The administrivia

(This is not finalized but a rough estimate. Once class schedules are determined, this will be finalized.)

Monday, Wednesday, Friday - 1-1:50PM

On Mondays, we will communicate with Robert via either televideo (if we can work that out) or phone conference. Robert will propose ideas and discussion topics for the week as well as finalize the previous week. He will also give out readings and essay topics that will be due the following week.

On Wednesdays and Fridays, the entire group will meet and discuss the proposed topic (prior to writing our reaction papers). Our reaction papers will be written over the weekend before talking to Robert again.

Grade Distribution:
Weekly Reaction Papers:
Reflection on CS15:
Adapt Another University: 
A Thoughtful Program
Useful Tools: 
Research Paper in CSED:

Communication Possibility:
Although the group's default is to have these discussion over phone conference, there is a possibility that we could use the televideo system. Robert would be willing to go to UNC and Loring suggests that this is a very feasible plan (he is also willing to speak with UNC about it). If the STC needed to use the system, of course they would get priority. At different point during the semester (particularly presentations or strong debates), the entire STC could be welcomed to participate, allowing more people to present more knowledge. This group work could also be very beneficial to the STC who is interested in sharing knowledge concerning education.