Reaction for: A Laboratory for Teaching Object-Oriented Thinking by Matt Amdur

I highly agree with the premise of this paper: it is difficult for procedural programmers to forget what they know and try to look at things in a different way. In terms of the usefulness of CRC cards, I'm still skeptical. As a student leaving cs015 I felt rather confident in being able to design a program in an object-oriented manner. CRC cards seem to be tool for teaching OO design, but don't students already understand design by the time they're done with the course? If students are already learning design well, perhaps I don't know how well everyone understood design, then why try to change the way it is taught? I think CRC cards could be useful if you wanted to teach design in a group setting, but in terms of using them for all assignments, it seems like a lot of leg work for a concept that most people are already understanding.
