Reaction for: Novice Mistakes by Adam

This paper presented a lot of interesting thoughts about debugging at the novice level, but I found myself thinking a lot about debugging in cs15. Debugging isn't expressly taught until a ways into the semester. While I believe that, for the most part, people learn a lot about debuggin on their own, some aspects of debugging can be taught.

The assignment about debugging is meant to test students' ability to parse through code and debug it, but I don't think that most students gained a lot from it. The assignment didn't teach students how to debug, it just showed who could and who couldn't.

Debugging is one of the most important aspects of writing code, and I think that it deserves a greater role in cs15. Either in the form of a section or a help session, there is a lot more information that can be imparted to students which will help them programming in cs15 and beyond.
