Reaction for: A Laboratory For Teaching Object-Oriented Thinking by Danah

I will be honest. If I had read this article without trying CRC cards, I would not have believed it would possibly work. Having tried it at SIGCSE, teaching "old dogs," I really believe that it can work, particularly in a small group. The great part about CRC cards is that you can immediately take them and create a UML diagram and .H files from them. In addition, from a purely philosophical slant, I think that CRC cards would also bring in individuals with whom discussion would not. Integrating thoughts with written word can be tremendously helpful for many students. [I know that is why I take notes in class- it keeps me awake and attentive...] I would be very interested in teaching an introductory OO discussion using CRC cards in a section style environment. In addition to CRC cards, I would like to use some of the interactive discussion presented in last weeks' paper.
