
The Center's educational efforts span K-12 through post-graduate programs.

Our strategy is to use the Center organization to build on the strong curricula in place at each site and to integrate research directly into educational endeavors whenever possible.

Center graduate students see and interact with one another in the all-site televideo seminar and meet in person in yearly Center graduate student workshops. Incoming students have cited the Center as a reason for applying to Center university graduate programs, and exposure to the Center often leads undergraduates to consider graduate school at one of the other Center sites. This year five undergraduates involved with the Center are attending graduate school at other Center sites.

Undergraduate education at all sites (with the exception of UNC, which has no undergraduate computer science program) is directly influenced by the Center. Students take innovative undergraduate courses inspired by Center research, such as a ``3D Photography'' course at Caltech, and play important roles in the Center's outreach programs.

Undergraduates at most Center sites have been co-authors on published papers. Most recently, an undergraduate independent study project, ``Fast Construction of Accurate Quaternion Splines'' by Ravi Ramamoorthi of Caltech, led to a publication, in which the student was the lead author, at the SIGGRAPH Conference, the premier computer graphics conference.

Center educational programs directly affect almost 700 undergraduate and graduate students. Beyond the advantages to students attending programs at Center sites, these efforts have motivated the creation of stand-alone and Web-based materials that can reach many thousands more.

Educational Initiatives

Materials Development

Integrating Research and Education
Programs for Underrepresented Groups





