Reaction for: Generating Alternative Designs by Matt C

This paper gives a good reason for why I want to do my own Independent Study next semester: finding a way to transfer the skills you gain from programming to skills in other aspects of life. What is the key argument that they try to make? That there is more than one way of doing things. If something doesn't look right one way, try it another. This is an important concept that we need to get across to students in all disciplines, and it applies everywhere.

A programming class offers different designs to solve a problem. Algorithm classes offer many ways of organizing the same data, but some might be more efficient, some might be more elegant, etc. More theoretical classes might have different ways of proving the same theorem, but one might present a more convincing argument. These are just some the classes that we deal with in CS, yet the idea applies all around.

The skills of coming up with different solutions to a problem can stand anyone in good stead. Real life issues have multiple solutions, and being able to think them through and come up with the best one is an important skill. Let's remember that if we teach design and problem-solving correctly, we are not just teaching someone to be a good programmer, but a good thinker as well.



I agree with your sentiment that teaching problem-solving is essential. I just wonder what the best way to do it is...