Part 1 Research Summary

1.0 Our Research Objectives and Approach

The major goals of our STC are to establish a better scientific foundation for future computer graphics and to help create the basic framework for future interactive graphical and multimedia environments. As we move onto the next generation of computing systems, we will need to improve computational speeds for display, incorporate physical behavior into our models, extend the definitions of our models to incorporate manufacturing processes, move beyond the current generation of WIMP (windows, icons, menus, and pointing) user interfaces into post-WIMP user interfaces, scale our systems to handle more complex environments, reduce design cycle times, and store, manage, access, and transmit larger amounts of data. Finally, it is necessary to guarantee the validity and accuracy of our simulations according to each application's needs, particularly in medical, scientific, and engineering areas.

To achieve these goals, our comprehensive strategic plan is focused on four basic areas of computer graphics: modeling, rendering, user interfaces and high-performance architectures. We have made significant progress in each of these domains in the past year. Three basic applications have helped focus and direct these areas: scientific visualization, virtual environments, and telecollaboration. The Center's research thus expands applications' capabilities while being focused in useful directions by the needs of these applications. The Center also works to improve standards efforts. Its broad knowledge of the state of the art of computer graphics continues to prove helpful in directing standards efforts towards good solutions while preventing premature standardization in open research areas.

The principal characteristic of our research is improvement in the accuracy and fidelity of models used in computer graphics. This goal requires generality in our representations and simulations. As contrasted with the previous two decades of computer graphics research, we are now focusing on experimental validation rather than simply ``looking good.'' We have built test environments and models and are comparing simulations to measured physical behavior in order to determine the precise accuracy of current approaches. This traditional strategy of experimentally validating scientific hypotheses is necessary to establish the fundamental bases for future improvements in computer graphics technology. But this strategy is relatively new to the field of computer graphics, and represents a significant shift in methodology.

A second characteristic is our focus on efficiency. The field is moving inexorably towards more complex environments and their increasing demands for interactivity and time-critical computing, especially for virtual environments, in which significant lag can cause motion sickness. Time-critical computing (or TCC) is the idea that an approximate result on time is better that a fully accurate result too late. Procedures for improving computational speeds and computing within a known length of time depend on predictability and on the determination of error bounds. Thus, the goals of accuracy and computational efficiency are intimately related, indeed inseparable. The drive for efficiency leads to both a better scientific foundation and a stronger framework for future applications.

A third characteristic is our focus on strategic research in support of applications. The Center seeks to provide high-fidelity, high-efficiency techniques for use in applications of the next ten years. For example, the area of virtual environments has driven our research on trackers, but much of this work has been of a fundamental nature, exploring prediction techniques to prevent lag that apply to the entire graphics system. By setting our research in the context of applications, we help address the Center's goal of providing a framework for the future.

Finally, while it is helpful to organize the research of the Center by dividing it into categories, a great deal of synergy and overlap exists between the various research areas. For example, user interface technology begins to affect modeling technology when scientists developing new modeling methods strive to develop techniques with more user-oriented parameters. Many of the high-performance architecture projects are driven by needs in scientific visualization. As discussed below, our recent focus on telecollaboration is proving to be a fertile ground for intersite work.

2.0 Changes in Research Direction

By far the biggest change in our research direction has been the identification of collaboration within an immersive environment as a vital new field of research. We call this telecollaboration in order to distinguish it from previous work in computer-supported collaborative work (CSCW), which has focused on desktop-oriented applications such as shared whiteboards. Our vision is of a shared or multiparticipant immersive environment that provides a sense of presence -- participants should ideally feel as if they are within the shared environment and that the other participants are there as well, a marked difference from the experience of even the best video conferencing setups.

There are two major components to an immersive telecollaborative system: acquisition of (mostly visual and auditory) information at one site, and presentation of the information at a remote site. We feel that the Center is particularly strong in several research areas that are key to providing these system components.

First, the experience that we have in understanding global illumination and in measuring reflectance properties of objects should greatly aid in extracting models from video. A long-range goal of this project is to send geometry as well as video of objects at one site to remote sites where they can be re-displayed from an arbitrary position. Second, the Center is a leader in building the hardware components necessary for immersing a user in a virtual environment: head tracking, image generation and image display. Furthermore, new developments in rendering scenes from images captured from video (so-called image-based rendering) may provide a useful alternative to surface-based rendering methods for telecollaboration. Another key aspect to successful presentation of a shared environment is responsiveness, that is, the immediate display of the actions of each participant. Providing this responsiveness requires research into time-critical computing -- research that is already being performed by the STC. Finally, we have identified the goal of shared mechanical design as a driving application for such a system. The Alpha_1 project at the Center's Utah site will serve as a point of departure for creating a shared design system in which mechanical designers at remote locations can work together.

Research in telecollaboration, while a new topic for the Center, induces a great deal of synergy: it is an area of research that overlaps the specialties of the different sites in the center. Thus, we have decided that research in telecollaboration is an effective, focused direction in which the Center should proceed. The results of this research will be applied immediately and regularly (as the televideo link is today) for all aspects of the Center's operation, from research to administration to education to outreach. We are in the early stages of this research project and the Director plans to support it with funding from the Director's Pool (see the Budget Section).

Telecollaboration is something every participant of the Center has experienced through the televideo link. We all know the problems with the current state of the art, and are excited by its potential. As telecollaboration includes research topics from a wide range of computer graphics, it is something that can be identified as a Center project, as opposed to a project of individual sites of the Center.

3.0 Research Accomplishments of the Past Year

3.1 Modeling

The Center has developed an ever-enlarging sense of what is encompassed by modeling, one that includes geometry, constraints, animation, and behavior of objects, but also includes models of light reflectance and transport phenomena, of interfaces, of inter-object interaction (e.g., developmental modeling), and of perceptual phenomena. This section of the report therefore primarily addresses models of objects, while other kinds of models, such as models of lighting phenomena, may be found later in the report.

A fundamental challenge in computer graphics and visualization is developing adequate models to represent the complex objects that arise in mechanical design and scientific computation. Today there is an even greater need than ever before to represent and control complex constrained systems of rigid, flexible and irregularly shaped objects. Unfortunately, complex model generation is still a major bottleneck.

In domains such as computer aided design, we need geometric models that are rich enough to support all fundamental aspects of scientific and engineering activities. The system should allow the user to concentrate on primary goals without distractions. To that end, long-term Center research goals are to:

In all cases, we seek to investigate modeling deficiencies through developing real-world scenarios. Through our interactions with working designers, we are informed about what operations designers need that have yet to be developed.

New Design Representations

Because of the complexity of geometric design and modeling, no single representation has been universally suitable. Parametric tensor-product NURBS have become increasingly common, however, because of their representational power and the ease of crafting new operators upon them.

But one of the features of the NURBS representation is also one of its drawbacks, that is, the ``tensor product'' formulation. While this representation lends form and structure, making computation and analysis feasible, it also restricts the regions over which the ``closed'' operators can be defined. Boolean operators (intersection, union) that lead to ``trimmed'' surface models are usually the last operation performed in creating a model. A spline model with Boolean operations is no longer subject to warping, or physically based operations, since those operations have only been performed on complete spline surface models or on polygon-based models.

As a solution to the problem of torn or trimmed surfaces, we have created and introduced the torn B-spline surface representation as an approach to designing with partial and nonisoparametric feature curves in sculptured surfaces. We call feature curves ``tears'' and curves ``creases.'' We are also developing techniques for manipulating and editing the smooth regions, tears, and creases in a homogeneous way. Finally, to make this representation useful, we must extend the results to complex models consisting of many (possibly trimmed) surfaces. We expect further results in the Center's coming sixth year that will demonstrate the use of this representation in modeling applications of practical interest. We believe that such ``torn surface'' representations will form an essential component of the framework for future geometric and physical modeling applications. [ELLE95]

Modeling Surfaces of Arbitrary Topology Using Manifolds

Graphics has used single-patch parameterizations of objects (e.g., the longitude-latitude parameterization of the sphere) in a great many applications, so that phrases like ``uv-coordinates'' have become current. Unfortunately, for surfaces with topology other than that of the plane or the torus, such parameterizations must have singularities; techniques built atop those parameterizations will have either intrinsic or numerical problems at the singular points (pattern mapping is a good example: in a pattern-map onto a sphere, 30% of the pattern maps to only about 13% of the sphere).

The Center has developed a new surface model using ideas from differential geometry and topology. This technique uses the structure of manifolds, developed by mathematicians at the start of the century, for modeling. In these objects, multiple overlapping paramaterizations (called charts) are used to described the topology of an object, and functions defined through these multiple parameterizations then associate geometry to the object.

We have developed systems of charts and functions on the charts that generalize the traditional tensor-product B-spline basis functions on the plane, to make surfaces of complex topology and arbitrary levels of parametric continuity [GRIM95a]. And in analogy with the traditional control-mesh structure of B-spline surfaces, our surface model automatically generates smooth parametric structures from polyhedral sketches of arbitrary topology. This simplifies the complicated underlying mathematical structures to the point where they become practical for novice users. Surfaces with complicated shapes can be easily modeled, and all conventional computer-graphics techniques such as pattern mapping can be applied to them. This model thus provides new expressive power in making arbitrary-degree-of-continuity models. Furthermore, the practical implementation of manifolds may help to restructure the way that surface models in computer graphics are described and represented, thus advancing our goal of rebuilding the fundamentals of graphics.

Self-Adjusting Constrained Optimization

A weakness of all parametric modeling techniques is that either the user must specify the parametric information or else the modeling system must provide it, which is typically done via defaults built into the algorithms. This arises in interpolation problems for both curves and surfaces and in animation issues, and is a serious issue lying below the surface of most parametric schemes. Few attempts have been made to deal with it, leaving the designer and animator to specify and ``tweak'' values. But knowing the right values to use can require a great deal of technical and mathematical expertise. This is a foundational issue: the parametric representations that are fundamental in much of graphics implicitly generate problems for users; the mathematical tractability of such representations makes them appealing, but the problems associated with the representation are pervasive.

Optimization techniques can help the designer ``fill in'' the gaps between the idea and the finished representation. Given an objective function and a set of (user-specified) constraints, a system can find a result that optimizes for the given criteria by searching in the parameter space. Recently linear optimization techniques have been used in graphics, animation, and modeling techniques.

Using nonlinear constrained optimization, this research gives the designer greater control over important parts of a model. We have added the parameter value(s) of the model as variables to the optimization. These nonlinear variables are part of the optimization and so become self-adjusting constraints. This strengthens the applicability and versatility of constrained optimization techniques. Nonlinear variables free the designer from the underlying parametrization of a model and allow concentration on the shape desired. We have combined more traditional techniques, such as shape editing of sweeps and warps, data fitting, and constrained optimization, with the self-adjusting parametric constraints to make the techniques more friendly and compliant to user needs. Center researchers have also done ``parameter-free'' constraint work in animation, posing such constraints as ``be sure to pass through this location, but at any time.'' Such new approaches, which free the user from a limitation of the underlying representations, support the goal of rebuilding foundations: we are working on making previously awkward representational paradigms more tractable for the future.

Developmental Modeling

In seeking to develop scientifically based modeling techniques, the Center has created a new type of modeling based on multicellular development. Based on the structured modeling techniques of Barzel's work in 1992, our developmental models combine elements of the chemical, cell lineage, and mechanical models of morphogenesis pioneered by Turing, Lindenmayer, and Odell, respectively; our developmental models are useful both for scientific predictions in computational biology (as described in the Ph.D. thesis [FLEIt95]) and in computer graphics modeling applications (as shown in the Siggraph 95 paper on cellular textures by Fleischer et al, [FLEI95].)

Developmental modeling is a cell-based modeling technique in which discrete cells are controlled by regulatory elements with conditional elements. The internal state of each cell in the model is represented by a time-varying state vector that is updated by piecewise differential equations. The differential equations are formulated as a sum of contributions from different sources, describing gene transcription, kinetics, and cell metabolism. Each term in the differential equation is multiplied by a (usually) smooth conditional expression that models regulatory processes specific to the process described by that term.

The resulting model has a broader range of fundamental mechanisms than other developmental models. Since gene transcription is included, the model can represent the genetic orchestration of a developmental process involving multiple mechanisms.

We show that a computational implementation of the model represents a wide range of biologically relevant phenomena in two and three dimensions. This is illustrated by a diverse collection of simulation experiments exhibiting phenomena such as lateral inhibition, differentiation, segment formation, size regulation, and regeneration of damaged structures. The same techniques are useful both for explanations of biological mechanisms and for computer graphics modeling of complex organic phenomena.

3.2 Rendering

Our research in rendering explores a variety of approaches to the problem of creating a synthetic image as quickly and as accurately as possible. This may involve radical prototypes rethinking the entire approach, as in image-based rendering, in which the traditional polygon is replaced by images. Alternatively, creating an accurate image efficiently may involve careful experimentation to determine the best parameters of a lighting model, as in gonioreflectometer measurements of surface reflection properties. In all cases, the research involves improvements to the fundamental science behind rendering, replacing hacks with physically based algorithms verified by experiments.

Image-Based Rendering

We have been exploring a new method of rendering real-world scenes based on models constructed from photographs of the environment. We have constructed a concise framework for discussing these ``plenoptic models,'' our name for this class of techniques. We demonstrate a new member of this class that renders views of an environment by a simple traversal of a cylindrical model of the scene. This method allows rapid rendering of very complex environments such as a cluttered room or an outdoor scene with foliage. We believe that fast hardware can be built based on this technique that will allow such scenes to be rendered in real time.[MCMI95b] [MCMI95c] [MCMI95a]

Global Illumination

We developed a new method for accurately solving the global illumination problem that in addition to the diffuse interreflections commonly handled by conventional radiosity methods, can also handle energy transport involving arbitrary non-diffuse surfaces. The method uses density estimation techniques and takes advantage of inherent parallelism in its microscopic view of energy transport. The algorithm has been designed for computing solutions of environments with high geometric complexity (as many as hundreds of thousands of initial surfaces). [SHIR95]

Perceptually Based Lighting Studies

We have conducted visual quality perceptual tests to optimize the kernel functions used to construct an approximate irradiance function for each surface using the density estimation results.

Improved performance of lighting

We extended real-time display of simulated environments with global illumination solutions to larger and more complex models; preprocessing techniques reduce the amount of data sent to parallel rendering engines without any appreciable loss in image quality.

Analytic Lighting

We have developed the first analytic method for computing direct lighting effects involving area light sources and a wide range of surfaces from diffuse to highly directional: such effects include illumination from directional luminaires and view-dependent glossy reflection and transmission. The method greatly extends the repertoire of effects that can be computed in closed form.[ARVO95b]

Lighting Effects In The Human Eye

We developed a quantitative model approximating the scattering and diffraction in the human eye and an algorithm based on this model to add glare effects to digital images; the resulting digital point-spread function is psychophysically based and can substantially increase the ``perceived'' dynamic range of computer simulations containing light sources. Applications include night visibility and predicting the effects of distracting light sources. [SPEN95]

Lighting Measurements

We installed and calibrated CCD equipment to measure physical environments radiometrically, including full spatial and spectral radiances. This equipment greatly improves the Center's capacity to carry out controlled experiments in the nature of lighting effects and to compare simulated effects with the real world.[FOO95]

Correction of Geometric Perceptual Distortion in Pictures

For many years linear perspective has been used as an idealization to project three dimensional objects and create two dimensional pictures, such as in photography and computer graphics. We have developed an approach for correcting geometric distortions in computer-generated and photographic images. The projection is superior to linear perspective, particularly for wide-angle images, and represents a long term contribution to more than one technology (both computer graphics and photography). The approach is based on a mathematical formalization of perceptually desirable properties of pictures; the projection is useful both for computer generated images and for constructing actual lenses for physical cameras. The work is described in [ZORIt95], and the Center has submitted patent applications for the technique.

From a small set of simple assumptions we obtain perceptually preferable viewing transformations and show that these transformations can be decomposed into a perspective or parallel projection followed by a planar transformation. The decomposition is easily implemented and provides a convenient framework for further analysis of the image mapping.

In the context of this work, we prove that two perceptually important properties are incompatible and cannot be satisfied simultaneously. It is impossible to construct a viewing transformation such that the images of all lines are straight and the images of all spheres are exact circles. Perceptually preferable trade-offs between these two types of distortions can depend on the content of the picture. We construct parametric families of transformations with parameters representing the relative importance of the perceptual characteristics. By adjusting the settings of the parameters we can minimize the overall distortion of the picture.

3.3 High-Performance Architectures

Real-world systems can be extremely complex, requiring inordinate amounts of computation to simulate and display. Thus, the Center is exploring high-performance architectures that perform well even with extremely large problems. Our work in high-performance architectures can be described by four focuses, two targeting a general-purpose system and two targeting a specific application:

3.3.1 Software Architectures

Time-critical computing (TCC) is a new approach that can help improve performance in highly interactive graphics systems. The Center has been studying typical performance measurements, throughput and lag: how accurate they are in measuring performance, how they differ, how they can be improved, and, in particular, how time-critical computing can be applied to improve them. Time-critical computing spans broad classes of problems, such as scheduling algorithms, time-critical computation of behaviors, and time-critical rendering. The Center is doing research in all of these.

Extending the Funkhouser-Sequin Algorithm

The graphics community, in exploring TCC, has developed different techniques for determining how much computation and rendering to perform per frame in an interactive graphics environment. Some of these scheduling techniques can ensure constant update rates even in highly dynamic and compute-intensive scenes. The Funkhouser-Sequin algorithm is well known. However, Funkhouser-Sequin cannot handle multiple processors, a serious weakness in light of the increasing prevalence of MP machines. In addition, Funkhouser-Sequin is designed specifically for choosing among tasks with a small number of discrete choices for techniques (such as a chair modeled with 10, 100, or 1000 polygons). However, many tasks can be varied in complexity in a smooth fashion: for example, streamlines used to visualize fluid flow can be varied in length to adapt to different computational resources.

The Center has developed a scheduling algorithm that handles both multiple computational resources and continuously variable tasks. By using gradient search techniques, our algorithm can quickly find a good schedule for tasks. Note that finding an optimal schedule is a known NP-complete problem -- scheduling problems settle for approximations to the optimal solution. Because our algorithm uses gradient search, the algorithm itself is continuously variable in its complexity and accuracy. Thus the scheduler can schedule itself, thereby preventing the scheduling from starving out the application's computation.

Frameless Rendering Using Standard Graphics Hardware

The original paper on frameless rendering made use of pixel-oriented rendering, such as ray-tracing. However, most graphics hardware is primitive-oriented, filling pixels by traversing all primitives. We have developed an ``almost-frameless'' rendering technique to use hardware framebuffers and scan conversion. Rather than choosing pixels to update randomly, we choose pixels in an ordered dither. Each location in the dither corresponds to some portion of the hardware frame buffer. For example, if the hardware frame buffer is divided into four quadrants, the upper left pixel in every two by two block of pixels can be rendered into the upper left of the hardware buffer. A scale with three-fourths of the pixels masked then transfers pixels from the hardware buffer to the actual screen, updating only one in four pixels. If rendering is pixel-bound, the result is that, while one fourth as many pixels are drawn per frame, the lag from frame to frame is decreased fourfold.[WLOK95g]

Developing Time-Critical Collision Detection Algorithms

The Center has also developed a time-critical approach to collision detection. Collision detection is used by a variety of applications, ranging from games to walkthroughs to scientific visualization to telepresence. Our technique approximates the shapes of objects at multiple levels of detail by using sets of spheres arranged into hierarchies we call ``sphere-trees.'' Sphere-trees can be built automatically by a preprocess that uses medial-axis surfaces, which represent the shapes of objects in skeletal form. The root of a sphere-tree is a single bounding sphere. Collision detection between two bounding spheres is fast, but inaccurate. By traversing the hierarchy of spheres, we check for collisions of spheres that bound successively smaller portions of the object, leading to collision detection that provides more accurate results given more computation time.

Using sphere-trees is not only time-critical, it is inherently efficient, benchmarking favorably when compared to previous efficient collision-detection algorithms (which are not time-critical). [COHEa95] The hierarchical nature of sphere trees eliminates a great deal of redundant computation.

3.3.2 Hardware Architectures

Analog VLSI

On August 15th, 1995, the Center was granted Patent # 5,442,583 for Compensated Analog Multiplier Circuits. This type of multiplier is part of our project for performing computer graphics calculations in analog VLSI hardware. In addition, this past year there has been a breakthrough in analog VLSI techniques at the NSF ERC for Neuromorphic Engineering. A circuit and method have been developed for setting and stably storing analog values -- in other words, creating stable analog memory. This works around one of the key impediments for achieving quantitative calculations in analog VLSI, the lack of stable analog memory. We will be evaluating the breakthrough and seeing how well it fits with teleological circuit approaches. We expect that this may be a key component of analog computations for computer graphics.

3.3.3 Tracking Technology

Tracking continues to be an extremely hard problem, due to the human perceptual system's relative intolerance for lag and inaccuracy. The Center has been attempting to develop techniques to tackle lag, which has been shown to be the largest factor in tracker error. The Center is also developing more useful trackers that are lighter-weight and smaller without sacrificing performance.

Analysis of Head-Motion Prediction

The Center has analyzed the performance of two kinds of prediction methods for head-motion tracking. This information is especially useful when designing tracking hardware for immersive virtual reality. A polynomial extrapolation method with perfect data and a Kalman filter prediction method using noisy data were analyzed in the frequency domain. One result of the analysis is that error grows quadratically with both increases in the prediction interval and frequency of motion. These analysis methods will allow designers to determine the largest acceptable delay between tracker reporting and image display based on the characteristics of a user's motion in a given application.[AZUM95a] [AZUM95b]

Light-Weight Tracker:

We have made progress in both hardware and software for a new light-weight optical tracker for virtual reality systems. UNC and Utah collaborated on the design of a novel optical device, the ``hiball,'' which is designed to spot LED beacons that have been placed on the ceiling, an inside-looking-out approach that will allow tracking in very large spaces. The hiball is a metal housing shaped like a dodecahedron (a solid with twelve faces) that places lenses at six of its faces and holds six photodetectors at the opposing faces. After UNC tracker researchers consulted with Utah's experts in manufacturing, the design was improved. Subsequently, several hiballs have been machined at the University of Utah. (See Plate 3)

Ray-tracing simulation of the hiball optics show that a single LED can be simultaneously imaged on more than one of the photodetectors, since the hollow interior allows a photodetector to see more than one lens. These multiple sightings mean that the hiball can spot LEDs in a solid angle that is three times larger than originally planned, and this means that a greater range of motions can be tracked. The electronics for the system are nearly complete, and we expect this light-weight tracking system to be running in early 1996.[GOTT95]

3.3.4 Radiosity Walkthroughs of Complex Environments

The Center has investigated improving the computation and display of global illumination solutions by leveraging the Center's research in high-performance graphics hardware and in global illumination techniques. The techniques being developed have many uses, particularly in virtual reality applications that display realistic illumination at interactive rates. The team has explored using new algorithmic approaches, special purpose hardware, and parallel processing to generate and display radiosity solutions of building interiors. This research began with an evaluation of the Pixel-Planes hardware and Pixel-Flow simulators on global illumination solutions of complex environments. Weaknesses in current hardware designs were discovered and improvements for future display hardware were suggested. Quality and speed improvements were sought in the display of precomputed radiosity solutions that may influence future global illumination algorithms as well as future display hardware. Parallel global illumination algorithms were designed and implemented, and methods for both multiprocessors and networks of workstations were studied.

Interpolation for Interactive Display of Radiosity Solutions

The common method used to render radiosity solutions on graphics accelerators is linear color interpolation, chiefly because its directly supported by the hardware, thus fast. Unfortunately, this method can lead to artifacts, such as Mach banding, and requires careful meshing to give good results. We have implemented and optimized a second-order color interpolation method on Pixel-Planes 5 using that machine's quadratic interpolation hardware, and have used this method to display quadratically interpolated results from discontinuity meshing radiosity. Although second-order interpolation takes longer to compute, less densely meshed models are required for equivalent display quality, resulting in either a net gain in frame rate or better images for the same rendering time. Although PixelFlow, the next machine from UNC, does not support quadratic interpolation, the pixel processors are substantially faster and have more local memory. This extra capability leads us to believe that we can perform cubic color interpolation on PixelFlow, and we are currently investigating algorithms for doing this.

Meshing of Radiosity Solutions

The work on higher-order interpolation brought to light the fact that many of the meshes produced by radiosity solutions are less than optimal for display -- there's too much detail in some areas and not enough in others. We have been investigating methods for generating an efficient illumination mesh, and then applying them to our ``height field'' situation, where two dimensions are the parametric coordinates of a patch and the third dimension is the illumination over the patch. We have investigated a method proposed by Scarlatos for meshing of height-field data, and are now investigating extensions of Varshney's meshing algorithm [VARSH94]. We have also been developing an algorithm that takes a density estimation radiosity solution and generates an efficient mesh.[SHIR95] This algorithm does not have the benefit of precomputed discontinuities, but it is free to place sample points wherever they are needed to capture the detail of the solution efficiently. This same algorithm is being used to develop meshes with increasing levels of detail for use in time-critical computing. Our work with these mesh decimation and generation algorithms will also consider the possibility of generating meshes that use higher-order lighting interpolation. We can test combinations of algorithms and interpolation methods to maximize image quality versus display time.

Parallel Radiosity Algorithms

We have implemented a parallel-processing version of a global illumination method using density estimation [ZARE95]. The algorithm uses a network of workstations to efficiently compute a global illumination solution using particle tracing. The results of this tracing are then filtered in a parallel local pass, and a mesh is generated for the solution. We have also investigated implementing the ``Path Buffer'' algorithm [WALT95b] on Pixel-Flow. This algorithm uses Kajiya-style path tracing to calculate a view-dependent illumination solution, and has been implemented in software. We have determined that the algorithm will run on Pixel-Flow hardware, and implementation is underway using the Pixel-Flow simulator. The goal is to generate ten or more screen updates per second in a frameless-rendering environment.

3.4 Interaction

3.4.1 Interaction with Complex Design Operators and Data Visualization

Two distinct research efforts have developed from fundamental research in 3D user interfaces. Interactive 3D widgets have been applied to applications such as CAD modeling and data visualization for computational steering. Our 3D CAD modeling widgets have been applied to allow intuitive specification of various design operators, and also to help understand 3D shape and relations in complex scenes.

Much effort goes into creating interpolation, blending, and matching schemes which can be mathematically shown to be (i.e., geometrically continuous), but not much effort goes into helping the designer figure out how to specify such operations. Just as generalized Hermite interpolation is rarely used (since designers have trouble understanding the practical effect of second and higher derivatives at points on curves), generalized blending schemes are even more difficult to understand and specify. Hence we investigated both methodology for the creation of graphical interaction operators, i.e., 3D widgets, and the potential and practical uses for the operators to which widgets might be applied.

We successfully developed 3D widgets to use for real-time direct manipulation techniques in Alpha_1, while we simultaneously assessed the underlying computational operators. For example, for the warp operator, a warp widget was created to show a spherical geometry, roughly the warp region. The center of the widget maps directly to the warp operator's ``center'' parameter. The widget has a handle to control the widget's radius, which maps to the ``warp factor'' or power of the warp. [GRIM95c]

The other widget project was motivated by a lecture in the Center's televideo course. The Scientific Computing and Imaging (SCI) group at the Utah site initiated a project in direct manipulation of computational medicine visualizations, in particular, simulation of electric fields in the human torso. Interactive exploration requires a clear relationship between the researcher's manipulations and their effect on the data. Direct manipulation provides the researcher with an intuitive interface, since an element's controls are part of the element, thereby increasing interactivity and allowing fluid exploration of scientific data with greater interactivity and ease of use than traditional interfaces to date.

The collaboration involved televideo conferences and investigating the UGA system (the first system to provide interactive 3D widgets) for its applicability. For a variety of reasons, including the multithreaded computational medicine software and the speed necessary to navigate the large data sets, it seemed impractical to attempt to merge the separate software systems, and thus it was necessary to develop custom widgets. UGA was used to prototype and as a guide for developing these widgets. The goal was to create a suite of 3D widgets specifically for these application to have a greater interactivity than more general widget systems. The widget suite provides direct manipulation for 3D visualization/interaction, facilitating increased interactivity and more effective data exploration. The widget suite has been designed to be extensible so that new widgets can be easily developed as new research interaction needs inevitably develop. The widgets have been designed to meet several criteria: comprehensiveness, extensibility, consistency, completeness, simplicity, and speed.

Optimized Computer-Generated Motions for Animation

In another project, we have continued our work on covariant interpolation. Computer programmers working on computer animation have long been trying to solve the problem of moving objects in user-desired ways with a minimum of user interaction. Objects moving from one place to another go along a path often determined by a spline. We would like to let the user specify a characteristic of the object's motion and have the animation system choose a motion path that evidences that characteristic.

In this work, we develop an approach using constrained optimization that creates paths. Some interesting motions have been found. We describe the effects obtainable from this method so that an animator can choose among them intelligently. We found that minimization of the covariant acceleration of all the points in a body leads to motion that is attractive. This motion causes the moving body to anticipate its motion path in order to prevent sudden moves. It also creates very fluid-appearing motions because it tries to avoid sharp turns and sudden stops.[GOLDt94]

Direct Manipulation of Motion Curves

The Center has also developed techniques for direct manipulation of motion curves. By separating the time of an animation (represented as a 2D monotonic curve) from the parameters being animated (such as the position and orientation, represented as paths through space), an animator can specify such high-level animation concepts as ``reach this point at this time'' or ``go faster at this time.'' The user's manipulations are transformed into displacement functions that can be composed with a path to produce simple, predictable changes to the path. [SNIB95]

3.5 Scientific Visualization

Scientific visualization is a key component of the Center's activities. As a driving application, it both focuses the Center's other research and is research itself.

3.5.1 User Interfaces for Scientific Visualization

Research funded in part by NASA is directed primarily at developing 3D interaction techniques (or 3D widgets) for manipulating tools used to visualize and navigate through scientific visualization environments. We are using a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) dataset, provided by NASA, of airflow past the body of the space shuttle. This dataset was computed on a curvilinear grid and contains velocity data at each sample point.

Positioning Techniques

The positioning techniques include interactive shadows, object handles aligned with the world coordinate system, the object coordinate system, or the computational grid axes, and data-space handles. These techniques are used to constrain translation to one or two dimensions, and are especially useful for moving objects in three dimensions when only 2D displays and input devices are available.

Other Datasets

While most of our development uses the NASA space shuttle dataset, we have also been experimenting with other data sets in other domains to determine how much the visualization domain affects the demands on the user interface. One dataset we have used is a multifield, time-varying simulation of convection currents in the Earth's mantle computed on a rectilinear grid. Another data set is derived from computational medicine and was mentioned earlier in the section on Interaction.

Flux Ball

The flux ball is a method developed by the Center for visualizing the direction of a fluid flow as it passes through a region of space, in our case a spherical region. As fluid flows into or out of the spherical region, we calculate the angle at which it crosses the boundary and compare this with the normal to the sphere's surface. By sampling this angle at a number of points on the surface of the sphere, we can produce contour lines of similar angles. We draw these contours and color them according to the direction of flow and the magnitude of the angle. The final effect is a set of concentric contours around the sphere oriented in the direction of flow. This is a visually compact representation of complex data.

Advected Ring

Smoke rings are similar to streamlines but do not represent the entire path of a particle through the dataset. Instead, we arrange a set of particles in a ring and advect them all simultaneously through the dataset. At each integration step, we draw a line connecting all of the sample points together. Thus, at the first integration step, we see a ring-shaped object. As this ring of points is advected through the dataset, it deforms according to the vector field data. In order to maintain the ring's visual continuity, if any two adjacent points move too far apart from each other, new points are introduced to fill the gap. Just as with the rake widget, we can see how points that are initially in close formation diverge as they pass through the dataset, so that features such as vortices and divergences are revealed by the ring's deformation. (See Plate 4).

The smoke-ring technique was developed by an undergraduate student during a summer internship, an example of the Center's success in involving undergraduates in the research process.

3.5.2 Data Analysis for Visualization

Data interpretation is an important step in visualizing any form of measured data. The Center has been exploring the analysis of two widely used forms of medical imaging, ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

Reducing Noise Artifacts in Ultrasound

The Center has been developing a method for reducing noise in medical ultrasound images. This work could be extremely valuable, since ultrasound is now an important tool in widespread use in many areas of medicine. Ultrasound has advantages over other medical imaging techniques in that it is cheap, portable, non-invasive, and generally safe. Its primary drawback is that ultrasound images are heavily corrupted by noise, or ``speckle.'' The problem of reducing this noise while preserving edges is hard because ultrasound images contain both large- and small-scale features (e.g., heart walls, small arteries) and important details that must be preserved, such as a small difference in grey levels between two adjoining areas that could signify a lesion. It has been observed that in ultrasound movies the degree of detail visible suddenly seems to decrease when the movie is paused. Thus the Center's technique uses interframe coherence of features to determine what is detail and what is noise.

Geometric Model Extraction from Magnetic Resonance Volume Data

In this work we develop a computational framework and new algorithms for creating geometric models and images of physical objects. Our framework combines magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) research with image processing and volume visualization. This work is extensively interdisciplinary, and has been carried out in close collaboration with the MRI team of the Human Brain Project at the Caltech Biological Imaging Center.[LAIDt95]

Within the model extraction computational framework we measure physical objects yielding vector-valued MRI volume datasets. We process these datasets to identify different materials, and from the classified data we create images and geometric models. New algorithms developed within the framework include a goal-based technique for choosing MRI collection protocols and parameters and a family of Bayesian tissue-classification methods.[GHOS95] (See Plate 1)

The goal-based data-collection technique chooses MRI protocols and parameters subject to specific goals for the collected data. Our goals are to make identification of different tissues possible with data collected in the shortest possible time. Our method compares results across different collection protocols, and is fast enough to use for steering the data-collection process.

Our new tissue-classification methods operate on small regions within a volume dataset, not directly on the sample points. Instead of point-sample voxels, we use the finite regions as voxels, and assume that each region contains a mixture of materials. The results of the classification step are tailored to make extraction of surface boundaries between solid object parts more accurate.[LAID95a]

The computational framework for building geometric models allows computer graphics users to create models with internal structure and with a high level of detail more easily. Applications arise in a variety of fields including computer graphics modeling, biological modeling, anatomical studies, medical diagnosis, CAD/CAM, robotics, and computer animation.

Converting Isosurfaces to Smooth Surfaces

By using manifolds, as described in the modeling section, we were able to produce efficiently smooth representations of isosurfaces within volume data within a given level of accuracy. This is the first step in further research converting representations and visualizations to alternative forms. [GRIM95b]

3.6 Telecollaboration

The Center has been using multiway televideo to facilitate collaboration for several years now. While this has been a success, we would like to be able to do more. Video conferencing lets us talk about our work, but it can be difficult to show it to one another, more difficult than if we were all sitting in the same room. Some of our initial results include improving our abilities to share resources and providing a shared virtual environment.

Remote Interactive Use of Graphics Engines

We are now able to use UNC's unique Pixel-Planes facility directly from Utah's Alpha_1 design system. By creating an interface between Utah's Alpha_1 modeling system and the UNC Pixel-Planes 5 computer, a Pixel-Planes 5 copy of a model under design in Alpha_1 is constantly updated and can be independently viewed. The rapid rendering of sculptured models using Pixel-Planes supports this research. In the long run, we want to expand into virtual environment interfaces for collaborative design in which the user can move around or in a complex model (immersively) and interactively refine the model.

Shared Virtual Environments

We have built a prototype system in which two or more people who are at separate locations can be immersed in a shared virtual environment. The goal of such a system is to allow remote participants to collaborate on tasks such as medical consultation and mechanical design review. Both participants wear a head-mounted display that shows the shared environment (e.g., medical data for a patient) and also shows representations of the other participants. In the prototype system, the representation of one's collaborator is a simple polygonal human model that has real-time video of the other user's face placed on the model's head. The model's movement matches that of the collaborator, and one can watch this person's face as he/she is talking. The video of a participant's face is captured by a camera suspended on the head-mounted display.

As a test scenario, we have placed two such users in a room containing a simulated patient who is to undergo radiation treatment for a tumor. Both of the participants may move about the patient, and they both see the moving representation of each other. The task at hand is to position treatment beams (represented as long tubes) so that they irradiate the tumor without damaging the surrounding tissue. One of the participants can drag the radiation treatment beams to new orientations, and, because the environment is shared, both participants see the beam move to the new location. We envision such a shared environment as an aid during medical consultation when the participants cannot be present physically.

3.7 Standards

The Center has been contributing its experience in 3D graphics to the evolving standard for 3D graphics on the World-Wide Web, VRML (for Virtual Reality Modeling Language). At present, VRML is simply a file format for 3D graphics, but with help from Center researchers, VRML is developing into a full-fledged mechanism for describing geometry and behavior for distributed, multi-participant virtual worlds. Our work in VRML is driven by our early explorations of its capabilities in the setting of a large hypermedia environment.

Large Multimedia Web Sites

WAXweb is a large multimedia web site, including text in four languages, images, sound clips, video clips, and 3D environments, all interlinked. The support software for WAXweb was developed by Center researchers and included the first known use of VRML on the Web. [MEYE95b]

The VRML Architecture Group

Work on WaxWeb and the Center's experience with graphics systems and standards efforts led to membership of a Center researcher in the VRML Architecture Group (or VAG), the standards organizers for VRML. The VAG's activities include clarifying the existing specification and describing extensions. Extensions that can be expected for VRML soon include support for multimedia and a revised system model that is more widely portable. The next major release of the VRML specification (VRML 2.0) will support interactive behaviors in the virtual environment, including support for interactive widgets, collision detection, and modeling tools. The subsequent planned release (VRML 3.0) will provide multi-participant distribution. Center researchers have published papers at the first VRML conference about effective ways to provide these capabilities.[MEYE95a] [MEYE95c]


The Center has also been the only outside consultant on Microsoft's proposal for adding behavior to VRML. The specification of Microsoft's system, called RBML, for Reactive Behavior Modeling Language, has just been publicly released. Microsoft researchers relied on the Center's experience in graphics APIs and behavior specification to provide valuable feedback for the initial release.

4.0 Research Plans for the Coming Year

The Center's plans for the coming year call for re-examining and updating as appropriate our research plans. This year is an ideal time to re-evaluate the Center's direction, as the Directorship has recently moved from Don Greenberg to Andy van Dam (as discussed in Section 5, Management).

4.1 Mathematical Foundations

We have determined that we need to strengthen our focus on research issues in the mathematical foundations of computer graphics. This includes new techniques and approaches to modeling, rendering and simulation, which combine into one general-purpose framework such elements as differential geometry, constrained optimization, integral equations, piecewise differential equations, and the mechanics of solids and the physics of light.

The long-term goals are 1) to explore consequences and aspects of new mathematical paradigms, 2) to develop computational approaches to the new paradigms in software, both sequential and parallel, and 3) implement some of the algorithms in analog VLSI hardware, for greater speed and interactivity. Workstation manufacturers have decided to provide additional computing equipment for our exploration of next-generation computer graphics paradigms.

Parallel Implementations of Interval Analysis

We are researching methods to utilize parallelism in our interval analysis calculations, in collaboration with the Center for Computational Biology. They have created CC++, which is a parallel version of C++ that seems suited for this application.

Wavelets on surfaces

We plan to develop wavelet constructions for representing functions defined on surfaces; examples include multi-resolution surfaces for computer graphics modeling, functions for characterizing bi-directional reflectance distribution functions (or BRDFs) of real materials, and wavelet-based methods for global illumination. Wavelets have proven to be powerful bases for use in numerical analysis and signal processing, since they require only a small number of coefficients to represent general functions and large data sets accurately. This allows compression and efficient computations.

Interval Analysis

We also plan to implement and test a parallel version of an interval analysis testbed in CC++ on heterogeneous networks of workstations and on Paragon parallel supercomputers. Interval analysis is a powerful new approach to computer-assisted geometric computation and modeling. The main advantage of the approach is that it allows specification, rendering, and analysis of many kinds of shapes, graphical interactions, and optimization problems found in computer graphics. Interval analysis algorithms seem highly suited to parallel implementation.

4.2 Modeling

As our modeling work has been proceeding well, we plan to build on our improved mathematical basis and our existing modeling work by addressing the following areas:

Higher-Dimensional Manifolds

We plan to extend manifold technology to higher-dimensional objects, including configuration spaces for complex assemblies, and to develop usable tools for expressing ideas of differential geometry on computer-graphics manifolds.

Continued Work On Covariant Interpolation

We will be continuing to develop splining and interpolation methods in nonlinear spaces, improving their efficiency and applicability.

Continued Work on Correction of Geometric Perceptual Distortion in Pictures

As part of the mathematical foundations of computer graphics work, we are working on additional methods to correct geometric distortions in computer-generated and photographic images. This focuses particularly on additional soft constraints for non-structural conditions for reducing distortion, as well as the use of conformal mapping techniques.

Continued Work in Structured and Physically Based Modeling

We are researching structured methods for physically based hierarchy, multipoint collisions, and other simulation methods that will be useful for computer graphics and computational biology.

Texel Research

We will be researching methods for utilizing texels (texture elements) in rendering (such as Kajiya's fur-rendering algorithm), as well as ways to incorporate texels in conventional ray tracers. This will be useful for making scientific visualizations of mammals (most of which have fur) from MRI data.

4.3 Rendering

With the addition of our light measurement lab, we will continue work on rendering by extending our existing work and verifying its accuracy experimentally.

Measure BRDFs

We will measure and distribute the first BRDFs for both isotropic and anisotropic sample materials, within experimentally limited ranges of incident angles. We will then make the results of these measurements publicly available.

Verify Lighting Accuracy

We will compare CCD-captured, full spectral images of physical scenes with images simulated using global illumination techniques from models of the same scene, for calibration of global illumination algorithms.

Improve Representations of BRDFs

We will develop more accurate and compact representations of BRDFs for both Monte Carlo and finite-element methods of global illumination. Currently there is no computationally convenient way to capture all of the degrees of freedom of BRDFs, whether through theoretical models or from physical measurements.

Improve Density Estimation

We plan to extend the density estimation method for global illumination for robustness with large complex models, including geometry difficult to handle with traditional radiosity techniques.

Combine Density Estimation and Discontinuity Meshing

We will investigate combining discontinuity meshing from direct lighting (for shadow boundaries) with density estimation techniques in more smoothly varying intermediate regions.

Perceptual Studies of Lighting Accuracy

We plan to conduct a series of perceptual studies to investigate the relationships between the accuracy of the computational models used in rendering algorithms and the visual fidelity of the resulting images. From these studies, we will derive perceptual error metrics that will help us create efficient rendering algorithms that maintain the highest possible levels of visual quality for given levels of computational resources.

Omission of Lighting Detail

We plan to make possible interactive display of large architectural models with realistic lighting by geometric simplification of models where changes in lighting are too small to notice. The expected factor-of-ten increase in performance will allow smooth motion through (virtual) buildings and large vehicle interiors.

4.4 High-Performance Architectures

Our work in high-performance architectures will continue developing time-critical algorithms.

Time-critical Rendering

We will continue development of techniques for time-critical rendering that degrade visual characteristics of less perceptual importance in order to maintain real-time performance. We plan to incorporate the time-critical rendering techniques into a framework for time-critical applications using scheduling algorithms to budget time for rendering and simulation within real-time constraints.

Reduce Lag in a Tracker

We will increase the reporting rate of an optical tracking system by roughly a factor of 15 by incorporating each new sighting of an LED beacon into the best estimate of position. A Kalman filter eliminates the need to wait until a large number of sightings can be collected together, and will reduce the latency from 45 to 2 milliseconds.

4.5 Interaction

Our user interface work will move into virtual environments and strive to produce useful interfaces to some of the Center's new modeling techniques.

3D User Interfaces for VR

We will explore the use of our 3D user interface technology in virtual reality. This project will draw on our extensive knowledge of desktop user interfaces, but also will certainly involve constructing new 3D user interface tools and interaction techniques designed specifically for VR environments.

Non-Exclusive Collaboration

We plan to investigate user interface mechanisms that allow distributed participants to modify the same object simultaneously. Rather than presenting a user interface with a ``lock'' as in chalk-passing protocols, we wish to provide a seamless experience -- when a participant wishes to modify an object, she simply does so, grabbing it and making the changes as in the real world (rather than first needing to grab the ``chalk'' and then grab the object to be modified).

User Interface for a Manifold Surface

We plan to develop a user interface that leverages the power of the manifold-based surface model. Because of the flexibility of the model, general shapes can be built quickly, while still allowing detailed and precise refinements. Previous user interfaces either built general shapes easily or allowed precise refinements, but not both.

4.6 Scientific Visualization

The Center will be continuing its work in scientific visualization, expanding into new domains and improving prior work.

Scientific Visualization in Immersive Environments

VR user interfaces for scientific visualization are in many ways similar to user interfaces for other VR applications. For instance, the three basic tasks, picking objects, manipulating objects and viewpoint navigation, are all important. However, the scientific visualization domain presents application-specific requirements that we must consider. For instance, the visualization tools that we place in a dataset have many parameters that should be accessible to the user of the system. We will be looking for what makes a good interface for scientists to these parameters that works within the limitations of input and output devices.

Remote Microscope Control

We are developing interactive software to remotely control a high-resolution microscope at the University of California San Diego (CMDA Project) with Professor Mark Ellisman. Scientists will be able to interactively search and focus on portions of specimens using a high resolution electron microscope, receiving volumetric data and surface data at varying resolutions. The project is a collaborative effort between the San Diego Supercomputer Center, the San Diego Microscopy and Imaging Resource (SDMIR) and the Graphics and Visualization Center. The hardware/software environment will be used by NIH researchers throughout the country.

Volume Reconstruction of Ultrasound

An Intravascular Cardiology Project is being conducted between the Center and Stanford's Department of Cardiology. Preliminary results show volume reconstruction of intravascular ultrasound imaging techniques within the arteries of a beating heart.[LENG95] Results will enable cardiologists to evaluate appropriate procedures ranging from balloon angioplasty, to atherectomy, to bypass surgery. The work is being conducted with Professor Richard Popp at Stanford.

Improve Tissue Classification

We will continue to develop a wider variety of tissue classification methods and goal-based methods. For example, we plan to develop classification methods for thin (subvoxel) sheets of tissue and for tracking thin filaments of stained material. (This last method presupposes the existence of chemical staining methods which will provide sufficient signal from such small subvoxel materials, to be developed in the Caltech Biological Imaging Center.) In addition, we will be developing methods to automatically calibrate the MRI machine and also will explore different imaging modalities.

Continued Work on Model Extraction from Data and Tissue Classification

As part of the collaborations with the Human Brain Project we will continue our work with high-resolution data and goal-based methods.

4.7 Telecollaboration

Our plan for research in telecollaboration has two focuses, a prototype telecollaboration facility and research into techniques for reproducing environments and objects remotely. Thus, the prototype will focus on real-world applications that require ``collaboration,'' while the long-term research will focus on providing the ``tele'' capability. The research plan is designed to leverage experience with telecollaboration in the Center, as well as the existing televideo infrastructure.

The prototype application, collaborative design of mechanical parts, is designed around stages that successively demonstrate different aspects of the project. The first stage is to integrate shared whiteboard software (using Alpha_1) with the Center's current televideo capabilities operating side-by-side to investigate the usefulness of high-bandwidth televideo in collaboration. The second stage will seek to improve those facilities by adding n-way audio -- the current televideo facility operates like a speaker phone in that only one site can speak at a time. We have already developed low-latency n-way audio over TCP/IP using OSF's DCE package, so this stage will be integrative. The third stage is to bring video representations of the participants into a shared immersive environment. All participants will be ``seated'' around a table upon which rests the mechanical part being designed. Each participant will see a representation of his/her collaborators around this table. Initially the participants will be video avatars, with video streams texture-mapped onto 3D polygons so that remote participants can move around each other, seeing each other while discussing virtual objects in the environment for a real application. Eventually the goal is to represent the participants as geometry that is extracted from multiple video cameras. Many software components are in place for this third stage as well, including video texturing.

We feel that telecollaboration will be improved by a sense of presence. Most teleconferencing setups focus on desktop environments, effectively preventing a sense of immersion or presence. Through the use of video avatars, the later stages of the prototype should provide some presence. However, video avatars don't provide a complete environment. To provide virtual presence of remote objects and participants along with real presence of local objects and participants, we must mix real and synthetic imagery. The Center is a leader in this technology, having the only head-mounted see-through display using video for excellent correlation while correctly producing eye images that prevent parallax from the video cameras. (See Plate 2) Note that wall-based immersive environments (such as a CAVE) are inadequate, as they do not handle occlusion correctly.

One of our long-term research goals for telecollaboration is to visually reconstruct an environment or an object at one site that exists at another site. We intend to do this by exploring the use of multiple video cameras, the properties of light propagation, and the reflectance properties of surfaces. Much of the vision literature describes methods of reconstructing geometry by using feature correspondence between images. Similar groups of pixels between images are matched using correlation, and these matches and their relative offsets provide a measure of depth. What these approaches do not usually address is view-dependent changes to surface appearance due to specularity and other effects.

We wish to determine scene geometry from a collection of images by inverting the equation that governs the propagation of light. This equation is known as the rendering equation. Using the rendering equation to guide geometry reconstruction should allow us to correctly interpret effects such as indirect lighting and specular highlights. The process of inversion is analogous to the reconstruction that is performed in computerized tomography (CT), where a two-dimensional image of tissue density is calculated from a group of measurements taken by a one-dimensional array of x-ray detectors. The problem of geometry reconstruction from images is a more difficult inversion problem than that of CT because visible light is occluded by most physical objects. Although this approach may be difficult to carry out, we feel that our long-term research on this problem should be guided by the physics of light and should not rely on heuristics.

We plan first to try our ideas about geometry extraction using simplified scenes such as the so-called Cornell-box. With rendering, we tried to make a synthetic image of a box look as good as a photograph of a box. While this seemed like a simple problem, it quickly made all the deep issues of photorealistic rendering apparent. By analogy, we intend to identify the fundamental issues in reconstructing environments from video input by attempting video extraction of a simple bare room.

Rendering a scene from extracted geometry may require the exploration of different rendering paradigms. One such method is image-based rendering, where images of a scene from an arbitrary viewpoint are created by warping one or more images taken from a different vantage point. The computations necessary for image-based rendering are simple enough that we think it is likely that we can build special-purpose hardware to carry out the image warping task. There may, however, be attributes to geometry that is extracted from video that point us towards other techniques. The extracted geometry may have a measure of uncertainty associated with each element of geometry. We plan to explore the possibility of using this measure of uncertainty during the rendering process. Furthermore, there may be little structure or connectivity information between the geometric elements that have been extracted from images. Geometric primitives such as oriented particles or translucent Gaussian splats may prove to be more natural rendering primitives than polygons for this kind of geometry. The Center has experience with related rendering methods, especially in volume rendering.

4.8 Standards

The Center's standards work will continue as the VAG develops new ideas for successive VRML revisions. In addition, the Center is considering hosting a VRML Consortium that would provide industry a forum to express its needs in the continuing evolution of VRML. The Center would provide a great deal of leadership and an impartial, vendor-neutral home.

Last Modified: 09:50am EST, March 26, 1996