Reaction for: Adventure Game . . . by Matt C

I found this article interesting because while I enjoy computer games, and have thought about the educational value of each, I hadn't heard a more detailed breakdown of what each type of game could offer to education. I think that I agree that an Adventure type game would work better than shoot-em-up or skill, because of the focus on the mind being the most important tool.

I hope that I will be able to incorporate some of this into my project next semester, maybe using games as an intro to computers and then giving students the opportunity to really understand the workings of the computer game. I think it would be really cool to be able to show a student Myst, let them play it for a while, and then tell them that in a year or two they could write a game just like it. Then we can go through the process of not just the programming, but the psychology, math, artistry, etc. of the game. Seems to me like an incredible way to learn.
