Reaction for: OO Programming, by Saul

This paper sounded starngely familiar to a certain experience that I have had. Therefore, commenting on it is very difficult because it is the methodology that was indoctrinated to me. I agree with Andy & co that it is essential to teach students the right way from the beginning. I think that OOP is easier to catch onto because of the way it models real life things.

Much of the work is done at a higher level then most introductory courses. This allows more important concepts like polymorphism and design decisions to come about. However, it does take away some of the nuts and bolts of programming. I find it difficult to react to this paper because it is so close to my own experience, and doing so would be admitting my own programming shortcomings. I am not sure what it has limited but I know that there ar ecertain aspects that I am uncomfortable with. The use of environments is condusive to programs, but it does not indoctrinate the command line or any other essentials of later programming.


Perhaps a sort of middle ground could be reached by allowing those who are interested in the buts and bolts to explore and implement them in the form of an advanced section, discussing issues like threads and the standard java libraries, or a purley extra credit assignment which would put some of the advanced topics to use.