Reaction for: Constructivism by Lucas

Maybe it's just me, but I didn't have any problems learning to surf the web -- also, web != internet. I was confused by this article, and didn't really understand where it was going. I was confused by the difference between cognitive models of knowledge, knowledge constructions, and their relevance to the "overall information retreival process."

Many of the examples didn't seem to hold water, either. For instance, the author writes of looking for the word "rock" via some InterNET search engine, and coming up with all manner of things, from musicians to geology, suggesting that word order formation and search techniques need to be refined to deal with this new medium. Excuse me? The last time I checked, dictionaries still had multiple definitions.

However, this week's (and perhaps a major part of this GISP) theme cropped up yet again: adapting learning styles to different individuals. Care just needs to be taken so that things don't go overboard -- spending four hours chatting with a student to get a feel for his/her strengths and tailoring a curriculum to them probably isn't the most time-efficient way to go about things.



I just wanted to remark that the web==internet really got on my nerves and made me disregard this article even more. Web ( Internet (Web is a subset of the internet). Tehe!