VP )VP )VP )VP . )S 11 11 (S (ADVP Clearly )ADVP , (NP a new rationale )NP (PP for (NP national service )NP )PP (VP had (S (VP to (VP be (VP cooked (PRT up )PRT )VP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 11 12 (S (INTJ Clearly )INTJ , (NP (NP a new rationale )NP (PP for (NP national service )NP )PP )NP (VP had (S (VP to (VP be (VP cooked (PRT up )PRT )VP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 11 11 (S (ADVP Clearly )ADVP , (NP a new rationale )NP (PP for (NP national service )NP )PP (VP had (S (VP to (VP be (VP cooked (ADVP up )ADVP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 11 12 (S (INTJ Clearly )INTJ , (NP (NP a new rationale )NP (PP for (NP national service )NP )PP )NP (VP had (S (VP to (VP be (VP cooked (ADVP up )ADVP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 11 11 (S (ADVP Clearly )ADVP , (NP (NP a new rationale )NP (PP for (NP national service )NP )PP )NP (VP had (VP to (VP be (VP cooked (ADVP up )ADVP )VP )VP )VP )VP . )S 11 12 (S (ADVP Clearly )ADVP , (NP (NP a new rationale )NP (PP for (NP national service )NP )PP )NP (VP had (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP cooked (PRT up )PRT )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 12 13 (S (ADVP Clearly )ADVP , (NP (NP a (ADJP new )ADJP rationale )NP (PP for (NP national service )NP )PP )NP (VP had (S (VP to (VP be (VP cooked (PRT up )PRT )VP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 12 13 (S (ADVP Clearly )ADVP , (S (NP (NP a new rationale )NP (PP for (NP national service )NP )PP )NP (VP had (S (VP to (VP be (VP cooked (PRT up )PRT )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )S . )S 12 13 (S (ADVP Clearly )ADVP , (NP (NP a (ADJP new )ADJP rationale )NP (PP for (NP national service )NP )PP )NP (VP had (S (VP to (VP be (VP cooked (ADVP up )ADVP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 11 11 (S (ADVP Clearly )ADVP , (NP a new rationale )NP (PP for (NP national service )NP )PP (VP had (S (VP to (VP be (VP cooked (ADVP up )ADVP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 11 12 (S (ADVP Clearly )ADVP , (NP (NP a new rationale )NP (PP for (NP national service )NP )PP )NP (VP had (S (VP to (VP be (VP cooked (PP up )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 11 12 (S (INTJ Clearly )INTJ , (NP (NP a new rationale )NP (PP for (NP national service )NP )PP )NP (VP had (S (VP to (VP be (VP cooked (ADVP up )ADVP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 12 13 (S (ADVP Clearly )ADVP , (S (NP (NP a new rationale )NP (PP for (NP national service )NP )PP )NP (VP had (S (VP to (VP be (VP cooked (ADVP up )ADVP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )S . )S 11 11 (S Clearly , (NP (NP a new rationale )NP (PP for (NP national service )NP )PP )NP (VP had (S (VP to (VP be (VP cooked (PRT up )PRT )VP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 11 11 (S Clearly , (NP (NP a new rationale )NP (PP for (NP national service )NP )PP )NP (VP had (S (VP to (VP be (VP cooked (ADVP up )ADVP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 10 11 (S (ADVP Clearly )ADVP , (NP (NP a new rationale )NP (PP for (NP national service )NP )PP )NP (VP had (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP cooked up )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 11 11 (S (ADVP Clearly )ADVP , (NP (NP a new rationale )NP (PP for (NP national service )NP )PP )NP (VP had (VP to (VP be (VP cooked (PRT up )PRT )VP )VP )VP )VP . )S 11 11 (S (ADVP Clearly )ADVP , (NP (NP a new rationale )NP (PP for (NP national service )NP )PP )NP (VP had (VP to (VP be (VP cooked (PRT up )PRT )VP )VP )VP )VP . )S 12 13 (S (ADVP Clearly )ADVP , (NP (NP a (ADJP new )ADJP rationale )NP (PP for (NP national service )NP )PP )NP (VP had (S (VP to (VP be (VP cooked (ADVP up )ADVP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 10 11 (S (ADVP Clearly )ADVP , (NP (NP a new rationale )NP (PP for (NP national service )NP )PP )NP (VP had (VP to (VP be (VP cooked (PP up )PP )VP )VP )VP )VP . )S 12 13 (S (ADVP Clearly )ADVP , (S (NP (NP a new rationale )NP (PP for (NP national service )NP )PP )NP (VP had (S (VP to (VP be (VP cooked (ADVP up )ADVP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )S . )S 11 11 (S (ADVP Clearly )ADVP , (NP a new rationale )NP (PP for (NP national service )NP )PP (VP had (S (VP to (VP be (VP cooked (PRT up )PRT )VP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 12 13 (S (ADVP Clearly )ADVP , (NP (NP a new rationale )NP (PP for (NP national service )NP )PP )NP (VP had (SBAR (S (VP to (VP be (VP cooked (PRT up )PRT )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 11 11 (S (ADVP Clearly )ADVP , (NP a new rationale )NP (PP for (NP national service )NP )PP (VP had (S (VP to (VP be (VP cooked (PRT up )PRT )VP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 11 12 (S (INTJ Clearly )INTJ , (NP (NP a new rationale )NP (PP for (NP national service )NP )PP )NP (VP had (S (VP to (VP be (VP cooked (PRT up )PRT )VP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 11 12 (S (ADVP Clearly )ADVP , (NP (NP a new rationale )NP (PP for (NP national service )NP )PP )NP (VP had (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP cooked (PRT up )PRT )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 11 12 (S (INTJ Clearly )INTJ , (NP (NP a new rationale )NP (PP for (NP national service )NP )PP )NP (VP had (S (VP to (VP be (VP cooked (PRT up )PRT )VP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 12 13 (S (ADVP Clearly )ADVP , (NP (NP a new rationale )NP (PP for (NP national service )NP )PP )NP (VP had (S (VP to (VP be (S (VP cooked (PRT up )PRT )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 12 13 (S (ADVP Clearly )ADVP , (NP (NP a new rationale )NP (PP for (NP national service )NP )PP )NP (VP had (SBAR (S (VP to (VP be (VP cooked (ADVP up )ADVP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S 11 11 (S Clearly , (NP (NP a new rationale )NP (PP for (NP national service )NP )PP )NP (VP had (S (VP to (VP be (VP cooked (ADVP up )ADVP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 10 11 (S (ADVP Clearly )ADVP , (NP a new rationale )NP (PP for (NP national service )NP )PP (VP had (S (VP to (VP be (VP cooked (PP up )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 12 13 (S (ADVP Clearly )ADVP , (NP (NP a new rationale )NP (PP for (NP (NP national )NP service )NP )PP )NP (VP had (S (VP to (VP be (VP cooked (PRT up )PRT )VP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 10 12 (S (INTJ Clearly )INTJ , (NP (NP a new rationale )NP (PP for (NP national service )NP )PP )NP (VP had (S (VP to (VP be (VP cooked (PP up )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 12 13 (S (ADVP Clearly )ADVP , (NP (NP a new rationale )NP (PP for (NP national (NX service )NX )NP )PP )NP (VP had (S (VP to (VP be (VP cooked (PRT up )PRT )VP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 12 13 (S (ADVP Clearly )ADVP , (NP (NP a new rationale )NP (PP for (NP (ADJP national )ADJP service )NP )PP )NP (VP had (S (VP to (VP be (VP cooked (PRT up )PRT )VP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 12 13 (S (ADVP Clearly )ADVP , (NP (NP a new rationale )NP (PP for (NP (NP national )NP service )NP )PP )NP (VP had (S (VP to (VP be (VP cooked (ADVP up )ADVP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 12 13 (S (ADVP Clearly )ADVP , (NP (NP a new rationale )NP (PP for (NP national (NX service )NX )NP )PP )NP (VP had (S (VP to (VP be (VP cooked (ADVP up )ADVP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 12 13 (S (ADVP Clearly )ADVP , (NP (NP a new rationale )NP (PP for (NP (ADJP national )ADJP service )NP )PP )NP (VP had (S (VP to (VP be (VP cooked (ADVP up )ADVP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 10 10 (S (ADVP Clearly )ADVP , (NP a new rationale )NP (PP for (NP national service )NP )PP (VP had (VP to (VP be (VP cooked (PRT up )PRT )VP )VP )VP )VP . )S 12 13 (S (ADVP Clearly )ADVP , (NP (NP a (ADJP new )ADJP rationale )NP (PP for (NP national service )NP )PP )NP (VP had (S (VP to (VP be (VP cooked (PRT up )PRT )VP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 10 11 (S (INTJ Clearly )INTJ , (NP (NP a new rationale )NP (PP for (NP national service )NP )PP )NP (VP had (VP to (VP be (VP cooked (PRT up )PRT )VP )VP )VP )VP . )S 12 13 (S (ADVP Clearly )ADVP , (NP (NP a (ADJP new )ADJP rationale )NP (PP for (NP national service )NP )PP )NP (VP had (S (VP to (VP be (VP cooked (PRT up )PRT )VP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S 50 23 39 (SBARQ (WHNP What )WHNP (SQ better (VP place (S (VP to (VP turn (SBAR than (S (NP Sen. Edward Kennedy )NP (VP 's (NP (NP Labor Committee )NP , (NP (NP that great stove )NP (PP of (NP government expansionism )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR (WHADJP where many )WHADJP (S (NP (NP a stagnant pot )NP (PP of (NP porridge )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP kept (PP on (NP the back burner )NP )PP (SBAR until (S (NP it )NP (VP can (VP be (VP (VP brought (PRT forward )PRT )VP and (VP presented (PP as (NP nouvelle cuisine )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 23 39 (SBARQ (WHNP What )WHNP (SQ better (VP place (S (VP to (VP turn (SBAR than (S (NP Sen. Edward Kennedy )NP (VP 's (NP (NP Labor Committee )NP , (NP (NP that great stove )NP (PP of (NP government expansionism )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR (WHADJP where many )WHADJP (S (NP (NP a stagnant pot )NP (PP of (NP porridge )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP kept (PP on (NP the back burner )NP )PP (SBAR until (S (NP it )NP (VP can (VP be (VP (VP brought (ADVP forward )ADVP )VP and (VP presented (PP as (NP nouvelle cuisine )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 23 40 (SBARQ (WHNP What )WHNP (SQ (ADVP better )ADVP (VP place (S (VP to (VP turn (SBAR than (S (NP Sen. Edward Kennedy )NP (VP 's (NP (NP Labor Committee )NP , (NP (NP that great stove )NP (PP of (NP government expansionism )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR (WHADJP where many )WHADJP (S (NP (NP a stagnant pot )NP (PP of (NP porridge )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP kept (PP on (NP the back burner )NP )PP (SBAR until (S (NP it )NP (VP can (VP be (VP (VP brought (PRT forward )PRT )VP and (VP presented (PP as (NP nouvelle cuisine )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 23 40 (SBARQ (WHNP What )WHNP (SQ (ADVP better )ADVP (VP place (S (VP to (VP turn (SBAR than (S (NP Sen. Edward Kennedy )NP (VP 's (NP (NP Labor Committee )NP , (NP (NP that great stove )NP (PP of (NP government expansionism )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR (WHADJP where many )WHADJP (S (NP (NP a stagnant pot )NP (PP of (NP porridge )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP kept (PP on (NP the back burner )NP )PP (SBAR until (S (NP it )NP (VP can (VP be (VP (VP brought (ADVP forward )ADVP )VP and (VP presented (PP as (NP nouvelle cuisine )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 23 39 (SBARQ (WHNP What )WHNP (SQ better (VP place (S (VP to (VP turn (SBAR than (S (NP Sen. Edward Kennedy )NP (VP 's (NP (NP Labor Committee )NP , (NP (NP that great stove )NP (PP of (NP government expansionism )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR (WHADJP where many )WHADJP (S (NP (NP a stagnant pot )NP (PP of (NP porridge )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP kept (PP on (NP the back burner )NP )PP (SBAR until (S (NP it )NP (VP can (VP be (VP (VP brought (PRT forward )PRT )VP and (VP presented (PP as (NP nouvelle cuisine )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 20 39 (SBARQ (WHNP What )WHNP (SQ better (VP place (S (VP to (VP turn (SBAR than (S (NP Sen. Edward Kennedy )NP (VP 's (NP (NP Labor Committee )NP , (NP (NP that great stove )NP (PP of (NP government expansionism )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR (WHADJP where many )WHADJP (S (NP (NP a stagnant pot )NP (PP of (NP porridge )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP kept (PP on (NP the back burner )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP (SBAR until (S (NP it )NP (VP can (VP be (VP (VP brought (PRT forward )PRT )VP and (VP presented (PP as (NP nouvelle cuisine )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 23 39 (SBARQ (WHNP What )WHNP (SQ better (VP place (S (VP to (VP turn (SBAR than (S (NP Sen. Edward Kennedy )NP (VP 's (NP (NP Labor Committee )NP , (NP (NP that great stove )NP (PP of (NP government expansionism )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR (WHADJP where many )WHADJP (S (NP (NP a stagnant pot )NP (PP of (NP porridge )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP kept (PP on (NP the back burner )NP )PP (SBAR until (S (NP it )NP (VP can (VP be (VP (VP brought (ADVP forward )ADVP )VP and (VP presented (PP as (NP nouvelle cuisine )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 23 39 (SBARQ (WHNP What )WHNP (SQ better (VP place (S (VP to (VP turn (SBAR than (S (NP Sen. Edward Kennedy )NP (VP 's (NP (NP Labor Committee )NP , (NP (NP that great stove )NP (PP of (NP government expansionism )NP )PP )NP , )NP (SBAR (WHADJP where many )WHADJP (S (NP (NP a stagnant pot )NP (PP of (NP porridge )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP kept (PP on (NP the back burner )NP )PP (SBAR until (S (NP it )NP (VP can (VP be (VP (VP brought (PRT forward )PRT )VP and (VP presented (PP as (NP nouvelle cuisine )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 18 39 (SBARQ (WHNP What )WHNP (SQ better (VP place (S (VP to (VP turn (SBAR than (S (NP Sen. Edward Kennedy )NP (VP 's (NP (NP Labor Committee )NP , (NP (NP that great stove )NP (PP of (NP government expansionism )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR (WHADJP where many )WHADJP (S (NP (NP a stagnant pot )NP (PP of (NP porridge )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP (VP kept (PP on (NP the back burner )NP )PP (SBAR until (S (NP it )NP (VP can (VP be (VP brought (PRT forward )PRT )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP and (VP presented (PP as (NP nouvelle cuisine )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 20 39 (SBARQ (WHNP What )WHNP (SQ better (VP place (S (VP to (VP turn (SBAR than (S (NP Sen. Edward Kennedy )NP (VP 's (NP (NP Labor Committee )NP , (NP (NP that great stove )NP (PP of (NP government expansionism )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR (WHADJP where many )WHADJP (S (NP (NP a stagnant pot )NP (PP of (NP porridge )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP kept (PP on (NP the back burner )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP (SBAR until (S (NP it )NP (VP can (VP be (VP (VP brought (ADVP forward )ADVP )VP and (VP presented (PP as (NP nouvelle cuisine )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 23 40 (SBARQ (WHNP What )WHNP (SQ (ADVP better )ADVP (VP place (S (VP to (VP turn (SBAR than (S (NP Sen. Edward Kennedy )NP (VP 's (NP (NP Labor Committee )NP , (NP (NP that great stove )NP (PP of (NP government expansionism )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR (WHADJP where many )WHADJP (S (NP (NP a stagnant pot )NP (PP of (NP porridge )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP kept (PP on (NP the back burner )NP )PP (SBAR until (S (NP it )NP (VP can (VP be (VP (VP brought (PRT forward )PRT )VP and (VP presented (PP as (NP nouvelle cuisine )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 21 40 (SBARQ (WHNP What )WHNP (SQ better (VP place (S (VP to (VP turn (SBAR than (S (NP Sen. Edward Kennedy )NP (VP 's (NP (NP Labor Committee )NP , (NP (NP that great stove )NP (PP of (NP (NP government expansionism )NP , (SBAR (WHADJP where many )WHADJP (S (NP (NP a stagnant pot )NP (PP of (NP porridge )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP kept (PP on (NP the back burner )NP )PP (SBAR until (S (NP it )NP (VP can (VP be (VP (VP brought (PRT forward )PRT )VP and (VP presented (PP as (NP nouvelle cuisine )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 20 40 (SBARQ (WHNP What )WHNP (SQ (ADVP better )ADVP (VP place (S (VP to (VP turn (SBAR than (S (NP Sen. Edward Kennedy )NP (VP 's (NP (NP Labor Committee )NP , (NP (NP that great stove )NP (PP of (NP government expansionism )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR (WHADJP where many )WHADJP (S (NP (NP a stagnant pot )NP (PP of (NP porridge )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP kept (PP on (NP the back burner )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP (SBAR until (S (NP it )NP (VP can (VP be (VP (VP brought (PRT forward )PRT )VP and (VP presented (PP as (NP nouvelle cuisine )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 23 39 (SBARQ (WHNP What )WHNP (SQ better (VP place (S (VP to (VP turn (SBAR than (S (NP Sen. Edward Kennedy )NP (VP 's (NP (NP Labor Committee )NP , (NP (NP that great stove )NP (PP of (NP government expansionism )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR (WHADVP where many )WHADVP (S (NP (NP a stagnant pot )NP (PP of (NP porridge )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP kept (PP on (NP the back burner )NP )PP (SBAR until (S (NP it )NP (VP can (VP be (VP (VP brought (PRT forward )PRT )VP and (VP presented (PP as (NP nouvelle cuisine )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 23 39 (SBARQ (WHNP What )WHNP (SQ better (VP place (S (VP to (VP turn (SBAR than (S (NP Sen. Edward Kennedy )NP (VP 's (NP (NP Labor Committee )NP , (NP (NP that great stove )NP (PP of (NP government expansionism )NP )PP )NP , )NP (SBAR (WHADJP where many )WHADJP (S (NP (NP a stagnant pot )NP (PP of (NP porridge )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP kept (PP on (NP the back burner )NP )PP (SBAR until (S (NP it )NP (VP can (VP be (VP (VP brought (ADVP forward )ADVP )VP and (VP presented (PP as (NP nouvelle cuisine )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 23 39 (SBARQ (WHNP What )WHNP (SQ better (VP place (S (VP to (VP turn (SBAR than (S (NP Sen. Edward Kennedy )NP (VP 's (NP (NP Labor Committee )NP , (NP (NP that great stove )NP (PP of (NP government expansionism )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR (WHADJP where many )WHADJP (S (NP (NP a stagnant pot )NP (PP of (NP porridge )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP kept (PP on (NP the back burner )NP )PP (SBAR until (S (NP it )NP (VP can (VP be (VP (VP brought (PRT forward )PRT )VP and (VP presented (PP as (NP nouvelle cuisine )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 23 40 (SBARQ (WHNP What )WHNP (SQ (ADVP better )ADVP (VP place (S (VP to (VP turn (SBAR than (S (NP Sen. Edward Kennedy )NP (VP 's (NP (NP Labor Committee )NP , (NP (NP that great stove )NP (PP of (NP government expansionism )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR (WHADJP where many )WHADJP (S (NP (NP a stagnant pot )NP (PP of (NP porridge )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP kept (PP on (NP the back burner )NP )PP (SBAR until (S (NP it )NP (VP can (VP be (VP (VP brought (ADVP forward )ADVP )VP and (VP presented (PP as (NP nouvelle cuisine )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 23 40 (SBARQ (WHNP What )WHNP (SQ (ADVP better )ADVP (VP place (S (VP to (VP turn (SBAR than (S (NP Sen. Edward Kennedy )NP (VP 's (NP (NP Labor Committee )NP , (NP (NP that great stove )NP (PP of (NP government expansionism )NP )PP )NP , )NP (SBAR (WHADJP where many )WHADJP (S (NP (NP a stagnant pot )NP (PP of (NP porridge )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP kept (PP on (NP the back burner )NP )PP (SBAR until (S (NP it )NP (VP can (VP be (VP (VP brought (PRT forward )PRT )VP and (VP presented (PP as (NP nouvelle cuisine )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 18 40 (SBARQ (WHNP What )WHNP (SQ (ADVP better )ADVP (VP place (S (VP to (VP turn (SBAR than (S (NP Sen. Edward Kennedy )NP (VP 's (NP (NP Labor Committee )NP , (NP (NP that great stove )NP (PP of (NP government expansionism )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR (WHADJP where many )WHADJP (S (NP (NP a stagnant pot )NP (PP of (NP porridge )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP (VP kept (PP on (NP the back burner )NP )PP (SBAR until (S (NP it )NP (VP can (VP be (VP brought (PRT forward )PRT )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP and (VP presented (PP as (NP nouvelle cuisine )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 21 40 (SBARQ (WHNP What )WHNP (SQ better (VP place (S (VP to (VP turn (SBAR than (S (NP Sen. Edward Kennedy )NP (VP 's (NP (NP Labor Committee )NP , (NP (NP that great stove )NP (PP of (NP (NP government expansionism )NP , (SBAR (WHADJP where many )WHADJP (S (NP (NP a stagnant pot )NP (PP of (NP porridge )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP kept (PP on (NP the back burner )NP )PP (SBAR until (S (NP it )NP (VP can (VP be (VP (VP brought (ADVP forward )ADVP )VP and (VP presented (PP as (NP nouvelle cuisine )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 20 40 (SBARQ (WHNP What )WHNP (SQ (ADVP better )ADVP (VP place (S (VP to (VP turn (SBAR than (S (NP Sen. Edward Kennedy )NP (VP 's (NP (NP Labor Committee )NP , (NP (NP that great stove )NP (PP of (NP government expansionism )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR (WHADJP where many )WHADJP (S (NP (NP a stagnant pot )NP (PP of (NP porridge )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP kept (PP on (NP the back burner )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP (SBAR until (S (NP it )NP (VP can (VP be (VP (VP brought (ADVP forward )ADVP )VP and (VP presented (PP as (NP nouvelle cuisine )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 18 39 (SBARQ (WHNP What )WHNP (SQ better (VP place (S (VP to (VP turn (SBAR than (S (NP Sen. Edward Kennedy )NP (VP 's (NP (NP Labor Committee )NP , (NP (NP that great stove )NP (PP of (NP government expansionism )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR (WHADJP where many )WHADJP (S (NP (NP a stagnant pot )NP (PP of (NP porridge )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP (VP kept (PP on (NP the back burner )NP )PP (SBAR until (S (NP it )NP (VP can (VP be (VP brought (ADVP forward )ADVP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP and (VP presented (PP as (NP nouvelle cuisine )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 23 39 (SBARQ (WHNP What )WHNP (SQ better (VP place (S (VP to (VP turn (SBAR than (S (NP Sen. Edward Kennedy )NP (VP 's (NP (NP Labor Committee )NP , (NP (NP that great stove )NP (PP of (NP government expansionism )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR (WHADVP where many )WHADVP (S (NP (NP a stagnant pot )NP (PP of (NP porridge )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP kept (PP on (NP the back burner )NP )PP (SBAR until (S (NP it )NP (VP can (VP be (VP (VP brought (ADVP forward )ADVP )VP and (VP presented (PP as (NP nouvelle cuisine )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 23 39 (SBARQ (WHNP What )WHNP (SQ better (VP place (S (VP to (VP turn (SBAR than (S (NP Sen. Edward Kennedy )NP (VP 's (NP (NP Labor Committee )NP , (NP (NP that great stove )NP (PP of (NP government expansionism )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR (WHADJP where many )WHADJP (S (NP (NP a stagnant pot )NP (PP of (NP porridge )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP kept (PP on (NP the back burner )NP )PP (SBAR until (S (NP it )NP (VP can (VP be (VP (VP brought (PRT forward )PRT )VP and (VP presented (PP as (NP nouvelle cuisine )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 23 40 (SBARQ (WHNP What )WHNP (SQ (ADVP better )ADVP (VP place (S (VP to (VP turn (SBAR than (S (NP Sen. Edward Kennedy )NP (VP 's (NP (NP Labor Committee )NP , (NP (NP that great stove )NP (PP of (NP government expansionism )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR (WHADJP where many )WHADJP (S (NP (NP a stagnant pot )NP (PP of (NP porridge )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP kept (PP on (NP the back burner )NP )PP (SBAR until (S (NP it )NP (VP can (VP be (VP (VP brought (PRT forward )PRT )VP and (VP presented (PP as (NP nouvelle cuisine )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 21 41 (SBARQ (WHNP What )WHNP (SQ (ADVP better )ADVP (VP place (S (VP to (VP turn (SBAR than (S (NP Sen. Edward Kennedy )NP (VP 's (NP (NP Labor Committee )NP , (NP (NP that great stove )NP (PP of (NP (NP government expansionism )NP , (SBAR (WHADJP where many )WHADJP (S (NP (NP a stagnant pot )NP (PP of (NP porridge )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP kept (PP on (NP the back burner )NP )PP (SBAR until (S (NP it )NP (VP can (VP be (VP (VP brought (PRT forward )PRT )VP and (VP presented (PP as (NP nouvelle cuisine )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 20 39 (SBARQ (WHNP What )WHNP (SQ better (VP place (S (VP to (VP turn (SBAR than (S (NP Sen. Edward Kennedy )NP (VP 's (NP (NP Labor Committee )NP , (NP (NP that great stove )NP (PP of (NP government expansionism )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR (WHADJP where many )WHADJP (S (NP (NP a stagnant pot )NP (PP of (NP porridge )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP kept (PP on (NP the back burner )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP (SBAR until (S (NP it )NP (VP can (VP be (VP (VP brought (PRT forward )PRT )VP and (VP presented (PP as (NP nouvelle cuisine )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 23 40 (SBARQ (WHNP What )WHNP (SQ (ADVP better )ADVP (VP place (S (VP to (VP turn (SBAR than (S (NP Sen. Edward Kennedy )NP (VP 's (NP (NP Labor Committee )NP , (NP (NP that great stove )NP (PP of (NP government expansionism )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR (WHADVP where many )WHADVP (S (NP (NP a stagnant pot )NP (PP of (NP porridge )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP kept (PP on (NP the back burner )NP )PP (SBAR until (S (NP it )NP (VP can (VP be (VP (VP brought (PRT forward )PRT )VP and (VP presented (PP as (NP nouvelle cuisine )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 23 39 (SBARQ (WHNP What )WHNP (SQ better (VP place (S (VP to (VP turn (SBAR than (S (NP Sen. Edward Kennedy )NP (VP 's (NP (NP Labor Committee )NP , (NP (NP that great stove )NP (PP of (NP government expansionism )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR (WHADJP where many )WHADJP (S (NP (NP a stagnant pot )NP (PP of (NP porridge )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP kept (PP on (NP the back burner )NP )PP (SBAR until (S (NP it )NP (VP can (VP be (VP (VP brought (ADVP forward )ADVP )VP and (VP presented (PP as (NP nouvelle cuisine )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 23 40 (SBARQ (WHNP What )WHNP (SQ (ADVP better )ADVP (VP place (S (VP to (VP turn (SBAR than (S (NP Sen. Edward Kennedy )NP (VP 's (NP (NP Labor Committee )NP , (NP (NP that great stove )NP (PP of (NP government expansionism )NP )PP )NP , )NP (SBAR (WHADJP where many )WHADJP (S (NP (NP a stagnant pot )NP (PP of (NP porridge )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP kept (PP on (NP the back burner )NP )PP (SBAR until (S (NP it )NP (VP can (VP be (VP (VP brought (ADVP forward )ADVP )VP and (VP presented (PP as (NP nouvelle cuisine )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 23 39 (SBARQ (WHNP What )WHNP (SQ better (VP place (S (VP to (VP turn (SBAR than (S (NP Sen. Edward Kennedy )NP (VP 's (NP (NP Labor Committee )NP , (NP (NP that great stove )NP (PP of (NP government expansionism )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR (WHADJP where many )WHADJP (S (NP (NP a stagnant pot )NP (PP of (NP porridge )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP kept (PP on (NP the back burner )NP )PP (SBAR until (S (NP it )NP (VP can (VP be (VP (VP brought (ADVP forward )ADVP )VP and (VP presented (PP as (NP nouvelle cuisine )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 23 40 (SBARQ (WHNP What )WHNP (SQ (ADVP better )ADVP (VP place (S (VP to (VP turn (SBAR than (S (NP Sen. Edward Kennedy )NP (VP 's (NP (NP Labor Committee )NP , (NP (NP that great stove )NP (PP of (NP government expansionism )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR (WHADJP where many )WHADJP (S (NP (NP a stagnant pot )NP (PP of (NP porridge )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP kept (PP on (NP the back burner )NP )PP (SBAR until (S (NP it )NP (VP can (VP be (VP (VP brought (PRT forward )PRT )VP and (VP presented (PP as (NP nouvelle cuisine )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 23 40 (SBARQ (WHNP What )WHNP (SQ (ADVP better )ADVP (VP place (S (VP to (VP turn (SBAR than (S (NP Sen. Edward Kennedy )NP (VP 's (NP (NP Labor Committee )NP , (NP (NP that great stove )NP (PP of (NP government expansionism )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR (WHADJP where many )WHADJP (S (NP (NP a stagnant pot )NP (PP of (NP porridge )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP kept (PP on (NP the back burner )NP )PP (SBAR until (S (NP it )NP (VP can (VP be (VP (VP brought (ADVP forward )ADVP )VP and (VP presented (PP as (NP nouvelle cuisine )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 23 39 (SBARQ (WHNP What )WHNP (SQ better (VP place (S (VP to (VP turn (SBAR than (S (NP Sen. Edward Kennedy )NP (VP 's (NP (NP Labor Committee )NP , (NP (NP that great stove )NP (PP of (NP government expansionism )NP )PP )NP , )NP (SBAR (WHADJP where many )WHADJP (S (NP (NP a stagnant pot )NP (PP of (NP porridge )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP kept (PP on (NP the back burner )NP )PP (SBAR until (S (NP it )NP (VP can (VP be (VP (VP brought (PRT forward )PRT )VP and (VP presented (PP as (NP nouvelle cuisine )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 18 39 (SBARQ (WHNP What )WHNP (SQ better (VP place (S (VP to (VP turn (SBAR than (S (NP Sen. Edward Kennedy )NP (VP 's (NP (NP Labor Committee )NP , (NP (NP that great stove )NP (PP of (NP government expansionism )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR (WHADJP where many )WHADJP (S (NP (NP a stagnant pot )NP (PP of (NP porridge )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP (VP kept (PP on (NP the back burner )NP )PP (SBAR until (S (NP it )NP (VP can (VP be (VP brought (PRT forward )PRT )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP and (VP presented (PP as (NP nouvelle cuisine )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 21 41 (SBARQ (WHNP What )WHNP (SQ (ADVP better )ADVP (VP place (S (VP to (VP turn (SBAR than (S (NP Sen. Edward Kennedy )NP (VP 's (NP (NP Labor Committee )NP , (NP (NP that great stove )NP (PP of (NP (NP government expansionism )NP , (SBAR (WHADJP where many )WHADJP (S (NP (NP a stagnant pot )NP (PP of (NP porridge )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP kept (PP on (NP the back burner )NP )PP (SBAR until (S (NP it )NP (VP can (VP be (VP (VP brought (ADVP forward )ADVP )VP and (VP presented (PP as (NP nouvelle cuisine )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 20 39 (SBARQ (WHNP What )WHNP (SQ better (VP place (S (VP to (VP turn (SBAR than (S (NP Sen. Edward Kennedy )NP (VP 's (NP (NP Labor Committee )NP , (NP (NP that great stove )NP (PP of (NP government expansionism )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR (WHADJP where many )WHADJP (S (NP (NP a stagnant pot )NP (PP of (NP porridge )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP kept (PP on (NP the back burner )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP (SBAR until (S (NP it )NP (VP can (VP be (VP (VP brought (ADVP forward )ADVP )VP and (VP presented (PP as (NP nouvelle cuisine )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 23 39 (SBARQ (WHNP What )WHNP (SQ better (VP place (S (VP to (VP turn (SBAR than (S (NP Sen. Edward Kennedy )NP (VP 's (NP (NP Labor Committee )NP , (NP (NP that great stove )NP (PP of (NP government expansionism )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR (WHADJP where many )WHADJP (S (NP (NP a stagnant pot )NP (PP of (NP porridge )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP kept (PP on (NP the back burner )NP )PP (SBAR until (S (NP it )NP (VP can (VP be (VP (VP brought (PRT forward )PRT )VP and (VP presented (PP as (NP nouvelle cuisine )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 18 40 (SBARQ (WHNP What )WHNP (SQ (ADVP better )ADVP (VP place (S (VP to (VP turn (SBAR than (S (NP Sen. Edward Kennedy )NP (VP 's (NP (NP Labor Committee )NP , (NP (NP that great stove )NP (PP of (NP government expansionism )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR (WHADJP where many )WHADJP (S (NP (NP a stagnant pot )NP (PP of (NP porridge )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP (VP kept (PP on (NP the back burner )NP )PP (SBAR until (S (NP it )NP (VP can (VP be (VP brought (ADVP forward )ADVP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP and (VP presented (PP as (NP nouvelle cuisine )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 23 40 (SBARQ (WHNP What )WHNP (SQ (ADVP better )ADVP (VP place (S (VP to (VP turn (SBAR than (S (NP Sen. Edward Kennedy )NP (VP 's (NP (NP Labor Committee )NP , (NP (NP that great stove )NP (PP of (NP government expansionism )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR (WHADVP where many )WHADVP (S (NP (NP a stagnant pot )NP (PP of (NP porridge )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP kept (PP on (NP the back burner )NP )PP (SBAR until (S (NP it )NP (VP can (VP be (VP (VP brought (ADVP forward )ADVP )VP and (VP presented (PP as (NP nouvelle cuisine )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 23 40 (SBARQ (WHNP What )WHNP (SQ (ADVP better )ADVP (VP place (S (VP to (VP turn (SBAR than (S (NP Sen. Edward Kennedy )NP (VP 's (NP (NP Labor Committee )NP , (NP (NP that great stove )NP (PP of (NP government expansionism )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR (WHADJP where many )WHADJP (S (NP (NP a stagnant pot )NP (PP of (NP porridge )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP kept (PP on (NP the back burner )NP )PP (SBAR until (S (NP it )NP (VP can (VP be (VP (VP brought (PRT forward )PRT )VP and (VP presented (PP as (NP nouvelle cuisine )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 21 40 (SBARQ (WHNP What )WHNP (SQ better (VP place (S (VP to (VP turn (SBAR than (S (NP Sen. Edward Kennedy )NP (VP 's (NP (NP Labor Committee )NP , (NP (NP that great stove )NP (PP of (NP (NP government expansionism )NP , (SBAR (WHADJP where many )WHADJP (S (NP (NP a stagnant pot )NP (PP of (NP porridge )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP kept (PP on (NP the back burner )NP )PP (SBAR until (S (NP it )NP (VP can (VP be (VP (VP brought (PRT forward )PRT )VP and (VP presented (PP as (NP nouvelle cuisine )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 20 40 (SBARQ (WHNP What )WHNP (SQ (ADVP better )ADVP (VP place (S (VP to (VP turn (SBAR than (S (NP Sen. Edward Kennedy )NP (VP 's (NP (NP Labor Committee )NP , (NP (NP that great stove )NP (PP of (NP government expansionism )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR (WHADJP where many )WHADJP (S (NP (NP a stagnant pot )NP (PP of (NP porridge )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP kept (PP on (NP the back burner )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP (SBAR until (S (NP it )NP (VP can (VP be (VP (VP brought (PRT forward )PRT )VP and (VP presented (PP as (NP nouvelle cuisine )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 23 39 (SBARQ (WHNP What )WHNP (SQ better (VP place (S (VP to (VP turn (SBAR than (S (NP Sen. Edward Kennedy )NP (VP 's (NP (NP Labor Committee )NP , (NP (NP that great stove )NP (PP of (NP government expansionism )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR (WHADVP where many )WHADVP (S (NP (NP a stagnant pot )NP (PP of (NP porridge )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP kept (PP on (NP the back burner )NP )PP (SBAR until (S (NP it )NP (VP can (VP be (VP (VP brought (PRT forward )PRT )VP and (VP presented (PP as (NP nouvelle cuisine )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 23 40 (SBARQ (WHNP What )WHNP (SQ (ADVP better )ADVP (VP place (S (VP to (VP turn (SBAR than (S (NP Sen. Edward Kennedy )NP (VP 's (NP (NP Labor Committee )NP , (NP (NP that great stove )NP (PP of (NP government expansionism )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR (WHADJP where many )WHADJP (S (NP (NP a stagnant pot )NP (PP of (NP porridge )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP kept (PP on (NP the back burner )NP )PP (SBAR until (S (NP it )NP (VP can (VP be (VP (VP brought (ADVP forward )ADVP )VP and (VP presented (PP as (NP nouvelle cuisine )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 23 39 (SBARQ (WHNP What )WHNP (SQ better (VP place (S (VP to (VP turn (SBAR than (S (NP Sen. Edward Kennedy )NP (VP 's (NP (NP Labor Committee )NP , (NP (NP that great stove )NP (PP of (NP government expansionism )NP )PP )NP , )NP (SBAR (WHADJP where many )WHADJP (S (NP (NP a stagnant pot )NP (PP of (NP porridge )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP kept (PP on (NP the back burner )NP )PP (SBAR until (S (NP it )NP (VP can (VP be (VP (VP brought (ADVP forward )ADVP )VP and (VP presented (PP as (NP nouvelle cuisine )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 20 39 (SBARQ (WHNP What )WHNP (SQ better (VP place (S (VP to (VP turn (SBAR than (S (NP Sen. Edward Kennedy )NP (VP 's (NP (NP Labor Committee )NP , (NP (NP that great stove )NP (PP of (NP government expansionism )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR (WHADVP where many )WHADVP (S (NP (NP a stagnant pot )NP (PP of (NP porridge )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP kept (PP on (NP the back burner )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP (SBAR until (S (NP it )NP (VP can (VP be (VP (VP brought (PRT forward )PRT )VP and (VP presented (PP as (NP nouvelle cuisine )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 18 39 (SBARQ (WHNP What )WHNP (SQ better (VP place (S (VP to (VP turn (SBAR than (S (NP Sen. Edward Kennedy )NP (VP 's (NP (NP Labor Committee )NP , (NP (NP that great stove )NP (PP of (NP government expansionism )NP )PP )NP , )NP (SBAR (WHADJP where many )WHADJP (S (NP (NP a stagnant pot )NP (PP of (NP porridge )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP (VP kept (PP on (NP the back burner )NP )PP (SBAR until (S (NP it )NP (VP can (VP be (VP brought (PRT forward )PRT )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP and (VP presented (PP as (NP nouvelle cuisine )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 23 39 (SBARQ (WHNP What )WHNP (SQ better (VP place (S (VP to (VP turn (SBAR than (S (NP Sen. Edward Kennedy )NP (VP 's (NP (NP Labor Committee )NP , (NP (NP that great stove )NP (PP of (NP government expansionism )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR (WHADJP where many )WHADJP (S (NP (NP a stagnant pot )NP (PP of (NP porridge )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP kept (PP on (NP the back burner )NP )PP (SBAR until (S (NP it )NP (VP can (VP be (VP (VP brought (ADVP forward )ADVP )VP and (VP presented (PP as (NP nouvelle cuisine )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ 21 40 (SBARQ (WHNP What )WHNP (SQ better (VP place (S (VP to (VP turn (SBAR than (S (NP Sen. Edward Kennedy )NP (VP 's (NP (NP Labor Committee )NP , (NP (NP that great stove )NP (PP of (NP (NP government expansionism )NP , (SBAR (WHADVP where many )WHADVP (S (NP (NP a stagnant pot )NP (PP of (NP porridge )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP kept (PP on (NP the back burner )NP )PP (SBAR until (S (NP it )NP (VP can (VP be (VP (VP brought (PRT forward )PRT )VP and (VP presented (PP as (NP nouvelle cuisine )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ