Reaction for: Instructional Strategies for Novice Programmers by Adam

This article hit one one point in particular which really made me think about how people learn cs. Specifically, how people work through their bugs and errors. I'd hope that most students trace carefully through their code, look through lecture slides on related topics and discuss general issues with other students.

What I'm afraid of is that students can make it though cs15 without learning these skills. Whether it is necessary to let these people through is another issue, but I feel that there is an obligation to teach people the material.

Frequently I saw people using another student as a resource to solve all their problems, or going to TA hours at every error. Clearly these students are not learning the requisite material as completely as if they were struggling with the problems. Is there any way to force students to struggle?

Unfortunately, I don't think so. People will only work as hard as they want to. The only way to make people work harder is to make the course more interesting and the goal of a more complete understanding of CS more alluring.



This comment brings up some questions for me, about teaching and grading and learning in it fair that some students are just talented at something and others are not? I mean, I know that it is the way of the world and I can't do anything about it. But then again, is it fair that no matter how hard I try I can't do something? Sometimes these courses make mae feel like it.

Matt Amdur:

As I said before, I really agree with this. I feel that many students work their way through 15 by depending upon TA's, or other students. I think more emphasis should be placed on learning the material for your self, and TA's should be a resource to help you learn, not to solve your problems.