Reaction for: Documenting Frameworks using patterns by Danah

From what I got out of this article (which I did not feel was clearly written), it seems as though the mentionned Framework Designs appear to be very similar to Design Patterns. In addition, I did not see how this creates effective commenting. Basically, the article confused me. I think that in order to understand how something like this can be useful, one must use it rather than just reading about it.

All of this talk about documentation brings up an important question: what is the point of documentation? Every interaction I have had with commenting and documentation has been so that the code could be reviewed later. Documenting effectively is a skill to be learned. It is rather challenging for new programmers, making me think that this paper is intended for advanced programmers. Yet, the article speaks of how they should be teaching programming to people who do not understand the concept. Is this the intent of the patterns? I think that one must understand how coding works before (s)he will understand patterns.

With this level of confusion, I cannot say much more about the article except that I would like to try it out. These papers make little sense without practical experience. In addition, I would like to know what other people think the intention of commenting/documentation is.
