Reaction for: Instructional Strategies for Novice Programmers by Matt Amdur

I was rather disappointed with this article. Although the article had many good points about the need for new teaching styles, I didn't like the tests it conducted, and effectively based its recommendations on.

The tests measured how well students remembered syntax. When students didn't seem to able to remember, they were prompted to think a little more, and they then seemed to remember. Since when has CS's goal been to teach syntax? I thought that a CS education was supposed to teach the important concepts behind CS, not the technical syntax for a language. Instead of seeing how well students could reason through an abstract problem, the tests showed that if prompted, students could remember old syntax. I know that personally I need to occasionally consult the Java reference guide, but how does that affect how I should be taught CS? I simply don't remember the proper syntax for everything I've ever seen in my life. Alas...
