Reaction for: Old Dogs, New Tricks, by Shoe

Aside from mentioning their silly premise "can an old dog learn new tricks" several times, this paper was almost useless in my eyes.

What it proves, if anything, is that anyone, of any age can learn OO programming concepts and that there should exist no discrimination in bringing OO concepts to any age group.

What I guess this corroborates is our strategy of teaching OO concepts right from the start to freshman and other students who have never programmed before. What I would like to see, however, is how teaching OO concepts to "new dogs" compares with teaching OO concepts to "old dogs."


Matt's Reaction

While I agree this article wasn't very helpful, I do feel it had one good point. People who have already learned procedural programming seem to develop a resistance to learning OOP concepts. It's a shame the article didn't say what they tried to do to overcome this, perhaps we should talk about it.