Reaction for: "Algorithm Animation" by Jon

When I read this article, one of the things it made me think about was the article we read on learning styles. It seems that algorithm animation certainly appeals to the visual (and maybe kinesthetic?) learning styles, so is a good example of trying to teach with multiple approaches. I believe this is a good step, even if it did not conclusively show that students' understanding of a pairing heap was dramatically improved by it.

Another thing it made me think about was using more interactive methods of teaching. Lecturing, which is one of the primary methods which is used to teach, is a very passive learning technique for the students. They sit there and absorb what is being said (ideally). While CS does a large amount of learning through interactive techniques (i.e. writing programs and doing homework), I think more interaction could definitely be incorporated into lecture. Having students ask (and answer) questions is one method; discussions in section are another; but I believe we have the technology and the ability to give students more to do during lecture than sit there an stare at slides. That should help people who aren't big lecture learners.
