(S (NP (NP The economy 's )NP *UNK )NP (VP will (VP be (VP taken (PP from (NP several *UNK points )NP )PP (NP this week )NP , (PP with (NP (NP *UNK )NP (PP on (NP (NP trade )NP , (NP output )NP , (NP housing )NP and (NP inflation )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S STOP (S (NP The (ADJP most *UNK )ADJP report )NP (VP may (VP be (NP (NP the August merchandise trade deficit )NP (ADJP due (ADVP out )ADVP (NP tomorrow )NP )ADJP )NP )VP )VP . )S STOP (S (NP The trade gap )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP widen (PP to (NP (QP about $ 9 billion )QP )NP )PP (PP from (NP (NP July 's )NP (QP $ 7.6 billion )QP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , (PP according (PP to (NP (NP a survey )NP (PP by (NP (NP *UNKC International )NP , (NP (NP a unit )NP (PP of (NP (NP McGraw-Hill Inc. )NP , (NP New York )NP )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP . )S STOP (S (NP (NP (NP Thursday 's )NP report )NP (PP on (NP the September consumer price index )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP rise , (SBAR although (ADVP (ADVP not as sharply )ADVP (PP as (NP (NP the (ADJP 0.9 % )ADJP gain )NP (VP reported (NP Friday )NP (PP in (NP the producer price index )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )ADVP )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S STOP (S (NP That gain )NP (VP was (VP being (VP cited (PP as (NP (NP a reason )NP (SBAR (S (NP the stock market )NP (VP was (ADVP down )ADVP (ADVP early (PP in (NP (NP Friday 's )NP session )NP )PP )ADVP , (SBAR before (S (NP it )NP (VP got (S (VP started (PP on (NP its reckless 190-point plunge )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP . )S STOP (S (NP Economists )NP (VP are (VP divided (PP as (PP to (SBAR (WHNP (WHADVP how much )WHADVP manufacturing strength )WHNP (S (NP they )NP (VP expect (S (VP to (VP see (PP in (NP (NP (NP September reports )NP (PP on (NP (NP industrial production )NP and (NP capacity utilization )NP )NP )PP )NP , (ADJP (ADVP also )ADVP due (NP tomorrow )NP )ADJP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )PP )PP )VP )VP . )S STOP (S (ADVP Meanwhile )ADVP , (NP (NP September housing starts )NP , (ADJP due (NP Wednesday )NP )ADJP , )NP (VP are (VP thought (S (VP to (VP have (VP inched (ADVP upward )ADVP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S STOP (SINV (S `` (NP There )NP (VP 's (NP (NP a possibility )NP (PP of (NP (NP a surprise )NP '' (PP in (NP the trade report )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )S , (VP said )VP (NP (NP Michael *UNKC )NP , (NP (NP director )NP (PP of (NP research )NP )PP (PP at (NP *UNKC )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV STOP (S (S (NP (NP A widening )NP (PP of (NP the deficit )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR if (S (NP it )NP (VP were (VP combined (PP with (NP a (ADJP *UNKLY strong )ADJP dollar )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (VP would (VP *UNK (NP trade problems )NP )VP )VP -- )S but (S (NP the dollar )NP (VP weakened (NP Friday )NP (SBAR as (S (NP stocks )NP (VP plummeted )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S . )S STOP (S (PP In (NP any event )NP )PP , (NP (NP Mr. *UNKC )NP and (NP many others )NP )NP (VP say (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the easy gains )NP (PP in (S (VP narrowing (NP the trade gap )NP )VP )S )PP )NP (VP have (ADVP already )ADVP (VP been (VP made )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S STOP (S `` (S (NP Trade )NP (VP is (ADVP definitely )ADVP (VP going (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP more politically sensitive )ADJP (PP over (NP the next (QP six or seven )QP months )NP )PP (SBAR as (S (NP improvement )NP (VP begins (S (VP to (VP slow )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S STOP (S (S (NP Exports )NP (VP are (VP thought (S (VP to (VP have (VP risen (ADVP (ADVP strongly (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )ADVP , but (ADVP (ADVP probably )ADVP not enough (S (VP to (VP offset (NP (NP the jump )NP (PP in (NP imports )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )ADVP )ADVP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , (NP economists )NP (VP said )VP . )S STOP (S (NP (NP *UNKC )NP (PP on (NP manufacturing strength )NP )PP )NP (VP are (ADJP split (PP between (NP (NP (NP economists )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP read (NP (NP (NP September 's )NP low level )NP (PP of (NP factory job growth )NP )PP )NP (PP as (NP (NP a sign )NP (PP of (NP a slowdown )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP and (NP (NP those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP use (NP the (ADJP somewhat more *UNKING )ADJP total employment figures )NP (PP in (NP their calculations )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S STOP (S (S (NP (NP The wide range )NP (PP of (NP (NP estimates )NP (PP for (NP the industrial output number )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP *UNK (NP the differences )NP )VP )S : (S (NP The forecasts )NP (VP run (PP from (NP (NP a drop )NP (PP of (NP 0.5 % )NP )PP )NP )PP (PP to (NP (NP an increase )NP (PP of (NP 0.4 % )NP )PP )NP )PP , (PP according (PP to (NP *UNKC )NP )PP )PP )VP )S . )S STOP (S (NP (NP A rebound )NP (PP in (NP energy prices )NP )PP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP helped (VP push (PRT up )PRT (NP the producer price index )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP is (VP expected (S (VP to (VP do (NP the same )NP (PP in (NP the consumer price report )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S STOP (S (NP The consensus view )NP (VP expects (NP (NP a (ADJP 0.4 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP in (NP the September *UNKC )NP )PP )NP (PP after (NP (NP a flat reading )NP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S STOP (S (NP (NP Robert H. *UNKC )NP , (NP (NP an economist )NP (PP for (NP (NP (NP Lloyd 's )NP Bank )NP (PP in (NP New York )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP , )NP (VP is (PP among (NP (NP those )NP (VP expecting (NP (NP a (ADJP more moderate )ADJP gain )NP (PP in (NP the *UNKC )NP )PP (PP than (PP in (NP (NP prices )NP (PP at (NP the producer level )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )NP )VP )NP )PP )VP . )S STOP (S `` (S (S (NP Auto prices )NP (VP had (NP a big effect )NP (PP in (NP the *UNKC )NP )PP )VP )S , and (S (PP at (NP the *UNKC level )NP )PP (NP they )NP (VP wo n't )VP )S )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S STOP (SINV (S (S (NP Food prices )NP (VP are (VP expected (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP unchanged )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP energy costs )NP (VP jumped (NP (NP as much as 4 )NP % )NP )VP )S )S , (VP said )VP (NP (NP Gary *UNKC )NP , (NP (NP economist )NP (PP at (NP *UNKC Financial Group )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV STOP (S (NP He )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP says (SBAR (S (NP he )NP (VP thinks (SBAR (S (NP `` (NP core inflation )NP , '' (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP *UNK (NP the volatile food and energy prices )NP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP was (ADJP strong )ADJP (NP last month )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S STOP (S (NP He )NP (VP expects (NP (NP a gain )NP (PP of (NP (QP as much as 0.5 )QP % )NP )PP (PP in (NP core inflation )NP )PP (PP after (NP (NP a summer )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP far smaller )ADJP increases )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S STOP (S (NP Housing starts )NP (VP are (VP expected (S (VP to (VP *UNK (NP a bit )NP (PP from (NP (NP (NP August 's )NP annual pace )NP (PP of (NP *UNKN units )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S STOP (S (NP Economists )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP (NP an August rebound )NP (PP in (NP (NP permits )NP (PP for (NP *UNKLY units )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP signaled (NP (NP an increase )NP (PP in (NP September starts )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR though (S (NP activity )NP (VP remains (ADJP fairly modest )ADJP )VP (PP by (NP historical standards )NP )PP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S STOP (NP *UNKC Street )NP STOP (SBARQ (SBAR If (S (NP the *UNK- *UNKING law )NP (VP 's (ADJP fair )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR , (SBARQ (WHADVP Why )WHADVP (SQ should (NP we )NP not (ADVP then )ADVP (VP *UNK (NP the *UNK )NP (S (VP To (VP require (SBAR that (S (NP all employees )NP (VP give (NP *UNKC notice )NP (SBAR before (S (NP they )NP (VP quit )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )SQ )SBARQ ? )SBARQ STOP (NP -- *UNKC S. *UNKC . )NP STOP (NP *UNKC *UNKC )NP STOP (SQ (SBAR (WHNP When )WHNP (S (NP research projects )NP (VP are (VP *UNKED (PP due to (NP government funding cuts )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , are (NP we )NP (VP `` caught (SBAR with (S (NP our grants )NP (ADVP down )ADVP )S )SBAR '' )VP ? )SQ STOP (NP -- *UNKC *UNKC . )NP STOP (S (S (VP *UNKING (SBAR (S (NP the stock market )NP (VP does n't (VP (VP crash (ADVP again )ADVP )VP and (VP (ADVP completely )ADVP *UNK (NP (NP *UNK )NP and (NP trading rooms )NP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , (NP American television audiences )NP (PP in (NP a few months )NP )PP (VP may (VP be (VP seeing (NP (NP (NP Britain 's )NP concept )NP (PP of (NP both )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP . )S STOP (S (NP `` Capital City '' )NP (VP is (NP (NP a weekly series )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP *UNKED (NP here )NP (ADVP (NP three weeks )NP ago )ADVP (PP amid (NP (NP unprecedented *UNK )NP (PP by (NP (NP its producer )NP , (NP *UNKC Television )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S STOP (S (NP The early *UNK )NP (VP make (S (NP you )NP (VP long (PP for (NP (NP a *UNK )NP (PP of (NP (NP the crash )NP (PP of (NP 1987 )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )VP . )S STOP (S (VP Let (S (NP 's )NP (VP make (S (NP that )NP (NP *UNKN )NP )S , (S (ADVP just )ADVP (VP to (VP be (ADJP sure )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )VP . )S STOP (S (PP According (PP to (NP (NP the program 's )NP publicity prospectus )NP )PP )PP , (NP `` (NP Capital City )NP , '' (VP set (PP at (NP (NP *UNKC *UNKC )NP , (NP (NP a *UNK *UNKED securities firm )NP (PP with (NP (ADJP (QP # 500 million )QP )ADJP capital )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP , )NP `` (VP follows (NP (NP the fortunes )NP (PP of (NP (NP a *UNK- team )NP (PP of (NP (NP young , *UNKING dealers )NP , (VP hired (PP for (NP (NP their particular *UNK )NP (PP of (NP (NP style )NP , (NP *UNK )NP and (NP energy )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S STOP (SINV But (PP with (NP (NP all the money and *UNK )NP (PP of (NP high finance )NP )PP )NP )PP (VP come )VP (NP (NP the *UNK pressures (S (VP to (VP do (ADVP well )ADVP )VP )VP )S )NP ; (NP pressure (S (VP to (VP pull (PRT off )PRT (NP another million )NP (PP before (NP lunch )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )NP ; (NP pressure (S (VP to (VP anticipate (NP the market )NP (PP by (NP (NP a fraction )NP (PP of (NP a second )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )NP )NP ... '' )SINV STOP (S (NP You )NP (VP need n't (VP be (NP a *UNKED securities lawyer )NP (S (VP to (VP realize (SBAR (S (NP the prospectus )NP (VP is (ADJP guilty (PP of (NP (NP less )NP (PP than (NP full disclosure )NP )PP )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S STOP (S (S (NP The (ADJP *UNKLY produced )ADJP series )NP (VP has (VP been (VP criticized (PP by (NP (NP London 's )NP financial *UNK )NP )PP (PP as (ADJP *UNK (PP in (NP detail )NP )PP )ADJP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP its major weakness )NP (VP is (NP (NP its *UNK *UNK )NP (PP of (NP (NP the characters ' )NP (ADJP (ADJP professional )ADJP and (ADJP private )ADJP )ADJP lives )NP )PP )NP )VP )S . )S STOP (S (S (VP *UNKED (ADVP loose )ADVP (PP in (NP (NP *UNKC *UNKC 's )NP trading room )NP )PP )VP )S , (NP the *UNK dealers )NP (VP do (NP (NP little )NP (ADJP right )ADJP )NP )VP . )S STOP (S (S (VP *UNKING (PP by (NP (NP (NP (NP the money )NP (VP lost )VP )NP and (NP (NP mistakes )NP (VP made )VP )NP )NP (PP in (NP the early *UNK )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S , (NP (NP *UNKC *UNKC 's )NP capital )NP (VP should (VP be (ADJP (ADVP just about )ADVP *UNKED )ADJP (PP by (NP the final 13th week )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S STOP (S (PP In (NP the opening episode )NP )PP (NP we )NP (VP learn (SBAR that (S (NP (NP *UNKC )NP , (NP a *UNK bond trader )NP , )NP (VP has (ADVP indeed )ADVP (VP pulled (PRT off )PRT (NP another million )NP (PP before (NP lunch )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S STOP (S (NP *UNKC )NP (VP is , (SBAR (S (NP she )NP (VP has (VP lost (NP it )NP (ADVP just as quickly )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S STOP (S (SBAR (PP Rather )PP than (S (VP keep (S (NP the loss )NP (NP (NP a secret )NP (PP from (NP the outside world )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )S )SBAR , (NP *UNKC )NP (VP *UNK (PP about (NP it )NP )PP (PP to (NP a *UNK man )NP )PP (SBAR while (S (VP ordering (NP lunch )NP (PP over (NP the phone )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S STOP (FRAG (NP Little chance (SBAR that (S (NP *UNKC *UNKC )NP (VP is (VP going (S (VP to (VP *UNK (NP today )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP . )FRAG STOP (S (NP Traders )NP (VP spend (NP the morning )NP (S (VP (ADVP *UNKLY )ADVP selling (NP bonds )NP )VP )S , (PP in (NP the belief (SBAR that (S (NP the U.S. monthly trade figures )NP (VP will (VP look (ADJP *UNK )ADJP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S STOP (INTJ *UNK , (NP *UNK Columbia )NP ! )INTJ STOP (S (S (NP The trade figures )NP (VP turn (PRT out )PRT (ADVP well )ADVP )VP )S , and (S (NP all those (ADJP recently *UNKED )ADJP bonds )NP (VP *UNK (PP in (NP price )NP )PP )VP )S . )S STOP (X (NP So much )NP (PP for (S (VP *UNKING (NP the market )NP (PP by (NP (NP a fraction )NP (PP of (NP a second )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )PP . )X STOP (S And (NP (NP a large *UNK )NP (PP of (NP the first episode )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP devoted (PP to (NP efforts (S (VP to (VP get (ADJP rid (PP of (NP some (ADJP nearly *UNK )ADJP Japanese bonds )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP (PRN -LRB- (SBARQ (WHPP since (WHADVP when )WHADVP )WHPP (SQ is (NP (NP anything )NP (ADJP Japanese )ADJP )NP (ADJP nearly *UNK )ADJP (ADVP *UNK )ADVP )SQ )SBARQ ? -RRB- )PRN )VP )VP . )S STOP (S (ADVP *UNKLY )ADVP , (NP *UNKC *UNKC )NP (VP *UNK (NP the week )NP , (S (ADVP only )ADVP (VP to (VP have (S (NP a senior executive )NP (VP (ADVP *UNKLY )ADVP *UNK (NP his way )NP (PP into (S (VP becoming (NP (NP the target )NP (PP of (NP a criminal insider trading investigation )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )PP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP . )S STOP (S (PP Instead of (S (VP closing (NP ranks )NP (S (VP to (VP protect (NP (NP the firm 's )NP reputation )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )PP , (NP (NP (NP the executive 's )NP internal rivals )NP , (VP led (PP by (NP a *UNK American )NP )PP )VP , )NP (VP demand (NP his resignation )NP )VP . )S STOP (S (NP The plot )NP (VP is (VP *UNKED (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP (NP (NP the firm 's )NP major *UNK )NP , (NP (NP *UNK *UNKING )NP (PP on (NP (NP the other side )NP (PP of (NP the *UNK )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP , )NP (VP *UNK (NP home )NP (S (VP to (VP support (NP the executive )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S STOP (S But (NP the investigation )NP (VP continues )VP . )S STOP (S (SBAR If (S (NP you )NP (VP can (VP *UNK (NP the *UNK (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the rewards )NP (PP for (NP such *UNK )NP )PP )NP (VP are (NP *UNK- salaries )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP you )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP are (VP left (S (ADJP *UNKED )ADJP )S )VP , (SBAR because (S (NP (NP few )NP (PP of (NP the *UNK )NP )PP )NP (VP consume (ADVP very *UNKLY )ADVP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S STOP (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP few )NP (VP consume (NP (NP much )NP (PP of (NP anything )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S STOP (S (NP Two )NP (VP share (NP (NP a house )NP (ADJP almost *UNK (PP of (NP furniture )NP )PP )ADJP )NP )VP . )S STOP (S (S (NP *UNKC )NP (VP lives (PP in (NP a hotel room )NP )PP )VP )S , and (S (SBAR although (S (NP she )NP (VP drives (NP a *UNKED *UNKC )NP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP she )NP (VP has n't (NP (NP time )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP clean or repair (NP it )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S ; (S (NP the (ADJP *UNK- )ADJP vehicle )NP (VP can (VP be (VP started (PP (ADVP only )ADVP with (NP (NP a huge pair )NP (PP of (NP *UNK )NP )PP )NP )PP (SBAR because (S (NP the *UNK key )NP (VP has (VP broken (PRT off )PRT (PP in (NP the lock )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )VP )S . )S STOP (S And (NP (NP it )NP )NP (VP takes (NP (NP *UNKC )NP , (NP (NP the *UNK *UNK ' man )NP (PP of (NP the cast )NP )PP )NP , )NP (PP until (NP the third episode )NP )PP (S (VP to (VP get (PP past (NP first base )NP )PP (PP with (NP (NP any )NP (PP of (NP his *UNK )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S STOP (S (ADVP Perhaps )ADVP (NP (NP the explanation )NP (PP for (NP these *UNK )NP )PP )NP (VP is (SBAR that (S (NP *UNK- Britain )NP (VP is n't (ADJP ready (S (VP to (VP come (PP to (NP (NP terms )NP (PP with (NP (NP the wealth )NP (VP created (PP by (NP the (ADJP *UNKC )ADJP *UNK- regime )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S STOP (S (PP After (NP all )NP )PP , (NP this )NP (VP is n't (NP (NP old money )NP , but (NP new money )NP , and (PP in (NP many cases )NP )PP , (NP (NP young money )NP )NP )NP )VP . )S STOP (S (NP This attitude )NP (VP is (VP (ADVP clearly )ADVP *UNKED (PP in (NP (NP the treatment )NP (PP of (NP (NP Max )NP , (NP (NP the trading room 's )NP (ADJP most flamboyant )ADJP character )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S STOP (S (ADVP *UNKLY enough )ADVP , (NP he )NP (VP (VP lives (PP in (NP a (ADJP *UNKLY *UNKED )ADJP converted church )NP )PP )VP , (VP *UNK (NP designer clothes )NP )VP and (VP drives (NP an *UNK car )NP )VP )VP . )S STOP (S But (S (ADVP apparently )ADVP (VP to (VP make (NP him )NP (ADJP (ADJP *UNK )ADJP , (ADJP even *UNK )ADJP , (PP to (NP the *UNK )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )VP )S , (NP the script )NP (VP *UNK (NP *UNKED Max )NP (PP into (NP (NP an *UNK *UNK )NP , (NP (NP master )NP (PP of (NP 11 Chinese *UNK )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S STOP (S (NP He )NP (VP takes (NP his *UNK )NP (PP to (NP (NP the *UNK )NP , (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP he )NP (VP meets (NP (NP a *UNK French girl )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP (VP *UNK (NP him )NP (PP into (S (VP providing (NP a home )NP (PP for (NP her *UNK *UNK )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )VP and (VP (ADVP then )ADVP (VP (ADVP promptly )ADVP *UNK (NP his car )NP )VP and (VP *UNK (NP it )NP (PP in (NP *UNKC )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S STOP (S (PP In (S (VP producing and promoting (NP `` Capital City )NP )VP )S )PP , '' (NP *UNKC )NP (VP has (VP spent (NP (NP about as much )NP (SBAR as (S (NP *UNKC *UNKC )NP (VP loses (PP on (NP a good day )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP . )S STOP (S (NP The production costs )NP (VP (VP are (NP (NP a (ADJP not *UNK )ADJP (QP # 8 million )QP )NP (PRN -LRB- (NP (QP $ 12.4 million )QP )NP -RRB- )PRN )NP )VP , and (VP would (VP have (VP been (ADJP (NP much )NP higher )ADJP (SBAR (SINV had not (NP (NP the cost )NP (PP of (NP the trading floor set )NP )PP )NP (VP been (VP *UNKED (PP in (NP (NP the budget )NP (PP of (NP `` (NP Dealers )NP , '' (NP an earlier *UNK- movie )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )SINV )SBAR )VP )VP )VP )VP . )S STOP (S (NP Another (QP half million )QP *UNK )NP (VP went (PP (PP for (NP (NP a *UNK )NP (PP of (NP (NP *UNK- *UNK )NP (PP in (NP six major British newspapers )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP and (PP for (NP (NP huge *UNK )NP (PP in (NP the London *UNK )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )VP . )S STOP (S (NP These expenses )NP (VP create (NP (NP a special incentive )NP (SBAR for (S (NP (NP `` Capital City 's )NP '' (NX producers )NX )NP (VP to (VP *UNK (NP (NP it )NP , or (NP (NP a *UNKED version )NP (PP of (NP it )NP )PP )NP , )NP (PP in (NP America )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S STOP (S (NP (NP (NP *UNKC 's )NP U.S. marketing agent )NP , (NP Donald *UNKC )NP , )NP (VP is (VP preparing (S (VP to (VP do (NP just that )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S STOP (S (NP He )NP (VP is (ADJP *UNKLY hopeful )ADJP , (S (VP citing (NP (NP three U.S. comedy series )NP (PRN -- (NP `` (S (NP Three )NP (VP 's (NP Company )NP )VP )S )NP , '' (NP `` (ADJP Too *UNKC (PP for (NP *UNKC )NP )PP )ADJP )NP '' and (NP `` (S (VP *UNKC (NP It )NP (PRT Out )PRT )VP )S '' )NP -- )PRN (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP had (NP British *UNK )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )VP . )S STOP (S (PP (ADVP Perhaps )ADVP without (S (VP *UNKING (NP it )NP )VP )S )PP , (NP Mr. *UNKC )NP (ADVP simultaneously )ADVP (VP has (VP put (NP his finger )NP (PP on (NP (NP (NP the problem )NP and (NP an ideal solution )NP )NP : (S (NP `` Capital City '' )NP (VP should (VP have (VP been (NP (NP a comedy )NP , (NP (NP a *UNK *UNK )NP (PP to (NP (NP the *UNK British `` *UNKC On '' movies )NP (PP of (NP the 1960s )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S STOP (S (NP The seeds )NP (ADJP already )ADJP (VP are (PP in (NP the script )NP )PP )VP . )S STOP (S (NP The first episode )NP (VP concluded (PP with (NP (NP a (ADJP *UNKLY *UNK )ADJP scene )NP (SBAR (WHPP in (WHNP which )WHNP )WHPP (S (NP the *UNK- crew )NP (VP *UNKED (NP (NP a baby )NP , (NP (NP the casualty )NP (PP of (NP (NP a broken marriage )NP (PP at (NP the firm )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S STOP (S And (NP (NP many )NP (PP in (NP the young cast )NP )PP )NP (VP bear (NP striking *UNK )NP (PP to (NP (NP American TV and movie *UNK )NP (VP known (PP for (NP light roles )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )VP . )S STOP (S (S (NP *UNKC *UNKC )NP (VP looks (PP like (NP a young *UNKC *UNKC *UNKC )NP )PP )VP )S ; (S (S (NP (NP William Armstrong )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP plays (NP Max )NP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP could (VP pass (PP for (NP *UNKC *UNKC )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , and (S (NP (NP Douglas *UNKC )NP (PRN -LRB- (NP *UNKC )NP -RRB- )PRN )NP (PP for (NP James *UNKC )NP )PP )S )S ; (S (S (NP *UNKC *UNKC )NP (VP is (NP a *UNK *UNKC *UNKC )NP )VP )S and (S (NP *UNKC *UNKLY )NP (VP could (VP (ADVP easily )ADVP double (PP for (NP (NP *UNKC Hall )NP , (NP (NP the *UNKED *UNK )NP (PP of (NP the *UNKC Boys *UNK )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )S . )S STOP (S (S (ADVP So )ADVP , (INTJ OK )INTJ (NP kids )NP , (NP everybody )NP (VP (PP on (NP stage )NP )PP (PP for `` (S (VP *UNKC (PRT On )PRT (S (VP Trading )VP )S )VP )S '' )PP )VP )S : (S (NP The cast )NP (VP is (VP (ADVP *UNKLY )ADVP searching (NP the office )NP (PP for (NP (NP *UNKED Japanese bonds )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (ADVP suddenly )ADVP (VP have (VP soared (PP in (NP value )NP )PP (SBAR because (S (NP *UNKC *UNKC Bank )NP (VP has (ADVP just )ADVP (VP bought (NP the White House )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP )S . )S STOP (S (NP The pressure )NP (VP is (NP too much )NP (PP for (NP (NP *UNKC *UNKC )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP *UNK (NP a security guard )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S STOP (S (NP He )NP (VP *UNK (PP into (NP (NP a desktop computer terminal )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP *UNK , (S (VP covering (NP (NP *UNKC Hall 's )NP face )NP (PP with (NP *UNK )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP . )S STOP (S And (NP all the while )NP , (NP the bonds )NP (VP are (PP in (NP (NP the baby 's )NP *UNK )NP )PP )VP . )S STOP (S (NP It )NP (VP should (VP run (ADVP forever )ADVP )VP )VP . )S STOP (S (NP Mr. *UNKC )NP (VP is (NP (NP senior *UNK )NP (PP in (NP (NP the Journal 's )NP London bureau )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S STOP (S (NP (NP *UNKC *UNKC )NP (PP of (NP France )NP )PP )NP (VP gave (NP (NP details )NP (PP of (NP (NP its financing plans )NP (PP for (NP (NP its proposed (ADJP (QP $ 4.5 billion )QP )ADJP acquisition )NP (PP of (NP Farmers Group Inc. )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP , (PP in (NP (NP amended filings )NP (PP with (NP (NP insurance regulators )NP (PP in (NP (NP the nine U.S. states )NP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP Farmers )NP (VP operates )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S STOP (S (NP The proposed acquisition )NP (VP is (NP (NP part )NP (PP of (NP (NP (NP Sir James Goldsmith 's )NP unfriendly takeover attempt )NP (PP for (NP (NP B.A.T Industries PLC )NP , (NP (NP the British tobacco , retailing , paper and financial services concern )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP is (NP (NP parent )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP Los Angeles-based )ADJP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S STOP (S (PP In (NP an attempt (S (VP to (VP *UNK (NP (NP (NP U.S. regulators ' )NP concern )NP (PP over (NP (NP a Goldsmith acquisition )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP , (NP Sir James )NP (PP in (NP August )NP )PP (VP agreed (S (VP to (VP sell (NP Farmers )NP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP (SBAR if (S (NP he )NP (VP is (ADJP successful (PP in (S (VP acquiring (NP B.A.T )NP )VP )S )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP . )S STOP (S (PP As (NP (NP part )NP (PP of (NP the agreement )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP Axa )NP (VP agreed (S (VP to (VP invest (NP (QP $ 1 billion )QP )NP (PP in (NP (NP *UNKC Investments Ltd. )NP , (NP (NP Sir James 's )NP acquisition vehicle )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S STOP (S (PP Of (NP (NP the total (QP $ 5.5 billion )QP )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP be (VP paid (PP to (NP *UNKC )NP )PP (PP by (NP Axa )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP , (S (NP (NP (QP about $ 1 billion )QP )NP )NP (VP will (VP come (PP from (NP (NP available resources )NP (PP of (NP (NP (NP Axa 's )NP parent )NP , (NP *UNKC Group )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , (S (NP (NP (QP $ 2.25 billion )QP )NP )NP (VP will (VP be (PP in (NP (NP the form )NP (PP of (NP (NP notes )NP (VP issued (PP by (NP Axa )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , and (S (NP (NP the remaining (QP $ 2.25 billion )QP )NP )NP (VP will (VP be (PP in (NP long-term bank loans )NP )PP )VP )VP )S . )S STOP (S (PP In (NP an interview )NP )PP (NP Thursday )NP , (NP (NP *UNKC *UNKC )NP , (NP (NP (NP chairman )NP and (NP chief executive officer )NP )NP (PP of (NP Axa )NP )PP )NP , )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP his group )NP (VP has (ADVP already )ADVP (VP obtained (NP (NP assurances )NP (PP from (NP (NP a group )NP (PP of (NP (NP banks )NP (VP led (PP by (NP Cie . Financiere de Paribas )NP )PP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP (SBAR that (S (NP they )NP (VP can (VP provide (NP (NP the loan portion )NP (PP of (NP the financing )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S STOP (S (S (NP (NP The other banking companies )NP (PP in (NP the group )NP )PP )NP (VP are (NP (NP Credit Lyonnais )NP , (NP Societe Generale )NP , (NP BankAmerica Corp. )NP and (NP Citicorp )NP )NP )VP )S , (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S STOP (S (NP Mr. *UNKC )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP *UNKC Group )NP (VP has `` (NP (NP (QP more than $ 2.5 billion )QP )NP (PP of (NP *UNK- assets )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP we )NP (VP can and will (VP sell '' (S (VP to (VP help (S (VP pay (PRT off )PRT (NP (NP debt )NP (PP from (NP the acquisition )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S STOP (S (NP He )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP the assets )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP be (VP sold )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP (VP (VP would (VP be (NP (NP `` *UNK- '' assets )NP , (PP including (NP (NP a beer company )NP and (NP a real estate firm )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP , and (VP would n't (VP include (NP (NP any pieces )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S STOP (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP wo n't (VP put (NP any burden )NP (PP on (NP Farmers )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP said )VP . )S STOP (S (NP The amended filings )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP point (PRT out )PRT (SBAR that (S (PP under (NP a new agreement )NP )PP , (NP *UNKC )NP (VP has (NP an *UNK obligation (S (VP to (VP sell (NP Farmers )NP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP (PP upon (NP (NP an acquisition )NP (PP of (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S STOP (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP hope (SBAR that (S (S (PP with (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (NP we )NP (VP did )VP )S )SBAR )PP , (NP the regulators )NP (VP will not (VP need (S (VP to (VP evaluate (NP *UNKC )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , and (S (NP they )NP (VP can (ADVP directly )ADVP (VP look (PP at (NP the agreement )NP )PP (PP with (NP us )NP )PP , (SBAR because (S (NP *UNKC )NP (VP wo n't (VP be (NP (NP an owner )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP (PP at (NP anytime )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )S )SBAR )VP )S , '' (NP Mr. *UNKC )NP (VP said )VP . )S STOP (S (NP (NP Any change )NP (PP of (NP control )NP )PP (PP in (NP Farmers )NP )PP )NP (VP needs (NP (NP approval )NP (PP of (NP (NP the insurance *UNK )NP (PP in (NP (NP the nine states )NP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP (NP Farmers )NP and (NP its related companies )NP )NP (VP are (VP incorporated )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S STOP (S (NP The amended filings )NP (VP were (VP required (UCP (PP because of (NP (NP the new agreement )NP (PP between (NP (NP Axa )NP and (NP *UNKC )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP , and (S (VP to (VP reflect (NP (NP the extension )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP Sir James )NP (VP received (NP last month )NP (PP under (NP British takeover rules )NP )PP (S (VP to (VP complete (NP his proposed acquisition )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )UCP )VP )VP . )S STOP (S (NP *UNKC )NP (VP (VP dropped (NP its initial (ADJP (QP # *UNKN billion )QP (PRN -LRB- (ADJP (QP $ *UNKN billion )QP )ADJP (PRN -RRB- )PRN )PRN )ADJP takeover bid )NP (SBAR after (S (NP it )NP (VP received (NP the extension )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP , but (VP said (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (VP would (VP launch (NP a new bid )NP (SBAR if and (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP (NP the *UNKED sale )NP (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP (PP to (NP Axa )NP )PP )NP (VP receives (NP regulatory approval )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S STOP (S (NP (NP A spokesman )NP (PP for (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )NP (VP said (PP of (NP the amended filings )NP )PP (SBAR that , `` (S (NP It )NP (VP would (VP appear (SBAR that (S (NP (NP nothing )NP (ADJP *UNK )ADJP )NP (VP has (VP changed )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S STOP (S (S (NP The new financing structure )NP (VP is (ADVP still )ADVP (NP a (ADJP *UNKLY leveraged )ADJP one )NP )VP )S , and (S (NP Axa )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP plans (S (VP to (VP take (PRT out )PRT (NP (NP 75 % )NP (PP of (NP (NP Farmers ' )NP earnings )NP )PP )NP (PP as (NP dividends )NP )PP (S (VP to (VP service (NP their debt )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP )S . '' )S STOP (S (S (NP That dividend )NP (VP is (NP (QP almost double )QP (NP (NP the 35 % )NP (VP (ADVP currently )ADVP taken (PP out (PP of (NP Farmers )NP )PP )PP (PP by (NP B.A.T )NP )PP )VP )NP )NP )VP )S , (NP the spokesman )NP (VP added )VP . )S STOP (S `` (NP It )NP (VP would (VP have (NP (NP severe implications )NP (PP for (NP (NP Farmers ' )NP policy holders )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP . '' )S STOP (S (S (VP To (VP fend (PRT off )PRT (NP (NP Sir James 's )NP advances )NP )VP )VP )S , (NP B.A.T )NP (VP has (VP proposed (NP (NP a sweeping restructuring )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP would (VP *UNK (NP it )NP (PP to (NP a tobacco and financial services concern )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP . )S STOP (S (NP (NP *UNKC sales )NP (PP at (NP General Motors Corp. )NP )PP )NP (VP dragged (NP the U.S. car and truck market )NP (ADVP down )ADVP (PP below (NP year-ago levels )NP )PP (PP in (NP (NP early October )NP , (NP (NP the first sales period )NP (PP of (NP the 1990 model year )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S STOP (S (NP The eight major domestic auto makers )NP (VP (VP sold (NP (NP *UNKN (ADJP North *UNKC )ADJP cars )NP )NP (PP in (NP (NP the first 10 days )NP (PP of (NP October )NP )PP )NP )PP , )VP (NP (NP a (ADJP *UNKN % )ADJP drop )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )PP )NP )VP . )S STOP (S (NP (ADJP *UNKLY built )ADJP truck sales )NP (VP were (ADVP down (NP 10.4 % )NP (PP to (NP *UNKN (NX (NX *UNK )NX , (NX vans )NX and (NX sport utility vehicles )NX )NX )NP )PP )ADVP )VP . )S STOP (S (NP (NP The heavy use )NP (PP of (NP incentives (S (VP to (VP clear (PRT out )PRT (NP 1989 models )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )NP (VP appears (S (VP to (VP have (VP taken (NP the steam )NP , (ADVP (ADVP at least )ADVP initially )ADVP , (PP out (PP of (NP (NP 1990 model sales )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP began (ADVP officially )ADVP (NP Oct. 1 )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S STOP (S (NP This )NP (VP appears (ADJP particularly true )ADJP (PP at (NP (NP GM )NP , (NP (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP (VP had (NP strong sales )NP (PP in (NP August and September )NP )PP )VP but (VP saw (S (NP its early October car and truck results )NP (VP fall (NP *UNKN % )NP (PP from (NP (NP last year 's )NP (ADJP unusually high )ADJP level )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S STOP (S (ADVP Overall )ADVP , (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP all *UNK- vehicles )NP )PP )NP (VP fell (NP *UNKN % )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP ago )ADVP )PP )VP . )S STOP (S (PP Without (NP GM )NP )PP , (NP (NP overall sales )NP (PP for (NP the other U.S. *UNK )NP )PP )NP (VP were (ADJP roughly flat (PP with (NP 1989 results )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S STOP (S (S (NP (NP Some )NP (PP of (NP the U.S. auto makers )NP )PP )NP (VP have (ADVP already )ADVP (VP adopted (NP (NP incentives )NP (PP on (NP many 1990 models )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S , but (S (NP they )NP (VP may (VP have (S (VP to (VP *UNK (NP their programs )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP (S (VP to (VP keep (S (NP sales )NP (ADVP up )ADVP )S )VP )VP )S )S . )S STOP (SINV `` (S (NP We )NP (VP 've (VP created (NP (NP a condition )NP (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP , (S (PP without (NP incentives )NP )PP , (NP it )NP (VP 's (NP a tough market )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S , '' (VP said )VP (NP (NP Tom Kelly )NP , (NP (NP sales manager )NP (PP for (NP (NP Bill *UNKC Chevrolet )NP (PP in (NP (NP Dearborn )NP , (NP Mich )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV STOP (S (NP Car sales )NP (VP fell (PP to (NP (NP (NP a (ADJP seasonally adjusted )ADJP annual selling rate )NP (PP of (NP (QP 5.8 million )QP vehicles )NP )PP )NP , (NP (NP the lowest )NP (PP since (NP October 1987 )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S STOP (S (NP The poor performance )NP (VP *UNK (PP with (NP (NP a robust selling rate )NP (PP of (NP (QP almost eight )QP million )NP )PP (NP last month )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S STOP (S (ADVP Furthermore )ADVP , (NP (NP dealers )NP (VP *UNKED (NP late last week )NP )VP )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP could n't (VP see (NP (NP any immediate impact )NP (PP on (NP sales )NP )PP (PP of (NP (NP Friday 's )NP steep market decline )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S STOP (S (S (NP (NP GM 's )NP domestic car sales )NP (VP dropped (NP *UNKN % )NP )VP )S and (S (NP its domestic trucks )NP (VP were (ADVP down (NP an (ADJP even *UNK )ADJP *UNKN % )NP (PP from (NP (NP the same period )NP (ADVP (NP a year )NP ago )ADVP )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )S . )S STOP (S (NP (NP All )NP (PP of (NP the GM divisions )NP )PP (PP except (NP *UNKC )NP )PP )NP (VP showed (NP big declines )NP )VP . )S STOP (S (NP *UNKC )NP (VP posted (NP a (ADJP 3.2 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP despite (NP (NP new competition )NP (PP from (NP (NP Lexus )NP , (NP (NP the *UNKING luxury-car division )NP (PP of (NP Toyota Motor Corp )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S STOP (S (S (NP Lexus sales )NP (VP were n't (ADJP available )ADJP )VP )S ; (S (S (NP the cars )NP (VP are (VP imported )VP )VP )S and (S (NP Toyota )NP (VP reports (NP their sales )NP (PP (ADVP only )ADVP at (NP *UNK- )NP )PP )VP )S )S . )S STOP (S (S (NP (NP The sales drop )NP (PP for (NP the (NP (NP No. 1 )NP car maker )NP )NP )PP )NP (VP may (VP have (VP been (VP caused (PP in (NP part )NP )PP (PP by (NP (NP the end )NP (PP in (NP September )NP )PP (PP of (NP (NP dealer incentives )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP GM )NP (VP offered (PP in (NP (NP addition )NP (PP to (NP (NP consumer rebates )NP and (NP *UNK- financing )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S , (NP a company spokesman )NP (VP said )VP . )S STOP (S (NP Last year )NP , (NP GM )NP (VP had (NP (NP a different program )NP )NP (PP in (NP place )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP continued (S (VP *UNKING (NP dealers )NP )VP )S (SBAR until (S (NP all the 1989 models )NP (VP had (VP been (VP sold )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S STOP (S (ADVP Aside (PP from (NP GM )NP )PP )ADVP , (NP other car makers )NP (VP posted (NP (ADJP generally mixed )ADJP results )NP )VP . )S STOP (S (NP Ford Motor Co. )NP (VP had (NP (NP (NP a (ADJP 1.8 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP in (NP domestic car sales )NP )PP )NP but (NP (NP a (ADJP 2.4 % )ADJP increase )NP (PP in (NP domestic truck sales )NP )PP )NP )NP )VP . )S STOP (S (NP Chrysler Corp. )NP (VP had (NP (NP a (ADJP 7.5 % )ADJP drop )NP (PP in (NP car sales )NP )PP )NP , (S (VP *UNKING (NP (NP its (ADJP generally slow )ADJP performance )NP (NP all year )NP )NP )VP )S )VP . )S STOP (S (ADVP However )ADVP , (NP (NP (NP sales )NP (PP of (NP trucks )NP )PP )NP , (PP including (NP (NP the company 's )NP popular *UNK )NP )PP , )NP (VP rose (NP 4.3 % )NP )VP . )S STOP (S (NP (NP (NP Honda Motor Co. 's )NP sales )NP (PP of (NP (ADJP *UNKLY built )ADJP vehicles )NP )PP )NP (VP plunged (NP *UNKN % )NP (PP from (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )PP )VP . )S STOP (S (S (NP (NP (NP Honda 's )NP plant )NP (PP in (NP (NP *UNKC )NP , (NP Ohio )NP , )NP )PP )NP (VP was (VP *UNKING (PRT up )PRT (S (VP to (VP build (NP 1990 model *UNKC )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP , )S (NP a Honda spokesman )NP (VP said )VP . )S STOP (S `` (S (NP We )NP (VP 're (ADJP really confident (SBAR (S (NP everything )NP (VP will (VP bounce (ADVP back (PP to (ADJP normal )ADJP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )ADJP )VP )S , '' (NP he )NP (VP added )VP . )S STOP (S (ADVP Separately )ADVP , (NP Chrysler )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP firm prices )NP (PP on (NP its *UNK- (NX (NX domestic cars )NX and (NX *UNK )NX )NX )NP )PP )NP (VP will (VP rise (NP (NP an average )NP (PP of (NP (NP 5 % )NP (PP over (NP (ADJP *UNKLY equipped )ADJP 1989 models )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S STOP (S (NP *UNKC prices )NP (VP were (ADVP generally )ADVP (PP in (NP (NP line )NP (PP with (NP (NP the tentative prices )NP (VP announced (NP earlier this fall )NP )VP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S STOP (S (PP At (NP that time )NP )PP , (NP Chrysler )NP (VP said (SBAR (S (NP (NP base prices )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP are n't (VP adjusted (PP for (NP equipment changes )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP would (VP rise (NP (QP between 4 % and 9 % )QP )NP (PP on (NP most vehicle )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S STOP (S (LST a )LST - (NP *UNKC )NP (VP include (NP (NP only vehicle sales )NP (VP reported (PP in (NP period )NP )PP )VP )NP )VP . )S STOP (FRAG (LST c )LST - (NP Domestic car )NP )FRAG STOP (S (NP *UNK )NP - (NP *UNKC change )NP (VP is (ADJP (ADJP greater )ADJP (PP than (NP *UNKN % )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S STOP (S (NP *UNK )NP - (NP There )NP (VP were (NP (NP (NP 8 selling days )NP (PP in (NP the (ADJP most recent )ADJP period )NP )PP )NP and (NP (NP 8 )NP (ADVP (NP a year )NP earlier )ADVP )NP )NP )VP . )S STOP (S (NP *UNKC differences )NP (VP based (PP on (NP (NP daily sales rate )NP (CONJP rather than )CONJP (NP sales volume )NP )NP )PP )VP . )S STOP (S (NP (NP Antonio L. *UNKC )NP , (ADJP (NP 66 years )NP old )ADJP , )NP (VP was (VP named (S (NP (NP (NP president )NP and (NP chief executive officer )NP )NP (PP of (NP the Atlantic Research Corp. subsidiary )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )VP . )S STOP (S (NP Mr. *UNKC )NP (VP had (VP been (NP (NP a consultant )NP (PP to (NP (NP the subsidiary 's )NP *UNK- operations )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP . )S STOP (S (NP Mr. *UNKC )NP (VP succeeds (NP (NP William H. *UNKC )NP , (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP resigned (S (VP to (VP pursue (NP personal interests )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP . )S STOP (S (NP *UNKC )NP (VP makes and repairs (NP jet engines )NP )VP . )S STOP (S (NP It )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP has (NP (NP interests )NP (PP in (NP (NP military electronics )NP and (NP (NP *UNK- )NP )NP , (NP *UNK transportation )NP and (NP (NP machinery )NP (VP used (S (VP to (VP make (NP food and *UNK cans )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )NP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S STOP (S (NP It )NP (VP was n't (ADVP (ADVP so long )ADVP ago )ADVP (SBAR (WHADVP that )WHADVP (S (NP (NP a radio network )NP (VP funded (PP by (NP the U.S. Congress )NP )PP (PRN -- and (ADVP originally )ADVP (PP by (NP the Central Intelligence Agency )NP )PP -- )PRN )VP )NP (VP was (VP accused (PP by (NP (NP officials )NP (ADVP here )ADVP )NP )PP (PP of (S (VP *UNKING (NP (NP *UNK )NP , (NP *UNK )NP and (NP *UNK )NP )NP )VP )S )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S STOP (S (ADVP Now )ADVP , (NP the network )NP (VP has (VP opened (NP a news bureau )NP (PP in (NP the *UNKC capital )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S STOP (S (NP Employees )NP (VP (VP held (NP an open house )NP (S (VP to (VP *UNK )VP )VP )S )VP and (ADVP even )ADVP (VP *UNK (PRT out )PRT (NP (NP a sign )NP : `` (NP *UNKC *UNKC Radio )NP '' (PRN -- (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )PRN )NP )VP )VP . )S STOP (SINV `` (S (NP I )NP (VP think (SBAR (S (NP this )NP (VP is (NP (NP a victory )NP (PP for (NP the radio )NP )PP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP *UNKC de *UNKC )NP , (NP a *UNK- former *UNKC *UNK )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP works (PP in (NP the (NAC *UNKC , West Germany , )NAC headquarters )NP )PP (PP as (NP (NP deputy director )NP (PP of (NP the *UNKC service )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP . )SINV STOP (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP the network )NP (VP hopes (S (VP to (VP set (PRT up )PRT (NP offices )NP (PP in (NP (NP Warsaw )NP and (NP (NP anywhere else )NP (PP in (NP the East Bloc )NP )PP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP will (VP have (NP it )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S STOP (S But (NP (NP the rapid changes )NP (VP brought (PRT on )PRT (PP by (NP (NP glasnost )NP and (NP open *UNK )NP )NP )PP )VP )NP (VP are (VP *UNKING (NP (NP the network 's )NP life )NP (PP in (NP (NP more ways )NP (PP than (NP one )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S STOP (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP is (PP in (NP (NP danger )NP (PP of (S (VP suffering (PP from (NP its success )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S STOP (S (SBAR While (S (NP the network )NP (ADVP currently )ADVP (VP can (VP operate (ADVP freely )ADVP (PP in (NP *UNKC )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR , (ADVP so )ADVP can (NP others )NP . )S STOP (S (PP In (NP addition )NP )PP , (NP (NP competition )NP (PP for (NP *UNK )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP getting (ADJP (ADJP tougher )ADJP (PP in (NP many ways )NP )PP (PP than (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (S (VP broadcasting (ADVP here )ADVP )VP )S (VP was (VP (ADVP *UNKLY )ADVP controlled )VP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )ADJP )VP )VP . )S STOP (S (PP Instead of (S (VP being (VP *UNKED (PP as (NP (NP an *UNK agent )NP (PP of (NP *UNK )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )PP , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP is (ADJP more likely (S (VP to (VP draw (NP the criticism (SBAR that (S (NP its programs )NP (VP are (ADJP (ADJP too *UNK )ADJP , (ADJP even boring )ADJP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP . )S STOP (SINV `` (S (NP They )NP (VP have (NP (NP a lot )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP do (NP these days )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP (S (VP to (VP compete (PP with (NP *UNKC radio )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Andrew *UNKC )NP , (NP (NP a *UNK- student )NP (PP at (NP (NP the *UNKC University )NP (PP in (NP *UNKC )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP . )SINV STOP (S `` (NP The *UNKC -LCB- radio -RCB- reporters )NP (VP seem (ADJP (ADJP better informed )ADJP and (ADJP more critical (PP about about (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (VP 's (VP going (PRT on )PRT (ADVP here )ADVP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )PP )ADJP )ADJP )VP . '' )S STOP (S (ADVP Indeed )ADVP , (NP Hungary )NP (VP is (PP in (NP (NP the midst )NP (PP of (NP a media explosion )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S STOP (S (NP (NP Boys )NP (PP on (NP busy street *UNK )NP )PP )NP (VP *UNK (NP (NP newspapers )NP (PP of (NP every political *UNK )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S STOP (S (NP *UNKC )NP (VP are (ADJP packed (PP with (NP (NP a *UNK array )NP (PP of (NP magazines )NP )PP )NP )PP )ADJP )VP . )S STOP (S (NP Radio and television )NP (VP are (VP getting (ADJP *UNK and *UNK )ADJP )VP )VP . )S STOP (S (NP (NP The British Broadcasting Corp. )NP and (NP (NP the U.S. State Department 's )NP (NX (NP *UNKC )NP (PP of (NP America )NP )PP )NX )NP )NP (VP broadcast (PP over (NP *UNKC *UNK )NP )PP , (ADVP though )ADVP (NP (NP (QP only a few )QP hours )NP (NP a day )NP (NP each )NP )NP (PP in (NP *UNKC )NP )PP )VP . )S STOP (S (NP Australian press *UNK *UNKC Murdoch )NP (VP has (VP bought (NP (NP (ADJP 50 % )ADJP stakes )NP (PP in (NP two (ADJP popular and *UNK )ADJP *UNKC newspapers )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR while (S (NP (NP Britain 's )NP Robert Maxwell )NP (VP has (VP let (S (NP (NP it )NP )NP (VP be (VP known (ADVP here )ADVP (SBAR that (S (NP he )NP (VP is (VP thinking (PP about (NP similar moves )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S STOP (S But (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP does n't (VP plan (S (VP to (VP *UNK (ADVP away )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S STOP (S (PP With (NP (NP its mission )NP (PP for (NP (NP free speech )NP and (NP the capitalist way )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP (NP the network 's )NP staff )NP (VP says (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP has (NP (NP plenty )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP do )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP -- (PP (PP in (NP Hungary )NP )PP and (PP in (NP the `` Great Eastern Beyond )NP )PP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . '' )S STOP (S (NP (NP Radio Free Europe )NP and (NP (NP (NP its sister station )NP (PP for (NP the Soviet Union )NP )PP )NP , (NP Radio *UNKC )NP , )NP )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP wo n't (VP cut (PRT back )PRT (NP (NP their (QP more than 19 hours )QP )NP (PP of (NP daily *UNK )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S STOP (S (NP They )NP (VP are (ADVP still )ADVP (NP (NP an important source )NP (PP of (NP news )NP )PP (PP for (NP (QP 60 million )QP *UNK )NP )PP (PP in (NP (NP 23 exotic *UNK )NP : (PP (PP from (NP *UNKC and *UNKC )NP )PP (PP to (NP *UNKC and *UNKC )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S STOP (S (NP (NP The establishment )NP (PP of (NP (NP its first bureau )NP (PP in (NP Warsaw *UNKC territory )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP (VP shows (NP (NP the *UNK )NP (PP of (NP (NP some )NP (PP of (NP (NP the changes )NP (PP in (NP Eastern Europe )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S STOP (S (PP (NP *UNKC )NP before (NP (NP the decision )NP (PP by (NP the *UNKC Communist Party )NP )PP (S (VP to (VP (VP *UNK (S (NP itself )NP (ADJP Socialist )ADJP )S )VP and (VP try (S (VP to (VP look (ADJP more *UNKING (PP to (NP voters )NP )PP )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP , (NP (NP the country 's )NP *UNK )NP (VP were (VP trying (S (VP to (VP look (ADJP more *UNK )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S STOP (S (NP (NP It )NP )NP (VP proved (NP a perfect time )NP (SBAR for (S (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP to (VP ask (PP for (NP permission (S (VP to (VP set (PRT up )PRT (NP office )NP )VP )VP )S )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S STOP (S (ADVP Not only )ADVP (SINV did (NP (NP the *UNKC Ministry )NP (PP of (NP Foreign Affairs )NP )PP )NP (VP approve (NP (NP Radio Free Europe 's )NP new location )NP )VP )SINV , but (S (NP (NP the Ministry )NP (PP of (NP Telecommunications )NP )PP )NP (VP did (NP (NP something )NP (ADJP (ADVP even more )ADVP amazing )ADJP : (SINV `` (S (NP They )NP (VP found (NP us )NP (NP (NP four phone lines )NP (PP in (NP central *UNKC )NP )PP )NP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP *UNKC *UNKC )NP , (NP (NP a Radio Free Europe *UNK )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP helped (S (VP *UNK (NP the *UNKC location )NP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )NP )SINV )NP )VP )S . )S STOP (S `` (NP That )NP (VP is (NP a *UNK )NP )VP . '' )S STOP (S (NP It )NP (VP 's (NP (NP a far *UNK )NP (PP from (NP (NP the previous treatment )NP (PP of (NP (NP the network )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP had (S (VP to (VP overcome (NP (NP (NP *UNKING )NP (PP of (NP its *UNK )NP )PP )NP and (NP (NP *UNK )NP (PP of (NP (NP local *UNK )NP (PRN -LRB- (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP filed (NP (NP reports )NP (PP to (NP the network )NP )PP )NP (PP by (NP (NP phone )NP , (NP secret *UNK )NP or (NP letters )NP )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR -RRB- )PRN )NP )PP )NP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S STOP (S (PP In (NP fact )NP )PP , (NP (NP some )NP (PP of (NP (NP the network 's )NP *UNKC *UNK )NP )PP )NP (VP say (SBAR (S (NP they )NP (VP owe (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (NP loyalty )NP (SBAR because (S (NP it )NP (VP was (ADJP responsible (PP in (NP many ways )NP )PP (PP for (S (VP keeping (S (NP hope )NP (ADJP alive )ADJP (PP through (SBAR (WHNP what )WHNP (S (NP (NP one writer )NP (ADVP here )ADVP )NP (VP calls (S (NP (NP the `` *UNKC *UNKC )NP (PP of (NP the 20th *UNKC )NP )PP )NP )S )VP )S )SBAR )PP )S )VP )S )PP )ADJP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )VP . '' )S STOP (SINV `` (S (PP During (NP the past four years )NP )PP , (NP (NP many )NP (PP of (NP us )NP )PP )NP (VP have (VP sat (ADVP up )ADVP (PP until (PP (ADVP late )ADVP at (NP night )NP )PP )PP (S (VP listening (PP to (NP our *UNK )NP )PP )VP )S )VP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP the writer )NP . )SINV STOP (S `` (NP There )NP (VP were (NP some (ADJP very *UNK )ADJP *UNK )NP )VP . '' )S STOP (S (NP The *UNK )NP , (ADVP too )ADVP , (VP had (S (VP to (VP be (ADJP *UNK )ADJP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S STOP (S (PP Through (NP (NP much )NP (PP of (NP the *UNK- War II period )NP )PP )NP )PP , (S (VP listening (PP to (NP Western *UNK )NP )PP )VP )S (VP was (NP a crime )NP (PP in (NP Hungary )NP )PP )VP . )S STOP (SINV `` (S (SBAR (WHADVP When )WHADVP (S (NP we )NP (VP listen (PP to (NP the Europe station )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR , (NP my mother )NP (ADVP still )ADVP (VP gets (ADJP nervous )ADJP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP a *UNKC *UNK )NP . )SINV STOP (S `` (NP She )NP (VP wants (S (VP to (VP (VP turn (PRT down )PRT (NP the volume )NP )VP and (VP close (NP the *UNK )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP . '' )S STOP (S (ADVP Now )ADVP , (NP (NP the *UNK competition )NP (PP for (NP Radio Free Europe )NP )PP )NP (VP comes (PP during (NP the *UNK- *UNK )NP )PP )VP . )S STOP (S (NP *UNKC radio )NP (ADVP often )ADVP (VP *UNK (NP its (ADJP most politically *UNK )ADJP *UNK )NP (PP for (NP around midnight )NP )PP )VP . )S STOP (S (NP (NP Television )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (NP (NP most )NP (PP of (NP the time )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP considered (S (ADJP rather *UNK )ADJP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR , )NP (VP has (VP entered (NP the running )NP (PP with (NP (NP a new program )NP , `` (NP (NP The End )NP (PP of (NP the Day )NP )PP )NP , '' (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP comes (PRT on )PRT (PP after (NP 11 p.m )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S STOP (S (NP It )NP (VP is (NP (NP a talk show )NP (PP with (NP (NP (NP opposition leaders )NP and (NP political experts )NP )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP discuss (NP (NP (NP Hungary 's )NP domestic problems )NP (CONJP as well as )CONJP (NP foreign affairs )NP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S STOP (S (NP (NP Those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP want (S (VP to (VP hear (NP (ADJP (ADVP even more )ADVP radical )ADJP views )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )NP (VP have (S (VP to (VP get (ADVP up )ADVP (PP at (NP five )NP )PP (PP on (NP Sunday morning )NP )PP (PP for (NP `` (NP Sunday Journal )NP , '' (PP on (NP *UNKC Radio )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S STOP (S (NP The competitive spirit )NP (VP is (ADVP clearly )ADVP (VP *UNKING (NP (NP Radio Free Europe )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP is (VP trying (S (VP to (VP beef (PRT up )PRT (NP programs )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )VP )VP . )S STOP (S (NP The *UNKC office )NP (VP plans (S (VP to (VP hire (NP *UNK- reporters )NP (S (VP to (VP cover (NP (NP the latest *UNK )NP (PP in (NP (NP *UNKC country towns )NP (PP (PP from (NP (NP *UNKC )NP (PP in (NP the *UNK )NP )PP )NP )PP (PP to (NP (NP *UNKC )NP (PP in (NP the east )NP )PP )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )VP . )S STOP (S (NP The *UNKC service )NP (VP has (NP (NP a daily *UNK- news show )NP (VP called (S (NP *UNKC )NP )S , (PP with (NP (NP (ADJP international and domestic )ADJP news )NP , plus (NP (NP a daily news review )NP (PP of (NP (NP opinions )NP (PP from (PP around (NP the world )NP )PP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP )NP )VP . )S STOP (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (ADVP also )ADVP (NP (NP a host )NP (PP of (NP (NP new programs )NP , (VP trying (S (VP to (VP *UNK (PRT up )PRT (PP on (NP (NP the traditional diet )NP (PP of (NP politics )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S STOP (S (NP (NP A daily *UNK- program )NP (VP called (S `` (NP (NP The March )NP (PP of (NP Time )NP )PP '' )NP )S )VP )NP (VP tries (S (VP to (VP find (NP (NP interesting *UNK )NP (PP of (NP *UNKED news and *UNK )NP (PP from (PP around (NP the world )NP )PP )PP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S STOP (S (NP There )NP (VP 's (NP (NP (NP a program )NP (PP for (NP women )NP )PP )NP and (NP a science show )NP )NP )VP . )S STOP (S And (S (VP to (VP attract (NP younger *UNK )NP )VP )VP )S , (NP Radio Free Europe )NP (VP *UNK (NP (NP the latest )NP (PP in (NP Western rock groups )NP )PP )NP )VP . )S STOP (S (NP The *UNKC Shop Boys )NP (VP are (ADJP big )ADJP (NP this year )NP (PP in (NP *UNKC )NP )PP )VP . )S STOP (SINV `` (S (NP We )NP (VP are (VP *UNKING (PP for (NP all the news )NP )PP )VP )VP )S , '' (VP says )VP (NP (NP Mr. *UNKC )NP , (NP the student )NP )NP . )SINV STOP (S `` (NP Every moment )NP (NP we )NP (VP want (S (VP to (VP know (NP (NP everything )NP (PP about (NP the world )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S STOP (S (NP (NP *UNKC )NP (PP for (NP *UNKED `` national service )NP )PP )NP , '' (PP like (NP *UNK )NP )PP , (VP (VP *UNK (PRT up )PRT (PP (PP from (NP time )NP )PP (PP to (NP time )NP )PP )PP )VP , (VP *UNK (NP (NP the resistance )NP (PP of (NP the body *UNK )NP )PP )NP )VP , (VP run (NP their course )NP )VP , and (VP seem (S (VP to (VP disappear )VP , (S (ADVP only )ADVP (VP to (VP *UNK and *UNK (NP public life )NP (ADVP *UNK )ADVP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )VP )VP . )S STOP (S (NP The disease *UNK )NP (VP comes (PP to (NP mind )NP )PP , (PP of (NP course )NP )PP , not (PP as (NP (NP an *UNK )NP (PP on (NP (NP the advocates )NP (PP of (NP national service )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S STOP (S (ADVP Rather )ADVP , (NP it )NP (VP is (VP born (PP of (NP (NP frustration )NP (PP with (S (VP having (S (VP to (VP combat (NP (NP (ADJP constantly changing )ADJP *UNK )NP (PP of (NP (NP a *UNK idea )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (NP one )NP (VP thought (SBAR (S (VP had (VP been (VP eliminated (PP in (NP the early 1970s )NP )PP , (PP along (PP with (NP *UNK )NP )PP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S STOP (S (NP It )NP (VP is (ADVP back )ADVP (PP with (NP us )NP )PP (ADVP again )ADVP , (PP in (NP (NP the form )NP (PP of (NP (NP legislation (S (VP to (VP pay (NP *UNK )NP (PP under (NP (NP a `` National and Community Service Act )NP , '' (NP (NP a proposal )NP (PP with (NP (NP a serious shot )NP (PP at (NP (NP congressional passage )NP (NP this fall )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )NP )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP . )S STOP (SBARQ (WHADVP Why )WHADVP (SQ does (NP the *UNK- virus )NP (VP keep (VP coming (NP (ADVP back )ADVP )NP )VP )VP )SQ ? )SBARQ STOP (S (ADVP Perhaps )ADVP (NP it )NP (VP is (SBAR because (S (NP *UNK *UNK )NP (VP *UNK (NP (NP both (NP military experience )NP and (NP the social *UNK )NP )NP )NP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S STOP (S (SBAR If only (S (NP we )NP (VP could (VP get (NP (NP America 's )NP *UNK youth )NP (PP into (NP (PP at least )PP a *UNK uniform )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )SBAR (NP we )NP (VP might (VP be (ADJP able (S (VP to (VP (VP teach (NP *UNK- )NP (ADVP again )ADVP )VP and (VP revive (NP (NP the spirit )NP (PP of (NP giving )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )VP )S )ADJP )VP )VP . )S STOP (S (ADVP (NP (NP A quarter )NP (PP of (NP a century )NP )PP )NP ago )ADVP (NP national service )NP (VP was (VP *UNKED (PP as (NP (NP a way )NP (PP of (S (VP *UNKING (NP (NP the *UNK *UNK )NP (PP of (NP the draft )NP )PP )NP -- (PP by (PRN , (PP of (NP all things )NP )PP , )PRN (S (VP expanding (NP the draft )NP )VP )S )PP )VP )S )PP )NP )PP )VP )VP . )S STOP (S (NP (NP (NP Those )NP (PP of (NP us )NP )PP )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP resisted (NP the idea )NP (ADVP then )ADVP )VP )S )SBAR )NP (VP suspect (NP today )NP (SBAR that (S (NP (NP an obligation )NP (PP of (NP government service )NP )PP (PP for (NP all young people )NP )PP )NP (VP is (ADVP still )ADVP (NP (NP the true long-term aim )NP (PP of (NP many *UNK- backers )NP )PP )NP , (PP despite (NP their protests (SBAR that (S (NP present plans )NP (VP contain (NP no *UNK )NP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S STOP (S (NP (NP *UNKC )NP (PP of (NP the *UNK military )NP )PP (PP in (NP the 1970s )NP )PP )NP (VP seemed (S (VP to (VP *UNK (NP national service )NP (NP (NP as much )NP (PP as (NP the draft )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S STOP (S But (NP the virus )NP (VP was (VP kept (S (ADJP alive )ADJP )S (PP in (NP *UNK departments )NP )PP (PP until (ADVP (ADVP (NP (NP a couple )NP (PP of (NP years )NP )PP )NP ago )ADVP , (SBAR (WHADVP when )WHADVP (S (NP it )NP (ADVP again )ADVP (VP was (VP let (S (ADVP loose )ADVP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )ADVP )PP )VP )VP . )S STOP (S (NP This time )NP (NP it )NP (VP attempted (S (VP to (VP *UNK (NP (NP two connected problems )NP , (NP (NP (NP the rising cost )NP (PP of (NP higher education )NP )PP )NP and (NP (NP the rising expense )NP (PP to (NP the federal government )NP )PP (PP of (NP educational grants and loans )NP )PP )NP )NP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S STOP (SBARQ (WHADVP Why not )WHADVP (SQ (SQ (VP (VP keep )VP and (ADVP even )ADVP (VP expand )VP (NP the loans and grants )NP )VP )SQ (PRN , (S (NP the advocates )NP (VP *UNKED )VP )S , )PRN but (SQ (VP require (NP (NP some form )NP (PP of (NP service )NP )PP )NP (PP from (NP each *UNK )NP )PP )VP )SQ )SQ ? )SBARQ STOP (S (NP *UNKC service )NP , (ADVP *UNK )ADVP , (VP could (VP be (NP a *UNK- option )NP )VP )VP . )S STOP (S (ADVP Thus )ADVP , (ADVP *UNKLY )ADVP (NP (NP it )NP )NP (VP was (VP hoped (SBAR that (S (NP (NP the new strain )NP (PP of (NP national service )NP )PP )NP (VP would (VP prove (ADJP *UNK )ADJP , (S (VP *UNKING (NP (NP *UNK conservatives )NP , (NP *UNK- *UNK )NP , and (NP *UNK *UNK )NP )NP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP . )S STOP (S (NP (NP The Democratic *UNKC Council )NP , (NP (NP a *UNK group )NP (VP *UNKING (NP the plan )NP )VP )NP , )NP (ADVP surely )ADVP (VP thought (SBAR (S (NP it )NP (VP might (VP help (S (NP the party )NP (VP to (VP attract (NP support )NP , (PP (ADVP especially )ADVP among (NP (NP college students )NP and (NP their parents )NP )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP . )S STOP (S (NP (NP A provision )NP (VP allowing (NP grants )NP (S (VP to (VP be (VP applied (PP to (NP *UNK- purchases )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )S )VP )NP (VP was (VP added (S (VP to (VP appeal (PP to (NP (NP those )NP (SBAR (WHNP who )WHNP (S (VP had (VP had (NP (NP enough )NP (PP of (NP *UNKING )NP )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )VP )VP )S )VP )VP . )S STOP (S (NP The *UNKC plan )NP (VP *UNKED (S (NP `` *UNK '' )NP (VP (VP *UNKING (NP trees )NP )VP , (VP *UNKING (NP *UNK )NP )VP , (VP *UNKING (NP children )NP )VP , and (VP *UNKING (NP *UNK )NP )VP (PP for (NP (NP (NP $ 100 )NP (NP a week )NP , (ADJP (NP tax )NP free )ADJP )NP , plus (NP medical care )NP )NP )PP )VP )S )VP . )S STOP (S (PP With (NP (NP a tax-free (ADJP $ 10,000 )ADJP *UNK payment )NP (PP at (NP (NP the end )NP (PP of (NP each year )NP )PP )NP )PP )NP )PP , (NP the *UNK )NP (VP would (VP be (VP making (NP (NP a wage )NP (ADJP comparable (PP to (NP (NP $ *UNKN )NP (NP a year )NP )NP )PP )ADJP )NP )VP )VP )VP . )S STOP (S (SINV (VP *UNKC )VP (NP you )NP )SINV , (NP (NP most )NP (PP of `` (NP the *UNK )NP '' )PP )NP (VP would (VP be (NP *UNKED 17 - to *UNK- )NP , (S (S (NP some )NP (ADJP not even high school *UNK )ADJP )S , and (S (NP many )NP (VP saving (NP money )NP (PP by (S (VP living (PP at (NP home )NP )PP )VP )S )PP )VP )S )S )VP )VP . )S STOP (S (NP They )NP (VP would (VP be (VP doing (ADVP better (ADVP financially )ADVP (PP under (NP national service )NP )PP (PP than (NP (NP many taxpayers )NP (VP (VP working (PP at (NP (NP the same kinds )NP (PP of (NP jobs )NP )PP )NP )PP )VP and (ADVP perhaps )ADVP (VP supporting (NP families )NP )VP )VP )NP )PP )ADVP )VP )VP )VP . )S STOP (S (SBAR As (S (NP it )NP (VP happened )VP )S )SBAR , (NP political resistance )NP (VP developed (PP among (NP (NP (ADJP educational and minority )ADJP interests )NP (SBAR (WHNP that )WHNP (S (VP count (PP on (NP the present education grant system )NP )PP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP , (SBAR so (S (NP the *UNK- *UNK )NP (VP decided (S (VP to (VP abandon (NP (NP the (ADJP *UNKLY crucial )ADJP principle )NP (PP of `` (S (VP give (SBAR in order (S (VP to (VP get )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )S )PP )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR )VP . '' )S STOP (S (NP (NP *UNKC )NP (PP to (NP national service )NP )PP (PP from (NP (NP the Pentagon )NP , (SBAR (WHNP which )WHNP (S (VP wants (S (VP to (VP protect (NP its own *UNK process )NP )VP )VP )S )VP )S )SBAR , )NP )PP )NP (ADVP also )ADVP (VP led (PP to (S (NP the *UNK- option )NP (VP being (VP dropped )VP )VP )S )PP )VP . )S STOP (S (ADVP Clearly )ADVP , (NP (NP a new *UNK )NP (PP for (NP national service )NP )PP )NP (VP had (S (VP to (VP be (VP *UNKED (PRT up )PRT )VP )VP )VP )S )VP . )S STOP (FRAG (SBARQ (NP What better place )NP (SBAR (S (VP to (VP turn )VP )VP )S )SBAR (PP than (NP (NP (NP Sen. Edward Kennedy 's )NP Labor Committee )NP , (NP (NP that great *UNK )NP (PP of (NP government *UNK )NP )PP )NP , (SBAR (WHADVP where )WHADVP (S (NP (NP many a *UNK *UNK )NP (PP of (NP *UNK )NP )PP )NP (VP is (VP kept (PP on (NP the back *UNK )NP )PP (SBAR until (S (NP it )NP (VP can (VP be (VP (VP brought (ADVP forward )ADVP )VP and (VP presented (PP as (NP *UNK *UNK )NP )PP )VP )VP )VP )VP )S )SBAR )VP )VP )S )SBAR )NP )PP )SBARQ ? )FRAG STOP