Reaction for: "Incorporating Problem-solving Patterns in CS1" by Jon

I likened the subject of this paper to design patterns for algorithms. I really like the idea though. In cs15, we stress patterns for object design, and I think having a high-level description of patterns for solving algorithms could also be very useful. Perhaps focusing on this for cs16 would be good, or perhaps it should be introduced in the first course. CS15 does not have a huge emphasis on algorithms, so it may not be the most appropiate timing.

I think that CS16 does not focus very much on recurring themes of algorithms. It seems to jump more from one topic to another, but there is not a whole lot of glue holding it together. So, perhaps this is something that could be brought to the attention of those people involved with 16.

Honestly, I don't have much else to say about this. I like the idea though.


Matt C:

Yeah, let's tell them how it is!


It should be interesting with CS17, who plans on emphasizing reoccuring themes in algorithms and data structures. I think we can learn quite a bit from their experiment.


Matt -- what is with these reactions today? What knocked you off the content boat onto the useless boat with me? :)

Ona more serious note, if algorithmic patterns were focused on some in 16 then I believe it could form a link between the 15 and 16 experience. That is, in these courses we encounter problems and apply patterns when we can in our solutions. I honestly don't think this will be a problem seeing as Roberto "Robbie" had a paper published about patterns in the recent SIGSCE conference.