Reaction for: OO Software Development: Analysis and Design by Lucas

The role-playing section of this paper reads a lot like one of the CS4 skits -- the personification of cold, hard computer "objects" seems to help, and possibly entertain students.

I can't believe they followed through with it, but it seemed to be a valid learning experience for all -- I would have liked to have heard how it came out in the end and if they actually got everything working; it seemed like a neat project.

The use of CRC cards, while possibly a bit cumbersome, definitely has it's merits. Also, the pre-coding group brainstorm of needed classes and ensuing debates seemed to aid the group in understanding the overall design of their program. I think the fact that a good mix of "theory" versus "coder" CS students, along with electrical engineers, aided in the quality of what they took away from the experience. I think that that's the only way groups would work in introductory CS -- with a mix of disciplines and experience levels.


Matt C:

It will be very interesting in 32 two years from now when the 17/18 and 15/16 people come together and have to work as a group. The combination of backgrounds should make for some interesting programs and final projects.