Oct. 31
Immersive Visualization: A Ten Year Retrospective

Henry Fuchs
University of North Carolina


For over a decade, we, as a Center, have shared a dream of being able to see more than what is locally present in a fetus inside a body, a tumor under the skin, through the wall to the other side (even if the other side is across the country!). In the ten years we have come a long way in learning about various aspects of technical problems presented by this dream, and solutions toward it.

Although we've recently had the gratification of a visualized breast biopsy on a human patient and the illusion of looking through a portal in a wall to another distant office, this is merely the beginning of an adventure that will lead us into the years ahead. The problems that remain in data acquisition, reconstruction, transmission, presentation and suitable merging with the surrounding world give us wonderful opportunities for creation and intellectual growth. What was, ten years ago, a dream is now in "proof of concept" stage, and with enthusiasm, hard work and maybe a little luck, can become, in ten years, systems put to daily use.

Nov. 7
The Evolution of Cloth Modeling and Animation

David E. Breen
California Institute of Technology


The beginnings of modern cloth modeling research may be traced back to the 1930's, with the pioneering textile science work of Peirce. Starting in the mid-1980's the computer graphics community also began to show great interest in modeling cloth and cloth structures for use in computer-generated images and animation. The goals of these two groups are very different, and therefore they each focus on different aspects of the same problem. The textile community looks at woven cloth as an engineering material. The computer graphics community has primarily focused on simulating the macroscopic behavior of a single piece of cloth, as well as a complete set of clothing, as it interacts with its environment.

The research from the graphics community can be placed in four categories, geometric/hybrid approaches, mass-spring models, elasticity-based models, and particle models. The first category attempts to define the geometric structure of cloth using knowledge of the physical/mechanical behavior of cloth, but without performing dynamic simulations. Mass-spring models represent cloth as a network of springs and point masses. The forces produced by the springs are applied to the masses to generate the motion of the cloth. Elasticity-based models use simplified continuum mechanics equations and numerical integration methods to simulate the motion of deformable sheets. Particle models are similar to mass-spring models, except that they attempt to directly represent the low-level structure of cloth in order to produce more accurate simulations.

This talk will summarize the research conducted on cloth modeling and animation over the past several decades. It will primarily focus on the methods developed for computer graphics and animation, and will highlight the evolution of these methods since their introduction in the mid-1980's.

Nov. 21
Level-Set Surface Modeling

Ross Whitaker
School of Computing, University of Utah


Level-set methods, as proposed by Osher and Sethian (1988), can be characterized as mechanisms for modeling the motion of curves and surfaces using an implicit function represented on a discrete grid. Over the past decade the technology of level sets has proved useful for solving a wide range of problems in computational physics, computation geometry, scientific computation, image processing, robotics, and computer vision.

This talk discusses the use of level set methods for 3D surface modeling.

The talk begins with a basic introduction to the level-set approach and the numerical methods that are used to solve the nonlinear partial differential equations that describe surface motion. It then gives some examples of how this technology is used for surface-modeling problems in vision and graphics. The talk will also discuss some of the advantages and limitations of level-set surface modeling and some future developments for this technology.

Feb. 6
Interaction as Human-Centered Computing: Problems, Progress, and Prospects

Andy van Dam
Brown University


HCI (Human-Computer Interaction) is key to effective and enjoyable use of our ever more powerful and pervasive computer and communications technology. While the quest for "faster, cheaper, better" still drives much of our industry, increasingly we've come to realize that we now have enough raw power - at least in our desktop environments - for most of what we want to do on a daily basis. This power is often unavailable, however, because we must still express our intent with clumsy, unnatural, and even crippling means of interaction. In particular, our industry is still fixated on the nearly 30-year-old WIMP interaction paradigm.

Since there is no Moore's Law for humans and since the ratio of people cost to computer cost has increased exponentially over the last few decades, it is important that we use increased computing power not just for faster information processing but to make the user interface significantly more natural and more powerful.

Our STC has not only made fundamental advances in such key areas as rendering (both photorealistic and non-photorealistic), modeling (both geometry and behavior), and scientific visualization, but has also developed novel ways for making interaction more engaging by inventing techniques to reduce the cognitive load and take better advantage of the full range of human capabilities.

In this talk, I use video to sample some of our decade-long history of work in interaction, including post-WIMP techniques, interaction in immersive environments, telecollaboration, and teleimmersion. I finish by speculating about the future of computer and interface technology and list some open research problems that must be solved before the dream of transparent and enjoyable interaction with one's computing environment can be realized.

PowerPoint slides

Feb. 27
Programmability - a New Frontier in Graphics Hardware

David Kirk
nVidia's Chief Scientist


The past few years have seen a revolution in performance and features for mass-market PC graphics accelerators. The first step in this revolution has been a low cost, hardwired implementation of the vanilla OpenGL and DirectX pipelines. The next frontier is programmability; graphics hardware pipelines are becoming massively programmable, allowing software developers to directly program geometry and shading operations in the graphics hardware. The innovation of programmable vertex and pixel pipelines will fundamentally change graphics. Hyper-realistic characters, special effects, and lighting and shading are now possible interactively.

Mar. 6
Semi-Regular Mesh Extraction from Volumes

Zoe Wood


We present a novel method to extract iso-surfaces from distance volumes. It generates high quality semi-regular multiresolution meshes of arbitrary topology. Our technique proceeds in two stages.

First, a very coarse mesh with guaranteed topology is extracted. Subsequently an iterative multi-scale force-based solver refines the initial mesh into a semi-regular mesh with geometrically adaptive sampling rate and good aspect ratio triangles. The coarse mesh extraction is performed using a new approach we call surface wavefront propagation. A set of discrete iso-distance ribbons are rapidly built and connected while respecting the topology of the iso-surface implied by the data.

Subsequent multi-scale refinement is driven by a simple force-based solver designed to combine good iso-surface fit and high quality sampling through reparameterization. In contrast to the Marching Cubes technique our output meshes adapt gracefully to the iso-surface geometry, have a natural multiresolution structure and good aspect ratio triangles, as demonstrated with a number of examples.

April. 10
Rendering, Generalized Convolutions, and Splines

Michael Stark


In recent years, attacking certain rendering problems such as shadows, reflections, and antialiasing, has brought attention to general geometric splines, including simplex splines and polyhedral splines. This talk will explore some of the connections between convolutions, the more general geometric splines, and their applications in rendering. The talk is intended to have an expository flavor; little background in spline theory will be assumed.

May 1
Interval Methods in Computer Graphics: Past, Present and Future

Al Barr


Computer graphics has primarily used floating point and fixed-point numbers to perform graphical calculations.

In this talk, I will present the increasing utility of using "ranges" of numbers, called Intevals, for performing certain types of computer graphics calculations, particularly for finding the roots of nonlinear graphics equations.

Interval methods have been useful in some limited domains of computer graphics because of their reliability, such as ray-object intersections for implicit surfaces, but the methods have typically been quite slow. I will discuss some of the past applications, but will also talk about some recent results in Caltech graduate student Marcel Gavriliu's PhD work, in which interval methods have been sped up by the square root of the previous complexity.

Certain types of difficult nonlinear root-finding calculations, which previously took millions of operations to find roots, now take only thousands of operations. This speed-up is likely to open up new avenues and applications of interval analysis in new types of computer graphics algorithms.

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